The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 21, 1866, Image 3
F' M pinzrEfilai :41747; a idea3.ol , BARGAINS X taxic:lLwmats. BATES & BELL, 21 Firth Street, OFFER AT' REDUCED FRIOE., • ONE LOT OF ....- Double Shaivls 9 ME Reduced 20 per Cent. One Lot of Brodie Shawls, 1 17.1101=LIr CIMIELAX% • TWO LOTS OF SMALL SHAWLS. lac. and SI,I Ten - Cheap. Now' GOods. Roil Irish Poplin , Gala Plaids, *" Merinos, Empress Cloths, _ Coburgs, all colots. ME In SELLING AT • • REDUCED PRICES, ' V LINEN lIIJNDKENCIIIIEVS, ifc. and upwantS M BALMORAL SKIRTS, fremAuctfoe Emu-smell in inia Fs, and apwrds wertm GLOVES AND nonear LADIES', SACQUE AND EMUS BUTTONS VENTLRIIESPS OPERA SRA'WV. And CHILDREN'S HENUITON CHAINS ❑SDER . R'EsstlNj HEAD SETH °BELE` VARIETY HAND %NIT SHAWLS INFANTS!SACQUES & CAPS; SCARYS,,,_ NE"?' STYLES FANCY HOODS, AP. li. 111A_TON'S, 17 Fifth Street. .20 MALDEN, GLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. RECEIVED THIS DAY. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Point, Point Appliqui, and Ya- leacia Lace Goods. Laces and Edgings, Inserting's, Handkerchiefs, Collars and Sets, Colfieurs, &c., &e. Together with • full and complete Itne of ~ :~ . 1° an ma 33 IV. CO I 3333 me. x es. Sif-F. M. W11.A.18. for Me out six Tears with Eaton, with th e above, be happy to see his old friend,. not; NEW FALL GOODS. 111ACRITM &CARLTSLE, 19 Fifth street, ttio a lust opened an exaMillive and splendid stick of PRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMIMUS, RICH BONNEr & TRIMMING /HERON EMBROIDERIES of every description, RICH AND ELEGANT LACE tfoODB. • F EA t. LACES of all kinds, K.AL LACE TRAINED HOODS, LACES—• splendid lin NAINS4IOK, SWISS, JAW NET MUS LIN; LINEN LAM N & CAMBRIC. IRISH LINEN; WAIVES-al and attractive steles; HOSIERY—a complete tavern:nee t• 1,5 DIES* & CHIL ['RENS. MERINO VESTS and DILONEALS, FANCY ZEPHYR •ARTlCLES—Splitndld stilts this season; RERUN AND AMERICAN ZEPHYRS. SHETLAND WOOL., • rtilt GENUINE CASHMERE TARNS—siI colors iIitADLEV'S el' , ItTO 0 - revery sire, FANCY ART AND ROTIOSTi. Herd:ants andlivalers o zlll and It to their adieu tares,telt% ;gall g e our prewar Orr= bang purchased direct on the bear terinS. we are Crtp.llVd sod will make • low price s at any £5.0, ern Jobbing House. • ,0 . El KAORUM & CARLISLE, 0:P till :4 3{ 11 31E112 - JOI3.IIORNE & CO. = El I) Jr eIT S TEI, Al :thil Width' Pall Eltyleit. . 3 r CI•CPCHadils Cs ;pea and Frames, karts lanataull Qolored 81Ik Ve: to most desirable shades; Yta la Fancy Boo wet sod TM:muting Ribbons, new sad rich colors; 'M ow ers. choicest Freach and AZIOriGIVII Feathers, ey bat and in WE NI rt. Ci X 37 3EI NI =EMI, , Wan °fled. ) E Cambria, liambant, Swiss, Loona. Many. Valet,- came Edgings and Buntings; Flonneinas. Bands and Batllfnes. imbraidered and Fiala Vasa Col lars, Czars. beta, Laces and Lace Goods. Y. Ulan and Clout Triamina. and Ornament": Ball Prince,(limp. and Braids; • • . Na n iklT GOODS: Van IVIZCIDI IVO Frames. AL moat complete Hoar of Jaconeta, Cambria. Hulls, tr.. Co. • _ Huabserabled, Plan. Late. Heat.stitebed. Hear: med. Embroidered, Tape Bordered, ete., me. Hosiery and Glover la every variety and all slim. Ladies . and Gent's Underwear. • irtf rfattilitao Goo d e: . emapepplen and BeelaTtes; Heavy .- Marta and Cereal.. kklrPott., trove:' Union end 1111 k ,atest novelties. all kinds. Belting Yarn—Urcatelt.wirW. Cashmere, Lambs Wool and rant if In Ike ; various mixture*: Plain' colon and random. "-El eats r 'aper Collars. awl even 1111011 In the**. Prima fia ow aa Easters' gilblnig Bonzes.. No& 77 and . 79 Internet Street: .; ~, ii - ABB,IIIeCANLDESS&CO,, LAM WEraoar..oLas a ca.) WIWLEILII.Ii: DEALERS 13 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY DOORS Zeil a. OA ov as fit.; Third limos Dlionon ......Pnm'annuaw.PA. • • • PITTSBURGH NATIONAL t COIL AND - COKB COAII'INT, 'MINERS, SHIPPERS AND DEAL -1.11, 2115, Wbolesate and Reza, onto BEST FAMILY COAL, ra . u.s Opf i r ADIDZA- t r ir SZNNZJA 70087/1 AND 1 11 orders tesSsitve b re City. roe iiidosient Wses,, 1544 sesilrenrigateleolsirttetetto. ■ krAtscoAlLis Comr.M., IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. • HUMMEL . Br.-RABER vita lasatYDUon.ortbl pnhlte to Cad rills...atonic of COAL putt malted, Int ailing teat following Ira- Lama 211.2.1. %Sand ebeirtanti itini• waltz : Fos . 0.% %and 11.15111 : 1 7 . Alt of width tb are prepare tet deliver at. a le . ex p ti e, UAT Jlr . the single ton, ear load. 1 . 2 AU orden. OBantd7 attended to. UM*: SOP uusaunt Y A. , (30AL s COAL cost. :: DICKSON. growntic &co Thatht a oiN thetr On. CO sae,. 007 X..1.1.40z-t7 Attest. ti..ately city nourNum a6DOND Are nmirr iv io ce rors A r 4 h i oodMosti . At Ute loweiASLArkAtUria. • - sir ..11, cedes left at thaw asee.praaateoumsepaU to themthrUilAeMAU, mAtlmaaopry 1 4 ;1MM21!:4 AR THONG, ME _ Oos4Slacl4'iusti .. Dardpincrited Coke, orzior. . .; VorW/ter.tallar sea Marron: sartlard ea Literto erg t;trmez streets,. Nista ward awl CO P6O 1111 =mtellitgig34l.l:tialg% with the teat inky or Coal or Coke at the Wrest arab ater. otthe lards retetreert lit= r iS • • • /23ii urn AND SUBURBAN. (ADDITIONAL LOUD NEWS ON EMT PAGE.) .13ditor, :—The National Wool Grow. ere' Association, held at Clevetaint, on the 14th and 15th. was a glorious success. Every member was animated with the most cordial good will toward each. other, and •nothing transpired to mar the subject matter of inter est for which the meeting.assembled, mere particularly viz.: A Ntebional Wool Growers , meeting, to consult together, and devise means for their protection. After an inter change of sentiment, or comparing notes, with a unanimity' never before excelled in this country'on a subject of vast importance, the meeting, without a dissenting voice, agreed to ask or pray t h e United States Senate, to give Its consent to the passage of the wool and woolen tariff WHjust nett pass ed the lower house of Congress, it being a part of the unfinished business of the bust sessinn of the Senate. and to come up in De cember next. A very pleasing feature and plainly evident In the proceedings of the meeting, was lack of disposition op the part of any member to no unjust to any of the industrial interests of our whole country, whether manufacturing, plant ing, mining, or otherwise, each member feel ing telly satisfied that the bill postponed by the Senate on wool and woolens, Is equitable and just, not so high as to be injurious to any considerable part of our fellow•eltizons, and at the same time the least amount of protec tion that will adequately protect the only ag rlcultunal product that the American farmer now asks to be protected, and while the mem bers feel In the past that the great and only universal product of the American agricultu ralist (wool) has been neglected by our national law makers, there was no unkind expression or .feeling manifested towardsy other In dustrial interests that have beta fostered by general Government, many members feeling that it was the neglect or lanit of the Ameri can wool grower not having asked before that justice be done by* the Government to the tiller of the soil, whence cornea the greatest support of all nations. . It was specifically shown that the misst cer tain way of fully promoting the wool growers. and wool moon lecturers Interest was by and in the greatest prosperity of all the industrial interests of the whole country. A family expending more than they can earn are certainly in the direct road to ruin; so with us as a nation In our Teat importa tions. Why not then become more American ized. 'Our interest is undoubtedly to become in fact as well as in name, one complete fra ternal American family, fnviting and welcom ing all who will come over and partake, and enjoy and contibule In labor, planting, agri culture, manufacturing or otherwise to the. glory uud prosperity of the great American family, labor being now remunerative through our vast country. Except geographically, there is now no South, North, West or East, all together compose ode American family. The vast importations of 1666 and exporta tion of gold for their payment, the magni tude of our national indebtedness and the cer tainty of our Laborers, whether day, skilled, mechanical or otherwise, all commanding bet ter wages than other countries pas, and the certainty that the great majority of the Amer ican people demand necessary protection to enable every Industrial individual to enjoy the necessaries and comforts of Ameri can citizens In the dignity of manhood which is the inalienable right of our country people, either by birth or adoption are reasons for action. DO the agricultural ists and other - industrial interests of the whole Country have full assurance that Stale representatives wilt only vote for aspi rants to the United States Senate who favor protect lon to the American wool grower and other induatrial interests of our common country l if not, up and secure that pledge. titanGtana C Baornxn. PAIITY FAN I= k.Tt . .. k. L.. OM The Methodist Protestafit General Con fereuer. The General Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, assembled yesterday morning at • half-past eight o'clock.. Church Union was the subject assigned for considera tion and the report of the Committee on Union was receired, the Conference having prowl oasts, adjourned and resolved itself tempora rily into a General Convention, with Dr. Scott as President. The report is as follows: The Committee to whom was referral the subject of. Church Union, ask leave to enema, the following ti port to the General Confer ence, now In saaalon in Allegheny city: having carefully examined the constitution al bee s of church union agreed upon by the representatives of the lion-Episcopal Metho dt.t Churches last May, in the Cincinnati Con -elation, and likewise the Discipline, so fag as the Committee appointed by that body have perfected their work, and finding 'both the ac tion of the Convention and the Committee to be such as this General Coeference can safely adopt; and believing that th'e Union in con templation .wilibe greatly to the advantage of all parties concerned, and for the glory on our Divine Redeemer we therefore recommend to this body to take favorable action on the Union question, and now, In good faith, to en tertnto the proposed Union. We and, on a thorough examination of the matter, that oat of the twenty-four Annual Conferences entitled to reereseetatlon in this body, twenty have endmeed the Union of the non.Eptscopal Methodist churches. Three 11 the remaining four have yet to act on the question at their ensuing sessions, in too month of March, and from one we have no re-. port. Those Conferences to ho held in linnh' will no doubt favor the Union. We have likewise found that seventeen on of the twentplour Conferences have clothed their representatives to this body with full conventional power and authority, to so change the constitution of the Methodist Protestant Church as to enable out denomi nation, In an orderly way, through the action of this Conlarenoc, to place itself under the twolcalusticul economy agreed upon at the Cincinnati Convention. Therefore, be it. Resoired, I. That the Constitution of the Methodist protestant Church, in all its ob structing parts, be, anti the sumo is hereby so changed, repealed and set aside, by the sus- Lion of this General Convention, baring, full convent Meal power to do this act, as to ena ble BUD church to adopt the Cons tftutlon and Macipline a greed , upon at the Cincinnati Con. vention, la Slay,lied. 1. That the Constitntion and Discipline agreed, upon at the aforesaid Convention be, and the same is hereby adopted, to take effect after the General Cenferenetrof the United Body In May, MC. Bat the style and title of this denomination, from and ttherthe ad journment of tide Conference shall be, "The Methodist Church," and so tribe represented la the General Conference ID Cleveland, in May next, I. That throughout all the Mike of non- Episcopal Methodism, and among.other re ligious communitiee, any Station or Circuit, or parts thereof amounting to one hundred members, and • adopting the ecclesiastical economy agreed upon at the Cincinnati Con vention, shall be regarded as a "Methodist Church," in fellowship with us, and may elect representatives to the General Conference, to be held In Cleveland. Provided, That this provision shall only apply to those who can. not act with other reg Iliad,' organized bodies. 4. That throughout this whom union move ment we have acted In good faith toward all I pgrties concerned, and in the tear of God, and now in the Anal consummation, in humble faith and prayer we ask tne Divine blessing on all we have done. Guiana Baows, Joss tisacraer, • O. Si. Snort . , IN If. Iltaritios, . E. Ross, • Committee. At the afternoon session the resolutions were taken up and considered wriaiuni. = .Tlie,Commissioner of Internal Revemieliss Just liriued a pamphlet containing a schedule of stamp duties wflich tOtik effect on August. I, IMO, and also laws and regulation; concern. lag the purchase and use of internal revenue stamps. In all eases where an acteerivt , Is used for de. noting the stamp clay upon an Instrument, the person using or affixing the tame, must write or Imprint thereupon td tnt the Initials of hia name, and the date on which the mane is attached or used. When stamps are print ed on cheeks, d., so that in filling up the in thelacttof the stamp is, and must necessarily be; written across, no other can °citation will be required. ' All cancellation roust be distinct and legi ble, and except In the case of proprietary stamps from private dies, no method of can oe:laden which differs from that above de scribed Will be recognized as legal and sum- A penaltyof fifty doilars le imposed upon' every person who makes, or Junes, or who causes - to bo made, signed or Issued, any paper of any 'kind or description whatever, or who accepte, negotiates, or Pats, or causes to be accceptcd, negotiated, or paid, any bill of exchange, draft, or order, or promissory note, for the payment of money, without the same beingduly stamped or having thereon an adhesive stamp denoting toe tax charge able thereon, cancelled In the manner requir ed by law, with intent to evade the provisions of the revenue 314 f. • A penalty of two hundred dollars is Imposed upon every person who pays, negotiates, or offers In payment, or receives or t a kes in pay. ment, any bill of exchange or order for the payment of any sum of money, drawn or par porting to be drawn In a foreign country, tint payable In the United States, until the proper stamp has been affixed thereto., • A penalty of Eel Is Imposed upon every per son nue fraudulently makes use of an adhe give stamp to denote the duty required by the revenue act, without effectually canceling and obliterating the sane en the manner required by law. It is not lawful to record any instrument, document, or paper required by law to be stamped, or any copy. thereof, unless a stamp or stamps of the proper amount have been affixed and cancelled In the manner required by. law, and such Instrument or copy and the record thereof are utterly null and void, and. cannot be used oradmltted as evidence in any court. until the defect One been cured as Pro. Vlded In section • - Bayonne stamps mall be used Indiscrimi nately upon any of the matters or things gnu. zee-rated In schedule B, except propnetary and playing card stamps, for which a special use has been provided. Postage stamps cannot be used - in payinent Of the dear chargeable on Instruments. , - COKE, &o. Ireoul;lanionto 'Coughs and Colds.—Tho hotline( the connatualty is sines& &subject of seriOns consideration to those who are sumo*. dirent public opinion, and there is no more pravalentsonroa of untimely deaths than. the cough& and colds which make their appear. snoeduring the winter and spring months. We would advise all-snob, who ate afflicted vith any long difilcuity, to apply at oncotoDr. Perral u Syrop. Prepared sad: Bold Attesad fa Cough* aind.Colds.—There is a significance in the above *dyke, which, if at tended to In time, would save hundreds of par- was from untimely graves. Do we not knew that mewl Persona neatest to attend toooughs and Snail ANS maladies under the _hope that nature Win ousel Natutsmusettroes does cure, but she will cure touch , more rapidly it assist ed by some such remedyea Dr. Sapient Yet *Oral 5Y 1 144 491Ast, JP Wood Etzires. _ . . Protection for AMeliCall WOrtnero. .NOnutivrcwx, Iloiey. Co. Pa., !Nov. a/ leCi3 Eltinip Duties IEARLY TELEGRAMS. Bit FOREIGN. Cause of the People Advanelog—De V- Ituys to be Metalled to the Foreign • Department—The Russo-German anee—Charges Against England and France. New Tons, NOvemberffi.—The Herald', for ffign correspondence shows tLat the cause of the people Is still advancing, notwithstand bag the daily attempts of the more powerful monarchs to aggregate territory and solidify imperialism by diplomacy after the war. V on etia cheering around the ballot boxes. through • which her citizens completed tile unification of Italy, gives:Mope and courage to the -nun gartanis, who we are told are ripe for revolu tion, steadies the arms to the hands of the Canadian Insurgents, and animates them to a renewal of the strife which will the dreaded Eastern question, and at the same , moment enables the population of Boma and ••! the millions of Ireland to bear their burdens, patiently biding their time. Napoleon sees and feels his difficulties in Rome, Mexico and the East. We, are assured tat Drouyn do L'hoys will will tie recalled to the bead of the Foreign De partment of France, the Emperor aeknewb edging by the act that the Marquis de Mess ner has neither schooled or disciplined him- - self In the art of State craft to thatclegree which is necessary for the Imperial service at 'this peculiar crisis. - . . Baron Ituestla appointment in the Austrian Cabinet, alarms Prussia, and con,equently in clines both the King and Count Bismarck more and more In favor of perfecting a Russo. German alliance. The - Emperor of Austr.a employs himself In visiting the battle tinkle, the scenes of his late defeats. This tour appears to be a melancholy one, both In Intent and the receptions accord.- et! him. The Russian newspaper organs accuse France and England with engaging in an ac• tive Intrigue for the exclusion of the Czar from the tlnal settlemenCof the Eastern ques tion, andassert lu plain terms that It cannot be adjusted without Russia; but if such an event were possible and occurred, the subject would be re-opened in ainanner most distaste ful for the, operators. Tbe.Presldent Gone to Baltimore—The Washington knees—Another meat Swindle Wasninovolt, November Nl.—The Preattlent end about one thousand members of the Ma sonic order left here at an early hour this morn ing, to attend the laying of the corner stone of the new Masonic temple in Baltimore. The visual Cabinet meeting to deferred until to morrow. The Washington races open llnel'. Dexter and Patchen arrived to-day. The Indian Bureau is again laboring under the distress of an unmistakable Implication with IL seindlo upon the Government ander the guise of a contract for the same[ eighty thousand dollars. An investigattorf is going forward. General Sweeny - , of Fenian notoriety, is here, and says that great things may be Molted for from the brotherhood bolero the month 1. out. Slidell Applies for n IPardon—flene7l ethermon's Destination. • Now Tom:, Nov. Washlngtoit special says: Mr. Slidell, the once famous. rebel Minister to France, and one of our most active enemies In Europe, recently applied to the Government for pardon through Mr. Sligo low, Minister at Paris. The reply of the Got. ernment was that no intercourse or correspon dence of Miy kind conld be held with Mr. Slidell. A Times' Washington special says: It id on. derstood that General. Sherman and I. D. Campbell, Minister to Mexico, will first land at Tampico, and failing to find 'there the re. presentation of tne Mexican Republic will then go to Vera Cruz. The Otero Dilarder—Trial of Tante. !caw, Tons, November 20—Francesco Tittle was yesterday morning arraigned la the Kluge County Court of Oyer and Terminer, Indicted for the murder of .11.0 Garcia Otero, on the .tild of November, IdE5. The prisoner pleaded not guilty. His two accomplices were axe eaten a abort time since. , 6s3:44lotelatloliliN* • ('eVICt liartlNC Ott, COMPANY, ) • Corn, Market and iraierStroits, riTTSßalit U, 0)00.1910, Mt.) THE ANNUAL MEETINIA of 'he bteekholders of the MARINE Ott. COMPANY • wilt be held at tole ollacc. on TUCZIL) oT. hlov. 7. lb, 1064, at 0 o'elota A U., at which time new !lemma pf i•irtClol, Will be el,ctea to !erre the CllEUillg JCS, no20:oa • E. E. RINEHART, encretar!. • PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLB. VILLI.T. 1tA11.1[0,03 A •NUAL, Notice to hereby given that the Annual' itteettog of the titocabolders of the ritistnarsti and Conceits nitle !Unread Co. Joe the purpose of electing Board of Directors for the ensuing year, wilt be held at their onlce, career of Gron• awl Water streets, Plus' urpli, on the Villa ..111/N DAY. ki day of i , eccitiber nest, at iotf o'clock A. lg. J.NO PAGE, .in., noICOS ~...ccretary and 1 reasurer. ' s)kv oDoopcoas.9 D&.l BUM' NAT/OXAL BASK. t Bollallater lath, 154 • THE OF DIRECTORS OF THIS BANE hire thts day dechgml • divi dend of . _ SIX - PERCENT. Out.( the p.uati of the last .11 month,. Dyable forthwlin, Goieroment tax paid. a014:93 . J. P. KHALIF It. Cashier. DIVIDEND. (.311 , 1CY WZ/71111( iNSIIII•NICIL COL PA.'S'. PITTSBO. 00. NOV. 6tb, 1101. THE 1106.31/ OT DIREC rOBS of Ulla Company 'have Mitt day deelar ed a dicta c irt of ON DOLLAR e..lsiD FIFTY FENTS upon each share of the Caul- Tat Stock, out of the earned protlts of expired rlst• of the last six months,' free of llorerniornt and State tazu, payable to Stockholders on and after the 13th lost. WM. P. It n 074163 Secretary. BANKING HOUSE. • N. HOLMES •& SONS, 3E3 Via 1 ILer-is, No. 5/ MARKET STREIT, Pittsburgh, VATWIT,TI. ° 2II . I . th'. ° A t L.IVIFZIV:I6, u.nedlt..t.s sod Canada. STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Matt and Sold On Commission. Pollen lu &Dentist veld to the parebue and isle of . UNITED STATES SECURITIES. INCLUDING United States Sixes or ISSI; • - Do. do 6.-20 s: • • Do. Si... of 10-tta; KlMlT,TN.debtedne f a i • Orders sod:Vouchers bougutor collected. J.l6ai MANHOOD: -How' Lost! Howes RESTOBEIS..-4net Publisilat, fa ramtops. Prim stserate, Leetuse maths Zia- Usral Treatment, and Kailleal Cure of ISpermator flues, or Beminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions Sexual DebUity, and impediments to Marriage gen- Prally; Neryousnoss, Consumption, Epilepsy, and s; Mental and nysleal Incapacity. remotion from Belt-AM:se, de.. by Boar. Cin•YRIMELX, K. D. ansteir of tho Claims BOOK. Be. • "A Boon to Thosmairida of Muff' Bent under seal, in a plain enroloPe, to any dress, post paid, on receipt of ai cents, or two ptaxe stamps, by CIIARn. J. U. ALUM d CU., 137 Bowery, 11e.r.i ora. Post Cane Box 11580. Am, Dr. CsilYersrell's “Marriaste snid e," price 24 cents. • anZarda*T S I icrAfggiVINT A BMI LEATHER BELTING 'AND HOBE, litaaufteinead .t No. BB AMITHFIELD. NT.. LI HARTLEY. PHELPS & 00. /Liao. Agent, for Noy York ItattbarOo. Grum. I3elting. • LatiriaLba e lt r 111 1 n ittla, o alta RIVET:S and BOMB ELT HOOK2s. etc. r te.S•cia B. 60917 JOllll EOlll JOHN ROSS & CO, eZUXIGSBOIIS 20" WM. N. OLDEN & CO.. MANIIPACTIMERN AND DELLNUIS IN Jarban OW Lamps and Filtnxes, CHANDELIERS CARBON OILS, IC. -No. 444 ilmlaalls.cit iE3tr opt, =mom e'r j P/ITHDDILIL, PA. TUECELEBRATED 'STEEL TOOTH HAY RAKES. "Prelate DWI" and. "Meadow Lark" are noknufattnred only at the DUQUESNE WOMEN, bear the Penltentlary, Alla gblla and Plain Wagons, Wheelbar row. and Track. of every atild, made of the beet mf a &Lawn notice, and w►aaaaa tede flOl.lll M MIS cohleld a N. REINOVAL.--THE UNDERSIGN. YU have removed the °hire of the HOPE OIL. WO EMS from 35 Market street, Pittsburgh. to their Worts on CARBON STEEMP Itrownstoriu s Isherr they Coll hereafter be totted. . Posiothee Address 536. rittatMargh. nnlla MINI! lg At WILLI Mx - MONEY LOAN OFFICE, NO. 151 -MONEY BHITHPISLD ItIICIARET, corner. of BIM. Pittlimrgh. Money Loaned on Sliver plate*" Cans,Pletole, Diamonds, Jewelry, Cold Ind Oliver Witches. Clothing, end Taluiblb initiator everydesalcakuh •The goods =wit be delivered wltbouell Octet. Not ancountable In cue of Ore or robbery. t Cools of every .Vl°4: ev,t KNAPE & CO.'s GREAT UNRIVALLED PIANO FORTES. • ramos a M.'S woad-renowned AUTOMATM OEOAHSADIDYELUDEOA& Oyer 7ort7 Thos. and now In else. Eptend el new stook put reed b 7 CH 0, niOrrrle NMI In en Filth tenet. 7.9. WILLIAMS W. Cowan WILLIAMS ar. - !covirAN; PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT ROOFERS. Thew keep on band a large supply ol Hannan Ma terials,. lingo Vivant. Yell. Hoonag grants nag Varellues. Prompt stiennon given to the gooeng bulimia. Oates. o. 261 roan strut, and bre p0n51110223911 221 16 Plitso222l. pa, Hum VIUDWitIfUZI(e)DI , : ar THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN! THE' QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! WINULOW'S QUEEN HAIR RESTORER It QUEEN, not only to N.Z.O but lo vturres. Lithe Beet Haitrhlte oreeter ever offered to Public. Au In tallible'nXixOntilt and girfirdiven of the Hair If faithfully applied. It 48 nO flair Dge. • It act" directly upon the roots of the hair chang ing grey hair Jona original Ilft oolor, • arresting pre. mature decay and falling Out of the hair; eradicat ing scarf and dandruff; and curing all humors of the scalp. • . It ' , lf change dry and wiry hair to soft and luxu riant abeam. It imparts a delightfel fragrance to the hair. in short, if you wish to restore your hair, as In youth. and retain It through life use lES WIN - SLIM:gal BAIR IBS?ORER. • Price $1 per bottle. Bold by all Dmiggisin. R. E. SELLERS 8z Co., Wholegate Agents. mylo:b92_ GLAD NEWS Fon TilyE UN FOATUNATK. sNLL'S SPECIFIC RE MEDIES Are warranted in all eases, form speedy and per mamma core of all diseases arising from sexual ca an Lossor YOUTHFUL INVISCHETION, Seminal Nighty Einiolons and Sensual Dreams. Ore- Hal, Physical and Nervons Debilitylmpotence, Meet, Sexual I/Messes, dc. 1.1 . 0 CIJANI4.6 OF DIET IS SIMMS...HY. They can be used with out detection and never fall to effect a core, /S need according to Instructions..' BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, price ono dollar per box, or six boxes for Ire dot lam also, large.boxea, containing lour small. Price tone dollars. ••• • • . Rom tour to els boxes aro generally minis.' to Curo ordinary cases of Seminal - Weakness and Smile. lone, though benefit Is derived from using a single box. • • In Chronic Casee, and particularly when Imta toneeor Genital Debtilty with Nervous Yrostra. than has aff.ted the eybtem . BELL'S TONIC PILLS Are re,tomended as the most efficacious rejorinal lug and Invigorating remedy In the world. 4 package, jorice flee dollars, will tut • month, and Is generally sufficient. In extreme easel. of Debility •nd Impotenee. Bells External Remedy, Prior two dollar., suinclent for a month, can be used to good edivantage. It elves strength to the organ. and with th e PWI will restore them their nor mal condition. , CILUTIOR.—The above Remedies have now been hen:nate° public, many ycars, and their great sue r... In the alleviation of human misery, na. eaclied the cupidity of several parties, who use the name "npecitic Pills," cop my labels, circulars and ad vertisements, sometimes word for word, and put up Worthless compounds that dis 4 ppoiet the lust es. pectations of thepurchneet. • Upon cannot ourettam Beneedtes of your Druggist, lake no other, hot send the money du eot to ' DB. JAMES 1:1111YAN, Consulting Physician, No-81.9 broadway, New York. And you will receive them. 01 return of mall, Mil paid, and free from observation. JOSEPH FLEMING, Druggist, Corner Market and Diamond. Alt era. ■u"9:l7g:welerT Pittsburgh, 1... gar - TO LADIES.-11 you require a rellahle remedy to s wore you and remove irregularitite or oestructlons, M NUT USE THE 11 EST. Every lady knows tbesllghtes Irreg ularity of nature is likely to bring on Headache, Giddiness, Lox hpirits, Fainting, Llystemos, de.; then thes, bloomof health fades. the appetite falls, and other symptom, more distressivg_ commence, In Weakness Opium Complaint, the Whites. Pro- Inpsus, IC., .ac- A NEVEtt-gAILLNO HEISE-111 will tic toned In DR. lIARVEI. IS FEMALE P 11.1.3. The experience of al years has proved they have no equal for removing oPitructious and Irregularities, no matter from What cause they arise. They are safe and sore In every env: Up• wards of 50,001 boxes are sold annually, and no com• maint of their eilleacy !sever heard. for they accum. Minh what they are represented to do. hold !ribose, containing Sixty plltt: Price one dotter. LOU. 114.1LVET `el GOLDIN ruas 1.. remedy four degree, stronger than the above, auttlutended for special eases of long standing. Price five dol lars per box. it you cannot purehaee the Ms at your Jrugglat, they will be sent by mall, poet paid, areura from ob servation, 011 recNlpta,l the motley, by Dr. JAMAS Consulting Physician, ht,. bill Broadway, New York. • . . rtzmixo, Urnggtst, corner Market and Diamond., Ait far ritt4burgh. au9:l=Wehtar I ilarWRI. BARNHILL & COy BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Woe. 20, 22, 21 And 26 Penn St. • HAYIng seen red a large Yard. end Nnafithe.l it with the most manufactureraored machinery. we are prepared to every description ot littler.. in the hest manner, and warranted equal t 0 to, made In the roennl. Chimneys. Breeching, Fire Bed., Steam Pipes. Leereaddlre Boners, Condenser., salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Whs. •11 lusters, nettling Boller Iron, Bridges, sox .r Pans: and sole manu facture., of BARNHILL'S PATENT BUI..KILI. Ibrpalrlng doze Ou shortest tar'LARE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTINO:WORKII. PITTI4IIOVAIII PAII3I,4IIcCIIILDN' & CO., Manafaaterers . of Sheathlng, Brasiers' and Dolt Copper. Pressed Copper llottoms. Dateed Atlll Bot toms, Speller Solder. Also, buporters and dealt rs In Metals, Thu nate, (Meet Iron, Wire, , •e, Con. /dully on band. Vane.' Machines and Tools. Warehouse, \O. 110 Fleur and 103 B=o.l Stax.ll6 Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper Cot to any desired pattern. torte:end/I+T rgrPllTT'SßUittal SAW WORKS, sivistmen, Rao. A. CO. Manufutn. L eers of PA*/ ENT tilloll:111 CIUCULKIIS, warrant ed (-MST STEEL SAWS, of rrerydeserlptlon, MITI, Ituley. Crows-Cat, Gang. and all other culotte. All - kinds of KNIVES and tirelYalli made from Sheet Cast Stool; Kirra regrind ILL4.ZI4and MOW- Ititi KNIVES, ,tc. SHORT d.firWar rrtnenT sbous and a Worksbergh, corner WATXR; and , Plite, Particalar attention paid Lc, re-toothlut, gum ming and strairbtenlneClreular Saws; also, repairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at re.- Aonst , le rates. irScat IarBOBINSON, UEA & CO, (Soc.. CUSOt. to H01112 , 80X. NINI6 aBLILLIZI4) WASHINGTON WORKS, • Founders et idsenbalsto, PUSillus.% Manufamrer• of Boat and Stationary Steam Ks- Itte., Mut Knstrina Mill Machinery, Eicarlng Shorting, Castings of all descriptions: WI Teaks and Stills, Boller and as et Iron Work. Wagente for 011/ITAIIPSPATI.NTIXJZCTOR for feeding boiler.. WU EN E DEM INSTITUTE FOR SPECIAL CAelti. No. 1* BOND STREET, NEW TOUR.—lull Inforsuall , m, with the highest testintontats; also, a Nook an Special Disensea In I seatedenretope. sent free. Alir lie tweeted swell/or Mom, and you wit( not regret ft; for, as advertising physician. are gentralls ir4p.lsttri, without refer epees no •useger should be trusted. Enclose "Amp r.epntsge, d direct to DS. LAWILES OE, 2..0..1 BUN G NTS SE en T, NEW TOUR.. no1I:011 10 7 " — DIADBIAGE AND CELIBACY, an Fetal of Warning and Instruction for Young Men. Also. Diseases and Abner. width pros trate the vital powers. with means of sure relief gent free of charge in awed letter envelopes. Ad• dress, Dr. .t. KILLLN HOUUHTUN, Howard At omise/on. Thiladelphla. Pa. an211110:D/mT ALL NAUSEOUBIIIEI4ICLNES taken wittaut t►.ts or smell, by using DCK. DA& DICK & CO.'s 301, CarStrags. The best In nee. odd by Druggists generally. • nolunet PROFESSIONAL. B. E. BROWN, Wert, Local Claim Agent. . O. S. SAN. COM., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, osiCOND Two%) . Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay 'Promptly OoiCleaked. No thnrgo opte until 4laltne are 'ottani, and then but a modems fee. • M 728,1320 WM. A. SHINN. T TEIRXEI r AT LAW% No. 120 mourns Si.. opnoalta WlBans Hall. ' Particula n ano tition given to the collection of at counts. M., tes, An. Corr., t. dents In New York. Boston, Baltimore, Pultatlcin •c'BeiTtr, uellmfonts, Reading._ Pa.; ladtariapaim, lad.•. Morgantown, W. vs.. Utica. N. 1., and elsewhere. selg tall • TC..ACILIMLL J. C. Ii'COMCI. MACESELL & MeCOMBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS LAT LAW, No. 69 Gral Street, • PITTBIIIIIIGII, PA. 171721.145 JOHN A. STRAIN. "21/3331‘21.7..0.1%Ti Ex-0111cio, - Justice of the . Peace • AND POLICE lILDIIIITRATE, Mice, 1121111th lit, opposite Cathedral, PITTPBUROH, PA. Deeds. Bonds,ldoriisiss, Ackuowledgmeute, De positions Said , all Lees] Business executed *lib promptness and dispatch. my lihSl - - - WILLIWILLIAM .JANCEY. NOTARY AM PEACE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. CiAlee, earner of Butler and Grayer street', LAlTrencEVlllt; Special attention given to the purchase mid sole Of Heal Estate, tbe Collection oillenia. and tbe pre, iteration and acknowledgment 01 all kinds of Legal veer eyarices. • • WILLIAM JANGEY • Justice of the Peale and Notary Public. myVIGGs EUSTACE L MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 'f 2 Penneylvanla Avenue, foot of the !Min ul oppeeite Chstlum Wee tor=m96 CHATHAM T. EWIRG, Attorney at lain, No. 6941 rent Street, Pittthorgb,:ra. fib` Commissioner for Ohio. ICoutocky, Wu; Vir sits. Allison rt and other States. agylluiliO LEATHER BELTING PRESSMAN & CLABH. No. 11 01110 STREET, near the:Penitentiary, Alle gany (7.lty. matinfacturcra4sAaveri description of LTIN 11 " . I.IIt B I i TV . W I Ya L it Drum . and repaired at. short tintles s _ Particular at tention paid to BOG for Woilltig Mills and basal works. All work warranted. Strdirra. - . "Wl.l FOR SALE VOR SALE.—A. Farm of about 53 acres to Union Township, ,Allegbat 7 co unty, Ps.. atomic about Nur mlles trout the city do the i Washington Cltc . The improm Rents area Jorge . two scot Ariel: uwelling House with v. rooois, two-tiara - boring House, a Cat-rise. House, • Isere lumber 'tome. a No: 1 Vienne Bank Barn, with atkhllue sulticlent for SO bead of cattle. There Is a flue I eyrie Orchard. tomerisingalt 12 acre,. stocked with the best varieties of fruit trees. ls all underlaid with coal. The land is In a high state of cultivation. well watered. fences good. and would bolt admirably for dairy or gardening pur poses. , Also, 17,1,, acre. attiolniug the shove, with a good Frame House, Carriage H euse, good boring House sod other on-buildings: with a good Orchard to fine bearing condition.. This piece Is also all un derlaid with coal. Also, 12 acresadlolniug the above, Unimproved, for sale low. This piece is also all underlaid with coal. The above three pieces ol pronerl• lie between the Little haw !dill nun and etch ben lie Railroads, aud the coal con be reached easily front either road. Too coal alone Is worth all that Is asked for the en tire property. Also Farrh of 173 acres , y. dt, Clairton *lllo, We dmoreland coun'ty. Immediately on the lino. the rearm. Railroad. The improvements Ire two.story Frame House with 11,e rooms and good cellar, a Frame Bank hoer, (extri feet, and Vo " u ' i r ig m ki;ig i r ' c ' o • rd? ' t e tie e c l r o 4 n cl ' et e re ' d t , t gli:tif:Ttl good homer , fencing generatly sooll, well teetered: underlaid Islth coal and llieleelloll : i t to churches, mills, schorns nod blacksmith alloys, to- • gether with the personel property such as stock, Implements. grain In the ground, Bc. Posesslon given ImmdlatelY. Also, Fo r mr of 63 acres, situate.l In (Mothers township, Allegheny couety, lb., about ati miles from the city, near the line tbe btothenville It. IL,and within one-half mile of a station; 30 acres of the bee of creek bottom land, and in a high state of cultivation:23 acres of woodland and pasture. The fearing is genitally good. The soil Is No. I, and well adapted for gordening. The attention of those wishing tO embark to the .a s thi s still call at once and secure a good bargain. as this is orate chance.' Also, • Farm of tal. acres, situate in Elltaveth township. Allegheny county, F., on the Monon gahela elver, about one mile from the Borough of Elisabeth. 'fhe soli Is of the best quality. The Im provementa area farm house with alt rooms, &good barn and other out buildings; 'ft:tieing geed', avert Nacres °roost. Uhurchei, scbtrAs and mills very convenient. Fossession immediately, Also, Litt. best Farm In .Elisabeth, township, containing about 00 acres, lying on the Mononga hela river Immediately below Lock No. 3, on which ls erected a large two.story brick dwelling, one log and one tram. ban t Lain, corn crib, wagon shed, brick sphng house, gronary,.work ahop, Ac.; about Macros of the above Is nett quality river bottom; the balance being limestone land, and underlaid with coal, and about 3/ mores of limestone. There late two orchards of apple trees, In good !rearing code(. tion; pod I s pear, plum trees and grape vines, de. Tee lend Is well adapted tor gardening purposes„ being short cleating hum the 'betel, bOtoogla of Elisabeth creating • market at horn s for oil the prodects. the property will be sold cheap and on reasenable rms. Alio A Farm of 90 sere., Situated in Elizabeth townsnip, Allegheny county, about ono talc from Loot No.l, on lionongabeit river. Improve -6101141 are one frame house, whit stye rooms, barm spring house and other °ethane lop. The land the best, quality. The above will be sold at very low genres. For further particulars, enquire of U. 11. TOWER. ' nor Beal Fatale Agent. 1114 ?earth street. FOB SALE—The beautiful and SUBSTANTIAL MANSION AND GROUNDS thrned and occupied by_ WILLIAM BAUA LEY. • Kay., situated on Western Avenue In AL.T-eXaIEII2I-13.111INTIr The hence Is a model of architectural beauty. and combines every appliance for comfort and luxury. It is built of Pressed Brick and trimmed with grown htotiC, hall door. laid In encaustic tile. plate glass windows, and la every minute detail In ron strucelOu throughout THE GROUNDS Are ample (oesriv four strut) and beatitifnlly orna mented with Ishrubt.ery, Shade Trees end Flowers. All the out-buildings are :Wished Ins Win cor responding with the mansion. • The locality Is unexceptionable, bring (roe from smoke of the titles, and the view from the .hotise extensive. . Full particulars furtilibc4 ou. application to o.' BRYAN at okay In Stocus Zat . tae, 5 Fourth at., (Rurka•a Hutiding.) SALE--100 Act es of — Lana to Wamington ensaty, Wesley townshin, Ohlo, 60 acres cleared. balance in timber; good house. good barn, water bandy. large orchard. School and thecae* handy and within SS miles of Caller Sta. tios..en the Marietta nod Lluelnuati Railroad. P i lotrrs 1 Ares In R a 11451 . 111 e. 3 allies hack of Tempeennee vllie. en wales there 4, three tenant hoes.' or 2 rooms each, one frame hoe' of four rooms, all in good condition. 130 Aerss of Laid (or gi.lito, items se Slukieg VallerdtheD county. Pa., live milei Nom .lltoona by the Sinking Valley Road. The Silvan..ea of this property ate numerous, and by calling on its we will else full particulars. • lid Aerce. 30 scone of ',bleb Is n beerlaldswlth coal, 'Dilate In North Payette Township, on the Steubsinvilm stomp Improvemenie, good Frame Roost, sin looms. rood Hank Been: al.on I. :CC' fruit Tress lust In Dole prone. ea all Ac res In Delon Township. on the Washington Me, three roues Irons the city.' 37 Aare. in Scott Tow othilp, - sit tulles out on the old Washington Pike. lb Acres in lion Township, three miles cut Iron Alleet en y Martel. 3 Dwelling Douses la Allegheny City, one - ler %IRO nabare. one In Freeport, ore at Kilireweiii Station, on the Central Pennsylvania stallioad. Also Immcdla rely aoilinlue this elation, a few more ACID , . LOTS. Plan ran be seen this orrice. Also. Bends •ad.tiortgages belch and .old. JOllal Clpie T,. nolo • heal Estate Arent., 130 Fonrth .creel. FOR' SALE. The follow lug described prorerty ernl be offered 111. private ••,,e. null] DATURDA V. Nurolude/r Mb. E=l ♦t the Lead of Brenot's LlDua, to McClure lowa ship, le 11l be sold to lute I. atilt porchaaer.. . go—ELEVEN LOTt OY (11401.itil) In Manchester, bring Lots .Kos 17A, 107, Ind, 101, 110, 111 117, 112 1 , 4, Ili and 11e1 In the plan of the extension of Manche •c sad bounded by treble .beet. Adams street, Cedar alley lad Washington Street. The above described property , 111 he sold at re• sonable prices a2lon e uy terms. 1.13.1 e Ind lspet• bk. For further Information apply to ..A. L . 1110tOBIINO Or hls attorneys, I. A. aW. A. runvtaNcit. omlrmos No. 1116 Filth street, Plttsourah. ELEGANT TWO-STORY BRICK ROUSE, No. IGOLACOWL STREET, NEAR FEDERAL ALLEGHENY CITY. Teo !looms sod ■ttio. Lot 10 by 100. to a paved alley XI feet w 1.14. WOI b. 4014 low. 1 :quits of 1=1:33:1211= RROICIRS •SD RZA.L SITATZ AG NT notY No. ON Nrolakiad Stroot FOR BALE, c) O Cheap Puilding Lots, JA)CATED IN rirr TOWNEIIIIP While IJI mllaa or the COUrt House. g t. stASTEll., GAZZAII d'UUTTEHFILI.D. note . No. a. 9 Grant Street LOTS! LOTSI-1 can now offer t0,:..La0 as vac, ;welt locattd an.l In a pleas nt place. A. 11.0, Lots located on the rtke [rem PlO to LOCO On Liberty •trect. front 0 to Lea/ On ItelleNetlitle Street, from bee to SW On Horn. street. from 1550 to WO In• Liberty Township. &diming the Borough lots, from NO to S'.o Also to Township. Lots Bore—, 16. , to MO • Tao above lots will be sold on to rm• to salt pur chasers. Alto. some very deaarable improved prop erty, located in the Moroughl. Pitt Township, Al lestieny t Plitsbnrsb, end 1.001,1(110! COLLM ie.. roe apply at the Beal Estate and insurance Whim of 0. B. BATES, 5012 * Butler street, Lawrenceville. FOR dALE-12 acres of Ground, well timbered and watered. on ndultrel Milt ton minutes' walk loom reseengero Cation at am!) , Lana, Yearn Street Road. Also- a urea et Hesse wood !Ration: and several Farms well located In llcatmoreland and Atllevheity Sannllss: aIM 00a1 Property, HOW es and Lots In toe city and .000 tbs. Yor prldmr particulars envir i mt A i t • WARD - (Opposite the Cathedral,' se= - No. 11l Grant street. nOIRVTIttIe SEATS FOR SALE.- TWO LOTS, one of ten acres and th. :other of seven, on the Central Railroad. immediately AT A STATION, one mile from Braddook's Field, awl About the same distance from Swissvale . Station, each of which have a beautiful and commanding , . view of the Monongahela river, and both oleo ad- , Join the public road I, edict from Braddock's Field to Pittsburgh. Enquire wf W. 0 ., HAW KINS, Jr.:- No. co Ormit street, too Bother Information. nee n 56 • • JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker. VOll SALE-400 Acres of Coal rhand. lyle irimmedlately upon the Ohlo River, 'Mottles beiow liellenolis, and ICS milts above OW cinnatl. On the above tract is a four root relit of Cont. which, for general purposes. is not surpassed. It Is eitilrerr different from the hotithern Ohlo Coal; Contains at little sulphur, forges and cotes well, and for Making steam cannot be excelled,' The lo cation being about, midway from Pomeroy and Flanging Rock, must stake It valuable for coaling boa... There is a water Moat of la of smile, with. good landing still otages of the river.' An entrance has been run to the hill about 30J feet, trick finish ed to river, together with the necessary fixtures for mining and delivering co .1 afloat. On said tract is float-close double Portable Circular new Mill to gether with a Portab 0 Grist Mill, all is good run. :gl ir ti o oplfAr:triLf. len ‘Vol ' id ' iritrah b e e l; t l ge k r . est e 4 desired, to a party with ezperlence and capital for working same, ,10111 , 1 I). Stock.end Real Estate Broker; No. tiff Yourth Street. LOU MALE-231 acres Coal, In .L chiding al acres nu. faro, on the East side of the Ohio River. three miles above Wheeling, with right of way to river. The close proximity to•good mar ket at Wheeling, together swlth the fact that the coal crops out high enough In the bill to be used prontabiy for to:ling mill purposes, make. this • • good investment. JOHN D. BAILEE, • ' Jitock and /teal Estate Broker, oegl • No. 102 fourth street. T.NIII SALE—A, well established A. an d profitable Manufacturing Business. The badness Is cash, and susceptible of being largely Increased. JOAN' M. - BAILEY. Meek end Beal Estate Hooter, edit • • • No. led Fourth threat. Vole SALE—AD Ambrotype Gai jCt,,, occupying one or the best Wallow. in the city, and haring: rod run of custom. Immediate 9 "!lraly. !AMY. Or, 'E. O. Min N 0.102 Irobrib d, street., & at No. IBM's Monk. 1 tioneane Way, IfooniaG BILATEULIM.S. Canna, Pilch, Pet 4 Palma/Ise Famish and Black Pabst, and told ettesp_ as _szy other Dour to Na . • OF, BOXES MOTTLED CASTILE WAZ, eSOIOO. rec. Wed and for sale by citur.d A. EXLLY a sari:. Dori W Wood stro BOOTS AND SHOES THE VERY LATEST STYLES OF Fine French Calf Boots, Fine Kip (fools, Water-Froof Boots, Heavy Boots, Ladies' Polish Boots, Ladies' Button Gaiter's, Ladies' Congress Gaiters, .4' Ladies' Balmorals, Misses and Children›' Shoes of Every — Description, at . THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. J . A. ITIIIIISON .Sr. AO., 61 Market Sired. HA , te lull received a large and wall selected stock a Men's French Calf, Kip - and Water-Proof Boots, Lad ies • plisses', Borg, Youths' and Chlldreno BOOTS, HOES, GAITERS, BALMORILS, Alp BETTOR _ Cir. 43.101•333.1.1.13 Of All the Latest Styles, MANUFACTURED &EMUS...SLT TOR THE _RETAIL TRADE. ocW BOOTS AND SHOES. J. WILHELM, No. 35 Market St; Pittsburgh; • if., Jost recolred Terylargo stock of all klnda of SOOTS AND outcomes, Air l i f ls , Frepared to chenbe r than the cheat,- NI a' a Also taker g r la, ", e ( ifl r eh h i t°eVai. 4 - raa l t i o E tig E zttsfactlon. J. WIL4ELM, ocleont , 2 No. 38 Market street. W . R. ItIcCLIATOCK, 92 Federal St., Allegheny, H 44 just received the largest and best •stetted a stoelt of Boas, Shoes, Gaiter", Balmor'I", Slipper' tad CHIA Ever brought to this market. GIVE HIM A CA.I.L . BEFORZ PUECHABING. " Mao CM.822123" , 04:413.',13 Boot and .8 hoe Eniporlum p Frder.ll3l.reat, Allygbe i py La% ot.ll A . LARGE AND Faksu AMUTAL or SUMM 4R BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS and Baltasoras, Jost received. and .111 be sold at the' VERY LOW EST PRIORS, eltber Wholesale or Retail. os f 1 CALL arrant rtrISCILSSINO SLOE TIMM J. 11. fi. W. C. BORLAND, - Nu.. 319,9..191nm; 2d door Ynim 111111 tIL myl9 COOLER I JOUR FILLDLXA C . FIELDING 84. ' BRO., • Manufacturers sniff/cals. la CPtausstcsita_ Ildoucict BOOTS, SHOES GAITERS, No. 1-10 Ohio St., Allegheny. tepsiring promptly ...0n.," on the &benefit no le7lclll PLUMBING. GAS ,FITTING. JODY .WILLIIIIS &DINGHY GAS AND STEAM PITTERS, for. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., PITTBBURWI, PA., Cur. Wit Ver and Chestnut Streets, . MANCESSitta All kinds of Water, Eiaa and steam Fixtures Con. staotly on hand. Jeb:an pLusinisti, ' GIS IND STDARPITTING ifydrants, Iron Pumps, SHEET LEAD, aria'' ZINC . - LEAD ittpizy, SINEA .8481.10 WATLII CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. TOM T. EWENS, (nnocci•or to liwatts A C 0.,) 165 wood St., Plttsburgh4Pa. inv7rala rtgIEWHY & JOELIISON, N. FLA. CM1C742161.• Plumbers; Gas and Staam Fitters, 4 4 Pitts Pea all orders by mall executed satlshetortly promptly attended to - ♦NilllneofHathTubs, Pumps, Hulas. 'Vat r Closets, Maks, Coandellers, Pendszu,' cod 0. Shades, for We at the most reasonable price,. Order* from country patrons by mall promptly at tended to. Gnu Bose of eiery description. 1823:1M4 IDDY,.IIIILIMg & BAUM- Heap on hand ssuptilor studs of . WOODPU.3II3E 3 S, All lands of Iron Pump. Hydrants, /Meet Lead Sheet =se, Lead Plpe. r _Eath Tuba, Sinks, Wale Closets, Wash Basins, Wash Stands, Ac,, et the Waresoent, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All kinds of nepalrlng done promptlT. All orders by manic= edlatelf attended id.,• 1.3.4510 PLi MCI 16: , GAS AND AM Carefully atieutltdro by e.xpeilenced nod praetua worlamen. A due asaorucent of • GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS *//4)N1311 ". ":1 1 4.TE• ctosrrs, • RTDP.ANT Constantly : on 12/111tZtammle , to TALTaa •.*) EFISITZ.Z.I:B33I, No, F ' d i:l l 7 B iff e atnre e tn%i Nitre. TOBACCO, _ EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W,. JENKINSON. xAN vraermucas 0r4.1.1. MINDS or Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, No. 6 FEDERAUNTHEZT. I btrd ~ 0 0r Rumtloapeaalualir i v, anHar, PA. Branch Store at Salem. 0140 .. mella:130 R. B. JEFFRIESi Mannfaeturer and Wholea... and Retail " • Dexter In all lands of • • TOBACCO4SNUFF AND CICADA, • No. 6 6T. CLAIR STREET, Partsuotton, VA. • /WA large . ageo.ttnent , of MEERdCIIAUH PI I'ILS an a dd . t./ . 6 . tbu . TOBAUC.U. of the best quality, knit o mratbin GEORGE -BLUXENSOHEIN, TALILIEI iN POLLICION .11/93 DONDNTID SWABS, CHEW iNG TOBACCO thanking Tobacco, Pipes,acc Mc. 4. Eiercrceastla 113itreet, (Neer corner or Liberty.) myMblt PlTTiinblitlHt- JOHN MEGRAW ~,u.ciuni se:L. ,d Wholes&le..and r sil_klnds of . Tobacco, Szaff and Cigars, EM.EIMErr. .b'ez,Var PAINTERS, J 01.1 w . • HOUSI /OW MON. PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Plaid St., Pittsburgh. .1 n and Oroamental O DD ot Greg deeerlptloti Anne o order. AU wort oolte Aramp . 4 able rates. wed 11. 111101114 Moto of dm AM of BaOITN L lioa!pw, • it ousr. AND 1111615 1 PAINTER, Jnni-son ooroor of ttar I a.ol Market strew MISCELLANEOUS. H. CHILDS WHOLEME UEALERS. IS aOTS; SHOES SOLE T RATHER No. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. To SHORT TIME nod CASH borers Ire offer on: perlor limlueemente, as our lerIII ties for buying are unsurpassed by ANY house East or West. rumbas tog directly from rinSy RANDY entirely for CABE, we are enabled to sell as low ninny Zallena Jobbing Bolt MERCHANTS are Invited to tall and examine oar aloes: and note our prices. before purcbavln aloirabera. • • Orderer for HOPE MILLS Superior Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS, Batting, Mine, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET CHAIN, dba., dbo, Will be -Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES. 'SirAll ordersibymsll Ina revelve Immediate and earePal aitentloh. - CHILDS & CO. ocelaMdwT WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ARBUTHNOT SHANNON 84 CO., No. 115 Wood Street, PITTSBURCH. Rave in Store and are Receiving * A FULL ASSORTMENT OF DRY, GOODS IND NOTIONS . Which they offer at _ EASTERN PRICES AND TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited. C. Ann CTUZIOT..W. T. StLASN 0 C. SIZVIIZZISO:‘• oc . Z. =GO FALL 7:1332V1LALZ2 - 32f J. W. BRADLEY'S ICI 'CTP L Mr.., (OR DOODLE SPRING) SKIRT Si =I Wlal tilt SEN D a BREAK. Itho the dare %Inch bu i l orl I : EVER RETAIN their PEI F E C P T B Al .ITIVULBIIArIfer r. or four Grillo*. golikirta aro CAST AhIDE.o uSELILI3B. Ihr *BINE eon:Wort , durability and economy_ i wi th that ELEGANCE °DRUPE which has mous the •DUPLEX. X.LiLIFTICIi tho • STANDARD SHIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. at Wholesale bY all the leadlas Jobbers In thL etty. _rot sale by all rataUers who wall gist-elass HUM. UM ; BRADLEY & CRY, BOLE OWNERS OP THE PATENT ABM !SOLO INVL NANUTLOTUREON. - , . . Wid 7l7 WWlt _ O O O 071.8._ . N.N4 07 CHAN 87213724 79 mut NZADE 87815.70, New Pork. .' 513121713 PrxE C&LIFOIRNL4 WINES. GURNER & CO., No. 80 Cedar St., New York, Ofer for aria these valuable Wines. which are gain ing public. favor with astonishin g rapidity, and whose unprecedented sod unrivalled popularity Is not without merit. They have only to be flatly tasted So glarellina the preferance over all oYara. Asa rainier or blood they excel all other Wrists. and the numerous cerritleatha which have volunta rily been tendered from the melt eminent phyyk rims. ae well ea gentlemen therery poetical la lire, are proof concluithe that there Wines ire meld 10 all eases for which they are recommended. - The following brands are atm offered by us. They comprise all the varieties now grown la the State suitable for sale:- WIIITE, or HOCK WINE—Of • 'light MLR - Color, vry delicate and One Ilmored. • • _ • . I-ARST—A mpet for Wine for table use. ANUELICA-rA rleho and neutrally sweet' wine, much admlredky end valuable In the sick chamber, as it nukes Sloe wheys and Jellles. It Is sine--deaertcsine, and well adapted for thscumunion rpo es. - Du ldlintleTelL.—A light colored, highly *thriathe vine. Very similar to the Celebrated Tokay. 'POUT—keep red color, nee flavor, and 1.11 many respects glad iar to the old wines or Lisbon. - RAPE Bightriir —The pore dthrillaslon of our wines. • WINM 31TT6135—A very igrecahle tonic and • sore remedy for the diarrhea. ^ This Is ova °Cabe most valuable contanatlons or. a useful and an agreeable beverage that hes eree been offered to rho public. Millions of bottles were sold throughout the aorta during the last four years: mud wherever Introduced tt has proved welcome addition to the invalid table, the saintly aerie, and then Ichelors sideboard. Ladles wry° have lost strength and appetite, end suffer from nausea, vomiting and vertigo; gonue men who ••don`t feel vary well" wane fdrelareak fast or dinner. Whore stomachs are out,. Of order and whose if tame are generally deranged; mothers weaning children end suffering (tom acneral. debt,- Mt: children of Wale nature and sour. dyepeetm constitution': travelentwhohatemeaslontornandl their water; and all Who five in malarious district! and are itabiect,tombututate itlueures, win ' Wi g : k m of the moat valuable invigorators th at ma ga i n t e rtn tal eatisfect t eTT lonSit em Sr " an t o ' Veri li ri ta ff.lrlZr o Pr b !: now we deem It unnecessaff P n ;'4.‘" , tettiffrleff inky caniticates that we have f003 f . v . r. , All ou to Um very strongest torom nor mean say laid guarantee SAM SAD pNaapLlan`! selveato Maid, an mita. TM!. Lo 174 1." 1 : 1 7 1 u. 111"61;21ht:',."4:12;:c.ii107, tam.' IfiLUS°P.eti" le h -di'.l‘lo6 hag .be 311 h but 3 ge33poonfal 1 0"-"If "" rnd ' it. arm mrengsh rsyldlylucraseed Staley. tier itoP/1.. and she le now we ll, CMDfi l. l er n 4tim tiorcen. UM 1 ITS *lire O3 c: 03. Curet 9 (C Fr 3 Ira rot% t Anr. Unxatal Z oo 60 03 ( pCHV/ _1 H . J. LANCE, BMX AND. WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER, Chintz, Whalow,Ciutaliut and Chair Covens Martial alit!gliised without rinpachLag.... Nos. 1$ and 181 Third Street, Between Wood sad Bso!tIdleld. • • ra71t022 PlTrillFy/I,GFUr,PA. eirrssoism. arIVEAV OPERA HOUSE. ' Tuts (Wednesday . ) r.v.K..ntse, NOT. Za. nista. but one or tins Intensely ma &opts , thrlillai druni. • " jV 011 WI:.L snperb scenery, !Corti Effects, • Lovely Pictures °Mature: Ind in Immense Curof ; Characters. Frlday.Eventnr-ORIFFITH GAUNT. , Swards, Afternoon, at 2 o'clOct, Grand 'ashes. able 31 • thice. ITT4B MG El THEATRE LUSZE. AND husAcorg,WX. ELENDOILIN: AL INT= Last /5Te. tA r f t!4: great VESTVALI, 'llll appear on WEDNESDAY IVICS6O2 Monday Evening, November, 19, ROLLAND - E BROTHERS, LATE OF HANLON TROUPE -17-areseettle. Clcoriaroaaa3r. , GRAND ALTIORAVOLANTS, , • DEMETER DE SALON, i LOS. ARGOLLON. TOMO DE FORGE. DANCING and PANTOMIMED. coats , 43 mita, GRAND . MATTING THUI*DAY, NOV. Sigh, at 2 o'clack. Amtsslon, 113 cents. 31017:0211 Iigr'ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MASTER RICHARD COKER DI COMING! Vocal& Instrumental ;Concert, Thursday Evening, Nor. 22d, 416. The irnoilerfal Soprano, rolversallyooneettot to W the tire►t ffiu►lral Celebrity of the st. The tareet Planta, (her trot tour through Antenna) BIGNOE ,STRLNL; The Celebrated Basso Buffo. The above eminent artists will appear In • meat. altrsc Ire sod select programme. lee Aster* an nouncements Dlegram• (or ßeserved Seats be ope n at H. Kla; gg k R Run on :TUESDAY MORN LIMO. at 10 o'clock. • admission—ONE DOLLAR. No extra attaxia for reserved seats. stole 74 " - SEAS O . 7I OF 1566-7. THE CHA I STIONE AKERIOA AItrOONIN 161.41-194:M7 XCI 3ZE.41-TAX.s, Tharshy, Fridsy and Falurday, Not 22d, and Lit - _ IS ARTISTS Or . TALk.biIY.A.ND CKLESItIi'T Headed by the World-Camotto Mt NI XIX 'C7 Cs .31C Mg" , The Circa Shokespeueou Comedlan A matrons acknowledged to :be without Peer In the Miustest Profession. Admusion 3u cents.' , Reserved Seats 50 eon Mir Tickets can be secured In steamer, at Pt TOu WS Neves Depot. 11. R. PARMELEE. Advertising Agent. lELEZEM GRAND • GYMNASTIC AND AGRODATIO • B.rTERTa_GEMENT, BY THE Pil TSBUROH GYMNASTIO ASSOCIATIO WLUziat 5a611,1 On Thnisday Evpning; Nov. 22 , ASSISTED BY THE TUB-NNW ASSOCIATION - Tickets 50'eetite—for sale et the Book sal Ms uores and at the loot• Perforoune*sommesoses 6%7% o'clock. Loots open et 7 aoN:O2- 'PROF. BROOKS' FASHIONA. B LE DAN CI NO ACADEMY. MILO HAL L 75 TEUILDBI7I3.[T, Pitlahurgh, is no. open day and evening. Juvenile Class, Wednesdays and Imar days at 2 Ladies' (Bass, lnesday and Friday at 2 P. B. ; Gentlemen's Class, Tuesday and radar ,t 1 r. All the fashionable Waltzes. Quadrilles andOo•: union. will be laxlght on hin tsb Lena& ma.. call at the Music atoms for ulars confaltdu terms de. FASHIONS ~ ~~ ~ : ~~ i f ~ 1 cors.diss szoimasut SOHO OIL WORKS, MUM KEHEW &CO, CELEBRATED SPERM LIIBRIUTOIt, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILU Sperm, Lard and Whale Oil., Standaid White Burning Oil, WOOLDRIDGE OIL REWIRING WORKS IN TEICPERANCEVILLIS Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, CN ear 13110easUn Bridge.) MAIRITACTIMILILi PUBSwfnu EMTILMELNIGI. 4013 L. EUREKA OIL WORKS, mi. - strrAcroardis or .. EUREH.S ektilso.or oIt• The (Web:100 EUREKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, And Wboleiele Deniers In ' Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils, ` - LARD. IiFELTAL, WHALE AND nal OLLS. NO. 31..MarkC St., Pittsburgh, Pa. O. 0. 3:4103 3 . 1 Can. maple..• And read nold:old WARING & KING, CarSSIOS BSCHMS Mit EMU Petroleum and its` Products, 4 DEIQUES.TE swroreaErcr.riocorma; rlim AlmixtuA..s.Doszas: 'WARING, KING CO.. 1nT17:a45 197 Watnattt» MU* 'nu p.a.•Aispizacui • 1. 1 , ,.L0LE OIL WORKS, • ii/41;471'0112.041:114,•- WICHINIAN & ANDERSON. ReOnersaud Dealers In. .. • . P ET R OLE-UM. 017fICE. ESECONDsibinr, MENEM amsoocrs. T. AND IJUQUIrANK Wax; at:nets:a ALQ. Tti ,ROII.INCE OF A ?ooze ..iouNtr-ItAit; Del deiuoitio, Del Deniouio. Del Demonie. MtLL. ArTGIITS oxzr, CO3IMENC IN And the Four Succeeding Nights, November 27th, 28th, Mth, andbrth, . Adminton Reamed Beats M=3 POSITIVELY FO BUT ONE NI6HT. MASTER RICHARD COX ER, MONO. P. BRUN'S, The Warld-renoenied Violinist MlB3 YALE, COTTON 43: MURPHY'S CALIFORNIA' MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND MANUTAOTOEIZZ9 OP THZ HQ LIM, tdris on, wuneank No. 8S Market Street, rrnisßmws, PS.® Ilit10) FOR A 4ocsax:vm. OF PITTSBURCH. PENNA. JOHN WAIT, ?reddens. its.vsy 11. LON% SW) sad MASS% Brand—"Luoifer." 2:ess M:{. i dli Lw rigunr. 11017 SE, PitiladaPiaidl; A The subscribers haring based this feeeceet. It has been RESITTZD .AN U FURNISHED DI AN ELIPIANT tuourr.R, end Linos prepared Ina Deemost perfect, appointments tor the receptiOn 0 .... The lint poeltloll ninon nrsterlass kbronsis will be malutalneci In the. tuntre,ne in theposn • snesubbile - • • BOAC% Chl,A=LaTe GRANT ROUSE, v. aQ. oinniair, Nwrcwiatc, toner et linella et Idol iirek - Near the Suspension Bridge, *town NMI%NIVX4 - Ze s , UM