The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 20, 1866, Image 1

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Pennmatt, Reed & Co.,
eq. - Fifth- eitzreset.
8. Egirro(tr: 4 Dui..,
iiestAii xis% ) )
l!lziesom r. az , ; Boldness !Managers.
bile COO M.....
duilsr, (par wean........:..cent
inistir . fi..(per7ear)
Liberal reactions to Diewiboys and leant.
ahcrabbi* 6autt.e.
Tan American Sunday School Mtn
nfissionarlesare now holding a conveu on
in Chicago. The proceeding are very in
teresting. Rev. J. 'M Menllottgli," of
Kentucky, delivered a highly interesting
address upon the subject of the Work itt
the South, and thus summed up the work
of himself and his co-laborers: They had
established 4,310 Sunday Schools, withSl,-
000 teachers and 258,000 scholars, and had
visited and ; aided 5,103 other Sunday
Schools, with 57,671 scholars. The total
result accomplished was 9,410 Sunday
Schools, with 68,610 teachers, and 573,334
scholars; 25,000 Bibles' nd Testamentstlls-
Wided; 894,000 volumes books distribu,
ted, and 135 churches established.
of Pittsburgh) of Philadelphia always had
a hankering after the soldiers. He delight
el to talk to the brave volunteers and was
conspicuous in his little harangues against
'Southern. traitors and Northern Copper
heads. He has not forg.nten the one nor
the other. He is opposeoo working poor.
helpless; Maimed soldiers and relieves
thein from duty in his office while he makes
rough, able-bodied Copperheads do the .
work. In other words, Mr. Johnston' last
weekturned oM a 'number of worthy crip
pled soldiers to make room for notorious
democratic Ward politicians...
A NEW confidence game has been intro
duced by the hlack-legs of Chicago. A
sharper producela a padlock and tells a ver
dant that he cannot unlock it. Verdant
tries and opens it easily. Sharper again
takes lock; adroitly _ substitutes another,
and returning to stranger offers to bet him
any odda : that he cannot open it, and neith
er he can. Three .thieves swindled estran
ger in this manner out of his gold watch,
and were arrested. Among their baggage
were discovered all the tools and imple
ments of professional burglars.
A rot:inn man named William D. Young
was arrested' ast week in Detroit on a
charge of murdering Lieut. Williams, near
Cincinnati, two years ago - . The deceased
was *murdered,' robbed of his watch and
money and thrown from a four story win—
. dow of the barracks. The murder was
very mysterious, but circumstances point
to young as the guilty party. He was ar
rested at the time but was discharged for
want of evidence, which has since been
.'run- Nashville Railroad robbers who
robbed rind Tanned the 'southward bound,
pahsenger train on the Louisville and Nash
ville Railroad, have been arrested. Harry
King, who was'With the band at the time
of the - robbery but who fled and would not
participate in the darideed, was cruelly
murdered by his companions in eriine, fear
ing he woad give information to thep.i
thorities. f3even haVe been captured, four,
". two negroes and. two whites, escaping.
The death penalty is not severe enough
punishment for such.villains.
Tan Cincinnati Council has just done a
noble act. An old .lady in indigent bircam
stances, ' named Maria Stahl, petitioned
that body to grant her a donation, as else
was in want, and inasmuch as a-large:prop
ertyshe had once owned slipped out of her
hands into thepossession of the city for a
•triflingisum;she presumed upon her claims
• of charity from the - corporation. They
voted her c5OO as a donation.
• Tan Philadelphians claim to have in
-vented a method of converting sand into
beautifid stone foe building purillises, which
rivals the old Roman concretes which wl th ,
stood the action pf twenty centuries.. It is
very cheap, add If all that is said regarding;
it be true 'we may look fore revolution in
building material. .
LEWIS RORER, nothavingthe fear of the
Lord or the congregation of the Fifth Bap
"•4. tilt church of Philadelphia before his eyes,
entered the house of God :and stole away
the, carpiatinga. He was -discovered in the
act and visa held in $3,000 to
.answer the
_charge at Court:,
A VAGRART IVOMA.2II=I*OI2 arrested in
Philadelphia for stealing a little girl away
from her parents. • She coaxed the child to
• folloW her aid refused to let her return to
her home. She only kept the girl twenty-,
four hours till the police secured her arrest. I
Lordavrxxu,f Chicago and other cities '
west and south of - Pittsburgh are suffering
terribly from the depredation of burglars.
The' nks to the energy.caur tntmicipal an
. .
thoritles this city entoys perfect freedom
front the mldnightdcpredators.
'rIOR, with a joint Mock capital to prepare
for pecuniary contingencies, is about being
' organised in New York. Hundreds of this
branch of- Mechanics are now out of work
there owing to, a depression In the shoe'.
market. -
1 b
Two YOUNG DUCES,. aged respectively
seventy and seventy-five years, are to run
foot race in Indianapolis Men of such
age should be tired of the human race, and,
instead of sporting, should be making
preparation (or running into the grave:
A IWNDEIIVIIL calm of conscience has
Tbeen discovered in Milwaukee. A lawyer
borrowed a hook thirteen years ago , from .
an editor, -and'; returned wit last week.
'When lawyers make . restitution there is
hope for the country.
Foun Hurtnnno emigrants flout the South
passed through Ilaltimore on their Wa,l
west last week. Their . ,fortunes were
ruined by the War, and they - now go to
Kansas to establish a colony.
_ Tun city of Louisville have
• purobod. fur 1 , 11,400, seventy acres of
ground to establish a poor man's cemetery
—where all poor potions will be buried
free of
y Itunincs, who was burned by her
clothes taking fire from a lxmllre kindled on
the streets ofrhlladeloida died from her
, ,
injuries. She was a bright little , girl ate
years of age.
A wrnurr in Detroit became her own
banker and bid $2OO in a rag bag. • For
getting of her deposit slie"'sold - bsg, rags
awl ell and knit leer money.
Con" marten ,Czass will preside . at
;the „Pennsylvania Freedmen's Commission.'
Stanch, srble.b , holds.a . meeting on Thurs
day next at Philadelpida:
' isisriuMit -Danum Caalltnun, - an
•sittkientligteeT of the Noi, - Tork lietroPo-
:tad policy died suddenly la.s4
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Timalcalitring Proclamation.
in the same aid 6. the authority of the Common
wea , th of Pennsylvania.*
ANDuzw G. cuarix, Governor of efid
Wllsaser, It hag been the good and worthy cus
tom alba Commonwealth to set apart, annually,
• day for the special acknowledgment of the grind •
ness of the Almighty and for .exprestlng by the
whole people, a t . one time, and with a common
Voice, the Manske.] PRAIIiN which 'throughout
the year are springing from the hearts of teen,
• therefore,
I, ANDRIM ti. IIUSTI hi, Governor of the Cinu
mono ealth of Pennsylvania, .10 by this my prods.
matteD, recommend that the good people of the
utoMmonwealth observe
Thursday, 29th day November;lB66,
Asa Jay of Tnant . gis lag and Prayer, and do then
assemble in their respeell , re Churches and places of
worship and make their bumble thank offering to
ALtilOirry GOP for all Els blessings during the
Past year. • . . I
Yor the abundant gathered fruits of the earth;
For the thee far eor Heuer! activity of . Weary
For the geoerslttr,tervattnt of health;
And especially for that la Ills DiVixs Money .
Be bath stayed the threatened pestilence.
And moreover that they do beseech Illm7to con
tinue unions sit His
,blessings, and to confirm the
heartkof the people of these nnittd butes. that by
the lawful force of they will, deeds of good Justlx,
.W•sdomlllllillercy may be done.
Given under my hand and the great._ a of the
htstt, at flarrlablirg, thin :9th day of October,
tot e year of our Lord, 1116 e, and of the Com
mon realth the ninety-ilrat. -
BY ills OovinixOth
Secretary of the Common tiealth..;
A iirtiolesome ChauFe
For the last two or three yearn the 'Amer!.
can peoplehave been imposed' upon by nume
rous trashycompounds known as bitters; pur
porting to cure all diseases of the stomach
and digestive organs, 'when in fact. hey do
more harm than good, but we are glad to say
they rapidly going ont of use, and their
place is heing , supplied by the English and
Scotch Ales and Porter, articles that have
long been considered by physicians the most
excellent tonics, stimulating the system and
digestive organs in a proper and. healthful
manner. The enterprising firm of MeCiarran
Mcgennan, we notice, were the call
the attenUtpn of the public to the above fact,.
and have bild immense quantit les of the fin
est Etigliah anoScotch brands, and the trace
Is rapidly on the increase: No. 85 Market
street, corner of-, the Diamond, near Fifth.
Street, can be considered headquarters for
these goods.,
We Would Suggest
To any of one. readers who may wish to pro
vide themselve., for cases of emergency, w Ith
a bottle of good Whisky, that Flemtog, Drug,
gist, No. 84 Market street, has a lot -of Rye
Whisky, matintsetured expressly . for him, by
Thomas Bell, about fire years ago, which, for
excellency has, we think, not Its equal to the
city. •It is a. Pure: article. We speak kmajr-
Wlll be experloncod by naing the Cough Candy
manufactured and sold by Osamu Beaven,.ll2
'Federal street, Allegheny City. -
Ton Can Buy
Foreign. Moors of nil kinds at J oseph S.
Finehq No.IEI, 190,193 and 19S First
street, Pittsbargti. , '
. .
Rireterl Oran.. a great advantage, and only
properly done at the Opera noose Shoe Store.
All work sold at the eekbotted Opera . noose
Shoe Store. -
And obliging clerics in attendance at the Opera
HOWL! Shoe Store.
desorttnent 1p the city at the Operh Douse
Shoe Store. '
nest tiooda
a the city at the Opera Bowie Shoe Store.
Lowest Prices
the city at the Open Rouse Shoe Store
More New Geode
At the Opera House Shoe Store.
You Coo Buy
. 93 per oerd. Alcohol at Jorph S. Finolrs
You Caaa.Buy
'2iew Hops At Joseph B. Finch's
(By the Merchants' If &basal Telegraph Co
From' 011 City.
Special to the Plttaburgh Gazette.
, Elver tour feet eight inches, and falling
slowly. Weather rainy. 011 market dull. it.
Frain 100E11.11m
FILAYILIIf, PA., November /O,IOGO.
- Water at OleOpolia, live feet and falling Mow
,ly; at Franklin, live:lett; at Oil City, four feet
eight inches Juld falling sioevly; raining.
Illness of ihe Princes. Ltsgmar—Fous-
Ms in Kadin Abating—t bronteued Out
break in tapiste—Desth of Don alaguel.
' PZTYILIBIIIO, iklaVembecla. , —ltuSsian far
tivities have been suddenly stopped on ac
count of the Serious Illness of the Princess
Lennon,- Novemtxr N.—Telegraphic
Datchas mom Bombay report the famine, in
India abating. '7
BIADYID, November IS.—The Gelvernment of.'
Spats is taking strong measures to prevent a
threatene Mag d outbreak. -
Dad net is dead. ;
Thirty-nine Fenian Prisoners Relegated
—The , Enthasiant at Their Liberation
—Verdict. •
TartnirO, C. W.. ticiireatber 19.—0 n saturdav
night, thlrty-nine Fenian prisoners, confined
Theirold Jail, w a rm s released from custodY.
discharge conducted With gi eat-se
crecy; It was only. about an boor beforei
being seat away, that the prisoners the m -vs were made aware of the joyous tidings,
They were
th etafurnis transportation by the
Government to BuspenslO bridge, and ft
special tram was provided- by tbe Great West
ern Hallway. This drew up to the rearof the
JAG, at ten o'clock, and the men were safely
lodged on beard, In charge eta guard of tam
ty men, with a corporal and sergeant, Under
the command of Lieutenant Garrison, of the
17th regimertt.
-The prisoners received a good supper at the
station before starting, and - each was present
ed with a five dollar MU, greenback. On
reaebing_the Fall
givinge bade good bye
tattier escort, three hearty cheers for
the Sheriff, the Governor or the }all and the
Tim Jury in the ease of Weeks killed by ac
cident on the Grand Trunk railway• on-Fri
day, returned a verdict that decease d', Weeks,
tameto his death by the train ritnning off the
track near BCC/It/111 station, on the 16th lust.,
on caused by a broken roll; We further 11¢11 and
are of the opinion that no blame rests the
Tile iterctim3Fettiqn in-
ilifertakiliniliiiMTlZifsisd. - - - -
New 1011. Novemberl9.—The Weldon Posj
of the eth instant contaltut the following: Thu
Reforms questlOn ti'liglan chiltaltig oonsidera
lion, exalt roiI:USW to be seen If the mission
which Dlr. Bright hag fulltlieLl in Ireland will
sense to impede its resolutions. Be
he re as f l may, the Irian people cannot
bet swish:o that the Influence widen they
is to extend to the cease whlch Mr.
Bright is advocatine, should be husbanded
Spa guarded, In - their own Interest and not
lightly exehanged for a polith=romrse
which, as they wilt not fell to ve. /las
yet to beendersed "by responsib le peat
• AT, 7 Ollla.lPov 10.=...0. H. .Bratusallet Mks
beladeelared elected to the jegudetate over
?rank P.llls3r, Me vote cast after sundown
being decided legal try. the Attorney Dental
of , the•atata. Tole Mao elects'l3.' D.
tudgely, radian, to the State Senate and - le
ached eaneral Pllas.etelorit7. Draneeoaet
end flideely , have - recelvedf °snidest's§ trem
Int Getetty Dler)tr
. .
Arrival of gw Taimpoona—An Expedi
tion for toe Re-Vapinre MElfaittplco—
A Proclamation from Parrii.:
Now Toss, Nov. 19.—The Navy Department
has received information of.tho arrival of
the Tallopoosi at Galveston, from off Tam
o foreign vessels of war were oil the river
or in any part of Tampico on the 29th of Octo
her. and only one American vessel was in the
harbor of Tampico, which is at present In
command of. Colonel Gomez with a force of
slain hundred men, controlling the customs
and enforcing the payment of loans. The au
thOritieB of the capital of the State do not .
recognize those of Tampito, and their goer
rillimse ire all goods found en route for the in
terior markets dispatclidd from the Tampico
Custom House.
By, letter's from San Lula Potosi ib is ascer
tained thn6g hleila and Oupairo were to leave
that placo3n the early part of November with
an expeditionary force (or the recapture of
Tampico. General Farm., who has a force of
fifteen hundred or two thousand men in the
Bounties, and is now holding Tampico, has
issued aproclamation declaring Puebla VIeJo
'open to foreign commerce, which, lt is feared,
will lead to open hostilities between the
'forces under his command and tlioso under
Colonel Gomez. tinder this state of affairs the
In hauitants of-Tampico aro to constant dread
of the most serious disorders and a .probabli-
Ity of the indiscriminate plunder or the
Further from Iltexico:-Attack on Moto
snorsm—licatli of General Topic—Arri
val of Excolbado.
GALVESTON', N0V.30, via Nair Onteaks, Nov.
19.—A special Now York-Brownsville courier
of the lltli reports a spirited attack on Huts
moms on the 9th. The skirmishing lasted sev
eral hours, the assaulting party, under Ta
ma, gaining an advantage, but, distrusting
tier - thins, he did not follow up his success. Thu
- defenders lost twenty Prisoners. and Colonel
Hiss, their commander, urns arrested for bad
conduct on the field: Om the night of the loth,
Tapia died qt cholera. This event will change
- the - current of events. , The arrival of Been
bade is reported.
The lateens] Revenue Sehturen—Au At
tempt to Bribe the Impectoes--The
Preektent's TIMItO Policy. . .
New Tony, November•PJ—Largo crowds are
collected at the Collector's office to-day to
learn what proceedings hid been taken in re
ganl to the'reCellt selZUred or several distill,
ries. find the arrest of come of the operators,
from information at the United States Com
missioners-office, Mr.:Tilden, United States
Inspector, and Mr. John Devlin ,a heavy ope
rator, were arrested by Deputy Marabal nig
gles. The accused wore brcdight before Coin
m la:donors Jones and Nowson, when they gave
ball in the sum 'of fifty thousand dollars for
their appearance this morning. -
• The warrant for the orrest of Devlin was ,
i.sued by commiasionei Jones, united
the coin- ,
plaint- of Frederick Cohen, a United SLAWS
Inspector, ylio accuses him of having been.
guilty of bribing another U. S. Inspector, to
defraud the Government, by branding liquor
'as having paid'- government duty, when no
ouch duty had been paid. The parties up
peered this morning before Comuilssioners
Jones atidNewson, when Tilden's CA-40 - was
set down for a hearing on r aturday no.niug
'next, at ten o'clock, and Devlin's case for the
The rest'ssneclal says Facts divulged to
day, snow that there is 2 , lttle helm that the
President wilivrecoannend impartial stiffer
age lu his message to Congress. Re will stand
with Mr. MeCulloch,{ll2l financial questions.
Several Republicans were removed from
of last week. -
The CemmerciaPs Washington special says:
It is confidently expected that the reconstr us.
[lon will be amicably setUo I early in the ap
.proachlng session of Congress. Negotiations
Inc that purpose aro in pt ogress between the
President and the hailing politicians of all
parties in the Nom:. and South. • The basis of
settlement will be universal suffrage and gen.
oral amnesty. The President partually accedes
.to this preposition, Ind he Insists; upon Con
stitutional grounds, that the question out
, hags properly belongs to Ins respective
states, and is e 0 fat tolverso to any action of
Congress upon teat subject. , lf assurances
can be obtained from Southern leaders of tile
speedy adoption of universal • suffrage, the.
President will waive hisobjectieritt The pro
posed basis of settlement contemplates the
abandonment of the Constitutional amend
went as a condition to Southern represents
lion. '
Bre View* an the nenntorattp—The
••Titnes -• halpports_lllm.
lies Tong, NOT,l9.—liorsce Greeley writes
the following to the editor of the Newburg
Jour not, &met:mina the Senatorship:
Ormcz or rut Ininuse,
Now Your,. November ii, IMO. 5
. .
Deal - Sir—ln )our leader of the 12th lust.
you eay that I ought to make known my views
and wishes with regard to the U.S. Senator
uhlp In prospect. I comply with your sugirea.
tine. I shall certainly accept th....Stmatorshlp
and endeavor to Ainchargo should I
be electod, and I shall be gratified to learn
that ohr newly chosen Legislature chair Judge
me the man f arthe place. ,
e I bellevelbis fully answers your requisition;
anrEnow allow me , to sold 'that !Mould the
member!. be Importuned or button-holed. Or
bored to vote for me, or n any manner solicit
ted to act otherwpe 111 the than to
their conviction of public duty Shull dictate,
it will not tie the Sault of
• Yours truly, HORACE Guenter.
The Timer endorsee him tor the poultice 11l
these words: `IV( shall ho glad to Nee Mr.
Grealvyrs claims to the Senatorship and his
qualifications for It recognised by the L e y,i.p..
tare Just elected."
federal and filmic Omer. to be Closed—
'brasier .1. IR. Doolittle ea reale for
Texas--Illaalmtlllanittlll at Wiliam
New °area:vs, Nneember 19.—Large num
bers of vialtors are d
eicesrring here.' The
federal and State tett] he closed to.
'morrow to give the employees an opportunity
to witness the Inauguration of the grand fair.
Sepater J. K. Doolittle. of Wisconsin, left
this morning for Clatvcston on a short dolt to
Texas. 4
Vera Cruz dates to the 11th Inst., have been
received. At an extra meet Inc to discuss the
condltl9n. llexhaultutwe Ministers anima.
detcrUghed to continue In office with.
out alteration. health has been
very much Improve.' by Mu recent sea co; age,
which caused the reports that he had at tottrpt
cd to abandon the country. On the 12th Mat..
kiaximllllan' sakatlll at. Orizaba.
The raeille Railroad Excuratealliti.
Alannow, November 19.—The party of ovens'.
Menials from Boston. Now York, ChiralSoi and
other cities, left hero for the present
Railwa y , termins or the Central Branch ot the Pacific
of, which forty-llve miles are come
pletCd. Tad party lecluiteithe officers of the
road. Government Commtseloners, 'many Ms-
Alnattitthed capitalists, statesmen from all
parui; of the country, among town C/Overnor
Smith, of New Hampshire; Messrs. Haventney
or, New York; Lee Llatllo,linssaci , usetts; Sen
ator Potnerey, Kansas; IL-11. Pomeroy, Boston;
E. Nichols, New York; and is large number
, of
hailing railroads of the country. The
press of New fork. Beaton awl Chleago are
also reprocuted. Tho. party nu tubers about
three hundrelb.incindling
Garibaldi lacloraes. the Carbine.
New Toss; November le.-tlnrlhaldt. has
Written the following letter to al. Lorlgiola,
who had communicated tp . him a plan for a
rifle Timeline at Padua l I '
dfy Dear La:Viola :—Dravo I, I comPliment
you, and wisiryou every themes In the
z apyr, of your project; the people should be
made to understand onto for all, that the car
bine ought to be the gospel of the nation, and
that only when well • exercised In the use of
that arm, will they be able to sac proudly, we
are Italians, Continuo, and I will aid you
with all my power. Y. ntirely yours.
G. 4.. anin•Lni. •
Emigration of Freedmen to Liberia.
Nam YOBS, Nov. le.—The correspond
dent gives some account; of a partyof two
hundred and seventy' freedmen, Intending
their taunt les, who leave
Stets titilumbla. South Car
olina, to embark on Gm
ship Golconda for Li
eria. They ar d e to b
regg, sister, of tho e
confederate t by oineral
Linsey Gregg, who hes long wished to under
take a mlesitrnary enterprise p 3 Africa. A
seoond expedition Is tallied of for nextspring.
Similar agitation in reported at Columbus,
11. at. Troops for toe Hexlean Frontier—
General Ortega fat ASKsaoo —n o •T Y
Gasvaerotr, (Teals T.. Nov. 'l9.—Ortego and
his party remaniat Maros. They are guests
of the commander of thaiiolored United States
troops. Ortega sigattled his intention not to
return to New Orleans. '
Heavy rains have delayed the Inland loaO•
motion performed on horseback.
rtfteen hundred Federal troops are =peat-
Won the Mexican frontier . semi.
The Charleston Dlereoiff Retirost—The
Theory or State Dead.
WhaonsoTox, Narember 19.—The Charleston
Mercury WAS ISSUCII this morning for the first
time since Febrattry, ISO. It Jutish% trattorlal
that the war atenhtlated the theory of State
rtstits, and pergeless to devote lteelr m ratans
to the development of bouthont interval&
Arrival or reniatio ha Ireland—Hernial
nemonatnitioni., at Zdinburg--Iledia
lion In the Chilian-Spantvh War Sr
reined—Fighting Renwed In Candi a—
Great Floods—Wany Liven Lost—Lon
don and Liverpool /darken.
Lonna,, November 19.—Evening—It is said
that the government Is alive to the test tl at
large numbers of Fenlane have been arriving
in Irelanu weekly, and is well prepared to
Meet any rebellious movement.
The reform demonstration in Edinburg on
• turnay was a large and Imposing one.
BEELLIN, Nov. 19.—1 t is Positively stated that
Bismarck will coon resume the active duties
of his OBICO.
FLourace. November le—Baron nicasoli,
Prime Minister of the 'ltalian Government,
has issued a circular discouraging agitation
of the Boman question. tic says 'ltaly will be
neutral and await the certain triumph of her
LONDON .November 19.—The report Is con
firmed that Chill and Peru have consented L.
accept the mediation of the Governments of
France and England.
There are reports in circulation that light,
ing has been renewed In Candle-
Lemnos, Nov. 19,—The great /floods aro de
vastating the counties of York and LSIICELY
ter. Many lives have been lost by drowning.
Liveurom., Nov. 19.—The Breadeiturfs mar
ket to-day has been firm and unchanged.
Consols closed today .911:, for money. The
following are the closing quotations of Amer
, icon securities: U. S. ells, 701 i; Illinois Con
tral shares, 7514; Erie. SO. •
Livenroot,Nov.l9.—Nban.—The cotton mar
ket is quiet and unchanged. Middling uplands
are quoted at lid: The sales to-day will reach
111.000 baler.
Voon.=Consols to-day.
9014; American Securltles—Vive-twanties,
Illinois C.ntral, 49%. • ,
Tidings from Captain liall—Traves of
Dr. ' , ranklist's Expedition.
New Tong, Nov. 19.—Mr. Henry Grinnell his
recelyed the following letter, giving news
from Capt. Hall's Arctic Expedition;
Ncw•Lonnou, Nov. 15, iscd.
To Henry Grin/4,R, Nee , lork.—Dear Sir: The
steam whaling bark ailoneer, Capt. Ebenezer
Morgan. from the Northern -Sea, arrived at
thus port yesterday. As the vessel tell in with
- Mr. C. F. Hall, the Arctic Explorer, and yet
.brought no letters from elm to Isis friends In
the United Stutes,l forward you Cap:. Moe:
gan's statement or his interview, and success
with Mr. Hall In hie researches among the
natives of the northwest coast of Hudson's
The reached the bend of Repulse
Ray, norther River Welcome, on the Sigh of
July last. Here they met Mr. Halt and hot ;
party of Elsquitnaux, all In good health, and ,
at that time engaged In Halting. file faithful
adherents .Jon '.and nannalLEstinlmaux, who
are well knoll to you, with come other no- ,
tires from h ad family or tronste, were with
him.. lie had at that time Ito wElite man In his
company. Mr. was much affected again to
meet familiar faces and hear noire from home. I
lie has passed dpi winter very comfortably,
being thoroughly inured to the Esquhuaux ,
mod,, or life. and bating with Ma reseurees '
vecure,i ample supplies of food at tile station.
He had killed ono whale last fall and another
this summer; while deer were toned In the
greatest abundance. Ile had established a
great many depots of provisions, extending
far Into the Interior, to he used in ease of
Last spring Sir. Hall made a Journey north ,
west toward Colninitteta Buy and Kin:
Ham's Laud, but gourd the natives of that re
forcedttreacheruita and Jealous that he was
to return when within - one hundred
miles of has destination. This animosity and
feud Is between the differentfamilies and
tribes ot the Esquimaux, who all carry wea-
pens secretly, and do not heal Into to kill each
other for any real or supposed injury. home
of them t hey the life of Sir. Hall and
tel party, anti they were obliged fo turn back
has secured is great many relics of
the sauktlu kx !tering Expedition, together
•sr ith some important documents which ha be'
Moves to have been penned by Captain Cm.
steriand has Infortnatton of the location of
°the which eels determined to obtain, be
lievt tg them to be of much value towards
Cl acing no the mystery of rho fate of t un
f•artu nate survivors of the Erebus and Terror.
Mr. Hall Is continually adding to Ids stock of
information, and th object of his search bring
further known among the natives, be is con
stun Hy gathering fresh traits any now proofs
to establish previously known facts. •
Among ntner Mugs he has heartitof the
locality of a seat, turned bottom 'up, under
which are the dead bodies of from seventeen
to twenty-llva white melt, with their hands
and feet all cot off 'lllO natives claim that
t mutilation was not done by them, but by
come of the white men who were- wrecked.
The tradition of the Esquimau' Is that a re.
hellion broke out among the survivors, who
were endeavoring to reach Hudson Bay, and
that all but three were murdered; that these
three run:tamed among the natives, workiae
their way toward the white settlements, Out
that they 110.117 diet before reaching them.
Captain kiorgan furnished Mx. Hall such
things as he needed, from Ida ship, and stalks
that two or three American whaling vessels,
will winter at Repulse Bay this season.
rid r. Hall expressed his great gratitude and
regard for those who had aided him at home
to undertake ills plane of discovery t ho said
that he was determined to carry out his plans
If it could be thane withmitttoo much expenae,
and eonetudo his explo/ at lons 11l that quarter
the ensuing year; he wished very moth to or
ganize small party of six or right white
men, fully armed, to accompany him; lie could
then travel with antpuntly, and reach the '
most Iltnit or lals desires. IL Is not Improba
ble that such a party can ho 0114.10 up from
the ships crews wintering here.
Mr. Hail was preparing to send home by t Ito
Pioneer many relics, his Journals, Itit.l.ore, Sc.
The 'moved emu fifty miles for • better
whaling ground, fully intending to return to
Repulse Bay, taut owing to the ice was unable
to do so., Tto. will aceount for the fact that
she did not Piing any thing from Mr. Hall di
Hoping these Items may prove of interest to
you, I remain yery,arulours. ite.
• • . Ric y
u y san H. Viliarzu..
llorrlble 1711alr--4. Child Murdered by
an Insane Woman—Corner Stone tier-
Peony of the Masonle Temp
Prep Adept. Cabinet note %ay. ararmxits to
OP Present.
BAIA moue, liovanber 19.—A horrible ' affair
occurred tills afternoon at the residence of
Mr. JOKSP lilamien, on Cad Cathedra street.
Mrs. George !Nogg, a daughter of. Mr. Mars
den, residing with his family, while under t
infinence of a fit of Insanity attacked herown
children and those of her sister, Mrs. Charles
Llehtnan, with a common table knife, and cut ,
the throat of a son of Mrs. Liebman, aged
about live years, and then attempted Met life
of her youngest child, wounding it severely.
Oho then en. eavored to kill her eldest child.
but It escaped. The affair produced en In
tense ex-itement In the neighborhood. Thai
parties are highly respectable.
Great preparations art melting for the core.
monies incident to the laying of the corner=
stone of the now Masonic Temple to-morrow.
Numerous delegations have arrived from
tont points, and others are expected. Tile'
Baltimore lodges bade been snaking costly aril
rangementa m the way of stow bonnets, re-.
galls, dc. The l'realdent, the members of the
Cabinet and filletiovernor of the Bt te have
Mass invite .
.he cere
monies, an 'resident
will resell torrow.
Report mates; Register-'
New YORK; NOVCRIIKK . 19—The United
States Register compiled by .1. Dlitturnell,
and not yet printed,'" shown that of al hun
dred vessels belonging to our navy at the
were i n
service wo hundred and ninety
four were in th e last week. About all
the useless vessels havo been cola. On tho
list now are sixty-11v° heedful., six frigate.,
anti sixty-dye ships of the lino. The Govern
ment COMMA the following clasnification, re
ferring to the Mau rather than the quality of
the vessels: Thirty:4,ou drat rule ships of
war, six hundred and eighty-six, game, WV
eight second rate ships of war, six nundrea
anti six gulls; deity, third - rate slaps of war,
eight hundred and glum fourth
rate slaps of war, three hundred and ninety
guns. The total number of vessels is two
hundred and ninety-Plum guns, two theusand
nee hundred anti sixty-three.
In the first rate, we understand, are placed
the vessels of two thousand flea hundred tons
A White Man Mhot by * Freedman
Time Extended. •
BAVAIMAII, GA. , Nov. 19.—a citizen maned
Augtattnn hit Lean, wan shot yesterdaY 1 a
fre,datun In a dispute about ten cents. he
verdict of thu jury wan willful murder...
MILLIEDOEVILE, ALA., Nov. 19a Senate
hoe planed a ill extending the time to deb:.
urn to pay thefirst Instalment on debts to
January let, hint i •
The Nlte ter the New York PostoMee—
The coat.
Nsw Yong, Nov. 19.—8 y a resolution adopted
by the Board of Aldermen today. the General
Government Is to be charged one million dol
lars for the New York Yon.ohlee ado In the
City nail rack. . • .
ItiOrrissey Visits the President.
New Your. November 19.—Among the many
vialiors at the President's house was
down MCITIVKY. Congrossmar, elect.
Wreck of nxiAmerlean Vessel—all Hand.
supposed , to Have Perirehed—flieWs
from the Mediterranean—The Cretan
Revolt —Preaident ha Appointment
Johnson . in Favor of Imparlinl AMP
Wasnixarea, Nov. 19... Commander Cooper,
of the United States ship Winooski, Informed
the Consel that the keeper Of the light house
Hole-In-the-Wall, told hint that a vessel, or
fragments of a vessel broken up, was found a
few mtles from the Wineoaki: tootled with Iron
and machinery for a saw mill, dry- goods, etc.,
and thate.,ho took them to be , American from
the fact Of having two pieces of bunting, a
on the
of the Union; and a part or the
stripe on the broken and part of the
rocks. The shipping mark on one piece of the
machinery was 11. F.D. The vessel was wreck
ed In the late hurricane of October, and no
doubt all hands no board perished, ruy :s ive
bodies were found ha. the beeuin.
The U. S. consul at Canes writes, under elide
of October 14th, to the Secretary of State, O.
sl. hope that our Government will be able in
some way to contribute to the relief of the un
fortbruites who are already, deprived of alt
provision made against die winter, and oven,
It. many eases, of any ratans of obtaining a
living by the barbarous severity of the Gov
ernment forces who destroy not only stores of
provisions, Ito but even the 11.17Wkes inlet in l-
elements, and in many cased the vineyards,.of
those whose only offense has been to escape at
' the approach of a soldiery of whersixhutnanity
they have good reason to doubt. If the charity
of the friends of humanity is not large toward
the Cretons thousands must perish the com
ing winter..
The Consul at Palerino says !mit the cholera
at that city has become epidemic. From the
time the troops lauded in September 15th to
October 17th, It one only In a suoradie form,
•the Consul learrei that on the 19th, in the 19M•
cial bulletin there - was marked two hundred
and seventeen cases and one hundred and
thirty-rue deaths. •
The l'residentle-day appointed 11. SI. Leath
erman. Of Teneessee, tionlittini.tentir MI the
part of the United States to the Universal Ex
hibition. to be hold at Paris In 1867..
Richard Malan was appointed Deputy Post
master at Ann Arbor, Si lenigan.
Uniteal States Senator Harlan to-night ad
dressed a public meeting at the Fair Building
on Pennbi. avenue. His auditors were about,
equally divided between whit ea anti Necks. Ills
theme Wa...1110 unwired, political aril social ne
cessity of conferring sutfrage on citivens s of
African descent, throughout the emintrr.o /le
read from speeches and statements to show
that the President of the United States .111in
self was In laver of it. Ile upraised the be
lief that if those who were present would Pe-
Litton Congress for impartial Suffrage, there
would be ne difneulty the'psssuge °f a. law
for that porprac.
Other orators addressed the meeting. The
President has given uirectlons that leave of
absence for twenty four lours be granted to
all Masons In the public departments wao de
sire to participate tOdtiorrOw in tile laying of
the corner atone of the now .11.1.b0il ie temple in
The l'olvental Mn Maw:. Cineltlon Laid
on the:Table in the noose.
Nast:vitro:, November lg.—The bill itstro
titteed Into the Tennessee House to-thy - to re
peal the present frauchise law null gava ant
(rage to the negroes, being a proposition for
universal sun% age and 11111vcrs31 amnesty, was
laid on tile table on first reading by :rJ
Last Tennessee° members vo.ltig solid, Radi
cals and Conservatives, to lay it ou the table,
and the Couservutive, trout Middle and West
Tennessee against - It.
Another bill was lett:Minced Striking out
the word whit° in the present franchise law.
,Montheris toresbyterlan General Assent-
SI ins rot', Nov. the rivntivterlatt Gen-
eral Anse to toy Id-lay there raga discussion In
relation to the baptism of children and diJet.
pi hie of their ad nil,too to the church. The can
on, an reported by the collirolttfoo, was adopted.
'SO important report en beneficiary education,
prone teal by the chairman of, the committee
appointed I.y the last. tit:enrol Assembly, and
Canon. and kilsciplute, an Ingram chupter nth,
with 011gtit tneatilicattOns; balm,. been adopted.
Appointed tliern of the Marne—Pronto—
ted to the Admiralty.
WASIIII(OTOA, November 19.—Ditrar,1 A.
Dana, of Vermont, has been appointed assis
tant Clerk of the United States !louse of Rep
Conducaforo ,Craven has been promoted to
the rAnlc of Rear-Admiral, to date trom Urfa
her loth, - .
The Possl 6 ll redsonlug tare.
LOVIisTILLP, 19.—Ttie Coroner's
Jury which examined the remains of Mrs.
ikon Powell, report that no traces of uoiron
were found in her stuoiseh, which eon.enent•
ly exboarrates her liiiallaed anti livery ono
elAo from suspiciou. The recent report of the
arrestor Sir, Pow en in VefereliVO to the moiler
was ineorront.
New fonbul Appointed.
Nen - Yong, November in—A neve Conpul t
.torney General ha. been estanimbed in this
city. Collector Smythe received onlmal notice
this morning from the Consul at lin La Repair
Ilea tiorninleanallliar. J. IV. Carrier Ev..ames
the duties of Ceqmut General. 111 M e/equator
having inien•reetulYed from the VC...314101M of
the United Stateli..
Death, of w lebilmtelphts Saceelitenc
Pr ILADILPIll•, NOvetilOer 19 —licorge 6.
0110 Of the oldest dry goods importers
In tele city, died thts morning. lie Was aged
sLity-sesee years.
OPLRA llettalt.—Tic romance of a ”Poor
Young Man," *inch has been lit nett veprepa
ration for some time, was fought manic this
establishment, lust et entng; to a gOOO IiOU as.
althOttgli the nu.lltoriefti. was by. Co nteans
crowded. If the west bur hat been more pro
pitious, the attendance would doutillins have
!teen much greater. Like everything at this
house Shire Mr. liess has aantoned Mu mana
gerial duties, the play 'tern. Weil put on the
stage. while Some of the scenes are not only
b-autilul, but uovel. The •-itoutanee of a Pour
Young Man' . bits, in our estimatlon, many su
perfluities, yet it has a tilquant 1113Ivg un not
witty, bit full of spice; which pleases us
well us Interests, a,r the plot Is -net
raveled. The characters are Cast ex
cellently, the entire strength of the
Meek company being embraced in It. The
tuanuel or w.11.-Leatc, especially in tile Ilret
:two acts, WM Very ROCA ineleeli, being a care
ful, graceful, art sue piece of acting.
Air. J. C. flail as Desinareta appeared to ad
vantage, not Only playin but, its lie always
does dreselng lie part well. g J. F. Crosson es
Ile illeVaenes wan equally treed. and the sate
may hestald of Air, Went's Casper, a Iligicult
-rote. The Morgueritto of Amite Wilts was a':
little too carelessly given to deserve coin
moridation. Louisa Sylvester played the part
assigned her to the satisfaction of all: The
rent of the CharaCteht seers 111 geed hands.
The same bill. will he given this evening.
Aeapeslf or Mesta.—The.lovers •of
good vocalism will have the opportuni
ty of enjoying a rich treat at the
Academy of Mitiao th is evenihg where a Corns
or local musical celebrities, with the accom
plished Liva Scribe at their head, will giro a
grand Vocal and instrumental Concert, for the
benefit, of the First tlenuait Church, In West
Manchester. lit addition to biles Ltun, her
sister Eliza, Miss Bertha Weise, Mr. Brecht,
Pref. Chariest/robe and the bland pianist, Mr.
W. limMU, and tile celebrated Frolisinn Socie
ty, aro engaged for the OeCa•tion, appearing
' in a prorramine 01 rare excellence. Tickets
for the entertainment can he procured at
IRioter's MUSIC store, Wood Street, or at the
door. ,
Tnckrun.—yestcall• appeared Last evening
al Chic house In ono of her best plecee, that
of "Bet llereonlo,” to u fair •au,llent•o. We
cannot but vouchsafe to MIS lady the credit
of being in the possession of a considerable
amount of dramatic ability, although unfortu
nately fsr herself it is more of the inasbuline
than feminine order, and her. impersonations
are devoid of that 'delicacy of finish an pecu
liar to the softer sex. Notwith , tanding this
site In a goOd actress, and is destined to suc
ceed In her profession. Ur. Cogswell gave her
a creditable support lost evening as tuerlolll
Crafty Churchman. "Bei Demonic' , will be
repeated this evening.
lidesortio Rolando Brothers gave
I a grand acrobatic and gymnastic performance
at Wilbert last night to a large anti fashions.
ble audience. Their testae( agility are really
wonderful. and drew forth round after round
of applause. The programme will be given
again this evening.
Minwrasts.—Tim vary cream of minstrelsy
Is embodied In Cotton & Murphy's California
Minstrels, who open In Masoutu Bail Thurni
day evening, for three nights. It. to needless'
to say that they will attract good houses dur
ing their stay.
A Valuable Invention
We direct - attention to the adsertisement,
in another column; or, Wothet 11l .1, filonn's
Patent Gas Condensing Burners. They can bo
usell on any lamp, and dispense entirely with
chicanes a. The damn produced by these
burners wormai oar similar to Watt. of gab.
The construction le such that thy emOke is
confined in it gas coudenoing chamber, and is
nrioity d
irectlyconvrted dams. The burner does
ot depend d upon the wick for its
light. but burns the smoke Which is produced
tho t. n rrm and burns less oU thao chimney
wow", and produces a more brilliant light
than any.other burner in the market. When
property introdeoed and used. these burners
will be th• only once used its the market..
ldr. James Blackmore having purchased the
min.}, right. for their Side, has a large stock
oe [incident No. 134 Water , street, where they
eon be been and purchased. Consumers arc
offered rare. bulucemen
ts to dispose or these
wily layaluabla 'Owners.
Committal it Dawson, the Alleged
Mayor McCarthy, yesterday motning at ten
o'clock, gave hearing in the ease of J. B.
Dawson, cities Captain Foster, whose arrest on
acliarge of forgery we reported in.yesterdaY
morning's issue. Mr. J. K. Caldwell, the in
dorser of the forged draft, and J. R. McCue,
President of the Union National Bank, where
the draft was cashed, were the principal wit ,
ceases. Mr. Cakilwell testified that on Monday,
the sth inst.., he had met the accused on the
street, and the latter stiffed that ho had a
draft. for .50 on the First National Bank of this
city, and reqdested Mr. C. to accompany him
to the hank and identify him. Mr. Caldwell
accompanied Dawson to the bank, but an ex
amination of the draft showed Dolt instead ot
being drawn on the First. National Bank of
Pittsburgh, it wa.i.drassn on the First Nation
al Bank of Chicago. Mr. Caldwell then ae
comptuded Dawson to the Union Bank and
there presented the draft. Some objection
to the draft was made by Mr. McCune on oc
count of a alight ii-armatity In its filling out,
b ut e o c o n fident was Sir. Caldwell that the
signature was authentic that he unhesitating
ly vouched for the genuineness of the draft
and indorsed the paper, merely remarking In
regard to the signature that time seemed to
have had its usual effect on old Mr. Dawson,
making his hand more tremulous than fer
nier?' Dawson took theimone7 and left the
ei ltir. u lf r lcVa l n e atentided the draft and stated
that on the day it was paid it was sent to Chi
esti:lo. On Wednesday, the 7th lest , a telegram
was received Iron that city, stating- that the
draft. was a forgery. Mr. Caldwell was noti
fied and immediatsly refunded the 650 to the
bank. Subsequently the protested paper was
returned to this city, and on cOmparisenwitla
the genuine signature of 111 r. Dawson's the
forgery was apparent. On Friday last Mr.
Caldwell sae: Mr. Defwsou, the lather of the
prisoner, hod from him learned still more poi
'Lively that the draft was forged.
The prisoner offered uo defense and in dc
fault of ball In theme of 41,50 u, he was corn
milled to Jail to await his trial.
This man Dawson must he an operator of
uncommon adroitness and boldness, us is
Shown uy his army exploits recorded in yes
terday's paper. On the'Saturday of the week
in which the draft was presented here, and
after the exposure had been made, he return
ed here from Philadelphia moneyless. lie
went twice to the residence of Colonel Mauro
of this city, having,- as is alleged, another ale
draft; also forged, which he wished this gen
tleman to ludoree. Luckily for himself, how
ever, the Colonel was absent. from home on
the occasion of both visits, and Dawson pro
ceeded westward, travelling, as Is stated. on
the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail
road on a pass that he had forged.
Ills boldness is more than equalled by. his
meanness. We stated, yesterday, that he had
.prulaced his visit to this city with a penitent
'letter, requesting Sir. Caldwell to co-operate
with him In his eifortit to reform. ills mean
ness becomes more apparent when we state
that during his termer Imprisonment in our
jail lie found a thst friend in Mr. Caldwell,
wno spared neither trouble nor money to
make his imprisonment more tolerable. The
gentleman too, whom he endeavored to victim
ize on WS return from Pnlialelphia, hail been
un intimate Meader his, and was a brother
officer in the army.
Previous to his former difficulties Dawson
married n most estimisble and accomplished
lady in the western. part of this State, but
when he was Sent to the Penitentiary hie wife
obtatramist divans from him.
The prisoner stated that he was on ills way
back to thin city to makethe draft matter
right watt Sir. Caldwell, harm g learned that
there was trouble about it. Hu in now a guest
of Warden White. and will undoubtedly hays
to take a hack seat In the mansion, for. when'
he occupied rooms there before tie wore shoul
der stray's, put on style, snit lived high; and
on Ills emigration to the Penitentiary, halt Mr.
White some ilfty-four dollars “out" for ex
tra expenses incurred on his account.
Stolen Watch Recovered
On the 12th of August last a man named
Francis Morrison,- boarding at the house of
Mr. E. IL Crooks, hirer avenue, Allegheny,
ban is valuable silver watch, with chain at
tached, stolen. The watelf Lung against the
wall of a front room, between two open win
dolt-5, and nothe person must have reached
loth the window and made off with the time
plena. Mo'clue wan had to the thief. .A..few
days afterwards, however, a man wearing a
ell du similar to the' swine One, wee arrested.
In, Allegheny on suspicion. On examination
at. the Mayor's office, however, the chain was
found not to he alr.Morrlson's, and insured of
ending the stolen watch In Ids poorer, no
w Oct, at all wan lomht, but only a geed eized
cracker tied to the end of the chain! The In
hiseent man, who wits putting on no much in
expensive ...sty le..' wan at Once discharged.
The watch was not recovered until yesterday.
Mr. Morrison, in passing the window or Clin
mfortl'a pawn broker's o ffi ce, in this city,
spied Ma watch hanging in the window. lie
recognized it beyond doubt, and it wag con
veyed to the Mayor's Mlle. There the owner
(dent fled it under oath, and the pawn broker,
after some demurring, gave up his claim to
the property. Mr. Cifnuslotti litii sin idea as
to who left the watch in pawerVith him.:
Manta a Polo
The Allegheni , tomhe has In one Of Its cells
a fearftil practical sermon on the crime of
drunkenness and the terrible retribution it
entails. A robust, well formed man, named
Samuel Mercer, alternately crouches in one
corner ohi, the cell, snuddering In helpless ter
ror at tiM imaginary horrors crowding round
him, and rages madly about within hisprison
limits in fierce attempts to free isimsolf.from
his hnunting fears. Yesterday, In bin frenzy,
he bad (cord off every shred of his clothing and
could not. he prevailed upon to resume his
garments, but raved about as naked as when
ho wag born. lie resides in the Flrot ward,
Allegheny, and has been drinking excessively
for many days past; and yesterday °Meer
Campbell arrested bins In the streets In aclitate
of wild .•delirium. Many and terrible Nava
been the warningsip van forest the past few
months to those hereabouts who yield to this
strong temptation of drink. Death has been
buoy with them, and has slain them with a
pitiless rapidity that we have seldom oeen
equalled, mid oven more than the usual
ber have sunk rapidly from high plateis to
grovel In the gutter. but we do not remember
to have seen a more painful instance of Aleo
hol's almdrective power than thishuan In the
Allegheny tombs.,
A Mystery—Fool Play SanteeWY:
On tee night of the robbery of the Treasu
rer's °Bice of Bearer county, the particulars
of which were given in our issue of Thursday
last, a elan residing inAlston, opposite Now
Brighton, suddenly illaappcarod, and has not
since boon heard from. The missing man Lad
been in• New Brighton until a late hour that
night, and wss slibisollently. seen on Ida way
shoehome to caliston. Some time dnritic the
to i t& tit of i e w e
Brighton and Failfitou, beard cries of,"
'murder," etc., issuing from the bridge. As
some of the owls supposed to have teen used
In opening the Treasurer's race In Beaver
Were found on the. bridge, it is thought that
the missing man encountered the burglars
and was murdered by . Mem. rho Creek was
iloßiguil on Friday Shit Saturday tor the body
the missing luau, but without Success. it was
proposed to search yesterday along tile shore
of the creek and in the wants skirting the
11111 in the rear of Falistown, but we have not
been Informed as to the remit. The missinii
man was an Englishman by birth, and bore an
! excellent character ior honesty among those
who knew Mai, •
Terrible Accident at a imilery—Explo
•tou of a Boller—Muht Boys Killed
Gn Saturday i morning . last Just before the
hoar to commence work bad errivea, a break.
or boiler, ono of three at. the colliery of Will.
1005 Kcal. 1 Company, SIAM 11111 Gap, near
Pottsville, exploded with terrific violence,
blowing; everything in its Immediate vicinity
to atoms, killing eight boys, elate-pickers.
whose ages ranged nom twelve to eighteen
years, and seriously wounding the engineer
named Good; and several boys. The cause of
the explosion is unknown: The names of the
boys killed. are. George 11. Clement!, William
Edwards, • Richard Welsh. Blichael Welch,
James Ryan. F. bottler and John Welsh. The
name of a boy - who was wounded and died
subsequently, we have not learned. It is
thought that several others who were wound
ed, cannot recover as 'their injuries are of a
eery' eerione character. It enema that the
berthed oollectoil lathe boiler home before
• going to work, to warm themselves. and that
they doers In the house vitem the exploeton
look pine°. This Is one of the most terrible
accidents tithe kind teat. ever happened in
this iSallitY•
Painful eldent.—A for daYs since John
Thorn, Esq. ' of Anegbeny, of the _firm of
Thorn k Co., boiler manufactui ere, met with
a severe anti painful accident. Mr. Thorn is
having a house erected in the First Ward, Al.
legheny, and in going over the drat. flour, giv;
lug instructions to the gas Merv, he stepped
upon an insecure board and tell through Inje,
the cellar. lie struck upon his feet, but
right foot turned under him with sorb force
ankle reak painfule benesof the l inj u rer the
Theresults of the
aggravated by the existence of an old _rrT n s .
ulcer on the leg near the -tractor._ Tn
Jared man was attended by
and is now rapidly improving •
boson, Dr. Thorn,
fr N om w th M e
well Mownr o—
oWes h
p a ub lisrhervd
sheet music, Messrs. T. L. Peters & Bro., two
new melodies fro `ills en
lingerhe gifted and
rising rOtarkoser. of L.Ouleville.'
"Write me a Lotter from florae" is a beautltril
and touching song and chorus, while "Shainus
Nora O'Neal) has the
O'Brien." (an answer to
melodius ring to secure It popularity..
A pile 'Jerk* dwelling-home s eligibly
situated neisr..the city, on the Pennsylvania
Hallway. Ls tainartised for sale in another
An exciting drama of tho passions, drama
tised, from Charles IteMPs novel, which bag
created ouch an Impression in all reading Cir
cles, and has el eu In several Important, in
stances, been the subject of clerical discus
sion, 1s now drawing crowded houses at the
New York Theatre.;t:tanager Iles, of the
Opera Douse. has pro Cured from Mr. Augus
tine Daly, the dramatist, who is also the au
thor of Leah the Forsaken, a copy of this Play,
slid purposes to present It shortly. -It ls thus
Spoken of by tile tiew York /Times or - the 11th
(From the Sunday Times, November 11.)
"Griffith Gaunt" will undoubtedly keep the
stage for some time, anti prove a genuine suc
cess. It to not an easy task to dramatise a
long novel; to condense a glory to the neces
nary length without detracting somewhat
from its interest; to select from a mass of mat:
ter those Incidents which are best calculated
to produce strong dramatic effects, and fur
nish those climaxes which Is indispensable In
dramatic repralentatlons, Mr. Daly, however,
has performed thls task with great skill and
with excellent Judgment, and commencing
with the wooing of Nato Peyton by Gritiltn
Gaunt, his quarrel and duel with his rival.
George Neville, follows the story closely,
giving its most striking incidents, increasing .
its interest in every act, mita the anticlimax
is reached, and the curtain fails upon the tri
al for murder.
The holidays aro drawing on a pane and
with the gala time will be revived the old time
holtOred custom of dm exchange of gifts
among friends. If von wish to purchase a
good gift, something of the substantial kind,
that will withstand too assaults of time, you
could not do better than visit the Auction
Moose of T. A. IllcCiellanit, No's. 55 and 57 Fifth
street, under Masonic Hall. Here you can
find silks, satins, mutts, victorlues skating
caps, and the most fashionable p atterns of
shawls for the ladies, not to mention an,
thing about the pretty gaiters, balmorals and
snow shoes. That which will make an accept
able present to the gentlemen run also 'be
found here, such- as hunting caps, smoking
caps, overcoatlngs, boots and shoes, from the
heavy brogan to the tastefully and neatly
gotten up slipper. McClelland has been fortu
nate enough to secure, during a recent visit
to the Bast. a large consignment of every de
scription of goods at. auction and bankrupt
sales, which ho of course can afford. to sell at
prices 50 low an - to place his stock - within the
reach of the poorest of our artisanir. These
articles are not soiled or damaged In any way,
the greater part having come almost direct
from the manufacturers. This is Just the
.place for country merchants to, replenish
their stocks, and to be fully convinced of this
fact only requires a visit to Mac's Well-known
monster establishment. Do not forget the
place, Nos. F. 5 and 57 Fifth street.
Greats Mottle/al .Treal. . •
• .•
The grand concert announced for next
Thursday evening at the Academy of Music,
will undoubtedly prove (he greatest, musical
event of the sermon. The world.renciamed boy
Soptano Master Coker, will not fail to aston
ish and delight our musical public, as lie boa
done that of Europe, by his wonderful voice
and finished vocallkation. lie Is a veritable
phenomenon, the like of whom bursts upon
U.° world but at rare Intervals. His assistants
aro hardly lees dtstinguiahed: aliens the su
perb piano playing of Alias IVannette Falk, a
European notability, nod the magical powers
on the violin of Mons. Prume,whose , masterly
efforts combine the beat points of the classi
cal and sensational styles of violin playing.
He is in turn fantastic and sparkling as Ole
Bull, and classically lofty and Impressive as
Voextemps. Thelconcert cannot fail to be ca
brilliant success, and those who would attend
bad better secure their seats In goal season at
Eleber's Music Store, Wood street.
Professional Enthusiasm,.
When an arliskshOws s uch gennine",enthit-
Mama In his art, that he carries the practlces
of his profession with him into every tiny life,
hells supposed to be sure of ultimate success.
If that be so Messrs. Ashley A. Gray, or the;
Pittsburgh Theatre, are destined to occupy
high grounds as tragic actors. We have al
ready stated that lir. S. W. Ashley had made
information beforo Alderman Strain, charg
ing Mr. Geo. S. Gray with surety Of the peace.
A hearing - was had on Saturday, and the aes
cased held to to answer 'the charge.
At the emseltudou of the hearing Mr. Ashley
preferred a chaSge of assault and battery
aganst Mr. Gray. It Is alleged that on Fri
day treeing, at the Theatre, while both actors
were behind the seenes waiting for their
*•cnes,' , Gray knocked Ashley down. In defence
Gray alleges that Ashley provoked him to the
act by insulting his (Gray's) wife. The case
was bold for a hearing.
"We prefer the Wheeler d Wl'soh for lemtly
" ' hey are the favorltel for ftonlltes."—
Tina. '
•`bye has; need others and and this the best.."
—United Presbytenara.
Disorderly Conduct.—Tbie quiet of the
qualter.liko borough of Temperanceville was
disturivd on Sunday night by a little spat be
tween Elizabeth Ingraham and Jacob 3.11-
chaelri. Elizabeth alleges that Michaels got
exceeding wroth and stood oat In the middle
of the Street and abased her abominably, yell
ing- at her and calling her names, and Ott.
grater raising each a vilo disturbance that all
the neighbor* round about opened their win
dows and listened. • She accordingly made in
formation against Min before Alderman Don
aldson. charging . Dim with disorderly con.
duct. ()Meer Sarber, arrested the accused,
after no small difficulty, and the prisoner was
held by the magistrate tor a further hearing.
False Accusatton:John Morris an* Brid
get his wife, residing on Pike street, were yes
terday before Alderman Taylor, charged, on
oath of Thomas Iliggine, with larceny as
bailee. - It was alleged that sometime ago the
deponent left with the defendants, for safe
keeping, his trunk, containing some clothing
and blankets. lie substantially ascertained
that they had betrayed their trust, and con
verted one of the blankets, worth 14, to their
own use. The charge was not sustained at the
hearing, and the dAtendants were honorably
discharged. • •
Grand Sled ree.--Our genial friend, Professor
Cowper, the accomplished teacher of the Terp
sieh,.rena art at Will - ii s flail. announces one
of his admirable soirees for Friday evening,
Nov. 30. The Professor is a favorite teacher
here and is a genuine artist. Ills patrons are
among nur that citizens, and his soirees are
always . attended by the elite of the city. The
coming party promises to be one of the most
select, brilliant and successful of the entire
series. Every one wishing to spend an even
ing in refined enjoyment snould attend.
The Ileysiloue Savings Bank held an
election yesterday for Directors with the fol
lowing result: James -Robb, IL J. Lynch, Wm.
PlekersgilL Jr., Jahsell Gillespie, Samuel
Darekley, J. W . Carnalign, and Joan Murdoch,
Jr. Mr. J 111110.4 Robb was unanimously re-elec
ted President of the organization. The new
Directors and stockholders of the bank held
a banquet at :McGinley's, which was a very
pleasant and creditable affair. No bank in
the city tun a morq don rishing condition than
the Keystone Savings Bank.
attempt to Rob; Benjamin Combs and
,ttuuel Fitzggerald aro co-boarders at alurgan's
tavern in the - Fifth ward. A night or two
since Fitzgerald wan detected in the act of
'•going through" the pockets of Combs' trow
sors• while the -latter lay in bed. The Opera•
Lions of the attempted thief were interfered
wIU ~and yesterday Fitzgerald was brought
before Aldermau Taylor on a charge of at
tempted robbery. In default.of floe ball he
was committed to jail to await his trial.
roved 10-Obssrnetion.—Jes. Irwin, Esq.,
Tax Collector in the Ninth ward, made infor
mation before _Alderman Taylor, yesterday,
charging John Tukegr with forelidy obstruct
ing a legal process. The deponent, in his offi
cial capacity undertook to levy on some
goods belonging to the accused, but the latter
opposed the execution • with force. and vio
lence. A warrant was issued.
Wife ira. Iluebaud.—Anna Mary Stoller.
of the Ninth ward, came before Alderman
Taylor, yesterday, and made information for
eurety of tae peace, alleging that 13er hus:
baud, Errharti Stolzer, bad grossly l uan "'
her using vile, threatening and nbusivu
gunge towards her. A warrant for the ar
of the in con sidera t e busbapd was
In Limbo Aig' no n:--Clas Crater, the notori
ous bigamist who figured here as the husband
Of a Heil widow, who in lovo Min
while a coachman, nud fell
who violatedwith
tire ball
to which he was admitted hy the Court,
arrested on Sat u rday, by °Meer Sarber, in
Lancaster, on a process,iseued by tho Cour t:
The gay Crider is no Jan .
• ----
Loit .Itooey,-1 poor servant girl, recently
i n tbeamploy of Hare's ilotel, was paid teen•
tydwo doilark on.Saturilay morning last, and
lost itio money short time afterwards. .as It
was all the cash she had in tho world; th
finder will perform an act of charity by leav e .
!pg it for her With the wroprietor of Hare%
reoclM Fifth street.
as ~sr.—Wm.-Nesbitt had words with Chas.
Miller, in the neighborhood of their homes, in
the Eighth ward, and Miller stated that he in•
tended to eat Sesbitt , s heart out. The prOpo•
action seemed preposterous,bnt Nesbittsought
Alderman Strain , s advice m the matter, and
that magistrate tuned a warrant foe the ar
rest of Miller. .
rety.--Bridget Snowden, residing at No.
47 Pine street, objects to some of the language
1:111011 towards her by Thomas Devine, living
in the same, bonne. She aecordingirwiade in
formation ibr surety of the peace asnalnet him
before eldermdri Taylor. and the Dicier oils,
oner Irma hold for s ednether hearing, •
Hearing. —Lmarrancv Keyser, the German
who rut John Norman, •In Born's tavern( on
Saturday night, fled a hearing before Mayor
Morrison, yesterday afternoon, and Gm Cale
ITORI tligd to; is fauna haatiolp.
The ltditiol; t. forwarded oirltleh will reach
subscriber soonest.
St 4 l ''' Coln (IXteAanum)..
MINI or Sive
Mulls of Ton or more
Alitaredliott bee - Arrsststed—tre s .
bane In Note. Taken.
The residence orAlexander Van Born.
Westmoreland county, was entered on Sunday
and robbed of a tin box containing $.lO to coot,
and two promissory notes for s.lxt. A ,troat
valued at $lO was also stolen.. Sespicion rein
ed orb a young man named Breaths HIM, who
was seen in the nelghborbood of Greenstuirg
with the box in question or one like it a short
time after the robbery had been perpetrabed.
Hid, who has but ono leg, took the cars and
came. to this city, where be was arrested last,
evening and lodged In the tombs, the author'.
ties of Westmoreland county being notified of
the fact of his apprehension bb teleomph.
About one o'clock this morning officer Call.
well, of Greensburg, appeared st tho tombs
and showed his warrant for conveying Hill in
the jail of the former place forthwith. Owing
to the absence of Mayor Alcearthylhe aecused
was not surrendered, but hevrlll 'doubtless be
handed over today.
Arrest of Youthful Vattrants.—On
urday night, two boys werediscovered by the
Allegheny night watch, sleeping In the loft
of the stable belonging to Mr. Drelman, on
Ohio street, Allegheny. They Rote nrrested
and COoVeyed to the tombs. Yesterday morn- -
log they were before the Mayor, but after re
ceiving a lecture trout tits Minor, they were
11 itchargett.
Knocked tHisro.—lfertry' Martin, of the
Fourth ward, made information before Alden.
mad Strain, yesterday, charging John Ricks'
man with assault and battery, alleging that
the acentied knocked him down and violently
maltreated him. The case was held -far a
hearing. •
The First Through Train.—Tho llrot
through paisenster train` oril the Western
Pennsylvania Banco:id, Game through from
Blairsville, yesterday morning. - The road to
in full running order now - Land a schedule of
time I
announced, and' S already la opera,
Deaformit fared—Another Case Woi
thy of Notire.—tiaa. F. D. Kineiu - r, a promi.
nent lawyer of Franklin•, nebnowledges to the
restoration of his hearing by the-skill of Dr.
Ahorn, at the Merehanta , Dutch
10th, at 11e reMdert, of the table's father, by the '
ttev..a. F. ti• ter, ALKS ANDER BALLANTINZ,
ofttsg Pa., ae,I.IIIENE E. only dao4hter
otann Yrcetasn, Eno.. of Etrelaanbt banding,
• - .. -- .
C6L 6. . 4
W V calv e . '
U -4
hike ttEEItY \VI:LION—On bunday. the 18th
hut.. at .1 tinily Church. by lry. C. IL oWope.
itt , liVitT U. : , I•.Ctti.: ...AY, and BELLA. J. , young
est daughter of the late rapt. tiro. A. 'Wilson, all
of tine city.
Mrs: DOW N EY. Mon day raoralug. Nov. 1911. Mrs:
M ATI t,UA GFOItfII6TYA DulrN EY, daughter or .
J olia w ettley, aged thirty-One year..
The funeral w:11 Lake place from the reildenee of
her parenta, No. IGT Rohn:taint street, Allegheny.
inn WED.wIIsDaY ArTEntiCiox at 3 u S clock.
friends of the family are respectfully fuelled to at
JACK—Atkin_!err:town, Tecedey. Nov.
13th, twin. after a protracted Blues*, HELEN IC.
wife of Robert- H. Jack, and taster of .1. Harney
Jou., Esq.. of this city.
11:11 Ai No V:1
beantlful “Godhs-scro," the largest suburban
place of sepulchre. except one, In this county, 111.
nate.' on New Brighton road, trumenlatelY north of
Allegheny. For burial lots, permits or tattoo.-call
ne central Drug Moro or Covi. ♦ ULL'ilrY,
ALLIX eiu v,
No.lBB fourth street, 1•11 tshursh, COFFIN!' CL
WI Stalls, cite.i.Ex., OLUirii:m end or err deseriptlon
of Funeral Funtualtivtimms tunWasa. swans
ormadzy sod ulxht, iltuse and Carrlxeutratustlea.
ft rranitcOM—H.ev. -Darto 6e.rr . Ham. It
IV. Jaeosus, Dar., Thomas litwing. tag.. Jacob 11,
Miller. IC G.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cur. 7th,
11 , ..1‘ 1131 itA s MISKY tlTlig6T.
A L.V.32.111R.N1ir• PA.
R . T. WHITE tr. CO.,
MAnchester. Viockl'a Han t staTteistitY.
stketleid and Cluilars street..
Blip,. and Carriase•
FOR 541.11 OR RIRIE,
838 Wirth IStriesept.
= AT
1 0177.X4C-• •X•i. 12 1 1TILL3EFIrVil.
leg WYLIE tiT.. Fink.
93 Smithfield Street.'
Sewing Machines
Are TUE REST for ratatly and Mantdacturtog put , .
poaaa. Call and ace them at
Jfo. 18 Fifth Strict.
89 B9 89 89 89 89 89 59 89
991iL. C) 3EI 3S ' El ,
8 8 9 9 1 1 . 89 Jtl:::el v S:reit
89 1 .A. _
AND OE'''. 1:1317g
1 891 BOOTS, SIIOES . &Cf:
! .1i iv TN san c) x .s. -v.
sat NO AUCTION 0041/14 KEPT. 8,
I !JAMES ROBB? Si Ma-4- rket St. - g ,
r_________ ---------
I 9 89 89 89 - 89.:89 89 89 S 9 991
ILA, C., mops, DEM
- UGLE Col'l'o WORKS:
.1- 1 . ED TILE EAGLE CirETIIN NUKES. fennel ,
ly owned uy alesers. KING, CESNUCK &CO., ill •
respectfully Worm th e public that we will continue
tbe manufacture of • • •
st ie etings, Cotton Tarim Carpet
Chains, Candle - Wick -
and Halting.
Orders may be let at tha 01lice of the Work,
(.16 AT THE
PIT TBllllll G ' BILE TrEnr,
Colmar of Daque.s. Way and Harker'. Alloy,
• .P.lttiallargla.N.o4
iunetw.r halt column •drprtieeroent• of Infer%
Idechluee, but yet a tiltuVt-ll At BAKER.
It has beente• teal for gluten].
' a/Idle by MI comp,
tent Mite'.tursl
uounced the
No. 3.0N•11112. Olt:root.
PrTTEIBURGH 11..4:111.
No. 67 Micr-ya-th
Deposits to de oo or before lq , Arlf,11111•11
will dram MX PEE CLST. • ItaratEdt
toz,)YiLo,sl - 2.OVY.SIBEIL
Open .I.llv faimSl4.. in. to au
r.seday and - Botardly ea Wags
R - ORSESS 1101tSE811:1 . - - - '
sroit maxima
Six good. WORK HOMES., jo.t iecttTe .
and will be soidthespioneiroonilgl v.rbiu HOER :
c a l d gcm.
• a HOWARDit LlVicltg
1i0a040.111. Um a),
43-cs TO . ,