E 3 D) Y•GOODSTR SPECIAL lIDUCEMN IS TO BUYERS, !mg BATES &BELL'S French Merinos, 75 cis. French Merinos, 87 ets. French Merinos, $l,OO. French Merinos, $1,25. Square Shawls, Blankets, Cloaks, LARGE ASSORTMENTS. EMI 21 FIFTH STc, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. NECLICEE . SHIRTS, Muslin Shirts, Bilkl:lnderw ear, Merino lindens ear, Wool Underwear, Merino Half Hose, Shaker Knit Half P French Suspt -'• 01/31MILIUM co, FANCY scums, SCARF PINS, SCARF SIGN, SLEEVE BUTTONS!, SHIRT PINS, NECK. TIES, JUNE , AND PAPER COLLARS & ctrnesi . . ffirrAUON LINEN DO LINEN /L.ND BILL ItAiIIiZETS. F. H, EATON, 17 Fifth St. MACROBI & CARLISLE, 1.•9 Fifth Street. MAGNIFICENT HOLIDAY PHESHATP. Rich Jewel and Work Boxes: • st etch, Bandkerthter and Glove Bone': • • Elegant Perfamary stands. . • Clipar domes and Mendel;Cases; Fans. Floe Ps. Belt Clasp .. • Bognood and Jet Jewelry; • Fled Morocco Wallets and Bags. We are also opening a choice collection of Real and lialtami Lace Goods; Plain sod Embrolderan liandterchieni; - Ladles , Cub:ogre Scarf*: • Pine Cloth andEl4 Mores: trtetand nt Bose ; i t z r,hia hM acomplete stock • Ear/tans. a new article. SACRUM & CABlsnasE Are Pole Arents In Ms city • for Abe LOCKNI 001) CLOPH LI u ILD • ND ALL, PAPER COLLAIIS: Plumes Pat Int Toss and D 0 action labels; Brat 'a Ntulded Paper 0ollars; 'The Ltuln l mlestlos Collars; • The .. hltar , • Wart, warranter to fit; • Bradley's Duplex Elllpelo Skirts. all sires—To Dealers at Manufacturers` Palms: Balmoral stock Our satins t LEM THAN HALM THELII . cosi'. • MEILOBANTEI AND. DEA.LIMIS mlll find our panes meet reduced. and many articles at Its. than rout, In order to dose out. Ladles and Gentleman wishing to mak, lioltday Presents all' dud many useful and aultalde articles at Wean, Reduted Prices. MAORT.IIII & CARLISLE ) deb 19 YIITH STREW. GOODS JUST 11ElpETITJ) SY - • JOS. HORNE & CO. = 804r..113 • Al :the leading Vail Styles. • Man.ll2lolnr 43143C,Ca1Ms Ot tees and Tnuzuas, Paris Taney and Colored Silk Vet ets In most desirable ahades;TlMA.laney Bo an 1.7470 T, l t,azs=ilon;aaAtr e t i t d r e t e l thirgr. =Ma 33 StCO X =MIMI (Well sumac) • o "i br io.; itawbunt, iemne, onny. Viten =r% i d r s o i hr;bn= i= tTie Peet • I T I PIrs grid' TrioraLas and Urn s iinents; . Wa jr = "". l ßril ie Bl Frames. I . AtilrrGOODS :. . "most etheniete stock Jaeonets, Cazabries, Handkershleb, rain. Laze. Hem-SCLebed. Clem- med. Enibroldere Taos Bordered, ete,, etn, Radler; and Skim/ eve r 7 vane all sizes. Ladles` and Ocala Underwear. &'sonsivid Q Goods: - !Suspenders and Nett-Tics; Beal Shiite Mot Drawer. tpuolez,Bon-Ton and LIL oop_ Batts; Cornets, Lmtr Peas, Met& Unton sad Buttons—rhe latest novelties, kinds. +eldest va WM Cashmere, Lambs Wool ajd a n —ti lie in the various ixitimmits, plain colors Gearsotrn. Caper Collars, an& mem Whig to the No- U rrines Ane is . ow as/Caste= JOIMM,THOMem Was. 'Viand 79 Market Street.. NEW . 000D8 AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, IE3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MACAW', GLUM •,& CO., 78111 d 80 Market Street, Would call Meets] attention to their large and at tractive clock, • EMBROIDERIES—Dreyer, destr tn iptlon. LAClCarolut. Point. Applique. ;Lapel, Thread, isminii,iered, Rent- Stitched and Lace. • LlNEN—det., Collar. and Cud. In g, DEUR AND CLOAK TRIMMINtiII AND -BUT-. TONS—Latest styles. • • • - SASH BONNET AND VELVET RIBBON& tiLOVs.B AND HOSIEBY—A complete stuck. UNDERWEAR—For Ladle., Woes and Chl deed. KILROY ZSPISTROOOIIS—ShawI., Hood., Nubia., VP 'u tl l tH=All In beet nukes. COMBED., Nets, _NV &Orfila Pao., Hair Rollo, Etc. BALMORAL IS I3UV—At ;malty reduced price.. OfiNTLEKEN •YOWIitiBLNO 4100Der.1.-full and complete Deck. . FANCY A. AND NOTlONE—Cotandslug a larite Dock of goods masted ropeoally for our HOLIDAYSALLE. and whichvould mate a bandlnine and soceplpip present. •••• dell . • NEW FELE 1200D11, ILT I) lON NIS CON' 9 vriCh 21 STREET', paw ma p i eraud &eV ilterns• rileara t Aiat g rattliPt qp,alitle.i 1 4 11 ZITA N nws.....LAUE 3: 1N431111.a., AtTialliOaN9T LAOS tirtvd CArs la*" OW PUB do ww.deand• LAMLE,. "Wings. te.; cor IEII.NEWL-Tl6B, EIYESIVLLE EICCIIIII UEINISDS. 511.XEt___ASTEIdE9,9R11. HD WOOL. TUNEADUS, BLEEUES. ELOWILEA;:' And atoi Unita, )• • - • Z. .. OTIONS •I &o .' • 1 oar Goals an sold at s r.:ocxzeart GABS, IIicCARLDESS & €O, (Uri Wn.ecar, OLlis CO—) WHOLZWIALIC DEALRAS mr - FOREIGN AND EIPI_ESTM ORYIIOOIII. 7eoa 84' W cocoa. Mit" nit i P. unab "" l f m " - NAL AL PA. tiOLD.43II I !.TINTED . PAPER 1.71- HANOINEISI4"!TIOkY„ us Wocha autos. DRY GOOD S, CLOTHING, &o. CHEAP DRY GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS PREMINI.S. A MOTHER LOT OF THE CHEAp- EyT AND THIBET eLoras In the etts• Also a full wisort.mcnt "PLAIN AND BARRED POPLINS, ALPACCAS, BLEACUED A E3iBLEACD 7I USLINS, IRISH LEVENS. BABIIED & PLAIN &ENTAIL; FLAN NELS'. AND BEANHETS. Call and sec them, at ' .11. J. LYNCH'S,: No. 69 ades.xlsoot del2:p7l. Between Mb street and tte Diamond WIIOLESALE DRY GOODS. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO,, 11%115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Have to rore tad reeelvt . vg a ass:rtnient of DM GOODS AND NOTIONS, • WhiCh fttey offer at EASTERN PRICES AND TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited. C. d A e rnlSCrr..l7. T SIZANIRON..Z.O. 8112217.11801 f. HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, North‘weot Corner of Penn .11 St. Mir Sta. Pubis to return thanks to ME Mende and the rob to for the EMT past favors. .tad resneettelly aotto Its ashore or their dunce -.patronage. He wont pleased Cobs,. them madam his Large and Carefully Selected Stoci of Fine Woolen .Goods Pastitadatil Mantel MI IEMIVTB nil 701 • lALL LA 'aunt' .ut pa . _ Silks, WI2iTiER STOCK OF Boys' Clothing. Sow In oboe a Iszge . anticomplete stock of SUITS AND . OVERCOATS, For the Winter Season. Prices Low 7 : r": !:`,7 IMPORTANT TO BRICK MAKERS. C10.c,c60 12. .r lIOURS, with might Men!. , SWORD'S STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, MANUFACTURED RV The Pittsburgh Brick Machine AND BRICK. MANUFACTURING CO., for the Eastern, liddle and Sonth•?astern Stales. THE MACHINE It 3 SELF-TEM. PERM°, coihronlylll.3oo. fright to vise being proportioned to the extent an I pope altos ofierrlio. rylll run by an at Inch calm de- engine, work. all kind. of elan Mae. suPzau BRICK, pressed in ideal moulds; requires only eight men to die the. clay, feed the strinder. take away the brick and hake them In the yarn, and make. In let as fast as you wsh to run the engine. /n cur own yard, our rate of rutiklag Is from 13 to 30 &minute. We claim this to be the beat PAYING Machine la vise. A machine may be area. In operstlOCl In our VITA) at Glenwood four miles above the city. on the north side of the Monoogabela river, reached by the Contiellsvllle Railroad. Machine, Yard, County and State Right. for sale. Yor LUU Infonnation, apply for circular., In Per on or by mall, at be office. • . We are prepared to fill largo contracts of brick. Sample. of tho brick to be seen at No. 20 Fifth street, and the Unice, !MO LIBERTY ST., PITTSBURGH, PA S. R. BIER. P"'lii"Ctkr'. ACKLEY. Vice : President,- W. SI. , Treamer; d. A. S.IIEPPARD. lieeretarr ic,r. A. Ackley. detpls iirtretlgt " ig Aiken. W. Q. Culp. WILLIAM MILLER, 811C0E83013 TO MILLER & RICHLTBON,7 WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND nifty:ruts OF Brandies, Wines and Cigars, ilos, 221 and 223, corner of- Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. AC., Constantly on band. LEA. b. PEIIIIINS 9 " clanmaccErrs.avriala WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED - IXTRA.C7 LETZTA from • CONNOISSO KU GUMMI _ TO SI :Mtn . iAIMAO. to bin `IINIS GOOD Sal Wet WOW, 111Sy, 1851. " . . Cell L&A & LICEI - AlsrLiCAl3l.l 41 • that their ICE Is hischly es * led In India. and Vaal" VAI/11toyalelon, the Or ~ as t 1 sta he blemost as , ' • lesome SAUCE XrXialkirs Is made ~ • The .oetAlf of I i .d nerivalled condiment Morin________ _, _.4prinelpled deal. C. no Apply the name to lerultlOne COMPOUNDS, the r VELA. is sedrecrrumm And StannieTLY mutest ed to lose , that lee name of LEA. & PERRIN& are V/1 1, tr..YVEA...... It,- LABEL, llTOrrEit and -Kanotietdred byLEA a FIBRINS. Worcester. . , , - ' '3Olllll DUNCAN'S • SONS, NEW vow.. .. „AGENTS sou. THE U. S. KANENI PATENT • . • PETROLEUM . SOAP .SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP A BEAUTIFUL. AN lIQUISITI TOILS! me WISHING SOAP COMA • . . „ He ldrET PETBOLEVX EIMIP After numerous satioPtitory tests In hundreds of confidently offered to the public, on its established merits. as the • test Toilet beep In the market; as a Mat-rate Washing Soap and EP &sire of .11 tooth Stains. Ito atm:parte elil colour woollen., being excellent remedy for all Cutaneous Diseases. From Its peculiar ebeirdcalcomblimtions, it hen. Mei) , free from unpleseant odors, and foreign sub- . stances. For sale at the poinclpal Druggists and. Grocers 14 fitUburgh and Allegheny'. .. -norlio46 ROQIIEWS, CAPIMELIAS, Bic—We have the largest and beat stockof WINTER FLOWNIUNU abott the city. and are prepared to fonds h wadding and at hsrputles with Table nod Hand Requats. lama • Ilesigm, So. oo abort nOtlee.' ,We can also fs rul.h Floral Wreaths. .Crosses.-ho._ All orders - promptly attended to. Ears sun to the Ureedsh6ases every few minutes. en; . • JOHNS. aA. MUHL/VEIL t two • mimic - mown IN o ASSOCIATION. ,— Ist accordance olio a res. Oto n tdon or the AssoclattOot at Lin Led no.prtg. the omn a t the store of at.ti x.tt AIc .TAAVIA.,I-00: on fifth etrcet. All who been baeurrestut at 00l of Msetinfe of the .f.tt , Sopt . Cl tad such other MOrat u yar bo rgt g .i.: . ...a . l . berg;, Allegheny. or t In hers, ' aro Invite:kW do to by the payment of riA 0 DobLO111)-(the Omlstoti lee) to tHlrer efeellotoct, and stoning the ConstltoO9n, at any tone Octet alleY.ldttlual. •.. - taIrMAT9P OF ALI.F 6I X- 11,4 some aioitulsori Will be♦aesndldate tbr re-election to the Ms or- .11t7; subJeci to We setion Of 1.12t1e0 Reputa4fl ran, at Will* Notainasthx Sitctlyn. pp UITY AND SUBURBAN. (ADLITIONAL L01:111. EISWB 03 FIRST PACE.) Court of Quarter Bessie:lx Court met at the usual hour yesterday , morn. mg, and the following bti was, trans. acted: The jury In the case of George Rutter, IL H . . Wallace. and William Orris, the parties re . Ported on trial yesterday on an indictment for riot at the camp meeting at Tarentnin, oh the sth of August last, remained out all night. This morning the jury came Into Court and announced that they had Rinsed upon a ver. did, finding all the defendants guilty of not and R. .R. Wallace guilty of resisting the Sheriff in the execution of his duty. The Court sentenced Rutter to pay a floe of $lOO and to undergo an Imprisonment of twenty days in the county .111.11. The other defendants were Sentenced to pay a fine of VA each, and on. dergo tWentydays imprisonment in the county Jail. John Brown was found gnillitt-01l a charge of stealing horse - from James B. Hays. Ito. Mantled for sentence. ' • Grace Lee, treolored pload guilty to stealing a suit of clothing, and was Sentenced to thirty days imprisonments , , Thomas Handle vrtiatitirged with atsanit end Watery Upon .a watchman. The jury fOund a verdict of not guilty, and directed that the countishould pay the coats. Kate Walters was convicted on an indict. meat Tor stealing jewelry and clothing from. Nancy Swinefaburg. Rematuted for soutane°. Mary Sicilee plead Wanly to stealing two chickens and a roil of butter from Thomas Graham. She was sentenced to undergo tic teen days Imprisonment in the county AIL Charles Ramsey plead guilty to Stealing ft pair of boots from John Re. -••-• • • . Patrick Kernan was indicted Johns, ateny of a stove, the property of W. 0 The Jury Anted a verdict of malty, and the Court sentenced the defendant to undergo an implies onment in the county jai of three months. James Crowley was Convicted of *waling a coat from Jaftes llarratt, an employee at the railroad depot. He was sentenced to an prisonment in the county Jail of IWO months: John Kelly plead guilty to stealing a pair of gaiters from Max Liemminger. He was sew= tented to the conntyjall for three months. John Kelly was indicted for stealing an, overcoat troth Patrick McGarr, proprietor Of a clothing store on Witter Street, below liar. ket. Ito plead guilty and was- sentenced to pay a fine of strand a fourth cents and under-. go an impristatment in the Western Peniten tiary for and during the term of two years and air months. . • Robert Illerzlinani ll:Whited for surety of the peacei plead guilty and was sentenced to pay a tine of $5 and enter into recognisance to the amount of 11330 to keep the peace. •Andrew Warner plead guilty to selling liquor without license. !Sentenced to pay a due of !•A1 and Costs. John .Brown, convicted on two charges of horse stealing, was sentenced to undergo. an imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary for two years and six months in one case, and three years and Mx months in the other. Louisa Miller, Indicted for the larceny of a quantity of wearing appearel. (lathy, and remanded for sentence. Albert Shipman, charged with surety of the peace on oath of Alice lianrer. lierdict not guilty, and prosecutrix ordered to pay the costs. Joint Sullivan and Patrick Kelly were next placed on trial for the larceny of a lot of hoots and shoes. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty, and ' the prisoners were sentenced to ••••• t'enitentlary for one year sed three L2ll= Another Adnixt Tellipted Margaret Thompson came to the Mlle° of Justice Lippert, yesterday, and instituted le. gal proceedings against Adain Webber for or satin and battery with an Intent to ravish' The parties an employed In the Lamllya( J . C. Moorhead, in Pitt township, as domestics. On Tuesday evening of last week, Margaret al leges that she went into the Pastry in tho rear of the kitchen for the purpose of getting some apples for Adam to eat, and that while she was engaged in so doing, the accused entered the pantry and, after kissing her, attempted to take improper liberties with her person. She cried out, when, fearful of attracting the attention of some persons in the parlor, Adam desisted, and Margaret succeeded In making her escape into the kitchen. Adam, on being arrested, stated in defense that be had kissed the girl, but only out of the most pore motives, and that be never entertained, oven for a mo ment. any Intention to injure her honor. This, he says, she knew herself, but that site began the prosecution In order to get him to marry her, which he would have done before the charge was made against him, but which, be avers; ho will now never do "just out of spits." fie entered . ball in the sum of five hundred dollars for a hearing on Saturday. AnOther Charge Dirs.L. !Seymour was charged by it. Selloff be. fore Alderman Lynch yesterday, with the lar ceny of an overcoat, the property of deponent, valued at SM. IL will be remembered that Mrs. Seymour is the lady who was mentioned in yesterday's issue as having been sued for tro verand conversion by the same party who she cruelly maltreated biller own house, without any apparent canoe. • Alderman Lynch went in quest of the dame, and found her, like a true woman, In the bo som of her family. •He quietly informed her of the nature of his visit and invited her to accompany him to his oftice. Regarding him for a low momenta with a - look of supreme contempt. she at length grasped a club and made a pass at the squire. it Is needless to nay that the representative of the blind god dess in the Third ward was soon In the street, rejoicing in the fact that his bones were not broken. Officer Coziness shook off bin habitu al letharri. and succeeded in coaxing Hrs. Seymour to follow him to the magistrate , s of- fice where she entered bail for a bearing to day. Alderman Lynch is determined that she shall see more trouble before he has done with her. An Escaped Prisoner He-captured. We mentioned several days ago, that a man named Thomas Williams, Confined in the tombs on a . charge of larceny, had, through ti.e connivance of a friend, succeeded In ma king good his escape. Since then the officers have been looking for him vigilently, but lie encceeded in eluding up till yeliterday morn ing. It was ascertained that Williams was making his home at a house in Art/liars street, In the Seventh ward, and arrangements were immediately made to arrest him. About form o'clock /yesterday morning 'Chief /Lague, ac companied by a number of the Mayon: police, visited the locality.- Atter surrounding the house, effectually cutting off all means of escape, Chief Hague demanded and gained ad mission. A vigorous search of the premises was then instituted, and after some time the officers were rewarded by finding Williams snugly escossed in a closet, where he Lieu at tempted to conceal himself under a tills of clothing. lie was taken in milady and had a hearing on the charge of larceny, preferred against him by Henry Williams, from whom it is alleged ho stole a watch, which resulted In his being committed to answer the charge at Court. Wantaten llollars and Ina nen William Martin, aged fifteen, not being sat iated with the way matters worked under the parental roof,/left - We home at Johnstown, some days ago, in Search of adventures. In the haste and negligence of his silent adieu, William relieved the "fond portent" (as the ballad rims) of a ten dollar greenback. Mat. tin, senior—by name James,—of the village of aforesaid, made information before a magis trate of, the fact. Ile' wanted William; also, the "X." and yesterday an officer from Johns. town presented himself at the Mayor's office with a summons—sometimes called warrant— for the hopeful youth. William was non cat, notwithstanding the officer's Rot leitude, and so the Martin family, and the "X" remain apart. This is a very small item; and It derives its only point from the phraseology of the .Johnstown officet's warrant. In it ho was commanded to get ahold of Wildam'a body "for dissirting his own fayther." As if in this free and independent countr.—in the after noon of the nineteenth century--a boy of Cambria county had not a right to go into the Robinson. Crimea business, with a piece of pa lor bearing the name of "Spinner" very bad y written. = In the telegraphic intelligence published few days since from Idaho Territory, it was stated that a party of miners, eighteen in number, had been murdered by the Ludlam at Wind River diggings. This scrap of news is of more than usual Interest to ns, its out of a party of forty men who emigrated to Wind Inver. from Bohm &My, Idaho, last spring, twenty-three-were Pennsylvanians, and seven wore formerly, residents of this city, and have friends here at the present time. Among tb s Pittsburgbers at Wind River, was Charles Clark and William Baird, whose friends are leery anxious to learn their tato. • Here's History for Tens—The following Item appears in a morning cotemporary, and an It gives cad history In a new light we re produce it: • "The mines at Braddock's Fields are located in an historical spot—in the identicatlravine where Braddock lay in ambushduring the war of the revolution, and in Hie midst of one of the richest sections (alba coal district, no less than In one of the most picturesque parts of the Commonwealth." Braddock in ambush la the revolutionary war is decidedly fresh. • • Fart Usys.—General Hancock has ordered that the post now being established at Camp, Fletcher, In the Department of the Missouri. shall I'o named Fort Hays, In commemoration of the name and gallant serVices of the late General Alexander Hays, or Gi Wilderness was killed at Itio battle of the The order is subject to the apfiroVal of thw Secretary of War, and It will doubtless re, calve the hearty approval of thatonicial, who is famllliar with the recerd of the lamented dead.. Assault :nod Ilatteri..ldlebitel Mauna came to the office of Alderman Morrow pester. dar.and lodged an information against Patrick Grier for assault and hungry. he deponent alleges that Patrick did kn Washing t on street without Michael, down on street without just cause or provocation. Grier has been arrested and held in S3O ball to answer the charge at the next term or the Criminal The Express Bobber* Wren Bssek..... Gorge W. and Wia: W. Eler4th ocothed Of- the Adams , Express robbery at Greensboro' Oreeno county, in AttrastMSl,lrereyi sent to Waynesburg for trial. ander ebarge or ornoer Seth Wilmot: The_socused, with their guardian, loir on the '1 Drownselllo 00at, senerd a P : ' • • EARLY TELEGRAMS FROM 'WASHINGTON. A General Customs Revenue Law. CONDITION OP !SPAM OH THE RIO GRANDE. Sherman En Route for Matamoros, AVssurscivox, December 11.—The Secretary Of the Treasury, has bed prepared a bill to be submitted to Congress, trwhich mut:diem general Customs Revenue Law, and is design. ' ed to nripercede all other laws on that subject, ihdliaki) all neCeSsary previsions for the reg.! illation of foreign and coasting trade, the as• signment and collection ofall duties On mer chandise imported from foreign countries and Matters immediately pertaining thereto. Mr. Morrell, Chairman of the Senate Coin. nalttee of the District of Connubial will next meek bring up the consolidation bill for the District, taking away powers granted under the charters to Washington, Georgetown and I t h y b tre7r t i t i wi ldcat, ° are 'sB A n d wiu ert;, 'PPo oP ate, who ll take charge of the Distil l :. -.the present board of trustees of colored schools will be abolished, and but one school board and one house will be allowed fortieth races. If any ultainetton he mad blanka sepaxate Sehbol reedit fell Whitt dad Althost the only subject which cititena will be called to veto noon will be taxes. The nous° Committee on Elections will to• slay bale up the only case of the session. It Is Thomas against Andel% present theMber froM One of the Tennessee districts. Annell is Bad , teal, and Thomas a Johnson man. The latter claims the election of Annell illegal, bemaise unconstitutional, the present registry law of Tennessee preventing rebels from voting. The decision Will be Very Important, because it will form a precedent for several sitting/ eases which will come up in the next Con grass. A dispatch received last night front Oen. !MOOMan, dated Rew Orleans, Bayou tele• graphed las i tcening of the good condition of altars t o itlo fireside. The act of Scalp wick gave r eto no complication—ln fact, Esoobedo called on .me ik axe not to hold WM. responsible . for it. a Conies faction, having Wen' silbmerged, was enabled to tee lease Ortega upon Escobedo promising he would look out for him. Not a city or State lit Mexico takes issue against the Juarez govern. meet. On my set= I met Uenend Sherman at iiratos salltiago. Us was en route for Mat. auroras with Minister Campbell. Proclamation by GOv. Fletcher. 'Sr, Louis, remember 19:—Governor Fletcher lies homed a supplementary proclamation to the citizens of - Lafayette and Jackson coun ties, stating that twenty-four companies of cavalry, and ton of infantry, will he retained in those counties. fie sayst "Whenever lam satisfied that the people of tlicco counties will enforce the laws, and by their support of civil authority, give the usual legal probe,. Lion to the law abiding citizens,. the troops will be withdrawn... Fears teethe Ninety of the !hemmer Cuba. New Tone, December 13.—A Boiten special says the prlvatler Estelle Is not the only Fe nian vessel afloat. Pears are entertained tOr the llntien atonal widen lett Liverpool for Halifax on . 1 . )11. J. r. Hureinaked the practice of Dea,atry at INISI NCO. 3.04 SIWILL23 XVI*, Opposite the Cathedral, Where he wishes to receive hie Mends and patrons who are In need at the services or au experienced DENTAL PRACTITIONER. Especial attention arilt be given to the preserve thin of the natural teeth by _skillfully ailing them with the most select material, and by giving them other proper treatment, thus pre:erring them for future uses and comfort In Arlie old age. Irregularity of the teeth of young persona skill fully attended to and 'corrected. Those beantlibl life-like anti:Mal teeth, rendered to comfortable and useful by the magic el the Doc tors mechanism, will be made ready for all who may order them. All recent discoveries of value In it' ring relief from pain In the extraction of teeth, will be skill. fhily administered to those whom., desire them. °lnce boon teem 9 A. m. to 4 r. sr. 5e17493 ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 "and 1862. All who served three years are entitled to $lOO bounty: those-sertlue two years,.3o• or who were dtsehargol by' ressdn of wounds, or thelrhelrs. 2 /tree Months Extra Pay due Volunteer • 011icen In the union March 24, LW, and discharged,' mustered out. or resigned since aprli vq, 1/365. re.nuolin.—Perta.nently disabled are entitled to $l5 $2O or $23, according to degree of dlsabll• Hy. . J• a ad. 1.41.. PATTEILSON. Attorneys, =I 8100 BOUNTY • PROMPTLY COLLECTED BY M'MASTER, OATEAM d. BUTTERFIELD, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SUMS No, IS Grant Street. SOLDIERS , BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, 1 Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &o, Collected le the Shortest possible time, by .•- ' - A. N. &FLOWN. JOl3ll B. LAMBIE, • Attorneys at lam. Mice, No. ii• Fifth street, noleadAwT CITTSIIIIRMI. B. F. BROWN , LATE. Local Qlaixa Agent. U.' S. SAN. COIN., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, . (EILCUND 7L008,) Pittsburgh, Pa. Petitions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected i zo . e i b . s K ri t =t .e tutil calms cm atrial, and thou pier. nonnocK. INSTRUCTOR ON THE PIANO, And Teacherof Vocal Music. ROO2II3,AND HOVSE. despit No. 81 WorryWorry Alt:root. WM: A. SOINN. , • .ATTORXE r s T No. Loo Foorni St, opooslte Wilkins Hari. Particular attention rhea to the collectlat of ea wants, eV's, notes. ae. tWineco.dente In New York, Boston. Belthnore, Phifollelp'. a; Bearer, Bellefonte. Boodlhits. InOlansputts. hlurjantown. W. Vs.. Wien, N. 1., and eNewhere. JOIEI A. STRAIN. • • ataxaztruat, • Ee-Officio,, Justice of the Peace . • AND POLICE /4/101BiltATIA - Office, 112 Fifth R. opposite Cathedral, PITTSBUBOH. I'A. ' Deeds, Bonds, Mongssns, Acknowledgments, Do- DOltlons and all Lava Business executed with promptness and dispatch. WILLIAM JAYILIEY, NOTARY vt1131,11.4_11:113TIOS or THE PEACE. AND NEIL ESTATE AUENTt (Mee, corner of Butler and Dravor streets, Las . rieiree• ICA Speelal attantlon give to life purchase and Bala of Heal Estate, the Coll Coo of Baum and the pre, psratlon and acknowledgment of all kinds of Legal Conveyances. • I WILIAM( JANCET Justice of thel'eark and Notary Public. my213:1:48 EVSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. foot of the Egan Ind opposite Chitin Street mrr-mos CIL&Tip1111 T. EWING, . Attorney at Law, No. GS Grant Street, Pittsbargb,:Pa. calt,titgroffgrdtalEentu,.=&" H . C. IMACIiitELL,. ITTORNEY 8 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, Prrrenunont, spa. mra.b23 JOHN C. McCOMI3S ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW: No. 87 Fifth Street. xrpeesioes, Bounties. sad Arrears of Pay vlomolly collet:boa. . nollatola, aH MINT 11 ° Iiimizs l ael li re?the exelasire ° Xl Plin ARNOLD alit.ZEl4B o ol,lllollMilll7 FLEA'S I am bow melviit 10tarrele, and will conttnue "747 eltigart= "4 4 , tt}.3lßJr. RR*, JR. ' stati ;raw Illarti wan. oppouts rerestit6 SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW FEMME FOR THE lUNDIEERCHIEL U I v 0 . pHILDe n Pb. Wo n ,.. "Night Hlconaiinn ceren..” , '- . ,• ; • !bedew.. lIIIIibs Bloonslng Cereaa.” . I I CO Pinion'. II Night Blooming Ccreumw _ . • Phsalonls . "Night Blooming Ceres:is:, WHOLESALE DEALERS IS . • . . p h .j en ,„ ' , Night Anoinning Berms: , • . _ so" A most excretthee. de - Ilsate. and Fragrant Perfume, BOOTS, SHOES ~ blt h i seled from the rare and ..bestutifed! flower from - Is takes Its mune. -! - • lesanfaetnred only by EL MO • PHALON & BON, New York., . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. s ASE FOR PHALON'S—TAKE NO OTHER. ' ItarWHL BARNIEFLL & CO., No. 183 Wood Street, BOILER MAKERS ~ AND URG PITTSBH, PA. . . . • . SHEET inzoN WORKERS, • _ .. ..., Nos. 20, 22;24 and RO Penn SG To SHORT TIME and CASH Minn wp oiler su perior indu cement. as our facilities for Infirm are unsurpassed by A.V7' house tan or West. gamma- Having secured a large yard, and famished it with Vans dire ettl i e nm d tonmsellßuT flume an " y 4 Eas trel t y enr dorb o lisg u, the mon: approTed machinery, we are prepared to mannfactere every deserlptlon of %Rem. In-the }l ".. MEECIIANTB are Milted to call and elMatne best Manna, and warranted Malt to any made la the coontlT. Chhaneys, Breeching, Pt Beds, our stock and note our price& before Pultlltild Steam elms. Locomotive Boners. Condensers. Salt e i m where • Pats, Tanks, Oil BUIL. Agitators, Settling Puts, Boller Iron, Bride's, Soler Pan.: and sole mann- , --•-• facturen of BARNHILL'S PATENT. BOILERS. .. • Repulsing done on the shortest nonce. letze4l COrd.oral fax • Iar'LAJLE.SUPEIIIOII . " • COPPER MILL AND SMELTIND:WORKL HOPE rvtILLS PITTSBURGH. .. ' . . ' PARK, 11001111 DY & co., Superior Cotton Yarns, . 6, Manufacturers of Sheathing Brasiers , and Bolt Innt Premed Cop4er Botanxis, Raised MIR Bet- 10 - EASILESS GRAIN BAGS, some. limiter bolder. Also, Importers and dealsrs In news, Tin Plate. Sheet Iron Wire, de. Con- • I nanny on Mild. Timers , Meader. and Tools. • WerenOnse, 214, 140 12/IIST and LID SMCOND MYELITIS. Batting, Twine Plttsbergb. Special orders of Copper eat to any s desired pattern. myll4e.3l:demT prrrrrentattou.sAw wooKs, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET cliiiN, tenor Pfilif4MMettetti2s,:"..,.. k •c" - .. ed CAST STEEL 13 A.Dof every description, MM. - Cleo, dup., Maley. Orose-Cce,Clan ,add an all other varieties. . Ali Muds of lIINI SP.. ENOS made from Will Sheet Cast Steel; Extra reluelllttAntit and MOW- be Promptly tilled at LNG KNIVES, Ao. • : nill"Warebouse and Worts, corner WAY= and . • .. en gile , V=ltig b iZi" to ft-t.ot•bias. sum- - FACTORY PRICES. VZl:itte" ° ll.lll: ( ll7t2ll74' done 7,117.' , sonabla mu, l a ' al Br All orders by mall will reeelve Immediate and IarRORENSON, SEA & CO«, (SM. meta "tentlon . ---, censors to 11011001011. Mune A liiLLEM.I EL CHILDS 8i CO. • WASHINGTON WORKS, essedendwT rounder. dk Raetunists, Plisibursto, TOE VERY. LATEST STYLES OF Manufacturers of Bost sod Stationary BM= En- 1 to Shut Engines, Mill Maohmery, Gearing aamng, Castinge of all desellp110111; 011 Tanks and fltiWr. nailer and Sheet Iron work. Fine French Calf Beets. ERE • E sumo pimuge, sold irect:toOß. LAWREN CE, NO. t 4 BOND !STREET, NEW YORE. 0013:01. i 1V11V . 4:4C10196 51;0 03:419U 11:111XXABIU SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFIIII KEIEW 84 CO:, lIANUFACTUREZA Or THE CELEBRATED SPEBMI LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale Oils, Oil IRO, !lOW OIL MEM CBIISI ltandatd White Burning OH, No. 33 Market:At - met, PITTSBMIGH, PA. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. WARING & KING, 011:111101 LECHLITB BD BROSit9 It Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DVQUEELNE Mar, zawr.restrima.caler., z=•.a. PHILLADILLYELL ADDRXBB: WARING, KINC & CO.. akyr7:a43 127 Walnut St* Plata LIII3RICATOR, I WHITE, BROS. & CO., New York. E:: J. ROBERTS,' Agent , No, j 1 St: Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa n Beep oonotaailv on band Cottart Factory Ott.Data Machinery Olt. Licht c ah o ll rd 111E0.161.1... I Dart Engine OIL I Hark Oar Ull, No. 1, Light Coldticrew-Ca Dark Car 011. No I. tin UII, i nuZito47 • WOOLDRIDGE COLL REPINING acmaze.aarsr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. iiiira r ei r .aeag . and Truer WORKS IN TERIPERALICEVILLE. Meet% 2 Dtquesne Way, Wear Enspenslos Bridged ILINT37ACTURZIPI Or PUNIC WHIT/. EiITR,INTENI3. 0114. j712:113 Brand—"Dioifer." EUBEILt OIL WORM, IKANETACTI7RTIS Or L'URER4 CaIRBOX OIL, EnE=293 EUGEKA . SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, end Wholesale Dealers In Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, LARD. !WEEK, WHALE AND 11811 01L8, N 0.31 Market, St., P/toilwrgh, Pa. D. Cl.! X•74:03131.8214 Call sad examine samples Lad read earthlostes. nothole 8111 THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD,I YOU OIL armies Manufactured only and for ode by 1 -T. ft I Erirx a. Co., 1 2 1..eoraegor PantzatliMcorolase, N. W. C,er. 3d and Market Sta., - out/ PITTSBUBOIL Md. _ TICE LIGHTNING'. LARIT. - •a. C.'JONT.3 rD. cwirrOnD VOtiaL. JORE3, CRAWFORD & VOGEL, Agents, THEMOST POWEBEILIE AND TRITLY_DISILLIANT COAL UIL OAS LIUHT EVER PKDDIDJED. Adopted by the E. B.Goveinthent. - Non exploalre. Cheap led Beautthit. Naves a brilliant llght three-told greater than any other lamp, This patent is *denied to all lame purpoSe... and aline wick Is merely a conductor never fo g? t" r 3 rltir nth t g. a l. ra :Ml t tig n allA P l; taled %tar/Ail? Ufece. oproelto Post UNce. above !Moen's Nana Depot. second door. non wtedirment. 4646 AJDZIVION git;tEo. u. woniLs, . . _ • Zaamoreasocrwrillo. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. ' Refiners and Dealers to PETROLEUM. W H AV CX:II"IB izigeMA GOOD '.NEWS ,FOB THE '.IIIN , FATENT maplcatirics S_DRUCIS, al km Deets. re2ll T all; SR F AIN. noon. '5 Niko per Ibc_NIUD / 1 4.111•itara, 1 1 11tes1b.. • r f11% . 41 1 471M11,11 MU& 1711 11114 g guar Meth BOOTS AND SHOES:- BE Ladies' Button Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' BalmoraLs, • Misses and Childress' Roes of Every Description, at THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. nOl2 JOHN PALMI:II..TRYO. T. £N831072 raa t uzn pALMJEII, WISH UTZ & CO" Orcczasous TO J. A. ROBINSON & CO.. • DZAZZLS IN BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, Jro. 61 .711arket Street, sear Fourth, PITTSBURGH, P. no°A:OBL McCLINTOCHIS BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, No. 92 Federal Street, En=zrim den 33nargealaisse for .A.ll. BOOTS AND SHOES. J. WILHELM, No. SS Market St., Pittsburgh, Has just received a rep largo stock of all kind.. of 73C0C1PE13..9..1%733 also xi es, , e /Tig‘ foopsitt to t te k llcketr tiro he % o- MAKE tWlabTii AND 17111(liewa r ch 44 wu rsomuitaelatisfactloo. J. WILYELK. ocalkols2 No. as Market Wort. punempio, GAS ED STIIIIIIFITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, SHAW ff urf. ) - • 7 - raa PESS ars. WATER CLOSETS AHD WASH STANDS. • TON EWIENt3, (etem/or to Mums a C 0..) 165 Wood St. Plttsburghilia: mv7m4ll li dWint SF.IOIINSON I. "Rim" , No EL .A.CPVIICCIAI.-Ta Embers, Gas and Steam Fitton, lITPS BTHRLT ZITZNISION, Zsittaiknargla, Ps All orders by mall executed saldshot.ortly promptly attended to - • . • - A full ma of Bath Tubs, Pumpe,Baslas, ty Clacatu, Blots, Otuludelleri, Pennants, sod G. !Modes, for sae at the most ramionible Orders from country patrons bytuall promptly it. tended CO. • Bum Hose of erel7 deserlytloa. WHAM DDT, WELLER &EBERT • Sao on hand alroperlarar , . WOOD PUMPS, tlir t agof= wn Renlydisata, ghee. 14.= r et.s. A ach r ia. Corner b" aatfluitideld Street* 11=011plara il d = 0 :1 0: f 41 .li . to. -,•-•bus BERGE CONiminatric tune al GRAND AND - tIQUAnIE Wimmeleds- -11LTX11Wis arzerr, Second Block Pian os trona roaden,- NEW SOMA: Tbe tosnotnetenr•nr dont MI endors ed ne In Ina lesolne artists eras COMM' tar Welt Wt e h rft4 clear biVthi rreL7e F arrrle=no lll° . d ty an _ n u...rood Irmo*: With oar Glenn stench It et" pesttaj ti oatoni umme csrsad bra Roe desk tad t and. • - e VILP .VaIETIAIII BEA Epp, luh. rceolved u ag tor mt), ; gral Wbratillie 06141011#0.2 Einar FOR SALE. FOR SALE.-9 Format about 59 memo Tinton Township, Alleghat countY. La., about four Mlles from the city on tbe Plke. The Improirmeate are • large, 7 drick Dwelling Rouse with 12 rooms, • Lu t-, , e b Lori t ti o peing iseuse i a r F ~ .1 1. ...a i lk o nse. • larg " n nilne..lmniTeers a t 47 . 50 hear of . eattle. B There is beltrtockee ~Agyb 7 ,h.z . Detnini p about It acres. with mice o fruit trees. Is la of c Mention TM. the Bred is In a high state would snit •Intir7l4 tcone r . d g'"d, and 7or ga e par. Also, 17) ere, adioleing the bo with poi Frame House. Carrtsge r ood boring a 0 ... and Other oat -bulldingsi wed.' r fine bearing condition. This pi - derlaid with coal. is also all ma- A150,.13 acre. adlolning the above uninterested for sale low. This plecels else all iudgesadiei th - ossL • The above three. Mecca of propene Li. latweea the Little Raw Mill Ranand likmbenrille Railroad& and Um coat can be reacbed easily from either road: Toe coal alone Is worth all that is asked for the en tire were-rte. Au. r a ni, eirey3 acres, gib:late Eit.Clalrtown chi,,, wo,,uo.,dgud counts. Pa, Immediately on theßne of the peens. Itallactd. The Improvements are a two-story Frame Rouse with five rams and /Nod Frame Beak Rare, 40210 feet, and other crut-b.lLdlur There la on the place a good Young Apple Ore bard: IV acres cleared. balance la good timber: fear ug generally well watered: good with coal and Remus convenient to churches, *chorus and black innlth . shops, to gether w ith the personal property such as stock. Implements, grain in the grounds 50. Penni" given immedlately. Ala q,lrarm of 53 acres, alttudgd In Obartielli toohsuiP, Allegheny county, Ys.. about 331 L mile, from the city, near use line of the ettutenville B. 9.,and ottblu onc•balf mile of &station; Miumen of the hest of creek bottom land, led Ina high state of cultivation; acres of wood land and pasture.- The fencing Is generally/good. The eon le No.. 1. and wishingpted for gardening. The attenUon of those to embark I. the business will cell at once and secure a good barnaln. Letitia hi a rare chance. Also, farm of 04 acres; situate in fillsaneth township. Allegheny county, En... tha 'abate river, about nee mile from the Borough of Allubeth. The soil Is of the best Quality. The Mo. prove:m.l4a are • f mho se with az roams, a od barn and other a l buildings; fencing good; awus £0 acres of coal. churches. scho.ls and mina net/ Oenrenient. Possession Immediately, - A 1.,. the best Farm In Klitabeth township, containing about 90 ecru, Wing on the filettoltge. hell river immediately below Lock no. •on which Is erected a large two-story brick dwelling. on a e t, lx t and one frame UAL bun, corn crib, wagon aria coring !mese, grannry, work shop. ie.; Muni Nacres of .he above is first quint, river bottom: the balanoe being limestone land and underlaid with coal. and about 24 acres Of limestone. There are two orchards °rapids Mee. In good bearing coedi. doe; peach pear, pima trees midgrape vines; Ac. Toe land I, well adapted tor gardening purposes• being a short distance from the tnriving borough of Elisabeth. creating a market M home for all the product., Th e property will be sold cheat. and on reasonable Puma A 1.., _A Farm of 96 acres, situated la Eilmbeth townsinp, Allegheny essunty, Pa., about one mile . Rom Lock No. Aon hionongshelis river. improve meet, are one frame house. with , ire ro ams, barn. 01mb:whams and other outbedlainip• 7 l=d is et the hest quality. The above wuroe dot vex? low /fel=er partculars, enquire 02 - ' ' - - G. rt.ffeWlll23. 007 Beal ins to Azad. 16e.otbaireet., FOB SALE-100 Ac, es of Land to Wublngton enmity. Wesley toemship, Ohio. m area cleared. balance Lo timber;• good house, good barn, waterhandy. large orchard. school anti pitman. bandy, aud within 41f, miles of Caller NU , mom on the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad. Pt Ice 0 , 0 per sere. , I.Aere in miles Danko:Temperance vllle...o Match there are-three tenant house,a of roma eseb, one franfelliomie of four room; all itt 8130nd on, • ' • cme of 1..a1d for $2OOO. dtalit..ll l aluk l .l 'railer. Blair county, Pa., are Witt from Altoona by She elating Valey Road. The adrantares of this property are numerous, and by sailing on as we will etre fall partlealan. 951 norm. 60 urns of whleh is underlaid with coal. situate is North Fayette Township, on the D. Prime RE sol.t. WIN 01100 nolo Beal 6.tate Agent.. 139 Fourth street. FOR BALE, .711.111KEr A piece of land containing al to CO *area of rich allutgal ground, contet tent to the title.. is now offal et sor sale en rcuonable tams. The improve. manta arc a IFIIAIIE HOUSE, HA N, And other ontbulldlndo. Rlo now owed no • 3Larket Gm den and Jo In high order. For thinner, porlicalars, apply to . 8. BRYAN, Broker In Stouts and Beal Estate, Er Fourth at., (Burke , . Building.) CHEAP AND COMFORTABLE :TEREE STORY BRICK DWELLING; Located ou Second st., Second Ward, Pittsbargb. EMIT ItOOlllX Lot 20 by 6)rect to a rowed 'Wig 12 feet wide. Price /KM. Apply to sTREL•& arusox, HzOre= Azep /Cram Z9TATX 80. 66 Szoltheleld Street FOR SALE, • TIE CTWO-STONY BRIO% DWELLING; No. 45 Monterey street. Alleshery. Contains aloe room, besides nnished attic, bath-room and wrsh-bone. For convenience of erranitement, and tett) and substantial finish. It Is probably an excelled by any In the two cities of similar sloe. The house Is quite new, sad hu gas, and hot'and cold water op and down stair Apply for In lorreation to ii. S. BRYAN. Broker th ln Stocks and Real Estate, a 57 Fourstreet, titurte's Betiding. LOTS! LOTS!—I can now offer Lots as lor , as $OO well iseattd and In &pleas ant plate. • Also. Lots located on the Pike from 111600 t 01.006 On Liberty , street, from Yltl 6,1,000 On Bellefontalne street, from tro to NO On barrio street, from 650 to 650 In Liberty . Township. adjoining the Borough lots, from KO to • 010 Also in nit Townsolp. Lots from... Mato 650 Toe above lots will be sold- on terms to snit per chews. also, , KIMe ere desirable Improved proz fltglZNZPATlt i ltdiTogriggilles., ' ,For terms, apply at theldat Eatate. and Lasuranoe Ocoee of nol2 : Batlei Street,oditere.. DUTRA STORE FOR SALE.-,SIT- Pitt 0 Penn Street, In one of the beat location. In the City, having an estabilabed bantams of from tw St years statnnni. A is .odAptack of •leroße on hand and store Room. Stied np in goal stele. With the above will be e °ldaho tenor or the whole build ing, coutalnlng. Deed.- the - 'Store Rooms, raven }Loons ior dwelling purposes. and Two It.sement Rooms. Apply to R. 111q1.•thi h dell No. I=, Younh Street. LOB SALE-12 acres of Ground, + well timbered one watered. on ten mlnutes• walk teem Pas:anger t tattoo at Shady Lase, Fourth Street Road. Also $ soma at Home wood Mallon; and several Penns welt located In Weatmoreland and AIM. berry twenties. Alan Coal Property, Houses and Lots In toe elty and suburbs. Tor &Mar particulars so .re of WILLIAM WARD . (Oppoalte the Cathearua 80. 1100 - rant attach. Fr u. SALL—One-fourth Interest Kittanning/toiling XIIII, To an acceptable partner.. Apply to W. 11.*BEICKTI.L, at D4ar[v, BSICICaLL t CO. Ito. Sp Water atnbet. delhalto • Stxik and Beal Estate Broker. J OHN D. BAILEY. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER • AID AUCTIONEER. Having taken Out a commladon u Auctlonee=e, eff"lvd an valthitement with the Pllteburgli ecTrade, mortar Meuse of their rooms, above the Vilna National Bank, lam now prepared to sell at rabbit Auction,. Mocks. Bonds, beturltles, Real Eats e. ettber at the above rooms or on the praoLes Particular attengcni pa& se heretofore to the gala of Real Estate et private sale. rale, artheal Estate to the coontrfothzoded• tEnce, 1 se Fourth street. • . neM FSALF.-400 . :Acres 'Cot - Coal A. Land. lying_ Immediately upon the (ado Miser, SO miles below Gallapolls. and US mils above Gin dental On thelawve tract IS a Item toot vein of Coal. which. for general Dummies, Isnot It Is entlr:dv different from the Southern M MI A animus at little sulphur. forges and cotes well, and for making steam cannot be excelled. Tint lo cation being about midway hoes Pommy sad Hock, mat male it valuable Or coaling H bo l fr pr ihere is &miter Mont.:4M of a mile, leith good landing at all *tapes *Me river. ,- An cattalo: has been run in the Dill about MO feet, Inch galsb ad to rivel. together wlth the nomtuary gums for tabling and delivenng &Mat. Said Meals era-crass double Portable cllcular Saw Mill to gether with a Portab.e tlrtst Mill, all to lOW • - Wag order. sad plug, of the very beef MIX: as UM poplar timber. . Would sell ono-halt Interest If detir. to a yam erlllt ex...stenos and ?boatel for working same. • Jt/ttli D. • • DESIRABLE - LOTS FOlt 10017 A - TAT 111:8111EXCE3 —Oa sealant of dwhaelaar o stay of.the weather on TuestISLLUISIZZIG .those dediabar Ha lone Lot., aereseack, 00 the Pertweville [-Raw. re sidle fr om A ll taw-1w edP ur .'" lot. ars Dow unwed TZ,l4o—trtiaAllt [tan Parl:WlLti interest. for pads or traTroDart7 aad LOAMY partkolars, aDDIY BAthicir. LEALTILEB BELTING.. chAltl4 No; '♦ ll - Clg , Turs s.. sear t Penitentiary Aliso a fran.legrOttlf=trdeine7 = h il l ° I. TAsgra. aTitait BiIITLINd. BUM wade to oraer end repaired et snort notice. Partlenlar at, ;cottn ;weld is iselu ler Itolling and W eUoBadavy, wort. Alt work .watnutted.. (yr • FITZPAT R I OK ROTH KW FIRST PREIRIVII_ - GOLD NE AwurAmoszu. ..,,it.trANFItTBET_ I near Tend stmt. ' • g orsoot out M. sttylaytos Peso tit tepoUson. tend Om %malt aildprpMSly, • - THE__ CELEICRATED , - *TEEL ~Yla. 'WV= 11.12 , ./1401/3., , "Prsista =444 Has 1 Fk Pla - Hay imams and n deaF da t iNtF or OW WWI =DUI VW, 14 malaria. a aura Data% WALL - PAPER—Of all mid ou ?O Futon, Halls, Dlatilleomi Xl{cla grestorizety, in No, MUM ‘O 5 l /#* tre sao. }:r.IIF..W OPERA 1101.18 E. C. 1111:3 (Friday) EVE "sr twill Banat of B. J. W. WALLACH. Oushlett ocataleahe.Alilgtie aajX:b tenit. . . Supported White aecompliatied atareas. • ILBS, I. W. WALLACE. Al LAST MACBETH. 'Saturday Afternoon—Grand Fashionable 'statue,. The talented 'outs Pittsburgh gentleman. Mr. SUN. NET lEattlAtHE as B4CHAtt7.III. - EataKay N Lab eat ar mamba otHr. Walla eh. Holiday-4 Sr. H .Cll ETT. • ItgrPITTMITUGH THICATRE. Lzsass Asp IW.Assa.WX. HAND SIMON D•netlt or kiln lEl.llli IeaTELLIE who sail appear for thefirst time aa Lady ult.! and Mad. One Vine In.the bsaatithi Islay of ) ST LYNN 6. THIS ltrld►li EVENING. will he prude:lid the play entitled 7.a9IE,L.TNNF.: (Jr. THE ILOrEgLEET. • ; Favorite Dance less Katie EMI*. Irat t trl art; Orchestra. less Katie and Mary Estelle.' To conclude srlthi the 80131.1111 VILMOND 11 : i 3 1 0 Ke se;I:::S.Y ZP/MlNU—SaMirrborne. arCITY HALL. • 0 r . GRAND CONeERT, VOCAL. AND Gives under theaurptees of the 02 TE &EWA &NOE, Pittsburgh Dlstslou, Ifo. 42, a. l i r 4, s i r - sr ze.a.razi, '" Tuesday Erereing,Dee.lBll6, • On this oecaslcaz Tome of Ole IRIB Tait. - TALENT Or TEE _CITY NAVING voluvrzearn, e ot . llosurpnexed Excellence EMEI wiral uWn. Doors open at 7 o'clock.' Conccrt to commence WIN o'clock. C4F-b - lituisariArt cmincer FAIR. AND FISEVAL,. The Indies of the ChM/at:an IMarch, In Alleg■heny City. (4 osenlating. raster )•111 open in EICKL, glum HALL, corns? of Federal and La cock streets. On Tuesday Evening. December Ifilth, aml.. , A fine PAD I AND PlariveL, - which vnll con- ' tinue throngt the week. sod the proceeds will Or de voted to on new church Doled inn now la process of ereetion on the cornet of Deaver street 55 £ths North Common. . . . . ... .. . Years ertlel.• of ell flea., oblldren , s clothier. sults. Sidle.; vases, toys, thefacttoneries; riot, rien's Creasing rosms and slippers; comers, soiree. Ice creams. am, mai be Offered for sale on ream:. Ale terms. . .. Alt EXCELLENT DINNER - 0 - 111.16 e served each doy tram t 2 to 3 o'eotek to all Elting- tug a call. Alto; ouPPAR mot 6to 9 o'cloot. - - - - - . Arbors.too Vats. aria.; Sewn; Tick. to. WM: Mower Ticket.. to those boring admission or sea son tickets. 71 eta ; to other. 61.03 - . BOABS BAND old be la wm lgeer. else. Other male. both vocal end UR will be. er elshed. • • notrtille ta"TENTH WARD MISSION SCHJOL CONCERT; Will be held at the NEW ACADEME or nitrOc. ON MONDAY. THE 1:170 IYST. ; Dopys open at 7 o'clock. Contort to commence at Di o'clock. Tickets, 50 cente For tale at the door on the evening of the Concert. - ; dell:tat rgErPIROF. COWPEWS DANCING A.CA131331Y.• AT WILKIN HAD- r earth Utrea, near emittteld, now open ler the recthw latkorPopll. mudecood term. .Days of iftUlteil..AY BATITUDA Y. Revilement.. Class et 7) o'clock. evening. Ladles,' Abe! ere sad Dims' those at 3 P. Z. Private Lessees on FRIDA Y. .WILILINIS 11.A.1.1..A0 rent. Joy thlect Purtiog. *bet engted. !sy-cluet:3 Jai) . 1 i t to che . V .4o C s O o tt m. P . R. n ß. no ... For_ • C froulart4;glaie Ity:1 GROVES & BAKER'S I ELASTIC STITCH iND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are THY lIIVT tor Itaddi and HaallTasttadl poses. Call sad see them at dr°. is. Ptah Ktreet. DORIT BE DECEIVED BY 1 - 7. flourlablag half column atirAtaelatstar ailateclal Machines,. bat Rats Oft It BAK.StI.- It Ma bees tally tasted for lazieng s . yam,. and u UTAH mama • sent judgea.grs • • ~ . /VEST . • . • . MTco, 36 lilEt32. 31114r0cr.., GET NONE BUT , A • • & AMEBIC- /or a Holiday _ . 6th:. itu•bie. Pnrotet and aerators the bet. -Dam's ain to can and as !tat . „ . NO. wentrr. - TIRE GROVER - te, ‘ BARER BEWINC NIACHOME.:- - L the Mama Th ule et Neetuat/int:t ?Waal '" - NO Is rurril 8 : R,IIOE, ELIMUIESII & •C4IIIII4GE • , WAKLIIB should OP the ter - f i at ; - , • 44 ; Grover &Baker No. 1 Sewing Setoto tmyttlr elsewhere. /t L stis Dent 1. far lite. ter We at nottlieli • WO. 18 VIT/11. /MIX r 825. • BAILTLE:Fi!. SEWING MACHINE.".r Best cheap Licensed Nagano tot Pelted hterws:;; : Agents wanted everywhere. Pay r faidto air months Sectors sump and address • , -.-; _ • . PASSE MYTH e.P.d flisaterai•V • ' e Chestnut street. I hilvdeleada, and 'M a new t treet, Toledo. Oblo. HMELB4. - - GINGHAM : -HOUSE - : ,;: -- -- - ----' '1- .....: .-, -.. . ELVES= AHD niitig STS.; , - -, st.ziii...s. traizimlizzA.,.' 7.,....a otecuti House is sow open for ibh roreotbra olgooots. W la th e ; eipolnimeatir of • ,-. CUBA " DVS, . .. , --_ ritorsuErm. . - : LA Thc; witterare barite leneot titts ftvokt• wigwam' Mit° D PWINItIEILD ILaHN/dil. one broom with the incist portint pointer:4M tor reception of guests. The DIU Mein* lint.clasellotelp , grill be in la AttoiNes In their i WM% fa. Md. lorizartri tour at real • ISeartbe Ihipeusbitt Beloiser .J. 11.051 WV 0.1119 r. 1. • , PAS JOHN' .GPEtA.Ir * sumo Asosucc, - ; - '1.7.: - - rifling; Gamin - in GLAnEk - V'64 Blast i ' - ..., 'h .1p ttillargi+ i--rliCitir° I=at -.- soZtia..mreearVerplicts WWILLIAM' I 5 22; • z • thatootaillbalrzw*4l - 104010' 4 : ;t sl~lte~laal ,ruIPII~,J Skailbelit emir of Vat sag mpus strew. ' • —rum • _ .E, Est =IEEE • - TE