EM CM le limed from Tbled Page _ . , 41gorMisly; Under the immediate flatroneee jarbenevolent so:reties. - .kstipetinternient of education, devoting Ids urbole time to . his worltja stationed at the bureau headquarters - in each: State, and IT thirean officers eo•Oper ate with 7tlm. lt.lsestimated that 150,000 freed men slut. their_ children are now attending school in _thortshithern - Sates. Schools for Tenures white children - are alsoostablisbed. ' Their rormidion is.everywhere encouraged by ' the bureau. There has been but little unifor softy Of istiatt'M' different States in 'respect to the administration cirklalce. Aosistaid ' I:.oetaratssioneralurrer:been leStrueted to trans . ter military' joriolletfon as taptdly as most. • hie' to - tribunals. This has ";been dOrereOmpletelyin Some States, while Virginia.'„lonislana:and. Texas bureau Oatirtliare still to existence.' A °Won illy's. 'fop'; nstituted In Karen inst,ond aided by oG. Seen and Wen= throughout the States,liis sought to prevent fra upon colored soli trithelf Ar t a of unpaid claims.' Cite - iniadred._sndlfinetyAve c ms ::paid,throughtheollice. err tini Commissioners .iarejecteffist The 0n1ee11,532 are in processof ' - adjustment. - Ttierressatenumunt collected add Plan ht'Sld.=• oo : -- Detailed reports , are . 1 . given of the operatien of the bureatrirfeaeb State unit theof Columbia,. Trutspot.- , y=.tatlon is farntsbentOrytif destitute freertiamp .And.1571,redn0tm. 1 7.1,412,:73. tIOMI were issued betwomidnue 1M.5. and - .) .- Septemberl:lBl& * - - Stie: average number per month; to refugees and freedmen, was &Iran; , rllitteantrage number partial:lWO. The bone to whites Increased , untli anne3o, ISM, when lathes= freedmen: and-refugees were about ' • -;--:equel. • From:June :25;q16 . 113.-antli- Setember I. .N• truanumberLatippmtWmf both - -classes has di- Mtalmitxtr.MOdearutnty has-been exercised toprevent lunetasha m. % the absolntelydes '-rtitute,and-i-parts. of- ' , ration not actually needed Were Maga, were dimmed to ; hold- -each ..pLardariOT4 conntr. P.righ , and • town responsible for tts own war, hat to very for„ L i l lir exceptions, the • State authorities hed to emu/bete to the relief of.tho -class of persons, supported - 1 /Yrdna tmernment. - Owhor to the failure - of crops the Voqutretnents of circular le, of Art uro= I?, obuld.aot .tc.rteldly (=forced. _Upon the applicatien et Stale °Metals, special issues - are twung made =certain States for th e Sup port of &toupee:per popttlation. nstionsarc 'mad to teachers , and. agent,of benevolent no .. ciaties, under the, same rules that apply to c.nom purchases made' by comterimoned oill cora, harem hospitals receive the usual freed ,._mimes rattan. .11teamonnt of land now in the cossesslon of the bureau is Vl,' MI acres, to be =mimed- by = tracts in Tennessee, of which , ' the number of acres has not been-reported. . The aggregate number of parcels of town .property, not included lit the above, which Imre. ill 2i 1:: 4110881011 of the bureau is a 72.1„ of weilalt r an bane pee: restored, leaving a parcels 1 - town p ro per ty. Thettidanne °alienator the merffund Is • Maga rzt The =dance -of dlutrlat.deStltals , • . /8.338 67 Vilts."TAlnee .or appropristloo v ... 6,any2e 1i ME EIS ME ME inionn't 'f:o44,4l4lstpoe. dePan7..oo2 poratl9ll t e r!: . 201 013 04 1640.issilnuSPagitzt..71.C;;—cAl.. :000.00 • Mated due mount duo 00 - ' ;7 ‘ FAtinilte4 medical artnnOt... 100,000 , EfitlMAlWamount, 510.03000 alArterittapter depart. =ant . '• !Total balafico for all purposes of aperuliture Aza8,965 , ..-, i .. .. ...T . : '- 4 1'he - Conitataalonar es tlinates the idditleard . .. ,, ,... ,.1 ~...,..:::, fu to r ie d w a a n : . cessar ,., y lor the next fiscal-year as -.am 1 -i • •- - ar es a assastant commis. . . .- ..,... sioners.embassistants and a-en ts• . $ll7 600 00 ,Ealartes of clerks • - 61 ,f 00 00 .....,,,,.. . Stationery andprinting 63,0.^0 00 ...,. .-.... = *. . Quarters audios! ela,ooo 00 Sabslstence stores 1,000,000 00 Efedloll ,lepartmcat , 100,000 03 Transportation - 000,000 00 , school superb) tendeuta. 2.5,M0 00 _ ~,:...33uuatii - ' Tta for cahoots and "Ylun" ' (Inclu ' g construction,,renlal, .., , : ~ , ~tultt repairs. • - •-..1 ,3 4 :elefattlihtug and. postage IESIIKI 60 Total 3,t70,X1X1 compitancel,willi;tneent..tmaetuments oiliongrese, commiatiOnern to assess the value,' ofilavea enlisted into - tho United Steam' army • - .4liiing the war have been 41/Dolnlba, for-Etas- ~; ',.sourt.lire.ryland,lientur-lry,and.Tiinubisseeibut ...their reports liavo.not yet been teeetr.di , " • , concluKton, it gives me pleuntelOillilitn - 'e ,xpres#myobligatione ofbnrean* nntlAheir subordinates, trim, in mincing the' ; :War :Depar tment, to a pence establixliment, have CIVITIOOd the same , diligence, ability, and fidelity IX, the intcresLi of lire government — toltat illidlnguislmd them .durinfr the labora, anxiety - , and vicialtudes 0f.111,, max, and con. ttibuted no_mneit, to lie quoacsgtnl termina- . , . • _ :Samtliaist .ef,the Re ports - of 'the Post :., master Generalzaua the Secret ry of the Treaiury. -Bair Vona, December following is a summary of the Pant:taster General's report: Toe e r :Rellttores- far the year exceed. the receipts 0/3,07. The increase etre - Venue. ',comps th - the prevrous". , year; was 113 _ t eent4andlhe increase of espenaltates 17 cent,'lncludurg - the standing "Lapproptht toefreemail matter; MOO^ es anate portion of the revenues yet monalnhig, :-uneimended. , Ma -"actual' deticeney let the past, year's* only., legs /6;108. The aggregate - -length Of mail. motes in . operatiod, the past' year was Wept . Mertes theyear math of-the service in the laUsinsurmint, States was operation only` roattet the - year,- Tne- net - postal liabilities' Irons Statesywhile in opendimoixeced the re map 'There has. been an Increase '"'" • ' the test year in• those Slates-et I,ole routes, eon milesonod $1,151,1113 annual cost. More - - • - - `llan.cone-balf the mail routes le, those States . : .'have hewn tint in operation;comprising near - uthatenths of , the rotted , routes-71;am - , tractors have been Sued_ Mater for letinquen - 'idea. There has been en ncrease in the post age upon the oorrespondence oxen:dated with . Malin ettnutriee amounting to StileJEO. r •.• era' portal conventions have "been conaluded with Italy and Venesuela. basis for a new convention' , with , Great --Britain hag been *, , Agreett , 4iport, -containing 'many advantages. ' An interventions with Brasil Is also proposed. .7 : • Gotiedderalild. space -hi devoted to the Mall . , .• Stattnship Line -to - Japan and China. The Postulant? Genets' 'concurs with Ms prate. •-• ..., • anstor . m" the opinion that the submarine of the main Tina -between - San Fear deco, Japan - and Chinarshonldnothe required to touch at -'" the Sandwich lelarls, but emigrates most de lenarne the condition of release. 3:Merges a - policy toward the enterarlsee One free -- • '"delivery is in operation , in • fortyett- of the ~, _ principal cities, and is working satistactorll y. The numberoftrioneY order °Mem to opera :Um Mita; against 317 last year,.aad CT more ••tire to le established in the. Pacific States and • the Territories. - • The business compared with that Whet yearhesalmost trebled. Ile rearm-. - month Meier legbdatton upon the subject to correct inconnlstancies and for the improve , . '-....-Mositef the team. Much space is devoted to Tflefoiowmgb a semMary . of the report of 'the Seeretaty.of the Treasuly Receipts have esceestedthe - estimates; iM9,503,50.M.4. The eSpentres.haVe shert • of the esti , "maves, '1dp00,529,235A0. - reeommends ' :Purr diminution in the 'eternal tat,• and ears the present generation, with proper economy, • :etan pay the debt: Ile regrets,- notwithstand , -mg thalami• redaction of tbe radicand debt, and :the toar.istaetory condithm in other, re ' • Moots of the Matthaei Trcantry, - that little Progrese had teen 'made eine/she last report, ' :• - towards . specie,!-DnYmenta •Ho explain-. ai • - length, his action concerning tho disposal of Ile reeoromeids that national terthabe eota Palled tenement at a single Athuitle city our. lalltuent of the currency; careful. revision - of , the tariff to Make It harmonies with oar inter ' fi7talitaxes;ttle nano of twenty year or less, of b0Z146 aver payable Eogland or HermletlYth 411 amount suMclent , to absorb rthe amor cont,-bonds now bald in Europe, and to meet the demand there for actual and per • =anent Investment; end the. rohabitation -of ' the Southern States.: 'Merges these teem - mendations at length, Finn says he is of on/o --ion that speele payments may lo rearmed and ought to be resurnedatearly as the Ist day iii • -. The public debt, ()Motor Met; hittl, tract C1A1,9 of midi lathe Treasury, was $2,681"908 Cain in the Treasury, i11m,5X,460 IT. As to the commercial intereeurso with the 'British "AmericanYrovinces, the Secretary adverts to ' - opinion that until our 'revenue 'eystem - 1013 y revised and adjusted to the' linanot4 situation of the cmintry, tins subject ehotild , not Do placed:beyond the ben trot of Congress; bat should borlett to concurrent legislation and , euch MOW/ono MaVr bO-11tahOriZed by law to prescribe.. The remainder 'of the IC. `vrt to deleted to statbitleal detaila. ' • r NEM Mil NE EMS . ir x, -.2(eiv: - .3:-- A. • rozilarkabla- I.e.t, Is ' ''''.- 511 - d sew sepias- of the PO9tmeater ' :-1.- . *:•-• ' • 7. •CXb rr i t t i t y• .Tge,exotet Of "-oXpoug ,. .re.. be, ';'.431111 for UlD r alcai l leftr4' ba ltatalitaV •-•,- - -awe.• up, wn yee-Mil , , th° 4 *°°l3,t' Hottawscoedad: the :Bee , EMI • -.'''init' a 'thatefore3lie'wenclon_ec e iw be t e lt n a - '''''''''...•:: : . 7 :,.. only t icsalFeleg the *0%21'1°4! have - '• - --- ; ~gge,,, '.-,-,--, • ',.-:"'.-". -"-,-, ;- :,2 . -.: 1.-,", ,',-- ,:,•., . .:7'--;.. ,'-' •en..tn-'t-1 'g:t 'V r75t.7,0. g tt ii• / ai;. Ofri r-0,-tuts, i.sa adefne-ic;ct '' ~4'''! I ,ziuip A l e a 9=l - %.6l,iytliited that. . :,-,.lloloyatiatint'Wyrr"yl,e„ .-s„pectsfeaa. sl•Ple ~ ,, ......7•1 .•,,,` ...I)stieeees., LS was at 19 ei"."ll,Vbb. mapied" • : ~,, , ~....., t i „,„, or (n . 0 1 0 0 4 44 being- to:, - at 1110 ~ ,,,• 1:' -" , 7 --- - --f- „,- , -,a mtt or 1t..-„It'llt Saul. •boWerver. lse, , •-i-....7: .7% ,- -. , - 7 - '!ii - u i ,„ will coma eg. r et-tbe.,o44tunr- 0 1 5 .,- •---:, "' dbielei 4Asitimitra;.Deltaulber-'3.;:iMoen'.trOte - ShrThoute. to Hirrathbiveport that the-Mint to_nhotent.lbes broken oat there.: Trot number. vz..enees Is not-stated, but doer o ! the persons"' _ la/Asked dlonv ittilthwen x ty-rottr heart. The Yellow toter Mad imsmall- la WO prevalent 4 to a cosuun _ ME .`_,~ ;i . ,:7 e'f , "le*" QU I Persoito.liartiod OtL'-Crr't DaCsndaCr l A die mei/add last ovroloillo al. 4 ..m*lllnm° botusezopx she depot, 13 3‘.. 0111 rDwA.vorg.' Att old Matkano, Ada/V. Oldftlaborer aged thirty. told Apo, Mt .FFTer , r e arieWMOsumodto death. • 11-V.P IheUltassiy. ) , !=Yrr.AITKLIIIi DOCIrarkOF N—ntver At Franklin ixty.4lril IndierVlMl City nir3Ntkreo Inches, Ire gad ltO "Cl "". inches ;WI fall. eSir .... ..i. - , .... litip* Ifni] WitAlafiec ;,• . . rallailei73.%••A 1:1..141 00e1.11T04 litiggaith s t".CNl - ClSlilVilillgatgar p :y t lr rs t ~.. 3"hp= lir about OVA ppliAlly insured. ~ . ._ Ilmalieil.llbefren - llheitnfoirlleOpx Fleirld/L • , CitAsisiiviai r December 11.--Infot hlia been received bare of tlao election of .31ArrIn no United Slater BetkAtOrICOMYIMI43 Or 61X yescalrela Illtrab 11011. ~. --. . , Oat 4 branches of the -teatalature to.dai adopted reeeleuim 0 ( orm. _PAW W 14 4:4 1 L 114V - 144 - ' n ";" ' 411(.6 ' THE MASS WELCOM. Judge Carter's Address. 7,156,931 4.9 CM . EDWES STAIrrON, Seeraary of War. flzi&ble aet. 1 Virmrsiicwikm,;:o,r;S.—Tha Mass Welcome to . the Itepublicanniimbers Congress - came! here this foreitoiiii, and wa• feline alrstr. The rolloielvl b datigo:Carteilii..dia4ms of Wel-. --. ranwriarwron-4t le made My plesisnrmand 'duty by the loyal Citizens •of the District of , tiolumbla,under their sedans organizations, to tender s.Weloestie to the . Union membera of theMbltty-nititttpongress. -In their name, I nOwlialcomeyon.One told all, to their hand -1 tality.l- The welecnnele - given as an express. Olen Otrespeclrfor Your wisdom and paid-. ottani - as tuitional law-makers, as well as inn. Melted legildators of this District. yielding all honortOthe nation's defemlers lathe field and irlthott reflecting upon the other branches of the Government or tile integrity of tho distinituished functionaries who occupy the amiss of execatiro and Judicial power, and • with no disposition to flattery. We may be permitted to say that a nation saved bears testimony that we tender no mistaken roger'. A nation saved from the conspiracies of- Eu. ropoan powers; saved fromthe parricidal of forte of domestio foes; saves from bankrapt . cy; saved .tom slavery; a nation saved. not In Its -Icesbutfrom its sins; anatlon raved In all its libertletathome,.to be and poutimie the prophet of - liberty for the world, and that nation transferred In therestalogue of nations by the very process of Its trials from an exper imental to a permanent power.. These results are made painfully Clear by the nation al tritds, fresh in the memory of all, through which the-republic passed and is passing to certain triumph, together with your unintim idated fidelity to principle and Roman grim nose in its defence, command the honor of our own politic:eland personal regard. Mach has beim done—much remains to be done. it has been not Inaptly said that this Is a government ofthe people, by the people, and for the people, that people have spoken at the ballot box, In our theory of government the source of, pow er. In their electoral judgment they have de manded that the ways o. thenation shall be readjusted, in such wise as to saner° personal liberty to all' - without regard to color or condition. In the light of this de liberate and °menage verdict of the people, made inevitable by the memories of sacrifice and blood, you are admonished by law thattho great national trust atrial be fte miniftered in a apt. It of universal liberty. It la not onr province or purpose. to suggest what ;awe should be made: The significance of our tender of -hosting-lily le an expression needed implicit confidence that whatever is to be enacted hitolaw within the Con. will be accomplished through your legislative deliberatiOns, and the nation, born again, will still go on Mite high career of po litical and material prosperity. • • • Air. Colfax replied in - s neat and tolling speech, in whichbo dealt many' telling hits at the President and Southern Sympathizing party of the North. , • _ _ _ LErrEs raon AN4AVAN A. Swindler Caught and Committed-- Pittsburgh Merchants Victimised— Retiring ilegister and Recorder—llan. omit and Masonic Presentation—ln teresting Preeeediums—Mrs. Iltighes convicted of the Concealment of_her • Bastard Ehilil—Vpardoes Anticipted, ' Gniesentrno, Pa., De0..1, John C. Beady, quite a young and. prepos sessing man, was brought here on Saturday last • from Lebanon county, by an- ollleer of that county, on a warrant' issued by Esquire John E. Laird. It appears that- Janice Agnew, some ton years ago, was in the habit of selling Bechly cattle, arra some time ago, Ilechly came along again. saying ho had jest been to Pittsburgh buying goods. Seeing that Agnew had some One horses, he proposed to buy four lof them. lie said be had not the money, out had some three thousand dollars in the bank at Lebanon, and proposed to give his note at sixty days, for nine hundred and fifty dollars, the sum agreed upon, which Agnew agreed to do: But the latter. not - being fully Battened in I the matter, went down- to Lebanon and found Ate had no money In the bank there, and no credit either. 10 ho came back hero and (cob advise; seed out a warrant and went back and found a warrant there for Wady'', arreatfrom Pittsbnrgb; for getting some three thousand dollars • worth of= goods on. false pre tences:-Ili uncle settled the latter ho was brought here and corn ' ranted to jail by Esquire Laird, on Saturday, In default or woo bail, to await his trial on the-tatter charge. Who the Pittsburgliers were (of whom he non,-tit the goods) I could not learn but they no doubt ate victims also, 'as he bad no money to buy gee-Ic with. Quite nu Interesting entertainment came Oa at the Kittanning Rouse, Saturday nirlir, on the occasion of sir. W. C. (Judy vacating his office as Register and Recorder. About one hundred hungry individuals (they sa y ae tions speak lonuer than words, hence / say hungry,' met per Ira-Ration at the Kettering 'louse end partook of each a • repast only the I portly Kettering and his better-italf know how I login rip; after which a' meeting was organ lied- in the parlors.-Dr. John Como. Chair. man, and hit. Jambs W. • Wilson • ziccridarY. The chairman stated the object tokui the pre-; aentatton to Mr. Currey of a Masonic ring by the entwine( Bostick - Iy, Ms maitre townaltip. Mr: JameS M Clark, of fllitihrs Station was chosen to make the presentation, in doing which he Said - • • • • Mr. Gerry—ln behalf of your fellow-citizens whom I burro the honor to represent,allow me to express these 'Madly feelings towards you as a man, a brother, and a good citizen, and their appreciation of the manly, honorable I and Impartial manner in which yen have ills [Ashamed you r duties as an Officer. And while they regret your loss as a priblio officer, It is gratifying to IrtiOw that you are succeeded by a man In whom all have an abidingconliatexice, Samuel Bock, Keg; lam especially Instructed by your ftlicwr-eitizens, In. your native town ship, to present youth's Masonic emblem as a memorial, not...ply:Of your public' . services hot as & brother Mason. Please accept the gift and filth it oar beet wishes for your erns. and may you 'Bemire wortny this In replied briefly, saying that to be the recimeneof snob, a time honored emblem was indeed an' honor,• yet notwithstanding ' Abe association of which It should ever be a gentle remembrance. Ile valued the demon stration!' of friendship he had received on that • occasion from his fellow-citizens' as the great. est compliment of Ms life. In the one case he would endeavor to Conform Mew:lions toward menwrithln the circumscribed cuelo of,the commute and the square, and in the other be trusted he would merit a continuance of their respect and confidence. .Ho then requested Rey. W. D. Moons 10 -Gunk his friends la his 'name. air. Moore said: - I could easily thank - any man or company for myself under such circumstances, and if any doubt exists In any ingenious mind here present, It can •eaally be tried. (Laughter.) J. shalt sMnitgle to bear all such trials manful. ly.. -Whether I can adequately represent an other Is leas certain. The value of this otter. ing Is enhanCed by the meet that it is made by men of all p Arties, and it cannot be other than a profottrui satisfaction to any man that he bits been enabled so to discharge the duller' of the °Mee entrusted to him as to 'win the res pect, the confidence, and the attachment of the whole community. , • The srmbolsemelased upoelU seal are ear °red memento-ea - of thal.frateduity.which binds and eatable most of time present within its guarded circle. - In a long Anil varied expert- , once; In manifold vicissitudes and dangers, 1 have often appealed to politicians, to proles.' amg elnistians, and to, others, - and often In him° norm appealed for owedt or others, to the workers in this emit of brother ly kindness and love in vain. The ring Itself thatmelent symbol of eternitytits perfect circle, without.% beginning or end imaging all things perpetual, enduring and everMst-- Mg. May it Ma true symbol of tne friend. ship and attachment, which we have met to. slight to exprcsa; • Nor are its associations less calculated to make It a d t and pleasing Rift. .1t eonsecrates the most sacral earthly relative. It serves as daily memento of the departed fur whom wo sorrow. To many of us it vividly recalls hap. , toy vows happily fulfilled, and to my friend, as to many others here. penonableyoung men anditandsome widowers, Is abundantly bug. , destine of Tory pleastdit antic! .tions,• which ' I trust may bo spoodilY A .unanimous veto of thanks was tendered the host end hostess for the sumptuous man , I nor In which they catered to the ' , inner man; ',.1 and the evening's entertainment closed with[ songs, touts, jokes, ,to., ho.. • - Mrs. Swan ilughes,con.victed and . senten !red at our last term of Court for the concealment of her bustard Child, Is still la jail here. An effort Ls being mado to get her pardoned, and it is thought It will be successful. ikirawair. . • (131-the Merriman' Natter al Telegraph Co 3 reom rp the . Allegheny. Special to the Plttabarih Gazette. ..• • ,thr. Glee, Hee, 3, J. The riser is Ave tett four Inches and lading Weather cloudy and cool. The market le dull LEA 64 PEBBINS, 0.11.L3323.ri...20r2E131:1 WORCEST' SAUCE. • •• rn?imeNcizek, 7 ExT:a4c7 , LX27SI (mai s . . UAL Cl5lllllll SLAJMAP, to Ms . • therstWODOES' s' U, Id, - en Lit A. ?tit 111 pd' jl 10.1.h"r ocd in Insin i Tsnd ttio? re ts .- r,411(a; C9tiNOl3SElllk4 TO .311 'TIM GIBB BA = sway vanic 21^/PMMIZIr- . The ,iiiiiesiortidec i. V: c10ac..... and v i i i. d undltisigg haling ill/ 2 Y Ute o rinaltd di - 1. - IrtgoarcittleZ4t2/Tiove mrouarDs. A. ed to • seir i tbi:Wta. lar oft KA A 1 11 11Milir t- Migrwly , - 7 *H.' as s et. : .., szyrrzn.:a mislatikasiiitte44EA4 islxo6o; iniiii;ter. . A . .., JpEINDIIIIICAWS 140 W ; -. arKw.iimut.. , .. - liciii3iiiiil4ills3 in Igi" lIVENA 11 - STA sitlr— m iatrsvr a t' sty— itke derzwaxviztingt 1,4 1 161 1 . dam., ea and benefits tor the ortellO u l ay 1 ' - 0 .1 1,1 the ewfik.:Jar . 411 ar4 TA ,Au ll RE uty g.T:7- . ...W. Ito DcemT',MODS teriLLUMS. Tanar-ATIM• 4O ,t u r.oo Etticet. erdlstance Ant. rrlitreesteri . ~ER 11111. SSA ' rks le **elect a. twat the entire ot their JOHN B. 11110FILW. , JAMES 14.147811A.H.T, JA/11/03 u 1 oo " CITY FLOM( AND • issioCioNClD. )1,;45. -- IEttIIA.I3T En - .4 C DroODblo at., AllieghelM -wbspllll. .lind Retail 12 Dealers to - i i ab 4 =3l 3 C l =7:. "rmt• PM, mrrEaurz, ..and Broker, IS Food St., near corner of Fifth. deserlptlons of Government Bonds borishl and sold on liberal terms. _LOD(1011 and Continental S'xoliange sold at Mew Vork rates. Gold, Silver and Coupons bought at hlghist rites. and. Gold Drafts Issued on New York. FINANCE AND TRADE. Moamar, December 3,1886. . The Nell York Block quotations to-day, as Maned by Robinson, McClean & Co., were as follows : Gold. 141014131; ligps,ll2%; S.Ws old, leSli; do 'm, 107%; 5.20 e, now AIWA; 10-103, —; drat aeries, 10336;second series ICY/. Michigan Southern IL It., Cleve. and & Pittsburgh, 134 N; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, 10.5%; Chicago & Rock Is land, Pliy,; Reading 11234; Chicago & North western, 4e.',; Erie, 71%; Western. Union Tele. graph Co., 47. —The following statement exhibits the bust seas of the Pittsbqrgh Clearing Goes° for the week closing on Saturday, December Ist : Exclanneen. . Balances. ...330.5,255 71 $70,185 70 ... 299,565 70 011,518 t ... =457 31 00,.137 05 ... 412,951 40 03,102 80 .... 370,240 V 75,374 10 November 53 November 27 November ti November SO .--., Iteeember 1.. ..... Total .1.700,274 .361,423 37 New York Financial Blotters. S New Yeas; December 3.—Money easy and steady :at 580 per cent. Sterling Exchange quint at 34(491t4. Government stocks a shade' firmer. Gold lower, opening at 141, advancing t0.141%', and closing at 14031. Freights to Lir brpool firmer* Id. for Oats, and s,t'd for Barley, and Wheat Id per sack. Stooks—Cleveland & Toledo, U 4; Northwest ern preferred,6o; Illinois Central, Ils%; Mich igen Southern, 82; Reading, 112 F.• S ew Turk Central, 113 , 4 Western Colon t elegraph; 47; Five-Twenties, coupons 1514, Mg; do. do. '63, • new issue, likfyi; hewn-Thirties, second series, The Express' fourth 'edition Money cas earticl ays: The week opens with an inereastil e in money. Call loans may be quoted at 5116 per cent., with more business at the lower tat s . There has been, however, some trans actions at per cent. on Governments; prime paper is current at 06.7 per cent. Gold closed up at 140X1.)11.1. The Foreign Exchange hi for is iluiet and steady, at 100443103,1,7 for prime bankers at sixty days, and 110%011PN for short sight; there is no change In the con tinental rates. The Government securities were a fraction firmer towards the close ef the day; the following wore the closing prices: Registered of ISSI, /L51(4112%; CoSpons of '6l, 112a113%; FiVe•tlVOntleS registered of 15.11, Nei 100. X; Five twenty Coupons of 1503, 10534 .; k Ivo-twenty • coupons of 1504, 1136.,its 1063fe I , lve-twenty Coupons of linia," 10P/Afilte%; do 1865, January and July, .103%441453i; Ten. forties registered, 003142100; • Ten-forty C00p0n5,993 pons,993 (4100%; August Seveu-thitties, 105%tn 105%; June Seven-thirtle, 105%0103%; Juiy Seven-thirties, 105%0110.5%; June Compounds of 1511 , 115; July do, 315%; August do, 115; Oc tober do, 114; December do, 113; Slay do, 1665. 111%; August do, 110%; September no, 110; Oe. tober do, 107 a. The stock' market was stronger at the last open board, and there was a general Improve ment in prices. The following were the clos ing quotations at 433 p. 01110 and Missis aippi Certificates, 22-3-ias.%; New York Central, mudniol.;• Erie, 72,ii&472,4; 'tending, 11.2iti: 1111%; Illel:igan Southern,. si%G.s37l. The mining shares are quiet and firm. Oak 11111, 100; Peoples Gold' and Silver, 175; Quartz 11111,300; Long Islar.d Peat, 403. Secouti call.— Beneenoti 'Run. WI; Ity nil Fan°, 25; Alplue. 110; do 115;.Amexlcan F1ag,195; Bolton. 135; „Burroughs,' 40; Concentrate d Gregory Geld, A&I; do OA; Corydon, 310." Grinnell (sold, 33; Dope Gold, SO; Davidson Cupped 33; Whit: ill Lead, 150; SYers 51111 and lianufnetery, PITISBULIGLI bLtRIU TS. 07716107 THE PITTSBURGH GAZZIXTR, Mannar. Iloeceasber 3, ICCO. I Thu produce markets continue dull and neglected, and worse. than all, there are no in dicaLlblikaPPareat at present of nay home. dlate improvement. Tile demand forklour and Grain continuo very moth restricted, and the first monied article has still further de dined, while for Grain, the demand is so light and transactions eo inallted, that there an, no established quotation!. Some of -our Grain dealers have a considerable supply on band. In store and elevator, which they cannot rex,. flan on now wlthout Incurring" a" heavy. loss. and the problem for the:aro solve is whether they hail better closni out and submit. to loss, or bold on In anticipation of. a reaction and Improved price's. This tea very serious mat ter to this class of operators, many of whom havo nearly all they aro worth invested in Wheat, Barley. Vats and Coin, and that Grey will have to submit to a Ices seems most. bi enable. do as they may. " GILILN—There to no nailing for Wheat,. and no Inquiry, for shipment.. • Oats doll and nominal at 48 to . 30, on track . . Corn is dull bat unchanged; Ift3t miles of new at CO to 05. Barley Is quoted "at $1 to 61,10 as to quality, and the demandts itgbt. Itye la sell ing at $1.73 to 61,30—n0.ne. holders asking 61,35. 3 - LOUB-15 - very dull and with in Ilmited.hs mand and a supply accumulating, prices are still declining. . 1 / 2 o now quote good standard brands of spring Wheal, anch as "Bartiettnl' °Crossetll and .gordann at $11,73 to $l2l Winter Wheat at $l3 to $13,14; and fancy brands at $l4 to stn.,ll7e flour is selling at 03,50 per bin, and Thck wheat at PBOVISIONS —Bacon.ls very dull, and nominally unchanged-11%c to 15e for Shoal , ders, la. for Bibbed Olden; 17 for Plain, and Solar Sugar Cured Gams. Lard is quoted at 134-to 14—a decline. lco demand for Mess Pork. 11 MILL FEED--Sale of 1 ear Middlings at 111,50 "and 3do de rime white at Si. 'But ilttla lq qutry- for Bran or llhorts, and but little in market. . ' POTATOES—Peach Blows are soiling Pet 90 cents perentsbel. Sale of f 0 bbls at 5.1 per bbl. The receipts are more liberal and the market Is a shade easier, though prices remain un changed. APPLES—In good simply and (lull but en changed; sales reported to store et gi!.l to api per bbl, or common to tholes. DRIED FRUlT—Peachas are selling at 18 to P 2.. for quarters and halves, and Apples dolt at 10 to 11, as to quality. 111.:TTEIL—Contl ones dull bat unchanged. Small sales of prime 11011 at 93 to 30. Common packed appears to he almost unsaleable. EGGS—Steady with sales at 31 for picketed, andlB for fresh packed. CUE/LSE-1a very dull and may Ix, quoted nominally at la toll for llantburg, and 19 to to for Goshen. SEEDS—Flaxseedis quoted at O.—crushers are buyin at 13,10. Timothy need Ls selling 'in Moro at g n 3, and Clover Seed at IVA co to. HAY—Prune baled Bay is reported nrm with Wes at $23 to s3o—mostly at the inside quotation. • 1J0vv.1A.1 , f1.114 , 14 , ..JRA1T , 0 , tV , 4 , 4,11 02710 X Of THSPITTIIIIIIRGIEI tiazrrea, neari.r. December 3,16 M. I CRUDE--Tho market for Crude continues dull and neglected, and with but little In quiry and but comparntively little offerhig, prices remain about as last ;quoted, to 10. In bulk and !mitres returned, and 14 4415, bar rels Included, and these may be regarded as the extremes of the market.. We can report a sale of 2001 Wills In balk, to arrive, nt Oy s i and CO bbls (Virginia oda at In bbls t eturned, and we are coznizan; °tau offer of 10 eta for 2000 bbis of Virginia oil, to arrive. The receipts of oil on the present water have thus far barn light, though It is said that the river hue been too high forte run - oil boats with safety, and consequent)y, when It commences to recede, It Is probable that the arrivals will be much larger; It was reported to-tiny flint oil hail declined to gl,oo.per bbl at Oil City. ItEFINED—There wits but very. little in quiry for bonded oil to-day, either fur pres ent or future del very, and while the market Is dull and weak, paces Live undergone no perceptible ceringe. We have but a single sale to report, 400 Marais for Immediate ac livery In Plillsidellible; at 344. Free oil I. Ault and neglected, 'the demand being re etrlcted almost entirely to supply Um wants of the local trade. - • - - • • -• AUBIVALB=4Lo following arrivals were re ported today: Isistier Jas. Slaw hinney 4.71 yarbourst C 0.... SO Jus. Wilkins 70 15211 • . New York Produce Market. • • . New Tone, December 3,—Cotton 22 , 4(333!.6 for Middling Uplunds. Flour without any de cided change; extra State; 5e,23010.2.5; round hoop Ohio, $10,00N11,23; trade brands, 1111,300 10,30; Southern dour dull Mid ti cooping at Mt, Z 4112,05 for common and 4V' 93®14,00 for fancy and double extra. Wheat dull and nominal• ly lower, .140,2. Mil waukee74l,23 and choice No. 2 Milwaukee, .2,30. Oats more steady at ele 63 for Chicago cud Milwaukee, and 60063!4 for cholee Ohio, the latter for extra. Corn lc. higher with scarcely so much doing; 41,10 for shipping' mixed western in store and afloat, market closing iul. Whisky quiet 'and unchanged. Pork heavy arid lower, at 101,6051171. for new roes., *21.00e21.31 for reg ular, anti cash closing at *21,00 for regular and 'old mess, and '1110,04409,50 for prladt, dress; 4,000 barrels of new mess for December and January ,sellers and buyers, at . 20 4 10 11 11 ,r 0 . Beet heavy It prwrioul prices. Beef lams heavy at MGM. Bleon heavy at 11% for Cum berland out, and 12412 , 4 for stiort ribbed, Cut meats henvyat 11610% for shoulders, and 12§ 144 -for llama.. Dressed Hogs lower, at MA oVfor'Western: Lard a shade °tater at 12 114 and small lets at 1>3018%. Coffee' dull nomboaL Petroleum doll and heavy, at 4.1 for crude and32t4Nts for nailed In bond. • Sew Tork cattieNorket haw Vona, December - 3.-The supply of beeves tor the week is 3459 head; ureylous "'ka% a decrease of lOU. Except for prime weekund was th arket price. Atter Una there will bee. market on TlittriOxes and Fridays at the Natlosal yards. No loprevement In mulch cows. good to extra 11=4 raoo. Veal coaxes brought We • Sheep and lambs sold at Mat!. Matto. lire we he sold at 0,6087 per hun dred.. Dreaseet r round, excl 0. , . froxr ii c i do Nc arn. in ll. — Weather wet, bun a t aofalthfidseatreeely °„.man hßosnerka . of Tr 7 ine m *avad, 11,5i.Za"ing gresrkea—le some lostafteeMeol lie /daub realized.- Flair dull and prc 'Wheat dull wh24 12 . e_hfiase4 eau. zr:l l : t etoa. "42 2 . 03 , shintrir e : /OMit Y It WI, %an t2,.:2 COrdePan" /Inn su m, telfaneeli as— ac advance nopmitztudnedw• • . . . , . . or. Loors t , Deo. 2.—TobsocO ono Wowed. Flour ono Worst quiet and unctomed. - Com c: I:4l.droduspintictonatedS6496oi uotorrVarin,u tao for New. Oats °Vint, ot HIOGCrt. Pro - WON grOSO. • Ea ME 1111 St. Louts liaxtet. .. Sr. Loma, December 4.—. Tobacco unahanged• Flour and Wheat quiet and unchanged. porn lower and drooping, atalgUin for old, and 76H Eclo for now. Frovißlons dull and unchanged. Hogs Arm, at $d,904 64O—grom . . 4'lnetemalli Tiorket. - ' ~ . CINCINNATI, Dec. 3.—FlonryCry dull, et • fifV2s @MOO. IVldsky steatly. Ilogs closed dull. at 0,751 gross receipts. 3,700. .11/.088 YOrl: dull, at 119,G0. Lard dull. Golc, 140. • :. DIPOUTIS BY - RAILROAD. F ; ITTaIIeIAR. FORT WATER ft CIIICAGO EL 11. December 3-10 tea grease, 10 bbl, tongues, I Sellers a co; 5 do lard, C C BalSley; 10 do do, 10 l a kg, do, iihotnaker & Lang; I car barley, 'ar son, Darlington & co; 21 skis rags, emirs y & . Clark; 3 eke nuts, I bids eggs. Blatt - ft W et 10 sks dry poaches Pete, Atka; a.' She ard; 10 Ws sorgnum, 5 olgt .t. co; 100 bbls Sou ,Sbo• maker & Lang; 1 car pig lead, McKee DV% 1 car barter, Garrard - & Sion;3Bsks rags, Var. klo &co; SO bbls apples, J N Mason; 0 cars me tal, J Wood & Son; 3 do wares. ItalYa & Rob ertson; 3 do oil blils; J W llktns;29 bids apples, W P Beck lt, no; 2 kgs butter,7 pkgs cider,Kell & Illte.bart; Nbble flour, A II & Sli Ball;2 pkgs butted, 'IS Smith. CLEVELAND AND Perrentinou RAILROAD.- 1 December 3-1 car potatoes, wED I•ALLer6OI3; 2do do. L II Volgt & co; I do do, W J Steel Reo; 1 ear iron, Singer, !Dudek & co; 1 car cop per, T If liouro; 10 cars iron ore Sboenberger .1t DIED . ; 10 <lO do, McKnight & mi . IT pkge pro. duce. Potter, Aiken & Shepard; 12 bbls cider, J C Iturrum; II sks nuts, Blair & Woods,• IVJ Wile apples, Voigt . & co; 55 do do, Pettit & Newlin; 3S bids pork, 70 do lard. I Sellers; .VJ bbl, oil, Barbour & Si/Bibelots; 55 bids apples, Cook, Bro & co; 0 bile apples,.l 10 Der; 50 bbla flour, W II Kirkpatrick; 50 do do, W D Patter- PITT6II7BOII. COLIJXIII7S d CI2IOI2FWATI R. IL, December 3-100 eke barley, F Shields; Ws eggs, I do- butter, Gruff ft Rutter; II half bbls butter', I do eggs, 1 keg lard. W.ll Kirkpatrick & co; 2 pkgs butter, 1 ltbl eggs, it W 13 elm corn. Meaner, Harper & Hood; Ica wheat, J S Liggett; 'Winds flour, E 11 Myers . ; 100 do do, b Lindsay sr; II etre corn, J & Fawley. ALLSOUZNY STATIOII. December 3-1 car bar ley, hi Wylie; I do do, hi Weil; I do do, Lutz & Wale; 1 - do tulilfeed, Stewart & co; 1 car- luta ber, J Idcßriar; Ido do, C C Boyle; 1 car bar ley, CI Ober; bbis onions, Moore & Davidson; bbls eggs, J Herbert ;1100 bbls flout, Coy, ble &co; 1 earcorn, ItloNee & co; to bales twine Gerwig & co. RIVER NEWS Tire river .continues to recede steadily at this point With ten feet In the channel by the marks taut evening. The weather yester day was cool but pleasant, and all that could possibly have been destred.for the traeraction of out-door business. • There has not been a single arrival since our last report, and the Bayard, for Parker*. burg, was the only departure. The !Juggle Hays, from Cincinnati, was duo hero last night, null will doubtless be found In pert this morning, and the Argosy, from the sumo point, was: be expected in to-day. Some more tow boats got out to-day and we are of the opinion that all the coa l that In ready for shipment has gone. There has been an many Crochets lately that there is now no coal here. while the markets below aro com pletely glutted. The following tow boats were at the landing yesterday afternoon : Torn Farrow, Dolphin, Hercules, Fearless, Star, ',bay Dacage, Hornet, and 0. H. Ormsby. The Fearless has made two trips without stopping, and is now ready for a tilted top, It she only can get a tow. The Stella is on the ways lo have some repairs made to her hull, and the Hornet Ls haviutrehe same tiling done to her boilers. The char and lollies boats would have gone out, but wet o unable to get a °pay bleu tow. The Argosy, Capt.iVandargrlft, Is the re a lar Weda.isilar pas Lie:, for Cinclauati, and passengers and silipperb should hear this fact • —. • Thu WattaUthi, !Lila UM Importer, Captain Kona, both good lemtn,.aro annonneedtfor. St. Loots, and tho Rees, Capt. Joe 1110,1 . 11, Is up ter Cincinnati and Louinellle. 'file Leonidas and. Oar:ulna left Cincinnati for I'tttuturgh on Sato nail are Columbia was advertibeu to .follmr un biondaY• TOO Silver Cloud N 0.2 en rodto from St. Lquiato Pittsburghovan At Cairn on Saturday last. Ti,e Leonidas takes on 200 tons of metal at Portninout b. The Rote ltoblmiou will load In turn for New Orleans, after the Kenton. ' learn that. the Parkersburg Packet Way Eauluou her last down'Ldp.. teas no untortu nal o as to run a barge oho Lad in tow against Ono of the pion of the Stoulienvtliebrldge. the baruo one loaded %Kb troll Intiks, be longing to onion parties In Parkersburg, and fl - 001 all WO eau learn, cou.pictele wrecked., The steamer, an believe, escaped WILIIOIII Injury—at leant no mention to malt,, of hot: having sustained any damage. STRNMBOATS. FOR rREIIIPUIS Is lITEIV=Mt UI LEAF e—Tbe, splendid steamer ELT& J.: ............. k ltOldnS,ne. Wtilleare for Oa above and all Intermediate porta, on •A I' ILI: to AT, at 4p. positive!) , For (relight or pa• e apply on noard or to PLAI.K COL.,/,INGISOVL), Clia CMGS BARNES, 5 Agents. dr I , JAB An WWI CINCINNATI AND. ) LOUISVILLE.—The fine steamer ............. - J. 131 , 0w: 1 . Kllll..ave or the above awl all intermedlale pork, on TUE7IJAY. at 4r. Ter fraligbi or p.m...spray on board or to del ' , LACK d CoLLINOWOOO, Agents. FOR ST. LOVIS.-T1111.....14"..j.t pmetoger steamer WAU...... ...... Capt. T. taara.i.n. Pi 111 P.ll4Vtly 11,.e f.r the above an 4 all Interme diate Porte r -on TII IS ()AA, at 4 r.lll. Yorbelght or pastage apply on Wan). or to ' no= YI.ACIi .t .1.1 : Agent*. EXPRESS PACKET LINE Y , nmsT . he fine pawn. IMPutIT tL6 Copt. Jou!, 'Rosa, Rill leave for the above and all Intermediate ports 0o THIS ILCT..at 12 Yor freight or mange apply on boar.'. nol7 PEOPLE'S LINE.-ILEG-AdEt I7LA It WP:NELY PACKET bo• twont YITTnBUNGH AND CINCLN NATL.—The new and apleuttld Ateerner ANCIONT. cPt. Loot. Argottegrtrf. W. H. noott, Clerk. I Pittsburgh EVF.ItI Wlg - .NESII•Y,at 12 o'eloet Lem. Clocla,kti EvEkty FrILDAY. At It ...lock. For freight or pnesage ADO/ on board, or to nolart: CHAS. lIARNLS, Agent. 1. 4 .011 CINCLIMILTL—Ther splendla side-wheel irstanser B. -Dann, Jr, J. W. fiord. Clerk,. •IU run 54 • REGULAR PACKET, as annourival aboro, tearing :on BAUM. DAVIS at IS st. • Yor aslahL or 154‘55555 szply on boar., or to JASILS COLLIN.. . osIS Cl/An. BAI.INHN, I ----------- 1111,11111ET v ir TA C PARK eitSBURG PACK piasanger steamer BAYARD • Capt. (immix Itoolut. L Plttcbargb SION DAY AND TIIMLIDAY....at 11 o'clock A. at Leaves Parkersburg • TIIIL4DAY AHD PLUDAY . . ... 2 o'clock r.ir Tur freight or passage &polio° boar/. .1E1: k AUCTION SALES. VALUABLE STOCKS & BONDS TITEitJAY Dor. 404 M co clock. 1011 be .14 on - secoml Door of CA.Muxerclat tales Dooms. Irt bmithelold Wool. El Mares tiormso National Dank: • • • •• . • • 50 •• coitimbl•Oillomptur • ; SO •• Boatmen,. Ineannoo Company; 55,00 , Allentieny Call./ it. it. , T per oeut.'llrs Mortgage Ronde: 1,5 O C0124.. It. O yer coot. Dior. Donde Z.= V, Alirgbeci County 5 per cent. Vomprorol. cars Honda; 7.3oo,Allegbeny per cent. roods. - de/ A...SIeILWAINIK. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF DESMABLE BUILDING LOTS, FOR COUNTRY RESIDENCES • A number of tots. frets two to Are serve each, ad. mirtwy oil tel fur GOV %TRY legal It aNS; ge, slowed ou the larrrysr tile Plank HMO ON g from Alta.:bens City. solplattig the residences of Mews. Itl ell, Ftwer, Loy', •ndothers, will be ed . .sree Oa the Mt:WU.. at rI.IIILI(I.ALIVSIV.b on %limo onci oar, 4.02. At Ito cre.ock a. These x.ols are unduritaased lor Itnintlng perpo•es, being easy of access Wan excellent mot of Moderate grade; well watered be running attester and numerous Inn •so Inge, dud hat I n soutbern and eastern exposures. Patton or MA ce—One-lialf virh: balance in' L 11.15 years, 011 b Interest, secured by bond and mortgage. For lurth er particulars and plots albe properly, apply tr, • • JULIO U, BAILEY, plod: and Real Estate Monter and Auctioneer, No. till Fourth street. N. B.—Dinner will be hie:slatted, free of expense, on the premiss. I 11021:n44 W. U. ligativ.'• "n""D W. H. GARRARD dc CO., Malsters, Grain & Hop Dealers, No. 17 Wetter Street; tiled Nos. 5 and 7 Penn Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ntri.W.llllV`c,°oltV.Pariicis#l.d for 14115 FA T THE LIGHTNING' LAMP. C: JONES ' " D. CDAWDOAD tro. vous.L. JONEc,CRAWITED & VOGEL, Agents. THE MOST ! 'OowEniFuL AND 'DIMLY 11 , 011.1.[A11T COM. VII.UAtIIIUIT EVES PHODUuIi:D. • • , - Adopted bV the 11. S.Government. Non exploeive. Cheip and-Beautiful." titre► • brilliant thrce•fold ;treater teen. any oilier lamp. • . This intent le ■dapltd to •il temp purlieu% •nd se the •ertekls moiety • condosior, never ft q res ail trimming: Burners on_ilds principle op plied to ordinary hoops. ' , TATE AND (AWN% ttitillid FUN HALE. Allots . Yultonts Crag' glith Eltreet4 or Alkn's Book Store, 7to • 'firth street, Chronicle Buildi ng. -f; . • non OM 11. 11C11711 JOUR LOU 'JOHN .ROSS-&' CO. sod:mason To, . WIVI.N.VCDENA CO.. liaNupecTuatua AND DIIALANA IN 44ibon — Oil Lam - pa and • Fixturt;ta l • , 'CHANDELIERS CARBON OILL 04 IMlCasslautet letreeltt PA. I===tl F. buistliATlN girdel,bel Wan rtinfita and • Chatham StrerOW - `. • GUNSMITH AND °EWA IN HARDWARE Ant elms goods ot all aiscsitiont.Sal bomic:4ol,lthigrjanurst p, MERCHANT TAILORS. WLNTEII STOUR OF Boys' Clothing. Now 12 store a large completl stock Of SUITS AND OVERCOATS, For the Winter Season. rrlces Low. GRAY LOGAN, Jrco. I. : St. Clatr`Street. , HENR G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, I Northwest Corner of Penn do St. Clair Sts. Deelees to retard Ovate to hle friends and the pul> lie for the maay.piet favors. and . respectredir sotto. Its a share of future patronage. lie wool pleesed to have them examine his Large and Carefully Selected Stock Fine Woolen Goods Panl=llll7 adtpted tol INTLFIBM W FOB 1111 Alf) VINTSI soma FALL AND WINTER GOODS. W. Hi IYVGEE, No.lo St. Clair Street, - Would endl the attention of buyers to hle sleek ol Goals. which bm been selected with ;Teat cg.re, and contain. all the latest styles of Goods to be found In • eina-e. an house. Gents wanting a SUIT OP CLOTIIIO3 MADE TO ORDER, Will please call and examine our gomit and prices. Also a full and complete stock of PUII.I4I.4kUNC GOODS. WM. 11. I.IcGEE, lIE Ite II A NT TAILOR. No. 10 St. Clair Street. Vittahnrgh. GOOD • WHOLESALE NY GOODS ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON ti% CO. No. 115 Wood Street, PITTSBURCH. Dave in Store and are lieceivlng A FULL AMETELHT OF OItY GOOlg - AND 'NOTIONS, • : Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES AND TO The Attention of Dealers is Invite' ATIMUTFINOT"W.WSUAXMON.J.O. 6 TEMINSOF 24:1111A FALL FASHIONS 1X11712.4rA-N - 3=l J. W. BRADLEY'S ID t7 3E 3 3Ls 30 2C. ILAILIEJP9I:I 4 C (On DOUBLE SMILE G) SE FR TS! Will not BEND or BREAK Ilke the atncleßprinza,. out will EVER RETAIN ELT and; BEAUTlrutsu APE, here three or Your ordlna -7 Skirt. ace CAST ASIDE a. I , SELESS. 11.7 COnlilNEsomfoct, durability and economy, ait tnat KLEUANCE ofSHAPE which has made w the - •`DUrt.E.X ELLIVTIC.• the STANDARD BRUIT OF TRH FASHIONABLE WORLD. ►t Wholesale by all the leading Jobbers In thls city. Yot tale by all retails-tit who sell first-class Skirts. • WESTS, BRIDLEY & CRY, lOLE OWNEPii RS OP MAN FAC TH UE PATE TURENTRS. AND LID LU -8 Warersonss and ONn►: Nos. OT CHAMBERS and Ta and NI MADE tiT itZETti, New York. • seu•im • EW_FALI 'GOODS. MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth ,street, Sat chat opened oh aktenalve and splendid stocker IJIIESS AND CLOAK TRIMMIVIIS, KWH BoN N r a TRCILIOINtI RIBBON . A le LIROIDERIES of avert daserlption t illtat AND ELEGANT LACE UtIODS, VEAL LACES of all Undo, REM, LAcE TRAMMED ROODS, flAt lON I..A.l`aB—a splendid Ilea, NAI(NSOOK SWISS. JAC—NET LINEN LAU N A CAIIII3IIIC. lOW' LINEN: ROA IVES.- at. 1. toe and attraetfve Moles; „. lititEltY—s complete ateortrocot - LADIES , A CMILURENS , MERI NO VESTS and DRAWERS, FANCY ZErliT ft ARTICIALS—SpIendid style. Ulla seson; ORMAN a AND AMERICAN ZEPFITIMI. tlI IZTLA ND Wool., . THE GENUINE CASHMERE TARNS—aII colors IIttADLEY 're S' • Uri °ream Dee, FARCE AMT „ES AND NOTIONS. Ilercnaots and lk tiers will end IPto their advao •age to call and examine our present extensive ft , ak heft', purchasing el4ew herr.. All our grads h2Jar purchased dircet au the hest terms , we are Mpared d will make a low priers as any East 'en Jobhum House. NUORMI & 0913.L.TpLE, lel9 1U rani ATIMICT. NEW GOODS AT GHEATLY_ REDUCED PRICES, _ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. =CRUM,. GLIDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market. Street, Wirtld call specia t l atlenti o on to, heir their large and at , ractor& In EldllllolDßlDES—Dretrery deserlpt I• 0. • LACE Point. Polut Apo' Noe, CitiosT, 'Thread. lieln , lre. Ca' malt etc. IJK EUCIIIK Cr—Plain, Embroidered, Hem -31. bed and 'ACC. LINEN—Seta, Collars ant (:utra in peat esrletr. . L11LE.294 ANI) CLOAK Titi.IiMINDIC AND IIUT , 'IONS—I,. teat atyies. KAKI( : BON NET AND V KINET lIIDIION9. IlLOVril AND Writ EitY —A emplace stock. UNDERWEAR-I , or I.ailles, Moses and CIII,Iren. FANCY 2EPlalt(lol.loS—nbasrls, •011 S..ro nes. • II DP SKINT.,—AII al re.. In best make.. CUKtIEI n. Nets, ate rAill Pails. Hair Rolle. etc. It A I, DOTI At. elEt amp , — t t great' v red need prices. UENTLENIE CURNIODIND Inn and cotnplele stock. TANDY Ac TIULEa AN U NOTlONP—'.7omprlalng ilt!t" r at/ t. 711 k A Vereg!Ti c q. Vic7Votf:l l r Y ng; haudbliMe and acceptable present, del - - rIIIVATE lUNEASES. lUUNU, (blear Plalladelphia,) N. Tided si reel. treat all descriptions of Phi rate Diseases with enpa tied/yams.. ..,..Partlerlisr attention p loaner usatorthoena an diseases of the Urinary Orem,. his Mammal. tot the same being toe most suoressinl ever employed Ile gives ha pes of a speedy cure to the afaleted. Ladles will 1104 hieUrUmenagogne superior to stir otter preparation for removing obatmetJons to the healthy menstrual good. No.l, one Dollar pe bottle. No. 2, which Is four degree. stron•er, an designed for obstinate elms, Ilya Dollars pit - • °Dire hours' A. N, to r. x., IP,O. I gY. m. • AddresS, • with stamp, De. gtiLINO, No. 20 Third rt ua.t. Pleasnareh; 1.1,11..1. • I.IILIVATE DISEASES. ' • . . 037147/1;63M p& STREIT, near Han& • . . . . Emr Ike cans Sst all Madam of a private nar(ars. la two to tour days, b as entlitly stew mad sale Melts' Lisa. enalaal Walatness, mad all Maw .almatta ea the mita* organs mid their orayamlon I 9 ..... ars warranted or mousy retondoL ....war hoorat to 10 o. ~ 1M to lt. 011 4 ItOI r• . •Ac n..l•4lern P.. V./ Pew. aro.. vt4,111 I SCHOONBLULEB SON, Pittsburgh White lead Works, . PURE WHITE LEAD, ELMO LEAD EsS i lsu LE °IL FOR PAUSTIAG 61 rourtb Street, Vp Stahl, Unita 4 , -XelikkgrlJDßA DIERItIN 111 . 0 N IiORKS. JOBS & .M.'X'r9CM7E3.1:711:431-H p =A AMERICAN AD CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; - Coal Screen Iron; T nails,l6 and 20 lbs. to the yard: Tram Balls, punched and coun- ter sunk Boiler, Bridge •a' - ni Tank Rivets Cat Nails and Spikes; Ship and Coat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car II meets and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheel' and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Fatting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAUE/30IIIIIS AND OFFICE, ." 120 Water and 113 Front SLR. MUNCH 'HOUSE, N05. , 22, 21 and 26 Alrer St., ithcls CHICAOO. ILL. KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. larrausoN,G - iLASS & CO., Mantifaeturera of the different sizeo of Hound, square, Flat and Horse -gm Bar Iron, Hoop and Hand Iron, Botler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron,itc„ Works; MIT TUWXBIIII', on Monongahela river. Office and Warehouse: No. 14(3 Water Street, 0e41141 KE.NSISICTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLAC4, 1112 , 14ACTUILLUS-07 Best Common, Refined Charcoa • Juniata Bloom Iron. AMBULANT BAR, It()LIND and EQUAIIE IRON 11001'. BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE And bIIEET IRON. BOWER and REAPER RAILS CYLINDER and IJUAILD Olt FtNOEIL IRON SHALL T RAILS, ;11 , and 16 lb, to t,e yar WROulati' CIIAI ItS and SPIKES brawn, YLAT RAILS, Panelled and Countersunk. • COAL SCIII,EN NAILS aptl SPIKES. relloon. No. Ha Water and No. 6 Market-Sts Work,. Second streat, Elanta Ward„ adjoining City Gan Wotan, Vitt...burgh.. augttil FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. BLBO~ CI pviug Presses, • - iVarehouse Trucks, - ' Baggage, illarrow Sugar Mills, &c FORSYTH, TAYLOR be CO., seZ•v36 30 VARKST STREET,. PITTSBURGH -rETEEL ' WORK ANDERSON,. COOK Ar CO., • r ICUCCE.I2OBB•TO JOIOLS. /JO U) d C 0.,) • bitunfactupers of th beat refitted Cast Steil, Bows rlat and Octagon, of all mes, Saw rlates, hoe, to sad Sheet Cal.!. Steal, Caat tteel for REAPING AND MOWING 111ACHINES, eiTENT PLOW WINGH.BPEIN69,AILE% CISCCULAIEH, Cut and Common Plotigii and Spring Steel OT.ne—Corner of ism and gen et.reeta. two blo► above the Honon(►bela House. se27:dy I . IIE . • :FORT PT. FOUNDRY.' - . CHARLES • LALP.. I IIEPHEIVS ILLWITraertrnMMI 07 . 1131EAlrY ORDICAINCE, 1.111:4.14, KINDS Cr HEAVY CAST'INOS. Special attention paid to ROLLING SUM, WORE BLAST MACHINERY .d RETORTS. REPAIRS attended to promptly._ needAm heretofore, the best materials will always bt at this Yorindry. Haring disposed of our old patterns, we are pre: pared, with rum AND iurpoVet, patterns, con ftructed under the soperrislon of Mr, tna efiT. t urnish NAIL MACHINES at short notice. oaf:a tr. K. IIeGIT.NNEMC ...C. T. OEAU AMERICAN MACHINE IN ORRIS CHARLES F. (lit Air ANT & 6aoca nors to 71/3111%, OH A !lASI & Engine Builders . and klachinists, =I Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And everytbinif necesnary for Itorlud WI Particular attention paid to Fitting no iibaftlng runny.. Hangers, &e. Harlan Avenue. near Ft. W. & C. R. U. AL.1.3.4mg,.13.exa.7), = r•atz......:.10av ALLIN JAIL L. htquit VALLEY STOVE WOIIRS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO.. Waco and Warehon. 301 Liberty Street :opposite smithaeld, Manufactures treat irariety of CWIC, PARLOR. and HEATING itTOW.I, among which are tho tt ebrahed Allegheny mid Monitor GO Cook tng Stores; also, the Autocrat and Sentinel "for coal or wood, and the uncalled Star of the Empire. for ood; also, Arches, ti rates, teuden, Sugar tiettits. FETROLIA DIACULNE WHIMS, R. XX. 1/33C 1 13.1r, .31n. 32 Ohio Street, Allegheny, ==23 IMPROVED MORINO TOOLS, AND YLITURIS WAD IN 6114 KIN OIL AND SALT 1V ELI E. Particular attentlon halted to Ida Patented • • ptvrementa to Jars and Joints, made of Junlatte, IL S., nod Low Moor Iron, In standard sixes, and numbered, ao that parts can be ordered by mall co telegraph, and Mood • penect tit at all emu. We alio fox - ash ropes. beittng, small tools. de, ,thooe who may wish_lt. Engines and macblue wait made to order. Omar, by malt promtly attended to. I em prepared to grant licenses to OtLIEL mount ar torus for these Improvententi on liberal terms. Box 1.7 Allegheny P. O. • 1e2Me173 IL. H. TACIT. • • BLACK DIAMOND lATEIMITa mv-cortaassii, . YITT4BURQII, • rum, BROTHER AS CO., • Inanntaeturera of Dan QUALIT Y KEVIN YU OAST STEP:L, Square. (slat sad Octagon. of all mars. Warrants equal to =7 Imported or manufactured In thla coon .la - Mee and 'warehouse, No. 140 sad In Laud =lfosoug streets. Pittsburgh PIITSBURGH IRON WORKS J. PAINTER & SONS. IaIIO7.LCIVOZ/7.11 OP Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk Hoops AND SHEETS, 01313 r-r.rTrro. IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCEMELD. ' lianufocturers of R.E/INED. CHARCOAL. :JUNIATA 8 POLLIHEL EIMMEINIT MELON. O)?ICX AND WAIIVIOUNII. NO. RR MAHN= ST. :WUXI 010. 211111 W. D. 8ZZL11.....4. T. 00=111 LA BELLE STEEL 11101LILS. rLIEIX'T'Zbn r CO. . Manufsetarers of OAST "TEEL; 191 , 81R0, PLOW and BLIATIM PTiEL:klll3lNtit CROW aA rtylgte. 110. IWATEMWTPX.IP.OWItairM Pittsburg& tris 306. P. ItAIGLI 11R.5.1131. Duff ESNE AND WEST 'POINT N PLTTSBURCiII, Eeldra., maa sfactara all slums of Toralngs, slat atellantast 13balls,Cranta. 11E40 !loth, Lavers, Pt/man Jaws and Wrists ,• also. • liallroad Locomol lsa If =as. •111.1 all 'tape work, •Tb litulqrpt led are hasla ( b 41141:137.1:b 4= l :, l eli n t Wart Wan with promptness and di wsteh. 0 1y11t154 .1 r. LIMO - GE°. F. sesuclimAx & co., PRACTICAL UTHOGRAPHERS; • Vie ONLY STEAM LITIIOOIIIIIIIO LIsHMISNT WEST OF THY MOUNTAINS. Bon sins &ad& Lotter Heads, • Bonds; most. Ann's , : InA te chow Cards, Illinmss, rortnite, v $Oll, 1;1 , 11 If et., Pittsburgh. WAA C elates of Deg t g i s, ontatton Cards,ttn. 1.5; MANUFACTURERS. MANUFACTURERS. ~,, UNION IRON MILLS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. A C”NSOLIDATION OF THE "1110 CITY •, mum - AND , CYCLOI . .I 'RUN CO." GENLRAL *ALICUTACTUDSIIS 07 IRON AND FORGINGS. Special a:teat:Cm 'teen to tile manufacture of Hammered and Rolled. Locomo the and car 331EL.A.INT7a, RAILROAD CHAIRS. SPLICE BAILS, BRUME IRDN CULTS, AC.: LINKS AND COLTS. I BEAMS, GIRDER IRON: OCTAGON AL HOLLOW WROUGHT IMOSI POSTS: T AND AN.ELE IRON. An WAREIIoILISIEs 95 Water and 126 First Streefs; AT THE WOIMS, N INT LIIV Altp, rz riti BMW H ocls-127 FORT PITT BOILER, STILL ED -TER NVOIRIKS. CARROLL'& SNYDER, Itk2CCRUCTITILT.3II OP TUBULAR., DOUBLE-FLUED, TUBULAIU FIR.EDOX A CYLINDER. STEAM sou-Ens, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTILYG,PANS, 'SALT „PANS AND CON DENSERs, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND LEON DELUGES, . PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES OS.!' and Worici, corner Second, Third Short 1 ,1 ,1 Liberty Streets, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Aldri/rders rent to the above address will be promptly attended to. 5e14:193 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, kiitilCK & CO ILANI7ACUNEAB OF BEST _REFINED CAST STEEL ISQUirtg, nil A.YB 0€1 . .1605, OF ALL BIM RILL, MoLAY, CMCVLAN, GANG AND CUM CUT Nt;;;Txtber 18tb. 18CG. Trains arrive son leave the Union Depot, corns Of Washington and Liberty streets. as-follows: AituteX. Dirnier. Mnil '1 rain...—. 1:20 a in: Day Express..; . IKO a m rast. 125 u a u Wail's No. 1 6:37 0 it to Well, No. I se.) a vo 4141 'Pram .......:;u' a m Bunton No. 1... 7:50a ml Wallas ho. 11.5.1 a or '- ! Ilfall's No. ' 8:50a rn 'Cinch:o4o /0,53 is 0 ' Johnstown A 0... 0:50 1 m o.' a WM s Baltlmo a Ex... 1:56 p as , Bra.!dock No. 1. 3,10 p Phila. Express.. 1.509 m] Pints. nape°. a. 4:lep WalPs No. A...-:0 p t Wall's No. 4 ' I,Y7n Wall's No 4.... 4:00..p In ! Wall , . No. 1..... 6115 p Braddock No. 1. 6:50 p in • Wall , hn. e...:.10: Wall's No. 5 7:609 m ; Past Line. 10.01 nu, Altoona Aceom. Johnstown Ace. :;50.p and Emigrant train......,... -.111:76p m •Dally, all others nuncio , . exceiged. - • The Chorea Trains leave Wall s dtantin. every /Sunday at 8;151. in., reaching Pittsburgh at 10.05 a. m. ltaturralne leaves Pittsburgh at 12:6o p. m.. and arnve at Wail litation at p. m. The Baltimore Express witarrive lth the Phll 7 adelpbla Express at I:sn p. tn. hundays. _ 1 be new Linton Depot hotel,. tiesiipring the three upper stories of the Depot 1011110 g, IS our open for the LOPI.CLAI. scroininOilltiOn of the traveling com munity. A capacious iteStienrant Is Open a: ALL nouns. day and night, Sundays eXcepted. NOTICIL—In Gine of loss, the Pennsylvania B. E. Company will hold theinseires lesponstilie for ,er aonal baggage only, and for an amount not exceed- TLIO:7I4IS N. MILLER, President. • asp)w. IL BECKWI Agent,' 1866. ailkillk• SAW PLATES. ELLLPTIC AND EZMI-ELLIPTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Stsel, Cast and German Plow Stee I'LUW WINO 3 AND MOWER LIARS. • SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE,. sICELt. SHoVEL, HOE, RAKE, FORK TOE CALK AND hiA.:HINF.RY CANT IiTEKL. CROW-BARS, dc., dm, Ac. ITarehouse, 83 Water St., rittsbariti, I aelS:k4 'ATLAS WORKS, (• RTo.r STREET, Ninth Hard, flttsburgli, These worts are an,ng the larsest and most cora plete-esobl tr•ment In the West, and Kronor pre pazed to tarnish . • Engines of Every Description, ; Boilers, 011 Tanks,' • • ' Sheet lion Work, • Railroad Coatings,. Bolling Mill Castings, Engine Castillo. Machine Castings, Gener.l Castings,. ORDERS SOLICITED, 130q:Uti MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Welt, OPPOSITE UNION LEON lIELLLI4 .w.x.w.r.ia STYR 43-33. ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS. TIACIIINSIT AND CASTINGS GENHART: Orders promptly sad carefully executed. C HAWS CS REASONAISLE, , EBIIERT & 0c1.5:1M . • ORFSCENT STill WORKS MIILLEB s BARB & FAREE, srAMTACTTATAIS Or • • BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warranted Equal to any In the Marks either Les_poried or of Domestic Aimanfaetore. • SPECIAL, ATTENTION PSTEAID TO ITHE CAST _ A lilt M. Office, 39. W ood Street, • IN ST. CHAULES HOTEL bUILDLNG Pirrslimatu. J nue /Bth, ISM 1e18:6151 DUQUEBNE IRON AND sTEEI. WORKS. HAILBIAN, RAHN & CO., 11111177.1=711M13 07 Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. BUM 1D .6. EL EITEBL, WAIIMIQUEM ' - Lq O. 77 Vl7tAickv aftreoi, - 10.3:12 PITTSBURGH. FEM ROSEIMLE STOVE WORK4I. L . -PETERSON, Jr., & COG, kts.nalseturers and Dealers In all [lnds of Cooking and Beating SW HOLLOW 1 ARE, acc., Of tbe very LATEST iATT ERNS end =MM. Warehouse, 197 Liberty. Street, PITTSBURGH, PA.' WORKS, MANCHESTER. ea7t:lo I-LAJEUDW.A.JI i 7E. - B. WOLF, JR., eic DLLL[B6II Hardware c Cutlery. Axe now reeeiting large additions to onr stock. Arnica is offered to Dealers at isagerriaxuar opra.r.crims. . Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sta., pemsdn LIPtINCOTT & BiIiEWELL, No: US Water Street. 7LLTIII7LCTIIIIIIIB 07 JP - A.TEHT GROUND. • • YATICITTEMpEItED PATENT TOOTHED mamma, sivLAT, Hum. e 3 cuois:ar Ata jelllxt2• a. W. utolow..— a. wuawarm. lyu4nA .11911,E1! .111'01110. •-• MORROW tic BkIINIEILL, NAIiti7ACTIIIO.I4S Stead Hollers, Oil SUlle. Agititoin, Tanks Salt Pane; Gunmetal", Wrought • Iron Bridgeo,Stiett Iron Work, CORNER. LIBERTY AND SECOND STIL. PITTSBURGH. Pvl. ist.III(PAIRIN DONSPBAMP,TLYJ wy241,11 UTII I ITY WORKS.' iioa3; tl. L e iberty fit,o 6 ppeslte IFlZarth, OAMET . :MAKERS' HARDWARE. They - maks s specialty of LrettiSednesd sae Picot Castorat Porcelain. Bedstead and Pivot Casters: B. &tend frastsplngs: Stops for istanstatt Tables, Sc. They aW Manufacture and Dace constantly on bandsTtrumbLatebes, liprtngLatehes WLean's Window Sash Supporter s .11 . 1..ean.•KceentticiSasli Bo 1=1 . 5 . 1 . 12:1,11=1:17 0 and o Ll u sti w Car a = Mein ," - M piaDial, ETNA. STOVE WORKS. - BRADLEY. & CO. maanittetart every . . ._ COOK ; PARLOR 41111.HEATIMgSTOVES . Assontr.ideiaretite; eel. ' totaledil -31 TROPIC l VatandtSlWargibt l a IMS y 1 GRATES. GRATE 1 1 110 a 2.4ce: Me* sad Warehinse , owner et ' aailWois streOri rittOuribe MMUS a .wiaisautos. MEM IRON AND NAIL WORKS, LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZ ELL & CO, - 11,4 NUFACTURECIIS ()F BAR, BOILER, SHEET 3E3R-C7W, NAILS AND NAIL 'RODS.. Warehouse, 73 Water &'B3 Frunt st, PITTSBURGH, PA. genASS RANGES, STOVES AND ORATES, " ALL PERSONS WHO NEER NEW COOEI NO Bali ti ES aft- t to call and sae BISSELL it NEW C;OtIISINU 8.1 NU E. at 233 Liberty street, where they 'till also Cold a ComPihtnal*PlY of doe and common enameled. EEL= EMUS, COORNG STOVE% lawn $; HUH ROTA WAshilonsel : umees atql atirqdo naves. BISStLIL fr.\ CO, Altaulatmccr. of.the /614 rated • TELITIIIPII COON. STOVES, UIL COLL. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., PEavasrir.i..47.l • - 11E1,40N WESTERN PENN-Mimi:7:Q? L. BY VA 1 , 11.% rtAlLltOdar and °Per MONDAY, rine, nth. ta. rasyen,, Trains on %he Western l'ennsytranta nallread arilte stand depart from Allegheny City, as fel laws: • Leave Anderson Street 7:00, 10 . 3 , A. M_ 1200 noon. and 4:00;0:33. S (0 P. sr. Arrive at rduryaburg 730, S:CO, 11 OC . A. 0., and 11:3J, 4:33, 7: 0, 8:711 P. u: Leave tiharpaburg.6:7l, 7A3, 0:13, 11:11 . A. 0., and 1:31. 4:43 7:13y. V. . • /.wire at Anderson Street 600, 114.1 A. At. and :ISO. 5:15, 7:C.r. At.' Through Trait s lesve And2rion 'street. at r:00 A. St. end 2 - 4 hr: sr.. tur 131strav tile, Indians and inter. r Mediate stations. • Arrive at Andersor street at 1.:30 A. m..and 1:11 P. St.. hens 111.strsvillei - ls dine a sad . Intermediate stations. . . • AUTHS AN S Ist. it.. - oe Asuilani appet in tendent.. IENNSYLVAIVIA m a CratTliAl. RAILRLIAI).4rJAZ MEI VIESI,T - VICUS And Black Oak for wood. fUll LROAD B. THE 1 1 1211351JitUll. FT WAYNE & AND CLEVELAND &PlTTSBUiltiii IL B. Vrains arrive and loose at the Union Dolma, as follows: ' LElies AILUIVE. Cleveland es... Erie A Yso Es.. 0:00 •in Chicago Es 10.2 S M .. CI. A WOK. .51•1. 6:15 m 14 heel Er.... 11•55 a m Mc. Ex m. Chicago 'Express 3:50p m Chicago 51all ..... I:ss pro Cl. & Whg. 2:40 p m C 1..& Whig. Ex.."2:ZA p Erie & ygn.'CZ. 0:45 p.m Chicago so ...... 2:210 'lllOl4O ElTlrcss SAO p m Wheeling Ex.... 4:25 p CI. At Wi, Ex.. 9:41p in llehart from Allegheny. derive to Ailegtz.ney. N. Beta Accom a m, Leetsdale Aecom 7:32 a m Leetsdale •• 10:Ve s, ref N. Brno •• 0.25 ain ••• 11:50 • co, WellsvUle • 9:51 am New Castle '• 2::a p New Castle " 2:45 ain Wellsville 3;20p co; Leetsdale •• 11:15 a m LeeLsdale `• CAP pmi •• •` 1120 • m N. Beta " 5:20 p mCN. Br•tou • 2:23 • m N. Br to ••" 6:15 p mlLeelsiale •• 4:10 •la Leetsdale " 10:Z0 p m " w 7:OJ a m No t , Mos leave. m. Chicago burgh n holiday. I Eancess arrives daily. _ . 11019 B. 21YES:', UkMeral Tic%ct Agent._ Plrrsiture6u. cas- LIMBO A.ND (11Nriag.. -a• NATI MAIM:COLD —Put-Handle. Mourn.-on and after EtilliDA V. December ISX, trains will lame rittsbursti and ar.. , ve as rialArtra: 1a.1,11,. Annl4l. Part Line A. Y. Ma 1.... " ,, C1 i. iM. DA , r. :a. .111s.od ...... ii.EO F. uttr's ; , ..1) P. et 2,40 P. s. Lou.. It. N. 10:10 A. It. Ezig;ss . . litenoeni ao . - do ..... ... -i:+l , .. Y. 3 . 15 A. U. • llomlng .Y.-o.niag Night Tnial. 1 . .-ain. Train. Lase. l'ittatairg. 1 , 2% a. U. 7. 14.1 . Y. 2:IS .e. M. APP. lkallscatms.... , o 50 A. Y. ti: I. U. 11:42 r. X. • Cincinnati... n.n. r. U. I. _ . st. 3-00 A. U. • Indianapolis. 7:55 e. x. 7:15 a. is. .7:51 A. Y. • Chicago Inun r. I. 6:l' A. Y. s•• OA. K. • Tent Hmati.ll:4l3 I. It. 1::M1 A. Y. 1::11 P. U. • St. Louis.— a:11) A. Bt.' svn r. Y. 8:1; r. K. . LOUISTIUP.... 101 A. U. 21 r. al. 2:r.) r. AI .. (1111/0. ..... ... I'IS r. Y. 11. X/ A. U. 1:n A. K M. 11. allortlticrr, Uu H. Tfenct agent., Linton Loot, rr.i..u. car. e. 7. nell U.. J nol7 Grain Ticket Amst, rltutraegb, ita)Or, - .ld PITTSIBUR6I3 I CONSELy3VILLS AND e i ts , graNryla H. L Spring Arrangement. • • . .. . . ', THURSDAY, MARCH till . 1336, , , . 'Tile trains will lure Um Deno; eertter of Bees and {Yates gtregtg, U fallow. , . _ • - Aar...CtS All 'IMO . - PiStOuret.. flaws* - Hail 'Aland fete Uniertenra.. ?:W A. 10. Cm( e.-z• &tyre's, ' .... kW r. le. iteoos. k. West Newton Aceenamedatfen GUS.r. sc. 3:30 /a N. Tint gclieeport Accust'a.....llen A. H. 6,50.5. ft. Second " —...12:03 r.. 164 2:05 r. w, ItradtlorA's ••.,1 He F. ff. 046 F. N. Sunday (Smith Train , tel and • . from West brew50n..—....—.1:03 r. Y. Ir:CO lilt. lot TlekeU apply to - T. B. Ulittf. *sent. ; W IL el UUI, Bunt. odU-1 • ALLEGIIIENT • • VALLEY HAILILOAD. CHANGE OF On and alter MONDAY, Mb. LW, trains wIL leave and arrive at Pittsburgh Depot, corner Pike and Canal streets, as follows:. Zeovu. Arifus PirstlliskiminitisActotrod'u. s. is. 12:00 'E. , Idrdl, to and from kiabonina.... Sse P. Y. First Soea Works eceam , tion. 0:00 A. IC 11.:W A. U. Second Elskiminitla denom'M 1:so P. Y. 7SO r.....pre es, to and from lialionwaan p. U. 1000 L. Second Sods Works Acoom , u.. saor = 2:SO P. 11. !Sunday Church Trslu from and to Soda Works ' 1:03P. e. 10:00 a. oel2.- H. BLAtIttS:IIINY, Supt. zio 0 Dusett4: 0 iritzl BALTI MOM BZ-liii*ANA STEAM.. BRIE , coMPANY. ALEX. BEAMS & SONS, General Agents. YOE 11AVANA AND N WiLltAud, CA.IIE.Y , 1146 THE UNITED oTATES KAU,. follome Iflrit-tgaa• Stehissaldps of thla Arm Irlll sail $1 ws: **LIIIEUTV-1,25Ut0v. Wa. Eolltns.Coranuuuder, TUESDAY, Deo , mber fib. 1,10)' tons. T. A. Rhin. Cotnuiand., Oh IVEDNEtiIIAY, 11eecenber . From 11110W.S'S WEARY, YELL'S MINT, At 2 o'clock,. IL, ou the days announced. For freight or passage, having unsurylesed coultualatinns. apply to 1.11:118Y D. WAEFIELDa CD.. Agents. 16 drgan , a WEAK?. N. 11.—No 1.1111. of Lading but theoe of the Compv ny signed. Permits for the freight meet ua • procured Irmo MIS odic*. No freight received err bills of lading signed on day of salting. noto • 9, TE&III TO AND l'llo 3t LIVES- : POOL AN LI QUEE STOWN(La LLANO) TWIG, ; WEIZA. The INMAN LLN &Wang EVERY SATURDAY, • • • • EVERY WED tiESEAY CARRYING tr. S. • Tickets sold to and from Ireland, England, Scot- t .lind, Germany and France. - APPIE at the eomyany'a adder& AGIN G. DALE, Agenl,.- • flush:trail. 02E=1 PENNA. SALT MANUEA- IUR'S CO. PENNA SALT. MANUFACI ilfrG t ivrizammccu. • 'WINDOW SUAIDES—A new lot ol .. M.. , ind beaut,ful .ealrna on.Ureen, Tan. andliafferoancla, Wald and raintc.llSorders, a i 2 4 . 2 : 1 07)1azkethreet. • • • aCt Ad, 8; EltitiiiEr, i$ Bath , MC B II 1119 1866. MESE
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