VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. Sale—Brldiging Hississipyil • —a - New Corps Clab—Colcnred Costal. • . TteasurY Mecellotc ernisoriza f itr.". De:amber 4.—The Quincy and Palmyra Railroad was sold on Friday to the Hannibal and St. Louis road fora quarter of a. MilllOn of, dolltel and now forms part of The officers, in conjunction with the mem& gers of the. Wabash Valley road, have nutted to bridgeTthe :Iliasisssiopi at -Quincy. The work.wittbe commence:Lai once. A number of -officers of the 'l3th Army Corps propose to cell a meeting at Chicago for the. purpose of organizing an Association ,to be:Composed of honorably, discharged ofll -- Cart and privates of said Corps...; ~_:_. The Second. cement of United; statesCol-_7 erred Infantry.-haver cemtributed .the .tweive,hUnftea ordiaralo the ' coin Ifonument Association- • . The reeelpte of Me State Tremor/. from all -sourees,for the month of November, loots op 0,750. Diabtireemente for the same perloct, 117,614. • ' . Eviiceisit ton of Ilia:leo , • r fIAXTEMSCIECO;DeetMbOT 3.-11, letter from Mineite'S Imperial command, M. Acapulco, datedlievemberS4th, does .not seem to media 1111011.11 immediate evantiation of that plane. It says that at present - the war ship Talesman had left them there with orders from Mar ... *hall - Basaltic to. bring four hundred but of ~.11fteenhutidredmen eiMpaiguing in Tetuan. tepee; and that their arrival could dispel all Thanes of the Liberals taking possession 01 Ampule.'lt further says that operaitees ern' -ha immediately.. commenced against other 1, - 1 ports Of the .State of Qoerrero, and that the victors , near tiolomo was over - nue hundred and five men, who were surprised andoverpowered by a Superior foreo. bight, '‘flee of the cumber arrived safely attMlomo. • • Mining shares sold as follows: tavage, 19,60; • , Jacket, 13,W; Ophlr. 53.74 Beleher, 16.5; ,Imperlsl, LO; Gaon's. t:inpire Still, IZO;Le . F gal Tender, = Cara:mart. December will require . several days to repair the broken bridge at _ - Tbe Supremo wart of Ohlo convene I at Columbus today. Thetirst Boventy.ftve cases on docket were called. No other business was Certlflattes of the incorporation of the Now York, Pennsylvania and Ohio 'Railroad Com. -7}exilf:were filed In the efface of the Secretary of States, at Columbus, to-day. The termini of the road are - to be at Cincinnati and Mil - tersbu i rla b Holmes county, Ohio. Capital , The cky council of Columbus left to-day for " Cleveland to examine the N Meisel% pavement. and will visit Pittsburgh to examine the prar tical working of the fire alarm telegraph., auppressloti of I awlesontiO, In MisOm* -13v. - LortalDoe. L-LHovernor - Fletcher has sent troops into Lafayette county, under Col. Montgomery, to suppress alleged lawlessness • and secure protection to all classes of citizens, • • The reports of a declaration of martial !strand the movement of a large military force arc nrifcmnded. The 1413 Wisconsin colored volunteer infant ry, Col. Hunter, arrived at Fort LCELVCIIWOrth from Hew Maxtoo on Thursday last and will be Off fil'Zuss mustered o .Zri . ttl An e if . State Con: . vomit= was held at Centra l City on the Situ . and was. _ sltmly. attended. Adjourned to meet again urilecember. The Riehmond Paperi on the Message. • Excancora, pa. . December 4.—The newipe Reis of this - city .this morning publish h - the message of the Preaitient, and generally ex tfwatisfaction with Its tone anti character, ir Rrateinersayrthat there Is nothing Offen :sive hi the message for the radicals to make a handle on, but that it entirely repudiates the PresulenPs test oath and foreign policy. The Whfg says that the message counsels no resist ance to the measures of Congress, and that It IS virtually a recognition of the acts of Con gress. • The Times says that Me - message is temperate and Ural, and that, while tt concedes nothing to the wile beasts of Ephesus, it does not exasperate them by _ unnecessary or un timely. denunciation. -' - LOSINI or Life at a Fire In New York Barr Toni, December r.—Vour persons are missing, and are empposen to have perlahed in the Walker street ere last night, viz.: John 40— Birmingham, Adam "[swages, "leery Dean . and Cleorgo Bahl:mon. - -A. ape /nal from Washington says: It is enr• •. 'sentry repartee that ficcrstary_alet:ulloch will ' antic ipate the action of Congress by selling a • part of the gold ha the treasury, gradually. and without secrecy. W. David W. Wells promises that hie new • ! tarlll and tax bills will be ready for the Com ' mitten of Ways and Means on December 17.. • •- Halo of South Carolina Army Works. CosoxitA, (S. C-,) Dcc. 3.—T00 United States Marshal has sold the Greenville State Army Works at public auction for ten thousand dol. lass, and the building is to be used as a cotton fftetetr. Tars.s.wsses, - Dee. I.—Gov. Marvin was to. elected United States Senator from this State on the first ballot. The Judge, however, will remain at home until the question of the ad mission of pa Southern Senators and Itepre.. sontatives is decided. mamas . Cebiatet Meeting Held—lnternal Reve one Receipt. Ye.teremy. WABIIINGTON. Dee. -4...—The ,usual Cabinet. meeting was held at the White House today, --""- and was attended by all the members of the •Citbinet. There were but few visitor', as _usual on tUtbinet days. The receipts from internal fevenuele-day were 111.M5,9t9.00. _ - Slyer of Leuisi'llle—iteeeipts of( ikozg. Lotnammx,Pecember 4.—The rite in the river to-dar falls . ge at the OW boats stnek oWthe end will carry ail Foal bouts to their Southern destinations. q Excepts of hogs to-day - ,' 000; sales at 5 , 4 c; market at close GaCgc. Lotton, 3•24.1: .Prealdential Appointments. ' ''-irastintaros, December 4.—The President, to-day. appointed John C.Corrall, of Idaho. Receiver of pill:Wan:moneys for that district., of lands subject to sale at Boise City, Tdaho, and. Robert R. Brown, of Idaho, Register of Sotto City , Saw York'Charter Eteetlon Nave Yows,.Dee. 4.—The Tote cast at the Mutes election, le Mid to be Teri Bent, and . ttus totainainber will not exceed 75,000. .sloo' mr.7" PROMPTLY COLLEGTED BY - • INVMASTEB, ITAZIAM 8 BUTTERFIELD, ATTOIp;ETe3 AT LAW, AI:MO.111MT COUNTY, as. ~.COMXO.IS9RALTII 07 rIMCISTLYAZTIL. To ateliers and Lerat Representatives °C.f./MEd , Il AoIE Y, Late of said warren deceased: Ton arellizelay cited to be and appear before me. , U. • GDAT; Beglstea of la Ills, &e., ln and for • . • sold oonnte. on or before •SaTUUDAY, :be eth day • of December next, .at .sold" ILtel..ters Unice. at • Plttataretk Chen and there to take out Letter. of Adlenittral , olloll sue- Estate of sold James lies ,-ney.,decessed. or show cause.. If any, ',hi the same ••••• • should sr tbe emoted LO one or more of the cred•• Don or some other ID person. - :'l"l . oo.4% Wudrr • eollhouudelf dud. It. ulnae. ace:aster. • '. 1,7- 111:LLTang - • Y. vOW* • • • IISTALAILS , It COWAN, IK,'•PurnPUCTI CEMENT R3OFERII. • butd Large smugly el goofier 11a. Ml.lll•l4lt;rClVs=Ne. IT OIP t nv m m ounl-3 4 - Plualmtell;,Pc 'll °1311 V 1 :0 3 V4 1 . IL COM Pittsbuigh, ktsoc. _ A2i2Lisnote u recs or _ . . WEST; - aukeurez WlZS A tar a .. N t. °" l .7.:4 l ,efeFur .We ;saws .s.usv.avEß-la 0;4, . . • Mira tin-hand or PreDate thorthatice , „' HEARTH AND VIM' STONES, FLO.MI YOB t Eti g iE Pars l it Y at t a ll i r *Eve. on promptly. esecutad. RS 4.. - notiAßLr. ocairmtco• -,10.48E's riAsos.. _ : JOIE MLR HEST MBE. torsa!i t may to: 013=1= CELEBRATED— STEEL . '1•1tiTOOTI uAr - - HA v K inMsa .eral r i e t d i Bird" a n al . ID l UQU w Nwnysuth n e Pe u ntteto2 y 7.nue, 17 9 e ft i1. spring and Plate Wagons, Wbeelber . 01 , 11 and Tracts of every sty Id. unde or the best M""I ' LL ttia l i,nbe A N.-* TO LOAN fertoos ~,t25;000 • ' log to borrOw money en ' BOND AND morrueuE, v..7,914.twc•.9s ikon viu do well to call on i&ea -.l4;cicet.iwAreetignEnta.LCitiMi. ja OOI EIIsIi,III.4I.TERJIALI9. • Cktseis,%Pttch, u r - Panto/Stu rar r dell find- M ack Paint KlaturactUr,,, ea 4 l sa tssask as any other haste Als th°,:fr iSt SystfiAMl46" LV*. .„ Ireg- Tu x •eTi rstarttoms & DitVes.,4l„;., AC : IMA ttiT ur &Trfa i :gig; b ' w. ' z'eues ' uneYx..ANIPS airman% am miusamy. oz*, livene; ' ' ' .' A . l l .1.791, 1 41 .7 . 44C1Narritu & Xt. Styll*t EMI labox/i,iosii*rr7'24HazaPan fir We by catalizzi? . c. nAufacr, NO lel Ltemniirtieet. EMI --~:m 41": 1 4 1 -914.: , 1111AlLE9 o BALSLEr. -,:1,1,!?;11,1111,1741714 IM 13..ElErirrZ, • Banker and Broker, • .118 WoOdlt., - .near earner' of Filth. - - - An deseription of: Berverattnin Bonds bought and old on liberal terms. London and Contmental Yachange wild at ew York rates. Sliver and Coupons bought at highest ratesoind Gold Drafts Lined on New 'York. PLIWICE AND- TRADE. Owes in am PrrSsetymon Gaterrit, t . TOEsDaT, December 4, ISM .1 York stock Okotations today, iltorfeti by RobinsOti, McClean &. Ca, Were as follows : Gold, lily.; Mrs, 113; 540's old, 108%; do '65, BOA; &Ws, new 108%; 10-405,100 , /,;7-308, first series, 10334 Wow/eerie: 9 1094. Michigan Southern it. IL 82%; . Clove. and & Pittsburgh, 5614; Plttsburgb, Fort, WaYne .& Chicago, 1004; Chicago & Rock Ls land, las; Rending 1125.1; , "Chicago A North. western, 50;5652; Erie, 73%; Western -Union Telegraph Co., 40%. —Stocks sold Tuesday evening,.Decernber 4th, at Commercial Sales Rooms, 106 Smith field street, by A. Mailman°, Auctioneer; German National Bank $lO3 00 Columbia On Co 15 50 Boatmen's Insurance Co 04 50 . Allegheny Co 5 Per Cent copipromlse 9D year . 80 00 Allegheny City 4 per cant bonds a 50 Connellsville H. 11.6 per cent bonds.. et 00 —The oMeers of some of the National Banks In the west are considerably' , eierciaed about that portion of lir. McCulloch's report, which_ purposes they shall mske s arrangements for the redemption of their notes in Now.Tork or some other convenient centre. Against this they prcittht, and .they - ilso say that if the South is to have 125 „00a MO more of banking capital; It should " he 1 übstractod from As ex tras of the New England hanks, who have More than their qtieta now. In the various Pthposilions on the subject it is quite proba ble the short session will pass over with little. If any change in tile existing laws touching the currency. . ' —The gold deposits at the United States Mint for the month of November, amounted to k1,060,1W 92, and of sliver to 4.15.17 70, mak lug rt total of deposits of coin during the month of #3,015,151 t 3.. The coinage in the saute time was, of gold, R1,057, 5 ;4 dl; of silver, 6.51,5:4 - 31; and of copper, 5140,505; giving a to tal coinage lot the month of $2,2?..5,918 61. The coinage, it will be seen, was the largest orally mouth striceNoventher of last year. The gold• coinage was almost entirely of double eagles, and tile silver of half dollars. The copper coinage was largely of five cent pieces. The total number of althea of all kinds cowed dur log the month Is 4,49t,0e3.. PITriIIVBOII JILSAILTEJS. OFT/HE HE THE PITTEHEHOH GAZETTE, TUESDAY. Dec. 4, UM. f There Is no Improvementto note in the tone of tee produce markets, eater as regards de wands or prices, and the indications at pres ent are not favorable for such a desirable event occurring very soon. Dullness and stagnaGon seem, to be the ruling characterls tics. of trade In this vicinity, and as the demand for all of the leading comunslities Is very much restricted, and buyers are taking hold very sparingly, we have but very few round lot operations to repot t. ILAlN—There is no demand whatever for Wilt at, and, in the absence of sales, we omit quotations. Oats dull andnchangeil; lots at NO bash on traek, at 50; SOO busts, In lot sat .42. Corn Is quiet and unchanged; new crop Is quoted at 60 to 65; Barley is dull and nnvat tied, with a drooping tendency; priftie Spring cannot fairly be quoted above $1 to $1.55. Eye Is in demand and there itibut little offering. - PLOUB—Is Ball bat not quotably lower. Small sales at 1111% to. 1114 for prime to choice brands of Spring Wheatl6l3 t 04131.4 for Winter Wheat, anti 4114 to 416 for Fancy Brands. !Lye Flour is quoted at $6!,4 per bbl, and Buck wheat at, 4454 per cart. .PBOUSIONB—Bation is dull, and prices are entirely nouunal-14% to 15 for Sholders; 16 for Ribbed sides; 17 for Plain and 20 for Sugar .Cured Hams. Lard Is dull with small sales at 131,4 to 14. - Mess Pork is not inquired for, and there is little or none in this market. DRIED FRUIT--Sale of 16 bills Peaches (choice bairns) at 42—quarters are selling at 18, and quarters and halves talked at 20. Ap ples dull and nominal at le to 11. APPLES—Green Apples are in good supply but unchanged—selling at from to 6334 per bbl—sale of CO bbls pirlfne at 43%. POTATOES—Peach Blows are in steady de mand and we can report sales at 00 cents per bushel. . . EtalS—ln light supply and with a I'Mr de mand the market mazy be quoted firm at 35 for piekeled. and 38 for fresh packed. IIIJ TER—There is no improvement to note In the demand and the market is dull and heavy with a drooping tendency; we now quote Roll at 25 to 33 for lair to prime. JUILLINIID—SaIe of 2 cars prune White Middlings at *2 per cwt. No movement in Bran, Shorts or Seconds, and but little in mar ket. r aimha—rieww,ea is m stcany aemand and sellareadily at $3 to 43,1 D. 'timothy and ver collet and unchanged. SONGIIII3I—Is in good supply and dell; may be quoted at GO to GS, for fair to strictly prime. 110111INY—Is stetuly demand and we can report regular sales in tamest 354. , Is very dull and with a supply large/sr in excess of the demand, prices are. barely Maintained. BEANS—S*Ie 0(8 bills prime Nary Deltas it 1A75 per .bushel—supply • light and demand ALLEGUENT CATTLE MARKET. 017WII Of Till Prrysztrzaß Oesiars,i - _TazeDA.T. December 4,1 k,.. OLTTLI. • The supply of cattle was remarkably light ilia week, not exceeding seven hundred head, but as the demand was light, find re stricted almost wholly to supplying the wants of retailbnyers, the market cannot be called much better than las - Fweete; Primo to extra cattle sold more readily, and In some cases a slight advance was realized. but common and Inferior grades moved very slowly, and to ef fect sales. holders were obliged to accept low figures. There were but very few foreign buy ers in. attendance, and those few took hold very sparingly, the course of the cavern mar kets for some time past having a tendency to make shippers very cautions. The best retail. lug cattle, such- as oar best butchers are ac customed to baying; sold at from 7 to 734-13 few extra bringing 7%-and - medium to good. may be quoted at 6to 6%. For common cattle the demand continnea very light, and we quote nominally at 4% to 5. in our report of sales last week there was en error, which we bere take occasion to corset.- Misters. Green wald & Kahn were reported as having sold • drove of prime fat steers to Barney Grey at 6% instead of 7%, as it should have been quoted. No. re Great Street. The most noticeable feature In the lion market this week is the fact that some of our packers have commenced' buying, and will at once commence slaughtering. Mr Pettit, of the Arm of Ilarbaugh & Co , bought several droves at the Central yards on Monday, and Freed & Co. purchased one bunch at the Alle gheny yards for the same purpose. ,The for mer paid from 5,75 to 5,50, gross—we were un able to learn what the latter paid. • Glass & Lafferty bought ahead of nice fat flogs, on Saturday, averaging 275 lin, nt 6,55; au k ou Monday the same beach of Koss would not command over' 75 to 5,97 Emerick & Co. wholesaled DO bead, averaging 200 Ms to Freed & Co.; and retailed ale head, at 7 to 7t4. Ker win & Co. retailed 47 head, at to 7%. The demand for Sheep continnes very light„ and notwithstanding the supply was light this week, the market ruled dull and us gleCted, and prices have notimproved. Good' retailing Sheep sold at from sg to Sc.-4outo • to* small -lots of "picked. brought 5 to 6%, but these figures cannot fairly he taken as a criterion of the market. Lambs dull and un changed—may be quoted at $2 to $1 .per head. - - - =POUTED BALLS OP CATTILZ. Glass & Lafferty retailed 50 bead of "scald,. wiling. at 3 to 5%.. Kerwin . a Crain 53 head, same kind, at 4% to oy,. itothebilds 5:1 bead rt sto 0%. Marks It - Trautman 119 at 5 1 4 to 7.4. Crouse A !tans 40" bean at 5% to 7%. blreenwald & baba 59 bead at 63. to 7%. Myers & Needy wbolMaled 10 bead, averimlng 75 0 . to. ti 5; retailed 00 at 510 7%. Ilarletv ooo & Co. 31. Sbamberg 18 bead at IN to 7. Swim sold Ilyers & Needy IS head, averaging 1050, at 664, Collins to tibamberg 19, averaging 1100, at 6%. Stutz to M. era & Needy M head, averag -1Z752, at t;A:, M. Verner retailed' 0l bead at s'. to IX. Good and Kurtz 17 bead MAGI r & llcAlUster 90 head attg to 7. PrtIMEIIIROIA PETROLEVII lIABILET On= no vice Prrrsnosaff Idaserrs, TtlzBl).4T. December 4, 1860. '" 11 " 4 - , the market :for •ertule continues quiet and a Utile dull, bit without quotable change In P ri eve--9.4 . to 10, in bulk and bar relay:turned, abil t 414 4..15, packages mein t, oil Vett. Pad 144 to free on board PAM 0610 01 2IG and 300. all heavy r'„ bb_s at 153 4 , packages Mel e r !,,"„1".„1;',,,ca elm Mit anis. cars, and 300 (SeittO Ferrr) gravitYi eat tr be Wily quote,' at i t itell s e a c b g v :s n tr i tz , ate:, nt b e seen by The arrivals or MI on the pr eaea ~f.r.p cents. been lemarkably light thus far, and iat i ive perhaps, more than anything ables holders to maintain prices, tor underth: mduenco of heavy arrivaliii the market. woula certainly break•down. co in are no • new charom or t,.. l tics the market for bonded oil, .worthy or special notice. t The demand continues light, and with but little Offering, and but few buy ers, *prices have undergone no essential change. We can report a sale of MO bbls for January delivery in Philadelphia, at 334; anti mediae arch, buyer's option, at 31X.„ For im delivery, we quote, in the absence of sales, at 3?. to 0 214. delivered in Philadelphia, and 2014 to 27, free on board cars here. There 1,00 improVement to note in the demand (Or free oh, a t iArriees remain without quotable' 'change— standard brands may be quoted at 48 eta 23 and 30 barrel lots. AltalVALS—The following arrivals watlire- Sorted to-day: _ Usllagher & & Son.. 400 D. Eagertott..lloo Barbour #, 430 1 A. Wilson fr). W. tt. lymtn Isl 3. Irwin 103 Daily .... ...... 631 Nat fief. Co' • 113 Total . , gamma. _ ---- ; Pawn .. --.4l •lebliat Cattle Market. • rs,rirti... thr.,,,,,,t, more Tt ty , dull this week. b 3 .—llsal Cattle about the num as last ut Deices remark stud sattliablatttousllrureft ia M bead ot , 1 for fair to Soot. and i ilo lanoVrioi. 1 CMTreheirgit ' at the Jr. tlatalz az cram . 9 41%0 IC* /Da tun.- bileeri.ovire s IMOlninfed- bead =rind szta sold Ar, .4 1 ? 1 II! . .W . On . . 1 N I ,FM,W71,840 CCMCUS/9 11, 1 - iW York Flittanelal Matters. NEW.Tenx,Reoetutisr 4.—Money rather more active ea 6 per omit. Gold without decided Change. opening at 14014, advancing. to 141 N, and closing at 1403 i. Government stocks are Brudir. Freights to Liverpool quiet and very linxi• 5 1 ,4 to 53{,d for Barley and Wawa per ma% and td per stea Stocks steady, but dull: Rock Island, 10113 ii Alton .& Terre Haute, 40; Milwaukee and et. Paul preferred, 70; Michigan Southern, 81%; Clevelluid Pittsburgh, ESM; Chicago A Mirth western preferred, GW.; Western L Tele graph. tRi; Quicksilver, 40M; Mariposa pt.! Bo red, 24 Gold, 145 X; Erie, 7t%; Northwestern, 51%; Ohio a Misslssippt certincates, n 94; xis soul% 91 1 4; Treasury Notes, IMO Ten.krorties, coupons, 1005(,,, Five• Twenties, coupons of 7 65, now lasno,.ltx%.. t==:M=l 441uraris T imisessra The increased speculation at the Stock Ex change actually creates amore active demand for motley, but the market is easy at 500 per cent. on Governments and Stock collateraLs; primer discounts range from 6 to 7 per cent. The Gold market clewed np weak at lok;,ap 1103:; cash gold ha s been loaning flat to-day. Thereto no change in Foreign E' change, and the market is quiet and firm. Government, Securities were active and stronger thlaafternoon, especially on now 1865 flve-twentles. The following were the closing prices; Registered.of 1 81, 106140.108%;Coupons of 'Si. 112 , 40111.214; Five-twenties Ileglstered of 106;41110651(tIve-twenty Coupons of id:, toNlallOSX; Five-twenty Coupons of '6410044 l 07; Plve-twenty Coupons of '65, P17%0107%; Flvectwenty Coupons 01'63, January and:lndy, 1ee0109%1 Ten-forties Registered, 99-X010034 Ten-forty Cantons, 101:0100 1 4; August Seven hirties, 10,5N0106; June neven-thirturs, 103140 ION; June ‘ompeands of 'CI, 116V,@lisii; July do, ii5i46145t4; August do, 115yf,elit4; Octob r do, li0f0114%; December do, i12;61131.4; May do of '65,.1.1t%6111,41 August do;110.4,11USI Sep tettibee do - I.l6;. October do, 105)felltr. .. The steamship sheers are higher, with an In bretusinirdernand. ,s The, Border 'state hernial "this afternoon rose to' 92 for Missouri sixes, 7014 for new Veuriessee bonds. The interest due January lot will be Paid at the Band of the Iterlubile, mud this strengthens the - mar ket. The railway market at the last opin board was very strong, with an advance of 2 per o at. on Northwestern preferred. The fluctuations have been frequent during the day, but the entire market closed higher than last evening. The following were the quota tions at CM 7. IL: Ohio and Mississippi cer tificate. t.0F,R30; Western Union Telegraph, 46i 4 7 Tors Central, 1121f0112%; Erie, 7 8i4• Hudson River, 120612.1; Reading, . Uinta gad.- Central, 112 - Michigan Southern, alga SI:N. 111mois Central nom ,i 12%; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 83;4,5ite5.)4; Cleveland and Toledo, 113141281 P Rock Inland; istlitiNot%; Northwestern, stliosm; do pre ferred, 71y,0711.,'; Fort Wayne. osNotog., 1 Petroleum and Mining Shares have been quiet during the clay, and the only important change was an advance Consolidated Gregory. Petroleum and Mining Stocks— American American F1ag..2. 1 W, Ayers /1111 Jtullioe ConsolidLtea, 2.70; Consolidated Greg ory Gold, 10.90: DOWllithr 15,• Grinnell Gold, 06; 11.01QUIII. th New York Gold, 1.30; tisk ow, RI; Pah Itanagut, 2.05; Quartz 11111, die; Ronne hoff Run OW, I sea,. Torii Dry Good. .tutTrade.l 4_ ' New' YOG; December 4.—The 'foam' chi/ saysveryThe Dry Goods market is very to day. The holders of, goods arc still firth in their views, and nOtwithstanding the absence of. baldness, theta seems Utile prospect of lower prices. bhould Cotton decline, or Con gress remove any Part of the tar on manufac tures, or make any oilier favorable changes in the.extating legislation. goods will necessarily fall, but with the, present steadiness In the market for CottOnipeicetare arm, as the mar gin of profit above cost of production Is very alight. In woolen goods there Is a more steady feeling, as stooks are diminishing under stop. pint of edits, and the market - feels some what relieved. In cloths. and casslumnes there 1-s but little change, but an some makes of wool ens b nitable to spring trade there Is more ac tivity. Linseys and flannels are .in light stocks. Prints quiet, tut steady, with no change In price. There is an almost entire absence of business In Foreign goals to-day. The auction sales arc nearly or quite over, and In the light business. in other branches of the trade Foreign goods aro at a stand stIlL The Cattle. Trade. Itsw Toas,'Dec. supply of Peeves has been smaller than last week, and with more favorable weather. - The market at the opening on-Monday - morning - was about higher. The rise, however, was only tempo rary, as butchers bought sparingly, in view of the large stocks already on hand, :and free Arrivals of poultry, and at the close. the ilg tirch of laavklonday would gladly have been accepted. We quote the very best at We; choice, 164571634 c; lair to good,lStilac, and poor est, logl2e, no very inferior lots belugoffered. Attica cows dull; a few sales of prime lots, at slol,lo. Veal Calves less plenty but are not much sought after and are at about previous rates.. Sheep plenty, In moderate demand and the prices easier, closing at about 6!..ic for strictly choice; 5-Xarlo tor good to prime, and for Inferior and common. Lambs lower, and range at 7Ne8!..4c.. The cirrhosis of Swine are more liberal, and prices areAlecidedly lower. though oven at the concession there le not a-very' active bust. -nese; corn fed, live, at d .3417 c; do, dressed. at 8 4_0. itecelpts—.s,ol4 beeves; 4.3 cows; €l4 reale: 3 7,- sheep and lambs, and 15,0 N swine. New 'York Produce Ilarket, New Yonne, December 4.—Cotton 33!..1(Mte for Middling Uplands. Flour 5810 C lower and very. quiet; Extra State s9,6selttA, IL 11. O. Tradeßrands $11. 4 1.413, closing quiet. Southern Flour dull and declining; common a11AV11.,63 ; fancy end 1112, 7041 e. heat very dull and lower; extra 10,85 for W inter W Bed Western. Barley rules In favor of the buyer. Corn 2@3C lower; Shlpplug Mixed Western a1, store and 1.1.7 stoat. 0.04 heavy and declining; sales .1.5.500 bushels at eleiraic for Chicago and ligwankee. Pork heavy and lower. sales Vol bell at .1.3411 for New nets, $0,02031,110, regular and cash, for Old Mete, closing at e 10,544 for regalarand Slitter Prime. Beef dull and unchanged. Beef Hams dull at g1.4,30CML Ilsean dull and nominal. Cut bleats heavy; 01§10;4o for Shoulders and MOM for llama. ,Lord heavy and lower at 11!Cfyl c, Butter easier; We for Ohlo;:n24:16 for Spite, and 1001.1 e for Orange county pelts. Cheese quiet at Sills*, Whisky without decided change. Coffee dull and nomlnelly uncuanged. Sugar In moderate request; Cuba Muscovado 11Q1114. Molasses dulL Petroleum dull; sle for Crude. and 31141133 e. for Barium In Bond. . , Chicago Market. CHICA.O. December 4.—Thedepresaton which pervaded the wholesale trade of late• rustle ues. The retail business 15 more active. The demand for money is on the iincrease, nier chants and COMII TY bankers being borrowers to a considerable extent, and large amounts are daily culled for by parties holding produce for more - active market. The supply of cur reneyas fair and first class paper Is readily ne gotiated at IU per cent. Flour Is dull and num. Inally unchanged; spring extras 101,50(110,50.• Wheat, opened arm, but In the absence of buy. erg IL weakened nod closed dull, at NM (or No.", The demand for corn is Limited and al together specula/tire; prices are 20 lower, clos. leg at 8103114. Oats were tirtu at the opening, with sales , at 40*Ar31e, closing quiet at 40c. Mes. Pork 50e lower: sales at $lB for cash cud $17.50 next week's delivery. Lard is veer quiet at 12e. Green hams, in small lots,Bl4e. Matt agami dull. There Is very little doing in cat tle. The receipts arc largely in excess of the demand, which Is confined to city - buyers. Hoge are fairly active under a brisk demand by city packers and buyers tram Boston and Cleveland, but prices declined:sosOct sales at $5,40416,10 for common to choice; smooth dress ed dull and heavy at $6,50(17. Baltimore Market» i.vvmone; Dee. 4:—Flonr; city mills stand ard brand and Baltimore kigh grades nomi nally unchanged; North Western Extra dull and a alight decline. • 'The market for grain is Irreguir- good and prlMe lied Wheat, SAW@ 280; inferior to very fair iy1,1151)2,63; good and prime White, 4d,80(j2,90. hew Coro, Wtriec fur dry, and 706c00 for damp. Oats, :4(ow by weight. Itye, $1.06. Sales of 1W bags prime quality, of. Coffee at 1/134‘215y.c. /Provisions— Everything under this bead moves slowly, with prices in favor of buyers. Bacon Shoul ders, 14(014;W; Clear Sides, lie; Bib d0,14%43 14-Me. Mess Pork, 2.423 e. Bulk meats scarce. Lard, 13413!4c. .Sugars quiet and no change. Whisky dull; market well supplied. Bt. Loggia Market. T. toed}, December 4.—Tobaeco dull and Unchanged. Cotton better, Inquiry at 'OO for Middling Uplands. Flour dull at .10A/114,00 for double calks. Wheat dull, business very small at 0,60 for prime fa ll and fg,asCo - 2,70 (or choice. Corn dull and closed be lower. ' old 83® a ro and new 8048:1. Oats opened activ e at 67(0 70 and 'closed At 6.oBoo..Frovisions quiet; Mess pOrk 12 0 , 00 6 21 a; Prime mess staq; Mess beef 17; clear sides /5, shoulders 14%. Lard lower at 12%. ..N;cw whisky lower, at $2,27(11 .2,11%. Hogs stiff at $5,234516,00 for heavy. = Cumin : awn. December .4.—Flour moderate demand at $9,0301e,90. Wbeat dull and droo ing. Whisky very dull and declined to it in bond. Hoe, steady. at U@7; net pork dull at 19. Lard 12,Liardl7 Say demand. IMPORTS BY ILIJILVALD Pirreetraou. lOaT ,WEExi & CEloaoo IL 11. December 4.-6 ears nsetal,J,Wtood t Son; 2 do staves, Anlya & co; lio bids apples, 10 do ap ple butter, ltdchart; 1 ear barley, John Ganich; I do millfeed, 8 D Floyd; 1 do do, /1 Beam 2 ears meat, F Sellers & Co; 50 barrels higherines,'Bllipton & Wallace; 105 bids floor. J Gardiner; 100 do do, Shome,ker & Lang; 200 do do, C Leech; 400 do do, Culp & steward; 100 dodo, Watt & Wilson; OD tibia Donor, 7 bre wine, J Adler; 1 car lumber, L Laughaoa: 40 doz Means & Coffin,. 15 ;los ',mow , . Gay & Painter; 29 01l bbls, J Wilkins;lo bbls apples • H Ger wig 4 co; 20 bre candles, Kirkpatrick a Bro; 25 kgs pearl barley, .S .t aliznyer Vos kamp, 4 bbls enler,U Meyer; o do, B Schnel -1 der; CLICELAND AND PITTADI7an RMLIIOaD. Deicombor 4—.49 hides, J Taylor; OPbbls lime, Adams & to; 100 do do, 11 Lamphere. CO do ci der, L H Voigt & co; 1 car I umber. leillunter a Bidwell; I do potatoes, W D Patterson; 1 car item ore, Wharton Pros; 10 do do, Shoenberger & Blair; 89 bbls apples, Volgt & colloo sacks oats, ;1 do rye, Pettit a Ne who: 10 kips 'barley. tLttemaker a Lang; 21.1 skis. oats Campbell a 77 do barley, Knox & Mayer' car J Bender. I do barley, Spencer a 61 tans oil, D dos brooms. J S Dil worth &co HD bid 5 t ram s door, Graham & Thomas; kt etz .g.. i nretE z . Ilgstatoni , l ii t t i t:off . aiLeag StotPara;leer 'scrim aitaurts. •.-/qr/BNUN,Gn. COTAThlitra Crtformrart B. B. DecuMbm,, y—L tt?er barmy. Garrard a Son; 2 do Iyq i lchurti 9 - do bone dust., Alle- J Meek; 00 Backe glieny.Fert Co; 100 ibis flour,-Dan Wallacerl car *haat, IV D Yottermoni do do, Illtolicook, .1100yeery & 00;1 ear rye, .barley, l ot a bxl Al. brim & col Kral , Iron. Painter & Soot all sks oats,SUMP= & Oral° bits eirke, Greif& Rei ter; 10 bbls ;slue, Flaming & son; g b xs aiva. ware, Basil & co; 1 car lumber, A Milliken , hf bits butter, M. W itan/GLI; 65 aka barley, John •ston &Hoffman; ' . I.l.l4lOrniaw STATION.DeCefaber 4-1 caroats, Stewart & Langenbelm; 4ps butter, D Courtneyrl ears Ishtar, McKee a pr_lo bbis 1 cider, J k Webb; 16 dos brborns, G WBobl son; 10 do do. A llcasi 10 do do, do hominy, I do meal, W . YrSDCO i• Dour - 6 :bids trent. P Bltlmi 71 sks rats, 71" dot:Wien Smith t col 1 ear oats, IS Strang; / 'do do, Ltitz • & Waltz; 9 care wheat,' Kennedy & Pro; 1 do barley,kt Meekelittsn;ll bbis Onion*, P Peters Out load. I tobaccoa Stela; S kis bolter, s do eggs. It 14/LNI49 billokWhOat 11011,r, Jos Crag. • • • • • RIVER NEWEL The river rose a few inches yesterday under the influence of the heavy rains on Monday night, and was still swelling last evening, with ten aid a half feet In the channel by the Allegheny marks, The Allegnerii.was ported stationary at Oil City, with eve and a half feet in the channel. • • . The Argosy, from Cincinnati, arrived early Li ar ! , w eOr evenbig with a very fair trip, and turits again oday, leaving promptly at noon. Capt. andergrlftV and clerk Scott know how to manage things in a packet trade, in proof of which, It Is only necessary to point to the fact that she arrives and de parts on time. The Wamnlta. Capt. Thomas Shaman, is filling up steadily for .St.. Louis, and the Bellevemon, , Capt. Darragh, is also an nounced for the same point. These are both good b Ida Rees, Capt. Joe Brown, is an nounced for Cincinnati and Louisville, and the Kate Robinson is up for New Orleans. The tow boat Reindeer left on Monday, with a tow Of coal, and the Hercules it Is expected will follow on Thursday. The last named boat Is having. some repairs made to her boilers. • The imporfer,Capt. ices, Ls filling up rapid ly for Bt. Leap, and will positively leave this afternoon. Bile Is an excellent boat, is in charge of experienced officers and . has super ior accommodations for passengers. The Maggie hays arrived from Cincinnati yesterday afternoon, and as will be seen by , card, ebb will ply hereafter us a regular week ly packet between here and Cincinnati, tak- ing the place of the Quickstep, leaving here every Saturday, and. Cincinnati every Tries? day. The Quinkstep, It 13 rumored, has been sold, partialty or entirely, we are unable to elate, and will ply as typseket on the lower 0010 river. The Camelia en, route from . Pittsburgh to Nashville, arrived at Cincinnati on Sendai': the Columbia and Carrie were advertised to leave there. for Pittsburgh on Monday, and the Quickstep was announced to follow on Tueeuay. The Glendale, en route from Pitts burgh to St. Louis, was at Louisville on bun. day, and the towboat Tigress passed up the same day bound for this city. Capt. Chas. W. Batchelor having returned to Cincinnati from Memphis on the Alice Dean, left the former city on Sunday night for Pittstiurgh by rail. The Evansville Journal of Saturday says : It - becomes our paleful duty wannonneu the sudden death, by cholera, of Richard W. Cox. This sad and melancholy event took place le this ally, at the residence of his brother,Capt.' James T. Cox, on Terms& y morning at tour o'clock, alter an illness offtwenty-three hears. lie was, for a long time, employed on various steamers plying to and by this port. Its had recently visited Cincinnati to accept the posi tion of freight clerk on the Louisville, but the sale of a portion of that boat, and her subse quent lying up, frustrated the object. Tile re, mains were sent to its former home, Hardens buauzuethfeCigigretg De tt n c:ms from the Sun da.F Louisville Democrat . The towboat Sam Merwin landed a barge yesterday at the upper wharf, and was drop ping down to the lower wharf to pat o ff sense hay, when by some cause she drifted down some distance and lodged upon the rocks op posite the canal. She was sticking there last evening, but as the river is rising she may possibly get off to-day. We hope so at least. Teaterday sdhe little excitement was cre ated on the levee at the appearance of two steamers turning thepoint at the mill, at the foot of the falls. They proved to be the Wild Wagoner and Morning star. It appears that the Wagoner, lying atee New Albany wharf, became aware the Mg Star was lying at Portland, ready to come over. The Wag blew her whistle es a challenge. The star failed to respond. The Wag blew again—the' Star an swered. The Wag "cut loose," taking the left bank of the river. The Star "let out," taking the right bink, thinking, no doubt, to head the Wag before she reached the mill, but the Wag "held her own," mar the two boats came up over the falls, led by the Wagoner, like bias streaks of greased lightning. The Star may be a "screamer," but the Wagoner is "lightning" when they "let her out." . The local steamboat inspechns of Memphis have written to the Supervitlng Inspector at Louisville, about the practice of steamhoat masters hiring but one pilot or'one engineer to make - trips of long duration in contraven tion to law, as defined hi the ninth section of tne law of Congress, passed August such, 11th article, end say it is becoming so common as to require actions The answer is to the eff.ct that It has been decided and so held that a competent crew shall consist of two pi lots and two engineers, but the proviso to clause ten, section nine, will show the excuse for LlOLhaving the complement of crew. The Memphis Inspectors are advised to Carry out the law where complaint is made to you about not having a competent crew, having sufiletent orlileilte in your own mind to commit the Captain, engineers and pilots. It would be your p ace to inform the parties so et:tending, and to read to them the penalty —a fine of Mug for every offense.- M :• ROB CINCINNATL--9 • UKD PACKET, AT 1231., IN PLACE OF THE QUICKSTEP.—The One passes. ices D. L. illINUMIcii• box. COMMailler; R. 11. LTerc. as a RE() WALE WEEKLY PACKET As aanuuLeed Above. - jor freed or o — .tiltu'v.V.,vglrlL,„ 4e4 CULP. BAUNI.S. I VOIR EVANSVILLE.•CAI.• 1111, *XI) ST:LOILII.—The new au•l splendid pats user steamer • BELLS.V.E.ItaIia Capt. Jotls Di 1111•1111. W. F. BLACIOTOVIC. Clerk. will leave (or the at.ove =id ml tulermetllare ports au IV ELMLSI,4LY. at 4 o'eloea r. $. . • For fromOt or Ossure applf, on board or to d,3 ' ISA.ltttEs 01.1.1eir, Agent. Pl i f i L l EANS—Tre ll spt i tlit steamer KATE ROMII. X. Iloutxs)x. Willleave For the abos : e wad all Intermediate ports. on esruitua.x, at paatiTol , For fteldbt or patazite appl on board or to FLACK COLJAI44.IWOt/1), ^SILKS HAHN Ed. Aleuts. dti JA1111..1 F? n 9 l l U t Al !!r!!ou I&—rlA m ardZit ID A NEIN= 4;..t. J. BnowN, will leave for the above and all Intermediate ports. on TUESDAY. at 4 P. N. . . . For freight or passage apply on board or to del f1..A(.:11. A CULL.IbitIWOLW. Agents. ..Fon • ST. • LOUIS.-TheagEt passenger steamer WAU ANITA Cape T. SAIYILUIII. Wllt Do.ilrly 1.06 for the ab ns oie and all Intee dlate poru, a on THIS ,IAY, •1 4 r. S'or Milan or .pply on board, or to noV • 1' A CULLIAUWO D. Ageots. EI:P RESS PACKET LlNEkait VOUS V. LO U 13.-1 be floe panful -66 steamer 111 PORT CA Capt. doun lcoas; Will lure for the above and all /131... mediate-ports on Tltin DAY. at UM. For frelAkt or plunge apply on board. no] TO CLASSMAKERS: i THE. SUBSCRIBERS HAVING completed their arrangements for crushing the Ilunt!tied. Band hock. are now prepared ;et for. nisls a. first goalies of NAND; ready for use, „deli, ered le CALE LUAUS, AT TifKill WOLI.E.S, at the nvluced rate. 0(11,50 imr ton, la bulk, or 0 5,00 la. bans, or be delivered hem, either louse ats9 00. or In bags at 9,50 per ton, or arties as farrdsh base at the loose price. e o ff er the, timer& :Glass houses tland,adaple.l to their use. subject to the 'i l.MeTto l geTrte a d t tVg. ?RA' 8r0111.1(*.°)gli Creek l'ostOtace, Huntlugdon county, Fa., or to ILI.KX•N Melt KENO, No - . 130 First street, rittiburgh, will be promptly attended to • Cipt. 01.011001109k1. : I 10141 J-51 ROBLEY /4 CO. Latei Plttaburgh • • PEOPLE'S LINE.,- AEG -zar m a t ULA NV EMILY r4CKET Drama PITTLIBUILM.I AND . NATL—There;r and splendid steamer AIIGOSY. Capt. Louis Vent/earlir I,V. H. neott, Clerk. leaves Pittsbarali EVERY WMJNESDLY, at IS o'clock is. Leaves Cincinnati EVIAtY FRIDA Y, at II o'clock. roc freight or passage j i n i ploLir u d is o . r i t: eti. ticamai -• WHEELING, RIAIIIET-I d r ia t T V 'l' A A PAIIKELCABUItIi PACK ET.—Tbe agAeactld yummier steamer MEM! MONDAY. AND Ilo'clock A. at Leans Park.ereburt TUESDAY AND YUIDAr at ioiclock For freight or pewee apply ea board: settiki OWN a. SOUTH JOILI nose JOHN ROSS & CO., 1517=A302.5 TO WM, N. OGDEN & C 0... MANUFAZTOBKLIN AND DIALERS IN thsbori Oil Lamps . , and Futures, CHANDELIERS CARBON CARBON OILS, &C. O4liffrislasot Eitreot, mTL9...79:dawTPITTIiBUROLL, PA. ALLEN'S REFUTED CIDER, A Superior .Article, _FOR MALE BY - GRAFF & REITER, SoleAgts., 216 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. ti023:80 1/6NUMEWiI, GRAVE STONES Vaults,Fountaina,. Statuary, Vases, . • &xi, 0 1 DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, •.Ga T. BRE)OME;•", 110 Pa pp Street. SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, • Ex.tra Bounties, Back Pay, 81c., Collected In the Shortest possible time, by A. Y. BROWN, JOHN B. LAAWHE Attorneys at Law, No. 114 BUM street, nolSidinwT - Prrrentaou. JARED 1(.10711:1TACTIMS.1 Or lloam IBoilets, 011 Stills; Tanks, Sheet Iron Works, tic. t. • intlpW KTRIF.XT. I PI.PI/1111111M11. Ri. ' ' . ; N lop bolo. 2 BO drUJUIP CattastiC acoityams tioditAsh,, AM Igo 1461%.Lead; • QU DAMN.- . an 6 itn K% Ell=l IL PAPER—Of All 'made% r a talank; IMAM )I.. Art ie j u Lee sti.ux mu. In So? OCS- MISMULtNEOUR. prrrspmGa BREWERY. !CARSON, DARLINGTON &CO., BREWERS; MALSTERS 3 HOP DEALERS, =I JOSHUA RHODES 4h CO.. PlHoburign. WM. W. ANDERSON, AlleitheOr. The attention °rite eastomero or the two firms Is partlealmly faulted to our ALES AND PORTER. Which, throrgb the careful relent. of Malt from ourextemlre malting Hops from the yards last and West, wee. guarantee to be Pere and setts fattory to the t. ade Oar INDIA. ALE has been highly re , ommcn..ted by plystelane for rabolly use. airltr. ANDEIthoN'S customers will t lease be )articular o leave their ord rs at Ws onlcendlolu• tog ate old Lire"! t ry, or at our °Mee. Comer of Duquesne Way and Barker's Alley, no9;nle JAMES BWITII - - a. A. YOUNG!, .T110.2•S Bennet TUOYAS BROWN, ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Hosing purchased the old eetsbllthed Brewery known as the ALLY:UHF:NY liltLyEitY, formerly ;173111 74 ° 01 SPRING WATER ALES, • bade from Pure Spring Water. and from our facili ties and long experience In the business e feel IlltlBllC4l. that we will be enabled to Ore entire sat isfaction to those - twi:rum) . favor tts with their pat °nage. , • • EVEVicrriEC ti 3 aOC).• • 465 Ilebeecii, Street, ALLEGII EN CITY. WAIL orders lett et BBC/ V:st A CBMIAIPS, Li b2oi d e tro.ty street, rlttramr h, W.II be promptly att W. J. sirnns..:..w. C. ziorran....t. A. W. NUM& MYERS, HOPPEII & CO., (Succeastors to R. RI Dulger,i NO. 45 Smithfield SE, Manufacturers and Dealers to all kinds of pircril.gaxalnai=l.3M Parlor, Chamber, • and Dining Room Sets,. OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, TogetheLoltb a fall assortment of Pittsburgh - Manufactured Furniture; , 'Constantly on hand and for sale at the Xacolacreert FRANKLIN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S SONS Are now prepared ta..manuf.clure = I=l Ea= = WEST CANAL STREET. betwtOn Robinson and -Lneuck. Allegheny City. l'n. I . ,S.—All'orders it,. mail sill/ivied to. no9 - n139, EASTMAN'S PATENT Portable Folding FAMILY BEDSTEADS The Best Bedsteads for family tee in the World. WC manufacture ration. steel and styles of both DOUBLE AN It blNti I:Et)sVEall.. all oftrltitqt are so arralletil on to admit or their being ea 11l folded 1611.00 reniGrbig abtoLt ur Nerein, orcrun die arratb 100 the bedding. Weer folded thee are per fectly pnria,le, and can rte.lly be carried from room to "Nem or tram Isonse to h0uhe...... . . . ' To be seen at SMITII 6 DIOTTV.I, SO Smllls Belo street. . . H. P. 01TENA. Ageut =1 UIIEAT HEEOLU7'ION IN THE WINE TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES. —POKE CAL FORN IA (ILA nrAtiN E. made and prepared If tak in g Krauce. of Imported afer ttlne,.and place of Chain ;Thu:Undersigned would thettention of Wine Dealers and Hotel Etepers to the following I tter, which may glee • correct Idea of the quality °little Wie , "CONTINENTAL HOTEL. 1 i "llAtoon. r.v PI .lILDfI C MO, c k ttruru A aving given your Calif..a,C ....ague a OA.n.AAAL toga we take:leasure raying Hilt we th.ak It tha best Amen Wine we have ever wed. We shall at once place It on our bill of fare. 1 Ours truly J. E. I( INtiuLk.Y & CO." Call and try our California Champagne. 00111u7s Iltitiolla 1 Dee at . N. Y. ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO . Soldiers of 1561 and 1862. All who served three rears are entitled to 3100 boners: those see, los er, two years, 330:0r who were 'discharged by reason of wounds, or their bolos. 2hrte Aloattha Extra Pay Is due Volunteer Officers in the service March ad, ISA and discharged, mustered out. or resigned slocelorli reNtr lONN.—Pernmuently disabled are 'entitled -10 4/E662 1 ) or $11.5. according to degree of disabil- W.J.HALL PATTEILION, Attorneys, I= GREAT 19ESTEILN PLANING MILL, Comer of brim Strut Eli Dwane Way, P/INT2l3tiltlall. PA. • Sash Doors, Blinds-and Mouldings RADE TO ORDER. tinani.hed s pu il t In a dry house and finished when taken d o t .. . raings, Fhwrlng, Weather Itoardinit. Laths hod Shingles cdootool no hood. ro•sawing and Scroll :rowing , [tone with dispatch. Boxesof all kinds made to order. e an . r.LiS JOHN HEATII. SU R f r Ep ri ll i T : t hi TANtu j PAT LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Manufactured at No. 58 IiMMIFIELD ST., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Abs.i Agnate for Item York Rubber Co. 451-um Etelt,in g. LVA"TIitr t .MVSIIHWIrMItia.o I SOI . 44I RIVETS and VDUS. BELT HOOKS. etc. 1e5,63 • GREEN ALLEY.—AII persons In terested art hereby nottned that tee undetalnn ed, vh.wer. Appel ated to view and eaten damage, and benefits tor the opening of • CREE ALL. In the N Third AV atd.'Al EY leghen y City, From Chestnut itr. et to the East line or* ten toot alley. a distance or IV feet, will meet on the prem ises, on , TIITYII3I/AY. DECEMBER SYR. MO, At 10 O'clock A. Y., to Mill the duties 01 their ap pointment. W. J. GIBSON, ' JAM-ICS „MORGAN, YUANCIS TORBEN.= U015:09 P4OBBEX 6TEEMBREWERY JOB. fßilfer.ll /AL ICZAT IsPEIINCER & ➢IcKAY, lIILSTIMS AND BUMS 01 Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. HOBERT WATSON. Manager. tell1”161 W. 11. 0/1181.11D...-.D. A. 1100T11....W. T. 04111111.1tD POINT MALT HOUSES. NV,. H. GARRARD & QO., Maloers, Grain & Hop DeOlers " y No. 17 Water S anri . ItOa, 5 and 7 Penn SSS S PITTSBURCH, PA. tWhthet.. al d ti 4117. sri.acvLPm. ,8 TB LIGHTNING} LAMPP, L. C. CIL\ COOXL.‘ JONFA,CHAWFORD EVTOGEL, Agents. TRULY fiTovints.ll, AND !NEU. PRODUadtD. • Adopted by the U. S. Government. • Non exp'oslve. Cheap and Jleautlfu.. titre. • Wltliant d ent three.rold , greitcr toms arty caner temp. 'Ehle ptlonit Is adaptsd to ell lam o purposes, and as the wick Is merely • conductor, never re untree &n, trimester. Bunters on this principle app.. plied to ordinary-lamps. r TATE AND CNIUNTY St.tIVISALE. Apply as Yulton's Woe !Pore lints Street: or Al p Book; *tore, 7e rinh ' strect. Chronicle OUlltllol. non pnivATE „DISEASES. 071103 PX,X2I BTILIILT, neer Had. for the eere of all diseases of • forme nitnee, from two Wiwi: data, ky entnerf new end We tesatenent, Also, BensinaL Weakness, and W other diseases of the genital organs and male ereirention lart , rarianted or money refunded. 710111a.__ ,nr. I% tot. and atoll k. TlOWlPte k lareal 'W., up‘ Pan ucet.-- sivit • P.:, frmiINkaMIFTTI ViTs4 WILLIAM - C. LEE, --' eneoes.or to A.T...T.X. Gt./LIDOS COMMISSION A-ND FORWALUDI G . No; 102 Second Street, P 1 11, Pa. airAgestefor the "St, Lont.•• Le Pipe and' Sheet Lead Wort.. Dealer In PIG and BAli LX All, SHOT, limn% FIRE CLAY., te. Consignmeet,,,,, Led and Orders • romptly znytt:tot • BREWER straKE & co COMMISSION -MERCHANTS, AflEifTS POI{ TIM Fertile, Globe ind Liberty 011 Works, Ample Stomps for Crude cud getlnod Oil. Libor al man advances made on consignments of Crude or itedned Petroleum. 'Yards for storage and ship ment of Crude WI at Lasrcenesellie. Mee and Warebouv. Corner of DUCltle.n. Way and Hancock a ma et...,Plttibuzgh. otylOAM :LS. 7. 1120116/12 gBIL Ac RITCHABT, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OP AND DZAISELS ix _ , 'lour, Grain, Seeds , Mill Feed, &c. 3" LIBERTY ITY BAFACIT my24:er IJHOEI,I.A. Y. . 111.121111. fIWENS, KENNEDY & HARPER, TRODIJCIC COMMISSION MICRON ANTS. and Wholesale Dealers In POI/ZION ,LND-DON Ed 110 FRUITS, SALT, FLOUR, BUTTER, EONS, I tF TATOES. Se.: and In Provisions and Produce gen. trolly, No. 76 FEDERAL STREET, oppOalte the Railroad Depot. AlszOni.NT. Agents (Or the eale of P. T. Rite% Donnell d Ellerain , a and J. Karr'. Salt. , aotClsl J. 8. NE lIVIIIEFJI & CO., . , 001011138.10 N• ICERCHINTB, • • ud dealers In Flour, Grain. Iced end Produce. Cash advances made on consignments. Warehouse. No. 390 PENN - nTitEET, opposite Union Depot. Pittsburgh, Pa. nAT. CHAWIPOIID, Commission &WO HANT InPIUHETA L. 111.0011 I, IRON ORE, W HMCo= ISCRAP IRON, FIRE BLOC& and CLAY, &c. Warehouse and Office . Nos- 30G and 308 YEN litotage furnished. Consignments solicited. oc I MM= COMMISSION AN JER, MERCHANTS said dealers lu FLOUR, GE uul PRODUCE, Second Street, between Wood :17 and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. , ut,ll ?ULM POTTER.,.....TONN AIW S. A. SHEPPARD POTTEIt, AIKEN & SKEPAIID A- Commission Merchants, and dealers in Foteign and Domestic Fruits, Pious. Better, Cheese, Dims, Potato.. od produce gemrally. No. 26lLustarrx biTitEKT. 2pposna Passenger Depot. Pittsburgh. - wui F. Inca TllOB. WM. P. HECK &. CO., No. 185 Liberty street. Pittaburgh, Pa. Wile Jeanie Grocer, Egg ., u Cueese. ae. PrOduce, urala, , SCIN Oreea and Dried Finite. ae., Balt ► nd Lime.' •Jrl6 • MZR & SHEPARD, Commission xtutsst land dealer'to Flour, Grain ant; Pro. dune. ^ll.l silLlberty street, Pittsburgh. Chum Mazda of Flour for Bakers andlamlly use coustantty In hand. Particular attention paid to ellln/ttrtier .for Merchandise generally. octhlY • LITTLE, BALILD & - PATTON, IV holesaleßroce.ra Commission Merchant. and dealers In Produce. Flour. Bacon. Cheese. , cuben.and Lard Oil, iron, Nally elms, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh nutnufaotarea generally 11 and 114 /Second street, Pittsbargb. P. 1181118 It {. 8. DITMEB WE. D. 11811L710.• REIMER & 13.1X.0L, (Successors to + l . Reimer & Anderson,) Wholesale Dealers In Pos. ehrn Yrs,lts, Nuts mull Icess,, Contectlonery, Sugars. Yreworks, Nos. IM , sad 128 Wood bisect. above f i fth ,Pittsburgh. Is=lv 80IIT. KNOX AIIDDI.W %NOM p • KNOX & SON, Conaminion LA. ardICHAEII3 and,Dealers In FLOUR, BUM N, KILL YKED and PRODUCE generally, No, n Diamond. oppoatta City DAIL Aliegaang City. jathlyx I OHN CANFIELD, Cossamissbut 4, and Yorwarditur Merchant and wholesale dealer In Western Beserre Cheese. Butter. Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour. Pleb, Pot and Pear/ Ashes, daleratus. Unreal and Lard OW, Drioa Fruit, and Produce generally. Kos. 144 and 146 Front street. Pittsburg h 00011018. 811 - - - 01.01101111.173.0•11. 11 . EAD & IdEETZGAIt, Grocers and Commission Ye rchantsana dealers to all kinds of Country Produce and Pittsburgh Alanniutures, No. M 9 Libmt. y Street, oucoilLe head of Wood street Pittsburgh. • iinur r. Hover —IDWARD 'lovas ..Trat. H. 'loom J OHN I. HOUSE k BRO&, cces sows TO JOlrg I. limas t Co. Wlreuso.3 Gro cers mid Commission lierchants,:eorser at Smith field and Water streets, Pittsburgh. felo .1011 X SLIIPTON A. IVALLACS. sEIIPTON & WALLACE. Whole We. UItOCER.S AND PRODUCE DEALERS No. e. Sixth Street, JAMES DALZELL Ar. SON, Mauu facturen of Lard 011, and Commission 'Merchants for the purcbsue and sale of Crude and Hanel Po. troleum, 2ios. NI and 19 Water street, Pittsburgh. Advances made on Consignments. li`ETZEIt & ARMSTRONG, For .. warding and Ccrounleelon Merchants, ror Uie sale of ?lour. Grain, Bacon , Lard. Butterrniec4r, Dried Prolta, and Produce gencraLly, lio.lilliaract Street, corner of Pint, Plitaltargh, Pte.. fe2say norms.. sms.szi.t... V 1. DA:I.2IILLL. ROUT. DALZELL & CO., Whole.. ado Grocers, Comailsalon and Yoraranitna !der chuda and dealers in Produce and Pittaburgh Man ufacturas, No. 251 Llbertysuaai. rlllabniTn. 11. BIJDDLE, No. IS3Liberty St., • patoaurch. Pa., Corrantssiou Merchant, and Wholcule Dealer In Country Produce. Groceries sal Pittsburgh redinufactures. Cash advanced on Con signinents. and paid for Produce getteraill. aun ISAIAII DICKEY & CO" Wholesale &t3rocen couuniuto. ittrr.tat4u,and dealer. In Produce, lito.lo pater street and es Prout street, Pittsburgh. - teuee.....r to hlstekeo+o d Ll ti. ,lll) 1.1 Dollar In Flour sod laraln.X use au Kends/its No. 111111/1.1016TY aTFILICT rltttbu4 . b, Pa. 41:17 „C.llo3l.aliEn&LANG,YWholosale s , dealers InGroceries. FlotK. erale,_Produce. Pre visions, Flel, cheFile. DR', t. .arbon tni, Nos. irt and eA ris . Wood tkoret, near 1.1D6111 IStreet,, Pittsburgh, Dok:ns.s 10110 LLOYD WIL. FLOYD JOHN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale °ROC Mk No. 173 Wood and =Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pe. .' . an2GO•d INSURANCE FLUE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA • PHrLADELPHILI ..see: 31,730,000. Hartford Fire Insurance; Company, assets, '• a • 31,3113.000. 410- Proteethm eat be secured in Ilte ►bore named 1111.1 reliable . Campania. W. L. JO3S3. Anent.. • te=ll7 • N Water street. OD stalm .) pENNSYLIVANLA. LIMUIIII.NCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, .PA. OMee,lll Finn eltreet, Jlank Sleek. Tide la a Horne Cbrayetty, and Insures agalnat ton by hire excloalvely. LEONARD WALTER,. President.. C. C. Boycs, Vice Pres! Just. -- ROBERT PAT • HUGH id•ZLIS RICK, ISNY. /Secretary. Treasure r. - DinnocOnat Leonard Walter, George_ C. C. yie. Geo. W ETAS'S, Hobe Bo rt Pasties. J. C. L i ppe, Jacob Painter, s J. U. pplelner, Josiah King, voegtlei• Jas. H. Hopkins. I A.ka ' smon. • Henry tlprota. .IY-1:19 WESTERN iNstawicie of i r Tm ENhincig NIMICM. President. • WM. P. RERBERT,_sehretary. CAPT. tiIt.OIIOXNKELD, tieneral Arent. Office, n Meter street, nemifer Co.'s Ware ir enee. lin stain, Pittsburgh.. . Will-Maus wins; all kinds of rise and Marine Risks. A home institution managed by Director. Who are Well known to the community, and who are determined by promntmera and liberality, to main tain the character width they have assumed, as of fer insiured ng the best protection to Shoe. Who desire to be . - DENACTOna; Alex. Mallet, Andrew Ackley, - B. =ler, Jr. , Datld S. Long.: Junes McAuley, Hera .1; Thomas,. 'Nathaniel Hanle,. Ches. J. Clarke, .11exandepeer. John R. McCune. • . Campbell B. 'Herron, Jamul'. Hanna. C. W. Blzkelann,___ millo wia. r:iinf.aznT. Secretary. NORTH ARIJEIIICA , • LIFE nisrmazaE COMTANY. Widows and.Orpbans'irand.. - Ifth 63 trtiltairilit. Ater . rork" . PIII2IIDENY-11. D. SORDAN. ~ SIMI. TAItY—J. W. nucarars... - • • IL.D. TINDALL. IledlealExasalmet • A 1„ rr,. c o o o3K . .AY. AliaNT It WEBTEBN A.. 67 Fourth St, Pittsburgh. AIIENTS WANTZta ' remain ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. Or rirr4Dl4BUBl.- Mee. blo. 87 Irirth Etna Bask% Monk. ° Lialasiftsinst 011 maal of Piro and itarixt• MANI JONNIBWIN Ja. Presideit. , 14. MCCORD, The Paesident. C. G.= Azeit. Isaac Jona, 111 rem T. Janiklzukm, John Irwin. Jr. Tahnostak. dooms 11.. Desna Obazieo Hays, OGG. m. Dw Goo. D. W M c Grew .' Bobertli. pEOPLE 9 B PIBITRANCE'CO.I - ' 037/03, 1.1. 00.1121 KS WOOD MID 717TH4 A MOAN VOMPAIM TAIEDDI-TIDE AND MARINE BUM Capt.: Jan L. 111 outs, Enamel P. • KW r oha I. illaidt ssell. c 1 .B. B •. • U ~ H WATT: Wu Preald eat /Pm. Phillips, John Watts. John Parts, Capt. Jas. Miler, • Win. Van Hirt, Jantas,D. Vasast_ _! • "...• JO • • W: F. GATIDNZR.. l• Il Ittecdurnne vdm..a.Tololovrics. Primo=On, Kovembralth.lll66. j A SSESSNIENT NOTlCE.—Notice t. hereby Kinn th at the asammunts Gridinfr nmar and umbras of Demuth Strom, fr_om rUltlllllo Jam Meets, In tha nine and Walnut amen, trots thko strong So DoWan laths Ilith Ward. hamtherm nude an d can be sena at trds °moo mall the flf tli of lofeatbar teat, atter . width Mans they stnbe lathed afar to the CRY Trtubgtlbf OtglaCtloll, Dam QUA* Bizquimis. 41cy geS , • lIIKRICIN IRON WORKS JONES & LIUGHLINS, w*.x.rwislaicrx=l.43-32E, I=l AiIItRICAN‘ AND CLAIR Bar, ]loop. Sheerand Plate Iron! Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; • Coal Screen Iron; T Haile,l6 and 20 lbs. to the yard Trani 'Rails, punched and coun... ter sunk. Boiler, Bridge aid Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; - • Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; - , Railroad Car lineels and Axles; 'Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled .Shafting; Patent Ciild Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WA-NEI:LOUSE AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 153 Front Ste. BRANCH HOUSE. Nos. 22,21 and 26 River St., JD:cl5 CHICAOO. ILI.. KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. HIFTCEUSON,7ILASS & , MMMZI Ilanursc turas of the dlinarent lima at Round, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, eie„&e,, Work.. PITT TOWNSHIP. ou Mononaakela river. Omce and Warehouse: No. 146 Water Street. 0,4:141 KENSINCTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD ,Sy BLACK, X ..I.ttTACTIIIIZILB 07 Hut Common, Re lined Charcoal • AND ' Juniata Bloom Iron. ~ DIEM:BAST BAR, ROUND' and SQUARE IRON '1 1100 P. BAND, T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE mud SHEET IRON. MOWER and REAPER BARS CYLINDER and GUARD Dlt FINGER IRON SHALL T .11AILS, B . and 16 lbs.' to toe yar • WIN/LIGHT CHAIRS and :WIRES, &same. SLAT RAILS, Punched and Counterunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS and SPIKES. Warehouse, No. RR Water and No. C. Market sta. Works, Second street, Y.lanth Ward, lutloinlng CIL) , Wotka, PlitsburaLt. au.21:14 FOR,SYTH'S STANDARD SOUS. BLBO~ Copying„Presmes, War Amuse Trucks, BagOage Barrows, !Ong-or Mills, &c FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO., . 39 MARKET BTB-VET. pITTS EiUEGH STEEL WORK ANDERSON, CDOK k CD.; (SUCCESSURB;TO JOBB& BOYD rt C 0..) Illnnufweturcra of to i.est. twined Cut Et/ Square ru at ned Octagon, of all es, Saw Plates. rot, Farb and Sheet Cost Steel. Cut steel for I- HEWING AND MOWING MACHINES, .STEET PLOWWIGS, SPRINGS, AXLES CLCIA:PLASH, 4r43. • Cast and Common Plough and Spring Steel, . . Mice—Comer of First and He etreeta, two Moats above the Monongahela noose. . . 1 11 E • FORT PITT. FOUNDRY. CHARLES •-licAP NEPHEW 8 HEAVY ORDNANCE,. AND ALL RINDS OF HEAVY CASTINGS. Special attentionpaid to ROLLING MILL WORK BLAST MACHINERY and RETORTS. heretofore,ne to promptly. As the best materials will always be used st this Foundry. Haring disposed pi' our old patterns. we are pre pared: with NM' AND larruoTeD patterns, con structed under the supervision of Si - r. LIM t furnish NAIL MACHINES at short notice. noll:n I tU AmeiuCAlY• MACHINE IS oiiii:s. CHARLES F. GRAHAM & CO., Soccessors to FISHER, GRAHAM & CO., Engine Builders and Machinists, miatuTAcTryamas 01 Oil Engines, Oil Tools, An,l'everything neeeseery for Boring. 011 Well.: Partlealar attention paid to Fitt Lug np Pulleys, Hangers, ac. Marlon Avenue, near Ft. W.& O. U.. R. • 811Q67ioap s Pa. = ALLrar.....,,..7.8. L. aos.m. 'VALLEY STOVE lIVOILES. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., • Odlee and Warehouse 301 Liberty Street P !appetite Smithfield, ltanufaUtuges-a- great variety of COOK. PARLOR and bTOVILS. anion] which are the cel ebrated Allegheny and Monitor %Coal Cooking Stoves; ale°, the Autocrat and Sentinel rhinos] or arcrod, and the unrivalled Star or the Empire, for tropt; also, Arches, Orates, fen dere, Sugar Kettles, lernou.a. MACHINE - Ft. S. MlEllbEr:S r g Nn. 82 Obko Street,AlleghenS• Mantifacturer of I .IMPROVED HONING TOOLS,. AND PIXTURIN 179 En IN SIN KINN OIL AND SALT WELLS. Particular attention Invited to his Patented provemenu In Jar. and Jointa, made of JunlalUi, U. 0., • and Low Moor Iron, in standard sloes, and numbered, so that parts can be ordered by make telejgrapb, and found • portent fit at .11 time,. e also furnish ropes. belong, small tools, le., to those who may wish P. Engines and Inschlue Ism) made to order. Orden by mall promtly attended to. I art prepared to grant Menace to Other manatee. tracts for there inaproyamentaon llbeSal te_nris. &Ix 17 Allegheny P. O. • Jem:dn _ S. - B. LZOILY. DIAMOND • 1111WEICIT-I 1 1;17CIPLIEVIL PITURGH., PARK, MOTILE& dotCO., PA. thintifactorcrs of BEET !QUALITY ILE7ltin.ll OAST lITZEL. Square, Iriss and Octagon., or all sum Warrant, equal to any Imported or muntfactorsd In this coon AiMllce and untrebouso, 110..110 and 16111 rot, an sod It: Second Weals. Pittsburgh ern Cd PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS J. PAINTER & SONS. itAstiricruarns or Iron /Rocket; Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, fele: as. PATTSOURGIII. Pb IRON CITY . MILLS. ROGERS & BURCEETEUD. Manninturers aarnacb, CESIICOLL, JUNIATA i POLISH= 03.1333:E7T =mom. 0717C2 AND WASILLOCEL, No. 28 MASK= BT. 0c1.135 exo. sarran. azissa. sotsaux LA BEL L E STEEL 11 OBIUL NUELITIZEISL mameacumrs of cAsT rrnsa,l6-13YMNG, PLOW and BLIBTZY ITYLL; diltiNtina AXL% OBOW B i l iNte, No. MS MATES. PLIULWr Anita! ri Pittsbarm Ps- " trl7 JOS. T. ILaion DULLS& Du QUESNE AND WEST POINT IlloN FORGES, PlTTlilltniCtil; Penns.. man efortaro all classes or FOrithlga, 13halls Cranks, Piston Itods,„Levara, Pitman Jaw ..d. also . Ilal/road Axles, Locomotive Frames; awl .11 shape work. - The =Wen* red it,iviss been for sonny years angered In the buslnews are prepared to fornlsb all Orders' intrruitint to to with promptness ant mama, tirlitins aoak-r..tuutinatxt. raLo.r.scucconwra co., PRACTICAL-LITHOGRAPHERS } The -ONLY. LlTROGahaltiAk sriuu LD3HMENT wrIIT.O? T HILYOUNT_ALIifi. ut nese Clards, , Letter, Heads, &ma/. I.ehets„Silsort laze. now Cards, Dtglentae: rotte. views. Cenblestas olDepoolte. net Isaiah vitro ie„ k ta l 1191. TR sad Tlllll rttlatntrigh, XAIitTFACTURERE3. UNION IRON MILLS, BINTEWARD, PITTSBURGH, • A CONSOLTI/ATION OF THE 4 •IIZON CITY FOHli E' , AND ••CY CLAWS !HUN Co, , , (Ms:lR kt. )[A\TFACTCR[RG Or IRON_A.ND FORGINGS. Special attention given to the manufacture of. Hammered and Rolled,,Locomo tle and Car Axles, -4 . 7 • mc.x...corer..s.w• KAILItOAIi CHAIRS. SPLICE BARS, BItIll(r IKON BOLTS, de.: LINKS AM) BOLTS, I BEAMS, GUMMI IRON: OCiAOONALHOLLOW WEOUii !IT IRON POSTS: T AM) ANKLE IRON. &a WAREHOUSE: 95 Water and 126 First Street,.; OFFICE.: - ATTRE WORKS, FIRM WARD, PISTSBIJRUH ocls-11: FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK NV - 00ELIFIL'S CARR.OLL & S NYDER, IILAXIIPACTGIIIRS OT TUBULAR, DOURIeFeFLIJED, TUBULARL FIRE•BOE 8. CYLINDER STEAM ROLLE tt4,• OIL STILLS' AND OIL TANKS, CHIALNEYS,,BREECHINO AND ASH PANS, SETTLING•PANS, SAIIT PANS AND CON.: DENSERs, • STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND MOS* BNWGES, - - • PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES °SECO hied Woeke, corner Second, Third, Short rnd Liberty Streets.; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ' Air-Orders sent to the above address will he promptly attended to. seltlts SHETEELE STEELWORKS. SINGER, NINICH & Cl) - - I[AXV7JCTUU 607 BEST REFINED CAST STEELS. [SQUARE, ILA? AAR•OCPA6OV, Of ALL SUES • 11141.1 . ., MuLAT, Macs:maxi, (limo 1-ND Caoss,CErT SAW PLATES: ELLIPTIC AND FEW-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Caen Spring Steel, Cast and German Plow Steel FLOW WINGS AND -MOWER CARS. SPRINGS, AXLED . AND • DTEEkTIRE, EICKLe. SHOVKL, TIOE, RARE, FORK. TOE CALK AND AIA.cHIN CRY OAST ziTKAL. CROW-HAW, es.. ac., 44c. Warehouse, 63 - Water St., Pittsburgh, ATLAS WORIiS, mvirtTo-r STREET, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLET 4 PreAdent • These Works : are among the WWt and most cum plete establtstent In the West, and are now, pre pared to furnish Engines of Every Description, Bollers, Oil Tanics, Sheet Iron Work, Railroad CaWogs Bulling MIII Castings, Engine Castings Machine Catalogs, Gentr.l Castings 'ORDERS SOLICITED. no9:nt.9 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butley Street, Ninth Ward, =I •I" 1/3 1:1* 40,1Z1C . ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS. 11ACDINFI1 AND CASTINGS GENICALIk, Orders promptly .1 carefully executed . ... CH AI.WES.E.EASONABLE, • EBBERT & DIA,CKLIND. oeIS:LM CRESCENT STEM WORMS. MILLER, BARB & PARELII, MANII7ACTLII2IIS OP BEST QUALITY - CAST STEEL,- Warranted Equal to any In the Mork. either Imported or of Domeettc Manufacture. SPECIAL , ATTENTIOIfS ST PAW TO /DIE CAST Abt I, 01EEL. . Ofli ce, 38 Wood Street, IN BT. CHARLES HOTEL BUILDING PITTOBINIOUrJni. /etb, ON. 1e19:d49 DUQUESNE IRON , AND STEEL WORKS. HAILkTAN,ILLFIaIt CO, DrANDrACTITICRII3 07 Iron, Nailz, Springs, - .Axles, PLOUGH. &PROD LED £ B. STEEL, W.A,ELEHOUd. ig co.. 77 ViTealter Eictrcs et, rirrenunCiEc. au51:13 =I ROSED.ILE STOVE IVORICS. L. PETERSON, .Ir., & CO., Mannlacturers and Dealers In all ands or Cooking and Beating Stoves, HOLLOW 'WARE, &c, Of the eery LATEST PATTLUN9 and STYLES. Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, PA, WORKS, ISLA.NeItESTEE. au31.168 13...13 0 1V - B. WOLF, .78,, & CO.,' Em=on Hardware & Cutlery. Are: now receiving large additions to our atock, which to Mitered to Dealers at in:Acusvrzwa.w wki=excumna. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., , - : i n • w.atteirkznarak..,l.ap. LIPPINCOTT & BIKEICHLL, No. 118 Water Street, • warn.cruazas 07. PATENT GROUND, PATENT TEETERED VWCVLAU, aULA7 , PATENT room ED DILL AND CROSS-CUT SES "Vcr SIB . Je111:03 tfieat unr iFilLEß MORROW & BARNHILL, 'xiso - ratimmas 47 Steam Bolen, 011 Stills, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Palm. Gasometers, Wrought Leon Bridges, Sheet Iron Work, CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND BTS., PITTSBURG 11. sapazPAIIIING DONE. CROM rTLY. 23421:b7.2 urn.wir MCLEAN .81AT011; No. 88 LiberlP St.,,- opposite Fourth, flAnimacTCßlOw Or CABINET MAIMS' HARDWARE. Th e y enhe specinity of Iron Bedstead and rtvot Castor*: POreelaln, Bedstoul and Pivot Castors: Bedstead rastonlngs: Stops for kitenston Ate. They suo manntantlere and lave ennsuntiF on band/Thumb Latehesliftnif MfLoan's 'Window Bub Supporter. , lesn't,Bccontele Sash !3'igta Z 3, Y 47l 3: l7 LitZ a lta u st i ‘riraz • az r . ' ll: Mete w A. BRADLEY & CO. lifiaoh l aturre errery variety of . . COOKi:PARIAIt AND HEATDII STOVESI. IMO aro ' Wm ooletbaroNlM2'2oP7o3. v ... sad MOM= (Foodboot. none:74 1,11;. sukaallotore - t GRATEGRATESO PROSTS; 46e. ones end Wanholua. conusr of second and Woo iWeeas %It ialloisto ODIS•ConsI area. x \ ~"~ ._ f i~ -F '.S' El 1 A 3E.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers