The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 03, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co,
No. 86 Witas. latr.oet.
'A P. 'Loam,. "mrs•
roses um; -•
annex P. asap, BaSineaSS Bigulters.
Bloats Coptei...”
De'tanned Ivy mina?, (pervieekl.".;.; ..... 16 cents.
libal Subscriber!. troeryear)
Liberal rethictlonitoNewsbotip gad •aeata
Elie g:ttAburgit 6nette.
TUE sEsArotitsaiP.
We are fully of the opinion, that Mr.
Cowes's successor hi the Senatorehip ought
to be takes - from the west. It is manifest
lie will not be. Mr. Wrizieits is the only
man In this section who has been , promi
nently spoken of in connection:with the
succeision; but, though backed by a nuni
ber of earnest and influential friends, vio
enthasissartas been enkindled in its be
half. Confessedly of superior intellectual
ability and training, and of sterling hon
esty, be excites admiration rather than
friendship. We do not hear of even one
member of the agialatnre who is serious
ly inclined to support hire.
Mr. ST.CVEISB is a Magnetic character—a
born leader—and if he was lounger and
less infirm, would distance all his cogipeti•
tors. Incapacity to dealwithideas e he dots
not surpass Mr. WlLLrens, but, 111 greatly
superior to him in that prime qualification
of statesmanship, the ability to manage
men and affairs. He has a feti, members
instructed for him, but is not likely to be
come formidable.
Col. Fon:rzy has grerit ability, combla.--
ed with great energy. lie excites enthu
- thusiasm, yet fails to bind men to him in
such a manner as to attach themselves to
his fortunes.
Onow can command alew votes.
Of only average ability, be is pre-eminent
ly true and trustworthy and esperis.nced.
Thadtepnblican majority in. the Legisla
ture is so large that if the members spec
hilly devoted to the gentlemen already
named were to unite on either of them; or
on anew man, they would fail to hold the
balapte of power. The contest, therefore,
narrows down to a choice between General
' CAUEnoir and Governor Ccricrix.. One or
the other of these men,-it Seems to us, will
be the Senator; which We do not und.rtake
- to say." Each of them has been tried, and
under circumstances , to test his peculiar
qualities. Each has warm friends and bit
ter enemies. EClther of them is perfect.
In point of purereason—in the faculty of
• dealing with ideas-4ach of them has
. many superiors. In the lower of dealing
- with men and matters each has demonstra
ted, iniiifferent ways, the_ possession of
unusual gilts, Governor Ceram has great
popularity with the masses of the loyal
people of this Commonwealth. This was
attested during the recant canvass by the
receptions accorded hint at all the mass
meetings he attended. Accustomed as we
have been, (o'i a quarter of a cm.
tury, to popular assemblies in Petnl.
sylvanut, we can truly say we have
aeon no enthusiasm approaching. that
• which his presence universally - 'awakens;
buf-antside the. State, his popularity is,
greater than inilde: General Came-
ROB, on the contrary, has a power ftd hold
on numerous sections of leading and influ
'entinl men:: ' These are Intensely devoted
to him, and always ready for 'any amount
of exertion or , sacrifices to promote his ele
The friends of Gov. CCUTIIC claim for
Lim a clear majority of all the members.
We &knot judge so. It seems to us that
while;the adherents of Wrutems,l3Tavnets,
FVNES and GROW have . not a balance: of
power between the two main contestants,
they could by nutting 14 a body, with
either of the:orn the scale in his favor.
This they ar of likely to do. After the
tbst or second ballot, it seems probable
they will divide, perhaps in unequal pro
portions, on CAmunos and Comes, and
it is this contingency that Imparts anima-.
lion to canvass. .
In Allegheny county popular sentiment
is greatly divided between CAMERON and
CURTIN. The cause of each :warmly
espoused and opposed. Hence, the dele
gation is divided, and likely to remain so.
According to the latest reliable reports a
majority of them are for CASIEIIO6.
A 3LEETING of the leading citizens of the
peninsular counties of Virginia, Was held
on Saturday at Richmond. Resolutions
were unanimously a&pted E declaring that
the Legisliture, which meets, on 3londay,
shall immediately call a Convention, to
frame a new constitution
. adapted to the
new order of society, and relieve the peo
ple from their indebtedness in ratio to their
present property, as it would be a shame to
make their successors bear the losses.
TEE Chicagopress has bier' cut off from
the New York - Associated Press because
journals h -independence ( enough to', re
ceive news through D. B. Craig's agency.
The New York Associated Press shows it
true character , in such arbitrary proceed
Tnz indictment 'against several of the
master workmeik . in the Brooklyn navy
yard charging them with defrauding the
Government, has been quAshed by Judge
Wilson, on the ground that the suit was
brought in the wrong district.
As incendiary named Luke Keegan was
arrested in - the act of setting. fire to the
stables of the Spruce and Pine streets Pas-
soil - ger Railway company at Richmond.
FIFTY MEN were employed last Saturday
in packing arms - anti ammunition, piepar
-ntory to shipment, at the Fenian head
quarters. in New York.
A. PHIL ADELrBIAN sent 'President ohri.-
zoni as a Thanksgiving present, one of the
medals struck in 1797; in commemoration
Dr Washington's resignation.. -
A ORAND FAIR and festival will be held
on the 20th proximo, in Baltimore, (or the
the benefit of' this Southern •Orphans' Asy
lain of Richmond.
it laaaid. that a committee Upon investi
gation; will be asked for upon the assem
bling of Congress to look into the recent
election held in Maryla d.
Mx. Wants, of the Baltimore Commer•
dot, entered upon .his duties as Surveyor
of the Baltimore port, on - Saturday last.
' JEFF. Davis is now much more comfort
ably situated in his prion quarters than
'General Grant at hit , Lome
- • - - ,
Trig Jewish synagogue at Cincinnati
wns slightly damaged by &e on Saturday.
ILLINOIB has two millions population.
The largest element is German.
THE banking house or J. A. Gaylord; St.
Lords, has suspended.
Tun Chicago police have Just donned
sew uniPirms.
t_ -
) ) /
VOLUME' 290.
r $l.OO
Insurance Company
maw "WO/RAM.
E. WERSTON, President.,
ors OVER
siv,pc•co t cococal,
mc.adisimmiur CASH.
anneal Dividends &callable Immediately,
rio TNEBEASE THE sarstasiOrr OR
• Polley-holdefgand other persona Interested In the
gtisdeet of LIPS IIIeUrtABCC env p an i c . woo on the undersigned, Agent of the Co who
will eheorfally give them fUll Information as to the
Incite and prattles! working of the Company.
1(o. 37 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.
Sao itaward,
If the Indian, Herb Doctor fails to describe d ts
eases and tell as patient, the nature of their
complaint or illness without receiving any In
formation from them. No charge tor consul
tation or advice.
We use such Balms as have no strife,
With 'Nature or the paws of Life;
With i•ur blood our hands WO DOOM' stale,
For poison men to ease their pain.
Oar Father, whom an goodness tins,
Provides the means to cure all our ills ;
The simple herb beneath our feet,
Well used, refs,. our pains complete.
A simple Serb, a simple Flower,
Culled from the dewy Lee—
These, these shalt speak with touclung
Of change and health to thee.
Office—No. 104 Liberty street. between Sixth
and Market, Pittaburstb,
Menai ran it Meitennsues Dim; Store
Have the finest stock of drugs ;
'Hays the largest assortment of patent med
Have the moat elegant stock of perfumery;
Have the finest medicinal liquors;
Have the greatest xariety of toilet seeps;
Have the best, stock of brushes, sponges. Aci
and are anther them (or less money than any
other house. Deal forget, 81 Market street.
On Treacle ffeelman
We have reduced our $1,.% quality to $l,OO, and
the $1,1.234 quality to tlc; also Empress Cloths
$1,37 reduced to SI,CO, and those formerly $1,25
to 0,87—a1l these In the choicest 0010 s.
J. W. B►acsa & Co., M Market street.
Hazard Caswell's Cesl User Olt:
Therurest and Sweetest Cod Liver 011 In the
world, manufactured from fresh, healthy
livers, -upon the sea-shore. It Is perfectly
pure and sweet. ; - Ask for "liazardA Catwell's
Cod Llier 011,u manufactured by
Caswzra., MACE a CO. New York.
Sold by all druggists.
Al 12 1.2 e per T.rd
Good Prints; good Shirting 'Muslin, and vard
wide Unbleached Muslin. Other goods as
cheap at thareduction sale 01 J.: W. Barker &
Co., 59 Market. street.
Garret Vs SaotelkNastiff
Can be bought for leas money, wholesale or
retail, at glealarran a ReSennan , sdrogstore,
than elsewhere. lietnember that, and go to 85
Market street.
For 654 e. Per Yard,
Figured,, all wool Empress Cloths, formerly
$1.15. Other goods as cheap at the reduction
sale of J. W Barker a, Co., 59 Market street..
Raisins, Currants, Citron, Orange and Lemon
Peel, Figs, Jellies. Canned Fruits, and nixed
Candles, at 112 Federal' large t. Allegheny City.
A call is solicited. tiro. BEAVIEM.
Plaid Dress Geode, formerly 15e. Other wx•de
as cheap at the redaction sale of J. W. Barker
& Co., Fa Market street: ' .
Test Um Bay
For*lan Liquors or all kinds at Joseph S.
Pinch's Mathieu; (0.199, 119,193 and 193F/int.
strait, Pittsburgh. •
Poplin Plaids, Empress Clotbs, French
rinoes, "and Flue Dress Goods, 'at. Gardner Ss
&thinner's, W. Itaritet street. •
Black Cashmere' Lout. Shawls
Fine Broths, raieley, Black Th!het, Stella,
rams , Plaids, WoolenSnawls, chn.per at Gar
dner & Sehlolter'a than elsewhere In the city.
Blankets Rediseedl 93 00 pee Pair, '
.klannels reduced ten and fifteen cents per,
yard, at the reduction sale of X. it Barker a
Co., 59 gasket street.
*ead. bead, Xtead,
Gardner a Bchleiter% advertisement, and so
there to buy yonr Dry Goods. 9: Ylaricet street.
Silks and alleles Ikeeas Goody '
Metlaced Inoredlbl7 low at the reduction sale
of J. F. Barker b Co.. 50 Market street.
Go to Flepthea'a Grog Attire.
No. 63 Market street. has the beet Blackberry
Wine ever to Pittsburgh.
'OO to rbonilluiradliret Slime, •
No, SO laarfiot strnot., for all kinds of. Califor
nia Wltioa aryl Brandy.,
=glut : haft Ciotti*.
New stock, eltiesper than ever, Gardiner a
Schliter, Narked, street. •
Filiationls Female College
WLeter term opens, Decemvers etli. Apply
Immediately._ . '
• .Bn.atmes Cletbs,
licautiful gouda, t nly Afty cents. Gardiner &
Sabi Rec. •
. .
New stock cheaper 'than ever, Cisidiner a,
• You cad Say
OS per cent. Alcohol at Joseph P. Finch's
• Ton Can Due
Now HOPS at Jowl% B. }limb's
ire= lan resaelseo
8& Flu:wise°, December 2.—The steamer
Montana,' from Pena-Ma, arrived - to-day. with
New York dates to November lath.
She reports one French matt.ei•Wer In the
harbor of Acapulco, and brings news that Gen
eral Corona entered Mazatlan In triumph on
November Uth, after having besieged Wet
Place two years.
Among the Montana's passengers arc Gen
eral J. B. fry and General
The steamer Oregonian. from New York,
also arrived to -day. •
Dorados of a Cotton Tielon. •
Ber.rtionc, December . : —Yesterday after
1100n, the Cotton r Acton , f John Cook., on liar
den street near Preston, tees partially de
stroyed by flee. An the combustible material
being burned, and the mactatlery dainiged.
the are Was emend by friction from the Ma..
Proposed Auseodoloup
lifondoosmar, Ans., December L—LeNisine
Dire to-day tabled a bill after a long do ate,
which rdoixoed altering the constitution SO
as wallow all persons w Tots, who alln read
and write, and who are worth two haudrad
dollars la proporsp!_
Radical Caucus Held.
Bitter Feeling Against the President,
Alto ion °film Present Southern State
Governments Proposed.
arOPINIOI. IS TO•not or Flivfisz
Important Jltemeteres to be *tee-
The 11Xemeslocarno.
Wasinsu row, December 2.— AL the Repnbll•
can caucus last evening, among Other prop°.
anions discussed was one that a law should be
Introduced and passed redairingti meeting. of
the Fortieth Congress on the bib of March
next, immediately upon the termination of
the present Congress. - This prOpOsititin met
with general axeptance, and the Itepublicsn
members generally,. arc understood to be in
favor of It. in the prbsent tamper of Congress,
as Indicated by the members already arrived.
there Is little doubt that snarl' law will be
palmed before the termination of, the thirty
ninth session.
Too Republican members of Congress ex
press little' hope of any amicable err ange
merits of the 'difficulties between that body
andibe President. The reports .10 the- edeet
that the President was disposed to make con
cession and calculated to diminish the dist,.
greeinent with - Congre-s en important mat.
tors, are without foundation. Tnere is proba
bility that Congress may adjourn to-morrow
before the President's message Is received. In
order to respond to the mass welcome ,and in
that case, of course, the message wilt go over
wl Tuesday.
Wsentearos. December X.—The Committee
Appointed to prepare a prograttime of action
for the Radical caucus on Wednesday evening
have their proposition all cut and dried. The
bill they will offer for the approval of the enii•
COS IS very Similar to, the ono Offered in Con.
gems by Hon. Thaddeus Stevens. It. coot eni
plates an abolition of the present State Got.
arm:fleas in all the Southern States, on the
ground ot their uneenstitution Commissioner
vides for the appointment of a
for each State, who shall have power to ap
point the civil and military officers necessary
for the preservation of peace and good order.
The Commisslonen aro to call Conventions
ter the purpose of adopting Constitutions
with a view to admission into the Cnion,
There Is a difference of opinion as to the right
of franchise. Some are In favor of only loyal.
Ma voting; some in favor of Congress d este.
noting who shall and who shall not vote, while
others advocate allowing nil ti:mato vote who
are now qualified under State laws. The e. 41-
stitution adopted by these conventions, are
to be submitted, but only those to be ellowrd
to vote who are enfranchised by the con.titu-
Mona, voted on as was 1110 ape in Maryl Anti.
if the constitution be adopted by these
voters then the States are to be re
admitted. U rejected then rejection will
be followed by territorial government. The
Commissioners to be authorized to organize.
the militia, including the colored population,
-to aid in earning out the previsions of the
bill, alai if called into the sere leo ate tsf be
qnartered on those rendering the call neces
sary. !Such am the leading points In the pro•
gramme which will be presented for the ap
proval of the liadleal caucus, and tbo South
ern /Orating express strong hopes of success.
'The names of the committee are Messrs. Ste.
vens, - ,Washbarre .• . Schenck, Hart, Garfield,
Meitner, Pike,Orth,and two otters not known.
Arrival from Aspinwall.
New Yong, Dee. 2.—Or Quarantine Station,
!learnt Island, the ship Kate Dyer of Portland
from Callao, with .1700 tons of guano on board,
was run into last evening by the 'deanship
Scotland, hence for Liverpool, taking the
Kate t'yer on the starboard bow, cutting her
completely, through and causing her to sink.
In an illeillll% giving those who warn saved
barely time to get Into boats. Thirteen of
the crew went down with the ship. The Kate
Dyer had ,a pilot on boardNwho gays, as does
the Captain also, that thervaw the steamer
about fifteen steatites before aho struck them.
and bad she kept her course the collision
would have been avoided.
The ;Scotland had her bow stove, and after
picking up the remainder of the crow of the
ship beaded back for New York, but the leak
gidnlng rapidly,' she was compelled to run
ashore MT bandy Hook to prevent sinklmr,
where she edit lies this morning. At nye
O'clock see was half ball of Water and her
pumps ageless.
The steamer Arizona, from Aspinwall on the
Zd. with a large number or passengers and
one million, one hundred and thirty thousand
dollies, treasure arrived to-day. •
Advice! from , iiogota state that the Arch
bishop bad been 'Opened from the Depend°,
his palace and houses seized by the Govern
ment and ho was awaiting passage to France.
Considerable irconvertienee was occasioned
In Prussia by the non arrival of ice:
Valparaiso dates of the :el, and Callao tee
14th ult., have been received at Panama. The
MIX feeling against Spain, in Peru Is !norm's
leg. Ciallan citizenship la hoped to be con
ferred upon all citizens of Spanish America,
and free trade with all South American lie.
publics is being discussed.
Colonel P. Redo, tate Dictator of Peru, has
been elected Preateent *almost unanimously.
Generals Idisellesa anti Biding have been dls
honorably stricken from - the military list.
General Coedit° la to command the Chiller'
and Peruvian army. There is a great scarcity
' of money In Eceuedor, owing to the wat.
The 11, Web bark Chimborazo int-ued 7tt sea
on the 15th of November. Tau crew saved.
For 37 3.2 e,
TOSIONTO.C. W.,Decembcr I.—Judgment was
" delivered this afternoon In thocases of Lynch,
licliaban, !Ravin, and School. There were not
wally present-la emit, and no unusual inter
cet in hicSialiOn , sewie. The Chef Justice ex
pounded, at length, the law under which the
prisoner wail tried, after disposing of objec
tions rallied by the prisoner's counsel to the
indictment. the Lordship read the
• evidence giVen at the trial, showing the pris
er's connection with the ronbuts, and stated
-that, after careful and deliberate considera
tlOD, he . agreed •with trip learned Judge who
tried the case, that altbough the prbsoner came
Over with the recitals°, ostensibly frr pun.
'poseef Adednistering spiritual consolation to
the wounded, he was aiding end assisting in
pthuatirl•gyisibane p d r wa lso s ne e r qu w a e l r ly e tren ill e y ev . ic A w in e d il a a v n ie i s l .
their bssufaciency I for granting a new 'trial
dwelten. to conelusion, Ills Lordship stated
that beriras of the *gluten /lintel' the granites
taken by the prisoner's cowling for granting a
.i t
would haled, and that. hail•it. been granted
it would merely have been wasting time e „,l
words to no purpose, as the court oc a rnet_
lustre made it obsolete. Alter most ceful
consideration he could arrive at no other , to--:
elllloll than refuse the rule.
Mr, Justice Ilugarty Hien delivered Jude-
Ment la the case of the Queen ve. fdrien,
flaring recapitulated.- the oldeetinini zeriaturn„
Ito 'lasted
Itilultdbtiwil perfectlye.tntictyrrtrn.tilicer.
'lJ'inelireem,Vd tavlngollevegeril much care to the
`study of all the different Points involved situ
ontrestions nitbsell,ho had ooftes to the decision
' that no suf cient. grounds bad been
;nude out
vto warrant the Court In granting d a
udgm ni ent si.
Sir. Justice idorrlson deliere Jip
the case of the Queen Ca. Beheld. Us [digt , &
that tie perfectly concurred with the learned
Chief Justloo and Dlr. Justice liagarty, and
that he had no doubt of the law on the sulqeet,
and must., therefore, refuse the ruin.
Mr. hj. C., teen MOVIA tor the case
to appeal.
The Chief Justice said, that the Court hull
anticipated aeon a inotiony baring refused the
role they did not ocuisider they would be war,
ranted in granting the applicatlod.
Chief Justice Litelards thee delivered judo,
meet In the Coon otCommon riidst o es., inn
Queen vs.. to VILLA ale rule
same grounds as those urged by his Worsted
1 brethren on the queen's hence. •
A. New Trial Reftiled
Fiom llp the River.
PA.. Dec. I.—Diver at Franklin
93 Inthee Bad at 011 City 90 Indies and
tams, and at onopolis lei lno4es.
Maximilian to be IntOtepted;
Airival ofliteamr Java at Llierpoels
Fenian ,Extitement in Ireland.
Tenable Anticipated in Lyerpoel.
The Empress Carlotta Dying.
The Matamoras Canard in Paris.
Fiats, Nov. 9a-Evening. -It is reported that
a stf tuner Las loft (or ; Havre to tntererat the
Emperor Martmullan on hls voyage front
Vein Onaz to Illraroon t 9 join the Empress
Lisnos, Nov. Tl—F.renlng .—•A large Crated
States squadron is now concentrated off this
LIVERPOOL, Nov. l'A--Evening.—Tire steam
ship Java, from New York. arrived this after
noon after a very rapid passage.
Loaner: Nov. M—Eernsrtg.—lt is said that
Secretary Seward has sent a decisive dispatch
to the French Government on the auliJect of
evacuating Mexico.
la vcriroot, - November M.—.Ereniam--The
lirelidstuff's market Is weak. Wheat declined
to percent. Corn unchanged: mixed extra
Quoted/It 3::10 ad. Provision market easter out
we rote no parttualar dectlue in any article.
The'retroleum market in heavy; relined sold
toslay at Is Ultpla tal per gallon.
Lesson, November M.—Erening,Consols fol
money close at ttrilli closing prices for Ameri
can Securities were.: rimed States 3.20 a MS;
Erie Railroad Sharon. 10; Illinois Central Hall.
road shares, 761;.. ~
Loapost, Dec. 10.—it kg rumored here that:
Head Centre Stephens,-of Hat Fenian - orgaml
. cat ion. bat lately arrived at:Paris, where he
is nowisupposed to be concealed. '
It In said on high authority that Mr. Sew.
aria's dispatch touching the Mexican ques
.t lon, totter Minister of the United States at
Farts, was communicated by the latter to Na.
polcon, to the effect that the United States re
-gained France tolulllll her Pro:aloes In regard
to Mexican utfaira.
The imposing ceremony of unveiling the
statue of Prince Albert took place at Wolves.
hampton tca.say before an immense conCiAlrea
of people. The Queen took a loading part In
the cot r.montes amid the cheers of the croied.
. . .
Ilsures, December I.—Du Thursday and
Friday, -a heavy southernly gale prevailed
here, accompanied with rain. Today the
weather Is pleasant. •
• Lori non, Dec. f.—co political news Of Impor
tance transpired to-day. •
• Dion.s. lanLaYD, 1/11C.. I.—.3lllltary.tnerts:
urns on the part of the Government being
rapidly adopted. ,
The county of Limerick wind toay prOcialiro
ed-us be ng under martial law, Invoice In pro,
vent an outbreak, which Was deemed to be
imminent. Large numbers of arrests had been
While of suspected partied, both in the city
and county of Limerick. Arrests are about
being-made In this city end other parts of the
' .
Ftormsce, I ice:l.-1.1. is announced semi offi
cially that the evacnatton of - home will take
place in ton day-.
Conk, thotasp, December I.—lt is stated
that the English' Ilovernmeut have counter
manded the orders for the 'transportation of
English volunteers to this city &JO ether
places in Ireland. .
Pangs. Sundae... December I—The Empress
Carlotta, of Mexico, is stated to be dying at
. Tile Emperor Maximilian is expected to
reach Miramar, la the course of the next two
weeks, and prep arations are being made to'
give a Titling reception upon Austrian
Pants. Dec. Is stated that the decision
of tile French Government in refusing to no-
cede to the demands of tireat Britain for the
extradition of Lamiraniii . him beau acquiesced
In by the British . Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Pants, Sendai, Evening. Dec.l.—An aunounee.
men t has been Wade potato • hero to-day, that
Mani:norm, Mexico, had been seized and oceu
pled by the American trOOps, end that the
French has been driven oat. This has caused
Profound sensation fn goverunieut cireles,
and among the people, and various, conjectures
are indulged in relative to the comptication,
of a serious nature, which Is expected to arise
from such a coarse on the part of the Ameri
can government. • •
!nation, Sunday Evening, December 2.—C01,
Ideeny, a well known null prominent Fenian,
hue been arrested by the Government ;Atkins
here, and placed in film:kis eit prison under a
etrOng guard. ' -
Dentin, Eimilay•Evening, December I.—There
Is great excitement here relative to the retie-
Ity of English olllezals to making eremite of
persons believed to be implicated to the Feni
an movement. There have been a great many
arrests, and they grow more numerous daily.
LlYititrOOL; Supokiy Evening, Lke.' 2.—There
are Indications tiers, Of (roams from tile Irish
population, and predstutionary steps are being
taken by tae Government, with ii. view to It.
prompt countermanding tif an Order for vol
unteers to leave ter Zeeland. was mode In
this connection, as their Services may be re.
iinned at home.
CILAStiOve, Bengal/ Evening, Dee.2.—Erma va
rious inoVelllentll on the part of /thilitilen and
itili•lr bytilpathlsere, it, tote city and vicinity.
fears ale entertained tn et the Fenian inove
thent has extensive railileatloim here. The
nut borltled are taking , ' steps for the proper
auppression ernes outbreak.
Deeeinlier I.—Cotion market
eicatly• sales to-day of loth° bales Middling
g e n n e i r „ a u ff y
, d o u . l . 01
41 .9 a x e t il m s ),, itt
closed to-day at bUti. The following are Diu
prices of American securities : United Mutes
Five-3 e enties,:oll; Erie Railway, 15%; Illinois
Central, 77.-
Heavy Senteneet - in Philadelphia.
rittLipzt.rids, Pee I.—To-day the Court of
Ousri er Sessions, Judges Ludlow, Allison end
Pierce on the bench. Imposed sentence on . till
the prisoners convicted of various Crimea' in
the Court of Oyer and Terminer. Mason and
Roberts, tile noted professional burglars, cacti
received five years in the county prison; Wil
liam A: the murderer of Maggie
Baer, at theContluental Theatre, in 18.4, w as
Sentenced to eight years and Six menthe fia•
prisonment In the peditentlary; ZioatOU
ClialtiplOn, thy murderer of Mary Kearney, in
June last, Mb Sentenced to ho hung. Judge
Allison imposing the acetone°. The scone was
of-the usual solemn chraucter.
paid no attention to it, but. during tile whole
marched Impressive remal
of the Judge,
up, and down the dock, Ills eyes axed
on vacancy. lie has heretofore sought to ere
ate the Impression that he is insane. •
The aiewsnge.
Lomat , :Lts, Deleernbor Y.—The. JOICF/Ult-110.11
advicas that the VresitionVa message will hu
conciliatory, and he will endeavor to avoid
the quarrel with Congreat, and throw on that
body the responsibility of relieving the cowl.
try of its present =iconic& 1L in undentood
that the tranidolsaion of LIM message hag been
delayed by the recent Intelligence from the
French Government, which led to Ilia
eetion of the message.
Addlilor Tele`rem■ ou Fanelli Page
The Murder of Vlso Peousylvanlons,
Tho Lancaeter Iriejuiefr has the followlngt
On Sunday last, Mr. JacOb Zook received a
telegram signed by I'. E. Vpton from Lehr
burg, staling that his two sons, Noah 11. bud
_a brahnui 11., were mis.iug and that It Wea
supposed they were murdered.. These two
_gentlemen, long and favorably known In this
county, left our county for 2dissinelppl last
spring, and together with a beittlyern man,
leased a entomplantatlon about twenty miles
hem Vlekaburg. !ritey had made the IMIOI Or
a Mrs. Upton In - ,Vlcksliurgi their hentiquar,
tern until all tilos cotton was to be gathered,
when they Martel out for their plantation, do
signlng"to remataihere until It was all oath.
oesd ready for,utarkut. for 'the pant, throe
weeks thelreparowle hero hail received nulti.
telllgenee from theta until 'the news c(11.110
&hat Cony Were missing. A second dispatch
stated, AMA this body of Atirshato had been
found:Stripped, rblibeu and horribly inutlla
ted, No trace of Noah has yet been found.:
Nosh was the elder of tan two, a widower
on' lcuvus a family of young elilldro Itt this
city. Abraham wad a Dingle Mau. :,Noah was
a clerk in VI riehington for a number of years,
and at ono tune. u few years Igo held a kubor
dintite 1 11 0 , 1 1 41. ( ;'spited.
mywale in sillgunt. web-educated enterpri
sing business mon, ardent Republicans. to poi.
hies, and thorough gentlemen.
Them/us.' is
ditplv No notionlot the apprellen•
Mona tholr murderers has yet bmintaken
by the 01v11 or military authorities.. Silo be
hove. number of gentlemen Intend .2caving
for Vicksburg, to look niter the prop/Atrial ,
by the deocated.
tgagiuojra, Loam NEWS o 9 TM:RD PROM
Illoaddri'llealle of it colored ]inn-Aarpl•
clods of Pol.on—Corenero Inquelig.l
On Wanlay afternoon, between three and
four er,cleols, a colored man named Samuel
' Wilibutti, died at the residence of Benjamin
Don , another negro, residing at NO. ISO
.Webster t trot. The deceased resided at CUM
einnitl, hero he IS/ a fatally living- 110
hail been'ffreman On the steamboat Lorene'
and abooettwo weeks ago was paid off and die
charge/Anthill city/ BeWag . a stranger here
~ . . ..
lied weak) Donaldson's' to board i teW MON-
Onthe /friday afterwards he was taken a'ck
. . ...
wityiettalar symptoms ,. and Saturday attest
wee ' die/ as stated. When \ he was taken
Sick, Mesita that a enloredl,wougitt named
Ann EUXlS•Wasblngkon, living neer • Donald
son's,. hisi 'given him .poi son in adrink of
;L am. ileoantitineft-la assert this, and
it out to Mrs. Washington Intrself only
a short.tiffes before he died. Information of
these facie Was conveyed tithe ktavor,and on
s a turd a ngapeing Mee. Washjagton was ar
rested sail locked up to await investigations
Yesterday afternoon. Coroner Clawson _ism
pannelled; a jury atel Dr. G. L. Mo.-
Cook, agitated by Doctor Dathatatter, made
, a post merlins eXaMinatien Of , the rentable.
the myestigation being conducted et the'May
or's °Moe .Tho testimony elicited was as
follows I , -
Samuel Dadaldant, (c 01.,) sworn—Live at the
corner of W_ abater and Roberts streets. Am a
butcher. Work at Adam Berry's. The de.
ceased is named Samuel Williams. Me came
up on a stein:theta eight or top days ago, and
came to my bongo to stay. Was not silk then.
Went over Lathe house where Ann Washing
ton lives thenext day. atter-he .came to my
house( and4gas Melt when he 'tame back.
Don't know just what ailed him, lie was
over there 'First ' times afterwards. .A ft er
he was sick told Ann Eliza that he had
been poison and she had given hi". the
dose. This wig on Thursday or Friday. Didn't
say what night he bad been poisoned. Re was
ea feeble tbat be could only speak very slowly.
lie Swelled tftl in the feet anal logs, but did not
cramp. Ile &gamete/ to vomit, but could not.
IHe was pretty' sick for five or six days before
[ he died. lie died on Saturday afternoon, I
was not thereat the time, and do not know
what Liner he died. No doctor. mime to see
him—Saturday morning he sat up, but was
very bail. When he teld Ann that she had
poisoned him She ;Menet lt. 1. got no money
from him, arid saw no money in his posses.
Mon. Ile said be only wanted to stay at my
house a day or two until he could get away.
- Rachel Donaldson (colowd) sworn—Am the
wife of the ant Witness. (Deceased chum to
our house about two weeks ago• said he was a
married man and wanted to stay . a few days.
lie was perfectly well. A few il.ys after that
lie said he had an awful pain in his head. lie
bail just been Over thi the'other house; he hid
been over there 'leveret times befit: et and said
be had won MX dollars at yards the day after
Jio first came. lie died eight days elle, he
was first take:l.-The night lie orimplained,of
being sick hestald in oar !these all night. The
next day they sent for him to come over again,
and when he came beck he was perfectly crazy
with his head. This was at bail time./ The
next slay lie was token with a eats in big
stomach and threw up Several limos. Re did
not ea anything
tL l".feetecm
r. i to s:.!lilacrel cton caneoye;
to the house amrialked with him, and !heard
him say -.Mrs. Washington gave the poison to
me In a tumbler of wial•ky.. , 1 went in and
asked him about i 4 and he told me too that lie
had been poisoned by Ann; said he didn't
want any doctor, but wanted to go home to
his wheat Cinoinnati. Timis wagon Wednesday
or Thursday. The might before he died 1 seat.
for Mrs. Washington; tasked him if see was
the one who did itch° looked at re_r and said
anti was; be then told her to her face that she
bad poisoned guter'she aiked him why ha
thought so,• be 'Witte felt sick as seen as she
gave him the whit et ; the next day he repeat- 1
ed the charge; Oh tan Maloney, who rahreel ,
Airs. Wasblegton, earno beer arid urged )tr.
Williams, As being on his dying best. to tell
whether Annie pagitted tiltn; he was panting
for breath o but gasped out that she did potion
him; don't know Whether the deceased bed
any money. I. .
bends Ann Meffende (colored), sworn—Live
on the coener of Arthur and Duncan esthete;
last evemng I Itenipp -to Mrs. Donaldson's;
raked Mr. Williams *hat he thotight was the
Matter with him; lie said Ann Eliza Kinney
had poisoned elm; (Kinney wan Mrs. Washing
ton's maiden named he saki; "She came over
after rue and I went over and took agate° of
milli. with her; I won tivervtlitnit before me,
and then the drink came; the minute after I
drank I felt so-load I didn't know what to tio.e
Those were his words; I tried ' to flatter him
And make' him believe he had consumptien,
but be *eel/ lint believe it.
Dr. li. L. Jfetbee. sworn—Made nest mort cm/
pirate illation of the deceased; ob.ersed a drop-
Meal condition of the feet and ankles, extend
ing to the knees; in opening the ebeet / 1119.
trovered the heart tone of extraordinary size,
as largess that of a bullock; the right lung
was very considerably detained; ivw an broken
doe. and Oiled withpigMent; from right lung
I took an Irregular piece ;of black, hard sub
stitute, in+ largo as a vs Innis, ball; it is a calca
reous substance BD croUnded by pigment; the_
whole lung seemed lin/hely Oiled; the spleen
is broken down in substance end filled with
- matter; the stomach was also broken down
and presented a very peculiar appearance on
the inner surface as If it were covered with
adipose tissue; this paritonind covering of the
bowels, has been subject to severe in
flammatory action, and is softened anti
easily torn. being th oroughly disor
ganized. The right - kidney 1 hound to be
about twice its sonnet size and weight. Th Is
diseased condition will account for the drop
sical appearance 01 the feet; don't think 1
eversnade en examination in which 1 found
the traces of mei e extensive disease than In
this cane. Whether poison was administered
or not, there was euMelent organic change to
produce death without poison. The deceased
has been a thoronghly diseased man, and
must vhere a
Inevitably v i t t m ab ee ly s er t hared ied o i
. 1'
ti the
am il m in a e t ar io e n .
which may or may not Pave been erodes:Lei by
n destruc t ive
At this point the {e
vent adjourned to Con
tone On Wednesday evening at sotslllo'clOck,
at the Mayor's °Mee. The accused is still in
the lock-up. "
A Striplie Case.
In saturday morainal Issue we noticed the
arrest and committal to of David Stewart,
charged, On the oath of his sisterin-law, Mrs.
Stewart, before Justice Ammon, of Birming
ham, with burglary and attempted arson. On
Saturday morning lu the - court of Vilarter
Sessions, W; U. Moreland, Esq., eouosel for
Stewart, made application to have the amount
of bail Amid by the court,tho. Justice haying
refused - to receive bail. For haformatiOn of
the coati, Mrs. Stewart,
.the pioseentrlx,
was called, and made a statement under oath.'
She said that on Wednesday morning she was
aroused by hearing a noise in her room, and
on looking up discovered a man with his fano
partially covered with ithamikerchief. From
the clothing and features she felt convinced
that the accused-was the ono she had even in
her room. She also suited thava number of
articles were carried oil, some of which were
recovered and in *vacant - kit near the school
house on the following morning,. She further
stated that she has been subjected to constant .
depredations committed by her bushman, and
that on Friday morning an attempt was made
to burn down a new house which site in just
erecting, and into which she expected to
move to-day. She wan a. widow when vibe
married John Stewart, the• brother of David.
lie soon became dissatisfied with her and de-
Sorted her. Since that time as she alleges,
hotpot berm persecuting, coming to her house
freuentl and creating grs diaturbancea
and q antioy y
Ing the whole neig hborhood. Mrs.
Stewart has succeed in purchasing some props
arty and leasing the property on which her
new house stands.
Mr. Moreland, On behalf of David Stewart,
stated that on the trialmtho accused would
prove an irreproachable othiracter, and would
also establish a clear alibi, having been at
home in this city during the eniire night on
which the. alleged burglary. was committed.
Mu furtuer Intimated that the prosecution
was prompted by malice. Mr. Aughlubaugh.
counsel for prosecutrix denied the assertion,
.and stated that Sire. Stewart had beau tern.
bly persecuted by her hnsband, who is now
applying for a distal - co on some grounds, and
that the present prosecution was Instituted by
her from the ad v ice and urgent solicitation of
neighbors who were cognizant of Um (acts of
tho case. Mn spoke in the highest terms of
themnargetar of tho lady.
• After consideration, the Cent t Sand the bail
at $1.601. The bail was burned lately produbcd,
and the accused 9.113 released.
Ullied byßlaelc Daukp
The .Ifilier't Journal lies the following On
Tuesday Iwtt two Miners, Englishmen and
brothers, named Samuel and Randolph Man
son, went into an atr-bele at the Still Creek
mine of Mr. George W. Snyder, to get their
Considerable Limo elapsing and they
not coming out, Mr. Edwards, inside tam, and
;woollier! went in, tying ropes to tro Ist/0111es.
so that If one fell the others could drag him
oat. - After corishlerable difficulty and being
nearly suffocated, they found-the dem I boa lea
Of the brothers, the younger grasping the
eider as If he had attempted to drag him oat,
wheelie was overcome by the hostess gas.
One was twentpione, the other twenty-Mx
yearn of age.„, Roth were married, and leave
fats lles In destitute circumstances.
. .
The. Cross Cut Ball well.,,Thegrading of
the Crestl.cut rallynolisflnt.bcd Irmo the Lake
Shore railroad to Mayville, at the east end.
AI the Corry mt: the track telubl sonfotrridre
tittles, or heyond sorry. 1.4.. Iron, ties.
are o' the itrtadol, and It is thought that the
track will a all laid In January nest. • Ito 01111dvei
dime el"' Fos swell o hay n the rep, Farm et
et Espreirnent, to purchase one of lien by Immune th o tery snout
Wheeler Wilson... Improved • Leek Stitch te e hee d f via, sunk and on Weans*,
sowing %whines, as t heydtres 'warranted per- h
t- o " That lucky guers will be
fect—ir cow , the finest mull as w. ll as the day oil hirpaWerjP to glee him ens
Leavy beaver 'cloth, and full Instructions are sufficient 1) ,, ••••• - galling the public as an
given to their eat tree efcherge. halcaremn. I limited license for
2.S Filth street. 0 911 smeller."
rr- I i ,
11Orrible Ave'dent.
Coroner Clawson was summoned yesterday,
to hold an Inquest on • the remains of an no.
known man, toned . killed and shockingly
mangled,on the Allegbeny Valley Railroad.
At ' about two o'clock yesterday morning,
Michael Shay; occupying a shanty on the All&
gheny Valley Itrilroad. a short distance above
the Sharpsburg 'bridge, happened to be Up,
and heard a rota' walking • up the track.
Abont dfieen Mindles afterwards, a .stock
Arnbi.drawn by engine No. P, came rushing
paid on Its way to the 'city. The man that
Shay heard was nnnonbtedly the unfortunate
'victim of thti accident and was killed by this
train. -At seven Crelock In the morning, John
Chambers; a 'watchman at One of the refl.
Defies' thereabout*, discovered the frightful
corpse of a man torn to pieces and scattered
ateng the track for • considerable distance.
The! first trate of, the accident was some
blast on the ties about three.fonrths °Camila
above the bridge, nearly opposite the foot of
Six Mlle Island.. The man bad oVidently been
Struck here and was dragged alunrseveral
feet. A shortdlstance from the drat blood the
head was round, severed from the body and
literally 'Mashed to fragments. Fifteen feet
further down the track, the torn and mangled
body was found, lying between the rails of the
track. The left arm, was out entirely off
and was found still farther along, end por
tions ot the clothing were scattered almost to
the bridge.
The head, as we stated, was literally In frog
meets. The face had. been encoder as with
a knife, and lay Impended from the skull and
smiled beyond recognition. Blood, brains
and fragments of the skull were scattered all
about, and a quantity of heavy black hair Icy
among them. The body was leas crushed, but
had a large cut across the breast. The left
arm was off, and the right arm was broken and
twisted out of chaps, the bones .protruding
through the skin. On the body were forma
the fragments of a brown overcoat, a blue tin.
deretat, dark pants, a course undershirt, and
'awhile muslin multi. Oa the face was black
mustache. No trace to the Identity of the de
ceased was obtained. On the locomotive and
one of the cars Were found blood ard.brains.
Reuben Church, the Engineer,
Connor, theConduettr, felt the trate Jolt as
they passed the scone of the accident. but sup
posed a lump of coat lay upon the track.
The Coroner empannelled a jury. yesterday
afternoon and adjourned until to-day at two
o'clock. The remains ofihe unfortunate man
are now at W. IL Devere , e undertaking estab
lishment on Urant street. .
Xs rder urar Eistour
A most atroclOna murder was et:emitted:at
the Lock at the head .of the Six Mils Level,
Del. 'DIV. COMO. about twelve miles below
Easton, on Sunday morning. The Partlealiars,
as we have. learnt:al them. are as folio's:
James Wolter, the murdered man, was ,em
ployed by Frank Donnelly, restillog -in WIL
liamsoca t, opposite Enstbe, to run a boat on
the canal. On his return trip from rbiladel.
phis. on Saturday afternoon last, when near
„Smithtown, about three miles -this side of
Illack'st,tqy, a man on the bank of the canal
hailed Welley and requested permission to
ride. Walley, who was driving at the time,
ordered the young man who was steering the
boat to lot the man on, which he dtdi The
boat then proceeded on its wit.. end arrive.'
at the Lock at Stx MilirLovel about 1 o'clock
Sunday morning. where the boat was tied
up, and the young man sent to his home,
about six miles distant with the mules, leav
ing Watley and the stranger on the boar. In
st irring, ng this ! oc-tender, seeing no one
st and suspicion being aroused,
.went •on board the boat, and entering the
cabin, found Watley lying on the cabin floor
dead. On examining the body it was iound
that he ban been allot in the head aniline,
and stabbed In the side, and a picot. of his
emit stuffed in his mouth. Ills - pockets were
rifled of tit etr contents. eonslsttna - ofltuoneyp 6
U.S amount of We. The empty pocket-nook
was foiled lying on his breast and a wallet
near his feet. Mr. Walley am* the driver both
resole about six miles trout the place where
the molder .was committed, end the look-
tender not knowing that the boy Lad been
sent home, immediately sent outs messenger
and found the young man there. • . -
Tho boy confessed tharthe murderers - as a
cousin of hie mimed Deltrel. lie Is ether;
stout man, with black whisker., and - bad on
at the time a high hat. The lock-tender at
Smithtown says Dowel got on the boat at that
place, and was seen In ixinvensatiourivith the
boy The night of the murder two persons
were seen riding the mules towards the hones
of {riding, and it looks very much as if the
boy was at leastcognizant of the molder hoe-.
leg been committed, even Übe was not a prin
cipal in the affair. lie has been arresthd and
committed to the Doylestown Jail. Dowel has
not been arrested. .
Low Priced and wood—The Eineruni
• • -
To meet. the wants of the great number of
persons who desire to possum, a piano, hut do
not feel able to go to the expense of the coetli
cot make, and yet would 1ia4 . 8 only a good,
substantial one, we have made a most careful
examination of all the lowest priced pianos
made in the United Stater. The result of thle.
examination is that we have found those
made by W. P. Emerson, to be the best pletnoe
for the price, and the cheapest 'good planes
that are made. They axe meet substantially
built, on thegsoundest acoustic principals; the
wood le the beet quality properly seasoned;
the tone rich and powetful,and the touch easy
'and elastic; cacti one Is provided with the the
full trop • frame, and overstrung bass. They
stand well in tune and wear welt to every par- ,
nation this we know from actual experience. I
The difference in price between the Emerson I
Plano, and the more costly makes, is canoed
by the most ngid economy in the manatee
tuns consistent with excellence, and
by a ßaving of labor on thee° parts,
which - neither effect the tone or ddrability.
Wo do not pretend that the "Itmerecinii is the
lowest priced piano made; many can be bought
at a less price. Sooh planes we do not keep,
having found by our own and others-expert.
enco that being so poorly made they soon give
way, lose their tone, become harsh and dis
cordant, and give no satb-faction to the owner,
-but are a constant source of expense and an- ,
noyance. A piano of this kind Is a bad in- ,
vestment. and really the dearest piano any
one .can buy. We do not and will not keep
them for sale. Find [matte "Emerson" such a
desirable piano, we at once secured the excite.
11.0 agency for them for Pittsburgh and sure
rounding country, and having made special
contracta for s regular weekly supply for a
long time to come, wS can offer them at un
usually advantageous rates. All persons de
siting the best cheap piano in • the market,
should not fail to examine the "Emerson , ' be
fore purchasing any other kind. Liberal dis
count to clergymen, teachers and cash custo
mers. Charles C. Mellor b Co., 81 Wood street,
Pittsburgh. Ntivr
InJOred on the Train
Miss Mary Morris was seriously injured' at
Leavittsburg y&iterday morning by being run
over by the mall train on the A. t U. W. Road
bound east.- She endeavored to jump upon the
platform of a car while it was to motion. but a
carpet-bag, senich• sins carried ln • her hand,
caught against the railing and swung her back
ward so ohs fell upon the track. The cars pas
sed over her, cutting off one leg and crushing
the other foot. She was taken aboard the
train, and carried to Warren, where her lid ar
ias received attention. Iler recovery is possi
ble but hardly probable.
i The brother cane injured lady. floury Mor
ris, of this city, was at the depot to meet her
upon her arrival, but Instead of seeing her, re
ceived the news of the serious accident which
bad befallen bor.—Meath/11e Republicon of
Tuesday. (
Death of an Esteemed Dineen
We are pained to announce this morning the
death of one of our most esteemed and' re.
snected citizens. Ira B. McVay, Esq., Banker,
who died at Ills'realdeuce in South Pittsburgh,
yesteniny afternoOn. Mr. McVay had long
been Identified with the banking interests of
Pittsburgh, and was at one bout connected'
with the drm of W. H. Willi ,ms and Co.,lint
several years ago estahliShed the present arm
of lea It. McVay it Lb. 1 He had been:suffering
for years pact from a cancer Which started Mt
the forehead immediately above the now, and
tinnily succeeded in penetrating the brain
and eausinwdeath. /is aeh ristlau and estuna
•bie gentleman, Mr. McVay held a high plane
In the respect and affection of a large chub:tor
friends; who will be deeply 'pained to hear of
Ids death. His funeral takes place to-morrow
morning at ten o'clock.
A Corinna lilawaway Aeclifent.—About
noon on . Thanksgiving Llav,i Hr. hheppani El
' Ils was driving down North Cain street, Mead.
vide, In hi.. buggy. As he lotted the North
street comer. a pair of runs ay horses, which
were galloping down North I street, came into
CQUi 4 iOn with lon buggy, actually Jotriplng
concern was Into It. * re
heby the whole was 1.011
sprawling into the mud. o ono was hurt,
but a suit of new clothes ere scandulotroy
muddied. The runaway h ses was caught.
the cupaiscqbuggy righted Ittitt all things mar
-1 ed on as helot t •
Fiendish Attempe. —O. r o ds". night as
attempt was mettle to throw ho extra enaction
the . thertatertsted yohey "'"r'=netturg?
T Irn k,.a short dest.aucto above tin/
iron:burs had been placed soonss_ll:
but, fortunate/S e the train scot /1. 2 `,;1Z,1 l b.
K dowry
and the aosncetahor engi ne-n
unmeant/one sale. • lied the c e
nlng at the usu./ r ailroad
tai apoldenT, tease have reP"'""" . •
Heavy 'Ducar.
On -Saturday morning officer SeOtt, of 'the
Mayor's police, arrested a mast named J. M.
Bretz on a charge of larceny preferred by T.
W. Davis, Esc..of the firm Of Wormiserr, My
ers & Co. The Information represents that
the accused, some time during the past month,
stole and carried away from the premises of
the firm mentioned one hundred and seventy
six pounds of pig lead, worth about 1118.51 It
appears that the ere which destroyed the oil
refinery of Messrs, Wormsey, Myers ► Co., of
the nth of August last, malted the sheet lead
with which the tanks were lined. This melt-
ed lead watt subsequently gatbered,nipi and re
melted, being run Into pigs, or rather thick
square plates, which wore plied under one of
the sheds on the,premises. During the last
month these anuses of lead were missed, and
no trace of them was discovered. A few days
since a teamster, who was doing some hauling
for the company, heard the larceny of the lead
mentioned and stated that he bad recently
healed some lead of that description to the
premises of Messrs.- Cooper, Kaye it Co. Mr.
DAVID visited these gentlemen and obtained a
view ofthe lead they had purchased; which he
fully Identified as that stolen. He ascertained
that they hail purchased the lead from Me,
Samuel Lowenthal Ist the Ninth ward. Wait
ing on Mr. Lowenthal, Mr. Davie ascertained
that that gentleman had purchased the lead
from the accused, an employee of Messrs
Wormser, Myers Co. Information was
made, a warrant issued, and the accused ar
rested as stated. A bearing was bad, at a latch
the prisoner fully confessed his guilt and, In
default of OW was committed for trial. A
quantity of scrap brass was also stolen from
the premise, of the proseoutors previously to
the theft of the lead, and has not yet been re
Copt tired Again
Wm: Arnold, allies uSnibs" Arnold, was or.
rooted at the Irwin House some time since, as
our readers will recollect, on a charge of being
a professional thief. He was one of a gang,
and was released on condition that he would
leave the city immediately. He promised, but
- fatted to 1011111 his promfiTh, and on Friday was
discovered by a couple of officers at the Irwin
Muse. It had previously become known that
he was still in the city, and the officers had re
ceived orders toarrest him when found. They
accordingly directed him to accompany them.
Ile refused. They instated and took him into
custody. lie fought valorously and long, but
was finally captured and taken to the Slayer's
office. These Information was made against
him for resisting officers, and the hearing re.
salted in hie being committed to jail for thirty
drzentlzeTtl e. A slrdeoWtentwas
(fissional thief, nkd be mill have a -hearing on
'theccharee on the tithirlBS. Mrs. searingnel
vie, residing la the Seventh ward. hof
"Stubs" being In limbo, proceeded =Saturday
to make Information before Alderman Millar
charging the isrlsoncr with malicious mischief:
She alleges that a few nights ago he came to
herbouse and acted In a very disorderly mari
ner, breaking. her furniture, smashing tbo
windows, de. A commitment was lodged
against the accused fora hearing to-day..
A most awliward and mortifying mistake
occurred in our . lotus ,o 1 Saturday morning
respecting the testimonial presented to - Ab.
died M'Clure., Esq.,tne retiring Uecortier. : At
a late hour at night we prepared a correct re
,poft of the proceedings on the oceasitin, and
sent it to the composing room, and /were in
!formed that a full report of the meeting had
already been sent in. and was in typo. Sup
posing that the report had been prepared by
one of the officers of the meeting, we
further atlas-Gen to the mutter, and it was
not until next morning that. we discovered, to
our chagrin, the Joke that had been perpetra
ted. in justice to the gentlemen concerned,
'we will uow state that the presentation was
made at the office of Messrs. Moffat A Cochran.
The meeting was organized, by calling Meijer
A. M. Brown to, the chair, and appointing
Scott Pergnson, Esq., Secretary. George IL
Cochran, E.g.. mole tie presentation, accom
panying It by one of his usually happy
speeches, and John Pt SAlntundson. EVI., res
ponded appropriately on behalf 111 Mr. Ale.
Clare, who averred that he was a- men of
"deeds" and not of -words.. The cane was got-.
tett upin -admirable style by William Wilson,
No. Si Fourth street, and has the following in
scription: °Presented to Abate' APClure, Re
corder, by the Pittsburgh Bar, as a utalk of
their esteem, November 30th, MA.
Gymnastic Ansitanty
We announced, some time since, that the
Gymnastic Association of thin city had opened
correskasndence with Prof. G. B. Wlnd:44, of
Boston, tendering him an invltatich to deliver
a course of lectures before the Association
during the winter. The following letter from
the “atteng man". sot that at Test:
oflosrog, November 1.546'
discontinued levturlng more
than four years ago, ancicouldisot convenl
ently resume st, at In et to-go •so far from
home as your city. Yon will see by my card
that I um pretty well tied to the "MO.
"Truly yours, D.A. WISIDSItir."
The Gymnasts, however, were folic deter
mined to have their lectures, so tbcrhave se
cured the services of Dr. J. U. Sutton to to
liver a course during the winter, on Anatomy,
with especial reference to gymnastic training.
Tho first' lecture was delivered on Friday
evening, at the Gymnasium, on Fourth street,
and was well attended. The next is to be de
livered to-morrow evening at the same place.
The lectures are free, and should command a
large attendance. After a short time a corps
of teachers will be In regular attendance at
the tlymnaatutri to instruct and direct mem
bers m their exercises. •
Accident —Hr. James Berke. a. farmer resi
dent of Stroudsburg, and ad employee of the
Delaware, Lackawani and Western Railroad
Company, was seriously injured at Del. Sta
tion,J., on Wednesday evening , ot last week.
Be was engaged In hzing something about the
caboose of the train, of whirls. be wan brakes•
man, and' while under the car the engineer,
without previous notice It Is said, commenced
backing the train. Burk was so badly jammed
as to break tits left thigh bone, and his right
leg, below the knee In twn placed. Re was
otherwise badly bruised, but the prospects of
his recovery are good. .
Acknowledg is take off our hat
In acknowledgment of the handsome things
said of us by our Sunday neighbor yesterday.
We hope the time may come when facts will
warrant the "end men" in saying something
good of the accomplished gentleman who acts
as "Leader." We assure our readers that if
Mac leer becomes "funny" or "able," or has
anything at a:l to do with the "Gent families."
we will hasten to announce the fact.
DILWORTH—On Euoday mor4og, thr 71 that..
at 4 , O'clock, YLOKEISLE Tourgest dargbper of
Vrrgt, C ig i g 9 llt h •ir: e a c aTtilio s n o ti l ks. Mary j.'e
The friends of the fondly are resort Maly intlted
to attend her Control, from her mother's madame..
No. 7 Carroll street, Alitalirny, TITIS (Monda)) or
iinNoe't, at 2!.; teeloes. •
WOOLIS—Un eS tsrday night. December Ist. at
Wrier* ' J1.11E111141,11. Wiatile, Infant daughter
ofJohnwel asd JrremlelaW node.. ',
The friends of the family ate respectfully Invited
to attend the fnerrst oa TorePAY AFTAILNOON, 4th
Anst. af: o'clo.k. from the rc,ldecee of hit pa•
rents. No. 193 pro d n.rect. 21
DaIrED—JD Sa . itrday alkhr, December Lt, at 9
o'clock, JUDY C. DA \ ID. In the =ill year. or bls
font ral 14.1 take Owe (few the residence of
bls yuccas. No. lol • Clark street. roil Dal", al2
o'clock r.
MoVAV,At one o'clock on Sunday after noon De
temper :d. Is 6, Inn DUILLIt 11C , In am
) ear of his age.
The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock on TUGS
DAY. December 416, front his late reeldet be In Sooth
l'lttsburgh. op: vette the l'oblle Serum).
bMM M i A Iyl E 1
. 1 1 L i ffi j I a
. .
b`nuifi'lthe largest lostonreao
place of aepulente, eXcept one, In Ole county.
anted on New Brighton foal, to,ceediateir oortA...
Alleghea for burial lots, permit, or telles.._,.!!
at t'cntr,t y.l
Dr .11 litore of COuL a ta.a•Er•
ebony City. •
Ar2:1311:1E101 •4
N 0.161 Lonna Irareart rlt4bitairDi, OOPFLNI9 of
W kind.. eiI.A.W/Clasou nrrernanrarlorlon
of Funeral , Pan:want iiix.i=l " :tanrurT
O Wage d . —* 'g h atn tr ll7 , lrx."
No. 196 sen Ith eid CO rlltriL
liar-am frau &arab !Wahl
w .rjr.r dt3Elll7l.l.Cilr.l3C.
AiAl ,o Alf ft AN DUSKY STRUT.
•ir.l.lEniAilinArV. PA.
R . T. WRITE & CO.,
Manchester. Wood•. Vali and vletaltY..
Varner et Bbeldeld and Mutters ■treed;
H•gkro. no , l tr”, 11,4,1.
Flour , yhng ha , f column atrertFerm en• • of Inferler
AL.chlnes, but yet sidlityVt. FL XXX..
It bal. best I.lly tityterdfor'siztytil
yaw., awl op by all oomp,
Sent diyec
'IWInVIV ,py.,-
1 . 470, .aa wistai letreet.
avolaas •
KIM Essuplto nrual.
TIMII Aim 'ErnausarrsrulaytDiso
mArrai. Toiaxnurs WITH Wt.
artinEntwa AND Mt. ,
NEN? LOCAL 31rws.-
The' rdtdon - li ttil irh.Sei will reit& the
cl.bser Ls&
Clubs orNroi !•••••••••••'!'"4" 1.16.
xENo. Azwalmmoliwr
The 'Wonderful
- 13 com.
coma, von AD km, larnmust
Jewelry. Store,
mac.. 4,6 Wirth Illtrompt;
del orPosrm SIABONIII
93} Smithfield Street.
J. W. amoraTcrx.... -
risToir SCOTTjoa
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
No. II 74 zaar.irrx assure..
Noittakrizi-grAyi=easzass. '
air Particular Mutat= dime to •Is
Neatens., Clocks and Jewelry. All week .
LADIEW wirri.GENrs
Al,l, MUM.
MlVirais T. 17177:14.31111"111.
- 22.4wrixArx.
Gas Condensing Barmen,
Can he used on any Lamp, and Ohrenett 'entirely .
rilAe t rllp m g r dl; ou' r t h :i„ltv,:rtratv f)la. The
constructron Is such that theStriote is conaned In a
Chsraheri and is wholly conroned
Into Cisme. 3be burner does not darn -directly
t:c h ttLe p 72llf . lar ti ll::labl : but bur • the smoke
Barns Less Oil Than Chimney Lamps,
And prodnces • more Brllllsnt Light than any other
. homer bathe marset.
• Arcing purchased the riebt of dtspoaleg or the
above Burners to Allegheny County, pantos seta,-
toe to eZamtbe or Purcbsse, can be accommodated
a hlgtZdt a ltatT ri ogr , ; rs l t tik WAVE Et STYES?,
Iy ow urn tn , Stew a. KING PENI/I:Kt& CO.. we
respectfully Inform the paella thst. we will =Alm.'
the sonantheture eX •
Sheetlugs, Cotton Yarns. Carve
Chelan. Candle Wick
and Batting.
Orders may he left at the Ofterfor the Works,
Corner' of Daqueinte WO' and Barker', 1 . 11 . 7.
S 9 89 89 89 89 89 89 89
TO . •
i R O. IE3 ,
89 Jilarket Slrect,
1.1511) GET YOLTE
IN Mo XX El CI X•E "E% ,
JAMES ROBB, 89 Market St.
89 69.89 89 89 89 89 89 89
Gas and Steam FitterS,
t large assortment of
Chandeßars and Brackets; Lead
Pipe, rumps, Sheet Lead, &c,
161 Wood Street, near Malt
Vaults, Fountdim
_ T. anporisc
N. :0;y Penn:Street.
EXtra BornitieS, Back Pay, &cc.,
Collected he the dhorteet possible &lam, by
. Attorneys at Law,
I Ulnae, PA. 114 run statat,
Sewing Machines
►re THY BEbT for Family wad Itazmui nr i n s
times. Vail and sea theta at - .
Jr°. 18 JFIfVli Sired.
Practical ,Farnittire:Nazufacttrurs,
Lato.tote.• or 717RNITIIRIC omsmtliron ban
2007E5. /1541116 Mail
HOltelLa t ja.t eseette
altjefirtdw" nz i tit w ap: one eoe.l Del v/ ND HUMS
OM' 1.... WOR l •R leea .e be lean
sad Fond work.... Call at
eoa_ k) ", -A tra lini tsrree lj l iV a r Zr ' bia.roegatkitebrlrrAleBHbree'llt.4.
4.11ga.....P 0r goal CWHING B.l.llraskaaber
ft ..,,Alglangumlftminnt c
rata sad lawns to/CoaantgUynal
aza tam ea; imam. Stove Pips, Wa.
tar Iffdtict o ra. and all other articles:
.tal at T.
340. 146 Huse street. 11 . i.11 amyl
;basal asap 1 colt