Pity (I,U PDS,TRIBIMINGSAc FetNCl 331:77M1C7 1 .1V5L ,Another InvoicO of. Dress and Sacque Buttons, In New and Elegant Designs, And In a great variety Ball colors. Yull Ball and Ilatt VELVET BUTTONS. Crochet Buttons of all Colors, RICII SACQUE AND DRESS . _ ORNAMENTS. AT• REASONABLE PRICES, .49.7 C F'!. 11.. 1.4111k.9640 ‘ N"'S, 17 Fifth Street. MACIEMBI, GLIDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street: RECEIVED TIIIS DAY. =1 Point, Point Apillique, and in- lencia Lace Goods Littes and Edgings, Insertisigs, Handkerchiefi, Collars and Sc r im, Coincurs, &c . • lo g ether.lth a full no complete I Joe of 11233 R. co so 33 RX33 EL • '431 - F. M. for the past via 3 . ears with Eaton, Maztum Co., having made en arrange ment with tte slaUt ; e, will be hippy to see hts of t friends. DRY GOODS. WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL. J. BARKER & CO., 59 MARKET STRk.ET. WE OFFER ?ME -::LARGEST STOCK EMI alvia M 107 30 IS ffr, .IXII .17' THE LOWEST EASTERN PRICES 0e0:71. N EW £ALI. GOODS • filLiCitllM & bARLISLE, 19 Fll th street, dee. pat opened an exten SIT earn} soloodid stock of • NESS AB I/ _IMO AK THERM EMUS. RICH NET ,t TRIMMINO 818 BOY EMBROIDERIES °revery description, BICH ELEMA NT LACE ticrUllit, It k:AL, LACES of all kinds, ecAl.. LACE 711.11.11 ED 11001/S. I nITATION LACKS—a splend line, AINSOOK. 13W1SIS, JAL"NET MUSLIN . , LINEN LAM N la CAMBRIC. IRISH LINEN; ta LOPES- in. ,te and attraclire 3111 t.; IllnilEßY--scornplete assortment; LAMES` A CIALLIMIENPrISZEINO VESTS and DIta.WERS, EANCY ZEPHYR ARTICLE.S--Splandid 5t7104 . . this scston; • cIERIAN AND AMERICAN ZEETLYIL.9. SI i.ETL.AND WOoL, • TRE GENUINE CASHMERE TARNS—eII colois .iittA MILEY'S d , MPS °revery e, FANCY ART ANA' sU Nt)TiONS. • • MerthlWO and Maier. wlll End It to their ZdTS.O. Age to rail and our prevent extensive mock before purehaaing elsewherc. All our good. being p1111,11...1 direct On the beat terror we nre reepared aid will make a lbw , prlcea a a ny East on, Jobbing House. ItlAOßtflif & CARLISLE, 19 FIFTH STRKKT. NEW GOODS MST DECEIVED 331 r JOlg. HORN - 11 & CO. Pull sursoitment of Iti X ler S a 1 .1r .11.) II TB, dl une leading Fall Eltyles norii 114 •••• ajrjr. c i ,co N,. UI i-yes and FrADlell. Paris Fancy an 4 Colored BIM Ve: eta In most dasirable snades; Plain PaeleY Boo mat and Tfil9MLOg itibbons. America; eel colors; /lowers. etiolcest trench and Yeathers, ratty hat and thine, • 10-,lla3Ei NIL CP X 37 1 3EI FL' i — xsp, (Weil usoite.t.) . . .. . . , 'essubrle, lissubere . , awls*, Lame: Cluny, gelee -6sne._d_d'e.urll g' sf . l l ,y.lkiLles b,,, d ' Vanr.. ,. M ,! ~...8.„4. ort.. LIM'S and Lice GOOdS. Pt ess and Csost Trimmings erutOeusuleuts; Ball Fringe, °Bops and Druid.; . . geesTrlmmlugs, Bugle Frames. WIIITE GOODS: • • • - • " most complete stook of Jaeonete, Cambriee. Untlee Ate.. le&.Hndhe, Plain. Lace. Hem-stitched. Hem med, arribroldeeed.Ta var iety dt etc. " Hosiery andUlover Incn ovary var and all sizes. Ladles , audlient's Underwear. Furnilhing Goods: • sn.pand.r. and Neek-Ties; Heavy bhirte and Drawers; Duplex, b oo-Ton and DM Hoop Skirts: ,-- Carson!, lials Puffs, Nets, Union and Milk Belting. Winona—the assess novelties, all kinds. Yarns—Hreatest ye tiny. Cashmere. Lambs Wool and ant 'is !Atha various mixtures, plain colors and random. ; tient'. raper Collars, and oventhing in the Ilo ilo- due. - ?Hens as ow as Eastern Jobbing Staines. " Now 11 and 79 Market Street. NEW FALL GOODS, , AT . DENNISON'S, N N 1 S CO S, • Aro. 21 FIFTH STREET. EALEILLOWERIES In new And elegant patter.; TA NOY and PLAIN 11023LARY. In beet EIdBROI ULRICH HANDISERCHLEYnt ity/d-tiTITEHED • LTATION and REAL LACE do • 14INCIENEEI LACE, REAL. THREAD LACE imi-r.h...rioN do do IMITATION do do HUIPligt,EirCE, do OUL CURE do Via ri WIP. Zing e. 'LW" • WHITE SHIRTS, NECK-TIES, .PAPER, it LIN EN OULLAILS• T.E.Plit B WORIfeEDB, • 15N393., riew7a.L; Ana stall Una aC :NOTIONS., Zoo. I Our Geode are *Ad at soparooma Clams. X'r'toos tomars CITY AND sUBD RBAN. (ADLITIONAL LOOMS NEWS O FIRST PAGE,/ United Simtve Menator. EDITOE96/..ETTE:—Tjte .iugge.tiotirl of ".11- leg . heny,i' rn the GeztitTii of the kith inst., in regard to the claims of Western Pennsylvania id the Senatorship even titer retirement of Mr. Cowan, are exceedingly . appropriate, and should Ito Well considered, before any decided action is taken by Western Representatives In the Legislature on {iris` Important subject. Certainly, open every principle of equity or common harness, well aS proper regard for the respective Interests of the two. sections, the West.is entitled to, the choice of Mr. Cow, al's successor. • It anything is needed to establish our rights In this connection, It can be found in the fact that the whole ,majority in the late struggle for the aseentlAncv of the Union ltepnithsdi party In this :Rade tens obtained nest r uf the 11101111t11111.4. - NOW, unless there) should be Sonic th.d.in gtitshed personage, :who by ret.oo of great public services, transcendent ability, consent mato statesmanship, and incoriuptible vir tue, should be entitled to a poanonement of all local considerations ill his favor, there is manifestly no . proprlely Inv departure from the line of sale precedents in selecting the Republleun candidate for the United- States Senates .Of the prominent names amongst Eastern 11,111 who IM.l:llronmett-for this exalted toe,- lion, that of-Thaddeus Stevens doubtless tultlle the conditions needed to make an ex. eeption to the rule; but his great Ilse and feeble health are serious objections in his• . . Have we them at West eat num,who is at leest the peer of either of the other Eastern aspi rants for Senatorial Minors I If we have, Why should he be thrust aside for their le [Vantage: thus giving the Eastern parr oi Ille.sititte our whole representation in, the :sedate of the . United States. , It is' o disparagement to the Other gentle men, whose claims are tiring urged by their friends resicieetiveLy. to say, that the Hon. Thorims Williams, of file ;teeny, la 111 Cone I are favorably with the best of titian in 1111 that constitutes fitness for the place. Ills power as it great constitutional law-yer, 111111 the eloquence with which his views hay , het, enforced in Congress, are fllhiee In of lilt knell repute, nod in this crisis In our national af fairs, when questions of vast importance are to be determined, Mr. Williatils in the senate of the United States would tic , the "tight mall in the right place." Western Pennsylvania, therelore,.anit. Alle gheny county especially, shonhl Mem : lite a preference in his laver so ullStlnetly; that our representatives In the "Legislature will not feel at liberty to disregard it. If? as Allegheny intitiniths, there is a elique,a comlitilittion ill this county, that has undertaken the adjust- Blest of this epiestlon, in the interest of eviler of the eastern eandlilati.9, tl, it a gloss usnrna7 ttOn of authority, and Sin assuniptl , in or re sponsibility, no where sounded to them, and :Mould be signally rebuked. Our representiti lees In the Legif Int Ore should ignore all fulfil diet:Well ' and be guid ed onto by their sense of what Is dile to the great manufacturing dist riets represented by them, and 6y their perfect kilo wie.lge Of the fart, that Wertre tinder no necessity to look beytmil our own country for tile talent and ability - which belong to. a Senator of the United states. , . .23oDISTItter. It° AluOVenther 15, Meeting . of the East Elrautughltut /A regular meeting of the East nirmingluonl Councils ryas held on Tuesday morning last. - Members present: Messrs. Schultz, Cray, dories, Mk bison, Meek and Iluigess Chess. The minutes of tire provioul-meeting were Teed and approved. Mr. Patrick II aches, of Bahrain township; was exonerated from personal tax;mot being a resident of the borough. On motion of Mr. Schultz, a Warrant was' ordered to be drawn in favor of Nam - , Wil liams & Co., for one thousand dollars. 'on ac count of paving. and also n warrant 'in favor of thmSone party, for five 'hundred dollars, for paring - of crossing?. Moroni?, street Miro tolssioner, pre sented his monthly pay roll, which amounted to one handrail and seventy-six dollars and seventy-tive cents. On introon of Mr. Schultz a warrtbit was or dered to tie drawn lor theamount of the Mil. 11 arrant,, were also rrdercd to be drawn as follows Gotleib Herr, for stor m . f::hess:Smyt he a 4:0..14, Grading Meadow street Wa. Mel:night, pay fur• James Atightso , , curb tones.. P. It. Howley, grading. W. Fennetl, - Serviet. tin nun hat of Mr. Jones, t 110 St 14011:010111i. stoner author zed to notify the ownerS of lots on tiny or-all of the pas ed strtA, to have d ti sidewalks pave, an not ito. ttotnsix 1001 and a half In - widtli, the saine lobe done I in- The Street "Itegulittor reported that rho amount of excavation on Joieph ,trert, Loren Carson and the river, was ruble .yards. On motion ofMr. Schultz, it was resol(ed that the sum of !Iffy 01310+1 he 1110110 Mr. P. it. Howley per cattle yard for the grading Of the' streets. A petition froineitizens on Joseph .;trier pre.,eitted by Mr. Jones, asking that gas lamps he erected on sail rest, between .car arm and Sidney streets, One on the !.tortier et Sidney, one on the Corner OfWharton, uant one on Clifton:greet. Thf , request of the.petition tell.9 granted. • The Trensurer , monthly report. wa g ed and accepted. On motion of Sir. Erny,ihe Street. Gonna i, sinner was in f.t ducted to have cinder , : pho-e 1 011 the •51,14,%:',11k , of streets running t;ei wren 3101010te 11101 ..lo4eph streets, above Caron street. The -Burgess was rocted to itroentel -written 0011110 R 011 the Interpretation of an net of Assetably relative to paving streets Ar. The Street Commissioner Was Instructed to trite the sidewalk on strati aLcott, near Men. 100. graded as soon ar Poe-isle. Councils. then adjourned. • = probably the only person now tilive, : tvho witnessed the surionder of Vol hY•fslils is a genuine Guinea negro, canto! Toni, now living at Liam!lieu, Ohio. Ito was brought to this . country in -a slaver - Lome thrre - rietrii - Eire-e 1 of the Mat century, and say,.he ' , I lects he I must be abnut lire hundred year 01d... ills reai , age is probably about ono hundred. The chief Interest tittachlug to Torn is the fact that , he was present at the' historical , event above named, where he saw 110[11,0 Washington, or whotn.ble recollection is fi olio distinct and Ills admiration intense. Ile is duly synsilde that there aro low, if, Indeed, a single person how surviving Who witnessed that . . ecene,.and it confers upon hint nu small Sense of ituportance. lie WWI owned at that time by al planter - living In the v,einity of York towel whither he had hem brlllight :10011, after landing ,from the alaver at some point on the Carol Ma l mod. As might l'..a ex pe , t oal from the natureWnd character of the African the Impo,lng display !mondani upon the !AU, render marle d al sleep impre'ssion upon his memory, and ne relates with consislemble minuteness the ifetatia of the affair. 'The red coals of tile Isrlitm, partinularly 'Street: his fancy, and. he dekrities with much gusto and satisfaction the 1 ceremony of "grotunling • arnis,n-gtvlng an illustration of the ceremony • with' his iron pointed walking staff. Wash- Ingrm missed near where Tone was standing. on the 01=104011, mounted, he says. on 11 white horse, and fooking•!folghts - grand.. From his earnestness and 111111111 , 1086 01 ilefierinlloll,lt is clear Tom to a truthful witness, and, per haps the only one left 111 the - land. Ilets idill stout, considering Ills advanced year., Crud 'bids fair to live out another decade 6: win ters. lit pleavant weather lie pusses much of his thee sunning himself In, front of ti 11.1/0011 on High street, whose friendly proprietor pro vides him wth a emnfortalllc arm chairs 110 has a highly i developed taste for whisky, A L , Valuable Glft.—Aliegheny. College 13. e, reedved four boxes of easurof ancient scuip tmea as a gift from the Royal Museum of Ise, 110. They contain .a full length copy of the celebrate "Colones Plan" In the 31useinn at Berlin, awbust of AleTauder the Great, one of tiro phllcuopher(Zeno, one of the infant Bac chus, the beautiful memorial medal to Week wirober, a monument from the took temples of India, one 'Assyrian bas-relief, a number of ims-rellufs, and several choice eprelmens of Greek and Roman tombstone ornaments; another box, also a donation (tom the Royal Museum of ilerlin, and containing, among other • works. of art, some genuine ancient .6 reek vases, :OW some °hit:m . lmm an tholtios has bean forwarded. What a Yorrat—The grie fliapoteh" in re aponilltilt for the following story citizen of Erie went to the dock, the other day with his halting tackle, and white lazily waiting tor a bite he wog env his watch, whereupou Joule monster of tho deep' tugged at the halt with ouch yiclence as tojerk the watch out of the fisherman , . hang and finally snap the line. Boon afterwarda the unlucky angler bought ale olirlit,poland ha a of a boatruan who hail jest hauled him out, and upon cutting hint oen the buyer fouhil hot only his 1,11. tackle, hut his lust Watch, which had not yet ztoppot ticking. • Auditline Kidnapped Child int I nein nee 11.—a: Child wl l lell WWI- kidnapped In England, two years ago, at the Instant° of p r o pl , who was to receive considerable erty li i cane Of Its death, has just boon it I vcoviiretl In Cincinnati, 07.40. it way first taken to,Switz erland ify a servant, during the 1 emporary ab sence of 113 Ulother, owl thence to the ser vant's home. Bore, by ' neuron of the ad ,er_ ilsoituents suSnleion wild directed lowar.l him, and he nod to Anomie i, but delis - lives follow- 1 ed 11011, and at last discovered the child. ' 11Leisrieg.--Yesterilay morning Mayor Mc- Carthy gave a hearin in the e 1,15 ot t iiii Ile= groes, Thompson and C od y, charged with 1 iiii larceny of a coal, pair of gloves, and pocket ' liltlldkertiller, the property of E. I. hars, from Coursin's tavern, onWriter rarein , whirls resulted In the corool 01111 of Tamale:on for trial, in (Wanda( one and i Ile discharge of Cady. Thompson admitted to basing sold liiii cost, but ched that Cady idols it. Thera was no su evidence before did Mayor, hones I Cady WWI discharged, - - rest.—The Titusville //sraid /my. Pellblis at Is Instil to exist in this county _lit Atiesliatis quantities. It is found to abound C` In Conn m y ot marsh and Pyinatuning I man places it Is 0.51.7 the deposit Is twenty or thirty feet deep, The land has hitherto hoe. con sidered warthiess. Peat Is cheaper than 0.0 or Ivood, and as there 11.00 110 coal deposits hereabouts, anti wood. for fuel is becoming; necare, these peat begs may yet become a in 111 0 of wealth to their owners. . . \ The Peony Illobbery:—Testerthiy morn ing Noah Jackson, employed on tile Steam tug Whale, was before Mayor' lilitirthy, antra.' 1 with stealing two hundred pennies from sire. Little, proprietress of a boarding-house, Ne./ Water street, was discharged for Want of suf ficient evidence. --- • .. !Wettings with Mrs. Cecina Plgman, a resident of Whaellbg, W. Ve., while on a steamboat, on bet way to tbts city, was seized withbwinorrhagn of the tangs 113.4,11nd in with minutes. EARLY TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON. The MexicanMisblottlrn. Sheridan Stith 10 Go hhorman—S New Radical tre. NEw lone:Novnaber I.l.—The morning ilt pers have the following, ,peefids trout In ant,- ifigtoo: Goperal :Met man Will stop - in Havana, where - 11c s iii be joined by Sheridan, they go thence to Vora Cruz, by the Susquehanna. The Frond, Mint•ter here sent at dispatch to France on the subject of their to ' ening laity mho c:01121 ahe (tread RepuNte, nolical In portiiht., is nldlitt' ho ho ziartud horn. „ . General t..ttitittnian 13 still here. lloptittlt again COIIIIOOS 111,. name Vint 010 011i0,ig Secretary of War. i , . Portion 4 of all he al annu reports are Interior in type. Thu of the Seeretare_ot Lilo Interior I, about completed. The rebOrts of Ihe Land, Pension, Parent tel Ilbliiiii Burnitui will be unusually interesting. • - BY THE CABLE rTJT r!=M==l Novi:lobe r 1 I.—Erreiriii.—The C,Catt of the ex-rebel cruiser been ilee bled by Coleman inking "pusbee.e.mon of her. Noyelober I I.—Errisitio.—Cotton (11111 ,il. Ilreitibitells tiro, I,7tDon. NOVellther I.l.—Ererl; , ls/ III; Erie share,. 51; Illinois Central, I .'; E. S i Five Twent:em, =I j New Vora:, Noislinber Fo.—Juilge Barnard, ! n the general tong of the ,upreine Court, de e:deli that the late net of the LegiAlat urn, tax ; j,ILT brOkeCN sales is unconstitutional and Void. Ile buses lilt decision n u tinly upon the ground that the Constitution of the Lin iced . ..Autos gives to CollgreN, the powerto volleeL Taxes on import, and PlportA, dent...Fs:a:eh power to tin Staten. Meteoric Shower in roginntl. NEW Ttlax, Nov. 1. —The //enritd Inl+u Speeilit tl'mlll lilt , 611,1-11 it lin 01,.,ervatory. England, detailing Nhower , nt Inetehr,a, si,en the mornink, of the I WI, det,eribed. In he of treat beauty and •brill limey. Fire thon.a.ml C011111(ed In one hour, aliul nearly twelve Thou. ,and In oil. • Arllwol of I:way:root% I't;.., November 1.".-7'ho Omuta, •tt enogrants hooted hero la.t. week au; ~ 113, Illaklng a total at . 212,732 tainted I,lllco January Ist, against Illtl,:tt , t,:ll . llVtld to a cOercttpontl tug periral trt MEETING NOTICES. • 111'1"INItirfiGII AND -CONNELI.S -i 11 1 1,... , 1\ It A :NUM. MICETINOI.-- ! Nottre 1. I. reey t ries It that tile Alllllllll rthig the ettntaholtlcri of the i'lltshurglt and Cott:tett-- sale Halls •al ('o. tor the out - boot, of e,:cellog Itoard Of Ittp•etiars for-the entitua year, w 111 be held at theiroilit•tt,leu rner of liras. and 1101.1 streets, 1•Ittal nrstli, ow...the FIRS V 31 . 1.1 N DA I.", tl.l day of.. teceuilier next. at .101... o'elsck A. . . 3ND 11. CADE, :in., soli of Secretary anti '1 reiestit •rxxiE STOCtiIIOLOEHS OF THE 11.11tEllA Wit CtIMPANT are ra..nesled to , meet on FRIDAY. toil/ it.; at 11 It. St., at the otbee 0.1 I'llK 11 FRU& r UV.E, earner of et. Clair street and Duquesne Way. lust noes of import:Luc- re l.'s:Dug to prueerty antillialtitlifes of the company In which all art. Intere,l, 1. srlil be hroncht Itefcre the ut....titlg for action. By inter of the 1•,...id, nt. Ineslctuleo A. 11. 3111.1.,•cis tire. THE ANNUAL MEET-18(i OF THE Steckhol del, of the VAX'' , IN I' r.11101.i.0 11 COXICA N Wt 11 be hOsi a the oilice of Livit.:NSON. II EAN . . No. 75 Pours :street; on TUEIDIAI, Nov. al 30 - clot t. it. as. A full alien Saner of ' , Care ('t t rs thelted. ai butt:teas of Intportsnee whi he brougltt Isetore the in. ellutr. • Unbutt uY Ibtatitt. IN ()TICE. - 'IIIE ANNUAL MEETING of the A. Stockholders of the F. eat' INDS ISAS. I:. for the tutritole of electing Directors - 'tor the ent.ittni vrar, will he nett! 'Ol th, Ir otllce. NO. all Mart. t >Creel, on .11 I.)NDAY. Nov. stilt inst.. hetwecn the hour. ATI•I , 11 . 001`k NI. t 5. IV. CAItS AIIA N. Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICES. NrtION.I.I. BANE. I Atl 1 , ..11C,1'. I . A.. So ecntwr ( TIIE n.• tit ow or \ tltEtrt)it s THIS I:ANIi ha,. thi,•l.ty . .. 71ars1 n 41,1- !', n'l pr01q...1 ;Ft .I• I .I.llllr. 1)1T/DIEN D.' 1. 1 I 1 ••••.1 1,1 1 0, . • IU, . 1./ isst THE IllIA1:11 OF t 10, l'•,,,(1) 0.15 dal. .Ifrlnrml 11,10.. n. A N i'ENTS apoci Alb i Ilti. 1,14 = 1 1 / 1 . Li' :t.untLn, Stat.: taxi, ,l 1.) at. ft. It,ttittittl.l,TS ar,l itft, the 13th Ipat no 7 . 1 4 ,crelltr). MICIIANGie , - ,rt Ptl7:lsl,mM, 01';'1'111.4 1 0.Ve deel.na.•.l.l 11.1 , :ent1 ..r eIX VRIL t,ENT. from thee,,ele, :hetuoatl,, trq 6 paid by the 110uk. n07:124, 11. il. MUILI:AY. .. • • DIVIDEND. • j FIIIST irl,l, ... .. irig“ • :v., TIM ['Dux rore.,i. Ort' LANK hav, darderla•cll a trlarvriv 411'14,1 of T e r. 1!F oa the :4)100 Font., :Le a.t I f,ortl. , Kh no“:riP, PROFESSIONAL. it 8.. F. BROWN, MEI Local Claim P. S. SAN. Office, No, 67 Fourth Street, eiEcoNI, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensiong, Ilmonvics, and Arrear of Pity P pits CoilectEd No Tttre , male 11,111 t thsql Lnly 1110 , i....e \% TM. A. SiliNN. wITT(PIC,A*Er AT La Is; • No. I'Vw Ft". r Particular aiten;lcc :Avec to cf COI/ 40,at , .1,1•1,11, Notre I°o., Ito,t,n, 11,111 t n ,,, 1 . 1111,1:1p a; I , fonte, 11..04 np., ILtlianapo", Ind it. V. V.., I; N. 1., ar.al , • MACKRELL & McII9MBS, tr-TORNEYS &130UNSE11.01LEAT LAW, No. 69 Grant Streot, PITTSBURG PA MEM JOHN A: STRAIN. • • .8....T-o:b3Bri.H/X.Z!LINT, Et-Officio, Justice of the Peace Alit 1 . 01.W . E 11M:1,1'RA1'r. • Oflite, ? 4 t, PITISItUIt , ‘ H. Botvl3, MurLy33, nortleagmerds, yoltiollis awl 3 1ii.,x3,1 113113.c5• rolnian•-33 and tl,!.p.ttcli: aa, u 1313,1 IATiLLII.IIII Lt.:Vet:V. N01' . .4 IVY r PFACIL ND REAL ESTATE AIiENT. 1 /11s. .Itrit;tr and Drxvor Wet la. loorrellfl,llle. Sl,talnl ottantlou g11. , 0 to top porctilio Ina solo of [foal Etlalt, Ito, Col try ttoo 4.1 Roots. and 11, pie, paratfon 31,1Acknowledgiornt 011/II kiwi. of 1.• Con veylLocob.' Wll.l.llat .1 A N( . 1,1, - .I.llce of the Vtare sod Notor)' {Non,: EusTricE S. mionnow, • ALDERMAN AND' CONVEYANCER, 72 Penuvylvnula Avenue. Pot of the Extension tad eppi.site Chattain Street Iny'a:evor, • IJA'L'IIA,7I T. EISVING, Attorney at. Law, No. lit) (raid COUi11119510(1f , for Ohl, tirniutlys fy.4 . Vlr lots. M 114.1111 nntl stlit r 1 4 E4 S j.EniuNs , WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, 111=IIM CONNOISSEURS TITY. 'ONLI GOODI SAUCE" vVE-- 'fall I,KA & lONS (hal their Is I.loly 0.1- Irenivel In Indio., nog P., In nsy opinion, Oh IOnO. pnlntable YAM: k: aaxstix. thm. Mottle Tbs. tsureetts of 11& mot unrlVallea Condiment having , ntv.e.t okm.ny onprlnelpl. l 4lral. era vor apply Ow nano , to r hip ell MAI; 1,, RIL,N4TPCI.LT frOui•ht vd thAt the loam. or I,EA I•Y.It Itl NP-3re °v on On WI:A LAI;EI., and )lAooracturetl by LEA .1 PERKINS. NVonwriter. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NKW VO4K• AGFATI4 FOBTIU U. N. oolt..l3lTue I= 7,14. 'r," V.VERY VAIIIKTY ALLIEGIIEIVY CITY FLOUR AND FIEII.I3ID JOITC2.I.L3EI, S. C. Hie MASTER, & CO. No. 155 Ohio st.. AllegnellY• bolessle .4 Retail Dealers In Food dri d C 4. paid for W treat Ana Oyo. J 11bi SPECIAL NOTICES THE QUEEN: THE QUEEN! HAIR RESTORERS! WINaLOW'S QUEER HAIR IR:SIM:L.Ii la QUEEN, not only In ;Tana. but In Vtlef Lithe Best Hair Res publi t c. orer ever' offered to the • Au\ In talltble Itts2oltEit and elisszurzu of the Hale If faithfully applied. It to no Glair Dye. • It acts directly upon the roots or the hair chang ing grey hair tofu a:rig:11411(e oolor: arresting Wo - In:stem decoy and tailing out or the hair; ecurf end dandruff: and coring all humors of the scgipi It all' change dry and wiry hair to .11 and Won flout tre:aes. It hugurts n dellghtful fragrance to the Dulr. ' In short, If you wish to. restore your hilr, as In youth, tool retain It through life use ERS.WINSIAIVS QUEEN 11AIIt REVOItEII, Price 81 Der bottle. ttolit by ell Druitettla R. E, SELLERS CO., Wholesale Agents lIi,TO.t 1 • • NEII PERFUME FOR THE lIANDhERCIIIEF Iti.nn.n•. I =1 13= I=l I=2l A mon ilolivut, um! Fretzrnat Verfirme, 1,1 from the rare aml beentlifttl tlovier wIt“:11 it tmkeA Ita name. hl.Lnufacturril i only by .I.IIALON X MON, Nosy lent I== AAK F'oll PIIALON'S-TAKE NO oTHEIC D' {l,lll. BABNIIILL 4:: CO, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET 'IRON WORKERS, Non. 20, 22, 21 sate. 26 Penn St. • ilat baser-11re , ' , large yard, alfarnlshed it with m the most approved achinery, WA. are prepared to manufacture every tirserlption o In t lu he c,t manner, and warranted equal to any nuOh" the country.. Chimneys, Breerhinlr, Fire Beds, hp,. pipe, Locomotive Rollers, Cundeneers. Salt Pan, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agit:Rork, Settling Van*, !toiler Iron, 01;1aq,, nnlg.r Pans; and role Man ll fmrtorerr of ItaItRIIILL'S I'ATF.NT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shortest notice. Jes:cll • Iay — LAKE SUPERIOR • COPPER MILL . AND SMELTING:WORKS. VITTSIUURGII. • •PAEX, McCURDY & CO., Manufacturer, of Sheathing. Itrarferst and Bolt Copper.' Pressed Copper Bottoms. Ital.ed Still Bot toms, Spe!ter Molder. Also, Importers and dealt', In Metals. Tin note. Shoo. Iron, Wtrr. Rt. Con ...dig on hand. Tinners• Machines and Tools. Wart:nom,. No. 111 YIUST slid t Siew:lt OTIttZTA, PI/lA.llth. Special orders of Copper rm. to asy tto t dre.l pattern. nipt.l:e.ll..d.twT W — PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS, uIAMARD. 11.110. h co., M:nuutew rrrttof d CATENT IA It alai LARS, warrant- CAST STEEL SAWS, of every tlencrlption..Allll, Cruse-Lot. Gant. and all other eartetlea. All Villas A and' Sl`o !NUS made from Sheet Cast Steel; Extra refined UM/XL:Hand Mt/W -INO KNIVES. JETWarehouta and Works, corner WATIM sod SHORT STRULT,. rlttalturgh. rartleolsr. Attetal. Told to re-twilling. Pant mina sod stratalttentnaCirruisr So*vs; alto, repairs of an kind.. Punching' and Itrllltug dour at rot, sonatan rates, lencm • 'r• — ROBINSON. REA ts (Sue Clllautn to lauatii,J, MINI , S. 3111.1.1.1.,) • WASHINGTON WORKS, • Vorintlora at Nwehlolliate4, rittrburich. Nlanufarlitrers oC lloat an.i tqatlonary jont., Illaet 1:11,11ex. NMI Mar_lllutry. listing .4alltsl4, Vas. .., or all TateLa and 11,./11,111.1,Shret Iron Wort.. OarAzonl.l for la I'AI'ENTISJECror for 1....Aft/or I.olirre. :.;` , 7 - 11EMEDIAL INSTITUTE VW{ 1 11 , 1 N .spw y111:K.--4,111 wlth • . . . rat', owlsta and tlirettt to Mt LAWItt,II., t t B. ?A 11,11 k. . • AAD CEI.III.ICV, nn Esmsy of Wantltt, ant Ittelturtt..e. [..r Young Mrtt. f 't.ttst.s stt.lAtmors Rai Itti of Aurt 1,11. f. t,ta I. •t...r Jr. s, IC I.IAS Itt.lttttiTOS. l'a. • • NAV:4EI)I I S :lIEDICINE:s L.,L.IIAiItOA: LA*, or .15.1. try u. 113., In it A A. r ' • =I I= .BOOTS AND SHOES. LATIEST''STVLE4 OF fine French Calf BOOIS, Fine hip 8001.4, Water-Proof Boots, Heavy. Boots' • - Ladies' Polish Boots, .adirs' Button Gaittrs, Ladies'l(lngress Gaiters, Ladies' Balmoral, Agent. Dlisscs and fitildrens l •;gibes of Ever) Description, at THOMAS H. -PHELPS', A: ROBINSON & AO., 1,61'1.1 alma arot et,k Men'e Fre4ch Calf, Kip and Water-Proof Boots, - Lad ii-E0011!lod.s 4 , Boy's, V tru flin' and CoOH, SHOES, GUIEILS, BALI101:.1Ls, k P4,110N Of All the Latest Styles, XIANUVACI L , FOR THE RETAIL TRADE I.t,Otil'S Atilt SIIOES. .Y. No. its Market St., Pittsburgh, re. t.l • very lark.. biotk of ail I.ing,of 1 3:t: OM' ell ..EL15T7:1,315 4 01 1 28 191 , 7,7;. ' tAr!: TI,sI E 11,1111 S AN!, 11110E1+. art Irlt he War "l=ll.%bi.l,""ll"'" .1. W 11.4 KI.;1. N. 1111.111 ;tact et. .•t. W . K. Itlctl.lNTO,Cli, 92 Federal St., Allegheny, rucelved 1.10. largest auel 11/t•bt. 6elerled stock of • 1 11 1 0115, Sims, Ulm, Qalloerl,, Sfippers and QM!, F.vr brought. to 1.1,1 , 4 marl, 111.11 A CALI. BEFoItr.I.IIIII.O.IAPIII ' DZICOCII.AXIVT4O , I7I3.'O3t Bout and Shoe Emporl 111 l (1:1 rcaural fltrrct, Al['Then, C. fly, A LARGE AND FRE S!) ARIA A I. SUMMER BOOTS, MIMI, GAITERS ' • Juni rorelee.l, and will ti. Hold AL tho V ICILY . 1.!IWV• 'KAT I'M riEN, ellllrr ll•hoh•nalc or ItotaII: iii vii US A JAIL Ilxvouic rUILCHASINCI LLOC• 7/111,10,. 1 .1. IL &W. C. BORLAND, No. ho 31Arliel. ni.ruol,lti &Or Crum VIM, :IL. - toy ri MIZE I=l MEDICAL GINTLEMAN C001 . 61t 1•110 JOll,l rIELOIN • I FlELDllili tv. 11110., ]tnnufacturcn an In .Chsotc.xes. XliTexcle. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 1.10 Ohio at., Allegheny. Itepniti Imonptly xecuttni on Iho short est.no. 11=1 nr..thrr at 15'010:1 , . TER, May, POI. J twurNi U. GritA.:sc, HOW SE AN I) Sill NI, PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER No, 54 Hand St,, Pittsburgh , Plain and Ornamental Mgt,. of over descrlptlo • done to order. All work doge promptly at nekton able etltee7 WILWJ!I H. MOWN, Il.*tu of tho Arm of IlnOirtf R AionnOW.) corner Tlatr.t •.0111liket street. TILE QUEEN OF 'Night Blooming Borrow." Night Blooming Cerro. Night itioomigg Night Itluousiug Cerra• Nighl Blooming Cerrua -*6 Smithfield Street 61 .11egrket Street. MEM2IIS I'l'E Balmorals, PAINTERS iiource. AND KINN PAINTED, = FOR SALE FOit SALE.— I Fa rim of about 5S 1.2,11111110,1,11*, V C 011.517. ••11.1,3,.. ft , r!reel the cite on the ' akihln,,,, 4 . lLe Th, lltpror. went, are a .erne nivirlitrig Holm, Wlt! , rfeen, a two•af,ure ,prieg 110. e. al:aerie,- n. large 1{40.111. ,o. I.re. •tnlYi 1,./111.ei• et for N 1 hear fof ',tile. There IN .•relll,l, c•et , or:lng•a',.eit acre, selLe. the 11,4 er frolt trg,.. It is a': sLridel:at.l eitli lae.l l• la a elate of coltle.tlon, , at. ge.4.1. and j 1,o:11,1 c:111 linlral,ll for datry Or gardaulag per !fog . . • Also,anjolnlng a! wills a annd rranPramn ",e, nflog And nth, .I.l{-talilllll,2, NILII a go. I Orchard In tide In•arlnr con4litluu. l'lti>l.l,l2 to at. all 11, .Icrlent n;l11 cval. Al . o. swre , atalve, la:11111 , r," ea. for al. plorCie ilald with cllvi. Tte: rho:, thr. e of • ro,rert I.eta. the 111;1,-Sew Mill Pun and ei . eohenv llatirosils. and the coal can' be reached votily front either rood. 'rms.:oat Mout. le worth all Mot Ls asked for the en ire rop( toy. Als p o Vann ol l 7 II ,re s, in Westntor. Intel , 'moo:do:it 13 on the IS the P. 1.00. itallroad. Tht ho menle are a la., lip rr.one I ore.. Irlth Ltll , l good collar. o ',me k 11arr. 1•u , 0 rt,, end o aileront-h0t..11m,. Tnerels en the good Young .‘pple Orchard: 1.0 ner,r balonee In timber . fereing grneraily ..01111, Ilertt: underlaid a coal and !Mauston couvehlt nt to churches. Se/10015 tlth/ talOpt, tor acther with the perional property urn th , block. Implement, grain In the ground, A., l'uoveslou K iven Fa r mneiatel y. A 1,,,, of 33 acrt, situated In Clitrolera towrouhip. Alleghenv county, re., about 3`,. tulles from the city, near the Um. Of the Ct,utoetiville Rand within .ule-hrlf mile of a tt.ttlltht of the 'KU of creek hottoin land, anti in n high slate of cilltivailon: aerea of woodland end peat., The wneing gen:trail,. good. The boll le No. I, and ell ad./phut for gardening. '1 he attention or three willing Lot:whorls I- the let iineern will call at once and et cure a ,030,1 lutrholtt. et th 14. le , a rare cilan t ro. A 1,,,, Farm of .4-1 Iter,. Slthlte an Eliosouth town/11.1p, Allegheny county, on the Honour gehels river, noon, one the from the Ilurougto. of Ellanbeth. Thelr of ` the bent uuelltY• The- Im provements um form lomat. lilt 51r. rooms, a good born and other out Let ring gotl; about 110 :tures of vool. 11111rdlt .ht !Uhl oullle sere eonvenient. 1 . 0r...b.:dun Immediately, Also. the besl Farm In Eliombeth township, containing about 90 acreo, lying en the Ntenonger hela 1 . 13 er Immediately 1...10w Leek No. 11, on widen is erected a ler, two-story !'rick dwelling, one log and one frame ban corn orlh. Wagon 1 . 1 lud• brit: spring noube, granary, work alto, Ac.; AtIOLIL 30:1C1h5 Of :111.,' Is tiret quadtv river bottom: the balance being Illtlrbtone lend, and underlaid rolth cool, and 01/0111 2u acres of 11.restotter 'flier.,ae two orchards 01 apple tau, in good litoring tlon,• pearl, pear,tree:, and grape vineb, v. Tile land le v.,11 edopte . .l oor gardening purposec . luAlig abort distant, !tom the thriving t.Pronich ur.tl".k. At 110111 r for nil the products. The property will, rold cheap blond on reasurieble trrula. Ape', A Farm of :Id uereo, eltuatell.lo Elisabeth township, Alio ebony eennty, l'a.. about one 111110 Trout I.ocl NO. 3, ya Moino,gohell river. Improve ment.. aro one it:i' lye root., barn, 'l)3onouse and oth3 rontioslle Luz, The land is 01 the -eel The ebb, wilt be bold at very luw'tigu For for; her part. , niers, enquire of it. IL TOWF.II. no: Real get, to Agent. lila Yourth street. FOR SALE—The lmainiful and SUBSTANTIAL MANSION AND GROUNDS llrc nvot an•l 4 - 3,,,rp.ivd 1 ,, %V ILIA AM I: WA I. .11uatnIoIS. VVt.3tern A Vntallv 11l 8.1a1. - 0 Gr. S.M., LOT 12" CITY. T 1 1 ,110116 1. le M F 11.141 1 ,1 ar. Illtretural twauty, itn.l ry z4.1.11yu,t, for etl/IlfOrt slid luxury. It It Ltllt ..1 and trifusnt..l , rlth Stour, 11a9 ',1. - m.11,11e. piste tu evvry 'ullnutt.lr lu ou througU.out THE GROUNDS A r. amp!, In•-trly f.o.r acre,) and Imautlrully vroz mvnte.l 1, It b Iy . a and Flloverr:. All Ina .11111 ,The S. 5.51:1 Li orlog free irolu bawl,. of Ow 4,551, and. ults from. Um, 1.5.55.! vateubd,e. YuII partici:la, ft.rat,l , c.l "It aP1 ,1 1 , . , 1. , to ~.. LI AS. .f Sit.,3 0 fik•al (11:11-1...•a • VII SALE- • 1111(i Ac , 4) Lund 11 \ te.41,1110. arr,•4 cl4.are.l. 1.•14lt; zti 11:111,4: • I 1.41ra 1.:. 5 .4- 1144. l• 3 1 1,1 114.4 i` z ..01:4a41,r tlll3. 'On ,11•4letts and 110441. Act'. lu 114:1144411 , 4,1.0.....1,441,..,11'.•tmjer,). oqt C. n.l tram, ,4... Ivut ro•ra44, all 111 1114 1,4,1 t•,. ,Itust4. 4 tt , 1tt1.14 allry,tl4l‘.l4 ‘4;111.. I (4oui 1,4 ;4,..rug 111,• Gila 1L4;4 proi...rty 14:1 ...11:1,4 on 1,4444, 11.:1 par,,14.44 t 1 .11 Irk l• 1.101 .4111 t r 0.41, Altus, It, N. , 411. V., :1..1., oit t!„ -In L:tt-0 li,t. Oat, r, Nl'.l.,llingloil If A. 37 Acre , llllle, , ,a 4.11, .514 15 Arr.... 1:, 1,- :hr. MU), l'lsl tro• . . 10. 4•. r.. 1 tottliva 11.1: tat ton jtwri.lll. 14 CPI Alro LII AClte. 1,01 , I "cut Fon SA IA ,•rop 'VW be oth.re.l hr.• . . I=l Al thi , Itt, I 1- , 3.,14.'111 31.. ME= • I 4, 11 , .in•1 tt, L.f I'nt.lt• In floe >h. . 111. 11., 1 str, r. A. 1,1, • .trrrt. I= I, ..“ , t NINO i 11El'Sf LOTS:- can la v 11) er .1 ~ 111 ,, • A:ldt° a 1,1.,a -aut A 1,1• rout • .1t•• I, • 'Co. -11..7v lot, will Iv [l,4scr, e 1.! j , ! , .: r r::;f , g it YY ter . * apply AI Ill: , C.:ll ' na'r•t'a°:'2:•"ti"' tit. , I row 1.•• 4 Lawn tt, • 1 4 'filt acre.: Of. Cir(rtind. r..lt..ti wAtk 11 , 1/1 Pan. • r.ga r ior. t! And A I,.• rroprrty. loan lull., .7.11.1 •• ut.m F" (""'").n Ny wri „, „,• o',111r.11,1.) No. 111.1.11,11 L • COUN TIL SCATS SA - tt,r ti 1: 0. , td: Al' . from .•11 1 N.1.. :, Nr..l xr 11 ..1 w 1.1.11 ..trir nollOß v ley/ .ir lli•' sn 1,•11; at, .1. iollnv It ..zu 11 . . 1 1. 11 W No. IN o•. 1. lariat Mt r • - - 1 4 '01[ itriC.l 4 114)tise 104 1...1 or, r• tr,leghenl. the C0m.... I 1.•. nl of lot: All 1 . rrOolorther, au.] for ftp. KI,/%111. of %!61,14.1 1101., I:,,! $O. 1:4 1. Ali. 4 .6 II S.( stnrk au.i I: ~,,, I WI II of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY .11 NIENT. nw. yl..int . 11. it ;11,1,A1:1v...111r., In , .rt.• I ~, Clll rll lhe of /101 , 011* ,01 ag N, 11, A r• A•l•lrt., ,11:11 I'. 1:0)6 V4)11 SALE.-Two I INA 'and Olghty-s. (.:.).,Laren 11 I L D.l L. T 11.1 It I' to wd.l utr r caeunf 1.14 Itne-thlea 'to le paid dont, an.l balance . Iron, one to four It to ft toor! , F.l, l tlre nt 11111.1a1.• Cetneterv, of nl oillee of 1:001,KY A (11.A1KV, Allegheny. noo:n2t SAI E-012 Jack. Street; on, H0n....4 L0t:14.2111y 10 long. 1.1 le .111 e trent. 'the loon. It. it, root., the two !twit ton.. tire betel tool tiro One,. other ,tolton are of rain. .Ith th , • , er , rt ...1..11111/.. yard, itt..1.. , her %10ve... sin. (1•111 . An. I.:ti•ittltt. ItA 1111. h, • kcal Lot.tle A 0 . 1115, !Se, tll neat. t• t, Allegheny. BEE .710H1 D. BAILEY, - Stock - and Real Estate'Broker, volt sALE--100 Af' res. of foul Land. l)ing 13 111001 Milo ~, ~ and 1,, milt I. 3111111,1111 - ClllllOll. 1/u 110• all y, a tract, In It four loot 1 00111 1,1 Coal. 10111011, fo , entire, illilerent mow Yontliern Mill° Coal, youtalm. illtly sulphur. forge,. awl vol,m, well, and for making 310 eantya ' The 10. I.IK .11 , 1011. 0/1.111:, groin I . ,orroy all Hanging 1:04:1.. oloi.t l l. vluable for conllim, tionia. There la 14 r Bolt oily of anlllr, watt, a amyl lattiling at all . taYeY iim o. lan 1,1, 11 ttlt. In 11”. 11111 about 11 kl foot, lrlcl. 11111 11- ial to river. t0y1.11,00 ,1111 1 Ito 111101,1.110 1111111,3 for .11.111 1•1111,113/ 41311031., 1 / 1 1 ' , aid 1 rsrt doll-I. Portal., Circular :law Mill to 111311bflbl Mill. all In aw.al order, •,•I 14.'311 1 1 1 1 1 Um very la, oat, .1.11 and poplar WOlll l l 3,11 1111,-11110 11111, - If ,11.01 'd, 'to party wills 4, J.l•rtv 1111 31 for work llivaione, ,B3IIS • litoar. and Real Kahl: Brater, not, No. lin Fiiartit street. VOIR LE- . --231 acres Coal, iiir 9I M 14, 0 , 1 40. rave, on Ili, able of Diu 01111, 3/101.1.111/1,1113,1, 33'111.1 ling, with right f wrl Tray to river. ThOrtay im°011111t) toagooil ,car.ket together - with Ilia fact Mat 111 , coal erona ^lit 1111111!ough in Um , us „ 00011 Nbly for nollog ;Foram., Mal,* 1.111. good lnrralionnL .1 1 111 N 11. BAILEY, • Mock and 11, shat, Broker, oen Fourth street. mSAL—A, well bale cstabi _._ d .c EI and profitably Manafacliirinr, 11.1...5. The ..businem la caali, 30311 t 0.111.0 of being largely literesayd, BAILEY. Stock t 0.1 4 ll h eal V.stale Ilroker, No. Ittiroorth .F --- rotype OU SAILE—An Alub Gal _ . levy, occupying one or the hest locations In the city, and having a good run of mistom. immediate possession ran be given. JULIN D. BAILEY, No. lin Fourth street, C. sail No. Ginnie Block. I miUe... Ht i o . :lA n ra A ~. 1;EUI - A•OZ A. kAICI.I4I , ' A - 0e.71 Wbolviala Drugglkts, T 1 'Ova with WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. MISCELLANEOUS CARR, fI'CANDLESS & CO, J 94 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, WHOLESALE DEALERS Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, Announce that they have just received and are now opening an UNUSUALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK 'of all articles in the DRY GOODS 'LINE, (Which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine their Stock, comprising a hand some assortment of many Seuree and Desirable Goods, Together with Superior Styles of all the besl makes of Prints, American Delaine3, Standard Sneetings, Bleached and Brown, Tickings, Ginghams, CantOn Flannels, Apron Checks, Shirting Checks, Col'rd Drills, &c. FLANNELS, Plain flute, Scarlet; 'liked, Red And Grey Twilled, Rob Roy, Miners,' Shaker and Shirting. IVhite and. Colored BED BLANKETS, BALMOR,AL SKIRTS, CIII_.C.7OISI.3Era-rrkl4G FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH FANCY DRESS GOODS, Our Stock w ill embrace a great vari- ety and all the latest riPielties NOTIONS, A A Full .“,nd Complete A:sortment. 11,1, Ad CUR, WCINIILESS 94 Wood Street. WHOLESALE DRY' GOODS ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No. 115 Wood Street, .PITTSBURGH. Have in Store 'and are Receiving : A FULL A:!SpliThiLliT OF • DRY GOODS ANDINOTIONS• 9 EMI Which they ttlYer . nt EASTERN 710 ES AND TO , Nrilicit The Attention or Dealers is Invited . nix° r „nr. T. ,11 . ”, s ...1..1. sr ISrIIKNSO:4 COAL, COKE, eze COAL! COAL!: COAL!!! • IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. • HUMMEL Sr- RABER a•Ito the attention nUIdIC 10 their flue .100% Of CoAI. lust reached, Ineludlng the at. teat, e Lump, Now, I. 2, 3 nml C , , 3, . r NOR. 8.2, 3, IS 01111:11101111101111, Algol w 1.1,•!! v are prrparod at the , INVIrS I' RATE,. 111. the hlisele lon, car load, boat to or tlion..and Yon., All order., I, idly amended to. Mire 10'11'10,111111 rtreet, near the 'lewd. i t.:l;l.th II ARlttalllll[ll, VA. COAL 1 I'OAL I 11 . 41)AL!: • DICKSON, S'fEICART • & CO , •, Itarlar Intoned their gllleV to No. UO7 31_41.1b,ca-ity SE3t - rocii. ty ,J 111) SECON I) 1 , 1,0011. • Are hoo r,-,1 tc, tirehh rood Youghiogheny . LlTillr e '4. LIT COAL. OU SLACK. At the low eat Market ode, : • Sr Al• enters left at their ofllce, or addressed to them through the MA 11. will it attended to prompt I t. nieVett,i • CHARLES H..4IRIVISTRONG; • Youghiogheny and Connellsvillo Coal And MAIM Lettln r• ot Coal, Slack, mut lk,nll.lkurized 01 , 1 , 1 CF: A •II 1 AILIn Comer or 8011., ",I,' e awl ClymerNintb rwar.l ••, nri : l ••• J sheet, near 1,431 1 \u. 1.11t.0.4r41 , I 11., Fmn.lll,s sin•l Nlanurit.turert ht;s,rt,t.rrtoltil:, _„ • tvisa.t. . . ... .. WlLLuZins colvA.N, • PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT R I OFERS. Thu r !,..rdeffnl"l!ut 1 17t,711VtT:e " 1 4 711 Z: ! l ati y 5r :a 5 ,...? " recoup.. atle ntlOu given to the Roofing tOliees. NO. .241 Penn strevt, Inn NI, it,a, Hot, poomo!, Pprato‘ , ... 89,06:IAII10 CAN BEAT THICiS9,O() . For TWQ Weeks Only. I lain selling is good 11 , 1LE.NCII CALM REIN 800 L at .1. own. Tsar, for the =mil sum of NINE lIUL 1..A•14.1rai, 4111 at NO. nat Uneltat atreei. • 10 DAILLias aIGA, •- - • H. CHII.DS BOOTS, SEW:ES SOLE TIE A TIM, No. 133 Woocl-Street, EMI To 611011 T M in.,. CASH buSers isc,itter tierlor Inaairgini Is .trterliltt for buying arc by ANY It, East or West. linrchaa dirvellY Croon Pt inor lIAVt,4 vntirvly , or C A , 11. yr,. are ,nAbl,.l 10 e.-11'n_ low as any Eastern Jobbing Hon MEI:(II.4IS'I'S are ins lira to 4,11 An.l o ALOftsc Our 610.'1 on , l noun our la legs ba-core wirehasia gleewhire. HOPE MILLS SEAMLESS Ip:ltt AIN i BAtAN, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET CHAIN, Will be Promptly Filled at bf wail trill reerlre Itimeallatu and careful attention. ot6:ibB:dwT FALL - J. W. BRADLEY'S: p ICJ I: 0 3L. - 3EI LILT. F' • (011111OULE 0) sKritits! Wlll not or It it:AI:Me the singlo sprink , , win EVER nt.TAIN their rmcitEcr ILEA ET! KI'L SHAVE, %%here three or four ordina ry r.l.lrca ui I n r A , I11M: SF LESS. .1 hey 0 nBIN It: COM rot,. tiorthillLy anA t( . 1 , 414.1 r,wit Eli A A 01'011.11'K which has inaklu the ••DEPLLI.X.ELIA.VI . III'' the STANDARD SKIRT' OF THE FASHIONABLE AVO11141). At Who',ale by all the lend Ina JohletelllfThla otY For yaly by all rytally, Who pelt list-class tll C.• d 7 C. VESTS, BRIDLEY Sc. BEY, • N ERA 4.11 , I'IT V.ATENT Ati EXCLU -1 E AIANUFACTUREIA...,. Ware roohls awl three: N. 97 CHAMBER:J.. , 71) IiKAI.K STILE ETn, Few York. .12.170 • pin CALIFOI9UA GURNEIit. & CO., No. 80 Cedar St., New York, • Offer for sale these valuable Wales. 11 - 111 , 11 g.” 1" In g public favor with ast.ohle.l.log• un raviolis.; and w hot.: precedented and unrivalled popularity 1. not without merit. They h.,. only to In fairly to give thein the preference or., all other. As a purifier of blood W y excel all other in a. and the uniner . i.o , ..certidae.. which have eolith rile been tenderedfrom • the mani c mine nt clans, a well , gen ilemeit In ess•ry position In Lf are proof row-In thst mese Wine.. are usetutliu all Casa, for they Jr. recourine I' • The followluir brands are now uttered by comprise all the varied , , now girown to the suitable for sale: ' • I WHIT F, or HOCK WIN /f a fleet curate tutor.. vet, delietic and nue flavored. CI.A.It ET—A thpeilor wine nn - Latole CI rich and uaturstlly cweet 'fnch admired by 1/11i valuatle lu Int- I,: k 1 chamber. a.. it make:, tine w hello and It le w tine deethrt wine, and well nthxy,t2 , lfor Culnmhnloth :1117:4.7 ATEL—A 11 lit colnre,l, hlglilY ltroUl.tiC 'wine. Very nimilltetti the c.elrbrated Toktty. PUlZT—liccp red color, havoc nd In many retherts r.in.liar to the old who, or L i c h en. ti RAPE Illt/INDY—The pure 411.thillation of our WINE IIITT P!itlt—A very as•t.mable tent.: and a sure remedy (or Ike that - rhea. Thim 5 nee of the 01.1 w valuable ...bin:lllons of hsefl ad an agreeable beverage thmt has ever orn uttered to the 0111.11.. hillUons.df Imttles were sold thloughout the !North durittg thellast four rears. attl when:ter introdneed It ha.. proved a welcome a I.lltlon to the invalid table, the tanktly eircle, and the b.chelor's sideboard. who have lost strength and appetite, and suffer from nausea. vomiting and. 0.011001 gontle me who •hion't feel very vr ell'• Just told,. break fast or dinner, whose sioumeha are out of order andwhose cc imam are aenerally .feraittp.ll ra tnothrra weanina children and suffering from genel debil ity; children of sickle mature and re,. dytto ptie constitutions: travelers w Ito have occamlon tut:hang c their water: and all who ilve lumalarlons districts and are tabtect to Salmatillt a 11111114.31Cva, relit nod fp of the most valuable iurigorators that tau be daken. It a as used very eateltklvely It, lief. with such genet al stitlafarlton that in offering It to the public now e deetn tiollere.Sarf tit IM Wish any IT Ow man th re e ralilleoli , that Writ:Lye tireeiVed. testuying in cry strongest terms In Ito favor. All that no $3l: la to guarani, that we will plemige our selves to fortliMA an article Volts 11. LlaiADULTliat. Anti It boa bean Overt to pudic children molfering from weakness d weak lungs with mitt happy elfect. One little girl a In particular, with pal qs In it. head. 'lees of appetite and d illy waiting elmsunt pt lon on Whom all medical skill has been ttalmitsted. Imo been entirely restored. elle began t • traapota pd day.-Unr ip e . aete and strength r raphilyincrease# and she stwell. 1_ ' Pet Bottle. Vvr Dozen Rock VI al • II 9 1.. Wills !titter. ...... .... 1 S. 12 co elvret 103 V 01l Boit ' .•.4.... 134 -1: 00 AnKt.llev! 1 2, 'l2 01l !dose:Bel 1 25 12 00 Broody . . 3300 oc20•11LGI . . PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY Joe. sflNcz6 Ji B. Wet A 7; PAPENCER & ?DUSTERS AND BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. HOBERT WATSON, Mau suer. 109 ,165_ H . J. LANCE, • Chintz Windt,* Curtains and Chair roVerli Cleaned 6; kteglazed tranvia unpacking. Noe. 135 and 137 rtird street, Itet•een Wood and t,mlthdell my 1..72 SI.7IEPI IEN 1,1 tICNINAL Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver, STINK, BRAND AM STEEL LKITEII Cdirl R, • , SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES,. Cancelling Stamps and I:bitting Cards; Also, PLATES YOU MAUEINV t LOTllltill. I 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Allef, Aeons DAM' BOOS lITOZTO Prrt LEATHER • --4 CHESS MAN Es. CLARK. No. il l URIO 'STREET. near the Penitentiary. Alle gheny City. manufaeturers iof every description of Pstaut wretched, Cemented and RiTrlc.l OAK TANNED LATIIKIL.LY.I.TINO. IiKI.TS made to orner and repaired at abort notice. Par - Ocular at tention paid to Belts far Keillnir Mills and heavy works. All work warranted. Orders respectfully no:kited. lettetnt Title LEUEBILIT4ED STEEL TOOTH HAY ILICKEIS. "rt.iste an.l "Meadow. Cart" arc manufactured only at thr . `ti KANE WOW:in. near thr reull-entlarY. Alla gb aryllne, spring Lod Plain IrVague., Whet.'bar. rows and Trucks 01 eyeryr. made of the best material, at a materhOrt nutty, a — warranted. jai'eQL (411LZELAZI, & % HOLES ILE DEALERS IN ..A..N3CI PITTSBURGH, PA. Clorciories 3cr Superior Cotto►i Yarns , flatting, Twine, d 70 .• cllo., FACTORY PRICES. GUILDS & co FASHIONS 'r:pmna.a.Nx, I= bLili 'AND IVOO.EN DYER AND SCOURER, ME PITTIifIUILGII.PA,_. AMITSEMENTa - `,NEE eirtrizA aorSE. P. plasmas. I last appearanra F,t. ,.. 611;:1.n: of 1.:,e ertatnent Kb°lar 11114. MIL E. L. DAVENPORT, wth, “,,:a iendered BENT: ca. oumedv of MU._ .% Do ADOUT NOTHING. • • r. MARCH, OR THE SOL. .1%1. ov a•ORTDNI.. ... . .. .. , . ur.ll• A tlern... , u— , :rtr.rl Gala Matinee or the 1. ,, ,,,, Dlntna of TUE TEI RE,401; A 1:1),NIEN. M..,..1:, - 1,, , U AS t• ElTi' A Yth,l; V‘q. - I,titt MAN. - 1' 1 "CIS 13 1 . t:11 THEATRE. W M. 11 ENDE MOI4. I= IST= M r ir, 7 `l A gp " :4ll I Mn. ,t. u ILI 3 Pl'Ltq in her °rigt. e r 11 , 11:,t11. - • 1111, VON 1 . •‘,. Nos cltilk, pr*. Draw. eulttled It , SNP,. Vestr all. 1,, the pU , Y. ch , raet,l.Mlv, Vest LLLIO 1 u be fo!le, ar.r.u.l from Ito Opera. To A ..I THE 11A111:. - saprilay A Ili 11 1 10 0140 4 ' FASIIIONA. lt. !Nat ACALL/ESIT. l'UlLyttIALLt 5 Tritus,,,,,, , ; . it tt.!tttrtrtt. Is 111. W and, sattit diyy, at '4 r. st.; Clung, l'lte,tay and Friday 1.. ,s;.; Ihtullt..m..a . s Class, Tm . selay tad Friday at I's., W. Alt the WalLet - -, Quadrille. and Cos t,lllon, w:11 ta.ught Intttleratt; terms. Fiesta ;.;1 at tie Music Steed r cirrulart. solltaluta &v. OIL WORKN CORI:P/01 LE.Fi.arz cs± - ic.i3; 4=.mm.es:: oaxaesuz SOHO OIL WORKS. BUF FUN KEILEW 8z CO9 MAN UYA CT 1, HEM tH , THE CELEBRITED SPELLU LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. URAL) LICEI,IV , VaII9 . I.:I:I...Vii) ValiEL Stiindaid While Burning N0._33 Market street, PITTSBURGH, PA.": itk:Nb FOR A CMCIMAII. WOOLDIUDGE OU. BEFLIVINGF CI COMMEJE.4IO::6"Ir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, Picsident. • • HENRY u. LONfJ. Stc`y And Treas.r. WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Near 6uspunslon Bridge.) R ACTURE RS or PURE WRITE lEnR.,ll7i 41.3- COT-T-4. Brand---" Lucifer." WARING & - KING, COMISSIONMB AND MARS IN Petroleum and its Products, 4 DUQ luEs-rie Ira Y, .P.701".1%15.3AT:r.tit.G1 - X3, rineowEid•HlA • WARINC, KING & CO:. • -utp 17:14r , 1:17 Walnut 54t.. $. JOHN JOHN .ROSS ScCO•5 WM.. N. OLDEN & CO.. = tlarbon- Oil ,Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS. CARBON OILS, &C. es. 33/ICex.r.lmat stri t, mrl4 a 7.4 ttiT vlrrsiwutiu. . . WIMITII,4 EAGLE OIL WORKS, =. e‘la:::z•camt..o ccrixict. INVICHTMAN & ANDERSON. r aud Dealers in YETiOLEUM. SE - CONI , ,T , titY.CULtNEULIANCOCK 4NI. . mr1e"..33 lIMBING, GAS FITTING. B - 41 - 111,E1, FARRELL & CO., No, 167 Smithfield Street, I=l Lead and Block Tin, Pipe and Sheet Lead; Mpoleanin and rvtnil dealcr4 n all klikds of Brass and Steam Goods, IND PUMPS OF ALL DESCRIPTIOSS, • 167 smitnaold eat*Noet. 3y 16:L1 TII ADDY WILLIAMS &BARTLEY .T.X.111721.5C-IELIE7FILEEI. GAS AND STEAM FI'TTE'RS, _ for. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., PITTSBURGH, P.A., Cor. Heaver and Chestnut Street, - MA NCHESTA ii- . - Ali kinds of Water, Oro and titcani Fixtures eor, stantly on hand. JeSicn pLIUMBILNG, . . LIS IND STEIII-FITTING, Hydrants, Iron Thimps, dli T TWA L?, Z11 71) - PIPE41, WATER CLOSETS, AND WASH STANDS,‘ TON • T.- EWEN'S, 044.c.g,0r tO Kweasd C 0.34 165 Woo 4 St.,;Plttsburgbeya. WY. II8HI.8111" H. JOIII1,101(• . 11E1MM 17 hi, 5011ENSON, X' EL .a.cilr.xci.a.T. Plumbers, Gas and Steam. Fitters, FLYTI/ ST/LE EXTENSION ir"lttosbmar6.l:4l, Pa AU crilers L 9 mall cirri:licit satisfactorily 711.V1171nV0 Tcbs i umps. ilaribm. W, Clo,g, SllOl5. 1:111/14101 , 8. licadants, and • bbailes. fur . le as the swat reasonable prices. ordc , n fro euuvu) lists.. by bial!promptly it - Mailed so. tium Ho sr of sivrry Llescilpti r ca. 41111 Y, 111111111 S & BARTLEY Keep uo l Land supeilor talkie of 1 61740C)10+ PUIrIP Mllo.lllol' Iron i'uropm, Hydrants, Sheet Lead. B Stwes Zinc. LeLi ripe, B ate Tube. Zlake Wale. efostlß, Haab ßasin, Waall Stands, the Viaryromn, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All unn, of I I Irloa .lo2e prompt/1 , All ord... et by m.ll lin c..Alateli .tten:lea to. pLEMBINC;. ~INAS AND STRAIN BYPCI!:U, IN Al.l. ITS 1111.kNCLIE9, . attended to by_ea perlenred. and practact workmeu. Anne ...rtment 01 GAS FIXTURES,SINKS,'BATH TUBS: SifijViitit 13 ATM ATAr. HYDRANT c ou6 u, n tiy and made to order. AL-WM CAI ISM I CTXiaXaMiI, Nu, ritil":.lf,rfe.rgrct,,,l,!exhenwT.C4nreb. HOTELS LA PILIUILE HOUSE, The subsetibens haring leased ibis favorite House It his been iiNFrrcEi) AND 1:111iN Hill ED IN AN ELEOANT MANNHL, and Is noir prepared with the most _perfect aptelututen, tor the reception 01 guests. tirst.poaltuel ssUougl Ilret-elsas, Hotels \ will be cuslntalucd'lrl Inc future: as In the past mete,b3., All Etc A yAkr„.' GRA T 41 0 IP c. um. E3.."'" = Cornet of hz Near tb - c: ;ci7I2PAN • BE I ME IBM ♦. D. ♦DDYUBOK 11133:1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers