[~ =EMI OK GENTI ITUNISIIIN,6i-45100D11. NECL ICEZAHIRTS, Muslin Shirts, Silk 17nderst ear, Merin.° Underw ear, Wool Underwear, Halt Hose, Shaker Knit [lair Hose, French Suspenders, American Suspenders, FANCY WADI'S, &VAIN*" PINS, M imp taNtoi. SLEEVE BUTTONS. .SKIRT OEM. NECK TEES, LINEN AND YAP= COLLARS & CE TS, DO imrrATiori LINEN DO • LINF3iAND SILKHANDHFir£I4, E B. EATOL•l7l7iftb:.l3t NEW GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 111ACIIIJM, CLYDE &. CO, 78 and 80 Market Street, Wcy..1.1 call special attention to tbelr !smite and at• tractive stunt, In E)I6ItUIDBHIES--Ufevery . dcarept I n. 'LACES—Point s Point App-lip.e. Clancy, Thread, Outpace; %Dentin. - - • .' HEZEtaltEMS—Plaln, EMbroldered, Hera till tched and Lace. LINEN—Pets, Collars nut lo m eat variety. DNESS AND CLOAK THDIAILNIad AND' BUT. it/NB—Latest swim. - • ' BASH. BON SET- AND VELVE BIB • LOVltit - A NDlittalle6Y—A complete Dock'. lIN DREW EAR—Moe Ladles.. Allaaes and cbt.dren. . YANCYZEPHYIDJOULS—ihanisaItroda, • H OP AKIN s—All alem,in beet makra. COPSE/ Y, .N eta. Waterfall Pans. Hale Kona. etc. BALMORAL, 81i.InTr-44 greatly reduced prices. • IiENTLESIEN'tI, FUHEltillits ODOO.3—A full and complete stock. - • ' • /ANDY A. THILErs AND NOTlONEL—Comprislnir a lure some of goods receeted eapectally for our HOLIDAY SALEM and whlclivrould make d elhandsome and acceptable present. • . . . • FASHIONS J. W BRADLEY'S 1 ..mr ELLT-A1E 1 91.71C1 (01I.DOUBLE SPIUBG) • IS It R 1 1 1 „„. not BEND or RETAIN like the tingle Borings, but will EVER RETAIN their PEILYECT and BEA CT!? UL BRAPE, where three or tour ordina ry litirts are CAST ABIDE as ',BELEM. Ibe GO is BINE comfort, durability and economy', with that ELEGANCE of SHAPE which has made the -nuriau. ELLIPTIC" the • 1 STANDADD SKIRT OF THE FASIIIONABLE WORIA At Wholesale by all the leading Jobbers in this mtg. /or sale by all retallerawbo mil first-class Elkins. IVESTS, BRIDLET & CARY, • _ BOLE OWNERS OP THE PATENT AND =OW SIVE MANUFACTURERS. • • Warereoms and Office' Nos, 01[CHAMBERS end 19 and in ISTNEETB, New York. NEW FALL. GOODS. ELELCRUX & CARLISLE, 19 'Filth street, Hai . • e lust opened anextenelveszideplendid stock of °NEM AND CLOAK TRIBISILMELS, - RICH RON NEE' & TRLIIMINII RIBBON • 111101D6RIES °revery description, RIC° AND ELFALANT LACIL.thyO.IIS, PEAL LADES of all kind PEAL LACE TRASHED s, LiOODS, 1 OITAPION 'ACV sidendid line, INALNSOOI,„ SWISS, JAG. ONET MUSLIN;__ LINEN LAs N CAMBRIC. lIIISH.LINEN: °LOVES- A.. 1 CV and attractive styles; . • ILUSLERY,-s complete assortmeott • • LADIES' vtiLmucss , Its= NO VESTS and DRAWS FANCY ESP YR ARTICLES—Splendid styles Wm season; • BERLIN ANIL AMERICAN ZEPHYRS, T!WETLAND 13Z WI. • • HE NULN W E CASHMERE YARNS—aII colors S HADLEY ne Ow RES of every size, NANCY ART t-.;ES AND liarioots. • Iterr.bants and Dealers vrIU and It to their SAVIII ttge to call, and examine our present extensive steel before purchasing elsewhere. All our goods h.dos purchesed direct on the best terms. we are pepared 214 will make it low prices ss any East ern Jobbing House. • DIA0B1:011 tic °AMBLE, 19911111 ViREXT. NEWI.4OODB JUST RECEIVED sir JOff. EIORNE 46 CO. =9 B 0 X s:2' El 4 :I'D 114 T 114 Al :tine leading 7alll3tyles. ry aracocles. CI tries and Cremes, Parts lanacmid Colored 811 k Pe: eta In most &Almada sbades: Clain Caner Ben net and Trimming Ribbons, co ir and rlrb color.; /lowers. amt.:eat French and American; Feathers. Pa. of hot and Gary. . 33 DX 33 Mt Its X 3313 X 3:335, tWell usorted4 • . Cambric, Itsmalint=las, Loone, Quay, Veen donne Edgings and Mrs: riestrogoirs, Bands and Bllmlap Embroidered mid Plain . Linen Coes, Sets, Loveland Lace Goods. L. tag and Cloak Trintmlnaa and Ornaments; Bail Yilitke, times and Braldsi • - 'Dress Tr=mingrit,_Bagle Yromes. V. 01 CE GOODS; • A most complote stook of Jsconets, Cambria, Mills, rte., Ake. Handkerchiefs, risinanae. Heiootitobid. Item ised, Embroidered, Term Bordered, eta, ele- H"ter rfilaik s iingt - Tiat t . " ' "`" au sizes . - aeurnithing-Goodii- ." tinspenden midi Neck-Tres;" Belay_ Marts sad DlSlVElNLitaplex,Bon-Ton and LEL Hoop skirts; Comets. noir ?DUI. Nets, Onion and 811kBeltIng. ra i r=itrsNir e n es ailh an kind tai . Weill and Ent 1g in the v4 r as inixtors7l: plain colors and condom. - Vest's Yam (Wars, and event:ll3w an the No rota" se ow is Essiira Joi:Ofog Sonia. ' 'Nos. 9'l and . 19 Ittaiket Street. 'ADD, McCANLDEBB & CO., %.• urn Wnsoar. CA C 0..) wnozarasix DZATAKUS FOREION. AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS._ • zv co. 041 VP ocacl. nit i .P 9ll " b " . ' l ? / "" * i+M.l7lkl4ll. PA. TOBACCO CIGABF3, &9, EXCELS/W I "/"CCO -wouas. R. & W. JENKINSON. - .arastrracnniume or ALL - rigas.or . Tobacco, 5 . 111160, .and Cigars, •as 6 FEDSSAICerratEr. Brunet' biare it. B.lum. OhLck . 23721:10 R. - 11 i, - JEFFRIES, Bet# l TOBACCOA NUFF AND'Clikas • Na 6 gr. CLAIR STEW, Prernanioit. , lku STA tern wort meta of. lll CiratscliAtni Pit . = and tIYVYINIt TOBAVIAN Of as . 10,eat kg* GEORGE B.LOMENI3OII33IN. DILL= IN roamax AND Dausrno - sEGAIIS MEWING TOBACCO ,Smoking Tobacco; P!Pell,bc • D. . ali44anat3a Illbkragot, ageAreanacorwc, , air,) MI:MTh - PITTSiItritAIRI JOELN, VIEGIVLINT, d nboltiab . 'aid "awl Tobacco, ma. 4.6 21:45273. law arr. tr. an BUM - iIItAIIOOINAPRZOW idcr ia*Ted sad fordo iry - • - pom - AALVEIT 400. 4 - WbaNiblailladliftirWoOliampoli -CITY AND EMBURBAN. aDLITIONAL LOOLL ISWB ON PIM PAGE.) Choral Troisbles—Dissensiona in the Fires English Evangelical Lutheran Churns—Proceedings >n Equity. Fora long time, two adverse elements have been fermenting together in the English Ey- . angelical Dither= Church, throngtiont the country. 0120 portion of the members inn at on the simplest fortes Of worship and the least intricate modes of faith, while the Other class insist on their . "boOkS Of. tiOntiont," and the return to rituals, robes and ceremonies. The disagreement has besot:nen patent source of disturbance, in the First EVangelicalLnth emn Chinch, in this city, and • has resulted le. a spirited contrOverey, which Is being carried on between Messrs. Wm. Lang and W. D. Beeler and other mem. hers of the First English Evangelical Luthern Church, Seventh street. and Messrs. Jacob Newmeyer. Adam Weaver, Paul Seibert, and others, also members Of the same congrega tion. The tlltticnity, It appears, has rise.. oat of some action taken In reference to the or ganization of the "Synod of .Permaybrania," composed of ministers seceding from the re ligious body knownas the General Synod of the Luthern - Church. a detailed account of of which ' would be too • extended for todav's Issue. Messrs. Lang and Beeler, and those who act with them, are In favor of connecting themselves with the Sy nod of Pensylvania, while the party 'repre sented by Mehra. Newmeyer and Weaver, are opposed to dissolving the relations with the lieneml Synod. Both- parties made as eter. .mined stand, and on the evening of the est of November last, after it general meet ling of the congregation had been dismissed, Messrs. Nowmeyer and Seibert obtained possession of the keys of the church, in consequence of which the congregation has been debarred from the privilege of using the building. iAs a demand made `by Messrs. Lang and Beeler for the surrender of the keys to the sexton was refused by Mr. Newmeyer, proceedings in equity-were commenced, and on the .30th of November, the attorneys kir the former, tiled a a bill setting forth their complaints at length. The plaintiffs in their bill claim lo have peen legally elected Trustees, and as such to have charge' (or thehouse of worship, and other buildings belonging to the church. They further coin plam that after the congregation had left the church on the evening of the :Ist of Noreen. bar, Jacob G. Nest mayor fret:leniently and sur reptitiously obtained possession' of the keys of the building, and that be and others con federating with him, nailed down the windows to prevent ingress by that &cans; that Adam Weaver a cretrnatee, refused to unite with them iridernantling the possession of the keys from Newmeyer; that they bellevehe is Con niving with him to retain possession of the same, and thus exclude the congregation from the customary nod rightful use of the church. The complainants deny expressly that New meyer, or those confederating with him, have any authority for interfering, and aver that his conduct - Is contrary to the rules and reg ulations of the church, and calculated to provoke a breach of the peace, as well as to bring contempt and reproach upon the good ' name of the 'arch. The complainants there fore ask. a decree declaring that New- . meyer n lassie] right to Interfere with them in o exercise of their legal functions, and directing him to return .the keys forth with. They also aid; for a preliminary or special, fter a final injunction against Mew m eyerand Weaver, and other, combining.with them from interfering with 1 Complainants , lawful custody, and control of said church building, or from preventing Its use by the congregation. The hearing of the motion for a prelim!. nary ileltinctien was fixed for Monday,be for Judges Hampton and Williams, of the Dis triet Court, at which time the counsel for dee Meditate, . filed an answer to the complain. ants , bill. The defendants, Paul Seibert. Adam Weaver, and J. 8. Newmeyer, aver that they are members of the Church Council, and as ouch under the. constitution of the same, have entire control over the temporal affairs of the church. They further aver that the comPlainalite, "and other disaffected and schismatic, persons" are endeavoring to sever the connection of the church from the "General Synod," under which it was Meer. porated, and front a connection with the Synod of Pennsylvania, a schismatic and disaf. fected body. contrary to the express provisions of the constitution and by-laws. The com plainants have, coat:aryl* the provisions of the same law, elected, us far. as they could elect, a pastor not connected with the General Synod. That it was to prevent the use of the church for the ratification of the Illegal pro 'eeedingil of the meeting of the 21st of Nevem. her, for which a meeting had been called oq the Sth last.; that the keys were taken, but they emphatically deny that they were fraud ulently or surreptitiously taken. They further aver that at the meeting referred to, action was taken, makings vital anti Important de parture trim the-simple farm of worship, re: cognized and established by the General Synod. In order to show this departure more fully, the defendants asked more time, and the Court accordingly Axed Saturday, Decem ber lath, for a hearing on the motion for in junction: - His Honor, Judge Hampton suggested that inasmuch as the determination of the goes thus involved would require time, most likely both parties could agree upon some tellable person, who would lake the keys as the custo dian of the Quirtoopening the church for the accommodation of both sides. Toth's:envies tion the counsel on either side agreed, and by common consent Mr. T. IL Lane was made the custodian. Thisof course, determines noth ing, and prejudices neither side in the contra. yoray, as Mr. Lane is simply theCoarVa either mutually agreed upon, who shall take charge of the proprrty and keys, and surrender them them to whomever they shall be adjudged by the Court, after a lull hearing of the ease. Tills, Owing to the importance of the Interests and the questions of churen faith and worship , involved, will probably require a considerable time, and involved the taking of testimony from the highest authority heti= Church. Solicitors for Complatnants,Ateurs. George Shims, Jr. and J. I. Kuhn. For Itesiondenti-Messrs, Kirkpatrick and Mellon ant Hon. Walter 11. Lowrie, A Itandsoilito Testimonial. On Monday, the universally popular caner, Sheriff Stewart, was the 'recipient of a.hand• some testimonial in the shape of a splendid gold watch presented to him by his friends at the Pittsburgh Bar, on the occasion of his re, tlrement from the shengalty. The crowded state of oar columns yesterday precludod the possibility of publishing the correspondence relating to the affair, and we do so. this morning : • Pirrsnonon December 30866. To Jona H. STEWART , Ilso.—Dear Sir.—The undersigned. members orthe Pittsburgh Bar, desire, on your :re - Moment from the didlcult and responsible °Mae which yott hate tilled for the last three years, to express their high sense of the diligence, uprightness andhotir• tear which have characterized your official conduct, and to beg • your acceptance of this accompanying watch and chain in token of their regard t for you personally and officially. , p h fr o y; . .Ir r ars s ha itilly, - kl. Biebencek. 8. Scheyer. A. 11. Miller. - B.IL Geyer. C. T. Ewing. W. C. Moreland. • L B. Duff. A.M. Brown. Thos. IL Hunter. - . W. C. Aughinbaugh. White I Slagle R. S. Morrison. W. B. Cook. M. W. Acheson.' • David Reed. It. B. Olumaham C. C. Taylor. T. H. Hamilton. S. B. W. Gill. H. IltirigWin; ' It. Collier. Jacob 11. Walter. T. BL Bayne. N. N eaUfn. J. K. Kerr. - Josiah Cohen. W. B. Kegley. B. F. Lucas. Kirkpatrick & Mellon. S. A. aW. S. Purr!. Geo. Shires, Jr. once. D. W. & A. S. Bell. Win. Owens, Jr. Samuel B, Cluley.. John Barton. U. S. IdecullOngit, , • SILLIII/VIIOI , PIOI, - Pittsburgh, December 3d 1866. Messrs. Thos. M. Marshall J ! ioyer , . Geyer and others: - OENTLIMEIS Op P.ITTBDUII.OII 71A.F.:—Ton 1:111110 flanked me and taken me by surprise. I accept your kind and flattering testimonial of friendship and thank you kindly. It is a source of much pleasure to mo that my hum. • ble endeavors • to-slisCharge my duty meet with yourapproval, and I hope that the came Una feeling may continue to exist until time shall be no more. Yours truly, Jona H. STEWART. The watch is a most elegant one, cml is from the excellent establishment of Mr. Will: T. Wiley, h 10.6 Wylie street. It is In his best style. =tiEr= Yesterday morning the Criminal Caurt met at half. past nine o'clock, Judge Stowe on the bench, - . The "first case called up was that of Clay, Crider, indicted for bigamy. Crider, it , will be a °membered, was tried at the Juno term of Court on the indictment; but the jury having jailed to' gree be. was released on his 'own recognizances. After the trial th Pot ts vi l le the 'toot d wife Sent an officer to after Crider, and succeeded is obtaining cm dente fully establishing the guilt of the ac cused. These witnesses were present in Court yesterday morning, bat when the osse - was called np _Crider plead guilty and was re mantled to jail for sentence. ' WWI= Mentzer was nest placed on trial, on an indictment for larceny. Mentzer and a man named L7fle were drinking together, and 11 in became. intoxicated. Mentzer proceed mi to take him home, and while on the 'way' coveted and took possession of silver watch belonging to 'Myra. The watch was subse quently recovered at a pawnbroker's, having been pawned' by Mentzer. The Jury found/ it verdict of guilty. Remanded for sentence. George liroadmarkle, having plead guilty to a charge ofassault and battery, was sentenced .to pay a flee of twenty dollars and costs. James Lynch. was arraigned on al charge of larceny'. it was formerly a.laborcr at the National 011 Works, and, In October last, is to. teged.to have stolen a watch and other 'aril. cies from J. he Richards, In the same house witti Who he boarded. The jury returned a verubt of guilty sad the prisoner was remand. ed for senMnce. • iffe next - ease was that of Adam Noeurinan. charged wutilamleation and bastardy. • De was found Nathaniel Cease. a discharged soldier was pert Naomi on trial, charged an' oath el Bob. art Morrow, with surety of the peace and - as. sanitand bailors , . During the recent election ft appears that the plaintiff anff defendant had a venting. dtsensalon 'luring which. the former is represented to have said that rebel soldiers ware paw patriots than Union sot. diem. This incensed Ceaseand housed threat. ening language towards seineMw., The latter =ern, ln the statemen Lease him dawn. . snlb The Art. sonar plead guilty aid was remanded for sear Elt-elottirod..—ltantley and BLlstard, twO Orme oltaixt;gang t zlio o esoa_Red from 'Lite City Prison at uotwa est Wednesday Wilde ware re -arrested by Boom* Brown.= . 811 order, at, soloed on West Broad .itrectivitid reeoituadted to lb* Oily Prison. . TtuUL t ro Partially=but were-tee well District o nnlaselast Dittuditr-St itbowtlosiusgebou r'itasellamt nO c vas tikes up. • Processes wart imaibrilles.ftelsvan4l4l•MilfsJl4r EARLY TELEGRAMS. BY CABLE FROM EUROPE. The Great Reform Demonstration. COMMERCIAL' AND ELNANCL4L. LONDON. De mmber 3.—CoL Heaney, the well known Fenian, who was arrested here and committed to Blackwell,has been sent to Dub lin for trial; - I.otrnes, December 3.—The reform demnn- Stratton lost mach of Its effect to-day, from the inclemency of the weather, out was nay theless a great affair. There was not. the slightest disturbance. Resolutions of a spit lied and significant character were passed, and at the close or the meeting the people de parted for their homes as quietly and In as Ronrd as they came together. John Bright was present at the ire- - menstration.. Ells presencessras hailed with loudest cheers from, the enthusiastic multi tude. He will address another large gather this eveninZ UOXNERCIAL—LONDON, December 3.—The London breadstuffs market • is weak, and prices for all articles are lower. Ltrzarept, December 3.—Tao breadstuffs Market is without change. Ttia Doti °Mum market Is steady; sales of refined at. is Caper FissmotAL—Losnox DeoemberMuds have declined to el/X.' Closing price of Amer. lean securities to.day: U. S. 5 , 20.1 70%; Erie 46; Illinois Control 77. ♦eeldeal as Zanesville, Ohio—Falling of a Railroad Bridge—Several Persons Killed. CIitCIIMATI, December 4.—A tOdiblO ACM dent occurred at Zanesville, Ohio, about nine o'clock line looming. The. large Iron bridge norms the hinakingtim at that place broke down, carrying wilt' It the morning passen ger tram bound east. Particulars not yet re ceived. It is supposed a large number of lives were lost. CINCINNATI, December I.—The accident at Zanesville Is not as bad as report«d. One s i p :o n on o f a hi t Le , t b w ri o d g e p re o us s ca was b o r n o e k bag d g o a w a n o . and one passenger car were precipitated into the river. A number ofersnns were Injured, but It is not known yet now many were killed films Works Destroyed by Fire Haw Tong, December 4.—The eitensfvo works of the Blooklyn Flint Glass Works, on Moira street, Brooklyn, were destroyed by Bra at four o'clock this morning. One third of the building and contents were saved. The stock, engine and tools were valued at IA50,000; the loss, however; vill hardly reach $150,000, of which 11115,000 is covered by insur ance In the principal companies of New York, • Brooklyn and I•htladelphl t. Murder in London, Conn NEw Loam,. Cons., December 4.—A - ma m named James Welsh was mutilated on Jan street, this city, last night. by Thol. liaison. . who stabbed /nut In the abdomen. llslson has been arrested. . • Sinklair of the Steamship Scotland. SANDY Rook, December 4.—The ateanisidp Scotland, before reported as here on middle ground, has sunk. The wind is blowing freshly from the Southeast, with a hoary ace on. Tbie.dlass Welcome llonquet. - 7 - WARRINGTON, December 4.—At the banquet last night, stirring speeches were made by Messrs. Yates, Kelley, Stevens and others. Col. Forney responded for the press. • Reports Of Generals Grant, Sherlpan and Pickles. 'New'ona, Deeembel . 4.—Tlie reports of Gen rale Grant . Sheridan and Sickles are printed but contain no now ract. Ifignlpments for Cannellini' Volointetre. °Tram..., December 4.—A new and complete equipment has bean supplied to the entire Canadian Volunteer dein batteries. LECTURES. ar'.IIEIIICANTILE LIBRARY . • sancrxerrwamek, Lecture . F . l . r . Committee 7ould *WWI ) , an DR. B. SHELTON MACKENZIE Wlll deliver the fourth lecture of the tonne, at the •C tinier OW MOl3/0. on THUROL/AY Z.VEN MG, December eth. MG. • I,II, IITICT—TitLVELts.ABIIOAD AND PERSONS WHOM ,I MKT. Dingle tickets, 50 cents. Deserved mats 23 cis. extra. Heats 'mss ie Itom,lEd AL the Academy or Ileac on THOlOlO5l' Dec. oth. at 10 o'cloat, peck. No one rson can acetate more than VS se Oull holders or Parquet... cheeks wlll' please Pl. 11l et the upper dof.r. JA2 B. stNirr. OLIVES LEMSIQN JAS. 11.01t0Aw, WM. P. BENJ. F. JENNINUL 0. P.'I3OAINE, w. V. MILLAR. I elltrinattcc. deS:o9a . IarLECTICIIIE Br ?NE - • rt 3327:/". ar. laxasErsr. /N THE' FIFTH 11. P—CEEIIILCH, Corner Webster and Washington it.., ON TtitiftBDAY IF.VENINO, December itb, l&O, for the Benoit' Ilthe Mann/all 15C1.1001.. gehleet—Al3l AND SUCCIAB. Admission 50 cent.. Lecture to Commence it 74 o'clock. de4:100 1:y:V1:1:1,1110:1Avrir.4,1:11 pITTBBOUGH , SAVINGS BANK, Corner Liberty 84, and Virgin Alley. CAPITAL STOCK Stockholders initial dnaliy Collections made on all acceuthle points In the United states and Canada.. 'interest allowed on time deposits. inoconn = trOf Danks,_Dukers Ind oilers solicited. Disco is daily at II A. N. DEILECTOIW.: Andrew Ackley. • - J. I'. !Rockdale. JonatbanUallather, E. 8. Ward. • Ullmote, t. Kaufman. W. S. Evans, Henry Xetrgar, Andrew Jackson. Nljt.Egr ACHt EY PIIEHIDIST JOHN BLEMINGAAN W.Eincn JOHN E. PAlTEEtiati Aut. Cubler SOUSE. 8 4°1E15161 N. iloutEs, & LOINS, .lE3et,lximers, NO. 57 MARKET STRYIT,PlUsbargh. EV:i11t e 2.7, 4 ) 4 VA P V.IVI C4 I2Vgibe patted States sad ..41. 8 adss. eP '. STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES ,Bought and Sold Oitommlsslon. .ale tai atta r ttloa Paid to the parokaae and UNITED STATES SECURITIES. ! niciannNo United States Sizes of lial; Do. do &So n " Do. lases oflo-10s; Do. Scien-Tldrtles ; Do. Certlacates of Indebtedness. Orders and Voyebera bou g ht or collected. JalSay COAL, COKE, &a PITTSBURGH NATIONAL COAL iNI.IOIO COlll'llll', WNW PER - 8 AND DEAL- Eris. Who asale awl Retail. , 100 • BESTI FAMILY COAL Nu* Cosa masa - NOliwols.. OVVIOS AND YAZD, CONNEILYOURTH AND VIM taltENTny Pittsburgh, Pk. _AJlorders for delivero in the City, or shipment Wag, wilDneeeprompt and immediate attention. A. nuperintendent. `WALL COALLIt COALII: . IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS: HUMME.L. & RABER vita Ibe attention of tit• public to tbst r flee Stool of 00/1.1.0mt race:rod. Inclueleg she following irts. Lump, 2, Siena Cliesearnt. 14rumn• yang. 1101.1.1, - a, and alheetieut, Au of which tbsy are prepared to deliver at t h e powirsr RATES. by the single ton , mir load , boat load or thousand tons. All orders promptly attended to. Oldtm: 102 Chestnut street, near the Depot, ocatlat, . HAREISIDUHAI. COAL COAL I I COAL: S DICKSON. STEWHIT & CO., Having tanavitil thilr MU to 7170.1307 Alltreet. 43 44 04 City rimar NM new.' lrLooD. , • A" War „,_.......rwrawb4irdmragy. d ., to thigniVa i nl. Will beat tended to PromP UT. MARLS' ARMSTRONG, ‘.4 , ouipkigYu Ommellonlle` Ooal a , oo .l.md w rivuutied cote, . Abp. ILIUM ' Lan illtuflar saw aalqatfm cirard '44 l i niLumintra l at mamit.4 7=4 llSMAUSllVlthroadriargi SPECIAL NOTICES..., W - GL AD NEWS FOR TUE 07.. YORTUNATE. SELL'S ; SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are ' , smutted In all eases, for the speedy and per. =neat core of ail diseases aslant from sesual et nesse§ INDISCRETION, Seminal Lois. Nighty Emissions and Sensual Dreams. Gen- Isl. Physical and Nervous Debility Impotence, (Rent, Senna' Diseases, de.,. dc. J O CHANGE OF DIET IS NECESSARY. They_esube o,od with out detection and never fail to effect a cure, If used smeordlni to Instructions. HEWS, SPECIFIC PILE - Price one dollar per box, or slx boxes for Ire_dol. faro; a:so, lame boxes, containing lour small. Price torte dollars. From four to six boxes are Xenerallo ralnired to care ordinary cases of SemlualWeakneas and Emis sions, th ough benefit is derived from using a single box. I d Chronic Cases, .d particularly. when Imp:. lance or Genital Debility with rune. Frenze l!on has affected the system BELL'S TONIC I ci PILLS Are recommended as the most ernclons reJuvinat log and invigoratin g remedy Itrthe world. - p a ge,acka price rive dollars, will Isat a month, asgeersny addlelent. In extreme eases of Debility and imooteneo ... • . 8e11 1 241 External Remedy, Price two dollars, suMelent for a Mono Can DO used to good advantage. It rives strength to the organs, mod with the Ms will reltore them to their normal condition. CAUTION.—The above Reinedler bare now bean before toe publf4 many ytars. and 'their great suc cess In the alle*Latlon Mbomou misery, ass excited *Ma cupidity of several parties, who ass. the name "Specific Pills," Copt my labels, circulars and ad vertluments, sometimes word for word, and put up worthlem compounds that dls:.ppotat the lost ea.. pectatlons of the purchases. • If yon cannot purehate Be t 4 Remedies of your Do ggled. take no other. but send tbe ones to • , DR. 4A-WEB BRYAN, • Consulting Physician, No.lllo Broadway. New York And you will receive them. by return of mai pont paid, and free from obaerration. • - . . • JOSEPH FLEMING, Druggist, Corner Market and Diamond, agro au29ilZ:reakwT Pittsburgb, Pa. • itg"TO LADIES.—II you require a reliable remedy to l estore joe. and remove Irregularities or obstructions, WUY .NOT USE , Till. BEST. Every lady know. the alightes Dreg alertly of nature is likely to bring on Headache. Giddiness, Low Spirits Painting, Hysterics, then the bloom of health fades, the appetite fells and other symptoms m ore distressing commence, no Weakness, Spinal Complaint, the Whites. Pro .' lapsus,•ac•, der. 'A NEVER-PALLING REMEDY will he found in DIG 11AftVIr.1 , 11 FEMALE . PILLS. The experience of Si years has proved they have no equal tor removing obstructions and irregularities, no matter from what cause they arise. They are safe and sore in every case. Up. wards 01'60,000 boxes are sold annually, and no com plaint of their elliency is ever beard, for they accom piish what they are represented to do. Sold Inboxu containing sixty pilts. Price one dollar. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS is' a remedy four degrees stronger than the above, and intended toe special cases of long 'standing. Price Eve dol lars per box. It you cannot purchue the Pills at your Druggist, they will be sent by mall, post paid. Bemire from ob -Serration, on receipt of thernoney, by Dr. JAMES BRYAN, Consulting Physician, No. 519 Broadway, New York. JOSEPH gLEIIING, Druggist, corner MArket and Diamond, Agt for Pittsburgh. atr2:l-13weAwf SEW PELELIU FOR TOE ILISDKERCHIEF. Pinion'. ..Nlght Blooming Corona:, Photon's "Night Blooming Coreni." P6ad0.. 9 .1 • "Night Illoonsing Ceres... Pimlon's "Night Blooming Corms.” Phutlon's ":Ifight I . llooming Certain." A mob exqubdte, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, dlstl•led from the ran and beautiful . dower from Mitch It takes Its name. • Manufactured only by PIIALLON & •O' T !, New T.rk. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR fl - lALON'S—TARE NO OTHER. WWIII. BARNHILL-8i; CO, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET 'IRON WORTuras, Nos. 20, 22, 24 and 2,0 Penn St. - Having secured a largeyard, and hirnlsbed Barn the most approved muldnerv, we arenrePared to manufacture every description of Bailers. In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching. Fire Beds, Steam Floes. Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Silt Pans. Tanks, Oil Stilts, Agitators, Settling Pane , Boller Iron, Brldgea, sue or Pans; and sole manu facturers of BARNHILL'S PAT/Mx D01.4..1523. ikvahing a:on, on can :honest notice. IarLARE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELT' ELIWORKS. prrrsinnitm. • PAILS, McCIIRDY C 0. ,: Manufacturers of Sheathing, Brasiers , and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, liaised Still Bot toms, ripener Solder. Also, importer. mid dealer. In Metals, Tin rlate. Sheet Iron, Wire, go. Con stantly. on baud. Tinnera• Machin. arid Tools. Warehouse, No. 140 FirlaiT and IM sccoilutmucers, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper sot to any desired pattern. • myi4m3fidAwT Iar"PPPPSBURGII SAW WORKS HUBBARD, RBO. & CO., Manufactu rers of PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, warrant ed CAST STEEL SAWS., of erergdescriptioo, SOIL Muter. Crosa-Cut, llaug, andall other varied.. All kinds of KNIVES mid SPhINGS made from Sheet Cast Steel; Extra refine alien/1M and MOW IND KNIVES, A. gliPWarehonse and Works:. corner WATER and Summar...gra, Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to re-teething. gum min mid straightening chum. Saws; also. repairs of . 11 kind*. Punching and Drilling done at rea sonable rater, • jediein- tgritOBINSON, AEA & CO., (Sui , aessors to ItOtiumg, Mims et Mit.t.gag,) . WASHINGTON WORKS, Ythantlers & Naehlnists, Pittsburgh, Mannfacturers of Boat and Stational7 Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machmery, Gearing Shafting, Castings of all deserlpilons; Oil Toots and Stills, Boller and Sheet Iron: Work. WA is for 01774.11D1IYATENTINJECTOE She feedlot boilers. &300,000. IarBERIEDL4E INSTITUTE FOB Elveriadtal Caimans. NO. 14 BOND. STREET, NEW TORR. - nal Infonnatton, with the .MA(O test(ntontais; also, • Book on Npeetat Din amt, In , eratat en. '-a/Tr. ova hem. /F•BoIlyr! and rod . dr. Xmt free izazi: zt ling.z74 - 3 Icucre.;., - . 1;. - .."xa: ,dreas, Dr. J. HirailN HOUIDITON. Howard A.. 3.1•110121. PIIII/421Pht. 1111,1:110:DiRT ALL NAUSEOUS MEDICINES taken without taste or smell. by usin DUN• DAS. Dion Co.'s SOFT Carentse. Thinee In use. L'old by Druggists generally. - :n6l pv:lsi 4*i:1(0a:1 011 JOHN C. NeCONIDS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Al LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. . Atirrenslons, llottutles, and Arrears' of Pay piomptly - no:2:o9't ll'. C. BIACKBELL,, InTORNEY & GOUNSELI.OR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA.' 1:121121 B. F. BROWN, Local Claim. Agent. U. S. SAN. COM., 0111ce, No. 67 Fourth Streit, (BECOND FLOOR") , ' •, - • Pittsb urgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties,. and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected No :Muse made Until claims are settled, sad thee bat a modes ate he. m)23:10) War. .417011.4 0 E1" AT L.IIIIP, No. 120 Fourlh St.. °guano Wliklnr Hall. rarticulaf Attention given to lb. collection of ao 00 ? ut rtan.InVelliftAr . York, Boston, Baltimore, Inds; Bearer. Bellefonte, Iteadlng, Pa.; lanspolis, Ind.: Morgantown. w. Va., Uric., N. 1., and eleewbere. .019.111 JOIENA..STELUrik _ 96.1C4731E 9 T111X496.1 4 T, • • Ez.Offitio„ ittstiee of the Peace. AND •votacr IthluernAta.' • Mier, 112 Filth St. oppoodte Cathedral, • Prrresuitott, El/L. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, De po.ltlons and all Legal Endues executed with promptness and dispatch. ' M119:81 WILLIAM JANCET I F NOTARY FBLW, JEBTICE OF THE PEAOE,AND SHIM ESTATE AII'ENT. Office, corner et HUM Dravor stcneta Lawrenoecillo. . , ..PCVlatrtg: ggstgii p a g e , B aration and acknowledgment of klnda d ora.ga, WILLILit JANOLT dludlce of the Pewee and /notary Public. EUSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONREYANCER, Ifireansylvanla Avenue. hot of the bola oti lona) Mu Simi somas fiILITHANI T. EWING, Attorney at Law No. 69 Grant Matt, Piastwitizeit. IS, =art otasraid l . tit"ki:':;11.11.);141" FtR sALA.R.—A Farm of about 58 res Tinton Township, Alleatiau county. Pa., alitiate about four mile. front the city on_the Washington Pike. The Im_provements are a ur g e two stco y Brick Dwelling house with i 7 rooms, • 7 Wo•vtoridPritill Boone, • Carriage House. • huge latuther Boom, a No. 1 Fram Bank Barn, with stabling sufficient:or 60 head O f cattle. There 11 aline Young Orchard. COUlDrlstus shout 1.2 aeres. stocked with the best varieties of fruit trees. It is tindarlaid with coal. 7he land in in • high state of OUlltuatiOn. well watvred, fence. good. and would.= admirably for dairy or ,gardening pur l:NW& Ab0.:173i agree adjoining the above, with • good )mate House. Carriage Hence, eck,ltipring House aid other 01t-OUlii1111$1_• with • good Orchard in tine bearing condition• This piece is aloe all on. derlald with coal. Also, la acres adjoining the stare, unimprored, for sale low. Thls placate also all underlaid with coaL , The . above three pieces of property . tie between the Little Saw 11111 Rue and Steubenville Railroads, and the coal can be reached email, from either road. Tee coal alone la worth all that I, asked for the en tire propene. Also Fame 01173 sexes:ablate In 6 'Clair town ship, Westmoreland county. Fa , ediately on the line of the Penns. Railroad. The! provementa are a two-story Frame House trith o.e room, and good cellar, a Frame Bank Iliarr, 0.60 feet, and other out-baLdlop. rd There on the elace a good Young Apple Ore :120 acres cleared, balance In good Umber: tenting geuerally stood,,well watered: underlaid with coal arid llmeston ; convenient to churches mills, schools Mid blacksmith Chops, to gether with the pers. °oak property such as stock. Implements. grainin Of ground, ae. Poseselon given immediately: ...,'' . .' Also, Fenn of 63 mire'„ situated in Martina towtudolp, Allegheny county Pa, about Sye.mlies from the city, near the tine o f the ritenbenvule 11, 12.,and within one-half mile of a statiOn:l9 &eraser the best of creek bottom land, and Ina high state of cultivation; 21 acres of wood land and atnre. The fencing Is genarrikAtood. The soil No. 1, and well adaptedfor ening. The atte nti on of those wishing to ember I. the hotelmen wiliest' atones and secure • good bargain. as this is rare chance. Also, farm of 04 acres, 'situate Rannoch township. Allegheny county, Fa.. on the Meson gahela river, about one mile from th Borough of FAizebetb. The soli le of the Wet gnat ty. The im provements are a Wm house with six a horn and other ont I.2.lldings; fencing ; ,boat 10 acres of coal. Churches, schools an mills very convenient. Possession immediately Also, the Amu rand In Zillabe tewnshlp, containing about 90 acres, lying on th Mononga hela river immediately below Lock No. le on which Is erected a large two-story brick dere ng, one log and one frame bent bon, corn erib, .wagon shed; brick spring house. elmnary. work ,hoed tat *bon Mama of, he aboven first quality river pore; th e balance be mestone lan limestone. laid with coal, and shoot 20 acres of There are 1,. two orckterds of apple trees. In good hearing ordl. ligilltei: 4=17 imr,pinft. being a short distance fro the thriving gorough of .1211.2abe10, creating • ket at home for all the products. The property 111 be *old cheap at#l on reasonable terms. Also. A. Farm of 96 acres, situated in Elisabeth M1 ,, n 41 6,_ MistmeXclonnt7. Fle , about one mile IlOta LOCK No. 00 alonongahels river. Improve ments aro one [Mae house, with lye rooms, barn:' and:l'M/use and other outbuildings.. The land is ufi the best , quality. The above will be sold at very I° TfoWi e dterpartlettlers, ensue of ~ n. Toyama. no , •' Mall taste Agent. lel Fount& Meet. VOR SALE--100 Acres of Laud A.: in WubWilton county, Weiley township, Ohlo. SO acres cleared, bailees is timber; good boom. good barn. waterbandy, large orchard. school and churches handy, and within 4% miles of Cutler ilta. Mon. on the Marietta and, vincinnati Railroad. ihlce Moe r acre. Mllecre lisnksvill areiles back of Temperadte on which therehree telllll3L hollieS_pf 2 room. each, one frame loose of four rooms. all In goaro Aeroscondationol'. 13 Laid for $2.000, situate In Hinkle, Valley, Blair county . , Fa...lthe miles from Altoona by the Pinking Valley Road. The advantages of rile property are numerous, aid by Witham; us we will give full particulars. 09 Acres, 60 acres of which le underlaid with ooal, altuath in North Fayette Township, on the Steubenville Road; improvements. good ?rum 'Home,aL Acsnas. o°o4 Bank Barn; about 700Frult Trees Patin their nmme. 30 ACttll in Union Toip. on the Washington is Fite, three miles MEL theety. old W ashington tieit i t ; f gornship, Mg miles out on the 16 Aereir s l osel'ciwaship. three tulles eat fro: efligrlng eil e onseg to Allegheny city, one i n - WilliliMbhrg. one is YreeporE. ono at Edgewcos fitatiod, on the - Central Foinnsylvanla Path earl. Alto bnntedisiely adjoining this station. • few more AORE LOTS. nen cob be seen at ills oglce. Also. 80/1114 and Mortgagee bought and sold. JOHN ROT 0010 Real Estate Agent, 139 fourths tr eet.. FOE. SALE, TEC TWO-STORY BRICE DVTPT.LtIiG, No. 43 Monterey street.• /Ale:Many. COULLIII• nine rooms, besides Mashed attle, - bath-room god tersh.house. For convenience of arrangement, and tinny and substanUal 'ffnlsb. It Is probably es'oel lea by any In the two Mlles of similar sls.. The house is quite new, and bat gas, and hot and cold water upAnd down Apply for Informatio Sh ocks 8. St e all7/41:-. Uroterin and Estate, sal ra fourth street, tHurke's TO MANUA - AC TUEEES. That large and substantial FIVE STORY BRICK BUILDING, onus known as "Large.sDl.tlnery. , In tho Float Ward, Allegheny. °coming an eaten slye lot of round (0001.100 193 het 00 th °hto river, and extending ,towards itebeces. street 417 feet, Is offered • Tering and fail made trufwn by 8.8. BRYAN, Broker In Stomp and Beal Zama, no= 67 Fourth st., (Burke , . Building.) LOTS! LOTISS--1 can now offer Lots as lon as $.90; Welt Itmatad and In • lacu na LOU located on the Pike !telt . V= 1.1,003 tin Liberty street, from 7to to LOCO On s tarve street, fr0m......• Unto PlI) On Hanle street. from 00 to ' 850 In Liberty Township,ndlotning the Borough lots" from 300 to 6 - 0 Athol!. not Towboat!). Lot. from... 'Soto 010 The above lots will be gold 00 terma to colt per. 'chasere. • Ise, some very desirable ImProved prop erty, located In the Borough. Pitt Township, Al. le Lenz Vlty. Ph tsburgb, and enning counties. ' Yoe terms, apply at the Beal ratll4B 004 insurance Mice Of •O. B. ATS, nor! I Butler street. Lawrenceville. FOR - BALE-1Y acres of Ground, well Umbered end watered. on Squirrel Hut ten minutes , walk . drom Passenger t baton at Rudy Lase. Fourth Street Road. Al., II urea at Home wood button; and several Farms well located In Westmoreland and Alles hen, ..un ites. Ala. Coal property. Home. and Lots la the city and suburbs. For taruher partlenLan eugn.re of - • wILLIAII WARD, -- sett (opoNoe. the ( C r a e t n hedr t a reet . POR SALE.—Four Two,-Story Brick Howe:, on Carroll street, East of l'aa. • . tare Lane, will. ern rooms, finished garret and eellir; water In Yard and ira, In an bones They • are quite stew and will be sold . 7 RAMSES Real Estate Agents, No. 01 'leaver street, Allegheny. no2,11:131 FOR SALE, . FIRST CLASS DWELLINO HOUSE. No. 133 ren. street, (near Mt): most eligibly situated, three sto,led, with ell themodem Coo- Tettieuces; good Carriage Houle and Stable attach ed. For particulars lutibire op h02.4 . 01d /tiAAC ' M. riot NOON, 510 Wood it. FOR BALE, A URGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, With all modern Imnrocemente, in eompleteorder, and situate on the Penna. Itallw•7 - Inquire at No. 119 rilisr STILET.T. 1101).):037:TTS PltUnurgb, 'OR SALE AT A HARGAIN—The Mock, Plitures, and Good Will of BOA! IS - TRIMMING AND FANCY STORE, No. 103 Penn street. A flora business now doing. Uv nvr bay lag to remove to the reason for For particulars, inquire at sue store. n0.0:092 L. istUitrON. 703 Penn str,et. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Real Estate Broker. OLINIL BAILEY, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE, BROKER Having taken out a comiolssion as Auctioneer, and eldortoo en engagement with the Pittsburgh hoard ot Trade, remiing the toe of their rooms, above the Thi.o Nationa lßank, 1 am now prepared to sell at Public Aue , lon, stocks. hoods, Securities, Steal Este e, dc., either at the above rooms or on the prerni es Particular . ettengoe paid. as heretofore to the sale of Real hadate at private sale. vales ofiteal Estate In the equate, attended. Mace, 1 , 2 FOOllll street. . AC= A- SALE-100 Acres of Coal A- Laud. lying Immediately upon.the Ohio River, SO Miles below ilsllapolls, and Bandit's steno Gin einnatL Oa the - Duro tract Is a four toot vein of Coal. which, to• general purposes. Is 001Snrpassed. It Is entirety different front the SOU Meru Ohio Coal; contains . little sulphur. !loges and cokes well, and Torinaking steam cannot be excelled. The lo cation beingabbot midway from Pomeroy and Hanging Itock,Mnst. make it valuable for coaling Doss. There Is a water trent of II( oft. mile, with a good landing at all •lages of the river. An entrance has been run in the hill about Me feet, track Mash ed toriver, together with th e necessary natures for mining and delivenng co .1 afloat On said tract is Bret-clue double Portable Iflrculer law MILL to- gether with a Purist, e ODD Mill, all In good run ning order, end plenty or the very best oak, ash and poplar Umber. Would sell one-half Interest If desired. to a party with experlance and caplUd for working same, • • JOHN D. BAILEY. • Stack and Real Estate Broker. °cliff _ Ifflo. 103 Iroorth street. , 133321 T 4 NIR SALE—A well' established ra and profitable Manufacturing Muslims. The business Is cult' and susceptible of being largely Increased. ' JOHN 13..HAILICT. ocgt• at° ' k and ttauf2l4.l7,flfVg,F, LA rizaaN HOUSE . Tbe milnieribers baying lamed tbiallsgorite House It bas been ftEYITTIUNU IiTitNISHZU IN AN BLISOANT HANNAH. and Is now prepared with the mostperrees appointments for the reception of guests. The trot position among dna-clam Nobel, will be maintained In the toserso,_aa the past RAKER in rAIII.NY. GRANT ROUSE, C. ZIT. lESECEIX.iIF, W'rcrver, Corner d halo gad Peden! &reels, ' Near the Suspension Bridge, . LLeolpiltkV,4T Pa goirm - yr.; 451-JELA. , • • • HUML6 A. 311) MGM) PUNTER, GRAINER AND' kLAZIER, No. 54. Hand St., Pittabugh. Mtn and Ornamental titans at eaMT . desetiptlon done taunter. All work, e Fromm, at reason. - WILLUX. a. 811.0M14' • • cLatio,tiiiieranrsiForairsr.) HOUSE AXD PAIUTE% Mptllwtantaarof 4flrl4dMarket.ueet& rimicraes, FOR SALE ON REASONABLE 'ITEMS ADD AlVerialtifEElL HOTELS. Phlladclphia. 0;71146B0:41 miaacmvr WINTER STOCR Or • Boys' Clothing.. Now In Store a ,large and complete stork or esurrs AND, OVERCOATS For the Winter Season : Prices Low. GRAY & LOGAN, A 0.47 St. Clair Sired. nono HENRY G. HALE, KEIRCELAST TAILOR, Northwest Cartier of Penn ds St., Clair Ste, Oahu to return thanks to tate &lead, and the pub lie for the mane naat favor& and rex:meth/1v Gene Its sabers of their &tura patronage. He wont pleaaed.ao have them examine his Large and Carefully Selected Stock Fine Woolsn. Goods - lirtierilsrly adapted tot 101 MIL :40 111116atalOSS F&LL AND wurrEn GOODS. W.B. M' GEE, No.lo St. Clair Street, Would call the attention of buyers g r eat stock el Goods, which bas been selected withcam. and contain. all the West styles of Goods to be found In • ant-clam berme. bleats wan line a SUIT or CLOTHES MADE TO OEOEII, Will please cal and examine our goods and_ prices. Also a full an complete stock of BUENHIHINS *NODS. WM. H. ItteGED, MEUGHANT TAILOR, No.lo St. Clair Streets Pittsburgh. :lore) q:wfs 41 IT) :Se)*l THE VEST LATEST STYLES OF Fine French Calf Boots, Fine Hip Boots, Water-Froof Heavy Boots, Ladies' Polish Boots, Ladles' Batton Gaiters, Ladles' Congress Gaiters, Ladles' Balmorals, Misses and Childrens' Shoes of Every Description, at THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. 12012 BOOTS AND SHOES. J. WILHELM, No. Eig Market St., Pittsburgh, Has loot received a irery large stock of an klnas of . 13 coco • Das.xDr3•191.33C)M113 . Whlebbo to prepared to sell cheaper th an Ole ot!eigt ratell o S Oh t/ s PIi&YIn ", IN ' W/Vg, ". at r oh n l i° o OWN MAIL .1. WILhEL3I. ocalnale No. 38 Market street. will:~H 1jIJY : i$:J:11:4 4111 07 SIIMM6II BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS and Balmoral.", ]net received * and will be mold et the ITYRY LOW /1:1l/T PILICES. either Wholor•xo or &run. Vivo ca • CALI. Bnronz rIIIICHAEUX/3‘ . • J. H. & W. C. BORLAND, zu, No. OS/dirket street, id door tram rtfth rli COOM 1111:=1..s. 401111 Fran= s C FIELDING & BRO., • arsimuleeturem and.Tlesiers,in CtuArtoaxs. 21.1.1it1ey BOOTS, SHOES & GAITED&S, - No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. ignissalni promptly executed on the shortest no tion.l lenen2 PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. ADDY WHIMS &HILES PSa~BI2 W. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Cor, Sixth and Smithfield Si.% PITTISCH rat lig Pd.. Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, All Undo of Water, ( "1 7)= I . cocoon I ztnre, coo. noway on hood. iotaels GAS AND STIIIMIIITTING, !Hydrants,' Iron Ptunps, SHERI' LEAD tram zzab PIM arzacg imams WATER CLOSETS ADD WASH S T ANDS. TOM T. • EWEN% (13aeconor to XwettiAl Co., ) • I 165 Wood St ., PlttsburaWa. EITT:i4B R. JOUNI "I 01 REILLEUT &-JOEINSON, N"FiAL.C7TXOOXX.i• t Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, nrra eraarr irsrzNaioN, 1nAL8M1111311.131102 4 Pat All orders by mall executed satlafactorllY promptly attended to A. hal Unita Bath Tubs, Pumps, Baslos, .r Closets, Mots, Cosndellers, rendatits, and ki• ISbades, for sale at the most reuonable pricer. tended thderetrom c o u n try patrons by mall promptly at co . Rum licae °revery description. . 'CMOS ADDY, WILLIAMS &HERBY Heap on hand a superior artlelo ct WOOD PUNT'S, All kinds of Iron Primps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead Sheet Moe, Lead Pipe, Bath Taos, Oinks, Wate Closets. Wadi Basins, Wash Stands, &e., at the Con u inixth and Smithfield Streets, All Studs of Dapalrtod done promptly. All orders by mall IzaktedlatelY attended to. Woes* PLITMDING, GAS AND STEAM , 00 • • IT2III , C ' ca - mlrktig.toAtTftTsdgle . ,ltto:.°—uca OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS SHOWER BA.TITS, • WATZIt • CLOSETS, Constantly on band and 1:11240 to ord t er ipliljer AIL'IMI et, eazrvrxxsoez, No. 50 ledtrld . fittlat,. " #llenheny, and .I.ll.9••••itgr "'"'. rkt.h.170.. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, se. M111310.s WE iLTII Of PIi2iiitIYLVANLV To the Hein and Legal Representatives Q[20113 WHITEIIOI.IBE, bite of geld wetly, deceased: You era hereby cited to be and appear before me, .1011. H. GRAY, Register ot Wit Se., to and for said oonntyrou or before WEDNESDAY, thc day of December next, at nald.Register's office, at Pittsburgh, then and there to tale not Latter* of Administration on the estate of said John White .bonse: deceased. or shoe ounce, tf any t _why the same should nit be granted to lib MON RUCH- Ufa. or some other At person. wren under me hand and seal of once, at Pitt.. burr.. this Slth_day of November, A.p.. ltes. •no o:o6llthelOdraT JUI. U. DRAY. Resister, MANHOOD'.—How Lost! How= MMOTORED.roat PobtirAwl, era Cri"MIXT . IN' bee sT re ~,othe r- Mow orlilarhWeak=unteattyliom.4lollll Sexual Deb ty. anoint ta to Montage gen erallyLltarrommesationaumWllepsy and leltm mental an steal ty, ?whi n . trom !Self-Mb:se, &o n y Nogr. . awynneemr.: M. 1).. an ot the awry poor. ae. - Boon to BentundermeaMMlS °Villtr•retit •D eon ego, to any m. dret post p u l o z;l . , b c . ;:t e ra or eenth.or two pot la rowan!, New Tont, roit detaL../Z* 6 4 0 .1 Te sa L Dr. golverwell.si “Martlioa bolocyl , atp. NEW PAPER HANGINGS. Fon ItAELOW—lretch Designs, with Gold Bor. • darn , ' _ TOR LIIMAGGI2I—PoomeIan Marna on Cizingi A n a • JNAZ A HALLII—Now Greek Pattern/ on Red Clay gr ;2I, — CHAMBILLO—Lnoo and Lulls PaGorno n r ajark rinds. irA man 1 Wood =est. NOTlCE.—Whereas :Letters-Tea= teatestery ahem the estate of Zell= XXLLY, deceased, late or She County of Alleehean having b een . created to eabserlbefs. 0/1 Roes ',ideated 'to sad estate. era teuested to e Immediate pareent, aatl gatee battle atatits or eateads seratitet the SIM. 1 , 11/ maks blown Om same wlabott deter. to —.NAST YZLLY, • laleeatzLe el J&DAS Kane, deeessed. dei;pldesT :,11, 9 /10111111/ miost, asteittny. ki.)otri H. CHILDS & CO.. WHOLES LE DE/11 ' ,E1113 IN BOOTS;SECOES ..9. IhTl3 SOLE LEATHER, No. 133 Wood Sireet; PITTSBURGH, PA. To SHORT TIME lad CASH buyers we oiler su perior inducements, us oar facilities for Denuder. unsurpassed by ANT house East or WM.. PM/MY WE directly from lunar unripe entirely sor cunt, we are enabled to sell as low aiany Eastern Jobbing Hon MIERCIIANTS are Initted to ea/I and examine cterstoet and note oar brines before Perebealn elsewhere.. arclorgs far HOPE MILLS Superior Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS, patting, Twine, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET CHAIN, c 11190., Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES., /Wall orders by mall Nlll retelre lamedlate and earetal attention. H. CHILDS & CO. odl:l63:thirT WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO. NO. 115 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH. Have in Store and are Iteceiving A MI MORTICE= OE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES The Attention of Dealere - is Invited, lEEE ON. T. SEU.NRON...7. CSTITECTIION IP URE CALIFORNIA GURNER & CO., No. 80 Cedar St, New York, Offer for sale these valuable Wines, which are-gain ing public favor with astonishing raphilty,: d whose unprecedented and nude:died popularity an ls not without merit. They have only to be fairly Crated to give them the preference over all others. As a purifier of blood they excel all other Wines: and the numeralse certificate. which have valuate. rlly been tendered from the most eminent physi. clans, as well as gentlemen In everyposltlon In 11l are proof conclualre that these Winesa•e 'useful lan all eases for which they are recommended. The following brands are now offered byes. They comprise all the varieties now grown la the State suitable for male: WHITE, or HOOK WINE—Of a light straw color, very delicate and fine flavored. CLARET—A...apes lor win natural le cue. ANUELICA—A rich and y sweet wine, moth admired by ladle., nod valuable In the sick chamber, as It makes fine wheys and jellies. It Is • dna deasert wine, and well adapted for Communion P IMITEL—A light colored, highly aromatic wine. Very exalter to the celebrated Tokay. POET—Deep red color, flee flavor and la many respects similar to the old wines ILLiglOll. a i l UM.PIt BRANDY—The pare ! L awton Of onr wines. . . WINE MITT ETtS—A very agreeable tont& and a sure remedy for the diarrhea. This is oee of the most valuable combinations of a useful and an agreeable beverage that has ever been offereitto the public. Millions of bottles were sold throughout the horthdining the lastfour years, ate! wherever Introduced it has proved a welcome addition to the invalid table., the manly circle. and the b echelon, sideboard. . Ladles who bays Lost strength and appetite, and suffer from mm., vomiting and vertigo; gontle men who "don't feel very well" must before-break fast or dinner. whose stomachs are out of order and whose sy tams are gen ends . deranged; mothers . weaning children and angering nom general debL- ItY; children of slake nature and souk, dyspeptic constitutions; travelers whohave ocesslontochange their water; and all who Ilse maLsrlous districts and are subject to mlasmat c Ingoences. Will hod It one of the most.valuable Invigorators Liu can be taken. • • . • It was need' very eatermirely in 13M, with Yoali gennial satisfsetlon that m offering it to the pablic now we deem It unnecessary to publish any of the many certificates that we have received, testifying In the very strongest terms in Its favor. All that we can to Is to guarantee that we will pledge our selves to Walsh an article mai AND UNADITLara• ATILD, It : his been given to little children taffering from weak.... and weak lenge with moat happy effect. One little girl In particular, with pains In her head, loss of appetite and d .11y wasting cowmen:dim on whom all medical skill has been exhausted, has been entirely restored. she began with bat• tescipoonfal • day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased and she is now well. List of Priciest a Per Bottle, Pa Dozen. .$1 CO • , 1 T 5 C CO O 1 CO _9 CO Rock. Wtne Claret Fort . .. Angelien /trancly 0093:mei CHINA WABEHOUSE. RICHARD 't BREED, 31:734CPC)111. 1 r1ErEt, • No. 100 Wood Street. BRITANNIA. AND SILVER PLATED TABLE WARE, TEA TRAYS AND TA.IIL6 (MTLERY, always on hand. CHINA TEA BETS. CHIN• DINNED sETS, CHINA. TOILVT. SETS, • alkl/N• VASES, • CHINA SPITTuONS, BOHICHLAN WAKED? EVERY DESCIIIPTION LAVA CARD HAMLETS, LAVA VAIMY, LAVA HMI CONS. - ENGLISH STONE WARE of all vs:lake. toad I wholesale and retell trade. The largeet andmost complete stocked everythlng In this line In termsty. Pekes and he same as lathe eastern ellles. myl7/039 1866. FALL 1866. CALIREIrSii. We are sow exhibition for PALL TRA.DR the moot extensive stock of goods we hart eltor had the pteunre of offering to our patrons. - English-Brussels and Tapestries, Moor own importation. comprlshig many new end engine patterns never before to this market. RICH HMI AND YEAR CIEPITi ASB RUGS ERBALUIDRItEIt • SWISS LOCI CURTAINS. Jew lid !legal Paitenti.of Conlin; Side & Centre Mutts, Loops 84 Bands, Choke Styles Notting Curtains. lITABLUat & comaik Nos. 71 and 73 Finn STRUT. Next Mate to U. S. 'utom House and Poet ORM Second floor. 11 J. LANCE, sua. AND NOOLZN • DYER LED SCOURER, chbitgintukrw caztins and chile Co Clouml Flag Wad without tispacianr MOS. /SO IMO 181 Mira Street, Between. W ood ladita lth2 thi• lay Man OAK TANNED LEATHER BELT.. INU.—.I: foli 'toot, of all Mom. coadoony on band. goaranteoa to Do of mitt mut t►. J. • MILLLPS. D 9 rata NI In, QUILe itrollt . . i - , UrP/TTSBURGH - THEATFIE. Ltessr. AND MAsaaus,WlL. HE2IDXS3U2I. • Third night of the suteeasful engagement of YANKEE [ LOCKET Who bac been reesired- this with orerflowlne [incises. He will appear this s La two cher. liters. THIS (Wednesday) 4%1:N0V the three act drama. entitled the YANKEE. IN MUSA: On, TACON'S .7TIST/CE: Seth Nose. a MeXlenti Miner on his wolrfrain AUX. leo to Maine......... Yankee Locke. Overture Orchestra. To conclude with the drama of SAM I'ATOIS ?RANCE. Sam Patch . Yankee Locke. Bat' USURY ANTER.N..O24. Extraordinary At. tremor,. `NEW OPERA MUSE. C. D. 11E:S1 DDLVOTOZ, THIS (Y 1 545,55,15 y) EVEN151 5 5 .15,555151 , er sth, WALLACIFL. An §}ixuipK, 1\ THEMEFLCELAIIT OP VENIOZ. WWINVITIN. ti t Phdr..llArllT MPrlday -on la% Bone tic, Mr. Walltek, !bribe Int LP4tilatrab.AavreAt ausctor of NA, Boon -11 EN RY DUN BALL Btur.l.i Mterfooo—Grand Fublon.blc YatlaCV O[tlfe RO 1 •NCa OY s PUOB , yuUIIG Y~7i. aBIASONIEI BALL. THIS (Wodneadav) EVENING. Nov. Mb. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Fourth Melt of the Champions, BOBGE•S. dt LLRUE'S 111118TItELS, The acknowledged Autocrats of Minstrelsy. 24 STA/ZS, 0 COMEDIANS, 4 CLOG DANCER& Marvelous Vocal Quartette. NEW BONGS T0.421011T. LIVELY BON aorn. 0311 C Ult. Illit-40111A8 AMY RIARCIII. - SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Trial Clog by too Four ChamplOna. TWO •DBOMIOS. Admiadoo, 33. Reserved. i•ests. CO. Doors open at IN; to commence at &o'clock. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at I o'clock. Tick. etc M cents. dog. r PLYMOUTH CHURCH FAIR AND FESTIVAL, crr - w Dec. 11, 12, 13 and 14. The Ladieio(PLYMOUTH cm, acit will open o the public on the dais above mentioned, a GRAND FMB AND FESTIVAL, Arid will brier for sale lIBITUL TAItOr ARTICI,6S—TOIII: CONFEOTIONAILY. /OE CfLISAMA OitaWAS, AC. The New England 'Kitchen Will be open, and all the OLD AKD TOOK. FOLKe will home, In good old farttlone4 tea. tome, and wLI . BAKED itaAlitl, t KIN PIES, Durlb*HNl:rr*, APPLIB, KNIVES TO WHITTLE WITH. &e., Ae., At. A Programme or • SPLENDID TABLEAUX WIN be offered. In which THIRTY Y•UN LA MEd, h.:ennui THREE HUNbRED YARDS OF RED, WHITE - AND BLUE, will "WZAVEI A BOND OF UNION not easlly broken—a =Wine and beanUtal BHA. FIRST-CL.fSS Will be futalacd each day, to all who will come for It. ms.ve.z%sels 23.A.ZW=1 Will be In attendance, and other Mulct will be offered. Admission Tickets ................ Sc. Dinner Tickets, and no extra charge for ad miss t. ' 'MOO Beason 1,50 Arian artlelea will be sold at reaaonable prices, and no advantage will be taken of the 0C411.11011, or or our v triondm who shall ylslt us. arA GIIAND - FERO MILITARY BALL I=l City Ball, Thursday Event, Dee. 6th. Arsons the Invited greats, General O , NZILL, of Ridgeway notetlety, has signified, his Intertion of being Present. The best Ideate which the city :fiords wlO be attendance. Card. of Invitation and Adadttaare, 11.00. dea: pa . .) I 0ki , p):4:4R916,1•)4; ..itt; it* T.-4911 icosx.en ciam.s3u cox:Lwow SOHO OIL WORKS. BUM KtU&CO, ILLNII/FACTLIBIittI 07 THZ CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILLI Sperm. Lard and Whale oils, HID UGH, ?UMW OIL /DIME 1114 ALso, _ tandatd White Burning OH, No. 88 MarketStioet, PITTSBITAGH, PA. WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFEIEVG cmommaaa.nrir. • OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. ifErarEaratv. Tnu r. wouss IN TraumnancEon.LE. Ocoee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Meat Buspeactealtridgs.) . MANIRACTTIBMIS OP MIX WEE= EIUTLINDEN43I- COIL. sythrea Brsnd—"Lnoifer • EUREKA OIL *ORBS, Ml-1177ACTIIHM17.S 0 EUREK4 C4RBOX' OIL, IZIEMZIE3 EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, And Wbotesa Deniers In Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, LARD. spasm, WHALE AND FISH OILS, Pio. al Market, St., Pittsburgh, Pa. O. 4:7. ATC).121X..10, 43.4 gt. Call mid examine sampler and read Certilleatet. n015:a14 WARING & RING, 001E18101 WHIRS in BUMS 1E Petroleum and• its Products, 4 DUQUE&TE W4F, - wirp.ramticrwmaz. . PRILADraXHILL ADDRZIgh WARINC, KING & C0..MT17:145 Wahnit . . EAGLE Olt "I'2°ll Xaewocrzeaxiqeml3le. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. ftellasrs and Dealers is PETROLEUM. .21127Biarmr?ffillenuminA"'"` LonS BERGE di. CO., Raniiitio• UM= of GRAND AND EttIUARIC MAIM: I Waterneme BLILSICSIt_STBSZT; Boma Sleet 'w ems thm Spillway. NSW %SUL The Planil tilesnicilree by this m i t er W e ir by all the Diller wilds or the their rt e h r g i t ula a TA IT a la i :lle u m rt=ND 'a• &ten tte_ tete Sole, ' rood. lance. without.. Gaud Trench setwatlng Action. earvill legs. ailoll desk t vj g e z ,ar e3;x wri t teu guarantee . ilatzears. P::.EXPLOSIONS IN V—Tbla Ls accomplished bribili• AU' AD 111 Gill LAMP. imam It anliber Tit= aor C.lllltaRT. • IS AIR TIGHT, eastaot be brokel by a PALL. orbs woo GUILE DUR2fixa. It Said Lamp, giving a item (which Ms .I.lnd will not blow oat) EQUAL IX EVERT WAY vo t i ta Et OAS, at •LT Tint cosi . . Nail C• 11 Ulll UN LT • ZOOS as ehelipaa Coal. IT ITBORT Ilansalre TILE I.IOIIT. RTATE ittuaTs flf Ws at No. 8$ ruarth street. Plttabarab. Pa. n014010.w. , 0111 INT! 1102111N1/1 11011UNTI ..A. Raring rueelved the excluslye wt or ARNOLD t MLR ELM/ BIIPIMOR minx .11OMIN Y, regain:m I am 1213. t. O. betYuls, sad Wllltslotlatit mesa throughout Ow season, yrsale supplied at /ewers rates' FULNRY RZA. haktizinsw tilSitystiaat. nolini.aa •mtalt. 10 iimeteLINSICED•pm received °7 66oaata:; icaL_LY a 00. am Wkslima, Dumps fr wow, mai, CI orn
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