The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 22, 1866, Image 1

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I !I
Penniman, Reed & Co.,
2120. 06. 3P11T.12 Street.
F. H. PENMEN AN, I m a im ,.
T. p. HOUSTON. .
JOl5lllll EKING ) .
NELSOSI P. REED, "alhaells nanajers.
Slagle Dopler '
Delivered by eirrier, (per week)
Moat Dobactlbets4 (peryear)
Liberal reductions to Nimsbo7l and Atenta
yttsburgit (gazette.
A 84D and thrilling accident occurred
at St. Louis last* Friday night. In return
ing from a ball a large party of happy
yonog•folka were aboard of a. ferry, and
as the boat was nearing the . shore, a sud
den jostle threw a beautiful young lady,
nettled Anna Morrison, into the dark, deep
waters of the river. Instantly a noble
young man plunged into *the water and
caught the - fair,' form in his arms, and
struggled manfully to bear his precious
burden fo the shore. He called fora boat;
or plank, but ncine were within reach, and
its the current was swift, and he was en-'
cuinbered by heavy clothes and the skirts
of the young lady, the roaring waters
swept both further from the- shore: His
strength gave way, and the girl sunk to a
watery gravei- andehe was thrown np insen
sible upon the shore. The brave' young
man's dame is not given, but it should be,
that the world might admire a noble na
ture which it werrrinsult to praise. .
. Damon -has another strange story.
Three years ago the Windows of one of its
banks was breken, and several packages of
money stolen therefrom. The thief es
caped and no clue was ever obtained to se-
- cure his identity or arrest. In Cincinnati,
a few days ago, a yottilimade his appear
_ ance "an a drunk," giving. his name as
Charles Thompson. He entered a station
fi '
house, and to a .policeman revealed the
fact, which had preyedlipon his conscience,.
that he was the bank thief of Deiii)it. Heat
morning, duly, sober, be reiterated his
statement, and asked to be sent to Michi
gan for trial. He said he had stolen $4,000,
• all of which ho had gone through in lead
ing' a fast -life in , Canada. With a gailty
_conscience, his life was - purgatory, and he
imagined everybody a policeman ready to
arrant him, and gave himself up to prevent
his going mad. •
Miss Ctorim. Rosa, talented histri
. onto artiste, has met with unpandelled sec
• cos at the' Olympic Theatre in Bt. Louis.
On the occasion of her benefit, last Friday
night, the Audience 10a8 the largest and
..., , ,most brilliant ever assembled in that city,
while hundreds:wera. turned away from
the doors unable to gain admittance- She
was presented with a superb suite of dla ,
monds as a token of the admiration of her
renlus by the citizens of St. Louis. • .
" r
Mns. lures, of . Chicago *asabout to b
married, and received from an nuknov. • 9
source a ylass Jar containing the dead tiodyl
of an infant preserved in alcohol. 2drs. I
• F.
James fainted. A note with the disgust
- lug present read: "I am in search of P.
Clark. my future stepmother tell me
where tofind him?" P. Clark was
. ifinced, but from whence the pickled babe
was spirited and expressed frpm, is a Chi—
cago mystery. - -
Ix Philadelphia on Monday last a young
man named- John Hornby took up a gun
and proceeded to illustrate to his sister how
people shot themselves by carelessly hand
ling fire arms. While doins this the gun
was discharged and he was instantly killed.
He was much too practical in his methods
of teaching.,
Tan Police Mutual Benefit Aasociation
of New York has justsiven the
: family of
the late inspector Carpenter the sum of
• e
one thousand dollars- This is a contribu—
tion ofltlfty cents from each policeman en
rolled in the society, there being two thou
sand members.
jorneGILLAX, while walking along the
whattin Cincinnati, on Sunday last, with ,
hbiwife told her he had a notion to droWn
lumseif. She, regarded the words as idle
talk, but Was horrified to see her husband,
a few minutes after, 'jump into the river
and sink to rise no more.
Au old lady of Colunibus, afflicted with
dropsy, recently underwent for the twen
ty-sixth time, the operation of removing
the secreted fluid. This is a very remark
able case, as few stand the awful operation
more than five or six times.
Caruso° is sufferuig terribly from the
operations of burglars. It is charged that
the private lwatehmen engaged by mer—'
chants to guard their stores, are bought, by
the burglars to keep out of the way while
they do the., "cracking."
Sous fellows entered the
rdoms of the Young lien's Christian As
soclation,'at: golumbus, Ohio, and stole
away , books, and maliciously destroyed
papers, and even carried away furniture.
I rumrecent destructive conflagration on
Lake and South Water atreeta, in Chicago,
entailed a lose t of P 44,000, upon which
there was - insurance to the amount of
Onant.r.s W. LONG, a sievadore of Bal.
-timore t - was instantly killed a day or two
since bz a stone weighing sixty pounds
falling from the 'top of a crane upon Lis
Tun city authorities of Charlestown,
Masa., have decided to lay out a park in a
prominent section of the city, and erect
therein a soldiers' monument.
A YOMrO BUTCHER named John Brody,
of Philadelphia, tore his hand on a meat
hook, and died a horrible death from lock-
Jaw, on Monday last.
Tax tobacco crop of Missouri, Kentucky,
Tennessee and Virginia pays nineteen
millions of dollars revenue tax to the Gov
ernment. ~
Tat Children's Aid Society of Now
York is doing much effectual work in care
ing for the thousands of vagrant boys of
- that city,
Tux, ralln9.laS GaP railroad, which was
,totally destroyed during the recent rebel
'lion. is rapidly approaching completion.
TIM late Gen. Zollicoffer's residence was
sold at chancery 'sale, in Nashville, for
;22,000—much less than its value. 4 .
Tan Ohio Pomological Society will hold
its regular annual meeting at Zanesville on
_the 4th, sth and Gth proximo.
A XOYE.XIENT has been inaugurated by
the Jews of Baltimore to repeal or change
the present Sunday law
4 A miontsiomur portrait of Henry Clay
has been plaCed in the Kentucky Senate
Bowron is now agitated upon the gas
question, or how , to economise •in light
Arr of the Nag liville Railroad robbers
re now captured.
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No Dull Trade
at the Opera House Shoe Store.
You Cao Boy
New Hops at Joseph 8. Finch's
You tan Buy
03 per cent. Alcohol at Joseph S. Finch's
Sold cheap at the Opera Howe Shoe Store
Of eutontere at , the Opera House shoe Stare
A Full •
And complete sleek of seasonable goods eel
ling cheap at the Opera House Shoe Store.
\Nemeses theme.
Beat quality. ninety cents.
Orsue. Roues Sucre SToite
Ton tan Buy
Foreign Liquors of-ell hinds at oseph S.
'Finch's Distillery, rio, 1t9,119,193 and 195 First
street, :Pittsburgh.
Country Resident■ ' '
And merchants would prollt by examining our
stock. . Orem& House S HOE STOII6.
1,000 Palr of Shoe.
Sold In a day at retail,-araall pronta.
Ursa', Ilouaa Suns Stoat
Speedy Heller
Will be experienced by using the Cough Candy
manufactured and sold by George Braven, 112
Federal stroet, Allegheny City.
Thasksigisini Proelsznation
In the mime and Ss the authority of the COuouoa
/oetth of Penney/main.
ANDREW G. CUB Mt, Governor *of vald i Co,.
. monweabh.
Wangles"; it tug been the goal and worthy ens
tont of the Conimonwealin to set apart, atinnally,
a dey for the sptelsi acknowledgment of the good
nes& of the - Almighty • rid for expresiing by the
ahoy 'people, at one time, and with s common
rotee, the Mange and Pastas which throughout
the year are springing from the hearts of men.
I,'#;:DIIEW 9. it UItTIN, (loyarnor of the Com
monwealth of reedsyl rants, .10 by th.te my procla
matlon, recommend that the rood people or th e
Motemooefealth observe
tittreday, 29th day November,lB66,
A. a day of whattk.glrlog sod Prayer, attd do theta
tis'aernble la their reswetlre Churches lad places of
.ftworsulp and maim their humble thank offerlns to
ittz.a.01227 Goo for all kit. I:desalt:4s daring tae
past year.
.loor the &handout gathered fruits of the earth;
'For the thus far continued activity of Industry;'
Tor the:general pr.serratf on of health;
, 'eapeclallY fur tbst.ln His DiriNa Nsoci
ipe hsUi stayed the threatenedpesttlent e.
de] moreover that they do beseech Um to COII
- unto us'alt Me blessing.. and to con bro. • the
:heir, of the people of t h ese nett. d ntatea, that by
[ jthe lartuflusee of their will..deede .r good Juct t3e.
~ , if.saconstnd Merry nix) ho dune.: ,
Given under my hood and the treat a of the
Mile, at Harriehurc . thls ..oth day ot. October,
la t of oar, LOW. 1565, and of the Cont
men onal'h tte ninety-nrat. -
Br nti LinvaltnOn:
Seerptary lloiamoo wealth
t• I By the Merchant. , Naas , al Telegraph Ca 1
• From Oil Clay. -
Special to the Pittsburgh Gazette.,
OIL Crrr, NOV. 21,1808.
River four filet on Stang. Weather cloudy
and cold. 011 market dull.
From Franklin..
• FILLIUCLIN, PA:, November 21, INS ° .
River at Franklin flfty-slx hells!, at a stand;
atoll City, fifty Incite% falling slowly; at Ole
tlfty.ono inches. falling slowly.
Arrests for Consptracy—nr. Gladstone
and the Pepe—Earl Unseen In home
- The Alllsace Iletwern Hassle and
Prussia Untrue—The. India, Famine.
. . . . . .
New TORS. November el.—(Additnicial kr •
• eign news by the Africa d ,
lremr.--Several persona of position In pa.
term° had ben arrested for conspirky In the
September Insurrectionary morculm4p , among
others, the bishop of Aboncale -had en die
covered to le implicated.
Victor Emanuel still continued his visits to
Venice, and was engaged inspecting the
public Institutions and pi incipal places of in
Gladstone had had an Interview
with the Pope, arid had. visited man) of the
Eardinals. There is a a umor attributing po , -
'Meal motives to his visit, and tne London
.Iforning _Herald charges that his design was
to reconcile the Popo to the fate which awaits
him, and says that be completely failed In
his efforts. •
Earl Clarendon bad also reached Rome, and
would have an audience with the Popo.
Russta.—Elourovlau Kaneky, the conqueror
of Knrs, died On the 4th of November.
A Si. Petersburg telegram say s,th at the ru
mored alliance between Rlesla and Prussia is
totally unfounded.
home.—Count Berg has been appointed
Field Marshal In India.
An official telegram, dated at Delhi on the
7th of November, from the Viceroy of lonia,
says: The <Retreat' In Orrissla was bettered to
be diminishing. The harvest prospects were
very good. • '
BONSAI', Oct, 30.—Cotton quiet and droop-
ALLEnall. October 27.—Eachantic. 110.
Freight to Liverpool,ls.
. 011/eera Ordered to Duty—
Lends Restored to ment
Waaniaoron, Nov. 22.—Captain Daniel Amcr
and Counnander C. BandalpPf Breen have
been ordered .to duty as members of thoEx
ammlng Board at Hartford, Connecticut.
Commodoro Walter W. queen haa been-de.
tacked from ordnance duty at Beading, Pa,
and also ordered to duty on • the .Examining
The line of route of the Unless Pacific. Ra
d eastern. division, having been changed
from the Republican fork. to the Smoky Rill
fork of the Kansas river, the Commissioner
has Instructed the Registrar and Receiver at.
Juction City,'Kansas. to restore some 1,600,000
acres of lands to settlement and entry, under
the Pre-emption and Homestead laws, and
the Registrar ana ReceiVer as Brownsville,
Nebraska, to restore about Si,6so,oitit acres.
The restoration. does not make the lands sub
ject to sale at private entry, but only renders
them accessible to actual settlers.
The Collectorship of the Boston Port—
• EollllDlllari. •
New Yoex, November 21.—The CemmeretoPs
Washington special says: Influential Bos
tonians are pressing Mayor Phinney, a. peace
democrat, for the Collectorship of that port.
but thy President does not give them e.nconr
The report. that Maximilian is not allowed
to leave Mexico by - the French is not believed
in Wallington. General Brant believes, how
ever, :bat ho will embark beforo the end of
IC V antd General Logan la making prepare..
tlona for the hapeacbutent of the F.:wildcat.
Earl Derby ea America
ILuarAx, Nov. 21.—The Africa, from Queens
town on the lith,haaArrlved here.
At the Lord Mayor's banquet Earl Derby
said be could not but believe that the great
and rowerinl nation, America, would speedily
know bow to quell the agitation which at crem
e''t existed within, it. and that pence would
ger o l u p e tl e o n n d a offoll-ThsehrVer the other.
of the Que
bec Ire stutterers, in London, had reached 4.12,-
Ontwent too of Vcriginla FOrmers
Merges% Va.. NOvember 21.—A Convention
of the V irgin i a farmers assembled last night
in. Vii gym .Hall. - lion. Willoughby None..
President of the Virginia agricultural Socie:
ty, delivered an address, after bleb ex-Clov.
binith and othrrs made speeches. All are pre
dicting a bright future for Virginia. After the
appointment of DO vend committees to report
on the subjects discussed in the President's
address,. the Convention adjourned until to.
• Opening of a Mew Walrosid.
Plut.anzt.rnta, NOV. 21.-4: lecomotive en.
gine passed over the nevi - railroad bridge
across the Susquehanna, at zHavre De Grace,
Yesterday. The road will.b6 formally °Pined
tar travel on Monday, lesiehing the time be.
tsreen Philadelphia and,, Baltimore thirty
D'Arey McGee's Mission. .
OrTalra.O. W. Etoretaber Sl.—lt la Seported
that • d.tulty bee exam, to regard to Hey.
D , Arcy MeElee , s golnvolEcuuly to England
and France, In consequence of memo tatUacreet
utterances lately nude by CUL .
Slinxlodllistu Petitioned not to Abell,
rote °dieted ConfereiteUL.No Unity
Among. the Liberate—A Mint isry Coup
de Eiat Foretuld—A dairrender.
Mexico, November 4.—Minestrotra has asked
of the Ministry of the Tressurypse necessary
Orders that the Custom Mouse of Vprit Crux be
delivered to Inspector Roland, by virtue of,
the Convention of ,T tote 30, but toe Secantary,
Canvas, replied that, as the said Convention
had not been published in Merle°. and could
not therefore, he a law of thOtitate, Ito would
apply to the Emperor tor Instruction
The Putrio usterts that a petition has been
prevented' to the Emperor, sign, 11 by over a
thousatoVilexicans, not to abdicate. •
Novasistst lerm—On Saturday ;the Id inst.,
conferences between the Mexican Ministers
and General Castelnau had commenced.
--•-- • • • • .
Nov est nralser..Advices from Tampico state
that at that place there was ne savorily for
the Inhabitants, nor unity of command among
Ihe Liberals, who besides the loans imposed
in August, have exacted others to the amount
or gioo,cloo in September and October. It is de
nied that at the action at filiabatitian the bat
talion of Chasseaurs deserted to the enemy.
but being recruits and getting Worsted, they
disbanded, leaving their officers behind them.
, - Their Colonel, Fefitard, mounted a cannon and
I received bls death wound, hr rraliing for Ilex.
ico and the Empire; also that 01:11)17e0 Austria,
Mexican troops fell at the ambuscade of La
Carbonera, and ono piece of artillery lost; and
the greater tart or the torces atter the action
fell back to flualerepant. ! • •
Novcionta Bth.—Tbe Ear/rue advises the
Emperor to abdicate Man arifelti.which plain
ly foretells the consequence if he does nott
military coup de Ida:. •
Ziovrat sus Utb.—The Ede/cue says: The Em
peror wits ut Cordova, and would Do in °Oma
ha shortly. The solution of the. present aux.
ions crisis was anoint seed for the next week.
Oujaco surrendered to the Liberals on the
31st of October. On the bth there arrived at
Vero Cruz a largo [ amount. of Isaximillanls
baggage. • .
Fortheir From Mex i co—Tbe Liberals
Worried—The, French . Troops Again
llsvess, Noy. I . 7.—The French 'steamer La
France, arrived there yesterday; from Vera
Crux. The news trout the capital are up to the
9th. The Emperor had not yet returned to the
cqpital. et. was still doubtful if be would abdi
cate or accede to the alines and views of the
conservative party. At severalplaces the Lg.
erals had obtained advantageit, ut In the ma
jority of eases had been' worsted. To this the
French troops contributed, who are again In
campaign and at the moat exposed agitations.
The Equal lilightstpuyeiltleu—lteiolu,
ex.s.ut r, S. Y., November 21.--At the Equal
Rights Cont'ention, yesterday, after considers
ableidelaa to from various speakere, Km Emily
Elizabeth . .100C9, front the Business COMMIE..
tee, presented. the following resolutions:
Respired, That If Liberty and this pursuit of
happiness aro.natural and Inaliehable,rights,
so I. the right of suffrage their only: possi
ble security, and we hold that the distinction
of dells Into civil and political is without
warrant and without -recognition only as a
consequence of slareryund cxv. e engendered
by it. •
Resolccd, Thra fro held with Larnartjhe that
universal suffrage 15 the rust truth and only
basis of every national republic, and, with
Hon. ,Lharies Sumner, that the Listen is the
only guarantee of rights to the citizen, to
which we are hound by every necesilty, nod
every reusen; the one thing needful to which
all other thinks snuff be glven—protectlon.op
portnnlty, homes! ead, and. rights of every
kind; nor do wo Inquire w hether the declara
tions eclair tomes; only, since women ll.TeCola.
pelted to the burdens et, as welt as; Obedience'
to the Uovernment.
WUXIIEAS, lu the language of Hon. William
Beach Lawrence. an his letter to Senator Sum
ner, the State Ceustitetlon must originate
with, 11[111 be assented to, by a majority of the
people including aswell those wtiom it ill.
franchises as those whom It Invests...oth the
suffrage; therefore
Resolved, That we recommend the erection
of women as "delegates to the approachink
Constitution Covention there being nothing to
the present Constitution, or laws lot the State
to prevent their being recognized and treated
In all respects as equal members.
Resolved, ?lust the present Iltultations cif the
franchise In the United States, to the class
known as white male citizens, vests the go,
ern =int in it minority because It excludes i u
women ono-half the American peoplb, and in
persons of color one-eighth, thus reducing
Bee out of eight adult American citizens to
permanent political subjection; and so our
present State slid national governments, thus
Walled to three-eighths of the adult mtlzens,
are not, In fact, repunlican In hirm, but cou
nt! Ute Oiigitreiln Or bOXIMU races.
Resolved, Unarm ruling class ever did, over
will or ever cawlegislate wisely for a dim frau
ebbed class, and that the hest and only Isgit
t mute human government is self-government;
anti universal suffrage Is the only road to,
and safegua,l oh, universal justice. -
Resolved, That wo rtsptvatully tisk the Leg
islature, is arranging the conditions - tor, the
Constitution COuventlen s to Piss au enact
ment that there may be at least women elect
ed as candidates at largo to sit as members of
the Convention, on the suns contlitlons, with
the same rights and powers of others, sod
that a copy of ibis and resolution 80, 8 oe fur
nished to each member of the Convention, nt
the open leg of its sesston.
Daring the rending of the resolutions Fred- ,
erlek Douglass usountmt tne platform and
was received with applause.
Sirs. Stanton said that she protested against
the use of the none Copperheads, and she
also claimed that when the consummation
which they had wished for was gamed, it
should not he arrogated to the benefit of one
party or the other. Each bud eqnally favored
;heir Yuma, and each equally dissented from
theca. ' - •
hlr. Douglass protested against the views of
Mrs. Stanton. In Rhode Island tile Democrats
• had opposed, them, and ho hod no doubt It
would be done Aigalti when party exigencies
required it. '
At the afternoon session speeches were
made by Mrs. Stanton, Parker Pillsbury and
Bins Bessie Blaine. At the evening session
the Convention was addressed by Bev. Olyxu
phis Brown. after which. IL li.• Blackwell of
fered a resolution that B. C. Stanton,' Frede
rick Dough., nod Susan B. Anthony be a
committee to prtment to the 'Legislature our
project Wiltilaht the adoption of the proposed
Conatitntional amendment, and our dettlara
tlOn of right to Llll3 presented by women on
equal terms with menus Members of the Con
vention, to revise the Constitution of this
'State. Tile resolution wan adopted. -
The Convention was then addressed by Su
san B. Anthony, Cliorles L. itemond, fors. E.
C. Stanton, Elizabeth, Jones, Parker
Pillsbury, and Lucy Stone, after which it ad
journed sine die. •
Intervlew 113.1 ween Lopez and Alltre—
liestllltlee to be Iteeneyed. •
nor Tonic, Nov. 21.—The following interest
ing incident le related n 5 preceding the attack
on Fart Company: On the OM of neptember
General Lopez sent the allied camp ling of
truce, which, by some mistake, was fired on.
/t wan repeated next day, wilco a letter was
given to General Entry, Commander-In - :Chief,
Proposing a pence conference between the
two opposing chiefs. This was arranged for
on tile ink of September. At a given hour and
place the two Generale, who are also both
.Fresidents, met, leaving- each a retinue of
about twenty officers a little distance apart.
They dismantled, shook hands, and were In
council for about half -a day, but It 15 feared
with on definite results as to peace.- After
separation General „nitre ordered a strong
force to be prepared at once to attack Fort
Carpentry, and preparations of the most for.
mit/able character were made at onde for this
purpose. General Mitre is said to hav e spoken
_very highly of General Lopez as a gentleman
In his manners. At parting they exchanged
;heir goubbeaded riding whip., lu token - of
personal friendship. 7
Railroad' Accident—A Illinmbkr Or Per
sons lalured.
ILOCUESTLII IC. Y., Nov. 21.--The: Cincinnati
Express train, bound eastmati, me, with an
uccident 'about half past three o'clock' this
morning, four miles easeof, Lyons, caused ny
e broken rail which throw. tiff six of the seven
passenger cars and overturned twine of theta.
No one was seriously Injured. Twelve or of
passengers were more or less Injured.
Conductor Delsso was the most injured.
From south Anierlca--Tho Wool Crop
Haw Yonx, breve mbar 21.-s-The Herald's Bue
na" Ayres correspondent says of the wool
crop In liouttt America: This year's wool will
be better, freer from burr, stronger fibre, bet
ter color, and more even In quality than ever
before. The late severe winter has killed most
or the old, coarse and scabby sheep, leaving
younger, healthier and finer sheep. We shall
have one hundred millions or pounds or woo}
for sale this year.
An Attempt to Lyneta Prisoners' in lien
. lucky.
Lontavnts, November 91.—A band of Reg: ,
ulatons has been organized in Idarlon county.
Three men bave already been hung; and
others in custody will probably Share the
same fate. An unsuccessful attempt Irma
made Friday night to take certain prisoners
from the Lebanon , jail, Kentucky; and bi g . n
641.6 In t o Tressiory..., 1 ,
wAli o wtos, Nor. M.—The Lialted States
Tress yesterday bald (Si ,tOO,OOO of gold, of -1
_which ,000,000 belong to the Government,
snit Um balanmr Is held on gold certificates.
The Law of thin Argentine sepeeme in
lteintion T ry - nti a—The
(vnps. _
W.tinmoniN, ttliovember 21.—The tinned
State)) Consul; at Buenos Ayres, has sent to
our Government a enoy of the law o the Ar
gentine Republic, atithorizing the :S t ational
Executive to emit treasury bills to the amorint
oflour millions of dollars, with interest at
three fourths per cent a month for the pay
ment and it mobilization of the interest)
A. additionatlmpost of five per cent.: is put
on all imports excepting such articled as are
comprised. in. article three (3) of the present
custom house law, and two per cent. crul all ex
ports. The Treasury bills are to be r aired
in payment at all custom houses In he
Our Consul at Odessa writes under lie of
September 15: The harvest is now nearly end
ed, and to
c ared.conk: plentiful, In fact boun
tiful—the best to quality and quantity fur
many years. The new wheat is rapidi t y pour
ing Into Odes,a and finds a ready Sala at high
prices for immediate shipment abtoibl. The
price of wheat In American coin If Old d be
about one dollar to one dollar and twenty
cents. tinder date of October .6th writes:
Titers is great toy in all the land, lx: mong
Oroducensand dealers, on aceount of drops,
which proved unusually high and t iSjign
demand unusually active.
The Reisere of the Brig - Iteseir-'1.1" Act
' nos Illegal.
.• Saw Fassmsco, Nov,' 21.-A later ac i contit
respecting the colours of the idexlcdlhrigt
Basco, says: Dartois acted under order from
General Ramon Corona, attested by Consul
.Goday, or tins city. Those orders directed
Demote to proceed to the Pacific ocean and to
seize any vessel belonging to French or Mex
ican traitors together with all goods belong.
log to enemies of the Republic and to nee
sufficient force to c instructions.
As out ids
As Corona receives his power from Juarez,
the stories of Illegal conduct In making the
seizure Idl io the ground.
Rolled dialer Fire Inearanee Compri-.
oleo' Convention at &err York—Pollee
loopeet.r Appointed—Take Lord Road
itisw Yong Gov. 21.—The Convention of .the
Fire Insurance. Companies of the Usited
States, which was organized at liartfordo•Con
section; on the Pith of September list, met In
the room of the Chamber of Commerce In this
city at noon today. In parsuanco of adjourn
meat. •
George W. Walling, CaPtain of the 20th pre
olnot ponce, er toughie morning appointed In
spector by the Police Commissioners to Al/
the vacnnoy caututtl by the death of Samuel
Carpenter. Too nog Incumbent ld the mentor
Captain, having held that posgton for WI. ,
teen years, and hai boon connected with the
police of thla city shout twenty-tire years.
Another arrest has been effected, which hi
calculated to bring light as to real perpetra
tors of the Lord bond robbery.
A Louisiana Plants, neturaori fr'p \i xt:
Brasil—Loulslam,. Eats. .
New Gatorsirs, Nov, 21.—Andrew McCalln
a sugar planter of Louielana, who wont to 84.
all with a view to emigration, has return 1
and pronounces against - it as UnSultable an
thee favorable to tae tionti/erner than his ow
The grant fair progresses finely. though ins
vectors' of machinery and implements hay
been backward in putting up and bringtoill'l
fdrwavd their entries. Them ;is au immense,'
cows:Mine of people here' from Alabaloia,',
Mississippi, Texas, Interior of Louisiana. atut '
even more distant sections, including all the
Western States. ,
Sudden CoUnpile ora Boston Flzu
floe log November N.—A firm styling them'
-Selves therstou, Edson # Co.. recently opened
a place of business at 25 Federal street, no
commission merchants, and. It is eald man
aged to tiny large quantities of goods on cred
it, which were shipped to New York and chit , -
where.. Thu arm Otto suddenly enbslded,und
creditors are in rarebit. Tim ntlewed loesds
arc 'estimated at trout ono to one hundred crifil
flay thousand dollers. Shoo maritif.teteredi
In Lynn, Milford and other towns, are repo L.,
ml amongst the largest creditors.
- Trotting ha Washington.
Wasersoenx, Noverebei-el.--The race to
day error the National Course was bctwcop
Jerome; Lady Llghtwood and Monitor. Je
rome was the winner; time-4:18;4, 2:ltga. and
2:45;4, nine heats, best three In nve. Generals
Grunt and Logan wore among the many spec
(atom. There Is to be a great trot on Satur
day; Dexter Is to run staalust time. To-mor
row utellaitimore colt runs against Polly Ann.
Death of a New York Member of Salem
Atnagr, November Yl.—Daniel ..Shaver,
Member of Aneembly, elected from Sehohal re
county, lt le / title morning.
The ,Canal companies announce that the
canals will be closed on tholitb of Deoember,•
except the Champ! do ennal, which. will clone
on the .51.4 of December.
• Fire at Devine, lie. '
.11101310,40, VA., November 21.—A fire broke
OUL In thatiVlile this morning consuming (trig
ler a Gordon's store, Fleatnan's dry goods
store, Sattlter .t Co's, clothing establishnunt,
and WO Danville Bakery. The arrest ot a ne
gro for stealing, while Until re was in pro,tress,
threatened to produce a riot among the blacks.
All rotas quiet at the last accOcats.
Isffue:s to Jeff. Davis
FOILTIIYBS MONIiOE, Nov. 21.—Robert Ould,
formerly Nobel COmmissionar of Exchange.
aecompanird by aithece of Jett Davie, arrived
this woruing ou a to the primmer and hie
family. Mao three alothodiet Musters from
Richmond. who had Interviowis with lir. Da
vid. Judge Ould returned to Richmond tide
al ternouti.
lion of Christian Association.
BALTIMORE. Nov. gl.—Tho BOUVORLIon of the
Young Ideals'. Christian Association 01 the
Mute of Maryland and District of CoManna,
WAS held note to-day. There was quite a good
attendance of delegates, and much 11001051
was manifested in tac proceedings.
n sal Revenue Receipts
WASTINOTOII, Nov. 21...-The receipts from
Interunt Itevertue to-day were $743,te1; from
the first of the year to tee list or OcuMmr, So
ciably% the lucerne has amouuted to $1.23,:31.-
US; during. the prePout mouth the suns of the
receipts to date ts 515,&41,6t5.
.A4lallionallelegroato ou ronrita Page
Important Publisher's Solt.
11. E. Johnston, agent, for trio amitrican Prat
lllhlua Company, appeared before Alibstunt
nays, of Wiegheny city, yesterday, and minli
oath agonet George Ziegenholu, Wm. Cooper,
W. Knoderer, John warts;James Each, J. 211:
Dot; and J. 8. Frazier, for obtaining goodi
under false pretence. The circumstances of
tho cane are as follows:
goose time sines the defendants ordered o
History of the Stehellton waxen Johnston:Was
agent for. They received onkt paid forithis
Lire, volume, but the second volume, .Which
they had also delivered to them, they refused
to pay for on the ground that it bad not been
sent ut the time agreed won when sub
scribed for. • • • • •-•••"..!.
The accused arc all residents of tills County,
living in Lilo rural a 'striate, and haveipuguett
togethor tar the purpOso of lusting the legali
ty of this refusal. Inc case, whom is of unu
sual lutereot, Is attracting conilderable attun
Lion among pu hashers. A hearhig wilt no had
le-i1113% r
teriows Accident
Last evening at about eleven o'clock, a man,
who utterly refused to glen his name or real.
dunce, in passing along Robinson street, Ape
gheny, stooped upon the iron door of a vault.
door turned, uuder his foot and be was
thrown violently to Mir ground. Ito
was so
severely injured as to be unable to rise, but
fortunately a gentleman happened to be near
and assisted the injured man Into a neighbor
boring house. A physician was sent for,Ail
ascertained that the gentleman hod sustained
u.souipoutal &rectum of the aria, In addition
to several cavern hrulscs. The woundeirmau
resolved proper uttentionoud he sail recover.
Found Ills rather.—Tho - boy Sammy
Davla. whom, we mentioned yesterday. being
here looking for ins !alma', succeeded In hla
search yesternlar The father, Daniel Davis,
bud, It aopegas, been expecting the boy, and
was at the °coot to receive him on the day of
his arrival. but missed the train on which his
child arm, d. lie law the paragraph. In yes
terday morning's papesa concerning the stray
boy, null hastened to claim him. Both seemed
exceedingly delighted to see eitelVother.
A Merlons Accident—almost.—Tester;
day morning, WI a freight train on the Pan
Handle Railroad waa starting onr font the
Union Depot, oneof tile can Jumped thetrack
while phasing under tile Washingtoa street
bridge, and before it stopped,. swept out four
of the columns sopped-Rug the bridge. For
tunately no ono was hurt. -
Sant Up for Drat:Mewltesa.—Joseph Gun.
ter and Fred. Vied were sent up for twenty
fair hoar, by Mayor ilorrbion on a charge of
drunkenness. Fred was Considerably crud
fallen but considered that the matter was all
Retarding to Onnter.aud eo went to his retire.
meat uncomplainingly. .
rojaelutaird.—Th ernes Dougherty, snowed
with the proressiceutl •thtoves et • the Irwin
House, was discharged yesterday, there beini
nothing to warrant his betnglheld. The rest
or tea lot are still in the lockup.
_,- v
!tannest Io filename of Frederick Miller .
. —Accildental Death. •
. ufy empantielled by Coroner Clawson
to ' lnvestigate the causes of Medea: h of Fred
erick Miller—who, an:our readers will reniera
her, died at the itirstian Pennsylvania liosplt
al on Saturday morning—met lust evening
at the 'Mayor's °nice to Concludo — their labors .
The result of their investigations:nes as Tel
I)r. C. 11. King,sworn—Deceased was brought
to the Western Petinnylvaniu lloopital on
Thursday of last week. suffering from the ef
•fects of a burn; both arms were badly burned,
an was the right able of Ills head and ono eye;
ho was almost pulsetess, and Was suffering
from great petit In Ills breast, how-Ing that the
lungs were seplounly Mimed; applied dress
ings to the wounds, and gave him atimulantS;
nutria not rally him, and he remained pulse
less until Saturday morning when he tiled;
the cause of hie death, I think, wits *nu shock
to his system, recalling from the accident; he
had evldentlyinbalettthe flame, and Injured
his longs seriously; could get no information
from him as to the canon of the accident;
Made nut from his statement that lie was
lighting the lame, when the oil on the ontslde
naught are and exploded; he made Me under
stand, too,:hat Ile was not tilling tun lamp
while it was lighted.
John Zimmerly, sworn—Live in the same
house that deceased did; went home and was
told that theinan was burned; found him ly
ing on the lounge and went fort he doctor.
This was about seven o'clock on Wednenday .
- evening; know nothing mere about It, only I
went with the than to the hospital to have him I
taken care of. • T da was the •next lay; never
saw the man with the lamp In tile hand; was
never in the men's teem until that evening;
-know nothing of where the oil came trout;
omit think it was carbon oil, but be' zinc.
.When I went Into the room that evening the
walls were burnt, the glass war broken, the
bed-clothes were burned; find the clothes on
the wall were burned, eo that 1 had to give the •
di ceased a coat after the accident. Thu de
eei.sed worked ter the Eagle hI hike Company.
lioller has been married, but kupt.thaelielor's
henry Rein, sworn—thee.] in same house
with et:ceased and worked with him; went
home with him that eseulitz from work; af
ter awhile I saw such a, lig! t m Millotie room,
that 1 ran In; tins was about half an hour
after we got •I beard the report of the
explosion first, and thought it was a pistol;
Miller had a little tin bucket with him that
night as usual; am sure that ho OM not stop
on his way home; after the explosion, ho
bucket wan setting two or three feet from the
lamp; saw no oil in 'the - room after
the accident, • except a- little iloatmg on
the water 'that- bud been thrown
on the tire; don't think Miller took
anything home In the bucket my wife and I
rushed late tile room about Mother after the
explosion, and Mend deceased laving. on the
floor; the room was full of flame; I caught
ceased by the bead and pulled him out; .there
is a lot of benzine at the shop; 11111er could
have got his bucket lull there; the lamp was
one that. was used at theodiop; the name of the
deceased was Frederick Miller.
This closed the testimony, and the
atter some consideration, returnod a verdict
of accidental death.
Child Burned In the Eighth Ward.
about noon yesterday, n hallo daugh
ter. of Samuel E. .Trek Ins, residing at
No. 70 Locust street, Eighth ward, Ix Idle
MaYing around a bake oven In the tetr of her
home, was severity burned by liar clothing
hatching Are from_ some cinders wtich her
Mother hail swept gait of the oven, but hint
failed to cornillbtelgs extinguish. is soon .fis
mho became aware ;14 the Ignition, tile 'little
ono ran Inamedlately to a rain barrel half fill
ed with water, thatnecntilett a poslttomire cue
alertly under theApout, and endeavored. V:,
quench the dames by throwlim . dale of the
COutcht , oltitt ..111 1,1 , 111 with her lodids. Lk;
F spite tare tile n 1011.1,14 21.111 contini.
laird to Warn until tin ate rti.iclatt , her
ben throwing up bulb her hands, she Tun
1 , 1i1 . 01401 Alan said. Tier cries at-
I:Greeted the ntieniDita Ad" her aunt, halos - J az
-Me Matthews, who run to her assistance. and
after some trouble to which her lamas suffer.
Vconsiderably, she succeeded is itc.icuing
C her niece !row terrible death. Thu child',
tight arm, and ft portion or her breast are bud-
Ay burned, while her left hand is scorched to
Snell an extent., as to cause her the roost in
. tense pain. Dr. Herron waited on than little
starerer and dreesed her injuries.
TWO fore Cnforiwmte•
The brothers Diehl—William and Freddy—
are exceedingly well known to .any one who
has devoted any attention at all to police re
ports. They spend the greater share of their
time under - tire paternal care of Warden White,
and seem In a state of discontent when out
from under ills supervision, for no sooner 'do
they get out of Jail than they anion the grad
opportunity or getting bark. They usually
make the opportunity by pitching into each
other. Very rarely are their Orb ty day terms
served fovenything else than the+e fraternal
fights. They are now - commencing an excep
tional term. On Monday morning they were
releaser' hoof 'Jail, having served out thirty
days for rileorderle conduct. On Morality af
ternoon Mel...visited the Allegheny drove
yards. Then, they got inion tight—not with
cacti other—lint with• drovers there They
were arrested, taken before Mayor Morrison,
and on Tuesday morning they went, again On
a thirty days' trip to their-old quarters, no.
der sentence for disorderly conduct, having
sett-out of Jail twenty-tour hours.
Over Your hundred copies of Charles Emule's
novel Lave already been sold. by Mr. J. W.
Pitted: alone, and he has just ordered its many
More. It Is estimated that the story has been
read by at least two thousand persons In this
city. Lie Bale of this book is stiller *lied since
Islrs. , Atowe's "Uncle Tom's. Cabin" absorbed
itio public mind Bo completely. We hear elm'
liar accounts from every city througboutlho
country. In New Fork It ]s the popular ex.
MD:merit; In Bataan. It has been preached of
In the pulpit. As a play It Is proving n gene
to the managers who dave brought
Lout. It h u m been most able rarnmlzol by
I Mr. Augustine Daly, author of "Leah, the For
anal h.. been attracting itnmenm
trowels to tho New York Theatre for two weeks
beet. The desire to sic It p laned stints the
htuge is gaining ground rapidly, toast %hunger.
dress, of the Opera ilomse, will soon gratify. it,
!for we sco he has finally at ranged. present
to evening.
Allegheny Temperance League.
A stated meeting of the Allegheny Temper
once League was held in the First Methodist
Protestant Church Tuesdaymvening. The at.
tend mee was very large, the auditorium Of
the church being. crowded. .
'rho meeting was culled to order by Rev. Mr.
Lynch, of South Common Methodist Episcopal.
Cenrcli, sad wan opened iidiapAer by Rev.
E. A. Wlamt, of Genesee; New York.
' Rev Or. Flood was then Introduced, and de
livered un able and appropriate !Wares. Ili
was followed by itev. J. B. Walker sad J. H.
Hamilton. Emit of these udd ressen wore ci au
unusually entertaining •chatacter. a n d were
listened to With great attention. Ott the con
clusion of Rev. Mr. Hamilton's remarks, the --
pledge was circulated among the audience,
and some seventeen signatures obtained.
The meeting then adjourned, the lienedle
tiOn being pronounced uy :nee. J. Cowl, H. 0.
Before U, B. Commissioner McCandless.
Yesterday morning a peison calling himself
Samuel McKeown, was before U. B. Colntnis
stoner S. C. McCandless, charged with passing
a counterfeit ten dollar greenback. Tlie in
formatlonswas made by.lsiac Mettler, proprie
tor of a clothing !tore on Sielthlteld street
Gelder alleged that on the lot Instant McKeown
came Into his store and made sonto purchases ,
in payment for which he gave the counterfeit
note. Ile stated that he tilacorerectlhe char
acter of the note soon after ;McKeown had left,
I but did not see him again until yesterday morn
ing, when lie hart Jahn Ikrreated. At the hear-
Jag before, the Commissioner the excused not
'only denied having any knowledge of the
characterof the note, but also denied that he
I had given It to tickler. The proueouwr lethal
to, establish . any "guilty knowledge.' en the
part of klcKeow n, and theca., was according
; ly dismissed by the Commissioner.
The enttcrn hound train on the Cleveland
and Toledo railroad, doe at Naiwalk at 7:15 on.
Friday evening last, was teed kite by some
persons unknown, butween Bellevuoand 31on•
roevlllo, the hall passing through a window of
one of. rho curs. St. nes were also hurled at
the train, ono of Which lodged In a car, +Mow
ing • that the attet: walk mails by more than
e • porson. Fortunately no one wits hurt.
This not Is supposed Id have been done by
some of those who Lsavo been employed on the
road between Oberlin and Elyria. No matter
what Mlle thoso p .ftles may have for enmi,
Ty to this company there to no palliation to he
given for such dastardly conduct, and any per
son caught so offending , should Iw visited with
the grOyervat'petaltleri of the law. ' • .
Dig Aftelllloolll.ll Work.—Mr. John S. Ed•
gar. the gentlemanly and cadent, centimes.
ter at the Diamoud males to Allegheny, had
an afternoon's work on Tuesday afternoon,
that t atipsea anything In Its weigh that 4as
occurred during hut term.. Aside from the
Aced and coal disposed of on that afternoon—
and these were in greater quantities than ueti
iti.,-Ur Edgar weighed eightzetine loads of
hay . Mr. Edgar has dune good many lobs of
goaees since he nas been weightnaster, bet
for any one att omega, thleJOb was the heetterf
A Second Grand conerit.—kr. B.E: Du
the manager of the Master Coke, Con
ourg.Treopi.,. has consented, at the centred:. or
a nninhav or eltisbus vtoa are unable to attend
this eNerlilliell concert, to give a aeoond grand
concert On to - tnorrovv, Friday evening, Tick.
Os and antra tO Do tut 4 nt Sieber
Grioth Gaunt
Methodist Protestent!Conferenee
The Convention reconvened. yesterday
morning at half past nine o'clock, Rev. Scott
in the chair. Religious services worn then
conducted by Rev. G. SI. Scott, after which the
minutes of the preceding session
and on .motion approved.
Rev. M. V. B. Evans, Chairman of the Com
mittee on Boundaries, eubmitted a report.
The report Wll9 recommitted, with instruc- •
tions to report a perfect list of all Conference
Districts, witldtheir rcipective boundaries,
together with boundaries. of al! new districts
to be formed, aud that - aIL territory in the
United States be crubraed within thh limits
of some district. 'i t '
The Convention then resumed the con lider
att°. of the C'htst-BeiMM-beiore the Conven
tion at the hour of adfharncifent yesterday
alternwm. • ,
Articles seven,
eight and nine were then
rend and adopted.
On motion the business before the Conven
tion woe laid on the table, to allow a vote to
be token on the .question to . reconsider the
resolution prohibiting Committees from re
On the question being taken the vote adopt
ing the resolution Wan reconsidered, and it
was laid on the table. ,
The Board of Trustees Of the Endowment'
'Fund were then grunted leave of absence.
Leave of absence was also granted to Messrs.
.Carrolton, S Manly amrnouthard.
The consideration of the Constitution was
then resumcd, and the remaining articles
read and adopted without amendment.
(in motion, Rev. T. B. Graham was request
ed to art as temporary Secretary.
The hook of Discipline prepared for the
"Methodist Church" sees then called up and
rea.l, file first, second and third articles
were adopted. The fourth article sans then
read, nail, on inoPlon, tile question was divid
ed, 00,1 a rota taken on each separate section.
Thu article van then adopted us a whole. The
dith artielerwoa adopted. Pending the tenth'.
elation of section sir, or article nix, relating
to annual Conference, the hour for adjourn ,
Tile Convention then niljournott with prayer
by Rev. Mr. Sloith.
. _ •
There was no session In the afternoon, the
time of the Convention being occuplmi In pay
ing a visit to•the Allegheny Cemetery, they
having bad an Invitation extended to them by
Captain. W. Herbert to to no. . After spend
ing several hours wan.lertng through this
beautiful city of the dead, they returned to
the city,•higltlyblessed with their visit.- At
the evening session the articles conusined In
the "Book of Discipline" were again taken up
and ila-eusscd. The questions contained there
in elicited considemole debate, and the Con
ference adion,rned without concluding Hui
Issues. • .
ilmiteopathle. Fel;tival
The Ladles' llomumathle Charitable Asioci
a inn of Pittshbrgh, numbering among its
members some of Lisa best and 'most ytroml
cant ladies of this city and vicinity, have re
attired, in furtherance of the object of their
organisation, to get up a festival. It Is ex.
!meted that by means of the money raised at .
they will Ito able to purchase tire perpotnal
rilibt to several beds its the ilemomathic Hos
pital and at the same time help the institu
tlon,fo pay ca a largo portion of its debt, thus
securing to the soclety a home for indigent pa
tients and to the Hospital the immediate use,
of a large sum or money.
The festival is to be held's( the City Hill on
Hondas and ninth and 21th
met., from 12 3f. to 12 P. if., Of each day. All
are Itivit, ;1 to come, those who like to cat, for
the sake of good eating . ; those who love
Alt ink,—everything except "the ardent"—for
the of goal drink; those who MS not love to
eat and drink but to see and he seen, thdt they
may sec, the fine arrungellnat of the tables,
the flowers, the bdautitul faces and fine
dresses of the ladies as well as some line opt
and your s men of whom we shall say nothing,
and to be seen by oil whose attention It Is
worth while to attract; the Hostiompatini that
they may help on the good cause of progress
hi medicine tine humanity; the Ajlepaths that
they m y take a lesson 51111 ceo uow far they
can excellbis festival null how much more
they can raisetowards their like Institutions;
the men of • business, because ho can
he waited cilleigekly-and• well; the-man of lei
sure, because tie line not much Video, and can,
do that little as well at the festival as any
where duet - the religious man, because . he can
enjoy a little innocent recreation; and the
man not rellgtous, because ho will be safe
from molestation for opinion's take. In short,
everybody snould go to the Festival, and we
std pledge ourselves that they will not be die
Tickets twenty -live cents;' to be had of
Messrs. J. ti. flackofen .t Son•, C. C. Mellor
Co., and of any member of the Executive Com
mittee of the Ladiest Charitable Association,
grid the Halt on tun two days named.
Important Oil Atrikee
Thu people of Tarr Farm, near Titusville,
aro rejoicing over a 809 barrel %fell, the prop
erty of Clark S Sumner. It was struck about
a fortnight since, and had beeu pumping about
twenty-tire barrels per day until Saturday last,
when It
,rOtr menced flowing, and In the course
of limy-cu.:ln bourn had produced COQ' barrels
of Ml—actually barreital.
Mr. Doubleday is Superintendent. The well
is 501 feet deep. It is located on blur territo
ry, on a parallel hoe ~with the Bakery well,
which suspended operations as soon' as the
now well. commenced flowing. The Bakery
well was producing ninety barrels i.e., day.
The new well is named Keyston- No. 2. Nis
the largest producer In Perinsylvanla, and is
the best strike made on Tarr Farm for several
years past. The famous Phillips Which
wan the largest flowing well ot record, was on
Tarr Farm, as also the IVisallord.
Alessre. Stunner & Pratt have operated very
largely In that locality, and with numenne
nueeess. ' The bluff territory 0(011 Creek, only
until recently tented, In now umvernally
nought by 01l miners, and seldom Lille( to re
ward expect ationa.
Cul tod States 'DI Court.
In the United States District Court yester
day meriting Lion. Wilson McCandless on the
bench, a decree-was - ente of the
United Statei'itlizt he Distillery of Jatiolt Days,
deceased. The distillery was seized over a
year elate for the failure of the proprietor to
melte returns under the revenue laws. A li
bel with died against the dot infers . , and on the
=II of August luet the issue was argued. The
court Occult...ln favor of the United Stateth
and this morning a decree was entered eon-
Liellininst the property to forfeiture to the tint.
led Slates, and directing -Ite 'clerk to issue a
writ of veruliheni exposes to the Marshal. re.
tamable on the 24th of Doeentber nest. It
u•na also decreed that to his We time Jacob
Doyen forfeited Pulp, Muted States the sum
of live hundred tiolisrs lu addition' to the
'eh re forfeiture for reasons set Tortit he the
Insportatit 'so Wool Orowerk.—W. F.
G rrer,Secretury °M in National Wool Growers'
Ass,Jelattob, iasuee a circular - requesting the
°Meets of all State and e..uniy Wool Grower's
Associations of the Vatted States, to forward
to him at Painesville, 0., their posteftico ad-
dress with the number of men enrolled us
members. The importance of the measures,
be says, now in progress, In which all Wbol
Growers have so deep un interest, makes It
very desirable that all AesOciations responu
promptly to'this request. Newspapers friend
ly to the great wool Interest, are requested to
copy this notice.
In a' Itaugerans conditton.—Lawrence
Keyser, the man who nut John Newman so se
vorely on Saturday night, to still In the Alleghe
ny lock-up. awaiting the result of Norman's
iDjUrip3. hnyser has had a hearing and will be
eithertommltted or held In $l,OOl hall for trial.
hall will not be • accepted until the.lulureel
man is declared out .of clanger. At present
his medical attendant pronounces that he is in:
peril of tetanus, or lock-Jaw, fruits thu severe'
OClllklou the wrist. The cut tu the buck of
the neck also fa much inflamed and is exceed
ingly patului end may be considered serious.
Brisk.—llayor Morrison, of Allegheny, Is
doing a Much brisker •busluees than of old In
the way of disposing of the bard cases of our
sister city. On Teas/lay be committed to Jail,
for terms varying In length, 110 - less Ulan
Jere', offenders. If such vigorous stirring up
Is persevered in the good streets of the course
wdt make themselves distinctly felt. Among
the parties committed Wits John Harkins,
whew we reports / *ester/lay us having bean
sent to Jail to await his tried for fraud.
Cult ins or Probing. about the Ears.
—Dr. :Shorn at the Merchant's Hotel,'does not
subject ids patients to ratting, probing, or any
pain tut operation in order to restore the near
ing.. Ms method le perfectly harmless and
unaccompanied by pain. Well known and
prominent citizens referred tri, whom ha has
operated upon' and cured. ills sojonru for
this Visit will terminals on Monday next.
"Newt to Ja l l.—Samuel klerer the man
whom we mentioned, on • Tees d a y as bbiblt
el:wined in the Attlegheuy tombs Ina severe
stake of maniaerpolu, recovered during they
day to a great extent from the severity of the
attack, and nun Cent to Jell yesterday m,/ru
lug by Mayor Morrison, for a'period of two ty
four hours on a .ellarge of drunkenness.
.btlefmtlreamart Is good for such eases.
• •
Larceny as Hallee.—lleaars. Armstrong,
Brotherk Co., had In their employ as clerk,
a young man named Chas. Storer. home days
ago the proprietors loft in Ida keeping SS, and
whet It was c.alled tor the money woo not
forthcoming. K. D. Armstrong, ono of the
flrai, made, information Deem& Alderman
Strain, charging: torer with larceny as bailee.
A warrant was Issued.
Gallagher rm. Gal tagher.—Llridgetlla.
gber 111.a10 an Information before Alderman
a rain reelerdny, charging ROPOliiligher
with surety of the praca. Allem a long Naga..
Incur, each woman canduCtiug her own case
volubly,' the charge was distillased car the
Impale/riot the costa by the delbackat, .
Gymnastics To-night
The exhlbition'of thm'Gymnastic AsSociatiow
to-night will be undoubtedly a brilliant affair.
NO efforts have been spared in the arrange
ment of the programme to give ararled and
choice selection of muscular displays, or; in
the drilling of the various participants, to
make their performances tint perfection of
agile skill. Rehearsals, many, l and thorough,
have been the order of the day, until it seems
that every man tom boy has trained himself
to the highest point. The hail, too, has :men'
put In admirable shape. Tee ladles have
taken its ornamentation in nand, anti the re,
salt Is what might be expected from them.
The walls have long panels formed In wreaths
of el'ergreeae and inscribed with these mot..
' VMS: • Exercise of the body strengthens the
mind," "Our Great and Glorious union." "Gut
Hell." The columns and aTortion of the up
maratus have been tastefully wreathed with
evergreens anti various pictures and emblems,
also in evergrecen framings, ornTent the
walls. The end of. the hall has in n hand
somely draped with flags, and altog tner the
appearance is - very beautiful. Wu trust sin
cerely that the audience will be, tu sloe and,
charaeter, of the best. if it is but worthy of
the performances, the hall will be thronged.
The Approach at Winter.
A few days longer and old Boreal will chatit
his dirges over Autumn, anti announce the iu
anguration of winter. The beautiful dowers
now blighted by the frosi will soon hide their
marred beauty under the coverlet of snow.
The' erry laughing brooks will he hushed in
to silence by the chilling, breath- of the frost
king, and the pretty birds, whose sweet songs
dissipate our cares, andigive us so much joy,
Will journey outward to that land where the
orange bloom perfnme the air with their fray
grance and where—Rimer never comae. The
baldly air—tempered by the breath of Indian
summer—will he, supplanted by the chilling
winds and filled With the drifting snow. The
earth will be covered with , a winding sheet,
and man—yea, and even • woman, too—will
want good warm clothing to protect their per
'sons from the attacks of the stern old mon
arch, whose chilly breath tells us of the Ice
clad shores of humus Bay, where the Polar'
bearls entrapped and slain to furnish furs :or
oar Southern. belies. Speaking of 'clothing
and furs reminds us'that our popular friend,
T. A. McClelland, Nos. CZ -and 57 Fifth street,
bas just received an Immense stock of boots,
shoes, overcoating, ehawlo, dress patterns, pe
ctillarly suited to tuts season, and a varied as
eortment of ull descriptions of furs. consist
mai:gram", (Jarman and American, Pink, Ss- .
hie, Siberian Squirrel, and Canadian Otter.
These goods have been bought at bankrupt
sales in the Eascatid McClelland cant bereft's . °
dispose of them at prices tar below current
market rates. If you wish ihrgalns in all
aorta of goods, ho to this establishment,' Nos., '
Al and 37 Fifth street, nutter Masonic Hall.
E 4
- It is no uncommon thing, we :are sorry to
- Bar, to see hogs, of all sizes, shapes, complex - -
I lons and degrees of vigor, wallowing and -
1 wandering in the streets, gutters, and coin
mous of Allegheny. We have often and often
obierved them And noticed how fittingly thisi
harmonized with their surroundings of Hark
mod and green, slimy-, reeking' liquid in the
various ild.ties we have mentioned. • These
localities, • tile way, were not always in the
most retir corner. - -the back yarda, the al
toys, the poor courte, and the remote COM.
mons of the city, but not unfrequentiy fringed
along within easy smelling distance of Fede
ral street, and even In full view of that thor
oughfare, as well a, of the still more select. Lo-.
eality ot - Stockton avenue. Abominable as
were these.hogd roaming at will over the ter
ritory that ehoula hare teen devoted ezclu.
bi very to the gen., honto, they stilt bad one re
deeming, feature—they wore afire. reaterdeY,
however, we noticed that our sister city
showed marks era deepening dephiVity in
the matter of hoga In the gutter at the, cor
of Robinson and Federal streets, loot-log
thin and flabby enough to have been dead a
long time, and surrounded by no small amount
of rubbish :that seamed to haveheen plied
about it by long wasning of the gutter stream,
lay a deeenabd aboat. How long it lad lain
(tern weiknow not. From appearances the
place LA etteorrie accustomed to It: How
long It will !epos° there lea question for the !
future. -
Erotberly itovasso
Daniel Devlin is watchman at the freight de
pot of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago
ittillroad. On the evening Cf the 17th instant,
as he alleges, while he was eating his supper
in his box, Alexander Drain, Andrew'alone
and Patrick Murray came up to him aid corn
monad a course of unpleasantly vigorous
treatment Of himself. They pulled him rough.,
ly about—even struck him, as lie says—and
dared him to light them. Devlin made Infor
mation against them for assault and .battery
before Alderman Taylor, and' they wero held
fora further hearing to-day. Subsequent to
the Information made by Devils, Alexander
Drain, one Of the defendants, made infcirina
than before the same magistrate, charging
Charles Devlin, brother of the first prosecu
tor, with assault nhd battery. It appears that '
Charles learned the treatment that his bro
ther had received; and meeting Drain on the
19th instant, knocked him down and cat fills
face somewhat as a slight, recompense. T is
case also w. held for a hearing to-day.
Golint Into Mourning-.
Some time ago Mrs. Jane Broorasich, a col
ored lady residing In Uayti, lost a near rcia
live end wL=bed to go into deep mourning.
Sne had no black shawl to complete her outfit,
but she bail literal ' , blanket shawl,” and this
she ' . i.Pok to Mre. Jane Lovett, the lucky pos.
lessor of a' black shawl, and effected a tem:
notary [Mailman° for the 1.13011 of mourning.
Recently the returned the black wrap and
claimed the blanket, but. Mrs. Lovett had learn
ed to love it too %On to pert with it. She there
fore refused do , give it up, alleging that her,
black shawl had been injured by Mrs. broom
sick. She therefore 'kept both. Mrs. made
Informs Una before Alderman Morrell . charg
ing Mrs. Lovett with Mover and conversion.
The case is still held for a hearing.
_Editorial Nostra..
"We prefer the Wheeler & Wilson for laudly
use."—Tribune. •
" • hey aro , the faveriteci 'tor talnlllea."
"The Wheeler .D Wilson has no rival."—Sci•
enrirte Ameriotn.
ice have used others and And this the beet."
—United Presbyterton.
The Case of loond rocket Bools.—Chsts.
L. ..NI trt In alias Charles Paba-co, whose arrest
by officer Seth Wilmot, at Deer Creek, on sus.
piston or being connected with the Townsend
robbery, and subsequent bear tag before liter.
man Strain op a el arga of costruatlve larceny,
he haring fodnel a pocket booticaptatelng val.
us le papers belonging to Edringtott- it Co.,
mad kept the gime tap tnonths. we have al.
rtady reported, had a final hearing before At.
Berman atraln yesterday, and was held In the
awn of 000 toanswert
Eton atrowned.—A man named Rlfm, a
German .laborer residing to the city, was acci
dentally drowned. yesterday, In the Alleghe
ny river. He was hi !ping to coal the steam
boat Echo at the foot of Irwin street, and In
• • roping to take op his end of the band ear;
row, he 10ell his balance - and fell off the plank .
Into the river. Ho -write two or three tin:ma
nner sinking, but no help was afforded him,
and he Annlly disappeared entirely. His re
mains have not yet been recovered. Ito was
Taken to the House of liefoge.e-Some
time ago a boy named Char!. Stewart was
sent from here to the Ronan of Stotugo. •HO
WWI boa aid out by the Managers to a gentle.
man near Rochester, and started to go there.
Instead otrdolng an , . however, he ran away
and Was not recaptured until yesterday, when
he Wan gobbled by enter Moon and taken by
that °Meer to the Mouse of Refuge, where he
will doubtless be more strictly attended to.
Arm broken..—Wm. Davidson, a lad resid
ing with his parents on the corner of Morgan
street and. Hiver avenue, in Allegheny, :net
with -a severe and painful accident cm lent
Tuesday afternoon. While at play near Ms
father's house, he stumbled and felt across a
stick of timber'•tbat lay in bin way, and so vio
lent was Ma full - that he broke tee inner con
dyle of the radles of the right arm. He re
celemi prompt medical attendance and is now
( Hang as well as could be expected. •
Female Vag.-1111y 1111ey is . 113 familiar as
a to the pollee of.Alleghenr,. and
alab to tbo keeper of the county , jail. l eater
day she was up again before Moor Morrison
on a charge of vagrancy, and was cammii tad
to J ail by nig Honor for a term of thirty Jaya
to reconsider life, and ice if she could not
make up her mind chat there was something
worth living for besidts getting . Into All and
getting ont again.
Bad for Ills Brainc—John Emmen, a
hack driver of dusky tint bad a quarrel with
Zack LO,WdOI3, a barber, a day or two ago, and
in the course of the wordy war Rock threat
ened to knock the brains out of his adveriarV.
Tuereup• rt Ru•eell did more.than rustle—be
roared, and wound up by making Information
for surety of the peace against Zaeli before
Alderman Strain. A warrant was issued.
In the Leek-rp —On Tuesday night a man
namod - Robert V* ninon, an ex.pollceman, liv
ing on Beaver street, Third ward, Allegheny.
Uns arrested by the Allegheny night pollee,
at the request of his wife, as he was much un
der the influence of liquor and was acting to
a disorderly manner. Ile was conveyed to the
tombs, where he still remains. Yesterday he
was unite W and partially delirious._
Acquitted.—Tbejury lather-anent the boy
. .Toeepn Snap, who has 4 -an gia Mull In Greens
burgh for tt , e pant few Oat . . nn the rbaraw of
murdering hia father, near that place, In flay
Met, returned a vent la of not guilty on Tuve
-day evening, and the lad was illeft•urgeg , by
YI 4 1 1 A`t Vi1:~I Ii
I 11UB1Y lIBBWO 011U16
KET REVIEWS. iiktil) CUE •
The Idalon is forwarded 'skiff:di will ruck tb►
subecriber soonest.
Q ~ln[4 Co I
Ei~lpv ~¢nnm).
__________________________ 111. jiijr:
• aataieke In the
Amy tb.t wtiibm Igrrj;;;‘;_l et i t r sro es riraa ter.
'loose, bee been tined bf
derly.conduct.Thin w ... x l i al .t iwr for Maor
i:l{l.e being • Thomaa 'Morgan. la ' titee 'h e e . P.tY s
ices not keel, the hotel known tithe Mo r i h i
House, but a' aloes In the Fifth ward hieh '
ho calla by that name.
A Goan Sun.—Thomas Morgan (not Wm.
Morgan, us trrouemody reported yesterday.)
mudn information -Moore - alderman Strain
charging ()dicers George 'Cochran and Thos.
Smith. Of the epecual pollee '
-with disorderly
conduct. 'rho case Was held for a hearing.•
• ▪ beatallul •Nioll'awtene," the !arrest suburban
ace of sepulchre. except one in this COUDIr.
te.ion New rle roe.l, immediately north of
ltrghrnv. Ye ,, eci& -Penult. or tlttes;.c.all
:entral Drug ,ot eor Cio-rl. CLA VEY. Alio
ray elt, .
TYL\TX:)....ZUT4SOBr.3iII7IL. •
N. 151 rollna steer, eltt9Turgll, es. 00/71N5
alt cludo,`C/CAlbtS, tiLAWKN,miaI eye? , dewrlptlon•
or Funeral Funillutnit tir :t a turtninea. nouns open•l y and-night, fl Car,.l.37svirtkietand.
Isarrail.ncßa—lter. I)svil Nen Li. 13.. R.Y. It
M. Jekeutnte. Tboama l.noQ. ZOO.. J eeoba
No. 196 14111ithaed cor. 7th,
(Maresca frose'beventllStreet.)
w•x - mrwmtv - Eici;iat.
• • 1.1,L131.1CR1T, PA.
R . ' l'. WHITE & •
Maribentcr, Woiki . inun and vletnlti• •
Oormirel Bftellaln and Clartten rtneta.
Citrrltere• ft"-nlat.etl.
.11P1iR SALE 1111.!IIRE,
. .843 WiTtla 116Itzre?4, - t.
37171.1ta' T. lATMIGN, 2111r/3/.
din TUE lIICST for Fatally and Illatlataztarleg par.
imaps. Call sad see them at
' 18 FlllB 81,4 et.
paissmithaeld Street.
Fine Wate,hes, Clocks, Jewelry
I =. l.'t I 19111allrailly 1 .. 4/ •
• . .
air Pirtleule.r attention . elven to ltdoalrint
W.VA.., Clocks and Jewelry. elk work warren , .
ed ' - teS:o18
rirtsntrantt, liovelstbet lath, IMO.
There will Lea meeting of this Coionniteaai th.
Thursday, ho►. 22d, lust.,' at 2 P. M.
It ft draftable that limes le a fall atteadatles, as
important Leal:teat caihe
❑P order of 1 JOkIN If. RIDDELL,.
M .BATNE. Mo_.,tar7
JONE 4, CRAWFORD. & 1/06EL, Agents.
A 11 • 11, LIANT COAL ult. GAS LIGHT
'Adopted b 3 the U. S. Government.
Non exp'oslyo. Chest, and Sem/Urn% Girt a a
brilliant Hybl threc.rold greater to an , any otter
lamo. This p-t-nt is adaytad tour, lento purpose..
and as the wick is meirly • concluder, nerer re
qntres triatolny. nano: • on t6la prim:type app.-
plied toordinary lamps. • TATE AND (OIUNTY
MSO AP Fult SALE App , y . at Fulton'a tirog
eoore, Ft'th Street, or Alten'• (took Store.
'll 4 street, A:llrue icle,Bettlding. new
89 89 89.89 89 _9 89 89 89
B 9 1 89 MARKET STREET. 189
89 1 ' oiriti 89'
89,11 = 1. C:1 0 33 3113 9 IS ,1 99
Ea 891 Market Sireet„ fB9l
1 .; IAN 1) GET YOUR
b 9; 89
89 1 BOOTS, SHEN, &C. 1.9
i 89
;.. 147 ri. iSt 'xi .0 Xal "2".
; 14 9 HO Ate'f.:TiON (.1001...S ErkE eT.
JO, 89 Market ret......
59.-- -ea
18 4 ' 99
89 89 S 9 89 89 89 89 89
/06IJUA RIDIDVI..P. W. 11. LATBEIAW J. A.:ll)crukaar
i ..
I /0. hed hy 31.15, a. KING,' PE , ' NOOK It CO ' se i
...WA rallylntorm th.poolla that Ns will =Mato ;
We manufacture or
Sheelings, - Cf . gton Yarns, Carpet
• Chains. Caudle trick
and Ellllllllll.
Orders may be left at tilet)ifte of Hu Works,
Corner of Daquescie Pray antl Harker's ,
.Voittialzsurcia,,X 2 es,
yloneshlng half column advortlemucatpsglnfcrto
nteelnues, but vets OftoVl , l2 t 13A.K1.X.„
It ban e t , en . tg r tfal i for sixteen. y
tout 7:lllget tav- 14'.
uounced the
24Tc0:1.13 liiltrekom
nolnufts • - -°-
Practical Furniture Itlanuracturers,-'
Lot...a styles or pußstrual toostaailvon but
07 3'couirtb. Entreat.
Deposits at +de on or before IattVEMBEW 10
9111 draw 811. PER CENT. IRTERRaT Mee,
tat:.) riwit Novanspric IIT.
Open d.I from 9a. n.. to 4T. M.. and en Wed .
Leader and natal day leveeing , . Row of to.9.Celoet
101:n20 ,
rises!, so-ad WORK liOltatB. Jsetneeelva
and will be sold stew Otio goof Lita ROM
ooe gotta WORK algarantesw to Le 'aOall
sad good workers. Call at • • - • •
HOWARD'S LlVlttry gjtl,trerkirt,g.
sok • Vint street.rurar klosottrothela Roma;
A‘TEILL-Tor a goal COOKING , OVE sad °the? '
lehen Utensils, ao to No. 140 urant arr.&
rha„ ao.t Fan g JA L tICU rTMLS...7IIIS
EL''Plsln arid expel tUteuslialarCookistfrOyatettr.
and other lauC7 dhoti.: render& Hove' ripa. _.
tar Conductor& and all other article,: pk. Oar.
DI:IFFY`s. No. IAB 4tinual All 'adteap.t
—St be.