The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 15, 1866, Image 1

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CzITY rrEsa
Insurance Company
wiirtm• YORK.
E. S. - WINSTON, President.
4•13Ca0,00K 7,
AinealiDlvidadis Available bi;mmllely,
Polley-holden and other pons Interested In tn a
newt or Ling lantlnAßOle tio are Invited to call
on the undertagned. nient of the Company. who
win cheerfully give them tall tatottaation as to the
merits and praealeal working of the Comma/.
No. $7 Fifth stmt. Pittieburzti.
For everybody, at Plitock.e.
Skates! Mateo! •hates!
Tlie diem:mit and .neat skates, at
Owns% Dtipateh Building
- Conine Park.
Children under fourteen years of age can
procure season tickets tor. SI.SO.
Quart Cans I
of 'TOmPtoes.2.s eta, at Jessee H. Lippidcott's,
corner of Second and Ilmttbdeld fits.
Special Sale -
Of Stsakets, commencing Monday next.
Marker a Co., te Market street.
Stall lig Beets *U Gaiters,
Just the thing for ladles and gents who go
strattng. For sale eheaW at Palmer, Anstmtz
St,Co. , s, al Market street.'
Equal t. she Emerge.
Gardiner, be hi selling Boots and Shoes less
than cost. Must have stock reduced by .lees
°PIMA HOOSIt SAO t &roar.
Consumption of the Lungs Only a Alga.
It is believed by a great many physicians of
the present day that the disease usualig.ealled
Pulmonary Consumption Is not an Idiopathic
disease, but merely a manifestation in the
lungs of a general diseased condition of the
aids and supplying organs of the body. This
7 - 77acifi tecoming daily more apparent to all
close observers of the diseases of the lungli,
and pulmonary organs. Dr. - Kenai says that
the same morbid condition of the body which
produces ulcers on the lunge
_will produce
them on any other part Jurit as surely, if the
part is in a weakened or debilitated abac—
i lin es, weak limbs.will have ulcerated legs. If
- the membranes of the throat are * over used
you wilt hare ulcerated sore throat, such as
singers' end those who use thesiocal organs
• much are predisposed to.
Sometimes the disease will manifest itself
in the nose producing nasal catarrh with a
soreness of the liniag membrane of the nose
and an Increased, offensive discharge there
This is nasal catarrle—a very disag
able but reitilly . ebrable disease. Dr. Keyser:,
Pectoral Sytfir will cure most of these cases
in the beginning._lt will =wave care &recent
cough or cold. e have known Dr. Keyser's
'Pectoral Syrup to cure a - add In the head in
one night, and it does• so'by draining off by
the channels appointed by nature the morbid
matter which causes the cough or cold. The.
. public will be greatly beneetted by paying at.
• :melon to whit we say. The great remedy is
to. take Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup 'early in
the disease-before the disease is allowed to
settle and fasten itself on any vital pert. .1t
can be swept out of the iystem frith. a line
doses in the beginning, but if allowed to se=
itself, it will toke.sresko and- months to -
• We believe that the day is fat apponaldna r
-when Consumption wilt be as cosily cured as
Rheumatism or Alga. The cure of a disease
is moth more easily succoreplished able start
than when It has got under way. Like an In
vading army, a few lard blows in the com
mencement will stop its progress, but when
once tinder way it attacks and breaks down
hoary barrier, until - finally the Constitution
auself is made to succumb 'to Ha =vases. This
is plaidocontatin sense and out toettlke every
one it. the - Atm glance. What is proposed
with Dr. Keysees Pectoral Syrup is to mire all
_ lungmalaelles in the beginning. It win do it
with unerring certainty. When they become
All/War soil of Wog: otooding. and when the
powers= life sits gradually' Mang burrowed
into and'wOrei iway, then It will Mks some
-thing more Pfeiliesimie and palette power to.
renew and revitalize the blood and establish
the standard of health over, that of disease. -
Dr. Ithyser's Pectoral. Syrup is now sold by
moat respectable druggists and at the prod
otong,Uo Wood street. Consultation 'and ex
' smirking roomeilieLOP Penn =reek
'.Ctuldien Wider Inaitien yawn of a ge can
-prooareatuon flakes for
. _ .
,„ Seal Japan Toi.
1,10 per pound at. Jesse H. Lipploo3tVe; coo.
uer o(Secotid and Smithfield Sts.
Angeles! Igicatesd C, •
.very elide end'pziee, et Ogden's, Dispatch
Building, Flab stmt."
Beerlel Bale of Bleached lleallans,
Commencing Monday next, at Barker • Co%
Market street. •
4:olit Penr, Albaute,,Trailets, at Fittonlt's
*pots/ma Silaemer,
Sellinlfat any rrlee andirmyeetkve of value
or quality.. lnvOlca stock, January lit, and
tonal have it redseed. t°41136 •
- pease Hoene Sao' Sloan.
illsoper.Paitaaria° esi‘JSUpparii.
Just the 4 1 lot for 1. 10 / 11 47 , preseals dr. rainier,
anshatz Ws clump faiddoilabla boot and
alien store, No. GLigailmi`"ll24e•
Ileasethliellbrir—anow Powder. •
Plltder la Prinlstliol In accordance' With
ebetalcal talcum,. and upon a iwoeess peculiar
so tteelt.whlchle secured tw Letaere ratenc.
1110 teen In' use for aim%) than 'alesii and
rgis Proved Itself An Illalutuul termite .her.
ever It has been used. Among the "Avant/mei
claimed are the following, vie:
- It saves ell tne expense of soap suallelli luled
on cotton and Ibsen goods..
It Saves WOW' of MO labor of rubbing, and
new. and tear. ' • cleaulag windows la is iumorptum•
eg, With ;sum, quarter the time and labor .
usually.requlreqm AIIIPpViI a,
beautiful sloes; and 'Matra.- .NO reTitre° ezoept to
illfautionsmith-each gannitga.
iliplefor . Plitsblimitt, &Weak Flaming,
' Druggist, Si *arket corner Diamond,
Ventral 11.141Shilirark. '
Children under Lewis.= Tetra Of age can
oroenrifeedikei,tialtels tor $2.50.
Amoortea tiallosisi Tumblers,
:10 eta, each, at 7csee IL LipplaCottt, corner of
Seeped and smithflel4/31*: •
apfetal OW.
411 Hltnkets, comfuenotttg neFl.
starker £ Co., 53 Market street.
Skates far ID• ■11110,.. ..
Club skates, boystskatet, girls. skates, at
OGDEN'S, Dispatch Building.
• .firffilsb Sumas.
atinny Haiti) ttnd i i,;l the later books, at PIG
uwli+ eMt
23110 e -, and suppers of the most beautiful styles
ler, site; cheap: st,l'alutifr,,inshiats,t' 'Co.'
cheap Loot and shoe store . No. Cl Market
beautttal Dates, Pram:* tad Muicatel
' NOW, at N0..112 Federal street, seecaul
door from tfie"First National Bazar,- Alle
ztleay Qty. • -
lot elis Lida' of au alas. at, ewe' s.
wtaa ,,, imam lio . ;lia, 390,183 anal*, First
r Arse; Fi:,.tatn/1/0"
- • aifiliZeli •
.". •+ angi Toy SOH,
ict iittOCkl " invei " - %- •
VOLUiE LXXX.---NO. '304
Opeetal Bala or Bleached Sideline,
COrateentang Monday next, at Barker A Co's,
591Larket street.
Cutlery! Cutlery! Cutlet)!
The finest goods for Christmas holiday's, at
OGDZWiI. Dill MIA Bonding.
Central picarkst Park. --
Children under fourteen years of ego con
yrocute season tickets for aso.
Tw•o Pound Cons
of °teen Corn, 35 eta. at Jessie 11. Lippincott's.
corner of Second and Smithfield Sts.
A well known and acknowledged fact that
Gardiners Boots and Shoes are unequalled in
POlnt of finish, style, make and quality, lie
is selling dirt cheap.
At the Continental Dining Saloon, on Fifth
street, under Miner's and next door to' the
Post Office, hundreds of persons daily partake
of the tip-top meals only gotten up by that
moss famous of caterers, Mr. Roltzhelmer.
Ile is. constantly receiving game the rarest,
vegetables the finest, pastry the beet and oye.
lets most toothsome. Ilia bill of tare "ally ii
not surpassed by that of any hotel in the city,
while his prices are very reasonable and mod
erate. Meals and oysters are served at any
hour Of the day up till one o'clock in the night.
Best Blaek Tea,
$1,40 per pound at Jesse H. Lippineott's, col
nee of Second and Smithfield Sts.
Skater: Bkat ea!
Every stye and price, at Ogden's, Dispoteh
Building, Fifth street.
Winter $OO-64
Be careful of your feet in this inclement
weather and provide yourself with a p.tir of
thosesutetantlal and cheap custom made boots
to be found, for sale only at Palmer, Ausl,utz
co.'s, 61 Market street. -
T. T. imams. N 0.163 Wood al
Attends to all kinds of gat, Tater and steam
Axng. lie has long been recognized as the
mad skilfall mechanic in that line of business
In cut city. His stock oonsisti of' wood and
Iron pimps, hydrants, sinks, bath tubs, basins,
chandeliers, oil burners, gas pendants, brack
ets, to., ao,, is large, and of a substantial char
actor, apt can be sold at less than the present
scheduht prices of Eastern manufacturers.
City and country work of any desdription at.
tended to by careful and competent modutates
under the supervision of the proprietor.
Skates! Skates!
Every style and price, at °alien's, Di.regach
Building, Filth street.
Central aksting Park.
Ckildren.nndcr fourteen years of cgo can
procure season tickets for *1.50.
Benefit Tour Fan'lly
Get a pair or those excellent Boots or Shoes,.
now selling No. SO bulb street, at such ruin
ous prices to manufacturers. They are splen
did, and warranted.
The Bees Known Tonle:
Caswell, Mack & Co.'s 'Comblztatloit of Iron,
Phosphorus - and Callsaya, ladwn as Ferro—
Phosphorated Elixir. of Callsaya, The iron
restores color to the blood; the • Phosphorus
renews waste of the nerve tissue, and the
Callsaya elves a natural, healthful tone to the
One Plat contains the virtue
of one ounce
of Callsaya and one teaspoonful a gralu of
Iron and Phosphorus. Manufactured by
• CsswaLL, Muse& Co, New York.
For sale by - all druggists.
apeelal Sale
Of .1114akete. commencing Monday new
isa.rkerA Co., SO Market street.
Novelty Skates—Complete, SUM
The beat skate in the .market.
with strays.' Bold only at Palmer, Anshetz A
Co.'s Shoe Store. St Market street.
• It la Really a Grand Display, ,
Wm the remailrmade by a certain young lady,
and I shall most assuredly call In time to get
something tor Christmas and New Years. The
abuse Pltteers, opposite,the rostotace.
Haloes ISses. , • First Clan a Cheap Piano.
Prom the Musical Review,.
"These Planos,by their durability, excellent
quality of tone, and superb finish, have-se
cured the moat enviable reputation. They
are the chexpest Pianos we know of, and need
not be distrusted because they 'lire low -
Charlotte Blame, - 43 Fifth street, second
door aboVe Wood street, sole agent for thanes
Mothers' Planes for Pittsburgh and Western
Pennitylvaida. • A)choice lot just . received.
Prices IMO and upward..
. . Carling Skating Park.
Children under fourteen years of age can
procure 'Seaman tickets for a 2.50.
Skates for ladles and gentlemen, An fm
Incase assent ment,ityittock , B. •
Their wives and sliders can find -Christmas
presents actor their husbands, brothers and
beaux at it. & W. .Tenkinnon's, Allegheny,
third door from Suspension Bridge, where
there will always be Mind, besides all the
common varieties, a very choice selection of
nieerachatun, briar wood, and other pipes, el.
gar holders, Ito., of neat and ornate design: a
large and varied stock of smoking and chew.
lug tobacco, and many of the popular brands
;OLCObaliaild Ainerieer. cigars. •
Hasbes. Groot Vartralled Plano*.
fievenleen Pianos of tide eeiebrated =ha
have Just been received and are now- on eihi•
Mon at the Plano Room of Charlotte Blume,
43 Fifth mined.
Writing Dealui t ?Emma, dc., ai I.ll.tock'd
. .
The Hews Sewing Maehirse,
Most certabilitake the lead of all others to a
short time...lL was awarded tire premiums
* artwork. at the WorltPs Pam 1864 four premi
ums for work and on the machine. at the Now
York State Pair, issa: See the Methodist, ot
September titd. A. premium on the machine
at the OhloState Fair,lso3. See the Dayton
Joutnal, October lOth. The only agency for
les sale for Western Pennsylvania, is at No. 4
St. Clair street, Pittsburgh.
Ladles . Skating 80411 Si g:•ao.
Those elegant , skating boota to be found
only at Palnter,A.nahnta and Co. e, la Market
attest, coat from $2,130 to OA. }lap s a Pain
The Invialble rhoto3, at rlitock's
Alight More
Is one of the many diseases of which indi
gestion is the parent, and can be easily cured
by avoiding hearty food at night, late suppers,
etc. If It has become of almost nightly occur
renee, take light food , tea and toast, for sop
,per, and anon retirtnw take a half wineglass.
fat of IStaback.s Stomach Bitter,. This will as
slat WV:ditto% : drive away this troublesome
-attuoYance,anda.Uow you to sleep numtly,
spoon saw ofbombed If mains,
cankneenclag /louder next, at Darker d Co's,
:0 Itatket, street:' ' •
easesis Bitosisatts organs.
Forty thousand of these world-renowned in
/truncate Aga now La ma. Every/ Organ Is
Warranted tor Ara peers. IllgetriSed °eta'
Boitublstati toll description or styles. will be
seat fres to spy adalresa 1./Marlette Blaine, is
Filth street. Lithe wholesale agent tor Palace's
Oninos, Kesdo's PLUM, eiga lichen Brothers'
Plano% ler Pittsburgh alba WeStern rennsyl•
Toil Can . limy
96 per cent. Alociataiti Zoilepta. Finch's'
Ton Clums Bay
05,7 pOr la7asephs.
I was attacked with inflamation of the lungs,
which continued several months and termi-
mated in suppuration. It was attended with a
heavy, deep seated cough, with copious dts!
charge of matter, hecteo fever, night sweats,
throwing up blood, do. The course prescribed
by the Indian Herb Doctor has had a miracu
lous eirect. I have gained eight pounds of
dealt since I commenced his treatment.
Pine street, Pittsburgh,
Ho charge for consultation and advice. of
fice, N 0.191 liberty street, between Sixth and
A country residence, with from three to six.
teen acres of ground, with a good orchard
evergreens and shrubbery. Also a number of
one, two and three aere . lots at Edgeworth
Station, on the 'inept the Pennsylvania Rail.
road. This property Is, very desirable as it is
within thirty. three minutes ride of the city
Cost of monthly tickets, 8 cents each trip.
For further particulars, Inquire at John
Graziers, No. MI Smithfield street Pittsburgh
02E84.110175E SHOE BTorte
Smother County, (Cranford), Sold
For Liming's Patent Stove Damper. Thu is a
rood thing, and has a mint or money in its
Many will wake tip some due morning w Ith
..regrets. , that they did not invest before It
was"toolate.” 0111 at No. 11 Fifth street.
piniroorekolkovuokm k.l
Mr. Shelleharger pprotented a petition Rum
Louisiana, rag t.lotteresa to eallersede the
present State Government end secure them •
ltpubltan form. The 'petition seat signed by
'swernor Welles, Cruet .1 =tint Ilynus, Assist.
ant.lustize nowell, Dower Mendell, and we:
eral hundred others.
Mr Jultan-introdneed a bill recognising the
rebel States, and restoring them to the talon.
A bill for the Government telograith line be.
tween New Yolk and Washington. Deferred.
Al r. Taylor Introduced a resolution to in
struct the Committee on Invalid Pensions to
inquire into the expediency or axing the time
of toying pensions to the widows and orphan
children of persons in the military or naval
service of the noted States reported missing
in action and not subsequenUy accounted for.
Agreed to.
She regular order of . buslness—private bills
-ttwas then'taken up.
31r. Delano, from the Committee on Claims,
reported back Senate Mil N 0.113, forth() relief
of Miss Sue Murphy, of Decatur, Ala., and re
commended Its Indefinite postponement. lie
also reported the bill for the relief' of Ober,
Hanson .t Co., merchants of Now York, allow
ing the sum of 1160,0 d) deposited in the post
e:lice at New York, for New Orleans, and lost
In the mall on board the steamship Mapublle,
October 2510, 1163. The bill was adopted by a
vote of 76 to 67. - -
. .
Tile deficiency bill passed on Thursday, cams
back fro the Senate with two amendments,
striking out the appropriation of 100,000 for
facilitating commutation between 1116 Atlan
tic and Pacific States by telegraph, and-670,c06
for salaries of certain supervising and local
inspectors of steamboats.',apPOinted under
the act of lard. The House agreed to the
amendments. '
The Joint resolution offered by Mr. Steven,,
providing that the PCI per cent. ad reforest tax
on cigars shall only be levied upon the excess
of value above $l2 per tbonsand,_waa referred
to the Committee on Ways and Mesas,'
A Joint resolution amending the act in rata
lion to the security of the lives of passengers
ou boorit of steam vessels, was. referred to the
Committee on Commerce.
' The Speaker iihnOmeed that the only busi
ness on the table was the Senate bill in
ion to the elective franchise in the District of
Columbia. The bill was taken up and passed
under the previous question.
The House then went into Committee of the
Whole on the President's message,
Slr. Wentworth, of Illinois, spoke at length
on the meatiest", the result of the recent elec-
tion, and the past and pieseut action of Con.
Mr, Pomeroy, from the Committee on Pub
lic Lands, reported favorably in regard to the
printing of the - report of the !Commissioner
of the Deters! Land melee in the German,
French and Swedish languages for diatribe.
lion at the Paris E sposttlon. The !aeon was
referred to the Committee On Printing.
Mr. Wilson, by-unanimous consent, introdu
ced a bill to authorize the Secretary of the
Interior to-dease a suitable building in the
City of Washington for the Government Li
bran'. The bill was read twice and laid on
the table.
Mr. Poland offered a resolution to pay the
widow of the live Senator Foote, of Vermont,
the sum due the deceased at 01110 time of his
death, for compensation according to the act
of Uri sullen increasing the pay of members
of Congress. Referred to the Committee on
Contingent Expenses.
Mr. Poland also offered a similar resolution
in relation to the widew of the late Senator
Collamer, which was referred to the same
. Mr. Wade, of Ohio, moved to take up the
.131.11 for the aduthisionpf Nebraska under a sus-
pension of the rules.
Mr. Poland was anxious to take up his bill
In relation to bankruptcy, and wished Mr.
.Wades motion would not prevail.
Mr. Sumner was opposed to the bill referred
to by Mr. _Wade. The Constitution had a
clause in it, containing the words, whileit
was a constitution, creating a white mad's
government; he said be was against any such
government. - Ile entreated that the Senate
should not undo the good work of yesterday
gf enfranchisement in the District of -Colum
bia. He argued In favor Of the bankrupt bill
which would carry peace and tranquility into
the business of the country. -
after some private Mill were considered the
House went into a committee of the whole
and listened to a . syeectl of 'Mr. Wentwor th ,
and adjourned till Monday.
rog the 1 arlor;
1 119
Death Cheated
For Bale,
(SEIVONO 11.141:11411i3t...)
W VW, A>.'t V. tNNS It. I:Ws
rite FinttilC6 Committee reported the dod.
o:ency bill with amendments from. the Finance
Committee. The amendments strike out the
appropriation for facilitating communication
between the Atlantic, and 'ruble cities by tele
A communication from the Secretary of the
Senate asking Instructions regarding the
compensation of tbe Tennessee Senators. Re
ferred to Judiciary Committee.
Sir. Ramsay Introduced a bill malting Agri-
Cultural and Mechanical College scrips, re
ceivable In payment of redemption claims.
The bill for the admission of Nebraska was
called up by Mr. Wade and debated at length.
An amendment was offered, that It be not
admitted unless the franthlse be allowed all,
without distinction of color or race.
Mr. Wade opposed 'the • amendment, at
Thlere■ A —The Whisk, Frame.
—Darned to Deeth—Exploelou of is
.New Yowl, Dec. 11.—Six men were arrested
In Brooklyn, charged of steaPng nineteen
barrels. of whisky from a Government store.
house on Bread St., 'on Wednesday night,
Nine barrels were recovered. -
Seven hundre 1 dollars worth of furi were
stolen on Williams St., yesterday, one of the
thieves was arrested, toi other escaped.
The distillery frauds, 'under examination
today In Brooklyn - . Sines Tuesday, nearly all
Ellett distilleries are reported as closed on he
count of the energy of tho revenue offielids.
Two were seized In this city.
A Congressional committee Will commence
session in this city next' week.
The thermometer down East today ranged
' from eighteen to thirty-two degrees above
• dirs. Sanford and one of her children, who
were no badly burned In a tenement house on
-Thursday morning, Illgd to-day. Marga ret Webb, who Jumped. from the fourth story Of
the same house, also died this morning.
The new Irish torpedo, while' being experi
mented with by >rented °Dicers in this city
yesterday, exploded, but ca Vinegaross of life.
An Irish pike used at the Mil light,-
Is here, en reek to the Parts Exhibition as a
Yenian contribution..
. gouda American New,.
New Yong, December 11.—The French En
voy, .Count do Beaumont, bad an Interview
with the leaders Of both bostlle armies In Par
A severe storm visited Buenos Ayres on the
28th and tith of October. DOnsiderable pro
perty was destroyed and twenty-three sailors
Thewrowned. .
Alnes on the Platte were eompelled to
suspend hostilities owing to the wont of rein
forma:tents and severe noode.
It is stated that the Paraguayans attacked
the Brazilian camp on the lint of October.
The fight last five hours.
The repor evasion of the Argentine Ile
public by the !Idea army Is disbelieved In
4aniere. •
Ohio and Blinalealppliread—de Clan
. .el Cincinnati Connell.
ism ssari, December if ..—The City.t.Onnell
tOilay.~ by a roue of ttrenty.tia tO ton. ordered
the Ohio and .3,ll.selsalpul nollrosul COMPani ,
to remove their track from Yront street within
six months. The action of the Conceal old
compel tbe pompany 41O01r. soother entrance
Into the efts', but will Opt embarraes MOM, at
several other routes are annesaltgo,
Pen. 6Trukil la M. lenslor....lll.llllpulfics,
BT. Lppli, pee. IL—General print and son
arrived to -dew. 'germ Porter. Pattertleld eno
Dram axe hera3Odetenalnapt fasaibillty
end propdetyleasistantingJeirerson
twelrongo 3 /*low here, • Riiiii•r7
vow. •
The Irish Prospects.
Prussian Envoy ,to' yienua.
Temporal Power of (lie Pope.
The Wrecked Steamer Indus.
Inc Tin CAULK.]
Los nos, December 14.—.\'0.,e.L1t I, thought
lf thorn la any trouble! In Ireland It will ha
sunlit...axed by clad force.
rants, Doe. 14.—The French .standiu g army
will hereafter contain one million and u guar•
for of soldiers.
VIENNA, Dee. 14.—PruK,Iu to ntkout sending
envoy's to this city.
• Ilona, Dec. 14.—There are no ulgns of trouble
from the evacuation of. thb French. • '
It is denied that the Pope will leave here. ,
livenroot. Dec. 14.—Salos of cotton for the
week amount to 110,000 Wet. '
Lissnost Dec. 14.-10 r. —it is rumored
here that the temporal power of the Pope was
secured by an agreement made by liapaleon
and Victor Emmanuel.
The bullion of the bank of England is now
greater than for eight years past.
Livearoot Dec. 15—Yrillay Even intr.—ilia
ship Inane bo und to Philadelphia , which went
ashore at 51reitford, Ireland, ou, the liith inst.,
Misbecame a wreck. The ship and cargo are
a total loss, but all hands were laved.
&Mb, Friday emning,—.l. Setting American.
&hip of war has arrived at Civitit Vecchia.
Elsie, Friday erening.—Advlees received*
dan from Corea report the French troops - as
advancing into the interior - of the country,
without mooting with any resistance from
the native troops or citizens.
. The war in Corea approaches a termiaatiorr,
and the French are masters of the situation.
Leixoes, Friday Evening—Telegraphic - Ms.
patches from India, which. came to hand to.
pay', atatethat the civil war in Japan has been
- suspended. and that peace has been entirely
,Lirlfareet,. Friday Ernifsg.—The .Brokers'
Circular reports the sales of the week ending
Thursday at lIN3OOO bales. The market as'
been active, but irregular and unsettled. h
unchanged quotation for middling upland 15
ltd per pound, The price has been as Meg as
WO, during thew eak, but fell off to tire Bust
named figure - before the close of business on
' Thursday, Today the market hes been quiet
IblikateaOy.the calm amounting to Itf,oo7bales,
on the basis of lid for middling uplands.
Masenewrza, December 14—E rainy.—The
Manchester market Is flat, and fur the luck of
I. business quotations are nominal.
Ltvgaroot. December 14—Evening.—The
breadstuff& market is generally steady.. Sales
ware made to-day of Canada flour nt ',3Ss
per barrel. American wheat was him, and
without change In rates: I Corn rather caster,
the figure for mixed western being 185 per
quarter. The provision market is generally
quiet, with declining tendency. We note sales
of choice mess beef, at 1075 Gd per tierce, of
mess pork,. at 7.1 s Gd per: parcel, of bacon, at
50S, and of pressed American elieeSo, at sic per
cwt. The talloW market is easier. Linseed
oil has declined to Gd per bbl. Petroleum.
quiet, at is Gd per gallon, fur refined.
. LOSES:of. Friday..Erenino, December IL—The
Corn market is Gail, but prices are without
Friday Evening, December 1
The Petroleum market is unchanged; sales
to-day at :15 , 4 francs.
Losities, Friday Evening, December
nabs have advanced 54 per cent., closing at
Seaf; for money. The market for American Se
curities is firmer under an advance of 4,1' .per
cent- in - .government bonds and Illinois
shares. The closing figures were: United
States five-twenties, 71%; Erie, BM; Illinois
Central, ITN'.
Los pow, l'efday_Erening, December 14.-10:10
r at.—Advlces received f rom Sardinia state
that the starving -p_casantry have revolted.
FitAilitrOlte, Priddy, December 14.—American
Securities steads. - United States. five.twenties
Of %lire quoted gt •
The Whole Debt to be Paid
Celebraiion of the Battle of gasht ille
Loetsvittit, December D.—The Legislative
Committee. which went to Detuonts to look
after the missing school fund bonds, have re
turned, having obtained 5345,000 in money, and
the hank prombsea to pay the remaining
5315.000 in three Installments of thirty-six. and
nine months, but was unable to give securitY.
Friends of the bank express the opinion that
Glum the means out, and will be able to nay
tho whole debt eventually. It
should fortun
ate for the State of Tennessee this be
the ease.
The Georgia State Convention of 150 adopt
ed an ordinance - de:Daring void
tracts made during the war, andauthorizing
the courts to adjust the equities between par
, ties.
The Supreme Court of the State, now In ses
sion, decides that this ordinance (Wei not be
palrthe a:llations of the contracts. but only
authorized the courts to construe their force
elbeets, and determine the value of the decla
ration sessordlng to equity and the intention
'of the party. , •
Both bmnebes of the Legislature of Tonnes
see found themselves without a quorum to
day, and adjourned over till to-morrow to
partied:ate tattle celebration of the battle of
General G. H. Thomas and suite will arrive
.tO-night, having been invited by the Legisla
ture to join them In the celebration. They
stop at the Stacey Rouse.
The Nashville Common Connell have-pass
ed a bill reducing considerably the - price of
wharfage on vessels lending there. The liotird
of Aldermen will doubtless concur.
Iron and timber for another street rullway
were deposited on Cloirch and Spruce streets.
along the route, to-day: This is the third en
terprise of this character, l and will be i.vm-
Dieted in a snort time.. -
An American Citizen Arrested,
Ban rnsicosoo, December 'accounts
from Masotti= concur, stating that Coruna
shows hostility to the Aniericane, and not
having found prominent Imperialists on
whom to wreck vengeance, has imprisoned
forty people, who occupied subordinaut posi
tions under French orders.
Another American citizen, J. Lewis,• has
hpen arrested for high treaSoltr
it is said that tho same state of eltnirs eziots
also at Sonora, where the Yazoo Intharm are
stilt bent on nithung, and will only submit on
terms Of their own diet Ition. •
Letters from the postmaster of Ilardtville,
Arizona, December id, says: There is no mad
from Prescott:as the Indians hold the mail,
_oommonication cat not be estitblislicil
until they are driven oh. •
pnabwhaekers In dillssourt--Oatragert
oa Colon Merl—Arrest* Made.
de. Louis, tiso.ll.—The Dem ocrat's Jefferson
City ',wool ohm - A telegram from Lexington
states that bushwhackers mama into that town
In force yesterday, under command of Poole
sod Clemens. Colonel Montgomery demand. '
ed the surrender of Clemens which wee refus
o and a gab& emted. resulting In the death
pfll4emmus end the mortal wounding of two
other bushithackers.
The decesslenlsts having mach threat,
against }talon man, Colonel Montgomery sr.
rested • number of the 11305 t prominent of
them and bolas them as hostages for the safe•
ty of lord c:lasenS: '
Exam,lasi pf 1, Parrlade.
Criscon DEC 14.—W. 0. W. Smith WM
g °, US 400/11rea WantrfaNTllClttwo years
mportant Measures Proposed.
Synopsis of Mr. Inlian's
The Prayer in the House.
Rumored Resignation of Judge Uwe.
Vlffs4Yd I W.\ ti:iiV
Waseiseros, December li.—Mr. Julian's
bill providing civil government for the States
lately in rebellken, le to the followirig effect:
The preamble relates that,
Wiranzas. The districts, In their revolt
against the Government, nave destroyed the
civil government within their bOrders. and
have no power to remora such , gereernment
without intervention of Congress; and, where.
as, the governments now existinghave no va
lidity except- by consent of Congress; and,
whereas, restoration of civil government In
p.atd districts Is imperatively demanded, It Is,
N th e e r " tif ore Caro , e li n n ac a, ted if - ni . d G el eor tba gla, t
Florida. Alsbarna.Missielippr, - Arkansaa, Tex •
as and Virginia, are temporarily Greeted Into
territorial governments. Section vests the
executive power in said territories Ina Gov
ernor, whop shall be appointed,and
exercise such powers as are now exercised by
the Governors of Territories. Section 3 pro.
Tides - for theappOintmenr of Territorial Spa •
rarities. Section t relates to the duties of the
legislative bodies or thelerntories. Section
provides that the members of the Leptis
tare shall be elected by Disloyal male citizens
of the Territories and proscribes ail - persons
who In any way engaged In the rebellion.
Section 6 authorizes the Governor to make
appointments of Territorial officers by and
with the ceneent of the Legislature. Section
makes provisions In regard to the Courts.
Section S relates to the appointment of attor
neys and marshals. Section 9 directs that the
Governor's Secretaries, Justices, Re:, of these
Territories shall be nominated and, with the
consent of • the Senate of the tinned
States,appointed by the President.
Section ten authorizes the Legislatures to use
the seals of the government, and provides for
rasef a delegate ev en House of Rep
ntatives Seition el provides that
the Constitution of the United States shall
have seine force and effect LB in other territo.
Vies. Section twelve authorises the people of,
said territories to form themselves Into state
governments, under former - memos- Section
thirterenrelates to the qualilleatlons of cam
tors of thertegislature ender voters for end
member of the State Convention. Section
fourteen provide!' for the meeting and mode
of conducting the State Convention. '•
WAszigarog, Dec. 14.-LAst overwhelming
vote In the Senate today to take op the. Ne
braska bill, settles the question of its • admits
sloe as a State at an early day.
The bill regulating suffrage passed the
House to-day by ill against 4.1.
The Supreme Court today overruled the
motion of Messrs. Sherwood, Hamilton and
others, of Texas, to reargue the test oath
The Tariff bill is not made public yet. All
th Instill pblishe hind egard to it is speculation.
It in the of the Secretary , of the
In the course of his prayer at the opening of
the House this morning. Mr- Boynton thank
ed God that there was one place under the
full control and jurisdiction of the United
states where all men had been enfranchised,
and be trusted this was but th e beginning of
the good work everywhere, '
The side board discussion in the - Senate to.
day, between Means. Sumner and Wade. is re
garded here as the significant discussion of
the session. Those senators stood facing each
other for several minutes, Mr. Wade contend
ing that Congress was honorably bound to
consider the Constitutional Amendment if
adopted by the Southern States atinclusive
of their right to representation, "Hr. Sumner
as earnestly denying that there was any such
agreement or understanding. •
- Mr. Wade said he should stand lkybla bargain
when Mr. Sumner, waving his hand at Mr.
Wade, said: "then, sir, we part company..
It is rumored here that Chief Justice Chase
will resign his Beaton the bench to accept the
Presidency of the Pacific Railroad. vacated
by Gen. Dix being appohlted Attnliter to
The death of Lieutenant Commander Manor'
Forrest, of the United States steamer Florida,
by yellow fever, November:4th, off St. Create,
West India, has been reported to the Navy
Department by Commander 11. Rolando. He
was burled at sea.
Much feeling exists relative to the discharge
of the females In the Treasury Department.
Much valuable time Is consumed In attending
to protests, remonstrances and application for
` bers
~TPV.Vnent Viojiicalt e l% l egtitirtin i arn in g the
pressure, the Secretary will adhere to the res.
elution, and dismiss tne• female employees
immediately. The Department Would beglad
to reduce the force gradually, but for the
possibility of making discriminations as to
who should go first.
A gunboat with Sterrett Is expected to ar
rive in about four weeks..
FrOM New Orleans and Neste*. -
New' Ontesss December H.—Gigrenior
Wells says he signed the memorial from Lou
isiana favoring a prevalent' 'Overt:moat re.
luetantly and against his better Judgment, but
did so to please his friends.
A letter nem the Clty_ol ii t l i p t dated No.
vember 23d, confirms the re subsarip.
Mon of the clergy to Maxim but It would
seem no 'settled or dentine po licy has been
ugree:d upon, as Detains . has sent dispatches
to Napoleon, and ha awaits events.
Maxlmtliaa and Ministers were still In entin
ed at (Meshes.
KANSAS CITY. Do., December 11.—The LlllOll
case of Scott, Cutler di Co., was resumed to.
day. Charles U. Morton lioness.' Agent for
the Home Insurance Oottny,e dit
belongs for the origin_ of Mears andtowhomcr arrest of
the parties luipiteatco, was the Voi w it"
new. No new facts were ells) Welborn
tired the beading. Cutler confided the secret
to tile wife, who advised him to canoe' the in
surance policies and thus remove temptation,
but owing to the desperate character of Wel.
born. his partner, he was afraid to . Interfere
with his plans. - •
From Up Ike Allegheny,
(Hz Crrr,'Dee 14.-800 r. m.—Dlver about 22
inches—lce running.
Weather clear and getting colder.
FEAVELta, Dec. It.—River at thle %I
Inches, at 011 City, 31 inches, and at GneeDedle
inches and stationery . The channel In stlll
once, but Is full of Ice.
eathor clear and cold, and freezing stead.
River and-Wealllfer itS Lqatsvitle,
Locurrmte, lyeeember . 14,—Rleer
slowly., with nine test six Inches water In the
canal. Weather cloudy. Mercury. VI degrees,
barometer, 2el.
Tqe Whoa'Mg &Oster lays that Mrs. au.
gent, the child murderer,' has almost entirely
recovered from toe effects at the opium which
she teols in her efforts to commit suicide alter
the fatal oleed, She has tganifented no re,
mores for her crime, and has declined to give
any information to those visiting her at the
jail in regard to U. On Sunday last she was
called on by a charitable young lady, who
read to her a fewchaptertkin the Bible. The
unfortunate woman manifested gratitude for
the kindness shown her. A report was drat,
tog about the streets a short Uwe since to the
crest that her linstpuni had been engaged in
• tile murder of a man, who holly, =Minilolly, too
sand, was found; few weeks age floating in
the Ohio river, at U ri L MO, &Mgt
distance below Parl=, DO, so ferias
we have been able to learn, lt•wati entirely
without foundation. •
noeldane al .11lleeye,-3 , 4o=wn
meani woo e An ore intner, ed
ljelettne, of the ronrth lend, We leg dis
jointed at the ankle and.wat severely.titoled
in the breast, on Tneeday. by the / of a
large noise of ore In one of Muni
mines. pre. Swann end bP/44
Into. Ile has a Yll e and eaveralaU 0
are, bY hie tallb l 9l Yl* oo 4 Ip stqlkagePe! Or*
cnonnanees, .
- - - •
IMMO: ello z 4 . l Pierrestlea Orabilled
—The mOat. eille=4l!.3.littasE
Ifal k I= 4.4 ut'''
t c 4 i ; k tVt% rite_ teti
Fifth am examine the ... A M Y geohntent,
(5 _
7,- - ...,
~_ .
a) C trt e
( i ;j, , +
The Fires of She Week
Since our bug rumba's of flies the following
have occurred: - •
December oth—Alarm from box No, i 4, at
2:30 a. m. Fire. on ap ring alley, J.. Lowry's
property.. Lolls, 43 . Insurance, exo.
December. Stu—A arm from box No. 27. at
240 a. m. Fire en Webster street, nest Grant.
Property of Con. Loss, OM. • /neon.
diary dry. - • •
Deomber Oth—Alarrn from box No. IL, at 7
a. 3n. Fire on Fourth a trent, above nalltblie/d.
Campbell & Atken's livery , stable. Lou 6400.
Insured. •
Doe. 11th, alarm box No. 17, 50) x. J. Ray's
chimney burned on Liberty street.
Dec. 12. th, Box No. 62, Iwo A: X. Fire corner
of Baldwin and Butler streets. Kirkpatrick.
Brother & Co's property. Loss ICAO; Insured.
Dec. 12th, Alarm Box No. 23, 5:Ci A. if. J. A.
Ilerron'a stable, Spring alley. Loss IBM. Insu•
red; incerultarY.
Dee. Mb, Alarm Box No. Is 4, 11:10. Henry
llangbmelster's stable, Roberts street, Loss
DNo Insurance. Incendiary ere.
ecember 12th—Alarm from box N 0.23, at
a. in. Stable belonging to the Flood estate, on
y r i c = n alleL . , near Grant street. Lou, We.
Another Incendiary Fire
At about half past eleven Weloot last even
ing, an alarm of fire sounded from box No. 51,
on the corner or Centre Avenue and Arthurs
street. he alarm was occaal ' onedj. by the
burning of a frame stable belonging
to Mr.
Henry Haughmelster on Boberls street. The
lire was first discovered by Julius Blackson,
but had made such. headway among the bay
andllghtinaterlais composing the stable that,
although the alarm was immediately given
lad the engines on the spot in the briefest
time, it was fount impossible to save the
building, and it was entirely consumed. Mr.
itanghmelster lost a considerable quantity at
hay and some tools.and had also some sixteen
geese burned. A valuable house belonging to
him was safely gotten out. Jas. Parkhill ana
John Nerschminer had each a horse In the
stable, but they were rescued. Mr. Haugh
melster's loss will amount toWO on which
there Is no insurance. There Is no doubt that
the lire was the result of Incendlaryism, and
we sincerely hope,, the rascally perpetrator
trill be ferreted out and punished.
Bich queensontre at H.'HIAb7•L, No.=
wools Street:
There can be nothing more acceptable for a
Christmas present than a tine china or stone
ware tea set, porton or Chute vases, or,any of
the other beautiful articles of queensware to
be found at the popular and well known store
of Mr. 11. lllgby, No. M Wood street. In plow
of the approaching holidays-the proprietor
has laid In a large and finely assorted stock of
plain and fancy goals, which can be sold at
remarkably low rates. We urge upon our
readers who are contemplating purchasing
holiday gifts to favor Mr. Ilighy's establish
ment with a call. They,' have the security of
knowing that every article- bought at this
house Is all that is represented at the time of
sale, as Mr, iligby is a plain defiling and relia
ble gentleman, in every way worthy of Otddla
patronage, See advertisement.
Soon. for the Holiday&
A few days since we made allusion to the
magnificent stock of holiday books , being
opened by our neighbor. Mr. Minor, at his es.
tablishmerst, ntxt door to the Postofflee. Since
then we haVe made a thorough examination .
of his stock, and can say without fear of Con
tradiction, that nothing of so extensive or at=
tractive a character has over, been opened in
Pittsburgh. lu the matter of toy books for
children we have never seen anything to beat
his collection r -while the prices are so low that
on this score his establishment is bound to
give satisfaction. In addition to his superb.
stock of books, Air. Miner hasp variety of ar.
Moles suitable for holiday gills on hand, in.
eluding work.s and holders, line cutlery,
elegant boxes, beautiful writing desks,
chess men and chess boards, with a variety of
other ar.lcies not necessary to specify. He
has also ono of the finest lot of skates which
we have examined for a long- time, and as ho
has marked them down at :wholesale 'prices,
and now as time to use them, ho will doubt
less and plenty of purchasers:
Malicious Mischief.
Mrs. Getz appeared before Alderman Mor
row yceterday and made oath charging James
Graham with surety of the peace and taulick
ons mischief. Mrs. Netz is the owner of a hy
drant on Pennsylvania aymue, winoh, for
reasons of her own, she has locked to prevent
other parties front using the water. Graham,
IMO is a blacksmith, and pursues his caning in
close proximity to the said hydrant, thought
fit to wrench off the lock and craft' and allow
the water to run for his special benefit, not
withstanding the fact tltat Mrs. lietz .had
more than once told him he could not get any
of nature's field from that source. When the
lady went to repair the lock; Graham threat
ened to knock her bead off. Fearing that de•
m p gi at r o t nm 's o g c fand w m ,
a h e e t r e p a wo d
h t a o r g h s
as stated. A. warrant has been placed in tbe
bands of officer Dlgby for the arrest of the ac
UellaqUartern fo
orodo House Furnishing
The scattered advertisements which appear
in our eoltamns tc-day of the well known and
popular noose furnishing emporium of W, W.
Bradshaw, 1U Wood 'street,' can but improper
ly give the milkier any proper idea of the
variety of the immense stock found at this
establishment. We paid a . vialt to the mam
moth salesrooms and found there exhibited
an endless array of all imaginable articles of
use, beauty or adornment, for parlor, kitchen
or chamber. We will not attempt to women.
ate, but simply suggest that this Is the place
where sensible presents can be purchased dur
ing the holidays. tall In and see for your
selves. If you contemplate purchasing a
present fors dear friendyou cannot fail being
satisfied in something to be fount there. An
attentive force of salesmen' is constantly in
attendance, to wait upon all who call.
Piano■ of Unit-Price
- For about one hay the amount uenglly paid
fora good piano, we offer the taxmen Hew
York Plano Fortes. ffho material and work
manship are strictly first class. lined what a
prominent Indy teacher says of them
"Messes. littera. A Bao (—The Ail:sell Plano
you sold vis last fall gives great satlfaction. A
lady friend hero wishes to got one as good as
it for the same money. Several parties hero
will shortly purchase the Mixsell Piano.
Miss Martin is a niece of the Rev. (Colonel)
J. B. Clark; she formerly taught muslcin Alle
gheny City, and Inis latterly opened a Semi-
nary in Clarion. The fact that her ILL:sell
Plano is constantly used by a large class of
Pupils, Is a suflieient proof of their miPerior
qualities. H. motor A Bro., IM Wood unreel,
are the sole agents for the Mixsell Pianos and
sell them at astonishingly low prices. Call
and seethe=
Mortuary IteUort
Dr. George L. McCook', Pnysiclan to the
Board of Health, ripens tho following Inter.
manta In this city from December :id to Decent:
her 9th,lBCO t•
mates 15 1
Colored .4 36 /
Females 15 -
111seasein—afeningitis, 1; aeotdent, I; un4
known 2; chronic bropehltis.l; Injury, 1; con
sumptiOn. 3; eh - rands of liver, 1; peritonitis, 2;
inflammation 01 braiti, 2; gangrene, I; pact'.
amnia, 4; still - born, '2; atroplita corebrl, 1;
whooping cough, 1; Tortola, 1; hydrocephalus,
1; marasmus, 1; convulsions, 1; Intestinal ehceration ,
ceration, 1; inanition, 1; hypertrophy of
heart, 1. •
Of Ow shove them wore,.Under 1 year, ill
frorn 2t02, 1; toll). I; 10 io 16,3;30 to 40, 4; 40 to
50, 401,t0 tk, Z 1; M . to 70, 8: 70 to 80,2. •
Michael Owens armeared before Alderman
Johns yesterday and made 'oath charging
:iamb, his wife. with assault and battery. It
appears the accused is in the habit of Indulg,
Sig a rapaeloui appetite for strong drinlcand
while laboring under the egeets of the maud
lin excitement thus created. she frequently
abuses her meek and indulgent husband. Un
Thursday evening she had one of her periodt.
cat weaknesses, and on the morning after her
debauch, her husband had a signilicant
nose under one of his eyes, which he Wen Was
brought to that sombre hue by isa rah staking
turn with her clenched list. The belligerent
female has been arrested and - held to ball 'for
heaying. . .
Now is the Time for the ladles bs virepare
their presents for CluLitinas, in dipper.,
dies. phICUSIIIOI26, 410. -
BraM, embroidery and silk - 'demi:dna done,
and stamps for We: 'Also chemise and gown
yokes. wrappers and robes stamped tram the
French perforated patterns.
Also, a model for mitring Maffei and chit.
dreads dresses, at thircelePrate4 Weed Sewing
OP* Noyll2 Want street. ,Sos au'
rerttstnnent la,attether column.
Fell from a Ilenae top:—..l lad mimed
John L. Murrain. while engaged fa 141°Inig
some bricks on the clammy of his motherN
fm,weg__W, =Factory street, le the Mil ward.
4 . - oat the .root to the ground beneath, a
distance of twenty feet. and enetnined. 111144.-
nal inlories of a sertons chertteter. Da /W
-ren was the attending physici an , . wh o
tom strong hopes of the Memory,
Tubilt.l,43llllo4c IMAM Street.... The usu.
el free 'choral sem= wut be - sung to this
arch to-toortor Arnow:Vas tames coe m t.
fte public) are Invited. Tbe anthem
or tue day ts by Vincent Novelle, 0 1 war sing
of mercy eadjodgmeat," mug by three boy
Operageous Mbar.
The Lancaster Xxpress has the following:
"Our neighborhood. was yesterday made the
scene of most daring outrage. A: young
man named William Nelson, Jr.. living in Bin
township, while crossing tbo Mine 11111
rather unfrequented road leading from tip
Mine Smelting Works to London Grove. in
Paradise lownahip, wss attacked, knocked
downand robbed or nis money, is all about
three hundred and ten dollars, and his wrist
so cat as
to cause him to nearly bleed to
death. The road is not a public one, but one
of the numerous roads used by the local In
habitants In cre sh)qg and hauling from the
Mine ridge, and y known as the
Green road. Mr. Nelson says his lint banner
[ton of any one being near was a
alight noise behind him. Ile looked back,
caught a single g limpse of the assassin, and
was tentuallatel knocked down, insensible.
Mr. N. thinks that the amaasits was a white
man blacked. lie also believes that he was
dragged into the wads some distance from 1
the road, but - from his bewildered condition I
when he came to, Is uncertain. The doctors
are of the opinion, from. the wound on his.
wrist, that it was dellberately.msde to insure
his bleeding to death. Ii does not seem like a
cut across the wrist nor a stab, but a cut that
nearly seven the main artery. The outrage
occurred between ten o'clock and noon. Mr.
Nelson is s returned soldier, belonged to the
79th regiment, was wounded at Chickamauga, I
taken prisoner, and remained a considerable
time in Libby. There is a good deal of excite.
ment In the neighborhood, but as yet no eine
to the assassin hae been obtained.
A Murdered Man's Body. Found.
.r. N. Morall, a German watchmaker of Kit,
tanning, whilst on an itinerant watch repair
ing nr peddling trip to Brady's Bend, some
four , years ago, suddenly dutappeared, since
which time all efforts of his family to get
some trace of him had proven frnitielts. The
i t r.i
supposition was that he had ei th e left the
country or been robbed and mind , as he
was known to carry about with him det
ente money and valuable estates. few days
ago the workmen in excavating for the rail
road track, at the town of Cunningham, on
the east side of the Allegheny river, directly
opposite Brady's Bend, exhumed the body of
a man which showed evidence of hasty hi:mint
Portions of. the clothing, the coat buttons and
shoe buckles were gathered. MoralPs wife
was sent for, who at once identified the arti
cles as belonging to her husband. :Thus all
doubt as to the fate of the man has been clear
ed lii. That he was murdered there is no
don as neither money or watch were found
with hi m: . The body had been hidden and
buriedln a "malty" which - had gradually tilled
with debrie washed in by heavy rains, until A
was quite deeply imbedded. •
Stable Burned
At about two O'clock this morning a fire was
discovered in the brick stable belonging to
the Flood estate, sittiatea in Virgin alley, near
Grant street. The fire, when discovered, was
bursting through the root. Four dray horses,
belonging to J. D. Davis, teamster for Messrs.
Finch it Go.„ Distillers, on Second street, were
rescued unhurt. A q uantity of hay and feed,
belonging to Ur. Davis were destroyed. The
abirmosas sounded from boeNo.'.a, and the
Neptune engine soon reached the !pet: The
ftaFi an were extinguished without damaging
1121 g save the stable. The loss of the
building will reach eii2o and bad no insurance.
No estimate of the quantity of bay lead, So.,
has been made. The flre was nnmistaxably
the work of an Incendiary.
Ott the Track.
On Thursday eftertiden, at about bait past
three o'clock, engine No.ll, on the Commis.
stile Railroad, Jumped the track at the en.
trance of the passenger depot. A force of men
were immediately met to work to replace It,
but It was not until seven o'clock last evening
that it was accomplished. The Braddoera
Accommodation, which usually leaves the city.
at 4,10, did not ico out, and the West Newton
Accommodation was detained three otuirters
'of an hour. Yesterday morning the same en.
gine was off the track again.)
• Alleged Tlzefl.—Ofacer Jerry Grnhert,
yesterday morning, succeeded in arresting
.Ezra T. Castle, alias Ezra T. Rose, who Ls
charged, on oath of J. C. Mußiau an old river
pilot, with larceny. The Tartans; It appears,
m the Rush House, on Liberty Street,
where Idulrhie, after getting some money
changed, laid seven dollars on is counter.
Clone immediately picked up tho money and
made off with it. The accused had' a hearing,
which resulted In his being committed for
trial in default of ball.
Very Cheap Clothlotr.—The reader ls re
ferred to the Itstorprices for elegant and de
sirable clothing, published on our third page
to-day, to be obtained at IDGmtty's empor
lam, corner of Ohio street and Diamond, Al
legheny. Every article is of the beet _work
manship and material, and the proms • are
cheaper than could have been obtained Ova
years ago." We commend this house. to the
patronage of the nubile.
Padua et Co's itraenttne—For instantly
plating all articles of coppettbrass or German
allver, with pure silver, where worn or, ant
for cleansing, and. polialang silver or sliver
plated ware. Warranted to contain no quick.
silver or acid, or any Injurious article. For
sale by J. Sample, A.llogheny, and all drag.
A Ague Opportuntly,—lt trill be seen in
our advertising columns that the Banking
house at the corner of Wood and Third streets
is offered for sale. This is one bf the very
best business stands in the city, being eligibly
situated for any kind of business. The lot has
superlice - of 1 0 275 feet.
Wooleo Nublas, :tentage and skating
cape, at T. A. McClelland's Anctlon /louse
shoe and general mereluindlse headquarters,
Nos. s.SantiM Filth street.. • •
Menai Local news on Folithlt Page
1015kViilll'izi:94tz)3 1 1:4;1 1 4
boontAtal the l Watt
plots or swolehts. exeopt 6 1 .4tate ous w
" ALlr d egh o t oz n . 11 8 0;trial ""
t& ou rsol a
e tsur v tae:ls not‘ Ali cal t !
so Coo Drug Eton o f
rrorazrEarvr.aixfacca, '
. . .
No. lee Fourth streak glttoburgin,"Po: ' 0011311 of
01l Mods, Cliel pi ;WINVIIII.OoO everodowalptica
of Funeral lug !loon. tonuslea. - ',ouoss
OCtgragirta y k . trit i v i rd, C l XTongoopswoneo.
W. JacoOna, 11.11., =Qom Zwing,lot: .101;011;
No. 196 Elmithikeld
Mama. tram &smith Stmt.)
Azar.seausearr. PA.
Manchester. Wond , a Bea end vletattr.
Ceres: es littafileld and Chastlen streets.
Hum and Carrl•res fundilbed.
Garry:arse lIIONFie
MON.: LADLES'ItKATIIk v itt the I.-
thiNt Zrnbbtlunt,lioe isH oc.a ulstreet.
89 89 89
.89 89 89 89
89 1
.3316 - 0
99 Market Street, s9l
_ .49
ra . : • T., Eic 13 CI Iyr 712'.
18 9
89 89 89 89 89:89.89 89 891
JAMESROW 89 Market Bt.r
IIIUVUL.CI 4 4O 4-4:.0),
Practical Furniture Ilitutandttrrre,
Latest 'stiles of fURNITUHE caustaitilUll6 !lab.
WCONIL 1808.1 Cali
alx gourd, sound WORN 110=1::k i bus receive
and will to told cheap: one good D VING HON/
one goon Ido - kt..
and good workers. Call sl" .
non .• ltritirtion usazigoaettgatmeallo“,6
r niMealier
.gizifienc Die-
te n ieg=atiV=..e :PAYM.
PtierDA .AA /40. Watt StretA AU %Asap
(Awl ;MeV - ea
:If at .111
1 7:WitiE r Y I S
6 Wills St., 341 dmtau la: :
. •
In Great Varlet*,
N.,. cm stroos.
smtata migost
Or MAIM AND ?MUT 60111.
Lunt/Ler lot Tatra Strolls, wf t 1 n Ind assetlanes I
of Pinot, foil Mom and Ober Clol2,,fLt
=res. 1241 btrocotl AlltzviNst.
"-- W. W. itIiaDSUAW.
w. %COT
josarspwr a, scci;r-F,
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
No. ATE \Linz:err erszrr.
re zgamat.
W W Clacks stirgrean.l"lll
Bolicte►p Niressevaato s
. Or ALL lIIADS-07
3E1' 1 17i7
iLsOANT brDh_Ss ranouslialitn4ll
Ua L argf l atlef/SWiSINO:
No. UN Federal St, AUetheu.T.
rjoicas, xE krigiliVrilt l idis lc Srikl A ulff?
SCUTTL/Cd. at the
irorsr.pritmsatiNG r-avounrn.
22;c0. 2.334. VATczowell Iffitrimat.
Gas and Ateam Fitters,
bitataliartment of
ChandelielS and Machete, 10ad
Pipe, Pumps, Sheet lead, dro., ,
4LW4171 ON HARD.
164 Wood Street, neu Mak,
715:10 -
t 1 owned try /dem& KING, PENNOCK C70.0t•
respeethally =um th e WOW that we will math's*
the manufacture of
!Wattage, Cotton Itarnii, - Carpe
Chains, Candle Wick
and Batting.
Orden may be left at the Mee of the Wens, ,
cum mum HAS 811, gum!! an
Corner of Duquesne Way and Barkers Anti,
.03.2 b •
aro rz -114MPER,
In effectually Cheeks the Drift, liennlates tba
Beat, Preterits ell escape of (3ex or Bmolts Into the
'awaited I. reettllcapplled to zed pipe*? Dust
A. J. Leans. Motitaeatery county, ea., Innen
••Ider e lamed y sold I OtiOnmitere lnmyoouet7 s
and wish you to seed tee at more." •
Mr. Blench paid smo for &slam amity, 01. 7..e01d
sap Dampen, and teen closed out his Interest la
the chanty for ah .10010 et.X ta. sigh
The D. ward Is enlyersal—the PrOata large o
77 1
fiend stamp for circular
; ar. sr. mmor,opt,
dett:D4 Slo. 11 Ilfth Street, Plilabliri
70 0 DT'''s'
SQ7C crerils
VI; HAVE memo)
- I
China *Bohemian Fancy Goode,
. • FOE. SALt BY•
I. N0..100 Wood Edreet.
Vet the Best—bey Always Glee B&Bs
Evoiiwook,Dr.,4l2huli A.'-isoost `
fa calls.
upon to Insert, Artificial Teeth in coat "lime
other dentists Weetried, 'bees paid, I ced/Wag - t,
and In every case his work vivo" entire Nab.
faction. SD is gaits an irtistWs Ilti.sof -
business, and has merely to wthetiatit it ese
know how to artlenlate the teeth so t hey
will present a handsome and newt* omit.
twee, and wilt masticate the foo d thowitutilly-
Ed-prices are 6Worr Nan , Agai Ol my tissast
is fAe talsty, and he will townie/tee hla Vieth ti _
superior. Bo it would bitter forat m & one
readers who are lit want of teeth, town
the Dr. in the dolt place, and thereby, says
their time and molter. We would alaosisiwe
Mies persons who ns satibrldg with diseased
and unsightly teeth that thvii . can have Oulik
extracted without towpath whatever. Walling
upon Dr.Soott. >le has ertraeted tor weer ides
Aou,aed persons within the lag seem feu%
and among this Ikge monkey there:Weal is.
can In which Ws Precise has prowellithivklizai '
On the contrary, he can refer to
_weathers at
his patients who OW= to have beim Winellted
In renewed health. Es ezths - otarinmteke ditl•
by the "new or Vapor' 'main.
and gives - pure i f anglthig Gas to - *OW who
desire it, wlithopt charge. eue,! , •
charge roe Writ*Ag - • • 'rhea art teeth •!v'
ordered, and-ail-WA a tall ,. not - tin I Teleardie
with beautiful - 0»; for sffht do U atf.. " /to'
member his tiambar. - 175 luau . stases , Uib'
.door stave Eland. . ! ; '
. t
4 = o