El BATES' - - (LIS Y.l BATESMEWS no Maim f011...T..11t:::::;1100ilii - Merinos; = , tnipreks Poplins, Tartan-Plaids, Poplin Plaids, Victoria Cusds, Evening Silks Drets Silks, -- Cloaks, ShawlS; Blankets; B,almorals; Plaid Flannels. BATES & DEWS. BATES & NEW ARRIVAL - DiFty.::.oo : ops ERWIN, 11 'CONNELL & CO., NO. 178 FEDERAL ST., AlleghenY City, WhOlesale and Retail DrAcrns IN DRY GOODS Mil) NOTIONS. .. . . • tiesars. ltatWlß, hieCON3llii•L a co. annouhea that n erLate Justapeued and and _ate_ ceitithatte. tamales; L &Reg LNVUICILIS of welt selected PBX" ft WI) • see all articles In their /the et bash:leas. dire,: • • ..the Itaat, which they - after "ft) THE • ••• . 08 ILTESTAIL; at the Ltmturr BATZ.B. THEIR sTocir. commusn au, TEI LAIEBT :AND - BEST' SYLES: • • And In Great Variety, And ire aU of Um MOST DEBIRjBLE PATI7Jun and MATEILLaLtI, lacaudina. FHENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH Dress GFoods , ALL KINDS Y./ANNE/At -White and Colored Blankets, ;Balmoral Skirts, Cloakbis, • Prints, Delaines,Ningkans, 'Bbeetings- - -aleaeked and Brown, ! - Ckeeks, Tiekings, Drills, , peelings, etc., etc., - Asufan extesudrp 'v 111 7 81 4 maortmest of .1° XC ) I V . fO. Elmo, trecoriNELL ai CO,, No. 178 FEDERIL STREET, efUegiseny =EI NEW 6100E9 nrwr itzcEml; Jos..ticam.u& 00 tallmwmzuistiei soxdrieTs aarD TB, = aaI US 3 ,ADX77 Vii/. ' VPlar nd lenetl= l. tr i turZlS C Pl247E l net LitutartAll ai tettz i , new rte_b colon: li ttrla mei OIL '"nalatiel"b2" - ' - *AT 29. at 33 in Ate! . Cameta. Ham , swim, Caaay. traer „ Wettl it icie t... dared akiiairatraW, easThiad CloalLoos and Laea aml OnuallatiM • gr ei l i VzStlarksesa m el 2 Matoomplele alma. laatmeta; oissanies; 4.3l,4l4inalLLioe, IlmagutaMl. Utak lmaraldemd,. 'repo Eamlared. atc. at . tart am! Gliana la mras7 UAW ami WIN sad flews Mideavem. APUrtsl3ll4ol7, 41004 W - .13amaamters Neck-man H i m Max 12 1 .61 War Nllln alneitla . %Wils—thaaseatelo t &ima, aZt& r: % relbe l i=gl ll l t a , z 4latrlrai ma l a qV i tym Ooiltis, mad eiamtltlair la-t 1;• arir as iaatimaJobbPat 4alasea. Neel "teMarketStreet. CHAP, DRY- GOODS 'TOR AIRIBTMAS PRESENII.'.- • . . : ATIiCITIZER LOT OF THE cricir. .itn 'W2 8 AND; i lliZr ET, ta,Anws.in the PILALII AND 11AUSED POPLINS, ALPAOCIAD, BLEACHED 4 IDNBLEACD IRISH LINEN%' BARBED PLAIN COIPAIIMY MESA AIM IBLISCILETIC Cilfsatisee them. ' at ' H. LYNCH'S wa. 49 21Camixot 11111t4 demon Betwe.9% .7411; siren and the Diamond. WHOLESALE DRY .GOOLOS. vs. - • igurnoT, i snAimoN a co., NGIIS Wood SloPittsburgh, Have In Mote aid receiving, 1 fhllll,ll2itetelfttOr DRY GOODS HD NOTIONS, iThickthey afar at EASTERN PRICES • AND TO mulls The Attention of Dealkein Invited. c„,..ruffiyr..w.T.EzurNos.Ao.llTZEMMON. BROADWAIIt EXCEIXTGE , • ILESTA.IIRALIT, 101 CORM WTI ASI Minn BL9.- 101 Ladies' pining Eceina 2d story IRISH OAK OUT= ADD CAME iat an on band. l AL V OILIik r !" datpla FIRST CLASS „LOOK NQ SLABS AND PICTURE FRAME WiIIUFACTORT!, J. LYONS No. 111, Wood St, NoNtsborals vrvitan Leo an boYd e . Ba l t ird ? w ind s s al l e ctil Table' c f crtaitritt IllyszeMil-ezicatal it - 00 alllMlZlEutawrz. asedstig*i WALL PAPRIF;APF Int 'asew', avarAmtivcienr4:- ME . . ... .. . . . .. . - . .. - -1 - . _ ...... . =VG GuirB ruiplipilwra (Home .; 'NEM 10E11 SHIRTS, t3hirte, Silk Tinders' ear, Merino Underie ear, Wool Undertiear, Merino llalfllos% sbaker Halt Half Hose, Frenctf , Suspinders, American Suspenders, rAsciradvinrs; icArerpss, scAniieruas,sl.4vE purr . ; - slum PINS, NECK , =mu . AND PAPER COMMA lEtTAii DOicr ANDaILE ILktirDEFll7Bl. H EATON, 17 Fifth St. =EI -.- 1 bptcnuft! & .cAttusLE, , , r - ;' 1:1 . 'l9:Fifth Street. MAGNIFICEIII'..IIOI,IDAt PIIESgNTB. • • • .. r. . u ttlatia or =kArti . ,o,-.. .i.: -. Aciant Ferfamy 'Wands: ' Cigar dtandearad Dressin g Dues: • .._ _Pine Fa n s ; Belt gaup), Albums; : .;: aragsrood and JetJewory t • , . .... Floe Idorooeo Wallets audito r s, • we ans also spools a choice collection or ' • . Haat and Imitation Lace Good.: Piain aod Embroldereo Handaertblefs: / - Ladles* eubmere Hearin:. .• i FlorClotti atidEld (Dor m .- • - • I=W-A i k il a d t gfa il t r;glaC.Oln pieta stock: • - Ear itt:l2l, a new article. ' . • • .f: 11A.CRUALS: CARLISLE . . ... . l' e ab'q e kt A ttritilsAut. ;II VI A& WWI 2 l ' Phones Pat lot Ta g s and DU triton Labels: • It ensloilfoulde 4 Paper Dolars : e .poinfmtuitloo Collor,; - - • Mil Pa r Do S li t ailtArAt ta gm. ...i.-10 tifillf.l Atitia'"!atner.' r.; s : •- , .. „, r.ure.tock m. LESS THAN 2111.4, Valli. CO!.T . HERCHANTII AND DEALIDIS I.l'l an d our prices admit rratn e ed, and many articles at tem. tbaneos t i la order t o close oat. .-- • : . Lindicatod Geatlemetorlsbt o r 'to make 'Holiday present. 0111 nod many useful anitinitable ankles at Great l y Reduced Frie r s. . MA.oll . oll.dc OARLISLE, . . deS :••• : .. . _ : la FIFTH STREET. 1 .A. 111 R - •'"' -- - nADJM, BIeCANILDERI a CO, %.0 (LA= Wix.soxr, oars a G 0..) w noug ' FOREIGN MIDDOMESTICT DRY 0008$, ma OA VP coopci St.; Tl l l 4 4 ,V ius s " ay° /UL M' NAL H. p.. WILLIAM MILLER, siroosistm TO - MILLER & PaggiTSOk WHOLESALE GROVER% . •• AND I 1111`DIFFNES OF Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 , and 223, Corner of 'Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITISBURGII, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., Cbnatantly on hand. 101 C. G. SEELY'S. COLiatA PREVENTIVE VOR REGRIATIIIirG THE ROW 11L41. destroyinn Acidity Livene Mosta,. the aging a heal th y action of the . aseistleg in the !secretion of gealthy Bile, sl ring Regularity to the Bowels,and ambling. the Byitem to • Healthyetate. the PHSVIANTLyin Is . unsurpassed: •It - has been tiled In thoussads of instance.. and has nerer been known to fail where the directions were strictly fol . Alas. time, when we know not et what moment the fell destroyer May bemoan vs.-nothing should be left undone /that can be don. to give the /MUM a heettraintegm and It Is with a view to - brinn about - Clisidemesse. 'shit! , °Maggio the Erotic elwark ageinst the. attacks of cholera. ttut lts ae i rlon ic illains wr ir Dlan te h a e n s I. p ths ub e bottle GM. Preventive urns to2cheek own plaint-two seldom required. Seely's Cholera Preventive • Is earmuff. of Many Tears starig and labor. The °b eat ertheproprietar n the Itrsal e ac i ;s to produce •mad:DMs that would oasis{ lion and milers Marro= the tentbie sullerliigs of psis. Ho•- InD attained ttils greatend, me fouisd hat the mix ture was an arimlrable regulator, .sad that Is cases of -diarrhea , Us action visa wonderful. 'lncipient -Diarrhea wu cured by •affinele bottle, aad even corolla eager ware ecimpelled Ito succomb to the powerfat'inthmey of this setellelne. s tab.Hy aerial experiment in Ms own es" and thta famil, sat ea himself of De curative gze i r 4 t aßc a liti t t e h t it hun C bile la r hun . emeddeace . Unlike the numbs nen gawk Demme. that are llinlvtgarl et= - . 1,7 f.rg4 , 14 1 %.1, L A,NV: Is only efficacious to eases of incipient Cholera, Diarrhea. Dyspepsia, Cr kindred ills, arising to to• mon part from imperfect digestion. •In MI conildence of its restoretive powers, it Is DOW oared' to the - • lgobeisarbold alloaldbe without apply of It. liteamboats. Hotels and Travellers should always have Mee bend. . • - It Demme" tithe, simple In Its nature; and instan taneous la Its affect.. • • gold by all respectable druggists and country .storekeeper.. . - • au27:lllu • :A k's PATENT. - - Pl4llO :-. LEITN souttIiievecCHEAPSAEAUT/FUL. . . .. • .• • . .„ . AI ENVISIMICLET SOAP comb, . liatalPS PETROZEUX SIMP Alter, nnatnrotis sails test s in'llondreds of =lra Lefra i i ii ell i tir t ff ha ft ilt4 ' grlet u tWali 1 . 1 the aurae% as • at .t-rite Washing Poop and &sash's of all Cloth Maim It Is alsoana adloseloos emotion, betagestallent - reatedy for CI Outaneoun Di•eues. tize~traa lar rt ic f mtth r j t: signora. I =HsgoTalo drieasf Forssta at the. principal braiiints and Grocers to Pittsburgh andAllenanny.- • :old caw. a. DEER. .Exe..nr.rx.w....*, BARR. KILME & Blaanal, -Buoceioors to WdattLINIC a BAR% No. 12 Elt.tifilzittreet Elittisburgh: . _ ' Swain-a • PilEtnool: ..rgEtIIS; . Kaska Cfoo/5 Feherally. /131.1301 e Agenlallbribe NewYbri;andSCIIIIII/LCNER & CO.. Chltadel• phla, PIANOS. Also, PISTICT & 00.11 "COTT&ON,... end 'EL D. R.D. W. - 8/WrIII3 ORGANS. and 'TILTON'S PATIENTOOITAII, • . The best Italfan'ind Daman VIol:n and Guitar Strings &banana hand. ma17:026 .• . . 711111 , 15 t- lAOR CrlTmiYs I,IOIILIIDGI SPICErtiILL. • snisoctsitai OftORLEDCE. FIFTH Ernirsr EXTEHBION. Boar relpi,A7m#o; llaFlaa -Tern, the ahoy(' we itreTaggIIagIZAWCILWZMINTT I M ita hl it h eNLVAlll anti BMW hIARRICT P ~Lantlatel_ .1116 a. CUFFES . hthIRLICtimiIt 142111 = 4 611 1 ;1WMAINgiag ite e . of the pubife. • • - • • R- BAITER. tetra** of theißimgreas-Splee MD% will be 'faun on hand sine id II at WU-met toalteetti custa dt me n rs o . BLICDGE. • of= LLEII'9 A Superior Article d • rOs SALE sr GILLI P P&BEITZII,.IioIe Agte., 215 Liberty 844Fiusburgib 25 , Rim& fi vEnlw ir RED, ~.mta,N:,ll6",,stmoiaam: EUZZI OOD G . Zeo. Allentown must be a horrid plane, a modern Sodom, it we may Ridge from the repeits earn. steal'y received from there. Lately the pollee were engaged in dispersing the instates of the numerous houses of 211 fame for which Jl - has always been noted; but after a Partial success and a large diminution of the town's population in etmaequence, the thieves . have taken possession of the "virtual:tithing/1 ;,* much to the consternation of the citizens gen. orally and the editor of the Dailu News crape- Wally. Robberies, to believe that journal, have become as - prevalent there as gambling usually is. Citizens who pass along the streets in day time without getting their pockets Dotethink t , night time without being "gar d" themselves especially favored. !louses are entered at all hours of the day, their contents carried off and in several mass the inmates taken along, Heads of fatullies when they leave home in the morning little expect to de d tender spouses and unfree tionate responsibilities" when they return for dinner) 'terror follows horror, until wedeur the entire town wl/1. be pocketed by some modern Jack Sheppard. crazy Boy in Erie. • crazy boy, aged probably 17 orl9,that hung about Britian last fail, is still wandering about the streets picking up scrape wherever he can Ind them, and sleeping in barns or any libel ter ho can obtain. Lie came into a printing °Mee before daylight the other monde', starv ing with hunger and nearly frozen to death, /t u thu duty of the authoritlea to take charge of him. The bora name is DeWlt te.lairson. His father is dead, but nis mother Married lives. someeight - miles aeorge Beynola who oat of - town on the Edinboro or Waterford road. The boy soya he has been driven away from home, but being foolish bat little of ilia etery can be relied on.. AlaLwow Earnlogy. The appended tante alias the approximate earninga of the rittabutgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago liellroed during the month of .No venaberilSol, &scampered with the same 'per. lad of the year 1035: • MG. .•13M. Inciciute 'Detre ace Freights ..' $4 . 41,47 CI #1 1 3.1173 11, $13,1136174 # l'assenger I 113 13710 T 253,316 10'. - 1,61,903 1i Ex. 111341.1 : 7.3.X1 CO 10,061 WI :... • - _ 11= 70 110.113 .• -. 7.87.3 CU 7413 CV . ... ...... ..... ....... Rent 01'111 . 7483 33 . ' 7433 031 . ' - - - Idlacelan'si l 3,41000-2,6C6 63 ..... /104 241 , ,•... _ . Ear' alaif*fa $581,633314712,Z0M ; - to Say as 16,904, 8=47,90.9,00906 The Drowning or Alvin Temple In an Oil Leke.—The Parkersburg Times, which drat gave publicity to the story about the drowning of Alvin Temple s in a subterranean oil lake in West 1p irginia, now states "that the oil Jake into which Alvin Temple'was made to-fall, emitted only in the imagination of the person who concocted that letter, pro. fessediy written Ay B. ii. Steinway. - Having been - fully Convinced that the Whohy affair Wallin:lly the emanation of a gallon we Make this statement In order not to be fttrther an. noyed. Thereneuer was is Steinway, arrested at Burning Springs, and no Alvin Temple ever drowned Bran oil lake." , _ Robbed of 0800.—Mr. Sylvester FL Smith, miller at Valley. Station, N..f., was robbint, on FrldLy last, the 7th inst., at the Lehigh Valley Railroad Station, when about entering 'the cars, of $7OO in bills and about flee in checks. The pocket book containing the moneywaa taken from an Inside vest pocket. It appears he stepped upo lockedlatform of the oar end fotincl the door when he wasiaformod bye party staadlng by that he was on.theEz preas train which. was the one he was seek log. Immedlatelyaftor ho discoveredlati loar, but the patty that. volunteered their adrift wore not to be found. - Swlndling—A porton - . who represented himself as an agent of a heavy sugar Ito:teeth New Uric,- has been swindling the small deal ere thronghont Manton, and other places, by exhibiting sample* , and get ting advances on imaginary shipments. if the re tall dealers of that section will give oor wholesale grtiearymerchants a call, they will be able to get their goods cheaper :than they can transport them from hi elf, l'ork, and run no risk of getting cheated. ' • , Open Conrs.-A law suit occurred atCon; neon!, 0., the other day, the .nnotoer of con 1111C flog which may serve as an lostanoo•where. the regulation of open court was carried out to the lettor. /t was In tide WISe• - ..The de: fondant .to appear- and • ths -Justice being withary witnesse sfo ship yards, the lawyer, thei n the cidmorisited him, where the usual preliminaries. wore per fected, end the. case legally disposed of. . Still AnOther.—A boy at Bridgeville, 1.0. rain County, Uldo, last Saturday, In-attempt ing to frighten a servant girl by snapping at liar what ho !apprised to be •an empty. gun. fired charge of bird shot intoiter (Steen and neck, mounding her severely, thongh_ per haps not fatally. : Genic.—A catamount, weighing between thlrty.nro and forty paunch', was shot.= Went hickory fait week. had killed, one door and woo on the back of another•when (Moor. crag anti brought down by tho Winter with a charge of buckshot. Skating Alnenethe, 011.—Tho Oil City aro rejoicing in tho possession of a skatingloark. and the first surfaces .lndiatloni of smooth eliding. nteatty.—Five engines came into Erie on Onlipaasenger Min that arrived 'there from : Bullaltiaboat 1 p. m. Friday. &W.' •I ; y tt ' . 'l I : . 1 iISOCIATION.—in accordance with 0 roe-. Welton the Association, at Its last msellu.. the sill-bo o Is nom open at the attire of OLIYEK Yd.- CLINT lt A Co.. on Plan street. All who have ' been present at any of the meetings iof the Aube!. Con. cod rich other moral, forma men of Pitts burgh, Allmtheny. or surrounding boroughs. as de em to become members,are Invited to do to by the Dayment of TN 0 DOLLARS (the a.m..; fee) to wirer alepciiniely, and sliming the Idonsth il rdlo. at any time before the Mtn Lost. - 'dels:pl ga`MAYOR' OF,ALLEGUELiIt.'- r will be Slinadats rot tO CIO MVO?: wool teit*Ast2notthi m 404.84991,6, zany at iiiiiiNealastlax lascUm 40140 iliEl Orr!' AND STIEDBM. CI. ninon/. 1:001L 'SEWS ON 11182 PAM) Esisve onAsr.t By Primate TurnerPidgin's*. • Newlit rk: MarttA Houghton: Pittsburgh: Thee. are t , CelieetiOn -Of papal, mostly written for the "Saturday Eerier," bat care :M-1Y revised and adapted to a more per. anent form. There is nothing, here. to bomparti, In -value or:lnterest - with Mr. Euslibes elaborate woiksi which, tiotwith standing all the defeats .ascribed to theta,' have tatight more persons . Intelligently .to clew nature than another volumes in English combined anti in so viewing nature properly to appreciate art. But If anyone:Mould thence conclude that these tamps are purely ephe meral and undeserving of careful study be would fall Into a serious mistake. Oho writer, using chiefly the. works _of contemporaries, seeks to illustrate the truths that arthas fined prinelrilits,ot.whieh -any ode may attain the knowledge who is not wanting 'in natural taste, and, that this knowledge adds greatly to our pleasure, by giving'![ aerial, perma nence and Intelligibility.. Foust) AMCCICA .111110A.D. Ity Oliver Op tic. Reston: Leo ,t Shepherd.l er sole at Pitts: burgh by J. W. Putock. CIIINCAPIN CHALIE. 111 r. Eyste Duffield shinea4.— For sale at Pittsburgh by J. W. Pitt...4k. , • -. Lati"ii ALMANAC! sus 1867. -Boston: Lee A shepherd. For: sale at Plttsbninh by J. W. Pittock. • • - , Gouv , a Lint.% Boon roe ,JAAVART. 1867. For mils at Pittsburgh by Henry Miner. • ' • titrrlLsitn.roir. - A story of our Mill war. -My Miss J. 11. Matthews. For sale at l'ittsbutgh by Lleury "Miner, AlUtpltal Esampla: The following, w Mob we clip from the Rom leg Chronicle,: contains .rellectiOns , which we fully jndone; end the fact related le another moot that everything ItcCiellanci does la well _ • la early days,,when, the population :of Oar city numbered only pa many hundreds as it now noes thoitaands, the relations existing be tweet.' employers anti employees were mach more Intimate than at present. The clerk wee then generally an inmate of the mer chant's home—s, member of his family. Row no has but little ociation with his empdor. Pr, and provided bo le at his place of business' during lumina& hours, and faithfully attends to Ida duties, no questions are asked. There Is nothing domestic in the assocllation, and there are few interests In common. tieldsli• ness too riffles results, end _dishonesty is & le gitimate outgrowth. When a boldness min employs a number of clerks It ta impossible Showeive them into his family, but ho may them In Varlets' ways that his interest in' them is not confined to tho • hours of ser vice, and that he has their omelet .welfare and happiness at heart, and regards them as Intelligent, social beings, and not as mere ma chine.s These thonghta were suggested by seeing employees of T. A.. McClelland, Nos. hand 57 Fifth street, die intrythe Conti newel Dining Rooms, next door to the Lost °Sloe, Friday evening, where an elegant and bountiful supper bad been -ordered for them by Mr. McClelland. These clerks will now sell double the amount of boots, shoes, clothing, Au, today, that they wonid have sold had they gene Su peerless to bed., - v- A Few Feature La OH . . The 011 City - Register says : - Frain the , fact , s lhat the oil now being obtained in localities bitherto famous for preduclog heavy oil, la Of lighter gravity this season than over before, the idea Ls hest gaining ground that the petro leum is being reprodaced beneath the earth's , surface. This fact; if true, practically demon stratea the inexhaustibility of the article. But we are not inclined to believe it. The oil wells of Barmah are known to have been in operationatn for too h years. From the rport of a special COMMi3IIOII sent there to investigate Oda matter, we find that-the features of the Burt:nese • petro leum district is similar lir' most respects, pond freabeta and all, to oar own., The oil la much heavier -gravity than oars,' and con tains* larger percentage - 'of 'parable. Ifo ' deterioration la the gravity seems to have been app arent daring the period mentioned. We be the main petroleum supply has as yet been reached. It 'will be foetid di. g e rectl beneath the sixth sand stone, at a de which will vary tn localities at from 1 to 2,500 oil v ei ns ateere, we are sure. BM, t e present oil veinsexhausted In hardly the same ratio as the coal measures of the country. We have no fears of any 'Serious di munition of the supply during - the next hun dred yearly, which fa as long ea we expect to have any interest in the matter. . Allentown WWI 92 JOHN MOHHHION EARLY TELEGRAMS FBOM NEW FORK. • Explosion or Earning Fluid-Teo °cloud adz severely Derned-Destrue ' tive Flro-Government Defaulters Ar kested-Ddiling of Steamers. Nair Year,ls . -B y the explosion of a , barrel of burning fluid, in the kitchen of Mr. Compton's house, last evening, t wo p ersons were killed and six badly burnedancludlug Mr. Compton,proprietor, amen the latter. licimerdingins stave factory, on Liberty street, was dun:Luce by llru last night. Loss, LARD • - Mackey & Co.'s hardware rooms wore also burned. L0314170,0)0. Your persona witu ariested yesterday charg ed with tit:tanking tilts , revenue of two hun dred thousand dollars by false returns of Ulan* ufactured tobaCco. The steamers. City of Paris, Ettropo' and America took out to-day a million dollars in specie. • Wrier:wee In Nen tficaleo—Tho Town of Almond Attacked. : Sr. Daunt, 'I/Member' la . .—Late Santa re pa pers report lndbm outrages or frequent occur ranee. One •kundred and litty attacked the town of Almosa, killing linen. men, wounding three others, eatrying tilf a large quantity of grain, and neatly alt the lite stock ha the A memorial to. the Washington autherttle., 'published la the Alm Merle.; says[ cites, Navajos, ApaChes. Limbs, are constantly committing murders nuctrobberhat„ which we are convinced will never , cease until they are effectually pi:tabbed and placed on mum. Mae guarded by troops. The memorial also asks authority to be given to the Governor to reorganize the two regtmeuta of New Mexican volunteers for at least two year's service. . - • the H6liS6 Tariff Olii—ha Official Ga; zetto to be Established. • lresuisovos, Decernber 15.—The Senate Fi nance Committee took up the Mouse Tann' 'Bill ;vilest session. They agreed to consider the bill onthe duringst, and continue lid consideration the recess for the boil days. It Is hoped 'that Commissioner Wells' proposed Milli will be prosecuted by the 20th, and the Committee will then consider the two 'bills together. It Is rentored that It Is in contemplation to establish an- official Gazette, which will con late exclusively nil Government announce- meats and advertisements, thus avoiding the present squabbles among the Washington Pa-11 -Pep; lh regard to oilloiat advertisements; Mot al Portsmouth, Va—aeveral Per sons Kniect and Wounded. EICEIIOIID, Va., Deo. I . s.—Gen. Schofield - ban decided to hold Dr. Watson for trial, for the murder of a negro. The Court bad previous ly refused to hold him for trial before several Throe white men . are killed, non 'sermons and whiten woanded in a riot at Ports-- montb, Ye., yesterday.. Four buildings "lire also burned. • The Georgia' Leglalature lifittitoonvitte, GA.. Dec. 15.—The Legiela• 'attire adjourned sesterilan The opinion of the Legislature 13 favorable to territorial gov ernment rather than the it ceptance of the Cetudttutional Amendment. Colorado Legfilature BT. Loom. December 1 5 .—TheColontdo Lek: . Islature met at Golden City on the 4th. B. Berthold was elected speaker of the Lionse, and C. J. ILlDevitt Fire - at extant, Maine Posimisirs December la.—Robinson ft Wolf's mill at Oxford, Maine, was burned Last night. Escape elf Yrisoners. Sr. Lotus, December IL—Twenty' prisoners escaped from the St. Joseph jail yesterday. wtio 5 f=4 , 4 ts)il.t.llll DR.... S. KING Has resumed the practice of Dentistry at ztc.. 103 sx:s..raiz Err, • _Opposite the Cathedral, 5v,gf.11117,1111,1 to 117.1g.1.11 . r.711:zaZ riga" DENTAL PRA.LteITIONEIL Xxpecial attention will im given to the preserve tlon of the natural teeth by skillfully Milan them with thereat select material. cad by giving them °Misr proper treatment. thus or...eying them for future ma and comfort in artpe old age. irregularity of the teeth of young persons folly &Mewled to and corrected. nose beautlfhl life-like uttricial teeth, rendered so omfortable and useful by the mask o f the Doc tor's mechanism, will be made ready for all who 'nay order them.. : All recent disooverie. of value in gi ring relief from pain in the extraction of teeth, will be skill fully administered to those who may desire them. °Mee hours from fl A. IC to 4 r. at. .gi7401 ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. AU who eerrid three years are entitled to 8100 bounty: those serving two years, CIO: or who were discharged by reason of wounds, or their belts, 2bre•lontha Extra Pay ts dne Volont eer Oilleara to the rerrlee March 10, 1873, and dlartarre, d, mattered oat, or resigned alaee PEW.lit.—• ' Perroanently ambled are entitled to MA 1120 or 8:43. according to degree ot Ity. • W. J. A LULL PATTERSON; Attorneys. • Tt ttrnnt Rtnmot. Pltaim,Ph. 8100 BOVNTY PAOMPTLY COLLECTED BY M'MASTER, CAIIAM & BUTYERFIEUD, ATTU'S:NETS AT LAW. .fio. re Greet Street. Cl=l sounxrup - BO Uzi TtriS, PENSIONS,. Extra Bou4ties, Back Pay, Src., collected In the Shortest possible time, by a H. Bnow.N, JOHN B. 1..4.1111/Z. Attorneys at Law. No. 114 YHth street, , h01e:461.T PITTSBURGH. B. F. BROWN, I= Laical Clairn. Agent. -v. S. SAN. COI., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, WECOND Y 1.0101.) Pittsburgh, Pa, P intone, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. Ws charge made malt claims are settled. attd thee but a model ate fee. my9tb2o FROF. ROHUOCR, .INSTRUCTOR ON THE PIANO, And Teacher of Vocal Nusic Reims AND uovsr. demp rit kTch.Bl. ,i•erry girtzroot. A. SRINN . ' • 4Trifku.VE r AT LAW; • No. 1.20 sbazlli Bt., opicositekrilkJus HAM Particular attootion Wen to the collection of ao counts, - tcru,ootes; ac. p ar4 , 4 ,,,„ :=v ioir ß l 22l 3.to ula altlmOrs, lodiasmoolio, lna.t loraluitowat W. Vie. g btlea; N. X.. and elsewhere. - 5e190411 JOUN:A. STRALIff:- . • • • 41..T.a3DialrintLEILW, • El-Officio, Justice of the -Peace AND BlialliiTßATE:- • 91nee, us Fifth St. molts csteliesi, Deeds, nonj, Lortgil Aa . ngedgments, e p?•l s_. tt p o L u n a vgdalcu D LO .c g Blab:cam e o• JANCEI . ( t . " NOTARY BELL taILAI4I4IIAUTIE PEACE' sad Dtavor streato,Low;ence•Tie. c " ur .. °L. , I P " - 11peeLel attontloo siren to the pore-hue and hale of Beal EotAus, the collection of Rents. odd the pre, vorotkof and itkaowiedgineht at all Abaft ofLosal • ' o,ooraaceo. , .- • - :••• •--- w JANOET • Jostle* of the realms and :Notary , "EtrACEIS E I U STA CE!' PCIRROWo' • - ALDERMAN L:AND CONVEYANCER, '7 jpenzvaitla Avenue.. loot of the opporito eltithozi Street CHATHAINI Atiornei at Law, No. 69 Gr?it,lltreet„ Plltsburgli k Pa. srft iii =g1127 roftriVna`ntuckl. H. C. DIACHRELL, ATTORNEY dr, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No: ea Grant Street, 'PITTSBURGH, PA. JOUN C...1:11000111" ATTORNEY. AND .COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Fift . ll. Street. /2Preoslns. .11duntles. . end Amin rer lat malt ollected. nolo:oko LAUD oil.. II ' Eitrktfeetted and warranted winter attained, for sals try . , - - Lowura-t-nezezzr. No. :IQ Liberty litres t. Dugeti snr krartzE PR T eau . •., - : . 7.77: ' , l::4i •, :1 4 ";;:',;ii Phalan , * •!:111gbt til.plikteir CAtiOil*.' ,hahned ._..li g h t Mottlei/ualiV Phnimmea "Night Blooming Orgigaicio: _ - - Pimlen"! Mllerethig 1111,.. . • Phalan's "Night nisornina cpmeip•- • - • A most ceqat.fte. dentate. and Prairrmei..pikitiks:,_ died led from the rare azd btardiful dew New nLich It ;nem, IM name. - • :; Manufactured only by •• 7 ,, • & 150 PI, rii;, - 4,:f 4 Vi• - ... 1 I BEWARE OP COPNTERPRPI*.a.p44I,II. ASK FOR PHA Lf),14' . ..5—TA11X...):4 'Ori*:;)t,•t arwm. nAremins, & BOILER MAKERS axn SHEET wommak , Nos. 20, 22, 24 aut,26-Peidifit.;4l, • Having seerned a large 4e.rd, and fhtnishet4" the most approved machinery. We amp . ihanafacturo rem . : description of Beu• ;• ‘. heat manner, awl warranted equal to way. • • the country. Chimneys, Breeching. 'nee` Steam rim. Locomotive Boilers. 'Conde's" .Bona T.ks,oll BLUR, Agitators, SOU • Boller Row, Bridges, mom 'Banc and gels aculalte: Iseenrers or BARNHILL'B PATZNT OIRIEBB.I Repairing done on the abortest notice.' LANE SVPERIOR 7 ' '''';'" , a. 2. ::. - ri r COPPER MILL SAIELERICCIO , 'y 1 • - - .: priTsnusau.:., :.:-..22,`. , ..... ... PAILS; .PI4IIIIIIY-..& CO ''-,' . ~., Manntactigirs 02 Sheathing. Brastere. 0....4 . / 11 Oopper. g /3 greased CoDlW 2ol t l mur Raised .. tritseeaviosmi.tr. A e l:o.puporters anti deallin wantl7 Ott hand. lkitt.l, Za "h atir i g n' arttdi= Warehouse. 240,140 If =strand 1201311CO201Stramh- PLltubargh. Special orders o f Copper. gat In nig desired pattern. m7tkolgulalgsl.: ag - PnursutinGrt SAW Waiiil3,4 rer. of PA I MEigir l . mralged CAST !ITEM flAnolaejr devptkv..,!! I r Y o x E B, ls 14141 3 thad 13PMMtlf Idaele:2 IWly2tlJ, .. Meet Oast Steel; Extra refine UMW= an d VAir NV.,......arehouse p a i lla b Wor h ks, Ocip:itr i T tle - iliraention Pd , to re-tootblair*- r f lz %Urals . A x le= t i tr . e d ular Saw., a o lt eonatde rates, Dr42e les:or_ nrIRIBINSON,'IMA. Si . . *Mors to ROBINSON.. MEMO agiabnxis p g WASHINGTON WORM; Founde . rs & ILrobliqiitikrtet Manuttottiress of Boat and . Biationiff Ati.: sines .Blast Engines. Stilt. Machinery. ;t al i till& Vel l eVi ilMontsfosG. .....oseerd. NTs.o.le,s,ser ormEntrEDILL INSTII i IITE PO* • • Eh rteiolleil NO. 14 BOND Ilraistr. raw youitp-, roll Information, 'rah D im s. , est also, a Book on Special *salad ink hk i : k m i s sr ,P4 e nnd ia :P 4 L l i. ‘ in ge ll . ./ e sa r ot7 i rr y li o g. rd e rr O ir er tok, a" w as ith ad o lirVgrsis sum no stranger ahould trotted. Enclose', stump for postage, and direct to DS. LAWBENOZe No. /4 BOND aTBIZET, NEW TIMM. • , 1 :E 1) ;N:r 1 4 , 11:f:10:17,4:1:4/11 FRANKLIN BAVINGNILIARI. NO. 43 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Pa. fK STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY the sy i This Rank having been ./ately. organised, is now. 741 r4 r e """ trr t tr 0 0 l r , V i ati a i iro ' S Public Square ' ' '. * Deposits realised In pat' princi' and current tende.,Cl ~. Collections mad al iolrede o ou n lune deOes I pal iloltpd States and Canada.. poLute in 11tik Diaconnt Dale-IeYELtY' TUESDAY and - 4::, DAY. ninx.CTOna. Sea 11. 'Riddle, John A. Scott. - Simon Drum. James 'IV, Dag. old tlacterroa, Veen. B. Hann, William Park. JAMES U. MIDDLE: Cashier. dennitil BASHING HOUSE. • N. HOLM ,& SONS, 3E3a7rtlx.ers No. 57 MARKET STIILIT, Pittsburg°. lleppwwlY !red In Par Funds and 011 "n1207.' made on all theprlucipalpalatsoz law United Mates seal Oausalaa. STOCKSBONDS AND OTHER REOURMES Sonata and. Sold On Conualsolon. - ., Particular &Makin pall to nut parchull sale or • EITTED STATES SECUR I . nvor xxi ngo United States Sixes or MU: e;+ C fel 10-1104 . • i • ••• Da . . • CNifiliVAludebtidness. " Orders and Vostelters bought or colleciad. I DOLLAR SAVINGS . DAI No. 65 Fourth Street,. CHARTERED IN Open daily from • to:it'sdock, 11110 011WedINIALY , and BatOrdar eroduks. tram May /at to November ist. from 7 toe o'elock, and from November Ist to" May ilt, from I toe o'clock. Deposits received of all maw of not? ess than Doßar. lad odividend of theproflts hared twice • year; in JUDO and December. Inter-At nas bees I declared seml.annuallyla Jane and Decembers:UM the Bank was organized, at the nit of els' Verde= a ear. if not drawn eel, Is placed to de. credit or 'b. depositor as principal. and bear. thdianwitn. WITS& fmm the tint der, of Jo. . and Decondaski ccom i i=zrjo e ti . l . yrstr = j olt gonhibm&df i s . L . r. rate money will doll:L:11mm thou ; t " Veive Mtge ii on containing theOttarter, Br-_4l±ooAdidd !Pk ,miehed k nistuizNiZ44bilei 'Aidlizi! TIC' Pl/.811)121 yet Jobn O. Backofsn. A. M. r oil 'Mk•.fild2., 1. " Beni. ratlitestock. obert y Bobb. • Jame, fierdma John 11. Bhoenberger, JJames llcAoley, James Biddle, ames B. D. Igeeds, A/exude; Seam ,• • /"aelLrafacch,' 'Z.V. - i mi.J.Ahderson. tires 1 ry I.lsell s y gl John O. Blndty. - !I.eorge • tjobecm,.. 1, 9 =1. &der, ' i V otir IPo/4,44 Charles A. (AA., • } Jail. (Jeri Wm. Douglas. , John Evan Wm. IC. Schmidt, -- John J. dWesple , - Alexander Tindliii - ig; Wlntam 88,, Baran, , . Peter H. Honker, Wlll. , , Richard Hoye, • In gmar. • Ti="II4"4IIIART,, 13.11211118. 'ONEY LOAN OFFICE, N 0.151 IiMITHYIELD • STUZILT, cornet' of, illlitho: Pittsburgh— • • . . Monet Loaned on ellver natal. ettlilristmli" Dlainenda, Jewelry.. .Bold and 431 Iver wale lea, (nothing, and valuable articles of °Very desert Rtfl b t s o ..The gouda dealvolva - nruoulA.ee ta, l t oM m ilt'erl'l"TPLr. !P., S v .. 00AL, VOIlEaLro. : PITTSBURGH NATIONAL COIL AND COKB COMPANY mlll DP .F. 113.151ulciale and 'A the ::=.....; , IIEsirRAMILY - 00Alfi'L-,'•;. xsrulf C7casid : -A9612411. 211t 7 57.M. n Alt orders for dense:T.ln Um orghitiona weet,'Wlll ICWat IKOMpt and . lirral Mt* *Mali= LtecilNAßV, S l upatintandent... COAL! COAXAL COAL!!! IMPORTANT TO CONSOMER:4:: , %.• HUMMEL &ILA: lititz: of v Otairr n egNaNcir , lanh'lg6g!',l'.l-` Loam SOLI; it, Sand cergeniet, _ Ly Valley, a t coastuu e;-• ell of 100 th.y. Ars.)reparen Clatrar...iitzittt LOWEST fIATM by_ ina Engle ton, sAr load. Loa ;, Alt thomand lona. • •.• T' All orders promptly/Roden We • ••• ,•• vgy3; COAL! COAL! LC0AL111F,,,.:..„ DICKSON ',STIWARTz&TO:' - .:- ....,,,i,,, , ,... iiii.4-1:-.,....., „.. .... . ~.... ..... 15 .37,X.Abeirty lilt:roe*. (Ludy citymotiquistotiall':l .. , ...„., are,sa f irgzipargraid a Y wain At the lowest IllszluttpM=Vt--.. - 4 161 sr Al i ()Mehl Itatt ....„... ..13Z thM tbrOU llaithilain.WWlNlSttittilto &OM t°.. arratl AS r CELlBLEffliVA*lStitolira; youghiogheity 'and Ckiii2tillik a l Siackhan4,l7o*l Comer of Buler= a Mortazi rd trityl i tr i a caroler streets. 21 Wit article at Coal or Coto at thelowest Car l A al orders latt at sr* of Um MO ZSClthe Itt t MEMO - *Ala WEE H. ILDS WHOLESALE HEALEIifi IN BOOTS, SHOES .a. LU7CI . - ,. i .' ! SOLET F. A THE Wo. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. . . 1 - 'To /MOST TIME and CASH buferll we offer sn -pert or than ceMents, u one lad:titles for baying are ASssurpassed biA. , erbottse Eon or West. Pure-m -ing directly from rrnex meirtdi entirely +or CARL lifilare enabled to sell as low. anyEssiern Jobbing Honse. =4IIICIICHANTS are invited is call and examine lig= . and ante Our rrlcCe LOrore purchu3la el. for OPE PffICLILIS Superior Cotton Yarns, 4iIIILISS GRAIN EthiGs Batting, Twine, ...117 . 1'0N AND LINEN CARPET CRAIN, dba., clbo, yin be Promptly Filled a '..'t : ;;,. ' l i. FACTORY PRICES. ' Aann_cmir. , l 7 mall will reerlrs thartedilte sad u , az,01,40 , H. crina) & co. dirT p irlurat . ;mi o i l iklyr r pi na,r ar! . 4 w c z o .:ALmzu. t i,...! .. .. succzasor!s TO - J. A. ItOBIA!iON & CO., ~„4,3! , ,. DrAzscs IT• 1 ; TS, SHOES `` ;Sr GAITERS, I.lt.i;i,tk; , 11.7'0• 7, ;',,r0 61 Jffarkel Street, • 4;::::• ; IT ' - 'wief3r , - .t;tou6at. PITTSBURGH, PA WEB LINTOCIVS i.f:-VE(IOT AND 6110 E EMPOIIIIIIII, ;14 . 45:Dq2 Federal Street, ALLEGIIENT asMK - ' .44 llBetraftlamuss Mow .A.. 11. jr . l - S AND SHOES. , , f 27-... WILHELM, ;...:i4ro.- 7 •38 Market St., Pittsburgh, .....,_r ~,..- _ "ls,..lisb ,. rboeleed, a eery large stock of all blues of r 434,CrIV3Asvia eiiircsmes, . 'la is prepared to sell cheap's: tb•Si tbe cheat.; i . ateiellib: 3 tbl s t i akes Orion il for bla °WI: ...olee r,[l..r,cuou ' .. 04. 10E • 21 . able!! be war. , bElt, J. MIL'S ELM; - e...ollllkaaaa. No. 38 Market stmt. AND FRESD ARRIVAL Of Stik BOOTS, 8110 ES, GIFFERS fZl'-;,....eir5c2 Balmoral*, sod will he sold at the VERY LOW. • either Wholesale Or lietalL, CALL tts.rons nucziAtaxo caw U. & W. C. C BORLIND, ?ttliasket attest, ltd door from PIM Bt. 4:110017311Plit.=, tunaYAILDIX , 0 'in ,KLlllrgiG & nno., .. t e, . , ,:. :xfaCtUrers and'Desters In I_ _,,,,_ ._-..-,,. • • torn. 112Ccitcice - BOOM SHOES & GAITERS, " --1 ,j0i. , 11A0 Ohio St., Allegheny. l'aitifiriti peoutpuy executed on the shortest no- . Agi5v,,,, m,.. . _ , . I.7:ess 'ISMIKBING. GAS FITTING. tibrAVILLWIS & RIRTLBY .4X-1! ._ .o'l6lBl hl FITTEIRS, Z Artga sth and Smithfield Sts., ~.,., , y4 -.. : ,.P127151.80.1iCig.P.A.., C,OO O llOl . iter and Chestnnt Streets; .r ', - - -.- • ova a.. - t ,-- Tater, Gas sag Steam Fixtures con. ishtc39 A r. , : i :.• G, r 1 1 .. ' - ) : 1 ', ~ '- I ST9III FITTING, --:,' •' 0 ' , te, Iron Pumps, '' ,. ..:*.4'- '.` V. ° nib /tamer, 4- - .-4 , z . --' . - wawa, BAsuva ..„ -;;;•-)-."-'',. f',"V.i:.0_54.. 0 4E: - 8 AND WASH ST A NI 1. : .T EWENS, :0,40,50rt0 ireas i 00.,) -4 ee 9t., PlttabaghTa.etsl;v. JOHNSTON • .& JOILIMON, ' , JiCiarCITXCP.A . Aa fintWpai and steam Fitt,era l 1047421 - iITBEET . AXE. aelinted iatbitabtoilly /7 4 "4" tnteby PumrC d itaitn% ‘,/ I;bltdtillaiiTitAitfasPricels Ha ims)!..l.4yks4 " ozo by mall promptm aL Isloalte .4411AIStitiliTLEY descrlytion ' ' 41 , . iiikthioll a anipcitor 'article of '., 6 6 IP IE D UNEOS 'AI ..... ,_., • . .romfic,_ Ilydr,aots, !Sheet Lege ,I c ig m eeVl77 :.i:ie . c iv iiiedz i teN . Ora, wale. la ~ at the •.. rner i ...and fmithaeld Streets, tr :o rtelalialli4. . % N u t f ale& o . il Wog done promptly.' Immodlttely Intim:W{o to. ~ ;4'-i*. ...: • OTELIS: - ---- :.' ' HOUSE A.ND MARKET STS,, w:*Yrifto , - , - - • • " • 410 Are #lOll .11011110 4 0 0 ,!mt/*14t001117101 . au the oppolatuitats of 0141 4"gi15PMC‘ , ...r.:.- - « • • ' DAVIS A r A i t titAltlaC t ' • LA• - , • • ...• ": • : . t. • Lt • r.ap tt n a of ' - „sp . fa r• elf filltI C IP -"4lillfairirkl lol7 se, .e.,;*tr o morpardsr,•xx.rapT; 4 4ortioulabells sni hies! &recto, iiteziitieS O peilsion Bridge, a nt v oi ALLTaititi an. L.A. EMISSSEI --- lit SALE . . A Farmol aboutbS ‘situate talon Townthlp, Allegbar.y eorntl. 9,1, shoat focr mites from the city on the t7.7,tg.te . ,1,11a h.._ The Mg provuneats me a large M om l-osto 15.. 3, Wellteg mouse with 12 room; I . .Carris ame r a li k ou n t . : , 11M . I t icg l , , i.ez i lettel: at for ahead The, Is et o*Hrttet -/Abetzt e el 2 s,='llr; of oederlaid eeal. The is In a nigh State hares sad 9 brY ter dairy or gardening pnr- Also, 13li aoreacejete • /Tamand e Mou er se, Al. the above. with a gelid die good bertha Holm derald wil '° 4l. 4t° ' 117 " A l so.l acre, adjoining the our s fir t ale plece-b, ezZil,mbroyed., lath The shore tnree pieces or trio the Little Into and eta - m... 1 11 - 0,.." ^ .7° and the coal can be reached emits Irons Toe coal alone worth all that Is &eked l'or'th' 533. Toe property. L A 46 Farm 01113 scree. site ate In 93, gnsh.tz,, shin, Westmoreland eonetT. immt Mater, ea the or th e Penna. Railroad. The:improvements good a, Use o-nors Frame House with Pre rtnina BIM celiar. a Frame flank Litre. 4Catsl Pet. and °therm; [-hal:dings. There Is On the place a goal Young Apple Orchard; 120 sires c'eared. balance to goal timber; fencing generally good. well watered. underlaid wlth coal itild Marston 3 convenient to churches, mills. schools and blacksmith chops, to gether with the ner.oaal property such se stock. nr.pleMentv, grain in the ground, de. Fosession given immediately. tolvillThiri,arm.{.llelfbeis3y co aere Py:r ""t a. abo in to "g ee from the city. near the lile t ur the ' liteebengille B. within one-half mile of a atatlon; loamy' of the heat of creek bottom land, and lea !Ash state of cultivation; acres of wood mind and pasta,. The renting la generally good. The sell Is No. I, and well adapted for gardening. The attention of these wlsblng to embark 1- the baldness will call at once and secure a good bargain. 115 this Is a rare chance. Also, Farm of Ng acres, situate In Elimeeth township, Allegheny county, I's., on the !denim gatiala rive; toilonue mile quality. Borough of Elizabeth. The is of the bea The IM. provernelitt are a farm bongo with sir room., a peed barn and other out buildings; fencinggood; about 50 acres °renal. Churches. schma and - =ls very convenient. P06005/1101/ Immediately, Also. the best Farm In Elisabbtli township, containing about 90 acres, lying on the Mononga hela river immediately below Lock No. 3, on which Is erected a large two-story brick dwelling, one tog and one frame ban c bath s corn crib, wagon shed, brick eprlng Louse, granary, work shop. ie.; about Mac res being limesto nelat quality river bottom; the balsa, lapd, and underlaid with coal, and about Da acres of Ilmestone. There are two orchards of apple trees, In good bearing condi. glen• peach Dear. plum trees :Vigetrgvtl't'tgolet, being a short Distance from the thriving borough of Eltrabeth, creating a market at home for all the prodects. Tha property will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Also, A Farm Of .08 acres, situated In Elizabeth townetdp, Allegheny county, Pa., about Improve. from Lock No. 3, on Monongahela river. meats are one frame houao. with eve rooms, bath tg r elfa l tit e all " a. ° V.l.lVl ". l l 3l.l B. be l s h oltiTt 4 44. I° l7o l rViitlter partleulars, enquire of 11. TOWER. not Beal Eats te Agent. I G. 04 Fourth atreet. LOLL SALE-100 Acz es .1 ,..1 !and In Washington county, 'Wesley towns I Ohba. Ed acres cleared. balaace In timber; g good barn, waterhandy. large orchud. • tarot end churches heady, and within gli miles of ClE:tiler tits thedloo, on the Marietta and übiclnuati !.lucid. ets IP:flanka.vill aceies b VilleMPerance cal wlllak therehree ; tenantouses of 3 rooms each, one frame house of four rooms, all In go?d condition. & Con 1 . 30 icres of Laud for 1r..010, situate In Sinking litalreonnty, Pa.,llve milerrfrom Altoona by the Sinking Valley }toad. The advantage. of this property are numerons, and by Culling on es we will give ftli_partleulars. 04 Acres, 50 acre. of which underbid with coal, situate ln North Fayette Township, on the Steubenville noadr Improvemesits, goal Frame House, Mx tote., good Bank Barn; about2ooFrult Trees hut In their prime, go 35 Acres in Union Township, on the Washington Pike, three adies loom the city. 37 Acres Inon Scott Township, six miles out on the old Washingt Pike. _ 55 Acres Itt nose Township, three miles cut fro. Allesteny Market. 5 Dwelling-Houses In Allegheny City. one In Wilkluburg, one In Freeport, one et Edgewood Station, on the Central . Pennaylvaina Railroad. Also Immediately adjoining this etation, a few more ACHE LOTS , Plan can be seen at thin Wilco Also, Bonds and Mortgage. bo6; 1 1111. and j tole Real Estate Anent., 139 fourth street. CHEAP HOUSE, THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING. NINE ROOMS Loco tlon—G rant street, near Fourth, rlttnburgh ONLY 4.1,7C0 CO. / J .1 n Ire of EEGREES4 D EMIL , ESTATE 60 EXT/3, 011 XdRKET .F.IIIX. • piece or land containing 41 to ZOacres of rich liorial ground, consetierit to the elite., 11 now enrol for We co ....111sble terms. 'The inal.rore tuts aro A FIUME 110 usr,11:111N, And otter outbuilding.. It 16 now used as a 3larket lierdvn, 211111.1 a idvh order. Fur fiartlter ap '0 L. BRYAN. Broke: In Rocas sad Bxat Estate. 67 Yount. st.. (Hu rke's Building.) Ii)1.1 SALE, THE TWO-STORY BEIGE MiTT.T T.SIG, No. 4.5 Monterey street. Allerhery. Contains nine rooms, besides nutshell stile, bath-room and serail-house. For Convenience of arrangement, and tasty and substantial llalsh, It is probably rus. excelled by any In the two cities of similar azr. The hon. Is tulle new, snd has gas, sad hot and cold water up and down stall,. - Apply lu Inhumation to 0. 0. BRYAN. to Stocks and Real Estate, n 02. 2 ti; Fourth street. Olorke*s I . oTen LOTSI-1 can 'now offer Lots as ion as *BO, welt located and Ina pleas. ant plus. Also, Lots located on the Eike from Set*to LOCO Un Liberty street. from..— ... 7E0502,CM On Bellefonteine Street, from Salto 6 10 On Garr'• etreet, from 650 to C in Liberty Township. adjoining the • Borough lots, from 1110 to ail Also in Pitt Townsalp. Lots front.— lalto 00 Toe above lots will be soldon terms to salt per. chasers. also, some very desirable Improved prop. ' erty located th e Boroughs. mt. Township, Al irguenT atty. Pittsburgh, end enjoining &mettles. gor terms, apply at Melina' Estate and Insurance Oince or . not: " G. 8- BATES; Butler street. Lewrenceville. -I nI/ZiG STORE FOR SALE.—SIT• nate 0 Pens Street, In oneof the beat locations; In too City, baying an establlehed business of from 16 to 20 y•ars standing. A g.od stock et thugs on nand and Store Rooms fitted up In good sill. With: the above sell! be told the lease of the whole bond- , Ing'. Containing, besides the titore Rome, eaves blooms ;or dwelling purposes. and Two Mermen% linome. Apidy to It. Metal& & cu. dell .No. tr, Fourth Street. poi' SALE-12 acres of Gkound, well timbered and watered, on Squirrel Rill., ten .mitintes• walk Mont' Pasienger 'nation at_ithady. Late, Fourth Street Et ad . .Alro 6 acres aP Homo.. wood Station; and several Farms located to Wommoreland and Alley be ny countler. • Also Coal Property, House. and Lots In the city and suburb,. For further particulars enoti-re of • It'll Aid WARD; tell - • (Oppo.lte the came,intio • lin Grant street.' FOIL SALL—One-fourth Interest is the Rittannini/ROUiriialtic To an acceptable partner. Apply to 0 I bialtr l ik . . n tin i ? No. NO Water street. de3:0103 FOR SALE, • . -. • . . „ . A LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE • Witb ell modem Imnrovemente, In complete order, and ettuate oath! Panaa. Railway. Inquire at 2i o. 119 'LUST STRRIST. IlOW:07:128 Plitstmenn. JOHN D. BAILE7, Stook and Baal Estate Broker. JOHN D. BAILEY, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER , ANDAIICTIONEE _ • • . • .. • Haring Mien out 0. coma:ls2ton as Auctioneer, and Meted an-engagement with the Pittatntratt Board of Trade, eeenrlng the 1350 of their rooms; above the Thins National Bank, t am now prepared to sell at Public Auction, Stocks. Bandk Becurltles:ltleal Esta•e, d.c., either at the above rooms or 9n the premise,. - .Pertleular attentloe. pall. as heretofore to the • sale of Neal Estwleat orlv•te sale. Pales °Cites! Estate In the country attended. b 192 Fourth etreet. flea Fr JR • SALRL-400. Acres of Coal Land. lylng_lmmedlitely upon the Ohlo River, 20 Mlles below Uallapolls, awl 103 miles above Enn.• Coal. whteb, g l =r p p i e ' s:B, l l7; onrii ve oor It Ls entirely different from the douthern t/tuo Cell, contains little sulphur. fumes and cokes well and for making 010.01 cannot bo excelled. • The lo cation being ,boat xoldwav from Pomeroy :and liabgleg Stock, incur make It valuable , for coaling Weis; There la • water front of ht oft mile, with. good lending nt all stages of fbe river..,Alleatranee has tg:en rue in the OW aboueilkl leek truck nnisn• ed to river. together w the necessary fixtures Or mining. and delivering coslanost.: On said omit Is Met-class double Portable Circular Flaw MILL gethcr with a Portable lids& Mill. all In good =to ning order, and plenty Of.the , sery best oak.. Al algi i, Vdar timber. Would sell one-half Intlxs j i br o i rorklnitirttV• - ” !..! nr,arf;! -- Blf Eer. Stock and Real Fatale Ilroker. • • 1 , 40, 102 Foarth etroa. 0013 DESIRABLE LOTS ,FOR. COUR o RESIIaMtIES.;.4./a seemaea Of thelnaleit -4.47 Of the weather on lraeaclaY the 44 ' 4 them clearable Ihtlidlmt Lola, fete. two . to Zola: sexes eaeb,-• on - th e rerrmitf. A. mile from .Allegheuy Clty, was maeuramt, The lora altaiow altered et M 1... ' •r. •TzmosOmehalf ea 4. 40 4 and tears,' with Interest. for rrtlO . f the propea, 0.8 dui .N0:102 Fourth • .. .401X4L051'. ut. jOHROSS , Bg. CO.' ermes4losta 20_1. - WM. PLOCCIEftIi CO.. itEsN'ilitAc:rtripFttaßiAltazawilv i snit !Eutaw nyitualk-daillannin" I)MIVATE DISEANEB. -- - - ..• . DE.- YOUNGalsto of _pktio ,-, ao„ vi T l3ll lelrest• Uigt,,,, .041002 vox ittiessestetalt-outet " -- PartiaaltStentionpaLlisota,,,moAlioeni.i dleesees oo h s Urtotily AverkoS;,,teleetaauxivattoe the ththetelas 00 15t06111 , 361166del CM 61166617 , d, 1 ' , ./...u.° °. '"ruilsigli t =tiV4ttrWtfii d t p . == . 7llX..Vaji,Veirlf= iki ' -• No. S. tatob Is teitzetenr s iftiMr , au " are 'for obillosse essu. ...... 1 Pe , 4ott e. • • U boons e.e. K. to 6 r. D x.. Opiri i er Dz.... nuins"4l:lcuM N . v' , olsinhii . . LIM PITTSIII3I.6II TB • •IT E. tsisca .LICD rat,, WIC. iLISS ..Er4.L:ONT EFliszement EnILT, TI101IN", - TAE QUEEN OF FONG: .I `O . &; EA.T7IECLS. UNEQUAL MATCH , t , The ladles of tho Chetstiatt Chu , I. ~,,;, ~,,,,,,,,, City (Joseph Ming . Pastor.) will 'a la t:Ket - i: 81U1 DALL, corner o f Federal PM Leettlentreitn: On Suploday Erentug. Deee*cr liAth,:inst.", A Line PAIR AND FESTIVAL, which will , ou . Ilene through the week, and the procUeds win be de voted to the new church building new In prowls. of erection On tile Cotner of Dearer street and the Harsh Common. - • . . • Fancy articles of all . klnds,abildren,a clothing. suits, Mlles, Yates, toys, Confectioneries: genlle-- nzen•• Gress frif gowns end ell pours;*Mere, a ogee, lee creams: As., will be offeredfor sale on reserOtta. bin terms. AN EXOELLICNTDINNICIt will be seared each g1Y1 . 72/1 i irrl2d o t ' g tO l ' ' cl::k il . glrl'ig its a e'll. Also; Admission Tickle, 25 C 1 ,.: Season Tickets. St.Olit Dinner Tickets. to those having admission or aea son tickets, 75 eta.: to other,, gi.oo • • A It KASS 13A.ND will be In attendance: also; other music, both vocal and instrumental, will be tar nished. • ' nol2mst ,- W",IIE,IICANTILE LIBRARY .r_ema.rmrptaziEr. MR. GEO. VANDENHOFF Win lellrer TWO enthale•new IteaMale, at tin 4e..IIIEJIIF OF .7111751 C, Tuesday and Thursday bluing% December istha !OIL BEADING TURSDAI EVENING, Dec. it,, fro 3ICAX-s3=El EVE,, , The Great French Conde Dramatl.t. Concluding Irlth theswhole Comedy of LE MEDEUIN MALGRE LUX—THE DOOTOR SPITE OF HIMSELF. • READING THURSDAY EVENINGL;Dec. LO. from sztakrart-sr- • Goncl.dlng with the highly humorous iketch.of THE rzciumrs FAMILY AT 'FORGERS.. Door. open at 7. Reading at 731. . Tickets 30 cent.. NO ItZSEN.* ED SEATS; • JAMES S. SCOTT.OLIVER LEMMON.I JAS. B. MORGAN. I WM. P. IIeMBERT, BENJ. F. JENNINGS,' 0. F. SCIAIFE, T. N. MILLER. • Committee: delMer.s rarrsoF. cowriews DAIWI.I4I- ACALISItIf. AT WILXIMP HA.l.!.."tenetts Street, near emittlield, now open for.tbe recOp- Uon ofruplis-for second term. Days of Tultion 111U/4113AY • and SATURDAY. Fientlemenes Class at 7..; o'clock, evenings. Ladles ~• Masters. and klisses.Class at 3 F. U. Private Leszoos on FRIDAY. WrlLli/Nit HALL to rent' tor Select. Balls and Parties. 'when not engagvAl by 64..71,1 aa.ll at Ig e l;elf . . lc C o O s lk; . E.l2. Ifor•Cirenter,sair= OIL WORKS, CO] ic.x.rats: cz.xxosu orxx.spo: SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFO KEEN &CO ! HANIIYAGTUEEEB VI THY CELEBRATED SPORN LUBRICATOR/ I= M==rIEII PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale OIL,, flLl UGH, LOW' on 131111,21 ALSO. Stand('ld White Burning 011, WEND FOR A CIRCVLAIL BES DM 1 Cei g r. "Wlet.l4INT, Mien - NATI% 01110. BEST CANDLES, dc., AT . LOTTEST BAWLS. •‘.. noD:017 - - ARING" & KING, mussin imam IND Isom Petroleum and Its Products, " 4 I:IOQI7ESME war, .1P1CT.TE93311:7R.01-213. MIII.ADELFELL ADDRESS:- WARING, KING O. CO.. m717:545 1117 Walnut St. Malls HENDRIOK'S LIIBECATOR, WHITE, 8R09.. & CO, New York. E. 3..13,08E'8.T5, Agent , 3 No.p sa am: istreet, rittobursti,;-Pa., I Cotton Facia . , Oil, Tha td t sehlmee7 011, Woolen 111111 011. - . ' Dart /Q 401.1114 - • - • Lled. Cord Engine 011. 1/set Oar. 011, no 1, • 1. ht 00 - rd Screlr-Cat- pork. Car Ull , Rio .. _ n0M067- WOOLDIIIDGE BEIIMGI fooninze...eaihrnr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. WORKS IN TENIPEHANCE v L E. °Mee, Ne. 2 Duquesne Way, (N. eumidoi,ena n ., • JUBTUrACITUBERS or ruawmotris EEtWiLVEit• COX.Ct Eg e Brand—Mintier" .1712:165 EOItEHA OIL WOrtlifir min7ACTußzls or EUREIT4 13411111 . 11.1 r EUGEKA SPIRM . . And WholeMdeyealere , Crudeadined and . Lubilcatiag9ll4 LAUD. rIPEILU, WHALE AND fl OILS. No. Sit Biaz4cet;fit..Pitubursht - Pa.. ivvcraztx-ari,', Bst., Call and examine samples and read cerlinmeies, • -;n014.14 - BIM TUE n*sr., PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, itanafsetnred *Wilma for gala*,_ ' T. Ir. A E#tr.it A "co., N'icsankoor W`ab,axilt N. W. Cor.lld and Market 81.;5., THE LIGETNIIO.I..'. a r n. c. CILYWIRRIL.:.::.J.*v 4 .1.; JOICES, CRAWFOIID &VOGEL, Agents;.! frirE 'mow' - .roulcurta. TRULY BRILLLANTURA+ OIL CiAttlAuirr?,-. .21tEUVUODYPEP. "--• A d opted - bytheLiCiPover i nment."..;'. /Non ernlostru. tettes and • Ocuottnt; - ' Laren ; • Urltllapt-Innic threce.Cold:Erescur tutu' crur - ottied. lump. ttutP.tat Is adapted U. ‘ll norposes,' . and Mahn nkk-la merely a conductor; ;never rut " galled any Urn:nabs._ ;Burners on tut piltactp!e .. .ts) , :• • plied 14 ordlermy tamps. • nTASY. AND.Ctiltnx•lt • •-• RIGHTS rus.sia.E. - vinftioDPoClts Post, (Mee, anotrerlttoetp 1 . • ;Repos. second :•• • - _ .dorDiltiOX xpa.:12,7x02,,,a °ANDERSON," tiers . ihriciNTNl.- -- rsind Deale far nen VrER masa ifial e ws fiscor g iam, UUQU llama% cummus; bets stoct : ..a.-c.;--ifra...:7z: PL'ohttliaaWll4l lOrgatrilltZdudth. fia 2 " h "Parfltw k ith 'bon notice. Wt.= Mao foralsh fl oral Ivrea: Crossetk AU orders promptly. attended to. Goa td ktrionbamas ITISX7 Iswaslanies. - .1.0 . 11. N B. MIES ME ANUS - NEIIIF OPER.L --.-- C. U. HESS edi E s e rr. aimett rttne tt_tyrti r tk^ine :1111: Who itiantlenerl TlltS'nrtradoi Pe: 116.14 W. great eprotal cans TAEsrirroa sb.u.spcares illirtprir ' . IV.: • 1 prer.arattork ter eairy product art T - R 1" WtVan UF. Wtriltatitt .11-17.1% li Oa Friday next, 'Mr. Ilactett art I take • Cltatantly Atirraoon-1t I. r. lan, lEEE • SIXTEEN srunia sr - ..q!1. 1 ..4 nos Iteortencoors , CHRISTIAN FAIR .AND rEg 'AL. No. 33 Market:Qtrept, PUTSBITE.GIr, PA. 3lfi:uttLetttned t 4. Keep eonstaztili oa /mid sou OIL, v. zro Kr.a =rnM • BE BE 'fan Ca .a. c NI x rciar I .t Y• MEE -11 /Zs ECEI it M