P • e• Gorses FVIIISIOIIIIIO-600Dfti NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, Muslin Shirte, - Silk‘Undorw ear, • • Merino. Underwear, Wool Underwear, lUerino Half Hose, , Shaker Knit Half Hose, French Suspenders, American Suspenders, FANCY SCABIM, 'SCARF • PICARFII/MGF3,IILEEIVEBUTTONS; SHIRT Ie'LIifI,BISIVFL TLE24. ' LINEN AND PAPER COLLAIIBit CUFFS, IMITATION LINE3V LINEN AND SILK itANDltiarm F..H. - EATOX, - 17Tifth St. NEW GOODS AT GREATLY NEW REDUCED PRICES, • • aT -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. , 31ACRIUMGLIDE - & CO. 78'atiti 80 Market itreet• - • • Root call special attention to their large Ind at, _ tractive stock, in - EMBROLDERIES-0 [every dmcrlpt i.e. LACES-Rolat. Point Applique. Clancy, - Thread, Uutpare. Vieentia. etet DKIRCBLERO , -Plain. Embroidered, Hem ti Welled and Lice. .LINEN-beta - Collars and Cuffs In et eat variety. . DRESS AND CLOAK TItI3IIIINOS AND BUT IONS-Lams; atTleL - BON NET AND VELVET RIBBONS.. siLOVati AND 110SIEUV-A complete stook. 'UNDERWEAR-Yoe Ladle., Mines and Centime. RANCE Z EP HER 0001.15-Slianle, Hoods, Nobles, . •nd H•coaca. IP , OP SKIRTS-All elms. In best makes. • COKSEJ H, Nets. Waterfall Tacis, Hair Eons. ele. BALMORAL SKIKTe-It greatly .reilaced-prices. IIENTLEMEN YURNISILLtiti tfOODS , A _fall and complete stock. YANUY TICLEs AND NOTIONS.-UOmPrlstrur a liree stock of goods recoctmr tvpcmally for our liOLIDAY SALES, and ablcliwould make a bandaonie cud acceptable fort:tent. del- ' N em FALL GOODS. XACRITAI &CARLI§LE, 19 Fifth Street, Hass ioptopenedanextcnSlceandsplendld stock of CBS AND CLOAIL Ran) lION amt . ARIMAIINO BIBSOR , SLIIIITUOI DEM ES (gayety description, /LICH AND ELE OA NT LACE tiOODE, BEAL LACES of MI kinds. - II BAL.:LACE TRAMME D _ Id;TATION LACES-a aplendid line, ,N AIN sOOK. SWISS, .1 ACDNET MUSLIN,_• 1.1. N EN LAI% N CAMBRIC. IRISII LINEN: GLOVES-al, tar and attractive styles; 11.0SIERT--a complete satortmcott • LAM R ES` A-CAILORENS' MERINO VESTS and DAW ERS, . FANCY ZEPHYR ARTICLES-diplendld styles this season; BERLIN ANL/ AMERICAN ZECIIT RS. .... - SIIETLA ND WOOL, TOE OE HUME CASIIIIERE YARNS-all color, /MAL/LE - VS : RTS prayer,' aloe, FANCY ART (- , ,,ES AND NOTIONS. - • • alerchatta and Dealers will !Ind it to their advan- Loge Wean and examine our present extensive lack before purchasing elsewhere. all our goods • ng purchased direct on the best terms. we are • pared sad will make a low prices as any East aruJobbing HOU.* . . HAORIBI & CABLTSLE, 19 VIFTII STREET F ALL FASHIONS - .s.)mwLlte‘r , iri:o J. W. BRADLEY'S 3CI 'CT - JP T-8 M JELAILJLIPTIC (OB DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT S! Will not BEND or 13 R EASI like the &Ingle Sprtnas, but will EVER • ItATAIN their PEItIf.F,T and triT BE AUTIY LILI3HA I T 'Evs , here three o r tif . li c T s Orir. ?i k linN o grOV4M. 41,111. 1 11Mti ' ll 8 econona . y, thst ELEUANDE orSHAPE which has misle w the .DUPLEXELLIrrio tt the ATANDABD SKIRT OF 'FHB FASHIONABLE WORLD. • At Wholesale be all the ladling Jobbers In this Mi. - For sale by allretAllers who sell nrst-elatulblarts. WESTS, BRADLE! - & GIRT . TAPS PAT NTANDESCLII iVE lAANUTACTIDIERS. Warcroom. and °Meat Nos. Vi CHAMBENZ and TV and NI ILEADE BTREZTV. Diem York. • • soll•NO • N EW GOODS JUST RECEIVED HY JOE.1:1011 , NE Sr, CO Full oso9rtinefit of BOJYXtTSaiD lid TS, Al ;the leading Fall Bayles. • .M 4114., erry Cie c•cociae. (.7, :Des and Prairies, Paris Taney end Colored Silk Ve: els In most desirable shades; Plain•Pancy Bon net and Trimming ifibbons, new and rich color.; Planers. choicest French and American; feathers, finny bat and things. 33 31.1 X 33 Mk Cr 3:3 MI it 3:13119, (Weil assorted.) Cambric, ilambini. Swiss, one, Cluny. Vales/ iirati r tgrnA g . ' ETtra n =d%d li Va ll'iltexYt%i! WA Can, sets; Laces and Lace Goods. Olen and Cloak Trimmings and Ornaments; Bail fringe, Gatip. and Braids; Dress Trimmings„ Bugle Frames. , • . • NW BITE; GOODS: • A most cOmolete stock of &tweets, Cambric., Mulls, ac., de. Handkerchiefs, Lace, flon-stitched. Mem geed. Embroidered. Tuve-Bordered, c i te:, etc. Hosier 1.. y and (hone, In every variety and all Hach .dies , and tlentli UndernearJ ' rtgrlSLlhitig °erode:" • Suspenders and Neck-Tam; _Heavy Inane. and VretZ ‘l " alVfltar tie l ir ' .. 'n Uitri 4 and bilk Belting. Buttons—the latest novelties. ali kinds. restest ka arty. Cashmere, Lambs Wool and Ent ig lathe various aslitures..Plain ehihre and tannage. . Gent's Paper Collars, end ey o ?thing in the No eta- due. Prices as ow as Eastern *Ding Houses. • Noe. 77 and '79 Market Street. sail • NEW FALL GOODS, AT .101NNISCOIVS, .110. 21 EIFTS STREET. ZMMit.)II)ESISPIIO new ind elegant Natterne: FANCY and PLA N.IIONIeItY A In beet quelitlen . NetlI K.K .Skel DEFIED IiANDEERINILEYS: BTITCHED 11e ITATION endllEAL LAIC do _ ALENONNEB LACE. URAL lIIIR_EAu LACE WACO. 'Pk, d° DuI . :T(1111'141E do LALII DREES CAPS In a variety of etylee I NNW STILE. LADIr.B . HEAD IntESSEd; WIIITISBIIIIMI. NE,(II-TIEB, VAL I SE LIN EN UtiLLA ,Ite• ZETIIIII WORSTEDS, Vcr saisMa. , • = NOTIONS, &o. I on: tiooda are sold at 7-scoot:roost Coma la. 1 :0 1•100/11/. „c 0,1713 IABB, McCAINLDEBB & Co., ‘-0 LLATIIWILAOR, CARA & C 0,.) W 110LIZEIALE DEALERS IS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ORYRODSE Se co. 94. VC cocoa. Eist., Ttard tIOUIC above DIATELOA I PI PA • KNABF. , S rLiNOS - ARE THE BEST MADE. D - del camitorr2 BLlfillr 43 /Mb street.. $25,0001T0 LOAN. Persons est.llnreto borrow money . BOED. LED UPETOMIE, • Par one, two or more lean, will do well to call on idEOII43E M. PETTY. T. 03 Bea grow Agent, No. U Gt r Clali stroot.! OITY AND SUBURBAN. (Animmin Loon NEWIO3I. t. BIST PACIL) The kisnelletn! .Untitty-Ttae Present Ist • - • Arr. Brunet. WOStaled yesterday nll: Felix Brutiot, Bey., inulroade,unsolleited, the harldioine present• of arty dollars re .the Alle.gheny Soldiers' League, to aid Of their library projedt. Below wo pabilsh entire the oorreapondenee blitikeen Mi. Brunet widths dreretarik orthe League. Mr. Brunet's }otter Will be interesting, as gtv , fag expression to the viewa of an enlightened and inftuential gentleman on . the sUbject Of the soldiers' enterprtset i ALLEGHEVI7 COY, AClVOLfiber A 1866.—:T. Ox.I.LV. Vorreepontling Secretary: Dear 111r:- 11f:tying read with much Interest the Aadress of the Alieguany •Boldlerg , League, and sin cerely* wishing success tothe project of form ing a Library and Reading Room for the en tertainment told Instruction of its Menibers, I venture to offer suggestion on the subject. • There have been varlets societies organized is Allegheny and Billsburgh in Braes past, witligreat earnestness on the part of those Interestgl, and ;full determination that they should permanent, hut which have:grade ally lost their attractions and fallen into decay, and dual dissolution. Some of Omni lead- Lt brartes collected with meth labor, and the Beaks hive - been leer% or. divided among the fow-members who, happened to hold on the lo Tt e e B s i dneere spirit shown in your "Address evidence thayon do not mean td have the, Soldiers' League fail In Ito effort, or drop to rdeces—nevertheleses the nature of things it Cannot list very ninny years. Some of Its leadltigmenibers•will remove from the city— others will die; some will become more inter etteu in other affairs, and all will grow old. In this view of the case would it o utset be a good idea to devise some ilen, at the of your undertaking, by which the Books you may ac cumulate can be kept together even after the League shall have been dissolved. You would than transmit to others the be of your cam to label's, at the comb time per petuate the memory of year Association. This might be done by arranging with the -Alleghony_Library or else -with too Young Mews Mercantile Library A.9.6oclatiOn, to give one or the other a reversionary ownership of your Library, on condition that the Books to getter with your reconls, shall forever con stitute a Department or Alcove, to,be desig nated by the name of the League. The certainty that your collection would re main after your time might- also bo an addb tional incentive to maintain a high standard in your selection of Books; and probably would Increase the amount of contributions to your object. lino of the most gratifying things connect. ed with theeeSsatton of war, is the tact, that our best. soldiers have become our best citi zens, and that so many of them are striving to improve themselves In the arts of peace, and I feel it to be a privilege as well as a duty, to lend my aid in every effort •in that three= Don. It . is this feeling which has led me to; write to you, and which impels me to express the prater that. Fie who gave you succors In war, and by whose Divine protection you have "survived the conflict of arms," may give the members of your Society success in peace, and so guide your efforts that they - shall tend to your eternal, as well us temporal happiness and welfare. Respectfully your obedient sere:tut and friend, FELIX 11. BRUNOT. S.—tinclosetl please find check for fifty dollars. THE SECIIETIIIIOB lIEPLV Rooms of &idlers' hinges, Dec. 6.—Felix R. Bruno/. E5q.....431tt: As Corresponding Secre, tary of the Ailegtieny Soldiers' League, it be comes my official oil well as pleasant privilege of replying to your communication of Novem ber:Xl, addressed to thin League on the sub ject pd establishing a Library and Reading Room in this city. On behalf of the League, therefore, let me return you sincere - thanks, not only on account of tile substantial tong donee exhibited by you in the uttdertaking; but also for the kind advice and patriotic sen timents which pervade the document. I need not repeat to you the feelings of the members upon the reading of the message that came from you. It is sufficient to say that they were grateful mere than words can .express nt this exhibition of your liberality _and of your conillence, uud as an appreciation of the seam, they un animously tendered to you their sincerest thanks and gratitude. The idea that the man whose name is 'death:led with every object calculated to elevate the moral and intelli gent standard of humanity; the man whose time and money is considered as having not been spent In vain, when engaged in a great and good work' tare man who, while war with its vindietthe passions, filling the r.ation with woe, was always at his post, ready to extend the hand of sympathy to the unfortunatowlict aqlfered in the strife, asking no questions, bet simply content with doing a good act. To have this man on our side, giving , us encour ageMent and advice, in furtherance of the Proposed prajett, hue inspired the members with tenoned vigor, the result of. which. is to leave the plan suggested fall through from neglect, or want of perseverance. lint .a few words mole, and I have done. tour suggestions carry with them considera ble force and truthfulness. and are entitled to great respect, more especially coming trees one whose 'acts have always been in keeping with his prnfesstons, and whose counsel looks only to advance the cause in which he is en gaged, and which d au t ho ris e d ng from any ell‘itlth motive. lee to say, simply that the League looks favorably upon your suggestions, and while there has been no action or expression of opinion on the cebjeet. I um of the opinion that your ideas in refer. ence to perpetuating our tubers, and preserv ing a high standard in the selection of books will be fully ;tarried out by appropriate legis lation. Thinking you again for your kind co. card, I am, very respectfully, your friend and fellow J. IL'Oxigy. Sleeting of the Birmingham Connell, On Tuesday evening a regular monthly meeting of the Birmingham Council was 'sold. Members present—Messrs. Fred. Iv lhmsen Or. James Kerr, S. elellwaine, B. Welker, F. Zelf,oll, 11. Cunningham and, Burgess Balls. bury. The minutes of the last - regular and special meetings were read and approved. linnsen, from the Finance Committee, reported that having examined the monthly „report of the borough ofticcrs.ho found It correct. . Mr. Welker, from the Street Committee, re. ported that most el the fire plugs had been placed as ordered. Sir. Hnsen, from the committee appointed to act in conjunction with the Lincoln Hose Company, reported that c o u ld had ascertained Chin a good hose marriage be purchased for Seven hundred dollars, and the committee advise the purchase of a new one. On motion of Dr. Kerr, the Committee was continued with power to Purchase a new hose carriage. [ Mr. Meilwanie, from the Market Committee, reported that the. flues from the Market Hell had arrived. The same gentleman also reported that the instructions of Council In regard to extend -Mg and improving the wharf had been corn. plied with. Mr. Mellwaine moved that the Finance Com mittee be authorized to sell -tuo old engine hones on Carson street. The motion: was amended by Mr. Ihmsen,WhiCh was accepted and adopted, that a committee of three, and ono from the Finance Committee, be appoint ed. Messro. Kerr, Mcliwaine, Welker and Cunningham, were appointed as said Com. mittee. On Motion of Dr. Kerr, the Burgess was au thorized to issue 'an assessment bond on the lltopelngrty holdere on Ormsb th e y street eet. , shove eis shton, for paving of str A petition was presented from tho residents of Doornail street, south of Washington street, praying for the erection of a public gas lamp on said street; also' a ?Onion from the resi dents of GroMerter and Washington streets. asking for the erection of nlamp at the inter section of laid streets- ‘[.. On motion of Dr. Kerr, public lamps were [ authorized to be erected at the above places; [ also one on thecorner of Bingham and Ormsby streets, and one on the corner of Denman and Neville streets. The following Mita were presented and war rants ordered to be drawn fur the amounts specified; B. Doran, for street purposes ......... V.VD CO 11. Grunts, aerelette an night watch.. GO 00 Hunted, • . 2.1 login, services as constable po 00 Ilogle, expenses for locimap. .. . .... 400 Totalitsli 25 On motion. IL limited, night watchman, will be hereafter allowed four dollars extra com pensation per month, for ligliting gas lamps. On motion of Mr. Itimsen, the matter in reference renting of the wharf belong ing to the borough,o at present occupied by John Redman, was referred to the Wharf Criumnittim with power to act. On motion of Dr. lierr, Om Borough Solicit or wet requested to draw up an ordinance de fining the penalty and punishment for the misuse of fire plugs, and also one in. regard to the liability of returned soldiers for the pay ment of the bouuty tax. • No other business remained, and the Council adjourned. Teinpiiratlcesille Council. The, Council of the borough held its regu lar monthly meeting on Monday evening, De cember 31. Members present: Messrs. Smith, Hushber ger; Garbett, Carnahan unit Burgess Car. nahan. ' • Minutes of thoproviOu3 meeting were read and approved. On motion, the Burgess was authorized to draw his warrants in favor of the following: Pittsburgh Gazette, publishing ordi- 9 maces $ O3 John Hall, bill of lumber 50 James Itiehardeon, fourteen days , work on board walk •.:21 00 Robert iVest, thirteen days , work on 1011 eido^7 03 Henry. Appleton, three days,' work on board walk 7 00 Jostspil 31 , Kay, era doge' work on board wale . la 00 Oil motion Connell adjourned. SAMUEL. CASES...RAN, Burgces. H. Fr.eaen, Clerk of Council. field, or a hearing.—Martin J Wee,. tho Volnt rough, whose desperate endeavors to worst :the police .we repotted In yesterdaV morning's Issue, bad a hearing before Mayor MeCarthY yesterday morning, charged with felonious mama and battery, on oath of ofll - M. L. Fortson The facts developed at the hcaricrere eubstautlally the same as re ported us . The hearing resulted in the cused being held to bail to an berloth pear for at a fur ther hearing on Monday,Decem, ten o'clock in the nierning• - - ' There Whnt'a The matter.-1 1, by b It that the eels of the Wheeler & wilsoniLschtne exceeds that or all the other machines corn blued t Mummy because ten years , trial •of them has demonstrated their surtdrill , of clearly that no prudent hotwelr_l a POT chase or use any other. For Paxu_.„"""'•l,77. price, -dO. or these maabinea, -- agenta, N 0.27 Perth street. They Will give ion ovary inlerraationou the ant:Oct. The liftoPliltreois..—lissicarat and Mary Ann Snyderrwhoso &an' at the WAY 0 S shoplifting We have detailed at length had * hearing before , ktayor McCarthy, an d-were held to hail to answer at Court for this obi jectionable mode ot aeoPpMe. • . . Dim Pitted lisid - Osishel.rilis .Atialletheta I • - -.. rofttetttee *SAM o 3 the . •ntiniber of I Paramis who desire to ;maim is s piano, but do net feetable to gni° the alpine° of the erntii* est Make,- dud yet would hate only a good sintetillittatone, We have idade a rabat careful examination of all the lowest priced pianos made-in tlie pined States,. ,The rialirilt of this examination is we havb grand .thOie ,wade hyW,:.P.Eciersion, tO tie the best piano's forthe price and the , cheapest good- planed that are , ade. They Are Moat substantially I built; on tilieodridese at Austin ittinblnalat the *hat qUality properly seasoned; the tone rich and powerful. And touch easy and elastic; each one is provided with the the full iron fmine, and overstrang bass. They stand well In tans and wear well in every par ticular; this we know from actual ex peri ence. The differenee otitis between,lhe _ eleven Plano, and the thoro tehttlY Make& is cannon by the riost rigid economy In the' manufac ture • consistent with eircellenee, and. by ' a saving. of labor -on those parts, which neither effeetthe tone or durability. We do not pretend-that the "E merson" is the lowest priced planets:lade; ma/ can be bought at is lessymice. thockplattos 40 net keep; having found ny rjrit• ram du Others capers cube that :tibiae so poorly made they soon give way, lose their tone, be come harsh and ills cordant, and give no satlafactionto the owner, but' are 'constant scarce of expanse and aa noyalice. 4 piano of Vas kind In -A bed' inh vestment and. realty thh dearest piano any one tan buy. We do hot and .will sot keep themlor sale. Finding the •`Euteasono such a desirable piano,we at open seetired the exclu sgvnoy for them for Pittathligh and burs rounding co untry, Ned: having made Special contracts for a regular weekly snooty for a long time .to come, we can-offer them at un usually advantageous rates, • All .h.erenns de siring the best cheap IttAtto in the Mirka, should ,not etamtne the ..Emerson" fore purchasing any other kind.'.l.lberal 1113- count to clergymen, teachers and cash custo mers. Charles i.:;.ldellor S 410.0/ Mood street.; , An Amtutind:Street Oceitirence Wednesday we wore Witneselli a pans:fallen on Penn street, which, find it occurred with any Ottnsr. occasion ,tibla fdnerAl, sin could haVe •heartily onjoyii,d. ln 'turning' oat Or track, the driver of a - caning° In a 'littoral train On its way to thrreemeterf, drove into a burly German's one‘honse rim wagon, and soritowilat - Startled the' horse. The driver of the wagon At once Hew into. a passion, and reining up his horse, 813 m -rutted from his Seat to the street, peeked up LA enermens boulder and hurled it at theearrlugo driver. Ho miss ed his math, itafroady weaving the rear. Win dow of the carriage, and makings deep out In the panel of the car riage from which the stone glanced. The Dutchman with many oaths , again got into his wagon, but the driver of a rear cartage had witnessed the Altair, and' had determined to administer' justicaln his own peculiar style. He followed" the driver upon the wagon, and there adminLstered such a scientific caatirration as _we have" seldom seen, upon the front palate of the irate Teu ton. The horse inking fright ran Upon the pavement but was soon checked - nri, and the German so full of fight a few minutes .nrevi ous, apologized for Ills rash conduct, in the most humble manner. He was terribly - bat tered, but we could not 'sympathise with nun, as ho tiehly deserved an be got and more. That pugilistic driver should be eleetcd to Congress.- . The Roneway7l3427.—Thomas lierhtnes, the rather of the bOyJoattna LiefUlnas, whose flight Trom Altoona we reported yesterday, was in the city.yesterday morning tn. search of the runaway. A ands arrested here on Wednesday eveningd some person- in the city telegraphed to the rather to come and claim his child. Ide came on blit Sonnd.the boy was not Ms. Idr. lierhines L 9 In great ti is trees at the absence or Ms' son. The miasing boy has a sear shaped like a horse.shoo on his forehead, and the little tin ger, of his left hand is seamed around, having been almost entirely Another Oil aleeident.—Oti Thursday even ing hat Mot. Sarah S. Benson, wife of lir:Chas. Ronson, realdhig at Blyeritown, Pa.. wee pouring coal oil from one vessel to another at dibtauceof about three feet from a lighted candle. when tlin whole thing buret in a dame, extending Instantly to her clothing and envoi. °ping Ler le fire. Iteing.greatly alarm° i, she rush's' front one apartment to another, and the names were not subdnedwistil horelothing was buret front her person. she died at , one o'clock the same night.:', • Singular and Serious Atiaek.—AS old lady named lillsabeth Pose, living south of lilanstleld. Ohio, was recently attacked by a ferocious boar, belonging to Jae. Voebinder, a . neighbor, And received he ho attacked t e old leaziev e s re e Winjuries.iTg alo g g the road, h kn l ockingas she brepak ing her l and tearing her in a shacking man ner. tie r life life was at MIL • espatred of, but we learn that she Lin a fair way for recovery/ Cholera In the Olt Begforh—The cholera has appeared in p l att gfons of West Virgi nia, and In some sis raging with unusual fatality. At Eaton's Tunnel,- a small station on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; Moen miles from rarkersburg, there Lave been Ilfteen deaths in four days, In a. population Cl not more than one handrail persona: Bore Llabt.—Tke Crawford Journal, pub lished at Meadville, saes: Meadville, with a Impulsion' of nearly boa thoosand, and the prom* possessor of a city charter, had her nu merous street. 'nominated by a grand total of nine lamps. With the unllmit .W supply of gas now manufactured. the number w shoula bolo creased at least ten fold. . Episcopal Fair.—The l►dtes of at. John's Episcopal Church. at Franklin, ra., are pre. 'paring for a grand Fair, to be held In Hanna's new liall, commencing on tlodnesday no't, December FAIL, and will continue during that week. A grand exhibition of t►blaux will also be given on Monday evening next, at the Bears Rbot.—We team that Dlr. Learner, of Intrikstown townshlp, 'Weir county. killed three bears a few days ago. They had carried off a great many sheep trout Scotch Valley and the farmers offered a handsome reward for their heads. Temperate or Nov—There is not a tangle bar or grogdibop in the borough of Idermr, anti business Is Bala to bo' quite bash with the wholesale aellers, as every toper is the Owner of a J ug and buys by thoutuustlty. Feminine from Titusirt o llee—lt is rumored that a company of realms, armed and cqutp• ped, are to leave Tim:Wyllie for the neat or war (wherever that Is) on'the 15th Inst. Acqultted.—Doe and, Parlcer, who were charged with the murder of biennia at Pithole last 'orlon, were tried at Franklin and ac quitted there last Friday. LEA fr. rEnnuirty oEimaniirLaorxrx3 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. eit9Nowicr.D EXTRACT LITTEU from • ONNOISSEURI ions :as LT GOOD Sil 01111411 I merque, to )}I. there WillteElS :brat, Nay, 1651. I 'Tell LEA At PKR-.1 [NS tbat their MCI is highly et- • mond In indla. And 11 no then moat 'known lupus, 7:IXEDISE. • At Istoade 1 • TlMenCceis o7Wls moat delicious and unrivalled condiment halting canted manyaturprinelPled deul- Verri P i I n i XX ,I 4I.IIIT 4 INL ' A TTAINgos,I:II! .51 to line alas toe Tame or LE& Pt SHINS are OTOPPBII and Manufactured by LEL t A PESlGNs. , Woresster. JOAN DU CAN'S SONS, • • NEW TONE. AGENTS VOLI. TUE V. S. olinitlarru• • • I co EVERY YAM ALLEGHENY COIINTI4.ss. ewowsw z tura OFrWIMYLVANU. To inn Hein and Leisl Iteorenuto4ves of .701121 WHLTERMIBE. lota of said coonlY. do ads You ere hereby cited to be gni; appear betels me, don. 11. GRAY. Register nf Wthr, no.. le sad for sad county, on or before WEDNESDAY. Um Inch del of December Brit, at meld Register'soinee, at rutsburgh, thou and there to tithe out Letters uf Admintstretion on the estatent said John White house.' deceased, or show cause, L c il li sly,why the rime should n..t Invented to Hl sUK =Tea- LEY, Or some other dt person. , • Riven ender tuy band and &cal of o ce. at Rutter burg this Nth.day of November, A. D.OOllO. linceßdelOdmT. 'JOB. 11. (MAY. Itenister. , iaffi GLO. S. SOP= floss JOHN ROSS & CO., 1100171.7.8140113 TO - _ WWI. N. OGDEN & CO.. MANUFACTURERS AND DIALLERS IN Carbon' , Oil Ltugis and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS ] CARBON OILS, &C. Ti.cs 64. latroot, fairliel:dAvrT PITTSBURGH. PA. MONIUDIENTS, GRAPE STONES Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vase MEI DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, NWTPAPER 1111P1, GANGS., YOU PARL6R6-4restol. peek, ell& Goldfor den tin int,topi. on Orono YOU HALLS-Ilow Guilt rat:erns on Bed Mal grind.OHAMIIEM3-/Aae and Mulls Patterns over dirlc %rounds, W. P. MARSHALL. I For 14. 7 lll Wood Excel.. No'ner..-Whereas Leiters Tem- Lao:cater, upon the estate of JAMES MELLY. tweetel, teto of the County. of AneltheeY, beTtog been [rented t 0 tee ' , sobeetibers. all Persons.ledebted 40 01.1 -estate' are roquested 'to met Immediate Dkirnant• And them bat tort claims or .lemaeas molest the saxes 101100 m lthOwn tee ems wlttiortlolo. to . MARX , if 10.2.7 . Ezeourtz /saes fleetedr l ; 4040.101rT No. 0 MOlnaill arrest. Atielfher r r il 7 :I 'CELEUSATED :, -STEEL' . TOOnt Ms"; ItAKZ...Mslaas Alitnt-Ttil ;3 4 y0ni......wrR........7.AU 5r0ws . • Ve al esiolst mut. = mti Tru belt isisSartal. at Out .I.l , VltAl_ 4l ._ ___ . ..,.. i ws . . . lAMB we uuLaw. EARLY* TELEGRAMS. LATE FROM WIARINCiTON, THE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. The Impie,ehment of the Icresident, • o°lsBo+o+6r, beeember 6.—SO mock of the Dideehdidtd df List light's Itopieblteen callous as have been elicited have caused esilabigi comment, because there appears to have been ho reference to the threatened impeachment df Inn President. The meaning of this omis sion is eiplaided this Morning by one of the , leaders of th e late Council to bh inertia an ltr! tent to conduct this whole matter of-Execu tive inquisition through the medium of e.sutC committee of the Houstaludiclary Committee. This ICommlttee, It is probable, will be com hsed V p idegarS. liontweg Wilson; and L, l; tel I,llllllolt. e'ttragti:"l tronage, 'and octrine therein., tarot:lWO aged that to C ugress alone pertained the exclusive light to regulate the dispensation cif office, has restated in a very general desire stiCeombl of ttle maj ittee y in queeti otli orit to placetdr. Williams upon the It will be remembered that a anbeettfirillthe of Um Judiciary conducted all the secret igations of the House last year in refer , mile td the eduipiletty ofJefferson Davis with the dsitaSSitiattoti Conspiracy. Tile salts method is being _Yellowed in regard to Inc peachment, and will ntidoutbedly cause the preliminary examinations to be conducted un , Fgnactusheo=trieo on territories met on Tuesday night. Their Bra attial will be in reference to the resolution requesting It td quire Into the expediency of forming terra*. rial Governments over the Southern territo ries: r The committee will undoubtedly report In harmetiy.tritli the views of the extremists on this question, Sir. J; 11. Ashley, of 01110 i being chairman, and only two Damodratl being on the Committee. It. Is understood that the y Speaker will,. In abcOrdAnee with the resolutions proposed 'last night In caucus, find passed in evasion this-morning, nominate the three ediandttees asked for to inquire into the Now,Orleans riot to investigate the circumstances. attend ing the murder of three Federal soldier's eery , lag in South Carolina, and report • upon the foundation of the report that a Cabinet..Mb:Sic ter had procured the pardon of the murder. ors from tha•President for a fee of ten thou sand dollars, and to report upon what amount or !anthem lands the President had restored ln defiance of the Act of forfeiture passed by Congress. The Committee for New Orleans investiga. mitten Will *care for that city, probably, • about the flrslAsf January, Resolution Demanding Protection the Loyal People of !Maryland. lo 8ALT13104.11, December I.—ln the Council this afternoon the follow log resolution was pro. so tiled t Bemired, By the Mayor and City Connell of lisltimorc, That a Committo be appointed with a vial* of preparing an address to the. SNational Congress now assembled, setting our grievances received at the hands of a recent Mate Executive, by his very liberal construction and interpretation of our State laws, and to make a formal demand upon that body for the protection of the loyal people of Maryland, by the legal enforcement 01 the laws of the State, as suey now exist. • Alter a considerable debate the resolution was laid on the table for the present. • °tants - ea b 7 isidtans. WAsitINOTOS December letter from Laposa, dated• ' October 0, received here forms the Commissioner of Indian Affaire ' that on the of September a hostile band of In. mules,iled John Hillman, a wagon and September which he drove ; and that on .oth John Woodworth. A. Judson, and two men named Baker and Benjamin were killed, and Samuel D. linowles, wounded. by the Dna/a. plea Indians, while engaged in mining near Fort Siuhauve. A party of, ten citizens from the vicinity of the} ort, accompanied Dy &num ber of Ilahauve Indians, under command of a chief named Rana Aasitapah, went in Plindlit of the liaalapias,. whom they overtook, sur prised their carap at dayht, and killed • the whole party, twenty-one l in ig number, lasing olio litithanve. From Canada. • TORONTO, December 6.--Uore then ordinary precautions are observed by jail authorities. consequent upon information received by them that attempts will be mane before the 13th to rescue the Fenian prisoners. Visitant are not admitted under any pretext. A strong guard of the 17th regiment la constanUy on duty. - • VLIVIDLIS House of Delegates. litonaoso, December 5.--flesolutimis were adopted In the House of Delegates to-der, to enquim Into the expediency of allowing eon. tracts to be made at higher iuterest six per cent. Brewery Seised. - LOVIIITILLZ, Dec. s.—Jelin fieldia brewery WAS seized by the revenue officers here, on ac count of unlawful distillation of ardent spir . its therein. l'' 434ll ' 4 *iS9.l o ta's9 WM. D ULNUILL do CO., BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON W0RE312.13, N0a.20; 22, 24 and 26 Penn St. FOB BALE, • 14E TWO-STORT BRUM DWELLIHO, No. 45 Monterey Wool. Aliertiory. Cm:lslas Mao Cooloc,twildes /Waded attic. bslh•rooln sod wrsb•boute. Tor tonTeniliplie or aintodemettt. and tasty and autotantlid fl lah. nit yriliablY u try any In We two title. of atm . no Witte is polo. now, sod .haa pa..sad:hot sod cold water up and down otalx Apply for latormatlop to 1.1. 5. BRYAN. - • fall irligall n Strict. a T A LI% Ift:1111113 . g. SEW FEMME FOR THE lIASDRTftUUTF. . TO .2mt6vrAcrustras._ • • Having secured a Large yard, and furnished It with tint most approved machinere. sre sixelirenarlid to manufacture every description of but manner. and starranted equal to any made in steamry Chimneys, Breeching. lire :Reds, iiPipes. Locomotise Bailers. Condensers_, Salt Pans, Tanks, Ott MAUL Azttators. SettEnt nos. Boiler Iron. 1311dles,Arturtr Pans; and sole manu facturers or BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILLIIN. • Itepalrlng done on the shortest notice. " Night nX0011:11 11 4 efTTELSM Pbnlon . s •'lfit;ht Bloomimg Cerflist” Phutl.o. “Plight.Bleeming Cerem.” ..IVlght Bloomigg Ceren..” P 6610 09 1. Phalan'. .."Ylgia Bleeming terms:, A Most ragettelte, driltata, anti Fragrant Prfume., distiled from the' rare and beautiful flowar from which It takes Its mums. . • Iftjaufacture4 only by PELSZON AS SON, New Tark. NEWARK OP COUNTERPPITS. ASK' FOR IPFIALON'S-TARE NO OTHER. gw-utitE SIIP=UOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTINICWORKS • CO. , PitILI, McCUIL ng OY & , Manufactarets of i. Brasiers+ nd Bolt Copper. Pressed Cop Shea per th Bottoms, Itaised a itlll Bot toms, npelter holder. Also, Importers • dealers In BM r Ws, Tin rlate ) theet Iron, Wire, n. COO BMIIti bad. T MIMS + MaChines and , Tools. Warenouse, Wl Bo u , 140 MST atol 120 BECOADBTRICITS, Plttatursh. Bpeclal orders of Copper cot to desired pattern. • myslusSlol/IwT rirPITTBIIE II6II SAW 140111101, ten of PRIEIMIJNVOIICtitiEf."=a: ed (MST STEEL SAWN of eret7duenntion,M ll 4 rellt firo'f‘riNtY4rthrldliVihißaregotr ten Meat Cast Steel; Elle& tang t E.E.A.VER and MOW IWO KNIVES, /to. Ml•Werollonse and Works, canine WATom and Snout' STodzirs, rlltetuFb. Pratleular attention dto re-toe!teing. g ur minx tad of Ott tlnda.. AtLINIZ oonable nem • Jamie rarItOIIINSON, REA & CO., (Sac castors to ItOBINSON; la:nun a Knaane.) WASHINGTON WORKS, Founders & ffsetUsilsts. rittiburgbi - Msnufacuurs E a l ike% 21 1 ltiatnat) Stee l &Eta ginniltnr,MC' attl i n g giro all detorlp_tl=oll Zia and lit Ult, ltollerAnd *heat iron•Werk: ' KirAgautt for tartlit/Y3PATItNTINJECTOR tbr fending boilers. _ _ . ir.TILE.BIEDLS.L INSTITUTE FOR . ffipoolcoi. I'Verstios. NO. 14 lIOND SEILICET, NEW 101111. Yell information, with the eighistiottotoolear: eleo. a goon on ttpackgt Miran', in a Seated m en/op., vsn't • free. airlie sure and send for them, and you milt not regret ti; for, wradyertleing physicians are generally imposters, without refer soca, no stranger should be trusted. Recluse • stump farfiUtfarr4. 'AWL " . . IarBLAKURIAGE AND. counAkcy, anEestrot Warning and Instruction Dr. Young Nee. *leo, Diwaries sad Abuse* which trate the Vital powers, Isthl of e re 5e21 . 1 . ruLfreli'f'JCb,_ s tilEgierilou t u wrti r?! A.• '6o7lstloll:lallaatlPhlL. Pa. ttat:llo:DhArr !grALE NAUSEOUS MEDICINES taken without LOW or smell. try midair Thin- DAS, DICK it CO. la 101 T UA[813.18... Tbs. nest in gillta Ihnterailis °o9:151 !!!!!_, nald b[ SOLDIERS' • BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties. Bask, Far, &11, Collected la the ittortest width° time, b 7 MMI:M= 1=1:17313 MANHOOD:—IIow Lostt ilcaqg ItrZTOBELL—Ittet Pr Attseed it. . I emote ye. Pram. rto coat. A Lecture es theft . twat Treater: ll n and Radical Cure of thermstro rheas, or& Weetneastnaeluntary Deolasloaa Sexual Deb ty. Add b.jouLuer 7,0 almbil e Ci 71111Nr=usiopego.urt. 014 •toitepsja ingi trout delf-Atemte. - Ae.aor;ntbD l ß lgae IL D..11311110* of Do MOIL ke. . . . • "A Doom onada Ofuddlearra."_ . ; Bent under s ea t, to •➢Plan InTe.OPes U. any w , p o dr ="l " ra 4 tre " _o ""4 llAß.s. " J. eixo. U. any In Bowery, New lora. Feet Mee Box ALSO.. L AM. Dr- (..utverweira . %anima go niew.scies 10matt. • - anZiardavl. 10 BULB. POTTY, In bla4deits, re Celynd and tor sale by»`r A o w UMW. t A. =1 tons AND ONE ACNE OF GROUND on Jack 4 a Bun. fire aflame,' vralk from the stltlan on the t•. Ft. W. and U. B. a. ,Llocum contemn Me roam. Also cop t s i n t. g Tilitf Ali b i RALF AbitAq. itllll.lA same distance of J ack. , a Ana li tuba. lleAttic Located on the TownAtn Band, between the Brighton Turnpike and Perrtsville Plonk Bond, and about twenty minutes , walk from Jack's /inn Marlon on P. ft. W. nod O. K. For further infatuation, I- quire of EMI V -- OILSALE.it Farmot about OS • suns in Union Towrillbip, Alleghory county. aitanta about four miles from the city on. the Wathiltris o Pike. The improvements are isrge /*,,, no, Ati t k Dwelling House :with 12 rooms.. 1 t,u llo o 0, House, CWltlif t • House, a large , ',umber ore, - 11 t litittne ank with stabiles sufficient for !Obeid of cattle. There la aline Young Orchard. eottostletacithout acres, stocked with the best ettes of•frait trees. It la ell underlaid with coal. She laud HU a high state Of itultivatiou, well waDred. feneell good. nod . .tv i rt . oats oimtrooly for dairy- or gardening put , 17).1 OM adjoining the above. with • good T od House, Carriage. House, ood onting In sod other ost-bnlidingl; wlth s good (Retard In InAlltina&cond‘Sion. Ibis piece is Moo eh ow. - 4- thea bo ve, d b:f l eits to 'st et /1g 1 ;1g:1i a l s o aldviluzl The above three pieces of moven. Ile between the Little Saw Mill Ban and SDubenville Railroad., and the coal can he reached easily from either road. The Hid atom Is worth all that In asked for the en. WM °pert,. Tomb of 1/3 ogres, altusteln St, Clair town ship, Westmoreland conllll. ro, immediately on the Uri s of the Pelln.ltallrota. The improvements ars • two-story frame House wait Ave rooms and good Cellar, a Imam Bank Barr. 40150 feet, and othef OtiPbobdins, There is on the place • good . . c o : d nive . .En• 1 1. 1, 1f , e , r ie d , i b i t t e t e i r l ;•=re4t a rie r fte i c ,.. l d n, underlaid with cwt and Ilmesiow lrobvenlent to chorchesischooteird blacesinlitLstapWr uMetne r tit, gi= l gthe-rO i niV Pr Po4ealo• given Also, nine of 63 *Crew animated In (Mutters towaolp, Allegheny county, Pa., sheet 11( mile. Item the OM near the line of the Istenbenvfile S. 1.1,,Add *MI6 one-half mile of • Dation:lo acres of the hest ufereek bottom DWI, and in high state of mdtiratiout2 acres. of wood land and vulture. Tbe fencing . geuarallr ge.A. The soli Is No. 1, and well adapted for garTentng T ees aLltiOn of the e wishing to embark Iv the tifw will colt at once and seeure a good bargain. en this is a rare chance. p a NUM of itit acres, situate to Bliratoth to p. Allegheny county, Pa., on the Monon a ela river. about one mile from the Borough of Eitsabeth. The s torm is bootee e best moony . . no =ireo ti thoTootill " Agtr ° ,a, aaVot Hams decal, tiburchee, sehoule sou mius verf convenient. Porsesaion immediately. Also. the boot Pane la Ellasheth township,. containing about 00 acres,. lying on the bionongs beta river Immediately below Lock 111. 7.011 which L erected • large two-stony brick dwelling, one to` and one Dame c ham, corn crib. wagon eked brick spring house.PronarY. Work ehop, sc.; sew. rums of idle &harem lint quality river bottomt the balance being limeatone land and underlaid with coal, Lod about HO sena of mestone. There ere two orcherds crappie trees, - t o good besting condi. then; peach pear. pinto tree. and grape vines, de. The land to well adapted for gardening PorPmies, being a short distance from the thriving borough of Elisabeth, creating • market at home for all the products. The property will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Also, A farm of 98 scree. situated In Xlivabeth county, Pa. about one wile from Lock bio, a, ea Monongahela river. Improve, rants are one frame house, with eve rooms, barn. spring house and other outbullo logs. The land is tool the boot quality. The above will be sold at very 1 7Vo l igitter part:ctilarel, enquire u. 11 ° ,_TOISTER, • Beal Tatste Agent. 164 yourib street. VOll BALE-100 Aci es of Land In Washington roman Wesley tartishly, Ohio. SO acres cleared. balance In amber; gond ben... good bun. watezhandy. large orchard. scoria and Munches bandy, and within 113.4 miles of ldstler Sta. Poe. on the Marietta and cluelnuatl Rallpiad• Vice Aro pergcre. 1 Acre In Bantsvllle,3 mile. back of TeMweran cc -11111. oth wroth there are three tenant houses of A rooms meth* one frame Image of four rcoms, all In good condition, 130 Aerator Lwid for .61.0110, 'Male In Sink] eg Valley. Blair gaiety, FA.. ere miles from Altoona by the sinking Valley Road. The advantages of this Property the numerous, and by calllog onus we will give full particulars. 04 AMA AO acres of wrath ls underlaid with Goal situate In North Fayette Township, on the ntenbenvtlie Road; Improvement., good Fri... Hothe, adz rooms, good Bank /Sarni about roOrrult Trees MO In tbetr prone. &A rite U rea e In Mau miles Township, on the Washington 3T Aug+ In , thre loom the city: Re4l4l6lllStbili. Mt miles out on the old Wubinzton rite. ~• 16 Artesia Ross Township, th ree Wing= Iron Allegt any Market. fl Dwelling tiothea In Allegheny Clly. one In Wliktnaburs, one la Fitton :L. 000 at.Edieurcol Stallon. ou the Central Ye bands ttalltoad. Also Immedlaroly enjoining tMa elation. • fur more ACME LOT& Pith eth be coon a nd e ogler. Also, Bonds andllatirages bodges sold. JOHN Clior T. sole Rail Rotate Agent.. 1313 fourth street. CHEAP AND COMFORTABLE .TEREESTODY BRICK DWELLING. Louited cm 14iccnagi it., eccopti Ward. rlttsbargh Let 70 by 63 f7t, to pavcauley 11 Lett yr idc Price $6,007. epply'to MI . Tbst larrt and asbltaottsl /WE 81011 Y BUICK BUlLDtbitf once tootro as "Laree's DI , Illlere," to the Ytrst tiara, Alleattent, occur , ' tug so ..las . also lot of •000 d froottue 193 feet on the nal° ',set, spa extendulg towards Bebecca street 417 feet, ts offered - , , . • • • viriesHolleolG • A. X. BROWN.' . JOHN B ` _ — 6 - Attorneys at Law. Once, No. 111, fifth stmt. CDZOINI Ia T. SIX ALCIIIEB OF GROEND, it. M. MOVE% SI CLAIRAITRUT ~ltlN'C.7ii)v ] lty. wrzsar. *. WILSON, Swans AND JUL Einem. AG lant. Pio, 66 2610111414 ntriat FOB. FALLON zusisuNAßLZ TERMS. • • Yuma sad fall particulars, made knoira by BRYAN, Staoa_ifkai !nab:was aNd Heal Znate. raorth (Buttes Ihaidiaa pail .lo LOT r. l ean o.u4 n .i o d sv ino olf ie e ... r "29. Las located on *stilts Prim 114100S0 /WM On Liberty West, tom 7, to I,COO. Ott Bellefottlanto arrest. trout. .. . . 00 ° to tro On lisrria street,... 150 10 050 In Liberty Township. *Oman' Os .Borornett Ste to 1 - 0 Aliso in Plat owssup. Lots tnun.Z. 150 to 550 Tao abor lots will be WA. ntrr. lo 001,.1,5T chasers. two some earl WINO Is mutated 10.0P elly. icteated tbo Boroughs. Pit t •rownthip, latteuT itY . Pittsburgh, ends ttioluing ooutittel. Or Una. Intl se UtoSpi !Ann and insuntucts i 0012 . Butler stmt. lwarrenceviills. FFORSALIR-1,2 acresof Ground, weHUM44IIIt and, wittaltd. on Smilers' Hll4 ten minutes , walk tram Paut4iimr• tdtltd it BUMP Lime, Con-tree Head. - Mee 4 sores at Home ood and several - Parma vielllocated In Westmoreland and Al= Many co:mattes. Also Coal Property. Homes and Lots to city and suburbs. " """ulSra . (13P aW posIticillt it e CaAb Wi errai,) 7 No. Hl Omit street. 'OR SALE, • - ' k.UROE BRICK 011011 NO HOUSE, With An mod.m wit.emeir, nomptete order n and situate on the Penns. al es .3.. nuietre at No. 11911E1T STREET, noxi9oVrais Plitsieuran. JOIEnt D. BAXLEY, Stook and Real kotate Broker, GAllif , "STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Allll AIU4,IIQICILEII. llavlngiaken oat a commissions' Auctioneer, and etfreted ansutivagernent vdth the 'Pittsburgh Board or Trade, se Ourlog the cooed* their rooms, above the ThPuNational hank, I M.O. FruParrat to veil at rablle Aucqou,' !hock.. .bonds, Securities. Beat P tc., either at the above memo or on the Prgrt Ural atten , loa pal d.' as- heretofore to the sale of Ural XstateatWavate V (M aeo l l 2 FouuhA n t t e h t e . country steeAted. xteM BALE-400 Acres- of Coal Pend. lying immediately upon the trbio River, MI miles below el Misholls, and MSmilt s above Oln eine atl. Oa the above tract four loot vein of Cost. which. fooyenend IlliVlo"lione" ut r wed • It Is entirely different from toe Southern tth o Cosi; contain m a kingtl anipttur. tbrges and cotes well. and for eteam cannot be excellent. Tlte lo esUon- being .about midway from Pomeroy and thuteng_lntuut make It valuable for coaling bolus. T h arp • a water frontal' of a mile. wlths Milt= gio*Vrtf: t ,,g7tor.`4ll, tt'grr.tt rwakrizabezziiiaztrifue: sal o =lre ars ass doubler Porta/Ile Circular Saw Mill to gether tvith *Pariahs' Uristiltill. all in good run- Mug order. mot. plenty of the very best oat, sob a=lar timber. Would sell ono-balf Interest if . Its a party with experianee and capital for Intilgswi /mama; - .11.1111 S D. WEstate AILS v, . - . ateeltalt4 Meal Broker, . . - No. Ignlfourth etreet. FOR SALE— ,, __ well...estab li shed and polltable-manarseturtng-Iluelnehe. The business eeels, and imseeptlblit at being lergely . 401ilt Beier. !tack sad teal ire ker. Inl north •rtroriL 80T$S: I A PIERRE sodas, s . • The outeerthers help I n ea l ee , s l yer; ItriLAlNT4Eliniall. ate now _prepared with up moat chg t eppolatosenie lor the reception of Üb. lemony trot-elan Hotels i iiriaista s taliZr the %%Te s t tn a k A e rat GRANT ROUSE, ci.NIT. BMW. 3Preigawr, emir d Italas szi Mal Snell, . - Near the gusperisiatt Bridge, ^. . I.I4taRENT4LT *rt.' mr ale VSStEII) . OIL received 44,4 4 na i l sw44 WLITER STOCK 01' Bois'• Clothing. Now /111 store a large and complete stock of SUITS AND For the . ♦9lhler Season. Frleea.Lo*. GRAY & LOGAN, yro. 47 St. Clair Street. no' UENRAir G. HALE MERCHANT TAIGOR, Northwest Copier of Penn 1( t. Clair SW. D^slres to return thanks total, Mende and the rub lie ter the mane nut favors. and respeettutbr suite Its s share or thedr future 'patronage. He wont • pleseed to have them examine his • Large and Carefatly Selected Stook im • Fine Wooleri Goods Panlealarly adapted WI 11111 101 1114 AD VIM!. ..uou FALL AND WINTER , 410908. H. re,P4Ez -No.lo St. Clair Street, Would call the attention of -buyers to ifs atnek nl elooda, which hu been acleetad with great COD tains all tbelateet aiyl wan t i ng to,be found la a Arst , ..lata boot. Gentstng • SUIT OP CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER. pleaao andd c 0 no our /goals nod peloos. Also • fallomplete-Mock of. ULLNLIHRNe . Wfile - H. SteGEE, MERCHANT TAILOR. • No.lo St.Clale Street. Pluahargiy. BOOTS AND SHOES THE 'MAY LATEBT - STYLES OF Fine French Call - Boots, Fine Kip Boots, Water-Frei!' Boots, • Heavy Boots, Ladies' Polish' Boots ? Ladles' Button Gaiters, Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Balmorals, Misses and Childress' Shoes of Every Description, at THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. not: • • BOOTS AND SHOES. J. WIL.IIELM, 8$ Market St., Pittsburib, Has bit received a very large stock of all kinds of 334:3c7in8'8INTIZO3JEICIPEI Which he Is prepared to sell ebesper than the cheLLo: a`ta the cttr- Alto taken omen for hta OWN rrIOKM E 0E.% auts to give saii F nfacticari3., ocaormad . .r. No. nxu greet et met. AND FRESH ARRIVAL BOOTS, MOBS, GAITERS eflui Balmoral., Jast resolved, and will be sold at the VICHY LOW ZoT ktICES, either Wholesale or ttetall. • Wirt US A Cam. Itirotui runcumwse =93 wuxnn • J. U.& W. C 4 BORLAND, • Igo. 93 liOrkes 24 door from fifth 34 zorM COPP= VIZI.4:10, .11 & BMA, NJ* Ovuortcam. Weider BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, ' No, 140 OhWEIL, Allegheny. Ilepslrlsig promptly avxuted on th e shortlc7:432est no .. LIIMBING, GAS- ADDY RUM &BETLEI Mx.TairrnECELIZEREIL GAS MID STEAM FITTERS, -COG Sixth and Smithfield Se, PITITIBURGH, PA. CoGneaver. and Chestnut Streets, Alt loads orwitv,Nllll2,l724easatit •eon. stoutly ou band. • - • • jab: pixasill. • . 0.45.10 STET FITTING, 'Hydnuito, Iron Pranpai` Wm= vadri ‘ i rsa .r.szb PI saws, if Alain thEe CLOSITS AND WASH tiTANDS. TOM T. kali:tail . 8, (Successor to I(wens a C 0..) • 105 Wood St" Plttsbotiglia'a. [ Mr. ............... li•JOH11$ 4 01 , HELIpLEHT & JOILVION, Ei.A.CirrIO.ALL Embers, Gas and Steam Fitters! rusts eisazT EMT/MVOS, Itaittiklicnarsis, Per p rom An ptly orders atten by ded' o s t all• szeunted satlitaCtortlY • . A full Una of Bath Tube" Pumps. , Tatct Closcts. Mks, Coandeners, madams, sod u Oblides; for sale at the most reasonable pricer. Orders Irons country pawns by mall promptly at land thaned to. 'lose of crest deeeriValbat 1414911 UDY, WILLIAMS BSTLEY • Keep On nand. Mortar article of _WOOD PUDIEPSi AU klnd of Iron Pampas. Iteds‘oU4 Sboot Leads nett Zinc, Lead Plpe,_oash Tutu; Slinks, Wats, Closets, Wash Mains, Wash litands, at., at the Corn roese. er Sixth and .Smithfield Streets, AU kinds of Unaided dose promp_tn• AU orders hz shall InueedtaudiAssoodao to PITTSBURCH NATIONAL COIL .AND CORO.. COMPANY , tiVIERS, SIIIPPEUS AND DEAL. Ann• EMI, Wholesale and Retail.. t the BEST FAMILY CONLi Nut Coca. oaxcl OPPlull. • ND YAMS, CORNPATUIDITH. AND 11tI( nTREETtI, Plitsbosish. Pa.• t • All °nitre for delivers lin the city or e k ipment, West. willsoeet prompt awl immediate attention. • R. A. titaiN ABS', StlpeSlAtellasla‘ (10A11 COAL!! COALLUI . , IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. .HUMMEL RABER vita the attention orths nubile to theft Lee stock ollitaliast received. Including ttiefellowlng . , • Lmp, Mott, 2, S and Cbeetititc Alt r • rios. 62. 8 1a" ?" 4 .l"tt!' Lowsar uaLka tragro, tr, 4 PLY / fa 4 • peal lose or tboarand Loo , orders promptly attended to. , • Mice: IOSI Chestnat street. near the Depot. - - 0c9:13e HASHISRUIati, rA. COAL I COAL r' DICKSON.I STEM & CO., BUmUistimmOlthinrMle,W ATco. 1364 - x....rizertir istre,ot • . (Lit dkr 71109tilall)D in 4)4)2 7 . are tinteruloalithicedelairoattstostgaill rders ita l r t k ftWtr:Cr mytkba theoilb4ghtbil ma11.w11114.17- COMM; ILAWISTIIONG, - - Dial= LW _ coal htlghlOgheir ld aannellaVille Le Idaws al . • ' C414;-818eri'1.01L.11.... "14 Orr , air 441444:tri=e 1 , 1 ro l = . or Oak4.l%ijgrUtiks=uabat I , llh UM twat article aLOosl sat Os olirs Odes. Orders IsIS Wail a OM TIOSISIOOLess=i , WOLLISIDS *IA RA t 131•11 HI CHILDS & WHOLESALE, pumas is BOOTS, snass A. DiT7 SOLE LEATHER, No. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBUItGEL ) PA. , So SHOUT TILL and CASH barns we *Car VI- Parlor Inducements. as our laclUttes for bailee are 'unsurpassed be raw house East or W at. Ehlrehaft tot directly from rinse camps east rely 'ore CASH. we are enabled to selru low as any Ewan Jobbeag Hoe JSZRoIiAIiTB are incited to an and examine otw stock and note 'our prices before Purclissla elsesibere. • C:l2"cialria HOPE MILLS Superior Cotton Yarns, AITILESS GRAVY RIGS, Batting, Twine COTTON AND LINEN CARPET R if, j Will .be 7romptl Fil=ed at :. •-, , `FACTOR PRICES. - - , . , . NZ'ALII orden by teen will !Mtn immediate aid easeful attention. . _ H. CHADS oce:153:411•T WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO.) • No. 115 Wood Street, PITTSBOIC H. - • BUR in Store and are Receiving A FULL ASSORTMENT OF DRY WON 1D NODE% WhlCh they offer at EASTERN PRICES AND TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited. C. An3C U OT..W.T anixneox..J. 6f. suraixsoy pvnE CALIFORNIA lIFINES. GURNER & NO. 80 Cedar St., New York, Offer for sale these valuable Wine...which are gain ing public fiver , .tontshing rapidity, and whose enpreceomited and unrivatled popularity ill not WILMA*. meet. They hese only to be fairly teeted to give them thepreferenee over another. as at partner of blend they excel all other Milne. sod the• numerous certide tea welch have voluntse• rity • been tendaed from the most eminent iphys i• clans, as well as grotlementh every posttlon in In. are proof concluilve that these Wines me meini In all Fates for which they see recommended. • The following brands are new offered by us. They comprise all the varlet!ee now wrown In the Slate imitable for sale: WHITE. or noCE. WINE—Of s light straw color.. ve e r '. 211P-0111,..20101eaTirriedibe table use. ANOELACA—A ma r aud naturally sweet wine, more admired by hones, and valuable In the Nick ,thareber. as makes the whole and jellies. it Ira toe dessert wine. and well adaptedfor Comiennion IP TafgATEI.--k 11 h t colored. highly aromatic wine. Very almaarlo the celebrated 'relay. • PORT—beep red cot., One nave r end is many respect. similar to the old wines of Mahon. • OKAPIS Bildlillr--The pure dhrtillatlen Of ter wines. • WINE. BITTERA—A Teri ilifrer-sbie dada sure remedy for the diarrhea. . This la ore of the ,most valuable comblnationi of a useful and en agreeablebeverage that has ever been offered to the public. Millions of bottle's.re sold thmewhosit the Sorthduring thelut four year. aAI wherever intralecee It bas proved • elds. addition to th e Invaild ethie. the ismi l yeltele. and then teirelor.s sideboard. leOlea who have lost strength Ina iletite. and suffer AVM nausea, 'vomiting and von o; gentle men who ...don't feel Tell well'. Jest b e Jre-bresk fast or anther. whose stomachs are out of Order sod whose sy hems are generally derangd; mothers weaning children and suffering fr Osseo ` neral debit ity; children of alai , nature and sour, dyspeptic coolant:nos; Jewett. whohaveoccasion toe:haute thelrwater; and all who tiro In Malaria:sent:dela and ere subject to miasmal e influenteacwill Ind it one of the most valuable Inelgozalets these= be taken. It was veal very exteniffeely 1631,with inch genets] matisfactton that m offering It to t a he public now we deem It unnecessary to publish ny of the manycemlneates that We bare reneered.'lnstlfylew In the very strongest terms to Its favor. All that we craw sat 13 to glillSal3tell that we will pledge Our selves to Punish an article Pats Ann ISSADuLIZI ' Argo. wielrersonflintalr liirignUsev:ltaltdisf.A:Tarspr afreocr.' One little Kitt in puttees., with pains In p ner e heed. loss of appetite sod d wasting consumptive. on whom all mediellsktil has been a:busted. buboes entirely restored. She began with Mat • teaspoonfor a day. ller appetite and strength rapidly !non:wool and she 15 DO!! well. • - ' • Xilist crflEariperis a - . .- rersosue: Per Dozen Dock ....—............41 CO $ 9 00 Wine 1i11ter1..... . 1 00 r. ' 12 CO C1aret............... .... . 1 f CO Port . ,1 Z 12 00 Angelica ................. IA 12 00 llnecatel ..... . . .... .." 113 " , --- 12 oo Brandy SW .. WWI CHINA WABELIOVSE. RICHARD E. BREED, TILT-V' CO' lrin'EliEL. • •No. 100 Wood Street. BRITANNIA AND BELVER PLATA° Tkinig WARE. TEA TRAYS A 11) TABLE UHTLEBT, Danl. on nAnd. tr CHURL y p ryi. TOIL • SATO, Rt:A A :I BOWMAN WARE OP EVERY 1660111P . T10S ' tin Vie . 13. ENGLISH BTO E WASSofft . lTinethill6 tonal whole's and retalt trnds.• Tn. lament mamma aossplesestookorenirrix o s In rhos Hue la Hke . Moss and Drams* swan Isla tbe. smuts% clas s * =Ms..* - . , . . &o. .' 186 6. PAILYLVOITS, • siowatllbldor ..°.7.6 T4ltg i t most extensile stock at tr. 24 Pluir.tre atomrl.l4 to oar Oven& • • Magibb *WON agd car ova 1II.POSilt10a; 0.701.144,38. DU" STIO Ckugee pauttstiMere WWI tiaattuttket. suto Pon AD WA musoLimaix. lona 'Act cuzmurs. fur pi ;Kat Patera d Wien, Fide &ciliates Tasiels,LOop & Binds, . .:-.o,ateelityles Notting Chutalas. ' . WPARIAND & COLLIS& ;:se to ii. " s:l l = l3 o r nrag lroYugaTA, _woad il9or. ipt J. Li.. • lairs Aar"' woplaar DYER AND 8C01113211, Ctiniti Maslow : Curtains and Chair Cavell Ciessuffi diamiinuSi iribusstunpariang. Third Stri .l44 ; ashiSsi' privilwarstrosa.- OAE TANNED LEATunz BELT 1216.—.ta1l meg, of all UIS. constantly au Ewe. istruateedto be a sibs MA Tarr. at= uce. 91 UP& Casa mixt IarNEW OPERA HOUSE: . - • 1418(Arldin VVILNINO, D,oorotoretb. Belies or the socomplisbeil actor. WALLACI4 • • Un ft...a/tau be irlll glre bls enperb ren t. Mon or FAGAN. In ch.. Dlthene. star, ca the sufferings sal adenine of OLIVER 'TWIST, 0. LONDON 032131 N. &tart. Afternoonrat.4 Fublonthle arannell of the MUS ) I trithr. Ora POOR YOMMU. MAX. In preparation, Mr. wallait's ■IirCIMITor HENRY MUMBILB. pirPITTSBURRO THEATRE. Lssassmto huogAazI.WM.IIIZ.NDEBan. ' Farewell Benefit and postilie4 lest appearance but oue of the Intedtabl,e r..tINKEE LOCKET teen which °Creston be ;will appear three . .T.K.le .r l c. h th e rrt . 4 i a t yt EIrE pectoris/Ante win TAMES dram►ot we IN WING/MT. • To be fOlowed by the laughable drama of JACK LONG; 00. SHOT U THE ITT. To enailude withtba I ANSEL DIIEI.IST. • - Satordey Arum :loon—The Ureat Drama of the RAO HiegEß 111 PAM*. Aettasstea Me. ' HALL bt one oTHIsf the mitts') EVChampio EN . ING, Dee. 7th , lest ahem ns • BURIES & LARUE'S. MI! STRELS, The acknowledged Autoefati of Rthstralry.l • Xi STARES 6 COMEDIANS. Inclidingl thiegitat PUEDE and EktiAN tiCLOU,DANCEII. Jp•arliza aczw riteNABAZIME.- - 4gll Prie 011tDt .d,; • Paddy McFadden; badly Dreanttos; • Actur; Philharmonic Rehearsal; Clog 4therelses by the four Champions: Hstalet uarlesqeml; d: riVaYaltid`tild: •. • Harp Solo, . Adtabuiitin, 35. Reserved Feats, 50. . • Doors open at tu t to coma:mime it go:o'clock. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 1 o'clock.: Tick. ete 2t cents. " del Itar'HASONIC HALL. , , CiZOMIA7I7.I . . _ Ca:min.lag MONDAY, Devember 10th. WA` Eveuleg thnugti week. 411311LAti1D CONSOLIDATION. IL4WiD CONSOLIDATXON. - or nut ORIGINAL fi - PEAS;FAMILY, am) THE dziassanir 13Orger Noamasrs, manna -vzo#ffurre .fINVISS • _BELL . BRINGERS" • • • SILVER CORNET The lastesttrcuye of Bell Ringers In the world. 194 Bello cussed by the company, and are the I owl set •of pare toned bells ever imported tats %hts comstrY• choi r e nderedn Vocal and Zestful:tantalite:Mu mil beeneh ermine byline moot deithed 2 b r e U"' fr7;t 4 tr e tigers= wintroftae Cards 'OO7 evenlaa. . ' of atPestign o sl)= l 2 lo half price la the evenalfi. No extra chafe for reserved seats. Tickets threat . at 111ALLUlt &13R1521P13 *Min f tare. GRAND -MATINZE . . Dee. • . _ Slatureludr Afternoon. .l.3ths , ir bildres admitted *tithe-Katt. ee lbr Ott cents. . Doors opse at quarter tot; to commence AS quid • ter toll o'clock. • , - Afternoon. doors open at -Is; to condoeuestil 'I'S" o'clock. deTtpd ro IV,Te):I Clll-14811 01:411311 CIMM013411: SOHO OIL WORKS. BIMIRIVIBUT CO9 It/MEMAOTEIBIER OP TUL r CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICAIiIIii 0113, Sperm. iard and Whale Oils, tion mos on, on Eau ono ALM, 3tandaid White Burning. Oil, No,. 33 miarkekstreet, PITTSBURGH, Pb 011:510 WOR wooLoamot ou. nErovio ecoaam..o..urs*. OF PITTSBUNCH. PENNA. JOHN wiir.rmstsat. LUMEN N. LON% /Mei sad Tessin , . WORKS Ili 'rEMPERANCEVII.LI. ONeo, Ea 2 Doman Way, • aose mimeo= andte-) iiiartnrActrams us ruaz waril .13trRPTEN43 1- 131:L a. Brand--"Luaifer." VIIIIEBA OIL evonss, E x 1 . DilirciaCruniaB OP EUREKA CAIRBOX O IL, caw ' Tile catarrat,4 ci EUREKA - SPERM LUBRICATING RILS, , And Wholesale Dealers la I, . Crude, Refined and . Lnbri g 011 s, LisaD, erVID. WHALE AND insit qius. _ N 0.31 Market, St" Pittsburgh,-Pa. C. CI. 24743 =A% .411.j0t: - Call and examine samples and tend sertlacates. nolkoil 1 WARING KING, ME MM 11#11016 4 11 UU IE Petroleum an d . Prodtets, 4 DilecrESerle until 3Px•VD51111417111.01r714 A?.da. euxu.uxurtiug WAKING, KING & CO. - -wawa Lilt Walnut Mita - wit.T minus Asimiscgr EAGI.E 011.WOBWit, ..- .ICsanclarardlZ o . ; WICHTMAN &-ANCIESSON• • Renner* sand Dealer'in_ .•••• I) WTI?. 014 1 : 720 - . • TPffißiorillriarMicre BANKS AND BANKERS. ":- . SAVIIIIGS'7.I34IyIK; Corner Litre* Ore raid Virgin air rr4ll Pl4)(t.- .. • • Atoellholden WU M1*171101.. ; • • glitted gr le s .d 411411 . 2,4431 . 11) . 1" Irtats ha the 'stereo. aticantaln time dipping'. i .. =Tu of:prr,Bazikersiadothenimelliatett. ..M U MO PA A. Z. , . .. . . • • Andrew Ankle?, ; J. T. Stockd e. Jonathan Oanantler, Z. S. Ward. P. S. U. liazdatan. W. b. Eliza. • FfiVary-11tU6ag. Air/Tell Jackson, 111(1111litIr ACIV 5603%C1L JOHN WOKEN Alm JOHN z. rArrit.,. BANKIa!Ia 111JEIE. N.llO ti & tONS, _ .138.7301*ergial. No. 671104 ff BMW , ni t/IW O: a ' -Maii:Lr if " d grZM PalPelzlinins up.u.eastateesaf STOCKS BOWS AND OTHERMURITIP aa4 s t u rl Oa eaioolisdoa* • Putlealge DOI4 to the gimbals sid Valli) -IRATE _SIMMS. llatted Bata Bat of lent Do. s fr ue; Do. 1 Cortagates or frolottkeilt,. • Orlin and Timbal btfaitttat ooltotts . 4. Alter itso, A 11 • .....,14100.Pett• • :611. ambler.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers