The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 08, 1866, Image 3
DRY GOODS,TRIDEDIINGBJko BATES & BELL Mit IN STORE & CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF INrtid F 4 Sizawl.s , SILK, VELTET CLOTH MANTLES. Mariia , 3ED4r:sr•, 113s.:si, Minam.c•reLls. 131cti111.ets o Dress Goods. 21 FIFTH ST. 'WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ARBUTHNOT,.. SHANNON & CO., No. 115-Wood . Street, PITTSBURCH. Have in Store and are Receiving A FULL 411380WPMEHT OP DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, • Which they otter at EASTERN PRICES • AND TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited. C. AItirCTIZEIOT..W. T. EIIARNON..J. B. STIPIIIN BOX ce..E.:169 FALL FASHIONS 3.,X=GZL,N7CI J. BRADLEY'S 1:7 1: 1 I-e Fri S lEL4I-4"1 3 '71.71C) (OR_DOIIBLESPB180) SKIRTS! riot BEND or EREANIike the single Ep_rinira s but will EVEII - RETAIN -their PERFECT wed BE A UTIF EL litiA.PE, where three or four era.- - r7 Skirts are CART ASIDE ou i,SELESS. hey CO mil LEE comfort. durebtlity and economy with that ELEGANCE of SHAPE which hes ma. the ELLIPTIC , ' the BTARDABU SIGHT OF THEYIt3MONOLEIVORO. Yourolesale by all the leading Jobbers le MS al/ sale by all retailers who hell Irst-elass bidets• WEN'S, RIDLEY I CARY. - BOLE OWN iens or niz PATEHT EXCL. EIVL ILASUIACTIRIEBS. IT In'areraonts and Chase: Nov, 97 CHAISBIB3 and 79 and 91 BEAD 16THEETti. Nan Yarn. . . _ NEW GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED. PRICES, IMI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL .31ACRUIO, GLYDE & CO. 78 and 80 Market Street, • WOuld salt sneetal attent activeionstock, to their large and al ' tr In EMBROIDESIM—Of every descript LACES—Point. Point A pollute, Clancy, Thread, Gnipare. N'atentia. etc. 110.0 DIMICCHIEke—PIain. Embroidered, Hem . Stitched and Lace. • • LINEN—Seta, Collars and LHRsln gi eat vs rteti. DRESS AND CLOAK'. Talmo Mx AND HUT. lONn—Latest styles. SASH BONNET •N le VELVET . RIBBONS. LOY r.S Able HUYIEBV—A 170133 pie te stock. UNU EltW EA It—Yor Ladles. Misses and Chndren. PAN CY ZEPHYNOOOlen—hhawls. floods, Nag.. •nd Sondem!. 11 , 0 r SKIUTdr — AII Ones. In best make,. COMM 6, Nets, Waterfall fads, Hair Hells, etc. 13A LMOli AL lilxlterr—•tgreall• reduced prices. GENTLEMEN'S I.IOODI — A full TIL . WI W AI:I NOTIONS- - Contining .tiltrittettrAVo'ioig.4.renrct gic'hlr.e,,alligli% a handsome and acrnptable present. , • SELLING OFF 101-aC)AI.I3LEi CL~.~g~ AT COST, To Close Out Dulness, Together With • large stock of fi L ADIES' FURS. GOSENHAVSER & CO., 'N o . gs ;ffiatKET sTREET i3ol:tatow. NEW FALL EtOODS, lESI IL) ' ]ETN - WISP ti 4, Jrcr. 21 RIFTS STREET., Fle n g l iT 3' tntil d' lifl Urge::iiiol4ainh;LL,tt I slßßeligliED lit uuklZFS: LACE 'lll-EIFIN a d lYcir. L , VHILN:AD.LACZ LACE,JU L imuffinirtour, do ViNtrfilirl,Por; Pep= a LIN gElPeWit 171TE I LT 4 3, SHIM WOOL; waif, TUBUAI:2i. BIBBOIid, /LOWED.% And a Wu of NOTIOS, AR% I our (foods are sold at T a cato7coort ausoars DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. &c. JMMENSE CLOSING OUT SALE. WCOII7rEI OF FINE FALL AND WRIER La CO ir MX X ar. $lO,OOO Worth of DRAWEES, IMIDERSHIELTS, WHITE SHIRTS, COTTON AID WOOLEN ROSIERY, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Sa. Also, $5,000 Worth Of Gloves, Of all Descriptions, all of which sill be sold at ACTUAL COST FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Before removing to toy New Building Opposite the Union,- Depot. ihrThe lease of Store and Dwelling, together with Coontera, Shelving, Show Casecds.,, for sale. J. D. RAMALEY, 334 and 336 Liberty Street, Opposite WitYoe. LCIO 2TB 825,000 WORTH 'or FOR SALE. AT Ale Cr - R.4? - 1 7 1'1[7S Cheap Clothing House, Corner of Ohio Olivet and Diamond, ALLi.GIIIIENY CITY, At Wholessb lc and Retail LIST Or RETAIL PRICES I= =I nue Fancy Heavy Caashaere Salta /Ina lUna Bang Up Oremsta..... Heavy Engllab, Heaver Overcoats I=l I= =I I All Wool Fasts and Vests All Wool French Cap, F& •nd yelds.... 11 00 =! Also, ♦ LAILGE STUCK OP Ready-Made Boy's Clothing. com.. ROLE MARL TO ORDER ON Tile IitIONNWT NOTICE. J. C. KLETT. sr; Cutter Emma l lGEirrs FUUNISIIING GOODS. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, Muslin Shirts, Silk Underwear, Merino Underw ear, • Wool Underwear, Merino Half Hose, Shaker Knit halt Hose, French Suspenders, American Suspenders, PA:!i CY SCAuFFI. iIVAILF PINS, ' WABFBINGM, SLEEVE lIVITOSPit, Ping ' ET PINK, NECK TIES LINEN AND PAPER COLLARM A CUPIDS IMITATION 'LINEN DO LINEN AND SILK lIANDILEIEFR F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth St. NEW GOODS JEST RECEIVED J OS. HORNE & CO inllaipiortment of ao.rariers 4 .T.lll El 4 T 111, • Jl 1121 c leading Tall Styles. M ll ll l 3aos - ss Cam:rods. 44.4 rind Triunes. Paris lane Sad Colored Silk Vel eta in most dolaroble Madan; Plain FannY Bon net and Trimming • liltbono, nen and rich color. ; /lowers, eboicest French and American: Yesthers Wel bat and thin,. az 33 1 2 IL CP X 37 33 Pi 3:31110, (Well snorted.) Cambric, lisontrtiri, Loone, Cluny, Wen er= Edgings and Insertingst Ylunnelogo,' Bands and trndlinao. Embroidered sod Clain =nen Col ors, Cora Pets, Laces and Lace Lioodx Dieu and Cloak Triansdne. and Ornamental Fringe, Gimp. and Brolds; Cress Trinuninge,_Bagle Traniee. , litli.ll% GOODSI A =oat Complete stock of Jaconet., Cambria. Jae. - lianditercblers, Plain. Lice. Heniatitobed. Rew ord. Embroidered, Tape Bordered. eta., etc. Iloalery and Mover In every variety and all size.. Ladles' and Cent's Underwear. i'urnlt3hing Goods: Enopenderi and Neek-Tle.t Heavy Shirts a u 4 gortZl', •iiparge°llZrut.tighl,l Hoop Belting: B arns —thei &test novelties, all Yarns—lireatest ea" tat Cashmere, Lambs Wool I did Hal' - tg ln tae various mixture.. Plain 00 / 0 " and rancor. O ent's P 1,90 1. Collars, and e.erittilng in the No e, due. • Ed= as ow as Eastern Jobbing Howes. Nos. 71 and 'l9 Market Street. au2l MURDOCK .& PUTNAM ) 'Are daily !calving at their ' , GENT'S; FURNISHING STORE, 72 Wirth 'Elltirect, --I Neatly opposite Post Oillee. Ali the new and elegant styles in SCARFS, TIES, BOWS AND BMWS, Gent's Underwear, G amma, UNIX nom - avamerniune, Zaolgooss de C23.0.220:bre, Fine Shirts and Collars, Everything to COWL:Ante MO GoollentenalWardrObe. - MURDOCK is PUTNAM. no2:11.5:111 - . Ariticeso °Antas ° 1:118016 CABS a 00..1 , weourAttasDiaanal rs FOREIGN AND 0011E11110 ORYIOOIIII. Mo. H 417117 coael MU, 21034 bona Sarni Dimon AI W A__ IMO fizliallm.44 CITY AND SIDIORBAN.• (ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS ON FIRST PAGE.) . . Domestic Difficulty—Away froni'llOme A funny scenoStanspired on Thursday latter- : noon, on Federal street, In front of the:, ft.lle -; gheny Market House. A little distr -s ' :- uos - nce ' s was heard, and on looking for the eduse a large, muscular man:was discovered standing still, with Isis feet wide apart, his head throws Dace, one hand occupied in holding a heavy carpet sack and the other a wooden bucket tied up in a cloth. He wore a large silk era -1 et, and a vigorous little woman standing In front of, him had one hand firmly fastened in the "slack. of this cravat, while with the other she pummeled her victim energetically in the eyes and on the nose. The man mean. while stood unresistingiy receiving his castl-' gation, only saying In a subdued tone, .Well. pound met' "lilt me some more, if you feel like it,o Ac. °dicer Scott, FUtnmoning the a.- sistance of Weigh Master Edgar, interrupted the services and the belligerent and the non combattent were marched off to the tombs. There - it transpired that the two were husband and 'wife, and that their name was Sell. They were from New York, on their way to Cincinnati. Arrived at the lock-up Mr. Sell tried to put on affectionate airs with his spouse, but was summarily rebutted, when he commenced an i - abusive tirade that wonld charm the heart of all hen-pecked husbands. At length he sought solace. lie deliberately set down his carpet sack and bucket, which he had hitherto held, and took from his pocket a wide mouthed bottle full of whisky. Adroitly drawing the cork he placed the bottle to his mouth end commenced imbibing. The officer interfered to take the bottle from him, but Sell was not to be eold in any such scanner and backed away from the emcee, mill holding the bottle to his devoted lip.. Presently In his backing his foot struck an obstacle and he tell backwards. The whisky new up from the wide mouth of the bottle and lilies his eyes and nose as well as his mouth. Nothing daunt est he still held the bottle to his lilts with one band and drank, while with the other hand lie wiped the stinging liquid from his eyes. Be fore the bottle had been rested frost him he had succeeded in isetting mfortable amount down. At length the t Sells were placed in t o two cells and the four ere locked-up. Yes terday morni reprimand t travelers were' di, missed with aand went off towards Indianapolis. • _ . Criminal Cotart In the Criminal Court, yestettlay morning, Judge Stowe on the bendli, the case of Patrick Sullivan, indicted for rape, tens brought to a conclusion. The Jury, however, have not yet returned a verdict.- .William Dacia scan convicted of the larceny of four dollars from Jos. 3Lanks, colored. Ile was sentenced to thirty days imprisonment in the county J all. Wm. Burke, a lad aged about twelve years, was convicted of the larceny of some oysters, from the grocery of Daniel Daub, on Smith. debt street. The boy stated to the Court that his parents were dead and that the only' rela tive he had was a siste , r, but he lid not know where she lived, lie had stolen the oysters to satisfy his hunger. lie was committed to the House of Refuge. John White was found guilty on a charge of stealing a coil of rope.' Be Won sent to Jail for thirty days days. James Jackson was indicted for malicious mischief.. The Jury found a verdict of not g ultrinedia' d he wmassodn d i scharged. 'with suety oath of Paris Burleigh, was ordered to pay the costs of prosecution and to enter security in tbe 811111 of *All for good behavior in future. Henry Jones was convicted ot the larceny of u carnet sack, belonging to Win. A. Smith, from 1118 Monongahela House. lie was re muted for sentence. James Davis was tried for the larceny of a coat and pair of pouts from Jawed it. Thomp son. lie was found uilty and sentenced to three 1110111.11.9 impris g onment la the Culluty Jell. S. D. Dania, charged with waaault eel bat, tery, pleaded 11.11 e evntendre and was rema..l4 eel tor sentence. Mary Martin was placed on trial for tl.e lar• ccay of a watch trout David Harvey. It la al: leged that she borrowed the watch to ace what Woo It was, and refuted to return The Jury Is 3[1110.4 . In the case of filched Sullivan, tried for rape on Thursday, the jury fulled to airrco auil were discharged. • Plymouth Fair nod The ladles - of the Plymouth Church open a Pair and Festival in the CO y h uh on Tuesday next, and continue it 'till night. It promises to be livery - attractive and successful entertainnient. ln addition to the display of useful and fancy articles for sale, there will he a variety of attractive exhibi tions. including the "-Vile Engbiod ./Cdchco,"— the beautiful spectturle of tee •'fueens:rue don of the Union" on the ' , Our Pairu" plan,— a choice selection of Tablaux, Musk. Sc. A dinner will be provided each day of the Pair, at a reasonable charge, fur all who come NC =I it. • Instead of the postale(' arrangement, to common at Faint; there wilt he a Tk-legruph puttip by the Plymouth lair, Telegraph Company, which will. be at the 'suit - lee of vis itors, as a reasonable t.ricr of rates. It would seem that the arrangements for a good. time generally, are elaborately root thorougbly made, and a week of. rational And protltable entertainment will be arronlvtl to our citizens. We be6130.1t for the ludic = , 0 handsome result of their efforts. AO 00 EMIZI EEO DM 29 00 IMM More 6bor Tb'eye, EMU Yesterday ;Mammon officer David tt uelianar, of the special pollee, noticed a man acting In a suspicious maiiner at Evans' twotty•Pro cent store, on Fifth street, and watched him. At length the follow picked a cheap knife and strata I down the street. ()Meer 'Buchan an, mmompanted by ()filter followed litto to watch for further ..levelorments. The fellow was Joined by another. and together they went to trio shoe store of Armstrong Can. non, on the corner of Fifth and Wood rtreets. Thera the first one cut the Wings of a pair or shoes,'worth about $1.7 1 , and handed them to hie comrade; wiz° tucked them under Ills coat. The officers dabbed the two shard Lino taco thorn to the Mayor's °Mee. after a beans the two. thieves were committed tor trial. They gave their names as John Sulitvaii and Patrick Kelly. Kt:sides the knife. Sullivan stela a bottle of hair oil from EvanV stow. O 30 2 50 W 500 Yesterday afternoon a had named Nathaniel 'Perry fell into the Ittenonstahela river, near Dam .n o. 1, and before assistance could reach him he laud been carried considerable ills. tance out into the Stream An old man named .11.1chael Connelly, .ceitig the youth's danger, threw him a beard, and then calling VD Some boys who were rowing nerves the river in a skiff, outdo fDect acquainted with the accident that had befallen young l'erry Just in time for them tO reach him ere his hold was lost on the hoard—tho coldness of the water preventing bin hold from being us rescued whas w a w a almost so ibmonen him unpo, m W c h o e ld n and fright. Ile resides with his pureuts, In the cast end of the Eighth ward. The rir's of the Weelz The following, ts . a resume of the tires a bids have occurred during the week: Sunday, December ad.• at Pere p. alarm sounded from box No. St. Fire In .1. Hale'stable, rear ot Ventre Avenue. Los. Any dollars. Monday, December:o, at 930 p. Warn) sounded from box Nu. 52. False. Ytlty dollars resrard.offorcd. • Tuesday, December 4th, at 5:52, • analarm .sounded tram box HO. 23. lire corner o f /1,01- cock street and Duquesne War. In the old Perry Hotel. Lamp exploded, No loss. Thursday, December 01, at 1115 u p. nt., alarm n 0.13. Fire at ?tenting, Torrence. A Co's Tin and Japanning Ware EsUtblich. meat. Loss e 5 0 ,00 0.• . Conant'Mods—Mayor Morrison yeaterday goVel a besting In Alto case of Alinda and her boy Monty Colhne, tho colored per sons, whOso arrest - for the - larceny or four watches from Btevensan ft Co, we reported yesteruoy. Tho boy made a full confession, and both were °mum hied to Intl far trial. The boy save ha took all the watches home, but Re cidentally lost ono of them, a, valuable gold watch, in the vault of en outhouso. lie put another In his pocket and ill (ferrying some , cosi he broke the crydt.ti and supposing tout the time piece was -ruined thereby, he threw it over the fence IntA. the streot. which hie been the last seen or It. The Other two a era found asjeported. -- • _. Fighting In a I:cll.—On Thursday night one Mark Campbell wan in - rested In Allegheny by calker Campbell, of the Mayor's Pollee, and placed In a cell, on a charge of drunkenness. Fn his cell Was an old man, placed there some time previously, Campbell asked his renera• ble cell mate fora chow of tobacco which was rather unceremoniously refused. 'Thereupon Campbell pitcliod in and polished the old man bruins beautiful style, blackening hid eyes and ng his nose. 1 ontorday morning Mark was Riled 4=and costs for his luxes ions per fermances of the night tortoni. • Obstructing an Alley.—W. W. Wallace the proprietor of a marble vard m Plum Al ley, Was before Alderman Uorrow yestenlay to answer a charge of nuisauce preferred against him by Street Commissioner Flynn. It appears Wallace bad lately made the pur chase of a considerable quantity of warble, which Instead of having properly placed-in his yard, ho allowed to lay laths alley above mentitmed, completely obstructing that . thoroughfare, After a LeariUg yeas dud II nod costa which he paid and o as diacharged. Common Plenim.--Court met yesrrtmlay Morning at the mud hour, but no bilzinebi was transacted, and the Court adrourned al most burnedlately to visit the for the, hew Work .1.{011.C. Teo argument in the case of time steamboat, Advance SM. 2 vS. McCabe a. at., win be dellvtred and 9y cute go to the Jury ou Monday. • • Another Drunk.-01lleer Frank • of the Allegheny - night police, on moonynight, night, 11rX48400 named Wllll4lll' Wat son, lying in a state or the grossest Intosieu: Lion, near ?il'Kain i s tavern, on Federici! street, Allegheny.; The drunken man was 1 ak4,l up and paid his dne yesterday morning. r` • • -- • A: Good You'll"' dion.—Mary IV eh, rrb sng in tins_ Fifth ;rasa. undo inloruiation yesterday, before . Aldertuan Taylor, charging herhushand Edward Walsh with. surety of tho peace in threatening to kill herself and child. A warrant for tho arrest of the loving Minium' and lather. woelesucid,_ We pro under obligations to Hazzard Gary hooksellern and publishare, for a &nor La Belle %Tiara. tho Blind Boy's Carrol composed b Cyrus C. Mack; arranged for plane by Undolph Halsbrlntr, and resnecill dedirolad te.tton. tihOrge y. Lawrence. . . SCHOONMAKEII acliON ._— • , • Pittsburgh White Lead Works, . Bost la Vse..—lmprove4 Finkle and Lyon, I Oho Weed Septchines. if the purunas, er does not. re theta superior to any other PURE WHITE LEAD, machine in t market, Ito can return it. BLUE LEAD 0110UND IN UIL FOS Callan 0 Warranted four years. See advertisement In OIL BS reef, another column. /S. iL Long agent, No. 113 310, 07 Fourth Street , Up Stairs. 6;ol4sta:eh - - - , T•iiis. nolthtie EARLY TELEGRAMS. ATE. FROM WASHINGTON. Sale of Public Lands. ELECTIVE FRANCHISE IN THE 1111TRICT lIF couraii Sugar and Cotton Frand Investigation. THE SALE DE GOYERNIITENT-GOLD• Amount of Gold in the Treasury. WA Ft IN° TON, Dec. 7.—Returns received from the General Land 011 ice of Louise, Mich igan, show that 12,8. D sores Cl public lands were disposed of during October last, 0,453 of. whl:h were taken for actual settlement, ender the Homestead Law. Cash sales during the same period amounted to $1,395. Returns received at the General Land Ofllco from th e local at Visallo, California, shows that'2.l'.s4 acres of the public lands were aisposed of during October, the greater part for actual settlement and cultivation. . • . • . The spaniel committee suggested by Messrs. Darling, Pike, Elliot and Stevens, to Investi gate certain matters in South Carolina, NOW Orleans and other places, will probably be ap pointed on Monday, an at once enter upon the duties entrusted to them. The Senate bl.l to reghlato, the elective Itanehise in the District of Columbia is to be taken no on Monday next. An effOrt will be made to press it to a speedy vote. It pre .vities for suirrake without distinction of color. . An amendment 1s pending, offered by Mr. Morrill, Chairman of the Senate District Com mittee, coupling with the enfranchisement Of ne,groes the disfranchisement of those trim left the District to give aid and comfort to the rebellion. • The Retrenchment Committee will held a -evasion In New York city early next week, to investigate some additional augur and =ten frauds recently developed through Investiga tions made by the Committee on Public ES, pendltures. Several promotions have been made In the Quartermaster's Department of the Regular Is reference to rho reported recent sales of Government gold in New York, it has been learned that no specific orders have been given by the Seerctury of the Tressury. Mr. Van Dyck, the Assistant Treasurer In New York, has discretionary power to sell such amounts of gold as lie may deem necessary to prevent the success of any combinationto put the price of gold up to an unreasonable figure. It Is the opinion of Secretary McCulloch that there is nothing at this time In the financial condition of toe country that will jastify premium tin gold of over forty per Cent., ex cept to tile. event of on effort on the part of speculators to advance the premium unrea sonably. There is no reason to suppose that the Government geld will be thrown upon the market. • • . Thu amount of gold iikek in the Treasury. le Over ninety-,even milltoni of dollars, of which seventy-three millloud belong absolute- Ifto the Government, which is a aufflelent In- . dleutdou that very little if any Treasury gold has recently been past upon the market. The receipts of gold from dames on Imports has materially fallen otT of late, and does not exceed from two to. three millons per Week,' and the increase of overTwomlllions of Treat scary gold in last week, shows that there has beim a diminution ut the amount by aides. • canatlit 10 he A;ptin Attacked-20.000 Men Ready for the Field. Snv VOltg, o.2.llther activity u i I:ol3vrts' The lead ing Illellibtlre of the Senate convened yesterday at' the ltuberts , headquarters to decide what course should he pursued to the presentetuur guitcy. Although privacy L. rigidly observed by all connected with the tuvetiti„-. enough has traniddred to knuw_ltat the leaders favor an lutthediate movement sin Canada.-Qt is not known when the eautpaign will commence, buttlt to Openly stated that twenty thousand men ore neatly to take the Relit. rdmuld the sentence la, pet into execution there in little doubt but this force Cll,ll Ito largely Increased. Another Railroad Accident—Oise Ann Killed and fteveral Injured. • Tcans[lame. Ind., Dec. 7.—A collutslon oc curred at about S. --O this morning, two west of Halton, Illinois, on the ut. Louts, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad, between the con struction and gravel trains. tine man—named John- lirieourt killed outright. William foults, tireinan, and One of tae laborers on the construction trains, are suppoiso to he mor tally troumind. :Some our or nee more of the MCII employ el On the construction trains more or les. injured. u ntil engluen are a total wreck. The aticet cause 01 the accident Is unknown. . • MMM!!!EM 'Mom r, I.og!ember 7.—Tho trovernOr's Sle,,tge to the leegidl.tthre today, rregted grt'othAtAteona l . It roYS: !scuts Of u vital chat - meter are transpiring W lth teturynee to our zolotiou.s wtitt the Culoo that haVu any thihg but a pleali.tot. look. The ,tabillly of :Mahal:say brot.en tip by the The lioverto. argue, the rathleation of the Con thutionol Ansengtgent, hoping It may least 10 moll te,torotton of the State to the Union. • Reported Confeulon of ftltrralt. • :Sloss nest. Deneuther ;.—The ilcrald pubs fishes an eitruct from the CAIrMSI , OULICtIeI , of the person who futon rood the liuvernment of Surratt's a - In:mahouts. whltru led to his ar rest. He says Sonata. told him that the con• /piracy for the o•.uasrnntlon of Lincoln was Planned In lachmOn I. with the ascent of Jett. Darla. This Informant IS now ou fits way to .Wanshlogton. mr Yong, Liecnniber 7,- . . , tienerul 3.1111er, late riesldent of the reulau wtlltnry cum:it'll of Ireland, pubilAbes to-day an luldre,d to the Fon IAI,II, detlOUliCitli: Stephens as a cheat, and rascal, and mace grace charges against, hint dlshOaesty, • • Import...of: Decision. Manta, Dna:T.—Judge Bastad has tendered a lect.lon declaring ilia payment 4.g all debts in Confederate money 0011 and void. Re cried LECTURES. • • _ L • "LECTURE COURSEOF TUE C4THOLIC' L18141131' AND Reading Room Association 'flin omit rtigneil tobeetfolly AO.llOOllOO tbe public the t ngeuetrien. of the tellowlug /lISTISGEISII E D LECEIrII E IIS: lin. Wtl. }mai.; btalltlou 110. it[V. It. bolt lattlop or riu,nurnts. WM. 1.. : . TONY, Etoj.• Or New 1 tat:City. tt. J IN F.A. of tie! Yorket'ity..l . S. A. itElett 1. Now Tult. Ara. II AtiltY s o w y o ri, I 1 10 . .1 , 1111 FILAStils AII:ES. 0,1 New Yolk CUT. 111•. 4 GRACE A.l..lliotll4U7leNATT.tlisce.eorAte 1Ei..0011011101. Due noticeettuse, — ree itri4' Istpl'rEt's 'swill IT riven, uud It Is t ordleils pst ton is • and sus tin these luster,. the le, eet,is Of ago. 6.-15001.11 JOllit ROBB JOHN ROSS & CO ., WM., N. OGDEN & CO.. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS 1N carbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS CARBON OILS, &C. No. (3 , 3 esrlsot two et, InTl9:l7 . a:el Aver VITTSBURDIf. I'A. MONUMENTS, (ARAI% STONE§ TILL FE TANS, Hem! Centre eilepbean Denonnced REASON OF 14611 AND 1467 MUM auzzotg MGISMIN ;ir.dit. I/01.10E, I A. J Ctl n. 4. WOE% ITT, I /11.0 . T. S. 11ot:so's. SOCCU6OIIS so Vaults, Fountains, Statuary; -Vases; ICE DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. Efficiortrig, F 2 Xi ANIAOOD:—How Lost! Howls ItliTOßl:l3.—efuct Pub/Glad, in sealed-1- viva/ups. Pries, six cents. A Lectuce on tbo No. ural l'irt,to tint, and Radical Cure of Upermalor - Hnma, or dentinal Weakutes lovt,luntary Emissions e sued Debnity, and Impediments to Macrisge gen erally; Nervousness, 'Consumption, Epilepsy, mid Fits; Mental and rhyslcal Incapacity, recoiling tsp. by Hour. J. EULVAIIIVELL, M. D. author of tbe Gusto Lund. le: CA:=3.47l:rinlntAdolgbilArr, to dicer, post paid. on retelpt of_aly. cents, or too pOstiac J. C. KW:SE st CO., 137 llowery. - Nate t ore., Post Unice lioa 4,000. Al De. Culveresell's "Alarriate s nide." price ;Octets. 0024.2:YdtwT STEPHEN M. OTT, oinaltat. Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver STENCIL, BRAND OS STEEL LETTER CUTTER SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES Cautelling Stamps and Visiting Oink; Also, FLATES FOIL ILAIK.INO ULSYStINO. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley IN ~UOVS DAVIS' BOOK $2011N.) HT I tiIIIIISOII. NEW PAPER HANGINGS. FOIL PARLOUS—French Deslgns, wltL Li01..1114- erf• /VIC Lllll4l.ltlEB —Porn pelan Patterns on Orso;ge VetIALLB—Now UTPok rattOrn; On fled Cl.l ound. VHAIIBT,I2B—Lace and Muslin PlitiOrot ver darn grnumw. For AMC uy W. P. If AlttiliALL. •lf. • A 7 Wood Atreet. SPECIAL NOTICES „•GLAD NEWS FOR TUE UN -- r4JRTUNATE. SELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all Cast's, for the speedy and per manent cure or all diseases ari.ini from sea nal ex cesses or YOUTHFUL INDISCHETIOS. Seminal Lora. NiHity Emissions and Fensuit Dreams.. Gen ital, Physical and Nervous Debility. Impotence, Wert, Sexual Disenees, An.. etc. NO CHANGE . OF II CET LS NEC ESSARY Then canon nand with out detection, and never fall to taect a cure, If used according to instructions. , BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, . Price one dollar per box. or six boxes for Ave dol gars; also. large Luxes, cuntalnizg iour small. Price ,three dollars. Flom font. to %la boxes ar generallz required to cure ordinary cases of Stual Weakness and Emis sions, though benefit Is Je rr e d from using I single box. In Chronic Cfmea, and particularly when Impo tence or th ts •nital Dethlty with , moos Prostra tion has affected the system BELL'S TONIC PILLS Are re:ounnended as the molt enleaclous rOurt nat. trig awl Invigorating ewl) . 41 the world,- g. package,joriee nye dollars, Will lout a month, and Is generally sufficient. ; In extreme cases of Deb 11.. r and Impotence. Bell's Eater al Remedy, Price two dollars, sunk ;nt fore month, can be need to good ad rantase. it elves strength to the organ. and with the rins will restore them to their nor mal coiditlon. CAUT/ON. — The abovu Remedies have now been berme tee public many y, are. and their great suc cess In the alleviation orbit:oln misery, one excited the cupidity of several panics, who use. the name ' 4 6PucliM cOpT my labels, circulars and ad vertisements, sonactia,es word for word, and put up worth's,' compounds that dis..ppolat the lust ex pectations of the purcbami. If yon cannot Database Bell's Specific Reined!. of Soar t t Druggtat, tame no other, but send the money direco • • • • DR. JAMES BRYAN,. Consultin Ph, ' PIS Broadway. Neywsician York, And you will receive them, by return of wall poet paid, and free from observation. • JOSEPH FLEMING, Druggkr, Corner Market and Diamond, Agent. ImM:lZ:wit itwT Pittsburgh, Pa • itg"TO LADIES .— If you require a reliable remedy to t estore you and remove Irregularitts or lay bona, Will NOT USE THE BEST. Every lady knows the &Haloes Irreg ularity of rhythm-In likely to bring on Headache. Ailddiness. Low Sps,' Fainting, Hystertcshdre.y then the bloom of health_ fades, the appetite fella, and other symptoms more distressing mmoner. as Weakness, Spinal Comrdalot, the Whites, Pro lapin., Sc., Sc. A NEVER-PAILINO REMEDY _will be found la .DR. lIARVEA 'Et FEMALE PILLS.' The experience of years boa proved they sure no equal for removing obstruction& and irregularities. nu toaster from what cause they arlac. They are safe and sure Incry case. Up wards of YO,OW boxes arc told annually, v and no com plaint ut th,elr efficacy Jeerer heard. for they accom plish what they are represented to do. Sold In boxes containing sixty pills. Price one dollar. Lilt. HARTY-VS UOLDEN PILLS isa remedy foam degrees stronger than the above, and lateuded for special eases of long standing. Price aye dol lan per box. 11 you cannot pniehme the your Oruggiat, they will he slut by pmll, post paid, secure from ob. acrvatlon, 012 receipt bf the money, by Dr. JAMES BRTAN, Conahltlng Physician. No. 511) Broadway. New York. . . JOSEPH VLEMING, Druggist, corner Market lad Mournful. Agt for Pirtsborgit. oulifalwa.t.• BAILNLIILIA 6" • BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET ( IRON WORKERS, Noe. 20, 22, 21 auc 26 Penn St. • Baying secured a large yard, and furnished It with the most approved mod lover see are prepared to manufacture every description of Sellers, In the hest manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, fire Beds, Steam l'lSes. Locuruottre Butlers, Condensers, halt Pans, Tanks, Ott Stills. Agitator,. Settling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges. Sue Vans: and sole mann fastmers of 11)11tNIIII.1,'S pATer.NT on the ,hortest notice, arLALLE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SNIELTINO:WORKS. Ez= PARS, McCURDY & CO., Manufacturer* or Sheathing. Braziers' and Dolt Copper. Prea,yl Popper Bottoms, Raised Still Bet toma, Speller Solder. Also, Importers awl dealers In Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet. tree. Wire, Se, Con stantly on hand. Tinny.' Machines and Tools. Warehouse. S. 141Piner and IXricrOssisSTiliaYsl, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. yII r4T - PITTSRILTRGII SAW WORKS, 11111.711nAlin. 11110. ft. CO.. Manufactu rers of rATe.:N T 1:10 Wild.: II warrant ed VAST nTEEIm4AWn, of every cleacelptlon. 31111. Muley. CroroCut, liana.. and all'other vartetles. All [lnds of /i..NIVF.`d and Oat:, made from Sleet Vasa So .. el: nat rennet/ILA l'Elt and !IL/W -INO KNIVES, Ac. Wll.lerchnu . se• tad Works, corner Wrcesn And Snout drItILTS, rltiatpargh. l'artleolaratteotloot paid to ro-ta,tbine. gum ming and Mid nllti,allSl Circular na..e; tino. re-pates of 5.11 kinds. rundiaLon and Ltrllltog dune at rct aanahturatea,, lenten3 ItOBINSO'S, REA A. (Suc consort be 110 . pINYIJN. Micro SHIM...IIBa WASHINGTON WORKS, Founders & alechllslats, Plitabarirb, Stanntacturrra of Boat and Stationary Steam En. nine,. Blant Engine, el:II Madßeery, Brartng &tailing, Carting, of all doecrlptlone; Ott Tanks a Stills, Boller an d ;beet Iron Work. WAlents for BIV/eAItIrSBATENT/NJECTOR for fredinx baler. iIF'IIEIIEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR Et el 1 in I. etaseiso. • II 110N11 IVI(SEET. NLW tons:. Infortnatlsn. with the - r.telest tr.tireennala; also. ar Bonk. Sp.esti L/0,30e, to • r-001. re/...p... rent t , e. Atiff ay.! e send fee sem ees.rer for, as •!Ivr,lsine ptersletaus arc keuersllstusp•srers. williout 0/0 , tem; nu etr•Siger elinurt trs :101 Knew.. .lap f pn•tees, an.' dirt rt iu DU LAW ItICNCE, so. is DUNI) STIthET, t• ENV 101t14. IarMAIIIIESGE an FILM! , of Wartslug ! and Instruction fur Young lieu. Also, llseases and Abuts. ethic/kph.. .rate Ole 01151 po•ere, 01ln `weans or sure eviler Sent free of char •e tea e,l letter Ad dress, Dr.J. Iluurard 40, inselatlon. Phllect.lnhlts. gsuil:llo:G..terl eSEOIIJB MEDICINES taken wtthoat ta•te or steel% hying Dow. Sat.•n, DICK A 00..8 Sore 12st suf... us . The hott to use. Mild Dru.tetsts generally. ' coni:n6l PLUMBING, GAS FITTING RETAIL ruR- Mirater,Gas and Steam Goods 167 Eimitlailicact PITTS 13 lit Pa. BAILEY, FARRELL& CO., _ LEAD 1•11 . 1:, 1 , /IF.ET AN, HAI: I.6AD .11A.NUFAt'TLIREItS. . . Drolt, in rig L..... orou l elot, Rubber 11e,.:, ond Pig, till et, r tramlitiogto and Wltlettro. Valoc, Safety - k: atneiel 1t.... Warr I , ou and C.PPI ,,, kto ko And non Ilan. Pitt owl Iron IMO owl gUlarus. nod SIVA tvls of 132.-tteost db • X.X' C3l-_ , ; rat BEZI Pltitutter' ! 111nrfatetittl.. mt.. 011Ite!Woe., Itotttrentin, Adir:l.lsilorder.trottlittle attended to d0..;w8 ADD' WILLWIS&IIIIITLIII x. , stracr..latinPara. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Cor. Slith and Smithfield Sig., Pr/7198 URGE, PA, Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, idANCHM7e , All kinds of Water, Chu and Me= irtrturea coo KEE pLumnw, • LIS AND STEIMFITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, sil"r zDV LEAb rzrEs, SINKS, BASINS WATER CLOSETS AND WWI STANDS. TON T. EWENS, (9occo.ior to Zweue C 0.,) 165 Wood St., Pittsburgh&a. mv7:1,44 itecuLLUT U. Johns-WV lIERLEIFY & JOIL%SON, W' EL ALIDWICI.B7. _ Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, PLYTII STREET EXTENSION, X.11. - ttersbouraki, 3'r4 All orders by mall cliental aallsfactorll; °r .frsltriVrirV. t OTAiiiir to r.m, Pampa, Rastas, WA Cloacta, for Cuandeltora, 1. - madants, ono s Shades, for sale at the most runeortable price , . Urderafront country patrons by mall promptly at • trodeo to. Slops Hose of every description. 1e13,199 ADDY, WILLIAMS &BARTLEY e=a Keep cm band a superlor article of WO 40E1 0 3P1[3.5.11 7) fg., All kinds of Iron romps, Hydrant,. Chest Lead Sheet Zino, Lead Pipe, listh Tuba, Pinks, Wale 'Clow:is, Wash Hulas, Wash Stands, Ac., at the Wuerount, Corner Sixth and Smithaeld Streets, All kinds of Repair Rig done promptly. All orders by mall Immediately attendee to. isJr.exo . . PAINTERS 4110311 - 'E. €l-1.1,26:17,. HOUSE JO:D1310N, • PAIMER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, and St., Pittsburgh, IRafo and Ornameutal 131gna of every de.lerlptlon done to order. MI work done promptly at Nunn. able ratto. leS;a7 1.1. IOWN, (Late of the Arm of BoOar.o a AtoanoW.) 210IINE AND SIGN PAINTER, Nortbaest corner of TLIr I ir..lll.larket .treetli BOOTS AlslO SHOES HILDS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOPS WS) SOLE T EATER,, No. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. .To 131101 IT TI3IE and CESti buyers we offer su perior Ind.-ernr nts, as our mantles for baying are ANY house East or West. l'orehas lug directly from IIt4ST HANDS entirely for CASH. we are enabled to sell as 10 V/ as any Eastern! J obblng 800 SEEM - •-mall and 1, —rcItCHANTS are Invited to call our stock and note our prices before Darchesin elsewhere. Or cicerssi for HOPE, MILLS Superior. Cotton YarUs, SEAMLESS GRAII BAGS, Batting, Twine, COTTON AND LINEN CAIIfET CB AIN, 'Mo., dls a., Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES. SW : AII orders by mall will receive immediate and careful attention. H. CHILDS & CO oe6:l67:dwT THE VERY LATEST STILES OF Fine French Calf Boots, Fine Kip Boots, Water-Proof Boots, Heavy Boots, Ladies' Polish Boots, 1= Ladies' Button Gaiters, Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Balmorals, Misses and Children' Shoes of Every Description, at THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. .10112( 1,1.111M..T1L1C0. T. /1.61.1L1TZ .W3l. I . tIpASIS pALmEn, ANSIIUTZ tr. CO., EMIII=I DLALF.EI O BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, Yo. 61 .T Street, Sea . r PITTSBURGH, PA OEM MONEY SAVED. fREIT BaRG.I.L.MS FOR ..96. FEW "Ja.9.11"e3, "N I LOOTS AND SHOES, At 91 redelal St., Allegheny City. .K. M'CLINTOCK. ' r.roi 09 NNoclit.real f3tx• °cot. 16 i • BOOtl'S AND SHOES. J. WILET.ELINI, No. \ 3S Market St., Pittsburgh, Has loaf received s very large stook of ail tinge( 330ci0r13 ..ALINTS:I f3.130E2130, Which he is pre Dared to nen chriper than thee:kcal?: Vi. to h t.4" r Itliblli l 7N 'it'll= wni"l'leUvra;l ralikt s r;Vv a tatlefsetiou. J. W144E1.111_ 1 oe3l,u;cl. No. irs Market three A. LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL - Or 8(2111 eit BOOTS, - SHOES, GAITERS and Baltr‘Orias, . . Jolt received. and will be .old at the vraly LOic- ItiT l'ltiCtS, either Wholesale or Ite tall. GIVE Vet A CALL Barona rettpustNo ILSE. lirliana. J. U. Si, W. C. 801,11, AND, _ No. al Market atreet., :d door from Fifth St. M Y" ___. ___ COorgn nat.:VA. JOUN TIELDIX C . FIELDLNG Manufacture r . and - Dealers In • Cs.estcom 105e:4cla BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. Renalrlng promptly eXecuted on the &bones{ no tire. 1e7;c52 SEWING MACHINES •SeC)-• • Weed Lock Stitch Sewing Machine. BEST IN USE. • • Tnislii WHAT $6O L TL , 100 Machine will Hem. Yell and Ilind; Braid. Tuck and'Cord; leather and Qnilt: ' ake a Beaver Clth :Make a FrOck Coo at;Overcoat; Make a brain Vest; • • • Make t, loth Panted , hind Shoes; ":" , gigolo every description cf press kluking. $OO Machine will doi .0 kinds of - Family Sewing:. kilt/'Machine will riesvolvorms withuul, break needles or skipping . eV sea _ 50 Machine slit hos k:lko on both shies, nO Machine is the cheai eel Mad:slues by 20 per cent. in use, and will sew faater.'lf not superior to any Alachine lu the market, he ran return it and hare his looney. 'Warranted four roars. AIKEN KNITTING MACHINE Will knit 1d pairs of Socks in a day. : Braid and Ensbrolilev Stamps fur tale and stamp. Ing done. Also a model for costing ladles and children'. dresses. Any person ran learn from it., • alit NTS WAISTED. 41.-All kind. of fetidly sewing dove. It. - 11. LON°. Agent, • 11A-Grant street, opposite Cathedral, noI7:Y.T.a Prrreualtnit. P.. DROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are THE ItroT for Family and Manufacturing pones. Call and ace than at . IS Filth Street. DO:►'T BE DECEIVED BY Flourishing half cdlernn tdverUsemenls of Inferior Machines, butLret a UHUVC.B. k BAKER. It has been tully tested fur sixteen years, rod is by all camps tent Judges, pro uouneed the BENT 151 USE. No, F.11%.12. Mitract. no) GET 'NONE BETA • GROVER & BAILER For a 11011 day Qlri. R ls reliable, perfect and harofore the hest. Don•t fall to call and sca 1101 NO. 10 rtrTII THE GROYEU be lIAILR SEWING MACHINE Ia tjie47lHm. Thule of Ifechanlsm. Please call ape e " . " . " " -,;() IS FIFTH S I REF T. nAjt, SS & CARRIAGE MAT' tr.l3 should see the nese Grover & 'Raker - No. 1 Sewing Plactillie el , ew here. It Is the best lor heir lo.e. tor sale At noVoaa , 110. id FIFTH Arne . _T =2 FOR SALE.—A. Farm of about :SS acres iu Union 'Township, Alleghal y LQUIIty, PA. situate shout four miles from the City on the Washingtol Pau The, improvements area :ups two :ft.:try delft thwellinle House with 1: ruou , s, a two-story Spring House, a Carrlu- House. a large Lumber Hoot, a No. I Frame Bank Barn, with stabling tot:lL:lent for 121 head of cattle. There in • nor Young Umber& comprising t'out U acres, I stocked with the best varieties of fruit trees. It U ' all underlaid with coal. The land Is In a high state of e uitthetion.well watered. fences good, and Dula sun; 1p for dairy age Incase, g. o r r g t spring op.i.usre ?therno 2- bl:tidings: with - a good Orchard In l o n n -' yan,,%%0011.1t10n. Thls piece is also all un- Also, 12 acres n 3101131 e for sole yens t..esbove, unimproved. ! coal. 1 ' The :shove three ylere la al s o all underlaid with pieces of property Ile between the Little Saw SIM /Wu • e atnithe coal can worth Jen Toe coal alone is II '""! from ° Ithrr r. " a that s om e fur the en tire property. Also Farm of 173 acres, situtaln tit Plairtown ship,estmoreland sounty, Pa , 11 nIDedlali'tT On the line of the Penna. itallromi. The are a two Framell our with ne e ' good cellar, Frame Bank ilarr. iczeor, e m 7 other Out-hdbdings. There is on the mace L o o Yount( Apple Orchard:l2o acres cleared. Loan, In good Umber• fencing generally Count, welt watered: under/aid wltiLcoal and. limestort ; fotivealt. to churches, mills, schools and blacksmith chops, to. l i ether with the personal property such ...stork. Implements• grain la the ground,, de. Posession given immedistelY- Pa of 63 urea, situated In Mutters township, Allegheny county Pa., about miles from the ity, near the lumen' the ntetthenellle IL ft-, and within one-half utile of a station; SO acres of the best of creek bottom mud, and in a high state of cultivation; 23 acres of wood:arid and puture. The fencing is genarallg good. The lOU Is No. I, and well adapted for gardenidg. The attention of those wishing to embark le the business will Call at once and secure a good bargain. as this Is a rare chance. Alto, Pam of $4 acres, situate in filluoeth lOwnsidp, Allegheny county, ra., on the Monon gahela river, about one mile from the Borough of Elizabeth. The.soll Is of the best quality. The lm prOVeMents area /arm house with six rooms, /good barn and other out buildings; fencing good, ' about &lures of oust. Churches, schools and mills very convenient. Possession immediately, • Also, the boon Farm In Elizabeth township, containing about 00 acres ' lying on the Mononga hela river Immediately below Luck Na. t, on which to erected a large two-story brick dwelling, one log and ou_e frame ban c bat a, corn crib. 'wagon shed, briek spring house, ft ranary. work shop tr.c.; about A a nt a r n e e e e o being e Above t l o s n tl e r s l t a n u d a ; l and r underlaidw ; wi th coal, esnd about 20 acres of limestone. There are two orchards or apple trees, to good bearing condi. Hen; peach pear, plum trod and grape vines. ,00. Tne land is well adapted tor gardening purposed, being a short distance from the thriving borough of Elisabeth, creating a market at home for all the products. The property will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. & CO„ MEM . .• • • - Aiso, A Farm of 06 acres, situated in Elizabeth township, AlleithenY eonntY, FA, >boot one Mlle (rum Lock Nu. 3, ou Monongahela river. improve meats are one frame house. with evero mos. barn, meetinghouse and otheroutbuilo toes. The laud is of the beat quality. The above will be sold at very lo fig urthe ures. For t o part:Milan, enentre of • G. 11. TOWER. no 7 Real Est , to Agent. 104 Fourth street: I`oll SALE-100 Act es of Laud In Washington county, Wesley town gap, Ohio, sO s cleared. lidance In timber; good house, acre good harm water handy, large orchard, school and churches handy. ..I within 434 miles of Cutler Sts. lion, on She...Barletta and Cincinnati. Railroad. i , lre an Per am". 1 Acre In ilinksville, 3 miles Lack of Temperance -01110, un which shred are threeukntTemperance rllie, tenant houses of 2 rooms each, one frame house of four rooms, all In good tondltion, • 130 Arr. of Land for 2.2.000, _haste In Slnkir g Valley. Blair county, Pa., are mileefroui Altoona by the muting Valley Road. The advantages of - tills propert are numerous, and by calling onus we will give foil particulars. OA Acres, GO acres of which is underlaid with coal, situate in North Faette Tonship, on Frame the ateubenyllie Head; Impr y ovements w , good House, six looms, good Bask Barn; aDout2OoFrult Trees lust In their prime. Ac '• 30 Aerril In Union Township, on the Washington Pike, three miles Irom the city. ' 32 - Acres in Scott Township, air mild, out on the old Washington Pike. 61 5 5 en Acre Bos t. s Township,. three miles cut from -Marke 5 Dwel ling ing Houses In Allegheny City, one in Wilkinsburg, one In Freeport, one at Edgewcal Station, id, the Central Pennsylvania nallioad. Al.O immedia , ely acJoining this elation a few more ACILS. LUTd. Plan can he seen at this omen. A,so, 'Bonds and Mortgages bought and sold. JOHN CROYT, nolo Bell Estlte Agent,. 1:19 Yount, street FOR SALE, HOUSE AND ONE ACRE OF GROUND. On .rack'. Run, liri• wall: frolo Oil ,stlon on tile Ft. W. all.l C. R. R. !louse coota.u. , 101 r00m... Mutt e.t.a TIVI. AND A HALF ACRES. Within sums tlistaaccutJack•s nun bliLiOn. BCSPIC SIN ACRES OF GROUND, Located Turnpike rtoad, between the .14w Ilrtabton awl rerrekellie Plank Itoa , , sod about tweaty.ntinutee work from J ack's bon Station on I'. Ft."W". and C. 11. It. • For further Inforn.atlon, IL quire of ELMO CHEAP AND COMFORTABLE THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING Located on Second at., Eacond Ward, ttaburgd Lot '- , t) by 6: feet too paved alley 12 feet tt. Itle Price 416.003. Apply to REOKKZS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, de{ No. 66 Smithfield SiNeet FOR SALE, - THE TWO-STORY BRICE DWELLING, Sin. 43 Monterey street: Anemias,: T. Contain• nine rooms, besides flußhcil attic, bath-room end wrsheliouie: Fur c treulence Of ItrrlllgelllGllt, and tasty and 60,41110 M finish. It Is priitialdy un excelleu by any In the two cities of similar bib-. The 1100..: i 5 quite new, awl boo gas, and hut and Ad %rater up end down sielre• pply for lulurmation to B. S. ' Broker to Skoog* and Real , lesiatei, 111311 57 Fourth street. ilturlo's TO MANUFACTURERS. I . , That large And substAn Ida( FILE 3TORY/111110E BUILDING, one Anon 0 as “LarAe's DI; thlery, 10 the First It ard. Allegheny, oe,:01,310,A0 sive lot of 5;0.0101 froutlud 03 feet 00 the 111.110 r.ver. And extending towards liebee. street 457 feet, 15 offered FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. Terms and full particulars, made known by S. S. SILT N, Broker In Stocks and Real Estate, n 02.." 57 Fourth et., (Burke's Building.) LOTS: LOTSI-1 can niAiii r offer Lots as 10 ,, as $.2,0, welt locattd and to a pleas utt place. Also, Lots looted on the PILe from - 1 , 00 to 1,1101 tin Liberty street, from • 7.0 to 1,010 On itelletoutaine street, from. ..... • tro to :kV tin liarri• street, from.. .... ... . . to 1::4 in liberty Tow orthip. atlf/lulog 1110 Borough lots. from 300 to 5 - 0 Also to P.ll Township. Lois from... 150 to SW Tee above lots will be sold on terms to suit - pure ebsaers.. s i50,..0m0 very desirable Improved prop erty, located In the Boroughs. Bllt Towntldp. Al legheny t Ity, ri.taborgit, and a , Joialog counties. Fur tern., apply at tlaanew I.lltAle and Insursnce °Mee of' . 41. S BATES, non Butler street, Lawrenceville. VOIR SALE-12 acres of Ground, •.• well timbered and watered on Squirrel 11111, ten Lruluntes` walk irom Faseenger : tat'. it &lady aue. Fourth Street WWI. Also ,d acres at Home. wood . Station; and several Farms well located In Weetmorelaaal sod Alio bony eou totes. Also Cost Property, I I oures and. Lots lu the city anal suburbs. got furtberparticulars env i r i V AM wmtu (Opposite the l'atbedraL) • 5021 No. 110 Grant street., BALE—One-fourth luterest. liiltaz RolUng .11111, To art acceptable partner. Apply to NT. it. I.IItICKELL, Cr Mann:, 3.3.71CAtt.t. Ao.i to Water co.reet, BEM FOR SALE, A LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, alt modern lorrovepentr, in complete Order, Inquire at- f i‘r I R IVMS.r STREET; n,r,u:onrrrs l'istsnorgb. JOllni D BAllatElt ) Stock and Beal Est s ate Broker. JOHN D. BAILEY. .• STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER. Having taken out a cotrunlotbn as Auctioneer. and eft. eted an engagement with the Pitt:our/in M 2 .r a in Trade, securing the use of their rooms, aoore the Ethel tiattonal hank, tarn non prepared to tel at Public Auden. hureks. Bonds, Pecnritier, itra Eat• e, Au., eltLer at the above rooter or VII tn preset ea ~^relofore to the Particular !attn. lon p.m.' as -- sale of Rini [ state at urinate balr. eater Estat e In the eountrr ” e do Office. 1 .2 Fourth mere[. Coal RCM SALE-100 Ars e Uhl° M r. Land. lying immediatelfuuP°. . )trdlrs_beloelialspolis , roar lout oelnrof etnnati. On the abJre tract aanatrryon"."re2 .67ntrtrAiZlhro It Is rutin I t alirerou - - ' yrgeS and cokes wel, Contains'a Milo sulp " u g of he eacelled. The and I nr m akin g "aarrindwar from Pomeroy and cation Lein o r i r tlTV.. osl i:Pilliages of ihr ricer. •Antntrance E na l,! `` A rui inc hill arttt 800 feel. tr 4 Ack thOsh eft... 010.r a , °1A 1 ,114; 1 0 .1 :a roV't`,7 - d = r l,°,V.L.L° double Portable Circular , Saw 31E1 to. - ,,,b‘r with Portab e trrtst b hllll, al. In good run n. °.` Ya :tki.,l° doOreu. IV piLtly milk er.prriehae and eapltal for a anaing Stock ag.lVe ' lltO l a l t A e l kg;k r er. 00. Fourth street. nESIGAIILE LOTS FOIL LOUIV- A- , 111,1* ItehIVENCES . -011 account of /helm:leni cy of the-weather on Tuesday last, the s±,te of Whose de.trable Bundles Lots, from two to four mo ns each, ot the Perrtaville Flout Road, one Imile from. Allegbeuy latY. woo adjourned. The lota ate note agora.% at private Cale. TituW—Ucc-Italf ba'ulre In 2. 2. 4 and:: yrs.., with I olcreat. For Plots of the property sad further particulars, apply to JOHN D. BATLEY, d.„2 ' yo. IrII Fourth street. GEOIIGE BEAV EN, CANDY MANUFACTURER And dealer Itt FOREIGN ANL , AIIERIOAN --11111JITti, PlClicEt+, Nut's. &C.. &C.. , No. 112 Federal Street, decoad dcor [rem the eZaV 4 4 . 7I I . 4 . II AVA r. FL. .ent FOR SAFE , CODI3EI .1. morEn., No. 2 ST. et,A.TR. siTEET GM= =I . AIKUSETTENTs_ OPERA. HOUSE. C. L. HI:SS • Avc-tor. Til (,;athrtl37) 1),o:0 ar :lb. MR. J. W. WALTACIi Un which Oce.t.:on he trill ;eve hit anperb rendl- FA , :A.N. has. Dlckens , story of the 4uncrings and miseries of OLIVER TWIST, A LONDON ORPHAN. PatnottpAtternOon—Grand Fashionable Matinee Or tile RO.ll %NUE. OF A POOR YOUNG MAX. Ia prepxratiork. Mr. Willack;s sperlMty of HENRY bUN JUR. arPITTSBUIRGH THEATRE. LLSSZZAND MANAGIR, WM. HENDERSON Last night of the Inlet' table 'YANKEE LOCKE! . Grand Afternoon Portornianer. at 2 o'clock, when aria represedted the beautiful drama of the RAO PICK E OF HIS. AtIml•sloo sr,t. Evening Pe•forwanre. at to'clook. UNIONIST'S diAtitIETER. To be rot Isoved br th'• laaatiattle dram •of JAC k LONG: Or, :OMIT IN TILE EYE. To conelode with' A WIFE FOE A DAY. • Mond av—limand tof Mr.IW. J. V SW ELL. Cite preparation, the steal/ray of ItACCA- IiAT. • :I•" — ai.4.somtc 1111-L. • TIIN ssturdsc ,-ECESI NCI, Dec. Si. - posltlyelT tart nlxlkt. tho Itamploaa. • NIME•S LAM'S' lIINSTRELS, The art nowledyed Mitocrats of Minstrelsy. 24 STtll4, G CONIF.OUP:a. 4 CLOG DANCF.R.P. . N.. r ro graiam o . — l,z-ulcal of Ml.l.Yrlay• FART L—New treer tutet , Ctiorcs , elnderalla; Hay pp Boyhood: Loved o at* Coact t rector ha la uck: WWI You 5541 l were itryart o'- 1,1111: Sweet Fa, at Ili.a3Vinklaw:Conouttor. PART IT. —Ter pelchorcan EaeraiSa, by the four 1 , Coanotlons; Londe Quartette; Cornet Polo— Bowles; Fearful Moment.: lists o P npl Fling— ' nrdy; Dht bootie—S.cel and raclerlek,t Trial Clog —ltantive and West; Jumbo deems College; Stump Speech—Eagan; Song and Dance; Jack on the Green. G lA' r od aria : s n it . 1 3 1 ;5 n 6. at 1 11: a t' hl o"e a r il me n ' e C ili t: l 2., ,a P ts l 87 . a o• l r o t ; c a l ; A - - • TER OON at 2 o•cloct. Tickets centr. '"HASOiIIe HAIL. Commencing MONDAY, Dec - ember lOtb, and con. Done every Evening through the weet. , GRAND CONSOLIDATION. • GltthiD CO?biOLIDATION. An , TILE ORMINA.L PEAK FAMILY, I=l .1-terfxer r`a,mily, OCALISTS, 4IAIWISTS. VIOLINISTS SWISS BELL RINGERS. -- SILVER CORNET BAND. The largest Iron ne of Bell Rangers In the world. 129 Bells are used by- the ComPanY. nod ore the only eet of pure toned bells ever Imported into this MOD try. Choice awl refined Vocal and Inetnameattal MCIGIO aril Me rendered each e ven ing by tho• moat finished artists. and the eatertainments mill famous any beretofo, given by thl9.oe any other troupe. Change of programme each exerilna. Carda.or admission '5O cants. Nu half price In the evening. No extra charge for reserved fleets. Tickets for sale at 31.ELLLIlt & SLIICEB'S Musie ante. GRAND MATINEE Sottartleby After:axiom, Dee. 15t1G , li Ildren admitted to the alattree for 95 Cants. Douri ol.Pla at •ittarter to 7: to commence at guar.. tee t•. o'clock. • A ftcruoon, doors opco at Ili; to commence if 2.1,1 O'clock. • da7:pa 6 ;TX I 0 0{;IM CPT-T-119: OILER/ CPIMAIM SOHO OIL WORKS. '' BUFFUN KEKEW & CO, MA3II7YACTORKB.9 07 THE CELEBRATED VERN LUBRICATOR/ PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. ; Sperm, Lard and Whale Oi ly BID LIGUT, TLYNIPS OIL RID MIL MARI ALY.O. litandatd White Burning 011, No. 33 Market:Street, I PITTSBURGH, PA. I SEND POE A CVECULAR. eneta X310" - Sr BE S I= 1 BY Cl. BEST CANDLES, dc,; AT LOWEST BATES. n 022.17 RENDRIC}I'S LUBRICATOR, WHITE, BROS. & CO., New York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, No.l St. Clair Street, PlitaborKS, Pa., "i 4 Keep cons tautly dn hand , Cutv.n Factory - 011, ' Data Hacblnery 011. Wuolen 31111 011. 1 Dart Engine OIL. 1.1,011 cord Engine 011; Nark Car UN, No. 1, Light Col l, l tlcretr,eut, Dark Car 1.111, No 1. tlca OIL ---- n024:067 9OLDRIDGE OIL REFIRING •, cancr - JE•44.:D3•in, OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, , Prestdent. RINEY N. LONG. See's , and Tress's. WORKS IN TEiIIt'EItaILNCEVILLE. Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, IN esr titispevign Bridge.) ILLITIIYACTUBEIL3 O PLIBE WHITE iiEVUTUNITNI3A - Brand—" Lucifer." 3y12151 EUREKA OIL WORKS, 11,•-cr'if,crunxns or EUIZEIIa CARBOX =EU EUGEBA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS] . And Wholesale Deslen In Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, LARD, bPEltat, 'WHALE AND PiSU DlLar"' No, 31 Market, St., Pittekurgli; Pa. Cl 4 C. 1471013XiM , Call and'aramlne samples and read cerclacates. nolzeotr, - WARING & KING , CGIESSIOI MGM LTD ➢SGKEB9 IE Petroleum and its Products, 4 PGQ U.S. I rE 3E.TV•V53 31317 X 7 -CaIES , PLITIALEt.4 111 , L ADDRESP: WArtINC, KINC At CO.. a7l7:stt 191 'Walnut St.. Phila_ BUY THE . REST. • :" PETROLIA BLUE LEAD,. run Manufactured only and for sale by T. IT. .1 E CO., VI. ri 07C 39 &A.A.:at, N. W. Cor.3d and Market Sta., =I 11441D=0101:IiIROINCeinfrA6 1 1:A U. C. LOLLZI D. CDAWFORD YOGSZ. JONES, CRAWFORD A; VOGEL, Agents. THE MOST BRILLIANT LIG POWERFUL AND TRULY COAL tni. OAS HT EVEU PRODUvELL 1 Adopted hy the U. S. Government. NonenVoslve. Cheep and Beeptlro': Giles • three - Sal'brilliant tght..riota say ._tart lamp. Tlas .t. , ,ut Is adapud tort) JIM* perpos,..; •n 4 7.:ck to merc~R qulrer mt lamps. T ATE. ;S P ') AA.. +s cr a l Y rar,h7 s ° ,..julALE Ary ,, y sc Funos Drug ri.t• Etrect.e or a Book Store, 7u sxreo. [mould., Building. non ir-b7:-.7l43lrreaeir D.A. .11.111M140151 EAGLE OIL Wolllil3, 7-amcv - rtam.ocraill.o. WICHITNIAN & ANDERSON. ,Rellners and Dealers in PETROLEUM. BECONDBTORY, UtNINZIA HANCOCK,, T. AbiLi.)lJ(.ll.llLiffT. WAY. Z0.1111:=... - - i SOLD LEE N