The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 19, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed &
No. BC ftb. Slitx-octt.
N. P. lIOURTO.V. s(tors
a BISON P. NEED, Business Manager . *
• .
ogle Coyle'
elbrerod by earrleic (pee week,
dl RlFbact !ben, (per year)
Liberal re;fuellona to Ner7boy and Agents.
N;ttolutrilh 6agetit.
TELE fIOVEILNMENT and people of Great
Britain have become convinced that they
I cannotascapa the' payment of indemnity
for the dcpradatlons of privateers' they
fitted out, under the Confederate flag,
against the commerce of the United Slates.
_ .
Hence they are casting - about diligently
for offsets.. The rebel bond holders, are
pressing their case upon'the consideration
of the. Ministry, and, doubtless, the Minis.
try are listening to their: representations
with complacent ears. - They .- seem not - to
understand that Congress, in the Constitu
tional 'Amendment, lots taken a firm stand
against the assumption of the 'rebel debts
either bytheturttionnl government or any
of the States. A sober second thought
tvill Convince them that nothing - can 'be
made hi that direction. The value of five
or six fi r er cent. attached to said bonds, is
Medicated on the assumption that in plc
controversy between Congress and the
-- ;,-=President, a seam in -which to enter a
wedge may be found, and so the Treasury
be-forced open. The election, this month,
ought to dispel that illusion.
Tnt President, in his late St. Louis
k speech, under the inspiration of an audi
tory composed of rebels and senti-rehels,
released his pugnacity froth all the res
traints of common decency and common
sense,. andexclairued, "Yes , I will veto
every one of its measures," Since them
if bop; not deafer than an adder he has
heard the voice of the people in response
to his coarse threats against _ their . repro
It is not probable he will now
attempt to make good his deliberations,
and if he does be can bring nobody to
harm but himself.
A. Frlnt in Philadelphia having failed
and made an assignment to preferred cred
itors., the assignee refused to pay the Gov
ernment claim for taxes, although be had
some $30,000 worth of property in hiq pos
session, on the ground. that the Govern.
.meat claim could not supersede preferred
creditors. Collector Sloanaker submitted
the following proposition for' the decision
of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue:
Does the Government claim for taxes sw
ing and due before failure, as sliown by the
sworn return presented to the Assessor,
and returned by him for collection, super
sede preferred creditors, and if not so,
would the Coljector be justifiable in pro
ceeding to distrain property in the handi
of the assignee?
The following reply was receive from
Deputy - Commissioner -I arland: If . the
tax against the firm alluded to was due at
the date -of their assignment, there is a
lien upon the property assigned in favor of
the United 'States; the claim of the Govern
merit takes' precedence over all others, and
should be enforced by distraint if necessary.
• J. Locate defeated demo
vatic candidate for Congress from Detroit,
publishes a spicy letter addressed to Gen..
Custer, in which he says: "To-day you
would bare been deemed more honorable
by men of all payties if you had clung
sturdily to your .Radical views, and bad
not taught your Hs.dic;al brethcrn to doubt
your stabilit3, in the face of temptation."
\ WESLEY eltn, a young highwayman
aged seventeen years, decoyed a country
lad from the Harrisburg depot to a lonely
quarter of the city and . robbed him of five
dollars. The victimized boy followed the
thief, who threatened to cut hi s th r o a t and
toss his body Into the . canal if he perse
vered. The promising youth was arrested.
Rt... Du. , McLoon is announced to de
liver it lecture in St: Louis "on the insecu
rity of life and property of geililes in
Utah." lie is the editor of the Salt Loke
Videter. Would it not be well for some of
our lecturC committees to invite him to
this city?
Ittcrunn 0 . 1:1011MEIr, corporation coun
sel of New York, has decidd adverse to
the Broadway Railway. It is probable
that the track laid between Ann and Ful
ton streets will have to be torn up.
REV. Wm. Jitsas, D. D., L L. D., died
in Boston,- last week, in. the 88th year of
age. He was the author "detikte
CotuprelAslve Ccimmentary, — and of
severato,ther standard works.
CHAITLES DE CANE, a clerk in the New
York If:rold office, suddenly quit Ilia en./ -
ploYeri'last week, taking with him over a
thoUsand dollars. He has not been ar
IN what is known as the Bates divorce
case, recently tried in Baltimore, the pre
siding Judge charged that a man might he
in:the army and yet desert his wife, if be
did not Contribute to her Support.
A i!ovEr. MARBLE ETIST of Richard Cob
den has been placed in the Colon League
Nouse, ,Philadelphia.' It was a present
from Mr. James Henry, of England.
THE tire and- burglar proof aafo experi
menters are at. work In' Philadelphia. Soy
end burglaries have recently been commit.
re j sl there.
Ton Typhoid fever rages to a fearful ex
tent In the public institutions of New York.
II:Cone - of them fifty-two' children are sick
with disease. .
CTIAIILEZ HOLLIIAN, abotft eighteen years
of age, was instantly killed in Philadel
phia last week by a wall falling upon him.
X.1.171' RENICK was AIWA inITIICd to
death at Philadelphia by her clothes taking
. fire from a bonfire kindled on the street.
ezected in Baltimore weighing twenty-five
builirttl pounds.
BLx TBOUSAND citizens of Philadelphia
petitioned the City Fathers to increase the.
salaries of the police.
Tus Political complexion Grihe Tonnes
see"Legtslatnre shows in loth Rouses two
thirds .Radical.
GEN. lILItTiIIINFT denies havigg ttecept
ed a Coloneley in the regular arniy. lle
ought to know.
.Two of the Detroit police have just been
been discharged for levying black-mail.
BUFFARJ, N. , Y., has 14,2313 voters
against 15,973 in Chicago.
A COUNTERFEIT cone five cent 'piece has
appeared is Barrishurg. . •
HiatitrVutcrarr, the English Reformer,
is lecturing in Rhode.leland.
tbutexost *Jarta COTERIE is in very
poor health. 1 .
anti. i
s 1R Wsahington.
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VOLUME LXXX.---NO.„ 278.
Thaulcsairlug Pruelfinstloa
Irt the mime and bn the tellwrily tp I The Comte°.
rem !hnj P , anry /OEM in.
AN DEEW G. call rm. Governor of .ald,Cins.-
~Viigl It hea been the gust and worthy cub
flf Commonwealth to art anti t, annually,
• day for the 6p2clal acknowledgment of the good
!tele or the Almighty and for erpreating by the
WI:ole people, at bne time, 'and with a common
Voice, the THANlCiatiti PitAltit which. throughout
the year are apringlog from the bract. of men,
1, ANDKEVI 0. CUILTIN,Goveraor of the Com
at-Invresjil, of Veraiiylvable, 40 by 11114 toy proela•
m011 ,, n, recommend tint the good people ta the
mommottiesith ob.rre
Thursday, 29th day November,lB66,
Aa a day of That:l , o6 ing and Prayer, and, do then
aasemble In their rnapectivo Churchv and places of
worshlp and make their parable thank offering to
ATailoll2 tidy for_all His blessings, during the
past year.
For the &bat dint gathered (mate of the earth; '
For the thus far continued activity of Industry;
For the genets.] yr_ aervatl ,n of health;
A•td eapetrially for that la MS DIVINK Msncl'
lie bath a layed the threatened pestilent e.
And moreoVer that they do. beireern Film to con
tinue onto us all tale blessings, and to enntirm tt,e
hearts of the people of the,e haat d ntatec that by
, holowful fot ce of their will, deed/ of hoed J nstl;e,
Wisdom and Mercy may ho done.
Given under mr hand and the great o of the
- =lntr. at Harrl , hurf, tht3 19th day of October,
tot e 3 ear of ottr Lord,l6e3, and of the Com
mon erel•h ninety-Bret.,
Secretary of the C.ommon•calth
• - A Wholesome Chnol,7e.
- For the last two or three years the imorl.
can people have been Imposed upon by nume
rous trashy compounds known as bitters, pur•
porting to Cure all diseases of the .otomaeh
and digestive organs, when in fact they'd°
more harm than good, but we are glad to say
they are rapidly, going out of use, and . tneir
place is tiding supplied by the English and
Scotch Aleh • nnd Porter, articles that hare
long been conSidel ed by physicianid the most,
excellent tonics, idimulnung the System and'
digestive organs in a proper and hesitlifili
manner. The enterprising dun of 111eCIArran
ScKcnnan, we notice, were the 'tinkle call
the attention of the piddle to the above foci.
and have sold immense quantities of the nn--
cat and Scotch brands, and the Irony .
Is rar..dly. on the incresee. „No. t ket
*tree:, corder of-•the Diamond, near Fifth
street, can he e&isliler.l licadridariers for
[lick goods.
k Good ikrttele.
0C ?tore Holland tin!, Is about us on
half the ratent Mettleines, provid.
a genuine ornate, end a g: eat deal n
able. We are led to tin.,o remarks
leg Inurclutsett a. bottle of Gin at
UruE Store, No. :4 Market street, ak
now sounded. that. we knew not
Git, was until we tried this. -
Lazard A - Caswelsta Cod Ll‘ I
The rarest aml 'Sweetest Cod Liver
woile, manufactured from fresh
liver,. - upon the sea-shore. It is
pure (Adult's - eat: Ask for"lfazard .t
Cod I..ver.olLn matinfacturedlij
Ce.5wei.c,.11...1 lit Co. No'
Sold by all c10ugg1.41.4.
Speeds Re llef
Will be exiierionee.)by using thO Can. liCa.iid3 -
manui'.teiiir . etl and sold by George Biiaven, 112
kldernl air ed , Allegheny City.
Yon Can Bny •
• '
Foreign Liquors of kluil3 at il. °pupil h.
Finch's Distillery, No, unit ICS First
street, Pittsburgh.
'You CRI2 Boy
93 per cent. Alcohol at Joseph S. Floeh's
Yon Can Boy -
New [tops .Toseph S. Finoh'a
I R 7 the 31,retauto Telygral,ll Cu )
From Oil City.
Speetallo the l'lttalturzh Gazette.
01,. Nov. 16,1,1 , 14. •
It erlye feet and fulling. Theweather la
clear mad cool.
Ynanttrw, Novenfver )7, P.A.
The river at Frank lha.'seventy-ihree lecher
at 011 City reventy-tao lecher, alt.l 'ett , Oliep
'oils aevecty.llve
Arrrval—The London •Times" on (Ile
Alabama Claims—Urn. DlVis Fatally
Arrlyrd In loarls—Voninierclal.
QCLE2IbTrAcS, Nov. 17.—Noon—The stentriei . "
which left New Toga, November :id,
arrived here this morning en route to Meer
LONDON, Nov. 17.—Noon—T110 1,013110/1 .711ses
Of this morning, in au editorial, •say, The
government Min no present int.iutfoli to refer
the Alabau3n_clatms to the consideration of
s Royal Comnilaslob. The design Is, the 71iiaes
continues, to empower such a Commission to
Institute enquiries In regard to the neutrali
ty laws without, prejudice to the Alabama
claims, which are still under consliierathei.
Crawwortli. It Is thought, would 'lie chosen
Provident of the Commission.
Psele, Nov. 17.—The family' of Major Gen
eral John A. Dix arrived here to-day.
I.47earoot. Nov. 17.—Cotton
Rothe °gems I at
Loanoa, Nov. 17.—Soon—The following are
the ripening prices for Amerlean securities:
Illinois Central, 77;4; Erie, tb!iji toile l States
s.lß's. 7014. Consols Ir,r Note, York moony at
yesterday's quotation,
Canetltdttouel Amendment In Arkau
san—YrealoyLerlan General Aeeettl,
Irstritos, Nov. 17.—d special to the A. 1.11.
lanche front Little Rock - to-play says:, A reso
lution was introduced In the Leetalatiiro to
reject the Constitutional Amendment. It was
referred to the COrutrattea on Federal Reit..
Lions, and there is & disposition to treat the
matter with great deliberation.
la the Presoyterian General Assembly to
day the reperts of the 'committees on foreign
missions and educet,ipn were read and receiv
ed. After this a dllicussion of the revised
hook of discipline was taken up, alien a long
and animated debate was held upon that at
lion, relative to baptised Children, which re
fers It to the discipline of the church- A de
bate wva Opened by Rev. Arnold -W. 111 tier In
opposition to lime proposed change. Ile , was
followed by Rev. Dr. Adger, of South Caro
lina, anti Rev. Dr. Blair, of 5 irgloin, in favor
of tau limunliment, and the RAW. Dr. Rice. of
Alabama. In. -opposition. The Its v. Dr. Pal
trier, of New Orleans, had the floor at the
hour of adjournment.
,Feolass Pr'setters, to he Dfactiorged,
Toriogro, November 17.—N0 blue have been
fount by the Grand Jnry against, the follow.
togl'enzair prisoners, who, It it expected, will
shortly be ditch trged from custody. A num,
uer were to have been discharged this even
ing: Patrick Billow, Jas. Hogan, Jas. • Lyneb. -
/Alva ril J. Morley Thos. Callaghan, Jas.
Quinlan, Thos. Wilkes, Michael Corcoran,
Martin McCormick, Patrick O'Malley, James
Belli), John Needham l'atrick COTIUOV,
chael Hart, Jll4. Cate, kilns Cahill, John Dlnen,
Jas. bantticy, Wm. Brooks, alias John Snyder,
•A. Flainsburgh, John' Murphy, Jul. W
Wm, Kerrigan, A. Hickman, John kinhony,
Michael Flanigan, Thorium Monday, James
McDonald, John Dilion;George Sillier, 7boe.
-Reync Ids, Win. Madigan, Francis Mlles, John
Johns al. Michael Sharman, Michael Duffy,
Denzil Luning°, Peter Morrison and :lobo
Shark] in. •
The Baltimore Fair.
IIALTIIWILI; :November 17.—The horse :Mr
wea largely attended to-day; General Groot
and lienerol Comstock, of Grant's staff, and
General Stoneman, were present. TIJO ex
rebel.Generel .100 Johnston vs also on the
.grontal, and shook hands with General Grant.
Illral Robberi
0 :goy. 17.—Mr. Lopryre, of the
firm of Pike. Laptyre a Brother. wasekilfully
robbed of o package, of irk),CUI of lOU compound
interest notes, While in the act of purchasing
stamps at the Postoltice yesterday. Thero Is
no duo to the robber. • •
Drstraetivo Etym.
}anal., C. W., November 17. —The Elora
MINA, owned by J. Frnmer mid leased by C.
Whitlow, weio totally destroyed by, flro n ue
morntng. The. mill end stook were valued at
040,000, and were mostly Insered.
, 7-
Juarez and Ma rtrinn—Prom Vern
Crux, dc.
stated-by p . nab.
aothorized fo speak by the republic of '3lexl;
co, that it is the Orlll intention of President
Juarez to order an election in accordance
with the coast !Onion for a President and
nimulwri of Congress, ws soon ac it shall be
practicable to do no. They further GSSellihat-
YriiltlVOLiGorre. is not us hig• enemies f(411'0.
sent him, an ambitious and unserni Won,
man, WtOSe only oltleet is to keep 1111/ISOI
piney, hut That he has retnatned in alike
after the expirations of 1114 term bocaus,ith is
was the Only way to winch he thought:lllkm.
gdeernno•nit GI Mexico row e l be - pre•
served. It is doubtful whether he will allow
his name to he need no a candidate for re-mine,
lion, even: should his friends urge him to
do so.
Official news front Vera Crnz., on the Lit, has
heel& received in this city, with the following
information: The city of Talapa and the
fortress of l'ereto have been captured bykthe
Liner&lt—Generals Idantans, &Ind
Two Imperial chieftains in the State or era
Crux have submitted to the national govern
Au oflicial report ofHeneral Dies to the War
Department, states that atter the lur,mritint
V ictory lie obtained at Utah uali bin, 4hi tacit,
on the ad ult., ho advanced againSt the city of
Santa unit Invested it for eleven days. As 110
was getting ready to aS. , ,ault he heard that an
Austrian ed'imun of one thousand 111,:e burr
dred men ,iris coming La protect the garrison.
tie, thertifee, abandoned the city and wont to
meet the column, and did Si) ILL Carl/WWI, at
eleven a. nt.,on - tae ISth. Ti,,, battie Lasted
until seven p. in., General Dies havin g obtain
ed a complete victory. He tollowcil the
enemy us far as Minas, nine miles - from Cat
ousel. Ile tool< Austrian, Polish and
Hungarian prisoners, tour tilled guns, over
au° carbine.", and a very large supply of munl.'
turther states in his report that he.
would tnarch that very evening to Alaca to
capture the garrison.
Eiglity-dve boxes, tiring a part of Maximil
ian's baggage, hitt o arrived at Vera Crag. •
Letter, flora the City of Mexico state that
Maximilian ha+ taken for ku,s own use several
valuable old painting(' anti Mexican relics.
Viensant Reunion.
On Friday evening of last week au agrees.
his company assembled. at the residence of
lion. Alfred Clack, Beaver street, Allegheny.
The 01.7(515/0n wllieh bad brought those assent.
bled together was the presentation to Prof
. • William 11. Slack, of McClure township, by a
Unknoße.o. for Railroad Ininrien— Gen. few of Ills numerous frtmads and well afsher.,
DIX in Wn,blogion--Itrig .11..tiore— Of 15 snug and vainanlepackage. very 111.11
Steamer Wreekeu—frontal Outrage: rcreinbt tog 411011 of "greenbacks."
Sew Yong, November IS.—A Mr. Charles G. Prof. black, 159 15 writ kllOl5 a, has for years
Loctirreml, a cattle tr.turporter over the New ; pmt devoted himself to the solemn , of musle'
1 orb Central Railroad, has just recovered in t tie has teen repeatedly elected Ca teacher of
the Circuit t. surf erer.lirt for) vocal mu:in in. the rtll/11C .50h0Old of A ilo•
twenty.tive thou,and deals: :4 damages age 1.15151 gheny, und has :tlso taught classes in most Of
the Company for injil ries sustained by walk- r the suri'mmding towns. During the part ant
leg through 3 Oita: nod unprotected °porting I several pre, peittie.a elllllllllllOl5, tile
In their road. A point in the ca..e ;011,1 on hy Profer , sor leo performed good 'berries us tit 0 - 1
the Company Wms a pass contract, signed by leader of the popular and always excellent
the p'anity..l to consider.dom oi a tree pa„ tQr phony Glee Club,“ whelp •:o n;:: have
contributed , largely to promote the cause
litun.eir and lower frelahr charger for the
I ransportutlon of his sba.k. to al.,olve the I " tt h" u , t , mt party.
CoMpany treat all the Itatulit b•+ of common 'rue L'Unl.ln"'". under alone dlrevOen flit
carriers for lid oriel that :night: ,a less w "" ° " tulu ct"" flan •
by either 1111511 th.:h.t. I rabatn, .I...seph C. Mc Pherron, eat R. A.
, sonalor rainou anolo pre.
151151; legion
1. 1,11,0.1E11 Rays that . honcr.i, , In Ills
1 thls ; Prof. nrltlty. and upon
with [ht: Them 11' intamr, ho spoke la a very
this Cycnlor; 1.,,,n1." ,cjlclfons I/1./nnrr. Ps Of. :lack war then C:1.1•
pally With JUlgc C. 'l'. ..rbeillan bro th el. of, .
the "'"n"' turd "" ' - '1 1 "d " " "" _ _
" L . r upon tonttor relstiolr to the•
PM.). Tile perlotl of the tt etterat', deI....TWIT ::n
for France Is now Jeff:l,4.lV Ilc this ""'" ~s t••
Feet:ll . oi lit, tutu lristrnctlOni 11_10 lIOIV for •
1..3 /VICO by riC.St Sate rtlay '9 steanlirt tvta New
Tno br,g Fit irg Far' x-rot ,
I ' ll . s l Tl ' o ' l - ,0 " n ;111,1017nt. rage, Lt. '"! , On ' c-..1.40 '
the crow and, pai•rengero tacit
rl. I one:
Sou vet
fete, p. 41 tt.
Itntn lure
F'7 •In :14
Lila We err
1 11 t good
The hark ithtemiard, trout Bremen, Itlls di. , ; •linsiorsa titular.
covered ..' ll,l. ' h.°. ba ''' lre ' l : ' ll ^I tla ' '' re, at, advertiscuient •ekealiern ft wit' be
breakers elf Ilen.,..lead, 1. , Island, at seen ••
cent, with her maul.. Col. na ,iy 'and 1,, "1.,,, I le , rveiven that the lot erest of Prof, J. i .
afloat. Deer then: hundred tta,enge . r• were , Watnelotk In-, the popular amt well I,ItOSIITI
11.1/0/11,1011111 A., the gale of FridaV t,, ~t co, ( miil,:e s t tn'e oi Waturtmk .t ' Barr has been d is-,
10 the Magilltuueot a herr.cane r "; their Itvi ,
„or th e • potrd of to Messrs. Her. .
TO Enake and Will.
were hi, Imminent danger, but ttuou
1(w - rafter the firm will be,
exert lone of the I:ant:111i 11,AI Ve,ett 1,,t,0,:,. ' 11.11 1.. Burt tier,
the 'dorm, and wa..., brought to the city by the ; known , 11101.1" the style and title of Barr, linake
Llianibertain. . ; a Ithettler. 'I be beniur of the nrie I. leo wen
The steamer Fearless, from ' Charlest,m for , " .r. " . ' t 14 rLeed ,any w nrd of , oin mmidallo.
ICA. t•
Boston, rt.114,,1 , off the c.t of North ..
.: t„ en "
".'• ' ldle - the new portion lire Yeimg
Carolina. and the steamship o,. Adele.'
from i men of viz•ole, tatt and talent w ho win di,
CliarlestiM for Baltimore, was disabled, on: it ; '" t.l ' t , 1.0 • 1 ' ,.. LI" , aireadY Point iar chore,',
.of Ilatterue, and was low ed into Fo , ilies•i Mon- ; t,', o f the h. , .1,:. Tuo nth, will continue at
roo. ' ; tie: 0 , 2.0 stand, lNe. I.: ,t. il.tir street, and other'
...twine, Mes.iL , wit. hintailY ~T,,,,,,,1 t i v ~ v „. t organs and nitThical good generally' to ile fentid
Tile wife of Rev. Daniel A. Was , ..eli, of tom- : no', one of the thie , t. tYsortracnts of plane,
. wv , of the mountains They ire sole accnl. ,
grant negro on Friday mornitig. al. I n'r . ow il , h ..t, !firthe We!! kno : ,I . elebrattd Ma I
10 , 1•10, whit,, the rest of her fanAly were eh- ' -.1 ' • - '.." ~. . •
sent. ! eery and tchomuctier pianos, Lstry A I o' a
Colta,to ncetuni; Smito's Amerce te Organs
Large I'lre In tblengo. , and Talon', pa.tent guitar. 140 heartily wi.di
~ the new Brut success, wit rurnenl3 . rcenne-•
CHO:ann. Not:. IS.—A, tire this moradig dt• , mead theta to the putrona.te 01 the uunwal
stroyed eight store on Labe and South water : eel...luny. •
streets, Involving a 10,, of , 5t.'...t.en, upon., 1
which the ir1h1.11,11C.. , IS V.N_ , , , , , .0. 11, (nig, ti i Another Death by all. • I
the fin, is unlit - town leg the infloaltig are the I r •
details: N0.1:53 soutil Witter street, Where the ; Il _, " ' "'h ' " ' l ': , ' ver ' l " l"" a ''''''''''". "1101 "
fire tir,t apontre,l. au, owne.l by Wm. It. 0,1.- ! Pit Nestles Miller. residing In Reserve tow-Li
nen tont tiecuph,l by Daniel Bunk., Jr. J. Co., , ship, Attempted to light a petroleum lamp,
tobacco factory. lig,len',i lee , s 1-I 412.0a 0 ; in..- , . ~ _, , , been
~ ; , eh the
5.1 for 41,00;, in,,,a,., , ,,, 1 01 ,, 1,, ~,,,,„,e , t osor ,,, wnt,n nunleo. wil,Co Ono Cr ...
for foe,Oilil. Noe. 219 and . .,.:4. .:Muth Water at reef, ! olitftido of the lamp, caught are, and 1110 heat,
owned by S. S. Mayes, vaated et 421. , "X , 0, Inn!, : 1,,,,,1,1„. the la., prodo„,,,t an orpto,h,o,
ALA for ttr.,tsra; 110 leccoponl 1,,•,• urhy, 'tot le i.
wit .!. scattered the baron, oil, all over Vic
'4 Clark, emeriti r•stou 1110rChanl, 10,4 450,0 , ) , ,, ; „ ~,,,,e_
~,,.,,,,, dam
and•,,, _ _ ~
Insured for 4V,i100; No. - .:51 ocen pied by %VIM " n '”' .• ''''' ' '-`"*" "
' aluritly 10 nenpv , lll,/.1.1.1C.N,Uri, oa,ern ou crawl
.chertel et Daolol o , iti the w uol Rath,. Tee , o,
„ d 1,11 , n 0,,. 1 d , d 0,,,
wer,. ,.„ .„. I
10,1 ti t-vosil and th 4 y'ore ...tired r,,,.. fhz,t,..... ! i „' ',", i ." hi , ' „.„..,', 1 2,7:,`,:,, a , 4 , „,., id . 0 ;,„ 1 „ I
N°.ll ' ' ' ‘l"i 4.'"''' ' -"et o'ne ' l''.." ' " .”."1” 'I , ' t ' ll ' e 13 P t . ,,,tern Peti . nny Ivan le i10..1,11 . a1, wil..rt i
dr J'l", I ' bh ' '"I"" *at 4l'! ' ' ' '''' ' l''''"'" t ' sr . `. ' e 1 - ..ceivett ever y attention, lei: rmthiM, '
.‘,..0 0; occupied by saver. • I St/spite A Co . deer . ',.',.,,,
,„,„ him: ..,,,,,, ~,,, tile d , ,_,,,,,, 0 , o ,:,
couiM . ,sion ...rile.... b.,.,' I'''' ',,, O. 10.." ' I I o'c'oe L o. sat , lrtlay inoriling. - Petimps hirt
fur 41,9./e; there W.., 1, a, ;roe., worth of seed:
..:1 , 11.21.1 ;Ott /IA 401011 not,ll,3ye caused death,
thakere on storage, ilwhed in Itorlxed..t . Nun.
~, ~ nu; 11 leppc,erm In, 1 , ” inhaled the flame
'ln amt ." '56 1- ' "'"' "S' '' ' '''le b'u"l by
'' ' : toroner f_lnwtoti Illipannelnel a Jury, but
Haves, valued at y5 ,, ,8,n, In,ervd : , :r *ls,ron: '
~,, in , o , 0 , 0 q ,,., , , „, ,, ~, ~,,, ,,,,0 I ~,,, i.,q .,
No: '2:''' was i '
of by "'W el 4' L. 11 . T ; , ':r• • ••‘ v adh reed nI, id Trtrday atteruilon at two
Inert" f3ctitrer of sash, ,Inorn 01C;, JO, fiL , , , M.. „•',1 ' ,,,,, k . '
insured for eiC,ooo; No. .2.....; wa4 ,, , , 0,1,1,1,11. y r ' ' , • -,-.
ileinbohl a. Lognus,.hardwure, loss EO,utan In-', Accidentally Drowned.
. ,
sured 414,0:10. .....,..nci Lake street was owned !
In Fort Wayne, .41.11... , , Camel at $11,..en, In. , ~a t.ettirlity altenlooll u matt named A. F.
sure(' for titi 3 Otni ' , eel - 11 ,1,4 1 1, Y h'istia .t• !!!nitre, , Smith, employed at 0 ban-mill In Last Ilirm
stov.. and tinware, 10,0 ,i 2 , 'IIKIC leant:(' lm • ,;;liatn,. rode a mole 1410 the river at Brown's
1140,esi.i. No. 2.00 Lase Mit, i owned by eatate ~
or John , Li a t t, - %,-,,teed at *mono, in.,,,,,, , ,,i roe , Land! fig, at the foot of Brown street. 1110 na- •
1 , 9,0 W; oecuplett by B. Wheeler Verve A Co,'land got beyond Its depth, and the rider fell
emniniesion mciettentm, loss 4 5 .,.ti00 ire. /ram,
.-: ' -----' olf into Ino ,her. Not being a swimmer the ;
unfortunate man was drowned before ald
IL is impollite to get the fun recapitulation
0; in...ranee, but the foilowing aro the Inoßes C 0411.1 tench lino The mole regained Eli',
011010 aid went , 1111 . Ltli1.0 its stably, ill, re
'nf l ' : " ^t e rn " m r ""I". o'' ' ''''''", I"' " ;6' -7-:ln'' '
;in without lila rider alarmed the people
sl3,trin; - Borne, N, Y., II I ; tie; Pundit', 01!,,Cee; ,
i t :11. InItne•SIMIC 001 - I,rch Wad wade for the
Manhattan, 41 . 4,1021); London; 410,e*s. Liverpool,
a ,o ,InOVIIrd Ina, lila node , Pan recovered ninon
$lO-100, l ' nrii '''' 11759 ''' Mel "V lit -n. H a u l I'. , ino.4. quarters of au hour after the occident.
Hartford, 500; Fano . ., 4.- 1 • 001 4 00ard,
6 1 ,a ,, ;. llaruieiiY, $ 1 ,e7 1 , Wits-U.106U., N . '''''. the temporary . absence of CC/Inner ClieWmnli,
and II vesdlCl 01 ucCOICI,I al drowning was roll•
Letter front Napoleon I. .lered. The deceased ions it man of about tilt.
ty•fly. yeMP , of age, and had been employed
. W. ' ''‘'''°'..",'• N" ‘ " • - " b ', I... h.—II I ' "1" . "- , " ' d at the ouw.mill Mu a r.:. , d.y.. H. 19 lillpp
Witt Baring the•renent transfer of the aretoves ,
~ to have il fondly residing In Weltutore
of the Department. of State to the new Imiltil l oo a c0 ,,,, t , • . .. -
.. .
lug nn Fourteenth , treel,.scitne of t le paper.,
muy have art:Went ally gut astray, among
Serious Wobbling /milky.
them none could have been mere Interesting
than the following churae4 , rl.l tie letter of the Au altercation took place on Saturday n laid
great Napoleon, of which the sublolned is a I at the tavern Of , Jacob Born, on Sawmill Itca
translation. It 441..611.10 , 1 1 Itat.lll , l Alnerinan
Minister referred hi, was the !anions John f lank road, a short distance north of Alb,
Armstrong, afferwartt beeretaryof State: gneny City, bet Ween two woe maned Law-
I, itItESPON ne;len Or aarl...uon I,isla-1 , ;.117.. e 1,1,00 Keyser all.l John Newman, In the midst.
To .11. Tie elgo,),F,,reny rl
, Duke Dr ceoefr, ,Ifenis of which the former plunged a Italie Into the
ler f9r Foreign I:elation, of Puns: nick of Newman, Inflicting an ugly gash.
• Paula, January 1 . 411.1rde, Tho parties were then separated. Newman
y.carried to lila home where Ins Injuries re
'-It''''''''" D r" "I' c'b°3l''—v"ll In" ' : •. elvnt proper mottled treatment. Suilday
Le. the Minister Porn America. I t ,ili beyond
morning Mt . . .Born came to the Mayor's Mlle°
all ridiculous that ho write:sot things that nue n ln Allegneny and preferred it Carg absault
doe. not comprehend. 'prefer that he'hnoota and battery with intent to kill against Key
write In English, but lit length. and lea uiti• i
ace lan. scat anlenalUeldly urreatod and lodged
nor that weean linderstaint. llow W11111:11 /II i.. !
In 1.11 , 110f111y1 for a hearthg•
tigers no Important ho imntents hints& with I
writing' letters of four lineal Speak to the .
Secretary whole here. Speak also to the Sec- • Criminal Conit Meateneec -,
rotary who 13 about arriving from America. Tito following persons Ware sentenced for
Scull by a Courier Extraordinary a dispatch Illegal liquor selling In the erlininal (Inert' on
In cipher t• make them understand that that _ ,
Uoverament tumor represented here thatlto sutureay motileg. . •
Minister don't understand French—is a morose Joseph Mendota, proprietor of a beer sa
tanic With what,, one cannot 'deal; that all ob• loon on Troyiliti, plead guilty on two Indict
stades would be .reuluved If we Mel any envoy , Mtn is for selling liquor on Sunday, Oa the
to tafk with. Writ( in detail on tlic matt, r. I fli,t Cl ergo he -was sentenced to pay a tine of
Let m 0 knew what effect thrt,i ter frioni Alton. 1 111 ty dollar., end On the second 0110 hundred
burg has had in the !Jolted jtalcs,whid 111,3 I .101liene, and to undergo twenty days' Imprhi..'
behit Bono and what Is propre.ed. Wrlte tominima lit the couttlyJall.
Autvrica In such wanner that the hilvd I
dent !Bristle. Treitilielser, of Baldwin township,
may knOnt What. IL fool has been sent here. '
plead guilty to :wiling liquor without. Itemise.
(S fatted ,1 Na ..T.LON. lie was sentenced to pay a 'flue of ten duilltr.i
I and the coils of prOSeCtILIOn.
'Mil/a the
1 ork.
riesident Johunou nod , Hun Conti,
WASIIINGTOR. NOVITIber /,.--/t has been al
ready elated that (luting the payt. week, Pres-
Merit Johnson hag had imillenee with pi 01111•
vent gentlemen from all vemintis In ruistion
to the liresent 3 mat kat affsirg.
Chief JUM Giuste, General Crant, and Ma
jor gent:tut Siekles and Dix, :twang Where,
have freely given their views, being ac t ua t e d
by a desire for each action as unity be test cal
culated to freely restore the lute insurgent
States In all their relatlous to the genettil
Government. The idea :men, to be that as
long an the Executive . and Legislative
',branches are divided In opinion, the Smith
!HIM remain unrepresented In Congress.
Hence the desire i.e effect sumo arrangement
to communalist.) the differences between
them; according to the current representa
tions. Thu Pre-4016n tl leads tia wlilhtg ear to
all sugimstlmis in that direction, but tllll4 far
nothing definite has been accomplished.
' Italtlmore Enron.
LlACrimonc, Nov. Ism-The race on Uturila} -
afternoult at the clime of the horse fair, wits %Vehicle Flyaway and Sleepy
Davy, toile heals, hest three In live, and was
woe by Sleepy Davy; liter, 2:36, and 2:4e.
Dexter's race against timedid not equal hts
famous Limo made in Now York', owing to the
heaviness Of the track. LLIY th - st. mile wan
COMIC In and the second la 2,04',.
Death ota Phyntelna trout Cholera,
- 33 0 , 0 ., Novi:toner 17.—Dr. 141111ana
Townend, a wet! kunwn iditslelsn o,
city, died •to.thiv,..flee Idle ,
suyposod ITOin adders.
peer Hunting Pnrly—TlejLaud.Teaure
'on Prince Edivertlllaland.
,Orr, - C. W 'N. 17. •
reww, Neveutberll7.—A 'Carty of
teen Americans, eaten Biveo novelle,' with
1111108, ammunition and deer lgounds, have or
. iived here, en route to the Northern lorAtt,,
on a deer huntlng . trlp for theiNew York mar
ket. i •
Tho steamers employed In berrying lumber
from the ottOWIL lumber charier, for the
American market, 'make their Ism trip this
I week.
It is reported that the Canadian Government
lots reflosoil to ratify the arrangement by
which the Confederate Government will con
tribute $'74,000 to Prince Edward's Island, to
the euttreiconfedelatlon. It is certain, how
ever, that - all the provinces will contribute
and render aid to put an end to the troubles
caused by the land tenure on the Island,
pestrnetive Tornado on Fortune fiend
Bacristone, November K—Capt. Knight, of
the brig Woteravitch, which arrived here tr.
day lridu Ingo do Cuba, reports having Leon
boarde,i while passing korturie Island, nn the
Mth of yetreber, by parties torus the shore,
who united that everything on the Island hail
been deStroyed by a hurricane the day previ
on'r, one hundred and seven houses haring
hem, blown down, and the Inhabitant, wor e ini
a busiest starvation.
The President aue.coeicrems.
Nay Yong, 'November 13.—The Ilerrld to-day
reiterates the report of the goal understand
ing between the President and Chisf Justice
Chase, and says, the President will make eon•
cu sion to Congress, among whieb, no further
removals from office an account of political
Tpe P.tersbnrir Meagre Destroyed
PVLIRSIIVLI.O, VA. ' 2.4IVCIDber 111.-I . lvonlx
Hull, Iho only Thentro, In thin eltyl nun dr
rarnyoll by tiro ut un early hour this...morn
Destruction to Isblpp
Nan. 'Coax, November 17.—The geneial re
cent dleasters to shipping along the roast arc
reported with lose or lire.
Additional 7 elegrouls ou Fount. Pule
Escaped.- OfTleers •Seth Wilmot and John .
Surber. visited the borough Of Sewickley, on
Saturday • night, for the purpose of arrest
enchain parties there who aro charged
wfW ontnig lug the girl Brush, at that place it
few days since. , They were it little too
however, es the accused 01110 had departed
for Vicksburg, Atississippl, en It luutber taut
Cr., the officers reached toe village. A reward
Should be offered Of sulliclunt .mitgaltude, as
to fully compensate these ofhtiers In proceed
ing further In the affair.
Gond ileadlng.—floc friend rittock, optic>.
site the Destoillee, Ilea furnished us with the
Atlfortia for December, Leery Saturday, gar
per's Weekly, Prank Leslie's, The 4l'utiort, and
the lehima Pattie. All of them are filled to the
brim with good reading, and are worth far
more than the oriel, of them. Almost every
thing &so, also, eithes in the - reading line or
out of ft, can be got at Piton
The Gyrnionals.—We trust that tionumf
our readers will forgot tho yawl g. mnastie
exhibition unteMilletla to COMO Mint the rooms
of the Association on the evening of Thursday.
the 22.1 Instant. This tXhibition prOMlseli to
ho decidedly the hest ever given by tho Assn.
mat ion. and Will combine Ineny new features.
The Turners will mho part - and the hell will
be tutu dmolnely doonrntod.
The General Contesenee.—Thn Aletl2o
- olut Prot extunt Georral ttonferenco, met tot
usual ou t.for t tuy toot truuenct oil a very eon
' tOrturatrlo mutton t. Of imminent. Thu rrotra, , ,t
tae to of our rolumns precludes the
of our ocuurfult ruport..
13TABLI s/i-gb
Louisa Blackman in the City
On Saturday there arrived in our city from
Indianapolis, a person possessing a history ao
remarkable in Its way, that bet few individ
uals in any region or nay tituo , have furnish
ed the parallel to it, Indeed wo doubt if any
record is known pf experiences 2,l2 l lllftar in
their est.°, progress tool results, to the OX
widens,es of the ponoui of whom Nye sneak..
. I 3 u yotmg girl, nut 5'..c seveutv:ll, rittlier
tobun in iiliy:aptc; lionseeling
a high ilvarwe intelligpice; having man-
flora at Linen 1110.ielL n!lki synning; and batoie
the tertl; , te or,!eal thitel . 4ll which, far from
Sentile/c4i, thO has .111.*, WKS gifted lctlh
Allure beauty of form alld feature, that usually
falls to tho Int ut womwilinal, err. at
Yet this beautiful:girl ban gone through a
terrible and sharp experience, the mere con
templation of which would make the brayest
and hardiest phineer tremble, appalled, :and
which might barely be
ti) kill the
toughest hunter of the Rocky Mountains or
the African Jungles.
(tar reader 4 certainly temembcr the .extrier
ordimtry cane of Lott'. Blackman, (or Black}
burn, mt the name nous erroneously veinal ui
the papers nt the limo of the °cot rt ence,)w lin
last winter Wile found horribly frozen near a
hay-black, in Lawrence county. in 0114 State,
and who, account of Tier autlerlogn for
months treeless to being toned, wan pub
!tidied throughout the etem_ry, and excited
universal comment. Tilt... girl, on ,aturtlay
afternoon, arrived in the city, and is now
stopping at. the Eagle (fowl. on the corner of
Second streein. We have r,cetvea
the story of her remarkable sufferings front
her own lips sumo she arrived in tip. ciry, and
the facts, as nlatel by her, aro substantially
as follows:
In the year 150, Thomas Blackmun, the
Lather of Louisa, was Imo g a [tic his faintly at
Jefferson Xlty, insane r whither he hart
moved trots Joliet, Illinois. Blackmun wan
strongly prialispo.ted to Mormonism, Ida father
• lit that taith tier - the hod, tea.
years of his life, and died hi -It at bast. At
length, yielding o his Inclinations and the
perneunionA or W. 1.,. Blackman determined '
to himonte a "Saint," and in
. ._the autumn Of
IS.ti, took Inn family and start C O with Seven at
other families tor bait Lake City. Tier reach
ea tine chiefeity of llormomloui at length, and
eventually Thomas Blackman Was rue-lye('
Int- , the Chinch of Itrigliam Young. Sorely
against the wishes and csoostulatioui of hurt
wile and three Jatightern the new
convert adopted . Cue sOctal Cott.nall,
of lug OM belief and .1.411101 an
other .wife to lib; Janiseholel This new
,late oC thlngn wan endured by the fling wife
and lit+ • children 1,10.18
length tine holtgottien pi . v.t.l,e,t upon them,
and the oukrageens ete.ervallCi•N
them on every hand, beeanie Intolerable, and
11,y .b.i,tinteol e - c,•:it furl t erntOre
or vett option to the bounni, of eirffinain,
Accordingly, In the month of Aurll,l2, hav
ave.l the
tor n :. - ear ua,l ,a hall, t 11-v pi epartal to brave
the 110,:er4 of the w;;;; ~ rtioLs ;Li esCApe.-
;2h% In the 21100111 nointicood, when
favored: Oa, the m.p:t.
roil,mot oli!ri: grols "1 1 pewit
de They w. ru I.ctii 7 tinpintied at!
DI,-. Unto, tab:, prp.oialloe•ciii• - ` 1 OW ,
tioioi. Tea o
re-'apt fired :toil !till - re tt.egionsity
alit:mi. by Morita, bra, to ilia crime at
t. nipt.rtir to ' 1•01ii , ..' rd, 13iatik
i11,4 Rapt oil rapidly
,or Ilia:nightthe next day,
too 11 tr.0.14.,1 known tliO
" o Liote. alouth,ii'mile 1,111, na.lea:from the
city. Thrill! tat a a a hid hor neverfd
ili•itie.l tile-jiver- of the
parnall waa'aliar,C.:llle) . mitt , : Ire again,
i.oulatt ,tole tlit.3 re:lotto,: von..
in :Po case( they looro than one
14,, l o g of be • o f the par-u.
111...} . 4tr11d: num anCo.a Itle Oslo,
propositag to reach motto poiot or civilisation
On tae Other pliltrif.t.lie ap iellty desert. Think
of it woman and Clltto 02 , 1p100l glob .0220 only
ntmlt loud:hey icould vitro In a bundle,
with no . malle oat
t. et knovriellao of tho c , olll, try
I,foi wttii To direct or coon
mil thew, sod 01111 sod) the :die:esti:a,: foible
outaidicod 1.1 from the
ptle•7l:,r,nr,et''elrremit/I Under ,
taking ntrn to - coilipl ',II only PI
r•trongo,li;nly pariio.!
Those wriii.en poi:et - took )tome.. `Of
ao•1 200 ehltualtiagioe
lug. titre endored. tile, it only . 41,1.• why
1.110,S tinyttilos..tod that
mtrvit or of :he teetioa parte limit
they hue t a ,eis 21:re0
their 70, toy :her sister, it girl of
Mime thlr teen year, 40 - il of Id/own:Son and
eshaite:ilen. meek liter the el ler
ioecd iomut fourteen, nimi
da:nth, loolait war idrohger,
more I,itti, than "[nix , . arid he hard
•ltips of the Pitirory a oil
COIII, Vi the ito (.1 - glet. 111/011 .
the I'li U, . . ette
I until their tit 4•1 le re., tine: ;term.
Their 11,,t„, trout Iteell I'2 tlIttl•t1,11.
in Lice flint few tiny.. nt..l tin r credal 0.1
ioi. halt 'urn pree nee Le the
prairie tillordini. They Ll iln o.ight. plenty nt
null I
.1,1141 it. Liit have iAlAta tti it, total
ni the la lilt Unit vonrtil ni t They
:Ind 'notight; t.iiir Owl o'llll tneni, .11 , 1
whit , then , iht; 1.11).nt nr
gopher. utile:l they .let iiiu i i rain. N urn 111/
Ow, 1!:1 !ItZ••“,i1,
leagtli AL I , :iß•h:-. 0 1110
140 tnl , niiis alias tll,l dinitli of Icor eland:tn.
ttl,it'b.insin .1 , 14 .:11{ ti—t
Making .4e - it'll 1,11.
Ulll,O 11, Journey ...nil cn.iruVpr tti
Lottitat, atone r.ots . ,roallattutl to follow the
Indian troll. livilot its relolOre, t 111 at last
site p.trty' ef lot itecabs tree I
east gi• of na•l tlel hell nd te!l tier, trtatt-
!.tar ‘; 11 It till, Croul. - -I 1.•111 t 0 0.
diyline, her to :1 s n.1 , 1,1.1:111 al.l , :it 4,0
hentlt tat toot arty milt vliltf of tan
Rock V Mull,tatun '1 hus post , sap
Ile I. , ,ttea moal tone went!. fleet It
111110 0 11, tssill/irills . lll.l4 a.? 11,
torttalt;•etreel. Sao tarried het, Mel when
she heetatatoattel,z, toeat lor J.•trerson CO), nett
last a Inter kit Eel It 1 livls and Lae
riled—Mil time with
1111,11 n—to .N 1,1141 Jacknott, La, ten, ottotty„'
In tubs ,tate,s. he, n laindy 1„ colt• rly attea
loot tesi,:tat. met Item ,It" hotted to gut
Oittplilyai..l. 'nits 1311.111 y hod t bbl bill
Leatsta* Was sere:red to it !WWI: who won ht
p:obably alto tier 1,1 , 11:. :Inks 1,1,1,51
111 , S, of Ili:slant:ly t.g on a Ater
c.,1.1, day la Jane/ The family Ott
then aot need 11,1 4 ,, hut. 41.1 . ..1-
:st tier 'or kt tt,10.0 w 110•• 51143 Ira, Hllls, of
week. It . ..a.. alino-t Oath., lilt it I'll:dill, I
elect rs driving, ileollithia
Invitation to 101 y oil: ten 11,01
other Moos •. She it.t.f . diet gone lai.hefOre
Im.l inn heray, Iho cold 111 numbed her
and idle felt the drove-Ines of treeZtog people.
At length toe sitil”wit by a tier n
ad Intl
ept, 11111 dill not .die. In the
motel g she awoke with her limbs Et/ Ir,zen
that oho could 1101 move. The Yen thawed her
P%rtilly, and she manaze,l , to mewl a little
way out Of the 100-01, Into which she had wan
dered. Silo rettelitpl la haystack on the farm of
th,,,,hma, hut could go no full her. She
Wan too fat uwity„from the.liodte to make her•
telt heat and cpwdeil herself up as closely
us possible 10 the haystack, where she fur In
agony until niallt. At night the sheep gather.
ea eloae übput her. s a d kept her it little warra, I
but durum 'that night she bteaine Insensible
with the cold, and, Iw was ascertained after
nhe wan 1000, Chit lay fur tw en ty•tlireo dal,
health* thitt!litlystack! she was , Insensible dur
ing the mit ire; tlnie, and probably would have
(ration uallrely to death 11.1 t for the sheen who
luttlally protected her at night. Iler desert
expeolenee had prelim 4,1 her to do wahout
feral, irut this,,toi!'t her with her
Saved tier from niter afaryatlon.
One morning it little boy hunting rabbits
dlncoi , ered the IaSSII,II,IO GIFT ami gore 11:11
alarm. When fonnit the was lying on her left
tilile, , ber dress, her aria, her hair, and the
right elite of her faco being frozen to the
ground. She wag carried to 111..1htvlilson'e
mule and such I , OSIOI . tiIIVCS as
Iler right foot wan so bully tro,,m tam .
it it:upped alit “t the total, Au examination
or 11,:r other 1001 ;:butted tilt, ileevssll) .
putation,lool 1,0011 iegz o taken 0:r lone
inches ladovr the kneo. ' After font Or live
weeks of trojensthility alio Commenced litre
cover, mai although she was horribly frozen
In various par's Of lire body, she recovered
with the loss of her feet and her left eve.
Since her recovery shellas been kindly cared
for by lit, authorities mud citizens of Mount
.ineknou.. Lod week situ' went to
partly to see it artificial limbs could be fitted
to hers and partly to obi ttln emptoyment. She
felled Itt butt{ objects, and am mtterday cola°
hero Antl,,tvita taken, by Mr. Fortune to the
Eagle lintel whew. site SIIII
We have given her story es :she gave it to
its. It IS 11/1110SI incredible, 'hut alto tells It
with truthful air that almost compel. be
lief. Perhaps her great sufferings kayo con
fused the even her trilml, Pm as to A latort
them and mulin them seem to her different
from whet they were, Um she evidently be
lieves her owe story.
Slut is n. girl of great intelligenee, and no
small amount of personal beauty. She hems
Sllifertqy aIIZIOUS 10 Obtain Clllllloyllll.lllt, end
any ono who eon all her in oldahring It will
Ito doing a good work.. Contributions for her
beneft; left at this Gillen 0111 be promptly
handed to her.
/knoll'Or Olt Strike.—lnformation has
been received in this city to thentrect that thO
Plytntattall and l'orn'n Ilan Oil Company,
whose. property, ig located on the Allegheny
river,t,t Parket Lanai:lll.BoMo locality Mlles
abovo title city, struck a thirty barrel well a
fee: days sine, and gives indications of below
luorstivo well. Tile sttlelsltd Ibis cotaipmay to
bald nrlt,nipdiy by' the employees. at tail
Trant,fer Slid lon or Igo PeoviSClCohto 1 " 11 '
rote!, utot v 4_ol/ grutulat". them II(.01/ their
p,t ..A fortune. •
What a heterogeneous wash of humanity is
huddled together iu a great city such as ours;
and what avarletyofehariletbrs we meet in our
peramburations through the crowded streets,
in our visits to drink tug and gaming saloons.
and In our periodical tour through the tombs
la search of local tit•tatt: with which to cram
the insatiable maw of the reading public who,
although denouncing the publication of such
things as Injurious to morality, yet leave not
a: line of scandal unscanneti, and become so
conversant with the facts as narrated by °the
unfeeling reporter" that they are able tore
peat them to the next person whom they for,
tunately or nn fortunately chance to meet, with
gusto that shows plainly they regal it the af
fair in the same light that Inc emenre gazes
on the mostolid lento preparations of thertorpir.
tinning inaile this uceessa,yl Olgroision from
our subject, and like Doctor‘lllipoil, SDI laded
our Wind, ISO will ske•ell for the nonelit of
throe or 011 r reader:, who have DO opportunity
to gaze On the dark mule of city Idea few local
pictui es which may be of sufficient interest to
repay Lim trolible of perusal.
We will fir6t go to ~drink lug saloon, and see
110tv fareel he devotees nt the sorino of Bac
chus. Pushing aside the white polished doe,,
inlaid with moulding of gilded witch, which
g~lncr like tee - more precious metal beneath
the light front the• parti-colo vii lump
above tile doorway, taut serves as It beacon to
guile the thisty hither, we 110,1 ourselves
within the long well lit apartment. The thin
black hands of the romwood-cased clock he-
Mini the Dar. Tornio brilliant with cut-glass
and pler-ndrrors of Freud, Mate. point across
tile white dial to the midnight hour, and yet
tire room Is still crowded with men In groans .
of - three and four, all talking. but on divers,
topics, some of the late political canvass, oth
ers of the turf or the prize ring, while yet
minus discuss the feasibility of some mooted
• Moral 1 eforei In language so beautiful as to
attract the attention and please the ear tot the
idle lounger. In the centre of this lastgroup
stands a fine, well-pro +tort ii nod man; bus COAL
though ragged at the cuffs and threaloare tot
the elbows, Is of a fashionable pat
tern, and • the material of Ike fin
est finality, buttoned up clolm t•. tile threat to
prevent his emu molten, from seeing ids dirt-_
besmeared shirt,' for nithougt fat's fa• is scar
let and els eye.. restless IMO IDOViddlOt with
dissipation unit intOxie.illen, lie has Lust a
little germ of self-respect left. This IS 0 Serr
aule in the way lie shufnes his feet edt of
where the light fells open the sanded floor
lest his assoilates should cold...glimpse or
red toes protruding through a gash In the
boots, awh
lileave not had the pleasure of an ,
introAnction'to blacking fOr whole months to- '
gether. Notwlthatanding his dilapidated
habiliments, he talks learnedly ut moral
Italie?, quote:4 l llorace and Virgil with the
familiar grace of • an erudite, lots Bacon's ,
pn llosoDlly at Alin lODgtle'd end, and often
edifies his audifor by a declamation from Ari•
dtson's Cato, or an abstract from. Jnveual.
11,111 what lie utters is not Understood by those
around nlin (or lack of intellect, hut Yet lie is
highly DlV:el:laid: by them, and at the anti et
each period they lavarlablo slat. him
geed riatiireilly on the shoulder pool invite
Lim up to the , take s
lie tier, refuses such an invitation, and as
his puffed band tremblingly pours into the
glass tau sparkling brandy—lie never drinks
whisky milers when he naYa himself-1m
glances timidly tit the barkeeper whore Ins ,
ideal era Ito rear, more than that of any one
else, tor he /144 been treated tons Many Ind Igs
tittles front trier' since the time when
he SllrtedllicrOd inati.hnod to the (
bit of
drink and le.cause what noir ts, a habitual
sot, or drankaril. This creature, the outline
of 111 - Ds portrait no have but Imp erio us fee
sketched, but ~few short a ago,' nap e
ono or priest ylltSfil
MAIO, ;rll - 0,1 liy prodigal nature withc
Ik Well a labored eat/catkin Mot refined
a refiner
polished. The ornament ot ,ocietY ihnl the
pride and admiration of his clearest friends.
Fame had already caught. his name and tie was
r.poken of tor high oinclal positimm. urfuited
sOtll DYADIC, and hart% by• false friends he
soht pleasure in the cent
se tdrele whited
1115 talent and attainments were admired
and adulated. Ile drank the crim,on
liquids gist for friendship,' then Lecamoi
Ile liked them, and finally they be- .
0:1010 necessary to'existence. unit
after that the descent was, rtllll4, 111/tlt
COD !lee him ghat he Is to-night—a pour, talc
deepis.ed wretch, bereft of /10Ile‘I
//01110 and all those who, in the other days,
called him friend. Night attar night he Is to
bC ReQll In that saloon, sometimes bar, winded
by a low . , vulgar CrOirti, mud at other, oeenny-
Ing a beset In the dlctl-at corner, wetting fa
I,7lollrds ex pectittkm for alt InVltAtinn to drink,
untll the [toupee). disperse and the
er tilt - tote him Into trill street 10 find a shelter
whet, be will, perhaps in the tombs, Or lit the
wide doorway of the mercantile. house Mail
men:ling,: when he returns to tile old haunt
and the ecerie Is repeated.
This 16 a strange picture, but a truthful nue,
end wlia In.quelit our drinking saloons
rill torOtrillZO it as wh.4 a Ir,snu ho
here embodied to the young. man of our COIL,
MID/Or —VOlt a eosin Valt bo uveo there-
Iron, If It 1,10 call-s One or thin !DAM' alit
are in the snare of the tempter to turn and
Li:sante, even for iIItIODDIIO. we Will be
rewarded for our pains in sketching
Another l'onfideore
ger At rented.
In 101 a mom named .1. It. ..Dawson, whoao
father lc n met Chan: In Chicago, 1.101as:4 It
sent, Of eitenSlVe forgertrl which ha wade
.nyallside at different Places—Chicago, Chain-
St. Linn, and, among other 1111 ts
t.nrg., tic forged troveridnent vouchono, anti
on thew tow large supplies of. money front
paNtnasierot In different localltie.. Among
onto,' otter,. swindled in I,ls manner 0,1
Captain L ii, Wright, Auodstant eteve•l
nlittll Iu this cite. n flu 1.,01 dreeL.rd into o.ols
hitssMdeiat,o 110sney Its he tun' Ilia than%
Al I his llints It.sir-kstt lolinself,Crantrani
Frcoter. aftet ail ah-em, el eouno :hire he re•
lamed total. etly, and veto:lt:la:Q.l,l/y hit in,
• vt.tsts was 1 lack, unfit :4%01,01 again to play his
0111 Ile gallsets Capt.ile igill. Tit r
tats...cov or, 110 Will 1 's:01. 1_.1" :el trl het.), a
Sanitary Irlhassal. 110 11.10 s.ollt,tte.•.l 10 an
0; eight 3e ars to the lieniten
tlary ut Aniourn, N. 1., hut mature he had
served net it konotio of his tel telw was pardoned
through the Intl u• new of Lis lather and
friends. A week or two logo Mr. J. K.
Cal.,. el I, of thlovity, Secre!ary of I AU,
aneny Navigation Company.und a fried,' of
Dawson's lat4ler, received 0 letter from the
ne orlyoparoloneol anon. This letter I/I - tattled a
duple penitential spirt , and l , rote-ted that
the a riter having su4<rud partially the 'tom
e-11y of tilt 11l deeds, he a ontot now lead
thoroughly morle.lit tilt'. 'rho day after the
receipt of t Ills letter, Mr. CAlsiwell I ves..l 1:0,1
esti from Dawson loneo.lf. The hitter showed
111111 n drult for 65../ on the Firs: sittinnal Bank
ot Chicago, signed by 11111 01.11.1 r 1i.1%,05t. TllO
vt•ltor requerthtl fir. 1. olio:well to Indorse 11114
Nhalt SO that. 110 Iffight get the idioms; hair.
otsilliweliog on penitent Matt or any
101 011 g. graateit 11., 1 ectize , t, Dawson
drew the I,IOIIOV At the Lniess Nal innal Mink,
at the ettr.o, of F,roi oad,too I 310.:f.a. •e Lreelo,
and disown:at r , 1. sloortl 0 after the draft Ivo,
Mbuck ;loin Lido plett,it 11101
Muted a fon goiry.
_thsiroilt s idiots for DaW
SOH :bat be watt Doh 110r1. V 15.114 h. lie war
traced tit ledooo to Uri Aline, thole, tont hail
left :there :or pas Is unknown. Oil Saturday
he again Wade Ills zolopearaece at Ciesi
where be was arrested by Mr. J. T. Miller,
'Ticket Agent at Crestlhoe on the Pittsburgh,
Fort Wayne ot.. Chicago Railroad: ThetirlSols.
er was handed over to 11 Crestllite pellet: cal
coy, and by Wm brought to this city, where
he arrived at two o'clock ye.terday morning.
lie was taken in Charge by oflicer Cntoples and
IS 'lonia Lion lock-up awaiting a' hearing tins
Inert, kng at ten o'clock, On the charge of
for'lci'sr_ preferred 3lr. Caldwell. Mr. C.
matle:the ellarge eery reluctantly: bat consid-
Liens lof justice over-Intl:owed lila Scruple , .
Cunt kola on" on the Premien'. that
NVo have prepared the following table bliow,
lag the amount of coal sent out upon the pres•
ant rke, only geeldent pea learned of,
happened with Cho Tigrfuis, which struck the
bar ut Merriman ma 4 sunk ono barge:
. ,
Coiner Baru,. Bent,: Thrther3
luarless - 8 • .. nEono
Grey liounkl , • r•
.. WAX)
, 9 .. 90,00
Sam, Brown ''',
'r. F. Wilson r. .. ' 7o:Wo
to :
I loans
I.lno ..
trtn I 3
, ttnitnott
TOlll. Reece 1 - --
1 ' 3 ~ 4),(0)
Lot:IAN . ..Li: • ,
Tml-Qns . in . 100,0(0
I•:..tglu • 4 3 100,000
Ilect,lc, ........ ....... 4 3 Ine,Dao
w,id thwu.; ;0,000-
'Shin. 1tunhert. , ... , ...... ...; .. 7U,0C1
li,illtirl, .i 3 w,103
Dolphin . . .. 70,0011
Antelope f.. 1 6 0,003
.Npvil'e , '2 3 • Kum
Wnrnnr. ' I 2 si,,oon
Lakn Erin .. ,L . - 110o,non
Wo published on Wctinestlay last au Item re
hosting upon Air. Walker, tho ageitt of tho
Butler stage line, on St. Cluir street, siring
hid Antal Of u tract/action. 'therein .41 pen,.
•WItIOW" ligurea. Tlll3 rusts Of The race pet
quite another appettruneff to the, story, !Led
InEtend of Mr. 11 niker Indm: held to essence,
the woman honed( Wen 10 Mateo, If upPra!'d
that sho entered . her MOM, null paid, p
al assno.:
for herself gull children, hut
returns 1 to
offering to carry her clumP.r..o. falnrhoOd
Mr. .1% wilier and hint...,
(which silo afterwards mi1.9,1,111!!..,,_=n_._.:rt.
the return of the lunmiy,
mit nu Opernntlnellr,l,;l.kore
ve. l ry n u
properly re
41erl'in't tr f ick ni Mr n . l hence mode the tilltrulty.
fur., to ' " (Bo police nuthorltied was
Tile intorfor,.°2r
called for, us Mr. Walker
-o,,,Alttoretain the money, anti
" 4 ." Vr. - .."... th " •n n manner u. scree Die rn , in
r.•.• ••••- ones orsitar elreumstanc. Wo
'ew):ilke:•Ti:i'l.l3•Tulekre t p tn . .e e you, knowi knowin g Mr.
talc dealing gen.
1) .„„ ‘reu...l spars any clishonotable
Fast Young Men—floss • , Sityle" ls Put
on, and at St hose Expense—A Dry
Goods Flrrn Robbed of Thousands by is
Dishonest Clerk,
"Sixtetin cents a week , ' without perecu
siteS wiliMot enable u fast young man to live
In a large city and move in what is calledgeed
society. lie moat have no "rich 'uncle" to buoy
big nib supply Ins exchequer 'and keep him
out of the lower w aiks of life tread only by
the honest young mechanic, or trusty clerk - .
The giris—those thing, made from new pat
, •
tents not in vogue In 'our grandmother's day,
and culled girla—deligtiL only in the company
of the modern pontrijav or fast young melt.
There are many mark, which they can dis
cover him. De has scot white bands attached
to =settler arms, which never knew mano,o
labor further than namlllng a yard-stick or
swinging a quill. He balances Ills body by
parting the bale of his head' in the centre,
soncexes his pedal extremities into boots
three sixes 101 l small, adorns his face
with the Image of MOUSinelle,
(Whin, had nature bylaw,, the man
she was craft trig. would Lever nave been his
future to 110.34. 4 ,9,i wears clothes of the tate- t
12111, Jewelry the hest, and sports It gold tread
Cane. 'These are Inn pOl-unit) marks, bet
tile traits of his rturacter soon develop t hem
selves. lie is fond of tile drama or u dram,
riot that he mule:stands the former Out with
as to be scum nor likes lie the latter only it is
fashionable to drink - . lie is a prominent fea
turn at the Operas and expensive concerts
and bulls. His name is famlltiar with livery
table keepers and Ills custom enriches them.
We du not object to these fast young Men as
they -are harmless fellows, sad help to keep
trade going. But we again say that "sixteen
cents a week" will not permit their extrava
gance if no perquisites be allowed.
We have a case our mind's eye of but re
cent occurrence, which gms to show at least
how tine unfortunate was rained for life in
his en, is to keep up the character of a !RA
young Mtn. Ile was engaged in 'one of our
penulursiry gouda stores at a salary of fifteen
donors per week. Ills extravagant We caused
perbous untsitle Of the house to su.,picion that
hs perquisites musienceds be large Sr salary,
heavy. lie was the, favorite card uumeg We
girls, and was ened trail exsinple to econcon
had young men who Ariptrtil to gallantry. Ile
Hark meals at the Monongahela,VOSS out driv
ing nearly every evening, and had season
seats for self and at every opera
which came along. His employers sus:
Dimmed n huge Norway and a trap
was set to catch the youth. lie was disco,
ered, and confessed to having carried on a
systematic course of robbing by making false
returns of sales, ever since he was in their
employ. Tile merchants lost, perhaps, lit the
aggregate, thousands of dollars from his oper
ations. A compromise was made, and; com
pletely reined, the young man. took his de
parture for a Southern city, to lead, we trust,
a better life. We trill not publish Ids .name,
but let the young men who are now living
above their means, take wartime from Ms
fate. He might have infen nOnOne.i and ro
suected bad lie coedited his elnellst, 10 ieSti
than his income, 'sell 110CSOUgilt to 11-11,1 m tine •
detestable gang of fast men:
• Refused ito Murry.
Aliout two months since, Charles liillyicam.p
was brought lief.nle Alderman Donaldson, on
a chargb of feruiention, pret s erreil by Mary
Dennellsoe.. Through Ihu etl.nlelltlat 0 dtplo
macy of the magistrate, the Interested par
ties were brought together, and after tulle
uu exeltfeg debate on the mutter, le wa_s
trebly adjusted, by Charles pledging himself
to pay in Mary the rum of three dollars per.
week. which sum W.x supposed to be ample
enough to. the stet:chance of her child, then
but a tow mouths all. The stipulations 'set
:lows In the compact lied been religiously
complied with by liillykatap, for three .seek_,
when Maly ascertained that three dollars was
insufficient. tor thd carport of her babe, and
she accordingly Made a demand on Charles
for an additional dollar per week. This he
refused to accede to, and tilt woman there
upon returned to Donaldson's office, on Sat
urday, and stated hut' .., , ,levances, and as It
direct sequence, Charles was re ntr
rested .a n d again brought • ' vis-a-vis
with Wary. Yertectlyldishearteued at the
11l success that had crowned all his previ
ous eintrls at reparation, lie, lila ill of despe
ration declared that. he Ness willing there and
then to am lie her his wile. Judge of Ills sur
prise when she curled up her Up contereptous.
Iy at him and 10111,00 Ced with the utmost sang ,
,froid that she had no ambition 10 enter the
hymeneal noose with him, bat simply dealred
his cash. In vain lit , l the bystanders pest to
ire the glory of .. atritneity, In vain did the
lIIHr,ISI . rate expect uhoe with her, urid In vain
dal Charles entreat her to relent. she would
11,U:a to nothing, but like-the diebre w of Alen
ice demanded hot the fulfillment of the old
MIDI he for.. at ion of a new bond. At length
poor Sllly tramp WWI tears—we trust of ton
hts eye:. surrendered and gave
ball for the payeueof the new demand. We
give this case in lull us a rare in•tatiee where
u woman has refused being uited. shades of
the virgin Ditto! who ever beard of such a
thtug before. •
ItlNekele Mass bent florae.
\ Wert Carter, whom out' renders will re
tuk,mher a. rho man 11 ho wtu arre , ±l.l some
'lll , ll . ltlIS 011100 for euttio: the telegrAph wires
neat Marritleld toil brought to this city, was
on Saturday Scot final the Poor k'arm to his
hnthe in f. , :laware. Cuter was t fled In Court
on a chat ao of ataladou+ miochicf, but Ids In.
sanity WI. AO Clearly Ills:Wed that, inn cad of
bell,epueb,hed for his, condmd, be was tamed
over to the cSra rd tdr. /Online, 01,1,N, of
the Peer. That gnntleinan had the unfortu
nate titan properly ittended to, and or late he
tutu been slot ly recovering from bid malady.
horny after bin arreat a letter wal received
front Carter's mother, hegineg the authorities
here to IN: lenient and rind an poosible to
her eon, am' stat hie that In one of the Insane
tits to which he Was ellltleet. he. Lad e'er:well
nom herhonto In Delawatu and came hither.
Sun was too poor to emu', here ,for her 0011 be
have.ltim -001 t 10 her. She requndol that he
mien be kept here until again In a condition
tot ruveValone. and then permitted to retorts
to Ills home. tlr, Saturday ho was comddered
:41111c:fenny recovered to bend away, and war
accordingly Tenant.' to go home as atonal.
Lulled Sullen Circuit Court.
On E , atarday morning in the L'ulted Slates
Circuit Court, lieu. Wilson McCandless ou the
henoh, an argninent wits had on the applicr
lion =Web:) . MesiireAtees & Thorn for a pi e
liminary injunction to res rain Untted States
Ai.sessor Weaver tied entlector Vol'. from- as
sessing and collecting a certain tax. The
complainants allege that the respondents
have i,..s,eiist4l a ;us on steamboat chimneys
tonnulactured by them for their roll va;ite,
when: s It 111. t tilts already been paid on the
Iron prevlrml to being math, into chimn e y s .
They claim that under the law tile tat should
only Ito levied at the Increased Yale," of the
manufactured tip I cle, an.i apply tar the pre
itininury fujimertion to ro.tratu the resp,iel
elite from as.essitig or collecting anal no.
1 LICAti(III to that y de , erllllll.l. Me-ern. Ihr
(011KIlci Bailey ilpi,earell for thee: mplaluuu[
and District Attorney Carnahan. 'and J. I.
the respondents. T•+-day the
argument will he re,nmeti.
°On Saturday, a mah named Chas. Gallagher,
einployed at the foundry of Messrs, Mclntosh,
Hemphill & Co., on the corner of Walnut and
Pike strecl.s, met with n serums accident. Ho
"5 employed, with same others, ld lowering
.with the crane a heavy castin g, weighing ramie
two thousand pounds, a lien'stone ot the tackle
became deranged. Gallagher undertook to
bold the crank of the crane atone while Gut
of hers re.fellf.ted the machinery. The weight
of the caqttug proved too much for his
strength, and the handle of the crank new out
of lila hantlo, sulking him in the centre of the
forehead and lt.) log the flesh open to toe bone
for an ince and a half. Gls arm also was se-
Verely bruised, but luckily neither his s ,ull.
nor his arm was fractured. Ile was removed
. his home, Ontieventh street, and is now do-
lug well. •
A 7clegraph Operator Fatally Injured.
A ... shocking and probably fatal accident
carted at Boyd Farm recently. It r. Sine, tile
operator in the telegraph Wilco there, was ite ,
chlentally run over by•the down train on the
Oil creek Railroad. and both legs taken off.
The nanie of the unfortuaate man is Nicholas
Slat . and. his family reside at Speed!, Ole,
Tompkins county New York. We are inform
ed that the train hail been uncoupled from the
engine and wan backing down the switch. It
was neatly dark. and Mr. Slate, who wax walk
ing on the trAck;neither heard nor nato the
ears till theywere,Upon 1--T". leg was
taken oil at the knee and the outer at the
ankle, Dr. Patterson attended him, but his
recovery isculisidertal hopeless.
Master ill Chard Coker, the great and now
wnrld•renowned boy vocalist., is chming to our
city, and will give onc grand vocal and Instru
mental at the Academy 'of Music on Thursday
night. Master Coker is but fourteen years of
age, and a wonderful soprano. or
treble voice, which Is cultivated by training
of the highest order, lie is accoinpanied by
Aloes. F. Brune, the world-ronourned violinist
(who Is loth; equal to Ole Bull IO"lils best
,1550), anti , Slim Falk, the great pianist, and
Signor build, the celebrated'basso hallo. .
seats may be secured, without extra charge,
to...orrow morning at nine o'clock,' at Ai:
Hither d Itro.'s Music snore, Wood btreet.
Ell Wrist, Notice,.
"We preker the Wheeler d Wilson for family
Oae."—LTrlLune. •
" T hey are the favorites for tam llles."—
"The'{; heeler & WlLsou has no
matte Amerrtnus.
"We bare uncut others and fled tilts the bevt."
—United Preakytena,
Deafnoun rorect!--,..i...tier Co.k Wor
thy of dole.—tion. Kim:l,. a prominent
lawyer of Franklin, nesf'nowlectgas to thu res
toration of his hearang nr the akill of Dr.
Atsorn s at the Ito:chants' natl.
EX . A.. 513
.The Ydwon is forwarded whlett will reach
aubsarlber sooner,.
S''a! ' Co pp 4.r:.arkum)..„
Clubs of Tlve
Clubs of Tea or n,b
Ni outlay trtornlur., at trrtoo'clock,
at Nen, of lx..r nta. lir Robtoron
tar, 1. A I:er Y• att.• lasA. 61[06131).71'A
j),;WN y, dacihte ro• Jot,. tent, y, aged thirty-
Oar Yrarr•
otttt; of the tact ra'. wltl bt Ore • horcalter.
x-x beau ti Jul "ti od'ef-scre, • the largest suburban
place or sepulchre. except one, to this county, sit
uate': on N ow Brighton roma, litancdtately north or
Alleglieur. For ipOrlal iota, 'permits or titles. all
at Central Drug Store of Cfnfls A CLA Al(.e
glithy I.fLty.
- or za - ronre.a . s...k_loc nna.,
led Fwlr',ol,trect, CUP/flit" of
utle. t) !Cver7goerzlptlo■
Faaerel rttnteuing Uuuue turtsneca. nu m*
y zntlnlght, , lteersos.dllurrme,..staflatant.o.
0•71.1 Erjr M
Jacoutul, 11. 0., Tbeerne ./root, LI
vlller. It o.
N 1)11 - ,3 R'I'A.KERS
No.-193 S inith Etch; St., cur. 7th,
(Eutr.ikcce 7ronv3.7cnkli BCreota
zwx.x.rx , 9STi - rt 43. 73. PAL*.
AN:l+l.3 sA 41 , 1.1315 Y trruzir.
R . T. WHITE 6/, CO.,
Manchester, Wood's Rim 'and vicinity.
Verner of tint3o.eld and Chartiers atriets.
H,arcx and Carrlazes 7lfi '
158Lft2a. !Ritz-a:et. •
virxrax. T. locrxx.aair
cgrco rx,c)
93} Smithfield 'Street
Fine Watelie, Clocks,•Jewelry
Pit Ifia:+l.l4*63i, PE. =4.13.
Zr rartieular attention alren to IleperioP
Wateues t Clock auditletralty. All goal ararratt
ed team?.
Sewing Machines
Aro 3 111.: ICEuT fur Fulrl , y and Yunufacturluz pur
nud ~r ißrlu • ~
.Iro. Is Fin rlreel
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9. S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 89'
, - .
S 9
• co lo ,S 9
t •
S 9 .IEI. CA 13 ' IS ,issi
' I
s 9 S 9 Market Slrett. ,!‘9,
Avl, 6 El` YOWL ,• I
i S9 . iS9!
. S„ . BOOTS, S HO ES; .M, II
' S9 '
1 , 0 Tilt: CIik:AP.E . ST AND BlltiT !,.,t
,----"- xv ri , Er. MI .0 X"l' l lr., '"'
sa . No AucrloN GOQ/J,KEeT. 159
S9: JAMES - ROM S 9 Markel.St.!
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 59 99 S'.► S 9
ilttN, for Sclllog I . loor, dlol - tho
Miler op to Nuremh,
Icre ' , swig, tavern, Sat ward, Plttchoryi.:
Y're4ertra ',nth,, tavern. lat. war. 1. PILLWinr4I.:
Elisabeth Hatted, Covent, lot ward. Pittsburg - a;
Chad. P. Singe r, in, nil, Is; maid. l'itt.borgh;
aer,torieL dreyg, rave tr. 2.1 oard. Pittsburgh;
Llybeeel Grndr,ll, hi ward, Vltt.,dreht
Patrlea Oa I rglnr. ea:log bona, 3,1 t. wd. Plttablg;
I' Lola tin. at, .vl-er Oa, I , F. adman!, Pitttburgh;
1,05 Twirl:nit, tar. ru. 4th ward. rt. tsburg
H• rwig. tavern, 6th ward. Plttatabgh;
Mat.hew Mau, tavern, nth ward. Pittalatargh:
Frank Met:. Ltr, en, all ward, Piltdlittrab;
Ch.serg. eating house.'slb word; hrs. erg.,
atlbert Uhl • an, stern, 61.1. ward, 1 Ittaburgh;
Josn •01,1Elpr, an,
ho et, nth. ward, rttLborgla
•••ettaatlant Cr. tea em tor. ward. Plttsourah:
Taos eternal. taern. tit. war I. PAtabnrgh:
raoela L. Johnston. t 1,311. 0:11 ward. Plttalturigh;
Jen. H. No. wine. t.t.log hone., Stir *aryl.
neas Zhawn.r, boo,. nth war , Pittsburgh
lot. n. nth ward. rltaborgo•
B. 13111diath. eating Lamle /UM w.rd, Plttabdrib;
N Linton. other g ,10 h w•nl, rittoburgh:
ta .Cloy, cattng Ilona.. Ma ward, l'ittatOg
it u. Blair, tavern, let ward. Allegheny:
Hugh Callagliar, layer, tat ward, Alleghenr,
lohn NieltoL, tavern, 3.1 .nll4 ,beftyl
J J Vu tr. tavern, 3d ward. Allegheny:
John Kola. eving bone B ra .1 E. ttirrainglaant
tieorgo Him .11. eating hunie. B yo E. itirening'm
•as L. H. 'Donald, entlne hdup, B. dlr... ngttam
Henry , aser tavorti tiorouah Lawr.
.1 C.... , rettli et en Joe cc. eattar h .
use.. awre'vitio
Clash. Ranch. t •vern, ttero. eouth Itinburga;
Lon it
.In, tavern. Berough of We t Pitt shrean,
John Che e, carer: llorot,gb 0. W• St Cu Orwell;
ithatn ..alit, eaknir hoon.. Bon, nh..rpaburgh;
P tavern, k t ,0.0 1 p;
Inh Ilttboe tatlng I.lhtily iostb.blp:
Wl'llarn It. Fauettnan tavern, Slit”ln township; ,
reter • etloote, ts. ern. niatin towitehlrel
Daniel 4 COlle, eating b.., 11CCIUre township
Freete.rn. eat , ue h •itse, Mel_ltnr o to,./11p;
Looms Sta.:l• v. tav, n. Peebles t. awed:Apt
nwtrpm,. la, re. t wwnshlp;
C-arle,. King tavern, nose town hip;
Jo yob I odes. cc. Liver . Reserve township.
The Court a .I t Ju WEISNEnDAY, the Zath day
o r No. ember, !win. at le o'clock A. a., for hearing
the al.ove appltratlotio.
11010 'WM. A. IlEttilON. Clerk.
ED tilt: EaGLt cGT.TGN: wortEri, f wan -r
-ly o•nta by Mew, GING, I.E Nowt CO ot •
its pest lullr horm the Public that wt CotaltOot
the tuauutocto re or -
gl iee ti ng m, Cotton Tarns, Carpet
Chains, Candle Wick ,
and Hinting. •
may be kit at the °Met, OS the Works,
Corner or Duque - 3110 War Sri Barker's Alley. •
• .I . 9.itiisla - uorg la, X. 43..
DON'T L'E DEciavEu fly
Plonriabing half enrotnn zd , rftluiduen.a of Inf.-
blachlorer, tuff pet a 1/110V1,1: S BAKER
It has huun fully test-.'fur sateen
year,. and 1s by all unlape•
tent lodge, yr
No, 18 Fifth etrocbt.
Practical Furniture Dlanuracturirs,
[...trot AtTlrg of VURNITUIL£ c.onstaiiilvoo ban
prrrsinawn BA vll.
No. 67 Fourth Btroot.
Deponna ut . de .v 1 or too-forx N.A . /LAI/3Ln 10
will draw. CEN IN Tr itE.IT (free
tax.) Yito.ll solt: Is,. ' . -
22•111.0g7:11ifi?t;:f.i;17:";{?. ri;4151ViT!,111:1
not: nlll
lioniieir — tionsEsn
• e
,r, ~,, I. a, DA WORK' :roar..!. Jo t re. - stce
and writ 50..1 cheap: one good OMI Y I\O IjOn
00. go, Vl'unli 11 guar:sateen: to b,
and good work. n. Cell at
110WARIS'n LIVElte
den Ylniatrttt f agar kkcougatieLl. Hoaaea