The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 29, 1866, Image 1

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rvnuenED nv
Penniman; Reed & Co.,
No. 08 FSStII 73t-soot.
yhy B. firav o it7. r Edit o rs.
, i ) 11,„ 0 1 A 1 ilarTivezi Demagees,
/EDAM; -.
slave Cordes. •••; ...... • ....... ":
Delivered by rani (per week?
Kilt thaitel !bets. (per Tear)
Ltbenlreductloni to Ne'...cboy's and ARecte
'-. Zlit•Mttlioriiit TiiiErftc.
WE have received Communications
soundly abusing most: of the gentlemen
who have heal named in connection-with
the Senatorship. None of these commu
nications have hem given places in ohs
columns mid none of th . ein will be inserted
hereafter. We believe lu a wide latitude
in'the diecussicin of principles, but, have
-little stom.:eli for the traduetion of person
al characters.
. our edition is worked oil' upon
7nm new press, manufactured to our order
by the most experienceffiand expert press
builders . of the world—Messrs. It. Hoe &
Co., New York. It is a complete success,
'audit most. perfect specimen of mechanical
skill and ingenuity, embracing all the la
test improvements and inventions. Al
-though,entirely new it runs smooth and
even, and, as our readers will perceive,
makes a clear, unbroken and distinct im
pression._ Our flicilities „for working elf
a large and ripidly increasing circula
tion have hitherto been limited; now, with
. a•press which can with ease run oil'-five
thousand copies in an hour, we cerniinly
will experience no difficulty in 'keeping
pace with the increase in circulation a ward
ed us by a discriminating public, while
,are will be enabled to deliver our paper at
an ealiier hour than any of our cotempo
raries. If it becomes necessary- . to en
large in the future—as the press of adver
tising upon our columns.. seems, to fore
shadow—we can furnish a journal much
larger thanony printed iu this city, as our
Tress has been built with a view to en
• largement. i In taking the press off. tit.:
3lessri. Lion's hands we desire expressing
our thanks and addilig testimony to' the
unrivalled character Of their worktus ashy.
Thanks are also' due to Mr. FRANK
Iluitxs, the master mechanic who put to
get.r the thousand parts of the new press
in an accurate and skillful manner, Inside
of three days he performed his labo
rious. task . of fitting the Machinery,
. and, when steam was applied to the
intricate press, not a piece was displaced,
but all worked inthe best manner imagina
ble. We congratulate Messrs. Hot & Co.
on the posseision of such a trusty and relia
ble Mechanic, who.retlects the highest credit
upon the establishment with which he is
Connected. If our now press ever goes out
of order we want no better mechanic, nor
more clever gentleman, than Mr. Brass to
swing around our way to right matters.
In conclusion, we would urge upon our
— friends to renew their kind exertions in our
behalf, assuring them thatWe are now pre
pared to enter iato successful competition
with our neighbars,.and that there is noth
ing wanting to place us in the &Out rank
of jmirnalism in-PernisylC'ania.
WE have already noticed the finding of
the body of a murdered man floating in the
river at Louisville. The body was identi
fied as that of a. Chicago drover whose
name could not be ascertained. As he was
known to hate a large sum of money pre—
vious to his death, in a belt about his per
son, it is presumefi he was robbed and
Murdered. by a heavy blow on the skull
and his body cast into the .river. The au
thorities are:investigating, the matter:
AN interesting seduction case is now oc
cupying the attention of the Chionico courts.
.A young man seduced a respectable young
'lady of "sweet sixteen,' and induced her
to run away froM home and. takfi lodgings
in a brothel, where a dark crithe aiias to
have been resorted to iu order tlat a fault
might bTconccaled. Fortunately the girl
was rescued and her 'seducer arri•sted, be
fore anabortion had been iiroecur4il.
A cure - in the Supreme Court of New
'York attracts considerable attention, us it
had its origin front the late war. It is a
civil action brought against General Btit
kr by John 11. Lester, charging hint with
false imprisonment—damages laid at 100,-
UW and wit{ fraudulent .sonyersion of
prdperty—damaggs $7,0,000. Lester had
received a free pass to bring his family
North during the war front Secretary Stall
ion, which General Butler disregarded and
imprisoned Lima ,
THE Democrats hare undoubtedly play
ed the wiong card in endeavpring to
strengthen their mobs in Illinois by the
negro.sulftage doctrinL That State is de,
cidedly opposed to allowing the negroes a
ballot as 114'1R*, as was-evidenced in the
vote upon the question in 11 , 02, which re
sulted in a majority of orer 170,000 against
.the measure.
IN_Philmlelphia a driver of NliorEc car
fell from his scat and was cut iiftwain by
the wheels 'passing over his body. The
accident happened before daylight, and
was not discovered tilt too horses return
. ,cd to the_ stables without the driver.
There wet a no passengers in the car at the
time of the occurrence, nor conductor on
ai. - LITTLE (it[ natnettAnua "Mte,tll was
seriously humeri in rhiladelphja, ker
clothes taking fire from a: bonfire on the
street. -This is the second accident from
the same cause in that city within - a few
- weeks.. ' -
'r e i n longest message Over cent ov6r the
cable was from the Government last Sun
day to a Foreign Court. It contained
5,000 words. Expensive t ails that !
Lairy In Philadelphia lost an eye
. I
rough being hit with a alone, tbrown
from a -"sling" in the hands of a young
American David.
• A Is U.SIEBII of Phihomphia .colored
diets have formed a LincolteCompany
propose emigrating to Liberia.
-THE Mercantile Beneficial Society 'of
Philadelphia recently celebrated it;,
dy-fifilt anniversary.
A YOUNG LADY Cif I.olllBllllc was burned
to death on Sunday last-- by the explosion
of icon! oil lamp: "
JOILNEON'S extensive niul factory :Lt. 1101-
' lidaysburg, Pa., was ucetroycd by Me
night betbre labt.
Tr Petroleum works •of Mr. Rowley,
at Philadelphia, were
: destroyed by fire
night before last.
Lottist7ille .I,,ortioil, celebrated it:,
:Sitb.anuiver:iary las.t i week by a gra4d bn
. .
t 1
,5 --ii , i
.1 ..
. , .•,,..„•„:577,_::::
. ..
1 1 1 1 , ! .•••,•
m , .3 ~.1 I ! .7..1] , 1 , I.! 1 .! 1 „_:_.•
I-- ' •
Insurancp Company
IV - MW '7;rC:IIE7LIk..
E. S. WINSTON, President.
4!tilual DiTidends tp - allabic Immediately,
Polley-holt/ere and other ;term]. In tere,ted to the
orr Jet. of I.lFtt IN:II.IItA.N CO are -Invite 1 to call
n the nihlet,lgnett. Agent of the Con:pane, who
will eheerrafr give theist foil information at to the
ntedts and Mitt:Oval working of the Companr.
No. :17 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh
Demand that you should keep your fcet warm
and dry, and your head cool. Gardiner has a
most superb assortment of noels and Shop.
'Which are warranted to answer .. every Pur
pose. - lie sells cheaper than any one else in
the city. Opera lfolise Shoe Store.
'Turkeys are Good
For Thanksgiving dMners, but a pair of good
substantial Boots or Shoes are more essential
to your health.' Gaidium'a Sho,s
are as goal as Turkeys. prices low,and stock
large. Opera House 'Shoe Store.'
Sell you a good pair of loots and shoes cheap•
Cr than any one elite in the city and warrant
them. Opera flown Shoe Store.
• , Ton Co Hoy
Foreign , Lignors of all kinds' nt Joseph S.
Finch's Distillery, No; DO, lee, lit; and lit:First
street, Plitsburgli. •
You Can Buy
9S per cent. Alcohol at Joseph S. Floeh's
You Can Buy
New Hops at Joseph S. }inc'.h' -
I I I 4 t LIII 111 11.4 lIkIIJII.'tI
Correspondenceof tnc I'itts'surgli Gazette.
„Ilannistiren, Nov. 27, 1 , ..+0,
. TO-day a niceting of members of the Lexie
lature convenes here to make their tVitnes .
known concerninz the
,Speaklllll an * oil: er
officers for the next session oh the Rouse of
Itenresentatices. The sl.en as at present ar
ranged Is in danger tit being smashed.
Thu Senatorial contest presents no new
phase, althOrigh the ditterent candidates are
actively pressed by their' respective friends
and ml miser+. The contest Will be—lndeed%
now is—reduced ton choice between Cameron
and Curtin, and will tai decided . In favor of the
most - Radical of thaset in gentlemen—who—
ever lie may he—in' the est iumt fon of the Gen
eral At.ectubiy.
The Cabinet makers are now hard at work
Goy. Geary inns before islet e large list of
names Inr the Varlet?. positions In his Gift, and
am glad to see that the western comities are
not wantlng to linen w ing to Mies themselres
as ley:dikes on Vie altar of Patriotism. From
Ailegheny we haVe this names of S. A. Purvl<
noes and Thomas M. Marshall for Attorney
General, and A. L. I:us-ell—who claims to by
Allegheny county—for utnnt General; Col.
Jordan, of Bedford. a Mr. Hoffman, of clerks,
F. Carroll Brewster, of Philadelphia, and Mr.
Elder, I think, of %:enallen, are also pressed
(or Attorney GeneruL Yor Secretary of the
Commonwealth the names of Henry C. John
son of Crawford county, J. N. Seeley, of Butler
and Thomas Cochran, of York, ate before tits
Governor. Tine soldiers—these who have seen
a baltle—are exhibiting a modesty which is
commendable. Not one of thum thus far has
made application for the only position requir ,
log a soldier, that of Adjutant General. I w 111
keep my eye inn, this subject of the Cabluet
and post you fully from time to time.
We - made ma'am a day or two. ago of the
suicide oh a young Man named Bell, at Itocti
e,ter, and of "Ws attempt to kill Ms wife :dad'.
The Beaver Local say a of the ulatr:
A young Min stunted Joseph E. Bell, living
In I ottngstowil, Ohio, about twenty years ot
age, who had been a soldier . In the 100th (or
Roundhead) Regiment, was married about ale
months ago to a young lady, Mini Mury-be
IDOL living near the same place. Young Bell,
it appears, had an intention of going to Au
gusta, Georgia, to neck a situation as clerk,
having been pleased- with that city 'while In
the South. lie lett . Youngstown some time
during tire summer, and, In company-with his
young wife, visited - around thy several vlis
luges and towns near to Youurdown amongst,
others smith's Ferry and lioelleseer. They
always at the hot eiS, and appeased'
as ynatrg folks generally do, to be enjoying the ,
honeymoon. . .
18.11teut one week into they - came to Roches
ter, and stopped at Mr. Joithston's hotel. Tim
young man was noticed try tile Nturders to be
of singularly quiet and unobtrusive manners,
und several times appeared to he plunged into
tits of profound melancholy, from which he
would byc strong effort arouse himself, ant
then for u . .timo appear quite gay and social'.
' On Monday of this week he procured some
osettra and, of which he and ins
,tv Ire partook in the evening. About 2 o'clock
the wife awakened with violent symptoms of
nausea and vomiting, which continued for
some timciand probably saved her life. 11cr
husband, all the contrary, was FO tar gone
that he could not speak, and' after lingering .
for a few. hours. in great agony. expired
I about q o'clock on Tuesday morning. •
Dr. Marquis being called before sleuth had
enElica, 1111011 ClaliLllnatialt . found that the on
, fortnnute young man had taken on overdose
of morphine. A coroner's Jury was empalt
nulled, anti after a long deliberation elicited
the above finds, and Oat the wino' contained
toeoison which caused his sleuth. During.
the Investigation, the:following semis faunal
'written, on 'an envelope In the pocket book of
the deceased:
"This Is to certtly . t hat I have of my own tics
call! put an ionl to my own life.
"Jos. BELL, Youngstown,4."
'lnti verdict of the Ivry JvaA, "that the de
ceased, came to has,by means of poison
atlinntlstered brltimmelf." •
Why the Sky In Moe.
It Is genetAlly supposed that the blue cQI(
Witte sky lsdue to moisture In ourutmosphere
and the Idea spates to be confirmed • by tile Ins
density Of the color during the moist weuttret
of sulnmer, w hen emortred with the sky I.of
the morn dry wealltd , ed winter. It has recent-,
ly been shown by Prof. Cooke, of Catabrltlce,
In a paper read tothe American Academy of
tilt t. , IIOIICCA, that this view Is correct - ..,
Ile has found by means of the spectroscope . , tt
very delicatclestrnment of 11051)510, by wkleli
Moll:10A minute substances ' evr!n when ath
distance, can be detected, that the aqueoutt,
vs per of the' atmosphere absorbs !most powtrt
fully the yellow and red rays emanating frotte
the sun, leaving the blue rays to be transmlb-1!
tedomil thus amounting for the color of nab
sky. The illStrlllllllllt also proves that the cot-fl
or I, duo to simple abserptton of these rays by',',
the water, and not to repeated rent:elle,. from 1
the surface of sit infinity of drops, as has been
—The following were the pie:tares which
brought the highest prices at it sato in New
York last week. "Sunset at, Sea." by James
larallton, $ll7 Le; "The Intelligent Poodle,"
by linker, 41:7 CO; "IlutigArian Shepherd," by
on Thorn, $ . 243; "The Letter Writer," by
Schmidt. $245; "The Good Natured Child," by
11,rron do Leys;s2•47.7o; "Winter Landscape," by
IL Lot, $257 Si; "Eagles and Wolves," by Luell
en wits. 4310; "The Quarrel," by Carl thinner,
We: "Coos ) of by J. Webb. $323;
Storm," by E. C Post. Artists on a sketelis
lug Gels, WA); "1.1m1+,01,4! and us;-
lie," by Win. T. Vim StlLlkl:llbUrgb, 431').
—lt 10 tho fashion in Cant - Orilla for gentle•
wen to take their futilities to the vountry and
outfor a month. They•plicli their tents
anti lead a a u . t of a Girisey life, shooting., h Alit
(tug, O-lilng and cooking. The dittos object
to tlit fast on, as it is conducive to health.
Thule are ,toy obollor Of ladies who cart
handle a douhle- banal with effect, stitl bring
down their birds with the nonchalance Of old
-1t Ica rt iI etally thraugh the
Intinl4 of Om .. , 11Cnrs or /kW, Life, le 1 - 9 . 6 . 1 .,
es t•tal:.•llok,:er, the vat lout' matches Inen•
tion.l in their I ouur. Thilw 111 give a Aunt
glee or the extent to whleh DOWN; It curried
WI In England. „
Report of fin Fort 13r) < f the \n:,,-
I ol.•n • 50. 1 114,.. t.,4,,e.,—10rr0pt
I et,,, t ...II oe , it .hunt,—court
FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. - a ...,,i ~,,,,,,,,,,,,
'N 2 AIIIN , TOV, NO, 11l .111 —7 l IP 11 - port Of
be ' LLI 1 1 1 1‘ of tl `tt 3 ,1. CO'llltltu 1 to-
VERY. LATEST TELEGRIAIS , l , t'Lvlit,`-"tlo`,`nt: - Li', 'i' i '‘ . .;',,',;,'H.ioi,o.u'LTi
• ~,,th to„, .. 1.11 . k I iat Hit 101.
il the WO s I , I sTo tll 1 op it .. colupan_cl
to tllll. it V IS 1111111:;; 1•:cIt I .111,11 I I, iIII)•
LiTEST FROM EUROPE. h , 11, -11 11 1,11 • L11:1 1 03 ~ 41, Ilt le .'cl,ll Ll,ll -w
--_ 11 1 1 4 01111 111.131uviiie I u li 4( ali I , I 1 foot
Napoleon lln,lens the Pt<•nett Ilroop• )nll4 011 tlt .':c, t 11 11 iva nary' 1)110
from ilexlao— ,, ,tor3 or iti,..onrcic % ^,' 1 , .• itt t .' ,l “ 1 - 1.11 , t ,, it' T. 1111
Dlsettl,t.ol Official', Deulell—Stephen, L.. ' '' 1 1 ' .. I". i l Oh. i W t. ' “n
—Atzreemeut Iletnt en Prance ttt a lIU LI ripe,t
Americo. m I
. 1,
„.. ~,
1, ,,, 1n4
fort°l ,
1.111,1u:1u_• 117 on :.:1.: . it. Of lk
Ini Tuts , tut K.] Li no lif , 1.:11 It. It it , I I ~I in, t, l •
I Ho
Penis, \et cusecr 1 —lhe 1 zripeon Nat n. .alecce. 1 o .11c ,t wool_ the tier, either in
Icon hue tch.,,ounecil to 111, aid, in lle ,Ice IT• Ironic L . ~,,. ,1 ,, 1 , ‘i t , lat LI , ILL L little pint'
"" L ' IL L -ILLI ' IL I LII L N L L N 1
butt It the i Incitation of th , P1.1.11C1.1 II lop, In ,•,,i,.., , , „ , , ,„ „,, , , , L , i n) ~,, „,
from that eountt . ll,' 1.,, ma, li 1L,1,. t 1 it 1 11,- 1 , 11 1.11,1
I.lzitt.tx, linvember story that Count , ,• nn , l . I 5. at Stalin tun,
Bismarck had been disgraced .and ;Is , r.
ot: t 014 le:1101115 wt hy tete at o' Mune,.
oillelally denied. : ~ , p vrat at•c alto being emnlneted under
Llvenroor,, Nov. rumor 1,1 ' Coi• toot on Fat, I Creek and to
again started tha:. James Stephens, the elite( , Court 11110,0 , whore Le ,
organizer of the Inch Republic, ha, mialed Tlin bodlei II 114 10,.1!ty are-being
Ireland from the C;lty.of Now York. The ie.. remeV , 41 to the , Coaa.tery at ('cplar t.bove,
Port, however, Is considered doubtful, PeterNburg.
Nov. •u+—EreninW—lt is reported on . Prevct
.. lirignwo. T. , 1 , . Se:ye:l. i4spector - of
pretty good nutliority that, an arrangem,..,,, I the 1 1,1 1., 111,11 11:11 , r.1 to
'has been -made between the Uoverou f Proee , d tleor,;l.l and , oathetn State ,
Iyu o ,
Franco nod too or thin , tortue rpo, ll vef tigatiog i. be cotoplamts
Stateg, by which a Certain tract on Territory 0 "PeindnI1011 n O ll col , opt too In 1110 lsulng
of tit t ran , p, km to 110010011, 13.1.115
In Mexico shall be devoted to Fr,teli
nation. It Is al,o reported by thit :triangement in the
that the rights of the French bomiholders will ,
` ,511 Pie 01,10 . 1
net. be in any nay disturbed. l rO,l 1111 11:111.11 trout them all the
FtotteNci; Nov. m.—IL trust low cease to n, to inn tr. ,
Palermo Oil the 30th. Inst. I Cl ch.tigct 0,1 will I't Colo mend such
I 111113 ' )”.: I:1,0-011y nett
, :Nil , or ill tit,t Int* 011141 le
CIOS oat 5 .. .;! , j, r money. United State,
0 %1
r s Cull
N t o t
5a,,11,7,1bi',,,r; /.. . 2 1 5 h . "1 1 ,1 7 ... „,,n. _ c0it0n . N:11!,:o Imrldo .11 ~rll
quiet at yest ' erday'A klaotallonsi ,alv6 tonlav " "'""""'" b. ' . tile
CQuili.,,Jllvl, o,r net do
or 5,m).50.1,, mi ddling, at 111
I.msoc,m . , November V3.—..Y00n —Consols for I , • ••• t ,t
money opened .t.tit , N; Erie, 47; 1t1i,06
:7!it S. live-Tweet!. 7014.
Livenreol., :invent to - toing.—The eet.. • ' - '"•.•""• a Pl""" 1 "
ion market
, u„ to t0ve..t.g:. , ,,, t
uu dl, he cit. gt,io
middling uplatols. steady .and
01 01114 Z l • • 1 Ili i•1111 . ri,
without any quotable change In prices. Pro- ;Ito a,111,0 !, lu
vlslons very dull. Tallow firmer• tne kti,.• .1 n'• 11!1
; the am'
market is l ,'exceedingly quiet. ^ c,ll 1.,119L
Arrest Of.P ,
MllPl.ccl 3lnedocer—Stenso.
chi!a from to Liver! "r
—Tree Bill for Perjoiry—Jclf. Hot —ly oaah GI Ilona:Ara.
the Aitsretninallotz.
PriscancLent Nov. Teufel, a h. , tam of t tan cl tatii Laval,
is alleged to bate intirdeval Cantaai by 05i. 12 its in, ~ t tt
Wylie en 11 canal boat, near Fret:ciao. ta • ;laths; ;;:d , •in
.t; ;1 el ac. nal
Rucks county, Va., on naturally last,A,L, t n.:2 atiattta the, :is ,
neat., lag
rested yesterday by Llentei”,ta vr it o,s 0 ,,.; Ito ns; :gat ;on of 0;1. Ca: 1--teitaint.i.
Sergeant Murray, nil the Serena n I,nstnt..t, po_ y 1.4,•
1100. i.ll, ::• 1 0 1
The Erertia,7 that I. Faigar roomy- ; s • • ; r • ..t •• " • 2 •
sou,Prastilorit of the Pennsylvania Itailroad, I astral 0• r 1, 4 1. IL, r; La et Li
nnitillcad A. ninoth, Inn Americanlti, tialske'rat; ' d , 1 ,
Loudon, Lave secured er.aoperat In ; ; ta •1 , - , Lid;Le l'oll-
Englitan' capitalists for.the itnntl:Atate'cstat.. ateis, ao : - ta.r a
11,4nnent.of a linc of ettatners 11,111 n 1 .
to I.lverponl. ' ri•t•t, ta ~• 5.0 021, 5 11-1
A nrectAdt;patch front the
I :truing Tettg . rtrph,:t3,llle Grand Jury ''l Ire !' M;lndiei: , ai
Criminal (.'h u rt 11111,0 toned a trite botl,', 111,-r.-
11etuzent against ninalora id;;;; ' 1 .0 , 1" , . s• • 1r. , . N.-
Charles A. Pinhole. for penjury 111 ,W.,Vt131; 1 1 ' 0 1 1 ' 1 1 , u'
before the Joliet:icy Committee on the 02,010'1 U:
,of Itept - rmentatires that cettain 21 : 11 Veen
made by Joseph A. flou,ender the nine.: 01 1 1 gala , 1511 !,...1 11 1 . ,{Olll
111" m. CatnpLell tuna W. 1 1. :latiert,% under aiOntand•
tine ...1111A110 of Joseph nocyll, mete
The :Obi:arils it will be recolleatnal, acre . 111 .
made' berate :1101011 Ailvointe Grneral
lit to% 51(11 0 :
and tended to ratan that the assar thiat tan , • - , N•is•iait sir ii; lispatatia
the late Presintent liincidu was Inalle.l a,:4 :ton; ; ;•ts-, 1 a 11, “1•1 t,lll l
trocured by' Jefferson Davis. ly niaaj,aza n 1: : r.a.• nit nn i .10 n,lir
hin parties making them naptivared before ni,.. ',Ali i/At. nialn,Al,l
Jnallelary Connalttee anal acknoa :god itt-pati , a -Ls. I . Lai Nos Yid:. to
the. and alma at the .1-ne 'l5 t. ;;;-• nit ll,' tatter (Lan 01,
Instance. and procurement of Cannot er. L-', t'• sit .1 211.15 , s Alia taken p;,--
acceanna is still in haring beet, !
~ , I t , hently a .111•11.1.
fill In proem - 1:11;11.11. ntained Ply. li. 1 e !
C. a brother .4 . ,
Iris colin,cl. It i ,:it I 1 1:1111 Ill:11:011.0
resifts. 11feltOria—Ntephe,m . 311 , 1'1.111Plit• ,•• 5 :•.-a; ia 4,11-
- , ocuich Forger Arrested—Scuatur 4-o-• f , ";" , 14 , 0
,-11:7V Yenta', November dented, m P,; "'•
nian nothorlty. I.llnl Prealilent Rabe:lt, ha. ; i 1 , "
given arms 1011..1 Centre nitro hens, on in • ,
zn; .1.- a; •. , . and open
any way connived ar 14, etTorts 2,4 aid,
Ttie Inca In urt., an sand, ;
destitute or itt - rnA; nr , ,! any Kt (CIO it PL. ccbcf.. 1
flu ?here Ilfe,,unt,' wilt only re.tai I, 3 ‘ n. --
130,lenurs of unarmed Melt. Tue.
.. , I tenttcpitcos a large gaantlty. 1,1 aruns to I re• I • •••
14114 i -is. aLao said to be untrue.Le Is at
to tittlea convefted eVerlthilllbr Its 0011 , 1 '.• A
C,ll in New Y./ark.
henry tirenteani arrested In %hi- . Y.;
charged with having forget erne pc.1,1..1 .0,01 i 1- IL 4' 'Li' "
notes on the Union Bank, of 4;1.g0w. :hill s U rl.lollollilr
!eau; was a pnotogivpher, and t•rought v‘l,lt
him a young lady about he employed ia I 1, d I• ,
gallery, leaving be hi nd a wife and tit, ee 0 11. Iloin
dren.--Eiguteen of the` forged 1101.y,1 0., t, L.
found among hit te,ggage, ile le In m0n0d y,Te....1•1:,. 4:1 .1 I It. ; e p.zovlllll la
awaiting an examination before I - tilted - a I at, ,
Cointal,.,Ooner Newton. The Niperinti•adev , l .\ . 4 , 1 ., .i . nto to formed
of the Glasgow pollee is here ith I ✓l ,, . ,
nary paper front tile bullish. tioverinsand, : A tier L I;, •• n , er
eating for the exeradttloo of the forger. P +•'! 2 " I
Eenator Fessemlett, !fatten, tlit •--1 --oatt Of the
at the Union Ltrag'ue tills even- 'team , •11 .11 , ‘ , en tto
Mg. „,:ol • ”.”I.,.:deat:•nt ith
.1. P. WO, for rawly' year, 31,,yor's Seed eta- A I i I u nil 1 , 1 the eat..
ry,Cied to-day.
Ira Barber and Thom. ilaggolt are On it
here,ellalgta with suanufachuring cigar: , will, Iho 1 n.e of. the (
out lea} "lug the revenue tax thereon.
‘V., N,,v. 2, tl
Ilir• FLeleln ::• o:11 , 2
Report.. Concerning lbo occupation o• 0d4 , ...,1 , .tv , en I tt,r tict,artt
• ' 2latitutornm.
, • Ole Appbcct 'too 100 ,111 c ,,
Nov.. W. 4 h/ r4 1 1. " glum a nt. , . It to I ne!n; th,t t
special says The Government has recerotel , ,t• 11, th o.
no information of the occupation of Ma•ti- .
lamas by the United States troop, A nt, rn:
patch just received from Gencraf i„„g, b„, „:00, [l,,f I
mentions that such a rumor Is ettrrent In ~ th e , h ieafi,c, l r
Orienni but be diSmedftv IL Exagtfetatell , 10 app.;. to , 01,too, 10
pOrts on /MB trillect are sot ahead from o f
ambingLon In order to Influence the mai km. (buydn.o. tun 111 the Jek1, , ,.. ennen
Tee Conasercinea Washlnpon special says: 15„,
A report prevails tint a collision had tactually •,, the Jinit.aneia cull- b! , ' , tuna, ii
occurred between the United State.. and the fan firer..
French troops south of the itio Grande. it: rock for Iliche
far, however, no reliable information huS beenwngra,of flu: lam ....Lica pip,:
re:wive/1. No trouble is apprehended from ; at I:en:Anl," at
the oecupatiol or 3/atamor. by A m er. all etool , ~, , .
Creeps. tisCobe/10 moved upon Matalllo.3
with a sldthdellt fore, to defeat Uanal , ,, and ; l'rcsidet.Vs )Ic...cgr.
asthe Liberals who held the city win,
sorely „_,. ~ , r
fail, the Miner/Call soldiers wer 3 alertly !!
patched to prevent pillage and rap/ne. in
nalesTif eaptuied, (Sue 10 be Shot lip I...senhedo. r
General Sheridan dispatched the troop ton tll tl°'„,, th
own responilbillty. The Adaduktrailon re lee
knew m n" n g l advance Cl the l' i"te".l"l then - u' 11 1 tbiit
movement, and did mot disapprove of Sli,r,•
~, Mr a. It can
tan's conduct. Li: Paola Sheridan was entrind.-
eLLy fr
ed with barge discretionary power, I°4 -ilea/ propoi-e, unman mama/
Instructions co prised a project , for a French 1 l
Itnante pre,
anti United States protecturrte pending It "'”
nail I by the
popnbir vote pri the question of a republic nu-
e t 1„,. money
lendtniereZ Or monarchy under ',". ,
die eiccloi al c0!....g , ttn.i Olio 01.11 c Legts,
• . •
Report cif the Buratto of Stoll:ale, I • • ' - -x- --
Wannisnrox. Nov.'ol.—The lira limn tidy i r '"k" c'llr"r"1"—I•11".1 Knit- 1.51.51
report of the Bureau of Statistics, compiled in , snares.
accordance with the law organizing the bu- ; S., F'n,, , f!,4,0, Nnveiillter 11 , —GIAOII 1/us
reau contains starements in regard to imports . , tole rolnlvelle,..l :1 .0111 11,1111 t. Ihe AO/ (C 0.1. 1-
and exports for July, August, September and 1 newspaper 10 rIO.[IN er 11010.1,10, 10 OWI3IIIOIII t•
October of this. year, The latest commercial! of , 517,:)o for IMI veld t cal Pm of an:klieg - el libel
reports from Brazil, Venerala, Chill, aluderla ahem te r cIZ 01 e' el the hre, 1;:..eo. at C.the I
and New Brunswick, or/Malan table exhibit- St. laeas, in", I, PM 11e plaimar tle.,iirmat , l:
ing the average relation between tons ot t 1 "lit t 1 , 00 ,er.e
old measurements and' of tolls of new tacos- 7 - w i...t. ~ ,0 1, 1 1 ,,, L0 . 0, (1, , 5. 11101, , .:: storlls
°remand, together with a statement of the' irelo 10111 1 I , v 1b , 1 11; ., 1,-; 11,11.1)er ; 1 17;
title deeds and mortgages Med fur record lit . imperial 117: Cholier, i!...11, tiler, Mei l'i Ilow I
the counties and towns in.thesse COlintrlm. and 4.1041, 9:.:i. Temim titre nor he' ll''
the recordel value of the same., The bank 01 ' --..-- . ,
Englund, rates ofdlseount from Jell, and an at- - Frainn t'alt to the'ltntall,
Octal comparison Of exportation from Franey to , N toe Vont:, Novel., het •.:-...-.1 mill has been
The statistical report shows that the total ; lamed for :1. meeting el shoat:reek Circle of
Imports (Or July were. 10,1*Al,Ail; exports I:17,, the Fetilmis to li'ilo I . Tlai it.l.lre, Says'
004,001/ltotal, Inserts for August, 30,731,M Es
I; t ! "l'ef ow Coun m Will
ports .:10.514,f 0 t; total imports , for September ; yOll par MP o'N•on to ii.l,aneti a l.iin and per
t:W.9,51,5'7; exports a1L1,14 , 1,0A5: total imports tor , Imps he st: ir•ken ,Jars'!, a before yea step Into
October. ft5,737,9ik1; exports 1.18,514,14 a. tieverall ; the rank-! Ilmie•stiber that. the Fenian lb-n
-ettles made no return yet for Oetober. I , thm hood., :Lie alimil. to litt I heir handy anti
i --......-.
.. 1 ; nerve their ar yl , tor :1 bald :di mmie, ,rlv•lt Mr
• r , I.. , Wir will m,: j0 , , ,, rt the 1.1011. Lei al he true.
The OeehPutiOn Ol Bll ftl i am°ra.—lrl. i e .;
Irishmen, mime forward . tumialli and fall into
Steps 'Aitken by the Government. I , the rani:- . -' •- •
WAsumerow,Novembel 2...1.-,Theocenpatir ' n ',
of Matamoros by the United Slates Troops, if ; • schooner l'ap.i.e.i.
true, was Without any authority or approval ; Dere:Ns Cites ti, C. W., .10V. , 2s.—The school,
from either General Sheridan or the Govern-' er SW:1110v ea], roe.? •1511, ill Ap r .; senora near
merit. List night a dispatch was received by I Elobleolte Cret 1.. 'rue ~e‘r 1,, soppe, , i to he
GeneialGrant. from General Sheridan stating : Imt. Sin loaded at ileilllamt Creek for To.
that the latter had been informed that Gee. • retito. From the appear:met: et Ole wreck it
Scalgwlek contemplated such a mOvetuent anti ' is 11,111 -ha slu'lme a 1 (ea il :Jill he.:
that orders hadeseen lfanapillatelY forwarded ! eaud monanaparide. Tin' C.tpl4;lll was IVIII. 1
by teicgraph to arrest It as an unauthotized . Iluteltinsom a 1,11 lir., II ....lope, on the
and unwarrantable proceeding. i Lithe, hosing sailed miltaliirri Eve over thirty
General Sheridan stated thaT' the move- i years.
meat was made be ore the , tel replied order !
reached the aflicer lo maul:nand; he should ill- fßy the Airrchsats' NA t lora: Tlli , grAra Co l
Bluntly relieve the latter from duty. it. Is be-' from Illi. the All r;z11 en, .
lieved that Genurul Sellgwleic wuslnd octal to , .
: c 1 0 the Bitt l :taar, , h Gas •Ite.
take this stop by the Importunity of. parties I II I" -I el* I ' , ,Mr, Cr so, ,••••,, p.i . A.
ill Matamoros, WllO bait ColliprOpilsed the.p. I
Thl 11, t r 14 to rule-eight lie . ..he. ;old 1 limoi
selves by allilletion with the Imperialists, nmi
~,, 1 ‘'.... ',..., ,
~,„ ~, , , r 1, warm( :poi ~,,..,,,.,
desired protection,. The'prOuceiling is totally • 1,111.' 1 "... ' t : ta
' t L
flapvipproc•l 4 l by tile Military and civil flittlibr. 1 1
on mw I. e t la mit Iv,
bites here. ; . MOlll[lol'o Pot i t les. •
. • • I • , .. N.,. l'oca, 2...v..ri,--Tha l ., , e, coati I_Llli
i„ ' Fenian Meeting. - ' 0.,1., ,Ly, It i. ru,11.,.,,,i ttt O. Ile ref I,y
1 u11115,1L0, Nov.- .2.0.—Th0 Stephen/0 '101111.: of •lelneem alit lOw 3 seol 111 Inv C 0 1 ,11 1 ,1 0111 b
FelllsllB tn this oily have called a meeting fur ihal the 1110:11 , t rat, will elect I,llserliOr .weno
Friday night, to send Men, tnoneyand arms to - to the unexpired terra of two ye,lnt In the
Ireland. There era 3 1 (01) standof arms hero. Faired Stmt'. , ',tate, resew in.; the fail six
belemilinx , lo Fenians. 01 the Roberts` woo.; ' Y.•.r. term Mr a ~i ral(ili 1 antl' L
•3',. 1 *
.?, ' , Net ,
of Fenians, it is underatoOd that there is a Deniumi, , . , •
fall brigade hero 101 reedy for Immediate .
~,,,,,,,,,,,,pt, vie me`, m in for drill by on. Soil i•-rli . lm. , El eefl MI indz....
intllleS at their rooms or in the geld. by
, Bal., 'mac, Not . t..—A ~,,,,f ~,,,, 1,,,,, I ,m.
tug thecitY. It la estimated that the Infant!) , ! inemaid .litionizt three ~d 1 alien
.0 1 ,1,,, for , 0 ,
branch numbers between 15,000 f i l e nnon teen, • iamb; a voi4. Lea!) eyed at the remelt election
mostof whom are Manlier with IIIOIIPII • by a SOltlivr in tile Joie If 11 100 ;Wyly, P.llO Is A
of arms. One battery of light. artillery bi . 011 14v 1 1 of 1',I" PI•lv.•. It I. Mu:n.l , l as a test
sold to be fully organized anti really to take ; cat,: 01 evrtain legal points.
__. ,
, the field as soon as env Movement nit)' be hi- •
ituguroteil. The Want of this effeel lee bran, i t E. S. Senn( or Meet em a il North t hrol I on,
was Serer Sly felt during the raid of last Jane. , BA 1 . 1 : 10 If, S. C•, Nov. f• , .—Te lithe of
___......—...-- . 111.5 state to-lay. alter four balloting-I, elected
t !11. 1:. Marley U. 0, ....i.natiir lie wi,..led , of
Dlenosttlon of Contidlein Gunboat% for , s • Court ,\ ,
„. -1,
Winter.• , t a.. oprcale um di: the ,outhern 111-
. • • , (viler:ley.
TostOssO, C. W.., Not'. *ls.—Tlic 411,pn9Ition of ,-
I gnratoitts for wilder are as 101.101,, 'rhe .ler- , • rl,ll 0.1 ill' ..t.maemly 'yoke". , . -
.1 . 0.11 t TorOato;. Cherub at Goodrich, and ' the Lto I, VIM.. NtIV. '4 , -7-i...,/ilOllll ii.,i,,,w, rer-
Prince Alfred also laid up there the Brill! uterly GitiLell - tSate , lb.; trPLA A trorney for Ca I-
I ; 1
mart Denville protecting, and Hercules mid I liornia, _took the 00...11 of amnesty before the
Boyal Klukater at the Navy Yard. ; •
...., • caned states Court io-day.
A .
--, -
-..--...-..--.4...)-•., .. - -,±,- A-,:,-,,-7, - , - -...- . - ---_,.,;;- ....-. th - N , "
t, ,'' -..--
-.: , :..-..<.„- ;: ,L....., 1 . :! : ---- „ t :-:-.,___q-- - 0 .-7- -:.: ' •,, t ,-) ., - 1 /T7n , :: ,...-_-, • -
......„, ..c,._,--.--_-_. ,• ,
. 1.,,
.7,..n..,„,.„ 1 ,-;? —,, i , z,.....-4.y . ,4-6..7-. ,• ,e•••••••0„7-1i- • ---, '
:•',-: / ------. , L...!-------.l•; , ZN•val-,-- - 7 - _ • , --- , -" , --7- . , • ~' Zi. -' 'n- : .T' - '',' A i. .
..{.•7,1 -'- :_ 11 :_. ,, .*-t,- - - - - - i,- 7 ,-.
._- . ... ....:,,..... ,-...4Y,a • ----.....e.m -r.- --- - . I+r*
-,. .I t .-- - ----i:s't. - -- Am- i, --- —, %-.:___-- - ' ...
•A l. '
- _
Bold Rurzlary—A TlenFn nr , the” oT
th the dthritheg—rhe, tired
• Crime has trotsterionS Movement, - It i, al
ways prinient among no in lonic shape, and to
seine extent, bet new S psi then it gains a new
Impetus and - rolls In aided of uioe over this;
ni• well an other communities. In ,character,
too, it varies as much as In quantity.. bow it
I. murder, then it Is theft, MIMI it 11 brutal
vimence, and again It is bold, reckless bur
glary. it is like disease and -Comes In epi
demics', the prevailing typo ,”vallowlng mt.!.
the time all minor rdeli.nesses, .m that uhiic
Murder, for instance, Prevails, till-re to role-
SelrAtlVoly little stealing.
. The epldemlo loges in Pi tt,,loirgh now, awl
.anliareidly nu the increase instead of
101100. TOO type Is burglary. In Alle;t)r,,y.
In riltithergh, and in the surburbaa that rue ts,
the lever manifests itself In marked symp
toms. In one plate a cellar is broken Intoned
robbed of a full stocis Of provb=ionl. ihri the
the next street. a VOW Of 11011FeS are entered
and despoiled of. overcoats , shawls and 10111,i
and hero and - there, amt frequently, the
nelghberhood IS startled by the bolder stroke
Of bOIDC master of crime, who enters sleeplng•
roorns'amlerllltlett houses and strata pocket
boot:sand breaks open safei.
Thol , oldest and 1110-3 t atrocious outrage of
Ms kind uhtch we have been called upon to
record in tome tinle,Oreerred KUM earl, hour
yesterday morning. This exhibition
breaking talent was unique in some of its tea
turesond leaves us in doubt., bather mwsl lll
admire the skill of thei men *Om could turn
key with Oirper,, Or the chivalrous spli•it of
the' Mau who would lire a pistol and throw
a brit* at a woman.
Thu victim 01 this last aehleventent was Mr.
L. ST4if a sloscilsitler on Webster street. Mr.
15'011 has a small shot, ,tot , ; at No. I NVebster,
neat . (I rant Joliet:L. The fruni. oa:11.1 the
Wrest' is used as Ino shop, and the room be
h tail. It Is the elceplng room OccellAini
• his life and elfin. On Tuesday night,
Mr: %Volt' and hie tastily retinal as lock
hie-tilt, street door and leaving the key in the
lock.' Toe door betwe/sn the shop and the bed
roonl w a , left open. About Ace o' lock yes-.
entity morning, Mr. %Vol( was anaskeniad by
ionise Itt the reont.• lie parthtlly rose,ln the
hid and notiecil that the gun which lie 'sad
lift burning with tolerable bright:lc , : when
he retired, had hien turned down
wzos a tort...Nast Is/ The noise that awoke Illtu
wits MI , e,LI "and proved to 1 , 0 the rattllitg
hysince person ransacking h. lairrau
itratrer. Alr. Stoat espied a man slk,it'hag
tau bnleao. li l ac tl.e w.tolonr, si.sono,ll i•
Ills Ow log not all the contents ol ern: tit
ilra , sors the deliberat e search for Solnetli! 14
valitable. •The proprietor delhaniteit the e.
htioinc..4, and got pal tallyint?. of hey!
'then he tell:antwilit 1 , ,t1t :oh, the with
din Own, ging hs rtiteiser kits,
i:•• 111,1 le i the hall thlieeal
I relt in the la-I, pen :on; he.
1.4 , 4 clothing. Os, e' the pl-1,,1 to the
csicttpanis of the boat 1111 the name_of 101
isaernur too - that Mts. SVolrs lace 1, oily.
terne.l as be got toto the stepll
I tcd a mid 5i11.., .
10. sail-.
//V ant- lei: her :and st . len led
ih the h.. 1: • , t conl burglar ea, slanalisi: liy,
, 1, ,,, i, a
In. ha' Inhi 11,1, •
III,: NU; WI II IV hil•I raralted the
I honi, iont et toe lime the.seeein , l ,:155,1
ittsid, nos stinthiel hreir a base:. at :11i s. St el:.
olio was 311,t get tn..; earl of Is ;I. The ini• , :e
struck' 11, it On the .
lei; end snllleleil aii it,ty
gash. Sir.. Sr. found the liltcre,llngartlele
it, the brat sibela she sifts hiattlii,t it y.,.
.lorcniset. Atter thte, pal tangs
I:ite scent out of the doer tool ,11,,,iie.trial.
Ine-a,terolg. that Ills Iscil a a- eceilla ea by : , li.
lid Site. It nit 1111.1 . an 1511,1 It is he:,
:Rather of thew st ere 11110,1.
.hub,erinvt.V. m ventLgation pr0“..1 that I h..
IL,h•Le- hrhl rift, :1 Ohl pLL.rhvt.•• of LI r. 11" ,, 11'L
pantal.,ns which hung upon a chair, :Lllll,Ol
Rh/4i hi , po,firt Looh, vont,
I\' 12.1 a 'la,. Or two !Mum',
nn41 ,, ...i up ;aoar nf Ihin•au
arena. ul4l>o c . .ncapetl the
alit.; he had p.t1,1, the es cam;
, LL.N h anut Li r:Clit,
hauonat.,. the v Linn, hail beini to
Ihr3helm', LL+ on Toveility morn: ': {Volt hi, liner unluekvil. lii
e114.,:t1 , Y 1.'1,00 It that night I•efole•
to the haul, the light In the
Mitt Wr dlvii•ily them, They
evidently, tn . opiti.ll:ll,.:
Or the key v, Int a pair It
1,1 , 1 crone can, 1 , 1111;iiV en It,,
h i t tyor
Itihll inftrrratlitivritta. rue r,itirit Litt
t. and the
111..rease.1 vlttllititt,
Iliir:t.—The Anal ripi.-wat:tr,ii
•iiCAS n 1114 0 .11.1 night in: f.itki
ayn!, 1111, jYnn hal
:J:4, inn,.t. run. Till, ..iltvriivAn
:it the inuttneu tito litagivineent
t.ii...•llinunner of a Poor Ynimg "•
given, kind 1111,1
11, lair '4,114t (tom 11101
"Mr. ennui it and Mr. Brown."
. .
.. • .
To-mu:tow evening Mr. Leak taki, a boo-
Tat:Vrat, —)loriella 1,1,1,1, a- I Ito . " I tam' ,
Noy of 31aueltosocr," 11 low a toll laot•., 10.!
Thi aft:sr.:A.lon (Ille '
grlitd oro., n .ll
apitt'ar to I Ito tot Wing drama, he Itaatt.
of till. I . 3 . renvo-." After 1104'1,.' !II or
pear On 1.1„Ist. ropo, anal (lot t al ontott
alll conchal.: with the
lan the "It izartl 01:111 . ." To-marrow
on flat ix-ea-ton .3f Gel tsol wiu
appear 10.1 ..1. - 11•110; llott•lioloo,' , 11..1 o 11l
tak.. 111 ilia and ,tat ll.g.ttp
i:..LrzincMo, tile (1.011. 10142 a he al
(111.0 to molly oat,:lLat 16114 1111,0 • t.”
pet tormpd
In Lit. r of
eNt'clil ll
( . 11101t0.11111.101: OfliNC;11)11111
lit telltie.i ttlititt, though ;tot Ito Et ly !:.t %volt
ts it ,I.oultl Itavo h. an. 'rutty gt 3 grand
lll:it:zit, this ottentoou. 'l'tt-toot ti.tu . ...Notting
cloto, the Ir ottgugotnent.. •
The Jtivenile Till Robber.
We yesternlay rcported the case of a boy
who in it. arrested in the act of rolninlonn the
WI int it grocery sale on Alto st tend, Al
imilneny, and who stubbornly refussid to Ore
'lit, name. It was ascertained yesteinlay that
Ids 11,111'e Was thdlley hearney, aid his father
who resides on shingles Amer, In this City,
was sent tor. Mi. hart low visited 111 , ma
runt limn In the Allegheny tuck-up, and to ld
or Miirt ken that he had done
he coo Id for his sou, but be had proved in very
tout Inny. smile time since, so bad dint the boy
Memo, tie was sent to Ihe Bente
.et Belnge.
When lie-WO released HS father took hen
home, bat the young reprobateprevent incor
rigible, and. some three months since rail
away, sines w Melt Pine be has 111,1 rot creed
I Mo , e. Once 1.1. e fattier saw him' entering -the
Opera House, and endeavored [ohne., him up
rested, but the youth indllnged to escape. Mr.
lie :piney new declare; his son
and sand the law must take its coal SeMillt
MM. Tim boy way accordingly conitrill led to
jail .. to nu sneer at Court. Chief M i liain
~,hiata him to Jail yesterday afierneon. The
father says that when his sun left bonne he
h:ultt Valllidde Willett in Ilk. polSetitdoo, which
Ile hits not now. Barney says It WVB taken
from blot by a comrade
Opon rnrt of l'o.Dny.
Owing to the great business trio - it:acted ;it
the popular saleS.rOonN of T. A. Alellelland ,
Nos. 55 and 57'llfth street. their lonrt will he
kept openn portion or to-dor to oc,omiood.tu
Strangers who ratty be to the ejt y. Here, nb
no where else, will be found ; sockstock
lire Goods, Boots and shoes And Notiong gen
erally, as can be obtain.' no where else at
ach.rninously low prices. tFLo porch ln•s•of are wader directly front-the F.,,t
-ero sheriff bales vat" awl lon, and et
course I lie Itargains are corremeendingiv groat.
dress rootEl Of the latest styles and pat
terns, cloths, ca,sllneres,nint goods adaptud
Krnlen , s u, ar, ready made clothing, blanketst,
shah 1 4 . and every article desired for Iv t•zr
tow. , We tolvis our t . eaders
_to favor this e,
tabtishment with weal!.
thi Tue,ltty evening, , officer Garber, of the
independent 'Vice, arrette , l a man tol Smith.
slcl,l street, while attempting to bell a shawl,
whit:ll lie wait 1:11,111,,1,1101 hating stolen. Tlie
ollleer conveyed the fellow to the Joel:dip,
where he gave hi, name as Patric% Sullivan.
In jearelting hlw, °nicer lim
b:on' mon, ou the in - isnoerl petbon n holdiera
ilhelkarge, beating ?Jot Hanle ”r a tmothy Cer•
ran. •On latinb• Sullivan bau d the
wait 111% 111111 that Curran wits Let
111111111:- tie explained the 1113,1211111101, Of tile
o,noinvici by totylog that they were both
awl that be hod a good litany more betdde:l.
'Flat :-Itowl found lit Illy porver.Nlon 11 . 11, y
1'41 1 1111111 . <1 pldid.,jd large size 111111 co l on.gtd
Thew t 1 4 1,11,1 no doubt that Otllllvan Cutrati
had stolen id lac. 1., still 1111110
The Overcoat Thief.—Robert Scott, wbo,o
arrest for even:oat stealing we have recorded,
had it hearing yesterday morning before May
or McCarthy, for the larceny or It cost and
other article, of clothing, from W illlam Greer,
and ano committed- for triad. Two tit her Mats
Willett were foetid In the tjos.caslon of Scott;
were identitti.dyestOrdny morning be Mr. Win.
lt,thison, as his property. Mi. nurrison made
3110111er information agalnst. Scott. charging
him with larceny, and n second connnament
will doubtless be lodged against tint Itstlyc
Fire.—The alarm of tire which aountled yes
'tertiary afternoon at about two o'clock and
twenty-six minutes, from box No. Indepen
dent pause, was occasioned by the
partial burning of a wooden shed, In the rear
of Messrs. Pennock" ,t Tottenhi foundry, on
using street. The Lire ;department was on
the 'pound with comuientlaithr promptness
and the flumes wore extingtilsfiesl before ,cris
tins !Immune bail been tlone,tholigh at due time
the 10001117 seemed In danger of hurtling. Thu
tire hosuppOstal to hare caught from it Tin' hot
• . .
caStiog. •
/ \
' - •
wet -6 ;1 .
I "-•
A , ingnlar and f.ttnl ate: dent 0 , ,•err ,, ,l
on Pith-4,1,4h Cteveland
itoad, :theta 1101) nitlo. wear. I,t Itoehe , ..ter,
t weer, mound three o'clock .Mr. Ralph Itte.-
tell, a itnt ter, ro?idlugl at Van Vol t, t li n e,
mllrs licymal lloettenier.' left Vall Port to at
tend to , 0111 e 1 , 11 , 111 V, :It point We,L of time,
Mae, 'Aa 101 l the place 1,0 . 11114.1 t a ith tho
tirliet agent. at the statton, who spiel, th;.l
Mr. 1tu99611 ttooer at the ;tole
On I seentett the oatne 113 , 1 , 11.11. Mr/ walked'
along the tract: for a ch..taneu a tw - tutie,
when he eneonntere.l the mull train on the
Pittsburgh k Clevelatel mail, due here at .I,tl
the engineer of the train, Mr,
James, noticed Mr. 1t.n,, , 11 all tile Intel: while
no , .rly a quarter Of a tulle awliy u lait rot there wal
railroad erotbitig hot wren lola and the tram,
,tilipostl he would leave Ulu' true!: in time,
lor,afely. 'lke ehg;neUr rang the hell tor the
erossing, accordlug . to rule, but Mr. Ituss:ell,
oistead of leaelug he track, kelit on walking
steadily ton aril the train and making no
effort to get out at the way. At length, the
engineer sounded the alarm, when Mr. Itus,ell
turned and walked : wilftstuggeriaa.
back towards Van 1 1 1 Port, still
keeping on the • track. Tllt, engineer
now sounded dawn brakes and the tr, In wa- ,
checked ad suddenly_ as to start the passeit.
ger:, from their smite. The 4toppage Will not
effected soon enougni...however. When the
tlain had appro - aelic.l wit hut it few yards
Ann tinfortionite nom Ine'lraN Seen to drop ;
Theuholl the cool inetionlf,s there.
The srakes were tlghnned again, but the hula
coald not tie stopped until. It Mel
; passed over
his b0;12,`". - Sn soon ivas the Itaile stoppe,kloiw
ever, that the last ear 1.1,4 pa,ett . ' otor the -
Prostrate Ulan silica the cars shod 'rho
'COteltictor, 'arr. Ilrern,haa the trthirtal uuut ta
ken, up and placed upon the •taaln It was
forind that Mr. kaissadl's light leg u ' , I ,e, right
ahavt, -the knee tool -that he Si as other,:
ithockingly Injured. lle was brought I aok uu
It,. Train to Vail ant: there leo In charge
•ot an employee of the train, whom taneluotor
1/rOell dlreeletl to Ahead to Win. The iojnred
man tiled very shortly after reaching Van Port.
The deceased was a man of
. 111.1 int, forth -Ilve
years, and Will lived, estimable law:, not at
all addicted to 111 HOC. 1111 , 1 elteellltH byil/ lilt,,
1.4* blin.k Ile leaves WI r.: faink:Y. No
eanl:e can lie a,igrred for his extraordinary
behaviOur al the lino, et the . ; ace:dent. Ail
the lia.seahlgera entirely e,laerate the Condi:Q
-(0r and Engineer trent all .
yr,terdgy pAitl a vulit to hg ( , :c1
-tied ;out popular . .ig‘velry store 4,10,,1 :55
NO. Ii:
sure of Irolslog through tlie Untrutu, stor L tr
;:11.1111 her the 11-1r1.4},. It emtut the:, all ,le—
11l ptleug ut jt , Autrr, from tilt. clo;tant..lni- .
1101,1,111 t, thi: 1 , 1.011 1..e0p lugs aga Intgl
,,t :krt.-tun, selet:t;on of
hete togstr titlt.ino,t ,A,{l., jr,ti,ts,..llt,
fe w lug to puler“ , ... tn
%% • ••4•In.1111,1,1 I 4, :111,1,
ni,l,/ 1,11, rctl.t. Lt. , the . .
kitia. :nut le., u.Ll.' ~.111
. 01 ,11ti
:10,1.11t1e1111,14..4 01 ,g11i.,11, 45 . 11 . 1 . tht•
turn n, ,11 ,, y,
, N i.alittlll.4..
“iy,:iii.1111S11 1 111 Inelyth111; u,a.tity
rur).iicti, lu. I..rulg l i uutl
ttnlc.llu, tvlovit thi..v
vult nt it, I,IIV I-L-tlrl
Ijo },l.tny 1,11.1.1 y
:Let 11.nt. 210 thillyour
rei.:nr. in N... 1 ,, I
W... 1 ,, A po:pit. orator o
toile hare.thottts, tot:0, nt to do 11,..t
nleanare 1-ho no am
to or, at St
Pan!, catatiudedl, oil I u000:1o; ot.x:
•. ail he has eleo• n is a good Om`, - TIO
Chutolt fl'alltoltn,. x 0 ,111,: 1111,te,`'nd doubt
le • ttealhe a idt • w • 00,1 latellt
Wait auth ntt em,. Itnts • toodt Itrou , . at,
to be eode deydtt .1 1.. the suffertnat.poor o
the city, without netd.not 11)11)1000.1,101.0
dentnntmaaMe, i• hope tie 1001/,10 may
I , io.oll.try
tior .00,01,10y 1 i 1‘111,1,, try. VA, he.
•Vdo,,than, Irnsh ell, 4,111,111.1 Inttteri..lololl
Ig. It 01, not Too:ol:Ay oveoing . . upon .tto
o Wnonits of /1 claw I: , As the "g, von
CopO, tatteonomSnat now, 1.0 demo ( t
v+.1.01: Iced( n rob the tad, dl eat 1101,11,01 to Id
a ilirge anthem,.
.lozgraVated Oli ora
Jaut. 11. Captatn tit,
Lott Isan:4:tro,, tibi 1., It. Davi, i, l:aptaltt ul
tho Chantinott. 1 e•or t.Lty mot tt tot:. a:.
C.llthoralto I,ly a.lool. on
111,4 55 11.71 C31+1,/111 11.605, 1n.,. .1
1. itu ntt 11.ont. Intl! .tttackt..l Inc
+looping .11.1. int . ,!, itt;f and ittnt,f lug Inns
no-t 111”111,1ciiituly I vlut Ito 0.55515 t al:roma loos
l'tto 11,1l1:1,MIth a 1,5.11 y 1:.11_11:ti,,,i
aot:ear.tnon at too i..yort.,
otttoo and noilln 'ninon:anon ,tt.n.on..t 111, a,-
CLIIIL.OII 15,51 SA 51 at ro,lott
to is the Jlllll 01 R-AM , IO 1114.1, :51UWIII . t.
• Aitoolltrk - .111:111 .t reel Arre..t.
evening . at stl O'cl k erliccr's 11,1,
ati;l of thc Inarpertacza c tna,
a man, to.a cpjoyably ,trunk
'Will,: with hi:, back against a iv.:ll Itigh
....reel. Ile lout to'h ttllc unproved oppOr
lizollo, belt 100, po", of locunuo. ion gal.,:
out, fur lie Iva. pla,tet x e.! scab u”ol Item luooi
to loot. 'Tie. °Mee, andertooa to convey lam
tA the, wa.ta, 111111;: 111 to handle
as a :lack Of toe' tfLey had EII IV es, M
},44611 11110 010 ,erV tee. They 10a.1e.1 1111 a on,
fool: hum to tile and ,erorely
loot:cal tip.
.11e gAVt• 1:1S ilame lu LIA,. MlCar
titY. •
Alirtzed I.nrceny.—Kate 'Wallace was nr
.rcstel eeterOar, aatl Ilken 11140 re Mayor
'Morrison, charged On oath or Mr...SA - then:ill
ith larceny. •! winehat t t 011
,1,411 th Idreet, In this city, and the accused
Carte a Jew chi age to board, with her.
torch} .lisappeartnl, and. it v. - as
re rained that a valnAhle elnak and a qua.-
MYY or calut,l altogether, at tlfty,llol
belonging to the hostvss, were taissin.
Intormathm at
matte, and olllcer Hess, of
the Allegheny pollee, so, n arrested till ae
eu-sed .01.1 et/M . O3'lA her to . the .a.lh.g . h..ny
3layot',runire. r-he• a partial hearing, hat
CWIIIII fill ed for a further heat-114;1,5.1:1y.
n Mar Met IV an.—Ease etc lieu,
tierman 11 00001, 10,1001 in AllOgIo•nv,
went to 1.110 market in that city yesteritay unll
,siteti a stall litteoilna by Mrs. Itlio,lc . 'nos
customer commenced, in ille,mosa unnrovoli
eil manner to aloise Mts. Muni, '
calling her
1111,int of tuba:emir names, and retina in a
very illsorilerly manner. lier manner be . canbi
So boisterous at length Unit • Ito was arrestial
hold eaten before Mayor Morrison by whom
'he 11,0111114.45 1100 Vll 11:11/i :he will
Ll elvli note. . •
Accittent.—Yestertlay it horte :Machod to a
light fatuity ear: iage, tooli fright in; Alleghe
.ny, t'edcrill itr vet, Joni: d.n.lital at :UrIIJIIS
rate of epeeil -dot, n tilt lheroughfnre.
Iddil,s tc ho were in the earring.: jutepkot coif
nail coining in contort vieleinly pay
e,Vetreet, sustained:crtOns, though not fatal
rajorica. They were carried to lir. Thorn'',
anion where their ti Jurit n were Veoperly lit
:tended to, tit.] front 0 hence they were thin to
walk to their 110m,-
titock. anti Rent -Entnte .111rntier.—We
W//111t1 Call ittltllii.lll of (air readers to the
tlbeinent of r litr. John . 'I). mock
and rail e•tafc honker, tcll,lt appeats ill 1111-
.0011111111 of till., 1111•111111g'd issue. .Nly.
Bailey Is it writ known loan in our
in, awl to all 1 . 111, e tran,-
art Cu his line lye oil/ 1,1,
No. 102 2 , nuellt ,trtn,t, urn int upon kiln at the
Board of Trade Ito6ne , ,over tke
al Bank. .
Accident to no 011 i dllece Tretg,
chic Allegheny night Mateli, lett tine city entice
time ,meo on a leave 01 atp‘ence ' and went
oit ViSIL tO CO1U1111=11:1. mitt; v. 01310, .1
night nr two age, while climbing a irre in, Inn,
,ult eta turky for TilltIlliNq11:114: Wi• 4111113..),,
Mr. Telq.A 10111.1.11 g mid fell to
grour.d. tOrlklng au 1114 olmulder Its (ram.,
Lig MA right ,haulder Had , . 31c. Teet'z
nu, me jettulul but M., doing well. •
Serious the Nia;_tara..llose
Carriage was rem ning front the Itre yeste,
day uttectimni, it co1:1.11•.l c tulcutly with a
loadeit wagon, 011(1 two men mho were riding
oil the carriage were thrown-to the gronnil,
Ytinaining Severe and very paint el Inject.,
rite carriage Wt. ako badly damaged. We
del not I.:lnn the 114111., Cl tlle injured men.
Vernogintl.—lton. Saito" C.ltneron, nrr ire,l
ill WWII yet.ter.Led,', and is 'stopping ut Die
Luton Depot Hotel.
Don. Ucorgo V. Lawrence, M. 0., from the
Wabhhigton Dibtrlet, is also In town :ma i••
stopping ut,tho 31onongutiela llouiLe •
flittlfl Lon I..—Louf Itrifunnlotrer, a -110le
girl between eleven unit twelve yew. ,
away trona It r hoar on Pike ',trent, in 11115
,city, nozzle twelve day ago, until.. not been
honed of store. Any IntOrniut innconcerning
her Will be thanktully reen.ved by if ur
COmmeu and
3.l2Neely, of the Allegheny night oltt at
rodtml three drunken men on Tuednay night.
Te,terdav morhing - Mayor Morri,r3u_di,eharg
ed one of the in - 1401i eb., on 11CCOnnt ktf hi, hav
ing but one arm. The otherd verb lined SI,UI
Than h‘gi• mx-mt r 1;. It. Sny
-4i0.1, p“,tol' ctt thin '3.1. E. Church, on
l'entt ,trout, o ill areaelt at that Church thin
topyllng at. nal ,nbjeirt—`•l),lne
i• r ov m o mee ti.s rateml 01IF N31.1 4 )1110 CI
Phvg -
I C4 ,
J. li. P. Aptly
nit tenon becomes periodically known
to l!le 01 city papers. Ile collies
rein:tar intervals, and Clever
It :thlell the (AL . : St hi' - corning and go
ing homy irrepressible
r , e , klwns . a. country store about ten miles
front the city, and once a month he comes to
o in .1 stock for !Ili I•busy
mutt." 'fileror the matter is
that ll,' without - 7/ /Mpg drunk . .
Ile Imbibes to a m,l'initt point, up to which
eliM.avor.• to ut tend to his litpthcerg
lt. the hilt el enjoysllls drunk.
I.IyOIIII I , lint, It OlVeVer, the drank tpltt..
the upper hand, and the overpowered man
lent vi :mem igpvi.:psas ailil ivory
thing pay., attention solely to John
I:Adry,a,rn. . touchy Morhllltr he Cattle to
the mtr, Illltt atter lilllng tile wagon with Su
gar, ttt/01,ye., hi he, 1,0 1 drunk a:,
arIV,It•I ill ,0110 1111,1
rilleetl ill the lockup. At a latg hour his horse
/LII.I on were brought to the Mayor, Mike
:Lod :mat to it livery Stable near by. Yesterday
mot num he wag minus the' amount of I, ones
he generally ie In pos.wS'sion of, having either
toot or 011e1t every emit or it. Accordingly he
tett her twenty-four hours. Sub
itegnentlylic nnnattell to raise the neeeseary
funds and was released, prowl:Ana; to benefit
the city Immediately by his absence.
To Country fflcrettatits nail DrrtgyaNt%
Wu de,ire to roll the attont lon of conntn
merchants antl'ot 'limn to a medlehat ,reparet
in this cap, which o'er believe . if in rOdliced
into general non it this season of t e year
would prevent a vast amount of litlirt, ing, a.
v ell ai Imintler thultiintli Of deaths y con
sumpt ion. It will nut only afford a 'speedy
yule in all ezLies of recent coughs and colds
at at eu unable [oleo, but will at the same
time remunerate t who sell it with a fair
utotit; 011.1 at the same time enable them todo
to their 1 . ..1i0w-olen, We refer to Dr.
iny-tY'A Sjrtrio, prepare,/ by himself,
ut Wit...l-tr.:et, hal stood the test
of more than twenty year,' experience, and It
to-gay u,el by itanttands of people all
7ui tea of lung ;vol throat ailment, with a col . -
I:Lint v r •-tr,c i u tu,n.ti to nto,t medicines.
The kout t or, Dr. Is.. is Inn only a ' 1,1,11.01
or over: twenty year,' practice, but
a., ai.otheeary of tn.,:r thirty-live years'
experience, havlng attended several regal:,
01 medical Inntruet.lcto in two Sell
..1121...1,1ne, :Ifni having gra , ' nage,' with all
the honor, ut t eltt , s. Ilu has a consulting
for all 1:1,a,, of the lungs ang slam, at
1,1 Penn btrect. hours 71 . 91 n 5.t0 it A.
Mail I r. u. j
Ul the t9n0.11.,” ot Pittsburgh 15‘,Ion
hy tottiou,. ".1 hey hare iuliatte Jest tu - lhem
an..l itte not lung, if Clot her.,ual. They hear
1 mut casinut rest until They .
!ase 'utged 1010 pr int Clue thou, 01 gu.o
-f onacclud 1,1111 the
.0,11. , 101, it: ~ de IniPt..l - a . '
t'•.l.e. 'fey tie
11.• Pttllt r teet tut-'li, l 11101 there i
:tilt:o ii . 01, t 1 :110- n'itruttlett • tretore the
ittil.:te, It .:11,.., . V. lib it kWh 1ii,1 , 11141t, 111.1 none ,
li 1:,....,..; "1..1it thitti; , lo !the 1000; t . ' funny
i....., , the little title;; of t tit Reyhtifte. 'filul
-10• .. et oak., a little Julep
teeri then to
witz•le the liehl of humor, le t. 01101110CollieIlia-
~f it. Tie, 3ouli 010.i.trikes the
harl. ti: heavy jttlier there il-flew Lb the lm
iter pep 010,3 11 lii titter isolo_oo.Pie liellii's
thr, e
pertreitt littitt of :t fenny man. itrotnibly,
10 t•ttt/,'t hot hi," '.1.1 0, 0 if IV rr Y 100 11'. 10
% I cf. t•f his ti ter Leltlevettlent , it..t johi e t, we
.. !
nil - 0 )11111 Ltt .lt(12111111. tiottneg thorn in that.
10 ' .
1 .
n More or It.
Mr- e.. 1 the pour, for the sneak
Ifli•ve, do ion, Bic , -c•! Is Iniyho
nod iffifro rlelP.tts than he can carry about
for he filmy keep hi., overcoat; Inn
pros net's: men at the present. ;Inn; the keep-
Iffj cri'ouls I, the leo,: ofachlt•ve
men..., We liavu Amen calltel upon many a.
t nee of late to Iteor•I I lie theft ol overcoats
efitng tile Inv, "glue Dl seers.
lldpf, of, fold I.aromr, No. Mlllllll street, wd,
caLere t dal le- ttm ahicinn, of the members of
hoinnr claret-veto, el beaver 010111
te Itoimmlng to Mr. Latent, stolen
' lc, ol i Lim 10,1110 good Las uscape
At on Ink hoc:v i a:Al time tar no clueof hint lies
oven ontanie is Tau coat ha - Theca norn n lit
tic, but im tile Ilay 0( 1.111 It 11/Ur been.
C(V‘lrlea, :eralted, prebicil awl generally ten
vivaled, io ni to to sent the appearanee or
entirelynw.v. A .sumtele toward
t.l paid by ile on., et the t,tt ou 11s
umptett iuw itilf.its since
store lit 31. Clinunii, Su. 11
attcit-il by -Knee Berson
or purseni t
lona Intent. niece
iat s;asri lietiticit mita 31r. bitnuns t who
stuul— orur liie store, wasatunkened
iti.• a 11,1-e 111,11, by I he of tile clilamey
it , Oa: tulloas acre caeca. or
ti,c• tit Bust. Ilurrylita• down 'at•iirat Ito was
Pis: in Wet: 10 hear tee retreating.looLslcps of
• [cc I.utt Intitnuts. Fertile:lt:4,l3 . 3lr.
at,II exit,! promptly cnoega • ic prevent any
of h is :;o0 , 1:, bell stoic..
The Postonlee.—To-Jay In Thanl,lttiving
day, in the Inn:,thee •at n ell, us out at It.
In oolor int: tee olorl, of that thstuution
y have nn elwortunny Of belt! '.• duly Munk
,•2ll:o enll Ie op 'lt only between the
1,111, 01 deVcrl and 10110 Unit; morning Those
intott,led will pieMe Luke notice. 1
In the Jall.—.l.t pre,ont, there are In the
oolilly en• hundred aid. , eeteerl
I M 3.1 hree el Where are limed.,
ld the ulnies and seven Anul,
t:ont The reel:L1101g Leirt3.
IA I ale V erlOr 11 bum are
her :end tuntatei
A Tian lug illseonrse uo 11l be preach
ed at. lin,o o'clock the First,
.Mcil...) , lt,l,llnrch, Fif th ,Lraq, bock talal.;
I, oillee, by Alexander Clark, the pastor:
,er viers next sanbatn at 10:::0e'clocr t v ,and
: o'clock v.
Cara 111 “Ca.—. 11,1111 Sight, the Individual
Al hose 5:0001 for the larceny of a cog of rope
wis noticed yesterday morning', had wheat - lag
before the Jlayor yesterday, and La default at
kill was ealcann to to Jail to aWalt his trlitl ut
Rend, I .end. Rend, Gardner A. Seldelter's
advriti,lnent, xnrt ge to buy your Dry
;gods.!' Mar cut .t4treet.
811,1,1An11-0.1 \l'allar-Lray 'naming, 2.111 r Inst.,
Alr• 31.‘11(1A1111T..1 , -'1.1...1 kr. Jaw,. offitarl la
014:,(1: of la Ortge
'1 he :am rel.e.ili tale place Irwin the sr-a:Ocoee, f
ror tiara Barclay, corzei . of West
mei shanaapla err, ct, Third war Allegheny, on
ratts,y 311,11ZNINI:, r ,,. ./1 111,, at II o'clock. 'lite
ft :end , of the !molly are resyeetfully. Incited to wt.
ytIUNG--;. , n 41“2tolor norolny,. Noroulker:. ^ .4
at 3 o•t . ••ck, %Vil.l.ln I) ~ottugosc ,ock V. W
P.IL/A li
Taring, geel tocnty two mouths.
}'nn, 11l Till, Cl'IlMrSO4l ArTERNOON, - al 7,!,
w•eLek. CArrirg. • wlll leant. Jackman', Stables
at o'cleck.
y•Ino, Noi.
A I) It ,•1 A. IL. 41,1 h.:Lut* tI 1,11,
,1 1 , 1
ag nl,-.
I, 11111' r.. 1 tl pink, fr.uu the r, of
lit, ',Aleuts 1,,t,.• Al rE. , .•.."/ :It 20%.101k. •
lo.kvi lay rn11.2. I Or.
1111. 51 .. III: hEr li. /LA VII/VN, CI
r. it on.
Funer.o from thvr rc,1.1.711, of her b.h.tod, at
Itlngtop, ZrA, DAY. Pith 111.1, at 3 P. M.
beautiful ..(Ixel'a-acre,`• the largest suburban
place or be pulchre. except one lu thla county, sit.'
F+l on llrlgl.lon road, Inant.llstely north of
Alleghenr. burlnl lots, permits or tales,ll
at -ntrxl Drug Zito:, of COW, ft CLANEY, Alle
gheny City. "
No. lee Fourth rtriTt,Pltriburyt, flak COFFINS or
all klurls, CHAVES, LOV evertclescription
of Fun eral Furturnlng troons nlmlso-z.n. 3auf.,11111
op, u.I yorol nigh:, Near. and Cam/0.5000 001, 11.
HSY nr.NCiti—Her. David Or.
W. Jarobur, L. 1.•
Mil lrr. N=n.
No. 06 Smithfield St., cor. 7thr.
Estmacs from:Seventh Street.)
m•x•Vrs x3ltr i9L4m- 'ray P.a...
-stra a VAT V. TS.
E. T. II LUTE ff. co;
Manchester. Wood's Run and vlelnlty.
cormoo, Sheffield and Chanters streeti..
and Carrlazel farnisbed.
TvOTIT 11.,AY RA •`Pratata Bird" an.,
' , •Steseow lark' , arc manufactured ,only at the
Dllkal UNE WORKS, scar the Penitentiary. Atte
Ilay l t . rk . s. spring and Plain Wagons, Wbeelbar
roll and Trucks ot every 5t.01,1, wade of the beat
mxterlal. at abort none, and warro;nted,
ILO 1 . 111.11 tI Illltt A
e 11•1 U.Aol•Nny t,"
tholt. tran:Ventleateli. to
- A. S. WELL.
No. 1 I. 1 YoUr.EI4 street, ral.btirita
Kir REVIEWS AND cult..
The Vinton is Ihrirsrdett which xtlt resch tho
robrerlber soonest. -
Single Copy (per 11nnam)....
Club. of
Clubs Orion or more
e. 11:11.141ItELL,
No. 87 Filth Street.
'ltotlnt -arrears Pay
ptnnirliy . c. , lttet
Wylie street, Wednem.
dAy afternoon,
ileaat !Cave It at Hawling's Drag Store. curlier
Ilan Ina taken out a eptamiattan at Auctioneer, nod
Cl!' /dad anc , ncsatetnent with tue Vlttatittelat noacti
ot Trade., tecortux Old / ~/3 the r room, atone the
Titled /National Idanti... 1 sui now preparrd to sett at
ruble Atte ton, ,toctiC:"ittiaitLa e..coriti.s. Brat
Eats r, /to., either at the . abbe,: ie/Chi1.144-..ti11- 0
altru'ioa paid. na liereLofoire to the
tale of Ifs al Attate at twit ale tato.
belt, orxeat k.sunte to the counts attended.
014,c. I Fourth etr• - et. - . 111(.210
Wt tb 91-root.
AT •
wlcr...mrv , sas.
Sewing Machines
Are THE BEST for Family and Manufacturing
poses. Call and sec
. I.4tm at
931 Smithfield Street.L,-
oe •
.1. IV . /11 , ISTON ......................1/.3. SC OTT
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
I •
Awr rArtleulm. attention Cron tO IteDnlitnC
Witten., Clocks and Jewelry. All work warrant
ed in5:011
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 $9
• [ 89 MARKET STREET. , s9l
S9' Go *KO' S9 '
1 1
S9 . 3Fra. CV 3Eg -o ' r ,s,,
S 9 S 9 .21a rke I Street, S9'
!'.tei - ,S 9
&U i
9 • S 9
JAMES' ROB, 89 Market St. ,
iS9'— 'B9 l
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9-89 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
Gas Copdellsing I!arners,
an be used on any Lamp, and Dispense entirely
writ The name produced by thesis
'turners spreads out similar to that ot The.
construction Is such that the smote 13 contluesi In a
ta.s Condensing Chanter. and Is wholly converted
Into flume. 'I he burlier does not depend directly
upon the wick for Its lorlit s but burn. the alnoko
which Is produced theiefronts and
Barns Less Oil Than Chimney Lamps,
And produces a more Brilliant Light than. any Giber
burlier in the Inarhei.
porch Abed the Clint of disposing of the
shove Burners In Allegheny Coulity,-parties wish
ing to examine or pinch's, can he
ly ownel by Hew s. KING, PENNOCK Sr CO., e
rPapectfully Inform the tleollc that are 8111 .. e0alleas
The manufacture of
Sheetinge, Cotton Yarns. Carpe
Chains,_Candie Wick
and Batting.
Orders may be left sti the Office or the Wort.,
Corner of Duque.:le Way . and Baxter's Alley.
'To the Heirs and Legal Repreeentatlrea of JAMKS
REAR EV, Int, of nahl county. accei
You are hereby et ted to he snit sppfb b e fore me.
8 1 .
iiett, 'at mid Bees.ter's Otßee, at
rittourgb, then and there to tale out Let(ern of
Admintatratten on the Estate of said James Hea
ney, 11eCelSeel, of show cane, tinny. lame
m i onitt rt• t be granted t
r ove or more or the cred.
Item or
d erm other et-pruen. -
Given ener say band ant) ree_ or °eke. at rut.-
here , this Gth clay of Isomber, 11..
•notniettitdinV JuS. 1-1. GRAY. Reenter.
Flou rlablng hall column advertttements of Infect , /
itschines, but ecsa litiOV kat d Belt EU.
is bas been bully tested for'll.rtt en
t year., and ti by all comPe
-tent judges. pr...
uounetd the
IVO, 1/3 Fifth Strout.
Practical. Furniture Manufacturers,
Latest etTles oeTtRNITURE constantivon han
• "I'CPPL; 5E5.496-T4a.
81n Ooad, wrind WORK ROUSES, Jost receive
and will be sold cheap: one Ewa OK! VINO HORS
ooe Fes' woux MAIM. gas:sateen SO be sOuil.
SIVVVSI.)Si az a itv a SALICIIenkriLL
nod . First ssrees near tiooongeeels
TEOMor g good COl./lUNG BrOVEvtd other
Iltenttls. go to :it,. 140 tirant street.
Plato god Fwagy COg I.SCIUTT EL& nka:151101.
ELS. r/Ottt tt.t. ti n.oogits for Cooklo g Oyste,
otber rapc7 &she*: Vendor& tstgtve ripe. Wa
t, Conductor . , and all other article., TAI at P. C.
DUFFY,. No. 148 It mot street. AU• cheap!,
ohettpleheap I
ADES—Anew lot of
new and beantifni eeelens on en, an,
and Ber Grounds, Gotd and ,yalnted }Spillers, at
liaTtet Street.
oCZ7 J ( ... 14 -Bignita a 88-11,
•11410110 tOULIII6
. 1.25
FOR S.ILE Oil 111lir,
dro: is Fifth Street.
]Pg'3'F~l@T ~'.
COVIIOXITIALTU or rit.sssst.vLeirA