The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 17, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
Zg 0., EIS 1 , 11"tli. leStreot.
P. B. PENNINCV. j Edig or .
u n .i ne i. mann,.
a[l• Copies
clivered by carrier. (per weekl ............ 15 cent.
•ll Subsot !berg, (per year)
Llbe s ral ro . .inctlons to Newsboys Lod Ageot.
Thankiclvlng eroelamatlon
the /16 . 01 , and by the etat/hhrilv of the eolnnioa.
. irryyttli .f P.-n,ll'Ytt'.;'7,
VDU/SW U. CUltflti, Hove r o; of said Co.
Wukulear, It has been the good "and worthy ell,-
lontOf the Conau3onwcaltu to let apart, annually,
.elly for the eptelal acknowledgment Of, Ale gond •
even' the Almighty tot for expretting hy ; the
whole people , at one 1111 e, 11.10 with a common
owe, the TitaxaS wad I . natsc which throttgnont
yesr are nerlnOng from the'bearts of men;
4 retort., •
I. AND .It.W 9. 4: lißTla, flowerpot of the Coot
untweilth of PenturylVallia, Jo u 7 thie toy prowl,.
afloa t reeornmon-I that the trowol people of flu
.. lporpormealth ob.erve
Thursday,- 29th dfiy November, 1866,
A. a day af llaa,k-gle leg and Prayer, and J.. then
I.3Emble In their respective Chureliciand pia.'es of
worship and mate their humble ttiant. °tiering to
ALsouaty Gut, for nil 015 blessing.. • duting t to
Mist year. • ,
For the abundant gatherafrults of the earth;
For the thus far continued activity of Industry:
lror the general pr . , tervstian of health:
Aud especially fur thit In Jima Diving MERCY
lie bath stayed the threatened pestilente.
And moreover that the,* do beace..h ll km to con
tinue unto us all Rio Mt.g., aid ebrlfirm- e
hearts of the people of these united Ntates, that by
the lawful force of thrlr van, deers of good Jo =tier,
Wislonannd.Ueriv may)), done.
I:lven under my hand and the great ,eal of the
Mate, at narrliburg, this _9th d.y of October,
t e year of our Lord, IShd, and of the Com
mon minlat ti .e ninoty-Orbt.
- •
Secretary or the Cormou ere:rid, `•
'umpired Eloquence.
Daring a protiacted meeting Pohl In u vil
lage, Deacon Crawroot Came In to attend it,
and icceiced and accepted an Incitation to
dine with his brother deacon. The latter (it
was a good many years ego) flail champagne
--- upon his table, and asked Deacon Crawfooi to
take a glass of the wine. "No," said Deacon
C., "I never take wine" "But," urged Ills en
tertainer, this is as harmless as cider.'•
•• Well," replied the former, "If that be the
case, I till! drink of It." And - he did drink
and /Dank freely. The dinner ended, the
brethren returned to the meeting. which W.
a conference. Very noon after en tering Deacon
Crawfoot, who evidently felt the Inspiration
of his generous dinner, siat tel to b is foot and
uddresied his brodfren as follow, seems
to me, brethren, that I never had such., tpir.
Steal views and emotions at I experience now.
Anil I thought it best to inquire whether these
are confined to myself; or whether Oita may
not be indeed a pentecoatal season. Why,
brethren, I never had aueltapiritual views and
emotions. It seems MS If I was ill tin g astride
the roof of ' this, our 'consecrated temple, the
organ swelling beneath tno, tbei bells pealing
above me, and every shingle on the meeting
•ns playing on a Jewaharp Pi Just so. list the
story has nothing to do with the cheap bar
gains in hoots, shoes and gaiters which are
offered by Robinson, :co. SI Market street. A
new stock suitable for winter wear lies juit
been received disposed of at the
tow prices which charnoterizes this establish
'lf the Indian Herb Hoeft!): fella to deecribadts.
caeca and tell Me patienta the nature of their
homplulnt or 11111C93 IT ithont receiving any in
formation trom them. No ehertn, for consul
tation or advice.
We use such Balms as have no 511 lie,
Nature or the taws of Life
Wills vast:blood our hands ye never stain
poisdn men to ease their pain.
Opp rather,.‘rhom all goodness Tills;
erovideathe means to cure all our Ills
The simple herb beneath oar feet,. •
Well used, relieve our pains complete.
elteple Bert', a simple Flower.
Culled from the dewy LeoL-
The,e, them shalt speak with tourhieg
Of change and health to thee.
Otffcr~o: I^t Liberty street, bet‘iern
and Market, Pittsbargh, Pa. •
AtteutCto Coughs and Colds.
There is a , signDionnce in the above advice
Which, If attended to In time, vronid save hum
Breda of persons from untimely graves. Do
we not know that many persons neglect - to
attend to coughs'andanch like maladies.under
the hope thaehature will cure f Nature some-,
• times does cure; but she Will cure much more
rapidly If assisted - by some such remedy as I
Dr. Keyser l o Pectoral Syrup, which 15 cern
au:landed for those diSeases of the lungs and
brvinehlal apparatus, so prevalent in every
;part of the United States. We advlic our
readers, therefore, who may be afflicted with
coughs, bronchial irritation .or any disease of
he lung% •or whid pipe, to have recourse at
once to, this remedy, which Dr. Keyser has
prepared with great care for the cure of these
cases. Timely attention will save much suf
fermi; and oftentimes the Ilfe of the person.
.using it. Sold at 140 Wood street.
now to pare n Congh or Cold Speedil:
some will tell you to sweat, bathe, and take
-burnt brandy and sugar; but wreasy,. no!
There is a safe and sere. remedy, hotter than.
.either of the above, in Dr. Keyser's Pectoral
eyrnp, which bas stood the test of years' ex
perience. Dr.Keyeer says that ho prepares
'every bottle of this medicine himself, and the
public may rest saAsged that it will be nre‘
pared With the name care us heretofore. One
thing we know, that, for a cough, cold or:lung
disease of any bind in the incipiency, it has
uo rival.' We say this much as public Journal
ists, and are sure we will do aroma good by
allrectlng public attention to it. Sold ntllo
Wood atreet. .
flow to Ile.ontlfs. the Complexion.
What is there so mortifying to a lady as to
'••• have hor face covered with pimples, blotches,
and cutaneous eruptions, wad yet how many
there are who through Puro neglect, ;Wafer
them to exist I Go to the drug store and have
the druggist make you an ointment • with
twenty grain) iodide of lead, and one ounce
of simple cerate or fresh lard. Apply this to
the face every night; at . the same time keep
-the-bowels gently open with Robacies Blood
Pills, and take the Blond Purifier three times
a day, soul yon will tie perfectly astonished so
tho result prOdueed before a week has passed.
Continuo this treatment until a perfect care
le effected, squib Will be in a very short
! time. - • ..
Ike Mist Known Tonic.
•Casio:ll, Mack. Co.'s Combination of Iron,
PhosphOrus and Callsuya, known as Ferro—
Phosphorated Blixlr of Callsaya. The iron
restores color to the blood; the Phosphorus
renewawasto of the nerve tissue, and the
'Callsaya gives a natPral, healthful tone_to the
...11gestkie organs.
one obit contains the virtue of one ounce
of Callsaya and one 'teaspoonful a Zral. ,°/.
Iron and Phasphorns. Manufactur ad by
CASWELL, BlCAleta CO.. Now York.
FOT sale by all drugpsts.
With a vengeance. Such an elegant lot was
lever before m,eri at one Limo. We are ex
tremely "Widest In our prices, as you all well
knew. Opera Howie Shoo Store. ..
For. /Everything
Elegant, etyllen and beautiful In Ladles' Win
ter Wraps, go to it le Plttetm.rgh dusk and
Jaguttlia Stare. No. 73 Market street-
AD Earnest solicitation
To our fair readers who want to protect them
selves from tho wintry blasts, is to go to
flpenoe's.No. 73 Xslilit greet.
Vol Vau ilzky
rotelgu LignOrs or all kinds at Joeepl 9.
Doick,a 240, lie, 110,193 Luna 186 Pisan
. sitritat, rittsbnillh• . . .
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VOLUME tXXX.---NO. 277.
• OnlY Fifty Dollars for the best set of Teeth
that can be Matte on Gold Platt, and warrants
takeighteen carats atm. Remember that these
are nosttively the very hest that can he
made. Call and examine , . Also the best. qual
ity ot - valeanite work, only from ten to tlfteen
dollars. This class of work is all wamint..l
the very best, and, satisfaction Is guaranteed
it, every case, or no Charge trill be mane.
N. 11.. Ten 11ml-class dentists besides tan
ladies always in attendance.
G. W. Secsecit, Dent.t.
Now Style of PhotogroplAs
A beautiful new style of picture hue been in-.
trodueed in the cast, which-promise's to stirs
pass In aemand the already common photo.'
graph. Mr. B. Jo 11. Dahl's, the well known
p'oolographer, Whose palatial rooms are loca
ted at N0..26 St. glair street, has Just returned
from a business trip to ties• York and Phila.
delphla, Is. the Ural to introduce the neu - stvle
In I hiaelty. Ile has also made fresh purehas.
Os to his . alrently largo and well selected stock
ei . materials, and trnststo be able t, o
as Inc over ban been in . the front rank of the
prefession. lie is personally [in :Mondani,: at
hie rooms fronimorning until night and gives
personal superi•ision to the Liking of all styles
of pictures and poi traits - from the tiny mina.
tare to the elegant and life sized portrait.
P;ctures arc taken in, all kinds of weatinr .
and we out sanely leeeinmend this establish
inent us the best phiec in the two cities to oh
tail, a fillibrUl and imperlsitableoitc,,,,,,
Troublesome Coughs and Colds
The health of. the- community is Mantis
subject of berinus cOnsideration to those who
are slippoeil to direct public opinion, and
there IS no more prevalent source of untimely
deaths than the coughs and etilits, which
mak. their aline:trance during the winter and
spring months. We would advise. all such
who are aillieted with Amy. lung dilllculty to
'apply at once to Pr.. lair Pr,ron AL See
er,xmedicineprepdreti bye careful pliy,b
elan of the old school, who has cured him.elf
by title great- medicine, nearly twenty years
ago, unit ha. Sifleo used it atilt it - own:riot rG
feet. We 1:00 , X Or. Keyser to be 4 a man yeti--
lien to the respect of the public, and as such,
WO"Varad recommend the Pt,TORal. Peon 0,
a auperior 4 temetly. Soil at 110 Rood street.
81 . nni n I,nrnp Fitter.
' Tho c•;:pper howalli' the tact
that that there are no practical lamp Otter.
In that her ugh. tie thn,cre clown nn loran.
LlOrl to hcallt, enterprising mechaniC . 'to COW . -
rilenCo business the,. [lyre eve have no scar
city of tirsteiass lamp sad gas Titter..., among
them Tom T Ecrens, PA:Woo,I street, who
appears. to monopela a large share of the
Puhl , e Patronage. BC has a full line of ill• of lam pa, chatnieltere,peml,mt, globe,.
.Iraegets, putups,,,inkA, 141,1j3t5, Sa, whirll he
sells ir:iow Cadet a prices. ' , All wort; of gas
or u,ter tittiieg entruted to him in thi,eity
or co 3nty wla receive itnmealiateattentioh.
A Matter trial Every Conutry .Mcieltant
cOusidc: and porl4, ort.r, mid a
noto of it ir , hi, mcnloritti..iiin LoOk: I.efore
home, i, to ii teat the great 1103.
Holt.. or :he e,.t. thc
lishMeitt, !Jett, k 00011 Piustruf.gli
Clum.kisad ~, T or4!. Ilzr;,:t str,ct.
Of the >e. tams are enast.3ntly kept on 11Nr..1 and
served up Ir. .the.tte.t4 Etyle, at 11ot:theft:ter:.
Saloon, next. don: in the Po,tedittee, Fifth
Speedy Itellef
Will Le expellel,:ei: biu-In I; the C0u41.1
trataufacteretl and t.y.tie4r t re, Ii
Federal fittttet..llleghetry
next ilunble Polo,
.1.1;2 leather, Sixteen Itieti leg Klp Boots,
goon tor fanners' wear, selling chi.ap' 01 I.ll*,
Opera Honor .thoo Store.
The t)s - ,ter> receive,/ .Intly at ilOttAkeimet'l
popular Continental Saloon, next (Icor tot n•
Postolice, Fifth street. . •
Of 60[1,3 in Pittiborgh for fillies cr ge3:11..
men*:, use, can be fomal
Market tarret.
Tenlron and fume
Served up in the beet style, et thfu Continue
Saloon, ncvt door to the Pontoslieu, FOCI
5131111., Knobby Arid Monolog,
IA the beautiful and coquet:l;h skating COHt,
only to be found at t:peurt'fi, So.:: 114 - 11 bet
street. : •
The only place to net a cloak for the tot:caning
season Is at Spence% N0..73 IslarLet street.
• %till Catawba Wine,
A splendkl article-50W at low rates at Heal
thy). Drug ttore, Mo. Ft Market sli•vet.
A Great Incentive
For llet ladies Ls the Welt conducted Cloak
House, No'. 73 Market street.
For lemee: Very atyle, and hnothierowy made
.(Opera Homes shoe store, • •
' ho
For the least Money, at Fleming's praa More,
NO. ri Market street.
l.odler• Boma,
Rest Morocco, Very cheap, at the Opoia ttnnoL
Shoo -tore.
. You Coo Buy
sM per cent. Llcnhol at..lo9eph
• -Uo to Flertibm's Drug Store,
For ;pongee. No. ri Market street.
Yon Can 'Joy
Nay. , Hop at Joleph S. Finch-o
I Ity tire Ater•=Lame• Natlor al Telegraph Co 1
Prom. Oil City
Special to the PittehurghVizette.
Om' CIT r, Nov. Id, ISM
t ßi s er four and a half feet rind rising. T,Lio
weather is cold and cloudy, Oil market quiet.
The quantity of oil going down lids rise is not
COAL CITY, Nov. PI, ke.d.
River four and a half feet and rising.
From reas4allo.
FISICA KLIN, Ito., 'No , ,'ember
The river at Franklin tlftyifour inches end
raising; at Oil City forty-eight inches and rota
in:. and ut toleopolis forty.tive Indies and
raising rapidly.
The Von‘rleted Fenian—Application for
New Trlsle—P[looner• I)llllCbarged.
Towurro, C. W.,..Noveniber 16.—Mr. It Inch:,
Colmar! for the Fenian prisoners, proposes
applying, on Monday, to tho Court of the
Queen's Bench, or the Common Press Court,
for new trials for Lynch, Hayden, :deem,
Whalen and trunn, the Venial's under sm
tome of death. .
James and John Dudley, the two men eon,
mitted by a Pollee Matriste sus pe nsi on w days ego,
nnder the habthi corpus act. have
been released from custody Mr. Patterson,
their counsel, prOposed a petition to t Ex
ecutive connect end also obtained affidavits
testifying to their respectability and inten
tions Of settling oral going Into business:
These papers Mr. Patterson submitted te 'the
Crown dischargedtho considered them suffi
cient and sarg fortesprisoners on their
own recognicances each and one p
WO! t=a i . •
'Kite Political Guillotine to be Stayed—
Library to be Sold.
New Yong, Nov.l6.—The Post'r special says:
President Johns o n yesterday remarked to u.
PrOminent citizen of Washington Haat from
not disposed to mal:e further removals
office on account of political opinions.
Coa. - Peter Farce bas determined to sell his
large library. Vie librarian of Congress Is ea
nualning the collet:tier with a vlew of 113 pur
chase for the Congroagional library.
. _
The Iron mountain usurowli Sold for
• •
ST. Louis, Nor. 16.4,The /COD /dountian Rail
road him been sold toIJ. J. McKay and others
representing Easter and St. Louts capital.
ista for .4550
s hoe. TherCalro and Fulton road
was also sold to the same parties for 0.50,000.
The Rae LIS
• LIOLIOL retitled by Goy, Fletatier.
SECOND EDITION( lite British Provineek to be Again Al
1 ' . tneked="1111111113. Orceinizist.fous.
RA.. - ! New !You:, Noveintict 16.—The Etrulino E,
FOUR O'CLOCK, A. in• . „,-„,,f+o.ys: The t at O ache° preparations are,,
• ow being mails the Roberts licatinuarteim
_ . .
. :torn grand .tr.ovement against Canada, !tur
f' 1p I) I - i Ifp i VII 111 fp , llx i t yu c
~ ,,, , , fi., ,,,,,ll l .V ..,o ro t pl tt o i tior go L e x lh e. l ew at t, r 2 ,t; 1 , 11i1 , - 1
i nit I 11.111/31. 1 i l i. lia "ii•" l t. ) * 1 oon;itiltialons •In relation to the marttal pro
- . _
. . It . graffito° to be adopttal a wen theFentan torten'
I move trOm their respective State! &execs the
FROM EUROPE BV CABLE. I frontier. The result of their deliberations is
.... 1 at present a profound secret, but tiencrab,
Proithis it tern iiiii 4; Her Nasry—co.tomn ! . , o , !?..: , , ,, t l i , u, S t e t t i tr ii i . , V e l . r u t , T o i s cle „ n „, t
u l t. t ole e t a t.s .a f re ,, ti o lc , l .
'Negotiation, Ile-Mee. Aoklrla Rani i '
Pr " .," ' —"ri" ' Athm " .7 """."'
~ I against. the British authorities In Canada.
more et
It is Said the cie_A ar s MIIIIIIO or Lilt next armv•of
°penalises, --The Ainlialall Ciaintil— !
Ineaßloll will bwfuperior tir.ll ti•et
"""'h of ' hie Kl "`" of ''' on ' s—rin """ ' t
ire than that of which the detachment at
vial noel Comm.:v.oAl. -
1 Lime.twie Itl(1140 wits the wlvaneci guard.
P.X111..!1i. 'Nl11,111,,•1 . It: —The A,ltiiiralt y of TWell, UM...114111011 1111.V0 timely been .111-
I . l•llAnia li ell Dare.! in the erection of a ,I romi t rolled stiller the title or " h et:loi Av witter ~,"
1 ,1,•...1 IiIIIIIISUIVIA to be reatly l,t.
naval ree ' ulLi " It " hi-en "' let." i i ' i ' l l S -'l = ' ll,t ' i l i e t to provent Ite execution of
to VOllltoeliee n111114.111:1.! is in the datehles. !Lynch tool the other.prlsoners. •
VI swN e, NOVelliber 10.—Ttn , ./ . ",,,:o: or t,- , - The2e have beep divided Into reniments and
Jay hi an editorial ~ye11i...,,,,th. ',gout., ! brlgailes,3ll.l 011141 ell the men trowel ileee,
lions have commence,'
ceii Austria and ,
"hail have tal.e,u (his pledge °iteration" ,
l'iti ,,, lti• The Propo , los are eaha,late. I to pa. NvIU Corilteitee. '. .
(Illy Elli Vile.
time eOVIOI eNo% l
l lbe el 1 1 11 , 14;a ,o ,elg 1.. e
hn t I -
ton Mills of Lancashire. ; ~ _ _,.... _
. • • ' - —.. . .
R - rogn FroN TRENT, NOV91111)er 1.... r ~1- 1 5 e ,.., 7
f ro ,. D r. limy, E, i „, 4 liii r , ‘ 1,,
cart bent , . are maant:o2toly t.+ vlosvtl null Ilicir ! ~,,,r , h u rsi r. J o h n Er .„ ki , r ,_,,,,, l „,„ rit .
1.3 a. guneral ~t tike and turnout. ' -, Di,„, / , ‘ ,..
\t u s Yung, Nov. 11;.—The. steanier_ Pioneer
i • ,Q ' :.. ,' ; ',.. .: ' / ,' ; ‘,P . ‘ t s ) .,' ".i i ' 4 . ',/ ° ; . : ‘ ,l:;g t. t " l ' t r ,n - 5 4 0 ' 5 .-- t 1 1
I,.. 7 !:r ' . ' )Vr - 1.. ; r hT; '
It lolllllli..iolllS 0,0111(4, be lormett 14 , t 2111.: N T e h , r , : . ' , 1 1 .. : 0 N0 . ,; , ,‘ : t. ,1 4 . „ 0 , 2 , 1 0 : 3 11
i c n 0Zt . , , , , ,,k;,u, , , i , .•, , ,1,'
I 1., A 1. , .... , 1051,v,
. .
- .
ii the Arent. iliican lifter wholeA, Sho pentitral
. . . . .
The Ein, /kit 01.1•IIIIA inis lalely.nuell 101 l 1 0,1 n+ ~.„ u+ i 1 , i
theloisunrg3...iniol coninninleuted
Councils almost dully. -
.. . . .
... , . .
th.,,,,,,, , N oveo d..i., 3,;._Tio, hint; o f ~,,,,. 1 wit It lir. MIIII4IIII ht. party ; who were loot:big
lit' 0ti0n...1 ;he so,:joi. of the 17Intn,tovr:: to-da1.... for trove, o t„Sir.! oho Prunklin'o exputlition,
In his sio.roli fro. 1 lye 11,11 . 0111., Ile 1.11,1,... t, , 1 l"" th,..: , 411 01 JUR, at Which t Ono whey WV.,
111111,` If to (1111111' 101 Ilti 1.1 , :tglit1011, Allth i"P Wvil. 'rhor . o7oite, ice,
More bOoeos.rol
Prioola. . ! thou that of 11.111' other recent 111 the .4m:it, wit-
. - -
1 , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,, ,. N ,,,,,,,,,, • 1,,._,:,',,,,,,..._. 1 ",,,, : ,, 1 ., i tyr , , ,, a. ( :: , 1 .. 1 t I , a4 , 4t . o .. lioottrista . l4l ... t_lt . o_t_tyttt . ttitax . : ,_ 4ll_-
stulls ntarliet o ithotat eintmto. Petraletnit 1, ,
,":,;;:'• ''' "'.' r ov i ng '' , ' , u , l'""' ' `-",
4 "41Ce1,' 741. .14,1 + of the Pioneer'ropOrt that. on the
n i, ~. 'l:t,,. ~' night of the lath and 11101111114 of tint IPA,. it
L''''''' ' N..."Mber l'- ' 4.°;'; l ';
'4 , - ' sole:1411d 411,play 01 meteors Was y1,1141e 'tint
"'"';''''''' ''''':'''' 'iii onus C‘L"tr" ' ; ' ."";' ' ' ' "!‘; i Om chip, 'Lit,' l'ioheer at that Hole Iva* 1.,:-
Erie, 491,f.
• • 1,112.1 thirt)' am! Moly 'tulles southwest to
lavEttrooh, Nov emher I , —Eccintm.-1.110 , t/: • / ,
r, , , ~,,..,
grk . g. , e. Salei Of 4•O'lttli for the 14 let: s , CI 11 •.• n 111 “ 11 11 : 111 "
a 1,0440 hairs; 1 lie prttei liat'a st4m!lity oly.t'llmal "
,hut lag the witch, fr. mi.r.,;, - 05,1 in ii,! for ini,l• I Prof. I. ttttt nln- 0 . 31 limp Meteor le Shower.
Ming uplalol,“ , ale, wilt,. ,if 1,,,,5i hales, the • "4,,,,,. y,,,n, tiovotobar h:—Professor Loom' s , 1
marliet closing hoe .1' at IM. I:re:M.-mit. are ' ~, i ; ,,I, c0t:,,,,., st r m.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, L',„ 1111,•,-v-
ilrlo. Lora . ston,l4,dvancing, torze,,,l oost- ' peep ar ted nioteorle showor, explaining all th at m
ern olostolt at 3,4:41 - a 4ver liunxter. l'11,1•Il.11, 1,,,,,0 Of mei voruillya, aml fll's that ott•Moh.
Ilan. I ' .1,- yil - • lA. Nov,,tatwk . t - zrh, a COlllputly Of of,.
i . O
I.... "' . ‘ .:.4 l' N '.''' M '' er 1"-1: " . ' 4 .' ,1.--1.1 '' ."”'...,:: ~..111 . 111. ttl that 11111(111 COlmteal an, r.huKalt.;
market 1., hiln.. , ; C0u..1 .. . +a , . , M. ,, 1 to l''' a. , etas, In stye hours and twenty minute., m loch .
'llm following me Ito t`litalfl,,, .i0,,,,110n. for . 4. ,ostut loor 1111.14 1.1111 11Ver1.6t1 hatialn, 1 . 1ni..
Alllll,lll :well{ 1110,1 1 . 11111.111 1. , ,,,0, Ft.:, ,mo tor 11111 I.lllv 11t111011 11110.0101.11. lII° 311.1a.r.
Tweet ic4, 7.. Illmol,CentralSV.: rr.e,4 , -.;. ' r/11 'rtivs!lity ingot, November latii, another
• ‘llll, LAT.:, :1.011111,01y rolllll.ell Sol shooting stare in Ilse ;
. . _
0.0„,, 2. .,,,,,. ,
~,,,, Nov . mnb ,, r 2,.. _. r„, I t 1 . 1 0 i tr i, , , , e, w i '11 ,5 1 . 0 .„14 15 1,1 11c t e i1,„ 11 , i1 i 1 , , , , , rt 1 , 11 :
, O , 11 , 1 , 1 , 1 , : t 1 , 11 , C . 1 , r ; , , rl: , , I l
1...141 ' I''''''' ‘l.l' li ' ''' ' ' 'l " l ' ;"V ' en ' ; ' ;;; '''''''' • that Ihtl 01 , 11 ,4, 11.1011-1C10111.0 . 11,114.111 ..• IVe tano:
''''''''''; “ rh ' ' ' . " - ''"" ;°C. "". '''";";',' r' na ' ng I ‘` .. , ahler, then, tilt Ilse liutu?4, at ,Imot mg stati I
tweyn Ilalmt, - 1 toot the Milted 'a ,ti..
Unit y .11,:tra, 1:01,0.1 MOr.ol pt/bli,h, In tI, ' 1
:' ,. ',', 1 . , ":,';';' ,. . 1 1',' ,.. a 4 ' , Li , t r 0rd ii i ‘ ... .' ,1 . :::. 5 ; , ,... bt r 4 5 . , • ‘ , .,T . ,, k , ' , ' , 6 , t , :1 . ;
''''' ,. ;" n ' s i " -d ''' , " i ''''' in ''''''" h" ''- 1 ,,,-1 st,o, 0,0 hu, !:,,,•,,,b,., 130, ' , LI.. I
P 1,,,,, th , " 4 4 ,,, !", ,, " 1 2, 1,5 ‘....'" , " Ii!" ,011 ! ,,,,-, ' , i ~,,h ill,. ~,....., ot mel , , , rs oats ,wrionsly
tioVorn MOM, 011,1 er.:.,‘ r, m•enhoim X ('a, ii, ,
....,, .
~ ~,,m, term
v 0,,,,,.,,,,,
stall, that the ¶ll.te of the United state, to at; ! 1, ,,, ' , i' , !" . " • s'•
Contedersto Pt 010 ,-, Y , O ''''''''' ; ' ; ' ‘',",“:';',:- l'ho rraini 01-play, t het elate, li lin It it was I
tit 4,41, :on' that sal!' oroporlY in ,'''''''''',- ''' ..- , .4•0'.1 .1 tm,:!,t•o t .-- ; ‘,4, 3 - ~..4,.nr ti t t„ , 1 •,,,, has
tttal limo. tor mloahr or,. .
,„ ~'• , not been 1, 1111,,.11 In the I.'nlitol otato:4, 140,1 ,
• ../,l C...ft, .Irorket- Li, ,, v.0.', -.• L , - • •' • i pro",, t o ) nor in 11at0,,, or tt Wollid laim4 OM - . I
The' cotton market ehs.e.l 4 , 4alay at Ila t•sr '
~,,,,,..„„, ~,
.. ~.. ,
5 , v __ • , , ,.. ~
....... ~
Ini.htlina. Tio ,a 1 ,• , ,, tna :lay toacht , i In,.
,'. '':'.,,,.' ' : IL: , ‘,. :‘ . , f 111 : . . ,,, ' . %' .1.1 :: ,,,
~, t ; -, , n,-., 1.,4,1 e44ti tho ' ',NV. m i neein. , otoha• l
Lt ,,,,,,,, , ilt , t , ttu , t . t- 74 , , A-t- -, - 1, -; t ~,, it., the sluttl'.or '-v1.04 4 , the roit4,l
WI, Noe. 14.—T:te htmolstutf, marl., clos 4, - ; , t „,.. ~,,,,,1,1 1., 11 0 i„., ~ , ~,,' t,., ,i,,, I , „., ~..,.
I:_t-'lay with ataa , Ovara mg 1,:.1-11 , y. NV :1..,.; ~ I ill,.
4,0 i 4
~ , t4
~,,,,,,„.„ 4
itilly,:l.l loglior.. ', : 1 4.1 !lo s ; it, hat, !Mllf. 110111 lorVi•Osal , ll‘, In 1
y ' . ..,'" Rr .r'l' . IL ".:,'''''P, ; 1,55.15 ., . -L , " %' ; ' . ., - ,,1 I 1 oli,ll, :pm Mu , . It is, illsreloi v. pr.:hat:le
' ''l4 . •' ,' ''' .'''''' ' '' '"'''' ''''''' ''''''''
I 1111,i , 1..., •, bl .LI '41111,5,1, 11.11 Yll.atal
with att itovam i'm 1ett.14m.4 . 4.
4 , „ , ~4 any oar, of tits 5t,141. a •it , lilay 01 ii,,M.or , ,
l ''''''''''' ' M '''''''' ; 3L '''''''' r l ''' '''' '''' ' ''''''''''; ; 111 to 1.,.....44:!! 4r,sl o itil Om' ~,ratol ntspla, '
ts''., for money. Atioot-ao m'ett-1 , 1-s—Ths tol•
._.....- ' r
01 " " '""''''"Grand 154se,ts ItleSt
"" r " -i "'• Rya". Ilan esnst trrld‘mi sl
Erte ~n:....•, • i
IS • • N hors., fa: r
Tn., sic-t. rat,
ssas isss.s tarots In ave. tor par:..-
: of wo hat:ore:l .I..niar, It 0 Ile Wl,ll by IS 1111112-
o[lirlowl Lel yr of the M tars-,•
rn Seeretnr3- %eta/Ira-1 110 1.101 . 1:1,..1, (lIIIt 1•III,• 1/1
Tri2Vl. 10 Costatla. • :et , I'llo Vll,lOO VN 11 . 'AIMS
Ir-.=i'7(,' •.111!1.1.'itt.".'", it ":"
letter froth the is ia
Zoolay . - ••eer;•:_ar.r :a It., be Jar the hearth et
the 1/./or 11f ltre/Ittnaturtn entialy, S Irglala.
,„„ t _l•har e the bon e e t o ; l/orter /110 rl agatroo, tone .1.
..1 tne 1:o/ eVe
reeelpt ye, time /.1;t, alt.,
,•1144 /0 •t'r ww:tY• -ofreni they root IVare ,/,‘: en
-10 the i/entebee of rratt: on .1 14 a; .• . •
an.l J. Caron:a; :m4 'Lb/Ain, tbe th:r: ,-; the roe,: 9.i- atter/ro)/ a r,vain .:t
vora Iltertait.e• I by
Iloverronent. tie' 0 11, 11,
vartea . l ron•bieration. ono. 10, -on- 1 , 3 . .1:0 ground, .0,1
Or policy A.,1111,1,1,1.1tr‘ -, V.1,11 'night t? . 0,•••
111 Ars,• sa the c.l :44.1 trtal,
of tile cone: rn:•.l In tbe tart
commences] oa Cana la •nettptllsX. ltioned Iterltir lion I,i
atoll . On the r , .0•1 tot that I ' Naw ;o:.0 Nor. l'; Edwan, r
ItCOpy of It toiler 14.r0.0e* , , Govertitnent en.:
I //wall thrfr neOrn , lion, enterin,../ ' „„
length upon :he /erer.r! rol •.:roght) t•troneh. •ri itapen,re ran be re.lueed, g un
rant/lined In It. _ ' lC' COcto., t.,. I• e „„ „ , 10101 ,
Canatt:ah Irbret roneht li 0,4400 tic..., sky, us ..s I to , 00 .
rPgallsr [llO, 4,00,1.11 I''-11,1 1„' -en./ it:We/au:l 10 erlai her,
eecuring to lb , Itto , ot , `r ' le/1.10011.0, teee, etc., attemple/1
the law elTar.b/ 1./ the '1 1,1 11,/0.1-, 11.• tee. nt Inc Coetoni
neer ,Enroll I.e ,hem 11 , ottboortwo-t" an•l Not Ai u 1,41 0./reryol'd ( Once:ll.llkt
.10 , .:11f11, 1i to (Le boteinl ot tilt) . 014, C h,,,,„ in the
El. LIMY 1.111 - 0.0 light en the joeltee of 111.' -en- • a„..
I , .p.:rtnient, waten tbege lII*.
irncra 0. 1 1 the I , :ntatlty t 1: is p:t' ,
t. :'" te
1 ;;; • , ntire of ofll, deleont aok•iy upon the good
0111. 1 trust, La: /try t!l.. Got ernatunt of th e !:nylnrssnismssissasysr. Torre are sseN
lsaisest ntn ] e , s that, nlssbe Vlsollesstsn the ser obje.... of in.//,11 y, lan these aro the /no,
maje,/te ot the law the antlon:tte, :lo not ;
000:11/61 the pree...entrour to0:15. vtn.lictl re :To ,
hal oh 9:11:1: I air, tssiorersvers Sze , : t 0 frotl l 4,y SI itolninte-1 he In rot, Mlle
:,Into that 111.1 0 hole eneet hot Or tho .11,1.0011 • It wee oil.
Of "sac], sssf lite lid:wrier, a!: /hoe la; !
Lasvbccrisseleff-si foss ]lssc! , sosm Iss Isfor asst.: truants,: Isorsse, t:ssissaln \II 401111,
gO v 'r n s"“' n '. toast - 4,s] ism:ea! „1 I[l'[[ll{ twen.v loth,/ t i ll
Io- the flesslre, ea to to deal Wllh It at to ,rr
, 70 ,„ 0 „ ,;.,,
( 1 1 1/ , ‘; ,,,. .}( 11 t h rj
111: 11 0 to t•O e tt i ttttoo . tioi " tiro7.loliiYl 44".1 , Id:en:01 thirteen. In Ile, 4.010/ he or: formed In
'''""..B '1"
" g he ant , willnit awn Iron/ the tract/.
ed. 1 haro Ile/ honer to he , 11.11 the 1114'1,-• • .n.,11.1:011, tor, Soar :not ot.e.lielo 0 , 11
nr'r 111 for sou!. The purr to, to tar rla•r. i 4, xireil Nerve/it. git " bo 1111 , 1 1;0 , 11.1,1.1i ''4,n the •ohrgeo-
Wg. 1.10,1 4,1 400 .1 ;nig,. Tee flail, 01 iho tlarteen_
/bile- a minute., 1/11.1 52 ..eOOO.lO, the
qateltr.-t non/ beirsz 111/111e 11, 4,hlt, liclog
ItlerninrlAlP to foogrono—Tl.o PoteHie tioneinl A rsetcht.L !south,
sleautrat tit company. IleNommt ,, er I;ni•ral A••
FILANCI2,2t, NOVelallOr 1:1.—T110 CIS . l'recilytel tali Vino were va
ber of Couirdetee tubs city necniume,ly gar,ed daring the duy, prineip t cy Am en ,.
adopted „ f; „ oz ,•„ - ,,,,, Later the ! L c re
reciting reeitg the preview. mil , . et the I we
the committi,e,ll3.l hear.
sets forth that the act or. t:Ongieas reqUiting leg the teport , ., limn Llll. Cottinill.
1110 Paellic f. 1. 11 , ounn l-1 111 , C,? ,, CattY to lc , - • tee on, 4.e.
tort. thltleen tripe yearly to union, in con silt. The proem:diode or the • .I,AeLuhly Litt - Mien IL
oration of Sting allowed - 10 leave llonolulte genet al intere,t. Its dellbetallons
are lwr
out of the regent, roots, great ineon- nun but, and 11111 gritt,tent cordiality and good
',Mimeo to the Unveiling end mercantile a ill neelii to precut!.
plan,. for rapid steam
c e o orm ' o n n i t t e y tit ' l l o ' C a n ' TtTl 4. l7e ports Of China lino , I mr „, toor A „„,_,,,,„„ or i ron. 7 ,,„_
Japan, and Is oillittnoLve to the LotopoliX ; omen (tens en.
destialated to pelf... IhOcoutrart; that tine- bids VILLE, Not . 10.—Walter Scott, Who te
tern trlpg MVO:re necessity of a.nOther 1 „my heavy robbery In Cluciet
atcanisloP met an toldllimltti Yv I, IY had, arre,ted to.lay for torgery. ltopot
of one Ituntliod and thiely tem/teed dollat
_ Mot I 1,4 were 111;111,1 cm his person.
without stdvant age to the lioverlini^af, ‘',`" ;lon. '1 London Craven, a Prominent. 1101111-
lettille or the lit ettnedilp Coloptoy, Toe Me.; (RO of ti,111.1.,11 Kentucky, died al IL:oltz in Ida
an tong COOLLteLIn to permit
ISE Coinpany , to make twelve trip , per Lear 1
to Chia, 'without Witching Honolulu. end to Tcrritito Storm—Widmer. Nutpt AWAY.
luercarie aithalily for mail verelec to the
Sandwieh Islands. from itd,atl to $lOO,Ollll (' A... , Y•,l Nov•
yearly. formes worts of MUM. villa prrivllllll/g
; the Hyper and lower telli•llutit, belonging to
FRINVI CANADA,.I3IOI, (200110115r,111 . 11114 111/1.,,, 00011 IL !Mtge
• • Mot/MO.OI property SelOILKIllg to (AIM. !toll
' viallak, and both bridges ' , panning the river,
Roller From London nod 8,(toOr ay. Many (Meiling.. wen. mod)
Blot. of Nteamera—rorger trtl. dainhiro , •
(frenzy, - C. E., November 111.—The 11; t 5ne
received another t able , Wpittelt trout
don, authorizing Mrs to Ore.* tor twenty I November 10.—Yesterdayill tornoos
thousand 110110s:4 more for the ref of poling mod collet! ILL ISO atom of E. Al.
unfrerera by the lute Ilre. TSts makes tient 1 FilYoll. ItelLiet, read Cited!, tool lint
Oindvenly thou/mod dollars front London. der prldelmo Of gutting a bill . changed, mud.
A grand went eue,leneert, under the patron--' odeLl ILL steal Money, hop,Haul ermtrlllca
moot the Governor General, tar,: 0101.1, for Calned t.3 5 , , M, with which he e , Calmd ,
the ponent tho I clic( food, realized . a ems
bidet:o4uartiOtlnt. A large nunit•er of me
chunlna laborera are leaving for the'..
Staten elnee the Are.
penny rale Is (Idling, 1.
- /locr nem., C. E., Ntlveniber 10.—The Meant- !
'ors Osprey and IV lathy egillideti near n 1411111,3 '
_Thu S\ hit.y inn Ir.. Ni, lives lost.
. .
. .
Daniel AleNivea wan urreati,l for 1,1 - tenni:,
4,444111441 141014 LIM 44011.444, 1414 the I Itl.
missioner of Indian ' Airlift', has received let ' 1 ' .1 " .I '' mgo 1. " 41 "Pl' In I C •
torn from the hymnal iixent.r rceoutly Is., 50,11 lilt. 1. lt. 11110 1,110 f031.1 . 0t 11
of ;40[00 ll.. patelied to lOU 00 n+„ 14414444,,,,4 aol 1441.4
confederate hand or ;ilia. Indian.. to a-cer
tnin;the disposition of thme tribes toward the , De.ProctiVe Eire.
(iovernment, 111141 If/ 1114 1110 Into 111,, tittillan 1,01414, ILLY.. Nov. took place at
report's whin,' have helm .44141.4 tOgartlllll.4 theft 25a441,11114 11,11 nvrnh.g 1114114yllag the whole
attitime. IntOrnilliloll 1.41.1411,441 grfwery btore 0. mo n d,. 1, w ,, on . .
teero t h ose 4 .44,4141 tel is of a Nt•hdamory than", ; portly lk..rra•
ter, and not only in it probable; that peace will
but It is al4o reported to the 4 POstitanoter Appointed, .
lAlrrnu Mutt relem , of t‘ro white wenn. 01.111:0; 000,
,Nee. jteeeet 011111111(1
orlamiers, in tire hands OC tbo that •,
the Trl444ltOry. he obtained• ine of• • _ Was to.dity itopolnied, hr the president, Pont
. molter at Ci.teinco, 144 11111440 Of 4 , 40 - 1111441 110 w•
• Not a ilielegrito. ard, removed.
0 Noy 111 4 —Mr. 47. 601,1041 1 ~
- • , ~. er ill if
was repot 1..1 a 4 eft g1i.40 • 1 - 0111
w.. • It . one o f 11, 6
2,ll'odt..tlppl to the Vidlailelphla Convention ofoc dest .ll ~,e „ ,ht o. . et the et . ,•• ,...
o ,,them LoyoiNt., oat in O. Caril, trbotoin
. 44 4 ❑4 4 4, rorroil el peta, at .110.11 fa, 110
he rays lie Willi not delegate, tool 14 110'11011- 414 y OM WllOl3l It
t ha t's, our did he know Itte.ll a taw ti
; that 1,141144 1.11141 nano "3"'
'O3 l O
that. he was appointed a delegate l to the P.tts-
.„ , •••e0e4„,..111 13 Lee, 11 mite tin for a fiat t
° I
e n I n t Vie ° a n OnlW.nti'o"LP."l,6,°,
y :r t i l l t :Tl i e f i r o i l l: i o n i 1
no Importance, to be exnerli no• tel , pronnuen in tinech the 118,okt life or the!Gov
or /leek opine°. . ~rnment, tld u3tlnll h3n an 4100. 11101 lOt 11444
n‘ bbattly 444t4i to the PrOl4 WOOL
Mery York Divorce Case*.
• Owl , •ketion.. I,ot 4 fy 114441, 441013141
:New Yong, 2,';ovember docreoo of 01114 441 bp taueli by 141111 lo pat mreen
divOree Since Monday, io Vino 0( 1. 11,01, k , tion tat 1 11re444 that the conare,, 1.44 to ho
aggregate Of eeenteren i ft ? , ll u l ,, lN4
1 0 . g1 .7
the ground of InthleThY, thus htr du
week, and four.)ntiktnents of separation from sident he retnem bored as em,neut only Ka
bed and board, on acoonnt Cr.bitY4l'llilitplot i a national Ilkinmot.
treatment, neglect, ac., on tiro part of nos
bands. 'rho number of rlittlinr eases pondluir.
In the different Lontin of this en p, at the
present time, le between bevels and eight hum
I dyed,
Billiard Tournament.
Ltanrronn, Conn., November Iti.-11.1 the ,tal-
Nard tournament today four games Were
played. Up to the present time It is impassi
ble to ray' who will tato the golden cue.
Michael Phel en and John McPerltt 25 - hw
Sark are presnt. and other celebrities aro
ezpeeted to-morrow.
Yon(!lnn Affairs
Fatal 11..11rond crldent.
lVr gtr a, C. W., Noyulaber 10.—Thu (I , ar
to,lay . 1,1.1, thrown fa the
tioulph, by la lirOkCO call. Ali ex.
anuwol 11 eekt , way klilu+l fill
Ile Several plmungurs 'wort, .111)111,41;
imiu fatally.
Plorm—Shlpplug Munaged
------- • -
—.Die official report in the recently 'midis h.
ed Tux Digest of lieorgln closes with the..
word,: eComment upon the red 111111 lutnenfu
blo statement of facts to onnecesmary, It being
but too true llidt,attoold four-flfths of the en
tire wealth of lieorgto Ursa either been destroy
ed or rendered unproductive,,
'WAR' of nu n"
The Ileword of Rualobienc—Mriltico, of
Bloomfield, row kuunked down by a couple of
•ru Moos u fow nfyhte slooo, tool robbed of ids
pocka,comM, BO had no money.
Y. NOVEMBER 17, i 866
Yesterday morning tltr con fort-rove MIA at
hull•nutit eight Pre+ident,
St•ott, in the chair.
\‘ tier rt•ligiotoo e verciar,.. a lttch a ern con
dude. by Itcy. Mr. Niowelon, the minutes of
r.. ,,,t,0
Thor toY's meaalou wore yea,l null approved.
The 'olufultteu on .. , ahl h
uith ScnOls, through
heir. utlrtnao, 1ft.,..1. It. Hamilton; !whin it
/edit rt rt. 'Ow reititiilm nit reitil and laid
over for folio, conmiLleration . .
Mr. Jt.ltoletrt, glom the Committee en F1t1.411C.1.,
t1.411C.I., :01(11111,i it report; tent read and
The t. 'emotive oil 111 n Mh rhJ I:Ai/canon
:and offiitlii..ll , 4,ve 'to teto, to dullber
ato upon , he imiththr referred tit theta.
1111 1/11/11oli of 1/I'. 11.10111 h, 1011 r for th.,,,,,,,,.
1/14'ileet.•111. of ll,' morning an wil•
el):111,,ott Muni - li/111-ion4l. 1'411;1 o'elllek Until
1111., 11',•10,1..
lt..v. IL,t; mohttatt4..l 0. nwdort from the
i:onoultloe lel the itt
'Read anyecclutitli to , otton¢Le Olt COLIVne
IlltereAtt:, •
Mr. Gunkle, laytonn, rubWiit , u'n. report
from the committee Itypolnied at he Conven
tion of to visit College, with a
view of mukhtg lt - rungismenti for securing
the Moister 0. 1 the for • the use and
benellt of the Protestant Church.
The report Wan - rein! iniii 1 nit,ll,ll to tie
el College interests,
Dr. George Brown asked nut obtained leave
!fieldl for information ref feet tag the vote of
the beverol nnotial conforettecs upon I by otirh
lion of .anion, unit..:clothing (rio:ate:, with
cenyentlunwl tiowerw.
Melii..oWll, of College, If v. Mr.
Wyn - tt., in,. I. h. Metho.ll4t
I , :plmeonal Church; ICer. Mr. Weber, of the (ICE
loan Lot:woo:it I bomb, and Rev.%
Mr. Danko, of the Itapti.,tc lurch, we!o toyer-
intrikineeil, Mitt 16 , 11,1 to honnrltryiniat.l
settllm.the bar it the Con lyrene,
_ • .
00 motion, the 4.; , ,tnnnitt, tm
Int,totk, ~.I.utment
of Or.l:resoi and 4;. %V, !sent, a.. 11 , 1,11tIona1
111. ?lOW,.
tin tore len I:ev. Mr. .sooomp, or the New
1 . 1111: U.111u11•111:11, 11 kraotol Ictiro 01 oh.
tlll 1110:1 , 11 Slllllll us: rippotntp4
to 1:111.111• %.te.loy o,..the Commute., on l•qh
ltiloor Int. 111100 the 112.(111V
-1111.4 1, . )11.
The re,,.wh of the u t
W 1 W1.11111, , 011
up; oon,
ho,I on I!, 12.Ahie .L1O•r :' , llll,Cllt, 11.1
111 . 11'11 , 10 the qUelitll/111,11'1111111.
. .
c . .
Til , . rt. , 41.1g.”1. ativc,l•ll:,, c 1 Ow IccllcNwlttg. 1,11
l!it I;PDA: ,4 .,ling1:01117111:1, , ,
.1,4 :/t{Liwm,r—i:e,.. ‘ 11 !Lux,. anti .1, li/1 4 1
A 44.4 01, .1. Nl:tcdy '
I ;:rmt , 7 , lhon7l•kr :
4 ;tn.! NI,. T. I ha h r
I er, •
11. F. , , ,, :•:13,1% . . Is
, 1111,Crit • I !I,
atu,ixtit ,:rs,l I.s 1.. t. 111: , n:•:1 1:1,••
1111 141:1.1 , 1.1. 1, 10.11 . 1-; ,
11 1.1 Id, or t art .
1 "Ell,
ar. 0 ,11•, N 111.11,1111.111111
Irmloo4 -
1 1 11-v. 11 1 .I,lAi.orn..
.11 n tn,,, 01
• Mr. i•.:tu'nr
•:. fripu-1
~r the I.ur
t sti •
• T
1 .
I:f.v.g‘f ill: I
:011.1 rt,t
n•4,1..1 to 1.ol,....••••1 r0.n....t, In, on
(1141 i . .11.111.11'.1..4. l‘pp...ti:o.l 'to tho
,attc tial. ~ ...rot, l `int Int,toott I,
Litt I .. • , ,: i'fkalef.: t i.;.slosoo
Tit', I. nn mtr, at... A:l.littl.,—.l-
11111., , , lit 1., 0117tt ••I:l,;ttvr,
!,itt 21
1.00 r• no, 'I no sixth
rvor iweo 11 pion”,
WI, Wifi.
c,ll y 4 ~•;t 01 1'..1.4-101,
NI !nil, I. t
t I 401 IJ,. t i it
I ill •{l. t
11•11111 , Oi , L-210:1^ MR' nlr.r.ll
..•!. i , :••
z t 11,
airn;l,. r.
1 , r. I ,v.•l
4.4 , n11.1,11.1•1
Thel h•e lk •
:Leh rllil^ Ahniihl
IL 1,3 , 1
ornthitte , of :in- , •
("her 'mimeo:cloth,: 1. , rig .•
tulgc„ticl uocgimi k le r. •
it to the runtish:c-,
Ai,,t, ticil ie. , n. 1.11.
. k Or t to , Cotiformico toe..
lui:onß, I.i .
lir, lino.l ed tI, oruln
lat.! on the mov eui 11 , 1.
Hee. a. romn, et t
p io.lterClory 1;011ml:tem • •Ilho ‘Vetinell Oou.r, CleVelland.
1,1 mons - it I , lugi,. ":1 vo.ltot to I,lceehmil rLutull not full
l ' r t ' r ",°:" " . " I ' rtrr ' t° ?en cn "°""r"r"rrflt." ',topping at th e NY0,1.161 !Moiled. on the
.„treti or. bal. , ' 0 1 milmiii‘llty •
corner t•if ertor and Bari', i•treet 4 , :Mort
inor/ . .100 illetanCe from tine new Depot. It IS Olt.
'llln , . t',c""' nary' .erne; 01 Ono ant most corn
", or. ororolt ro o r'l4,lrrriwith nr ° ".".r " ."t li,. 1' States, tar eur
tlic licem.c,l" 1 po.log oinietcoi, nit the tarot clivoi
t .' , Or " fl
11t the rootiMMilio l l) clue,. Tim eatmlo: or
reepon r -r.. " , cirrr or "V .. O
rt .. (Pn
i the ,4.1 it magnitlecot. w alto the InterlOr is
rr-°r • " r `'r r" " "rr ‘ rt ' '.."l.lo • complete mail giant. The bill ut hire eta.
knd IriO r e." , ° orrt) t OP to- lirnecu every hing.whigh the mom!.
whitely ' rim:urn eottlil ticuire, ultile wititeiro taro
l'rr r tr. "`" ttr' ' " "r. t". " .r r"t """ ligrevable, obliging nod accoloomiluilm,
!rabluiiii rep., ' • , i Th., prom letor.i or jw3pular house, klesi.r...
i inotiore, i 'r C•a.,VOr ro I t o , • •.• ;J. 11. S A. IV. Kirkwood, kook . how to keel, a
11. No , hotel, and we. ore pleirmil to .le.tro that limit.
- .
v• art It., 10 , 11 NAV.'AI, 11.1.1,/1. 1011.11l' effort., to enter to the ulnas HU.
. • .
First - AI. I'. C 1 aAllegitetEs-P ,, / A. p!euurnol the traviitng 00111113111111.y,,K b
re e-
John . r hest. It I , 1' I %lig tewarit by a. I•irge caret putt
second Nl.l. Eton. It, AllegitetlV -1,3 n. . lic patronage. 0 r urlitnu unit ohligh,g
C. A. Wile.ll, 7 I. it., 11. cl let ! young It tend, 1.. A. McCreary. tot niellY
First. Choi elt, tsburgil-10.,..” A. N., it tif the Dlonouguhrlit pause, this city, ocenplen
Shirslislii r. J. C. Ogle. the clerk's oilier, sod trites care to look. tiller
Scemul Church, I'lltsburrti-le 7 , A. it, J• if. I the corolurt 01 Pittsburgh mite:Os. If 3'oll RTC
Lfitinllton; 7 I', a., S. •1•01111 a.. in PleYnianq stop lit the Weddell Muse.
' ItirthinghAtn 31 I'. Church-I 1 :7o A. 11...1. C..
ftglet 7r. v., T bine. • 110mc:Ile littelltceitce.
Slapsbn; NI. P. L hut eb - -le. nA, ,It
Pulbey; r. . the same What enti•ei so ninny wink eyes, tionszen,
Pellet tea , NI. P. Cltutell-10"1., a. N, A. 1i• eolorlepti cheeks unit v..inteil nod hooping
liassilt; it. O. Cat Itott.
. forms among the (titles or nor laud! 'Paint
N. It. Isu Hit 7r. —. !Tim(' but 11.0 dru,tgery of 5,20:111g. 1111 011411 C-
G. TI. P. Church-10 3 , 1 A. it. 111141 7 . r. i ll s y mO.O O Ol 11011. ran . I.l' rioted (111111
a , .1. NI. Alityn.ll. ; morn
,i,124.11 . 1 , aOl K. The 'Weed :le, log Ma-
New Ilrlgliton 31. P. Elotreh-10...1e n. M. met 7 elan°, tor ottle by It. IL Long. li'? tlrAnt I sla' et,
r. u., li. P. i'1.11114. t le WMIIOIOOOII 01 1111, 1.1 , 1 la the hest now In
I'lltril Pr....l.yi‘g hot, Eiji short:lt-111 t. N• • 1140: If the heretic:el' tlees not regur.l It sit.
J. Host, t 7 e. v., D. (V. Alelseevet • serer to 411 y m3.'11111 1 1, nitnrit it mei
First Prel'llYterttlu. AlierhenY - W. 3 ° •'• 1 1110'01114 100110 y. dt 1110k04 1110 bi•st
Cowl; 7 e. n., .t. 11. 17,,sett. • • anti Is the uhtehlite by .29. per cent.
unsbet hod It esb3terlan,
A. It., 71'. V., T. It. tailleint
Chriat AI. E. Church, Pllthhurgll-1530 A. u.,
J. J. Stull h; 7 r. Itl.thuss.D.l l
, South Piltslturgh .11. E. Church-10.31 h, it.
iitliAllll.l , li7 Itouthard.
lAuert v street 31. E. Church. I . ll.l..lturgh-ltr
It. It. Mclincvez 7e. g., J. E. :Int.-
11'c5le1 Plinpel NI. E. Church, Pit Islnirgh--
10.'30 , 13. It. Enet4; 7r. a., Sott,
Trinity 51. C. Chnielt, ml A.
Cu.,.!,5. 'Philipp; 7 r. m... 1. 11. iiittnilion.
Disciple's Church, Eteelsan !hull-?r. v.,
Dr..l. Flood.
Baptist. Church, S.onitlakY
WWII'. -7 r. 11., I:. A. Wheat.
N. Avenue alit:. uhurrlt, Allegheny-lei?
5. it., Pr. J. Flitott ; 7 r. u., .1. It. Otilker.
11 •Ileillt., NI E. Church-lel to A. ii ~.1. It.
W,111,01 j 7 1., 4., Win. Ilasiloto
Pre;.bt tel not Church,
.11 I. .4., A. I,luhun. P. It.
lionlial." . .ntinion NI. 1.. Cloorh, Allegheny, 10;
t. v li, .1.
i"11 FlllllOll, (:AL
1;1 v it.
Avery NI n) --le N. 4 •
, •
Yt0101C . : V.' It SWIII.
.Irtlintrivvi Dl..!'. Chun lt-Itev. E. A. ET In.
wy,,111:10 7 r.
An AlMlndt 11111 l POI 11 . 100..-.ll,lirrinan Strain
loot before Min, yentbrtlay, lotto Poi ter. of the.
T11.1',1 entt ti, 1 1 / 1 IL chard,, 01 e•
. to:IAA Le In. wit" Anon l'orter. Itrte-eett-,,'
I Iris tier lit,bnn,l 11 . ,01 for tomb
,i,„„ntlnt rot to conli'lloitti w tier totp-1
4- . tool rro.lon to think he M.;
totolon Lo c 11. :LI ntc, 1111' his 111.1
nirc.i. l'or Lot - win* ongliginl un COoii:
ini 1.0.i. , 1 :•Iriontiost lorkton whon
Ile boat c: . ,.tat, op trout hullay9" on
day night, Lo I,s,olllEsir
, it 111.1eld for Coot tll tin.ta.:ll.
• Levture—Wo tiro informe,
of that the to 'et b‘cturit of the Yottn.t Month ,
Library As. , enttlon, will be doll, ortni on too
, Inelo by The.nloro of the
i c .. New Yotk Anti, prtraelli. Tilion'slollll
tb. collolur mot otator, aro too W , ll knoe
to oven nay comm. mint lon IV! 01, rialid, awl
tilt , mere antionnettnent wlll .otinetont
MI the batten. The Lett err Conoultll,l havo
;loa , te engatiLonninis oliii ••011710 tau udttt
. • eminent leeturorn 11.11./ lle .40•1 ll b 1.14 fair-to
ht. rtio.etstletnno.fol ono to nvoiy r,...peet.
Ni. I.nk Free hervico and
ConitUCllCeil llt 1 Attempt,l Nuf 111.—Ihl tl.ndt Ira. -Re
.skating Park Hall, Ninth mart!, wen Very publlenn bays: A the nuns ut .W.ll,
IlagelY att.-MICA . , the In tcrnsi : Hying near Allem , . grin- county, cot her throal
In lilt) Socciect .1 eclani,i i 5 noteworthy, - wile It bu71:111, 1111 , ono, hilo
thMugh "t
the i hint h ineC trio Win tirc,ctiCand 111 ilia 11111"'. It
to gntnnr echo.' non, the outlying ihnt It w rr hunt ut t , otneient- I
ti, —n1.,111 boventol forty ftlrk were..ay, hot. ihe iong.lttpan think the 1
In attendance.
AI herVlCti to hold et to'icalousV itloolL . i
1, s renoVer..'
nyetT Sunday .
and..nday School iLL wets
lc , n writi
hue exists ng the neigh
in the eettning. lila nod young at the el- .0.
entity. lire earnestly melted t. attend Ines., I
uerviees and instruction.. Conducted by
,N t . i o . t i e r a tt e ,a h , r , i a e , t , l a nn tr.s i t ile e n tro nAi ,, tl
to wa t tn id e s n ,, ,
h w . h r .A . g b i l e i lf o . I LaLt.t,t:.lfpf.ii.,,ro,g, p, trlu er Ln_
Work wltkout far or roWnra... teu cocleatit title morn ng.
%Vt. 00,011 roll Chetah:Mont or Iho
lug.<:ommnulty In tho ndvertlmentont of 1111
tenon'', Xn.7J IVeeel reel, to another volume
This gentlelllllll 111,1 ret,lv.l Iron
rove, t00'N.,.• York no Immense I.
meat of 11:11,," 1 . 11.11:1, 101,1, eupe,, etetoriney
mon. • 1111,1 ele;g11 111.1 cact int:. rol,. 011 el.
In either hewn 5 . or ttrablllt y, el. o 1 1
any ;all, rtoc, lelhe city, o ,eale
priceo 1,159 %went 110011 Cl) row wi to ton. the le,
quality of tOtuiS pail, 11 . Till, hoe ,
kttntlrol exchequer. Country enerchantx it for Iho retuil tend ,
w ill god 11. to :het , tot enntoge to glee 1 1 11Ie
nom their phtromgwooi 1, otcoure‘l loon,
towed , . 1,011N:oleo, to euels buyers. I:
member the pine°, No. 7 . . ‘y.. 11 ,1 sum, ill'
or I
. .
I ?
. 1 \
droll i . 110114 E.—E. L. If aven pOrf floOtt
at" 11111111 . 1 7 4111 1 IIL (1114
.111/11p1 .1 during the week
ending in-night, opening on 31011110 c
111 1 11 In to a gum!, Ilniuglt not crowded
Iton,e, shoat Al Well 111111 1 Lr hit, 111)1 1 1 1 11.rett na
011,/,lla. 1.1;/. 1311., 1.11 1 1 1 1 1 10,1, and
Itintediek, In Slntliespear i i beautiful iton.kly
el, I '3luell Atli/ ,11iout Appearing
in ,itch 0 eltarae tors na threof nom.
I toned, goer ample opportunny to cxliiint
Naomi:Jilt) . hill) 111/111t /is actor. That lie
done ,at iellootrily, evidenced by the
approbal lon 1/e.41.141,1 1111011 111111 11111 - 11,t• .11•11
performance, an 1 'bat the adidtfortitite
nightly, I Pronged Willi 11 , h 33.1 01 11191111,1
1011 appreelalo lint bole, iutality of playa,
loaf the higliemt tdatelarii act e t io.
not iiiilliNle.ll/uvetiportit great Iteturovii bite
nn,..,f eat raorillttaro goottei ,Ittelt 11,
e o iont fug to gleutnu,o, brit lllta wecaO e.rr. and
111,1 irniatifily, (Ina he It it gt:iotil tint,
11111. a line ttage preeeilee, milt 11. 4 ftlll‘llll4 l
-once of I, hitt [lie char.:to r hit or Mt, re
11:1111,—never niletldlng tito ear by till unman
rot rant—blii repreinintal lens cannot 11111 to
please the ilnierlititituLltur lovers of [lie drama.
Td-night he approx . , tbr I.IIe .1/1.11. 1.111111 11111111 g
111.1 priiiient. (Tiet engagement in it fiti i iirito
Tna,vre.t:,—The attoelmee at tills e,tati h
inent during the Week Mori been gaol, the.
loan, ort eo evettink, however, being crowded.
The popular art res4,4 l e , dvall, ha, been the
' , far, opening on Illenday evening, In her.great
v of • . (lttnen,” which Was reprodneyd
00 the loin...lag tiviening and then Bet aside to
allow Vestvall an, oppeatunity to appear an
Romeo, la the trugeOY Of • "liOnteo and Juliet: ,
hurl the.boardeou Tit on.lay again;
while the operatic, drtona of the “Itrigande,l l
the I hint act or ~.4 44.0ra11," curd one seems
from the opera of ' ^ ldlerella Borgia,. forintA
the hill tit entertainment la,t Toe
great heanty tit alai' lady's anpersouationa
the force' :knit paw, In h felt rho breathe. into
every hue of the text as it sir., felt inte6sely
every a mil slur alters. This filtu carries to ex•
eurror rut tine, and it Clan, some of,,the liner
Yeminine rote,.rotilang them of the - delicacy
that properly belongs to I lien, Ve4tvalt rt,
Main, imothrr %eerie, :ill:ear - 13m In some of the
be,.t . plcce. in her extelp•ive rep!, to‘re.
ArAntal, or Alrslr.—Thr ril 11nu>f
relrnri,tr, 1/1111 renna. tolll Orr it.
Fraud TaelILY
t lla Aondczny of It luolr, for the irel.,/lt Cl the
etnitrti, Pre,t ManebUMll:r.ltlua
red', V:111 . /0 itel-11-tra I,y n corp.."( vocali>te
and onrncians rit/(Wittti I rcnn thu be,t talent. of
Inn OA iJ tt,projraintlll . 1.4 large Itntl
K. 10,1, told all ,110 titteln.l ,111 , 1 4 ..1; , t/ta,lto
!tn.:l4:y r , !nl.-1. Tarket., for tile mu.
ill ' -
le.. xte 32:113 Jattell.
,V,l , rimin Itt..row ye-tertle} reettleett the
lotto, hint, Ittrott ettt.ttl. 0 ItIg•I: 1.1 hetet t.ttten
hy - Z. It. lex ;- 1., .le,ttee of the Peeve!,
Fttyette it.% hi ,tit, tetit whtett expliln- It-. 91.
tb It
A!L :171.1
\ I
4a . „ , ti;la r in alcE:rov.
••-l• lil•'•I
6,54 Ng,
mrung, r,tk
!II:11i,, II rhea/ .:11f/11) ,111 , 1 10 ,
rod:, Ott..ln Ittrn 11, sot dr.
. . _
poor. , 7,0-tore,' in, I
nt.l SVltilutu .11n:1 - :ally' l o ok - up it 't tint. uuil
loot :it.° Itott lit:
.ul,l tuko tho itfe of Ihilt . );lu.ot,. it it
look him ton I/MN, tti 110 It; Stu!!, iliolgerot. Doi only
ri ilto 7,1.101 illbUt
to ptopetty ot toti:it. rurtlgor
',MIL 'if,.
nr,scit I,lotol, ort , l
,r11.4,' t
Ilotto I,y iVrty;ley told 1.,
1e1.. - .lroy It,t4
11, C,t cil ,mtle tltttte
front 111‘1/1011t At,' ma, 11 :,:111111 - 01 . 1
11/ {:le Poor Farm' WL,tot trio Infotititaton
gt , tot titntdc, Ito ettOtpo , l I,IIIIIH,
Val ill titol t'a.ltto to Ow , ItY, en" . nit
,o tutperatit ely 10 It
worartriu cote ttlete looptataehe a' aye H.litt
loetthle-A'lotliiilg.. A+ hilt might you atteurrt
Lae ItrliihtnT I,nnhnxet 11, m,mr htlt
ere the.r - t•I or their rotor., and the t,l2t, of
heir trr.tnre. On to tal, t rote tile feratalne
portion of illicit :it, their letSithel for rlch
eoßtlittleth Their - fair 1011., ale le,eullill:y
toittptet , l to oft ',lilt citeet it cot., all the va
gari., or , t tt t re, and ao teat. cr how
n r , t tong emoted a Wlllll,ll Is, Nhe..llkl"l. cut II
toftttrerloo. for flue glirlettnt...
fa,t, toIT in lilt•
a ' iion !lett x ol tend to 01.1111, lady I etttler.
elre . irelthsc theit It litter h er.irohth ill tloe
will he g rat.. to ily recelved
I.) the., oil loot, it I. xwoalil call their
attention t , ho ttiletente steel: Or
nit.ktrh, tirl eVery ,ptelet, of
JL. ri c, toed nt the itorev,ry hour. of
1.1511 ...tree'. Their aeeort
!ll,li, ,011,•.1 lots fl.t. 14'1.6101 hero Irons the
hi.t. ,:very ...oleo - , quality, .ttol tux
tat c of poviirei, merino, velvet,
unit all amts of , a .tolca and rot toncrood,,
WWI cloak, ...tetote., toot In fact. t:vr-
IL, re.t anoto to toe t010rik......! or the
triettly , e horitte,+tettr, in Matte, ttritrlrg. The
prices are (Ixr,l at the 1001'.1 INV.: Hoare!,
slat all wk.. fas - or - flic....r, Bate, Bea ill:
their •entronatte, caanot let other. sew 11100
phott•etl with their experience.
• rth
I:4titorinl Noc!co,
"We prrfor the IV hottler Wilsou for flintily
hey are the luvot itus for firnilleei."—
i 7Yotcr.
"Thu Whoulor WilmaL-,ling no
"Wu huvu tuu , l otburm itud find thiuthube.4t."
ird PriAbylerm rt. •
',Outman Plen.,—Ooly one se,su Wits
Ito,COUrt Or Othllloll
lerduy, the was the case of 0, L, Patter ,
son vs. t;int,iliV, to recover the tam of
pI [lvo Iminl rot dollen+, wlth the Interest thert•-
, on, I ,Inuit by the doleudent., Its is elltgutt,
by felt end I i4odalent repreuentatlon.
41,4endent was ejvnt for the Iron City Olt
Countetny In 1.4, and on July :9th of that yt , ar,
by reptrsentellllll4 which file. plulutllnteelere7a
to have been fAI-e, lioluevd the !allot to SO,-
xvrth" amount 1111111kmed, to the sto,k of
o'lo efollOWly. The jury found n verdict for,
the ;deim or to the 11l or Vito.
It t
A ‘VOrti (4) Olin Porehailing' Community.
'Fine ittlllitai, linslness traniqteted at. ?lie
manunotb ..alest stun, of T. A. MO.:44lunit,
No, .".5 a n d 51 Fifth street. may be itidcitiii tr.! ,
lid con-taut arrival 01 bales and bone, of
goods W hie!, are tinily tint off itt the depot for
this establish into:, l'on , tantly watching for
favorable tern, in mar:. et and tor heavy fille•
tion or shi•rlff sales in the East, the proprietor
pick, up bargains which enable him to Ale.
pore here of til,gon , l, , mutt Artie:n:4ot inerehan..
1,,,,, at pelev... which cet o cheat, six years
ago. Tra , 1.1 , 1 w th ,, ,...0,iy aprnTiat.., the
vs stew, which, :at. 11:11, 1., 1111.1, ..ii:ta 11/111.1111-
iv ~,1,,,,M,...0114 01 1111•111, WO CIO 11,1111 c.l,
NI, 3let.tellotta find, re,,,ly and 'aria :nth,
'File stock kept inilioln ti sly oil' 1/A111) i , realle
~,,,a0,,, iLLIII eAlii,ll,,, an scC . I., is iii,liiiin
alit.,, , tree' good;,', Ininiiin, I ineini, ilailliel,
Ileinnlr, , chilli:4, 1.1,11111.r...1, .4111,, v i .:,,,, ,
country I,latilietsone.tern blank 01.. plain aibt
funi'Y. 1.1 ,4it5, s li"ei i i 'illilun".., ;! , I.lleIN, hat,.
5 . 141), inn+, earl/et:4i "hair t,, me I t hou-an.l , in
It, it'll, Which are. 11-4,1 in .the hoti,liiiiii, or
nr , n Orli for comfort or tolorninent. There I+
tun 0,.i. pi Ice—that 0' 01.5.1 p tint! lilt) 1,11 •I
` l irichor," and II huge lore , ol c.ever 4Atid gen , .
tlentatily sale,nen are row-dainty iii :Mena-
tint, lii'ivyat upon tr on . . For ~,,,I iirnelin of
:tilt' ititil iiVery iiii,ei.iiition ill' 11111, int. our rea.l-
Ors to eJill at NcilleinilliV.l. DO Mil inneeool - -
aged Ili the Lin,. i 4 crowded With el , Comers,
Ili there.nre al Witya enough intleiftne i to wait 1
upon ynti, .101.liers awl I'OllW ry Merchant., :
whilitril nhollt layilir DI their 1.41.1Ay nii,01,9 '
Sili.ltiti inal at I:1103 at AleClellantri auction 9
Inaitar, 'and VA:011111r the stllolo 111111 inquire
the prlee4. They 0111 lind to their Still sat !s
-r:Leta°. that. Ills; Can tilirehitSo there to better
u.iiviintitge than itt any Eastern ant' tioll lionso
Sr trade innrc. Itelueinner the place, unitler
I.o..tinic Ilan, 5.5 Unit:i7 Firth street. .
Ntocular Accident.-T he' Monongahela.
nr7orbilron I ituy 111 st. meta- Atr.
A 1!,,,,, N ielcernuto, a farmer residing in Cur
rol toWledlip,'Wl:llo hllul lee; on 01 , 1 farm, was
thrown to the ground Dv ' u -ullden sideling
(tort of the ~ l ehtl,.-11Orte, a colt, which became
vnthngis'i in the barn amd Jill upon nini.
Thii drew the Other 11.101 c, 111111 becoming vn
tangint nl,n. t n hobc team was tlito , sn into
confusion. Mr. Wiel:ernitin boing 4,01,0,1 to
the grolllld.attd nearly 'killed. ilr. K in,4l,lresB
- wound,, 1,1111.11 ore not rot,i.lor 4 .1 Oat,-
NetrrOlV Esenpe.—on sututd ay 11111
Mr. WIII lietehlll,l, del clog 110, , ,1 the river
hilt, near slntiongaliela boron:Ili, in Molten I'
with Mr, Pelmet, Gunther. In o buggy,
a narrow esvupe front a retell:l eVeldent.
When Jest etreve the .1107,1 Mocks, his horse
tulang Irlg it, Juilltled die cow:ao,, the prod
vice, just giving the •partles In the begol,
tittle to :spring II t, they . . , ll.leee,lll.llly ac
complished, nut tile horst, untl boggy' went
tunneling over the co, ks, rolling dOwu 10 Ltie
very rivet'', e.lge. It was indeed iinurron• c.,-
Sunda, tie! I Centenary, Meetlnw.
The t:tweral Alt.tho.l 1.4 PI,IE-it:tot nunday
twl3OOlA Pitt:On:lt:it. Alleglowly an.l
tning!tam, u ttl holt union meeting to-tnot
row. In tilt 11110 h, i'ilt,.l/unto. 111 two
I. V. 111 1.0 11101 . 111 I.:, -
111, 111,01 7 , 1.1 • tltn, Conlvren.'.•
otle•rs, toot the h.,,te h he r by
lit: , ho , rs, Tin; .11111.1Wn of the, reApvellt.
,chooht ork it-pit...tett to 111,1't
31 . .11 . h
te In, eor ronro of the First
ChoecO, to :I.l:toor.t, their in UNIC.
. ,
ant! drrl.f~nt nlnt*ntti, z'.!tv
ore,k, WW/t• ID., uoro tiuoy7llug for lir. .kb
tier Leunl, resid mg on the tartirot Mr. John
breorge, in Unity to ‘enshlg. Westbutireland
(•011111V, ,laughter, 3
ears of age, eafee in contact ulth the ..tton
bltng .Lao,” which cuught tier clothing, NMI
111+1KIIiiy a 4 taken no and 111.10 tO TO
ht, hoot ullO , the Ow:. Ite
fore thelnaehine coahl be stopped she sal, It
mangfe.l thal she died.
Arcldrots 111 111. M IIIII11111;1 . 01
:trident., !WWI of them fatal, howcr.•r, Inive
recently occurfed as the 1:1111e, of the Cambria
Iron t:orepaay. We note the foliowlng: Wu,.
d. Ilarrls, of the ~.coon4- worst of Johubtown—
lee brokers. A hay nalnerl4l,. id Harris, or too
curt. ward—arm broken, o!
Oa , homed ward—burht in hare', art htee by
the pretnathro eSpirettei/ Of a bIaSL. James
31eegan. 111 Canaan, Cltc—barnt in tare and
urn, by !he thonp.
A !lean Man.—rrederick lie re - ,1-dent
dent Of TAO; II ill, lies been sick for roa, t we.
1 . ...01day he aria:used Aideunan Taylor's
alike unihidicued that Tables rrans. !icing on
vo - gin alley, nail visaed the house of the di
viner]; widic the Inthir len. Confined to his
oc.! with sickness, and had Violently and wan
tonly :Mackin: Lin, out of hi,
ho I and ithiodfig 'dui. A warrant
isI3IIV , I tar no, 111 lent of the fight, of a
rick in:,,,.
hraret) of the Prnrr • —Joh%
tho . .1111h ward. l',•-ti:rJay Inado. In fnrtu'..;inn
ta,fore A1.1er111.1,1 Ctrutu, 'tar;;lnut -
Einone 1, Ith ,utety at the steno: , lii, ttlie,ted
t hal the tlettodant 1100,1 Weal.i.,c, ttlat , ll,
and threatening hulgn,lg,• HO: t,...00
the deponent. The ett., au, held for a forth,
Areitletst.— , Th,,,, k h,y,
ins t., a melancholy nt oreurtint at the
roq.lenra of Abraham El. La.,rei, In Toccani
vnein lownstnp. Mr. Cara...l 11,14,1110.0
a very heavy Porn p log, and to unloading it t no,
log 4111i1it.,1, ovor a little chief only
iil.l..tritAllng it in
Abdltei 1011.— A 311//ig girl namea Annie E.
Ornin ry, x law , laya
t-MEERV - I:V,TfnIAN - t.tA 15:11 la
A An. the Orlde, 1.11,, fir. CUM
MINI, Uri /-r.1t1"..1t., nr,t 311...11.10..,11A31110i
"thel'e-ftere," the lea,st. euuterbsn
o p
wince of teul , lre. except r
cuutf • eft.
unte , l o New Itrlghtea fund, tzetat.dletely 04,10
Allegheny. For Fulfil lots. pennies or tale?, Call
e-efitr.ll)l,4 ,'tare oC f'OI LS 121. A \ CV.
• •
N 0.156 Fourth etreet, EttlarrerAti. VOYFINIi ol
all !tic dr,'CRAL'Eti, OLUVEC,, and every-dew:rip:lon
Funeral Ferment:lir tiooac Int - tr,tred. ittermi
open I ty midnight. Hearne:mit Carrtay..crurnimer.
Itnntnn.SClS—nenr. here ILIA. Rev. m
o*. Jaeonue, LLD., Ewtnir. Esq., Jacutrkl
Iditler, En.
No. 106 Sul ithtlehl St., cor. 7th,
(Ectreace from Seventh Street,)
.11:me:meter, Woo:P.2ton and vicinity.
tharnor ot Sheffield and Chartlem street:.
Har.o mid Carriages furetrhed.
OPERA. nousE.
On MONDAY EVEN ENO. •Noveruhrr 11th, most
••po..lroctr will tie .tyro' the den rep:et-kited. or
orslotiblelllo our 01 thP Inolt enc,tlvp. Ind
same time Megan; all recherche dramatic lir-Atur`
tione, math:err
, .
which lint nut tier. plered In Oils CRT clnre the Met
CPC•KellICIII of l ie. Southern. and never with tee
estne Dew erpTEtcgant Cutlery, and
ktreuprlh of en,t.
ATV - di:AY AFTERNOON. at too 0 . 410^A,
F0.51110 , 16b1e 31.1' tact, SOY performance, theitrin , l
troate drama, Complete, of the
Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &c.,
Colitaitti lit Ow hi"
Attor¢cYa at Law,
001 ea. No. 1.1.4 Mai street,
ttle IltIr• and Legal gent...tatty. of JAMES
ULLA NET, lat.: of mild county, deceafied:
You ore tio . rell cited , o h 0 and appear bef ,, ro
J. s. tiltA 10.01fiet Vk sn - nod for
mald,•eout on of be fore MALTUILDAY. Ihe Esh day
i.e. , sex I, al said Itrahtera Oft , c, as
then and there to take out. I,ttera of on the 1 - 15sal.c of mild Jana,
n .le.t • mho[, e.stire. I( mlsr, - Irtly the MEM,
Ito. or
5t11.111 , 1 II • vralitte , one or more Of tale cred•
othrr t lott•
Given tinder me hat] Sill 0 . 1 °Zee, at rllll..
laugh, this i4ll. .1., I: 1' No.owtot.r. A. It.,
ot, Y.
G r lioyEll tIL. 112.111iEli'N .
Sewing Machines
Are TILE HEST for n Ilanettga-loring I.r
purl. Call anal AV!. then at•
. 111iA , titS
o r? „, ll T t, A y re
b i Larl i etgristh: .beet.
Inc Idit.lon Is fur-warded wbl will math
l'luna or Nib,
Flub. of Tor. or IrtDrt
FI>IL ti.ILE Oft I1112E;
AT DUNSEATH ,& C 0.43.
. FiG Zit -Knot.
- vi.r.rx.r., -tr..7 . . tx.,]Ere
1;0.11 r
Siuithlicid Strcet
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Fit fieria•uurc, - 13.,
.61-I•Arleular ettontlon tiven to Tic:miring
V. &Le., and Jeorulry. A U wot l / 4 warrant
t.kl .
S 9 !OP S 9 $9 $9 $9 597 $9 S 9 S9l
S 9
' ,661
S 9 C, ,1 9 1
!s9 S 9 .Uarket Street, 11;9:
ASII IiET 701112
s, BOOTS. ; SHOES, ASS. 1 ,4,1 9'
A , I,
IN I. X 32. Cx •se..
7 , IIAV(itiWN 16,10;`,F, s9i
9 •
JOHN ROBB, 89 Ma.rlot ' .S! •
s • 9 1
- s9 s 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 59 99 . 59 89 S9l
Get the Iteht—ltey Aluttyt.Gtte Stslts
Every we,.k., Dr. Quial...y -Scott is called
upon to iese . rt. ArtifLcial Teeth in eases where
other dentists hire tried, beta paid, andjm fed,
and In e'ye'ry ease ha work gives 'entire sat ia.
faction. Ile iv quite etaartist iu his lie _of
latAilivaa, and Las merely to esai*ine a case
know 11,,W to artichlate the teeth so thatt hcy
WEI latt,6oFae not( natural appear
anc, wilt itatatien to the food thorougl ly.
p, bar,'
h. the ei/y,. d w ill yea ru wee his work it he.
Z.. , 0 11 Ivould helix: for ally 01 our
readers r: ho are In •vtilit. of teeth, to call lit stn
the lit. to the End.. place, act thereby r ivo
sheers lam and money. We.. would also aaSt:Ye
those persons who ale ,ntfering with diseased
and unsightly teeth that I ley can leave tbdtu
extracted I,Wartli any pain whatever, by calling .
upon Dr. Scott.. lio• has /acted tar LUCY ten
Thou3and persons 1!.• in I lie last seven years,
and among lhi., lar,v, sae, her there . is net ,rte
ume in which itisluoveis le, proved injurious.
Oil the contrary, lie can rotor to numbers of
his patients - wits claim to ha,: been benefited
In renewed health. lie extracts it:unbars dai
ly by the "Ithigoletie. Lr Vap , oi , ' process,
and gives pure Langhing Gal to those who
desire it, •Iv 'thou; ..nerg , ... 11.0 2 makes do
charge for extracting triter, art ::10al teeth are
ordered, and gives a full to?". on Vulcanite,
‘vitli beautiful anim, dollar& Ito
tnetillti:r his number, rtrer.t thirll
door ahoy'. land.
oy Mreal a. KING, PENNOCK tCO o o
reepectfally Inform t he pu PI lc EAU we coat:11,0
the manuticture or I
'Sheetingm, Cotton Yarns, Carpet
Chains, Candle Wick
and Baiting.
()Meta:Play be left at the OfEre of elle Worka,
Olt AT• T lIE
corm, of Duquesne Way and Itarkera talt y,
nom - 1,1.1 m; half roltur.” gdrgrtigemen!a of inforb)
Machine, but g • UItUVI,I:
It tta.l bet, iutty!MAC.
gra,. and:. by all rogn.b.e.
It It
tinuu,d the
hF.iT I
11SE. ,
3.8 'N•11113. enrcbcolt;
Practical Furniture r ana fa ctur r
Latest style+ of I , l')t, ITURF, conotantivon bast
wci.:437 "E s crurrthErtz - oc>t. •
Deo46lLl , n‘..le on or to4ure nnoVF.MBEIZ 10
win draw etl - I•En CENT. INTEUI:3I: Mee
lA:OI , MM nOvEIIi3ER.
upon deny from 9 A. li., to 4 r. end en Weil
neelay and Nannday ovninge from 0 to 1I o'clock'
b:s. good, sa-nd ixontOTloltsri, ]nit ee , el , e
and will to. LOlll cheap; ode good UKS Y12.443.11UKS
ono goon WWII( 01.1ltt. gunr , toleco , 0 be sou.
nod good worker.. Call at
000 First street;noae 6aianooralod.llol2l4
t.. IN..
r l s " g 12:t
ctMt E d
cUeu Ut ll, . R. le N. Irani str ee t. •
Plain Awl Fancy I,St:VET gI..S FIPP. elltn
ELS, PIMA and r atro [tenths foreonklvtlMt
and nth, lauey r: Fender. : ',. ° ‘ . I 'Y"
ter Conductor d nil oilierArtirmr. cal
All rbeap.
DUPPY'... No. 11 et..kti"d“ ty<lll
cheap! rap"
Flo LO%—rite [Tv-6'3102'0t fhe'best
!Oen.h w lboil•I act , spring. n tandts imitable
for n clank c;r any ,11, rI,IIIIC Instlttaloa rank&
e.r/i n will pl. , a,addrefin
Pllll..!Ll)f : t.r.
110 MINT.
MO MA.. evyp.rtm, 'White Ellat !in cat. by
ft% Vreet
50 IiPP4, - ...E`.'!'. 1, 1`,."..,",,
0., •
w•icsmi. ma.cax.mEt.'
ro 2nlLthr rty street