The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 13, 1866, Image 1

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1 15/A0 11. # :1
Insurance Company
E. 13, WINSTON, President.
8 17,5;00,000,
Ani I
mal 11htleeiids Available Imenedlately,
Policy-holders and other pereone intere.tell In the
etv-Ject of I.l7lVlAltlUltANCit are invitee to cell
on the unuerrigned. Agent of the Company, who
wifi cheerfully glue them full information as to the
tnerlta and practical working of the Company.
GEO. N. BL itlit3TOEK,. pot,
No. 37 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh
Misitest Skates! Skates!
The cheapest ant driest skates, at
Odnicn'ii, Dispatch. Building,
• . .
A Clergyman I n Distress—An Appeal.
Au unfortunate clergyman, of German na.
tivity, makes the following statement of his
troubleasnd appeal for help:
A faithful minister of the Reformed Church.
ho, for several years, has been laboring in
the different States, and lately' in Allegheny.
county, has been most recklessly dealt with
by a storekeeper of this city, who, during the
absence. of the reverend gentlemen, and
Whilst the. name was engaged in removing
from the country into town for the rough sea
son, caused the seizure and rale of the minis
ter's furniture and goods. protected by the
three hundred dollars exemption law, and
shamefully oven seized and sold ter a trifle
his wife's (who Is still under the depression of
a deep sorrow from the loss of a dear, beloved
child,) household things, bedding, trunks,
and clothing—against a . note of a - email
amount, for which the poor minister only ask
ed a little forbearance. - Consequently the
minister and his family are stripped at this
present cold season of all their bedding, fur
niture, and of almost every necessity of lffe,
- except those they wear about themselves.
May this hearty appeal reach, therefore, the
heart of the benevolent in this, our commun.
ily. Christians, the blessed time of Go:Ps mer
cy is near at band, Bpd those who have mercy
will earn mercy. Any pecuniary aid or done
,. Gum of-bedding, blankets, woman's clothing,
or linen, will be thailkfull received at the
• Commercial ofdee, directed—" Donation for the
family of the bereaved minister, Pittsburgh,
Pa." A law suit. against the above mentioned
storekeeper has been instituted fo: the three
hundred dollars indemnity. Thal amount thus
received will be handed over to the Pitts
burgh Orphan Asylum..
Sketea fbr- toe 1111.111im
Club skates, boys , skate•, girls' skates, at
• °ours's, Di...paten Building
Grand Opening.
The Ceittral Park, Ninth ward, will be open
this evening. Coupon tickets, twenty.ffve for
tive dollars, can be obtained at the following
J. H. Dickson, Druggist, corner and
fixed streets.
A. J. Rankin, Drugglit, St SC glair street.
St. Charles Dotal. Who./ Strata.,'
T. 51. Elehary, Druggist, :,1 Pena street.
J. ii. Welsh, tirocer, 915 Penn street.
D. S. Dlffenbaoher, Shoe abide, lit Market
T.H. Richards, t 5 Fifth street.
Charlotte Blume, 43 Fifth street.
John P, Mm& Co., 59 Fifth street.
John W. Plttoek, News Depot, Fifth Stftet
tfaViarran k Ste Kennan, Drugglsts, 95 Mar
ket street.
C.C..Ugeo, Jeweler, ft Ilittr Street.
W. W. Bradshaw - odt Wood street.
James Boron, 159 Wood street, •
& Co., Jewelers, b 6 Firth strOet
Henry hither, Nenradealer, 73.1110 street.
M. Gardner. Druggist, Penn street.
Samuel Felmeitock, 74 - Wood street-,
'G. W. Ga:rdner,Drugglat, Lawrenceville.
M. C. Morgan, Druggist, Wylie street..
Palmer a Ansahutz, 57 Market street:
Josepn Abel, Druggist, corner of riftli and
Grant streets.
Franklin Ballard Sateen, Finn street.
. W. W. Wattles, Jeweler, 43 Fifth street.
-C.ll. Super, Druggist, corner Penn, and St.
Clair streets.
J. C.* Slattern, Druggist, corner Third and
sralthtleld streets.
W. A. Ahl, Druggist, corner Wylie nna Fat.
ton streets.
11. C..Uhrlsty, Druggist, MO Penn street.
* . Taos. A. Srrtei, Secretary.
Cutlery! Cutlery! Cutlery!
The finest goods for Christmas bolidayi , , at
OGDEN'S, Dispatch Building.
Men Win Vote Tobeeee
Their wives and sisters can 'find Christmas
presents actor their husbands, brothers and
beaux at tt. • W. Jenkinson's, Allegheny.
third door from Suspension Bridge, where
there will always be found, besides all the
common varieties, s, very elsoles selection o•
meerschaum, briar wood, and other pipes, ct
gas' holders; ac., of neat and ornate design; •
large and varied stock of smoking and chi W
ing tobacco, and many of the popular bmuus
of Cuban and Americas cigars.'
The Howe hewing Machine,
Must certainly take the Tend of all othors 111 Q.
short time. IL was awarded fire premiums
on work, at the World's Fair,186 . 2; four premi
ums for work and on the the New
York State Fair, 1516. See the Methodist, of
September rm. A premium on the machine
at tile Ohio State Fall, 1667. See the Dayton
Journal, October loth. The May ageucy for
11.11 sale for Western Feamtylvenia, is at No. 4
M. Clair street, l'ittabergh. •
Hazard & Cos!well , ' Cod Liver OH.
The Purest and Sweetest Cod Llier Olt in the
world, manufactured from fresh, healthy
livers, upon the seashore. It is perfectly
'pure:and sweet. Ask for .!liazard.lCaswelra
Cod.Llver Manufactured by
soldbib/A druggister. . yOt
Call said eec
The beautilul PAW., Prunes /rid Mos Cate
Raisins, at No. 112 federal street, second
door from Abe First Natio:nil Bank, Aile
glieny City
Ton COO Buy
Foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S.
Pinch's Distiitory, No, 189, lA In and 123 First
street, Pittsburgh. -
' You Can Buy
e 8 per coat. Alcohol at Joseph E. FLach's
You Can Bay
ew tops at Joseph S. Finch's.
From Arkansas— The Constitutional
• -
?Sturgis, December. 19.-A special to the
Avalanche from Little ?took,ays : The report
of the Senate Committee os the Constitutional
Amendment gives the following reasons for
its objections: . Arkansas does not know the
Amendment was adopted by such a Congress
as the Constitution provides, as one-third of
the States were unrepresented; ;secondly,
never submitted tcrthe l'resideut for sanction,
• us the Constitution requires; third, euortnous
Power sought by Congress, which would vir•
Wally abolish nit local domestic State laws:
fourth, its effort to force negro suffrage on
states, as shown in the second section; fifth,
the third section disfratiches the wisest and
beet citizens of the State, who, lir ving Per
formed all the conditions of surrender and
general amnesty, aro entitled to restoration
as before the war, and seeing nn reasons for
believing Its anoption would secure resinra
tion, and recommending a quiet, cllgnified
;murals of endhraece rather than purchase re
storation at the sacrifice Of principle and self.
respect. -
The !leathern Malls—A Memorial to I
Postmaster General—A Ilieree Zhler
Locum/tax, December 12.—Generals Wilson,
Cavalry and Carlin, or Illinois, arrived here
en route for Nashville.
th T ePo s b tm oa a r s d t e o r f Gn a odrea t i t n o te AnPdP o to t
mem i
o6r g aeln t ae
to Now Orleans in order to expetlt.e mails.
William McKee, who stole 'horses In Camp
bell county Kentucky, and escaped to Arkam
lee wee ar c . aced there anti brought here to
A man named Rosenbaum was arrested hero
to-day for passing counterfeit 'Vaned SLAWS
River owl Weather at Lon itsllfe.
LOUISVILLE, Deo: I.2.Rltrer falling tdowly :
le feet 2 bathes In canal by imuc.-‘tioather
Mbar; mercury,l2l , legrece; barometer 22,e3.•
-;. i
: 1 . ' . l I
, t l --
' • 1 1 --
; , 1
IF; ! ' •.,, , ;
'much Evacuation . of Rom Appropriations for Deficiencies.
prder from
. the War Department,
Jeff, Davis and Cabinet Implicated.
An American Vessel Ashore
DecetabCr 11.—Tho Pope la at Vic
clila. '
On the 29th a French Regiment left for
home, evacuating Castle San . Angelo. The
Pontificia' flag was hoisted river. the Castle.
The man Who gave information about Sur.
Dalt. is a French Canadian named Atari°.
Ue betrayed Surratt through Jealousy, and
save Surratt told him! that the Lincoln assus
ainatiou was a preconcerted plot. Surratt
carried 'direct. from Davis Cabinet at Rich
mond, the principal details of the plot to
Washington, and the assassination was not
only in accordance with the desire of Davis ,
Cabinet, but was done by their direction and
'tautly, December 11.—Governor Wright,
the American ambassador, is set lowly 111..
Lassos, December If-Noon.—The suspected
Fenian steamer Bolivar is strictly guarded..
Rout:, December it—Noon. —Thu French Min
ister informed the Pope if he withdrew from
Rome the French troops could not support
- Losooe, Decombsr 12-IVonn.—Consols open
ed at bS , A; 5.205, 71; Illinois. 77A; Erie, 1714.
Limnos,' December lit—Evening.—The steam
er Bolivar seized • on hospice,ou of being' In
tended for a Fenian man-of-war has :been
claimed by the Minister of the Republic of
Columbia as the legitimate property of his
government. The Bolivar is the vessel Which
went to La it uaym In charge of English eel
cora and crew for delivery to the President
of the ibiSqUeille government. The crew there
insited on being retained in the ship - , which'
was refused. They thereupon left l'he non -
with her and returned to England. • She will
- now probably he handed over to the Columbia
govern Meat. The excitement 1n reference to
her has died out.
CORE, Wednesday, Dec. 12.—A large number
of Fenians have embarked at this and other
Irian twirls for America.
CCNEAVILT, Wednesday, Dee. 12.—The chip
Mary Baker; -from Philadelphia, bus arrived
al this port very leaky.
IVEVI3II.I4,Dec. Pi-The ship Indus, bound
to Philadelphlai, Is ashore near this place.
Livecroot., Dec. 12.—The Provision market
•Lestiox, Dec. 12.—The money market is easi
er. :Consols loan advanced te. per emit : , elos:
log at tkids ; for money. The following are the
closing prices for American beciwitiesi U. S.
1-20 s, 71; Erie,47!;; IIIInOU Central, 17i
The Evacuation of Mazatlan.
Garrisons in the South.
NEW ORLEANS, De, 1 . 2.—A Mazatlan paper
Lawn account of the evacuation of that city
by the-French and the entry of lieneral Coro.
na. Some .I.lberals attempted to selie the
American steamer Continental, but were pro•
vented. . •
IC XIV OlLLEillii‘, December 1 . 2.--01 reports
from Florida indicate considerable ill feeling
between the citizens there. arising from the
possession of contlecatt,l property by parties
who purchased real estate at Confederate eon-
fiscation sales, refusing to relinquish their
claims to refugee Owners. The courts In some
counties sustained the holders of property.
but issued writs of election against persons
holding property confiscated and sold by tine
'United States Government. Gen,. Foster, com
manding the troops of the Stole thinks that
thej troops cannot be safely removed.
GatvzsvoUeeember ii—Lieutenant Colo.
nel kills has a relieved by General Grlilln
of the temporary charge of the Duman during
the absence of General Niadov. DoeibledaY
acts as Assistant Commissioner for Texas. la
consequence of dispatches from Sheridan,
Griffin leaves for the Itio Grande by the dis
patch bout this morning.
NEW,OI2I,EANS, Dee. U.—Barracks urn going
up at Grenada, IlLssisimpl, • fur a permanent
garrison for the United States troops. It la
said that Jackson, Vicksburg and Natchez are
also to be made permanent posts. The Ma
jor General Commanding says this is simply
to assist the civil authorities in maintaining
the taw.
Major General 3Vool lais,been compliments
thy addressed by the Grand Jury of Marion
ounty, MlasLsidpl, for his impartiality and
justice In the execution of his duties, to which
he rcplies: "It Is the desire oi the army that
the civil authorities should be altogether en
trusted with the execution of tee laws.
The Pitoiool Food Itonds—Aflionesameut
of the Leo - toilet ore,-lifosraloof VS.
Sneed—A Owl for Damages.
NA4IIVILLE, December AZ —A dispatch was
received this morning front the special Legis
lative Committee, sent to Memphis to recover
the school fund bond loaned fo the Tennessee
Yank. stating that. they
_had arrived, and that
things looked lavorable. Nothing further has
The Legislature adjourns on Monday fo r the I
holidays, and in the meantime the committee
appointed to investigate the matter will pro
ceed with their labors.
Some of tile State authorities believe that
tho bank al th ough unable now to return the
bonds, will make such an arrangement as will
indemnify tile Stain against loss ultimately.'
, During the recent term of the Supreme
Court of Tennessee. at Knoxvtik, the case Of
Governor IV. 0. Illowalow ag "lust IV. 11.
Sneed, for
involving, some twenty.
live thousand dollars, was continued.
A similar cart., that of Foster against U. L.
Cox, for thirty thou Sand dollars aarnages, was
heard, and the decision of the lArcult. Court
reversed, and the property of the defendant,
which hail been seized, was ordered to he re.
stored. Cox had been indicted .in the drat
Court for treason, but the. indictment was
Bowers Dlseharked—Fresh Indtrtmenta
Prepared—Caso or dlcUscractil • Boot
SWEETsnruo, Dec. It The pi isoner Begets
was Heel:Raged Hob, Cl.ll3tOtly ta)..itly. Coo.
eel Devlin furnished him money to carry him
home. His statement Is that being drunk he
deserted from the Auteritairi army and crossed
with the lenians, and only came to his senses
after he was arrested.
Fresh indictments having been ,prerared
against ItearJoif, smith Morrill, Howard and
Crawford, they will he laid befrne the Grand
Jury tomorrow.
The case of McGowan is still under consid
eration. HO is a Mlle fellow anti claims Lobe
a boot black, and w sot with the leniana to
carry on his trade. lie is skid to when
implements of his trade with hardlic
n iar
Petroleums—Steamboat Sunk.
NAinvtLte, Dec. t:.—Eight hundred and for barrels of petroleum have arrived here
since Sdv. Ist, from the Upper Cumberlands.
Locisvittr, Dec. steamboat Empe
ror from Cincinnati, to New Orleans, with
valuable cargnk nt the bend of the Fulls
this evening. rho cargo is damaged consider
lily. Thu bout's bow lies in ten feel of water,
Fenian Trials. •
IPorzersurne, December 12.—Thu Court
ruled out Deetins pleas. The _pnsooers Were
arrulaned. and plead not guilty. The trials
commence next Tuesday. 3.1.1 e Court adjourn.
.cd, tin todnorroce.
Hostile ludians—Tronble Antlapelled
DCZICLII CITY, Dee. 12..—The. Cheyennes are
exhibiting a hostile disposition and trouble is
anticlpateal soon.
PIT TUB cent.r..]
Female Clerks to be. Discharged.
Wm:lwo:rex; Dee. 12.—Mtt Stevens' bill, re
ported yesteraay from the Committee on Ap-:
prop fiat ions, to supply the deficiencies in al.;
propriations fee, the present fiscal year, and
which Is made the special order tot to•rhor
row, embraces the following items . : For pub.
tic printing, 03,000; binding, $1.71,000' bureau
of statistics, WOO; fuel, light end labor in the
Treasury bending, ttflleJi to refund the fib
Auditor, It",Stio; Marine Hospital, Louisa - 111e.
tin,ol4; fencing the grounds south of the Pres
ident's house, 413:5(1; repairs and preserva•
[lon of t henubl le buildings, $13,000; furniture
and the repairing of earniture, 1110,0001
some for Treasury building, 110,000; heating
apparatus, public buildings, 15,000; facilitatteg
communication by telegraph, 40,00 e t supervi
sing local steamboat inspectors, 70,000; watch
men for public buildings, 2;00 t deficiency for
work done In Washington City, 170,197 ;stable
at' Executive Mansion, 1,5001 metropolitan
47,72 , ,5rs ; commutation of quarters and
fuel fur Officers of theengineer corps, 190 led ;
damuge done to Washington Aqueduct, PLeUe;
contmenneles of State Department, 250.10.5,
The specie! committee to inquire into the New •
Orleans riots, held a meeting to-day. and
took the testimony of Messrs. Fish and Du
runt. The latter w as Pretirlent of the State
Convention of Loulslana, of 1001, and his evi
dence was chiefly a repetition of that given
by him to the Military Commission at New i
Oricans,to inquire into the facts of the riot.
The Congressional Special Committee is ex
pect.' to start or. their mission to New Or
leans, on Monday next.
Thu following is an order issued from the
War department :
W•ft MCA'S nterr, APO'. Orel, e, i
WssIIINUTON, D.C., Dee. 10, ISC,C,
(irrieria Order R. 95.—Par. graph revised
regulations of the' army. Is hereby moditiesi to
read as follows: seta The legal punishment
for soldiers by sentence of court mantel, ac
cording to the jurisdiction Of the Court, are
death, imprisonment, Imprisonment on bread
and water diet, solitary confinement, bard
latter, forfeitures of pay and allowances, tile
charge Worn service, repriredinds and. stitch
non-commissioned °Moen% • reduction to the
ranks. The periods of elandnement in aggra
vated or repeated caeelof desertion shall not
exceed one year solitary confinement, or con•
tinement on bread water ehall not exceed four
teen days eta time, with inter eala between the
periods of such confinement not les- than
such periods, and _trot etesieding elghty-four
slays in shy one year. Enlisted men for pure
ly military offences- shall not be confined in a
State prison or penitentiary, and when sol
diers, for other than tallittary offences, are
sentenced to confinement in a penitentiary,
they will be dishonorably discharged from
the Service in the order promulgating the
proceolings of Court:' The ball- and chain
shall not be used as a punishment. Ordnance ,
sergeants and hospital stewards, though liable
todischarge, shall not be reduced. Nor are'
they to be tried by regimental or garrison
court martial unless by special permission of
Ilse department commanalattE.-- -
By order ot the Secretary of War. •
E. D. TOWSS sac, A. A. G. I
The following important nominations were)
sent into the Sene.te today for confirmation:
John A. Dix, of New York, Minister Plenipo
tentiary to France; A. Williams, of Miehi
gen, MEI ister liesidenCat San Salt - odor; John
Sena, of Ohio Minister Resident at Liberia;ll.
S. Peck, ot Ohio, Minister Resident at Hayti;
John McGinnis, jr., of (throne, Minister LinSl-
dent ut Stockholm; A. G. Lawrence of Rhode I
Island. Minister Resident at Costa Rica; W yea
ham Hoffman of Louisiana, Assistant Secre
tary of Legation at Paris; It. Ewing. Of Rau
sass Minister Resident at the Hague; J. H.
Campbell, of Pennsylvania, Minister Resident
at Bogota.
Commander C. 11. Cooper, of the United
States ship Winooski, reports to the Secretary
of the Navy, from Rey West, the sailing of the
Winooski from that place for the coast of tu
be, and that the health of the officers and crew
was Much improved.
The statement that the Secretary of the
Treasury had under consideration the subject
of dispensing with tile services of female
clerks has produced *strong pressu - e against
such action, or at any rate Coat ho should not
• at truce with the service of this class
of employees. it is thought he may be in - I
duced to reconsider the matter as far as faith
fel andtompetent ladies may be found aiuong
those ut present employed, but appion
for additional appointments have nests
slight chance of success.
The reported *settlement. by Consul MOM,
of London, made. with Francis Trenholua
Co., the'notorious blockade runners, and the
agents of the rebel Government, during the
oar, was made without the kuowledge or con•
went of Mlnliter Adams or Consul Dudley. of
Liverpool, and is not sattefabtory to the Gov
ernment. It lute, therefore, been repudiated.
Of gold, the Trees iry held to-day MHO 000,
of which r 21,441,000 is to gold certificates; the
balance belonging absolutely to the Govern
ment. The coin receipts have largely dimin
ished during the last mouth.
The White House, although not as °selfi
sh ely attractive as before the Session of Con
gress commenced, still attracts many visitors.
Tne usual number presented themselves to-
day, and, In addition to °Metal interviews
with members of the Cabinet, the President
found time to receive many of those seeking
all audience.
eipts from Internal Revenue to slay
am T ounted to $631,C15.
The Prealtient It. recognized Allan A. Bur
ton Couaul of Costa Rica tor the State of Ken.
teck y, to reside at LOlll.lllO.
Maxim'Hai to May In Mexico.
Mos emenis or the Contending Forces.
New_ Yuan, Dee. 12.—Ilavana dates to the
6th have been received by the steamer Eagle.
The steamer Enter had arrived With Vera
Cruz ilates of ;he ;id; and City of Mexico of
the:Silt. • .
The Inhabitants of Vera Cruz made great
demonstrations of Joy on the Ist inst., In lain
-0 r et the announcement that Maximilian had
determined to stay In. Mexico. The prefect
had ifftbtliS , a proclamation stating that Car
lotto to in a great spirit of abnegation ' Ile her
husband bail determined to adhere to Mexico.
in defence of which he proposes to stied the i
last drop of his blood.
• The French General Donny has readied the
city of Mexico frouxPotosi on the :id, and con
tinued on Ills march to Puebla. .
General Ay mard•s section of. French troops
hail reached Perote en route to the coast.
, The French garrison were to leave :Madill
! vas on the :1%11.-
1 Juarez is reported to be at Saltillo.
I The greater portion of Tebuttean is in the
• hands of the Liberals. Pulancingo would soon
fall to the Liberals. Pepiele was threatened
b Corona; and Juarez has withdraw
fe y
rs to the foreigners in Mexico to Join h i m.i
Durango was Occupied by the Liberals bit
the Nth.' Mr - is about retiring trout San
Lula Potost laid driveno Sierra. Tee French
are being rapidly out of Senora. •
Puebla has been declared open to the corn
, mince of the world so long as Vera Cruz Er 0C-
Cllplell by the French.
Official from the Rio Grande
At'asii 'novo, Dec.ll—The bill reported by the
Conan:Hee on J,toliclary of the House, rePeal
ing the act of 1740, which limits prosecutions
for treason to three years, has. created a lira
found sensation, and the taent of
that body has been promptly arrayedry agarnst
the proposition as 'a monstrous one. Many
Matting Republicans, Including fdr. eteux,
will resist.the proposition to the last, as an es
pod facto law.
Mr. Stewart yesterday received a telegram
from San Francisco, stating that Senator Nye,
of Nevada, received a malority in tho Ley iii
lature, and will undoubtedly be re-elected.
Gen. illooutecid,,of Kew Orleans, lo hire.
His business Is coanected with the rebilliding
of the:all:owls laLouislana. .There is little
doubt but that ho wilt De atICOOSItaI.
a.tvices are received at lion. Grant's
headquarters, from Gen. Sheridan. There is
clothing of importance In reference to affairs
'On the 1110 (amide. •
AS:111 NOTON. Dee.l2, DO;
. _
ler, MOrgan introaticed a Joint liesolution,
presenting the thanki .of Congress to Etr.
Field, for the successful t laying of the Atlantic
Teo Instriet or Celtunbla suffrage bill was
taken up.
Mr. Ilrown of M les oilri, maintatited that silt.
frogs should be universal w I them L restrictiOns
As to race. The question was on Covran , s
amendment to eaten,' franchise to females.
Mr. Doolittle -aid he would vote -against the
auiendinent. lie hail arrived at the conclu.
shin that the true foundation upon which tO
rest suffrage was the head of the family. se-.
cording to nature and religion, Man Was the
bead of thejcs*t kr. Ile ices told the Indian or '
Attlee - wee - en sontreteat. Ile was told whathe
could not believe. Though some tew of the
latter might be, It would be a burlesque noon
repnplican Institutions to say those who had
lately Ivan slaves were competent. - -- -
The yeas and nay., -on the amendment of
Mr. Cowan were taken with the following re
sult! Yea!, 9 nays, M.
• Mr. Piro:1011"am! the follow tug amendment
to come atille end of the tirst eection• of the
bill reported by Mr. Cowan: "Provided that
unperson who has heretof , :re voted In this
Dietrit t shalt be permitted to tote unless he
shall be able at the time of offering , the vote,
to read and to write his own name."
Mr. Saulsbury spoke against the bill.
Mr. Trumbull Introduced a resolution re.
I questing the Prosldelit to Inform the Senate
I whether any persons - had been appointed to
I odic° elucc the last adjournment of the Senate
to fill vacancies existing prior to that adjourn
ment, particularly - If such is not the ease. In
regard to the Surveyor of Philadelphia,
Mr. Maim) introduced v. r. sold Don author.
IZlng the 'Committee on the War Debt of the
lops States to report a 0111 authorizing the
taxation of taco and a ltalf per cont. on Nation•
al bunks for the pitynietid 91 anon debts.
Objection being, made,, lies over,
'the resolution of My. Price relative to the
issue and circulation of National banks.was
laid over. •
A resolution declaring that no State of the
South refusing to adopt the Constitutional
.amendnient ~hall be entitled to represents.
Lion which was laid over.
The credentials of It. li. Epperson, of .Tel.
as, WWI presented and referred to the KiectiOn
The bill repealing the law of 1790„ which
provides for no wird for treason after the ex•
piratton of three years, was taken up, debated
and recommitted to tile Judiciary Commit.
The 1,111 anthoriXing the. President to Confer
brevet rank on otlk•crs appointed tont° regu
lar army for gallant services to the volunteer .
service was passed.
TV's bill of last session regulating tine peace
establishment of the army, was reported and
Tile bill regulatingapporntments was debit•
tad at great length. ,
ii r. melee, from the Committee on Military
Affatrs, reported and recommended the pas
sage of a bill relating to brevets in the army
of the United States, and stated Its object to
be to plate volunteer officers appointed to
positions in the army upon the same footing
with regular °inters. The bill passed.
Mr. Schenck, from the Committee on Military
Affairs, reported the army tell of last session
to increase and x the mary peace mitab.
nah ment of the army of the United States.
Laid on the table.
Also, a mointion to extend three months
extra pay of certain officers. Laid on the table,
Mr. calends also lei - vatted adversely upon
tine memorial of A. Gleason and tie others on
the sumo subject.
Mr. Thayer, from the CoMmlltee on Private
land Claims, reported an act coutirtolnit the
t UM of Alex. Gardapier to a certain tract of
land in the State of Wisconsin. Passed.
The noise resumed the consideration of
the MI, to regulate appointments to r and re
movals from office.
The pending amendment offered by Mr.•
Williams was agreed,to.
. Various other anneinlments were offeKed, -
giving rise to much discussion, which was
participated In by Messrs. Williams, Schenck.
Tbayhr, Hasson, Bingham, Willson, (of lowa,)
and Stnallabarger.
An amendment offered 1,5• Mri Wil
liams prodding that the heads of -depart
ments should bold their offleo during the term
of office of the President by whom they were
appointed, unless removed by tine cement of
Senate, and should severally appoint their as
sistants, and all their subordinate ofileersoras
further amended at the suggestion of Mr.
Bale, by strlidng out the latter clause pro
siding fur the appointment of subordinates,
and the amendments° modified was agreed to.
An amend men ... tinter.' by Mr. Garfield, pro
viding for the-punishment of any officer who
shall receive or pay any money out of the
Treasury of the United States, In violation of
the provisions of tine bill, was altered, at the
suggestion of Mr. hale, to matte the Punish
ment apply to the payment or receipt of
money In violation of the provisions of this
or any other statute of the United States, and
so altered, was.agreed to, finally.
On motion of Mr. larneswortb the further
consideration of the inn and amendments was
postponed until Thursday.
Mr. 'looker, by unanimous consent. report
ed bill to provide national currency secured
by pledge of United States bonds, and to pro.
vide for the circulation And redemption there
. of and for other purposes.
On motion of Mr. Niblock a resolution was
adopted calling upon tine President for all
.correepondence, reports and information in
his possession no relation to the riot alleged
to have occurred at New Orleans on the filth
Of July.
The suffrage bill .was discussed- at some
In the course of lits remarks, Sir. Rogers
said The question before the country sena
not as to who altould, or should not, vote. Alla
question was between constitutional liberal.
lam and despotism.
Mr.Relly, of Pennsylvania, understood the
gentleman to say that t , mt government was a
despotism which denied representation to Its
citizens. and lie wanted to ask him whether
that was a free government or a despotism
which denied - to its people not only represen
tation. but citizenship, and yet taxed OMNI
Mr.- Rogers - anewerod that if Mr. Rally's
theory of despotism was correct, them our
fathers . who framed the constitution Wore
themselves despots.
Mr. Kelly remarked that-he had not asked
about the opinion' or merits of our fathers;
but the opinion of the present leader of the
Democratic party In the .Ilouse—the gentles
man from NSW Jersey, and he would again
ask him if be was in favor of denying both the
right of topreserinition anti the right of
zenship fret . millions of American people
and their postertty, and if he would declaim
against that as despotism which asked that
every man should be a citizen, and that no
citizen who was not allowed a free voice in
electing his representatives anti be taxed di.
meetly or it.ctlreetry I
Dlr. itogerS. In reply, said-he was 1/1171:1111y op
posed to inflicting upon the people of tbe
South or people of the North any rule of suf
frage by virtue of an amendment to the COSI
-111.11111.1011. wa State the
question tor n
itselfnted. Ile each
held that to
the settle
were sovereign and that each one had a con.
,stitetional right to control its own domeatle.
poll, y. Ile was an much in favor
or libertys
.any one could be, but he would ate lu that
connection that ho was opposed to negrO suf
frage in every fern).
Mr. Thayer, of Pennsylvania, inquired
whether the gentleman had not voted against
the Coast Rational amendment abolishing
Mr. Rogen) answered that he had, upon the
ground that the States hail exeluslise control
over the Institution of slavery and he stilt
considered that Constitutional Amendment
utterly snit and void. The slaves were free,
and so help him GO, hc wofild do all in his
, power to maintain their freedom, (laughter,)
but they ,had been made free, not oy the
amendment but by the war minter. lie stood
by the President of the United Statesoche
would go down to posterity as one of the
brightest jewels that had
aughter.) ever been given to
the country, (L The Prenitlent
might be scoffed at by traitors to the co
Lotion of their country, 'but Almighty tiod
would have it written in letters of gold upon
the altars of Christianit (renewed laughter-)
that at least one pure loann wad left in the
land, who at all hazard. , would stand by the
Constitution of hie country. (Continued laugh
Air. Rogers protested against tieing inter
runt ed. Ito WRS not surprised thatitlio gentle
man scoffed at the downfall of liberty. It wan
to one,d that they would 410 so, but he
for would not be put down in that way.
lie had a right to express his opinions. lie
had /11003,3 expressed them freely,
would continue to do so for the short time he
had to remain it, the House, (laughter,) unless
. the- majority should got rid of him, as they
cd, rid of several other members by expulsion.
liefelt it to be tiut to warn
against go, encroachmen y ts of Congrethess people.
! Adjourned. •
Lutheran Convention
I . II3I.AMILTHIA, December 12.—The special
convention Or the delegates from fifteen or
thodox Lutberion Sy node in the United States
and Canada,- met this evening in We Trinity
Lutherian Church. Over one Itnndred dein
attes were preshnt, among whom. are a num
ber of the most' prominent clergy of this de
nomination. • The object of We convention is
the consideration of the pronosidons for a
basis of union between the various orthodox
Lutherian Synods In thin country, and Ita pro
ecedings are looked to with considerable in.
Wrest by that denomination.
There is allarge attendance both of clergy
and laity and the greatest unanimity has thus
far prevailed.' Au organization was effected
thin morning by the appointment of hey. G.
Braseler, of Zsenople,ra., 11. P. not h, of Pitts
burgh, and key. Streissguth, ot Milwaukee, as'
- dudes. .
Olt Crry, PA., Dec. it—lnver 2, ..l Inches, sad
lallinz The ',Caller is getting Colder; freez
ing. 011 tnarkeYdull
Flux VAN, Doe4:l2.—Ricer at this point thir
ty locate :tad falling; at 011 City thirty•six
Weather TerY zeta.
The Toiled states and Franee on the
dicalconquestion-Thw ilfillsitg Frauds
-Fenian lieellog-lotrlisse of saddle
psi commercial • circles-The Haire
Line of Steamships Discontinued-
The Steamships to be Sold-Activity
a; Fenian liendnuarteror-Shut for the
linglish-Te=as Aids the Cause of Irish
Llberl-Thohereabtints Of Stephens
-insurance Matters-llnportant Trial
.‘iitimages liteeotered-Base Bail Sop
Wool Cenrentioncd. - c.,
NOW Tone, December 12.-A London paper
say.: The boiLs of the agreement between
the United States,and Franco relative to Mex
ico is that certain tracts of laud shall be tuft
Open to French cOlorillation, and the arrange.
merits for payments be Prance to, Mexican
bondholders shall remain intact.
The testimony against Revenue officers Der
llNTliton and Levin shows strongly that they.
branded whisky which never paid tax.
A large Fenian meeting was held at Clinton
Hall lust night. Over Ono hundred recruits
were obtained.
The Herald to-day co ntaine an insulting ed
torial, calling the papers out of tile city m
Lrylnen; awl abusing those not adhering to
the Ring.
• In his charge to the gmnfrjury of the Court
of Sessions, Recorder Hackett alluded panic.
ularly to the manifest increase of crime in the
commercial circles and the unsafe condition
of the public buildings.
The Directors of the Havre -Steamship Com
pany have decided tosell the steamships Argo
and Fulton at auction, on the 23,1 inst., it
Mg been found neeessary to discontinue the
Maim want of patronage.
Stephens' headquarters exhibits an anima
ted spectacle. Men are busy packing ammu
nition, and arms are arriving from rcuusyl
vanlit an d Beloit - are, collected 1,5' Col. Condon.
Itonatlo s are made to the amount of a mil. I
lion of rounds of tired ammunition with
Texas sends thirty-four thousand stand of
arms and four thousand dollars in-currency.
The report of the arrival of Stephens In
Ireland is looked foi with onllety. No goes-
Dion exhts but that lie has loft the country.
Thapttblic expect important news from Ire
land within three weeks.
• The Executive Committee of the National
Board of Fire Underwriters, at a meeting this
morning, referred the following subjects to
appropriate committees: iiranting Ind iserim
nudely the privilege of unlimited insurance;
writing general policies on the contents of
dwellings; payment of claims before maturity
and before the cause of fire is satisfactorily
ascertained; allowing the use of gas generated
from extructa of coat oil; to secure municipal
action generally to prevent the storage of coal
oil salt extracts where other property is ex
posed; to secure the organirstlon of local
boards andadvance the rates to a remunerat
ing Standard throughout the country; and the
adoption of the most eillcien; measures to
tect and punish incendiaries.
This steamers Recto and ltaysria arrived
from Europe to-day.
A ease is on trial in the Supreme than, that
of John W. Taylor . , a St. Louis banker, and
agent for Horns, Ketchum & Co., for
covery of fifty thonsand dollars, .for allege
damages upon certain stock and gold trans
actions in INS.
lire. Caroline Rexford has recovered seven
thousand tive hundred doll:ors . damages in
the Supremo Court against the Seventh or
en tie Railroad Company for injuries sustain
ed whilegetting on one of their ears. .
Mr. a posh - Mice clerk, has been held
for trial on the charge of purlolninp, money
Tile tenth annuli Convention of the Nation
al ASSOetatlent of Base Ball Players convened
at Clinton Hall at 1 r. v., and was eitled to
order by I'resideul John Wildey, of the Mutual
Club of this city. About three hundred and
fitly delegates are in attendance, represent
= clubs in venous States, from Maine to
Oregon. Delegations from' the Northwestern
Association were invited tO seats on the plat
form. _-
The eternoon sesolon was mainly occupied
In balloting on the application of clubs for
membership in the association, of which there
were 157.
The report of the Judiciary Committee was
read by the chairman, Mr. P. Pigeon, of tile
Eaters; Club.
Complaints against various clubs, were laid
on the table, owing to informality la their pre-
The Convention. then adionrned l half
past Seven o'clock, atwhich Lion it wa ti s l
coiled to order by the President.
The report of the Committee on Rules and
negulatinnS was read by the Chairman. J. It.
Jones, of the Excelsior Clot, of New York.
Tie reading of the various amendments and
alterations created a Vitst amount of excite
ment. Among oilier amendment , adopted by
the Convention was one which makes the
employment of hired players in a neaten
game sufficient ground forthe expulsion of
the clubs° offending from the association.
Another provides for reptesentation of the
Stale Ball A.ssoctatlons in the National Asso
clation• another does away with the round
arm style of pitching. Clubs accepting a chal
lenge must play the match the sumo oeaoon,
and the defaulting club must send a ball to its
opponent. The length of time re_qiiired for
membership Ina club previous to playing: a
match remains the same as heretofore. At the
time our report closes tne Convention is going
Into ballot for officers for the ensuing year.
- -
The Ituaso•Amerlean Telegraph:l •
• SAN FRANCIBCO, December 12.—Further In
telligence concerning the °penalties of the
Russo-American telegraph expedition, re
ceived in hart Francisco yesterday, says that
only three hundred miles of the me route re
main to be explored.
In 114inne6 of rennin Priv
lismrsx, Dee, 11—The gunboat Wolverine
suddenly left here yesterday, supposed to be
In search of Fenian privateers. There is
greet activity hero in the naval and military
The Cen•fitatlonal Amendment.
IttcemoNe, Yn. Dec.l2.—lt is stated that only
four members of the Lisure Constitutional be rell
ed on to yote for the amend'
Christmas Prosenta—what to Boy nod
from Whom 10 Porches.
The reader need not again be reminded of
the near approach of the gift .season, ter
everybody feels new life course through his
veins, in anticipation of the holidays, and the
usual attending Joys And pleastires. Our
merchants are keenly alive to the great tie
'mend which will be made upon them by the
purchasing cominunity;' Reeking ay:primula' e
gifts to bestow upon dear friends and rola
lives. There are numberless bazars or head
quiriers for obtaining desirable and suitable
articles of use, beauty and adornment, which
will :prove most acceptable mention
as presents, d
prombient among; theca, i
the well-known and popular notion and trim
ming house of 31.terum tt Carlisle, No. 19 Fifth
street. Few of ou. e s tab lis hmen t, rs are unite
quainted with this the admira
ble system upon which its business la con
ducted, the richness and variety of the usually
large stock, and the advantages to be obtain
ed in dealing there. Tile goods embracing .
eveey imaginable article usually kept in simi
lar first-class houses of this line of trade, have
been selected with the best Judgment and
care, and are di:weep:lo( at the most inducing
and liberal prices.- %Pe wore yesterday shown
through the salesrooms, and found all of the
numerous departments" fully shed with
choice articles, suitable for t he holiday
trade. Should we devote o e entire
space to citing all Old aillchis
which Met our view but elle the
following articles. wlticlq-In lot m l
would prove Just the things lot 'llestmus
and New Year 'a presents: Real ant mit:loop
Lace Good+ Plain and Embroldereilltandker
chiefs, ladles' Cashmere Scarfs, Fyne- Cloth
and SDI Gloves, Croquet and Skating Hose.
tinder Shirts and Drawers, Ear - muffs, Rich
Jewel and Work Dozes, Watch. Handkerchief
and Clove Boxes, Elegant Purfumery Stands,
Cigar Stands and Dre•nslng Cases. Fine - Furs,
Belt Clasps, Albums, Dogwood and Jet Jewel
ry, Fine Morocco Wallets anti Bags. In addi
tion to these titers wl co ll ar s, un an elegant
assortment of paper linen shirts and
fancy goods for ladles' and gentlemen's wear.
Country and it retail dealesl can buy no
where alba to a
better atlyantage r ,ms - recently
the entire stock was marked down to the low
est possible margin. Gentlemanly clocks anti
lady assistants will be- found constantly In at
tendance to wait upon patrons, and we cheer
fully commend the house of Diaerum Y. Car
lisle to all holiday purchasers.
Alleged Rape
Mears Moon and Wrlgley last evening or.
rested a young man named Samuel Lloyd on
a charge of rape, preferred by Margaret Bell.
The accused in a youth of about nineteen, and
has boarded with his brother.lmisw, Mr.
camp, in Temperanceville. The. girt in, as
she says, between thirteen and fourteen
Fears of age, and was employed as a servant
girl in the family of Mr. Camp. Two weeks
ago lust Friday evening Ur. Camp and his
wife were absent from home, attending a ball
la Temperance Mail. Tempe:nut:evilly, and
Lloyd and the girl Bell were the Only parties
lett at home. It was at this time that the
alleged outrage was committed. The defend
'at dames that any force was used on hispart,
and alleges that the Information would not
have been made had it not been that Mrs.
Camp had given Margaret notice to quit her
service. Lloyd is locked up, awaiting a hear
ing this morning at aim &clock.. --
A Frank ICAse.-1 4 1avina Frank eatno to the
uffleo of Alderman Straw, yesterday, andlOdg•
ed en Information agaitut Peter &ono, elre.rg ,
trig lOW sflth having
and without
cause pulled the annul' locks of the said
vino. Peter was arrested and frankly
knOwledgod his guilt, tint In order to hare
smatter properly vtarltoated through the ron•
°gulled legal claimants, be entwed ball for a
hearing tO be bad In the cape tomorrow,
/ 05a ,.
Slattern Maltreated—ln Overcoat Lost.
An individual named IL Scholl appeared be.
lore Alderman Lynch yesterday, and made
oath charging 1.. Seymour and his wife with
trover and conversion. The case as stated by
Selloff Is as follows: Ile and Mrs. Scholl` went
to take tea with the Seymours on Sunday ON ,
ening,, at their earnest felicitation. After par
taking of a bounteous repast the Samara and
keymours went out for a stroll in company
with each other. On returning to the home
of fh - c latter, situate on die corner of Ross
and Second streets, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour
proceeded up stairs to divest themselves of
their out-door wrappings. After a time
Selloff heard a terrible noise np stairs
as if a melee was in progress when
he rushed to the second door, where he
beheld Seymour in the clutches of his better
half, who was Industriously pounding him In
the face, the symmetry of which was lost in
a horrid bath of bloat. Fearing that the
feminine would murder the masculine head
of the house Of Seymour, Scholl' interfered in
his behalf, interposing his burly frame be
tween the luckless husband and his infuriated
wife. Instead of effecting a cessation of hos-
Wales, it only Increased the wrath and rein
vigorated the - arm of the virigo, who turned
upon poor selloff and dealt him a couple•ef
blows on the nasal organ,that hail
the ' effect of making him : 4 seek the
lower door where he communicated the
intelligence of his reception to: his we.
The latter gratified what she suttposed to ff
start after - were hastening to their home, on
arriving at which, they discovered that they
her husband's overcoat and the scarf and the
train in an Instant alter were hastening to
their home, on arriving at which, they dis
covered that they had token the wrong coat.
The next morning they returned the gar
ment and demanded their property, but wild°
Mrs. Seymour took the coat that bad been car
ried Ml' In mistake, she refused to give to Mr.
entreaty. own wrapping. After exhausting
all to no effect, Mr. Scholl' appeartil
before the magl6trate, mid instituted proceed
ings as stilted. A warrant has been Issued for
the arrest of the Semi:airs.
The lloltday
It is a generally conceded fact that no house
hold is perfectly furnished that has not in its
parlors a piano. It is Just as essential to the
cothfort and pleasnre of the relined as is the
sun's warmth to the flowers or the stars to the
beauty of night. Lea than half ► Cantu'," ago
tile piano wa3 introduced on the stage at the
Convent Garden Theatre as a "nem inatru,
ment," yet from the perfection of its mechan
ism and its power to give tone and voice to
harmonious sounds, It has grown in popular
fav otheruch an extent as to almcrst supercede
all instruments in producing music for
the home circle.
Of all the pianos at present in the market
none have surpassed—and In the estimation
of many musical critics, none have equalled
these manufactured by Chlckerlng d Sone.
For depth and flexibility of tone, and a ca
pacity for following every waver and graver
of the voice without losing any of its
rich meloly—filling a Fast concert complete
ly, but yielding no harsh grating - vibrations.
being in fart the very embodiment of harm o
nioue utterance and beauty of sound, It stands
without a Oval. Aside for its merits as a
musical Instrument, Its great massive shin
ing, surface like polished ebony and a hits
pearl-like keys are ornamental in the highest
degree, and should therefore be regarded as
a pies,' of parer a.dortituent.
C. C. Mellor Co., No. SI Wood street, are
the sole agents for the sale of those instru
ments to Western Pennsylvania, and those
wishing to purchase or examine those musi
cal wonders should wive them a call. They
are also the agents for the cheap Emerson
pianos which they warrant for Ilve years. lie
fore no I eerie g your holiday presents you should
not fall to visit Mellor's. Remember the
place, sl Wood street.
The Plymouth Tole.
The second day.ot thettar and festival, of the
Plymouth Church, at City Rail, was oven more
successful than the first. At an early hoar,
the people began to flock to the Ural, and the
attractive room was 1, ell filled during the en
tire day. At evening, however, tate-BAtung
was, of course, greater; and even exceeded
that of Tuesday evening.
To attempt to specify the manifold attrac
tions of the Hall would be
h to fall. The
after the a h r e
too many. Wo may safely,
many beautiful and agreeable ladles who are
In attendance in all direcon, rak he
rable dinners afforded to ti hungr n y vi t sitors m as
among the chief attractions. The New Eng
land Kitchen, too, In a grand centre of attrac
tion, end there Is no end to the interest ex
cited in those who get a peep of its tuner my.
terlea T o- day, Mrs. Jemtma Whittaker, one
of the leading spirits of the olden time, who,
grace the -Kitchen," will furnish forth to her
visitors a genuine old fashioned New England
dinner, prepared by her own hands. A prom ,
inent feature of this meal will lie a dish of the
world famous Connecticut Chowder.
During the evening of yesterday tt was al
most impossible to and room for thererowd
present, and every one von looked - at seemed
happier than the rest. We sincerely hope the
exhibition may continue to be as perfectly
”uccessful as it has been Bo far. •
Sultnble Present%
The attention of our readers is directed to the
advertisement of Messrs. Kay S. Company, the
well known and extensive book fuel stationa
ry dealers, N 0.65 Wood street. Commendation
of such a firm which has long occupied a
prominent positiOn In that line of business In
our city, will prove,unnecessary,btit we would
direct attention to their large stock of choice
publications purchased exclusively to supply
the holiday trade. It lets never been disputed
that a book is the moot suitable and appro
priate gift for old or young. It is a mental
cote which passes current in all circles of
nutty, and as a gift is always deeply apprecia
ted. There wilt be found at Kay S Co's a most
ntimplete catalogue 01 books for sale of all the
distinguished and standard authors, embrac
ing elegant presentation volumes, and richly
bound nooks for children. A full assortment
' of family and pocket bibles,.prayer and hymn
books, Sc., rte., will also be found at rates the
.most reasonable. The firm deal largely In
rosewood and mahogany writing desks, tour
ists eases and portfolios, and - a great variety
of fancy articles usua ch e er fu l l yp sar first
class houses. No recommend
Messrs. Kay .t Co. to. the patronage of those
desiring to purchase suitable holiday presents.
A Sensation Spoiled
A startling story was told on the streets
yesterday, to the effect that a heavy mail rob
bery bad been committal to the city. The
malls for Allegheny and Manchester are made
up at the Pittsburgh PosteMee and sent to
the other offices by a messenger on a street
car. Yesterday In orning the messenger start
ed, as usual. with the mall bag, which was
pLaped on the platform of the car. On passing
the Red Lion Hotel the bag swa stolen off the
platform, so the street story said, by some
fellow Who darted with his booty through
the hotel and made good his escape; Report
said that a very considerable amount of trieney
wog contained in the mall, and no small ex
citement was the
tha t.resul An investigation of
the matter proved tte bag had Jolted Off
the platform and bad not been seen to fall. A
few hilnutes afterwards a boy saw the bag.
picked it up and carried it into otherd Lion.
The messenger, on reaching the end of
tile bridgeiscovered is loss, came
his deemed 'his d charge, a h nd went on way.
Thugendeth the sensation.
The tlipsey Abduction Case Again.
Our readout will remember the account
which we published a few weeks ago, of the
three little girls who alleged that they bad
been stolen from their homes in Buffalo, for
to remain with a hand of travelling Link
s who are now encamped at Manchester.
The authoities here yesterday received in
formationr front }Harri s burg , t h a t in 'lB6oa lit
tle girl named Maggie Lawler, answering in
every particular the description of the Mag
gie Lawler in the ease that we reported was
stolen from her friends at Buffalo, whither she
had gone on a visit from her hems near goad
ing. Tharequest was made that tile Maggie
Lawler who is with the gang at Manchester
might he secured anti held until she could be
seen by her supposed friends. The matter
was placed tn the hands ot the Allegheny po
lice and the child will probaoly he again at
Mayor Moerlson's office to-day.
Sleeting Before Commissioner Mc-
Candless —A hearing was had yesterday be
fore United blates Commissioner McCandless,
In the case of J. E. Bruner and George H. Wil
liams, calor Durand, whose arrest by officer
Wilmot on a charge of passing counterfeit
money we announced some dsys since. Bru
ner was discharged, but was held to hall in the
aunt of 800 to appeases witness at the trial of
Williams. Wllbame In default of 0,000
was committed to all to answer at court. Offi
cer tVilUlet deserves the greatest credit for
the efficient manner In which he brought the
case to a imecessful Issue.
!tow Is the Time for the ladles to prepare
their presents for Christmas; fn slippers, ti
dies, pincushions, de.
lira d, embroidery andallk 'tunnies done,
and stamps for sale. • Also elatimbse and sown
'cokes, wrappers and robes stamped from the
reach perforated patterns. -
4.150, a model for cutting ladles and chil
dren's dresses, at the celebrated Weed Sew lag
Machine Wilco, No. lit Grant. street. 800 ad.
Tertisement in another (solemn. • TT6
A Nnisance.—The prisoners of Abe county
e a rl try
thateir elumbers are disturb.
ell by the ringing or the flro alarm bell in the
Courtyard. It makes no particular difference
since they are the only parties Who can Com.
plain on that store. •
Allegheny Comaellß.—The ochrteoua and
obliging clerk of tho Select Council, Allcahn.
fly D. loactorron, Eeq.. notifies tie tat a eta.
led 'mooting of that body WUI be held fo
A Pante( Come to .Indgedent
• 'Daniel Smithson la a young man, but never
theless a fitting illustration of the truth of the
old binge that "man Is prone to err." On last
Monday evertlng Daniel,in order, as he says,
to kill the leaden moments, went with accmplo
of boon companions to a den of Iniquity
on Roberts street; in the Seventh ward. Do
strous of parading his wealth before the eyes
of the habitues, he took hie wallet out and
opened It attic enough to allow a youth named
Johnny Walls to take therefrom a — piece of
currency of the denomination of fifty cents,
which the said Walls failed to return to tom.
Becoming tired of the "ranch" on Roberts
street, Smithson repaired to the domicil of
Barbara Srambaugh, on Overbill street,
where he remained until the fumes of the
liquor ho had been drinking through the
night deserted his brain and left him sane
again. With the return of his senses he dis
covered that his pocket-book. containing No,
had been stolen from him. lie forthwith ap
peared before Alderman Strum and made oath
against Barbara for the theft. At a hearing
which was had in the case yesterday, it was
ascertained that it was not at Miss Stain.
bough's he lost his money, brit at the house on
Roberts street. Of course Barbara—the inno
cent—was then acquitted and restored to lib
erty once more.
Rent% and Real Estate
In various cities the price of real estate is
materially decreasing, while rents are rapid.
ly coming down to reasonable figures. The
contrary state of things exists here. Instead
of real estate falling In value it is daily rising,
and fabulous sumerare demanded for all prop
erty offered for sale. Rents will be enormous
next season unless the community take a de
cided stand not to be Imposed upon by heart
less and avaricious landlords. There is no
good reason why they should even remain as
high for the coming year as they have men
during the one now closing. A little firmness
and opposition to the proposed advance in
rents may succeed in accomplishing much
goon. If no opposition be made there Is no
telling where rents may stop. Few merchants
can afford to pay enormous sums for their
salesrooms unless they obtain dishonest
profits noon their goods, and in that case, the
general public are forced to contribute to the
wealth of the real estate owner. We hope
some of our prominent citizens will take the
lead and inaugurate some movement where.
by the "rine of landlords may be defeated in
their plans to extort high rents during the
coming year. , heats mast Und their level,
and why not force theni down now-as well as
at any other time. •
Ilarratry.—Coniad Eberhart appeared be
fore Alderman Strain, yesterday, and made
oath charging (licer John Lutz with barra
try. In his deposition Eberhart alleges that
the accused within the last three months has
made forty-two separate and distinct informa
tions ag,ainatEberhart before various Alder
man in this city for the purpose of extorting
money from the deponent. Lutz was arrest
ed and held in $l,OOO bail to answer at a bear
ing to be had in the case to-day.
The Lecture.+-Y. T. Barnum, Eid., the hum
bug of modern times, (we do not beg His par+
don) will deliver once( his brilliant and spicy
lectures to-night, at the Academy of •tanste,
under the nuapiens.of the Young Men's Men
cantile Library Assotdation. Every 'body
should be mor n in g eced seats may be ob.
tamed thi n at the Academy of Music.
Alf. Burnett favored us with a visit yes
terday, looking an well and handsome as usu
al. Ile means to glee two of bin Inimitable
readings nutter the auspices ofthe Public
Catholic Library association, just before the
holidays. Mr. Barnett Is without a rival as
an clocutioalst, and we congratulate our read
ers upon the great treat in store for them.
airnplicity and Perfection Combined.
—The most perfect, most easily operated, most
simply constructed. most durable, most effi
cient for alt kinds of bowleg, and In short the
best and clicajws, Machine in the world le the
Wheeler dc Wilson. Call at the Agency, No. '2;
Fifth street, and examine the due assortment
fast received for the holidays.
Gamblinir.—Ephraim millet • yesterday
made information before Alderman Taylor,
charging liettfrltst lloth and Joseph Turkey
with gaming. It was alleged the the accused
played several games of cards for valuable
stakes. The parties were arrested and held
for a hearing to-day.
Ladles' Falr.—Commencing this afternoon,
and conunuing till tomorrow night, the
Ladles of the L orlon Baptist Church will hold
a fair and festival at ho Church, Grant street,
between Stith and boveuth streets. A rare
season of enjoyment may beAnticipated. •
VOllKa HP—St half past r: o•rloo.. r. Wed
nesday, 121 h tell., KV W., youngest son of
Seery and Catllarlnt Voskantp, aged months and
16 days.,
The funeral . 6 take plue on FninAT, at 1
o'clock Y. at, at the residence, 61 Wylie .11011.
lhaiviA44Dlil A uli:JaViovti l / 2 4 1
beentlful “Lictd'racre.. • the turret suburban
place of sepulchre. except one. In this county. att.
tinted on ben. ttrlf i l , tton road. MmedhtlntY n . o . rth
lintlf=lArlitogs4olfellUVralr\S. 'At!!
sheau CitT•
I:lZSX:tiairi.TB33. 32ll3 Ei,
No.lo Fourth street, PlAtstmith,Pa. corrizia of
all kinds, CILLPLIA, OLOVIGB,aud aver. descriptlos
of Fuussal FatuuolUL tkoosss =human.
wends y and night, Douse an
Carnassa turnumeo.
- Hisabibacia — Hay. David Karr 1 DA- kW. M
W. Jacobus, D.D., Thomas Elnalf, Jaoilb
Millar. Lao. •
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor.lth,
• (w..., from Seventh Btroct.)
• r. /Amuse nrv. PA.
R . T. WHITE &
itAnchester, Wood's Ram sal ,tetnitT•
• Varner so Bhalleld and Martian streets.
Hann sad Carriage. ft...del.&
Str z irp B lllol! . OA 11, N TAMI E Dd PAT.
Manufactured it No. 58 SMITHFIELD OF.. by
Au, Agents for New York Rubber Co. •
4aum B e ltin g.
Alva ■on fiIdOHMLI OO Multigit,ollol4Bll
RIVETS and BOWL BELT BNS. etc. r lasers°
STONE WOFEn, Northwest Cornerot West
Common, ♦LLEOOLYT.
Elate on hand or prepare on short notice
I iff r at t TOME i t
i tu i tt a lr2s i ac..
',lirera promptly executed. 111.1CIEE/1.
And dealer In FOREIGN ••11:11 AILERIC/121
YRU/TS, 1'101:CLIC% NUTS, dC., &C..
No. 112 Federal filreet,
Second door ermn a/tenni Nation' Jiank,
• •. :was:re,"
S. C. 314331 ASTER & CO.
No. 15.5 Ohio St.. Allegheny.
Who'War aid lAirtall Dealers in
.171crom._Ic.ocl go,r.ta4is.
Cash Tonl.l tor Wheat and Kra.
31X/ boxes Demo, rsetory and timbers for sole bl
d'o..for ma. b 1
I:ll39ll — CrY.
100 bbbs. new prime IV bite Filet for sale by
cluaturs O. BALBLET
bbia. SCA 'leaned and warranted Winter
littalned. for sale by
las Docarationsi antique sod ottoOrst. for We
b 1414 . W. P.
1 --- 0 . 13
4 11L 1 4. LINSEED OIL receiv e d
r°`"%sugGE A. 1C51.1.7 • CO.,
0.2.3 WbQul Diuggibis. 77 Wood e tact.
Zao. SG WIXOM EStarealt.
fi wytie 81y, 3d door from sth.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
x'”:e talabuxab. ,l2o o 3 a .u.5.. .
par Parttcuisr attention elven to EeD►trinit
,atecies, Clocks and Jewelry. All work w4mt-
313c0.1.clevy• Proare323.trs,
xim - wmi.i. 3p,.. "Sr ?
ELEGANT GETS. la verloussettlocs;
COLD AND bILVEIr ne....,_ U
niLVEIt 81 . 00N,3. VASES. RNS;
. FANCY AIiTICLES, ac., de,
So. ILI Feueral St., Allegheny
1W())''" 1
ly owned by Mews. KENO, PENNOCK & 1. e
respeetfallytnforta the public. that wu w3lt continue
the manufacture of
/Meetings, Cotton Yarns, Carpe
Chains, Candle Wick
and Batting.
Orden may be left at the Office of the Works,
Corner of Duquesne Way Sad Barters Alley,
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A large semortment of
Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead
Pipe, rumps, Sheet Lead, &c.,
161 Wood Street, near Sixth.
89 159
39! • 139
(10 TO I
49 1 . PL. GO Mt 'EV 13 9 1 8 9
139'• 39 Market Street, 1891
IS9 89
I '
1 39 1 BOOTS, SLOBS, &C. ;s9
VIN 33C1E11 XrD , 2".l
89, NO AUCTION 6001)1 KEPT. 189
189 !JAMES ROBB, 89 Market St.'S9
189 89 89 S 9 :9 89 S 9 89 89 $9
CILAFJB. 31.1111...13ZEL. SNAXL..W. L. BL - LITLzil
9...,,or,t4iWAXELINK d SLIM,
o. 12 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh
Pianos, Organs,
,y" Sole Agents for the Celeb - ated BRADBURY.
Alen. ESTICY .1k CO.'S "COTTAGE." and S. IL
The bed Italian And Germ. Violin And thdlikr
Strings always on band . .n017:(43
-num" cowurm,:ra.,
No. 10d Woo4 l Blreet.
always on hand.
LAVA CARD semirrs,
ENGLISH STONE WARE of all varieties, WWI
wholeule and retail trade.
The largest and most
complete stock of everything
in thls line In the MD.
Prices and tams the same no In the eastern cities.,
VI . J. LANCE, •
Chintz Window Curtain,' and Chair Carers
Cleaned dc Iteglazed without unpacking.
Between. Wood sad emltbileld,
M. CH BLATT Das purchased the Istereat of
JOHN HALL. itt the.firm of JOHN HALL & CO.
The uame ands tyle of
the Arm will oeJUILN HALL
& CU., aa heretofore.
JAMES Y. CLEF NTT ......... J• HALL.
ISSEPOIN.OODS.• . . .. . ... ...a/04\8J. 611 OWN.
121 and 123 Liberty . ClPlttsbargb.
Iffantifscturers of all varieties of :Vortlsena and
HAT gaKIIS.,_CiLTiVATOSS. rts.. and dealers
PITTa , III:GII, Dec. I, lai&
011.LULF. 1 C. 8A.L.g1 , 1!: . Y.
Na 91 Liberty
14*o. mi. Liberty area.
No 70 I:lbert7 Areal-
CI eaLis C. BaLsLar
No. Ir 4 Liberty *tree!
In Great Variety,
89 89 89 89 89 S 9 S 9 89
And Atu steal Goof, generally
Nos. 135 and 137 Third Street,
IJ(i dI4!
Die Sinker,, Seal and Medal Engraver,
Cancelling Stamps and Visiting Cards,
9 3 W o od at, Cor. Diamond ) dlley,
Ton Parlwart—TranEDealgns, ttn ti old Bor.
4 'oß LIBRABICIS—PoropeIan Pattents on Cranks
171Mdlia-LLS—New Crook Patterns on Hod Clay
gIIVI.PrHA.MBEIrdI—Lace and *unit Patter:nil
over dark grottds.
lot salt by • W. P. WARSHAW,.
esti Wood street.
Practical. Furniture Mantifacturtrs,
Lotost tiles of VIIRNIITIRE constlatlvoa ban
110 :Es: HORSEsit
.1,11,„glo*dllbe •
told eV alt olf c 1i gr0r "3 , 21.71. 1. 17 -Y ,„: . 1 .-7' 0 ` 41
end Priatn,u'vzifff
TS/I.—Tor • 50 , .! Cr." 946 4l purr. and other
15 ' "6 21 " Lir AigtitWILSCUTTILLS. Aril-3HO V -
I sag roar); 17teralls for Cooktpl °Pr
aaao other fear) dLb a• •
E . V:A i g= "'" w A ii P :tri •
Ph; INrY
1 - 0 ÜBLS. PUTTY. lit bladders, r.
cevte 1,5 d for We by
6111.08 b Tams:
Imam» Ltraistn. 11 W4l