TEE. DAILY GAZETTE. rusizsixE D BY Penninaen, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUIIDING, No. 88 N•1111a. r fret. 8. figntlte. I :Maa r jf-11,2,,tu m , Unit pas Nl!fiaairesro. En:l3 blogl• Copies Delivered bjearriel, (per week) . 16 cents, 55,00.. Llberalroductloas to Newsborsand agents. Malt Subscribers, (Der year.) gttsburgh 6autte. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1866 =I uAs BEEN TUU.TRFULLY OBSERVED that Pittsburgh will not support a thor oughly li ‘ vp and enterprising newspaper— such as could snake Its influence and impor tance felt, throughout the nation. It is equally true that no section of country so . eminently stands in'need of such a journal to advocate and maintain the interests and rlght3 of alarge manufacturing element. The adVertising patronage bestowed upon the Pittsburgh' press' to-day, will, in no moaner, compare favorably with that be stowed upon. journals of 'other cities of equal importance. For instance, -in C'in einnati, the last quarterly return of .cash receipts from adieriising of the Commrr ciat—a paper which devotes -less space to • micommodate advertisers than does any journal here, with perhaps, --a single t'tcep tion—was over forty-two thousand s dellars. Against - this, our journal, making . high est return of any Pittsburgh • dan 4 t paper i , r the same quarter, only' .reached a lil tlc over fifteen thousand dollars! Under such circumstances, tow could we, or any of our contemporaries; be expected to pub lish a paper that would compare with the Cincinnati Con inertia! Immense capital may he wasted in the effort to establish and keep up such a journal but until the man ufacturers and merchants are willing to accord a torte liberal advertising patron ' agc to the press, the result will be futile. While we cite the prosperity of the Cin cinnati rominercial over 'our own city press we may he permitted to add testimony to its sterling worth and enterprise. It is a pride not only to the city in which it is published, but likewise to the entire west, sod we ere pleased to chronicle its contin ued success. A HANDSOME VONNO Tarty was arrested let. Chicago on litonday on a charge of en deavoring . to pars counterfeit onethun dred dollar note ;upon a shop keeper. ' On her way to the toMbs, she met a gentleman inn appeared to he- a familiar acquaintance She told tam the circumstances of Clear rest, claiming that "the bill her mother had mailed to her" was a counterfeit. The . stranger remonstrated against the arre:St till he excited the suspicions of the - police to such an extent us to cause his arrest-. It turned out that both were professional shovers of the "queer," and several thou sand dollars worth of the stuff was feund . in their possession. Soun'ot the:"Neri Faiglitnil folks are too pious to live. LAti a sample of them we . have Norwich, where the parties of the different ehurchha hive issued a circular disapproving the "freqent nud growing practice of burying the dead on the Lota's day." they hive unanimously decided to atte4 no funeral service on the Sabbath, unless in cases of great necessity: Why not'forbkt people dying on the Lord's day? A T.n.s.vrtarto humbug has taken up rooms at New Albany, Indiana, and pro poses to'cure all manner (if diseases by the Imposition of hands. A fellow last winter fooled our citizens by such "laying on" of hands, waif he again makes his appear. ante here, we think the game might be wisely reversed. • EDITORIALLY the Chicago Rept? 111 leap, thinks that " Young Claimiga is attaining its siatue with a degree of expedition un- paralleled iu the experience of adolescence, and prescribed- limits to its waistband at any stage of that progression will not be tolerated." AT . CICERO, a part and parcel of Chi cago, a German saloon keeper named Peter Schhpp, ehot and instantlykilled an Irish man named Milan, who was engaged in raising a "muss." The coroner's jury re turned a verdict of justifiable murder, To sut.PnEss the rebellion Illinois lur inshed 250,297 men. The numbei - of Mi litia in the State subject to service is 357,- - 511, or on b eVery six in thepopulation. Ohio'fornislied the late artay'vvith 310,000 men. TOE "People's popular hell exploded," was the startling subject of a sermon in a Pittsburgh church a short time since. 'We heard no objections expressed, nor did gee receive any report of. the explosion. A LERGYMAN of :New Albany . , Indiana, is to Prettch on Popular Amusements from the tort,' Zach.6-L--5: "And the streets of the city shall -be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof. A MANUFACTURING COMPANY, underthe style-of icison t S Co., hue been established at Alliance, Ohio, with a capital 000. Iron machinery, engines, boilers, Ac., are to tie manufactured. 'Puy. Prptectionists throughout the country are using every means within their power to secure at the coming session of Congress tlie pasEage of the tariff bill through the Senate. Tagut, are 50,000 miles of telegraph in America, while Europe has but 'OO,OOO miles. We have 36,000 miles of railway against their 30;000 miles. ' Gov. //VANS, Of Colorado, has contrib uted $25,000 for endowment of a Cliair,of Mental and Moral Philrisophy, i» the Uni versity ut Evanston., A WRITER of Chicago advocates the es tablishment of a Central City College and u Righ'School in each of the great divi sions of the city. .LIEUT, (loc. Bnoss, of Illinois, is lee . luring upon tbe beauties and curiosities of ihn central nni western portions of our Continent. . NEXT Friday will be St. Andretr'i; Day, a day generally_ohseryed by tho Sons 0 Scotia tpr the honor of their patriin saint. REV. GEO. W. MALLET, a well known Methodist minister; is lying at the point of death - in Cincinnati. FIVE thousand six hundred bales of Cot ton.- *ere shipped frcp Nashville last month. JOHN B. CHAPROR, of the Philadelphia Legal Fraternity, died last Sunday, in that city. , TEE' first quart of . water that coulee through the great Chicago tunnel will be placed in a glass jar and kept, as a trophy of the enterprise, in CoL Wood's Museum. HENRI OMITS, one of the defenders of Baltimore 0.1814, died last Sunday.- Two daily papers of Nashville have just been consolidated into one. RtaTOB is at Baltimpra, at the Holliday *ices Theatre, , • • - car _ • Z. .._ - ' _ ;-J ' •-••• • I ‘‘" 7117 ; • _ - ! _ - - \ ' I , -- • - • • I - • ~ 3 cents VOLUME LICXX.---NO. 2Sti uiTy rrEms. 9v=r..m MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company NM"Vcr E. WiNSTON; Preildeut. ASSETS OVER s fili 17,0 4COC),C>CI)4I!, AND EXCLUSIVELI CASH. Uiddeiid, AVIIIRibIe Immediately, Iv INCREASE TIRE- .INMILTRANCE OR. LIEREUE THE PREMIUM...IT THE OPTION' OF TUE ASSURED. t roltry-holders and other portent hatere.ltl In the sattect to 1.11 , 1 t IhiStiltritseiC ore Invited to call oh' the to ter/Osumi. Agent of tho l'onipattr i ichrt will cherf folly give them Nil Information as to tOe Turri , d told Plllellnal,rotklOg or alr Company. GEO. AI, BLACKSTOM Agent, No. S 7 Fifth Street, Pitcairn*lin Thant...giving Proclamation. I i f!iNSYL VAN lA. S 8 /h the. TO. , and hr Itte nut hnrity !•..nneyharlin. ANDUEW (•(111.riN, Governor Com monweslolt. . L. S. A PROCLAMATION ••••••-••• • \Pltnnttu✓, It has bean the good and iii4ittiy torn Of the Commone ea! tato let apart, antic ally, foe the tip,lr I acknowledgment' of the go. ot - netts of the Almighty pint for oapressinit tip the whole people, at one time. and with a common voice, the "filatatit and Pit/Una wh et. throughout the year are 'springing front :be hearts of turn, thirefore, . 1, ANDREW t•URTIN; Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvards, by thlemy recommru•t th.•t the puol people of the tOoOnnon wealth obaer Thursday, 29th day,November,lB66, Asa day of Than k•givlng and PraYee, and do then ahselobte In their zespeettve Chi...dies and places of worship and mane tbelr humble lhatin offering to AtatlnltiV lion fff all Rio blessings daring the past year. For the abundant gathered traits of the earth; For the the., far eon tinned activity of tOrbratry: For the general proterration of 'math; And eapeclettr for that ha Hta Dines IlattcY He bath b hayed the threatened pestilence. And moreover that they do . beseech Hlui to eon- Untid oio ...lz 1:11, bleeetruf...nd to confirm the heartd of the people of three united 'States, that by 'Unlawful force of Melt !rill, deode Of reawlJtunleal, Wzadozn and Mercy may be dune. Given under my noon and tbu great e of [tie Mate, ut Geri 1 Gus, Gas - . DM day oi.vVeGiOer, In t e yi.nr of our Lgril, 1818, and of Me Com mon veattn the mnety-first. ET TOE I.loVi.nuon: • ELI :SLIVER, • Serr,tary of tot eommonwenith IL:reeit'llatranium. Lad rnrm • At the extensive and popular Ilat, Cap and Ladles' Fur • Ironic, of ffilliam Fleruing. No . 133 Wood Strml. At thLs eStablLshmerat von will find the largest and best stock of ladles furs, ever tottered for sale In this market, con sisting of Capes, Berth., Eugcnie ,Collars- Muffs, Cuffs of Mink Sable, German ' Fitch, Sr beriAn Squirrel, NVater Slink, Black it Brown Sables; Gay's new patent Excelsior *tiff, and the sew style of slat JEW Sluff. Sir. ;Fleming has Just returned from the EaSt, having laid In all the new styles. Call and examine the goods at Fleming's, betore. you purchase else- *here. , N., Pure Blackberry Wine Is one of the most usaful articles to Lave ui the house during the hot 19 it good for any derangement of the bowels, anti It armless even for infants; the groat dini• culty :ieretofore has been where to get it. Fleming, Druggist, No ii Market street, Itue at length supplied the want s having benc to Cambria county, oh the Mountains, where the blackberries grow in such great prole. 'and secured a strictly pure article. No . len .tlou this for the benefit of those of our read ers who map wish to have It in the house. English Aies and Dublin Porter Allsope EngliatrAle. • Baas Engllell JarreT r ankotell Ale. • Dulness IX Dublin ;greet Ale We have just-reeelted another large lot of the above goods Co highly prized for their tonic and invigorating prOpertiec• lictlarran MeEennan, Drugglate, Marketiareei, rbr ner of Diamond, near Fifth, We are now Prepared To (Met you the mon aptaplete and geuetni assortment of Gents Dresa Boots for winter wear that bus ever been collected together at one [Lime within the walla of our mammoth Shoe Bazaar. Prices satisfactory. No other house has half the assortment without a doubt. and certainly cannot compete with put Prices. '..OPERA llocaa.Sacn. SIQUE6 Hazard 441, Caswell's Cad Liver Oil. • *The Purest and Sweetest Cod Licer Oil in the world, manufactured from fresh, •ItZgalthy livers, upon the sertattorgi. it is perfectly pure and sweet. Ask lor "Hazard S Cern:eon's Cod Liver 011," mateglactured by CIANVELL, Mara .2. Co. New York: hold by all drugglstS. •ate Bo%were loodoroas Wyeerlne liorcere luoilorous Glycertu4 The above 13 undoubtedly the &mad le the market, end can be had at e Very low price, at Met:lax - run tdclienuan's Drug Store, - nS Mar. ket ntreet, coroLuer- Diamond, ncLir At Gardiner's, flood boots,etioes, Inamorata andiguts, aL low prices, warranted perfect.. Urns♦ House 81.141 E STOI(.. • Ton Can Huy Foreign Liguora of all kinds at . .rosaph S. Flueini Llxllllcr3, No. 1iti,193 and 195 First stre4, Pittsburgh. _ Winter Gooda - AL n:heavy reduction 10 nriees, at the House Shoe Store. • Great Variety (H Slianter.tiocls at Gardluer'n Opera Roane Shoe Store. 'You 411. , 5u Huy hd per een t. irobol at Joseph S. ythch,s . You Con Buy New flop* at. Joseph S. Fluch.6 TELEGRAMS liar the .ilerchauts , National Telegraph Co.) • • From Up the Allegheny. Special to the Pittsburgh Gazette. ~••, • OIL CITY. N0v..07, lene. Weather cloudy and warm, with a prospect of rain. River •twenty-seven Inches. Crude market. slightly improved.. FEAMELLII, boy. 27,1001. lilicr at Franklin,l,wentyleven ladies and falling; -at Ott City, twentpethr tuchee and tailing, awl at OleopolLs, twenty-four inches and. tailing. • • • Taz Decision in Baltimore. BALTIYO am, Nov 71.—Judge Gum, of the Uni ted States Circuit Boort. has aeoldsd DMZ Mr. Octet. Boyle sees entitled to recover on the amount of taxes paid by him on the Sales of tobacco grown in W.! and iltß, as - Abe internal revenue act of 19315 did not authorize taxation, on any DrOduce, as • income which had' been growlngiorevlous to item. As, of.himos Is before the city councils ap hropnating 420,066 in aid of the Colored 'schools.: • -- . SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERI LRESTI"ffiIiEGRIMS. LATEST FROM EUROPE, The Forkino l'routtle.—The Mezierot Matter—Pork.* Itolnstil to Itto.troden Iteformers—The 31.,1tan Etotiire End• td—Volmorivinl. [III rue.,, Itf.E. . hullerMl Trfton .ll lant IC Company's steamer Pori , , whirl' left Now York on (ho Cult arrive,' AL Ibis • port early I ilia morning. - LoNOOO, Novetub, ..!7—X4404i.-1144 troubles iu Ireland have assumed poualdera bleproportinin, and there is no doubt that If aerions outbreak Inn occurred. Two real . inents,of nation' troths went 'urgently ordei led to Ireland yesterday - , and tranaports were being prepared all last nip lit tit Portsmouth. A - hirae 4leteehnietit or marine!' wore also sent over to Queenstoien nu the war Jsteanier rlynitildli. .1 gilliliout nt chathaia has been 'Ordered to sail for Queenstown Moult alarm is iett at Cork - and 'throughout. Ireland generally. The /.0,101.1 rose. of 01.4 morning Believes that the chief organizer rdephens will soon arrive on the 444:-elle, if he has not already. The Olt pe editorlidly hints that, a more serious trouble with the United States is really at the bottom of the Fenian outbreak. Laanox, Nov. 07. -}'non —d telegraphic dis- Paten was I eeeived 3'4,1c1 - day from 11 ton by the U oiled StateA 3t Snicker at Parts. It la believed that it relate n to., the aloxican question. The tfornin, io-day,.,ay, that United States Ilni,ter rev in woo the. Gahm 0000. IA Caliltiet 'netting will noon he held wten ihn vitro will receive the cc/Wilda:Yu lion Whiell importance tWserves. • • Leant's, Nevr27.—Neon.—lt is oftlehtlly an nounced that o• Government has porempt, rtly refine...l the 0, of tile parks tor the Trade RefOrill/lemonstrullens. . • • .. LI k: nrotit, Note tuber ':7—.V , ,,n.—The cot t..a market opens (lull but steady; sates to-day of s,eoo bales tabldltne .noted, at the opening, at 11 , Itreadnunle Nitnoat mat,- Ms.!. elytnge. lM .1 • NI?eN, .N0V1,11.01,01. looney Markel. le (liner. C 014,01, toe 111011ey Opel t•ti. al !k); United e . fatez,l , 2”,, 7 0 :: Erie, le; Minn!, Central, - PAM, X 0V.,11111k ,: n:/.-1t Oa: nett convalthn in tiov.:11111011L Ilk any, that the !:atoll a 11l Mt, Ica Is :•ntlehl, null that :11,:challl.tzt a 111 .out, arriaa here: • Loa ttra,, :November ' , "—lit:tatiola.--llost , tats ch - Hett It,:s4. tqr tatatet 71/I.c: Central. 7z; 1.1,4111.001., Novent:att . :27—/.;vriiii:/.—Cot Von Oa.. at It!;,.1 Tar tahlilllrast:platal.t. It - twat rora el l.;lininr. I'ttint Europe by SI ranter. .`s EA. lUus, NOVelllber . 27.—The ,tt,1111.1 . tia, front Liverpool on the lain and t,! Ewen,- Lown nt, the Ifl h. -11 tiAllTri • • . • Ttto licratd. I.Otedoll. 11.4iVOreite* tootositiertion tot the petttlotog ottitoottioots butt null till, 1:11iLeli State, atoll tiro.ott ltrttotiot, ltrblttattOto. The London l'lodu sayb lier AlajeSW: gov ernment to telllplnte4ezzloox, er Jim a Until sinner to emintre into theoperution hul- Lraltty hiwo, nod to report 011 tnc porstbtlity of numndlnit themllo it, to bring them Jot° more complete conformity with inturnatlon ol obligutions, Tbtu tolo airy will not preNude• tuthre steps with r'egurti to the -ivlJlNltnent of Clue Alabount claims, which ore sot: tinder edit shit:ration by the lloverhusent, and most be VII , ti . rt.alled on t bele Conststrip.; . • - . liZt been - Mine by the ilmol hi Lattenoltire and Vork,hil e.' . A suhsattiption for t h.. Joni . ..re!!! by (Ito !!rn..-- bet! tire, had I.cen.tarted at 'l.4.lnarpool: London Hat bud poorol, At the•tattlu k t of the Salon Coanon, of Dr. linttes, on the h;il,, the Miniiter .li:elated 1., the alost posh fife mailer that So.souy 11:01 el-m -e:nth!!! 110 Inn:lnce ant! Austria bolos or dol ing an- au.r. Alin! ter adde.l that Saxony Mu! falthlnlly nh,rv,tl 111 n! promise to that' effect. . Alta - lees front l'arset,ty ststr that the .letest of the Mlles set•orspasty had eareed u rout. Wet.: , Ilsttolort 0.11111,1 g the les-leis of Uhl , all i utter. Oen. Fhtr,• :hot Itreu In Slontevhlet's sitter !,'-eptettther .title. Goners! Milt, lett eve , - uated Curuss stet !tit v. Ith t tte rest of the unity for Tegoutt^ lie bud rehired to avail hltneelf of the ISraztitata transports for theeonvepatten of has troops. Arrival. of the Pensla—nail News from Europe. Now VORR, NOV. he Pelota's malls WO hate the 10110Wilg 111010: SIR li. Ma% ne, the ("Mu( Continiensionicr. .of I•ol ice, heal Alt:caned to wake truffle itrrattge rntrts for the con, enierice of 11, Trades he lonia demonstration in 'London, on the (hind of December, and expre,,ed, to a deptlLatt len, tole disapproval of. batwing' great hteleet of men Into erne deit thoronginhon..... Thu Liverpool Cotton Itrokers' .I,loclation nail adopted the 10110, Ing That It is thu opinion of this atterViaLlon that the cell ern Of ration 'hon. , : front net carter, Dee. IV, l'Xd„ fully. accept the respolenlndly with 1 , 10 .ipeet to fraudulently or falsely-packed, dam. Kent or unmereantable cotton, a Ineli Inas of late heel enn ftennently It matter of dispute between the Miler and toiler. and that after that date, clahos for sorb returfini should be allowed for at the cutup of the round cotton at the date of return, if to within ton days and threat monition from let, date of porchase.' It'neau stated ft.!. Die :pant ell I tovornment hail addressed repi - ceeintattons to tin:Cabinet of Bruton:10 relating to Spanindi refuge,. in that vapital, de , ibtring . them to he engaged in timer open tintrigites tin itistvin panda order In Sputa. new needle goo hay he Inventea, Ititee pound. lighter than the former. atiantonoumh I fat ',SIAM tat :Old, for the Mailiterratmain. . Ttio • Di% it illry. Ins ePttlicallon!. In New • • York. Nzw•lerin, NOventher,2'i.—The Investiga tions of the ninnt dintfiletry butlll - 4,, in th, city 40 tail/ nOntinUnd, aunt to-dav whlttlueld distilleries {MI! It quxutit nl t‘litolsy teen, Helzed Ind conihtth.tt..l. The *treet, aro jolt of all sorts orferelga ru mors, this afternoon, ma to the re tat ionn ivl , England, Mexleo, .K•e„ but though these are pretty 'well nuderidood to :be the tnereat In ventions, the bpeculators bate used Ilona wit if suceeas to rum up the price of geld. Seswal "per tent.'' partlen, Ii ho bonght it at 139! 1 ho+l. week. are now enabled - 1131,11 out at a hand -60111(3 profit. . • The Mackenha-Chilloh torpolb rase was to day ordered LO istam(l, river till the neat term of the United States Clmult "Court. .•- • • Capt. Abraham M. BrevoOrt, Y Well known °Meer of moriarPi fur lour yeara past ILI mood of the naval teerifiting rentlezvuos in till/softy, and for till, years Key lobs In .1111110 , of the nasal recruiting atat ion at tho Brook, lyti navy yard, 411.1 In lidooklyil; yesterday morning, aged eeymity-four ye , mo. He W. forty ell ye z ars In the Marine eorp.l.• sesuli,. tii 0.11.1 .I . er*.ey A tate trot T.11.8,0/14 , .1.; November 2L—TII•I .NCn utn urAt to.. lay and. aummuced Ihu 'following result Flret 111. , triet, for Congresq, ILepublican, 1 . 20/17. Slane Democrpti,', 1 I.ltvf. Second •11Qtriot Deluoefatic, - 13,:r.1.5; Nowell, Republican, 13,47.1. dl4. Setgrcuve,. Democratic, 15,708; David son, Republican, 12,:17.1. Swath Ilintriet, 11111, Itepubliean, livmomuth., 1,43L,J ; ilurlet, I edependeet Democrat, !,Ti.: l'iftl, dbitrict, Halsey, Republican, 1 . 2,770; Conservative, Certificate., of election wore then ordered. LO Wm. Moore, of the tin , t district; Ch.. Haight', of the Be , oil; bllgreaves of the third; John 11111 of the fourth ;11.tul tier,: A. iitliSCY, Of 1110,11(th. • •- roalnl Trenity swill% 4/real I;rilislas. N URIC, 10s.ember 27.—rostinastc;i: Gee. eret lieJelllll bna liettlly agreed upon.a postal treaty With Great licit:tin, whereloy posts yes to and from am to hr reduced to I.!centw, to Ile' prepaid. The postage Is to IM collected and kept by Government alien the letter is mail ed; suit each Is to keep v, hat it gets, Judge Iteths delivered an - ittipartlal deei. yesterday, la till, eleie Of the Clilliatit priVe- Icor, the :Meteor, which 'required it very elese analysis of thecprinelples Ur neat rality. Tim arguinent established the distinei tad a•i en merely sending contraband 11...C410.11,u to the'market of it belligerent...object to the chances Of cant lire, and Alm , luting out of a vevsel to cruise directly from our ports against a friendly nation. The Meteor was condemn... lid swim, this argument. New 1 oidi, Nov. .S.—The regular board of broker., ,by a two-thirds vote, have this I hay ramoved the restriction compelling members of their iontrd to charge one-eighth per cent. brokerage. The 'members of the Stoek Ex change ‘,.in now arrange. their brokerage char ges with costumers. PiPt.lo.ll Agent Appointed. , 4 III:, r.k, Me., Novetelter 21.—Einui I. Pills -lur •,111 Fartuiegten, late Democratic Celan .lat for Governor of this State, has been op. poi ited, ~./ received his commis:don as lint. te.f 'Alai-, Pension Agent at this city, ' ill place of Charles F. Potter, removed. Tax . on Cotton. . New loon, Nov. o.7.—The ton's Washington ...peetal.say.: Prominent Southern men have -- • . arced Secrelarr kl'eultrich to recommend to Against, Inlroletnnesit. . llongre., a retortion of the tax on cotton. • BOSTON. SON. .27.,The ftepubllean papers in ' this city ate taking ground against the nu- . p Nndde v itz Death. • • eactunent ot—Truaid IMI ent ..1111011. Cong pmtress .‘1,1.1.111, No ember 07.—Gone. Grove, belug master of the mitnation they contend i'„f Ik e firm of fie„,q.,. S. Br o th ers, e . tenwo that sO violent a step ad impeachment is whol- , Manufacturers of linseed oil, died suddenly iy unnecevnary; and, they declare further, that ! t,,, a y . . MUIStIA:II WI et. E 5 will not follow Butler Co th i s ! • matter. Still there are large numbers of the : . lltiver and Weather, at Louisville. party who would be glad tutee the President !" er disgraced by impeachment, one of those Is a ! Loctsvitts, November '..t7. Itiv falling her serVen feet fear Oche., in cons. natodter Da* leading ell nal], liete,'whO, yee-- r slowl y A, .rr cloudy . raining this aternOott. tertlay prayed that tiod scaulir tumor° Qui! ---.- -- • winked refers. . Great Bridge nt Cincinnati CirecisinAli, Nov. '.a.—The great. :Wapehdon Bridge, Over the Cubic. River, at...l.2lucinoati, two thousand Iwo hundred and 11l ty-tem feel long, will be opened to pedestrlate, on :natal . - day,'Ducousr er ISt. With upproprioto versus. toes. IL is Lila longest edugle spats Orblko In the world, costing two onlllone of dollars. itrillWay tracks aro laid over It. The sn, front centre to centre of .towers, Is one thopau sand'and titty-seven feet. A proJeet'is On foot to supply Chteinnnti 'Tills pure water (soul the Lath, Anatril River, all .nalles above the city.' - • . . . . • Fire at Newark, Ohio. ' ' Ns, tons, Note mbar V.—Private ditpatebea ._, t i from. Loudon to-day quota United States t-twa • t;lxolz+Xsal, Nov. .:;.-4.dto at Newark, Ono, at 711.. i - " this afternoon, duttroyed Snook ..t reilree'D I ' . stable. LOO3 about Ip,Olni La3tired for 41,000. i , Telegrams on Fourth raipo, PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 1366 IANIDIAN ADVICE& Forwarding Troopk—D'Arey McGee Re ..in-nr —The 'l'rinlr—nl ephOwa. Me:miner., November 2.;.—Tlie Government has eonclinleti to forward all the regular troops In the Provinces to the frontier, be. tween Niagurm and Windsor. The Goverii: meet toss erected New military shed in this city, which was opened this morning to rw cvivo a large quantity of ammunition nail gun Carriages, besnies ft large amount'Ot military stores used by an army In the field. A rumor Is current in this city that D'_trcy Heise has resigned his position. in the Cabi net. Parties visited the_ ail to-day with Consul General Avert!! and B. Devlin, tne Queen's counsel, who found. the prisoners confined In very dark and dirty cells, crowded together without any regard to their hehith. There are two of the prisoners counned 111 the con demned cells and allowed only one meal it day. Through the Caen ions of the Consul Gent ral they Wert, released. The prisoners are very hopet til and CCM fld era of being acquitted now that • Geherat Averill has arrived, who hue been unremitting In looking after them. The Militia Cr,, to be ordered our In this district to do guard during the Media. - The Canadian (Ana, claim that James Ste phens lett New . York, rin saturday, for Liver pool, aCcompanied IT a large military staff, who were all disguised. Stephens was dressed in black Citizens clothes, and had hie whiskers shaved clean from his lace.' They were accom Partied by an English detective. Horace Clreeley eo the Nflunt inn—The Impelseh...eta llntoolion. • N ew Yong, Nov:27.—liorate lireeley detlat4 Ills position at length in the Tribune. We quote one paragraph: "I am for vnlversal amnesty tar 111 Immunity from fctir lit pnn isinuent or connscation Is concerned, even though impartial suffrage should Ito Is: the present resisted and defeated. I did 1111111: It desirable that Jefferson Davis should be ar raigned , and tried for treason, and it still seems to Inc that lisle might properly have. been done molly months ago, but It was not then dour, and now I believe It would result to far more evil than good,, It would rekindle paiisions that have nearly blamed oat or been hushed to sleep. It would fearfully convulse null agitate the South. It would arrest the progrese of revoneillti tam and kindly feeling. (hen It would cost a large sum directly, wad a fur larger intltrectly, and unless thdjury were wintoPalonsly packed, IL wouldresult a non -1,11 or non-verdict. 1 con limighie no good end to be e rved by such a trial, and twit log is to lien either •better nor worse thanilhousands of others,' Would have him treated us they are." The Times, In alinding to the. talk of Im pe.acionont, says : The. runitirs of forcible re endance to "such, an attempt are simply ab• Any member of the house has a right to bring forty nl it Mail a 11.,01/041Uoll, !MCI // , übth.t ,, hd by twit-thirds of the itouse;it. most be bent to the stints for trial. Neither the Prevalent nor anybody ei.e hay any right to deeleru forcible re,thdanec 'Oa much a step, nor iv It easy, indeed, 43 ,eee Where ,Itell AStaneu could begin. ctipil;ll fair IL.• • WASIIIIOII - 01,, NOV,lllbor 27.—Judge Ler, ot Nett °them., who has bean Ile this city for some nays on JUL Important rulssion, look Inc ton flow•of capitol Southward, Inks sue eveited to his entire satiSfaistlon, having con ferred trendy Ion , : Northern gentlemen now here. Ile leaves tosmorrow for holed to urge upon the South an agitation of their indus trial interests, instep! of political , peadiona aty r. La 1:01111.1 . 1,. late 01 the State thwart. men t, has replied to the curd of 31r. ft:tritons, puhlished it, the New York papers. It at - peers that -the leintuntePett kndroitil grout Inns 1101.1110 d, i Adoption 01 a 1011011,1 111011,00,1 4 101101 , .This au,. w wits only u , coldly. given, 01 I'MM:01,11•In (201111011.111,0 will, the eomlitiona of the grant. President -Tuareg expresses groat. enuthlettee Le the now company, a Lich entbrares among its menders General Gmtit. Thu alit eoznynury..tacvn fait 101018.11 e, of fa vor liy 11.tielng appill.d to Ma:cm:ollJan for :t e tlowal et 1; 113. Neon .ti4Coi , i , r.ed n,;ar thi4 coy and the Northern Company wall at 41[11,, proceed to onk wean. • In the Cleinliet Inectinz to - Altty tho Prost -I:cut's nJees*ge had nMud renaing and u'att scut [nth. prude., Uoples will tot ready to utotTruf for tuatIMII to the ,lottunt press. 'l'l!e Fre4l.l.log Point 01 Itrbel-Cattlsteri.— ==t=l • W API n I, 0 inc NON", (senora) non , V.lnhn,n, having In - en reeenth: par• none.( le,' the 1 . . - ethlent, I o - day upon Treason, npluner for the payment of It check for three or loor hur.iZred donars nuo to him, tin ertth•Lite nL. at 5/.!th./r in the UnitAel Orion tin ISQ, yost helm,' he JOIIIIIII tole 14.1 - 1115 . 01 I Ile Crlnredel)thy. TUe fres/011er thO 0.1001. Irt tnaoher which was anything out pleassan no the npoihn,nt. 'A he thteertll.lll.lCll. lots In Its Tr,u.sury about golnl nod coin ,11111 , llt,i; about. y::,1pe0,01.,0 01 Iltu /titter. Blue , Line Itailsviky—Tlincl. MI - evens alld impeachment. Burr:Au, Nov. t bird rail on the Great Writeru Itirtivrey, tote:n[llo the ears on the New lurk Central unit Allohigan Central reed: , to run oi: • i.iet:ooll lulu. The .ire , lt Woltern and other rorehr erne then to put on a through l reight hetween Sew ten and the Weer, to ho known an the Blue Lhie. • (00.111•,:inl 441 errs ler aays: havejmomte inteLligiamo trout Washington that .Thall:iiterenti lla called 1.1 i'ril , lolll 01 Re. publzeart members to 101 . 1 q en 71.111rH1lay to brim.s 'mom R 0 0 111,11. of notion' Or WI p.mh. lug the Premitienr. : . =:II2IEMtf2M =3== T. , cus W..) or, _ l7 =So. decision hat bccn given In the Court Of Queen's Bench or I:ooluiun routs to-day, as to grunting the rule far now Uhllh,lo applied for by C 0,111301 from /he F17111.1.1N under StAlLetielf of death. .•1t ly rotuorel that a heavy concentration of troops in this city IS about to commence In vies of I 116.110150 approach Of thn nth of M oen/her, the day died for thu execd . tiou of the /cont.. =1 Nevi Voide, November :a.—The Delay:a, Lacicaw'unun S Western Railroad Company Was - Sold to-day. Forty thionsiont dons of Scranton cost, of the different at. a docllne vidying front ff.cents to 61,40 per ton. The coat is delivered at Ellzabetliport in tons or T I 0 pounds. 'Aden sold at an average or s3,te; Steamboat, gritty, WO; egg, 01,1.5; stave, 411:02; The Dimailairy Fraud. . 'Parr—% nvt.cniA, Nov. 27.—Thu iiilleer.of the internal Revenue are diligently investleating the rands on the revenue. Frani, Carroll was to-day ernnuill WI for illegal distilling. Te.inerrOW afternoon dm hese hall season In Philadelphia will close, with a grand contest between pteeed trl 011 rotriprnied of players (rain the tort el Chant this end other cities. Pratt rind .51iilbrlde will pitch. =I ' .41.0 A NY, Nov. meeting of the Board of Director, of the New York cent,,,, ltnllrouU Company WWI hrtd 10,11: to4lay. Torre ore ru mor.+ that the V anite'rhllt movement to SCCIIIO control of the TiAld Wan elleeklUilleli, aunt that I,llmA/it:owing will be chostm Premblent, and ‘V II inns li. Fargo Vree l'restglent. Pio Cabinet. Meeting be r 27.—There I was Co Cabinet meeting . held to-day. The various hcmly of Departments are, however, attending plumy at the Executive WMo lu tan order that they are sent for by tile President. No in her visitors ate received by the President. A Doubtful Tokoic.'o, I:. W., Nov. '27.—The Glob.: of tlik morning sayn ,het It telegraph operator In Canada fell heir to .. , ...,:goooo,throusth the death lilt relatlve, who holds Wit Interest in the Trinity Cloireh property In New York. Thu elitlui is la the hands of .:llessrs. tIOsLW huwanl & of Not• York city. dueler 2 . 01111. • . queusv, C. E, November . I:.—Five bemired peembibterling were received hem Birming ham, Englund, and one tenured pounds trout Wegehr (or lire retie( (AM eon...rec. I,y the Quebec fire. . Tim troop , . et. (Maws. were inspected by Ilfaj. lien. hindmity this morning. , Itrocleirtion HemOved. goods In London- `p~l.~ 178~ ?~\\;; CITY AND SUBURBAN (ADDITIONAL LOCAL YEWS ON THIRD 1'66E.1 Levlure Last evening Mr. Theodore Tilton delivered before tile Young Men's Mercantile Library AsSOCiatiOn, tit the AcadElny of Music, a speech or lecture on ReconstrUCtion. Ile Co:lshii:tea the three points, when, by whom, and on what conditions the Union should he reconsti tutes!. The work seas to the hands of Con !gross by the universalltnigment Of the people, to ini aCcOmplishell on the basis of the equal, civil and political rights of all loyal citizens without distinction of color and rare.. On such a. basis lie would have asked for the readmis sion of the Rebel States on the first day alter the rebellion, bin until the Rebel States can be brought back on terll.lB of Justice to their black loyalists, let these haughty states 01011,1 null Walt oinstde like the king lu the snow at the Pope's doer. The question Is not whether these States are 111 or. out of the Unlou, but whether they shall be In Or oat of emigres* If during the war they . were In the Union, and yet Out of Congress, so si ow during pence t hey can he In the Colon unit yet out ill Congress. Andrew Johniou's ,polio' "hail cease,! to be conie a. public question. Thpeople bad dis missed It from! U: their eel :o,ration. The French Academy, said the speaker, has ills rover.' that net:ulnae bed/ after dealt: ut ters 11.1tIlIrrourfog sound tel Ricca hours. so Andrew Johnson still continue to groan a II while longer, but lie came to Ills end on the flit of November. What policy, therefore, shall take the place 'of the President's! 311. Tilton then followed lii nit elaborate rerliOr of the Congressional plan of reconstruction, ar going that the chief 111,11 hill I important lea tureof tllts plan was not the pending Constl- Wilma! Amendment, but the future Kos ision by Congress for giving to the unreconstructed States legitimate, and valid governments, In place of Ills 11:1111 1 pril 11114 i bogus governments welch exist thm .! uow. t;ongress lia.., never pledged itselc, neitherran an) body el, pledge Ir. to reitilinl, their states on I la , adoption el thepentling amendment. - TM, aniemlinent is unjust. ll:leaves the political fate of tee ne gro to be chamital by the rebels. tut Use con trary, the Federal (coyernmen t, 11l t im. , ,, 1.0..1 to secure to the twat - omen rights, lens nllll ih equally bound to ocean!' Ills 110111/CAI eights. Under the amendment the Itebel $llllOO elMiti Make a wholesale business of dleiranchisement, South Carolina could dlsfranelilso the tiero, il'eorgis the Irishman, Mississippi the. Genoa:l.4ml every rebel state the Yankee. Shall statesinen of Mass:who setts rensent to such a surrenderhy Elie Fed vral Governmein to the rebel Legislating.), of the political rights of ail classes of Amer...an citizens! The only safe plan 01 - 11:4 impartial suffrage secured by constittitiolia/ amend- . moot tit the states North und soli. Mr. Til ton drew an annlvtical _distinct: n betu ten universal' 11.11,1 11111IArtLa su ff rage., At prit-sent ~en- r age e, limited by ~ge, ..i . a,tlolllr, IliiiiVll,l", and intelligenve There Is 110 111i1, 1 1 sill rill frage. The vital .111 t, tag Is linpartnii suf frage. Fin the 41. 11111111.1,1 blab or 100, 11111 11 5 n any citizen ran I,llollly 11 II It 11, 1111,11 111 111111 vote, whether 1,0 1., 11 kite or Nark. It Ig ooraijro is li/ 11., .1 11:111ol-iol .I. l i ILI Sue-ludo 4[1101,11i. 11..1 ' Of lily color as well to of another. I lolemitinled that :he great par. ty which k-hi ...true,' the C,lll/Ire lilrO•Ii:11 110. War 011 the 1.1.11,1:orIll 11l 1:1111111 , 11111t1011 5/111,1141 110* carry Lilo 011,1111 0' throng!! 4110 1 . 1,4,11- structloo on the I , l.tlfer 111 of equal right,, Lie Mel Luca eeniandin l ; - .Li. h 41 rt-conxtrlletloll 111 - for a 3,111/4 in 17.,. Thin, misal, 21114 be ill.l 1101 mean to abate:Oa et, 11,0 , ot : tile% ‘411.113.1 luring the tie xt.,,e,10t. of congress. The Re. Publicati O•rt Y has beeonic :be 'absolute unts ter of the situation. The l'redd!uo no longer is nn obstacle. It, I lieronne, the Repo, ',se party does.noi 11 w' rebuild the 1 . 11101: on'the corner stone of equal rights. It 1.111 hear aeon . its own head. :lie undivided .11-honor 1,1 t.. traying the neer. and iSo md ion. OlLlteuloa. of Penh•yl ran In. H. It , won Lnon n that tho grcal pcttolcum supply of tnt., country lUD, 4rllll POlllusylva -11114. =LI I . lllcfly to nu the. alit diorler. A corto,oonllci,t to t to, No-Mgt:v.l,l . wt . ., the Inflow ins skutelt Of dud regent. Ile ell Alreel/ Is a It thetalv near tt bun ire.' mil, amen Pittalnirgh, and mucti of !lie product //1 the oil a ells 1 , 111... tt, IhArli, t hy the Allegheny. lien:on - A , ;d u ; i., / ,; /efe • are A/atter/at along chef. losk; xhe /vat er ot Ito/ river /s say/d/tI n 11 I and olten Ito Whale , set - fare etlVort,i 111111 lint , wed y noun, and telnio of the trail,.. At. Natrona, t vrenty.twohlih, ttl 77rvI I „ ^CO tIl tnl plosFertr,... Flare aro salt wells and stsla and Ilmnate also, t/f - eenesr-, Wen/data and cheap. as through nearly all rein uct.an laa and Lp ht11”. 51- tlng flOn; ()DIV II Ic fOnntlapo tons 5 //ally olartmly iLtionnt an Lreoly:e. all the um p fetta, :tve eared fog producing yarnet.. Iluottant ICals anit other elmiee :trtieles valtothle In the al Is of malinfarturea. hes I/Cleave funtle, In large tonAntdlvl,entnnuel salt, soda, 1, 04C•• • IIInt...1 1ye,,011. uomialte ,1111,1 nen, roe pet-as, and distilled /out yenned ..\ tingle company, with , rappel t.l Lt Mali,. an.: a quartevdollat s, eat rte_ Oil .11 theta./ noonday. le/,ldes twit:lug I Ile paper 11.134 i Iron boxes Inter w loch the, ere parked tom the 11:µr bet. The boo thy,/very exten /Ivo and, prosper - on, Ilere e eoneituled on: Itl,pte. tiOrl of the Industt ire of Pettutt itunla; and here. reeregtilt In.; a Inch that all must nave felt, a gallant Airee- Logi:tut er toast Mi . • Thli WOlll4lll tli Pennsylvania; we rt,eogtll/111 their ChlreLeter In the ettilltation of teen. but Ay therefore Ittinent the more that they .bath! Le the .inly,prestnet or the Mate that pia, not been shone to =l= A fatal Iweidvnt, Carl Brack, a 1, 1111100, the Vietlll/, orrarred a short time before lama ois Monday, at Fretlerteli Ilmisman's coal oak, tli East /firMinw,lima. At the Mae mentioned the deceased eatertal the IM., and very ~ma man at work In smother rJamiliar aeard heavy tall. tin. wank to a - welt:Oa the rause, Itrfiek wits found harle,l twiteath a titans of elate, Ids leas only protruding The del,ri, was removed .Itnatoltalelv at,:f 111.1t1toil Mart tarried lon house halm t Matlty. It Wll4 Mond that his shall 5,1, ert,ll,l hl, It IIUgI' pa, of slate latnifig strark tom on Ihe tor, atitol. /let` ito 1:1S0 Initirott breast soil arms. ma '.held an hoar Lifter the a. elitent. torourr Eta,,sft o held nil in quest on the body yesterday morning, Mel the Jory rendered a vrrillet of areldentul death. The dereamst was st • Prasslisit by Milli, about thlrly-tive yenta Of ago, mol was antnarmen. lie has a hither foal Ln, , tlsters living In Prus ala, hat has no relatives in this mam try, Nel far OA 1211(11011,11. Fire It 4 the Fourth Wesrtl About Milt inlet One .04.40E41 this morning, Milne, Wet. diet:Orel : ell isnuing I role .the roof of Heel on'e stable, alt nate otollte nor nur el ottrrl l ipi nod lea in tilluys, In lite F(4111111 'Warn. '141.. alarm watt ptotilptly glycol tram box . 23, and tow ittontents after lite DilqUonno, Nent.llllo tool A degnen y nOttiptill lee worn on the upend. The Me was extinguish ed without much 1/ 11.1/I ' ll4l` 1., the pretnims savo the ho role g of the roof of lien building in Withdi It origiunted. Two ruin able horeus -who had neettplest stalk on the ground floor of the stub]. were taken out without In cu-riuganylajury, It is' sttilpfele.l to have been tho work I.f nil Illeoll.llary, in , no bglit loud been lirtlte amble Milieu tine (Illy nrcelott... = At Is late hour on Monday night Itentllgo liavis, ell° had been drinking mouldy, became 1 ery di.orderly on Liberty Street, altd attack ed varions indlvidnals. AL last he assaulted a negro, Who lot. hlnr hare ono on, the lineal organ, conspletely knocking him off hi,' rho, tie gathered hlon , elf op, and greatly Indig nant Rt. being knocke d 411/Wl - 1 by It ealg g w, rushed down Liberty :druid, when he wan ar rested and taken to the leek -tin. There he again indulged in a lighting humor, and he lord tho onlcera could gel him IMO n cell he had broken revered panes ol ghee, In rho watch 1101140. Yesterday morning I,O,I,ICOMIOItted Ins 111443.11,4y,1n .ioiaait or a!11,0 of MIMI).- MO: •1011111. 011:11:4. lin.lly Hurt. A nericitel tteettleut, repotting in tilt 1/I . lllly ut tie:rutin nanent lictuguritreir, lecu rrctl ell ultertotort at the rolling mill Of itieftsr, Lyon. :Aloft a. to., , ottlit Pittsburgh. If pears Hutt 01111111 01 the ticieltinerY bettitnet I wched aleiht the roils, tout Ihungurtlner. Ti tit [coupling to ad Inet - 1 he t.n.p.,•thol his h. g , ',twin, in the nutelitnei . y, and before It conk/ be cheeked, both or ids legs horribly crushed. hut nu, Iltkell 111 Ills rt,i , lence umd tat:Meal whi proettred.:lt nu, at. lirst suppoyett that liunighrdiier's let e were litoken, but all tortoni:latent Of lila injuries proved I too no bones Tern broken. I.ld. the 'leek brow the toot almost to th. knee wjot'eotnpielely stripped (rout tlll- bnrio. Thil injured 1.1.11 ty lit3lllg 111.11. Skull Fractoreal.—A Matt who* u{twe Ice dui not learn, het who Is. a .melted, residing in [lnserve township, was hieing down Ohio street, Allegheny, on Monday evening, when his horse took night wlll lan furionsi,>, the carrier of lederal.str,t tho w ug o n oil against a /amp post, and tile . driver was thrown, violently to tho ground, striking his head against the curb stone Avith suni, toren an to fracture his shall. lie was taken into Cnol A Claney's drug store, foot after reed', lag proper attention, was conveyed hoe r . The Eagle Hell. l'emlght. the Eagle Boy?, who have an enviable • reputation as caterers natl. to public oyment, a n gree ha at I the The j arrangements atte d are ll of e most i complete character, and We itetrare all who may attend, 1111 evening of rare pleasure, The hest music eiptich the city 'north will be In attendance. Orititi *Regalia o Loilgo 355, of L U. 0. F. announce a • tirunti ilegella ball to-morrow, Thanksgiving night, at City Hall. .The managers have spared no pains to make tho comingalfalr the occasion of tho heal son, and we know of no batter placo to spend the 67enthg. Ecklea , popular band will be attendanniN ' • Steel Manufacture •t Pittsburgh., A correspondent Of the Now fork Inn gives the following Information 'regarding the man ufacture of steel at Pittsburgh, PA.: Half the steel made in the United States Li m'auufac factored here, and one-third the glasst.it con tains ?milt Interests; iii nails it divides the manufacture with southeastern Massauchn 'setts; It is Lowell, Lawrence, Easton, Chico pee, Worcester, Hartford, and half dozenother of your casteiti manufacturing centres, rolled into one. At the head of the nalglible. west ern waters, the very foc.us of Ilje grand cen tral valley of the continent, whoec eye sweeps over the whole, It Is a very creator and source for It all- It.conta Ins eve hundred large men lam:luring , tablishiumits, includino Ilfty glass fnetorlos, thirt yomu rolling mills, forty hit Iron loundrles, thirty-one rolling mills, forty-Rix Iroit foundries, tifty-eight oil relit.- cries, thirty-three inachlne shops, twelve boil er works, seven steel inanuflalloritts, ten brass foundries, ;sixteen potteries, five cotton and four woolen factories, elite plow factorlea, the shops fOr henry forging, with! white lead, chernleal, saw. ex and copper works, yielding altogether a total annual product of one bun dollars, • Iron and , aeol in various forms arc a third of all this, the ewer Metals about two mil lions, alums Ore millions, oil ten millions; cot tons and woolens five to six millions The 'manufacture of steel has grown up almost j , finely In America, within seven years. Putts . 'nirgli us Its birth place and chief center; and now of to,oo tons used in the . United States, full h u ll Is made at home, and more than halt ti that half here. The quality' of the home made steel its fast, progressed to that of the foreleh; It Is now used for the finest cutlery and swords, and yowls tioitidlons establish ments us that of the Ames CoMpany in CM coet., ive it wenn approval and extensive ad v optio g n In their delicate ninnufattures. The tut:ling Of iron Into steel Is u delicate opera tion, requiring great skill and .tuick perm:D -:l.ms in the wolkmen; At tho beginning is pig troll the itrst and coarser product of the met then.the pig non Is refined by tire and manipulation into bloom Iron; ,this is next roasted 111 pure Claire9al for two weeks forthe carlioribtatton which is the distil...tire change sought to be gained; then the metal Is rolled into light, thin bars. 11110 carefully bro ken' by lisn.l and hammer into small bits, and the Itnimre pieces earefully culled out; cruci bles or pots of about two gallons in size are 11.1.5;1 with those bits of carbonize 6 iron, and placed within'the hot test of charconl and oak Ores, and carefully watched uncitended; at a given moment, wont the 11.01.1 metal has 11,1011101 K vertain stage of cooking—to be told by opening the eructing.: and looking Into the yellow-white dory contents—the crucible la withdrawn. find its ntent carefullpoured into It mould, mid c o dling, s s ale y- an ingot of 0(11 - 11 steel. The hest steel made in 'the' ...nary is wrought out from the • . spatlile" ore found in the llousatonic valley of Connecticut sod ehl~•ucll nasals; 101 0 111er,SlIell ore 1/4 1010111111 the United state:. the 'cop ore, of Lake Chain plain tint the Corn...ill hills 11l the Lebanon vanes of Painsylviin ha are - ningnetic;'• while all . to,, other iron ores of Pennsyl ratite lire "heniat Ito," f Ores front usher ileetions, poetic ninth. 1.41, ;superior, are brought to Pitts burgh in coi.l.torable quantities to mix with the motet. ores. loot so produce ditforeni awl 111 -01110 1•0,1 1 0 better metals. Perimps„sme nail the ores worked at Pltisbiirgli are brought othe.,:oate , :net of,oalfth of tilos.. wit 1.- ea 10 the whole st'ate. A Rlrt•Rlng Stomach If 1 he stomach be Inactive It will not he long until the whole 4yidetn, organ' attar organ, will begin to perkli and decay, tOr Want of , the proper .apply tit aliment and nutriment to repair the wasting em•rgies of Nature. Thos i. the reason why Ific. .11",w.ser'.g Blood 2k , iriller has ouch winiderful potency in curing disease. It wOll Wings the stomach into a condition which enables It tli n , itrillato the .food Itilcialed (or the rebuilding of t h e liusinan Machine. Dyspepsia Wolin!, in nnist ruses, tnt illsenne of short illiratiOn if lir. litiiiser3 Blood Searcher were earlier resorted to In the elite thereof. At this Sinn:Ono( the year, when Ito overworked and lovertasked organism prOnhyl:Let le, there is noise esii :stall Tie With /ie h - ruv..4 Mood Seurrher, wlio, curesmeet ou jai every - tinnier of the id trent. The Blood i.eareher has not onig !aired the simplest forms of disease •tiy Its re storative end Tonle power, lint It tote, by its noirent, Inn shOrt time restored the thottQatiits 1 0 11, nealtily constntency, and abseil,`lnns m ricer of life lots rrstore , l mei soon! Ili, .to the stand ard 01 Nature, every organ or the Th, most Minh( feint diseases 1:110ivn hare been enrod i by it. We know Several wham names could given who for years have itlaputrcd f ever gettinii well, who, atter the use of Dr. Rey,ier'm Blood searcher for a short period, have tiJ,t, rector. entire health and vigor. Item ember render that NO speak f Dr. heyaer's Rlood Searcher, whirls the Doctor prepares with its own hands, and whlot, ling in its eintipolltiOn more medical virtue- than any , other preparation with within we are ac quainted. If you have any doubts about Its : eilleatiy, rail at the lioctoefi store, 140 ‘Vood -trre', and get a Circular • COUtlilling 860 nd mire ot testimony Of Its value, or call upon him at his consulting rooms, No. Itai Patin atreet, lila oak) hours are from N toll and until 4 e..w. .oak for Dr. Keyin , r'n Blood voucher, and to o l, no Other. one dollar per hurtle, or SIX • for nvo dollar.. ==1!! in pi., Cunt L Common ,Ilons, yesterday Luortiln t t. thu Jury lo the ease of Speer vs. the Cleveland .t 17tted.,ttritl, Railroad Con.pany, telurned 1. vorillet toe Cho plaintiff lu the emu of $1,30.!...".,0. 7'11,, verdict Is snitieet t.is ' the do eision of thu Colin on reeerved points of intr. ♦ toOLIon tor new trial New, Immediately made by (ho counsel for the 41ertn11,C. ~ , The twat race-W . IW that of Mary Ann ley V,. Fred FuWer. This for the reeovery uf datliag or rewlting from the itow of water Into the cellar of the plaintiff trom the pieullsaa of the defendant. The fury found for the philutor le the nom of 6107.17. Thu ease of T.llolllooll v ßeyllo/dS S Co. VA. tat, Gorman reCtiry Company,. was next taken up. - 11,1 N Is au action to recover the value 01 all Invoice of teas sold to detenuants on January 22, icaO. Tim ease wee Still Ott trial at the Unto of adiourntnell I. • •W. It. Mmtre.. tireensbarg, motiOn of A. M. Watson, was quallll.l and admit ted to practice la the aeveral Collet., 11l thin county.- Another Libel Mull solotoost .N,lfoyer appeared before Alder man Sutherland, of the Tenth ward, yester day, and made oath agahutt John 8. Kennedy, ono of the editors of tho Itoif4 Reputt., for 'prlttillta, publishing 'Uhl utteribet /Welke's language, calculated to cast a :dam upon the Integrity of his character, and to create doubts of his probity and truthfulness. The aecnied was arrenotl anti arraigned before, the Magistrate, who proceeded to hear tae •, when Kennedy waived the formality; anti entered bail to the Mum of fl,foo, to Mu am . the charge at Omar. The article on which the snit Is based, ap peared early last summer, and Is tito same on which N. P. Sawyer, One of the proprietors of Ise Kq;uhtir, was convicted for libel last week. Womack Burned rt.. .1 ulla Markham, residing . on tient etreet LI tau sevent ',ward, wad severely burn: ell yeStertilly morning, by het clothing catch lug Ste.. She was ironing at a table lu front of the 01050, the draft of which drew her wrap per eimie to the boated liars, causing Its igni tion almost instantly. The 'first intimation she had of her danger; was hearing her little daughter, a child of Ilefi years old, simutfug to her l rum an adjyang apartment that tier iireq,l Was hero Int..- With strange presence of mind, she east iter,elf 1111011 it imago still gathering the hurning garments under her, sllcreCiled at length, In tonothering thus Moues. Ilex Mold, and tell tlllgll,n ere nevem ly burned.. Dr. I. ttam wt. , summoned; and ire-sal her Injuries. A Light to be IF:clip...if. A itiAntla tibiae , a colored, lady, .aplieared bQ bn e A Idormuo.liTh ue 3 - e4lorday and lodOedan JOlOrlroiLloo ugali/cI Ellen 'Carter, also colin, intrety of the peace. Miss Shine. de charm! that Ellen had said she would “knock her daylights Ont.," laid tearing .her lustre wo 01,1 be 0111)10(2,1 thereby and that she won't! ~bn• no more; A niatniti mole the information against the dusky I.llen. We are more nOrlees in anatomy and cannot thereinto Worth our . particular 'part Or Amanda's rreraanrire wits threiktenoll t but we m1'410 , 113 It to be itit Important part of her physique. an Amanda teems greatly agitated least the threat should ballet in execution. A warrant Itai been issued, for the arrest or Mile Carter. --- Another Eight In Reserve Township. party or Gentians were gathered together on Identity evening, tit the boor nail of Louis illertmpper, bn titeSpring Gunton Plunk Read, In Reserve township, for the pnrpose of ha, tog a friendly game of cards. While thus en oy Eng tlieniseives a I.C.,ll , lparty Colored, and a dispute Immediately aread between thet wo parties, which resulted in the first party rout. 'leg the second. Rut some of each party re eiiired bloody nos - es andblaeßeo 4,l cr.'s* Through the interposition of the proprietor of the saloon, undo or two t.t the more PeacraNY 1,91-. "' • n ne 4onel in the room, or der and quiet sits tintair restored. No arrests were made, . - Anus Yee iedusterfeSt. — A new counterfeit, of thedenfoulostioit of V.S), on the !lover No- Licwai 'vett put In circulation, tho detectives have been working to discover the offenders, And their efforts have been so far successful that the counterfeit has been Suppressed. It la stated that the (sincere have iiecuted the phite from Which the spurious notes wereprintol. , PRICE THREE 'CENTS. Amano.n . e - Cittft T iothou T a T SM.-31'11e ltaiel, the French artiste, Is playing to excellent houses at the Pittsburgh Timatre, and her perform ances are decidedly tine. • She. appeared last utEaft in the Wirzerd skiff, and drew from the audience the, wildest liaplause. .To night,will be produced the Dumb Boy . .Of Manchester, Mlle Ravel appear, Mg-. as Tom. the .tiumb boy. At the conclusion of this.favorite play, the beau tiful artiste will appear, in the Poetry of Mo tion, performing graceful action on , tlia tight rope. During her stay all should attend the Theatre, as she will not be here again for a long time. The 'stock company of the "Old Drury"' wonderfully improved. To-morrow, 'Thanksgiving hay, a matinee will be held In the afternoon at which Mlle Ravel will appear on the tight' rope and as the Du di troy- of Manchester. Opens 6.—The charming an, gratlefitl young actress, SIM Anna Waite wail greeted lasted evening by is large and lash tenable au dience, it being the occasion of her benefit. Site has won many admirers since her advent -Into the Cloy of Smoke. Few of the star act reason who appear from time to time at oar theatres poasees halt no mach genuine talent, grace and ability. ' , rids*. night. Mr. Leak takes a benefit, when wo trust to .ec the house crowded to ate utmost capacity.. Griffith Gaunt has thus far proved an immense can/ to the Opera House. It is produced in splen did style and would run till the Christmas holldaye kept upon the boards. lint enter prLsing, Stanager Mess has decided to with draw It atter to-night when it will be pro aimed for the last time. Grand bills are offered to-morrow afternoon and night. ROLLAND% RBOTIINIM—At Masonic Hall the Itol_Jamie Brothers, who aro unquestionably the best gymnasts in America, are perform ing with their highly' trained troupe of ath letes, to good houses. Seldom • has our city been graced with the presence of such skillful artists. If the community could only proper ly "understand the real merits of the per forenances. Masonic Halt mould he much ton %mall to hold the audiences whiten would as semble. Braon," a I,lWe. Mitrsrants open at Ma sonic Hall on Saturday night. This is said to be the best minstrel troupe now traveling. A EOpe Thief Penned Up. • • - _ At about half, tot live o'clock last evening, tnau sPPeared at Chief llague's °thee, and excitedly announced that a fellow bad been sten:lug. on later street, and Unit ho had been traced to apiece on Ferry street, where he was then penned up. Officers Scott, Cup . ples and Bustin, supposing that the thief had taken refuge in some congenial den, - where he might receive aid and condom went but together to effect the capture. They were ,preceded by the 111,dt•li ger to Ferryetreet, near the corner of First. There they fount) leaning against tile wall a. large colt of new rope, and sittingen ly within the roil was it man, who was pointed out as the thief, while elcme behind, smutting guard over him with a heavy stick, stood another man, whose mis sion had evidently been to keep the denizen of the .'„rope cage from flit ting. The alleged thief and the rope he had stolen were speedily taken In charge by the officers, who marched off with them to the Mayor's odiee. The ' , Mutter gave his name as John Wight, au& the stolen rope belonged to Wildam May. Mr. May keeps an iron and rope store on Water street, near Market, and this coil Of rope lay on the top of a ter pile of similar chile outeide his d day afternoon Mr. , May, who hadbeen load -log- coal upon a boat, returned and discovered tlint the coil In question, worth some al" dol lars, was missiee. lie , with an assistant, made immediate searelrand at length found the rope hid to a cart on Water street near Ferry. :instead of being content to take the rope back, they were ambitions to want, - the thief abso. They accordingly station.' themselves at some AlLstanee and watched. Soon , Wight. appeared. took the rope and started up Ferry street. The two avengers followed him, and • overtook kiln with the result stated above. The unfortunate - Wight was docked up for rC hearing. :Another Diehonest. Scheme. well known and shrewd buslneis gentle man of this city yesterday received a circular frion some th:titlotts lirm styled "Vincent, Willis n Co., Williamsburg, N. Y," proprietors of a gift enterprise, which he Is desirous we should show 'op, he circuit,* goes on to state that thr 11151 Is anxious to Increase its nese here, and as it chooses to mince Mtn its "agent" they enclose throe tickets ceiling - for gold 'ffsliCileti worth 115 each , which- ha may obtain by forwarding to them the sum of two dollarw, and sixty cents. Of course, Vincent, Willis .t CO, ace cotindenee Weil and perhaps have di'Oexistence. They flood the postothee with their dishonest-circulars and expect t , , nape verdant indiViduals, who will believe that they have selected them as favored agents. Wo have repeatedly warned our read ers against ail gilt enterprises, no matter whether Of this stamp pr any Other. The only way to get articles of value cheapis to buy them from responsible dealers. The system of gift lottery no tarried on-at the present-day in this country, in nothing more or less than genteetrobliery. Personawho have received itlizillareir6nlarshad better think twice be fore they trust t heir money to such men as Vincent, Willss The Great Dexideratuus Thu wonderful acidevements.of medical 011.1 VI Itl l t the past few years can boast of tyolllltOS tiqual to that obtained In the 11,4 covery of that wonderful-working remedy known as be. linen's Bfmsl Hearelter. The inced 14.1pelees esters of dis e ase and the most re/elatess agony hare been. battled. and cured ny the magic notency of this, most powerful combination of roots and herbs. It maysectu strangiato some that a low roots .1 herbs known only to the instincts of the animals that browse the fields er crop the herbage, should possess such peculiar adaptation to the wants ut man. Nevertheless, it Is true, and the chemists alembic has been brought to bear In the - production of De...lieyser'a Blood Searelscr, pm. of the greatest blessings to man kind. In all 'dise.. of the blood it Isklval less, arid for bringing Into harrnouloe. play the functions of i the Stomach and digestive apparatus, there Is no medicine that will not pale before Dr. Keyeer's,,now well known and extraordinary Blood Searcher. Ask for Dr Eey.m , s—l4o Wood street--and take no other: sl , per bottle; six for $3. Dr, Keysers coneulting. rooms, la. Penn street. 011 Refinery Barned Between nine and ten o'clock on Monday evening, a tiro was discovered In Helmick's nil refinery, at Sharpsburg, Jest above the 81tarbstirg bridge. The alarm was Immedi ately given, and such efforts as were possible were made to ertinguisb the !Ire, but the dames had made such progress before they wore discovered, that It was impossible to check thetn,aml they raged until the building, with Its contents, was entirely destroyed. The establishment was a smell one and was devoted to the refining or oil and them anu facture of aelda from the refuse orifetrole tam. Considerable oil was contained in the tanks •r the establishment, and was entirely cle stroyetl. At the wharf, near the refinery, lay three oil flats or hulk wa r part filled with oil. and they too were totally destroyed. The Origin of the lire in not known, but is believed to have been accidental. It Ls prob able that the gas from benzine running frotn, the stills Ignited and set fire to the place. The tonal lees 14 Wi at 412000, on h re 1111.8 loaurance.reckoned , The loss willwhic tall heavily ou the prepnetons. A Market Forestall; • A grocery keeper from Woods' Hun, J. W. Underwood by nuns, visited. the Allegheny mirk el. on Monday'. evening, In search of tor keys with which to Supply the demands of Ms oustomerts for Thanksgiving. Coming across U. countryman Who had a number Of, L/1.0 testis° bird:ll'or Bale, ho purehasod seven. end was about to depait In peace when otticer Nixon, of the Allegheny pollceoilIo"d 'watching his motions, approachisf Snootiest his object in buying so maur tur V,"?, t .":, Undentocal rotated that he ha.l bee i n i t mie. Iced to make purchases. tor c" nr l t , atacta d reek:ling In bin neighborhood. nn, W ... s not home. Officer Nixon. sosedn! .l l 7L - 6, nd th at right, followed him to W O, nd ,„' al. attocery store the turkeys wefo n n i tr e : l 'G oug ht him before e ttl f :a r s y i t .'iourtreot a r r ested es re e i fl b a a c ar m k zn o. p dollars a,m and Of whim. he was discharged. Dollar fors ,11.orso There teas a very cool Dutchman in tow a on Atunlay menses. Vas that night Mr. Wm, n 0 bt e ,,0,,, who resides in Birmingham, rode a valuable mare to the city, aad hitched her to front of the Merchants , Motel. Shortly after wards Om either broke loose, or the halter wan cut, ran down Fourth street to Wood, and was returning borne boron accord, when a . voung man named Sullivan caught her. hliu he was leading her along, a German ap- Preached, kindly thanked him for his trouble, gave hem a dollar, took the rein, vaulted into lie saddle and rode rapidly away, allice which time neither horse nor Dutchman has beers aeon. There may have boon things done here recently displaying greater degree of Impudence than this, but we laave-nOt heard of thorn. A reward of kis is offered for the re covery of the horse. - The !loitering Asiviertlelletst.—The. De cember number or tne eighth volume of this valuable montlily has been lald uon our table byV. T. F. Wright, the genial, ed itor and pro prietor. The number ls a truly excellent one, full - of Interesting -matter. not only for the farmer but for the general reader as we% The Agriculturist is constantly imorOving, and Ls deserving. of the largest patronage. • TIE WEEKLY GAZETTE. A TEAM llSSffilifil JOVII4 CONTAIN /Iski pinny-Two coLuir.xis or FR 11 AN Ti LNTECKESTING HZADIIie MATTER, ELEII WITH 11/14t- SET METIEWS AND CHB. • RO'T LOCAL NEWS. C• TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. ON WEISBESDAYB AHD BATIIRDAIII. The .Edtttoh ti forseerdekl which 1•111 reach the sybeertber soonest. ett 'l. C' e COPT (P•r!annnm).--•—..—..—51.50. Clubs of PIT e Clubs otTen or innr ! , Another Flre.—About hair pa.t, • three . ' o'clock this Morning the - big bell" soauded another lire. This time the alarm came from No. 34, corner of Canal and Liberty atroots. A frame stable on the side of the hill, back of Basin alley, inure Third ward, was dt,,,... ver , to ho on Ore, and before aid could be extended was entirely . consumed, The stable belonged. to Robert Alid.loy, and was unoccupied. It Is diary, UpPOSOLI to have been the work of an Moen- Till Thief.—Yesterday morning at about nine o'clock, as John, Rider, a grocery keeper on Palo Alto stree e, t, t Allegheny was altting with his wife at br sat, aim-Rider law a head behind the counter in the grocery. She ,and her husband made a charge on the pod- Lion an2captured boy. about fourteen year% of age,nossessing himself of the contents of Mr. lit r's money. .dralrer. The young thief Was handed over to Chief Reliant, of the Aile gheny Pollee, and conveyed to the lifartes Wilco. ilexes searched and in found 11 00 his persottrell of which Mr. hider identie &I his. The young- reprobate utterly refused to give kin name. He had a hearing yesterday afternoon and was committed for trial. Death of.aix Estimable La dy.—Eisewher• will be found the death notice of Kra RSV- Dr. W. A. Davidson. late a resident of this city. During the pastorate of Dr. Davidson in this city tor seven years. closing April lain, his into estimabiß wife was held in high esteem by a large circle of uenttalatauces for her ara ble moaners and many excellent traits of Chn tarter. Conic and Claim Them.—Our readers will remember that tfiree overcoats • were found in the poadestilon of the overcoat thief who was arrested the other day. They are trill In the possession of Chief Hague, and any Person having lost a coat will do well to call rind embattle° this stock of ready-made cloth. tug., Black Canbincre Long Shawla.—Fine irocha, Paisley, Black Thlee% Stella, Fancy ilaiiis, Wooten Shawls, cheaper at Gardner a 'ehleiter's than elsewhere in the city. Cheapest fas the CI CT.—Poplin Plalde Em- Cloths, French Iderinoes, and Fine Dress._ Goods, at Gardner Schleifer's, 92 Margot street. • Read, Read, Rend, Gardner & Sch nd vertlsemeat,.and ge there to buy your Dry GootlA. 90 Market street. MED. - • • • 1 DAVIDSON-0u Tne,dag mOrnind, NOV. 27th. 1566, )Sr.. AlkBllAitEl%3l.. DAVIgisON. wlie of lter. lir. W. A. lisrl.h.one. • Funeral from the redden, of her husband. W.Eanglon. 111•1., At IP. M. Wedoei.lay. November:3, at 10s. v.. In New it.. man,. A. 1 - I,IIAYEn. printer, aged 61.1 yearn, a um..., r and foe a Malabar S..ta or Si.. "Meat. AD - - j-f ILLDALE EEMETERE.--The beautiful "Slod`witcre, l ` the largest autntrbah place of sepu/chre, except ouo, In this co.uty, tatted on how /frighten road, immediately north at Allegheny. For burial iota, permits or titles, call 01 Control Drug btore of COlit. A CAA NEL Alls. gherly CitY.• ALEN. AIILEN, mriv - 3zpit7irapr_daimicum. No.loo Vat:Mt street, Plttiburgn. Ps- 007lINB et all kinds, CRAPES, 1/14..110:2i, and nvendexelptlO., of ltoo ena Yona:sulng Goo. rurntstioo. swum opeuda y snlal64t , Hoarse and Ciarnstasnmusned. • usucts—Rev.- David Kerr • VS,. IL. Elm ltlllar " . J 00.0011., :1110.1.4 .)11001) • • FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UNDERT A iz . : - PIRS No. 196 S With field St., icor. TM. (En trance nom Seventh Stieet,) PITT M.IEII3IELCii-36111. ANTII3 HAN DUSKY ST/MIT, A U.TAirIiHILNY. PA R . T. WHITE bc CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS lipmete.l.er, Wool's Itara and ' COFFIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE. 41orner at Hbellold and Llitittlera streat.a. 11 taro• and t'arrlaerrNrntehed. )PEI A GLASSES FOR S.I.LE OR MIRE, AT DUNSEATH & CO.'B 08 Sifax. Elitreeit. Of 9 • LADIES' AND GENT'S W.A.nlydr:slnCHlELeiv ALL STYLES, AT kiIiZATLY REDUCEDI inlilOrn, .-. AT •I ~1 ('BOWER Sc. BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND COCK STITCH Sewing .Machines Are Tll£ BEST for Falsity awl Menufacturthir posee. Call and ere them at Jrct. 1S Ptah Street. CJIE&P SPECr4PALCMES. 43-Cl. TO HASLETT & CG'S, 93i Smithfield Street. -- - :7=- jommaroN'& SCOW, lEMEMEI Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 274 LIBRUTY STREET, F b ittaskala_rigl2, Poll7la . .trigr.4 4 ."1t ed te63678 89 S 9 89789 tl9 S 9 -89 89 S 9 89 1 89 1 1:76 41 := 0. 33 $3' 7 • 891. SD Market street, • AND OE2' YOUR , • 89 BOOTS 9 • SHOES,6O • 8.9 ± The CIfICAPEST A.NLBEIT NO AUCTION 00008 REPT. IJCU&S-1101111, 89 Market 8t: 89 MARKET STREET. HO TO 89! S9 l 189 S 9 SA S 9 S 9 SA S 9 89 89 •72.111.0PV.4 ANULHEerIII EAGLE' COTTON 7,70R1Tg. - 11AVIN4 RECENTLY IOURCEIA.BI - THE EAUI.E WONEN, [our. ly r.ncd by Meters. NINO, PENNOCK CO, we rrapocirully Inform MO public OW ICC 15 COnlinna Inte Manufacture of Shadings, Cotton Yams, Came Chains, Candle and Batting. Orders me) he lett et the Once of the Wert.. COMER !SIMLA k SANDUSKI STS., kLIBILIT OR AT TWF. • PITTSIi UR Gll BRE WER r, Corner of DrettleSne Way and Barter'■ N s ittinikkiarsta„Pai. JOSHUA RHODES & CO loPer BE DECEIVED BY Flocuisblnglult colutuu it..dfortl.semergt=erb a Machines, bat get ÜBOV B _ It has been fully taabhlfor .Lxleixt year., and le by .11 camp.. cent. Bulges. rms.. uotanc,d the • BEAT IN 1/BE. I\Tc., N•iftla leltrisAmt. 1101”1:013 HOUSES! HOUSES!! • • 3PCIalt. Efifkyam - su good, mend WORK HOMES jtot and will be sold elegy; one good DIIIVING Et 0 01! one rood W°l4ll. ktigr.E. gwaranteeo to be 1.0,11 r. end good workers. Cell at HOW_ARD'n LlVgiiir BALESTABLg.'. nog Vlrstatreet near IldOnot•wthela Hom e_ ! INDOW EILAD S ES—A new lot ol W wtr and Dearit.nal edam .ea theca ti Market We and Muff Groynes. Meld aria Patatea klaritert,e. Mt ocFir Imo; • I= =33 lIM2EI ilt:lo).4:4;1011 EZI3 ===