Clll Eel - THE DAILY GAZETTE. PIIBLISIIED BY Penniman, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. Eta' 7Pirlas lellzroot. Iv. B. P$1(1111/11/LN, Ed • IT. P. nOIVISTON, / • .1r05L&II &IVO NElsoat n ' E r j , , laizatness Arausgers. :I ' =II Slagle Coples Delivered by curl er, (per weekl ...... 15 ante • Yatl Sobset Mere, (per year) sactio laberOl redactions to Newsboys .rid Affont4. ElieMttobtirfilt 6iigtttt. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1886 GLEANINGS. TIME CORES FROM DETROIT a horrible story of human deprairity, Which fully ii ingrates how far- avarice will lead some men in the - commission of terrible crimes. A. wretch named Henry Miller, who was engaged, last August, in the furniture busi ness upon a small scale in -Chicago, taok into his emplciy a lad named Adolph Den. nis, about seventeen years of age. By In jurious temptations thrown in the way of the youth hype wily employer, he was led into the sin of stealing some money. Miller discovered the lad, and by freque4 threats to prosecute and disgrace him, made Dennis a pliant tool in his pandit. The employer thus having performed part of his plan, informed the boy the', he had a bright scheme to make money, and it he would do his share the sum of nine hun dred dollars should be given him. Dennis agreed to do anything which would secure so large an amount of money, and the base Wretch, Miller, proceeded to unravel his scheme. A few trunks containing articles of little or no value were_ to be shipped front Chicago .to Cleveland. A heavy in surance was to be effected4On false repre sentation upon the trunks, and when the boat bearing them from Detroit to Cleve land was in the middle of Lake Erie, it was to have been fired in a dozen places by the boy, who was to take passage With the goods, The: trunks were obtained and filled andrtninsurance of fifteen hun dred dollars was'eflected - upon them from the Western Insurance Company of De troit. In that city Miller and Dennis were together, and the lattet got very much in toz.lcated. On the f.', of September; the boy took.passage with the trtmks on board 'the lake .steamer Morning Star. 'He was drunk at the time, and did not sober up till`twelve o'clock at night, when lie recollected the work lie was to perform. He had been furnished by Miller With two bottles of benzine and n parcel ol'obrrags with which to accomplish the hellish-task laid out. Ile made a number of ineffectual efforts to tire the boat, and finally between three and tour o'clock in the morning, sue-. ceeds in firing a wooden portion in the af 7 terhold. After the flanies had made h lit tle headway Dennis returned to his berth and pretended to be asleep. Accidentally, a soldier discovered the fire, and.sounded the alarm, and the passengers, some two hundred In number, were called out of their hunks to prepare for -.danger. Den totazoict snspicion, helped to put out the flames, ihiCh was accomplished before 'Much damage was done. The. boy made no more attempts to fire the boat, and on his arrival at Cleveland,' found himself penniless. By stealing his passage on board chance trains and by walking, he succeeded in reaching Chicago.. Detective Sutherland, of that city, took him into his employ as servant; and lately the boy made-a clean confession of his attempted crime. Miller was arrested in Buffalo and taken to Detroit for trial. He is a Ger man. His idea was that the boy would not escape from the vessel if burned, and he alone would reap the reward of the ter rible plot. We have never heard of a darker crime, and if all that is alleged be true,- we trust stern and swift justice will be visited upon the guilty wretches engag ed in it. ERTIB,II B. Ilaaosite, Consul for the Netherlands, located in St. Louis, led to the altar of a Catholic church m that city, • a blushing young damsel, to whom he would be joined in the holy bonds of wed lock. .Just as. the cereniony was about being concluded, a second young lady ap peared upon_ the scene and forbade the tying of the / golden knot. She had been "engaged" to the young man and he had proven false to his TOWS of eternal love. The priest could not do otherwise than re fuse to proceed with the Ceremony. The young couple left the church for an alder- Man's office, where they finally succeeded in being made man and wife. The disap pointed young lady has sued the fickle Bruer, for breach of promise, fixing her damties at $lO,OOO. • Amain a year ago a young Man named Callahan, at St. Louis, was arrested bylils employer on a charge of stealing several thousand dollars worth of diamonde. The missing Jewels were subsequently returned in a mysterious manner to the owner, and Callahan's innocence was firmly estab lished. Be brought suit for-damages sus tained from false imprisonment against his employer and recovered - $l,OOO, but the , case was carried Into 'the Suprem Court Of Missouri, which has just affirmed the judg ment. This should aerie as a lesson to em ployers not to be too rash in accusing their servants or clerkS With dishonesty.' Donna the recent war Judge Alexan der Walker, of New Orleans, succeeded in saving for Mrs. Acklin a million dollars worth of cotton. General Polk had deter mined-to barn it, but through the interpo sition of Judge Walker he did not do so. ' Mrs: Acklin offered $5OO as the payment for the service, but the Judge claimed.s2s,- 000, which he has just obtained by. Jaw. SOLCLN Rotinesox s NOVEL—SoIon 101). inson, the veteran Agricultural Editor, has written a novel for the New York Weekly Tribuni. The publication will commence on the fifth 4 f December. A rotri. LADY of St. Louis named Mary Wahl was disappointed by a lover and drowned herself, leaving a note stating that she was unhappy and could not help committing the rash act. , ON Wednesday last the second ulnas Parade of the 2tletropolitan Fire Depart- 1 1 meat of New 'York took place. They were reviewed by Governor Fenton and Mayor Hoffman.from the-Iden opolitan Hotel. Tan funeral of - Inspector Carpenter, of the Mctropolitan Pollee, in New York, was a large . and imposing affair. It was under the direction of the Odd Fellow., Masons ;and Police. Tag. St. Louis authorities have just tined a steamboat Captain $lOO for landing pan. pore in that city. Was. J. Rolm, an aid citizen and prom .-ineat lawyer of St. Louis, died . on *on, 13an.vron • DoourtLic is in Galyeatcen, ECM TQLITME LXXX.--=NO. 282. CITY ITEDIS. "r 3133111 Mtl7tlA,L LIE Insurance Company I: IN:51 MEIW E. S. WINSTON, President. ASSETS OVER 49 17,0 CO C),C,C)C", am EXCLUSIVELY CASH. Annual Dishlend* Available Immediately, TO INCREASE THE INSURANCE OR REDUCE THE PREMIUM. AT TILE .OPTION OF THE ASSURED. . Pollcy-holdere and other perrone Interested In the uklert of !ars Iti§tlltANC le are Ineltel, to call , • n the_underelened. Agent of the Company, who 1.1 eierful/y glre them Pill Information ae to the • erne and pact teal .worklognf the Company. GEO. M. BLACKSTOqi, 'No. 37 Flab Street. Pittsburgh kroclamsition PESTSYLVANIA. 83: In the . 111.21916 and b• tAe oulhority of ihr wealth of Pnomoyharm, • • 'ANDREW G. CUMIN. Uoverapr of said Con, monwlahh L. S. A PROCLAMATION WitzuSAP, It. hu been the good and worthy cus tom of the Commonwealth to .t apart, annually, a day for the :Teets! acknowledgment of the good ness oi the . Almighty and for expreating by Its whole peoPle. at one Ifme. and. with a common TOM!, the TWA:call and Pnalsz which throughout • the y,tar are apringing from - the hearts of men. therefore. . , 1. ANDREW (I.I!URTIN, Governor of the COll2- moalrealtb ofFeansylvants. do by lids mi =Won, recomme..l that the . good people of the toutomormudth Thiireday,29th day November,lB66, Asa day of Tbaut•gh In g and Prayer, and do then assemble is their respective Churches and places of worship and mate their humble thank offering to AtatirittrT lion for all His blessings during, the Past year. • . • For the abtlndant Gathered Potts of the earthr - For the thasTar eo/illtmod antlslty of Industry; For the general preservation of health; And .espeelally for that to Ills Ds visa Stoney, Ile bath stayed the threatened pestllenke. And moreover that they do-nesterb 111,0 to-con (thee unto os all Ills blessings. nod to cone rot tie hearts of the people of these anltcil nudes. tbst by the lawful force of tittle will. derds of good.l esti M. W.s.looa and Mercy may be done. • Often under my hand and 'the great ' or ;the blue, at ilarria , mra. this VIII day 01 October. in t •e year of tar Lord. 112, and. of the Com mon VCII /TA e e nuicti-tirst. - Ms tioregaron: ELI SLIVER, •• Secretary olithe Commonwealth =II= Lidice Fars, an imp:lease and fashlOna stock at the fashionable House of William Fleur log, No. 139 Wood street. The great ra. riety of all the latest styles of Capes, Eugenie Collars, nerthlL9. MUM', Ladles Fur floods. Skating Cups, Ladles Fur Gloves of HudsOn Bay Sable, Mink . Sable, Siberian Srinirrol,Wa.. ter Mink, Black t Brown, Sablca afford the finest opportunity to custOtucrs, to make the beat selection the market affords. The repu tation that thia house • luis for many years sus Leaned for (air dealing, as well as for the beauty, durabil I ty'and extremely low price of their goods, ehould.he spa/cleat inducement to all to Caµ and examine the stockf this house, befoysrui chasing elsewhere. Apply Immediately on tho "'remises, And eee vent we Issee la Store for von; prleen lowee than you can Imaglan possible, and gooas tbe peat made, don't delay, but go- to Gardlner's Opera liouse . Stme Store. 12E3 Fleming's Drug Store, No. Si Market street, for . the finest assortment of Flavoring Hz tracts In the city, at lowest. prices. Speiecti !teller Will be experienced by using the Cough Candy mantifnetnred and sold by George Itraven, 119 Faders:l street, Allegheny CltY. I Splendid Assortment of- childrens and infanta Shoes, the prettiest Walla, sold cheap, at tiardlner's Opera'youno Shoe Store. . Tan Can Day Foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S. Finch's DlstUlery, No. 19, 110,193 and 195 First street, Pittsburgh. 0333 Flealln%, Drug Store, No. St Market street, for your flee 'Toilet Soaps. Immediate rOOlOlllllOl2 Clem Of all bargains bought at Gardiner's Opera House Shoo Store. The Plate. TO bay good. Boots and Shoes, at Gardiner's Opera pops', hboe Store. • For %Ale. Good BOOM and Shoes, at Gardiner's Opera UOll5O Shoe Store. • Tou Cain BoY OS per cent.-Alenhol at Joseph U. Finch'''. . You Can Bin' New liops at Joseph 8. Finch'a TELE6RAMS. Hy toe llerebauts. Natter slTeizgrapb Co . groin Up the Allegheny. Specud to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Ott CITY, Nov. 2, River forty-five niched, and at a Stand. It Is snaiviag and proSpeet of rata. Market IMte• tive. • Cost. CITY, NOV. =ISM, River rear noel a half feet and at a stand. Snowing: 11. Pram Franklin. • FHAAELIN, PA., November C, JMB. River at Fratiklin fifty Inches, and falling; at 011 City. forly•tarCe !riches, falling slowly. at Oleopolts, forty-eight Inches. falling slowly; Romani Visitor. of Illootreol:-Contriba lions for tztlebec—Fetsloo Moir Azar, Noveniber 'N.—Prince DOros and Duke tlrasok, two of the wealthiest and no, blest citizens of Nome, are here receiving dis tinguished honors, e cable dispatch announces the contrlbution of eIo,OCO from CilassOw for the Quebec Netter . The Fenian t it will commence on the Eld of December, at :meet/nu:mg county, town of Bedford. .1 Meeting to Boston BOBTOS. Now largo meeting fur the of ralatu fondest:to:my out the work purpose of educating the freedmen,waa hold by the New Englguld branch of the Freedmen's Union ttotemhullon, In the Trembut.Teutple last night; " Addresses were made by Xx-Clov. Andrew, Elm; floury Ward Beecher, George Thotopiou, of Togliatti., and Judge Hassell.. . . Arrival from lliivrr--Deathe on Board. New roax t lioe. 21.--The packet ship Moe. earn irate Havre; October %Inn, arrived last evening. She left with fourbundmi and fifty two naWiengert, thirty-four of wheat died im the touwase mostly. Liermans. 'lna disease is not stated, _ vessel le now at quarantine. • ~....Death of John 8. - Chagnon. Paarontrata, noir. D.--John h. Chapeau, s inonnuent - member of the' Yh tliuletphi• Bar, died suddenly today. There .wan. a a/Jeff . fall Of adow her tote , I , 1 , T' i\ l1 1 1 1 14'itli 1 I _ , ~ " - . . , . , SECOND EDITION. FOUR.O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY LITEST MEGRIMS. fact ractm from Foreign Papery—The Eraprems Carlotta -The Pope, Are. New Tonic, November.:-.-117 the French mail, brought tltc Ville do Paris, we learn that the Distance, Garonne, Girvoile, Metro and Calvados, five large steam transports, whielt have been fitted out at Cherbourg to bring home the French troops from Mexico, have (November 11) ;made a sat isfactory trial trip, and are forming their crests and toting on board coal and 'stores previous to their departure. From the ...Ustacriat Diplonualijur of Paris of November 11th: The French government has received Irons Genera. Castlenati n ,telegram corroborating the intelligence of the Empe ror Maximilian's firm Intention to remain at the head of affairs in Mexico,. even after the return of all the French troops. On the lath of - October last, btu moment lest hleh his ailatist consort was In an :donning situation, the Erns peror of Mexico sent a telegraphic message to Miramar, declaring that ul though suffering in his dearest affections, ho could not possibly abandon, even for a moment, the poet of hon or in which he hall been placed by the desires. Auld confidence of the Mexican people. Ile consequently addressed the most pressing re commendations that • the attendants on the Empress shottlil observe strictly the In. structiOnS of her tier ..11alestv's physioians. The Manifests Du Soir confirms the news res- Necting the cure henceforth assured of the Mpress Carlotta.. From the same paper, according to le lorma- Hon which as e have rent:Mel, the mission of General Fleury is tmitio subordinate on tio: previous settlement or the - questlon relative to the repartitlon of! the Roman debt. We deatinaLon will be Florence, and not Rams: The Emperor Napoltxm,.ns the Minister of State h. frequently declared In the Chem hers, and the aturqtals He La Vallette recently repeated in his eireislaraoldresfed to his Dip lomatte agents abroad le firmly resolved in protect efacuclOitsly the Pope, not only in his quality •of head, but also a., - a temPorsi soTerelg. The Court of-rho Tuileries is there. fore desirous that 110 nitsUmterslionling should exist in the practical Interpretation of the 131.11 of September. With that object the eventualities that. may arise after the depar ture of the French rue is are about to be ex amined and to hcvoine the • subject' of reel fo cal engagements between Fromm and Italy. Such Is thu real object Or the mission to be contliloftho General Fleury. ' Front the Corr Len. luthuno. of Florence, of Nov. etb: Mr. Gladstone funtifi the Pope calm.. as usual. They did not speak of innate. ell near the close of the conversation. His - froli: nese Complained of the Austrian Government, While admitting that events In ti.ertuany had rendered It unable to assist the Liely See, and he almost excused the conduct of tie Vienna Cabinet. Mr. Gladstone c.ongratulated him npon the firth:al of the Antilles Legion nt .I.torec.' Ttlo Pope said to this: • "Terrestlal Legions hare the defect of often missing the object they alto at, resides, what matters It to Me, what may happen, believe me, that when the French have gone. I shall lie none the Ices protected, seeing that the Le gions whichefend the Church, ate never wanting. and s ills Ilothiers raison his eyes to Heaven." • Mr. Gladstone turned the conversation upon Italy, and ho naked what truth there might 1,0 lu the preliminaries tor negotiations with the government of Florence mentioned In the pa pers. Tote Is what thwrope ni,swered: do not read thejournate, and cei title aut.. }get I know - nothing whatever. All I know is, that when I the I shall not leave to my suc cessor the sacred and inviolable heritage of Stunt Peter • The Conversation respecting Italy having Cenernl, Ireland wits eptiken or. Thu Pope warmly recommended to-Mr. Gladstone ate well beloved block, then smiling, he added: —lt I am obliged, on intne say, to leave Rome, even although Ireland be thstant from Lilo centre al chrlatiauity, I would not, perhaps, disdain to take up my abode there. Malta Is a place almost altogether-emmuerclal, now that the Itevolntlontst■ bade Dcglin to accuse my poorelergy of simony It would not have my preference:" In conclusion Ifs +a4l he would go wherever Provldenco determined—that Great Providence which never lulled to Judge men who were net eternal. In uttering these words the Popo showed much emotion. DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Seward Considers Maximilian's Ite- Intloos to tile C. si. A. New Yoke', November a.—The Tribune pub, fishes a batch of diplomatic correspondence between Mr. Seward and M. Drouyn dy L'ituye, on the subject of Certain favors shown to Ma Confederates by Maximilian. About the first ofJuly, 1,34,5, Mr. Corwin liter 1104 Iron, tit tending Importu,,t, if vipatcllva from Muth.° • to the United States Cievernment. Colonel Don D'Enrlque A. 31ejta, then about to visit this country, peered to In, the seater, hilt fits offer was 01111 - partially accepted, for Mr. Cor win feared the the officers of lanxlmillan's government. would not Ilealltattfto violate the sanctity Of total all turibaemadorial seal in the hands of any private petsou, in order to know the! state secrets of Dos tioeernments Ile therefore cent Ida dint-dela, by private op portunity to Vats Cruz, and they were put into Don McjliVit hands, sitter he had gone on hoard theateamer; but the events tuat had ; nappened justlflesi Mr. Corsi in's fears; Don Enrique ;had been seized; his papers all ken from him and.; opened. Not Melted the expected dispatches of the Unit. d States Min ister, he ells released utter fifties days Impel* onment, and his papers returned to hits. ' Among them was found :;bundle of letters belormiug to 1101110 other traveled', but accb dentally Mixed up with his at tuo examining • cos/meet Lou Custom lieu., In this bundle were the' following letters from Duke Gwyn. showing that he stoat high in the ratline - ben of both then Imperial and Trench govern ments; that he was :Mont to obtain large tracts of land, and Ids HOU Waa to bur. cent 01 of the largest. gold mine in tbe world; but Mr. Gwyn did not confine liiinseit to his nun pros pects; but speaks of Mr. Johnsente aCeefialoll to the Presidency tw Ile flattering terms. Col. Media promptly forwarited these dis patches to Mr. Remero, the Mexican Minister, who sent them to Mr. ;toward. Through our Tanen-my at Paris, they were transmitted to the French Government as containing full proofs. of the complicity of that Government with some of the principal leaders of the re bellion. Mr. Bigelow, in representing the case to the Trench government, mid that by these letters it appears, first, that Dr. Wm. d. Guys and family, though citizens Of the United State.. urn disloyal to us SOVerallanlt; ft:Conti, that they at u enk.ged ht olititinlnix from hiaximii lan, titular Emperor of:Mexico, grant. of min eral lauds in the States of that llopublic, ad jolntna the United States, and that. Drt Gwyn is to be the chief directing .agent in working these mines; third, -that a large accesdon of capitalists and emigrants into these States from parties in rebellion against the !Jutted States is expected; fourth, Dna they assure the said hhtXlll/11111a and the Emperor of Trance, that their contemplated proceedulgs wilt tend at once to 'promote the projects of , Maximilian in Mexico; and inure tutheiejury of the United States; fth, teat, they claim to' have the patronage .of the Emperor ot the French, with assurances.of military dd. In reply to these Mile:ultimo that France Sad AtaXimlllatt were violet' g the principles of international comity, hi. De I'Lluys answer ed, ivitlt considered° sharpness, •• We shall I always ho ready, sir, to respond frankly to de mands for explimations coining to es from an allied nation whe they are inspired by a cur. cillatery sp; n, rlt,' presented •in an amicable tone and bused upon anthen tie documents' or positive facts, but, 1 must add that the Empe ror is resolved •to reject, ail interpolationS which may come to ps 111 ft ememinatory tone abbot vain allegations and bused upon docu meets ottla dubious character. "You will understand, sir, that it Is not forme to enlighten you concerning the speculationS cloudier such person, who has emigrated td Mexico, but what I know of the intentions of the Mexican Government, enables me to say to you that it propeses to let the emigtauts from the Southern State., enter upon 'tit terri tory only Indy ideally and without arms, they will receive such help as humanity requiree, but Will• be immediately dispersed through the province of the Empire, and bound toot). state in their conduct, from anything which might awaken the just eueweptlbliity 01 neigh barley; nations. Seward afterwani approved the action of Mr. Bigelow, in the matter. Ns* . GatrAlts, Nev..Y.2.-liakes Galveston Bulletin, which supported Governors Uamll. ton, Peas and Bell, and which le Win tho or. gan of-the Union party In Tesas r , comes out to-day in distinct opposition to univeral or qualified suffrage. I The• Texas stay law, approved by tao Gov ' ernor, requires the It)lnente on all j u d s .., Monts rendered before the tired of Jnnuary, lea, to be made In four annual Mataltnente of one-tourth each, Senator Doulattle returned to-day from Tex as, on route for Washington. Gen. Itossenu 10 1n the city wan short visit. • The Western Unpin Telegraph lo TolegraPh ComrY has j est - opened their new- New . Tom Nov. 2t—The Western Union ly completed 1 no to Mallorca.% via Denver tidy, Bridge's Piss and toe Overland .Siege HARLIN es now traveled. Thin'line is in addi tion to the old line via tort Leavenworth and the Beutli .rass.. The now huh is constructed LB a superior manner, and there will probably De little 1 uture , interznission in telegraphic commimication with tlid racide. The West ern Union . Comnany have also opened their new 'Me between halt. Lake City and /lanta na, thus bringing the mining districts of that territory 11110 direct communleation with the t et tirstrieltraptile'werld. • TiEWS BY STEINER. =I Cam! PITTSBURGH, ~FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1866. LATEST FROM EUROPE. Reform Ilauquet—The Loading ' , Times , ' on. American Ficancea—Mtotrarlan herste—Crectia Cabe of the Bilpystmnpaoll- , Letter from Inc Ring ofloruanin talkie Pope —Mavens*. the A Clow Aecom .plice—Commercial. • (BY THE CARLY») j• Lonneer; November 21.—Lord lialirley, to re ply to a letter in regard to the shipii seized by the United States Government, 'pints out that no arrangement can be made - ro consider such olefins. A grand reform banquet took pities at Man. chester Mat night, at. which Mr. Bright made a powerful speech. The London TIMM, in au editorial this morn lag, says that, although the Federal Seteretary of the Treasury bcdleves that therbOlids of, the Culled Staten will Po paid in gOidil would be better if Congress would seertre F eh pay. went by law. Pcsrn, Nov. 21.—The Hungarian Dlet met to. day. The Imperial resoript was received and read. It declared that if the Diet will remove the tildlculties in the 'way of unity, It Hunga rian ministry will be appointed nod the auto army of Ithugary will be. re.estabilsbcd. Lesvos, Nov. 2L—Atvlees from Crete state that the Cretan Assembly deny the report that they have embuttthed to the Turks. ANTWXHr, Nov. 21.—The schooner Island !rouse, from Itichmoud ou the Id, for the Itio Grande, was capsized on October .114. lier crew were taken off and brought to thin port. steamQecktrwrowN. .November , 2l—Eteni gill) City of Manchester, frolic New York on the 7th of November, toneried at this port thic afternoon, and proceeded' on her way to Liverpool. SOUT lIIPSOS, November 21—Eisvninp.—The steamship llutschtand, which left Now York on the loch of November, bas arrived at this Port. . PeAtte, Nov. 2l,—Ecentnp.—lt le said that tho French Government bee received vows that the rule of elaxlmillan is virtually nt an end, and It le further reported that the govern— ment me ordorod the ehlpineriXof stories to Mexico to t, stopped. . . In:sena, Wednesday, Novettiber 11.—The Ad. tnlrml4l Court In the case o: the Itappalnoe nook has ordered the representatives or the United titates tiOvennnent to give security In the suit where they are plaintas. • =I Ileztrii, Nov. 21.—There in a report that the' Plug of Prussia has written a letter to the Pope Pins. offOring him the protection of Prep,. •.11.thate, Wrdnesdap, Novi 21.—1 t Is Bald that tau Mug of. Prussia Mut written to the Pot offering protectlou to Rome. • ions stranavr noway - Faro tit ITALY; J. 11. Surratt, the allegud accom plice in tn." murder of • President I.lncoln, was discovered serving in - the Papal Zouares. under the name of John trat,on. Ile was arrested upon a demand Of General hung, but afterwards ran the guard, leaped over aipreclplee. and escaped Into Italian ter ritory. The Italian authorities are on the alert and endeavoring to recapture him. =MEI - - I..ivraroot, Nov. 21.—The cotton Market to day le unchanged; 311.1d1ing uplands are V.- tcdut 1(1, the sales tte , isy oUI prohaldy reach ISMS) Urlea. Tho breads/ Mrs market la Mutat an adv.ce. Wheat 15 looted at Ws W. Th, market foe provisions to easter; Pork has downward tendency. 1.051507: MON 51"111C5.5—Ln.ion Consols for money aro quoted to-day itt U. $. Fivadk entice, itkli; iliinola Central ' shares, ;s'.;; Erie, :Ay(: I..vegroet, November 21,—.Vrening.—Tho :Pre:Ad:dual market. cLoso.l !Uhler. Provisions kayo a Ateclin lug tendency. , taro inactive. tort eon. November 2L—Vresing.-I.2onsels irlased today at fur money. American Securities—tinned Slates Flvt. , -TWCUSIGN . I . IIN 1.0111015 Central shares, iS ; Uric Railway shares, ho. • The Buffalo Board of TraideaLad the Trle Canal—Near. TorLc Cauttal Bailtpaq -natter. Bur ea to. Nev. -2.—Trio Buffalo Board of Trade te..ley passed a resnlutiqn to address letters tomzevermin.. Canal Coinmisslonere, and to the Auditor of tile state. urging soon them the great necessity (or un increase In the forest employed. I. each and all the locks of the Erie Canal, to as to give the fullest fa. eddies (or hastentng property to title water. Tne resolution wa, passed In consequence of the lurgesimonut of produce afloat and delay. ed by the break at. Palmyra. The Cemnieretal Adterisser of this clty,,corn m,nith a mute, laity mi the Remit - Ps special from Troy, about the New York Central Road, bay, We know that In 111, event of Mr. Far. go's election, no change whatever would no. tow in the present atratmcmunts with Rio Ex- press Companies on the Central road, except such us might bo forth., benedtcf the blOCk. holders of the read; and in each a Carte, none Mint would not apply to ono Express Compa ny equally with another. Thu competition between tile Express Companies would not be Interfered with, and the factittes extended to the American would be extended likewise to the Merchants' Union. ThWinterests of the stockholders, and not the Interests of any Ex. press Com pony, would be tile lire' considera tion with the President of •tho Central Rail. road, i(Mr. Vargo filled that position. Cold Comfort : for 01Mee-Seekers Wan lUNOTOIf, November tl.—The publication Is made, upparently by autboritV. in the N. faunal /7-rputlican, of this morning, that the ,Prensident Is necessarily engaged upon fin portant public Matteis, preparatory to tile ;early assembling of Congress, and will have ,no time until after the meeting of that body, to v ivo Abe slightest attention to applicants i for °nice, All corn :natters aro referred to to the heads of the different pep:glum:lts. ; Onice.seekers and their friewLs can save themselves much time, latter, and expense by acting upon the above hint, an will relieve the President from the unpleasant necessity of decnntog to ClaUttaln and examine their applications. It In n. physical impossibility for bun to prepare hit message, anti at the name f lute trunnuet the detail buslne.Ul appropriate. ly belonging to his Cabinet 31.1ulaters. The Indian office toolay Dubllshes proposals for the supply of Indian annul tt• goods for the ensuing p.r. The Waco of delivery bus been changed from New York to St. Louis. Arm% for Cauadiau Troop,. Tooonro, IC. W.,) Nov. 22.—The GoveremenL is .11 reeling Ito attention to the re-armlug and equipping or the volunteer batteries of the Prot ince. Each battery, In future. Is to lits mode up to four gen., all of equal calibre, and will crussiat of three Spoundera and aft- pound howitser. It Is thought these will, In this country where it la Impracticable to obtal long rangea, anti where most artillery Lira will likely take place within a rouge ot 2,(ooyorde, prove equally-It nut more telling - against an onetny, while their simple Inedeet Munster meet vlh make them still greater fnvoritea in the volunteer force. Thu lime& Canadian garrisons are being rapidly armed with En. lucid rifles, the lama and nest Improvement' els the old Enneld, and a large number of the troops in the Crovb ce will soon be In posses sion of breach-loaders. Seven hundred hare urrived fur tlie use of the rah Regiment, sud will be distributed -among that corps coat week. i. gleltore at the tthito name—Cablitel exerting—Admiral Dahlgren About to . Leave. ASHINCITON. November • the was. quite large t.I.LOIS dune., at the While House to-day, many of whom sag the President. At hulf past two o'clock the different mem bers of the Cabinet assembled by request of. the President, the newt! mooting 'On Teesda baring born necessarily omitted, caused by the absence of the Prcsluent,,who was at Bel tinier° participating is the impOeingidasonic ceremonies. • .: The: President to-day aPPotatod Edward Uhl, or New York, United States Consul at Guatemala. , General Y. S. Alexander, so lOng In commend of the defences of Washington, will soon leave for Californm, to superintend the construction of the defends to San irancieco. Admiral lisidgien to about. leaving 'Wishing - ton to estates° command of the South Squadron. , . . Appropriations or We Lest Congress. Wasunnrog. November +.—.—Tho following items of upproprlntlorm hero jno t been oMolal ly compiled from the note {weed at the late argelon of Congressr; Pensions $17,940000 00 Deiletency for civil expenses 4,... , 04,514 40 Naval service for ylentidlg J'no Ul7 19,901,197 60 Post. Oflieu Dap dodo 1,917,055 00 Id!Mary Academy, do • do 301,457 00 Forts and Di:lenses, do do 5.610,09 IP Cotop'n pnb. works, do do 3;99,017 91 do 38,004,245 83 Legislative, do., -_ do do' 25,40,43089 Consular, Iliplousatle, do do . 4,105,494 00 Sod lan Dep l / 4 , do , do 3,7711,535 45 Sundry civil ekpense, do , do 7,074,1 W 79 Dellciencles do do 5.121,570 00 - do - do 17 , 70 4. 03 .7 60 CM Mextenn Alolrs-2Grovesnent Ginend _ Oraudzi. it oi SAO Faxsco, Nov. 22.—A lettertrom Fres. tient Juarez to the Mexican Consul in this City, dated Chihuahua, October lith, says: General ,Oranda lion loft Fanne r to form a junction with Aneza unit attack. Duranipe, Which is supposedito have been evacuated by the Freurh and sarrisoned by Marlene Impe rialist. Only little resistance was expected. Juarez pardoned two traitors Darned Lu rk/nes and /Ooze, but had 111(11.ed to pardon Curronza and Mei:demi, who Were executed. They were held responsible for crimes coin. puttied while Clainuahurt was under Imperial rule. Insurance Convention "NEWToror, November V.,—The Convention representing about • thirty Ina mance compa nies thmorthout the United States, weals ses 'Mon Again this afternoon at the Chamber of Commerce. A series of resolutinns, embody. log lull details of the manner in which, the organization shall In future be conducted, were adopted. Officers were elected for the owning year, and the body adjourned, El Fenian Appeal Nuts Yong,laiorinnoeri/L—The following par agraph contains the substance of the appeal issued hy tho assembled Fernand; 'of tills city: 7b thc Men Di db. and en Lames of -Pc, publican iniailtaiona Eivrynliere I-170ariTar- Yin; FILIENDS AND BlLO , neasf-f-Every Item of information reaching no from :Ireland proves It to ho certain, beyond all qui:Rion, that our countrymen at home are determined on war—. war to the knife—and that this very year the float struggle of our 'Teeple with the Foreigner Will he soon inaugurated. The Oppressed will meet the oppressor, foot to foot, to battle for the very existence of our race and of our ea [tonality. The leave is patent-either wo must emceed in this, our dual straggle, to take our places among the nations or the carts, or be defeated, to be scattermi broadcast as a peo ple:die-I.M, pointed at only wills the iluer of acorn, and ready to do battle for every coun try but: our own.. Advocates of universal lib erty, but especially:Of liberty.l in Ireland, we have resolved to do every t Mug lu our power to suatatu the...of oar kindred who keep gar rison at home. That the struggle now so imminent may be short and effective tve appeal to all our kindred who are In America—men andwomen—, and to the lovers of freedom everywhere, tb give what our brothers require. That no one claiming to have Irish blood In his veins may have any longer an excuse for not contributing In pro. portion to his means, a committee of gentle miiproperly aceredited,"vill call upon all from whom aid Isexpected; that a Permanent record of all. those who will do their duty to Irpland at BO important a crisis as this may be kept for future purposes, , as well as taose wlio,k,y their non action, wish it to be recorded as their opinion:abut our race at last is wiemered. The Committees in structed to collect 1.1114, war Material and money for the use of the Irish Itepubliean army, will hand In their lists weekly at the central office, 19 Chat hum 'street, hi this city. In the name of Liberty, .1 ustice foie flu manity, we appeal to all on behalf of a suffer ing hut noble minded people, to subscribe liberally and at once Cholera on the CI hip Mercury. • New Yone, Novetaber M. The disease that broke out on the ship Mercury, on her passage to this port, already notlecd, is now announ ced cholera. It appears when the epidemic broke out among the passengers, shortly after the vessel left. Absore, and continued its voy ages tip to the moment when she arrived at quarantine. The disease it ,atd to be a severe type, and all the symutums show that It is Asl• alto cholera. Qua.: a large mambo, or paesen. Kers are still centering from lilt tile ship. Their wants and necensitpd , however, are being promptly attended to by the racers on board, and tile quarantine officers. • Poeto(lfr r e Chunge.—Wn.hlogtoti linCes tt AMIIMf ON. November 22:--During the last three Or four days about one hundred and thirty changes of • Postummters have been made, but none of the larger chars. The ' , Milli race on the National Course took . Glace to-day. The bursts emiteattng Worn ally Ann and the Italtlmore colt, both pacers. The race wa. for NI per,,, or poo, Ma, and reteeat, to saddles. Polly Ann war tlm vintner. Tone-111 . st heat, 2,37; second bent, The twit tone Was matte .41 the last quarter— namely, in 33aecomts. • • The Colton Tax—net:M.; .of the New • York Chamber of Commerr7e. New lone, sptclal meettng et he Chamber.of Commerce took place this af ternoon Tor the purpo‘e of receirtnir it report tram 11, specie! committee nimolt.ted tu con sider tho expediency of pre.tentitr a memori al to Congrt,s to favor ot tnotthosition of the - .as on cotton. The reporc t ecounnetoled that the tax Ito attolirtie.l on the ,ground it( RA he tog lnexnedlent 111.64 at 1.1111 time no Well its oPercastng the pructleully unconstitutional, and 01141 0416111.1. rommerelnl :Yews by Coble... NCR Your, .November —A:mornhig paper ROn the folio% in,r. purhoillog 10 11 0 special dlstialehes tI the eible. LivsurooL,Novetolwr thin days tear ket. there firmer feeling in Indian corn, god t ransuet ions r. ere 1111.00 a 6 3. 4 $ Gil. to ;Lis Rd per quarter. "bosvi , .g a further improve, turn t Of e f t Oil the prevl.,us Fridev. 11.,,ciir..,rLit. Nevem!), 4 -I—Continue.: and very severe denr , ...slon In xtl 1 the rt...1111i; fca tore 01 nib - market, alid orders previously telograptied to the 1, lilted Suites for the put. clint.e of euttou, . have been u en tirely. Mnreinent In .trYnnvns to Inanturnten Ycw etnte tinverniveni. km Puts, Nev. xpvelal to the A mita eche 0111 little Rock, to-day, says: A resOlnlttlnl WAS Introduced Into the Ark tillsitS Legislature culling on the Governor Tor informal KM Of an attempt to overthrow the present State Gov ernment: The resolution was: called forth be call slimed by a few obscure Lullvldunh at Fort ' , with for the purpose of Inal4iirtiting a new Stall: Government. The Legislature Ie still - unable to elect= Seantor. Locomotive Exploiion— RUled • ticortgla: ArOCST,i, November 22.—A I,oinotive p10t1,4 on the . Georgla I/unman to-nay, killing rite fireman, naturo Mai Ito, Lela engineer, named Derry. George Meyer,•.l,?eistant United Slates t in. ternal Revenue Atselso:, was shot and kilted at nbieLtrlllr, de ni b Carolmn, by two men mimed Saunters, wbo surrendeted thurmel yes to the biter lfr. • Booty of the l'itsultyttle Itatirooil bars; ' - I Nal BEI Vita -f, Noremtoar :L.' pos, , c of citi zens of Franklin, lientucky, discovered, on Tuesday night, on the premises of tim. King, a. forge amount of booty taken from Zhu pus ffera ou the:hi-1111 , 1110 Railroad on lite night of toe Sth tout. . The pork packing Hellion commenced here to-day. Seven hundred hoge have been Can tered. . [ Annual Meeting', or:. the Penuszlvauto MIMI-Slavery Society. Puitanzi.reiw, November 22.—The annual meeting of the Penneylvanieantebinvery So eiety Commenced Its ncsslont to dry. Some routine business had been transacted, when Sir. Darts read a strongly Worded petition, With blank tor signatures, praying In: the im peachment or President johm.on. Tile Sonic- Ly adjourned till evening. 'Lock% Repaired Ammar, November trre-.t telegram from Syracuse announces that all the canal locks arc nests in order, and boats are passing testi /Y. Lip to the present date the receipts of ca nal tolls show an Increase over the receipts from the same Bourret last season, amounting to .519,10.07. Public Heeling of. Pennsylvania Corn mission. PHILADELPAU, Nov. 22.—Thts eventnq the Pennsylvania lhonch of tbn Atnerlerni Freed men's Union ComtalssiOn..helit a palate'-meet ing at the ..I.elidelny of Alusle. Chief Justice Chase Death or a Prominent cltisea. Now liavon, CT., November 22.—Jes. Brew ster, one of ttio Meal; and moAntoodnolit ca nons of New Haven, diLd this morning, aged !wrong-eight rears.. Slntement Denied ?Ism Tenni Nei% 2t.—The Post, Washington special says that Geo. Logan denies the state meat that ho ,is preparing to Impeach the President. An Excellent Opportunity livery day the taste and desire for good Music increases, and it Is one of the healthiest and most encouraging signs of our civiliza tion. Perforniantes, both vocal and instru mental, which only a few yearn agti would have attracted a crowded audience, if given In the concert room or opera house, may now be listened to in a hundred parlors in every city in the teed. - A good knowledge of music comes nearer to being required as the stand ard of social position than a good knowledge , of reading did in days gone by. Perhspe our city is le advance or most others of Its size in this matter of musleal.cultiva,. Lion. A. high degree of musical taste and abil ity has been developed it, re, and we may I safely reckon this a musical city. Good teach. era have always iocelved liberal patronage, and the results of their teachibgn may be heard in every parlor. The number of pupils does not diminish however, but scorns rattier to increase with the Increasing taste for sweet .sourvis. We take pleasure In informing all who may - desire to receive a thorough and per feet course of musical training, cuher vocal Or on the piano, that Professor Roebuck, the well known teacher of votod and thdttUracntal. music, Is now so situated that he can receive a few more pupils. Professor Roebuck is oun meted with Alle, Pittsburgh Female College, and his sziunicalcxeeliceto and has universally aeknowle god talent for teaching, have se cured for him an enviable reputation us musi cal Instructor. •No person possessing a parti cle of musical ability na a foundation, will pass through a course of ids Instruction with out having that ability developed to the ut most. Ile may be consulted at nisi residence, Na al Perry area, 4105,681,78110 At the llerctinuta , llotel—Dr:Abded still continues UM stay in our city, as the number of patients placing themselves under Ins care are daily upon the Increase lie has Dean wonderfully successful thus tar In the treat, mud of diseases of the oyu cad ear, and the organs or the throat "and. chest, On account of suffering, humanity, We sincerely regret that the skillful and experienced physic= and surgeon will not take•Op 1.0., quarters pc rinenentlyrhare. HU rooms are ut the Slew. chants' gate!, where all persons . suffering from disease sUould immediately repair ti they wand. embrace a rare opportunity of re celving.tdic best of medical treatment. Returned home.—We wore pleased to Meet our friend Dr. George IL lieyser,who has Just returned nome from lbe Eastern cities, Where he has Ewen upon professional mildness for some time past. His numerous 'friends and patients arid no pleased to Lear of bit re. turn to the city le good health, ready, to re sume his pnietleo. • 7 , • , 1 ( i t • , , . 4 _ , 1 ,:,...2 1 CITY AND SUBURBAN. (ADDITIONAL LOOLL NEWS ON TRIED PAGE. Landlord and Tenant Thomas Jackson, a Negro - alio gentleman re siding in a subterranean apartment, owned by Thomas McCall, In Duquesne street, in the I First ward, appeared before Alderman . Don aldson a few days since, andmade oath charg ing the said McCall with assault and battery. The accused was arrested, and after giving bail fora bearing, be betook hixiselt to the of of Alderman Humbert and lodged an in-. formation against Jackson for disorderly con duct. The tiffalr,as far as we have been able to learn, occurred in this wise. Jackson, who is a sort of a blustering fellow, became enrag ed at some remark carelessly spoken by Mrs. McCall, and :boiling with indignation be mounted three flights of stairs in the dwelling for the rare enjoyment of telling her that she falsified and that, tl,n was not of thalmman, but of the canbOiapecles. Naturally enough, the lady's “lordo,liettame irritated at this , and he unceremonmUsly showed his better-Wafts traducer out of the apartment and down ,tbe stairs into his own domicil under' gronati. This furnished .cause for both suits, and will no dou t afford food for hungry attonties during the- next session of the Criminal Court. McCall, however, Is not ambitious of figuring in, such a drama, and scorching out Jackson yesterday, he made several vain overtures of a cobeilliatory character. At drat Thomas was willing to bury the hatchet for five dollars, but when that sum was °Core I him, he indignantly refused to take less than ton, sealing his affirmation by several profane Uttonth cos, for which Alderman litimbert itatl the good sense to fine him. Alarmed. least bin rage should swallow up the pacification money, Jackson bolted out of the office, mut tering us he disappeared in the crowd on Fourth street, imprecations on the beads of all his enemies. Trouble About a ViolineoliO. . William Simms resides in th,e' Firth ward, and In close proximity to the boarding house of William Simcox. The former being pan slonately,fond of music, and 'especially the deep tunes of the vielincelle, purchased one of those instruments, and kept it in his cham her until ono day during his absence Wilcox prrioured a loan of the article of melody frOm Mrs Simms, promising to return it on the fol lowing day.,This promise he failed to keep, but Simns having an abldinglaith in his honesty, allowed him to retain uninterrupted possession of the instrument until a few days' since, when be called upon his friend Wilcox, and demanded his borrow ell property. Instead of pot fortning the net of restitution, elimcox invited Simms to quit his house, or lie would: tic compelled to resort to violence in getting Idol on:, adding that ihe vlotlneelle belonged to neither be nor Sinalle., lint to an Individual engaged In the orchestra of Trlmbles.Varle ties, on Penn Street. Surprised at such an annonneement, but feeling doubtful of its' ve racity. Simms repelled to the orrice of Alder man Taylor, and Jostle oath against Wilcox, charging him with lardeny by ball.. A war rant 11 - 14 beell Issued for the arrest-of the Re cteied. =2 • A hokum maiden, nettled Sarah' ltuticr,came to the omen of Alderman Morrow, yesterday, and instituted legar proceed lugs against:John Conlin for aftlillaticia. The proseeutrix states that-she formed the acquaintance of the un [MUNI John some time hest fall; that linme illately on being introduced to herb() extlibit eirtho. greatest admiration for her, extolling her beauty, her costume, and her goodness - ot heart in such a Cement manner as to win her love and corditlence iirhielt ho had scarce beton, possesnerritnntil ho unfeelingly he-, traved her. • Sill) begged of him to make hymerrial repar alien for the wrong done tier ere she hail re comae to the law ; hat nil her power of entreaty lolled, and She wan forced to prosecute him 141 order to gain a support for herself and off-, spring. • - Tomo was a heating in the case yes- terilay atternoon,• but the magintrato at h held Judgment Ifor the pi event, and at thti I Caine tone tirld!Julin in hat) bait for bin pe:sranco before tiro Aldermanie dignitary on eaturilay, John, who in an uncouth looking individual, avers. solemnly that he .15 deter mined to forever ere -he mai n s: Sarah his oilier half, Res: chances are very' mean re. Death of nu convict 1n the, Ohio - remittentlacy. • • • • ... Peter Beach, an Insane convict, confined In the Oitln Penitentiary - , died on Monday night. The history of his ease Is somewhat peculiar. Beach was a German, a tailor by trade, and lived, together with a maiden sister, on a banal' farm hi Hurtles connty, Ohlo,lhe bel a hatCheler. :Mine year. since the slater, it 'l l; supposed. prevails b on her brother; to make over hisiiroperty to her, but he sousegnentlY became tlbsatlatled with the arrangement and It was known that bunt feelings emstod tween the brother and sister. The slater sub. tiequently disappeared very .ruyeteileuslY. Some hit nmeks after her disappearance her body leas found bid Away under the roots 01,5 largo bench tree and pal tly eaten by hogs, The brother was arrested on suspicion, tried, convicted or manslaughter, and sentenced at the April term ot the Court of Common PIT tenfor Hardin county in 1531, to ten years Imp Onment in the Onto Penitentiary. /it las Mita 0. ravings, u vision of a murdered woman haunt. , ellllllll constantly and continued to dose until' death released him from tan fearful tot meat. He entered toe prison at the nge of thirty four. Tho latter part of his term was passed In whatbs known as the insult° prizOn. Burning OU, and Mier, to Purchase. The subject of explosive and norsexplosks oil has of late received a great deal of attain', tion through the public preen, owing to the frequency of terrible aceit'cuts arising . Irina the use of the latter. The public lure became surnclently aroused to cause thorough exam. illation Into the character of the oils sold in the market, while some of the wholesale deal ers nave eoneludeclAo sell their all at totalkta order to, drive the Interior and daftgerqns 1101.1 out of the market. Among the relined celp of.Auperlor quality which has never been kupwn,to muse th e moat trifling acandents, that manufactitred by Messrs. Butfum, Nohow it Co.; Si Market.. street, unmade desertially high. t They Itavtibecu Induced to retail. their oil to their friends and the community at large,! at their warehouse, •o. l 3 Market etreet. Their Ii and Is the famous. "Soho," and is sold by numerous dealers throughout the country. Attempt to Beieoe Lett Sunday electing Officers Wen and leanly, of the special police, encountorild a equal of disorderly Inca on the corodr 0 High and Webster streets, and ordered them to ;Hillier - Be. Berney O'Dounell refused and Was captured by Officer Owen. His brother, Charles O'Donnell, caught hold of thet e ener and attempted to rescue him . The II:l -eers ordered 111111 to let go, hot ho refused, d said Barney should not be taken a% ay. Others ;tethered about and threw bricks. Meer .11eludy interfered, and It was not until the latter officer hail drawn Ills revolver and pre sented It close to the reaeuer, that tie let go. Charles was arrested and brought be fore Mayor McCarthy last evening, and the hearing reholted In the_prlsOner being held In px) to answer at court. • . Queer ThiS Whoellng Intellfgercer hal% the following concerollig a isume'what remarkable, famll - through that city: . . f Yesterday morning curious pbople wexe On the qui vire to catch o glimpse of u haudionle gentleman of :he polygoinic persuaalon.wl h ids live or six interesting wives, who we e noosing through the cif) , en route for the hap. ny land of Mormondout. The gentleman strut ted through the otroeteatthn bend of hls,doek much alter - the "hoarier urn f iyored barndoor fowl In front of his Dames Pertelot, while the women billowed after, More submissive and - contented apparently - than women have ever been seen before outside of Salt Lake or Tur key. The happy family passed over inn bridge, expectirg to make the Journey. to Brigham's dominions on foot. Lawson the F Dawson, the forger ohm:vas arres ed Dere recently and committed to lail for slat, ilea not favored our locality with his o rations. Yesterdny, Chief Hague received. Er MlCnica go, the following dispatch: Cnicsoo, %Or. 22. Chi,' of Police:—Please bold De, son the forger. lie "elected" as for $l3O. . ------- W. H. Lionssan, . • • Cushier First National llsair. . • - • lowa OW. • eve Eire.—Lust evening at abou t or o'clock, tlio alarm bull sounded _1 froo. otatton No. 51. The etcetat!rn_yl_rx e q, , t h o 4)ondedlo the alarm, a..b,101,11 . 4. Millie to be the burning ot , n cUtmnuy to , Ing to a tenement house on Lumen Wylie end Wennt!'r a nd bOtaed neare the ehhe " eY cr6lyut eli estingul.lhOd. The Slightly. but wee nea r. 1 ago was von' Wig" - house uelooged to 31 r` t ter Keefe.- Tun dam- BePi lu. VlSC•_lmProved Finkle and Lyon, also Weed sea Mg machines; If the purchaser does not regard them no el to any tither . machine in market, be end return it and haVe bin rtzt ty. It makes the lock stiteborhlth trill not On or ravel. The chespestanaehro t,4 i s n ee im . e a and matzoth: another gtittairn, - It. IL Long ' , e ag rt elc ul kt t :l l ,2 ° bran[ atreet. it I,,,,,,Exp_prinierd, to purchatui offs 'kit Wheeler & Wilsou'o iluProwctl Lo 4 &Mal Be rlng Machines. they 'ewe Arrristted feet-.LI sew the rlutit mullOo m A ih us zb,, .heavy heaver cloth, std lull lostrueslons are even In th elruso tree of 'bursa. balearoom. • IN. , r4k PRICE, THREE CENTs.; Grand Ball and Exciting Walt: Contest. The inauguration ball of the Iron City He brew Literary and. Dramatic Association, which took place at City Ball; on Wednesday night, was ono of the most brllllant affairs ever held In Pitt nbargli. Everything was con ' ducted in the very best manner, and the throng In attendance embraced many of onr best and moat influential citizens. The ladles were at tired in their richest robes, and taken alto gether we have seldom been present at a more fashionable and respectable gathering. In the cceitest for the prizes offered to the beat !waltzer, victory was awarded by impartial Judges to Mr. Louis echomburg and dieter, al though there was a divlsion In the elegance to favor of Mr. George Pastry and Mtas Lee. The time 'occupied In the waltz was twenty five minutes, and only three couple succeeded 1 4 keeping the floor tryst long. All the con testants for the prizes illaplayed wuuderful perfection in the terpdchoreau art. - efrer the decision was made known hy • the Committee, Mead+. James E. Burns,Dunoeatli, Samuel Strom. and Mr. Calville expressed their cl;ssatisfaetion at the resul t anti generously contributed and purcha ed a silver salver, pitcher and goblets, - at a cost of S5O, and presented it to Mr. George Estre and Miss Julia Lee as an evidence of their thigh appreciation and aeludistion of their t uly perfect and faultless 4waltzing. Tele was a deserved tribute, and the audience were 411 satisfied with the Justness of the pre sentation as the Judges and Mr. Schomberg'e friends 'deeply regretted that the pi emiatu could not be divided. The party separated at daylight, much pleased with the inaugoratton all of the Iron City Hebrew Literary Society. The Exhibition Last ;tight. Notwithstanding the unpleasantness of the ather last night, the exhibition hall of the Gymnasium was crOwdeOl to repletion, with dh appreciatit e, and enthusiastic audience. the bmgeseating capacity of the • hall was tar ed to its utmost, and a greet number were Obligati to - stand during the ,exhibition. The roercises themselves were of the test, surpass g anything that has been furnished us by me muscle in a long time. The performan ces were absolutely startling in their grace and tile strength and skill they displayed. AVe are sincerely glad of the hearty success at tending this effort of the iffsoclution. -It will insist them in meeting the expenses, attend ant ou the numerous repairs at the hall, and, at the same time is an earnest. ot the ammo ' -Clations accorded by - our citizens to the'eAorts of the physical missionaries. It has been de cided to repeat the exhibition some night next week, so that those who failed to witness It last night, will have an opportunity to do so. 'roaring Hid. On the ninth of last? September. Catherine Gallagher appeared before alderman strain and made oath charging •Patrick Fines. Mary Norton and Cummins Norton with having, on the night previous, while attending a wake with her husband. beaten and abased him in a shocking manner.beaddlia Willer..lnjuries, Gal lagher hail one of Wait g& broken so badly that he has been forced to remain in his house ever since. Yesterday the accused had a hearing before the magistrate named above, which resulted in Finny and Mary b leg charged, while Cummins, the tailor's husband, was held to bail to answer a charge of aggra rated assault and battery at the next term of the Criminal Court. • A Legal Point to be Settled. John C. McCarthy instituted prcieeedings for disorderly•conduct 'against Thorium M. .111/sr 'shall, yesterday, before Alderman Stralm As there is some doubt as to the Jurisdiction of the Mayors and Aldermen In such' eases a hearing tins been arranged for ten 'o'clock this morning. when the legality of the ques tion will be fully discussed by gentlemen well versed Mall the Inn 'metes of the law. A Weld• man, Esq., will appear for the prosecution, the defense being entrusted to Hugh Deify, EN. Lbast any error may occur, we would Mate .that neither of the principal' parties le the ;suit are eves remotely connected with the profession; One Word !tore.—in our word to subscrl e - s in Wednesday's Issuo we apologised to a few readers in the upper wards for a failure to deliver them their papers, on account of the stringent rules adopted by t.ireDropatch, re fusing to allow mutual seeritunicslation among.. carriers That Journal retorts l esterday, and jumps into figures to show how' many of our subscribers Their carrier had, furnished. .We do not propose entering into any COIitrOVOTBY with the Diripatch,nnil HISUIII it that it etinhor more anxiously desire to keep up the frieudlyf relations hitherto existing between the twq journals than ourselves; but we do think the rule established is unnecessarily edringent. Libel. Ammended.—in the • United Stated Circuit Court, yesterday, on motion of 'United States District Attorney Carnahan. the libel fn the case of the. United Staten vu. The Dls- Llifery of Jacob Hays, deceased, reported yes. terday, was amended by striking eat the Unti therein denetibed, 10 that tile distil/cry alone, and not the land ea which it lotaiW., is for feited. field to Answer.—Georgo Cochran and Thomas Smith, Lien of the special police who were charged-with disorderly conduct by Thomas ..11orga it. the in . ordgetor of the Morgan Saloon, in thnkitth ward, had a hearing before Alderman Strain, yesterday, which resulted In the defendants being held In 4300 to answer at court. tkurely of the Pirtee.—largaret. Tole came to the office of Alderman Lynch. yes' er day, and wade au •information against Sarah Moore for surety of the peace_ Theaccusedwa. arrested and held in $3OO hall:lcir a hear. lug to-morrow. - Both parties reside In the Third ward. Dlsebarged.—CharcEs Storer, charged be fore Alderman Strain with , larceny by bailee. bad &bearing yesterday and was discharged, the evidence being insufficient to warrant toe prosecution. New Periodleale.--We have received from J. W. Piwoolc, oppeada the Postonlen, - Harper's .ifostlhly and Beadle's Witty forVecember. Both are execllerd. The Lady's Friend, for December, with brilliant illustrations and as rich table o f con tents, for sale at Glldenfenny'a . Good Crop .— The largest tineltwheat crop ever raised in Pouhsylvanla was that of the last season. • = I=3 BROOKE—On tbo 22d inst. stAILY ELIZABETH 111/1101sii. at th e residence tither parent. Dr. J. W. Broolg i nonzero(' WssiztonLota tee!. /Mil Clay alley. aged ear, in months and 2days. The funeral 11 in take place at :4 clock Title OAT• The friends orate ramtly are xe.peettally Iralted to attend. DAYIID—At 2 r. N., 111,33 day, at the residtaiee McKnight, Lit 3on-10-low, hldge street, A 1, 31 11 13.1 Cita'. tile Hon. THCI dais to itAMU, of Altaiingacti evuoty,l3, the lath r of his age. His remain. 33111 be coot eyed to Washington, and bailed at 3 r. M. GUNDAT. oDiViNAßl*l4ol 3 l‘'ilAillizq 1111,L DALE CEMETERL—The beautiful .. tiod's-acre,” the larpest suburban or sepulchre. except ace, brthts elnint9. t t i mhew F l i tatitol road , Immediately north or Cl Ceutrarbrug Stens o t t 9 CIOUL I a fk r .h. tl f C : AIN! • Olen, Cal. • AIXX. AIKEN, Arsoinwr, N 0.148 FourtbAtreet, Plttaburgb, PA. COYI/Nli of AA Mods, taurms, OLUVICS,aucIi ever..lomp.fq of Foo enl Form.lns klooo. rormsoen. TbOataa.iforms. ICAO.. J . "' 1. Hiller. IL o. FA I R POI AN 6t UNDPARTAIKORS . - SAMSON. No. 196 Scuitblieldl9., cor. (Entrance frotoSeresat fl/rAot.) NsrerT g rr • A ND 133 *A!.loVBST.seiiiiir.N4'. R. T. *MINE &CO" UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERt 110.nettoste:. Woud , o Man and CO FFIN._BOOMS. 'AI MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE ' omm/el ehalsid iniza Mullen Watts. H tine and Ciarlarrs fTrli Wird. • OPERA GLASSES FOR B.4LE OR MIRE, AT :DUNSEATH & co:'.B - as OStrocoi. • oc9 LADIES , AND GENT'S ALL ST T Up, ( AT GREATLY IIEDIVC111) rave's, er INTXX....T.s T. Wrr...Erir Va. ,te9 W% LIE iiT., SEA It FIFTH. G ROPER Ec BARER'S ELASTIC. STITCH, AN O LOCI( STII CH Sewing Machines Ax. THE 13 Pier tar/Pawl's-and Ilivrtrimanag Par ra/a. Coal and gee thmat ' oro. 18 irei Sheet. . s;xo 1,. THE WAY ;GAZE TI I TIM MAL, CONTAINING TICERTE-TWO =MEND ! ?REST AND ngailaterrere azaraise HATTER, Toeitaxa was NAB.- RET REVIEWS AND CDR- ! RENT LOCAL NEWS. TWO EDITIONS ISSyEE_;. ON WEDNESDAYS AHD ElatriDATIE. !; The I•dltIon le forwarded , litileb MlNCTiber sooneet.• • 17 = 2 1.1te COPY (per Club. or r.e •-•••••••••••• Club. or Ten or more. NEW a iv. Di Ai ii izi 3 LIBRARY ..F-B - ElidTllaMtallai. The L,tore COMMllttca VOlll4 reamitally nonace that THEODORE • TI I TON. ESQ.. WtU deliver the third lecture of the ;come a' TOESItAY PEN LNG, Nev. =th, et tee atm; F WI OF #U•le • . - Stqlsscr—WHlC COYER OIONd in" UoOff n710,1(111( WN. • - . . .• ... Weide tlckels. BO chats. Ite.etrea mite 1113 eti extra. Seale 'ma , ea , : se-tied at the oeedemyt.. 11.u.lhon TUESDAY Mills NINO. Nov. 17th. et ~. o'clock. No utte person tan •ectize more that /1-, o'clock. ' . ~ . . . Oat) ltolderaof Paquette cheeks will pleura paa , In at the upper do.i. 't JAMES R. SCOTT. JAS. 11. tdIIRGAN, _ ' BECJ. Y. JE•Nt•GS, ~ • ; 6LIVEIt I.EMSION , i'"N c E 1 1 , 11:0 !ERA HOUSE. 11:112E1 The new and powerthl llntua of the rallatana, Augmtln 'Daly, author of ••Leah, the Tortaken.! ax., entitled. GRIFFITH GAUNT; OHJEALOUSF, Which ha, received the .tamp or immense .aces.. at the New Yore Theatre., will be bealooed Ort •.' ( Piloyem`ber 2 5 14,;.. Whit new and beautiful sceneir, dreams. effitets • • Sc.. and the following powerful east of characters!: •- .. 6 HEM iimint.the Cumborland .Equiro.W. U. Leak', Geo•ge .Neville, his Rival inim , eyton J. U. tierinott; Father Francis J. M. Cook , . Brother Leonard W. W. Moreland:; Chlef Justice of the Bolton An10m.......Mr. the Attorney General on Circuit...... P. M. Mo.ra • Lawyer Houseman—. ef. U Wart Ned Balton. Neville's Chem ; • JP. Crossele.: Tom Leicester J.P. Buil,. • Paul Carrick. the Rustic Cote iloctor.T. E. Jackson.: Oil Vint; keeper of Packhorse C. NIB , t Poctor,_ „. Manager of the Royal Thubuctoo ZoolOßlealppati deu , .:........J. M. elm lea , • Manager of • the Itoyal — irinetallea• Drury 1.11,11 - , reung Show ' the. Hurst: ....... . .......... •• Proie,sor - of the Royal Gargle ofThisablerlifi • , Song of Lord ..... •.• . '...01111er John ...soak. n.... 5 The Traditional 1 ....11. Junier,l Thoina.rtyles... Lout.. 5 _AL Ilernioni f. Crier of the Court ' U. IL Breen".!lnes, Witness for the Crown Mr. BoaCortek.i irocflu a ntera. liaeots, Traveler.. Ible Cltmnar.. d I.IK (Aliment Sack Mao , +Cca at rY Banfts katc,Jaryttlem.Javellualen.Popalace,ge Kate Peyton. Benny of Cumberiand„.Anule nalte;i - Mercy Int. Beauty of Laneashire..Kmma skerrltt, aeollne itycler Mrs. Pactoli: Dame Vial. Meres•B Mother Ml.. Bostwick:; Jane Frost, the Cook at Boltent Min itelvester.; , Betty Mrs. Moreland,. A Pretty Ivo MCI. COML. , Laise,at the Fair, Spectators. Synopels of lneldentn. • r. Ater 1. Scene 1 —cey to., Manor and lontitalel fax heater's return; the wooing; the Quarrel ; challenge. ',relic 2.-11errishawt • chase after Cee , ne 3.—ltsiton bloom the duet Brenta: — Marinas ladre maid. Scene 5. tentshaw Castle; the reading of the the betrothal. .. A LAPSE OF TWO YELPS, ' Amy 2. Scene l.—The• Consertstore at liernaltaWf efpnsy and conspiracy. Setae=.—The Gipsy rune-- keeper and the plot. Scene 3. -, Might; the easne•i; har.nt; the consequence• of jealousy end . lende r - • •. A PAPS!: Oh THMEE MONTHS. .tCr7. Seen. 1. —The Parkhorse tan; the chute e wooer and Meal; the Olp_sy gamekeeper lelde his name to • strange sal tor; Mernr• song tkatwele n,eJettious heart. scene 2.—Whowon Mercy Inlay; the -cow doe tor t 3. s defea Scene —A.Lenonshine faleta olden Oni-: rustle sports:4km pig chew stleS4 race: the vole climbers; the rural dance, - aaparellel-.... 1d attractions of.ihe ltriyal Managers. Lge; the pee- , 50f Ms jolly long and Me adored minion: the wed." , .1100 par!s: Tom Leicester and 1.1111outli; the seee4 sage trout the deserted wile. • .WHO IS KATE? •• ACT 4. Fettle I.—Bernsbuw: the pedlar and 1.11112 ladranruld. Seene 2.—The conservatory; the wilVai !encl.:nee. and the sslte's yengeanee; taro cry In the darkness for “help.•` ACTA. Ecenel.—Bultonl the Missing Wltnisi;., • . I'd give ura thousand ponds to lay y hands eponh !sec.' . Scene 2.—Jultou urt !louse; Trii TRILL FOR atruork. CALI-1,13. -rN CONQIDEIONFION OF NJUSILIER•i; a-OUrt r.SPLoSIONS ghat are sreekly oCcoTtlatt:,, from the use of IN FICHIOIL OIL, the uudiorsaalr t nee .. , nmoded to sell their. OIL AT IL TAIL their WAltellOU'eti, 1.4" , c.. 38 NE caris.c.t ektrerevt. be Oil ausrauterd to Bra NII A FIRE TII3T OF ItO DEG ise.E.S 00 , 1 otaaefs, and is MlTeoal4 c. for export gly romput•st 1.0 hnectom. 111°4u - who det fres uu tpirm and Mitt B o TIC LE will do Well to purclmse the 51,n /L o 111 , FICM. KEHEW 41' CO.. - ' e). J 8 MAILKET bTEEZT. Maclitulsts ar.l alt Other's ("IV he terntehed Lard, t. , pe man.t L'a tretcum Lubtleatura at retail. no't :WA VALUABLE LAW LIBRARY Biz - - CA I AI. , rti I - lE.—FRIDAY AND eIATUNDAr A EVENINGX, N0v..236 and 21211. Mt lie o'clock, Ma tbofeniug, 'will be Feld entalogue. second door anmerelal dales Rooms, led Sm on ithfield street, every volanble eollertare or Law Books/ embraeo r. loathe he•t standard Text Books, Treatims, Rob And American Reports, Ac., embracing a tali sot or the Peon ylreals Reports, Irons begioulair. Alb. rare Begllsh ltelmrte. Malty or the works are now not print. ustelogges are ready at th e + . salesroom to or r dlstrlbatlea, .ad the books will boon Vies , Frlda. and r &Corday. This Is the man tarsest add MINA valuable Law Volteetloa for yr I. sold to our city. A. IicILIVAINN. Auetleameti. , T °Fries 7 , lo:4olloalll.L.A.LesnalleCieo w IsO. UN water eltreet, . - • liorEtroan :id. 1868. THE lIIII.F.CTORS OF THIS COMA l'a NY have Ibd day declared a dlcicend t - 3 TWO DOLL,AItn ,A VIITTY stE.sTa malteds share of the Cayllat"lt OnSof the ear. ell - profits T.." orate last Olt wonth• one dollar Du . altars to be rt •pplled to rsdoctt to o f stock one Was, ano one dol. T.'. Tar and filly cents psyntle In Cash on ants a.tertiod Inst. fret stf hoternanent.Tax. n021:065._ JULIN 11. CLANlLY.Seeretai7.l FOR CHEAP SPECTACLES. cilow TO RASLETT & CO'S, 93 Smithfield Street. J. W. J01M1T0N....... /As:Boors ir JOHNSTON & SCOTT, - r DEALERS IN ••• • • Flfie Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE L ETC., 274 LIBERTY frrHer.. Pit tiobru..T6l24esassb: • 113. Part! =tar attentlOn Oren to RaPPDRiE . Wanton.. Clocks and Jesralzy. All arortirarruslp ed . Wait • - •• • 11 'S9 89 89 . 89 S 9 89 89 . 8989 'SS 1.1 89 ' 89 MARKET STREET. aiTio ' S 9 I = l. 1 C:0 13 891 "139 Market Strut, AIM GliT YOUR 89; ' ,891110011 SHOES, lir 9 B9 !so; TileirklEAPEST AND - 1 89 MT .13311 r. s 9 /VIJ AITC2IO.II GOODS KEr . r. 89 ; 1894 AMES 8088, .89 Market St.1 10 181,89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89- 105111.UnituDMI..1.. W. U. Liersii EAGLE COTTO N WORKS, • H.lll* SG IRECE3TLY PIIRCRAB. THE EAOLE CUTToNIWORTieI. 170 „, w d try afrast s. KIM), rr.s ?wog.* co. e n"*PoafullY Worm the POolit utet we Wilt ecretille We sognuf•egnre of - ta' sheeting'', Cotton earn%came .., Chains, Candle Wick .14 and Batting. o r ik es may bet left at the Offlee of tb. Worts, ` 1 COSIER !SIMLA L SLIMLY STS, ALL CM 4 OR AT THE rITTSDU G ERE FrEar, Corner of Duquesne Wel sod Barters Alley, Pittakruzgla"Z•Doe. • JOSHUA RHODES A.CO.' tro3:mar , 1110 MT 13E.DECEIVED BY -2•••• f column' odiertlsomeroo of Inforto 000 P f e :ll l y U LLTZ t r i er ry e sod os by all comps- . • . - yeas judges' pf - ocato_ted the • BEST IN • . fioarlablngball liachlnes, It 'us be iStrePat. Tol'o:o 8C41.116. 01111111. CLOSB & CO. Practical Furnittrre Itlanufastartre t i, COL. PENN A 740 WAYNE STREETS .3 tat.t irtirle* of TURNITUItIC constaotlvon ilia S. 1101119.1031 EIORSEtItS L-N•CIvER. ISAILIs.I3 . - so,d_WOKli 30. and 1.11; t•-• so 4 - brag: 0:4E4, Util .11tia.44043 one ga.a t& In K M 'ftk. goarmadoeu 'to .06, no and good workers. Call aa. RUWAII.D'S LIVES'S * eaIigISTABLIP, ma Plivistrrk : ulg /49tp, • 13==
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers