The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 26, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
"go,. GO 3rlftla Elitreet.
irms,ipli ' L E K % supail.ness
Del!versa bt carrier, (per week)...........0anth
Mall Subset lbets. (per year)
Liberal reductions to riesrabSys and AftlltS
t N;tbbitvgit (ragEttv.
TOE outaaorucis of the President is still
brought into use .in disposing of loyal
office-holders, notwithstanding • tho stories
add reports to the contrary. The assertion
that no' snore removals will he rattle on ac
count of political opinions is Nisei and is
made partly for effect .and partly to kee l s
outsiders out cf tl•c rink of applicant S.. One
hundred and thirty, new pornmasfers were
nppointed last weak over the headi of old
A FLORIDA J [LOGE named Long in his
*barge to the Grand Jur) said that he feet
al the time was nrtt far distant when the
people of America would prefer being gov
erned hy a chief with glittering triers
rather than by the franigra of the Civil
'Rights bill. Such a ii i reference is no new
thing in the South.
died last week, in the 80th - year of his age.
Ho- was at one time connected with the
American Legation at St. Petersburg, af
terwards a representative in the Maryland
Senate, Judge of the Baltimore Crphans'
Court, and President of the Maryland His
torical Society.
'Oven Conestoga Creek, beyoltd Lancai
ter, ttte Pennsylvania Railroad Company
is about erecting a new and sUbstautial
it,On bridge. We believe it is the design of
the Company to lay doable tracks upon all
the bridges now in use which have single
AN ith portant insurance decision has just
been made by the Superior Court of New
'York. It decided that the non-payment of
premium.. from failure .3f communication
between the Northhnd South during the
rebellion, does not 'vitiate the policy.
A GENTLEMAN ill l'sris h m set the Con
stitution of the United States to music.
That. is nothing new. The Democracy
have made more music out of the Consti
tution than the gentleman in Paris could
have done..
Tim Radicals of Philadelphia have pre
pared articles of ,irnneacbment against the
President, to be inbmitted to the caucus Of '
the Republican Members of Congress,•„„he
, fore the opening of the session.
..,-- Ix New York city Jeremiah O'Brien,
/I convicted of having coldly murdered a girl
• named Kate Smith, by stabbing her through
the heart, has been sentenced td be banged
, • on the 17th of neat January.
. Is Congressional debites John liforris
.. ... sey will never give a "fool blow" under
. th e belt • 0f.. - 36.30. , He will be apt, how
ever; to make a stroke into the bread-bas
het" of the Government.
Tan sensational story of the -discovery
of John Starrett, the accomplice in the as
* iasilitation of. Lincoln, in the Pope's body
guard, at Rome, proves to be unfounded.
.: --
- Mits. LEADVIINIErt has prepared a lee.
• - turd upon "America, as illustrated by her
ptiots,' which she will deliver throughout
"~ the country during the present season.
'pOIiStENCE MONET Still Sows into the
!Treasury of the Ggvernment. Spinner
• received,, last week, one hundred dollars
from an unknown source.
Hamra WALD° Esrznsox is delivering
two new lectures this season, entitled:
''Resources" and "Eloquence."
Tas late heavy decline In woolen goods
has caused a great decrease in importa
- • trona. • "
Is It safe to say that Morrissey will play
Pharaoh to lobraion's Moses?
. .
jottings by- the May.aide—Harrisburg
massip--tiettyabarg—Deitteatton of the
Soldiers , Orphans. Home— Llthla
. • - - Mn , Noy. 23, tNt.
The reigning topic in Harrisburg at present
le the United • States Senatorial question; 1
remained there three days, and endeavored
to learn all. i could from the "wise ones of
the real feeling •on this thiportant matter.
Cameron and Curtin each have their &dr*.
cotes. Bat I believe the majority would pre
ter a more ultra Radical than either, and it it
was not feared that Mr. Stevens would not
live his term out, neither, Cameron or Curtin
wonld stand any chance against him. A' it
stands now. however, Mr.' Cameron hag the
inside track." There might be such a thing
sa an emergency, man "sprung" who, would.
beat them both.- IC not, I think. Cameron will
be the next
On Tuesday hist I visited Gettyaburgh and
the battle-field. and was present at thu
cation of the Soldiers* Orphans Home. This
makes the third epoch In the history of Get
!raub'irtilitll.ll4.wV:rf ortterbitiVesccOfmjmutleses
the Confederate troops. in person and was
most signally' defeated by General Meade.
;This battle- is Memorable for ninny th ings.
prominent among which is its having been
that of the Orphans' Home. .The attendance
was note near so large as was anticipated.
. Many worn prevented from coming from 11111 ,,
adelphia by &change of 'Schedule on Monday
morning. the train starting one boor earlier
than usual. Bishop Simpson was to have been'
here to officiate, but he failed to come, and
Steed, of Plailadelplihy filled lila Meer,
opening with an eloquent address. The pro.
cession wassled by the tiettysbnrgh Brass
Band,t.then followed the clergy, thendicers of
the court, (which bad adjourned over) pro.
. Lesson and stn.! ents of the Pennsylvania Col
lege and Theological SottiMary, the Sabbath
'awl children, 'biters and riltLeens gener•
ally. 'I did not remain for the evening °see
spring, long forgotten, wan unearthed by,
the soldiers during the bottle, about tine -
quarters of a mile from the “" and in
- t h e very locality wnere the first day's battle
was fought, the water of which has been anal
: feed, and Wend to contain superior medicinal
proeertles. - The ground adjacent has been
purchased by a company wile purpose indict-,
lug on it snot, making It a watering place,
thleking Perhaps many would visit to to see
the battle , deld, as well as on account the
• ater. Tesunday I arrived here, and Mead
another formidable ceremony going on. that
of the laying of she corner-stone of the Ma
. sonic Tempt , -The procession wasene of the
Standen Manta I ever beheld. Being bt rim.
ger leould .00t. get particulars. The Prod
' dent, ._•A.J.,” appeared In full regalia. J. IL
B;Latrope,"Esq., delivered the address. The
,\old comenetone of the old Mannito flail has
lately been taken up. main Itstere found sev
eral plecea of coin and a tetanus* of Wash
' lam indebted to J. D. Cameron, Linn Prebl
- dent of the Borth Central Hallway, Sur
zektes eXtended. ANAwait.,
; I ,
• .111ew .Toar, Nov. 91.—The eireetsof tho late
trorricane in the . Bahama Islands, are set
forth by the Governor, to We speech to the
Lealdappria • no ears : I have lost no time fa
G eßetning and amnia, public correct intornia
ii", affto the ravages or
that torm this la
land: sales II here to say upwards or GOO
dwellings have been destroyed and an equal
number leltiredt lA* scarcely a public baud-
Tog has esgard /VIM Oat many pup. o f
worship an 'achoolhotutes have been blown
down. and all have been alutelgodi that a ma
' fort
thehaPrinciPaljniartirn°4rea and Ptar"
own or *water
‘Vm Mina tbU va of 112 womb and boats which
anted in the harbor, oa the morning of Um
ut of comber, all but 01111 Asa soaker been
driven &Shore before-theca= asyba4 e ni m e d
and OASIS of them- liad been imigtea up or
rre =
ustVi,iretttatlibt e s e e t inmtar.opL2e.i4teL OLof=oyhadgry nprO e rttanh a delds
. and
Deng bare. Theout
bgetee o o9 W e IZ Yoien m ibe eetanl VTheanmef. 7 9
4.. ye sore the damages. The voTk of re . .
prove.lodtlr =Rid*,
I It 51(1111-
a cents
1n .. 0t - u-ance Company
at 17,0 CI C11,04C1C7),
tumuli Dividends Ava Dante Immediate
• Poi ley4iulderaanl other tterteas lotereated to the
ati•Ject of WPM ltenUltAlaCet are Invited to call
on the onderalarted. Agent cc toe Compani: who
cheerfoity glve them Pill Infmation as to the
merits ell practical working of t hee Company.
In Mc 'Gay. em
ltit h
of Pelswiry/c a rtedha..ity
ntaof Ms (Ana mop
ANDREW 0. DOWN. Governor of said Cun
.Whzatag, It tas been the good and worthy cus
tom of the Common wealth .to set apart. atinnellY,
aday for the encelsi acknowledgment of goad•
fleas of the Almighty end for espresting by the
whole people, at one lime. and with a common
voice, the TII/LNLI Lad rflAl4ll which throughout
thecym. lie springing from the hearts of men,
1, ANDREW 0. - 1:1.11:TIN, tioventor or the Com-.
monarealth of realm I sante, do by this my procla
mation, recommen•l that the rood people of lb<
tnonamonsrealitt observe
Thursday 29th day Novembar,lB6B,
AA a day of Thaek•sts ins and Prayer, and do then
assemble In their respective Churches and places of
' worship and mate their nuable thank offerins to
AtatiOnvir lion for all His Wean:tts during the
.past year.
For the abundant gathered frelU of Use earth:
For the toes far continued activity of Industry;
For the general pr,serrattzn of health:
And especially for that In Ilia Divots Zonal',
Elebathatayed the threatened pestilence.
And Moreover that the: , do lumeerti film to i 2 Oe'
UMW ant . ° us all Ills !de:Anus. and to confirm the
Reacts of the people of there 110114 el Mates. that
the lateral forme of their will, lice:gee( goo4dosllN.
Wisdom and Mercy may be doni , .
Given tinder my hand and the• great of the
Butt; sill arrisburg, this Otis day oi October,
In t e year or cur Lord: MS, and uf the Corn- .
t,.e -tint.
Tax BY Tx tiOrroundt:
ELI siArtn,
ffeertUry of the Commonwealth.
linzard dk Caswell'• Coil Liver Oil.
The Purest and Sweetest Cod ildver Olt to the
world, manufactured frot4 (meth, healthy
licera, upon tho sea-shore: It is perfectly
pure and sweet. Ask for hazard .t Caswell's
Cod Liver 011,.. reastufeetured by
C SAW ETA, 31new S Co. 'New York.
Sold by all druggists. kW
Of Pare nonacid Gin is about as good as one
half the Patentlleolcincs, provided you get a
. genllll3o article, and a great deal more valid&
blis. We are lad to ) tlaeso remarks from having'
purchased a bottle d•f Girl at Flensing's Drug
Store,lici. St Market street, and we are now
satisfied that we knew not what good Gin was
until we tried this. •
k Non Can EU,
TOrtigII".LIQUOtEI pi all kinds at Joseph S.
Finch's Distillery, .No. 189; 199,193 and 193 First
street, Pittsburgh.
You tau BUY
93 per cent. Alcohol et Joseph B. I,l.nch'e
I Yea Cava Buy
New Hord Xt./adept' S. Finch'!"
the ilex National Telegraph es l
From Up the Allegheny.
Special to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Pi:mantis, Pe., November 24,16GC.
Inver at Franklin forty-two Inches and
Calling; cold. At Olt City. thirty-elght Inches
and Calling; etpleopolis, thirtpeeven inches.
One Melanoma with France and if exleo
—Jeff. Davis—Oration by Wendell
II ear Tose, November 2.l.—'f he Times , Wash
ington correspondence gives the following
account of the France and Mexican difficulty
The withdrawal of the French troops ispost
poned. Since the special meeting of the cabi
net yesterday afternoon, were Inis been the
greatest Interest Manifested as to the purpose
01 this extraordinary, convening of that bear',
and various elieulliAtions have ilium seueoff to
the northern press on the subject. We ere
ma:muted to state vely Cast, the cebinet,
was called togethperesi t ti o
consider our foreign
relations. In this connection.' it le stated
purposee French Governinent,has declared its
to disregard the arrangement for
F e e n w h h d tr ra o w p*
eak d edhimge nt i or
month, as agree I upon between Dir. .Seward
and Inouye D. Mays.
The French Emperor has notified our Gov
ernment that Leese not effect, the withdrawal
of the troops until next spring, when ho pro
proses to embark tbg entire form' at once. in
view of the failure of Napoleon to comply
with his agreement to withdraw a portion of
these troops, and Imam ce.h as the notification
' of the forfeiture of the agreement comes at
, this late day, our government is not disposed
torn lull coundenSf - in the further promises
Of the French Emperor. There is reason for
CC mit se eViof ng t
the haCabinett this ter wan the Immed
ause yesterday, a nd
that to-day the subject was again considered
In the regular session, General Grunt being
present, by request'of the President. it us in
timated in °Metal circles that Instructions
have been se Imm ediate our Minister . France to
demand tile withdrawal of the
French troops fro.p Mexico.
Since the recent additions made to Jeff. De.
vbi , quartets in Carroll Hall, sod the removal
of Sirs. Davis and bar sister to the rooms pre
pared for them, he bas become remarkably
cheerful; his healih has Much Improved of
late, and he is said to speakvery centidentlY
of being released. itelativessind friends from
all parts Milne South ale cobstantly arriving,
entering the Fort at pleasure, and departing
almost nnomnved. The Adams Express Com
pany-are in constant receipt of packages and
presents for Davis, being furnished by Ms
'At e meeting or the Pennsylvinlia 4ilf l-81a
, very Society in Philadelphia yesterday, Wen,
dell Phillips delivered an oration.
Si V*. vii:
E. S. WINSTON, President.
No. 37 Elph Street. rittebeirgh
ThsahartTlui Proclamat lon
A lioett Arliele
Address of Gen. flotier—ltigh Crimes
charged on the vfeetclent.
Neww. Tose, November DIeJ. Oen. BuUer
delivered an address this evening. at the
groolrlyn Acadcrmy of picnic, on the usurpa
tions. wrongs cud abuses of the exezutive
power. and the corualtutlonal iemedy there
or. The address passed Mt without the least
sign of disapprobstmn ; on the Contrary,
the G ene r a l was trequently applauded. tits
main points wcretin the Impeachment of Pres
ident Johnson. lie Chemed him with high
Primes and misdemeanors, which might he
ermined Wider lbe. head et intoxication; uf
making indecent stud incendiary harangues
i n t e nded to ozone:the hatred and fear of the
people atainst th e ConaTele Id the Butted
mates; w ith usurping the rights a
n' o
Congress; with misappropriating the May.
e minent
_ Made; with corruptly Ewen
the pardoning power; with anpointing
ineligible men to °Mai; With neglecting to
carry opt Vrovisions of th e ConsUtution,
Ind with. niplohn T..Kotiroe that he
might be yor ri eff OrieMA a"..80 use
Ws Influence In lute erlidgetiantheLtraidatie
Mate Convention in kUling. MtnettotilzWit een
:genes menatssra.?. -sooompanted
ot Mo charges with several specillcations
and. closed with it amend anatnema against
the enemies of. the ecienn?„ In width he task
We ask, nothing of who here fought
against UN, neither - 410 we ant them hoe we
grudi reconstruct thiegovernment. '
tittamstalp Arrisetl—The rentmEAgitek•
tlon—Negotlittloate With the rope—
Cotornerrisl—Sneceim•of the Itinnoinn
Yuan-4 rrrrr or Fenian,* In Ireland , —
Expected Ontbrank lu hpnin..
PAnds. po r nlar outbreak against
the government of Spate is liable to occur at
any moment. There era vague 'rumors that
the Queen will abdicate to avert the threaten
ed storm.
FLonerine, Nov. Is reported authorita
tively that Rattiest will sueeteil Baron Rica
soil In the Foreign office.
LOA DON, Nov. 23—i number of persons ne
onatal oft enianism have been arrested at-Lim
erick, and large Quantities of pikes and other
aims seizetl by'the NMI horttles.
Llsumti Nev. =The Chambers have alreed
in censuring the government fro the . sale of
the Cologne Railroad without their sanction.
Loins,- Nov. e3.—The tuoiiey market L 4
slightly easier. Consols close at 90 for nioney.
LONDON nor. tr2.—The new Russian loan. for
70,000,000 florins, has already met with great
success. One-third of the amount having been
already taken, with prospects that the whole
amount will be taken.
LIVLRPOOL, November ;V.—The market for
cettoca is unchanged. Provisions are orb
chtumod. Lard is tending downward..
Quameirrowir. November 41.—Nees—The
- Cunard steamship Australasian, which left
New York, November 11th. touched at tills
port this port this lorenopn, after landing
mails and passengers, site proceeded to Liver
Losoos. November 14.-:-Noca—The Fenian
agitation in /rotund, still continues. Many
arrests or persons and seizures of anus have
been made. An American named !deli iliveraYt
who was suspect.] of luting an agent of the
Fentaus, was arrested at, Dublin to-day, anti
imprisoned; many others. whom the authori
ties have spotted, will be immediately ar
An editorial , la the niter of Ills morning,
eXprtSieM the belief that the Emperer
mlllanlhasactuallp abdicated. Holooks for
the intervention of the Veiled Stated Govern
ment ma the next step, hut hopes that good re.
Bella r
• • .
It is reported that twenty transports will
sail from Brest 1,11 bring home the French
troops lintileillutely all, the arrival of the
neat mall from Mexico.
FLOMICE. Nov. Government of
Italy will renew negotiations with the l'opeat
LIN' RPOO Nev. I:L.—Nana—ll , e cotton mar
ket opens quite active at yesterday's ad va lice,
and with pi I,SIWetS or the rat's saM am nun I,
In Sully Itt,tve bales; middling uplands.
IL'. The market fur brettdstuna Is Prin.
Lemma, Nov. 24.—Nson.—The money mar
ket is steady. Gompl opened at 40 for money;
U. 8. Fire-torentles; 1111nola Central, 75;
Erie, -
Frenett Enspo or•a 111 Falth—h. Forelam
War I:nurr Wiscoouton—The French
Mlnlstor Notttled—Tbo Withdrawal of
Frown, Troops to bo•loslstect
Wairtiviroirrne, November 21.—The illapitebes
sent from here last night reletivo to certain
untookeil for complicationa of the Aleilcan
question, Boob . the reception of, a reqUest
from Napoleon to be allowed an extenston of
time for the withdrawal of French troop., has
caused a marked sensation about town tots
morning. The surprise nod lidcrest I. be!ght
cried by certain individuals who tiny° hntt
these statements enittlrined.
In a . private conversation with men:titers of
the Cabinet, they aver that On ministerial
councils held nt the Whitrlllouse yesterday
and toalay, the effect of ai foreign war, and
the resources necessary to meet it, wore di.-
cussed most elaborately. as events that were
. . . . . .. _ .
likely to grow out of thu Ereimll Emperor , * li
faith. . .
A steal:per left New (Means yesterday to
transmit this new phase &affairs to Min
later Campbell and General Sherman at Vera
It Is also TOeratood tilut theyrenett
• hlla
later was notified after the Cab, net meeting
on Thursday, that this Government would
brook no further delays in the fultilirent of
Napolcon.s compact a t , eward, and st
insist upon an immediate embarkation, us
The new arrangement by the Cou”n Issionex
of Patents, providing for certain print lug that
distienses with the feinnie writer, adds great
ly te• the artistic appearance of ‘be putentr,
insures an annual eaving of SSO,OOO, awl is in
anticipation of ,n hat would be required ity
Congress under the recommendation of the
itetrenchment ComMiti ea.
'tasters from Nan Framelimo.
Nan Fassimsco, 2f.—Tbe steamer Gol
on City, from P111121.11M, with New ;York date
. November Ist, 'arrived this morning.
Too bark Port% for 'tom; Kong, takes ha
197,0)3 In treasure.
Toe Committee in charge of the representa
tion of California at the Paris Exposition,
have reported against contributing a section
of the big tree. William P. Blake, the Calls
fertile CoMmissioner to the Exposition, Las
lamed an address to the. people of the State,
detailing the manner 1,1 which the Mines and
agriculture are to be represented, and declar
ing his purpose. atter arriving at Paris, to
publish in the English, French and German
languages, an account of theolirnate, soil, ag
ricultural tinallty and Price of nubile lands.
the cost of living, Lhe rates of .1, ea, mode of
emigration, and mining statistics. lie niU
also deliver an add reSs in the French and Eng
liati languages, and illustratieg with maps,
and drawings, and references to the Califor
nia collections.
Tennessee Juror..
rissuratta,Noretulter 21.—The ta - d1 to donne
the qualifications of Jurors him passed both
branches of the Leitch,: ore, taking ctroot from
and after It. passage. Tills bill provides that
in all trials, Melt or criminal, In any Courts
of Tennessee, it shall be good ground of chal•
(toga for canoe. as to the competency or any
juror. that inch person IA note qualified voter
of this state. Too bill RIBO prattle., that per
sons convicted of rape, IL9 110 W defined by the
Tennessee statutes, shall suffer death by
banging, but the jury may Commute the pan-
Lihment to Imprisonment for not less than ton
nor more than twee tya years.
fifty-seyen Radical Senators and Itepresen.
Wilms will to-morrow publish a cull for a
State Reload:can Union Convention, to meet
at gauffivtlis, February 22 a next, to nominate
a canattalate for Governor to represent the
Unionidim of Tennessee..
Howieldo Pientenced
New Tone, Nov. ::{.—kiugeno Fergus. tried
in the King's county Court of Oyor and ITer
miner during the latter "onion of the week,
for killing ratrlck McGilson, by shooting,
which ocaurred In an affray on the evening of
the 6th of August last, at the corner of State
and—Flrman streets, was thin morning nen
tenced to the State liaison for n term of three
years and nix taosths.
The pollen of this city made a total of OS
arrest daring the past week.
Mayor Hoffman sent to the Board of Alder
-141.m thin afternoon, the name of John T. As:-
new as his impend 11013111:110.10t1 for Street Com
From Canad■
Quarles, Nov. 'N.—A. large number of tempo
rary sheds have been etv.eied In the burnt dis
trict in which many of the °burned tint"' by
the into fire will find shelter for the winter.
A great many arc emigrating to the 11110
States.' Weather cold. - •
A public testimonial is proposed for - Pr.
Marsden In recognition of his zeal and ability
In securing stringent quantnt Inc regulattons
with New York and oilier American ports by
which the spread of the cholera. aas preven
• . •
Tho Noon Scotia, the. lest outward bound
steamer of the season, sailed this morning for
Congressional Plans.
11;.:NIEW YORE November O.l.—Tim Cknomarrcior•
special says: The leading...L[olmb
dean Congressmen urn maturing a plan for
the government f the Southern . States in
Vier of the probable p. 10111111,0 delay of the
adoption of the constitytionnt Amendment. by
MO foto Insurrectionary States:
provides for the execution of existing and
prospective acts of Congress Independently of
the respective Mato or Federal Executives.
It i old Territorial plan modified to
meetexistingis circumstances.
Nolewd. .
New Tonic, November 2i.—Two eel cures or
distilleries worn made yesterday for
vjolation of revenue law, In ad Mon to those
aready reported. In one instance the cancer
Making the seizure waa driven off by a crowd
of :nen, who threatened blin with peral
Injury If he did not. terve the premises. The
examination Into the case of the dietillers was
continued by Conammeloner Newton. No new
ovidanno Wee adduced. •• • •
Departure of General Die.
j 7 w Yealt. NOV. 41.—General John A. Dix,
Americas /44nister to the Government or
France, "ailed for houthempton 4c ono olciock
this afternoon on board the BrOMOD 'teenier
New York from MObOkOr..' lie was aeronipa.
hied by his son. John 4. DM ills wife and
danghter sailed In October hut.'
The Outside liblat Sahel
Tonotryo, if ovem be r 24.—The Council of Slal
ooz paned a resolaboa, by a largo majority,
Toting ssoo_poo • to-day 'towards the conatruo-
UMfof the Huron and Ontario Whip Can.!.
'.iltlteavy 000 W etormooaurred Ws afternoon .
iggiUltXo arOliying tip for winter, •
Steamahlp Teabdana Arrived at User,
pool—The ileMean Empire—The EM
press i:oriotta-11liiiia so be Sent to
• [IIY THY cABLe.I ,
Livrtiroot. Swale'', November Z. The
steamship .t.oulsans„ tiiiptatit Itarrington.
which left' Now Tort on the 10th Inst.i
arrived ont. •
Lognos,2s.—The condi ion Of the Mexican
Hmplre, N the leading t le in Elagland and
on the Continent.
Trieste papers says that ha - slate of lila Em
press Carlotta.s health s nnehanged. Tile
Simko Goeette, of this Irniug mays The
Hord Commission on t o neutrality laws
will soon commence its salons. Lord Gran
worth will tie President I the Commission,
and among its members will be Lord Hough
ton, bir "Mundell Palmer ntr P. Phillimore.
Dr. (hrlsa, and W 11.Grel, ry.
Thorn„are Vague report "thiit the Govern
ment proposes to send t enty mtlitW tegb
meets to Ireland.
',Pam!, November 25.-1 is stated tbot the
Imperial Commission op Meted to consider
the reorganization of the Trench army meld
- report In favor of adopting the Prussian Mil
itary system.
eirerive, November 25,--t party U..
adopted an address to the Emperor of Atm
trim, asking for the rebtorattoci of the L lsits of
1848, and promising t hntjthe (Met
the w !ahem of thu Emperor as expresSoll In
his rucent reserlpL
NEWS BY Tlll3 GE1131.131.1.
Yellow Fewer ou BOord--Lieeveral Mime
from Europe—The J•p War-IWe
Hew `Vona, November 25.—The kiteamc4ier
mania, (ruin .SouthamPton lltli, arrived:to.
day. • •
Thirty-five ease, of/yellow fever, fouryvn
of which had provedthal, Occurred on Ward.
The English secnaniy ot State has PrvP ollo4
to give a reward of hate 311 thoumand pounalf to
Sehler'a family for lila .breech-loadlng Invert-
The cholera is dleti4alalling In London.
Thu Emperor Nap lean h. Invited Prince.
apoleon to take part In the Military ../rjra
iiination committee.
The iron-clad squadron wt I sail on the MIL
to bring hack troops from! e.
Thera in no cholera in Part
• Gladstone denlesrthe slat oul published of
Ills interview with,the l'opu.
A secret 'Consistory Inas decided that If the
Pope he oblwed to 'rave "Homo he wilt go VD
Blaita. • The Malt.° ecclesiastics have beau
notified of this decision.
Rumors respecting the Prunnosliusslan
anon are unfounded.
• . • • .
The fang of Denmark had opened to perstpt
too Moduli. The King cold, a, a proof lof
rruralan frlandehlp, that alto had undertaktln
to restore North Schleswig, In to tar as the
population, by free voting, innuonttre in favor
of inch a stop.
- -
No cholera Is reportod la Pavia.
Glatbdone bas wrlt ten /o the °alai! Jodrrmt
denying the necoont of his Interview with the
rope nv vein
Baron Bruck will be Atoll nail Ambit/minor
JAPAN.-11.3 war i 3 suppose.ltu bo teralitta
ad. 'rho JaparteAn han purehant4 several
All3l calla prat...4i to revy nn 61111110 g dory
On geld per ounce.
Teleg rapine commit Meat lon 1019 been ope flea
with. Wentworth, forming the ith+t poi tam Of
I he direct Hoe to ,ydney.
New natives at * TitalcurA
tad atter•ked the friendly natives.
111 . 1 t Cssi A. —Thu semi-onletal N orth German
Gazelle declares. In the most, p o ol Gee manlier
that the Journey of ihoUrOWlll . rinCe. 01 Vlnis
*lnt° ht. peterstrurg has no pal It teal object. The
Vrmalati Government, adds the same Journal.
has no 1dt:solo° iltheting an •tll.then In view,
nt events cOlmected , KILO the toter° policy of
Pruvila. • •
. -
The send-official Vicuna [eternal publishes a
lender on the sitrtion of affairn the enot,
In which:it say.: "Austria cannel. hut look
upon nay uttemp nt a forcible revolution wit h
sorrow and anxiety. It Is to be hoped that
the united action of the peaceably disposed
rowersef Europe Will outlive to maintain peace
in the Interior of Turkey.. At the same time
-It Is clear that every Chtlatlan country would
hesitate-te proceed by compulsory or worlds
theaallres against the Christian popuhtioe 01
the. Turkish einptre. Austria ewer:billy is
nine only to employ earneat representation
and pew-vial mutilation. When peace la nit.
tiangeren •In the east this course la tiecenaM
toted, not Only by aintlVeri Or Justice aro rpolt-
Cy, bat aloe by the ifflially of rate which exists
between aurae of the AnStrian popula..l6n and
their kinsman ou Turkish territory. The at.
tide then advises the Porte to yield to the de.
of berrts, Mid table: The vent solution
of the eastern question would probably he the
mallitteance of this political tie uniting the
Christian population with the Turkish thav
ernmeid, *loch would not Interfere with their
Independence at home, anti yet would secure
that independence sgaillit aggression froth
abroad. if the Christian races could be mod:
crate in their demands, and if the Porte would
adoot the politecourse of letting those whotn
it eau on longer retain uuder itn dominion, tic:-
pail wlihoot M struggle, the dangers threaten*
'Mg to shako the peace. of Enrope might be
nrerted, or at least COrnined to.the disaffected
Mexican' Mews liereired• by Minister
Romero—lnereaso of Clerks' smittries
-Colored Troops Mustered One—tlir
e to Coagresa.
WAPHINi TON, Nov. .2.s.—The' following ham i
been meet 'etl by Minister Romero:
Col. Rafael J. tiarcla, apt:saluted Military 1
Governor, has estatilb.lical Ms government at
the city of Sea-ca [mole, null issued a oroela
=aloe to the people of the State, calling on
them to take up arms against the enemy, Gov.
ilsarcla moons that the trench h ace reit the
whole of the State of if - cable, keeping on.y
the lino of the main road Irmo Vera Crux to
the City of Mexico. General Dlax`n victories
In the State of Oaxaca, will cause the French
to lose the other orieft oldo of the road, w h lett
can be cut off at any moment. The Anstro-
French garrtion of 0r05.% had eurrenatered
to Dlaz, allowing them to keen their hornet,
Mut:Hums and private property.
A general labeling of the Department Clorkg
was wild yesterday evening, for the herpes@
of making arrangements for petiLuming Con
gress foram increase of salary.
The 157th United Mates Colored troops wero
mustered 11111 Qlt Wednesday, And were to
leaye, and left, their camps up the Virginia
side of the Potomac to-day, en souls for I.Ou is
elite, fly., where they will receive their pay.
A. mea.thig of the execrative anal• general
committees, having In charge too arrange
mente for the maim welcome to Congresson et
last night, and after receiving reports from
the various autecommittees, the meeting re
',Dived that Capt. A. J. Bennett and Major .
Waltham S. Morse, of the Financial Committee,
immediately visit Baltimore, Philadelphia and
New Turk; Gal. N. El. Pearce, oNthe United
states army, to act ate temporary Clusirrnan of
the Committee, with power to net In the eel.
' iection of fonds in the Ifi.trlct. It was or
dered that the Committee on Orator and
ti takers he Instructed to invite •x. Vice Pres
ident 'lamina to denote . the address of wet
roam In the evens that Upneral Logan shall de
cline ~ 1
Arrival of the Inarvivere of a Wrecked
Vaesol—Pereption of General Sherman
and Minister t avapbell at Havana.
Mu:roman, Nov. 2.3.—The steamer Liberty,
flow Now Orleans via Havana, on the Wilt
Inst., brings hero Capt. floral., th 3 Mincers and
crow, and three passengers of tne steatnildp
Ibilacr," of !denim. Mordecai A C 0..,
Baltimore and Charleston line, which lett here
on the 10th Inst. and foundered In a severe gule
sixty-miles South-east of Cape Hatteras. The
officers, crew and passengers, three L 1 num
ber, took to small boats, and utter being ex
posed for some I bourn to the merry of the
storm, were ilually rescued by ,the
frigate Smquehanna, which was conveying
General Sherman and Minieter Campbell to
Mexico. All we re veseued except four colored
men. .On Sunday the leth inst. tile Susque
hanna arrived at .-63mila, where General Sher
man and Minister • Campbell waive reeelviel
with mat hed attention by the mil liorites. It
was underarad they would remain in Havana
One wee,,.
Fire nt Itanipas City
limb,. Ctrs, Mo., Rov.,2s.—The large four
story warehouse and grocery commission
home of Cheek t Co., and Scott, Cutler & Co..
on Lee street, was hermit at caolock this'
Morning. The loss Is estimated at 41 0 0,000, ,
about twodhl rdr of which is time red by Mem
ranee. Two clerks of Check & Co., named
Oust and Ricketts, while attempting to escape
from the building suffocated, and their bodies
were COIMUMeti. Anotherman named noshes,
.'lumped from a thirst story window. Injuring
himself severely. The tire was the work of an
Ff eftee and Mexiee—The President's
Polley. •
hi.tsuindres, N OCenber Seward has
asked an explanation from the French gar
°repent m relation to the continued occupa•
slot ot Mexico, but no now detnand has beell
The current reports that the President is
ready to abandon his reconstruction pollOY
are without foundation. ,
Beported Captors or Allstamorits.
Nrl Ozt.r.csa, Ngrember 9L—ltutooru are
u4uut4 but tbey aft) IMlCTilldlted, or too appeupp
pr. biarmOrus by Cyrtintut.
1 •
YENII3...ER 26, 1866.
Diftbarftemjitt!‘ Trcn-arj-TU
•Wasuisirrds, No -. 21.—The ilishursmdenis
of the 1 reasary.darlog-the• prnit_wee(, - oa ac
count of the; War, Navy a ddinterior Depot i
ntents, 10:01 . 0 as follows: War Department.
$1,751,993; Navy Department, C1,717,tze 4 ; Inte
rior Department, 4107,i1t; Total, p3,C.11).3:0.
National Bank Notes wore Issued to the
amount, of sl.l3l.oll, s mak log the total cited..
tied. Fractional currency was received Irons
the Printing Bureau in the sum of $151,500;
shipped to the Assistant Treasurer and Na
tional- Banks, 8121,611; redeemed. *101,200. The
Government holds securities us follows: Fur
,notes...llu,als,Gso, for deposits of
public moneys with designated depositaries,
Tne National Exchange Tian k, of Baltimore,
has voluntarily ceased to be a depository
of the Public usonevs, having, on Its own din
plication inched pernitssiou to withdraw
the securities tleoosited with the Treasurer of
tho,United Staten, to secure the payment of
public moneys in its
Tlic Sixth race over the National Course
canle oil vielay In the presentee of at leant 4,000
delighted spectators. ittnong.w hum iNt' ere 1.1011.
Grunt and members of his steal', Secretaries
Browning and AlcCulloch, Hen. W. FL Chand
ler, Assisiunt Secretary of the Treasury, slr
Frederick llriieu slid attaches, Judge. [ter,
'Ol the District supreme Court, Col. Ward 11.
Lawns.. Secretary Stallion, and other,. till"
large number of ladles. Tim City Councils
and Bar of the, city' were well represeided.
Thu race w..s lOr attars' os. 41, 100 , Milo heals,
best three In nee.-The in rays mitered were
the famous Dexter. the trotter Ceor4o lila:-
Sett. and the pacer Polly Ann. T op George
Fawcett mar formerly keowit'a- , Silas kali.
'rho rare COMIIIOIIOO4I alleir 11111 e
o'clock, with Yan,oli. ou thu.,Lrvule track.
Dexter started !While!, tut CoUll Mita.
nialchig the quarter-pole in :a seconds, and he
kept Ids distant . ° to the 110100. stand, which
was 'Niched In . .::10'/ ; ,; in the second heat D.,-
ter was again beln,Ht, lists 0011 distanced ail
his mom pet !torn. 110,1114‘10 the litnitler-pole to
13 seconds, the hail mile pole In 1:11, the
three-quarter pole Flo 1:15, land the judges'
stand in dlstigicing his inset petitors Ly
Over two lengths aim Leating hi, 00 . 11 time
of a recntia; that Is, he it on a track of
[hid character,LCOuirlig pr 'Mont two second'
behind of what lic*ad made on the Ralaime.
zoo .Cont,e a year hr two years lig, In Inn
third heat Dexter dkl not law ke CO goist time.
probably because4le realized . t (let that
Ito Ilia not, filtlllark wart by of Ills
steel. 110,110WeVi.t, started again Int he rear.
but quickly pas,a2 his lantligolliai,lo,ll4llF, 1110
quarter luau In N fweends, the half i.ile In
Hal the three quarter pole in and reach
ed home In . 2:15!,;, leaving Fawcett and Polly
Ann far away vs the rear. '1 ne horse Vaweett
did good sunning this last heat. and mule
desperate effort to pass his antagonist. Dexter
wan, 01 course, prOciainfed the victor and tits
proprietor took the purse. . •
The Leaahimirters of the Department of Ar.
I kansaa Is, by order of General Grant. trans-
Serred Dom Little Rock to Fort Smith, Ark..
and the commanding General of ilia Depart
ment is authorized to move tlll,l baud now at
Little nerie,to the poll within lila command
naVi/lit the large .d permaneut garrison.
Lomas - n -I.n, Nor. 21.—T lot report that the
duly cotton sates In this city hnxe beim per
manently eititpcii.thal in incorrect. bleForran o
Armstrong A Co., will e-s ounnence. them on
Identlayo nod lieu. W. Wlcictt, nod Porter, Fair
fax S Co., will continue them,..dalltt through
out each arid:.
WASIIINUTON:NUVCIdt , Or 21:-1.,ii..1A1 ielirg,”
telt - If.rt, 01 Horyltot , l, Into a Major lwilurai
intim Confederate • leo, and nt: rod time u 5
Wept wits pardoned to-day.
aeon konr.tis
llt . rogloro Till Ill's I:colnre.
Theodora T,ltou, them ate, adteita-at rail pat
riotic editor of the 1,1 , 1 pert,lell ' l, and lecturer
on all subjects connect d wit a the elevation
or the human rac.f and the tniat niter, lie 0;
1.1111 country, need., eat I aro luCt ion to fle peo
pie of rlttshurgh audit he viniall3 . tall the
OCCASloll,ethic lecture' tO-morrow evening, lie
.111 ho tirecto.l by att - Oveltlotilng end rnee of
tranaae who know and arkaowledv Ilk geniin
anal elnarsetre. fits laid II re• lt,ttea rim ' even
ing at the Ara , leray of ltlmOo, wall la tvo for
Its ..ohject, °Thu Corner-tithao of the art ran,
Inali,” anal the Manner 1,, which Ate Toin,,
.111.1.1,1 will, Title male.) eel aa. 11l Intalai inlealle
In. etnintiattly vetisfaetory In our eitl, , ,, Th.:
salon( re.ereed sent, wall. imulti•rtirt• ,tt the
Academy of Mieite Wan:Uri - on running at ten
lrelale :a
• These who' were delighted
'evening with the 01110 irable featn of and
strength an.l nglli ly• liy the unetuliere
or the tiy.innuntle ion at their ex
lieu, will have i opportunity to-morrow
evening or renewing their Selig lit, and Ovine
who dill 001 w it ells the dinplay of Inet week•
will bate AO opportunity tit, relic wing Melt
'legit tier illenellity, for eti,ruiiriiio evening
the exhibition will be' repeated. The name,
connected WO - 0111. .V.SOCkAIt 101 l lire well
known to our citizen. ad -Aynotlynrous with
phyileal skill and strength, and everybody
expects at exlilltitiotin the big first ett-
Jos ment. Nobalv in dinnippois.ted. there
fore everybody will atoll to•niurrow even
l'lmizatsgislng 441 y
Next That,,lay, Its accordxuee Walt the
chniestitatiof'krealdeat Jolhuson and (iovet
nor ,Curttn, obdrrvid a, Is day of
1111111k...114 . 111g . . hi order that ell may prets , rls
apprvetato the day and feel 111113 ticatitif al, it
might he 4uggested that they .I . ..path to the
manttenth satestoom of T. A. 3letdelattal, No,.
55 nt !fl Ficth street, end compla ill, el rise.
at the caccumally C 111.411 1111 gi11.., boots cool
stems, Islankelsottel u thousand iced OM. :all
eles Of IlccuM.tie the! mucl minima. II 101.1 r
picreica•ltig aoccas there et Om
lOW prices, the ellllllllHolly have fleshing to
thactkial Mr, thee, are, raoredoo4 to angrat
-1111,1g.• The great pule ecintences mid the
threeged trim seam me • till
night will. perchasida patron.. Coscetry uier
eletitts et. aupplied nth, tar
vantazeoat to theni4elvea 1111111111 U 4,1111.1 elm
tails Its ec.teru fetching houses,
O .
(lot P01060%.1.011 f Ills Child.
Our readers will retneintter that id the early
part of the mon,th we reported the fret that a
writ of habeas corpus. had been trolled to the
Dinefitora of blieToor, illfOe Ling them to pro
dues tlnftnaly of August Leek roth, a had age.'
about nine years., and eon of Frederlek Duck
roth, who lout boon placed In their custody on
account of ohlegrit 111 treatment on rho part
of I 110p/trent, .The case war partially:mord
On tho 3,1 Mattel, lett nu, postponed until
last naturoay morning. The onso tea+ collet
up In the Court of quarter Se4sione on Satur
day morning., and OH I/10 emu - Melon of the ar- ,
ailment. the Court directed' that thn child ho
remanded Into the custody Of Ids pat note, nog
that thu route Incurred be pail Ii) the tether;
Frederick Dark roth. t
Afoot Style of lint Mond. '
on Friday evening JAIIII4 throne, or Stew.
Itunlill 0,0111 e, went lute , Caopei 'a Saloon, on
Market street, for the purpose Of “litising a
nip,"•and On atopplue up to , the Molter w an
retneed by 1110 line keeper, WIWI. Holman.
i t
Words, of not a friendly character, en tool be
tweon the parties, when liolentenfrh illeelln
In the mouth. The ball purredthiro ugh hi,
111., struck Ills front troth, I p 'soul iround
his Jaw on the outside' knockin out es'eral
of Ills mink teeth and lodging Iti Elie oil 01
Ids mouth. ()Welt put to Ills IL milt, nlled
oat the . inilltt, and three Witt 111 omen, who
followed up Luis Idiot by SOVerAl then, but
missed hit, nuts each' their; °Viet, not being
doomed to din hy,hullete.
: 1 1 .., 1,
1, a
I ,
I IL t
Larceny or iitoo.notd r- I —John A.
len, 01 Allegneny, was lo•fote:.llu.sop. m 0,,,,,,,
on 5a1111,111.11, chargt WlVltli hiasollt on wall of
Edward Allaa•tionl. 'rho 11 , 1,0nn0, s, ti, ro,
Estrati, rates on Federal allegr ~ sHu ~ s, nr.
Any the ult a oolunt eurriod no ny on, las
(Mansfield's) 11011.0 IL largo Mllllllll ill 1101,1,
land goods of no, ions doserlko Ion.: Tire so--
slaked I, On ant:ma:A, and ,d el' inn 5,15
committed to Jail In clefanit_gf 4, 11 hail, SO
await lll.O.ittl at coml.
... •
Rtiptrti?o or Illernlll.—The Ist. roses el;
hernia or replete can be rosed r
by II properly adjusted tress oit lei' eau 1. mi
br applied at Dr. lieyer's, 101 Wobfl street or,
at has private °Mee, 120 Prott st tort. LiallY
'cases of herota ten be vailleally etyre.l by the
right k leo of , a trussproperly 1
have also for sale Dr. Hot:acts' Lbs and to
preyed patted, Trus! , , of %bleb I 11 Informa
tion will be given by addresaliztr Ita above
Held for o lleorlua . .—ltobert,t JOllO% IVIVI
arraigned before Alderman Teller, oiVatur
day, to alum Pr a charge of'Monte l i t and nottery
preferred emitted. hint by Ali., 1.. Thomas,
Both porde o reable in , the •Fifth ard, where
the assault le eald to bare t ken place.
After Cho examination of Imre I witnesecs
Jouee vr as Rimed to give hall fr a further
bearing to-day.
IS la ue It:petite en 11,, to purchase o uo o f
Wheeler ..t Wllsoles Imprint! Mick Stitch
Sewing Illach Ines, 111.9' t am warranted pc 1.
feet—will sew the finest, mull as tr ill as the
heavy beaver clothland fell Inetruoi lons are
given In their use tree of eliarim. Salesroom,
Y 5 fifth street,
.Dr. E. A. Abatis, the xktllful eyo nurl oar;
surgeon sod physlclan, announces it tempora
ry renence of two weeks from the 91.7. lie
*lll return at the end of that time 5511 resume
Pr/tattoo at 'Ms emus et the ateretututls
Pi' N 1
1 Ir___; tt t 1"
sellsoyer .. 47 Riddle
u. The Daily linublie.
• • -
Some time during last summer au article
appeared in the Win m ns of the Daily Renub-
Or. of this city, redacting on the charactets of
Samuel Riddle, Esq., and S. Scheyer, Esq., or
in other words, charging them directly with
having deli - gutted the former props lelori 01
this paper out of certain large sums of money
whirl: finally canned their uankruptcy. Feel
ing thetuAelveni lihollo.l by the publication
of the article ieferred to, the injured parties
mitered Mitt against N. P. Sawyer, Esq., the
editor of the .I,7 , ll,thrie, for libel: When the
cases cattle up for tr: al the defendant entered
a Tile°. Of nol!e contend,. hut the sentmice of
the', Cum deferred until Saturday morn
tug, when, [herd Wen n (pt bench priaerit. •
An Saturday norms 31r. sawyer appeared
in Court tor, sent accopatited ny his Colllo,ol, S. 11. bieyer, Esq. ulna: liu proSeet,
lion wan represented - by line. Collier, ,Tolin
Hampton and Th., 31_ 31arahull, Ent's. When
the ease won railed up, Mr. iieyeroni behalf of
the •let.olunt:unbed in Introduce wit . -
lie.,s to nhow that the [Mellon,. article In
que••tiou had net helm w rotten by 31r. Siwyer;
that It [Weide , ' without his knowledge or
cennent; that lie ea preened regret tee morio
Mg It leas puellslast,uud that. at: Lad ordered
.the distribution of lie PelMrs Coat:tieing it to
be etoriped• lie deelrell to allow three tact, In
Older to Mitigate tin seidenee. The Court
granted theft quest, gad the I olloselog eel.
11.01C0 Nees enlaced:
Jobe llMl:Minedy, ewer:a article in
ri urn, em arltdm by toynelli It as w
ten an-, or to en article which aPpeareil In
the Chr. , nietr, 311. i which 100,laldeii , 1 W., WI
• tat:WC 011 111,1 111.1111,aler .11011111 i treeli
amminte:l 10 correct 31r. Riddle; t,mooldored
I the N111t1,111 . 11i ., In the article true, but their
: aI no mallee intended In their pubucattent I
tins) bane heed enrollee:tie 1,1 the selection Id
word MI1:1.11,1;” I regret itn te., It ad.
ma, of a w rung conutrUctiOn; I regret teat I
act rat 111 a pasithal to Urisleur for the article
1 ins self, as 31 r. nawyer had irettling to do with
ii. 1 ahoilld have put Lr It vety itinerent plea.
I 1011111 tee fain,: warrant lire otatements;
the moor. of the faLlure of the •;orettr it...
talon are as I hi,k an IU.VC3I; I 1100% think Mr.
St:lint:re had any right to appinpriate to him.
sell the loom, of ••I,lttle Shylnett Sol," if he
wan out
Croon 1a,11111,11 by Mr. litteptoo—lnd not
thew th . ti much, to Mr. Saw yin; he comes to
the orlioe occasionally i 1.3.1 ea manes the
prows; I rtm the geetrul editor. Mr. Sant y rr
es prretsmi liar regrets to tee on the appearance
to: Ills article; Odal. IL US, lanriang of the
publication, when I met him at hi. warn
il4lll,,, 110 appeared Indignant: I linked him if
I WOUIII make a retraction; he raid he would
see the parties retell cal to. lam editor of the
Republie; Mr. Sawyer has a nettervinory con
trol; 1 nthl think the statements made are
true, end don't think 1 would liase.any
rutty in proving them.
31r.. Sawyer, Lille defendant, then mole a
brief statement. - Ile said he regretted the
publ heat lon very touchoonl had stopped till,
circulation of naier'oti the morning of
its occurrence. 'had also offered to pub-,
11111 any retraction tiler the parties might de
or dictate.
Mr. nelloyer an, then ,worn m hel e ff of the
prosecution. Ile telditli it that ltn wet Mr.
veyer i.ome day , after lam- arrent, unit that
the latter haihiffered to make a retraction; he
told defendant he vould don:. he saw nt. Told
WAN !hitt the charge, were without founda
tion. idol of shell it gray° character that no
amount 01 retraction Would help the matter.
Some (VW Werke, ago Mr. i . . , 11W) or agate offered
M make a retraction, alien WiLtli`SA replied
that the matter a. in the hands of lint
that be ~0121t1 adopt tioy.couree he night
think moper. Ile did snot remeumber of telling
31r. San) er that It w mild 110 more harm than
good by again bringing It before the manic lip
a t eirectlon.
n• . .
Alter etiomlltallon, .111.Igis. 3l.dltut remarked
that If nothing bet the indictments before
ill em w ere to he passed upon', the grave; elf,-
racier of the 141 . 4 would have called fott a
st•vcre aentencelf - rom the Court. Rut a 4 two
MlllOllll4 were pending, in which the IndPri
ii mil rights of tle pro its could be protected,
ndto view of lie fact 01111. 31r. sawyer ',t
,it thin lilli nor CM,. article. and 11 , 1 , 1 ex.
eil regret for 'IS IA1;1110411011, tile sentence
woul,t not be tntiro severe than the rights of
the public demanded. .The defendant: was
then sentenced to pay a tine 'of , err l 4 five
dollars and tile cots 01 proiteention lit! each
i I
lit nth of Nomnyl Shirley—lip. rocterra
Oa saturday afternoon s . t
half-past no
o'clock, MI:. sutotiel Shirley. who was ini badly
inpfreti on Sunday evening, lite- Mil 111,0111%
by being roll over by the Duquesne Milne Cam
11111 iii, at the flay •cales on Liberty street, died
lit 1',14, , a, tint'. holt - teary. Mr. ' , holey; 011 the
night of the 'accident, was rennived to the in
firmary, where Ills right leg wa, amputated,.
live inches below the knee, t wO.Mours after he
iniiirtql. it, lingered for OVer 11 11 eek In
etlinlition that led Ms attendants Otto day to
fear I, speedy dealt...acid the neer to antici
pate bif ieeovery. But all 1101 , ,, were ground.,
less, and at the time nient:One , l he tnletly
%Mak I 0 erith. ;
3.1 r. Shitley was about thirty-sit r hos of,l
age. the body was removed to ththreinlepee
eta retail,. e, - Ole. itationett,Car.ton street, Mrs
innighani, from wheat:stile funeral too ••place
at t"01.000el, N . C2llllOllly •illertioet. I
The Duquesne Engine' lttpnoanyt o a Melt
cleeerisol was an stet Eve member, held a meet
ing Saturday evening to make arrangements
to attend the potent]. Ail Invitation was of-1
02111.10 i. 11 I CtOilitliili, to ills (Ale Engineer,
ht, usristants, and the Piro Departmenta of
Vltt.strureli and Allegheny, to sleet at the Du
quesne Engine House at. one o'clock VenieN
day afternoon and plocee.l thence ill a body to
attend the funeral. in accordance with this
invitation, woo. Of the Critlipalll,4 were dit
rerted hy their chiefs to turn out and partiel;,
pate In the final services.. I
Tne funeral was vary largely nth elided, nail
tile large (nonunion of the Department. Ares-1
mit testified to the esteem in wlalctil the its.
ceased was held he Ills couiradelf.
At one o'clock In the teammate the gWal:
bell In the tow er liw , gull to toll tor the rascal ,
bitug of the depth Mem, anti shortly belore
three o'clock, the eterrzees having concluded,
it again _Celnittelleeti lin 813111.1.1t1 Si rokea us the
cortege Moved from the house. Tile proces
sion WI. etallilo,ol II:, *(2110W111 ,
Erect Western ikon!, Chief Engineer liars
and Asrlittant Engineer Buller; the Eagle Fire
,Conipany, dressed to their brown uniform:the
.- Allegheny Company, Will C. 11••••• and mats: the
i1i.111.11110. Weictlllg. citizens , 1101-4 mill belts
and flat.; 1102 Nlagarii, • L 11•10 alOl *fillet.'
dirs., rtearibg battiest the rigll,slit alsl Lope,
sluillarly &carted; the Columbia, to Iml,uni.
form; the otlilai,lie, also
11l fall uniform. lThe
Mtro., draw it by the hol 7 ,es of the Duquesne
Companv, attended by 10111' members of the
Itleitiesou Company as palbMtaters, followeg,
tillti alter it 010115 11 large number of, earrtageot,
contitlidihr eel .tiyea and friends. _
The remains were taken to Allegheny Cam
etet3 for interment.
Struck ulna AU Aso
Ilargivret &nyder
L appearett before Jui
t tee Lippert, on Fitturtlay, nod tustltUtetl litga/
ptoefe.llng. intatnat IstWeltx Wgrrluir,, fit
aggravaitol (141,L11M and battery. Mrs. tippler
alleges that the licensed struck whit au
urn on 4,3. e right leg, inflict tog an Ugly gash of
LWO h r titre." incto:s, the , painful etreeta of
which 111, towed her to Inv/alit In her chant
her for three dal., or ohm° tho a Its
porpetratol nn Wellneoltve Toll. t War
ring Irks //4,11 hu ri . 5 . .4,4 4i04 1110.410 to sIII! haul
for her appearance at, a hearing to ha haul to
Me 041.0 4 , 1. TII4111144Y• panM
:inn lot her
cool art, 1,00.11 v states v Inn Mr.. ilur call
ed her coma v sty har.ll and at tett sot napaes,ati
ut taet, thAt atm 50111,1 not t eine her
tongue with tepe4.llng, Vl'hethei t 'vat s ill I,
hula 10 , 111141110 s1{11:401 , 41400 Llll,lll' an.l Jury,
for such a murder.os utoattlt, renout, to. 4.1
1144,11. but Po 1114110 II Will not, and 'hat, ha
hulin vrlll 401).11 . (110 penalty la her ;tit «Iv et!,
ja,t the 1.11.1110 :141/ Si, pros - or-it:o, loten
Eller appeared I , rate A
Sl o rtaK, 4 V,4;9 , l.ty, nntl novle 4.1 b elpso :Ina
a Intl naLatQhl ltk vat rfrk with a•—ku'li lox And
vroc l / 3 . Illl1.• Athiaittet the
, •
dent. It lINItt I'l Itial the 111'e11.41111 It la tilt
11111//t ofAtliii..lll, 11111,4•1 I I t a•lniiili-Iptlng IC
1114 vtctio. a .lit, runt VI rl.her
InOaaltlitt , l lint 111. 11,- 1,4 and then null
hat Tlat,al 14 • hat all L. Ito elteet. The alillta
rtltlnnrJ tir,til lire
Itat the 11l I, 10
11 raellCv. A faw ht.l 4lt 1..7 , the In lnramtlan I: it Litatilcla atl . l.ea lno. ;VII (.I'a l r Ilia
a hen Wy Miter of a 0044 telling
tier to the glalLal,l um! loinria4 tier sovirely.
All tla• par r illrta I'M lawnalll 11. A war
ram 11, 1-11.1 fur ark oa or I.lw uto
.1 Masa illnrorA 10 11.enttt.-o,,sittioluy
night Mi N.,than 111011110 L, reAtling I n
P. rN ride J untaiu county, wads burned to
dealt. The particulars I the net-bleat arena
follows: Mr. TIMM:. haft hoes Ii el ni; by Wm
it for it number of years, keupt og
hull,`. MILL OIL 1.lil• 1 . V.111111W of tun a..cldent bad
ref tied sat about his ustbd hour. Having I.l3c
ed 0.0 . 0 1 fin' the pittpcbe of drying It, too near
the stow: 11.1gnited, and about, twelve o'clock
the pro WILY tlbearered, when it ttUnther of
citiz,us r u•bed to the reeve. When he was
tslien front the Intritlng, lie wilts a 'la."' it
said hri lived r.ither au intemperate life. and
It Is supposed lir wi 119 1111der liar, Ilithletlee Of
Itqn.r at the time of the accident.
Illeainens mid a DI neinange . From tbel:ora
Cued.--I nevi ify that l had an offensive dis
charge front uty left ear, and the bearing was
so Impaired that l' could not hears watch
Ilex.- lin a few wnelel treatment, lir, /thorn,
at the Sierehuntw' lintel, haw cured the die
charge' ml restored my hearing Tao doctor
does not resort to rutting, probing . , or any
-paiful operations.
At W. 8.1.9 10 'n dry gout Store, larl Federal
street, Allegheny
'song 1111mar1f —On Tuealley 11r.
Famole!-Bruloo.r, of Esetvr townehlp. Berke
committitil suicide by 'banging bins
reit bin Item No reason le }Oven for tau
Norm act. Deceased. leaves s wife and now
Important tkvislon.
The annexed correspondence. oceolleetor
Sloanaker, of Philadelphia, and Deputy Com
missioner Harlan explains itself. We need
Wy inform our readers engaged in the pur
chase and use of aleolinl Of the importance of
their bearing in mind tile nature of tue once
lion decided to warrant*thelx attention
CoLt....roles Orrlce., U. S. IAT.. ItILVESCC,
I'HILAt)CLI'NIA, Novo Aber 10, ler.oi.
lion. E. A. Rollins. Commissioner of liacrisui
Rareatir. Irothingion, D. ,
Sea:—Many of Inc fir 1.-clas3 druggists of
this city, aho are lilt go 'purchasers and con
earners of the article alcohol, bare applied to
this office to know what tuark or stencil, If
any, of the United States shoal! ho placed
.upon the barrels containing this article asse
curity for them Is Its purchase. On eSEU2I.IIi.-
tine I lind in the latter part int paragraph in
of tee 110 W complied law the following:
"And all spirits, alter being removed from
the Originsl package In which they were In
i.pecte,i and gnaged into another package, for
the purpose of rectification, re -distillation or
change el proof, shall again be inspeeteu and .
gunned iota properly branded, awl the ab
sence of an inspector's brand shall hi, takes
and held as sufficient cause or, evidence upon
which ally 511 111$ so found, may be forfeited."
While alcohol Is not a rectified spirit, strict
ly en speaking, It is, nevertheless, a still/alli
ed spirit, and under the etrlct Interpretation
of Me alcove quoted law, 1 ant clearly of the
opinion that it should be marked by a United
General Inspector as a medium of pro
tection in those who gotta° tile open market
at first purchase; for without 1111 U the govern
ment and tne public would necessarily be put
t 0 much inconvenience, independent of the
tact that Its un marking Is subject to much
Cram!, sacra( ire, will you please decide the
following questtoil ul law, at your earlizst
. .
Voes alcohol, being distilled spirit, but not
rectified article, require a General In
lector general of Spirits' brand and iturt;le
tn , •rtan to prevent it from tieing subject to
forfeiture a Len open to sale is the iisual
coarse of market!
ru.ttoir to hear from.yo'n lat an early day
01. IN, ~.utbJeot, 1 remain truly yours,
Trnisure Deparnnent, Ddice of late cool Reve
nue, Washington, Xor. Cu, IO4—A. 11.. Sloane
ker, Esq. Collector gin d. District of Penney!.
vanta—Sir: In reply to your letter of the 19111
Inst., I would state that when the cliaracteref
;spirits Is chsnged by being made Into alcohol,
Aim law requires that It shall be inspected,
and the packages containing It after its cha
racter lins boon HMS changed properly brand
ed by a C. s. general inspector of spirits. lint
there may be circumstauces when a package
of alcohol need not necesar.rily have upon 14
the Inspectors mark, as when It has been re
moved from a package wf let, ban been once.
Inspected for the purpose merely of being
placed In another package for 1150 or for
mediate sale to euttomcra, without the addl..
Urinal change of its character. TheMbsence
of the Inspector: mark on packages contain- ,
log alcohol will be sufficient evidence to Jas.
Dry a seizure by the collectpr, unless he is
satisited the requirements f the law bait,
been complied with. In on cr to save such
packages from forfeiture, th party, In whose
pOadelSolOß they are Must be Me to show that
the tax has been paid.
Very realm tfullY,
' Deputy Commitstoner.
' -
,Who . ltrote the Letter nud Whom t• it
I Arcot ding to the 3letul vale Republican Pitts
burgh LS lucky and one of her citizens Is un
lucky In the absence of a fellow who teas err
tautly evil dispond. That paper say? Chief
of Police Boyd re, iVeti in letter !rota Pitts
burgh a day or two ago. requesting bun to
arrest a young Ircnehma•, who had ' - cen
saving In the house of the w the:but had r. :L
-is, esteemed, taking with him various ar. .ca
of property. The pertcnne( of the abscon
Gaul-was particularly described, great st •
being laid upon a couple of scars on his 1•
Ile teas reported to wear a pair of "black to
0100,1* with a patch on the knee, under
Is a blue soldier's pardaloona." It was not
stated it tether he stole the pantaloons from
' this "blue soldier." Among the articles which
he carried otf were three or tour pocket knivesv
two natcro:copeseft "padlock with a key hole,"
the shape.of.which was marked out In the let
ter, a traveling black bag, with Its key," etc.
The letter, which was written In the most bp
' proved Nasbe style, stated that the runaway
had probably gone to Meadville or Cleveland,
and the Chief of Police was requested in case
he haw any suspleious looking character to
search and lock him tip, and write to Pitts
burgh abbot him. So beware all persons with
two scare on their fare, wearing "blue sol
dier's' Paatelrains," hod carrytug "traveling
black hags."
New t bnrch
Atter many years of discouragement, hilt
,coustant, hopeful effort, the membership and
sOngregution of Brown's A M. IL Chapel bare
commenced the erection of a Eubstantlal brick
church on their lot, altluatcal on the coruciol
Boyle and liemlock streets. The corner stone
will be laid by Mount Mehl, and St Cyprlan
Lodges, No. l:, A. Y. IL/assisted by the Lodges
of L. and C.; the Social Ilia . Mottling Star,
Mutual and other sot. Mies, on next
To ursdaY at :moon, N0v.221. ,at two o'clock.
Wu cordially invite the gene ous public to he
present and contribute towards the' sacred
cattle. We have also appointed the Rev. J.
Lt. Devine and Alessi.. Will.ll. Thomas, John
W. Filch and It. J. Davis, as tegular agents to
collect money to enable us to coon with the
nom' w ark.. Wi. appeal to the people ot 'Alle•
gbeny county of ail treed. u. gtve of their
means to our agile ts..well knowing t LULL Whltt-
ever the; may recieve wilt be sacredly devo
ted to the oulect In whomignecess they are se
deeply interested. Rev. J. W. Devise,
Minister in charge.
T. it. Meson,
retaken honest,
Geuarns W Diger.
Tuomes llowwno,
JextB 31uNnor.,
Some highly respectable young lad!es of one
of our riotestrint church. engaged In the
praiseworthy villort of Organizing Sunda . ?
Schools fur the poor, chile visiting during,
the past fortnight the strsintsand alleys Iti r tlie
lower !tart of the !first ward, to gather from
mere such children as uttend no other
sellouts, and for the Inrther. purpose of is
lieving the TA:wpm:Ai wants of ilie very-poor,
Imre been assailed and tiiinpornrily driven
Mari their benevolent work by crowiss of chil
dren, with insulting and butsphiniums lan
guage, casting of atones:' dc. The orfenders
are very yuuug, but canuot be excused on that
account. if these annoyances are euniluned,
they should engage the attention, of the
lice, and the virtue of Ones. and If need
imprisonment, trted. Tire ladle* West Insus
talsed and prutedlid 14 the prosecatioll of
their charitable ROC.. The beuotiL 9 and
blessings they propos., moat not be proven....
by 1140:ours and contumely of ohli
Irtvtitral at City nail
Among thti,altractiona Of the llotuomputhle
festival, to bet held this and to-morrow eve
ning from six o'clock till midnight, the Bora;
'emote to be one of the greatest. It
-aunt.' to the teltbilo alt, had, is propor
tioned In si - ;:e 111 the room, octagon In shape,
In the style .4 a Turkish 'mosque and deeora-
Intl M1(11 110 FOl3 and evelgrotos It ts to be
it around with flower uaskets ILMI hll,l
art with furniture of the finest
is large enough to newt:onto
dole - eve persons. Itequets and Mow
era out in, for sale, and some rare exotica w ill
be exlitteted. We will remind our rent:els
11311 any who may not be able to visit the las
tly:11 early In tile evening, eau do so late, and
be reiresiied:by *Ol4O of the 111111.1e13133 swat
thing. 10 he bed there,
Questionable Ladies.
Accer.lieg to the Beading Piejsifch there
m •t he a somewhat objectionable element In
tlio social ram position or that place. It mire:
We are informed I tilt two married /actin (sla
ters), lit Mg in this city, are 'ln tue habit of
rtaiting the principal ury gouda Stores, under
the protengo of malting a parchaa and while
the clerks aro engaged la getting the goods
a•ked tor, they steal everything t hey ean fxY
their Minds upon. (lunar to a large amount
hate beet, al ulau AVM different stores by those
females. They am known to • good maul ot
our business men whom ther hare robbed
It it only for the sake of their family emm
tioim that they retrain 119111 making a put
exinsiure. These feintdes invariably we , •1
together, and nor inerctoints are hereby nal
ed to keep a sharp lookout.
ISMlressiaid Aereldeol from- Coal (HE
IM ThlleSchly eVentelk last Ure. Sarah BeneOn,
wife of Sir. Charles Benson. residing at Spine
Mee, was peering . coal oil from one vessel to
another, at a diatance of three feet from ,a
candle, who. , the wnole thing burst
Into a, Marne, extending instantly to her cloth
ing and enveloping her In lire. Being greatly
alamied, alio mashed from ono apartment to
another, moat the flames were not aulalned
until her clothing was burnt from her person
She died nt one o'clock &:,o same night.
Smut In ;i.e.—lmproved Finkle and Lyon,
olio Weed Sewing Machines. If the purebas•
er dock not regard them superior to any Muer
machine In the market, he can return It and
hare lila tummy. make, the lock stitch.
which will not rip nor ravel. Tee cheapest
machine br twenty per cent- in , and
oiseleas. War:anted Your tears. S eedver.
in another column. IL 11. Long,
agent, No. 112 (mint etre t.
A+tbma.-1 will warrant relief in even'
cannot Astbma. by tile 11.13 of one bottle of
Onbatu , a Asthma Car.. told at Dr: Kayaer%
lAD Woo.' tract. II hew eared several proud
noel, ellteeos of rateburgh, and wilt be *eat.
by mµ ll ~,,,,beee noon receipt Of two dollars
and ten. eenot to pay pp. ae. Natldntat Dr.
Keyser, Ito 'WOW street.
ram iimamo tom►
The imuou U forlesz‘led whir!" wilt coma UN
subscriber .00uen.
single COPT (rorr
Citbi of Ten or more
tal.i.j.intl,A t 0 ? : c 7,,,N . :!: . 1 . 11 , c :. 1;0 i.i15.. ... ; . S . o!. =di.* tUlt
rollers.% trout ble late realterys. It li'...r :P 6 . 11,1
on 1 . 1. tan LT. the =.b lett, at 10 0 . ..10ck A. 3t.
beautiful the tarpon eabarina
place of sepulchre. eICCPt one In this togaty, att.
usie4 on sew lirtirbioo road, inuaffdistalf aufili e g
IL llegbenv. For burial lots, mum, or tttl
at uentrnt Drag Store of eUttl. t CLANISY,
aheli7 (MT.
17 7:1 L Z
Yoestb wet:. rittsbaratk Pa. COIPIKII
el kinds, VIKA Pie, 111.01 , 10131./ arenr4""
of Fun .ral Forn,ulng Souls fursuitees.V=
olkn 147 And Liousc..lCantsgagtarniaave.
NarrtiNuEs—Rec. Dar la Kerr ILIA. ilarr.
W. J.trobts, Tbom" Slrtrtg. GP.. JllOl4Oll
No. 196 Sruithliold St., con 111..
-33317 - Eit.C3,l3.
ilancheater. Wood•. Una and vkinit7.
tk+rnct•st gbefilel4 mkt Crimrtlenitrwti.
II ss.row and Corrt.r. (nrMahms.
ron OR HERE.
1343 3011113. iStroe j lt.
i te Sewing Maohines
BEST for rary and IfaalLetatin4 par
poses. Call and sea thus* at
18 rift% Slrest.
3. NV. JOCIIISTON .......... . • •••••• i• •••
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Pit filel3•ll.llLVa.l3, X . 11,32.33.46.
attentlo4 two to Th/Patllew
W d ateues, Clocks aud Jewelry. All wort warr‘st=
Tuesda, FA - ening, 'Nov.
Will [tilt"( tilt IC
Giand Entertainment
At toes ,Ilettatton cf the public, +Da c111D5C211141.
'or pet foto, clek. is Al coats. Doors apes At
o rock. Ftlitcrtatotocot c ttatocuee• At It 0 citlet.
189 , 514 SA SA 89 89 8909 89
89 , i
00 TO
. 89 114. GO 33 13 7 19,
89 59 Market Sired,
, hi);
. 9
89- x n? MC x -
1 89: Nt , AUCTION GOMM KEPT. 89
L o t JAAIES ROBB, 89 Market It B9
184 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 19
l'ori be used on soy Lant .d 1.11..00
with a:utmost,. The fame prodeced WI UMW
Bunters spreads out similar to th at of -The
coustructiou Is such that i h• smote 111 eontlad tia
0.. Condensing Chamber, and Is wholly etranni4
In done. he brner di 0e• not depend directly
op. to
the with tor e
its Petit. bet borer tho sub.
Which Is produced therefrom. and
BUMS LessAhT Than Chlniaty Lamps.
And grafi.. mo
o r
b rn Dr!Mint Light than auy *akar
Waathe to•ract.
parthue.l the :Uhler disputes of the
eb.n e Atleilbenr coor, pml*
L 'g 11%1 " ; P :lgenirW A AVM: rat
pt'A NC Ass [Rs WAS7E.II.
1061,CA Ruoves..r. W. U. LATSUAw..J. •701310111
AFING nEcE:wortm pintexiAs-
ED THE T.AOL.V. (201710.1 WORX/XT.nair
~,,...4 try Wsun. NINO, PEVNOUK AI CO, Is •
',dorm WO {moll; th at we will cosUal.•
tLamasufacturifut • •
Sheetings, Colton liarns,,Carpe
Chains, Candle Witlt
omen may be /aft at the (Mee of the WOeho.
• Ott AT THY .•
Caner otlNvesorsi'A'ay 'sad ilutar"s Alb I,
- - -
n rlourithlng column adebrtlsesenta at
Machines, but get • UMW bit a MOMS.
It ban bean f ully tented for anima •
years, bunts by al ...Pe .
tent Ja.lges pro-
•booneyel the
IiGT 13i
No. 18 nth eltroelt.
Prattles! Furniture Ilannficturtre,
ilia •
se.gond- w M IrCt R I• " 17 54" 1 Y 1- no,rs
awl won be 6.0 et.f.ZS.t (AV Utra.lN, Bops
....0101.11 . 4 V&! .10 14
LIVALi & am.l istARTA.
rtnitstmt ant ; agenceigabehaton io . ,
- I
(Kotrauee from Seventh street.)
.1,411 ma m•NOUSKY EITILZET.
a I.E.Mlaftfl • Pa
Q -CO 'X'Cli,
931 Smithfield Street.
Condensing Burners,