The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 26, 1866, Image 3
i -^ • • ... . . _ . ~..,,„•• ~.._ ._ „„- r . . . _., _ .. . , t... ,_ ._.. 4, „..... . , SPECIAL NOTICES. . • . • POR SALE. . 1 MERCHANT 'TAILORS. .. ...„_ 1 fe -- f - ' Till E. QUEEN: .TIIE ......-;. .. • - 1- ...- - ' i ~.:: lom . ...1., .., n•.F 0./ , 3 3 . , , , , , :C., \ ,\,.., i , , cttxE.:! - .: , VOII S 4LE.-1. Farnt urlabout :1S I WINTER STOCK OF - 1- • . ',ln , . , -;.til• - .1.N 0,!: • ‘5",,, :,,,,,• • t•e- • E:• 1.11,i e",es • 1... e 111_ ere, tetrge I .- , 1 .t. .-. " ".- . - ). Our So 3len• - - ... •.. '• .., -..-„_". t ••• '.. ' ''' ' ~""'''''''' E ''';,.. 1"1"1) . "' %..',. 1 Ooys Cioining. ;The French Troop. itt Slexien-Ittonor- ;......1 I_, II 1-...: r t. z. ra. I t ,_...., - '., ,„ _.„., ~„," ,/,,,,,,,,„ ... d,. Shawls. • . 1, , - , ~,,,,,,„ „,,,,,,, be d oit e for our ?Moog men' , ....1 Hoot posses/tent 01 i sieir Witlittrau. a I .... tr a • __ _ . , Frauds. ,♦ - ,t ~,,,,_ in , ,_ Skirts, . • liohdieds of then, assemble et . ery night In the '''' --I)th A rrea .it or, e aThf. aof to o Inca do not I.imuible there , . lathe. Beat Hair 11, ',three ever offered t o of ~,„ite„....,,n. 0 . 3 ..,•.• red.good and . SUITS AND OVERCOATS, ! loons. Young , ne• ' Theatre., Vorict leo, billiard and ..... _ _ .... N my 1 . ,, ~.., yu..., n, „ ~,,. , , ..,„ / Th.,, , ,f 11 . ~m„ 1 , ~ ~, N , ~„, ~,,,, ~ ~. , ~,, ... ~ ,'. ~ . :: :::, ~.,.::, : t ' , ~...,, ~ ::,.,,., ~ ~.,..: ~,..' :...,... . N 0.,., „, , ~,g, , 1 ,, ~.,.1,1.,,, ‘ , O " ~. .n g t.. 1 ' 0 0.,01 .n.. O 11 , Intlmate.l In c.d. the Public. aostrl sni. A Irnlrale:y for dairy or gardunlng pm- • Nubias, from ~,, mum., love for b.:Mil ecenes and an• clgl mrclth that the 1 3 1 en, it Government 11 , ..:1.11 - 0:-Jill.t• hxsiontta and rnlcsamvst. or the poss.. _ . , . ~ ..• For the Whiter Sen... Prices Low. mclat ion, :1. large • 11,01,91110 n go to these , .ts pal nose lan 10,10 , 1 , 1 t. hy the a, idiot. If I..lonfuhy atroded. AI:, 17 - ... re, a) , l,One Ilk a , 1,0.... with a good . 1 ,Ift is r.‘" tiair Dye. • Frnou . Iles', , l i i ; nT i i . 34,te v 1i.. „ 1, „ v r . po i i , l oi s , t , n , if ,, llAu? l e , 1 • SEteql-leSs , p i se ,,,,, t h e hest instan •- 0e because they have tm...mum( me,el.l/ .fr ,It h Nit. 0....ard, to' I Will:M . .V thee Ft en: I, troop. from Nict . ..: , nth:a A •..u. A ~,,.., nowneth else to tie. This the proprietor. of ilt acts dire.3l . , - open the routs of 'us had ennur- 1 !!..1 1! "". T. "''.'"! t , ..a u ' 13.• e. ' , " c.. '• la also all ou. 1 GR.a. 1 & • L0G.a..1.‘, • , fall, onl poatiume- the .., ttioaao. al 1111 next td, '.- i , I, , . i , i ,. . ~.. ~,, ~„ _to .00 , ••, • .- 1. , rey .r to •eeer e. ,11 .11 . ..1.1,C• 1.. .• ~, , ,b,i ~. , 1. 1,,,y1 . these initituttons know fel! 0 ell, ;ma itel SC- : ,pciu,. It , 1.01..0 , 1 thi. Ott. the .übject, •,,,,,, ~,:o atilt tall., ens ofth. nth . : ~, ii''' . Apo, Id ner,. A•lhentng the n't vet tun:Lore , ' scar fs, , , , cordially h_y maklng them an ttthraCtire I, before the , :aninet 3 entente. ing .3.3 f and dmdroff: and curing nil Immo , of tb e,• for ~,, ~,,. , ~,• 3 ~,,,, ~_,-‘,„ „,. ~,,,,,,,,,,, „.,, :h • ,„ . . . .Mo. 4'7 6 .4 Clair Street. .Sontags; , b , The arrant. of ,irtega tut /I. out to Itarc been ica . l l .„, _ , _.. ,„ ~. , i . _ • eal. , pO.Sible. These 'thongs OUght nC , L .0 to , i a volum„y „ . , ~,,, me 1, ,, , ,,, , ,,,,,,, e ,„1„,,. 1,,,,, !,, f , . , , _ , ,. c".. i ithge Lit ..,e ..11 , ” --Ir le, ...eel. n,,,, a v. ; ,T ,,„ ~, t .,,, 11 . 1,0 ,, 1;ie:a••••• 1 ,;•.r0rr.T1,,,e,._,,,,.77,..1.:, i l . 1 ' ,. ..' ' • - - _ ' ,1 NV bi - t . LotlntCE attraetlOnn Van 1 , 0 lurakhea lit has mom a pproved, by the Lies-mm..3d It • 1,, 1L T ! ,,,' - ,, - ~.,,,e , ,,i ~.., „ ,..s nr, „ ~,,,,,, ~,,,,.. , ..t.. , 12 ,1 1 , , , t: r 1 , t 0 .. , _:‘ , ,1.e.,1,..,e1r.,1-..1e,41:1.,•.,.,,,1ge.,,,,,,,1,1, ,t 1,1.1,,,, road, ~.„.1 ~,, H.E IVRY' Gr. :3E Ala E 110,_........„ :i. a question whjeb ught, rex/4,001ns reasons, ' appears 0,..,..,rit ta ~,, , ,,, ,, y the 111.1mm/int et Ir. euert. If yon ulnh to rent. , l , it \ 1,, " 1. ITi c cod . 5 1 one le word, all that du asked for the en• . , to reCethe the anxious conohtleration r•I pa- Oaly a I t:01 MM.. of i ,, = atid is vouch, nx.l o tali: 11. throtaa, life 11, g•-••e1,,....., meere . l,tte. he t, lANiett. to ...m. , the the • "r A !. . ' ,f ' r.' 2 7 .... 1:3 tr. 0 5:: .. et. 1u -I..l'lAl:tots , • " , I,y. .-IERCHA.NT TAYLOR, • .._•/:_•.,..:k5, rents met employt•rsr , A recital . ot Is lint is - ."... , ..., t•i" n • Inh, i' 'C. , . 10:,±11V,S tiILEN 1111 r. US 01.1. ii, being done in Phila.( Iplila and o th er cities In tenth of .1.1e111 , 20 .1.1 , 1 pet se It 1, .te , , 1 ship, ire lite,* 1,1 , 1 ~,eeettv. 1 1 z, 15,111,eie OA 1 ceet , , Arberlenn 1115111 N. TII , elll.llVe lee.lllt 1.,:e111 I • rIeo Si rag tooth., Sel , ii••• • \'.. IO 3 . 3,, ' the Ithe et ,!., P. me. 101'....t. 1 t0.F1,,01,,,,1i, N k_ „, : that direCtion may he of .!rvlee. *ll 'et C ruer of Fenn 4, St. Clair Stti tfte . I 4...... ,,, . ' The member.. ol the Young Slatthi Cht 0.1 inn t e . lllllllllllollsely lad byre to .1 :I.LI eV.• The CW10 , 51 - R. F. ski-L-r.-1,,T), , c5...0,. ', e.,. et: 1 1•11.1 r, n t'r .o.c 1 ..0. 0.1 , vv. , f., as 1 “''''7 ! ''' , AsaliellitiOn, et Philadelphia, hays taken the tr , aud,:l• l llleScleeped 1n the Inv eattgatlons 1 y ' pu nts. In hand. They have opened to the , too Itorenchtnent CO , lllll It . e•le, 11, 11,1 . 11111112 .„.. „. Whole,,ale ai..eivis. • 1• 1 1,, ,, ,, , •; , 1 , , , 1. ~1tj,„•,1,/,.,..T:t..."1,•,..,,n:;,,1,.',4.,‘,V.,''r,,,,,„,„4,.,.;.,• ','„''',::',..'..‘,.°.:.....,.',,,1,1.,,',',.'1:,,1;;.h,,",,fir1r7,4::,,7,,u4n..“',P0u,,b„ '/ i M 'cow ClosiwriOut at Cosi, - ' punlte,lind to young men o:+m/chilli: It .0M of i 1,,,,d,3,3, p d , I f ft c TI -1,, , ,. ! * 1 1 1 - , good theta rI. us, , eLt.l : .l .i ou , • 111 :'. .. ~ . „. ...,_,„, „,,' „ _ ~.,,, . lette1,1•11 , 1 ',ell ,e, 11,1 It, ',II t ree•, , ,tre t 1, , • I 1" 5,1•,' of t eutl l, - I--r •e• • 1 1 0 wool , Owns atNo.l2ll.lChetntnut strtht. Th ' etie looms •, ' , ow pg 1111,, ,, I. 1.11 , , , amt hoo 1, ntel e border. 0. rod , Ir ducOneth once to the 1c.:35..r %if' M. VI ittNillt,ll. a. I'o.. i ..01c , ..,. I•ell..„ 5,•1,•., e ,sel , l 11l .11.5151101 ' tes•lee , 11 , • 1 1,... , 3 0, nave them ....n111). III: '1 :LTC kept opera cc/ IT ti ey train 9 olelsek A. at. , • : .. . • .. • • :, . , ..,,,,., , ~,. ._.. 110 o'cloth T. If At pth.ent they are three 1,1,411,ent 5: ea...rat...1 .0 the 00 3t 1 11:L• i 5 e . I 'I., r NI•till the is. r-, 1 properth - el• , Is q. 1 A RICH ASSORTMENT Of ABOVE GOODS. 1 , ' .. " L '. .n. U.., yery large, handsOutely tor. • Ceri.• . 1 criiimuma.. urn nln the i routol. rm. 1 . ...,..,.. , 3 1,1,3 n llama Hatch,. • I Large and Carefully Selected Bloch 111310 1 d, %ell 11011ted and ht•LetC.), lei the r.4.+111111.t , . BOILER MA.I-(ERS Ah.... Pam ~f 33 arr... slim.o.l to ~...hartl-rn lai, 3. „ _ ... , ~,--.A . . .rac• .;rosin and Ilbrary, Here are tO-be found all ;By r‘oroi;:o 31.16- `t Of .the Enrl or it 11 1 Alt.:llm , ....clay , l'a., a1.....0......, mint : • . r 71,, -.1-1-... .-"A-Lt6.-9[114--.V-L:‘ 1 the lea , llll papers, daily r 1.11,1 weekly, and the t Herb). front 11,1. 1:11F, 1,,e, iler no , ~f I.IIC `A. ... zee li •• 11. ',Fine Woolen Goods ANL/ I ll ~and vardon on.-1 , 11 toile .f a 1af..., , 's' 4.• re, , • e• . perm/heats and lteView . s, Loth et otir own ,..,„ y or e , s o r ..-2,._,,,,,,,0, of t i,,, Earl _ 1 the hc nt of creek. tenon:ll.nd. ate In a hies .t .t , of I Particularly adarted mi 1 , counlrrnani England, to the nuMber of a hens ,,, i . h .,,,,, , , im ~,,,, ~,,,y , ,,,,,, i„ ,,,, i ,,,, m „ or. _ , SHEET " IRON ' WORKERS, , rltlyntinte,:lewri,••:o,,,,4l,ll,l Joel t amuni. 111.. • „ ~„, , 'I ! V.Ekk IGL LILL SNP 115TE6 •-, • 17 Fiala Stre,ci., , tired and upithr.H. A heCOll.l rleotll, Inc go- , don. ~,,,1 ~ t e nth :Melted 1., 10 . tehmlph, • what smaller than the first, Is turninbed WI ii • eentalned 1 . 1111; tollowingt WWI to to tied ' ' . Marina Is irt.t,terally Leeeee"l. .The 5.11 1 , Ne.e• i• 1 . 11 . 1 I :11AILLan ' _ .. - . ' ' ..iadapt. , d 1, gartle•Olte.r. I Ile at . ,llloli or th , .55. , ~.,,,,, _e ; ' • • " parlor. .1 third, s[' of Same nine ab the rend- I „.,•.,,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ No ,. 20. ~t . ~ am , .., 6 r ,.., L sr , - ---_-.---._wl.blng t0...1.01 , 1 the butt., old enll , , 111,7,. SOOlO. CILPILhiIe of ~,,thi g. thr,,, „, totir 1 i limy mi•l It 1.1.1 i.ll •• :t iteielibliC lexelee, the,''' 'a '''''' ' g' '' '' "r. '''' '''''' I" r''' '• ''' I'A I• ,t 'dila) WI NtEn. GOODS. hm, ram., of .. I acres. situate Lee k.eeretteelle • ~,,. -• e ' hundred, i. Used it O leelare room. . SI . addl. , A ,, ,, , , ,,,....,,,,, ,•,.,,,,, 0 , ~,,, he , ',w o o ~,,,to.I , .Havumbectiod s lame tool, and Inrrdshe'd It alts town.hip, Allegheny county. 1 . 1,, on lie Simon , i ~. """ ',' 1 ."' "" "r3.'etl""•!"•••,•19'1"• ' !:"" P "- I there leat' the SLII Mee, hoc; 1 , may rosy the in. I the noth an /weld:lore, 0, are preparedr ~,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,_,•,,,,, ~,,,,, from ~,,, 80m ,,,, , , „ W. :a. itc , GE , 4 ., „,, ~,,,,ed.,,, ~,, taltin, ...rem/. ,_ :van, , ~,r i o : „, 5c „.,, t ,.. i s sii ii , „ild ~,,,t ..,,,ted. 1 manniactor. terry deeernalon et Father. 1 ' , m e itit,.beth, tine ... liu et the luot sunitt.7. thc rats 1 • r-g , gatt - i -PI.A 7 V I-I ~,., ,„„,‘, m ~,,, tads • Fre ,, el • EdeCedlon and Mann , . and hay' , .. . 110In '' !, I re . 1 cannel be 1,311. re tlt it that gt vain.' '''''',.''''......",''."'"" .. ' ~, Fi ,.. ,ft,. prov. me are a farm hon. WIIII 51i rOtillaa,agocel 1111411- 2' 01 V0 ' 07.,, ,, men In each Of these blanches. ! i„,‘,„_,.,,,, ~,,,,,,,.. , i „,,,, i • m „ , ',,,,,,,,, ~,,,_,, im ,_ , , tn ,• • . ••• ,, , , , , . , , ht , r . ... ,. .. 1 1 ; 11. , 1 , 1 , , ,, n , , ed , . , . 1, 1 :,, r.... ,• •. , n n ir :,,.., , , 5,•,„1! ,0b5.,,,-,eruei,,,,if,,,9,,,,,,,..,,,,,31,,,,,,,,,,t,,i,,,5.,,,,,„i0,,,,,,,,,.1,1,11„.„,,,i65,b,,,,,,, FU. 10 St. Clair Street, "net, giVC akm your,. Of Icture, truth the- ' • "US iltrOt t•I tOZ_Ill•-• WM. , ttt " , •Ptt.tet . d" I• -: Ism., Tsoks. MI Sttl , S. A ittatern, Settling 1! ...• es nLesirri, fte su e.slon inunediate,e, tt,,,,:d ,•,it tbe sit , ntlon of inters to Ilk ntock ol , rary anti ectent the, and Mutical ontet tat. - 1 - 3 : 1, 0 b,,,lmi o f el&et ss hior nee war habentadhol mitt, Iron, Bridge. , non, l' and ode fan... . Al ue , the bind Farm In Elisabeth township, /mod, 1.111.1,11..1 ,,. ..t. , Mimed with gontenre and sr .r. monk All these attn. , Ithus .rte afforded frac , •on Its national 111,..,.. and 0 hich Isguriaing ' factor.:'. of ItAlts.1111.1.•:. rATI,NT 1301,,E1t,. , 0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,, 90 ~,,,,,, lying ..0 111 blononnu- ~,,,,,1,,, a ft ihe tat, , k ~,,,,.. o r G oo d, to to , f oo lo i c BATES 050'. Bagas,aup 4 , / , h , - ,, ,, , to all , 1 ,," ` a Ilfe ••''''''''' 1 .11elt superlounan tiro, ts to recover its Mtn.- ! he palchng dean 'lt , the shectee , aotic , k. s ±l l _ beta river Iteenerellately twit,. Lock No • a to which su e rn ,: as ~,,,e,„ G e ms sennou, • t """ -"!Y ' c" " " M" u!,Y,be"‘",""!!'"T,'r 1 Mai position, Iconnot Ina:m:l,om that a eutmtr. , . Is erected a lees tweenort. hrlek dwelling, ne to • ~ppr oF /1.01•1153.. MADE 10 ORDEI, - ' lir'L.9.lsE SUPEIIIOII - - nud one tr.Lteit• bth / bath. rotta crlb, Alston shed, .• , •21 Fifth Stteet, ,b ; the , p"Lyrllrenl Of a 4111...1e I111”1 115 . !.'e , .• • ••Ie I , d e eeeelc ~,tot-,-eot le the -dunce Of vifgo \ - • I. e lt, Philadelphla Ii 0110 dollar a yeer. In , ~,,,,,,- ~,,,,, ~,,,, „ , ,,,,,,,,, y A0w ,,,, non e „,, , ,,,,.. , U ill pan. , van and amine. , our goods and toleus. 1,,,, -k , o , tng be ll - , 1 11. 7 i . ", r, i,17,.'",1 ' ;.%; ' ,. ', ',.,, n , 1 .1!1 “ j , at, a nit and emu/ileac stock or FU1tN181,11.....7C ! New Ye•l , IL 1".1 CA 0,10,1,ar,, and 111 , 1,V /11 ,, in/” . I pO,l the agilittlen o lor hat present ptevalls, • COPPER MILL AND SMELTING:WORKS. t1=4,7!:,•,;•,,,,,ti,,,,,1.,•„:•,„,r,•j,,,- , and un ' dert,Shl a Ith Lit./ODO. .. 1" AI . sttruettnna. Tlic nugget. the Ass.,- i • end exhibd to the' 0 011,1 at ti., Illotant perlint , void, and atiel 31 acre, Of 11 emton... Thcre are Will. H. MeGEE, ~ , tom In Plilladelphla ;stated 11,0 itherace • rirrsuuntan. too orchards of ova.. toes, In R. , . heartoo et 1l 1 ' I the grulttylng pro- peel of a great., a 1.1 . 0110 1 n itrthet of young me, i ishtten d s .,e, at, their ! mid U. 11 111.1,01,311. communit, and I may be i o peacti pear, p.o.e. trees and grate cute n, Fn I St rAll.Olt, v. ~., , r , li o n; l Is ar,M Aligned ior mu d purpoes, No. In St. 1 1 1kIr gere...t. eitkuorali. •I r onsiS to I,e over Ile co hundred daily. But 1 abtoperino Hui ti, say that in t h e courts of that I ! I ese are ,not Id. the benetitS furnished to 'di tstillul ti ar ',Welt has co long devustnted PARK, IIicCURD AO6 ‘....•., twins/ a short' istance' from, the thrtelug horonat a ' of tillhe property will be sold cheap and.. - a sought 00 . tith et - ttll Het. reatonaide mro.s. BOOTS AND SHOES. • _ • good boarding place., (111 i orOnatit , ‘l ,lO O tnor• • p,,,,ii.ped t b., ~14;41,1 alleollllt. or .00i0.,..t ~„,,.,,,,,,,, r ....,,,a, , Al s o. • re per,,, mus deal,. Ate°, A Fano of 911 acres. cuns , Ila I . • Reduced 20 pee c en t. . , ,LI 1.1111,11ec , ~.., tilnelt I , On the oork gl Ol,ll I te em,. .1 . 1.,,,,...0. conildent expeetallon 11 , ~ ,I s mime., • I • STYLES OF `,:rite 1 , 1.1, ,11e,... Iron, Wlie, le. tton. tovin.hfp, Sae , rtiyceooY FT: i" , 1 ,17 .0. ' , , , 1• ~1 , 7,..,, , , : , THE VERT LATEST , ,iponlnor ilam 6 thot ti. ,, Y .r.“ , . l Y.'gr' ,l- , the • t ~o to.ovt.lttumtts. I lleprela,•111114 Ibc•ole ..,,,,ily ~s 1,,,,,t 3 1,,„., ~. st oe hts,., und Coma. f„rotnt!airs,x,s,e. ~ /1,,.,1,,,,,,rixx,:h......r„,... , , ..., i A . Otte lot of Brodie Sliamis, i sting ;r larger stecomplomttiost• ThH es .tt 1 ~,,,,,,,,,, ~, m ore lt of nmotal torpearance ! Nyaretnin.e.S . l , . HO Fot. r a •1.12.•..5ne0nt,...r.,ta.1.i., .1,,,..ang•,..„..,!„,,,,,.,f,Z.,,,,,,,1„,„,,„,%,!",,. .1, nr ,„ ., t, ~.,, I • ...‘0... ,,, : the seOlk tee., d em , I , phitadel- I , :1..1 load 1,111410,1t1011 will arrive at such. a I I mt teur:re:•lls:leal orders of Lop , per ci._ ~.. Y .1 t ' 1 pblo. A -1111Iihir Work, as wan Fah+ ILIeOsC, I , , ,„,,,1,,,,,,, ~e t ti n e,* eieleent.cele- ad 1101 el:Ily to • Cr- / P tcero u ythcalaixtel, li.• to ut dunllty. Tbe A• WI. V r Ili tic. ree.eiel at t try , Fine French Calf Roofs, -- ~... ~-..,-. I \ . • . "zrmigi - lz - cltzra.,a-m..- t•-• ,,, :g d... , :. la !•• ,,,, •vorb - -- Tbc '-"!'"'" """" " r 1 nettle, 0 all remnants ot letternms, but place Alb - oly, Heaton and Cincinnati. In the lat ter ,on n better folinilattott theft ever, our vela. , ..„.._-4... • • 1 ! 0- --- raFITT‘IIIVITC II SAW IVOICKS, For further part.euleas, enquire or G. n. TowElt, tine Hip Boots, TWO LOTS OF S:11ILL Slllll , L., -, r , ::t• CHARD. It 110 ,, a; CO.. alannfactu. „, ~,,,,, ~.._._ ~,,,m. 1, , i ~,, ,„..b ~,,,. • al, clty thole arc coffee r 00,,, o p en d s y istid nt gni I Holm " , Ift that' great m•untry to 0 mai w._ rt , rert of Pig rNT id , 0N I , 01tatti1.31,..... vrarrank e" . ' I "! .. - t • • 1.11,1,10.3'mm Mal' prOcnt 0c01t..•, at any our, lamnd by so Many Lie of interest and regard 1 ~ ~,A,..„-,,,,,,•,....1., ~,•w • ,...:, , , ~,_,.,.., 4,„.., „,m„ ..m. 31 ,,, ,, . ft- .1 3111,11111te ler the strOnger and le\ no In- 1 15 1 0 It SALE-100 .4e .eg Of Laud I {Valet-,roof Boots, --,.-- : 11111,. I: re. , . -Cul. 1e...5. net,l n,I other , nrieto, . • 1101003 lieverage, Chisothei . or Life TIP•11141A1101.• I Alt On , 5.1 a::IV L. and nl'. INGS r,t.h. from A- lu Wantouvoei eentilV, We ley t , w1•411p. I. something of thin 11011110, kig,..., _‘• „ , ___ _ . _ ._ . 5h,,,,.!,,,,,„/,_ei,F,,,,:5re,„,,,i1k,,,.Es ,i wow.. ~, ~ ~ ~,, ~,,,,,,, 11. , ~,,,!,,,. , . ~,,, . 1 , L I , .;:,., i , Hew y Boots, i here, and v. e nre happy to .1010 that :. move •_ . i 4 'O3%N , 11Ce,,,,!,.,‘",,,,';.1.-,,,,,_,,,,i,t411%,,,,e,',,h001 1 1 Ibis It N 1 \ Lb. .tc. 3 , ..0.1 oda, materll,ll., lar,.e. , .11,ra. 01 . t, . , U. went is :dreioly on. loot to d ecoruplish it. .Ufl . lefe m noon , . 3 e 5 ,, ,,, ~.,,,,,. %, ....._ .,,1,,, , ,1„ ~, ~ „," "- • ••, ,,,N l : s L J, e , • .:ei v !i i . s i t , i , d , ,, \\: r eT i !.... corner NCA - rsit and , hand., sin i wlthla 1, , i, loth.. of Cover -, tom. on the }Loretta .11 , 1 L thetuunti 0...1.r.a1. I abaecial ion' In bein' formed W‘m. vi... -- :to 1 o,,llM,Ough, to het rte t a . f ': ! , I Vart:e" , elar atte noon paqd t.l re-to,dhfriA. gum. Loh, 4. 0 Per o're• ' Ladies' Polish Boots, .1,,...i..: Mel, a mote of roan. and turnlthlng 1 Pt` troth all „ Mlarife m , Iran. u et,t , , 1 ,„ 111 , 1 ..„.1 ~,i,„i•bi ^ow, an... hirulcLteolneCtr, mar S.A.', alto. otpatra s ~,,,. I n it,,,,i,,,,,,,,:::,„,.... b„,.t.„(r,,,,,,,,,.,,: 1 some 01 'he attract icon ] above enumerated to ,eh ewes of 1,0,111.00 , • a,. . ' „., .. 1 ,11 L ' ,th, 1...,,,M, an.t I.llllng Meat ni re , mi., . n ...Oen there ate three t1.11111,111115C0 IA L. • our voung men. There well be an atiJout !led meek au enactment by Congress app.., log au. „,.....„,,,,,,..„.„!, le.lmad : h i ' p ' s (..b. on- frame La ../ f lour moo., al, li. I sx b I - I lAlie ' Button Gaiters, l u re mhos • Monthly) evening, 13 the Lees nually a proper let of the nuttimettcy ef . the goed couditlon, lure INsmi of the Fir.t Presbyterian Church, angers Of mien contr.:oly. .1,.:49-IROBINSOIti, lAEA t , .: C0., , G. ii A; - ,30 /err ••e 01 L. 0i for 4....,,,, llt•ei.t. •el $ l lO.ll F/ ~ ~. ~ ~,1 , .., Olt cceoel ...treot, to COlitinettt the orgalllgaooti. • , Va 1...)•• 013 i 1 . ,....111t ' t .. t• 0... ti•,.. - Itltirtl 1••••••111 Alt.1•1:1] I - Lad leS t algrt•Sn Uattss.3 v., '''''°'' 1 ." "U' ll •'''''• .. ''' l ' l! I. ' '"P''''" hot the . steion 4 Vailey Itond, 11 , vas-nese , 01 I . 1.1111 all wont] your.g mutt ate iovited to be The Fneille Itztllrond ESCUrSiOlli•il. - WASHINGTON WORHS, thlt prop , rty no numeroul, I• 101 by calllng out. we present. , Linctsan . r., NOv. gl.-The Central Paifc in or, Intl part,ulart Ladies .' Balmoral', . • flathead excurslunitta nrrtted.,, hero 1 11 0 1 93 Scree. ao acree+ , to Id t 1•1••• riahl with 1 1 mornlntt, Unit Wlll lent , for the ca-t on Mon- con', el: 110 eI- .0 .30 , Fa 3-,.. that "hi:, en the , day The Cotonierce, ye.tentay, appointed is 4 10 11 bcav I lm •In•id t imem , " l, m l,l ". Veeet Cr••ac I Illisii•s and Children , ' Shoes of - - ii ~,.....1. :00, , Lat.t. nar'atadat al rat • Melo., the exemannill., and C .sTot !' t i e e tt ' t ''L a ' r . ' ' Trees lett is 0.. f" I rot.. a. r 1 Every Description, at toua ponds sid iota`,, _ : lit the 30. Act . . bla litton 'l'.. - nattp. 011 the \N".0.1.310. 1. city. . • . ra, three -Ile. It - 1.171 t Ili. C it, 7 lona dem ! , Hs miles est on the 1 THOMAS H. PHELPS' old V, A•hil,tol. II IX. . 3 S:, .x. re, la Llte, 1 teee,,l.lte, three .1.. cm trots i Ala .0 our Mark, 1. , 1 liactdo, Itotte. to Allenhene 13 . , .110 111. e 46 Sinithlield Street. , v, twittlr , g, one iii Freeport. mai at Cole •,,,,, I , rita , tun. on the I•en•rni Peunt3looolo 01.11104 e. , Al •• Mooed. . 3 , .03 1111110, thfa rim... 1 few 1 mom ACIIO, Lot' o. P.a. can 10 ,no .1, thlt office. 1 n•I'l, 1,041 alut 11,11 0,13 , 1 1 !,.., , n.'.4 1 . VI„ . 1 . : , ;:i . - • 1 Bed c. 1.1.1 AX, nt , 1'.:7 Vontit. strect• IAMINOz..•;•• KY GoODS TRIDIMINGsoite aiT y AND. suBD BBAN. ' EARLY TELEGI-1;a11.S. (&i)LITIONAL LOCAL NEVE 03 Enna' PAGE.) 1 WOOLF, N GOOPS BARGAINS IN OFFER AT ROWED PRICE:, ';1 1!=i1 15e..-aukd-81,115, Very Cheap 'WOW C7r C#CILIEb. itgal Irish Poplin Gala. Plaids, , Merinos, Empress Cloths, Coburgs, coin; s. note A p.ClitTM, GLIDE &. CO,. 78 And 80 Market htrept. RECEIVED THIS DAY. A ' e.rLENIAD point, Point Applique, autt Va lezicia Lace Goods. -Laces and Edgings, Ensertings, Handkerchiefs, • - Collars and Sets, Collienrs, &c., &c logethey wltt:s full er.l comp:ate lace MI MIX 41:7 , X RT. E f 3. . • . . , , SarT. M. WIL.LI9, for tte vest tin ) ear. with Eaton, a , rt:111111 2t . ao., hating Made an arranie ',tient With Mt anat . °, will be happy to bee Ills old friend, ' . - n 0 .3 _ _ E w FALL GOODS MACRUM & CARLISLE, tit . , e %est opened an ex t ensive and splendid sleek of itEl33 AND RICH I.lON.Sei .t TItIIISIINO enuisoN av,v description, - AN!) t:LIttiA , T g PALL 1..10Ea of u:11.11 le. . r:1,4.1• ',ACE Tll.altikil)LitiOlid, • sideudid Hof,. • attructivo styles; •,Oetril eol ; CtilLilltbb It0.1illst) V .F.IiTS and s'.II.NCT tt tb , n•es-vm; kNI.) AMERICAN ZErliYll.l, SHE VHF. GENUINE Cs.alilitEltE SAILNS—aII colors ltT- ofesere size, H. alerCtiant¢ and 1./..a10t.e end It to theliadvan tags.' to call and cumulus our present extensive stool. before purebying elsewhere.' All our goods ligna piircbased direct on 100 nest terms, ivo ate i.,.._,:pjao7ol,:igduveZetu.aice it lour prices .3 any 11.1113- . MAOKIX. & causa, .tal9 10 FIFTH STREF.T. - 0 lila' RECEIVED JOS. 101N4 SS CO. •B 0 dr. X z.:T S 4. XD HOTS, • • ' pr ,a.nall3-1-32.01-37 ..<3.4=I,O4ASSIt. and 'Frames. Farts Taney and Colonel Silk V.Ol As In moat dtalrable anadem plain inner p ue os• n t s an‘ r t s .r , CTICIZt bench : u ;:s7sel a gsig c batforay and tlar it , • 3:61:73 FL GICX 3:11 XLEIII3I 'Wet mcunca •) Ilimburg, 21710, Lonnr, Vaten g ge anti I utertiord 1. 1.-unclog a. 12.8: I t 2.1:8r0m roW: Entbraid..rurAtcd,riay.. Line °'‘ " mh I.)taltrliolulnes and orunment.: itlTl , Vgir.. UMW. pros ,Ertruro4Vila rt4tr)o us: A loom. Complete stork. of Saronets, Clunbrica. Lar., lfem-stached. Hem red,'Dsne Bord roered.,etc., etc, 5.00 1. every va NatiVeTrtlV 4.3 b g l' e end erwearie "4 . 0" • rtsrliirhing 6°.°lrdyBdliirta and to.B"t*r'llilrrat,lg•kin'ilki.a. Hlpl3:;alllr,,ts.;‘r Pun...Num UnionlsndurAll. übe rg c y a kin and ..01 glu lox 'Ulnas mlzturaa, plain color n'llennngier Collars,:and sport thing inrdbe tiVrgells ow as Eastern Jobbing liontea. _Nos.ll and 19 Market Street CSR, McCANLDESH I% CO., (1....rz W anix.r. CAII.II teCO..) • VVIIOLICSALE DlCet.ras Et• lOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY C OORS. xJ c.. N7c7 Coact a., Third trtise • beae Limon WSW TOBACCO . CIGARS, BLci • EXCELSIOR TOBACCO %TORUS, R. • & W; JEtIKINSON. • • YINCTACTCIMILS us ALL RINDS 'Tobacco, *null and Cigars, • • No. 6 EEPENNIZSTNEkr. 116 rd ..00r from aospmulon pAi Brimch Storr 'lO R. B. JEFFRIES ......„,1; jVl2.l2l,xvotand Itetzilll i TOBACCO,:iNUFF AND CIGARS, 1.4,. G nT. Ci,Allt STREET, Prrikslll,,Oil. I. . •11.1S0(1;MtZatglliAtIT6IfigAY,Vi: on na,.. .. tnTles:ta OFitinTbr.----Atrittisjakititi. • , D5....3. IN romr.IGN -AND POseTric • SEGrAPS, CHEWING TOBACCO smoking Tobacco, pipes,scc . , . riTc›. .41. Eic...cre.xvl32. Iffitr eve*. OOPS corner Of Llberty,) VI1"T , 1111 BO li • EGRAVC6 ntl k o , l=l: r mod Ltktall Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 45 lEL.ELANTS, ST Et 3EI ET. ='•1111 OESE, P PhiladaPhia. L c==s 19 FlCtili street, Pall No:atrium% of Al Abe:ending Tall 9tyleg HOTELS The linbscrit6rNinijle2ririltilgfisieskitie w ith. 11 h"litirePT MANNER. and is now flrepered with eP 4 meet T he appoiatineni• tar the reception al The Ire. position miming wfll Grim-class Hotels heztintained In he fuo.rti,aa qt!, GUANT SOUSE, ISEC. 0331335a4, Proper, ;der of latielis. sad friss' Btryo, Niar the ilugoepslou Bridge, AyiaiirA yyitllllrX vIT PA. An Inbumast. Son-A Father Cruelly Benton by Ills Own Child. ..SaMnel Gracey resides a Ith his father in the suburban 711 lag.e of . East Liberty. Samuel' , ancestors were wealthy, but unfortunately for SausisePi paternal relative, the glittering dross disappeared from his coffers ere S:anlnel reached mob's estate, and in consequence , Samuel was forced to tests the 1.1 0,1 1101(10f Indust: y t., the nrocuration Of This anger,d ,I.IIIIICI When Ile reirected on it. .nd caused him to breathe many and deep cur ses on tile folks that took from his she the wharf:withal by whirls r might have 101 l a Isle of extravagant indolence tin Friday estening . best Samuel bcraint , slightly inehria • ed and began to brood ot'er ha, povetty until he be- Tame FO exasperated iii to, Upbraid 1113 hither for having tailed to husband his alumna and thereby have a sunicient dower to make his- ,- -Tcogen7 st eallity. The old Clan en dcrtemed to defend himself Iron] the rs• proact, so tinl, - .inilly given him,but th,s only added to the fury o t Alle unhappy Sataud. who, •Orgetsing Ibis manhood:lnd the tiltol du• ty lie on d to the author of his n e ln,,, ,truck, I,ls p. er at in the tar , wit 11 his boot and atter- 1 . war. , kialted and it bused hint. The cries of =_,, the oil Kentlensan attrae . terl . some of it, pio- 1 ---;-----.. - ---.-; _ sonA inisslng along the Areet, Wilk, rail tO 111,4 f Li. E 1f...1../.1.\1 Cr 1.4 al ' -,C ES. Clint eA I.irivy. 1,- , 1•10 , l the pares" by felling 1 I'ILIFIAIOIt. :Ncvela... 0 •!...1. I , ti• ti,, ~. to Ili, 'll ~.••• x ILII a aIILI. The f oil° , • , ...s- -- ...... 4r. AN ADJOI.'iiNED 7. ,. .. , ;:r..1 LNG i„, , ay ... a a•l tact 1., , ,ime .A.l.ten.:m 1. 001. . „ .. _ „ 7,,„,., an d 1..,1.,,.,1 a a I n faamatioa against liar- ; ney,,J•q . 0-10111 ea,: battery, while /slew 1,01 0 , tws sad , ' , AC ‘=•••,-•••• m•••I , I ••1 , ... 1 ~ . .is Sl , i .fa anal a tianitar ion's . .. Lion lira+sa de against ' the, ties of Pi.;,al„., . A •I• ( • •••• ••• • • • 1 1 Ili, haUll - cl Ilt• 111, father betere the same magi,-„,. , 1,, ~, , , ',„, ~..„. trate. Warrants v. ere Issued In both ell,e- , ~.,.,:„....,-,,,,,,,,, ~,, , 1. ,..,.. ~ v. .....,,,, , ,.,. • ' ,••• M IN I, A\ 1-.1” EN I's 1.. N •. 1,....11, 1.., , , sslf fliarurd With Theft. - t 4 'po 7 u'd. , k, 1••: - ' • pErpo, of comph t,w.., t., t^ lli. '' K " ll ' 7 ' .ol° 1. the .( l ice tL Al ' l '''" 1 1,,,, , , ,, r ~..I .. ~,,,,,,,,. ~,.,, ~,, th, ~ •- man Lysiels, on ,Istnr,lay, and in4t stilted Pre - , actt 'l, ve b lu,- , ..1-Les C.., ecedlngs aga'n ,, t , linnet .1 .'., for the•,.. , y a ss es , AlO, it LAILII ...1 - 4. 0,11.4111 140.t..15• I Of a elver Nirii.,ll, N .41.11 a:. j 2./, Irons the t: trek : a,0.„3 , of till deponcnt ni the boarding .hOisse 01 31r.. 1., 1 Ition ••11.1....T ~ 1 g 4,1.1. , Ilr !I, ILIIr 11,1 i• Itehlu•ori,oll Penn It•ucit. . .I,YI. or TOL , I ll:, Kell :-U11e1,, , 11i...t 011 Fri•lls.,' el. ening, utter ' - - eating sonnet, he psoceisled to Id , room and iN, ELEl"rj(lfi Or unr, Inn E cr unlork ell ill, !rank tor the purpose of vita- e- , .LA „ ~ sr for 1. a li tN,,,.....5.i1r..1.A A\ I , , , 111, 'Ugh! , eastume, preparatory to altendlii;" the 1 n.L.L. 'f I It! , VI li I 1:031 1 . . t. V ~ iii 1.,,, h. ~I ~, ~,,, Coker concert, at the Academy ot3lnsic. Ila , 1 0, ,,, ,,. . ,, or iwi4 ,,, , ,,,,, , ~,, 1 „,.. .‘..,,,,.„ I , ~.. lag occaslOn to go down 'tail' he .11 ,1 so, n”ii• 1 ~ __ .. ~ _ ~. _. ~...,,,.,., „ ten tin to.loel , 11 10 tronlr, awl, when lie recur,- burgb, en ._Ai t 1.1 ,, t . i 5.., Ili ..,.r ...1. i . ..w.. rd in a row lazy - lutes aftei hu h met Junes coming I C. ‘I. IV t' 1[0111N:4_ 1 S, OUt of bin roon,, and a., e Pt.ltrbl.l4i 11110 111.'1 ,v-last,. thought he l'ur'ed 111111.1111ttillit ,1 - 1111eali114 . 1 --- ... into his pocket. fi ver)' met to his trual. . Ot 111 T• NIATI•••••.I•11. t•••,.....r. i be imam zla., ll,covery that lie Idol been ion- , Ply ~ a a, le N. 1.., I. Wl,. ) bed .4 ti... lint, beeps Ile Collhasten '"'"' I TIIE .41ANICA I. IIII,,::TING or she that.,.y to the ilitrlnr where Jones was toting. .., , , ~.. , ~,,, ~,,,,, x i. ~ 1, I. t. 31 11 ANY ing aria i,,, , , , ed him of the theft, ss hen the ~.-1r,,,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,,,,,,. , , ~,„:„ ),, ~ ~.,,,. Meier grew very 1.11‘1•y• 41,1 threatened to eat ~,, • ,,ri 0 , ,,,,,, y •,,,.. . 0 , sv •,, b , c ,..,• I[ r. lisilv's heart wit irbe evllll &arc.% to ielniat ili` , . or - irseters wit s is. , 4,1 it.•••••CTI ion. 1 ~.....r. Feeling coatl,:aut 1115 pronerq . had 1/con ta- I ai,..e.,,01 E. 1 , :,_ iti NI II AIY, ~,,,,I rIL . hen by .lone.-, Kelley tepaired to the magus- ' trivet office anti Made the ‘21.04;0 DA. ";•11. 11. 1 IJITTSUILIIG II AND CO'iNIEI,II,S- Jonaa is been ariest.ed and held its I.'Ssi ball 1 ..1.. V it.I.F. P. A I bbtiAl , A • N UAL :\ t t. - . bTiNti. - for a hearing -, Settee la ii,too , y gt sea that the Anti:lA Meeting of - 1 toe stet:A.ll,l.k ,, of she I•l[l.Bbargh Ind o,ln:rib - •-•-----...--- - - I VIII! 14•111•a•I Ce tor the pUrpoir of ..ct , ng A Thu Itominsee of 1•1 100.• ToulS a hi e . . : Bo .„,„, 1 , !. ,,,,,,, i„ r th,. c i,.ing ~ al iI, n 1 113:1••• A. young mas nsw engaged in 1.0. ,. 11/ ,1 V• 1 ‘ ,, 1 1 2'4 4 ,1 '. .. ‘ i . .7,1 0 , f! n r :,..•:,,,6,, Fl.,_••• 14 , ,I.OA Y, ..1 Wheeling. e s t a t e od 1 o le: the happy recip:• '.l.y of .•..reclher usxt, a tclOok a . 3t. eat Cl an e la nd ed at beventyOlve thou . ~, :i 4 u., ~,;,.0,..2,1•2,,....V41:•,,J,:•:,•,;r.. _ , Sand dollar, This frt•ulc Of 101.1A011, Is 1111 C• 1 ..!••••••-•••`'' --- - - -.•-!L••••••;!• , _ _______ ".._..•-•-..____.. Lured with the cote , ' 01 rOtaant.c. Deinaglag I BANKS AND BANKE '. S. to one of the Pennsylvania regiments he _ _______ .- - - wounded at trays Burg la the arm. Return- - 1. , . - A ing from the geld, he became faint from tlin .I All TSBUII4.III . lent of blood and was very kindly cared tor 1 ny a he tit family living near by- Dar- I t leg hit confinement, a woman, whose heart I:n -at.-6),s alit, to shaming humanity, teaderlv 1 SAVINGS BANK - watched over him. Fier tender nursing kir. s died love's !Mtn, The nurse :dal pctlent nru..- mined each other days of future bliss. The . .:.- • father of the fatally perceiving this state of ~n .. stratrs, and woakening under the intirmitl, C orner Liberty St., and.tlrgiu Alley. of age, made his willbrior to their marl loge . In which lid bequeathed thi. clever estate to , • the soldier and his oguetant bride. Uncoil- . melees at such paternal favo r. the young uol- -CAPITAL IfT9l•lik... slier eugrged in teaching, l striving to honestly earn his bread, 011;7 - NS/US thus lalaor- : -.- Mg when lilt .attorney notified IlltU Of Ills , happy fortune. r ! Stock Iltddri i• 1,i1A11 , 11 , 1 , .1 thin. : 1. 0111.1.,11111 , Oli 3:110 1,1,•11.10. v.•1‘,1• In 1.1...• United -Ist , nu•l't ta, dv• ,Int,est a110 ,,, t1 an tIra••••ILII , ••!:5. i Account , of Bank, 13, .u•It•II•crlssilc 11 . 0 • 111c.,,C,119 dsilt - .1 I 1 :... acrlotit Accident. Tilo NOOOO tic ecurcs/a dayt . Mi, Wilted 1 Waddington, Solierinteudent of am Nut anti , ' ~ Washer Works, *OOO very oorlously Injured In 1 Wednesday morning loot, while engaged hi 1 A .4 , , , x,, ,,,,,,. .1. 1 . Ira Ir , lnl. examining 6010 e, of the machinert . :none- 1 3,,,,,,,n,a,,Qadavtcr, I:. hIA ••1. thing cot wrong with it belt running from one li. nit iineend, .-. Koo o , do. line of shafting tO another, by which a htt go ~ W. a,„ Et au, l, my M. c, 01 plank to whit h the hunger , were fastened nu, I Awboa Jaetreu, torn from ibtlilace, and came .10 1 C. with drcat si ,, 0 . a , A ~,,,, ~0 . .... to, e, atrtking,..Mr. Waddlrigton'a hem! and I 1,., ,„,•,..i i pm,io; k 0 m .. alionhlar, obi knocking liitit down urn. a Vila ' :1. Ohl 7.,1 . ..1. 11, 1.1 1.1V1.N... of coal near him. Its 1104 , 1 was ten lbly cut, , ao ..„,,,,,,. hie shoulder Idade and one rib broken, carol It • ts 1 eno e.l he it internally InJiired. Mr. IZANIAINII 1101 SE. dington ld 6114.1 of the most Mergetle I,uvineas ; .A., men in the place. It In situation Is critical, 1 and hie nufferinget very Intense. 1 N, -1101,31 ES & NONS, once() of the reACe -Rebecca Forbes, h . - lady of enter, was up beim e Alden Man II um- ; lien, on Salm day, (lint g -cd with surety of 1 I,e .31345t1 1 3s..eris, pewde on oath of Jane Monona, aloe a Jens,- “" e a , -11'''I'''''' T'''' P a ' "" "' id " "' t". • No. SZ_3I.IIIKET hTIIF.LT, Pittsburgh. " wont, abr.: Juno alleges Rebecca Said yip, , ,_ "would tee her heart" 'before stonlown. Un- • _ . _ w Wing that a nett ,itti • expodition almold take ! ,'.7,F,:,'..1,`;'r;',,,...'5v,,';'.1,1,:,'„,11r,,,P.a,,aria.,,a,,a,d,f,,.‘..;'0r,,L,T;71,,. I place, Mrs. Sil3,OllS 00010 at once to the Alder- I;itit.r , l node - , and Cau.ola .. [ mail nod aste , l that the law should Interfere i "' I P r° ',.' '' I ", r 1- ,' ""' tb o ,' ,. 'l 1 i . .. e ""'I he'rlle" STOCKti BONDS AND OTHER SEGURITIES 1 ICll,,,eatl,e Of •ro ore... .....0 o.ller beauty Alta I made to.give bail fora hearing ut 50100 future time not definitely settled on. , i Bougli - t and Sal On tommission. , ' i•aroictllar 011.0110100 00.1.1 111 1,110 purclt , e and Death by Accitiont.-Nin. Wu, v0u ,, g ,, ..4 „ te a PolloCk.lOWD9hip, died ou Thuretlay evening- , goat from the ti of a fall• at the tuuip J, • „,„.,,,,E -yard of Gorky .`,. Grua ford, In ttild vim c. 'I ;, w ill D STATES SECUIII - orcumnl,o3C.. /ITO . (0110 0...: 011.1 k eel o r3.11t1 TLES ' I ~-111;-::117-4.-F7.-ii.D-iviiiiiiTou-si:::Przi:ii: iioria. . he wad engagwVin piling lumber, card at coo ; • INCl,LtliiNli •1 j 0117 i I. lIOESE at 1.11105.• thacces. o'clock . to climb to Um top o l l i 4l\ UOll I . aboul tdgliteen feet high. When near 1 1 , , , Il j . , , 'Jailed :Mete, ',..1.•• tof Id , : ' , D.. • '0.I1"0,b00.211-11, 7,'igtilollt hlo.isfolliltatbdßeakirtlar;litc2l,l4!::. I . I L I 1'...... ri:7:,,,',10,...:tr'11.,,1,1'r':t.1r,.',,,,,,,,,, ,i ~,,,,. \ I suns To ,301 IN I. IlOrtr. .1. Co., Wallasale tiro , 00r0 - 0.01 1 ..0.1....0... NU reliant, eon., of mule. illtd , ln i Wet, .dr. 011, I.lOOOlOOrAO. 1 w ‘1.0 10 5 1 , ..i .. I mos 0.01000 0 NAT perm, n:.5 how '.'", l '"' b ° '''"' ` l ''''"' '' 1 ' Order.. And V00,d,, r,t0,.,1 col ,•11.,..d. i0.•10 . I PTO N, ........ IVALLACE, TV hole 02 fete .00,1nen, Allot 000:01 und token 11. Mc i ------ ---"'"-- 1 t•- , rAI• I. 1.10 KV. , AS II Pilo I/ UCH. Dr-ALF:IOs, 1.01000 of 11r. G,,tley. Hu 1110.1. Im."l:utired,,y i DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, 1 ,-. o' , -i-----. '''---..,.- ITU 0001.01014. ---000- --- 1 A Aron tog Pinee.-WentherlY, abou'l 91 f• . leen mile ono , ' 51 Illifti:C;11U014, 1111 11 , I 1110 . I A A trIEN It:II:ZELL N. ?lON, Miami. !Su, 65 Fourth Street, ' " i'-',,,,^11-.rd"•^.4o...:mini- 51,',P1.-mtu, i for th,. porchow and v.., ,fl twit, and itctl.a . . , l I t, 1 . t . ,,,,,,,,,, N.. ai 111.1 ,c, 1% at r otter., Idtteourgli. of 01,..'1100 . .eL' A/.00.10t0r 1,000 , 02! tt.o LOlllOOll - Vullet 110.40001, and uodr in Quaniami-I CE{ARTERED IN. 1855. j0,,,,1.,,,, is getting to o . 0 glar t h e- c 0,00.10- I 0010 importnocc. In addition te bk el,. . • ad , ~rcr3 1:32.A on ruavitta. , cnt , . 1 I ;1,,'.1",4Eit Za. AliMtCrllloNli, roil A .1000 dallt fron, 010 07 o •riou0, S i, ~,, I on. .play , a- .ariltug And o . ...Avasslon 110rrn0n LA, for the -xis 3101. rimy , 01 the old heaver Yleadow Loin na- . 1 .„.f ~,,,,,, ~„ , ~.., 1 , 0 , 11 SIT, ,t , • ~ , ~., , , „ . , .... er I to "'lour , GIN. , 13.1C00, laird, 110)1!!, heed,. 1 , r1, , 1 ny, Ihe Lch:gl, Valley Railroad LotnietnY nit I id, ir no Ij, to ~ o'clot., And rnm Noverne , r i-i to I Fr.., and .0•001.0.0.ceortAlly. N 0.16 Market r. 0 ,010 Ituadlog Atn_o. iditiould shop' l or various I: olds , ~i.,, :.,, ~,,,a,,...„,,,„•,,t,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rot of ra Ir' ad ina'hm.ry' w hi c h " "1 g1'"'" : - 1 ,!.'',!".--Vl,'.',l;:,.'n'`.:',:-,.;,,,.,,r,..,,,',,, Hot, a tws. e I - ccoo , ri h we, l'itt..corxh , Va. ___ kc.:.: "' ' 44 ' ' ""- lio,,Nr ..1,,Z r. 1.1. - • r. tatzer.L. illoymont tg„ltni!.4a!a:ortmea• 'lire "' I ' ll " . -' ;a y, :I . :in Jo. , • , i I Deer:corr. let , r.., no, 10 011 14 OttT• LiALZELL ' N. 1.'0., IVltole -IEO by Xro feet. ' ~1„,,,,,o,10e101-ann., C.', In JOOO 0 , 01 Deertalo 0.0 0 , 1 .. • .1. Gr....c..1:01.1111.•10n 4...1 Yornarth.g &1.,. -..- . , , 1!„. ,lank taro orykollo , l , al llic role of ,11 p. r C. 111• . C. 1.4,411.C0 awl ran sburgl, Mko• Au Intinenoe 'irce.-Coption John,ltryall, ; , L ~,,,,.. I ufarlored. N0.,,,d 1.11.0r1y Ill.rCrt. 1 . 11.1.01011. or dt•Tbtiniad 10,V11,1111/, Frunt:lM-Cutill I', , 1 ~; 1 1 0 , 0 ,0 , 00, ,1fnr:)00.,,,0, 5trT,00.4d.'::,,,1,1.1.1J.,0:;1,,t,?n0,f,00,30 Cently out a white: prodaZea X.9do „feet Of enAved u• .. ; 1 , I 1.. . L o. r d i r t - .. t. 'f'r.,.:;l:' 11,rtnr,'t day, M• oat. And I .I.,llllier„' • nlOOOOl4 b, ra., commi.,.tou Merchant, au , -,, romp-001mb O , OICO A 0 , 0 , vrlllooo, troottllnv 00,1 , ' µ'll It t... 10 1./.:01 , In 0:000try COrdk Of 1 1, .,'" o.°°'l' and iiiie .. i , " =,,, il ii ,; (1, - , feet I poyttor to edn.lor eton , in It, pa,. 0.0. t. At 1 Flttrburbtt .manufaeturra. Cosh advanced on Con nee hen 1111, blio a, ft , . 5 --, , , , , _„,„,, MIT rata:oo,oo A111,0,00'0 in 1... 0 1 , ...10 utve years. Moment', au•Lpahl tor Produce goOler , .l/Y• from - ump, the trunk d . ../ 1 . nad - c - • hum, coutainlitc il,e t hrtrit r. 11!. -I 01uvmerutetr7.e.11,;,,tdi,1„;,7;e,r1..1;t1T,r,„,..1 (1 ,,...,, r ,.. ~,,,,;,,,,,,.....,..„ fururshed grati, 00 .I;lollnrso‘lll:‘,..rt'a I tS ,,,i, ru0,,,u,..,,,,,,.. b., ~,,L,v ~, 41All PIC KEiriay., wholesale c,,,,,,,,1..i0n 51,.,,:b...t... and dealers In 01.rtIrt And CZ Front .:reef, I Vlttelairgi. , i JOhn IL Itsetufen. lA. SI. Pollock, 11. U.._ , 13.100tre.t. price, 1•11111101111LCIA 1.0 ILLOOL lilUedy i et,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74:1.,,,,,,,,1.N.,,,,,,,EREE. . _ -, I WILIAINS LINIIALIT, Cholera Among a"' 4)11*--,IN'y'-','Ll'%!i'raipbia: It ,11100110.1L1,1eFr',L"L'it,",1" I I ,lVlTi r i k l i . W c b t ,b,,, .. aberger,„ I. o 1( (hueeervor to Markdown A !Aaiun) , , - WU.' .. " r g . , James SleAtile • • JitnicbMlilillr, e1.P9..r .d. lU . the oil r°l; I AI II 1111.15V.1L1 f ft- I - Ile • 1 . 11, Fio,Ur 611.11i111.113, I'roduce AorlCommlnsleo .., a , ~,„ 0,,,00 tA rag lig 'a ~ to ...-.. J.X....0. p. C.... r. 1 Pt1 , r.. 11, IlO'l". Merchants No. dal LIBLLtI 1 tiVtltltr, rittegasl4 I Ms. , frl:ty tun ty. wore TOnnirel,4.l„.vonaariortartr, n 1 IstAci.. 1 enucelt.,..,,diristian 1 raav r. lialo 0,11 , 1 Ohio a --- - ---- 1 re. have:been fifteen 1 Wm. J. -And,rdoo. , .1010. U. Rehr, 1 !..,1(7110X1.4.11.klEll N. LAN(l,AliholciaLt ulatimi of net I , covrtn . /Lamour, • 1,!;:11,,r,,:.',.,/,.1.!1.1::.::::11:,,,,,,i,. , ...:,..ICilses InlJr,.Corles.llolol,llratn. Product". l'ru . - fdreoalltb,Piat.rkreoruarlindr,gy,.l:rnie,.._ , pop •tous gig!, 1110...10., PAIL, Carbon oil, Noe. 171 and Vi0,.., : „ . ;a Street, mar Lthertx dtreut. l'lttrbortet.. more than one 11.Unrid.redd.preoratbOcusr.., Lb: o sc r o g li m r e g n o , 1 illi::11,1a4,-,„;Tw.nili,,11: Y. r%,„,,,,,,r,..p., ~,. o''.o-trbgritle-ig',.ltly7c (IrlantroAd. t A‘onlo . Co'rrier, ; Joao' . ileradden. ,,n,:, _ __ . . ___ . .._ Charlen A. Colton, , John Orr, , Ants rxott, Iva. 010oliD on o ' 1.. ItlngA'A't. I ,_lolll3i FLOYD N, CO., Wholegale v,'.. if. 50 i ,.,14t. cuPeisn...ili..nuiriuntc,i...fludi.-t, T w l io .to little 1 : v n e e r tr i } u . ',l`,,q''.. E c ii : . i..1 1 1',: . ,, 1 , • Alexander 11.1.11 C, i riL=.,...: tari-1.,...`mr. ITS a 1 "Zol.ther s t[nt, burned on Watineaday morning, died at the William b. Sloven, j 'A111101 ; 0 Vankirk, l ug. of Ito pareuta on Thuraday Morn-, 111.1... r 11. Hooter, . I Venn.n. ki11ear:5,...“0, _, ILECORDOOO 1. toutovyrcr, Cl b , lug. the body awe arms Of the ehild were it bar 1 ), Vrrr.,,etra,E, •o•l,lYher 17th. 1:,.3. { Kk.A.ASL'OIII-0:11.ltl. 6 A. (511,TQN , terribly charred and bo.wrlthed Inagony cant.! 5 i„t„,,,,,,,,,, g, 0, sigglin. tvi 9:i A ssESSMENT NOTICILL-Not ice death ;alloyed him. \ -- - --- --- : X.- t• hereby 111,11 tbst the as•es•u.cold fur MC "--.•-,-- rLI - - .- • - ~,. ~, og 1 .,10, ;old . urh10, , ...T. I li.eater -.lre., T-10171IN V. 1 iro . u. 't 0:100 to Limplrectt, In the 31 MANY ar.l ',lv] I-bailee 'Victor, . 1_1: , • k WAluot street. frol Vile In 10 I.lle Way, Ikt Captain J. 0. op bbl,, 50yr prime V( Alta Flint ffr rale by t A 1 1,, bifot bard, n ave Urea 0.0,10 •001 000 , a seen reember, 1064, at l I at •bi, c . O. 00111 Litt 'ene of Ncreincer. ,atd, Alt., guilty of tuancrl ciIARLRe o'. BALSLEY, l 'lade 0.10.0 thoy 'llll he turned ever to 01,0 city tho ire i . I Tr. 00 , 11,1 I.lrtt.llect loo • I • our r No. =Wirt/ Itteet. nos) 4.;DA.2. ,11,1c11.i.e.ra11,11 , , DA:v./RI , . .• , . rertnil licallly.--SargaWaL vit" wale Windfall for kittlih Sennott, of Black River, In tr tflovelan4l,•• hae beep fouled slaughter, and etaltenCiai to XOI OLIO relet. MEXICAN MATTERS. - The Nnis tiblvathor. • .Nsw Tom:, .ovember 21.—'rlst. /reread' , bor resputblent. at Ourt,g Itnrlicam: at the .h.tpli-t flu mai tho .1,11r0y./1 the , . • I...,,7stature teen thousand pombb• to ri•patr Oltrymt;,, Rea vat of the I ootie 'Trude , Nast' YOCIC, November el.—Yrout J ~tatik, on we learn that. the teohtt trade ha• recd The Leghdative .It.3odehly wet thaeger.tied on the Otis ult. Comptaluts' K., re rho about 11401 dut • IlutiltTriter Acquitted. New Yous, Nov. /4.—A Wes ir?l,l.otl elza ,nyn. Inera, H. Lamy, the illet teller of tile National hank of Ur...gat:al, And 'date'', changed alth td. , lea :urge tiattaitti or l'Onde (tom the Batik, nai iti,lUll tot. U Illl'.l' 1, Vi:' raan CI crel its bisehintsts, Pittsburgh, 31sultf3cturvra or It," And Stationary Steam E..- ttla , Fdte.nts, Nltel.:very, fir arln, .nbafdlu..,Caatinala aIl d,s-rlpitous; 011 1%.1 11.1 cairn; 11,11ar and nbefl. Iron Wori.. 41er Axcil, for GIV AJCIA.SI.A.7I:NTINJ EcTon. for Icedinft bolter:.. r.:;7.-".111Elli:.Dletl. INS VITIAT.I .IIII lAI. 11 h I.T. • :nt 1,13111 1 , adll. a, , ,rat ! A ho.d. on la 3 4•41, ha r. , tii :If • o dd/1. I. yanL r.ll, dyera. nlthou. 1,6 111 rr 1.11.01. 1 in.E F.ncloaa \% !.9 ): 1 J ' 11. 6. D CELIKACY, Es - . 1. y 01 Warning and In.truetlon fur and Abuses which pro, •1 trate (no %1141 with 11,/ , 11 .11 au, rtdlrf t j nifre.. 4.0ar.r.. 10 .1. letter onveldia , 11,111,:kiTo,s, •__\LL 3IEDICINES I take.; t. or, amt.P. by ...log 14,- 1 Pl 3, Da, 'Orr ell.',ll.l.r>.tkon :n,st Dr. U,'l',Y• t4l COMMISSION MERCELAN IS. WILLIAIa C. LEE., m , trxr.orlo ALES. ltUltlION VanitliSSlON AND FORWAIi DING 1111M2F1.503=.41.-Ta 9C. , No. 10; Si:Coud Strect Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 ass-%ucia Cr. [I, •,:. 1,.,1-7 1, ,, l E1p,.“1 ..1,,1.. , 1 Won, Ilv . :1, lc: Flo and BAK 1,1,XL , , (lia, 11E.)11', Hitt: , I,Al'. Ac. Cuulgittneut,,sa- ---- 1,11. , t awl Ordcr , ~, ,, utk,:v rEtcd. 011.1,1 ,, i -1 . . 0it ALE. , r 1314EV'''Ert; BUiti"LL #.',.. 1) "' 1 liii.: 11'0.),.'':NR)." 13R1.(1, -- DWELL-MI, 101311Se:LON Mi,.:lllll%rilii,l - •. . • Na. 1 1 .I,nat. r:y •n, .t. ....11erlic , y. l'onlal: • AUK: , Is rut 'ilia . , Ilinv. too:ill. ',..t : 7 ..1 , tt:, ~ , U•r...n.0 ATI. Parinc, taupe nun Liberty Oli Works,t —,,,,,,,,,-- F ''' c '"" '''''''. '""""""'" Ax.,,,,,,..,,,,,,7,,,,,, ~,,,n„,,,,,,..1.,,. i :old ..asiy awl ,n,Yuntlal. dandt. it I. yrobablv un el ..a.l. adyntoa e Redo ••:1•0.0,111,1101,f , •ni.lent l es", led l'Y llllIlu•I'' ,• Is'' ,, l d , `... dlr." , 51 ' - llohn , .1 l'. tr.doeul. 1 •,1- lor clorac . and snip- "fol non, It en!, now. ond aam g 7 ,, u'l h". 6 vent of ..*rt..•l.• 11 at 1.a.0,r.r..r111-. . i-• NI nal, a, !of lon n .tar. • • !JR!, and Waroloon. , argil. Oo 01 I/de:Race la ay ,'' " •' K * •'' ' ' ..' v„, Y . \ ti. and Ilaneoch cl.:e“. Illt.ell royle.alls I AI'P!Y lnl./..fe11 , 1 ,di I" ...• --;••—• rstLit SILL KEIL 6a . lIITCIIIIIIT , 7 , — . T. ~,,,,,,, , . 11-otur In e10.3.nd Rom F.elat .1, I ...l.: Of lonrtn ‘ Lttoul. dlturaVa lecli.llitx I . COMMISSION IiERCHAIS TS TO 'MA 11 CIA CTIAILIRS. , I AND I.76ALSISM I 171 Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, tS;C ! 1 c,,,,,,,, 34 , 1. j „,,, 1 ... L.71 .,, e ,. 71;:itd.. ~. 1 „ T u l i o , ... D la i s i a,,,..a.,1.t.v...,„1..„.......,,n.,,a...?:1 N,',Y,,R,fr1,1..... , ._,.. , , r t . 0 7 , : . ;.: n i , lL e• ,in ;no l ic,. S\ a .1. el'og , nl, oe. , noln,f a , . ext•lo : .I , r.L . — .. ...., A .. j . ~,,,, ~,,, ..... ....W . ' AA A,. ,Sir .. Lta VI ,On .1.1 flodllive 193,1.e I. .I‘, C ItELDINt. a. 1.5110.., '" r''''‘' ) 1 .. ci ‘ t ...4 :: h-, 11 :, f;? e r. V. -,,,1 5 .i ) .! . :.e IP' 1'Aii.1 1 7".1„1,1 i %.:;,'1,',.1%,•;.:1""'''' "" 1 ' h "" "'" '' ' -"' • WI.on•otlo 19calero In fOR.EIAiI , AND In old kf,111.1 fill Fri. e1.11.T, FLifillt. IlliTlf Ell, Etille, It, - CA I ,/t.S, U and In l'rortedona end Fro duce F.,n• 1 . • 1 ,dany, u. 76 aIV.IOAI. elVlielfT, oppoate 101 i 1 ' : ' 4 ' 'L.' full P'"''""''' ' ' '''' '': '"''"" I Railroad Dpot. A Li.vaRLY.NY, 1 . A• ll 'e 1:ILY AN, Agent+ for Lhu sale of I'. 1. 113e'e, Ponalell S 1 ' I:Into:In -too , . and Ileel "leo,. l i hhatall'a and J. KArn'o salt. .31,14:1T , 1 2-zr! _ _ !......F.,,,th ,1.. k ffitrk... • l lialollh,./ J . S. NESVITIVEIV. CO., - 1 I C0 . V11,9810 11EZUEII.N43, i, I FOR SALL:, • ' OC:11:, Anti .leatera in Flour, Grain. Fend r.r.l Vrotiong. _ . . :iell t.ITA.OCCa.M.I.I4. 011 ongalgrilenc . .... t . rl ; leap B ui ld in , L o t s , ..tarcloono, No. 304 i'Et979 g 11lk.t. I , ogroalta i v., i 7, Union t 1 Initol.T'lltaiturgli, Po. t _ —i.j' t"tr t i, ___ I 1 lA'9 : . (IiVW IrOii ill, COMlllinl9lol l l tt -1.9 C ATEI) IN I'l liT '1 iiiW N g WI% . 1 -' sing' lIANT lull , MKT & a, V. PRE 0,119, 9, Ong i.II i gClt9.l . LOON, LILLICK I I W ilt " l ' i t .il '' .10" Cr"t" 111111' ' r r i ' l ' i!l 6 frrl ' :4 l l. • ' N . :: v..:,TIVM.: A . rtg‘i.:-.Ton.".t,';';',:jaetc:t. i b!9IIAnTEIt, 0 AZZ All tßu FLEW!, Coinignmrnin 001191,.1. . ... or 1 --- i _polo_ No tlrant Etrent._ 1 .2.,1 1,1,100. .1 1. A.N.1141 ' ----- ------- ----- - X . , 1 'BANE & AN3EII., COMMISSION i 1 °TS! 'LOTS:--I can no"' offer do /.T.4. .111.3:4.:11ANS arld drain. In FLOUR., 01LAIN t JLA d o , 00 1, ,a, f=n'. ...911 1i.c.a...1 and In a tiwar li':it'ill'il'it'l'.3'i7fer'g'ii'.' 'lr".l. "'''' '' no ~.1,t!,.,,,t0„,,„,„,,0„,,,,i„..,„,„.1,.) i titlii-9-:ruaiier—ia-iw-iniaii::-..-.-.T.-:-...--i4i&-v.--i,ii I„.1..1115 - ,--,,• r 0 t , ,,, , : ii . ; ;;,; ... •::: li!,,' 11 '14,1 i iliT1'1:11, JS.IIi.FIN & SIit:PAHL) •Z; ' „ V„',.',. ' ,'' '' . '' , ' „ l . : ' , ' , ' er . ., ' n, . : .............. &31/ to 9.50 11. (..,tatudarloo al.....tionts, nod ,litalatre In V.11.11g0 , In 1.11.,1y T0w1.411111. nll,nlny, ( . .1,. ,0,, 1 a,t4 Iltlinuttlc Kroft:, FO9tr, Ilu:tcr, Cbritor, Iggr., t 1.1 , 1r1.114.1. 10t.., trona.... ............ . 1., an l':tattatte tii I itritt . lu , .' at- ti.i t : ally• .7tin. it ,, .. ‘ t 1 4, 11; Eii c T 1 i ..nla,i In li.o. 1..9,0 , 11 It. Lotafron. .. ltnt en 30 I• ' 1 ~, .4 - 411 1 .. ,01 , 1 on lertnn to tut% pur 'l'r;l W 11. ' 111::: ..-11,11E1,,Cit4t.;:131'(.111..N1 ? ' ..- ' ll4tlft 1 I'fs'L;rfiln't!).ll.lllll%.:l.ltlVl'[..'f,cl:t2.',lnanirlrll',"lial?l:l i21•.1.-.11,01:::'05'' I ''''''' r '''.' irt ". ,:itt:n. ' it:Li ' 9. ‘. i.. 1, 1 , r.,h,iii‘,1L;;a:„::::,!,,,.'7;1' wit0.0,1tre..1.,;‘4,.11;P:',...v..i:1,.,:::1': 1 Urncora. l.iontugption nitencLitnia and d0n...1u Cott il , 1 0111 or of . try rr0dn.11w.,1,1,.t, R.,,n.1.1.1,,5tutt 0 0. EZll.i . ti. 1.1 lin T F." . ine, se, Fl+it n, lirotturn, Foor, tirolia, Steat, ; 1 ,,,,, liuttnr,trnat. Inwrint-orl4lle. ' I.trven r.n.l 1,1.4 Krnra. 44....,11.1inn. )0h t ---__—._ _____ , I nr...„,t• . Th.irlo nitaitann 1;011 SALE-11. :tcreo or Cirtrand, pima, 11111. ton CILil r !,.. SIIEr In COILIIII/881011 t : i. i t tu 9 ti liiii i "rl ' ii'l 9 ,7i 9 i :i tt d ~,.. 6t , ,. .,,,,, ... ,„,„,.. V Si- . - •i. and drain, In Flo, Orain and Pro- 1 u• auter' " t '''. ' o ' - "t ' nr 9 t • 9t lion.- i t dot , : .-,.. ‘...1ii!0,,, 51:f0t . t, 1 . 11.1eal argli. . L . t. 2 1 , ~,F.i'V.i;,?0,07:,1- ,11.:1,1.1...,.., A4,.),,,,.'w'ry, i„ r0 ,,,, ilt , .•9u9a of 1110 , far lilt ers wad Faintly urn t ~.' •' l 1 i • , , . o L , otta , t t,„t ; ., c..,,, iit. ,( Ut t1, ' 1 . ...ti 91 hautl. linrilrolar altlillitkin 1 - :014 r '' 1 Pro'lt=7.'l.l%."e"a4azAitft...,r,'g_ti: gni ;0 119 iftiar li t s • 1 11.. In v-rot , tor Nirrchnotlin,...... [lt:rally. u....611y . 1 yor further in,r,tc.i.r. ~,,ttli,i,:infAm m.., no, 1 Ins - r LE, BAIIID ti. PA'l"ro74, 1 , (oppoo. +l, 1:silo-dr-al.) Aa NO nolesala Ortoca rs. Colunalaalola aluirolaantn, and i No. Ili, (7r9ot 00191. - 11eIllulia in produce. b lour, llannn. CM.. 111.; I , - - -- i tori and hard 011, /run, Nail.. Glass, Cott.` Varna any all rtglotiorigh nn ,,t olhaturca galaurallt 4 1 1 ' ej i L' k ± . !i-! i . ''.lT.l' Y_l_. silt_ _-.... P. urv:....5.••....1. n. Knitting. .... :Av. 0. =Tanta. itt Et if ink; ii o Li lig.Olitio (Successors rO.l -....1 Agara., I litlnleaaln Ilnairrelu For- i trign Frulta, Nut. NO..arttlrillicet,ett, Lutifretlyiirij,zii./79.7.• rtigl", °Matc..r.gia. '26 ''''' V 2 '':''''' ''' 14TP : i t s m AN liat 7 4driiii: I b ol. 1-Tl.lO 1.: - & '4ON, Consmaissizu •1 .1-v• or It(' li A Ntrn autl:Denlera lu FLAW In, Liii/LA, lilli.L F EEO and /0101iLICIS genersllT, No. 9 1.7101000.1, ogignlll c.' ity 11111, AllrOang Lity,.. A 011 N 11. CANFILLII,Commi7Vion v nod Forworiling Llorcharil and wholesale. dealer lu VA...trio 0101 Vie. Ctottee, Ilotter. Lard, Bacon, Flour. Fill., lint anti Pearl Mlles, naileraluia 1.1,1,91 awl inrn 0110. 11007 Fruit, and Irroillicu ga onrally. r.....i..V.4 snit ISM Front street. lilltalturgla il uoniit, li, RSA 0 ...••..... ........ ..11tOntiLTIr4204.111. ill EAD 64 NIE'rZGAII, Grocer" and I-. tioinnalwidon Mr rcliontaand dealer& in all 011011 Country Finance and rlinabarg4 anuftarcta, No. nla I.llterty gigue., olilioallU nerd of Wood Weal l'lttaborgli. =I MOM= . , 1•Als1211.11• 'FOR BALE • • ---- lilts lust rocelled a re ry lari, stort or all Vines . of • , 1,,,,,,',.'L,,,,,'" 11' 1 1' ,, j. , " t,',,, offtredl ZiC) , C,rtsi ..9-1•1-3Z) E 380.1031, Pt pHs a1.1,1A, enlll a s'l I. , :l.ttAY, No, c , .auor lota, I 1i66, I IVlo , •tilte Is rr , •p , ti,l to trlloboaper Dom ter cheat , - lel —vii • ri AVILV aor hr. , ll I est In ill , ro v. Alto Iskto. 0r.0 , r0 for his WAIN' I MANI: lo.r Biol . '', AND eutlEn, %hid , I t s vf . .are I ran , to ,Iva ts:litarttou. • RS NIEII :Wit. J. %VIT..* F. r. .Yl, No , . 3g Si tract Wert. At t!, li. s t of It ronot's I,lvi, In town aLlp, I,IIIIT t 0,1,1 joln to tilt ID-KI,EVLN ,UN Lot, lo ll:/, Ir. I 4. I, Itt vLati extentlun otnu..! et,. CA.Jer altu) r.ol 7 no ' ll a,,ove re. enable I.IE. km , y Cerro.. Yor Jur:l , r laiormak , a itl , 11,VNI`01, ur ai,ruty \V Vl.l, Manufacturer...V.l4 IM-tlern In SAI.E • I; s : ItEdut JSAULI: EFL/I-. I 12Vietcle. • SOOTS, SHOES & CrAItERS, Sn, tit) Ohio St., Allegheny. • I:,valring pronaptty exerntt.l on :he shorty, t2MY '.ZZ•n• 110 ENTRY 161OVIII FOR SA.I.C.-.• N. , TWO I.AtTs. one of ten actor suit fu ll ort nth, of on the Centro' itatirood, i , AT •A tiT ATI° 74. our lotto trent iteacidocit's Held, turd stood Int antuti distan, front tiwitavalo Station. each nt the les• a t•eouttful anti cotton incline •leve of the Mot ung theta river. and Inith otio N o.fin tjrant rtreet. toe ttothee intneutattuu. • - n ' ott n 5.5 t 111EAPII0ENF,S1. LOT FOR SALE, v,t,,, rum ItOrolliril of MIIVI Ick Icy. 11, tnlo 71rf.:::•'n'illkdVrTuiTi.T.'•111Ti.ilZh' In ' . r .l:: ' ,. ' n ' ll ' ,..:X1 ‘ .11. I hi . To opt, tlv ../ot to 11, r 10w.k. , 1 lor 4i , 01- all to lw.l. bliancr In tine and two yenta ¬,. want.- ly lo • It. Mr LA IN & Co., u or.! 12'2 FOIII . III Wort. • _ . JOHN D. BillLiElt,, Stock and Real Estate Broker, 1 4 -1 0 R SALE -400 Acres of Coal Laud. lying Immediately upon the Ohio Meer, Intir bettor tlalkapelle, nod IV thlit• above v4l, elmodl. On the el, trh,A 1.1 a four so .l vein of doet, fo• gent ref purpose , . lan. our beet, I t le r ntlretv different front the buntbern Ohio Coal; etint•lnt , ' little golplutr. forget end rotes e and for malOng ',team eat.) , he eseettetl. 'nu to• Ltott eeing about mldetd , fro. Po n y. toy Ann Banging noel, 51101 MAN, It tato - able for vo n In atlng . non s. There iS • WM, (101,11 of or a n ltaod landing at •II tape of the rl‘er. An enttnnee lies been rail th Inn bill alto. Ir ••tt of fft river, together with the tic, . sort nature , Mr lathing end dell,. ring co fl afloat. tin tall itatt le tlenwel.vo double rortnit rtrrular :Low 3lva, to- Fettle, with a rdrialt e all In gm el !tin ning order, end plenty of the ver7 °ay. afll and noel:, Out her. bf vett: t o -ltati Ifiteretd If deft fed. .nrty win Ca Iktfiell,, (Or WOrkilld • .1...1\ It, paid!, . btoct and 11. el E,date Pinker, No. In Fourth strizet. .14011 SALE-2:31 rICVVR Coal, lit .t. cluanr, r,1x,,,,5,Pr.,, on the tot ahle a tte Vito River. three tulles atom . tT heolltag,a gith.l right oC way to flyer. Tat! clo,e proyholLy co w 0011 , 60. :a ti he, hog, together watt the Net the, Lae coal Props toit 1041, anongh In the bill to he 0004 Itruatahly for rollitg milt tot thosee, Make. this it Cool luteettntat. .1011 N 1 , . 13i11.t.Y, Chock awl Beat beta. tiroaer, • cc?! No. IV:Fourth street. VOR SALE —A NV eI IL established .... 011.1 prolltahle ...tenor...tering Bunt... Tho I llusthet a I , cab. , athl aueet ptltoo or helot; largely llnert:a:WO. JoIIN 1). tito , k and Rest Eststu Nn , tl re Nu. ICI Fourth:, t LE—AillAmbr oal- OR R - tluni type G E ijilt '''''''' ..- ( tlic ucet loc-at.., ._ 17. O"" n''''' g c 0.,. Lminc•llate clty, awl knYldly a kovit run . 1 ""'ViTYTl3b.e)fil'itly, O. ICI FoorMetr! , ct, tyr. F. C-. K t.. 1 N, No. °MU% Mock, 1 uoorrne tuns. -- --- N OTIOE TO CONSE:IIEItB at OF at.etc It.—The renal. 121. V vrogr,..3 the \Vats , Writes renoler Inl t.urat Iv e t. that at v.v, Grua' shoriltS era C.l In the ape a waList ace ...rine mru r..n0l • Lang .e e 1 to ita uttlx...l; ea. pee unto erotar. w.o.te a water elinclil Le such st skiilnkllllo etreels, Wash% ag . rave n ettla, .Irenebloa tabs an Inortlll.l.te extent. A, 1: r.. I• proper att..ntlun ato tne... re.olrerneuta Inv eita will net nave alien- . etent Water ler tire. culinary Mlll.l other pltrioe., .1 unuaohaerVanee a this eaeltun loan deprive-tn.. utlen.ler of ur water. .n II 01.1 1 a heaVy It It t)otii. , l Oil. In t..e urtla week , ur,a •t 011.051. the n tsa,‘ ""t*"o • uo3o:116: . Water Wurli.o; BOUTS AND SHOES. J. 10. 30.4 Market M., yittsbargh; roderal Si., Altegheily, Ilan 14st antl t,t..tetecte l Gs'ltqi, l'Aluturals, Sliwrs and Ems, Evcr brottrltt to ttla mott,t. Lt:VE 111)1 A CACI. 114FttitN Thal" CI SAX .r%7 rr Ca 4:732V SE; Boot and !Moe —Emporium, • N 2 F.:demi :Arta t, AllegUeuy City. on2l . ti 4 A LARGE AND F4ESH ARRIVAL Cia 5U1131 , 11 BOOTS, SHOES, GIITERS and Bahnorav, Ju. re, • : , s r. I 111 ., 17i It '1 LOW. A'S CLEF ' 1 , rI,IEUX. 1111. %V. t. 11011LINI), N flat: rt rzoln Fifth at. , X , ng 1 PLUMBING, GAS FITTING , HUY Wll/0111S&BIEETLEY x=.l-=rix.s./Esimilla. GAS AND STEAM FITIMRS, toe. Sixth and Smithfield Sts.; P.I77VBURCITI, PA., Cur. deacer and Chestnut Streets, MAPTCHEtiIVe. R. All [lnds 'iVator, Gat and l,lealn FiI!LUTC , ;:on etautly on band. pLuinme, GIS AM) STEIIIFITTING, 'Hydrants, Iron Pumps, WIEST BREET 21 1 E1 11 pipEs, 11. NEW, BASIM V) TER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS' TOM T. EWENS, Itiacce.ssor to ivieng C 0.,) 16 I.'Wood St„ PittEburgn,tra JOUNVICIS iIIe4ILIS rt 4. JusiniseN, '3E , - EL .e.crrxctax.. Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fitter FIF4i STREET .EXTENSION ~itte►lotzrgh. All OrkiC. l.y 111,111 auccutt.l ratlafactOrllt promptly alter, lb.l to A full 111.. of Huth Tubap, Batlns, ' Pink% , Vam l'ondanta, a WI", Shade, pinr at thu most resnon able 'nicel~tUili from .'., Counts' patrons by mall promptly at-' . tundvfl to.. kl um !lore of every deacrintron% .... • ADDY, VILLIIIIIS &BARTLEY li6zp en hand superior article of W CP tal) • All Mods of 'iron rnmps, lisrdrnetg,f hheet Lead tiliett Zinc; Legil Iletts the Closets, Wash Raslee, Wash litands,lB.o.. at the • Wenroem, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All sands of Repairing dn..e. promptly. Ali order. hr m.. 11 immediately attended to. ent , ;one. Price, six (Tut+. Le.:111, on the ha. Teats. at, ACII Its.lleall Core of '.iperthator rhielt, illentitell \‘' est:otitis, loco, outary Laola,lona wsl ari Iniptelithenta to Marriage µtee erally; Nerrothetea., ContuinOtlon, alitt VI,: Mental' itnd Iltoitteal . h e... by Doh, J. CUl.VgitlegLl.., 31. 1)•, Walt, of the Whig. etc. A fonts to 'Thousemmla of Sufferer." sent en.ter seal. a plain ea . ..lope, eny Orem, pert paid. toriethi.. ol ell rents. or two poe{l.l, , 'V CIIAIIn. .1. C. K1.1.1.5r:.t CM., 1.31 Itoerery. Now x ore, Vogt otErX 4,55 d. le,. lee — slarmate nide," prier TA mum. 5073:33 ilterT COM:lotto, FREW.E. AVIVATEIt d CO. II ere on hand or prepare on short notice HEAETII AND el Er STONES, FLAGS' FOIL ei r..WALICs, iließWEity , REAM AN TOMO nToiN Er!. de_ .t e. 1 . r.9 promptly eXrculed. yetIOES Ug ,11oh 'lµlh 4.111. E. I>A PER! I' A PEIIII-PITTSBILEW U PAPER *MA RIITACTIIIII fiG COMPAY. Warehouse, WA Third etreOt, keep enual.. hand, and for as', at Norval market retell, NV, , . TACK - , MAN. 1. Le likitl.kc AUX. Al IIVISh, ' Fttl,T and W Ita l'etNli l'AVlt„ttrf• 10,t DO rent , c aborted now n Warrimost, ~, I ' i Clinton MM. at titrulmoMoll,,l kin. Brig I% tot. Ming, nt New 11.16114.? n, a a. ae....lui TnE • uct.Etp!ATEL) STEEL a w,y.enllvtAry,kNolllo, war tt rl All aar.Lt.ll:ll•ln..‘y,Agols: h qbarll.r t,rt .7 r " w.."4 rr"'.'"r " M. P r •411,11 .4 _ 1'i.31 CO VI'S.. lif DING, (APE A itt j,,gginve. l verne:le wlao It;up- rlo nub., rtlntle or S 1 k A (DU i.e., MISCELLANEOUS H, CHILDS . , C®ll la , rronon act 1 by crowded ea.% fashionable al dlettces in • to b. the mo3t absorMing play of the day. The Exquisite A Wog, Tile Boautlful etenerf. I 118 IN , . The Charming Maisie. WNOLESALE DEALE The inithful historical_portral.tures of a Plat ye 1 toolmodtect 1.1 the L tneutillt, Yale. The Duel. La Mom The Rusk Dances. FOIE Climbing. ..... BOOTS SHOES ) Itacinz. Pig Choslog, and the tirest Trial eera,, Eakteg sot. plly tne Sense.lllLn ottl, , . 1 IrPITTSBVII6II THEATRE. LatoSha AND Maven in, WIL lIENDY.BSUbi .4a. I aria , fir3t ...,..litf f the beantifel and secOmpliabed ae. I .r. fi and Tight _Hope Performer, IrLi.E MARTIETTg RAVEL. SOLE La , ,4 • ee..l api , e u r.i A r.. u e oflt,helilott.borgh favorite. I IC II t ,1.0e.1 A pp. Irani, oft he charming entree, Kis.. i NI -11 , .Y 1...3 I Mal...F. Flest appeatnce. of the favor ite t i nt ak, J L 1.10. olt LVE.51 . 61i.. NO. 133 Wood Street,' - . „ Trt l- t Monday i rVE N 1 Nt. the French Drains et T.L . i,LP..b.CII * brY. 1 Mlle I: t, ri in m ,tlarart..•§ to e, C. •1ct5.1.1.,..1t a klike;M.Comedy of Mr. T. roodles ... .. .. ........ ...II 'wry !lotto. WitIASONIC HALL. - • yITTSP.tift"II, PA. •.. • . . To,Sll.oliT TIME. too CASH !elvers we °tier .. _., periot lutiocements, is onr lichlties for bnYlog I 1 , 1 , riE xl iGkirrs oxi,r 1 tlit6UTP.bitat by ANY house East or West. Puree. - . tog directly from rlll5l . lIANlei entirely for 0..013, we ire enabled to sell is low natty Eastern J obbl .It llou I.ElietiAlctit are ins - 1t...A to call nod eist;lne '. -- - - • • . our .dock and note oor Prices before perebssirt 1 And the Four 'Succeeding Nights, November eltaWherc. _ 27th, nth. 75tb, and mat, i _ ROLL\I LxT/VE-310:711.N.--1,11: T O R T O r iE. II , SI . ~.. . 13:01 , E, .IVIILLS 1 NT.,......113..: , cD............7-. tCill:1 ND ALTIOLLAVOLANTE, I STJERTIS2I DE:SALON. .. E1.17i.1118.UL151 1, 1..-:S Aliti ULM'S. Tuund DS FORCE, 1/I.I.ICINU 'nil I . ANTOKINE.h. .......50 cents. .75 cents. Ox -c1.31 - es for Superior Cetion Yarns, sEMILLESS.!GRAIN BAGN, Batting; Twine, COTTON AND LINEN CARPLF CU AIN, d 3 a., ea Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES. • Aireil order. by m.ll frumedlnte and careful nt.teutlou. H. CH] DS & co MB= WHOLESALE BUY tiOODS ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No. 115 Wood Street, .PITTSBURGH. Hare in Store and are Receiving. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Which they 'otter at EASTERN PRICES AND TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited. C..II.IItTIINGT..W. T. 0ULNN0.N...1.0.51 IerIIHN ON FALL FASHIONS JOINI=.4LIN 2-121 J. r BRADLEY'S Iv'Efta.E g IMAAAPTIC: (OR DOILIBLESPKING) SE.IR r i'S! no BENI) o r BEEAK like the tlngle tiltreu, hut w ll ill t EVEN 11ETAIN tbelr PEEFECTIn sun It E A UTI.PUL 811 Al'E, where autothe or four ordina rT 81arta rae CA.8 . 1 . AnIDE. .,51i1.E.82. bey t.O 0111/iE comfort, dureillitty and economy - , uytth that ELF.OANEE of-SHATU , which has made this "111.1PLE—X. ELLIETIC' ' the STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WOILLH glgg;,t,1211 1 4M 11,1 t 111 :: WESTS, BRADLEY it CBI, >ULEOWN MrPATTICuIa SIC LU. Wares-oasis and ()Mee: Nos. 97 CHAMBERS ABS 11 and Si BEAUS STREETS, Now York. Sol 2-170 PURE CALIFORNIA. WENik,...S. GTJRNER & CO., • No. 80 Cedar St.,New York, Offer for iiicctimeo•alliable Winer...bleb are gain ing nubile favor Whit aatonislalng exploit", and • host unprece.ented and unrivalled porularttv,l3 not without merit. They hava only to be fairly tasted to glee them thepreferenee over all ot,herv. As • nurlner of blteel they excel all other V. Ines, and the numerou. eertlem tea which have coil:Luta rily been tendered from the most eminent plays( n., 4. 14 . ..11 arr gentlem thesemr f e lonposi DOR , . art proof Mmclusive that Wl nes a nsetul In all eanor for which they are retarannended. The following Dronds arenow offered by us. They comprise nil the varieties now grown lc the state sultal. , c for sale: ti' HITE, or ROCK WIN Y.-Of alight straw color, t v delieste and toe flavored. CI.ABF.T-A super for sloe mr table use. ANUELICA-A riot and slalom- ry sweet wine, lunch admired try ladles, and valuable In the sick chamber. as it makes fille wheys apd Jellies. It le • Clue deert Wino, and well adapted for ComMunlott ' IMasIVATEre-A light colOred, highly aromatic wine. Very similar to the celebrated ;okay. PORT-1 weir red color, One gar,. and In many ir respects slmar to the old wines of Lisbon. • • tiItAPR Illieli ulr-The pore dtatiliasion or our wines. .it', WINE BITTERN - A vary 'agreeable tonic and a sur. remedy for tire diarrhea. This 4... ee of the moat valuable eo nbinatione, of seful a nd sn agreeable beventge that has nine beenn offered - t o the.publ le, Millions of bottles were seid herehon lire a orth during tn.:last four welcome • d er introduce. It has proved 0 welcome 1 • trillion to the invalid tattle, the ;amity circle. and rho brettelor• sideboard. I. dies who have lost stn.° gt n nun .ip petite, an,rl staler from nausea, vomiting end vertigo; g0n!.1.,.. men who •Idon't feel very well , Just 14..fe 11r,:... flat or dinner w ho, atom:tens sec nal, or 7r,, and ',Ouse by 14.01- are generally rierang .o l tne,,,,.. I children and nu:feting from Nvarra pt _ . e sickly hAtore and sone. •ITsper 6 6 . I ' c ' r.TJ'ai.lgt r urt u rs; " t r rar tier. Who 114 T r 0,4.10..f:1'‘T0t I (her water; and nil nrar rive 10 max )d " r i p 'd it and aresublect to Irian:oat c inilueneeath . ‘a. be one of the most veritable Invigorators A. taken. irn . ~1 , . : , t ~ F ., 5 ,., dea d t .,,, v l T o r y 4 I., c hr s . l, e:11,1.3.1,1.0,101: , l iviti,,, a 6J. anyive h tti ,„.7a t ash it,..i Mcdtr. o elt r i.".ll.7.,%;:i. trans in ItsltTridr..l.lhnv... in Ur 'V y ..0 e a 7:::frinie::bgrs'irneTlCOtt7ll a . 1 , 1 1 IIItaDULTY.2. I ''...,7"'peg. N . . r i,.. t u little cbt0.70.,,,,;,,1= 0 0. ncs",7,ier'l,7„;tr,l`gf:,7l`itl. pains or melt treed, co - .: er ' iv ktlle and d :UT waging ...mason n. on Whom Mr aced Ice I OM hbais ne:teXterX.b;..,,,,f.ii "'l'""4. " Lad Length rapidly increased agile ra';;tr.P:a'. 1 • Z.alist of Priocoso: • . Per Itothle. Per Doren. $ B'oo -ai l Z l 1: CO I tal 9 00 1 7.5 , 12 CO - I 2012 00. I. 7.6 -- VI 00 1 IXI ?A 90 . York ••.. ..... ct. llltters l'ort .......... An to ••••• Muscatl.•••• ttrkudy ....... Mg I = J. LANCE, 11 mar, A WOOLEN DYER SCOURER, ChlritzlrViruloW Curtains and Chair Corer' Cleaned &Beglazed without slupaeklug. Nos. 183 and 137 Third - Street, ro,sroon Wood and waisbasid; 117•Tanuaoli,I.A. r!=l1 ; - A.IIIII7SENE El TS. RrNEW OPERA HOUSE. c. 1). BESS: .......... To•NF;FIT. the G1VE. , ..1" PRA AOF THY. 1 . 40- t , ltiNS. b) Augue.tus Daly. Of • :cauerrrn - kr, o .TrAvoirfic COILMI . :NCING Monday Evening, November, 26, Itbserveo neat 11.1 T IC E. MAT XIN Nov. Siltb a[Ao'clock. Amlsslon,2s nalTmel W-11.1LISONIC HALL, . . FOR SEVEN NMI lITS. . . CommepciugSaturdiv Evening, Dec.l, '66 . The great cooled erat on 01 dietingulabod SO:do nt. Ar. QM. BURGESS .t; LaRUE'S 3113iSTREL 7 , El:veer...ay admitted and undeniably the Champion Troupe of America. And the autocrats of aU Ma st,elev . 14 Itclitio• I Ethlopran Stars. 6 Col:regional!. Me ••dg tof all li Ing Soria et! Acton. 6"°"1".,..“- . 0,11 _1tt.L.t.1 . ... ,, P. s. t'Uttl.l And wi g iA" EGiaN ' 4. Clog I. eucers. the ehamplims MLE.E. KA ANL. 1 N .4.> IV EoT and the wteltierial UTICA:BOYS. ! Marvelous A - oc•I Quartette. Sweet Frederick'. CauTch nod Itroodeel. I YUAN e noWLES• V'EAT 11UaSS MANI). NED if NI:ELAND' i Maguldeent Or eatra. An entire claftage of'' programme _ . sob • a tolog,by the largest midmost ecr , ottle Compact apel_Meia. i estraordinari Cowl trothma of tustromentat, vocal, Comic and Terpti.dibrean talent ever eonfederateet is one orgeni cation- at.mtas.ou, 33. Reserved `eats. 50. Door . ..el:wt. or tti; to tOtlitnellOo at A o'clock. • utr2motti .---------'"——'-----'—'—. • rgrritor. BROOK*, FASIMONA-• Si: ACADEMY. I . IIILBLL 75 TIMMSTtt eaT, littaboraM is now aura dap an 4 evaning. Jucoul:e Clank, V 1 mammal). Ind artt4tr ays at 2 m at, t . in td , ms, Ise loc :Way an 4 ay d mud r. It. tat:ro, aday aron Xriday at It, r. All tlio It milttnlotialile \Walters. Quadrilles and Co. 11111..6 milt [anent on moderate lama. nal • 4 rin at the Muth: Stores-fur circulars contain wrina O—E—L PIX.T-ost: c..axmosin crxxidatic SOHO DIL 'WORKS. BUFFUN MEW &CO, MAIiHFACTUEEILS F THE CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LURRICATIROILid Sperm. !gird and WhxdpOih, HIM) UHTJNUS OIL AND 411E1 qRIAPAi Standard White Burnihg Oil, No. 33 Itlarketjit.ri+ot, PITTSAIIII.GH, PA 13%.%D1,01-I.A CIRCULAIL.I W 00ED ill Dli E REWINECO camber.z.da-iia-sr. OF PITTSBURCHc PENNA. • J 016; 'WATT, l'realdeni.. HILISILY M. LONG, nee, sad Tress's. WORKS LNI TE.MPERANICEVI&LE. • Mee; No. 2 Duque sne Way, to car Mnepenston ttildgea ILANDFACTLIKE.ItS or FIUME WHIT.I3UJELNIIEINT 43- COIL. Brand--" Lucifer."• EUREKA OIL WORKS, • - I . ' - nanorAciummal, Or EUREIk..I C.11100. 1 r OIL, •- • Tian Celebrataid , EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING - OILS, • Aad Wnulisale Limier. In Crude, Refuted and . Lubricating 01)A, LAUD, tsrzum, WHALE AND Ma DIU. No. sit Market, St., IP Lt taburgh, Pa. 0. O. 3.Nrcaxtir_43, ICall and examine sample. read ocrtilesus. nolb:oA WARING KING , COMIISSIO 1111CRIAIS AND BIiDUIS Petroleum owl its Products, 4 DDQUES,TE WA I, P1PT193131[11=1.421-313. Wo.dat. . PHILADELPHIA ADDILEM: WARING, KING & CO.. ra W .. AZDYLESON EAGLE OIL-111111,10, , Mairvvv - roxiOcri 7l33.B. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. Refiners and PETB.OL Dealers - I TTIV. 0 TIFIcf.. 13ECV.DsTont, COEVII.V. HANCOCK. T. AND D1J0UR3741,..1k COAL, COKE; Bze. PITTSBURGH NATIONAL • AIO.IIJ AND COKE COMPHI, SII IP EIR.A.A ND DEAL f:II6, Irbole”113 s udi IteuU, auto BEST FA.MILY CALLLI. Nut AHD i+ 1) .M4l), Olittint TvIETRTH 111 Y tlncr.evs, rlttsbungll, P. _ All olden for IgglagA.CTIN! `rmyro.: ais . COMA COAL!! COAVSI IMPORTANT TO COSUMERS. alto the attention ou?llo to seer floe etock 1 CVALJ ant facetted, totloontg the following yes rtettoa ; Lamp, Son. I. 2, Sand Cbestoirt, joyinoiVnltioy, Son:!, 2; 3, and 'Montane, t r y ' tlfe r nr . N on loads or thousand tuna. • • _ 11gef.'"IrttiPattftn it't'a:ctintoni the Dein datItISHU Itts.LPA. CO ti.L ILOAL .. COAL DICKSON. STUART & • No. 067 X.R.13045rt'7 iffitr,Det. 4 • 'Matti, city lrli3ur sBOOStY.TLOOI4 Rood Yid hiogbenT ir"ZlKV,"l7irrtiourill,h,fa 914Abz. AA the lowest .arttt pttee. /re orders left 33 Mica *Mee, oi4ddresiksa to them throaoh the malt, will bo atttndoltO prOSOOLI7. mrl.s . ; cueittEs Et. AamsTitorio , , - --- D4. - ter ' 1.4 k oughiogheny 6,rtaConnelliyille Cod \ • Coll. s securers ot . cal , tact, and Destaphurizod e, . orricti J0.n.v...!f yard 0 _ 17.3-T;Ll:ntkr'?:!, ii:liFu:3::5"1""1° " f 24. tiltdcl;l l 2:7=f i t4 1 ' .11 ,11 the Ill4r.L.rjelt at *or of rbe Terds ywOriceooll:l4si JOHN lOU • _mi. ROSS & co., WM N.p,D;.N &co.. MANUFACTUIMus A D DEALEES IF. • •Clarbon Oil Wnps and Fixtures CHANOELIE*CARBON OILS, &C. ZWcw. JEI-41 , areacis, i iiutarnaavi yrrrgaysea, ra. I= UM Mirl Laving t inac;764l. thin eface tO, . , = NM