.. . , . . . . . . k . . • . , . . ~ • • . . ;• - . • . • . . . .., . . . . , . ' . . . 4 --6••,••ttil .; . '..'_' , -.. . ' .. . . . • • • • . ~.. , . Illk • , - . . . .. • . . . . . . „ . , . . . - , ~ . .. . .. ---......-_.__- - • VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. . , Arrival of gs Steamer —Late Australian Nows—ltich 41old Minds Discovered in . `New Tons, Nov. - e;- The' steamer Ocean Queen, with San Francisco datesof the : NM, milanatna dates of the 12th Inst., has ar. Australian news to the Bth ult. had been re . • cowed by steamer at Panama. A comrade's.' rattle prevailed at Sydney. Rust had attacked the growinsr wheat crops,which, nevertheless, promise pl• , Coliforninn and Chillan breadstaffs were iii fv.".! supply, and .ut prose's*. prices leave to loss to imnorteri. Calltbrnle • wheat was"SlUddes. California dour was £l, Califon:lra oats is 9d; barley "4s@is 3d. The 'west' coast datives are troublesome. Several skirmishes have taken place, in which the government force indicted - a severe pun ' ishment on them. - . There wore fears that Fern .woald be with , a drawn Perm the alliance against Spain. New rich gold mines had been found in Chili, near Captapapo.' • Convention of the Grand &ring of the Republic—Newspaper Buie—fileeting of Odd Fellows. • LantarrarOtiS, (Ind.,) Nov. Di..- . -The National - Convention id. the Grand Army of the Uepub. Ile convened at Opera Gall this morning. A large number of delegates were present nom all itectlonsof the country. Time proceedings were kept Secret: 'A number of distinguished calkers were present, among whom were lice. ends B. Palmer and Logan, of Illinois. and Vandedrer of lowa. The Da ily, Herald establishment (demo. cratte). Wan- mold at auction to-day t 4 Lae,. Devlin & Co. of Cambridge. Inolarnt. The Gran d and Grand Encampment of Odd Fellows, of the State of Indiana., met trsaitty semi-to:must communication. The reports of the grand officers show the order to .be In a very prosperous condition. • The Louisiana State Fair . . New 081.1.40(6, November E.—The great event of the day has been the opertmg el grounds. Louisiana State Fair, at the fair • ' four miles from the city; over thirty thousand_ people were present. Mozarts twelfth tease was sung hy over fifty artists, andtc grand orchestra, wile& pontilical -grand mass,velebrated by the Mon Rev. Arch Mab ryOdle, began in the morning at twelve The The regular Opining ceremonies were begun with prayer by the Right Reverend Bishop of I,onisfana, Dr. J. P; It Wilmer, assistedby etc Protestant Episcopal clergy. Addresses were then made by LUI.AO N. Marks, Esq., President of the Association, and by Judge William Bur well, lei English, and Judge Pieter Bartbo, in Freneh, 'the orators of the day. Immense quantities of machinery and implements on the grounds, and more la , arriving; also horses, horned cattle, and (Aber improved stock.. lt promisee to be the searing point ol a new era cd unexampled prosperity to the Southwest. • Da-will:got the Croiby Opctn Bonne. CIIICAOO, November 20.,—The Committee al,: pointed to cOnduct theaward of premiums to members of tha Crosby Opera 'louse ANP.OOIII- Lion, announce that the drawing will praotire ly,take place on January list, 1r67. The Com. mitten assure all parties e•ted that every care willbe taken to secure perfect fairness in Haider of ti colored Preacher. Paenuonn, Va., Nov. 51—Rev. Jacob Jame a colored preacSer, WaS shot last nlKi, t by a other colored man, named Thornton Nadine anti died this morning. Holmes else shot h wife who, however, will recurs, lie was az rested and acknowledgml the deed, but Say he forbid James and hIS wife 10 flogronfe d. -• • platz.!:)(4);W - iibk:SO lISTILLIAM C. LEE, Sisicesior to ALEX. El ()EDON COMMISSION AND FOILIVAIRDING DrCID7FACMICALTIGPI% N 0.102 Secoud Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fa-Agent far tbe "EL Louts" Levi Pls. mad Sheet Lead Worts. Dealer la DIG sad DAV. SAGS iIEI [ P YIIIE °LAE, LA Caoslgnsoruto tidied zed Orders prouosls. .. BREWER, BURKE & CO., €OII4IBSION ANtlianti; • • - acir..wrs . rod TIAN Patifici6l . obi and L iberty Oi l. Works, . Ampleetorage for Crude cud Codeed Oth 1.11.er. al ease advarma =de orkoonelgrune u Is of Crude or l'etroleage. Yards for storage and slap mane of C - mde 011 at laerreneerllle. Ones and Want:was, Comer of. Dow:team Ws) and liancoek street. Flttatemg b. 'style-sr) nrilta • Sm. T. ElTClLider KEEL & lIETCHART, 001tIMMION AND DIALMIIB IN Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c a4ti Linsurr tyntzer. • • FITTIOUBOII. Ph SCHOMAgEir loar. G LANG;Wholesnie deagr. tnOrouarten.-rrath. Prodnee. Prc ',blobs. , Flab. Moose, Salt, Carbon 011, No.a. ITS an 6 Tl 4, Wood 'Street, near Liberty Street, rittabureb. nss no 1011 N FLOYD & CO.. Wholesale 0110Cr1tS, vo. in Wood atml=4l.lberty eta rot, rtttstrarrli. Pa.. xv."1:t•II 7 -- RALE OF. CONDEMNED ORDI— NANCE • AND ORDINANCE S.—\V III w Deltoid at Public Atiettun, at PORT HUN Rua: Ali, SENAL, Old Rotut Comfort, V., on T.+ U ebD, Y the ad dal of November, 1100. et io o'clock A. v. I a large quantity oral...wee, cogs:sting In part of lb following articles els: •• BS Field and Siege Cannon, cast Iron, of varl - ons calibres; 01,070 Shot... Shells and Spherical Case; fot smooth hove nod rifled guns; • .19 aforrill'a Carbines. new and repaired; 1.400 Endetd Bided Muskets, cal. 177; •-e6 rienry's swd epetmer's EtepCntirig Rides; yhrelgn ••Austrlan.” rai..sl; SOu olmoo th Bore Musket!, m•el- 18M, at fhr do - •• do do eitled tu perm:mat, n • 10 Smooth Bore hinsketv. ilk lock, cal. ro; • . gievolvera...WriltneVa a . and Itcsuington'a .. • ' - Navy, caL • • •' • • 1,011 Cavalry and Artlllery Sabres; ••••211 Swords. Mad Inns add tion-comrdsslcmcd • • officers. Fourteen days will be allowed for the removal el' stores. VSOTSaIX — Vg - EL Capt. of .300. and Bet. Col. U. e. A. Com'e• nolitn2l • *-:1; 4 : 3; II ESli Au* , t) :4 Vs 3t.9 aod: JAM Ifl6l . .11iPENCER & McKAY, MISTERS AB 'BREWERS 4- 1, Ale s Porter and Brown Stout, ' , PITTSBURGH; PA. • ROBERT WATSOB...Tharastgeir. lr 41 NO T ICE ATlll.—Therep t:A TO . CON,SUMEICS `t or aniw la progress 'Water Works render IL Icop , rallve that great re-. , Only should be ob erred In the toe or grater. the one ahaluertine ritubl qr bring tar I Ls Its utmoit unnteessar• irte of water should be avoided, such as sprint dolt streets. wselleg n eats. ttreliclolog clot bet In tubs t• et I tient lb ate "lbge.'ti;Orp 111 prupef att.ntloe out totem* -regalement., the city will hot hove •... cleat water tor tire. culinary sod other neressxry immure. Anon-observance offs ostthlon'rwer• V4ratorrEffendet of 1 supplywater. an wril uni • eas7 one, • 'lt Vs hoped Oat lo the course of tat eel weeks ors smon , h • at. f-ntest. ths.bup-rlntchdent will be enabSorttopanosithbese rentrlcwo. • • • • JOS. FItESCU, rol.....L_wirassiden of Water. Worts. !" nel2:ntt w. U. O AIUi r AUD.;.:D. A. 500TU....A. T. OAAULA tP 1000./P.TDIA!LTIIOUSE:B.. '•.W, H. GABLUD & CO., Malsters, tiraltf44 Hop Dealers, , A. ~* b• No. 17 Watai Str ssss ind Bros., 5 and :7 Penn. 8 t ttt - PITTSBURCH, PA e ariltilkjabec'ttgagrag4tr wive „ 451'.F.P11_EN 31. OTT, Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Eagravn, STBSEIL, BRAD ID SlBil LEITER CLItiR. SUPERIOR :SEAL PRESSES, caucemerr, Stairtpi and Cifttlxig Cards, Aso, PLATES FOP. ea Wood St., COP. Diamond Atte). _ - -4001715nA478. iTuSZ,) • OILLBES,.- B ittir,lior Cotton )lilLs, Pittsburgh, N , gioulacturers of • .&,NeffOitl.)iSlierrixia . . •• • J • - • .PRIVATE DISEASES.' . • • • • oTslur. r..ls pZYR ffiIIICILT, near liand. • trar : • ' in* ctt ' ot.all dieeaaea'of a t•rtiate natant, it 'Rona tWo to I. 4a711..by an candy new and slit treatment. Also. Stratnet Weakerga, and all °lna diseases of the genital 11Er,11211 Sad i flair ereTenticn Carp waaanted Ot EMMY lelLlOded• i rrator , r...t;t:ll2 Vonotr:rt i ... / • . 22 claim STREET. ' sic urago N lMPaltareAeT. -• • 40.11111NidloN • _W. S:•stana...A y • • VHEIMIOII6.TERS, timimerga„, .rrft g 17. ELY, d. lot of kettle rendered :tholes Lard, In tierce! NM • tibbts. Relined sad warranted Win ter • • I• MOE 110p43TV.- • • sum rime Welt* flint for silo by OE °~ ~is't~..~- • P. 11 . -. - 13., , I*. 1CE.11,70Z, I _____:. r • • OP/ICIS 01 CHA PITTPBC-.011 pAZZ-1,21, I . L - Banker and Broker, 111.0:ital., November .20. lb.r.e. 5..4, . . Fifa 118 Wood St., near corner of There is no.lmprovement tti note in .thOI, a 1 general tone of the produce markets. Dull , . I -•- . -.. • - I 0068 and stagnation. seem to. lie the leading 1 All descriptions vir Government Bonds i chur ,,,t e risties. and to some:articles there. I - !j o3ucht and sold on liberal terms. ' • , , , ~, iinF, London and Continental Exchange sold st a slight ••••-'''''' " nd c'u6i"r'bie 91.'' dee ' New York rates. ' , . 1 which is owing to the violent reaction In Gold, Sliver and Coupons bought at highest \ Chicago. Besides, Mu demand for' most of 1 rates, ena GOld MIMS ISOIIint On New york.Z . the leading commodities is restricted adinost - - . 7! ! e ntirely. to supplying the Immediate - wants of ri:tailers and consumers, and, consequently, tse nayo but lose tound.lot Operations to 1'1:- FINANCE AND. TRADE. TUESDAY, 'SOUL, IK.e. The New York stock quotations to-day, e9reported -by Robinson , McClean 2t. Co., Were as follows Gold, 5-Ws old, login; do 'GS, 106%; 5403, now 10s),1; 74105, Ist series, 106; second and third, 100%, Michigan Southern IL. It.. 83;ia'i Cleve land d PILtADM7II, kallibUTDl2, Fort Wayne It Chicago, 107%; Brio R. 8., 70; Union . Telegraph Company: Chiccl:ua !forth Western, MS; Chicago d Rock Island, 105 Ve The market, it will be seen, is unsteady. Gold and Governments both .down, and a lit tle lower.. Fort. Wayne b Chicago Itailrond n shade weaker, 'while the tislatice of the last has recovered somewhat from the extremu points touched .on Saturday. Cleveland 4. Pittsburgh has risen 11,1. 311ehigan Southern. Erlc,l"4. Western Union.Telegraph,SX. Northwester:l,-2%. On the whole, the tcuc of the market is better, though, by no means strong. The 10efi1 market opens with about the same inquiry for bank shiresnoticed in our lest report. Sales of 11. d St. National at CS. Par bid' for Fourth National. Sales of Citi zens National at 62r(a small lot) 'same bid for More. Tradesman, °dared at bid for at 63. 11S bid for Secondllo)4. National.ExChange bid for Iron City. Nothing doing in Railroad alutres, save entail lots of Allegheny Valley 'Radioed changing bands at 1e@1614. Oils very heayi—no sales - to report for the day. —ln noticing the recent material decline in gold. the niladophia Ledger nays : Italis at ilret thought that the decline was eitused by the "bulls" who, by letting' dolvn, hoped • o Induce •411.1ort" sales, but tile too lo ne has been too steadily downward and- continued tojustlfyi that thee ry. Tim report that the Secretary is selling gold probably hati no bettor foundation no fact. Instead of quiring why gold falls, had perhaps, Let ter look for reasons for its rise from Re low point of 125 to 114, as it bad ruled within n omparatively- short time. Within a month tile decline has been 13 or 14 per cent, Ist. tended with severul tips mid downs In the 01110, hilt with a bceady downward - tendency. - The operators In gold for a rise have eel ,dently loit control of the market for the time, and as the demand for the custom duties are It ghter than they, were, mud rumors tnpre and 'more eurrent of a probable tightening up of suemoney market, they are not likely to re: gabs the control they seemed to bold of run ning tne premium up and down 'at pleasure. Basses men and the people at large bcgin to see that there is no cause for a high premium on gold; that the resources of the country and Government, sad the large stock of coecio, both in the vaults of the Treasury and in the bands of the commit-IR,V ageoLasinglcient guarantee ogalnst anyceorcity for all legiti co Ile wants short of a resumption of•-•speete payments, which, perhaps. is more remote than many hone for. Unless ties country is nearer a ca us e ution o ccupat i on Otro Is ally just cause to apprehend, the of tue in gold is lost, at. least for the pre-, ent: —The act of Congress approved April 1.5.56, authorized the Secretary of the Treasul to fund Treasury notes and other national el, ligations: "Provided, That of Cubed Mates metes net shore than $10.0e0,00) may be ret and conceit:id with in Ali - moriths trom the p sage of this act, and they... Mar not mote t 44.,000,0‘,0 in any one ininith." During::. pa-I month Of Ocieher, 1*,:ria,5117 ot ended Sl.4teo Acite, were withdrawn, but prob,d , lyr.il over at.ciAeoa were funded prior to the Lodi, nod were thus included in the Biz months , Dry*. liceceforta, - only per mouth eon be funded. • is the duty of tae Secretary of Lilo Treasury, Of lase, to report to C. an treos at the nOmMenCoMent of the next e,•.•ssi•ci I lie amount of exchanges made, and the gateau t of indebtedness quirel, with the nano,. of portion:lnterested, afida detailed 6.clotneol L the expense of Making sued loans amt changes.! —The New York. Financial vhronicte, of Saturday, says: • "The condition of commercial tilfstrii liati tendency to inspire a somewhat unusual cau tion among the branches of manufacturing' and trade there is an uneustneds ruspecting credits. Large accommodation Is sliced 11l order to unable manuMeturers tocarry stocks of goods at high Deices. Oct the. titter hand, InPrehan ts in IMO interior, ilridiug their col lections to come in slowly. are asking for an extension of their obligations to Now Tork houses; anal failures arc occuirtng under cir cumstances which, if the present Un".oLind condition of affairs, naturally excite o of uneasiness and apprehension.' At the same. time a heavy tall In the price of stocks dur ing the week, with the fear entertained by some that it may develop into a panicky rush to realize, has produced a degree of caution' In making advancers upon stocks to other than 71.11-known firms. Diaconal* cannot, be reported active, although there is an iinii madly large amount of paper °tiering im side. Produce and dry goods commis-ion hi , per to subject to a more than usually ems:: terntlnv. Prime names are- current at 0;c: per gent. , =MCI ALLEGIIENY 1.1 %TT LE MARK ET The receipt! of cattle were unusually light thin week, net tf reaching, nine hundred head, but the supply, nevertheless, was fully urethe demand, %nil a small num ber were left over. The market was crobid endues animation, there •being no' eastern buyers In attendance, and, no fur as we could learn, there was not a single bullock sold for !shipment, Au compared with last week, hew ever. price. had undergone uri Dercept..ble change, pile to eholen retailing cattle sell ing at ul from 7to 7% ceute per pou nd , gross, fair. to good G to Gl6, and common ut 4% to I. • - PRICE? AND LANDS. • • There was a fair supply of Sneep on pale,hnt with a mmlergte demand, the best of then, sold without much difficulty at 5344 to sX,while common may be quoted at iD to 8. Kerwin & Crum retailed .a mixed lot at prices ranging all the way from 84 to ali;and• Ewart retailed •102 head at from 4X to There were other eases at about the above range of prices, aud it thould beyborne in mind that nettling bat prime fat mutton Sheep will bring the outside quotations. Lambs remain ,quiet and unchanged. Are coming In pretty freely, and with only a Moderate demand,bu) cr. bein apehensive that the bottom bag not yet g been pr reached, take hold very cautiously. Kerwin & Crum retailed 30 head of prime at 8 to titi,gross,vold 16 head at 711 to 711: Emerick & Co; ice broad 7D to s"4-0. few extra at 0. :Darr kin. eold IlellseMse 86 head common at 6. lo a retail way, good fat Dogs cannot ise qUOti•4l ulxive 7to 7D cents, as there is no margin for shipment above these figures.' 1110ONTED BALLA or carrms.. Claes A Lafferty retailed: DI head at 4 to 7D —l9 head left over. Kerwin Cram 10 head at 4•11 to 5%. G. C. Crum Bold Peter Fairley 2 palm of fat oxen—one pair weighing 368 0 his, td 7, and the other, weight's r X 1 7 3. at G. LOAM, Bold Liuzlesvoml & Co. 49 bead of wSotl Illinois steers, weighing 54,fr30. 14, sir It. Rot:- 1000 n retailed 22 head at .5 to 516. Y 11Ar t man 13 head at 7to 7,40. Ilaetewclod & Co. 16 bead at 614 to 714.. Blarks ft Tr:norm= ill bead at SW to 714.• Myers & Weedy sold 30 bead of siciekera Bodeen at :44; retaled 100 bead at 51-5 to 71e,. Greenwald & Kahn .50 head utR4 to 7g. Em. crick & C 0.12 head at 4107. tiopti & & Kurtz sold 86 head—moatly balla— st SD to Merrick & Dotal, 33 head; L. Rothchild., 39; Kraus & Dan., 16; Carr It Mt- Allister, 77. • • - CM= eirrisßusen AtARISEI OTSICII .SIS TUX PITTS XOllOll IIiXIITTX, TUESDAY, NOVCIXIbet /Wt. CRUDE—There to no Poprovement•to note in the demand for Crude, and while the mar ket is dull and weak, payee Lave undergone no further change. We continua to quote at, - le to ne,i, bbte returned aud In bulk, and 10 to 40 15. bids included. Cale of tJi) bbla (42 gravity) at r),, , '11100(-1 grunt?) at 1034;1600 (4 pr,' graf i l i t r ) imit gravity) tit.lo, and 20) (40 to 43 graviial nr le. Tire urrlvate thee fur hey. , net.beee , ie large us generally Pi erlictiql, but 'as t he river In still to excellent heating col.- ditto". the r• colons will doubtless be la' fore the passed, The demand is t ig ht, both for prestut, nod future dully( ry , and whit bolder,. ore anxious to iodise,. tj u eydo urit,at present. seem illiiptised to make any further coucc,slens order to elnici. ,sialer.• -That the market is In a very plcinit• feria conditleu Is generally couctiled ' and opo 'ratan are puzzled to know which course is be ()roper one for themto_numne. nErLtaiDTXC market for bonded oil con tiUUCS Stull and SIVXltCled. and wrest IS worse Still, there ere no iildiCU: ent. 10118 St . present of tinyroveFu ire but ary . t t F two T ra i t h e n d r i t t c y: . d ill: , , 2 th r h i l e i ta r:2 d r ? ° I op' 1000 I,name d 3 December;o.d%33. ( 0, 1 d i 13r y t:oc(s .l to be about the beat offers that can_ be re . u. Bred. Free oil Is dull and neglocted--ata.- q,,,q br u pq s may be quoted at 40 - to Mc, In smell lota. of oil ,AURIV ALB—The following -art/Vale, were reported to-day: _ W11141rt5....- . VAS D. Deshnell... Miter & aro ..... .. - 6710)(V. P. Lognn,.. Forsyth it Be,) 7001flarbeer &Co D. lily • 421 ii [lroner & Burke.... 110 Total, MeeroJght CS =nl ts. CO, • Wool. The Detroit Post, of Saturday, pays : . The market - Ims become duller, and duller, and the price Is purely pommel at 430. A gentle man well posted in the condition or the mat , hut, who is, direct, from. tteinon,anntrin us that never—save perhaps in ItaD—has there been to bine a t ime to Boston as has been ex perienced there aa rum the past three weeks. Largo amounts of wool arc, held by week parties, who are absolutely compelled to rea /ike. and they are wholly at the mercy of ,the buyers who, tt most be confessed, are not warrazitedin buying, except from linntl month. -Holders are constsmtly Importuning mantlfeettlrarti 10 e a look at the . steeks in t h e ir lofts, but the latter clams generally re ply itelnt blank that it they have nay good wools at 50 cents they will tithe a look at them, but Othauritall.4.,lBeillea dO eo.” As an tlim,tratton of e depressed Condition of our woolen Ir. , eresi. a jobber from Cimio, who knows whereof be speaks, states that goods can be pereed at lower rates in the Xnited State. lor greentracke, than the Milne styles cab o bad tor itt Cam 44a for glyer. IM=MI 9o; Pm Liberty nrcet cammas c. BALaLsr, ==M = ZU;p3_stroe . ! 0/SICII Of VIZ rrrrsavaon GA: I • TIIC3DA.T, NOVetuber VS", ISO: • PISTrBUIN.CaI ninicTips cord. GRAlWileat is dull but unchanged; sale of 1 car NO. I. Spring at +2,60. Barley is dull and unsettled; Spring may be quoted at ail - to 51,0:i—choice, 41,10. Sale of fl ears new Ear Corn , lit elevator, at 45, and 2 cars of prime old Shelled—on Ito:Way—at. 51,03. The mar ketis completely glutted with most corn. Sale of 1 car Oats at Si, and 150 sks at 53. Rye IA in domain! at 51,10 to 51,25. FLOU It—There Is no improyemeht to note in tile demand for this prUcle, - and while the market Is dull and weal:, prices nave under gone no ehauge. IV e continuo to quote good to choice brands of Spring Wheat at 512 , ,f to $12 , 4 ;and Whiter Wheat, 513..; to 511. - Rye Flour is quitted at Small sales of Buck. q wheat in store at 54 to 50 , , per cwt. BUTTER—There Is a moderate demand for prime Roll Butter, with sales at 30 to 35, but. there Is inquiry tor common packedfln con• sequence of the tact that thole Is MI ruhrgin for shipment. EGGS—Demand fair, supply light, and mar ket drat, with regularealus at,3l. to 35. - CLI KESE—COntin nes quiet and dull, with a supply considerably in excess of the demand, but prices retugin unchanged. AFPLES—Tnere to no apparent falling Ott to the receipts, and as the demand for ship-. went is subsiding, the supply nu the market Is accumulating , anti prices aro barely main. talned. We, quote In a regular way Irmo store at 52 to 53 per bbl, as to quality. littY—ls In good demand and a shade high er; sale of 58 bales, prime, on wharf, at 515; per ton. POTATOES—Feach Blows may Ito quoted at 52' SIX per bbl,, and Jersew Sweets at 55 to 53 . 4 per MA, as to quality. SEEDS—Flaxseed is in good demand, and We can report sales at 53 to 53,10. Timothy Seed Is quoted dull at $3, in store: Xe de mand of soy moment fur Clover. - . SALT—Is. steady, with a falr demand. Sales at $2,50, by' the' car loud, and 52,90 , to 53, In store. SORGHUM—Is In fair demand brit nu• ehaugea; may be quoted at at to 6.4:t.1te out. side hgure for prime, 1101115 T—ls selling at MAUILETS BY T.E.LEGLIAPIt 'Now York Financial nailer,. New Toes, November money par. ket wws more active at stillA.per cent. Sterling 1e5,10109. Gehl 71rumr. opoulng at 141%4 ad vancing to 111 N, de:eh:due to 111, and . 0103Ing Lt 111 N. Government dtocits are a shade Pric er. Fre.ights to Liverpool quiet and iincalaug?. .1. Stocks are steady; Fort Wayne, lei; North, western, 51'::; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, SS •; Ih Mots Central, Intent:mu Southern, Sp:; 11iN; Erie, ;SE; New York Central, 110-,tl; Rock Island, rap 10`,.? Western Colon Tel. gh. Secs n-Tnlrt ' seies; FictsTwentles, Coupons of second 1132. lOSN;r , lON 1,4i.1, Ithil‘ - . Prteel , of ullotrui ',tort:A .in Boston this illy: Canasta, Git; COpper lal la. 42i; Eratikl Ilaueoeic, 17; llama, 37; Isle [t oy al, 11S; Wu ite.aila, 14%; Water Corer, 30.-4'. • The Ckanuirreid,", money article says i The Money market chow , eon,Mleruble mitts: n it O*lllOL to large tut in seeartt lee i nit rate,. are il rut, but uot quotably chaotic/ Wore or ye , te , ably. - 00010 of tho Dinka are a,kteg 7 per emit., but probably from °SLOP , ttoual reason , The general rati,• however, Illt !AO, V. COI WC MLA 1, g per cent. 111. 60 , e. ni ment brokers have money 0M:1,1. freely it, 5 cur Cent., Da quiet., with large amount • of ' pa.pet offering. Haney very ...etterally 1.1, finite paper utoles 7 percent., Init ' en t he ,treet. tit., of prima lIMIIIeS ate Ort,eti.d lit li' i 4417 per -..,.:,.. In the Striekanarket the battle beta een the ''[full?' atal ..Beam" is,'tiereely maintain ed, the latter having for,itho 11.10111(.11. Ole a....• ceaitioley. Governtas•ntillio. a gentital 1 . 1.-t I notion from the .leprec , l•o4 . deveiolled Ve , ii' 77 1 day n•orniug, Tla , accitio:.breaticlit out alarge . amount. of orders: ekiiii [h. , tete; lot awl tr.M. lUnat•Mat leo itutions in 11.1,.. eft.; who hat r •• ceatly reattr.. , l upon Is :ghee pitepa. rotor ei t a, fermgn tta•ltterm were ail,' i111Y137... Fore!.” EXCL3I . Lte C0111,111e3 Vi.ry 'hill. Prime virVtl .lav, -thrliliF Is 0tt0:, , ,i at 1•••-• , ,i,,Z107; Aticr. , .1, 4 0.0. 117 l ~‘,.i1e1, , 1.;; fralics,lom; slate, mett. Mei. I,,trFoes etclacy article e. ay., The Loan market Is active at S nor cent; sv ttli exceptton. al transactional at 547. . There. apkeare to lie Ices 'Ruh' , of cu,:sreltrY 10. the interior, and money Is lean stringent in f ie, elites: - The Stock market opened strong, Immune weak, arid clotted with an upward tendency. limners or increasing uo.mty in irlouti base soul. effect In depressing the speculative feeling. lioveruitients are !.i41 , , per cent, higher than yesterday. V....1.11e0a1t snares tire unsettled; at ter the regular hoard the quotations were: N. V. C., Itssl.4 Erie, 715,4 Madsen. River, 122',:-. Reatling,ll3,k; Michigan Central. 112; Mtcrn- Wan Soul horn, sat, i; Ilimois Central, Ile; Pitts. hhigh,FAX;_North_ Weitern, , fet; 114? 'preferred, ; Toledo. 111; CO.. Is. L, I 0,:„; tort 4 sync. to ,:t te .h. SI. et rtideat es, XT.,. The specie re ##,,,,,i by the Ocean queen crow Aspinwall, amounts to $l, 121,251 41. Foreign Exchange le inactive. Hilts at tO days on ',elation are quoted at 107-.1.V.1,10.5..4 for vommerel. , l; 10- , .1,4 IS) for hankers, and aishort sight, /11A,;(1109 - , 1 / 4 .,.. ' New' York Produce Mnrket. New Yong, NOV. lA—Colton more active, at about ilreellain prices, at : - ,t4:30. .;c for middling I # '' 1 .''''.ll""si';',;:i chiefly'Ffol Flour us'ouS34nCtrs'l.lt-onaCtu"illill.::"l'in7:l,7xi'L'ajsf" s'utllistacl; lower ,t til b t g ' , a 7s '. 411. IX) to extra 11. 11. 1./ , and 111,7e412,71 , for trade brands, closing moth active and with an tips:mil telalnacy. W lOsky doll; small tales at 1011 iii in bond. Wheat 23 3 e lower, cloelmt w lin rather nime Inquiry fo r I n at 1 - 1,21, la, Na.`:. Illiw au tve; 49,13 for Inferior tie.. 11,S , for unsound el?rtli,t, 410 4.1",19 tor stalber stale. Rye quiet ARO lleellaln..t. Dailey ale IL and left :0100 Cl, cloning armee, at RIM; 101 . 1.:13.1111‘i.. WVlt. In bond; #1,441,21 for very elaturs , ft re. It-irley malt OWL Corn irregular alal U 11501.! tied, at 41,2141...1: , for shipping mixed western In store and afloat.and 01.26 ter white mud yo. low western ill the afternoon market, and wan dee:vitally-firmer under the cable reports front • lave rpool, quoit:4(cero at Ms anti sale:tor -Wen western mixed acrd Made at 41,2501,2n,,t afterwards ut $1,30 and white western #1,2 , 1t1 ,,, M. Onus declined 141:, at #2'.44. - Ac. for: %ester', at .1 674.69 e for Slate, cloning Rattler. Coffee .1011. Molasses Anil. Petroleum. quiet, at 2 !.(0 - .e.5.., for crude, anti 1541Sti ter refined in bond. Pork opened Renter, but closed trees - I. and Irregular, at #22,1:042.:,M, regular 0.1:1 flash. for new mess, closing at #22.75, regular, ani1101,414%,50 for prime; also 1,75/ oar rids 01 new mess, at t= S 7 'for sellers , numon for Nra costlier, 1#2 , 1,416.2.3,f4 for . sellers' option. for Januar)•, and 02.25 for sauna' option for all year. Deer heavy', at =also for new plain mess, and ISO - 2te for new extra mess. Beef 'lams Ilull, .at Mane. Baeoll quiet unit steady. Cut Moats dull and heavy, ut 1P,40110 for Shoulders, run lafille for lianas. Dressed (logs Ileavy, at 8.74(00/,c_for Western. Lard heave, at 12413'it. 'tatter heavy, at 17 - 0310 d for Ohio. Cheese ull,- at S 4 lON. . The . Dry' thralls Trade. : • • : 'Now YORK, Noe. 31.—Tho dIT goods market Is without oily particular feature or ehange or interest. this morning; the quietness lti trade still myntieues,whlle Jobbers are making every possible .effor I. to attract attention and discover at what. price buyers will anici the Market. for granite Jobbers prices - . Brown Sheet -1 ago—lndian Mencl,2l; Atlantic, N. Li; Boot. fl. 17. I:leached Olgrangs—Wowsatta., 27!.#'; Mar iam No. 1, :::'..; do No. 2,17. Prude—Ceche°, %; American, 17.,; Allen, IT', Empire, 12. Cann liatts—Lancanter, 23!...y, Hartford, IM. Cain brtea,--Washlngton• 14 , ,,t; Portland, lii,i. , tide elan—Clinton, 33:1:ouggIttle. 5,,r1. 1 NI, Lento Market. -] • . St. Lorna, blov:•2o.—llotir continue@ dull, unsettled WO lower: eerier, 68 51.45 25'' extra. tit 75(00.15; double extra, V 11.00011.50. Wheat diiii and Joiver; prime to choice spring. fritled 2.1:4 prime tall, choice 112.70(5X25. Corn lower; Old Mixed, sl.tirifil,nl; Choice Yellow and .41.10gi.L.: Oats I`4ole low er, et 5g1,54e for prime. Pork declined 61.00. Bacon quint; ahoUiders, 15c; rib. aides,. .111ic, clear, ewe. Whisky dud at .2.31. - - Chicago Sisrlaet CUICAGO, NOVClllber2o.—Flour quiet at 49,25 din ,:ultra wring extra, 11, for ealVaocell clonlng Druz at ti1,(1.45.1,12 for No.l, wad 111,75 to for No. 2. Corn , wormed 202!.6c, closing firm at 83081lwe for 1 . 0.1, and Waren.; for No. '1 Onto aavanetn'l %Gyp; nal CB at 33 ~4c for No. - .1. Mono pork /121. lloge entlrely.uomlned at yes• terday'a prices. irelght.v quiet. rbliadolptile plarket: Prue aueLruns, Nov. 21.1--llnur dull; Extra, lo;(o; eupordue, 4 W3d M. 'Wheat, very dull; Cod, 43,15. I.;nru toil, ealea of ../,060 hush Old Yellow at 41,t1i; New, tik. Onto, Prov Mona tend downward; MUSA P0rk.V.4.00. Lard dull of IVLisky dull and unchanged. Fl= . . 11.4.1.Tra01.1.r., NOV. 20.—rlOUr Very dull and lowr grades dreo,ing. Wheat dull; lied .3;201 3.25. Own—n:l..B Nan . at .sl..led LEL °ale heavy at. 570:Pe. eLervly. PrO‘l,lolllo du l l) and inacttce. Lard 1.1c4,1•1!..;e. :lunar d ail and fend ig downward. Cullnu•dull and nominal. Toledo•:+l.nricet , • Teiseo, Nov.24l.—lleur dull. Wheat—Amber 11t2o 101.eli other grioles tuntotesed; wi r y s2,ik;g . 2,91 A tuber t2.,76 0/2,17, No.l bpttlig 44,1 , 40,10 Xi, Corn dull and littu lower; istt.4bete for No. 1 blued. Osts .Itr•fc lower at See. • New Orlrani. !Market. New 0111.CANN, onchangra; 14.4 900 Inkies Mlck tnicll 310:310.. cellae for (our Ilttyx, 12,500 bales fliftLlllst 13,000. Export:, 4,0:10 ualcs. Exutunge uuchaugod. • 3111vratokre !Markel. • 31:1,snucai, NOVCAllber 20.—Flour actlront etellue 01 Mand, ‘Vilent declined 4QlOe, arming quiet: Corn Fie. 061.5 declinell - 102c: • Albany DT1,114101. ' Amtativ, Nov. at—klour and. Wheat dull Cc:fru-44:8 for Mixed Wootern, cloning (Inn Barley dull: • Philadelphia Pattie 'Market. PitlLADid.racn. Novealbor —Tan Deer Cattle were very tins Week, and prices ung.ttled and lower; about 260 e, hinut arrlyett Tam; sold at from 15tr1tk; for extra; fair to good rcoliNc, and common ac from 10012 e per . • .7. slogs— ore dull and lower; Watteau sold at tho'didarent yards at isour co to 111, tb. nW 14 :: )et i....—werd: father drine , r l : SOP head ar riVed and sold at trout 5 to cents PtrP,ialltl MEE ' CoICTUOLLts'e Orison; • , . CITY or AL!,itcHitnY,' Nov. tSco. - 1 c,,EALEDISROPOS ALS will be re= L. , cote.' et this °Mecums. i rail/ 41'; inn Inst. at Su'clack P. U.:dor tirrrnog end Faaltia Nunn . C. .1 Strver. train Kul Lane tmelycamore street. Alto for Uradingtir.ten Alley, from Centre etrcet Hy direction orb te Siren itt Commee. • n 600114 . R. P. FRANCIS. City Controller. $25,000 To mks-. rersono Cesllteg 3 , 1 borrow Sr.ooe, en 139 ND AND 3101111.1A0E, • . • For one; so or more years. yriLl 41, ',Alt to roll On (I..otttlE X. 1 , 3. - tTY. - . 00 3 PlikrEittite Agent, No. 1341. Clair IM'CUI. • RIVER. NEWS • • , The river Continues to recede slowly at this 'point with over seven feet hi the channel by 'the Monongahela marks last evening. The weathier continues cloudy and unaettled,with pecasienal showers of rain, and business is somewhat' retarded at the landing in con sequence, although very dull at best: • The.. Peerless arrived from Oil City since Our last report, and the Urlitia left for that point' last evening. Tow boating appears to be pretty brisk ou the Allegheny at, present, 'hut the competition fur business IS so great that returns are comparatively small. There are some 1 cry gee tow boats engaged oil Has stream. The arrivals since our last report include the Argosy and Rob Rey, from Cincinnati, Luells,,from St. Louie, emit the lieu! 'Amt.'. from Parkettiburg. The Argosy nod a very doott trirshavingnmong other items of freight aver fourteen hundred barrels of dour. . • , Tim departures were the Ezra Porter, for • St. Louis, and tile Anaemia, _tor New Orleans. The Porter bad a cargo of railroad iron. In tended, we presume, for the Pacific Railroad. The Armenia. had a very good trip, although consisted n m o a q tnuy e oloadrond., down. Her cargo nails, glaasware, etc., etc. We noted in our last issue that the towboat Lake Erie bad stuck one of her barges at "horse Tail." Sabswienllyi attempting to get It Otr she suck it. The towboat collier broke' her ro k shalt down near Wellevllle, and alter landing and tying us her tow, she returned back to the city for repairs. J. Sharp Me Donald and Mr. A.Dippold, coal men, left for LoUlsVille yesterday by rail. Mr. .McDonald. intends starting his boat, A. J. Baker, from that place to New Orleans with a tow of coal. ' The Sliver Cloud arrived a Cincinnati on Sunday, en ratite for. St. Louis; with atoll cargo in the boat and barge, one Item tieing 19.10 barrels of oil, which she ept at Parkers burg, The Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, was load ing at New Orleans for the Ohio Hirer ort, Tuesday of last seek. Capt. A.' McGowan, of the Upper 23.11515- iiippl Capt., 11111 Henderson, Nal to have ' lett, St. Louts forylttaburgh on Monday. Capt , McGowan has breed absurt from home fur 1 aurae nine tnOntus, Iwe are gratlaed to learn that he has enjoyed excellent health. r The Belleveruou was to Lure left St. Louis 1 for Pittabufgh on Saturday last. The Kate Putnam passed flirt:wan the canal at Loehr. ville on Sunday lasts . •• • The Argosy, Capt. Vroaderarlft, with Mr. W. U. Scott in the ()Mee ' iiii tile regular packet for ' o Cincinna ti soil passee amulet bear this in mind. . The Glasgow, Capt. Geo, W. Johnson, Is fill ing up rapidly for Sr. Louis, and will take her departure to-morrow. The Glasgow is a neat anti etuuneh packet, end Is excellent mecum inodations for passenger. The Silver Lake N 0.3, Capt. Todd, is filling up rapidly for elect midi sad Louisville, and wtll positively leave this evening. Passen gers and did peers should wake a note of this tact. Tile It. C. G re}, Capt. Anderson, Is next In turn after the Surer Lake. .- 1 Capt. Charles Barnes, we are pleased to learn, intends turning Ills attention again to the etenzuboat , !money business. Captain Barnes Is well known as an old ateamboatinen and etetinitkiat agent, as it will be remember ed he was in tliengeney business at the break. leg out a nd e, war. Ile served Is countly faithfully n well as a Stilallet, and d we know that in the capacity of agent, he will serve our bleandiciattnen eqally us well. Captain B. is Loa acting ea agent for the Glasgow, An anti Quickstep. Capt. flare litia certainly great reason to be mead of bit new almoner the... Genital." She Is certainly cue of the fluest stern-wheel boats that has "her been trailed out in tile Western conntry, end this saying a good deal. In point ut style and finish. alit biewli-that could possiely be desired, and will coati - Lire favor=. able with any boat of her class on the West ern waters, and nopalus or expense bus been spared In her COnstructlOp, Besides being taitelully and bautlaotuelyy rA i n t n y and fur. nisheit, and supplied with alllatest im prevenient, Still CA/NeUICIiCCI, she in well put together; all the material used in her colt t.a:lien livi ng of the eery best quality. The 'I lillenSiOZlS 01 Pits due steamer are as follows: MO feet le length; feet beam; mulct feet depth of hold. sbe :ls is supplied with three Mines,': flues 0ica,.2.4 reel lung . and Si !aches in diameter; cylinders. 17 InCneS. nut 5 feet , stroke. The former were b,iilt. by James Tine n .0 CO. and the latter by !Madam:v.& Co. Tile painting Is 111,73,1°41as an eNC lit elic Joh. And N.e bate bn moat will pleas, even the fabiitious river editor of the Liaeltaial i Clint't mere..., who is nevi to he an' at tuirer of "due EE .1 , in." Ti;, painting was ,;one Boggs .0 Co.: save.. Iron work by au el hi & bleg ran', and Jas. ! atter: bla, it ..:Iti-ing ey .1. 11. Ihinglas• ; blacks I ir, I.)..vatie Z . - tio ;ells; WI:St I.y Er..e.,,Gtlinore t Dallas; -hi ,r. iii 51,itheral & CO.; tarillig, 4 , 1 1..' ltaii.y t Co.; etrpots by McFarland a. Col. tins; uphill-Eery by k.ditunulsou a CO.;lamps by Sheriff & slegraw. The hull was( liallt. by ' Messrs. 3.leClosky X Kerr, of Preodorn, Pa. she Is furelalnyt with spring bedti and hair mattrartnes and Brussels carpets. The Glen d ale is nun Mullin; foe SC, Louis, andsill probably lievessQ to take her depar ture townorrow. Capt. Jas. Ltelloo hue v Wargo of the one , Capt._ Lytle requests u• to State that Die Camelot .111 probably he ready to leave tor Nashville onalturstlav, and sull'Per" should hurry don a their freight. IMPOLITS ItY SAILSWAID. I'yr/set:non. FONT Wart.; & Chioaes It. K., November IYO-65 Mile. cornmeal, Shouietker & Lang; Al ice had , 24 bide pink, So, tea hams, I Sellers A co; 1 ear apples, 70lialf Mils apples, Kell .t RlD:hart; 1 ear barley, P. 5 tires; 1 car iron. John MoPrimaili I ear oats,l do mill feed, 11 Rea ,j r; 1.t9 obis a pples,J M. Vortioils; lee blue dour, J I spouse A co, 3 Mils tallow. KIION 1, Orr; 100 bits their,D Witilacel.los do high w in e,, shiptun &Wallace: lee do ilohiTieliimiaker & Lang; 103 do do, I' Pardee; 1 ear win; D Court ney; 75 Wilk Apulia, IV II Patterson; 14 barrels eil.lo ll der, 0 Meyer; e. lies potatoes, seghtnyer A V 1. 1 ,, I ear owls, Blair & Woods.) ear oil Mile, .Its Wilties; .1 bas baiter. 1 keg lard Il Lear; :IN Bolen brooms, II tier sr lit !Leo; (bola dry apples, 1 it,, flutter, lilrkpatriek - a Broil' ear corn, Pettit & Newlin:l do barley, Carson. Darlington A col 35 bide neer, N/ lib's rye flour, Celli .t. Shepard; :7 Yka nuts, 1 car corn,' 7 plega cider, II iteajr; b ears wheat. Liggett & ' co; LS stlrs COrn. 157 do eats, A. Taylor; ti pigs ...teabe, to bids toug tic", I Sellers & co; le Dbl.! sUrghtlin,.Voigt a co; 1 ear metal. Hallman, liahin•Sr, eo; 2 du do, Grad, Byers & co; 1 car bity,l3 N Courtney; 0.) dos bruin., IV S Miller; , 0„10 110, .1 McShane; al bole,, Mole, Z Wain wright; li do clo, Jobti ieitngslell. • - . PITTs Ili WM, Cote:sacs A CINCINNATI 11. It., Nevelt:de, i.0—.1 Car Oat!, Kennedy 1. LOlllrOp, I I car lent ber..l It 11111; ado epides, J shelini A ; I do barley, 11 Iteair; 1 car corn, Bricker & co; 54 sks barley. CM .11. tern, Meaner, Burnt, a. ei,u s t; IS Ito d0,'.1 li Sled; it LscILS v, col. 1 ken E sineitd; 5 lees viler, Jos Itossi.t hots tip i•iva, Graff .h Reiter; 4 tit , do, Cooly, Bro 1 c'; IS Ibis applcs, stoi,tron it Oro; :side de, A t well, Lee A c 0; N 1111110, N ri 1.1 rim; lb.; lens flour, Dag t Wallace; 7 Lode telisceo, W & li (Linehan; 1 ear wileaL.l.Dawsinii Year. stares. IV Hastings; I cariwrical. J A Courtney; 5 1,1,10 Oil, J it X . ...rker:W i.ela hominy, E Ilearieton; 1 car :oinked. 11.-Knox A son. CLYNNLANID ft • PITTS• 1,1011 KM/. lir.Art November 50.—S bids oil, IS his candles. C C flaisley et Ms Monk 10 do ld J Parker; 15 do do, .1 Lippincott; Pi brac a n dl es , Ilaworth, McDonald a co; 91 [Ails apples, 1. 11 Volgt 1 to bids cider;rreacouter,Goo a Co; St bills enatra U Purdy; 1 car corh, Pettit. a Newitu;7 cars heat, ,11 Wallace: 110 bile oil, Bresrer, Burke & co; 55 110 do, Ibirlanir a Smithson; 55 do do, MeCt eight, Cnyhman It co; 1 ear rye, Hitch cock, IleCreery & co; 5110 wheat. Liggett. A co; 7 du metal, Nimick A co• 1.10 apples, Call. St Seepard; Ino . bre, Beebe, G rad & Dull: 3 do Wart . do, shounberger A rt 111.0 do, Wood & Lu klnat2 care corn,' 1 do oats, it Klieg & Hon. Atm:unary brimbs. November 2.0-5 cars w neat, Keened) , at Dee; I ear Oats, 15 sits corn, AI steel et Son; law bbli dour, Coy. Noble & to; 15 sits rags, Godfrey itCiark; 10 do do, flitch rock, EleCreery & es: SI. b 1.1.1 tippleS.D Tllo.eas 40 liga birelewh eat node, 3 - Craig; 43 bee oats, rickets &H ,ebb; 3 cameo beetle, J licrumn. - z VOR CIMYINNATI AND LOMSVILLE.—The aae tteruner 811.VElt (Attic, No. 4 Capt. TODD. Will [rare fur the above and all lotormedrate ports, on 11118 tra Y. *l4 p. -- ror freight or ua rage applyon board or to orZ) rt..tial. a COLLIMIN, WI/. Agents. VOR CAIRO AND ST. Lollll3.—Tcc One Erma= • (io•Ni.ktar. Capt. Jour( IL HAIM, Jan. Mellon, (lea. 4.111100ra tor an, atm. , tad all Inlarniollato on 11 , 41111.1151 , AV. .14 r. Ar • for fratatil or ',image apply on board or 10 J. WOOD. • J etEi COLLINS. A gent.. tot) _ .Mll. FLACK, r 4 OR EVANSVIL -L "Anna AND. KE LE. OKUK. he splendid peastog , tiI,KMAJW Ceht U. w. J011N5.: , ; lc uo..hse. 11 le.tve fur the above Ltd 01l totem, Mahe purl*. on 111i:11:W4Y, al 4 P. ff elfrbiutilaerAge •PR ucooofd. of to 0019 ellAti. lY HO Agrnt• PEOPLE'S LINE.-11EG-Lti= IIL Alt tVICEKI.I' CI( Krim. ..e-n I'ITTOIti.t7tIU II A lilt 13 MAN nicn• stud ...Old *Mauler AR , tOdY. Loa t• Irns..leKrs ‘y -. tioott. Clerk. Itat is l'lCtirarah EYEItI uL.D.y. at o'clock u. Y.V1.11.1: Yu 111.A.Y. at It o'clock, , ght or pastate M.III hoard. 114cu14 I= --------- - - OIR corm, V N OISLEPr.4.—The doe Da arogor ate,W &U AIIME 4 IA Cart. 4. C. 111./LLvii. all Intutorthatts porta uo or fr,,gut•or per. anily 4n board or to Oen , VLACH & COLLIN° WOOD Mon°. imple EVANSVILLIE ANDEg i r in g NAgtiviLLE.-Tmithe steamer CAMELLA.•• Copt. 4 YYLL. 11,1 leave fo r the 00000 and all Intermediate porta, ea THIS DAY, at 4 r. For Yre or p1.4.34Kt , a .. ppl,Nr o r i lor A to t no 3 .Aim LAII.LIIIII OR EINCINNATI.—Thet •-'oplendlA aide-wheel Ytyainer , QUICKSTEP Capt. B. Boni, Jr.. J. W. Floyd. Clerk, will run. ai a EEC RIAU, PACKET, as announced abora, 'toyin4:oo :CLICK DAYS at 121%. trolyht or pIOOOgJAALEdo apply CULbL on oalNsr.l or to • • 0 014 a . Agent!. AVIIEELING; .111A11.11ET-r i at TA A rAnKEILSISURIJ PACK.- ICT.—The ap endld puseuger ateatner .BAYAItt/ ' Copt. Ozonas Moons. 1.4.0 es Plttsbargla MONEULT AN V. it o'clock A. 34 Leaves Perkarsburg. TUESDAY LIED.I.at :o'clock P. se Pot freight of bassaiteersblYoll board. 1111EESE. • . ; ' • . . auti oozes tiondan, rattary and Ilaniburg for 01,is B11003?8. 106 dozen for Imo by WINDOW NBA OIN—A now lot of nor and elesuLtut rivitxna on tirren. Tan. an.) 13 , 14 firoundsi. 0,1 , 1 mt.l Palntc.l tvtdar. at 2,0. 10714=1UL Street. vc „ JUO. If UULIZA • 1420. NANII UNION MON HILLS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. C(." 14T =1 IRON AND FORGINGS. Special attention given to the manufacture of Elatutnered and Rolled LOCODIO:. the and Car Axles, mr.x.,c)nct.a.w - Mtiqt...EsST3D. RAILROAD CIIAIRS, SPLICE BARS, BRIDGE IRON BOLTS, lc.: LINKS AND BOLTS; I BEAMS, WEIDER DION; OCTAUON A L lIUL LOW WliOUUlll'3llOll rotas; T AND ANKLE IRON, RC WAREHOUSE: " 95. Water and 126 First Streets; OFFICE: - AT TII E WORKS, NINTH WARD, I'l rrs HURON. ocIS-17.7 FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TINK WCP - EtiiS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE•FLUED, TUBULAR FIRE•BOS d CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, • • CHIMNEYS, 8RE,40 - lING AND ASII PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS - AND CON DENSER'S; " -• STE.VSI..PIPES, OMONETERS, AND IRON 1.3.11)0E5, • PELSON DOOM AND COAL SHUTES Vince and Work.. corner Second, Third - Short. I.hd Liberty S • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 41141-Onfere sent tn, th e :abort, addreis will be .rocuptly attende.l to. •. SHEFFIELD STEEL W ORKS. • SINGER, NIMICK & Cfl • ILANUTACTUIMBOT BEST :REFINED. CAST STEEL' piNACt FLAT AND OCIAM, OR ALL SIMI MILL, MQLIT, ,CinceLen, (LOW AND CROSS CUT SAW PLATES. . ELLIPTIC A%l) YEMI•ELLIVTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, r Cast Spring Steel, Cast and German Plow Stec PLOW WING, A.1 . 41)-110WKII SPREGS,'AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, `CM. , rilovrt.. 110 K, RAKE. YORK, TOE CALK AND O SI W-BAILI . AAltliKltY Ac. CAST STKC,L, CR Sarehouse,S; Water St., Pittsburgh tvtigkil • _. eTESUVIUS RON AND Nall WORKS. lIYIS,BAILELVALZELL & CO. MiIICYACTURICHS OF BAR, BOILER - SHEET zahmxla 'X'af!iLDW3M, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. • Warehouse, 73 Water d 90_,Frvut a PITTHEIVRGII, ra KEYSTONE IRON WORKS rarr - cicisor, - 4 7 LASS &.00 kluittrotarers of tt, afereat stn. of • Bound, Square, Flat and • Ilorse-Shoe Bar Iron, Iloop and Rand Iron, Roller-Plate, Tank and • • Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, kc„&c., &c, Works, ('l'f? TOWNSIJIt', Motion/abets river 015ce and Wereinter: No. 146 Water S.treet rciitglibrs STANDARD SCALES. - , Cop v ing Presses, : 1 'Warehouse 'Cruelks, ; Baggage Barrows, _ Sugar 31i1116„ &C. FOLISTTLI, TAYLOIt 6s, CO., ,e5.,,,d . 39 3.!Afts-PIT t-rittlr. )I,v - .21.1 a 3-0. B. WOLF. JR, It CO., Hardware &. Cutlery. Are:now receiving large edgillons in cur stock, which Is offered to Dealers at 33.49.13TE1EL11T X.X=LX.O.E/S. Corner Liberty and St. Clair. Sts, ae15.171 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, xmx.rwisaErcriztcl - zr. ROLLING MILL AND ORILGE CASTINGS. OrOeio prompt', mot constoßY m'oor""od CHAIR/ZS IiKISOIIAIII6E, EUBEIRT & DIAOKLIPiD. 3ITTSITURGII STEEL WOK IBUCOYBBOII.IS TV JONCZ BOIL 00..1 Manufacturers 01 th hest rcdned Oast LOUS, Squ a zt. rlat and Octagon, fall meg, haw Plata: 11 on. Tot) and heel Cast 'Meet, Onet c wet for )1 • REAPING AND 'MING aiiCHIND, H'r l Cl6[ PLOW wiNGS.PIPIIIINGS,AXL } A. CIIICIILLMO, Cbbt I.IW Conur.on Plough and Spring Steel, drat Awl IVtgeoltenUi, two blo , tt shore the Idohoug.theis Hume. vim IOBT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES IiNIP NEPHEWS . HEAVY ORDNANCE AND ALL KINDS OP lITAVY OABTINGS. ' Special atteptlon paid In ROLLING MILL WORE BLAST StACIIINLItY soil KILTOUTS. . RE VA IN.S attended Loromptly.. As heretofore. the ben Material, will always be used at Mils Having tßellosed of our OM parterus,patterns, wore pre pared, with Nco &treat& underOW •ND the superlSlPpo YeD_el slon of Me, MOUT, °- tarnish NA.I. MACILINFMat short notice. 1.13:: mu , D iAgy... ...W. VANE= ..... 11a1,111.111 AETNA STOVE WORKS. • A. BRADLEY tk CO. Man ofsatfue niters , !minty of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES I °V A lNsTrN 3 l'lVir'ov".. : z ) _ l l ß o F itYN , A T , R °llET ri ti EELN end ULON.7II ‘ .)ES (Rood Book Mores.) Alto manufacture , GRAYLY, GRATE teIIONTI4, etc. 00c and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streets. littebargb. Entrance on second siMat. as:was - ALLYN ..LLs. L. ivw. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. . , • CHARLES U. BAL.SLEIt, No 211 LI be rty street ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., macs mailWarehouns 301Libert7 opposite Elsottittleld, = • Wisiuraetures a great vartetyof VOOKTTAILLOIt and 11EATleiti STUVV , S. atudait eibtob are tbe ebrateil i‘lleabeny and Monitor Coal Coo) , lna staves; also. the Autocrat and Sentinel forpoal or good; and tits unrivalled Star or the e Or, car pod; also. Arclieo, UM., Wanders., env.Kettles, nap 'rocs Lad /101101 , WU 1119.11 .. 111Als I WO - _ EUM=l!=t! EM - 131 7 ERICAN- IltoA 'WORKS. JONES & LOOMIS, buagorAcrunzr B OP AIIIERICAN AND' CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron, Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; . • , • • Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Haile,l6 and .201bki. to the 3 - ard • Train Ita116,• • punched and coun- MANUTACTIMMUSOF .E!.l-al3O, E= OPEN/SITE UNION IRON 3111.1.5, MACIIIMY AND CASTINGS 051611.1. T. ANDERSON, COOK MANTITACIVIILP I 3 0! eicvlstwit•iiiinsimiz w.x , r , rf3NEr.i7.stic 3-2 zr , ter sunk Boiler, Bridge a id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and %lilies; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car steels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Pistonßodt; Mower and Reaper Bars. -- WABEHOUSE AND ovricz. 120 Water and 153 Front Sts, HOUSE, Nos, 22,21 and 26 River St., Ja:clS CIIICAUO. 111.. KENSINGTON IRON LLOYD & BLACK, bi &NUT AL - TU/ICM or' Best Common, Refined Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. MERCHANT BAR. ROUND and SQUARE IRON 1101./P, BAND, T and ANGLE IRON. 114)ILEI.1 PLATE and ell PRP IRON. MOWER and REAPER DAMS 'CYLINDER and GUARD Olt FINGER IRON bIIALL T RAILS, I tad 16 IDS. to toe Tar WROUGHT OliAl HS and ISPIRES far same. PLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCILk.EN 'IRON. NAILS and SPIKES. Warehouse. No. RN Water and No. 6 Market sta. Works, Second street, Elgrokt Ward. adjoining City 055 Works. Pittsburull. aukitif RANGES, STOVES AND GRATES. ALL PERSON S WHO NEED NEW COoKINtI , RA Gn areln.. tir call and sun ISISIELL CO.'., NEW COoKiNti HANOI% at No. IkS3 Liberty street, where they will also end a complete supply of Inc 311 , 1 common enameled GENTES, COOKING STOVES, II6LOR & MUTING STOVES, Waatt flogae Furnace!. and Laundry move.. BCOELL br. CO., ilanufattorurs of the celebrated 'fall/UFO COOK STOVES. FOIL COAL, And Black Oak tbr wood. telt4:l;t: BOSEO.ILE STOVE WORKS. L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., stituntutorers and I.teslurs to sll alndt of Cooking and Heating Stoves; HOLLOW WARE, &c., Of the my LATYSY-FiTTEIW3 awl STYLES. Warebouse, 197 Liberty street, PITTSBURGH, PA. WOllllO, IS•tir; erat:ltS DUQUINNE IRON AND S.TEEL WORKS. 14 A TT, SAN , RASA & CO., I.O4I.44XTLIMULI or Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, FIAOQB. BYRIRI Llill LB.BrI EL, &0., -WAu.2.ipruLiz. - 7.V c. 77 photo= ®trout, igrrsnunGH -UTILITY 11 - 911Eiti. SLATOR, - No. S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, maNCEAcrEnr.P.S OP CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE , They wakes specialty or Iron Bedstead...l Pistil Castors: Porcelain, Bedstead and I . l.lait Canon: Lk detesd Pasteuings. Mope for Estenstou TaWes, Sc. They also ruhohtheture and bade constantly bn handsTlostrili Latches. ensiles Latches, 'Lent,' e Window hash dup porter. .S.PLesn'• Eocentrio hash Button. Utility /3hotter and Butt Inns., Wind- Stone Hangings, had Irons. Sash Weighty, Sc., An, 111,(11 . LIPPINCOTT & 111,KINELL, No. 118 'Water Street, • twitracrtagns or tiliOU! , • I'A EIS TEIII'EEED I'AT ENT TOOTHED ctucuLAn, nuidt.Y, MULL AND CROSOHCIUT a "AL w. a . maim 14111i ' lL ' Ar m 7 " ~~II~IIA BOILER MORROW 3`,. 11:1-TelACTI.7101. 111.1 Steam Oil stills, Agitators, TaDke, Salt Paul. Gasometers. Wrolight Iron Bridges, Skeet Iron • Work, eke., &A - , TUNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH. pa. ifa - ILE PAI KIN U DUN E. I'ItO.IIPTLY. m111:01.8 CRESCENT STEEL WO: MILLER, RUM & YANUrAC7IUII[It 9 or BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Jla . tIPECIAL ATTlEntr,ll..l;t4:l2.o FINE CAST Ottioe, 38 Wood Street; IN BT. CHAELES lEPTEL. 11U11.111Nti VITTSBCF I . II4 Jg4o4 tath. 1641. le18:4 19 R. S. 111:0110./.881. C. 1. °ZULUS AntiAMAX MACHINE %iOltbti. ...CIaRLES F. GRAHAM& CO" dOccwors to 7IBULU, OUA UM d Engine Builders and Machinists, =I Oil Engines, Oil Tools, - And everything neeesenry for Boring - Oil Well.. rerticular au...t alon paid to Pitting nl , ntinfilnOt rulleys, Hangers, Ae. ' • Marlon A ;near F. W. 4 C. Et. J9.11.eg1a0rvir.1 .. 64. REPAIRING IK)NE PILUMPTI.a. Je.11:48 pETROLIA RACIIINE WORK& 'Et. XI. X.AXICTEGIT. • OD, 21 . 2 Ohio strect,tiletbeult =9 ISIPPOVED PORING lotd.ti, IJSKI) hiNRINO OIL AND HA.LT Wit.llll. Pat - dent. attention Invited to hie retettlo4 pavement. In Jar, and. Johns, made of Junistls, IJ. sod Low Moor Iron. In standard sires , and numbered, eo that Mlle can he ordered by tnelz el telestnildu and founds pertect Ct. at all thaws. We also furnish ropes. neltnul, small tools, le.. to those who may wish It, Maumee and machine wink made toorder. Ordure by mall incialif attended to. I mm prepared to grant lifenle3tootter MeOUOtf• rer• lor there Imoniyements ea terms, Mt t 7 Allecueny P. 0. Je20:1173 It H. LteliT. BLikeli • 1111.4.1/OND _ _ rwriinEur, mirczixt. piTrsuunc,H, PA. PARK, BRirrilElß dt Co-, Manufacturers of tIZST.I)IIALT.T.I WU' IRED OAST STOLL . Square, FM and ortazo la, of all wars Vf ornate equalto any Imported or umuuladtund tat. roma lrY. 4/OriMinx and warehouse., No. 10 and icy WI as and Uninntond arca:a. Pittsburgh. WI iOS. r. llitOrl SEILLirt. DUQUES W TI NE AN WEST eknit. POINT WAS IRON Vr, ofsetUrn all classes of Forgtops, slat :Steal:o , o.d Shane, Cranks, riston Rotha, Learhi, Pitman Jaws W and riatar also, Railroad Axles, Lonernoilas Irsmus, • and all "hare work. Trio under - 41F led Waving Wren Cur =Any years engskrOJlD the business are prepared to inrulah all orders entrusted to them with proial.teoes and dispatch. 1y11164 JO e. HAIGH &C O. PITTSBURGH IRON WOBLt J. PAINTER & SONS. MANUTICITS2IIB OP Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, AMMO . PITTRUURGH. PA. T 1 . lIIILEL- notaaux BELLE - STEEL WORKS. esti CO. A rut :, m a w g a l/ p etTalikerEra, JAW BA sir m br., so; os AWATLIEUTILZICeiIiejaaini Pimbursta. P. try EVERSON, PRESTON & co., P caws rt. VAX/4 ritCYINT ki:tolrata ELANUFAPRS. ATLAS WORKS, .0 • ORTO.V STREET. _ _ _ _ _ • ESTERS LVANI.kRAII.ItOAD t'to N'4,lofter DAT. 1,94,,,a,151ftr.1ed1az;101 13.4tV,•'arTa1T:11S AlteglieDy tat,. A+ (01 ! lows, bravo AmderAon Street • 000 n, Autl tirott, 0,111;,.; to P. - v. A-rt.• . 3 , ;.3. - 0.00 11:10 A. Y., Ike r c l a , i t A ~, L t epor,; ATE i pArO,l to forolttla ! 3 .,, 2.0 a, 0,15, 7.ttOr. N. Tiollt le3v.• AuOttr3on strOoL.At 6,00 A 1. .0.10..0 , 0. ;A 131,111 e, I rAlara and Inter aooll..te Arr.l,o at A '0,300 01roo at 111 a, A, and 1A) r. (.041 Itt.ar3, 111, Intermedl Le egiat.loa3. A utrios ])/Att. t ' Assletatitnurratutendent. Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. ! klngintre ui Eery DCS(..ripilk/11 =I Sheet Iron orlt,i Railroad Cubting4, Mitl Casting Engine Casingo. Mac6lue C aslings (:ener. 1 Castings ORDERS SOLICITED. 09.0 IROI;rr CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BITRCHFIELD/ Manufacturers of CHARCOAL. JUNIATA 4. rowsiu,i) *BUM - EMT Orrice. WAnkuOnfirs. NO. MS MA.R..n.ftT ST. 0c3.135 GEo. F. SCIOUCHITIAN & CO., • ' PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLY STEAM LITHoGRAFIIIC ESTAB LISHMENT W.E.ST OF THE MOUNTAINS. !Wei e.. Cards. Letter Bemis, Ronde, Lanes. COcu how (Wee, Inslorcas, POrtntitf, Yaws' lleraGeater of Deposits, Invastion Carde..te. l ..te. Noe. VA and 74 Third BC, I:MOW eh.. .10.4 INS URAN CE --- FIDE AND MARINE . INSURANCE W. WI NORTH AMERICA WORKS PIIILiDT:LFIIIA = liarilotd Fire Insurance. COmpany, I=ll=l abd tel r lable rOttCt Companies . ion C. b secured In the above tweed . . GEM I)O4SIBILVAIVE CO. "OF PII7HURON, PA. Oftlee,3l Fifth Ytreml, Bank hlocic, . 1 • This la • Boma Combany, and laserca againet ion oy Flee exclusively. LEONARD 'WALTER, Preshient. - - VCIItk.UTFL E. A, ' Ziri F y s-' ,.2. ` : `. ; / 13UUti .11`ELtilfNT, beerutX. Dint=One: • Leonard Walter, George Wilson, C. C. Boyle, • Geo. W. CI Ana. Robert Patriot. J. C. I appe.. Jacob Painter, _ . J. C. Fieleer. Josiah King , 1 ....—JohnVocgliee. 1 Jas. H. Hop, A. Ammon. 1 • Henry Speoni, . I .1,4:1 1 . fWESTEV:S INSILILALINCE CO ! , OF llTTeilltiltell, A I.EXANDER 1411111Cli, Zreablest. W3I- C P AI4 '' . ntiliTfil.g•eits,,- ....„,._i_ Fl 3 • ()Mee, im Water street,Spang y....• s 1.., 4 4; at. " .e. 12r16tIal, VittllbUrr I, Will in 1.01.111a1l ail kinds of Ftre and Marine Risks. A home Institution managed by who who •rewel! known to the cc - mime/silty, and who are dery the by promptness and liberality. to main tain the characterwhich they have assumed, so of fering the best protection to those who Oaalre tc-1:a. insured. . rthaCroas. M. Ninalrk, Andrew Ackley, H. Miller, Jr, • • . David Lo . James McAuley, • HeepJ,Thamas, • Nathaniel Molnar., . Chas. J. Clarke... Alexander zil,cer, John IL alcCen. , , Campbell B. Herren, ! James P. Manua. • C. 1% ..lileketson. ror3J • Vial. P.EIIT. Socretar7. N ORTH ABILEILICA . LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. " Widows and Orphans Fund. Jr°. 63 Witticism Si.. .Ireso rorte• - D. MOLWLN. • sk.clt TLNDAI.I... Medical ISIAMIIIISI. AGI COO INT FOR 1117.STEllN E r . T K.,' • 67 Fourth St., ritte.burgh. AGENTS WANTED. nirM:bra A ELEGFIENI INSURANCE CO. UP VITTSRU gull. Deice. No. A Firth street lank Meek. • suressirk st all glade of Ylruand Marine !Usk ell .1013 N IRWIN, J., I'o eltlent. SIC(.011.0. Vivo l'eet•tent 0. 0. DONNELL, neeretnre. Cant. Wll. DEAN, Genrr•l Agent ME= T U J H B :.. m b i3 J l 4:l3 lll ym o u th e s:l;l l : ll : . r . . pEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. corms, E. E. CORN EE WOOD AND /WM. rd. A HOME COMPANY, •TAKINti VIBE AN 1.) MAILINE 81888. WAIL — WU , WM. CllllllO, Cant. Jolla L. =oath., jobri Watts, Banin el 1%8/Silver, ohnParte, ' Charles Arbuckle, Cnpt. E. Miller. John P. , Blrapatrick. Wnt. Van Hirt, ?rank 8. Bissell. James D. Verner C. Hanson Love. President JOHN WATT, VV Ice Vrealdent w, P. Gs Ie.ONY.U.. necretAry. -• ' • • ••'" "•” """" • JAMIS SMITE, a. A. TOMO. - •TEVMAS Bourn, THOMAS BROWN. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. purch.ed the old egtabllsbecl Brewery kbowa as the ALLEUkIE.SY 111tENVEILY, formerly owned by Campueli d Itteln, we would Inform the public that we intend contlanlng the manufacture of . SPRING WATER ALES, Slide Irons rare Spring Water. and from our rtlarl tthoitgwynnrlibrenl:olthdet.r glivnelialwr: I:faction to those who may favor us with their pat- Qualßa esnakrs aco.. ' 465 Rebecca Street, WAR orders left at ROW .t ulte 203 Libert to . y Met,re Tittstirgb, will be promptly attended oa;181 MONUMENTS, GRATE STONE Vaults, Fountains, { Statuary, Vases, DESIGNS Of EVERY DESCRIPTION, BRQOME,' TO CLASE•MARERB. 7- ' THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING completed their arrangements for crushing the liuntolgdon gandliock, are now prepared to tut , nlah Prat quality of MAN I), ready for nee, deity. creel to CAN. I.OAO . ;AT THFAIONOIOIS, at the rtduced rate of $4 • per to e it herulk. or $5.00 bags, or ho delivere here, loose at 09.00. or In bags at 9,50 per tott, or _parties nag furnish hags at the lOose pace. e (Met the Breen' Glum homes Hand, adapted to their nac, subject to the above conditions, at 03,00 pr ton Ai TllO WORKS. Orders forwarded to ELLIOTT COOLEY, Mill Creek Post time! , _Huntingdon cormtv. Fa., or to. LLE.X•NOEU KING. No. 1110 First street, Fittiburgh, will he promptly attended to • ROBLEY A. CO. solaolo 'BEEN ALLEC—AUpersons In teresind w here.., riatinedtbat the undersign ed, 'clover. apetA , led to view end Assess darnsgea and benefits ter the opening of • - GREEN In the ThirdW'ard, Allegheny City, _ from Ce.stunt street to the East line or ilea foot alley. a ntstanco of feet, wilt meet on the 0r...m -ime, on" DECE3IBIiII STU, 1556, At ID o'clock if., to NISI the duties of their ■p polotinent. CIMM RIVEN A VISTA ST REET.-.4 It per ..A.na Interested are hereby notified Oar the un dersigned viewer. appointed to view and assess dame es end benents tor the opening or BUENA VISTA STRI • In therSecond Wnrd,.Allegheny City, htom Its ' terminus. on Taylor Rl[i J. 1606 S treet,! CligLynce za feet, 'OD meet on the prom Ise., on . . . TUESDAY, DECED BEE UtU, OSA . At Lt o'clock A. u., to total the dutte.ot OW 0.. polutaueld. . . . - .i ...JOB?: B. 1 tiGT-1A15,.. .. • - JAMES LoCILIIAU.T.- uotS:o10 . . . JAMES A1e5t.2!.2 1 . -- - } ----- C 0 -PAR-T-NriffS NIP. THE UNDERSIGNED RAVING oarehaied the stock and lnaeblacry of,the lase FREDERICK AE:ICHLEMAsM, bare on Arse day of October,. lAA, entered lotyApetytoerealp der map. syle or of riILt_TKAA I Uth. rot am facture of W AMON he.. at the ad en . tabllshed stands of Freder Atbditali end Thomas Ramer. o Romer strcet.• .ono end would respeettoUy solicit a trontlwouree OUR!, p.m ogee° hitherto o ilberhUy treatossey._ , TROMAS HARPER, - A. ANTUDNY GUraLeN, ' ADAM ARSCHICLIIANIC EXIBI TiSCHOONBILAKER & EON, • , PHUII2IIII Wigs Lead -Works • PURE WHItE LEAD. -- Nixa uraw emus), sat on. ios rAgrzu , a • lip. ervikatikstcws. n 011.1379 50 CANS COLEMAN'S 111IISTARD giuh ' r " el ult * CO.. pal wholsaue Dogrists, wood sine. 4! 1.)}..N NSYLVAN lA' .. . yo -A- - cENTLIAL RA IL noml.,.ffe= Nov mber Lath. 1a.7. ins arrive and lean the Union Det, toms et W ool li" ton &nil LibeltY Man., . 11 , 11...: at:Wax.' DOPABT. Snit -1 rain.— 1:9 a re' Day Kaplan.... Sir. a , rant Line I:5o . rt.: W.W.I N 0 .1..... 5:73 a a - was, No; 1,.... 6:9a to . Stall Train Ilios a lei ltrinion N 0.1... 7:50a ru Wall , No: Z. ~. u:S3a a Wall, No. ', Y.'S a rib •CLaeinntU Kie Wan • a Johnstown Ac... 9:50 •m I Wall, No. 1 Ira a a lialtlnio a Ex... I:9p riV Itradilock No, 1. 1:40p an Phila. Expreasa. liSktp ml Phila. K.atirlas. 419 psa , at all, NO. 3....'2:9 p.a. Wall, No. 4 a:4p as Wall's No 4. 400 pre W all, No. 5..... filgi p'o Ilraildock No.l. 5:51p so Wall , No. a Vitiii , ona Wall's No. 5..... 7:00 p ni ! Fan Line 10.9 pin Altoona Amon. . I Johnstown Sea tini,p in and Emigrant nal, .., ...... .10:26 p auj Daily; all others :manilas, excepted. • . The 12 !linen Trains !rave Wall, Station every tiona..T .15150. m., reaching 17Uiner - nil at 10:14 as m. NMI-tang leaves Pittsburgh at liiiiop. a.. and arrive at WCrildtallon at :::041 p. tri. The Mann:ore Express 4. it arena ailth the "'Ml &del pLia Kaaren at 1:50 p. ni. or Sunday': _. 1 1,• new Union Depot hotel, otoupylua the lore* 11141, 81.001. 05150 Depot 11011clina, is pow open lox tile tsencran accommodation or the traveling COM. ' muntly: A eapsetons ktestanrant Is open at ALL nova,: clay .cl ni s ibt, Sundays excepted. willNcairii.-1 c,, of lOW, the Pennsylvanl• S. R. i t :: s l.l „ s o i . ly l_ lielo , th w ern . s a civ . u rs Ec te h ap u u . n ri nn ti l . e u for .. .. t. er. sonal ba,gage only, and for . amount not exceed. is siti 61,750,06 4 4 $1.5x5.000 W. L.' JON JO. Agent. N Water Went. stairsA punt-Mils ' John 1). IleCon!. George e. Charles'We. 'thg.t. 1) , ,,n, • Itobert. DATle._ ALLEGIMENY CITY. MD 14.40 Finn Street. W; J. GIB.SON, JAMYS 310MIAN; YRA.NCISTOICXESCS I3Z k -74 . 4 .4". , ;!.."4 - .IA 1866.1866. TILE PITTS SUltl4 li, FT WAYNE 4 - 1211IC.1.•11) N. X.. AND CLEVELAND 1 PI tr•SISU Wilt TrAlll6 Artire And leave at the Union Depot, as foilow,, bcaVx . Ali uIVX. Chicago Exprevs 2:53 a m Chicago E x pre ss .1:3)..a In Cleveland Ex..j 24.0 a m•,:levelAnd Ex... 3:33 aat Erie A Yen 8.x.. 6:0 , • m Chicago its 184:1 •at , 41. A. Whg. 311...8:1 5 a irs'l.l lircliug Ex....11•Zi am ' 4'lll[. Ex -,. Tav) am: Chicago 0.ip10013 3:50p m 1 Chicago Mall ..'.. 3100 p m .51.5. Whir. Ex.. 3:40p in Cl. .4 Whs . . En.. 2:5.5p u. Erie 4 Yr. , Ex. 8:15 p M Chicago Ex 2:50u `Wearer Express 1:30p ett Whiwling Ex. .. 4:15 p 41' .:1. &Wax. Ex.. OM) p m Depart woznjoLllegneny. Arrive tO Alleithen•Y. N. Beta Acc ..11 9:00 A LI Ll:et:wale AreOrn itiO 0, ,44 LOOl.llllO •• 10:00 Ax N. lir•tn .• •` 1.33 lira •• ' 11:50 A ni,Wollovlllo •• 0:51 •in New Castle •• 5:f...0 p m''New entilo •• 0140 am We'...Gville •• 3:85 p In . Leetl4l4.lo •• 11:15 am . Leeudale • 4:50 4 -: v.' •• N. Ilr•tn •• ' 5:50 p=l 1. IX`loli `• 3130 am N. lir to •• t3:lsl,m'Lesitiale • • •4:10 am Lee.dale " 10:30 pWC •` --ii 7:CO am No 1.01n5 leave 4'11[5- 4/-10:25 Chicano burgh. 11 Sunday. .E.suress ;mires:tally. ' • • 110:0 P. It. MVEES; General Ticket Axeut„: -.- - I,. "' L l jt S lll:g Il i (El-1:4 g?-7FsatigaSPßO NATI tt•ILKOAD -Pan-I.lAndle Home. - ton Will. after SION - DAV - . Novemuer lath. ISBG, triton Will' leave rititburgla anti ar•• • •re art folh wrs; • 14011fi.. Fall itue " 1.55 A. H. - 10:20 A. H. Slab: "'JO A. He 0:0 P. at. Expo ea :. •..1; • r.. t•. I'2 10 '.... 11. , ILAlo.loeld Actinntlawl3lloll.. 0:00 A. 11. 11.11 1 . ..144 ht.:net:lllle do 3:15 r. H. 1055 A. M. *' D P ''id do 510 . :::;irt . g . 9 1 .' .. 0 0 , 0 no H. 91 ilitiii! " Train. '1 rain. Train. Lea res Pittsburg. 1 . 51 a. 81. 1.35 C. H. 2:15 P. H. Art:Columbus...Jo 50 A. 5. 41573 I. Y. 11:40 P. Y. •• ClnCliiatl... 013 . ... P. Is. 010 A. X. 510 A. H. •• I I:dim:spoils. 5:r5 P. L. 7:55 A. H. ;7:55 A. M. • 41110000 1000 r. H. 0P) , A. M. 000 A. M. . Terre 111m4.110S 1. It. 10:35 A. 11. 31:130 2. H. • •• Pt. Loots.- 1,041 A. It.- /03.1 1,11. &Ai I. K. •• Lour:1111e.- 0:15 A. H. 3:0 r. a. 3:00 e. 14 .. C'" r °. ..... - 1" ' ,.1 '. ..1t . 51ii i i ? ?ItAt t. i' nilt A. * I tout Agent. Chaos Depot, pitt.„ , ..urga. : ' S. f. ecut.L, cOl7 ' . elrn`l 'Lletet Axect. Pittsburgh._ I )1TI • N STE .Ittlif 1 ANDRygglappin 41. .OiNSELL.OIIIL.i.II: it. H. Spring Arrangement. - . - . V 6 nag ether • Tan gillAY. HAgea ISTII, 1355, - The trair..9 VIII irale the 1....grg, corutrvl 1341., AA.I Wig ir arecga.A.sfullowc• 1..70 rsc. • Fettrbure!4. Foo , 6're Mall tp sud Rom 7:74d.. M. 641 M . " • " r. M. t,:rol. /4. Vert Neoton Acconarowlatton 0;15 P.O.Atln'a. N. 61r,t - elelt cerport Aer,ren 1140.6. tt. 6:061. eh decond • • r. IL LOST. Y. tirc.Llect'S •• :14 r. 5146 rinoday mourn Train :a and - Rom West ler , * t0n........... I.M r. 16. 1 `AO A. V.. For Tickets aprdy to T. it. litNti . Vi eri t utfr. nor:. EG LIENT „ i t% Era 4.-i- VALLEY . ItAllattl.6l.l • CUL:OOIU 02 Ting. o?, r.on after ,MostY.A.Y, 564. trnl o 2 NIL leave an.! at fire at l'lttaburen Depot, Corner rite and n streets, [allows: Leaves, Artists t. MOO N. Mull. to and from Manonlog... 7::11. N. 6:03 real. Fl rat tooa. %York, Neruna•tlon..ooo A. N. 11:31A. No rand ii3sltltnlnlll9 AcconVn 1:30 r. Y. 7005'. " Eeerent, to and from 5111.on'g 21:4 P. U. 10:1A. it. &c owl coda Works Aceom•n— 6L3nr .. 2:30 IN. Bunchy Church Tralu from and to Soda Works 1:60 P. e. 10:C0 LAI. I or.ll 11. BLACKSTONE. BMA. STEAMSHIPS RALTA3IOIIE . li. 11A VAINTA STEAM. A , SHIP C.l5ll'A NT. - tci;I i PH . AVIVA -'' A I . l; ' ' '' l ' ..:l. fi t i gi,tt i z ' at n ( t ; ' l4 l .lll - .. I :. , THE.' UNITED oTATE,3 kIAIE..- 'l - ue VI rst-tlass Stosnartaps Of tilts Hoc will WI es (din.,: ••1.1111:11.TV-1;110tore, Wm. Ilulllna,Comeendert TH HID Al. ton: . Iwer 4th. .C.A" 1 10 ons T. .L Halo. C11011.111.6d. oa ' N 4 EDNEOIJA T. Itnrcraber loth. I -- from BIM W N'A WHARF, FHL1...3 FOLNT. ' ' At 2 o'clock e. 3.l.,preetetly. wine dap; etiollneo'3..7 -- -.. For freight Or px.tos.go, tot ittC - nnsorpaokocl , - Sep cornotwintlons, apnly to - . ,: . ... _ ISHIS UV 11. \ t . A.l.r.ruziALico. Itikeete. ill Of ea . '', NV near. :t N. 13.--Nn 1 - 111. i of I.ollfor bat Moms of the Comps. ny will Ix olgood. Vertalts for the freight 611111 be procor,..t from title ollire. No fret oht rectTred nor I.IIIA of lanuag MOllOllOO day of .e.. 0 I n or.. . nolo --- „TEAM TO-AND FROM LINER , VOUL ANI)QUEENNToWN tittxto,No)lWlCX A WEEN.. TheLN.II4.N LINE., ealllnq EVERY SATURDAY, . - EVERY WEENESEAY c..tnitx IN° Ell E. ;isms. Ttctet..otd to and from Ireland, k a Klana, Soot. land, utrztany and Yr ,a:e Apply at the o,ll:pht,y , a J IN Attenl, . Ilroad.rar N. X.. Or. WM. ritmittA.Sl. m:3 Adam.' l'ittabarah. MISCELLANEOUS T.,lllifit - g 4 F4, PENNA. SALT MANUFA. lUR'G CO. PITTSBURGH; PA El eedUrroitt --- '' p • . ,m • ••• •- - 'ENNA. SALT AIANUFACI UffG CO. PITTSBURG:I.. PA. lES/L3Et3ELMT I 9O I ISI , _ - r 4 .45 , f11 :1 2 -4' :r4l On this 'Continent Is so PRONOUNCED BY THE m m,mlmmllle Analytical els mists. It Restores Gra,. lien It Prevents Hair Vatting Out: It Changes the non. to their re r i g .„. t lt Organic Arlon; L o o dle t a t =nd p n ruft mith ooei n llutuore, It Contains no Iniurione Ingredient."... . end Is untrarsally accorded to be alshlonAfd D ars IV.triliralt.fatk." 113 XEl'l%rd ar iNditO LAtlVTollitrlU.a.r.C:43o .0. LAW] WM= SI If ° NW: REWARDS olered to g• bll htee efficacy, bat WE DO tiIIARANTEE to t r a nftaid Dot money to any person who will use two bottles and thou say that our Restoratlea has haled to-do all we claim. J. It. BARRETT & CO.. prop i l , etAro• Manchester. New =Mehl R. JE. SELLERS &CO n Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, Plttebrargh, Pa =rams* . . pII.IVATE' DISEASES: YOUN thodef Philsdeiphiso No. TO Third a* feet. tree ell descriptions or Pei rate Musses altb =pa - •••elethrsecess. • - Partlenlar sttentionot n.tolipet metenimenta ant disease' of the Urtust7 tognas. , HO treatment foe the masa beteg Me most nereastal ever-employed' He gime tes . fres of a speedy cure to the at/feted. Ladies •LU mid his OrlUZISIII1j0"13 shimmer :0 anf ether WirliarAUCUl tar !Incurring olatnictiott la She healthy mourtroil Good. - No. One - Dollar yms bottle. lio.loslitek is Sow degrees .stensinas. dodtoca tor dbethmte . aume, Plfg lildisms :put . ..thecotioiiesea.it:tes . ir..34, - IT. MUS. silth stamp. Da. "MONO. •N0..74 Tutvil•torot. PI t”wt Ire• 11 w • - •. 4.4.,...• s.o,gr:P• EN9 .. 181 ;;1Mi1 6 4 9 , imArisma.trln. Il EliZi MEI 1211