- . . i...-1/4TENT . TM/ KIWIS. .„,:.:Esi FROM EUROPE. Env oy.t o Ro) ne. 711F - "TIREs" 1)5 Estitomeut About Ireland Increasing. PROCEEDINGS COMMENCED AGAINST REBEL SHIP BUILDERS'. Assistant Secretary Fox Prospecting. PENIANS AND ARMS CAPTURED. MaximilLlan Abogl 1.) Quit Mexico COMMIt,IIIII4IIL - AND FINANCIAL [BY 71IE CAB El - ..Sojirr)l4l.)trTON, December —Eentioo.—The from New York - . arrived thin afternoon, and left this eV/31111 1 g for tfam burg. after 4 liaying shipped bar English mails . I.`honiaci, December s—E.fening.—lt Is Stated I.lllt. the Government has finally deter, . . mined pot to send Vezza as Envoy to Rome, and that another diplomatist or high station warted:a Ws (dare. • , Dec. s.—Tho Time*, to-dlry,in an ar ticle on the President's message, says that It Agrees with the position taken by the Pre;l dent on the diabetea claims: that the ques , tlen on that sabiect should be deflately set tled. It argues teat the sethement or the af fair would conduce to 'the more perfect her ` , molly or the two governments, and regretethe delay already incurred in the matter. Lennox, Dec. u.—An • exclu3ment sheet Ire land is increasing and military and nasal an . thoritles ere waxing ovary. preparation t. meet emergencies. The Atitaralty te-tley or. • dered Use dispatch of three ken Mutate Ire land, and the ndlitary authontles_direeted the deprture of two reginientate aattio guar- Faiths; Deo: g...Letial proceedings have been commented by the. _United States agents against thenarties Who tarnished ships to the coniedexates during the rebellion.. Atteni Inn to settle the base by arbitration hawfalled,. LONDON, Bee. 11.—The United §tatea Ansi tantlleeretary tha Navy, Fox, was least bOurtetrusly reeelvad at all; the British navy yards emits thoroughly /ooking tote their op eraUena. DOCCtllliree.o.l2ll3 oirerian -MAXIIIII.O. elvilmilltsrxenteers have been - released - front the oath or alleghtnee to Alm hy;tlte,Ex-liluir, at the snastestlwx or the Enellsh ticeernment. Ltresivot.:-December 5.-Creatag, - -,Otaton dling.llplahCts at l itl id. 's Vre S ig a tiWarinerVet rentattdrwith change, tgrotitions-entrket dal, eh& de• 'nUntam TaDow.tnactive. Tetrtlhmet:the . Dta. g+ErEntnp:=- losthg act Lo 12 72 . i t c v m .m. onrittes art, U tlo-Ws,_7o4; Illinois Central „shuns,. 711;;;...Er5e Hallway Livaaroot, December 0..-Cottnateao Mid 'tinchangcd, , salesto•dsybr 14,0001 tales °rind jW.Unlandratitd:-DreadStuers 'flat end nom- Lohnotr,l)amei Mots iianted at 1183iler money,- American SechrlDes-U. • S. TWo-Tiirkintlea.,lo , Allairi Deitaay shares, 47%3U1m0is Central shs.res 1714 • Ler wriutiMi. ABIL.J , • nhalla:S; December 8.--Sentan agitation'is again . apparent ot /rebind. The pollee -at Cdrir had seized 'p .Calto on begird a ptearner from Liverpool, ••which Was routel , to contain fifty new entea, with bayonets attached, hid ' lets moulds; So. , A man.immed Tracy.: em ployed in the !Watt° which , the case was ad- The naval authorities at Queenstown sistze,t , „scoallsden echooner From Casale. on anent. ,cion orarmit being concealed among the car go.- She weir searched but It Is reported that nuartes were found.' TllO numerous arrivals .at aeenstown from Absenca attracts cOnshl erableiskttentlon. .At Limerick on the I d, ten men were ar rested and a large number of pike heads and millets seized._ ' . '::-.13.1ohnliarited7OlitrlirePheritori-111CQuirany, uninxhied to ha awAinerican. Fenian agent - was triestebal4 D'!blla em ihe an irmit i le m r ° g a rotte on thelitherinen bank.- Are rolverwas found on blin, ,but,no documents. .The Dublin pc. Dee are a/termed with six clambered' revel. Advice:l.l'nm- Part. generally- agyee ,that Maximilian faabout teaciltilaxtax. , Parislopnreponaen: of the Rail Mall ' Gamtie 'lawn Th vesseld whloi gall. next month to bring Immo troops are ;we've steam transports and eight frigates turned into tem 'POlar,transporte... They will salt .atter • Omar 'rival of ttie Mexican man of October iiStla • - The London Times has no doubt that. 11=1- znlllen hie ebdiented.Jraul 'forward to - the intervention of the 'Weetangton - govern FROM WASHINGTON 13edgwitic'ti - Move -,into "Idatsmoras NOTHING DEFINITE KNOWN Gea;firma Orderedilim Not to. Enter. Wasainovon,,Decemberti—We have good authority for saying :lett General Grant.ep to - Shia Matt baS not renewed a word touching the reported entrance • Of .General - Sedgwielt intobratanionts'aud t.ne,..tallitary operations General Grant. received a latter train Gen.: Sheridan,n dated'November Ave -days after the reported entry into Matamoras, In which banes he had Ordered General Sedgetek not to make has proposed movement as the same mrss entirely cusapproved' ni. the trove; mead was made Into• Matamoras as reported we are not -autnorlzed to say. General Sedg- - wick - has been placed under arrest and, will General Sheridan; it •belleied. reached Brownsville on Tuesday holt. Such watt Ids" expectation, as stated In bin letter to General It is noitbelleied. here that General Sedge .. wick Intended any, wrong, Matti he entered - Materna= -air reported, he , has been:, over - restated by tiMmenaluutts..of that platte,.who are at heart Imperialism, end wbo have lately • - been entertaining , hint :with Ambipttiona Proposed - filemAlloSplttat , Atlante -- Present for Alen, -I'hontste. l 4treas AM, koala "few Tonic, 6.—Efforti 'tate making in • this city to obtain contributions for the - sop. port of ,a free hoe,oltat toAilanto.-13eorgla. :- .- allaiialatialtion et a Mrto part- ^ cf.that city deprived. the poor people of the means of support, and many of them ake ow living in tents andetaintses: , !I'. Tiffany A Co. nave Just completed a hand amaa Sold to to be ',resonant by the State - cdTeuneSsee MAJ. tied. ThotruWit.letbreo . lathes in diameter and weighs one rid troy.. last night suadto4arthe mrair has • ,besn Malted Women' thotenuidMmums. The • tm alailla /neat lb° Fair tit bold Worse-and, etacions ono it It the expectation of this Com mittee-to maks Wattle most attractive and itstr ever - I/aid; Moe , since tee dollars R ~ ;One aittndrod =thoand ,XA,Virsicks are le the tho usand A ere. Sl Mg l = 4 Ell,9rt le • morning, esstrOYeA- 1001-north of property. • 'Ai.7_el. N 5 Pitweriiih. -- - --- .- -' Toast itatte t d, ct ..!kiTimmlyis. , mai. maw" , state, As. L,Pk.-ea. moniuditea of 1 steamboata,fronathe_ uMl,_ - ',..imeetMtors of eau Frtuudsock halt „7 -„,flf,sasr., York, panted-by s - nlinsbers, :31.1,•,:tcui, accent ' oilleials, went down tha . 7 Am.". and Rate test_several recent Imprevi m .,,,,_Merntsig- to lag apparatus andlaokle, 4, , i'arjaittre say . eat apparatus - for InatentlaneomAj,......"••llrer• , meat of 1110 boats, that Of atesssx;v7zwitage- Level, ordered by the itecratttry:of _end_ 1117 for all the Goverardeut-revenutri-4ar. received the highest approval. Frazee' e . life raft, which ‘lll9 also tested In a smut. • ways, stood a most satisfactory test, • •l, A turitter , examllintioti iii Mitt case-of t u,,,, .Bet. Mr. Williams, accused of picking .Matra pocket trisEtroadway stage, was - bad to-oar, but without reaching a cenclnsion. Right /lev. Bishop- Potter and many FiptingrnabF4 clergymen worts IS attendance. - - . . There have 'menial manse arrivals of barley at this port to-day by travel boats. - • •tin Crops In of Rebels. ' , _ • Nur Oat.e.Liut. Dee. 6.—ed vices from the In. terlor of Louisiana show' that the -people ,thothrh. 'du/apt:anted ; Aft :the -crops-'thee sea. son, thet worst for twenct , years- to the breadth of land planted:Awe - shout to :start early for 'the erOps of 1807. 'lt ts Likel lees •landwill. be planted - Tor want of 'means, but : : there will be more dlverettled fanning. gouttest haletudeteeme to exist to.po. lineal matters, which, were buddy alluded 10 'swim, by the put,' _The colored mita Aare to.dayNanaln algal. ." disanprobalkm of the -dletraneldse. emeat of the southern rebate,' and Its want of ees ..ence M a he . Talbert' linlootsts. and lonian. d Tennessee for_exansples, Cineuritir; Bea. L—Tha trulteitStittesDhp, VetAnr . =l=n gt ," = . o ' tfe l l =burraettill47.- cattle. t -Thia Or. l a d Kentookr-Central roag m at t ralletlhO or thirteen unties killed eara On %bp% g a r g icherinierieively Inetiundieaidhvieti con fined in the Ohio Persia missy. ~.GovertiarTertouiplathlheirin•loderacair a special quango to . the 'Legislature, roam. mending the adoption, of Abe. Constitutian i a Anteinimeut.: The memo was refOnto 3 to the Committee on P.'adenst.Behttionn, , . kremcstradon , rant. reidanTrMals, swatati_ aino,b; the' relaanL hav e . _Peen postponed, tillvitonclay aert• Grand Jury Presented true bilk against fourteen at the Fenlars. Witht refer ence Piths two remaining prtsonem Miocene' POWSTI anti Daniel Coburn. the Grand Jury found no Ma apunst Loom soul they, were sues th uarite4.• Amen or oprieonets were ci zens of atareign State at peace with' Bei Ma te ,' jestre Aoserntattot-lm tack of these eases ;vo true bUls wets found. -r" THIRTY}.NINTH CONGRESS, ,SEt'OND SESS10111.) W.n.ous..yos Urn r , Dec.., SEN'ATU. The Senate was opened with prayer, the Chaldean. . A intmher of petitions from army a s kinn; for lneretewil pay, were Ithisent e o Orr. Wilson, of Malsaehusetts, and hir. Poland. ; of Vermont, and referred to the Committee on j Mifitary Affairs. Mr. Nesmith, of Oregon, presented a memo. rial from W. S. Adam., Collector of CUAtOI:O for the District Of Oregon, praying to be ee- Ilevcd from the liabilit& for money stoics while en Amite to San Francisco. Referred CO the Committee on Claims. On motion of Mr. Morrill, a hill to Pr , *ide for the defense of the North-eastern I,ounda• ry, was referred to the Committee on Foreign I Relations. • . On motion of Mr. Anthony. n bill to e.ten't the Jurisdiction of the Court of Claims, w(1,4 refurrvito the Judiciary Committee. On =than of Mr. Poland. a Mil in regard to protective dunes was referred. . Mr. i Edmund preseuleA a joint resole! Jou from the• Vermont. Legislature, recommend ing Itapartial suffrage. Laid on the table. An am, to amend, the law in regard to Crim inal proceeding, was referrml to the Judicial". Committee. On motion of Mr. Wade, the Senate took up , the Dill in relation to regulating the selection o r orN w l r l d : to o ;t e n? . n d e o n s a to: i n t t l LI . eask ed that It ba printed with the bill. awas laid on the table. 2 . A resolution prodding seats for the report ers of the New York Assoelated•Press and the Slotted States and European News Associa tion, was referred to the Committee on Printing. Mr. Poland gave notice that on Monday next he would call up the bill to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United . States.. Mr. Wilson has given notice that early next week ho would call up the bill to disband the existing militia organizations In the rebel States. . • The Senate, at 12:30, adjourn - ed. • - 1231333 A Select Committee was appointed, on mt. :tiori of Mr. Elliott, of Massachusetts, to pro ceed to New. Orlennsto make inquiry into the --rj et •s which occurred there in July and Aug- Tim Judiciary Committee Were then instruc ted, on Motion of Mr. Wilson. of lowa, to in quire what further loctslutlon Is.nseessary in regard to tile organizstiou of the House of Represernatives, and the counting of the elec. I torsi vote. Mr. Kamen then moved that the Judiciary Committee be Instructed to inquire into the Propriety ot - having martial law proclaimed In various counties in rebel States where Union Men have been murdered and the laws not on pureed against•assasinint. • • . • The Speaker announced h communication from the Secretary of State, transmitting in compliance with the actot Congress °flair ch 177 J, an abstract of the returns made by .the Collectors of Customs In pursuance of-the act of "Mayld, whielt was ordered to Do tinted and referred to the Committee on otamerce. Mr. Washburn:Republican, of Illinois, of fered a resolution that the Committee Post (Miens and Post Roads bq instructed to inquire tbe.e.x_pediertey of 6.auferring up on the Post Office Department the samefuris duction over the various telegraph lines that is DOW exercised, by. the post °feces and post Adds, andrePort by:bill or otherwise. Agreed to, . . . - Mr. Cooper, of „Tennessee, moved that Mr. Ihotessimim. , contests the emit of the sitting theinberTrom.the ShalfrEistrict, be allowed • teat Ishnding the decision of the tionie Mt. wine..., of Pe sect i on an =tend meat to the tin section, and thou moved that the cons ideraUen of the bill be postponed till Monday after the morning hour. Agreed Mr. fthelc, , tit Ohio, mbvedthat tsd bill of the Joint Courrelttee on retrettettment on the eame a subjecittoordertd heprtatini. which was' Mi. Pike, Of Maine offered a- resolution for , the appointment of ' a committee of three to lteroniMitte the teuteumstances attending the mural:rot threetinion prisoners. on the 15th oftlettdierMes. in South Carolina. Agreed 10. .11tr..-DasiS, Of: Massaeliosero; Introduced a bill to six the timer for the etection of repre sentatives to Congress. which was read a tint anti sewed time and ordered to be printed. ;Mt:Thayer, Of Pettnsylvania, offered a reso lution callingon the President toinform the -nee* ;Whether any portion of Mexico has been - Occupied 'by the troops of the United States. and, if so. by what authority, and for what purpose. The resolution was laid. over. Mr. Miller introduced, for reference, a hill to protect loyal 'persons to the jurtsdletlonary States; also, a bill grunting pensions to the soldiers of the war of lelc of 5s per month (or life, to those now serving and Ono bare never Dente argon against the tiovernment nor given and. comfort to. its minutiae. it wits re ferred to the Committee on invalid Pensions. . Mr. Elliott, of /Lima offered a resolution to provide for the appointment of a Committee of three to riroceed to New Orleans and inquire Into the details of the last. mamma there. - Mr. hlaekbtum offered art amendment, that the COMmittee 'should then proceed r [Windt anapolls, m lan State of Indiana, and invent. gate into tb riot which occurred there on the excursion of the President. . . _ Mr.. - Eittott ;that was, - another matter and better be separately investigated. The resointiona aa drat reported, was agreed to. Mr. Garfield, of Ohlo, offered a resolution, directingtho Committee on Jndietary,-toy In. quire into the expedictem.of.passista la w . providing for the more etrectum puniahmeat of bribery at elections, which was agreed to. The resolution offered on Thursday, calling , on Gus Secretary of. War for the names et ea. rolled 'and - drafted' persOms-who failed to re port to the proper ,ituthoriticlors.s oalled Up. Brume off red aiLe.solution calling upon . the Postmaster General to furnish to .thui ;Route the , ammeS _of Postmestors. whits have been removed since the adjournment of the last session of Congress, and the masons for. such - removals t alto it the salaries of their successors have been inereased over tee tbr. moe salaries. and the reasons -for ...Mal in. crease. Agreed to, and ordered to he laid on Mr. Taylor. of New York, offered a remota. Mon toguthorize the Committee o Pensions. to inquire Into the expedienCy of reorgart,s- Inx tue Perna= Bureau. which Was agreed to. The Speaker announced that. Mr. Williams. bill to regulataappolatmenta to oMee„ which was made a separate order for to-day. , would now be taken up. • - On :notion of Mr. Garfield, it was laid on the tSMME==I • Mr. Eldridge.a resolaticsiwaa laid over. Mr. Hasson, of lowa, offered a resolatlon, in which he demanded the previous question, calling upon the Judiciary Cotnmitree duty alder the propriety of m.l.ng It the of the President, to proclaim martial Istria those districts of lately rebellions States where murders and other outrages have been com •mitted upon citizens, and-where the local au thority have fall ed - or refused to act and pun. lab offenders. Agreed to. ' A bill to dr the. time for the meeting of Con, Vega was taken tip. Messrs. Sheet*, Stevens, and. Morrill, of Vermont, and Darin, Garfield, and Le Blond, took part in. the dbenssion; after which, without Anal action, the /louse adjourned.' .NOXielli Xlliter& • New Tong, DeceMber Cc—Orizaba, Mexico, Correspondence, et November Yid, says that the last French steamer,; 'which brought off President. Itiramon, also curried three btm. Bred French 4011116,T1, de.stined for service In Mexico. Thla, and other events, do not point to an early Irreneh evaeuation., -Unitary stores and ordnance have been moved to,. wards the Interior, and recently Gen. needy. with hbt regiment of oue thousand men, emu. menced a fresh campaign in Northern M . axlea. /dean:Milan Is gloving enough. Be is in his residence at Orizaba. Ito sees no vbiltors - Auld has no Interviews with any one. ENIM SALT.MANUFii; rUR'G CO PITTSBURGH. Pit. PEI • PITTSBIIBGIC. IMITATE DURUM - . No: 15 I RliMP,Yertig l V rat. Illeessoe witheutem .e ) edeleores. rartleolarattentlonoi 4s toPmtenstorrooena an I diseases as Valatuy tkpAnir,, km rotes rot 2:l4 4 4tiga t e =gig.,2ll.l7. ladi " " 4 his =Welts impeder told, other althy preparitioalbr emenstrupl removing No. obetnt Woos to the he hood. 1, lino Donn • a.. No.-, watch le tour deireec ii , desired for .obethiate des% ,71‘9 4 . = pe Uattoo hattesSA.'s. a s v.; t ac.r. b l a " - WU" ' N Z' . rib *e. pluveTz s ineniums. 07111. Z sivi rziaippures...sieussak: __tae tura at all disown at a pirtvatiaatattA i.. u r s .,r toot daYS.r an 111/Wei, WI allld ~..114 t i & Also, &nun Weakaetkaaa altatan Own warttritagl=frgr!"7"U" latittltre, o ,l, o Ng" pi to 4114 los r. _OOO. --c-';xianzera ' - 11.0,,M43214.13TER,84 CIO. Bro. 136 Ohio St.. Allegheny. 'Wholesale sea Hetul Dula+ it Oh Civra,i2a. poi tar witatious"' - • 444" Ea Ififfl 7a• Banker and Broker, Woc.d St.i Dear corner of Fifth. All 'description - it . of Government, Bonds Dor,ght and sold on littoral terms. ]Avalon and Continental Exchango sold at NOW York rates. Gold, Silver and Conpons bought at highest rates. and Gold Drafts issued 011 New Tork, FINANCE AND TRADE. 0111 C. 01 THU PITTSBURGH GATAITT., TricaSSDAY, December 0, 1%5. The, New York stock quotations to-ds3: as reported by Robinson, McClean & were as follows: Gold, l29;4"; 12-SPs, .saes 106!4; do '55, 101 , ,“ 5-20 s, new 10::% 100i;Ii7..:Ils, first series, lard; do, 91 and :kl, I Alichigau Southern R. IL, Cleve !it Pittsburgh, 8P.1,; Pittsburgh, . Fort e & L:111(1140, lira Chicago & Rock Is.- 10-40 ,1 1C:0, I hind ayn Ms Heading 1I1; Chicago .4 North MIMI ,reph Co., 46. le Internal Revenue report shows that -asury receipts from this source have Tt.leg —T the T' rleciirrOm $117,1i5,749 in IS 1, to Vila: AM and $310.,906,ai41u 1&O. The expense Of tion was $7,6 0 9,70:1, or about 2!.4 pet if the aggregate , xee9lnts. Thlsla advl In 166 of co cent Irate thanthat of teit: v ienr. Tti4corn favoraoly With the expense incurred •at Britain and France for the same ob . —ln regera to the price of breadateffa the New ork Expregx 'aye: lower pares in lir Jett, The Journals tt.lover the country, continuo to int ..mer away at what Is' called the hoard ing of breach:doll's by speeu/ators who are op erating (in a variety of ways) for a rise—but we no not see. that hammering does much if any good.• • The boarding ms on and prices are kept up. There are two points that seem now to be pretty well .established. Tho high prices of breadstulTs are maintained by two leading markets, Chicago land New `York. Chicago hoards the breadstuff' to prevent more than a limited quantity from reaching the seaboard, while New-York underrates sys •tematioally her receipts of breadstuffs from the interior and keeps up prices by hoarding, by foreign shipments and by other well-known expedients. It Is (Macon to say what is the remedy for this state of thlngs,but. the speculators and 'hoarders had better not act as if the difilicalty were as insurmoubtable one. There is such a-tbing us pushing monoply and speculation a little. oo far and to that porn; we would now seem to be progressing. —The New York Bank statement for the past week, as compared with the proceeding returns, shows ti - deerease 0111,908017 in loans and dihmunts, 1"45,1537 In specie, $873,791 In le gal tenders, $1,825,807in nett deposits, and an increase of 13 t,431 la circulation. This move ment Is very much In the same direction as that of the statement of the Philadelphia banks, chewing a general cause. /cis said the reduction of live millions of loans at New York Is, for the most part, by _the voluntary payments made by borrowers. If this bo so, it evidences a general acceptano. a of the truth of therremark,thist the best use to which money can now be applied is the, payment of debts. The loss of greenbacks on the present Crii 'bit is only sira,unO, with the prospect that no further present drain will be made on this dePartmentof the bank movement.. The sup ' ply of National Bank Currency continues to gradually increase at alt the linancliti centres. The market for money is easy. The public documents published yesterday lave had lit ' tialf any effect on the money or stock market. The eircillation of the banks will attract more attention when Lai report of the Secretary of the Treasury has been generally read, and its recommendation to reduce greeft`mots at, the rute of six millions, and evetitnally ten mil lions per monthoinly rioted. Tim forty-five National Banks of New York city, we notice, hold $31450,000. Una 04.11 k, over 19,900,000, one nearly 0,030000, and tenon average of WOOD,- , 000 enchu—Phita. Ledgers' caNzam, USE-srocaL Asmter • 0772010 P Tilt r/.7717p101113111711 T 22121.51121.14 DOCOMPOI U, ISDN • OATTI.I. The market for cattle, compared with last week, •la coaahloraLly..stroagor awl' a much dreier teeling .. Ml3 prevailed, The recemts /lave Wan comparatively light, awl th 4, gather with an improved demand fat ship. meta, turned Liao Inaba In favor of senora this week, ono consequently, an ncjvatate has been establishoil. The quality of the eattieon gala this week was baldly up to the usual average though nit kinds of cattle sold more readily than last week, and that, top, at an advance, and to-day tbero were'•but sory few of any kind In the yens unsold. As will be ulna by reference to the sales, prices ranged all the way from eli 854, gross,.for common to fr&LETingtilliri,rit.;Tocsuittircrbeatnnyn. ed hands, and there were Eli fen- a t spin kind in market. We are cognizant of an offer etc at having he im made and declined for three oar loads chutes Ohio steers, averaging 160 too owner praferring to s lily them cast on his own account. This iFIII eTtra drove the best that has been offered hero for seep time, and some few weeks ago, these same cattle, had they beta here, would doubtless have sold readily ate, and possibly 9,)i. Barren. The transactions In flogs have bon remark ably heavy , this week, the sales, including Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and to-day up to eleven o'clock, reaching Wee OntsaaNti l our h As compered with teat week, plicate - have resthertlieellned, the great bull; of the sales meatus front to aunt!, rots—sotbe few lote - of eplokedwi o u r bring• tigE,l2 t 06,25, one lot SAL 0/IZ . or our pack.. g houses, that Of Marbiwali co., . 0011134e11. cad buying this week, bark:l:thus - far. per chased • about: one. Mamas hew; at prices ragging frOlat to 11,0 U" f .tho salmi for shipment, the hulk were for Thlladalph la and New York, though we belleTe KW' Aar l “ 4 9 , - were forwarded to Tialtielore; • The transactions la Pimp ware Setarkably Ilabt Mils week, the transactio Da all told not exceeding one thousand ten d Thu arrivals continue ilght, but notiriing•tho sap. ply a limited, theilexema la very MOM, mull the Market tv dull and 4i_mleutW, and price"' are barely malutainAL We quote at 7to ante, gross, for common to pr tat mutton sheep, and them may be regardeo the extremes of the market. Among the sheep thipars at. Widener!, wit can report Manor, 4)74, Pet. Mich, itaWl•-tbelestliemed bpyer op to noon Wiley had , note purchased a alugle - bunch, though he was willieg to pay 7 ets Fora drove or tempt goOd sheep • ImpoirieD BAIAS Pr rATTLIE Fog. ma lose • . 0; Voter 1$ beed —2 head. awertging 1103, good steers. at 04-1) head Comtnott, averag ing 1162,at .24—bath lots sold to ataynes if. Et titer /53 head Intriak steers, awerWolfeellrla about 112, at eifietwild to 0 wen Smh. to troone 6 y la bead of good neatly now it a,averag. Inn /064 at LIW' Rambo to 12bead, aver.' aglnga little over 1000 at ot. Walker to Oath away at h l reil 6 / 1 4 7b/rat i kflufto To d d 181=8, ein A T; at , w ili el li grag ;Tar 4 ,- 1! o h ,ll l l ro,.gmaMcAciot . nuf3ye , 2 bead at 04. Lamb to Klemm 0; bead, weighing 00.071. as Kerwin_.ilf :Grata to grefdon St, bead, 1 weighing 38,022, at '2,20. Miller to Kamp" 37 head, • weighing 14,046, 0,4(,.. gmmill so Deitrict ee nead of wood cattle, Welshing 45,- coood. mut to ?toot ill bald. weighapgiAglso,at 5,66 lull to Baker 18 heed, wahining mpoo, at 474". Whittletey to Anil 2 co. t 7 welh lug 19,360, at 6); , ,, Keyser to Wernt int head, weighing noots„ at Wares to hisynes Co. 17 head, weighing 19,076, at 41(4 saute to same; Es Um). Wet, 37.871, At CO saute to Book 43 bead, whhib Aso, at _Saab co, to Kiernan it hea , weighing 14,375dit OK. .845 h to Pickineon 17 , he n 4, weighingl4.lek at 6 - Crawford to ..fClomen I end, yrelghtna 814= 873, at —. 114gers to Landis :Phew, Wahat , lag 19,973, at 44. novas to 1511014er 20 head, 24 17 1.0" Tgylor to: timith 36 beau, weigtung titan, at - , Muir to linaselman bead. welgbblre gm atl'A,Byerson to to. Sininati 18 heed, weigh ingll,223, at SK. Talk to Becker 18 haiol.woigh : Horst tO hely% orolithins il2lO, at C. Miller to Meardie 56 head, Of at 9%. Millar to Mayhem 73lierld of skim., averaging 1124 at an per head. utf to Ver. nor 40 - haa.l, weighing 34.0:150. at.. 5. - orzaaveas IN /100 S. • .• . Lafferty bought 200 head at .5,90 to sX—sold /18 bead at 6, and 112 at 6,76. Stager d.lmhoff Pon ht ISM at 15,0) ta G. LlMeorelst a Co.boaabt /343 bead at 5.73 toe. ffedgos a Co. OM at 6,6001 Tabor bouglirfallteadc Mary's?, ant Erlsmau, 39L ^ Crouse, Emerlot at co, bought about ioe bead and Orr 'purobased several oar loads. AU orthe above, we bailor°, with. tho OZOOp. Lion or Hedges, Tabor, and vosslbly, one or two others , were shipped to rblladelipbla.". Spatial.pi' Vatilellarket, .BALTIMO.IIr, December (3.—The cattle market livbetter.eoppilad.. 'Daring :the , week. adme 1,230 bead of beeves were received. The offer- legs inoludea WO. from Western l'irgiala, 05 I from , South-western Virginia, -and 415' teem Ot the ,ollerings 7s head& wore with. drawn' 1W sent to Philadelphia and No Wreck, 200 sold te greeters Sod feeder., M held over, and the =lan= taken --by -butchers at prime Mg =follows: Beef 'Battle tograzWra at no; one .lot . at actsllawairs and eowe, 04.00(04,75 light heifers 5.5p00.5,75 i fair 05,0501/1 , good bd,W47,00; - prime 87M07.5 0 , hut very f l ew at the last price. A few extra cattle were =WM New Yuri: Indere on. Wed nesday at ..110. 'llog—ltetelpts and demand moderato Talkers - still keep out of l Tamar. ket, and is =ars buy very' sparingly: Sales have - range /0815940 nett. tibeoP—Do• ocipts Latrobe= light, but butchers aie well supplied, and lava bought. sparingly at s§Kie t ,according to quality;- - -thongh - this 'quality Of the offering Is not better sheep andleinbs con. and inessed, the: best droves of iTen bringing 5 and lambs 71,:pixe. Swine dell and eery, with a ht demand - Poitartgailffince Is the lashes Uwe. nalg?by I Portatuouth 'troll Sorbet, , tai",, s _lNA(o.,) December 1.- The smaftiaromfaimnyvall:V.'"oulfariwtnoweek okt•thbariviroasonbeen.in. gammon to m eat taa road have boon put in re. rema i n ab ou t ~Lheary demand. Psaces 'Closable stitteniniiW i r.4l47 to CIO, with a no ! ,Thellatinuta for ina a : i gi,nrh4 . . with heavy stnymentn, 17.1,kag0n.... br is k, att arta. w an activeaabian- ThniEhratnoll:: boon bale S hl i n n°4 l s I.ationnt chairs and nOerellittr AI %Niels., :Ler locate:MEM were is fitroZ ek y° ,4 * Total. V i ti n tat . ai tt n ! slira o g ! Bp ,. Pre wac.al,74S 24,4 . 35 740/8,. $3,463 3,570 2UNNINAKirkid. Tortoo, December o.—Wbeat, soles of and;er illehigan at MTh market Qnlet. Cora, tales as NM for No. I- mixed but not active. Osts 'l2lll3ball,ed end codes! •Itre, s 4 2 ..1 19 ' ( Pr. 20 . L p•" 110 11 6 00141 at 7 0 6 - . NKR =EI 'rho Inclement condition of the weather had temtencs. to restrlct Ine-hteas to-day. a filch, at beet, ha.; been nothing to brag at for seine time nest. TI. micertalnty, and we unglit say, confllnioll, which pilevalls e commrelat lioth'enst and west, liar a tendency to retard operations here, and until matters be come fliers settled, and tl.ere is a little more -lability Mauifested in regutd to values, no improvement can reasonably be expectod• "Myers for nearly every article are holding off, and restricting their 'parch., as much na possible, In anticipation of a still further de. preclation In values, and consequentiv. we have very few owations of .a round lot char. eater to report. catt.:EßlE , s - -There; has been a moderate degree of activity manifested In the produce markets during the past week, bat prices. generally sneaking, are lower. 1110 Colic° has declined to oti; to ae, far fair to strictly prime. Cuba. Sugar I?,.quoteil at 1114 to le'; Porto llleo , 1:1-, Crushed, 10.“ "A" Cotrile, 1514; ".1.0 Coffee, I —.Porto HIM, Molasses,,7s to 0 5 .—the latter figure for choice. nice, le t 0 10!-.. •Illack. Teas,l'a to 1,25, and Young Ilysons at 15) to 4 1 . 0,) . • Erie, Western Unio tißAlNThere Is no improvement - 10 note in the' demand for Wheat, and No. I Spring may be quote 1 nominally at $1,55 to $.200. New Coro is quiet and unch Raged at CO to 6-s—re eclins falling oft Oats quiet and unchanged —quoted at 48 to 50, on track. Sale of 600 bush prime Spring Barley at 41,14. Rye—last sales at $1.24 to $1,83, Receipts of Grain of all kinds !Attlee off. . FLOUR—Is quiet and without quotable change. Spring -Wheat brands are selling at 611.50 to $l2; Winter Wheat, $l3 to $14,-and Faney Brands $l5 to $l6. Rye Flour is quoted. at 0% per bbl, and Buckwheat at WA per cart. POTATOES—SteatIy with regular sales of prime Peach Blows at 90 Ms per bushel, and $2,07 to $3 per bbl 50 barrels sold ta-day at {5. APPLES—DuII with a supply considerably in excess of the demand, but unchanged— sales at $i to $3,1-1 per bbl, • for common to choice._ . . BUTTER—Continues very dull and the sup ply is considerably ahead of the demand; prime Roil cannot be fairly ,quoted above US eI O IEESE-60tInues very dun and prices are barely maintained-16 to 17 for hamburg, 19 tot)] for Goshen. DRIED 1111.1.1T:-Dull but unchanged-18 to M for reaches (quarters and halves) and 10 to 11 for 'Apples. 11.4.1"--Primo baled Hay, in goad condition. sells readily at 430 while loose is reported at o:10 u, 1.33, ai to quality. I a SEEDS—Flaxseed is in steady-demand at la —nothing doing in Timothy or Clover Seeds. pirrseustait PSTUOLLtin lIARKE'i: • - OFPIOI or ran kirremount thamerra, i Tnossoxv, ;December 6, 1866. ULU M—The market continues dull awl weak, and with si 'bre' river and considera ble oil catering, the tendency is still toward lower rates. We can report sales of 1 000 bbls at 94; 1000 at 9i, lwo (11 gravity) at 8%; and, WO at 11%, packages include°, free on board cars. We quote at 8 ,4 to 9 cell, Mlle returned and. In hulk, and 13% toll, bbis included.. One refine r Mi Informed us Mich() was offered during a day at loud 10,000 bbls at 9 , and some lo of light oil at s.,s. On the other band, we ere cognizant (golfers to buy pretty freely at 7to 8 ete—oneparty offering to take 10,000 bbls at 5; and anothbr expressed a willingness to buy WO bbls at 7' eta, and give the seller three months to deliver it in. These parties, want to buy on speculation, and It is probable that in the event of the price dropping down to the figures above indicated, a considerable. amount will be purchased and put in tank. It should be remembered, however, that when oil was selling at 12 to 11 cents, these tank men promised to buy largely at 10 eta. but when the price dropped down to 10 eta, they lowered Oleic figures down to 7 and 8, and it is possible that If olLshonlei get down to these Agin es, they will then want to buy at 6. . REFINED--Tilare is" no- Improvement to note In the demand for bonded all, and the market continues dull and weak with a droop ing tendency. We van report a sale of 000 bbls for February delivery, at II cents, free on board cars here• .and 1000 blils for immediate delivery In Philadelphia, at 76. Quo t; bops may be eta en at 77, for Immediate iseilvery In phijadelphia, 7,44 for all this mouth; and al to 311,i for jemmy. Free oil continues dull andnegleeted.- as Om demand Is restricted almost wholly' to su pplyled the Verde of the local trade. Standabl brands lots quoted at 17 to de ets for 50 and 100 bid,and Pi tee l',llg. a retail way. AREtIvALS—Ine following arriyals Were re- OOrted to-day: . Little a watiame..isoo 11. licKelvy - , ylikarjr. re 8........7;001 Baxter d Ellison..!. , W. P. uoitaa,„.„,,. 90 Jas. Wilkins al U. Illy 0 I,lcVreight a C 0... 73 Brewer a 1tµrke....14:3 Total • ' ... ile1,1:1 Slaw gear, Dec. 5.--The market is mOtler ate's, active at Ge 7 per cent. for call loans. romign exchange steady at $1.1*161,03, , ,,, Cold openal at 64%3 and deeming to algiand advancing to 1 4 11% and P/O.lac qt I 163 '.. Government stock. less media MO scar c ely so da•tn. Freights to Liverpool Ann and stocks heavy. North Western 51; do preferred at 10X; WoleM, '1,14 Ithode Island, 004; Fort quo, ,C . s ... aiui , lind Terre !sups x,• Southern, ISM Ittaatilaar; Vt. ,7P: 4 7..?,;. 1 ol; Central al,lOl ramble Mall, $l,, , Marl ed., preferred at W; ada,nei KTOreas. iti.; llariposa, an; Or and Lli e sfsstopt (AMU; := 11 7., 1 11=4,1 • MN -4 _, ev , 4o.m; Dunes are steady at the to rowing quota tions: liegk.terai at 11,1=4; Coupons, 112(012.1. Flve-twentfeS reg spred of hi; MAD+ FlVe.iwalily Con of ' 6l l u rt 4 1 FM I I14:4 . i t an l:l74 :7 l7:Y'eni rets Tali:%P ter 4lu o P el )l9l7 ll .r iaili 4anl P4a 4 da ll, t Seven-thlrties, 11.13.40195).4; Jmm beveat-thlr gp. 1.022 1 1 3 051,J; Jul. :erenalytie i s e, le o, 11 4 +(11110?Atig n irt Jo%ligg i tobe s r . dol II idlt INDecember do, 9 t,ald markt, heavy, and cl ;For man ixolisaffe metal. dull, but firm prime bankers , sterdag Oral dllY4l Willilli o9 / 4 ntoelVMArket MOre septa and siren ey, ma claw at thegollowlug prices: Ohio lArtld este& rear 4 4 %. Western Union Talegrirph, 150 a L e irturent IM• n rct i ll 1 i l iV it Elat a l e to g ... _ , t i ith i z o 3.3 4 lMlLdin k ols : i la c t c r i ll i. ' l im Idgra ia" ai i4 oiZ, dI011%; do. prate , #O,4eMN„ t erg Wayne, iinAtil l'atrojegigStacks-14oruett Chal and 41;) 1:5; Central, 114. Seining dlocks--4,1110.1can Vag. 140, aye& EL a al t 435; Boscohe ~ 1 DO; Itultion Consolidstedaif. Cu l trolidatatiWr4 o a. / D AN Corydon, MO; winced G. NI. Keystone. 13; Po lni se; Piarattra . 1 174 13 7 1 D1 .li. V., AM Wal kW, JO, *dame rat, 4. NeW Tar Prgidrieff Markeg, NNW If dati,Ploa. iottOn a Shade lower, at .13011344 e tar tmiddling uplands. Commas grades ofdour gotta trip snt . hats been other better than when last report. • e;tra state 9 1 111. “ Gre e h r = 717,1 1 ; •7 tiAef e iri r T .. : .16M 414 i 1 111 8 iviv....h igt best 'she' out ee er nifa mu, mt r k bsflat faiding, at al for No. i .11.11 Wan ea We yen , Oui et. aria rather. more, steady. at billtedo for . Qulada West On arrival. iiariaif 6 hoavY and quiet. Coin ti solo actinic. Go $ 1101.14 for 1 ... ablinnariatni WlMertl ilr store; 1,4240,15 for do.a at, meting at the Inside gams far new ali th, and $1,1301,13 'Ow tsb to west ern. Rats heavy and scezcoly so drat, at 00 Mt fox ()Mauro ti.nd Miuranime. Whisky dun Petrolpum i t tit MIN! MS criadD) 414 330 for redned in bona. 4..0g0e meg active. etit steady; no , sales p er t a lig a V er Y r t. ; Cabs sul4ollf4a. Manna 51 1 V 1 3 Sane ra ir teWorit o tt; at 423,k. for now meal; fay do. elGieThif it miab, and els for rims heavy. ii P ante dell, at %wk. .paaapqatet. Dressed hogs dull, at tlMpue for western^ Cut meats dull, at 11011.4 e for ebouldersi 110136 Mr barna. lard lower, bat more aatdvd, at lialMo.. flutter and cheese unchanged. . , , , , .. ... ._,, Pei. wp.u., ,e*-... -- . ' Crinfloo; Pei.. 0, , -.sfofieje•liteady; fiiif class paper, /0 per, cent; Eastern azoluinge active and firm. Tiro dullness' in the Yrodnoo mu. Iced *ontindes, and • prices ern ashade lower for nearly everything. Flour dull; Spring Eitra, 04.10.00. -Wheat dull and nominally lowers sales at,No; 1 at 42,04 oral •No. Sat 31,81 451,82,01a5tng 'SOPA, tat lits.LL and *1,51 for 0.3. 'Cora dull and 10 lower; No. 1, Wane, and No. %Da, Olds dull,.at • 420 for, No:11, nud 400613.2 for No. 2Adoling with sellers of No. I at 40e. llighwines dull, at 112,55 (or free, and ./.21 for bonded. • Thertila More aniaddlon in the market locale's Pork, owing In a measure WO* illlß:434ls4lttimor of -New, York - advnietq prleos advanced We per -hbir upwards of 2,70 e Obis changed hunts ut from .1/ to 17,73 cash and future delivery, the' bulk of ft at $17,75. et Lard dull and oast • sale. prime at 113' cash, and 12 0 January d very; a ,lot. at otd Lard Changed hands at 1 . Groan Meats dull and nominal at fro for oublers, and 1.1530 for a...„ , Dressed nog! dull and heavy, and de. alined 20050 ct 'sales at moofgam,eloeing at .0,006625; lots dividing Ea. Live liege fairly active;but owing to large receipts prices 'de. alined eocrza per Modred; sales at .1,75e5,40 tor common tO good cholas, licoelpts—Fitntr, 5,000 bids i wheat, 01,000 bus.; trarn,l3,oso box; oats, 8,11)0 bus.; hogs, 'Lew - thipments , -Flostr, 4,003 bbls.; wheat, 1,300 bus.' earn 4WO bile - Maw OnLaiws, 'Dtcomber IL—Cotton changed} Low /kbMllngs 301 I; twat at .12. Ueoalpte 3AO. sugar -arm ,and fair at IFX. 3191osses mown Interior. e 6; prima GI /lour la -good. demand; zupordze $le,F 10,74 extra,ll,ll.sooll46L' Corn iw gOOd demind, ribela lo . 74.- 'Fork dull; new , z 3, old paean rat/01 Uttilnellit , Otilyi shoal. der, 13; Wei= ' 4414.40 it 13014.. . 2 " St: Loa!, aaariailik LODIP, Nov. 6.-401:aodo. Cotton. Flour and Wheal gun and,Onabanandi -Corn lowari 70®88o for. Now, and 75(088o for ma.. Oats dot and lower at 11101 , 1a.....Provisdnas heavy an unchanged. Hoge lower, patkon doolinincto . lower .. • , . . . Ilmwemtza. Detiember o.=-Yloot lower and more active, lilmat more active at $1,61301,81. for No.e.. Mere pork - lel citvesedlotre deellaal / 2 54tr. 50 1 1 0 ,1 5 1 at eaSf4. . . Psersaintaz.'ioar Verge& Cameo B. It. December 8.-1 keg Indier,./815arar - Col/lel' 1 do do, J Adler; 2 Oressed hogs, 1 pkg butteivJ Floyd; BO bbla Conr,./Ctrkpatrick & Herron =do do, Shareaker /./Drirdo . do, Knox & McKee; IUO dodo, Gay. 1' ter; .1 bra Mame , ware,JO gniltht OD bWe rye gour,Culp &Shay. and; 1 ear barley. IV Bingham; 1 dodo, Gar, rand & Boni 1 car plg load, Bake/roll, Pears & co• ; 1 dodo, Blair/age &Boni 10 bee cheese, 18 & ce; asks Cour. /deans &Cogla; 1 car metal, & 803;3 ears berley:Mraon, Bro l f:emn ar.;: i retrigt° 7b er a 4 a kiii ni e g in _ a g e :::C o i t : , ; ?. d erns: bdbise ss . :: A & ur i sg . e cnr: cri". . 4 oras ß c 7 R :a p si t t V. ol BVaeis: • 109 15 do catareeear, :01/90,tes.frj.biu ,(I,lll,euenainri:;lB:l. do-rdari7kdweNr ultzugliSilirdgiZdrosir/411,483' 11:11 . Slu R(;11 MA GP. (..!1/IC+lOl/ TEZPITTEEr.V. _ I,ccoulbor N4gurm BY IraLEutura. ==== new Orleans Aswiget. =roan. mousoAn. to tai 4 , adra,1c1.!{:0,4,7." 1t0rt1e.:4,,;7; ;Loo' 11,47,,,,e. , L' .L , " rel yS 00,100 Carley, ! 10dra.1.1,,z"00, hol•!;74 7 ' 74 ' 17 "•11 7 e , •; I or zeditoi7d, IL . 4;747. Lterri.ooo see l'ir,hrori Ito::. noon.— Duce:neer It - I/ ratterson; I potelee , !, 'I- do r.7110; ! 4! Boa! ro; .4 Idoorn4, Pork, ht - .! 07, 7,1 tad! , • dry reaol;e4, olet • grl,ll 11,1e 4 , I ilrirhaugh v.:. e.ir, troll 1,10, Aug O. 0013 de do, Noy° .0 11 1.; 0 ::: -7 ,, ; slicana her I..ane. blg. • re,-, 1 cur burley. ..-peneer. .0 31,1:ay; I ele,r. are, ll'aliare 1.2 Cut ill; -7. 7 .!; corn, 4.7 I 1711,-11, - ; ley;"' bbl, Elute A. W00,1 6 ;I Cllll,, , leather, Dohll l ;17.7 ,, etl h 044, Christ 5: 3leckint; iri.k i 10111111)", II Itortjr; 7- 7 7, ! sucks hotst•4, 'lo :nice to; 131.4100, 10, Flaerut. t sun. RIVER NEWS The river , vas rising hcit cCi•Ling, Nilll nearly twyive feet Ilw Channel. able Cilia (ell ye , Orday afteviirsm, and it is more than likely that ll,eve will be another swell in' beta the Monongahela tied Alle gheny rivers. There has not been a single arrival since our last, report, and with the exception of the regular packets, there outs 1101 a single de parture. fleshless continues exceedingly dull, freights foetal points being scarce, and boats experience great clink:idly In getting anything like - it fell trip. The Leonidas, from Cincinnati, and the Sa vaunn, frum St. Louis, had not arilved when we left the landing, but they will both doubt less bo found in port this morning. The Wauanitu, Capt. Shuman, and the Bellevernon, Capt. Darragh, are announced for St. Louis, and the Ida Reese, Captain Joe Brown, hi up for Cincinnati anti Louisville. The Rate Robinson, Capt. Debt. Itoblnuon, will load in. turn for. New Orleans after the Kenton. The Peerless left for 011 City last evening, and the Bayard cleared for Parkersburg Ou time yesterday at noon. The following decision In the case of the. Collision between the Memphis packet Dello St. Louis, and the towboat Lake Erie N 0.3 been,rendered : ' LOCAL IN.4PECTOEC3 OYFICE,, Memphis, Teun , Nov. 117 4 D. C. Trader, En.,Surt.eyur of Curiorns: Stu— After due : lnvestigation of the case of the col listen between the steamers Lake Erie No. I and the Belle St. Louis, which occurred on the night oLOctolier 13th, et the loot of Island No. 37,0 u the Missls.ippl, and atoll view of Blithe tostimouy, we are of the opinion that the col. lbsion was the .result of nitsumnagement ea the part of the pilots in the - Mutter of signal ling, and that if before changing the signet the pilot of the steamer Celle St. Louis had stopped his engines mid backed them, no col listen would have' occurred. We therefore suspend the license of Ben. Lenox, pilot of steamer Bello St. Imola, for the term of thirty days from data ' Lewts L. WAnnEx, - 31dr.TIN HALL. - • Local inspectors _ . . The Argonaut arrived at elm:lunation TuuSs day, and the Columbia and Hato Putnam Wit there the safes day for Pittsburgh, and the Julia No.d and the Cat no word advertised to follow an Wednesday. The Glendale, en route front Pittsburgh to Louis, was at. Cairo on Tuesday, as was also tae Friendship, en route from St. tools to Pittsburgh. • The latter boat has four barges in tow, contalning nine nun. Bred tons of metal. The Emma N 0.3 und Argonaut No. for-St. Louis. and -Westmoreland, tier New Orleans, teed Giudnnatt on Tuesday evening. BioegAur&fieuvireas Soto.—Tilis well known blockade-runners Mary and lied Gauntlet were sold at publicauction ye.sterdar says a Mobile paper, by the United States Marshall. The Mary was knocked clown to Col. martin at the tusiguiLleant sum of gi.i,blift She coat the magnificent sum `..11,00U pounds sterling. The Red Gauntlet was bill In by Mr. Charles Cameron, of New Orleans, for,the small sum 0f.g.3100. She cost 12,000 pounds sterling. The gentlemen who purchased these flee steamers have not yet determined to what use they will convert them. They have In tbo river opposite our city More the close of the war, and the names of the Mary and Red Gauntlet are familiar to every Confederate In .Dprie laud." The Reel Gauntlet was origins' ally built for the opium triple, Uncalled by a few knots to meet the speed required, ung was sold to the Confederate Government. Says tile Louisville Journal, of Tuesday: The 191111ain Butler and the Sulu lder-win were both fast last night upon the res-ka, where they. were the night previelpi. The rising rivet Is favorable, and the men were mid taking oft' ner cargo. She may get off this morning. The blerwin will be unable to get aargy Ant II the Butler Is . released, as the lat ter ln her triresent pusitlon tarn, the water fromthe 'bierwln. • r . . The Simpson Horner Came up from below with ten empty barges. She will return 48 soon as the coafeemes from above. STEAMBOAT& 141311CINCRINATL—S.421"-" E r r Mt . Pft U ti P A PrOvrt i t Tla m., IN PLACE 40/(.16/fiCki..-4be qne VISS:s. ger steamer AGE. LE: HAYS. D. L. 11141,11:lc -• Commander: It. IL -Coarta,' Clerk. frill as a ItEIiAILAIL rACISET as aanoukeed above. Fo r e., r !dq or piksnn,nppl1 2 itlo-* 7 ro ln l or !? Aireptf A. EVANSVILLE.CAi •H • HQ. Asti I.IJUIS.—TLe uew 1413 - iMiltru74" , """` rapt. Jo. J. `DA unAnn. W • F. flf..ten.,TC. 0. Clerk. will kris for the above Irma oil Intertnedtat.: ports on VELV.SI.E23IIAT„ at 4 o'cloes P. w. For frtleht or passage supli on board pr to QUI ttAntti.l I Lt-tal.l.lBrs'figt`ute. L VOII "MEMPHIS & NEttiazi4 Ultt.EANO—The splen , lll steamer KATE V.ULIVA ...•••09t • It. 31. KfIEW , V4 O 4! Wallow,' fortho►ooooandrU . Intermedinto ports, -on If p. sn.• phattlrcly. - For freight or pa.ssFe am,'" on board or to - -.PLACA a eol.l.lral WOW), . VHS IMES Its ES. I Agants„ Ott • 4AStitl plit ST. .I.,OUIS.—The ti parscoger steamer WAUAN)I4: Will ruullorly sent the Otto t t -C o l ti t o r d T ottittOre; drato ports, on of klf. at' on. u. —* - •,..ror freight or oar sar,e splay ronard, or to •.itoZr ' , LACKS COLI.INUWO Ageorit. - pon CINCINNATI AMP ..:Luutsy/44.;.-I:be Ana rteAnter '1DA...... cost. D Will lime hnlra, ror ino &Nord alit all Intermediate ports, on 114TURDAY, ate r. Ir. - TorDelgbt or omen , ' on board or to wo d u „ mut . del reL.ACK CU , . te 7 rkeMb Deem PITTBDuIItIII A al) el NCIli- NATL—TIeo now And ante:n.l,lll &tomer . ARDOSY, Capt. LOWY IV. t.r.t. LjP9 , •, Ltill":_tb.ll76EilYnt2t4Tiail tlalk":l.V3‘Mt Y. k.. ere t e..l4..be passage &Do ran board., or to no3:01:1 MIAS. I.lAllb.b.b. Agent. WiEELING, 111ARIET. til reuttusuujiu PM:A LT.—IL/ ay. ea dld paasenger /learner IIAYAND t; ..... „Pant:Grp/ma MODAL Lesrea PDtabargb MONDAY AND THDRSDAY....aI It o'clock A. X Leaves Parkeriburg urzrem P AIDAY rtir4r .... . s o'clock r. v. erils pea sate apply oo board., se ISA • NANDFACTURERS. VIPSICIVIVIS IRON AND NAIL WORKS, LEWIS, BAILEY, BALEELL & CO. mintra.crultns or BAR, BOILER, SHEET 530107, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse 73 Witer & 6fl Frost it. PITTSBURGII, PA. WOES STOVES AND GRATES. ; fit. PERSONS WHO NEED NEW gas t at iF i 4e at li nretitlov o ,airit ge al No. 235 Liberty bleach, 'three they trill eno d u d complete sUDPII Or duo and common enameled lan, COOKING 8711118, ?MOB , Waalt LtoldaYnniaces and Laundry Bore& BISSELL & CO., Manufacturers alba ealebrated TIIIIMPrt COOK wrovEs. Panto/tr., Mut Wick Oak tot Nook , . . EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., PEadrarl. r:IX/4 IRON Wo.ll:iaHr. 16 11 , E."4?—‘ nPrgtll• Rout*Es, DELL & co ? , • • • • -Anchor :Ration Mills, Pittsburgh, • llauunicturors of " • ANO . IIOII fA) SII E I- AN eltult (4) tiff ENTIN 414, • NC4 )14 101 WI Nt3l4. so ••AMa, • F. htUSS.SI.9N • . FUffi Streel,betweiriTunnel and - Chat/sane Streets, BUNEMITILANO DEALER IN HARDWARE n,, t , class goods of all dentin Ilona always on hand and We at the lowest prices. Itapatring don Resnais , ma ahnrt nottesi. AONEV LOAN OFFICE, NO. 1:51 Ann. !MUUMUU, ETIOSET, comer of lilzah, P 11100,14 • • • arobey Laustie4 on Silver Platea, Guns, Pistols, ommoorls, Jewelry, 00111 1.1 Wirer Mackie.. mutant, and valuable artistes everydeserlpnon, The torah - cannot be nel/rero4 wlthout a tlqat. Rot abeouotable 14 me of fire or robbery. ••:- floods of. ovary description for sale at to est HM4,114,4 WIMANIIIVLI.M“V WALL .PAPEII-01 all araaos, ... u.. - rgl2Pt Vl4 = 4l `c 4- g: 4ri . ,trees.ozr _ lfll RM. . _ - 11BLII. BRANDON FELLOW snd fee gale 07 .• • • -412011.11 fir. KELJ A Y &CO. vole Whnlessie IMrirOO. V WOO 4 motet. „ . prom RUSHER BELTING. HOSE ~o• arid Tun Poet tor, Gaskets arid. Rope or all ldrt, . awe. COMMISSION MERCHANT WILLIAM C. LEE, Hoc :ester to ALES. lil/HOON COMMISSION *A -ND FORWARDING 2262 : 211 . 11 ;V0ME.a...1:1Vv. No. 102 Second Street, PltCaburizh, Pn. as- Agent for the "St. Low., 1,10 Sloe rad Sheet Lead Worts. Dealer In SHOT. Li EMI', lIHE , Sc. ( e ntire:Heath th licited and ()reel, promotir tiled..__ , _ BREWER, BIB.RE & CO., COMMISBION.IIIEIIIIIA6TB, AGM:YTS 1 , 013 THIC Pacific, Globe and Liberty 011 Works, Ample Storage for Crude ond netined Oil. Lilies al cash advances made on constgumonts Crud.. or Helloed Petroleum. Yards forstorage mtd,ship wont oteruile Oft at Lawrenceville. Unice and Warehouse. Corner of Duquesne Way and Hancock meet, Plttsburgli. Mylrs.MlZ.o YAMII 6iii JA!. Y. NITI.IIAIIT. KEIL & RITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DZALZIIB IN Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mil Feed, ,tc, 349 1111111aY itTRILET • mr2.1:147 rnarollitaGEl, PA. T. OWEN n J. SANNADT W. nAnl nwENs., KENNEDY & usurEn, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. end Wholesale Desists In VIDDLION AND DOM ES I IC FRUITS, SALT, rcoute uuTTER, ECUS, D . TATOEn, e. and In PrdelMons and Produce gen. efnllY, No. 10 , FEDERAL STREET, opposite the Railroad Depot..‘l,l•LlMllin ,_PA. Agents for Ins Salo of P. Y. Bate'., Donnell &MUM'S end J. Ken's Salt. apholyd j • EwmaEU & CO., •.• 00.110613810 N MEROILUITS, And dealers In Flour, Grain. Feed and Produce. Cub advances mode on consignments. Warehouse, Na. 398 PRIM consig nments. opposite Rti:f3.s Union Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa.. DAV. ° CDAWFOD D, Commission stab('RANT Iraqi/ METAL.. itlaii)idllßON ORE, w ebbilllT SCRAP IRON, Yilt& Whin( and CLAY,' Ac. Warehouse and babe, Nos. 380 and 3(41 VENN lorliaZT. agorae! Daubig!. Consignments aoliolted. • .1 ALaL 11,8a..wn. LlOl. WU Air 'BANE & AMER, COMMISSI ON ALL- MERCHANTS and dealers lu FLOUR,. °TULIN and PIiODUCE, Second strati, tatween 'Siena and Binithleld. Pittsburgh. . ap11:1, !MOS. rarIA2...i.IONIST Alf= 8. A. SLIAPPAED POTTER, AIKEN be fiIIEPARD Corr=Liam Merchants, and dealers In rot On and Donasetao Prune, Flour, Butter, Cheese, KR rp_ tm ..na produce genarally. No. 36u LINEN' bTkgNET rASPCA ,er Depot. Ilttabargh. r. Zarb. 'NUM lIPSCHILL VOL P. HECK O. CO" No. 185 Marty street, Plttibtirgh. Wholuale Ciro.e_any u Comntsslon Iferebsatmtd denlers in Conn. try iNt; .rr.,Vr=n, gait azid Lima e ta C 1 TEM! EGGIZMIOn letT4."i2t Sand dealers In our. Grain and Pro- dues. no saLlberty street, Pittsburgh. - Clinton artint ud igiVr itakezaut t FainilLturs ralts "it i ler' ' il'or latrilse generagi. rang lITTLE r BAWD & PATTON, Wholesideeirooers, Commlision Jiterchaete, and gory In Produce. Flour. Bacon. Cheese. Pub. Carbon and Lira 411, iron. Baits, Glass, ()Mum Yarns and all Pittsburgh insnentetures gencrally LI and ill Second meet, Pittsburgh. P. 11711112M.......T. O. 1/51110:13. IWld. D. EZTILLIS. RETRIES & DUOS., (Successors to Benner I kale :ma) Wholesale Dealers In For. rk w olL u lest aa MMlTraillatlin rasT rlasburlb. " 11,22 av . R. soma ft SON, Crain/114OG 1111 : 211 a Ul agtitittntlitert el lio. itut.und. oDDdilta OW/ lia l l. 111711 M JOHN B. CANFIELD, Commission and lorwarding Ilterehant and wholesale dealer in Western % % ten Obeetb._l3eiter. Lard s . Pork. Bacon, noes, Pot she Wan *Agee, giaeratra, Linseed arid Lard lbs - Dried Sten. and Produce generally. Noe. HS anel4ll /Trent street. Pittsburg .4.211 8. =AD alai= lierezemt. fiE4l/ et , 81FT40411 3 provers and Comedssiost e ragas., estlers stl kinds of Counts, Produce gud Pittsburgh Stenelsetures, b10.2191.4beng Street s appetite head Or Wood stre et Pittsbargb. DIM 'PAT iii;SrtlfiliiCelecreil."' sou To Joito . f. 4 Co., wooasnale Wo oers' and Caoliolsalon liescomali t field and Wator Meets, rittaburgh!"r", felp gaffireiliar: IIptILLICE, Whole - Bile 01ZUCIP.13 N ritop(lCE DRA.LYRS, No. GBinhbtreet, Pll364ttrith. .1711 JAWS 414Vgij;tit), Mau . facsattra aidvii: ihol Merchants for the purchase and sale of Crude and Manned re. melanin, Nos. Wand 70 ter street, Pittsburgh. Advances =Ade on Coneignments. 1 4 1, t •I; y d IV I l e uu t . 4 M T I If r r te t : • t Drled halts, end P • • nee generally. Mo. le :ark earner of First, Pittsburgh, Ps, %AP . NOBVM "I'L; 7. DALLLLL. pow; ELL & CO., Whole. giairVINAIS. =canton and Forwardin g gar. thud, and dealersJn Produce- and ritaaloaaair Atm. arnatarraa, No. =1 kitella c 4.00 , tblL„agiL ItIMILE, No. pia Liberty • mum:mien, Ya Cotandialon Mereakaa%, and Wholesale Dealer In Conntry.ProanCt. WO.eries Mtn • • mannatetans. 1441 anwarteed on Con e. 0" leis Nroduce generally. anal mum DICKEY & CO., Wholesale a- Grocers. Ccantelsidcrn Merchants. and denier* in Pittsbur Predate. Mu. m Mita' 'trig, tad. Ili Pr= street, gh, WHIMS LINUEIT, Dealer In kl=frti t. gat ta 4 ln LI/halos Merchants Igo. =LOAMY iitWIT, Pittsburgh, rel:t R,CUODLULEU&LINGWhoIesaIe s-•dcilers hsßroceoles. Flour. Grath. Produe. Pro- Thl/014. YI.L4 Cheese, Be Carbon UR, Noe. In and 11 . 1 Wood BUM, hest Lloesty titreet. Prtrehursh. menus% 37LOTA WII. rwro 011 N FLOYD & CO.. Wholesale PI GROCIGYA Ito. 110 Wood azd teaLiblatY On'et. to • antansd Uft3llltalg FIDE AND =Runs INSURANCE CO. OF NORTII AMERICA PHILADELPifiIk: ~., 111.730,000 U4rtford Fire Insuranq. Coinpany, AasNq • • • 10WL83,000., . . air rrotectunk can be second bi tfb sibyl" named and rehab/a Compeller W. L JUN ML Met. MO N Water streak (up stairs pENNSTECANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PItTSBURBH, PA. - ogees, at Flab Street, Dank Block, "di Is • Road CAnnbAnY, and landed against loss by 11re enelualrely. CARD WALTER. PrealdenL C. O,llOyR, PA TR ICK , /Teal lent. • ' ROBERT Treasurer• HUGH aPILLHILNY. beerldal7. DIZICTOBSi _ Leonard Walter. I kteorlWll.oll. C. C. - Boyle , Geo. . Itrana.„- - Robert Patrick. J. ard.. JikOOD rainier. J. C. s relner, j d i ella n b . ls u ton oriths. I A. Job A. rt ot i ;g a lley. Renryfilprool. - I IYRB • WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF Pi ALZX DEB le IMICX. President- WAL P. ElleltBLIIT,, therretary, CAPT. 411COUUX NXXLD,Gosena dont. oz.°, et Water atreet,lipasik A Co. • ayisso Routs. DVllthWairtlits=t Pile and Marine ULU. A home . /mitltsitlo by Direetora who are welt known to the commun it y . and who are doteradn,._ _ed by pro mptness and Illarcilry, to main tain the coarse r winch they hare samuned,, as of fering the bat brelteetzon to those who desire to be Wend. Alex. Nlmle 7imtC I lo D ndr r ew eaten H. Miller, Jr, David M. Lou. jaate4 McAule, gees J,Thomas, bathaniel Holmes, Chu. J.Alluke. Alexander duet, John R. McCune, gempbell/3..lierron, Jere!' P. Hanna.. W. kleleuon. P. UM/RBA:lel'. Beerchl7. NORTH AMERICA • LIFE INSTIBANGE MAIM Widows and Orphans' FUN. Ab. 63 INUitamot Bt.. flew rozh‘ PRESIDENT ..N. D.itiorwAN. BEMs TANT-,kw. stscatur.L. R. Ili. T/NDAII.I. 211adlcal ExamLuvr T_ 410 SPECIAL AGENT VOu WEST/Eau PA.. 67 Foullit St" Pittsburgh. AGENTS WANTED. 17 b 3 A LLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. Bank.OP PITTALIUIII3II.- Mee, .No. Pt /111. b .heel oak. IsanrequaLut all kiwis of /Ire aa.l Itszlae tiiitcl JOHN IKWIN, ?S., ?residua. to . us . Yleit Pauldatit. Capt. WM. Malt. tleaat t ai 'Agent. • . . tata i :lpleh • Juba D. McCord. p iT tlia , . . mnro e lli a l y fra,t Lam Irwin. Jr., 4J o. .I. ram enact, . • - Hobert :IL Dai:. pa - 1111LiNCE CO. *PISA INS 0.117/02, It B. 00121.1411' WOOD A" ariBAIDSs 0011CPAIIM . - . 0 KARI:NE minus. WattiVniAZ° l4 L . laszies.pirual e ~ Laul•KirtPattlot - 19. Alaisar'- .• • UM Wl erei Lc ai; WATT, roe knatti ci t 1 7:upll.n!lir, d. 4...,.., e.. : , lIONLE TJAINU YlltZ AN • . Wm. rallllps, 121ETtlks Cp:. Jae. Mini; m. Vas Elsa, Jamas D.:Varaar - • r. - emtuass,".o. J. B. M1LL151111..... 1 r po WA* putt: SLATE MOW ROOFitt Li. kseP oe bead s fares savalvel °Meat . idte/gilt %Ire e be b: Z=4 . 444. l 7r2NrAl l s b il k ria l . MUM MANUFACTiTRERS HERRIN IRON WORkS•UNION IRON • NILLS, i • JONES 8z LAUGUM NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. . (or T 1; !TI I r.i. , r.x.ss3a . JIANt7A.CTCV,FakO7 IRON AND FORGIN GS A3ltaticAN AND cum 1 t.‘pecl.ll.l.lentlon rtre . r. 1 . .) the ms.4L,l.dreg Bar, 1 Hammered and Bolted Locomo.. 10 0 .., Sheet and Plate Iron; [l4 43 and Cal' Axles, Bridge Iron; ..._L1Z,1nitE.6....M..7 13 773....A.T.5X:i A ogle and T Iron; 10.11,1:1 , A1 , CHAIR,. ,I'LleF: BARS, 11i:11..,,C. Guard Iroin._ _ Ila.". IR , LTs, AC., - • ~! . . LINKS AND 1101. Ts, I BEAR, t,IRI , e 1: 11:,,„ Coal screen; Iron; ' tIt"I'AtiOIS A L HOLLOW 1.1 . 1i Li 1.1 t! ti "a' , Ft, t:, eu .i ,: Titaiis, 16 and *ld ila. to the yard , i , AND ASR I,E 1 .!,,, m toN, Tra Italia,. puirchedo lli ad COn. ' . 11,1 ' 4L REU " It. •,, , 1, ter kink .. _ 9:s 'Hater and 126 f irst street"; - • , • ' OFICE:: Boiler, Bridge a Id Tank Rivets ; AT.TUE WORKS, NINT F H wain), rirrsia: null Cut Nails and Spikes; oc*-127 Ship and Boat Spikes; • Railroad .Spikes; ' Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad 11_:a.r It ueels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal;!Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cad Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Hower and Reaper Bars. Weaxliousx AND °incr.. 120 Water and 153-Front Stec BILLNCII lIUV E, - Nos. 22,21 and 26 River St., JkI:CIS elllbAllfJ, ILL. lIEYSTOM IRON. WORKS. lIIITCHISON,CiLASS & CO., Itonufsktarers of the differcnt Size. of Bound, Square, Flat and, llorse-Shoe Bar Iron, _ Itoo s p and Baud Iron, . Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, _ - Sheet Iron, &c„ Zte. Works, PITT_TOWYBI.I/ Cu 144n4nH.heia QZ. Auld W4r44012116: N0..1.46 Water Street oe1:141 KENSINCTON IRON WORKS. • LLOYD BLACK, %Ill:M . /X . 7=1MB 07 Best Common, Relined Charcoal • Junia,ta Bloo4k, Iron. MEW:RANT BAR, ROUND an.ESQUARE IRON 110.JF, LAND, T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER ?LATE and ODER?' IRON. • • BOWER and REAPER BARS CYLINDER and GUARD OR FINGER IRON nII4LL T RAITA . 2 / and to It a. to toe Tar WILOUGLIT CIiAL Rd and OPIEFS torsame.' • FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON.. ' • NAILS and SPIKES. ' - Nrafellongn. No. SS Water and NO. 6 I:SW*6%sta. Worts. anoond Went, Eighth Ward. adjutants City Oas Won km. Plttsburstg. 0011:14 ..FORSYTEE'S STANDARD SCALES, Copying Presses, Warehouse Trucks, Baggage Barrows, - Sugar Mills, ifice. .WORSYTIL TAYLOR & COu 5e95 , [56 39 )&4119.2%. Bylaw: pITTSMIRWO 'STEEL' WORK ANDERSON, .CODE a Co., CSUCCESSOLOi TO JONES. BOYD d CO gaztafacture-rs twat reLae,t Cut Htell &man. Plat am] ttotagoa, o fall sues, Haw Plates, Hoe, Yost aralbheet Cut moat, Coat Keel for • HEAPING AND .MOWING szarr PLOW WINGS, seams's, Erase 4 1.311.1:7ULAYM„ a. tut and Cummon Plough . ainl Spring Stew, Moo—Comer of Mot awl East streeta, two bloats se=olY above the Itooontrabela Floo.sa. 1 11 E • FORT PITT FOITNDRY. , • - CHARLES NAP NEPHEWS .ATO7ACTTI26.3O? REAVIC ORDNANCE, ' 'AND ALL mazimi or HIPAIrIf cuarniem epee -Wane tkni pal d to ROLLIN° 10114. WO/la BLAST IIAOHINKItY and SYTUItTP. BNPAllth attended Pa promptly. As heretofore, the best material WM lOWA be used at thls Youndu. Laving disposed of our old patterns, we are pre. pared, wlth woW AND TRIP . FCIAZD_ patterns,' con strutted under Ute supervision of Kr. Catcher, t famish NAIL MACHINES at short IptICO. 11041111 R. 1,11,01.92tr.239'. ....a. 7.0010 ' AMEBIC MAC aork - Ii MU; CHARLES F. EIR - • I TAMii CO" ISUCtIfOII to Nunn'. °RANA!! & CO.. Engine Builders and Machinists, ALANUYACIVAYAS oa• • Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And ererythlug necessary for Barth/ Oil Wells. Partial:L. attention Judd to Jrita=4 up npaftag Pulleys, Hangers, Le. • • • Marina Avenue law Pt. W.& C. IL H., HICPALRING DUNS PlItlblP?L. f. WILLE. ALLIN ale. L. wax. VALLEY STOVE WORHS. ALLEN. AI'KEE & CO. - , Odic. and Vlr are housli 201 Liberty . 15Liaeit 10Pporitte sitututheid. . 31anutactures a great variety of COOK, PARLOR and liCATlei nTOVES; among which are the cel ebrated Allegheny— and . Monitor Coal Cooking Stoves; also, the Autocrat and Sentinel fbr coal or weal. and the unrivalled Star of the Amara for Xstii..tield.VaLtrtitt (4.9:14111PWr" Keg ca': pETBOLIA MACII E MIDAS* mar. r_aagiclr, Nu. m 2 OLlo Bemes,Anessums, Manutteturei•ot IMPROVED DOMINO 'TOOLS, AND IT:Milan 1,151t0 IN SLNKLNU OIL AND 11ALT WELL& Parmordsz attention Invited to Ws Patented - nrovements In Jars and Solite. made or Jewstt& D. d., and draw Moor Iron, to standard Ems, and atunbcred, so d tyr parts eau be ordered by sash al l' i ra&; y:ryaieaVale:raVitfal.VgA l la i t e t. to thoee o rde r . wish - D. Ethernet, and tnactdne made to Orders by mall promtl attende t to. tam Prelnared to grant Ileensea to . older manatee. terms tor theft Imorommenteon Mend terms, Rex 17 1 .1eRni P. (). . •entso• • - • B. H. LHUXT ILALCH DLIMOND 1:5 . 1 . 3333211r-s IVITCONIIECIIII. PITTOBUBA/16 Pat PARK, BROTEIER di Oa, ntnomera or BEST QUALITItYan Hil/LNE D CAST SPELL, Boa .8, Flat and Octagon, or all arm Warrant* *Qua to any Imported or manatactand Ulla Mak try. • grOrdee and warebonas, Noy 16 Wad nr.l. as and IZ daeond groat, Putatiarvb lan ye PITTSBURGH IRON WORM_ J. PAINTER & SONS. _ snorcracronsas or Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS ANDSSIEET4 fe/C:dn PITTSBURGH. PA. IRON CITY MILLS. . ROGEAS & .11IIrersRCEETELD. Dasufactu of ' REFINkDi CHARCOAL. JUNIATA A POLISHED • 13 mczaggxe =mow'. - o:fo s aND WASEMNDE, NO. 28 MANN= ST. ono. w. niccun- r. nnizwas IA BELLE S TEEL . ...r. r. ' . db van. Illaantaetarero of CMIT 11TY13,1 ruir 8,1, Burn. eVOLL;SPULN(36, *SLIM. CXO .111 i). Plttaborge. Po. II SN AN I • I N TOEfa PITTSIII3I2OII,. Parma.... as. facture MI cisme of Pores . Tier Steam.. • • b . t i l•s42l4lareatt n ct i, Lele.rtSznasi mesa, all Asp* Vit t a t t V 7 • • Thu! been rbnu=li-liairie "Weaned • prepared to n d di 'GEO. F•ACUL I P9JIAN I 4 C 07,77 PRACTICAL : UTHOORAPHERS, ij N E I N Y T CUM UAW Zare . L" LI A Cardt. Utter I:talett, ISOnds, =, et nal. "Atsigirju". 'ter" P•rin''Vh".' fios. ris 44' ill it 111Z1g1at. NANUFACTITRERS FORT P I TT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WoT F s. CARROLL St SNYDER, 1110 . 1 .1 , ACT1111115 OF TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLL'ED, TUBULAR] FIRE-BOY 2k CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT rANs AND CON _DENSERs, STEAM. PIPES,' GASOMETERS, ,AND IRON BRUGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES.. • . . Mika and Worics, corner Second p Third Slung nrrl Liberty 8 treete.J Pittsburgh, PennEwlvan.ia. g r op tis . eere eent to the above jeddrese will be p ttt. uded te. .SHEFFIELD STEELWORKS. SINGER; & CO -- . . X•PUTALC7I3=II3 OP BEST REFINED CAST STEEL! - MAU FLAT ill OCTI6Oa, OP ALL Ma . MILL. MOLT. CIRCULAR, /3•119 AND CROSS CL7 SAW PLAT ES . ELLIPTIC AND PEEL-ELLIPTIC • RAILWAY '" SPRINGS, Cast Spring Steel, Cast and German „plow Steel PLOW WINO) AND MOWER BABA. - SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, m a& e l l aihnn?..66,l " ifrAT Y 4 O T ß Alr E CROW-BARB, AC., AC., ac. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh, KIP k 4 _ , ATLAS WORKS, JII it 2 , STR ER?. • Ninth ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. There Works see smsnithe largest midmost com plete estahttalquent In the Wet t, sad era now Pre- Pored to tarntah Engines of Every Deseritit ion, Uullers, 011 Tanks, • Sheet iron Work, Etallro2d CaStilign, Boiling 'kill Castings, Engine Castings. . Machine Castings, Genera Castings, ORDERS SOLICITED. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler - Street, Ninth Ward, orrosrrE UNIUN MON MILLIS. i;ix.rwarstrxeca-xx. ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS. ILACIIINFIT AID CASTINGS fiBITIAALLY. Orders puha ptl T and chattily executed. cuseuEs SEASONABLE. EBESERT, &II:IA.01E13ND. OeLS:I29 CRESCENT STEM WORKS MILLER, BIM a PiBAIN, xunrracTuarns or BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, Warraited Equal to any In the Narks - either lai_ported or of Domestic matioleirdoes. drEO/Ali ATTENI.IOIr PAID NO JINN PANT AND DU =NEU _ Onice, 38 Wood Street, 1N PT. CHAWLEEI HOTEL ALLMAN° Piervevaida DD. Dea. DIMMINE IRON AND STEE9 RanariN, Riad 114MIPACTMF,O8 OP, Iron, Nails, Springs, 'Axles, PLOI7OII. SPRING MID LB. DT 40., weimeavusx. 1l- Sa co. 77 1i?%7460.93r AZ coot, i, ~ . PITTSBURGH. ~ ; , • '-' maids , • , 1i ' ' ' ROSEIMLE STOVE WORKS. L. PETERSON,' Jr., &' CO., Manatactitees and Realms in an liids of • Cooking and Heating ;Stoves, HOLLOW WARE,ISic., Mt the Yea LATEST PATTERNS cu L STYLES. Wanhouse, 197 Liberty 81reet, ' Pirrsinaw MORES. MANCHESTER. _ raiLIM EILAXCLIWIsaI 30. B. WOLF. 311.," & CO., Hardware Et : Cutlery. Are Iww reedivitirgarde additions to oar stock, which is offered to Dealers ELLEITELTIUNT w..isemovickee. Corner. Liberty and St. Clair Ste.;_ M..l”mabolargia., LIPPECOTT & - 11 - 11iIVILL, No. 118 - IWater Sixeet, P.4.17.NT CiliutiNl4 • - TZ,NTTICJItpEZISD cor th nran. AT PATZETSOCitiIItD - /MILL AND CROSS-CIIT Ja11:43,111 tiiara"iroparm MORROW & ItARtOIBL, _1 • NA.MACTUSIXII Steam Boller., Oil Stilia. Altil talons> Tanks, Salt Pans. Gsaomatata. Wrought leon Bralges.Shete !You . Wortr, CORNER LIBERTY ANDIFXOND BTS., .PITTSIOURGIi t , 111PILIPAIIILNG PONE MU/ /"Tt. uarld:bia umrrr wiOncs.. IifoLMN & EILATOR, so. 83 Lawn,' 84, opposite Fourth, xuxvAeToaexe 1 . DAENT. HAHERDI ARDWARE. They • apoetabd of Iron Botlatead and PIVOT. canon: rortelata, Boditead and blvot Cutoff ; adzaatimanif Womb* bstanston Tablook. Mon . TM= o=ll=tgas.nrdittlYs i=l.lWindow daub Supporter. 'lll buteet 6 osrborant m, ( rio Moab . 111 by aan Memad lsOngu, bad Lap; dueb A r efaAfo: bfa. 111111442..:' M. ZAADLIit jEvir.4 firOVN A. BRAtivir CO '27 COOK, PARLOR AID Hymn STOYW WAN sad 131.14 masa. FROM% air': • thirsisid,l" ttairaMeTla=.oll`cal WORKS. CO.,