IPJEI. Xt. moartrrz,, and Broker, IN Wood St.. near corner of Fifth. All descriptions of Government Bonds naught and sold on liberal terms. boncum and eantmental Exchange sold st Herr 'fork rates. v and Coupons bought at highest rates. and Gold Draftstssued New York.: FINANCE AND TRADE, - • Omen es van Prrresozaa fiasrrrs, t TCYPDET, December 11, ISM The New Yost stock quotations to-day, As, reported by Robinson, McClean a. Co., *aro' as follows : Gold, 131%-advance %. - Mill, 11M-decline !Si. 5405 old, 101%-oe cline I A. Do, , 05, -1.00%-dectine 34. adds, new, 10%-doclille 34. - 1-501; - . first series, 1053 i decline A. Do,` 2d and 3d, 105 1 ,4--dectine 34.. Ilichlgari : fiontbern R. R.. SOX-adVance %. Cleveland it . Pittsburgh, 8774-advance 2 , ..5. .g 'Rebore ,- Fort-Wayne . R Chicago, lox . - . advance 4, Erie 72%-advabca 'I. 'Western Union V agrapt:Co.; a034-advance N. cage' R , Northwestern, 5334-advance N. Md. cage a Rock Island, 104-advance II;;. !Lend" - • . Sttg 110.4--ailvance .Ilift'abevel quotations, from the New York board-show a firtner s state of the mareet on all ' ' securitieS, laVe government bends. Gold ,•• closed Skintlay evening at 1371f- - op ns at 131%. Governments are unsettled and deo alining. We find it diftleutrto twconnt for thls state of things—a rise of nearly one per cent In the English niarket„hiereased activity,and , adVance of nearly three per cent in some • inet Sanees on hallways, firmer and for.. ... esign x market, yet governments loweia "It fa probable, but one of the freaks of • wade; hallways asemore easily moved upon sit bafatitlailv . weakZmarket than coven.. • " inottorsteltotheid:what speculative in iiig • 'Sheri bit left turns. Cor,reniondente differ greatly In regard to "Alfa; condltloh of tite - -market. While it is , sgretidtby the large Majority of operators, in ,- eluding alt of Use morn. prudent, that venial deoliao la • priecia 'Li inevitable sooner or lateF; there Is a variety of opinion as to 'whether the deeilne can be gradually or safely accomnlishelL • We believe that it can be through a' I edition* onetailineat of the cur - Toney, and a steady tariff upon imports. The great trouble will be to maintain anything like atetidtriati or uniforinity In the lowering Ofrates upon bends,stocks,products and falter. From; present appearances, the last named • Will hold out the longest against the down ward . movetnent but while provisions are cheaper, it is suicidal for laborers and Inc classics to hope to return, or an advise upon the present rates of wages.. Universal agree . meat that lower prices la the order of the day, a constant shaping of business toward that and, a readiness on all sides to accept the • :change, a. mutual helpfulness, and the thing is accomplished: We will count values by • sinalfer some, but we shall be none the poorer - therefor. The gold dollar will then buy its fair rate of products us compared with the present currency, values, and trade will be more forward in the line of steady and W- I soiled PrOsperity... Our local stock market is without special In terest Governments vary with the varying • .-quotations from Sew York. Bonk stocks are rather more freely offered, but have been thus jar quite readily taken un . nt previous quota item. We can report no late sales of either Itridge, Gas or hallway shares. All of ,these _ are closely held fur permanent investments. .....The cheaper dam of Railroad shares have not been on the market this week, quotations are therefore uncertain. 49 was bid to-day for Grain Shevator stock; last sales 451,j. Colum bla oil is heavy at 15 bid, 1314 asked. Triumph looking an again. It is held at 113. Of Marine, we report no sales, and but little offering. • • —Tiie Fafivnal figetligeneer gives the fol lowing estimate of dieptainction of got! der . 1115 1'll ' e el'aelfie year leap: bunion In uncaps, bars, In -gots or otherwise assessed during the nasal year IG,eG is given'by the Intarnal Itevenue re turns at 111343,2,141. Of this amount 470,1:312,505 as assessed in the .racide and hock,- Moan • Lain States and Territories, and the remain der chiefly in the Atlantis seaboard Cities. It ' estimated that In the , gold-produeing re glens of the counts - at least 25 per cent of the - prbduction- escaped. assessment, and that of • . the gold_ assessed In the Atlantic sealx,artl cities one half Is of domestic production. In view of these facts, and taking the Internal • • Revenue returns as a basis of estimate, the production of mold in tbe decal year 1866 cal culated at *23,219,371. The production of gold In lEr!5 Is estimated et 573,144,355, an-increase in 15k of *19,275,015." Endorsed Seven•Thirtles and ties are much out of faro?. According, to a decision of the Treasury Department, Mho cent holders of secnrlties of this description, who have paid foil value ter them, are liable to be deprived of their. property quite uncere moniously. Their payment may be stopped at headquarters by the original owners, from whom they have been lost or stolen. " hey are to be viewed precisely in the same light as checks payable to orders drawn on banns. Any payment of these ernlorSed securities to the wrong party would lw the loss' of the United States Treasury , and not of the true payee. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. • Orrtala Or-THE PlTllaaUaaa Galierrs, I . I`tinstilT, December it, OirrLi. • • 'The supply of cattle on sale was again lim ited this week, not exceeding seven huudreil head. but the demand, also,was exceedingly light, sine the market was a dull one, a con niderable. number - being left unsold. Com pared with last _weal:, however, prices have updergone no change, the best fat retang cattle selling at to 7%, few extsu bringiug ' 1 , 1 4 or perhaps Li more. )(wham cattle sold at from to Ole, while inferior and common, as always is Die case, moved 'very slowly, awl then only at very low figures. The butchers continua tobuy sparingly, which Ls on lug Ito the fact that the markets are full of pork stud -poultry in the hands of farmers, who, when forced. to do it, will undersell before they will take their meat home with them. string. There was a very fair business slone In flogs and as the demand was better than lasi week, prisms, If anything, are a shade higher, and the quality of the offerings was better as a general thing. 'We can report the folios lug separations limerick 6410. retailed :WO head at 6 to 7; Kerwin &Martin, V.) bead at 6 to 7-72 head left over. Deane/166 Co. sold IC head to • Glass & .Lafferty, trissinigiug 300 Ms, at G. Jas. Morgan sold Kerwin & Martin en head, avera ging 1033, at 6%. - McPherson sold Linerlek it. Co. 117 head, averging6s3, at 5,00. Carpenter to same buyer SU heed, averaging 771, at C. snarl. There was a rather better supply of 'Sheep on sale this week, and with a Mir demand the market ruled steady at about last week's 11.ffolationa,--Prime fat mutton Cheep. such as . oar best butchers are In the habit of buying, selling at 6to 6%. Kerwin 6 Martin retailed 2:1 head at sto 5 1 4-0) head left - over. Thoinp . sou sold 58 head, averaging lbs, to Ewarloit 454; retailed 100 head &LP.) to G!'. -Fowler sold . 81 head, averaging 111) lbe to Moore, at 5,611. Bowler 6 Em 11l soli 50 head, uvemg,lng 00 lies, to /lines at 4%. =roars° wits or fist - tit. . Eirlariek & CO. retailed II bead at 5 . !..; to 61,i. Kerwin a Crum, GO head atl jto 6!;. Glass Lafferty, 61 -at 4 to 'Pi. England to Aull 19 head, averaglint'about 1050, at 51•;„ !Inglewood & Co; 30 head at to 6 1 ' St arks Trautman, 06 at sto 7 1 / i. Ensue Haas, 315 at 5% to 6%. Greenwald &17. 44 at 514 to 7Li-13 head left over. filyerw Needy, 18 Imo; to Sham burg, averagiag 1 ,at 6,34; 31 head, Rectal; • Mg 107 - to Greenwald & Kahn, oil private terms; Mimed to Ifazlewood, averaging 1025, • at 6;i:retailed $1 head at 5 to Vi—(including two Penitentiary cows. thair time in that in ' atlintlon having expired,at 3:G - -were not very fat, though this could hardly be expected ) Carr & McAllister retailed 78 head at 4%107; Verner 34 at 5,50 to 6,60; Hartman It at. to at;;; tihataberg head at 6to ale; :derrick it Dosed, 41; L. hothehilds, If; Jtuntcr, II ;Neaten, 13 head. rxrranvistia rsrsoLausi aitaaiurr.! 03,101 or TELS PITTBDIIIME UAZIIIIIII, !rv,,Day. December ISCa. CBE DE—There was not a' 111 .9 1 0 eperationi to Crude to-day, with the exception of :: bbisi t'Smitlits 'Ferry.. at free on board caret The present "cold snap," as mentioned In our; lost report, inns. stiffened tip the crude went somewhat, who, In anticipation of navigation, . being suspended and the source of supply be dugout off expect a firmer market and butte - prices. Thus far, however, the only bash there it for an advance, hs the freezing up o the river, - as the Eastern and European markets bayonet itoproVed, nor Is the pros pect for such an event eery encouraging. We quote at K 4 109 eta, In bulk, with but few If stay buyers above S S..c, the outside figure being. offered tor desiruble ptravitle , . Kane who 01l la held at Wets, and while thereono sellers-at that figure, thus far there arc no buyer?. 14EFINED—There was florae little Inquiiry for bonded oil totday, but buyers and sellers are apart, and consequently, we have not mingle operation to report. There are 'offers at el. for December delivery In I'lillatielphla, and :0 for January, while for :larch and April at might possibly be obtained, but at present, our refiners refuse to sell at these quotations— in font, many of them feel insulted when theseotfers aro uutde by brokers. Free oil Is dull but without quotable change We can report a sale of ICO blils "Lucifer , ' brood, at 40. Attlti.V.OLS—The following arrivals were ro ported to-day:—icapiat. Wilkins received 1000 bble Kanawha. 1100 bids from the Venango region; and bele from Green county.) EdgertOri.....Moo I J 55. Wilkins.. .......... Fisher 1 Pro .3140 D. Bushnell MO liawbinney It C 0... 6ill Baxter 1 Ellison.. Si Total , b 977 Mew York Produce Market. Now, Yotori ceitt mbar I1: - --t.ottoti halt a cent ' higher. at 33 34c. Floor 10t)ISc lower, esti a State, 49,63 Q 0,..t); round hoop Ohio, $9,9ki11, , r; trade brands, 111.051112,73. Whhat dull-ate r- a shade lower; $2,1502,43 for No. ii Milwaukee. Varalidavy arid Mb lower ‘1,0701,07t0r I l iar Western in store; sl,oool,lladost, closing IX I dl ,OS in stow— Oats excited and 183 c his cr; - MAVOR ;OF - 4 1 .iliENY. Wang° for Chicago and MLitt/Luken, ending/ 4, 130 .. , -.- for NbrthOrestero. Pork llrtutr_aud quiet; ". , ' ~, ion NI i t ounne A t , .. 01,00611,60 for new, and irAlturaP,6l tor old, .- . , ,-. . .. . . . . ~ • . - .. • el edit 1120,Z oassh. and $.17,M018, , 00 for 'KW,. Will be lbw:Mate for re-iloction 'to lbi• i Baden_ dad at 103 c. Dressed !!!loge Ilrulari • -.-- .. !-- • --: . vane or louses. Lard firmer Of nlialfx, illy . : i,zbilit i4.14 1 i*Y 1. 4 - fkis:Aluti'llopoollcut Sugar tlntlt-Liavana, 12c. Petroleum demi 1 00 ~.- , .• .. 1_,.. , -'. (or crude, and 30!.;93 . 4 . 1 to: !gliiect lit tvpli ... part/ at nistr.Noikinsusg-gieo,loll, . . :L:3,4 pis ‘'--- - f.:,-,,..;!,T.T0•ar.,..,,1" .i.%1 au e ,c, ' , , Mil IZEIE 1 _ .. PITEBI3UREU MARKETS. - . . , • • Orrics mr rag Prrrs nu non GaZeTre, i • Trgans.r, Peecuabor 11, IEO3. 1 tAIISIIALL, FULTON & ROL LMIN, There are no new features In the produce Oaly Manufacturers in tar West of 3 ' 3 EF, .. , rkets worthy of special notice. The de. 1 EZIEA.I7I2" G'C:IoVL I4 mend for Flour, Grain, and, Indeed, we might Fut:able Corso:am awl Coal Beata, OW LAID OIL WELL ROPE. say, all of the leading articles of produce, eon- 3/ -o - Card iitopes far Goal Railroads, things very - light, while prices have under- ... gone no essential change. 1 HENIP.DAKDDI AND CORDAGE, . GRAIN-There seems lo be no demand for 1, . ' c I rs.aLNU COT! ON, &0., .1 , Wheat, and In the absence of sales,.we omit Woretatrat.,.. 111 and 115 Water Street, quotations. Corn is in rather better demand, Near Monoogahela 110113 e. and new crop would command 65 to Teo. Oats ........... quiet aril unchanged; ,oav be quoted at 43 to , . 50, on track, and the usual advance for B efell I, _ - /i3rVEE NEW' ewe to lota in blare. Barley continues to o c .. , pretty freely,and prices are entirely . amino , Thn river continues to r , No movement In Rye. FLOUJI-There lo no Iraffro",:rgt t i,vr, -Point with !Cant nine " in the demand, and while thef. __ .__„.(; the marks last even , and neglected. prices me pefrf e l ~ U 3 u . 0 ' '.1,, day u.. cloudy c, ea-1e.50 to 111 for f• pile g ,rllft:t !is for fancy _ . for Winter Wheat; d brands. -Rye this point. ' he' llri " r4l9:::: Fl rtj u ''' V at an 7 t i h:r r e b a b re '' ' w . : w w . ,,... '" ye* and Bunko' PROVISIO NS-BOW. ao tations. Lsrd 19 dull at 13 - Tt, kettle rendered. :Nolte- fie' no established in t° l l n r ; 3 T„s,; l l.4l l i e lf l ia : t. l unchanged; we can re s. in store a t Sp. to 13,4 per P b a f',V=u r a ' ll i t e v bath lit I'IT-Anp'es dull 'with 'email sale, at 10 to , II cts. Peaches may be quoted at "a l t iN' o T t l?ll. 2 t r l ' t i o n p u t F ge m m a g i t h tf .' , I utt4p r .In the fleuninfl, and Ito change to mono uf.quout- Lions. Prime !toll is telling in small pauka4eo at 113 to 30. EGGS-Steady with a fair' demand. nal reg ular sales at 35 to 30 for limed; and 3: to 36 for fresh packed. I.IILESE--Contlnues dull with a supph con siderably In execs. of the demand, but piked are nominally unchanged. SEIDS-There is a steady ilammed for Fla - seed at 13 to 13,10, and but little offering. No movement in clover or Timothy Seed, POTATOES-Firm with a tleinaiel folly up to the aupplyand prime Peach Blows ai4) sel - Inc in a regular way at 1,1 per bushel; and Si 'Sr bbl. MARULTS . Near Torte flannelai Matters, New 'Foca, Dec.4l.—Money move active at 67 per cent. Gold 137, declining to 11614,1ina closing at Goverameuts!.,6!, lower and dull. Freights to. Liverpool lower. 'Storks I strong: Ft. Wayne, 30:4 Rock Island, I North Western, 33;;; Cleveland awl Pittsburgh, I kit•,i,• Michigan Southern, rani..: 171 io, New York Central, 112%; top ..; 10.0), tv ; In3N; 3t:chigun Central.lll;; LATEST. 31Onny market closed easy at 1161 per cent. for call loans, with all ample supply. So change in discounts. The gold market Im proved toward the close and rallied to 137:•,;•gt Exchange market quiet and drill. Prime Bankers' bilis are ur.0,46103 , ..:. and short sight 1106111'4 GOrerninent Securities heavy tool decidedly lower at the close: Itegistorect leer, lesii6loBi4; Coupon lest. t 11.F51611-2%; 5-:es Reit istered, 1012, 1ue1461106'4; s.tat C4ittpouS.. l o 62 E l loyggiuTi„•,• 4 - 4.20 Coupons, hult, Iliittieletl; 5-so C 0u p005,PE.1,1055,1110.11..;.3 , ..%. 144 . J an nary and July, luSl4kleS),l; IWo3 ies Registered, tr.. 0.16 I ;114; do. Geupous,P4446loo;,',. • Stock market liriu at lust • bands, and gen , orally up to the highest point. of the day; I.oe, - ' Beading aud illteh igen southern were tin:only railways that showed any falling oil', awl the decline on these was Slight. The ;advance has been steady and gradual during the day, mid there is a much better feeling In the market. The following were the closing piles-at Ize o'clock; LO. and M.G., Sai i t6lian N. V. C., IIgN6 'Wit; Erie, 7 - 24671.%:; Mattson, 121160 3 ; lieu Ina, numottoi; 410,,Ativ;; 31. C.. IIS: C. and P., .S.S: s iist; C: and T . 1131461E91.; B. 1., Illt;..111047,i. Minitet stocks—Avers 31.-atio M. :sit; Mon tanaltt; N. Y. Gold, N. E. Gaell, ' Col umbia. AL.! S., 165; Ainerlow , 1 - 2 u; Cond. Freg. AL 1231Coryilon, Mot Go. 11111 Si Co., k eystone 0.. 7 14 .11., 250; Welkin, 1:01. second call—Benneholf, IL S. 1027. Pri •ts of mining at001.:6 bid In 110,1011 this day: C nada, 60; Cop per Fulls, ilte4; Franklin, laneoek, LP i; Huron, lett.t: Minnesota, 1:4!,; 0 lacy. SP C. 1. W. P.,10 , 4, Mew .York 'Dry Maeda Market. • Now Ilona, I/eremite:cll.-9r. Goods market flull and irregular, business Lel a ehielly con fined to disposal of lola otTerL by outside patties Lwho are unable to hold t 1r stficks through the continued dulluess,'and. do not wish to risk them in the spring trade. Com alderable lots of bleat .eci goods, of few makes, are placed upon the market at I01:$15 per cent. reduction from the regular prase,-anal ale quickly taken up. Thls has been done-rwith Androscoggin 1. .16,10, Jurors Steam Mills, sonic kinds or LYnwauttu, llJue .31.1116, Ac., 01511111111 e last few days. Agents lire, never- Illelet.r, arm at old prices for these 1.111. } L OW!. It is reported that :nest tit these goodsare bought in oilier marketsllll4 •cent hero for salt, in tlll9 Irregular way. Considerable lE:sl imes is reported in Pomerties. Brown goods In less supply and limner in all hands. - - • Chicago Market Caw AGO, Ilec,ll.—The weather Li . cold and clear. The money mai ket unchanged. The' supply of eastern exchange 1.4 inadequate to the deicatali.market very OM. - Viour dull; spring extras light, 411,X1 Wheat; No 1 spring firm; Noll and 3 hlgher;OtbergradeS nuctul,lll - closing steady at 42,1721X0.,03 for No'l, and 7ef2711140 for Not: ILd'Dyn opened firm, advanc ed to 8114412 c, end eloped s itli sales at Ede. Oats quiet at 325,,,n for No I. ll ighw hies U o a ol. nat. at 6?.,27 for free. and bonded. There le a better feeling (or Provislonsidnefs pork advanced 'Mc on the barrel; Fates ut 617: 75618,00, cash and future deltvery, and 51;,50e, 11.25, sellers , and buyers , option. Lard quiet, at 11 , 4 c for prime new steam. Greta Meats firmer; hams 10.4 e; shoulders s';c.. Dressed flogs scarce and lIQM lout at 59,00-pe hundred lbs. Live 11055 fairly active and 14c higher, et 51,',Qtgic for commonto good choice. Blew Orleans !Market. Nate Oataa Oce...lE—COtfou Water; vales of 10,000 bides low Middling at 4;1t..,fin , 1'4e; 31.,:" receipts for three dit>B. 1,0 : V; baler agaginst 13:000 Last, week t exports for the week" 11,SO bales. Settar dull; fair, 9146231 c. Dios lassos dull; inferior, tot; prime,ttAlule. Pinar In goal deuntod,• Supertine. 411,00, Extra, VI ; ;0 0 a)15,50. Corn lower; lairvaL 41,0;; White, 41.10. Oats litre at 75e. Pork: dull, ut 423e2.3.00. Bay—Ohio river. 127.00. Itacon Lard e;SOu ders, 1*.1613e; Sides. Itilidttle quiet and loner, tit 11; , ;(02'.4614c. WotsICY, 61440. To. tr hmex unchanged. tiold,' • 137 N. New. fork Exchange''/y discount. Freights to Now York, to Liverpool, a!„; Havre, • — Balflatore Market.... • • Barrimoae, Dec. 11.—Wli eat very scarce anti in demand. Corn advanced under light er keelpts. Flour dull; talcs of Chicago ex tra at sll,iNalt. Provielons 'lleavy•. sales of mess pork at ati,so. Groceries inactite, with a downward tendency. Seed dull, cleaver 4,3,25. Flax seed *3,10. Whisky very dull. • BALTIMOSE, Dee. 11.—Flour active,. Phicalha Extra. fill,faidle,oo. Wheat Cent; prime, *Sail 63,U0. torn ateatly, at UOitilac. Pork quiet; Mess, V.l,Stiiiitt,oo. Loy:divine Markel. • . LoriavittE, December 11.—Soles of SS filnis low grade lob:us:out ituchai,eil rates. Super fine dour, *l @ lo. lied wheat ' . Vaine.S.,6s. New corn (ear), 53EttiDe. Oats, bulk, its, Provisions firmer. Receipts, 5,00 hogsi prices gross. Mess pork, $lO., New land, Cti ree hams, loc. hales of lid bales of cotton, low middling, at .711;c. Dacon nominal. ltaw lVinsky 10 -2 ,tii. Prime New uricnns su gar, 13e. Plantation Bt. Louis Market. • • Sr. Loris, Dec.ll.—Tobacco unchanged. Cot ton bettor, atV). Oleki. Hemp dull, at $2,70 for old choice undressed. flour inlet and un changed. Wheat firmer but Inactive and uu. changed. Corn better, at fr. 655 for Time, and Mieffeet for old. oats higher, at 7atie. Pork firmer, at 20,541 c for clear sides; 11!.C.,f0r new. augur cured limns. Whisky lower, 'nasal tied and no buyore, at 41,12. !logs o , lVAncpd, with light roetripte, at eeklb@r.,so. lizeinnntd Market., CINCINNATI, Dec.!! /Martha' altal unchan ged. Whisky declined to *Lea !Riga Ltruter and to itood demand - at ta, - 2507,C0 liet. celota 5,000 bldg., clotting leas Orna. Pork held at a19,54/ 0 /0 wltu email Falai , . Dreamt meats •in •moderate demand. at 'Mite and loc. Lard Gold El?. Cotton excited, and tine nt.04., gen. orally' withdrawn Dorn the maraet tinder En glish news.. • ' • Milwaukee PI arkf 1. • BIiLu . A.UKEE, December D.—Flour unchang ed. Wheat. quket at 11,7DaLS2. ',eta qUiet, nt 44 f✓:. ProelslOns'idgher; Ideas pork IMPORTS'DY UAILIIOAD. PITTSBURGH, PORT WATT'S a CRICAIIO It. B. ; Deeember 11—I ear corn, Kennedy A Lothrom I car wheat, lib:Bane a Abler; 1 do rye, Hitch cock, McCreary A an; 4 to wheat, II C Amour;"; Ido do, hood rt liabler; sks raga; iideLbl lotigh, Smith a Cu; 1 ear oats, fear- barley, it Bea Jr; I do barley,'Carson. Darllngton co; Ido eats Sclinclbach a Schott; 12 dozen brooms, W W Bradshaw: 5 bra eliciae, it Ua;- rcli;;;s sks rags, Pittsburch. raper Co; INJ bbis highs es, bilipton a Wallace, 106 ibis Pour, J S Dilworth a co; 1 car millfead; Sturgeon a Bro; 1 car broom corn, F 6. Maths WS; 10 1 // , /a tour, linox d`51c1:00; 106 do do, quarkenlxiss &, co; :Le bask corn, J S New Layer a emu bras flour, A Taylor; 1 car metal, N . I crack co; big butter, J S Stewart; - 2S bras ppplen, Camp bell a Bro Twin 1 cur barley, Spencer d McKay; 3 p . sgs apo_lo litter, Omr e . 11.3itcy; 55 coke pearl aeb, as s I ; lG lll4.'il a p o r. Gregg a Clenuenraug; 20 boxes soap and Goo- l. Johnston a Colvin. 1 Czar ELS x 0 AND PITTAIICGH Docember 11-2 cars pig Iron, kiiiiiielea'co; 3 masses copper, T M HOG e; 10 4WD radar' /.. 11 101,11 acro; desks to s : J 3 14 1 1 8 11 t :las r e , i rs la : t r il r r o m i a . IL% btu a 'ert; 1 car Iron ore, J Painter ..a Son; 12 dodo, Wll SW>. enbeiger d Bialr; i do do. Gruff, Etyma a Co; dodo, Bryan a Canghey' t . ibbis &milt& i 1 .Anderson; 60 caseirmatchers Wirt 51 Cita ' eine i . 35 aka onions, I. 11 Volk; li Wormser; 5 rads hernug do, J K Smith; 10 do do, `l l a7 I r o l , ll o Sam Cooper; C. do do, .1 11 Lt„,,,„„giv."2, 4 ,,? Adolph 11radde.11eitut 1 ear alaves,C bras Pour, Cbas B Leach; I Us strimra, Bros a co; 33 sks nuts, L /I 18 sks potatoes, Pot I er,Alken a Sbenarsi, 5 'oatmeal, L J Blanchard; Al boxes eine* J , '- Bravo; IS. bills. chairs Lanier, u s ,,-obis cornmeal, McKay' Bro.. , C o; rrisstinon,Cottrestim 'a ATI 11. Dec Pr ember 11--50 bids flutir,S Undsa CINCINN ylr .1 IL, yl sks barloy, J hangwieb ;50 do do, Sturgeon 'it Jiro; bras upplor, Bricker a co; .10 sacks corn. .1 Glenn; t 2 do barley. A Ilussell; %I g o do, k' Shields; 2 bbd. eggs, Dna& Ilkltafi fs aka barley, 100 brae ]tour , Meanok, Harper .is Iloculrl car rye, D Wallace;-) earearaires,l* Markle:s dodo, C I:Smith ;10 bxs tobacco, . Jones a co; /0 do do, I:Schmidt. AralsousaT STATION. pecan:Met 11-1 oar rye. 1 do wheat !Carnal:iv, Ilro' a cOrm bundles spokes, Lautnor & lion 1 car Staves, .1 Liana; 1 ear barley, 0 Serale; I. car mairced, r cur out Gilm o re, n S i m p s o n car -wheat ' ) cars .In la her, & co; 17 aka potatorai V 'do, 1 car lumber. Italya 4t lloberisonrP do ` do, John Naar.; 3.1 Ws -. tionr, - 7 tons millfectl, Stewart A Langenhalm. C:,PITTEIBIjRCH ROPE WORKS MIN - RIVER NEWS. TIM liven continues to recede slowly at this -point frith scant nine feet In the channel by the marks last evening. Tho weather yester day was cloudy and cold with indications of snow. As yet, there is ne ice in the river at this point, but unless the weather moderates, We May expect it very sown. The, Argosy got In from Cincinnati raster day With a goal trip, and she returns again to-day, The Lent Leoti arrived and cleated for Parkersburg. and the Grey Eagle is duo hero from that point this morning. The Belleveruon cleared for St. Louis yes terday,. as did also the Kenton. for New Or leans. The Bellevernon had a very fair trip, althouglushe could have Gillen another hun dred tons without moult iliflleulty. Tile Ren ton had a very fair cargo, Ilie chief item of s Melt .li - 119 plows, and It took her several weeks to pick it 1111. The Julia St. 2 got In front Cincinnati duo ing Monday, ith a fair freight list. Capt. A. 11, McGowan, late of the Savanna, tan tosumed command of the Lmnltias, now loading for New ' Orleans. Tile SitNanint has gone into w inter quarters at the Allegheny landing below the Suspension bridge. The Lorene WW.IIIIWiI at the point yester. day hiking on railroad Iron, of which she loss three hundred and fifty toes engaged. This . line steamer will donntless be ready to leave for Sl. Louts this evening—Capt.J. B. Conway ill command, with Capt. Chu, Wilkins In the - ram). kilo Kate Robinson, In command of Captulu Robt. Rubinson is now in turn for New Ore. Icons, mid will SI telee COUMICIICO loading tor list ituliit. The Argosy, Capt. Vantlergrift, with Mr. W. If. Scott, in the alike, is thoregular Wetlites day ticket for Clneminal, and. passengers i and shippers should bow this fact in mind. The Ida hest, Cant. Joe. Brown, is loading I for Cincinnati anti Louisville. The tow 1)0111 Resolute cleared 'for Loute ' vide on Monday, With nine barges of coal, and' loho W 0,1 truck may got out today. We 'urea that the Dtrtan descending the falls at LOUIS ille, on ['tidily last, sulk it Med of 00111 lie ' longing.to Chas: 2ifilel'. - There will be little, ik .. roly, destruction of steamboat properly at sr - . LOUIS whoa the ice breaks up, as it Seeliei to tulle determined by all boat-owners to remove their property to pm e es of know II safety Immediately utter the I first icoti seen floating in the harbor. A young man appeared before a Board of Examiners at st. Louts for license as an cog!- 'veer, and was asked: "suppose you hail bunt an engine yourself. performed every part of the emit II 1111001 it and knew that It Was ill complete order, but when pat into a vessel the pump 0111 4 not draw water) what 11ould you tie!" The 5 . 0:10g 1111111 promptly pllcdu "I,snasi :to to the stile ot the vessel and aseertalu if II t2re any any water in the Wo clip the following items from the Cot clnnati Cbanitereief of Siontlay Captain E. 11.ratiget's coasting steamer Osceola is fi tted up and furnished in excellent style.lier towormsiollations are Boil...lass in every particular. lie list Spared no pains or expense in making the Osceola cozy ice made freely last nlght We regret to an nounce that the Wire of the %iterati Captain Willi= linen suddenly at Harnett, 011 10,0 h Saturday The cash drawer and. liar of the Havana was robbed of $2.5 or during Friday night Tao Fleetwood .on Saturday evening, on her regular business trip. made the run freer Cincinnati to New Riehrhond In ono lifter and thirty-seven min ers. She was timed from the Newport fed rt . to the New Richmond wharf bout. tier time to the month of the Miami was thirty-t it le and it half minutes. tier grit hour's ran was to the lower side of the Big Rolfes - at Eversol's below N .. . . ._ _ -...... Hopes mod Cords. - .it._ the recent 'Coduty Fair there were ex. Idlilted a very tine collection of Manilla, Tar 'red, and Weil) lima., whenr attracted eel vete il attention. We cu.:elegy examined the specimens, unil could hardly believe that so. important u crunch of Pittsburgh umufsetu re received so little attention from those inter ested in tile iitallitieti of our couneerclui grow th. These specimens certainly cannot be equalled by tlimm produced by any other manures, nrer In the Union; they cannot be surints,mil ~.y any other in the world. We made iii•iiitry all.l lettrlle4) that 11...5e Spec, I men! we1,...P0n exhihition by the Fit t.bnrgt. hope Wort:, owned by ...ears. Ylarshall, Fel ton k Bollmatt. These won lie connect tile re• mote period of Pittsburgh manufactures with the present, and almost extend bitch to the foundqtdon of our government. They were first estatlisbed in MM. and sines then hove . gradually added to- - their capacities, and to- say stand as 1441 it importance in the coun try. The SpeettliOnS ti peal exhibition were tine inch hemp rope, nine Inch manilla rope, and a mammoth eon of al x•lncli man lila rope whigh icak LIX) I'M', IN LZ.Ni:TII ! Thetatter was of smooth and Cyril texture, anti faultlessly perfect. It In manufactured with the greatest of care, and from appearance will witioithml the greatest of pressure or atra uleg. There Were is number of other very beautiful spech mons or rope upon exhibition, unit persons en. gu sed In any burliness requiring its use shoal! examlito than carefully- The firm of Mar. shall, Fultuu k liolltuan,Nes. ill and 113 Witter 'street, tounnfactute to order twine manilla cordage, sand pump rope, American hackled hemp tarred COrilagc, hump Mile, spun yarn, hemp packing, oakum,' bell cords anti ba t cords.. They are fair dealing, honorable gen. - Mereenond we slncerely commend them to the patronage of the public, See advertise. 'neut. , STEAD 13OATS FOR CAW% -MEMPUISs i dE a t Ara , NEW OlibtAtin.—The tine ils ' frier& er 64 , As R. Mutiowv's Will leave lee the above and all Intermediate ports 11.1LA8NDA.Y. atl2ll. For fret or ik.sage apply on hoar. , or to Skin •FLAtin. ittsIsLINUNVuOD. Agents. L'OR CAIRO AND ST. ; evir=4" LOlJls.—Ti..e. line newsier LO:LENA rapt J. B. Ctn. , rat'. Will leave for the :heave non all totertnedtste Port. on rlitel DAY. at Ir. It. - t War iretgot or pa ~age, sprty on board or to Jet; FLACK a UULLLYU wool). atmni. • 1.4`011 ILINCINNATL—SkT-Liar mi t 'AWAY I'AC li ET. AT Ita PLACE 07 TjlE VLIIU EST Er.-Tne roe possen• our mummer IdAtltilt: 1111.YS. 1/. 1.. 1W...t00t SOF. C010121111141tr; It. 11. rOOlllll. Clerk. Will run 't! a REGULAR iVntaiLlt FACKET tam...vett &butt. For fitted or Donator apply on boar.' or to COLLIN.. ,1 0 1 AS.' U.Alt Aoooc. i;ott EANb-The MEMPHIS lcaplendld NEllll"reaMit ORL steamer ii.A.Te.-uottisenii.........,Capt. It. II.ROCII!ONVF. leave for the obove and all Interusedittoporta, on nAI UItDAY. at 4 p. lo.,pololvely t For freight or pinitt i ltgy_on board Or to BARNES...I del J Atilt vOLLIN b. 'Agent... 14 . olt CINCINNATI ISAD LOUISVILLE.-The Size tteanterammotamo. Cott. .1. !Wows. Wi TH II I, DA leave-tor the l a bove and jalntertnedlate ports, on Y, a • .For freight or passage app`y on board or to-. del • del FLACK & CuLLIROWOOD. Agent,. P . EOPILIE2B LINE.- --11EG-r Es aM s t I.ILAIt WEEK I.Y PaCKET be ! Oreun PITTaItUUGH AND ()DOAN NATI.-11to nowand aploodld steamer ARGOSY, capt. Gotta Vondeorlll. W. 11. boott, Clerk, leases l'ltobtralt EVER) %V •NESD aY. at 17.0.(deoll Y. Leaves ClurActoott EVERY FRIDAY, at 12W-clock. • For freight or pasafga apply on board. or to nottwlt CHAS. 11A UNE', Agent. 111EELING, ItIALItIET ,a2Wat v TA & PARE( eiottinw aacildld'paasaageratoamer BAYARD Capt. taconiii. If °oak. • LtALVCS Blustonab MONDAY AND TRITLISDAY...at 11 o'clock A. X Leaves Parkerabl ar • • TUESDAY ANII _FOIDAY. .....* ..at 2 o'clock r. Yu, [might°, pissage apply oa board. ln:ki • 1866. • -7 FA LL 18 6 6 r. - We alynow exhibiting for FALL TItADIC the Most ex issive stock grim& we have ever had the pleaau re of offering [pour patrons. English Brussels and Tapestries, P elL'a u p i rdli r lirß iira:Ca " BICH WHIM INDITLITI CARPETS lAD BEGS, KIIIIIIIAMLIEREI) SWISS LACE . CURTAINtI. New la ilepot Pollens of C4lliCitt, Side & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, Choice !Styles Notting Curtains. • irreaLann dt ooLLusa. , n l Nos. 71 and 77 11IgTH ItTILEZT. IFaxt itouse to U. H. Cuatom blouse and Mat Ogice, in , Second gloor. PHOENIS ISTEAiI BREWER'? JOB. f r sub's JAG. iclut bPJENCEB & McKAY, IRMO' in.:IIiEIVERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH., PA. 'ROBERT WA TIWINI, Malasi/tar. InntA6ll W. 11. 6SSIMAUD.."-D..11. 800T11....W. T. P. 4.51.1141.1144 1... MALT HOUSES. • W. H. GARRABII& 00, 1 _ Roisters, Drain & Hop Dealers; 17 5 ,•,17 W atyr Strlitti end l".. 5 'Lad 7 Penn' _ . PITTISEtURCH, PA. ROOFISG dIATEItIALB "Ctiriettifi Pitch, 'Fell, Part:Wine •r'arnish ant* attack r a i„ l , Manarseturedia sold as Wes as soy o th er holier 1. the rAel IL HMO. 8.00. , Iv/A.oa 111 ...lib Where a.m.... 110211Lii!l. • 100 Dbl.. nce prime Vrtgte../lint lbr male t. 7 CElAtLati C. 11A1.81.E.Y, nod - • , -• OIL WORKS, COM PAN IE S.& c criar_os: SOHO OIL IVORICS. BUFFUN IM W(94110., ILLNIJI'ACTURF:F. 9 OF THE CELEBRATED SPECII LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. sperm. Lard and 'Whale READ LIM, !MISS' OIL AND 0613 ltandatd White Surnitig Oil; No. 88 illarket.Street, PIIiTSBIIRGH, PA SEND FOR A CIRCULAR BEST MD 1 CINCINNATI'', OSIIa 311r.tiT Sc., AT I.)W. SP 11ATES, ' LA•TZ,:o47 , WARING & KING, COIESSION NICCIIAMS AND r,MhEtSr Petroleum and its Prodatts, 4 DUQUESNE ISP.4II*, 3P1C`r.r231331:17R-CA-712t, WARINC, KINC & CO.. mv17:10 _1517 Wnlns.t. qt.. Phlln RENTRICK'S LUBRICATOR, WHITE, BROS. Si. CO, New York E.. J. ROBERTS, Agent, N0..1 St. Clair Street, 1•a. K• Cott •0 F‘cLory 00, Dm is 11401lncry On, WOOl.l Mill Oil, Oars[ Egging OIL Light Cold Eng , no Olt, I C.r lilt, No. I, Light Col'd 'den:yr-Cut- Dm L. Oar Ult. No OOLD D (11 051. PtEeiNING - - - a COILLME..ta.INT`Z. OF PITTSBURGH. PERNA JOHN WATT Prectdout. IIIiNKY U. LIMO. % , e'y mud Tr.•.4'r. WORKS IN TEMPERANCE:VILLE °One, No. 2 Duquesne Way, IN.artinapeneton isr , itre•) ISANI;FACTIIREIN or 'Mai , : %I LUTE .13.10:11..Nr74-0- Brand---" Lucifer." MEM EUREKA OIL !MOBIIS, VANITT ACT': ttr.u. Or I EITHE R C. 4 it OA' 9,2 L, . The Celebrtt' t .1 EUGEKA SPERM LUSRICATING" OILS, ntl \Vhe Dialers la Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils, L%:111), Wit M.E A . . 1) I - 111 ems, N 0.31 Market. St.. Pitisborgh, Pa. C.Or;aLloi examine Lamples and ro•>n cerlule>tri .v15,u14 13EV TLIE. [JEST. . . PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, YOR Oil. I:EI:INELS Ilanufactured only and (or sale by T. ii. E F*l.l" S co., I.loXliecir P s.iiit WOrlz.l9l, N. W. Cor. 3d and Dlarket Sts., THE LIGHTNING LAMP. R. C. .102 i JONES, CB MFORII VOGEL, ,Vgetth, rrOFE MOST POWERFUL .&I) TROLY It ANT COAL VII. OAS 1.11.:11T .tiVELt rit.t.WUt:ED• . Adopted by the U. S.Govern went. Norstrip:oskie. Cheap and Resort., tares brilliant Pert lltree•inl.l greater ti 141 any wrorr lamp. Tiller pat.° tla ad ardarl to all I tor.. our pme., rola as the oicl. is Comely a amciume•r, nt cr re• quire, al, trlmuarog. Burners or! va.yrin F,T :c Ps'APpTl4..alZ 1 :t.6 1' i ‘ r Store, Firth Street. or AlaccV• 13..ua mon, , Fill, steers, Chronicle liolldlnd. uo-1 Wu. 1411311TY.5.V D.A. .4., 0:i . . EAGLE OIL WOUHS, ZiefuvrerLewxcrili.o. WICHTMAN &I ANDERSON. Refiners and 'Dealers in P.ETBOLETi M. OFFICE.BEcONDSTORY,COILNELt HANCOCE T. AND DUQUESNE WAY. mr1,43.1 TO CLASWAitERS. • TILE • SITIISCRIBERS HAVING -a- completed their orradgements for ermidne the It utlngdou rand Cock, are Low pr. pared to inr- Wel a erst C e; oxide' al P. mete for trill In CAIA/AUb. AT TlLEiliWoinc , . at the mitered rate orta,rill per Lou. to bull, el . 43,0111 u hays, or tro dlwd bent; elther today at 19 0010 hags at 0 , 30 prr ten. or partler ran bus at the loom price. %kr offtr the larrra Ideas houses fond. adapted to theirtthe n ottlect 11 the &bow condltlOns, at s3,lthkprr tpdAT 011 k WOllO, Madera forwarde4 to ELLtory 0001.0.1 Creek Lost trice. Idtigthairdon coma, or to 'AL/ AND It IS No. 140 First ,d ee ,t, 7lttiburgb. wUI to promptly attended to ItOIIILEY , bc CO. aelidgl _ , CO-PARTN ERSHIP. • THE UNDERSIGNED lIA INA: AIMINdurEV:TLTII;V,"gc,VL the 1,11,1 day or October. IWO; enlertd 1111. der the style of ItAta . nic, .0 CU., lor tLI , , utauulacture of WM:it/N.:, ice., a! oh' e..• tabllAbed atan , Th .or Atechlt nimpi anti /'tomes Harper. Oft Bearer Wet,. N..t,itt,tur, and would rtmoretlallY satin!; Contlnu. 0! the Vett pangs hitherto, o 11A1:1.1.:1!, A. AN PIION liC I MAN, •0e13310 ' ADAM /le-Si:IIEI.M AN N. tIIEAT BEVOLUTION IN TIIE it IN le THAW"- t4P THY. uNrer.L. CAL•FORNIA vtlAsil'Alf NE. mud prepared as done in gyance, Poi. Pair . CoAlor • nia-Vilne, and taking tip. place or imported chum -M:4 Cr ned would oitiltlie utt of Win Deafert a a nd ' H g osel e peri to tile full oil. r e , which May ette A Correc t correct Welt of the quftilty of their Wines “CON TI PUTAL Hot ' rnit.....p.L.” A, Oct. 1,64 Bovoitat A co /laving given your California impugn, a tlirugh teA, we tale pleasure h ying ta r we int o 11.11111 twit Amer( au On u hails Lyre ueed. We ahall a' Once place it our bill of 11[C. 1 (Mr,. trot,' J.. X. KIN Call arid try , our California Clierrintittle. not:COS . flout:ll6n A. CO., 40 Do Et. 1.17 Y. _ ALLEGHENY 1 , 1.01!Li AND E1133:10 S. C. MoMASTER , & CO, No. 1:14 Ohio St., Alleghen3 Wholccale nut! Ito nil !haters 111. ir..11:711.14'n e tO Ci tdb T . C%, t.ll. „Alaatt pal I ru 'Patten,. n ou sty., NEIVAILUIVALI IVEVr A 111114" 4 IA 4500 pnekowea nen"ctop tua, to xhole, 1. , it Usa•Lia sew Cu rennta; :it barrels Owlet. Nettles, la %Inca., tUo drums be. crop Hite: •ae Tema a Ate rca ti la • atiA Li'Ash`Croca a• as, la slut d and to arrive at NM Mkt! • BOVI . ' . No. 115 lc Woutl att vet. LAVEIL Now Ch nor, The Meri Imported: oleo, Loudon Layer, by 1I pornad or In 101311 Cr barSl23: and nolslAs, wbo.e3sle xua tetall, at the I..rot‘y 17 ' More Of - - A. Ite.N,IIAW, 1,6 Corner .Liberty awl 11.to1 alreet, LAIRD OIL. is bbl. Extra Itvllunl mad erarrantrel Winter btrained, (or sale by WINTER STICAINED LAIRD c i tiL i f i trjgi . tr4lue...l Lard 011: 1.4" "4'k Vr"k J2.ll c b t l l PAT l t!l.l., bON, de6 - Ltr3,ll4;plVatcr ktrett• t olitlLS. perry, in blalders, re nal•Pd anti lorsaln bi ' • • '• • I.llst.:Lin:C.A.' KELLY.. • I , rnavi.t. , n nit in 13111.4. 1.1 - Sl - 11EED'OIL received .r audforsat, by OEOROr A. KELLY it CO.. noW Wlinlesnte j IVraal,la, M 7 WOool WlatNDOand SIIADES—A new lot ot V.' w W DeautiLol rear. on lirevn, Ten, and Ilan tiro:nods, tiold and ralutcd itonterA, No. icrt Usika street. No e .10:1. It. HIM HEN A nit.% WALL .PAPAU-7! , .. Of .all grades, ar rarlars, Dlolna Booms and Hirai ..., in great rarlety. at t o, Ll 7 !Avant. rtrent: - • • -neTl JON. It, /117.411fai R 8110. PANEL PAPERS—WaII and Ceti- InC Hecorallons, anligne and modern, for Sale MARSHALL, , , AN 87 Wood street: Pro 401 Liberty street 111ERNIN WARD; PITTSBURGH. JONES & LAUGHLINS 9 A cciIsttii.T.NreMNIEIRW:!:'a., FITT AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop. Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coat Screen Iron; T Hails, 16 and 20 lbs. to the Vard Tram Halls; punched and coun -1 ter bunk Boiler, Bridge a - id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; ' Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Is steels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold 'Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rodst Mower and Reaper Bars. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 153 Front Sts, BP./LI:CH HOUSE, Nos, 22,21 and 26 Elver St., . Jel:cts CIiI6AUO. ILL. 1221 SOLD BY =LI = _ u,,on 17k1ZaT, KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. IiCUTCHISON, --- G - LASS & Co., =I CHARLES C. BAULEY, 6 MANUFACTURERS. WORKS. UNION IRON 56321171a.C3 - 8, aul. - rrAcronros 07 Manufacturers of She different sties of Round, Square, Flat and llorse-Sh9e Bar Iron, loop and Band Iron, ' Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pau Iron, Sheet Iron, kze„&e., &c. Works, PITT TOWNBIIIr, lag Monongahela elver. ()Mee and Warehouse: 0. 146 Water Street. 0e414t KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD &. BLACK, =I Lest C:omnrn, :.A ß:fitted Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. SIF.II,.:IIANT DAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON 110o3', SAND, T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE nod SHEET IRON. ROWER and !LEAVER BARS CYLINDER and GUARD Olt FINGER IRON A LL.T RAILS, and 16 lbs. to tn. far Wilt) u G lIT GUM RS and br/ NES for Skase. FLAT ItAlLS;rancbco and Countersunk. coA L . 15(11i LEN "NAILS andrxrtir.s.ll -• Nr ,, h , /as/. SS , Wster And No. 6 Market sea: "1 , 1 StreAt, Eighth Ward. WJolnlnp i..lt) Gas NV al, rg - att24:l4 FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. ALLE3C", Copying Presses, liVarehouse TruCks, 'Bag-nage Barrows, "Sugar Mills, azz. FORSYTH, T TAYLOR & 39 ItAtt pnrsuunGp STEEL WORK ANDERSON, COOS it CO., ZKUCCEetlllltl T 1) JUNISIL BOYD A C0.,,1 ,leanfectarers of th beet refined Cut Steil, Spam em.llletNeon, of >t, dam nun. For/ ..1 bbeet Cool !Reel, Cut creel for ROWING AND MOWING MACHINIgi %TELT PLOW WINGR.OLPIUNGOoSTX . % CLIWULALII% ae. Cast &ad Common Plough sea Spring Steel OlSes—Co ' rner of First and Hoss etreeU, two Chief above the Monongahela Rouse. • MEM 'lftE - forq PITT FOUNDRY. efi,llll,,E.S IiN — AP NEPHEW mAlitrrAcrcalne OP HEAVY oaftrckscE, AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY CASTINHB,_ Sis:c lal tote o Don paid to LtOLIANO WOKE BL racr MACHIN LILY cad ILICTOUTIL • - • . It attended toproMPLIF. A.; heretofore, the best mamma wul away" be aped at this Foundry. Haying IllAposed of our old patterns, wa are pre ared, with NOW AND INDOOVILD pattern.. COD. p str.ted under the sutourvialun of. Mr . Knots?, t furnish .ti All. MACIIIN EP at short notice. no6:n 11`GiNNIAS C. T. GRAITAK AMERICAN MA CLIME • ROHM CHARLES F. GRAHAM & CO., neutlisors to INtl ER, linAHAit & CO Engine Builders and . Machinists, IiAtILTACTOUZ.6II OP Oil Engines, Oil Tools, Anil everything necessary for IlorlOg Ott Wells. Particular ettxrition paid to Ifittlug up Ebeling rutuye. Usage., Ac. Marlon Avenue, deny Ft. W.& C. U. R. 81.1.c)Glacoisp, =M===i32 Wit a•nzs VNIN ALLYN JAS. L. WRAY. VALLE"( STOVE WORKS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., • Office ..d Warehouse 301 Liberty S ropposite Smithfield, M•tinf•cture! • grant variety of COOK, PARLOR and It KATINO STOVEA, among which are the eel.. eta - stied Allegheny Led Monitor Coal ehaing hive.; also, the Autiterat and Seat' nal for coal or wood. and the unrivalled War or the Empire, for s-- rera..l; also, Arclit e, Unto, fender. hug. , Kettles. ' • pETtIOLIA lIILACHECE WORKS/ H. SE3E. X.N.1314011:1ir, =I Manufacturer of IMI 4 ItOV FO BORING TOOLS, AND ITXTURIS USEI/ IN SINE !NO OIL AND SALT WSW D. Particular attention Invited to hi. Patented orovomen t. lu Jars and Joints, made of dattlattl. U. b., and Low Moor Iron, In standard . Ines, and numbered, 00 that part. can be ordered by matter telegraph, and Conn.' • para.:tilt at all time.. e also fUrni.h repel, belong, small tools to them who may-wish Ir. Englneo and machine wet I c e to order. Order, by mall pronttly attended to. I ale Dreps,ed to grant license. to other ntanulae tor., lor theeelMorayeisenti Ilberal terms. Box 17 A llveneny P. U. ' je2o:d73 u. H. LILUET. BLACK DIAMOND • 63T.12101111A W 1310301.3310, • PITTSBUBJ/11. ea. ' , ALOE. BROTHER d. Cu, alanufactwrervOf MIT QUALITY BILYINED CAST STEEL. Square, Plat and Pctagon, of all Itses. Warrant+. could to ally Imported or marnitetured In Ulla ems and ElrtMee and warehouse, Leto. Wand as IMSeaend street& Plttaburan am art PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER 41c . SONS. • MANOPACTL - nine iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS Alga BURETS, fele:MS . PITTSBURGH. PE. • IRON CITY MILLS: ROGERS 8z HURCHFIET,I). Manufacturer. of REFINED. CHARCOAL, JUNIATA I POLISHED EAN3r...13.V.W . ltrYtelt OD WARNUOIIen, Nd. 11S MAILEET ST. 0,3.13.5 OCKHLtHD W. D. Driczn J. ►. o LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. dls 51 ratttneWons 06BT BTEMLL BPSING. PLOW tlsl LIST= BTELL; art:U.B4M AXLES, OB6PW BARS. MM=4=E=ll Joe. P. Limon W. mrt.t.an. DUQUESNE AND WEST POINT YOntl ES, pirranuutm. Penna., man ufacture all elapses of Forging., els I Steamboat Shafts. Cranks. Pleton Rode Levers, Pitman Jaws mad Wflatat &Ise, itallroad Axle*. Loc°molted Vramee.. and all shape work. The under,* Md. hoping peen for weep yeam tonged to the buskins aro I)cent:ed. to ferule., all omens eutnlete , l to them with promptuese and dispatch. 1y111.154 HAII.III A CIL. GEO. F. SCRUCHBLAIN & CO., PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS,, The ONLY STEAM , LlTHOolikrille . IC ri TA fi; LISIIMENT WEST UP THEMOUSLTAINS, Unit re. Card.. Letter• Reade, Bovlla. Labels, Elm. lare. :tow Cards, Portralte, Views. Certlllexitte of Utopia.. lovitation'eartls. An.. Le. tud74-Thi I , ae3;104 IRON NIILS, GEN'Ettla. s i...C 7 . 2, ertititr , 07 IRON AND FORGINGS. 'SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP &BEAUTIFUL. flpeclal attention given to to amlurnetare of Hammered and Rolled Locomo tlt e and Car Axles, , irmickna.aav RAILROAD CHA IRS. SPLICE BARS, BID DOE IRON BOLTS, &C.; LINKS AN - I) BOLTS, I BEAMS. GIRDER IRON; OCTAGONAL HOLLOW WROUGHT IRON Pi.-Ta ; T AHD ANKLE IRON, &a WAREHOUSE: 93 Water and 1.26 . First Streets; OFFICE: AT THE WORKS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. ocls-122 FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WOII,IKS. CARROLL & SNYDER Iti/COLLCITIIZUS br TUBULAR, DOUBLE.TLUED; TUBULAR' FIRE-BOX d CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TAA/CS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLLNG PANS, SALT. PANS AND CON DENSERS, STEAM. PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND - COAL SIIUTES." °Mae and Works, rornir . Second, Third. Shari Phd Liberty Etreets., Pittsbuigh, gennsylvaniaa ° Sir Orders mut to the ' •aboyo addrem"'lll be promptly attended to.- ? stl4:lS9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMICK & CO x.A.lrmuctuusas OF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL 18QUABI, FLAT DD OCTAGON, OF AIL 61168. PULL. - MDLAT, CIDCULAN, OADO AND CllOBl5 CPT' SAW PLArI'ES.-- ELLIPTIC AND SEMI•ELLIITIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Steel, Cast and Gernian Plow Steel PLOW WlNtht AND MOWER BARS. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, IiICKLe. EMMET, ROE, BANE, FORE, TOE CALK AND PI 3AM, A.:IIIN Ac., .t KRY CAST STEILL4 CROW-Ic. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh, Ltilla ATLAS ItiORHS, ._,I►[URTO.r STREET, Math Rard, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. NHLLEH, Piesident • These Works are smog the largest and most corn plete establls..mens to tts Vi:sq L. and are olisr pre pared to furnish Engines of Every Description, Boilers, Olt Tanks, • Sheet Iron 11 uric, - Railroad Castings, Bolling 31111 Cavtltigd Engine Castings Machine Castink:., Gener: I Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED. no9tobel MONT BLANC FOUNDRT. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, =I X' IT 'X' 0 3317 NIL 43- "JEE ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS KAMM' DS CASTINGS GINIKILLY, Orders promptly and carefully executed. 1.31A111.116 13EASONAIILE, EUHERT- bi. MACKLIND. = CRESCENT STEM WORKS MILLER, BARE & MEIN, = BEST QUALITY= UST STEEL, WlLTloLlited reg it al to:** tl,, In V.Tite 01141". Jr. 3 al n v .7.0 550 a•4:1. OPEOLLL Strent, IH zt. C1.0.:'1•...0. • PlllllltintOn..J . DUQUESNE law - xi AND aELL ITOEES, - HAIIMAN, BfHffi & CO., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. UJUNG AHD A. B, STEEL, &0., immmm Nom. 77 ViTeetor troot, PITTSBURGH. = MOM ROSED.d.LE STO FE IfirORKS4 L. PETERSON, CO.; Xaaulacturers and Dealers In all [lads of. Cooking and Heating Stoves, HOLLOW WARE, itc" 'be very LATEST PATTERNS and STYLES. Warehouse, 101 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. MANCHESTER. au31:163 EMITS lALA:I4-I.)W.E I AiI B. WOLF. JR., & CO., DM/AIM to Hardware & Cutlery. Are now receiving large additions to our stock, • which la offered to Dealers at 13ALIBT.IEVILZT 3PFLXCIIIEIEf. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste., xn.stosur.m.riera, I. aeZ5472 LIPPINCOTT & BIKEWELL, No. 118 Water Street; ' 11.1,1t1MACTCIIIII8 OF PATENT UEUIIN II; • ' PATENT TEA:TOMEI, PATENT romizu onitClULalt, IMLAY, MILL AND CHOSIS-OUT • Ei NKr I. W. bIOUILOW. L.O. a. aaaantt.i, OMAHA BOILER WORKS. MORROW die BARNHILL, maatriacTuazas or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pane, Gasometers, Wrought. Iron Bridgcs,Sheat Iron Mork, Ace, dce., CORNER LIBERTY AND BFAXIND STS., PITTSBUIIGLI, ilireftEnalltlNG DONE PROMPTLY. myii:bll Tyrnaw WORKS. McLEAN & .SLATOB, No. 83 .Liberty 431., .opposlte Fourth , Or DABENET HATERS' HARDWARE !. -Tbey make • aped. yof Iron Bedstead and Pilaw Clamors: Porcelain, bedstead ang Pivot Castors: lk dstead Psetealng.:lsl.o9o for le:tension Tables, Ac. They .1.0 manufacture and hare coolitaatlr on hands Tbemb Latches, Spring Latch., id' Lean's Window Bash nupporter, at•Lean.s gosent,ri, Oath Button Utility bhutter and butt Hinges. grind. stone hangings, bad Mom, Sash Welgbt, d!e., do. AZADIZT... , .111. .J. SHAMA? iETNA STOVE A. BRADLEY & CO. = COOK PARLOR - AND HEATINQ STOVES I 6uitr v il.ir. .wain gm a m br. ztv ead i maz ik.ktiezwt xt r 7.1.7,6 10 RATER. GRATE FRCiNTS, OS= and Warobonot, corner of Second sod Woo Itr " 46. Lltailg4o:6 WarallCO on Demon street. Wl= • MISCELL PETROLEUM SOAP. TfiILETANDITMIHNG PAP (MINED, PETROLEVX SOAP , . Alter namercas eallsfsctory test. In hundreds of tasnllle., confidently o f f ered to the pithl , f , r l s establt.tted merits, as the test Tollet soap In the rlett as a. fit instate Wnsltlng tat , and Et aslet•uf llt t. Mutant: efillesclons remedyfor all etitalleoll2. Diseases. From Its Peculiar chemlcal cstanlttatlona. It it ".`- tlrely free from unplesal.4t odors, and foreign sub— st•nete. For sale at the plincli..l Druggists nall Gro ,- er. lu Plttbburgh haul Allegheny. alolinain PITT SHOO GAS SAYINCO., Othce,lo, 2 Merchantellotel, C OR. THIRD AND,SMITHFIELD STREETS. C:oll•FXo2llFtrii: JAMES I. BENNET, President.. ROBERT FINNEY, Vice President. ROBT. CHRISTY, Sec'y and Trefis'r. DIS CSOIIB JAS 1. ibiENNkTT. IW. W. rATIIICK._ - FOIST. VIANEY, J. )I'll. CELOSSAII. JOILN W. CLIAL W A NT. , ANT. N. 0 J. i. I3IOLEY. Nllll Nice Hours, 9. a. w, to 4p. daily. pITTEMAGII PAPER MANITICTIRING l'O., El=l Printing and Wrapping Papers. CLINTON .MILL, STEUBENVILLE, 01110. MILL, NEW BE/WITON, PA. OFFICr. AND WAREHOUSE. • No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. UI'FICEEE—AUNUST DAIS Vs E. President. JN M O. U B L LIV 3.lSTisS,r Ttayurer. ItECTOrtS-i - Angust Hartle. John Atwell. U. Hartman. John B. Livingston. Jahn SI. Perkins. C. 11. Merrick. Coats Paid for Paper Stock. noT.,:sts CAIN I). TN CONSIDERATION OF NEMER.- aXPLOSIOtitt that are weekly occurring from the use of INFEIIIOIt OIL, the undars , ened have enreludell to eelt their OIL AT RaTAIL at their WAItaHOUtSE, _ • No. 88 WS asla.c.t SEStrocat. he 1)111s guaranteed to STANIi A-FIRE TEST OF 110 1./KUNIO:Si and onwards, and Is to •pected for export by competent Inspector , . Those who desires uniform and It ELI /RIX AR TICLE will do well to pur,lrsse the 194430 ()IL. nvirirm. d• CO. 2.0. 33 MARRF.T WIRERS. Machinists and all others can . be furnished Lard, Spa in and Petroleum Lubricators at retail. nonausC NOTICE TO CONTUACTORS. • H PROCOAALti will be eceived b undersignedEALED until W EDNEe DAY. r DecemberY the fur tee ersding °Ma following streets aid alley In the rorough of Mancheitcr, to wit: - Fratiklin sire t. from Hedgewlek street to El arA•BeYt hur tierstreet. 'Tom WA* hingtpn to lit Sect swill: of Franblin etre, t: Evans alley. fro.. edittitt street' to Washington. street. The said 'cg Aud the diApositlon of all surplus exc.-rations, dr.. to be &Ale under the oirceLons of the Committee 04 tre4.l, end the Recording Regulator. for teethe( inforreattou call rpon una-r•laned, or WIL LIAM . Ile titINDItY, Reco.dlng &tor, Al legheny City, WILLIAM N. Ulll IC, 'Chairman Ht•est gum. Borough Blanchester. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PR. , pIWALB will. be received by the enders gned, SY EIPNEB•s&T. cember fur the az - adios of the f Bowing SI dewsiv■ on the following streets In he boron.. et Manchester. to It , Washing wn,r Mankstrun. Settlield, rase, Payette and Hop. ins strvets. The said g•odlog end mud disposition cf lii aunties excavations. ..te., to be 4inne under the die-Mt-it of the Consrult tee on St,. to and toe it-cording liessnistor. For Birth, infonaut on. call upon the under sign, d, at the - of P ip. Pate Parke Co., or SY list.t AM it. gIekIENDBI liecording Resole ter. Al egneny City • • : WILLIAM N. KIRK, Chairman Street Com. Borough ManeLe ter, de104,11 , . EASTMAN'S kA t .rENT Par fob Folding FAMILY BEDSTEADS: The Bat Bedsteads far Itunily Use in the World. We man ofutnre TO110(1s glees and styles of both DOUNLE A.NlLreisuLt Anus - Er:AD*. all of whictu are so arranged as to admit of their bring easily folded geititout retu,ring yawl/ or servo. eleven dls Removing she bedding. When folded they are rev fectly portnote, &adman easily be carried from room to 'nom or from honor to house. To be seen at SMITH. • NOTTV.I. 80 Smith llelo street. Ito21:o39 H. P. OWSNe. Agent., Eli= FRANKLIN CO TON WORKS, E. 11 - YD'S SONS' _ An now prepared to manufacture COTTON l'AltN, oespiT CHAIN"; COVERLET TARN, CANDLEWICK TWESE. BATTINUS, CUT I / 4 015 wsheb. se., se. WEST CANAL STREET. between Robinson and Lueuck. Allegheny City. P.. T. S.—All order. by mall attended to. --nos•teSS GREAT WESTERN PLANING , MILL, • Comer of brim Street ud hi Way, PITTSI3O3.GI!.. PA. Sash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings MADE TO ORDER. Unclutahed work h put In • dry house .d slulshod when taken out. ratings. Flooring. Weather Boarding. Laths an Rh constant.i on hand. Sawing. re-sawing and Scroll ,wing done with dispatch.. Bolen or all ktnda made to order. auE.l:l6 JOHN HEATH. LADIES' FURS, MISSES' FURS, • 'GENT'S FURS. THE LANOEBT AND DEBT , ANV , ETIIENT 1 THft VITT. SELLING AT W Litt LOW PRICES, AT THE r • • HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE Ma CI Ca Xt. X:0 eta 00., 131 Troop STREET. WITF O T C ICo AeI Z E s;LE i4FK, NOltet rntr of st Common, AL'LL,GIMNY. I= lla, OA hoed or prepare urt short. notice HEARTH' AND FIEP STONES, FLAUS FOR 16111 E-WALKS. SKEWERS VAULTS, de., • • HEAD AND TOMS STONES, de.. de. Wor ers promptly executed. 11110 ES REA SONABLE. 011:m103 24 ST. CLAIR STREET. nrssimm PEBBLE SPECTACLES. 22 ILVEYINIi INSTRUMBN/S, OPERA (MASSES. TELESCOPEk STAREOSCOPER, MICROSCOPES, COMBINATION 11YDIRLIIETEM (U. S. standar,l ) THERMOMETERS, BABoMETEns, ss,candst. ETNA& b.. roraale - at reasonable prices, by J DlAlMlND,Bra•itical Optician, SL Clair Street us 0. W. COWAN W & COWAN, 7 PLASTI SLATE CEMENT RDOFERS. The . , keep an hand n large 'apply ot hooting 3I W terial6, Wale Cement, reit. Mooting Paints and. Varnishes. Prompt attention even to the Hooting business. Unice, 231 Penn 'street. and 1.0. tlemal Nnt.l M. 11,111,. Plt tahn,ll. P.. ••17,1111 , pIUVATE OISEASES.,I - - • 077/03 ISIX, PEEN BZILIMT. neat Mad. Pox the con of 1111 disease* of a Ortfate rotors. to from two Or So= .dsfS b 7 as =their wow sad We trestrutas Alio, Semi= West:nets sod ad ottior dixtres of the geottal organs and their *MOW= Cure triturated or money ream ie& Mee roars-7 His. re.. tor. rod Ort 01l r• l .11 , 21( Pow,. ..w. pr Gion GE MAYEN, CANDY MANUFACTURER i°llofr2.urilltiOuto ,NL t. nfr-8 ..ac.." Zio. 112 Ire Aral Street, Se Mud door nwn the rird 2 "ZlOD .' Bala, K N Anr a' r Nos ARE Tut BEST MADE. is • or sale olq/ b 7 - • " d e ; CNA rttarrrie Ittliast.'et HIM anat. - REIEWVAIN=MiIIe TO base tertiosedl tat otLitiat tie uericiii. wo BM tram 33Starket stmt. Pittsburgb. to their Works oa VASZLIN ETU= ilitiverastosia, Thee!, eery eau hereafter be Nava. ,37447ai 1 t Postale. Atkirotente. TitUbezeb. %Ma utlxClagt inuacus, COMLISSION ITERCHANTI. WILLIAM C. LEE Successor to ALEX. OWLDON COMMISSION Al$ID £ORVIVARDIN. 110021:4::333..9-I\r" . . N 0.102 Second Street, Plttsburgtc p i , sir Agent for the ••Sc . . Iloa ilclica and Orders pronaptl7llted. BILEV7ER, BUIIICE 4 CO„ (0111311SSION Hi F.6{'illslB, • • • AttENTSletTlig , ' Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil Wort:.k • AZlltde Storage for Crude cad Segued (111. al cash say..a made oa eoustsroments of Crude o Reacted retroleem. Yards for storage sad slit; ' meat of Crude Ott at Lagreueerltle. Ortme and Warehouse. Corner of Duque-like W. .111. cook street., elttsbargh.. etas HgTL.. imcnAni, J r . If. COMMISSION MEROHAIi TS, Flour, Grain, Sgarifill Feed, &A M=OMMMII T. OWILIna J. ..... OWENS I KENNEDY Zs IIARPE PRODUCE COliellitilloN MERCHANTS, ea WhoDula Looters in PuIiZION AND ix mite 77117176, BALT, FIA.Wit. BUTTER, Etitie, 1 ao., and In elona and Prodaca erhUT. No. 76 FEDERAL Prorl STREET, oppoalto 'es Railroad 'Moot. ALL.KOILLNY, .Agenta toe the sale or P. 1. RUC% Donnell. Pitman', sad I. Harq`• Salt. aott:teo j . 8. NE*DIVER b. CO., 001120381014 MERCHANTS, .• . . And - dealers In Flour. Grain. Feed and Product Cash ad Vaneet made on consign meta. • Warehouse, No. 316 rEsis nTREAT, opposti Union Dews. PROlough. I'. JyY:f.gi Ar - . cnAwroit commisstot sa , sIattCHANT In PIN ft ERAc. R LO‘ us, 1110 ORE. WBIPUtiII7 SCRAP IKON. FIRE 1111iC and CLAY, de. Warehouse and OClee. So. 36 and 3O S PENN sTitalf.T. letorasa fisrolshe. Consignments solicited. 0C I'MANE & ANiElt, 1i0.11311155102 KERtiIIAINTS and dealer. In FLOUR, U RA I. and PRODUCE, Second' street, Lein ecn 1,004 Smithfield, Pitteburnh. - n1,11:17 TUOS. TOTTZU•„..JONST Silarrs ER, AIKEN SUEPAII •e ° o3ol7l:Uralgon Merchant sad dealers In 1 sad DOtossila Platta; Fleur ' : Butter. Potatoes •ed produce generally. No. f.lO LI itEllt . ISTRKET. zppoalte Pusenger llorot. I I ttsburgh. —... V. C1:71.t...- a.OTIB CUI PO4 SIIEPARIL Contruiasiol duce. r....aVe.a34/Liberty trentdealers in PFttsb ulour, rgh. rain nu set, i ink t'n (Rom ands of Flour for halters and Family u, constantly /u hand: Particular attention - paid 11111ur .rder .for Idgrettandlas generally. 0c1.13 - LITTLE. - BAIR D F it 'PATTOli W aOlasals Grocers, Commission Merchants, at dealers. to Produce. norm' ltuoa. Chetse. Flel ' Carbonrind Lard (XL Iron, Nails, Glass, Cot., and all Pittsburgh manufactures general'. 11 and 114/Second street, Pittsburgh. ' • P. 1CZYKT.11.....:J. 8. 1118Y81):11. WY. A. ILLTE.I2.: REVlttEllt & BROS., (Successorg t. to 8 riga/41'2Z ....liA r .VigpV:: b (?.l , Vt'VAZtr 'e ,", Fireworks, 14-, 1M raid Wood due ' et,l,lol Firth riirstrarsk. • • motif . . KNOX. ANDREW 1002 KNOX & SON, Coannissiol R idsliCaLlinand,Dealers in FLOUR, 010211 MILL PREP and PRODUCE generalq. No. Diamond, oppoatte CDT Hall, Alleitiamp City. jaD:lyit WIC P. BSC - • M. P. HECK & ,CO., No. - Liberty street,_PGlbbargb, Vincleaa GroCer3, - ComUltsrlon Merchants and deck., In Cum try Produre, Provision., Baoo",_Lnr, diut:dr..Prot tdbeeie, Pah, /Lc., Produce, Float, Geretz; Green and Dried Fruits. etc., Pelt and Lone. lY I G iOHN CASFlELD,Cosaasziae ioi ias le and ,Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealt In Western Resent Cheese. Relict. Lent. reel, Recap. 'lour, With. Pot and Pearl . ah“, ealerran Linseed and Lard 011 s, Meted Fruit, and Pralut genera'''. Nos. MI and 14t Front street. rittabure osOnGs. S. =An.. Encomia mutant. HEAD & DIETZGAII, Grocers Mai •a-u. Coultulesion Me rehunte Sod tiesle,ts to oil [Ito! of Country Produce and Pitisbomit Ainnufacturri No.bos Liberty Street, opposita bead of %Foal tiro. Pittsburgh. itUIC 1. 110CS.T.,••SDNA.B.D 20L78/....V4. tl. Ow:1,1 ;10IIN 11. ROUSE &1111tri., flraccea Bons TO JOlfl g 1. /10= as CO.. 14 - I.l.acle ten sod Comm a / 4 1°p Blercimots, cone: of Omar: Odd utd WsCor Street/. rittitglrrt. ter) JOAN fiIIIPTON A. WALLA.. S I II.II'ToN is: 'WALLACE. Whole of GROCERS /...liD - 1'1101.)CcE DEALLIN e, JAMES .MALZELL 6s SON, ranuu• fsaurers of Laid 011, sod Cc=lniEslon Merchant for the perdu.se end ssie of Crude nod lb,lned iroleun, bus. fd and 70 Water street, Pittsburgh Advances mane.. ennsigutnents., _ VETZER AtuusTiroN44 for. '+carding and C0111M1118101111,01 , 111[5, (or the Se Bacon, Lard, nutter. no,da, Fruits, and Produce generally. No. IS Market Street corner of Flrst, rlttaburgh, ftls:l.y ===t3 • pOlrE; DALZELL Lo,ll3'hole. sale Orocem, COMM.:IC.II lailidForwprdlai Sler chants and deaicrat Plvauce ...11•Ittaburge lets autere3, No. =Liberty surer, Plttibargh. RIDDLE, No. 183 Liberty St. • Pittsburgh, Pa., Commist lierchstat, an. Wholesale Dealcr.ll. Country Produce. Groceries vs Pittsburgh manufactures. Cash IfthalltlV:i on Om sighments, and paid fur Produce ganeran Y. ISAIAH DIC ELF, & CO., IYII olesa It Grocers, Como:dation Merchants. and dcalrra. t' Produce, No. BO Water street and asPront street. Pittsburgh. WILKLIS LINIIART, - isadm.or to : , lacketrArrt a Unbar%) Dealer to Flour and kJ rain, Produce and Coraml:2!cz Ylercluata No. aSILLINENTI STX.E.F.T. Plttablagly Ps. fel:ly „CI:IOItL&KER &.L.ANG,'Wholeta fe dealers infirmaries. Flour. Grala. Produce. Pro visions, Fish, Cheese, Salt. Carbon OH. :Su.3. 77/ and 17t Wood btreet, near Liberty Strout. Inttsbur.rh. Pa. nt.:115.”, 1011:+ ■LOYD WY. 7Lu •••• • • . JOHNFLOYD & CO., WholeNale GROCKIL, No. LI Wool on.l . JOl.lberty 611,-et, Plttaburth. Pa ts:Rd INSIJItAN OE TENNIVELVANIA It CO. OF PITTSBURGH, .PA. • onsee,' 711th Street, Batik Block. This is a Bose Comysny, and Insures against loss oy crolualvely. • .LKONARI, WALTER. President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice Prestlent. BORSHT PATRICK, Tressurer• HEOH IVELHEti Y. tlecretnry. DISSCIOItta • Leonard Waiter,l kleorge C. C. - Erssu, Robert PAtriek, J. C. Lapp, Jacob Patuter, .1. C. laticer, Josiah King, I John Voe:p.b.Y, Jas. 11. . 1 10Pkini • .1 A. A.."' Henry Sproul. WEAT T F. 6 IL'ir INSUILANCE CO., OF IMIA I Out president.. W3L P. HERBERT, Secretary. • , CAPT. GEORHE. NEELY), General Arent.. Office. 2 Water etreet. Spina Co.'a Ware House, up stairs, Pittsbargb. Will MEM" SAMMt all kinds of Fire and Marine Make. A borne Institution tummged by Directors who are well known to the community, and viol determined by promptness and liberality, to a s tele th e chatscier which they•bave Ai:mimed. as tenth the best proteetion to those who dttirc to tie legated. - - DINICTOES. Alex. !arnica. e ' Kerr .I,`Thoma,, IL Miller. Jr. I Ohms. J. Clarke, James John R. McCune. Alexander tipeer,Junes P. Hann , . Andrew er-taty, L. Joseph Kirkpatrick, David AL Lost, I eh!' iiP • . Wildvnt Ev.s. dell' WAL P. tiZiLitracT. iiccavaary VOUTH AMERICA LIFE INSURANOE COMPANY. Widows anti Orphans' Fund. 63 rirturacs St...recv roris , YIDLIIIDINT—N. D. MORAIS.N. L1D.13 TARY-..J. DICDRI VIIIDAILLTA. Medical Ez,aatuer - 8/W E., T._ NT 0 0 C. T., ,AL AO. YOU ViEsTF.h:: 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. XUENTI WANTED. -ALLEGHENY 6 S EHT.4I7eII OF rrrntotton, Mace, Z:o. 1111:1 Bulk Mock. Istinimissibil4 all nut:, if Fire amt Maine 1;1Itil JOHN 111. WIN. JR., Preside:A. JOHN D. AcCORD, Vice. Vaest.lezt. C. O. DONNELL. tecre;t2.rs. A:apt. WM. LOAN, Utucral D1M1.71 . 0r.3 UM= John D. lloCord, C. G.! HUMICT. kleorge S. H..a.! Harvey ChLl - 61, T.4t ,Jr .. Oaqt. John Irwin. Jr., Geo. D. Mairer, B. 1,.; yabteatoeL Itonert 11. Dart,. PEOPLE'S L'fSklpilliCE CO. 0771171,31. IL COM Z-1117W1) L 2 D 1113T11*T.Z. A BOISE COMPANY, TAIELNUAIIiM Alit) -MARINE Eluli7 • • Capt. John L. lehinule, W, r° ,.,: i u1 " ,,,,.. 1". i''' - I 21mmuel. P. Ultrl °tr. . 0 " - 1. -- k ' ' I Charter; Arbuckle, ,li./leu r11,4,,t, l Jahn P. lilrepatrich, Wm.C‘ P . . e . eu ". lilrk7 ~ , I c if z i r i ..k n i..ll o s sc v l c l : ' in" ' ll. V WM. Illill.l.llbi Pp ...blunt 'MIN WATT. ~. ~-__, illce r..cd...t w r 0•1,1)N114 , ft . rt."7.-....., .... 07.0. 11. 6001 . 13. i JuLIN 21.0:1,3 JOHN;ROSS & CO. , ISLTVIESOB6 xo WM. N. OCOEE/ & CO.: ILLNIMACATTIEIZA.ND , DEALmr3 IN ..larbon, .01 ,Lauipp_,..and', Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, D. 4. Wa 69i ihita.rbc.at sstreo.t, PITTSBInt(7II. ' MONUME!IrTB, GirtAVE, IiTES Vallts, FPuntains, statuturty , W N 7 as e Fit lESIONII.. OF EMERY DESCRIPTION, - ' 1- I T. ElROCattfiE # Wit: j No. 9Q rtou ztrect. I EaM J