THE DAILY GAZETTE. rvausimago BY Penniman, Reed_& Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING 35443. so F.tth iiitareet. P. H. raNnnutaN, Edi tor , r. P. 119P6TON. JOSIAH also Bnitueis misasgers. NELSON r.szsp, rrzza Slagle CoPle! Delivared by canter. (per wO2l ... 7 .. ••••• VS eent Maio tbeni, flier Yew') Liberia redactions to Ziew,boya and Agents fttobittlit 6agatte EBDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1868 A Woup m suasCanmas. . . Owing to the stringent rules adopted with carriersby a_contemporary local jour nal which takes alarm from the rapid grdwth of the GAZETTE, circulation, our paper waa not delivered, yesterday morir . - ing, to some subseribers in the upper wards. We are about to reorganize our system of delivery, and no trouble from Oils quarter can hereafter annoy us. It is a matter .of congratulation with us that our subscribers refuse to accopfdur iaeighbor's journal as a subAltute for the GazarrE, and we hope they will adhere to their 'good judgment and mines to pay for 'the gratuitous copies of papers which may'; be "run in" upon them. - • MAIL GLEANINGS. - , THE Siamese twink . are traveling together in Michigan. Dation Alclrirosn;.a hero of 1812, died at Albany, N. Y., on Sunday. Tan heavy wool firm of J. &A. D. Gon salmi, Troy, N. Y., have failed. - Tun first American Sunday School was formed in Pittsburgh in August, 1809. Tart.on CASREY VGIS run over and killed by a street car in . Philadelphia, Sunday .. night. . ..., Tan Allen street Presbyterian Church eelebrated its fiftieth anniversary on Sun day Wit. Mori'. Joan-Monnisser is "" training" at:MT - Ward's Hotel, Washingto . Some body calls him the great ex•pou der. ti t Nzia Monday will beene of w York's great' holidays--the anniversary of the ..evacuation by pritish trooi:s in 1783. A NEGRO ironer.; of Philadelphia has turned professional burglar, and was ar rested in - the act of attempting to rob a residence. . . 13..1ctliAIID Lewnsxcs, w h olittempto to assassinate (leneral . Jackson in 1835,' is still living, an inmate in ilia liaryland In sane Asylum. • MARY WAIGUT, .a negress, has been arrested in Washington, D. C., for murdering her new born infant, and throw ing it into an, out-house. - THERE were aitteen deaths ftoin cholera in Cincinnati during the week ending Sat urday last. In Philadelphia there were flue deaths from the same disease last week. - • Tnitun vothga autn were arrested in Philadelphia of r a charge or' stealing sev eral.bundiea of printing Inver valued at $250, from , the warehouse of W. H. Flit craft & Co. Tan fast urchins of the "Hub , ' have fal len into a way of appropriating other pen- . pli'ahorses and buggies and driving till thej are tired about the streets. • They then turn them loose to get home the best way they can. • • Tna PittDzs in the Philadelphia family markets are coming down. Butter sells at. 60 cents per lb.; sirloin, 30 cents; vent-. son, 30 cents; partridges, GO cents per pair; chickens, 23 cents per lb. - A. LAD twelve years of age has been ar rested in Washington on tyro charges of daring robbery. The great capital is a bad place to raise children—perhaps, they see too much of the, Congressmen. PROF. Greaten is to lecture in Detroit on the "Religious and political condition of Italy." In the same city General W. G. Halpin is announced to lecture upon the olmpiuding crisis in Ireland." . IT 'appears that the Resident Na tional Union Executive'Coinmittee of the icilinson peril did not i''go up" financially, a; stated, but have a handsome balance to their credit in their 'Washington depositing • . house. L., the reformed drunkard, is lecturing in Utica, N. Y., where Alf. Burnett is alsoholding out to crowded houses. Rev. W. C. Steel, of Auburn, Y„ formerly of Utica, has entered the lee. ture,field for.this winter. Tire Philadelphia News says that the , health of fluit'city is remarkably good, but few 'deaths - occurring, and winds up by saying that their."best and most renowned city physicians may be seen.down in the marshes engaged in shooting." The latter fact may account for the scarcity of deaths. DirritOrr is afiturous spot for sensations. The latest:is the tale of how an orphan girl 'wised -Catherine 'Brener was wooed, but not won, by her aged guat:dian; how a ' young beau made his appearance and be `eame,a suitor. for her hand, and .how he fooled the old gentlemen by eloping with the girrand making her his - wile. Teen will possibly grow out of the seiz ure by the' Government of largo distiller ies inliew York a very interesting legal queStion.: manufacturers, who are charged with defrauding the Government. out of an immense revenue, claim that they were engaged In the' manufacture of burning fluid. For the privilege of doing so thor were to pay a direct tax ,of fifty doilare per annum tfithe.Government. In, .., the manufacture of burning fluid twenty,'. per cent. turpentine and 80 . per tent col ognespirts or alcohol are used. The distil ler wairsi the turpentine into his mash tubs, andl distills'altogether,' turning out burning fluid. Honestly every Gallon of akoholahoeld pay two dollars revenue into the treasiry of the government, but as these men did not make spirits, but burning fluid, they have thus far *saved 1 4i taxlition every gallon manufactured. in-chesiistry there to nothing;: easier than to separate alcohol from turpentine. After the burning fluid passed the Inspector, it Mae converted into its two separate ele-' , ine nts, !and the manufatturers realized an ,„ kme profit. As the care- stands the • question wiil. - prove very interesting. The frand tit very apparent, but It is'quite prob able though the meshes and teclualcalities of the law the offenders may escape the penalty , - I;I • - s aesliblt*aChSatS. BratiOiolTeiegrapb co. 3 --- - 1/101001l Clay. ip e bial ll gm".r, Nov. 19,1865: toutleit4,no.34ll4.ltettl.. On market 8. 4 1•‘1 11 ' • 4700 7701111/111/....: NeesNizi,Ne., N ut: o . Seat sixvember Skittn, gully to lnches' ..m...4,Axty,krOirl bet mix InctlesFst itlbttly.. At OlecTotiCtiv= •"•cr Soar Mt tour Sawa err 2 =ex. VII T. PI a l ITIMIIIt. .... . ... • .t . ' I Al e , 1' , • t t . \ A ‘‘ 11, • ...r; i : • ' v,`,..,. ~, x ,0,,, . ..::- . ,, -1 - -a 17Bb 7-"--- -, .; . . . . ....„, - ,co.:' • • ----'''-- -- - - - ' , ..:4 3 ;t-'-' e" k' ' • :. --. . . -.-= . ,--------17-7.0....-- -„,;,-;"--4 ' . f . ~ • ,• ›... 4 ::., . . ; ,- • ~ ---(' ~.ti • A riMIAt, 4 OOI,E 7 , ~,3 '-'sNiirlyr-g - •...4 ----'-, ' \ tt C • , sr --g''' - --. . 16 ,r kii iii.;.- - `'''' i' (. I • ~,,,,...„a j,„..-. : -. 4.v.. c t . • .--,.:. /). , / ,-,-- .- ..,... 6 ~, A'-' t9,, 2 1: 3 .0e. , t 7 , 47., „... . . . 1. , , , • -.7 ; f ,t-- - •!.... -,----, - ,...4; - -,..,..5):z ... ....... 5 , fr ..,, i‘ ~,„,- s— ),„„,..) .0 I •-• ( _____,. N , - - - __ ' :-- - -- , -- , 'l' , zr.: -' f: 1- =:-. - .;, - -- - .. - -.‘,., : „_,%: .; ,..-....: 1' ;_ ,. ....-,*•' ,- - 1:- . .: -- ------"°:';-- '''': - - ' ---,,_ -; . . _ i• ", i\ ts, •„,. . . . .. • a- . =I VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 280 li& 00 .CITY ITEMS Zb~alc gtTID E Proetaiastton PEEINBTLVINIA! BELI In the name an d Dr the oulhoritll bf the Common wealth of PoorlAy tvama. • ANDREW 0. CUMIN. Governor of said Cum• rnonwealit4 L S. A PROCLAMATION WukBllP, it hu been'the geed end smithy cuss tom of the Commonwealth to set eptrt, AC OLI Illy a day for.the epscUl acknowledgment at the good • nese of the Almighty tad for expresring by the whole people, at one time, - and with • eommou voice. the 'XI:UW[S nflti. PEUSZL Which throughout the year are springlng from the hearts of men, therefore. I, /INDIUM G. CURTIN, Governor of the COO, monweslth of Pennsylranit,,do by this toy prods ' maiden, recommend that the. good people or the monsmonstealth obserre Thursday, 29th dallioveraber,lB66, Asa day of Thank•gis lug and Prayer, and do then assemble In their respective Churches and places of worship and snake their humble thank &Peeing to ALMIGHTY GOD for an the blessings during the past year. Yoe the abundant gathered fruits of the earth; _ /or the thus far toe tinned activity of industry; For the general prsservaiton of health; And especial', for that in Ma Divisos Bluer Be Lath stayed the threatened pestilence.. And moreover that they do beseech Him to eon lone unto ua alt Ills Wesslig*, and to confirm the of the people of these oohed States. that by •fol force - of their will, deeds of itondauStiV, n and Berwyn's) be dune. fen tinder my hand and the great e of the State, at Ilarvisburg,,this :um day of October, in t e year of our Lord, nos, and of the Com mon seal tilt e Br TIM tiovg.sxoit: heart the I R', +d ELI SLIME, Secretary of the Common orenlttl. . IC There Are Any _ - Of our readers who have• any doubt as to where to get the best Patent Medicines, we would suggest that they walk around to Fleming's Drug store, No. Si market street, and look at his well Ailed store. •Fleming does a big busineas, changes his stock , evervl tow weeks, 'so that you alwalk get a fresh sr.' Mole, jue malt nen:o and his prices are lower thou &tang other establishment. Dive him a c Ilaserd da Caswell's Cod Liver Oil. The Purest and Sweetest COd Liver Oil in the world, manufaeturei from fresh,_ healthy livers, upok the sea-shOrO , . It is perfectly , . Oureand sweet. Ask for "Ltazard &Caswell's Cod Liver Oil," manufactured by CASWZLI4 MACK & CO. New York. Sold by all druggists. Conntr,' Merebnuts find.that sce are gLving greet induce merits In ull kinds of dry goods. J. W. BALMER & CO, 69 Market St. Boys' Whole Leather Boole, .• Out and out—oak tan soles, high tege—only 5 cents a pair, dirt cheap, lei everything In, at Ws Opera Hoar Shoe Store. • • Flannels and Rift cu. Great bargains' In thew, at .. J. W. 13ar.ara S CO.'6, YJ blanket St. Speedy , • /teller Will be experienced by tulng the Cough Candy manufactured and sold by Oeorge Beayen, 714 Federal alma, Allegheny city. Evening Stilts Tn great valletyand at editaed prices. J. n 7. Balsam' Co.. 69 Market Yon Can Buy Foreign Liquors of , all kinds and oseph S. Finch's Distillery, Nti, 8S 100,193 195 First street, Pittaburgli. Shawbrand Cloaks Grandy reduced In price. W. BABUIr. & CO.; *I Market 9 • Coif' sad lilp Boots, Thebestmarte—werrented—Opera Mose Shoe Dress Goods At incredibly low prices and in great variety at J. W. Dakar b Co: e, 80 STarket street. lireeteet - itiseitelus O(the season now offered at the Opera House hoe Store. _ • Superior Shoes. Of every desCriptlort, at the Opera lions° Shoe _ •f? Women's Clams, • Beat quality, 93 cents, Opera. MEMO BUoo store - You Can Boy 99 per cent; Alcohol at Joseph S. Flnch.s Tim Coo Boy New Hops at ISseph S. Finest YELEG.47..rille yr The Mexican brig Brabasto, on her way from La r11.4e to San Francisco, was boarded at St. Lucas, on October Jd, by Gaston. Asta, and two others, who were arined°with pistols, and demanded of the Captain the papers on the vessel.- The brig was released next day alter giving bonds for Siege. Forty thousand pounds of cotton have been received at San Francisco from Tahiti. Secretary Welles announces that. Mate Wm. Leonard, of the U. S. steamer Michigan. dis missed =suspicion of Feniatibito,bas been re instated. A grand Masonic banquet was given at Bal timore last night. Tickets of admission-4-'5 In the Supreme Court of New York, ye w ller d -. day, the decision of th e special terra,.aar log to Ketchum. Rogers & Bement jitepoo damages by the Schuyler frauds, was shinned. 8119111a3 man et Boston are giving Berton s attention to the decline of that city, as com pared with other Northern Atlantic cities. Captain Ludlow, Deputy Collector at New York, yesterday slesed Wilson's Distillery. one of the largest . In Brooklyn, on simpleton of fraud: Other st Las es will be made. . General Allegro has furnished a bill repots of the attack upon Tort CnrrepaltY. The utessage of Governor Worth, of North Carolina, has been sent in. Ile declares that law and order exist everywhere to the State, and. the Civil Courts are sufficient. lie oppo ses negro Suffrage and the amendment.. • A rumor from Boston states that two firms there have failed for *175,000. Their, assets will amount to nothing. The import trade of Boston this year will amount to over one hundred millions of dol. The Charleston and Savannah Railroad wap BOIS at auction yesterday to Joseph H. Saylor and others for 1 30,000, cash. Government has ordered two regiments our f infantry tO be stationed at Bedford, cu.E., as tho Feared trials there. 7 AlVonames Rights Convention was held. -In Albany yesterday, Lacy Stone Black well pre sided, and Dlrs. Stanton, Fred Douglas, Par ker Pillsbury and others addressed the Con vention. ReSointions were adopted recom mending the right of suffrage for all, without reference 10 sex or eolnr, Large Wisest Cinetsznatl-4tartling News . to Came from Meste*. . T New oar,licrrentler 212,--/i. Cincinnati dla patch says a Elre Mete last night destroyed :our hundred thousand dollars , worth of ro perty, belonging to 3. Jrm es ft BrutinonAlquor dealers, ann NIPPer , Brothel.. dealers in clothing. They were partly insured., • 1 Berard WaShingtonsveMal says: 'News of a very startling character may h e expected ftom Ilextect in a short time. It. 313 asserted, awn rood authority, that Maximilian will lease Mexico sliOrtly alter the arrival*: Gen arm Sherman, and that there will be no French troopa en the sall of Malec thirty days after bit arrival there- Quartermaste r thousand Ann commissary _stores tor troops have been Ordered to Fortran Monroe. 4. 1 telitihßtised to mean Sherman andl Mexico. 11 . • • _- . , ' - Aswirsl'of Treasure we St. Joseph.. ':he. I.ollts..Nosember to.- - Tne Northwest Pur dompaars stssuferltiner, ,frota the %UP callalsidppl, armed at B. Joseph , l e al)r• AX9Fteirked.hhe PaSaed abatis ene un re ••••• sw Loots op the way down, each Marshy supplied. with Malt: SECOND EDITION, FOUR O'CLCYCK, A. M. VERY WEST TELEGAIIS. LATEST EUROPEADi NEWS, .AL New itueiloow lonn—Ontniz Mexicof the Dosch thamberar-Eranpeee and o —Tbe Evacuation of Stow e—Rninslan Lonu—stefornt Sleasares—Tbe King . of Prussia Invited to visit Paris—The ...Homicide" on Italy—Commercial.' • (Sr c caar.c.l • ". New Teak, November h:/..—Tlie following dispatch has been received at Relter's Tele graph office, this city: Losotht, November 10.—A new Russian loan of nix. millions has been announced. The Dutch Chambers have been opened to the King. In his opening speech he expressed hopes for reciprocal conthience and loyalty to the constitution. • 'Before official business hours to-day there was a better Inquiry for United States 5.Z1 bonds, and sales were reported at .70j 4i37014, against 70070: on Saturday. The advance was tulle sustained at the regular opening of the market, when sales were announced at 70!.4 70?.. Dispatches from France and Amsterdam are also better by %IS% per cent. wa I steady business reported.. ln the tormentsax ket transactions were affected at 75 , American railway shares are rather higher, Erie belag quoted at. 4l.i.j•lbßO, and Illinois shares at 75,4 buyers, 753.1 sellers. Lavaatoot, November 10.—There is couttna. ed firmness L in the market for breadstuff's, sound parcels finding buyers at the current rates of Saturday. Pests, November is said that- it. Mon. stele, the French !Mister, IS preparing a note on the Mexican question. It ,is understood that it will be conciliatory towards the United States, and will not object tri the recognition of the Juarez liovernment. .The preparation for the evacuation of Rome by the .French troons will - be filially completed on the 16th of December. Sc. PETZIESSUIO November V).—A proposh Bon has been introduced in tile Blouse to au thorize the negotiation of is loan Jr forty mil- BoMilorins. . Idasoutivran, November 70.—At, the National Reform Conference, held in this city, it was resolved to use all possible efforts to counter act tactics of the Tories, and to prepare the. outline of a Be . orin Tories' Bill. QUEENSTOWN, Nov. 31—The steamship Heels has arrived from New York on the 701. Yams, Nov. :310.—it is tistil that Napoleon has invited the King of Prussia to visit Paris. FLOIZEN7R,NOv.a—Gots. Fleury has arrivkd in this capital. Peals, Nov. 9.—The Monizeur of to-slay sees in the recent note of Baron Iticasoll the Inten tion of Italy to obey the September conven tion. LivEgroot, h).—.Noon.—Cotton opens quiet and steady, at 1411 for middling uplands. The business thus far indichtes a day'S sale of. 10,000 biles- Loaradr, November eo—Aoon.—Consols for, money opened atOoli• United Sates leVs, Illinois Central, 78!..j; 'Erie, N. LIVBEYOCL, NOV.' .'e—EVClthig,—Tllo cotton Market is dull and . unchaitged, at for mid-. Ming uplands; the sales were S,ol.9.bales. The breadstuff. , market has shown an advancing tendency; Wheat closed Cd higher; Flour has advanced Is. • The Provision market 14 easier to-day ; , Itice ban advanced .1,13641. LONDON, Nov. ilif—Erening.—Consols closed, at 9:04; U. S. 5-lire, 706;;; Illinois Central, 00. • FROM EUROPE BY STEADIER, from ANA dviceo TIVAI of Me IMlllber qunarters.ion oud Brlmmo PORTLAIND, Mo., Nov. o.—The atom - nobly itt bornian,-from Liverpool, at ll o'clock on the morning or November 6th, and Londonderry on the 9th, arriVed hero at 'PA o'clock morning. A'nnother of cabinet councils were being held in London The Times says they can hardly agree on the sutra of refofm. as the meas. urn to scarcely II ely to ho in so forward estate es to permit an •elaborate discussion of its detail., and if, therefore, presumes the atten tion of the eOunell la occupied Dy departmen tal busine., amongst which, the .77mes hopes, is Included the army orgahlzation. Sir: J. L. Knight Bruce, late Lord Justice of the Court of Appeals, died on the 711 inst. The drafts of Dent A Co. of China were, on the 7th instant, refused acceptance by Rent, Palmer Co, of Liverpool. The two firms are entirely distinct. , The engagemente of the firm axe estimated at 43,ge1,0e0. The part nere are wealthy, an wh o le believed the credit or. will receive the ot their clams. It is announced that ex-Governor Eyre, of Jamaica, would. be arraigned at the Central Court. of 'Loudon in about tea days, for the Janialeamurders. New Toss, Nov. m.—By the Bremen's malls We have the following additional items of European news: The British Secretary of Slate - for war has decided upon granting a substautial reward to the faintly et the now unfortunate tiSceas ed, Dir. Jacob Snider, the niventor of the new breech loader. Tholuuerelof Mr. Snider, who .1740 an American, took place at Keusel Green Cemetery. Only a few hours before his deatti, Ilr. Snider informed friend at his' bedside. that he had a new secret with regard to the great erindele of national defence, more lm portentthan any he had yet discovered. I will tell you the eetzet to-inothovr, said DU. when yon call to see me. The morrow Caine, but he was deed, and his secret with him. General Hembree, woo negotiated the' treaty of peace between Austria and 'tidy. has arrived in l'arie. tie is said to be charged with the task of arranging the restitution of .the private property belonging to the dynas ties of the two hiciiieetind It is stated that for eleven months neither rain nor snow has fallen in Pekin, and tire greatest distress prevails fu consequenceln that part of China. The AfOnfteur de L'Armee, of Paris, publethem an article upon the inference, drawn by Paris journals relative to die proposed reorgaiii tion o f the army, and' says that. tee National Guard will never bo anything hid a reserve. Above all, It neonsery to have an army be fore the formation of a rrve. The effective , strength of 400,000 men Ii a pence tetoldisU. moot and will not therefoi ebe reduced. The object of the C00:M1..40n appointed to report meansquestionjwill be, to discover the best. id constituting a reserve always mail- I able, more considerable and better instructed and exercised than the present. The Pruellian War was no t a state.' ea t to &SOW that It was not tue supurionty of tit , tea gun, but of the men wno ed it, w ar . tt gav victory to the gingdonf i n th e late ar 'rhoe whale cOnailiMptn of ear- Midges during the caMpaign was only seven to each infantry Roldier. In the' hottest en gagement the highest figure Dur ing wnthree per men over those present. ur the war nine hundred cannon were brought Into play, and each gun fired forty rounds , : . • A Prom." ministerial order had been pub of ILehed at Hanover, Introducing a system general liability to military service among the inhabitants this year. The telegraph and courier service through RUSSNI and Morroila, via algtellta, the (Ma tter town.. appears to have improved. The o-W/plett by the couriers, between hi age . and Tientsin, has been reduced to twelve de,vs. The telegraph wires, are com plete from Lav ing ton ladita and work woll, a. telegram having bee retuleed In London in fourteen [lours. Captain 'Janos an alleged Ameri can ridden, no* of the tiount Joy Convict PrillOn, has bail a liniuMlol2s end complaint served upon Colonel Fielding, Deputy Adjus Aant, General, and Major Bacou tioverdor of: the Military primon, 'Arbor MlD:Dublin, to re ceive one thousand pounde damage* for as baud and false imprisonment. The gammons , is signed by Sir Michael Loughlin and Mr. I Isaac Butt, as colinsel, with Mr. John Lawton., as attorney. . A Peat. correoPos.dent, writing under date of NOV. ath, saym A gentleman pat returned r fo a trip throuh &follicle, Unarms me at Bass m in is concentrating troop upon the Ir th on. tier in large numbers awl eta rapid rate; that a rumor is prevaleut there, as made here, that a treaty has been, or Is being, betWeen Russia and Prussia, the principal object of Which w o e the -destruction of what little amount of nationai extatence rotund still re tat., by 'the extluction of the name and the ' abSOrption of the territory into that of Rua. Ida and Prussia. Then Is to follow the march oil:tussle to the BOspbOrUs,aUd -the conversion of mine.rted 'mosques of Stamboul Into Christian temples. Austria Is looked upon now an the slek lean— brother In ufflictio reduced Tark—an emailo be dismembered and to linen a pro._ portion tae to be . forever the of doleg tur ther recent or disturbing, the peace of Lurope. The recent appointuaeut by Austria of tied. , crook', a Pole, and a decidedrepresentative of the Polish element, as Governor of As looked upon as an act of de dance by Missals; and .Austrift, which seems now_ disp ut ed to raise a Polish question, and undoubtedly, by such an aet.seeks the evuipalloy and prospec; . tive aid of 7;1=00 and England in the Pre speetive otruggle which Must. era lope come for the settlement of the whole Eastern,ques tion. Axreat of Supposed Bobber/. LourniiLLE, Nov.:Xl,—Seven men 'were cap ,. tared on 8111.13rdity near Stitch°llvtlle, Tennes see by band of detmtives of the Louisville and 1t82111,1110 Railroad acting withand the red States Cavalry stationed there, lodg ed yesterday-la the military Prieen in use city :They are supooned to be connected with the robbery of the recent pay tram. Desdalots d Tonnefiosee IfaenTuait, Nor.' VL—itt , Id urtreeeboro, on didurday, Judge Hehry Cooper,or tile Circuit Court, decided the present. Slate Legislature bogus-and tee trarichise law oonetitetional In 'adjudicating the case of Gilbert re. enerbroOk, veruutiasionorofßegistration for Rutherfor doindity, for refusing to laitiosottug certificates to the Stotriff. PiTTSBURGH, WEDNES FROM CANADA. Gold in Canada—The Abduction Colter Confederation Glamor Contradteted= General Napieria nuenesiaor. TOSIONTO, Novembor discoyertea of gold at Bladoe are corroborated and there le little doubt as to the extent or richness of the leposita. Both the Colonial and foreign officers are making strict investigation into the Lamle, rimers abduction cases. The statement that Inahop }loran is going to England to, oppose the Confederation Is contradicted. • Major General Stinted, C. 8., will succeed 'Major General Neplevon the Staff in Canada at the commencement of nnxt year. General Stinted served with distinction in Persia, and through the critical periods of Gm Indian mutiny. Imposing uwmonetrattmt or the Blasonle • Order In Baltimore. BALTINLOS.e, November Ti.).—Tiae demonstra tion made by the Masonic Brotherhood here, 10 -day, was a very imposing one. From fiVe thousand to six thousacd were in tile line of procession, dressed uniformly In black,, with regales, and carrying the symbols of to or der. President Johneon and Governor Swann will witness the ceremony of laving the corn emtone of the new Temple. .The President, wearing his Masonic regalia. reviewed the procession 'from the steps of Gov: Swann , s residence. The procession was barred with thoJ aster lodges In advance. Among the lodges from Washington, Alexandria, Norfolk, Petersburg, Lynchburg, Wlneliester„Stiepherdstown, and other points in Virginia, and among the corn \ menders of the Knights Templar, there were those from Philadelphia, Pa. Now York, . - ew Jersey, Louisville. Ky., - and Washington. As • soon as the procession had guthe N.l around the site of tho new temple t e positions assigned to the various been taken up, the Grand Lodge of 'Maryland Neap opened with the ceremonies appointed for such occasions. The Bloat Worthy Grand Master, John Coates, directed the exercises, which consist. cd of the usual impressive ritual and the chanting of several hymns written for the oc casion. The ceremony was reminded by pouring oil, wine and cern upon tile stone, the Grand Master making solemn invocation at each libation.. . .1. N.ll. Latrobe, Elq., delivered the oration Disgusting prise Fight.. Wssitmoros, Nov.t.o.—Sbout eight o'clock this morning, the - expected prize tight took place at. Johnson's Land ing,below Alexandria,. The contestants were Mike Coax onus English, of this city, and W. li. White, of Baltimore. Forty-four rounds were taught, in thirty-oil minutes. On the seventh round White's shoul der was dislocated. It Is eabl tbat Engltsh fairly woo tho but the referee claiming Victory a foul blow was struck. by him, cave thu Victory to White. The baclusres of English re fuse to pay the bets until the matter con be submitted to pugilistic, authority for their do- Vision. Additional Telegrams on Fourth Page CITY AND BUDIJB,BAN ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS OH TRIED RM.. Brick •Worlmt • Dvairoy od by Etre. Number "62" was signalled this morning in mournful tones by the great fire alarm bell at the Court Mollie, and within five minutes after, every engine in the city wan on Its way to that station—the Independence' ,Englne house. We immediately departed likewise and found the ektensive Star Fire prick es tablishment of Messrs. Lemon, Eingnn d. Co., located on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, foot of Allegheny 'street, enveloped in a vast sheet of flames. The ateam engines were all upon the ground,• • lint owing to the grout scarcity of water In that remote neighborhood, could do but little ef fective serfdom. The building was onowtoried and 'of Iron-clad brick, covering about on fourth of an acre of ground. The r uootinge , walls and timbers were completely destroyea, although the kilns and flues are thought to have escaped serious damage. Fortunately the wind was blowing in a nortlaeastoni dime. tion, elsw the destruction of property must have • been greater, as the 01:031:3tVe lumber yard and planing.mills of Mitchell, Gillespie d Co. adjoined the, burning building upon tile other side. Within an hoar after the alarm the flames ware subdued. • We were 'tillable to learn the origin of the fire, but it was doubtless caused from the dues, which were in use at the time, setting lire to t dry timbers which were immedi ately 'o h ve e r them. Two or three men were working at the time at the rear kilos and did not di/mover the names till they had gained 1.; rest headway. The loss will probably ap proxiinato to ten thousand, dollars, which WO learn is fully covered by Insurance. The Result of an ileetlou Bet. During the recant election campaign Mr. Geortlo Allsouse, of Allegheny, bet Mr. quliusi Moore, of this city, that General Geary would not receive five thousand majority In the State. Mr...tilsouse bet his guitar against ten dollars. Last evening the loser of the bet made his appearance at the Mayor's onion In a et ate of blood. acid announced that the blood was the result of the bet. Mr. Alinouse - stated that about half pest five o'clock In the evening he was walking up NYyliestreet with Mr.Ssultb, lies brother.ln-iair, a well known musician to thin city, when they met Mr. Moore, another well known musician, and stopped for a few" moments conyerneftLon with him. 'theistic re verted to the bet, And Mr. More nuggested the propriety of handing over that guitar. Mr. Allsouse made some exams which Mr. Moore affected not to believe, and at lenath the conversation having waxed warm, the parties Indulged in epithets not pleasing to each other. As a. finality Mr.:Moore, according to his accuser, called Mr. liar," and then knucked bliff down. The blow damaged the countenance of tne latter gentle man cOnslderably and knoeked out one of hie teeth, but as the tooth watt a Lille one, and was picked up afterwirrilsV the damage mei not no serious. An infOrmation for assault and battery was made, and a warrant forth" arrest of Moore was Issued. Probably Fatal Accident. On Monday evening Norris Shay, a laborer at the Grain. Elevator, on the corner of Liberty and Washington streets, met with a shooting accident which may prove fatal." Ile was rid ing on the bumper 01 a freight car which was being hauled into the lower story of lhe lug to be ailed with grain. The track Is laid between two rows ot pillars which support the building, anti while the - cur wax in too. Mon, Shay attempted to jump to the floor. td doing so on was caught between the pillar and the car an terribly urushed Internal his ribs being fractured and salere Wailed Ludlam:L. As soon as the accident was dlsoit ered the injured man was move to hie 'roe pert at the corner, of Washington and 1101 t. pert streets, and medical aid summon Ito was still living last evening, but his recovery is considered doubtful. Ile has a wife and two children. ' • • The nonappearance of the great celestial phenomenon of November 13th, 1 3 33. on tile night of the 12th or 13th, should not lead us into decided ineredallty of Its resurrence, as the following extract from Humboldt's Connor will confirm °The mote th e of Olbers led him almost to predict that the next appearance of the idle. nomenon of shooting ~tam or 11M-balls, inter mixed, falling like Oakes of snow would not recur until between the Edition ,'4th of No vember. Is27.l,—Haryer's Page 127, 17,/. I. • - Humboldt wit unwind a grand display of me teors and firoballs In Booth America, Novem ber 130.1749, which would make a period of ihirtylour years between the sublime exh tio . ‘s. That their Imminence hen nObeen periodically recorded in the past, may b e due to a cloudy sky. Charge of Fraud. Mayor Morrison had before kiln, yesi - erday Morning, a man named Harkins, on charge of fraugQ Harkins has been contractor for aeon' Idderible aluount of grading to Allegheny, art.l It is alleged thaChe has endeavored to de fraud the laborers In his employ out of their wages. The moo was heard yesterday morn- Mg, and 8111110 twenty-110i NY Isnesses wore en , mined on the part of the nrosecuttob. in An Mr. had graded the DlatnOnd equares s• ny, and had rho, been doing Home excavate f b o; in McClure township. On compietlng the work, it Is alleged that he removed ho torts, horses, harrows and tools to a place of safety, drew t e he monev t i , t o n u o hint, and ivre.isbOU4 ieav ilougdtelLufiti 1 hetwPiLtygLiditu,e,Teroirleal: The .Best WORE, Remedy liwowu.--• Therefs no doubt about the feet that Dr. Key ser's:Pectoral cough Syrup Is one of the most remarlrAble cough inedlcinet now offered of the puhlle. Old cases of long isease, bron chial, and eve' y variety of lung disease, have therefore, Its wonderful • powent, and we, feel no hesitation in recommend ing our =dors who may be afflicted In that way to try it. Sold at 140 Wood street. Arrived.—ttter lot or . the ode- I Grated Finkle & Lyon Ano also Weed ',oak-stitch, Setting itnehlues. Wci'are new reedit* supply those that have been waiting for them. They are the best in use. if the purchaser does not regard theM.upenor teeny other mactilne,be can return it and Cleve hie money. Cheapest headline by 20 per cent. in use. • Plata Au tall. up to mahogany inlaid ant with pearl, at 112, Grant street . . . Ytthote.—lteports from Pintole show that the businetui there improving vastly, the pradtkaiOn of petroleum even at the low prices of crude at present, being a very nroft Usable Marines& School houses are about be tog built, and the general Ulu° of society. ta touch improved from wbat It wail a year sine. There axe hopes tor It yet. Y, NOVEMBER 21, 1866 Preittley SenolatlLlthielal Report of Or Presbyter,. Committer on Potoll. cattail. When a minister of Cod fails from the path When virtue and morality the community sud . d nly develop a strong desire to sink him a nto the lowest depth of dogradatlon. The, cave of the unfortunate and erring lir. ['reel ley is a sad example of this truth. Ile has been excoriated to a fearful extent by a gos siping community, and his dark deeds of cruelty have belie Wade darner and heralded to the wOrld through overyacceesible avenue. Thee far we have refrainpl from publishing any of the current gossip concerning the case, out of a spirit of charity, for the wrecked Doc teror Divinity, believing that all reported of him could not taftrue. We awaited the action or the Presbytery, and to-day publish the re port of Its Committee on Publication: Uere Lathe document : Thu committee appointed by the Mononga hela Presbytery to make a statement of the wise of Dr. James Prost ley, lately tried in null Presbytery, void I present the following: • At a meeting of Presbytery. held at Union, September Isth, IK.C., Dr. Prestley stated that certain rumors touching his character 'as a Christian and a minister were in circulation in the e •mmunity, and asked Presbytery to in !ti mild rnmors. :In compliance with bash , qut, a cotreult• tee was appointed whic t a meeting of Presbytery hold in Lawrenceville, October hi, reported thattbe were of such a char acteor that they should r e ceive e a thorough and laipartial examination. In accordance with the report of this com *Wee, it committee was raised totpreptire a ilbel against Dr. Preetley. At a meeting of Presbytery held in the First Church, Pitts bergh, October fifth said committee repOrtee ei libel. ,Tho iuvestigation of the libel began at .a meeting of Presbyters , held in the Fifth Courch. Pittsburgh, October tali. Presbytery °battened in session eleven days, and the charges contained in the libel were patiently Investigated. About thirty-two. witnesses Were examined. 'rho libel contained three charges. The tint was "tinkled, cruel and violent treatment of .has family." The second was the use "of vul gar and profane language." The third was, "Ilufaitlifniness to tut marriage tvow.r The Met and third of inch° charges were unoninionsfy sustained. The second charge was • tilso -*fawned, bur not unanimonsty, so feats "profane lan;illave" is concerned. Coder thetle charges were fourteen specifications, which were all sustained, nine of theut truant mensly. , Presbytery, however, were, earelui to say etbat by the language of thethird charge they did not find Dr. Prestiey- guilty of adultery, or even charge him with that sin." ' The charges and specifications against Dr. Prestley being round proved, Presbytery in definitely suspended nim from the exercise of the ministry, sae from membership in the church. When the sentence was pronounced, neither the Moderator Sr the members of the Presby tery could restrain their feelings. Every min ister and elder seemed to feel his responsi bility, and every, heart was moved with aym pathy for the brother. on whom Presbptery was compelled to Pass this painful sentence. t S. It. unto,. I' W. U. Aventrw, 1. Wltat su .1. men, Committee. la no locality throughout the entire coun try have thibterrorsot petroleutri and kindred Illuminators been so keenly felt us lu our city atm Its neighborhood, and In no place ahould any Invention tending to -promote safety In the burning of petroleum. henzine,naphtha or anything else, be hailed with suet, a welcome an here. Among the recent Inventions of this elarn, the Lightning Lamp, arranged upon ad entirely new pnaciple, in well worthy of ex uninnuen. A pain extending through the luTinlier separates the wick front the alt and the draft Is applied at the bottom of the chamber. Explosion seems to b_ impossible fw since the light would be obliged to pass bo een a close II tt Lng wick and tho tube, Into second tube, before reaching the oil chamber. A gas 11 generated from tne carbon before burning, thus securing three-fold more light. The principle is applicable to all lighting uses to which carbon is applied, and the patentees claim that the lamp in not only t a m pnou-exploiv and safe, but cheap and beautiful, The ap Is now used in many of our lighthouses, hav ing been adopted by the United States elov erne:mut. Ilessra, Jones, Crawford& Vogel, active and experienced young bnslneas men, have re craved the agency for this great invention, end otter State and county rights for sale. -Rare innucentwits to accumulate a foi tune are offered In their sale, ann we invite attention to the advertisement In another Column. For the present the lamp Is upon exhibition at . h 1" o1 1 1 1.0 1533e1-4t" g w at h o e re e choirr. eJr e o l f nF i Vo h g aenl d w S i m l i tDhe found to explain its many supertentlen and dispose of the lamps or district rights. Yesterday morning a young Welch boy, who gave his IMMO as Sammy Davis, and seemed about eight yearn of age, appeared at the May Mlle° for direction' or assistance, hJving come to the city is search °flits father.Dantel Davis, whom he supposes to he employed In some of the Iron mills hereabouts. Ile could give little Idea as to where he came from, but said it was a Welch settlement somewhere, called America. Ills mother lies been dead for several years, and it has been• two years since he saw or heard train his father. tY ben childlde DAVIS left "America" lie left his in the charge of David Junes. en MinimY' elates, but Jones nut mitt ired of kemiltig as near as the boy can tell. nod has turned him out to shift tor himself.' The young astray reached the city yesterday on the train from New Castle, and was directed to the Mayor's' °Mee, as as we have stated. , Ile was taken to llowards , Union Hotel, ouilleconit street, in the Eighth ward, the proprietor leaving vol unteered to keep him temporarily until Inge!. aster lather could he made. We un lextitmiltl that I t gentleman who Pan t Ito boy i fond was pleased with his Dank, intelligent ippmtrance, Is desirous to adopt him at once C lie father does not Nasality "turn u p . once Elected. On Monday the anneal meeting of the stock. holders et the Dante of Pittsburgh was held. The following gentlemen were re.eleided to serve us Directors of the instituti Johnrng the ensuing year: John harper, , Gra. ham, Robert Beer, William Morrison, John K. Wilson, William B. Copeland, William MC. Knight, Jatnes Datzcil, WIL I lam H olmes, M. Whitmore, N. 'Yoesttley, Jolla Harper, is l'redidont Of the Rank of - Pittsburgh, and is one of the oldest !sett Most exporteneed illnanclurs In the State. Also the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pittsburgh and litrinlngbam Pits.onger Railway Company wait held ut the Atonongse be le Rowse Monday afternoon, at two o'clock, when the following gentlemen were elected to serve us Urrectors for the Company for the ensuing year: William 11. Hersh, William N. Ntuttak, 11.. F. Jones, John hi' D. CroSsan and AL W. iteltztdrover. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Keystoso Savings Bank, heel Monday x,,fter. noon ut the store of James Robb. Esq , No. so Market street, thh following Directors were elected to serve for the ensuing year: James Robb, IL J. Lynch, Wm. Pleker sglll, Jr., Jas. Samuel Barckley, J. St . Carnahan, John Murdock, Jr. • The Meteor% I=EI I= i'llSisorderly Hotel Keeper. "'Yesterday afternoon Mayor McCarthy had before him Wm. Morgan, proprietor of the Morgan Hotel on Penn street, charged with dleorderly conduct on oath of officer Cochran. of :the special police. The preseculor alleged that on Monday evening as he and °ulcer Smith wore passing Morgan's. house they heard a row going on inside. Morgan stood ittthe door 01 the house and said, apparently to the officers, that he wished they would atop the fight. that was going en. Officer Cochran made some Inquiries, when Morgan turned upon him with violently abusive lanenage, and went into hls house, d gut inside the door, and daringt h eo ffi c e rso COMO In and attempt any arrests. The pollee men waited about the fume I repeatedto quell any le:trims dlstm bonen, and ly Mor gan calm, out to them, talking and acting in most disorderly manner. At length he was arrested, and ut the hearing yesterday was fined ale and . costs, Griffith Gaunt • • - Tats latareatthiCatera ,- of Charles Beade's still continues tho popular topic in reading circles. over thirty thousand copies have already been sold In this country. It basalt . ° been successfully dramatized, and Is drawing crowds to the New York theatre. Tim drama Is thus spoken of by the . Commercial ..Adter timer of tno 17th: A. drama full of *the moat thrilling Incl. dents. Trout the rising to the falling of the curtain there Is a The of them power ful in the extreme. The serious, the emotion al, the pensive, and the broadly Comte stla coed each other In bewildering enocession. The theatre was crowded,. and the applause genuine and repeated. The play is a success. and will probably have a long gnu." - Iggogger Item, of thw Opera House, is pre paring this play ant will soon Produce it. . . Tractional ' Correwey..--Last ~weelr: the - printing division of theTreasory Depart, went printed fractional en:inner of the dif ferent denantlitadonestimptinting - to ttlAtio. The shipment" during the same period were as follows : TO assisUint treaSurer at New Toth, altay)(l2; to Milted States depository at Cincinnati; alepata United elates depot:llml at Pittsburgh:SWAG; and 1 0 National banes: , esrmso. _Ttie redemption dist:dot:redeem . ed, defaced and tontUated notes amounting 112319014' Good Haul or Profeislonol Thieves. For a cormlderable tithe, our city him beat infested with a gang of professional thieves' ? some et them imported and some of them na - tire and to the manner born. These gent have carried on ;their -sneaking operationt with no small apeOess, tram time to time, serf. prising and knocking down gentlemen whoM they might encounter' alone at night, robbing helpless women -and children, and commit tins sneaking . depredations about the depots and warehouses. Fair specimens of thele ope: rations are !offorded In the robbery of Mrs: Portlier, last week, near the the elevator, and . the knocking down of Mr. Blair near the same place. So adroit wore the operators, however, that no definite else to the perpetrator of any particular outrage could be obtained, and. those who were suspected of being profession ale kept themselves eo scarce Lust the oflicere - could not get sight of them. It was ascertain. ed, however, that the objects of solicitude: were making their headquarters at the hwlit House, on Liberty street. A descent on then/ was determined upon, and at about 1; Itinigl a l on Monda nht. most of the officers of LI police ma d e ig ; a raid on the Irwin 1101.180 an - succeeded in arresting five of the rascals. y. A choice Jot Of birds they wertrwho were captured In that nest f They were Yob Gilles: pie, a well known character who bas ;leered one term already In the Penitentiary; TOW Dougherty, who - has the reputation also having graced -a stone • cell; John Bird, who has served thi State compulsorily during two terms. "Snubs" Arnold, whO Jack Y oung, wo ' ln State quarters; and an operator who eclipses all his compeers in their. peculiar glory, haring served out three terms' In the PelliWalllry, and possessing brilliant prospect. for another. Two revolvers were found In the posseasion of the disturbed parti sod were duly appropriated. A fine-too , , comb was the only other weapon of desire lien fOund In their possession. • The prisoners were conveyed to the lock-up, ! where they atilt remain, awaiting a hearing, which will probably be accorded to them tO. day. There is no doubt that they will all get lire full benefit of tile "Ninety Day Law," and It ii possible that they may receive something ! a degree nearer the justice their case do. mend., and renew their acortaintance with ' the familiar scenes of the W. P. -• Trouble at the Irwin noose. Aman giving his name as Foster R. Do A r mitt, a blacksmith In tile emeloy of the Pen-' sylvanta Railroad • Company, 'in the 1)1011, ward, put in a hasty and sanguinary appear ance at the Mayor's office, yesterday afar:- noon: Ms taco was streaming with bIoOLI which flowed from a severe gash on the for'e-. head, not leas than from a badly bruised pro- WIS. Ina hair was standing in about the pc._ sition that might be expected if liamiet'S lathe, guest's tale bad been unfolded to him, and his coat had evidently been tecently in the hands of ooe who was by no _means an anti-renter, it being torn and upped in the most complicated manner. As soon as he had washed the blood sufficiently - from his mouth to permit him to speak, he proceeded to make information for assault and battery, against John Irwin, proprietor of the Irwin Rouse, No. 360 Liberty street, llegisag that he (De AI . , mltt.,) went Into tao hotel and took a position quietly by the stove, where he stood, saying n n o g hi ms elfany wne p w re h s o e n s t t , oobdut only wda rmhe bar, peremptorily, and without any prelim', nary words, ordered deponent out of the house. Ills visitor demurred, when Irwin came from behind the bar and summarily knocked Do Armitt down, and subsequently kicked him in the face, the heelof his boot producing the gash aforesaid. /A warrant wits Issued and Irwin arrested. At the hearing it was 'proved that although the aecusad did knock the deponent dawn, ho bad provocal Don for so doing. It appears that De Armill, entered the bar room, and Instead of compart. log himself like a gentle lamb, bad kicked uP. a musk and on a remonstrance from - the pro pricier, had not only refused to leave, but had aggravated his - precious conduct whereupon ho had been knocked down an aforesaid. In this view of the case, the prisoner was dis charged. North vs Mouth. Patrick Driscoll and Michael Britt, both claim the sweet "Gem of the Sea," as the land of ,lit Ir nativity, but unfortunately the youth of one was spent amid the cold breezes that .play around the rugged mountain airs of UL nor, while ths.other grew' into manhood be 7 neatit the wards sales of Munster. On Mop, day eveninsr, at the solicitation of DrlealL hMichael paid . visit to the home of the er b , in court off Wylie street, where the' twa In managed 'to pass a pleasant hour sir sweet 'converse, interspersed with the sing' lag of Irish ballads and the relating of once , tiott , s. Things moved on smoothly as friend ship could wish, until Britt, recounted a joke that reelected upon the intelligence of thd north country, whereupon Pattick hecamti inspired with sectional enthusiasm, and an nounced in ternss snore pertinent than polite, that if his guest, did not home diately quit the protection of lig roof, he would be forced to use viol lent measures in, ejecting him. This In turn exaspemted Britt, who unable to curb the fierce fire of his southern bloots, struck, his angered host in the right eye with such violence as to force him to occupy a horizon,. tai position on his parent earth in which al titude he further maltreated hist by kicking hint in the chest and doing 111 m 'other bodily harm. h hen certain his victory was complqte while he to his home in Browtistosin, hile the vanquished hastened to the office o( Alderman Lynch and mnde oath against Michael for assault and battery. A warrant was issued anti placed In the bands of officer Conners who unmet!, led to arresting toe ao.' costal. lie was released from custody on f nothing bail in the sum of 4300 fora hearlag DeCapkieliOn . . No part of the human structure is so wises tint to existence sa-the head, and as a natural eminence It Is highly prized by any person that desires &little longer to remain upon God's footstool. Ono of this class is Dennis O'Neil, who, until recently, was In the employ of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad Company,*at Sharpeburg. A fear days !since, Mr. Wheeler' the Superintendent of this section of tae road lying in that vicinity, hail a difficulty with Dennis, who he threatened to decapitate if he ever caught eight of the offending O'Neil ' again. Fearing such a catastrophe the latter.; appeared before Alderman Lynch and made ) oath against Wheeler for eurety of the peace. The aceuseil,on being arrested, waived a hear ing and entered ball for trial. . . . • Terrible Tato-Man Between eleven and twelve o'clock last night, en old man named Stephen White was brougkt to %bailey - nes elllce hi a vehicle,. he being unable to walk on account of injusles received by falling oviir-an embankment Whit lri int ward, about one hour merlons. 'Alden that he was walking along the track of the Penuaylvania Railroad, near the outer depot; when a t t he ligh t ' paired Ills vi alon with the lightn c , so that in ntepping aside be missed his footing, and top pled over an, embankment. as stated, Doing twenty feet Id h. Besides breaking one leg a little below the knee, ho sustained Miler In juries of an Internal nature. When we saw Min late last night be was suffering acutely. The Gazette, as the oldest journal, deim It fitting to speak. of Shepherd's Steam Bake and Confectionary as the oldestentablinhmen of the kind in the city. for more than tort yearn Shepherd, of 317 Liberty street, b I• lobed the bent and purest of bread In a Its forms of loaf and toll, cake and crack s A hundred thousand mouths have been added to the bread-eating population of Pittsburgh since be began to teed them, and still the 4. der Shepherd, rn aided by his son, star ready to regale tho all with U.S cho ti ent products of Ms enlarged establtstime Among these are included a superior quallipir of Graham, or anti-dyspeptic - bread, (reit; baked every morning, all the common kinds of bread and crackers, and a choice variety Of candles and confectionary of his own manu factures. Wu con safely, as we do cordial, Commend this cstablintnnent, not only as e &lent, but es among tbe very best of the ki d in es city, one that keeps fully up to the times In all manner of Improvements. -o, The 'Valve of" GOod Luage.—We advise our readere who are deeireous of preservin the usefulness of the lunge and bronetdcal a paratus not to deter taking medicine to tim tor tneir cure. Must of the consumptive Melt which end fatally. are the result of a small be ginning or e cough or cold, whleticould be 4aa ily removed by ltottle of Dr.layser's Pector al amok ...Veep.has had abundant'evldeace dies,ts vest superiority over meet other reme and those who resort to it in time will save a great dual of sulfuring from those disa greeable diseases which are so prevalent dur, tog the winter and - spring months. You eau get it at Dr. Iliyier's.Drug Store , No. its Wood street. • • Sad Accident.—de the Exprens train On the Baltimore and Oio Rall road, we. t Li leton; westward h bound, last. Friday.asahn a l ittl e chlld whose parents , live at that place, hap. Denied to be pi Ting on the track, The engi neer saw it, but too late to save Its if stoe. Ale though etrery effort w as mute to pWe train in time it could not be done, and the child Was crushed to death. The Sand ratehiTtuaneL—Ths Band Patch tunnel on too • Pdtsburgh and Lonnellastlle liaUway. Is Rs last cut through. Its total length -- Is 4,760 feet. - being 1,060 foot more than the lobg tunnel on the. r cnnsyl e t s alna w Lentlat Itallsop throlign the adealtent _stet een Al toonaand Cresson. It Is intandect foradentde trackand is feet. wide by ts int, hoigat Appo n hswnumefoeaWg'e en—wUne lJoeaph 1. 0 hss received the appointment of county UesiKeir for this County, at the bands of the Uovaroor of Pennviesnis. lle will clonhtdoeredit to himsoil aria the econmunl i t; et mrips. • 4c2,leE THREE CENTS A Railroad Catastrophe. . For some time past the officers of the West ern Division of the Pennsylvania EaUroati have had suspicious relating to_some or the employees running on that pOrtiOn of the road. When they contemplated the moaner In which the conductors of some of the pas senger trains I were gotten up, the probable returns that should have been made and the actual returns that care mule, the perplexing inquiry, "How do they do iittu made itself un pleasantly prominent. So definite clue could be obtained, however, to the evil praies that were known to be in progress. The aid of hr. Pinkerton, of thi Chicago Police Agency, was sOpabt, and a number of bin efficient detect. • t Ives placed on the several passenger trains. some time elapsed before their loves :igations , bore fruit, but on Saturday night the ripened results wore produced. Those results were sufficiently startling to eight conductors of passenger trains on that road. These eight officials were, on Saturday evening, peremp• corny dise , arget from the service of the cum. patty. They were not arrested, their employ ere contenting themselves with dismissing them. It is whispered that a similar lob of decapitation Will take place soon on the East ern Division of the. Road. We 'may mention here that, no company in the country pays better salaries than the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, und if It ts poeslbie for any employees to be honk t. It is ..y for theirs. Paterlto lirkstted. . . The following are among the Patents issued ir tho week endthg, November 13th, Nathaniel Adams, of Altoona, Penn's., for improvement in machines for drawing spikes. -A. F. Grove, ofJamesCreek,Pa., for ImprovO ment in cultivators. Ileiderich, of Brady's Bend, Pa.. for Im provement in car trucks. Peter,C. Heintz of Funky tile, for im provement in injectors. Thomas McCleary, of Blairsville, ra., for improvement in fire places. Theodore Schreiber, of Wheeling. West Vir ginia, for improvement in combs. Rrastus Slater, of iiimrd, Pa, for Improve ment In fruit extension lader. -Jesse S. w heat, of South Wheeling, West Vir ginia, for improvoapparatus for ileshing and stoning hides d Theodore A. Williamson and Charles A. Richardson of Allegheny city, Pa., for im proved rolling pin, Re. ' Joseph C. Tilton, of Pittsburgh, Pa., for im provement in lamp burners. John K. Andrews, of Antrim, Ohio, assignor to Joseph C. Tilton, of . Pittabnygli, Pa.,, for improvement 1k lamp burners. Hnehntera In.Trauble Patrick Kern= and Arthur Donnelly were leagued together in a partnership that had for its landable object the capture and con version of the fickle goddess fortune to their own use and convenience. They wooed her not with crisps of alike and soft velvets, but: - with cabbage,potaloes, and that odoroua yea etable onlons—in shorthey were in the heck liter basin. as, out of which they realized a. sufficient quantity of "stamps" to purchase a horse, the bargaining for which - was entrusted. to the care ot Donnelly, who, it is alleged by Patrick, bought the equine animal, but baring an opportunity to ;peculate, sold him again at an advance from what he had paid saket, and propriated the . proceeds ot the to his can Individual use, without any re. ,grard to the claim of his partner for half ot tam proceeds. Alter exhausting entreaty Kaman appeared before Alderman Lnch yesterday, anal made oath agatint Donne;ly for troy and conversion. A warrant was issued. A Paylllmitlo Female Emeline PO.OIIIOII came to the °Dice of A - .derynan Taylor yesterday. and made oat • against an Individnal named --- Lo' nira Elie: I charging her with surety of the peace. . The prosecutrix alleges that LOutinicarne to her residence,ln the Fifthtward, and invited the fragile Ea:mill:to to COMO out of her domicil and participate 111 pur p ose prize fight or tournament, for the of vindicating Loulsa , s honor which seems to have boon somewhat tarnished by the slanderous utter =tees of Emeline. The gage of battle was re. jected, and Louisa then threatened to burst whereupon of threatened less ilistic antagonist, the one made oath as stated.' Louisa was arrested and hold to ball for trial. • , Masons. EDITOI3.96:—Teo "Great Republic" letter, impublished lu yesterday's Chronicle, from the blempros Attdanche ejld - Clncleknot l Commercfcd, and purporting to have been written by X.:A. G. Gearing, la a base !argon - , full of willful and malicious falsehoods. Un til the guilty! party be detected and brought to judgment, I ask a suspension of public opinion. CHAILLES GXASING.. • ''Wo prefer the Wheeler d Wilson for faintly ••• hey are the favorites for /611111168. "-.- . • Times. 'The Wheeler a.. Wileum,iate no rirsl.` , --Sel ' entitl tt e American. "We have used others end dud this the best.' —Mact Presbytertan. • Immense Rash for Laughing • Gas.— Fifty-seven ladies visited the' omen of Dr. G. W. Spencer, No. 254 Fenn street, yesterday (Tuesday) and had from one to twenty teeth each extracted without the slightest pain as they all testify by adding their names to his scroll hook. Dr. Spencer has had more expe rience in the use of laughing o u r wort any dentist in this city, and take our word for it all who patronize him will be perfectly satis fied. Besides the liontor's regular assistants he has two experienced lady attendants that are always in the operating room to wait on ladles and children. , Blowier Death of a tialtd.—A woman living to the vicinity of Manchester. OhIO, re cently went into a corofleld to gather twine vegetables, and while doing so, sat her intent child, about six mouths old, carelessly on the ground When ehe again took it up the child appeared very sick. A physician was sent' for, and thinking it bad taken po child ,n eeup s in was administered, - when the a large, live, green worm, known as a tobac co, or corn worm. The child lingered in ago ny for sometime and died. • Larceny of Table Were.—Chris Schwartz appeared before., Justice Barker. of South Pittsburgh, yest&tinv„ and made oath charg ing Marla Muller with the larceny of a duitu‘ thy of table cutlery, such as knives, torts, - castors and sugar-LOD ge from his residence in Carson street, la the Borough of Birmingham. • At the time the alleged theft was perpetrated Maria was employed as a domestic in the fam ily of her accuser. She - was arrested by offi cer Coyles and brought before the Magistrate, w)10 held her ha S MO bail far • hearing w Vituraday, • On the Itantpage.--If what John Tubby, says be true, Patrick O'vonncr has been de-l. porting: himself of late in - anything but a 1 proper and gentlemanly manner, his conduct being very reprehensible indeed. Yesterday he leached the climax of his evil doings by striking Taber on the nose with his clenched fist, after which he drew a large knife and threatened to cut the intfruals out of the stomach of the meek and humble John, Mr threatening which, he was brought before Al .....rman Taylor and held in pastor a hearing, today. Trotiateaemo CoOLIO. mind Co l4 .. — The health of the community le always a aobject of militias consideration to those who are imp posed to direct public opinion. and there are no more prevalent source of untimely deaths than the coughs and colds which make their months. during the winter and **rink months. We would advise all sues, who are 'adulated with any lung slifSculty, to apply at once to, Dr. Keyser's Syrup. Prepare d and ;sold at lie Wood street. . Charged . with Vaitalnyf Cestinte eeeee lionlsane Eidor made an Information before Alderman Taylor yesterday, Charging Sir. Jackson, a colored man, with passlog counterfeit Ilvo dollar "greenback" upon hint on Saturday last. the deponent averring Ms belief In the presumption that Jackson knew the character of the nbte when °fretted by him. A wrzrant has been placed in h of ometer James Bell for the arrest of J ac kson Don't Neglect a Congo.—Or all the di. mimes to which. sre are exposed, there Ls none more deserving at our Mimed tide attention than what's nasally termed a cough or cold, for the reason that, 11 not arrested, they are apt run iuto some fixed diseases °One air passa to ges of pulmonary tissues, muting in cam sumption or incurable bronchitis. TOO tray to prevent this to tate Dr. Keyser's Pecto ral COagh Byttlp. Sold at 140 Wood street. ircianterfelt Counterfett five oent pieces, In natation of tha - "Mlckela" canny issued by the Government, are In circu lation, sod are reportol to bo more plentiful than the genuine holt dunes. Too bogus arm is said to be lighter in weight and darker In appearance than the genuine. but the genuine is so Imperfectly known that It la probable large amounts of this stuff may be shoved upon the too gullible pontie. «Barn Her Oat."—lrrinle Morrison came to the office of Justice Lippert, yesterday, and made oath against. L. S. Sourbeck tor surety of the peace. The prosecutrli alleges that the accused threatened to "burn her oat,e and hence she deetred his arrest: ..A. warrant eras issued tor his apprehension. A Pollee 01!leer Used Vp.—A pollca of ficer, a nighter age, mitered n den of rowdies at'Allerffgwn, and attempted to ar rest some of them tor disturbing the peace. when they turned upon' him. disarmed ram, got him dosin, h.M thumb and 0111 - ... mt almost asps him up. `Seth; .Uquor Without license —MI, thud fieramen craze to Wu °giro of alderuirn ilitrUberio-Usturday, and Instituted legal pro ceedings struiosi JILIZICS COuneTy for sealing liqur without l icense. Bath pes reside in the o Mtn ward. :A ',Maw% was arti IsaclAL.- ■ THE WEEKLY GONE. •e ITO 11ffitilIM 701/1/4_, CONTAINING TFIDITT-TWO COM:MING or FRESH AND IN NIZALIING HATTER, TOGETHER; WITH DAN ' • ENT BETTING AND CUR BENT r , LOCAL NEWS, TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATDBDAY9• - Tbe Edition is forwarded Which will mach tie rubeertber aooneat. 4losle Copy (per EITTEM Citlkt of Tim or more Death 01,14* Venerable - 41ligen.-11.r. Samuel Bess, senior, departed thul Ltre on the 14th Instant, at the residence Of his relatives in Beaver county. Lie was at one time a rea dmit °fads city, but spent the last ten Sears in Beaver, At the time of Ma 'death he had attained the ripo old age of seventy-seeen years. Ile wan a, worthy, religions gentlenisaa and his death is sincerely regretted, sanonl a large circle of, friends and ' acquaintances. DOWNEY.--tha Mender morning Yrs. MALTIt.Da GIOEBIETTAIR/IVNLY, danghteeor John eeney, ated tef..7 .o n. rear.. Tlae funeral will take place from the realdente or, her parents, .No. 107 Itoblnion,itsvet, Alligheny, WILDNISDAT JaTEIMOON , at 3 o'dlock. This Mends of the family are respectrully Invited to at. teed. STEPEIE 1411 N—Or Monday °yentas, DM loot- Al., MARV STF.ViIIiNnON. relict of the Lite Joe lab htepho sou, aged 7.. years., %he funeral will take place TWO xnlii , Mfa• loit, st 10 o•e . lock, from lair late natdeme, No. Fiant Ile street. The.frlcads of the family are Litntell7 Invited to attend. • 81LY . 1.-7011 the 14th lost.. at the house oe this ret • Orr in N.Aver 000. Pa., 3.6.11U2L HAIM. Or., lu the 7;th yes.r of hi. 11Re. PM AVAlttiloq.e):lol aiI.I.DALE • CEBIETEJEiIf.The beautiful ..4sofre-aere," the largest euburban place or sepulchre. on, is tbM eaglet', nit, tatted on New-ltrightan road, immediately north of Allegheny. Far burial lota, hermit& or Min% =lt at Cenftal D . sg Store at elg/L CLA.K.T.T, tawny eltY• , ALEX. AIE.EN, . ty,tv - 3331EELT.ALIEXCEEL , et 0.166 WOurtil street, Pittitairsh,l l . • 001111111 of all nods, CIiA.LIOS, tilA)VY:3,lami ere. dimmujpttom of Portend Yunnanlug Moan mina.... somas °Kg:, erjArkogn.All4.44.ll.• W. Jacobus, 13.11., Thom. LAUD 1 1.4.: 7/ V . a • FAIRMAN di SAMSON.' UNDERMAIKERS No. 196 Smith - Gob,' St, con. (Entrauca fromSeTenth Street.) W"X`X""1"4333 , 13 -1,1 . 413 . 8 . A NI. 1513 N D Tlmighif Vi PA. = Editorial Notices I=l Lzs DIED. R. T. WHITE Is CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS a..hoster. Wood's Run and viclait7• COFFIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE. carrier o a bettloid and (Martian attests. Byars. ana Carriaires furnished. OPEGA . GLASSES FOR ! 564.L.E OR HUM, - 1 AT DUNSEATH A:TC0.414 o‘ _. GB wastis. isroft. LADIEW . AND GENT'S I . "C77.112TC1A:=9. ♦LL STY WAS. 1- T 611F-LTLT ATIATED PRICES. AT vcr - xxlinlr 14171.1E13T.. NEAR 71ITTR.' IIOTER be BAI4EIi'B LASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are TUE BENT for Fatally and MattafeeturlNS pus , poses, Calf and see•them at Jro - .48 FinkStreeis OR .GEIRLLIP SPECTACLES. 01.0 TO ! HASLETT & CO'S; 931 Sniithtleld Steeet. J. NV: ........... JOHNSTON & SCOTT, DEALERIS LY Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE,'ETC., No. 314 larnorrir entEl:X. , Pit tisibmarsix,Pe 3 asia. - Dar Particular_attention ntrOn a:l4 • Roarins Waccocs, Clocks sod Jewelry, J4l work warrant tolinsa: THE MGHTNING • R. C....TONES .. :.. cnalrr °an JS 0 . JONE4 i CRAWFOIID & VOGEL, Agents.: THE MOST' POWEUFITL . AND:. TRULY B4II.T.IANT COAL GM GAS LIGHT YVES CgoDCUED. Adopted by the U. S. G oiernmest. Non exp'oshr. Cbrap sod Gesiittfu‘. Climes a brtillant Said thres.fold grantor Isla an 7 ottar lamp. This o dem% ts adaptt d alliamoPurPosea.... and as the with 10 morely a conduci or, never vs.. quirus any trimming., Borne.• on ttds principla ap- plied to ordinary lamps. *TATE AND COUNTY" RIUITTS FUN. SALE Apply atna Drag Worn: Filth Street, or , Alara • BookStAlTan rift hatred!. Cbrouldt Building. 1,07.1 S 9 89 89 89 B9 89 89 ,89 89 9 89 MARKET STREET. I=Eal 9 14. CO Mt 9 8' 89 .Rfarket Street, • • AND OET YOUR :BOOTS, SHOES, O. 9 7118 CHEAPEST AND Bur - 'X 3%r 'X' EL NI CI X .1"Sr: NO AUCTION 000.133, SEPT. IJARIES ROBB, SO Mari— 189 S 9 69 89, S 9 89 - 69 S 9 89 'B9! leivarrvwcir,_ . HAYING RE - GENTLY PIIRICEILAS ED TUE Esinr. CuTToti Worms, nrsner ly owned by Mem s. KING, PENNOCK & CO.. It e rbspentfally Inform the pate lla teat we will tenth:Lion the manafacture of sh e elimpi, Cotton ItalTle. Calvet Chalns, Candle Wick • • . and .flatting.- • Orden may be left at the °Mee of the Work., Cana ISASILLA MUSKY Ma, ALLEPIAICIVI Olt AT THE PI T TSB II BRE irEftro Conn of Duquesne Way And Mattel Alley, Pltssbur6la,Pa. - JOSHUA RHODES.4Ir. CO Bann - DOIVT DE DECEIVED DV rlonrttbtnghait eoleran guiveitlsernerd it of Inferla Jasehlues, but Retain:lolMß It hesears been, Audisoily tes by a te ll coso d pe• for sixteen • y • tent Judges pr.', uouneed the S • - • ISPAT . .11a. 3.13 30117.3 a., Eltroet. DAUM CLOSE & CO Practical Militate Illaattfactartrs, COR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS. West styles of 11TIRNIrll RS soustaatlyoo PITTSBURGH BA •la FOR SAVINGS; No. 67 2Pcnart ii. sot root» - D•pootia to . di ea or 1.-fore Norsusca tC tiß draw MM. PER. CENT. INEEJsEaT gnu," tax.)THOM NoVENLBEK IST. rt laß sd ez 41..141yufr050.49.7.1...Ttuw. to 11. I .IK- sc.o. to o ..s..__Er•E 10/talc IlifissEss sonsvor , _ . • •'. x.c->sai maussisil. -... • . • . .. 5.-good, P-na WOUlE'lloll4.,..o_!tirikoer.fil wimi will tw *Old cheap: °tie 'Owl War/MG 1101$ , otie goo! , WUNS. //4... c 1ia. gwwlWl4,o4wi 4:, , , La Wis. "d grigArai'LLV 4, a. & Liars's-mu:it.. Isp i r wcoll - rW , .."."".. er "'" 'ioganets . V 1,..: • V AI ECESSIIIEW FOR THE WO . '" TER.—itorif, 0.0.1,04,02L1NG ollTiar, nairIW I LAWIINte ntUrVIRICOHN ELS, Oath awl • m, Uthevllls fort:Ookr.rpra-1 end other traardshel Vggrar , i t,4l.:: 7 MMVRr."AO Arasi strw4.7"All-cauPC- H il Era EP221:11I ~ - it, '