The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 27, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman;. Reed & Co.,
No. 86 3PlTtia ilEttrai6t.
r. P. mornsToN, A
OSIAM 11.1 NO • / sw a p ... mu ,
S cents.
T. p. B. P
vi oUnToN ENNIMAN , , Dwani.
El ogle
16 cent.,
Liberal »action. to Newsboys and Age ta.
Del trared by carder, (per we eel
Mat Bubsedbers, (per year)
Zhe pAbargit &v tic.
After an illness of nearly •a year, this
well known and Moat excellent citizen ex—
pired at his home near Newcastle, Law
rence comity, at the early age of thirty-six
In Cbusequence of declining•hcalth, Mr.
hum relinquished the nratice of law in
this city, where all the years of his man
hood had been anent; and retired-, to his
farm, where the few remaining Months of ,
his beautiful life were passed, and where,
under the gentle ministrations of mother
and sisters, he slowly yielded to what his
friends had long seen to be inevitable.
The early life of our friend Was spent at
New :LiEbon, Ohio.' Re was educated at
Washington (Pa.) College; read law with I ,
Messrs. Syl'AlTElt, STANTON S: Co., of this
city, and was admitted to the bar alma
1514, • In 1:358 be was elected dmetnber of
the House of Representatives, and in the
-following year he was chosen as one of the
Senators for this county.. In both blouses
he represented his conatituents, with great
acceptance, and gain6tl a character' for in
tegrityi talents and influence second to
none. •
31.1 7 . hum succeeded well as a member
of the bar, and retired with a reputation
which , will long survive him. In his gen
eral chat - cider he was gentle, quiet, urbane,
courteous, kind and benevolent. In the
late great national struggle he stood up
for his country with all the ardor of his
nature; and that
. over,- he espoused the
cause 01 the freedmen - with equal zeal, and
labored earnestly and effectively in their
behalf after he --- had ceased to laboi for
himself. Ho was the Secretary of the
Freedmen's Aid Commission 01. Western,
His father, Wat. 13. linen, a member of
the Society of Friends, once resided
city, and filled the office of U., S. Marshal .
during the administration of General .3 ACK-.
SON. \Mai= his son, Emas Uicvs Time,
the honored anti lutuetiti2tl subject of this
notice, wls born here we are unable to say.
Thu funeral of Air: mitten will 'lake place
today from his late residence near New
111 s. ilommoos,,or Idaho, n Democrat,
hi elected to Cim,sresa by 710 majority.
8U10111.31 uNo has just taken to his
bosom a 45th Mrs. Young. Mrs. Young
No.. 24 died the saute -week.
'CUE receipts from Madame Ristori's
performances in New Yolk city, since Sep
tember 20th, will exceed $130,000.
- AT Stiltrike City, Lieut. Fred. Weed,
a nephew of Thurlowts, weeded himself
- out of this life by taking laudanum.
Truism fast clerks in St. Louis mercan;
tile houses have been arrested for appro
priating the moneys of their employers_ •
Gov. Wimas A. (oasts, a leading
Democrat df Minnesota . , urges his political
friends to accept the Constitutional Amend:
• Toe Lewisburg Chro, , ete hoists the
name of Hon. James Pollock for the sum.
cessorahip to Edgar A. Cowan iu the U. S.
- - -
Triu oht Bowery Theatre of New York
was sold at auction Ott Saturday last for
$100.700. Mr. S. W. Dimmiqk was the
Tut Gentiles are having warm times in
salt Lake City. Therk appears to be a
movement afoot among the Mormoi:is to
extirpate all those who do not agree with
them: , , •
TIT CHICAGO 'TtiNNE,I , for sup - idyll:lg
that city with water is now ready to be
punched through—both ends nieeting. The
ceremony of punching will take place-this
week. . '
Tay. hot-blooded Thomas Francis Meag
her recently challenged an editor in Mon
tana to fight a - duel. The editor very prop
city refused to comply with the demand to
shoot br be abet. '
TiiEbody of a murdered man about thir
ty-five years of age, was found, floating in
the river near Louisville, From appear
ances the body had been 10 the water some
•two or three weeks. .
Eau Lou ISVILLE, a lady left in a cup
board, a - flask of powder, which her two
little cluldrem-got hold of, and playing with
it at the the had-their eyes blown out and
were otherwise terribly injured. .
Om BUTLER. lectured at the
Brooklyn A.clidcray of Music on Saturday:
'lighten the "Usurpations, 'wrougs and
abuses of the Efecutive power-and the con
stiiutional remedy therefor.•'
A WIIITE yOting man named Joini H.
Wood led u. black girl to aequire's Mike
-iii Naatiiillo and attempted to marry her,
but the magistrate would not listen to the
appeal, as miscegenation is contrary to the
laws of Tennessee.
.A.'r a Fenian meeting held in St. Louis,
on Saturday night, one of the speakers said
that all the Johnsons and Seviards in the
country could not stop the Irish army this
winter from crossing the frozen Bt. Law
rence. They evidently Wait for an ice op.
portunity to capture Canada.
JOIES 31011111159E4 has a good heart, if he
is a buffer and Member of Congress. On
learning of the destitution of a sister in
Chicago, 1010 M he bad lost sight of during
the past sixteen years,Jw.- at once sent her
sufficient money to relieve - her wants, and
will provide a good home for her.
—At Cincinnati while workmen ware engag
ed In excavating for anew building of the -En
terprise Insurance Company on the north
side of Third street, between //Vaunt and Vine,
they found two large harms of stone coal, each
weighing day pounds or over, imbedded In
t h e solid gravel, flay, lea below the level of
Fourtn street, and twelve feet below that of
Third street. To all appearances the gravel
Was precisely art It had been originally deposi
ted. The question le, how di g the coaiget
therel It and
the appearance uf having been
under ground hundreds of years, and when ta
ken era was thoroughly rotten. One theory
is that the river formerly Slowed - neer the
ground, and that the coal was washed there by
and burled underneath the- gravel
subsequently deposited. Tole Is the most
plausible explanation, though not *together
satisfactory. opening. of a New Railroad Bridge.
Battinonc, Nov. 24,--A ntunteir of. Inflted
—The greatest exo Itement Merolla at Was- guests lett here this morning On le All
Tow, Ey., in consequence of the recent oil , for squehanna. Blear, t.Ce be present at
. str ikes. to wn wea, known as the Ink we ll , the formalopening of the new risilmul bridge
near that tOvrn, Is flOwusg two hundred bar- ot the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad.
rala r Xr day. litany oilier wells are being
bo with a Par prospect Of IMOOBaI.
—A reckless New TOOLdriver MIA over an
old lady, sad severely /Altritd her. She there
upon brought a inn for dAltsfAll. Sad s jury
swarth her IWO.
Amms.ll , 47) _ .
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Insurance Compan3
ram"vgir -3rcDoEux.r...
E. S . . WINSTON, Pretdden?.
S 17,500,00CP,
%Ritual Dividends Atliliable Immediately
rolley-heldets and other perm.ln tere•lo , l in the
en' lent of LIVIS IhNU,ItANC Invite] to eon
on the oroter.lgned, Agent of the o
wilt cheerfully give them fill Infossmtion-a to the
merits en t proitticAl working °I'M , 031111 MIT•
GEO. 31:BLICKSTOCii, Agfut t.
No. 37 rlftb 'Street, Pletsburii:h
ThmaknKivlng Itroelamstioci
fa the Itaka4 and b the nuth ,, J, vf the (ha.htaa
ectarth P.atney I rata,
A.NI - 011CW 0. 008 rl.r ooro
h. rnor of tald COn.
moneel , •
R" denial , . It bra beta the good . and worthy au v•
tom of the'Onsmonwealtu to set apart, annually.
a day for the rptclal acknowledgment of the good
nese of the Almighti lad R. oaerelltog by th •
whole people, at one lime: and with •• comma •
ewe. the TlteNaS and ragtag which thronahnn
UM year ore springing from the hearts of men
I, AN MIER' ii. lioveruor of the Com
mou•ealtli of renusylvanta, do by_thle my Prod^
merlon, recommend that the good people of to
tuommobwralth °haat re
Thursday, 29th day November, 1866
'As nay.orTbank•glring and Prayer. and do then
welch!, In tholr respective Churches and places of
worship and Slate their bumble thank offering to
Atrtaui Wu, for all His. !Ammo during the
past yen,
For thooalmodiot gathered fruits of the earth:
For the that far corn:sued activity of loduatry:
For the general preset:valise:of health:
And especlativ for that to 111, 010t0C 11e..Y,
Sr ha' o stayed the threatened pestilent , .
And moreover that they do brseeohlkm to ems
.tioue onto us all His 'ldesz.loga. and to <confirm the
besets of the t' opts of these 1131.tlit 013101. 111. i by
the lawful force of their will; drums tf tfoo.lJ.llSe
Wisdom and Merry may he door. ..•
Given uder bawd and the great w of the
bo Cr, at HarelPOUrg. the, 9th day et October
la t e year of cur Lord. Mei, and of the Colic
man Are•l• II e rancrY - dreL
tit I.IIR titiVa.torom
eretekry of the Common eeelth
ladlepe 1 , 114 e, I.adles` Furl.
• .
The tireat Fur Mollie of this city 13 the ex
tonal's. 3 and popular hon., of William nem-
Ing, N . latt wood street. Mr. Fleming has
Just returned from the East, haying laid In
one of the finest stock of Ladles' Fula over
offered for sale in this city. These galls have
been nought at low prices, and will be sold M
ice prices tit Nil •at any other 110t190 in the
cItY. The public are invited to come and
Amine our.goods. Bear In mind that our stock
embrace, all grades, q nal itre:a and .sty lea from
the cheapest .to the ❑cent and most costly
W. Would Sadie.*
To any of our readers who may wt,li tcf pro.
vide themselves lot cases of etnergency,witli
a bottle of good Whisky, that Ftnetrio, Drug
gist, No. id 11aricut street, has a lot of nye_
Whisky, manufactured expressly for him by
Thomas Bell, about deo years ago, which, for
excellency, has, WO think, not its its equal in
the city. It la a pure article. We speak
Engll , o3 .tle and Dublin Porter. _
AtlsOps English Ale.
Lass English Ale.
JelTreVA Scotch Ale.
GUille93 XX Dublin Street Ale.
eCt, have just reeelved, another large lot of
the above god so highly prized tor their.
tonic and invigorating propertzes. Met:Jarrell
S BSc Kerman, Druggists, 85 Market street, cor
ner of Diamond, near Fifth, .
Yon will rind an endless variety of tY'lliter
Boats and Shot• at the Opera kom.e Shoo
blore. The prices are ao low that. they will
astonl3h yen. We have made a handsome re
dm,tlon, so now lathe necented time.
Bower•' Inodoren• Gl-yeeriue.
Bower.' lucaloroas Glycerine.
Tini above is undoubtedly tbe' lineAt
- lu t he
market, and can be bad at a very low 1;3 rlc i e, at
McCianan .t DicHennan'a Drug Store,
hut ntrent, coruer of Diamond, near Filth.
go*s• lloots for Cent■
No shothlylsm, about. them; they are ,wikr
ranted good; only to be had at the Opera
Ilonse Shoe Store.
You Can Ray
FOtelgrt LlllllOlll of all kinds at JosePil t S.
Pinch'. Distillery, No, lea, 107;193 and 193 First
street, Pittsburgh.
Wrench Calf Boot•
Selling cheaper than you eau buy them at, the
manufacturers, - at (larillner's Opera Mole°
Oboe Store..
Have you area those splendid Unit Boots at
the Opera Howie Shoe Store
You l'oo Boy
per cent. Alcohol at Joseph•*•
Yon Can Buy
New pops UL ! Joseph 5. Finales
lily the SiOryl.ante Natlokal Telegraph C. 1
• From Up the Allegheny.
speenO In tlie 'Pittsburgh liazette.
OIL CITY, NOY. YG, land.
/tiver..thirty inches and falling. .Weatber
cleat and cool
Faswania, Nov. %, 1648.
River at Franklin, forty-four Inches anti
falling; at 011 City, thatillvii t i nches and
falling slowly and at (*col:inns, twenty-eight
Inches and falling.
T.te Alabsma'l;lelms
. WAHIIMOTCN. Nov. N.—Nothing definite lie 4
yet been received -from the British . govern
ment in re.M.lOl l, to the claims for indemnity
'growing onto! the depredations of the rebel.
privateers. The correspondence Is still In
progress between the two'governinents. The
present British Ministry. hOwever show a
better disposition than the former to the con
sideration of the IMportaut sUbifiet.
Long Dapatch.
. Haw loos, Nov. 93.—!Ttie. longest dlepatch
trane witted over the !Wenn° cable was sent
yesterday by a Government oflloilst of the Uni
ted th aces
to one of the bllnisterS of tam coun
try on the continent of Europe. It c ontained
over iiva thousand words.
TOE7IIIIIIB Idoirsoz, Nor: su.—Tito Annual
Conferenceof t•ls Methodist Episcopal Church
South oontlnussin session in Norfolk, rind its
iin b ars .nuprohnhil contiuue the greater part
of nazi, week.
2 ' 85
A...e5.... to the Coped Stoteo-Tht .
Pontes Pri•soot , rw—A Ito'taloa* War
leuuttoent—lttevena to lutodoesoado—
. ....Troop+, tinder Order,.
_ 11oatnrec, C. November ill—A meeting 1
• is called for Wednesday, November to
vEity TELE cRiIs silo with l;ntted +tutee. The Groyne of
• : the Lower Province riti her fever the id a of
• - • ' annexation, and should it be put -upon lair
ad eqUit.ablu basis and submitted to the pea.
FROM EUROPE. : pi n b
c% I have no doubt at it Would be t•utille , l
by a large majority.
The Catholics of Canada East. denounce the
senteneu of Mr. McMahon and the relet,c Of
Mr. Lutustien iii unmeasured terms. They
claim that the trials were a farce and that the
floc - moment had derided what, Men shOniel bo
hung before the trials commenced. The bit
ter letting fortnerly existing between Catho
lic, Mid ( In beginning to show it
self, and should McMahon and the others be
hung, it trill result in riot and eventually ter
nitnate inn religion, war, .
The Fenian trials to take place at Sweet , -
burg. are exciting a great deal of Comment.
TM! Protestante arc afraid the prisoners will
escape with little or no punishment. The
Catlitnics are hopeful), natl./my that evidence
cannot tan produced to convict them. Two
Important Crown 0 Ituesses have mysterious-
I y disappeared, runt it Is rumored that they
have been bought oil" and lett the yountry.
. The Canadian authorities have reccivedl in
formation-that Stephens le not en route ler
Ireland, but le organizing an expeadicrn ten
. invade Canada. Tine troops here have receiv
ed orders to hold Illen,elVes in readiness lo
move nil a Moment's notice.
1 tiloti TO, Nov, Di.—ltev. J. A. Allan ptertch•
last evening . in the Eplecupal Cathedral,
Rtitgeton, to a large and lashionaole
In favor of anneinntlinn to the United states.
The Reverend gentleman, in his opening
address, remarked: I am aware that. what .1.
am about to advocate is at the present um
; merit tilstastetul to a small portion of the in
habitants el Canada, and there may be a fr..
Igneirant inertsms present wind may stew s
ofdlsinnyally to England; yet what I tont going
to advise in not Only In tile inkiest of Canada,
but In an e,pectal degree of Great Britatu.
I Let no one be startled when 1 say that the
greater portion of the inhabitants of Canada
are In favor of antics:L[on to the United
States. _ _ .
Tho Fenton I:•rllelnent—Arreala In ire
land—ll- War In Camila—lmportant
Hattie ronght—F.limpet to 01 Franco
tioltm to Homo.
0- Loos pony ,Itonlor
lett (ruin New 1 k November lu, touolohl
rot It It morn ill g. , •ofe to I.lvervaol. •
LONII,I. N11,1111 , e, _•.—FnrtlSO r
Irpeetc , l ICISILLny 11111 e linen !multi In Irelane,
The.Aat lona! ?loop. IF ro 1 oath to 111111'0 at It •
910111.1 [..• A 1111114!
Prop. - watts for some ‘‘.1.1 s- lie Nicaiagisa
101111 , have been The
shirrs that tin, cut:e ..cheine will dtvulthl
between the IstlV, hinents Etiglond, Vratwe
and the Unite-I Ntates.
There has lie •0 1 eneweLl tight nig In candia.
It is said 111:.;the Tirrlcs , 11,0 ..1,••••it badly
beaten and have +altered ;:really;, No heel
than UM, :!1,11,01 tell I.llic. t utu
thoussint tiLkt,
BUM, N, NOV. tiocsr,,
intends to h 0 , :ts111 Goner:.'l Lx iLLed In
Lite city of Ne ,uac ‘
larinox, Nov. '3l-6 . 717711, 7--it !s runxl'cd
that a republican orguni2ation boa been (r-til
ed in Parl..
It Is bald that the Einprest Eugenie and hel
1011 Will spend Chia-Mai at Home.
1.1V4:111.00,, NOV. N.—.V,in.-011ton opened
poet and htewly; sll,loling Vitiainb , are Olio
tett at Ilt„d. Thai bales toslay will probably
rrarh 111,01 A, 139.104.
LONDON, SOC.:: , .:—TIII. :10 , ney 111.1 rizvt <wow , :
Consols 01 for money. American Seen-
Pitles—l”. S. SPLI, I0i 4 ; llne, IS 4; 1111001 s Cen
tral. -
L 24.-.4:1 , 1111,—The cotton
Market , in N , ithmit chanee. Ilreatistuirs 1111•
changed. Laid •
money um,
11i1A Is vaster. Consois closeit at S% lermoney'.
American SoCurllltio—U..Erte
Shares, 47%; Illitioth Central shares, e
- -
Int. intos. t.f 11.0 Loudon t.TltweNd . —The
rcesidoia o t Necret ary !Seward.
xtv Yono,llCov. 20.—The London Tgnte. of
the lith retuari, Upon tire lianglog of the Fen
ian prisoiners.qnCanadal “We arc 01 the opin
ion that ifm criminals es or deserved . capital
pufhtluncut thorn richly than those who are
now awaiting theuVate inn Canada. Inc the,
persons 31 r..testard has scot, lit to intercede
in behalf on tile American governmv at. Were
partles'in Ante/I - Ca to Is attrilial state, we coil
' fess we should receive the noise Of stinh tut
application ry nth vet y great ell prise. IL Innisn
unfortunate' that Indignation meetint, should
tic bci.i i`: , * the 1 cum: , Li oliglicht the Unite..
States, titivate:dug the Lrilish go,
Aynanunt with vengeance iflt auto
Tioolitit 'hone pi inoner'.., and that
seeking, so far no in their power, to
deprive an tof eirtnentcY all iti grate ,
and Ito ',prone° , IL at the mere result of fear;
[tenth. - canwe nolmit'l hat the es, of the
American civil war. no pat by 31r. noWntil,
In the least parallel to the Feunan Invasion of
Canada. The SOuthen State, elahronl
right to withdraw fro r m a Confederacy Into
which they bail voluntarily Lateral, and it
was canner LO salute that Malt° tit net..nit, '
the sword than by tire pen, brit the Fettle!.
11:1V0...ft he nhailow of a ell bellcie tent
right, they It, ho ;novel - 10°,11.1°w terra,
ry; the; tine °hoc Ti:Tzervt el It frleliilly niatt,
hocintnine to lob nod Initriler site litimliihnat
n tn
010 neighboring country on then - own ace'; t
it !thorn the slightest •semidance el law- in
Justnce. such 1. , the MOo alienist
fr''i'ulnCU: ;clr'tofltr:e'.%!:
itilercer;antire is yrenitilonneq
tar for
the prelaloir 01 tine Anoint:an litt,
ortiLuintt. Tine I', c o ntent Ott for hie.
Very...ll3loPC° aiLittllat lox oVerLIOW ling Itlolol
tip in the endtenl. 111 siitch lie wits eligarvit.
The Yunnan vote would have been of. 'ohm,
.iinportane to In at, bet Ile wan cOnittilit to lore
,go that ads mintage at a must critical unotheut
rather than tolerate ante ilat which nllght °Om
rift/T..1,a the gnarl itudernlanitlng between
Great Britain anti the Melee, no anx
-1010. Wan he to pies mit the remnant invasion
that he employed lien. tiraint %and Gen. Meanie,
"WO tn -the rent offices in the Ausericau army,
on this aides:LlM and Unpopillar Service,
.premdeni. Johi,,a,inad he twee lukewarm in
the panipen, migi5i , 41"111,01.,,,,, have math:llot
the letter of Ins obligationn toward us
by much Imo: net Retie measures. We
du net .hdtnt that his popularity micst
have suffredb tab, i n
tOrWirtt c o nd u c t ,,and "MIL It Wan Ili lila pt. Anr
CO Ingratiate Illitnnelf with the letilahn altli
out involving the thnittni Stales into an aelnal
collision with ins. We one IL Lo hint that Can.-
aria has not beers liithie tiro neon." of 1thk,.1.4.ed
and outrage of every 1;0°1, mind Iw ask.. fee the
lives of the obscene Wretches
Under sentence tit death. IL In nor tor us to
say What Inlngiv,en to suCh a
quest, but courenn.. should regard Cite
_gralitljlg' of IL with natl.-Mellon, Intire raped
as t he Piesbleht wou:d be hardly likely to
renew his °gen:me:loli In. the CaSe of a 5e001.1.1
Fenian invasion.'
, 0,1 , ,,,, , .,,4, ,, ,•.
,f,,, , , , -,i7q,, 1 ,,,,11, . M1.,r,, Aids,. Heel:
tio.rg•. Brush, 1.10111., Icelieu3on, Ford, Hew,
Klllell, 1..1.,/ , ,:, M.tnlouney, M•r.we,,, .1, M.
M'Quessott. A. M. 3 1•Clellatel, Nl'llon'itii,f 1'\e1:1
Og,sen, 1 . 4,11e1!, I;1'opol, C,t
m •••• . .....
W ,,nett,
Stl•••. Too. ikon; Torley, Vet net. eldon.
Wislea, Wrlght tool Sdeel, Preeelent.
The otinute. of the I, 13 ecteltng tneelluif ',ere
read Old approved, _
Mr. 1t..1.1. pte , entl LI a cotutuonle3tioo Item
Messrs. Milan 1.1011 1,11. i MOI Cla11•1, •1.11 , •IL01 - ,1 01
lite Peolisyi , antes ltati read•Conitemy, dedt 1114
to kII6IV at Icilllt prl , e the t.C.} . WO.filii coovey
to said Cron patty 1 he lot II rroutel 13 Int; on
the 50111 11.i*il` of ct . no rt . btx vett to the r Ilth
%snot. The eolootenledtne , ea, 1 edO and 11...•
cepted ond 1 :ten eel to n speet3.l l'ou,,,Ottee or
three.' '1 C. no econturre.l.
Mr. Ilnuolt offered nutoilittanee plot - Ming
for the tilvinlon or the ' , lath ono! Into tut.,
precincts for election purposes:
Mr. Itteler offered 'all ordinance firing the
liounda , y inns between the 'I It It 11 and sixth
wards at the center of Wm-hitt/not/ nl reel .11111
the rt•t.ter of Pennsyl yenta exeunt.. LYia over
motet the rules.- •i
'l' he President salon: , • led a e ;011:11tiTa , .1 1011
troll Mr. lie, go F01'1 , 141, .4•.11 Vie, V Of I li,l
itOitlgi 1,1 lii, It 11, staring t hal Ole I••ferntents
Iron' I il , . 4,11 y lir ll° . mont h ld Nov.-toiler, up
p, the •pull inst., have beet ,laletsovelt , hr Ile'
rort vbpoll lilLg 0.1 . 10.1 111 !S'L',. Only -tone. The
1.0111111 Illfieetiyo 1111, 1,./lii NIA Oldereti In 1 , 0
Mr. Ford stdon II le.l the 1 eport of Ihe emit.
tor 01 the a cevunt. of Iho , (moral hoard at
E.i11711 I lOU, whin!! was read and accepted..
Mr. Ford :Ilse sel,•nitted the tollowing,which
UlO read it. lee 111101 null 011+0 , 11•
W 111 , 111 ,. .. Many parts of the coy are now
ItoinUiciently impelled with water, nod • ton
II elect lou from lire wholly inadequate; there-,
for°, be it
.Ectolivt. That 1 110 Filllllll , o COrelllitlt , for
the year 141 he lest meted to make arrange
ments for 11l llPllloprlittio l l of A:1:•,1 1 °, to la• ex
pended ill tile construction of eater noting
anti pipes In parts to the city now inmfliciont
ly or loudly unsupplied. t .
Mr. llar.• p're.ented a re.olut mit lush ;let log
the CPllllllillt , 011 lire Alarm to itsk the Ida,
gisleture to eatend the provis tone ofhe net
on willful mterferenoo with the lire t Alarm
Telegraph of •Philadelpmehia theeit., 0: pill,.
burgh. Head three tis and to
adopted. -
Mr. Il,tre iti3O otier.fd n. re,:olutlon providlng -
Um( any perbot , or company erect' is it tele
graph lino In the eity, shall ealllo tile same to
he kept three feet below the Piro Alarm Tel ,
egraph. Adopted.
Mr. Torte; entunttted it repot t Iro, din Com
mittee On City Pioperty, recommennng ihe
purchase of a 5,1(11111 lot ill bile rear the
Duquentle engine , _ltitteol, -having ta, en , y Wet
front. 011 1.`i.7,111ir stmt.!, tool exteAllig hack
eighty feet, tor the purpose of erecting a
stable for the use of tin , Duquesne Piro Coin
The report 11 (101.014.11teki, and tee Committeo
antliorizt,l to purchase tile lot. H. C. non-
Concurred. .
Mr. Robb otTered a resolution lodreeting 1 he 1
City solleitor to prepare:ln net to be submitted 1
to tile Legtslatitie, giving the Councils
Ihe wover to pans tilt ii1.1,1./11.1 Y ordinanees to
yrevellt 111, ere , tlfel.ol 10.111 , 111111 , 0t combos-
tilde inaterints. within 1110 oily lient, Rend
three 1 fune• tool aoopted.
Mr. Wright presented the follow ing, whleh
was adopt e.t.•
Bes..t• °I, That the ('lll' Sobel°, te• 1111.1 he II
hereby roil...dud to:dd.]; toCouned . at their I
next meeting a dralt • 111 an art of till' 1. , •0.1.,t3.-,
tor, prohltatine 1t,, , 5,,1, , , ~,- orlerota tor ssle. i
Is lthln the limits of thin State, any I vilned or i
dinpultralng oil a Ittelt shall tall to stand 1111 re j
tent of One I.untlreol told ten 11041 et,, and les I
Curing the oloLeryll 11, , of liii• SM.. it:. 1.. seer':
precautions and eevure penult le ,
Mr. I; Won, a resolution provnling for the :
.erect ton of :1 Ilre. ling et the voruer tit (.'heel-'
manna lVntsan td reels , . Read fold retorted to.
the CommitieeMt ti ater. .
Mr. Peri, 1 110 toliowitig. • '
Remit,f, That the .st feet Couirt.i.sinner he
ieStrllettlli 10 111fOrei, 11111 COMF:et1011 Of •Ilii
COIIII.Ib for the 1,, log and grading of ill
Wee: , 111111 in Ca r •a• ill ftlliere 1" pl• Wit the 11l the Limnds of the City Solimter
.for prosecute, t.
Read three iIu,CU and adopted.
. . i :Elm Exhibition Ibis . Everting.-Our
Dir. Yore' elf.,..ii the following resnludon, . ~,,,,,,,,,a will be,,,,. . n .
Which Wan rend liras awes 11.111 i adopted. • . '' s '.'
oteg • at their hall,
I mind that our admirable
Branfied, 'f hot the Water Committee be In
the splendid entertain
. gyulnastie as•ociation are to repeat, this eve
structed to pi:ie.:two tire plugs on Fifth itreet. '
~,,,,,, „.,, 0n .., ~,,_ I meet given by
one between 3 Market mei , . . them last neck. A number of.
tweet" WOO4i. and nutlittlield etreets. I choice and marvellous additions to tile drat
Council then adjoureed. . ! programme hove been made. Thu select on
I to- night etunprises among other startling
. feats, the Avolante Altoir, Duplex Trapeze.
Surety or the resee.-Thagerel beherel• enertes Do Salon, Finnuinbultsm, Tour de
zee YeeterLiey wade information befOreraider.:
. Force. BattrfLeaping, Ac. we hope the gym
m,,,,, Aineits, charging ItOsinu Cochran toad , mists may be greettat with a full attendance,
Elisabeth Dorn with surety Of the Peace. The ' for their performances are eminently 7ortby
parties reside in West iittStlnrgil and had a • 1
0 , the most ample reltrollage.
roe. Violent and threatening
he a,,,,, , ,
used by the defendant toil the deponent, i
erenimii the unpronounceable Margaret at.eney Snelety..- The
'lltrzologbana 1
made the information aforzaald. A wa•-rantj'above is the name 61 a society formes by toe
lat. j .., .. for the arrant of the accused was plated is the • young men of Birmingham and South Pitts
a an Taken C .-Yeeterilay Morns hands of °Meer O'Connor.
Cra yla p \
n the lith lust.
• ----wm.----. After the organization. the following officers
- I log an'm 5;11W Mlle. IL COOper by trade, residing ,
Georgia Leglelkturo. ion Third street, in the Third ward, were elected: President -Prof. A. hurt; Seem.
Allegim- District Conea.-LThe, District Court met vary- -, lobe fl. hleNi.h'n' Assistant Secretary
Mill.anolvitts, Nov. 20,-In the Satiate a 1 riy• wan arrested by
a n Meat and goott,L)l yesterday morale and nker' calling the roll Milton D. LLayst Treasurer,/ aa.' MCDon Ods
bill I,.a+ bee. tutrelemal rePealing the /awe ; the Allegheny pollee, end :lodged In t 0 of jurors, the Jurydischarged untaTe society meets every Saturday at 70'eloelr;
prObibitleg aliens from owning real estate. 1
• tomb , Ito became deranged while. In th e or- day next at ten o'clock e•• • m., at that time the • That .. in Bedford Ball, Birmingham. A mallet)
The Boma has panned a bill granting aid to I MY, MK , " LIU e. yearn ohe , . , eh d h." . 000° list will be Mk on hp acme. All Jurors and lof this Irlf.,d has long been needed On teal
an air line railway; an d prohibiting railroads • once In the Dixtoont Hospital sloe* • Lest F azi .epee tem ..,..g
-- - a --- ----'--• Me requeeted to De an 1 south Sido of the dyer , awl wa predict for Ma
and staambOste running on hunday. • I time, Be is still in tnaLock-tip. u., . nuccettetal esSeer. •
. . .
• -
• . . • .
Public Lando Di•poied of--ColOnolloil of
s limier:. :nit Trie•tt —Colon of iluenb
Thonapion•—ro.tollico Utrongeo--Maxt
mllilion'ol Aucnt In th e United Atiates—
Another liner. • ,
tthttMA.TON. November al.—Returns' l'o- i
relvevt at the. iomeral Land odic,' show tlnd
during .the.themonth of October 40,W acres ,ol_, l
.the public, limos woe dispg,ed of at,lona, !
Michigan, and 13, ,,, n acres at lirownsvile;'•Ne- j.
braska—toter, M,470 acres. The grey e — r.per- 1 - 51,A11,52 . 3 .5,1 . 1 2;741,107 7:
Lion of the lands were located with agricul-,' POLltlit,,lN:s. I
anuv • eolet. insc au, 14;
tarsi college :-crip aid taken up fOr actual ;- Jan nary.:.... 5 , '-•.. . , . ary rod
seitteniedit under tire Homestead law. The ' y e :,y,,,,,, 513 February. I 1,011
CoMplissioner 11115 Cod., pteparatino a list I March 6l7,March I,:r.rd
Which will soon le,. presented to the Secretary , April . 515, April . Lato
'Of the interior foil approval, of select lent. for I; a y._ ..
..._,.. 73..,...,,,,y. • 1,.. 40
,the Genital Earliie Railroad, of Cali tornia, , ~,,,,,,, , ,is:-lone 1,3.:5
embracing 42,0 , 11 acres. . ! Jury l-1-.loly 1,11:I
• Our Consul at Trieste, under ,lute of NOVCIO- 1 AC:CASS. -,1 August I,IM
her sth, writes that olllclut no: ice has been ! Semember .. -•:::, iepteintier 1.:54
made tn him ofcessation of the eho- , Delober. al:it:mob,
lent at Trieste, clean bills di health having 1
been e ranted on and slime the t!..1.1 ult.
A statement .11as hern published that the 1
President has given to Sirs. Thompson pet-
mbedon fur her husband. Jacob Thompson, to
-return home. This Is untrue. lie pOsltively
refused tn m u :e any such permission, butsd
Thompsont take the consequences. of re
turning mother prominent rebels still abroad.
- Dart g the past three days
. about seventy
Postmasters hare been displaced, nearly all of ,
the smaller eines of onitiere. Among teo new
appointments are the following: Daum Ed
gerton, Fran lain, N. Y.; Wm. 11. Parker, Una
dilla, N. Y; inn. I:l.:Reese, Rhinebeck, N. Y.;
Jas. A. Falrtieldmmettee. Mame.
alms been i.rertaine. l that Maximan's
tenacity In holding on to Mexico has beet: due
to the expectation, encomaged by the reports
of ids late agent in the United States, Marlene
Do t GolhOo, wire hail Just returned to Mexico.
tha a new civil war MLA On tlit CVO Or break
ing out In the United Slates, and that thli
woule certainly ce the taunt If Diu Radicals
carried the fall elections.. It is expected that
"all visionaries ate now
factis known hero that frithGaindo
obtain audiences either wit President Joliti
sower seeretury bewl.rd, while in lilt Utlittlit
StlttO, all his efforts to have them having
fulled, notwithstanding Ids statement to tit e
contrary. .-
1 ,
Thera waxatother rare over the Naliona-
Course tn-dity, tAtC , local horses, Lady Clem.
ants • and Unknown, being the contestants
the time wits ntin. extra:SEM:l:try, but
here was a great o de h al g 11l excitement amon.l
those lu attend aliee oil accunt of the rl
tress witii which 'ttio botec o s kept up. The
rate was ~14 match for CVO lILIC.Itegt dollars,
m ite heats, beet to a in three:
n l.l nw C tlPhTClecs
won the glut h e at it 2:10; s
ml Millen, and he also won the third In .2:54.
Whitaty Dlxtl.lery Seleurea—Retuarkft•
bin fumingling: 1.11b11%.
New lune, November .29.--adattlonal ael . y.-
l'heottore Tilton's Lecture.
Urea Of whisky distilleriee continue to he
,1, q e u.
Maigedt7u. e;ln'ohns"tiot‘)sn ttis:e7tirlC"i;lotrlleiewsll.lnnliTgoe,d„,,i,lt Theodore Tilton, the aide .lo u lit a I pat.
factored without a license ' are 'some w OM, It. riofte editor of the independent. and lecturer
Markable. Captain Tobin, one of the del.. on all subjects COIIIICCIed with the elevation
Iles connected with the Coilettorln ice, l ot the human race end the •bet, intermits of
belted a dozen barrels of whisky ut the old en- .
gine eh
Conlpany NO. 1. 111 Canton street; ' the coon try, needs no introdeetinn to the peo.
Captain Let
seiSed a. ditil IliCry in ply- 11 , Of yittslimgh and
u the vic ,, in , it.J. 1111 the .
mouth street, Which it In mad Is owned by i I.:rerun...of
.Mts ie(.lt
. ris
o tlil l 'ening, I‘l_
Chief Engineer John COnningnam and, Wm. ll be grtettcl by au ocei ow pg audience ot
DLLVIS. Quite large quantltite
,of whisky was . tunes WO. -kh^ w hilt ack.l.w Ledge ills genies
foun , i ‘ , llOll the pr „ m i,,,,,,,, , v bio, .., nn k,,, , n i root chat meter. Ws lecture this „evening,
charge by the effacers. A warrant was Issued . 111:;,,,txii1:.1..,-,+c..,.rdielliu, t).'oroof,,,TiLne„lc4
for the arrest of the Chief and his partner and
they were taken itito custody rule mar...K. 1 12, , , , n , .::111 1 ,1'Ute. ,tuner In which sir. Tltto i n .
They immediately gave ball for their appear- ! "111 10 1111 tills subject will undoubted ~
be eminently satisfactory to 1111 r •citicens. The
ance, and Collector Wood turned thecess over ,
~,,,,,, , ,i
wi l l
c 0.....,
to the United Staten nothOritles.
1 Seadeiny of Millie tills morning tit ten o'clock.
- _
Ferry Boat Dent toasty —ninior d • Thi "' : Callow Itobbenl.—Alleglieny .in going it.
New Yoga, November :M.—To-night. at about 1 !Lana early bour . yesterday morning, the eel
seven o'clock, the ferry boot Idaho, plying bee .'tar of Major W. McCandless, on hobintered
tween New York aud Brooklyn, took tiro 111 ! street; goonli.ward. Allegheny, was e
the stream and burned to the water's edge." by somu unknown minty or partied, and rob
about thirty passengers were on board all Of 1 bed
a cochi. nsidera
.hle amountbar of
of sweet
whom were saved. Some of the ladies with , among whi was a whole rel
children In their anon Jumped overboard, but pOttaoe3, a seek Of dour, a cinantity of meat
were rescued. James O'N'ell had bin bead and anti nations other articles. The robbery must 1
hands badly burned, have been coinmittnal after one o'clock, as
A Match billiard game of 500 points up len Major DlcCandlcsa retired at that hour, and
played between Pinion and breDeVitt. Th u Is confider:it that eve; ything was all Elgin
latter made a run of .241 points and won the when ho al Is ase ertainea.
went to bed. No suspicion of any in
game. Another gameot 100 pOlntauP between i dbridu
Comm. and 4.ioldthwalte was won by the I' -
ter. I '
A lirimbliesu Triumph,
11,1:Troup. Nov.:;.—At the toivntlection le
'flay the Republicans eleCteti their entire tielz•
ot, be tu.e.jerttles varying (rent 31 to 70. Allyn
S. Stallmon, repahlican candidate for First
,elect mitt, receive:l, the InghestlnaJortty. The
vete was light 011 both toes. , •
Additional "Folettranta on Fonrth rage
Be teferunce - to another column, it trill he
teen (Intl Mr.. Wlti. Mit; 1 - 41, t 1 0 r
upon the estate of rho late Chit, 11 1 . It leltet
son, hat made public aelinow Icilguteent of the
receipt 01 reeoOteett thouannd thalit!it trolls
the .Etna. Life Insurance Company of flat
Geri), Connecticut, icing the, amount/ 11,114 "
the life Of Mr. ItlcLetson, fn th,is Loin.
(May, •
~1 tint Sirs. 1.. .1. Barclay nel.uowleakivo
the receipt of live 1111ninnitit itollats trout the
name votupany, On the Ittellf I.eorge, Bar.
e deem the ent . .ieet 01 life inouranol ot
meet, impommee Ina; w, desire to cliil tbo at
tention ,f ; nor readers to l Weise 1.111
00,, 111 regara to Ilits Catalt.tny.
I,lle lertir,iace Company
toe .orouipt, and careful inami,titetit Cl Its
littaate,, ,ocule.l tor ttoeif
halting t lie 'lll,l / 491/1 - 11.110 , 001.111..n1es Of
this COUtit ait the teilow tog feet, a ill pro; e.
fly tefureom, to lie report lit the Commit
'-rimer of the Male Of Nen but 6, 1l11(11,0 . 3
turr tin, cot:11111.y hentrio o,O(r.; mute., to 1,1 1 %
out one other eonap.oly la nun,
her 01 polivies, the .1, reined I;,;l7t . poliele 4
more than the ever nie• - tit •\t'oYfa
w i 1101011U
ales, or alalt, three and one low: fit Ent the :tree
-11. age, wnloh 1,.711 . more than the
of titian atata. eoutpani , ,' or. more
than doillo!e the aver.ige, 3, 1 J1 I: Its ex.
petirllturen were le, than any other ettlittiany
trian,:ting 13.111, 1 1 111..50N , 'lock. nail that
white the eves age napenillt.ltlans 01 'New 1 Brit
corn panics' west , 4.; Yl, atel'ilther ota; u comp:,
oleo , Ii 14, the .1,:tua l l; wen;u• Al (more
Wan metre }err ['VV. 1.104 A, ttiti +m m./ aver Arte
of Mt the ,mies ntre-3, it hien titaeen Ora
in the} ritual g;ttyurtrziu oartemfor. In the 1;1-
melt, of• tome.' over lea, the .!:Lu ca again stantleipert, helm; 2,;;;.1 more thou the lie
muse of 1 liecompany isoning the:argent nom
tier of pollch, tor the sear ending Jan. let,
11;.3. Time, .litita . 9 (111,1.10113,1.45:1' 01
1 the company referred to, 1 1,7.71 i; ItTerence /1i
tot A,73;, A,73; 111.01,11.1. 1110,1,0 0( 'Net
commoutti, l biongtU •other elate coal
pumice,' the lueteltrie üBTWee,
4,1.12, or 3inu re than the itonotal tivem,e.
which 19 1 1,1%."
In the .11asonelithielti Insmancil f l oto
tU hers Report of trig, Lion. Elluttr Wright
ottylu . rliatiantlCll as n 1,0110; Of Lila Insurance
extmeti over many ist salable yearm, anti cheap
ness on tiro whole ilepeudts upon this O - Actleloll
of tlSittrain, or the matttethent• et breadth Cl
Lane, It het:eine, nceenaary to Observe 'whet
rano thee. ',env, bears to the growth a/ Cite Goer.
puny." These comparltions delve. to thew the
emrlolrty of the - .l:rua" 4 11 nits It:Sinn:loW
plmpeees firm! an fhi'ltnina taiiieroint particulars.
Toe taklatetng stair:meat rhow, (1-11.11/1, 111 t ,4
of the {treat:fit year as competed w ith that of
ISoS,191.5. ' need' ,, , ISGG.
January... All 111,00., 3.4 .1 untlary ... .. Ib-1,3:a Oa
i , ,,L , r nary... 10,107 33 February ... 1.37,636 11
March 121,321 19' hare')...... •t:.9,202 I"
Apr 11 ...... .. 10(1,.33 87. Ap 111 , 373,721. 17
NI y 111,Wi 07 May ......... 312,Z.54 31
June...._... 1 , 10,(A13 304 anu . .21,/,591 o 7
J Illy 11 , ..,310 5.1,J uly ... ..... • 24.:,2.13, ;:
Aa g az , t, 156,311 , 1 .4411 A u g.t ..... 310,003 1 , ;
Suptembe.r.. 1;4,1 1 .6 ~.3; i einem 1.,e r.. t.. 35,131 13
October...:. r• • • .-. 10,31 ' 07, ~ ..ct ol w r..... 315,7.',1 01
..... LOS; Total • 11,4.51
• Numbe'r of loOlfriell 1.11.10. tor till . LIVPIVO
mouths ending October hut 13:157.
It will he seen that the receipts for the tint
'Len months or 1355 t• ref 42,741.10.73;111. 4- 1 1111(0
double the receipts for the corresponding
months of ligq, the Increase in number Of pet-
Mies Issund lo the same lime being 4,512.
Persons contemplating taking out itujnsur
sone, will do well to insure in this company.
Branch (Alice-for Western Pennsylvania, Nu.
50 Fourth street, llutlieNi building, second
door, Pittsburgh, Pa.
P. Ci,k1.312\ IS, lineage,
Hook 'Not leen
/1011.N13a BY MonNiku; or ilitily_yeaillogn or
the family or closet. By IteII• Spur.
genii. Now York: Sheldon a Co. Pittsburgh:
For sale by .1. W. Pavia.
-Mr. Spurgeon has achieved a great veputa
tlon as a pulpit orator, witich lar4 pubit!,hed
.li,comw6 do not sust a in.' There • Is"neitlier
genius nor learning in works. tits a
rain and degree of fervor vhieli Int
presSos those who are In it COrkerknOntilng
fra ,t, or m i n d ; ant tw,int.l, thii eiecrut'of
his poiver..
I'ABBOIt trAOC,_ a ColleCtloll of Charades
and Proverbs. By S. Asinie Frogl. New
York: Dick t Fitzgerald. Pittsburgl , For
sale by - J. W. Pittock. •
The .I,lgh of this volume in to tarnish In
. door anivarlncut It; turn lee spenBl, e and In•
ITon rear Glist!NO; Or init-door Bailie" for
Boys, New. York: Pick a Fititgeralii. l Pitts
-1 burgh: For sale by .1. W. Pittock.
This Is a conhlse manual of healthy recrea
.tions for Loy", and Is fully 11113Btralull With
71 01:111111; 01 1200111.11,
. .
A stated meeting. of the City Councils ens'
held last t•Velllng iu their Chamber, in the City
BUllding. • 1 • •
11111 111•11 1•411,(111.. I
Presmit - 1 .scan,. Artnstimigl, Ilarckley.,
'Grown, entlin. flallaher, Ilerdinlan, Low, Me, i
Lauglilau, McMillan, Morrow, P lillips, Ship-.
ton, Thompson, White, Wilson, a of Presl.lent.
McAuley. , ..
Tlalthilipites of the •11revious pleating itca'
read nod, on mot Inn, approved. •
A el111111111111(111111/11 . wits rehd from the City
Cants slier reporting Ilse receipt of it number
of petitions Innis various parties for the re
duction of busines- , •ms, which he suggested
jbe referred to the Poionce Couninittee without .
delay, loge:her with the followinr resolsltsoll,
Wlllllll 11 a-1 passc,l: .
R. , , ,, 1e5s I, That the Controller he, tlllll he Is
hereby, authorized to Trots his certificate on
the Alayor 111 favor of Chat lea Itichspan for
:Oland charge the cattle to Appropriation No. ,
its Contingent Fund. '
A resolution. wa. , also reveived from - the l
slime source 11.11111,1riii”g 11111 1111N111‘311L 01
457.4:,11/1111,4 Lill:costs in three Pllll, 1,5 which)
the city had contented' 11,s right of certain 1
parties to erect tron-ehtd buildings wit lila the ,
ustle of the corporal ton, and which had been
deeoled in savor oi the deletulant, Read
three times and pas‘dsl.
'l'ne petition:4l'or 1110 reductlon ..f besine.s
tax were taken up :aid leterre•l to tin, l'inance
Collllllltfor, With power 115 net.
The Controller alas, reported in favor 'lli
paving .11a,1/111 A SlO'Litie lot' ltstr pnving of
certain street (11111,1111,14, Wllidl was 1011 lathe
form sits I ..coltitioil 4 atl in,-,.e.1.
Ate. lslii•ptou pre-ma...lllpr 11.11 ol ,I. It 7irrol
mtiii and , Alitnaor . i.:', Olt! out, los 0111 , 11-
eateti Amoilittltio to V.Z.,nO, which is or.lerett
to t, 1151511 mitt" cll. ge..l to the Couttogioit
Filly'. .
A prtitioti-was pri-ittiklil by' Sir. , nlltiOdol. '
• front James linsting,, as.irtng that liti'lie P.O.
list: .55551 or 42,500 for Itoe graalisit of Itobert,
street, (tom Itedford is, SVeloa , 'l' ,trouts. I:s
-iert, I ti -trees 1:5551MR tee.
Mr. Mt:MlN:ilk ptio,tit,..l,. petits-1u Irom 1 1 .-
ter 11 crop, ii•kio.g Iliac Ito be toll°. e4l !into 11 ,
eon tract for tlir girding tliitl I.:is:m i t' or Ite.l
- iinit 1-.ln, St rt,to, nil LIM 211/11,111 Bleat he
had pu.lpsi th , work I, far:, its t, Ili pow,.
toot I.lliit. °A nig to failing hest/lit 4 15 5 , lA- 6 ' ° r
pecuniary mesas. he cOlO , l list .1 , any more
11,1.11 I: 9” it. Allvo .11tolirthy doloito the who)o
matter sea. referent iti 1 liv . oo•I tWiimittee.
Nt'. 14 ,, n . pre,nunt the folio w me: ''Ti'.
the Mayor. Aldvroo,i, Will LitArt,i, of l'ilts
hur,rll. I .1... , 1 iii 111 S tOs..1111:1111/2 ot Bedford
stieet. Ilr $71,,:17. - newt mud referred to the
1% :o'er Committee. .
Mr. Mlle r, , ,, pre...dile.: a common icat:on iii
rirfvr-viive 1.5 , the manner in whirl Clark ,-tt eel.
is ledng isiv . rd, in which tt Will NI I
1,1, oat the
. work 1,11111 t . llllll 111 1111 1111 1K kinati 11.4,
mein.;',mein.;',ai! to litiels it testy ass tr l, loi neatly
' icorittlt.,..i. Aft, coti , otterulitri tICI/111.11 11111
,011/111111111111.111/11 11'11,1 referred isi the City Ile ;n-
lutnr e•11111'ower to leve•tti,tate.
11,rt•kley preNontell a pettline of 31;,11.-
11.4 Jones ..0.1:111,. that NI he rvltecs..l. • Irons tit.:
Payment slI •if , l•:t•s atg••elnett I.lsnfor
gresti.lo, .of t-trcgt. l's . olcrri , l to
Dan, Lointnirti;.• wlllt potter t
Mr. MOrrowottl,l,llo4 1:16711t. . 'lOll, LOVittg
1111 a 1/0.11.t., 01g,ht
10 Icy :t 1,014 h Itittlif( .110111111ZattOill
Ircotn 111 v toot••11.t1•ort:.• WPot r , •. 1. for the
loarling anal sr:l onolng .11 Inlolscr.
• 4r.3.1g.101cy t.,1 ol.ntos./..... e.r 1111.11 g
the' In t)11.•ssr•:lo tlo . W.-1010 1_ 11...1, 1 1',•,i , 13•
tlle Ltit: It. 1:1t. 1,,
Tuiro wt r .,..1%'0, - ,t •te.! ,e11•11t1I•1•1
111 , 1, ,, t1 t•'. In • 011,.1 0110111/it I ••••
MY,tIIIOOII Ott, I titi1t..11 , 10141111,, St it.,
retul 110.-•• on•-•,•11.1 1.••••.1
• /tr•••(,..;, Tim 1111,• .401.4•.•• 1 • 11' , •••1•".:11
1:103 t• •tulliot ;4 , 0,
Zg/ 11 . 1 , 12 I.'lo •1 Ott tile VOS 01-
a Oitt'en ,::1.:01 I•i•n• ••%•11•11,1•., .04011•0, 1.011.11-
4 0 0, Att,et Olt"
Olt tIO. C 1 , , :, COl 'tooth
ono oo s;o. Cortat, Ot 4 . 11,1,111 i t
• -ors•• , :-. fur ol:
•a;1•1 1 1 3,•. lot ”Irec:, iqot I,a the(.0,,,,
o I'lol4ll
tt•1•1 - -11,1t1lei. , 21 re:-1,, Atut ••tte. ••11 1•0111er
1 of 0^0•1111i r
. , .
Tito tetl. , ‘ I ttt Vtt ,-, -1- ttitit , ,i:ltt•.l 1., no- t
,ototo ,11 ,, tntront ,tt.;.l..tootot-11. tit Ilot
ttrittt,'.: 01 t/ottoon 0tn,,,, the Eittllll
ww, t, tu t 31,•1 I,l'l, •
•l.•. 1 totottni•lratt,.,:tit,r , -
t•tlty !to /...ttlit t nt-- ttf tttlt1•011 ,, tt , t,:,,,lng
Iltal 1,110 tt 1,1 slo. 1... tit-1 , 1 , 1 1 ft ,-
ej 4j.
(1011.0!01 - ... , rt , 1.11, 11.0401 l 101:0 , YLI'L at
On:le:1,1011 o n )....1 tinn , epor: wttraf l l. l,l voll
Of 10) . ri so/1.• tot to, to Iltr• n.
Tint trportot tit, I Itwt'ltt wpatoltr.t..l to
f/col tlaniwy, nnti,olwtto. , ! in 1:to
ening o f 11 ,to 11110.18,1 to, wnil,
on motion, opitro,c , l. •
A untruntottt-totion•lrmo tine C C.,
t tom nola ItOr. 01 III: 1 . 0005V1 , tOlal, 11011-
Toted ('olownity, - wltw , otoo 1- ll)
wall convo.s Ittl. ,t 1 Arotot.t ttll the
oowth Itt Qua., ct . t . t. l , to 11, tt w tl,
to (lilt Contatwoy lloty J1•10,0.11‘.
1111 110a1101 on NIT'. Stllattott, 101 , 1 t,t, told.,
The rittal ot it, Co:oolitic° n t latollttj.,ot..,
ooltallt, lot nt vtotintl for nine otro•c•
tlott ttf It booms foe titt , I,lqm-ow Ft, Cool
- ill from hlOl.lOll of
rhtlllato, oat toil ortll, 1
ot ottllntottotot t•-,laltlt-loto.t.t wr.t.lot ttt ,le
clototitto Itlllo-1. IrVlSret , PO< Litt( Dol.-tow
wlty, rend nod molt et.
Ott ototttot,,lttl.lo,ll,ll-1.1.
. -
• I+-1.
History repeats itself. In nothing is this so
tine as In the matter of entrildence games.
Every Instance of this kind al dew Mien is but
a repetition 01 every Other. If you haven ills
of daily papers preserved . , and Will refer to the
hack timid:en, You will tied iu your old papers '
thethartiettlaraot 'tile latest conildouce game.
Still, although the trick is on sMle, and has
hose enilth.,c.l a 1110t...0il (Amuse:id reported
rts often. us employed, and read by all whom it
may concern, every ,sta pluton it seems,
to Me eon Vinci d, - In has own experience, that
rtigues are rascals , g as
victim bewailed
Ins hard fortune in our city yesterday.
A nom named Benjamin Kilgore arrived
here yesterday ntternoon on the train from
Philadelphia. Ile Irani from the eastern por
t ion of Maine, and Was traveling to Palestine,
thoo, eleven utiles from Litichmitti. A pious
Oath occupied the seat with 11 In In the car
it tulked_rellglim to him the whole al,tanc,..
%Viten they left tilt; train at the Union tiepin,
ti, pions youth it,..;gested that they go. to the
Allegerny R e pot to get dinner, as there was
I " Vl:t i i ! \" 4 i: i t ' ll i, n , v ,..„t L u v -„Ter:: '4;!;-,:orne[. of
Micid and Liberty 'streets. There they
met a lorsiness :non who aas delighted Co nett
she pious j with, and discussed wattle intricate
, taintless quest ions with him. At length bust
y., man informed pious youth that his goods
heeri __snipped for Cincinnati, nn I would
each that oily almost as soon as Inc youth
himself.` The youth said he supposed he
might as well pay hnslucon alai. for the goods.
t'ht.o Its any time, anti took flom his pocket a
. tel tick tor 41,000. wan 'could 01. 114 -
-tiny iirntrunt. 31r, Kilgore h is s
appealed to, and I hogglt he could net ratse so
hogs 1111 uunam t , w,uageil to arid: in his
pltet-hool: OS, 10111 In another pecet
Pala, yotith La/Crewed the VT okf
thill it the cheek could he cashed, and handed
t eMtuount over to lit-Mess men, who walked
a Nay. Kilgoin and his companion came
zo the Custom and the gentleman
item Maine was told that if Inc would wait
outside a nitiment the hOlder Or the cheek
r•N‘ otthl get tile motley On the patio and come
out "id refund. :Ur. K. waited for !natter Of
wo hours, v. Ilea lie aegall In n rat and
see it nettling - In he air. Tonto It in the burl,
Ile went to tile Alsytnes office, trot could give
no clue to the identity ot r lits rellgloue COM
inlaten glee any hopes of his cap.
ore. The entortuusie tuan had just sect:illy
live Cent:, len after lice hurl Met/talent. or
tilli.ltelyi line t leket was paid fir, and he, Ink
leg ads outage of this fart, Lett lust eVening,
steering _clear of all hohonn looking young
The following • ie the 11,4 of putonts. ineued
I COM tho United Staten l'atott Often for the
week . endinl; Sot ruttier 1::';g4, end: hearing
that Onto :
Itenhen Ilaroer, of Va., for Itn In manutacture of •
W. it 01 1•110%.10101t1,
1.} . :0.61.10r l'llo,, of l:votIal hull, I. 1., tor Irn•
Jam,- S. r-11, of 1.0.151..arg, 1 . .1., for ro,l
illl,ll ...• fit l'bildelplild, l'o., for
eimosl Vll , r ger. •
;Matti f-Itouto., 01 Saltaloirg.
ittovrowid :It OUlult1:11,.; oil from
doliti If.
P. tilt 11l . as.
aignor of .5. 1:Axil:idol - a :11. flail, or dame
loaro, for infilroveifford. to Otis flog Iron
n lilt allot'
lobo and \Vllltato i• ntoll, of I . lilloilelpltio,
Ila , lot odprovelliotil. to to:whine , . (Or 1.1 . ,n1111.g
:111.1 41)1:14
litierls'a.3f ill, for
. 1.. 1.,.11111ntk, ol tarli,le, Pit., for photo
oritififig I.
soil .1 M. Ifrodo, tit 1011 k
lot do ilt °vial aliparaftor efillo I ruff. CH
g 1..
t, 01 b ,4..1' 111011 p,
I l d., fdt.' 1111p.,,11.0111 to . trotilwilll Ififlating
sill ,5. of `sr, Galena, l'a.,
for liaprovinfient in a tigon
,Jato, ft. 1..f.fr001. of Milford, 1 . 11., 11 , r lilt
In.. l,tr
vitvelopr ,
Mrerr otlol'll4, for
improved I,laelrinir..
twin, Mtunt, ds
s, of )1o:iill, PIL.; for
tlorovi,l :or coopitnii.
:llotopc}er, 3.111'.er.t0,n, Pit., for
itoprovimient ht‘Y lone.•
11. P. lieniierntirii, of PormsylVet
titm,for 11111,1.p:co ,kto.titit{ arior.
Georgo I.lnrpt
Nlcliing ~, ot .1.111.n0r tom:P.4llp,
, for loti;loveinoitir in s hitting for co'_
Joe buret.
After ninny year. nt tlioerotragetneut, butq
..txrett.tilt, hood ul enort, 1110 inetubership until
ritntion of lirown'i It. IL Clinpel Lei.°
elm:on..lced the ereetiOn of it sold:1.110ot briel:
C1..11411 00 Ow', let, sllnnte , l on the corner ot
110)1.1 ,greets. The corner 31.011 C
w 111 b..... 1.11,1 UV Mount itiorris nod Cyncion
Loilgt,i, No. IS, A. T. IL, incdsted by the 1.0‘114c ,
or L. anti C. the noeittl Band, Star,
Mulunl Roller and other RoO...tie:l, OU heir.
Tlllll,ll/.1: tternoon, NOV. ZJih, At two o'clOeir.
We twill:illy Invite tint genet ona publlu to 00
Colltri/Illth toward , the nooreil
cauot. We 'novo alms appointed (lie for. 3.
It • Devine and Ide,.c. Wlhi. it. Thinll64, JOllll
W. Fitch and It. J. 1.0 regll/Or .11ZW 11 to to
1 0 , 011 colleet inocy to enable I,c. to ire. oil w ith the
work , Ir. 111.1,hdl in 1110 people or :alto
gnenv cot , " ty of 1,11 creeds to giro of their
'aeon. to our ageni, wall knowing thtlt Whitt
neer I icy only reeler" Avill be sacredly deco-
Lett to 1111." 001110. 10 Who , ' totectect they Cr,, tot
deeply initirenteci. !tie. J. IV. LinYt.nn,
ill ene.rize.
TR r5TC159..
P.Llsmert t•onttra.,
Oxtail . " , Pi DIS.Irf
Tortting 111'ot-ship to Aceottot.
nn natuiday morning au related the bold
and stievesstol effort of an Allegheny artist,
to gel possession or the hall carpet of Mrs.
Fershlard`, establishniant on Yoteral
street. Thu way that econii , lrel worked Lila
game was very good, hut It iltil lilt collie up
to the eon.lwlll,llo imputleile,
glues enterpri-k of another AlfeLgheny thief.
The latter seemed inspir(3l ny m hoble emula
tion of the 'deed+ In Ms 4,0111 peer, th.l.4.lrllll l ltti
to ',MT.". iLC11141,1:11112.11t5 01 the late ,
.Ifeer.l Ifitly went on the ut ening of the
closing any of the 11. P. tienerel ConferUnee,.
to the Mtqlkedlyt Protestant Church on Ohio
street, l:ast Coln 1110. t, and *Vie
Serl . lo, ' N CIO in progress Inhidel lie
111V11, 1114,11 y tOIIIOV,I the 1,111.1 re
unit eostned the fluor of the Ventllllllo,llo , l
coolly marched *way with it. The poll , e
muck . olgorees M n etre., hilt have so tar fatted
of tiny Bocce,' in 11111 attempt to- theutil y the
Lute. Allegheny still eattimiuds our admire
t 101 l in nutt-terr of t hat_
- Test-erdey morning William Grier appeared
, befors 11 dyer :McCarthy mid Made oath egalnat'
Itunerl Setitt,'.ellatging 11110 with the larceny'
of one overcoat% rained at VG, one palr 01
pante, valued a: SS, and one pair of drawers,
yaleed at da ler hoards at a boarAing
,liouo on Vert street. •On Friday night Scott
canto 10 Ida house,and rcmnlned over night.
' Oa • , titar day moaning lie lett, and shortly at.;
ler Grier discovered. that his overerret was
ei , dne from 114 room, and that !Ili valfee had
been opened and the pants and drovers ab
stracted. teeterd , l a boy who know build
;native, Interned tiller that Scott had been to
the F41.114.1' , Inn, corner of Fourth and Ferry
I , treetg, and lint the overcoat. Grier found it
there as stated, and this morning Oillcere
Scott, Clippies and Iluslia arrested Scott at the
toll house on 11p; Monongahela bridge, wit It a
black carpet bag In his posse:4.4ton, 111, which
woo doe shirt; marked "Win. Anderson..
Three other overcoats were • also found on'
him. • _ - - •
l'inchnra , d
Charlom iteherts, 'the young man who has I
been lying lu ,I,ll', charged. with having forged 1
a check for a comoderablo, itmount ou one of
the Allegheny city hault•, "was released from
prison on Sundry morning. Two terms of
Court bus elapsed without the ease having
been brought In trial, in eollefaillellee et the
absence at a material wit noes, and dnally, on
the toot ion — ot the 'District Attorney, a neffe
pro, ran entered, on payment of coot..
ltoh,,rts belng unable to liquidate the coats,
some recent;-tive debars, Wtas obliged to re-
Inala tor Ott ty days longer. This
length of Mile having 'expued, he was dle
,,aargod as elated.
Leasler, co mnitted for trial Juivlsth,
1,66, on a charge of boon pretense; tried :4)-
• veother 1 . 4.5, convicted and renteneed to
e veto's turPrisonment, was also released
o naturday, his term having expired.
,• • -
ailed States Commissioner K. Davis, of the
Twentieth, district, Pa-, recently issued a war
rant for the arrest of teary - and G. B. Hinkley , '
of Titusville, Pa., for fratirta upon the reve
nue, on complaint of James 31. Taylor, United
States Inspector for ,the Twe,..t , th district;
Pa.. The partied wore accused; first, of .rup-
Mug the- Parker Oil Itetinerpwithout a UM
toil States license ; , second, of not keeping
books as required by law; third, of removing
a large iplant HY, of oil without paying tax or.
giving hoods; fourth, of using a fraudulent
Miami. Commissioner Davis held an exami
nation.- Anil the parties were bound over tO
appear for trial at the United States Court to
be held: at Pittsburgh.
The manner ii the allege,' discovery of
those frauds, wee , sOnlewhat. singula r.
Taylor, the nspector for the Titusville di,
trio. is a phonographer, arid in his inspection
brand; noes a monograttl ,011i1104ett of Phono
graphic characters representing his name
and address. Ile was aLin employed as a
newspaper oil reporter. one day lien ma
king up Ins Markel report, he found st let of
burl els, to all appearances, reqttlarly brand
ed with his private stamp. But ho detected
that this uhonOgraphlC Char.:lCra were not
correct—as he Judged only a badly Bungled
luiltatlem, This aroused lit* suspicion; he re
t-tett the Inatt,r to 1 Ile Collector, and then
set himself to the - task of unraveling, the
mystery, which bailed iu the unearthing la
the alleged ostensive fraud, SO rebated
.Sloyior or Turkey%
From reports received from Ulu country dis- '
(riots we learn that Ilk sl4ing of turkeys to
grace our thanksgiving tables .has already
commenced in right good earliest, and will
continue up till Wetint4day night. The poor
bird, which some style Gallus Numidlens, will
fall ...ace the knife in outer that we may prop
erly thank Providence for the many blessings
bestowed during--the past' year. The
cononuntty at large have reasons to be thank
ful that they arc not turkeys, and have bettor
reasons (or gratitude since they can purchase
goods at T. A. McClelland's cheap auction ba
saar.Nes. 55 and 57 Firth street, at prices which
were deemed cheap six or seven,
years ago. Tne stuck I. ila•ly amp:heated by ,
fresh geeds received from New York auction
houses and. eastern Sheriffs , .-ales, and are
equal toanvolrered In the market. The stock
einbraceS boots shoes and, gaiters; hats, caps
anti head coverings; cartil.ds, raga and house;
bold goods of every description; furs of every
q wed v and kind; dress goods :In variety;
cintiv, cassimeres and vestings, shows, coats,
vests, pants :Intl hundreds of artlcles which
our space forbids mentioning. For any thing
YOU went et prices which will astonish yon.
Call at, McClelland':. EverYbody, known this
extensive establishment and Can direet you to
It: 11 Is under Masonic flail, NO, 55 and 57 ,
Fifth street. •
.toofhter Egiruirtry . 1!1 Allirgbesiy
Allegheny Is certainly' becomlog . the leader
of rat...put - 0i in . the tray of thieving, burgla
ries, R e., and the thi.OVOA on , t - ttiero aeetu of
the most thrifty nod frugal tort, keeping a
keen look ont ahead for the prospective rainy
day. Tfi - ity appreciate the fact:that winter
and', hard times are clone at hand, and with.
the erenioin of worldly philosophers they are
tithing tone by thefortAttek and making finely
preparations for the cow intrtitue. Ito lotve
not beard :yet that any of them have carried
away - t in ton of coal, or a cooking range, or a
gut meter. but almost everyt iting else int4l.l
- thieves have stolen. Yesterday morn
ing were ported the committal of one Allen for
burglar.ously obtaining clothing and provis ,
lona. Another fellow, on Sunday night or yes
terday mtirning, entered through a-hack win
dow • t he. nesldence of Inc. IlaiionAm -litaeock
street, between Filet al and Sandusky streets,
Fourth ward. Allegheny, and succeeded in
sreathig a quantity et dour, tea,_coliec, anti
ether provisions. A dart: Non overcoat, thin
or two drens,, mind ,01,2,1.1 other articles.
',,Tnerc'were probably two of the operators, as
the plunder had all to he lifted over a high
fence. No clue lots yet been oblittn6tl to the
identity of the thieves.
librkfrall Out anal Looked Up.
At abotit eight o'clock last evening, an old
vagabond cripple, named Thomas McLaughlin
well known to the polico of the city, pecatne
drunk anti disorderly .111 a saloon on the cor
ner of McGee street and Pennsylvania ave
nue, and was unceremoniously kicked out.
tioniediately set up p opulati o n llao
and moon -.had the loose p ot• the
ighberhood about I.lm. An (Allem mitivr
wok L....arrest 1111.0 ano gel hint a. little way
toward the lock up. - ellen the conaiderate
treatmeat will Ii hail hetn ay....led to him in
consid - nrirtion of lila lamene , s, m hied lilin in
to the belief that ho could satin the officer and
.have things his own way. Accordingly he lay
ell tint 110111 and COMM. - Wed
cern I..ogan, Gordon unit liwens, of the Intie
pcnrient tonic tilts up, and by sheer
force, carried to the (lock pp, lie, inean
whlle shriekinz murder and groaning In a
manner winoh drew after 11101 au excited
et - o%d of several scores of Individuals who
renewed him to tile watchhouse door. Once
insido nia cad the old lawn quieted down and
Went to •leop..
Larceny atSWeltger BAH
On Saturday night. two boys who have no
names, but claimed to be railroad employees,
cellos to St. Sweitzer Bail, on Penn street, In
the ]'fifth ward, mid secured lodging for the
night. On Sunday morning ender the .board
ere at the house. in passing another boarder's
room; saw the two boys in the anartmentr
raaatteking things. - The boarder demanded
of them Went they were doing there and they
replied that they were looking for writing
paper. 'They left the room and went out of
the house, after which they were seen uo
mre. w ent r they left the occupant of
ins roont nin and found that a valuable
watch and chain, worth • y u, had been taken.
The boys have not been Seen unheard of since
the theft. ano no trade of them-Is attainable.
Both of them seemed under seventeen years
of age.
Good Tftnes Chanced to Bad.
On Saturday evening, a goal told asilioned
corn busking rams nit at the farm of a
gentleman In 1101,6 township. The boys and
girls of the neighborhood werti on-band and
a good time 1013 being enjoyed in the fallout
cross of the word.. Red earn were found, and
the forfeit paid, and everything won eminent
ly lovely. After a While, However, the good
time changed ton time not PO good. A young
gentleman, nephew. or the no4t, had been
imbibing a little too much, and tklo caress had
Its el:feet. Ito bOCAMegrlarrel.orne aril touchy.
At last be got into open war with several of
the young moo, and aggravated matters to
each an extent that the tudlea of the party re.
tired precipitately in great. disgust, and the
husking that. had progressed su pleasantly
broke up in a row.
The Jury erupannetied -by Coroner Clawson.
to Investigate the causes or the deatli_of
gamine' Shirley, met at the Duquesne engine
house, last evening, to conclude their halms.
The.facts adduced In the teatimony were sub
stantlally the name es we have reported them.
One 1,01111,. Of the OVItI.IICa, V", to the effect
that when the cars were passing along the
• •
.•et, by the Mouth of Fifth, the hose car
,yea and engines could not posiohly puss the
spot without running. over the over tile
ruction by the hey-scales. The Jury returned
a verdict or accidentaliicath, and reeolit menu
ed that the otedruetion Witten caused the ac
cident he removed by the proper authorities.
The ilentoeopathie Festival—Great DIV.
piay—Lairge Attendance.
Last evening City flail wins tilled with the
elite of the wo cities, In attendance_ on the
festival given there for _the benefit of the
lionnimpathie ipspital. •
The Hail to dreelied with evergreens,
the ta
bles are ranged along the shies sued at the
back end of•the km:du—highly decorated, and
the floral temple occupies tile middle of the
I room.
Toidny there will bo lunch from I'2 is. to 3
o'clock, as well as an entertainment In the
evening. We bespeak a much greater attends
idles for this evening than there was Nat
!Slight M.o.—The alarm of tire from box
No. Si, last ayening, atabout half past sever
o'cloce, was occasioned by the partial burst
ing of two Old houses on the corner of deventh
and Grant streets. The houses aro on the
ground which le being prepared by the Pone
svlvanla itailroad Company for tee erection
cif their new freight depot, and were about to
bit torn down. The damage done amounted to
very little the fire being conened to the roofs.
Tire origin of the fire is One state
1., -
Ito t [rect. thatunknown. a
family occupied
One of the houses until a day or two ago, and
the accidental burning lesuited from the fire
they 0.01: Nothing definite seems known of
the matter,
It lwtw Experiment, to purchase one of
,Wheeler Wilson's Improved Lock Stitch
hewing Machine., an th ey are warranted per
fect—will new the anent mulles will ea the
henry beaver cloth. and full i&StrUCtiOrt. &TO
{Oven In their 116. fTTO Of charge. nalearrludl,
23,Elfth street.
IILISH—At clockastle, si s sy Saturday. the 21th
Inst.. at tlts o C. lt: I
Funeral from his late rchldetace, .at New Castle
ru Tult.f.Dar, the 27qh Inn.. at RI o'clock A. as.
years and Amooths•
.linsaeral to take place at 2 ieclock. into At'''r":
sOOO. from the residence of his parents, Job. and
Janeldagutre, No. 2 Coach •.ley. and prowled t
Moans Hilton Cemetery. 'rho •rlends of the de=
oraeed are resp.etfally Inelte.l to attend.
CHILDS—Chi NOVecnber Nth. Ma. JOHN T.
Funeral 20-Dos Toesdst / Lit.*
VOID the residence of 1505. Tfitaatltcrts.
isdltipts ts forwarded I;bloXti wlll TOSOk
subscriber soonest.
Masts Coln fp.r annum)
(lulu of Ton or more
111,L1-3,:./.'uE.d....CTE,.II,T.,EK.any--. The
o ace of except taxe,
, tn tau coon:ay, sit
wiled on hew Brielton road. 1 nwttlately north af
llegbror. For burlad lot!, penults or i.p..lph ltyt
at central Drug stOre•of LOW. CLAN LI. Alto
alum!, City,__
No. the fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. thlla al
all thud., litidPliil3, kiLoiitts.,ath.f viand
of f Fuu era.' Furnianing Ueoas
keiggiafge'?-tevh."lfaiir dkiee'4l.l.
W. Jacobus, MD., Thomas E.srhig. x.sq.. Jacob H
Millar. ILK!.
- ----------
No. 196 Smithfield St.;cor..
-(Eutrware from nt- cult!. St-real..)
rr MA:IEL ar S.
R . T.. RITE 15.,
. .
Manchreter, Wood'a Run and, vicinity.
toner 0. Stanold and &tartlets itrftts.
H 'arse and Cal - naves I
AT DUNSBATH - & Co.'s.
043 Mitroat.
tat/EiT-I.*ELEDICCED raters,
AT •
S7f7X.E.X.. T. 7X7 - 11111frir 'l3.
SeWing Machines
Are'TIIE PEST for Fluffy and lianntseturtng Sur
poses. raft and see sherd at
F O.ll IC-13116'AP
ignicsToN SCOTT,
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
_ , No. 214 LINERT7 STIMET.
Pit a.z-x-r„..b.,3P.93iiwi.a.
wlr..lZ n elga: 61,31°11:::iry427t71 to ROD
( . I.IIIAXIFW)I , I , I`CLAR. SlNntEd
The blf,tnoly Ek.dorgeol _
ALIVX-10.15.7 nr3sLico-CrE.3ill.
tioroea of Gyntua.ta In Iteautlfal and pasTlatta
art, In ronnsuctlon erltli a great eumblnatlOn Of
• , tars.
Nova:taller Plitt, l e tNt4. dolla and 3001.•
Admission nland .arenti.
WILKINS r faA-1:1-4.
Tuesday Evening, ;Nov. 917th.
win .1.. L +eh
firand putertainnztent
A i!the B,lleltatlon of the p•ittlil, with satire cisakgo
,perfcrullne c. rick,* 31 cents. Doors oprra as
7 6 . 00ek. • Eutertatument o•an rotpces sill o'clock.
ter, Lion o persons 1001111 aster a comfortable
➢ .me. to epeeially dirreted In tete property. not
offered for ad, the ...oiler': business ceding Oho.
elsewhere. The property I. deslraaly located on
the-dewed Wank, Foul WI Ward. .-Ile/bray. Th.
Lol Is larg • a: 5. fret on North Cann) etrest.
and exteirilla bock 3 feet lAA Liberty street. 71Ia
consitt of a STORY ERICK
Vi n tt r t?l7l ' ,l7..lf 13 room,. wide hail and verandah. •
altehen and vensh.rooru, haring rouge and Ma on;
s rhie mantle.., gas sod water through
ca.' Al o n Pei s. Otable, containing doggie_ Cier
risen lbws- stabil. for Ave 1.101,44• ' see House:
choice grulei recs. tir•pes and oihereniall trona.
This ts a proiserty. being but a few
Mee' walk from the Wield.. • portico of either City.
Pas roger C Is run within one square of the noose.
for titans end fi.thrr' , mitt:utters Intietre of
T. A. SiceLle• LAND,
out. No 53 and 57 FM
, ,--, ~,
gt ° • 89 MARKET STREET. •
S 9 - .
GO TO . 1
184 R C:0 13 30' 63-,
89' • 89 Market Sired, •
st i THE CtlrArtr,T AND ;t1P..21"
ixTe. TSia C X 'r
No AUCTION 000119 KEY?!
;S9. 'JAM ES ROBB, •89 Market
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
lONIWA.RHODI4...O. W. If. L.).T.Stroor a,
-..-• El) 'ME EMILIf. ormts Woßful, nn...-
o.noi ny 31....e.-KINU, PE s NOC' a. C 0... •
,repectfdlly lc form Ma poolle VIM. we Will cannot.
Om m•Ouracto..o of
.. .
Sheetings, cotton Yocum, Carpe
Calidle Wick
and Batting.
ordera may be left at the Office or the Worts,
PITTSII Tit G BRE Frigßrti,
_ ..c „ruer of D uQneane Way and lisrter's Alley,
X''irtiStaalLl:r632, PEa.
..... M f~
.......... 11.10.
iS Fifth &tree!!
Cir<7. TO
931 Smithfield Street
1.. t, o the
tiamtn iau a ant.
9 89 59 89 89 89 89 8
rio.lerr BE DECEIVED BY ' -
Flouittblng half coluten sdr•rtisensente et (natio
Maehlees. but pet a tilitifk.ll. I BAKES.
It has been Sully test. , lfor etxteen
yearo, and Is by el eOll4.- . .
tennon t Judney o d theme '• .
. .
.. .
USE. .
14c), 10 Fifth 191oroot.
Practical Furniture Nanuracuir I
71PC,VS. ie11.9-X-103. •
, ne a. d WORK 140}1.19Eri, 11,4 rooetyp
..erw to.,7cheutp: colo aciornittLVlNG HORD
coo rOcc IV' XE,111,.. oareracco io be ao, t e
" a nu;Nrit Y & BALE lirrAß
it near biouottaaticla Howe,
TIYhave removed the ohlee'oethe ROM OIL.
WOIMS from 3511erket Street. PlltAbStrith, to dude
Works on OhlimOhl trraErr Brownstown, 'Am
.ten nen DM:eafter be found. •
Post.leochddr ev. 830. Fltisburgh.
T1TT.41, , 41 arrtya yym_
I ACE + LEATHER—Ot the beet
.1-taanataclaared, at 21=4265L Clair "Wm..
;ma ._ J• tUrtIALWA