..„- TE LEcßikfiti. l o.9 loAo7l _ , ..."15*#•tiebou Oirwro, „. • . • 'Award •el"."4°- *Posilirisss• - ' cor.arir4sfittroetaiiiii4ll. Way. Pic ;it iefeniwpti to now Ora. or Oa ttluMnlinlon onnosOoget to god from Wash .ll4lllrti BEltimoro. Ilandapttln, New Tort, 800. - siny sad sitbes .Ipulters towas.ta 4 data; also all Virg rigtfroT tt: 1 ; 1 1 1 :11r. 4 1:It: 1 :::fird :wn. to4eLtogloe iistlatotton twitonsetn. sainewileole, • R,.'III:EIEZ 9 L -1 Z , ,1 - • .DOM* and Broker,, -11113 Wood it., near corner of 'Fiala -. an deserlyliana Goverment , ',Beads' bought and sold ea liberal terms. . Lawton and Oanlineatal Niebarlite, Sad et New Tort rates. Gold: Silver and arnpOna naugub at lilted rates, and clout Drafts Ismaxl On NT. Ter mois ,_'"011 , 1Mf1 01 INIXVIVIENIZint 1145111414 , - . 5/170,111141a, Deoetober it, 1888. -' ' This Neer York 'stock.' nuotatieni to-dsr, an reported: - 110tduseei. Iffectein' Jr , want, sa follows:1 Gold, WIG. r•ig bt " u° . -11 1 4; Flea Twontbr, oid, ION; Five 4T - w6u MN; ilve Twenties. Dew, 105)0 `Seven Tarussilos; do sacond and third lame, 305. -Canton, 44{ siseperk Pea, ZaKt Michigan skssls,tiern. Z. it., ell C:lettelesid Pitts -burgh.- nlyn•Plitsbarah, Tort Wayne & pd. ci4o, 44041 Cid . cmco & -stock. 103%; 314 ,„ 4 . im p r oo. 7011 Western Union Tele x...o ..urenpany, }B3O • Chien& and North w o onso..g. G., GU: do preferred, 76V,; Ohio it sflwsiestlng.24ill7elr York Central, lioX: Illi nois Central. 116 X, -Reading,: 10014; -Toledo, Gold .opened steady on the street board at 1.97%,,M, which it, remained-when later tale. grams utile la from the reviler noon board. Government securities, it will' be observed ,-continue depressed,and - toe opening prices .arct the lowest made for some Mouths. Should Congresss disagree with the Secritary Of tie Treasury upon - the contra° tion of curgenty,,Five Tweeties are certainly in good purchase at preseutrates. The barn ' meting of the bear parry during the past week hai beenlnoesisaps and determined, bat until r today witbaut apparent effect. The_ market for Ballwaye opened' this morning .weele and on the average one per cent beloWieSterdaYN prime. Noon. quotattotuesidiW a alight reac tion, but net enough- to premise any great strength to the rearket-T-Tne TreilniuT com menced today to ttlobnrse three aid .ti" half mililone Rainforest, upon the- seems d aeries of There le but little doing today in our local Mode market. The tendency upon lower prieekeven upon the meat favored securities, is unmistakable. The firmest stocks now ripen the market are Bridge, Gas and. Bank shares. QuOtations for the latter are about As follora: Allegheny, 69@G0;. Bank. of Pittsburgh, Ge 4; Merchants, Gilit Exchange, 57%; (sales) Citi setae, et; jetties) Irem City,,&l; Mechanics. 75; Peoples Netion4 Eel; Bank of Commerce, 101- *Nei Second liatinne; 1%); Third &Donal lest illmnbighani Gm Company, (last sales) 144 ecedividend,S o %; Colon Skating Yank, lo) Shencuma resolution, which, was ad opted oil __Thursday, relative "to the reserve fond held by the neticinal - banks, given moth seslifeistion in conservative financial circles. The following is the resolution What Resolved, That the tiecretary of the Trenetu7 be directed to report. to the Senate the names of the several national bank num:et:one which have felled to ooropty.wiii , Irbe pro vision of the law requiring a reserve of money oa bend, and that he report what leglslation, Many is necessary to enforce &manes such as sociations the proybdons of the law. —Says the New York Pod: The hasty with drawal of thirteen millions of currrency and the financial spasm Which it caused nave had Unnatural restilt of awakening popular pre judice against contraction altogether. The Chicago papers my that leading commercial and manufacturing Interests are preparing to send to Washington deputations, for the pun irletrilrregmsthar re r g t. a ougml - e the Vurgf ce ta proposed policy cd the Treasury Department rt=st their tetillfeinit:lVyte'on=lit of the currency, bill has beenintroducsal into the house of (ingress to regulate the sale ot Govern ment gold, whschdirecta the Secretary of the Treastay,_whauever the amount whenns Tressury exceeds Arty millions and he interests of the government requires its sale, 10 -eve public notice for as least thirty Ultra at hie desire to effect each a sale. Mr. Inger ' sell., who presented 'this -- bill, paid Gum it would put it out Of the' Pewter et the' .eare tary to wield a -"olden . sceptre, i made or all the gold In the Treasury, by Which he could raise sod depress the martet at his pleasure. Importers and others who requite scold for legitimate' purvose• are entitled to the op• Lion of telmentalng whatever gold the Govern ment ghas to sell, and entire patdielty should be given tome) sates. - 3 rirrssnacat mixasEurst Ornos ow nun ihrwsannez Ovum; Sartrentr. I December 15. 1864 s_ There 1. a decidedly firmer.feeling In the rotated for Flour and Gratz, owing to the re action In the west, although.lut yet, there is no quotable advance in pi Ices. There is this - difference, however, the dlapasl_ Oen to rea iled-is asta sO urgent, and the , probability Is eat an advance would have to be paid for a - Pinned lot: , A. telegram tir a prominent flour Itoun a to-dit a l a reT , oria .k *Lltiadvai oar liapa tches or Ogii - yremort la antin ee. portant advance !ethane- - Eq.-The market forilogs has been somewhat excitedduring the week unOl to-day, when,ow- Int to unfavorable reports hare *honest and improved mitts: prices ruled a fraction tower. Our cs are still buyitur,but spur -. im th iletardy ‘ e:ffter i l i n i Ne l Vest ar lrittter articles, there are OO,LiteleattlieS worthy of in r il iALS-There is some bole inquiry for Wheat, and while tho market la firmer. It is thipmaible to give quotations in the absence • Mallet at demand, and new „gar is selling In store at SO to 83. Barley d u n ma a smaacea...itme be quoted at el to ipt Fai l . good to prime Spring,and 61,1 ti to 61,15 let Oats , Oi to sa, on • wharf and track„ and 53 to 55, in a retail way. No YWUIL -There a decidedly firmere feeling laths market tor Flour. trat th Is no-Par , improvement snider demand. Mutt, as no advance in prices. We continue to quote :CI to $l2 for Spring - Wheat 6:3 to 613,50 inter. and We to $l5 for fancy brands. Nye lour is sellg at 605 , 4wr hbl, and Back wneataz *PA in bulk, ana WI, in sacks _3sQUa*The mmiastor lire Bogs. under the mansace of improved receipts, and unfavor able reposes from the emit, was lase active at Um Central Tints to-day, and prime ruled about &Miniver- , We nowquote. at. 534 to SX, dtase.f6r good to prime bealrY. , averages. day* previous. M AT - limo l lOns tumorsir e Iyy,.imt the de. mane Seessile ft with tbe supply And rczei Sale Of 1 car La at.os-prime Timothy Irrr w - t oi = aroma Loose le sollingat APPLEa-In goqd demand and limited sup. Pin and the immiscanity be quota! Steady at 3.60_201. „Dbl. .• • . - I. o l 3 lll3 stnet•itatber dull but un changed. prinui - Peeek slows are Selling in store at al per barb, an:l u, Per bbl. BUTTICN-Ls in rather, scuanwhile.thechangmaricaLettsrarimo zo t ne 4 .6 4;,...1 4 01.5 re. d many EQ(I3-The demand Is len setts% ..„„e der the Influence of more liberal imi — • market is a game ander thoufin gaVith: _ergo= cwt 2ige. tow . 37 to 33 for tree • DRIED FSIIIT 4 ..... 4 - tIT - liti — but steady witliatun,. sales et. 10 to U tar Apples, and. is tone the Peactbes-litiarten and halves. _ passisvasta rzwileozicust • • OEMS 01 Tint P1 3113 M" ilairrale • lisrtranar, December 15, 1905. . COUDE-There Were none. , features in the market to-day worthy of•bibealal notice. The demand continues somewhat restricted, therc being but little laquiry either for home con , emotion, on speculation or shipment, and Driceek_aithough unchanged, are entirely nom insi. we can report a sale of 700 Jbbls, la bedk st OA; and ,DO-on /fritlay-nt B K. quota- Dona may be fairly _given at to 8 - in' Volk and barrels returned, anduli to 1 blot eluded, aixerding 49 - gravity. and - these may be regarded as the extremes of the market. /*deed, the trade - has - honk Usti' and in an unsatisfactoyy' emailtion throughout the Deft week, notwithstanding there. has been a lair volume of business, the sales In one day *weeding twelve thousand barrels. The elver is net sow in navigable condition. being fullOf hem dusting ice, and this bong the oast; tbe *scum of supply may be said to be antirety cut ott; µleash, the stock Is *band *oily large to aunt the present, -requirements yegyjmED-There is notmprovementtou"tii In the demand for bonded oil, and • stile the mn areet quietrand steanY, Primo beau 1,44 aapionstuo quo change. We are cogni zant Of egentto buy tn4ey at. Isq(„, for ' bar delivenria - Da linamPolai 80 tor January, mid pi could probably be obtained for' Yew u: arr. • he we have before lnlituntod, there is put, nomparatively ; little oil offering at the Chistletilners dm bold hack Of an advance, Ikon- Pirer.lruit-T-tbe earl, pert of the week. Talons are • shade --lietter; sales ay been made Dam at It Ti, oldie te n t 'oared'. • Tree GU hi doge we eau D eport a bear d ca 00 /Able • standard brand at gh beard cars: '- ARRAY tete was ugt a 1110, 9 1 , 4 0061 tars linenore4 today; nor le it proologe . that the receipts wilt emoting - tor lunch% for teas, days to some, as the dyes t• la alwittehblf imoditlee, ./ t here le on the Lily dewle,Dat ittrhl; - -reach :here - until the - ineetteer : the ic e runs out-If. pts -Was Teta ReCelgtaT* Bl 1 8 98 k 42 . 415 ...... lognAilt sir insimessra - Irteessedial Nallaerrien-New -Week. New Vous, Weicentber .1.1.- - -The money mar kat Is growing • easier,-and - the demand on. , stock exchange is freely mat,- at' 6017 on stock conaterals, sprig on govertunent s. Prime dlsi cousin! vol. The - Bold market closed': op • • , steaQßy, at .laans were generally made flat to-day. Goternment securities' dull arid unhinged. s This afternoon the following were the closing prices: ;red. "of 'Bl k I.on/..010% conwris, of 11.1%41121 mastered, of ie1..100 1 4840034- iffP/Aft ifg3i,) 10-Ws, registered" iglYANFAEle•iti con. P TCrislailtmetket Wialirnitti the eltseorith I i ly ncreased activity aftdbetter. feeliag general . and more dlspoeltiorrle buy - tor a rise: The foddering 'were the closing prices: Marl rialMr7l4l744.lL:rilVion249lll PN., Mg*. S., 80.4b511 1 /.; PittstrMaln 91 ;I: Land P. D. 0., 101 lOtti; N.W., t 4 N, W. Titliderred , 7 cWi TIN; 0% I ' Mining shares were mom satire on the lead. • log shiskS, with.anvipward movernent. There wee !Ilene business in Consolidated Gregory, and the stock rose from 7.0 to DO; In Corydon transactions were heavy and there was an ad since to STS; La Crosse was firm at 03; BulllAa Consolidated , was steady at 2.1,,• Atlantic and Pacific Alpine was active and cow a n t o 303; Busse' File. Soli American Ilag4lifli Oak bill,e); Dolman, I New Work Dry Goods lfferket. New Tong, December Pl.--The dry goods market was again comparatively quiet to-day, part from the near approthh to the time of i n sleek. The accounta of the week's business su ad v ancery sallearbuy to t he ties. The in - the price of raw' material caused a firmer feeling for leading heavy goods and prices were steady, lower grades moving rather irregular at nominal bores. The production of standard Sheet. logs have been curtailed one-fourth during the past lour weeks. StOckit are flow very small and prices are now 1 1,40 higher than on Wednesday, and goods sold &health some ex tent. There has beettless regularity in bleach ed goods during the past three days, but prices are not very flrm end trade moderate. Pant cloths are lairly active here and the manufac turing towns during the past three some The sales at Fall Ulcer are reported at some 00100 piec , at 12.§14,4e, Prints aro sternly; the stocks in jobbers , hands are small and agents are very firm. Other cotton goods are very Order, except a few makes of ticks, which are on the market at concession and freelytaken. Denims and Cotton Goods—There only a light business andthe market is fairly on kill upward turn for woolen goode,both to price and de mand. -Agents are very wise, boater, er, in not advancing to any extent, and with the present phase of trade the market is assuming steadi ness and confidence. The market for foreign goods is comparatively quiet. The auction season is nearly over, and such lots as are of fered are odd lots and bring very low prices. Jobbers are defog a light business. Importa tions for the week are not very heavy, but ample for the market.' New York Produce Market. Naw YORK'. December 15.—Cotton: unit and lower, attic. Flour 1503.30 better; extra etate 410„25:round hoop Ohio, 1110.011011.00. Wheatl in moderate request and 3450 higher, at 42,10 for inferior . Milwaukee, and $3,2363,33 for No 3 Milwaukee. Barley steads . . torn lath high er at $1,1i81,11 for mixed, afloat and In store, 81,15 for old white Fouthern. thitsa, shade higher, at Macre for Chicago and Milwaukee. Pork lower, at 021,7 0 0 42 , 00 for new, and 4 20 . 73 6631,50 for old, clostrig at eM,B7 cash, and $1.7.63 @lB,OO for prime. Beef heavy. name steady. (Jul Meats heavy. Bacon dull. lard lower, at 14%012X. Dressed Bogs lower. at 910)10.a. Whisky dull. Petroleum dull at lee for crude. Pea nuts AI'S per Zinn; Wool dull at SePalik for domatic fleece. New Orleans Darker.. • NEw ORLEANS. Dec. D.—Cotton lowerr.-sales to-day of 2,000 bales; low middling 310,4636Ve.. allgo. Exports for the week SAM/ - hales. Sugar arm. Molasses higher; Inferior, 40c; prime to choice Coflatc. Flour stock light with a good demand; - supergne,, $ll4 extra, $11,50a13,50. Corn Arm and unchanged. Oats Pic. Hay in good demand, at .26,50617,50. Pork lower; sales at k1,25(P2,40. Bacon !title doing; shoulders, 1 . 254ci sides. lity,fidae... Istst •Is In light demand; at IP(AIPM. Whisky and to. •bacco unchanged. hod Bank le. Bank sterling 49: Ew.b.olEo 7,,a% diSC3lll2t. • Chicagolelalket. - • Calcine, December M.—items) , firm. EaXt eiti•Excliange firm and steady. Flour firmer, and 151=0 higher. Wheat limner. and ad vanced If/Sc on No. I, and 2630 on N 0.1., cloe in at Sd,lo for No.l, and la ofl for No. 4. Corn dull, at Kilt:a for N0..1, and 7e44077i4c for N 0... 'Oats item, and hi higher. at 42443 c for N 0.2. Ilighwines Provisions dull. Mess Pork Soo lower, at, 518,50. cash. Lard, lin cash. Green Shoulders. 6 , 4a35.3.4. Sc. Dressed Hogs 500 lower. live fairly active, and Mesec lower, at aumge,to for common to good choice. St. Loots siseker. Sr. Lerlffr. Dec. 15.—Tobacco dull and un changed. Cotton drooping' at AV/30. Flour Grin and a (motion firmer f or medium an d ex. tru grades. Wheat stiffer at 'hfaSdh for prime fall and ahtiti for choice white. Corn lull and closed - lower at sUEI7.I. for now and 91.a100 for old. Oats firmer at 71075. Prowls. lons tiller; Mesa pork — XL Whisky seared; holders ask large advances sales at o,er, to ar rive.. /logs higher at V,V.40,1.0 the latter very heavy. . Milwaukee Market. MiLwArtner, DireeMberl2.—Flour Grill, and 2.50 higher. Wheat firm, at %GSM. Corn. ele for No. I. Oats firm, at 455 for No. S. Dressed Bogs lower, at 7g73,P. • • ' l/LIPOWN RR RAILROAD. Pprrantriumu, 701? WArzs A CHWASO December 11-131 hides, Cope Aco;I. pkgs iron, Dithildffe A Son; 40 sks buckwheat flour, LIB Leech; n 1, doe, J A Renshaw ; 14 dodo, Graff& Reiter:2 ears - =Kai, &pang. 'Cludfant A cot!: do lamber t L Longinotti ha seggre, 31 W I/ankh:l;l car etaves, helps A co; 3 kgs but ter:ll Dalrell A co; 1 dressed hogs, II Gerwig; 10:eases tobacco, A Stbsub; I bbl dry peaches, JS Dilworth A co; I car. hay. Grain Dyers it co; 67 hides,' A Llelleth;4s bids whiiky. Pluck; 73 eks minima, 9 bbls buckwheat flour,l Shoemaker & Lang; 192 aka rye, ado bulk. wheat flour, Keil A Kitchen ; 90 - bag flour. .Lindom Jr - .ten; SS hides, A. Holstein; 3 cars pig lead, Bryce, Walker A coil car bulk meat, J P Hanna. Croriszsan Arm Prreestrzou • ItArtaozn.— December 15.—1 sheet iron; Lyon, Shorb & cen 6WA goods,J)111 Lorenza; /0 cars Iron ore, W Shoenberger A Bfalr; 4 do do, Bryan A Caughey; SSD olooms iron, Park, Bro A co • , ISO 7 barairon,2ll blooms Iron, Nimick A co; 1 car lumber, &Klinger A Bidwell; 1 car kegs, J J Bender; 161 Alls chairs. 6 do rockers. Chester Purdy; 10 bdle paper, W S Haven: S bids IP. plea, Arthur Donnelly; 4 dressed bogs, 11 blus rye flour, McCullough, Swath A co; 5 rolls, leather, Gil Anderson; bbls apples, 1 bbl eggs. Voigt. A can 7 dressed hogs, EII Myers; 3 bids oats, Isk flaxseed. W P Deck A co; 2109111 beans -R Emblem A co; 5931k0 !Ar ley, Spencer & McKay; 4 bile oil, A H. ()Alden ; • 13 sacks rye, James %Henn; 3 casks ware, P Pierce 4t co:10 do do, F A E Jaeger; 33.; bash' cats, U T Sennedy. Prrtsstrzow,Cotygnes- & CINCINNATI B. IL, December 15-2 car rye. W J Meek; I do stares C Smith;loo bbl* floar.. l 11 - Haines; 47 sacks barley. J Wangwick; fibbls dry apples, foist I & mn69 do apples,) Mc Alplet a cot 14 sks bar ley, F Shlelds;ls do do. S 1. 111cIlenrr; s bbl* I box, Sturgeon Bros; 2 has mdsd, Parker; 60 bbis hcrmlisy, U HeaJr,r3 cars .rye, D Wallace; I car Iron,Unlon Iron 11111; 25 caddies tobacco, Haworth. McDonald & co; lIXI bbls flour, W 11 Kirkpatrick; 1 ear staves, W Hastings. • Al.WoOtert STATION. December 15-1 car lumber; J 5 bags dagsee4l. Ewer, Hamilton & co; 1 car bay, Llenderson & Oro; do do, Ido barley and rye, Ramsey A Bre; i ear nalllfeed, 11 Knox a. Son; 2 do do, II Steel A non: S bides, J Stuckrath; 36 bdls paper. Pitts burgh Paper . Co; 13 • sacks rye, .M •do oats, 11. Davis. PAI]NM:ti 4J.11741 'E. Cit. • noon. _ - rAirant, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, fro; 54 . 1itinfatiiIittzburgh,' Rata iia6.oinsmootal atom 01 swirl Asserlottoo Anne to order: AU wort moms promptly at reason. BROWNi 4catis of the Srai of BROW! .1110iutoW,f 11011511 /All ATOM PAIRTnit tterth-eut earner of Tel/ teed lierkst streets Bustrir.sa -maws CO6IINIERCIALCOLLECE, Nos. 6 and Set. Clair StreeL ' •Suafrabetaat cuTtA4. Hook-Ke.Pidt. Penmansidp and Arithmlyld. •. tispe ' SAO 00 Arithmetic And renataastdpporrindrteldt • three months reurrelethlo. per ..... ' Vat Circular. or Opeehoeue. adze's .811•7714, or J. P. Pfet7LoVIIIOND3, Yrr iu gNING, GAS AND STEAM . IS LEM 1111 museum. MrialnirStiotiot...........lll 4 by experienced andprzeticii • line assotteneni oj • . OAS FIXTUREA,Taas BATH TUBB Coasisailiait band sad roae.•t. one FIYDII.AN'T lir AMID ea, iiitiVrim i ccas4 No. 50 Federal Street. Allexaenr..., -,•• • sot 1.1h.1x pitIVATE:DISWItIi% . =nor. SIN nom mums, mu - ' CM= s o ffiz in ilarntri l li p 414 Ooan—s STIM4IIIII4PLARD ';"kta int;-• RAM Lack Cftet gmbcal l lt A itOlt. ITArW a tedt 19 int7o 4 r street :..Ur ENDOW SHADES—A Mar lot ot - 113. 1 • and banntihrl.restos oa kittin Tsai 7 1tiEff . . _ prts9l4y . ,___llold and ralawl nts t a, 11,. .4;" 4011411[41 :PANEL PALPIEUEF.WaIIand a, jog Deadations, wit r iv It/Atr i a , iisitr ! del .-- • • - . Woad/mot. 17F.UBL& IIIIANDOX• YELLOW _ 444 4114,122 7 A. KELLY wimsesomt lhaexista. Er Wood WINK. • ariurry. la Ida4der t elrMas •40:3 BEILN.,"_.. d . 10 A. YELLIN_ RNINW 711ra irtseu Rpm .ROP E WORKS. Wl* 4,nonnut, Only Stsitateeturees In the %Tett of • KELVT_O..OIWitt, _ &abaft tOi Mato and Coal Bo: ts. HAWSER LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tared Pailiteß for Coo RisilrOadt4 '..HEMPICIAILUNI AND PACKING, C COTTON. Thirebow“ , k 114 and 113 Wailer- IStrcet, Itirtiongeleis Howe: MEM 'EWER LCIEWS. The 'river continues to recede steadily at toes point with about . four feet to the channel by the 'Mar k s last evening. The weather has moderated considerably since Saturday, and yesterday, snow lell to the depth of three or lour inches, and if It should happen to go off suddenly, we may look for - _ another swell in our rivers. The Bayard succeeded in-getting in safely: from. Pittsburgh, but, we preSume, -she wilt hardly venture out to-day, unless the ice itatt thinned considerably. The Maggie Hay*, from Cineinnati, had not arrived up to noon yesterday, but she Will doubtless be in port this morning. As well be seen by card, tie Leonora, Capt. Bravo, is announced to leave for Clucintudi and Louisville on Wednesday. The Argosy. from Uincinnatkis dne her to morrow, and the Glasgow, from St. Louis, is , also among the first boats due. Tile Urey Eagle, from Parkersburg, Bobt. Moore, from Poruomit the bilvtrillouti. from St. Louis, arrived Friday night. The lying up for the present, the ice being make , . ly too heavy and Sharp fora packet boat. Ther trade,, therefore. but she oat let the ' the Bayard, end too, will be compelled to tie up, unless the weather _changes very suddenly. Thu Ida Bees left for Cincinnati on Satur day evening with a very fair freight list, and it Is thought that oho will get through with' but little difficulty, as the lee is not SO hard on a boat goingdosvn stream. Tile hull ha r t waive d,, tocie new moun tain boat aide of the Luella at the' Allegheny wharf. She will bo completed with all possible dis patch so us to be ready to leave here early in the spring. This machinery of tbaiLuella wW be transferred to the now boat. Up to Saturday, there was but comparative. by little ice in, the Monongahela laver, not enough to interfere seriously with the brown ville parketp. The new boat Matta Bennett, for the Union Line, will be grushed and ready to take her place In the trade about the Ursa of January, or soon thereafter. Capt. AL A. Coils to have command. The Allegheny river patkets have all gone Into winter quarters. That is now so low that they could not ruts even If it was clear of lee. It is no utriinal thing to have a freldiet In tile Allegheny about the first of January. The Arabian, In command of Captain M. A. Cox, la announced to leave for. St. Louis this evening, and shippers should bear tilts fact in mind, and rush down their freight. She has excellent accommodations for passengers. The Kato itobenson, Capt. Kobhumn,and the Leonidas, Capt. A. It. lichowin, are both an nounced for Now Orleans.. The front-Moore will lay up for a few-days, or until the ice runs out, and in UM • mean time she she will have a new pair et smoke. stacka put up. The Moore has become &per manent Instltutloe in e Pittsburgh and Portsmouth trade, and w th e are • glad to state that oho seems to have been doing a very fair buslneati. . The Bellevernon, Argosy and Kenton arm , ved at Cincinnati on Thursday night, and the -Argosy and Glasgow were advertised to leave there for Pittsburgh on Friday. :The Sher man and Importer were at Evansville; the latter en route for St , Louts, and the former for Pittsburgh. We dud the following addi tional particulars In regard to the Sluicing of the Emperior,lu the Lissclnuett,Cinagesectat, of Friday: Tile . Emperor was' built at Pittsburgh, in March, lfdl. by Copt C. A. Dravo and . Whore wadinsured ni Cincinnati °feces for V 4,000— {TOO each in the Boatmenia, Ohle Valley. Hamilton County. Globe, American, Union, Enterprise said !Eureka. The Eureka has also about Vide additional on the freight list. Sho Is valued at eir.,edl. - She is now owned by Messrs. W. E. Gibson A Co., of - Au rora, and Captains J. 1). Parker and J.S. Wise of this city. C.ipt. J. D. Parker, beret:n mender, and Capt. T. F. Eckert, weitsotherre presentatzves of rho Underwriters, left for the wreck yesterday. We understand the sub marine Underwriter has been telegraphed to assistance from Cairo to wreck her. with the of Capt. Pir.k Varlde. There were no lives lost by this disaster. says the Louilvilie Dernocrul-ot-Thetrsdaii Yeetetility morning tile towboat Dart under took to take two barges laden with etiral into the canal. The current proved to be too strong for her. and she. with the barges, was carried out upon tho rooks. The boat got out but one of the bargeasunk and the other' was left bard and fast. Tile coal belonged go a t another Chas. Miller A Co. r The Dart -loot another boat almost the same way last week. "Engineer" ill' a recent aimmurdeation to a Louisville paper, on the subject of "Safety Valves and their ilubstitifte4" if those men who made the law bad, at the time they were making such - Ise a very limited Idea of safety, had they ordered the valve to base an internal diameter of seat equal to Six Inches they would have had a more reliable •instrument against adhesion than the thing they are toying with, for the obvious reason that while the valve 'batting snrfaccs are Increased on the six inch valve at a ratio of p inchthre ne compered w the trinket of a two valve, the, area l 01the six loch valve inerelieed as nine- Lo=lo. For thin Simple reason large safety valves have a decided advantage over small small ones on We score of adhesion, On every titled boiler, whether • single, double, trips are multiflued, I woubl place a valve of not less than six inches in diameter. I would not lock them up, and I would them In charge of, the engineer who attrir trusted with ilso pump and Mar water sup. ply of boilers, and would not, by enactments. debase him in his profession. STEAMI3OATEL I 4) • a J....a . . . Lit.o2loB.a. • • .......ruPt; DOTI& lOW taloa , or at. above and ail Sorntedlato Ponta on WED. EnDAY, at 4 For Might or towage apply on noun az ta .de47 d CubitrieWOUP. Agent& VOIR CAIRO AND ST. LOCIS.—The Wendld &testae/ Afts.us ...... ....... hi A. Cot. WIII postlarly leaTO for the above and all Intoerate. dtsto ports. o orA.TUILD AY, sr 4 . ac t Yor rzelittat parrs/co apply on boor.. or to dell. ri,,AOlll. OULLI3IIWO D. Agents. FOR CAIIIO, ,,, MEMPEUits i dSg AND NEW ULU nal3.—Tbe rv!trat,7s'" ~pl. A. R. 51,,Gaw113t will leave ror_thrt above sad C an istarme4lslA parts oul THUS &JAY. al/2x. Y. frelabt. or passage apply on Low.. or 10 • dela YL.al.,e, MILLINEIWOOLN AIM& Fon CLNCLNIVATL-S .111r-zdrat PACICIPP. AT If IL., IN PLACE ON rar INIICENTEP.--Tttelue= ter steamer AWHILE HAYS. D. L. r usr ell ms er: . roust...lCW 1 in . P.VTUI.3. WEEKLY PACENT sa,SEE.4 6 .!" I above.. stgrort4. • Yar ("14" " 9. ". a tnta l tatlN . I Agents. de4 CHAS. HA RE . FOR MEMPHIS - 114. NEW sgai . ORLEANS—The splendid steamer KATE US/11l NSON .•. ROL Will leave for the above end at tolentledittePartes on THIS I; AT. at 4 p at.. posltleely. YOf freight or prap a e i atfr o o=olto dee . JAilgts al/LIARS. PEOPLE'S A- ULAN WSNIELY YeCKET be. toe-.pp Pl2l7lBUttetl AND CI NOM SATz.—Tbe nee and syleadild stealer ARGOSY. rept. Laub. Vaedtpldi W. H. boot;