-- Eil _ " mrc:A ‘i Arr Peindinalrvaced-ac ,co. % - i-rirr-szowtocroniv 4 .0:01€4.21.91 1 11 1 0V fitt*l 4 4l PAIMMTWAGAZ7,3; If - a - 1 1 " 1 "1"-`*-!"'" I rm• - e la h m i . .. .. . . . costa, Wakatar, lb mat. - akt. Bsoseilbars. tperzsAVrzatpjair NUMMI todactfints to 54,11311.)w ZeitarbaMegliEßEß 17. 18G0 _c4I,II,OOII4aMKT. y,. NH.fikiditiii-theaViseitell'thist so far' as -littainwtolhe balk *tiptop - WV day qtatili tcf4etsential;tlifference what trroLof government obtains; that so long dtib3tiddsamantofttt Ran loath% ,- 111 scribed and enforced' one 'or government is . jist as good as an iblimsll4 11..1; profound -- mist4e- The - BOlLthan Stafei, up to, thii act=ormmilr-eltfaiime;. were held under a; osLuarelenting .despothan. It indeed, b o on netehleareell oritionla-conn.a j: equity 44111 enforced thelihebalf. elms trio low extent not inichipatable with_;thelr ,continued en alavement, bat theiriisert infelicity-was no t the m - -.lttnnslited : in. That ovennas tegoi it t af t W wkich -- denied them the rightso impleTe their condition; and. here- Inielhigend IMPOrtantpractical clifferenee in civilization. Free government opens a Mei' canes both to talent' end Industry; opens it to every pap, according, to the measure of his powers, ;and Invites 'him to enter and occupy. Hence," It' in this conn , try that,lokoili every useD notes . 1 W any department, is a man whose father was never iseard of except in his own school distdei or^lo oehip S-Weilth; Mike, so cial rank and literary honors are mostly in the inisestion'ot . =elf 'trim began life with no family distinctions to lean upon. This is She:mibigning that inmate so wander fai an coati:Mg, buoyance and tenacity to the American character, resulting in the most marvellous develtipment of material resources so far witnessed, is the hhstoryof the race..-Withoukfrea jovernment these MINIM would have been impossible. tHsaisikliairniay of the ordinary condi bans that 'B:inlets enterprise here; vast territhriei,lt sparse population,Naltukble Ibreine, incalculable wealth in inei and soil. _But the:govern:neat represses ac tivity, by compelling men to rest content with the sphere in which they were born, and not aspire after advancement. Hence Pilli:l3:llloteind stolid—almost inert. Ileanalstes , of the'veople; linaccustomed to lead themel4*i, 'Me - contand to be led by the governiacrit; and She "gnrernment. hating movement, bacanse it:-tends to de velop Sad quicken - thought; keeps the as tar aa . PraCticable, lathe same dull round fathers trod. Doubtleiii there are 'evils iniiiient in popular' huititutioni. • Effrontery often takes precedence otaierit, and'brass fra il:kali -proves better than brains. But free government, after all abate - - meats ire - Mader mist 'be acceited :ae" educationil and - pre - peilisig ' agency, in material of incalialable:value.- il aniounied eider State boniention will shortly' be held at Harrisburg, to lie eemPosed.ef the .editors and:publishers of Genniaiustritatierti within thileciremon; effiedui clergMn'havingl ostoral eliargellot"Gerioin- churches. The-design of this convocation fla.lirprotnat-the bf. terests of German literature, to popularike it in journalism, and to procuren greater . recognition- of it, in publ c schools. In deed; it is silted, on wintLieems to be reit. able authority, that a deinand will be made' to have inettactioa in Giiinan established inthe public adulation the same basis as instruction la the English language, at least: in diatielan'2which there is a con. siderable'llernien_pepulation. EipMeliattheferaturestere presented mer it our cordial approbation. It on many scan/nit desirable to: aneourage the study and use oriho fitruula leeSeege. As • mental iliac.' ildinig it *lO well take the pl&brratlgTii our courses of tuition, for persons destined 6" ordinary _pur suits. gkninnedge,it.is vastly more useful than the Latin. As ,the Latin is a dead elieee l 4,lt 14s-tonic ill the NW: some and sllihe . fruit Iteverwill. What ever of beauty or of utility it contains poured inttlutErigilsh..-language, and has become *hi:Roughly inoorportitedthereViith... German le not 0..n1i-fa language aboundlig in sorts of knowledge, but is • living language, sending' our 'continually new branches and nodding '-fiesh flowers and fruits °it, every 9W -F. Js" ineemParablY riche' : than the Latin _ever. was, : and has utilitieit in MOdein life, this amildr7t-;0111eh ' ate ynautpdesed irk wY' speech save la:tbis we do not mean fo - bi uideistond as deciding uponAhe intrinsic merits the Raslish and Genital; tongues or literatures. But wp taltoikta be axed, -beyond the pot !ability of elukstge fr „that j.he countless mu} , thud& eliorill, inha it, in the future, the broad of tide regablic, are to ;peak English u their ordinary Me : attire - of Wei; ecnixse -" bkiP•r4eular sita.for comparatively short iittede, Welsh, Frenuh, letnian r iesiiian r .„ctr „, other language!, ma btl eimienlent for common' use, but each ill'nfe'sp e i4il y degenerate Sato a pa Os!. *pages than Eng lish are, eesnalleeadY, excluded by the us. ture of the 'case, from becomin g primacy, and must take the position- et'mullbiries ' oreutbellletnellta. - 4,,Enithdimristand m m form-, the basis of popular-education It has become: so deeply embedded Uukt h am not be shaken = outorita - pa - titian, m any, millions uf-'otir people"do not speak or un deramml.the languages of their not remote anceitcirs. Wha t haitieen, is to be, in.thla respect,, dat Is, useless to combat the in citable: I j . '; 7 CQL inankvlvirmuniAms: Ind letter addressed ,to on.. Wax= Woarrarsaaps, eaator , from the Cheater District, Colonel. Joss, W. =Fonnsy with draws from =the contest- for the Senator.: ahip,"and, declares for. ,Mr. Sravaas Bathe lama:poi of ;Itir. .Coistarf...9f D.r..fiTLYErte he sail& , "This remarlasblimin,-aotiitistanding 1 r 314 ' 4rlr:sMitanUtfaxhiblta the' late vigor ofhiepdlllol, and while We are dailt- ad.malsW -of the_ wisdom and thoinotioeiat parriedlwa he -suggest-. e d dedrly - t*O.yeatti seit,;Wft are constrain: ed to admit thatl orab it they. bad been adoOed many thi deple results of Presiden tial perOdy_would not now„be dishonoring and aistarbisethilaudA , It is- the- simple truth to add that the sentiments and sug gest/Am of Thaddeus Steward triumphed more compleiely,iii Itansyliants , thi recent election, and contributed more pow. erfully to that triumphlbanthe sentimeati and suggestions of any living. American. The great %Republican`ll , dort orgaaization, inchullogna it does Inuldratitraf thousands of his former political opponents, frankly acceptsaud gratefully acknowledges Nimes its most conspicuous leader. If Win' Peansyirkrihaelevate him f aci!the positios of Se.ustor we amply respond Ad the/ve— ers' desirtfor awe 001111 - 6 a frierids in other States LAO- tir iiktilk ;this. I believe -we ESE one of -them would do would do what as Wrinid it riot be a happy termination to an illustrious life--never so illustrious as dm log the successful overthrow of that dan gerous institution width, more thanludf a century rigo, Thaddeus Stevensras unong the first and boldest to oppose-li Pennsylva nia, throughler Union Republican Le gisls, tun, Yohmtariledered to him the only high office she in hiF immediate gm ? Impressed by., e...&stsiderritions Libel that,r am: disc/iftbliViimplidrity in isk ingloulOwitidraw Mfriattilt alionld it be sr t esentotto thilllTnioi , '-canets kis a candi te for ,Ifiltedpikates Oenstor. 4 '. "'. i DITURIAL MIEVITIES. ~- , IT is proposed to hold a convention of 1 the principal oil producers of the country to adopt some plan whereby the produc— tion of petroleum may be decreased so as not to exceed the demand. ! ?he: ruinous= ly lei rates at Which crude is now sold shadows the pecuniary. ruin of the produe to; A nd hence ihe peat - necessity„tilditthg rourroPt, Action on .their pat*, It jig c iimidilutt American' iumi foreign capi- . iszers hieseformed mercantile to temporarily force down the price of pe troleum, and in the f end realize enormous profits from, their_ schemes. „An___oll "pro. 'duCeri'usioilstionsit is claimed, 'Min-dorm- eared the influence of the speculating cap' talists by weventing exceisile T . develop- meats. IN England and Wiles there were 10,805 deaths from cholera.. during the : quarter - 0010ber' ; 1 - K18ep:, In Abe 'United States thire Were during the four months ending Deceraber lat, 10,805 deaths from tlie genie 'Arend - disease . thqugh . - i the,elghtli city of , the Union in 9;910,0f P6/0004-PontgiPoo mere thin one-third of this mortality-8,532 deaths. In New Yorkilite Were 1,189 deaths from cholera; in Philadelphia, 884; in Savannah, 881; - ' in Nervi• Orleans,lB9; -- in Richmond,' 104; in Vicksburg, 210; in Memphis, 899; in Louiaiille 159; Chicago, 978; in the army stationed at Richmond, Va., 99; at Jeffers9n Barracks, kio„ 149,,and atTybee island, Ga.; 90. - -= ' Jonas Swiss's propositionto repeal al together the five percent-Aim on manatee, - turessoeets; as a matter of courib, itli gen eml approvaL Not only are the employ en widths employed in litvoroi it, bus the consumers unite their voices to the c ( T u 4 entlat4 " : _ Whether Lit M - practicable is irihsabl to dispense entirely vriththisprolifiesouree of reienne is a matter sit calculation, and a. csseftit *nuttily. will be made before adopting so sweeping a measure; bat thai great reductions will be made,cto the relief of the community, is clearly manifest Coneumnauste dissatisfaction exists, at, Kansas 'City, Mo., among both Madinis and Conservatives, at Goveinor Pletcher's proclamation stationing - militia in Jackson county. They claimthst the presence of troops will cause stagnation in business and the heavy tax which will be levied for thilikupPOrt must necessarily stop the pre sot rapid„flow, of emigration into that sec tion of ectimtry. Tax appointment ~9 r :Major by- brevet has been conferred upon ErrwAarr - R. GILL BT., deceased son of the Governor elect, who fellat Wauhatehie, for "distinguished servicesat Ced4r Mountain, 4tlitsm and Chaticelloisville;" and of Laintieriant Col onel by, brevet foi....distizoloW ga4ntri atGettysburg and Ihrairlist;b l ", -- - • Wn ire - glid to knovi timithS feeling in Congress htdecidedly adverse to the crea tion of ticlditional National Bank CurrenCy. The disposition evidently - is to call, in all at theAtartitind redistribute at this Boutin- as; u to equalize, to es- large a-tiegree as possible, existing bankfilitPOTilegeilt_ _Tan flonetstrY of the Pennsylvania Build ing Association of Philadelphia, which's mainly composed of honest German chi tens, walked °Mast week to parts unknown, taking with him the entire capital of the Organiziolon--some fourteen thousand dol- Gant. OMANI' has sent a chickfbMrenty six thousand dollars to a real estate man, at St. 'Louis, to be used in the purchase of the old farm owned- by , his , father-in-ism; :on the Goose_ Otti, ten mike from:the city, as a finalitomesteadtbrldmatafand family. N. P. Wia.Lni is in his sixty : Snit -Year, but will hardly ever reach his slaty- sec ond. .He is now lyineha a, ,critical condi. ilon frees ;analysis, has no desire to recov er, and has &lunged r earthlY affairs in vitri;:of Idanarlyanfry- into-eternity. Os the oth of ,lantutry-_thq pith:ens of Morgantown, Wait are to have a direct veitenP•zi the question eta, :municipal subscnption of ;20,000 _to 'ale in extending.: the Monongahela'-- slack _water navigation pp,to titit'toWn: • THE, coktred people Of-t4O District of Columbia propoie to hold a sort of jubilee' in commemoration` of. the passage- of tin suffrage bill.' This' =Must of exuberance is - pardonable. ~ - - • _ TII4 , ,9 311514 ? .ockskilsAleikeltent—of delPhii are Out open astrite., 4s ainner al thing school teachers—particularly the ladles—Otani:all& kJ for theli, labori atas labors, - • Gov. CIIILTLIt has signed-Whit le known, as the "Susquehanna-Boom Bill," which was passed,at ths?lastfiessions thelegle lature. liE3lll —The Wheat Crop of ILi"itemis this year, lathe ophtion etthellaussOrsneet, hat:lMS :bees aseellett:' . . IKARIABILTIATIV6IIII'.=The Molt Certais Named? liver tiode.t•Tes, - Potties Core," for ttonorrber, sad all olaaues arising peak Yeatittil larllscretion, Contslaboo Ilbraral no babism, no Itaretlry. Only tea lt;Illato tantrset a evret ... ,Tltertwo abltrily Viitilabia, ban, lag no smell or any • anplessawt tasteiwad !Moot ja any way Injure tho stomach or bOwlds of the roost delicate. Cares la from two to tour days, gra Tad recent cake In twirati•tior boari. • beat by wall Nice. Wide package, $2: Ventaia- ' Bout oily yittebeigh JOHNI PLAMINGIS Drug and Patent Mediate Depot, No. H Market ,Ytat. . . m .43111.11192 17 11,111.11NESS;111 1 4d1"- Duktiv egy pis _ur_zar. BUALP.—Ditt HUB 0 4.. • 01/.71 ett i'LONIVX iwy n e y . .zwroura AND DEXIMINU, L on d ou , • ; i.cor ,, Best Este Cede: Stestaietp: •%aueon - • lisle Cola Elesteru ColaVerer. •Italr Mee eestorar:: Hate Calor aeatorern iteCollll64 •llandwa- 14 - nerallilla to boutaiii. /14tr ."" Ball°r6 V , the weaxen hal e . newel i.mtrowtht and Vier to L sure topreeace a nro gr...tyPe thi voting, met to grow/ tame sad strong.' eettA bSir t_ S i a. l a i i s 14 the elfde C ses.6 • ...Tare a Mlle; l a l l i a Llt le t r iirlatt,... ll3. Mae'. .14.03-IPLauattila,_ll. kin Target. ire,. end MANX IntUrrx..Ailestseny. • AN AUTUMN ".1911441101511161C::..-. NMs* nenv/ rola .lidnenna 1 4 04allilv.itid r cote. menet, to blow: aOrrildi !tannin body. ezham4.4 liko inanimate. nature theheiti elt 'summer, be. Mai to gali . and diroOpy:doWr 'ere the inedelnent winter makes its trying cinael SOW lathe thrm for liinwparatery canes* of the best adMiniatit4 inedt. aomartii•sfifflAcu.sirzz:4:-:': Peer and Ague in , Mdil set, ht ill parthie the country. ➢ ase une, quell filgite=intaellff rases the entire West. t o wen tin W. the noway iso..ealiedils deadlier than the 7, Hot it qeinine Isle Miliaria In Intstlnltteriletvern. liti n tilaTTEßM SlTlling is irresistible. Iswonni . that sar ate er ' , Weveggid.A o .AlTlZlrrd i git bdezempted from the _disorder tov aarpartleular • .I,ll.m i 4aTlad v itzerz phablu i t liming take the dariegthe term of tbe contract, - Irgere kas never bests aminstanoe ha mdial= Which this staling invigersat aad anth.rebilla medleine felled to wanted the nplain whta: tatto au as, pttatton Tam bla liseentess erne etPLW nothinge W u Nigel •S a , • nerrinelMectlone seel HOOT 11 I l b . 4 1 andrarld.CwhpLeirmi• strengthening prepare, II Olga% gamin, Ojau BUT'S concocted, ' • ,; -- 42 - 254 , #iiif OW 4 , 54 /ffills and. is cot a i sdlUnioott 4ogot to meow Athardanninds for Ow W 172% and all Gas paper* thronglund the Mind Bawd and she ainadaa WETTACS .45" 311EASO11T, • I • • BUCCEStOIis To C1311339 11 AN L CLALRE, - I bUieursetarers or OAK veAtass BELTLG. go. 110b1iioireet, Allegheny City.:•± Also elsorterent Nalting_st AMUR.. HOW: 340. lele Liberty street. Ylltsteirtti. , O. 014.111 i. Dept. a Worier.,'' 11:9*IDIAT,13/001/011. ; . z•iluit ' ir amass, - ?ARIAN AN ti g r o a othET ptux vLer.P. i ' IIARD itiZEIVEBB. . ILVAII BOXISS,,te . tc, .i. E. lIISED4 CO.. Ni- a ruth Janet,. Yor We by PRODUCE RECEIVED. APPLIDS—tOO barrels enolee Truitt ultatit—d barrel. choice Sweet; :AitttllASZ-I,C OO boxes Sara C utting: BUT Onztas_ pelage fresh, to arrive COB NI Al ILA L-00 bash. dined awl throat YlOllll- :,003 lbs. limited and Chace; • .IVlLTlLY i kr i gar r gzantilltticienst„ • datltekl i tAL,l o barrels *bolo; • lo d ese by . H. BIDDLE. - • 'Ho. lin Liberty street: . g. ST , .. . . . • . __, HASKOW A LARGE STOCK OW nuts 71.W1S CONFZOTIONABIES. OAKS% TOYS said all other goods In hl. lino TOW TIM HOLIDAYS, and he conic:metal attention to nil Minato? NIXIE 0 ()ANDY. at - - SO sada Wound erect, Alleiheur.. detriplo) . r - GOLD IfATCHER AND CHAINS • FOR 'SALL BY J. R. REID Co.. No. MI TIM strut: 1M2113 CLOTHE SACQUES, Water proof Circulars, Mad Irpoi Shawls, Broths Shawls, TOO SALL AT LOW YOWLS, ST ,j WHITE, : ORR & CO4 • No. 25 Firth Street. AD Z.- 13y OltrliANW - COl3ll D ll, • lIILL,YInue of an order of the rpliesal . Coati ftnabe Orant7 of-.l.llentuoY. no. l ag Dep. tester Tenn. Man the following property w 111.01: PIMP at Publlonale, on the premise., - On Thursday, JanuraY 4th, / 130 1. Abotit I AND THICIZQUALIITED ACRES 'OPY ' LAND. et:edaly stunted. end . w i rtnnt =Us: of gtfole i zagy•P`. o ot. ° l73. *Tfuteptie_77 ! learns alleiltesy and nen Brie:te n IluroP.-.. le eoeeselble by a new township road. sad to an ealtabty adapted for a country seat.. It will be wad at Annie* inn o'eloelt i. ht. Teta:nor payment' i t ' eV tn_q_7lrurifdtrATAV.e/i BM:P= I it ' agiro. ' loeri n n. street . IntteldniN or of • • de17:011 ANA BenaLLIIA/f. Onaintall, : GOLD WATCHES• AND OHMS: YOB BATS BY J. R. REED CO, MY CHRISTMAS OUT, • • - GOR EVERT ARTICLE OE 11IME a: YOB OITTe, cell ►t the Ouse FurEishilig Emporium Tee esti end BOOT IILACKISOOMOIT6 Ea&t.n . PLAT T D OWN Ett 8 ITS, kILOVet sae BRITTLNIA TEIosZTS, and 1 Oddlnely PLATES! Tit, and TAILS SPOutle. VO.- Btl atidUk4l3l"/IMELMEIIMP.ENSp6 Voids ask vsll= vja to go, or ells. ►rUote rowksa ask tar In the flue of thoraopt tto►ee•pa*a+•)Wi. Ilarderare. - • No. 121 Wood Street. ..` W. W. BRADSHAW: FOR THE HOLIDAYS. INADESS F FURS, The lumiess and Best Mork hi libeeit7 sEttnie - *Ear Loa A* sat HAT, CAP AND YON. STORE yYIo4ONC= db 'WOOD STREET. _.; SKATES! SKATES! Prize Skates, - Club Skates; SUNS DB THE MILLION, ; O CI- ri Di",lo litalip.hßallalisr, WWI; IDESSOLLEION OF PARTNIMINFIK —The inutueriblp Imre tofore entitles ley Ind beterien the oadeit Igned. under the useneand style of owsos, /TEASEL:TT a Rearm; us. bogie QM Any ditirdred by mutual consent. 'SUMS Harper retiring from the Area The b. , 4 1 1e 1 4 1 •;7,,a. b hemulieruondoeted bl irtderloh Owens ilad Jobs Kennedy, under tLe came and style of1411:3111. lESSIEDT, eLthe old Meade reflUrni:lionere rarniazor E. coriro4 . . JOHN . • WILLIAM ITAIIPITIL. • • • dell:VX) SEASONABLE - G6ODS. • . . SOAPSTONE , ' cannnuss,',PAT;* ' , EST ettIDIIMIT. Portends List 4 mos ar 0:1111. OirlAgrwtabmiriKArktikerig: Unarm, eh Wit. arm awned sal Is cm Ilst% St the 1110IIPXXIMIUSUeie 2.laintnni; - Vico. 124 1217c004 Wlcripp". w Wp BISAIRSUALIC. VALUABLE 'MOUES •/4 IBONDB—,; nittsatUdA EVCINIIiro, Deo. UM Boom, ute emlthaett= 4?""9".791,1'r •71,J19 25 shares eltluast 60 .• Beetotan.slosanoes °mower tj 1 - SOO 1,0• sterisilkoteergr a; ' ' • Ualais• ao •• • -do -' • ' ` - f to • • %tumble ottCompeee— s 003 Otty of rttutrarett peroese.d., . s.ps Aimbssy costar s yer eent..Damproettess I,eoo Juleetiefff City ever east. Doodle' • . deg .. • A. IicILWAINE. Allettaaalles RODE NAWS FI9E WATCH; /MMUS'S inwe WATOON lIIDZILLIVB 7INZ-WATUIIBB 12=5:3 EM:I VOIITT THOUSAND- Uri%ll--or PRINCE% AUTOMATIO ORGANS SIND Mi- LODEIllin. Xleiltlistrasosnt vattsatedDiellVL !TALC& Illoitrate4 Cations,. nigh Inidik ' , ldir4l ol2 Of styles, 'Mpg sum free so say Address:, • ~ , cussuarTE amts. - ", 21r0..43 Fifth West, second door ll T read. .r dell Wholsisli and Retell /meow FLOVIU. CORN SWAM •AL Foley Broads of rt. Louis Moor. , Ctuttro Br ands of Winter Wheal Min , wood do. do do: . Oster.' roots, good to cboleo brae el ,. 'A1N,%111,-1,or• White Corn Yes] Mtn dried; ' Yellow do dp - .4 1 12: old I"ed. MinboAnreeztrav,,,,„. IVAIX.OIII6IE 1308111110i1GITAXD •• . • niffle:ea Mame now oeciatad bc s •hadd flair/1 4 0u., eel* • treat et 20 (eaten eestr4 and Witte on Third 'treat. #l..ite-feafi 'W *met in thence Le the wit ene. tot 25 tilt elde. Title Itldliritable. ApV7l.O EIMIZI CANDY TINTS! wale .79:5; - vs band and for isle at ZABTISC EBIJIDS br. w. . 1111721tH1F2r4C0., —esisdy - iusd ItnileulizZetitrets., Comet BRtm and tapes*" mirm Orrscs MoNOweAnzLaillOX" 'WM! Prrrescaair;Deeelsberlo, 1593 NOTVrWe ire d wlth si ass member °tan: pin, ' v nAvin H. OLIVER. - - • „muss bola Oeptember 11th. INTO Nagle lid skyls of the suit immast.t, -, LiVrts. OLIVE.* I PEIIT,t,III.. goonssurverrawA, veriend - relit -P•raill lei t-- Imartaisli atig. / 31 acklyesiss4 • • isnalletored 110:44 VesFiiessz i. m.„ „at.. GOLD . WAMCDES CHAINB 1:1=1 JAHR T. BRADY & - Omuta, to a. Joust a - I :• g l it I ,41 , or • - • - ` , ll2looplilielltiffillo eDt •;:proreim . 43 101 1 1 1. 111 V OU P CMIL il 4l laiktc.rtio*; l 44 6, ""iil""' /I ". l*ini"2 giilNkicitites ---- I -lOWA *towed ea Tlike Weak MS! SKATES! SKATES! T...n.kvz RECEIVED ROSTOV DT +4ITOOK, Mad °lrate the Trade • selection Mai 5A PAIRS OFYAmors sun . prCliaSlog Astiperil - call -Bug examine: ow: Stoe4iias I cair OFFER BEAMS SPECIfiIMITICEMEM I I JAMES, BOWO, NV 136 Wood Street. OLD; AND CHAINS G YOU SALE BY MEI= 110LIDAT PIMENTS, USETIVM ORNAMENTLL. BOOTS, 311011 S, MOBS, 1311MORMESI, AU:AIIEA AMO PAW;Ei AT street. THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. 1 CMS= I CAW AND SEE OUR `ASSORT &ENT -07 INITSUL AND OENAIIIt INTAL GOODII ‘ imitable tor GNU. ootttlittag SKATES, ALL SORTS AND MINIS. NEON INIOWSIN PATENT BABY TENDER. I WALNUT 311A031,11% sons SxO ! BOOK. RAC A. TOILET IVAR ~ . JEWELCIANKEIN. FINE WHITENS DEEDS. .LAVAINEOHING METE, - ; • LAVA VANI MATCH • - CHINA AND LAVA NMI-MONS, ATTHEHOUIMMUSHINI EMPORIUM istii!virecott *street.' . " w-mr. BRADSHAW. NEW -GOODS, - NEW - GOODS, JIM SHEPHAR P'S Steam Cracker Bakery . CONFECTIONARY, 317 • - Malloekr•tv Eitreset =MI 641111 WATCHEICAND CHM" clam iIIIIVITL PRESENTS irc,xiar,Ak;lro, JIIItOPILNI.D AT 3EIL 3Etit3t-rilr,s, 11/14,251-Wood , lftreet A . C;37frlf.f.. - "Itrrimar OF. rue 41253410 and at,nsw and LAVA:ware, •tmoossairD - Ts*. Tar-r 1 Au of *Mehl! awed cu try Ipost ruiessbli ratan OH! ,cour AND SEE • ODIENTAL ' 'ARM VII • BUNTA I TLI CAMP lITOOL. FOLDING BEDS, LEO , ,-, *Lain= nastrzan, - FANCY HANICNIA , • . T arruney„ •wissown.Low . , . WOOD GOODR, lirgesfjuideasid Salmi asap:imp:int la DaWait W I ow yefrl pica; Gibs Goase•MAIIIIII AG. BRADgiuw. 5. R. am,* co; sortable FAMILY BEDSTEADS: `no PO togahf..fo Tatill,Ose is Ike Torii DOU *•aliitsitere OirlOa s iisit A 1V0 0,714 oflOoth fht nd !:it% A i da witiorot removing atoll or form orate, ow. be es AL Alo W n a bircin l it °Zvi: per. #o , Loca . ze i l i rzo)A4l 1 0 60 on. . • ... •• • - 1.10 MOO. • ' l ie * 4Yrrri . ell sautc4l.:_ It. OWUT.:4 BEITANA na.,Terq • LEATHER AND `CUM. BELTING AboAetilif Of tie but quern, i 4leven Plea. !tt tbe X3:l4lfie% -Xklollo*Pr,.X7ievocet, . 1108. 28MrlY28 8T:01/111 111MINOL Olt= 011 - ' -PASTNER• 1.- , IttlP.--11111' rattimplictirtigto_sluziNEl LI N eie e w "ea t L A miugra*Sia's - gr A rg w i g& eemb“rbl.utilitre,in • H. B. &174111° . ii& 11,2csizzaisai. mg.:: ~ - d e li alopm il"' AP.T; 2 • 1,14 0 i10c.14 ., v s . l , t ti tsba . 21.14,tatinstairmas. REDIOVALerTINE- VIDIE11118161K? ND hateraiiio . tia th ~..w " cisacs Mr= 35 Maitaisia -- is;.Fm4b*rabt stew or " c" , OLICOMPTS/ 12 : ArtintOrn. 1 tut suthienanai • AP OO . Oll e , Ladre a la.. 2111411116. • •Oa ' ." guavas alfutuAllah .1.4 t. HUD *AV? x.ci 9e rindrteai~ 314CRUM, GLYDE & CO., • • • -• . • WATCH STAN ateasT& . CRUD 13•51(117 4 3, TBLVELLTie 21A.G5, , . BLTEIIZI.I3. ' ALPUBES, te . . Z. S. REED CO So. 11811ttla PITTBI=IIf, EMEMEE3 3; a. REED & co. 11=3=13 /OS 211 X stanrun, V 9) /1 M M ! OM H. 1111 G BY. Ocr '•blMilent of Eff ==! land 80 Market-Street. ZUBROFORIES. LACE*, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLAR*, CUFFS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES MINDS FURNISHING GOODS, ZEPHYR SIJAMI,I3,_ • • SACKS HOODS, NITSIAB AND SCARFS nude weTsnyAt'illiW. ac. Storekeepers se Ili and-into their adssrit*So to assort their Stook trout our • ~ • Wholesale Department: am SKATES! SKATES! SKATES 9,500 PAIRS OF SKATES Just rtestrod direct from tho Manufacturers, :sad ..wog at ILMFACTUREILS' BROIL OM RORY MR'S MAMMOTH BOOR STORE, Next Door to the Poet Office Cali and examine the Meek and prlsea before Ina =1 HILLERMAN'S HAT IND PER MOM FLUIED *mon CELLAR TO loft With a 111011 ASSORTMENT OP GOOD% which U offered a% x.eovir Our 'pedant ROW b XAsuctilesse arid 124.exat'ai E" TYRffe.*:; SLEIGH Sz. CARRIAGE ROBES, Although prepared with •PM line et MEATS AND GAPS, vißoissaus Asp arrikiL SII4I J I2IVIA: , s No. 75 Wood Street. =EI GO TO 3ELCOX33II II :M I T I EW, No. 16 Nlttla Streit, FOR ROHM On They have jut melved ilifiaand wilt ielestit4 FINE 43-0013 S, CONSISTING UP . LA, Ail 0 N X,E3: AMERICAN, ENCIIIii ANO SOWS; Tir-A.TCHEB, SOLID olivEr N T, .Al l 4 P .1 - 11ArarLkay. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, 4AwFJbr duo." And Te 77 WTO stOek Of FINE SILVER-PLATED WAREF From the bat Manufacturers and the - - mar .I.4rzsr BrkLES. Do not forget the Old Stand NO: 16 FIFTH STREET INMAN TO BRICK 0 00 . 0000 0 1.1" r.nr Koons, With Eight Dien?. EtWORD'I3 STEAII2OWER BRICK MACHINE, xxstrrAcrinizo nY The littaburgh'Brick Machine BRICK. MANUFACtUIdrifi.Ms for the totem Lddle sd 13441asteni THE MACHINE IS SELF.TENI. + FAKING, coKa:ooly AI. ago. KINK' beiXi proportionea to the ex tent an I pops Wolter territo ry.) II rate byes n Inch eiltudar_anglee, works all kinds of clay, makes SUPLAS 811108, palmed la steel r i r d lit require: onlwlght men pm I V 9, fa% them In e teg i r ' d: ret biratin Our so MI Wish to ran the Warne. In aer Own TIM nnr nits of „making la from 411 lo 50_ otelnute. We elalm tilt lo be the best PAYIIILI to lit UMW A machine may be seep In opening& In tenYarel at tilanwood.• lOW mites above the city. on the • north alde of the Illetkowlebele MOM/ IT the Counallsellle Railroad. gesehlan Yard, County &entitle friguliforreinc. •Por PM Information, apply for amulets, In pee.. sou or rimed, at lie • • , We are Prepuce to 111 large enetraets'ot.brlelt. • basoples os the brick to be jean ft TO SIM. str itifiM 401 5 A1IBCHOSIIIIIICiLMACil0 18 . AND BILIOK.HADI OTACTUSING . • 808 unzirrr NT Prrrentraoli, gild /L W7; WIL L Is t ft ezt slisrrmip.' cretin., ' Diesctozo.-9. afar. A. AtAleyi Y. Me V!, John Aiken, W. NI. Culp. , • - deetpl • • WETHERELL £ SLOAN'S • • ro-ELTI3:I:MP LIGHT EQUAL TO GAB 17.ALVJIZDrr. Gas Condensing Borne , Ilan es so y Lasup, and . DisronlyttAtal.T. with Chimneys. The no orooneest slum Earners 'spreads out shatiar that or `as. The construction Is such that she smoke Is *MEW la a into 3 I d :. " 4 1f.51%rd.Z 4 .4 " a lltuss= upon the hien for Its 'telt, bul,lft l i e zall saw pia.. ,*bicb le produced the5e1h010...1 . 44, , • Barns Less OH Thu ClibUieE Anat.:v.lone' man Brilitat* l ttlan 1117 ' STATE Apo COVEY RIGHTS FOR SALE. liaTma pernued tbe.rigbte, dtraostax of tbe. abate Hornets la Alltalian Clang, pattles4 tow to exam in e or P t nne. eau be aelatta us by 'calling at my nice, WATIt VT abort ismawleld, Elstsbangn• " 'JAMES BLACKMORE arOMMEalltlr WANTED Got"' 'gyms ;FOR • TILI TAlrgtti&oltuois.4l i tr.s. Y. i. tutteD • wz Ott. J., u . rie t w i A ff iuessk B T O d m • -1, „vle. o. .:. II at: Maly altrwit. GOLD AND7:2IIIMED , Pill!Ely od st•Wo•lrest: ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GOOD, lISETO'L, HANDSOME, and ENDURING. ESTES & NEW YEAR'S :SEENT IS . WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR Holiday StoOk of P1C,.'1 1 4 1 M, r 4.„300." , 5 , ..o(*s6:t., 1 W. _.. P... EMERSON'S: PIANOS., Mason 4. CABINET ORGANS, Whiaiwill baths I . lll4est . colletticia of.these itrimitaiu ever .zstithuea in mi . City. THE GUESI MOURING PIANOS, Which have been before the'eublle for nude halt egeatary, isialutels their eepremsen :being the Phouteirreys used try the westd *egress artists and oar hest tuudeure, ILS wien es our own mule". tested tithe's*. The bet ttustorei. 2,000 CIIIIMEEMING PIANOS Hare h t i r s e t e i n' e se .111r t n i szyl it s Prof. =kV oar Ut•asas. ' go areas cre n mani Wooer th e Goan v tor the Chute:Ws Pianos. that It Is an Im posaltallty to 11l orders with any degree of of and It laonly by : Tory epeeist favor of Ilte suentacturers that Ve Amer secured. the Intosti aa•erb lot for the Holiday., winch will be constant ly anivina from new to tha 20th Mat , and eom• raises tho-oholeest styles that are mad. iz _ 1 : - , ,:' tifeis iiiie as si tiii, 'Oacisry. :The UnAj j aeheble tikrASON'' - 'PIANO% The Cheapest ctioa Fine Ilade. The Interim Plane &applies • tools and . aeSerely fait want—riot is. Oats •welPwade.. Sae - tone d and Wing 11111111191 Mat at • /moderate prtea .Thei" are snachrof the moo thersashly sesernied wood. haw the most approved aro Lesr• • eelentlie man rowan ref; . bare over-woad bass. fait .hamtaelin - iron goose, and altnnodern Improvements. The Paraltnre Is 01131•1111 aad elegant deshra. didihed In twat rosewood. Amery varnished and polished. The groat moms we hare tad with the Minereon r laden to %beg •TrAt merits. The, piddle Ma . given them a 1171114 II•111 found theYwrd woe. rh;7erwildwrice, and are buying as Cass se we cau get theta from the factory. . Prices about _One-Halt wbst Is asked for the west renowned makes, WE WEMLIWT THEM Ma FIVE YEW THE BW•BET•TOXED DiaNon Br, ElGainlin CABINET MK 'The Rest Perfect- filament Ever litutei L Thatit sail g 0 ItY "In tie *mud - la every Chard'. Sebbate llobool4..llrewlareltoolo, arid gar for, being alike suitable Au Sacred or Secular, Vo cal or lustrumem al. Quick re Slow Allusle. to brigs there MIMI" f9a suagn OP ILVIIIIIMODP. Y e • o m U prtoe w s =i T th=s rer lwarruya, in,, ra n i an w Inf term SIS 'Jiro. an al fur,ea round In ore, yogis*, au ay Separate-m . , Batas Price as at the Factory. WS West' two the Keit ,Ileilldey !ride Alas seassikootdead doles one leo' litstalkhad emit• mu. siiti yew know ire ess oal7 da oo 17 - alrering great todoemetints. ',Mob we do, as our iitga• unosoilly 'tane, - ;_ind' we ham cot down . pole.* to the tart; lowest fgoridk. tope m• id it. DOUG WI at oar roast!r wfrituterlthsy mintiobw, or net: sad lee leall be haIIP7 to stow them our stock. SHEET- -MUSIC 1.. le AND , sisal Chwd' In great Vaiiety. FOR IP3EI3:IIEIZIINVIE3. REMEMBER, . ; THE MAO `.~' WORD ':STREET; Betweei Dianond Alley Indy ith Prnsstatcar, UIIIEIOROI SOLE AGENTS FOR Chickening & lions' Pianos, Emerson's Pm liasiT ilaiiilhes Cablthigals TwassantsesEts, D.C. 1414 Mk: THE LTS TW ANNE ASTS: L ES ELECTION OE T WII or the 01)11-YELLOWS FUND ASSOCIATION, 1. Will beheld In their LULL. lc Tahtettskeectlle, shisDANT Sib, 1167, at 6 o'clock F. it. de17:01 . - JNO. BICSANT. Bocce uo Y. FIRST NATIONAL :ROM Or "-* PITTBSTraika.-lbe,ktiikii Sleetteat for 1:1[7 rectors_ , * .11 ; 101*. 113.k2i1L aFtll take vista .e I.4*mi/cr. 10 .. 21 " , " tde mink. iermgea ar:, lad S eijock P. 11612 lICULLY.Veabiar • Ptrrestructt. December ina, 1 3 : 4 . • ktutAteNATlOtiAt /4,74 AN ELECTION FOE NINE Dl* RECTOBS, to semi for the ensuing wt be held et the BANKING HOUSE, 0W 4.0711)4T i JennwrY sth, ttn, between the hours of 10 A. H. .;:nt dm: Se 1..Y.-42eahlet. THE 1!1 Mom, ETIONEL BAr•% • . ALLEGHENY. Dtcanbet BSA I g - THWAriritrea. Exact-tilos' roil DUcctort Of title Bank EH, bed Q ._ VtrESDA.I. JANOtax-ste, •-• Betereen s thotoors of 11 L., rade ,•• al the a: iItAVID 1 14 Hani o1 — • . . - : • t QuSONitter. • n , ntCTION inte far BeveriDlrectors of Mb Bent. to earn" for the ensuing year, win be held at the Bank, on TIIRSDAS,-Jannaro Stb; L4.T. between 'Wetlnds et It A. ie. anti?. If. - • • ' . • • tlellsplß • -•• ••- GORDO'S, ClAlet: I'mIf:NATIONAL BANK . A.l.LiNtilittir, PA.. Dec. f THE .4INTIEret - ELECTION FOB DISECTOBS of thla Bank, will take putt at the BANKING HOME, on TUESDAY, JAsouulf tietweeti_the hours of 11A. If. ind tr. X. ' dittlipsll • JOHN P. XIILMER;CuIiIer. ALLIWILINT NATIONAL BANK, 1 Drreszaseu, December stli. MAT: 1112F.ANNITAL: ELECTION OF 111-. ,ILECTOBB of ILI. Bank. will take place at the Bestial House, on TUESDAY, Januip . Lb., OD,: between tbehoureof B. Ind 2 -" - 4e111983 B. W. MACNZT. Cashier. !: Usrosulllwriolydr. Bart' .. • • *--," Priyeausen. Lleaesober 80. AN ELECTION FOR 'NINE DI 'II.IICTOBS, to serye thf the ensuing year will be held Id the 110C/SE.,ed„ r tlradiOda% :emery VI, ies; between the heirs erit a. erAnd dC10:1741 _ 19. tIiCITH. Cashier. Iso:r CITY NATIONAL BANK OV EITVBDO I 4II. ( • ; PISTSISCOVI V. ISM. THE ANNEAL 'ELE CTION FOB DIELECTOBIS UN - THIS BANS; will be hen on. TIIKEIDAY, January b. teeT. - between the hones or 1 ands *With r. Nenktni Nou de n. t0301,T . 3011 N as A Gomm; comer. riceLisai NATioxAT. SAINTS. Or Pirianniait, 1 ' •. , • • • Pirresunan(P 2 4 Deal. 2211. •s . THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF D1.+41E0T011.13 .+41E0T011.13 will take One as the Bali/LING MUSIC, ca7I:7IBOAS. Amway leb, MX between the boars et ni.Z2222412. and TROT. 21,.• ...,.,,, , _ deMrarbolleT ,- . - - 11 y .M.. 111111121.3. ambler: - 112:21:22271 alt.. •N tyr`acninzas . 31 1 . I 1 mat, Dee.1102:1124, .:2 liar. - ANNUAL ELECTION . FOE 4 •• mecotoms of Ude Beak wlll Lae pie:teat the II 11/12/111112 , 11 0 11DE. on TM:BOAX. Jennur the stb., OS; between the hours of it ol X. and 2 74. Z. debbner . JOllll SCOTT.-ja.. Cashier.:. TEI4OSI,#TIONAL BANKIArTS I I I / 80 :U. eta. 7ttt. S E i s r. .F ' Eleetla l rfof !Mt, ItrAlk.lVAlt.lhiSlV,PtsleertiL .d i er te, Jame:nits; Mimi the boon of at 11 and . _ . . • dalenol9 •••JO ' • • LIVLITOBTO•• Micwoca , tiAnolcaz. Berf t • _ - PlTTSetreare, Dee. I - ANNEAL ELECTION- FOR i lli n i rrivivas or TRIM B tie be held at the BANKING HOUSE. on TUESDAY, Jan tertifeen the Dam pA. et, and 1 Weloot t. x. JN Q. b. 3411111111, TRlU,Strawn , a Orricts. December lin, litn. NOTICE' 11' TIEESIIT GIVEN. TO the holders or In . Der cent. lititil ellYAL BONUS of the Lux of Anoghooi. thee the Coupons on said - DODO ladnittir awl leelleff Wt. tell ,_ will be nald'on add day (lose the Wale Tax) at the Bank of Pittsburgh, to the - City of Pittsburgh, Py-_4- 1)..31wCY/1180N. _dentnes. s Tetweiresof the City ofddlentony. • „ OMR. Del:Caber 121.L . 1114 ALLEGIIIENIII. CITY . :CORIPBO• lgal. BLINDS WATElf...Persons holdlne,flom oltel ga i t & C PI 49.17ieft= ill to Inotente4 ln'thene Bonds nt the lowest rates °Amt. Peoporaliwill bereetwea.byl.be signed untlf w . latutnen . the Ist ofJannevan67. delltann .. Treason: of the Cltyof. Allegheny.. R. J. arnos....w. C. norm...al. 'A,. iti:xliaut.. '10141!4HOPPF111!1 , , UlvAmeasoss to R. B. ItaligartVE: , - • . . . No.- '4Es Broithfuild — St.r. sunvi4:tpral..#/)..uiiiissii parlor, Chamber, snd Ditiing 14 M 1, SOP* OFRCI AND Funiquat; . .. ...To r ther tilth I,tqloisioitmeatait _ iittabili z 'fildaiidiatured Furniture, ConstaallT On tumid and for mak ti the N.sColPl74lNit o/RlWiffi.+ Z 11•100 prrreswneg -:::Y ;.: PIP RI MAMIFIVITRINIO., . PPing:PAPe . exarroN MI L L. riscranrin.ax: }MINTON MILL, NEW BRIGHTON, A. .OFFICE A I I D ,WARE/Orail: . No. 82 Third °Street, Pittsbinkb., 0111t10 . HAM= 17. ed den . J a lik ozr. .Livt.trawrort, mama: lalluccums — Awsta ftr o e.DPit'sk = Hartman. John B. Livbagisma...leba .11. cash raw for Paper *task. 866. FALL 1866 clAoati=-s. - • We is Now raltittlni Itir TALL" TRPPZ_ the most extesalve stook of good* wit bare ant had the gleams of offerini lo Our Plarlms• • * English BrusseltatutTapestries, Ott aaiai afue 1167 lad iium umn =top us!, "ziounnizitzio imam 'Lam um= Seraillepat httensof Caikes,' Side 'IL 6atie Tassels, LOops Bands, Choke Stylei NoWns.Curtatos. - Hos: 71 and 13 YI.IIII seairarr_ . lia • Neal ise to V. S. Custom Rouse and Post I)Mai. . , C.AJMD. Th CONUDEBATION 01111iln A-0111$ aXPLUSIONEI that are weekly. occurring form the taut of ,u4rEirnt OIL, the toaderalgned bare coucladen to aetl . Abar OW AT. ILLTA.III.-at -Noe 88 ISEaslauat Mt:pet:4v %be on I. gaga rasteed to STAND A BIRII TUT Or 110 1360 Kati and upwards; n 121114,101000, :Ritt er ezpart :ll b rd a r e°l :6 B 2 : l= lUP"t ib l a ii oU LT H A o.oll4 4.l{7 ItrEIFIJ3L NEILLIN PO. 33, 'mum= triszrr. Idsaldntits and In others as Ur - turabbed Spar= and remit.= Lutdiestors at retall. - _. - . . ;100ARTNETIPHIPNOTICE-4AREES JUAN a- 10111118T1 has • purchased _tee interest of lIALL.In tee fires of JOHN .13A101....11 00. The some sod etyle of the Arm whit beJOSL24aALL Ss 00., es heretofore. .7.1.1111.11 N. canterr inarass VALLEY FORGE . PLOW WOURit;, 121 Onalsl3,l4Wotri7 Uses'. Plltsburgb - JOHN HALL lk Maiturseturers Of-all varieties of Nartarra Raft south.. purwi, UNION' mowiats, swami - HAY RAK6l4,_tilitertrATOßS. dealers to AGRICULTURAL LaiPLEJILINT3 of all de !cepa:cam • • rcruasmaii, Del. 1, ISM. MILE =COTTON WORKS, .E. HYDE'S SONS Ara now PriPared ocerrox rAsir, oassrr coils. • CIOVEILLZT YAWS. O.LIIDLILWION, TWI:Nyk serrnius. COTTON WARPS, •• • - WEST CANAL STREET. Deflates Rabfasen sad Laeoek. taleghesy City. Va. T. S.—All Onten sy,mall. attended tow • • not VC FITZPATRICK & t3ROTHER:' FIRST PREMIUM GOLD PEN sitaturwartrazite, 411 . 11Lint 2 =irlattr/V. near Tblrd street /MM.& . PENS AND CALLS...WOottIoNo A REM ISPAIBILD.•t , • Persons out o egg Osrsit,Ooos to rePntr Can sand um D mil and prompuy returned. . SIXTH WARD TAX PAY_FrRII:- NOTICg . HEREElliallrElli Ait ALL T extra of the alXrveNtireLlatieehe Pala ore! ZI/OKIC TUX StOglLAtesTAlrrarAW be eat on dm wawa Tat= 7 . .zutur t ,eet Joll2l*Et ith:l4B wyue eF•. , W ! L • men to sell, by somplo or oiiiisket-onnerld rapidly selling Nog_ that kart loss money sallingpatest right and • •rtsh-tall gas gen ,. enstors." eta get permanent =DWl:seal. 1[...7 vinggoigis ilvanoed itonitiodLgostigtMcy matt to a piritsg boatnius. %net rtatejiliMedeloillg rer • .4Renrreatten rogdtreisi 10,4 UT. CLAIR STREIT, (Roma xa. L I WANTELN: irccro its , ctale‘yen arm B*elvis ran 0.-/Siii.4344iets;en4llg4telli' • - Addreu „ THU °Trio'. . • 1. • CIi&BCXYZ2.-6Work,of Illstorteel Tale andliettonal haw tante. t The only Work on oo Navy yet In the dold. tr i s ionte end no competltton. Io Pren• TAXIIAti It II 0138. NAV AL COM. MA NDESB‘ by Mon. T. HE Dh dt llngoltbed *lathe; eta Tltitortan. n o one hand• mane yobode. - 11InsIzated. Send of osee for term and territory. Address 1 A. TALC OTT. delitpLe l5B Market street. Plttaburib.-To. WANIPEDIIIf -1 4 JANVARY; • A GOOD STABLE, - rocaiaoivnisii:•soicar.s A D iniagy Apply to 1141a' I' 98 84 11 t k C0..1t EMIT:3 WAN.IIO.6;' - ' , ..cIEWCARPENTERti I.lthoi klLliNiiiiittlilNifFAClßElNG Calf- PAl r r'd WORKS, Natrona. Alleiheny Counti. dell :pa BY - A GENIE% - werrED UT THE. Elll.. 4, z 3 A sir i Ca utcHnis cotmutv t• un their NE las "'Actium. Will saw ftesn nuns paper to Bearer cloth or leather with• oat ebange of feed needle or tentlou.. belfhhrltlug U m. " 1..4 e= l, 7 -hetigaed.tbar Am:Aloha a " 72=116' r d IeML " L A MO ' ~ ~ --•., • -- fllaillthlllzset, Werra:4lloora Pittsburgh. Pa. WANTED—AGENTS—MALE AND rExAlx — ln grau Drt l t - vr•surn rcm3- I * / "4l476 th ier l rilTv rr 0 alfs*P" MAIDEN'S PRAYER," .LLNCOLNIMOM-11. AT IWW.3G/EILLI3.. Eltbeilry d e w ed nontb or an eoxamiudoet. publlth Arr. met a, Sot ton paptcatkrvat . y. • P rce . . 9l. 4ltss- - ,13 run street, PLUsbanitt. 11 .1 . ' I r )1' tO 'PERONTH for Gentlemen. and 113821 1I 1- torLsOnas. trreryabern ti - Introduce tans Sense Jthsally nearing Machine. thisered and pe Basted.' It arnlttem, stlton, q bta ss kl t : . asid and amnirdder nesAlll , rtee nnly the the etheuo todeotuela and any warranted tares roam We pay - oho atarra wage', Or a OM. Wigan, born IrWM. twice inns amount can t 4 made.. Address or call on U.: BOW'Lliti •00i Wave No. 5153 S.llftb threat Zidladel • a. rm. ViENTS WANTED FOR "THE MOST POPULAR BD Ma BLU aS BSCBI 11 01 10018 - 11111151111. We a r e the fiat .extenstre pabLishers to the Uni ted IStsteLlksslng ale bousesq) sad therefore es. seor4 Osseo-hooks shasper Atm POT agents a mots Monk commission that say other company. 7 Oar books do not pasathroash the bends of Clas en' , Agents; (es assay all other sabserifOlors works do.) therefore we ere coaled to ere oar 01121•11110 era the extra per sent. whist is nasally glowed to Omura tw EnPnlanced canvassers will see tatnarttSreaf...dosilas directly afttt the, pub- Oar merles elioirsees the moat popular Storks on snyeeta troportextes,. and eel lOW SeSISIY both asowth sad d Ot b s;stmas, — whott; best pay Ins nen:l4. ' 46.plu. senikstr elirsdrs sad se e . oar terms: sad comport OM sod the character of outworks wslth il ltose of ottamulegit i e t ris fo Wren 15CWIttor St..Phtladelphts. AGENTS ,IVANTE . D F1111.14M XORgir EFADT WOMEN CIF THE WAR. Bj rswc:imiosie . ask. *-rmsexatas .. . , • • The *Vitali of Ms wash Is t walled and P= l oarratlvea of the services of the comes who . Ilio_petils of the war,sad ought to Inherit Ita gtor , • , The TOWELS oOntilillik- about 600 octavo pages, and to Dtgastsataalwitt , ataelplaua_portralts. ved In the most Improved style. Bald only hi, • Sot 4 ' lreoian. addressor spay to . , •• - - -wair .4 Howim. ...... r " .. . oce • - ... /UN 69:111AII atreet.Tltisbartb. METWANTED, ' • TO ACT Ai :ALEUMEN, _ E ther tz srmanatill i r o,lz4oo=tg ai r . 7114,17 PgFcfa #141" w . Bum ': 9131Grantrtalet. Prilatnag 1:13y1 Wirt° ArltPAliE,At'S ELASTIC ittlakeg LOCK STITCH SeY7K I 4, T. a s Are Tat Bina for r . m*. L 1.4 iftnnaptarlos roses. andieV;maiti: ab. .rink area. DOSI7IOFDECEITED BY: Ylourtablueball column adv.:the:bents allure:ler Utarblues, but gala GBOVett & BAILEIL. - • It by been truly tested for sixteen - • years, =dui by all escape - teritYuddegir* SST No r is if sixtb. isstroot. GET .. NONE GBOVEB . BAKER for a • Holiday Wit. It la reliable. porton and banana the bent.,Doixit WI tonsil and no list .<.__.; nrrn ISTREST. TEI I6 9BOV ER ITAILE II BEWINC MACHINE' istheuzimsxii.i4orgeastasza. rigwve-raalual, - HO IS FIFTH SFBEET. uc%. 1 T117:21 " lam" Greyer& Baker No. 1 Sewing linelline Ben" Irzeriluire• /I MI best i" •heir . iaoa:ass- NO. IS /WM NUM T BARTLET'r . , • $2,5. _ ;A : - .. -- • - sgsviNc MACHINE.-- Mai cheap Licensed League In the Vatted Slates. Agentewanted elan - where. Pay $5O to UOO per taco:6h. :Laclede dtamp And sddreu . • - PAGE BROTHERS. tieneral Agents, •14 Cheitnit itreet,Thlladelphis, and 7tpl Stun. mu street, Toledo, Ohle. . - • • dellrpl AIXIIOR/LNT TAILORS. I:*3-101;it'ae - gt:Ctis 3- 1 : ffigIICIIANT TAILOR, siorthintie Corner of Pena & St. Clair . St*, Dostret to retort', thinks to tits friends sad tee pee. to fur the num, post favors. and tetPottAlllT lour its whore ot thole: tutors patronLlO. Ho wool plesied totave thew erszolae CL Loanand Cuddly Selected Stock Fine Woolen Goods -'r.tied.iyaspto.tos 1131131131 MI In ina AD IBM. sroolkor Steyr la store a large and complete stock of, SUITS - ANDOPEIICOATS, 7or the Winter &siva. Prices Low. GRAY & -LOGAN 1 ' ~No. 47 st. Clair Strtct. .T9BACCAII ExcEulaoa TOBACCO WORE& R..' & W. JENKINSON. 11.11137•071Thiall 07 ALL EIXD6 or Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars / s . No. a PEDRILLUStraIMrs TIIOYAE Z. MILL J. BROWS' "UM hum ausPejuIonBATIVOJECH NI. PA. -811141alk &west BaleM. Oblo: • xert4:l4ll • idanoniman% and , 'Madame : and Tietall TOBACCOANUFF AND CICADA, No. ISTRZST. PAisirazatt; PA. is_rre. akiejimeist EdItERSCELAIIM PI 1.`28 and ddildn.W.O.TyaddeCO. Of Ind bast.snagl4.llar on nand': • • LITEI le)z{q:10:-.1 1 IT',$atulzi_:1a0111 usu.= zar roziacur Aro mamma sEGABA, MEWING - TOBACCO , , „ Smoking Tobacco, .Pipeas,ac r 404 /filerwreast3l2, Otrlier .1411647.1 . 0r1124t0 J4BN 'NEEGRILINT II . 2 . , Illsaiilliturer of mid WEOletale wnd Retail Maar la allltladsof . . ' llitieleki:..EntifrilUr Cigar% ' la titaloateiP. AIMELIELEPra sti l ic=w a r=l cray."..taitrbacW224. tosso r _ 214149u44takatutobartaiailasocks.. • .4100,14W1TV/sErAra-t , Tr 4 m7 , l* - I.9.9"3: l, lwV l l 4_. 4 *lnglio.csas_ fit, srrst YUis • ' * Neellingwaz II c===;) =M=M