IEPIL M3EMI.TZ, Bartfrer and Breker, !18 Proodt3l., near corner of Fifth. A u - descriptions nf boned indoold on liberal Gove Ammo'.rnm eat Sancta LOSICIOD and Continental Exclumge sold at New York rates. . atm, saver and Coupons bongbt at hlgheat raM. and Cold Drafts lumen on New York. FINANCE AND TRADE. • idosnal . , November 19,1898. 'The New - York stock ' quotations to-day, as , reported -by Nobluson,. McClean & Co, wattles follows : . Gold, 14DMD14.1i 114144 1121 63050/4,10734 do V, lhei; 15.%)5, new. 1083¢; - 7409 ; Ist series; 1053i 1 second and third, 10% - Michigan. Gouthefin'N. 8.. 99„; Cleve. tb, Pittsburgh, 86%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne' b..Chicago..los3iv- Ede . B. 8,, 77 'Union Telegraph Company, 44; Chicago . a North Western, Chicago _ & Rock Island, --The tolloUlig statement exhibitsthe bust nabs of the Pittsburgh Clearing- Haase for the Week eh:Sting on Saturday, November 17th: Exchanges. Balances. povemberl2-.. • µA= 23 494.229 41 November 13 303,701 34 106.748 30 November 14 318,341227. 69 . 779 3 ' November /5411,837 48* 68. '118. 681 X 7, November 16.... 7 " 438,787 011 ,„, fe., November 17 312.893 94-• Total A 3 00.E 4, 84 $577`9%/ 71 —Sasertione are made (says the Sew York Tribune) that Secretary McCulloch hes been converted from the specie paying poller and enlisted In the raahs°f the expansionists, who also predict the Issue of more paper . Pecipte who rush into Idnert,eriirbtirhg=lo attempt toxedeem their liabilities to meet the change in values, which. steadily proceeding, must be careful how they treat to these assertions of speculators for a rise. The Secretary hae not been con yertad; but we are assured stance fan by the principals of his last annual report, when , he declared that ..Ereryday that corarartion is de ferred Mertens fiie difficulty of preventing o =l e % as eoB &ft w T f t t i s e ln hf:po tary wer h i l lu n t o h t. e c gas '" by no means beau idle. lie has g paid oil-and funded over 11300,e00,007 of legal tender and short debts Standing In the way of redeinp - lion In eleven • months, and has reached!'point whe n , under proper autheritY by Con gress, Ile Can reegme specie payments at au Wrill i Alle Secretary has been neacilly get - ting currency' debt out of the way, by pay ment and by funding, the lapse of time has • put the sits,coo.oco out of the form of currency which they were Loa great degree in Duren:- . bet, 1385, and made they notes the empioyers of money, converted them from currency late investment!: With the present revenue of the Treasury, it in within the power of the Secretary to steadily pay errand fund the aMc -000,000 of legal tenders, and the g148..500,000 of compound notes, upon which bank credits now root, to a degree which will force a con traction in all depart iinots of flounce—a step called for by all who desire to see the nation changed from specolative to iesittimateMus Was pnrimita. —Says the New York Shipping List. of Satur day:. Despite the high tariff tile import [twit ,. maintains vast proportions. while the export trade is light, prices of the loadin g istaples above foreWn markets. Cotton and Pe. iitaenm. however, are exceptious to the gen: era! rule.' The expellent the latter this year, are largely In excess of any previous year, notwithstanding the comparatively low rul ing of prices at homeand abroad,under an In• creased production. We present the, folio*. leg ligurce showing the exports of Petroleum from the United States from January Ist to date, compared with, the same peeled the pre ' Ceding four years '• , • 11302 galls. 13,900,000 I t..,.000,000 19632 • 0 1,19 VAC ke.Ga 56,000,000 1864 These 'figures indicate an increase in the ex 'porta of the current year over 1995 of 155 f per Cent, over Mt otil7 per cent, over 1883 of 13.1 per cent, and. over 180 of 513 per cent, The _ total export ot. the article from this port In IS6' who 1,112,476 milieus, against 29,400,000 gid lons thus far dztring the current 3rear. its the supply is generally believed to be illimitable, there is no reasonto ivilfeve that thiiexpaii- Alan of this trade. in the future, will not be equal to thittof the .past. itt'all events, re• Atoluum must he reckoned smona the first ar ticles of American commerce. Thee material decline in cotton, of late; has led to increased shipments to Europe, and these two staples are now our chief reliance for exec:l. PITTSBURGH Dimmers. • OEM= ow virsPrrrsinasen tlasarra,-1 !accrual - . November 19. lief, .; The produce markets do not open very au. ;spiedously tins week,if today can be taken as a fair criterion. The unfavorable reports from Chicago have, to use a common phrase, given Flour and Crain a-" black-eye," for the . presearat least; and there is nothing doing in any of , the leading commodities worthy of Speelid notice.> Buyers are 'fielding off in an ticlpation of a stilt further decline, though, as A general thing; holders, wi yeV, do not seem G=MMIM= GllALN—Wheat is Chill and neglected—prime No. l Spring is quoted at $2,60- Corn Is very and the market is completely • glutted with new crop. Oats coming in pretty freely, and dtdlemall sales ln store at 55 w IC. date bf rear prime . Spring Barley, to go east, at Hare, oar brewers do no seem wdlin g to pay over el to $1,05. 'Lye is reported Om et 0 45, and but little offerme. YLOI7/1.-1s ;Jutland weak, with a drooping tendency, though, as yet, without quotable change. We continue to quote good to choice - Mends 01 Spring Wheat at $1234 toil: and Winter Wheat, SI3,K to $l4. dye Flour in • quoted et. OA to 48.4. Smmil sales of Buck wheat in store atilt to id% perewt. APPLES—Very dull and the market Is completely glutted withilifetior and common. We quote, for small lots, at w% to 4.14, for fair toed:mice. • ` . P.OTA.TOEP,.—SaIe of 71 bbls pnmo Pend; - Blowsat Myer bbl. New Jersew Sweets are t ." Anoted acid tog% per bbl, anon quality. DU/7EII-1s dull—indeed. common packed is almost Unsaleable. Prime 801 l is quoted ataCto SI, with a supply in excess of the de ' CagESE--75 doll and nominally; nchanged —.Western Reserve,ill, Hamburg 17Factory toll- and Goshen 2D 80116111751—1 s ho Mir demand but tin s_ changed; may bo quoted at 65 to 70; for prim e. s ALT-1s reported - steady, with a demand JIBLED opt° the supply, but unhanged. • FRUIT—We can report sales of Peaches gas regular „way at. 18 to P.Vfor quer ' tem god halves ..mixed, ,, and ni to for halveS: • No Movement tadpoles. , SZElM—Plaxseed is In good demand, and w • e can report sales •at id to 13,10. Timothy Seed Is quoted dull at $3, to store, and Clover rrres — sumen - pEramactin stamiivi . .. : Ova= or rya Prrrasitsan Guerra, f . • ' - - - . Moamar. November 19,1888. ( - . ;. CEZDE....The market for Crude was dud - .' and neglected to-day; the transactions being 'comparatively light, though. there Is ne mu tarifa change to note- in prices. - bales of OKI; 1110, and 100, (good gravity, bbls returned, at 10)4;330bb1s (Gorse Creek oil) at 11; sad llu " I,bla, imme kind, at le, bids included; AO bble y,40 tea gx avity) at 10, and P3oo—late on -Salm t - day—at M. Far ordinary gravities, (say,4o to . ' to s 4 4l :trirt: I n.E ' d a , r an b cf AUtr.j.3. given vi at 10 to : . deol ' ,Wrhile better grayitce , (esi " 42 b t i o B i3j 2 a7: ' Irayecommand a fraction more, as this quail - ity of crude yields - 6 mulch larger percentage of Itednedouul our refiners, generally ' are -. willb a dV, E s liar ALUM more for .It. . D--The market for bonded oil cog -. ..11,1nUels-eltil) and weak,, and, compared with ' - . last week, prieesere a shade lower, We now - dUoto at 3310 333 i for' November delivery In ~... philadelPhist 34 or December; 24 to 31! , 4 -fog jatiparyostm sp Mr February we - have but a steefessle ,tr. moon!, one thousand barrels, . fi r — yet,regry, buyer , * option, at 33. The above qttotationa shear a decline of from one to One :--:.and half pmts Per gallon, taking last week's .. - : / ages as a guide, and the tendency still seem, by be downward. Free oil is dull and he. ....I,rt -, :u 4 es c!, standardbranda - .... ~..gaTILVALB—The following arrivals of on were reported 40 - day; - -. . D. 31,-. K.erton ....14./10 - 11111enA Edwards go i ' . Jig, Illawlanney:...llo lll las. Wilkins - ~,3 . John e Gallagher . - 003 IL P. Cochran .15,0 • _ Annball,....;oo W. P. Logan '57(.1 Gallawber & Bon.- - 403 W. Lialdeman sso 2lat Ref. ICO. - ... .......... Fisher a, Bro 5814 - : 'Total Iltze,pri, - C44, Trade Nsw Tour; Nov. M—There la 'con elderabla innegulacity of feeling - mid opinlon in the Dry - *bids' market. - •The absentia of buyers from tb2l4oo6ing AP:loses indicates d farther do. -;:.•I•gabo:, .goods, while on. the contrary the --agenta: enCept, the • ste,adlness of the cotton waket ego store hopeful sign. • There is but little deedterf-change la prices from Saturday, although,the present-Wit:4lolone aro nominal and. :prices tend., downward: - allonin there • - besireeietion in cotton 'and gold Dry. Goode : would euleklYfsel It, but amnia both drill ono • dcrwwward, Dry Goods moat follow. TM:IP:foe of Ipragnols prints' wall reduced oho. cent a yard on Saturday afternoon by both agents and -jobbers.. 1110 bturitiess le. howeverenot muck increased. Print cloths aro 'reported : firmer this morning with no sellers at Itcants At. by et elotn. Brown and bleached : de•, staid btir S t g1: 1' ;111 . fltt h ritreavtra * Dnedns and Deutme are very quiet. The mar. no working basis on which to gave -. roulade pritoi brown ilheatlairs—Appletom Ciax, 20; Liadicrw il lif. • ineachod Shirtings :St itoter.• ; . Canoe. 12. Prints, Lunnem,..i.owon Sate his market for Opting WOolen. th eri ; adightertiernand. as there is also for Lin. Li miltigortels, but generally there is but sho e so , ear- beyond :went has MOLL reported ifir the entire *esos, - TOO light itoportano n bye ernett,- revived • the merger. for foreign and mowskitiOlderstoetiOw more coon ghould- troperiations continue light an& She satr, demand' continue, the leading -Modir.Of foreign 4'oo4*..raUit soon become •,ilesecn;.end wanton: :- nee absent:a of auction '-9niaalterritlezahriST-414i to .boaltiess to- ciittuosiy Wbeat wizen ,11-for No.l ml 4 0,76 1 ,4121,91 for N 0..% 7.99i5t - ossettled awl a&vanCed Lc; soasco for . No,lard 78501110 p /Ur tto.AL ,Osta natal, at,,W aNNO for•No: 1-gad 34391360 tor t 0.2. rni: : visions don.' items Pork IritL , Hop 'try dull at ‘ 0 40 6 }0PF: 4 9-F i r n- -? )-15Q°d* - • ~t 1 Irolellek MM. igot T • -- ' ' ertioo, 11 ' or bet.ll.—lr/our dull: Whoa ''' ret 2 le kolVertrlatieli Ot NO.I , I ...yip 01:11. 11 s ..Anibir muburaft 0.78: %WI 4.1‘ , 01 ...,, corn aIW lower. oPerdnigiti , -k. tig .t 410010 g 4 ata at WO for No./ mixed. ~-, 1 blower; *sal Al 0 9 . ' : * ' • NARIEETS BY Tr:LEGir.&pn • Rem York ?Mantled flattens. Nzw Tong, .November ie.—limey f a i r ly active, at WS per cent. Sterling dull, at IaS4VIO . I. Gold lower, opening at 141,-declin ing to 140, advancing to 141, and closing at 14014., Government stocks 1443% -lower. Freight* to Liverpool quiet.' The weekly bank Matetnent: Leans, #273,- T 38,390, decrease, 0,850„08• specie, $15,511,141, in. crease, V.,365,733; Circulation, s3.l_s, 3s', crease, WAX:, deposits, , decrease, HATZ.B-17;...1egal tender, 'l, decrease. Stocks better, Rock Island, ICS1,1; Illinois Central, stern Cleveland and Fittenursili. e 7 !1 : ; Northwestern, 53,. Cleveland and Toledoi,Th! , Fort . /ON; Dlieldgart idiehigirj Cantata, 112.14; rf,...d 115, r i n i71+„7. -. . 114; Erie, l'e4; Pacific Mali, 1 40 : door Telegraph, sag; s..a , coupons'of,Y' - i now l e sue, .ht. de ot_itls, 10454; de, of _ _nisee the 'first regular ham Tone. cocks are nearly aliboard of the Stock Exchange ,. f epeculatlon is de thetes"rci7ll'rle have been made " or Mgan Southern as high as ane:.%, W,estern 521tQ52.% Ft. Wayne i"'" 7 l,ll*. 'Arawers Of exchange on El e n,iiintre all asking 109 per cent. n gold is gradually inducing ge. As soon as Anothere n ew reta i see of" exchan 119 cr"s e rm - a - is:of the rates, however, were made known in the gold room, the price of t ende rs rcovered tp/hiiMMl44l percent. Money are again Imre:dying brokers at MI6 per cent. as on. Saturday. Grman banking on are rontent with 5 per cant, from brokers on high credit. lit Bank the rate is almost millorm ttt 6per cent. • _ • El= The Stock market was heavy at the last open hoard, .bat the closing quotations were all higher than the opening quotations of the morning. The Money market Is easier, and first aloes firms, get accommodated at 5 per cent. on call, but weak parties have to pay percent: There Is not much _movement In discounts, but rqtes .are firmer.._ There ate very few, names that pass under,7 per cont., owing to the continued dullness and depres— sloe in . the produce and merchamdze mar. kets. . . Gold was. ilecidedly,o firmer this afternoon and ranted - to 141%6111N at timeline, The Foreign Exchange market is'dukl and nomi nal at 1C0301109 for prime banker's hills. 'Fate market, for the Government Securities scum un settled. at the elOse, but without any speelat change Bf quotallons. The Stotmer Shares are firm and advancing; Pacific Mali in in detnatett at 240€2404; Atlantic Stall ruses to 110 at the close; owing to the growing belief thElt , the : new board would tmsurne contnd. ' The market for Government.securities was .uunetticd this afternoon, out without any special change. The following were the clos ing prices at 4;30 r. Coupons of '6l, 113;t1G, 113; rive-twoaty Coupons of .'ld, Jmy do, 10SalOSSit August Seven-thirties, I itio,4 '010e; June d0,11.0% - g1i,13%; July do. 11,15M,ri.; ; June Compounds rut 'O4, 115;4%4%1.5N; July do, 1143:1,711634. • The Stuck market was nenvy sod loose ut ilic last upon Board, hat the cloying prices were.uil than the opening ono tenons 01 150 morning. Western Union Tele gruph, 47; bete York Central, 103 . !,i; Erie, 75,,,i; treading. 11414. Michigan Southern, ell , t?' Pitts burgh, eq; Cleveland and, ill; ROOK Itibillti.loo!,i; Northwestern, 5 - 214. do preferred. 7.31,.; Fort %Sayan, 107; Ohio Caren:Looms, 30!.5Q :tot:.; Canton,,3o,i4; Cumberland, c: ; .;; ; 'Quicksilver. 45%40;4; klarrlposa, 1gt.,1614; do preferred, - At the afternoon boar-Smith - a, Farm lee de. dined to SOD, butdhe other muting shares were generally steady, with timodem.e business. =EMI= Saw Yortir,litovember 19.—Tbc current'prices for the week ut all the markets nee ea follows: ! Reef cattle. drat quality, per bead fd5,110(.07; (air to good, $14,50016; oOmmon,Illetall; ' nor, 0010. cows and calves pct. hoed, extra, t100,3--gti first quality, o.3(y9o;"brdlnnry, S7O re; common, t 5.0070; Inferior, 64(430. Veal calveN first 'quality par lb., 13,..;i11tet ordina ry, 124213 e; common, latible; inferior, Sislloc; Sheep and lambs. extra perbend, 1,7t35; prime quality.• AlOtitll Ordinary, 1)5C5,50; common, in1er10r,113,U43,50. 'Suttee heavy; corn fed per lb:, 7146. - t1llc; light and Medium, o'/'ru e true market for beef cattle ruled firmer and hlgherorices have been realized on all kinds save common Cattle, Wit lett are in more I IMlteo demand.- Thu trade, however, bas retell rlow, though the prOspects were that toe =tuck would be disposed of. • The inquiry was chief ly for extra cattle, which, being scarce, 'old at 1ti1,4617e, and good mediumcattle atßitchie. Common sold at 10.1211 e -to Itic. The quality of the :A:rulings wan very poor. veal calves still contipued Steady and Ore. .at 13•yGt Ito for choice and 10@hic Receipts tnou. The market for Sheep, ufid Lamle, was Voile active and a /Baler feeling preratled In spec or the continued heavy Ingmpts. Good lots or Sheep commanded 6tl/6!4' to 7 cents per pound, and Lambs at SdS cen Ls. The Swine . Market has ruled very irregular during the past w-ek and lower:prices have been accepted, closing' at about one-quarter of a cent tower than last week. There Sc more doing, however, at the conclusion and the market ruled rather more Steady.. The total receipts of all stocks at all the yards for this week were as follows: Beeves, 3,10 G: Cows. GS; Veal Calves. 1,197; Sheen and Lambs, :13,,5 . 2.a; Swine, 19,567. New York rrodueo Market New Yong, Nov. 19.—Colton opened firmer and closed weak at aPAM33c" for Ma:ldling Or leans. Flour very dull and (130 c lower; $10,25 Fjlo.9o . for sound common Extra Slate, allal 11,75 for R. 11. 0., and $10,80d13,75 for 'Trade Brands, closing heavy. Minsky - (inlet. ' state in bond 42c. 14 heat very dull and seanlowell N 0.2 Milwaukee part $2,224,1:2,33, remainder off 'private terms. Bye dull and heavy; Stafe $1,42. Berle , • dull and declining; $1,15d1,11 for N 0.2 State, the latterprlce for very handsome, and $1.2.5 for Canada I% est, free. Corn—recelpta 90,494 !umbels—dull, heavy and lower; 11,270 for Shipping aixed Western in store lied afloat. closing with sellers at $1,27 and buyers at 11,25. Oats dell and lc 10,,,er; liMgetle for Chicago and alltwavkee. Collett dull and heavy. Sugar dull and nominal. Molasses quiet and steady. Petroleum heavy; 22t.e for, Crude and atalate for itctined in Bond. firmer, 1Y22tM73 regular and cash for New Mess, closing at 11 - 22.,75 for cash and s2eckm,so for Prime; also 2,720 bblu New. Mess. seller. No. vember; 1 21,75 seller,thil the year; and '5412, seller. January. Beef dull at previous Beef llama heavy. Cut Meats dull at 12alk, for Shoulders, and 13%0150 for Hams. Bacon Inactive. Lard dull and lower; 12413,5,1 c, and small soles at lie. Butter quiet; aQ.cle for Ohio, and aifld'lM for State, and aMs - ate for Orange county tub. Cheese dull at Malay,e, seAtouts Market. • • ST, .Locrisi , Nov. 19.—Flour dull and lower; superior. 55,50i110,50; sprlog extra. 410e510,10,13; double extra,1511.2.561 . 1. Wheat dull and heavy; good spring 01,1241,15; prime tall, 0 - 2,5e7i11,5.5; choice, V1,70a,:i. Corn unsettle,' and lower• old mixed and yellow. 41,0501,e5; yellow and TAM, $10@11; choice new ydliow.fAhraso. • Oats dull, at 41M 6c for Choke.] • Pork nominal. Bacot. quiet; Shoulders 15e; clear aides 15"i'e. Whisky inactive, at 1 : • tlaff.l4 31arker.' , . 'Burea', Nov. 19.—rlour qh let. Wheat dull .and the market tending. ibewu ward', Corn dull, partren apart; held at aI,W(SIP.; and 41. Ont.-10.80U btmh Ohio, at 52C. liarloy itntl Rye quiet. Pelts-3,000 anah., at $1,30. Pork at 421,zu 025. Lard at 15../,13,7Ge. Whinky at COS re. a 11., . . I= Niw Oinks:vv. November 19.—Cottnn sales-of IMO bales; low mtddling. :11 -1 / 4 - 01c; rid dting,Sle; 4,800 boles Sugar (lull; tuft, 12'4e. Molades lull;. prime, :0e; ebotee; 75tteue. Sterling kirkkunge, 54; New - York Ezeta.uke, k,V3i premium. Frelghts unebanged. Osuego.,2l.larket. Clawszo. November 19.—Flour dull; $11,19g 12,90 for No 1 anrlug; : 6l3,so for red winter; $14,54 for white; $1.11,90 for double extra. Wheat quiet. Corn fearee antli,g Met. Barley dolt; $1,9961,11 for Bay Qutnte. Rye and roma quiet. EilltroulteC nor/Act. • 3111.3r.thaei. Nocember• 14,—Flour dull and declined s.filac. Wheat declined 2h",.'c, wlth sales at $1.0762'...P3 for No. ioued ta,n ter ~;‘). t. Oats, il5O. : . , • 7]IPOIIIII tly ZIAIL/LOAIL, PITTO/5173KM, FOOT WiIMS A CMCALIO 11.. B. November 19.-72 apples, IV' J Palatal:hi/0 do do, W J Meek; I car oats, Schno-batic A Schott; I do barley, D R Galway; I do oats, D ' IValiumi,• 127 bbla applos, - Brltker A co; 1 car -staves, Adorns & Co; 40 eke rage, 4.l,xltrey A Clark; 5 care metal, Hallman; Baum CO; 140 corn, Unekenhelmer A Bro; 170 bblif d0ur, , J11.5 Bardineri 8 1,010 rye flour, A Taylor; Ittblas (t apples, ampbell & Brown; ;1 earshatiey, Wainwright; 30 Mils vinegar, l 2 do elder, Id do avvl Vo7sit h i eo ; 4 can t s Unlrl T i , Spencer A II g C .?! McKay; Ido rye Person it owl do corm„D CourtneY; 1 do barl e y,] Hang wieb; 10 b bid egget s do cuts 4540 apples, 2 Yds bunter, Blair A Woods; 5 bile onion.. ,!do do cider,Bell & Bitchaerld bids U °i'teh Jr; 2l ekenuta, 1, 1; . t 4 Vro:; o 7 ol lrl l 2%tobacco , J do, M illy!; lOU ebb Roar, Ltutbsay; 100 ;JO Cr. do oaker A Lang; 100 dodo, , Watt A- WIlsOn; Rd do, 3 Gardiner; car barley, Ilitclicoek,. MoCrecry Si co; 1 do oats, Pettit A Nowlin; 1 do wheat,] S Liggett. ‘, • ' CLILTCIM3,O A.NI), Prriiintlrtan EALTLILOAO 4 -• November 19-0 ears Iron ore, Shocnberger . it Blair; 3do do, Loyd & Black; Glass o. Pain to & Sou; 1 dodo, Hutchinson &; pkge to bum, sdo ;dues, H ilageman; 25 bile oil, Slb Floyd} 3 do do, Barbour & SmUllson; 1 ear .211 1 141 ro 31 e4 1 Plet Bible apples, 2do cider, Jli ii. leather. 611 Iltarstotti 04 bags oats, led 0 Pot/gees. Putter & Armstrong; 8 Ws apples, W J.Ateel & Br.; Ba ckeouts, Blair & WoodeL 19 do do,Wm Bin oatmeal, J Blanchard; bble g la M u l; Parker; /0 do do, J Dilworth A col 10 1 do j do il , Dickey c_o„; 4 curs wheat; it co; 100 bbla flour, M Mepul/oeCholt co; bgs burl • J Meek; . ears applet., Culp & large lot copper, Ty 'Lowe; ear wheat, Doti EMI r irit .,,,,,g, COLUMBUS & Ci u n r. cli n n , u n vi .. l i t i. . I . t. ,fiovember 19—?" cars hurley, c to & co; 105 ski; do, F Shields; 45 do do, emir.' A eol G bids apyles, Potter, &Mem & Shebat. I. 50 aka barley, Smith Jr; 11-bbis potatoce, ‘ 2.1 Sits barley, 3.5' do.eol'Ll, tlleanor, "Harper a flood; 8 bite seed, 8 dd.drY Apples; 8 do raga, Cook, Tiro a coie pkge butter. I do eggs, New comer, Goo . & co; .4 pkgs butter,, do eggs, A Graff ltelterilOoks oats; Mitchell, Ste verinc,u• & cop cars wheat, AMMoti & Scott; I car outs It finox , /eSont Ico corn, W J ideek,• 100 bbls dour, Culp adatrecard; 100 do do.. W P Beck - & I cur cora. D,Wal art; Id° staves, C .0 Smith. Attzolirwr 'Srarion. NOrember 10-8 pkgs bil tier, • .1 - 7.,u., cooper; 201 skit flaxeeed, It Lien. man; 1, .s:tr . outs, It Strong; 1 car burley, 31 Wed; a11c , ..f. itaxseed, Ewer & iiiiMlll.o9 ; 1 cur wheat. Gilmore, Simpsoa& co; 4 do do, If cane ay & limp.* bble ilouriT NobleLe care corn, It ham & Son; 1 cur mil Peed, Kennedy & Lo throp; 1 do do, Stewart & co; 1 Soda:seed, Al II Suydam; Sao barley, Smith & co 100 barrels dour, Gibson. Ctow a co; 100 'do do, Coy, No. 29_ ; _lty., CLAIR A'rREET. . Cla 4701.111iiiiri girdrMilerACLZs., .oset ..--'... .-11J1141rA tiLAribSt TXLEaIIOPI.B,. I ,:.:7-• ,-.....• ISTSEI3OeCOrkIc MICUANICOPee -1•:„. . - ~ ....,„41.!*.13121A2, 1 4 . rN lIYytiUMETBBM. A T ugiiitmrta;BAßindri u sg,trcl"uu a lt Er gitf,ftr,--for Uill Xi reasonable mesa, br l - 4, pt#11(424.33,..L.ra1tical froilelan • .. ..: 1- , - -SU char eitrnh :$257,0001 011 • 001 . .!. --PeisOnil desitioit to bOrrilrilioneyoa r .. T . '- - . 130 ti D AND,*OIITGAGE. *or nirei i iiro iiiiderdi iWeiniti will :do well Iti . an o' IitOBGE Al. PETTY. ' 4 -DO 11451 Sainte Aiwa, So. IS lit. oar isms. . r . . RIVER NEWS. • thin y -point nigh IC y eAI The .wirer r continues feet tof n t e h , e l o c a riL l ta o n er 7 l - 1 abty the marks last evening. At 01 g yesterday with o. glienv wart, reported wfivee wi T r dht fee t h eda l r n ci a r:k i n te : eth'se' lookedC taconuvretd: tunin g tnm i n o - 1 1 1- t, wh"a l l a s ir: mk °CI point. a It v a. n du l ge th n c o , : i afn:hek:Oxerci l tooi; hr ,n A P . : d . i en w e n n is g i o n i l et evening. ar . ot ili s ta l o r i am i g i t i p d a t tv d . . r.lavumi to s land near Tall" to make reirs, she grogigled ono of her boats. The Sa m Brown sunk two boats in (Doss !louse, belonging to . W.ll. Brown, and the Reindeer sunk a 110/1t of slack at "Loren Tail." All the rest of the I heats, so fur as heard from, have got along splendidly, meeting with no misfortunesaml as the river In in good navigable condition, but slight fears are entertained In regard to their safety. All the towboats hero got out with the exception, we . Isnileve, of two, the Dolphin and another. The A. J. Baker will take a tow from Louisville to Now Orleans. The Sherman. cleared for St. Louis yester day afternobn with an excellent trip, having all the frioght she could take, and a large number of passengers. The Argosy"-is due here from-Cincinnati to.night, and will re turn again on Wednesday. This boat, ft should be remembered is now plying use. re gular packet between here and Cincinnati in connection with the Quickstep. • The Bayard left for Parkersburg on time yesterday, and the Lent Liotl is the regular packet for that point today.. . • The Luella, From 'St. Louis, is among the next boats, due - hero—having left Cincinnati on Thursday last. The _Leonora and New State were advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburg.. on Saturday. Thenew and commodious Glendale, Capti'J. H. Hare, with Capt. James Mellon in the of fice, is now in turn 'for St. Louis, ,and passen gers and shippers should boar this fact in mind. The Silver Lake No:3, Capt. Todd, is filling up steadily , for Cincinnati and Louisville, and take her departure this evening without fall. The IL. L. Gray,, Ca p t. Anderson, is next in turn alter the Silver Lake. Tne Armenia, Capt. A. C. McCalltim, ts . an. &minced to leave today for New cirloaul and shippers should hurry clown their southern height to-day, as It will become.before there is another boat ready to leave tor that place, and ' , avengers should alsd " bear this fart In mind. • . . The Glasgow, Capt. Geo. W. Johnston. 13 the . 9:xpress" packet for St. Louts, leaving on ,Thursday next, nail the Camelia, Capt. Lytle, is titling-.-up steadily for Nashville, and wilt Secular ready to lea . v.i-for the "City of Itc,ch.o Thu Leonora and New State left Cando nati kir Pittsburgh on Saturday, and the Kate Put nam, eu lout° from Pittsburgh to St. Louts, ''arrived-there the saineday. IVe clip : the fol lowing front the cunday NDllllerCiai : . Thu Nicholas Long worth, having withdrawn trout the trade, will lease for Lou isville On Wertuesdav 'tiro--cowl packet General Lytle will Commence her !regale: trips to Louisville, in the mail line ih a few days, The C. T: Dumont takes the place of Longworth la the mail title to Louisville un til the Lytle is ready. . r • . The New Stare; for Pittsburgh, receives 150 tons of medal at Portsmouth Miller a ' Ellis yesterday received it dispatch from Nashville, /flag thst there was forty inches and rising tel the Cumberland Captain David Hiner, U. S. N., Is in the Mt v speeding a few days with his old ftlentle. The Captain is curtained at. the Moue, City Navy Yard Col. J. N. Macomb, U. S. Engineers, in' charge of the Western ,Itivre Improvements, wilt locate an ogle° in tlas city. Sinjor Unwell Is assoelated with Col. aracomb. . Says the Louisville Courier of Satertlay The towboat A.J. Baker mime in trout New Orleans yesterday, with all empty barges. The Dick Fulton, brella and Bengal Tiger wore due from below /as:night. • • Says the St. Louis .Rt7tublumn: The North• ern Line Packet Company I.iuve, owing to the want of business and water, concluded to sus pend operations for the seaion.. The boats will be laid up hi fast as they arrive from. above. Alton slough bus been selected us winter quarters, and the steamers Hawkey,' State aunt alinuebuta will proceed there to day. The towboats Bill Henderson and Po trelhave beenseut to Carondelet for repairs, and will, when repaired, take the wharf boat in tow, and Also go to the slough." . The Simpson Horner, on her meant dowit trip, lost a nail of coal, at Hurricane The steamship Great I:operate,' which was launched at :few York on Thursday, is lobe I the largest American vessel aver lona. tier I dimensions are as follows Extreme length, three hundred and eighty 'feel; breadth of boom, day lcet; depth, thirty-one, feet odx inches. Sher Custom house measurement, is four thousand eta hundred tons, and her car punier's- ineosureniont about three hundred 111119..5din L planked over her timber., and diagonally strapped wlto iron hands on thoontiotle• troll On the Inside, with bands flee holes wide. she Is also doubly plunked over the straps outside and is the strongest us well as the largest wooden wooden vessel afloat. She 1110 anus/3 an np rlght4teant engine, with a cylinder one hun dred mud five Inches diameter, and twelve feet stroke of piston. ' Her wheels are forty feet in diameter. . - • . The Louisville Democrat ls responsible .for the following: " — A newly married couple went to see a launch at fcwport the other day. While looking on, a staging Knee way and the groom WAS precipitated into Alm w.,ter. Ile tr. !Dun 11Aled out, but, 'untie in the sire,. lost lit, When.b.rought ashes e. the wife refused to rccogolzWuri, but called loudly to toe CI Wird to ..wt'' her husband, pointing finial. etillY to the- bunch of hair Posting down the tide. . • STRAJILBOATS. von CINCINNATI AND LAJJJISVILLEt—The Atte steamer/4 SILVER LANK, No. 4- . . ...... apt. Tolrn.. Will leare lota° abut e aee all io terG.eittat, ports, on 1111 A I , AY. at tr. m. lent/ail or pa ease apply on towns of to ottu FLACK a COLLINUIN'tiIII/. •rt ma. VOlt . - CAIRO AND Lull,.—Tl cline ettanler Copt. ions It 11 Atm, Jas. 3lelinn. Clerk. alit lase* far the snot.. Rad all Inte,lL,Ltiate Mts. CU Lnllw Y. at 4 P. M. • I.- I .(IP.V.7 , :TAt t e Or 1 " : voLLIAn, Agetata. - rota • , , ANO. FLACK. aitlit. eV A NS IVI CA I. N. NAP, ST. .I.kIUPS NY:I4 -14.1:0kill/i. The r0100 , 11 , 1p.u...0gT r ' • I,AsbOW Cllot a, W. YON:44O'. Will roaliw:lT lease for tho atw.tC aorl all futons., tllato port, OIL 1111:1[S1/ ‘Y, all Y. N. 1 4 , 4, ely SI. or paaaaye apply on 1. , 1ard..0r non Cll4o. I/A ft !}.,p, 44y . rot. PEOPLEPS LNE.-RE41.0 L Al: WEEKLY I . .CKY.T to•hanniakAili• PITTHIUKUK A ?it/ CINCIN- ti.l . .Tl.—lhe new and tjtnewcild atom., AlttiVST. Ipt. Louie Vander:lff. W.H.. !mutt. Clerk. xvEitt . TUEtIV a Y. at V. we:eck l.exe, newest tt.EVEttl EttIUAT. at e.: stork. 'Yorfre lea at pwatate anttlf ^u• • neldtV IZOIL C. 4.1110, MEMPEIISr i aIz; A,lt "ist' OULEAS46.—The Mae lure tiger 'learner . ILIILN IA ' , sust. A. C. Wt. Al.trus Will leave fee Use above and all Jaterso.ll.e. ports on Tat, DAY, at 4 r. Y. . . rnr Ire got er, soih or tenant or to arta COI.t.IN CI W(101.1,, Aerate. C ott EVANSVILLE .I.lliDi g gW o r . NarHlt IL LE.l.—Tao doe ateepter Ca t. I TTLY. ave ;or the above sod all Infaretedlate ports, go THIB HAY, at e. X. For frelgh• or e ' uol . ..j..4) 5 V0011, A[ea t. CINCINNATI.—Tbe splrs4ltt side- rate..l..tismKr. tAISCKSTEP Capt. S. liana, Jr.. .1. W. Flopt.. , Arrk, • .111' run as s ItZtlILL.fl. It I'Ar'RLT,r asuiounc.vlsbuvet arloeolsATUtt- LAYtI slI2 - - 1,,r fl IRbt ur pppDt7 o or t 0 otl6 .. t JAMf, CObUY~, ARrOT. ET.—Tbt, PAIfIUIP PACK. W enCM pue.ger stramtr EIMM Caps. °cone,' Moons. 'Crams Pittsburgti. • • MUNDAY AND 11.1tTE12 , 31)ta.....1. 11o•CIa1 A. .X • 1.4.1ves ro.rkeraburg TtlE.lslLt Y AN I) FRI DAY....... .at 3 o'clock r. x Yor freight or paaaua ap ply on board. actarkl RACE OF • A D t ' O O I.I N I3 D I: EM NC N E A D o I: sNA 001 rnN Aachln l 01 ` V)l E a TlgEsP P.S. SE N A 1., lnd Volta Comfort.Y.A. on T.lll on!) sr, the 7.1.1 dal ol tioremkr, P 6 6 -, 1 10 o'clock A. ie. a large quantity-of stares; consisting In part of lb following articles 'as:. Yield and :ileac Cannon, cast Iron, of varl•. oas calibres; 51,070 01,00, nhel4 and Soberiul Case, rot smooth • boor and riled grss; . ". 7n 'Merrill's t'arldnes, Pew .d repaired; IWO Eaneur Oiled alnakets, cal. 071; 1.11 rosary./ and Spencer's Repeating Mlles; 600 Toreign nines. •• tisirlan." 01. 64; sou nroootls Pure Muskets, m•al. 1012, cal en; 040 'do op do altered to percuseir n rat. v., Mi :o Smooth re Ifuskei . .. glut lock. calero) 217 Nevolvers “Wnitney's and Itemingthn's. • Narl cal. au: 100 Cavalry - and Artillery ilabres; • . ll'gveorda, !dual fans and non-commissioned oracers. Fourteen days will So allowed for the removal of stores. TABUS Or ii. ' • T. 0. DAY OE. -Copt. of! Ur 103. Col. U. 15. A. Coo 'g 01111,E11..CLOSEI & CO., Practical Furniture Manufaiturtrs, COR. PENN 'AND WAYN6.STREETS Latest steles or FURNITURE enestantleon ban NNECL'N AItIEM FOR THE WIN• tKIL—For a good CUOKINO 8 sOVE and other FI Kttelsee Utensils, s'n to No. 146 Strata street. LZSA L b(JUT'S ELS: YVICE /SSA - BLe, raw ): Utensils for CooklegUesteti and other fancy dhows: Peerless. Store Sipe, Ws. ter Canhncuors. Mf.l all other articles, eel' at P. C. oulrislos„ No. 1.40 thltant Street. All cheap! hcap! cheap! orb) - a,07 bozec Gokt.h, factory and Hamburg for lisle by CLIAIttES C. DAIALS.Y. 'BII9OIOB. No 2 0 i1.1bcrly Arcot. 1(0 donau for sal. by CIUIIL&4 C. 13AL$Lia. Glbo riy street. LARD OIL; • • • :5 bble:' lienned sod warrabib.l Wiraor btrsJoed, for sale by - CHAIMEB BALBLEY. 'lie. get 4thersi street omiluir ICObbis. niiryritne White !lint ibr isle by ottAnuas o. N.O. Zia Liberty street. r lot of kettle rendered itielce Lard. Ls tierces - • ' ousuziza c. sausLay. noo No. 201 Liberty Kra& COMMISSION KERCHANIS. I DIANIIPACTURERS. SCHOICIAELER LANG,Wholegale dealers Infirocerles. Flour. Grain. Product, Pro visions. Pleb, Cheese. Balt, Cartoon 011, Nos. rti and 17(Wood street, near Liberty Mite, Pittsburgh. Pa. noh:n3.l BREWER, BII}IIO & CO., COMMISSION BIEIirIIANIS, - .AGENTSOrt TUX Pacific, Globe and Liberty 011 Works, Ample §torage for Ce ond genned OIL 14ber• lla 411.01 naval:men made on consignments of Crude Or lientied Petroleum. Yards for storage and ship. bent of Crude (111 at Lawrenceville. °Mee and It - archon., Corner of Duquesne Way and Hancock street. Pittsburgh. my 38.105 72/74 csaL. 7. ILITCHAILT. KEIL ts: - BITCIIA.RT, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , AND DILLIES nit Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &it 340 LIBERTY 13TREET, =24IW rITTSBIIIIOII. TA, WILLIAM C. LEE, tlueceaaor to ALEX. GORDON COMMISSION AND FORWARDING DOZEDR.C7iEr...9.IV.D. No. 102 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • .70 - Attont for the •`St. Louie , Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead Work.. Dealer to PIG and BAR LEAD. BUM, HEMP, FIRE CLAY, Sc. Conalgnmenta eo- United and Orders promptly filled. myll:tol r. °Winn • J. hyTtsiihT W. LLBehlt. lIWENS, KENNEDY & lIAILPEU `•-• PRODUCE CUIdIdiSSION MERCLIANTB, end Who Jessie Dealers In VuII.FAUN AND DOM-Mlle SALT, FLOUR, isurno, E6Utl, IV. TATOEB, mid In Provhdouscoad. Produce gen. eralY. No. 76 FEDERAL WI ILELT, opposite the liallroad Detest. ALLsougref. PA. • A.gents for the sale of P. - Y. Bite's, Donnell • Elhusn's sod J. liarn4lsll4. eipl4:lpl _ • CO., J. tii . N.F.,WMICERA CO., COMMISSION NERCHILIiTa I And dealers in Flour, Ural% Feed and Froduie. Cash advances unple on'consipoments. op Warehot.r, No. :100 CeallS aTILIZET, opposite epot Uniou D. rittaborgh, L./L. l,9trz DAY. CHAWFOUI), Commission siLERVIIANT i.U.Uoids, IRON 011 E, K .71.3tAV IKON. YIE.E. 13 1 / 1 1.3L andI,LAY Ste. Warebouso and Oftles, Nos. 366 and 308 1..).:NN nTita.ET. Stomp,. furoished. C.onalicornenta solicited. - or.; 11 • ISANY 8 11 1 . 811 BA R f gArS 4 a .N ll.l 3 .l l l ll !l% 4 t l 767l i t S l.! I ° .9 . 71 . ... 412 , 1 cl,s rtrect. Lztween tial!thdcld, P:aebargb.. 14410 y TUON. 10r1 . 2 . ./t ... . . Jon fr Amax n. A.'..IILITAILD 130TTER, AIKEN 64 tiIIEPAItID COttalli.lllo/3 Merchants., and dealeraln Fro elan and Domestic Frans, }lour. Butter, Chem., bras. Potato... tel praline aenceary. No. aid LLB may STILL b:T •opoete Passenger 13,p0t. rittdburgb. P. CLL. — 7110 A. xiTCUY.O. Liberty• !„,crit•tur,l - i•O..LN, tol il erare Grocery, Commleaton Merehan ta and dealers In-Conti , try Prodnee, r11 . 01F1110., 81 -0011, Last, Butter, Lane, Chew. Ylen. 41e. P roduce, telour, Uratn. reeds, tireen sad Dd.! ir;ulta.. &e., Halt and Lime, one lII' Sc SHEPARD . , Comnals'aion vat ,slid dealers In Hour, Urals and Fro, due. .lILIOert Street, l'lttsbursh. • Cho ~ n ds of } luur for Ilakers and Fatally use tons. 17.7 .n tund. Fartlealor attention paid to for SlLsr.hunllar generally, I ITTLE, CURD Sc PATTON§ 1-4 Yr noleastoOrocers, Co:r.alltalnn IScrehants, and dealer. In rnulue.s. Flour. Bacon, Cheese. nth. Carbon and Lard OIL Iron, Nana, Mass. Cott... Tarns sand all Plttshargh Inaunfretdres generally 0 and 1H doonnd Street. Vlttsb_r,,L. S. airiqua r l N. ItItTV.Za PEI3IER h BROS., Ouccemors to •1.4. Ramer Aides:on, ) NV - boles.le Dealers la Fur riga Yralts, Nuts and apices, Cuurnetlonery, augers, Fifeworks, :U., Nos. I. aL 11l Wood 4trcet, abut, liras I l lttsbura ft. IT1:1T • soar, KNOT . _ SIVIL P KNOX. .51. 120 N, Coatutiesion XEltelLANTSandaleal, ti; ,V.ILL 'VEND and fil/DUCE. gel:148,11y, NJ. It lealuund, oppwair City Bell. Allegherav jel7flyet • • JOLIN IL CANFIELD, Co NAM is stun and Torwardlca Irerehaul and wholesale deilur In Waste-1 Nererve Cite,.. Rutter. Lead, furt, enema. flour, roe met free aahre,Seleratus. I.lusted and Lard ells, lertted, and fro-lure rencral/r. NJ. 114 and lel /runt street. rmsburgh °roses S. ISASTT 01.004:. USTZOIOU - . . EAD ‘ll2 ErzGAit, tirocers and cor.a.,tou Me rellanisatol kNalors in all klo.ll of Country Pouloco aro! rlusto,,rirli Manuisciorrs; No. .Lc, LtbErly ytr cel. opp.ts, heal of Woo 4 atrcel• rlttx;_oiN6t. D. nalTeD ' A. ODA Ira. i'ZItAFF R LLEITEII, PRODUCE, Cornmisnio a . n and lor ardiag alareaa.4o, and puretaa,na•lcaola Al! 114 4 :torch blasahaturre. Warcbouw..No. :15 eirret. Vlttal•aritt, lOUs,.•• : altlaaliD JOHN I. HOUSE Zi. BROS" Succes cOnls TO JOITD 1. floors .a Wbolaaalo Om er!" and Conanataalon liercLanta.Dcrani of =Db. tad and Water y Lea ats. rit.tsburitti.• lntl Jona taDDroo waatacc. s: L LIIrI'ON d. WAI.L.ICE. Whole aate ANL) DIDL)UCE DEALER:3, No. D Math ZUVO, 111Ditrofah. 1 1 n't AMES DALZELL ti. SON, Mimi fantwers or Lard 1 /1:. And C.o•Dslat•ton Slelnliansf for the pnrctaseand •ala of Crud, and Itoolae.l reo twirl:Dn. No.. at and 70 Water il.ravt, Pl. Da Dare.. Advancer made en C.lll(raral.G. wtyrit.m be ARIVISTIIONG, For: .1 Coal:ass/au /I.fc hut to, for the alitt rat fluor. Gr.sto, 811COU, 1...1Vd. Hotter, ds. Frulte, x 04 Prodatc gemproLS. No. Sll.,:lort Btr. ,