i TOE . 0,411,V GAzsru. PIIBLI9III=I Penniman, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. SO NT'iffi.v_ Street. F. H. PCNIILVIAINE d u on , 111 T. P. 001STIld. " lIIA/I KIK " Unglues* Nsissini• X BMUS P. BEER. 5 Vl= Slays Copies., DsUnwed by eaSrler, (per week 5......... 15 cents. Mat Bites= lbers, (peryear) Lftw.ral redactions to Newsboy's sod ♦isms titc . rfiOttrilit...o,3otitt. SATURDAY, NQVEMBER 24, 1880. MAIL GLEAN-IE4IGL SOME folks i kill rats with poisoned oys ters. In Toledo, the other day, a German stepped into a Store and ,seeing Upon a plate several tempting bivalves, proceeded to swallow one. Imagine his terror when informed that the oyitel had been covered with deadly arsenic to polson.rats. A po le* emetic was immediately introduced into the nearly insane German's stomach, and the dangerous bivalve came up, thus relieving him of his great danger. A. ROGUE named Cohen purchased four thousand dollars worth of dry goods from Dyer & Sons, in Cincinnati, •and had them removed to another ware house, from which he was not to remove them till be had made payment: Becoming. suspicious, Dyer & Sons had the house watched, and discovered preparations going on in the dead of night to remove the goods. Cohen had transferred his purchase to other par ties and made good his escape. TIMILIt Is a woman in the New Albany, Ind., jail one charge of murddr. She had a quarrel with a neighbor viroman, and throwihk at her a pot of boiling coffee missed her mark and struck a little girl, injuring and scalding her to such an ex tent'as to cause death. The Grand Jury have just found a true lull against the woman. Dn. Fnnsuares, a christianized 'Jew Rabbi of Quebec, is deliycking lectures In the west upon Judaism. Although now a disbefiever, in the doctrines of the Jews, he paid a glowing-tribute to them as a people, stating that they would not steal nor mur der, while but few eter find their way into Prisms or penitentiaries, charged with any aime. • • A rottso NAN in Cincinnati of rich and respectable parents has just been discover ed in a very mean trick. He paid his fond attentions to a wealthy young lady, and succeeded in taking a valuable gold watch from her, which he pawned for some "IPoso change." He has been compe9.ed to disgorge. Tug following is the programme laid out for the grand mass welcome to be accoided a loyal Congress, at Washington; previous to its nmissembling : • Peocession; mass meeting at noon; oration of welcome; nes: ponse on 'part of Congress; other ad. •dresses, and finally grand banquet at night. Ar-a publiE: meeting held In Brooklyn for tho purpose of eataldisking an. Inebri ates' Asylum, a:committee was, appointed to collect and otherwise, raise funds for the establishment of such an institution. Such an aaylorn as that "ueliposed would be a blessing to this community. Tut contest for the 'United States Sen ate in Missouri, 'will be closely fought. Gov. Fletcher and Charles D. Drake are proMinent candidates, and possess about even strength. It Is thought.that d'com promise' candidate will be elected--proba lily Ben. Loan or Harry Blow._ A. CINCINNATI paper throws out the hint to the pork eating world that, inasmuch as the hog cholera prevails to an alarniing ex tent in that neighborhood unprincipled dealers kill the animals infected anA sell .the meat in the markets. - Tax Young Men's Christian Association of Cincinnati, recently.opened evening schools for teaching; at nominal charge; writing, drawing, book keeping and math ematics. This is the right kind of enter : prise. • • CONVE4TION of Life Insurance cern netlike is being held at New Ydrk, for the purpose of procuring national legislation making the !awe regarding this branch of insurance universal throughout the States. A FEN line of railroad, running through Indiana and,to the coal banks on the Ohio river, will soon be built, under the. Pitts burgh, FomWayne and Chicago and. New Albany and Chicago railroads. Is the Presbyterian • General A.ssembly, now in sessconsat Memphis, an' overture from Cumberland Presbyterian Church proposing the union of both, was read and referred to a select committee. Trre street railway cars of New. Albany, Ind., have had stoves introduced into them. This Is a comfortable arrangement, and the good example should be followed by our own companies. • .oriss. A. M Consi'has receiva the.con! tract for extending and dredging the Chi cago piers, for which $BB,OOO has been ap propriated by Congress. Tau Cincinnati House of Refuge bore off the first premium, a bronze medal worth one hundred dollars, at • the "fieformato. ries' Exhibition" in London. IN Cincinnati a formidable protest is be ling signed by business men against the re moval from office of Commissioner Rollins dr the Revenue Department. J. MADISON BELL, the colored poet, is giving readings 'to the Cincinnatiatis. Ile s highbly spoken of by the Commercial. Dorf: low: Monntssgv, the member of Congretit elect, has, living in Chicago, a blind sister who Uhl abject poverty. Kew Yong crri hits contributed.nearly eight thousand dollars in gold to aid the Quebec sufferers. -- A.T KOXOMO,.Ind., the Democrats ran a colored man as their c Indidate for Justice of the Peace. A NAIL factory, 'With a cspitel stock of $50,000, ie to be escabliahed at New Al bany, Ind. , .• 311105 Trrus, a blind girl from Cleveland, is announced to deliver a lecture - TURD. Bresrmahas talFen upiis winter quarters in Washington. • Parrs. BLOT is blotting oat old styles of cooking in Cincinnati. Tait Republican majority in Kansas will be about 13,000. Trouble With Norman, C. E. November SM.—Dispatches' . received here by the. Governor General from Zugtaud state that the possibility of-mom:de with the United States renders increased vigt. l lance on the part of the Capetian authorities. - Navy rains lave occurred ln the eastern townehips, causing disastrous foods. _ Neutral Averill, aienewly appointed United • States Conn' General, has arrived. "I. McQueen, s 'prominent citizen of this place, has been held for trial on a charge of reartumtting tatenida fonmt.rk!z The Imports last week were 1100,000 lea than. for the same week 'atria. faz This canal dues tatobar aultalted a Slight amass ova /- • - . - -.• ",* r ) , ' .....,.:- 7--:-Orgift,- _.''' * e 7 ,-;. 1 : 1 - 1 - 111 .k. (---.'- - : , ~. - A, -; --' . ._,...-3-=•:, 74 '' • . - - - ' f',. -. . ), $4 : 7 .-:" ' - ' - .5 - I,l*--I‘i4-....- - - /..,- :71- - ,--kt" - - - -!..2.• •__ ~oc •• -• 1 •—• ' , , _ . / j i - - z -- _-_ -'l l 7ll l-- - ''''''' : . •: '4". t_ -' 7 7---t 1 1 : 3 ,1 .L 1 .=- '. 7.--.--='- ,- - - - -----'\ i: 4. 1 -46 :1•-. 4 -_- ‘ ---4t.'-': 1 , ' k ' tilt , L „i1.,,e. , • ,,, , , *.,....,., ~1 - 17 :41, : a. , 5 ...::::"L , ,;` , :5. - ::-,--,, _ .44 rw,vit,..,„ ri , 1. L k , , _74:_i , ---_-..'-..." 79 . -' ...! 4 =- -- -4 , --!-I.'l-r .: - ., ). ( ) .. --,--- --- '-=.------- ~r_ - ' ____:_. - -...'"" _ - -,,,--s.,_ :7- •-:-.---,---,-.----,_ : - --.-- ' - k • 4_l l, , . • El= VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 283. = CITY ITEMS. IMIEILEI M.ITTUAL LIFE • • Insurance Company • \ OF I\lllriVii7 YORK. E. S. WINSTON, President. ASSETS OVER 17,500,000, IMII EXCLUSIVELY CASH.- Annual 11Ividends Available immediately, TO INCREASE THE INSURANCE OR REDUCE THE PREMIEN, AT THE OPTION OF THE ANSTRED. Polley-holders and other partake interested in the sti , Ject of LIFE ItintlitAliCK• are invitee to call on the undersigned. Agent of the Company. who cbetrfulir give them full Information 44 to the tnedts and practical working of the Compan a f. GEO. N. BLACKSTOCK, Agent, .• No. 37 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. -saw Thanks trine Proclamation PEDIBTLVAITLL. 891 In the name ant bw the autho•ttee of the Common wealth of Peonsytrargfel. AtiVitEW 01 CDFUIN, tio,roor of iald Com . Monweall h. L. 8. 1 A PROCLAMATION Witanhati, It has been the good and wrathy cus tomer the Commonwealth to eet apart, annually, a day for the epre. lel acknowledgmeot Of the iroml• neat of the Almighty end for ezyirestlug by the ,wholr people, at one thine. and wtth a common 'mee t the TtLursa and littstas which tbronghont the year are et:dinging .froitb. the hearts of men, therefore,' I. ANDREW 6. CURTIN. 00 - ventor of the Com ormealtb of Peonsyleaule, do by %hie my precis • Won, recommend that the good people. or the niommonvrealth . observe _ Thorsdaj - 29th day .Novetabey,-1866, Al a day of Thank:Titles and rrayer, and do then assemble In their respective Churches and places of worahtiand notle their humble thank offering to it. 311011 1 .7 GOD for alt. flu blesungs during the putt Sent. For the abundant gathered fruits of the earth; For the thus far continued nalrlty of Industry; For.the general pn:servatton Of health; "old especially for that in Me !Helms Minn. He ha , h stay - edam threatened pestilence. And moreover that they do hrseena Him to coo- . Untie taboos ail Ells blessings, and to confirm the hearts of the people of these unttcd :Hates, that by the iswfal foiceof their will• del:woof 01 , 0•1 J 11.11 % .• •Wiseom.snd Mercy may be done. • Given under my band and the great e or the matt, at itarsishurg, this Vitt day of October. . In t eyear of one Lor.l.lBoe, awl of the. Com mon ve.l , h t..erinery•Anit. - .13T THE tloTanxoa: ELI BLIIMM Secretary orate Common nealo. $3O Beware If the Indian nett. Doctor fails to describe dis eases and tell Ids patients the nattiro of their complaint oitilnesa without receiving any in formation from them. No charge for consul tation or advice. -OUR MOTTO. - We use such Balms ac bate nOstrife, With Nature or the haws of Life; With t ur blood our bands we never stain, Nor pOison wen to ease their pain.* Our Father, whom all goodness fills, Provides the means to cure alrour 1112; The simple herb beneath oar feet, Well asetti relieve our pahis complete. A simple Herb, a simple Flower, Culled from the dewy Lee— These, • these shalt speak with touching power, - Of change and health to thee. Ottlce—NO. WI Liberty street, between Sixth and Market*, Pittaburab, Pa. Ladles' and Children's,Fors A large stock 'of Ladles' and Hisses , Furs, al William Flemings fashionable ladles , far house; No.I:G Wood street, of all the -latest styles of Capes, Eugenie% Berthas Gay's Patent Excelsior Muffs; also Bost.n Berthas, •t.adles'_Fnr Hoods, Skating Caps, ladles , Fur Glows; a • large. assortment of Gents' Find Fur Cap. 4, Collars and Gloves; Gents , Fine Silk and C,u,stmero Hats; Gents' Fine Felt Hats. Persons wasting anything in the above line will call -and examine our stock.. Wm. Fleming, Ulf Wood street.. The Boot Known ionic. CasweU, Mack & C 0.41 Combination of Iron, Phosphorus and Callsaya, known as Fir Phosphorated Elixir of Centavo. Tne ron restores color to the blood; the PhontOrus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and tho Canny& gives a natural, healthful tone to . the digeative organs. One pint contain, the virtue of one ounce of Calbsaya and one teaspoonful a grain of lion and Phosphorus'. Manufactured by CaewxLL, Moan & Co., New 'fork. For gale by nil druggists. I Their wives and staters can,lnd Christmas presents lit for their husbands, brothers and beaux: at . 11. ,t W. r,Jenlrinson , s, Allegheny, third door from huspension Bridge,' where them will always - be found, besides all the common varieties, n very choice selection of meerschaum, briar wood, and other pipes, ci gar holders, At., of neat and ornate design; a large and varied stock of smoking and chew. lug tobacco, and many of the popular brands of Cuban and American cigars. t The Howe Sewing Machine, - Meet certainly take the lead or all others m a short time. It was • awarded nee premiums on work, at the World's Fair, 1802; four premi ums for work and on the machine, at the New York State-Fair, Hea t _ See the Methodist, of • September lld. A preminm on the machine at tbe'Otdo State Pair, MS. See - the Dayton Journal, October 19th.. The only agency for Its sale for Western Pennsylvanla,.Ls at No. Clalrstrect, Pittsburgh. : Ishoeklug. - A MID - died a few,' weeks since in Intense agony. Some short titele afterwards his Oda. ed wife visited a mecllum for the purpose of ascertaining what , had so distressed her poor husband In c tis last moments, the table was put In requisition; and the astonishes.' wlee soon learned that he had refilled to take Ito. back's Stomach Bitters, and failed to pay the printer. . Speedy Relief WM be experienced by using the Cough Candy' manufactured and sold by. George /Waves', 111 /Wend street, .a.liegheuy qty. • ' , Yen Qui Buy Foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph 8. Finch's Distillery, No. le, 199,114 and 195 Visit street, Pittsburgh. ' Mantilla Instrumento. The lorirest stock ever received In this city. 'For sale at Chertette Ilincee , s; 43 lrifth street. Half Price For E . toots and. Shone. at the Opora Howe Shoe Store. Martina naval, ' • 1 9estiall Photos' in the coUeatl , PittOoltes You Can Buy N par coot. Alcohol sa Joseph IS. /Noy& • GilOth Osumi. ,Thcsorol, can Os bat at Pittock.s. CITY -ITEMS CM= No gift that you can present to a friend, be that friend a tuother, father, sister brother, or' maybap ea nearer ono atilt, and a dearortmell slaver or !sweetheart—will be more accepta ble than a counterfeit presentment of your self, especially when the picture is done up in the most finished style of excellence; like unto the beautiful creations of arcto be seen at the exhibition rooms of B. L. 11. llabbs, No. D 3 St. Clair street. If you desire a picture—a like ness that will outlive the ravages of time and will defy the eating tooth of decay, you will have to go to Dobbs' gallet y, wners nothing but dnst class work Is done. From TiMe Itstosemoriable The English 'people have been considered the most hardy and vigoroui Of any race, which no doubt to a great eitent can be attributed to Blair universal indulgence to a greater or less extent, in Their national .beverage, ale. Its healthful and invigorating effect upon the system and digestive organs, cannet fail to produce health and vigor. If our weakly re. males and enervated and dyspeptle males workd try the (onto effects of the English Ale and Porter,. they will enjoy betlOr health and appreciate the (dossing., el life in a more emi nent degree. Tbd :Meat brands of English Ale and Poe• ter can be found at . 141 , Clarrun lirKennants Urng Store, E 5 Market street, corner of Ula mond, near Fifth street. Want a Leant. Fitter.. ' The Brownsville Cisi,per bewails the fact that that there are no practical lamp. fitters In that borungh. lie throws down as invita tion to some enterprising mechanie to com mence-business there. here we have no scar-- oily or aria class lamp and gas fitter., among them Tom T. Ewen. so. 198 Wood street, who appears to monopolize a large share of the public patronage. lie has a full line of all kluda of-lamps, chandolters, pendants, globes, orackets, pumps, sinks, basins. &c, which he sells below Eastern prices. All work or as or water fitting en trustedlo - Itim 10- this city or county will receive Immediate attention. = Of tho season are constantly hoot on bona and agreed up In the best eta le; at lloltzhohner , d alaloon,- neat doOr to the Postornce, Fifth street. Km. linabodc Co.'. Pianos surpass' all otbers In every respect. Thu is acknowledged by every unprejudiced connoisseur. For kilo at C.l arlotto Blume's, 43 Fifth street. Prince's, Riorld Renowned Automatic Organs and Melodeons. Each Instrument , warranted for Ilve years. For sale at Chan; lotte Blume's, 43 Esith street, second door above Wood. • , ME= The Oysters received daily at Iliiitzlieltrieris, popular. Continental Saloon, next door to the Postoilice, Fifth street. MEM Excellent Calf 800i.5., superb and borond,a doubt nueqtnided in tiro city nt the Opera UOUS4 Shoo Store. Venison nod Genie, Served up In the hest style, ut the Continen tal Saloon, nett door to the rostottlce, Fifth - To St and sure to please—our gents' Calf Boots: Opera House Shoe Store. • Hainan . Broil. twlebrated Primo*. From $3OO flag upwards', only at, Charlotto Blume's, 43 Fllt.ti street. pumas Uisequalled'and iiarranted to give satisfac tion, at taiSOpera ' itiouse Shoo Store. . Splendla Lot of hob ttile4 Sboes, very cheap, at the Opera House Shoo Stare. fici.!as Rad shoes Sold remarkaply cheap, at the Opera House Shoo Store. S. Immense Stoeleef Goods4.at tee Opera llama sire Astute Waite, Leak, Mrs. iircriltt. Magna Photos'; at Pit. tack's. 6onoy Bank, The Book of tho moon, et PittoeVe . Too Can Bay New Hops at Joaisph 8. Flnch•s. . Wallets, Any quantity; at rltt9cktis. Gel It, Griffith Gaunt. at I'tttoct•a. • Stereo.cople ♦'lewn, At PlitOck'a. TELEGRAMS: C By,the Mental:lv l tlol al Telegraph Co. from Up the Allegheny. Special to the Pittsburgh Gapnt.o. Oic Ctlrr, Nov. 2S, IE6B. River forty-one inches, and at, a Stand. Tim weather Is cold and lt, is snowing. The oil market is dull. ' paszamir, , Pa., NOmitedsarli r llgg. 'River at Franklio fifty inches, at a stand; at Oil City, forty-two inches, falling slowly, snowing; at Oleopolts, forty-eight Inches, fair Mg slowly. FROM Tilt SOUTH iffeteorlc Display In Georgia—A Mina vial 5o Congress—Messes/ Assembly N ssnyn.t.c,' Remember 13.-At about four o'clock, lust Tuesday. morning, a meteor, lightabg the whole heavens was seen in the • icinity of Rome, Georgia, moving ,rapidly in a soutibwestwardlY direetlOn. it appeared Itke a fire ball as large as the inn. Itexplodad apparently ten miles off, with a tretnen.lons report like a So.pound cannon, that shook the earth and made windows rattle. • Mumma, Nov. 2.3.--A special to the deafen the says: Tee Little Rock resolution passed the House unanlinously directing the Com. mittce on Federal Relations to pr«sent a me morial to Coogress, setting forth the spirit of despotism m Arkansas, 'their desire for the restoration of the Union and a speedy renew al of peace mad coral:Meow, and their .nets to concur in all measures to secure these results, which are consistent with the honor and dignity of the State. A resolution to re. join the Constitutional Amendment was again refOred to the Committee on Federal Bela- Lions, by a vote et 67 to 7. The bleneral Assembly continues to•exeite a.deep interest. The question of educating the freedmen, especially these desiring to prepare for the Univereity, was up today, and must enlightened and liberal views were expressed on the subject. • Jeff. Delila—SL Expectations. Jowriass M 07206, SOY. 23.—PArtled who have lately visited Jeff Davis state that they dud him remarkably cheerful since the tecent changes and additions made to his quarters In Carroll Ball, and the removal of Mrs. Davis and— her sister to rooms prepared for them. Dlr. Davis , health is much improved; and he s =m v itv r _ l is Ti l a t li a c e d ut kne o t r an b ay in b g y_ e l e ti e d. and Menus from the South, and pa ckages of presents are : frequently received. ; Constitutional amendment lei nlssOciri. . Br Louis, Sioveteiber 41.—The Evening Naos of to-day-says: an% Fletcher,' Hon. B. Units Brown Bon. Jimmy T. Blow; and other promi nent itimicals inaugurated the movement in this city having for its object the rejection, by them gisisture,' of the Congressional Conga. teflon.' Amen dments and the amendments of the Suite Constitution so as to abrogate the disfranchisement of rebels %mad substitutes therefor negro-suffrage. • • The President to Abandon His Polley, Paicanstrni.t. Nov. 23.—The Bulletin pub. Itches a Washington dispatch, within state* that the President, after mature dcliberaUon, has duelled to abandon his opposition to . Con. arose. He will set forth very fully In his laca sage the reasons which have induced him to take this step. Letters have .been 'addressed to leading republican Senators and-members of Congress in regard to the matter.. .• surveyor of Mae Plattedelpht Pert. • Weseumerov. November 51.-4oveub Severn, bee filed We bonds se Surveyor of the Port of Fnumegoote, and will St onee enter, owns Ms ornMelfigNee• PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1866. SECOND EDITION. FOUR'O'OLOCK,? I / 4 . M. VERY' LATBST TBLGRAMS. LATEST FROM EC OPE,. The Great Eastern—The Austrian Loan —Fenian Arm. Seised—Vlalsor from Austria—Relations Between Anginisd nod the. Vatted Mantes Critteal-7(aat• million and the French Leaving. nem teo—London and Liverpool /Toney and Cotton Markets. (nr Tag oAaci.) LoseoirNovember U. The United States steamer Troll°, left Southemptoa yesterday, to joie the squadron at,Ltsbon: ' . • It la reported that the ateatnahlp Great East ern will begin to make regular trips between New York and .I:treat early In March. There in a rumor to the effect that an Ans. trlan loan of several million pounds sterling will be soon placed in the market. .1311tDON, November U.—Afternoon—A large quantity of ariks,deitignea for the use of the Pentane,' was seized 'on board a Livertiool Wand steamer at Curit. VIENNA, November U.—Admiral Tezetboff, of tile Austrian navy, left Vienna, .yesterday, for the United Slates. Re will go direct V 3 New York. • _ • • Loatiox.Novembertt —.,lftentoon,The Pans correspondent of the London Pose says that the relations between England and the United elates will soon be critical. • I LONDON, Friday noun, Nov: U.•—•,k schooner was s elzed to-day by the government autnori ties at. Cork, on suspicion of having Fenian arms on board, , - Dargan, an Irish cont Meter, has suspended payment. Ms are: estimated at a million sterling, but, his /Meta are considered good. P Nov. M.--La Froncwthls teeming edi telltale admits that tht departure of Maxi tntilan-from Mester:cis Likely to take place at any moment, If it has not already been Be. Demolished. - Le Trinps says the t'rench will quit Mexico speedily altogether. The Monlieur matntalas silence on the Mex ican question. Limnroot, Nov . . Xi—Noon—The market for cotton opened firmer, with the prospect of a days Salt, of 13,000 bales. Prices, however, are unchanged; middling uplands. at ltd.. Bread. stuffs are dreier. Corn, at Vs 0.1 per quarter for mixed western. • Itoavon, Nor. N.—Nam—The Money market la easier end eonnois are anotol a. 9d for mo ney. The following are the opening rates for Amertom recuritlea: Erie, SW; Illinois Con• t no, mi• U. 8. 5.20'a, 70 , 4. Tito quotation of wheot at 3.33 9d in the morning papers was an error. It alionid have real Corn Sts 9d. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. Ltvignrooc, Nov. i.—Cotton nu I Well quite AC life to-day, with sales of 1000 bales mid dling uplands, and closed firm, at ltd. Petro leum dull and prices have declined 511 for refined. and closed at Is 64 . The ma rket for tallow Is firm. i . LONDON. Not. 41.—ConsoIs elosed at 00 for money. .The following are the latest price* for American securities: Illinois Central,lB;,ll Eric, 50„ti; U 3-8/s. Livsaroot, f 5 (day Noon, November If/ During the week the cotton market bus:been rather dull, but steady, at for middling up • lands. Transaction, werenot very heavy, and. the sales fOr the week do nOtlesit.up over in,ooo hales. To-dayz the market shows some improvement and prices have an advancing teuilency. !diddling uplands are quoted this log at Ktid, and the sales to-day promno to reach 15,u0u Dale,. Breadstuff, etnitinim to advance, and the market triAlas is atill firmer. Corn is quoteitthl, morning at 40s. .Lohonri. November 21.—`bon .— Consols are quoted et 901/ for money; U. 8. Saw, 7031, Central share, 79%; Erie railroad snares, ZeT4O • *Win New Orlcann—Seounes--Ortess ... Nit , " OntSAns, Nov. 2.—Admiral Raphael Semmes, late of the • rebel navy, has accepted the chair of •Profcenor' of !local Philouontly and ZnulLsh Literature In the imolai/tun slate. Seminary of learnlng, at . Alexandria. Gen.-Fitzpulrlck Lee, nephew of General Lee, arrived here en route for Texan for his health, . . The tialiteaton Bulletin says, editormitc, W at Ottegs said whilst at Galveston, en route to the iris Granite, wax lie sras in constant. com- IlittillentiOn with the authorities at Washing. too, and they were In fact Irlentily to him and his Mexican project. The ship Joanna lies arrived from Bremen with ono hundred and afty cosignanta. Thts is .the second cargo of emigrants MID season. I fl Patzzozzrutz, Nan ember 23.—Joseph h. hi Gibson, a reIIII,VVIIIIIA Railroad conductor. has just berm committed. to prison, in defau t Of ton thousand dollars hall, on a charge of embezzling fares collected by him. Eaten eat inteatizatlon under the supervision of tar. 'Alien PitlirertOO, a detective ollievr of (Was go. shows that many conductors on this road areal...fanners, and the bompany intend ptrose cutlug them. Numerous. discharges of con. "doctors have recently . ..taken place. • Maley r I • Naw Tong, November W.—Thelforaldis spy. dal from Troy says: Some stupendous frauds upon the Internal Revenue by certain liquor dealers have just been discovered in this city. A secret agent of the novenae Departmcnt has been investigating this and kindred mat• tors here for some time,and 1 am Informed that several business unties have been mak. lug partial tetnnas for some time, and have been discovered by this agent. . • harder IleroOuneetteut. STONITTOY, November M.—Ralph Itedman,Teaceclale, It. L., mate of the Scho9o - Elizabeth 13, of Newport , was killed MB eventng by . Nelson Dewey, of that city. The Jou rendered a verdict accordingly. Daring the altercutlon previous to the murder, Dew ey resolved a severe blow over the eyes, when be look a gun and shot Rodman dead, Imo than delivered ttlm,elf to the nuthorltles. Rum was the cause of the matter. Additional Telegram, on Portent Page CITY AND SUBURBAN. (ADDITIONAL LOOAL HEWS 011 THIRD FLOE. Bob Der, and. Attempted Murder. Oa Tbanday night one of the. sight police found a min lying at, tire foot of the precipit ous cliff on which Is located the lower bade, In an almost comatose state, having evidently fallen from the top of tbo bluff. Ile was taken to the lock-up, where ho was attended by Dr. lideCoek. The man gave his name aa William lounges .and stated that he had been assailed by ano ther negro, Is bile on his way to his boarding home In the Seventh ward, knocked down and rebbed of a pocket-book containing about fifteen dollars, and that after robbing the negro shoved hiniOver the precipice, and be rolled to where the officer found him, Ile had his left leg broken above the ankle, and was otherwise broiled and injured.. Dungee has not tbo sliihtest Idea as to who his assail ant Dungee further states that he be. Doves that the negro did not intend to hurt him by,pushing him over the hilt ,but did so to enable him to escape with his bgoty. Dun goo was removed to the City Farm yesterday morning. This is one of the most singular affairs that has transpired for some time. Consolidatioa of Railroads. -A meeting of the stockholders of the Cen tral Ohio itsilroad was held at Zaneaville on the hist lust, ante contract was approved by We tarsus of which the Central was /eared to the•Baltlmore and Ohio road for twenty years, either party reserving the right to terminate the lease at the end ofllve yeare. We under stand the terms are considered very favora ble to the interest of the stockholders of the Central who have never enjoyed the pleasure of receiving a dividend from their invest ment. The Baltimore and Ohio management assumes control on the first of DCUILAY bur next and will at once proceed to put the road In complete repair,,• besides greatly Increating the molly. power and rolling stock. The ability and seders' of the Baltimore and Ohlo liallrond is a sufficient. guaranty that the Cen tral will now he second CO no other road in the State. We are gratified to announce the foot that the local trade of elle road will have especial attention, and Wheeling will have hereafter a prompt ;did reliable wt stern out let, for both passengers and freight. • Explosion of a Lamp.—Testorday after. noun a party of hands were employed at work In the hold of the isteatl2l)ollt Delaware, at tho foot of Wood street, when a lamp filed with carbon oil standleg In the bold, suddenly ex ploded, scattering the burning oil through the bold. The flames communicated to a bar• rel of pitch standing near, and for a few too merits the boat was is danger of destruction. The burning barrel was tumbled overboard at length, and the are in the hold safely. extin guished. Fortunately no person was injured. Aceldent—Legßreken.—A lad aged Bartz loam named James Gallagher, fell from a hay loft, an tea rear of the fled Lion Hotel, iester. day, and broke Me leg a little above the knee. He wee carried to his home In Scott's and from thence MUM Mere? liospltal, where bile Injuries were attended to by the surgeon of the Inetatutlem, Dr. E. Donnelly. • The lad was doing well at lad accounts. En% Henderson, the wife Of the manager of the Theatre here. ha/ JOat Oonehided o anecesaftd engagement la IntUln• %f, Minas. Bho opens Oloonanglon on Wads, ersaing U 4833 for sla nlghte, after wtdolt she Monis home. 0. iiiiii• General Conference The Conference re.essembled tit two o'clock,' Thursday afternoon, and after prayer the consideration of the resolution offered by the nee. Dr. Scott, as a substitute for the second reso lution of the report submitted .bp the; Committee on Union was resumed. After soma dfseassitru the - resolution woo adopted. The thirct and fourth resoltalmoi were also adopted. • Time Conference thanoutcred Into the elce• Lion of an editor, publishing agent, and Board .of Publication, which resulted as folios,: • Edttor'of Western Met/axing Protract:at—Rev, John Scott, 13: D. Publishing awl Book Agent—Lee. A. LI. Bassett. . Board of Publication—neva. J. E. Slocum, J. G. EVilll3 and V. Lucas. The Conference then adjourned. mference convened again at half past seven, when prayer was olfered by 'Rev. Mr. Morris. Rev. lir. 'Raman, from the Com ittee on :fanatics made a report which w accepted unit Rev.D r. Lucas presented a resolutl lag the mune of the church newspaper from the Mrthrftlitf Western Profrstant, to the Jfrthos dot Record,. • - • • . Dr. (hood moved that the name of the Sun- day School Protestant be changed to the Su. day School Recorder, which was oleo adopted. Ua. motion, of lie, A. U. Emmett, Revs. George Browusud AJesAnder Clark were ap pointed au:lnn - Witte. to prepare a history 01 the Mou:KULA Droteatant Church, and eubtnit IL to the Committee on Publication. Rev. Bassett was attOrICOMIS IidOOU to the commit tee. -The report of the Committee on the Judici ary was called up, and that portion relating to the government of the Several Boards of the church adopted. Rec. lidir.fdaruhuli mov.ii that the action of the Conference In appointing a -committee to prepare a new hymn hook, be reconsidered, and referred to the next Ger.erai Conference. Adopted. "/ A re-olution retundefelt auks to the chi sees Of Pittsburgh and Alliiisheity, for the gen erous hospitality they exhibited to the mem her, ot tile Conference, and to the V. Le ens, Pvstor of the First, 11. P. Church, of Alle gheny, for courtesies extended, was adopted by a rising vote. A vete of thanks urns also tendered the Pennsylvaidit Central,' and the Pittsburgh, Colucnbu. and Cincinhatt Ralt re ds, fur Issuing excursion tiekete to the delesittes, and to the Plusihnruh presi for pute lishing-procaedings of the Conference. • Shortly after ten o'clock the Cent-I . olles, ad journed tomeet in Cleveland, In May, 1e 7. I - Palmer, Ansttrass st Compatty. Tho well known and popular retail boot and shoe Louse of A. Itobineou .t Co., located at 01 Market street, lets been dlspotett of with stock..to a new and enterpriethg atm, Messrs. Palmer, &nebula & Cputpraty, whose card ap., pears In another column. The new firm I. aom pone& of young kruslnese men who are not unknown to leo, tinchasing community— Ilessra John and William :Palmer, extiTheo. dose Y. Anslintz. Tile former tw., gentlemen have ewlile and extruded amvaalntunce and reputation es atirewil and fan . dealing cent gentlemen, strbl'm 3tr: Theodore. Anal:eta LS rintwereally known, having had large and liberal experlenee le several first elset shoe stores, and more recently 11... a hunched to the United Statue asses.orts..oinee The firm have entered Into l l, u determination to lentil up •nelt a tmle as their enterprise warr.tots, and will continuo to evil hoots, shoes, waiters. and every article lI of pedal coveriuigs nt prices which ale even lower than time° of Eastern howies, for simi lar Ilrvt elass goods. mile stark, pontithie for u - loter wear and efltntrahly adapted to the wants of this community, Win been laid In and .111 1w dl.ponvd uf ut Pb ices uVtleh per vaded years ago. itietivenn i onliitin.: men are eonstantly In at tertate, 1,, watt upon bait, nhlle every indeeetnen; alit lie offer ed to continuo and In crewe the Inrge Wit rim- Rif ettzeady ertycll t big house. liOnlebb btt the p1acc...."0. el Market etroct. . 'ReirtlrAt. ' Notw ithstarelMg the ft equent attempt. made by designing and envious men of the Dental profession to elude n±ut influence pas Dents from Dr. O. W. Spence r'sonlee, the rush chiring this Seek for his unrivalled Artificial Teeth and chemically pure twughing Gas has been immense, being nuercellod by an y wt.-t -aus weak. Thu following ladles and gentle-- .. men are only a Pat Dal list of those that have experienced the delights of I.;angbing this this week, at his onife,C ISo. ii.i l'enri stun:, all of. whom cheerfully testify that under its admin.. istrution the must dilllcult. teeth, Or way num ber of them, can be extracted without the slightest pain: Joseph Irwin, Rer. J. Crent " U. AlcCoullougts, /4w. Thu, Col hour', P. Meyer. Pr. W. tteCts..,,, dentist ° H. Sittsttnan. ll.Slpr, Mins ll,clcore a. Mrs. U. Ititn, " Motile lionlthorp, Mr. S Try, " Minnie Jams, " E. L. uncci a in, " Laibella Carbon, " Thos. W. Tuumns fitrkpatrlck, " S. A. Barr, " Ella J. McKee, " L'lcreon, earall Sllcairl,, 1 " 1. P. M 1111Arnaon, M.A. Annum]," W. Chreceebru " Mary Palmer, " • Al. Llnuacholder, Mairgle McCreary " B. Crumpl9n, " Mary Lynch. • Wm. U. Conk, • " Rena Gartman, James arnlth, MMMMEM colt Notice. the. liarmony Society at Economy, Pews*ha nia, Fbundea by CleJrge Rapp. 4. D. 1543. With an Appendix. By Aaron 16141t0rni,D.D.,.! Is the title or a book of IS) pages, for a copy of Which we aro indebted to the author. 'Dr , Williams has enjoyed the best of opportuni ties tor access to tho record' and archives of the Econorsites, and has proved himself a ra mble and faithful hisurrlsti or them interest-' tog and worthy people from tho origin of the old Irarmony boclety to Germany. more than slaty years ago, through tin varlana changes of location, and name, and vicleitudes of for tune down to the present timer—when by the same of Economists and under thu Trustee ship of the honorable and venerated IL L. Baker and Jacob nun lief, It is so well known and CO highly esteemed by good men of ail classes of society. The world will not ap prove or adopt the asceticism of the Econo mists, but It would be well for the world and the people thereof If all ourll were us orderly and peaceful, as loyal and vat not le, as honest and truthful, or as hlliftrine and benevolent as these excellent Economists. - . . . We are aimt that they have found in the ac cidental leisure of Dr. William., en faithful a chion Icier, and commend tjte book to general formica as Reil oa account of its anther ins its subject. Professors of Astronomy seem to be In an Inextricable dilemma. since their prognosti tions with regard 'to- the meteoric showe failed thew. :Notwithstanding they declared the heavens would be brilliant with failing stars, there Was nothing perceptible here "on tho 11th save a greyish fog that made even the house-tops invisible. Although the stem did not fall the prices of boots and shoes at T. A, McCleilanes mammoth auction house, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth street, did, and no IoW too us to place the finest finished and most durable. goods within the reach of the poorest artisan in the community. McClelland is now selling all kinds of domestic goods, such as cotton And woolen dross goods, Isdies and gentle men's boots and shoes, and a varied assortment of fors. Those goods were purchased in the east under exceedingly advantageous circum stances, and McClelland can therefore justify himself and sell them lower than any other establishment in theeity. Country merchants desirous of replenishing their stocks before .the holidays, should net fall to visit this house. Remember the place, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth street, under Masonic Mall. George Evans is a cripple and the keeper of a stall in the Allegheny Market House. A day or two since Chris. Frolick, a German tavern keeper, visited Evans' stall and they enacted a slight misunderstanding between thetfi selves. In the course of an animated conver sation Evans, as is alleged, called Frolick a "Dutch liar." The musical name did not suit the frolicsome listener, and he pitched in and abused Evans most roundly, calling him every thing the language admits of, and acting alto gether in a very disorderly manner. Evans had him arrested and taken before Mayor Mor rison, by whom no was lined ItS and costs. After paying the expenses, Frolick insisted on making an information aaainst Evans for call fog him a Dutch bar. Ills Honor informal Frolic that be hail already Indirectly received satisfaction for that Inowt, for if Evans had not given him that provocation for his con duct., ho would have beet! fined ten dollars in . stead ortlve. On Saturday night last Mr. Nathan Thomas, residing near Perrysville, this county, was burned to death. The particulars of the add. dent, as near as we can gather them are as follows: Mr. Thomas bad been livingby him . self for a number 01 years, keepingobacheloes hall: , anti on the evening of the accident had retired at v his usual hour. Hain placed weed, abo for ut the purpose of drylna it, too near the Stove, it Ignited, and abouLtwelve o'clock thb Ilse was discovered,when a num. her of citizens rustled to the sc ene.. Whop be was taken from the burning, be was a corpse. In d said' be lived rattier undermperate life, and MU a t tile s he wasthe Influence of nquor at the time of the accident. . . Committed.—Pot tie It tbo pcopne• tor of a dlinlnntir. Clothing stOre - Cu Water street, had 4 mai n named Dennis NW_ YelherdaY and committed to Ali. oo °cacao of stealing an overcoat from Min an 'oway ersnitts. " 's7' ' I=l3 127=2 A Dborderly forbad to Deatb Artinscrilectlx . New (irons flours.—Few novels which have recently made their appearance have so sud denly taken possession of the public Mind as Charles Reade's Griffith Gaunt. Indeed, we use it stated' that the sale of the novel has thus far been meal more rapid than that which met "Uncle Tom's Cabin" a few years ago: So popular a story Coul:t not long 'remain un dramatized, and almost simultaneously with. the .publicatmn of the novel, RI is presented here In Pittsburgh upon a Western stage.. To the inilefatiga'ile and enterprising Manager 'less, of the Opera Gouge, belongs the credit of introducing the great moral drams—for moral It Is, Since all the objectionable parts of the story Mitre been expunged—to a Pittsburgh audience. Len evening we attended the Opera House with high hopes for an evening of rare entertamment, and were even better Pleased than we hail previously taought We could be. No play has ever been put upon the stage In better style. The scenery used , throtighOut the piece, is new and natural, reflecting: groat credit - upon the aklli and talent of Mr. - 0. C. Itieharde, the weenie artist of the House. Who liar Our been to a fair lit Lancashire will, doubtless recogntie as familiar the third scene of the Gard act, where the greased poles, lat woman, slippery pigs, seedy thimble-rig sera, ballad singers, wad itinerant showmeu are introduced In all their glory. The audi ence fairly convulsed with laughter at this scene which wee au entire play within itself. W o might suggest, however, that trailniMeent and Ifituldgulit little pigs introduced be rumen better than to Jump I n to the nu violincello Of the orchestra, as hal:inane& last evening. Act Mb, oontalus the murder ti MI, a latch la one of the prettiest and .most touching part if tae play. The Characters are cast carefully, gnu eviry actor and act runs is placed tu proper part. Mr. Leak fully conceives the c airliner of the jealous ..nd, tra , petuous tinflitit Gaunt, as the author pictures him, and sustains the putt throughout in his usuall able and studied style. Mr. Megan in Tom Lowester, admirably sustains his high reputation and never have we seen him up pear to bet ter unVitetatre. Mr. Jackson as the rural doctor is good,. while Mr. Beall does up the part cf Pr of. nor of the, Royal I Hume of Thiuddlug le a.. manner so °mule as e LOOS • provoke the 'risibility 'or the sourest old - maul in Christendom. 'I Lo oilier actors equally sustained their parts. Kate Peyton, the beauty of Cumber land, afterwards Mrs. Griffith Gaunt, was tier aonated by the charcons. actress, Alfas Anita %Valle. eta, Cutrled Into the Character Phu 1 deep Menu ari of lays, acorn Idol haired, Whielt 1 to ingenious author bas Interwoven Into the character in the fair woman so cruelly de aertod by the Jealous (ii leith. Mrs. Emma Skerritt appeared as Mercy %%at, the beauty of Lancashire, aho was deceived and wed by .(frifllth Gaunt, after having deserto I Kate Peyton. Few theatre-goers need he told how Admit-Wily Oh,, sueteedW, for seldom has the stage here been graced with a more pleasing and accomplished artiste than Mrs. Seer rt Lt. The deep, canntokr and triascherous Ca, 'Mine Rider was ashy impersouned by Mrs. laehO:S. She played the pert'. trebly as to tualw us Lope teat the acting was I.lllLettlll.l to per. Tile Other ladies were equally worthy oh meution, but out crowded space will not moult a were extended notice:. , Griffith Gaunt as p:aruf at the Opera Grime Ls a suc cess—a grand success and will doubtless have an 1111p:waned 1.0. d ie urgently advise all to eLonollhe liotir./ Ilotl . se sixth, It is anon the bosom, as they eftlinOL fail being mill:died ' and pleased is Ilk the great sense:lea 'play. Tagsver —An unusually attractive bill is Of (crud at this Loitabltelinlent this evening con slating of tho drama of the ...nag Picker of Parts," Jones , Baby end the Neilltiltli weir. , I dl awn of me o.ileuhte Lover." his i the fs Turde Cl:entitle!), will webs his initial ; bow tads p1e.48011. Is each of the nieces named, 1/1141 tills au nouncement alone should Le WM clout to crowd the hues. Oa Monday eye nine, Went: Marietta Ravel, the Immo. son ; aatont artilte, will open for a hi lore season, in Lilo military drawn of "Thu French Spy." She has played smile of the most euecebelLll i enjOhStOnenle of the presebt season in the ( Last, where she has been flatteringly meets ed. Laity Andley's Secret, s up for the matt , nee Gm elternoleh . /. • M.Lsoisic LlAti —Ben. Cotton's California Minstrel , gayer their - second entertatatuentiat 'MiugOnie Ilan. last eveninc, to , !louse crowd d In ever part. To consinend any particular portion of the orogramnie, or any metuner of thin very excellent troupe, would be bat doing Injustice to something orrutue person equally meittorlous, and therefore we refrain from purticularfration. enfUee It to say that In our estimation, it Is tue very bon company .that has. tern here for quite a long time. Frank Campbell's tinging of ^ Meet Me lu the in alone W. .1 i l is unit to hear. ‘ROLLANDS Muortisa4.—Tho.us celebrated gi mounts and accrutrats upuir in Masonic Hall, Ort Monday evening. Nell +fly to of Thieving. Therein ono'itttlef In Allegheny who would have delighted tout of Edgar A. Poe by the mere t•thilliti . of his originality. He di._ plays a talent flitthieving as a tine art, atict if be could he discovered and cultivated he lead the profession. Meanwhile, so long as he remains around, we recommend t_q the Alleghenien to keep a ',burp eye on - their door steps and chimney,, or they wilt wuko up some morning and dud gnat they bete asap peered. One afternoon, a few dove slice, at about five - o'clock, n man entered the hall of Airs. Stoddard's millinery undeblishruent, on Fed eral- street, Allegheny, and went quietly to work pulling up the tucks that fastened down the carpet. The hall was large end the hate entirely covered with carpet, but so quietly did the fellow conduct his operations that ho encceedect in unfastening the carpet, folding It tip into compact shape, after which he took the roll coolly under Ids arm, walked out of the door and made off with big novel booty. -The first intimetiou him Stoddard cad of her lose, WAS when a little girl. wtio lied noon the thief going away with the rpet, canto In awhile afterwards and asked her where she I had trot her hall carpet. Swell has been made, hut, no ttace has been found of either the thieftor his plunder. Allegheny la ono ahead in the matter of thieves. Heard sad Discharged. • We f °Hoed, seine time since, that Michael - Dlellahe had been arrested on anspleion of haying been concerned in the robbery of the shoe store of Together(' & Co., at the corner of Smithfield and Ylfth streets, and bad been ad mitted to ball for his appearance. Mellish° bad a hearing before Meyer McCarthy, yester day afternoon, on another Information-lodged against him by Johu Bussed, proprietor ofa shoo store on Fifth street extbustou. Mr. Russell etateg that on Friday night. October Isth, his store Was entered end robbed of eight point of boots, one pair of shoes and six dol lars in money, the stole amounting to one bemired end fifty dollars. On. of the pairs of boots stolen from •Itursell were found In the posstnaion of Stellate which caused the In formation to be lodged ' against tilts. ' • At the hearing pude - inlay afternoon no eel dance was adduced' , sufficient to warrant the flowing of the prisoner for trial, and he was discharged. It is true that toe boots mention : led were found In bin powsestion, but Edward Hornet, a boy arrested on a charge of being I 0.41 c m -tied In the same robbery, testified that. he sold the boots In question to llPTighe. Hon net wits arrow ed two weeks ago, anti hex been In the lock-up ever aline. awaiting the arrest of ll'ffighe, Ids supposed accomplice. Fie will now pi obably he seat to Jail. Allegro.' False Progoneos. John Crane, of Manchester. la another vic tim of oil speculation, Ile came before Alder man Strain, yesterday, and alleged that onthe 10th of March last, John C. 'loyalist anti T. 11. .McClelland came to him front — 1111ddletown, Moon township, and elated that they had pur chased. on Little hilll Creek, Hancock county, West Virginia, sixteen acme of valuable nil territory, for 6600 par acre. They mere about organisms a company of twenty-four shank at 6400 per share, and wore desirous that ho Should take some of, the stock. influenced by these representations ' Mr. Crane, after some . besitatien, puralmeed one share, paying down OM Subsequently •mu ascertained that the parties from whom he had purchased, had only leased the Mad instead of buying lc, and that accordingly be had been defrauded of his OM. On this statement, a wamtut wee leaned for the arrest of the pardon ou ft charge of false pretences. Charged with Passing Counterfeit Nancy. ". George A. Speer was brought before tot ted States Commiesioner licCandiess, yet. teiday morning, charged, on oath of Jere m Mb Elliott, with passing a counterfeit twen ty dollar National Beek note. Boma is bar keeper at the Irving Bonze, on Liberty street, and it le alleged peened the note hi question on a man named John Berry. The intermit tine was weds by Elliott on °information re 'citived,•' and a warrant being issued, Speer was arrested. Ho gave bail In the gum of el.40:1 for a bearing at ten o•clook to-morrow morning. • Deafness and a Discharge from she Ears Cures.—l eertlly thatl had an olrenstvedhv ',barge from my left ear and the hearing we. so Impaired that I condi not heave watch tics. Dv a foe week's treatment, Dr. neore, at the Merchant/0 , Hotel, boa cured th.IT,"; charge and restornd mY bearing T u or mY does not resort to eratins,, i pW b r o t., painful operations, rere- Yederel At W. Sample's dry gem' 8 7 - , . Street, Ane g heay. .• • it. tune Experimeal,„ paved 1 . 0 . lopirctase one of Wheeler it Wilson's ww . e .ateal per- Sewing Machine.. a. 2 7,,/ p 7,11D tur w.llas. the fact— he are the _el" a c re heavy heaver elork, _s.d_.l.pultiularttr.atalogne given In their es s 5 nub atrea ry beny should remember v""""•"414'51.1..t0rt0. Ladles , Romeo. that the gree d , opens Osa Monday cremes -eathle wbo wadi %opium a pis a.. le city ameSeralnit, ahead AMU ant hour M .— ldea opportunity. taitaserres et 81818 ge PRICE THREE CENTS. Frightful Fall A fatal accident, resulting in the death of Mr. James Kelly, a slabs roofer, of Allegheny, occurred on Thursday evening at Johnstown. Mr. Kelly had charge of the roofing of a Tory - large building recently erected in Johnstown, and between four and Ave o'clock on the af ternoon mentioned, had ascended the ladder to the top of the building.- Just as he reached the top, a derrick accidentally swung around; striking him and knocking him back off the roof. The unfortunate man was precipir tied to- the ground, a distance of sixty.evitfeet. lie ntruck a Isteging In his fall, which, how ever, did not Check him, but gave way with nis momentum and fell alto him. Mr. Kelly struck on bib head, betaking his neck and, of course, killing him Instantly. It is not times.. ble, however, that, In any case, he could have survived thoeffccts of so frightful a fall. The deceased was about tlftY Tears Of age and re sided et No. dl Monterey street, where he 'envois family. pawed at last Oa the nightrof October 17th, a toad named Moses Donaldson - was arrested by officer , Bar ber, and tried beiore Alderman Donaldson on a charge of assault and battery,-preterred by - the prlaoucr'a wttc. The hearing resulted in his being held to ball. At life request, officer Barber went - out with him to procure ball. When they had reached a retired locality the prisoner turned su Adenly 011 his c ttatOd lan and assaulted him violently, and finally effected his release from him. He romaLtied at large, do spite of all efforts to arrest him, tintil yea tereay, when lie was sided by officer fiarbar, taken before Alderman Dooiddson, and by him committed to answer the two charges of aisault, and battery. • Sneak Tblivingps Allegheny, no less than our own city, is in fested with an • organized band of sneak thieves, whose specialty seems to be over coats. They slip 15 . at every door they can find War fora moment, and Funny hall etaiots have been made desolate by the love of these i gentry or "good clothes." One of the most recent lactase In Allegheny . .le Mr. liarvey Child, r siding on Stnearsn avenue. Ills hail was outor",l a row evenings lingo and two valuable overcoats stolen therefrom. The Al legheny police took the matter In hand and have been in search of the COaLS at the dllTer enapawnbruking establashmente, but without BLICCeafl. Common Pleas It the Court of Common Pleas, the case of Jame. ;..1. Spoor vs. tho Pittsburgh and Moro. laud Railroad Company, which was taken up yesterday, Is still on trial. The plaintiff Is a resident of Slanchestcr, and owns and occu pies a dwelling at Walnut and treble street,. The track of the railroad company is laid within illteen feet of his house, and he alleges that the constant passage of trains to and from the depot of the company hoe deprecia ted the value of his property,•and prevent. him from disposing of It by sale. The.sult Is brought for the damages thus sustained. lilt With a Backet.—Maryylledrlck, lie. log ota-lEasi. lane, Fourth wary, Allegheny, made inforntatien yesterday before Alayor Morrison,accusing George 'raptor with as. tacit an battery. The defendant is a neigh. bur of tile &maser, and, sit she &lieges, entered her back yard, where he hid some words with her. 111.i.'reke increased and at length he selied a heavy slophucket and bit her on the arm with it, intllctlng painful bruises. The accused_ was held to ball for a further hearlug to duy. Ifard Iliskoekr.-I . llllllp Weaver, Of the Second Ward, yeaturday. carnobeforo Alder man Sir tin, mut made information chargiug John Knox - with assault aml hattery. Ile al leges that on Thursday night the defendant attacked him and dellyered.a series of hard. Tin°eke timmthia person, the result of which war that he waa knocked down. In fact ho don't think that all axe could have knocked him harder than Knox knocked him. The ac. Anted was _arrekked and had for a further heating: ' Serious Aerldent.—Phlllip Curren, an em ployce on the C. Railroad, fell, yester day, at two o'clock p, m., between iwo freight cars, near the 'Market street crossing, Steu benville, and was. so badly crushed that it Is supposed ho mutt die. He has both legs bro- ken and badly masked; he Is also severely In jured In the head. Ho had been married but two weeks. His residence fa In the country, west of the city, on the railroad. Knocked Down.—lleary Armstrong. re sitting lu the Eigl,l3l card, yesterday lied a tnesel with Jottd Gillespie; also of tue .ssme ward, and got- the worst of lt, as Gillespie knocked him dnnm and kicked him In the ribs. The injured party made in formation tore Alderman Strain, and the accused was arrested and held for a further bearing. Hit to lbn Eye.—henry Sea' Ott appeared before Alaurnian Strain, yesterday, and made tutors:nation for assault and battery against (leo. Beggs. Thedefendetut assaulted hlm the Seventh ward, hit him severely in the eye and abused blm: In various other ways. The accused was arrested and held for a hearing, Ilelessed.—John Oliver, convicted at' the recent term' of court of assault and battery, and sentence" to pay a One of On and undergo an imp:lsom:tient of two months In the cone• ty lntl, was yesterday released from cantles. went, having Welled the Conditions of his sentence. Partial Ilearlog.—A. partial bearing was Mid yesterday before Alderman Strata, In the case of McCarthy vs. Marshall, raported yes terday morning. Thu bearing waa continued until this bfternoon at three o'clock. • Will Meet.—The 10 . 11 Pei:Luffylrani& Velma- Mors held a semi annual meeting for the elec tion of °dicers, this evening at ririnnatt's IMU, City !Minting. Hare Eargala.—Attention Is directed to the advertißetneut In another coliuku, offer lug Edw. IlaseDon, popular grocery, for Bale. We are indebted to J. W. Pittock for a copy of the Galaxy for December. DURRICID: GROETZINOER—B RLILIFIELD—On Monday ovoolor. November ot the residence of the belle's parent.. bribe .r. R. Wagner. ED WARD tiItut.ZINGLR., of Alleeheor • 1 , y,. and CHRISTIE, toothier. of Ci arias Barebn-lt, of Gas • Condensing Burners be usrd on any Lamp. and Dispense entirely celih Cohnneys. The dame produced by toes. Burners spreads out similar to that of elan. The construction Is such thst he smoke if &maned tn a (1-• Coudenslue cluimoer, and Is wbohy concerted into he burner do. not depend directly upon the oleic for itsl•ebte• bud burns the smoke which Is produced therefropi;axid • Barns Less Oil Than Chimney Lsimps. And produhas a morn Brllliiint light than ma/other burner In the maraet. STATE Mill GOUNTY• RIGHTS FOR Haying purchased Oa right or eispoeielt ab e Burners. Allegheny County. partl y tug to examine or VIUTCOOSO. can be acoommodated by calling at my obi.. .134 WATIN abrre Smtthdeld. Yittsburgh. • gF mEp 13LACKSIORE.. NEW AD v ERTIsEmEN - 8T - I.II . ANVAIMERS WANTED. add • • Mc LVEY —I.IIO,IIAM—On The 'May Pvenln Nov. MI. I,r Um Item. Dr. Page, Mr. WlLair. Met:Mt:VEIL% or Plitthrrgh, to Miss IA RIME OILLMAX,I.fAII,ghmy. B 1 RPLIIIRT—no Friday mondeg, at 6 O4doela, C R IttsTlA ItEltitlT, aged 60 years, 4 months and II days, Funeral from his late reald, nee,lBl Beaver street, 00 el/NDAT AYTIMPOON at 2 O'CIOCk. The IrlenCaotthe fara!ly are respoetially Invited 1 to attend. +Lbliititi—ln Richland townably, Alleshrny county. Pa. Friday morals =I lag., Mr. dellttl es:f.tecni, f th . r.oi the Rev. James Aut. eon, al the Presbyterian Banner, in the 714 Tete of Funeral tr:eokk mouttlo - 0, •l 10 o'clock, teem ',late real4tenet, ALE CEMETERY.—The Ds nlrul ..ciotps-acr.,, ,, Use largest suburban place or sepulchre. except one, In this toasty, sit ated on hew tin ix laton road, ltutordlately north of Allegheny. For boded lots, permit. or titles, call at Ventral Drug Store of CVUL tk CLA %EY. ahem , CIO.. AL AH ENS 1:7:47:".1/1111.11M21.13CXECEL, . N 0.1443 Fourth street; rittsbutre, Ca. MT ilNis of tad., CRAPES, til[AlVl3,and *vier, denn_ptlos of Women! ornming 000a$ 004.6 °peals yawl:Light, 114e:wand Carrier rermeoeu. Ltr.xemeriC*B—Kev. David Kerr Rev. W. Jr , 0he , 411.1)., Thome; Nome. al.. Jabook Hiller. Y.:, FAIRMAN UNDERTANBRS No. 196 Smithfield St.. cor. Ith, CND trance frombneuid seress.) ciSYIRtl► A lilt 11:i "tar.ligraf. Pa T. omiccc & co, • • 'UNDERTAKERS ANO,EMBALMERS Maatheser, Wood.au O • RHOMS AI MAN . CH .E ESTER LIVERY STABLE. FFIN Uarzeros lOW Okartlers Ut.U. U lane wad CArrisure• fornlsbed. a;J: S 9 MARKET STREET. oc7ro 3St. 0 $3 - 313 ' E 3 619 Market Sired, • Awl; GMT TOUR 89 89 .19 s9i BOOTS, SINES, &C, ?Tit 0111CAPUT AND XXV SZEB O xnvir.; st. AUeTION (311011 S J4lll 8080. - sit st. Fs, 89 89 89 89 89 89.8988 99 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. CONTAINING THEFITT-TWO COLITBISII Or TREBII AND INTERESTING 11.1101119 MATTZE, worn= wan %us- KIT REVIEWS AND CITR. RENT LOCAL !•A XWri, • C TWO EDITIONS ISSUEDI, , ON WEDNEADAIB AND SATMIDAYS. The Edition 1 forwarded which will mai the robwrtiber soodeat. • • • • 41 .4 11 Copy (par amnia) clan. or r , .e .._..~,_.... , ~....._ • LAs. ~.........._ I.L. Clain °Men or more NEW ADVERTISE m i= , . . . . G i FOR gelLn on WIESIE, AT DUNSEATH & CO.'S. 138Itreelt. LADIES' AND GEN'rfil - warroaar.xass. ALL STY LIES. sr GREATLY nramsto PRICES, ke wVL I P: tIT., N EAR •ITTB. G_ROVER & BAILER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Ara TUE Blln'T for Fatally and linuolaatintelr poses. Call and .co tbem at FOR CHEAP SPECTACLES., 1 . Gs--cp Tow HASLETT & CO'S, J. Ir. JOLINSTON...... .111c1111NSTON & SCOTT, ‘' • DEALERS IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. d,74 LIBERTY STREET, - pit tisubtxx-6.15, Wiemiziar. Aar Particular attention ittnen tO atcaes; Clocks and Jewelry.. All work trartnnt ea • Whale Get the•Bel4t—hey Alway. Give Sails Every week, Dr„ Qhinay. t. ecott hi called upon to insert Artificial Teeth in cases visitors other dentists hare 'fried, been paid, and/aged, and In every ere his work gives •'entire sells faction. Ho is. quite an artist in his Oa :of business, and has merely to examine a ease know how to articulate the teeth so ttuittliey will present a handsome - Anil natural . appear ance, and will., nuietleato the food thoroughly. .bra prices arkjower than those of any dentist In the city, andte will guarantee his work Is. superior. 86 Cwould better . for any of dur readers who are in waist of teeth, to call silica the Dr. in the first place, and thereby ISTe . their time and money._ . We would also assure those persons who ale suirering with diseased and unsightly'teeth that they can have Simon extracted without any pals whatever, by calling upon Dr. Scott: - 'lie has extracted for over fan - thousand persons within the last seven year*, and among title large number there is not me true in which his process has proved injurious. On the contrary, ho can refer to number, Of his patients Who claim to have been bah:Wed. In renewed health. He extracts Slumbers slab ly by the new oßtLgolene or Vapor" groom, • and gives pure Laughing Gas to - those who desire it, without charge. He makes no , charge for extracting when a riatletal teeth are . ordered, and gives a full eel on Vulcanite, with beautiful gums, for eight dollars. lit' member his'. number, VA Penn street . thlr4 door above Heed. • WETHERELL Mr. MILOAN,S LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS! DIED. beeene.RDODZa..Y. W. S. 11.Tanaw..". AXPillga EAGLE corral WORKS. pq JIVING RECENTLY PERCH/ 9' ....ED TUE CAULK CterfoN arafile. peattr ly °e. t .a e l gems. NINO.PE e.NOCa VO 01CS 11.• rftPeeitutty loom sas paella WM !avail 50 the iseusufaetans et • tton Yarns. Carve Sneei C i f i taln a s t :p Or e....may be iirt se the Otaee of the Warta, CORM ISIBEILI & bliDESki SYS, MUM CM' OS AT TES PI T TS'B unCili BRE RYER r, Corner of Daquerne Way sad Batkera rittimbrsaralts.X . a. • JOSHUA RHODES 4k, CO.' MAZDA DON'T BE DECEIVED BY column Advertisements of inhrio llaebises, bat set sit BUVklt & BAKILIt. It tots been fully tested for stile= years. mulls by al 1X4190. tango nom DEAT Ibt th e me. 7re, 1.E111911113. - I3troot.- nocnis • . DIEIR, CLOSE & CO., Practical Parnitara itlaaufacturers, COR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS. Lstint...styles of IUHAITUH= etaxstanttiree hist HOUSES! HOMES!! Xis Cori. as.a.man - • 1 aa-lad WORK HORSIDh bn ja.t isottv - Y e wean sold cheap: *se sowt D VINO kW tilt Oee Rood Wok% Ja..ltll. guaraateen to OS moan and gwod workers. Cali at , HOW /Liars LIVIDtkZ 6ALt6T.1.111.11, First strvet Dear . Mortaltaaaelealoata. $25 TH xyro ILOAILk • ' ' . i , • ,:.., reams eaa3l,4lti. barrecw mo-p , 13WiD AND kOitTtlatt!.. '- k, ler onsOniliermaTeran, Ina 4 Invite ejui, DO - 4 0 41 11 5 1 4 4 Agea5. 0* a ii. 404 6 IBILT IMAM AGM ED= .._..1.110. X0..18 rift% Street. 98} Sutithlleld Btreet, EMIC=3 Mt= 3PJILUL'IMWT.' , X="4ILTMEDIT'X' ME