INK= N II FRIDAY I DF:,cP.MFIR : 7, IRO TO YEARLY JILDTERTLSERSI. Owing to the largeantonit otaetrertlstni Patron. age*lth which we are'rayored., and for which we • 'are duly thankful, and the increase of our circula mon. altogether beyond our present 'means to nun. 7)17 u bioroptly uwa ought, wo• find It , generally ,Mtoontenlentl, and sometimes quite Impossible. fit, Insert changes tor yearly advertisers, unless lett at our oonnting.roOM -before ievvik welocl! INDIANA AND DERRENATOi The great war, which : in ita lighting phase now belongs to the past e Was em phatically the Peeples war. It Lasoften seemed-toms that it • was altriest dit : ectly • guided of that Power - which Is over all. IC wailed:Wet , Onn4e WhichTeolned the Phkavi of "organizing , victory.' Yet God - Works ever by.mearia. Some names were, even'in onrHcaven.directeil conflict, writ ten in,letteis of light upon the iospe,ish— alile page of ,l.tititori • ' It has often seemed to us u m ir-opposition• tciihe war took its most Malignant form in. the State of Indiana. .1 1, 0 wing of the secession hoes which overlapped the Ohio and organ ized Itself in' Blue Lodges and Knights of the Golden Circle tn-that State, constituted really an extensive and'fonnid- ablopower• Concealed from the eyes of men in conclaves impenetrable to the un initiated, It, seemed as if it would bear Its fruit of murder and rapine oven before the kryal-hearted could know what. Wes t in. pre paratiim- -n, We think we are doiog no more than even justice to Governor Monion, of our - sister State already named, when- We say high =edit and the thanks of all true pat riots are due to him for the noble manner in which he met the responsibilities of his - • . position at that time of trial and of peril. He had to meet and repress a secret rebel lion in the heart of his own State at the same time that he was replenishing the wasting ranks of the Indiana regiments in the army of the Union. He succeeded in both:_-..N0 man ever fought a double battle more gallantly. • . We learn trim our exchanges that he is a prominent , candidate for . the United States . tertate. If we, who have only that general intereStin the matter - which all. good citizens feel for the glory of the coun try as a whole,- may be permitted to ex press an opinion, we would call it a selec tion eminently fit to be made. Els voice should be heard from the high places of the land. He stood by the . Union in the darkest hour. He stands now: equally firth: . , and steady for securieg the fruit of that hour's great and fearful conflict. He is a progressive man. He is the exponent to-day of the best thought and highest as pirations of thOse who bore the banner of the Republic through the smoke and earn age of so Many, bloody-fleids. In honor infr,him Indiana will honor herself' and the • Union at the same time. . _ ,• MAGNANIMITY, The Democrats, ever since the surrender 1 of LEE'S and JOHNSON'S armies, have been discoursing with wonderful volubility and earnestness, of magnanimity—of its ex cellence in itself and as a moral-ornament;and of its usefulness rn the conduct of pri vate individuals and political parties, in . obliterating chronic jealousies, in healing inischlevons alienation; and in cementing indissolubly the bonds of broken amity and friendship. In what they allege on all - , theie heads there is some sound doctrine and - practical ! common sense, to which no man or woman, rightly organized and tempered, Is disposed to frivolously cavil, much less to raise Serious objection. But - it is manifest these homillsts haie no in- - tention of practicing towards tbe cans the 'magnanimity they demand of - them in behalf of the rebels; and that in HOW sinking the claims of - public justice into Subordination to_the sentiment of for giveness, they are iEtuated primarily, if not evelusively, -by a purpose to shield the `guilty, and at some future. period enable them to , renew, under favorable auspices, the baffled` conspiracy against the life or the nation. Whim andin What particular did Demo crats ever , show magnanimity towards Re publicans ? We remember when the first Republican, chosen to the national Senate, took his seat in that body. Welooked up on the Senate often during the first session Mr. Sustarat sat in it. He was treated with as idnch open and brutal contempt as :the DeMocrits now delight in pouring evetywhere'npori the heads of black men. ' . We remember when Mr. Snativr n. gamed in: that body' the companionship of Mr. t . SEWARD and Mrt OUASE. .All three of - - . them were excluded from service on the standing and select committees; with . - - the intention' of woanding their send._ ...- Willis and degrading them in the estima . tion of their countrymen: In debate in the Senate; in social Intercourse in the ' iiity, all manner of indignitieswere heaped nibs them: 'Nor was a deeenter temper or method exhibited towards them in. the - 'wheile round of democratic journalism On thephttform=in all popularassemblies for Political disel'ulsion--a most unbounded license of•vitnpertation was Indulged and --- ormourillod, against them as Individuals and against the _prinCiples and organization of . which they were then the foremost expo nents. Nor- w..—. ..- this . all, nor - the coarsest part of it. - Commencing in the geria i te, Chamber and =extending all over the country, violent martini were made upon' thepersons_and properties of Repub outrages 'were not Repub licans. The wildest only Perpetnited - with impunity, but were • „everywhere either excused or aPPlatsled by the Democrats. _What peltings with rotten eggs; what callings; what coatings , with tar and feathers; what conflagrations of dwelling; lecture halls and churches, were endured :at their hands. Mr. Jai =mots Davis autocratically decided that the Republicans were "outside of . any healthy political organization;" and this; dicta became the pretext and •warrant for • the most startling excesses. Mr. ST:EPEZN A. DocatAs, alter calmly witnessing one of the most brutal of these scenes, which has become historic, to the perpetual shame of the nation, excused his apathy r • - and indifference, by stating that lie "could not interfere without being misunder. stood;" that is, an act of common humani ty would have cost him his eminent stand ing with the Democrats, and 'crushed for ever all his hopes of reaching the Presi :..l dericy by their votes. i ' Nor has the virulence towardeNte•Republi cansbeenniolitied by the pmgreas of events. .„71us manifestation htts,be been changed, but K. ' iiie - ininialing epirlt rentable as vigorous riadrinerty, -The .. Relpublicans in all the northern States have become too numerous. .and powerful tonlle-:mobbed. - They are strong enou4h t0...4 11 43 Am of . .themselves, ~ and to make reprisals, if need , be, and hence Dem otic ruffians ordinarily keep at a respectfod.n, But tarn to the democratiej tirnals, and if you do not hear the ithisi gs of thold serpent; Your ears must in e d i a ist/ce - d be dull othearing- Witi measureless d mations! What lung° -I , of the sanctity of private life! Wha . A crim .intitions and impeacluneats! And those,\ athie perpetuallyandlndiscriminately. Indiscriminately. t Astran ger to the men and country worddhavetha conclusion forced upon him that the Re publicans In all public and private relations were the very offscourings of the human On the top,of all this, the appeal to them to be inagnerihnottilo num who blifri con fessidly so VlolateCthe- lairs as to • stand stripped of all political ri hts,'d to be an justltaxpusad to the sharpest bodily imo lai/16n% tiresenta a iieculiav- in ternongu n .g of impudence:and:hypocrisy. The o'P la°- limns are not likely to take counsel of them in a matter of this sort, f or L eo - determine- Lion of which, • both bynsieral constitution and •by lm bit, they ar, at all men the most • 7.- unttte. eleinnt to theirhour o re f t e . in ;li tt # , lll. ,pa thals 7 u lte n us d Pn e u r ibt e ll i if r ean- cu n L at-LlT truices of ex= tri , oo ffnery exasperatipti, : on t b e whole, a Most commendable egtuurim ity of , teruper,! a surprising self-restraint, and a large-hairted purpose to subjeet the natural instinet 'of 'revenge to ;the: higher Jaws' of patrielitlin and Jellgion. In the, -of reconstruction, whatever harsh suggestlens may have 'diopped.from Indl viduals,..smartingunder a seine •of old wrongs, .they- bevel - awakened -no general response in approi t al and.beeti incorpor ated into none of the schemes presented for public ratification. The prevalent idea has not been to retort for the injuries. of Other years, or to indict the pe.nalties , will fully incurred, but so to adjust the great onestions in .dispute as to lead, if possible, to immedlati reouneillationand permanent amity. Stamen, mitwitbstanding the violence dope his yerstuutod the ceaseless Dow of defamation against his character,- has held •eodsistently that Isnity , was tfie true wisdom_ What has.appalled theDe.m ocrats la his course is his. it:aide:mei 110 lenity towards the rebels shouldbereciprol "cated by eimplerijustice .from them, to the blacks. Not even the fresh storm of con-: tumely which the conduct of the Prtfddent has raisedin the South againat the Repair licans has loft a trace of malignanby tipon either their feelings or purposes; Personal and partizan considerations are not at the bottom of their polio', and willnot be al- ; lowed to exert a sinister influenceupon their measures. Champions of a greet canserin which the rights and liberties of unborn generations, for many ages, are kennil up, they mean rigidly tosuliordinate. l 'whatever is Individual .and' temporary to, the higher consideration of that which is public and permanent, and thus inscribe the name of their organirstioh among the -benefactors of the human race. The Smatorehlp. It claimed that the western part Of the State is entitled to the candidate, that a man identified with the interests of the west is necessary, Ina that the Hon: Thos. Williams is the most suitable person. If the lineation is to be narrowed down to locality, Mr. _Williams is most certainly prominent. Ills ability, statesmanship, integrity and loyalty has never been doubted, but we contend that loyalty has nothing to do with it, that the State at large is interested Arid none should be„electad but those who are willing to legislate for the whole State. The claims of ,Governor Curtin, we think, are paramount to all others. Ho is the decided- choice of the people ' and if left to the people to decide. would be most triumphantly sustained.— Armstrong Republican. GENERAL NEWIS. • dog and bear fights are the,lateat eta, 11 vated amusements of New York. --Mee. J. 11.El:doges, of Washington C• l 4.llds abandoned Methodism and become „Lints. Man. • • —A C 0123111 of Lord Raptor recently par. chased &fermi.% Tennessee for s os,ooo In gold, and has sent to England for blooded stock. —A St. Louis woman istlng advantage of her husband's temporary absence, procured • 'divorce and married again In less than two • • Yofulg•atill verY Pretty delessmakit of tiatumuna, unto, has absconded with a large 'number of "rich fabrics' , belonging to her ce.l ustomers. • —At a wooden Wedding In Detroit on Tues day evening, a joke was perpetrated by a per eon who wee mtable to be inesent. Harlem. his regrets written on a shingle. —it Is stated that the profits of the Fifth Avenue Hotel during the month of October Were $4O, 000. • The average number of guests was six hundred, which would give a profit on each of three dollars a day.. The new Colt's pistol factory at Hartfordwill be GOO feet long, four high and cook e3X4000. Its walls are three feetstories thick' , and are built of pressed brick, with limestone trim. 'wings, and the entire structure will be fire proof; • . —lir. Warren Ackerman, of Scott% Plains. and formerly of Newark..liewdereey,hea pled: ged Mmeelf to give to the Board of loretan minions of the Reformed Dutch Chetah tee sum of 05,500, of which e 411,50013 to'be appro. pslated to the payment of the preeenit debt acid liabilities of the Board, and $lO,OOO to be added to the Invested fonds. —ln the Penitentiary of Illinois there are at present ono thousanciand West male pad forty -roar female convicts, showing an Increase of (nor hundred over last year. Nearly every convict, of both sexes, chews tobacco, wigwag given them every Sunday morningln pieces of about Inches square, and which costs the lesees ( annually 48,Coti. Peery cell lathe bull& lug is now occupied, and the wanted room Is so pressing that five hundred new cells had to be constructed, and are now nearly completed. . —Doctor spent sever M y eas Dn r o f , e c o t f i S g a t nd e u m y u e ha o s f a triathetnattcal lastrunient, widen he bat named the Longimeter, and which, , he claims, will relieve navigator" from the long, tedious and .often uncertain of ca lculating longitude at sea. in of, to ascertain the longitude of a ship at sea by this Installment, the navigator has only to take his obsebation as natal, glance at his chronometer, then tarn the hands of the Letiglmeter In accordance with simple rules, and he has before him; in figures. the exact longitude aids ship. —A St. Petersbargli• correspondent . writes: all we want to realize tho intrhisic greatness of tha t . wonderful pageant In the Winter Pal ace, we should remember that Schaal/I was there. We , all knew that, th after' a hundred fights. at Achallasand oer fastnesses, the old hero had long ago made. peace with the Muscovite,' and was living as an honored State prisoner: but he, too, the fiery and Intense Mahometan, the Prophet of a people, came to this City of a swamp to smile graciously as the future lord of the Concerns was married, Two men alone in this century have recalled Cho exploits of the old-warrlor-prophete—dbd-el. Bader and Scluanyl. Last year .abdosi Mader I was in Paris, grateful to thq Emperor: last week, Schamyl was In St. Petersburg, loyal to the Czar." PRIME INDIGO! riusue Prime Indigc, For Dyeing Purposes, Not Dyeing Purr:leen, • Tb at Cannot be pivaped for Quality or Prier +int Cannot be Ey. Ilea JOY letallir Or rrlee AT PLEMINQ'H Drum 9Ttilip, AT YLE3ILNIPB DRUG tITURAI _ ft 4 Ilarlet Street. *-".• el* Market btreet, Corner of tbx - ,le ce r ge se or th e jol,..ete_ondl, nearStbStreie . Fourth Stret. olte. near Yourtb !Street. ,_ • GRAY nail) 'IMMO.. MESS/DAIND- RlllO7. ANY 1 tISEAng D/SCOVERY CAN coIIPABAVI,fhI..AAT.,.-n,NV• WALE COLOR RESTORER Artttfi" . . o . ~.,"";"'s London Cur. Best sesi, - . 3 ...1.". "London i t ., ‘ ,.„-.s s _r Restorer. , o•Loodon Khyslelans Neu z ~.7 19 "Loudotr ' • m.. c ,... t 0,...,, .*:e"Loudon flisantl , , - . rear coo; ~,,,,R = l: o ' it u d i gii Bern head /t. .Lair a21.11:rolorl , , um," .11 never - falls tqltntrait Ilfe, growth, sad eia. t ',.• the, wearest hair. Ise tens Sail stops Its falling, ~,,L in turn to produce • new growilr of half, endue et to grow thick and strong. Only 111 Cents a' bottle; Nthe hairdo:n.l ••• . • Sold by - SeOLA ItEAWA WeIEENNAIf, $5 Nee. het serest. ORM A. HELL'. 37 Wood street, and JOS. PEENING 04 Market street, 0 lortnulh. KANE £ DEU/TT. Allegheny. , sardfintors TO THE DEBILITATED AND THE liZallEPlDo=ropeeneral debility and ex. Manion oldie powers of eater/4 whetheroceasion. ed by sickens, - fait Ilriag, couttliattheat_deny. ola age, or soyother !Anteater mental cum, the one Ming needful aud Indispensable le MIMI. !SEWS CRUM/MT/3D trruir4r4r IT IW. When the Stre Ofllte seems to' to ststotutely dying witha the system nut thei Inn& the beg.. xedueed almost to a stte of es. b ditty. this mighty kteeterattre seems. tut It were, to lilt the . wanner out of the Clough of Despond, and mend and nientarale both the frame *ad the Intellect an Add fancerin ilia Volley of UM 11011Oultakels writes thus to Dr. Hostetter; "/ can compare tee operation ofeour Bitters upon ins to but the effect of a rain after a long dry ape lin the fan of theyear. Tee raln Wiese on the meadows starts the second crop of yam, ss4 pour wholesome Medleltie seems So haresgartesl a second c rop °nue Aludthn is truly the = effect ot Ibis end powerful preparation. Ladles of wash th or whose struggle has been impaired Tofelftellere or age, glad Its most er. fleeelOde and detlebtfal Tonle. and It . Is adsulals. tared with Irma raceesite ealinsnalle or Westing of tee gen yagehlldnen. non, lets* mate suer and so re r martial for nersarratuln any. telagglyertlied *pecan). for Mat Piny° w, Wit.'23IJYGMAI4 64 AM Street, to art'authorisod.dgerti to rooms ettlantlionenu for tito GWYBITE, and ati &Aar papers throughout pt Unadd 81044.2 and ghtt 7TOTICg. m .., - ,,iiirrtut anzenivria Or Tut . 1 . 7,„ — .hoiders ot the EIEUUAIITILIEPETEDLE. ~., rain PAnlI, wtli Ca held": at . their '. Ware,- Ea. -- a Wainut street, - I , ltlladaDanla. on TUESDAY: - Ecember inb—issa In accordance with the BY ! :es or Mir op. __. • - . : denna , . well. J. MALCOLM, Secretary. NOTICE. WHEREAS. MY WIFE cause er LiZAw boaßwThHuJEnll HON poo e aio m . t da r nd • tore warn all persons from harboring or. Umatilla heron Jay amount. as Lwill ;sot be responsiblo for any debts of her contracting alter this data. WM. 1111301 i. • .11.Lenutiry CITY. Dec. fitb, 02V11 deliirM NOTICE. . . . THE , EDIICATIONAL ASSOCIA., A.IITION OP WINTERN rIERNTLVANI/L, matron AILTUBDAY A Dedembet Ith' et ur o'clock A. la the TH UD. AND TANTR WANDS BetittOL HuOSZ. Ins4btreat. . PERPORYIA*CM. • LEDFIDIS. BY W. D. HOWALD, D. D. tub tire-:,ropu/ar Educathra-lta Illstot7 sad Adeun rellY. • BY AUSS'IItiTTDS 'SOSO& BubPiet .;!brebedzor %os t 4111 Teacher tadarstundluu DLSUIReiIt b II..DX V. 411. Sint UNDO ell3,Justlede.-...dUensld Maus Antutborgy It et • (harem Berta uf Tau - C.1)430k, blue used be Sue Puglia dehoolsr s - - ettuD ..• . • yofto imps LIBRMILWOEUTION. . . . . . 'A meeting of members of the . Arroelation to dell A GiUujol4eirlo iteriefer4giffteers for toil, awl for sea otheirburftesa ue roe, be brought before U, 'will be heldst fai..LiuniesY a ALL, ' . ON 1:1011//11:1; THE leru T; P.ll .Ifilf. B. snwAups. pAUTNIIISFEPNOTICAIIIIES Y. 011611 STY u purchased the Interest of /MIN HALL, Is the arm of JOHN HAW, H A LL -aim name and axiom Me arm lON baJONN MM. as hocetomee. JAXIM 1710111/1 J. RAGE. PUrailt • 1.... ....WWI 4. BROW X. VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS. 451 and 153 Llibintr 'Plttsb.urgb. • .-J.OH 01:. HAir L& C 0.... Milantacteirers of all'earletlea of Northern and flonitutes. PUMA .UNION aIOWEItn, SUpszr HAY ItAllinfculalVATO &0.. sad coolers In AliltltalLTUSAL LIPLENtIeTIS of all de. frenanienote; Dee: I. Ina TO WHOM IT MU SOINCEON. NOISCE IS lIESSILY GIVEN that tbeiat ot BARRELS - and TWO . TOINDLES HOOP IRON are not removed froin the matins of tberENN.A. BALT AIANUFACTITRINti CO., at NATRONA, itAred.therillil3o, by News. !IRV MICK zaps.. or, one week after endratton anima of &dragsters UM notice. Mourne will be "old to bay et - mrjmi . t; •on MURAL BEE 13tb, between ttet bones .ot bindl3 Wale* Ity'driler of H. PEKBERTON. Soot. W. tlel:411 JUST amvii• srieciiqua. 37. oin4fitreet;lliiiheny," • -. • A !Me assmtment of • Pitied Spoons and Perks, Of tbe but stutabfectara. have atao ott band • welt selected snick of WATCtiES, CLOClill and . JAWSLIIY, whICIt lam sOldlag low far espb. Glee me a cell. ' Mobs tat? ALLEN'S REFINED - . CI .1 JD . Stierior _Article, SALE EY Wan &ER, Sole 4gts., 215 Liberty St., Pittebutlk. .1 ~f . ; C • H,• .y• 6 CONTRACTOR.,—The PENNA. BALT ItANU• FACTORING CU. rtltl reaelae proposals Mr erect- OW, at once; a TWO FLORY BUILDIBIO 101 feat Ong, niicei widipinti.4o/Oct . high, containing *bout 100,030 feet or lumber;' Tile materials wlllioe nished tolhe contractor 011 the groniat. Apply during this week at the works. at Ni rosa, or to kSlSterktOtt ATezute r fAighenj city, berWeen end 7o.elock in the ettentog, where - plans and rpeethcations can be seun MONEY SAVED. T _Dana Arnrs .IPCMI4 8 3MMr sa.chars, IN BOOTS AND SNOBS, At 91 Federal St., Allegheny City. W. K. NPCLINTOCK. Wimp. 9 5 21 3Peclorsa. intreet. deb pnor. nonntron, INSTRUCTOR. ON THE PIANO, And Teacher of Vocal 311113iC. nooxs AND 11011151 E: dealf4 a • 2.0 r 2 "17 Otreet.- DAVE AND , SITPEGB ENGLISH al. Mab ßo !, O M aar ket us / ted r a a d d gomtorlsl* te at Lai n. O fo ki °delay rreseuta. Alta *large collection of Jare n:A. Standard and Miscellaneous dr kat /Ina Vain- Be l ayfiticv.. A . Sole during this i e r,l i t i e r t th litl c tr , will please call durlag the aay deg A. ItC/LWAINE. Ary - . EXTRA'llipetVr VADERSIIMTS. AND DRAWERS. FOUR AND SIX THREAD SOCITOIL WOOL TIN DISSLILLIT2, AIILP DOTWABSAN ALL int!, reszaws OLD STAND STOO*LNG STORE. del No. 24811ftb XX . DESIBABLE LOTS FOR COVN. , TEYILINIDENCEIS —On account of the indent. envy of the weather on Tuesday last, the We of those. dluirable Building Lots, from two to four semi /soh, on the Perrysville Plank Bond, one mile from Allegheny Oily, was aillourned.. The hits are now unwed at priming We. • Tianta—(lne•half Cash; balance In 2. I. 4 'and ream with Interest. Tor plots of the property and further partlctUnhii APPLY to • • del JOIoN I D P ALS ue et. Iblrectors of 'the BIRMINGHAM GAS CIALPANY have de clared& dividend of POOH P 33 (MST. on the . Cardtal Stock, payable - at the onto of BOBLNBO.II. IdeCLEAS A C0...N0. 73 Fourth street, Film burgh, on and after the 74th lutint. . RONWN Tress MIMING/IAL De c . . 4th. JP BI& t. derv% SAFE WARTED. A GOOD SEOOND HAND. SAFE, SO inches /ugh 1171 PLEN BTELIZET, • tatlai Bate nu TEM MEI AH TTRI T OZNISRED PROHT ROOM. Ontriiin - lartet, near Eland. - Address D. C.. GAZXISI ILT=3IIII HE . GIIOVER & amen . • :SEWING MACHINE ULU MU= Thule et Nechanlain. Please call and examine It at NO 111 712711 untscr. 0.1 WERTER0T1L11111E0L1111) M u °l i : V i t i tzkilitrnlned Lat d 011; / . .14 Duck Often abileatlnsoll. de' , JAMES DALZELL & BON, t 9 and 10 Water street. CIIOICE LAVER mums. 3crercv. avow. Eiielsoeurb, 'The linen Importeat alio, London Wen b 5 b° tsupir 11gee!!"grra" root ..':.- Corner l Hind 'ML INTEIIEeT FOB SICLE—One . rtbilt Interest In 23 sem wuable Oil La di. aun..."rg..4.1.4rdtr.7. Ccomp/air _BEAT.. FOR SALE—. coutaintageacrin 1,81/ Lmprared tarn.-orebsrasg tows. of kochB.- tar, Bearer 1,30. P.a. is offend cheap- Apply to .188 - MisZL/LIN* CO., lit Ifonrili st. - - p.ANEL PAPEEM.WaIII Mid Cell. log Decorations, antiope Snelan..l Aigs LLALrn. for sale setb7 • - . P. A, elt _ _ _ GOLD AND • TIITED PAPER BAHUINUS for salaip ko d . imut44 . . deS 87 WOO d Met. JAM T... BRADY ato., to 13. tones Corner Fourth and Wood Ste"; BIN= &:8803 , • DSUatita Att. EMI Government Securities, - • Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupopa OOLTACT/0.15113 =de on rail sOceitablo points In the Milted SUMO sod Canada& Intereffilliwed on Tine Deposits. J. SHEPHARD, . " 317 I_2.l73ertw:Mtreet PirretritGll, Itanufactoser ofall Mods of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS CONFEdTIGNARY, By. : Ste!Etni. 10 EELS. TURKISH_ PRUNES &Ss - • ,11 UST BECALMED, pITTEIBURGII PIPER RINEFICTERING CO, I=3 Printing and Wrapping Papers CLINTON IdILL, BTEUBENVILLX, OHIO. BRIGHTON HILL, NEW BRIGHTON, PA. OFFICE AND WAIIEHOVSE, Be, 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa - OPP/CEIM—AtIGPAT HAIITJE. President. - ONO. B. LIVINUBTON. Trout:wet. - SAMUEL RIDDs.II. Be attar,. Mmacgond—Angost Hartle. John Atwell, M. H. Hartman, John IL Livingston. John M. Perkins. C. H. glerriet. - Cash Paid for pier - mo9leBll • • rmlm GaAs.amin. TB. BA2.II..KNAKE & BTIETTLEIR' Successors to WAIIELINi. I BkRR, No. 12 St.Ulair Street, Pittsburgh P'iaitios,l.Ckrgans, •ud Musical Gooda dttinn3LUy Atr Bole Agenh hr the Celeh•atad BRADBURY New York. etieItUtIOMACHER !Wheel Oh, FLEW& - . . Also. ESTEE 470.41 "COTTAGE.,"nad 8. D. AIL W. 8MITII•8 OIIGANE, and ru.torea PATENT GUITAR. • Tliebest Italian and German -and Guitar Inxings alone on band. " no17:=1 rLwag.L srazcsias C. tt. - BOMADOL• IRON.CITI SPICE MILL. • ' STRICKLER SiIVIORLEDCE.. • • •__,firra tiTtur EITEIBION - mar rep... ATelthe• privasuaan. • • • • • aaene recently' parehaaed the shore . we rat healthy Inform the_ public that a n d llUeontlane the maanthettuw of ruttz SPICES MUSTARD, to., which we will be Ohba to furnish to WHOLE SALE and RETAIL DE *LEES at the 'LOWEST MARKET PIC WE. Also, COPPER and (MOUND NUTS IttlelsTgli Co order on abort notice. •EYE FLOUR and FREAII GROUND UURN MEAL UM slap try On 6.01 th Aiming to deal fair we aollelt the patronage Of the public. • •It J. BAXTER, foinierly °gibe Congress Spies MUD, will be (sand on hand et the gall at all times Mt attend to the wants of enstoramb„-- - • • • STMDEMEEM. & 310gLUDGE. LAMES , FURS, ALISSES' P . 11.118, GRAM'S FURS. tilt I:A RDEST ANDI3EBi AbSMITMENT IN THE orrv, iSELLINU-AT VENIV LOW PK/Cll3, AT THIS HAT, - CAP AND . PUB STORE ZIA CI CI FL =1 'clb o : Ct., xst fr'oo/f BTRE.ET. AI , LPEMENY coramnrsaFreorilumnivaitu =1 -• • To the Henn and Leral Representattres ofiALIES • HEANEY; Weer sald county, deceased) - • Ton are hereby cited to ba sod atm. benne tee. J 11). H. HUAI . Register or Mills, ,in and for raid conetr.' on or Were '3 ATCULDAY. theta) day et Derember drat, at said to 4.)111ce, ritubarrh. then and there to take out letters of edtalentraUan ea the Estate of said Juana Hea ney. deceased, or show cause. if any. Why thisalse• should tbe treated to eme-br hierli.ol , lthe ere& lion or some other at person.- - ' 1.117 attdtady , tr d i a y nd .or be a j pea, at PtHal . .nottfainler - .8100 ;' °uN T .l - • , fIIO2IIPTLT COLLECTED H! DI'MASTER, IMAM Et BUTTERFIELD ..ATTOIINEIiI AT LAW. Louis. IZEIiGE attic CO, L _lllaia - gamy ca GRAND AND lIQUAu.r. PIANOS. Waremosas. 1/7 MAMMA STAZDX.. &mad Bloc.; la elf from Droadfray. NEW f ONL. The Plano nolloiractarea thua Ann are eadon ea by all Dryleaa_lor argots of the coontrrfbr mei/ F ,77 =' , 1N1Z1L1M127:,r.T:=7;41 Seven OeSave Rosewood / with oar Grand rreaab uopeatlag Action, carved ' 1.a., desk sadaei . lotA r xanten toacaates: for ave scan, EITM2 FITZPATRICK & BROTHER. past. Intim:mu `GOLD 'PEN MAISUPAOPPRELW,'43 MARKET STREET, near Third strum Pittseuratt. PENS AND OADVI, Wholesale arm get.U. • PPErNon I oMPArREDi y - • - harlot Pens to InPalr Can send them hr mail man PrSriPUY.relornen. nolinorsnwr • ',AMP EXPLOSIONS MAI* POSSIBLZO-14 ja accomplished by the Al, ADDIS GAS LAVE. oemalaa /WO./ MCC for cutworm is ale runny. imamate brakes SY • LAu., SPILL ampOW,, or be ailed 'wnrix powwows /I &Bawl Lalvlos a Hata (stitch m wise will sot Woe out) swat /IN NTZItIr WAY rO COAL r ittr a j t a aLs 11111 0067. Yea CIO .mats Ms lame Tri arr to:Vint intkawr7:l77, 11-7,1V-.7111 num suset, , ' rlghburah. Pe. .nomonsawr $25... .11.411TLEry ' 825 ; .sEwiria.mitcHinc, • Best cheep Licensed Machine to the United Elates. *gents wanted everfurberei VI 00 Der 12 " u" Vitt" itilir'7.allud, dress utuerm At ol4 e r , ch:tv i zzla o b . n.a,hu, ..4 gloalw 10eEDIOVAL.--THE iRviDEDSIGN 71D bays nil:tared the aloe of the'uora OIL WOHBB from 36 Eisket street, Pittsburgh. to a heir Werke on DAMON BTUS= Brownetown, wbere they can nereetter be found. Postottice Address 838. Pittsburgh. ~ Wrlta • wIIRCIA/ A WILMA WA. F ? 1 1 SALE.—one-iourth Interest MEI ;Kittanning 'tolling MtU P To as acceptable partner. Apply to Cr ItABgo6 l lCr Kir a i tz, NO. 80 Water sirCet. de3:OlCO ROOFING. EIATEBLILL Cement, Pitch, Pell, Para/fine Tarnish and Mack Paint, t iMreSmiseit sold II as lim Mas ii ssaniejecro . se f.14•111..4. ROQUE:TS; .CARWILELIAS, &c —We A , Imre the largest and shoatoek et WINTEIt PLOWLHINO P 1401211 the ally, and are prapared to (arida h wedding and °the:names with Table and Hand Bonnets. lore Deanna, en, on short notice. We Can also fanthli Floret Wrenths, Croton, -tte. AU 'orders promptly attended to. Can van to thellroonhooses ataxy raw th i h uh th . dot JOHN It. at a, munbucti, 011111 , 111 HOMINY! 110111Nr!- . Ilavlox received the excinitya lia.4 or AlitiOLD'a 111LZEL•BBUPttit011 WEITE PLINT lam not receiving oberrels, and will Continue receive through...tat the eeason. Trad e " Palm ' " 1°"" lalittYC. - tilwirtT Artemt. .Dpnotl to Ma roatn._ EIZZ=I RHOF., lIARNESS & c&gunAGE KNURLS atiOuldsiT thenew Grover allalior No: 1 Sewing Machin Betbre tro ylk els.eirtiere. It . la th e . hist Sr their *". " rirrarrazzir. BUOOMS. • IGO detest*s sale by • CHA21.113 No. 211LIbaty Guist. 05 vENETLiNAAD, Eng. reeelyed.and for ulo OZUIisE A. sciLLT • 00 rAct• Wlt:tissio•Losuutris, 7P Wood meet. 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MAR Before purchasing elsewhere, ca and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS No.-136• Wood Street no13;o1.3 1. .prrTenvitG, unzwEnr. 'CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., IREWERCMALSTERS it HOP DEALER; - Successors to JOSHUA RHODES & . Co n Pinsbursith WIC W. ANDERSON, AlleetenY, is T p tud u a=l;o:a: customers or the two drum ALES AND PORTER, Width, through the careful 'election of ?dall trotei °emergent lye malting fsellltles sod Hops from the yards Kest amt West, we can guarantee to be pure I and satlstamory to beeeda Our INDIA . tLlf c .. been highly reopen:espied 10 . 7 r. A.l4l)lLetllb u t e u . stomers will plexus be Color o leave their ord. re at his °Mee adlobs bls old Brewery, or at our aloe. Coma of Ihpesie ill and Buter's dlley, totbolCl W.c. a. W. mass. myna, HOPPER & CO:, (lnoosasora to B. ft. Malgor.) No, 45 Smithfield St.. Manahottuan sad Deafen to an kinds of B-213.1=1.1V-rillitrEM -Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Sets, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, Together with a flan assortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture, baud and for sale at the ircrwvoist Ciesaish Prieeis C==tl3 JAM= TlOnline BOOMS - • a. A.rrOintel, SUMAS BROWN. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. lining purchased the old eatablished Brewery known as One ALLEMBIZBY BREWERY, formerly owned by Campbell & Ream. we would Inform the public that we intend continuing the manufacture of SPRING WATER ALES, • Made from Pure Bprlng Water, and from our !tat tles and long experience In the en. we feel entailed that wa will be enabled t give entire sat. Wootton to those who may favor on with thalr pat °nage.' ISTILECTIZE de; CICIP. 465 Rebecca Street,. AILLEGREIifIr CITY: &PAU Orders hell Pit tsbur gh .N & Olt&RAIVB, 203 Liberty etrvet, will be promptly attended to.ocean TAT COMODEITATION OF MINER. 011112.VP.LUS10:18 ihat OI L, eekly occurring from the use of LISPICIIIOII. the undersigned have concluded to sell their, WS...AT 1 1 / I T4IL at their WAlllllOl7llr, . - Mr*. 88 Zit aslat.evt Mitre et. ohlgUtrillErati t alf•d i f. n .tifllf,lll or import by competent lespectors. • Those Who desire uniform and IttLIABLE AR TICLE will do well to purchase the BUBO OIL. 8V1111731f. KEZIEW Co. _ • bU. 33 MdItKET - WrkIECT. Jincialnlsts and all others= be. furnished Lad. 3pe. m and retealsom Lubricators at retell. • notrage , FOR . TIZE pIOLWAYS. VINE 'nom, ADAPTED POE ZicolitaAs9 .IProsers:to, or ALL minis or "VP "Err-. MIL 7 • HOLD AND MINIM WATCHES for Ladles and Heats; • z iI t H E A II IH AA S A Tl N )b i n GU A AHD rryi. 2.irl ..lracEl Ve gahlTnellS3V, l i i . l , l`Ns JOHN KITSCH. • 119 federal at., Auetheili. Flat LIN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S SGINS OOTTON YARN, CARNET CUALN, COVERLET YAILV, woun,Ewici, • • WRIST aANAL STREET. between noblemen and Lamick. Allegheny ity, Pa. • P. orders by mall attended to. neekage: No. it emit street. 13110 R10111-LITBRICATOR, Ifanataciared by WHIM /BROS:. BtCO 3 New York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, St. Clair Street,. Pittsburgh;Ps., Keep C01314/USLIF on band - • Cotton 13 l ir I D B:14 L' alt: O grl l I i2tW , ! Linhg CALM Engne Oil. Dark Lar Ul %No.lLigh g o id tlarewita• art Car L Nos. __ . nozwa JOE ralatzic.Tilso. 7. AlxsauTx pLLMEIt,.&NBQIITZ 71t CO j EUCCISSOItiI J. 'A. BOBLirSOIL & CO.. • • DIALEIB Ii! BOOTS, EilloEB & .GATIMA aro. Si Jtiarket Street, near iourtb, ifeMor. Prrisituiwil, PA. l ASTMANI PATENT , .Portable . raiding FAMILY BEDSTEADS: the Beg Betitteids foi ?amity Ste hi the Wed • .. We al an atiStitre raelous alsee . and styles Of both •DoUBLEAND L X BEUXTEXIXL all of which arezarearred as to admit of their being easily Jafa n a IV ' th " e ' bTtiVZ a vb b lg: r f:fiaillren d ' Er . fectlyporfatie. and can wily be curled inti e rLo se . , to mom or from lions. to house. To be seen at nfiltlTLl & SIOTTV/I. SS Smith field street. noxl:ote n. . P. °WICKS. Agent. 13IIIT HEE lIEST, PETROLIA BLDE LEAD, . 7011 OIL ezruira . e, • • Itenafictu'red only and t r we by .T. H. . 9 E "lAN is CO., Xil conLoori o 4o.saatlPlTcorinio, N. W. Cor. ;Id and Market lits, eels • PITTIMUEOII, rd. ED ET all yvlNE II EAT TRADE O nEvotTHEirrioN TII —FUME E F tHHTIM ALiFOHNIA OId.taIPAHNE. madeATsad stfe place ff711.7z.V.g: Pl Attadereigned would call the atteption of Wine Dealers and Hotel Keepers to the following letter, W which may give a correct Idea of Um quality of their hist puit.....OORTININTAL HOTZL. .)LIBIRS. BocaUm 4111. 0:rt , ent ". '6144 's2. Aks Oren xe , your Platforms Chasonin arborenoLli" no i tr e o w D e l ylos tba are Mot it 471't once ytaee It on *or ant= ' I d. tlrt e 11" at Coil and tryno. .44;rgiotn"1"Za116°." baloMinte UoDualf vri 36 D • NEWS FOR TEIE PLICTED. rATILNT kIiDICINES d DRUGS, at low meta Frainsumst samt..d - • zittrwivitm. rfr . Asa areittlaaxplia rih amimigi r.W DisUG MOOR, • 'Ma • IL Clair /tram. C IiBES E• ace bole. eosbui, Factory awl magma forage iy SKATES! SKATES! HATES! I rf AVERILTEIVEDJKOST OF= NTOCK. and offer to the Trade a selection from JAMES SOWN, CSR D. Are now prepared to ataneractinro /.WIRE. Berntaus COTTON WAIIPS, de.. tc. cluszati o:llAutuir. No 20thibut71treet, NEW ADVER EEPORTANT TO BRICK MAKERS 330.000 33riols. IX TEX IlOUlts, With Eight Men! SWORb'S STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE; MANI7FACTURED BY The rittebiugh Brick Machine AND BRICK • MANUFACTURING CO., hr Palen, Eddie* Sonlh.sasten Stales. THE SIACMPIE IS SEL - F-TEM., cootsonly .I.soo,Sright to tise being protiortionentothoementan I pope ethanol' territo... r 77, ) min by an Inch elltnder cosine, works all Med. Of elaY. =ekes SUPSISU BRICK, pressed in steel moubbt. te. only - eight men Ceti le. Use clay, feed the oder. take away - the k and hake them the yartl, and makes brick a. fast as you wish to run the engine.' in our own yore. our rata of making Is from 45 to 50 a agnate. We claim this lobe the best in use. A machine may be seen in operation In oar rani) at Glenwood. four miles otiose the city. on the north side of She Manoegahelt river, reached by the Connelleville Railroad. Machine, 'Yard. County andbtate Rights for sale. For lull Information, apply for eirculars,la per son or by mil, at be office. We are prepared to MI large contraets of brick. Samples °film brick to be seen It 80. 70 Fifth street, anti the Mee, • 250 LIBERTY ST" PITTSBURGH, FA 0. M. MEP. President, _A. iiCICLEY, Vice President; W. M. IIcUILACKEN, Treasurer; S. A. 13HEPPARD,•&,cretarf. DuneC7osS-15.. M. - Kier. A. Ackley, W. M. Pricael, John Aiken. W. M. Culp.del;ps GO TO- PLCUEMPUPIEV, No. 16 Fifth Street. FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS They limpet received a large and well selected Lock of FINE GOODS, tONSISTING or 11 : 4111( (=OM 3= l / 9 . AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, ROLM RIEFED WARE; FORKS AND SPOONS. - ---• TABLE CUTLERY. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, ITBOPZIEO, ebo. And a very itrge stock of FINE = SILVER-PLATED WARE From the best Manufacturers and the rE111" LAMEST sTrix& Do not forget the 0141 6 8tand NO. 16 , FIFTH STREET: n0M005 , 37 . _ . HILLERIKAWS 111 AND FUR EMPORIUM. ittfeeElLPlTlLM'efoolg, which la offered at • Ma 1 0 11217 11.49. 1 1 , 13,3. Oar epeelaity now te laiscilewa v iMesa.Vis 1 0 . 1Eri SLEIGH & ' CARRIAGE ROBESi: Although prepared wi th atoll line of HATS AND CAPS; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HILL]3IRI lAN'S No. 75 Wood Street. KANE'S PATENT PETROLEUM SOAP SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP & BEAUTIFUL, ' ' Al lIQUISITI TOILITiNDWASEING SOAP .1 K. 4.417,8 PETROLJEVX After =mere= eattsfactom tests In hundreds of confidently =Tenth to the hubllc. on Its established merits. as the best Toll= 505919 the market; es a gist -rate Washing husband Er asi re or Cloth Slolas, ills abOaad ellieuMons °molten,. being ezcellent remedy for all Cutaneous Diseases. From Da peculiar chemical eoseibtnations, it Is en— tirely free Dom unp l e a sant 114Gret sod luthigutthl. to For sale at the entitle hen = Dre ts and nis Grocer. In Pittsburgh and Allegy- PITTSBRIGII GIS SHINED., 021ce, No. 2 Illenbants'Bolei, COL THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREETS . „ .400.21° . Se2Cialgilaf; JAMBS I. BENNET, President. BOIIIIEtT Vigo President. BOND MUSTY, Beey and Trefis'r DUIZCTO/tet fnTL. WE P r i k le yfig JOHN W. CHAL• ANT J. ; LE 08 W. R. . Office Hours, 9, a. al. to p. daily. ao12:129) / • El. reins . Was termed the practice of 04atIstrr Was '3.04 .IP33IPTMC Mr." Opposite the Cat Where he irtahee to metre Ma friends and patrols who are in need of the services otanexperieneed DENTA.L PRACTITIONM the mon selectnumenm. an dnr .. Orlon them °Ulm proper treatment, 411 . 1 _,PreffrTIPt thorn An Inure ores and oarultat ta onto old Ate. ft inalargy d otitis meta cUrong persona akin. Time bean tjt u dt a e.iiitririfficial teeth, rendered roommtbnable and wend by the mania of the Doe tore mechanism, Ina ne made ready for all who 4 1{.11Voe tr a t i b dtworerlei of wale. In 01 ring tenet horn Ws In the extraction of moth, 0111 to MEW fhlif aireinlatereeto these who May deaden them. Oro. Wan from 01. X. to 4 i. ar. 007093 1 Ori 7 I Anr AT App/11Q1.—POSITIVZ E.--111 ouzo aa4 Let am II welastar street, oapoota alum surr.wlll l o.4 art n 3, 1 711f44 -• • UNISEAx, cc. ot boos. Ita r 'initr reo , g=l. l , ' Ai aWe Fari a = " Za==. • d yeti comfortable. re sans ta Walt at saes • talrabas thralllaf rs a T.'S lietithaorhoo4. day li at ia rana. '"l rt- 2 As u lT. P 4Mrt. g r r • (dad) Z a 41.. fff. Anctleasear. WEEIT COMMON w oronryno „iwri4was tiofmr nw wed °MTN!BED'S iLTATATIES • CO: ou band so pew!, on AM mita - - axim•ND. STlh r e2o2M_Olryoll ~thfisi t io f r o lift, 'ICI • n ..14.0i48111 promPUT ciecated. aibrs aunans. mica= q3virblv z-1 :V to Ku z BATES & BELL LIVE IN STORE A CHOICE ISSORTIONT OF Plaids, SILK, VELTET 8: CLOTH M MANTLES. ItriCe rim. cos, 3Pc)rolixi.s, .€5l Um.s, BELlnacarexls. 33145tn.1r..401:9 ; I:iraess Goods. 21 FIFTH ST. IMI 'REMEMBER THE LITVLE ONES, AA, THE DESTITINt AND ORPHAN CHU, DUES UP OUR COUlfl RI'S DEFENDER& timid the Fair sod Presentattou Festival in aid of the Iluase and School for the Walutenwscc. ana Educelion of, Hat Destitute Children of our Poldle, and Sailors. . . AN APPEAL TO THE AMERIC A NPEOPLE, Him ons, tober Homed. We, the and Mangers of "The and School" for the lictricatlon and Maintenance of the Destitute Children 'of our Soldiers and Sailors, earnestly /rotten the .sympathy and co-operation In our Fair and Grand Premritation Neutral, of all who desire with us to see "The Homo and School" enabled ro receive and care for a ll needy ones, who nee shelter and protection. Mrs.G ENEHAL UL YSBES S. GRANT, President. " CHAS. P. DALY Acting do. Gen. J. C. FRYSIONT,'Is. Vice do. : ENT . FO R STER, 2d Vice - do. JOHN S. VOW/HIES, Treasurer. DAVID HOYT. Secretary. " W. S. HILI.YER, Corresponding Secretary. " HERVEY G. LAW, Manager. " J. J. VAN DAMEN; do. The Pair Will open .on the 10th.of DECEMBER, and continue too weeks, at the Pablie Hall, corner of Broadway and Md street, N. Y. To beconcluded by the Grand Presentation Pmtival, to be held'at Cooper Institute, New York, Saturday Erening,, December Tld, ender the Musical direction of Theo dote Thonsu,'Sse. lerrohich oceseton a Committee ill be chosen to awareigiMAKlLS pavanes in tech lateral manner. as ti . ey may determine. for the Festival (berate:ll lar Issued .9;(1,1X0 Ticket. at One Dollar each, and ZO,Cce Present., being one to each ticket holder: Llel or Pangs - re TO BR AWARDED: I Present In United States Ilreenbacks,...4lo,CO3 I Splendid Country Residence In Wretches- 12,0c0 ter Co., near N. Y. City I Corner Hume and Lot, Janntlea, Avenue E. New York i,fo3 I 11,1.= bstli:dlicadkliell.el' 3.0.)3 7,00 1 Carriage,Horses and Harness. (complete) 1 Grand Pin NASteinwey'a) 1.000 3 Lots 10 Harlem, N. Y., et. SOO t deb...... . 1,600 1 Set : - of Diamonds, (Ring, Ear Ring. ad I Pin) I 000 / Pald-up Polley of Life - Insurance for. •••• 0 . 0 00 1 "Ells , Patent Hot 'Water Apparatue," - for lit atlis Dwellings 011 Painting 01 K General U. 0. Grant I• nts*One Gold-Lever Watches at age.. 3,000 10 Ladles' One Goad Laver Watches at WM.. 1,07 a 1 Elegant, drat premium "Empire" Sew ing Machine 110 :0 Silver-plated Tea Sets. at ade _...., L5OO 1011 Celebrated "Empire" Sewing Machines, DOW 011exbibiugn at their warcroonis, 650 Broadway ;WO (CO Copies (_t ols. each). beleg a ccumlete Illuatrated History of the War.... .. MO Gold rel.., Pencils, mad Sleeve let Buttons. a Se - LUC ZOO Tab and TeaspoOns and Napkin Hinge, Otb 3,61)) Call Bells and Plated Fred Knives, at $1 3 s loo The balance toconilst of the following. ar-, Helm, via: Musical Instinteents, Parlor and° ree Flinuture, Writing Cases, La. dice , Work Boxes, Mush) Boxes, Hid tilo:e., Photograph Albums,ll'elmiele. and Fnger Roles, Gent's Cob Chains, Ladle,' tioldWatch Chain*, Opera bliss. Blck Walnut Picture Frames. lien tlemea'aa gashionablel3l,k Hata. I.adles• Newest Stile Dress Hay, American Em blem Cards for Parlor Amusement, En graving. and ' Oar) Photograpn. of Die. tugulsbed Personage.. Ladles- - and I.llleV!ll j ul g il h , ps, es 'ir eti go o lt e a% and Gloves, Sc. amounting to 21,1=, Making In the aggregate 2.00.00)Pri sents rained at.-..—..„ ..... ... ...51100,003 -TIJEODONE TEIDEAS,..Esq...C..e talented Must -cal ire tor; promises a most deliglithd treat In the ()reheat tat and Vocal Exercise far the ocra• sloe, 110 less than F•Mrli P ttrOft/LEIIS being al ready engaged, and nothlng wilt be spared to make MI the Pinest Alln.lcal Yenisei In the, hatted States, • • . way be OBTAIN TLC'S.' TS. • Orders Hay be sent tllre,A to us enclosing the money, from St to V. 3 is a registered letter at our ri s k with stampforretern postage. Large amounts Nhould be 'sent In drafts or by Express, at the fol. !owlet-. yin ti•rates: 6 tickets to one address.. el to; to do.' do.; •110 CO; 37 do.' do.. SD 50; P 3 do. do, rl . ‘ : 40 41 .. do., dr , (.0; 60 do. do., SO SO; HO do. c: 111721 . 4 & 00. - ;Manse CO:, - Slangin g Director, : Agent for the Hole and ooI N , .616 Broadway, hew York.. AM IV. PITTO M Bookseller, Stationer, anEd N Hews Dealer, opposite • Postal:lce, - Pittsburgh. Agent far Western Venn enemata. All orders by mall will receive prompt attention. • citimg FOR 'VI NTRE& CLOTHEIG. We call sp oclal attain.= W our of CLOTHS AND. CASSIBRBS, FOE GENT'S AND ROTS' ,WEAE, EMBRACING OYER -COATENGS, CB INCHILLEN, BEATEILY, DUEBSI~d.- CASSLILERES, BATINETTS, Jaw, a small but good &ornament 01 Ready-Made Clothing, WWI* wearer for sale at NOMIMAL PRICE:9. T. A. IiffeCIELLAND% Auction and Shoe Emporium; Naz. 66 and 67 t FIF TH STR E ET. lO •RPHU V - COURT SALE.--By virtue of au order of We Orphans Court of Al losilms county. Swill expose to ruling Pale, on the • • Tues4ay,Decentber 6th, 1466, At Blotch:let A. is.; isilthe following described tiro rtret:. riTAairclarlgdilasnAnsdituated ette Tnringl i ps. In the oonnti•Villegheny O a No•tn Ze of Said tracts or Delo, described 0. Atha es, els: Beginning at a largo whiteoak; thence south Pei deg • w t. est, 4 16 I: 7 perches perches - to a hickory; thence 50n.h . 70 dogs. cas .T 1-10 perches o stone:thence south.= degs. west. 2 / 6 -10perches to!• stone; thence south deg.- inn. 1117 40 perches to,* stone; _ th ence north IS degs. ge 840 perches to a stone; thence south 63 deg, east, ys Perches to the place of beginning. coats! •Ing ei acres acres and If p robes, t ad hieh are erecttd one one The r.inVAPaigf4rii;reiTU'i...d beta altoato adjoining the • both; strut dysedbed as tot j _ . vin Beginning at &atone; thence by isod or Hobert Tnom.nortil degs. - srest 6116-I0 perch es Cu. stone; Unapt by the. Aral. described • tract oorth des% out 1166.10 perches to a mono; thanes he Mud of :shoal .Partridge loath 21 Asia ive•t. 68340 perches to Ike place of beginning, containing leaned and IN perches.. Bald premises befni.t. ato eh t ons-therthot • mile fro MllesPitts h. aed liteubenville Turnpike. and 11 horn t City of Pittsburgh.. Nod two Parcels of land hay. Ina been owned sad.lisal together as one fern. Will besot.' tograbet• ••. • . I • TgItYIS or tutit—Useth withco continuatlOn agate; ono-tend In ono year. i lotoreat. to be mitered by boud . mortgage on the prsaybe s . The remaining one.thmi to remain a charge 00 the premises during the life of ib. ./dOO, or -Robert ithivenson. deputised. , 'The interest to be paid reg ularly and antliddly 10 Mild legion,. and at her de • mgfertagu.i..!u t° °at tleAl•iteltltig,l°° AllthirOf the estate or lloht• theronson. ' • aollinXty. -. BUSIMESS.BIAMiI COMMERCIALCOLLECE, -Nos, 8 and S Oak Street., Has a Przietaal Chialisr. • B° ol, •KeePtoi. rentnahablp earl Arlthteetic, tl . . .... . . .. 440 00 .470tunettc tad PamitzWp par quartzeOr ••i • -three moatbs..:._stove penmooshlO, per zeroth -s 0 0 /or Circulars ortitietimeti,i‘rhires. . :. • ' • • ht. /LtA.11748. or - • J.F. McCLAItitONDP 11=C12 JAREDALIIIIIIIB stela Boilers, 01_41We s Taiga!, Sheet afedtei Jim "NO. ttelifitilrmr. Wirßiontanc. REIBIBERVOAT,.4RIDINO CAPES orittkrl igil th ritili neth r t aut, buidowast.w• And Man. 42.11Ubber Zi tad mat, Oak at. J. 4 it. r4u,Lire. - wmmmE•,, IiIITUaITIOX. Asks PIII.C#6&L BOOK•KEieISI3, and a-Urt Dulness :man:. Can qtyacity:referarns. Addyea. = 114 St. Clair 1r • etreet, 'loom No. t. ;NS - ANTAL—AE:4—AL 103 i St. .treet. trout No. • __, • 10,3 St. Clair... Wet, Eton No. L. WANTED—MEN—At 104 St. Clalrstreet: ROM N0..7. , • Ceti at once le' r ; Ciatr street. room No. Lt. Call at once at 10.'. Si Clair street. Room N 0.2. del W • , INTED—AGEBITS--MALE Ex stem pot or wouom ow sylinnta for ;the fine newdtbel EnarkrOwn,' ..I•NAYEE. AT VA LLR I FORME • •.THE rEnTEII," • "LINCOLN'S HOME AT SIMI OPIXLD,* Either by the month or on opmfolsanyn. era' rites &Pawed. lot roll oarilars,ltri person, or ISISCIN, no: 4.3 £13.11 Went. THlntrarib. shawls, WANTID—AGIENTII—s' 74w 11200,_ Plitt IL NTH for Gentlemen, aridl2s way." for Ladles, everywhere, to&raluee the Comma' Sense Family hewing mac e, fected. It will bem, 42, stitch, oelft,mj, and embroider besulifolly—price only - 22 tar the elailitjock-stlich, andrraGy fog torte years. wre pay the starve ?area, ors eon,. miemoo, Itemw hteh.t.tea- th arlialOitllt. ran De mane. Address or call on U. 80VV82.3 GOw Unko No. 253 S. /fifth street, Ybilwlelphia, Pa. All letters answered promptly, eilliamremael -terms. mulibM WAIVTJED. , • v. arrzrcl- adr..aaw, aegulremenii and temperate habits. she tans his claire altentiolf.ilau,lT?.nd• atricx l , 1 , 111 be taken N a STUI.).ENTbr • • CLN?!: with!. tlnt•Wasa phisklaa of this illy. inhe or csAnozs NonO but those mishits with gooA mommeadatioisiwill be beard AA Izess PHYSICIAN. GAZETT2 OPTICS. twitl;ol2 AGENTS WANTED • FOR THE MOST POPULAR' _ MIES? EILLISG SUBSCRIMOI BOOKS PEILISHIP, • 'We are the wait extensive pnblisheri In the Vat ted states. (belies cheaperses,nd thereSonscan afford to sell but• and pl y egrats a Wore liberal commission thin toy othereompany. Chlrbooas do riot pass throush the bands Or • :Z l NC e =lr:lrlftg l eg l bll l :l7.4l . TVot=t r o k s! era the extra per cent. which is psnally allowed to lienersi Agents. Experienced Canvasses. will sc. the drainages of dealing directly with the pub lisher.. • Our series embraces the most popelar works ou all subjects of. Importance, and Is selling rapidly both North nod soots. • old agent a and all others, Irbo traetthe best pay ing agencies, will please send for circulars and see oar terms. sad compare teem and the character of our storks with those of other_putdishers. Ad dreSi :NATIONAL PUBLISHING nollbor7disP iStlf Attnor ISL. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOB A NEW E 0013., BUW /WADY. WOMEN OF THE WAR. By FRANK ..110021C, ante of "The Rebelllos Record." se. • . . The obJset of tas work Is t collect and present userstlres of the armless of the IN omen who shared! Ul'll7'44'l°' ."rentVlclligh'atigheeteglz:,. pe and Is Musts:Wed wi th steel platoportralts, ved In the most Improved sty/e. cord 0017 by an Iptlon. ior Clreurars, address or' appty to MEN WANTED, TO ACT AS S4LESMEN I • ••,• Either permanently or temporarily. wba are e. pe tent to engage la Arat-elass baslaras relations. Apply la person or address • .D. LEED" selarDS • O S Grant street. rlttabargb, Fa. prerspviaGa. BANK FOR SAVINCB, Formerly the DEL E SAVINGS INN to u /lON. 67 a.'ourth Streef; .• Nearly 09905/ft the Danko( Pittsburgh,) ClidarandO izt IID. OPEN DAILY from 9. to 4 o'clock, and on W ED. NESDAY and ST DELAY EVEN IN lib from II ay let to November lo t, 7 .to 2 o'clook, and from Nor. Lt to May let, a to 8 o'clock, Noon of By-Law., Be., farnlshed ah the gratis. This Institution especially offe to tome _whom earning are limited, the opportunity to ammoniate. by small detwelta. outly eared, a sum whirls will m a resource When needed, and bearing Interest In. stead of remaining unproductive. , BOARD OFIIgANAGEDSI PRESIDENT - • Ci . 234.).R.Chan .A.aszsiEcramor. vit.T.pßzsminrrs.,_ S. H. HARTMAN. JAMES POE, Jr fIECENTADY AND TREASURER., 3:). A. 'DUDLEY, A. B. BELL, JOHN S. DILWORTH, G. FOLLANKBE.E, JAS. 1.. titt.A HAM, eIIiCISTOI 801.icrrOx8-13. W. d ADDITIONAL BODICT/ES TO Soldiers of 1861 and ISSZ • . ill who served three Tan are entitled to $lOO bounty: those serving two near; $alo: or who were discharged by mason of voluids, or thelzhelmg.. 7hree Xonthsixtra Pay Ls due Volunteer 00Seeri ll "the service paten Id, Lsrb. and discharged. matured oat; or resigned ll PS.N A ttlat.—Perni' suer . disabled lin entitled Wang Lao =nal% to degree of dtsabll• 14.. W. J. *LULL ItiaTICELSON, AttorneYa. ant • VI Firma Atm.- rottaaorsh. Pa. GILE4T WESTERN ‘ I TUNINGmax; 1 . . -.. .. Cczer if kbuy Street sat Niesie Tay, prrrsiseritan. PA. : • • ! • • .. Sash Doors, Bffnds and Mouldings xADE.To ORDER. Unlashed work Is rat In a ''' dry house .d Dashed - when taken oat. ratin Ythorhig, Wea th er Boarding. Laths and Mangl gs, es constanvy on band. liswlng, rewawing and lieroll bawing done with dispatch. Boxes or all kinds . made to order.•• attlx:ls JOHN •ILEATII. • PHOENIX ISTEAMBREWZMY Jos. IM MO= .JAS. WILLY. PinCER & M c KAY , MUSTERS IMI- BREWERS VOLOORS MELTON!, . OF JEANS, Am Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, • PITT8B131.611 ; PA; T WATSON, Mut ar. W. H. CLUMABD & 004 Nalstergi Grain & Hop Dealers, , • N. 17 Walla Sir - eety and . . dom. 3 aad rPru_titzeet, . PITISBURCH. PA. 333. The h._4_hest merlet price - laid for WRZAT. ElartLlLY.'Brx - ;curde sad 0A714 1713'313 ME • - LIGHTNING 1.92 ER ,• CIAW rOaD.,..,I)SO.NOGLI.. JONE4CRAWFORD it VOGEL, /gents. WE' MOST POWERFUL ARO TSIiLI BISILLIANT COOL OIL GAB LICHT ZTJtit PRODUWID. Adopted by Ilia V.A.Gv oennzient. ltet extdosivo Cheap anO BeentifeL Gives a ibrid three-Add greeter taan any other lamp.- This pumas ta adapted teal! lain ntdn'POStt.. and as the bleb la inertly a roaduesoz. never re— quires any trimating. Baraers on this prlnelpTe ap; nary lamps. r TATE db./LOW/in Wiled VOL Apid y at Drug rditigglehinnletnt i gg e * ? °l "ratZd'i SIIINT;LfU0111 OA ' K' PA.T IXYLTE LEATHER DELTMO AND. RODE, Ilaaultetarei, No, SMITHFIELD MTV.. try 11 4 1 4TLE17•• 4 1 RELPS & Co. . 4 .1144 Heats tor Sew Tort Hobbes Do. 43-tun eltjj l arTmlinAVVll'HVithATZVltir i 8EL.T.1100823. ete. I ksbm4D CAEE HEAVEN, NDY MANUFACTUR ER L AM dealer In POREIG AND A Eli . N- . ._, --ligunVilluicuro. N1 7 Tc5,AC,3.0.7.i . - . , NCWII2 Vegetal Street, I • Becansl door town' libel/Int Nstionalllask r , , A g.t..1.2.1.T1N1C1A:411.w ...- Gr,T.119191,. ityr„.s. GROVER, -& 'BAKER /or a Holiday Gift.— It la rell.lde, peace. and berafoti the ben.' Dotet tkilla call and beelt at NO. rim isms= ou. ii4sened .144 warribted-Wiater yustoett. tor male by - • No., Boa Liberty Medi. - :,- R °2/I t i alY. 100bbis. t4f.PrlmeW Flint for sate by 11. oiriELEs'o:BALati.r. FMI3!==EI 8111 C, Y A uowia. So. 68 71 itreet. Pittabnrirb MALICE. Y. HARM J0M11.1. 1 / 4 }BODES, •JOHN bell= R. C. SCILM.V.UTZ, Eli. ZUG: mi=m=;=l CEE3 No. US Liberty stroet.