r fil?:Y ia~i . ii~DS , TRL~IMINC~s,&c DOMESTIC GOODS RAVES & BELL Offer a Complete assortment of NEW GOODS. Blankets, • ' - Flannels, Cloakings, Boy's Wear; , Shawls, Plaids, Silks. Dress Good, Linen GoOds, Merino.% SILK, CLOTH ANO VELVET MANTLES. FANCY 131:1T r T 14 ::)1V.I. Another Invoice of Dress and Saeque Bnitons, In New and Elegant Designs, And In a graft variety or eolora. • Hall a n t Half Bali •• VELVET BUTTONS. Crochet Buttens of all-Colors, MCI SACQUE AM DRESS MiIIENTS AT REASONABLE , PRICES, V. 11. iOAk,rroINT'S, 17 Fifth street. MACBUM, GLIDE & 78 and 80_ Market Street. RECEIVED THIS DAY =I Point, Point Applique, and Va. lencia Lace Goods Laces and Edgings, flisertings, ' . Handkerelnefii, Collars and Seta, Coilleurs, BSc., &e. =I 111 X‘T I=l. Go X TrEl XXX M si - E. 31. WIL.LIb, for ttobast rip Scars with , Eaton Yasions s to., haviagnsade an arrange ment with the shore, will be happy to see his old friends. no 3 RE 1N11449 FALL . MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 FillkStreet, USN e lust opened . all extensive and splendid stock of LI HESS AND CLOAK TRIMMCSIGS, RICH BONNEY &TRIMMING RIBBON , EMBROIDERIES of every description. RICH AND ELEGANT LACE GoODE, . PEAL LAOF.S of ail kinds. P EAL LACE TILMMED GOODS. I o: rAIION LAC t. /s—s splendid line, N AINSooE. A('• .N ET MUBLIN; LINEA ',All N A CAMBRIC. IRISH LINEN; GLAD. , ICS- a,.1 t. and attractive steles; illin/ERY--s complete assortuieei. LADIES' ACHILL/ZENO. MERINO VESTS and DRAWERS, FANCYAP.TICLEB--Fplendid styles tbae season: BERLIN AND AMERICAN ZEPHYRS. riI,ETLAICD WI MJL. THE GENUINE CAntIMERE TARNS—iII colors IS dADLEY's ETA of every sire, .FANCY ART ~Ed AND NOTIONS. , L, Meratants and Dealers will find It to their advan tage to call and examine our present extensive sleek before pnrchasing elsewbera. All our goods P.3lng purchased rilreet on the belt terms. we are repared m.d will mate a 10.0 .priiiea as Any Bast e:lid:dining 11Onse. MACRITM CARLISLE • N DW GOODS .TEST RECEIVED • S'S JOS.IIORNE & CO. D 0 Jr." r.TS 4.vp. HOTS, =I et pee sod Trainee, Paris Fahey and Colored Hilt Ve: eta in most drainage shades: Plain Fancy Don• net and Trimming Ribbons, rc•er and rich colors; Flowers. choicest French and American; YeatlArs, fa: Cy hat and thi: Mt C, 3CI Ig XI IMES, Cambria, Hamburg, Ochs, LoOne, Cluny, Valen nun et uEed i gi g ng sE amndbranidaeer rteidn gasnzFlPcluannct Li n en ßands lars, Cuffs. Bets, Laces and Lace Goods. esa and Cloak Trimmings and Ornaments; Bad. Prince, Limps and Braids; • PresaTrimml cgs, Bugle;Praines. • • WHITE GIXIDS:', kWUmolte. complete stock of Jaconets, Cambric., s, d, de. • Handkerchiefs, Platn.l.sco. Ilem sted,llimixoldered, Tape Bordered. etc.. etc. Hosiery nue tilonr In every variety and all sires. .I.a4les , and Gent's Uplerwear. • ildrni.thil/tg Goods: finipender. and Neck-Ties; Heavy Shirts 'and Drawer.: Duplex, Bon-Ton and IEI. Hoop Skirt.; Corsets, Haar Pods Nets, Union and allk Belting. Buttons—theiates . t novelties, all buds. • Yam—Eireate•L vs lety, Ca.tuneretLarnbs Wool and Ng IC the salom , mixtures, plalu color. and renown. • • gent's raper Collars, and COCCI Hang la the No tto- '-tne. • Pikes as ow as Eastern Jobbing Houses. • Noe. IN and 79 Market Street. • • • NEW FALL. GOODS, 4 -1 • .1 1 41 i S O N,'.,S, .169. 2: FIFTH STREET. EtistuitoEsteas, Innen and elegant patterns: FANCY and PLAIN HOSIKUY, In bast qualltleal • R51E11011) EKED RAIIIMERCIttacget BENI-STITCHED do IMITATION and BEAL LACE do VALNCENEBLACE„ REAL THREAD LACE IIdLCATION do do INIITATION do do liiiing,EAVICAN .d4ri.e.Fyijnyl do .• }ITS LAIHEB,BELD oimnsak,sl".. WHITE nIIIIITS,-.NECK-TIES, PAYERS. LIN EN L'OLLARSEDB, ZECH K WORBT EATS, E U C R ArE t E , L R 2 1 38 NBHO lNe r 3 t , . TL N O it W WEORdO,L;- .NOTIO.NS, • S-sovc r.2ok7B is ot ;aguish W'ricuosso. 5... . 1 &1111, & Cal • • (I sax VirmsoN. cAutilt C 0.4 W DOLILSA LE DEALER LS FOREIGN AND. DOMESTIC DRY ROOBS. EMI %V cmo.d. 113 t., - mud Ammo &bore Llsmon ttygeay.„., 1603T'Ai4itZte1P(04(•3344 VILLE I IN Notice Is hereby Or that the Annual alerting of tna titoutholdera of the Pittsburgh and Couneits. Mlle Ealli , ad Co. tor the purpose o rm e ,,,„ g Board of Directors for the ruablog year, Itl be bold at' their °VT, corner of Cir. , MO Water streets, Pitts% urith. en the PiliST SSW.: DAy, day . of December oral. o!olock a. IC JDIO PAGE, Jo., 110/4:05 - 'llecreiary and,Treasurer THE ANNUAL MEETIZII . OF THE Btockboldcrs of We PAXTON PisTRELEUE COMPANY • Will be'lluld Si. the office of ROBINSON, M . CLEAN et CO.. No. 13•Pourti street, on TUEIWA T. Nov. ...lb at Scoolock P. M. felt - sttenisnce of ti sock o'dtra Is desired, as' business of Importance Will 1/11 Smelt before the malting. • 401013175 •• • , • • = tW Ofinlia Or 00•21). • - - - TUEANNEAL MEETING' of the ..1140s.eltooSete of Lb* „IiCZYSTONE.. NAVIN OS BANE; for the purpose of electlng DLreetors for 'Dm emotes Tear. will be bele at Melt . onto No. s9e : Market street, .00 MONDAY. Nov.leth , =S., ,betwein the hourtoft wee DeflinPrrio_ J.W. I Vatt>4443folocrecuy • = Fall wortmexit of oz-y - , 413rcicocpso. I= And s roll lino of I our Goods are sold at NOTICM. CITY . AND SURD RBA_N. (LDLITIONAL LOOAL *SEWS ON FiRSTPAGE3 Another FatalAcelclont7A.. Welt linown Cilium Killed. Coroner Clawson was symmomat, yesterday:; afternoon, to hid an inquest on the cements of SIT: Then:m.s ; J Pearaso., an old and enteeln- ed resident - 'of AlleglienA- who _was killed at about five o'clock on Thurs'citiy ever . ,Lteg, on the Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne Railroad, • nee; Jack's Run. Tile deceaspl bus been mg near Jack's Run for some years pain, and had gone up to Wood's Run on some Ile started home arong tine-railway track, and when in the vicinity of tue ,, l'ai•k Ilea,' he , observed the Cleveland and Pittsburgh train, eastward hougd, approaching on the track npon which he was walking. Ife immediately stepped from the south to the north track ter ; allow the freight train to pass- At that too-i' meat the Wheeling ellresi, going west, ea moil along, and before he could Go warned of his; danger he was knocked doWn and thrown ; some distance by the cowcatcher. The train was stopped as soon an possible, hit Oil going back the employees found him quite dead. He bad been struck on the side of the head, anti his skull Was crushed in. The deceased was about sixtylivoyearS of age, and for many pear- resident Of...theirlieny. Ile leaves two children, both of; whom are married. The ; Coroner's j ury returned a verdict, of accidents ; al death. liardlek's rump In another column will be-found au wirer tisemuut of the celebrated ilarillek's patent I doublesacting siesta pump and tiro engine for Pumping water and oil. This pump combineri ~all the advantages of other styles of pontos nen hi the market, with none of their defects, The patent stetter valve applied to this punt. enables it to sottit nt nos pond of stroke h, simply opening the valve In the steam pipo, and the pump tenure to start at once v, lthoot the nice of a starting bar, or the alimsyance of pulling a fly wheel around to get it off the C. sire, For mining purposes this pump is PccolisrllY adapted, as the valves ran be re moved by unscrewing one nut, one the valve chest cleaned Ina few duintites.' As the pinup Is simple in Its whole t Oast Mellen, It tae, not require the neighborhood ore nnichiste shop to keep It in working order. The Valve chest' and valves are made of Stet. or'imusposltoin, and can be easily tepaired or replaced when writ n nut. Any cementer can ma tte, In a few minutes, Of some Leavy wood, a set- of valve,: for this pump, 'IC- the original ones should give out. As a holler feeder, It, has no supe rior, as It can behulide torun tit am suroa, either slow or fast, to sub the work It has- to pet - bum. The [superior merits of this pump eau be perceived at a glance lip persons interested calling, at -.the : well-known ,entail-• Hstrmen: of ales,irS. 31. 31'isieen S Co., No. :14 Water Street, where they are lee sale at Jurist reasonable of rates. Esplorion b( n Ponder Mill The Caroondale tire says; The powder mills belonging to the Dlocele Powder Co.. ,It gandville, about:five miles down the valley front our foli.n. between ltuslultile and Arch bold, exploded on Montisfy evening,. about 7 o'clock. The shook was felt here, and is said. to nave been perceptible and tits:light to have been seen at a much greater distance. below. The drying and pressing mills both blew up, a few seconbs intervening, and most Of the buildings In the vicinity were grently.shatt e r ed. - Timbers And fragments of the buildings were thrown elf in every direction, and some of them to great distances. The shock at itushdale, about three-Ion:ills of a mile silo -Inure, the seat of the coal works of Jertnyu st Co., was very severe. Windows were blown crockery thrown front the shelves to the liOor and damage done amounting lit the aggregate to several hundred dolturs. The aggregate damage to the Powder Cant pony, cl,ll probably iall----,ntnewliat below s.o,oaa. The mills have been in operation about three year., without any previous accident, and with great success, under tLo superlitten. dency 01 1.. W . / PILAW', Lo Is making ar rangementi to rebuild immediately. =I • :The Ores to which petroleum are applied are numerous, and each day adds to the number . The latest, and we might say the greatest, do mostlefourpoUo to which it Is applied has just been 'Ando known to us. it has been manu factured into toilet soap of such an exquisite ticierlption that we marvel how the offensive [laid could be transformed Into the sweet scented rake coup. Rev. lie. lidno fa the in ventor of the prctc.:,s, and ti:o solo in:mtg.:- Curer of the soap, while J. T. Sample, Alienlic ny, is/the hole itgent for Its sate. lye have used a epecimen of the new soup and llnd it to be mere than—lt Is represented, us a toilet article, for washing the hands and lace. It wan, wren it I. properly knows] and apprecia ted, •dr.ve all caller soups out of the t o As an erusive soap it Is unequalled, removing grease spot?. paints, stains, null soil of every leseript:on from the iffiest or coareest of clot and fabrics. As a shay Mg :cap It is equally ca pe:ler, ant many of the bent harbor), of the country have adopted it to the exelesiony imported article=. The f , toap Is sold at eheiii plices,nun we tills ke all of our rend era to but single cake for trial, and If they have not as high opinion of the eharaet6r and quality of the petroleum soap as have we, we are ti, taken In their judgment. ltemember it Is for sale, wholesale or ietall,..at Sample's elegant drug store in Allegheny, • E M =I Tere died recently, in the borough of mon: r t.:um bria county, an old man named Rai nerd 11.11116. an, u ho in his lifetime wilco miser of the first class. 110 tells, we believe, II COM mon laborer by occupation, unmarried, and lived alone In the rue/Inert manner in the most cheerless domicil. Previous to Inn death lie bun his will drawn up, bequeathing the bulk of his possessions to a sitirea in dint when the document wise presented to hint tor his signature he rel used to affix. Ills name. Ile multsequently hall one or his neighbors milled In, to whom lie committed the care of an old trunk, which, after Ins death, was open ed, and is said to have contained some 47u0 in gold and sliver, together with a 4111.ibiel able earn In greenbacks. So miserable hit this old 111}1.11 live that when Tits neighbors came topre pare his body for' sent:deur°, not a shred of clean linen could be found la the house wit I; whirls to dress It. erything In anti about his miserable abode bore the impress of squalid poverty and the degetbielio.l. • Arrest of nloVatch Thief. On Thursday afternoon et boy named Frank Summers, accompanied by a boy named Mil ler, called at the Louie of Mr. John J. Row leY. In the Ninth' ymrtl, and asked for sot - limning to eat. The servant left the room to 'get runic food, and left Summers standing inside:lho doo Alter getting sometulu., to eat, the tie departed, and shortly afterwards a valsable gold watch, worth •151, which had been lyttig on the mantle, was and the two beg gars were at once snspected of the t a eR. ' Yes 'terrlay morning Mr. - Rowley Want iu search , if the thieves and found them asleep among the coke Wrens beyond flu house. Ile took 111q0 both Into custody, and brought Omni to the Melees Mlle, A bearing wan bad, and Sum mete, In default of bail, was committed for trla,. the - watch having been found lit his po3- 000.1i011. thither wan discharged. Summer, In train llrhtton Station. Miller resides ht the Third ward. r Mr. fatnes Robb announces that he has just returned Pram the Eastern cities, whore he has !,ought an unusually largo clock of all kinds of: biscits and shoes, for the fall aim win ter s , gar. Mr. itobb has had an expeneneo of nearly a life-time Inglis business,: and kelps Just such a stock of desirable and substantial goods as will render satisfaction to his custo mers. Ile uses much Judgment in selecting his goods, and aL fair prices Inn sells boot., shoes and gutters made to Order and nut to be disposed of at cheap rates. ' tle la among our oldest and most reliable merchants, and an honest, fair-dealing gentleman. For well- Mude, fashionable pedal coverings, go to Ills store at So. SU Market street. Found Dead.—A Lima 14.tbe name of Jus. McDowell, Jr., known. on the canal by the name of Jim," was found dead in the lock a few males aouth of Connesadville.last. Sunday meriting. lie bud linen employed at the lock Snturdny evening. Qul.lt late he tied his horse near the lock through which he au slsted a bout. Shortly after the boat ground. , ed and they sent back for Itlm to help them, hut conla not find hlm. In the morning bin horse was still there, and he west foiled stand ing up In the lock In the corner, In abont ono -f oot of water, dead. This was aor near the locality known as "McDowell's" neigh her/10°d. At Losit,-..-Ou the, T wenty-second of Februa ry last, Id rs. Sarah Nelson, 01 tile Eighth wird, made Information heron:Alderman Morrow, charging J uo. Weiss with assault and buttery.' alleging that the accused had attacked her with is pitchfork. A warrant was issued, Ind theaccused was tiot arrested until yesterday. Yesterday atterncon -he 'entered the Alder man's ()glee to transact some business, when the magistrate recognized him and transacted an unexpected little bit of business with him,' by arresting Lim and holding him to ball to answer at Court. Theatricals Off the Siate.-7 - pfo lictocs at the Pittsburgh Theatre, named S. W. Ash ley and George S. Gray, hail comedifficulty day or two since, which resulted in a. charge of surety of the peace, preferred before Alder. man Strain by Ashley against Gray, It is alleged that the defendant used threatening language against deponent, The .depon e to tfeared ho might ern . threa into cxectitiOn.' The case was held his for hear t Knocked VOW3l.—Harry Wright and Hen ry IdcElruese, two residents of Pennsylvania avenue, indulged In a little game of knocking down, yesterday, and In Lhe courso of the game 'Wright got the worst( of it, tieing knocked out of time and effectually beaten. To get even he made an Information before Aloennan Stiehl, charging hlchlreese with assault and buttery. , Tile case was held for a further hearing, Assault end Belittery.—lfenui Finn, et the Tenth ward, had difficulty yesterday with Charles Leonard, and the latter knocked „him and herwlso utaltrcuteif Win. I ng thus provoke 1, Finn made an 'information tor ore Alderman tey against Ills antagonist be fore Strain. The accused was held for a fUrther bearing . 2 _... • • Marlow. Aceldeni.-4.)a Thursday, in Mil fantown, a son of Mr. Ilearylloist, aged about ten years, in attempting to step over the, goat , mg of a threshing machine, WllllO in rapid motion, was caught and moat terribly injured, The thigh and leg wan torn and lacerated in a shocking manner. Wald. and Itraproldery !lamps . - for sale and etamping &met Also, *model sor cutting ladles' chtl. dren.s dresses. Any person can learn flora AAents wanted .at the Weed Swing MAT Ottitt exciN.g . Q./.ll9LAnt, itraot, EARLY TELEGRAMS FROM IVARINGTON. 'en. Ler.an in Favor of Impeaching, the Preantent—lnipartleit Newt, Shit - rage— Extraordinary Cuttinel ' Connell—Re- togimmetion UhdPr Con,lderalloo,- Mr. rtallin. Not to Ire. Iteniuveti: Now yoar,, Nov. Pl.—Tile morning papers . , have the following froth Washington!. General Logan Is In the city, and announces his deter ion to do :111 in his power to induce the impeachMent of the President. Chief .insides Chase .culled at the White last vs ening, and woo eloieted with the President for an hour. Messrs. smward; Iran Ball and 'McCulloch were pre,m afterwards, and It long et.lm,Oltati.lll was hel d, , MOO was believed to be upon the moot Importitnt, sub- Jeet,based open the effort now .mak lug- by 'esti- Plg men of all parties to Mune° the President in consideration eta general :Amnesty, to in ; duee . the people of Fite `4 , 11111 Io lICCOM 11111/3, ; tint SUM-lige, With 111.1:01t1Cati0118 of either In telligunee or property. Prominent Southern ; Linen are etp-operatlug.. Genorttl Grlmt vms guile Onwell yeiterday but wus out to-clay: WAsIIINGTON, No: ember 10.—The presence of all the Cabinet members :nettle White Bongo last night, together with Chief JUstiCe Chase, ha. 4 given floe to a variety. Of rumors Career"- . hig the pnrpottfFri that. extraordinary Coars• ell. The host accredit isd eolliMellf received upon the street ibis Morning, is that the pro pi poNition molcr was the i t 11100tufl an of reconSt isn't Inn, upon universl.l suffrage tor unlit:l,ll insulos,ty. The project, L, entertained lass night, lire. essentially that Introduced at she se! or COligretor lig Seri:tier Samar , a:NetA.la, h Welt was, known to have boon it i i i by Harry S. Fear, of Missi , ssPl'i• is g loom that the formal ran ,tttleratlon Of, ,rilifecl. by the CObllatt, Was locked for at this Lane be the pressure of Cer tain pronllineat tharthernerti this city, and wino pro be Irrilhorlard 10 treat I,r tiro stair h opal the basis named alive. Mr, Spooner Is 1,111 here, Ulla leaflet:ring away at Mr. Calla:, but there b. irot.t he :alga-, Oroace of iris apporntnital, or tat rernik vtil of 1:ollins from the internal Revenue Ours nu. Spooner :hot his friend, blame see rotary McCulloch for their failure, and nee plarroscrl 10 combat, the Derneelatle 'Meta tarn, of Congress, r. lth Such outside arli.shrocr as they eau obtain, snub operate for alcCul loch's tenor/val. rhelr • vinous, for streerßl iii tam m,w InoVernent Carnotite rearrertrl us • very Trouble. 6lnony Isvalraltoro brokers— Death of a Pollee bibpecior. Nrw YORK, November ItL—Evidencu accu mulated agutn...t semoof leading insurAn, hrOkUrn and agents in this city, :tad IS now In Innitesttion or Superiuteudent. Barnes, Winen 11.111qterin, them Dory t.erlously In lilegst tram:actlons. D.olo Carpenter; Insp.:tor or the Metro politan rolleo, died siniden:y in this city last ening, front xvliat is supposed to have bruit discaso of the heart. CT= November 16.—The break in the danal at Palmyra will be in ediq't ely repaired. It will probably be done by Friday night. =I _ • ST: Loose, November 16.—The Republiedo announces 1501'3 onn Hogan will cubtest Piles' seat la tile nes'. Congres s . DIVIDEND NOTICES. • Sirlosat, Ati.r.ciltaNY, Noveerta, Chh,1,43. THE 11.1 1110 OF • DIRECTORS TI!I1 BANK bar, d:.3,l,:lared aalvt dead of • :.. • " Out of the 1,0:it.. ur the irist eo mm, thr, payANJ tort 30vLtnmcuc tr P.:%t I:011:44 .3. I% HUSH k It, . ' , t Orrice IS,VBANZ3. COMPA:NY, l'lrron - . Nov. Oa, THE 110.11:1) OF DIRF4 - 1 . 01t1.3 of tbl/1 Comp Loy have this day deei ar ed a dtvidt.nd of ONE DOLLAR . AND TIFF) 4 I'ENTo upon taeh thnro 01 the Carl. tat Stock, out of the: carued'proatt of explred rlite ==l Otate tales, payable to OLueLbolders on and after I= =1 MEM EXCIIANOR NATIoN.A.I. HANK CF I'll - 1,111:10.11. •I'irre.l Sei 6.1X,L I THL DIREC tons tlk — rms BANK hare Art:la:L.la O: - 1.1.a.1 or 17.1. X VER CENT. from the earnin, 1' the 1a.t..1> aev,t.h9, tyable to bhareho •has it rahLOT 1:107:1141• ' Qu.t n • 5 - THE DfliF.CTOlts Tlll, lIA NI. has.. ti.lt .I.tt z t:Hr t. 1,1•1 '1'111:EE 1•E'1. EEVE. out ttleprodln Is I three r.:t.r.11, psyntore fre.., , f tat. .1. • COAL, COKE, &c. PITTSBURCH.NATIONAL COAL: AND COKE COIIPINV; M 'S INEDi. SHIPPER AND DEAL ... i itt, Wholes.le mud Ilttati. rattle r REST FAMILY COAL, Nut cua.ct 9L oILL OPIICE A›. I) VARG, COB NI:It Fur 11Th AND TRY STRI:Y.TS, Dlafuith, P. • All order. for del t iv t ery tr In the f City, dr ablnment Wrst,itvlll met t. pri met and Raoel tflate attention. • It. A. se. la Altlt , huperlatentlf nt. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!!:. • . IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. • _HUMMEL & RABER Cite the attention of th• public to 1.:e•lr floc etoali 01 COAL last recelverl, Including the following va• Getlcs Lamp, Nom.l, 2, 2 nuderieptnnt, 14111 no VnilCy, 50n.1.2, 3, awl 1110Kit:wt. AU '.l wide!, they are prepared to nellver at the I.OW r GATE,. by the shied.. ton, oar load, boll loan or thousand tons. Ali order..pbedptly ati ended to. 012,. (Oat Chettuut street, near the Depot. oe£l,ll'B I HARRISBURG. PA. COAL L COAL :1 ORISON, STEIVIRT & CO.. havens e .-: iv e•li ttaAr INICC WC >. :at3'7 (Lately City Itlmir NIB) aECON P FLOW:, &reorrportol to limn RA good Yousloothenl i.1.121r, .5: COA-1. Ott ft LAVII, A: I he lowevt Mat Set prle, AT Al. orders I. c at Llmlr Ohre, or addressed to them through the mall, clll be attended I.t. promptly, _1311 . 2..5 . C rii ARLES 11. AILNISTRONG . , • DuaLtr. Y.oughlogheny and Connellsviila Coal • Augl Slanutscturets Cool, Slack, and Desulithurlzed Coke, "Fritic As h YARD. • Corner of Butler an . ItIorton: last yerd ou T.lberty and Clymer atn•els, Ninth wan t , net on Scroll 1.1104.3 ear Lock No. I, Clut.loir,h, Ca. Families and Manufarturers NUB the lost article 61 OW or Coke at the lowest cash ale& NA. , lelt at am 0110 a Varda flit receive vont PROFESSIONAL. B. F..BROtbrN' LATE Local Claim .A.gent. U. S. SAN. COM., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, (SECOND Fl.(101:0 Pittsburgh, Pa. pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected No charge made until claims are settled, and then hutx toodeoste foe n 02.1.1131 wm. A. SHINN. 4TTOILTEr(ifT No. PAO Fourth St., opposite Wilkins Hall. Particular attention Oren to tic collection of ac Counts, note!, Or. Corre , .. dents In New 1 ork, Potion, Ilaltirodro. ,a; Deaver liefolcote, Iteadinu,_ Pa.; IDdianapol: •, tun.: klorgautown, W. Va., N. 1., and einewliere. sel9dell uacituala J C 0111 , 3. MACKRELL & Ne6OM33S, VITORNEY£? & GOUUSELLORS:AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, • • Purrsnu.ntai, PA. • .".17:!1•Y 1 ' - JOHN A. STRAIN. Atb-T-i(J=MIMILINX.EL-IV , Ex-011icio, Justice of the Peace AND POLICE 11..1111SV1IATE, Office, 112 Malt St. opposite Cathedral, NTT:ill I; IKUH. rA. Detibl, Bonds, Mortgsgio, Acanowlediments, De. t a,,ituota •and all Lesal executati with prOrnntness end dispatch. • no Inuit JANCEY, NGTAILV T JUSTICE: UV K PEAC AND LEAL ESTATE &GEST. tidier, corner of Cutler and Drevor e fleet!, LAVltelleerine. 1 - ofelliffttentfon given to the plied/see ma nal° f ltexl Lletltte, the Coliectloo of Rents:and MI pre ga . parctlon and act.nowledgfuent of all kinds of Lc l Conveyances. , • WILLI del JANCENL .fuel Ice. of tLe Peace and Notary Puldlc. cny2Ltici • • • EUSTAC:t SMORROW, . I . ALDERMAN_ AND CONVEYANCER, 72 rerlll3yliallia Avenue, enion and appoile Chnthan Street Foot of the CIIATIrf. Attorney at Law, No. 601GraopVtrea, Pittsborgh,:ra. ..Kliff.°ZlTlTirotif,glitr"`"•l°,l*:Z SPECIAL NOTICES rat - TEIE QUEEN! THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! MKS. WINAIOIIVn QUEEN UA lit lI.EnTORE , : Is QUEEN, not nnly . In nnnts, but to vt wrung. leghe Beet.llnfr R ver offered to the Public. AIl Infallible nitirougn and Ynxasisein Of the hair If faithfully applied. It is no flair Dye. It iota direct) y upon the roots of the hair chant ing grey hair Colts original life color: arresting pros imature decay and falling out of the hair; eradicat ng scurf and dandruff; and curing all humors of the scalp. It ail' manic dry and IrLry hair to soft and lima : riont tresses. • • It Imparts s tislightfra fragrance to the hair. In short, If you wish torestore your hair, as in youth, and retain It through life use ves.mssLows QUM BAIR RESMRER. Price 31 per hotly. Sold by all Druggists. R. F. SELLERS & CO., .Wholesale Agents.. MUM •;i- CLAD NEWS FOR THE tEN-1 rokau SATE. 51 ELL'S- SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are ivarrAn t., ied in all east.., for the socedy null per maootiL ebrO of all diseases arleing from lscsuid S or YOUTHFUL isittscuErws, Lots. Nriglny Ends:dons and Sensual Dreams, — e; V tl. ital. Physical and Nervons Debility, Impotence. 50001. nexual Diseases, S. or. NO CHANGE. R OFIOT Is NlCh.tiriAlir. They rant. used V. ill,ollt detection. and never fall to cited a cure, if used according to lustructions. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, Price one dollar per boa, or six boxes fur See dol lars; also, lam, b ixes.contsluing tour Price thri eylollara: Flom four to siv boxes are pub:rally required to mire ordinary - Mof SrMilial Weakness and Emis sion., thothough benefit la derived from using • angle twit. • lii I;ittenic Otani, and particularly when Imp° tt•llee or (i••nital 'inanity with tOt rvonc Pruatca tion has a:recital the system. BELL'S PILLS Are re...emended as the most efllifacions reJoarinat lug an.LI selgaral Mg remedy In the world. A paeliage. price fire dollars, will last a month and la generally sufficient. In I ,trrme exci. of DO , lllll , nod Impotence. Heirs External Remedy, -Price two tlontnt, Euttl7lent !or a month. can he ._..•. - • • . . usee to good advantage. • It dives strength to the organs, ttn.l With the .1 . 11:5 Will restore them to•thetr normal ectitlltion. --- . CAUTlO:tili—The ahoy, Bernetlica have nosi been %wrote Lie public ninny yt en, and their great 61:e• In the alleviation of human misery, assess:lied this cupidity of several parties, wins urn the hanky Specific Pills," coin up laude, circulars and ads vertisruninis, sothettaies word for word, and put up worthles• compounds that disi.ppoint the /last ie., pectations of thepurchaset. yott cannot purchase treA'shheeltlc Itcmudlci of yOur D ruggist, take no other, hilt send the mode/ DR. JAMES BRYAN.' Cosulting Physician, Iv 1419 ,roadway. N ew York, Aud yoll c turn, by return of mall bust paid, and free from observation. JOSEPH FLEMING. Druggi st, Corner Market and Diamond, Agent. auintinfws twT Pittsburgh, l'a. --,- ie. 7 -- TO LADIES.-1I you require a reliable remedy to emeore . you. and remove Irregularities or ebstritctions, M ill' NOT , USE THE Ile eT. Every lady knows the slightt* Irreg- Gularity anatim Is likely to bring on iteml,che. Giddiness, Low Spirits, FAillting, HysterleS, Se.; then the bloom of health fades. this apkonltc falls. and other eymptoine more distressog commence. Wesknees, splual Complaint, the - Whltel,. Pro isions, See., de. A NEVER-FAILING it ENIF.I/Y wiII be bound In D ienes ARVEY'S FEMALE' PILLS. The saper of :01 years ho, prove.l they have nu equul for removing oh-tructions and Irregularities, no 'natter from meat collar they arise. They are safe and cure in every case. Up ward, of Sekom he Out are /odd annually. Allsi . cum plaint oi their valency Is ever heard. for they acct..- pitch what thek•are represented to do. Sold in hexes containing sf.rty Villa. Price one dollar. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS le a remedy four degrees strong, than the above and intended for kpeclat Canes of long start din, lid, live Sot to., per box. . di you cannot purchase the Pills at your Om:et:lst, the y will he sent be mail, post paid, secure from oh s. no receipt of the money, by DP:- JASILS i Ne w Cut:mull ng Physician, Nu. bl 9 Broadway. New York. . .IvSEPH PLE TING. Oruggist, corner Market and Diamond, A t for Pittsburgh.. autsullaikvegm I jar WM. BAIINLIILL .N. CO.,' BOILER MAKERS • AN I) SHEET IRON- WORKERS, NO9. 20,22 ; 2 t and '2O Penn St. 11.1:41', 01 ISA II IL t.', I'ATE It.; airing :tone ua the shortest Jettcil O - LAILE-SUPERIOR ( COPPER MILL AND SMELTINO:WORKS. IWII$R1I! • PARS:, McOURDY I& CO., • 'Manufacturers of Sheathing; Bras/ere' and Bolt Copper. Pres. ed t'.lyyor Ihttiows, !Weed Still Bot tom, Stu:Der solder. Also, Irupurters and dealers In Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, 00. Con stantly on hand. Tinnetat Machines tail :Toots. Warehouse, No. 140 Floor 411,1 17.0 Pittsburgh. Special ostlers of Copper cal to any desired lattclo. ntyvtuDittlAwT D - .4 — PITTSRUIVGII SAW WORKS, II CUBA ILO, OR O. & CO., Manufactn rt ra PATENT tift•lliND CUD:CLAW,. warrant. ed 'CAST STEEL, SA WS, of every description. 5111.1, Mosey. Crow:-Cnt. Mani;, and allother xarletles. All /Linos of It N ICES and Sitt.INGS mad , (tom Sheet Cast Steel; Extra railed ItEABE/X and MDW. IND KNIVES, A, la - Wareltuusi and Works, corner 'WATER and SitotlT Darticular al.te12:1011 bald to re.toothing, gum in d xtraightenina Omuta Si'. also, r. pairs of nil kinds.n Bunchina and Drilling done at ' rea• bs, • ichttlD Rr ROBINSON - , REA Sr. CO., (Soc.. cessora to 1,0111:1.50S, MINIS WASHINGTON WORKS, Founder* 21: Pittrtburigh, Ilanufacturrri of Boat and Stationery kiteam En- Slnes. Hia9l Engines Mitt llschlnery, Gearing narling, Castingsof all descriptlons; Olt Teaks and Saila, Roller and covet Iron Work. IfirAgentel for t:IFFAUIPISPATE ST INJECTOR 'fur fredlng holler,. 'REPTEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR SPECIAL tetorY.S. No. 14 BONN) STHER7'. NEW %QUE.—Foil - Information, urlth the htg/traf ftrlunontals; also, a Book on Spe,infLvrearet, In a seal-vie...lnv, rent free. .7Sr/fe sure and tend f.r them, 001400 !clef oat regret 11. for, so adrertlalrg etc Line arc geutr7lo lloinorn , re. without IV,- C,..4 etranger th.,11,1 no tru,ted F:neluar a 41:t.Zr f r PO-liiire. and .Ilreet lo llli LAW 11l NCR., IratliEET. N Elf 1771111.. AND CELIBACY, 1.11 Kasxy of Wr.rnlng and Instruction fir , young Mee. who, IP.. As.. and Abu SCE Which pros trate tue flint mowers, ,Ith Ira of sure relief ,sot , .freent char In ses.t.l le I!, nrel.pes. .Iruzs, 111. s. 111,w/.! sdehstion. I . lllErdelphin. v.l2ldlllatwT NAUSEOUS MEDICI:Ws withnut ta.o, or smell, by I:0. •3 'ore CArschhe. l'he best In use. ..1.1 br l/rertglsls genera:oy. nut+dVil PLUMBING, GAS FITTING 11111 Y WILLIAMS & BARTLEI Ir.ratrnmEtEraist. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, for. Sixth and Smithfield Sts,, PITMBURUEI, PA, (or. Beaver and Chestnut S tre e ts, • Al! kinds of Z A r as H a r:d btf i •trit litztoree eon 94antIT on!Lan.l. • je5:e.39 I LiMIIING, GI S AND STEM FITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, SHEET LEAD, SHEET ZINC Limb ripx.s, dINEW, BASIN!) WATER CLOSETS AND WASH STANDS. TON T. EWATIS, Oaccessor to Itnen. & 6'4,4 163 Wood St., PittaburghtTa 44'V. lIKIIL6[I7 R. JOIIN,IO/1 ERLERY 6c JOUNISON, zr•Et..a.cmexcv-ah.x., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters FIFTH STREET EXTENSION. .• Pitt 11101.1.71.2 - 6.114 . All onlyrB by mail executed eatlalltetorlly promptly attended to A full tine of Utah Tube, notion, Series. Tai r Clocets, bias., Cnandellera, Scotian,. aod I,a rthadc.e, for sale at the most reasonable Price . • • Ord., from country patrons by mall promptly at t