The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 06, 1866, Image 1

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*Otanzr. sir
PortnkAan, 46eit et Co
1Qo: a "Wif~ls . t`reet.
att h'Uts e ,9,l7.
- .
mutest { E.14146111 /1".14141'
Elul, C . ...
Tieilvered trz caplet, (per weal ...... ..". 10 cents.
labdeitbent, tperyear)
gittoltuft 640te.
F,p):tt,tL 14tEVItIR9.
YESTERDAY We had the pleaiure of re
eeiving a vhdt (rem Jamea E. Parton; Esq.;
the kiftediuithor, "and st, statistical contri
bute!. to American literature of no ordina
'; He ialiere to • ivrite an artfele
upon Pittsburgh .nnd lta manufactures,
•• which will shortly , appear in. the ATIAN-
Ttc MONTILLY. Mr., Parton regards Qua
:be; Hew Crleans - and Pittsburgh , as three
'Nevi odd cities Which- are 'different from
each's:lifter and from all - the cities of - the
Continent. We trust ha will
,receive the
necessary information desired from the eitt :
.zetis, it ia a - matter ' of eattsidembie . itq
porlancc that Pittsburgh be properly rep-"
resented in the widely disseminated AT
Jen"misost env, Mo., adviecipicturea
terrible state of affairs in that neighbor.:
boo 1. The rebels have taken full pbsses
sion or the place and commit freurtent out
- rages upon thelori men residing there
abouts. It is said that the, rebel eitizas
have assumed to invite into Jefferson City
11 1 . 1 4b0... 1 ?919rit1art. hush-whackers and des.
peradoes around, wha
: defy the poier
of the military authorities. They go
through the-streets wah revolvers and
bowie-knives in their belts and commit all
sorts ,of, .dePwalationa'in-:'the face of the
civil authorities. Gov. Fletcher. littehitii
niade aware of the lawlessness preViiiilng,
antLimadespatel led a.lnilithrrcombany to
'arrest the despinadoes. -
cadets ,atYfest „Fniat
„previous to
thereliellion, receivid, checks on the.Uni
tea §lates tretisuri;;which, - in their haste
to join the rebel rails, they to pre
sent. • On Monday they Protented them at
the Treasury, hut Secretary Stanton order
ed that payment laxrefused, and the amount
retained to the appropriation from :which
drain. Served them right: -••• •
A Drarituarm named Diggs has Jett
captured'.bees at' Parts; Tennessee: . Be
was in. the- .Confederate army but after.
wards adMited the life of a robber and
'gnerrallh - .` He has; during his short
career, committed a ntnnber of horrible
murders and outrages. . -
Tait BeaVerilrgus suggesty, that in -case
the contest between -Cintin and Getheron
fer.the_Se.natorshlp shall become so abarp
mite make it netessary toast both aside,
that :Judge Agnew, one of the Judaea of
the Serpremei Court,would become an avail
apla 57411.
Cmvonses, fortunately -for the country,
is not disposed to aid the President in
his ..tichentea , ,against Mexico, or to
concur ivith . :llm inpickirtg a quarrel with
.Prrutce because its troops are not called
home as rapidly as was expected.
JOHN I. 311.1.12 n, a very young man,
was arrested on Tuesday and -held in,
.110,000 bail, at Philadelphia, on three
charges of arson and a charge of forgery.
Sanarou Dixon' of Connecticut, hattre
turned to his allegiance to theltepublican
patty, - and 'announces that he shall oppose
both the President and his Policy.
A. DEED of trust issued for the Indian
affersoniille and 31adison Railroad
Company required three thousand dollars
in tevende stamps. : -
AN Illinoiaregiment of colored soldiers
has contributed $1 . 200 to the Lincoln Mon
=ument Association.
piton's, .MinoLs, now boasts of a large
bell foundry, and claims to.bein the "ring"
`of iiiiportance.
THE fl , enate has quietly let Mr. Cowan
' down - from places of influence On Standing
Committees, ,
Srseinx H. BnAIICII is now publishing
in..New-York a paper called the - "Graye
Jamas KEA% Of Cincinnati, fell down'
stairs at, his boarding' house and broke his
GavialsTort is to ham. an Opera Ilouse
Lndwick • and Brayton , s -cotton mills, near
Providence, 11.1., were yesterday . destroyed
Brooklyn isebeen infringing the patent held
by.W..a. Bliss for patent 'hose couplings.;BE
Wings solt.against the corporation,ardelaimi
infproVeinent On the• plin of smelting
iron has been made in the foundry of , the
rhiladelphis navy' 61irtl:: Ay 'thin . improve.-
w e nt, 'where 'previously vontylad three,
hours ininnelting a few:hundred pcnnds, the
same result is now aeconipl ni lied in one houri . " .
, The Only_aurytripir descendant of Christ°,
PheieAdtttabrui.the dlscovererof America, is
rood Qui Continent. Ho will
-a lindlt much Changed_ slncoldS ancestor paid
The Frenah Catuultana who left Canada riir .
the United' Statea In/search of etenloyment,
:hare gene hieli,to Weil' old homes . . -
The Victoria nitlee,hf Canaan, are about to
are' t's Moaner:mat to their late comaaderi
Colonel licrrard. . . •
The — l'isateiers. of ?few T °eh; Can for a
grand MU -sidmonatiatipa of an tradesmen,
toady/Lace 1120 eight boor roorefaent. ,
• Yhe Thittied States building, on the alto Of
_ Barton'S Old • theatre - in now York, bas mast
- been sold for
- *lra riix.orober. of Amerkan-Afrlpui so'.
oiori;wlurserved. dn4lag tbo recent oak. loft
N ew yorieresterday, for Liborla whore Way
intend to ttMbllph o colony to be calico Un
„The French' haws 'chartered, at the Port of
York, tho atearnOr. ,Voneordhs,..w#lrh•lp
Inimediatedy Vert' Oriti and oon:
wey to /111170, yrance, is portion of Maxlinit:
ltyih atioy„ -. • =
The Prospect park Comintsaionotat building
of Brooklyn, was destroyeil by ilre yesterday.
.4.:01. T. J;Jonts, of Nesip was Y e a"
lards/ fund Maine ail:Will &nitro tiiittach
SgoCent feTsatia stamps to ggcgig4
: given bi -
Five bFull'ed . :4lsatbs Cincinnati, last
month, one bundred and'alzty-seven "blab
*ltch JurpOrtance occurred
Traterday in Washington. Five thousand.
dialliumirfirearar ati Watt = A dining room
on,-.:'Y;-etree4and.,pfood s 4 ?" 5 f% 1 ‘ 1) " 11/.6.1
Were destroyed." •
Adrices awn itaaunikai to Nov. an,. owe
" _thatCaoetalti en ► ele o kdliptr had suotseded
.in pastas Tort Stearlita turd eapturin map.
WielstaiSter - ai itte r lafiticir.iii - learacatbo,
aod,had seized :ail bd•could item themnall"
mete in the suerss - prepanitorit to Malting as
&Mak • tee-irte". tOtat.'+ Nett:log further had
been heardkom !ataxy to Ws tinto. -•
- One braluth of Baltimore Councils yeti/ad/1i
" tasted as brae-wet - to hretroat etealge of
' Goal oil, naptha at benzuteorithia tweaty feet
yuattaru.a., Pa- Det.e mber 0.--The river at
-..Fnuddia seve n feet eight - inches, 'and at a
otaltatat"oll City it is seven'-feet ela inches,
failing slowly; at Oleopolla is It eta feet
_three Wettest and 1/sing.
:VOLUME LXXX.---NO. _293.
Inktrance Company.
E. S. WINSTON, President.
Auuttai Dividenits Available Immediately,
Pulley-holders and other perronilhtere3ted In the
anuJect of LIFE INSURANCE. are Invited to call
*on the anderaigned, Agent of the l'ompanv. who
trot cheerfully give them fell Information ne to the
merits and practical worklocorthe•Voinpany.
• . 4 •• •
- No. 37 Flab Strit4, Pittsburgh -
ago Reward.
It I he Indian Iterls)?ocior falls to describe ins.
the nature of their
Oillfnesi without receiving any in
formative' from them. No chargefor consul
- tattoo or
oute worro.
We use etch Balms as have no strife,
With Nature or the-Laws of Life ;
With our blood our hands we never stain,
:tor poison men to cane . their pain.
Our leather, whom all goodness 1111 s,
Provides the means to cure all our ills ;
The simple h erb beneath our feet,
Well used, relieve our pains complete. -
A - simple Herb, a simple Flower,
Culled from the dewy Lee— _ i
These; these shall speak with touching
Of change and health to thee.
Office—No.l9lLiberty street, between birth
and Market, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Men Will tine Tobacco
Their wive!! and Misters can find Christmas
'Presenta 111 tor their husbands. brothers and
beaux at it, & W. Jenkinson , s, Allegheny,
third door froni Suspension Bridge, where
there will always be Sound, besides all the
common varieties, a very choice selection of
-meerschaum, brlat' wood, and other pipes, ci
gar holders, Ac.,of neat and ornate design: a
large and varied stock of smoking and chevr-
Mg tobacco, and many of the popular brands
of Cuban and Amerlcar, cigars.
The Howe Sewing Machine,
Must certainly take the lead of all others In a
Short time. It wan 'awarded fire premiums
on work. at the World's Fair, 18112; four premi
ums for work and on the machine. at tile New
York State Fair, 1865. See the Ifehodiat, of
September _VA. A premium on the machine
at the Ohio State Fair. IDX. lice the Dayton
Journal,Uctobor 19th. The only agency for
its sale for Western Pennsylvania, Is at No. 4
St. Clair street, Ptttaburgh. -
The beaulltul Muscatel IMMIns, at :ie. 1L
Federal street, second door from the First
National Bank, Allegheny City.
heapeet In the City
Poplin Plaids, Empress. Cloths, kreneh Me.
rinoes, and Flea Dress Goods, at Gardner A.
Schleiter's, O Market street.
Black Cashmere Loam Shawls.
Fine Brocha, Paisley, Black Thlnet, Stella,
Fancy Plaids, Woolen Shawls, cheaper . at Gar
dner & Schletter's than elsewhere In the city.
Ton Van Buy
Foreign Liquors of an kinds at Joseph S.
Pinuh's Dtstilierp, N 0.123, 199,193 and 195 First
street, Pittsburgh.
Bead, Bend, Bead,
Gardner & Bchleiterfs advertisement, and go
there to buy your Dry Goods. 22 Market street.
Chinchilla, Vivaria. '
New stock, cheaper than ever, Gardiner .t
Schiller, Or Market street.
Pittsburgh Female VoDego
Malec term opens, December 6th. Apply
mmedistely., ' •
Basotholt Cloths,
Beantlf ul goods, only =Cy centt. Gardiner it
Nov stock cheopti than dvcir. Gardiner &
Schiltar. • '
You Van Boy
9frper tecit. ilcoloril st. Josopli S. nodes
You Cou Buy
New Bops at Joseph 8: Finch's..
Qomplcuut • a ofGeniSedgwiak'actioh
g....:01.2W/AXA M .peo 9 .mber 6.—The OtentnerciaPs
Itrownsylliti, Texas, special of Keened:du aOtla
aye: Oenerad Sedgelck, pe tth ult,
made a formal deinstid . oa Colonel Cattalos for
the Immediate formatter pf histamoras, which,
.waSaceeded to. Collates occupied the recti
fications, while the American - Jag floats Deer
the city. A sulliclentnumber of creeps occupy
the city to render the occupation secure. ks-,
cabedo attacked thuudes on Imo 27thi when
a desperate battle ensueddasting three flours,
remdting in the defeat ofEamsdo, wltha leafl
et six hundred tuen, including General Espi
nosa. Canales loss Is cerenty-fivc. Estmba
do .layshis defeat. to the interference of the
ValW States troops; •.
Another dispatch says that Escabado at
tacked Canalcs in Matamoros, on Tuesday
morning at half psis Uwe o'cloc kbut - fatback
after a two hears" desperate struggle. One'
occasion of his defeat was the occupation of
Matamoras three days before. by a body of
Amereats : WhereUeved
to eCttalos of tee
care ogle , and left him use his fall
force In defen ding the fortifications. Escabit 4 '
to Indignantly., complains of the action of
ticmoral eedgwick. - no.. expects' reinforce
ment...hen MI will renew the_attack.„ Mean
while the American flaggests othida the be-
Indian glarderit—liestig Helpmeet of
Treasure SO thilson—Large Yearly 'Dale
of Traits.
LbAtt FlLAvetSeo,Decembers.—Alon Angelis'
dispatch, yesterday, from the Superintendent
of Intim Affairs, en route tO mtgs.
To Utajorband Apache Indians murdered Stt•
flertntendent George Leiner and - his clerk,
%V. iL Everts. on horse:leer :16th a 4 Haws
Canoe 33 tulles from. Preatott. The bodies
were received and burled the next day, •
The ship Golden fleece cleared for Hong
goat,. with - Sge,OM in treasure, and 48,0 pg
worth of bgeadstaffe.
Tye hems. Ethae - Allen, from nogg K om i .
.hrtoggl,MO kegs and WO bags of snags, sad 466
bags of eds.
Onoutillica One bendred,and•twenty-01isht
tbruilduld 'dollars worth' of fruit have bean
sold here during the part rear.
A'ANl4uwim .40011terfeit.
New Toot, Dumber 5.—A. dangerous coun
terfeit or United Plates .per cent. coupon
AssistantlBB4.llllA-disoOvered to4lay by_ Lb.
Treasurer, Van lack, to wbom alley
were submitted by brakes
i. Who bad arranged
The operators. In thine spurious wujona
rented a room at 49 Exchange Placessee em•
Pioloti a boy to takes package W H. A. Beds.
set Sons, bankers at No. dr Wail street"
with inatroeiltrus 'Ault. foe gold. Tho Dank.
ars larntiniced tbe contame and utadebut the
bill, which mop mad to ad,ar. but
completing the purchase win the= tO - the
anbarataute. There tbey were drat p r
cyder Gu
nn genuine, h ut examination
D roved them to be worthless.
The counterfeiters escaped.. . .
- SECOND!. _' 'l. MM-.:
FOUR 0'0490K7 A. M.
VERY Lust IBmws.
Banquotla the Pitiiiitor of the .
London "Times."
, Ay/temp - iron, December I,—A very ;Hain.
;crashed party assembled last ;toning at the
residencii of Col. John W. Forney, 'to meet.
Hon. John Walter. proprietor of the Liiiidon
Maui, the guest of COI. Forney, Anteing thoac
present were Spctikut Colfax, Chief Justice
CartOr and Judge Plither, of the Supreme Court
of the [Usti : let' of Columbia, AlaJor tieneral
Howard, the venerable Deter teree. anti rep
resentatives frtim HID daily papers in the
United States. At the close of a fine bouquet,
'which succeeded a pleasant social interview,
Col. Forney proposed 'the health of the Wolin.
imbibed g lest in felicitous terms, to which
Hr. • Walter responded •at some length.
expressing his gratification at the hospitality
with which he Pad been greeted here and else
'where tiering his travels in this countryt his
satisfaction at the present and the glorious
promise of Hanle prOsperity which he lied
witnessed wherever is hail gone; his high op
preclatloa•of the character, of the American
'people - taid their inktitlitlona, and his hopes
for the continued seine , harmony and great
ness-of the nation; he hoped his example in
making the visit, which had proved to him so
satisfactory nail so highly :prontable,• and
'from • which he hail learned so much
of - our people and Institutions, would
be hollowed by many of • those present,
and Americana generally, in order that they
as he hau done, be dlrmited of pride.
dice' and misconceptions, which hothing could
so well remove as actual observation. • Ho re •
marked on the differing circumstance's of our
resin:Miro ferias of government for their res
pectire ,conditlons, expresaing his opinion,
that the great strain upon Otlr institutions,
will not come for many years, not until we
have a popniation of two or, three hundred
millions. In conclusion lie expressed his
warm thanks for the hospitality and kindness
with which Ile had been everywhere receiveJ
Thestyle of apeaking of Mr. Walters is that
of the cultivated Englishman and practiced
rarlitimentarlan, and made a Most iaverabie
impression. It 13 leas florid than most of oar
Rpublic speakers—le plain, conversational and
ae, in
onc e
d ap a particle of buncombe about
it. Net once did ID. Walters allude to the
IlrilLsh Hon. -
In response tocalls brief mid happy speeches
were. made by General Banks, Speaker Colfax,
Mom W. U. !telly, General Hiram Walbridge.
and Major Generallfowarti. Mt.' the remarks
of Mr. Colfax ho made an eloquent tribute to
the character of Queen Victoria as a wife,
mother and boerrelgo, and spoke of the warm
love felt for her by every loyal American, In
consequence of her staying the hapila of the
mintetry trom heated SCUM and pfeventlng a
collision between - England - and - the United
The enthusiastic anti protracted applauee
which fellOered Colfax's allusion to the
Queen of England must have served agreea,
ably to demonstrate to Atr. Walter the warmth
of the appreciation in which_ his enVerelgu 15
held In this country. The company separated
about midnight. after an unusually enjoyable
WASCriNoTON, Dec. s.—The United states
Senator, elect from Nebraska, Thayer and
Tipton, have arrived in this city. and Mr. Mar
quette, the 'Representative. elect from. the
same State, Is shortly expected, Mr. Thayer
has brought with him the constitution of the
new State, wulch will. In a short time,•be laid
before Congress. Congress will have to pass
an act to admit thosenew Senators' and Rep
rimonistives to seats be:ore thbYtlan take Pos=
session of them. This will probably be done
at once. '
The heads of the various departments in
the Treasury °Moo have written& letter to
the Committee of Wetys 'and Menus, urging
the passage of the bill Introduced at Cm last
section of Congress, to increase the. salaries
of the clerks,
Senators COMM, Doolittle and Dixon have
been placed at the tall or the committees
They have hitherto served on. This is a slap
at them for supporting the President.
Various rumors arc in circulation this morn.
lag, that the. Business Committee, appointed
at the Republican caucus; have agreed upon
reporting In favor of impeaching the Presi
dent,. There rumors have, however, no relia
ble foundation.
The Sixth Congressional Mlstrlct, Tonnee
see election. case has been, decided against
Mr. Arnett, And In favor of Mr. Thomas. The
Tennessee law - disfranchising rebels Is decided
to be conStWatlonal. , -
A 'instal Washington dispatch says: The
report of the Investigattng Committee dis
closes startling frauds upon the Government
during the war. Parties in high position in
society are seriously Implicated. Tho frauds
amount to hundresis of millions of dollars.
Graiad Masonic Fair.
Wreck of the Stramshlp Scotland.
New T.ons, December 3.-:-State Comptroller
HUI has addressed a letter tolenatorldorgan,
Intended as an appeal. to Congress to appro;
priate part of 'the national revenue from tax
ation to provide for the payment of war
debts' points out that had the States not vol
untarily assumed. burdens, arising from rale
ing of troops, they would have fallen on the
general government, and that the latter
should not weaken the power of the former
by undue tagatiOnouul. that the tax paying
ability of the nation Is seriously affected by
having Indebtedneaa en the part of States.
Tne Conipueller proposes that_ Congress re
tire:mural . the ; income tag Ito litotes, and the
amount collected within each State be appro
priated the payment Of Its own war Indebted-
A - grand Ilfaion4C,Fair, in aid of the fund for
the proposed alatuanle 11.11 and Asylum In this
city, was formally ePrned teeight - .lu the
presence of-''"immense crowd of visitors.
Addresses were delivered by timed Master It.
U. Holmes and many other Masonic Melina
. Thep:glee have midis fir - Chris arrests of par
ties engaged la the illicit distillery business.
Schuyler Colfax will stye an account of his
overland Journey_to the PaellicAt Cooper In
-5111011 on Saturday•evening..
car on the Hudson Cily . ltsliroad, while
descending Zinger' •/1111 last evening, the
brakes becoming detached, was precipitated
-dawn the decline at aintostUghtuing speed..
.Two passengers atteelpted - to Julep, one of
whom was thrown, sgainstAt rack and ao ter
ribly enitthat hls Wets despaitedoC.The other
was dragged the whole distance down hill„ his
clothing getting fest la the end of the cur,und
also sustained serious
. stated Mearie3.; recently arras.
tad In Dublin fora suspected Fenian sympa
thiser, was authorized by bleneraiDiv to pro.
coed to Paris, where he was to be employed
as an attache of the United States Ministers
In France... tinder llusse..charamstances glen.
Dix, it 13 believed, will procure Mr. ideiney'a
immediate release.
The owned of the steamship, Scotland have
plactsitheerieek.Under..the.matract of un
oerwriters, littoral! mike efforts-to eaveboth
:the 9 VC-seel. and ortnro. It II bellevut the' can
be saved, though in a damag con-.
- T
dltion. • be cargo; which included asu bales
of cotton and l,eoti bnlll MT. :wee , +rained at
etoo,ooo. ;Twelve bores 'battens° - have been
saved, besides Octanes an 4 laige ...part of
the furniture of the steamer. A large- part Of
the cotton will be muted. 'The venal ts. vat.
and at over 4100,000, stuns needy.. .fully laser
rlt. is proposed to briostlfifiuddiage of an net
toeC extending theltirisdion of
the City of Brooklyn over the . wpolo Of
t making It th e City and t;ounty of
A cur Ong controversy il pending be
tween the Atlantic Coast Wrecking Compariy,
acting. for the underwritten, and the Kew!
York Submarine and Diving Company. which
• will probably result in important litigation,
Involving the rights of the underwriters to
lake Charge of ProPerty they have Insured for
the PurPese of securing their own Interests.
Sarecriptions in this ,city for the relief of
-tam sufferers by the .thndatlon of ther rivers
Ithene. Loire sad flehie. have been very suc
cessful. The collections amount to Wife
rem up the Allegiterm.
OIL CITY, December S.—The pier , a seven
feet. Inches' and 'ADM, elobly: The
rmather Is cleat andpleaaant.
The ell market Is dull and lower.
The, City of Boston Arrived.
Cogut-Bfsmarck resulits.ilislDuties.
DrresTußE Ontztiorritoors For. Ron.
The English Markets, &0., &o.
Deenn - abeel—The steamship
'City' Of}lesion:from Nevi 'York on the 211,11 alt.,
ertived Lids Moro leg end Proceeded to Liver.
Deems, Member 3,—The • police and milP
• iarptivestill active In the search for Fenlans.
Hoven supposed .Head Centres were melted
to-du and conilned In prison nfider,
December 8,-Coinst. lliamarak has
resettled the discharge of duties as Prime
soon, Dec. I—President
th e
fu n; ones
sage has has had no effect
the funds Or
American securities.
Roue, Dec. s.—(leneral MotitebelloiXeffb
.wander of. the French forces in this oily, em
barked today on a French ironclad. Ile was
accompanied by numerous staffs. Preteens.
Hone are making for the departUrpjf tire
Freneh troops on tiae 13th inst. .
Ltestroor., Dee. 3.—Cotton steady. prev
ious ndes. bales to-day of 10,000 bates. Mid
dling uplands still quoted at ltd. Breadanuffs
unchanged. . •
LOADON, Dee. 3.—Nowt.-Consolit for money.
K American Securities-11. S. 34 1 3, -.FFM
Eric shares, 46. , ,4•; Illinois Central, Jt
II Vl%lease Fenian In' Trouble—oplinal;
lido lo Grantuag toinaemned Pf 14013.
en a New Trial.
Toilelyre, berienther 6.—James McDevitt., a
man Itho hails from Chicago, was arraigned
before "the pollee magistrate tildes*, charged
with making nso of treascmable laugauagn
yesterday. From the evidence, it appeared Its
had said, that If the Females, under sentenCe
of death were executed, Toronto would be act
in Eames. The prisoner pleaded intoxication
ns •un excuse, wax remanded.
Mr. McKetudels making atrannorte effOrta
to tinsel the decision of the Judges in respect
to-granting new trials to the Fenlans, now un
der aentonoo of death. lie hauit now alder
consideration, to apply for a writ of axon on
the grounds that the Judges of. the Queen's
ltenels end common - pleas, asitsuLeil in rein-
Bing to greet the mile Mei to make an order
for the carrying out of sentences already mt.
nounced, and by this oratmion, !sentences
ready had; are superseded, and thug Is :Moan.
thorny now to Crlfnreo them,
The application will ho grounded on the
thirteenth Seinen of the act respecting new
trials, appeals and writs of error. It made as
follows: In ease a new trial be refusal the
court shall snake such order for carrying out
the aentenee already prised, Or for passing
sentence if none ha', been passed, or for the
discharge of the prisoner ao convicted on hail
or otherwlso as Justice requires. in order te
obtain leave the consent of the Attorney (fen.
oral moat be had. Only eight days now ge
main to do so.
Cincinnati Ileitis.
CINCINNATI. DeCCIIII/OT A-1110 tax levy to
carry on the ally government of Cluclnuall
for I'o and lP.ii amounts In the aggregate to
two million and thirtydonr thousand dollant.
The city debt amounts to three million two
hundred and forty thousand dollars. The as•
'MA of property owned by the city amounts to
ten million dollars.
A company la .about. to. arectalnagaMoeitta
hotel to Oils city.
One hundred and fifty thousand persons
hare crossed too auspension bridge up to thin
Elgot tbousettol buntirch dollars Date
been recovered from /doylies, LUG defaulting
salesetun of ticnnetealtat store.
. .
. .
The siteof I'lke'a Opera house b, nearly re
built with a magnificent atone front business
block,alx stories high.
Congressfount Prochettlage on Fourth
Lecture 'ibis Even
An opportunity, witiel; will be keenly ap
preciated, will be arterned this evening—the
oppert Unity of listening to the lecture of Dr.
It. Shelton klcliensle, at the Academy Of
Music, under the auspices of the Young Men`a
Mercantile Library Associai ion. The subject
chosen Is "Travela Abroad and Pomona Whom
I Met." and we need not say that the subject,
fasclueting In Itself, will receiVe an added
grace and twenty from the manner In which
It will be treated by the distinguished lee
turer. A thronged house will welcome the
speaker. Reserved seata can ho Secured at
the Academy this. morning, commencing at
ten o'clock.
The l'wowella and the Comlow Quests.
Yesterday afternoon an omclal communica
tion was reeelyed by tho Presidents of Coun
cils In this city, from Mr. Wilson, Clerk of the
Columbus Councils announcing that the mem—
bers of that Council, with the accompanying ,
citizens, would leave Cleveland for this city
today, and would telegraph the hour of their '
expected departure and arrival. In view of
the coming 'visit the members of Councils
held an Informal meeting last evening in the
Mayor's private omen, fur the purpose of mak
ing arrangements for the reception. 4. com
mittee of arrangements and reception,con.
slating of Don. William C. imarchy, George
W.V.:Wile Isaac Conran and Dr. Gallaher, of
the Sele ct, and John G. 'Teri. y, William
Ford, John 11. Hart, William N. Ogden and W.
A. Tomlinson, of the Common branch, was sp..
pointed.' The committee will meet for further
arrangeMents this morning at nine o'citick, at
the Mayor's 011 ice. A committee on carriages,
consisting of lion. William C. Id.'Carthy and
Thomas Steele, Esq., was laud appointed. It
wan decided that there should be a reception
imecting of the Councils at the Mayor's Wilco
:this evening at half past seven o'clock, on
?which occasion the guests will be formally re
:calved. The meeting then adjourned. The
'Columbus visitors Will probably arrive this
afternoon at 3:40.
`Narrow Enrape from a DeotructfveFire
Criminal Beffillream%
A man named ,Levardl,, who keeps a fruit
!stand on Wood street, and keeps his stock and
Ifurnlture in a portion of the cellar under
illiertx , s Dank, last evening set the Milo sheet
Aron ertove, in Which be roasts !chestnuts, int*
; the cellar with coals of fire still In the open
Are box. The! result...of the carelessness be
'came apparent during the evening. At about
eleven o'clock, seine gentlemen passing ills
covered dense smoke issuing from the cellar,
and-bursting open the door, went in. They
discovered that a piece of blanket, or carpet
which Lad been thrown near the stove, had
taken fire trout it, and was burning slowly. A
quantity of loose paper, which' was - Just talc
lug fire, was scaltered over the floor in vari
ous directions, and a large number of boxes
and barrels were standings all about in wave
'limit proximity to the stove. The fire was
speedily extinguished before any.srlous dam
age had Nen done. The criminalmixelessuces
that came BO near causing a disastrous confla
gration nceds,needs no comment.
. The Counterfeit Shovers.'
J. B. BrozHer and. G. U. W dibutts, , the two
men 'arrested by ollicer Seth. Wilmot; on
charge of passing counterfeit -money, had a
, .
hearing yesterday afternoon at four o'clock
before Alden - Mit Strain. At thenearingthoy
both expressed the earnest wish that their
final hearing might be further postponed.
Their request was granted, and the next hear
ing was :flied - for-nest Wednerday to take
place before United States Commissioner hie-
Candlesa..- Benner was held to ball In thersum
of 0,000. Williams being unable to procure
ball was Committed to await his hearing.
We are informed that _we. did wrong in
wholly omitting from our report of yesterday
all mention of the.ollicers.of the Govenneent
Secret Service In this district. It: Is stated
that In the earlier etage of the reties they loot
-efficient std. -
Lie: Sellers, Jr.. mine to
the Mayor's office and complained that he had
had a valuable overcoat - stolen On Tuesday
evening by some person untie:ran. idr.
lore was spending Use evening With a Duty of
ladles andgentlemen at the Mune of /Lev: Mr.
Sri pier, oa ilancock street. and the oiathting
with several others in the halL The thief-en
tered the hall and selected this overcoat and
made off with it. Mr. Sellers IS tirdneaTansa.
much as this Is the third coat lie had Stolen
during the preterit season.' ile alto had One.
stoles:thin winter. The thAer Ot ILO last ooat
hasnot yet oeen arrested. .
Rev. .3. C. inches 's Loetaro.--We trust
that one readers will net tall to remember sad
attend the lecture to be &Wen Wm &resul t at,
the Flab U. P. Church, on the Writer-of eb.:
star and Washington street* , by the nee. .V.
Dickey, of. .the. Weiatnthister College. The
subject—"Alm and huooess"—ts one that.hew
won an enviable reputation for the able lee.
three, and the perfume of the lecture appeals
to alt Christian people, as the lecture is for
tint benefit of t.his Palates= Pthool. . •
• r
Admitted to Prat tioe.—Yesterday in the .
Conn of Common Pleas, on motion- cif M. Wi
'Acheson, Wm., Slattern L. Chalfant, Esq.. was
admitted to prude. at , the tar Of that Court,
FilarelDia Aurae! , to itissiiiistrion.
Capture of the Supposed. Durdererai
esterday' ramming Chief Hague received
from the District Attorney of irashingtott
COUnty, a dispatch infortning him that a ter.
bible ihtirderd heed. boon perpetrate d, on Tata
day night, in Hopewell towneillp,
county, about six wilco from the town, and
requesting the Chief to come en and work the'
Weep:, Chlatilsgutes bogie duties, he Weyer,
Dreamt:lVA him from going. •
The facts of the murder se announced, so ter
ea we have leer:mit them, are no follows:. At
about 'ten chleek on Tuilday right, w Mr.
Depart W. Dinsmore, a wealthy (armee:rest&
• log on Middletown road. In Hopewell town
ship, about miles from Washington,. was
touring to bed, be was called to the door by a
knocking, and on opening a the doer two per.
;glritZtu.iggea.3..bitecit men, -
n ie ka i ltrtra t
neighbor's,. an thorn was sickness there.
Dimmers informed the mad that he, had
no, boys, when they stated itA was him
they wanted ; arid beetled - into Ithe bourn:
A. scuttle ensued, during which Dinsmore
*tested a revolVer from one et teen), which
the villain soon recovered. Dinsmore then
replilly.pesseddhrough tee kitchen end bed
room to tee for tile apparent purpose of
getting a eau@ or club, end was followed by
the mail. As they passed through the bedroom
they stopped and made dims of attacking
Mrs. Dinsmore. She begged them not to *hoot
her, and her voice reaching Mr. Dmsmore, he
turned in the hall and was again confronted
by the murderers, alto shot at him to Ice, both
bails entering his left breast and producing
wounds from which ho died between two lied
three hours afterwards. After lie had fallen,
one of them struck him with a chair. They
also cut tient. victim with a knife,
several serr. wounds.
The deceased was a man of about
'care of age, and was universalW respected
throughout the neightiortiood. - Ile. leaves a
family, eimetsting of 21.'• 'abr.-two daughters
and a son. Ile was quite wealthy, end was
known . to l have recently realized a large sum
of money from the sale of wool.- Title money
wee =doubted'y the obJ ec t of the fool murder.
though the perpetrators were frightened away
beforethey hail secured their booty. •
Thg most intense excitement concern teethe
murder protailed during the day throughout
-teat entire region. Thu authorities, with
prai.eworthy promptness, offered u reward of
one thousand dollars for the apprehension of
the murderers. Daring the afternoon two
men,• named _Hobert Taylor and *quibble.
Poland, were arrested on suspicion of having
committed Um-deed. /loth ere young Men:
Polandts about twenty.two years of age. Ile
Screed lath e army, and we are informed that
his rebor was all good.- It is stated
moony, obtained s in ce ieseberge by felgeing le
and that, DM Vdtirn t o ewe life,
ills (Medea at limbs bits indlcateil Menial Un
soundness or moral vicioustess. • Later 111 too
day a man named Feeler was arrested on sus
pinion. It is alleged that he has made a par
tial torifession implicating a man named
Montgomery with himself. Montgomery nu,
so far escaped capture, •
Our New Sheriff-8. R. tauter ANAumes
the yowler of MI °MeV.
-Yesterday morning the Sheriff elect, Samuel
B. Cittley, entered upon the duties of the pa
Bitten to which ho has been chosen.- shr the
opening of the Court Ex-Sherlif Stewart con
ducted Slr. Clulny I ielore J edge Ilintepton. Mid
announced that he best - the 00131111121131011 of
Samuel U. Clulay, who hod been elected Shedd
of Allegheny county. At the request of Ills
Honor, Sheriff Stewart read the ecoutnisslon,
titter which the oath of omen was duly adm In
tsteril. Judge Hampton then made souse re
marks congnanlitung the new incumbent,
simian the refiring offleenwith uv ident feeling,
Invoked Cost's blessing in his future undertala
legs. From the District Court retiring Sheriff
Stewart accompanied Sir. Chiley to the Court
of Quarter Sessions, Judge btowe on the
bench, where he announced that he held in
his hand the commission and oath of oillee of
SherliT S. D. Cluley.. By the direction of tile
Court the retiring alleer read the commis.
aloe, after which Judge StoWe said to Mr-Cie
:ley! "I cougtattflato you, air, on being elec
.. . • . ot.Afleghen -f)ounty. If yourptfa
orm your slutlq# as faithfully
hfully as the gentle
man who hasten read your commission, has
done. yon wilt meet with the fell and entire
satisfaction of the Conn.. From the District
Court the gentleman proceeded to the Court
of Common Pleas, over ',Melt Juilse Sterritt
was presiding, sod Sheriff Stewart introduc
ed Sir. Cluley. 'the commission was read by
Deputy Prothonotary Kennedy, and the near
incumbent congratulated. In all of I itecont to
Sin Willey received the hearty congratula
tion and well wishes of the members of the
bar, and enters upon his responsible duties
under I hemcist favorable:prospects.
No ono Who knows Sheriff Cluley—and wits
does not 1-os cods be assured that In assuming
the duties _of his office the new Sheriff fully
Meets the redulrements of the position and wilt
execute all his duties in the most satisfactory
manner. No one his late constituents will
have any cause to regret their action in eleva
ting him th the position he now occupies, but
all who Lave business with Lim will !Ina him
prompt anil cautions on every occasion,
After his induction into office Me. Cluley ap
pointed the following deputies: John li. Stew
att,Thotna3 If. Hunter, Wl.llam 1,. Stubbs,
Thomas IJ. Cluley, Richard FM.. The ap
pointees Wave been connected with the Slier
iff'a efficasfor some Lime past, and are thor
oughly coOversant with the duties whirls will
devolve upon them.
Thu retiiing Shofar takes w lUt him to his
now position lb° warmest wishes and the
kindest recollections of the large nnutbenw uo
were thrown in contact with him during his
term of office Just finished.
Narrow Escape of a School 'House full
of Children from Deatrace ton.
A stove in the sonth-west room on the third
floor of the Third Ward (School blame, Alio
gheny, was accidentally overturned at about
three o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, and set
the floor on tire. For a time it was feared
that the entire building would be destroyed,
but through the exertions of Prof. Lucky,
Superintendent, assisted by Several female
teachers, and some of the larger petit's, the
flames were extinguished before much dam
age was done, although a large hole seas burn
ed through the door.
At the time the fire broko , out there were
nearly nine hundred children In the building,
and the-Wildest conatetriation prevailed. The
alarm spread through the building in an in
stant, and a general rush was made for,the
Stairways. In some of the rooms the teacers
succeeded in locking the doors, and thus'pre
vented the pupils from rescuing the stair
ways. in others, however, Chia could 110t_be
done, and the children on the lower floor,
where the primary schools are located, were
crowded and Jostled byjhose escaping from
the upper Roofs. The stairways were com
pletely blocked up, soil for a time the most
tearful consequences were anticipated. A
number of workmen, engaged in paving Shan
papist street, rushed into the building, and
succeeded in rescuing the smaller children,
main clearing the stairways. In some of the
rooms In which the doors had been secured,
a rush was made for the windows, but fortu
nately the panfe-stricken Children were pre
vented from jumping oat, and were thus sav
ed from instant death: During the first rush,
several of the children were injured, but
none dangerously. Ono little girl bad he • face
lacerated severely, another bad her ("boulder
dislocated, and a third, named Wilkinson, bad
the banes of one hand severely crushed, "by
being trampled upon. Painful. as these acct.
dents wore, however, we can consider them
only as good fortune, when we reflect on the
fearful peril to which thd great crowd of chil
dren were subjected, and which they escaped.
The Library Beeson—The Cntho.
no Library Association in the field.
In another column wo announce theArst ar•
nest lecture course of the Public CatEcille Li
brary Association. This praiseworthy Matt
tattoo was eatablished in our pity, i
some Ob
teen mouths since, and has been liberally en.
couraged and sustained by the Catholic, anti
Protestant communities. , TIIOIO are now
nearly eight hundred active members of. the ;
Association, and.the nnancial condition of the
Institution it, :particularly gratifying. The
volumes of
some twentyave hundred
voltunes of thwilterary ;works of the most diat
languished andpopular anthers ol the old and
new worlds. The Library Committee is dean
roes oflncreasing the catalogue, end making
liberal addltiOns to the stain of general-read
ing matter. and hence.the entire not proceeda
of the lostures announced, Will bodevoted to
title venom. .The gentlemen selected by the
Committee, are ranked among Anterteles
most gated scholars, tut More and, orators, and
;the course compares favorably with any over
offered to this city. The engagements are.
all positive with th exception,perhaps of.
ill* wi th ,11, ;rtine GreolY , but tho,c.omuititee
rely confidently that the great journalist
fitintlY cOtasent to vlsltPlitaberuh, in his pres
ent tour through the West. - We trait the AV
sociation may be awarded blue intelligent
cWihttilbill.LatithffaneceSS "Ate their endeay..
ore to eater to the intallectual wants of the
•, . ,
AL lean. 'max "gf l an.; . - We bear upon th
litteetti a signor that a see.
.t. map. cans In which
being a sell for
a professional gentian:tau, and a highly r .
greeted. lady scholar .of hOtne alitee l4 4 HU - -
marai l lignee Be the protnitickt characters. -. 8
the sr eof the erring gtentle.inark 15 about.
sdakterf. wo preau the full ~s cant el the
'esatiWlll be made p lio at no ei2attiit date.
The parties ithvo be moving in Its 6 nest 011 ,
Clef or society, and the tumor create./ conald-
Nrco 011 2b o orololll o f
arable sensation. `
. .
lewd Itereavemeat.—Nr. Edwtu Loma and
and wilt, of New Garden township. Chester
minty. hate within the apace or =nee days,
followed the remains of three eh fldrea to their
graves, all having been rained: to ane4re of
usefulness. -The &maw was !Olptheriat two
oilers remain in a critical eand.tueo. trot hopes
an entertained of their rem , eay.
'lllll°llo WindOWl. - ..Aid , jrplan
Yellterdelf COMErdttodtOiati, to pwait Pis trod, ,
a atm posited - ifl/Ltata c w,,yed, ea
oath of Joseph Abel, intp cialieltqlsi =acme(
in browns windows. . •
. ,
• .- . .
. .. . . . .
. . . ,
• . •
. . . . .
. .
. . .
- . . . .
. . '
:,....,,_ 7. ~
, , i .....„ „7.7.. c .., __ c .
,i__, _ , :\
~.5 - -
. , „
..\ „ .
. , .
.., . .
• . . .
, . . .
. •
tattisist ocinded
The Coro:aces jury so the we of Aamue!
Tt interns / wiose death and ensimeted Poison•
tog We bate atrtday dtalled at. setae length,'
assembled last evening at the Alayor's office to
conclodotheir Investigations. Thetestfmrmy
*as resumed as foamy's! ' .
Utis Blackrnt, (colored) sworn—Am a bar%
her; live at No. ID Overhill street; at the time
of the occurrence I lived in ..the . house with
'Mrs. Washington,' the 'nausea, on Webster
street; during last month a couple of men,
Williams and another malt, came Up theriver
and came to .Mrs. Washington's; they were
perfect strangersto all In the house, Will:auss
took board at Mr. Donaldson',,, Just opposite;
while at tire. Washington's, Williams
got engaged in a game of cards with
another boatmgni the next day they came
back and played again, and so on lor.several
days. Wes in the room every Maio they play
ed, but did not play; did not sob any liquor on
any evening at alltileta't think any was brought
.Into the house; never saw Mrs. Washington in
the room 'while they were playing cards at
any time; never , caw her speak to the de
ceased familiar/31 she bed no-previous ao.
!Maintain°. with him; never saw her give
him any thing at all LO drlOk. I heard of his
sickness on Monday evening, and went to see
him the Thursday fallowing; heard Mrs. Don
aldsonhint where be got the liquor; I
asked h r what she meant, and she said the
man was poisoned. lie said Annie gave him
the liquor; I suppose he meant Dirs. Washing
ton; never know of any ill-feeling between the
deceased and Mrs. Washingtorlibeard him say
he had fifteen dollars; don't know of his los
ing any money at cards; he always won.
-. ) .'•oadSmith,(conl.,) sworn—Live at 101 Fulton
Street. Was at Mrs. W ashington'son Sunday
white the party were playing cards. The de
ceased was playing. Never saw him after
wards till he 11,144 dead. • Saw no whisky. .
. . . -
Obadiah ilteitimev, sworn—lilve at Xel
Webster street, in the Caine home: will}} Ann
Eliza Washington. :fever met deceaslui at
the house.. Tho tired 1 saw of him was' two
weeks ago last ituoday. Ile was - lying at
Mrs. Donaldson's house sick. - Dad no eon.
vereation with him then. Did not see him
again until Wednesday or Thursday. lie was
bed:thon. Found his legs and feet swelled
very much. Asked him what was the matter,
and ho staid ho bad taken a great deal of cold,
and had exposed himself very much. lie Bald
nothing else ailed bun but a - bad cough. The
next morning 1 lOund him sitting by the lire.
Saw law again on Friday before he died. Had
heard about the poisoning talk. Saw that ho.
was dying, and urged him to tell the whole
trots, I asked him 'one again live or six
times. Ito only said, ..God have mercy on my
soul.. Did not hearhlm say one word about
Mrs. Washington/laving poisoned him. Did
not hearjtlmsay.onet word about any. person
.giving Lim lrohon. Aire. Donaldson wits not
1.0 the room.. That is the last time I caw bun.
nte°:d the
turned ttlteeeit tid tLed
mime to hleath from natural causes.
As will be' seen, from the testimony lost
evening a tnost emphatic' contradiction was
given to the statements Of sonic of line wit.
nesties previously examin ed. A little whole-
Berrie tainting out of perjury among come of
the Strongly sfreitt log wttoesmed might not be
Itemerkable Cohicigleace
Yesterday morning our zit:wilt:ors of the
Di crutch made some very sensible suggestions
to the Fire Alarm Committee and Chief Engl•
neer flare, as follows :
..There is a very great nocessitylor the
adoption of a ,ystem by which, at the Orat
alarm, but a certain number of engine, nay
two, nearest Ulu point of alarm; may be ailed
out first. if ltsliould be found necensary,. let,
a eocond alarm be otrack to - hrlug out a cer
tain number more, or all of the companies:
Upon the first alarm, the remote companion
can get all ready for a start In case the second
In given, The ongiuelir.of the company first
at the place of fire could gins the second alarm
rf mound necensary."
Singularly enough another paper, yesterday
morning, contained the folimetng — paragraph,
embodying the restate of the MIMal action of
the Committee and the Superintendent:
listing to the number of alight Ores and false
alarms which have occurred: reeentlY. Chlef
Engineer liare has (mind it necessary to direct
Afr. Paisley, the Superintendent of tne line, to
hereafter signal only the steamers that may
ho in the district Mom which the alarm is
given. in use a necessity should arise for the
presence of the entire department, the alarm
will be repeated. Tim city is divided Into four
signal circuits, in which the department is ar
ranged as follows:
No. 1. Eagle, Alleghen)• and Tigilatd.
No. i. Niagara and Independence.
N 0.3. Neptune and (toed Intent.
No 4. Relief and Duquesne.
The fact of this suggestion and this official
publication—so singularly alike In epirit—up
peirring struultaneouslv, to acimething remark
able. Perhaps It may be partially expleincil
by the fact that the new arrangement had been
for several days talked Erni - by the Alarm an
t horit les, and by the other fact that this Inten
tion wan not to publish the new programme
until this morning - Malawi of yesterday morn
ing. Can it be that the Ovate* yielded to a
petty embitlorrTor appcannv to lead, while it
really followed I
Idler'n League of Allegheny.
As we Announced, a special mooting of the
SPlllicra i League, of Allegheny, was held en
Tuesday evening, at •their Ball, on Water
street; - and was fully attended. After (ho
reading of the minutes a number of appli
cants 'for niemberehip were balloted for and
elected, and several previously elected, intro..
duce.] and initiated.
The Library Committee, through their
Chairman J. 8. Edgar, reported flattering
program In the work entrusted. to them, con
tributions of money and books being receive.
to an extent not anticipated. The report was
well received and a vote of thanks tendered
to the committee for their exertions. A very
flattering letter accompanied with a check for
tifty dollars for the Library Fund from Felix
It. llrunot, Esq., was read by the Correspond-
tag Secretary, which, on motion, was accepted
and ordered to bo tiled and the thanks of the
League tendered to the distinguished gentle
man; also that - the Corresponding Secretary
be Instructed to reply to the communication
and publish the'-correspondence in all the
P3 Ree . .xample Afr. Brunet is . a truly noble
one, and wo heartily wish It might be -largely
followed. ins handsome contribution was
wholly =solicited, and Is therefore all the
more agreeable to the member-a of the League.
The Trustees reported that it was highly
probable that the present flail could be pro
cured permanently for a Library room, the
parties sub-letting I he premises to the League.
contemplating its vacation in a abort time..
No action was taken in the matter. The Pres
ident, Alex. P. Callow, in pursuance of a rest:.
Sullen adopted at a previous meeting, op
pointed the following persons as a Lecture
Committee: •J. :IL Oxley, J. G. Brown, C.
Sample, J. Moore Kelsey, and Coroner Wm.
Clawson. Alter an Interesting discussion on
various matters, the League adjourned to
meet on Tuesday night.
Runaway Bey.
lad of twelve years, named John Hopkins,
left his father's house in Altoona, onllonclay
last, taking with him twenty Collars of his
father's money, which ho succeeded in
strieting from a trunk. The 'boy had Often
expressed a desire to go to work, and on in
quiry at the ticket Mlles of the Pennsylvania
Central ltaliroadat.Alloons, the father learn
ed that '-the boy had purchased a ticket roe
Pittsburgh on Monday morning lwit, and
would be in. Pittsburgh in the evening. Thu
friends of the family returned from Lancaster
and' started immediately for Pittsburgh. ar
riving here last evening. The only,reason at,
I signed for the hors running off, is on account
of halting to go to school. lie is a largo boy of
his age, and when he left home, bad ott a Id ek
s ons, a brown cost, with largo brass but:
. tons, anti drab pantaloons. Any ono hearing
of his wherealouts will conkr it favor on the
father and be rewarded, by leaving word at
the Mayor's office, Pittsburgh.. or -by tele
, graphing to John Hopkins, Altoona..
Court - of Common Plow!
Court met hangout yesterday morning, Judge
Sterrett on the bench. —, •
In the cue of Wm. Lindsey vs. Thomas W.
Lindsey It was announce atthej err
could not. agree, and they wee accordingly
discharged: _
14 the case of J. A. Mauro vs. Loorge Gross,
for damages resulting from fraudulent. prac
tices, as reported yesterday, the jury returned
a verdict for the plat ntiff In the sum of al,ooo.
The next case was that of Jas. Wilson, Jesse
It. Williams, B01:041.12111 Win/LIMB, and../larvey
"Craerford, owners of the steambOati.A.dvance
Sic)... VS. Jas. McCabe , John Fackin and David
;Ll...tigers. This was a suit for the recovery of
0,000 damages,- the amount of the - injuries al
leged to have been sustained by the Advance
N 0..." 'on the 30th- of ,Play„ nu, by coming le
collision with a pier Of the Old Aqueduct, on
the Allegheny river. ,The'tibn3 TM on trial et
the time of the adjournment.
- • Markt Centrt. -
TenterdaY Intirnhig rate Diit rir he 5
can eoor,
Hon. Metes listoptent .ss
or ,AleXatiller Meg ‘n. aCemith
taken up, Memo. bld
ttleee a
L a tlieteasre.
Plaille defendant. This
pistil.* and Mellon for_..t.aaaa taut
le salon to reeo , rr
ust defendant, aina by
1 a ll eged fp ba" b" . " t! of while ee
unteasettike honsa st No. 1O Mit
copying the o f amply to the banding
street. A Por are claimed, was done on
r which ~`,;,„
hos, by the artangetnenta
the t<ourm of. itIUMICSUOC4 callebestioni
Shade for w: The ease Still on trial.
She Orer"l/..--....
E.„, troe,—/sElpveed natio and Lida,
. 2 , 0 Woed finnan/ A Mehinea, lithe plasehas.
ViarMerin te gerg b u lT i gur rar
, vanw aed foot y611;51: See 'advertisement in
column. AZ. IL. Long agent, No.' 1.11
Orant ntrott•
®Another Rough on the Rampage.
yesterday afternoon, at about three o'clock.
a Point rough, named Marlin • Joice, became
somewhat Intolleated, and while 14 thlkt con
dition indulged la a-little skylarking in the
saloon of Hugh Sally, r.ear the corner Of We
ter and i.luerty streets. An old ffiver pilot,
named Deelunin Morris, was Its the saloon,
and Jolco attacked him, beating him quite se
verely bete:Wife cophijr removed. The ref-
Aan was then pot out; and immediately on
reaching the street, attacked another_ old
man, Captain Short. The barkeeper of Sally's
saloon saw this and went to the rescue. He
separated Joie° from his Marin victim, knock
ed him down and punished him. beautifully,
leaving marks of his regards on his various
features. AL this juncture, officers Pointer
and Barker, of the special police, came up and arrest the
_bruiser He Imme
diately showed desperate light. attacking offi
cer Portzbr with energetic fury. That officer
being In feebli health and also being
lamb with rheumatism, was unable to cove
altb his assailant, and the latter wrested the
unlcet's hamly-billy away from him and beat
him over the bead with it, inflicting several
severe gashes on the head and various other
serious injuries on the policeman. Officer
Baker also was made to feel. the fighting
qualities of the desperado, but came OiT with
I fewer bruises than his associate: The ruffian
made his escape from the officers and took up
his quarters Ma cellar on .Point street. where
be pronounced himself ready to receive the
entire police force of the city. Meantime
word was conveyed to the Mayor's onion of
'what was going on, and tibia liagueaccom.
pealed by officers McMullen, Moon. Wrigley
and Barry repaired to the place. Jolce re-
newed his demonstrations, but with less erect
than before. lie fought desperately and broke
two pairs - of .iruppersi , before he could be se
cured, but secured he was, eventually and
marched to the lock-up, Where he now awaits
s hearing. ,'
Dr. g cyxer's Blood Searcher.
It Is the remedy of medicines, and is sure to
perform all that it promises. Dr. Keyser as
sures-us that every bottle of It is prepared
with the, utmost care, and no root or herb of
deteriorated quality is allows', to enter into
Its manufacture. The cures that. It has already
made, have placed It in the very acme of public
estimation, and there Is no limit to the power
of Dr:y.eyeer's Blood Searcher in the curb - of
all diseases of the blood or in a depraved or
cachectic habit of the system.
- I. It has cared the worst of cases of cancer.
2. It has cured the most loathsome ulcers.
3. It will render the system proof against all
malarial influences.
4. it has cured - erysipelas of twenty-live.
ycare.staucling,. •
5. It he] cured the worst cases of chronic
rheumatism after,the Joints were stllTened.
6...4t has cured ewes of palsy alter every
thing else had failed.
7. It has restored the blind to sight.
S. IL has opened the ears of the d4 - •af. .
0. It has cured scrofula when the whole body
was a mass of sores. • •
la. It will purity' the blood end enable the
system, to acquire energy and strength.
11. Ithas cared the worst form of piles.
12. It low cured chronic diarruccs. •
13. lebes cured hundreds of persons of dys
11. It has cured dropsy. •
15. It wid cure all chronic diseases of the
IS. le has no equal in the United States as a,
blood medicine, and may be taken by the most
tender infant without berm.
17. Bo sure to get Dr. Keyser's Blood Search
er, 140 Wood street and take no other.
is. If your drugg ist don't keep - It, write to
Dr. Keyser. and he will send it.
19. Price one dollar per bottle. Six bottles
for live dollars.
Dear - Cheap Pianos—Flints to ror.
• chasers.
When it dealer woulil pass off his low-priced
pianos for first class workmanship, ask him to
take out tile mechanism, and prove to you that
they contain the following essential points, to
wit: 1. The felt hammers, capped wish tee her,
to prevent the strings from matting them. C.
The holes of the keys, lined ;rifh cloth. to keep
them from rattling. They are deer at any
price. and not worth having unless they are
provided with these improvements. We offer
the AlWel New York Pianos, which at about
one-halt the usual cost, contain all the quall-.
ties of first (foss Pianos, viz:
The hlliesel Plano has leather-capped ham
The Allxsel Plarici has the key holes lined
with cloth.
The Masa Plano had the French grand ac.
TavAlissel Piano has ivory key fronts.
There are no• other Pianos which, at the
price, ran boast of these advantages. all and
see them. 11. Kumla & 800.,
. Sole Agents for the Id issel Pianos,
No. l 2 Wood street.
Preserve this notice for security In purehas
. 1.1%
Prices for Oar Reduction Sale.
At per yard, a good assortment of dark
prints, goat bleached muslin, yard vide un
bleached muslin and dress. Hoodarlormerly
cents per yard.
At 1% cents, mualins, formerly 23 cents. A
variety of dress geode, formerly . wits the
prme, an I all wool flannels, lie. • •
At 25 cents, muslin, formerly 32 to 37i4cents,
together with a great variety of dress goods,
formerly 50 cents.
At Sri cents, dress goods formerly 75 cents,
Including new and beautiful plaid', tic.
AL 30 cents, most astemistang bargains in
dress goods.
At 75 cents, new and beautiful dress goods,
formerly tags to $l, rd per yard.
At 8714couts, merinos, repps, empress cloths,
poplins, de., all new, reduced us alxiVe.
.L.L 41,00, poplins, merinos. empress cloths
and other dress goods, in-great cariety - and
ichoicest colors, reduces! equally. w tit the
We glee these prices to indicate the prices
to which we have redoced our entire stock.
to Market street.
Phrenological - I I —Bishops and Di
vine.. Inc Mama the Revs. Potter, llopkins,
DM, Tyng, Smith, Newton, Cox, Morgan, Wes
ton, Ilunting,lnn,Blublenberg and Vinton; also
Gustave Dore, artist; Kate Bateman, actress;
King and Queen of Prussia; the states
man; with articles on the characters of Shaks-
Beare; - Education, by John Neal; Society; Suf
frage; Walkinc. Shaking Bands; A Natural
fe;. Health ; Sleep; Death; in December Pine
nological Journal. Pictorial Double No., 20
cents; a year, Newsmen have at. Address
Fowler& Wells, MD Broadway, or John W rPtt
took, Pittsburgh. . • AT
It la no Experiment, to purchase one of
Wheeler & Wilson's improved Lock Stitch
Sewing Machines, at they are warranted per
fect—will sew the finest mull as 'well its the
heavy beaver cloth, and full Instructions are
given in their use free of charge. Salesroom,
t 5 Fifth street,
Qnery.—Tho Hamlin Brothers 'aro an
nounced to 'give a show 2n Beading.. Have
they not been "passed aroundV this eleasop 1
YLACIIER-.oeTneVay evening. December 4th.
Ca.IIII,SIVN JANN PLACkilk, to the 15th year
other age.
The funeral rill Lake place from the residence of
James Woods, Ohio Avenoe, Manchester, Tells DOT
at Z o'clock..• The friends of the family are resirech.
fully Invited to attend. •
CUTUBSIIT—On Wednesday morning. at S
o'clock - , MAUI. only child of,. John and Emma
Cuthbert, aged II weeks. - " . •
TheTuneral will take plice froM the residence
her parent.. No. 15 Perry strettlitts Ar11:11100:4
at ria'eleck, to proceed SOWleghtny Cemetery.
The friends of the family, areinelLed to attend.
McCOSlß—Orlitondai nlithl. December al. MIT.
ELI Z A II Ent Mei 1.11114, wife of Thome. McComb,
lathe nib year other age.
%Tie funeral WM take Vero - from her lase ree
nter*. In New Texts. Allegheny county. VIM DAY
at 12 o'clock U.- _ The trleridaof the rim! ly are 10011 •
ea to attend.. _ j ' - -
rowrats—oo Tuesday nvimietr. of ConeemPtlorie
JAMAS .11112),ERSUN rorstras, in the iid year of
hie age.
funeral iakoplime from Mr latorealdeeco
op Prbk itreet. opooalle the slam bowie. line ay-
Taluoruit, at 2 o'ciren•
UII ollod•o-scle," the Wheat snburban
e Icons one, In LIT county. ett-
I r an V . A .. ' =Jen Oretargl
i t taggjbr i nahloro n ot , thh/l. t CLLVILY L %the-
ninrib atrata,„Pialarbarat.ft. ournia el
of lllntil'irorMgraar=4/ escrata:
oar=e4ilaati lwaunaa . Jo .
W. JSCOb.I. D.D.. ThOniail Zrat.Taa.. Jacotal
No. 190 SinithileldSt., cer. las, •
titan:um erantftlaw i7
as lux ptrir mesa 't
.. •
—lionepeeux.; Wood% Bs* and vlaini
• Cosner es Baseeld mad Oksztion
'Souls and 044111$11111%ndeld.
cm:A.IEI93o THIBIT-TWO coitrmss or
ramsa £ND iirnutzenso I*.appro -
iu.rraß; ToospcutoOrnamic-
The Ettltton Is forwarded which wilt mach the
subttrrlber 1100111elt.
a uwit coin (par annum).
e ibb• of 1.515.
Clot* of To or more
wszcevs, CHAINS Win
6 Wylie St., 3d dbelrom 511,
Jewelry store,
No. 043 Witt.l3:
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Whit tisbourgh:, Peaaimsa.
Air Particular attention given to Repairing
Wateriea, Clinks and. Jewelry- All work warrant
ed . • lelSzo2B
pr.x•lw - Qin-k bZ 4 to 1,1
Gas Condensing 'Burners,
Can be usedern any Lamp, and Dispense entirely
eldmneye. The game produced be these
Burners spreads .out similar to that of Gas. The
construction lemrch that the smoke Is col:dined In a
Gu Condensing Chambor, and is wholly converted
Into Came. Ihe bunter does not depend directly
wupon the wick for its light, bat burns the smoke
tnch to produced therefrom. an d
Burns Lesa , oll - 11Mil Chimney Lamps.
And pe e doecoaviore llrtlilakt Alt . than y othe r
Having purchased the right of tilsivaing of the
abuse Burners In Allegheny County. parties wish
ing to examine or purchase. can be accommodated
by callingat my ogler. 134 WATER BTItEET:
above timithtield. Blttsbnrgh.
J.-. ED VI L E EAGLE corn's WORKS. terms,
ljoined Mein. . KING PEN.IIIOC If CO., w
respectfully Inform the puoilc thst we will contlnu•
the manufacture of
SkeetingS, Cotton Narita, Carpe
, Chains, Candle Wick
1. and Batting. • _
leys may be left at the °Mee of the Works,
Corner or Daqueane Way and Barker'. Alley, •
.W.littesbourgita, 2Pay .
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A large worth:eat of -
Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead
Pipe, Pumpsl Sheet Lead, &c .,
164 Wood Street, near Shah.
89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89
CO 33 3E3 ' ,
89 Market Street,
X is 9
IV lir ct avr
JAMES ROBB, 'B9 Market St. B9
89 89 89 89 59 89 89 89 89
PlTHEl j ett i e li tmh c l l at T . / T4Yi l ul.t. C° 4l l.
Ia tbis city. moo.
-In Bottleful Variety.
IM7 - 16Z. z ocfripaazw,
Agoot Pittsburgh tottery Company.
Jibs. 67 and 68. Fifth 61) .- vd.
Wlfl heir , Ol hand a fall. assartmint oral kinds of
ri.l.Cll7lCfriale ' •
And *Stitch will be sold cheaper...omi any claim
house In the twos-tides.
Prescriptions carefully , prepared el s Irsbrbula
All kinds of PERFUMERY And 71107/ 801P1
on head. : . ocrel
GllO1 - Ell do BAKER'S
Sewing Machines
Ars THE BUT for !natty and Winetsciuting
Pews. , Call and no Umm as
Jr°. IS rink Street'
Floortstang bait column adisstlsenientioilaterts
blatnines, bat get •tiBOVIgt it EILICIstt,
It bas been tally tested fox ststeon
rem, aunts by alto:none' I
tent Jute4enr -
- IKfcii, BOSEELL eitril 4oll4
Practical k r aturelPuraCturers,
Lia ban
Blx iteoll. soma worts .IKu x 2 sc mjAlt melee
lad vtllll De sold them on good VINO HOES
ose grow =UM!. !. • Ds soma
nd good
a- - IlOW_Alurn IeIVZHT seuuserrAsta,
owe Mat street am If onondebela Home.
Tom.-Torn rood .coulatie B TBE Tovij ri tioZ l e '
vo l t. ,
i, ruin e1e7r4 . 7 Utensils tar Clooldn ()me ta" '
sad °Segel:seer
(et acrea_4.ll..)!(l4)ej wilder. cal at P. I
a u lgaltlor aa°
` u"at staat‘ 411 the'