~! 11 0 FRI ii;s,TRIDIIIII. BAIIGAISH Di MI 0 ISMEALVviTI-al3. 13 BATES & BELL, aura AT REDUCED PRICES, ONE LOT OF Double SILELNVIS, Reduced 20 per Cent; glue , Lot of Broehe Shawls, xnapalr TWO LOTS LOTS OF SMALL SHAWLS, 16e. and $l,l, Very Cheap. "vir 1 Gr00013.15. Beal Irish Ppplin*, ' Gspla . Merinos, Enspresi.,cloths, SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES, i LINEN - lIANIKEIICHIEFS, 10c. and upw rde; BALIIOIIAI, SKIIMS t from AuOtlon HEN - STITCHEDIIDISFi, :Se. 6114 ninriTts WARM (MOVES AND HOSIERY; LADLES': SADQUE AND. DEESS BurroNs GESTTLIMISN , d: OPERA BiAWILS Audi CIIILDIIEN'S BENUITON 011A.1 NS UNDER WEAR IN . HEAD NETS ot!E4,l t r ViRIETY IIAND li NIT 8 FIAWLS INFANTS , SACQUEs k CAPS: WARPS, NEW STYLES FANCY HOODS,' ETC., ETC Id'. li. EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street. GLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. RECEIVED THIS DAY, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 1.1, Point;-Point Applique, and Va lencia Lace Goods. Laces and Edgings, Insertings,_ litandkerehiefo, Collars and Sets, Collieursdm' 'I Together with a 15t11 and complete llne or Altt 13 C, auxv.imos Arr. M. MGT.'S; for Me out slr. years with 'Eaton, Maet am & t. 0., baring made an arrange ment with the above; wilt be happy to see Ms old friend,. nom NEW FAI.J. GOODS. MACRON & CARLISLE, • • 19 Filth Street, US, e lust circled au extenalve and inlendld Dock of IiiCESS AND cLOAR RICH BONNE r TRIMMED SIB SON EBB IRS DERIES of every description. R/Cts AND ELECIA NT LACE ttoODB, PEAL LAVES of 111 kinds. • • LADE TR..M.SED 000118, ..A . A•fION LAC S—s splendid line, . . NAINSMIS, SWISS, JAC..N ET MUSLIN: I.INEN LAM NA CAMBRIC. .1111S11 LINEN; tilAtitES— at , r.w and attractive etmes; • I.IOSIERT—a complete nesortmert; lAA/HEW CRILLMENIP MERINO VESTS and ottawEts, • .•YANCY ZEPHYR. ARTICLES—SpIeudId styles . • Alas Season: • BERLIN AND AMERICAN ZEPHYRS, • SI iSTLAND s , -n. THE lIENULS E CASHMERE YARNS—eII colors HADLEY'S el RTS - of sem size. .• • FANCY ART AND SiOTIOSS. .!-} .~{ :.'ij7 Mereeante and Dealers will find it to their advan tage to call and eXamlne our present extensive sloct.beforWherehaslng elsewhere. • All our goods oe I r e/ rel I direct Val p tiro IV:ate:Ng g wl ashare ore Jobbing House. . ALICSIIM & CARLISLE, NEW GOODS MAT RECEIVED 33ir i. JOS. Honrim au co D O — .lrJV te:r XD // TB, AI Ithe leading Tall Bayles. I %aIIIIXLOT'y CfrOCINCIIO. CI roes sod Frames. Paris Fanmind Colored eilk Val ets in most desirable shades; Fiala Fancy Bon. set aa&Triniontog Ribbons; now and rich colors; Flowers. choicest French asi4 American; Feather.; fa• ey hat and Miry. ;~~ NI wit 33 xi. CO I2:1110i=t'IMII9, Cang./.4 prlst LOoe, talunr, Valero. d c"m itrol d i g. Ll alsealdir g ed g itid l l7strae — n ß t dl tin, Cate; Ism. Loess and Luce Goods B . . ass and Moak Trim:ass. Oroamenta; lle.olp.and Br a 14 i ff.trik GOOLrli: A moat emoylete stock of Jaconete, Camerae., Balla SC.. at. kleadkerealeb. Platy. Lace. Hem-etltellelf. Hem med, Smbroldered, Tam, Bordered. etc.; ete. Hoe eery and Gloves to every variety and all else& Ladles , and lient•e Underwear. h'urnftaing Goods: • . &unmade?* and Neck -Tles; Nasty Ehlite . and Drawer. •tlinplea L Llon-Ton and LIM - Hoop MAE; Corsets, hair Pane, Nets, Union and Bilk Belting. Rations—the latest novelties. &Claude. Yarns-Nrestent to I.ty Cashmere, Lambs Wool 'and KAI ig is the TariaLl• I:lllsturnes. plain colors end Gent's PcpezUollen, and elan thing In the No- Wintern Jobbing O 501i 0n.... Noe. 77 and . '79 Market Street. men (14UB, RicCARLDESS & CO., (LATa Wudsox. Ouni Oo..) W ROLESALIC DIUMIKALEI FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 000111. 94. vivo c•ecl. Thiel DODOS IlbaV.l /111212011 MT, ) PTTTialrllll.l,4. P PITTSBURGH, NATIONA. 'COIL AND COKB COMPANY, MENEJFIA, SHIPPERS AND. DEAL AAL.Esd, 'Mattel. and Retail, of the DEBT -FANIILICCOAL mkrtzt caeal. mama /1314n.a15.. OFFICE AND 'YARD, CORNERTOUNTII AND 611 711 P STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. orders for dellrery In the City. or shipment W el t, will meet prompt end Immedleta attention. .lt. A. LitinNAßS ,, , Superintendent. COAL! eIi.ALI 'COAILILS IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUMP../ L . & RABER Intel theAttrutlon Of th • public to their fine stoat of COALJust eetred, Including the talloWthie Lamp, 110.1, 2,3 and chestnut. klne Valley, 2101.1.2, 3 4 3. and latest:23 Mot welch-they are prepared to deliver et the WElrr RATM, by the single ton, ear lodd, boat .load or thousand tons. All orders promptly attended to. (lathe: 102 Otiestuutstrest neer the Depot. o'allb , • itAliBlelll72o. PA. COAL! COALS COAL; DICKSON. SMART -& CO., - alitlntietnooed . ttooriOlce to pir oh 6 Malberres; SElltreiot. (Lately CRY our M. 111) SZCOND 111.001 t. Are Virirsi 4 .l!rkelr grPlll7:fr OM* or addirsiott to tbtottiO ttibl ma ll , will tot attended to promptly. WM IHABLEB H. ABRISTBONG. , -••- Dui= - mAinff wniapme amaamisetures. . Coal, sues, and .Pagarbinissii bits, un *e n. '118" 'll.l242l4.ltrierlet"*. ' i i. i; °.' • 'V Um WI erOcal or Cob, irt Us ityyjilA.Ula Mao. may Gibbs laterinn reCUMIPM?I , . . .."."" 21 Fifth Street. Coburei, all colois. MIMEO ILM:EM EMI 19 VIITII STREET I= COKE, Bzo. While persons will use tobacco they will e ee ttea to spit On the car floor we suppose. We are glad to find that some means have beenlound by an. Inventor to relieve travel. Jere fro.= the lianUlty of getting their gar ments into puddles of filthy tobacco Juice. . Th e teeecitioa consists:ln a novel Cone-ruction of stationary spittoonti designed to be applied to the goons Of care or Other vehicles, each spittoon being provided. with a lid or cover and discharging-valve, nnfl'made capable of easy operation bytthe fOot or' hand, in such a wanner as that, when lle lid tpu ttli n tg g ne: p s e to n. ig , : n valv d e w origi i in i te g on golosed; but when the lidis Closed the valve is opeirliWperto it or the escape or the saliva and other substances thrown into tt. and so thattheadtaission of draughte of air is prevented in both theopen and closed conditions of - the spittoon lid, and the parts so constructed andarranged as:to give the requisite raallity• the spitteon. this falls to cure , ,the.eyi,l, then mac the chewers or the weed ride In a ear bp . tatunselves.. • . , -- • • • - DestrO7ed b; lqui , —atight. before Mat the axwapire planing mll/ ot Z. Shoemaker ib Co4' at Borman Station, P.enn , a. Ballroad, wear en• ttrely dextral ea ttrere.. we have received no . ..partteelare sato CO. origin•otthe gror or r be ACM sultatawl. . (lily D SUM RBA& i EARLY TELEGRAMS. (LINATIOHAL LOOdL 21t5P8 01 EMT PAGE.) • The Allegheny Soldiers• League--Pro potot to goangurste a Library—Ad dress to the Public.. A meeting Of the Allegheny Soldiers' League was held in. Allegheny on .Tuesday evening, Adjutant Alen. P. Callow occupying the chair. The committee appointed at a Previous meet. Ing to prepare an address to the public In re.. gard to the amtabllshment of a Library and Reading ROOM, under the management of the League, presented,- as their report, the follow. In .•• . . . ADDRESS • To the Citizens of Allegheny:— A number of honorably discharged soldiers of you - r city having survived the conflict of urine, and re turned to the more ennobling pursuits of peaceful life have joined themselves together under the title of -the "Allegheny Cis y League," for the purpose of perpetuat ing kindly, feelings towards each other as brethren, having battled in a common cause, snared Common dangers, rendering tne friend ship thus Contracted more sacred-because de .veloped under circumstances of an adverse character- -The Soldiers' League is not a par risen organizatiOn, and regards only. those whose record Is n istaMed and free from dis honor, as worthy to come under its care and proteetion. The 'object of the originators of the League, as to its probable future chance ter, independent Of its general and avowed object—friendship for ' each other—was not clearly defined. A series of meetings, how ver, and a general Interchange of opinion sug gested two ideas - whereby the objects of the League would be more fully tarried out, only one of *ldea at this time is , proposed to be tested—the other simply alluded to. . The drat contempla exclusivery and Read ing Room, under tnemanagement of the Soldiers , League, where all soldiers, whether members or otherwise, tete , her with those citizens whose actions showed their sympathies and feelings were in consonance . with the soldiers': interests, should meet to gether, and enjoy the same advantages. _ The other suggestion proposed, givlllg the League a beneficial character, by providing a system to render efficient aid to all deserving members who, from disability contracted in the service, or from any cause may be unable' to provide for themselves or families. The same proposition contemplated a relief, so far as was in its power, of soldiers' orphans an f widows of deceased soldier!, whose necessi ties were brought to the notice of the League. The execution of this Idea appears an al most-Herculean teak, even to the members of the League, but the same patriotism and self sacrificing spirit mentioned by yon, in con- Mention itcs the support of the soldiers during the war, will - not foil to work out the prob lem. when the incidental arrangements are perfected. In regard to the success of thebrojeci, Iv: the establishment of a Library and lieudiug Room, the League authorized the preparation of an address to be submitted io you, ssetting forth the object contemplated, sinsoly asserting the necessity and Intel unless of the undertaking, and asking your aid, in. fineneo, and co-operation. Such is the object of the present address. The appeal is made in good faith. The soldiers •of Allegheny city look back with - pride upon the efforts of her citizens in provicting for their comfort and at tending to the wants of her soldiery. Ito labor too great-and no money spared to tone down the hardships and alleviate 1 , 10 sufferings of those who perilled all for th success of the common-cause. The oft lepeated sentiment I"that the debt of gratitude - the soldiers cannot be paid too well," is not an bile to ray of words, devoid of meaning and a deed let ter. It lives, and unitive forever in the hearts of all those whe love their country and their country's defenders. The soldiers composing the League, therefore, make this appeal with a certainty that:clispois all diseouragensents and defies disappointment, the success of the ProJoet being looked upon only as is matter of • time to make I. a'-deed fact. If there exists a dont.t in the mind .-of-any person as to their abilLy to contribute to the objectj let. It be I (Repelled In this ',way: While it is desi rable that' (Sir, Library should contain first class, or standard works, and while a con: tabs:niers of money would be preferred, the League aska and recommendsas being with in the power of every °Man t ' bs city, male or tem ale,.yoring or old, to contribute something to the work proposed. There are few families "IMO are without boots or some kind which they themselves' have read , and while they may have use for them, under ordinary cir cumstances, a proper regard and estimate of their increased value to those who may never have perused t,hem, would partly reconcile their owners to part with them, for. an object which commends itself to their liberality and patriotism. (looks received in this way will be recorded in a book provided for that pur pose, containing the name of the , party and date of its reception. A printed mower:Le ftism will be pasted inside exhibiting-the same record. Library eases would be a desirable contribution, and the donors receive the warmest thanks of the benefactors. It is de. arable that the friends of the soldiers should evpress their kin tl sees, even in the humblest way, all of whirls would be thankfully reed's:- ed. It is especially desirable that men of in ilvenee win lend a willing car and band, and assist, in giving character to the undertaking In order to show the pub- Hr. that .this project is not spasmodic effort, and that - the projectors menu I what they any, it is proposed . to , secure the service of en outside. and disinterested party' —some person of In deenee however—to take charge Of all funds contributed to this object. This plan Is considered the mere necessary, hecauserew, If any,' of the Members of the League are sufficiently prominent citizens, and not generally known, Those contribut ing to the Library will tie considered mem bers, and entitled to all the benefits thereof. Trusting, that this, the first appeal mane [or your assistance, by the soldiers of your city, will be responded to liberally, and the success of the library being a. sized fact, the whole matter. Is left to you foh your action. JoSIPII . Ater. P. Cst.Low, JOKY GLEZN, • • Committee. The report was received and adopted, and a Finance Committee, consisting of Messrs. John 8. Edgar, N 5 flliam Clawson and John • Pllenry were appointed to cooperate with the Treasurer to be appointed. By the following correspondence it will be been that the League has had the, good for. tune to secure the services as. Treasurer, of His 'loner, Mayor Morrison: Rooms OP viz ALLEGovir SOLDring ^ LEAerz, November Hon. John .Iforrison, dfayom—At a meeting of the Allegheny Soldiers , Vague, held last evening, It was resolved to request you to act as Treasurer of the 'Library and Rending Room° fund, which we - anticipate raising through the contributions of the citizens. Hewn that you will assume the responsi bility of the position, rhave the honor to be Your obed't servant, Cor. Bee'y. . ll•rostbs Hymen, •• Attrongsv, No 4. 21, 1866 C. Sample, Egg., C o rrespond i ng Secretary of die Soldier's League: Bust—Your note of yesterday, honoring me with a :request to act as Treasurer of the Library and Reading Room Fund"to be raised by the League, was duly received. In reply, I would say that I cheerfully ac. cept the duties of the position tendered me. Allow me to express my sincere sympathy -with the movement you are organizing. Moping that I may fulfil satisfactorily the reqturements of the position assigned me, • .. I remain • Tour obedient servant, Joan Minnows. • The Winter Edict of the Fickle Goddess. There Is not a head of a !amity in whose household Demme:l:Vs Afonthiy Is an authority, who will not tremble and gasp as hevtews the fasidon plates and reads the commands con tained in the Christmas number of that pen. °dicta. The plates and patterns of ladles dresa, for the coming winter, therein con. tabled, actually bewilder the eye. To heed, of faurilles, their number and the evident ez pen•iveness of the actual article will be most suggestive. , We quote from the fashion art!-. Ono . of the most brilliant features of the -present season is the 'variety of gly colors worn, not only in the house and on areas occa sions, but in the streets, especially. by young ladles, married or single. Matrons. of course, select black' or warm colors, such as maroons for cloaks, oat younger ladles WWII' blue, claret and purple, embrol dsred.trimmed with fur, white yak, or chenille fringe.; with tuindsome woolen or poplin drown to match or contrast in color. Anicoportant clotik:' is mule of ;tirole vel vet, lined and quilted with silk,and cut oat In deopTandykes all rotted. The trimming con sists of rich tasselii, placed both on the points and between them, and bands of black guipure placed lengthwise. A short skirt of purple velvet. is vandyked out, over a petticoat of black silk. with a wide pialding, and worn With the cloak, making a costume en stale. Woolen drosses era made stylish this winter by wearing with them velvet waistbands with small, gored, lappet basques, each point fin ished with a tatsel, and sometimes a tassel placed also between cacti point. These waist bands lit particularly well over gored dresses, and take away „from the look of plainness which some do not like. The all black or all white bonnets are un doubtedly the.bandsomant bonnets of the sea son. White bonnets for reception and evening wear: black, profanely ornamented with Set. for ',felting, Sabbath, and promenade wear. And hero In something In regard to chil' drain; faahlons: . • 'The flow fashions for children 'are all conve nient and tasteful, and, we dro happy to say, warm and comfortable besides: The favorite Polors for little stria are scarlet and white, .and blue and white. Reversible clothe made with double capes, each scolloped out and bound with the color upon the reveracd aldo are excellent wear for girls of about ten years. The Cloth may be light grey, bound with red or blue,-Auld a little collar of grey squirrel would be a very nice little finish. Add to Ulla a bat of grey felt, with eicariet wing, or shore curled plume, and you hove a useful and styl. fah costumo for girls who can have but feta changes.— 156Ittooas for Cars Coneentration ofTroopS at Washington --Circular Issued by the Paymaster General. • Nzw Tose, November 21.-1 Herald's Wash ington special says: There are lUteen or twen y thousand troops concentrated In trashing_ tom and. between that city and Baltimore. Various speculation.s are abroad as to the In tention of concentrating so large a force at tho presenttlme. A. circular has been issued by the Paymaster General, under a decision by the Attorney General, directing the payment of the extra bounty to all colored soldiers who were Blares when enlisted. The Woricrs Washington special says: Major General Slocum, it seems to be conceded ey . the New York politicians to-day. will be ap pointed Naval Officer for Now lork. Information has reached 'hare that General Sheridan has ordered additional troops to the Rio Grande, but a - nether with a view . to Mex ican complications or not Is unknown. By Foreign Mafia—Temporal Power of the Pope at aft- Pod—Annexation of Bosnian. Territory. New. Tons, November SL—The Rerald'a foreig correspondence says : The citizens of Florence are quite certain that Italy will have Rome; and that the end of the temporal power of the Pope IsJ est at hand Italy LS JllO4 free from danger, however. The. financial condi tion of the kingdom le not at all healthy, and it is alleged that Napoleon la-already engaged In an active intrigue for the annexation of Sardinia to France In returr for services al ready rendered, or to, be afforded in the fu ture. • Russia has formally annexed the 'territory of Taschend, In Central Asia, to the Empire. ?he can el , 2,111. Caee 7 .l . Suicide fatal HatlCOnd Accident. NEW Yong, Nov. 21.—The Jumel Will case was on trial before Surrogate Tucker yester day. The testimony was the same as that giv en in the trial at Circuit. and on its conch. mon the Surrogate rejected the will on the grounds of unsoundness of mind on the part rot Madame Jomel.. 3.lferald Leavenworth special says: Fred erick Weed. nephew of Thurlow Weed, late of the Second Collocate Volunteer Cavalry com mitted suicide at Salt Lake ea the 15th inst. A World's Boston special says: T. V. Crane, son of Edward Crcum, a well known railroad mew, was accidentally killed on the train at South Bridge this morning. From South .41seserlea—An Anglo-French Mediation. New YORK, Nov, 21.—A Herald , * Valparaiso correspond Ant says: The preparations for do. fence are still going on, although Thereas been beard from the Spanish tint. Is little doubt, however, that peace will be per manently established, as two of the allied pow ers had consented to an Anglo-French media. non, anti the Chillan Minister was In consul tation with the other Anniston on the subject. The matter would no doubt. be definitely set tled In *couple or weeks. • non. Vickers, of rikilad Motifs., is to have tho contract to build two railroads for the govern ment. From Inexteo New 'Vona, November 21.—The Herald's Sal- Milo, Mexico, correspondence Of the Ist says Northern Mexico was alive with preparations for the attack upon Durango, Laeateeas and Sun Luis Potosi. The lmperialia be everywhere R w av e d t a at n they have de are n lyvor ande. n i ou gh bte hold open their line of communication be tween Mexico City and Vera Cruz until their Heal departure. Mega was alone in command at San Lain Potosi, with Mexican soldiers only, all the for eign troops having lett. - - ne•ton Import Trade. Ntw l'one, November 2I.—A Tabene Boston special says: Tim import trade of Boston, this year, will amount to over slooooo,ooo, adding charges and reckoning the value lu currency. Our coastwise Ludlum.e has reafiked a magni tude never Before atiatned, and Our receipts by steamers greatly' surpass those of any year. The business or Boston this year tuts reached the highest figure ever known in bar commercial history. pricrizinioaemalokeiDO OirICE .11AnINs Oil, CoanANT, Corner Marker and Water Strut*, •-• l'irrbsciv.ri, Nov. nth, Inca. ' THE ANNUAL MEETING or 'tie Stockholders or the MARINE OIL COMPANY wilt be held at tole Mlle°, on TUICSLP•I', Nor. t7th. ISCA, at 9 o'clock A. U. at w 41,54 time a new Hest.; or tdreotors will he elected to serve the ensiling Sear. n0:0t033 • E. R. RINEHART. Secreted. PITTSDUIRGII. AND ECONNELLS . VILLE •ItalLilliAD A • DUAL EETINLI.— Notice it berehy ven aliat.thealltst Meet Or VP: LILOC/hOlderS of tbe FiLtsburgh and Conoelle.. Title italiread Co tot the porpo.se of electing a Board of Director:lJ, the ene.ing year. wilt be hold at their oitlee corneror Gran mei Water atevets, rittal en the SIRS f MONDAY. ad day of nrcednher next. at ICIS I:refuel: a. U. nold 475 400 it. PAI:E.J.u., • Secretary and 7 reaserer. k!?1 10 q*teli litti FrIZST NATIONAL DANK. ALLSCIFIGNI. l'A.. November lath, Yam. TUE 'll,lltD .01' EIItECTORS OF THIS BANK Lave that day dalarrd • divi dend of s:x. rru CENT. • °nate( the profits sr the last tlx months, payable forthaltn, M renient tax P.. no14:o7, 4 4". Y. SltttlF It. Camblar. • DIVIDEND. OPTICS trairrenrs turonauce COMPANY, I • CITTSIMr. 011, Nov. eth, We. . THE 130.1.111) OF DIRECTORS of thho Company bare this day declared a dlyldena of ONE DOL.taall AND FIFTY CENTN upon each alaare of the Capt. IC block, out of the earned proftts otexadrod risks of the last dr tootttba, free of Goverutaarrt and State taxes, payable to !Stockholders go arid after the.l3th Lust, WM. P. 11 ERBERT, n 07,1163 Secret sry,_ MURDOCK & 'PUTNAM - Aredsily retiring it the Ir GENTS FURNISHING STORE, 7EI Elt - reet, • ' . Nearly opposite Post OtZlea. • All the sew su,l 'elegant styles lo • SCARFS, TIES, BOWS AND RDKFS, Gent's Underwear, 'GLOVES. HALE HOSE. SUSPENDERS,. Itelbe•ses eo lt (Dievorsartiro r Flu t Shirts and Collars, • • aim thing to snotplete the (t es ttomenslWarttrobe 7 IDURDOCk & PUTNAM. . • • NEW FALL. GOODS L) L lqT Pi IS_ Pi' S o .YO. 21 FIFTH STREET. tvaimiumEnixti, now and elegant pattern.; VA NCI' and Pt, oIN Ii IALE BY In boot groaning; z Nth HOU) ERED ILLN UhElt(3 WEB'S: 11101-NTITCH do • IMITATION and BEAL LACE, do V AI,EIo INCHES LACE, I AI. TII/L,AO LApE 1.11 CATION do do IMITATION do do uiru 17E LACE,. do UUIPUBE.IO LADIES' sOtESS 11APd In a variety or orlon; NEW HTI Lr. LADIEW OEM. DltEdtiEn; • WHITE .th 7.1 EL7II- - T1 Etl, PAPER LLNa EN idOLLAIL4• 7, BCH 1 H. .WOHNeEDS, • SLIPPER. PArTEEINS, 511111 . 1. ED WOOL; TUIIBA.NB, RIBBONS, FLOWEIIS, 109112=1 ivoTIONS, mac. ton Good■ Mc .51d at ElaveSst Cliagsla seMPTIM, GAVTION TO puncnAsErti *trick Dealers 1a the Celebrated e WATER-PROOF AND COLO-PROOF ARCTIC GAITER SHOES, ' Patented hp T. C.,WaLze, of Boston. THE GOODYMAIt METALLIC RUBBLE SHOE COMPANY. of NangUtuelt. ConneoLcut. would In form Dealers and the public generally that they aro the eiteluerre owners of the patent, and Ref , gfenufnertirers or the :shove nerved Oboe, and 1.111 TdomPtir troeeente any And all Infringements of their dolts under sold Patents Atli leonine AEC TICS ore hound with cord and has v.' the name oft he Patent. a and of our Company on the , bottom. Alt pthere are but poor Imitation.. The public will romote theirwn interest by pdrcbasing those only made by th is Computy, at Y. augateca. COD,. WALES. EhlatoNti • tRY: Noe. 171 and 173 Pearl at., Boston, end BENXI/0 4 . I6OIITHIVICK, Nos. tor and h 9 Linens st.. 14 York are Hole Agents for the aide Of the above named it ..9. • Lusts E. Entitled. Prest. llSo. H. SCRANTON. teas. tiol7to= _ Tunsur - ' • , • CONS ROLLER'S OFFICE, CITY or ALLsons sr, November lath, ts. SEAL PuOPOSALS swill be received at tids °lnce notti rill 4/A Y, Nor. g/th. at o.clo kr. fornlaklug a Wharf from tion,lrleh street to tirey's alley, the Milne to be of cull& Or o.her good male. rill. and hil/a tweeted withAting mill-slag. The estimated goantltles require 0 about 72,0un made yarns of earth end about able yards of slag. Separate tdds tper Gable )a re imierrelved for the earth Oiling and slag, Ridden, ars leguested to state the price payable In cash; also the price psyable in the bond. of the city, redeemable la twentv,fl ) years. with interest 1 , 17 - bin ImMI-aannallr, as the rate of 7 per cent. yer AUTISM:I. • Bf tllnctlon of the Conitiattten On 'Wharves and Lend! nip. e, if. , CRANCis. II014:0.1 . 113 City Controller. KNABE & CO.'S GILIEAI -1 " --7. UNRIVIkELED PIANO FORTES. range]: a C13..3 world-renowned AUTOMATIC SMA2tb Ali I) 11 KUM/SONS. Over Forty Thou and now lo nse. Splendid new stock putt reed cIFIA SLOTT)) Illttrailt%sa WILLIAI4B U. W.Cowaa . WILLIAMS & COWAN, PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT UNPINS. .Thee keep ma baud largesupply el kaoline M. ;tertale, 'Mate Cement. Felt, Mating raillti aud Vern Jibes. Prompt atmetoon elven to tbeitookoe . 1 1 %: 11.4 et . e t l ' enht l e ° ..sit i h e tti!'. rt ." ' ei4,lv ROOF/Sti MATERMILsII. - Veasead:, Pitch, Felt, Para/line ilre'arniali and attack Paint, m o . .esettregitiAl sold Us chaj n as s wittraottse 1716:701 118a10 anat. ettimors. SPECIAL NOTICES. ar THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN! . THE QUEEN OF • HAIR RESTORERS , MEN. WINIiLONVII QUEEN HAIR RESTORER is QUEEN, not only In nem& but Inrurruss. tithe Best Bale Restorer ever offered to the- Public. An Infallible miners and raranavra of the Hair I f faltb folly applied. ta Hair lige. It acts directly upon the r oots of the hair cheer* lug grey hair toile original Life color; arresting Pre* mature decay and falling ant of the hair; eindicat. tog scurf and dandruff; and curing alt humors of the change dry and wiry hair to sort and luxe tient tresses. It Imparts oi l . ridelightral fragrance to Yo L u i th a . '' and rief.trar I=ZtrleigTor" hair, at In • ns. WINSLOW'S QUINN HAIR BARB. Price it per bottle. Sold by all Droggieta. R. E, SELLERS & Wholesale Agents. mysa:to: NEW PIMMIE. FOR THE IIiNDkEIICIIIEF. PhrtiotOs "Night =looming perms PLmlem+s ""Night blooming Cesretz 1:17=1:1 "Night Blooming Coro Phnloae• NightlooMieg Cerena Photon's “Night Blooming Cerea • A most exquisite, delicate. and Fragrant Perfume. distilled from lb° rare and beautiful donne ftdm whirl it lakes Rename. • Manufactured only by • PHALON & lON, N. York. BEWARE or, COONTERFEITS. ASk FOR PHALON'S—TAKE NO °FREER. WWI!. BARNHILL - & CO., BOILER MAKERS .. AND SHEET IRON WORREItS, Noe. 20, 22, 24 and 26 Penn St. Raring secured a• large yard, and tarnished Itwlth the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture . every description oi IR lien, In the best manner, and warranted equal to my made In the conntrY. Chimneys, Breeching, Vire Bed.. nesse Pipes. Locomotive Rollers, Condensers. Salt Pans. Tanks,oll nabs, Agitators: , Settling Pau., facturer Unlier hs or BA oot Bri RNHILL'SdII!I4 btnt.r PATE Pans; NT an B d sole manu- OIL,ERS. Repairing done on the shortest notice. letmNi VirLARE SUPERIOR • COPPER MILL AND SMELTING:WORKS. PrITISBITAGIII. • PAILS, MCCURDY & CO. • Slanafaararers o(Bl:teething. Brasiers` and Bolt eoPPer. Pressed Copper Bottom., Raised Still Bot ta... Spot Tinder. Also, Importer. and dealer. In Metals., Mate, Sheet Iron, Wire, de. Coln tan(ly o 4 hln.!l4UTAt3.;n:lSVSiltinnadsill'W. Plttaborgh. ['pedal order. of Copper ent to any desired pattern. myl4:ell:danT ItgrPITTSISUReiII SAW WORKS, riEnBARD. RHO. & CO., Manufactu rer, of P.A.T KNT t/ILOUN I) CLUCULAUS. warrant ed CAST STEEL SAWS, of every description, .11111. Maley. Cros.,..Cot, Gang, and all other varieties. All linos of KNIVES and SPNINCIS made from Sheett,last Steel:Extra :cane* ter Es sad MOW , ING KNIVES. IC. Sir - Warehouse and Works„ corner Wins and Snout. STusKra, Pittsburgh, • Particular attention paid to re-toothing. gam 'mtns and straliehteutine Circular Saws; also. repaid of kinds. Punching and Drilling done, at rea le 15 eaten. • laken arROUINB 1 N, Mak & C0.,.(1311C °emir. to ROBINSON. MINIS a lill.Lsita.) WASHINGTON WORKS, Ponnoen a Marblulata, Plitabiant4 Manufacturer. of Boat and Stationary Steam En gine., Slut Engine., XIII afaeldnery, clearing Obafting,teaatinga of all dean:lotto.; Oil Tants and Still...Boller and 40eet Iron Work. • • 14rAgeta for GIFFAILD'SretTENUNJECTOB. Dar feedoug bollert. ra7" . IREMEDIAL ns rITUTE FOR . 01 YOR E K It , I — A PuII tt l n n El3 r mNaot.l 014 wit h D the T h i g hes s t t.stnnon tots; ntoo. n Rook on ..ipeeidt Dian.., Ina sealedrefrpe en. sent free. Strife sore and send for them, and Von will not ',hull U; for, * 3 1.0 , N/dug phsaletson Sr. generally unpottcrs, without. refer ence./ no ttranner should Iw tru.ted Enclose •tatnpd'postage, d direct to DR LAWR.K.NeE. No. t 4 IiUNDnIIIEE an T. NEW Ittiltla. IgriDARDI AGE AND CELIDAIDC asit 11Sag Of Warning and Instruction for YOung ben. Also. Disamrs Abuse• which pros irate tbefgital powers, with means of aura relief Seta free ot chage I L Ln &e.g..' letter etvortopea. Ad dreu, Dr. J. MEN 1101 , (711TUN. Howard A. ¬ation. Naiad. Inli ra. ati$l:llOtDART ZW"ALL NAUSEOUS MEDICINES taken Without taste or smell, by oslo Dux- Das, pica & CO.'s tor? CAYSCLCS. The West to bee. bold by Drop/Oats genera:ly. uskutu . B. F. BROWN, E~3 LOCal Claim Agent U. 8. SAN. COM., °Wee, No. 67 Fourth Street, ' (SECO2SI) FLOWL, ) Pittsbuigh, Pa. Pensions, Bonn,let, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected No charge made until claims are settled, and Olen but mmle ate tee. utl2S:b9 %TM. A. SHINN: .42 , Ton.tEr AT L.nt Fr, 7 Zia 120 Fourth St., opooalia Wilkins Hall. Particular attention given to the collection of ao counts. et •ss,, notm.lo. COMB , ~ Clent. New 1 ork, Boston, Baltimore, Phila.:telt.. a; Heaver, Belleibute ILead,ng, Pic.; Indlanspona, Ind.; Morgantown. 'W. Va.. Mica, ti. ]_and elsewhere. U. C. ..ACltlteLl. J C. la•Comtle. . MACKRELL & McgOIEBS, 'ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS:AT LAW, os Grant Street; .• PITTSBIARGII,PA. WITA:b2.6 OLIN J NA. STRAIN. • Ai..X>E111.214[49,X•T, :Ex-Ofßeio, Justice of the Peace Al))) POLICE aggaiI.STEATE, OMee, 1.12 Fifth tit. opposite Cathedral, rrrTsHUIEOII. PA. Deeds, toads. b100m..., Acknowledgment., De.• po•Illons and all Leaal Unglue.. executed with prompt... and klepateb. t 0710.51 • WILI.IIATI JANCUIV, 'NOT'ARY It K . ESTAeMil c r E . ra 4," of " and Orator streets, Lawrencerluef *ruer * Npeetal attention given to the purchaseand sale mr neat Estate, the Collection of Rents. and tilt pro permit:pa and acknowledgment 01 all kinds of Lelat Vonveyarices. • • WILLIAtz JANCRY Jul l tee or Pasco and Votary Public =MIAS • , ExlarrAcztli,lsounow, ALDERMAN AND 'CONVEYANCER, - 12 P'eunsylvana Avenue, Pont of the Extension ud eiposite Chill= Street CILATIIAM T. EWLfiG, • • Attottey at Law , , No. GU Grait street, Pittaburgb,:Pa. IT Commissioner for Ohio. Heatuely, Wow Sir - nits. soe.oll4.rt3tates. Any111:669 B z AND BANKERS. RANKING HOUSE. • N. 110I.MS hONS, 3EI ELI liar-ern, No. 51 MARKET STREW, Pittsburgh. • t?,liti:.ri; c gTf. ° 2: b I eVN I ZeI . c7l - a r :a n cfiiti• Visited States and Canada. STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SEOURITIES . 'nought and Sold On Commission. attention paid to the porebaSe sad sale of UNITED . STATES SECURITIES. INCLI7DIND • United States Slats or . MI; Do. - Flies G 1104061 B ellgs bc:o. rend.47 st?or Thlrtle f fy bt . Orders.agh You e'olleeted. e jaitaY • riairmittnum NATIONAL. BANK CODAX346OI7tOM, 'CORNER. WOOD& FIFT6DTB. Capital, - - - - $500,000 Disconati Daily al U A. IL Deposits received and collections made on all the principal points of the United States on Womble terms. UNITED... STATES SEREITI Mi s Cr!l632:tiunx aaasei . unra3co . „.... A. PATTERSON; - tJOSSCPHI 11. HILT. - , .___• PrOSidO____,llt . • cin.hiST. JOSEPH C. CURIE. Asahrtant CRAhler - 1 till n i li fr. l. o ,,._ WA. BEAM • ' OLZ., ALLAN IHRKPATNICA CHAR. LUGAR/LAT, WM. HHUGLAR, • WM. H. BROWN, , ' . WM. &HAVEN 40931 XELL.9III, . arigiria, FOR SALE. poll SALLE.—.I. Farm of about SS min Union TOTIMBIIIP. Alleghoi y O n pa., situatejahont mar miles trout the city On the Washlnatoti Vita The 411_prov•tr..t s area serge two aim,. strict Dwelling House with 12 route, a iru ' i; l 2 .' lla ', 2. ° l,.:l:. " ,r I, F , l`.''''fi - a,VV:;-',lwsrifk; stabling suMcient for It bead of cattle. There Is a Slue. Yliung tirchard. compelslng a'euut 12 acres, libeled with thebest varieties of fruit tree*. It is all underlaid with coal. Ihe land Is In a high state of cultivation. well wap.red. fences good, and would suit admirably for dairy or gardening par. pna•s• Also, 173{ acres adjoining the abovi, with a good Frame House, Carriage House, gooi boring House and other on-buildings: with a good Orchard In line hearing condition.' This piece in also all un derlaid with coal.• Also. 12 acres adloinlog the above. unimproved, for sate low. Thls piece is also all underlald with coal. • The above three pieces 01 spropert. 11, between the Little baw2lllllluu and Stet] ben vine flatiron do, and the coal can be reached easily from either roar!. The coal alone la Worth all that Is inked for the en tire property. Also Farm 0t173 acres, eituateln Bt, Clair town ship. We Amoreland county. Pa Immediately on the line of the rents. I , sllroad..Thelm provetnents are a two-story Frame Rouse with eve room. sad good cellar, a Frame pant Rare. 4hllo let, and other out-b.d dings. There Is on the place a good Tone, Apple Orchard: LO acre. cleared, balance in good timber fencing fraternity. .0011, well watered: underlald with Cool and deletion ; convenient to Churches, mill., achools and blacksmith shops, to gether with the personal property such to stock!. implement.. grain In the ground, de. Yonesalon given Immediately. Also, Farm• of 53 acres, situated In Chartiars township, Allegheny county, Pa., about 13.. i miles from the city, near the line of the ht. nbenville It. 11„and within mile of aatatlon'm acne of the hest of creek bottom land, and In a high state of eultivation; 22 sores of wood land andlwisture. The :=4 , :virmlg.gg.i./Tgev.m s o;;...he,t4 'netting to embark I. the business will cull at once and accord • good bargain. as thla la a rue chance. Also, Farm of at acre., altuate in Ellammth township, Allegheny county, Pa., on the Motion oehela river, shoot ••ne mile from the Borough of Elizabeth. he 101 l is of the beet quality. The in, I movements are afar= house with sin nom., a goal barn and other out buildings; fencing good shoat beam. of coal. Churches. scho .1. tuna mills very convenient. Posseralou Immediately, Also, the best Farm In illzabetti..towriship, coutalning about 90 acres. Meg on the hiOne.aa- Lela river Immediately below Lock No. 3, on which Is erected a large two-story brick dwelling, one log and one frame ban t barn, torn crib, wagon, shed, brick spring house, vanity. work shop. ac.; about Macrea of .he above Is first qualty river bottom; the balance being limestone land, and underlaid with coal, and about M acres Of ilmentone. There are two orchards °rapids trees, in goal bearing condi. Lion' peach pear, plum trees and grape vines., Lc. Toe land Is well adapted for gardening purpose., being • abort distance from the thriving borough of Eitsabeth, creating a market at home for all the products. The property will be sold cheap and on reasonable term.. Also, A farm of 00 acres, attested in Ellaabeth township, Allegheny county, Pa., about one mile from Lock No. 3, on Monongahela river. Improve. menta are one frame house. with lye 'rooms, barn, spring home and other outbulluings. The land is of the best quality. The above will be mid at very low dour.. Forfurther part:culara, mmolre of • • - G. 11. TOWER. not Real Rat, to Agent. 164 Fourth street. /4"OR SALE—IOU Ac:es of Land In Wan Ington entintY. We.ley township, Ohio, ae acre.. cleared, balance in timber: good`hohar, good barn. water bandy. large orchard. Ghoul and churches bandd miles of cutlor Sta tion, on the Marietta and cinch:matt Railroad. I , lce Irt per acre. I Acre In llanksvil le, 3 t hree tenant mperance villa. on welch there ' lre bootee of 1 rooms each, one frame louse of four rooms, all in. good condition, • . • . saU Arras of La - Id far 42.000. 'Hutt. In Sink-lug VtheY.lßlaNconoty, Fa., nee miles from Altoona by the binning Tetley Road The advantages et this properly are numerous, and Lys/tiling on us we wilt give full particulars 9:1 Acres.4socres of 'elicit la undrriald with coat, situate In North Fayette Township, 'on the Steubenville Nued; Improvements, good Proton House, alt tocsins, good Bank Barn; about 200Frult Trees Pistils Pi/4r prime. ac 30 Acreatfttlin lon l'ownshls. on the Washington Pao, three miles lrom the city. 32 Acres In Scott Township, sic miles out on the old Washington Pike. 15 Acres in Boss Township, three miles cut fret Alieeteny Market. 5 Dwelling Houses In Allegheny (illy. one In Wilktnsborg, ono an Freeport, one at }Agee - col station, nn the Central Few:sylvan'. nallsoad. Al6o Immediately enjoining thin elation a few more ACRE I.OTO. Flan can be seen •s this (Mee. Atsq, Bonds and,llortgages henget and mild. JOHN CRUZ T. sole Real gelete Agent., 139 Vourttf Street. FOR SALE. • The 10110.1E4 descrl bed. prorertr .111 b* ofered at priyite ex,eptittl SATUII.DAY, November 10th, 161--ItIFTY A CUES OF L NI) Lt the head of Branot•c Inland. to McClave town ettlp. Wlllbe cold io lota to cult parchneers. 2D-ELEVEN LOTS OF UEOUNI) In M•nebester. being Lots Nos 101. 107, 101, Its. 110, 111. II; 11.1. 14. 115 and 111 In the blan of the extension ol Slsnehtsler and bounded by rrebla street. Adams street, Cedar alley sad Wabilington street. naLle Drlessaad on easy term s . 'llLl e~ndlaputa- Ole.' For Stirther Won:nation Appiy A.ri tOW NINO, Or Ms attorneys. a. A. AW. S. PURVIA NEW.. ar3lat9! No. I la Filth street, Pittsburgh. ELEGANT T oVO-STIMIC • BRICK HOIISE, )o. I 6 LACOCti. tiTtlEtT, NEAR VEUEItALA ALLEtIHENY CITY. Tot. !Looms awl attic. Lob 20 by 100. too paved Hey 2 foe t Ride. told it,.. ,logolre of 8 EEL & WILSON. • Rao2lllB 222- 22/1.1101222 A 81212, No.• OR liallthfleld 1411.41, FOR sAitc -- , Ococ) Cheap Building Lots, LQc 4 TED rm. TOWtitilill', R : 11.111e:15( miles of the Court liotple. MeMAISTEII, OAZZAM d BIITTERTIELD, ===!l I oTfif LOTS!-1 can now offer •-• Lola as to as SAO. weil , lotatad and Ina pleat an piaee.. Also. Lott located olt the Eike from VA , to LOW On Liberty motet, from 1%0 tel,om Ort.Bellefuotatee otiret, fr0m..:.. : . sea to - ion Ott Horn street. from Int o CA • Ia Liberty lotriabip. adlolulng the -Borouab lots. from ma to Alto In PAtl'oweiblp, Lott to MO ToeAtare lots will be told on term. to tuft pur chasers. • Ito, tome mere deslrab , o Improved prop cell'. Amsted to the Hun:ight Fitt •Yowntlifp. Ai it Itenyt Hy, tl - ttburgb, sod neJolalop roma Um' rot teat., the [teat /Itta,• sue in.urancs Oates of H. 8 aw .TEB, 8t186.1 . Meet, LreullAcrvillo Pipit ISALE-111 acres of Groisod, well timbered and watered on Squirrel Hill ten minutes , walk Irom . Pas•enker tation at Shady Late, Fourth Street Road. Ale, 0 acres at llome• wood Station; •and several Karma well located In Westmoreland and Alln he ny countlea. Alan Coil Property, Howes and Lots In the city and rubttrtw. Per farther particulars enqn.re or • WILLIAM WARD, (Opposite the VathedraLl aeM No. ID Grant street. POUNTRY SEATS FOR SALE.— •-• TWO LOTS. one of ten itere• and th- other of Seven. on the Ventral Railroad: trumediatel, AT A STATION. one mile from Ifraddoek's Field. Itta.l about the same dins:toe Prot. Swlaty.lo ea.' , or whIMI hate a beautiful and sommanding view of tee Monongahela river, and both also join tee Dahlia road 1 adloß front Braddock a Field to 11l taburgb. Enquilm of W.O. II &Silt INS. Jr.. No. 58 (Irma •tret t, for 'lather Information. not 1155 • JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Beal &tate Broker. • Veit. SALE-400 • Acres of Coal Land. lying Immediately upon cel l oh ge mile. below tiallapells. and /Uabove Ole- Citinati. On the ab.sve tract le four loot vein of Coal. which. fo• general purposes, Is not surpassed. It Is entirely dlfferent froth the Southern Milo Coal: contain' m akin gtle sulphur. forges and rotes well, and for steam cannot be excelled. The lo eatlon being about mldwav from Pomeroy' and Hanging Hock. must male it valuable (or coaling boa s. There Is • water front of 3( of a tulle, with • good landing at .11 -cages of the river. nu entrance Ws been run In the hill about 30J feel, trsek Ant - ed t river, together with the necessary daturas. r mining and delivering co .1 afloat. On Bald It ac Is double. Portable Circular Saw o gether with a rortab e Orbit MM. all In goodrile else order, sod plenty of the very best oak, elf desired. to • party With en/erten.; and capital foe working eame s • .JURY 11AILEr,, Block and limit Estate Broker, coil+ 14`01t SALE-93Cacres Coal, In cluding Meese. tinifsee; on tha East aide of the Ohio Weer, three miles above Wheeling, with right of way so river. • The eioseproximity to snood mar ket as Wheeling. "tbgether with the fact that the coal crop. out high enough to the hill to be used Prodtathy for rolling milt purposes, makes this. a good investment. D. BitiLILL • dtbek and /teal Estate Broker, - °era' No. let [oooth street: .14 1 011 SALE—A well estubLished and protitable Manufacturing Bu*lne”. Tha business le eaan, and ellbeeptible Or befog largtly - , =JOHN D. BAILEY.. Stock and Real Estate Broker, oc3ll • No. 1.02 Voorth Street. FOR SALE—An AtalKotylie Gal. occulaylng one of the bent b)aatlons to the city, and baying s good run of custom. Immediate poase”lon can be glven. • - JOILN 1). lIAILET, No. ICC Fogrth street, Sill' Or. E. C. KEYn, No. 811Pn Wor, equealsa Way: MANHOOD: Bow Loot! How gr„,. P . " ll.tt total mato cut, and Radical Cure of lipermator. rims, or demlnal Weakness, involuntary Emit:dons reseal Debility , and impediments to Marriage gun. really; Norsousuess. Consum.,tion. Epilepsy, and Flu; .Mental and Physical luCapacity , resulting trout fielf-AlMaa, &a., by Rolm: Craxanwrx.l., 11. D.. author Of the Ordain 13001. £43. • B ' .l . ez , Tor .,l 4l T ht, Trzlng loice, to any ad. dross, post paid, on laccipt of alit cants: or two postage by 1pal?1. 1 .1. C. HI.IN it. 5.1 CO., i llarr Y dultWell• g a . I D;ar ° l4 ' olllt, 'MI co 43 Cents. auMiEl law T THE CELEBRATED STEEL A. TOOTH hIAE EAKEn. ..rranta gal ••111eselow Lark" are manufactured only at the plitlllfitiNE WORKS, near the PenitairtiarT, alie n ' NU P"L w • rows aii:l r Tni Sr. "An utstaiia. at short notio.t. and warranted. .• - , rvII.7IUwI7H MILIZI/A TZEINOVAL.-7.-THE UNDERSIGN TD have removed the oMee of the 110 PL UIL WOBILS from 33 Marke t street, rittandriNto theft Works on tlatteOli WM= Brownstown, 'then. tee, can hereafter be &hod. " . . roltortee`Addmse 838. Mt/burgh. T 11 7 40,1 4 A Wit,,A-Au, NIONEY LOAN OFFICE, - NO. ISI SMITH YIELD BrifILIZT rlitsburgb. corder of M 00..? Loaned ea Ellie Maks, duos Dientolids, Jeirtlry, bold sod 1411verWeitties Clottitnir, and Talusideurtiele.of even descrloci Tay goods cern:Lot be or eltboot • tlciel. Met reeentritable in ease of are or robbel, Goode of even demo:lotion ler eat lo est, press.ese. (Jeleileid .le BOOTS AND SHOES THE EERY LATEST STYLES OF Fine French ftlfßoats, Fine Kip Beets, Wa.ier-rroof Boots, Heavy Boots, Ladies' Polish Boots, Ladies' Batton Bailers, Ladies'Gingrrss Gaiters, Ladies' Bale►orais, Misses and Children;' Shoes of Every Description, at THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smiltbhetd street. 13 012 J . A. ROBINSON . & soy 61 Xesrket Streit. -' tiara Just received a large and well selected stock • • Ken's French Calf, Kip and Water-Proof Boots, Ladies',,Usses , , Dors, YOuthe and - Childrens , 8008, SHOES, CIITES, iIitIORALS; AB Mill Of All the . Latest Styles, ../.IkNETACTURRD I.II . II4SSLY (FOR .THE RETAIL_ TRADE. on) BOOTS AND SHOES. ' 4 , , • J. WILHELM, • ( No: SS Market St., Pittsburgh, Has jest received a very large stock of all kinds of soo~OLIEECrEHES; Which he it Frep a re i d t sAl!elte , !fee , t;tigl r t 7 o S1) 13118Eg. which he war rollWEVlS'Elt,""""'" ' J. WILitEL.3I, No. 38 /dulcet street. bIetILL'ITOCIi; . 92 Federal St., Allegheny, lust received the largest and .beet selected • MtOCIE Of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Lilmorals, Slippers ani Gums, Ever brought to. Ole market. GIVE HIM A CALL BEFORE PUItCHALILNEL itamennzit, 11, XOPX-eir•PrCkair.nig ' Boot and Shoe Emporium, ......Federal Street, Allegheny City. A LARGE AIVD FREW ARRIVAL HALM al BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS and Balmorals, r • Jost received, and will be mild at the VERY LOW a:ST PRICES, either Wholesale or Retail. °Om co A CALL lISTORi PURCIIASCia KUM - VII KU& J. ;LA W, C. BORLAND, No. 93 Markin. Jitney 241 door from Fifth St. Id COOrait JOHN 7111.1.D1K.; C . FIELDLYG . 1 1antas t otozere and - Dealers in Chmestoo:n. 13.11ncic. BOOTS, SHOES Bz. GAITERS, No. 110 Ohloll., Allegheny. tttp.lrtmy promptly electilvd on the fithortmt 110- Iv7trAM ljj Itipfiviiofe_9ll ri theo iSfell ADDY WILLIAMS & BARTLEY' 3P-TaTIA2BEIREI. GAS AND! STEAM TITTET,S, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., - - i'II7I4.I3URGH, Pd., Cor. Heave*. and Chestnut Streets, aL • orit4ing 4e R . am Plzmraeem. puoammtii GIS IND STEDIFITTING, 'Hydrants, Iron rumps, ' SHEET LEAD. i 'Baxter z.rwo Limb ; PIPER. • I Bn4BB .134.91N3 WATER CLOSETS'AtiII WASHSTANDS. TOM T. WENI9, (saccuser to Erin. ;1k C 0.,) 103 Wood Sty Plttsburgh,Ta. suhso WIC WZRI.ZUT J0UN1140.7. IiERLERY & JOIEWSON, rkEssa.cx•xoekx. Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, FIFTH !STREET EXTZNI3IO27; • .IPittalblu.376.la, pew, • LH orders by malt executed satlirmtorlly P7 LlTlVTlVr e jlt i nTr.bs, Puns" n. 1., .t - 4, Closets, blahs, Cnandellers, Pendants, aud t ea Obader, for see at the most reasonable price , . Orders from country patrons by mall promptly at tended to. , Ulm Hose of every description. IDDY,IiiIS &-BARTLBY Keep on hand &June:tor arttele or W 0 4 0 01 3 . F i IETREIPS, All kinds of Iron rute Hydrant., Sheet Lead beet Zlne, lorad Plpe, Oath Tues. blots. Wate Wssb Saslns, Warn Etauds, &C., at the Wareroom, Corner Sixth and. Smithfield Streets, All Mode or Itnn done promptly. All orders by maltmLnedlately attended to.. Wren. ViTAlnt, AtitITSV,ILAT"II Caretally'atiended to toy er perlenetn and reaches workmen. A fine assortment Ot CAS FIXTURES,SINKS:BATH TUBS MATER CLOSETS, Constantlyatly on bond and mans to order.DRINT 49:1 1 3131. tA, ErErGrXiaLian, No. 59 r"Ullegglat,,,:',MTDitenefa.„„.. TOBACCO ; CIGARS, BT,e. EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W. JENKINSON.; • atte7ACTORILRS OP ALL KINDS or Tobacco} Snuff and Cigars, No. 6 FEIIEUAL:STUEET, oar tt , lsaapeadon Bri ana lik iy i .Branch Bore at galexti:Ohlt tai2l:tat B. re JEITRIES, Manefacturmut Whalen., and Iletatt Dealer In all kind. of • TOBACCO 'SNUFF AND CICARS, No. 6 ST. ULAIft STUEZT. Pirieflurnay, PA. ma- A. 1.6t0 aseo , !Fnenl of m_sgen.tettAJJSiP/VES , tl . ld r, n...l2 . 6lNu•TiduAo6o, o f 16 zest 61113!ktigl GEORGE . BLITTIENSOHEIN DIALIIN IN MANION AND DOIIIATID SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO tilmcking,Tobacco, Pipethac =O4 411. Stic,vremiLt.la. eitrocet, (Near corner of Liberty ' ), myMbli • Pil•R`n lib PAH I . JOHN VEGlEratvir, • itaanfulturerdzad Wboleiale goat' j 1,4 all kinds of' Tobacco, Snuff and- Cigars, Also. 33 .4nrir.) Rio am.' .4mi s itral aslonzacal. emolting TobaceVlEso MEM' 11 01.11 N • HOUSE AN U 1114:i PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No, 64 Hand St., Pittsburgh. • Plain and tkruimental 91kni of every desertelion done to order. .All work done promptly at reason. CA* rat.. lellmsrt WIT.LIAMI B. BROWN, Maloof' the Irm'of ft fIOWN • hanitrW.) HOME 41..Nrt SIGN JPAINTLR, 2(o}o.4tat Miller of 11111 z I..qNartqs euvets. PITrWOJICIA MSOELLANEOII& Hi CHILDS CO" WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES .e6DZTA SOLE IaTHER, No. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. To SITORT TIME and CASH bnvers we v oter so berlor Inducements, as oar 'sallies for buying are unsurpused by ANY house East or West. Porches- Inn directly from Finer ninros ou r ttrely for CASH. we are enabled to sell las low as any Eastern Tobbluff Hon lurlted to call and examine •urstock and note-our Prices before-pnrchasin 'lsewbere. Orders ircar HOPE• MILLS Superior Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS . GRAIN BAGS Batting, Twine, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET CHUB cba., ctio., Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES. order■ by mall win receive Immediate and careful attention. H. - Cmips & CO. ooll:153:dwT WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ARBU:THNOT I SHANNON C No.: 115 Wood Street, PITTSBURCH. Hare in Store and are Heceiving A FULL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS, Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES = The Attention of. Dealers is Invited. O. ARIIILTIIMOT..w. T. SLIASIZON...T. Q. STETIALIISON .28:MM FALL FASHIONS 2IZIMEICBN37 J. W. BRADLEY'S =1 353. Ma 3EI M EL41.411: 31 1a40 (OR DOUBLE SPRING) S EC, - RTS.! wll, not:l3 gam or BRA like the Angie .ftrln Inn will EVER RETAIN their LZI,FEM and BEAUTIFUL 811 APE, where throe or four online -33 -Skirt. are OAST 'ABIDE auLBELEBS. =they COMBINE comfort , durability and economy. with that ELEGANCE of SHAPE - which. has made the "DUPLEX ELLIET/0" thn STANDARD SKIRT. OF THE FASHIONABLB WOULD. et rg el" g Vg,tir 11: 1 s IME:1 VESTS, BRBLEY & CIRY, 40LIC OWNERS UT THE PATENT AND IiXOTX.. OWE MAN UT ALMONER& Warerwoms and OR Nos, 9/ °HAMM Mg TO and Si STREET S, 9/TXTS, New Yost. swim pIIRE CALWOHNLi WINES, GURNER & - CO., No. so Cedar . St., New .York; Otter for sale these valuable Whom. whleh are gal.. , lag potato favor with astedibitting rapidity , and who. unprneeelented and unrivalled popalaritt 1. not without merit. They have only to be teeted to give Medi the preference over all others. As e partner of aced they excel all other Wines, and the numerous certlficaterwideti have vslunta. lily been tendered:team the most emlnentphyrl. clans, CO well as gentlemenln every poet tion It life, are proof conch/site that these Wines are useful in MI eases fur which they are recommended. The toll owlets brands are w offered by es. Thar comprise all the varieties n o,. green In the Illtate' suitable for sale; • • WHITE, or HOCK WlNE—Of.llhht straw color, -ery delle mid line flavored. • cLARET—A. tmpeu lot wine for table use. ANt/ELICA—a. rich and naturaity iWeet wine, mach admired by ladles, and valuable •in the slut chamber. as It mates Ina wheys and jellies. - It le a noe dessert eftud, and well adapted for Communion purpown. MULIATEL.-A light colored, highly arontatle wine. Very a Imllar to the celebrated Tokay. PORT—iteelp red color, fine flavor and to many respect* eltnnor to the old wines of Lisbon. U RACE ilitANDT—The pore distilla.lost of our WINE BITTCII9--A very agreeable tonic: and 'a stirs remedy for the diarrhea. This I. one of the most valuable conbinatigns of a useful and an agreeable beversta that hes ever been offered to the public. 111111ous of bottles were eoldthf onghoutthe Forth during limiest fderrears. aud wherever latrodueed 'it bas proved a welcome alditlon to the invalid table, the family circle. ado the b leheloee aldeboartlL • Ladles who liars lost strength and lgotlte, and suffer fromVanua, vomiting and tie r ( nod e. men who • 'don't feel very Jolt , re - bereit. fast or dinner -, whose stornxbi aro out of order and wboeliaT tame are generally demo/P. l / umt/IT I weaptylr re enudn and *offering from seneral dun WI Children of sickly nature and moir...lys c peptlO lUM COneMona; travelers whobareorOMlO !IQ /IMMO %Diameter; and all alio are to malarMos districts •:ti o da o r i tt i s tm un m ec o t . to vr od .... ssr:v i c o, l i r o u r c . n w r r e . s. t w i llgda taken. it was used very trtenelvely in test, with such general satisfsetton that offering It lo the public now we deem it unnecessary to Publish any the many eerileufes that we have receired, testifying in the very strongest term. In its favor. All that We um sae Is to guarantee that we will pledge our selves to famish en article roan AND 11541.0171.11 a s . has been eiveti to little children carotins from weakness midweek Inegs with Molt happy effect. one tune girl In particular, with pains in her hesel, loss of appetite sad el +llyfealltiltit COllOlllO VI lila 011 whom ell medieslstill tis;beenextisus!ed. hue l entirely restored. She beam, with bats teaspoontal a day. nee appetite and strength rapidly Increased and she 4 nOw well • . LIAM of Wiriouni a Xer O tis. • Per Dozes 111 00 n 21 • um '••••• .1200 2i aOO am mm • • • Clant rort..• . Angelic> Muscatel r,a 1: LANCE, • ea.". AND wooLEN H. DYER AND SCOUBD4 VlLA:Who:tow thwthths futl_Ciugir Cavell!) Cleaued &lig/laza without uopething.. Nos. 135 and IST 'Third Street, B•tveszi Wood .ad ntrilhal .16 - rrITT&BpIittII . THIAT WLfIEN?I, F.. HBBVIV • Last three'olgt.ts of the great VESTV.ALI, du - appear sn; THURSDAY EVMNING as Del Demonlo, Del Demonic,. Del! Demonio. tgrIFEW OPERA HOUSE. L. D. IDEES3 • CONTINUED SUCCESS. TIUS (Thursday) EVENIND, Nor. 21d; lut melt of the intrasely Interesting and deeply thrilling drams. .TOE ROMANCE OF'd. POOR YOUNG MAN "*".'!'"m" ienne Lo And an Lam , nse Can t erT ely crers eta.res Of Nltare. Friday Keenine— First nrody,.etton of the dratnll.l - o u f A i y aka r ...!e's great notel, entia!ed, tiEl7- ...... _ :Word., Afternoon. at :o'clock, Grandif" able 31 letnee—TilltEE rgrGBAND GYMNASTIC AND A OItOBATIO . EXT, • BY THE, PITTSBURGH GYMNASTIO ASSOCIATIO On Thursday Evening. Nov . . 22 A!StSTED Bruns/Era , ASSOCIATION Tickets NO aim Book and Yu Stores Cad WON • tecriandsisces 11,73.1 o'clock. r ..7••e f • de1 2 :0 2 gir . NEAS r ;6-7. THE CHLITthaS x .10A AU COELI, Sim,aJEIOIVIC) Thursday, Friday and Smaday, Nov, 51,23 d and Sit • COTTON &.• MURPHY'S CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS AND BRASS. BAND. IS ARTISTS OP TALENT AND CELEBRITY Hauled tryitho World-famoeta 33 cl CP ZT The. lima eliatippearran Comedian, sinieeraa acknowledged 10 bo without a Peer in the Minstrel. Protentott. ' I.denlealon 35 cent:. Reserred seats 50 cen• Altr'Plekets can be Ooectred In advance, at r TOUK•S Neves Depot: ' IL E. PARMELEE. Advertising .gent. = itO'ACADEIPIT OF MUSILC. MASTER RICHARD COKES IS COMING! 41:3-ME-ELZVEI' Voial & Instrumental Concert, POSITITELY FOB Er ONS MGR Thursday Evening, Nov. 22d,'06. MASTEIL RICHARD COKER, • The tree& rful Seprario, enivervellyooneeded to be the Crest Moelcat Celebrity or the age. 31111418. F. BRUNE, • The World-renowned Violinist. - MIB3 YALK, The Great - Pianist, (her drat tour etunaglg Anierlea) SIGNOB STEMNI, The Celebrated BOsso Endo. The above eminent artists will appear. In a most nurse Ire and select programme. Bee tutus an nonneements Dtegrams for Reserved Seats will be open at RIZBER & BRO.'S on TUESDAT MORN IX O. at lo o•clock. •doslaalon—ONE DOLLAR. No extra charg• for reserved seat.. Holt 'MASONIC HALL. PIPE XIGHTS OXL =EI Monday Evening, November, 26, Aml the Four SuccmAllog Nights, November tith, nth, Nth, and 320, ROLLANIME. IMOTHIE RS, LATE OF HANLON TROUPE. 11Toristalll.c. ClicbaxLraa.ay. OUAND ALTIOII.AVOLANTE. tl DEJLTati DE SALON - , FUNAMBE•LL93I, Lye. AIIGuLLOS, TOURS DS 10110 Z. • D.I.NOINCi and . PANTOMIFEE. • cams. 7& cents, etimisslon Uestrved Heats ECEEM (MANI, NEATYLK6 TtIIIIV133.1", Not. 29th at 2 o'clat k. Ambition. 23000 u. n 01.71334. Mr - PROF.. BROOKS' FA SHIONA. ACW.E.ILY. panto BALL. elrealatr. J breath., Clrsba,"%tveltnesarys°l:d"htrra daymat r. Ladles' Ctass, / . .esdsy and Friday at 111 Centime/ Vs Class, Tuctulay and Friday !" .& 7 11 ‘ t i ke ' l h to. will aviatbAW= e Qnsdrillas and Co call at the Allaslc eiorea for circatiri " eti terms .tc. p7II :MtMnMM!!d, 41: , ,XX.111211! 40 , -T-Taenl Cloilutepts SOHO OIL', WORKS. HITE MEW &CO., AtiIiIIYACTUREES U 7 THI CELEBRATED SPEEN LUBRICATOR ' , PETROLEUM LUBRICATING Sperm. Lard and Whale O ils, ma LIGHT, TAIEW-011311)WitilL Standtud White Burning 011, No. 33 Market Street, PITTEMOGH, SEND ?POE lI.GIRCULAB. "W OOLDitIDGE OIL REFINING} G C3O3I•XV,4IIO;MMr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. IMO,V:NP . L and Truer. W omal TEDWEBANCEVILLE oske, Ne. , 2 Duquesne Way, eiurp.nislon 8.140 AL6IIII7ACTIMICRS t;2 O PUBS. waive InnEtAITV4I3I - COM. Brand—"Lnoirei." 37=11:5 EUREKA 014: WORKS. I=l C.:11100X OIL, =EI :EUREKA • SPERM LUBRICATING OILS eacl li - bolt/Ws Inalan Crude, Banned and Lubricating Oils, LAND, brEltlf., WrIALE AND Flan OlLs. Mo. 81 Market, St., Plp.ebargh, Pa. • a. a. .Waio32lX.mig, tall sad exam's° samples and read cartldeates. 11013.14 WARING & KING COIESSIGI E3CH6573 AND 8R0K.48 a Petroleant and its Products, _ 4 11VQUESX11 ..x - xyzureawcrricamic, Z• 411... ADDirdES3: WARINC, KING & CO. MYl7:als Walutat. Ph& WM. WIBUTILL2I.. AGLII OIL E mous, ICan.gcsrrozao•Nrilln. WICNTMAN & ANDERSON. Bel:Wend wird pastier* in P ROLE 13 - 2eL °Trick. SICCONDSVIET, 0011141514 BANCO& T. A Pq; 11110./Uir.SINTE WALT. HOTELS 1 PIERRE 11008 E ,. , Philladaphia. The subscribers latrine leased mu favorite House Nu been icEriTtili AND YUNNIann ND IN AN ILLsitiAriT Ale !isms, mud is now prepared wilt, tbe mostpe.inappotetinenes 101 . too teeozotoo of ir Ott EZlLlterinr: ftrl ' ir.. " . : , ° 7:f& lie bric • SA.ttLVT.,. /14e Conker et isakli reds"! . Bear the totspenalou Bridge, ZU