the ; • PI7BLIBIIED BY Penniman,. Reed & (:0., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. 1343 I.lrna. ISITT•43 et. I. B. PERNINCY, T. P. novirros,- tom MAX 4 Baslzies Mansixers. - Taßßat 131.1sUi OdPlea 3 cents. r i argred b f t rg . l 111 4 ( r 7 . rze e k ...... nen t• . • Liberal redactions to Nenrsbon andAnneXu. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER .1:2, 1868 A GIMEIIAL RAILROAD LAW, li'or some years past an increasing degreisof solicitude has been felt; by large sections of the population of Pennsylvania, for the enactment of a General Free Rail road Law. Various causes have conspired so far, to impede and frustrate the desired end; as the indifference of members of the Tigtedatures for counties In which facilith s i ntercommunication had been perfected o nearly so; the opposition of elpitaltsts ,who bad largely invested in existing rail , roads; on faith in special acts of legislation securing to them special privileges; and . the want of circumspection evinced in the bills brought forward to grant the right of /taking railroads to all who wore distx)seti to embark their money and diligence I therm. Alter the gubernatorial nominations were &Mde last summer, General Glx,uis "ad3fr. Cmcausa were, respectively inter rogated as to their views and purposes torching this matter, and each responded, in substance; that he was in favor of free— dom in railroad building.. We know that General (bun: answered strictly in con formity With his convictions, 'and that so far as he has any rightful influence over legislation it will be fairly exerted to make good his commitment.' 'Nor sre we dis posed to question that' 3lr. CLYILER, if he had been elected, would have pur sued Ike same course. There his latterly been so obvious a pop nlar demand for a General Law regulating the construction of railroads, that it can be no longer delayed.' Indeed, we shall not be venturing beyond the bounds of ' probability in declaring that railroad cor poration', which have heretofore looked upon Free Railroadrag as perilous to their investments, have modified their muck s/40ns so far as to concede that monopoly camaot be maintained, and that unrestricted competition must be accepted. Be far as we have been able to ascertain —sad we have given some attention to the isatter—the popular opinion is well repro " seated in the Legislature: A bill which "hall be openly against speculators holding important lines on the strength of surveys sad stake-driving ; ;that shall protect " althea' living along projected lines from imposition. and /069 under .pretense of p'ub lie - enterprise; and that shall nev ertheless afford all who really desire to de velop a particular district by combining their means to that end, a fair and unhin dered opportunity, will doubtless meet With favor and be readily passed into a law. Other States have had valuable ex perience in this" behilf; have had their stourts crowded with victims seeking re lief from liabilities incurred under faulty enactments; and have profited by suffer jug. It is easy lhas to obtain wisdom without cost. The legislation of other Commonwealtfis on this subject should be carefully' examined by one or more romps. tent and experienced minds, and a bill pre *red in the light of the investigation for `introduction to the General Assembly at the approaching session. Have any of the friend& of such a law taken this premintioff? It sot, vie remind them they have no time to waste. A BARD ALTERNATIVE. The sudden sommeisault of the Chicago Times from the extreme of copperheadism to advocacy of negro Suffrage excited no little surprise and made a considerable flut ter in the obscene rookery, to which it be longs. Many and various were the con jectures as to what it meant. llrd the ut ter annihilation of the so-called democracy in Illinois 'caused the • diepairing editor to leap from the sinking ship? So thought *any; but we think there was more method in its madness than most people, both dem ocrats and repabliswns, gave it credit for. It will be remembered that the pending ainendment of , the national constitution— :which all eartaciona men know will prevail sooner or later, Unless a satisfactory sub stitute can be found for it—renders all men who took an active part in the late rebellion ...Ineligible to office. Now, as it woula be about as possible for a man to live and act with his head cut off as for the democratic party to rule the country, as of yore, with the leaders of the rebellion cut off, the Timm, and aeveral others - of the more burwing of the journals of that party, have hoisted the flag of universal suffrage— which of course carries with it negro suf fage-as a substitute for that fatal section of the ninendment, a propitiatory offer to the ultra radicals—an offer of aniversal suffrage for universal amnesty. 24. few days, ago a Mr. &loess, a mem !' bar of the Alabama Legislature, an active seceasionlat, and a man who, before the war, held large property in slaves, proposed an amendment to tho State constitution, wanfOrring the right of suffrage upon every person, irrespective of color, who can fill the following conditions: "Every male person of the age of twen ty-one years and upward; who shell be a citizen of the United States, and shall have resided in this Statione yea r next prem.'. frig the election, and Mx months thereof in the county In which he offers to vote, and Shall be able to read the Conalitution of this State and'of the United. States, and to write a legible hand, and shall have a homestead worth $2OO, or other property' of the value of-$:00, shall be deemed a qualified elector." - • Soldiers of the - United States and per. eons who shall have been convicted of high grimes or, .misdemeanors to be excepted. The proposition caused a profound sense tlitn, and although it was laid on the table. bir a vote or 69 to 18 it is by no means isettiain that it will net be taken up again - when these rebels shall find that nothing alio will save them. It is a significant fact that the proposition was not only offeted by a iecessioniat, who boasted when be did so that he had done all in his power to sustain the cause of the ConfederacY, but that it recilved all the support It obtained from the same side of the house. We now know what this Democratic proposition for uni versal suffrage means The .lebel leaders are trying to save themselves, while the poor Copperheads of the North are trying to cave their party from the orphanage which must'result from the loss of their old slaveholding fathers, who, almost to a man, went into the rebellion. , . IT IS lIINTED that Spain upon the verge of a bloody revolution. Queen Isa bella, the last reigning Bourbon, is deter - =filed to meet the brewing trouble among ter subjects with war, instead of ; endeav oring to inaugurate popular reforms which would restore good feeling upon all sides. BEN. W.A.DIT., of Ohio, is In favor of uni— versal stet - age without any distinction of mo, solo; or sex. '1. 4 •• .. 4I .` ' IL , . lagette. I ADMIPSION trE COLOR nDt)„ , their surpltrs products to far distant and I i A vigorous effort will be made during the :1 31 tearfotte, markets, -with a loss of sixty : I present session of Congress to have Col- i Per cent, on their value in transportation ' orado admitted to the Union. It is alleged 1 stuaud commissions, but would bar? the con that the only opposition to the measure I selT e Let sill ltTs ein tile. t e ° n w i l iVien t in e n Y :X i s t i l i comes from the Territorial Governor and • traders, these ;peculators, who are keeping ] thhse officially associated, with him. - The tip this clamor for rive trade and a dimin measure is likely to meet with favor in j ' ac ' l ''""""Y"- --.......---____ (''' f Congre,o ; but will probably be vetoed by I Tine Democracy, and tnerew Johnson. I the President. But as the RePhblicans ran ! Mr. LE IIpYN . Democratic ReprCsen. put It through by ti. two-thirds vote, the in a l Lis 'v eof place hl % to occasion, the othe6lar' to speak of the "We Bare no interest in the Executive opposition.of the President will be of co .9, um hle illtii VidUlP r as ess, follows: consequence. 8911atOr 7 1,, FADE ”Pl ie " .4 to on this. aide of the - house—not the least. - re f [ - Renewed lawthter. ] He is not the man have taken the matter llama]. t d p , u ,, t ot h d ir , h t n i,ze. or our choice; ' we did n The present population from 50,000 to GO,OOO and is rapidly in. ' [Chipping of hands. 1 ll'e o creasing by immigration. The tax vales. i; estimated to . i benefits tender him, apd certainly ?re di:l lion of property, exclusive of the mines, is i n o t rere!ee any ill the late ealayalyn. (Re. $10,010,500, an increase over last year of : ;and therefore have no right to drop Mtn; laughter. ]. We never took him up, 4.1 t h nearly two millions. The titu Pacific rail- ; there was• Cono necessity at' our dropping idly a iproachin s that ' ways which am rap , 1 6 , that which we had never taken up. We Territory * --one byKan sas l the vahty of the j never took him up, and he never took us and the other by that af the Platte—will, it'; up.. It is true, whenever he ran Into our • ex pected, cause n great nod raw . ; line of - policy we were. bound to sustain iis ex "in him, but we never pretended to shoulder optoati crease of p , on. It is claimed by I I that which this Radical partyhasl those who ate urging the measure, that the power.'" To do - an ,rnidd 6, t0 destroy ii u t any completion of these' roads to Colorado, I p'ie'ty in' tie 1 1' , 11d. [Roar , of laughter. ] II ` which will certainly be accomplished at an I -' —-- .---"'"'" • ' early day, together with the vast extent of her resources in agriculture. grazing, gold, silver, lead, chat and iron mines, and in salt and petroleum, insure a rapid develop. went and Increase in populatim in the im mediate future, and that she is bound to be one orthe greatest, richest and most popu lous States in the Union. . DEATII OF Rut - . E. D. McMAsrmi, D. D. --This eminent and well known divine; who was recently called to the head of the Old School Presbyterian Theological Sem inary at Chica g o, died on Monday after. noon of pneumonia. Dr. McMaster was a man of profound learning and of clear and strong intellect, a !melons and fervent Christian, and one who enjoyed the vener ation, confidence and love of his brethren to a very high degree. Ile wus probably about sixty years of age. Of his early his tory we arc unable to speak at pi esent; but a fuller and more satisfactory notice will be given' tomorrow. 'REDUCTION OF THE CURRENCY. The ciew,taken in the fidlowiiig article, though not the one to which we incline, Is from as aloCiltdaker, and merits full con• eideration: Correspondence or the Pittsburgh Gazette, lixssns. Eprrogs:—Before thekar the sum total of the circulating medium of the „United States wa r s from two hundred to two hundred and fitly millions; as estima ted by some. Others fie it at one hun dred millions higher. Let us assume it at the larger figure. The question first in order Is, was it large enough? We say no; first, because it compelled businessmen, iu their transac tions, to resort, to a.very unvi holesoe ex tent; in to the credit 'system. Debts to an emulous aggregate -amount existed, not as an exceptional condition of things, but as the rule. The cotton 'and tobacco of the South, and the grain and meat of the west were, to a large extent, hypothecated before they were in the market, •or even gathered from the fields. This injurious commercial policy—hurtful and hazardous' to all the parties concerned—was so coin.. mon that it became to be 'regarded as the normal condition of things. Bilt that this universal credit system prevailed only be cause there was not enough of money in the country to float its business is proved by the fact that now, when the volume of the currency has been greatly enlarged, it no longer prevails as the rule, but has be. come the exception. The cash system is now the rule in commercial transactions. The consequence is that the East and the West are no -longer alternately drained; that violent flhctuations in values, whether of securities or merchandise, onger oc casion panicaand financial disaster. If a ship is.anchored in deep water, the tide may lion and tall without endangering. it, because, no , matter how low the ebb, there is stilt water enough to float it safely. But let It -be floated upon a sheal at high tide, and no - sooner does the tide chance than the vessel is stranded—perhaps broken tip. It is just so with everything that rents upon the ever-varying volume of a nation's currency. If it is abundant, the alternate floods and ctbbs are not dangerous; but if deficient, 'mire or leis siraius and wrecks result from every duct uation. Everybody predicted that great financial and commercial disanters would come upon us as soon as the abnorinal strength and ex citement consequent upon oar great war should subside. But it has not come yet. And why ? Simply because the volume of currency which the war created, and which the end of the war did not seriously dimin ish, has floated - the country safely amid all the violent fluctuations of the past two years. But for that, the whole country would have been utterly prostrate, and the national credit could not have been main tained. We have a national debt of about twenty. seven hundred millions of dollars to carry; and upon the soundness of that vast mass of national securities hangs the solyeney of our entire circulating medium, together with the whole system of valbes of both fixed and moveable propeity. If we cur tail the volume of that 'active circulating medium we, to that extent, diminish the streams of revenue whereby the entire fab ric upon which the prosperity of the peo ple and the solvency of the nation is main tai zed. The idea of returning to specie payments at au early day, say, in two years, Is uto plan. We have have not coin ea ough upon which to base a financial system adequate to the necessities of this great and progres sive nation, or to the payment of revenaes adequate to its entnmously increased wants. We must be content with things as they are for a while yet. We must supply the place of coin with the next best thing—le gal tender notes. We have enough of these, but not too many. Bow, then, It may be asked, Is this ab normal condition of things to be terming. ted ? Simply by checking the eflux of gold by lessening Importations. This will lessen the demand for gold, and cause it to accumnlate. By degrees the faluea of the metalic and the paper bases of the National currency Is ill approximate until they be. come equal, or very nearly so; and then. and not before, can specie paynteistslbe re sumed. The two will flow titgetiler as I quietly, and with as little violse and commotion, as the Water in a fill lock unites and mingles wills that of the upper level of a canal, the moment the:gate which separated them is thown open. Whrinust shut the wickets, and then wait patiently Until the lock fills. Then, and no sooner, ean'we safely open the gate. - We have a currency now, such as it is, ofjust about sufficient volume.. It may be I said to be tighter, by forty per cent., than I the usual standard of fhb world. Now the question Is, what will 4ring it up to the proper weght? There is but one way, I and that is to keel, the precious metals lu 1 the country; and Slits 4ztt only be doue by laying more oncroas duiie s r,ou , ' sod thus stimulate and ealaruie ourifloolase' and ot the same time `backs!ies. In no other r way c an . ismu-savirsir currency based upu n g e ` JAM .Ir4i WATCAII4.E72/• -oin and convertible into coif). avoid ;the universal crusts which must HAVE DEER APPOINTED as. suredly follow any serious curtailment of , Aa".l.6fur the "'"br"ed the currency. • We fervently hope that Congress will not ! SWISS WATCHES. permit the Secretary of the Treasury tore- .ltado by A h:Dit if AR, one el the best Watch afao• ' tire, as be proposes a'large amount of the is 3111 t 1 l/1112.1. 2 . ,801111 ornott of It T IA _legal tendevnotes. That would be to knock o before WATCH wools do .ell to coi omi 00, puma...leg elsevrber, theloundation front under our entire Pions.: ; th tary Structure. We do not say that the± i & Co. foundation is as good as a metalic one, but' " BEER as it is the best we have, and as it is the ' Di ELTIYtI nLTING only one , twe can have for some years to , E come, we say, let it alone. The only poll- ! LEATHER AND CUM BELTING. cy that can carry us safely back to a normal ; condition isthat which will cause en nom ,ft.*, HONE . , . . PAchs2,6(,. mutation of the precious metals. There is no country on earth in w UNKETN, an. hich the precious metals can be made to steam-1 or tis Lea 5-05,,17 awl low.s ulste so rapidly as in this. We have thrm prces, at the riimaltwkscor in exhaustless abundance in our : The immigrants from Europe bring larg e ; NOS. 29 AND 28 81% °LAIR STREET. quantities; and if manufacturing industry I _eel: Wild only receive a little more protection, Aci; and that policy be firmly established, mil lions upon millions of capital would flow 1 OF THE BEST QUALITY; in from Europe be invested in menu. I a.h.o tar e.TBi all air., fur stle it the lowest priori factures, and with that capital would come 1 J. et b g hundreds ofthousauds of skilled workmen. Then ow farmers would not wed to send chi, P1101'06E1) REDUCCION ur"ritE DtTT ON WOOl..—lt is ascertained that 4 prominent feature or Welt's proposed tariff bill is a spccions show of relieving manufacturers by reducing duties ou raw material. The duly on wool competing with American fleece is to be placed at six cents instead of ten cents, and ten .per cent oil ealoreel, as provided in the House bill of last session, and th sin the face of a production of wool in Buenos Ayres alone for this year of 100, 000,000 pounds more than our own produc tion, and received at one-fifth the cost. TRUSSES: TRUSSES! I'HUSSES TRUShErI: TIIUSSIsh: TI:PhStS: THUSSE,..: TItU ihr:E: MUSSES: A auperlor article of Trusser. The Islet Im provement. Ilan! Rubber Tz ii•ar Hord Itt.hber Tnts ed. Hard (tubber hate wlridng a good Trot. and •t a lon' price, hould call and examine my stock-before purchas ing elsewhere. Superior Carbon ,0.1, dota Ash, nod I'ot Ash, Perfumtrf and PaTent Medicines of all kinds. A large and couipletti assortment of Gam Elastic and !laid Rubber Syrligcs. Remember the place, at FLEAIING DRUG 8T dtE, FLEIIING'S DRUG Corner (Witte Diamond and Market strum, STORY:, Corn, of the Dlarrioud sad Ila; tet street. Celo.BTw GIBAY Milli, BALDNESS, BAND- ItLW, ANY I.ISEARII: tIF THE bCALI .• —NC DISCOVERY (lAN t&PIIPARE WITH "LoNDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSINt ..• "London Our Bela Hair Color Resta:cr." "London ' Hale Color Restorer" "London rhysiclan• Hair Color It...purer" "Loudon Hair Color Restorer' , "London "Lundott Cie and Italy Color nestorer" a Hlr Color Rsor • • London Heron mend IL Hair Color Re e st t ore re r" It never fall, to Impart growth. flog.o to the weal\ CH ha% hastens and t tops Its fa and lo Pure to produce new growth of hair, eaomn g to grow th.e L and strung. t. ray cents a bottle; gthe ba'f dor LA m, old by IIeCRRAN & WOMEN NAN. Si) !tar get strest. GED. A. MELLY 37 Wood strt rt. and ./t/S. FLEMING, b.+ Ilarlet street, ittsburgh. KANE & Atleglony,_ au?.7:lMbsWl AN AUTUMN SEG OEBI 10114-- Now. as heavy fog.; arise and searching 11 Ind, com mence to blow; the human Lode, exbaioved . like Inanimate natore by the heats of summer, be gin/ to wilt and droop:: now, ere the Ind...tent winter makeilts trying onset; NOW is the time lot preparatory emirs- of the be:t acclimating medl rine In existence, nosi.r.rr, e,rrs s rou neH lIITTEito. . Feral. and Ague Is rampant to all puttied' tlit, coantry. quinine, the phyvicians admit, w 111 not i quill the phase of the LIP cave which at present per vades lhe entire iv,.:. It. I. well that it is so, far the routed) ( , o - called; le deadlier than the malady. But If quinine is Inenieleut in Intermittent &vet*, ithiSTV.TTICIt'S ulri'dlta I. Irrealetivie. !Livonia he vafe to ate„m rontraet., gutter heavy penalties, that uny wirelk ••I,..ver-antl-Agur Dl ,— skii.thl be exempted 1,0, ihr iii•ortier for any particure, time. pro, Wed el. ry .li/hat/twat w idi.d ink. ilic BIT' I.lta are a riling to dig ett.utc durluvr Inc tertn of the contract I here has tie. er to en all 111,:aller In medicine which thin vterling In.lgorant itlad In thdebrlie turd:clue Lae Cal.ed to w,arit off the roc, waint, When taken duly a, protectioa swain. ii the , Ilundr, it. of plt!_viclana have abstulunell all the otil,inal spectli, sod now Presrrine till. harnalt vs vtgetable lonic,and Ariilliing. eh, a prey - cwt. e and cure for ail eye forms ot el lla ands lever. %%gin. I. the thing 1:130. acelfol In llir , f .142 av wei I an In. y .t.iepvla and ner.ousattectiour, nil IttlaTE:ryt IV!, lIITIKIIS ate the garret, linr -5.1, nut most wholetiime vtrengillening Prrliar, ti a that hug an skill has yet concocted. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: w.x . 8.1.V()114,114 Jr., ddcruss Zrpresr Office, 54 FULL Street, to an atahorieed Agent to rorrare ddrrriternsenta for the GAZeTTE, and all attar papers •throvgnotot the United . State, and the Canadas. • :-.i.,27;-VOUNG MEN'S CHRISTI IN ocIA TI"N —to aeconlain c tbl a Mutton of the A.:fn.:1,110o. at Ite t law eting, the [till-book ia nuw optn at the atop, of M./ VEI: .t. Co.. on raw. alreet. All who 1.1,e been prow ut or a u y tlos cling , of tl.e A non, .aro/ atqi yullue men Pr Pitt.- abl‘r'regtho.lVe'"..l ""'""" "'"'4" oi pa men t .01 T jo ' jt:l!4 . l: i n n I't led ' ,A . fal o f 31el.111:Itn.L. the at any time beiJre On. nth In •t, ' nniln 11VAUD • MISSION" SCR Ma CONCERT, 1.1.1111 Eh, NEW ACADEMY OF, MUSIC. UN sIUNPAY, THE. 111prn INN]. Leona open at 7 trete Canc,l to eenttneoce at 7t, •clock. TidLets, 5d ,nl. For sele at Its, door 03 the event og ,f the Concert, dt12.114 FAIR AND FESTIVAL, rlrtrh,e /:;Udle:ojfiitib:gC. 11:1;,[0";')CwhIll'i.2114AVZ1?1;'1?: SiV/1 HALL, corner of Federal tad Larr , k Of uekda3 Evening.'llecember . , A tine FA IN AND FESTIVAL, which w' II el.- tfue t krouffn tbe..VP.A.IIII4 the pro,rds ibe de voted to toe new elaurqb bolollnq Bow la peOte“ 01* Im i trt! o o . n .o tt.... corner of Beaver wreer an t the Fancy •rtlel s of all ktnals, children's I.l4.l thi oic. abi n te, tl r dles. vr•ss, Wye, eon fartlonerlea: gnats- Ise Is f'. esslng,own-anff slippers: oys era, eoffee, Ice • reams, Sc., will be offered for sale on reasona bly terms, .IAN-LECELLENT DINNER. will , be *erred each 17147I1 ' ; ' ..nn;:b=ic ' ll . Nr t . °nth^ a r a il. Alto, Aden helon Tleltd, 2". elm.; Beaten Tic/ it, *LOU! Ulmer Ticket-. to those hivIOK b abd ,, i o o or ay.' boo tleketa, nets.; to others, :hits A BISAmS BAND will he In /Blew, enc.; slam other m thff ul ird.l. both vocal and Inatrumeotal, will be tor- SILITEI! SKITEN! SLOW I RAVE RECEIVED rower OFNEY tiTOCK, Em.l offer to the Trade a selection from • 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MARES Before purchasing elsewhere, ca and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JADIES BOWN, No. 136 Wood Street no15;o13 ril!I ;' ,13 . 30 sad au tlt. Chlr itreat JAMBS T. BRADY & CO., thuccessors to B. Jones A C 0.,) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BANKERS & BROKERS, InALIMBI2r ALI. MINDS or Government . Securities, 'Foreign librohange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. OULLECTIONS made on *all accessible points la the United WA:as and c...du. interest allowed on Time Deposits. SHATES! -- SKATES! 2,500 PAIRS OF SRATES .latt !retired lirecl from the 3 1:tunfactunra, Sod LiNUFACTURERS' PRICES, HENRYMINER'S MAMMOTH BOOK STORE; Next Door to the Post Office and t xatnlnt the Stock and vrlet., be ihrE, Omalng NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, SHEPHARD'S Steam Cracker Bakery BND CONFECTIONARY, LStreot n M PITTSBURGH, PLC, de WI LLIAMIVI ILLER, q; TO MILLER & RICK LTSON, WHOLESALE GROCERSi, AND 1311'W:1 - 11;6 yr Brandies, Wine's and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, eurneraf Libtri) and 'ruin firms, PITTSBURG IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C., CHEAP DRY GOODS FOR CHRISI3IAS FRESENFS, A ATOTUEIt Loll? OF THE CIIEAP Af jjElyiNl:s AND 'lstititatt ta. city. Alto a nal ...arta, at • PLAIN AND DAD ED PO !LINN, A LPACCAN, • BLEACIIED et UNID.EACD Ir'OI.INN, MINH LINENN, BADRED A - PLAIN COUNTRY r N NEILS AND DI,AN Call and etc (Lew, at .1. LIAC/I'.f., No, GO Manx'lx..ot dozu4i llietA eett Ficitt street and rt. plasson4 ,BLANKETN, • Country Flannels, Ilretsh Flannels. Twilled Flat tttt la, Se., WHITE,ORR & CO., No. 25 Filth Street SKATES! SKATES! hrize Ska Club Sizatet.: SKATES FOR THE MILLION I:2r •Ma'-'INT Dlmpitlch Buildlem - .lElttli Street. • ..2ye --- BROAIMAY ENCIIAXGE RESTAURANT, 101 CORM PIM 1 1 112111111111 D stp. 10 Ladies' Dining Booms 2d Story. • FIIII4II CAN OYSTERS AND UA AIE of Ali k 1.12 'U broil. U. e i ±, E * " ' P roPriele.• 0F At, TRZA•IAMWS V? 'I7OD ve CtiOnr 12th,atill, NOTICE IS HEREBY I :ll{'E%, TO .I.lthe tioiders the • err ...111. I'N I. CI PA i. th e f ciry • or Allexlienv. that the Coop°. oil 1.1,1 etimhur jut .Initnary 1177 will br psl,l oft 1.1.1 ;lay .le, Tax ):" the Back of L'AtelourAll. Icy of VlLfatturgh. 3 4/. AI ACE 1112:1 G 9 Tren•nr,,r l',i. o.f .11. gl]../ey. EMIM TB LAS Gatil '14::A,1;:l.:114'c:/ A 11.1.EGIIENV CITY C 01711.110.- +.51178.11(1NDS WAN-17.1 --Perrone!dliatCom. prorairr Honda of the City of glway. l'a., Sr, wrrrby aallar.l that tine al at/i.INU FUND for Pao, will be lowest,' In Myra itozal. al (lir lowers Talc" r/trl'e. 1.. Prupor als will lir rreel, 4,1 ny Ike Wale, fled milli lucidity, tine 1,4 of January.'l,7, ilerrigin 'frt.., or the eliv of A Ile (yit. CLOTH: CI.TaCIPT.3IEL rut Floors, Tables, Counters, litsta, ,or all Idllts and t tries, for tab.. wholetate suit rctall, •t is in less, at the CA Cloth llettot uY .7. dE 11. puui,Lurs • del: Nos. 20 and 2a td. Clair street. J)UUOSTORE FOR MA LE.--SIT- ante o Prom !street. 111 ;men( the herd loos duns to the City, 1131'111g nn eatalllW.t..l WOO,. Al' [tutu la ha nd to •tanu I up , . A g oil 01 on Dull Mote Nu /an 01 ted ey In 0 , 1101 alylo,. With the abut eiolll be :old Ilie /VW, 0: the 11 both Jon. oll deuntalntug, be..1.1e• the More ttuuma, ho Rooth, tor duelling purpteda. And Two 11.,"•w t .pt Itnuv, n. Apply to H. 111. LA IS A den No. 11d, inurlll torrat FOR DOORS AND WINDOWR, Th•ie r , nut cold, ala. thaw au muted to give arttla C thetlon. 1.411 d 11/111008 at t NOS. 218111120 yt. Clalr•treet. den .1. k 1'1111 1 .1.11.d. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGERS, The bent ai.e Call awl . .ee. them belltre tl i th . t ,T make. }or male at 26 awl .r. a r _Rooms AMR LIOARD. .f. d fT..1.111L1.11.:f. FOUR DUNG EN AND A GEMINI% AND lila • Can be aotoranlodatcd nltL Room, and Sunni. by inquiring at L. 11. LUCIAN'S. Temp roE nable. 'o. 1I Rederal It., Allegheny. lO with Banks. Stores, T'ost l'emmlo mon. Brokers'. Insurance. Railrad. Nteamboat and Telearaph thbees, &e., combining SKATES! sm•lentu are thoroughly 1:11(11u:red In all the brauchim of a Including llook-keepine. Pentnanth'p. Arithmetic. Commercial la., Political Economy, Businme Co, remuondence, the Art of Iteicemng Counterfeit /loner. Railroading, etc:lntimating. Telegraphing. MIMI 'Stn.letild t entcr a any Uit ad omplete stun course In froth an eight lu t twelve n weekns,. c at a total Cost for Tuition. Book, Ittvnki, 'Soars/. and all Whet ne . cessary cVlosnses. ot. from 4110 to nCL,. Mil t„,tti.";,l,h • TESTIMONIALS FI.III Practival ltu,•cc+s L•en. Melrl,int.. Bank ern, OEM clE&I!. Immo ON ALL THE ..a%. lime 'tool., PoSI Euut, and Menk.Jrandana liratt and Not.: 11.oka Lcol Illa-ks MAID. ItxAn of eur; desertvuon on hand and Copying nook, nod Sta.llem.u. Tie Envelopes 71.1:Cr5 (told Pens, etc., eta. VIERS, SCHOVEIt If CO., MI GO TO . I=l .C> l3 MR.Tail', No. 16 Fifth Street, FOR HOLIDAY dIFTS. T.ller rer. 'red a large and .elected leek or OF 43 - '1.4%. DT 0 IVID•Si _ . • AMERICAN, ENOLIIN AND SWISS • IVAI7C.)I - IES, P. 01.111 SILVER WADE. FABIAN 4:001,4. 1011104 AND 19POONN. TAME CIITLERT,, Ali ERICA% AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, Very !nee FINE 'SILVER-PLATTE - WARE, -• . Fr,nu; Ike beet iln:/naelltren attd the LdTEST sTrixs I)o not forget the Old Stand • NO. 16 FIFTH STREET 13EAUTIPUL PRESENTS • 13 C:0 :Ma I .1121 AL "V" 61, JLhi UMN Ell AT .11 - 1 Cir' B Y'S No. •22 Wood Street • r t7EIOICE ASSORTMENT OF LA ( - DINA AND Dont:3llA, VASYN ofuew and r.t. Rod style,. A oat. lot of PARIAN STATUETTES, LA N WARE, DECORATED Tedt, TOILET. IH'NE 11.1LCS. All or Iststrlt I. oft.- red unt he trust reSson•ble reel, MI • HILLENAN'S fliT IND FUR EMPORIUM, lED FROM CELLAR TO I,pfl .11h a MICR Att s OltTAMS'S VF MAWS. which Is Oat at 17311EZ XeCAI7I7 racaclio is" IGI-e awes 3P I Tr I Sig sp sixuan d (An BIAGE ROBES, Although, prepared art lb a full Una of ATS AND CAPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL za 1 1....1.V. , 1111 . A_1NT'S No. 75 Wood Street. DEMI Alf; .• .( 7 . 11. N 1.1111.111.16 IRON CITY SPICE MILL STRICKLER& MORLEDCE. FIFTH STREET EXTENSION. - - • • Thar Ps ant. Avt nue, JP/TT MLIVRGII. -- - . Mythicrecently nnsth.ced the above Vitt, a e be , p. cttsilly inform the nubile thatare will coastline thy amtnulac lure of 1.(111/C et • 1010/ mad 311.1bTA HD, Au., vell'cli are pill be able to furnish to It 81/L/1-•• ;!r• a i anp lif.TA/1. DK •'/..E/te al lobe 1.0133/1_137 VET Li)0 1 ; i • i4 s .. 11 . 't . A . r ' ,`'. r ( rfT,M ~", t,'• f.° 1 eon .V 1,1.01.11 t an.lltltalltltilttlUND llt/133: ° 111 FLU, ttrntly • ts hand. -- Mtllll/g to Celt/ talc Ivtl solicit the patronage af Or- pul,. It J. DA NYKIt. I'OtIM rly of the Conarrea gPke is will be frond on band at tt e mlll at all times liy . ll laud to the wants of custom, re. . AITRICKLER rt 3108.LZDGE. 74 BINGHAIVI HOUSE ELEVENTH AND MARKET BTB., z- mrxx..B33izi.r..3p-u x4s This baur.ebJ elegant If o nee la now open fur the Treoloa ofgrextv, , with WI the oppulatments of• F/ A n! HOTEL CURLIS DAVIS, 7dt 6rll4:,lWirill3PßlEron. SIXTH WARD TAX PAYERS. \Toiler IS 11E11 EBY. GIVEN that ti l. TA XI ol the Above Ward moat be raid ever flee 01% TUE Trit INSTANT. or aced will he pot on the ileum, a. further Intlalgenee cannot. be peen. um • ,pqmpit A. LIUTLIEN. Colleotor. . lAti Wylie Street. I ‘l.ll I BBL& BRANDON YELLOW. ..celvtd and •r WAX ervitA. ELg egale Drnitt ßl4 l/ ~~ ~G. D NITIONAL TELEGIRPH INSTITUTE, Corner Penn and St, Clair Sts,, PIT7'SEIII,OII, lu , K , t. bust organlzed, mutt tucCOstful Cad Cltrapo, IIeSLNESS COLLEGE la the United States.. During the past tee years upwards or FIFTEEN, THOUSAND STUDENTS - Represenlichf every SW. In lb. Chien, Imre Grind oat .1 here. A COLLEGE OF ACTUAL BUSINESS. Thociox-r react I.'rezatiLoo. PRAOTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. Practical Banking, &c. FOB I'IRCULA US, Athit cis the Principals, SMITH & COWLEY, PITTS11112(1111. 1•A El= 313 111 , 111 YIELIC r NTAII. 4 m.I3ES, dtro. t'..11 THE 111GB1 Our sprclaltv now la (bickering & Sons' Pianos, Emerson's Pianos, and Mason &Hamlin's Cabl Orgais ATTRACTIONS FOB TAI: HOLIDAY pOOD, USEFUL, CHRISTI'S & NEW PRESENTS. , WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR Holiday Stock of MUTING. & SONS PIANOS, P. EMERSON'S PIANOS, .ELXVIZA Mason & Hamlin's CABINET ORGANS, Which b. the Flint: I,Nilectlon o[ Ihiec In atruments ever Lzbthlted In tlsl•Citr. THE GRE iT CIIIOKERING PIANOS, . . WOlcli bare beet future the pul'llc for clearly half *century, 40111 maintain [bell supremacy, r..10a• the Plano - always escd by the world's great artiste and our best amateurs as well as our own ninslc /wrlog clllsens. The tett that over 2;000 CHIONERENG PIANOS Ha been soldat thl . -Ageuev, Is proof posltire of the high estimation In relitch they are lied by ur Olt Zane. NI great 1, the Armand all over the count. y for the Chirkerlog Pianos. that It 14 ao Itn• possibility to thl orderaw lob any degree of prompt ness, and It truly by a very esperal fav thor of the manufacturers Hist we hare secur o ede prcseni 111-erh lot tar the Holidays, which will be con•istit• ly arriving from now to the thlh lest , and ct to. r Mc* the choicest styles ;lint are mode. Prices Same as at the Factory. The Unapproachable EMERSON PIANOS, The Cheapest Gooi Deno lade, rliertnerrig Plato enfifilles a !me and severely f elt want—ttiat Is. • good well. wide, ere toned, sod lasting Inetrunient at • moderate price. They are made of the lots, Ilion: middy seasoned wood , after the ma .1 approved se Ica by • selentlec man- Iron 'tketnrer: have rued hese. felt hammers, Lame. and ail modern Intr . . ...chi. , ' , be lornlture Is of eh.. mid elegant &slim, in best rolewool. ea se y varnished and polished. The great once.. • we ha, had Olin the Emerson Platioa Ie due to their greatme/ Its. he politic having given them a tidal, has found they ate Wor thy oteoriedetwe, and are toying 0. fest as we can et them from the fa, tore. Prices about It hat is a.sked for the most renowned makes, WE WARRANT THEM FOR FIVE YEARS. THE - S WEE T. .3lwson. Ilantlin CABINET ORGAN, the Most Perfect Instrument Ever Uade. Tbat snout& and inteLY will Re found In every Church eabbsth Sehool , hen.le/I 1'......1 Wr belnx alike salt •ele for Zeacrnd or evne.lar, Vo cal' or Inatrinneno xi. Quirt o r Slow Musk, I 0 bride. them Wielliit Via ilikianll or IlallYnOnr, H. A It. n.oss =aka them as !ow ai $73. .ad the, 11 , 1 comprises ore!. Td tat el' dire rent etyles. rang ing how $l3 to 41.000. all of which can be rouoil In oar rooms., and Ina) De Ilitre:sated al the Same Price as at the Factor). Wt WANT to do the tar rest Holiday 'Annie this aeasan ever done ithrtnr on, lorg established bust nes.. antrwe know we ran only do so by el:tering great Inducements, which we. do, as our stark la unusually lar,e, and AP hat. rot down mkt , . to the rex.? low,t Ogures. We hope to hare air the public call at our roams, w h trisr;they want to buy or not, and we shall he happy to thou them ouT en tire etenk. SHEET MUSIC AND Musical Goods, In Great Variet. Fon PRF~6I~N3"B REMEMBER THE PLACE WOOD STREET, Between Diamond Alley and lib St PITTSBURGH, PA 15, U. iiiELLR & Uft,, SOLE AGENTS FOR 4012p(p N•TIONAt. BR FlTTsscorio, Derezabor 'lb Mat. ELECTION NOTICE.—An Elec. :lon tor Be , en Dlreetors or 11,1. Book, to Rerro for the ron:nr bat Re the Soot. i, TEPA. . I, .nnato 1. , . tclwten the boars r UM)... an.l 2r. v. F. M. 'I4OJIIViM, HANDSOME, and r THE ANNEAL E LECTION OF DI- Itgl."10/0 or tkJI4 Boni tatty p:a 7, at the Banking I!oO..., on 7 1.7s , DAY, betv. t. Pr, r. dr It:pi:, mAr 'cry ENDURING . I 1,. I T 1 V N., fi , .., 11. I:, ..K .r, PI rrcw.,-11, f•lr t.isf Gil lice..,, 17"4.. j TILE ANNUAL IL ELECTION FOO , ... MUCCI OILS UV 'THIS PANE, will ta. o e ld on TUKODA I', Janoor, I tt. 1.7. Ortoteen the ho/Uur* of I 111 , C 3 G • e'ock F. it., at the`Bookiz g . ~. leltlttAZ le T - JOHN' MI (ioFri - o, , sobtea, tint NATtos•l. HA ON. I - i VITNULROII. Get - ember at h. 'HZ. j AN- ELE 'TIDY FOR NINE DI RECTOICSi to serve The the et:wild; 'an,. '.'nt be bold at the BAN/W.16 /1017 OE, GO i TUESDAY, .Iteoanr7 nth, 11,7, tortweut the boors 01'11 A. Y. nod dell pit It. I. B]ll7 11, euhlrr. .11tucalaN Ti ANI. MANI:TAT - ICM,, VAT. BANI, i MAW:WM, 11c, .1 b, ',I. I'IIE ANNE L 'ELECTION FOR DIR gert).ll.S of Oita Bank will fake place at the BANKING Ball'NE. on TUESDAY, January the nth, III:, between tue hours of II A. M. and 2 P. x. delo:t.7 JOBS IiCOTT, Jn-, Catt,lN.r. Tuna. NATIONAL ELECTION NOTICE.—Tbe Alltltlw al Election fur . NINE IIIHNI:TOBS to, th's Ila I. to te rte dor, y g the .nael. 0 It.r will be held at the Bank, ou TL7E3D ay, the 1.. day of January, la-7, between the hours a 1 of II A. a. And 2 p..H; . _. _, . •- .301 IN D. LIVINGIiTON, Cludder. 11 /KRANICS' NATJON/L BAN/. l / • .7111, 'ITE ANNUAL rulenCßOti ELECTION FOR . the DIR BANKIECTORS UV TR'S •NK. will be held st NG /111 CoIS, on TUL , DAY. Januar, nth. RC, Intween the hours of 11 A. If. and o'clock' J\J. MARTIN, dra:p33 I - Cashier. EXCIIANOZ NATIO:VAL BANK OP Crl - renertun. rtrreet,tau, PA., I've. a, Mk. f TTIE ANNUAL ELECTION OF DI. itEerulis o• 211 talc plane-at the BANKING HOUSE, on TUESDAY. Jannate Bth, 1867, between the how, of ir.zrio: A. St. and TWO P. N. d frptlnlvv,T 11. 31. HURRAY. Cazfiler. D IVIDE:VB.—The loirectors. of the BIRMINGHAM. GAB CO3IPANY hare de .clareda dividend of FOCI! PER 'CENT. on the Capital Stock, parable at thenthco or ROliliiBo2i, afeCLEAN b CO., No. 75 Fourth street, YU:A -ber/0,, on and after the 14th in,,tant, 13[9miNGuAL Dvc.IL,ITIVSU' r""n"r. 49-?" Bca.c.c)o With might SIFORIYB STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, The Pittsburgh Brick Machine AND BRICK MANUFACTURING CO., hr the Eastern, fiddle' a,d Frnth•9a>teru Slates. TIM MACHINE IS SELF•TFII.• ..1. pgitlNG. co.tenuly $11.500. (right Co ese being proportioned to the extent an I pope At of teethe. ry,) is run by an a Inch erlinde - engine, work. •ll kinds °relay. makes SUFKR.B ERICK. Primed to liceel mould,. requires only eight men to tile /htclay , teed the grimier. tyke away the brick and hal, them In the ) arm, and .makes brick as feat as poll w'.,`, to run th• reline., In our own yarn, our to ofmaking It from 41 to SO a minute. We claim [LNG, be the best PAYING Maeldne In one. A machine muydie neon In operation In our yard) at Glenwood four miles abase the city , on the north side of the a l entoegaltela riser, reached by the Connellsville believed.. M or achine l i . Irani, County and State Rights for sale. non or by mall. F selnronnation. apply for circulars, In per at he title, We are prepared to nil large coutrneteif arlek. Samples °title brick to be tlert It .h 0.70 rtfih street- Sod the (eke, 230 LIBERTY ST., PITTSIWIRGIT, PA. KIER. RrehWent, A. ACKLEY VI Prelltieut: W. M. MeCILACKEV r; " 81111.1:rgon, EvcrtiAzy. ACKEti. A. WETHEniLL & SLOAN'S P..11-TENT. LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS Gas Condensing Burners, • an he used on any Lamp. and Dispense entire/ with Cub:niters. The name produced b hese Burners *prowls out similar to that ot ties.' The eonstruct lon 14 tech that thesmote is ntined lit a Condensing Chamber. and is whol ly converted Into dome. ahe burner does not depend directly upon the wick for its light, bat Maras the smoke which la produced theserrom, sod Duras Less Oil Thin Chimney Lamps, • And produces a ngjtl l tnllltthan Any other In the STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. onrehased the right of 4 1(:;po61 , A. or the Ab.•se Burner. In Allen ben) , County, patties wish log tOritittitle or 'ocha.. eon he J.T.011.10416ted waverAlllng At my °lnce, 134 WATIat entliST, ntulthtlehl, rlttsburgh. JAMES BLACKMORE. SirCANVASSERS WANTED: _ . pI,TTSBURGII BREWERY. CARSON, DARLINGTON di CO., BREWERS 8 HOP DEALERS, Succesrors to " JOSII VAL RHODES tt: CO.. PM sbnrigh, WYE W. ANDERSON, Allegheny, -The attention of the cnatomon of the two firm la particulal ly halted to one „• ALES AND PORTER. throrlth the careful releellon of Malt [tom Gurexten tru malting f .ellitles and Hop. from the T.e.le east tad West, 'we eau xi:meal:Wee to be pure an.l eatinruntorY to the t, We by Mr 1N ILIA ALI: lite ?vela blear renounac tided 4 : 111!. nes Corner of Divincine Way and Barker's /4 JAMIS PYITII.------- . a. A. TOUNO. TIIUMAS 800211 TllO/IAB lIHOWN. ALLEGHENY' BREIVERV. kg::-.11.,&..1.1.taiim:;1,0,1,1tVeg, formerly 'il'grigtr.Fr:EM',lfc,':Vai.ru7:al 'gc."f'‘..,T.,l SPRING WATER ALES, - Made from Pare Bonn, Water, and from our [tent :lee and long excellence In the boldness. we feel astletled that we will be enabled to glve entire sat- Isfactlon to those who may favor na with their pat. Congo. 1 8 1 114L1T33C elb CO.. 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. aille•All orders left at BROWN a (MAHAN'S, 103 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Well be promptly to. AT A. LEGGATE,S, /50 FS DERA L SMELT. A.LLECIFIENY, -Bootie. 9.13.cb0015, I Craacierashirtas, Threiviroivo. .134Evi.frag, 9sirpos, Er cordoz - 30".1 Za.o./5...e1 T. • C03c:433.13m, Soots, 33cicatts, oboes, Eillicaois, A very large stock at very low Prices. A. LEOGATE, In Pclnal Alletbeily. Auction Vales every Tuesday and rrlday at Woo o`cl,ck •. 11 CAltDlf TOYS! CANDY Till*: 8.000 EOXES cAsin Tors On hand and for sale at LUMEN /4114. Id; UT W. P. neamign *pm., . , Candy sad Toy Manufacturer., dle 1 , it comer sum me Liberty limes. BA: lc " ALLLG. December Stb, .;.`! THE - lILNT AN:IitTAL ELECTION FOR Directors DI. Heck ler] be hell ea TI.7E.cDAIf. JANI.I.IB.Ir Mth Between :he beam of 11 end: r. Y, _et the Rink Inc th rum. . ft: DAVIDSON. do 12:1,:. Cestaer. 111 C ANN UAL - ELEOION FOR I I rti!t T,JR:ir thli P!•,e the. fI A N/5 IS,; nn TUESDAY, Ja=nary ,tt 1,, tr, c 7 Il J. M. arid T. u. r.rI.CRA_NrER„,,,. PORTANT TO BEM MAKERS IX TEX 110UES, VtiVILTACTICRED fiT . I:. .A.TlE=m' In. B. J.E.F.FRXES, ilminfratneuadl2ogni:orana Le tall • TOBACCO,MNUFF AND CICARS, ST. CLAIM{ STSEST, PrrTsntnGit. PA. and nlmre unortment, al-MEERSCHAUM Pli.k3 en .B.lloand, ICL.Sto T 14UBA0, of Ike WO qual: GEORGE BLUM:EN Se4El.ll. DAAL/Al IN yourra.7 AND DODESTIC SWABS, CREWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobtico, rives, k c AT4c...4 eacriorktb. ses•troe (Near corner of IlbertM t, _ _ Aun°s ' u tegtlgAlVlV: r 'd Tobacco, Sniff and ,Cigara, 40 311.405g-zo AEPV.SLIZMT. tatIC:=I=I4IMILL'V/I1%" WANTED Br Ist JANUARY, A GOOD STABLE, For TWO OR THREE HORSES AND BUGGY Apply to WHASTEtti , tiABSIN .11 , ' !Is 4 :ant :•"tre... • • eina WANTED, TEN CARPENTERS, At the PESPIA. SALT 31/4*/.7 (. TC PING PANT'S NT 4 .RICS, NAlrant, A;:,! .any Co I,,ty Penna. A GOOD SECOND HAND SAFE, of —.)1.,3 App:y , MARtiFIA 1.1 s.,L 2,07, 1 14 an,l Atrf• WANTED—MEN—At 10 . i St. CI No ' WANTELP—.I76B—AI ( ale Na. 2 WANTFII - 11.F...`At 10 , rt. sr No. 2 le', St. I :11r -tree., I \u,.. Ca:: at once itt 16, sl. 0.711 Vn 1,.:11 AL L9:1(.1: at IV • • AGENTS IVA %TED" BY TETE "U SEW INat 11 i'ykil'A.B their NNW' F2tl 31:11:111N le. w: I her a elastic paper 1.0 henry Nearer :lath O r her at thure of frit% nee4l.. or t..h.10n. , tre ['eat Rill leuarlf • drilcla,l.:Our clot rq litucterinn. .A.l.lreas, esnli, It. I t o l 1. S On. 'letP 6K • liftB6:rert. iSecon-1 Fine I.....trb,Lr a th • *TE - 6--Ain s —11.4 1.1.: 11) F:NAL-11-1n every lure ,E 11'vtern nii aVranla for the date new atet Ehrrlvlr,Fl. • I 616 (;11 1.11.A21, 'Either by the, m onth ' Cr. rates a 1 •0'.....4. For run ' peraoo, or ael , lieaa, , tao 2 - 1:1 Fif`.h Plato get WANTED, -, 4 scilooL TE,ICE 'Etna, aisle or fez ai ercry to.onthlp, to sat a+ Agent In Ite lain et war pa telcii,lnc. seberreport a the sate Cr 41 eo••::ea la lame Saud fur a circular wilh term+, tilareae W. J. fl,et.l.AND 01. 1 t. - MEI 11031•TWT lil7..ANTEtlit--s7*&s;iilterl e e PER. MONTH for lientamen, end $35 to H& for Ladles, everywhere, to Intr.oloce Lae coantt. Sense Yu:oily tlewins Mach fin e r Itoorovort and r fected. It lOU Gem, tell, ottlcti, quilt , blot, br aid, and mbrolder beautifelly—pric., ohly elts-mal.- Irtg ihe elastic lock-stitch, nod tally warranted tor tone years. We . pay twice aoee rwer, Or coot mission, from which that enottst . q be Otmade. Address or call u oo . U. 80% XIII & CV:, le-41e-235B4elrelir act:;itly P . h .Vit1 0 Cigtani ed terms. _____alLi il_lhJe B=ZEIS3 FOR THE MOST POPULAR AND BLS! SELLINGSUBSCRIPUON isuOKS PCDLISAFD We are the allst e xtensli , ftglblitherm In the Uni ted Stale., (having six houses, ) and therefore cot.afford to sell boots weeper and pay stmt. k moms liberal commlastim than any other Colncaur. Our books do not pass through the band, of Gen teal Agents ' tas nearly all other autacrlption works .41/.0 t 4 refu te we are emulcd to glre bur CUM.., era the extra per cent. whicirls usual.y allowed to . General Agents. Experienced cativalsets all/ ten the dye:stages of dealing directly with the pub- . lishsii. 1 , Our r cones embraces the mo lt popular works on, all subjects of Importanc:. ant Is scl ling rantlGT both borth and Solna. old agent.. and all others, who circulars est pay ing agencies, Intl please send fo and sec our terms, and compare them and the character ~ f our works with !hone of other publtabers. Addre•-• NATO/NAG I.IIBLLSIONG CO., 11 . 0 /9:O27dRY 41/07 -Minor Mt.. Plitladelbbla, I A. AGENTS WANTED lOU A NEW 8008, NOW It/fJ...DY. - WOMEN OF THE WAR. • By /BANE 110011.6, anthe of "Tbc Ec,bt2llon Secord," sc. Tile oldest of this work Is t collect a l toresent narratives of the services of the e omen Atm-n.l the perils of the war. .d ought to Inherit Iteglur. The volume contains about 600 bet .ve pages, and Is Illustrated loth steel plate 6001 cocved In the most Improved style. bo y on/y by addreslor *DPI/ to NO. GB. Flab ct met. I'lttabttrisb. MEN IVA-111'ETi' TO ACT AS SALEVIEN ts . 1 Enter nen:Lune tl print t o enpa g :i Ytftr Apply are person Or address r'4"°'n' 98 Gm. 1 tree D t, P . BAKER, li,ursl4 Yn Ml= COAL COKE, ike PITTSBURGH NATIONAL COIL AND COI[ S • fOIIFINY, . f MRS, SIIIPPERS AND ERR, Wholesale and Recall, f the' BEST LABIAL Y COA 1, ) Zrawit' Choral watt OFFICE. AND YARD, CORNER 1' oT.71:T11 AND I tY eTREETS, Plttrburh, All oedema toe delivery le the Clty. or shlpte eat West, will meet lA. l annedlateatteratke. R. A. N A , Rope; Intend. et. COALS C0.A.1.11 COALS!! IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUthMEL & . , RABER rite the attention of th• public to their tine stork of COALJ.crecelvcd, Inehullog the following ek dente • 1, Lump, Rog. I, 2,3 and Chestnut, • .byklua VAL ley, Nos.., 2, 3 4 and l'ne•lont, L1.14".3.31111PiA1ba, t7th i nt Irre ton,oVfora.l," lasd or Minuend tone. All °Were . D10 , 01A17 attended to. D tnlcie 3 , ,, 102 Chestnut streethic a ar tlz z D IN I,A. COAL S COAL !I COAL al !DICKSON, STEIVIIIT & CO, „.. t s removed their Oflce t o raCos 867 St-root.. (Late), City Flour XII])SECOND FLOUR, 11417,...gGP &at• OR j4 24 l L ' j ai 'E " At th e lowest market Drier. • tir..u. omen left of their oitleet or sddre•s.l to them through the casit . wW be attended to pamptli. mTM.MitS (lEmmEs TjaoslLs nr oughiogheny and Connellsville Coal • A.. 3.1...b.c,0re-r, of Coal, Rack; and lleaulphurlzed Coke, (loMee Orßiltgrrtitatlllll):ltally%id L1:27117 anner streets, Sloth wird and ou .7"lll.:rarLirlitkljetZe"rtetlapi,r".l w!ill Ins best article of Coal or Coke at the lowest'ea,“ rate,. Orden le at ails of the yards. will recel'iciFont MERCAANT WESTER STOCH OF. '- Boys' Clothing, ITOW in store a large and corn Vote Poe:: or SUITS AND OVERCOATS, • For the Winter ?end:an. Prices Low. GRAY & 'LOGAN, St. Cleilr Street HENRY G. HALE, . NUR CHANT TAILOR, Northwest Corner or Penn a: st. Desires to ratans thanks to bls friends and the pub ic for the many nut Lieors, and rolpectfulir conc. Its a shape of their rtture patrchatc. Ile noal Pleased to have them ea -atonic hla i Large and Carefully Selected Stock op Fiiie Woolen .G-ood.s. . • Particularly adapted to . . mums HS !Os flll ID. tilliE, ...nosi TOBACCO, CIGARS, ex. EIECELSiOn TOBACCO WGlLliti. R. & W. JENKINSON. MAKIITACTUMS OP ALL KaIDS Or Tobacco, Snuff and t'i+—ta. s No. 6 FEDERAL:A=I2'LT, i I lard Jaor Mutt I ...ttarainalaa llrldcr Braaati Store at Sal.ta. Ohio. ./.4.onEx T. Pd. rrNauLteli .t 1 E3l. Holy Ez,
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