The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 12, 1866, Image 1

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Insurance Company
E. S. WINSTON, President.
03:7,1300Nc• 00,
Annual Dividends Available Imam
Polley-holders and other persons Interested la the
su , Ject of LIFE 1218311.A.33 IL are invited to call
on the undersigned. Agent ef the Cornpents Kbo
metrics eerfully give them full Informetlon as to Om
and practical working of tbe CamParll
11,.. 37 Fifth street, Pittsburgh.
Grand Opening;
The Central Park, Ninth ward, will be open .
this evening. Coupon tickets, twenty.avo
live dollars, can be obtained at the following
places :
J. H. Dickson, Druggist, corner Penn and
Hand streets.
A. J. Rankin, Druggist, 41 St. Clair street.
SL Charles Hotel, Wood street.
Mciiary, Druggist, 771 Peon street.
7.G. Welsh, Grocer. 915 Penn street.
D. S. Dlffenbacher, Shoe Store, 112 Markel
T. IL Richards, 43 Fifth Street.
Charlotte Blurce,l3 Fifth street.
John P. Hunt A. Co., 52 Fifth street.
John W. Pittock, News Depot, Fifth street,
MoClarran d McKenna°, Druggists, 05 Star
. ket street.
G.C. Algeo, Jeweler, 24 Fifth street.
W. W. Bradshaw, 124 Wood street.
James Down, 136 Wood street.
Drinseath .t Co., Jewelers, 56 Fifth street.
Henry Miner, Newsdealer, 73 Filth street.
. F. M. Gardner. Druggist. Penn street.
Samuel Falanestock, 74 Wood Beeville.
G. W. Gardner, Druggist, Lawrenceville.
M. C. Morgan, .Druggist, Wylie street.
Palmer & Anschutz, 37 Ifarket street.
Joseph Abel, Dnaggistt corner of Fifth and
Grant streets.
Franklin Billiard Saloon, Fifth street.
W. W. Wattles, Jeweler, 45 Fifth street.
C. IL Super, Druggist, corner Penn and St.
Clair streets.
J. C. Slattern, Druggist, corner Third an'_
Smithfield streets.
W. A. Ahl. Druggist, corner Wylie anti nal
ton streets.
IL C. Christy, Druggist, Sle Penn street.
Taos. A. Seruce, Secret ary.
A Peat lent Boaloess College.
The Iron City College Is an institution that
ran not be too warmly commended. It is .a
thoroughly organized, efficiently officered and
admirably adapted practical Business College,
without a rival In all its peculiar featares, as
the most casual visitor to its well appointed
balls, will discover at a glance. The great
value of its system of actual Business training
can not be fully realized'. until one has had an
opportunity to caretallY -inspect its workings.
We have no hesitation in raying that a more
thoroughly efficient practical business college
can not be found in the United States.—ruir
burgh Commercial.
Haines liras Chula Cheap Planes.
From the Musical Retie..
"These P1131109,by their durability, excellent
quality,of `One, and superb dash, have se
-- cured the most enviable reputation. They
are the cheapest. Pianos we know of, and need
not be distrusted _ because they are low,.
pri ed."
,Charlotte Marne, Cl Fifth street, second
door above Wood street, sole agent for Haines
Brothers , Pianos for Pittsburgh and Western .
Pennsylvania. h. choice lot just received.
Prices 11300 and upward.
For Instanlaneonsly
Silver Platiog articles of Brass, Copper, Ger
man Sliver, etc. Ilettoring the plating - Then
worn o¢--and for cleansing and polishing
Silver and Silver Plated ware.
Thls best invention of the age is a prepare
tion of pure silver, anti contains no mercury,
acid, or other substance Injurious to metals
or the hands. It Is a complete clectro-platitig
battery in a bottle. Price fifty cents perbo.
t ie. Solo agent for Pittsburgh, Joseph Flem
ing Druggist, No. Bt Market street.
For Iftedleicial Lae.
Pure Old Rye Whisky.
Pore French Brandy. . .
Pure Old Port Wine. * •
_ .
Pure Sherrp and diadarla Wine. .
Old llolland (lingua Jamaica Item.
Loglish and Scotch Ales. •
. English Porter. .
Persons dewing a pare and reliable article.
suitable for invalids, will find it to their ad
vantage to go to 3lcClarran A. Bicliennan's
I)rag store, No. t 3 Market street, censer of the
Diamond near Filth street.
Men Will toe Tobacco. . •
Their wives and sisters can find Christmas
-Presents tit for their husbands. brothers and
beaux at it. it W. Jelikinson,s, Allegheny,
third door from Suspension Bridge, where
there will always be found, besides all the
common varieties, a very choice selection or
meerschaum, briar wood, and other pipes, et'
gar holders, Ac., of neat and ornate design: a
large and varied stock of smoking and chew
ing tobacco, and many of the popular brands
of Cuban and American cigars.
The noire Mewing Machine, . I
Must certainly take the lead et all others in a
short time. IL was . awarded .eve premiums
on work, at the World's Fair, leCti; tour premi
ums for work and on the machine. at the New
York State Fair,' VOL See the Methodist, -of
September premium on the machine
ut the Outo State Fair, lsat See the Dayton
Journal, october 111th. The only agency tor
its sale for Western Pennsylvnnia, is at No. 4
- St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. 1
Prince* Patent At:atomslic Organs.
Forty thousand of these world-renowned in
struments are now in use.' Eiery Organ is
warranted for five years. An Illustrated cats
logne. with full description of styles, will be
sent free to any address. Charlotte flume, Cl
Filth streel, is the wholesale agent for Prince's
organs, finabe's Pianos, and liaises Brothers'
l'ianos, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsyl
Hazard dr. CaswelVa Cod Liver 00.
The ?crest and Sweetest Cod Liver 011 in the
sorld, manufactured from fresh,
livers, upon the sea-shore. 1t Ls perfectly
pare and sweet. Ask for "Hazard& Caswell's
Cod liver 011," manufactured
Csawzm., Macir &Co. 'Sew York•
cold by all drug Lst.s.
Gardiner is tip , •
To the times—is wido awake aml cannot be
caught asleep, lie Is now selling Boots and
Shots, the best in the City, tor any Price you
ace ult to give. your eyes being your. market.
Stock must be closed out by January, at the
0. • cal:louse Shoe Store.
Tnigllntl Soda ensF:gy•tice
11le Oozy beat icuportea, selling cheap, at
IteClerran t Ideliennan,a.Drug More, O. E 5
Idarkot 'treat, •corner of the Dlaniond near
Fifth Street.
ainrdlner is Determined
Not to be caught la the lropendlna crisis, so
he has marked down. his entire Stock, and
will now sell goods at numerous pric e s and a
great deal leas Unita it cost to manfacture
bum, at. the Opera Uouse Shoe Store. •
Can and See
The beautiful Pates, Prunes end Muscatel
naisins, at No. 112 Federal street, seooritt
floor from the Plait National Ilonk,
gheny City
linnbee Great Unrivalled Planoi
geventeen nanny of this celebrated med.
'nominal been received and are now on ezhi•
baton at the PlllllO 110092 i orCharlette Blume,
ealfth StrEet.
= Shrews; &pest
Ilust be closed out, goods selling less pug
cost ter is few liays, at the Opera lionse Shoe
Too Out Buy
ew Itops at Aniepti 8. Flnetos.
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One of the Foremost PlenfOtreNV
Of the active and exhiliratlng kind, is sirs.
Ling. Next to riding on horseback, there Is
nothing in tile shape of exercise which gives
such still up to the spirits, and such a glow to
the blood, as riding
a pair of skates. It ls LATE NEWS BY TELEGRINI
a positive luxury—a carnival of fun—a jubilee . •
of enjoyment. Ail who wish to participate In -----
this grand sport, had better call on James
"gown, 13C, Wood street, where they will find FROII. EUItOPE.
the only complete assortment of skates for
ladles, Gents. and children.
Ton Can Buy
Foreign Liquors Qf all kinds at J oseph
Finch's Distillery,' No, IS?, le3 mid 195 First
street, Pittsburgh.
hest Vozllsh Nodal A. 1..
At MeCharon E 3le ennan's Drug Storo, No,
65 51arlzet street, corner of the Diamond, near
Fifth street.
You Can Buy'
98 per cent. Alcohol at 'Joseph S. Finch's
Wximixerox, Dectlmber) I, I.s - oh
The suffrage bill was called up this morning.
Mr. Anthony, in a scrio-eoinic speech, - auto-.
rated the enfranchisement of negroes.
Mr. Wilson presented a petition of a:my ofll
cora asking an increase of pay. -
' Mr. Anthony offered a resole t. ion. which was
adopted, requeSthig the Committee on Judi
ciary to inquire whether any further legiala..
[ion is necessary in regard to the.suceession
to the Presidency in ease of disaninty by
death, or one:tease, of those now designated
for it.
The bill to regulate suffrage in the District
of Colutubia Ras then taken up, the question
being on the amendment o: Ur. Cowan to
strike out the word "Male." . .
Mr. Lawrence, of tillio, reported at tell to r et
peal the set relating to qualification of jurors,
and it was, utter debate, rec.= mitted..!
The Speaker preaented a communication
..from the President. transmitting - , aeon answer
to the resolutions of the House, certain mes
sages from the Secretary of War and Attorney
General relative to the arrest and intense of
the rebel General l'oMett, :teens.' oi murder
ing Union soldiers In North carolin a.
Vie bill to amend tile act for tlie-.establish
went of a National Soldiers' and Sailors' Or
phan Rome, as suggested by Mr. Ingersoll,
was passed.
The Horse
bill regulatin.,
from office.
31r. Reify presented a memorial and resolu
tions from the Central P.xecutive Committee
anti Republin natty ot Louisiana watch
was referred ca to tee Ceinnuttee on ' ltecon
The memorial prays for the impeachment
of the President, the ate:Aaiun ot the present
State goveruinent and the errectlen of a Ter
ritorial government in Louisiana. •
The credentials of Alexander Hamilton
Jones, Bepresentative elect from the Seventh
District of North Carolina, were referral to
the Committee on 'Reconstruction.
Mr. Ingersoll introduced a 1,111 to regulate
tile sale of coin and halibut by the Secretary
of the Treasury, !mil unwed that it be re
ferred to the Comm:tee:of Ways and 31eans.
Mr. Washburnc onjected to the reception or
-reference of the hill at this time. and the
Speaker declared that objection - lacing "mace,
tile reference could not be ordered.
Mr. Wilson, : from the Jnil totally Committee,
reported a bill, and recommended its passage,
to regulate the duties of thy Clerk of the
Rouse of Kepreaentatives In In !mating for
the organization of tile 'louse and tor other The bill provides in the first Sec
tion that before the meeting of neat Congress.
and acacia Succeeding Congress, the Clerk of .
the next preceding Rouse of Itepr.entatlve±
shall make a roll of tee Representative. elec.
tea, and place thereto the moms of all per
sons claltnlng seats us Representatives from
the States represented in the next preceding
Congress, anal whose credentials snail show
they have been duly elected. .
The second section provides tent in case of
vacancy in the [Mice of Clerk of the noose, or
in case alt otbeer should be for any reason un
able to perform Ills dety,those duties shall de
volve upon the .Sereerdateit-Arins' and in ease
of his inability to perform them limy shall de
volve Open the doorkeeper of the next pre
ceding House of Retire-mete:lves.
The tiara section provides that any of the i
officers mentioned in this bill violating any ot
its provisions 'dual be deemed malty of leis
demesinor in °nice, wail upon conviction shall
be pUniarted bY ito prison meet and hard labor
WA-grilse - ins - , Dec. IL—The President tomay
not less than One year nor more thauflve-yeers, sent a message to Rouse transmitting detail
in the' discretion of the !mart. ed Information in regard to the rebel General
M. Wilson demanded the previous Ques
tion, which was seconded. The hill was then .1 Pickett, salted for at the last session. Eit
passed—yeas Ma and nays al. closed is' a letter from Attorney .General
31r. Wilson, front the Committee on .1 odic- Stansberry transmitting all the papers on the
iary, reported and ecommend.' the paesage
orthe bill to prevent the ruse', ion and ount. file relative to Plekett's application tor par
ing of Illegal electoral votes in tie election don. The Attorney Genera says: MI action
of the President mid Vice President' 01 lite has been taken on these [lmmo!, and he has
United States, as follows: no int orination of any proceedings instituted
Wiseness,• The rebellion which was waged against Pickett for cruelty to prisoner+. or
by a portion of thopeoplo of the United states any offence against the laws of war. It will
against properly constituted authorities of be recollected that ho was charged with hang,
the government thereof lii tile most violent legs number of United States solillers for el
and revolting form, but Whose orgauiged leged desertion from the rebel army. Pickett'e
armed forces Mom now been overcome, dial, in application admits having approved sentences
its revolutionary progress, tiled eve the people by court martial of numbers who were nnm is
of the seVeral Dori-lons of tile U oiled States tably , identified, and nays Ills action was sane
heretofore represented in Congress, es the ttonsa byllle COnfederate Government, arid
Stales of Virginia, North Camelia, • South ?aye he willingly renews his allegiance to the
Carolina, Louitilana, Georgia. Florida. Ala. United States. -
lid, Arkansas and Texao, of all General Pk:kettle letter to General Grant Is
civil government, and so disturb their politi. 01 the same tenor:anal is endorsed by Grant.
cal relations with the I'n ion as to deprive them a as follows: Respectfully forwarded to His Eg
o( the right to appear in Congrese Ira Refire- I eulleficy, the President •f the United States,
!mutative?, sad as they ran tie restored to i
with the recommendation that clemency lie
their political relations to the Union only
tit . extended in this case or assurance given that
the consent of the law melting power of tlie a no trial will take place for the offence. charged
United Otat is. i against G. E. Pickett. Daring the roboutor , '
And whereas it would be improper for coin- belligerent rights were acknowledg ed to the
munit.l.s thus deprived of civil government, , enemies of our countryf and Ills clear to me
and whose political relations to the Govern. I that the parole given by the armies laying
ruent of the United States are so .1 Ist lobed, as t down their arms, protects them neat riat pan.
not to participate in the elect ton of the Trent; ishment for acts lawful for any other bet i Igor
dent and Vice President of the Uti ilea S"atest en t. In this case I know it Is claimed that the
Therefore, I men tried and convict.' for the crime of de-
Be it nutted by the &cute and now of , sertion,were Union men from North Carolina,
Representatives In Compeer /l oci/Wed, Thut I washed found refuge within our lines anal our
until the law making power r
toe Hinted , service. The numshment ems a haraLlOne, but
States titian have declared the several per- a it wan In time of war, and whore the enemy no
lions of the United States lit:rendre 0 retire- 1 doubt felt it. necessary to retain by come power
seated in Congress, . tee Slates 11( Virginia, I the service of every man within their reach.
North Carolina, eolith Carolina, Georgia, : General Pickett, - I k-now personally, to ,be
Florida, Alabainn, Mississippi, Arkansas, and i all honorable ugui, but in tills ease his
Texim, restored to their political relations to , Jedgment prompted lam to do what cannot,
the union, they shall nut he deein ea lam s
I will not be enstaineilathough I do not sou ow ,
to representation in the Hie...torn' College. fur ! any good, either to the friends of tile deems-
and,ceole of Piesident,
he ited Statea, I eal or by example for the future,
no electoral vote clashl b u n received or ; can ••be - secur d er by his trial now. It would
counted from them, except us each may here- - brieg up -the question. whether Or Mai:
alter bitrso declared' restored to Its political 1 the tloverntrient did not disregard the con- '
relations in the onion, anal wain.' to repro- I Inuit entered Into, to aecure the surrend
sentation to Congress. I and armed enemy.
Mr. Wilson explained th e provisions of the : (Slimed) L. S. G attar. Ldeut. General
bill. The cOmmitten' hail followed a prcoment, : March liati, isie.
. I
established by tee V.llll Loilgre , S ill its jolut , 'secretary St tnton reports that the examLua. -
resolutiOn deelering that the states mimed. I
of retie' archives for the proceedings of I
having rebelled against the United States, , the court martial alluded to has not yet been . '
wetein such a can tilt!. on the e: hof Nevem- a. completed. The records required have not
her, lea, that. no vela( election for Prealdent I been foetid. In July, Paled, the Adjutant 6.14.1
nuti Vice Presiiient was -Meld -. therein, unit I oral submitted to the Secretary of War iodate-
therefore that • they were lief entitled to
re- ' meet, by a rid hible porimit, recommenaing the I
Presentation in tile electoral college; taut. the a :aregt and trial of Pickett. Taking into coal
operation of that resolution was c oo lined to t Editorial= tie action of the Supreme COitrt of I
the election of 11111, and the purpose of the I the United States in the ease of Mulligan and
present bill was to make a simasr law to op. ' °there, who bad been tried and convicted by k 1
to lia all future elections ulna . the states , Military Commission and thedonbta east upon
snail have been restored to thelc political re. , thejoristlietion of such tribunals. The See.
'talons lit the Uniona - , I rotary of War has not felt 'authorized to pit.'
Ur. Fink—gut at the time that. re.olution ! sue tbe course recommended by the Judge Ail- ,
adopted wre We not ill tile Inkilt ofvmale General, untl the opinion 01 the Su I
are we not o now In the midst at peace .I ar
prone Court should i
be formally prumulgated. I
Mr. Wilsen—N l e were at that I lane In the ,• The magnitude' of the offence alleged aefilust
Midst of War, Rini We think the effects ol that i Pickett is such that* , re should be no.Derson
War upon those communities ellsts eVen tO- Ito contest the jurist 101 l of the tribunal to '
day. We held , the iebelllon. deprived those ; whom the trial may ‘ committed.
communities of all civil government, and in- , (01550,14 E. M. S . roe.
log deprived of all civil geverepient, they i Secretary of IVar. .
cannot be perntittedparticipate ill else
--_,....------ . .
Lions for President' and Vico l'reilllent. Until i
they lanai have been provided with civil go. a , ,
Death of an Old .Plosteer--.1, New Rail-
...011...—W00l nod Agricultural Convect-
erament by Congress, and isliall be restored to , no ,
their political relations ill the Union.
31r. Dail, Of
p r ow 1 ork, Said that without err. CI Nets!: Avi,-Dee. llt—James S. WeatherhY, a
pressing an oon on the merite of Ille 1/111, un old pioneer, died yesterday, egeaseventy.
he dHill that action upon it wOuni nut bu ,Ix YCars• f i
Teo certineate of inconioration of the Great I
forced without giving the members an opine- ,
r e, ~, . Western and Little Miami Railroad Company I
tunity to °gender and db.:miss It. was tiled at Columbus treday. Thu road will
lion wa4eertainly a pure Ono, is grace RS any '
Hint had yet occupied the attelitlon el thin I be located 11l Hamilton, 'Butler, Warren and
segreer ICeatreis and he was not, lay slily In tallS. Bat. i Cinitou counties. and its termini will be CM-
n ree, I einnati and Wilmington. , 1
istied that the ea., was el. clear open
tong as it Would seem :rum the argument of- The Oh le State NI, col Growers' Association
the gentleman from lowa. It did - not necessa. l and State Agricultural Convention meets at 1
rtly follow, Diet
was done by Cmigress I Columbus January 9th.
alien I he rebelliou was actually - raglogovould l
be a proper precedent ter the ac tion of Cons , Steamship It fur
for Call
. . I • cantsllM the Male of Gold.
gr V, ' :,i 9 ll .• on sold he had no desire to press t NEW YORK, Dec. ll.—The steamship Henry
00.1011 ell the Wll,llllll 011 11114 10011011 it was '
! Chauncey s tiled tool for Aspinwall. .kozong
pottponed and made rte special order Mr her paeseugere Were three hundred - troops to
There day, when aziells.sitni will be at- i reinferce the garrisons in laillforinal Men the
lowed. •, Rev. IL. Nelson and fatuity and Miss Broom
Mr" Lawrence reported 4 bil/ to repeal ear.
, ' iniisionarle3 to Japan.
tale parts of the act Improved Aliell :M.o. i - A WastansitOn dispatch says that 31r. Bout-
Woe, for 1.110 ,
Panl'lPM-"" ° 'P'''''''' erkm "" a well's bill for the male of goveininent geld
against tbebnitell : l intel. Of 1,90 110 sala it ,
provided that no permoll should be prosecuted, l - does not appear to meet the approval of the
We •s and Means Committee. Tee ectlon of
tried or ptmished for treason or of tier capital '
the3Coininittee on tee currency Is yet sionbt.
offences against the Veit.' Status, unless an ful though Mr. liPtitilloch`a recommendations
Didietrartut, for the offence eiviutit be tonna be I will almost certainly he concurred In. ,
a grate' jury tv Riau three . yells after
is al.
'perfect tae a ru e e n irl' u ti ' p n o ' r . C l t eif '„V Ito ° PU 1 i
ropm TOrlqn , 13_ Tornado—Six' Persons Killed
ta t t .. u oy.. n d e! ee n 1 * lulured—YrellertY lie.
which, it it were permitt.l tO
te t t= tornado
Reg ORLEANS, December ll.—The Tones'
o o at
p o d i a e r ed,onunidd
a s ,
n o o n t , "
~, , l y e. i
ro e q r it r
, I Y: a a
, 1 e o n . t .
able acts couirnitteddurlng the rebellion. Tao B..lllvaeputtluerheleiliotinaLlii."
o n ly 'l"EalCan"laat count arl" u"" the v.- , q..... ott the evening of %hi, .4th, killing nri
sacs of this bill were, first, as to Its exped en. i ,
arsons, seriously Waring twelve, mull doing
l reat damage to the - surr o unding country.
cy, and, second, as to the right of Congress to
pass such a law, The Douse had already de. lk
/ w ive or CIX houses were blown down one of
termtned. It was not crptient to declare
• b re cants ern a°
general pardons and Battiest) Y P fi Academy, wherein four scholtirs were
I hill and twelve seriously .i r tnjured. The
the amnesty not on the first day of the pres
ent sessionould he had no slOuht of the right , Red river 'Lod Other Means, ayeletting very
and powered Congress to repeal those par- I high. -
Dons of the act of M, which, if not repealed, „,„ vi i ~ a u i 1 - 7, --' -,,, torn , id , maw .
:would lie equivalent to such a declarataCL: : :
After considerable debate, end without tnk- Derr•t.O. December 11.—The snow - storm
1115 the question up, the Douse adjourned. , COntlnues pies/eating busineei.
than considered Mr. Williams'
rig appointments and removals
.ansports for French Troops.
Supposed Feniaus Ilouliy Arrested,
[T Tile enact.]
1 1 ants, December 10.—Ervaim7.—1t is expected
that all the transports for Mexico will leave
._ .
• before the 15th.
, feu d ed DecemberL l r x tio o ti, ,raT :1.71y. privateer.i D e. i E n , b e , n ,l g Tl. - 7 1 r: u : s i s, l a.„
f la r s v
commenced coercive Measntes in Hanover.
MALIN, Dec. 11—..55,0n.Z.The Government Is
arresting supposed renta's hourly; loyal
mutual. protecti on societies are forming
throughout Irelan d, .. . ,
I The steamer Bolivia has been seized in iire
'Medway. She Is supposed to have .been In.
immense quantity of gaps it •I powder on
board, which were also taenj POSSOSiiOII of
Tile utmost vigilance lt
contindes to be maul
rested In the' search for Suntans, and midi
Donal arrests are repOrted to have been Inudl
both In this country and Ireland.
CAW:IIFr, Tueisloy Evening, December 11.—A
large quantity of arms, which were undoubt
edly intended for shipment hence to Ireland,
for the use of the Fealaus here,were seized
by the pollee, and the parties In hose charge
they were found, have been arrested.
FLotteNer, Dec. 'll—F:et/dog. The Italian
41.X:eminent nave determined upon founding
large navy yards in the newly acquired pre.
vice of Venetia, to be titled with all the Itppli
auces for tile building and repair . of vessels.
The work is to be commenced immediately.
Livearoot, Dee. 11—.Ceeriing.—Thn cotton
market bus been quite active twiny, and
prices have advanced !:,;1; the sales foot up at
;tO,OOO boles, tile market closing thrill at it!,;4l
for Middlin gi uplands.
The Brendstuirs market is iirin; tile closing
prices of Western Mixed American Corn is 3st
31. The petroleum market Is .strong, at Is Cd
for relined per gallon.
.51.txrnesrxml December. 11—Eicalow.—The
market for goods and yarns Is more active,
end prices are better.
Mc carom, Decouseer 10.—Dleninms-The cots
ton market has advanced 141, and the demand.
Is very ' active. Sales, •M,tedbales CIO3IIIII: ILO
1114 for Middling; Uplands. provisions steady.
Tallow firm.
Learns, December ,10.—Eeening.—Cosisols
closed at Asll. Money, X 417 I. II heats Central,
7P. , ...' Erie, 4,3;,. _
.Idvaaroot, Dee. it—Moon —T lie Sales of ;M-
I ton amount to 16,0oubales,at all advance cif ;,,d,
I sloes yeaterday.
I Manchester Goods and Tarns steady. Pe
' wtrgriturractarot
Petroleum market
.tiiloafgyr.renned. Aid:
• LonDoN, Dec. 11—.5530m—Consols, for money,
mss!'; Floe-twenties, 7 l ; tumour Central, '771-.i;
1 market is unchanged. Consols closed at S
I for money. The closing gill:nations o f L'
call Securities are as, follows: Celled States
I .s.. M's, 71; Erie Railway Misses, I 71.1; IllinolS
. I Central Shares, 7714.
Rebel General Pickett
Did De Murder talon Prisoners
Customs and Revenue Receipts
The Pardon of Rebels
. --
Suppression l of ChinesO Piracy
• Was it Dation, Dee. 11.—The receipts from the
Customs for the week ending lice. oth, aro us
follows: New York, $1,41..004 ltojton $301,000;
rellatlelphia, 1.:G,197: BaltituOre, $100,132.
Twenty-eight thousand one hundred and
fifty acres i a public lauds have lieen disposed
of at Travers City, East Saginaw, Michigan,
the most of which was taken up by actual set.
tiers limier the homestead law.
- If every clerk In the Attorney General's of
nee were constantly and exelastvely employed
L fl our this Dore to the end of the session, for
ten hous per ,14,y, It nvoulti be ta1...11,1e for
them to r collect the intormatton called for , by
I iknalrmse resolution requiring IS AntelllellL
trout him of the pat tmars In every case of
pardon 110 W of rebels to be presented.
[ 'rile President 110, pardoned David Hawley,
a private of the 12th Isla:dry; who WILY con
victed. ut Ine June term of the District
preme Court, of robbing it comrade, and
.tencol to three ears t rapt ison ment. The of
fense was committed While In a state Of ilitOx
teation, tool pardon reeolllolClttieli by the
}edge WItO 1 rit•tl, hill. 1001 the Ottolller 0110
1.1•Itletsltell 111111. • •I
The Soli . o I lids evening soys the paragraph
teleaaphed North that t he Vreshlesit 1. digs
ples gr ed s till the tenor of Napoleon's reply to
the cable telegram from the btate Department
is unfounded. Do the eoptrary,'Nle. Johnson
regards the Emperor's reply entirely nati,sfacs
'1 nem was, as usual, lout 0 small attenda
t nce
at tire or rate !louse to-slay, being Cabinet my.
The receipts from Internal Revenue to-day,
Wore 5 . 110,919.
Robert. l ...Ili], the Rebel Comtnissioner for
'exchange of prisoner. during the war, has
been s leeted slumber of the Virginia :senate,
trona lila tatted. ..... .
' Acting fear Admiral 11. 11. fell, rain:imitat
ing the United States Asiatie cquadronllly , tr ails
outs 1.41 Use Nay'," Department, 0e• 0(1110
General I Order No. In;, Issued in conformity
is ith illstriletlLlOS from the Seerctury of the
Navy. to net in correct t with the British
Adult rat, and 'representations of other
powers oil that stollen, in Ilic Ault- °
preession of piracy on • the Chiller
Coast. Ile directs all , eOlOlllO.l l / 1 4
unicorn of Vessels Uloter hill Colll6lollti to 0110
c igilant and earnest attend on to the-suppres
sion. of piracies on the coast of China', and par.
lee, capture and destroy all such piratical vet.
;els, wherever found, , ith the aid and consent
of tile Chinese antlioritleS, and to turn over
StW•ll . rat OLllVeti properly tied Vent°ne to tile am
thorn ies
prof nearest Consular port, furnish
ing such against hie captut tol parties OS
may lead to their cones , ton, and further di
, reeling tiletll to put themselms la comment
, mktlen with the ...color represcutativi,s lit
Great Britain, Or uny other power muscat, Illltl
the Ullittsi tit Isles Consul upon their stations,
and the Custom ii0l1:0 unit other tillilleSe 00
11110[10er,, eiVii or naval. Commanders of yes ,
sent ure authoriged to employ Chnese pilot,
whoare competent to point out tenth• juuk:
or 'V es-els. lal
At the former session of Congress a law was
ssed liIIthOriSIIIIII, the removal of numerous
mi lndian tribes Irma the :State of Xausas. No
00011iLe Iletioll lISS heretofore taken place
uder tls act, ht the hearing of
what n tout been do u ne,' sent Its delegations, Who
are y. t here, to make inquiries anent the nxt
ter. The delegation whirl:trail to Kansas and
itifraut the various tribes that commissioners
are coming to treat with them. Thor 1it..1 ail
Interview with Commissioner Boggs to-day,
but did not come to any conclusion. I
This Commission pus been all' eluted and
will proceed a'- once to discharge their du.
ties. The object IT ' D , make a treaty with all
the tribes, a list oh which incompan ICS LllO ins
SLI tactful., tool get theta' out of the States
where they are In constant conflict with the
Whites to a new home better adapted to their
condition and where they would be much hap
pier. The Country designed fur them is west
of Clitcliasaw and south of the Cherokees. It
was formerly called oho lea,ett lands, hut by
a recent treaty the absolute title was acquired
by the United States. To each tribe it section
Of to Mules t extent will be granted. Thu Com
mission are Instructed to visit each tribe to
consult and a,eerlalu their disposition on the
illkabject, in order that the mutter may be libel.
y settled during the present, session of Com
Rebel Murderer Killed
The Tennessee Debt
\delimits, Dee. Il.—ln December, till, rt
bet raiding party, commanded by Capt. Wtri,
Jenkins, of Marlptta, Georgia, entered the
town of Athens auil killed a citizen named
ItitGaughey. On Sunday last, at the Sweet
Bridge depot, about twenty 'm from
Athens, Captain Jenkins writiattacked by two
'of the sons of Sinittughey and another man.
Jenkins was mortally wounded, but succeed
ed in Inflicting wounds with Ids revolve: - on
his e.vsallants of which they have slum, tiled
Jenkins is also lead.
Governor Drownlow lel I before the Legis
lature to-day a communication, announcing
that Maj. lien. Thomas and staff would visit
Naville ptt pate In iof
the sh battle to
of a Nashville. t
ilt, tne e tial voted
sented t Tbonana by on the the Lea
occisiou. lsiatUre will be . pre
resolution has been adopted by the Legis
lature authorising tile Comptroller to borrow
425e,9tal to aid inTaying the iuterost on State
bonds due the lot or .lanuary next.
No new developments have been mode
touching theta:heel fund bonds deposited with
the Tennessee untiOnal bank, et .llemphiis, by
the Comptroller. Ii is believed that th - e.
bonds are gone past recovery.
Tile Legislature boa appointed a consuifttee
to investlgata the matter, and alto utlooted
resolution autherlaing the Governor to take
active tneasurea to recover the bonds.
Veterans of 1812—Effort% 111 Their Own
Ilohnlf—llreeell-Lonttern for Ferrlanr.
ISALTIssoax. December 11 —The Veterans of
the tsar of Mit are making efforts to procure
frOul Congresa the passage of such believed'
will secure them from want. it is ed
the aggregate amount to be paid nun tinily will
not emceed three million dollars.
Tile ItOberts Fenton headquarters have an
anttnated lootr. The rcoms and passages are
filled with 'breech-loaders, which will moms be
distributed to regiments.. Roberts. is isittking
active te qo:atone for a formidable sitoy,:,
went against Canada. -
New 111311e0M1 In lntunt%—ln%tallxneol
KANSA, Cvry, Mo., December 11.-1110 City
Commit to-day ottlermi the issue of sixty
thousand dollars as the first installment of '
one hundred thousand dollars subscribed by
the eity to the Kansas City and Fort Scott
Railroad. lite could...dor- will begin work to
ten dilys. and will llama forty-ilee wiles of the
road by September next. The Cameron road,
to connect. title city with the Hannibal and bk.
Joseph Railroad, will be completed in May
next. • I
The Fenian Trlole—•Argeiments by
S tVIIETSIA:110, DeCOMber Dt.,
spoke upwards of two hours In suppor. , of lite
thou to Um PlthithettOn of the court. The
.ludge decided that the court had power.' Mr.
Devli said ho woul to.morrow, argue his
other s
WWI ektt iVe to alto jaat pcto charac
ter of the law under which it was proposed to
try the prisoners. , The court then adjouined
ttli to-morrow
Negro Sufrrnife in the District of
Wssul naios, flee. ll.—Teem seems to bo no,
doubt of the rlit passing of the IslegrO Suf. n
frage bill for this District. The only luestio
in ell:mote Is over the details as limitingit to
those who can read and write their names,
b fr u aghteo b
a l l l l l w ot l hWh ab e ly wlboakng full su [ -
More Abstraction.
POILADRLY,HIA, Dee. 1.1.4 t IS Stated that
Bernard Shroyook. Treasurer of the rennisyl•
Building Association, has disappeared,
with tho funds of that organization, amount
ing to t ",•••,
orial GOTernmeni for Louisiana
'New ORLEANS, December IL—Advices from
Tampico announce that Loth Liberals there
and• Me)la, the Imprialist. at San tots, nth
exacting heavy force e d loans for the 'support
of their soldiers.
The Tribune, of New Orleans, t rust Ina in the
organization by Congress of a provisional or
territorial Government in Louisiana to super
oede the present one, nominates Thomas J.
Durant for Governor. It says all other Union
men who have held office havetheen rations.
The 7'dnes to-day welcome , InvPstigatlon by
the Committee of Congress of the New Oileans
riots, and hopes may be thorough. complete
and unblased. -
Donn With the Rents—Large Meet Ist
Ms:seem, Dec.ll.—A very large meeting of
business mon and renters—was held at Odd
Fellows Dail to-night, to take measures to in
duce landlords to reduce the exorbitant rents.
Resolutions were adopted for that purpose,
and an organization formed to resist by all
honorable means such exactions. • •
Professor Edward 0. Eaton,tbW popular
composer, died ttsslay of typhoid pneumon
Colored Rebof oots let lenKilled.itey—Number
flogs, December 11.—New eelloola will
be established for colored children luir month
et Paducah, Covington, Danvllle and Lexing
ton. The rent will be paid by the Freedmen's
Bureau. Teachers wilt on eutployeif!an
by the American is elonary Asmoclitt lon.
The number of hog killed to-dtjjwas 4,090;
In pone. 5,050. The total number kill 'd
to about
0,900, Bogs product li:m.
Death of a prominent Merchant—Large
Reward for Thlewes—rostolUee Hite Dot
to be Sold.
NEW lone, December 11.—.1. W. Smith, a
prominent wool mercbaut, died last night.
One thousand dollars are offered for the
thieves who robbed the Iteyal Insurance Com
pany yesterday.
The Common Connell ruled down the pro
joist for selling the site for the Postollico
City Hall Pare..
From Up the Allegheny.
(0L City, Dec. 11—S.,:10 P. 4. -It is snowing
hard and fwd. Weather not 90 cold.
River three feet two Inches.
FRANKLIN. December 11.—The river at
Franklia is thirty-sin inches; at oil City
thirty-six inches; at Oleopolis , lour feet, anti
The weather is very cold.
• Entbnele.tic
Sr. Loris, Llec.ll.—.l large and cothunlivo I
her i Fenian meeting of the Stephen., a tug WO,
hot night. Unguent and patrlotl
speeches were made by several popular ore
torn, and a consirable number of men Join
od the brotherhoo de d.
Hiner and Weather at Lonkcille.
LooMr IL.. December 11.—River hdattonary.
at ton and a half lco. In the canal.
Weather clear. Barometer 29F.. Mercury at
• ---
• -- •
The Plysnouth (hearth Fair.
Under the most (favorable auspices has the
Plymouth Church Fair and lestlvalbeen open
ed. at City nail. Yesterday afterhoon and
lamjej . it It .Neaesleited-be largrthrongS of
our most respectable citizens. The hall is
beautifully decorated, and every thing con
ducive to the pleasure and enjoyment of v
tors, has been attended to in the most liberal
manner. • The sales tables, where may be
found every article of use, beauty, and adorn
men are arranged upon either side. of the
hall, and are attended by charmin g lady
clerks, from whom it Is a pleasure to pur
chase. The refreshment tables are supplied
with delicacies to tempt the palate, and most
delicious and substantial meals are served
up at allhollll3. Near the entrance ' to
the ball will be fooled tile elegant
set of harnesse.o be awarded the fire company
which receives the b'ghest - number of votes
from the visitors in attendance. The rivalry
has already commenced among the “boys"
and a large number of votes were east last
night. The New England I.itchers, art exhibi
tion. reconstruction pole and many other nov•
cities sill cornmead themselves to the atten
tion of the visitors. The fair continues till to
morrow night. We urge upon our readers the
r i many attractive features of the great festival,
and since the entire proceeds IV ill (Lpplled
1 to a pmiseworthyl purpose, NV C /10110 IL large
II attendance will reward the efforts of thecona
,L mittees having the arrangements In' charge.
-- - -
Centrni Board of Eduealloo.
The Central Board of Education met Tues
day, December 11th. Present, Messrs. Craw
ford, (jetty, Lowe, Marshall, McAuley, Ser
geant and Brush, President.
The minutes of the last meeting wero read
and approved. .
The monthly reports of the Principal of the
High school, Principal Of the Colored School
and of the Secretary, Were 'read and or
to he received aud filed. ! I
The report of the committee aproluted hY
Councils to audit dile acconrits of the Central
Beard of Education was presented, and, on
MOl.lOll. received and filed anti ordered to be
publish.] Id the Gatettc and Dispatch.
A communication from from Samuel A.
Neale, Secretary of Trustees of Avery College,
asking. an appropriation for said college e
-which would be specifically applied to the
education of the colored youth of Pittsburgh
to the claslcal and collegiate course of tho In
stltation. Read and referred to Committee
on Colored School.
A communication from the colored eltliens
of Pittsburgh petitioning for the erection of a
buildlug for the lored school. ad and re
ferred to ComMicttoee On Colored sc ße hool.
On'motlon, of Mr. Crawford, a vacation of
I the schools was authorized from the even•ng
of Irldaallst last., until Wednesday,
arY Yd, .lasiti
On motion adjourned.
- ' .
Phllliple Affair.
MargachilLips came to the o ffi ce of Al
derman ne at yesterday, and Instituted prq
ceetlings ag nst her husband . , • Peter Phillips, -
for assault and battery arid desertion. It syi
pears that the parties and the hymen:del
noose rather - galling, and occasionally in.
dulge In heated debates, the Inauguration of
which Is ascribed by Margaret to the irritable
and ungovernable temper of her liege lord.
lie, on the other hand, avers that she alone Is
th e primeval cause of all their trouble, and
that, Caine his own words, :the d=l himself
I could not live In peace with such a woman:
This stato so m e las fro m o n ths date of
their marriage, eighteen since,
until Saturday morning, when Peter, for Some
Minuets given him by his better-half, struck
her anevere blow in the face, which hail tile
effect of discoloring her right optics Alter
thus abusing her, he left the house Stating
that lie would never return to her sl'ileaguln.
After swatting until Monday far his return,
and finding he came not, alie repaired to the
office of the magistrate and made oath a. sta
ted. A. warrant was issued.
Plano* nt Ila
For about p i a , icaf the amount. usually paid
for a good po, we offer the Mixsell Nea
York Plano Fortes. The-Material and work
tuauship are strictly first clues. Rend what a
prominent lady teacher says of them
"Mcsana.litEnan t Ilan:—The Mixsell.l'lo3lo
yOll sold us lust, bill gives great satsfaction. A
holy friend hero wishes to get 00C 00 good as
it to the same money. Several parties here
will shortly purchase the Missal Plano.
I'll.. L. Alartrix."
Miss Martin is a nice° Of the Rev. (Calowa)
J. H. Clark; she formerly taught music In ADO.
gheny City, and has latterly opened a semi
nary In Clarion. The wt that her
Piano is constantly used by
thug class Of
pupils is a eufllclent proot of their superior
qualities. 11. Hieber A Bro., 1r.2 Wood street,
are the solo agents tor the Mixsell rhinos and.
sell them at, astonishingly low prices. Cal
and vie them.
iiiii ct Court.
Judge Williams presided In the District,
Court yesterday. The cas eof
condo C ar man
vs. Hubert nerves', wan Tho
case was submitted to the Jury' at noon, but no
verdict has yet been agreed upon.
The case ofJohu McCloskey k CO., surviving
empster, w
partnere of John a. Centavo ye.. Suaw
jtas next Wien up. Wilde an an
tiOn to recover the 'value of some lumber
claimed by the plaintiffs. and used by the de.
fondants. The cone In still on trial.
•iiike would suivbie a matt to forego
a thresher and thresh wheat with a nail rather
than see a wife wear her health, vigor . and
life away in the everlasttng 'stitch; NOM,
sticll, , when a Sewing Machine can be obtain
e" The Wheeler & 'liaison Is 11.11' Invaluable
aid to every household. We have had several
different kinds on trod; and after six years
service the Wheeler & Wilson has taken the
precedence as the best where all kinds of sew
ing are to - he done In a family."—Anierieun
Agriculturists. •p
The Theatrical Casinio.- 1 C b said that
Manager Henderson does not Intend changing
the of theatre into a second class place of
amusement, but will continue it as heretofore.
a respectnble and high toned place of amuse-
The skating SDay. eam:on —lnauguration
Wdannounced yesterday that if the weath,
er continued favorable, the two skating parks
would open during the day, and the season,
long and eagerly looked for, would be formal
ly Inaugurated. The weather did ',continue
favorable, and very favorably, and the prom
ise Was amply fulfilled. Both the Parks open
ed and the attendance at each way very foil.
•The 'Union Park In Allegheny, opened to the
public at about ten o'clock, and was soon
thronged with merry men, women aid chil
dren. skimming over the glassy surface. Tho
ice was:admirable, and never was the oppor
tunity !Tor grand 'skating better improved *
Durini the summer, the park
dots sier
ably Improved, Innen thousand lars having
been n
and , expeded repairs. The pond has been
regraded, rentiered perfectly free fiom
leakage. The house has also been relined,
and the refectory :removed from the main
door to the basement. This will give Increas
ed accommodations to visitors, and will be
appreciated by -those who visited the Park
last season on carnival nights. The driving
track has been widened, and ample room is
now afforded for carriages to pass around the
pond. When the season fully opens, a nem
ber of udditional attractions will be Intro
duced. Mr. Metzger has been continued as
The attendance continued full daring the
sled in tne evening a Brilliant crowd at
te the first carnival of the season.
The Central Park was thrown open to the
public at one o'clock In the afternoon, and
large numbers, fully=equipPed for the sport,
could be seen hurrying towards the Citizens'
Passenger Hallway office to be carried thither
The ice on the Central is of the very bebt, and
a crowd of happy ones thronged the ice from
the opening moment until a late hour in the
evening. The park has been thoroughly re
paired, and the bunko of the pond rendered
perfectly water-tight. A full depth of water
hue been secured by cutting drains from the
high grounds
the vicinity, thus rendering
the Use ot the city water unnecessary.
The arrangements for lighting the Park in
the evening are supposed to be perfect. Your
additional posts have been erected, with six
gas burners on each, which will be supplied
with ra r etor ten inches In diameter. These
posts ae located In the pond, and tailings
will be planet! around them for the protection
of skaters. I 'port carnival occasions Chinese
and head lights will lay Introduced.
The Park will be under the supervision of D.
P. Corwin, Log., under whose superintendence
it was successtul Hot season. A police
force will be on tne ground day and evening.
A grand carnival last evening terminated
the first day's skating in splendid style. The
Park was elegantly lighted, and a large crowd
thronged the Ice. 'The snow that fell lightly
during the evening did not interfere with the
ctiJOyMmit. ;Altogether the first day 's shat
' ig was a success
'Book, for the 110
et 'Maya. null Where to
There - can berm question at all that the most
'acceptable anti deal rablo gifts for the holidays
are well bound, standard, books, which not
only please the eye, bat interest and elevate
the mind, and afford much useful information
end entertainment not otherwise to be obtain
ed. Ptir such nooks, commend ua to Henry
Miner; next door to the Postofflee, Filkh street,
who has just returner( from the east with one
of the largest, most attractive sad valuable
stock of books ever opened in Pittsburgh. We
took a look through Mr. 4ier's establish
ment yesterday and can bear testimony to the
elegance and attractiveness of the goods which
he 'snow opening. Ms stock of books com
prises all the more standard works in prose I
and poetry, bound in every style, and so rich
and elegant in appearance that the cheapest
volume on his shelves even would be art onus-
gotten to any library. Ills presentation books,
up specially for holiday presents, are '
something worth-seeing, uud uo more elegant
gift for a lady could by any possibility be se-
lotted. lu the line or Itibles we Lever saw
liner collection. lie has them at every price I
and if you want oue at 3 or 430 he eau accommos
late you. In this connection we might notice
his samples of Cassell's Fatally. Bible, printed
In England, and illustrated in a style of ex-
cellenco unapproached at this side of time At- I
lantle. list it is not iti books alone that Mr.
Miner's stock excels. lie Inks one of the best
sorted cud most inviting collection of writing
•leeks, work boxes, chess boards. ,
So., we have ever examined, anti as ho b o n ght
them on very favorable terms, he is enabled
to offer the public induceruents in the way of
low prices, the advantages of which will be
best appreciated by comparing his charges
wi those of other house in the trade. i td
biasalso a flue collection of engravings, and
the lovers of the,new popular pastime of cro
quet will flop at his establishmeut everythirtgi
necessary caplay tue game. at Laster° prices.
Mr. Miner is now, we believe, toe oldest Look
and periodical dealer among us and great as
have been his efforts In the past ' , in the way of
laying In attractive, useful anti vs luable holi
day goods, his stock this thee exceeds that of
any former year, and no doubt his business
be correspondingly large, lie is one lot
our most enterprlslug business men and well
deserves the patronage bestowed upon his es-
Mid ishtueut. Remember his place, next door
thingPostofflee, and when you want• atime•
handsome for a holiday present, give
d call.
Opens llouse.—A large and appreciative
- audience assembled at the Opera House last
evening to witness Mr. WaHack as Tacit, in
lioncicaultls nrignificant , Comedy of "How She
Loves UM." To-night be appears in his ape-
Henry, Dunbar, in the dramatization of
Alisn Bratbion's novel. "The Outcasts." Mr.
Wallack Is unapproachable In this character,
and all should see idin. On Friday evening
Macbeth, with Mr. and Mrs: Wallach sustaln
tug the leading characters.
Tu ESTI/Z.—The great sensation drama,
"Bacearet," which has produced such a furore
in the Eastern cities, was presented in line
style last everithg at the Theatre-! The cast
was excellent, and the piece was well put upon
the stage, while line andienee was present
to enjoy the dramatic treat. "Baccarat" will
keep the boards for the present.
Tan Baia. Biaosaa—The Peak and Berger
Faintly consolidation troupe of bell ringers
gave their second concert last evening at Ma
sonic Hall, In the presence of a crowded audi
ence. This troupe Unquestionably furnishes
one of the ilnest musical treats it Is possible
to listen to. All the performers are skilled
and ac.-ompllshed musicians, the selections
are faultless In point et taste antieleganc
comprising some of the very best musi
c ompositions, and the instruments employed
1•01311.1101111thelOSeiVipl not only by their novel
ty. but by their tlitil.ruble musical qualities.
We trust none of a our readers will not fall to
hear this superb combination during their
rho Tonnaa lien's lehri.tiact Asic.elatlon
is now thoroughly organized. The Board of
Ph ectors have for the past week been hold
ing daily meetings, and have now elected
the officers of the Association, as empowered
to do by the constitution. The following are
the names of the °Mums elect:
Peeddenl—A. DPCiluteek.
First Vice I:resident—J. A. Emery.
Second Vid
ice Presene—lleuben Mater.
Recording Secrrtary—i.
Corresponding Secretary—lL K. Porter.
Treasurer —N ' . 11. Edwards.
Tile constitution Is now awaiting signatures
at Messrs 04 Wellutock A Co.'s, '23 h
street. All young men of the two cities Fi an ft d
their vicinity, desiring to becotpe xn embers of
the Association, are cordially Invited to call
and register their names.
'Eire In the Bluth Ward.
At two o'clock this morning an alarm was
sounded from station No. 62, Independenoe
Engine Louse, The occasion of the alarm was
a flre which bad broken out In the kiln be
loneleg to the saw-mill and call-keg factory
of Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Brother & on
Baldwin street, near the corner of Co., bur.
ler, in the upper part of the Ninth
Ward. The lire must been been burning„
an hour within the kiln before It wet discov
ered. A quantity of lumber drying In the kiln
was wholly consumed, and the kiln Itself was
completely destroyed. The Brew as still burn
in g st three o'clock, when we let, but weeun
der control, so that no further. .damage would
result. The loss will probably reach 0930, and
is-covered by insurance. •
An Object of Interest.
The tower in which hangs the big hell of the
lire alarm, is one of the Dons of _the city and
Is the observed of all strangers whO visit
us. A moruing contemporary cites the case
of a stranger who was quite nonplussed when
informed that no oil ousted on the site of the
great derrick in the Court Douse yard. A still
snore remarkable example of misdirected re
search occurred yesterday. Two countrymen
had been wandering about the city seeing the
eights and brought up on Diamond alloy by
the Court House. Chle of them gazed for a
Moment at the tower and then turners to his
comrade and said
'There Jake, that's the thing they hung Idfs.
Grinder and .ttarsetiall and Irecke one' ; ,
AVe left them still •regardiug the We-to:Vie
_ •
(yhdreh, of
Feetivist.—The First Disciples
Allegheny Elty,w ill hold a brand faierr of end fes •
treat tit Excelsior Hall, on o
neck and e treets, in . .our sister
. tity.
Extensive p r e p
ar ations .p p has e l 6 ;c c e h n urc mtde a bz
the ladles con.natpiltonh tii
li t e of Din most 'enter
(t'arigntghl'ulUratirentible charucter, The pro.
ceeds will be usesl e., :n de.fay:
l i s d e l l n fas e e4 .
incuxred by p
new chnrohithwrtich tas not yet been eolaples
Carsonand John Bothwell,
whose arrest or gross di hearing sorderly
before cond Mayor
t we
noticed ye
ster f day
liflCarthy yesterday afternoon. The hearing
resulted In Carson being fined 00 and Beth
w ell 0,
Tonna Montgomery.' the Waft Mu g -ton
Wm. Montgomery. the youth who was asses
elated with Fogler in the murder of - Dinsmore,
at Washington, seems to have found things not
quite so unpleasant as they might have,beee
on the occasion of his refers from his brief
trip to Wellsburg. lie found the most am pie
measures in force to secure his acquittal. if
brought to trial, unit if reports are true. the
most earnest efforts are being made to do away
with the necessity for an acquittal by pre
a trial entirely. When he entered the
Jail he did so leaning on his father's are, We
are informed that the pecple of Washington
are indignant ut the manner in which the For.
oner'slnquest in the case was conducted, de
claring that It was a mere farce, being ar
ranged with the evident intention of screen.
Ingliontgomery from the consequences of his
share In tne guilt. It is predicted at Washing
ton that he will never. De bz ought to trial.
We learn that floe. William Montgomery,
father of the accused, has retained for the de
fence of his son, in case of his trial, every law.
yer in
, the place excepting liarvey .5. Van
Eirk, Lsq• it is evident that no effort will be
spared to effect the release of young Mont
gomery. Ms extreme youth will co-operate
in his favor.
, Washington rumor sfates that a friend of
the accused„having knowledge of his wherea
bouts, went , to Wellsburg; in advance of the
°Means for the purpose of warning him to
make no confession. Fogler, in his confession,
states that lie did the shooting, - while "Babe"
Montgomery did the stubbing.
Low Priced and Good—The Emerson'
To meet the wane; of the great, number of
persons who desire to possess a piano, but do
not feel able to go t 9 the expense of the costli
est make, and yet - would have only a good
substaitlal one, we hive made a most careful
examination of, all the lowest priced pianos
made in the United States. The result of this
examination is that we have found those
made by W. P. Emerson, to be the best pianos
for the price, and the cheapest good pianos
that use made. they are most substantially
built, on the roundest acoustic rorinclpals;_the
wood is the best quality pronerly seAsonesis
the tone rich and pewertxl.and the to uc h easy
and elastic; each one is provided with the the
full iron frame, and overstrung bass. They
stand well In tune and wear well in every pars
ticular; this we know from actual experience.
Thefillierence in price between the Emerson
Plano, and the more - costly makes, is caused
by the most rigid economy in the manufac
ture consistent o with excellence, and
by a saving f labor on those parts,
which neither effect the tone or durability.
W‘Tdo not pretend that the "Emerson ^ is the
lowest priced pio made; many can be bought
at a l g eas price. an Such pianos.we do not keep,
havin found by our own and others experi
ence that Deltic ,o poorly' made they soon glee
way,lose their tone, become harsh and dis
burdant are , and a
cons give no sati,faet ion to the oaner,
t tant source of expense and an
noyance. A plans of this kind 14 .1. bud in
vestment. and really the dearest piano any
one clan buy. We do not and will not keep
them for sale. Finding the "Emerson" such a
desirable piano, we at once secured the excite
lsiVe agency for them for Pittsburgh and sari
rounding 'country, and having made special'?
contracts for a regular weeklyptionly for a
long time' to come, wo can offer' t
iler at
usually advntageous rates. All sons
airing the best cheap piano in the market,
should ot fall to examine the "Emerson . be
fore pur u chasing any Other kind. Liberal dis
count to clergymen, teadhers and cash cusses
mers. Charles V. lido
& Co., 51 Wood street,
Pittsburgh. • •xwr
P. T. Barnum" Lecture.
The great American advertiser, and withal
the greatest humbug of the worfil, P. T. Bar
num, Esq.. will arrive in our city to-day and
will lecture to-morrow erellirip: at tfic Accede.
my of Music, under the auspices of the Young
!dents Mercantile Library lisseciatlnn. Mr.
Barnum Is one of the most peculiarly org
iced individuals that our country. has ever
produced. lie possesses wisdom; talent,judg
ment and precaution. Lie can build a fortune
in a day, and no matter how often he may be
hurled from the:top round ut the ladder he
soon again finds hLs nay back to his exalted
position. Ile believes in advertising, and Is
honorable enough to credit a largo shale of
his success to the liberal rise of printers' llrr.
Be is a capital lecturer and doubtless will be
greeted by nu overwhelming audience.
A MaHelot. 'tumor.
We published, several days ego, n street
rumor to the effect that a msg. ease was
soon to be brought to light, in which (a well
known professor was involved. We have
taken the pains to investigate p
thoroughly, and have now the pof
statlng that the rumor did great injustice to
the gentleman concerned. IL was stated by
his personal enemies, and was false from inn
ginning to end. We make the contradiction
cheerfully, believing that great injustice was
done by our,ltem, giving publielts to a rumor
which had no foundation whatever.
Inmates of the Jnll: Thereat c at. present
In the county Pill. one hundred and twenty
nine prlsonsrs. Of these one hundred and six
are males, and twenty.threu females. i mety.
aix tire court prisons. Of these eihty-six
are Males, and ten tem er alisi. There are g twenty
male ragrit.its and thirteen females—thirty
three "vags" Ili all.
Comnsltted.—A hearing was had yesterday
before Mayor McCarthy, lu the Oases of Michael
Prendergast and IV m. Smith, the men who so
desperately resisted the °dicers who took them
from Becht°le , s saloon ouMonday. mith
was discharged, and Prendergast, in default
of 4 , 15 to pay his tine Was sent to-Jail for thirty
'Votes nt thelnalf .—The following is the
result of the voting__ yesterdaV , fOr the.
aplenthil set of harness offered by the Ply
mouth Church Fair to the hose company corn•
mending the highest numoer of votes: Alle
ghenv.l7l; Eagle. %; Neptune, 11; Columbia,
10; Duquesne, 9; Hope, 4; Igilant, 2.
A. little Fire.—Lwt.eTening at abon XLIvo
o'clock an alarm sounded from, box No. IL
Tho alarm wag occasioned by the burning of
the chimney of Hayes' tOIMCCO ware 1101166 on
Liberty street. The root of the building cadeht
and was slightly burned, hut was extinguished
before and serious damage hall been done.
Cheap Dry itowts.—The attention of our
raiders is directed to the card of Mr. 11.
Lynch, the weliknosen dry goods deale
ta Market street. Ile offers for bale at Dia
cheapest prices, all the latest awl most fabb
lonable styles of dry goods and general ear
th materials.
Gave Batt.—l.W. W. Marvin was before J us-
Lice Lippert yesterday, charged xvith the Ins
ceny of nn overcoat froth the residence of
Michael lioderer, on Bluff street, in Pat
township. After a hearing he entered ball
for lila appearance at Court.
N Long Wool Shawl.. broche shawls. and
all kinds of dress woods, said at auction prices,
W.'S. A. McCielland's unction saiin at
prices as ehts cheap as in IS6O. iteincbere4roorns,
Plata, Sea. 55 and 57 Ylftit street.
Country merchants in selecting .your
stocks for tee holidays, do not fall calling , at
McClelland's -auction i - ooms, Nos. 53 and 5:
Fifth street. Great, bargains are Offered in all
lints of goods.
skating Boots nod shoat,—T. A. McClel
land, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth street, has on hand
a large amortmcnt Of heavy. hoots and shoes,
which are Just the thing for skating wear.
Wooled Good• of every style and desct
thou, for sale' T. A. 3.lcCleiland's, and 57
Fifth street, at less prices. than they tarthe
purchased tor west of tbo mountains.
Hoods, Scarfs and tibias beautiful Mid
elegant, of all styles and hand . made can be
obtained at anetion?rices A. WelelliumVs
salmi rooms, 55 and or Fifth street.
Boy an Enbrella at the to priced esta
lishment of T. A. McClelland. M and 57 estate
street, where all goods are. sold at less than
eastern auction rates.
Woolen !inlets and Droners can a ers
best materials,et unction prices,be
tamed at T. 1. neCtelland,s, Nos. 55 and 57
Chrfilmes Presents of a sensible charge.
ter can .be purchased at the cheap sales-rooms
Of T. A. ItteCielbutd. Nos. 53 and 57 Fifth street.
Tuesdair .
man., 11111. 1 eq, st gae ppsrests. V 7 We ltee. J. _rep , - w ll.
ut Pitts
barsh. :go etr.ll.
YICLArIiNLNOn Tuesd: PereMlu r 1
lith.. 6F.Dall E. youngest tl.-.ltt /1.. d
'Catherine McLaughlin. aged three years and one
m nath. . 1
The (anent will take place Ire. , the patents . re,
'donee. No. 111 Webster•streeti near Congeals.
TO-1.1" ILL two o'elo , k. The frlehdli of the family
are Invited to attend. ' .. ' .
I'ETERSON—On Tuesday morninx, Lk e. Tuber U.
at sii o'clock, W11.1.1Y, youngest sun of L. Ceter
a en• Jr.
The friends of the family are re;yertfully tarp.,
.from to t
attend lie residence er u e r' cl i litrela s a
father,v'' r- e .. O ' r 'c' n ' e ' r * o
t f
: (71:a . s ° l . 7 - 3 tt.
end rre4 , .'"'"'"'
TJ BOAP IllAliElig.
For We by
beautiful "God' e•ucle,r. the tallest aubutbait -
plaza of sepulchre. et...Pt On ja,„_.,_.eutttt7. • alt.
usted blew lielphton meet.
Allegheuv. roc burial lota, penult, orttilea . ,Qalt
at central Drag Pt.< of eleUt. a CU\ XLT,
elteny City.
MAN Tomtit street, ritU141117111 . .. 0071Trte of
all kinds, CRAPES, hild.)VlCh.ind ever , dmeriptaral •
of Funeral In .r . 'atMtag texas femme. ..lei l t
owitlT Dwe It c : s o.. Bum. t
W. JACODUII, 11. D., Thomas twusg. Jambi{
littler. tea.
No. 1988 ottithtlebiNt., cos. 7th,
CEstrAnes tromSATisith StreGt..)
PITTE/1E11171 71 .C 1-33 ..
A¢ MT ,
I.r.sec wir. PA.
R . T. WHITE & Cay
ldancbester, *odd., Ran and Tian:lM.
Varna, ad BUM*Id and Martian WWI.
tans and Carriage , famished.
Wylie Si., 3d door from UM
xirt 13EE
The Wonderfial
Jeweli-V store,
IsTo. se "Pisa:" istroot,
Win deliver the Fifth Lecture of the course.
On Thursday Evening, Dee, 13th.
- Success in Life; Or, 'The Art o
Getting noney."
Mug's tickets. 50 cents.. Reserved seats 95 o
extra. Sests• does be seemed st .:al
Haste on Tt/UitSDAY 31011N1,140,the
Dee.Acad s
13th. x
Veto - .
No one person can secure mote thin I.2sests.
OnO holders of Peor.,nette CI:I:ea? RUI please 9.
d AS, 210ROA.ts, I Whi..P. /161111ERT.
BE , J. JEs NINO'S, 0. P. 130stIFE.
ssILLR.R.. • Committee.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
C111113'172710/4 X.03123Zi1e
emceerticuar. nitntlos elven
, Clocks end JemoliT. All warm:n
$41::011.C 1 E 1 .3 r
" - N2 , i7' 30 Ma 14. "S"
Gents; _
ELEG bETS. In tarloosoottlogo:'
NILVER srooNs.fITASES, URNS: • — Q.-,
No. 112 Fenernl.lsl., Allegheny.
n07f , :0t , 3
uttuuk...r.w. ANDEZZOX
ly owned by Mem. NINO, PENN OC it & CU., • e
respectfully Inform the public that we tau continua
the manufacture of •
!Meetings, Cotton Yarns, Carpe
Chains,.Candle Wick
an Batting.
Orders may be left at the Mee or the Works,
- - OE A.T THE
Corner of Duquesne Way and Barker's Alley,
Pittisslourgki., Pes.
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A large Istortiaent of
Chandeliers 'aitd.Brackets, Lead
ripe. - Pumpe, Sheet Lead, *e.,
' I
164 Wood Street, near Sixth.
S 9 s 9 S 9 89 89 S 9 S 9 89 S 9 'B9
s 9 ; 89 MARKET STREET. 2 39 1
i ssirt. 0 33 3EE el
.S 9 Market Street, ISA
• AND Orr YOUI3.
89' ffift
89 BOOTS, SIIOBS,' , &O, .4-
t s 9
IS9 ISQ AUCTKIN °opus Jusrr. • 89
JAMES ROBB, 89 Market St.
189 89 8.9, 89 89 19 €I9J
C CIAIL e. aturt..tiLs. TB. LWAXN. •We L. arraLza
Baccesaa ' re to IV4I3IELLNI(.IBAgIt.
No. 12 St.tlair Street, Pittsburgh,
Pianos, 4Yrgans,
• .
afirSole Agents far the Crleb•ated BRADBURY,
Nese Yore, and Set-WRACK-ER & CO.. Philadel
phia, ' , JAN.& -. •
Also. ESTEY 2 Ci.).°B .COTTAGE,V and S. D.
TE r e best Italian and Gorman
. 91011 m and Guitar
Strings slaver) on hand not7o=
ctint,Tv Iles purchased the interest of
JulIN HALL. to the firm of JOHN HALL & CO.
Thuname and style of the Arm will be JO tiN HALL
A CO.. as heretofore.
arr.rnen. WOOLS JAULS J. agowsfs.
1 - 21 and 1513 Liberty Street, Plataburigtas
JOHN HALL & CO.. . •
Idannfletarers of -all varieties of -Nort
hern sad
Southern PLOWIS, UN lON . RoNFREis, Übluir
ILLY !tali ES,CULTIVATOUS, &a.. and dealers
AGRI,ULTURAL 1411.1.811 a NTS of all de
erlpll one.
rtirentinnd. Dm I. fate - deny=
puor. 111OUBOCIL -
And Teacher of Vocal -Music.
I n oon," A ND 1 U •
Practical Furniture Mainifacturtts,
Latest styles of FIIRNITIIIII coast...llr est bast
1:101H1p11 nattsus: t
Btx good. wood W1M1TC . 116i1 , 31:9; )cvd. reextve
sod will be sold ebesp; one good Mil yrici Liony
one goon WuILK HARE. guarenteto to be mooln
and goal workers. Call at
20d rissigtlCCS
No. I I lilt otipt
125713 E
.d 31u ales] Goole gentrally
co . az spoz-x^v
Etosv, & •co,