= IlitMlit*Sra.gettt. ---7 - . totc-EjliBER FCILOTEPI TO YEARLY ADILTUiERA. ,Iti:4;sdit ' tel theta's" . . ainourtfof advertising patron age with widdi we are favored, and for which we art deli thankful, and the increase ot, our Ursula • Oon, altogether endemic present means to ant, pip.aa promptly as et ought, we And U generaUY 'tnernivenient. and etirnes Aulte impose bte, to - twat etausector earlr advertisers. unless leit at. our'eonntitig• before 'seven o•chtek In the evening. TILE 10 rrx oil; wEsr. Before the war the inhabitants of the western and northwestern Stateai engaged in. agriculture, were poor. The greater „... ~.,, part, Of them were in debt, Many had is mortgaged their lands at rat of Interest ruinously tisirons. Such was the genet's!' '.impoverishment that easterni capitalists, , who had been enticed intosending moneys 1. i i weitibrinvesiment • - upon landed security, it hiSbratee,,foond they. were victimized; - the. yearly .product not sufficing to defray 116 1 16: expenses and , accruleg interest, " ' : 'While the firms Were Steadily falling away :Till market.itilue, and could not be sold for . .Any, thing like enough tr), reimburse the ad ' .itincestrutde on there. i . • This deplorable condition vras bravely altered by We war. The first effect was to' ' Straw. initarthorisand of hardy young Ben . , from the. ocations they had followed into . thing:Hoary and naval Services: Simultane ously there was a wonderful quickening of mechanical and manufacturing Industries, particularly in the older States, where labor had been measurably diversified. These abstractiOns from agricultural onployments . produced the inevitable consequences. The proportion of food-raisers was diminished, ' , ratably p the wholo population; and the .-,,. wiorrof lam products. quickly: advanced. Nor wari this all, The cheapening of money, caused first by the issue by the government - of vast amounts of legal . tender notes, and afterwanhir by the issue of the National Bank Currency, still further tended to en. `of the nominal valve of all discnptions ' 'Of 'agriCultaral products. Under these cir . •eumatancrets it did not take long for the far 3:dem, most advantageously to themselves, ' Wing , ... off their old uadebtedness. An inaL . ;,_ mean aggregate of obligatioc%u contracted . ..' ..- ..., ,j on the ape* basis, was cancelled in paper currency while gold was standing, aboVe . . . two hntiditA Per centum; and the. creditors d_am . agre . ttil li ted themselves. - oo the. in -this form 'what they scarcely expected to get at all Dior, the farmers of the west and north west are rich. The cups of their , pros-, peaty overflow. 'What is strange is, they igaore and contemn the fountain of underlying principles out of which their 141161:61ance hati , flovied. - They fail to see ; that it. the stream thereof shall be dried up, their fortunes will wither and their . . former. - poverty return Upon " them like alined men.' They are impatient with. the slow process by which the Industry of a %, great nation can be thoroughly diversified, and clamor for Free Trade. They hold • • the completion of a ship-canal, of full capacity, around this .Falls of Niagara, to he a greeter acquisition than the building of many Pittsburghs on the Upper Lakes and - • .. Steltivers Mississippi and 3lissourf. , At the commencement of the war the *. ng - Classes. throughout the Southern States were opulent. They.had increased in goods, and had need of - nothing. Lux ,Wry intheir ,dwellinas„ arid no wish of '''the'lr 4 hearts ungratified- aotton f.•vu king, ana tobacco' and :sugar were reigning princes. The war possed over • those States like a devouring fire. It con ., mimed the accumulations of genet stick's, osilibmpoilari the very springs or future • . oupply.. 4 When' it had passed Desolation • - sat:brooding Over the ashes of vanished Mil vadat. sind Crashed ;ambitions. Institn tions l OissPPeared, lb° establisbed forms aindustry had been broken up.. It wasitopssilble. to restore the old founds -57:' Mali% and the na were only inchoate. .!.fhe South turns from Its traditions. It -near-that all things must'- be -made new; that an”ibllation of slavery has open- eitthirwity to' a higher career - and nobler 7reaults• that with freedom, pug _coma the educa,tiqu of laboring classes; that with intelligenCe the itigher forms of industry are practibable; and that the nation is m -5 pregnaple.rwitich-laswithiniteolf the most :7 Of *lee are essential to perfect --t iavilfzetioiCilinee, the Southern people are eaniestly'seeking the introduction of njetrtuptpms._ lithe spirit already apps. _tent, shall bC tally developed, the lapse ot a generation will heal the hurts of the Sentkso , thaino scaryshall remain. The ituntassing resources in climate, in soil , and inininerals; laviihed Upon her. by Na `!'- lure, will be' turned to superabbenaing welkub; , . aqd the days 6f her mournite will beendlsi.;.:l I i S r -4 1# 1 , 11 - C° llNE • 55, :i tiartyinere ago this aeritienuur, now a Senator of the United States for California; .1113.4e4hiNew Torkfien:t one of the Slow P 3 7l4'llutt tint& lie wai then fourteen "yesikeld. l ." 116 was' not iiconiparded by bial,nntsLfor they remained' behind in liehsad' - 'lter had he wealth nor rich Ma- I; -, nectIci!s, Ml* Country, to whotn be uould look for petionage. Eductited he was not, .Israg ,to have guined much advantage rtona - aclaoc4 He had, how- ever, brothers and sisters who received him on hie errivai; and- ibei -were active, Iry dtistrions. and welLemploya Living with thom.,,ha..ettioYed the. bozont, or the lest 'aMineirSrfo lll managed, mtirecrver, by private instructio n ; to' b e wrill-grancid In `classical learnhie w hen he reached• majority - he was not nay a . . sUktubtb but tliortigkli igthued w.lta Amer. ienstidess,and familiar:loth toe Politicsl hilifoti - ofthi republic. Liketfaiost'lriabiaee he took position in tbellemoeniffe rant a, bolt bji conceptions of Defame*, dijr , n9llalways comport with tbmielf the'lceidere of the party. Ho _ too; a certain tenacity and consistency character.of which her inherited from his father, whom the bumble yottsantry o f ,bis neighborhoird'lawitja isonsulted'•upoit all = matters:, M0.,/taxrPfrTgarikng hiai as 'ClAii:ileiriatiNiitii `trittlifut Mail, who Pbrifins_tead Of excititg mobs, and derted.his:leisaie bottes — to reading. At twenty-ontyears of =ago Joliic CoN. noes' .reasoycd .fcr-Callfornia, and polled --his first :orriti ; toMatc - f I a yreo,State t - . Ever_ Maoe lie has twine a considerable,. part in' molding the ' histitations ot that cortunon weslilai,Shi hrterelOs of germane liberty. Not that lie ':_tnade 'politics a pursuit. AD far from it, he' labored. In the mines, and ail" afherL'hou - orable , ;tillings. - member Of thOCollforniaf:eglsla.. tuuk.3l,:rp,lArgrty, In4FlY,Fentel,lll the , cgaion oft he:isle .Ifr.ibapp liriorornrck, ite , .-Vba'r l iittleinan, - 41.409471111persttetc*se41:k4enoy, in the "initiVii,Propa ei r eaLriChli appointment kitihßi'6#79l:„Salkiketis: cisco or asPokiftiliiita that - C . 14;1a. he dedtriediinaolitiiiiiiiiiiitot an inv. Anii.did not aid in 'Kr. Biroonrifvc,* lir;inder , to got 'an office in ,e 1- ciasai 44;ifiiiiti,01**tedon. sevcin ;:**4444 metabeilit :the Legislo*. 4009 OTJ~a®• i,the!.-pqamittc candidate for Governor, but was defeated the naturalized Irishmen generally failing , - to yoga for him. When Fort Sumter was first fired upon, and the Democratic leaders sigindly failed in their duty to the country, he at once declared himself on the national side and did mach to suppress the rising spirit of revolt; and the result Is that the spirit of liberty, *Lich -he contribu tfid to domesti cate In balifoinia i sm/Ives the treason that soughtits In Iso3, while he was confined to ids bed• by sickness, the Legislature had de volved upon It the duty of electing' a trai te il States Senator. There were ten or twelve candidates for the position, and most of them resorted to all the appliances that promised to promote their individual success. Mr. CONEES made no effort— . was 1101, a COltdiNtioll to made any—but he was almost unanimously:. chosen Sena tor. It was a ,spontarieous , tribute to his honesty, faithfulners and capability. The news of Ins election reached Lim on his sick bed. Diming his service in the . Senate, Mr. CoiskEss has constantly•demonstrated that the trust reposed in him was not misplaced. He has been true to the 4 national unity, to liberty, and to progress. na has, further more, been vigilant and tenacious his efforts teserve his own State. May California always send as true men as he to represent her In the Senate at Washington; atnt if Ireland has any more fourteen year old boys, of like metal and promise, they will do much better, for theinsolves and the world, to come hither rather than there to embark in con spiracies and revolts against the , dentina -1 lion of Great Britain. ALLUDING to the fact that custom house returns for the past year show a large in crease in the importation. of iron and steel, and to the appeal founded thereupon for a. larger measure of protection to the domes tic manufacture of those article, the Chicago Journal says • "It is desirable that .the iron Interest should have every needed encouragement, but it is perhaps still more important that railway enterprise should.. be facilitated. The development of the resources of the country, more egpecially in the States and Territories'west 'of as, depends vet ylarge ly upon the raikpad extension. The car of progress is emphatically the railroad, •- ME 'We hope Congrios great interest,of Pennvylvania and Lake Superior, but we hope it will also remem-, ber the equally important interest of the Far West. The tree h'ea of; a protective tarif is to extend a fostering 'rare branches of industry, harmonizing, as far as possible, any that may conflict." . Report of the !melon? of the Interior D 'SPAS:TIMM o f vice aIIITZELION lroshingion. D. C.. Nom Sei S Sin: I have trie honor to submit the follow ing exhibit of the operations of this depart ruent, lind of the various and diversified in terests connected with the brances of the pub lic service committed to its euporvislon. During the fittest year ending June M, public: lands were disposed of as follows: Acres mild for cash e&t,-D1.15 entered under-tee lecoastend act 1,02,516.86 " located .with military warrants U3' 380.00 approved to States as swamp.. 1,109,619.97 • i l ippi t roj d 'et w it i o u res c i nft ill urrc n o d l s - • 9 1,Y46 99 lege 4,522,31k67 , During the same period 6,473,9E4.18 acres I were offered for sale. The cads receipts from , sales and other secrets were aM4,635 Cd. The , number of homestead entries exceeded that , of the preceding year by more than sixty per matt. The entire amount of the public domain is 1,4G.5,468,800 acres, of which 174,160.551 acres have been surveyed, The boundary between , New Mexico and Colorado, as well ail that between California ' and Nevada, should be permanently estab lished. and the limits between Florida and Georgia finally adjusted. Land offices have been reopened in Florida, Alabama, ldississippl Louisiana and Kansas. By the act. approved June 21, 1866,piblie hunts in these States. are reserved exclusively for homestead entries; and for the. period Of two years from the date of MS passage, only Mak. ty acres can be entered by ono person. • The opinion of the Attorney General that patents foriands sold, under the revenue laws must Issue from the General Land (Mice, will gov- ern the action of this department. Attention has been repeatedly:lnvited by this department to the Immense Talon of the deposits of precious metals within our terrL tonal limits. The mineral sands on the Paci fic sdnfic belong to the government,' tint It has not provided for the diaposal - of them, or for the development Of the treasure widen they contain. In the absence oftegislation by Con tuses, and with, its tacit Consent, these mines have • been . worked by individuals, vast ex penditures made, and a species of PossessorY right acquired which has been recognised by State laws, and maintained and vindicated by State tribunals. The act of February 27, liv.3, declares that no action In the courts. of the United States for the recovery of any mining title. or for damages thereto, shall be effected by the fact that. the paramount title to the land on - which such mines are 13 in the United miningd the Supreme Court has held that interests, apart from the fee-simple rights In the soil by patent, existed before that act, with the implied sanction of the federal government. The exploration and working of these mines have largely contributed to the national wealth. and our legislation should 1 submit, be controlled to some extent by exist. Mg rights and Interests, which are the legiti mate results of oat policy M inaction. The' wisdom of - Congress can '.devise measures which, by placing this vast Interest under the control of positive law, will render It tributa ry in a :greater - degree - to the public pros baronet Downing, of Bdlnburg, Saratoga county. New York, is the only nurviving sol dier of the Devolution. ills name wasstaid vertently omitted In the last annual report of the Pension Bureau to this department. The names of nine hundred and thletY-0 110 widows of Revolutionary soldiers appear on the pension toile at the close of the last :kcal .. The invalid pengionere disable t° the wars previous to that of 1951 do not exceed Web thousand. The widows and minor children who receive A of by reason of the ser vices and death. of those who served in such wars number one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven. During the last fiscal year twenty-two thou mandate hundred and forty-flue original appli crtions for invalid pensions were grunted, at an aggregate annual rate of one million seven hundred and fifty-aLe thousand eight hundred and twelve dolMrs and twenty cents. The number of midi pensions that were. increased was one thousand two hundred and sixty - - three, At an annual amount of Increase of forty-Du ee thousand nine hundred and forty six dollars and twenty-five cents: The total amount awarded to srmy.lnvallds during the year this appeate to be one million eight hun dred thousand seven numbed and sixty-four dollars and forty-live cents. ' During the same period twenty-seven t hon. sand and seventy-slx original applications of widows and dependent relatives of officers and soldiers of the army were allowed, at an aggregate rate of two million seven hundred and forty-three thousand seven hundred and eleven dollarsandsevcnteen cents per annum. The Increased allowance to such persons was two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ten cents; so that the sum required to meet pen slon claims-of this description allowed during the past year is two ,mblien seven hundred sad forty-four thousand and ten dollars and s . ..t.itr-seven cents. nA whole number of new army pensioners 1 of ...tubes added to the rolls during the rg t r y ,tfilea June 30, 1800, was, accordingly, trona, ~..,r‘ouseed seven htindred and twere.. r m illi on ,neeiring for their payment four . and twenty cents per annum.. . I Mred thousand titre hundred .. 4lollars and thirty-seven g th. a he number dropped from of death or other sasses , period, i the rolls Mule on account ‘iii ", was nine thousand I three hundred and t hundred and • e a l i rh w t y a a t hmo sand Ird u one nl hi u l ui c t 4 i,l b t w a i n ' : u seventy.anal - three dollars anti sixty-two Q . On the Snth of Jane last titrire.,,„,„, on pension rolls flity-four thutulann Si:— the and' twenty invalids, w hese y,..i.j hundred pensions was four Winne one inte f ai...."-P of twenty-eight thousand seven humeri-a. and ..teen dollars and fi fteen center and .I.,,,:sitilt thousand eight nu ndred and eighty-nine n ee., ° ows and dependent telatives.at a yearly rote of seven whiten two hundred and eighty-Toni thrinsand One hnndred arid four dollars a n d •-; eleven cents—makings total of ono hundred • andtwenty-four thousand five hundred and nine army pensioners, at an 'annual oggregate or eleven million four hundred any tuirteen thousand cum hundred - and -twenty-two dol lars and twenty-81z cents. • Including payments wpimelon agents, the amount paid daring the year - to revolution ary: pensioners was - two .Ifitedred" and fifty. twothriusindivio'bundred and four dollars and thirty.elglit cents; to army invalid pen sioners three million eight hundie I anti-tif teen thousand eight hundred five dollars and four Ceuta; and co widows and dependent relatives.. foot revolutionary.) nine smitten one hundred =lamina thousand four hundred and tnirty-six dollars and seventy cents— giving the total sum of thirteen -million one hundred' and seventy-seven thOusand four hundred and forty-six dame, and twelve During the year, two hundred' and.thirtY. ; eight Original applications for navy Divehi pensions wore allowed, at enaggiogate amount of eighteen tin:Manna nine hundreds . and too dollars and 1114': cents per annum.- Twenty.. live Dien - penAons lauretolore allowed were incresiedat at -aggregate annual rate of nine Imitated and seventeen dollars. Two hen. deed and eighteen, original .appliestions of widows and dependant relatives of Otters and gosinserwereallawed, at an aggregate tr Brirty4tro Shetland nine litnidred and . ly.eigdollirsVW 7Tne total number of or, toata ,op,oa Um roll. at WO • elate of the lircal year was one thons.twl and thirty-two, itt an liggregate annual rate , of '36Ve„..,._13:13,414.th0utriml Mx hundred and ten "...rs and five cents. The nuintiar of widows and dependent relatives was one U1 8 4%11 1 1 ono hundred and ehrbtv-coe, at , 4 eighty-ei gh t Ft h annual tale of one undred a n d and forty-tw thousand seven hundred odel , latte-mtilang the whole number of os.valyten mon,. of clgMeN twollnOrora a t 4.• nUn al tired arid thart t twonunttrauainrd sihonaann payment t d and .121fty-two dollars and dye three en re cen ' rat number of pensioners of all class The to e ,. es say and navy, on the rolls June 30,1SCS, was one hlndred and twenty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-two, and the r.gigiFstigg3 l °.Mturgi I'llePtatgA:Znesaer . , was thirteen reillion four hundred and fifty nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-six dollars and forty-three cents This amount fooleries ninety-ntne thousand two hundred and thirty-seven dollars and ilfteen cents paid to one thousand and forty-three pensioners residing In the States whose inhabitants were lately in rebellion. From the date of the executive proclamas Lion declaring the inhabitants of any State to be in .a state of insurrection against the Uni ted States. the names of all pensioners resid ing in such State were stricken from the rolls. Intercourse with them was, by the laws of war, the legislation of Congress, and tne Pres , ident'a ,proclamation in pursuance Glared. suspended so long as such condition of heath ity continued, but the right of such pensioners as remained loyal to the- United States was saved by the act of February 4, Ital. Their names ' on making the required proof of con tinned loyalty, are accordingly restored to the rolls. Sir. Attorney General Spi3ed, whose °pluton on the subject was taken hy my pre decessor held that the restored pensioner was entitled to, the arrears of the pension winch' had geerued since the last payment to him prior toqhe rebellion, and the practice of the governnient has been in conformity to that Opinion. 4 During the year ending September n), NOS, there were fourteen thousand and thirty-nine applications for patents. Eight thousand sev en hundreceand mixteen patents (including re issues and - assigns) were issued; fourteen hun dred and fifteen applleations were.sliowed, but: patents have not issued thereon by reason of the non-payment of the final fees; twenty live hundred and seventy-nine caveats FLertl tiled, und fifty-live extensions of patents were granted. During the amnia period the receipts re '4 four hundred and sixty thousand lone s a tired and sixteen dollars and eighty easits s and the expenditures three hundred grid folly ' three thousaud six hundred and ninety-seven ad nce o f and ne h seventy- ree ng abid a oundred th andcents, leavi sixteen thousand seven hundred and nineteen dollars and seven cents, dill whch, added to one htuidred anti eleven thousan t e litiudred - uud seventy-eight dril lers unit nineteen cents, the balance on Mind September 30, 1865, makes the amount now lit the treasury to the credit of the patent fend two hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and ninetyweven dollars and seven. ty-slx cents. On the 6th instant the Union Feeble. rail road was completed to a point twenty-three miles west tiro hundredth ineridtan of long itude, being hundred nail seventy miles distant from Omaha. The want of a redhead connection from Omaho eastward, has retard ea the transportation of the iron and equip ments of the road and compelled the compa hY to rely upon shipments by the Althaver' river at such times as the state of navigation permitted. The difficulty will be removed by the construction of the railway from Clinton to Council Bluffs, which, it is believed, will be completed next spring. The company have constructed all their de pot buildings at Omaha. The armngement end extent of their grounds and permanu t fixtures are one scale adapted to our a aslant' increasing tonna between the western and eastern shores of the continent. The road hes been built of such excellent materials, and In so substantial &manner, as to elicit repeated expressions of comnieedatioa from the gov ernment directors and commissioners. There cat' be no better evidence of the lidelity wit h which the company have met the require ments of Congress than the fact that the com mittsionerahave in no instance refound to ac cept any portion of the mad presented to there for examination. , The company have not flied a map showing she permanent location of we st d beyond a point three hundred tulles st of Omaha, surveying parties have been actively engaged in ascertaining the most direct and practica ble route, taking Julesburg, on the Smith Platte, at the Lodge Pole creek about three hundred and seventy.livemilee west of Omaha as a starting point, and have furnished a state ment of the comparative distances, quantities and gradients of three lines—oue via Cache la rendre and Antelope Pass, ono via Camp Walbtch and Crow meek, and the other via Lodge Pole Creek, Camp -W Ithaca and Chey enne Peas. It is expected that the definite lo cation of this part of the road wits not be long deferred. Tun company repo'rt that In April ISIS, their engineer commenced an extended reconnois sance of the country cast of Great salt lake with a deli to flea a practicable route over the Iv asatch mountains to Green River tla the Spanish Fork and the Uinta. After ascend lug the Spanish fork torts headwaters he ex,. meted the whole district of country lying be- tat een the hundred and tenth and hundred and eleventh meridians of longitude and between the pigalleis of forty degrees and forty de grees and thirty minutes of latitude. The-re sult of these examinations satisfied him that such a route could not be found. The survey of the lino by the way of the val• ley of the Sweetwater. the south pass of the Rocky niountains, and the Valley of Black's Fork of Green river was then commenced. It establish the important which e sum mits of alt the pusses of surveys had beenmade in the great ranges of these moun tains have very nearly the same altitude above tide-water. Fu i rther examinations were Suede details p e Lorahit, an have not g been famish In that reion, the of w ed to the deparrment. One oleos most important of this Company's serveys extends from Great Salt Lake west to the numboldt valley, between'the hundred sad fifteenth and hundred and sixteenth me ridian of longitude, travel slngi the Great American desert. Although incomplete it has resulted in th e discovery of a line, with grades not exceeding sixty feet Per sole from Great Salt Lake City to the valley at their um boldt, across the Ilumboldt range or amen taint., a distance of two hundred eight miles. For about one hundred and fifty miles across the desert nO fresh water was found by theengmeer. Item satisfied, however, from his exatatnations. that It can lo obtained in the passes overt:War mountain, on the east ern side of the desert, and the tint range w cat of the desert, leaving only sixty miles with out fresh water. The .01115 atlmLrablyadapt ed to a tine hard road lusi. The results of the survey are satisfactory to the compsuy, and Chow that the dlilicolties to be overcome are much less forintriabt a than were anticipated. The Union Pacific hallway Company. Lett ere illvlsicm, have constructed their rmat to Fort Riley, one hundri ri and thl: ty-tit e miles west of the Stissom I river, of which one hun dred and thirty _hots been accepted by the Government, thus giving a contin noes line cf railroad and telegraph four hundred and eighteen miles west of at. Louis. Thos hate also constructed a brunch road, thirty miles in length, from Lawrence to Ltd. Irene orth, which strorda them another lino of COMMUIOUStIOI3 to the Missouri river. Contracts have been made to complete the road two hundred and nifty miles beyond Fort Utley by the Sist day of December, Md. The trunk of the road is already considera ble, and elves promise of great increase in the futnre. The grow receipts of one hundred anti lira tulles of maid line and thirty miles of branch road, for the month of beptember, were forty-two thousand dollars. The Commissioners, under date of Septem ber IS, report that they have enchained, and they recommend the acceptance of, an addi tional section of the of the Central Pacific, Italiroad Company ofCaliforma, making a dia. toners of seventy-four miles from Sacramento. The Company report, under date of the 1111, ult., that they have constructed en additional section of twenty miles, reaching at the ter minus au elevation of about sixty-one hun dred feet above tidewater at Sacramento. A force of ten thousand men is now engaged In grading tbe next two muttons; the ties aro redwood, equal to cedar In durability, and number about twenty-live hundred to the mile; and the culverts areconstructed of gran ite or other hard stone, except in the t alley, where hard-humt brick Is suSstitutecLas stone could not be procured. Tile bridges are made of the best quality of red fir. The drainage Is ample, and the road well ballasted with gravel and broken rock. The grades aro necessarily ugh. The maximum authbrized by law has been reached for •dlstance of three and one• half miles. There is no difficulty in operating these portions of the road. The passenger trains make twenty-Ave and the freight trains twelve miles per hour. Examluatiests and surveys indicate the val ley of the liumbOldt as the most advantage ous recite through the State of Nevada. The company expect to reach, during next year, the Big Bend, of the Truckee river, to which point the roll has been permanently !Coated. a distance of one hundred and ninety five miles from Sacramento. They die that the'r expenditure exceeds twelve mil ens of dollars, and they entertain no doubt t at the road .will be completed to Salt I Lake City during the year eighteen hundred and seventy. I The Atchison and Pike's Peak Railroad Company have completed forty Mlles of their road west from Atchison. They confidently expect that sixty Miles of road wilt be com pleted by the first or January next. The Western Pacific Railroad Company filed on Lb° l3th of last July, their acceptance or the provisions and conditions of the resolution of Congress extending the time for the constrac ilea of the first section of their road, approved May dl, 186 e, On the 24 Instant this depart wont received the report of the government commissioners, showing the completion and equipment of that section. It extends from San Jose, In the airectlOn of Sacramento, to a point In Almeda county, a distance of twenty miles. Adequate Measures have net been gdopted In regard to juvenile offenders against the laws of the United States, convicted by the federal worts in the several judicial districts. Difficulties have arifien in executing the • et of Starch 3, leitt, and In many parts of the coun try it remains a dead letter. I respectfully re fer to that portion of the last annual report of tins department, which relates to the subject, ou e express my entire conourrenee In th e , s .1151bere preeental. .., e eleventh annual report of rho board of ''tors of theCS t hospital forth oversewn o s e ,. in , 8 74 shown that, daring the year ending , there were admitted, from the trot° the gol a d ' lrri t e n i rlo t m er e, i one army, one ~,,,,,x , thin navy and thirty-six patients; from the uY, nine; from civil life, seventy; department,nbol prisoners. throe; her th r.)e . total, under t r two e ' s t e m Th e u ni l Ft r i aV't , sabred . This anti 2. bO t s w . e aw n mh t y v - p ee t w nr o ui . om e d .. f Whom thirty wee roar hundred and esgb - s to three bend red and sixtys,,,,,t w mei 0 who" hundred and alaty.five were from Dailies; two and navy. Durtng the sente '"'„, ar e l it Y , one hundred and twelve were 'dl e. Charged " sel recovered; twenty.ult 115 .. MI/Mired, and ten as Unimproved, any four died) heaving under treatment, et the obese Of the decal year. two hundred and , elghty.one, Or whom one hundred and eighty , tiVe were males. Valuable tables accompany I conditionp showing thegbreleal and mental f these who atal,and or hose erne were received Into the loath Mien. during the year; the time of life at which each Of the two thousand two ettutdred anti lithe patients treated Stine the ouu of the Institution I Insane, theft nativit y ; the tone of disease under whteh theY /shored 'when ad. mined; the number - Who said the eqmseet of vil k um their sastatemanee end fveldmen and the*, Pomba . entitled to gmtalteas m i t it alargar NW AtirillAr :WI II rotect the 6.51,0G0 D The instances of the recovery of patients who have been received from the army or navy are by three hundred per cent. more •numeroua than In the caws of persons who have been admitted from the avocations of civil We. This vety market difference in results is at tributed to the fact taut the former are sent to the hospital immediately on the appear ance of symptoms of insanity, and their treat ment is not Interrupted or thwarted by lidu dicions friends. The Importance of these two conditions-early entrance and uninterrupted treatment...Ls fully and ably dismissed bathe ra fnlte meantime the Metal:111cl desired tn. be relieved of the care of the blind. The re qulsite amendment testis charter was Obtlllll , ed. The government benttichinesof this class ere now educated at an institution in an ad joining State. • The.directors, in their-. annual .report for 1E65, proposed, in lien et the annual allow ance for each government pupil, an appropri. Minn in gross for the support of the institu tion. Their estimate was twenty thousand seven hundred dollars, whirls sum was allow ed by Congress for the current year. Congress has appropriated one hundred and thirty-alx thousand and sixty-live dollars and eighty-seven cents for the purchase of Improvements erection cofin bu rdomg han e d x i o a h n e g r appropriation the sum of three thousand three hundred dollars,. to which the institu tion would have bad undoubted claim on as of the twenty.two government pupils, and it uppears that Congress, in hddition to the payment of the amputated per capita charges, has advanced to tale Institution the sum of one hundred and ninety-six thousand eight - hustUred and eixty-nee dollars and eighty-seven cents. . , The clerks tire not adequately paid. ,Many of them anceharged with duties bringing in to constant raw:Minion: acquirements which are the fruit of long experience and special study. The present salaries were fixed many years ago, and since then the cost of subals tence has increased one hundred per cent. The remuneration of the laborer, the me chanic and the professional man bus, is the Intervening time increased In a correspond ing ratio, while thntof these valuable public servants remains the same. Those of ripest experience and.greatest merit frequently re sign, as stronger Inducements are offered to them In ether.puraults than In the service of the government. • The. applicants for clerk ships are numerous triongli, but'donot possess the needed capacity for the higher branches of duty. No one, with the most limited cape rimed in an executive department, can . I be lieve, avoid the concluelon that its efficiency would be largely promoted by a radical change In the organisation of Its clerical force, end that the Increased outlay necessary to secure the services of experienced and skilful clerks would prove in the end to 1 , 13 true economy. I am, sir, verir.respectiully, your obedient servant, 0. 11:. Secretory ,of the Interior. The PLIKSIDENT. TO CONSURIPTIVE9.—The Rev. EDWARD A. W HAIM'S Prepared Prescription for the cure of CONSUMPTWN, AiTHILL, BEUN CHITIS,CULCHF, COLDS, and all TEIhOLT and LUNG AFFECTIONS, hu uow been In use our ten year;. with the most marked success. The Remedy, prepared coder Mr. Wilson's per•. moat su;erel eon; also a pamphlet containing the original Preicrlption, with 411 and explicit 'nix* . [lons for preparation and nen, together w th a shoes history of 145 ca:c, mar be obtained of JtMEPH FLEMING, Druggist, Corner Market street and the Diamond, Pittsburgh, Penna. JgrPrlcewf Remedy 4400. Pamphlets furnished• free °fel:Large. Pent by snail anywhere by JOSEPH ILEMI2IO,,on receipt of pa.. depwrw • • Gli AY HAIR BALDFEBA f DAND RAI tkr, ANY WREAKS. OF THE suAx.r.—Nt• DISCOVERS CAN trOMPARE WITH "LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DIiESSINt.." "London Our Best Half Color Restorer . "London ' Holz Color Restorer" ••London Physlotans Her Color Waterer" "London • Harr Color Restorer. "London Use and Dale color I. Cat °rel.'. London liOr Color Ratorer. -"London Reeoromend It. hair Color Restorer" $t never fansto Impart life. growth, and loot to the weasest halt. lastens and Mops Its fa ling, and I. sure to produce a new growth of bah, calming It to grow Hoek and strong. t ply 75 cents a bottle; Irt the hartdo cen.l Sold by PIeCILANIAN & MeKE.NNAN, SS Mar ket sires t. 41E1r. KELLY 31 Wood stn et. and JOS. FLEXING, $ 4 Market street, I Mubarak. KANE & DRUITT, anTitlZhatirg • TO THE .DEBILITATED - AND THE DECHLPID.—Yor senetal debility and ex hortation of the powers of nature, whether occusalon• ed by aleknest, Butt living. constitutional deco,. ola age, or any other physical or mental conic, the one thing needful and Indlitiemble is liOnTsT T DELIBBALTED:BTIMICIf BITTERS. V. Lea the nre'orlifescems to be ahem:UMW dying out to the system . .. ond,...the mind, 'sympathizing with the be'''. It reduced almostito • state of im b" ditty. this might! Itestoratthe seems. u It were, to Mt the 'sufferer out of Doe !Bough of Despond. and recruit and reintllterate , th th e frame ago tits intellect. to old lathier In the Valley of the Siononitaiela writes thus to-Dr. Hostetter: •'I can compare the op•ration Of your Bitters upon me tenni:Ong tr.% tee effect of s rain after long dr, the Ino the WI of theyear. The rain Ishing on the othadura marts the second clop.ot gram, and yoor wholesome medicine seems to havestanad • second crop Of life and spirit. In: And this is Italy the effect ot ttils.gratefel and ponerrol preparation. Ladles of weak ethatitotiort, or whose sten:meth boa been impaired be sickness or age, find It a most ef. Oration. and delightful Ton c. •nu It Is admiula terol with Scent Surreal In anaratoom or wetting of toe de h to young children. In fact, It Isa much skier and swot cordial , for the tha n soy. thing adrertis donee...illy for that poop. IZ, ZAI) al Vi liZq wm. BIND • • , Jr., Adams Exprsu Offtc*, 641/104Weet,taanmilanisedonagammar Advertiernienie for the GAZETTE. and all other 'papers throughout As DPW Statee and the Oznadas. USTATE OF JOUN CHILDS. IADECIt IL—Lettere of Adeplatttellon have been granted to the el:A.11'11W. Persona having elate. wilt ptesent them, and those Indebted ittl Dal immediately' to TIWs. L. lIAIIILTOW. *9 Fifth street, Pitt t,nrsb des:ol SAFE :WANTED. A GOOD SEQOND HAND SAFE, • 10 lathes WO Inside. )011 . 0s • 177 VENN taIIICET. 941114 where bate In sy tx : seeo. ' nIVIDEND.--The Virectori. or 8 - , the 1511[311MM:1AX OAS COMPANY hare de clared • dividend of. YOUR PIA CENT, On the Copt tat Stuck. pavan]: at the °Rio of ROBINSON: MeCLEAN t CU.. No. 7S ' , moth .tree[, Pit'. burgh, oo and after the 14th 'natant. 11.,ROBINWN. treathret. ll!1 , 3113iGIIAX. Dec. 41b. 38 8. MONEY SATED, GUEJT Ban • . wcri=a, IN BOOTS AND SHOES, At 01 Federal Bt., Allegheny Cagy. W. K. M'CLINTOCK.• 147 a. '9EI NredLoa - e4.1 Ettreeit. FLAT PAPEUS. 4uper Royal, Royal, .- Medi ups, Dumb ' Cap and Folio Pos YOU SLLE BT $. HAVEN. Printer and Ntationar, or. Wood and Tuird tle:rpie p MASTER CARPENTERS AND CONTRAPTUR3.-.The PENN*, HALT MAIM- FAC t rintl (.1 CO. wilt receive proposals fo u r erec Ina, •t once, • TWO El IVRY BUILDING YO) fa long, 40feet wide and 40 tent Keg, containing abort 100,000 fleet of lagibe!. The materlxle ern! be Nr nladed to tha . contractor au the ground. Apply daring this week at the 'worka, at Natrowa, or to No. Lia Bto kton Avenue, AP.egbear City, between data 7 o'clock la tbe cverling, where piFu■ and sveleentloie can be seen CLOTH SACQUES. WHITE, ORR & . CO., rifeti Eitreert. OFFER rolt SALE A LARNE STOCIL OF CLOTH SACQUES ALA Very Nicocv• Li-loom WVOLESALE & RETAIL FEB IMILNG RCM tbr Water,Gas and Steam Goods 3.437 Oimittattolci. NM, . pirmsUßGlC , Pat. - BAILEY,TARRELL& CO., LEAD PIPE, SLIEST AND iAR LEAD MANUFACTURERS, Dotter, le Pig Load, Iron Plea, llebber How. H ripe. and iicrews. UU (Moats,. rteam UUSS • and WPll4leli lilo l / 1 1k Valrekliatety Valvas, amelaa-lreu att . lam and Copper Bulks and Date lPrais and Hon jandZig . % j iamna. and . larsomit dt XXCI32. a. odSr - Pied by Plumbers, blarblulstb Coppersmiths. Oit nelluers, Remand 1.1. rte. ordeis ',romp!) , Attended to derMra SltrijitMft! CABRIAGE Grover & Baker No. 1 Sewing Machine Baton ligy r bxl m s t ewboris. It Li tie but In thole bobtsfit SO. IS rum arm*: DLLAIIIIBEILBELT4 I _ B . HOW wan , emstata antistiAg 1%.66 D'art' . TaWraW. A ' A NEW ADV JAMES T. BItADY & CO., CSocceoson toe. dents 6 Co.) • Corner Fourth and Wood Ste« BANKERS & BROKERS, DZALMISS 111 ALL XIXDII 07 Government securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold. Bilv,er and Coupons.. COLLECTION) made on 'MI s6eulbla whits in the tufted States ipaCansdas. Interest *Unwed on Time DODOSIth KITES! SKATES! D I HAVE tla;adc 3 . lattretlOonFir"omir 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MAI Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWN, No. 136 Wood Street tiolS;o13 IMPORTANT ID BRICK. MAKER' 4130,000 , 331•14:31K. I.r TEX 110UBS, With TiNglit Melt! SWORD'3 STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, = The Pittsbuigh Brick Machine AND • • BRICK MANUFACTURING CO., Yoe the faster% "'Rale' aal Soath•T.alern Si e+. T INE HINE IS SELF-TEM-. rzttlica.toits'onlyillt.NUO, (right to nye bele& proportioned to imes,ent all I pops atton or , t frit°. 17,1 Is run uy Inch eT11111.1”.• en. Ice, works ell Linda of clay. makes !SLIFKA& 11&100. pressed le reel moulds, 1,11111. only eight men to Mr the clay, fey the g , intl, r. take away the brick sod hake them In the yore, and m•kes Inlet as fast as you w sa to run tee eue. In oar own yard. our rata of melte& It frorn .11 to NO a minute. We claim this to be the be SetaAYIG Machine in uee. A msteldno may he 111011, , t1011 lti Our earl) at Olenwood Icor miles +thole the reachn the north ride of the Monongahela river. d Op the Connellseille &abroad. - Teri, County and State Rights for sale. For tall Inronnation, apply for circulars, lu per eon or by mall, at he oflre. We are prepared to all Isrge routratts of belch. Samples of the brisk to tss Leen st No. 10 Ftftb street, 504 the t'lllee, 2SO LIBERTY ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. r. M. KUM •Pres-Went. A. ACKLEY. Vice I'm Went: W. M. IRCILACKEN, Treasurer; S. A. tIL E.PYAUD. Socret.o7. Diazurows-8. M. Hier. A. Ac 1,14•7, W. M. Brio John .•Iten. W. 11. C ulp. &A:0 pITTSIBULIGH PIPER ALLUFACTURINC I=l Printing and Wrapping Papers CLINTON MILL, STEUBENVILLE. 01110. BRIIIIITON MILL. NEW itittanTuN, FA. OFFICE AND WAREIIOThE, ' • • No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa OrVICED.S—AUOTIST lIAR rJp. Pre.leicnt. I.IVa4GSTON, Tre.urer • SAMUEL Itll/1/..F..ee 01..TT012. — kugust Jlin S. II John B. tiirlairstork. Jet. M. Ver... C. 11. Nerriek. Cash Paid for Paper htoek. 11.1.R11. Alia! a. 1CT...14..R. L. BULTILICIL, BARR. KNAKE & BIIETTLU, Successors lo IVLSIELINK Yo. 11 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh I= Pianos, Ciirgans, And Ilualcal floo:a generally W3ole Asrurs for the Crlrb•ated Et ILA untinr New York. amt BeIIO.I2.A.CKE It - CU.. rtlii.4et . At.. E.STICY ••C6rratiz, • ' and S. D. 11. W. SIIITIPS • AMMUCAN" ORGANS, and 'II.I.TON'3 PATENT — GUITAR. The butt ltatlan and Gunn.e italic and Guitar titriaraaltrayr on hued nol7aur.l JAN.'S SittICILIM .......... 11. JIORLIDOX IQUN CITk SPICE MILL. STRICKLF.R& MORLEDCE FIFTH STREET EXTESSION, I= Ila• Ins recently purchased the above Ifq, we respectfully to the imbue that we will contlane the loanufacture of PUNY: .d MUSTARD, , widen we will re able to furnish to WHOLE SALA and IItr,TAII, •1 the ' ISST SI AUK LT rbteL. Alen, COFFEE and UROUND NUTS ttliatTED to order on ilism notice. LtIlE. YIA/Ult and HOUNII UltllN SIENA. eon atantly u hand. Aiming to deal fide we solicit the ystronage of tits public. It J. IItaTER. faernerly' of the Comm. Spice Nltils, will he Mewl on band at the mill at all Umes to attend to the want.olo.l.onlo“. STIIICKLEIR & MOBLEDUE IME3EI THE GROVER & BARER SEWINC MACHINE O the Uhl ma,Tiale of ifechantem. Deese eta and examine It at = LADIES' FURS, MISSES' PUBS, OE. T'S .PUBS. THY. LAnonsT AND AS3. , ATMENT IN • TUE, CITY% nEL 'NO AT VEAL LoW rellt:lES. AT 211 r. RAT,: CAP • AND . FITE STORE or • zap 0 13.33 c*, C 0.., 181 WOOL STREET. CHEAP AND COMFORTABLE _ THREE BTOBY BRION DWELLING Located on Second at.; Peconil AVard, Pittsburgh EIGHT ItOHEIS Lot 70 b) . 63 . fert to a Paved attey 8 I'M wl/e Price 16,01. Apply to = Hamm& AND ALL ESTATZ !MINTS, No. ha enxlthetild Street TO WHOM IT MAI CONCERN NOTICE IS DEREBY GIVEN that If the tot of BAUR eLS nod TWO BUNDLES HOOP IRON are not removed from the premises of the PENN , A. SALT BiASUgACTURIIiti NATRONA, attired there to that, by . HET MUCH of Cincinnati, within end week after expiration of time of advertising this notice, the same will be sold to PRY charge , . on DEMI HICII 13th, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'Shatk A. al. Dy °Mot of . 11. rgll.lllCILTalg, Sept. WM: It. MCKLLLIP. An•L de4:4l THE FIRM OF lIIPPELY & MIIITIERER if this day been dlis,leed by mu Lunt emseSt, Tbn business will be caret. d on by ISAACI niche Arm. Any claims 'galena Mr. MUT, TititEkt will be settled b 7 tam. ILAACBIPPISLY. ' deime 1=I=E1:! ROQUETII,-CARIMELIAS, Winne the largest and best stock of MINTER. .Pl.a.terti slant the eltr, and are unwired to Walsh wedding and other parties with' Tatde find !land Boquets. Floral Designs, a0...0tt short notice. esu oleo tient: Floral Wreaths, ('comm.ss ae. All order, prosiptly attended 10. Cars inn to the linienhouses every faw natant,. des . • . • JOHN B. & A.-MURDUCH. ; REMOVAL. -THE UNDEDSIGN. ND bare removed the office of the HO PE OIL; WORMS from 33 Market street, Pittsburgh. to their Works on UAlifiON =VS= Brownstown, where they canliereetter be round. aMMEgROMM iMILS. » 'TUE lEEE" Eng. 7010 1144 Rc WhOnnt idvir li z a t this ule ilitireirtrat. NEW ADVERTIMMENTS. J. SHEPHARD 317 1....113ert3T e tl PlTTBBtaidir., PA., manufacturer of &akin& of PLAIN KID FANCY CILMEIIB I CONFEGTIGNARY, By Steam. 10 BBLS. TURKISH PRUNES JEST RECEIVED. deS: awr BATES & f BELL HOE IN STORE A CHOICE ASSORT= , OF Plaids. SILK, VELTET & C I.OTH MANTLES. Taerlaa.com, im 0131tX1 a, sil:L , '. 3Bailmorales. 331aailr..etmo Droag3 arc)c)cl.si 21 FWTH ST. GO. TO , • 11.C: 0 33MM : 3-WE 7 7 No. 16 Fifth Street, FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, They 1111Sejtift received'a large and well Ile/toted stock of 43 - 0013 S, CONgtSTING OF' • IDIALMITC)IV -120 wee 1 AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCEIES, . SOLID tui.vrie PABIAN GOODS. FORKS AND SPOONS. TABLE CUTLER:I', AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, . 4.66.4 11 2381 4 etio. And isvery large stock or .1 FINE SILVER—PLATED WARE . From thi best klanuiaeturers and the VERY : LATEST STYLES. Do not forget the Old Stand NO: 16 :FIRTH STREET nal:oat:lT Ii.T.LLERMAN'S HIT ANDIUR IMTOWIL IS FII.I E.D . FROM CELLAR TO .rt igi ta MA d II . I , G 11 ASDOIITILE\S Oir HOODS. v•mwsr MiCreG r 1 . L.A.T1E119. Our Specially noir T-ECIA:110 eaxicl.l43resa.Ves , • 7F I 110 . R ) 9 SLEIGH & CARRIAGE 11011E9,- • Although mum,' eel tle Ilue of HATS AND CAPS, WHOLES/11t AND DET•IL. No. 75 Wood Street. Boatel PITTS LIVROII SELLING OFF cmaco..a.s.e; 0r_.0833-ast AT COST, To Close Out_Buslness, Toot Lies will a large stock of LA IDIES' FURS. GUNSERAESER & CO., No. OS .6XABILET STREET. notmom. KANE% PATENT • • PETROLEUM SOAP. SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP 8 BEAUTIFUL A iiqutsits roan MiiITISIIING sou C4IBINEA • . . • IiC4MVSPETROLEVXBO4P sifter amteront rattsfsetory test. la la:mated. of ttal l tift «ragtl;lolheenbuelTgri.ttl'i on Ite %darken IM el Morale Washing Soap and Passive of an ClothiStains. It is elm aneMeseloas emoncims Wog excellent remedy for all Cutaneous Dtseurs. From Its peculiar chemical ecaubleatlous. tt Is ea rely free Com ma *dom. ead foreign ..b* s ems'. Tor sale at the principal Druggists sad . Omse"ere to Pittsburgh and Allegheny. •THE COVUT OF COMM° IN UP usscaurar COMITY. 229. December Terns, 1800. Nk ilec Is inireb/ Risen of the application at the `9ll, LLUISIG! AND .L 0.112 JIISUCLATIVIA Nth 2, PITT111321161 : 1,l l torJa Master of Ineorpons ticin died in the OflCll . ettbe ProthonolasT, at tbe number and term shore stated, which will be Sight ed st the next term of the Court of Camnion Pleas, unites exceptions thereto be died la proper time, ,1411,01111. WILLT22, noll;o8kw Prothonotary, F ri.SALL—One.loartOL Inteile"'s KUtannitig Rolling JIM To as acceptable putoor. ADPfir 10 `` go. SO Water guilt. r=3 - IM ae wa mr au as NEW ADVERTIS RET,H,Fl Tf i li , T , E s ! i; li i. rE,i ti E ONES, .110.71 .0 V,0 , . 00us a ur', rmg . . z.ii 2it*- 111L- Grand Charitable Fair and Preicut woo Festival In aid of the Horne and School for the Maintenance ano Ethics , lo• of Die Vestitete Cathleen of our Soldier-and Sailors: Ali APPEAL TO THE AMERI CAN Orton 1•99. PEOPLE. Neer liOnN. , IG ' We, ihe Ottears andrionagers or —lOO Home aid Mtool' . for the kilucatlon and Main Duance of the atit,ite Children Of our /Soldiers and Sailors. earnestly solicit the syreipatbrindcp•opetation In our Fair and Grand Presentation Festival, of all who desire with tie 'To fee • . Tlll3 Home and School" .enabled to reciter and care forrsidi 'Hedy ones. who 'era ..haiDe and protemion. i • • Iirs.GENERAL ULYSSES H.GHANT, Preilitent. 1: CHads. P. DALY. Acting do. • 1 , Yi1,'1t1 . i 7, 61i1:0 - t" ( 11•L'" vi " do.* 411 11 1; S. 1 , 3 illlllE . S . fi movies , . t• DAVID OPT. ecientty •• W S lIILLYN.B. Corresponding sscretil7 •• HERVEY G. tilt. !Ins . r. - . Tit' j i9 .4 1; I ‘ '.l A i I N ot i t. ).A . L o ' n E t ' ke t d r o tl ' S of . OF.O FM BE 13r and continua t a 0 9 al I.i. at s viscto- MD Nail, corner of 8r5 , 19 , moil 191 -in ei.-N. Y. 'I oh o lif the Grii'id N O . , Po t I'c -Beal. to liy net.l at Cooper to NO ., Yotk, Svittril ty 1 vanln December =,l, under the Mil dc ti is, ,•ct ion . •Til ''''' chos e, Heil. lin ieliDliocca,i,ii . fioni ' m It ' °- wkli &chosen id award 9119 , iiii IN vitt -V.,'T In t r ee literal- mann. r as ti e, mar ih.t. moue. 'y o r su si t h Featlval there w.l bc cm :Mk.. it 1 vd.c. at On: Collar each and 2•0 (0 Presidit, bait, en, t o 0 ,,d, .tics holder:. ' 1 , Llit fir rirrisCra it Or .nii . 5 m.,,,,„ 1 Present In roiled Sluice tilt lel. -,.... 1 spientinlCeontrY I,lfidii. uce 19 Woutili_k. ter Co.. neir .N. V. City; , 12.0c0 1 Career dinner an 1 dot. dawdle.. Avenue `E. New tort Liu I lonic and l int ot adJoloing chyle 2.9.9 1 Hon, and in Itrooklya . y nole I . C seriim Hones - and triteness (COrep'olol 25 0 rtirseit Pse,Stsintravisy I.:i 3 !tote In Harlem. S. T.:91 ito , itch ... .. I.leo 1 Set of Diarnd mil, 1 ning,'Ear Ulnae and S. rio) 1 wo 1 Paid-up Potter or I.•filtuurabee Lt . __ 'ow 1 ..Eli ,. Patent 1101 Water Apparaiii , , ,, for Hi atitig IDrelliiirs i I ill raltitieln•ol. General If. S. Grant 2.19 I .1.1. site One Go it Lever \ratan , i Si ...ILO., 3.0410 Mt Ladles , like Go d Lever Watches-at 912 1 . I v:. .1 tier' sit, .10.1 prem'lllll I:nip re... Sor ting Cavil, PO 29 stivt r•plated Tett Sets. at 975 ;. .... ;..... 1.3d2 MI Celebrated ••Huipire” seu lOC Malik, on. 11.0 Otte ‘lllbltl , M at their w. turns, .III) Bioadoar • ‘, WO IMO Cop s es 12 vole. eschl, tiler: a et topiele ' Illustrated Iliatory urine War ~. ~ 7.000 250 Coid 199 ~ POOOllO, no s'i...ve Buttons, at 93 ...• i Lati 3ski Tibla vs 1 Teaapoons end Napkin Itings. .. - at $3 • ' .590 1t3.0 Call Bells end fliststi Fria r illecs. l at 93 4,10 i 71, i stance !.Kilt-Ist. of the fel lowil'ai a - • .an•s IDi MIDI. inl iiistionumfe, lar or and° i'c.. Plum tore. W rittnir Cate . La die, Nt , rt. II izi . Much , I: Ito hit (.1,1 e•, Pilot. maple A,19911-, II east pins 11l ringer II mno. Gehl . .., • el , ClAnlim, Ladle- . viol i 11 ,iic'i chub], tiicraoll , • see, Clack Walnut tictitte kr to Is Gen- Titular'', VaGoonnt,l. Si k Hate, ',bib v• Ned mt ti le MG.. Ital.. ford Mean Km b oat Card , f_ir Color intuit merit. En gr. Int, and C r • l'h 1101.1 lois LI Di-- ii or til , lied 1 . , reona„ , .. tad ea and limb, biding Whirs, Bunk. Hobe , . Lull. si 311 k Yore. G. ut s For Co Lars and 01010 , , 01. amounting to ... 21 • 223 —..- Shawls • MOO g the IggoI.4I';0.(1) rr -o.t. valued at THEODORE TiltliiBh, t e t dented Must cal 011,•1 , . promises a 111,1 ii•1101t1111 treat In the °eche...tat and Vued -K3 trilfel,ftr the uera• Clot. no test than tr It c' I'• S'OttSfEllet 4. log at eady engaged. 80.1 Itothlug will Le .:,arid to make this the Ftnest. Musical, Yet Deal. la the Bolted States. • 110 W TO OBTAIN. TICKI Orders may be sent dire 't to us enotoshot the money. from Sri to 4 . 21 'lt n letter at our Oen. with stamp fur return postage. Lar,.e amounts should be sent as draft , or by Battened. et the ful lowingrlo rat,. 1 ticket. to one 2141,1,.....1 , 1W; 10 40. u MO; 101 do. do . 4.7 8 311 0 do. - do., i'2B 23: 40 .1 ?. .10., 4O le; 00 .to. d0...4 0 lo.; 101 du. du OVI tO. . - 4 % ct C r f tN.ll. Brow. n et 1 1111 aluoi,lll6 aday nett or!, JOll N W. PITTOCIE. Stotloner, aud Sews Peeler, opposite rustolltret, Blttsburgb.,,agent far Western Penn movania. Ad orders by mall twill receive pr pt alit ntluu. dt I do FOR WLNTEII'CLOTHING. We call !to ecltl ottcol!on to our mock of LOTUS AND - CASSIAIEDES, FOR GENT'S AND.ROYS' WEAR, Q E= = •A 110, a small tut good assortment of Ready-Made Clothifig, we offer for a ale NO3IINAL PRICES T T. A. McCLELLAND'S AUction Shoe Emporium, FIFTH STREET D R . J. 8. KING Has rerumed the wake of Dentistry at NO. xcos. SS `x 3501"., • Where he wishes to receive %is friends and patrons who see In oeed,ot the cervices of an experienced DENTAL PRAuerriONER. • Eipecialattention will be given to the preserve.. tins of the natural teeth by skillfully tilling them with the most select materml, and by eying them other proper treatment thus pre:erring them for future uses mad comfort In a ripe old agc• Imeghlarlty of the teeth of young persons skill fully attended to and corre-ted Those beautiful life-like orchidsl teeth, rtudered so comfortable and useful try the marl° or the Doe. tor's mechanism, Well be made ready for all who may order them. All recent discoveries of value is Kt ring 'relief from pain In the extraction of teeth , will be skill fully administerto those who maydestre them. I.)bier hours te sts DA. M. to 4F. M. el J 93 J UST BECEII7II.O AT CP.Vl.3Fejs. 5T33‘7 , 17.131.51=L1Z JEVINCOXI.M PI sled Spoons and Forks, Of the best manufacture. 1 base a'so on band a well selected nt . ck of WATCIIES, CLOChn and JEWELRY, v. leen lam tenlug low r.r cool. OLT! me anal. del: Irrvir BUSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIAL. COLLEGE, Nis, 6 and S st. Clair Street. Has a Pranatual Chiai ter. lkiek-Kcepleg. Penumuthip and Aidthmelle, time unlimited $lOOO Arithmetic and Peumanahlp per quarter of three months • Penmanship. per month Tor Circulars or hi:well:nem. satires] , lillArritft, or J. P. IiteCIJAI3IO23D3. MEM FIRST CLASS LOOKLNG .GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. • • • J. LIZ ONS, No. 110 Wood St., Rittsburgb, Keeps on howl .and manufactures to ordcr. the YID IcsTATyLdso GILT. isionEWOut) and %VAL NUT, CV,. Land BQUAILE and PICTURE Yltakikti. Cn•tnin Cornice, Bands and Buttont, Consols. Tripod and Bracket Table. of esoinlslte de, len and krorkmansin• OlLloy NU AM) Itr.tilloDlSti csectited In the hi ti:I I 4I.I2:S ° VAMMTE. 825. BARTLETT 25 .SEWitiC-NIACHINE.• Beat cheap Lleensed Machine In the United States. Agcutawaoted ercrlw here. ray *SO to 1200 per mouth. E Pfa l ei e li gaTlN.ll4 'l =rai Agents it t l . gatein o t i nr o c , c.t. )h f o h . llsdelptla, and stigt,,,,,r. FITZPATRtCK & BROTHER, ntsT int,Emunti GOLD PEN SIANUFAMUDEtte t . 47 ItAIIKET ETIIEET.. near Third street Pittsburgh. PENS AND DAISES, Whutcsale Ana PENIS SLICPAINIIN • • • Persona out of the city haring Pens to repatr can send them by mall sad yromptly returned. note tonsiWr - HOUST: AND LOT EV ALLEGHE. NT AVAIIC elolel , -PC*3I2II7E 14 , 1,1t--The Haase mat Lot 1(0. 61 Webster *treat, °omens the peettee thter •wlll be - tole cm the yr= ksee an THIIH , tILIY, Mt: thhi at Tottoet.".The house ft beteg. eta mom& we,ll dalthee, WM. Itrallkedt visa water, itat. bite. range. ga h, outaeaseee VetXemnfortable. Pram at a luta., =laeateshei I=ar o l i tz a eitt=e , beLbs* . ar t e . asta.,apaute_ ItztratLaprlllst.. Tame asa.,•. Also) +.6,'Asiobraser. 4:180Mla Lfallliry? DTO• 311Lasnl ateri CM OMMIECI • I[[scu[[•[.tH, YOLOURS, DOESKINS lIELTOno, , tiATINETTS, JI.AIS, de Nos. 55 and 57 Opposite the Cathedral, 3741hi0 Street, Allegheny, =9 ANTS W.&NTED, CR4CKER 13.4KERS", 8T HS~JPS~iI3Y~'73, No. ST7 LIBERTY STREET - WANTED EDDEDIATELY. SIX 0000 DRESSMAKERS, A.lso a PIPST HANI4. umltritsn Cut,ll,,r and riming. .App: . y at LO9 FLUS3StitEET. GoJd waget. glen. ' alvh,plS WANTED-111.E—At .vtre.o.. Room licfj:. FA NTED —mE N St. Clair ,treet. 110,11. elsit street, Boom N ti T . ED-31.1.N I , .' s St. Clftlr stre...t, Room, No. Cad Cad at Ones at W, St. Clair ..trect, Room No. tall at once at It , Clair stroct, Curio No.:. del . ipqr ANTED--AGElli TS-MAI LE AN FE.IIALE—In every ram of Wesurn Post a,' :rind,. for the line nen:Art.l elnarariors, 'T "PRAY Eli AL WAL.I.e "TUX .lIALUEN's PP...YEA," -• “11'.(3.11.1ell BUM. AT 81.111-NGF.III.II,' Either by tbe month or en commission. Publish nes , mica al'owed. For Pal particulars apply potion, or address, FA Ittitt y. nor. ' 43 Fifth street., Pittsburgh. WANTED. SCHOOL E' 0L TEaCIL Either male or female. /In every towslttp, to Set s. Attsnl. In the sale I t our pultllcallons. One to Ither ruin, the sale A' 41 Collies In. t h rest - .l,)'a. ?Rini fur • circular with ternis •ddr<. . J. ISO /lANtsb CO.. Plturch P.a. ITE=I3 WANTED-AGENTS—S7S to $209 I PER MONTI" for Gentlemen. and $35 to $0 for Ladies, everywhere, to Introduce the Common Sense Panay Sewing Machine. improved and Per fected. It will hem, kit, stitch,bind. braid.' and embroider bemitifully—prlce only 112.0—msk- Ina the elastic loci-stitch, and fully warranted ler. tares years. We pay t h e st, nolesees, or a coin mission, from whih twice thstamoist can to made. Address or csil on C. BOW Eitl S. CO., Ulfee No. 2355. ?fifth street. PhD sdelphis, In. All It uteri answered promptly, with circulars and terms. _ WMiTED. YOt7lqr ar Of good acquirements ' and temperate La:Ata, who It FIIIInR to turn Ltd collre attention .0 slusly and oMee, 1111 be tokenize a STI4DIiNT OF 1%1E131 (3.-NE with s Arm.-clafs phystelack of this city, ram 1 1,int those coming with good Or OU/nOo,Nohe recom cr.entlalfoos - 7111 be heard Addrest PLITEICI:AN GAZETTE OFFICE nAlmit AGENTS WANTED . FOR THE MOST POPUIAR AND BEST SELLING SUBSCRIPTION 80063 PEBLISIIII. We are the m •st extensive pubilshera in the Unt ifford' to set! ed State h Wok n s g cheaper and avi six haulm)payd alz ag h e t nts It therefore coo a UM liberal ccmatts•lon that any other rum toady . Our books do not pass through the bawls of Gen eral Agents, tan snarly all other •nlancrip ou tion wort • do,) therefore we are e tooled to Rive r caoviaat era the ext. per cent. which la Rive allowed to lienersi Agents. Experienced entlensSelS will see the al.utagys of dealing directly with the pub itsh.r. Our series embraces the most popular works o alleohlects of importauct, and Sol ling ruplthy butt. :sand Swats. out agent and all others, who want !behest pay ing agenclea, will please send for circulars and tee our terms. and compare them and the character 4.-F our works with those of other publisher, A ddreat. NATIGNAL Utti.ISLIING toith o=dwF 1107 Minor St.. Philadelphia. Vat AGENTS WAISTED FOR A, NEW BOOK, .2i OW ILLADIC. WOMEN OF THE WAR. . By DUNE 110011.6, lauthc of "The Bebalon accord." sc. . The object of this work 1s t collect and present narratives of the of the ..pmee who sha r Fs.,l the ~lls of the c'ztVic.'l"`.`alft'ef-;,t,:;"1:‘, pages, and Is Ilicatrated with steel place portraits, entf oc avetl o n the roost Improved style. Poll only by " Por r ilircu n lits. addzesa or apply lo E..llHt tr S.:ROW ee, fi lio. 68 Filth street. Pittsburgh AGENTS TV.4.I%TED BY THE - EY :A YLVNANIVAIf.zthiVg.I from - tissue paper to heavy Beaver cloth or leather w out change °freed. needle or tenalon. lielf-sJusting pressure foot and newly defilgund four =O/toned Werrarg.g.D. Address, enclostngrtsnap J 11. HALL It ho. . 69 ILL'Ut d bectreet. (ond Floo,) Pittsburgh. rPa. AIEN WANTED, TO ACT AS SALESMErI, Either permanently or temporarily, wbo are n• petent to toga/re to /17.9t.13.ar business reistious. Apply In person or address ••t • , 08 Grant street. Pitt;b.uVicb...L'a A GENTS WAISTED --For Gold MEDAL liZt4l.:' , .7ti bite %.11 . .iEd. to every Ctty and Coupty In tbe Unlon. The lenet . two-brew itseelne tbe Addressworl A. 1 , ~01114„VVISI CO., 3.14 Wsablngten street, Boston, n07:1147 PITTSBURGH GIS MING CO., s. ; 9lEco, No. 2 Iticrchants' note!, COR,THIRD ADD SMITHFIELD STREETS, COM.7S'2CrEIXXEIII MEE' S I. BENNET, President. ROBERT FINNEY, Vice President.. ROBS CHRISTY, Sec'y and Treas'r. st. BENNETT. I NV. AV. PATRICE. 4 . 12.NE,Y, J. 080,5•12.. N, sIiaMir.VI,A.I..ANT. N. 31 B 101. E V. NULIVE. I Officellours t "9. a. m i 'to 4' p. daily. nnigins6. CA.R,II. p4:CONRIDEIRATION OF NUMEII --011t4 L.XPLOSIONS that are ITtekly oecurrllir from the ate Qr.! N FELLIOIt OIL, the anders'auetl hare rmacluded . lo tell their OIL xr Iih.TAIL at their WAICIIIIOIJBE, No. 81:011[Ers,r2r-cet E3troot. Le Olt Is -guaranteed to STA NO A FIRE TEST OF 110 DEO R6EI and upwards, and Is la 'peeled for exportty competent Inspectors. Those vho desires nil Iform and ELI /BLEAR-. TICLE will do well to purcltsse ate 110/10 • BUFFIIII. ILEHEW CO., 1%0. 33 31A.USET bIILEET. Ilacblntata and alfirthere can he Walsh.' Lard '2ne•m and Pctrolcunt , Lubricators at retalL 11=1 FOR THE HOLIDAYS. -.A FINE tiTOCN, ADAPTED FOR $3 co 11 viar Prossosato, OP ALL KINDS Or "vv . E 3E. 3m -sr GOLD AND SILVER.WATCHES for Ladles wid • Gents; CTIA , NB AND GIIA111:0; ' • ELEGANT eETIS. lu various sett'Ags; GOLD AND rsILYED PENNY NMI/ ER ISPOUNS. VANES, WINS: . .; FANCY AILTICLES, Sc., Sr., JOHM MITSCH. No. 112 Federal St., Allegheny. n 0.231063 HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR, Ilsaufact • WHITE, BROS. & CO., Ncsr E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, No. .1 St. Clair Street, Plitsbarah, Pa., Sect' C0D114111117 011 hand Cotton Factory 011, !Data Machinery 011, Woolen 31111 Oil, I Uart Englno 011. Light Cord Engine Oil, !lark Car till, No. 1, Light COl'd Screw-Out- Dark Car OIL Not'. tug OIL • ' no71:o117 20 00 6 00 JOIIN PALILEIL.TIII:O. ALYSI.II77. FALSIEN. pAumEit, ANSUUTZ Et CO" I= J. A. lIOIIINAON, & CO., DZALZ:B BOOTS, SHOES & .GAITERS, .lb. 61 Market Street, ':Year Fourth, rITTSBIIP.GII, PA na1.06 j3IIICT DBE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, /Olt OIL REFINEU, Yung/adored only and for sale LI T. 11. E N/Jf tf ..W 1 1.0210 . M • awaatitWcrx-31..nr 11. W. Car. ad and Market SU., prrrsuußtivr, PA' AgEOIRGE BRUEN, --- - CANDY MANUFACTUR ER A.n4 dealer rotrziozr A.ND AMERICA - /.11U173, P/U1(1.1241 NUTS, &C, 4 9.. -N0.112 Federal Street, Second door ttnni !ft /Int Natlonil Bank, • • r.r.vaasa tn.,. .11' . . . . GET PONE 4117 A . - EntaVEra. & HAM' Jr. a Ikeda alit. It is petal% koraton the Om Don t tkil to mill pn„les ZiO. Is 71.1rTH usszt HIM LENI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers