The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 07, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed .& Co.,
No,. Be SUM. Street.
P . B. pictranimir.) "Us".
Ramos P. REED. Undress I"4"gen4
StelU Copier....
Lielivered by canfpr, (per weeks. ..........16 mina.
Mall Subset !Len. (vet year)
- 'Liberal redactions to Newsboys altt dents
ategttolturob emetic.
WE may expect to hear of the Pentane
claiming St. Patrick as an zelentillead
Center of their Brotherhood, they have
actually brought out a, prophecy of Bt.
Columbine who flourished only thirteen
hundred jeers, ago. The wonderful.docu
tuent has been resurrected by the patriots,
and, in n cheap pamphlet form* now
scattered broadcast throughout lieland.
The Fen Jana claim that SL Columbine had
a vision—a wonderful vision—in which
the affairs of the nineteenth century were
carefully noted and the actions of the Heed
Centers well watched. 'At all events,` St,
Columbine prophesied the"freedom of Ire
land, and the pamphlet just . published ap
pears to give the venerable individual's
exact words upon , the subject,
• ITEM body of James Walsh, of Wash
ington, who dliappeared mysteriously
during a recent Masonic corner stone lay ,
lug at Baltimore, has been found in Swath's
dock of the latter city. The body was
stripped of all clothing except an under
shirt and cravat, and suspiciond of find
' play are entertained. The Masons are
busily engaged in investigating the matter.
Tug SUFFRAGE Question, which trouble
the rest of the conservatives in this ixiun
. try, equally disturbs the quiet of Great
Britain.. On both sides of the. Atlantic the
popular instinct turns to the flat. of- the
United States as symbolizing the right of
all citizens to participate directly in the
contr.), Of government.
Evirs'ix Iturwrn old John Brow:, of
. .
Ossawatomie, is acknowledged to be en
Apostle of Liberti. At the reception of
Mr. John Bright in Bann, the John
Brown anthem was chanted - by enthaslas.
tie Hibernians. His ashes from their urn
have more power than all his living ene
A. wean discussion 'is progressing Le-,
tween er•Benator licCLurtn, of the elmm
bersburg Erpordory,,and... ex-Senator
-STARD, of the Latuststeikramitiir, on the
respectiVe:Clitints tof-S.rars Ind Curt=
for the Senatorship. .
'fan cause of temperance has fordo] new
life in all the principal cities of the North.. -
There are about as many drunkards in
Pittsburgh as elsewhere, yet we hear of
popular movement to effect's temperance
Twe proposition to reduce the Southern
States to the Territorial condition has been
introduced into both Houses of Congtess.
Mr. Tames, of Maryland, has a hill pre
paled to this end, which he will' presently
.A TOEING woman was assaulted in the
streets of-Philadelphia by two rill:flans on
Tuesday morning last. Her cries for help
brought the police, who arrested the vil
Tun UNION Mun oa Anyarrass agree
with thOse of Louisiana In urging Congress
to overthrow• _ the State governments estab
lished by President Johnson.
'ROSCOE CONSLLII, IL C., for the Oneida
distilet, is strongly.pressed by the fepubli
can journals of Central New rorlr. tor .
United States Senator.
Tus Episcopal Church Diocese Michi
gan numbers now over '2O parishes, 50
church edifices and five thousand cominu
, Tan Baltimoreans are forced to acknowl
glge the talent of a negro artist named
William . Slmnson whin resides ,among
them. _
HoN. D. A. FINNEY, M. C., elect for the
Crawford district, is seriously ill at Dar
risburg;nt the house of Governor CURTIN.'
Tug newly elected Judges of the Phila
delphia Courts were sworn in on Wednes
day last, anA have taken their seats.
Coca slaps and sparring snatches on.
Sundays arc, very fashionable- in the half
clvllized city of Galveston, Texas.
• N. P. Wtiims , health is, repidlrfalling,
and the community may "anticipate early
intelligence of lds'death. •
A SERVANT girl was run over and killed
by a street car in Bt. X.ohis on Monday
night.` •
r2C-CONFEDILEATE Senator' Oldham is
taking PhoiograPhsfOr a living, In Terse.
Trt, Louis Christi:at ''irautig• Men's
Association hold.dsily, rattler meetttign
Terribl•Estplostwe leas 'Killed.
Cr.svanann, Deo. C.--The • WMidtring house of
Clarke, Payne d CO:11 .00 :UM IIO O7 .**Pteded
this attermionond With singlne hews& was
burned. One man killed and two or three.
more must die In= inpitra., Low by. nre
f rom .1;000 Lb (20,0 W. • •
• - - •
• Fir. la" Chteslio•
roe. Ara atthe Union Stock
Yard, bud .nlght; deStroyea lour buildings op ,
totszto the Ilungh 114>culip. JAiss 415,000 y InSured.
A Splendid Holiday Asserintene r
Of superior Bouts:And - Shoes in the pelat of
tlnlab, material ard
eltert/V to arrive. These goods arefimecisity
adapted for the Holidays , trade 'and certainly
nothing mare Wear add -mare acceptaine for
a Ghriatmaa present tins pair of Home er
Colima Booth and Shoes; Glove 111.1 - 13haai in
Peet variety. OPera ill*M Sim Sims.'
. .
For silver plating thlt or VII othat met.
al, without the lost tujoey. Flys gross just,
arrived Qua dsi. stet sable obeey Atiica&S ,
ran &. JacKennan'a PIA; Sune, Marks&
auaet rerittee or InuertlM Mu-that 'afoot
The bes.4l.ttit - DIP"; rronoir / 1 "
Raisins, lit No. 'III' kW.* 'gnat, 'iia6onol
door MM. U4O First dintlonal
ghacp C.IIF* _~ _ ; 'I3LOIWI AsAVg/6
washing all'ldadiot lodates sad qalekly
removieg,elrt. ead'etaies 'without the least
'Diary ie the good'. Try tt...: , .MeCtarirmax , d
atab:enuads ProltiOsta. tr. Marta .streat...eak
tier. of Diamond, azariqgqi suim
wi v . Gross G..111r. Label's latasatiti Tenth
. ... ..
J'ant , recattrad, aria arliing =lest.* at ILeCler.
rays .1,- NaKannan's Drag , atone than - else.
nrbelre. ' 0 Mutat ntniet,..
• _
. ,
Go to Flimslwra grew •
No• S 4 3 15 Irkok.l i t roa i• to,',4l4olszwiao ratellt
HOdidillit3, at tbe lowest rate, '
$ Salo
G " a floating'
Boot s
'o 4n thirdner , s, f apart,
,'1 Shoes " •
4 2: 1 ;frai street -
.0 ?!.
• Rho{ Gornto. iis do •
tr wondatta. .to n4-staris,Np. 2 .o • Ellth
street, asig see. ' .
- ' Go to Fleadaili Drogntore,
74ro*Ilarklit ertreet.
stieety. .
ja the atty at , aarauct.a, 24a GO Fifth etrest.
VOLUME . LXXX:-- 7 NO. 294.
- •
Inm/ranee Company
E. S. WINSTON, President.
Unual Dividends Available htailmUately,
ro vicar-tan TUE INSURANCE on
Polley-holders and other perfrestid in the
linaject of Lirit iIIeUIIANCIL urin e vt to call
on the underaigned, agent of the Company. who
will cheated,. glee them full Information As to the
merits and practical working ofahe emadnallY.
No. 37 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh.
I Low Priced Pianos.
Retreat from Medea! Swim: The following
are the chief reasons of their (8111nee Broth
ere,) great meccas: .
lst. They were from the very. start Intern
gent, practical workmen. who not only knew
how, to embody In their instruments every
then known improvement, but who were (and
still are) bold enough to try now experiment 4
and see how pianos might be still further lm•
W.. They were not only men di integrity and
uprightness, whose word was as good as their.
'nand, but too conscientious to allow them
selves, for the sake of realthingmoney crackly,
to throw together a piano from unseasoned or
improper materials. Every instrument must,
of its class, be as good as they know how to
mate it. before they could suffer It to go out
of their hands. The consequence. is, that
every piano they send out beoomcs an elcr
client eulogy upon the establishment whose
name- It beassi--a standing adverthrinent
worth a himdrednewspaper puffs.
ffd. They may still be found in their facto.
ries with coats off and shirt sleeves rolled up,
personally making, or superintending the
making of every essential part of each Metre
meet. Charlotte Blume, 43 Fifth strent,'who
bas been the sole want for thillatneeltreMl
for the last seventeen years, bathes received
fifteen pianos from their factory, to which the
attention 'of persons wishhim the elinarrav
ems? CLASS piano In the market is respect• -
fully directed. These instruments range in,
price front 1303 and upwards.
ISO Reward,
If.the Indian Herb Doctorial:la to doicribe MS,
oases and tertide patienta the nature of their
complaint or Mien without :weaving kny in
formation from them. No charge for consul.
ration or advice.
ova _form).
We 11th web )Saline Relieve) no strife,
With Nature or the Laws of Life;
With our blood our hands - we never stale,
Nor poison men to elute their pain.
Our Pather;whom all goodueu Nle,
Provides the means to cure &lour ills ;
The templeherb beneath our feet,
Well used, relieve our pains complete. .
simple ['orb, a simple Plower, ;
Culled from the dewy Lee—
These, these , thall speak with' touching
Of, change and health to thee.
Mee—No.l9l Liberty street, between Sixth
and Market, Flitstruntb, •
lesisenis Rieelt
Of Ladies , Furs. at. William Fleming , ' push.
losable Hat. Cap and Ladies' For hones,
LV Wood street. Oar stock bone of the alleSt
assortment of Ladies , and 'Misses' FOSS ever
offered for sale in this city, oonsisUng all
the:difhtront , stples of CaPes. ,ZOffehts4
thaa,Collars, Muffs of Mullion Ear &Chic 111101,
Sable German Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, Bets
&Sec?' Sables, Enstan . Berttuts,: i owrs:Fatent
guff. 'Also large stock-of Ladies. Skating
Caps and MOD, Gents. Fine Far Caps, Vollarar,
and Gloves. The' above goods sue sod at
lower prices than at any other 00050 In the
atty. Wm.F/eming,lio.. lB9 , Wood street
Men Will Vino Tobsimi.
Their wires and sisters can find Christmas
presents at for.' their' husbands, brothers and
beaux at lc. & W. Jentrlnson'a AllegbenY,
third door from Suspension - )I;idgs, 'bete
there will always be, toned, besides all the
'common varieties; Wary choice selection of
.nicerechantn, briar wood, and outer pipes, el•
gar holders, to., of neat and ornate design;
larie and varied sloe& of smoking and CtieVi..
log tobacoo,and many of: the popular broods
of Cubariand'AMUinfilicliPirs. •
• -- .lll*".Uarwe &mini
Host oertaily.tak," the lead of all miters to a
emit: O --1
ne. 1. .iras,:awarded :hut *Premiums
on work, at the World's Fur, leer; four prang-
im,Lor woxkandpitWel7344 l 4 o . l4 the Neu
-York'State" sea -the 'Verbedigt. 'nf
September kid. A. premium On the maabiea
at the OAIa Buto ratrassa,..- See the Dap.=
Journal, 11.10t0bOr 19th. The only ageeey Spit
Pie Or. Wintara - VaawylvOla,lo at No, 4
St.ctair strait. rictsinusti. -
*4ltaarretri Neoleti apply- ' -
Rol4 obaspas, &Weida 404 .111441, Ad Mo.
Clairan & likKonatui , s Druir Ulm° tbius at any
tabor Mate: 'consozsr downs , ,beas. Otto $4
adssit Awl go tote. Market ilu&S?cormr of
Diamond.' warritu . limicet. •
- _
• rotas siloteloas LW. •
Always loosor Ulan elsowlraro, yes wo are now
AzollPsYla al/ Connor 10 pricer, soille per
ens is tbs. Woo parattaso 3J7 fay 01LWI.
Voods wanaaAed NYl'Fivite 4 Pr 44. °Per"
uoaio Slum Alas*. • -
CW22,44 122 Me Cur.
. C 442214. French SW,
stnam'andinne Press 0474 1 fr at nirdpuir
2141221244.4, 42 Mutat street.' I
live* C/PhPrafie belle 1001/11m. ;
else Brogba. ridden 'nick TtOgs , Stoi
Panay Naar, WaitelsSbeiwiN o 1 'per at OW ,
ilnet SClgel44 4 g tbAla CUtew4teret in itioAlty,
lan ILVI SWF .
tonsign Liquors of all kinds of t - Joseph
Flooh's OlutalavV, N0,1re,191,16 pod 15 phi
stroat;PlUabOrith• •
_ •
Rem. 'Mad; Acrd.
'Cardin; i lichnildra adrartiseraraal Ittali ah
there to buy your FOY WWII. t pt►rhelrtteet.
cs.lDt 11 apPui,
Maw stock, obkSper Olgin eVerA 4 .0 411 } 0
Sciatica', lielliarkei arta, •
. ,
, Siii ill 111010lialles PROF Store ,
Toia'rellsPle reMigly. for UM Cholam; No,'`.
Ifarkei street: .
. .
111161111 i• 4Delleto ••
Wltater tarixt opezui, Deccistpar 6th.
'Manilla*, mai, only alty Wald. aliTuirlar
- ' , Ruck Ratio.
Now stak etwaper Nuin.WIST, gardStr.'r
Yawata' Kai
ge par aest.:ax. - Josapti s„,rwabf#..
Too pa. Myr
sew awe itt Joel* /3. IYneL•e.
SECOND ornoll
The British American Insurance Company
has paid is gold alt the loisaMovineurred by It
la the recent Quebec conflagration,-
The Governor General. of Canada Left Mori•
treat lest night faetnghsod.'
Capt. Maitland, of the Royal Engleems of
Oman* broke has leg while skating at la ueben
yesterday. ,
The Canadian autheritlist show inuch'pollte
nese to Gen. Avertll when ha arrived at SWeets.
burg. A guard of honor was Postedabout the
hotel, at which he atopped, remaining during
the night. He to now the guest of 011at
-11. F. P. The General Is there to -wit
ness the Fenian trials.
Gov. Patton, of Alabamii, Is out be a special
message advocating the adoption of nib eon-
Mitutional Amendment.- -
The Montreal Gazelle save that Air. Soward'e
letter concerning the Fenian prisoners has
caused deep indignation In England, and that
Ele President's message will not. allay this
The Grand Jun , ' at Sweotsburg.' Canada,
havefonare against fourteen of the
Fenian pi sowers. No bills were returned
against rowers and Coltman,. end they ware
digcharged. Tito objeetiOns taken by prison
ers' cottage' on jurisdiction wdll comp up for
argument on Monday next.
. _
- Dir. Devlin, Counsel for Fenian prisoners
made application yesterday to the court or
coulee of the indictments - against the prison
ers for Inspection and use of .self and Gen.
Acorn). who was acting in behalf of the United
States Government. The wan granted the
application to prisonei's eounul, but could
not In any way recognize a forel4n govern
Ment in the trial.
A project has bekataried. la - New York
city to establish a naval achooloruder the.
auspices of tho City Boarder Directors.
A meeting Of the Fenian Senate was an
nounced to be held yesterday in New York.
Ireland is again to ho trade free . .-On paper.
The Anneke Yana heirs will held a meeting
at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. on the 3d day of nest
The Government has .issued order's to the
Weekly's' Navy Yord to get all the vessels,.
Sloops and gunboatathero ready for Bea with
the utmost despatch: What theca title unusual
activity mean 1 The "Gettysburg" has been
commissioned and ordered to loin the squad
ron off the West Isaias.
The election or Etcherl 'ColMily , is Coral.
trofiegOf New York, IS • tubs contestedhy hi
opporientobs the ground that ills ticketa.were
refused insproperly_at some of the polls.
policemen were beaten by rowdies
yesterday morning - at Pagssielphia in en
deavoring to arrest a party of roughs. ()Meer
Stilt iris lathed in the left :thigh, - - receiving
an ugly wound.
Attorney General gentle, ot liassagimeette.
riven an opinion. setting forth that it le
th, duty ottbe Ciovernoa to glee Beal. F. lint-
ler a certificate toCent:ream Ina Stanch as the
'record shOurithat be has been elected by the
maJority of the -Totes cast, and the Governor
cannot" 6o bakkt , on that to make inquiries as
Gov..l i erry, of South Ca-oluta, publishes a
long letter yesterday meavilnectit'OnlkwitioO
to the Constitutional Amendment. He is In
favor of calling a National Convention of del.
agates from all the States to settle and amica
bly arrange all disturbing questions.
A meeting of the New York Chamber of Com.
nieree was held - Yesterday erten:loon. A peti
tion was read praying Congress to abolish ex
port duty on cotton. A resolution wan adopt
ed petitionLng Government to employ it naval
squadron to make necessary sea soundings
for a new ocean cable to 40,1100 CL ;France and
Southern Europe with 'the 'United`States.
Such a line would hardly cost more than six
millions of 'dollars, • and, it.-was urged, the
country would gain more than that, or double
the same, In etossagth asaleetality.
Irelegiaass ew Tousle' Page. _ •
At. about eleven o'clock last night, a falai I
showiest affair occurred at SharnabarFs the •
victim being one, Aatnes broVeteban...Xo-
Cutenen It seems tai a single man and ward.
eclat the bonsiot Vermeil name j.tet
tee he went toSteviattetcnire and - clutitot - re.
turn witil that/me mentlotted.•
Daring the evening . Robert Maloney, a is.
grant negro, aboutaisty.years of aim carry.
ling 0, shot gneiCameltO itiah Once and begged
for anisette lodging- ire was given a ised
the Alning meta, ihndr,tettrwt. Itbout eleven
o'clorkthereport aga. gait • was heard .from
the dint*,
_reolefolind ILK Daum, acsolepanimi
-CoariAMO , Treisets who' happened , to be in ,
um house. ran to thir.ispot.: They found the
negro tin and loildlb*ltta. for a • second
shot. liairailsottar
Ith:catchments:l tor A la, a dying con
dittos millill . grata l lelletr Vier °Pee window
Of the dilliiMs_igilll.:..ThanitgrOgtated Dist be
Was arauMgrav the Min' removing the lower
mutt nitdisettintrit tiewl , bilide, saying m he
did so that, be waS goterto gut In and'uiaah
the hegeoschcesi,ey, without welting
for key further detneristretitm Area, lii
passing through the laft breast cattle unfortu
nate mail and Miming Quist the Dr. lb..
tgascin,, - wit* web Bailed its slated the berhad .
'Passed near the heart amities -vonad'iroald
necessarily.-pie :Malin a 'few moments,
The ball was a lured sired swindle Afro bail.
'The unforttulate man died - very soda after
lining shot. The deceased' was 1151141 e TOW,
a at panties. Tice wait°
*Oahe la ewe at ttui proprietor OPiFOrf
• lialoculle In this city, tut& itattithistlio has
been treated in in simile* manner at
Mies try the young _Men of abarpaberir.
A week ago last Sesame, as he allegmf, while
in 'tit filnai bonne of Air. Darlington, no was
attacked a party who throw brickbats at
tt to. lie pUpposral that ilict.utchen was after
bull for fYirthPr abase. t e , was Art:ogee and
tit ought le the city at a of two keietit tills
morning by placers Trams and Dalton, pr
idiarpsnerg. l. —ie is now in the lockup.
We announced yes . tordaY tha; a Weeor, man
stained Vogler had been`: arrested in,Washing
pm" tm the clung* , of, being ttaltbeeled In
the nineteen' Minder. , ititigliivainfesied to
he crime. and stated that, hlo emend Me glut
WM: AffuthtbuterY, alining , tun'illatt etch.
teen Years cadge, and son of lion. Win. Mont.
mery es-member ornongreas from that'll's-
Eia ogler stated that they did mot Intend
pi or the man, bet only:lariat& money.
• Tit goer 'that he tad, been Wiinitngton
the 0 before Mideatqfing to et a 41,,M0 bill
chan .
. rin i i the earldle with the murdered :man,
'y Ales ce , it- thp hest ofT One of Me toile and a
button Mr Me coat. Ijo woe tragical to Wash-.
w gton by the pecultar.track he made,
.when captured wee stilt ghettos Went y
the buttons, , no lea young man of de ! orate
Misreptor.... - fie fOrbtertY Wed ,wlth ltr. Ma
cey near nandugtoit. aga oft g, throtigh hie
romance, pent to the limns Beluga Or MI
terrigthdltl.intereatiently entered the ar
ray end Served mit no credit to himself. Place
Bi n de g aseige he pe been - living w Ith int.
Wgontgoutery oath° imam road,elth l i t s
more,-The Murdered man: ' ' '-•
Montgomery win cantered yesterday 'after.
nax has we are ffittirmed, and le Pow trt_tum
'ettleMeneritin his companion In guilt. rfe hi
, a rolireyout 1, but la reirostath4 being at.
F rady s bit ened criminal. „ ~
Taylor.and Poland, Ivo JimMa r tnifri bpop re
leased. th eir Weir no grounds to Justify their
i helng kiept iipmer trt Plietrtd7.. . .
&ars* rim—
W ISO. OOO , '
. . . .
41 twelve olof& pulliOfty•two mutates tide
Mottling Fhe glum ,an dt-w a s e Somitted from
WO Ors; grant, mid a few olloolee later the
general alarm sounded from Strx - kfo. 13, Vie. -
ilig u =e Bonn. The Department went
Y to tita t l e ahe 91 alarm, end It was
aseerrabted 1.m.1. Imo feaostory bath
building moulded b ylilemmg, Ttaettee kr. CO.
rt , ', i tielar, &IT:17 1 4 i i = stettiM i t l er u e i r ' ry
Margot an d 'lorry atraefamaa In thtuiee ', The
Are most have been aidbotbto ti toe ender
fiT before lelso:mortl, se when
MI See patched tr y
wee greater par.
im th the (south ln _a blase.
themeexertion' wait used, het tie Yleitest were
the games that the .two upper -4tOrlea were
Eizipally destroyed before the Are tloald aft
ed. Atlen ‘ F. however, the flames 'feria
efdted In gaga bare the two tower starlet
, .l i oal m44.1W &gap 'Ozer ;- tram matey.
tad itlt,
Ling anelste mow in
' Finie g 2 1:17 it«i'Velfie i.
1 ilk onir 4 Slut japii;lxOs spot. . The'iosi on
raeohjoirry. lag Me* MI is estimated at
an.hoessstit dottirs,W_the' total toss will
I/ team 7 lettes o .4 - dean% and
7 1,0TM4 Pll4lll l r.. ,” .
/Murder*, a Child by Its Minher— or.
rible Deed—Attempted Dalaid*
Mot the - FM*lldg /Vet Widmer wet , the
follovidig particulars Of a most hortable d
desperate murder and attempted — A Ade
which occurred olaillMlneaday morning *:
.6 1
reetrar Hotel . thttietty:.
who eve..
A woman, who gi ves her name as W 5...,
Nugent, arrived there- on Tuesday morghlif
Met on the Parkersburg boat, and took 04.1
lugs. .She ;had witlr;lier a little. girl
them, Years Was nothlligesbeelal
ly unusual about her appearance, or that:Cle
ated the least. suspicion as to the horriblegalit
iiiim-on.whlchatie had come. After ahe ,!lad
been aenigned a roorevery Attie was seerysf,
herby the ininateacit the house: ' , She ` cat her
breakfast and also her dinner, having the
child with - her at both meals. She did aid
Crime down to - supper• nor to breakfast the
next (yesterday) morning. , .The landlady no
ticing her absence sent up. o her room to see
It anything was. wrong, anti the chain-
barmaid returned saying that the • wei
man was asleep. Dinner • Passed -
and still the 'woman did not come down.
Thinking such long fasting a very unusual no
cu.-Ilene° the landlady Wenkup to the room-a .
second - time with her chambermaid and.
knocking at the door the woman came and'
opened it. The situation of affairs was serail
; made known. She pointed those at the door
to her little girl lying dead hi the bed, and at
once confessedthat she timi murdered it on
they previous evening, since - which time she
bad been under the influence of taken
with the expectation of killing herself. Iht
deed the evidences of all stomata were conclM
l eave enough. She had been vomiting and was
at the time in a elate of delirium from the efs
[ recta of the drug. lice child was lying -In its
blood-stained night clothes In. the bed from
which she had Just arisen, with three marl ii,
dagger,stabs through Its left breast anti side.
The sight was. horrible enough, and was made
doubly so try the situation of the woman. Coo
-1 foetid as she was with, pium, she was-able to
:tell the history of the circumstance. Preelous
to hearing it, however, Mr. Packer sent word
[ to Sherld - deybold, and to the Coroner, both of
whom :came' down. - A - Jury; was . once.
culminated to -view._ the, remains and
ascertain the facts of the . murder.
Th. Sheriff In the meanwhile teak Oberge of
the woman an while awaiting the proceed.
legs of the ' ti
inqueet had a long conversation
with her. ' She related that her maiden name
was Arbor; that her parents lived at Willman*.
town. iitlifOolleounty. In Welt Vit: opposite
'Marietta; that four years ago she hadluarried
a nu m named Nogentoagalnst their consent,
running away with him, and that two months
after the birth of the little girl he had desert:
e,l her, and bud never returned; that her
mother heal refused to become reconciled to
[ her and had never forgiven her ritarriage, but
had made her home so 'intolerable that ahe
[ could not-live , there; •malted poisoned the
I allude of all her otherrelatives against her to
such au extent that site had noplace on earth
to cull a home, anti was forced to go out In the
worldand seek n subsistence. She had gOne
out anti bad found that there was no alum for
I ben nothing , that 'Site coal,' dal, and she
could not bear to beg her way from place
[ to. 'place. !tendered thus desperate by
brooding over liar hopeless prospered, and
anxious not to leave bar little 'daughter
to c a lml y worse, perhaps, than death,
she resolved to , end both titer
' lives. and after making up her mind to thin
effect, acme to Wheeling to carry out her re.
solve. She purchased a mall dagger, and
also several papers of powdered opium, and
lemmata br.remaile.minuto preparations for
death,- as .the-sdocuments published below
stem to ladleate. She said that for several
hours after arriving( 018 could not bear to
[ kill her chilli. and Yet She .felt all the tiles
that she must dolt. She waited until it fell
asleep, and then putting on lie night clothes
land passing It in bed, beet over lt, and ktaacd
it severed Utiles before planting the dagger In
heart, as she finally Md. The child, site
said, mama no cry.-but puly toothed, and with
searcely a struggle bled to. death. She had
sashbasi it three times, twine la deft lung
anal once In the heart. She east that hereto
she took its life she knelt down and Dialled
Over it. and also repealed her prayer ether ahe
bad inflicted the wounds, anal teat shebad
kissed away Retain Aspiring breath. • - .
k' ',Afterlife tierpetration of dabs horrible and
unnatural deed, lane took the
,4plum with
which she proposed to take her own lite, and
then lay dews Imelda her dead child to die.
Trout some cause, either from an overdose of
the opium, or else froth an Mentlicient amount
of it, she Tailed to accbmpllshiber intenUerla
of suicide. She had voluted &great deal, and
seemed to have throws UP moat of thePoiseu.
several powder, with altreatteas In 4 female
handwriting, were found among her effects,
as were wino 11-number or letters. She ill a
young woman, aged only about- twentyone,
rai her Ibiterate and evidently unbalanced to
her Mentat and venal Organikation,. Tao fpla.
lowing lettere Alert° toabow thesecharacter
stics. We have rewritten, and as it were.
coedited theta fromA massed- %impel - 1111 . - 1 1 .
- Usher Ilorirl. - -Wnmudati; Weer '
Xi% Zroprietor: When you di/mover that 1
have committed suicide don't let a crowd of
people remains asitylato tey rOolliAti gars
upon my 1 Wish to be laid out do
easily, with plain collie. Lay-my dead baby
out tam and place her betide me, with her had
upon my-binsalmo:lth my arm around her, and
-Wolf la entree= arridired and alck,of
W e.' - Ile careful of the paeltagell left hellaM4a
!letterne in the Mae° anti give the ether to,
an to publish, If enYille will be *eland.
Isbell Otte lobe Milled In the - new - tsemeten , L
IS% Mattetta,t/hirs. ;pursed tease „levy f in
to do uda. 014. sly; pity coo for tleaPs take,
and do sal bitlyou. , 1 eagle here to MA lie.
ludo* totthripUom' !parerna - lhat I have
placed there. lies. tliwate Noose?,
eye p the money loft in my pocket book for
board. -
Burn up my dirty clothes, I flavor go this
dirty, but 1 haled to get changawben I
addreseed—Yor the Proprietor of the Colon
Itotcl, - Wheeling, W. Ta.
. tisane ilorst,,Wiiretteo, Weer Vs.
Dtito,— , 2o doubt you 11130/ others will
-shudder with horrOr when they hear or-the
desporato decal widen I have connultted. The
yOung and hinny may shuddcr, but the henry
been wilt thins Inlw sad she mast bee been.
-Tre. 'MT sad indeed. -I haVnt , Unto to say
itch. lee thought of dying ever since I got
married. - lily mother, sister, and broth
er aro the .cause of my death. Oh, / have
many friends today who would laydown their I
live& to me, many who woul ffer. Many
sad bearis there Wilt bu when t h ey hear am
dead. lint mother 1-forgive you; you drove
toe to this. You caused all our family to min.
_treat me without a cause, but I forgive you,
and I want you to he belt Cr woman before
You 41e. wilt tognet shi s forever. NOM'
plothlog 1 balsa lit I oine, burn up eve,
rrthln tat Intro loft. Jennie, too
don'tbate me no more, Clod knows
hare tried alasse to do right On near as .
Could, and I beseech those who love MO !unit
deeply not to smarm hot to bo glad beeanso
tileter, L want you to never
cease praying tor me and Other*. I feel happy.
I feel that God Is near me, 1 meant to gar a
great deal more, but I don't feel like writing,'
°ornery I must die 5004. 4 ley! and' long
good' ye. / have some enemies, but none orno
will Injure me, nOl/0 who has attempted to. I
don't want any one to grieve for pie. but
lA% to try ilTill t lr i a l itt%gig, g a t fi l d ' grartr.
log when/. am gone, but try an do better. I
might, have liven end might bo hpppy; bet
they are op stye tOep Of all this. May ow
foigivit theta as 1 now do. Mood-byo once
mine. Mae. Minnie Nearer, s .
, Marietta, ChM.
I wait by friends to never coop praying
for me. Mary, it cannot call you, sister) cease
to glandes' audits ammo whep Lam gOnp, end
/noon my brother began will think of the in.
suite and' abuse he has 'Mown tp roe, and try
and be better: I forgive all. I have commit
ted this deed' begone° mother and father id
bAy: Pro th ought of it for great
tvp u yMth elm
want 1,3 burled lc the new cometury' et
Marietta. Vitale goo to this. Duey my child
in the game grave and stone coign. Don't re
move ray body tansy funnies bottle.' Take It
to•tite Dadist Church in Marietta—have
funeral pre/In/len, and now don't vieye.
Dear .3farpr I will be dead herons this
resell you. Keep all I left at your bons°.
Dome ber mo. Ivant bring.lenolote
llama ifs and thine to Matietla and put tlielp
in the new cemetery. Come to spy grave
soMetimee. Mee this picture to--.forme.
and tell nothing of what I tell you. Tell the
rest to sar.nothlng. My mother and loather
andlthibarp mmeo.of tum. Take • plettne
to ---: Yordigitstuue-dr I l se.
Tell bun to always, 'pray ler Minnie, and be a
good b o y. k forget me not. Lou can have
all my clothed If yon want them. 1 will moot
I,TaigiOnvi-liifige?4l`o.lr94°l4, f„r"
, Twas inten lon td kill myeelf when
left lop. TillttlfOn will I left liny clothea.Ohl ,
Puen " Mo ant afralittwill kill --.
to Lom.
Itim gPor r e a l . groTioill7o
-ngq '
flood bye, my emelt. eall a my t l ix forever.
bless you. — tok en te-formy sake,-
Dud 400111n= Ta
1711bV,ViiieTtig.tie. II; pray /refer bless
him. How I love him tonight. Tell bun I
shall never forget- when last we met. }noel
it l ilnk bard ot me. Tell Laszlo not . LO ieve•
ill ofo pe with Anna aptl brother tioorY!
dw I tong to sea thelp• 4'1 1 4 . 9WPP• TOra Ver •
Toll I've constantly thought of him.
Tell Jo-Jett good bye, and tell them to think
pf 100 kindly.. Show this to Plant it
willow tics by my greet' , Sea %hit : they inirY
ma wheVe tell them to, for I can t tee ' con,
thnted here so far from my old friends. -
KO ono to too among .str_an g or o . G_ood bye!
Goo Iwo Geed gyp! Yours, Mieuts.
The woman In nnW toAIL, and the plaid Wall
properly - laid tootlitst3voiling, andwili bo fn
terrod, we presume, thietnorning...The whole
agair crcated.conelderattle sensation In the
vicinity of the buto ll last °rolling, attar It be 4
been generally o-nowp , am* too . at of the
woman, together:whit bet strange tonfloct,
enlisted. no little sympathy and sodoso.y.
Too mat ter 1911, of Course, - undergo legal In,
Relegred.--Willtam - Orris; . _ arrestgg
month ago on o PrO°° B ° from 111 Conrt SOF
Ina ot
andtiouthiltteg tor thirty days, was reliwied
ye4toragy tosapo prphAtiou of tom?
Oar Guests—Visit of the . Calandati,
Coaaellizae to. - Pit tabrgh.
More unfavorable day than' yesterdaY
could scarcely have teen selected in which to
exhibit our city toe party of visiting strangers.
-Yet yesteiday was the day lit which the rep
resentative men of - our Water city of Colum,
bus received,- their lret impressions of the
Iron City. We trust that as they came more
partlentatly to oh - servo - rutty*" of -ouruannl
elper econi2tut 'sot dependent'-upon tha
weather. the unpleasant impressions they
may have received are not altogether Imes,
Yesterday morning a telegraphic, dispetch
from Cleveland -was received, aunouncenw
that the expected guests would arrive In this
City tit 'TAO e. :The Committee cif Arrange.
=cuts appointed by the Councils, asibitibW , il
at the, Mayor's office, shortly before three
o'clock, find. wended their way In omnibusses
through the thick wet 'gloom 'to the Canal
Depot. The tram arrived on. time, and the
Committee welcomed In . -duo (thotegti , more'
than dewy damp) form, the distinguished via.
Itors for whims they waited: • "
2 The visiting partYoorodeted .of Councilmen
Y. Donaldson: JameslTattersorr, Debt. Chad
wich,J. C. Toll, Major Jacob Reinhart, h. Wh
ines, J. Decker, C. Kammerer, iViu. Cover, it.
T. Booth, Fred. Jaeger, together with W.
W, Pollard, Chief knifincierre F.. Fleur, of Der
Wadden Iter.-A. U. Biers, of the Slate Jour
nal:And W. Dumegen, Sberig.
The guests were escorted by the committee
to the Monongahela -House, where they re
mained until seven, o'clock in the evening.
At tied Ume they proeeeeed, under escort of
the committee, to the private °Mee of Mayor
JgriCartlryi where they were **calved. by the.
Pittsburgh Councils. President Steele of the
Common Council welbomed the party In afew
cordial and appropriate remarks, which Were
happily responded to on behalf of the guestn
P resident - L. Dontadton of the Columbine
- -
After a brief interchange of friendly conver
satlon,Alie whole pattrproceeded-to.. the Celt , .
trot Mice of the Alarm- Telegraph, and were
received by Superintendent Fawley, who at
therequest of 4hlef Weer Flare,: Proceed.
..ed considerable le a ,to explain the prin
ciple and workings o the Alarm Telegraph
system as adopled In oar city. As the radians
points of the system wore unfolded, the vim.
tot expressed their adtalraslou In noßsasur.
At eight o'clock and fortpdve minutes a key
was placed in; the hands of Councilmen gib
bons, who, with the rest of the party, proceed.
- box. Na,. fr, corner. of Peen and Wind
'Street - end - telegraphed UM alarm to the °Moo,
in Seven seconds aace - the reception of the
alarm at the office the big bell sounded. In
two tr.i.autes thereafter ~the gaggle bemoan i
sige,wae on the spot m.three minutes the-Vig.
Ilion; in three and half, the Duquesne; in four
and a half, the Niagara; 'neaten, the Relief;
toil in seven and a tutlfthe Dello( engine—the
Ws' Ongine that *straw bring their
tam beteg required to bring their machines.
The visitors expresard great admiration for.
tite 'efficient And admirable warnings of the
sifter this the party.were conducted to the
Nagle and Vigtlant engine ionises, where they
•lound much to admire anal commend In the
complete end beautiful aPpointments des.
and; pleasant time' was con.
sinned In these visits and then, at ten o'clock.
the [WU' in company with some invited
gams s fro S m the city, repaired to the elonon
uPlOaha. Dense, there to (frown the evening
with a rich and bountiful; banquet furnished
Perth by the generous heftier that =lgo inceut
beta, All luzurlee, in season a d out of sea
son: were se 'in. apPeCiaing order. before the
eXpostatit Inntelduals, wherstanding not upon
thoorder of. 'beginning, began - at once, to
most appreciative style, to test the excelien
ides Ad' the solids provided. After testing
tgr r egag i t i te l L a ir. tancietkrigti exten t
e o o rt
gent cod in' form, and amid* little Musical
tillektlng of glasses, proceeded with ; the
toasts and reasoner', sentiments and genial
..witatclasee, 14, eitfloactLen" the "wee snit'
'Mutts But as they were preparing for - this,
thatagarm of gm , sounded, and by common
Onnatait the companyllsfifiernea' tottre Beene
01 the conflagration.
. int Seaspoppr some- -
gar maiirs wilt remember that haveml ditYi
Ago a you minsklerable excitement Ives croft;
led In the City by.thc appearance In the col-1
mune of the Polite &Mac of. a Flttabergh
totter ocnnalfdog severe end llbellons.state.
• . •
, moutarerresdlog Dr. ti.'.lF. Spencer.. dm :well
know° dentist of thle clty. For a Lime the
correspondent furnishing the statements was appears% however, Mettle has at
test turned np to tbenerson of our old time
aogrnitutanceJoseptilloblunn, of Allegheny.
dtilre le c!ft e o r ne a r at leV "n ron
char as e. - :" • - '
.Thit-otte Joseph Robinson did write. Indite
and publish in an. deecene Donor. Called th e
Pretense Po l lee GeUtfr, printe.l Iu tbo city of.'
Tenn York, liut scd4l oust eircanated to theceen
ty of Alleshuy, a feta°, scandalous and defa
matory Meat as nontatned and eel forth In the
copy of the mune flltd berentlnlnherelq com
plainant has been &Tenn,' Worm], dc."
The sOnnstal was prOmptly arrested and
waived a hearing. la default of ball he au
ocanuattal to AU to, answer the charge at
.111 tha tido:dual Court yesterday meaning,
Judge Stowe on the Oeneb, - the CLIO of WUI.
tam Downey, tried no a 'charge 01 rape, trim
rammed. The jury found. • verdict of not
guilty and the prisoner was diagharged.
21111 neat' Mee WaS that arlitlablie scui:
ran, indleted - tor • committing a repo upon a
tutu, girl maned Maggie Mitchell. aged stand
fourteen year', The' outrage is alleged to
grabens oanindtted -on Sunday, the
rent', on the lineof the Pittsburgh. Fort
Wayne end Chicago Kelm:pi, near Courtney's
Station. U. the day stated, the girl's father,
mother and eater came until* river on a elan,
leaving her at home alone. About noon, It is
alleged, Sullivan came to the house; and COM*
mined the outrage. liuheenufluilr an infix ,
Edna Wes Made .agattell. Lim berate' Mayor
°sewn', and he was Arrested Just as he was
utleavlng on this' ears.- Clattlet Attorney
Won . wad Woo. Thomas' Howard appear for
the prosecution „and.W.C. Moreland end it. ii.
MoraloO, tor tee defence. The case
was AMU on real at, blue ad)oarowtolillon of
Omoer Scott, or the Allegheny Police, Tooter
.4lltyarreatetta cotored bey named Jlonry Col
lies, aged thirteen Or fourteen years, Oa a
charge of larceny It is ;alleged. that atont a
week ago the boy stole tram the jewelry et ire
of Illeiars. Stevenson & Co., on Market street ,
ttirce or four silver watches. Be kopt PO of
alto way Until yesterday, when ho was arrest
eu ettltcd. The boy confessed to the ofnecre
that he stolen the watches and that they
**recant:ogled at , the Dense of his mother.
Athl% Collins,' In linquesne borough. The
orator utedeeded to the fileoo and tour! , Mrs.
Collins his errand. film deeled . the boY's state*
wet moat emehathuslty, tint lir. Scott Insist.
04 that. he mint acarch her trent. Amid many
vehement protestations he did so and there
found two of the stolen watches. That was
enough and the officer arrested the 'Waller for
readying and canoealing,etaleu goods, Both
the hemmed gra In thit „Allegheny lock-up
- awaiting a ;oaring before Mayor Morrison.
neowir the ifiremaies *emaciation,
—According' to announcement, filitiot'meoi.
tug of the fircteen , s Assoeiation Was held
lost eventpg. Tholluipilsolras to take action'
m regard to the matter of districting the city
for the sending, of fire alarms. The o general
oriangsonesif of .duitticts, axmoaced in
thepritsy giet Moira ftctorgO, raugod by
maeelatton, and the a s or Cur
thre details "war entrusted to a commttoo
consisting of Diesels. Idontgomety, Yord.
Vick, Chief Ell:neer /tare and . Superintend
ant raligey, inAtruottona to report at the
Ilan h. , 9IL4H UP 4 4 4 0 Ciatig 0 t
. .
tleorge, McCook; rhysician to tho
Board of Ilesll it, reports the following inter
ments in this Mil from November 2 to Pb.
comber 2, ISM.
PottuOct A h l:/ 1 ° 13 1 Tot al 13.
thiii.: It Colored.— 3
tilealses—C nlo brono1;11.13, porlionitio,
II comption, n; 11'11°1141; ptithillin t I; can
tOt. dobatty,li stlll-ntirni 7i dlplr
thorsoto oroop, I IntOuotonticut of brain,
porttnisli, I • pnotnhonioo ; whooping cough. 1.
gt t o atiorp thorp warp year, 4;
from 1i
02, /i 2105,2; 3 to Itit 1; 15 to 03,1; 20 to
313, :OD tO 30, 3160 to GO, I.
Cdurt tget yesterday Morning at the usual
liOtir, - dlidgeiffettipteri - tiresid r
The CM or !Ong TO, Stein, which Was re
ported on trial YeaterdaY. was -withdrawn
.rm the Ittry, and the jury discharged. The
arationsinvolled will be settled by We par.
The next eas taken up was that of John U.
McCord ar Co. ve. dobn Boggs and Annabelle
Bogs , his wife. The Jury found a verdict for
the plain tigs la the sum of g 5,785.0.
There bolug no inner Wes ready tor ttint,
Court adjourned, and the jury was discharged
until Ronda,' Morning.,
Haihneatiqual.—The Ethicatlonal 2 . Mama.
than of Western Pennsylvania wW meet on
aaturday evening, ill the 'Third and Tenth
Wards - tichool Mous°, Grant Weakener Soy
enth', on which occasion Env. W. stream
will deliver a lecture on "Pointing' Education
...its History and Advantagese , togeUter with
as lotecelUng debeto and essay on thumb.
item or vital moment to the cause 01 etinete
Coineldencesr-Our atteition wall lasi
night called TO the /het that ou the 'first night
the (Axiomhus Cannella were In Cleveland, as
on thou Unit night In Pittahurgh, a large tiro
broke 0111313 thatttty;, OILIDAL 0 0beekin, aeon
this. theinitldhattntrnerl eta Mrgif 1 - . 14 awl
japluiwetWkre 44110141Cirj... -
• • 7-4
gOikilka4e,nden* - Voniresillop
The Convention of County Supe.nutendenti
of the Public Schools of Pennsylvania, assem
bled in Uturisburg on Tuesday last, Prof. J P.
Wicker Shard, the able ktale Superintendent, ,
presiding. All thee - mattes of the State, with
the exception of Beaver, Butler, Clarion, Co
ltimids, Delaware. Elk, Erie, Eastrusborough;
Forest, Fulton, Indiana, Lancaster. Mc - Kean,
Monroe,Montiomtry, Mondour.Eprtbampton,.
Perry, Plke.Snilivan.Tloga, Cram, Yenango,
and Warren were represented.
Prof. Wiclrmiham oongrattdased.the Con,
ventioff Upon the encouraging - attendance and
referred to the cheering evidence of increas
ing .teeling, In favor of .general education
throughout the State." Re suggested a genera
al classification of the • work of the Conven
tion, substantially as follows: • •
Fire., Imparting information ati to the coo
dation of echopisi and working o f the EMU=
throughoidthe State by free aim...
Second, To receive Instructions from the de.
partment whiLst at Harrisburg lob can bet
ter be done than by letters or circulars. •
Third, Tee department needs IntOrmatlon
*as to the wants and precticil workings of the
schools throughout the State, Buperintee.
dents, he hoped worts! speak, each for i lls 10.,
catty, in order that the Convention may have
the benefit of thortnostxtdistrterhiltoutstion. .
On motion of ldr.ollehrist,trt Washington,
Prot. A. T. Douthet, Of Allegheny, was chosen
tePorarl President; Mr. Woodruff, of 'Criesn
ter, Vice-President, =thin Miller olMerear;
Agreeably to • order, Mr read an
Interesting report on • th e' examination ot
%mbar, anklets :reVeri!'was'accetite=
Convention,,and. the subject matter
upon for discussion.
On Motion of Sir: .Eratentrintt Speeches were
limited. to-live minutes. •
The suidect was then dilletlll3Bl try :Messrs.
(Toon Fisher Armstrong, 'Wood:riff, DOW.; bet,
het, hicks and ilawkera •
Mr. Newlin read a report on the...mins of
preventing Irregular - attendance in whoa%
widen-wee accepted,-and.subject. matter dis
cussed byMs Iri. , Ermentrout, Netrld in, Wood
ruff, Gilchrist, Studer, Mohler, Mayer, Young
and others, ,'Yeftealpatylaa the Igur Ad re-
Ptontlending eintlindahrif ate:idol:toe. •
The Convention 'transacted other important
hominess - end - adjourned . to' inset _trinitn On
•., • •
Forget 'nut tle- Orphan-011W Deriktestili
.who Calmat earn tar Themselves. ;
. call 'Manikin today to a Scheme for
boned:Mint the helpleik Mtge orteAWkeni tied
has thrown upon the cold charity of the world
, , e
child Or
for . snpprt— be 'destitute .. ren , oar
bravo soldiels and sailors who perished in the
late clue! war/ Feir titillantbiedMei fieisons
are untientialniial with.thci•fact that a "Mome
for thei•,' St:Milers' And 'Sailorill Orphans" has
been iu stuicendel • operation, lor. a longtime
past at'lenVeYork. -Trattel tbo , helpless- Mud.
ren are kindly cared for, educated and brought
up•tobeccrine Virtnotus citizens/ma ornaments
to society. The following card explains the
plan taken to obtains snalcient rem of money
to place the praiseworthy lostitution lu good
Ananias! creidltioni• • •
We the officers and Managers or "The Home
and Schad" for the Education and litainte.
mince of the Destitute Children of our Sol
diers and Sailors, earnestly solicit the sprays. ,
thy and doalmeratton In onr Fair and Grand'
Presentation Festival, of all who desire with.
us to see "Tile limns and School!'- , enabled to
receive and care tor at/ needy odes, who seek
shelter and protection.
Mrs. tieneral Ulysses S., Gnat, President;
Mrs. Cll6ll. F. Daly. datum' Presidant; Mrs..
Mad. Gen. J. C. Fremont, 14. Vice President;
Mrs. Robert Forster, Id Vice President; Mrs.
John S. Voorhies, Treasurer, Mrs. David,lloys,
Secretary; Airs. W. S. tlillyeritkirresponding
Secretary; Mrs. 'Ferrer 0. Law, Manager. Mrs.
J. .1. Van Malsem, Manager.
The Fair wW open on the 10th of December,
and continue two weeks, at the Peelle- liad,
corner of Broadway and kla streets, Sew York.
To be concluded. ,by4tte tioulut - Presentation
Foattiral,to,be held la' tbooor 'institute., • Mew
Yeri , Saturd Evening. December Ytd, under
the sinslimil dir ection, t. Theodore Thomas,
•Esee..Altsirlden'oemstotratawsnatrtee will be
chosen to award *LON= in presents in such
lawful manner as they. MIN determine. Foe
the Festival there will he Issued hro,otto tickets
at le each, and .M0,1A2 Presents, being - one to
cacti ticket holder. .
Mr. John W. Pittock, thepOptdar news deal
er, is agent for Mils ilbdrict for the sale of
. I
pp) pluses of Ilionscusent ire not doing -
very heavy business just now as the weather
Interferes greatly with the prospects or tho
managers. r
!Tax Ta bar si...—This old and popular place
of amusement, has of tate fully redeemed It.
self, and is drawing sa good houses. as Its
neighbors. Yankee Locke, a whole team In
himself, 11. exc e llentted by com pa ny.iniable tiot.
to, andttbe stoeti ny. To-night
Yankee Locke takes a farewell Willett:, on
which ocwasion be will appear In the pleasing
drains of ••the Yankee In Hungary," to be fol
lowed with 'Jack Long, or Stint in . the Eye "
and toconclude with theroaring-Irace °L W.)
Carsa.a llocaa,-11ar. J. W. Wall:Lex la an
nounced to take ai .beneht to.ulght. has
bad a very ancoetsful engagement and is ably
supported by the stoek amapany of the Opera
'notate; I
AtAtom nacz.--Lil Rue d Burgess' Min
strels dose to-night ;at Ilasonlo Hall. They
are deetdodly, the best performarawrach have
everAriatted our elty; and we hope they may
soon agate swing round oar way. Everybody
should attend toddglyb, the last
presented this peasoirol Ilsterabg to the beet
minstrel troupe In America. -:
Mere of she East Liberty Outrage !
. _
Oar readcra will remember the. attempted
outrage of which Mrs.. Ann Lanuan. was the
on'Tuesday night:of last Week. Stout,
Illeak and Jobuston,thealleged perpetrators,
made their escape, and are still at. large, but.
Mrs, ierman,ttartng recovered to some ex
tent from her injuries, cams lbefore • Alder
man Lynch yesterday, and made information
against five other parties, charging them with
complicity in the again She charges Mary
Allen and Sarah Carrel, relatives of the es
caped assailants, with surety -of the peace,
they haying used • threatening language tow
srardsber during the quarrel of which the
attempted outrage was apparently the cll.
max. She also charges throe brothers, Darn
ed Thomas. Matthew end Edward Sheridan,
comrade. of Stout and his follows. with ma
licious mischief, alleging that while the out
rage was bete g perpetrated by the three men
in the house, the throe brother@ wore on the
outalde, venting thou nutlioe by killing the
poultry, breaking the doors and windows, de.
rho accused were all arrested and held for a
bearing on Monday next. The whereabouts
of Stont,Black and Johnston have been as
certatned, and their speedy arrest prob..
Whet is la a 211• Mel •
Bomethng certainly. Some names bays
been so often used In connection with 'what
has no relation to their elgolfloation, that wo
have oOme to regard thereto of but little worth
in any connection. Especially is this true Of
throe names and terms peculiar to our Over
tieing columns. We are always pleasecturlien
furnished with an 'opportunity for pointing
to a fall illustraUon of the moaning of these,
and rejoice that we cars do at this time. tin.
laralleled bargains, unprecedented reduc.
lions in the prices, a magnificent sleek, de-
Heard crowds of buyers—all those and many
more, might, with perfect propel ty and Just
ness be used, when speaking as we Intended
doing, of the great sale at reduced prices, now
In Progress. lithe dry goods establishment of
the Mosses. Barker V0.,.-No; :69 'Market
street. This sale has bean nutlet...way long
enough for us to liatfthat it is stroarkable toe
bargains that hate boon sold, and are still
offering, and we advise our readers who are
wanting dry goods, either wholesale or retail,
holm° and Visit it before buying, as we
lyre certain that they will be benellted by do
ing so. it
neriell4nd, 66 and 57 Fifth Street
Be careful of your feet this damp, disagree.
Oda weather, and to do so supply yourself
with a pair of stout bcuta or shoes at T. A.
tioClellsodhi salesrooms, Nos. It and 17 Fifth
street. lie Is receiving constant secessions to
his already enormous stoek , and selLs much
cheaper at retail th ou can the most ostensive
manufacturer* sell to the wholesale trade. , A. -
large stock of Anterlcatz and Forelga carpets;
rugs, - Mattlngs, do.; do., will also "be found
here, together with on unlimited assortment
of generalbousehold goods. Permits
the beat end most.. serviceable qualities of
cloths, eaosimai es, moltons, sett/Mita, Jeans
'wed other suitable materials for boys' wear at.
remarkably cheap prices. Dry goods for
ladles' wear sold at auction prices to the Mall
trade. Country dealers will Mad A thole° at
.ortranot of holiday goods suitable for the sea
son approaching at the old prices (diem -Yor
any and everything give McClelland's auctitui
salesroetaa ealL - ; • •
• 'Mae Alygthumila, . •
• - - •
The liymnantle Association of this eft/.
we are delighted tO • learn t , Is bilconalx4t Imo"
and morcinourishlng, The list of nieninerom
increasing, and the limit of enthusiasm of in,
old members anon the gain, so Is evideal:
by the efiteiTiileilzhibitesll this lioelle.:44ar
Ititelithirtee - Ol Wise Molnlie" "tit* hsTo.
muscle esetribiT and eveninejlta., ro mane
The Spimestns ttutt was for um
teeth tor the seransements ummeTew.kio,
extubititnuk ass been Put iiiie r iaisesrod.
_.TIIs seats bava tw.. boo t or ex _
evergtanuirds in the bees Pass iaara a mo w,
Mister now. The lest . .., tante a . acat
Thelest*as folly ait en "'"Adiee ThP - tfiird
°On of the audience on
the inter.
lecture will nost i j",,,,Alenian. and Bona?
• Fenian sedl.—Tttert=iotopie4
last evanb ta " in manna degree Or credit
beset ranee g
upoq its
Horrible Areideni
Yee terday afternoon, about thiee o'clock, an
accident of a terrible'ind fatarhature
°erred at the rolling mill 'of James .Wood
Co., In Temperanceville. Front Vormier Wm.
Clawson we have the foUoising tartictliare
A young man named James M. Dunlevy, be;
tweed 11 (leen and sixteen years Of - age, entered
the • rolling mill to see a friend who Worked
there, and as the latter was busy be took a
seat on a trestle Nenich guards some heavy '
shafting- of the mill machinery. Just as he
took hie seat $ heaver with boiling - metal
passed in close - proximity to Dunlevy, who'
pushed hactgaDparently fearing that lie was
in the road. . The utilized trestle gave way and
the Vita' tg mall fell into the bed of the shafting
and; was, caught by the key, a large pleceof
Iron' projecting from the shaft, and was tern ,
Pipteces Wore he could berescumi. Hisbody
presented a horrible appearance, literally
ground -to pieces. The inquest'resolted ill a
verdict of death fromaceident. , The oeceatect
'was 'not employed in the mill. Tim mangled
body was conveyed to the -.residence of his
:uncle in Temperanceville, from whence it will
he burled. Donley,' wad - es '
gent and moral young man. ' , Ms Mother re.
'sides at Midway •
Station, on the S übenvllle
The' Dead bed Paz 'a iitni to OlaeOve_red_aa
lbe.Blyer 19bore
, .
The Wheeling Intelligences. Yesterday
morning:Mi. Toseph McGill had otorall.. on to .
Pass along the river shore, and while walking;
, along had his attention &Urania by an object
lying_ half concealed under anolli stump a
short distance above the anspe.nslim bridge.
. Proceeding to examine it, he lifted up a coi
ner eta Paper which covered it, and discover.
calb , the dead body, of a mete child, partly
wrapped by In the underclothing of a woman.
-Mri McGill atone informed' the authorities
of the matter, and yesterday afternoon, at two
'o'clock, a jury of Inquest assembled on the
//Pets tinder summons issued by Justice Johnl,
After mains the body and hearing the evi.
donee in the ease, the Jury gave a verdict that
the body was that of a still born male ebild,
and that it had been exposed by some "arson
unknown. •
.• There went. .O. marks about the clothitig,
Which was of fine quality, that coodive any
clue to the - party•ww • parties who h left the
child.. The only merit was the fig ures 170 In
India Ink- The child had evidently been born
iotin Willie "Lew'limed,
Testerday:tnarning,John WlMich, charged
themitir.4r Of Martin Murphy on board
Irtisteat6b4ai Chieftain, was brought Into the
Court 'of Oyer and Terminer, a true bill hav
ing beenlotind against him by the Grand July.
In answer to the - metal Interrogatory, "gritty
or not guilty I" be replied "not guilty." M. .I
Swartiwelder, Esq . counsel for defendant,
made att application :for a postponement ct
the trial, anti In accordance with this regime*
Judge Stowe named the first. Wednesday of
January as the day for a hearing of-the case.
It will be remembered that a difficalty occur
red between Willich and Murphy on board the
Cnleftain, while lying at Lock No. 2, on the
Monongahela river. During this disturbance
Murphy was knocked down, receiving Injuries
which resulted in death some days atterwari.
Willich -wits arrested, but on. application to
Court was subsequently redeem' on bad, and
-has been at libertY since that time" , .
insioning Treat.
With -pleasure IWe announce this morning
that the grand coosoLtilatlon of talented per.
formers, htthertd known. ea the •Tealt yam
Wand the "Berger Parnily,"open a series of
entertainments at Masonic Ball on Midday
night next. They are immense. and are 130 t
equalled in the world.. Their entertainments
are chaste, relined and brilliant, the troupe
numbering a large Once of talented belt ring
ere, sweet rocadstti and most expert hAtint.
mental performer'. The gentlemanly agent
of the troupe arrived in. the city yesterday
morning, and he assures us the troupe will
positively open oil Monday night and remain
.a whole week, so ottr citizens . may prepare for
a rare musical season. -
Court of Common Pleat—ln this - Court,
yesterday morning. Judge- aterritt on the
bench, the case of J ames Wilson, et. at., own•
era of the steamboat Advance, No. Y. vs. James
McCabe a. of. 'wee resumed, The defendants
had contracted for the stone composing the
piers of the old acquedlict, and, as is alleKedd.
did not remove them at the time agreed. The
pbunttra alleged that subsequent so the time
when the pierAehould have neon removed,
the accident for 'which they Claim damages oc.
caned. The cave occupied the entire day.
and was still en trial ,'a. Up time of adjourn.
meat. •
Gave *I imself into l'astody.—Joim Stew
art, who is charged by his wife (from whom he
is endeavoring to be divorced) with- having
set, tire to her dwelling house, surrendered
himself into the custody of Justice Ammon,
Of Must Birmingham, on - Wednesday. lie
committed to All; but was subsequently r y e.
leased by the Gout, on giving ball in the sum
of $1,300.
Ferocious Dog.—Alderman Lynch bed be.
fore him yesterday Patrick Leonard, a' rem
ittent of Pipetown, charged on oath of Peter
liPCabo, a neighbo ,r with maintaining a ter
°clone dog. It is alleged that on December
4th, the dog belonging to the defendant, did •
bite and lacerate a little boy named Lawrence
Trainor. The case wan for a hearing.
Bill lirnored.—The timud Jury bad before
them yesterday the case of Christy Bradford
vs. onicors linchanan, - 11 , 6mily t er. al.; for ag
scravated assault and battery. After bearing
the evidence the JurY limomil the bill and or.
Mired the prosecutor to pay thecostsmenmid.
It seems that the officers are Who maintained
in the performance of their duties.
Imprisoned.-4. liantimem convicted three
or leer dart ain the Criminal Court, of
fornicatiou and ba go,
stardy, was
.sentenced yes
terday to pay a fine and the costs of tee case.
Re bad not the Wherewithal to pay his fine
and was committed to Jett Re wits remain to
prison three months and then obtain his re
/ease under the Insolvent net •
- - -
The Leetnee.-8. ShelUm McKenzie, Esq.,
of the Philadelphia Press, delivered an 'able
and spicy lecture last evening under the au
spices of the Toting Men's Mercantile Associa.
Mon. at the Academy °ISM/ski. Me had a
fashionable and appreciative audience, mad
remarks were Maned .to with much In
terest and attention. -
True Bill Folnd.—The Grand Jury yes
'terday roaud'ia true bill in the calm of
.Christie Bradford, charged on oath of officer
Buchanan, with aggravated airman and bat
tery. Christie . will be riut .on trial luring
the prescatiterin of court. .
Glitelentenne7, 43 Fifth street. has
our thanks fora copy of 4 .l3lacs.wood's Mugs.
line," for November.
Sr. Louts, December 43.—The loss by lire last
'night was about $lO5OO buitewl of gt).000, as
previously reported. •
EAIL•3IIAN—WOLf-04 Vedoeftlay- Angular.
December h, 1666, at the reltdeneo of the , br.lle's
lather, Captain •John. Wolf, 'Manchester, ty the
Rev: Hnlllogsbeenk WILL A. E.A4tIIAN
to LIZZLK J. WOLF, &Hof Manchester.
' DIED. . •
- .
VABRI—JII.. Aillatiee, Ohio; on the sth imt., AL 4
o'clock P. m..CHA.HLW_HZ)IS4 .on of Johp E. Ana
Jane H. Puke, to th e .7:lt Tear of hi. ore. :
the [seer►) take Sate from the residence of
LL parents, Locust strtet, Manchester, Yale
( ?rid ay) AVTEIMOON, it o'clock. The hien& of
he (entity are reepectfillY halted to a,Mitd. _
DUNSlATll—unitunoloy. Menembere h, at US
DAVIO, Intant son at Vitiator
U. and Melte M. Onotenth,Ahall Mu months.
The friend. of the lan lly aro reSpeottully tralia.l
to attend the funeral at 2 o'clock. Trila (Friday)
arcia.Noox, frompe iesldeue&oltiis parents. NO.
2 Tannthill street. . _
e.LI7IIO—On Thtvidby mernteg. December etb.
DM. AD DID 0.. cleetthter of bllcheel 1 : 0 1
tine giblets, In the Mt tt yotr °titer
The friends et Um Wally bre riAped.gor -
tobttend the brnerel Dom the .r.
rents. Hanle street, Iltrtaloglamt °°,
wohltilto hi 10 O'clock. "
112M.1041:16 .
bluttlful 0.V.11.: Li r i ttigroin ' t=
I.llllargrbitt. • carsxr. 1.11.
•e/W UM'
ir prpilair.aue •
EU n kribe li t•Cc n ni
tykiW ant tag Waalrause. Zums
eralltkes-tlll7v. David .1e.:4 " 06.. geir. le
Rr .1 soca.% /A.D.. Mamas LWOW. =4.. JAW)
litatee. •Ri.
FA I Rl , sll AN & SAMSON.
- NO; 196 SMlUttleld Stsi COr•
Marano* troadirnath Birect.)
NrkZ.2 . o3l3 l CraEslCilar. . Si..
AND Asa fIaJWI7IIXT weemar__,_
T. WM" & CO,
Sanehosiar. woorsitifilana ti szar.
COFFIN - 11=8 MUM Lost Ina.
Orrair es 16044 sad aesellars Werth
Siam NW cirrlaitei tuFtsbeth I,
1911T 1 IMO Malik
ooKTiatruti.;m.anairco SQLI72USB of
ilmuziamire aziam
surriz, TearrsiE wrraiAit l
• 'lrs'r Nein:two ....ta)
Tie'Zdltfoa Is for
, uniiteel *bleb rasa the
subscriber soonei-
&toile Copy (per: 60.
Chiba of 1.85.
4 - 1700"33z..
AT A vizi faitki4. - PROFIT, AT
6 WylleSt., dooritem ' -
The Wonderild . 1
ifau - sictAia- 33c) -x.
Jewelry . Store, ,
ihro. 1343 WlXtla 1111trisialt.
Fine Watehes,-Cloeks, Jewelry
1174 LLBZETt STRICT. • ', 3Ptionznaii.
/xi- Particular iltentlon sitte. l to goafrlag
Wateass, Clocks kad Jewelry. 1B .work warms-
WETHEItILL 49c euxims
- - .
Gas Condensing Burners,
Can be used on any • and IXissenie 'entirsly
with Chimneys. The I6ante produced Ary ants
Burners spreads out similar. tie than of BM& • The
construction is gush that, the smoke is oonaned, in a
nppoon.t to
coda •
( TT -
•"r tmrce into
gg atVr "d altr eUtre n etTillhe rd d
whteh •
the fo a
--•- •
Less 011. Than Chinuny.Laion
produces a more Brilliant Light than an/other •
burner inthe merest,
Baring P'ti Al l egh e n y Of disinistis
above Burners In g County.. wide
-ar6ANvAs3rsB WANTED.. • notl
losovAszonxe..r. R. LATSB►W.I. ►ILIRIOA
- ryoned by Deans. KING. PEEN C0.,-ee
mpeettally WET= the 'paella that we will emitting
the punsilsecnre of
Sheetings, Cotton Yams, Carpe •
Chains, Candle Wick
and. Batting.
Orders inay be left at atm Odlee of the Works,
Corner of Daciasue Way anELßayker•a
X.ittaislzrursla, Vqw.
3 : - .3 JOSHUA RHODES & co.
Gas and Stearn Fitters,
.large wortmaat of
Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead
Pipe. Pumps, Sheet lead, Dm,
164 Wooil Street, near -Stitt.
89.89 89 89 89 89 89.89
PL. p...$ Et• 8 99
89 afarkst 89
[ BOOTS, , &C
• 89
S 9 S 9 89 89 89 59.89 89 89 89
PANY: We have *eland theaneatatoetet .
• In tbliteltir kited.
za Endless Variety, • '
- udatFltistnergb Cutler,' Oserdn
MM. 67 and 69 rum' aired ,
-- rDnsrxrcH into:lova - "IS
HAVING 301301 T Milt VeNT.T. W A RBO O -
806LN8ON • NTS.. . •
ess aft/I_lo 4 i of
Will keep ea head *NW amoorem _
Awl .eride• Nill be Cold cholVT iluai 40 . 7 Other , -
boom so toe twoolUes. ~
._,.reerertptlons ean/ seni re .- 1, 7 • grebeibee
' . }"ae of isarraccat and FANC7T DOS
1181 MM . OCR
GimorSir £ BA4LEIrs •
. ,
..- - - lerming ,- Maohilies .
Are THE BIM! for ?molly sad ManoesetsrMS
poses. CMS and see them as •
.••, • - .
-; ;TO. il Asui amis.
rOUlfilainghlllllo3/UIIIII adhrmthaseitii Of Interior
Judd nes. but get ¢ GBOV 68 t BLKIRIL
It Uslxesailly by tor Axles&
year.. =du by all camp*.
"WO, XErWartb. -
Practical FaraKars Nanaracturrn,
Ms. #71..--ot mown:Fits a • meAiiilves ha.
.r....m_ . owed WOIIX Holliktg .
— ls — aold abeam sae rood
ir a
1.2 74,./Trues. msit ir ian . tr? . po' ~!1
sdlr . V ^R. .. r. C 't Sr - -r •LZ. '
.1. - NTICIL—' Tor .good COOKING SlOriand akar
OWL= litriudls. No. 146 gnat meet.
.sarratul Yana CUALHOUTTILIZ. IriLsBOV
ZIA. rid* dad oloeTilninisila for Coodtug Oyisua
sad outer ONO dishes; 'enders, .3tOTO - .Pirpoiodrit.
ter Contactors. sod au Other ear Id P. t)
DUI/1M XO. 4416 Una%
_itre!s, 410-00•4?
clasPkat4P; .?4;
l i :~;