„ . . . . . . . . . . . I • . . . , . . . . . . I . . . . . . .. . I . . it• • ~ . I ~._ . . . . . . . .. . • ::. ' I . . . .•I . . - 1•... . . . . • . . . .. . , . . - . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . • I . . • . . . ~ .:, . . . . . . . . . . . I . I, - . a . • .. 4 / •:. . '”- ••• r . . ... . -" ' - - • . - , • . . .. . . •• ! . .- w I i • • , . . . , _LATEST TELEGRAMS. OE FROM-NEW IiORK. inlaration to Brazil—The Eteport of the Provost Garattal General. NNW Tong. November 21.—A communica tion lit the and calls attentinn to the fact , that Irishmen and Germans • aro being en , 'tired to Brazil under the promise of a free four W=- 1 6 = tle t th issuP V ed sartt 2i?l% _ e nezt mail steamer hence, and that they will be used as redrafts for the army: The report of the Provost Marshal General, 'Whirl:thus just appeared, Is full of Interesting statiattes. The total enstallment ender the actot la arett-ad, the year is not given, was In. States, 2,254.053 men; not including Like. - -61.0 thee under arms under the bureau; 1,1%), 611 men were raised at a cost bf lAI4 cents per man, ?ore the bureau was organized, 1,356, 598 at :do_at of 3401 cents per man. The de. setters arrested and returned to the army numbered 70,596. As to desertion tho report t appearsheyond dispute thatthe 'crithe of desertion is esi:ecially characteristic of troop— ... from large cities and of the districts which they supply with recruits. The ratio per thou sand of desrters to credits throughout the ' loyal States is•GI.SI. In the State of New York it rises to 8906; and in the small States near • New York city It is still higher. In New Jer aey. it is 197.00; In Connetitiqut, 117.23; in N.. liampshire, 112:22. Yet the general rates oi • • New Ethitituth is but 71.21; the rates of 'Massa.. chusetts being 66.68; that of Vermont M.TS. and • that 'Maine 4a.95. In the West. who." '. - sites are rare, the average ratio sinks 10,41.5 1 . ' The Whisky Frauds—A Mutual PlrOtee• lion. paw Yong, November 'N.—The manner in , which the late whisky frauds In Brootriyn was , accomplished, appears to bava been at follows: . - A inan named Tappan. VerifY un d e r C°llo(''. tor Pratt, Gagers P. B. 'ill am, A. F. Phillips 'undJohn Devlin, formerlyran ABSCISSOr of In van agreed with a large number o"frnaldistiUellsrs t u o e t ' ne effect that.lf the said ' tillers would sell Devlin all their whisky at • one datar and illty cents per gallon, lie (Der • would protect them In their illicit bast . mess astnen. all interference from govern ment officers, and would' also procure ail 61 Said whisky to be regrly Inspected by the. said Tilton mad Phillips: and, furthermore, ne threatened all Ihothdistillers 'who refura,:d to sell hire their whisky upon- the terms afore . said with - . seizure. A number of distillers agreed to this'aud the .wldsky they made was ' Inspected on the premises prior to delivery to Devlin._ Subsequently Devlin prepared a _dm • pot on John street, near Plymouth, to which the whiskywas sent, and there inspected at literate et between two and three handttat . harrels•every mornings - On tho morning of the .12th inst., the pro • ceedings at this nepot were watched. and from Information thus obtained, the seizures as already. reported, were inalle. 'The whisky barrels which had • been inspectea hare a brandoihserting that the contents bail been thanntactured prior to September tlrst, and this certificate was given -by A. J. Phillips. The report of the officer making thin seizure, says: This investigation has revealed the fact that the distillers et this, the Tilled District, had formed a idiot of mutual protection soot ety as against all other than the local officers. Parade of the New York Eire. Depart• • meat. iizw You, Nov. 21.—The Second annual Pa. rate of the Metropolitan Fire Departmem took.place this aftertk. on. There were thirty four steam fire engines, each with a • tendo and twelve hook and ladder wagons. Eael engine, tender and wagon was drawn twt . horses, the former using largely uecorsteil with Up, bow:Lets and wreaths of . flowers. while the men, itt uniform,..marched itt see. lions. Twobands of mule accompanied. th. procession, which made a very attractive ap pearance. . A. Railroad Itamor. • Now Tone, November • 21.—The Herald's • . - Troy dispatch says: It is now alleged that the combinations of the fur western railroad party, the Express Company, and Mr. Erastut • Corning, which has been formed for the pur pose of electlng Mu. W; G. Fargo President in -the Now York Central Pa }road, has been made for the purpose aLti,igilantitzbag the in. terests Of the Amerman Prioress Company to - the exclusion of the Merchants , Union Itxpre:s • Company, and that in the event of Mr. Fargo% election, the cars of the. Merchants , Doran Company will ho driven troui' , the Central road; thus leaving that line open for the Amer.. lean. Case of a Reverend Pickpocket. New Toad, November 21.—The examination • ' witthh e p cas k e i unfg t h t e h B pocketT . W of i lMia rmclhag J. Moore, of Puiladelphla, was 11_1, again titb, .toorning before Jostle,, Gaige. The testlMolly was favorable to Mr. Williams. Tile case was ' adjourned. .SA.Vilf3.l. l l, 'Nov. stiampship San Jacinto, from New TOrk, is ashore on the oy- ter beds near Fort The passengers have arrived herea• Three tugs have beet soot to her relief, and the vessel wilt probably be gored' at high tide. • lleDuDllean Slombastion Bosros, Nov.M.—The Republicans Bus even ing nominated Otis Norcross (or Mayor of Boston. De..X. B. Sinn= is Um democratic nominee. • • • Cable - Lino Down. }law roan, Nos. 21.—o3tidnight.—No cable news. .Line aown at Newfounulanrt. • The ricer continues to recede slowly at this point with siz Lett eight inches in the chan nel by the Monongahela. Marks last evening. . At Oil- City the Allegheny was falling slowly yesterday. with four feet four inches in the channel. The weather continuos cloudy nod raw, with an occasional drizzling ratn. The Echo arrived from Olt City since our • last report, and the Peerless cleared fur that point last evening. There has been no arrivals since our last re - the molar packets. The t ' sy r =l d s e du f r f i foriPar r kersburgla this morn ing, and will return again today at noon. The Leonora and New State, from Liectunnti. are do here to-day, as ls also the Robert Moore frOut Portsmou th . The 'Argosy cleared for Cincinnatt about . noonjesterday, with a Moderate trip, and the vcr Lake left for the same point in the 1 . evening; The latter boat bad a lair freight elthough!slui weS not loaded down by any rim our notice of the new steamer Glendale. .• yesterday, we inadvertently omitted to note that the cabin, ulna, by the way, lo very much admired, is the work of Messrs. Bunion, Ntlier Ss Co. This fine boat is tilling, up ',steadily for St. Louts,and and will be really. '• • to leave on Saturday-o"says Capt. Bare, and be ought to know. The Columbia, Capt. Geo. IT, Rood, with hir. . James - Russell In the (Mice, is now in tarn fort Cincinnati and Louisville. the B. C. Grdy bay ing - withdrawn from- that trade for the,preie:„ eat to take a toad 1 , of railroad iron to. St. I Loo's.' The Colombia Is a staunch and relit-,I • ble,eraft, with excellent accommodations me -passegers_ and plenty of roam I for freight, _and 'w ill leave .on Saturday, positively. We , • ..imm pp, esh., will receive as she deserves, a good The America., we understand, has been • chartered at New Orleans, to Mon One of the imunerable Southern rivers. .bile arrlvg,i zit!, New Orleans some days alnce. (Apt. Lytle, of the Camelia, expects to get ' • off for- hashville, today or tomon ow, and passengers atid• shippers should act accord , ingly. . 'Cho Glasgow. Cepa Johnston. is the r'egular .Express" packet for St. Louis to-day, and us she ts lilting up steadily with both freight and Passengers, those who desire to travel or ship On this boat should attend to it at, once.. Mr. 'M.J. Stamp has charge of the °dice. The Bayard, Capt. Geo. 1). Moore, is the re ' guinsPacket for Parkersburg to-day, leaving LandaDtlYatnoon. The Louisville [barter copied with great • satisfaction the criveam made the other day by the Cincinnati Commercial reflecting-whim what on Pittsburgh painters and Pitts burgh steamboat painting. Subsequ ently, the Courier- 1,1 4 an B - t ele On *.bow ' • preemie, engines," in which ht. took ou• assiOn t., prououltec the "Dictator," a fall. 'in,. and . I 'n: Quickstep the next - thing to _ one. and predicting,' by trunnuation, the eau. result for tee Brent Republle — The Courier .mau seems to be wonderfully' exorcised about Pittsburgh, and especially Pittsburgh boats, burflie• socrect of the whole he is , /rug :of the great remit-Aloe Pitteburgh h attained •for hoarlmatung. t o mint at Southerners for intamegthat and coming here to have beats built forth.; southern rivers. Why do they iti Simply because Pittsburgh "turns out a better e 1... 0 1 • boats than Louisville, and this tact is caul • ceded almost everywhere - outside of that place. ail- - • The Quickstep and Nora arrived at bout to l l oti Monday - , and the former bout, to. gather With the Kate ltobinson, were eq.. voitised to . leave there for Pittsburgh on •• Tuesday. The tow boat Steiln, with ato of euiptyharges pasted Louisville' on Monday en route for this port, and the Kale Putnam en route from Pittsburgh to St. louts, missed .Evaxurtrille the came day. are clip the following Items from the Monett .elnquirer. of Tuesday: ; The steamer Norgeame in from PittsbUrgil. and is announced for Arkansas river to•mor• row evening, In commend of the well-known • • 'and popular Captain- Andy 'Frazier, who 11 . favorably known In this trade. The steamer Bose liatableton was sold yesterday to Capt. Claycomb for the sum of alt,ooo. bile • -will load for Arkansas river direct, Ills our-, ' rent Mr. Nip Simonton in the °face. Slut is :announced for Wednesday at 4p. tri. - • A cylindrical holler, four feet In diameter, • • with an Internal flue, has recently been made MS England, with welded joints throughout. - not oho rivet being used. The plates are LIG inch iron, and the boiler was tested without ' 'leakage, to a pressure of one 'hundred and fifty ptrands per square inch. Mr. had, worth a English mechanic, constructed naocomotiVe boiler nine sixteen years ago, the, longitudi neljoints of which were welded Instead of be- , =. O • • , F:: . 020.14, 1504.10 40821 BONI .JOhIN.ROSS 64 - CO A 9 + N. OGDEN Oc CO., 7uarilir6o7UlClCSB AND MASA= irarbOn Oil - Laaips - and Fixturps, . CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, ac:- 22:c0. 04 ZlMax.lsot Oiltroot, arynta,72:d&ver PrilliittlltetCYLL M pOSITIIOLLXII 8 orrics. t art or 4.l.proitr.wr, Sive. 2d, 1146, REALER PROPOS ALS will be re. '-' 4l l 2c d Peig i u72 l ;:ga t i llivril i tfteittLbis aid Street: from ILIUM Lane to Sycamore street.: Alto, tor. tirstllett firienAlley,ttom Centre atreet Sy direction °Cede Streetilommitte - ra,41:014 U. ritAlttli.S. (Sir Controller. ~[~~~ ~,, zr. . x -~:ci I~ } 43 . 2 5;000 TO A.O • rersonn deitrlpx b botrow money ea .I.lols V 41 , 11) MORTUAGZ. YOr on*. iwo"or vaffle yeas. will do *VII to toll on • 4..et.ttoE M; YETTY no* - Asst Latata Arent, No.. LI Ilk Clan /Met. PVT.. R. IVIJERTZ, Banker. and Broker, 118 Wood St., near corner of itildhi All descriptions of Government Bonds naught and sold on liberal terms. London and Continental Exchange sold at Flew York rates.' Gold, Silver and Coupo . n bought at highest rates, and Gold Drafts issued on New Yoric. VFEeseshir, November 51,106r'. The New. York stock quotations to -day, as reported by Robinson, McClean we'rh as follows: Gold, 140;4; 101's, 1.1314; I.ho's old , 1044; do 465, l 06,14; halo, neu: 7-303, lot sores, leti; second and third, ,e 5%. Michigan Southeih R. K.. il:41; Cleve land .t Pittsburgh. 8634: Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne 4, Chicago, I06l4; Erie Union Telegraph Cornpany, chic Age 1 Korth Ptestoro,ClN; Chicago & hock Island, Imo ' —Rumors are persistently circulated that the Treasury - Is selling gold, the indirect:oaf chit denials to the contrary iththithstaficling. The truth, however, appears to ho that no one Is willinglo load up with gold in antici pation of the . favorable exhibit of the:public finances to he made at the operang:of Con gress and the possible recommendation in llethilloch'a report of a policy looking to the resumption of specie payments at no very re mote period. The bulis, however, tiro per haps quite willing that gold shotild fall to a point et which luiporters could cover their accumulating indcbteduess, as they 'bould then probably operate In conjunction with a demand for gold fur export. . —Thu Sectielary of pie Treasury-has just written a note to a Sew Tork house, in whien' . he says: "I regard, as did mho my predeces-' ”ore, all bonds of the United Ethics as-pay - a- Mein colnil , thus, atfectnally setting at rest all.doubth that may tuivo been raised;bpon this subject. The Secretary adds "The bonds that have matured 'since the , suspension of specie payments have been so paid, and I have as doub the aims will be true month others . This - being, us I untier stand it to be, the established. policy or the government, he Five TWOoty bonds of 150:. viii either Inv called to at the expiration of live years from pier date, and paid in coin,or be permitted [gruff until the government is prepared to pay tlieui in coin. —The recent decline in the New York etock market, which contrionted so ninth towards weakening priceskhere, is thus explained in yesterday's Herold The decline in railway shares was entirely due to artificial caushs, and originated with the. leading bulls, who took' advantage of an evident disposition on the part. of the bears to !mike a laid upon the market. The bulls thus acted in concert with the bears by ceiling enough of their stock to create an :uneasy feeling, and induce weak holders and other I outeine.speaculatore on the bull side to sell out, .thus producing further depress on, and so enabling the leading bulls to buy back the :docks theybad sold at e profit in propu, then to the decline. The furious manner lu which the bears hammered the market when they aw it yielding under them, exceeded all their former efforts since last January. and the re suit Is that an unuitiallY heavy "short" inter est has accumulated, whichplaces lb° mar ket in a stronger condition for a fresh and_ rapid rise than it has been in lee funny mouths, .and there'la every Indication that I the leading bulls will make good use of the opportunity they have created. —The New York Times says the Western Union - Teleifraph Company on Saturday last declared a dividend of per cent, payable in January next. This, we presume, must be taken wattle cause of the advance in the price of the abates to bu from 43, to a b ich they fell ! on the strength of :'report that the Company would pastita dividend. If the officers or the Company Willfully permitted the reportof no d Mend to go abroad to favor nacreous' par ties In the purchase of the stock at a low price and then immediately alter metered a livi d end, affording opportunity to the same par ilea to sell out at a nigh price, then the acurm was:Very - reprehensible. There fire good rea sons a,,lnat the emeera of any comp.iny deal. nor It s, own shares. and wherever the Met of - eueh:l.'.:cn is kgowit In a hank, a railroad or tither Company, 11should motif.° tarprompt Chance of the managers, or MIMI of hm as acr offend. • , Mtdiimer A•hore arv - r4t, NEWS SOOVUSOAB ro FINANCE AND TI3,AD, 'PITTSMEAGU MARKETS O.loot or Tut Prrron coon tiAsirrrs, WEDNESDAY. NOI7OOIbEE S There is but little that la new to say in re- i 1 gard to the general markets. The demand i for Flour, Grain,' Provisions, and 601310 other I • articles we might mention, ;Continues very I . light, and with but very few round lot opera-, dons 10 report, prices remain without quote- tole change. • ' • , GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and dull but nn- ; • changed; No. 1 Spring may be quoted norm-'; malty at ia,co. Corn Is dull; new erots may be "quoted at. 65 - to se—Hitchcock, islet:retry ..t , Co. sold 500 bush: old Ear Corn. In elevator, at 1 • $1,02. Barley Is dolt and unsettled—brewers 1 are °tiering from lit to gl,es, though, prime ,to. 1 Spring would probably briug 61,10. Sale ; of 1 ear Eye ut sid • and the name ear was ' als, subsequently soldat 41,25. Oats In good sup- i ply and shill; sale of 2 errs, sacked, at 51. • ' FLOUR. There 50 no Improverusint to note to the tletuund for this article; and' while the market li dull and weak. prieeis Onto under. . gone nochange: We continuo to quo to good to ; I choice brands ol Spring Wheat at si lo VV.'S' and Winter Wheat,4l3 , /, to 4151.:. Itye 4 Flour is ; unchanged. Saler, of Buckwheat at at, in first hands, and gll4, in store. MILL FElSD—There in some.-inquiry for' Middlings. but there is a Wide range In , prices, as there is also Ire quality—sales being . repotted all the way. trout 81,90 to 12. Brun is. Ihod-atoo cents, on track, and Seconds at 51,4 0 to 81,50.' -- - APPLES-LContlnue dull with it supply tons siderably in excess of the demand, butprices i are nominalist unchanged—regular salmi in store at ft 100 per bbl, as tolt qualitS. There is some little inquiry for prime Apples, in good packages, for shipmentat low ilgurer- but we have DO BUNS. POTATOEs—Prime Peach Blows are selling In store at :5 to SO cis per bushels,and 5 2 .7 3 per bbl. Jersey Sweets are..quotd at 33 D., ,00 per Mil. • ' I.III.FTEIL—Ie quiet and unchanged; prime to' choice Roll Is selling to a regular way at :u tole. EGGS—Hare still font:tor advanced is eon seommeo of a very light supply WO 6 brisk demand; we elm report. /mica of 15 tilde ILI.I O . CHEESE—Is dell but withdet sCuotalle change—ld for 'Western Reserve; II to 19 fur Bamberg; la. to ID for Factory; and 20 Mr Goshen. SORGHUM—Is In . fair demand and steady but unchanged—sales of good to prune at ots to 68 cents. SEEDS—DeII. There is a steady demand for FitLibebd at $3 to 63,10, stud little or none offering. Timothy Semi issioll but Duch:sagest SCI the same elm be euid Of Clever. • . errrnsustin PETUCLEV.II Mtnli/ET. • 011102 01 TIIII P 12222011011 1.141221111, / I • WEDNESDAY, mot' ember ma% 'CM:DE—There are no 'new characteristic 4 the;Criide market worthy of special notice; The demind continues rather limited; and while holders are disposed, sell at current riles, yet they do' not seem willing to make any further concesston* in orihr to effect sales. We continuo to quote at 10 tol0)4; ni bulk and bbis returned, and 15 to 15 , 4, tads Included, according to gravity, time of de livery, etc., etc. Sale of 610 and 000 Was, both at 10 eta; and three L 11002202 barrel, (Virginia oil) to arrive, at /0%. Buyers are few In num ber, at rut:sent, as metiers generally, seem inlaid Co hold back and see whet turn the market/sill talce.wittilh the nest week or two. DEFINED—There Ls •,no improvement to note in the • demand for bonded oil, and, it anything, prices are a shade lower. We now *now at a to. 3354 to Immediate delivery' to rldlllleipollll as% to 31 for DeCl.l/021.11,nd 31 to 34% for January and February. It Is suld.i and we have no doubt, is correct, that a Nev.l York exporter bought some fourteen thou; sand barrels - In Chtindelphia,:on Tuesday, at 33% to 33, but even this made no perceptible impression on the market, either there or hero. Free oil la doll and neglected, but nom -I.,elly,unchanged. —Since the above was put in type, we have the fOllO2/12g sales reported 1500 tibia to be ,louvered In Philadelphia within twenty days, seller's option, at 33; and 'SOO -Caine delivery and same option. at 32%. ARRIVALS—The following arrivals of ell Were 100011.21 to-day: D. Cochran—Jae D. Bushnell... ....... StrYi D. Itoseubach.... OM D. AL Pc/Rental" islicrtr lire 491 Strickler tr. Co 90 00 Tote} • 11„:101 Tim Dry (loot TroMM New Ynse. Nov. 21.—There aro hopeful signs in thedry goods market this morning, • Nan for the hot six weeks. before: 'The ex•' Creme low price of alniost all kindti of goods, and the ateadiness and neatness in the cotton m arket. gives hopes 'that Inters hare ut, last to uched bottom. Tbia la also more apparent from the inereaSed demand for the leading kinds Of gooo9 ers are evidently mats fled that goods area. low a* they win Dumont pre and are entering the market for sm. plies. There!' more business exported intl. sresterneities,' and' orders are grate numer or g for censidertane quantities one thtB Jobbers- morning. q Ores. Stmetings— 'of goods. ce l7 ca y m; lioward, A. Aulmke tt "; tiros lto :We" 29 . James 19. Bled • •hhed Starlings — . ne 204; trove klan?facturmg9. t.l 4 t x tipa ton 18 1 1 . ; Prints—Garner Gompany, , ft_ 11 , —Pepperell,l4; Winthrop, 19. Corset e I,l4._grown. c. Dri , s -Blehtnend 17q, tirainautbs, Lacenia,2l; Pepperell, 'Mt • Clownland Market. - . Ccrrscstro, November SO.—Flour--Qulet and • ourbordred. - Sales 115 bids ZS spring at 112,25. Wheat- Daly and _- unsettled. No sales ' re ported and prices nominal.' Cont.-Dell and -neavy. Held at 970 for No.l mixed, but WO near ofao sales; Oats—Dull and 10w..r; pales lour No.l at 45x;1 do do at 48. Rye=Dull and not/111100W at CAI; 1,43- for Western. Bar • ley--Quiot and unchanged; bold at 41,co1 ^ Y L o w for No. 1-Canada; EeitiVec for State. . a t' advance - Wheat arm , iiratt advance of Mao. cdoeng at .2.090410 for No. Laud fd.0861,9 for N 0.2. COrn steady at..a decline of leltr,ocloring sank+ for NO. I and ifefald V.' Oata' firm at an advance of .14WAJfalea at .74087 43 fOr No. 3. Yrovieione dulltaaleSoVmarl...rorklif.fal. Sop luodeo• atit.tadives , eidot at lOWA for c o mmon to letilkeindsoff Tre -, • c i , 0 03,474, .fickreakbo.f., NOW, .rtendleil Su perttne,-.10,76.-: irblelfT fitnifdyt Lona dna wan fair.buyoal sales at , .**0414, roritdall.::.lArd'elollittarMaf NULIMETSJ”r TELEM3APJLI , • . lilies, York Flosuiciol Skitters. Nrow Yong., November 3L—The money mar. ken Is mere active and Arm. at 6a. Per cent. E xc hange,los"o;e3lenfor gold.forhallGloolandis....r_oSeteioprlge.ing lit. 141, declining to .140/, and closing at 14031, Governuihnt stocks pool firm and morn active. "Looks Leavy;; .withoits decided change. Freights , to Liver r. Rock lwand, 10P,I; iiiinms Scrip, ilt; Cleve , land Pittsburgh. Sijci; North litestern, 71514; N. prcterresi, 73N; Taledo, 112;46. Fort Wayne, 103 N; Alton and Terre 11. auto, 41: A. and T. H. premixed. 70; Milwaukee and St. Paul, 501;;;. .31. and S. P. preferred; 69%;.Chleatto and Al- ion,lo7Ki Michigan Sonthern; 61N; Michigan lentral, .P. 4; Reading. 113; New It erk Central, 09%; quicksilver, 47; Mariposa, 57. , ,,; Atlantic 'Man, lea; U. S. aixokof iS Coupons, MX; Five twenty Coupons df ~.., -fo rt do SA, itkitio do '65, ume base, 1041; Ton-forty Coupon., 100; Treasury Seven-thirtied, 105%; Missouri Sixes,. s 7; 0111.0 and Mississippi Certificates, :914. Who Commenters money article says: The Money market shows a conitnued tendency toWiird firmness to.day.., .Tilere aro fewe r . transactions' at 0 per cent:, and 7 per cent. is the rate fora largeproportion of the loans ou stock colla ni tere. Discounts are Armor; the ruling rate for prime paper is 7 per cont., with 'exceptions lit 6,4 per cent. Cvold contmhes ' weak. The Bears are di:Pressing the inatket with the most pi.sitiveasirtions that the,suli-• Treasury is selliuggOld. 1 which there is not the shadow or train; Tito morning a Broad street ilrm, said to have been long in Knouts, reported to have failed upon contracts amount.. lug to 41,000,U00, which had the effect of still further depressing the premium. The armors 01 the mosey market hal. still anunfavoraitle effect on stocks. Thts afternoon the amount . •of transactions show a; material, falling off, aud prices are again Seto lower. • Thu PUst's money article Says: Gold is de pressed by the failure of a well known ilrm, who Mice beim carrying four million dollars ef coin. The market was uctiVe at 7 per cent. trout arrearly hour tuts morning. Call Loans were ow at tile close this morning, and Dis counts were dull at 0 , 4631. The stock market steady and hesitating. Governments are at inside- rates. Railroad - Shares aro irregular and without much movemnt. tho close there was a light upward te n den cy; Northwester. being the most 1 . request. At tut the rsgulai board the quotations were as iollowlins'ls, 1:". C.. 103%; quotations :Ili,. Reading 113 A; M. S. 8':%I I.C. lithi; Pittsburgh NRal N. i Z\.' , ',11;i;,,d4,?,Prt,f;,.7e.!1; '' , .iteri.o 113%; it: 1 . ‘ iisiN; 1 it . u . i. * Bien ' t6.7dA i istir it . ti 'r ti. , T u arl ' q b ut u tt.C l. 10sehlOS46; fat common, 107g,igiet; for bankers' do at siCArt slake, ilOkiAluo..i. - 'There was an active demand for money early tit the day, tboyearitet was Bras at 567 per cent for cad, Too ...took boll:era had to pay the nigher rate lit a great teeny Caere in tact the bulls of the new bllginen. We. at 7 per cent. Theintirket was ene Cr towisfils the close, however. and count MA be, gout. tt over' 6 per cent. Thu advance in. the rates of Inter- • est will attract a large amount of capital to this point, and the supply of loanable funds will soon he greater titan ever- The gold mar ket felt off to 1:5J1.4 at the • dose, owing to see oral failures among the bull operators. Cash gold was more plenty this afternoon, and Ida per cent. was paid fur carrying it. There was a.report on the str,t this afternoon, that the Government had Called upon the National Banks for $13,000,0u0. There is not the slight est truth In this rumor, as the calla from the Treasury Department have been quite mod erate and unlfOrm of /ate, und uot to such an extent market . o eate any disturbance in the money - T.he Sub Treasury hero 'is disbursing • liberally en Treasury warrants, and the currency Soon gets back into cirCula •tion again. • Tile stock - market was heavy and lower, at ' the last open board, with an Inerefed pressure 28 • to sell generally. 0. C., '4,(r • Climber land, 8761,7:4; Quicksilver, t6t54..,i; 12;41514,ti; do. preferrisl,2s,44:o-4 R. U. T., al. C., 1le3111,t4; • . 10a , -;;010.04; Erie, 7.!-Zr Reading, 112.,"4- - 4 '4112.• 82gfelS , 411. litlallti; Pittsburgh, ea'..,1135...V.,4; Toledo, 111 - 1,4(51124; tt-1. anq Pacitic,lo3l,44slo,PA; N.. 54; do. prefer red, 7207214;5. W., litif,4lslo.3. Thu government securities went heavy and lower this aftet - neon. The following were the closlug prices: 5.20 Coupons Inal-445105.44: do qt. 10.4t5105,4; %ft, hath,3 ii;i4; do. '65, Jun nary anti July, itbalio!,4; 10-ths registered, do. Con , mina, leut4 , loo,r• ,tugust it2,(41.CA1; June, 105;4; July, 1 '431051-.4, New Nock rroduee.Markel.. Naw Yuan,. Nov. 2.1.--Cetton steady with only a moderate demand, buyers. and ,sellers tieing too far apart, At 3.0.f r el ter tutddling up lands, and 5514. e for Middling Orleans. ;.1. lout opened Itfdoc betten4but closed quiet, with the advance lost, at %15011.1.0 for sound cum men•extra Slate, sll' 11.75 for extra round Loop Ohio. and 1111.9eff 1115 for trade' broads. Whisky quiet and unehaeged. Wheat oiwmeti 2 ,- .410 bet, ex. and envied with the advance lost. but with a ratr export demand, at $2..t 2.3. fur No It Milwaukee, the letter toe gory' Inelndlug two neat. loads for export at 11 - 2 We= 35.. Barley Idle loveer, Can ola 11 rut in bond stooa Los. Barley Malt 11411. Corn re ceipts 12,415 bush; Irregular null onset axles 56.00 a habit at $1.2.501. - 17 for shipping mix ed western In stun and afloat, cloning rind at 16115 In store, 61 for White Vrestefn, 5e.151.4, $1)1.53 for mew white southern. Oats are hi lower; iM , ..ttic for Chicago and Milwaukee, Wool dull and declining, at ..t-qtfell.ie fur de -mastic fleece, 3Seriee for pullet! and Mat Lir -Texas. Loathe. —Hemlock solel9 a alma.' lower, at 3254530 for Buenos Arr.. light weights, 54d2.0 , 4e to - 530; for California light do; to tic for middle do; 35,43ee for heav y do. Coal—Foreign la • !mealy, with a fair in. oiry, while domestic rules hoary; ss,sofri,eo per ton in the. yard. Coffee dull. sugar gent; Cuba, 1001.2 c. Petroleum steady, at 5`*.,i42.1.. - for. Crude and Zflt.6e for refined to bond. York homey and Imre, but cloned decidedly firmer, at $2.242.175 for regular, and cash for new mess, closing nt $2.4,e2, cash, and ANits2o,so tor prime. beet unchanged at about previous prices. Iteof hams - heavy, at 3e4515c. Bacon quiet. Cut meat, doll n heavy. at lil-44211e for shoulders and 1.1;461.3.0 tor barns. Dressed hogs firmer, 8j4439.4e for western, thlefly 95;1114c. Lord heavy' at 1201.1.. x. Butter doll, at 2:(3510 for Ohio and 5.54.147. e. for State: Ihe Mr Orange county rolls. Cheese heavy at 81)1., , ,14e. Mg. Louie Matzke.. Sr. I.orro, 4nv.:2l.—Florir dull and unchang ed. W neut dull and lower; spring, at gfrota's 2,lo;*primr, fall, at 62.•5:41.1"; choice, at tr.77la Z 7 Corn dull; choice yellow and white, at 41•0°.5e1.10,, n a nd and yellow, at $1,0543/ ~ .11CP IMIL.I 'yellow at 1i5f1'45.7• Oet• hem, at 546150 for choice. 'Provisions quiet; Prima Mess Pork Bacon lower; stiouilers, at illeb; clear lidos, at 14,Sic.' Whisky dull, at 47.M1114• 22- _„; . narrates Miteritel. lirreit.o. November 21 —Flour, leb bbls sold. nt 411,00 or Spring, and 41140 for AMber . 'Win ter. Wheat quirt; seeks Of 7,110 bushels 411. b wank... at 1130; 7,130 do Milwaukee raj ento.l, 41.h'. Corn hell at about 61,05; no sales. Oats; 1,400 busli.ls Ohio, 91e. Barley; 1,000 I.ushels 4:K10°,41,10. Pork, 3.1.3 6 tt. Lard, 14Gli!ic.. it Lasky, 41.,35. • Sea' Orlearia Market. . . Pow OaLtaas, Nor. 21.—Cotttlepshbeher; Bales off ,1470.14167. low Middling at 174 4 . c; receipts, 3.401.1 bales. Sugar dull and no demand; • -falr, Sterling. foredo'', 45c; prime, 5504 c. Lank Sterling. Otnaf Markets unclutngtal. • Toledo Martret. T.LLI3O, Novomber M.—Flour 'lull. Wheat nnena..ro.d. Corn opened 46 and closing:xi bot. ter; liefte - hi for :roil mixed closing at the Wilde price. Otte unebangerl. lip, quiet. 3111svarikee !Market. )111.3CAC 6E14 NOv. 21 —Flour firm. Wheat quiet. !-!n fur No. lan nd t 1,84 toe No. 2. Corn Wirt at m'/.r.ate ',WORTS LIT ISAILAOAD • Yrrseen/Lee, rent WATOC R CaSeAeo R. IL November 21-5 cars metal, Wood & Son; 40 pkira apple better, c 3 Wits elder, bbls eggs, L it Volgt & Cu; 15 bbis upolcs,Slarlver & Lacer; 43 tea bams, 75 do Ned, F Sellers &ow 10 dozen J Dravo; 71 eke rags, Godfrey & Clark 10 bre cheese, W llaslage; 46 do do, J lilltnore; .56 tells broom corn, IncElloy . & co; Vicars wheat, .1 5 Liggett & coil do oats, 13 Weillace; Ido apples, Blair ,t Woods; I do do, Kell & Alliehurt; 3 cars staves, W Hastings; 6 barrols benne, Kirkpati tele & tiro; 103 bids Dour. Cook Bro & co; 100 do do, Gay & Painter, 100 do do, riborunkxr a Lang; 1 car scrap irOn, Itees,Urtirr Dull;16 eke turnips, Seglanyer & .Voskatop; 1 car wheat, Ammon A Scott. • ' CLSVCDAND -ADD rtvlssesalt RAILROAD.— 'November 21-4 pkgs bacon, Volgt & co; Ibis a co; 1 keg lard, 2 bbls pies, 2do butter, Camp; Aloyo Cu; 31 1 . 1 b1i willows' A b Chambers; 1 car Iron ore, Lloyit willows; 1 do do, AteKnittbt & co; IWO bills paper, 2A W Bonbons.); 1.2 bids 011, J T Glass; 38 Usti cheese, Kirkpatrick a Iletron; 53 to do, C C 11441eleY; 30 bole apples, Pettit a Nowlin; 18 Mils broom bandies, W Mardorr; I car potatoes, Volta a co; 1 do lumber. 5111- linger & llld well; 10 dozen - brooms, Shields a ]]etcher; 118 like potatoes, Shields & Boucher; 2 mire lumber,Aubrey. promlow a Coon; 11 obis sorghum, & AOwlln, - 4:01.11 - Xnue" a Lbßetnifill R. it., November 21-8 pkg. butter, Volgt a CO; 10 !ibis apples, Sturgeon & Jiro; 1 Miles. flays a Stowart;6 bids potatoes, 13 do- barley, 7 do corn, Mannar Harper & Hood; bbls butter, 2 •pkgs eggs . T'Schlldecker; 20 bids apples, Mack; 14 do do, Noel's; 2 Care I ye, & W 00FarVII4.110.4':editt,„,t a u nt 'on : a Courtney;Scott; l d al pigs lead, Miley, Farrell & co,. ALLIMMINY STATION. November 21—I rolls leather, Tomlinson & CobbOneks oats, Z gall; 10 Obis uvulas, W Todd; Winks oats, J Rambo; 25 do potatoes, 51 Wilkins; 1 14 butter, David lieeseo racks washbowls, Kolion & Broy 1 car lumber, C Boyles Ido staves .1 FM Hemphill; 1 cal Wheat, Kennedy & Dro; 6 pigs butter, - bble apples, .1 24 Cooper.. 1866. FAL L 8-661 :40.ALIMPETrs. We are now exhilsitins Tor _FALL . Tltenft the most extensive stock. otstosels we hams Sela Usti She pleasure of orl:ering to our patrons. English, BrusselS and , Tapestries,' Of °X.V."47,l4;V:fe7,'ert:ggVibran7,.andi RICH 911.10:1 ANS VELVET .CARPETS ArlD EEG, Eatultolisttultis Nes tel Ele eelhtiefis or comic*, Bide & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, , cholco tlt f la Nottlngeurtalns. • MPARLAND & oovula No. lls r Ylo !ra Ti3TßX 2ext hones 1015. n. rosto ~ ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO soldiens of 1881 and 1862. • All who sex Ted three Years are retitled to $lOO brunt :those genie/two Years. $3O: or who wt., discharged by ressoa of *castle, or their heirs. • • hree Xonehe _Extra pay is dile Volusteer °Mears 121 the service Beueb fled dilichargeit,'EFatitertd Tat; r.sign!d ycrmaneailY dtaablod aro entltle'd WOO:SAO. or SY% to:4l.l?Rree.o! dlisDll.7 _ .• . J. HALL PATTLupur Atgwaris. - • uri • re ALL. , PAPAt-.-Of vadat, iberatioti H. Its Dug.. Itootas and Sitelt• /rni!Pl""r-Itil. 'Nu. Wilmot tie t p.M.T. • • • r0d.'2.1/11011S5 MIES . _ . . FOR CINCINNATI ANDagSt v il LOUISVILLE.—The line steamer ON IRON RILLS COLUMBIA': ` , Copt:WM. W. RUM. 0 Wollear 4. tin am above and all LoPermedlate porta., ' I . , on till.TltAY. at Ip. t., positively. k l . NINTH WARD, i IITTSBURGH. - for fret bt Sr pa-sake sp IT on Goard or to or g YEACK A COL P LINONSAM. Agent".. . . / A coNYOLIDATION OF THE ..ifilOt CITY ['OR . CAIRO AND ST.r isi g .F01:11/1 ,, AND ••CYCLOPO IRON CO." LOUIP.—Tre flue steamer GLIVNitALE Capt. Jona )3.11A11t, Jas. Mellon, Clerk, will feria for the above and all Intermediate ports, on r MS ? DAY. at 4 P. It. Nor (recant or DeAsage appi on board or to J..D. CULL NO SWOP, i JA M ES COLLINS... . Agee'. roll , .114. FLACK, FOR - EVANSVILLE. CAL 'e5.2.11.) KEOKUK. - The splendid passengtr steamer tit,AbliOW Caot..G. W. JolINSOir, Will nosh err ly leave for tins above and all interne- Mate ports, on THUltall klf. at 4 Is; at. • For freight or passage apply on ward, or to bola ()ILAN. BARNES, agent. 13EOPLEN - LINE.--BEG-figir o g - ULAN WF.EE I.Y YteKET be. tWe.IIPITTSBIJILGH AND CINCIN NATLThe new and snleadltl steamer t'ant. LOll6 VandeKlfr. W. Scutt. Clerk,leat ea rlttaboralt EVEtt TUESDAY. at 12 o'clock K. I.cares elncln,,at VERY FNMA Y. Atli o'clock. For ftelght or paatatte anniTna board. .°3:.2' POLE EVANSVILLE ANDEASe N AglIV ILLE.—The fine steamer OAMELLA ..Capt. I 7 via. lit leave for the shove and all IntermeatatelA., on THIS DAY, at 4 V. For freight or passe et apply an hoard or to nod VLACK rE DULLINLIWOOLL Agents. 14`011 CINCINNATI.-ThezaW i t A. splendid side-wheel Demmer Capt. S. llAnfl Jr.. - i t' A i liE F lVllli: l o ' n r :Cegil:Z n ier DAYS at 12 Y. For freight or passage apply on board or to COLLINs, Agents. WHEELING, BIAIIIET-zga i t IL TA. & PAIIKEMBURO PACK- Y.T.-11w p.endid pusenger steamer . C.Pi. fitiORGIMOOII.I Leaves rittsburicb ELEI!EM IitONDA.Y. AND T1i01t0b....Y....at II o'clock Leaves Parkersburg • TUESDAY AND YIIIDAY at 2 o'clock Cl It Yor height or ygosage applyon boat& ...Hal fr. VI IA t: 1 4:11 111 t 4 :1[143 WILLIAM C. LEE, successor to ALEX. tiUBDON corrmis SION AND FORWARDING 3a....IELIFI.C7I3ILeN...TAVV. • Nut. 102 Stctrutt Street, PltUborgb, icrAiteat tor tho "ht. Louts" LesU P tpe and Sheet Lead Works. De sler to 1 . 10 mud lsAlt LEAD. SHOT, He..sll' t PULE CLA Y. G.c. Constgore.entsno. Itched anti getters pro:opt:l' Ultett• uPfal'k4 BELEWER, 'BURKE r Fir, CO., COMMISSIOA 311111111111111, 64.IENTS FO4 TM C. Pacific, Globe and Liberty OlL,Woiks, Ample Storage for Crude and Itedned 011 J al easel advances made on eonslonmenta of Crude or ILO:Woad Petroleum. Yards for storage and ship ment of Crude Oil at Lawrenceville. Odlee and Wars:hone-. Corner of Dupaesom Way and Liancoct street. rittSbuzgb. payld.aSlS MICA 6g11.: JAL T. WM/WM KEIL Iv: MMITISSION NEEROHAIS TS, Flour, Grain,Beedy, 111111 Fred, &c 349 LIBERTY STREET, wits= , nrrsßunoll, PA. V. OWILINe•... J. KZ% SSDT W. 11AXIVIL. OWENS,' IiENXEDY & R, HARPE PRODUCE C‘lliblltinlON 1111tellANTO, Wholesale Melanin rtllitatiN AND !WY LSI FRUITS, tIALT, I.OIJII, I.lllTrElt, EtiUs, I (). TATOCS, •e., And irk 1 rovlataa4 and Vrodaa, gen. erelly. No. 76 FEDLLI.AL, anturr. ovr.lu. tsr Ilettrold Derot. At.t.sulieNT. VA. Agent, for the sale or I',. It. Donnell gals... *n44. Kerte• nett. S. NJEACTIYEtt ' • COMMIEBIGN KEZCHANTS, • • And deslertin D'ee4 ..I . Produee. Catb ulyancei m.4a on ronatstan.ntt. Warthouve. N0..31,Ct rEhiS o,Prito Union Depot. l'ltteataltb, Pa. nA.y. CUAIVFOOD, Commission 11.SITT1n1111+.111e. Tugs oar. vb nut , sk:ICAP Intl!!. FINS 1113,11.11. And 14A'!. Lc. War•bnuto And Orate. tins. 11611 nd J 6 ex.hs 5111 , . T. 11Torato Tarnished. ConslnomnnU •LnlctLed. DC, in.l.t.X• Wan/v . & M'ILSNE ANJ En, COMMISSION Tn.- !UK...HAT:T/5 And dralers in FLOUR, ONA IN and r ttou roctund alrsTsl, Let• Teen lA land and nOtherid. rlLinnursta. rtion. .4,1111 EN tt SIIEPAIL Mcrclasa., and drat, TT In To rsgn and IT,Tn.r..le YrOtn, I Incr. 11:31.1j. 1.11.1r.5t, t Ter", • r rr,darr gr•.._,A•xy 2.a..rt/ 1.111k11:ry Sy. T. nici. tirtt.l2ll3.l. XVII. P. BECK b. CO., No. l'S.5 T T • Litorrly rsvrt.' rll4lrcrirl:. Ya. , VI noIeTTIC Ur« en. kiGS.TaiLlltOt Meehan:T..2T d TIM" In Co.- Try Prodnan. ( . I . ooTb:dm, Bancns, Lem, :latter. GSM Checne, YLab. se., Prcninet. ;War. tirrrs And Drlnd Trr.ltz. an.. BAIL And I.l:nr. ITII ons entrant) CI ti. 61.1EPARD. COMffillittiOn V.' .• and deatcre tn rtour, ()Mtn and Pio ci:. L.ttatty caret, rlttabnints e,nds tor I for Itaktra and funlit conatal:.) Gsmd. Para:War laiteaLtan pain 40 It., ^mat fr Mutt ...11x gt.ntrally. ' oda, - LITT"'BAIRD & Kcolesala Caatantsslon inercbsata, and dtatera.la PraduCc. /tout. Ikon. Cheese. Tana tttannn and LL.S4 In% Iron. ,Na.llo, Olasa, Cott.. lama an: ail l'lltaburgb zmnufactorci 1.1 *n4 LLtnccondattvct, rittlibUrgli.. t. RICTIMiI 4. 19. • 6.6TV1L11 .11. D. latinia. Pk:If:ULU b. lUWS., (Successors to AA. Its fmd IL Au:arson.) Wr.olesslo thaiers In or frults, :Int+ sod Uplecs, Coufsettoors7. tO , Vls; vin-Yin -won, Lc. Nos. L.N sad to Wood Wants. aTs rt,Lwaku., 1,12:11, - - R&NoN. & SON, Coaausissios • ur.111:11 Srli anA.Dealere /LNA U1tA12 , 1 7 43 ILL FEED wad CHOI) UCT. irsastilly, No. u;urni, app.= City illgebem city. E OILYILCANEIELD,Comaaabadon ,elWestern Yorwardlnn iterthant slut whoissale Jester in Reserve Cheese. Butter. Lard. rork. Baum. Pima. MIN Vol.:0 read/aim, dalerstas. Lammed sun Lard VII., Deted Yrna, nut Veatuee genersll7. Nos. 144 and 14.5 Prost Weld. Pittsburgh o onol 4. 1111A0 4111060 Z ItrrgUALE. (.4 EAD & DETZGAIL, Grocers and Commirstou Ile rchentimul &eters In .01 kin, of Country ,prodsoe and Pittsburgh Itanarsclures. lio.'lo/ Liberty :Arent. Opposll.s WWI Or Wood street rir.tsburgh, ream I. 110cal••••IDIranD 110031...1r11. S. MAMA. 1011L11 1. HOUSE 1: 81101., !faeces aolla TO ..1013n E. Hones R CO.. Wthaa/wala U ear. .d Cosalalag= liar:ban% Watt of Baaltta. field and Water area.. Patanarib. Eale !MIN Suirrom • • L.. IV,ALLI,CIL. SIMPTON & WALLACE. Vlr hole ital• GROCLUS .6.ND ruknwer.D.L.it.r.uo. so. Waal ritrebt. rtnaburalt. .1711 A3IES DALZELL & •SON, Biartu u: facturere of Lavd 01.1. and COZZ:LISIOLL Merchants for .the pare-nue andaale of Crude and Banned re tmieurn. Nor. ed and 70 Water street, rlttaburati. Advance' made on Conalanmenta. VETZER AIIMISTIIONG, For t I gg and cculstorM47laus tor sato fi.:Wiltnse°:Lg.lcfi, trei , init7l no.. ek;e..loilZteNrg torpor of Vi i 1011111iT,AMIALLL A. 7.6 .1/01alr. DAILZELL it CO., Whole. solo Or CommlYlon ad Forwardly' May chats ad dealers to Prodoco 'ad Pittsburgh May orators'', No. La Llbers7 otrat, Elttotyroh. .11 RIDDLE , No. MO ntssiou Liberty Mt., • ylitenumb,Comi Wholesale Deeer in Country Prxinee.tiroceries swl rittsburgh mmutfacturee. CAA advanced on tion ligaments. and paid for Otnetllly. sull .18A1All DICKEY &CO., Wholesale tknamlsidon Marcaanta. and dealer, It Frodoco, o.b gaga ,screet and . R Front atraal. Paitabargh. LINRAUT, • (Bo Woman to liseleOwn it Unbar) 1.1.1er in Floor and drain, M Produce and Commtruics 4erc.hasta act LIEX.U.TY STIILET, Plttsbusek ay SZCIIOIII.4KER &LANGWholesale eaters In Waterier Ploor. Orlin. Prodoce. Pre. visions, rtsb, Choose, Bet, usroon OIL Noe. Maud 174 Wood !Street, near Liberty Meet, Pittsburg-b. P. , bcolmSs fOuld ?LOYD Wid. ?LVTD JOHN FLOYD a. CO., Wholesale UROCELLS,• No. 173 Wm 34 au/ YS Marty .trcet, Pituborwh. Pa. • PALE OF CONDEMNED ODDI ..r.NANCY. AND ORDINANCE STORES. —Will be scud at Pubic Auctim, at FORT MON ktule Alt. oE L, 0114 Point Comfort. Va.. on c l ock • Y the 214 day ol Norembor. IPSO, at io o •. at. • large quaniltr of 4411:04, cousisting In put of lb s!,/ follow !LF 911 1 M Yield lad Siege Cannon, cast Iron, of 'vari ous calibres; 61,070 bhot, 000114 and Soherlad Cale, tel smooth • bore and ripe.' guns: 70 Merrill's Carbiues, new and repaired: _4 Me Enfield itiOed Muskets, cal. 1,77• lordt and Npf?cces i ßepottliit 11!fiel: stotS ' l i g i r l AusZgi, r ort:a. 18:2, Okt y,to ,; do do do • altered to percussion •, _cal. 0 4 1 10 Smooth Dora Aluskets, Dint lock. eel. IQ: 217 nesoirers ...IVortners and ItsculOgton's . - 1 - . 31k •:-1.;0111sealry sod Artillery *Almost . • TO Swords, Must Una awl uonjeommlistoned isMeers. Irotalesn slays will be allows/ for the remora) of , atOres. ,Tr.asis or por.snw.a. ' •"1 Capt. of Ora. anti Mrt, Col. A A Y . - ,ioemz4 • 104OTICE TO CONNURIEUS OF WATS It.—Therepatis new In proves, at the Water-Works render it imieerattve .bat great corn. omy stionld be nu erred at the ese or water, tbe,one engine new renal beteg tare Ito Its utmost cs pao.r. A.lunietcessart caste of-water sboisid be such as sprinkling streets, washing Dam es n eats, drenching clothes in tubs t • an Inordinate to Unitas there is proper attsution Tirc to tor. req.:W.l3.os tba city will not/wire surd cient water tar Ilre„ culinary and other neeessarr Sglacf tialieTtlefililrillitigtVoihtgrcetunneflasys total) a heavy nue. /t ta hoped eat lu the Woorse of thtee wee* s or s mon ah at t Meet, the' do perlatendent will be enabled to ;motet/me restrln Inns. Jun. IitENCII, •• Irnarlotenden °fleeter-Works. pRIVATE DItiEASES. ()mei 153.4 PENN inlay:, ova Hand Youths care of all, diseases of arriving mere, la fromt etea w % W i l l o s - u ir IT;;BY. Vere f i:Z ;tr . t 110.: 0 11:1„„, 0 . the genital organs kneed.ag ererrenUnn Cure warrante e or money re Oefoebourew 7 to 10 A. W.. 1101....1 to a ...Ivo.. ••••••• TM.* •• CE L EVP E ' avo bozos (looms. Tsetor and 11.... burg tot sale b, cti4iuss 8110011111. 100 doestfor ego t 7 op t umios O. , No.= Luartracmit. aszszstsc . arAlwrAcronr.ns or IRON AND FORGINGS. Spacial Attention given to the monufactuie of Hammered and Rolled Locomo• the and Car Arica, ST•OIIQAW 331=18.416.71737, RAILROAD CHAIRS, Bruce BARB, BRIDGE . _ . • LWN BOLTS, &c.; • LINKS AND BOLTS, 1 - 111CLIdS, GIRDER IRON OCTAGON &L 'HOLLOW WROUGHT IRON POSTS T AND AIIKLIC IRON, AG WAREZIOUSEs 95 Water and 126 First Streets; • ATTHF. WORKS, NINTH WARD, 1.117861:MGR 0et5•127 PORT PITT BOILER, STILL IND TINE WCOIECIKS, CARROLL e.f.r. SNYDER, SIAM:RAC FMB OF TUBULAR, DOUULD.FLUED, TUBULAR FULE.BOX a CYLINDER *TEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING. AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSER*, ' STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES." 04Ice Sind Works, corner Maraud, Third short end Liberty s.; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 4111-,f)rdera gent to th• above addreaa will e( promptly attended to. • oe14:IW SHEFEBLO STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NROCK & CO kIANUIPACIIIIIIIYI Or BEST REFUSED CAST STEEL' NUM, fur A ID OCTISON, Of ALL yruvr,.CIRCOLITt, 9AND AND C 11066 CLN SAW PLATES.- ELLIFTIC AND NLfII•LLLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Steel, Cast and Geintan Plow Stepl EL AM . tA...„l„NOsi' AND MOW EA S. SPRINGS,- AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, EICKLA. EHdVEL.. ZOE, RAKE, YUEN. TOE CALK ASO bAA.IHINARY OAST STEAL. • • CROW-BAht , . A 4.. de., at. . Warebettst, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh, setA:ki 4 I FIEST_TVIIUS IRON AND NAIL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, BALE ELL & CO. italkwrAcrunzsus Or BAR, BOILER, SHEET ALwx:. mme:yra., NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 7S Water & 90 Front ft., riirrsUIIRGII, KEYSTONE IRON WORKS: & CO., Mao u [usurers at the different area of Rotind,'Square, Flat and llorso.shoe Dar_lron, • loop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate. Tank 'and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, kei.aie., Le. Worts. VITT TOWYBFI Ir. on Yanontatrela Aver. Moe and Warehouse: 110 146 Water Street. FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. Copying Presses, "%Warehouse Trtreks, Baggage Barrows, Sugar Mills, Sm. FOOSTTII. TAILOR & ) 5e31,t611 39 MAELEZT STRICET. SAIiD►WA7 t E. B. WOLF. JR., & CO., PIAUI= TX Hardware & Cutlery Sr. 11011 reortriug large additirlis tooar stock which is offcrtd to Deniers at 33,41.113 , 2ELE1L1V waFtscizie Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts.,. XPittiolcours,l2.., E. 643471 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler ,Street, Nth Ward, orrosar. mum: lsdx ssi LLB, wixwnrozversiocks. ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS IRCiIViRT LID CASTINGS GLNISALLT. Orden prosniOT and careen exce.te• Cli•IW MS REAISONAULLe , _ EDIBEIIT & DIACILLINT& calsoz, pITTSDUBGH RTEIEL WORK ANDERSON, EDON oA.eoo, =I • Manufacturers ot to - best rained Cut Stoll, Itglany nal and tic • on, of all slats, hewn...WO. itoo , /VP REAPING AND MOWING MACIIINIA arm= PLUM* wises. erspies. /MU' 0/114311L•111 11 4 as. Cant awl/ c ommon Plough and Bpriaft t tack , .17:4 I IIE FORT PITT IVONDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPIIEWS • - HEAVY teRDNANC ,. E, AND ALI* !EINEM OP iliphyr.vA 4 tinttsto, attcnt u l es a W AT • IMPAIRS) sttondrs to promptly . A+ heretofore, the best amoral, will SISMIII tld deed seeds Foundry, kissing dlepoeed of our old pattsthi, Vris are pre oared, with now Lint.lterliOlfals_llettOrns, volts struoted undsr tbs surotrylelon of rdr, KIINIrst. tornteh .?4,1t11•111 AtIIIIN lit short mottos noel It ...W. 'A. IVA AMA TN A STOWE COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING ITIOVEV movAtiv i tramintgrawdstrvia ti TBOI.IO KBALUnd lILUNIIIIIS4Zaka stayst) V Zir maonci tatATES. GRATE unow4. &t. (Moo to 4 WarotiOnla. cornea of heoood 104 Woo 'tram, inttitough. Allstate, on Oecond meet. sclyar WM.' - 101111 ALLIS. ALLEYS STOVE WOOIES. - ALLEN. WERE '4lt CO., ositisaidt IV ahouse' SA XXX•xti X t Nopp r ixXlx 7ottk .. xbir `, ZlLlbertratrest. Masa lantana a. iflnla varlOty of(IC 1 . 1.111.08 and tIZATI2IO 11111.1VIta. amontw en are tan cel ebrated #illeatinny and Mon ir , Vook aux in"l , l l:4%i n :a A rari c n gl i gil l of 31 4 X r c rr. ' 1 geh e hni OW tylt4 =1:41 7 , i*,:iii • IMERICIN IRON WORKS.' JONES & LAITORLINS, AMERICAN AND CLAM Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angie and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; , - T 8ai12,16 and 20 lbs. to the Surd Tram Rails, punched and coun ter sunk Boiler, Britt 111=1 Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car ltueels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coil-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent 'Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Pieton Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAILEIIOI3I3B 411.7 LI OFFICE. 120 Water and 'IS Front Sts. BRANCH 110135. E, Nos. 22,21 and 26 Inver St., 3e1.16 , I,IIIICAUO, KENSINGTON IRON WORKS LLOYD :ti_BLACK, 'Best Common, Refined Charcoal A=afisca, KAIM7LOTOIIII¢II OP A. BRADLEY ft bO. itututiotare averrvarrity at P'IT'rEI.IE3II7.IILCIr3EE, ILAXO/ACTUIIIIIS 01 e a - id Tank Rivets =I Juniata Blocim MERCHANT BAIL ROUND and SQUARE IRON I.IOoP, BAND, T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE tod SHEET DION. ROWER and REAPER BABE' CYLINDER. and GUARD UR. FINGER IRON elf ALL 2 , RAILS, 2 and 10 lbs. to tae Tar WED u GHT CHAIRS and SPIKIER (sesame. PLAT RAILS, P !sucked and Countersunk. COAL ticurni tacoN. NAILS and SPINES. Warehouse, No. SS Water and No. 0 Market els. Worts, Second street, Vent) Ward. .01010 10 8 City (Iss Wot ka. not1:14 • RANGES, STOVES' AND GRATES. ALL PERSONSr.WHO BEED NEIN COOKING ILANGES are lu.lted to call and sou BISSELL. & CU.'s NICK' CAXPICING - RANGE. at No. 235 Liberty street. where they will also and a complete supply of tine and common enameled VigATES;VOKING STOVES:PABLO& LIMPING ROUE, . • • Wash H4ll. Furnaces and Laundry atone.' BISSELL 11. CO., • • Blanufacturers of the celebrated' TRIVAPII COOK a Toys& FOB. COAL, Alld Black Oak for wood. bey 4:t47 ---- 110SIETheale STOVE WORKS L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., .Y.anntactorers and Dealers In all and, of Cooking and Heating Stoves, HOLLOW RARE, &C., Of the very LATEST EATTEII:O3 and STYLE% Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. IMMO, MANCIIESTILE. alaittle .DUQIIESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. HAIL AN, ILIUM Sr CO., , =I Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, YLorag, rer.l3o LED A. 11, STEEL, 40, co. 77 'TiFircitc.x . =lx' ea ert, rirranunGs. MEI UTILITY WOlilkS. IicLEAN & SLATOR, No. bit Liberty St., opposite Fourth, diArrilliCTVll•o3 Ot CABINET lit A KERRUDW. O 6E. They mats • specialty Or iron liellstead and Pivot Castors: Porcelain, Bedstead and Pivot Castors; H. &stead Panelling" , Idtops for Y.liansion Tables, It. They also Inalinfantling and hare constantly bandiThumb Latches, hl[l Latches. )I•Lean's Window Stan thapporter. 11$ Uncial-thrash Button. hbuttar and Hutt Binges, holed stone Ilanirings, had trolls, east: Welirtits, an., at. LIPPINCOTT it No. 118 Water. Street, .....o7Aoroori. or ?AMEN r onoubi). YA/6.!.lTTHairarcrn • PATkIPT rOOTHED C 1 CUI.AR, 111117 LAT. KILL AND„CIIO3I9-ClErr A..I7CT Et. ll= t)Ti L E R MORROW & BMINUI L, XA.rI7TACTOESSII Of Steam Hollers, Oil Stills, Agitators, Tanis, Ikon Pans. Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridgeo,Stint Iron Work, dir., CORNER LIBERTY AND 8/XOND STS, .arisitMgenlisleuer'n.T.4.:o4:cas CRESCENT MI WORKS. MILLER, BARB & PARKIN, itAxtriAciczzga BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warranted Ronal to Any In the Harks either leisreterecd oto r of Domeotio ers. SPICIAL ATTlgitititilnct:ly /INS MIST Oltice, 3 8 Wood Stroot, IN BT. CRAHLNA 110 TIM ?riven/nem :11:,1111,4211 R. F. beCITNIIASN F. OR 414.11. AMEIRIVAINI MAclllOlll , NOMA& CHARLES P. ORANAM CO., rtsti illy uttAlth K A' Mena Vullitro awl Itlathltitstai *4 I *VVAC.IOIII III IIi CA" Oil SBallielii4 Oil TOW% 4 o„AtirMrifi, l lll/ Wi11tt 4 4'41,‘,141; r.n,,,, , 1 1 41v0.1 ~' MlRifkl# Avsium Rim' In. w.* V. K. R. 40,011103,5014.7 1 . 'Pa. ... , 39.1wak., 11,,**. r,,0vv4,,,, 0 .w,, pilTuot.s* ittActitivx %voila* .10111 XXII Iritik=c • itor pia, Ilillstilaillees4.4l,lll4Ntheyr. lilakottwormo At , k 414 6glltkoW4*Te k , 041{411V er ,rs l i , "•,?,',F itlV.,' . l l ,r:Zrl t ny, I.4ltat ''' efli 10 0 0 Wo i t I,,§lltly nitioutl.:o.lllO lofla AU I OF .1 *I Hi ll 40',1;t'A,1 , :,\41", 4 "4".ri i ,`1zz'' .. ,V,11,11:, L ik,,,,q vo r .„„p., 1 1,4,.. -.10, 4 „. O,A 141.* gel 414.. ms rtr i ,l4; t! , - ; 4,, 7..4:4 4 '14,t . 41,priVtAZ1P 5i „, .. 1•, r I- . .1.t0tti5« ,, .. , , ,, , ,„,;', ',MC Intl Att,clakir k.‘ u. 1.190 - qa _ ki. L kt,„ MAT. 131.41,(11, silinillitti orriankati, vimakitscsa, etroow NN tl l PA, nut, tsairrnsitevo. 4;4' l' *l ` tlend rl m ~!"I.!..ittilaq 1;41'44 IPXI.• 40 limy a0v0r.P1.•:in..n...,,n1.0:11!. 0 2ttell ttrti l in g ritli ' l l lttZ , Mt N4 i" t n)i nter t i:Nliiii ” Wi l iAilit i g VOPer 1 oU I N ic t 4 N"' 1.1 9 4 T1 N " t\ niNigi f , isLIN 1 , 10. 1 1 13A41 . 41r1, 1 11 1 % llrdglk n‘t ( Wir o l iraitop Ulu 001 ;Italia tot ' tt t' It 4 k , SI I V;r47I . I " .I U L) " WNW ' \ i bi gNS l Zl:gi ' a illgth WWI ,h,t.vtimiq awl ; , Orf.ki i . ~ , t , , , lyilirtO .i t" , ' , OP.. i ~,, PrITSBURGII IRON - I,OIMS. J. PAINTUR 411 - SONS., 1111110At11.41 11 1 0 1 1 410 lion Hue krt, 'lrak and Trunk HOOPS AND EGRETS, 1•10141121 PITTIIMUR4III. PA. eiio7ssaliza " ~,,w.-D. %Daum' ." ...I. r. ttolairw LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. KKRIMIIIL gin .oca. 1 42,13, ...u&agsgai l lTlM,l7.3k NAT' Bte r - 1 1 ,W., so. II MATZIRIIII22IM giglitlrol Plttohatiris. P.. we EVERSON, PRESTON &CO.. -pexarartrahme , IRON - WCOIKEKSI. Was abonap, 109.%Map liffeasirsbam gq.ll 0, 9-1.• mANIT-TAPP:9 3 *7 4 - 5, ATLAS WOUKS,. I V Brox STREET. Muth ti ard, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. . i il These Works are among the largest and most corn' .. plot. establis ,, ment to thr , West, and are now pre- , a• pared swfurnlsh Enginesof Every Description, 1 a Boilers, On Tanks, Sheet Iron Work, Railroad ICaetlng., Bolling Mill Cabling+, EnginC Casting.. Machine Callings, Gener. I Castings ORDERS SOLICITED n 093013 • .( IRON - CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD "I lilaaufuturers of CHARCOAL, SITNIA.Ti d POLtillirli 63/73-333Err MOW'. (TITIGS aND WaILIIIIOI7IIL. 28 MARKET ST: GEO. F. SCRUCIVIELN .tr. CO., PRACTICAL'LITHOORAPHERY, - The ONLY STEAM LITHOGRAPHIC ESTAB LISHMENT WEST OF THE MOUNTAINS. Bust s., Verdi. Letter Heads,. Rohde!. Labe% cite.: L EV . L.!? .. Nor. 7% eau s'AsfrAst.. rittsbmge. se LAM F ~1 f-la~:~:~; ~ FIDE AND DIADEM INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA PIELILADEJ , PIaLk: Er sv7zco.o9o ; Uartford ,Fire' Insurance. Company, 12:=MESI ad?. r . oairrot` P bi eeeurod toe above aarr:el, ea • W. L. JONIS. •gent. MCI PI Water street. tai' Mater .I_, = lIENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Ottlee,3l Fifth Street. Bank Block, • Thi. Is Home Company. and fissures against sop rtre IFVl4 l .rgli N 9 ALTER. President.. C. C. BOYLE, Vice rm.:lent. ROBERT. PATRICK, Trecsurer HOUR SVELIiKNY. bserelarl. D 131 4 -10 1 1 .21. Leonard Walter, ale . ; . jrge C. Boyle. . . C. C. Paula. I J. C. LaPPO. Jacotorainter. , J. C. Plainer, Josiah Slo g John Yotatitor. Jas. R. Flo SI I A. ian Ilenrrdosenii, WESTERN 1110311J1L411iCki CO, OF 1 . 11 - InBUR I3II, ALEXANDER NIMICK. Prsildeitf , WEL P. HERBERT, _'Beeretarai CAM'. SIEUROM NEEL 'General Agent. °Dee. Y 2 Water street. ISP..X op stairs. Patetrargh: Will Insure against kinds of lire and Marine Risks. A home Institution stumped by Directors who are welt known to the colomnuttri and who are deter - leaned by prompusesa and liberality, to main tain the character which they have Assumed, ea oi led M, the best protects= to •thOse who daelre to be, Intored. • DLEXCPUB. Blot. blicarck, Andrew Ackley, • - B. Jr. David 11.1..ea5. James McAuley, Rees) ,Thomas. - Nathaniel , Chw/2 3. Clarke, • Alexander peer, John Mccen,, Campbell 11.11erron, • James P. Hanna— X ' cl . l'Acl'Uo 2711. P. ERBICRT. decretary. : N ORTH AMERICA INSIIIIANCEOOMPARY. - Widows and Orphan s Fund. Xe. 63 !William St...reev Pork' • FITE:t , LDENT - 31. D. AIDIURANI. TABY—.I. t 4. DIN: (MILL. Lt. DS, TINDALL.. Bletltataklzamlttor E. T. C - 13VEV 67 lAL MIENT rim w [ESN PA.. • Fourth St., Pittsburgh. I ADENTs WANTED. • mr=t6s3 A L LEGH ENS: ECSURANCE CO. OF I'ITTS BOLL- (Mee.ram street Bank Mestageek. Incerelest all Iletels of Flreatsd Martste WOO • . , JOHN IRWLN.Ja.. rooddeei- JOHN O. MCCORD. Vice re.csident C. O. IJONNE.LL, Secret-us. Wll. LYNN. lielieral Agent. • .DEUZCTOES .- Isaac Jona, . I John 1). 51eC,onl, V. o.llTanny, i lleorg e e . h. Hein, Marvel CUM.. „Jill arl _HATA: T.. J t.. Roan:non, Cipt. ' , A m. Dcw). JOhn Irwin. Jr.. Geo. 1). lteGrew t B. L. Yebeestoek. Robert H. Deets. .PEOPLE'S INSURANCE _CO. OTTIO6, N. N. COHN =wpm) AND 11P1TZH.3.7.1, 110/1E COMPANY, - WOUND FIRE AND MARINE RISES • ... cc.. rratui,.., ~ . Capt. J.An L. ithoade John Worcs.Runnel P. =Myer. John Jr. Parke, `- I 'Charles Arbuckle, Copt. Jae. Sillier. John P.'ElropstricA, Wm. Von Kirk, - Frank S. allosell. Janes U. Verner, _ C. Hermon Love, WM. Viti LLIP n, rreeldens JOHN WATT, Vice President W, , er,•OA niZolr F.R. rocr.L.T. PIX.VENTII - LIST OF APPLICA -... fIoNS for Selling Liquors, Sled In the Clerk's pence tin to•Noventber Ws, 1556. g s ..lerlea Hand*, tavern, lac ward. Pltts•urgra ' y rs derlek Luther, rarer.. let war!. Pitt burgh; _ zunabattitiurert. tavern, Ist ward, r Ittaburgh; • cuss. P. Mega e, tavern, Ist ward. Nutt ugh: John 'fang. rarer.. Ist ward. PIP sburgh; _• John Mill lon ron. tvern, 21 ward. Pittsburgh; , srrtniertek Andregg. ravels. ward, Pittsburgh; n e wes tirindrod, tavern, plitsharstb: Pattie& Oa higher. eating house. 3d wa.d. Pat iab•g; Patrick Bache, ether ataxia, Id ward, Prltahargn; Thos 'Nature. h ay sr. sal ward. Playbrirgb; Daniel Iltrwif. tern. Oth leant, Pittsburgh: I middle.' =that. rav, sth ward, Plttalacirgh; Frank Meta: tar.rn, 6th ward. Pittaburith; s erg, eating nous.. sth ward. rittriburgb; *men mutes., t litir ward. Pltralrargb; Jose°. Diem eating S ouse. alb ward, Pittsburgh nebastitu Prater. e ra ern wear ward. Pittsburgh; Thos. al.neaf, t • sth d. Prttsburgh, !rands L. Jotwolust. tavern. oth ward. Pitubargh Jan. ti,blor wino. string house, init ward. Clues ` t lieu giniturr, *Allan home, oth war., Pitt Initial Jot. ti, tints!, rating hones, Intl ward. Eltab . urgq.• N alsmaath, earl.. house, Into ward, Pittatinrght N liras.. other *.r.d., 10.5 w•rd. Pittsburgh: NVIIII.us McCoy. eating house: 10th ward. Pittab . .; 11. It. tila , r, lavers. Ist ward. Allegheny: Hugh Callaithau, tavern; tat ward, Allegheny; AA* NlOl.O, were. Ut Ward, A Urglicari J. J, Vo'll; tavern, ad ward. Alleeteny Johu kale, eating house, nom of to. irlimingtrun _ Usureo time , ell, eatiostratuie, U re. E. lallnalagin ~,,,, 1., x t ...•tiolitgd, ralltthoute, to. dirin ' , lel= li,,rZlslV:l644ll:h V174-ZetTalt4YlMnll 0717:lr'ellla ta.illn Itanth, , taverri, liero. or So uth Pitra r garga. Lau'.. Aorta, lavers,Uordugh of Wrest Pittabargh. Joir Chess, tavern, BOrtnatis 01 Weal Pittsburg.; %khans Arab. ret at bunt, Hord. natrnahhribl tl'gtril t e? l :rri n el r d; r=ertos r . , .. ,,b, . Wlilaus Its aanstuaa sierra . Mich towsala_ : itnittqghrartarAgrlZN-tlIalp: hralle tarn. rating Itutars McClure burnable; LOttle eras rt. Wank; Peebles t.watidp; musgill 1" unite. larern, Prim township; Otatlet King, tavern, Noss towaship; 4 iirn ‘ :l ' r a t i' ll i lint i ris t \ ' ‘ V iltsr izte ,, ,Logi day of nvertiert, rata at 10 ..., tor 4. M., for hearing the abi'ete application* , .: . . awls ....:,, _ .'4?1,......% : 11FiltiYki, Clos 0 1!... , GitElln ALIA:C—AII persons in.' teraided at , Itorews 'otitis! thst the woolen Igo 'Wit V , v•ts.l4,Mststi to stow •awd laitt•elasaagea ilthi .Weltt a 4.4 , toe ttat. at sis of CRIVEN ALLEY, - - , 'ill lb* Third IN crti..theletcn.vat3'. lilll i'***llil a t , kel 1.1 %ha Foot lane of a ten toot' knelt,. iataiki* tittlivet, wilt ince% On th e prom • 111* *ll 111%91714C tAiltlttltratertt, pat, M,Rits+toovt.i. t rolitt tt.o.lott. , •ot th eir " ""4 (111 1 1 0 1 1 - - .1 at aN 011,..NorTbci. LP It tINAVIISVA teratEET.-4111T — er;. 00,tv.1.01.0144. Ina% the un -oeaankne4 %W.VA. 4.1 , 1•01k11r 4 1 to tor and asap.* 4 , 6.*1011144ten11 10 - 14Oopentos of _ U CNA VISTA STREET: striovoomo Aileen:my Uty, : - 110-1141.1 letthlanoroh neenutclo aaaaisa ttttrott, 41111,100 at VI bet, *lll nakt. t on 1 14*e11*.f.% bit I • AVlOlANl`,l.4ll3. l kktiKttUst Alto .4 etet. ct to 0114 tlte duties al th eir *p h *o*lll, 3 .M/4 N .' lhUli All d MKS IdttICHAUT, _11,!1,10o1_ Itti Itect..lWY. • • 00.1.PARTNERSKIP. . • THE ti - NOESSIIGNED LIVITING O t akl u araktlis h tZt f n *tot vet, pair teed Inaanfko.no IN ' :VII* of It AU, 1111T11. Ci.. 91 11111 Min of= *,frnr,4l%Lagtgr..k AZ' -4.1.04 A Bearer ouzo. Monett y j , , r i r:Ver:g EliggrlitetZgr a iLutrat' ADAM lIMMCI H PAPER XANtrrAinuEltio coNPAST, gab:lrlATZ:l=tarat roar TACK. nanitOWAttle, - .4 onsb, YELT and wiar.roiti vArivez. 10.4 . 1100d1a. &awed now in Wanton*. Bunton Mills acistannenvillo. t him Novo, at Boar Brighton. a a. SCHOOMILAILEIES6 KOR, J. , ?Imm o nits Lead Works, PURE WHITE'LEAD, - "bullLsau. eve n* ta u tar T u tus rata No. 67 IlberUliitsest, Up States. 0012.0111 . cma COLEMANPIit MUSTARD wa logltak, received and for sale by tnulitil A. ILCI.r.T & co.. Inmassige Ltlnasa. a Wood MOM litAl!LatoArS. PENN-g •. a7:l A RAI Lth.Al, o and oiler alto , 4.1', Soy, )111. the at/wager , Trait. on the Western renclaY,.l• arrl•e at and depart ham Allegheny City, as fel low& t Loser Arolerson Street 7 tO, StA"). - 10:3U A. ar, -- noon. and c r. And. at dtarp.burg 7 7 , 0. 110, A , ic•• 7.45. I rik!A-• 31 5:11. .7:l Lelveona l P. ot - Arrlve at Andel - eon .tre,t . ."O, 9:1 5 , IhA7a, a. o and `Jot Y.i.ra, ;tsar. . •taLlOll.4 ArrlVG,t elite. at V:: • 1.. It. &mime p. a.. no. 11:alcuTillt.. tot:lane 1 lhturrnedlate. alatlone. etAnt t7TAs I)Act, oc ;0n0,2 supellutendent. PENNSYLVANIA ... CENTRAL , O ROA 19 .airraMi Nov Ember I.L 00. 1266. Trains arrive and leave the Union Depot, tarot or Wathingiontind Liberit streets. as WHO.: alitsslVW,.' CWAILT. :..._ . Alsil 7 raln ..... . I:22) a m. itay Exoress”.• ale a ra Fast Line 1,54 a-n. IVEI's No. L.... 6:2011 in Well'e No, 1.... 6:h2 a as Niall 'Frain 2:2. a M . 'Winton No. L. 7:50s us,l .Yell's No. 2..... 0:51 a in W all's NO. 7.... te:So a M 'Cincinnati rfx. 10120 • in . j g geerogrn dc... 0:5o a to, Wall•it No. 2 11.20 • in Baltitno e Ex..:l URI pm, Braddock No, I. LID p m - . Phila. Express.. 1:24p u 2 Mal.. E soma. 4:10 pug 1 Wall's No. 2..:. 2:04p to , Wall's No, C.... 4: s tgp us Wall's - No 4..: , crop so • , N all's Not 5....• 6 , 05 p tu linuld.k hio:LI iStUI 0 at ' , Wall . . a n. e.....leein pm Wall's No. 5 7:00p mai Fast Lin. 10.05 pm , Altoona Arcons. 1 Johnstown Ave. 2;50 ,pm I and End/grant 'Daily. all others eundaya excepted. I I The church Trains leave Wall's, Station ~err I I hu or l: l la ' y at 90.5a. 1 .722 1 e ' ac i liing .. Pittsburgh at 10 1 {6 a.- m. thethrning 105000 llttuburgb at 12:22 p.m.. and trib e e at Wallis ntation at 2:02p. na. 7 laltimare - Express wit. aeries with the Phil adelphia Express 01 1170 p• m. or Oundayr. 7110 new Union Depot hotel, ocolnying the th ree upper stories of the Depot Bitllding,l4 now opts lor the xerli.CIAL aceommodation of the traveling com munity. A capscioo• Restaurant /a rile. at lILS 1100112. day and night; Su odays'excepted. I • Non Ci.-110 clue of loss. the Pennsylvania R. R. Company will hold themselves rtspOtablble for abat er. .1.1 baggage only, and for an amount not stioertl. lug gloo. 12.02 W.U. 13E:12.Wlrli AgGint. 1866. Whigiim 1866. THE Prran HUHU il, 1 , r 11A1 NE A CIDCA OD R. H., AND CLEVELAND A Pri - TSHU HUH H. R. Trains arriee and lesVe at the. Union Depot, aa. follows: LEAVE.. Altair& Chicago Express 2:% • m.Clileago Express LID Sin Cleveland Ex... 2.: - .0 is ea tHevmsnd Ex... 2030 a m ,Erie A Yin Ex.. 6:00 ts Wu ,Chiengt, Es 10:m a Es IN. a mrug. sin. e:l5 • ni i irtrtvilug Ex.... 1 1 ,25 • M ( e ic e7• l's :Starl '' : ' ii': 4 5 1' N'V.l', 1 4'PZ:' ProP.: ckla VI,. sii.: :Isar, m i.r . k a Yin - . Ei . . 6;42 11 m ClileAio Ex 2:50 o ••hleaao Express 9,10 p m Wneelini LA.,.. 4:15 pir Cl & claw. Ex.. 0:412 n 1 Depart from Allegneny. Anise In Allegbeney. N. lirtn Accom 9:ku a in, Leetsdale AceOm 7:53 a at Leetsdale • • 10:10 a as , N. lir •in • •6.25 •in •• 11:50 •m. Wellsville •• vas am New Culls •• 2tn/p m''-New CAstlo: , 9:45 • m Wellsville •• 3310 p re: Lfe t,lale •• 11:15 am Leetsdale •• 4:50 p m 1.. ' -• :5 •DI N. Brut •• 5:21p m:N. IletorV •• 7411 513. N. Hr In •• 0:15p os , Leetsdale •• 4:10 • m Leetsdale •. 10:14/ pm ', - •• .", 7:60 am No [gains leave 1111. - 10•» 5 .“ .3 s. m ' .cbmmo I burghs n lianday. :Express arches daily. nolo F. 11. MYEIIe. General 11e0e1 Agent. - _—_.-- _ '' ICOtTSBUIIGEI, CO- ..; =j6IOIIMO , 1 A. Luxßus AND CINCIN- - 12:2.11 HAILIWAI/.-Han-dandle Route.-1m ar ,r -after 5107002.1. November Lan, 1966. trains talll leave Pittsburgh and are.ve as follovra: ll IL [ A. AUtVI.. Fast Line 1,55 A. x. 1t , .2, A. X. 96.14 .21 A. a. 9:11 P. X. Exert se .. ... X; se. m. 1213 A. W. • lialasileld Actommodatlon•. 9:00 A. M. 1:40 P. X. Reuben[ Ills no • 2:15 P. x• 101 6.1. Ir. 11c00nald - do 4:40 P. X. 0 . 15 A. M. Horning 1 Evening Nigb I rale. 1 rain. Tralu. Leivcs rHtsburg. 1:55 A. se. 7.30 P. a. 2:15 r. x. Arr. Collin - lb.-Jo 50 A. bi., 6:301. a. 11:40 a. xi. - •• Cincinnati... 3.x, P. M.' 6:00 A. a. o'oo A.AL • Indlarospolls. 0:55 r. a. 7:5, A. h. .7,12 A. V. ' t bicAgo 10:11 P. s:J . A. ft. 0,0 A. 14. •• Terre lisuie.ll=s 1. a. 12:21 A. x. 12:33 P. se. • Si. Louis.- 0:03 A. hi. 0:35 P.O. 8:05 P. X. • Louisville-. 6:15 A. At. 3:0 Y. F. 1:00 P. sl •• C•ire. .. -... *. 1:15 P.Y. 1:30 A. M. 1:50 A. gt MAJ. 510111E1051 - 1. till H. ' , Tlektt Agent, Union Dbput, Pltidtuirgh 5. F. OCHS. L. , nol7 Oen'l TM Xet Agent, rlitsborils. , 81.555. 0 0 0 prrrsisvaGn -AL GUNN KLIAVILLIG 12. K. SpriMg'ATrangenWAt VD and After I THURSDAY, fel &BCH Mu, ISK 1%0 trains 1.111 leave. the Depot, con= Borand WWI . Excet., 4,3 follow J'ltt.,Vg4 Vero brifor.towo.... 7:CI U. Orli r. Erprees. • •• 110.2 r. s. IoSO a. NI Wee. Nem= Accommolation 6;15 u. 8:VA: Y. Zroiioeoport 4Loo• • o.u' 11:OO A.. K. S:SCA. N. ~aconl• F. c:OS r, f 33r. Y. r. M. Sutp.:i Choral Trolo to 5.0 , 1 Tor 'West Lt.; F. U. ID:00 Yor Tie lets apply to T. X. .IrlBl4 i_kgrot. • W 81 --- A LLEGUEtiIe FA-- VALLEY tt.AlLltekt." Ptt,tesar. CIIA.M.7E OF TLEE. ' On and after MONDAY, Litb. 15.15,-Arains wtL le re cud arrive•nt Vlttst&inth OcitOt. corriGn Pao end streets folro*t: I • laaves. First Kitt iminitts AccOncoil`n. 12:CO Y. Mall, toe urt trop Oistontilic . ... MA. V. eV& P. Y. First ...4o.ta Worts .kccuto . Oot. 0:41 L. 11:"11 4 Y. Second AcconOrl T. at. 7:vo P. Y. Expre4,...to and from Mal.on'g 3:03 T. 1. 10:31 1 . M. Second FOCl&Axtu.'ll.. 2:017, Y. ti.unuay ellnreN 'TtAin fro:nand to nal& Worts. • . 10:CO 0013 ll. Cisn'lON E. Funt. c tli o. o e ß An E v Ai.. 1113 V .C. 11.1 ST AM euP Alit B . iiROWNat , NS, Genera , AgtalS. FOL. HAVANA AND N El 7 LsITL'D aTATES MA11... • The First-Mau Etesimalps of ratc tine will sail to • follow.: ••1,111E8T1 , -1,250t0a5. Was. Rollins,Commabtler, TUESDAY. Dec. ni , er “C 1,1 ton, If. A. Lain. Commaiol. NVEDNE . AM Y. 0.-renaher lath. From 1311A)Vo N WHARF, POLNT, At lo•clotie. w.,,pmetztly, bn tot de...2 For freight or passage, harlot at" coramodationa , apply to • ILENfIY WAIIFIELD CO. Arent% • 16 srsAt:,3 Wu.kar. H.—No Pilla ' of bat theft of the Comp.". by will behoved. Fetid,. for the frtlght mast be procured Dom tole °tact. No frelatit, received ono bl le of la llat slame.loa , IIT r ' TWIG STEAM TO AND FllO3l .LIVER. POOL ANDQUEENaTOWNI.IIistaMYMIWMA A WZ6Ii. The INItA.N LINE. sailing EVERY MURRAY, • • - EVERY 'WEDMORE 7, . CAI:EYING IL ...MAILS. -- . • •Ticketa sold so and from Ireland, L.mtland. Sella land, Oarsman) . and Fr.... Apply at the Company's Oaken. . • .10IIN CF. DAI.E„ , Agenl, Or. W.M. oe.aing..l Adams' ItrpressOnlee, rlttatioran. MISCELLANEOUS: PtNNA. SALT MANUF,h,, PENNA, tALT MANUFACTUR'c CO. Prt'TSBITRGEL. PA. Continent. 130* ritirroirNCED BY TUE r Wits. On th2s juc : cte .1. SC ettnti it Restores Gray Walt; It. Prevents far Ell'lng OW; • • IC chimgee the tu.v..1,:t0 their organte Action; :It Erisascatex pedadralt and Dumont. • It Kew, e Scalp • It -Contains no Injorlchaingred3ent, ts t adversallt_aeosbled lobe aatileattld U re. imiratraTirritga, 4'1164 : 1 4 11MM-0 ar Ere ? 0 bpi , : CONTALfin WORE LLQUlDidssa say o rraTita7; e r n.btto Its sinewy. bat WE LW GUARANTEE to reload VW money to soy pen.on atm will _use two- bottles and Wen soy flat tax ReaVratlve boa RI led to dotal sea J.n.uktitErr COm,'Prop_Stestora, am:Lauder. Neer biatapeldre, 8. 11; '-'4ELLERS-Aa Wholesale - awl Retail Agents Wood Street, Piti4butltt, Pa ittylluLM - • pRIVA'fE DISEASES. DR. YOUR% Haze of No. R 3 Thlnts met. teee all. dew:Matthias of Psi mite Ithfes' ars wlth arty& dsuemese. Particular mur:bun*" I diseases of the Pelham iftleutttraot Mumma H is m Menu:herd for the saxes betas the most anecessitilthaer employed He rues ho of speedy cure to the alllleted. , • Ladles will I n d d his Ortiumnsgorec .opener to &RP other preparatton for remortem oIMU LLLt the healthy &menstrual hoed. • Tio.-(141e /10/1.1 De bottle. thes. watch ts Ibex de..„ . .130M'ers &steed for obithiste easel. PM& Mullin, ph Olithitultalt a. M. to I r. 101 l 7. Address. with stateda Tht. orfirvot, •1 , 1•1,1..ro. • —.7.—••••• F i n BBL& EIIiGLIBU VENETIAN ..".4 late. oriu 6 •43aolumi . `s. , +received mall fLle nt L ICLLkI uw, • aea iholikiabilleraggtit,,lf weoa 4 striiit) OM rszre 13= STEAMS UR'G CO. riBII3iGII. PA. - .finineeh Taznai . =SI