The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 08, 1866, Image 1

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Insurance Company
E. S. WINSTON, Presideut.
IS 17,0 C) 400,0 Co
Annual Dividends Available Immediately
Polley holders and other percons interested in the
an...ject of LINT. IlihtiltANCle are Invited to call
on the undersigned. Agent or the Company, who
will cheerfully give them full information as to the
to:crita and practical working of the Company.''
No. 37 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.
Comaltut!oural DepravltY
There is ouch a thing. The whelp organism
lags or becomes inactive, and thd powers of
lite flag, and are torpid in theft. exercise. .A
. torrid flyer, sometimes' Inactive kidneys, at
another enfeebled stomach, at another the
blood, tainted With hurtful materials, plods
slowly through the velna—the excretory or.
guns are asleep and lazy in their functions.
Tou can remove this state of things. A new
ness ot life and an increased energy can be
restored by the use of a few bottles of DR,
which bas In it all the life giving and health
giving properties of some of the most
purifying and healing of plants. Dr: Key
:wee: BLOOD SEARHEII Infuses new ener
gy lithe blood. It invigorates the stomach:
It forces, with healthful action, the liver and
spleen. It heals the kidneys, it cures dropsy,
Scrofula% cancers and all break Outs on the
skin. It works out olfl matters from the sys
tem, and enables the stomach to digest the
food and make new to replace the old. The
enfeebled and debilltated should use It; the
weak and attenuated should use it; Ouse ex
posed tomalarla should use it. Dr. Keyser's
BLOOD SEARCHER will "nutka the weak
strong; it will drive away melaticholy; It will
Omer the desponding; It will give elasticity
to the muscles, and re-string the nerves. In
deed there are none; or very few diseases of
the blood, or of the skin, or of. weakness and
debility, that it will not cure when persever
ingly used.
Ask for Dr. geyser's BLOOD SEARCHER, at
He Wood 'street, and take no other. 41 per bot
tle, or six for
Ilarker_a Co."s advertisement
*CIO Reward
If the Indian herb Doctor fails to describe, die.
omen and tell his patients the nature of their
complaint or illness without_ receiving any in
formation from them. No charge nor consul
tation or adViec.
We use sneh Palms as have no strife,
With Nature or the Laws of Life ; -
With our blood our hands we never stain,
Nor poison men to easetheir pain.
Our Father, whom all gootleess.fills,
Provides the means to cure all our Ills ;
The simple herb beneath our feet,
Well used, relieve our pains complete.
A simple Herb, a simple Flower,
Culled from the dewy Leo— •
These, these shall speak with too - oiling
power, I.
Of change and heilth to thee.
'Alice—So. 191 Liberty street, between Sixth
and Market, Pittsburgh, Pa,
A Fortune }lastly Made.
The easiest Method that wo kuow of making
a fortune is to economize—buy nothing but
that we need and always purchase where ber
g:tins are offered. For 'instance, why Pay
enormous prices for hoots, shoes and goiters
to avaricious .Sealers while 'timer, Ammi . .
Co. sell at such reasonable rates. Their
piices are So low, o•pceially since they have
reduced their rates, that one can save s small
fortune in n few years by dealing with them.
Callin and see their stock. It is fresh and
new, embracing all the latest styles and novel
ties introdueed. Lathes are Invited to exam
ine the beautiful slipperstand gaiters Just re
ceived. •
Barker S Co. , a davertisement
A Delleioa. Meal
At the Continental Dining saloon, on Fifth
street, under Miner's anti next door to the
Post Office, hundreds of Demme daily partake
of the tip-top meals only gotten up by that
most f 11020119 of cateiers. Air. lioltzheinter.
flu is constantly receiving game the rarest,
vegetables the finest, pantry the best and oyss
tern most toothsome. Ills bill of fare dally is
not surpassed by that of any hotel in the city,
while his prices are very ruasonablc and anal
:" crate. Meals and oysters are served at any
boor of the daj• up till one o'clock in the night.
J erker & Co.'s advertisement
T. T. Ewen!. No. 165 Wood Street.
Attends to all kinds of gad, water and steam
rising. Ile has long been recognized as tho
moat akilfuil meeintnie.ll! that line of busineet
In the city. Ills stock Consists of wood and
iron putilps, hydr :tuts, sinks, bath tubs, liailus
- chandeliers, oil burners, gas pendants, brack
ets, is large and of a substantial char
acter, and elan be sold at less than the present
schedule prices of Eastern manufacturers.
City and country wore of any description at- .
tented to by careful and competent mechanics
under the supervision of the proprietor.
Barker N. Co.'s advertidement
The Heat Known tonic
Cuswell, Muck 4 Co.'s Combination of Iron,
l'ho3phorns and Callsaya, known as Ferro—
rho-IlOrated Elixir of Cullsaya. The iron
restores color to the blood; the Pilo:Thorns
renews waste of tl.e nerve thsue, and the
Calisaya gives a natural, healthful tune to the
digestive organs.
One tnnt contains the Virtue of one ounce
of allsuya and one teaspoonful IL grain of
droll and l'hosphorul.. Manufactured by
csstectr., :genic Co., New York.
per tale by all druggist,..
Men Will Use Tolnteen
Their wives titul bleters can find Christmas
preSentl lit for ht,bands, brothers and
aea „ s at i t . & w. • ,i,;itkinson's, Allegbeny
third door _from nospensieln. Bridge, r where
there will always be 'tonna. besides all the
common varieties, a very choice: selection of
tucerschaunt, briar wood, and other pipes, et
gur holders, SC., of neat and ornate &Aga: a
large and ruidetl stock of smoking and Chew.
ingtobacco, and many of the popular Braude
of Cnbhn and American cigars.
The Mono Sewing Ilanbine,
Most certainly take the lead of ldl ollon6 in a
short, time. it was awarded live premiums
on work. al the World's lair, ,1"."..t; four Premi
ums tor work and on' the machine at the New
ork,Staito Futrl tea;. nee the Ifehodist, of
ri,.ptetnber . A premium on tile madam:
Ohio State Fair, I.IU. Fee the Layton
Journal, October 15th. , The only agency for ,
Ito sale for l'i,"estern • Pen neylvania, is at No. 4-1
'null Mee
the beautiful !Jute', ;'runce and Muscatel
Itujuin.i, at So. •FeAurnl ntrret, second
door Prow the First. Nut.umul. Bank, All.>
Laluny City.
Be Closed out prey IQIIS to J uuu
atry let. Opera house shoe Store.
'toot•, !0.., and Cia'term,
A I, greatly reduce.' prices, at Palmer, ..Im,4ut.k
L",2's, 61 Market atrtet.
r!itubnirgla Fest..le Cullego
'Winter toi - ol Opt:114; Decowtcr Gat. apply
Ye?, COa Buy
r cent. Alcohol at Joseph 5. FIACh'S
• Vail cin Bny
:taw Hord itl, J oseph. pi, Finch's
. 1..
_ ...
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VOLUME I:J,XXX.---NO. 295.
If you are in the fall vigor and prime of
early youth, when the banners of health and
beauty gleam in carnation tints upon your
cheek, you should have your picture taken, so
that In after years you could gaze on what
once was yours. If you .are decrepid - and
aged, tottering oil the portals of eternity, and
expecting every day that thy mortal weak
_ness shall be taken from thee, and that you
shall be called from the: friends and associa
tions of this world to that bourne from . Whose
mysterious shore no traveler ere returns, you
should procure a counterfeit presentiment of
yourself, that eyes that - loved to look into
yours, may recall thy virtues and thy moan.
ory by glancing at it, IT you would present
the object of your heart's warm devotion with
something to gladden her sadder moments,
hive your photograph taken at 11. L. H. Dobbs'
commodious photograph rooms, No. hi St.
Cialritreet, where an accommodating and ac
complished corps of artists are ever ready to
give yon an exact counterpart of yonrself,
done up in the highest style of the art. In
fact, Dobbs' pictures have attained a eilebri
ety in thle end of the State unsurpassed by
none for the perfectness of their ilnlsh. •
- •
, Heavy Eastern Fanners. '
Owing to the great depression in the boot
and shoe trade in the New England and East
ern cities, Messrs, Palmer, Anshutz. .0 Co., the
popular dealers at No. el Market street, are
determined nor to be caught in the impending
panic and have reduced the prices of all their
goods. They can sell now every quality and
description of good and durable boots and
shoes at. the manufacturers fates. For great
bargains give them a call. Their motto is,
"We study to please- and no trouble to show
• Ilealth Knocks Orme at Least,
'2tt the door of every invalid, if the door be
opened and the remedies offered, Houses's
Pm:urina are invited lu, a lone iffe of health
and inereasedliappiness will be the re, eh,
The Good Tinto •
To buy Boots and Shoos has collie. Garditier
reducing his stock prop:kr:dory to taking
invoice January lid, and will sell goods at any
price. Real bargains arc to be bad, Okada
Home Shoo store.
Selling at cost and' many things under cost
iireat closing sale now going on. Take In
voice January Ist and want stock reduced
Opera House Shoes Store,
We are
Determined to reduce our stock before Jan
nary Ist. You t,an buy at your own prices
Opera Douse Shoe store.
Foreign Liquors of alt kinds at Josettb.,S.
Pinch's Distillery, No, 181, 17.419il at 1.195
street, Pittsburgh. .
Co to Fle!ultzg's Drag Store.
No. at Illarket street, for the enestu,sortreent
of Flavor log Extracts in the city, at lowest
Go to Fleming'.brow Store.
No. St Market street, for the best andrtuient
of Pure tVince for medicinal purposes.
Decision of th© Court.
FiCsaistix, Pe., Dec.' 7.—tion. C. V. Culver, a
member of the Thirty-ninth Concrete from
the Twentieth Congressional District of Penn
sylvania, being held heie by the civil iae, was
brought before Judge Trankey yesterday
morning ou a writ of babes, corpus. lie
claimed his privilege as a member of Congress
and asked to be discharged from arrest and
imprisonment. Atte, able arguments by the
counsels for and against his release, Judge
Trun key decided this morning that a member
of Congress was not entitled to his privilege
when held for an indictable offense.e •
Horace Greeley and Gen. Perry,-Ant
newly nod Suffrage,-A 'Southern Opln
AtiocsirA. Ga. Dec.'7.—llortiee Greeley has
written a letter to Governor Perry, in which
he sayethe true basis Of a settlement of our
national ditticulties univer.alanmeaty with
impartial suffrage. lie wonl.l have , all' .11 , n.
bllitles i n account of rebellion or color totally
abolished, and trusts that such a basis of sets
tletnent will be fixed upon In Washington this
. •
In response Govern.* i'erry says:-The south.
ern people will never consent to impartial
rage, as it would degrade the right 4,t stark - age
and demorallre the government and socipty
to allow the blacks, to rote. The Governor
thinks a compromise to enfranchise negroes
who could read and write. and had property
fluallecations, without dlerraneli sing what
ionaaoaa might with' reason anti propriety be
acceded to by the Southern statml. •
Further of the Fouled Conylete—tieere
tarp aletterd Ask. for an Explana
Asnxtorox, Dec. 7.—lt i, understOOd that
the Judges will relater separate °plutons of
the Fenian convicts In Canada, sentenced to
be executed . on the 13th of December, and.
Whose appllmtiona for tkee , trials 111100 been
refused. Secretary Seward has asked fur an
explanation of .the present. purposes of the
Canadian authorities. sir Frederick Bruce In
reply, bays that the sentences Will not be cur
ried Into effect on that day, hat will be' reeerv.
ed for further consideration. •
Wastmorrox, Dec, 7.—'rtte Supreme Court,
to-day, agreed upon a decision upon the con
stitutionality of the test oath. ri, question
cattle up on euzes presented in regatr.i to the
exaction of the oath for attorneys, of which
there weresereral under consideration, which
were argued last summer. The Court deuid•
ea by live to four against the constitutionality
of the oath. The opinion will probably be
read On Monday next.
& Roll ,or honor—.l Reprimand
ASHINOT?./X, Dec. 7.—Gen. IVhlttie es, As
slstant COMIOISSIOIICr of Freedmen In North-
Car . ollna, had been sentenced to be reprimand
ed fOr nrocemilmNwhile there.
The War Department ha, wadi:Mai another
Toll of honor, amt. - Rehm tine names of Soldiers
seined fed in defense of the Union interest, in
na tine States - of Arkansas, California, Indiana,
Michigan, Xlinnehota, and Nessada, and the
Terld[oooB of Oregon, Colorado, Idaho, Now
Mexico and Washington.
Arius for the 1001161.111.
3losresni.., 'Dec. 7.—The Tra.cript
per,blty : W y
r learn front ail authen
tic sourc a e—a highl empectable mercantile
hottse In trade—that within a rule days rentxl
to 11,00 - rifles have been cold on letilatt ac
count, the destination of which IC not
land. IV,, cannot I.IIIIIOIID CC, that I hey intro In
tended for this country..
Inpportnut lItCIMmt
NEW Yogic, Dee. 7.—Judtte -- Wthion, In the
Fulled Stettea Circuit. Court yeetertiav deliver
ed lutportant tl.eelentin in ttuttitlYsing the nun
brought ttgulust Robert P titurrett, Inventor
of the Parrott zun, Millie! Tread •kell, who
clattnet.l te hold a patent. for the inn,, taut:lure
of cunnnti WhieE the defendant haa Infringed.
Fire lin
I ,NctNNATI, licuoulbr ryant's foundry,
etreet, near 31:" . rieti . was nearly 411: , -
strayed by tine 1.111,1 morning. I.ONa IlbUta
OW: partially Insured..
The Alabama I,egl:lature to-day rejected the
ConiaitUtlanal Amendment, Vote u, to 10.
Diq.Cllller Armit
aFe, ,if Detroit, was LO.Clriy C.ollSeOrtited A$-
lintittlt.nimitOp or Tile ceremonies
were of the most ltrinbAng ohmmeter, twelve
blmbop.l anal seventy eliirgyman being present,
/I re,
Sew r.n, Conn., In,eeraber 7.—Tho lint t
of, the Plants , Atunufact4rrlag
Couto:my, of t o:eity, Was totally destroyed by
Ire morning.
tool le 615p,0bJ.
Tile Fenian Pr
b isoner,
T.,110,r0, elieved here that
the Fenian iirminersi in Well,wcetsburgil yet
v ,, Valm from Jell, • ." Itapoli“r
Ludve.l to that plane In freely expree.ou.
•• /1:1—"..--'1«,lag—•---
115" . C.. Dec. 7.—Nothing futher
hew been hee.{.l of the fifteen MI/Ming Persons
lost on the ettimer euareatmeo.
Tee.. .FY Statement
W.OITINOToN, Dee. 7.—The monthly , state
mi.?. of the Trmoury.for November, eittO wxl
net teductarn of 11, 0 ;,0,04") clobt. •
An Admonition
Mo.t Every fhitag
You Ca Boy
Fenian Organizationi in England
The French Evacuation of Rome,
Rumored Resignation vim—Bismarck,
Napoleon to the King of Greece,
LOSDON—Nuon—December 7.—The P.tit has a
atrong editorial, urging. strict Inquiry. to be
made of the extent of Fenton organisatian In
England, and of depots of arms. and property
PARIS. December 7.—French ves9el3 of war
are blockading Cone..
Item ic.-Deeernber 7.—The French ollictui took
farewell leave of • the Pope this forenoon.
.I.tveurooL, December .7—Xeun--Cotton de
clined during the week, but cloned firmer.
ltreu&t ars unchanged. I'rovision:3 un
Dramm, Dec. 7—Seen.—The Crown Prune of
Denmark vislual the Meg of Prussia to-clay.
CAms. Dee. 7—flrsaisy.—lt la reportea that
Llai A/acquit:l lie Alonstler, the Frent.h Minister
of Foreign _Affairs, has .tendered his resigner.
OTC to the Emperor.
llLlWN,Dec.i—Dieain./.—Tl.e rumor in again
current titxt iti,nuarcls has realguetl tie po,l
tiou or Prime Minister, and that l bresngua
tlon is accepted by tine Ring.
Tanta, Dec. ;—.lA.ent.irt.—The preparation.
for embarkation trete Mexico are iroinplo ed.
1 a enty-tlvgateuuters are to readiocza to hull
from Vera Cfu4.
lavEnroor., December 7.—H,
closes at figures noted at. noOn;
balm hreadstuffs easier. Bitted Corn,
Provisions quiet toad steady, except for lard,
• whteh Is declining. Petroleum steady; re
lined, is Ga. •
ItisktcuESTen, DOCCIIIIrtr 7.—E, yen (nu (101
and yarns riot. Sales 'mall. Prices 110111111:11.
LO.NDON, December 7.—Recning—hlonev un
changed. Consols closed at ast:,; tor 5..10's of
I 471; Erie, 41t.'4 Illinois Central, 7:! , ".
PAnts, Flaw Erettilk, sald that
the Emperor will illbpatch au eMphatlc note
to the /Sing of Greece to put' op th Ilk In
trigues In the Island of ,Conitla and other
EAST LONDO7, Friday Ereni,g. i I it ,
denied by the °Metal Journal ICI Gouts that the
Pope Informed Minister hing_that the 'Cana
dians had better be annexed to the. Cr lilted
stales than fall Into the power of the Fenian:,
_ .
Ltvnuroor., Dec. 1-loon. The Itrokuriii t; Ir
entity to-day reports the sales of eottiin for
the Week at 66,000 Lutes. The market sliqus a
decline of ..1/4 per pound on the 'w eek. M lit
uplands are quoted at The ;sales
to-day were. 150€) hales. Market tee
Wheat firmer than tit the Opcililtg, thilllgil the
quotations are uneha.nged.
The. FOnian senati.!!
The Equal Bights Convention.
• t
^ `.l~~raucl
The Whisky
Now 'Yong, Fenian t-mate met
this morning In respen,e to no order I - coin
President itoberts, convening the body to take
action In relation to the Fenian prlioners now
under Sentence of death In Canada. Nearly
all the memhers were prt,ettt teg'ether with the
Secretary Of War and a roonher of leadoo.:
military oftleera of Itrotherhottd, u Ito n:lrtiol
pnted in the Invtuiott of Canada. The scion
woe strlctly private,•• and it 14 r•Vi•ti
Movement to relent, Lho-Fentan Trl Is
noW 111 COM elnplatlOn, and that
a bEatian capaign across the Iron t ler.
New Yee,K, Dec. 7.—While the Senate
was In .13.3111011 Gun. Spears:, presented
a report of a character which caned forth
commendation (ruin all the 1110101,..r.., Ile
stated that 50,9X1 Springfield rides bel.,n yi I,
to tile organlzatton had been essangal to
breech loaders, and that a majority of than
were In the hands of leen oho toe 0 . :01y 10
destroy all tractse of Ilrladi a ntiteriettll
and Irish moll. The tran,terund ion of 510-1,
weapons he claim.' would render tnessi doubly .
effective 911 accompll,lstni: the patriesi ,, roil
pose,nl the Brotherhood. Thu - repo: t was
tillOpttel. •
A reseletion ;was adopted In favor Of op
pulsates; sub-eonisnitaths of the ‘scil.l.o3 Po
1111 , vitriol.) States in order 10.6111..rletenil the
military MOVententa now 011 the tent
Title evening ans,linniense quantity of arm,
was received by the leaders of the of gaits :a:-
110 n 1111,1 forwarded to the resfinsent of !Tel
esis wee volunteered lo r IMLl'Lici pate lit
'lest callipal4ll ugul slit Call . sua. Thenota t e r
ut men call-stator the campaign Is vcly
! a. IVIIIItteI.I tool Sellf.C. hlinrk. of
city, and have
been acre:dal here on ut elhrge of nefrausling
I tartfilsh As Mulberry, Ne. ii lahlusisi ill eel, sot
of several hundred dollar, north of goal,. It
10 said the accusal, as,s.tal by Eltely rol
gee. Percy, W.
: Tibia, - of lids ,tidy; t a d , I. la.
!Wank, of Cincinnati, erdsagesi
in one of the fluent extensive hw,
I ever committed . le New York, It hi ~,sorteit
that several wholesale shy good, hose„.a hurt
have been defrats lest out, of Roods amounting
I to one hundred thousand dull:dm, soul that
Ithese instals have been .01,1 at noes los, In New
, York, Baltimore and Wiallington.
1 ' The Equal !tights Aw'helation n 11i1 . 11 5011-
vened hero lust night bid In Fili,iiiilll4iiilll.y.
AboutMe persons woo: ill littioolimoo, I/11/31.1% .
Wlll.llllll. etre 1.101,1 , 1 de, let•liti,
that A . :Weet can herd 'eats Will Via, ill ill.'
1 , 111V1:11i1011 ill till:
Rate, nail reasons wend leg the election of til . :1••
gates irrespecti, 0 Orlie.l. tatilipleai en. •.1,1.
sires.s were deliver...l by tire. Asithouy, Mr,
Gage, racises . .rillMtury and . ot hers. 0 lel lei
• ear read from !Cola rt Varela, 01 Plillatlit 1/1)1a,
declaring that to futurity to IVOIII,II Ulla ',-
tension to suffrage of the negro, it diliill.ll
poelialitell llpeca. , lo of years.
Henry IS. Blackwell reported I he rev It. Oren
Interview with Chief .11, lice Chu , a , 'viii) gust
declared lisuiscif In foe sr of coolers:on the
elective franc:lll , e On 1111 , ' fate sox. Senator
Sumner, lie sa id ,had expres,ed Is, ist,„.
Nov Yong; Dee. 7,—.1 ncroit trwil
the Tr eu.sury Ingcirtiitent Is lime Ight.•
Dig the frAnd3 Is relidlon to the dth
illicit opirits. Yesterdeylie the
me of over Arty distilleries In Variolo, patty
Of the city. Au inifiltimial number trove . ..C.,:
seized to-day . Una In el,ll, , stuneu lntee.c e,
cite:gent prevails among the flout, 4h , a1.....
'E. 11. Hurt t, Ig 10 en uolitionted fur :'t el
The ConimerciaL thys. 'file report 'of the
Seeretary of the Treasury eseitt•.l uo:
onegAne,s upon the .the,tion of ninth.
cos. Want of Vivqll.lle gruel. of ril:,st
0110Wil in the report. elisenee ot sly eon] Os
heatoVe plan fort trotting difficulties od section,
together with vague And:m..o;l,l:ml I
have jvoduceil very decided lack of
l i t tile future mithilithdrution of
which appear slikely to lecture filth tor.
inidAble OPPoidtitni to .114.Milocit ' :;
dull lieell con
tributed here for 11, I ellet 0111.0 sithermd
the °vet
i n of the rivers in France. Account , .
from the inundated derartlll , ll .4 state I bat
the destruction or toupeity
1, 1
cprunti, unit 11111 suffering chai,eti by these
asters even wet:ie.' i tifiV; At 110,1 i_mphoJeti.
fleeting of Congrestidonal Committee—
DOOtallber .4b.CQUIII,It.
tee of the - congressional Cetutulttee on ho
trunchment 1.1 in eu-sston here to-any. •
John. N. iiotherop, of St...l:ttryut county, who:
some time since a.....,K4eral °Meer. int.,
tried tor manaloughtet . l.Lo. eeit ono acquit
lir. J. T, Sliftlantl, of Augusta, lie., cot fits
throat today about noon, at hi, ho., rllag
•Nouse, No COOde in tw.igno,l.
The Fenian Prisoners
wizcm .3P'1733L1C1 DEBT.
Committee Meetings, &e„ &c
Reimidican Caticm-Id.
:Scale of Foulallo Lnsida.
WASIII:qOTON, lleccinher 7.—ln response to
notes trout our .Governinent. relative to the
Fenian trials by the Canadian Government.
addressed to the-British Minister,4l. o l .l Vash-
Ington, Sir rred rick Bruce has reeped In
behalf of the Littlish Government, stutter
that the prosecutions were not conducted in
vindictive or harsh spirit. and says he is au
thorized to state that the tined disposal of the
convicted prisoners has been referrer to the
home Government which will certainly he an
imaTeil by a desire to deal with the question
in a manner to secure peace and harmony be
tween populationv living in immediate profs
Maly. separated by a long frontier so easily
The following is a statement of the public
debt December Ist miit bearing coin Inter.
est; six per cent bonito, fInS,CnII:Of six per
cent. bonds of '67 and ties, 0.:.,K.17,9i1.50; six per
ent. hoods of '61,,710.1.00: six per cent.
5.21, bonds, 6..,61,1;1ti,..eth mod; pension fund, 611;
Total, Debt bearing ,
currency interest, ai six per cent., .10,tfa:.,04;
three year tannyouitil' iaterest. notes, 414.7,:kce,
lit: three year tunas, 462.1,033,:0e; matured'
debt not fuesentoil tor payment, f,...2.etifi,791.91t
debt bearing no Interest, tjutted states Tien;
Cory notes, itlSs.lll,sei; fractional currency,
stf,, , ,si,ttlitot total, G.13.i,ifie.,:19693. Total debt,
Amount in Treasury currency,
4.10,1: 1 3 Total, 135,00t i 1i17.V.. Amount of
debt les, ei.1.1 in tile Treasury, $1,3iti,it31,..114.:1.
The loregoing Is .correct , statement of the
public debt as appears from the books and
ren.urer's returns in the Department on the
let of December, 1071..
Seerettiry of Treasury.
Not few of the committees lief,' sesslous to
day. liellvideal members of various commit
tees are, however ' engaged in prwiring bumf
-ne.s. House, Judiciary Committee was in
session to-day, but nothing deilllitn was done.
Wastimaros, Dee. 7.--The subject of the ail.
mission fl(C,lolltin and Nebraska into the
Union was under consideration today in a
Calleil9 id Republican Senators. It was then
~el tlia.t the
.UOMMittCO on Territories
Lillis for that purpose, and it 'IS
imiliirstoo.l.that Senator Ii will Introduce
the matter ki. the Senate on Monday. •
Quito IL number oft lie. members of Congress
hare taken advantage of the recess to lonic
the city to attend to private -
During October, :Lem, of futbile lan d
were ili,poseil 01 in the slat,. of Michigan
and lowa. Toe 411101111 E I . l.i.',lVed for these
lands was $l7, hour - hundred aim fifty
three acre, were taken for :et tlemiuit. under
the lioniestea.l
The I.lovernar of Miaow-in eertitled to
tile See,retarC of the. Interior hat twou!,y
miles of Vie military wagon road. troth Fort
Wilkinx, Copper tinnier, laiehtzan, to Fott
Howard, Ureen \ tor irldolt
lands wore graatmi 10 tiara: , States
COngreos Mareh %l, 16111, to a Ito construc
tion, h i, been completed OA requirmi be
Coma:Ander John Itot , ,or, Wore, sy,,,,hthgr
ton lcoutothAttqr ter enter 111,011 dense 113
CollllllillViant of the Boston Novy-yanl,
NV ASMINOTOSi, D•rombr, 7.—S. C. oo.Unie
counsel fur Sauford Cancer, altos Charles A.
itioninommn h
der olmui
tcet for porjmy hutore
lie Crlutima Court os . this di,triet, to-day
pleaded dimiorer.lo the nellitinent.
ticeatcr \Vilmon and a Tidily of friend have
gone to Riclimotel lo chia the battle Ilelds la
that vicivak.
The IlOrPor wee Dourly tlecerteLl to
day. As usual, days, only few
Senators and IleprosentatireA
Ali Ilia noonbars of the Cabinet were protnt
regnlar ilultu pro
Thn receipts twtn Internal ltereflee to-dai
It hay been ascertaine.l at the Navy Itennrtii
taunt that the naval Vl,ll - 111N which are now
being fitted out at lironlilyn,
Boston and Portenainth navy I'i4ll, ale not
intended for any nun ( l
itration,. hot are in
replace slilisior forrigo and iiinnestie squad
ron., which have been in cool (haiku, siovicc
for two year. or 11000, bitol - 411,1,1 1101 n.
for T 1 11111.11,, rlr. it is 111/t 1.1 . 11Ct11111 1 / 1 e to (11 , 1C1'
1101110 all ship- any foreign ,1 , 11/11.1tall at 111111
lillil l .ll.llki they arc to he rellevial one
byli emilli the Whole squadron alit hove
linen rallevril tip thc vea,ell 0010 11 11110 Qlll..
The 1 - (0q1101, 111 rciheve the tVachusiittri iii
India station, and the Pawlicu till tn.
!lave ihn,loututn 011 11151111 111 1071.-
Important from Victoria
The R tp,.o-Akm,L4lican Tel
Altl',lN'Af. (IF 1:1. - 1.1.1(y
6 ktot iripto
til .Nuvrinlior obraixior ., ilutililo
port titan ;tea anti head in ttio:, - 11., bran atn-
Itileili and the custom .nun rr
rmling rt . toa.l3: rollrriiot. going north intr-t rttll rul cr and cloar i
anti pity COYLMIIIII . N .
Mr — kind , ut labor is in ;treat ilinsiand iCt
V tetoria.
.i put iy Avi
Toloarapli exianlitloo lootu to ri VIII al VIM,.
rot nr..l all
WOri: nat.-1A..10111y. 'rho
etlll routu loi.n lown UXPIOIIIII, 111111 /101191,3 /MVO
boon lottli In Lantot n null malty 1.1.011.
nand oolos Intro pat op. 1111.. party 1,11
nOl Pima, Bay. udercorn:mold
ona.y, Rad 1.1.111 tool r,,111111 ILoe
n tow 1:11Itiloy
pron.:outing 11111 wotk vlgorounly cat
ni.. fog.
Too ~nil 1010 lartor too.. to . bolllon yil•I
Nuratltt vonterilay.
- Olootopotoor lot hip Poltootto.lolitWtostokolltn. •
NVILui,orlON, I 11.0. forllowmg 11 r•1;111v
of .11,1 i(Or 11l ,I.•. 1111,11 1,1111111 11.14
lit 1,1 (111•i1' , 1: Now 1 oi 1. 1031 (111.1
1 , 1~'.~•:1111111;1,1 ,,,, t;o1 111 111 011, 1,11111111;11. 111111
11.4 111, Ily Iroolwl 11,111 , 11 VllllOthl
u11 1 1,.0 1111 1111 flight 01 I Ile ill 11 11 111
1,c0 1 1111,0r, /ion 4/11 i 110 ,1.1111 tow 1,111.“,
A howvp gal,: 1v1i11•11 rol,oll ami
o:Alt, out runulto; 0017 11,,•711.
Vo otten In 1110,111 so.L. 11,111:11111-1ll ,Ivot tior 111,1'111':1111: 11, 11. r•lio 11,11111-1.11
liouvnyluill 1111 n .111.1114111. 11111.111.1 1,11'!'").•
1110 11111111, )01.1 111 01,11 AI 1011 111111 I'llol
ere 111,.1 1 0 111, loy
to,or 1111, .1:11',V,
At o'clutli on lito tuts omit . 1 , 1 i loi Ilk Ihe
water Ittol.rearlu•U. to a 'thin it loot Lit Lilo
LO,il It I,, Ihnt Ulu nutl.l
dutyll. The 110111. Wet, down , with ootety
the lia•rirnarrs and cruir v. 1,1 101,11 oil
t tt
unil wllllO , ll injury. Wallin att hour aft,
lhn .hill wori Uri:et - led till„ aunt Tltu
th nu, in 11 ,Ictir,L,l the
v2itii lit I,Li
tor, :end, [ln; other tiro !out,. In • cintr i i,
ut tar t... 110.1 )hate- tout Firtt kept
ii,rilter, until trey art, idekril tiu fly
Pi/tont:Lc, of Ittirl,Rot I, Maine, lentil
I,r LicLir,eloi, Li D. - C.
I' , •t•,: 1110 every I,l:utne,
to th r.interrr,i 1..1 uttenilvil 111010 Lit
14,,,s tit iito ovelllirril 11,111 Ole
Ittarnizta'ol the Nem. Orient's Thenlre—
Ilallinierism 1.1 Ihr ;lanai, .of
!irm , Ont.ltAxtt, 1b , .7 —Thu \ow flll l;atl]
Theatre unit ball room,
Unlit In 1.,1 ;,t0. at
/1,,y, butt ttrrttally to
.• rowsEovillat walla:es aatato thut oft, the na
ciaallloll of allbpatelo, Irmo Lao, a• , 111 ,
0111100 troop., v., at. 11111110 , Illitrly with
from IlittnanoraQ 11l 111 , 111/Qrll'all
lay Li1:11. :amigo leg' l/I1 the lot. Crl.lllllo, 111.11
starrenohcrt.. 131.a.11111/ . 1, 11111 ,1 1 .
1 (Woolly, thoyo.trreoltais to OIVIL no.; , banuman
e ll el l . o Qt tbetrcouotrY.
Lotti.lenn Lettl•lntnre Reject the con
N l:w ..141.E.,4,, Pvt. Kpeci.3.l to the :go;
Timr:, from Montgomery tht: 7th DINH
vay, Leglsllo.gre but tejecte , l Ito. Col,
~tltutionat ammodment, by•o vor, of :7 to ':
the :,,einkte; untt to the 110110 0 ,
,~~~ .
Our Relations With. Mexico
Pen, Mejia to March on Matamoras.
NEW 1.1itr.c.0,, Dec. Calve-ton Rut
lain, of the 4th Inst.,' says that it has private
iniormation that lilseahado null Canales tact
as friends, and that hisenhatle now commands
the City of Matamormi, the U. S. mraca having
subsequently withdrawn. The but part of
twin information is, how eve r,cons ered doubt
A Washington letter; dated the it, and pub
lished in Matamoros, axes that the Instruc
tions to Minister Campbell contain the follow
ing points: That the United State. Govern
ment does not recognize, neither will it
recognize, any other Government than that of
the constitutional Presidency of Juarez; and
that they do not propose, neither do they wish,
to acquire any part of 11.0tiletltl territer); that:
they du-not recognize in any manhor the.
chums of Franco, but are willing to extend 1.4:1
Mexico any sill with the object of quelling
local ilbsorderA, whenever requested no - to To
by the Constitutional Government or its au
thorities, and that without interfering in any
manner : with the domestic squabbles of the
New UGLY. \s, Dee. 7.—A letter from the
Cltyot Mexico In the Ito Grande Courier says:
Mejia lett the City of Mexico on the ittl of
Uctoner, wilt Instructions to march as soon as
possible Matiunoros by the Victoria (toad,
which is the most di; eel.
Advice, from the Interior announce that the
Liberals have occupied St. Durango aftOt_ tile
evacuation of that place by the I m penal for-
Other reports slates that the Lest army of
the Liberals under (Sens. II uric°, Mining°
and others, were completely destroyed by the
Imperial forces at the 11:41411114.41! 1/11C4.1. near
San Luis. Alter that tight tplertlgo left the
1114111 1111111374.1C11 a corps of 10 ' OM cavalry tuts
111111M11011 on. I , Jliturey, Wlllolll'llll lull WithOta
Ravages on the North Platte
Sr. l.oCle, Dee. 7.-lA:tiers front Kear
ney. and Smith, dated Noy. let, glee • accounts
of (lollsn outrages and monde, during the
past fall. The Sioux, Chej . enm, and Arra.
pahOes are the principal depredators. Large
parties of them ravaged the road from North
Flatter to Yellow Stone River, a distance of
450 utiles. and even penetrated Montana and
murdered the miners and drove oil their stock.
Scarcely a train travemed slits. rrgton with—
out, losing men nod stock; eig Meer milt cr:
were Utued at one Lltni, ea - Wind River; three
soldiers and toss el/senile were aided :ttul
scathed within a urrb, of r ort.,e ith, and t lu e 0
men were killed ell Veie SUM 1. 1.11.
O 0/0
same them 224 Mules, 50 airce.3 alifi 13 , 1 cattle
were utelen within /rifle shot of Fort
Kearney. cis Men were kale, nn tt;
road ftotn Fort Smith to Plade , tiver, unit
it Is reple6ettle,de-plate.l. a
de-plate gray eyurd.
Ono hundred and Orly men Itive been killed
so tar iss to known, fie, theirs in 451313 , twenty
trues at Fort oil - nib, an,stn its m
' trd
Fort hearney ha, lwen recereett 1 , , imoly
day b. an, it is feared eollllllllllle3t UM it ITS been
eut'ulr. Three eteratit9sall . tralms beets
one for a mouth, and ore 31.1,;.0,,, to ins cap
The Carom 111,10104 repot L 1,500 le.lrtes of 1106.
moving tool,, at Fort. Si,,!
emit orlog it. Lot ,te o,4,g:incite- 01
thetio Intl rills tool 211,11e02 thy Croy. s, Flat
betel., awl Nee,: FIJ ties wit 11 k ir 01 get: tog
them to lola at war the whites, hot
without. Lettersrerre6llTlL a Very boil
et ale 01 taut
. .
A lot of Jewelry stolen (rill tiainey :13,1 A a
-gudta, Illinois, a few flays ago, Iran been traced
to a prominent ilu , vir lirokul'S shop here to
day, and the pawnbroker charged with
ireepiag a (untie coin.
Sonic viol:orient eitizeriri of ot_ Louis :13,1
ireell appointed, at the suggi,tion of lire
Treasurer, to collect Intro oiretion fe view
1., revising the la, 1.4 VU,1011,1, un , l vion
men, for the belt* r preservation Cl ille anil
property On the wr stern Willer,.
Fenian Romora—fteported N4`i7.lllre of
araarl—Large Embareallon for EH-
•\'L , 1),(.. I+ure , l I tilt. at,,,nl,lllr 1'1,141.1, it mn Now Ytak, Nov,
I.lvcrptm),•l.- In•tn `C/L l, l 1 h' . l 1
off 111, rcp,,t It i,rotukikly
in. fottult.d.
The N nmul UtuttnanY'rt
to.morrow, hos tonne hos-cro
gt•r- tounuttoi, l'entat,
. Loll,! ,
anmlety I , telt nt ',eh on :In:1,1111 num
ber uoing.
.1 01:1:, December 7.—A schooner lilt,,
with art:1+1111n nount:on4 :It n:o D•vortt
to have ,nll,l Dom lasl n too:
to 311 unknown tit:Stint:Alm , !tumor soy:: t
arm.. aro Ito etoltol for re-shitontott ills 40:11,1
In rail -it 11. Oil litaalay 4(0,10011 a
11,011110 Can, 111 Mil , a til1rolit,:11 Neal ell Of ail
e 5,111 1 ,1 in vicinitY Port unit
tlette hotting troll Au:boy. •
En." vlrOolit --Tha CO n %Motion.'
Attienilittent—No Action Toktot..
1114 naloNio, Ilece inlet;.—The (tonsil 111.1; , ,1iti
tlii.l.l(llentnit in Ow tit.iinatii tit tho
Virginia I.ngillatiiru 1.0.111. Y. 011 It :wit inn to
1.11:II part of tile (1121 Cl 110 CY 1111,,A, 1..1-
111110 (.1101 00, Ili niter:
;pia, 11,111, II ,I)dlii1111 211 sliFpunil
Ile .12,1 for iinnwillato 111.01.111, 10118.
kinijevt WaS 'eTeri' ell t 1 tint
•••tlItil• I.,llllliitee 011 Federal litilnt ton- T ht.
11..111,1i•ii ill tile 1 , 1,1,1c1fl of n.
In rhartor tin, li:x pe,
r - inV
with 'tat 7111 illllll 1110 101 l
Nit+ I "
Itnltiniore Ittinril t!f frsitleTlaartof
A , lt
IL L t..t.t•to tty, ill, 1000111:y Invotlntt
or the 1 , , City. 111•111 01l
I C. , 111111ere , •.1.1
whom tut,' Lc.7l r , ferrolt rs,.,lntion a.l:
t !iv talnshlt.ritt Lon of ttn, cotton tan Inlth ,
the GoveL11:11,1!tt, reporttal that In tht•lt
1:01;1110 bll.llll, 411°111,1 be :11w:that, an bt . 1114 un
onneces.r.y tinti nnflt , t Ithr , lon hollt
plod t•ry ron , itatt . rs Ow art tclt , in thin `,
t.ttall 1 y. :1 , 0 att . tt•lnltot; to pr 0.... IL, pro
tl.ittlon 111 other eutintt to t11i4111,11 IL I
In 01100N:11
W,lt.. Frizsiee ,‘lll r‘art , ll/0 311,11.0.
11".1: 7.—The ,1,11. of
Altnl.l,•r llig.qow to 31r. 5.0tvar41 , :i...:.11 , 1e .11—
pat'clt lot,ver to it I'ollllllolll
- the 311111 st, I"orei4l .11r:ti1. )1.
510141 wi 114,1 1410 Llott Lax
not I.llll.llgerl ter t 1,0111111411,11111 upon I.,llitarY
t. nl+l.lll rut tone (01 n1,,,,,,f1 It ~petliNo. to
lb,titute mu: evactialloli for
11. ii 011 In part, . II °or
o"1- , Icave in I lie 11101 xiii
Ittsi I rand Accident-11'mM Iltrumll•lted.
)11 1110`. 11/11111MM 1.0111,1110,
due 1110 111. fill, WelOeli I.IIIS Mi5er,,, , , , ,,. it,,,
WI 11;1 . 11.01s 0111110 11'1,11C MCI,• toile,
daylight 1111 q 111 1.11111. 2 ' 111:
1,11111, 1111111, VoCt,pi 1110 siticiilng 1.1.1 111,
Cll/1131 0, 111,11110:0 110 . 11CS110,11,11011,11111:::
,1 00 10. 11101 011.1 . 0, /00.1 killing .lain,.. ,
II flirt•,
tin• 111 1 11 11,0 tabor, islui
Injur w
ing unt pist-oui.o It. Full
e n 111.1,11 rtiuis
o, U. ‘V., Fonnin prison
to, id, s.•ntionsi Ali' ii . sintol kin
111 1.,;11 i,t Mill,ll.
• •
A .I.rilv4 .
blo,v - 1:1) 1;;11.1 . , 11,111.11 - :: 114111.•. t ,I•tzup
a !Pal Th..
1,00111,011, tAIL 1l ovellloll the ~,,l/P,•
ittort,lou [No., ATT.. P....v01 . ...1 7.-11. ,
Cmlstaullowti .11.111-
tnt:111. vuto of 111'.ottv-t00.....1 to two In 11 1 , 1
Stintit. , ,. and +13.11.11:ne to elglit 11l Zhu 111,1,,
fn.". tip thy AilrOLe„r.- -
I , ce. G• , 4
fulling. Wt. al her wurlu and cloudy. Ullluarket
dull. . .
Itivurr.t Fre. ; Inr 11 ri, ut. , ff i city
fro: and u Ivut and lulling.
Yorm, ;_—C. L. Us.,ly, La,
1:111,,r & Co., or thl,,nitr,
Eurrst ,,, l yest, , rll,4 for stealing
worth of 1,04.1.1. Most of the property wet
I,ohr. et I lie . A 11111 Firlterwen
7.—The 10.8 of
the is Lion., th:tii
that of year, both::
DMA:mu In the 'Diamond
Yesterday a bricklayer named Boyd, very
much intoxicated, enteted the Ceteran Ex
change, kept by Thos. Welsh, in the Diamond,
and ordered a drink. While paying for. his
liquor he displayed his open 'pocket-book, eon
taing a large sum of money,,in the presence of
set-oral men. 'Boyd went out 80011 after and
when Just outside the door fell dowm, lie was
talien up and carried Into the house where he
AVIS SO , down in aback room-and fell asleep.
Ches. Taylor, also a bricklayer, boarded In
the house. awl he, together with a man named
John Wilcox, bast been lu the room when
'Boyd displayed his pocket-book, and
were also frequently In the roost where
he lay in his drunken sleep. After
awhile Boyd awoke and discovered that he
had been 'effectually : , !gone through." lit,
pocket book, containing over eighty dollars,
was Uone, as was also his revolver and several
other articles. Search was made and the two
-nronnAmed were missing." it was eventually
discovered that they bad! gone to the depot
and lett for the east. The Chief of Police-at
rhiladOlphill AVM immediately- telegraphed'
to. and may secure the thieves.
Taylor, one of the missing men, owes Mr.
Welsh seventeen dollars, borrowed money.
He also owes hint sixteen dollars for liquor
and.t wo weeks' board, besides lloyd's Money.
the two thieves also took a valuable coat be
longing td another boarder in the house.
• The King 01 Cheap Plano,
"Where can I buy the hest Cheap piano:" la
the question now often asked - •br persons
whosii . reeans arc limited. and who are desirs
Qua of pawn:thing one of those indisponsible
iitticies to the home circle. Until the New
York - Union Plano Dianutacturing Company
received their charter, and were in active op
ration abbot a year ago, that question could
not be answered satisfactorily. Such instru
ments a.4-they are now turning not from 'their
immense factory could not previously la, pur
chased for a moderate sum and be warranted
as reliable. • -
It Is evident that such combination of
skilled piano makots, from the best factories
of this and the old countries, can cave in the
cost 01 manufacture, and afford to Bell
cheaper than others. Being individually In
tereited it is their constant him to excel In
'every department of the business. How far
they have already succeeded Iv fully attested
by their largo and rapidly Increasing bud?:
nes+. Their platio, are full size brren cadaye,
ro , ervood ease, French grand action, harps
pedal, full Iron frame, overstrung
at prices Within the moans of all, and lower
than any other reliable manufactory. .
Persons desiring to purchase, anti all ‘iish-
Mg to compare the ithlion and general work
mitahlilii of these with other scuntlle.l cheap
and extensively advertised Plano., can de
pend nn Ilndfug In 411, inst rionent, the ha at
nlrr, r,rpol ,l'z leather, kru hole.. lined
ith ' , Cs( 0/ clurh, ,rani Ihr truth( b.O. port ele
gant teury. new lot, just; recelvtio;
Lhole Berr i linithe Iluettler, NO.. 12
Bissell', Mock, ht. Clair street. •
Broadnay Exchange Restaurant
We announce this morning the opening of
this drat class I cstuurma, which will prove
carol to evar — re..pcct to any similar estab
iridiMent west of the mountains. it in the
heart of the eity,.en the corner of Fifth arid
Smithfield streets, and the propriefersOle,sr4
G. I'. sod il. Nierheller. pos.,e.oi titre reit.eiSito
experience and good taste to eonaict It In the
ino,t orderly and stylish manner. Tile table
at all times be supplied with the rarest
and most toothsome of vieheastes. A large
force of attentive and otiliglng w alters will no
oonstantly fn atte.ndance to wait upon the
patrons, and every thing conducive to the en.
3oyment of the visitors will lie properly at
tended to. 'I he vntrance tot he lad -saloon
is trout Fifth et rect. o)A...rig sold by the con,
mid all hinds of game dealt in. Call
1.1 sire the greqt, ebonies throughout the house. We bespeak tor the enterprising pre
lilrietors it liberal and iirihrruted patronage.
. .
The diiittagulditid astronomers Who have
occupied nbiercations In all parts of the world
during the season of meteoric eltowers, report
that they clearly dit,cerned old Kriss liinkle,
or mere peaßely et. Nicholas, Itnnily engaged
in getting ready ler his nett 10001al vielt on
C1111 ; 411111, Übe good old fellow looks very
An ell anti front dgnalit received 'from Into, It
stun learned that he Means 10 select all tit /lie
gilt, this year, from the great tint Soil Stole 01
10/0111,0a, 3o Liberty uttett. Thu tea
sen ter this Is, that he eall Imp cheaper tit
this Ohl house /hull at any other in tlie
and at the Intone limo make the choicest or ee-
Parrnt.Tinying gilts tar ehileren,
t 0,,, Magical boxes, wallets, tare-works, gee°,
ileolle, o:Mee, dace: , and everything In the no
tion nee, Stlltahle for presents, should cull at
Imathinarter.t, So. Yio Ltherty ntreet.
The :aril known candy toy mantilatthrem
Messrs. W. P. Hunker .4 Co., coiner. of Sixth
and Liberty street,. anbituneJtbat they have
non• on hands of matelot:Iloilo( thethnlidays,
suena stoek of choice readies told candy toys
of every deseripTion on seltlotn been seen
In Oils II It., f,OllllOl ,wvatme:Lts ot
foreign and tonne utitunfaethrers are ,old_at
111 is 1101151, at Eastern MICUS. Retail dealers
stionid call tool o•kA1111,1,t the 01,11 and rare an.
soi trllenl of the tooth:lona, toy, which will
have a large bale flaring the holidays. The
firm deal largely In every article In the eons
ft ethmary 1111 e, liteluilttig foreiga treat+ and
rns. They are clovel tool fair dealing . and
we ',commend our 1 cadet, who buy to sell
or are tiretettang; it,' supply theth (ands
lb,a 1111 holiday alto — cal - 1U
Go give them a call. . • .
The Couueilmen.—The ,C0111(11.
bile (.01111,11,11e1l mellow:, of the pre,S ac
rioutpany tag them. devoted vt,terility to visit
ing lino manufacturing establishments In the
city arid vicinity. They vleitcd several of the
principal Iron mills . and oil rclineries here
abouts, returning to. the Monongahela noose
iln the early part of the evening, Tinny expretis
I,IOIIIS Wei delighted cell if
Willa-thei /MVO seen, considering Pittislourgli
us ono of the -Ino,t remark:o3lo cities In tile
riflon. An to the Fire Alarm they
it ml Its wolf:lugs entirely fialbifactory, and,
will probably adopt Our system In t hair own
filly. To-day thev will v 'sit the site of the
A% or khomc, and wiil leave for (noire this alter;
noon at tno o'clock.
Robbery in the Allegheny Weigh
Ilenke.—lebler.ley a holy !boned AU, Frani,
living at Sol lug liar.lto lion, entered the
Allo::loiy Weigh lions, and while in
wilt Mr. Edgar laid' her Duel:el.-book,
eontaininu 4.9,7:"•,, on the roil In trout of the
se,les, she steppol a anort front - tt,
tool on turning to plea it up, It was gone. At
Elio moment she flail, the illseovery of her
los, ,tie saw t looyy who lad been in the
Nit:lab-house going out at tne title gave
the alarm, and 11111nutliati, plltrillit wan Wade.
The young rasealS,. howet - er, were very 'nett
01 I , oot unit escaped. tire. 1. Ant:Ile:1 Is a poor
. V. - 00111.11, With live child tell to SerrO: t, Mid her
luny Ldln heaYily upon her.
A Frillllll.—Jollll 31eyer, n , (lelitian,
and a total stranger, arrive, to 'the city tee .
,lays ngo , end 115 he ulleges, met It levant
lioleg o Penn street, In the Pitt!! want,
lining pr n
otelsol to gel Meyer a gO l / 1 1.)11t, nt
after- an tes onversation wltli lute,
asked to lend 111111 11, 1/11i1/Ir, 101 . 11 tete
nennents, .hover lent loin the 1110110)' 1.111 , 11,
uw,y .111 it, 1.01-
ing vtlfitvly to retutn,. Altlertuall Tay Int . it at
Informer! of I Ile Mailer and SOOII had Nt.111::
is uppuiutcd Wor till-
The 11111ttill11111 Ilollse.—VC,Tton. to l'bila
dcirai, ft ill do well to L•IIL 111,111411 h 111 , 10,-1
11011,t,ph , t 11,0, 011,1 to 1110 leltl . oll,lge
111 e 1 , 1117110. It 1.,101,1te1l 'l el the curlier of
Etcf calif and larket sluff:l4, and I- , a- goo.' a
lintel ba found in the Quaker City. The
term-, aro moderato, v. ado the bill of fare .11:11
eral ale really elf,f..ut.
Mr. CIII•th. 1t.1e19 to the 11,11 - 111111, and obliging
landlol CI, and filch, Ifi , lattutUefueta the hovel
a be uta,t popular and dd . -crying of I:utron
.g fit, falvertbfoinent.
, 1.01.1 1:N111110,—A tier the ilestructive tiro
on TlUriltarnet had hot, billllllll2o by I hi: Inn
on Thursday night, thu hour. u t
and Alrs. Muhl In that nuigtilorhood,
was thrown opeit in ilia a..llatit hi amen nisi
wrist ttn clenant and anlistantial reliast wAt
spread mil before theta. TIII4 W:1-1 a .gnoil ex
ample It, Mu right illr.ontion, and ouo which
taller citizens alioniti 11.1 , 11 t. with the uravti
firemen, „ ` ho du so !WWII tar others good and
The "boys' are only Luwlklul to Mr.
had Mr,.
51,4,111.147 far n ElO ,I.—G. W.
urre..t.l on Thnr,day ut the 1.1 eleae
110,11 ily Onieln'S CM/lilt/ell :411d
Zl ChArg” 01 disorderly eundnet. The 1
u, In the house In u ,tote It
tin.. . 11 11 1 C in a very dhordetly leaner r, ar-
wi•Oillng fora tiglit, etute,vnring
I to get u tiger out ne every man In the 1,100.
1 Ile wa4 permitted to puree hi, wrath all.. ryla
111 n. cell, and yelterday- ;morning 4-:"
Acetelvtll.—Michahl Art,,t {On., a lala:,r
ppg . agetl Minute's fomplry, ilia harautth
1 Pt mith Plltdbut tth sva,,evaialv P a
3Jurail y.-
: tenlay being teL Pt the i,tonatah hy it
piece of Iron that 1. 0 1 from the
white he hfr hlaapiag heu,titt ona of the trat,
dh.ors.producall vtaaltinv, :oat it
was feared that he ,00hl trot ',aryl,. It. lie 1+
now, howet•er, doing , opto a all. and ‘t PI pc,.
batty ha ttPllvalescunt. In It few dt.ys.
A at.tlithtte..-11... Moryi+on, the
Nla, or 01 11,glkt livill lA , a
rc-vlectlon.. III! Ina , tmole 41-
lici.•nt mortlly
ag.:1111 c,11,1 t. 1 1 ,. 1,1.1,•11r1 to
Ike 11111...1tAlat
Sharp Practice
The firm of Spencer a McKay, proprletOri Of
the Phenix Brewery, have deallnifir with Mr.
John limo well; n well-known bnsiness man at'
`New Brighton, but personally he 1 unknown
to them. Yesterday a Juan went, to the "Phe
nix" aml represented that to was M±. Boswell.
Ile introduced iiiniself ; thus to Mr. Robert.
Liddell, the gentlemanly business partner Of
the firm, and of blin ordered twelve barrels of
ate, saying that a man named Wagner would
call for dhetn. During his stay the man .was
treated with the utmost courtesy by Mr. Lid
dell, and at length, as-- he was leaving, asked
Mr. L. if he would lend him M 5 till he could
reach home, as his stock of ready money had
unexpectedly run short. This singular re
quest was urbanely complied with, and Wein
dividual left. Shortly afterwards Mt. Liddell,
thinking of the ailuir, came to the conclusion
that his $l5 hail "gone lip." Thereupon
he started out, and failing tolled Mr. Boswell,
placed the ease in the hands of Chief Hague,
who Is now working It up. It is ascertained
that the name of the confidence man Is Wil
liam king.
Dear cbirap rif,uoo-11 . itttr to Yur•
When a dealer would pass off his low-priced
pianos for first riot, workmanship,' ask him to
take Out the mechanism, and prove toyou that
they contain the following essential points, to,
wit: 1. The felt hammers, capj,!ed with tether,
to prevent the strings from cutting them. •1
The holes of the keys, lined with della, to keep
them from rattling. They arc deck at any
price. and not worth having unless they are
provided with these itnprovemints. We offer
the Mixsel Now York Pianos, which at about
one-halt the usual cost, contain all the quali
ties of first rides i'ianOs,
Piano has Iw/thee-capped ham
The Mimic' Piano hits the key holes Tfined
with Cleill
AA beautiful "Cod's-acre," the !argue suburban
place of sepulchre. ezeept one, In this coanty,
uated on New Brighton rout, Immediately north ot
Allegheny. For burial lots, siernilta or titles, nall
Central Drug store of OWL &CLAVICY. Alle
gheny City. - •
The Mixsel piano has the French grand ao- I AoL LEX. N,
Tue lle of Plano hut iron, key fronts.
There are no other Pianos Which, at the
price, can boast of these advantages. Call and
• Sole Agents for the 31Isse1 Pianos,
So. 1 . 2 Wood street.
Preserve this notice for security in portions
lug. Tl,
Anton James appeared before Justice 'Lip
pert yesterday, and inadd oath charging
Annie Thompson with malicious mischief.
The prosecutor alleges that Annie did malici
ously and with an intent to do him an injury,
cot up a tine dress coat belonging to the said
Anson James, making the garment in mise
r; nenee totally unlit tor wearing. In defence
Annie stated i hat the coat was very old and
worthless, and that she thought Sir. James
would net require it ally longer and so ally
thought km. would reduce it to carpet rags
and thereby turn it to soine practical account.
fifer foresight, however. does not seem to have
been folly appreciated by the owner of the
dilapidated gamma and he seems very detil,
ous that she should be taught a legal lesson
that will prev , •nt her from indulging her rigid
domestic economy in such a manner- for
at least some time, or until she procures
property of her own to experiment on. she
was held m .4;we for her appearance at u hear
ing to be had in the ease ou Monday next at
three o'clock.
- Times Wbarm the 51rttler.—Why is it
that the sale of the Wheeler Wilson 31a.
chine exceeds that of all the other machines
combined) Simply because ten years' trial of
them has demonstrated their superiority so
clearly that no prudent house wife alit pur or use any other. For particulars us to
prtee, 5.“., or these machines, call on the
agents. No. Filth street. They will give you
every Information on the suujcet. 1p
Being , Isoproved.—Everybody Itho , has
seen the Allegheny weigh house on a wet day
know- what a hopeless slough surrounds the
building. We were pleased to notice yester
day that active measures were lacing taken to
reincaly this state of aillhirs. The roadway to
and from the scales is being laid n Ith coal
cinders. This will teaks a good, haul road,
instead of a , watup of , mud. Good;
From a Private Letter received front the
intrepid and gallant General Averill, our Con
sui at CurAnda, we It-wet that he is in the en
joyment of excellent health, and that the citi
zens of Ca n ada are nnusuailv conrteone,
showing him the .greateAt respect, -lie has
bud conversations with the Fenlto] nrisoners
who ore to he tried next week under un er
past icicle law.
Ca...laser,' anal Clotl.4.—A lame assort
ment of chlnehtlly, vatoms and beavers for
o,llcoett,; ea,stineres, motions, doeskins, 'sat-
Inlets and jeans for sults for wen nod Loyst,
it jt}iVnle .10, day and evening, at extra low
(1 - 1000, atMcClelland'.: Auction and Dry Conlin
Emporium..::, and 57 Filth street. ,
Gave Itail.—Margarct !iridium appeared be
fore Alderman Lyticll yesterday, and la.stitut
cil legal proceedings agatti;TO:onnel Johnson
charging hint with assault and , battery and
,direty of the pence. The accused Was
ad and unelcis give.ball in the sum of bin fur
a hearing to-day.
•All %girt In Allegheny" Is the usual
500n:.,-Au our inquirie,„for,news on that side
or the water. Vur alte r is remarkably moral,
but we tire inoltned no believe all of her rough
ehlldretwone. to this side of the river to In
dulge' their loose pranks and spreelhg.
Trinity Church. Sixth 141reet..There
will Ile tine usual full choral servlee, under the
ansplee. of the Guild, in Trinity Chnrell. to.
71111.1,W afternoon at WenwA. Seats tree.
The anthem will DV "The night is far Oent,"
by Inr. A in tier.
Bents tau going to rule very high next
Aprtt. A two--tort' house on Path ntr It near
ChereV alley h.. just becu leased for ten years
• per year, and lessee to p4y ell tuxes.
house Would net have brought
thousaud dollars at talc (OW years age.
The Minstrele.-1, Rue's talented min
strel company trill give a grunl fashlonaltle
matinee at Alahonie llall , this 11fter110011,
to-night mill hold their last entertainment In
tuts 1:11.y. Everybody ~Mould pay them a visit.
Blnliket,—Ton, Eleven and Twelve (jolt . -
ler IS bile and Colored Munk - els, Eastern and
Country Illatdret,.llorte I/tankers anal Cov
ert, at loan . prlees, at 31•Clellond's Auction
and :Shoe Emporium-33 and 37 Filth direct.
A IsorsOr . -tat:lA:heti to a light. buggy took
ight .ye,terpay alternoon 011 Liberty btrect:
nd dnelted down toe urd, the river at a furi
es pace. 111 we- tinnily checked up Mtur de
wdn.hing the boggy.
)14,101[41 size, of - aline anti culornit
biankets, eiI,LCI bittslk.. l s country
hut Nu lilankuts anti covers, at McClelland's
Auction and :Shoe Luiporiuni, :nal 57 Flll.ll
Ch r.e :Coulltion eej men, the otlier day.
took lodgings at the house of tit:emu-an board
d;; house , keeper to Allegheny and .auddenly
t.appeated. taktutt Witla ail the buts, caps,
boot 3 andtelothing thek coati got their I,totts
lint, lc re on r.—T i 3 Exchange, National
nil Ileultiode. Itanka will hoi , l an
11,h71.112Ctillg ou Tueaday, January 11,1,67,
I the th.peellve bunk, for the election of Di
tele. to :icive the en,olint term.
New liolltlnu-,-421oning out of the balance
I ilia stock of .'Oa
i, VCSIS, la very
pllces, at IleeleClana's Auction nntl Shoe
tnnorluna, and Filth atrect. ••
The Market% are ntra—welreuppllett with
wt ter,l , g,n, poeitry, poll Ant, :tun other erg
•t: The riraas contuthe unwarrantably
In( h.
Vor..—At p. ivate aala ,peclal bargain, In
1,11 antl Clkilaren', Fur., at 21i,
A tiell.m and otl.oo Llnpofinni-63
Mid 7 , 7 Filth et root. •
The }:sllgientionnt Ammeirstios3 wttl me,t
tills litornlng ;it ten o'clock, ill the l'lttrd
Itrtl . :t.e.ltottl flomne, 1101.0.1 of title. evening
:, prey toitslrtitinouttetotl.
Helmond nml 110011 Skirloo.-I.arg. and
ue,ortrupt. for 1.3.1 tes. and
Children, nt prtrUfe sale, da, an cconb,g, at
Mst.Aelland's ki.od Shoe I:mpot turn. •
:01enkr,. J. W. thrikr, tro„ Ilarlidt
street, the popular and extensive dry-goods
theaters. :Lantana, u gratad clearances:de, com
mencing to.slay unarm:tang through the holi
Fit rl.—Gnat bargains In Ladles'. MISFeS
null C 1111,11,10, fur, at private Nediel
lamrs:Auethm and Dry tioshis Emporium,
and street.
Trwio is collie lively among ',Aver
th,ersi- - NI, merchant can .es,pect to drive a
goy! linsiness ,Lnririr the merry season unless
/10 IMijrally patronizei 'the. city newspapers.
• 1./IL;n t il“. • null 3111.0selk . rlllr•l. — EXtra I.r•
4 aL priv.ita aal, at M t •CiallarDl . .. Auetloa
aa4 I , ry Emporium-15 as l :1; Falu
The New 01Deer, of the.court.reeeatly
tal jet: 0r..., are performing Weir aut.:3_ln
sati,laetary nearer.
brel In.(1 ZCI, qllllMie9
1/1. Uctiou stud 7-11 u. ,Eal
porlunt,l;l4nd 57 Fifth ,truer. . •
• Tine Street• are in 1% miserable contlitio4;
1..0,11 , e:ear very lunch that winter will
Lvfore they aro - cleaned. .
Woolen Cotttl•—At prlces, at Me
Auction and Itt7 "Wur"'"'
.6 und:67 }Vt. Ittreet.
Sren . •.,l I.ll.—nr. Aborn,Ocullit aria .A.Ur
TvS/ . .dit I'it.:4lJurgit
Thin morning, between two and three
sdclock, an alarm of fire was sounded front
.box 34, corner of Liberty and Canal streete.
.a dwelling
was occasioned by the burnieuf of
a dwelling house belonging to Mr. Lowry, Oct
Walnut street, in the - Fifth ward. :it the
present writing the ere Ismail burning. - '
About half an hour later a .stable belonging..
to Con O'Neil, situate on Webster streets in
the Third ward, was completely destroyed bF
Stealing. Azalra.—it will be remembered
that some time ago a sirs. I:11041rleg got Into
dlilleulty for stealing - chickens. The affair
woo somewhat orer at the time, but Mrs. Kit- -
Patrick is at it again. •Yesterday she was ar
rested by ollicer Thomas, the :Market Consta
ble unit-taken to the Slavos oillee, charged.
with slealin g. turkey f
y. Tna ease was held for
a heartng.! - • •
indeeerit Expose re.—A young man named
W. 11. seed:l,llring lit - Rest £ ittsburgh, was
Drought before Mayor Merrlson yesterday
afternoor, charged with hiring exposed his
person on Midge street. Allegheny. The
Mayor tined bisn'three dollars and dismissed
larnak. M.Thursduy night officers Mance..
I 3.. and Frank catunbell,o( nut Alleichen9 1 1, 1 131!t
potive, arreated John Edwards and John
triertnan for, be
drunk and disorderly on.
Ohio ntrent. In the morning Mayor Morrison
lined the tw delinquents and disintased them.
Reduction of Prteool—lierx. qauiner
Schleiter ico. .4 Market ntreet, announce n
great reduction saittor dry-coeds. C - ommenel
log to-day and continuing through 1.11.3 11011:
Flour.-31eRsrs. Schomaker S Lang, the teel
known merchants Of - Nos. 17.1 and 173 Wood
etrectobaso now In store and for sale thirty
two hundred barrels of the choicest brands of
Goolon tiloods.—Atyour own price! Ikt
McClelland's Auction, Dry Goods and Stion
Empottutn--55 and S'Llittla street.
ItASIALET.-A I 3 u'elonk on Friday afternoon.
December ith, toe;. CLARENCE Bop/um, en:l,n
son of John D. 3111.1 Sarah A. Stain sley, aged 3 years.
4 mouth , • nod It days.
The funeral tt, 111 tale place Rom the residence or
Ids pascals, No. 331 , Liberty street, nn SuNDAY ;OF-
Trusts oz, Dee. lith. at 3 0"i'li)el". The friend. of the
family are respectfully Melted to attend. '
Tho - sday mornDtg. December /lan
tide. ANNIE C.. I daughter of 'Michael and Culla
rine Galvin, In the noth year of tier age.
The friends of the family are respect fully Inv ited
to attend the fnnval front the residence of her pa
rents. Neville street, Birmingham, on BATUR*.AT
MORNING at 10 o'cioek.
N 0.11141 Fourth atreet, Flttaburgl4 ~ Pa. 00111N5 OR
all Mud., Cligl.lo, @XXV Etiolend or err description .
of Funeral Formatting 0000 s rartuanen. soot
°l ll3.ll:iliggit.y li . r e. T a l i plttiol.ll ' • •
Jarkbur, DAL:- Thomas Swing. Jiie•h#:=.
Inner. Leo.
:FAIRMAN & •SAI 3 / 4 1180N.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. Yth,
(iutrance from Seveath Street.)
P=TT9SIIRGS. 1 2 d11...
. • r.w.utassleNir.
R- • T. WHITE 216 C 0. 2
Nand:water, Wdod`a Bun and 'len:qty.
Oarsman Illudaeld and, Charlie/a Waits.
Il +tree sad Carrtaa. haral.hed.
6 W 3116614, 3d doorltom sth.
The Wonderfhl
130 X:•
. Jewelry Store,
zvc). 13 Wirth trek at
ly owned by Messrs. KIN°, PENNOCK A CO, we
respectfully Inform the public that we will coutllthe
the manufacture of
Sheeting*, Cotton Yarns, Carpe
Chains, Candle Wick
and Batting.
Orders may be led Tit tteOltlce of the Works,
&riser of Duquesne Way and Barker's Alley,
Pittisticrum-g-ki, Pas.
Gas and Steam Fitte-rs,
Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead
Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, dre„
164. Wood Street, near Sixth.
89 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 89 89 89 59 iB9
" S 9 MARKET STREET. ___) S9
I S 9L Et. C) 3Et S 9
S 9 SO Market Street, I S9
, • IN T.133E1 4=3 X.T12".,
Is, AurrioN ;Sy
'JAMES ROBB, 89 Market St. ,
sf.o ---2
.S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
tta the tte,,a_heycti Aon.lways Give gall•
Every week, Dr. Quincy d. ecott la culled
upon to Insert Art itlciak - Teeth in cases Iv' airs
other dentists hare tried, been paid, attettrnlett,
and la every ease his work , given entire antis
faction. Ale is quite an artist in his Lin zof
business, and has Merely to tatinalue a MSc,
know hose to articulate the teeth so that they'
present'a hattilsoute Laid natural uplantr:
aver, and will untstka to the food thorenghly.„
llirprieer ore lower than More of any -dentist
in the city, and he Will yearuntee his work 1.4 be
superior. So it Would better for any of glur
readers who are in -vent or teeth, to call 111w:ou
tlie. in the first place, and thereby suns
their tittie and money. We would a 1.,. assure
tlioe persons who ai u suffering with diseased.
and unsightly teeth that they can have theca
extracted without any pain tchaterer, by calling
upon Dr. Scott. /10 has extracted for over fen
thounmd persona within the la - st seYen Year..
and among tide large number there is not Inc
Case m whi his process has proved
On the contrary, he can refer to nurnbefa
his patients who claim to have been l?nao d al-
In renewed I:ealth. lie extracts
ly by the new 'T.hlgoiene or V !?,,7 ' :t ' i w , o who
0 ...1 gives pure bha makes no
desire It. „
. 4 "' t rtIuCiALL teeth urn •
charge for extrnotm , -
~„ a full set Mr Vulcanite ,
ordered, for eight dollars. Elll
wit h I "'"'„;.,t ' nuniber, en
275 Penn street thirst
men .o
..op:. Eland,
Fires this .11oraltic
A large anaortgient of -