_ . -H• MERTZI Baldier. and Broker,' _lB•Woed St., near corner of Fifth. . , sp deaerlpticals of Government Bondi Doughy. and sold on llberalletml. London and Coauneatsl Exchange sold at "tow Tort rates. Gold. Bllirer and Colltl3ll bought at highest mum. sad Gold Drafts nen on Newl-orlc. FINANCE AND .TRADE, Wawa up one Plrreatraai Gswarrs; I . Moamar, .Decelnber 10,1888. § The ' Nov Took Mpcir quotations' ttklajt, am reported. br Robinson, McClean & Co., were as follows : Gold, 114%; 0-20 , 8 .o1:1, - 101, , ,i; do Tdi_lo6% tias, neg.: WM 1-30 s, • drat. aeries .24. and 2Al,' 105}§. - -..lllglMitaT goldlUtrlTlL 8» 'Mit Clare land & Pltteburgh, 894; Pittsburgh, Fort .Waine &Chicago,. PM; Erie, 7G§; , Western Colon Telegraph C O -4 6 %; Chlcago & .tiorth western, 51%; Readliar • -The followittgetatenient exhibits the busi ness of the Pittsburgh Clearing Rouse for the week closing on Saturlay,Decentber Bth: ' , - Paellalures. . - llalance3. December 3 4164:01 55 $r20...2 2 December 41:.,(......, 434,9 as 110 101,111 M December 6 ...... .....403,151 - Fc 74,3 M R 1 December 0...... , .... 4A510 11/ 30,6•11 11 December 7 335,188 72 03;r:4 19 December 8_ 278,05 t 13 • 45,305 % Total 55,:01,654 m itic,ort 04 • —The amount of currency interest to be din ' burled On rita atter Saturday next, December a+y on the Seecnid series of _tine Cnlted States Screen Thirty per cent. notes Is about ten and a half millions. say 5.65 per cent on W110,0t0,000 Dirthgthnity asoopoopoot Ot this iteriewol notes now Outstanding. Of this earn of; Sle,Soo,ooo, less than OniAllird roll nrobsbl y bedishursed ' directly' by theAreattlry. .c.Mcif In New 'York. The•national bar& - depositories of: t be. treas. my threogliout ;the 'counts y are - aridity di rected to pay the haven-Thirty per.cent con pens wheneVer presented, charging'_ ult lite amount paid to the TreasnryAt. irtualtingtOn. This is a great convenience to the holders Of - • A Seven Thirty per cents remote Irmo the C /antic cities. The next currency Interest 'payttlenta wUt Lc en the /DU of January, ou . about. 5110,000,000 Originally 4...14t00,000) of the • third series cif 'S7:3O par cents now *Malawi' —The amendment to thticurrency act, Intr.. ... — doced Into the Senate by 111r.tititthrlier, and Made the srpeclal order for the . third Tuesday • in,Deeember, UDC, enacts—. That sectionti of the act to nth ith this Is an • amendment is hereby so amended or to au• thortze. the issue of e1e0,000,000. of notes for • circulation in addition to 11841.741,006,000 pro* Tided for in mid section secured the addl. Maud eloOnoutou shall be In all re 'peels and under the instructions • aid pro. olaloas of the act hereby autended; Prooded, That not more than 45,0c0,ue0 of Om e 10 0 .06 6 .000 of add or notes for circulation shall.b.3 issued or delivered to banks, by the Comp troller of the currency, within - six Menthe from the passage of this and that thereafter not more than e 2,000,030 of notes for circutre. tlon shall be issued during any ono mouth. •Trtietworthy• advices from Washlngton • state that Congress is not disposed to innate the currency much further in the form of bank cireniation: In view of the steady re auction of legal-tenders, it is justly regarded so ilk dangerous r ed e e me d ncrease toe volume Of. currency to be ln greenbacks. It Is apparent in Washington as in all the com mercial cities that the national banks are now as n whole, barely able to keep up this restive of lawful moneY ithoti the existing liabilities. Of the propriety of withdrawal of the legal tenders by cancelation or conversion into A gold•beattng debt ume can be no gees ' lion. .They were. it; desperate remedy for a dangerous disease tad cannot' be 'too goon taken out of ciroulatlon.—N. Yo Tribune. —lt is announced thatrtwenty.two. banks to Wisconsin are about to close theiribusiness. They are the following—namely: the Bank , of Appleton, the Bank of load do Lae, the Be mis Savings Bank, the- Dodge County Bank; Bail Brothers , Bank, the Koslikonong Bank, the Ideecantile Bank, the Oeonto Bank, Os borne,e Bank, the Portage Connty Bank, the. Southern Bank. the Winnebago County Bank. the Merchants' Bank, the Bank of Portage the Wisconsin Valley Bank, the fleadaburg Bank, the Bank of Allban.v, the Wankesha County' Bank, - the Bank of Eau Claire, the . Bank of Beaver Dam, the Tradesman Bank, and the Warm= ilank. The nookCoinp• froller , s report tor December 1.10c0, - shows no great change in the condition of the State Lao ks. About 460.090 in on outstanding ell. euls,Qon, owned by &bent lifty banks, which will be. redeemed at- imrtm presentation of assume, forty banks have exchangedtheir. - state stooks for United States stocks'. The twenty-two Danks above named will pay an 'average of ;5 emas on the dollar on out. standing circulation. Vie highest pad by any one is $OO on the dollar. PITIMBIIILGLU MIAIIKTES. 071=1107 Tan Piriettriurtt GitritTrE, Isle:roar. Dec.lo, 1€66. • The week does not open very auspiciously for business, if to-day can be taken as a fair criterion; and, indeed, many of our business men despair of (any improvement until alter the approaching holidays have passed. The • arrrivals at Flour, (train, and produce gene rally, have commenced to dlwinlah, and while stocks are comparatively light, the sup. ply, nevertherless, lain excess of the demand. which is restricted to supplying the SUMO diate wants of the local trade. There la an entire absence of anything like a speculative feeling, the' experience of the past -two or three n.outhe having a very wholesome ten. dencylo squelch anything of, that kind. and we have no hesitation in saying that the busi ness of this place Is now conducted on a legi timate foundation, though. it Is true, me -. volume of trace is very light. GILIWN-Wheat is dull and neglected, and as thereat'e no sales to report, It is impossi ble regive accurate quotations, and the same remarks will apply to .Corn and Barley. Oats dull...and unchanged-wedeman d . at to SO, on track. Itye is In fair t 41,13 to . 1111,M, though, It . Is held generally „at 41.4. to Si itOBIL . --There Is. no improvement to note in the demand, and while tiro market Is dull and inwlected. prices are nominally unabang ed-$11491.0 gig tor goring Wheat:l/3 to .1 7 , 50 for Winter • Wheat; and 414 14- for Meer branda.• Bye Flour is a shade lower, being quoted at SS% per bbl„while _Buckwheat re mains unchanged at ge .1 Per WWI • PILOY/SIONs-flacon is dull, and prices are nasal:W. I.ard is -dull-may be, quoted at 13 to 'Eli,' for. new kettle . ren - tiered, In tierces. There Isnrit enough doing In bless Port' to establish quotations. Dressed Hogs may be quotectat 7to 714 - • , - APPLE:--Continue to arrive pretty 'freely, bat .with IMMO lnqtlll7lor. ° Sitipment and a fair home ' demand, prices are Maintained, rranging ;rods. to n per bbl, as tOuitl -I.IOTATOES-:la good demand, and the mar hellsOm at toll% prices. We quote prime Peach Blows, In store, at 41 per h, bus and as • per bid. • BUTTEIC-Altt' ntinues lull. wills a supply coasts:lase/lila excess of the demand, Mono prim prices e remain unchanged at gi to he, for fair to 8011. Blatill-Staadv. With regular sales at 35 to 3.3 for limed, awl 37 to ZS for fresh packed. CHEEII.E.-.We can report' lileiof 10 borrir. Western Reserve at LIN, and 17 looses Fat:Wry er. 17. ' tioshen is quoted et 10 to -- 9c, and linen D - - fl a r-11.11. 17. ..ed I. In . steatlY demand at 13 to 13,11). Ttmolhy Seed ls dull at while Clime' • geed to qnoted grin at 47,reig8. DRIED run—Sales of 1. bids Apples at I 6like SO at 10, and bbls Poaches (guar. UN' 1 4.41111 Ted are quoted at/g. itx.4 1 , 13 -Etrizi and prime Navy soil readily , Arlib a supplilarge Ly la tcoz. 7 .. Luis demand. We now quote at . RAF-Prime bided Ilay. In "pod demand enillllllllted etipply• ' s4;t3 -the be quoted at CV to outside n - • PerEWIEVRE III irrnimaya SIARELET. Ondek ww.. vas PrITOIIII4Ii . .0.1.075 DAT. PeC4ll4bOr SO. .1 U • CRDE—The change Inn the , athiospliere halo tendency 10. stiffentite etud„,... mark . o . to-day, sod with a prospect t or havigatteu be ing Impeded very anon, If not pended,holders were not ris;aurious to re„au e as they were last week. -";It should be hornet. Mind however, that aside from this, theca really nothing ma:Which td Mtet' firmer feel ing, - the intelligence from the east as well a, trom Ens Ope, indicatingplo impiovement,and the supply almost everywhere seems to be • largely. In excess of. the demand. lye' now, quote at Bto In balk according to gravity, with buyers at - notb prim," and soma holders are asking fle. We have but a single sale to report, six hundred barrels, on eastern ac count, at IPA free on board cars. With the exception al the fact; that there is . a little antler feeling, apparently, and less oil offer ing, the market has undergone. DO Material . change office Saturday. •• " - ' REFINED—The inark - et for bonded oil, al , thoughtlevel dof excitement or buoyancy,was - apparel:Wye, shade firmer to-day, and coin. pared with last week, there was rather more ing,piry. We can report sales of loon blds, on the spat, In Phliallelphlr, at Di; Iron for Feb rears, delivery, at V. free on board ears here, and Pato bids. in two lots of one thousand bar rels, each' standard white; at Me, for Imme diate delivery-In Philadelphia. There la souls little Inquiry for small lots of free 011. Cud standard brands are selling , in lo to je barrel lots at CZ to M. - ARRIVALS--The following arrive d-5 were re ported today; Loekart dt Frew. MOOI Fisher &Bre - MD Jas. Wilkins - - Gallagher It. Son... WO I I Total • • 714 • Nl:Louis Eirket Sr. Loin", December ]e.—Tobacco quiet an ,1 uncbanged. Cotten dull and lower a t TWA; Flour In better inquiry; superfine, 4;;402,4 !angle extra, aff,74i110.50; double extra 1.1.(, - 40 13,2 b Wheat .droir $3,50/01.0 for prime rail; let,ver, for choice. - Corn to In higher; &MOO° for new; 11164:960 for - old. Oats Wither L.s6 &ma. Mesa Pork: .204 git Clear sides. • IOrADI Lard dull at latic: Cboloo ke whisky nuseb thml at, . buyers demand /once -figures. /fogad:um= at 4040. . = De csinolas, December lc—Grain in good de nsand,at higher prices. White Wheat. 113,10til ited Wheat 43063,10. Sales of now (Awn ha shipping order, at ineMe. Oats, 557,We.. Weight Rye. SI,Z6IIM. liecelots or. Corn axe bushels. Flour .steadys chicago eau*, nagre,co. Groceries neglected and droop. Mg. Seeds Madan; closed at A25a5,50. pro. visions very.dull. Cut Meats nominal.' Whit. gY Steady. BY TELT.GitaPs.', Eh; a neinl -natters "lane w` To rk. .IFsw Dceemtler 10,-Money leTrill:liar easy, at 566. literhug vary quicf, at 1;44'4_ Gold lower, opening at 147 k, adVanclug to 121%, and cl ueingl at l= l 4. Govoin mints de-, dining. Stocks steady; Hock Island, at 101 1 /.; Gold, at 137 1 ,4; illorelapti Pitts t baron, 86);„; Beading,loTh Erie, ,^2;fg.ly. T... 4 45%;; 5.4-Vs plums, '133, new, 10SX. - Era= . • .. • ... Money market easy at the MOM, a& 4 47 per cent. on call. The gold market was tower later In the dab and tafaled at I2IY, cash; Gold loaned at - 14 0 -gur.fpor cent: at imetime; hot 'aftenrards done liat..Foreign Exchange quiet at /unialtiOli tor piles bankers bill, at sixty days. and 1041111 e% for short sight. Govern ment .Securittes dull and lower la closing prices, Registered 11, 101p,- - X41040,;; Coupons N41,1121ia11.,76 VIM reglstettills2, 1053ta1 0 5i; 5-20 COurfOres .76'1, 10731°109 . 1.40 codpons '6l, fori , (.G . n.}.%1 coupons '65,1031'010e4,54 , dot 65, Mr, *army and July,l 1 ~riellel . .,. 10.40 s 'teetered 90%171100; do coupons.tolaelouti . . 0 Stock market was 150:011/t at the las i:men board, and remained so slier call. In thelower hall there has been a better demand for stocks generally, to-day, at short interest. 'The outstanding is large =Min good borrow ing demand.for Ronk Island and Northwest ern preferred. The following were the elm. Ing prices: Ohio and: Minsiseppl Certificate!, mte.o3o; Western Union Telegraph, 47146473,4 nisi York 'Central, 111 1 );,011114; Eric, 72‘,4472';,; godson hirer, 1298111; Iteading, 110 1 ,;41.0,-., ,- ; Michigan Cent rAI, it IlOtil at Jell igen south. era . p 0 .48805,; 'm.o., Con tran. 11,:a11814, Cleve land and Pittsburgh,. teFii,flied-X; Chicago and v0ie,10,),L19!•,611.1i Hoek islaull; lottle101'.4; NortirWestern,s3ll6ll , 4; do preferred, 7:0 „Qin' '• Fort Wayne, itrit,itria - 77:. • - , Petroleum and mining arfairs—A little more activity was manifested in mining shares al the afternoon board, but generally al lower prices. Cariboo, and Smith A Pannice Mere moat active stocks; Benollog Rim, Id; 1 . nited States, 375;_Amerieln,210; Consolidated Greg. ory, .45; New York Gold, to; Corridors, 2770 'Montana, 40; ChM Gll l ~ 40; smith a Parmleo r 070; Burroughs gold, 35; Ayres Mill and Min im., 190. . • flew Yolk Produce 'Zemke t. Naw Yone. Di e. 10.—Cottett unelisligeil ii. TOT.l sc e . l o l fi l e °ll r • r E l x o t l ri l L n t e ai l e i u kitlit g ui de sZ ilrit. i. .; 410611, 0 U. Milleat opcuail ' rm.,' dial and cam" 1 ratner steady, 11 only u moderate business. at er,9o for N 0.11 Milwaukee, and 02.30 for No. 9 do. Corn lOge higher. at 41,10(11, 1 3 Or tlktnd Western In attire and afloat , eloAng' thld al 111,1151,i2,- 4- o•ts I.46oe,tilirtier for Western and Mato, tiggeige_for Luicago and Milwaukee. and 1g 651 e for new 'Oh 10. Fork mar-ming, at 4,9,70 0. Q3l,oofor New, and 510,096 - I\o o for 01. !, closing atigO,So.o am dull.' theesed hogs limner, atilt:969%i f ur Western. Cat Meals quiet, at 14104 for Shoulders, and 114121: for Hams. Lard steady, at i11.'41•4 1 „7e. Sugar ileelining; Mau...47,610c for all kinds. Petroleum doll. i how Orleans Morket. New 0/Meas., Me. 03,—Cotton Uri.; /Ale. o f , 4,000 low Middling at Xiti'l . e; middling ::u.•; re -1 mints Of 17,100 hales.. Sugar lower; Lit* . . , je... iMole:mos :loner; inferior at 40g, prime 1i..!••.°. , flour in good demand nod higher; Siniertitic t el 1,00, extra 411,95615,59. Corn in fair _ demand but lon em eked 41.10, white 41,14. Oats Min at -0-0.1.- hay UltA:haN/Kti I Ohio giver 41.00. Pork min at igMatie, itaeou—sitoulders Itei. olden,gy...e. Lard lath at 111611174. tit:Mks , unchengeil al 49,10. Tobacco—fair, ti0,(943.1 - 40,0 median; mat, 7,00610, 0 0. Gold opened at 1,57%; Dank sterling, 49; New York Lai:hang° at one quarter discount. Laporte of militia io-day 9,100 bale,. • 4 luelonnti Market. CtNtINN 00, DtteCtlibtl: lo.—Flour dull, with a 01111ted demand at $9,5 0 M10, 1 10. Whisky dull and nominal; holders ask 30, but dealers seem to be sopplying themselves now some source which is kept private. It is•suppemal that what is called free whisky, lute been obtaluml at tp.,10. ilogs are light in supply and active In demand, from parties haying sold green meats short, to be delivered on the first, good weather, and prices advanced as 40830; mar ket closest strong at ei1,97,6730; net receipts, o,ooal. Green meats advanced to 0-E6O; shout. dors, 7(67, 0 1; sides tia.rma,t7; gams closing ann. Mess pork Mtn at IS. Lard quiet at Ilia Gold; 1 7 0. _ _ , • " Chiengo Corks(. ell/C.4.00. Dec. 10.—Money active; the-apply on hands at the banks Is rapidly dim iaishing tinder heavy shipments to Sew 'York. Flour dull. Wheat dull, at a:tot() for No. 1, 11.76 , 1 for No. 2. Corn quiet end closes !cleaver; sales of No.l at 7Saali.O, and 77476 e for No..2—closing quiet at Se,. fie for No. 1. Oats dull at MO .4 for No. i:. I'rovisions Inactive. Mess fo eii il 17 , 4015 c tor December and January, and 17' 11 , te for cask. Lard nonsinalatlltex. Dressial Bola nominal at eic. Live Mogi - dull at ra 70 for fair to•cholco lots. Loull.ville literket. -• • fortsmum, Dee.lo.—Salts of 4S Ilhds nt to. bleu°, all low grades, cowl:no!• lugs, at 4,1,75‘g 4,75. Flour—Superfine, aii,..7410,40; No.l at .15,004314.00. ELL'AI wheat 12,4.5. New Coln, In bulk, 55557 e. Oats 55e. Middling Cotton =if,. Bacon nominal. sugar—New Orleans, 12ii.@13if,e. 'New Mess Pork 410.35. Cies, Whisky - 52,17, 'logs firm at ce. Rio Conte, ialr to prime, gs4l`atiSnl eßolee, Milwaukee Market. Flour Quill "awl un 10;angt7-2.,Ki for No. caved Bogs AlliwArtzg, Dec. 10. changed. Wheat quiet; Corn—Eoc for No. .2. 12 I.h to Loge $5,7:14. IMPORTS 1111 RAILROAD prexsuchoo k .ronx %Parke & Caeca° it. It i December 10.-11 bra cheese, C tlahman; 3 cars ; metal, Model; a to; 10 dor {ads, McCullough Smith a cot 2 oars metal. Lewis. Bailey a Dalzell; 1 ear stores, Adams a to; 11 boats i cheese, W It ratterscu; 3 bags auto. Diair a i .Woodo- I ear rye. .1 s Flitch a 00;1 bids cider, , 4 Mehipin; 3 bales 'waste, .I S' George; ICe r! hry, tindi & Dyers a co; ::1 sas rags, rat,- Izmir& Paper Co; C lihls oulous c o nd uust. W 2 1 Steel & Ilro;•1 cars metal, Jas Wood a coo; 1 Car stavft., hal ya &co; 2 ca. barley. ]: D UM LIASI6 bits are; iu lPd . cl 2 ' l i t ' o ' lu n tn e ; ' ,'.loll7ll;: i ; t tY . ; 10 do do,John rorterge.lll; 10 do i 10,5 do, gri LIS. Volgt & 00;3 boxes cliee,e, 2 tubs batter,.l 11 Canheld; 77 boo cheese. I.lltle. Baird a ratio.; 1 car W6aa.l, need & Kidder; 1 do rye. liltelt cock, - 111e1.4 eer, & co; do wheat, litellane & Artjer. - . . eLisCSLARD coo PlTTalit 1101 r 11.411..:010, December 10-203 mks potatoes Peter (;.blase I car wheat, 2 . 0 Liggett; 13 I.lts cheese, John Daub; 1011 boxes starch. Arburli les & co; 10 do do, Haworth, hiclionald it to; li. (10 do, Lew', IleClairel 14 do do..egb ',leer &.a, 3 cars Iron ore, Drown a co; e do do, W 11 Shceul&rger 5; Blau . ; 4 do do, Bryan a Caughey; :1 do do.tisalf, Dirt» & urn 3do do, Ildinght & ect;-:,1 barrels rfd.oll. 1) illy ;-- 1 pc coating, A Garrison a Ix.: 12 lildeo, 0 LUIS talsow, Wu; Floc.. a to; :1; okk rye, Jos Glenn; 1 Ks scales, .1 as .74 hoick a co; 1 car Lego, J J Bender; •I tar staves, Win Hastings. • riTTSJSCOnO, eoI.CMACeI & en:cilia,' 11. n: I)ecetriber 10-4 bile 001(0;, 31 le Ilankin; 0 ' bbls apples. It & A C Duncan; '25 Od tddS. II 11 Moore; X: eke eats. Sturgeon A lint 30 de de, G bbls potatoes. Meaunr, (larder a fl ood;O I.:: sT. c barley - , 1) 11 Galoup; 13 do to, F Shield.; di bld . ll P g iC a t' l ' l4,ll' ;ftfgo" .nd'f ee;! , inaci 1,r;.;0 , 0.,.7.„ Gar, l• ner a on• 100 do do, Culp a Shepard; I cars rye, IV J Meek; 4 pkgs butter, Newcomer, line 4. co; II bps meal, 11 Rea Jr; c bbis bean., Camp. bells Browu. A.L1,11081157 STATION, It:ember 10—I car stares,' at Ilemplitil; I care lumber, Wm Flt -1 Kera; ido do, Malys. a not,in,on• 1:4 box., I Morel', lleymer & Sr"; :;01..b:.; lime, ' Jun Craig; I 10 bbls apples, 7 .p 1.04 produce. John Herbert; Oats. 8 littox & .t . .0:1, 9 tilqz:v, ~..orinn;cal, 1 Stewart it L.atigeubein; ;17 sacks oats, .5 11,- ' ketren. . PITTSBURGH GIS SAVING CO., Office, No, 2 Merchaute Hole!, COR.THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREETF. CiIuN'ICEVILIS: JAMES I. BENNET, President. . , ---- . ROBER - T FINNED, Vice President. ! `ZLL°` ' ll .' llTlt ' 4l7l " Yl ' ll ` :ll ' ' ' zji ` T `e . Second rlovr. ce 1 ROBT, CHRISTY, Sec'y and Treas'r. Z - PHOENIX; dTEA.M BREWERY DIZIECTA.S: JOS. SPLIZCIII JAS. 11 - SAT JAS, T. BENNETT, INT. Tr. CATIOCK. A C SPEER Melt:AY, RoBT. J. M.P. Cime,le..N. • JukiN-W. (MAE.' ANT. v. NIGLET, W. IL. N MICE. ALILST-ERS- •BREWERS • • Office 110116, 9, a. m..to 4p, m., daily. I • OP' CHINA WARM/M1.14E. • • PITTBRH, 1 , 4. RICHARD E. BREED, 110HERT WAR'SON, Han seer. 1..19..115 W. ClATtliAlttr....D. A. 1100211•.:.1Y. T. °AMWAY) X:DLEX 3 CI I I = LT3EIEI., ' FOIST MALT HOUSES: .; No. 100 Wood Sireet.. W. GABILIED - 15; po., wERITAN TRAII3 AND TAB L E AND SiLVER PLAE CUTL TA E BL / . TED Alalsters, Grain & Hop' Dealers, R tu*u bawl. CHINA TEA BETH. . " CHINA DINNER. BETH, • Na. 17 Water Street; sad UIiINA To A i s t, E Y4r tH.Te. t' INA NO.. S And T Penn_ Street ; n t ur S baClll7loN - piTTSBU RCH. PA. .Er n ianl" V tOU g r aVIi s i Bfi r aWrZralellga"t e ./°tl: 4 . s " jp,Vfarg t :Z= e nconmpitt....t...t or everythin; , GREAT 'WESTERN g e ft full terms the same as la th e eit•texu eltles. PLANING MILL, • ---__: A LLEGIGENY CI „ the Court Of Common Mess, No , la n 3.--1 i Tenn, ate. In theinatier of the aoidt, a t..'eentber kirrattWeatern Building end Loa 4 ASsyj:,‘r 9. ellesuctly City for a Charter a. I neortier,,,,,.. of And no., to wit: Isoy.rOth PSG. l'etittua'nie after Wu 11111.00 led to and examined by thy c o „,i , and We old as. art's en and conditions tl.rela forth and contained appearing to be iarrfut and not . injurious to the community. It la ordered and et ree , ed that a dd writing be filed In the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pte's. and that notice of esidapplic Von be given as required by law, Ina new Taper printed In the City of Pitta. burgh and county of Allegheny, ter at leaf three weeks, setting forth that an auldlextlett hat heoh.l nrtde to the Court to grant said °real. Western Buillitrig and Loan Association of Allegheny t 'Lys] Charter of Incorporation, and that said charter will ho granted et the next term of the Court at Ommion Pleasoutlesaexcepthos hereto ho lied In proper I Lime.. TOL ReCORD. JACOB U. TVA Li Elt, . Prothonu tsrf perilous Interested .111 please to take notice Or the above order of Court. ' A. %VI CDIIANY: Attorney for IneAnsoetatton CM= ALLEGHENY COUNTY, ss. I : I JI s MO.NVEIE - rrt OF rENNSICLVANIA To the Helm and r eget Hopresentative of J(1111( . WHITE HOUSE, late oi said countyleceaseill i Tonere beret." Cited to be and a • bet Jos.. u. ucv. uegi.t.r -r w ti,:Mr I'. 7. . ' ICO dozen for We by ..id coouly, on or before WEDNES Dili tbt ' ll r • day of December next at sold Et Water , : ni •• ' • " 1 : CHARLES C. EALSLEY, rltSaborgh, then awl here to take out elieri o AdEdltletrallOopu the eatato of said Joni w bite! .1 non " No. '2Ol Liberty el rem. bonse, sterapaara, or elbow cause, If shouldany, why the 1 same should 2... t be granted to Us littlet./C It/ flat. 11 lUDBEEI-CO ATS, 111DING1 - CAPES lacy, orsome other fit person. Panama. Le"' stern. Lteerhalls; alma anterior. Given under On hand, and seal of mace, at Pitts. artipte of Itobbe Coats made Orlilik. a Mil USO 1. b‘trir ' 011 lah:dir°l. November, l' A• •• 1866 , toe n( on hand. e r rholoaal• and retell. at the Hybl/ r er 00 tio . lgolitlrarT JOB, p, tilta.Y. Register. .Li p+t, z; awl tzst. Clair at. J. A ii, rill bt.tra. • Anm4 6 t imiatbis7. yllpui sf stigaerp at tbii Point 'mut tenZt4ii , Lbtl channel by the . . inarka'sast cretz The weather yesterday was se °rms . and COld, With a slight spitting of 100 W aL intervals Use artiealtielnee our last repeal, include the Sager Lake, from Portsmouth, and the I ; o 4 l 3Mbbt...from Cincinnati. The latter boat t, Itzsd - a very good trip ant she wools hare . reached note much sooner had it not been for fog. , The Argosy from (lincizinatt, Is due hereto-day and will leave ,. ' again on Wednes day. The ilsyard, cleared for Parkersburg, On time, with a fair trip. ,The tow-boatallerculc.s and Stella' cleared for "Lonileilich On Snralasc with tows of coal. ThaParmer, tista there boats and throb barges And the latter two beats and seven barges. The Wild Duet: will get elf to-day, providing sne can get her tow mole. The tow-boat A. 5: Baker, owned by our townsman J. Sharp,3leDonald, arrived at New .1 orleans on Saturday lost with one of tile Mg- gest:taws of cOal.that wee ever taken into that tp w o at eyrg. a ,antitfwo rr c e la c s h . c h eesa x a boa n g in all about one hundred am! Ably thowsond b.thels. The Raker left again on Saturday for Louisville, and will doubtless get out wile another tow. . - The Ida Rees. Capt Joe Brown, is up for Cir. chianti, and Louisville, and She Bellevernon, Cup t Da rragb,nmi the Lorena, Cant: Conway. both good beets, are announced, for St. I.ouis. The hate ItoblnSoll, and the Leotildus,Eapt 3i. A. Con, both toot, boats, are np for Nest Orleans. 1 The Silver Cloud, awl New YOU:, left Clatte r anti, for Pittsburgh on Saturday awl the Glen- I dale, arrived at St. Louis on Thursday last. Tile tow boat saw Welsh, whith live barges of Iron in tow eat:oll2e Irons St. LOW, to Pitts burg, was at Cairo on Saturday, and- the Minimum' Ezra l'orter, wore at Evansville Ills: same day also euroute for this city, The Echo got In from Oil City yesterday, and the Peerless cleared for the same point tall, evening. Another day's freezing like that of yesterday ' a doubtless till the Alle gheny river pretty full of floating ice, unit in that event,. navigation will soon no suspen 'ded. At was • reported very geld at Oil CRY vestertlay, awl the. river Wan receding rap- I lie 31ensiiiii, .11(11(F has concluded twin all It eau learn, that the treat Republic, now be. ing builh here, will -molten Uulalled, eclipses r anything in the shape ot .deatnboat on the IVentern Waters. oni Want excepting tine "lair pressure"tow In process °fem.- strnetlen at Madison. 'The A esins is right for once. . . . . . . . The Itinivrt L. Lee Int. tive cloth'. The New oilcans Thor, publisitttn their muse, iii lull tech y tHp, ns It they were the Wernher, 11l imam important committee. The same paper never informs the pudic who is pilot or anal* neer of it ;Ixial.o erliy, some r eporlcrs bud better in- born attain. The Mempllis(.'OlNllK, air/ .sayor—We yester. day heard a stated, Ilist the Magenta has lost stuec mitering the Egg, , s Point and Now ktrienna trade. We presume the sum Is exit ge rated. • Joseph Donn el,craer, nn 411110 and 51 is-issip. pi 0106 , ...,5 caddied by nit old crony named John Lialrit of *709 ill Treasury notes, in Ulu inuatt on *Wed uesday last..— CI ie ov..,:utirveruirr vs. rek SI 1:0,1,1.—It Will he 'recollected by time of unr readers that a number of l he x.t.tinixiat ciwilQrs ref used toitiay What - rage. 00 the ground that Phreve purl, In reality, had 110 wharf, Tile J ustlec the Peace Weehleil them, but the steam boatmen referred tills matter tokhe triet cinirt, and , lII* , honor Judge Jame; Weems, decided ill the sea -going tnell,o later. • Cala. Atolls, ream:seating Ifttusell; as it wea:thy Missisallitlian, from Yaipe, hits been pinylug queer pranks umungtheboatunokatiil w:rchnuls at St. LOW,. A day or 111(1 ago be b.agaill6l, for tile steamer Mexico for 41 I,oun, bort owed 1100 to psy the that Installment., hired a crew, ordered bout stores, leaded her with freight. and was about to sail. for the hell suspicion was aroused and he was stopped - in his Mail career, before he had ' swinitiml anv out, to a large amount, by a ...heck of Ibis being dishonored. Bolls is sup posCll to be crazy. • Tie Louisville Deolocrid is severe. on the ate:Muir l esttuoreland. It sitym—We. under stand I bat somebody interested in the anteil. IDn tan stow, 111111 IYe9rlllolllllllilli on her wheel-houses. was "blowing his bugle" yester day nn the wharf about what we said about that box. If he don't like what we said he can "lump it."—ove fault scared—always at home. Our pwents always taught us never to torn our tatekupnit ally one. 11 e don't run—we can't —too lazy—fight desk We wonder where that hap keeps his graveyard to bury his deal in. STEAMBOATS. FOR CAIRO L MEMPHIS nsl -NET Olt 'A...NO.—The floe Will leave lor the above and all Intervitedlste ports 0U niukcyl,Ay. For fie Laht or psossoe aorly on board or to delo FLAC. S COLLlNtiWualll. Altera.. "MR CAIRO AND ST.g i LOCI.s.—TI c ant steamo. lIMMIMIIIII I .I MEM Wl4l leave for tire at:over-pa all interrardlate ports op TLIEssIJAIr. at 4 r. - for tre:gat Or pass.se. apply op Wulf or to • olra YLACIi CUL.s.IXIi W 001), Agetta. Fon CINCINNATL-S UItDAY PACKET, AT IX 11., PLACE OF TILE QUICKSTEr.—The due passen ger steamer 311,1.11.1tE uAys. u. Dm:ousel, • ,ON. Commander: R.ll. l'OstTitt. Clerk. wilt run As a 1.31.A1: WEE lit 1 PACKET as i.nout cell shot c. , • ' For h eight or posutre ß sieply Cl boui.l or 4 A- , O LIN .. . Jell BASilika. I A--.. FEVANSVILLE. CAI-_. MP. ANIS Fr. 1.t . U1 . 4. The new awl tote:101d pa, sager s.smer lit ELL.h.litlit stiA Capt. Jou% J. DSl.llAnn. . P , BLAon.-TO , It, Clerk. Will leave for ine :,'0 , .. • Ilid 441 luteroo.diate.)arts On Tlild i trelocn r. For (reigns. or passage avid, on board or to rho it.A.U.NEs A I A ge n Fort EA M NS—Tbe EMPHIS d. atenner k"' NEW. ~.r =44, %plea"" KATE 11011INSON... ...... cups. R. 31. Rop e its. Will leave me the alulTe and all intermediate Pdrta. on nATURDAY. at 4 p. m.. posltleely. V‘ l'f ' PC11!.;.".tT1;1T3.7.501i board 40 Cil A R1.T.1 1.1•11., ES. Agents. •4A3lnn . _ FOR CINCINNATI AN Dz a dM i t due Reamer IDA. REVUE co, I. 4. IR,. N. N 11l leaTe .T tne shore ail Intermediate porta, on Tills DAY, at 4 T. n. lot freight or pasge Apply On hoard or to del TLACIL .1 CoLLINISNYUDIi, Agents, PEOPLE"Sdr liwi rat ULAR WEEKI,I P .4:1: ET ire. . twe•u II h. NI. NATI.-11, neer ai..l splendid E.-mart A Itil.l.lY. void. Louis Volute:rut. W. 11. E•eolt, Oren. lent., Plltrburch EVEIII WE Koli I Y. at 12 o'clock v. ' Lea v e s(' lnelo,ll, F 1 illtY at 14 o•epreL. ou 1.0,111. or 10 ; RSV, As. nt. ivnEELima, MALIIIET-E i za i t r PARK EILL.Be BoPAC/S- O:T.-Ih., ev rod. psaseuger•SCAntee BAYARD Le es IfittsboraCapt. lisOnG a Itooni. arlt MONDAY AND llitiliviat,A.•..zit 11 o'clock A. M Leaves l'arkerstotrit 111E8t1Al AND FRIDAY at :o'clock r. v. For frright or psrts,app.r Ward. sststSl . _ 1866. FALL - 1866. We are core extlbltlnt for VALI. TRAI/Pf. net eltenelre atoc► of geo , le We hare ell, Lad Mt plrafure efuffcrlnie toyer pairona, English Brussels and Tapestries, (Hour own Importation, comprbdnr many new MI cnolur I.....Lares never before In this market. DKR %ILION AND lELI El CARPETS AND BUGS, 41% L 110 E CITUTAINY, SCIT sod ElT...at Pager's of Cusick's, Side & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, Choice Styles Notting Cs/tales. I:TA/USD tr. COLLIES Ale,, Fodor and Brown Stout, Corner of .llorinuy Striet ul Onquenne Tay, PVETEBURGHI. PA. • Sash Docks, Blinds and Mouldings MADE TO ORDER. Unfinished work Is at In • dj, house and finished when taken out. Palings, • d.ring. Weather Hoarding, Laths and alltstaat you sawing; ro-sawing and Scroll =as daue wlUi dispatch. • Bozos of all kinds e to order. auZI:IS JOHN HEATH. Z U PERIOIt OAii TANNED, PAT. INT agarrektitit AIM lIIVETEL) LEATIIER DELTOID AND DOSE,' Manufactured at No. 58 SMITHFIELD 5T., 51 HARTLEY. PSEUD & . CO. A . 1., Agents for sex Tort tubber Crum Mtelting. Ray on hand, a superior or 'Aiwa OUR HYDBANT Ihyst, ( 4,t,CiE lIIVETs and , BURS. BELT 11006:e.,t.„ BROOMS. OIL WOB.IIb,CI)XPES.Bce 41:3 , 2-T-1/92 CMCA)I3:t - CMGS= - SQHO OIL WORKS. BUFFO! MEW & CO., R/LNITYACTUILEER OP TR% CEL,EBILLTED,SPERAI LUBDICATOE PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale Oils, HIII 1,1011, TAMS' 011 AND HUI GPM AL.O, Standatd White Burning 011, No. 33 Market.Stree; PITTSBURGH, PA. = BUT AND N CINCINNATTI, 01110 31EsT cANDLE,I, 4c., AT LowE,:r EATEN 340.1.:ca: • WARING &- KING, COII3IIESIOI DRUM I:: Petroleum and its Products; 4 LIP V Q UES.VE w.x.r.sBsai:rx3.E-7ac, ADPltEtkb: .WARPIC, KING & CO.. inTlnsiS • 197 Watlmat HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR, I=l 'WHITE, IMO& 2 , - Co., New Vor E. J.ROBERTS, Agent, so, 1 St. Canic titreet. rittftliurich• Ktep constant lion nand rattan rattan' 00, 1 Dm leltaclllurry 011, Woolen, 31111011. 1 Dark Nair Vat 011: Light Cord Luglna 011,1 hart ear 011, No. I, Lig I. t Col'd It crcrr-Clit- Dark 12,011, Na ?- Una 011, 0...:6:067 W OOLDtil DG E OAL REF:INLNG • 4:)CID7U.CL.INZ OF FITTSBURCH. PENNA. JOHN WAT T ,T Preshient. • -HENRY M. Luba). SeVy and Tremer WOllll,B IN TEMPERANCE STELE No. 2 Duaaesue U ay, tNpr.rtitiopeneoa BILANUrACTETICE/IS 1•1:11.1i IV I - 11TE (,)/I—. iymms Brand—"Luoiler." • EUREKA OIL WORKS, • IiANTPLCTUREUS 0' EUREKaI CARBO.r OIL, The CdebrMed EMMA SPERM LUBRICATING- OILS, and Wbo1( . 121, Ilca`ers In Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils, Lint,. srElt3l, WHAM: 'AN() 1 , 1:11 b. 31 ItlarkeE St., I" t mburgh, Pa., C. C. 2.N.T033.X..."E". t. Call and valuate.: ,4,41., 41 1.1 BET THE HEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, =I • MtnUtac:urtd only arl T. 11. .1 F. PIA" $ c 0.,. I . 1. 4 031.0.12 a. WOl-.17.61, S. Cor.3d and Mai lief Sti., I=l THE LIGHTNING LA:BIP JONEI, CRAWFORD & IOGEL, Agents. TuE MOST POWER r VI. AN I) 11:1 , 10 , 11 , •111.1,1A t•T COAL Ut I, UAS I. IL 111 EVEII Adopted by the S.Gttve ratit t Non air pap aoI . Glna IlIlant: 11111 P. { , ..t^ot I, sit.l a...the wick! , Iv ~ya qui,. so, trlzmatog. ap pllt..l to or.::ourr tali pa. .1.1.1 I. A SI. NUM Of 1.1..1f >A La. API. 'y Vl.tti litrcet. or A...,1'• !loot. if I, alert I. tbrvolae Cot WY. wiIIifTSIAN D., wr Ph.h.o EAGL.E OIL latscwromacicocrillo. WICHTMAN at ANDERSON Rettneri and Dealers In P E, T It 0 L, IT . (NV/CZ. HYAMiI)-Tol: Y. COLLNEIi \ T AND I)l)Ques:4r:,:lCkl. TO OLASSMAKERS. THE sunscitmEtts HAVING tornolctr.) their rranartutt , rot frt'lttttf tiff flont.tatlou nand (luck. at, nun pat par.ol tur• atott a arot qualltv of SAND, re .)r for ot.r it. tit . err.l In CAI: t.t, A t/S„Vr lINt It It , thr riaterti rate 01;00 Fur tot. art Lult o or 45.0 r tu nu, or he Ilellieresi turn, Lifter too.o at tt.tl ntl, unit nazi at 13,50 to, L.l. or. part tea ant .11Trot..t. Ono" at the too, pet It,. oZ, the to fruit till,. loot•re nand, atleptr. er. 1 to the tr to,. oonn La the '‘l4(s4"eit)=Tt. et tg.Tll.lYrPi.t Creek Vast lfeare. ti a , tantr o or ALF:SAM/EU ICING, No. IV) , frog stf.t.t. rittllntrzh. Will be prom ht . :,[1C1:11 , 1 , 1 t o ROBLLY h co. CO-PARTNERSHIP. UNDERSIGNED 11.4 TING pun toned the stook sod losUltinery of tIA. 11:r YILIWEILICK A K.: e!11 I. EM A N 10c . ., uo the 0,1 dsl ofOutoeU7. 1, , e1V41 lonia poroo.l3lup lugs do . ssyle of DARI . I.IE, GIYT.MAN CO., for ILo. manufacture pi' WAliliNe III.• .14 in:111,111AI 61.1.1110.5 ..1 dux At...We:noun and Thousroi lisrper, 4,0 flossel . c 101 l would fusse cuully 1.41011 a eslralle,,lto 01 prtsoance hitherto u THOSIAN HA 1:f•11Z, A. ANZUONY 1;12 I MAN, ADAM ArNS:III.:I.MANN. CHM • F. "HEATII EVOLUTION IN 'l'll WINE TRADE 111."I'lltt. I.NIP FA, STA rEA. —PURI , . CAL )ells 1.1. eIIAmeAtINE, Inucic and prepared a. If done In Fraitec, fount pule Ca.ltos • sl Inc, and taking tltt• piece of Imported Ch•nr "EliTOnderrlgne•l would the attention ot Dealers and Hotel lit epee> to the following letter, which lacy give a correct idta of Coe quality of thtlr Male: • "CONTINI,TAL HUME., PlllLAtter...t. • .t Cu —Uaiol Ilavlng glean your ealtfornt. ell tlntl.t.rno a thorough tesd, we take pleasure In Any log Iti.L 111.111. .1.0 hell Leirrl an wine we have cv er Vie shall a' once place It ors our toll of fa,. 't me. truly Allt.l.c.r At CU.", Call and try oar California Champagne. noel:nib MA:elle 11. A. AU., DO sL , N. Y. ALLEGHENY CITY ELOUILANII WiEJZIX) XeMASTER & ( 10. a O. No. UM Ohio St.. Allegheny Ut=l=Cl • • • - .E.lcrix4-, Vooct CAx - rktaa. cub itsLlsoriVottat andllsu.. N EW ABRIVA LI NEIV AItRIV 0 LI Al package., 'Wu'eren 11:11elne, In hole, 1171 I tlrl quaner bniet; 25 casks new Curren.; ei barrels nnolce Plc lee, In vinegar dramrnew crop Figs: 14/ begs large e lee i'en $n is SIM fresh Coco:L.lS tits, In stern aid to Wire at .No. 141; Sly 11"(euit L. Novo Crop 7,,okkcp The lined Imported; alto, London Laytr,, by the poUild or ln gnaw,' box., eultnua son , Zeellii.Fl Rah!" wholoalo ion retail, at the F.lnlty ry sLore of' IrG Corner Liberty and 113nd.urreis.. LAiID Yobbls. Itztra Refined and rarrnuted Winter btralned, (or eale by CHARLES C. DALSLCY, =1 10.1 WINTER STRAINED LAIID ;Fo O . l 2 L; (lc.t,)strnlaed lard (_/: . i ; 1511110 )1111 tirease; . . I'll re DUck latex ..übrlcatingoll. JAMES UAL'/I EL a hUN, deb . .. hand 70 Watur street. in Bil Ls. ' , Uri:v, in blalders, re v co.", for sale 1* 4; kWh H . g EELLY: runrist. IC Wei 11 • I() HOLI. LINSEED OIL rccelved nd fur asaIy GEUIteE A. ICEI.T.T l'O.. • b.% Wholcaala illnaglata. 01 Wood CU. , . W INDOW SIIA DES —A. now lot of o.w and Ocant.bil r cabana on lireeu, Tall, 01 1.111u1111rounda, Odd and ralaitad borders, a No• 1.7 Alarketatetta. _per= .lfN. It. 11111711a5 1100. WALL It—Of all gragei, for rarloll, t,. Dlulnx Root. atai,!.b. pANEL.PAPEIRS—WaII and Cell, lug Decoration., autict:;te s i ltd m o , a t ltn a. f i u: sale . b' lug et 7 Wood stret. NANUFACTITRKEW: iIIERICIN IRON WORKS. JONES 8c LIMOS, PY2' - T6BVRGrSr It/IrC72CIIIIIIIIB OP AMERICAN AND-. CLAD Bar, Hoop, Sleet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T'ltails,l6 and 20 lbs. to the yard Train Rails, punched and coun ter sunk Boiler, Bridge a'sd Tank Rivets, Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish liars and Bolts; Railroad Car la iteels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Hower and Reaper Bars. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 153 Front Ste, BRANCH HOUSE, • Nos. 22,21 and 26 Myer St., .M:cls CIIICAtiO. ISM SOLO RI 6.,..- =-I t , .-1 = I. V TV, I[EYSTOINE IRON WORKS. lIIITCHISON,GLASS & CO., Alum facturers ur the different clita of Round, Square, Flat and llorse-t.hoo Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, ie., Works, PITT TOWNSII IP, ou itouongaLtels river. °Sec tug Warehouse: No. 14(3 Water Street. KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD , & BLACK, EM=GI nest COM mon, Refined Charcoal Juniata ]loom Iron. MERCHANT RAIL, ROUND and SQUARE IRON I.lool', RAND. T and ANULE IRON. • ROILEIt PLATE, and bit HET lIION. MOWER toll REAPER It Alta CYLINDER and GUARD oR FINOER IRON ,MALI T ItAILM, 2 and 16 the. to tun Tar WRO c GUT CIIAIIO and emu' ES for same. FLAT RAILS, Lunched and Counteraank. COAL SCIMEN IRON. NAILS and SPIRES. Wsrvhoti,„ No. 6s: W.at,r and NO. 6 11..ket Elg4t4 Ward, adJultang Clty (ins l'6l.sborgh. 1112614 FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. .dm.r-aeicr, - Copying; Presses, • Warehouse Trucks, • Bntr,g - ;age Barrows, siigar Ililla , &c. FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO.. 39 MARKET STIMET. piTTsssrluat STEEL STORK ANDERSON, COOK 4 CO., I=l •I.utu:actuturn ut tb nett rained Cast tittl,l 811.1.11.. ;at and t a. won, orfalltlaus. Haw Plata, floe, fort and ancut Cast titeLt. Cast ntoed REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, ,writrr PLOW WiNGX. IS PIUS G AXIL= _ CIUCULADA, Le. Cast aza Common ['lough and Sptine or,e-F, a .2cr . tgn i e u t u a c ta Ross two bum,. ;4 r g tn. FORT PITT FOUNDRY.. CHARLES BAP NEPHEWS MAN It.L.C - flit !SIRS 07 LIEA V .N 1) ALL KISL) Or HLAVY cuerrirreeL rnil i t i gkil " MI . Li. "'l'M' ILKVALUS attended to promptly. AlLt. Letofore, tt ,s best materb.lll Will always be Ctrl a: OA. Youndry. ri at th 41.p0Le,1 of our obt pattern.. we are pre- N)..W AID taraovso Patter.. COO• hod ..r the •Liorrelabort of Mr . EIINIAT. t fn. tuth SAIL I.IACIIINEe at oho., notice. no6:n W. V. WiIINNIC, ...C. F. blanSlt AMU:ILAN MACHINE 11011101 CHARLES F. GRAHAM &CO., gictr.tora 1 , 1•11 I.ItA2IASI .li. Co., Engine Builders and Machinists, Oil Engines, Oil Tools, Arnt Ir VI 11 thing nt-er,cary Ale !Coring OH Well.. ~:lar au. ntlan pant In Fitting up:Sim:ling Hangers, Sc. Ilarlors Arciscs•. n•ar Ft. W.* C. 11. R. =I =32 h. K • Kit /OUR ALLAN M. L. r • ua. VA LLEV STOVE WORKS. ALLEN. M'KEE & °lnc. and Warehouse 301 Liberty S t lopposIL• Smart Sold, Manufactures a groat variety of COOK, PARLOR sad kiATINti STOVES, among which areatie cel e big ted Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking Stoves: also, the Autocrat and Sentinel for coal or MOUti, tad the unrivalled Slav of the Empire. for rsoigi; also, Arches, Orates, tenders Su.. .Kettles, ----- Ii)f.TUOLLA. IILic,IILNE 8. a. S. x.aucticir, 313. 32 unto Stzeet.Aillerb3ll3. ktastotactu.rer et IMPROVED BORING' TOOLS, AND f. PI - STUBBS USED IN SINKING OII. AND SALT. WELLS. Particular attention 'Welted to his Patented nrovements In Jars and Joints, made of Junlatts. U. 3,, and Low Moor Iron, in Standard slam. an d numbered, so that parts can be ordered by main Or tell v etjgt n ,, r ll%.l l l , tu r n o d ,e a s p . tr e lect Itch all times. lung, small tools, &C.,1.6 tiiuse who may wish ropes. Rainer. and machine wet) made to order. Orders by mall promtly attended M. 1 41A1 prepared to grant license. to other manutac ture,e Inc those lawrovementa °unbend terms. Box 17 .tile s Deny P. O. JeW:l7l ---- It. H. EXULT. BIL AL DIALIIOII' 161"233.1E1ia wcoramcia, PI BROTHER & Co., manufacturers of BEST tjUILITI ILK7/NLD OAST BTEEL. ts.v. nu and Octalon, of all itses, Warrants equal to Jury Imported of manutectured In Wm actin try'. 44 . 0f1ee and warehou.a, No. 149 and In Mat. an sad 133 naannd xtraata. Plaxabotall to.l Ira PIITSBITEGH IRON WORK& J. .PAINTER & SONS. MANUTACTUIIIIiIa Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, • fel6:a32 PiTTIIMURGEIi Pat_ IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS . & BURCHITELD Manufaclurcrs of ItEFINED, CHARCOAL, JUNIATA 6 POLiS,H63) 1/3333ESEIT TFLODir. OFFICE AFT. WA1M110067., NO. fie MAIiKET BT. 3.135 aarria......w. D. szia.sa,....a. T. nor.z.x.ta LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. _ _ MLIIIIMMEI• eft opp. ,Y•gi ' 2l47o7olll ,B l T oPi r rili,iii N 4o76l7 90,V:t0, Na 95.WAT&R.STILIL6T Op:stain rittstrurre..P , r. Isiah Wm. aut.LIS I)UQEESNE AN E 1 WEST POINT A. , "IRON FOILIi ES, Pll7.lllolttil6 Moog-Or:ma oracture all classes or 170r/rings, vl,ll eteamPost titmftai. Cran . es, Piston Rat Levers, Pltruna Sawa a lr f n L " , l lg4 ;grit:lV:Lk utrrr m . r ir borin B g ' Oet a for 1111114 1 , :re1/11eniagertIn the boat teas are prcuar..l Mr all radars outrustott to them truth promptness and dispatch. 1)111111 . Y. KAMA At CO. /CE— _ 0. r.senvenliAN Ai, Co. ' PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS . I The ONLY STEAM. LITHOGRATIIIIO IST&B -1.1dilAIENT WI:6T Or THY MOUNTAIhh. Bust. nee. Made, Letter Beads, Bond., Labels. Shut 10re, tbow Cards, I.llploteis, rortratte, lowe Vertßleate;otllepoilu. CUM,: *h.. he. .No 6 14 sad i Tlartl It., rittsbugh. se:1:101 "1/X24l):Meii 4119 al Z4ZA UNION- IRON - MILLS ! REMEMBER THE LITTLE ONES; i --- ViE d SILTITIICTS I liINTH.WARD, PITTSBURGH. The Destitute and Orphan IRON - AND NAIL WORKS i Children of Our Conn- - , A CO,YSOLiDATION r , P Tit}_ ••11 , ' - try's Defenders! roaus- AND - , eye,.”,,,,,,, ..0.• CiT , . ,h w." - I OnMlAtah u/NrraCtrhnnsor GRAND ellAßlTlliit vim i LEwis, BAILEY, DALZELL S'.ll). IRON AND FORGINGS. -111" 1 a NUFACTUREIt , 3 OF AND • BAR, BOILER, - SHEER Special attention Wen 'to the manufacture of ,-- 211411-WITIk. .1 1 -..7.C.P2Z, . NAILS Ni)A 'NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Print-51. Hammered and Rolled Locomo --- the and Car Axles, 33.7-aCtIIiX4S.MT 33.1FLELIV10, RAILROAD CHAIRS, SPLICE BARS. BRIDOE -IRON BOLTS. &C.; LINKS AND BOLTS, I BEAMS, GIRDER IRON; OCTAGONALIIOLLOW WROUGHT IRON FUST.S; T AND ANKLE IRON, SO WAREHOUSE. 9:fp Water and 126 First Strecti; OFFICE. AT THE WORKS, NINTH WARD, PI TTSBUR6 IL OCIS-127 FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND. TANK WOortli:S. CARROLL & SNYDER, lIA:MTACTUIISRS Of TUBULAR, DOUI3LE-PLUED, TUBULAR• FIRE-BOX & CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, 0111 STILLS AND OIL TANKS, . CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSER.s, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON BRIDGES, 'PRISON DOORS AND COAL. SHIITES. 001 C• and Works. corner 'Second, Third Shari. Pogd. Libertyi ire e 1.,: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. KrOrdera .to the above address will be promptly iltittided to. tell:l,i SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMICK & CO I=l BEST REFINED. CAST STEEL !SQUARE, FLAP AID OCTA6OS, OF ALL SIZES. MVLAY, CIRCULAR, IIANO AND CROES CUT SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND BEBI•ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cas . t Spring Sled, • Cast and German Plow Steel . Makin gln the eggregiite 200.00.1Pr0 .ents ned at VW. 000 PLOW WINOS AND MOWER BAILS. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, cal V,..:=',',2 r :T,1"1:::, ,tl"lll, t :gg h ltfgele",,l),: i . SICKLE, EIIOTEL, 110 E, KLEE, FORE. TOE i sl.. •‘ i. “ .6. " .° y . RFC Pft1 " 1 " 1""tin " . CALK AN II !lA...HIKERS' CAST STEAL, ready engaged, and nothing will be :.Dared to mot, CROW-EARS, Ae.,--KA, Ae• , this the Yinest blu.lcal YertlTsT In the United , Stale,— Warehouse i; 83 Water Si g Pittsburg!, _HOW TO OBTAIN TICE ii TS. .--- order. , inag be sent dlre.t to its fact sing the se18:1,1 __.,-_'-_ sgosey.cit At to 4i.,',..1 . 11 is .7. . F ..c,,,,,t letter al onr ORKS, ATLAS V ,OIVRTOX STREET, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, THOMAS N. MILLER, President Tbeee Woe., are among the lartezt and moat corn plate astatine. went In 1114 Was I, and aru now pre pared to Furnish Engines of Every Detrriptioni 'i Boller., Oil Tanks, Sheet Iron VI Railroad Castings Rolling Mirrtatt logo, Engine IL:astlng. !floc hue Gener.l. Castinga, ORDERS SOLICITED. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Strdet, Ninth Ward, orrosiTt: lON I 1 ON DULLY, X2l" 'V ES .131:71.100,131C ROLLING MILL AND BRILGE CASTINGS. IMUISER AND CASTINGS GLNIRILLY. Orders promptly and carxfugy exectt Ltd. (.11Artti ILS ILEASONABLE; EBBERT & 314CKLIND. CRESCENT STEM 'WORKS • .MILLED, BABE d PAULI, QOM re.crAcsvncusor BEST QUALITY EAST STEEL Warranted Equal to •uy In the Marks •Ither Irovorte.l or of Dom 00000 Moo niacin... OPECIAL ATTENTWN PAID TO 7LNY., CAST AS It 191 E STEEL. °thee. 88 Wood Street, Iti ST. CHA ItLES HOTEL BUILD/AU Prrreecnon. Jour MS. O. DuQuEsicE IRON AND STEEL WORKS, HAILIITAN, RAUT & CO., YAICO7ACTGE.IIIB or Iron,' Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. SPRING AND A. B. STEEL, AO, WALUSIVJUEZ No. 77 VcreztoriStiroot, PITTSBURGH. ITEM I= ROSELMILE STOVE WORKS. L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., Manntactorien and Dealers In all &Inds of Cooking, :and Beating Stoves, HOLLOW WARE, Av., 1)f the eery LATEST rArrintris and STYLES. Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, ' PITTSBURGH, PA. MANCIIEBTfiIt. eu31:163 HAr DwA 1 Z E. B. WOLF, JR., & CO., Hardware & Cutlery. Are now curetting large additions to our stock, nhich Is offered to Dealers at .101113•1".111FLINT 1...1=1.103303. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., xnAttilsburgrs.„ MEM LIPPINCOTT & BIKEWELL, No. 118 Water Street. mANurecruntss os PATIOFT 6130 UN YA.TEAT TEMTERED . CIRCULAR. IMLAY, MILL ADD DROSS-CDT Si -AL "VP . Jelll:d119 L W. MOILHOW.... JAB. 11. SAWMILL. O'HARA BOILER WORKS. MORROW & BARNIIILL; atiserACrunsiza Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Agitators, Tanks, Silt Pans, Gasometer*, Wrought Iron Stridges,Sheet Iron Work, ace., CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH. P 4. arIIEPAIDINO DONS PROM ITLY`• ray24:b7i - UTILITY WORKS. MeLF.AN SLATOR, N 0.83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, tux vrAcTosans Of , T AB hey make a spellgyYlB HARDWARE :of Iron Bedstead apJ Yisot Castarsi Porcelain, Bedstead and Pivot Castors; &rm BI te Fastenings: Mops tor Extension Tables, Se. They also mane facture and have constantly on hands Thumb Latches, Spring. hatches, M•Lcan's Window hash 1311pporter, IPLealra Eccentric hash Batton, Utility bhatter and Buttlilqaes. Wind storm Hangings, had IMO. hashOslEals, Sc.. So. .1 A. lIRADLLY... ...W. ?001100 7. /5. 1111AD1.111 NTNA EMOTE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO, maim:scum tntry wales,' Of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES' Annfaiteb t a r th h eceto = sted . 3 6 srlCA t Ho.l3 21AN earlliralig.eurto.) " N mauoraccore ORATES, GRATE FRONTS, Are. Odin and Waftbouee, comer of tkooad and - Woo etre.% Pittsburgh.. ;Aimee On timed street. 't tidy lir e4gisi3AmAqvly4 Presentation Festival, nol 0( tlin 11..111, D 011 , 1:,,lioo! for the Irstrite Ron 1 ,, t0,a , i00 or 011: elllttar. Cr itteen of roe *allors. • AN APPEAL TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. NSW Yuan% October lst 1•06. Ws, th• Oftleers and alanagers of — 'Cite Houle and 1 Sr hour • for the Eat:rattan and Maintenance of the I lestlinte (111 !limn of our crddler, and Sailors, raine•tle solicit the sympathy and co opsration In oar Ythr m l Grand Pressat•ilon Festival, of all who desire with us to fr 9 ”The 11..nne and Schout" enattled to retrial. and care for'. I/ at.edy on,. who 9,19 , 11e1ter and pr tedious 3Irs.GENERAI' CLYBSEn S. GIiANT, President. • • CH Ah. DALY. Arline Ito. •• M 5 i. Gen. J. C. FREMUN r, Is Vise .In, '• RUBS RTFORSTF:R. 541 Vith do. •• 31.11 N S. V0.4111111h. reasurer. • DAVID 1101(T.hcermary. " W Ht LLT Eli, Corresponding heeretary., HERVEY G. I.AW. 31nuager. •• J. J. VAN HALhE.M. do. The lair will open oil theleth Or DECL MEP., and continue Mt° weeks, nt the Pr Idle beall, corner of Broadway :tad 1.5 d street, N• Y. 'I o cond laded ny the tirabd Presentation Festival. to toe held at Cooper Institute. New York, Saturday EventhiL Dcrerober 55 , 1. under the Muskat di reel ion,• Theo- Thomas. On w Melt occa•lon Liilat wittier will be chosen to award $100,(CO, ititNNINT , In such lawful 113311. r 19 C'e3 mar determine. For the tstlt al there veal be Issued 1010.0.071 , :kets at One ear rash and 'Adt.CO. Presents, being one to ea it tie et bolder:- 1,100111 Pnr , F.Nr , T,l ne aWAnttED: Present in Untied maths lin - cub:wk. ....00.100 h plendld Cannery Itml.lenee West A•— ter Co., near N. Y. 12.000 Corner llou•c and Lot, Janialce. Avenue ' K, New York 4.110 lloo,c and Lot. mholnlng above :Lew 11011,0 and Lot In Brook Ira N. Y........,0,110 Carel:l:m.llora , and Gomm. (comp:Mei 2 5 0 Grand flare, (Ms inway 'a) 3,:k0 Lots In Harlem. N. Y., ft. WO ach.. ..... 4,1,00 het 01 Illamonds, litlng, Ear Mews and 1 bCO l'a'd-up Potter of La fe lusuranet (Jr .... 3,00 a 'TAM' Patent Dot Watt r ADliaralas." ' lot H, catnip Lierelitne• 11111 . 9Intlus of General U. h. Grant 1110 1,. nts' One he'd Later Watches Si $lOO.. 0,100 1.:1114,,' one Gn d Later Watches at $155.. I 1•73- Ele.et ul Aral prenetuit ••Etutt_re — hew ing Iffachin• /.10 Sllrt.r.blated eam, ts. at $77, 1,010 lII' Colebratml ••itniplre" Sewing Maculae,. now r.thiniticn at their warectroms. antiwartt 7,303 110 Copies (_tuts. eotlll. be log • cuiunlete Illustrated illstury of Inc War •• 7. 0.11 110141 l'ettella, and Sleore illattOna. • it 4 /4.00 50) Table and sca-pun. and Napkin Rthas, at Sh7.aco lON Call Bella and Plated Fruit Anises. tail 5.10 -1 — the halauce to eunslat of the following a.- ell , . alt: Must,' Instiummils, Pan.' and II Furniture. Writleg La d], s• Doses, \10,1,1 l. ato. Kid Lilo-es, rhotttgralth Asbutnt., eacdpl. tad ringer It•ngs, Gent's oh Chains. LAM. , (101 l Watch Claaloa, Otteratilas • :, Black Walnut Picture I.r nice, Gen uone,r• Yathnonable nil k 'lat.. badles• N11•19a. 'WC Dress Hat., /111e91111 Km hem Cards for Parlor AmuseMent. En gravlnvo and 11.11 r Photographs of Dls• ago kited Personages, Lathes and Lent s biding -Whips, Buffalo Robes, Ladlrs' Silk Furs, p out's Fur Co ran end Glove:, Sc. amounting to 21,223 J. , 7(.74111; f7r r 4 1.1.11rn poicifge. Large amount 0,.1d be sent ,it droll, or b 7 kopress , at the tot In do. do.. 3 , 4 m; tn do. do . $1700; du. ' do., vt ..0 4 .( ; . 1r. 110.; 4'5 CP; PO do. do., $2 20;110 do. do Th & CO., t h e Directors . ; N. H. DAVIS, Agent fur the Home aao GIB Broadway, Is e‘s JOHN IV. PITTOCK, Book-eller, Stationer, and News Dealer: cppostle Pittsburgb. Agent is , Western Dean. syiranta. All orders by mall will receivc prompt attention. YORE CALIFORNIA WINES.' GURNER & • GO., No. 80 Cedar St., New York, Offer for sale these valuable Wines, which are galas Inc . public favor with astonishing rapluily, and whose utsprecvdented and loarlystilcd popularity Is not wittossia merit. They hiVe only to be _fairly tested to rive them Ilse preferenote over all others. As a yo rifler of blood theyexcel all other Wines, and the numerous certincetes which have voinnta rift, been tendered from the most endue= in n l ife, so well as, gentlemen In every pOtitiODln life, are proof etheluslve that these Wines ss , c useful in all t'airs for which tney ore recommended. The following brands arc now offered by no. They comprise all the varieties now grown In the State suitable for Wet WII E, or Ils/C WINF—Isf a light straw color, very delicile and doe fl avored. LAIIET-A supet for wine for table nse. /Oita:LICA-A rich thd na v turally sweet wine, much admixed by ladles, and aluable la the sick Lamber, chamber, as It mat es title wheys and Jellies. It Is a One dessert wine, and well adapted fur Communion. P ggATEL-A light colored, highly aromatic wine. Very similar to the celebr&tml Tokay. PO/LT-Veep red color, floc flavor, and In many res Mete similar to the old wines of Ltdson. • uttArt liltA.SasY-The pore distillation of our wines. - - re INE BITTERS-A very agreeable Mali and S. su remedy fur the diarrhea. Tills Is ore of tl,r must valuable to nbinations of useful and an agreeable beverage that has ever a loteu offered't o the publicsln of bottles were sold throughout the North during thelaat fuoryears. a d tweet er Introduced It has is - tored &welcome to the Invalid table, the sandy and the bscheiolos sideboard. Ladles who have 10.0 strength and appetite, and suffer from thositiog and vertigo; gentle men who "don't feel very well" Just before break= hat or dioner. whose stomachs -Saw out of order and whose. ev Isms arezth rs! erally deranged; mothe weaning cildren and serenity from general debts- Ity: children of sickle nature and sour, dyspeptic constitutions; travelers who haveeweasion to change their water; and all who tire In malarlous districts and are subject to mlasmatsc induct:mes s will tlnd l% one of the most visitable invigorators that Can be - It was need very extensively In LW, with sneh genet al satisfactton that so altering It to the public now ne dram It LIDOCCCESKTY( top ublish any of the moor certitleates that we have received, testifilng .to the very strongest terms tu Its favor. at we can say is to guarsoteo that we will pledge our selves to furnish au artlclerunt &SD nialsuLTS.R. Atte., It has been given to - little children coffering from weakness 411 , 1 weak lungs with most happy effect. line little girl in particular. with pens in her head, loss Of appetite sod d slly waning consumptlt n, on whom all medle•l skitilles been ethanslesi, has been entirely restored. Site began with but a teaspoonful • day• tier appetite and strength rapidly increased and she is now well. S-siett of Price's: rer Bottle. Per booms O 1 CC $ 9 CO M 1 . 2 00 100 L 901 1 "' 12 CO IEI I? CO 12 ea . 0;21 20 CO 'lock %Vine Bitters Clam/ Purl Angelica Iluscatcl Brandy 00:,:m64 Y. J. 11YYJID....W, C.UR/TLIt•...C: A. N. MI MIL WEBS, HOPPER do co" - (Successors to R. R. 'Bulger.) No. 45 Smithfield. St.. Iltuulacturers and Deaterila all lauds of Filla.l=l.l\Tl"lrCriFtWs Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room jets, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, . 'Together with • full artortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture; Constantly on hand and for sale at the Lowe:Net Cisaib. Nix-lac.= pDAVATE DISEASES. DR. YOUNOv(late of Philadelphia./ No. 75 Third creel. treat all desetiptlons of Pri vate trieesses with cops el. dsuccess. Particular attention o s t. t °Byer malorrhoena tai diseases of the Urinary Organs. His treatment for the same being the moat successful - ever employed He gives hopes ova speedy cute to the itellethd. Ladles will find his OrumensgOis tie superior to any other preparation for rumoring obstrOttons to the healthy menstrual good. No. I, One Dollar pe bottle. No. I. which Is Poor degrees stroll •er ' an designed fur obstinate Cafes. Flea D9liafri Pe e. (Mee boursB A. M. to 5 a. H.. r. fO/ P. Y. Address, with stamp, Dm VOUNO. N . 76 Thl.l gin.... l'lttp , mr,h, ••••••Idn.ho. I=l STEPHEN H. OTT, : GS=luz Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver, sIMCD,, BUDD LID STM LFITSB CUTtis, SUPERIOR .SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamps and Visiting Cards., Also, PLATES FOR &URBINO CLUTIIINki. .93 Wood St., cot. Diamond Alley, &iseei DAVID' 'ZOOK tr p O i li t h u non. NE{: PAPER HANGINGS. FOIL PAlLlAMS—lrevicrDesips, 71tb (Rad Dor • ders. IfOlt LlBlLLlLlES—PompeianWerns oia ()range around FOIL Week Patterns oit fled CI.) ground. 'lt CHAMBEILi—Lace - a nd Intl rattail* over dark grnunds. For sale bT W. IiaSHALL. Bois Y . IffpOd Street. J. ISCHOONMABEU, a, SON, PUtsbdrgh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD. BLUE Lzau truovimu IN OIL lON PAW OIL BARREL& - - No. 67 Fourth St rye t, Up Stairs.' 101 l 1;9 pRIVATE DISEASES. Urn= LS 3 3I PENN maxi. sesr For the cure of all Mannino/ . rigilyateltatiM4ta thus two to Soar day., by an CIMUCIY new and We treatment. Adam Seminal Weagnesia and all other diadem or the genital °Tana and their adamiation Cure warnmted or gummy retarded. omen honra-7 to to ra a. .i ad.& It to •.I. .......... . Pari• r - - - MONEY LOAN OFFIEE, N l tat - 011THVIELD CallArte'COnsab of 1113[110, il t gg i taeoed 011 51 1 7 P 2 / 4 NCIVIS,7WAS VMP U r d and • ; IV a 4 l u 'or V r acir a ilr 6s tumor. be aeliveratt e riGut &mut. Not e v ert cum of Ire or rob , dooll of deseriptipiL _tor he at 10 sal grieve. (141{120/4 I‘I4ANY IU. LO WY MANUFACTURERS i'ITTSBURGET, 1221110 RANGES, STINDS AND GRATES. ALL PERSONS PRO NEED NEW (loom RA.Nti are Inv Iced to call and see RUSSELL & CO.'S NEW COOKINE RtN6E, at No. 1.35 I. , beny a11...et, where they will also clad a complete oupply or Jana and common enameled GRATES, COOKING STOVES, PARLOR A !HATING KNEES, Wash House Furuacw-s and 1000.117 Emma. lICS.SEILL.bb' MaAufacuren ertbe celebrate,.. THRIMPII COOK STOVKg. FOR COAL, And Black Oak: for Wood =M EVERSON, - PRESTON et co., P FL ra.rm .• IRON end Uri RAILROADS _ PENNS LVAN 1-t CE.STILAL ItAILIWAIL=2 Nr, nr.bcr ISt b. W.;. Trains arrive tun les.e the Unto. Depot, cores. of Washington and Liberty streets, as toliu•st , AttitlYZ. , - . ar,rstrr. Mall 1 ruin 1:20 a to , Pay Expre”.... /110 a la Phut Line Ihio • u. Wall's No. 1...:. 11:30 h as Wail*. No. 1,.... 6:2d a m Mall TrAin7lu. a ni Briuton NO. 1... 7:50 a ut. Walla N0.t.... . 9:5u a in Wall'uNo. ^ 800 lam 'Cincinnati .7.. v. 10:50a In Johnstown At... 0:20a in, Wail's No. 1.....114.1n a Lt Baltimo o Ex... LtrO p m.nraidoek No. I. ar43 pm Phila. Exams.. 1:147 In , Phtlee, Exisre•ht• 4:10 oin Wall's No. 1.... 2:02 p a. Wall.• No. 4.....1.20:p a Wall'• NO. 4.... 4:00p 0. Wall's No. 5..... GO:.p .0 BraddOck No. 1. 5:500 la. Wail's S.°. a 10:5l aso Wall's No. .5 '•4O p m! Vas: Llm, 10.05 p In Altoona Ascom. , Johnstown Ace. 2;tO p m Iliad Emigrant , t teals ... ". ..•X= p re; • •• • . •Daliv. all ottmrs eancasyri excepted.. The Chorall Trains leave Wall's 1101100 r eiery uuday at 0115 a. to., reaching Pittsburgh at 10.te a. in. Returning leaves PI ttaburgh at 12:50 p. In, and armee at Wall . . Station .02M p. m. The Baltimore Express win arrive whit the 1 . 1111.. ulelphla Express at I:00 p. tu. or Sunday.. sbe new Union Depot Lintel, eccupyt n.r the throe upper stories of the Depot Building, to now open for the abPllclal. accommodation of the traveling cum. muaity. A. capseron• Restaurant is open at att. noun. day and night, BundaY. exo.ptod. ~ NOTICIL - ..1171 Cage Of 1011, the I."n.Sh.nnli B . B. Colinpany will bold thoomeives respousible for •.50- lag bag/r.g. • salt. sail ter an amount not exceed. awe • - W. B. BECKlifiti. Agent, WirgiiiiL - 1866. 1866. TILE PlTTEptilitiki, FT WAYNE & CHICAGO B. N. AND CLEVELAND & errrsuu HUH IL Et Trains arrive and leave at the • Union Depot, no follows: laixtv4 11.111 VII. • Chicago Express 2:53 a m ;Chicago Express 2:3.1 am Cleveland Ex— 2:10 m CIPVO3II , I Ls— 2:3d aea Erie A Yen Ex.. GM • m Chicago Na 10:X5 a la A Whx. 114. 6:15a in' ‘t heeling Ee....11.25 alr 7:10 a n, Chico 0 tx.p! . 1,13 3:50 p m Chlccaagg Mali.-:. .. 1 ••! .7 1 P p ,„‘'.• gu. No .. E. , AWAIr O a:&) Ex . prr 5 . s p ur Wheeling Es. .. 4:75p in 61. & Whx. Ex.. u:s3 pas Depart From . A.llegoeng. Arslve In Allegh..ney. F.llr•tri Acton 9:03 am. Leetsdale Ae , oin :XV ni Leetsdale •• 11:00a N. - .131 . ' tn `• 11.55 •in • 11:50 a m •• 9:55 am Ness Castle " p L e Castle •• 9X5 am - Wellsville ••. p Leetsdale •• 11:15 •et Leetsdale " 4:5.3 p m " •• I:te a m DeIXI . 6:33 pm \. 'trios '•• 2:30 • m ' Br to `‘. 6:15 p m Leetsdale •• 1:10 are Leetsdale .l 10:30 p m " •• 7:00 • m No titles leave .E . 1:13-' a. m. CLICago burgh n Sunday. .Express arrlve. not. F. It. MYEES. General Ticket Agent. pIITSBERGII, LUSIDII3 AND PitaN NATI ILAILEUAD —Pan-Handle Route.-tin W I G idler 110.NDAY, Dseemher 21. 1366, trsha. less Plttsburgn and &rive iterolloora; _ - I.IOVA. ' ARMPL. Fast Line ' I:.X, 11. 1,2. A. Y. val A.. Y. .0:41I•. Mall ... A. Y. Walker'• *tent:Mk:LlA OU. A. Y. %..L. lExprres - 7:111 P. t. W A. ti 131.5 , 5.4en5:11e do 3:15 Y. A. Id A. r. 55. 3 . 1'. Is MCD°"id do MO:"1:1161( .. Erenlng Train. Train . Train. Leaves Plttabdrg. 1:55 A. Y. 7..t)1•. A5r.004d0abu5....10.50 A. Y. 0:33 1. Y.'11:41 r •. Y. Y. 5:00 A. M. A. .• • . 7:.15 Y. at. 7:.ss A. Y. , 7.15 A. " Cnlca 10:00 C. 11. 0:0 31. 8.0 A. It • Terre 110000.11:31 i. Y. 12:1 A. U. 12:31 I. " St. L0U19.... 530.. L. 5:35 P. at. P. sd " 5:13 4. Y. 0:0 0. b. 3.00 ss " Cairo 1 , 13 P. X. 1:90 A. 31. I:13 1). 51.0THEI03I'd• 1.14.1t5. Ticket Agent, Craton Depot, PlLldldstars 11. P. ISCU 5017 . tien , l Ticket Agent, Plruburabs WESTERN PENN . • • BYLVANIAIZAILROADO" ,, ' , ""`Mrk , On and ofter MON 04i.Y.. Ram , liter Trains on vim Western Penns, ITZDia Railroad arrive at and depart from City, as at Iowa: .I,olo . o , 4L l Tl 4 .l . ers u cT „ : , re t ti;f2X;l ,.„ S:7o.l. 10:3J A. X., 12,1 ITlye at . 61101 . psbut.; 7 a:, :I:00, II 00 A... 1., una 4:30, 7: 0. 8:'40 P. x. EMIM=MMI Arrive at Anderson Mtn. el. 6:53, . x. and 2 - . LO. 5:15, Through 'flait kg lea,: Andersonstreet`, at 6:30 A. U. and OAI P. tr.. 11, Blairsville, lnalaaa and later mediate stations. Arrive at AtaLaraon Street at 14:03 at. and 0: P. x...'hoort lllalrarllle, Laalana and Intouneala le nations: • AVMS PO t Dal!, Ordll-naU • PITTSBURGH .6.IVD"z7 ; cONNXI4,IIVII.LE B. crn a n 4 Spafterring Arningement. The areirl ' lrt iT if E A vA_ Y ttrl=t, L M. L o Rou an 4 Water streets, as tutturrs: LC3llla Attire.. Rail to and from UnlontOwn.... 7:CO A. K. G:00 'NV. Erpms, - . 4 ... 100 r. Iv: 4 :11•... Weat Newton Accommodation OM P. Y. 8:11A. riot blo.licejport Amp` 11:C.0 14, Scamd • • ' it - ridToet's • . • acir. Y. 4:45 Y.Y. !fondly Chozeh 'kiln to. and • from West 1100 r. U. euia A. U. tor Tlacti apply to , 'T. ' HIN(I scent. W Pi } u Ul; tinoL CEI3 A -- LLEGHENT - VALLEY EtAILBOAD. CHANGE OF TLEISE. • • On 'and after hiONDAY, IM' wIL Mara and - anise at rlttsbatitnlkr.ol,- , cornen and Canal •troots. a. follow,: Leaves. Aeries, Pint Elskindaltia Acoodual'n.: 4:3)A. EL 1:::00 MCI, to and From Manonlog... 7:10 A. 14. r.:03 P. Y. First Soo& Vs arts Arcom'Cou. me° A. 15. 11:20 A. Al. Second ElaUtolultla ACoonl . n.Ll:3o 7:00 r. EinrAmu, 14 and from Mahon's; .4:ao V. A. n. Second Soda Works AcCom'u.. 6:30 e • 5:24 r. a. Monday Church Train from and to Coda Works. • 1:00 P. ••••• 1000 A. U °MS it. 13LAC hh"eo2i It, dupl. ersArligitips PALT/MOIIIE be LIALTANA ST earn- SHW COMPANY. • ALL". BROWN 4, bONS, General Agehls. FOIL ktAVAN A AND NteW O , LLEANS, CABBY.: INb THY DMITRI) bTATES MAIL. The Tint-UHL. Steamships of tbls tine will esti as follows: "Celli" 3,10 J tons, for New Orleans and Hl ll'ua, eummana, •ot N 1,:.1.)A 1 erember Ulan "LIBBIITI , --I,l:sotons, for New Orlror • via Key West slid Havana: January lismn, tom:nano - er on TiII.IItSDA.Y, l. !from N'S WHARF, FLIIL•S POINT; Lt 2 o'dm,k_ r• Preelnay , on theilays unwonted. Yor freight or passage, haring unsurpaised so commodatlons. apply to HLNHY H. ARFIZiI) i :ri ( en'e A,‘:e ii:ots , • Ntlls of Letting but those or 57 mall ho aligned. Permits for the freight most 55 proton trout this