The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 10, 1866, Image 1

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mixrrn I
Insurance Company
iVINSTON, Pies'dent.
02.7,00 4 0), 4 0 ) 00,
Aunual Lthidenda Available hewedlately,
- Policy-holders and other persona Interested In the
au , Jeet of MIN INSURANCE are Invited to call
win the undersigned. Agent of the Company, alto
is cheerfully give them fall information as to the
merlin and practical Working of the Company. •
GEO. N. BL ifESTOCE, igen),
No. 37 Fifth itreel,-Pittaburalt
030 Reward,
If the Indian Herb Doctor fails to describe dLa
cases and tell his patients the nature of their
complaint or Micas 'without receiving any in
formation from them. No charge for condul
tat lOri or advice. •
We use such, Balton as bar no eirife t
Witt; Nature oc tho Laws of Life ;
With our blood ourlande
Nor:poison men to case their pain.
Our Father, Whom all goodne3.3'llll3,
Provides the means to cure all our 1113 ;
The simple herb beneath our feet.
Well used, relieve our pains complete.
Mingle Herb, a sample Flower,
ttulled from the dewy Lee--
These, these !Mall speak' with touchtug,
Of change and health to thee.
, mce—No. 1 t Liberty street, between Sixth
and Market, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Mop Will Leo Tobareo
Their salvos and sisters can Sind Christmas
presents fit for their husbands, brothers and
beaux at L. it W. JenSinson's, Allegheny.
third door from Suspension Bridge, where
there will always be found, besides all the
common varieties, a very choirs selection of
meerschaum, briar wood, and other pipes, ci
gar holders, am, of neat and ornate design: a
large and varied stock of smoking and chew
ing tobacco, and many of the popular brands
of Cuban and American cigars.
The 'Lowe Sewing Machine,
Moot certainly hike the lead of all others in a
short time. It was awarded five premiums
on work, at the World's Yaw, 1402; four premi
ums for work and on the roachtue • at the New
ork state Fair, itrsO. ties the Methodist, of
Ceptember, :.At. t premium on the machine
at the Ohio State lair, ISW. !See the Dayton
Jourtmi, October lath. The only agency for
• its sale for Western Pennsylvania, is at iO, 4
at. Clair street, Ptttebitrgh.
liszard fi Ca:ol4We Cod 'Ayer 011.
Te Caren and Stlaietest Cod Liver Oil to the
world. manufactured from 'fresh . , healthy
livery upon the sea•ehord. ft is perfectly
.pare and sweet. Ask for ''llazartl & Caswell's
Cod Liver Oil," matinfactiired by
Carr Era, laacc d Co. Now York
old by all druggista.
. ,
Tbd beautiful. Rats's, Prunes and Muscatel
Raisins, at. so. B 2 Eederal street, second
door from the First National Bank, Alio
r,heny City. t
•. - - .
1; 131;AY is.
oncoo Day
Foreign Liquors of all' kiirds at Joseph 9.
Finch's Distillery, Zi 0,189, 170,193 aid 17. i First
etreet, Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh Female 'College
'Winter term spew, • Decomser tab. Apply
Tou . Can Bay
tu3 per cent. Alcohol at Joseph S. Finch's
. • Yon Can Mix
uly liopd 6L Joseph S. Finch's
• _
—.inns Dickinson is ill with pneumonia at
Rockford, 1111nom.
—ln Texai, where farmers own i 20,000 bead of
cattle, Gosilen. butter is used upon their
—The proprietors of the Ilartford Itnirant
und, of the Hartford Press hafti united their
—There is no Instance on record of a well
tag of euocess.
—The improvements in the mode of parting
scold and silver, which were commended in the
late mint roport. are to be introduced Into all
the branch. mints..
Dosendant of Columbus,—A private _let-
ter received hero states that the only surely
lug descendant of Christopher Columbus Is
shortly to TOM. America.
—The Ctevolaitders late to build a big ho
tel next summer on the la e shore, about four
miles irons the city. The; to is gird to afford
tine opportunities for bat :g. •
----- —Bombay and Calcutta, appetite aldei of
the peninsula of Mattoon , are connected by
a railway one thousand mi. es long, and which
_it traversed by trains In a ut tour days.
—The Detroit Adrernyer tales that quite ii,
large number of the Castile able blame of that
city ..make their own ell v," but the editor
laments that this is done : cauee''it Is fashion,
not economy." -
—A Turn of Fortune's ll' eel.—A lady living
on Sumner etreet was yestc day nodded by let
ter from Columbus, Ga ,1 that she and her
daughter had fallen Join heirs to A/VW.—
...Voihrifle Bonner. „
—Some of the Republic papers of 4'estern
Maryland are RaVOCititill le earring out of a
new. State, in order to se orate tee Radical
Congreamional District of k, ank Thomas from
the rebel portion of the b ate, and give it a
more harmonious connect n.
—no less than two",tho nil men are dig
glitz at the newlf alsco Ted mines at ri.,,,
- Alto, In New Alex co, and are said to be well
paid. A. lucky folly dug u one chunk valued
at over two hundred doll, and the rush to
the mines from lower New Mexico was great .
—An educated Virginia tiirmer says that
after having a large experience with
white laborers, both foreign and native, he
has come to the tvanclualon that the world
cannot produce a more skillfal and ...lenient
term laborer • than a weti trained Virginia
negro who is willing to work. •
—George Gorden de tuna Byron, claiming to
be an Illegitimate /lon of the poet and a noble :
Spanish lady, to one ni the characters of New
York. Ho is about forty or forte-five years of
age, has a prominent nose, dark eyes and curly
hair, awl really looks a good deal illeathe gen
uine portraits, not the idealized pictures, of
- the author oft:bible Darold.
—Gold was accidentally discovered, a short
time since In Ilancock county, Ecntnek y.
An assay at ' the Philadelphia Mint developed
y 13,1: per ton of gold, and Eat to 4r,u per ton of
sliver and other precious metals. A Philadel
, phla company has bought the ground, is now
sinking a shaft, and contemplates the erection
of u'hot blast fui name at an early day. . •
—The Evansville (Ind•Kburivr tells the
. story of an orphan girl who lost her father dur
ing the war. and visited that city recently in
scurch of a home. She could not tell where her
relations lived. When her-father died she bad
fallen into the hands of licensor' who had been
- very cruet to her. The gentleman to whom she
applied lad forh r o . m e e y at Evansville ,ea rl t n n ge knew a
which the girl rememberei as that of an aunt.
The lady being nodded visited tile city; a not.
teal recognitien was the consequence, and the
naked and.homeleas orphan Wes immediately
provided with line clothing, and taken home
by the aunt.
—The union of British Columbia an 4, yen,
eouver's Island under ono government - Inia
elven rise to great dissatisfaction. It eceme
that when the newly appointed Governer, at
that time Governor of BrltishaGoinsubla, was
In England, he represented his own colony , . as
being in the most flourishing eons:Mimi; and
by way of contrast, drew a 0104 t gloomy pic
ture of the state of things on Vancouver's la.
land. In couseqnence, lie Is very unpopular
among the islanders, who accuse Wei of green
sad Intentional misrepresentatlona. All this
Is the result of that pernicious system by which'
: England attempts to govern colonies thou.
sands of miles Mutant, with whose Intermits
she cannot be stillldently acquainted, and
-whole wishes sheaometimes disregards, and
still oftener does not know. It is not surpris
ing that the people of Vancouver's island are
discussingannexation. •
House Blown Down and Boller Expla
810111—Several • Lives Low(—renion Ac. I
%laity. .
CINCINNATI, Dec. I.—A portlon of the halls
of a nOw building ou Ylfth street, near Itain, I
1.63 blown down yesterday Morales, Minting
three persona fatally.
The boiler of a ytortable saw mill, coven
miles below Henderson. HCntncliy, explod
ed yesterday, Yining three men and. wow:lSt:lg
several others.
Unusual activity exists among the Fenian
Sothis city in the way of rearming, Organizing
de. Beyond boxes of non uniform, arrived
yesterday for distribution to tr o ops is this
viontity. zan
The trills° at • esvlllo being repaired
trains ere tanning se venal.
. : .
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. •
Trouble in the Derby Cabinet.
Fenian Agitatitin Increasing.
French Government and the
Mexican Question
Cretan Insurgents Exhauited.
EDINI , t CO, December s.—The ht.
slots that trouble citsL4.ln the Derby Cabinet,
awl that Disraeli this threatened to resign
the Criancellorsitip of the Exchequer unless
the government accepwil of a reterm bill,
liberal in its character. It then adds that
Earl Derby yielded to IVlsraell's demand, and
that a ministerial crisis was thwfavoialcd. .
Yettis,'llecembar Lo \ Froosee says that
the Emperor klaxlmillan bus scat, disindehes
to the physicians who are attending his wife
to meet him at Gibraltar within a short period.
LoglioN, Deetmber S Peal ,n agitation
In Ireland is increasing, and another hotly of
troops have been ordered to leave here Im
mediately. Including two regiments or cav
alry. , r
Ltemtrom., December o.—The steamship
Persia from New York has arrived at Queens.
Plinth, December S. —lt Is understood that
the French Governarent bus ...cut reassuring
dispatches to lila flitted St.iten GOVertillient
In regard to the Meneall question.
LONDON, December is reiterated In Va
nillin circles that dissentious occurred is the
Derby Cabinet on the reform quest lon.
titasoow, Dote t.. , ..-Etenlity.—.l leading paper
states that D'lsraell haVing triton/dud that
his resignation was contingent upon the pres
nt Cabinet accepting a liberal Reform bill,
Lord Derby has conceded to D'lsruellis view,
and a bill In Mffordance will soon be placed
before Parliament.
Li vnarouc, 'Dec. E—J:rertinJ—Tn o cavalry
regiments nave been seat U. Ireland to' sup
press the Insurrectionary Inurement.
Roes, Dec. 9.—Rearly alt the French troops
have left Rome, and the fortes ale evacuating
the papal dominions. The troops have taken
steam trausporation to Civita. •
FLORG,CE, Dec. S.—The convention between
the Italian government and the Pope in refer
ence to the assumption .of the naval debt by
Italy has ticen signed.
ST. PETERSIICILO, Dec. a—The Ifs-elan gov
ernment annulled the special laws of the em-•
plre relative to the church relations with tile
Papal government.
Loxuox, Dee. o.—.l.dvices from Constantino
pls. say the means of the Cretan insurgents
are exhausted, and they are sea' de longer to
visit aggressive measure agaiett tile Turkish
LIVEUPOOL, December s.—Cotton tins,; mid
dling 120 , 11.11.113 at is gd. lltead6tuffs are un
Lennox, Decemberl..r-Coneul, , t... 0.; for
money. Five-twenties, ,I. Erie . ;
Central, 77;.4. . •
• •
Important Advices—Therenloos—Alartn
Collin Iretan.l-514venthnt of Trimps
and s—AD Atlantic - Coble 'infant
—Convocation of 111• Imps ;it name.—
Itussin Convert!ng Muskets • Into
Breech Loaders.
New •Yotts,. Dec. tt.—The tit e urn stap Cite, of
Paris, from Liverpool. arrived to-day.
The London War e hints at a serious difficul
ty been the British Government and the Wash
tngton Cabinet in respect to the duties of the
A Cora t elegratn or the rig h saysi--Comilder•
able alarm prevails bore and throngbont Ire
land. All the police stations are barricaded.
and the military are .11qm:sing throughout
the COULItry. the troops acre congaed to
barracks underarms lust night.
A Dublin letter says the Fenian revival pro
duced bad effects 0.. trade, and a dull winter
Is anticipated.
Arrests have been made in Drogheda of Tim
Mallow and Cadre linacross.
The troops in Dublin were under arms and
detachments of cavalry patrolled the Suburbs.
Twelve thousand five hundred breechload
ers have been received for distribution among
the constabulary.
Sir. A. A. Glass has been knighted for his
labors In the atlantic cable expedition.
The extradition treaty between France and
England will, by agreement, remain In force
until September let, isra.
Fr/a-v.—Tim candidate, returned in Venetia,
as far as known, belong to the moderate par
ty. Martial law was to cease in Palermo en
November WO.
• • •
A convocation of Catholic Inshops will ass
rumble in Rome J une h.
I:refs:A.—The Ninister.of War ordered the
Coaversion of I.ei,See muskets Into breech
loaders. , •
Numerous bodies of Cr, tan Insurgents have
taken refuge in Greece. Flea days has been
allowed to those still offering resits nee to
lay down their arms.
A Greek dispatch *flys the .reek troops IlaYo
been concentiated on the Turkish frontier.
A Bombay telegram of the of November.
reports the shipments of cotton during the•
past fortnight at 7,We bales.
11 , ), , 0 KONG, October U.S.—Tea quiet and
Shanghai advices of the 9th of October re•
port dliturbances union g 4 the Chinese soldiers
at Nankin. A largo number have been be
headed for robbing Inhabitants.
The murderers of the capielit, a n d other
persons belonging to the American schooner
Imbra, have not been dlscoveriel. -
The Westminster mid J. If. Lloyd, ten ships,
bad been wrecked. • --
Disaster on the Rappahannock
NORVOLH, Dec. is - our pa T
inful duty to
record a distressing accident, 4 b ich occurred
in the month of the ltappahafelock this morn.
Mg et about three o'clock, 'MI board the
steamer Kelso, plying between this city and
Baltlmore. ,Tho steam chest exploded, blow
leg out eleven stay bolts. The rush 01 steam
wag !Al great that three (adored coal sliereleri
were killed, and from eiglitekii to twenty of
the passengers wounded, twl: of them so se
verely that they will probably die. The fol
lowing is a list of the yr - minded SO far its uscer
tained: it. S. Osborne, Oxford. North Caro.
line, seriously; Charles Rader, chief engineer.
painfully; James Davis, Newark, NOW .Isrsey,
seriously; John Eamon, Newark, New Jersey,
seriously; Stetilo n h. Hays, Newgrk, New Jer
sey, seriously; Jolla Thomas. wltiter, serious..
Jyt Dorman W. Botts, fireman, mortally.
Mr. h. Haney, one of Abe engineers of the
boat Is spoken of as baying acted input heroi
cally in cutting off the steam, otherwise the
disiustertnight have boutvlar more appalling.
The concussion was so violent as to blow out,
a great part of the upper works on the star
board side and twist the Iron pillars and break
the heavy -beetles. Thu kindest te lention was
pisld -to the sufferers by um officers of the
boat. The accident is attributed to the defer-
MIN construction of too steam chest, which
was put up with stays instead of nee set bolts,
and the culpable neglect or the inspectors who
had overlooked this defect.
A Congreaalonal Seat Contested—Chole
ra Iteport Heavyt7nl anows on the
luton—Arrival of l'lo Hall
way Surveying Perineoa n
.nt S a lt Lake.
Sr. Lorm,Decernher 0-1100. John Rogan
telt for Washington yesterday. lie will con.
test lAneral Plies' seat in tlio tort/tali. Con
The official report gives the number of
deaths, from cholera, In this elty, from July
trfth to November oth, as 3.37.
N' a erg , l , lgs , lzz o isn?ws are fallinE f r er ri the plains,
Parties belon ' aft l ig' r e 4 o Ille a trnio u n e ra n efilo Rail
road recently arrived at BAIL Lake City, ono by
the southern and the other by the northern
route. Both routes aro pronounced feasible.
An excellent grade was alsoluund along trio
lituabohlt river.
After nearly a week of mud weather: it
ned suddenly cold last night, and-the mor
el:ln, has been several degrees 'below treezlng
point all day.
Liberals Concentraflag for an Attack.
Return of the English Minister.
Great Outrages by •Robbers
Decree of President Juarez
December 9.-7 + 'ho (Ignirdercial'•
New Orleans ”pedal dispatch says: Meltable
Intelligence from •Monterey announce the
complete overthrow of the Liberal army .un.
der General Trevino by the Imperial forces
under Melia.
Nem - Yonk, Dec.:l.—The steamer Alauliatt an.
from Ilavana, Ikr rigs ad viees from the City of
Mexico to the and Vera Cruz to the ssth
ultimo. Mammalian WAS still at Orizaba. It
was stated that he had agreed so abdicate, aro
pointing Marquis, Miratnon and Marina as
triumvirate, and appealing to the vote of tie
people to coutlrm this stop.
The lutpenaltsts are rapidly evacuating all
the northet n outposts, and tom ral Vomit' Is
ex - Pouted at the City of Meaico with the garri
sons of San Luis Potosi, Maaatiln and other
places. •
The Liberals are concentrating some ;zoo°
men to attack. sun Luis Paosi and stand.
. . . _. .. , . .. .
The Imperialists will POOll evacuate Duran-
General Rayne and Castlenan, were at 1, era
Cruz, noxiously awaiting the arrival of Min
6ter Campbell and General Sherman. An
escort Is to he prepared for them to the city
of Mexico. The psople at Vera Cruz manliest
lunch Joy at the expected arrival.
tmong the passengers by the- Munhatten,
are Minister Se.ariett, returning to F.-gland
from Ideate°, and Lieutenant' BazairM, with
special dispatches to Napoleon. , -
The City of Mexico correspondence states
that on. the ILL!: of November, a diligence from
Zacatecitso, tontalning fourteen passengers,
was stopped within hailing dl.tance 'or -the
VACS of Araphoe, by sixteen robbers. lour
gentlemen were taken to the mountains, and
throe retained for ransom. One art-Amerman
lint:Will Courtney, was sent to I:aerate. with
orders to raise the sums requir d and deposit
them with certain parties in he City. The
Imperial troops were dispute ed after the
robbers. who. Was soon overt ken, when a
U 0,1: tight ensued, In which fdrty of the sol.
dim, were slain and tee balanee sorrendered
as prisoners, when they wereXtt once led to
tree, and the robbers amused themselves by
thrusting them through with latices, or hack.
Ina Olean a ith hatchets. '
Tho Liberal tortes are everywhere bp:Me
ngg no as if by magic. Colonel -Meade, occu
pied Pachuca, with eight hundred men, and
now he has hearty four thousand, and in the
face of Such facts, the Church 'party believe
that thee can raise ally thousand men, is this
valley w 7 ltb in a month. ,
• . -
Slexican rapers of October atith contain the
Whaled decree of President Juarez 413 oiling
the pardons welch reztututra has grunted cer
tain Star-lean Impertaltsts of Sonora.
The French are_stlll at, Duraogri . . nut the
Liiierals defeated the last body o ff Impart
alist. In tho.fleid.
A battalion of troops to aid Juarez, from ban
Franchhio, sail for Mexico nett Tuetday.
Southern Representatives in, Council
Indian Relations in South-West
Home for Friendless Children
tlppointments by the President, &o
WAsti tnovort,• December o.—Southern Sena
tors and Representatives now in this city bald
a meeting' for consultation Jut evening.
Among those present were Governor Sharkey
of Mississippi, Governor Parsons and Mr' Fos
ter of Alabama, and Senators Burnet. and Ro
berts and Representative Ephirson of Texas.
'Considering the low ti , eitithern meinbers pre
sent hj , Washington, no detiolLe section was
agreed,on. should events reentry It, a general
ineetik of all the Southern Representatives
vuty bn called early in January. Saunter John
Pool. of North Carolina, arrived to-day. Sena
tors Barnet an, Roberts are to have an Inter
view to-morrow, by appointment, with Seem.-
' tary tiro...ulna. to ennobler Indi in relations In
• the Southwest, with a view to restoring the
ancient rights of those who trarticlpated in
the rebellieu, mid securing the general good
iof freedmen of that section.
Thu ilvaire for mu repeul of the Kith section
of the amnesty net, neuies to be abut rue, 7n
view of the fact that Mimi cell-twentieths of
the property affected by it hue already been
restored to Southern Owners, which restore
inn can not be disturbed. The repeal would
affect only a few rominont rebels now absent
iron, the country, and who own but little to
110 confiscated. It will ISO contended by several
Senators that its tendency will be to disturb
confidence, embarrass industry,and hazard
loss to the Northern creditors of Southern
Senor Gabriel Gassuocia, the Spanish Minis
ter, who has been absent two weeks one visit
to New York, will return on Tuesday.
The ladles who inaugurated and have con- ,
ducted the News Boys , Homo in this city, linen
now in contemplation the widening of the
fluid of operations, by making home a re
cepticul of nil friendless children who may
stand In need of care and protection. A pub
lic meeting la to be held in the City Ball next
Wednesday ufternoon, to alit this design.
It is ascertained from ex-Provisional Gover
ner parsons, of Alabadia, who is in this elty,
that the report that Governor Patton, of Alas
bouts, recommended the adoption of the Con- I
atltutional /thsendment to the Alabama Legis
lature. is an error. The fact was, that Got.
Patton, under the advice of Gov. Perilous and
other citizen!, Of Ailithatna, called the attention
of the Legialature to the Amendment and
urged action . upon it, in view of the remit.
important events, but without recommending
its passage. Gee. Patted in tecotimended by
his friends here as not having personally
any voted the ailoptlou of the Amendment at uny
tessimorron, December ft : Major. N. W.
Drown, at invnent Assistant Pay motor Gen
eral, and Daniel McClure, of Indiana, have
becu appointed, under the new army MIL Ass
Blatant Paymaster Generals.
John I'. McGrath, of Miasouri, mid William
11. Johnson, of Ohio, have been appointed Pay
Tue Quartermaster's Department, are yet
to he tilted. An yet, only four or five Paymas.
• terand the Colonels add Lieutenant Colonels
in the Quartermaster l e Department, have
been appointed.
Governor Hoiden, of North carotins, arrived
here last evening and is atoppitig at the Ebbitt
Drain of an LdttorDedication of a
Unitarian ilati—A Nalted•Trutti Man
After Editors.
New Yoga, December 0.--Uharles-Y. BaBsoll,
editor of the Boston ELerstrui Conuarreiat , tiled
suddenly In thin city to-any, of heart disease.
The Unitarians of this city dedicated a Na
tional Ball to purposes of their order this
evening, Bev. E. IV I.:barite delivering the
openin . • address.
lv ßv e M ph Sm l y l
h t then ig ed u - ntEdi to 2, de
Elver and Weather at taciturnle.
Lotnavmha, Dee O.—Weather clear with the
mercury at 19 dug.
Packers nru buoy killing boge, taking ad
vantage of the elatege In the weather.
Outlints of, a Paring Plan.
NEW Yong, December D.—The Mercury eaye
.1 very important meeting of the leaders of
the Fenian 'movement has been held in tide
City, at which certain plan Maul the contain
plated rising of Fontana la Ireland were lie.
cussed at considerable length. The most im
portant feature in the plan of assistance from
this side of the water contemplates the selSure
of certain European steamers and to convert
them into privateers. It Irsa suggested to
get command of the Queen City, Ilgitlmore
and Setstia, belonging respecitlyeir to the ,Na-
Donal, Inman and Cunard lines. his Is to be
accomplished by introdecing the right men
among the mews, sufficient Inducements be
mg offered to the crews which come over to
leave the vessels, In order that their places
ifiay be supplied by picked men from the Fe
elan organization. .
In conjunction with this part of the plan all
available passages on board the steanaers are
to be taken for members of the order. and all
the available room allowed for freight to be
used for arms and ammunitton, to be intro.
duced us the personal baggage of passengers.
in order to prevent,so far as.posslble, effusion
of blood It is proposed to seise the vessels at
night when the opposition of commanders
would be likely Lobe the less effective. W hen
one', undertite control of the Fontana the ves
sels can be easily transformed Into privateers
and would be exceedingly formidable, being
swift, well provisioned ancrwell supplied with
arms. in ea. It is found impossible to make
reprisals, the vessels are to steam into port
under English colors and disembark the pass
engers with directions . LO josts the different
circles now its secret 'progress In England and
Ireland. Such IS a brief outline of this daring
Intinse Excitement and Alarm.
The 1 7 enian Prisonei.s.
s aigur.,c no, Canaria, Dec. V.—An intense
exeiteurent Ima been created here within tile
past, twenty-tour, hours. It In thought that the
rumors to the effertit that the leniaus would
make an attempt to reseurst he prisoners eon.
fined In tilts pluec, are well founded, and that
there will tie an Immediate and lucre idableln.
vasum of the Lansrl tan sulk The goo erouleiit
'ls taking all inecersury precautions to meet
tile threatening emergency. 1 mops have been
ordered under arms,. nun all the Wardle' of a
campaign is ex lobar:rt. Reinforcements have
been ordered up from um Interior, and all the
movements indiesto serious trouble to be not
far off. It Is probable that the prisoners will
he secretly removed to a snore pectins point.
They are strongly guarded and the greatest,
vigilance Is umnifeated. ._ _
rh limn of Dr. rotoon—Arregl of Col
ored Preacher fdr Abduction nod
auction—Murder of a Ilan fur Indict•
tali Improper Letters.
Itlcanoso, V s., Deeember S.—
nockhrldge, 'rho was arrested last week un
der the well nights bill, was-brought before
General Schofield, yesterday, anti gave ball to
the amount of toasty thousand dollars, to
appear w hen called for.
A colored preacher named Witham Darts,
was arrested last night, for tie alleged al,.
duction and ',eduction, of the daughter of
Lenox. D. Smith.
A man named John Driscoll, formerly or
Richmond, was tglcd lost Friday at Lye river
warchonse, by S. U. Wood, for writing grossly
insulting letters to his self°,
Largo Fenian fleeting—Men and Money
Raped—The Ildno , ll Senatorial Ion•
teat—Another a 'Osmond In the Field.
CHICAGO, Dec. a.--At thei nian meeting held
lust night a speech was made by Senator Scan
lon and other allstluguished Fenians. At the
conclusion of the meeting about eight hun
dred men were enlisted In the army of the
Irish Republic. A subscription was also taken
up, and a hainiPume sum was realized.
The Ti.nce 8f:1 . 11:Wield special says: Anoth
er ea:nil:late appeared In the arena for Sense
torial honors. tieneral E. 11. Ws:fa:burnt:fa ap
pearance will make TrutnbulPs chances
doubtful. There are now tive candidate.,
Trumbull, Washburne • Oglesby, Logan and
' -
Large Mining Stock Dlrldetal-Estirrta
tett Inereatat In the Importation of
Sty FII.VSMCO, Dec. 8.-The Savage Mining
Company 111.1X0 declared a dividend of one
hundred dollars In coin.
!dining sto..ko are fluctuating.
The total amount or raw sugar imported
hero during the present year Is estimated at
forty millions of pounds, being an increase. of
live millions over last year.
Are National hook Storks Subject to
Taxi, innt—Ass Important Case, and
Largo Amount Involved.
Wxsu.irrox December h.—An argument
relative to bank cases In New York, will be
heard on the 19515. The question inns to
whether stock In National, as well us State
Banks holding United States securities. Is
subject to taxation, The case Mid airtady gone
through several phases and involves probably
the largest amount of money ever before •ar
gued before the Supreme Court. The counsel
for the corporation of New York are Messrs.
Agerman, Charles O'Connor, Waldo, lletchlns,
and Judge Parker, of Albany; for the batiks
- Messrs. Williams, Evarta, Mini. Stillman, John
E. Durrill, Edgar M. t an Winkle, and others.
Eleven cases are Involved us decision, and
two counsel appear In each case. The city
and tax payers are interested to the amount
of five million dollars.
The 'Leine Explorlen—linmee of Killed
bud Wounded.
NEW Yong, Dee. 9.—By the expiation of the
steamer Kelm), as reported yesterday, the fob
lowing persons were killed: Chief Engineer
Ceder, Assistant Engineer IVilson M. Mald.
roe, Wm. Mall, fireman, and John Cowan bad
ly scalded: Tim following passengers, were
severely scalded: Rev. Cowling, Geo. Blake%
Edward Seochler, L. Saughtille, Maj. Carter
and eight Infantrymen; Joe. Davis, Stephen
Hays and Chas, Nixon. The injured passen
gers have been taken to the Naval Hospital.
Blow la. Old Ireland'-Return of the Fe
nton ILtrataln Lawler, of Connecticut
-50,000 Armed Fontana Beatty to 'strike
In Ireland.
Nor.wicu, Conn., Dec. D.—Lieutenant Lawlor,
who has lately been imprisoned la Ireland ml
lonlan, had arrived liorti, having been sent
home by the Lowish tiovernuunit. lie reports
that there are WAN, well araiell and well drill
el lenlans in ireland.determiued to strike for
liberty by January let. LieuL Lawler will
soon ,eturn to Ireland to assist in the revolu
tion there.
Decision Against an Empress; Company
—Verdict for 410,000.
Ni.w Tong, Doe. 9.—ln tho. United ;Mates
Circuit Court, yeetorday, the clue of T. W.
Bonnard agates& Ben Holliday. for recovering
ten thousand dollars which was sent by 110111-
day's Express for Colorado, but w hitch was de
stroyed by attack - of Indians, was decided , in
favorof,Gonnard for the full amount. TOO
Judge ruled that tho Express company was
Hublo as common carriers, and a verdict was
rendered accordingly.
Tae Surrender of Matamoros.
IiALVZH TON, TCXBI3, Doe. 6.—The Rio (rande
Courier of Dee. 24, says: Itt 12 o'clock lust
ntal4, Canalos ourrendered Iltatainornis to E.
cabado. Ile had proulanaly received a cow
ix:ante:4lou that be might surrender himself
(erect and city Ur. United Mates autbori
ties. Ho preferred to surrender to Etcabado
- An Extrodlilen Decision to be Sateen.
New YortiC, December 9.—United States CoM
missioner Nelson will tomorrow give a deci
sion in the case of Greateaux, photographer,
arrested eight or ten days ago at the instance
of the Dritiali authorities, for forging bank
note,. Thu aleclstort great, the asked tor ex
Prom Gp the Allegheny.
FItANELIX. PA., Dec. 11.—ItIver here Its u feet
four Inobee,and rising; and at Oil City, live
foot elz Incline; and ut u stand,
Grand Army or the Itepoblle.—Pest. No.
1, of Allegheny County Instrlet, of the De.
partment of Pennsylvania of the Grand Army
of the Republic. has been fully established In
tills env, and are ready to reaulve new mew.
bers. Full Information Genera l order may be
received by addressing A. lwrearson.
montenglit Joseph 1.. Evans or sergeant Lee
To fifth and Moth Wnrd Nobscrlliers
WO bare made new arrangements for the
delivery of our paper in.tim Fifth and Ninth
wards. Any subscriber lit either ward hiding
to receive the tioccilc will please leave word
at our counting room, or at Alderman Tay
lors °Mea t 'or at the residence of our Carrier,
Mr. Cream, Pike street. All moneys due' for
pavers delivered heretofore, must be paid to
Mr. Cronlr, who alone i, authorized to collect
in thme neighborhoods for us."
The Sheitp.burg. Shooting—MeAlly of
Jaw. NeEnteheon—Coroner's Inquettt.
On Saturday morning James ItleGuteheott,
the man who wan shot on Thursday - eight by
the negrci, Robert Maloney, at llormah thium's
hotel, nhartobnric, Wed at the hotel from
the effects of the wound. Early on Fri
day morning J. G. Cotustock, tett., Just ice nl
the Peace, raiding lu hharpsburg, we,
(or, and took the following deposition of the
wounded' man :
' I boarded at Mr: Rautn'o tavern in char.-
blitlf, on Thursday night, the fill. meat. 1 all
down On the front porch, and about eleven'
o'clock got up to go into the Ilea.; I friumi the
front odor lOCkell, and went around to the din
ing room window, opened it, and was about
to clinilb Into the house, when some one, in the
room 'spoke to tue, but I slid not understand
hat he said; I told him that I boarded In tee
house, was not going to Lurt anyone, and usk.
ed him to keep quiet; 1 wan then shot by 'ime
one In the dining rooruido not know by whom;
I was In the window at the time; when that on.
I ateppoil back from the window and
returned to the bark porch.
Coroner Ciwwson waa notated of the
death of SlcCititcheou, and on catiirdue
afternoon empanneficil a Jury and held un
IneoeSt In the case. The following evidence
wee adduced;
C. R. B; Rubiitson, sworn.—l was Called
to coo James MeCtitcheen, deceased iii
found him on the flout porch of Jerome
Laura's, proprietor of Union Dote'. Ober.-
burg; bad him Carried in o the hou,e; exain in
ad him and found a gun shot wound, ball en.
tertng about an inch from the left nipple on
the outer side, praising through obliquely
don avant and coming out about the middle
of the email of the back; I found the ball lodg
ed between the skin, or rather attached to the
skin rostindon his YU, t; it was one of tho.a
long minnie tails. I am satisfied that this
wound witithe aurae of bin death.
. .
George 'Priem sworn—l heard agun shot olfi
Can't paw who shot it;. It wits between eleven
and twelve o'clock, on the night of the Gill of
December, MI6; 1 Was the arresting otileer;
after 1 heard the: report, I heard, some, one
tialloo; I ran out and naked what was the mat
ter; was told that deceased was shot, and war
told to take bold of It inert' Mainnyo lie orbs
Oneri I went Op to him and sabl, do you know
who shot 11,15 Maui 110 said, I shot hire. 1
Naked him why be shot hint; he replied that
deceased had come In and atamped his bead.
1 mild, how is that, when the outside;
be replied, why lie reschesi In throegh Die
window and pulled my hair. He afterwards
Bald that •deceased had reached throimit-the
winnow and tried to pull his hair. -After
wards when we were bringing his,, into the
city, he said that tSquire Morton had given
Lim a Doper that gave him the privilege of
shooting any person th t molested him.,
George Dant. s worn—l we- In bed when wised
e -me to me that a man was murdered; I came
over 10001:n10n Motel; found Hobert blaionyi
put the turn on hint, and took him to the city;
on the road in lie said he had snot James Me-
Cii icheses; ha seemed not to mind it.
George. Ilene:, Swaim—The deceased and 1
had 'been to litewartistown with some tour or
five others; he left for Lome one way and we
went another, he got over before us, and when
we got home we found him tying on tlieporch;
I woke Lim up and told him, to go to bed. he
got right up and said, "I kow w Way to get
in." 1 stood at the corner talkleg to some one I
and deceased went on; about a minute after
wards I heard a shot; deceased came 5,r, to me
and sold he was shot; he •at on the mach, and
I knocked at the deo: and woke Baum up; his
eon came down and opened the door; I went
in and right through to the dining man; I
round the prisoner Hobert Maloney sitting on
a settee with a gun in Disband; (kerne Friess
01:11.weut up to him and took the gun from
Limn bestakt It. wasn't the Itrat man ha hurl
shot; there was no one in the room elms 1
first went in but the mitered man.
This closed the testimony, and after due
consideration, the Jary returned the following
"That the salt James MeCutchcon came to
his death from a gunshot. wound Inflict. d on
the night of the Gbh day of December. the
gun being in the hands"( eine Rob e rt melon,*; ,
and that the said James hicCutelicon deed. on
the morning of December etti,lhild, from the I
effects of Bahl gunshot wound.
The man Maloney, who did the shooting,'
remained In the lock-up after las_arriiii. until
the Inquest bad been held, after which he wen
committed tojall to await his trial on the
charge of Murder. He has been partially de
ranged for- years, and has been sent to the
County Poor PAM several tiniest, but he
being an active and muscular man, could,
always find employment withsdhe farmers
during the summer season. About sis too dais
ago he purchased a gun ' which he has carried
ever since. Ile appeared to be laboring under
the impreaslon that persons were t following
Mtn to do him bodily harm, and '
alwa'ys kept
his gun loaded-to protect himself with, Ile
sacs he does not regret what ho has done for
ho has'killed too many men and seen too many
killed to care ninth for one more. lie says
that recently he has seen lying, In the' woods
about Sharpshurg thousands of corpses. the
remains of men Whom the devil had allot be
cause ho was aunCiyed by them. The whole
demeanor of the prisoner indicates insanity
or pr rtial Idiocy.- .
The ...lannortal J. N.'
• •
Thu "Immortal 7011 known 1n our
dry by his periodi I visits burr, has been
making a visit to Jett Davis. lie had a long
conversation with the ex-chief of the ot-"So.
Called.' The twin lights seemed to harulou-
ILe perfectly, and the immortal philosopher
propouioled him theory to Jell la the following
• - -
J. N. "1 trust I have your entire sympathy:
my position is a peculiar out', differing from
the established ideas of the people of the
South. The truth In, what I have determined
to promulgate, and to relieve the press of the
North and those Who sympathized with me.
During the late war I appeared before them
In the light of a criminal, doing penance on
the altar of prejudice In. order to than as-
SWIM all the rearionsibbitios on myself. Rue
are the Instruments of torture.. (J. N. hand
ing his manacle to Davis, who smiling said:
"They are not as largo as (note presented to
me,") "with which I have entered twentysaix
dungeon cella. I could not have presen
ted truth without this sacrillee. lied I
not stood neutral. 1 would have now no
theory' and it Is truly a great source of grat is
Scat lot to me to present the eaine principles
In the North that Ido In the South. As you
are aware. probably, I nave travelled Over
tune S taten In the South since the war; so that
the soldiers of either army. when they hear
me, ea unite in the common bonds of friend
ship, nd each fully sympathize with the
other, or they are truly both patriots to their
Idea of truth. The soldiers that, fought under !
the C nfetterate Bug, revered Washington !
fully much as those under the Federal Bag,
Moth mien honored that spot where his ash.
en rep so the former claitning Washington
becaus he established this Government on
the pt . ; mph,. that they were contending for
—the right of self-governmenut. The latter
Ignorig this positlori, claimed that the for
mer wire destroying the Government which
he in his wisdom had founded. Tills you will
see is d paradox, both right and both wrong.
Both right, because each was right from to el r
view; both wrong because each considered tile
other Wrong. Thus patriotism Impelled both
to act is they did, each conscientious In their
i i,
, praying for limo success of their arms
and a menthol; to heaven to
Bantle of their own cause.
I; r,
Female Belliaerants. ,
Margkret Adams came to the calico of Jas.
tbs., Lipp. on Saturday, and made an informa
tion against June Cumininti, for assault and
battery. It appears that the parties occupy n
house on Carson Street, In the borough of llit
mingliam. Margaret's lodgings being on the
'second floor, and immediately above those
inhatitnil by June. In throwing out . some
dirty water, Mrs. Adams unintentionally.
woL Soma garments belonging to Mrs. Cum.
minx whiclaiwere banging on a clothe's line in'
the rear yard. Tills exasperated Jane, and
hurting ray.
her considerably.
After attempting to apologize In vain for
throwing the water and requesting an erten.
Sion of the olive branch on the part of her ad.
Terrary, Margaret gave up her self-imposed
tank in despair, and hastened to the marls
' (rate's °taco, making oath as stated. Jane
I then expressed is willingness to smoke the
calumet with her opponent, but then it was
too late{ the mighty arm of the law had enter
ed IMO the quarrel, aria nothing hut au appeal
to the blind goddess Justice could brief; about
a state of peace. Jane therefore was forced
to enter ball for a hearing.
Sudden Death.—llngh 3Lartiu, residing
on Craig street, First ward, Allegheny, was
found dead In his beil, yesterday inerning.
li e had retired to bed the night before to
lama health. Itte sudden death was probthly
Occarlaned by apoplexy. The deoeused was
about trarty•tive years at ageeand leaves a
IrLre and One children.
derman Taylor on Paturday, charged with the
larceny of a quantity of obilron front tho res
idence of Peter Ilmidt, on Quarry etreet, In the
Fifth ward. After a partial hearing tho
maid gave ball for her appearance at court
end dra4 telePOrarlif released. .
• m .. , !
~ v -
lb -
\-,,,, - I
.. ,
-..... . ,
The Columlins t aquell TINIt the Itonme
of Ilefnge— A Patillig Bilutinet, Speech-
The members oft he Columbus (Ohio) City
Councils left our city for their homes on Sat
urday afternoon at three o'clock. On Satur•
day morning the delegation, accompanied by
a number of cur Councilmen, paid a visit to
the Douse of ito f age, and were kindly received
and conducted. through the various apart
ments by the gentlemanly Superintendent,
Mr. Avery. Our guests expressed themselves
highly pleased and .1011;11dt...I with the institu
lion and its perfect system for reforming
wicked children, and intimated that Columbus
sadly needs n similar place of correction for
the young. - After examining to their hearts
content other noticeable attractions to Man
chester the party returned to the Monongalte
la House where a sumptuous dinner was in
waiting..llls flonor, 'Mayor McCarthy, and
the Coucil committee doing the honors in
behalf of the city. After the clo ho were re.
moimil and the sparkling wines produced. Mr.
J. b. Donaldson, ?resilient of the Columbus
Council, in response ton toast, took occasion
-to express the deep and heartfelt thanks of
the Columbus delegation to the Pittsburgh
eitigens and Councils for the cordial and gen
erous treatment received at their hands dur
ing their brief Stay of observation In PUCK..
burgh. It Was true, he Bald, that we have not
large and palatial residences, and brownstone
mansions to show the stranger In yourftnids.,
but something in which you can have much
greater pride—the extensive mannfaotories,
mlils acil workshops are the nobles monu
ments to the indeudence, wealth and industry
of your citizens.
fits ilonor..Mayor McCarthy. next oeciipled
the floor, and mole a neat and effective
opec(h winding up with the seutitnent "our
guests," which was drank off with a gusto by
the Pittsburgh side of the house... The follow-
Ing volunteer sentiments followed:
fly VY. fi. Ogden—The City of Columbus, the
rising giantess of our Sister State. May she
ever partake of the same indomitable energy,
the unyielding courage, the unflinching enter
prise, and the uncfintrollable spirit. of ail-
Vancement as a City, a. characterized the im
mortal discoverer of America, after whom the
was named.
By fumes Patterson, of Colon:atm.—Mine
float, .1. McDonald CromFan, of the Monouga•
hula llouse. The Oily "Dads' of Columbus
la ill long remember the princely character of
/his hotel and the general excellence of the
liv Rev. A. (ti ifyerd, of the Columbus Jour
nal—The City of Pittsburgh, the metropolis- of
American enterprise and Industry. May her
prosperdy he equity metropolitan. Respond
to by Mr. W. N. Ogden.
Other sentiments were offered and respond
ed to, and the best of good humor prevailed.
The guests then took theirdeparture forthe
depot, where, ere the train waved off, Mr.
hammerer, of Columbus, delivered a farewell
oration In his usual happy and felicitous style.
We trot our guests were fully satisfied with
their visit to our smoky town, and hope they
may soon again honor the city with their pre
sence. They will always Clod the latch-string
out and warm hearts and hands to accord
them a welcome.
The Iflre on Liberty Street—Further
In Saturday morning's paper we noticed the
burning of Frederick hump's Cider and Vine
gar Manufactory, In the Fifth ward, on Liber
ty Fired, near 'Valeta. no lateness of the
hour at which the tiro occurred preoluded
more than the merest mention of the matter
We this morning give fuller particulars. The
building was an old two story frame, and was
occupied an a store MOM by Mr. Lowry, the
owner of the property; as a elder manning ,
tory by hum p,anti so adwelllng bylirs.lnglen
Mr. hump had retired about eleven o'clock
Friday night. Shortly after three o'clock
Saturday morning he w as awakened by smoke,
and was almost suffocated. The lire evident
ly had been smouldering for some time, and
had made such headway that all efforts on the
part or the firemen ptesent to extinguish
were without effect. The building, with all
Its contents, an destroyed. Mr. Rump, on
awaking and discovering the lire, found all
means of exit cut off save the second story
window. Having debt lilted his wife out in
her night clothes, he leaped out himself, and
escaped unhurt. Scarcely had he done this
when the floor gave way. "
The fire is energised to hal AO:Wasted from
a defective flue. The building was owned by
Mr. Lowry, whose loss is estimated at 87.00,
on which there is - no insurance, be having fail
edlo renew his poll y which expired last
week. The upper story, occupied us a dwell
ing by Mrs. levies, was completely gutted of
its contents. No insurance.
Mr. hemp is the heaviest loser. Ile had Just
commenced business, and Ida entire house
hold effects, together with a large quantity .31
cider, apples, vinegar and machinery, were de
stroyed. S tin Lox containing about O in
gold was lost in the Me, bet portions of - the
precious meta acrepicked up among the ru
ins. Ile also lest a gold watch and chain, val
ued at 6150, and a valuable c +llecti on of-Euro
pean coins, all of which wore in a second tin
box. Ills loss will not be less than 103,00. Me
has an insurance of pee in the "Peoples,” of
Marione Accident.
Yesterday morning as Mr.. Wm. S. Schmertz,
shoe-dealer on Fifth street, was driving from
Oakland with his family, to attend church in
the city, the horses attached to the carriage
became restless and unmanageablO in des
cending the bill near Sobo and ran at speed
down the. bill. When part way down the des
cent, Sir. Scionert z's carriage Caine In violent
contact with that of lir. McGinnis, who was
also on his way to church, and took one of the
wheels olf it, throwing Mr. McGinnis and lfis
family out. Fortunately Mr. McGinnis' horses
were manageable and no serious injury result.
ed to any eccup'knt of the carriage. Mr.
echinertz's horses continued ou their course,
and wags at the foot of tile hilLnear the toll
gate, the carriage overturned and the occu
pants, consisting of Mr. Schmertz, his wile
and iliingliter and Mrs. schmerta , s brother,
Mr. David hammerrer were throWn vio
lently to the ~nr ound. 'Mrs. Schmertz was
taken up an insensible condition and was
at first reported to be dead. She was realise!.
tat. d, however, and was found to have re.
calved severe, 'though not dangerous inju
ries, consisting of painful cuts and bruises
about her face Lind bead. She was at
tended by. Dr. George L. McCook and is
now in as crunfort aide a condition as could be
expected. Mr. Schmertz ADO received painful
injuries on the head and face, but nothing of
a very serjous character. ills daughter
received several slight bruises and cuts. Mr.
Hammerrrir was the-most severely injured of
the party, having sustained a fracture of. the
right leg below the knee, and also having his
left leg very meth bruised and lacerated. He
was attended by Dr. Cathie, who reduced the
fracture and attended in the proper manner
to his Other Injuries. kr. Kummerrer was sub
sequently removed to the, residence or his
'brother, Mr. T. A. Ileminerrer, in Allegheny.
The carriage was completely . demolished. All
things considered, the escape of the occupants
Motu death or much more serious injury is
something remarksble.
Low Priced' and (toed—The Emerson
To meet tile wants of the great number o
persons who desire to possess a piano, but do
not feel able to gq to the expense of the (mill.
est make, and yet would have only a good
substantial miff, we have made a most careful
examlnation of all the lowest prices' pianos
made in the-United States. The result of tide
examination is that we have found those
made by W. P. Lan , eson, to be the best pianos
for the price, and the cheapest good pianos
that are made. TLoy are most substantially
built, on the bounds st acoustic principals: the
wood is the best quality properly seasoned;
thetone rich and powertul.and the touch easy
and elastic; each one is provided with the the
full iron frame, and overstrung bass. They
stand well lit tune and wear well in every par
tied, ar ; this we know from actual experience.
The difference Ut price between the Emerson
• Piano, and the more Costly makes, la caused
by the most rigid economy in the =mum,
Lore consistent with excellence, and
by a saving of labor on those parts,
wLich neither effect the tone or durability.
We do not pretend that the "Emerson' , is the
lowest priced piano mole; many can be bought
at a less price. Such pianos we do not keep,
having found, by our own and others experi
ence that being. -o poorly ufada they soon give
way, lose their tone, become harsh and die
.eorlant, sathfuetion to the owner,
but are a constant source of expense and an
noyance. A piano of this kind Is a bad in
vestment. and really the dearest piano any'
ono can buy. We do not and will not keep
them for sale. Fouling the "Emerson" such a
desirable piano, we ut once scoured the exclu
she," agency for them for Pittsburgh and sur
rounding country, and having made special
contracts for a regular weekly sunray for a
long time to coins, wo can offer them at un
usually advantageous rates. All persons de.
siting the best cheap piano In the market,
should not fall to examine the "Emerson. be
fore purchasing any other kind. Liberal db.-
count to clergymen, teachers and cash caste.
mere. Cbarlea.C. Mellor S CO. ; el Wood street,
Pittsburgh. ' awe
Fire on Fonrib ntroet.—]eeterday'°tnrn•
lug at about seven o'clock, an alarm sonnet ,
from station No. la, the Central Kaden. It
was ascertained that the occimion of tbc.T . t,T...
Avan slight Pre in the? puer portion?: Hewn.
Campbell d Alken't Livery Stabie,_9
street, near the corner of Wood. t he olDe m e
oer.asloned by the storo pine
below, which because o I, lire own
to the floor of th e loft.
rer-lisaloo And sot tiro
checked. Tho damage amounted to tlO/90
covered by lustranee
Ileslitoeo.—VVo regret to learn that Chief
11 , 11ain, of the Allegheny Polloe. bee resign's'
hie position, for Um porpowe-of entering typos
more 'lterative bush:owe on hie own account.
has, during bile terahttle4 the yee.
Sidon of Chief in a most satisfactory Mariner.
suooeasor bee - not been' appelmod, and
probsnly nos be for some time.
I t
Importer nt Arrent—roptoro of an. Al
hoged Expros. Robber.
On the dith of August last the safe in the of
nee of Adams Express Company, in Graces
born% Greene county, was opened and robbed
of $2,000 In National bank notes. The robbery
Was committed in the day time, and was ef
fected without the aid of drills, or Jimmies, or
skeleton keys or gunpowder. Mr. Joseph MC
Coy, the Express agent at tireensidorie, left the
olllce for two or three minutes, leaving the
safe unlocked. In the safe was a package con
taining the Iri,eoe.whieh had been consigned to
Messrs. MeElimy ik Co., of thls city, by Mr.
Shane, a member of the firm. When Mr. Mc-
Coy returned the package had disappeared
and in the most mysterious manner. it seemed
impossible to fix the responsibility for the
“alistraction. on any person, or to form any
satisfactory theory of the theft. The only
well ascertained fact in the matter seemed to
be that the i'=,ooo were gone. Every etroi t was
made to discover this perpetrator of the
robbery, and ono man, we believe, was ar
rested on suspicion, but was discharged.
On the anti of October last the sum of 011,2.33
was deposited in the First National Bank el
this city by Geo. W. Scott, of Greenshore. The
money was deposited in two installments, WO
being deposited in the morning and the re
maining faliG to the afternoon. Both lots of
bills were alike peculiar In one respect—they
were very musty as If they had bees hurled or
kept in some damp place. The fact of this de
co It having been made by a man from Greens-,
hero, eventually came into the possession of
°Meer Seth IV ilmot the well known and efficient
Inilepimilent police °Meer In this city, who had
been engaged to some extent in working up
the Express robbery. Inquiring more nicely
Into the mutter, he discovered that the Mr.
Scott who deposiietr- tie money was a
nephew of 31-. McCoy, the father of the
Express agent ut Grebusborot that he was
employed in the . store of his uncle,
said store being In the slime building with the
Express office, and that he web the only per
son known to be about-the °eliding at the
time the money was stolen. No suspicion had
attached to young Scott hitherto, out the un
lucky deposit of the musty money had fixed
very strong suspicions regarding, Min in the
mind of the shrewd °Meer. The arrest of the
suspected Man was determined upon, and
otheer Wilmot, some time ago, started Mr
Greensboro to icarrY the determination into
effect. Some untoward circumstance occur
red, the arrest was net made, and the officer
returned quietly, withput having alarmed his
Things got into shape again, and on Satur
day warning officer WilMat nut off fur Greens=
born; and yesterday morning arrested young
Scott, without resistance or dilliculty. The
officer and his prisoner arrived hero late last
evening, and young Scott was assigned to a
cell in the lock-up, whore he it now awaiting
identification as the man who deposited the•
money. •
Li eerge Scott is a young man of rather pre
possessing appearance and looks to ho about
twenty-three years or age. Ever sloe the
robbery, ho has remained, before, employ
ed Mule store of his uncle. and entirely un•
suspected. After hislidentalication, be will be
taken again to Greensboro. Th-re seams lit
tle 'doubt Mat the money deposited by him
oil be-fully.identified, us a part of that
stolen -from the safe.
Theatrical Gossip , .
After the First day of January next the
management of the Opto a House revert. to
Mr. William Henderson, the manager of the
old Thcatr ~ w ho, with the present excellent
stock company at this estatilisliment, will eon,
tinuo the season, it is to ho hoped, as brilliant
ly as It has been inaugurated. We understand
the old house will be under the managerial
control of Mr. Henderson, who, after the First
of July next, will convert It into a musical
hall, where performances,. alter the fashion of
the eastern Casinoe, will be given. We are ex
ceedingly sorry to part wills Sir. Hess, as dur
ing his brief stay a ~Ong us we have learned to
esteem' him very highly, not only tfor his
sterling energy as the stir. .tor cf a ltrnt
class dramatic temple, but for hie
many gentlemanly traits of character in pri
vate lite.' Since he came to this city, he has
labored 145811Inounly to elevate the drama both
In a moral and artistic sense, and how welt he
has succeeded is evidenced from the success
that has attended his every effort. Almoet
simultaneously with the production of novel
ties In the East have they been pre. luced at
the-Opera House, while stars of tLe first mag
&tette in the histrionic ermament have sp.
peared at this house In rapid succession.
The Bell Binders—The Peak and Berger
Our citizens are to have a rare musical treat
title week. The perfection of bell ringing will
be beard among us. The Peak Family, the
oldest American troupe extant, and the cele- -
brated Berger Family will commence a grand
combination entertainment at Masonic Bail
this evening. In producing their music the
Peaks one one hundred and twenty 'bells, of
different tones. and graduated with the ut
most accuracy, and extending in the musical
scale over seven octaves. They have the only
genuine Bet of bells ever Imported into this
country. Varied with the bell ringing will be
charming vocaliz Lion and instrumental,
by the Denser family, who will give many fa
vorite overtures, Mon, quartettes - , de., select
ed from the most difficult operas. The Peak
combination includes thirteen talented per
formers, amt-the' entertainment prunises to
be nue of the beet of the season. There will
be a matinee next Saturday afternoon". Ma
sonic Hall will be thronged on every decagon
of their appearance.
Arrest of atorstgomery
We stated in a former issue that young
Montgomery, one of the Washington murder.
era, hail been arrested. The ateubenvilih Her
add gives the following particulars of his cap.
lure: William Montgomery, one of the mur.
deters of Robert W. Dinsmore, near Washing
ton, wits wrested about five o'clock
yesterday evening at Wellsburg, and Is now
lodged in Jail at that place. Ile came into
Wellsburg foot-worn and weal y, apparently in
a famishing condition, And repaired mime
diltely to the Virginia donee, where he aeked
for something to eat., staling lie was hungry
and tired. Ho was recognized by Messrs.
Baird and Duvall and immediately arrested.
lie surrendered himself willingly into the
hands of the law, and delivered to the officers
a large) knife and revolver which he had on his
Runaway—Child Injured.
Yektcrilay afternoon a boron attached to .a
light buggy ran off on Pennsylvania avenue,
near the corner of Magee street, and dashing
up Login street at a frightful rate of speed,
the animal kucceededprfrocing himself from
the vehicle at the corner of Colwell street by
throwing the conveyance against a board poet
near the curb-atone. A little girl named Bar
bara Snyder was seated in the buggy at the
time of the accident, and of course was cast
upon the pavement and—covered with the
wreck. When extricated, us she was almost
immediately, It was discovered that her right
arm was broken in two places, while her fore
head reedit ed several severe contusions. She
was taken to her home in Lower St. Clair
township, where her injuries were attended
to by Dr. A. U. Walters.
Tim Two Sicmira:—Sketches sod stories of
their scenery,. customs, history, , painters.
de. By DI, b.' Sleeper.. Boston: Gould d
Lincoln. Pittsburgh: Davis, Clarke d CO.
Too 31IIDITEIIANEAN itlLAVDS:—Sketches and
stories Of their Scenery, customs and paint
ere.. By DI. 6. steener. Boston: Gould d, Lin
coln. Pittsburgh: Daols, Clarke d Co.
These aro excellent books for young persons
being not only entertaining but lustruetive.
Ileac:ad:Vs Vein BOOIC inn ALxas•c: F77r 1567
—New• York: Beadle A Co. Pittsburgh: W
A. tilidentenny.
BALLOU'n LY 151su.szt:is: For January
is6l:—EoStoll: Elliott, Thomas I Talbot
Pittsburgh: W. A. tiitilectrenuy.
U.-Liarris. Address Box leco, 11,trulo, 1-•
The rlyinonth t'bureh Fair.
To-morrow the long expected Fair of the
l'lymouth Church will be open at Cu y
and will Continue four days and evenings.
This will undoubtedly be ono of tile most gal
ltal entertainments of tile season.. have
complete. and extensive a" -4 "g e Targe. One
been made by those having "C•itheyair will
of the pleasant excitemenis_ seel hoes
be a popular election for:!foe
h.iness made at Lough:4: ` T il e e re or hose
oelifimbment onr twat site er Allegheny City, rt
--F") . 1 C.-
fil-fiest number of votes, will he
het , t "'„-;, - g the set of harness: The only
Mew t 64 tors will be a email charge
qualidcat.n for vo
for the
Gurilr y 9: -. , l.e e oggf or, A , ll ; e c t oi a, u ret4id: r iit...f .
e...1-„,,,Vce...l"msturday morning, charged with
•-•:--efarsinnterfelt fifty cent notte; on oath
Or-Vito-est StalteL btalfel la proprietor of an
ee ting house at the corner of th i rd ele
footaine streets, Lawrencev I , an alleged
that the note was given him by the accused. In
psyment for Ws supper on butelay evening.
The evidence failed to show any guilty knowl
edge on the part of the remind. and the eases
was disinfaseebk
• Tbata WbaOs the .clatter.—Why le it
that the sale of the Wheeler & Wilson Ida•
chine carer.° that of all the ottior machines
tiomblnedl Stagily because ten year. , trial of
them has demonstrated their superiority so
clearly that no prudent house wife ern pur
chase or use any other. For particulars as to
price, &c.. of these machines, call on the
e ver
No.:7lMb street. They will glee you
every totermaUen on the stakiect. /p
New Patent.—Tboinas Mania, of Mead
ville, haß reeenved a patent for a "self ear coup
Intlasksd--Cortiner Clawson ira3 yesterday
Summoned +otiold an inquest on the remains
of ratrlck Mahon, wbo fell dead from bits chair
between four and live o'clocit yesterday worn ,
lug, at his residence, No. 1)13 Fenn street. In
the Ninth ward. The deceased had been un
well during the night and toward morning
bad sat down by the ire, and at the time men
tioned, he fell off the chair dead. Ills death
resulted from apoplexy. A verdict of death
from natural camiss wad rendered. The tics
ceased was about ntly years of age and
no family save one son.
Drunks.—There Were tbre° cares of drunk.
CIITICA3 before 3.103 - 13 r Morrison yesti•rday. Tied
of them paid their lines and Mau othef was dls,
OH In Vennugo.—There are slxteln hula
drool producing n❑ a,4t+ In Venango ctitulty. •
No - Striking Along Is tt motto of the
central alarm bell:
t S u'clocl. nn .'untlay mornlrg, -
Smber 9:la, IbOtl, ()Lilt& h Nt; .11cti aged
IL% tuner 1,11 take place Iteen the residence or
Der so, , Jared M. BrU.ll No. 175 Wt 'Arta. en .
Tot' i Mannar, arrankoon, at : u'e.oek. Ike
altuil•ut tkt rau_ll)
tten,l. atu r.iptelfu ;y lot 111 It to
beautiful iitioilis-isciri“
olate Of tePulchre. except cane, In this c..rity, sit
i"*d " "w
Eiritob":lf`ot; 1 : -. ; - ,!1?•,—"`. of
or c s,kF.-a".
N3=lF7lrt • rAL3EK333l.t,
N 0.150 Fourth street, Plttsburge. Fa. 1:0171151:301
Yl kinds, CRAPES.. 131AIVEls, and esersdescriptios
ur Funeral Fun:oscine douse turrasoca. owns
ope rot I y sad night, Hearse and Carrot rus t arras see,
ktersuseczer—lter. David Kerr 0.0.. Nev.
F. Jacobus, %IL, Thou... Ewing.. Foe.. Jsooh
Minter, E-4.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cot•. 7th,
(Entrance from Movench Streat,)
.ierr.z. to .13.17 FL lIEC.
R . T. WHITE & CO.,
Manchester, Wood's Run sod
Owner az enenteld and Craartiers streets.
H•nrse and CArTisivo, fttentsbe.l.
The Wonderlbl
Jewelry Store,
Tc). SO Wirth Ein-i-oet,
Wll,l_, T. WILEY"S
6 W 3 lie St., 3d door from sth.
J- R'. JUIINe2UN '
Fine Wntehes, Clocks, Jeweliy
sir Particular attention elven too Repairing
Viatoucs. pocks and Jewelry. Al work warrant
ed 165:08
JOGIILA ratopzB..r. W. L. LATSLIV. 4. JO..Moil
If ovoavd by MISS, 5. KI , II, l'E ',NOCK S &
CO .wt,.
respectfully Inform the penile that we will
the manufacture of "
Sheeting*, Cotton Yarns. Carpe
Chains, Candle Wick.
and .11alt lag.
Orders may be left at the t /Cleo of the Work.,
Corner of Dunueane Way and Barker's
Gas and Steam Fitters,_
• large asaortmeat . of
Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead
Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c.,
164 Wood Street, near Sixth.
89 b 9 89 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 89 S 9
1 89
59.1 : 4.. C:0 38 MD a•
7 I
s39' 89 Market Street, '439
.. ,
SIN TEEM 47XT - '2"..,
89; NO AUCTION 00013 S NEXT. 189
s9 4AMES ROBB, S 9 Market St.i s9
89 89 89 89 S 9 89 59 S 9 89 S 9
Practical Furniture Manufacturirs,
Latest Mloo of TITRNITITIIF. constantly on ban
- M'COrt. ES.A.Maa
tlla good, zo,td WORE HORSES, jo*t re,elve
one will be sold cheap; one goo.l Way "NU .110FIS
one itoOn WORK kI..RE. go:trawl:ea , o sotto
and good worker.. Call at
noa Vlrat atrnet near llonnnaaltrla 1100,0.
PATENT DtEDICINES.t DRUGS. rlt low prices.
lIOSTETTER 0 BITTERS Al per bottle. •
HOOPLAND , S KlTT6lltl r,l per bond.
SO lbs. POW , L) ituutt L.Fure. II Prr
And everything else io WN .propEcOkilt
1-1010E1T1': 110:11INT:
Baring rrcelre Luc rzclutlre sa.eet
I alto-0., recely sus 1 0 br , rw . /......( 4 will Corilluna
receive throughout Ott
Trade ruPtated at lotrett roo
EN iIJr.. , Y A REA, J..
tiTONE WIIk K Northwest Colour of West
YttlCU'rl ALIVATEIt 6 CU. i
Unto on hand or prepare un abort nottee •
ARP , ' cm promptly Ozetuto4l. POWEO REA
SONABLE. orAlrmloo
ST LlSEoscul• I:4. e itortuo TVA, -
S. standar...))
TIIF.RSIONIGTHRS,AFIt.I3.IK"I:II.e., a Ast I t lao.ll-
crEa• . for We as reasonable prteea, b
Lj J LIAM°. D. Tr...steal ttocilam,
es. Glair htreet
TUUTki BAT •BA Mid. • . rranto IltrO•• and
•Iteattow Lark'. are ottured only at the
DUQUESNE WURICS. li th enPenitentiary. All,'
emu City.
Hay fork, , going and Plain Wagons, Wbrotbarr
TOWS and Trttaa-ol every Mid. made of the twat
Eintarlal. at abort notion- and warranted.
lair nottr ruttYrty nr.
*NOTlCE.—Wlt ? er s qpi
... Letters Tem.
tamentsry lapel:101c eststeof JAMES ir Ll'.
leceasel, late of the County of Allegheny, pa.
Bayles been granted tO the subscriber., all
persons irdebled to said estate ore requested to
mate immediate payment, 1111 d Ihosrhar Int claims
"Or demands against the same will make known tad
same without delay, to VARY KELLY.
• Executrix t Janie s Kelly, ti• ceased,
del;pedte e /9 Monterey &greet AllegheitY,
F 7 n - W -7 ;; - •_ -
TEK.—For a gOO4 COOKING B g 017 K. and other
I/Kea.= Utenallt. go to No. 146 Kraut reet.
Plain watt Faaey COAI , I3CUTTELS. Ft ICE t 1130% -
ELS, Plain ana Fanny VUteastla for Cook lag Oyster a
lad Other lauxzdtateec Fenders. alma Pipe. Wa
ter coodactors, 10,1 GI other ankle. eat at P. c
1.11:10rIt'd. )30. 110 °rant Meet'. All cheap
4051)1 cries];