A at Is at the •ima the 'salient bend secured I t lc i „ s ic ~,,,, it title, ) I'r filtr l Pt , V,1146.4. , V. an elizibly located hall • end fitted it up in '; 4 , -. - i%. (. 14 ef ° ete , :iint style, for a reading room and for -------""-- . ..„- i.l ra , :etings. r ecler the disheartening rrillitillED BY -, . _. oi,, ~...),.... ,1 t.,1 , .! In, 1, ~.ir ot the relit:1110o p 0 is e a ractian , Reed cv.r. 3..0.5 - :,n :on..vonN v.liii - 11 ertliMCO. the hope.F, of i 1 .,,,r, itoditutions than this one-and the AT GAZETTE DUILDT.,:6.. - ' 1• • rver, or a number of the active mem- 1 o Et 1%1. aFs ittlel3. tat-roct. 1,-- - - - ,to the seat ot war,- tile. 1 e. Association IS- 11 . f'""'"" - t Editor', s-- 'T. P. 'WESTON, . wali forted to succumb to the pressure, V a l s " 0 .1 1 iii,.l l ,l t L „, fittoiltitisit .staiwi-„ers. I,lll(4:which the of gam - vigor/ has simply • 'Tacidini • e N llli.3l in form, the allicers minding their naive Cooler 3 e nli,i. triala , as the eipp.ortnnity offered. Many Delivered us erirrOr.li-sr , e , iki ill sent , , of the astir,: mini e. ilia villtable et , - Mei einnwilinerr, in , rleri gin.oo. ~, ,_, . , .. , ~... „ t : the aiitterat reductioes to liner sei,re rurl /Vert!. s '''''' ''''' rug t'''' -"`"-, "" n.. 4!" - ' , , " Sulisfstence Coliiiiiille , ., .i . ntl. ;snob . " ' 4.1 i • • 310NDAN, DEcEmiyEn if ~ •1. , 03. , ; :zuniz , ati. , ,, , in tia, commuuity. i _____ YOUNG MEN'S l:11111 , i'1.1.7: :1-.,,01:1:3.. 1 ill,lnntiwi oF tin i c „ : Meter has had a cnt mores 11":'''. . . hottotabh: I ec;a,i. th-,n the toting'. This modern mode of associated Chris- ! Ciirisgan As-oidtion of this city; Its s lion effort, has inaug,urated a cm , ~,-„, ' good deeds were lsoowil tar Mid. vide' In among . tire !churches. The admirable , addition to the indefatigable labors of its blending of the social element of • the high , 1 menth', in t h e uwonder s stit.l routi in ne d Aputieciesfrie.,., the 1 Cr type, with the philanthropic and reli- As vl!'11.11141 d al . glens; has accomplished a work in It, ; Ei,c tolOtifetle: , who wer e supplied 1 . 111 Church which heretofore bad liven sadly i '.a.n l . r.iinteldt coal, nod other I . lo . l ossalle s . l ileghicled. '' . l.leOrganiZatitill ie so liapp4 !of temp - nal coining, during the rigors of 1 iCenstructtel, that yowl:- Men are rci:elied 1 tssar or three liithr winter seasons, will not 1 through its various channel or labor in a ....soon be forgotten, and the faithful minis -' I way that the churches could not so 'caddy 1 trations to-the souls and Lilies of the poor j • end Successfully tillaiti. Most Of the I list 3 cars are litre "Olt lltnent poured forth." Christian Associations in the lefal-tag Long and laborionsly did . its faithful mem cities am f orm ed upon the same basis, bets sick topromott.: out .0 prayer meetings with a view of acelomplishing certain. oh- in our midst. : jests; and yet so adapted that its efforts i Saell a accord is a good legacy : for the may be concentrated t livio.teic l finnn, as the new IrganiZitiml to inherit, and One they . - o p nor t n nity ma y Wrier:• .. I dray well be proud of. Let not the in:lc:- Previous to the war 'the whole syssenr of i tivity of %dent years mar the good name Christian Associations had been toned upl of its previous history. It is notciaoitlty, to a standard of excellence not attained in 'hat Many of itsactive members, represen ' inception. • Many or the critbe aud objet- !naives 01 the principal &immolations, are \ tionstl features at the it'llset had been now proinineut Wothersin their resPective Weeded out, nod by conceit oration upon 1 churches, and= other benevolent Move. great and vital points, by the affiliation id ! menu:. Art it is a Agniticant fact that the various Associations into one National smile of those who are actively engltged in organizatio t. greater b=ctits had teen ac- the present commendable Mareinent, by • cured. Associations in the leading cities, 1 t'cril . failure in previous years, to do what North and South, by their indefatigable la- i they are n ow doing the inactivity of the _ !hors in epidemic visitations. furnishing the old or trameitit n might babe been prevent poor with food, clothing hint coal, in• ed. It is well tothink of this fact, mullet - prayer meeting efforts, and.other works 01 no rellectious be iii"reafter entertained. Let disinterested service, have obtained an en- the past delinquent les be forgotten, and viable name, and one worthy of the high ; let every younc man enter the Associa est meed of praise. •, • - _ lion, determinedto do everything in his 'Menthe rebellion brplte•out, the practi- poser :to promote its interests, anti all cal workings of „Most tii• tire Associations will be well.'. 1 Were merged into and formed the nucleus of the grand and trope Chili... Lin and Saul tary Commissions. In every leading city, it will doubtless he fetid that neiny of the hest 'workers connected with the various branches:of the Christian Commissin;uil l ind • Subsistence Committees, had Leen previ- ously drilled mid educated in the Christian ' Association of their respective cities' J..'iir a time the' work of Cre Clirbeitin Associa , tions has been in a measure suspended, owing to the rebellion. But since the wlir these societies are reorganizing all ever the country, and are generally eulareing theit bases of operations. Various expedients ! • _ TELEGRAPHIC StnytAn. v. 11H-1.41 . H ilft 11111DNF 3 0 1 . rs %NW have been recently adopted in large cities ____-____ 111 . ss. alt . - ,•Git.,:,t11.1 . ~E 1 - 1-1 r rt.'ALC. - - At 10 ... ( 15% alts CAN • own ' Hi.F. Wllll , •1•0 \oW, -to accomplish greater flo" 1 l'Y lini 2 n lllll "! No nelin ial news of Sedgwiek's entry ihro 11Alli Col ....a hi., fout:ir .s :.ii olireel * :,; ••• . service. It is a l ac toil l i on ,i-.. 1. evlictli. , :if.. m•m0 ....,..1.,•,.1 I • o ree ei. e il in Iv a :t i ler , . t . Loudon tb.r E. ut ! Hair to ,r 11, utot, ' 1 . . , . ! ,, L .' n :P Clo -1c14,1s . h i % C. • ~!. . :;11,''',..'t:',-r t . . r • -•. , er the latitudeliarianista agues cd iii sop. , o, „„, „ I , tin t .,,,,,,,, 3 . I t.: ,.. the:e institutions mac rot hlitiL:r the i'pir- , A ,. 1.. .., , ,„.„,„„..„ ,i..„,,, , . „. I ale,',V,s. - 1. 1 Itior color 111. toter' . "il.lllil-ECSUII6IICretOfDTC attained and kept . ,1,,,,,„,e,,0,,,,5,pi,,,,..„ -,- o prominentl3• iit view. There Sprew: , to 1 , ,,,t ~,, tk.n...1n1 Ilitnitionn ,t rlivh to litch i o !. ii ,V,,;l.-,, i .1...'1,,, i,. ii,'1, i :1 i ;,‘,.. i .T ,1 1V:-. ), 1 „,: i be a growmg tendency to , cep .„,,,-i ce moon. 1 pr c ,iticut tor-pardon from earlottn, Meal- I !1011:',.;:nw0L1dr.c1,3,..;.... : , , , ,,,,,,, , :in4 , ..i, ii.,1; i ::. , ,.f , ii stitotion, with a vici,v, it is:lege:a, to reach en. He desiins returuiug..to the Caned 1f.12 I.: /.! Iti t t . ~.,} 1,LL...,,,l . It. 3ittllENl)ll.l. Recording Mott, Nr. Al titcbC.4 Illy KIRK, CLnlrman t , trtvt Corn. lioroligu t-r. delv:9ll VALUAIII,E sTocKs sc BONDS 1 TUE•stoAY nz;I: 1: •nn 0; ztst : wilt no. ota Thor of Co•rzo Al Con, 1.6 bltlitilLA . ) 1111:..1. : 14 sho•,. N i, 0 1 033n11. 1N H a a t:S n woo o n f 1 e lB o o ru , n tcrt• ;; into •• 314 • 11.0 t'untl.4l l: . • Bo •• • I.lt,thilrgil No . Coal atot (eta": ; ••• •• I . ltt,`•zzt•th 11 tin I : It sod... . 6 •• tolnintzla ;tit Co • I , ost Alloollett3 euunty in, lo 01. 1. (i'l Allrelt♦llT CM' 1) , •o'ot• - Fon d, 1 . 0 I:4, K. I[l. 6 It, nit:t. Slor, -- St••toll: rAI City or rllt-0.1tr,111 pmc n, t 140. COWL to A. 31611.WAINIK. Aucllftun , izt! - . DMENIStitATOWS Lotto,: of Atlmlnt,trollon oil Ito• vst.tte 01 U Cont. WVIUANt.. I• 1-; or PC,II, o+l.ll , nitz•po•zot nonuty. Ceeoz110•1. t 1.11.1110 gootz-.1 to inotrrslitned. ati prrnno 111.11•Otc.1 to !lid t: to ore rylturstest tool, I;:tynnott. sod {to, I.svlng 111 - us to loosen , . Ito nt.,fur onttletto izt. 10 A. It. 011-. V L\l4.,Atlyn:ntstratur. UCtt , to 110 11:31.1 1 . 0 1 0 1, 6 ; 11dint , . I 0 ' 01; "'snt• torttro v . . mouton and Grunt : 4,6r -.Met.. ~ylt- :n inzzlz In Ea. pit Or. 11011 BOCK, l AnaT n e ll a teT ete O r ß • of Vocal Music. 1100 i% norsfi No. al F. ozzr - v•- , 19 tra ot. - .toy . I _ _ • • _ _ ~ . ' .N OTIC.).b' • . ...._ UM comi•A,..l, to I o heti at. 303 Wn nut elre•t. uu t: en3ny INnewl4 , lllll. VAR.; nntordan:e .j,,, Inn x 4 .. nf the COrop.”Y. de7:ol WU J. MALCOLSi, NOTICE. WHEREAS. MY WIFE ELIZ BETH J. lIIITCL(ESUN has left my bed .41 toini witltntlJust mtuxo or prorue• lore ..itru ail urinal flout lukrburlug ur trosttsg uutny. 0' count, MI not be respou'ible for any debts of Ler contravtlug alter 1111. • WM. Li UTCHEtiON. - LLIGUENT cLri . ,. Poe. oth, IVO, M.7.1)2( O. g 11.1.4 . O. STLl'llt!..l, SlitiES! SUITS! SHIES! T HAVE RI CEIVED MOST OF MY ...fru(' h . , .1 or, r to Ib.:Ir.:LI. a tEihNtlon from 5,000 AIRS OF VARIOIS 'HAUS -.• I• . . . • :, • ~ Before puttbasiug (I:em here, call milt( xamlle my Sloth, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL I4DUCEMENTS JAiIIES BONVN I•T<>. 1:30 Wood Street BINGHAM HOUSE, I:111TM it ANI) MARKET STS., PHILA3-15;) xxX U.k//' n•c;r: time of ul . ll 11.. 0n..0 :It Gr I== CUP LIE z) .A V 1 S. I'IIOPII , ET OII LEILLERN.AIi'S lIIT I\ll PLR DINH], .113 ID fPO , (11 , 1.1.1,11: 7 / 1 ) " "" ." • V . GoCJV I= -i-5E1Cia:7, C 711'19 lE7' 9 SLEI(Jt & (An rtuu.E rreiLLAn ' ' , LI - CI IL , - HATS AND OAFS; .LF: No 75 Wood Street • . . Td. KN..) L. 1'.1 . 1.1,1,-1• BARR. Kisli;KE tL EUETILUI, NVAMEI.INK .1. D. 12 St.. Clair Street, Pittkbutgir MUM orDrgzills, 1= Agent, It.r It:Ve M tt I.111::UNY I : New I tag, an.lnllt•P3lA.CiChl: Lt'.. Vt....n0 I phi.. ItlAStrt.t. 1•:-.1 .ti ,•,•.•`• 111.4 V. :•11 , :1•11• - • • A•SCIII ••AN" JN'S TLe :e t 11.1. tud ;a:311. 1"1,11a alt.l tinlt 1.1:: 1111,1 .11,7 Milli , 1, .......... ..• I/. I/RON CITY 151 LICE MILL , : • STRICKLER & L'IORLEDCE. FIFTH sTRErr. EIITZZION, N", Vero; t..l,:tu reiientle reirull,,e l the ! , n'ti . MP!. i! e.i i•etiuny nourin the !he r•nufacturo et I'ltltnt.tyli ill ttel le 4111 e ithie C. 010,19 10..1.1., un.l All. OF. tie! i.•l li 1 liT OW, NliTn 1101:1.'111 le etilit. iiit: nu!!!!4. I: 11. C1.1.011‘ an!! t: Ito 1,1 1, 11,. stuntly n Laud. •- Alining to leal (Alf re telieli the ntrteil7l! et pubic, It J. firiurtly et The Cenen-1 Fi lir:ten!) on lire! .0. .1 e tote_-!! to attelet tu nun!, LI uni , Il` I:4 a 1 , 1 I. In 1•JI1 F I.C.!II .ir. 11.,. • Va.111",I. e, Vt) r:cator. at It GE.V7*.S rura 12;Gii 115 :4f)2.1:).31.5. IS= MEM DIED' 11111 S, .7/PS.SF:S F'GltS, 1101 1,A1: , i1: , T AND p..,,•;c1.\1:7;,T 1 HAT, CAP AND rup. aTO • E 33a. oFI ClO :EL 3:3 e_fb C; L „ 131 If - CP IP P PPE P.: KIM ALILEN'SNLU I!: . A Superior Ar Li cle , eon SALE I:6i GRAFF,& REITEEI, Sole A.gts,, Libut3 3t„llll9turgli. =SI BROADWA V ',6X(.11A RE 'P TT, 101 rolM It Hifi AN) 1 / 4 1ilillWill • 101 Ladies' Dining r;o6ins 2tlEiory. FIJI 1711 (IAN h..> 1) lauds ou bawl. 1. G. P. VIEIIIIEI , II.II, I „ do is{i 11. 1 ILI:11E1J. IX, pAßTNEnsiiip NOTICE—J.CTIES m 1:11.112.."11 .1011. N II A 1.1.. II the 11 A ..I, T 11,111,11 3,1 rtl le 0111,1 U, ... 1.2 J. 111.1. BALI. &CO., Its Peret.ofere. . ..--- , .1011 , I. I•Ill,,,Y 701./M,O , J. 11,,,t.. ,T 1. 1 .1117: * co, I VALI.II:IC roma: PLOW NVOltlirr, Ill'2l oust 1'23 Liber ty Street, Plttrburgitr• JOHN HALL ec co.. , , ..,„„nr„,,„„— il ..111 vorietbs of Northern niol .. e.nithern 13.11 We. 11.MIIN MI)WEILii SU.KK I i !IA) 11011 Et+, CULTIV.VI ,II V . a".. and ibalerr 1 1 . A,. 111-.111:1.11tAL 1.1.113,1:31., NIA .of . ati Air -I.rerlb.o. ...) ot rt gIitAK.T. 1,C.1 . 11,7,73 110311\Y. • . . . tityr prltue 'White Flint for isle bp • CIIAULEIS C. BALSLEY. f FOR VIE 'IIOI,IDASS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER ATE .: FA I NCY ARTICLES I; Thr \; \ pkm eF - Cold nmliSitrer Watrite., Cold ami Silver laatin.., Vold I.'cncits. I, ' GO , l TlllllllllO4. r, (;0111 Speelat Rracelet.., Gold Pins stall /tint:.. (MIA Clicrmr, i:old Stud, rind Slceve Table arid Tel. I`i. Tabt4. and Ten sprit , . !silver Slt„it aild Cream Simon..., Silver and Grav,y SilvCr tiaVitiu Itingti, Sliver i:• lialSesitund Fork.. t.ilser and liartin. r T 31".••• l'anc, am! Match rigal en am! Sit rt French , and American Clockc Teat .4 et, ;mil coup Ttireen•, !Witt , 111,11 e, and (I:lltireaa*Vaa., Ilile BlVatel., tingar lio,ll, and Cri,ani CLUSTER SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RIMS =ZEE 111111tAliill U. 61: 11 . . h 0.61,111 3'. R. REED & CO. =EI c 3 4.0 lo r - 1a . ":.E.1 No. 14; 111111 St!'e4l FOR HOLIDAY 01F TS. MCI (.4()<)1f, t .r. Da SS • AMERICAN, EN1311114 A 1413 SWISS AN - A'..11C.1.1 ES, • I, v : . r‘i:: .4.1 1.0111 , 4 - (pr, 'llll %PMI'S... T %.131.1: ANERit FOUEIGNICLOMS, IE3 FINE 'is. ILVEI3—FL ATLD LEE, nl' La TEsT STYLE,: 11011'01;:tt liu• Old stand NO 16 FIFTH STREET, J. SHEPPARD, _T_ e Tv - e -I; PITT :BURGH, PA., PIAli AND -BMA CIIMEBS IMllla ATd 76:1 CONFTGTIGNIARY, -, _:4teitrta. 10 BBLS. TURKISH PRUNf.S P:1 PER 31 1 \ ItTllll\t'i iO.. Printing and Wrapping Papers 11'..T,N k:111„ LIAll11111:N !;11.- 1191 E I= N •3 cvt l'ittsirarge, Pa, I -1'11.1111"/r, rro .:1. zit. 11 1 .',N11,-.1 , 1 ., , 1, - - 1•;:r • • a 1 11:r 1. 1:1“: , •.}.•.. 111 Hart 1:.t: .11Y a U. 1,111114-1,11. 4.111 M. t, 11 : 11 , 1•nia for 1711)pr Stuck. = 1 ( ON'IF3I:I7 . 1 . , ,Ti0N (U' MMSMNI ,21 r t 0.:•• 10:r A I:I 1 'I VP c 1 ac. ca p 37 a•o :51 0 lAA , , PN ,rl` 6.1,0 A'NI,-11.VEI: I AND fiVAMY . : i - ,rl , l6,tcrz -lI,Vt. .30 - IVI :o. 112 leder...lSt., Alit.gt”.l4,? 1)41'T:016 , 1W Pi CUT LEIC Y (OM • POCKET CUTLERY o llow rou rani a z ors `7.714/1. T.l. ED dr /Nr, nt ClltiLry towpany tbs. 67 mid 69 FilTla 6.trict I GII'VA ❑ BUILDING.) V Pi trds: ullfl 1:011: . : , l'A l / 4 1)1 . TOI 2,4 F. :7..11:11N PPI. E. 7. NV. P. I: 1.7 i tt . .4.1).. • • Cut,,, 3 aN.I M; autumn. Leolol k. 1.114 11) •to liF)l;ti pirectors 141 • tlo. ivo, g . ':•,,kl iti , l,;ctol HILL?. I . th.. C•Ilt pAvabl: at otla oLtt 1:u/ItI1akiN. .sleCt.r.‘:. a CV.. I.ti. 75 k ul.“11 amt.:, £3l t.• burg". 011.1 d all, the 1 D. •111 . 1.,, , ir . trli 1; N.6 - 11.1,..'S PIANOS ARE 'IRE 11E4 3112 =ZEE del CB A triArr 1t1.11%1 v.. -41 .tr..o.t. VD have removed the ontce of the 110I'li OIL tFU ttliS from 335454,0 stre.t, Vittsburgh, to . heir Worksrat. CAttoo:s trruKET Brownstown, whore titiy'catt ne.reaSter th: found. Bost.fnee. , Sddrt..s S3O. l'lttat,urgh. Or.1:1113 DUNCAN d WILLI&Vd. No. 201 L are rtyfitreet me: (cD . G 7,7 ' :=4 • • 4 .t:Proicr. A F; , :1: - .T.7,11:t:F,N1' 0: CH rcA •i' . i.AVA =ME • -- C s Gm FtEH -11 . I'sl CllOl L VREYEIII9 I,j(rit; dc.troyl: t..y the b,, 11. !!”,- .. P. .• eEA•PN 11:I i , • it r rr• ,/,1,1•10, lfl 111, r• I.lllo4lllkriAll 'Ater, t•. , Alr , At r!tic. 111.tt vy,s L: tr:•t•r• .1,1•1111: I hi, u:lr. otr.,. to gtr.• y uel 1.11. w.. 1 It I- 1.•. 1 . 1 : 111, r•.kt nlll,lll- :411. t 31 t • 11,3111.1! nie.lloilt.• 1 i.o ,1•1 .• 21 '1. ,11 bottl , 01 thrll I. roi iklqut bk+.,,1 ,, , • -Ewl)'s Clioieia i'r(l-ei;tilytt ata...llcti, V,Olllll zI111.110.•I "II .. L.. him from 11 , . v t 1.. of 41,W, lt, ro•i. L.q.;•; r•aa ntl v no, a:III, d I.ast t: Il I 111 1: - .11 , •, , “ , In , IIifOIITANT 70 FIRICK DIA1:11}15 ffE J USr ItECEIVED €.3-&.1? OMMMIM ME I= I= MigMl BA.N_m. 7 i • : ' INE Ni . . 4).• tr,I . Z. v.:=i'oc.ti. !:.-:..t a. CO PARIAN .STAT7dIES nacirni, MEI 1 ( - 3 1-7 - - -rr. TE-1- and "NVlth I rt ! sworn T EPriCVER BRICK RiA E su,o "u'`.ll 3rtNtr.“ i 7 l":tElv ItY The'Pittsburgh Prick Diachiite I,l:O3lllLy'obi.DTEDI;i ME ill i f , , ii . 72 ,..,Avf11:Tu11:0;m (0 . , I.Ni'MASTEii, CAll.i.:,`A ii.; Et;il Km . .. Flu, ! _ . I 0.4 . 1 r t =IN ElEl I`/TINY:I VI: cr. 1.. t ~ 1"1; \VITHERILL IE 2) `r.if.-= LIGHT EQJJAL TO C4A.S! iL* `.'''.`x yV `l' Gas - c , ..!ieltst! , ,:.r firiais , RIM ;luriv.; i.css (hi Ti A ST',TE A. D 4DU i BtQUIS FC:il MIN ji-,,, , tn:,. L31,—,3.c!cm,.);17.. I=IIIMII KAN Vpi i'.!IT EN f f•-• Vy , c f. 2,i ',Li`.7, C.:;.7 ;.. I' ,1,4 LlErlliTtF:f ,-- - . A.\ I.Vtl - IS.IiE rill!' t•VlV,A:iii',!; •,:i'ol, k " , ,, T,i \ 1 .. 5 , i ilic_:,-;-.;01. i,;.;,,-;;ApLii,&,,,,_r -., 1 , .._ : PLKi . :;',IAi - ! hi - ?J (riEV .i‘:- Ell ; Pr .< llfiLr: SO.lP' RE FRINMA\ • [OTTON it. DES SONS , kliGr " E; No. C.': C!'. t, CUTT6N VABN, C.71171'1 , ;1' C 71.11 COVKJZI.Kr rr.rs, CA SI,I,EkVP I= AT FY. 0 - - 0 .„ 15' i to. • IP. , 116.1. • , t.r «:.:. WI N A I FA ST Yi PATENI Par It. I..fc Fuld lily ELSlvait 1:0.5 t () 1:::; FAMILY BEDSTEADS: " rt. „~.. ~,,, =MO . . .. . . _ i ..."::. , ~..,,2',,iiii`i,,,, , 10T,T7. ,,, ~ 11 t'uilth- ir. 7 . ,` - 1. 37 4 k . .c .... . 04,. . L r 4 ,r-... 4 ems . ',.•1 • -I, I. - fl . 1., 1 , 11 Fs... ~, ~. , „m:: , :. r et. tIS I •,1 •a v vAld F.,,a1l • i , , L...: 'AI Asi Irkt Gh: .11111 U W.!.: 1)IIIL:k;S::1 .7_, ._..L. 10 sAcr.',o,:squrF talo CICAF.3, , JAMPS T.; sArnPLr - „:, N'. , I ,i. LAIN. z•I'ItEZ.r. lIALVI ,, I I' , I."':liT 111 1 : s'.' F+.l. 14.1011'N DILL7U ' 4 ,. ." ,I^,-.., ..• 11+11 '+i Y 1 i• .1Q ,I. , ti, i 4 '!::•,!: OP l' 1,1,1 A I...AND , , ‘. , :1': . , i.1N., "0 4:2.1.:L1 J. et: b.• 1 ,-.1.,••,. ,t,.. AtA,l U/i1•!..1. ,„ I 1, ; \''''' '''''' '' ”' A r." "A'"u'""" ' ' '''A " : - C• BORG if, BLUIdENSCHEIN -3c, - ..v.:r4st-s,_ .:,,,,,...: 1.• 1 , ,,1 4, , , ......0 1.0.:14,1,C ,Al r 11" ,01 ta• roll clo,arer Man any oat., I• • ''' '. ' II I ''` " '“' ll'iv"l . - t❑' SEGAIIS, CHEWING TOpAt:CO L.,, 01,,,,,,,, onroluLly vrepare , l l, l a dr. roam 1r....11,• - y ta y ' A.. ktea, of r Fatr (~ MEM end FANCY el„1,11".$ . 5T0.i.:11, - ; ..(t-/ItCY -1 ). r ir.CR,S4 L ' OCV ' "" h ? " ! . ...-- .. j----- --. poctuvrs ! CA :li:t/E1.1.11!.. &e.—We ta , . , eon., of I.O••rLY.) , • • nn,, , inn ian 4, .01 L, •t ntot'L .01 WI N T E R ' ~,,,,,,,, i 1...0W I: i,, l• I. A N'l: nb ,,, 1. , be ca.acal are I ------------Prr"ThiUt_H- _. pr o ...A to ft.r.c. It e ..ing awl oat, It .tr lat. with _lr Ca_l . lll • IVIEGA,, I.oPil 411 a ii3:111 llctittatat r lure: 1/ . Yitgoit,Aett on Ye .., .........,-... Wt: rho also I , rril•li I /oral Ir , reaths, llll, „Sfentateturer 131 end Wht - Aesale and lt tall .I r •...t.... act alt or•lera P r n'III I OY •V.rd'd t. Dealer In .111.1.1 a of e Cnr- too to tee tin., tattoo ea every tow Wont.. I 411.1 .wt.,N IL a K. .111LIN.I.A'Clit ' I Tobacco, Snuff and. Cigars, I.OA NEI, PA P .1. ItS—Wall stied Celli- 4,t3 . ze„ .. ,a,..wx, 13 , i , Ea ...., ~.:..,.„. X tng Ihnoratlono, antloße and modern. for 1110 t oner ., . „0 „ . . , ,,, t, br emoit.g 1.,,t r ,..0 ... i. "-L - 11,. by VV. I'. MAtistsALL.. - at/ b 7 Wood street. %ad Taw= VO,O Iln• 01 000 on bend. nar.ll.l,tl =IBM r:i . '7.:CT !ON 1 - ; - 1 ~ - N.. • •;: ' '' i • • 4( 1:4 A.Verai).-.i4i Ml3M=l n , . • PII.OFES6IOI`.4 1 •1 4 ' .1".}.31 D:t. J. ME= SVC). 1.0 'TZJ llozw..llot , tittllPOL'ai; DE'rITAL y:}Als riANTe.t) 711 - I.OST PCPUIAR • r. 0 11 11117 . ."111'i,"; b. I Ali: Sol:has of P.'ji :lila V,ii2, ME GiiiVlS WA:...TIe.A3 FOR A Ni.'Nt - =EEO 1;1 cc..,i , ,,Jr,:',11-11 - ;.cu•A.r,:c:l,:_ac.7 . N 1.1 ;•t, NM t ; } ISE= 1 0 T_T . :•: - .211:;.3, • '''r; T:: i'.:112.;D1, I , t r , \%. NI. E:c.:r.3, s - , , - 7 - 14 - Local Claim Agex ME ;1... .t'ouri!) 1 IM - ! --,l )aa - ;:;13, Pn ,!e" 4'l SPS„"r .0 tl:c co,w0::1.-2 of to, 4 ' , • .Lrt-:i cc Mice, 11'2 1 , 111% t I.• • .11.'•0•1 :t.a.fs.,~ is^Lu i . r - a ~ 111= 1 :. :7elt 1 - 1,7, - : - ia.:11!:i .11 e i:f:(•, r. a;t; A:itc_?,i',,y ili 1:1--:Tji Ell 7 til 4. sec ();,?E: t:c ~ c; NM Sitl/1.111 ;111:1 FE1);:li./.11.:NtlttET, E T~i-aiT~~L. A Gef.l7:, HMO suE, -n 7S . c,ln• MB VT 3..,. T NV" I tVir. 7,'"(15Z ENE IMO - 'V • I'l . • I • • 11 \ 1111 BE NE ME ank. Ti - 1 , 7 CT, IVZ Of g 000! MIZE t F l I , Mal MEI =ZEE Ell !EMI ! Vi 0 ::: a: i - -1 0 F 7 W Z. 2 Vi la= ME LL:cutan t r lire .1 .7i 71';.: L (11, 11111111111=11 =MI `itL L 111 1. MIME 1:077.:;c1,, anti 2r-ar c f'aC.:.+:'C “rk. MEI mom NIE MAE ES TM ~ltl r. I. a.a. :. R' C LT 1.1:!!, k~~.S:tCiY:S~Ei. tt %I I" 11 7 s:•, WM (lair ESE PM MEM = • =RE MEE , liiro.Wl3. sir: =!= 1111= =MEM MIME! riL of Ili EINE V) EIE3 I, • . 10111' - SU . S 1 3 1- . 7 0 0 =I LOGAN, GRAY .17 C. if: i ..::. - 7 cicata . 7 . 2 MEI ei== c. 1 , TEM 1,1 - 3 - 1: e z , ..t;:.1- E'r:.7.f . :_: , 4—',( . 'lW‘ .. -1!t , , ,,, 7% -- - I • . :, , - ooas am ine 17, NI i; 1.1 4 ', , ,A.1, /1:1;8) l',;si".";:fiz Tit/11 41 r ; ,;2 W1:0 'il:11:* ji :reel:, =llll Li cla, 4 A Di: l':. 1)L::, " .A No. 1. S•. • MEE . _ i.11.11t!u..P,L,- .i.L'i tAit7D- il;;U; CP!,; r ii! ,7 ':- 11 . /'.:4tu, . o:it !.2,1t1!, lii, RE . . . Ccr7.l. t p t:i :I`.••ti " • " D. 3 Li;; - .l';;lif - .1i . T . :`,. • ISIV.I EL AT412,11 MMMN MIME gi==l=l : eML!: t i -p, • ir UV.) MMMEIM .ar D ri.'-•,n ' i'.•[ I =l • -- dr, ,--, (•,ke (A,I, LZS j r:t ft' . . PAIIiVE.P.S. .0 ()I. LiN (~4 "Sa.7; 41, 1.) LttlN •-• RIIINEII GLAZER, No. 51: ,vvry pri:V . lll n •• nt , •l • Ail .I.tor to rOcr. • , orlt. ratto, • WILLIAN U. 1111.011'N, (i.V.e. or the ann 01 Er,ow - :i .1110))corz,) MO . C 81: AND NIUN 1•AINTI-13, corner of 'TO tr S sAdqtartet areal. I ROOFING MATERIALS.. ,Ckriletit, Pitch, Felt,. Paralltrio r - artlish and Mack Paint, Ibroursetared sp6 hotel cht pha any other h3lllO In the nr PM. littt.S. St 17=kitet5 111 hrolth Iharf, Usalmetret, 0 U . L - .._ •:, l • 1 lin BEER ME ME ESE .1.1 vt/ , Iti=!l =ME