U N Banker and Broker, • • 118 Wood St.: dear larner i of Fifth. Al i descriptions of Governmient 'Sonde paught and sold on liberal terms. London and Continental Exchange sold at New York rates. Gold, Silver and Coupons bought:at highest rats., and Gold Drafts 416110.1 on Now'rork. • II PENANCE AND TRA Tar aslant . , November 15, leGi. New - ork dispatches, received by Robinson, 2feCleiin ft Co,. show .a marked decline in gold, weagnes.s iii . aloverninente, and a heavy feeling In the entire Railway list. We report as follows: Gold, 1441, , ,; U. S. 1,81 Itonds,ll4!..R Five-Twenties, left, Ile; do 160•',,.107?,',; do new issue, 100-3 a; Ten-Forties,loo3- ; Seven-Thirties. ISt series; 1073;;;24t and 3d issue, 10l.3;i. MiCni gall Southern Railroad, E-4:5.i.,--decline 1:i; Cleveland and Fittsburgh,SS—flecline 3,i; Fitw • 'burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago, LM3, il.; oft; .. , . . Erie 16 a—ilecline ‘2A;" Western Union Tele , • . mai Co.; 50N—deellue A; Ciliate° mud Rock Wand, 106 N; Chicago and North Western,r4N, decline one. per cent. ,s`-- I . ..The Ulf/exotica bid in. New York to-43Y . 0 Oxeliaxicii of old Five-Tvilerities for "3.76 is 2!:;. Riabluson, 11cClemt .t Ch., exchanged largo amounts toslity at two Mir gent here. Thu market is so changeable in New York. and the tendency so unmistakeably to, s maller mar gins, that one quarter per cent barely corers H conatnissitni and express charges. OnrlOcal market Jelproved slightly yester day, and holds steady today on Bank char's. We - report sales of N1...t. AL Ilicnk lit 65.4465!, , ..; Fourth National at 100; Iron City Bank '2 Mil; 'Exchange 63 bid; Cit Mens GO hid; Feoplea' Na tional leek Bunk of Comtneree 110 asked, Some inquiry for Itsurance stoe •s ' but we can give no quotations today. ha continue de- I pressed.. Columbia offere I at. 16t4' without bringing out buyers. Mar ne and Triumph' hate lost tLe actlrity n !deed a few days . . - slime. The stock, .howover, dies not press • upOp..the market. , 1 1. ie4llst4o:bioMol;leilli4.4oo,cashke tile follow '''l4 4044Intiiiini:Litii.k v0ir.4,47:::, , —.... tiliffr*P-r-Al-4,1P1---- 00 Buying ' W OW 80's " 13:I'd iso , a , " " 150 .. hires not warranded 161 4 115 " Agricultural College Scrip WO's... M —The government now holds in pos3es6lon. g.37,f0,310 •011 in gold, $20,5,1.560 being repre sented by gold certificates. On the firet Inst. the public debt statement showed coin amounting to 519,413.010 55 on hand, and not withstanding that paytuents of Interest In eau amounting to r.early $24,000,0e0 have been made since that date, the amount now iu the Treasury is But 511,563.6 XI less. —The New Tork papers of lllonday evening : . mention a steady eilort,by the shorts to pat gold down to 'l4O on that day, the basis of • 1 operations, being the city Bank statement, which again shows a decline of 3'; millions in legal tenders, These notes are now, therefore at a lower point than; for some time. But there lea large supply of Money sti New Tort ... and capitalists prefer call loans to puller, .... which operates against hign rates of interest. It Is useless to talk of any stringency in Money while the ban ka have t2:1,n50.00/1 of legal tenders lying in the Sub-Treasury without in .-. lomat. - _ CENTELILL .017101 , 0 F TOY rITTBIWII.OII GAVOTTE, t • • TFICUSDAT, NOVeMbOr 15, /9t, OATTI.H. . • • Flie market for cattle was a remarkably bard one this week—the hardest of the sea son, it no' since the C.entral yards have been established. The receipts were shout up to the usual averitgr. nail with exceedingly un favorable 'imports [rolls the east, ante very timid buyers, holders leer° obliged to submit to materiaroonceisions, or else ship iiirther east on their own account, and but few or them sestried 'disposed to accept the latter .al ternative,' preferring rather to sell here. There was a very fair attendance of buyers, but thin great majority of them having sus tained pretty heavy lesisoli in the eastern mar kets, theyiwere ULUClllillg to boy. hero unless concersions were made, unit they all appar ently got all the cattle they wanted at their own prices.. One operator who buys largely hers and ships east. it Is said, lost rrlumeii this week in New York, and we are cognizant 01 air lleglieny drover" having host 'lore on is email drove of cattle lit Philadelphia- be fact s nearly till those who shipped stock from • hero to New York and Phliatielubia last week. "got their fingers burned" pretty Lally, and, veryutter of course, these men will not Oily argely vow - unless they can de so at a inatertal reduction. Prime to extra fat cattle, suitable ter retailing In the eastern markets, Ebld this week at from: to 7 , i—one drove et choice bringing Geed to medium cattle may be quoted ate Mr and infector to cow , men at . 4t4 to 5, .4 There was a fair business done in 110ga thi , week, but,' compared with last week, price,' .Ears declined fully one Cent per pound. Last - week, good to prime heavy averages soil at.. from 8 to while this week, the bulk of the mans were at tram 7 to or two hunches • of extra brought go to Reading; Penna . It may teem strange. yet it is nevertheless true, that FINN arc at the present lime WWII/ nearly its lIVICLI in Chian:co and Cincinnati a, they arelsere, or even to Now York. • savor: The. receipts of Olieep were esceolin7,ly light this week, comprising nut a few ear loads all told; and with a lair demand and but very few in market,• prices may be quoted from ;5 to ;‘,41• of a cent Our pound higher then last. week. lye now qubto at 4 to. 5 cents for common to good—one drove 01 prime fat • sheep brought a fraction over 5' • - ItErOaTZD SALES 05 1100,. env. 11, ANIIIS. Seller. Butler. ' ..Vo, Ar. Price. Brindle to Hedges —. 47 23u 750 Farren to Fledges 110 230 715 Cross to Hedges I'll 213, 7410 Hulbert to Iledge.s ..... 240 riwickard to Hedges 49 2.5 u 750 • • Wardle to hedges.... 52 200 7:a Hyle to Hedges ids 231 7 7 zei Tazgart to Hedges.... -... 49 0 , Macerman to lied ges 7 40 ilmlOrf to Hedge 5. .......... ,30 7 35 Boggs to Gileltroist &. C 0... 04 2.r.0 750 • Caskey to Gliehret , t. 47 250 -7 50 Taylor to Gilehrebt • 26 4 ) • 7 71) • Sharp to Gllchretst .• 101 WI • , 7111 - Crawford to illlebrelst.... 121 4107 50 Huff to labor 115 2MI ~7 23 Hurt' to Tabor._:.. 1-.^3. . 201 725 Johns& Co. to Taber...__ 2 75 7 - 25 Johns to Taber OS 230 730. Caldwell to,Taber leo 245 .7 32 Green to Tabor 50. 250 7 344 Strawhard to Singer It Co. 47 . .3).1 775 iVogle to Singer It lmbotr.. 207 let 775 Warner to Singer It C 0..... 91 • 674 775 Miller to Singer & C0.._.... 51 230 •7 35 • Ileakett tO Singer ,t C 0.... 60 230 735 Steed to Crouse .0 Co_ 70 254 740 Weaver to CrOuse & Co— 48 212 740 Dunlap to Plant Ifr-graw to tient.— 53 7 4.40 Carnes toHarsh ' • 'OS -- •7 50 'Bynum to Singer It. Co 153 2.35 7'25 azroirarealt - Se 01 slicer Nov. 14, AND , 15. Bayer. No. . L Av. Priae. , ' Leonard to /G 3 475 James to Paneosst 175 ' 4%- Warren to Price ' 4 334 Gorman to Hedge 5........ 90 5 DO Lafferty to Temple 310 -4 75 . Way to Marks ' "CO . - Bell to Croat • • 91 IV, 4 2.5 ' Lafferty to Rawl 02 00 450 iltrOil - raD SLUM OF CATTLE Poll THE WEEK 1001110 NOV. /STE• 1901. nottlehltda to 3teGarvey 10 head, avert4iiiig pan, Ault & Co. to Rinehart m bead, av eraging about OW, at 5,55, McKee to Steiner _ 19 bewi, averaging u fraction lees than libi3 ut •S. Wernz to Lindsay 17 head of prime eatile, • weighing neari3• lo . ooo . at : _ Huff to Duffy - 38 head, wenthintr..ff.46o, at Burns to Coirrollt 40 beau' of good catty, weighing 4203, at too. Roberts to !fears 33 • beau wcighine.ioAo. at OA. %Vero. to spar . 513011 15 head, vrefghlog 15, 1 175, at O. Roberts to S harble `AI head, weighing 19 070 at 6, Lindsay to )Lowrey.C. 078, at 5 4 . Auld It Co. to , Boron :21 11001-vcry'. common at 4X. Atilt to Coffman It Co. 10 bend Same kind, weighing 13,:20, at 4. Obermyer toMarshall 18 head, weighing - Is e . c 75, 6'4 Same to Male. le. 1.601, weighing - 20,550,at 0,60. Friend to Were z tieltd ,w righ frig =025. at6;4. Crum to Knot 30 head con - won cattle, weighing 24,625, at 4%.,. Sintinherg • to Baker 17 bead, weighing /4,0 M, at 5. Marvin to Duster 20 bead, wolgning 18,600, - lit 35,60. Sellers to Baker 5 head at Sc. Wernz 'ffisolmaia 15 bead, averaging 1000, at 63. .Stls i berg to Mayne:. Co. 18 head, weighing 17," -at Is. Kahn . 2t to Berry head, eel lig 31,150. - Sterling. \- Co. to Black 40 head, weighing 38,000, at ikM. • Rogers to Baynes ..t• Co. e beau, weighing 10,725. at , 7,3.1). 31111er to Mayors 2u -"-bead,welabing 21,090, ut eig. Clark to Stark, 21 head; weighing IS 723, at 1: Buff to Haynes , ' • & CO. 55 head, weighing 5..,1t10, at 6 • Aull & Cod. Mooney Co. le head. weighing 16,775, at 5i,4. Kahn & Co, to Robinson 16 head, • a - vera • big a little over ea IWO, ut. G. Smith .t Co. • to MeCanitoon &Co ;XI hd. belittling .20.2 32 5. • at 5,30. Smith It Co. '0 Montague t C``.`) bead, weighing 214,800, at 5) , . Sharnt.erg to Mark 21 heal), weighing '12, , 375, at 5,10. to slassoi uluu ts> ilea') of good; cattle,. neighing 1:4,431, at Gt.:. Mark:, & CO. to Knox 12 head, v. - eh:king 16,27.1, at 5. Smith & Coto M.A.:Wt.:IEOOC weighing 57,103. at. Omt). l; renewal.) t Naha to Everson Cl bead of fairish cattle, wet gm rig GO. at • , ffrown to .John Smith & Co. el head, w 0g414- . • hag 61,150, it ',allot , arovo of Cattle at 7 1 ,.. Wernz to tiarvkvit .03 lama, ti'd;ll.lllittt; 311,773, at adadorf tO .11aynes & co. [a head prim° eL tie, weighing at 3. ! inied to ' •It CO. 46 head of slim fa t cattle, weighing 025, at Min° Berry 121... bead, weigiung F , ' - 1 ) I •, Chicago Cattle MlAlie tIIICI.OO, 'Noel:Tuber Lt.—The fresh trecelpts of Iteet • Clattlo tO-dtty ut the Unled Stock Yards are htla head. linter 1 t Sal ea, &42 d at prices ranging front 8.1,25,a4,12 1 4 tor he ad , t to fair:M from ara. and fro ar,fls,GO -fur Sat, en a a and blear' • Tbe gnarl:al itmika is dull and weak with it downward tendeuel:. The un favorable report , . front end other anoint...s east caused stunners to hold 011.08 they logt littely bhipilieniS and cannot now pay Itte. r:Cea askted. There • are very tow gc.st, lots la the yard, mail 111080 will elf/Wait:. UP3l.!ppeed et.t. On lia.Outit, 513 they 1021.0 , they puts Otiel yd. Light receipts may have it tendenoy to Shot any further redirctlon In itrtecei but a • ago • 1 awl.. s uppl y 143 doubtless cane° anothor PIST nit 11011 -MAIO:ITEM 01/11Cr 01 TrIEYITTAISITUGH (i.tZETTL, Tit UIISDAY. November 15, IWe. The inchlment - cOntiltion of the weather Lad a tendency - to retard basiness in the pro. duce markets today, which at best, has been rather light all week. The adiiCes from Chicago are of a character to impart a little more firmness to Flour and prain,lit so far as other articles are concerned, there are no changes worthy of special notice. I.IIIOCERIES-The marl:et - is steady, with a moderate Jobbing demand, but p, fires are Without change. Itio Coffee is quoted at 20 , , for ltoustin Inc good ,23 , to 23 for prime, and 30 for choice. Cuba augur, 12 Ii to 13'...; Porto:Rico, 13 to 14'4; Clarified, 11'4 to Is; Eng . - lisp island. 15;4; C ru shed 17; ''A." "a" c. . " B , " / s .l.4.Extri "cr., 1:04; 4,, it. l'or to 1. 11,0 Kitt-choice in c, ce, 10 1 4 to ISZIN-Tliere is not enough Join Whefft to establish quotation,e; unchanged; rate of !carL e i n ; On wharf, at 53. New Cot vep; offered freely at 70, without tin Ito sales of old. Barley i5 .,.„ ,4 ,, n t 1ia x ,L" , , r ,ZP, 0 11, , sale of 1 car prime ' , P r ' generally, are 'Lager- beer,..,nao. lireu • - ("F gaoled 114 only offering 41 to 41, 05 . EI"" 41.20 to 41, 25 . loc 1 FLocif.—ts steady ith a r . demand (lilt un chunged tdlt.: to 02n tor good g o ring Wheat - brands; and 413 , 4 to .:174 cyM e e Winter Wheat. o 10 guoi.e.l "" an 1 Duck, h et is at to tt 0,1. • • , s EEDsFiII-T.SCOA In good demand, and we can revert sales at 43 to 4.3,10. 'Ynnothy seed IS selling lots at 43-may be quoted at #1 , 2, in first Lauds. Clover Seed is held at 13 -ail advance. , APPLES-In good supply and dull but un chalAged-regular sales in store at 3 2 to 41, as to quality. POTATOES- Prime .lersey Sweets re tearer, and a shade higher, being quoted at 41,23 to 45,50 per bbl. Peach Blows, prime, lit 32,50 per bbl. BETTEIt-ls in good supply and dull, with a drooping tendency. We now quote 11011 at L+to:NO-choice, to 30-ehoice, 31 to 32. EGGS-Scarce and In demand, and fresh packed may in, quoteli at 32 to 33, CICANBERRIES-With a light supply and steady demand, the market may be glinted firm at 315 per bill tor Vommou, and 440 for CHEESE-Continues dull, w I th a supply eon. siderably in Clerb., of the demand, but prices remain unchanged. . IIAY-Prints baled Hay is in steads' demand, and sells readily at 421 to 323 per ton. . _ YITTAIII3EIOII PETROLEiOt 31ARIIET OWNInn 07 Tllll PlTTSPrlinil Li AZUTT 112.93. CRUDl:—The'market was dill! and nook ,to.. day, not that the offerings, were much larger than usual, bat DV/insult ammo of the indica tions being favorable for a apcpdy reamer , - lion of ntivigation between here aunt Oil City. j We can report a sale of lAih bills, in tiflf ts, af -1.1!4; and. Is said that them was a sale or too bt, I N "Stott Ferry"—to lie under 45 gravity— at 9 , 4. There are some patties anxious to sell at lei.; to arrive on first water, but as our ro doors generally, arepretty well stoekol for the present, they seem disposed to hold off in I anticipation that in the event of a resting,- ?ion of navigation, there will again be pretty , arge arrIVOIS, ono that this ell when thrown upon the market, will pause a still forth, decline, A. telegram from UleoptAts quoted at 194 at. that }aunt. REFINED—There was'!' but very little in-. q airy for bonded oil tit-tiny, and from this fact It Po fate to presume that the Philadelphia market Is again.Mtf." We now quote ai free on hoard carshe re, and 3.5 to delivered in Philadelphia—We can report a transaction which it Was thought would be consuunnated, Of 505 bbls for December, UV for January; and 50e for February, all to be delivered In Philadelphia, and all at 'was reported that wss the hest offer - that could be mit:tined ni Philadelphia for this month, though as yet, there are no parties here willing to sell at. that figure. k reo all may to qt - mtedut 50 yen ts for »fandant broads In small way. ' —Since the above 1411.9 pat la type, we learn that the sale referred to rlid not 00,011 - 01.1f0t. ARRIVALS—There was lota Single. arrival of ell reported to-day,-,;175 bids for Fisher S. tiro.' DIEN Lt. CANF.9ELD, Cammlieriou sad Fe:v. - AMIN; anti InIPORTS RAILROAD. i Pcritlntlon, lone WXYlsh a Cllll. - Aoci latis.tst scd.s.rd /11v, Dried 1 Fruit, mut Instate November 1.5!---11 1 41 hl as nom, slodnaker .t gent ratty, No, 144 shit 145 1/n.l.:strail. Plushurch Lang; •rett pigs lead, lothridge .0 son; 10,111/ 0.1 ......... . Ilartiey_W coi . , los bid , dour, bc. GIOCCES Itild patriek Herron; 1 cal-rriTtlfee , l, ca, bbls nounny, Coil itosaues Ms td,.s.dssn .41. •111.111 , 11 bg- teed, 11 Irma: Ile tads hour, Head Sco; I of Col.rtr; Posts, 5,1 rlo,leargh Nlssufsctars, Ito LIO do, hell Rite!, do do. IV hit 10114o0; 11/1 do do, II Wn1 1 :+ 0 . 01" t.ll/•• Potter. dum si..•lad dr. 1,31 , apples, 5 x co; 1 itv oat 5..1,1 st Mr; :rut sp pies, I, 11 tolgt t co:1 do do, i t ellßoc , . art: ':,kg' , .•r, II! NV„, ; Nlllll.l , & 101, 1,1000,3 3100 l 11 hues. wheat 110ur..1 Renslisw; SIMI:. :milts, toyer & Vo-1,:on pi es Ic4 1: &Adler, .t co: ..15 ! NOW York Financial Matters. • )d0 tnrley, IV II Gal - raid, 5, cots NEw rout:, Nov. 15.-Money bri;•'. per cent- , corn. I do limy, P N Colo tanui I do btu toy, 11,t4- for call loam,. Sterling ~.sellst..ge dull, at • seo , pwrhogloitW• rot l 311 . 1 !4 Wx1 1 1` ,11 11 11.1 .. , golo, for drat It bills. Gold CL.V II LA..D• November IX-15....k. warn[, a s /3 , 4 gat , d c't• lower, opeoing at 111%, advancing to 215‘,.;', and 11. iiis ' " tutu.-, I. 11 Volgt L2Ollll l L1.111,111r / closing 1/3%. 00ver11 1 1.1./Ilt ,lurks 1.11.111. Cock, „sr pt;; rein, 5. ace, Stook” all, and lower; Rock. Islutal,l36; Ills- I h it bid poi ler,l old Mc, Ileury WOO:1m, nobs Central, .1,92; Cleveluml and Pittsburg!,l bar oil ir 11 j u lf33, .3 1,, rat Nortbutt-r4 rn, thy in rt.:erred, 711;,1 ; )1.2.1„55 Fort Wayne. .111.41,1 l A/ 11 ' 11 . 1 " .1 .1 Wood, ell .0 e.,: 11 tnil,l-14, 4.-1111:L/LI . , 'rear, Haute pieferrett, tu; aud st. e; I rm . 13inber, Colon Plalidng di; 1 do Preferred, 7.)C; t o Ltoodo.v t...ou;s ear- lion ern. Sliels igen Central. 11.10, A ; Erie, 7-' 4 ; ore Sl "„ Nose V ' Tk Cool r " l • 110 Q`""" 115.5 '. SI l'oAer w cot I:10 do, t . stirWyse , eco; Ii„ do, Western Union Telerrwnh, 3 Pander son; I .lo Gran's Dull; 71 '41 M l r l l ol,ll ' l r 7 t llotit I s ls ed''l• l " l '''lndo, I.btr ot. 1;:.e..k; Its butter, Ikg e,rg.., of sls, 10711; do of • 1I; .1. :11.1•.-; 11,4)x ,1 1. 2.4 1 11-11 Itr, . TierlL Mod:, r,•• bbis ceicr, .1 I. llntrour, lal are Money market is ,enewhat Unsettled. illooe . "pules, ./ 1.1 1 1a . :1: 1-1 110 do. PeLtIL .0 Newlin; 1 unumnd dlvtrslty et rites u.g . 110. 55 , h mut: mots, s leiorng id. nio per cent, Idle nil- 55555 , 555 ,5,5 Paris } - . iiiair .t 5,11 eter s offer large amounts at 5 per n't- oar,;, WI/ Pa, t.• rum: I . ll l` 1111 . 13 , 1 ' 1 . , I I. ' l -' 4 ' piedonduitte roll/011 is 5 per rent., w apples • mgt W. co; eteeptionsht 4 told 41 per 5 - 0111. rite Itre , ••1 „ tendency appears to favor t 5.55 L, „. .8,65.5, a, .5515, i,,5,5; .. 5 Exchange continues dull Primel ukat l /1 days , has -been. bola Ilya; L , ; 7,0 1,, :land, tt 11)-.4. out Is appar,o , lly I I 3t I Ld t 1 . 1 1 I ;,,, lvorcrilucields urd quiet I , ut 111 . 10ur.. Tue. :SlliCellanao l ls List to •v elk uu r h 55 , 555 5 5 „ 5 ! 55 1 .-5 . , decline in rwilroa Nl ds, ichl,cen soothe., , o ao Cie.:eland and Pittsburgh, North wc-1.311, h,,01 b.t l ~L,. Read...„ aro the uspecral otrii-CL-3 /1.,,,,a11 1 ., 1, - ah 111911.;;: , and 11p013 these 5100154 tae ilc , ellne huh 4 „ Ott , -I ni1.0 ;15. 0, I - most severe. Cleve:a: 4 l and Toledo n... at 1 4 .1 um. :lone, Gl - •..tin X. 'I 51 , 151.5-,1.1 pa the beard 2 4 ,;, and FOSSne .• 1 , 0100 to, .1 0 vet. The affairs iu the Dry Gouda market 'll, ‘1.5.-- . L. L Pr,/ •Ll.rl/111:, 1 ~ I. , bUlrul.oo a s setnl.purdey uspcoft. oven, v 1,-1:?, X p New York PrOdut. 3larlict. .15 ,p,, 55 , 5 ,1,..4, flat Si eodhs NEW Yong, Nev. 15-Coll ou Mariust beau o, 31, Diuvo, d elder - , do app.. , 11.1111 3(420. lower, at 51;10.1e. I. lour re; Mot+, Getty; 'L . ./ ,;;:s hacley, Al mho: Ilat ..or 10,1311 bele:market 54410 e better. nt '11.103„ , 10,4 lint ter. I. 11 Voit , em Sit do, to MI X: forsurO-not wester., .10,1u4412,1n for I,lllmon 11v1Ier. 341 Üblv NeucoMer .0 11...1. 110 311 to medium extra western, 41.1,141,413,f , 0 Po. Chi .--Mo,J Greer co; I tar ley, Car l On l.O eo, 1113 Cago , lo, 41/,8031331,50 for CoUluioll 10 good rill]. tlonr,.l flitruincr;tl cars 0w11:m1,4 tuarl, S, alt for extra round hoop 01150, and 513, , 0 , acv; do do, Auto.. :scot :; 1 ,lo cidi for trade 1131-.1n,1,; lauriCor 4:1,9391 , Fratinktothe;sll:l. Cll. Rye Flour (inlet; sales I.`lle Obis at ITATIL..I/1, November ear Corn Meal oniet. Whisky quiet sod 11011111.1/11. wheat, henry ibis •1 holly, I 1.1.1 eggs, Wheat market opened 21 - y3c better, bid closed w UI•i0n; 13 dull with - the a,llVance loll; salts, 11,0 y, bids [lour. 14;0.0 co,t pkg., wthsky, Kirkll - $2,4561 1 2,47 for fall, No 5 Milu'aukce.. trick, Irro , .t co; 21 sk.t oats, 11 It EiVitl3l; l 3.. , pkg• firm; males 15,000 Molt at 61.5141,3 11 n1' old 5 .'"" brooms, J 51u .erin; sits cure, W ilastlien; tern. Barley receipts, hff.ene bush; musket I/03. hominy, Ido grills, Saar Dyer. ilitiot and firm, at 41,10441,12 for Can. da west In bond-the latter for very ' • • choice ; and 41,3261,35 for • Canada West. Ire". Receipts of Corn, 03,903 bushels; the uiwrket is 2e. better, closing heavy, unsettled, and de s chning; sates of 151,0U0 bushels, at 11,314111' lot luferior; 41,3141,33 for Shipping 1113.xe.1 Western, in store; and 41,5201rit,,, do a fl oat. closing with sellers 01 Western Mixed In store at 41;11. The receirds of Chas were Isr;,. Wet bushels; the market opened aellude but closed steady with sales of Si(01 buslichs, at 6761107°r Chicago end Milwaukee. Rico is quiet. Coffee quiet anti easier. augur doll,. with sales of ins assns Cuba at 104,11•12. wil , - 19 dull. Petroleum Is mor eitetWo with sale of 1,01.0 bids crude at and 55r0 1, for Refined, in bond. Pork heavy and lower, With stiles of 5,t00 barrels at- 4.21,174 . 1.4,75 retro larhtud eash,closlng at. •21:17 cast' and regolar; 4210`92 for Prime; also ale barrels of New .sless at 425, seller's option, for January. 11^et steady. Bacon inactive. Cat Meats heavy; sales of 15packages at 12013 0 fordihoulders, and 1.1f415c. for Rains. Dressed ling 4 heavy at id.;41,10c for Western ' elderly ut 9! 46:[;11'• Lard steady will; more dolng; sales of lass barrels at Butter quiet 'at tsft3le for Obit,. Cheese dull at 8617 e. Cincinnati /Market. I'7 • Cisrcixwari, NOVetaber 15.-Flour sleadtl of 411;75111i for Trade brandk. 41,01. Hogs see hitcher, not Many offering; sales of 1 , 6 : 0 head, itt. 1 17110 /411/11S,PILOkers not buying, and those arriving aro to fill contracts aitule.tr. month ago Green Meats ;lull. Gams soul at I 1 There were no lades of hoolde r 4 or Sides. Lard dull at,l3c, MaCon Is In good sit. mend, with sales at for clear [ln Shie,4, and 141.0'411 for clear I,ldoo. Therm are Os/ bulk meat in thennar4et. Gold, 1,1311. Floor and Groin St Tide-M:lkter. The quantity of tour, wheat, corn laud bar ley left at tide water on the Itudian river, N. York, front the commencement of navigation to the ;Eh of November, inclusive during the years I,i,ia" and laCA'i, was itsfollows : Flour. Wheat. Cori, liatley. 14;5 • - 04,, , 0 .11*01117, 10 . „ Dee. D2,,rea. 111.9,'„1./o lly reauchl,•• the Wile,. le flout. the of the letter left al Ii•1-0at,r Il,i. yver, eourrNetl wile the ,eor,spoodlng Peee , l In , Tear., lows tletlcleuey equal to ,ire; Dui of flour. • M----ma-- ARKETS BY TELEGRAPH 131161111 0 Market. Br:cram), Nov. 15.—Fiour quiet ;Mil unchang ed; No I sprin g, 11,25E012,0U; western double es ktlt. ,25i316,1".g; amber winter, $13,z0i0 1 3.7 5 . icat 4 quict; No 2 Milwauklie and Chicago spring, .12,25; hush of Um former sold at eta.# Corn; saleS 40,004 No I mixed at 61,150 'art:chiefly at tins ont,iide prices, closing in active. .tats; salad 13,1ke1 hush NO '2 Chicago at Barley; sales 1 men hush Can rola IIL $1,10; ; wo n) a ie l t ;‘ ; .t; lanl% Market Sr. LOVIS, i,kov.lk—Floor• ern nunn u nn nn . . first; loly• from 510.C.:.4-oz,i,--",:;XeLl+ doing; extra rangeß —here grudis higher; :, °l ' - '5 1:1 . 7.-4 :1 44 . Whoat prime choice $1,01Q1,11. for old, sad. hetter, at 4M35.(e. rroylMont . l . th" unehatigea. . 410.1 and Whinny = TOLEDO, NOVOILIner 15.—Finer • now whitb Michigaii.V. 9 7; amber, Xl.Sti No. on spot; $2.30 to o cnrtcc. Corn ie.. I IVO and '...tcri,:te better; 99 i .e.e‘P$1,0e . for .t..;„2 . ', mixed. O:tt tincduaged. Luke FtclginH_; 00 corn to 11017010; 13.10 Oswego. 7' • Chicano Mnrkes. AOO, November 15.—Flourtlull I}•fowor. .W ear. dull; No. ;Iterinvil awl rho. ..2.11,111‘ , 41 2.4,5 e; cluAng at 42.10 for No. J, and 51, , 0 (Or No. C. Uorn Out I; cleelthed ,;; :; , .;c0,;;- for No. I, and for No. 4400:ic for No, 2.. ;11111. . Orlennn 31nrkel. Sew OILLEANI, Novonbor 15.—Cotton woakr.; E.Alci. or ::,100 ba:O.4 low milltlllng at 31.,,..31c; re. ceip., -.7(A) bale, Se's Vort: prem .rillwankoe Novi:rut., 15.,:F10ur un,qt.4.o. , Wlleut. dull; I§.l.ViniSl,;o3 for No. 2. Corn I.lrzuof 93e for No. I. • of 550.• CON 'I It. , I .I. 1.1: .11 rR k. ( E,I", :41, I i 66. SEALED ruoros.t Ls vs . is t be re.- r • at thie vzt I V ILL i'..1111. IL 3 M.. lurtiraolaa , Asia faring Nar. ila .1 ISI.or. Ram: tlre , t. I,...fraarg late,, Alley. from erntro elrL at wret~rnr•L - • Ify tilrectlon of tb, VI A ,• , :ea.141 . 1.3. VI:ANC:IS. City Coatro.,. _ L21111:1: • A lot or kettic.renotercd zhotre 'Lard, to tierces •10 arrive for LAN I,y CLIARLkti C. IiALMLEY EMI RIVER NEWS A heavy rain ~et in early on ThursdaY Morning, and it continued alne..ed without 'Cessation during the play, and it looked last evening as iftvunl , l lad throughout the A, a the .river rO5O several Yed.erday attm noon, and by :Mould nut be surprii.ca to 11 Tel four or aye i t fect.Niater in the channel. Telegrams from all City report henry rains at plot 120111 r, with 'citerY prospect of a. rise in the Atte ;Owns., and as t he ruin 1.4 110 thealit general, there will 2.10111011, , 1,0 a swell ill the 11011011- g',,heta river. • .Owing to the Inclement condition Of the weather, litibilless was al 121041 Wholly Sus ipentle2lath the wharf yesterday, and the Sur:. was prevented from leaving for Cincinnati exected. • 'l he arrivals include the 12,0101. Yoder, treat New tirlcamr, Pei!, from Clncinnar4 1 and the Pion Grove, front 1.0u1,111e.. Tin; Glasgow grit. Up as tar Ili the .01a, Meese all Wednesday evening, where she will- still at last lireillints ithlllog for unter. the ilitahtleSSUe able to resell 't landing to-day. ..... ..,..........,_ ....... .... _._... .... The Relit. Moore, front Portsmouth, was dine here last night, tied the QuncltStei from Cincinnati is dm; here to-lay. The Delaware was lying at the Parkersburg lauding last evening, anal the Forest City left for Part:M . 6- bn.; yesterday en time. The Nora, Captain Devininev. will poltively leave for Cincinnal i to.day. The Silver lake, Cam, Todd, Is next In tarn, :tali will at once cotemeneo loading for Cincinnati and 1.01.114. VlllO. The Armenia; Cart .'MeCalluni, is annottmed for New Chivies; Catuella, Capt. Lytle, for Nashville, and the ,Or I Malt, Capt. Cram., for Sr. Lapis. These :ale all Good beacs, and arc In charge of experienced and gentlemanly oalcers. 'lt Is probable that there - will be water enough hy this evening to let out one ot tilt, Allegheny river packets. The Quickstep iett Cincinnati. for Pit Ls burgh on Tuesday, magi the New State was next 111 tura, The Americo arrived at New Orleans, t reat Pitt:shit rglt, one Monday Intel,: 1 . We slit , the 10110,1 lilt: 100ta the Claelllaltti Colantergate, of Wednesday : Tile belle", doctor, A , e.: of the .1. it. 1:1'.- tours ions pershased it auctions ye.deislay, by I DU 1110r1t, for 410:4 ' The Qllielf , te riTlieliegi up a fair trip for Pittsburgh.-- .....11'. c re. gent to all 1101111e° that. Mr. aid. Milner, one of the Matt, 14 the Clifton. illifOrtenateir broke one Of ills legs yesterday. lie bears his tota -1 lortune with clnaraeterlig lc heroic lortitude... Mr. tins. R. Manus, loruterly one of .W 0 well-known clerks ne the Lonliviile Mall Line, was married at Chnnit Church, in this city. last evening,. tO bliss Fannie L. Bobs.), of 11l Newport,•eatneky Capt. Frank Y. it dchetor and CllO,llll W. IV. 1..011 illS may,. purchased the Aeitinlsait bakery of Mid. Gironlu ill, 011 the I.IIIIIIC 1 Alliding, het ween Syeatabre and Brenda ay. Captain Wesley fade, Of tile steamer .101111 iW. barrel 1, 1511-4 arrested at St. Lonts, , ,on I Tuesday, on complaint of the clerk of Ibe ißeard or Health, ter.bring to the city a pauper I named Charles Copely. 'till' Captain r,t.r.., thus I. 5hip1.,..1 COVely Ili .1t lieek band at J Portsmouth, Ohio. That on the VOyage.to this city, COpely took sick, and 011 Cirri , ' 1111: here was 011101,11 to he sent to the Star Me Mosta !tals; that for 801110 reaSaa he has ref...ed ad i mitt:glee Into that Institution, and was net to the City llospital. Captain Inasis talks ,d -1 suing the city tor false Imprisonment. A New ;lnicalis telegram, Maier Mate of ; Tuesday, Oyes tine union Mg details el the 1 burning "r the 1101107 VOll i'llai 1 Tile steamer livery Von. Pahl, with ,105 1 bales of cotton, was burneii at 1 hroo o'clock I this niorningramve luumbi•onvlll , The Ore VOllllllllll it•ate.d to the cotton trout t he-pipe or . a , a deck hand, and Iv , 00011 under full toud. I way. The Captain Oraered Ihe „nom to bet all I ashore, and acted with promptness and cour age. The Pilot stood at the V. heel 1111 111 en Vel. Oiled 111 11:11lietykati the eliellleer did 1.1 teltVe his lest until the steam pitn's bursted...M. then escaped,. There 'were ono , Minden 11 ad n one passengers:awl .1 minds, 01 tlica, beteg ladles, a wild score of confoston and clear ; Meat el,lleti. Nearly all escAped vii the lasi; reaching the.slMee. tune passenger was burn l, ed, 111111 several Were tlf OW 11 ed . roe boat title cargo are tOta 1 10,1. The pa,-1.11 gel , lest all I their intggarge many or th, , ,. hissing ,, nly I their night el ' oths. Amovg Ihme wc; e Col. kisser and lade, of Memphis, olio vie,re Oh a ItCalal trip to Nets oricat,,,, 1 - STEAMBOATS. -- FOR CINCINNATI AND,,,g2fl% LowswiLLE:—Tto , fine stv.twerorin f, No. 1 , apt. Tour, Wlll 10a . , for the above 1101 all laterno-.lLate ports,. on CATIIIIUA Y p to. Vor fro.labt or pa •s•ae . applyool,..ard or to wit FLACK a. tit. f% "91), Agent, Yt ß oUN"V l ll it a 113 0..0;1 1 1: S I ,tlifi!aolSerT. WIII leave fur the above and all intermediate portt on WEDN inst., at 1 tb m. • . . ... or . , • For trelglit or psnAnge a rt,l yon 1,0ar4, or to J. D. CO1.LIN , 1117001). 1001 E.: t,ttl.l.l\,+,''•' AKento r 0010 • •1 NU. FLACK, 1 VOR L OUISV I LLE.—Ther ... Cole:mild par tng.rr at . . am' r 1./ . . . NORA rapt. V.1,04r. Will leave 1,1.1... above and all Intermediate port. on THIS DAY. at 12 11. Yor frtlrht orpassage moldy no hoard, or to noln YI:A.Cn dr. COLL.( NliWkrl)l,. Alfldlla.. pEOPLUS ULAIt W FEitiLY I . CKET lateen PlTTlaltUattill AND ttitiClN -NATL-The nippy anti splendid steamer 'AlttiOSY, Capt. Louie Vandeyriff. IY. li. acatt, Plush° rail lIVERII TUESDAY. at lao'clock Y.• l. cinejnaatt EVEHY YstlltAY, St.l2loalock. Vat-in:4oa its pphatte apply 01/ ttoard. nolin7.l oa CAIRO, AalD OULEANS. - Ttte altear'" -• ""' papally's, 4tenmer AMIE:4IA V: Ii! trive for Dm, atinvr,lo 41i Inl ernirdlare port. on T Did DAY, ftt 4 P. )4 frr , A or parsagr, apply on board or to nt oca FLACK COI,LINGYVOOD,Agentr.. VOR EVAINSVILLEAND for 9traoer .... Capt. I YTtli. Will - Dare for Database(' and all Inlernatallale ports, MI 'Olin DAY, at 4 r. a. For freight or passsgo .ppiy .NS on p og rd or to n od FLACK A. CULLA SU DOD. Agent.. :FOR INCINNATI.—The_ splendid Pide•l'llie , l stestnor as . 7— Capt. H. BARR, Jr., .1. Floyd. Cltrb, will run as a REGKLAIL PACK E I. as announced alums, 'caving:on PAT Clio DAYn • 412 K. For Laseiglat W. 1.1,1, apply on board tar to ooK Lai A 51 Es Agen t.._ WHEIELING, f TA aPA 11.KFitailidiltai PACK- endial passenger steamer BAYARD 'Capt. lizolltau 00 ti MoNDAY AND THUIVIDAY Lexrus raikereburg TtIV.St,AY At 0 V15MAY........aL 7.0'c1.3ch or i.,.g...pp,r0n loo•rd. evh:kl ( - 1 1 tPlIAINS 9 ' COLIIICI` sAE.—uy ,-, Itt,of an .-, •r of u l ' fleith ou,' Coe rt of Al i 1 4 • 4 1 5 1. 4gr0m07.,.....,.11.0 toontalgottl. Atluilelet ea.' t, - ,.,,,, t ;':! - ;:',7, 1 . :` , ,V,r,: 1 , 1. , rdE.:1 lett t. it 4 n't:lttl: deem 11 ' Friday, lilt . day of Dec., is li 6, it In the Ult # et' l'htsll :4 l i,.con ' t;ll%trt:XJ, o to f t b l 'illy. ' 1 . 5 tc,. 1 t , l j. " !:e::l . l til l' l:te . , ::t i l .w ' t: t:Val„.ll'l' 7I: n ill I Ill ' I' ol ‘ A 4 I . 1. 1 - g r o h o e ' t II': ' ...Crete t-treet. et taw etott. rttr 110" 1111 L'at .k" nhnt4 tothl etre,. too - Ott:Ll 1 , 7 t 11 n 't .' ° ... ' . 11...Y . • the.ce rAttAtiel w Itti Itop • l•'JI e; f eet - )'- ' ; '. ll,lrl t .'""'"'. ttottlti loteallyl olttt 1,1 t etre, tt-vt ' o o l ' t the 'le e ' ' 1.1„,,.. etto) thence a onte otoltt al, ty -, :'•- ' -" atrett, at the pla -e of b o o tt nt n ,, , 0... h.,., ,•rn.,, v 0 a two story Uri, Dwelllng, . .. . e eut.-- 111 1 0. all that. othEeloto(grotoot Wattle adjoin . the above, ant! detect - Med au follu0s: 11,4 e,,,,,, , - . 41 . the ea•t Ode of I . eaht Crert et, a hole,. - 23 ft. e i n . 1 ur•l. ll' 110pe alit), thentealone . t rolg tr.." north =1 It 6 In : Untie- east. na.allel 0.1 llt tint.- ahoy 01 ft " , 4 10.1 ttt enc..: ttoutla Pm:Wel with e rat, t ‘1.21 n. 1 ' 7 . , 1 ,1 .- 1 1 . :: :. r ' 1 ,,''',. R . ' ' ' .. ' h i : ::! ' , oo a dt 1.2 Parallell.4 6 11, 0 1 0 t1:1 ' 1 1 Fi 'e . t ' I CI be b1?: 0 11 : ; ;; 1 [ 0 : 1 1 10 , 1 :: T 7 '2 4.tt a l ft1 w 0.1 1!1 ... t!: which I 7 1; .. t etvl - 1.1 0 a two blot . > Brick Portlilig. I 1 g 110 ior 1,400 00e-ttartl caoth on contlrtnatlon , of zalet, one h led 111 o year, with mtortst; Me ' dnor [Ord to .ttou a ny nh., on the pre:milers dr inn OW la. Met orate witloer of 0.12 novolout. Ile' hilt:Tete i 1 1( 00 to Lc poi . 10,011 widow anituallt; Elle yettint pal itt her death to Ott': staid WU. , part,. o by Itter eutith-t1 1 1 ervto; With sold deferred goy } tng.t. (lila; be, • urrut 11l Inind and ttiOrtiag Ad. e o Z; l t i l . te p 1 , 17 13 1 11 0 0. ,ir - 11 1 t ij . I l i f P I O . vdifitzttln.TAltth Yo. 901 Llt!erty blnet. .‘4C110:11.4.11iElli :74,1V Loletat dealer% lnli r.ceries. Flour. rain. Produce, rrc -llsiona, Fish, Cherie. ynit . Carbon OIL Nor-IT. and 74 Wood Ntreet, nerd. Liberty Street, rittiibreh. 138. EVER, BUREE & CO., - COMMISSION DI Ell I ) if, las ENTS Flirt Tee, Patna. Globe and Libeiiy Oil Works, AmnlOSSorage fur Crude and Urn oed UII. (.liier al Cati rAtiVAIIGIA made on coindgumeors of Crude or Refined 'retroleurn. Yards (or .storage and ship ment at:rode oil et Lay:lancer:llu. Unice and Warehous- Corner or Iredurene Way and Hancock street. l'lltsburgh. PST= REAL ' KEAL 6: 111TC1IALET, COMMISSION AND LN Fleur, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c. COM WILLIAM C. LEE, Sucet,bor to it 1.1:X. (MILLION yJRIIIIIIISSION AND FORIVADDING No. 002 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4.L - Agunt for tt, I.cti , l Pipe mid Sllert Id.ml Works. Dealer to PIO end BA It LEA It, tittoy, II EMI`, FILLE CLAY, .f.C. Comdginnenty so and_Orthms promptly my31:10.4 ricW irf .s ,,, .•.. ...... J. lif.ti:iflrj W. R HAN, I 6n, i EN S,I Ei VA N I( ED b.. lIIAIMPE, •.- pitoDut.a.: CIAIAIIrIcII/N II lIIICH A NTS, trvl Wholebale llealete it b1.111f.1. - lN AND 10111 . .1a I 111 IlltlllTli, SALT, FLUI.lit. 011'I . TI.It . Elltirl, I U TA'rlfiblzl, Ac. and In l'rovlsloca. hod' rroducc bl.lr• 11:1 1 A; a N d ° 6/I.% .: ,t. Y ll!L ' itt LriV ' W . . T' 'PP"""! Agcala for the bale of I'. L. 11(10'!. 1/onnell a Ella:all'. and J. liarbOs call. I • S. NEVl'lliliElt •V. (2 0., • ••• • Gr.lll, 1" , / ,331 l'rotuce. 1 : 411 3.lvaucts 1,01 . 011. E.ri,l,4l.lt.rnth. Vert:boom, No. 3911 I•h:14 N oppoplte IPepot. t.burglt, Jy9:l-2.5 • boolou fiCAO HANT hIKIAa.k It LAP WI, IRON ORE. W Rot:. 11/ 61.:1CA1 . 1141/N. FIRE PRIV& and3.A.Y .Fr. Warehaus.- and Mice, Nun. 366 11.1 , :ROI N htoram. forulailvd. Uottelgittnenut anllcll , d. 0..1 1./.ltX. $1 • 11Alfd - J /S. A 55.16.11 , ` g BASE ct,,,ti'itN:ilaE,..i".:'„inli.,'7, l , r;.7v,,}i.'.4 mud r Itulai C E.', :4.1:owl aLreet, Letryten V;on.s end ultualeiti. rittelhur,ell. npiltly . _ .. . _. 21.105. I‘Prir.ll. 'Jolt`: S. A. ,Ilttrl'AlLD parrvcit, .4.16,EN br. l'omptlfilock :itPrt ,14.1ert. to Y.,,1gt1 nil FruttS, rtoltr. go , otatoca ptoduce gcn,t:tv. N 0... I.lllEitrii tiTlttte2l' ppo,tte r put. l'lllsburati. • • - tiroceta, Coanr.lastga. rarcitsula and clatars Itt Coup try Mal., Provl.Nma, Bacon. Lam, P attar. Clacta. Vl,l, 1.r., Vlour, Grata, rvot mat I 'rad Nalt un.t. jyta OTiN . _ SEIEPAIiU, Cunutzisgion • sot • and 5.15,1015 to Floor, lira!,. owl •5. :7 Llto - rty :51.0.5t, Flltdoorgh. Choy, 551 1 , 1 ..... tor 17.0..•r0 Vomlli 1 tO rort,lsr..., l'artl , ul.o MO, ottou ;550. d!llor •55 . 5::.t for rehandlto ITTLE, BAIRDPAT3'O.:I, A N . tokoole tirdetrs. Cown7.lo:ou 11,551m0t5. sod 5155a10rs to Ilrc.oluce: Flout. LtuNdo, tr 05.0.0, Co - atot And Lord 011, Itou, .7001 s, 1:55:75..a Forum all. nil go 1. - 017 II and 600001. FltododeLs. P. 1,15,11P.P 11.11.1f1.11e.3. ..... ::3.1:1.:ZEL. 11Eli ' ASEZI Eittritti" (SocoeAsor.4 to 11A: ymer 1 .A.t.tterrott.,)lVltol,sttto Itt,lors In rot , ,Ottu Erotic, Not an,: ttplot,t, Cor fectlonery, rtroworto, tn,t Woad t: root, C icatlt rtttblotr.th. . tr2tl:l, MOIST. MN,. crawo,ll.lS. yuLL AO,l Dil.moatt; 0511,155 elly Lisll. A Itegli•nty Lt 7•. 1,17:1Ym D. lA.II, Arr. 11:11 - 1 , 10110111 CE, •• n.. 1.111 3nd ron.s.nlnig•tlerr.Seotle, ....n.rite for ate Pttl.te.rorb Xlmorfecto.et. 21, Lnerrty etn . Joivi 1. ••• JKAIi J 1.101,11...‘c=. M. 1101,35. 01.2. N 1. 1101;SI. tr. 11114.14 1 ., Zucces _l ! , 010. To .10110 1. Co.. WY,000.1., Cowaltogl•-a earitt of,mlth. ,tot fe.lo WALLACE. Whole WEI?, AN!. 1 . 1:01.1 , C}:DY.A1.1.41 , tir•lsth,trtvt. .;1111 1, 'S . 13:11.,ZIELL Si.O 31 'SN, auu - r ate 3tl tel., tta ig A.: :4,, a 11..0.. ivtisTzt()NG, For.. w:Lr,!;:,2 . • Ivr till •Aill 1 ...Ir. 1. ralo 1.1r.1, , 1 ,, I: Y'rui[ r. or. ql,v, No.lo , 313,1,A 1•ZZo:ly • ..... . POUT. 1DA11.3. ELL 4. 110., r 1,1 M , r• and • . 131:11. No. 1P.3 Liberty St., r,r.i wanO,lrtUrvo; Con. SALL4.IIDICS.EV4CO.,ViIioIet.isfr Capt. .1. L. (./IA.ME. Capt• A..C. IN!===l = SSION IdERO E1E12152=1 319 LIBERTY STREET. PITTSBURGH. PA commiesiuN l: •_..,._.1 \:~..::.1 i.l.ltEnT7 . _ . C. 0.. lio/e.t. TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c tii:•LLSEOR 'TOBACCO 9 eh W. JENKINSON. 115, , F)...C11..E.1. , UT ALL KING, OF OINW Or Oft Snuff and = • I L''d n I.I,LgJIXN}', PA. BratichStore at ,at..m. R... B. JEFFRIS, Mauullos.urcr and It. tail • Ml=t= TOBACCO,;SNUFF AND CICARS, . Nn. 6 AT. CLAM STREET. "rrrslu”1“11, l'A. Au...,, , tu...nt MF.EltiCil ABM MOE, •B.t AMOKIAB. TOBACCO, of lip to rgnal:ty' ' G•jl on nun... GEORGE BLIMIENSCHEI N, Dence.it IN TONZION ANpuomustic SEGARS,-CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipce,& t No,. 19cocron.t1.3. iatront, (N , ar corner of I.lbertY.) =EI I=lllll JOHN IVIEGRAW, bialtuf ketu rrr Iletall llenlcr In all kiwis of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 4.13 21316.D.TX) HP El 37 E:rd• e general assortlnunt. oflitnoUtoi olow"v" 00. b. •'." unows JAMtH BOUTII Mt!EMMM • flay purilr,ed tbe obl wory kt,wn at Ibe II eh DREW };icy. t* by Catopoell k Hee hni, vre would Inform tlle public that we lutend Coll[llolll4 We tontokl.teture of SPRING WATER ALES, %Ind.: from Vure boring {Voter, and from our (Mill- ' ttrs and long t'XpJrlturu In Ihr bunluea:• ~,n,ocd ennol;o1 !only.. bfaxlinu to Montt Who May favor UJ nltli their pat- JEVINIXT3I3 Oa ' 4(;5 Rebeeea, Street, - • ALLEGIIENY CI'T'Y. 'SirAll *Meru len. at lIIIOWN 203 lwrty rg ,Il be promptly attended to 0c.,111.4 TO CLASSMAKERS. TUE SUIISCItEIREICS oomph:Led their arrattgennon to for erulhing the flunt . tlallon Sand Hock, aro now prepare.) to Joe niall firat tIA NO, 0.117 for use, dab, esol In CAR I.OA UH, A'l' 111 WORKS. at• the Adored rate of ef 4,00 per ton. in balk. or 13.00 lo „ma,or „„ d o nv„rrd hon., either 1001,11 AL 49 00, „ r b ag ., 0,50 per ton, or portico. eta iurnibh Iwo at the Wow: pr.,. 1 "01f...r time ureeu above co na,Al, nditio a ns. ot t dapted to their use, AT Tl tatokln Fong,et, to LIM ?r,‘ Order, forwardrd to k.1.i.10T1 10.011.41, Still erkrk Po-t Huntingdon comity.or to A I.).;XA N fir.n ISING. 1.40 Piro!. arra:, Intlaburgh, will Ine promptly attended - ItOBLEIC & CO. 1..14:1!)I CO-PARTNERSHIP. rria}: IiNDESISI4:NED totircha.tol-the stork .1111 inArbittery of the Istr buro thu first Ilny of 14111, Viliert d beton iciarier•blp uti• der the et rho of hi A ILL'IC It, II LiTAIAN cm,. or ter laellll4lll 1N.0.11r 4 of WAGONS, le., Ist the otiions of rreilerick Atowilleutann Tuoioio; O. er etre., Atouenester, loot wouldfirereetilu n ly 8011011 11, 00111100am:0 or the pair °wore hitherto 0 , ItierullY he.t-oseeri. Titow II A. ANTLION V IIUfkIAN, ADANI SCif Ft. MANN . 1/11.11VATIC DISEASES. With:K=4S r1f.:41.N [kw HMO Yor the cu[l: of all ,11,65.ta of • prlvoto want a; IA from Info' tear .laya, by as dLLllely ”alP•nd tap treal.n,... Ain°. 161•Intual Weakopoa, .0.1 all ollacT dle”acte of 111a.,,a1t. organ/. sad {hale 6.lrati /lon fiure warranted or tauut•7 taluudipl. • tltarn hoor•-, to to a. at Ili Lo •ff. , l o a th 6P. • /•-an •-ava NV ' ,...??l,rt.c . ne u u it r i ,: it Tn it nthl Ilatnitortattla. o°l4 at. l'alutt:tl kturdria. at. fin. 107 Market btreet. oa7 ••- /f. /10(4.1.E.ti 41. ,13.11.0. NUFACTIMERS UNION IRON MILLS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH'. A ,'Cir.,OLIDATION OY THE "IRON CITY lORGE" AND •'CYCLUL'a ILLUN CO." ENLICAL MANUFACTUILLI, IRON AND FORGINGS Special attention alvez to the manufacture of Hammered and Rolled LOOOlllO - and Car Axles, msza..aavx3. KAiLROAD CHAIRS, SPLICE BARS, MUDGE IRON BOLTS. &C.; LIN KS AND BOLTS, I BEAUS, GUIDER IRON: OCTAGON A L HOL LOW W BOUGHT PUsTS: T AND ANKLE. IRON, &a WAREiIOUSEt 95 Water and 126 First Streets; OFFIICEI AT'IIIE WORKS, H , NINT WARD , . PITTSBURGH. L AND TIM .L & SNYDER, I,Ncr MUM, OF - ILE FIXED, TUBULAR INI Ell ,TEAMLIOILEILS, 0 I. !'ASKS, ICI ISO AND ASII PANS, S. )I.T PANS AND CON GAS / METERS, AND 11105 SIIUTES. FOR pOILER, CARROL TUBULAR, [MUM FIREBOX .t CALL OIL STILLS AND cIIIRNR s, BILEE SETTLING PANS, DENSER', STEAM ItNIDDEL.:„ PRISON DOORS AND Mace and Work., corner Second, Third ifleorr ...id Liberty St r e eee Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. .C_ ('r ,nt to itie %boy, a,141,,a wlll qt.:aptly 10tk..1,1 to. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, NINICK & CO 41... vine-mix.; or BEST REFINED CAST STEEL mum, FLAT WI OCIU,OI, 01 ALL SIZES. =I SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND VFMI-fLLIPTIL RAILWAY SPRINGS, 1010 Stiring Shel, Cast and German 'Plow Steel • CLOW ANI , MOWER. BASLE SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, ,114)1-EL IMF. HAKE. HiRK. TOE CALK ASII , MA' CAKT STELL. CIO,W-BAUS, Warehouse, SI Water St., Pittsburgh, T?PTTVILJS IRON AND NAIL WORMS, LEWIS, BAILEY, BALZELL 4 CO, =Mil BAR, BOILER, SHEET 111%3" 711 irr..ataknET... IILC:01 1 4, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water A; 90 Frout st,, PMI'S P.ll. KEYSTONE .1110 N WORKS. Eruirc.uisoN, GLASS & Stnnufacturere of thn dlrern•ntsttes of Round. Square, Flat and Horse-stile Bar iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Hotler-Plate, Tank and • 'Salt-Pan lion, • ShePt Iron, &r,, Wort., 1"loWtin11/1 . , on Alonnuir•Lti• Tint 1, e and Wurelnonnr: No. 14_6 Water Street. m-4.111 FORSYTH'S STIIIbARD SCALES, ,6ks..ssca, 11:o ing - Presses, Warehouse Trucks, Baggage HarrowM, Sugar Mills, &C FORSIITILTAYIAnt dr. CO., 39 MARRY. r wraErr. gAI I.)NA7 61E. B. WOLF. TR., & CO., Hardware _Ciutlery. Are now rl`celclnß larfir additions to our stock, which Is fa, red to Dealers at .EXLEATMIFILINS 3pire..xcimmes. Corner Liberty and St. Clair fits., MONT BL,ANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, at ' OION/tIITY. UNION IRON MILLS, PI•I'•I is ikt R OB. ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS. MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. . . Onters prf.mkiv and rare; fully eseeta te . d. C . I'II ARIi KS It ICAbON,II.ILE, ERILEIIT &. MACIILIND. pITTSBURGII STEEL WORK ANDERSON, COOK CO., • (81.1CCW.IthIlttti Tu JONIF.S. BUY]) s. C 0..) auhfsitort•re 01 to twat maned Out tlt•hti j Bqu.rt , Vial anti (ICIAgOII. fal eltet, Saw Plates, I.loe, for) matt bisect. Cut Steel, Chat elect for REAPING AND MOWING MACIIINE, I === CIIICULARM. trO Coot .ud Coutuudo •nd Spring Nrci, • _ ow...—corn, or r rlt govoettecta.J. , o Above the MonollFah,lo Houne. r•d• 111 E FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS Watt PlACTollillfl or 111EANY ()146.DiliANCE, ANL , 1.1. A KINDIi CAL:MINNA. Sptelal atteptlou paid to ROMANO MILL WORE' BLAST MACHIN KILT aud RETORTS. REPAIRS a L1f.11 . 41 to promptly. need heretofore, the bolt material* will salmi be C.PII MA this Foundry. Liana. disposed or enr.old patients, we are pros pant, with law ANL,‘111101"Ell_ pattern,. rue ntrurled coder the Impnolon of Mr, KIINCPT, t rut old?, NALL It ACIL IN Vdt er at short none, ' t ot,. • A. IIItALMKY... VANKIIt, ..... .J. P. ott randff , E TNA STOVE WOROS. • A. BRADLEY & CO =1 COOK, PARLOR ANO.HEATING STOVES Lawns: are. the celebrited ZUHIC A, TROPIC /11.1:531AN (Coal Storm) pc/MAN A, VET MASAN and IIIUNSILIES (Wood Cook stoves.) Alto m'utiTZEt4, CRATE 111()NTS, dcc. • • 1411 re and Warehouse, corner of litoond and Woo Arcata, Pittsburgh. Entrains oU Socond street. siting u.t.in • JAS. 1....14.1.111. VALLEY STOVE IVOIiKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Dace and arehousa 301.T.Idtorty Litraa - !appoodie neallhneld• Manufactures it ?rest variety or COMM. I'AiILOR ndHEATI among are the eel cbrateil AlleithettY atoll Monitor Cool Mootlnii litOrti.: also, L. An tor tat nd tirntinal Orf(111.1 or wood, anti Mi. tioriValleil War of tts. Empirr. for oOd: also Arches. tirmilo i !toiler., If tivtrikottlea yarn tryAs A4A t&law war Ur s atpli ELANETACTURERB. - MANUFACTURERS. RAILROADS. _ IMERICAN IRON.' wo p h - R AT . LAS WORKS, WESTERN I'ENN— I N : ~ al: LW ANIA !LSI L ROAD 1 '3. 1 .iIVRTRX STREET. i - . lOn aaTIL:IIr Tye6:Jay, oc:a R: -.t, trace.. ill'an a Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, ! :•,....11 A Zleata‘ay l'lzl matt abarl.a , irg• .. r'''''' JONES 86 LAUGH L 7 INS. THOMAS N. MILLER, PresideW P'I'I"I'Fib:I3I7FILC33EX, =I AMERICAN AND CLAIR' Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; • Angle and T 'lron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Ilails,l6 and 20 lbs. to the) and Trail) Balls, punched and COW). ter sunk Boiler, Bridge a - td Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; • Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; ! Railroad Car VI acels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Cpal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WARP:IIOI3HE ANL/M.1 , 10E. 120 Water and 1 - .53 Front Sts. 1.1 , J1:1 4 k, ' Nos; 22,21 and 26 Myer St., Jel:cls' KENSINOTON IROei WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, =I • • est 7 Coinnion, Refined Chai-coal • • AND - Juniata, Bloom Iron. MERCHANT BAR. Ri .11Ni) and SQUARE IltON 11l oil . , BAND, ir And ANGLy. liti.N. • ..„ 11011,111 MATE nod Nil EET IRON. . . MOWER and HEAVER HAW . ; CYLINDER awl GUARD 011 FINGER MON . r•SIAL.I. tr RAILS. 2 i Ana 111 Its. to Ins Fite' WROUGHT (11A1 Ito , and ol•IK Kti for antra,. YLAT RAILS . . Punched and Con niersituk. COAL SCREKSI IRON. 1 NAILS an.l SPIKES. . Warehouse. No. tin Wstri•au.l No. D Market sta. Works, Second Stri.e.L. litatith Want, adjoining City Gas Works. rittsbur2h. au2.t:l4 RANGES, STOVES AND ORATES. ' • k . LII, I'EBSONS WHO NEED NEW ( .11 . ,, K !NG RANI. to arc in , Red to call and sou iii,sm,i, , ~,,, NEW COoIiINII RANG iC,at No. ii.li I.llwriy st rust, where they will also nod complete supir:y of non and common enameled GEITES, COOKING STOVES, PARLOR i IIEATING STOVES, Wool. House Furnscss and Laundry atm, BISSELL 40., Alas ufaci orcri •.lthc ectchrstcd • WEI COOK STOVES, FOR COAL, And Black !Dal: lilt MEI OSEILI STO Iron/is L. PETERSON, .Jr., & 11.nolattunirs sot I,,skrs In all (113 . ,16 Or Cooking and Heating oyes, ROIALOW WARE, &c., o the very LATEST PATTERNS awl d'ITLES, Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, PITTSBURG'', PA. WORKS,-MANCIiESTEIL . au31:111.3 iffilltESNE IRON AND STEEL. WORKS. HAILLIAN,It9IIM & CO., 1111(tilA.CTI:1[1:8 07 Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. BUNG AND A. B. STEEL, 4C., I= 77 • Vtratoi - PITTSBIIIIGH. nu21:13 ARSENAL (LAS WORE& MODES & IS A XV rACMIIr.IIS Or , BLACK- AND .GREEN GLASSWARE Druggistm' Wiare, Hottlee, DEMIJOHNS, CARBOYS, &c. Worka and Office.irawrenreville, Pa. PO, t lyrics AIII3IIIFS. rurTaninun. I . A. A heave on extol. 01.asssratic of the above It 4 scrip ti on. All tirilcri promptly attends:l to. Vertlrotar attention pied to Trivets. Mould's. TI LIT V IVOIt • • McLEAN & , SLATOR, tio. S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, • X.A.Ntiratirrnlatta Or CAtINET MAKERS' HARDWARE.. They make a specialty 01 Iron Bedstead vo Castora: Porcelain. 1.1,;1111.01 and Pivot Casters;. 14 dklead Pantentrigs: Stone for Extension Table., r. r aleo mai...facture and !tag,. conatantly ou Ilan TIIIIIIIZI Latches. I.l , ring Latches, EPLeate Window Sh.d. no 0 porter. M• i,•lll'f Eccentric :mall Hutton, oilier and 111151 'Hinges, Grind atone illinglnga, . . ad Welabta, de., de. • LIPPINCOTT & BIKEULL, No. 118 Water Street, 11, , VTACTLTrt11.5 Or • VATY.NT YAIXSI rATENT COUTUKU CIRCULAR, DULAP, DILI. AND CRONN-CUT •w S. ES= Z. W. YOUHIiF JAS. H. H.S11?“111.1.• 0•11AIIA BOILER Wortiks. . . 1110lip.OW S BIRNHILL, stisurActritsas OF Steam 'toiler., Oil Stills, Agitators. Tanks, Salt Pans, 'Gasometers. Wrought . Iron Bridges, sheet r tiron Work, 6,C., dm, • CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PrI'TSIII. I IIGII. "P.l. fArIiKPAIItINODONE PROMPTLY. m714:b2.1 11..111.1,1E, C. Y. OIIACJIII r . AMER/CAN MACRLSL •' .« ORBS. CHARLES F. GRAHAM & CO.l tluccrewrn to Co., • Engine Builders and Machinists, I=l • Oil Enginds, Oil Tools, And everythingnecessary for Boring Wells. 1./011.1er attention paid to Fitting up shafting pulleys, Bangers, tc. Marlon Avenue. olmr Ft. W.B. C. R. IL A 11 oghoszy, Pa. REPADDNU DONE I'ILONIPTLf, pETROLIA MACHINE WORKS, A. MX. T=M4033.7r, NH. 32 Ohio Strobe, Alleatimnls lionnf.tofer of 111 . 100;15D TOOLB, AND TIXTURIB Unr.D IN SINKING 011. AND UALT i'VELI.7S. l'artmular attention Invited to his Patented proven.vots Jam' mud Joints. made Jumbslta, U. :1., and Low Moor Iron. to strotlarliliSel, and numb, ma, that ports con be ordered by malls ph. and non. a peneet 111 at all t We also runtish ropes. bmtd.x. small tools, AO.. to those who nosy WIRE& - It. EnglTrell and machine work Imade to order. orders by mal , promtly *smutted to. von prepared to ernet !Mentes to other mann lar turer S for these Imnrosomenta On liberal terms. Box ti Alleselmny I'. 0. JsMetl73 BLACK DIAMOND ian'X'3lll3ol.. rA. PAUL, 111WiTilEit & Co.. ilatkofnecurors of BEST QUALITY ILISPLNKD CAOT STEEL. &Marv, flat and Octagon, or all .lass. Warrant. equal to any Ira psalm* os manufactured th noun try. rra - Olrlre and ...rehouse, No. ISO and 151 first. all and I=tleaonst "Mmata. l'lttaboreb. lass .4 .1150:P. 111.1611 Whl. MILL [a. 11EQUESNE AND WEST POINT FOltii ES, PITTSBURGH, Venus., man ufacture all classes of Foil/Ingot, vizi Steamboat Minns, Cranks. Piston Rods, Lever., Pitman JAW. anJ Wrists: also, Railroad Axles, Idieosuol Ire rrarnos, and all ishapo work. The undcrsla led narina been for many years engaged in the business are prepared to furnish all ordern elltrUjlted to them with promptness and dispatch. sytura JO:. r. HAIGH 6131. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. IIANUrACTURZUN Or Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, feld:4l6) PITTNER/11611. Pk. (4.0. ..Ti. D. DILLZU J. r. 1101 .CiAD 1,41 BELLE STEEL R ORKS. Ry7ZTI9R sib QC). Vittraa n r a aiiinPi r u E ati. B = c l at v W l : i t. N .. yWATICItinitEIIT Dnp - stalre) ERSON , PRESTON & CO., P E.C.TS rr. r-vrid IRON WCOIK.tKS• v,-..boue. Not.. 145 and 10 First atrea4 oPPoglte P.I1401•04, Pok. --• : : tc:torti Ander...tin Zit:Ty:it.. ~,,ilt. lit:, A. 31., I. r• .• I i.,T,1;;•;!4',.,",:1it..,,..r1rjniT,0f14.1.th,ec:t1 fcstandmoit atm,. trr ,., ,..at ;;ttariitur,i, it tt. , A. IL, I . .1.4.3,111.0 Nr1111,4 and'" '3W l''' ' ... 1-:.••".. tintati , , , .: l, ttt., , , N:t.', li .. 0 A • "-• ?nd I ' 4 ! ' lr i ; : „ ' e:..l . - rtltti 1:.: •.`" ./,' Engines of Every Description 'Boilers, Oil Tauk , if:el 'MI. ' 2 .1 • --. ol ''-‘l‘ '11.45t04•. , - , r '- 'l,.‘-; I,- ''' Mo..VlZlolo'cl..o illi :1101st ~,0,,. ..101 0.., LS AV.. AttlitEr, _4, 2:0 a. Y. 2: 40 r. a , ' ,E %hr.. .. ... 2po H. Y. 9:55 V. la. t fa, 1.1,e-, 10.‘to I'. W. 1t.:90 A. N. ! N.ll.ll.;.Llo,:siAnat...`„Sno,,ono,tona„ll,l 00 . :; : :.a i i Ji . . : . 1(. : i n .,, : : A. l l . r . Y. 11. : pleUpenillle b. McDonald Lo It IS e. Y. 7 . 4.1": A. Y. .... -11o.zolus , E. Mug • 141clit 'Cr alt.. I 'I rstu. Train. ORDERS .SOLICITED. 1 , Le..,.. Pittsburg. 2all A. a, 2!10 r, at. 10`.50 r, at • noo.ni, A,. eolentbils.....ll 20 A. 4. 1....010 I. al. 7:10 A. Y. - ___; •• l'iliCinii.Lll....l:'-‘, 1, M. '4:45 A, az. ?...0. , 1 Y . al . ' .• nollanspolle. 7:la r. H. 7. to A. 's. S. , •r. tt CRESCENT STEEL WORKS , •• Terre liauls..lltl.3 i . Its. 17.E . 5 . , •A, at. !OA*: r. al.. • . ' `` stt. 1..0ct..... t.oc: A. Y. :., r, M. 01) a. bin - ' •. 1 °lobo 111,- l,:15 A. N. 3.0 r. N. ...al r. al DIILLER, BARR & PARKIN, ••• Call) ...... ....I,la V. H. 1::13 A. al. 9.0 , A. la I M. 1). MOTO Eitel' , Utl 11. XIaNCYACITItaIth Or 'Picket Agent , l.lnlual 115 pot, 1211.0.r:eh. o .I``IIN 01.114-N4l). BEST QUALITY CAST : STEEL. tit.heraJ llopertatt ntlent, l'lttxlturgh. S. Y. Hkllll.lt. Warranted Equal to any In the Illarke _ 0,2 tic n`l Tic kt - .Agent, Pittolitt e x it, either Imported or of Domestic . - Plan ufardinre. SPECIAL ATTENT4OI4 PAID TO FINK CAST 186 ti. yxsb, 1566.. ~,,, I, l>la ISTEEL. " IllE VITIH-31. itl.ll. FT WAYNE .t CIIIk'AtIO Ottice, 38 Wood Street. Lt. 11.: AN It CLEVELAND till!tilitillal IL IL Trait., arrl`c mud teat. at the Union Dept)). at IN HT. (II I.IOTEL BUILIJI.NO 1 h t ti„,,, .; ~,,,..„ Allan - a. riTTSlnntail..lbue 18th, Ital. 101"!1{9 I I illelgo Eliot x 9 201.5 a t a pla c .ap,Exp,a• 2:31. lal I'leyel.lll.l Ex- ~,., • nt 1 1.... Laud La... 2:110 AM IRON CITY , MILLS. , i iir'' s ' . Yo‘ L'..- ',,,..., Chledeu Ex......1et1d put _ -- : t.l. A 11 hg. 51 I. nth, in 11 1,....P0is E5....11•0a yry ri, Cide. Ex. natl.. roil aln 1 Waxy.. Ex a - eas 3,.1111 in ROGERS & BURCHFIca...... . Cl' I S Wile. HI.. 1.7. p in I'i..t 1 , 14... i1 k:a- .4.40 it in Idatodadiarers or 1 ' ; Chicago:a 5...... ',in to tut Eat. A `. an. Ex. nixl • pca . Wbccl loog, 2: 1..... 1.11 p .....'lans, E apts. 1. , ..10 to . IIEFINI . :11, CHARCOAL, JUNIAT.P.I & 1211.1bliru 1 ch,ca g o Ex 1100 it . I Lt. d. wh g , Ex.. it,,, .... ~, i . iscierm3o , F r 3 zrupixr. 1..., -rout Allectisny. .A.artscin Nltcotheno , . . . . N. lir'ln Aci'mu :1:0 a m Lest:4lW, Arco.. 6:1.3 aum (Jenne AN V ViA111:1101 , 1C, No. 25 * . /.111.1 4 .1 • sr. ~,,,,, .. 1 „, , ,,, .., N. 8,, .. . i., . m -* **,*.ir. -- ** 11:S1 aln Wol:,,111, '.' nnal ain 1, •• .-. 21 p 111 7.00 e-allo •• 9:45 • -I in •• .1.l Pln i.netatilik• •• 11:15 •Ul •• 4,10 pln •• •• 1:05 sin • • :-..n1 pm N. Itr %on `• Ittln ato • • C:l.` pno 1,01.8001 c •• 40. t. " 10:15 to tu •• •• Yin •01 air.11: 1 3 .1 pdi Itave• 'Ca to- A-so - 10:4 n a. lu. CLlCagu day and uot on Saturday.' E. : a pro,. aro lass daily. Jyt•:. F. it. 511 Ell.o. to .0,01 Tirket Agent. ...- CENTII.AI. 1t1...11.1itt ‘, it.a ‘ 7 , ..,:,. • • Trains krrive and it n.._ 11, Oition 1)4.4. COCCI 01 ld a-dolo,cton all. 1.11, rty xtt , t tt. an tollultin Alll.lO, hi:ex:tr. Fan I.,:nt. •••re a in 1 . ..7: Ex pr , ,a.. . 1 - 11/11. ix Wall'. NO, 1,.... 1;:2., a 1, Wn I, N. 1...:. td.o am lirinton No. 1... 7:,./ A A.loaila .a . col.. 700 xla Wall'. Ni:. 2. .... r :,1.• a, *1 'l,initati MI. 11.0.1 a la 3010i.10mn Ac... `.:S` a u. 11',.1i . , NO. 2......1udg, a ul lialtlino e Ex..: lite p lo ' Wall'. No. I 11..74 am Phila. Ex peek,. 1.. n p Joliu,lown are. 2;50 pl. New York En.- It:op at lira.'doek No. 1. atai pm Na•ll'a No. .i.... 2,4 p w Pio!, Expra 9. 4:10 pia Wall . . No 4.... 4.00 p in' Wall'. No. 4 4.50 t a Eruldock N.. 1:7.1011 . • No. 6...,. e 00, , 11•411% , No. 5 . 0 .. 4 .. 7.04 vim; Faat. I.lno It/.li p on Altoona Amu, IWill'e N 0.., lOttep ka and .Etnlgultri. traitt ....... .. .10:11 p et -, Illy lExprese....lJl • Atit a. 1 /Jails, all oti**3, **uu..ess* .T.c*1.1...1. The l'lllircli Tialux hate Ilall 6 elation to env Sundt; at 0111 a. ht., r.neltlia Plintoirgh at 10 0.0 a 1 th, Iteturtiltor lent., litter 1•I:ter urgh at 12Ilal cl• u.. xx.l arrive at Wall'net.u. at 2:14 it. In. The Indlodelphin and the 13.11tIthore raioen a lii Arnie "Mit:, t. ow Iv'''. 5: x pct'_; at 1:50 It• tn. on Honda, .. 2Le I ew Col .s Matte- llotel. ••Cl • L;`)1111, 1 / 1 0 three upper -torl ,- a of 'to I p.. 1 1:011.1Ity. I , .m. up. LI for the ICE al 4,. arc, aotopo dst.ol..`f 1.0. Ira , sllns coin. mo t nit, A capacptua oN.too.caul la 01osu at ALL noulte.. dai and night. Cu loin). excepted. No,. 0.-lit 004, . C ..., III , : I•conaylvanla It. It. Con.cot'oy ..!li 4.4 I i.,..0.`110. a 11 tq. onsob's foo: '.gr and 1. o s ~,,,, 0tt.10., En.: .., a 1 an,. iat C :1 eiCred• 111 g lII,'. MI Sheet Iron IVOrli, Iniii== Bolling ;$llll Castings Engine Casting,. 111aclOne Cabtingm General Cantiug* INSURANCE FIDE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO.. OF NORTUI AMERICA 11,750,110 11 . 1=12! Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, =3 andfirreltabla Protectionl and n can be aLcu red In tile allove named • W. I. JONZI3. Agent. ftVity w W ater street. (up Rates'.) I)E3Dis'iLvANiA ECSUILLNCE OF PITTSBURGH, PA. 2. (0111Ce.31 EMI. %greet, lleulelllogk, . • ;Ills to a lionit:Ciont,p.tny, add i tan rei again , . 1,0. re IY.(Ti: ATC r; WALTER, Preshiet. C. C. BOYLE. . T a u lent. ROBERT PATIIICR. Ire:surer . HUGH IDELIiENY, :Secretary. DIILUCTOI.: Leonard Walter,• I tirorge Wilton, C. Boyle. Ch.. W. EV6I3, • Robert Patrick, J. E. lapin. Jacob Painter, J. C. Fitiner, ....1.1111 King. John Voegtiev. 11. Hopkins,A. Ammon. Henry :+ptoul, . s ESTERN LCSILTRANCE CO., OF - TlTTiiitUitGli. ALEXANDER `YHRE, President. mteral A fant, 012ce, V/ tt r street, edanlC Co.'s Ware aoe‘e Up ataira. l'iL burgh. h iii Inure against al; kinds of Eire and Marine Risks. A home Institution nmusged DLreomrs who are well known to the community, and who are 11 d by promptness and illwrality,to main frau the eharacter which they bare low/med.. of fering the twat Drotontson to those who desire to tx. lugurval nt . .rrOna. tinnlct. y Miller. , nasld . M. Ltmr. James Me tular. , /Lard Irolgax, .1. Clarte, Alexander r•pcxr, Jam MO: nue. Calnpbxll t i c -rron,. Jaw 1....1.1anna. Itlel:xtro a. ta rp W.M. IiERBERT. Secretary. NORTH, AMERICA. LIFE INSURANCE COIaANY. Aidows and Orphans' Etud.', Afro. 63 Frilliatn St.. .Iretr • rork I. I IIF—SIDENT—.I I I. , 111.1)1L6Alli. TA ICY—J..W. 11E lit LI it. M. la*lg.ir.))ll.l.elledlnal Es... miner E,(3. 0 0 Tom, SPEC. A L AtfICNT FOP: WE STEW: IA.. 1;7 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AGENTS WANTED. sit "..f,:r,11 k LOLF E VGTFIS E U N R T G H. I - N I.I2 SU • , R ANCE lt CO. h Bank Block. Inctuwilw.luat o!YI re 5.c..1 JOBS IRWIN, .In., Pre :41.A. JOUR D. IIOCORD, l'ts,R , l , nl” . e. li. DoNNELL, Capt. Wll. URA;;, oßneral Aittra, . DII,2CiOnA 1..1w .1!.,A, . Jotin D. 1.1,C..i!!!, C. (1. if t1(3.-y. . Geurge e. 11,14, Han!, ClaldF, i Charlca 1.1.a.y.., T. JciloAtneta., I Capt. Wm. D. 1.1! John 1. Jr.. I Robert.' Si!,tirt, B. 1.. YalMeztoct.., ! iD..01 pEOPLE , S INSURANCE CO. UYPICX, N. E. et)7l.lN EH WOOD ..I.:NDYII.TI-1J7.4. T=IB=LIU - • TASKINO VIICE AND ItAIDNE. illnlitt. • c1P.1,1 . 0 , ...,. V. m. Chllllps, , Copt. John 1... !Munn< Jobe, Watt, 1 bomucl P. <Mice!, John V. Corke, ' etiones Arbuckle, Copt—lnt. ]ldler. ; . John P. ltirkpatnrk, ra. Von nlrt. ' Front n. inssell. J - Amec D. Ver,cr. C. Hanson Lore, • WM. PHiLLICS, President ' .3,4iN WATT, Klee erestdeut W .:..!:. " ' i ?! ''• et er, ,-. „ rt0 „.....q...,,,,„,, , „,.., .., BANKS AND BANKERS BANKING HOUSE N. HOLMES & SONS, 33E11,7 .113erss, No. 57 MARKET sTREET. Pittsburgh. W;To. atft:9ll/11//: 4. - STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SEGURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. ' l'artleular attention told io the puretime nod sale of UNITED: STATES SECURITIES. INCLUDDi 0 • Uulied States Sias of 13;1; . . Do: -' do Sao; Do: Flees or 16-10 s; Do. . lieverraltirDos ; • Do. Cerolleates of Indebtedness. . Orders ad Vouchers bought or collected. Jari:ly- PITINBURGII NATIONAL BANK COMMILIO.I=I.4O3M, CORNER WOOD FIFTH STS. Capital, - - - - $500,000 Discount. Dolly at 111 A. 31. IMED Deposits received 'and. collections made on all the principal points of the United States on favorable terms. UNITED STATES SECURITIES • Xgcrlar,„.l3:t eamaciEllC:del. A: PATTERSON, IJUSEP/2 11. Irident. Ca s hi er. JOSEPII.C• CURB. Asat•tant (Laulaie r. PHOterons, A. I'ATTEILSON, I WM. REED J , AME'S M•t , DLE.SS ALLEN KIHKrATEICK CHAS. LOCRHAUT, WM. DOUGLAS, 'NCH. H. BROWN. WM. S. HAVEN. I JOHN MELLON. 1nT21.71T7. In ENE= PIANOS ORGANS Pze - THE BRADBURY NEW YORK, AN • Sehoonacker 3 Co., Philadelphia ILINT The Estey 45 Co. Cottage Organ, ANtI AMERICAN ORCAN, acknowledged by the beat" musical latent In toe .. tr a y a to be auperlor to thorough rs In power. ,t tray and quality 01 tone, and worktualt aldp. them Instrument. have for yrar. taken the Orst opium over atl competitor% at the varloue Putte and county Fairs. In prices they are lower than any otlatre. All warranted for eve yea.. WAMELINK J.. DARR, 117.4 _No. 79 et. Clair street. Plttshurgh, KNABE Sr. C 0.% GREAT UNRIVALLED PIANO FORTES. ritINCIS A 1,11.1t1 world-renowned.AUTOMATIC OtIGANS AN Li IS KIAMKONS. Over ?arty 7%oi:t -eed now , Iv use. Pplendid new etoek just reed by • BUMP, la Fifth street, RoorniG ➢IATEHIALB. . Cement, Pitch, .FeU, Paraffine rarretsh and litaeli,Pistnt, Manufactured and sold at Olean as altiother house to th e covet. , PAGE * Co., 1,15:106 14 emit& Wharf, BaltintOtt. lEEE C 1 I W.ll ‘lll 1- .10 Br n LLet d 01.555,000 P 71, I: I 152v.1-'I. . • 'Cie lk,vv •:, aud Allot* ]:AN w, an 1 f• ;1,1.• 7:rt A. r.e.: West Newton A rErrettr.,: , ,treu 4;15 r... Er ro Y . tr , t l'9lt.u,pert ^ llrre A. `2. tr.:eon:l •• •. T. 2:a5 P. N. Braddoel., at. 4t4S P. Vs - . . Mundt)' alt.erel - .. Tr.lli t, EVA from Weal N 1,1.13,1..., ..... .1: , , 0. S. 11..qi. .A.ll, . Fur 'flcketi alnliY to :',. It. ICFNII, Ace i nt. -• ::' 11..., , 1 , 41 l. I opt. •. AIL L C(411E77 ii i 7 . 3.7 =3 ,,,p 2 ...z.,,,n -, 1 ••••-•- VALI.FI' il i.i.1.F. ,,, ..... - al l, CFI.% tilik.: OF Trrir. tin ~,,,,,1 aft e r lgrlN DAY, Di! i, toil to a - ta tell_ leave and aryl, ni• Flit ..oar/•,11 11. pot. rue : File ..Al:anal alrevls..2. 10a.:14,:.. ' • 1., 1,5. Ara fat/ First litat 111141/itiS A^C.,l7,i . rt. 6:3:13..1. /2:0) 11, Sitai.lo l / 1 , 15n..1n lia•Ll..a:Nr... :,...:1) A. Y. 600 r. la, First ••.. ,, a 1V . ..E . ,: 3..0.rm - ilmn iI::,.V. N. 11 . .. V. A. a, 6, , ,,,,.11i1-:,11,11 . 1t13 Ace. n.'ll 1,0 r. H. 7:• , , F. M. Engross. 1..• a rid rrota Not fei'la .P....1F. 5.1:0:3.01, Ilecorla 5,,10 Wori.a At•••um•11.. 5 . ,1r . 1::93 r. 11, mind .). Clier. - .1: Train tror..• awl to v.c..la Won uelll S'i'EADISH EPS I Z.& LTillGit ANA STIE 14 , 1 , It \1',.\ 1 .% s :'lit' UN IT1) • ~1:1:•all £4 . • "12 • I I , T. A. • ,A 1'11111,!: 1!•:1111 - .,(:nramall.14 , . •Lvicui,.. 11: , -111 1, ..r1:.t. ‘,•:•F?:.1.1.`11 FOIST, AI N., thr•lly%at.o,Jured. • !O. IL 1% lui., &gents, Wihtur. Nu rat; hut tilt! l'urh cituP.l,o TEAM. TO AND c-1.f.031 LIVER xN•QuEF,Tou nt,LAND) or wica IMAN LIN If, EVERY SATURDAY, _ - EVERY WEDNESEAY CAlNtYlt•td Tick.-t told to and (rout troll:141, Futttlind, brot. lan& tiorn,tatry anti Frtnee. ==l=llll2 JOHN 6. DA IX, 'Agtnt., • I:1 !I rintavrn.f. N. 1. Or, WM. IHNI;HANI,.IIe., 1-.1,C.5 I.l9aburntl. MISCELLANEOUS. . 1 . ,. -`;" • PENNA. SALT MANUF ruR'G co, piTTsT3Tfficai. PA. • ••-.! - eir• n l- 11 - 711:--01): •!. • PtNNA. SALT DIIANUFACO LUG Co. 19:"." - ESI3M1GIT.. gY IE3 ' '"1" . 3Z1C721 1 " • C • e . On o S t tortsll , l , s l Ch , mlthei. o • i tb ;RO LS NO IC I , N ° I n jE t D II : t '; ' nE j It hero ores Gray flair; If Prerento Hair I , 4lling clot; chatigea the Poo:, !gin. Organic Action; • It EradlCater. Handrail and I IItiM40111; ill . C K o C ri e ral t i l a ' e n r i a n i fti r l l i o eal un t i h n 3 4lC ; It eidlPl4 And is unlve,slly Accorded to be Syllen.4•l Ores Intr 14,1.4b10Yr10r Article. LIB 11Yairrel Cr 001100 . 11 - 1 0 11111TLE: I EYory bottle CONTAINS INNIE inqu Illthoonsuy other &Oily k.nry...rtstlos, I NO LAltli 1.. REA% offers., n, rot;bllsh Its but DO OliAltANll.• Sor refixed the 1311111e3" en beetles led Olen osy Oho.- one Itest..yr..lve has f !HA to,illo ail we I • r J. It.DARRETT Pliglipfloto% manen e. rr Imaiepshir • - R. E. SIELLERSiIk CO. Wholesale and Itetail.Ageals, , • Wood Street, Pittsblirglit; Pa torn:as - 2 4 - )RtvAirE DISEASES. A. lilt. IUGNU, Date dr nu • elphia.,) No. 75 'third a• rent. tee... •ail, de.: ipUon4 of Vat I. !teases with nobs ,eir d o e, r.rticalsr Ater utforft :.-sishipoL at oirtioena and diseases of the Urinary Organ& it treatment for the same being the molt aoreesefnl ever employed He glees bopiyi of • speedy.. i g. .e to afflicted, Ladles ertll end hlaOrumen ono a:vector to any other preparation for rembelo g n trvellon• to Met healthy meustroal flood. No. 3. le Dollar pa .bottle. No. 1, which is tsar degre. istrore•er, CO deigned for obstinate Caara, o Dollars p. hot' le. ()fee boort! , a. X. cob Y. 4 L., x. tnl P. W. Address, with stamp,, 1(1 JUNG. N. 'la Tatritstreat, Pittsburgh.. • •IsterZedwg =ME A 1;'1 1:, 7 , M. 0., ~.,11111tlan =EIMMMMI BEE JlO\L. :.0 Ut.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers