The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 16, 1866, Image 2
vittantolt &matt FRIDAY; NOVEMBER in, 1866 T 4) VEAULY ADVERTISERS Owing Lothe largo amount of a , vents in Dalrou ynwithw6l<6wegeFe [scored, and for vr Welt we ire daly•thankful . .. and the Increase of our clrrula• tloo, altogether beyond our present means to inn• PIT unrOmptly as we ought, we , and it genrralli • Inconvenient, and.amnetleoes quite lipovs , ble, to inaeet changes for yearly advertisers, unlestle ft at our countlng-roon before seven o'clock to the evening. 70 SUBSCRIBERS. . .. . „ . , For some weeks past we have founa great '• , , difficulty supplying the 'demands of agents outside the city for our paper. We are gratified testate that our new Pressor . - rived yesterday. We have fitted up a nee' room for it, and in a few days shall Laic li in op ration. trom that time onward; we •, ' 6pe to supply promptly, '.and at as eafly n Iwo as needful,..3ll ciders for the U.t. (ETZTI ::. POWER OF CUi:',T(O.!.. , . Inlpeating, the other day, of the-Cen tral. Pacific Railroad of California; 'Sc stated tql.fact that ten thousand China men w' erg employed .in its constiuction, - and that additionai thousands were cone tracted for, and would be on the work -shortly. The condition' of these labovrs too closely approximates that of slayery to be at all cOngeniat to' our ideas and senti ment`. Atr:SRAPIIAI. SEMMES, late commander of the Anglo:Rebel privateer Alabama, has been looking at this employment of Coolies, and takes naturally to' it as a substitute for that system which was dear to the South• ern people, but which the plow-share of the watetiectually overturned. Ile has pro mulgated some of his views through the columns of the 'Mobile Gazette, Sias : • The Coolie was uniformly preferred as a laborer, either to the European or the Mil ' Can, and we heard no social or moral ob jections made to him, such as the Yankees in California make, while they continue to import him by the thousand. - Jo tropical climates, and our cotton fields are almost .tropical, the' European was found to be unavailable to any usefulcx tent, indthe negro had withdrawn almost entirely from the field of regular and syste matic industry, and betaken himself to his bamboo hut and taro patch. The Island of Trinidad, which, betm the abolition of slavery, bad produced im moose engin crogs, ceased alMost entirely to export the article until the happy idea of Coolie labor was thought of. She has , . now ve . ry nearly recoye'red her original prosperity. Such rellect , ons may-scent profound to a man, all ofwhose habits arid ass o c i a tion, have conspi t red to superinduce them, lei to men trained under different influence they appear altogether superficial. If the • while man is so constituted by nature that he cannot perform the ordinary work of - life, in a particular climate, it would seem no'. to re<l4re much penetration to make the discovery that he was not intruded for that meridian, and has no, right to insist upon staying there; much less to seize upon other men, so tOrthed as to thrive - in that locality, an 4 compel theta to do grawitonA ly the labor lie ought to do himself.; Novi gators make uo report of finding alligators . at the North pole, or black bears Under the tiopice. Animali, governed simply by in stinct, seem to keep their places - in the economy of the world better than white mgr, who boast of possessing the largest 'imonnt of that superlative quality , milled EE=I ' It is quite possible that a luSty white man, with, a raw-hide, can get more Mork out of a given number of black men than they Would care to perform for wages. It is not difficult to see that the same opera tioaanight executed, if the laws of the lanthand the usages of sot iety allowed, on not a few white men, who now manage to get along without doing anything that is either useful or ornamental.. It is hardly conceivable the Admiral, as the case stands, would like the job of thus. getting the larger possible . amount of Work out of the first score of -white loafers' that the police of aaty city, North or Soutlt,•could pick tip. ' But the Admiral is (substantially contra - dieted on a 'very material point, by the Governor of Georgia, whose testimony we published a day or two ego. He slates that "'the chief difficulty experienced is not in 1 ' the indisposition of the hfacks to steady industry, but in that Providence which has • / withheld a bountiful mason. We do not . ' exactly see how the blacks can be held re eponsible for early or latter frosts, for in . undations and 'parching .suq, except by ' that Southern logic which make hint cul pableenotwearing a bright complexion. Moreover, the Atimita.l is tolerably citr -- Min immigrants from Europe will proceed f"atysiii-insteati of format, smith. RI thi-' he cis wiser than the Riehm nd Enquirer. ... - Vrtutt astute journal rcCeetly xpressed with . becoming 'iravity,• the opiaion that men, - ^women anit . hi c ldren corning over here ' . from Ireland, Germany, an other min- " tries,vvereheir ultima . te destination by etermined as to 1 by the radical j urnals of the north. - 7 e old leven of alaiPion malice ,- was at th e hettom of it. This the Admiral ' - 7 does not believe. He has g yen a good -:" • many days to cosmic studies, especiallyt o all those brafteles esmcdfal i to make n skillful navigator. H e -k ra i wa a good deal about isothermal tilte°, and believes tbut masses of people starting out in pursuit Of ". forift 'ne will commonly follow the .;Roes in . which they were reared. The census tables . erabody-not a little demonstration ea that subject. Nor is the easy instance in which scientific knowlege is an effectual _mire f or pro-slavery bigotry and dogmatism h i virtue of thitt natural law the Admiral maintains that there must alwayS be it lick of white men down south, and he orneetly advocates 'encouraging the importation of Coolies. He Bays: • "Our advice to planters is, to try the Coolie. - Experiments on a few plautatio.ns will suffice, and If you do 'nut like him, you can easily get rid of him. Labor is like other salable commodity, and there i., no danger of ;its rushing into countries, in any cousideMble quantities, where it is not wanted.; if, after the first experi ments, you - do not want the Coolie, he will not come to you, and Bayou do want bite, you will not lie afraid. of him. TI ere -is no danger ore Pagan ineutlation, such as some of.our cotemperaries seem to fear. The very objections that they make toll, - COolie that he lila Paean, and insists upon beiag finally curried baek to his own laud, alive or dead, refutes their arguments bas- Cd Oa the fear of -fits miscibility with our people. It is; we believe, a fact that the Chinese do not Willingly settle in other countries. The Coolies thus far imported into theßritish Colonies and into Califor nia, have been mostly young men with out families, or, if they have families, they leave them behind them. 'fhey are, la fact; apprenticed or bound men, for a term of years, who expect to return at the expit a tian-of their contract." ' . Ha explains that it will he necessary and --- propM to extend the protection of the "Civil Righis Blll'.' to these people. That is certainly a point President Jortlvanst ' ought to look into. - He tried, like a mid --wife, to strangle that bill at its birth, al leging it was a monster that had no- right ' -to live. Yet even the most noted pirate of modern times is constrained to confess it haabeuevolent uses. Alas! for the court ' try when. its Chief Magistrate has duller moral perceptions than a pirate who has scuttitd many a peaceful merchant We-like all remtonable 'schemes for get ting more 'work done in the South'ern States. We should take it as a Most hope ful sign if ;be members of the dominant race would expend less thdught upon get ting 'other people to labor for them; and manifest a greater zeal in toiling for them selves. Every body except COluntop tout ers give their hest e tuirgies to work' in the Northern and Western States, end thus ex plains all the mystery there in the Unpre cedented prosperity o . f sections. The seett , t is an open one. Let the *nuth profit by it. - . GLEANINGS RAILItOAD PASS has been disposed of is the New 'York Courts in the case of GeorCe Lockwood vs. the New York Cen tral Railroad Company., Tide 'was all ac tion to recover damages for a personal in jury sustained by the plaintiff. The plain tiff was a drover, and wag riding ou One of the defendants' cattle trains, having on board a quantity of cattle belonging to I Ile had one o,f the drovers' passes, as they are milled, by virtue •of which drovers who have charge of cattle are allowed to ride, free on the road. He had-- to visit hia,cattle while the train was in motion, and as he could get no lantern he startel to go in tho dark, and: fell into a place where the railroad on ;thigh embank ment passed over a road, the road bed not being planked over, and was seruly and permanently injured by the fall. The defendants claimed that the effect of the pass was to free them front responsi bitity, but iu any - event they were free from negligence in the matter. The judge Charged that the. effect ;of the p:tss would noibe to free them from ,rez: ponsihility from the consequences of tteg ligence,. if there was any, on their part, which he left to them 35 a question of fact: The jury found •a"verdict for the plain tiff of $f25,000, THE DAILY F.X.ZI;NSES ofa New loik mit linuare were illutrated in .the Supr.•we .court of - .N6tv York on Tuesday in the of .tuna IL Murphy cs. Andrew Gross- The suit is, brought by the plain. for the pnrposo of restraining the de lei:taunt in disposing of eertiLin property in New York city: during the‘pendeucy of a divorce snit between the pinintitfanil her husband Daniel T. Murphy. The lins:l ‘ .2.t . nil is a milliotore, and it was shown in avits that they, were tharyied tn'Atigus! ISsit, and have now seven .children living with their mother in New York; 'that her avetage daily expmtes, aside from the in, itisherl Louse near I...o.ineton avenue, in which they live, arc iOntt. At that rate of daily eii)enditure MTS. Murphy,' when left to her own deviee4- . W . i1l need all the inL junctions she can vet against Mr. Gni:is or and Other man.' A KAN. 31,k:, has devolaped itse3f ia Chicago. The names of the panic: , are suppressed. On . Munday night the pnori. etor of a dr6is left his wife at the Met . o politan hotel, profnising to be hasl.7e,:rly. The wife waited until it was quite early and then started to•hunt hint. She - went to the Merchants' hotel, where stopped an equestrienne in her husband's"trOupe. There she gotlthe ,ervices or a polieemap, kriii together they were shownto3ll6 room at! the equeAtrienne. They were refused adMittance, and on climbing up to 10.,h . oier the door, the policeman ateovered the delitmlient husband occupying the room with its proprietress. A kraud seei,e ensued, and a divorce spit will be' the •1.- suit. Th e des . erted wife is deseribcd as a gay, beautiful and fascinating woman. Her husband's friends think She diii not uct fairly in tracking her lord so uneApcft edly. FIVE IlligAN BODIES were found iu Chi cago during Sunday and Monday 'hot: John Shear was iaStantly killed on'tlie Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne Itailroad ley being struck by the locomotive on Monday; W. C. SUMlllerli,was (Wind dead on madl - street on Sunday - morning; annul:ll6in man was found dead in IL gutter and sn,- pictims of violence are entertained; the body of an unknown man was found on Monday in the Chicago ryci, and - a paler box. was discovered on 'Monday en the sidewalk of Vanl3uren street, and on ()pew' ing the box a partially developed human infant was found. its TUINDAY a formal Written article of aareement between parties about to marry was left for record in the Itecorder'wollice, flew York. It was between parties who reside over the Rhine,arid contained n pro- vision that, whereas, Katrina was the pro prietress of a female einjOyDient businnr i s; she, in consideration of one dollar, and other valuable considerations,. paid to Franz, was to remain the sole possessor of the furniture and of the business. It man further stipulated that the future husband should maintain the future household. • A UnsirAxn rip Form CIIILDicEN are inquired for by a woman in St. Louis. In September last,,Alexanthlr Leil+nr, ri Gnr. man, started with his wife and four chil dren to go in a wagon from Shelbyville, Mo., to FOrt Wayne, led. They arrived 'at Quincy, 111., and in the "morning the father took'the -four eldidren out to get them shoes, and Firth: then neither father ion children , have been heard from. 'lt is Supposed that Leila' eloped with n female acquaintance from Quincy., Margaret, the 'wife, is distractedly looking for hiM. ADDISON PAIIKtSON., of .laspr coiroty, Indiana, has just been acquitted of a ehcu•ee of murder. In May last rarkison's cousin, Guthridge,:seduced theyoung daughter of the defendant.. ,Parkison 'learned the kiet. and shot the seducer Acad. The jury ne nniited him and jtistili ,, d 'the killing of the . Tau H. T. CENTRAL It. It, according LO tha licirliester Democrat, is about to in • elva itself in great trouble, by an atyinipt to deprive the - Merchants Union .I.;:epiess Company of the privilege of rmining oars over the road, and cer ! l err i„ g . the ri4ht ehatiVely to the Amerii:Au Exprev,i pang. • TIIE CINCINNATI PACY.IIfi hava diseover• ed that their butchers kill. tLoir hl , gs uli en they have beet attacked by sicknes:,, a n d sell the pork. The papers aie malting Ir tni9lt llout it. AT A MLR tt Ttue t. in Philadelphia last week, the had to he discharged licf6use One of the jurors was suddenly taken with a violent attack of tielirium tremens. Tun cuoLnitA has disappeared again from Cincinnati; nid. a case occurring Tuesday. JAMES GOttpOil BENNETT is supporting Borden Ci rzely for the United Slates senate. • —ln the Now York SuprorueCourt, on Thurs day, a rase was concluded, the jury retired, and some time after the to qualm rerOtted that, eleven of them had agreed-on a Verdi,' for the plaintiff. The to elfth juror they could not understand, and he could but uiluoruiand thou,. %Viten questioned by the Eden Le heroical° 60 dung , . Further Investigation revealed the 1 ., t h a t, he was a Russian, aria did not el:Mor oi-aunt the Area word of the The Judge then tried to elute rtknown to hoe that Ito was excused . P.m SOY further jury duty. He could not cow prehend, - and the pro , bleat Or now to get rid of him was tinnily sow ed Ly a Sheriff's deputy, who walked into the boo and gentlyled hlOl Out. .. • —A- house Aray rented in Minnerotn mid g . e .ig g r,o and during thu late cOlO snap the, orcupnu . received notice to quit. lie rufueen ; nt to court and the Court decided that cold w rather does not come till the /3t Of December. GENERAL 113 IVP. /Ik \lill.lll, k!. • rt,tv..l I-. going till In lgo dist chi] rriti ui. nu% •-./.110 1'11,1,Vtl•Ii.l,yo.1410(% tigiiiiii to liOid• log it.; —Of three inllln IL cMiidi Ott In Englund over Wig Wit .10 is now at. Turin, when', it ie said, lig Intel/11v to Ilx lit, periniminit rOliber 111,1.. I r0,...C/ , ' , •viyl , or-... 1 by it rolicernsti, pinaccd Intl iiio tit tit itrowncti. loci, Central Ili,: its oil try ritsil Aliostit tali! ttli Utter:, :ma rest') lon train, . , —lt:lnroad nuotagor, , l,vo .Icontrd to prow. toogreini for an ion reaHrit for otntl Forvieo. • —lt is prolm,e.l • writtro.t.l from tVvrt....11.1 . a., to 'mill:lrk, N. 1. The t..t float of cont --HMI. A. U.6;1011141, the eamthlatt, tor tilts l ltllrtl matt. , :•ohato front that Stale. —Why Nhouhl thoio ho no hen sonh+ In church! th.con,o con ought 11, good, for gilt It hig. -1•14% I. ril,utid. Ilitty .11:appoint tho pi 01, tt4lA) . ootilvitig illlllm , tot notl rebel, Is onizagt , l t ‘l,sttllltw 1•111,1:ry at —Tito tra.lepr vot It IK ant tow:. IA \ 011e:111S .111e0 lhr romply• t ion of tho t aili - oro to Solltltt. • red. Douglass and lilt son have p in a house at A10N.11.11,i1111. VO.; Anti Win NOOII All their re,itlenee lit that ens'. —Lord .A:ch Ilia:ot Campbell, ltA seetind son of tile Duke or Argyto, Iw goom. t*+ inlet It lulls. toes, hooso. sign of the titans. —The rebel Pr, Cwha lorniette E._ S. senor tor trout California, arrived hi eoliiirs Iron , Europe by the 'downer China. —The ettir.eits tit ritni...iilollLVlk. 0111,10 i A SWAM Ate ‘,O glue and it tio4o 'l'ilo diA.Alnel; is to 110 nutnul .Corttplaitter, ' he poet laureate, ha , hoe,nue sun scriber to the English Nutt for 110 V. t.ylA!, tnl, A Onilln whipper, .1-1(.11‘11Vall'Ii. t`loAntlit lots tAIAI lip his l' , "‘An"" -IA`SiAIAnA , in ..1 SAW hint and tion. 'toward in Mr. lieoelier , church last Sunday," , • —The grootol 011 ,‘ 10111 1110 1.111101(1;111 10111 wO. 011101 / 11101 0111 •110 11 . 1..0'x n ttrt.'lt , l , •t'lit on+ both owlool 'olw mow • Mr. 11' \1i•3..:.1, 0110 nou • 1}i(0, I Itt.lll tor solo. . • • --A inevent log on the +abhath daring IMVinovne.. it runs thu, '`Any pereen di - inking in :v. ale dons,orvlok, Olt flof. day, nay ti, -( Wll l‘ent —Gowt3l Nagleevn , ‘ ot the gentle Selivll. whOlut , ,ned Into in Sall Frilllet,tf Ter $110p*: Ter hretkeh of pren‘toe, ty mt, (trot Iltio ho never pre4.11, , i lie u atoll. Sf'f'l" illy,1(1 heim,thwevrre . .l. - her It'll,' , ,r l oharnetvv. —A (4:1,4 , 14,44, 111,4,1 on 1,0,44: 1, , ,,1p of ming uho was llt ing 111 SI111:1111tPAS . • • 1.• Ill, •. 1\(11 bilk . zintl lull tuu. 11 longer Jo nu 1nt. , 141 o stop ill nut ‘11, , 11•'• 1'.1.11111 , :. u 1,1 , 14,1. ..Until I 01,11111‘ . ft kerucl." • —ln 110r , ott tx rip.,rt ,, l 1n 11:41e lIIN II 11. , 010‘1110:11 11111 se ' 1111 , 0 1 , 11,11 in :11l 11,4.5.48 of 11.• ,11111-1.1 thing Mat pteve.l4 01+ 111,111.111V int"1-.‘,1..31II,k. In 11:I VOst, 01010)0, —The litotolonion , hove Ibtobr tot rid of t•Stonehon , r , Joel.."a otonber pottlterpirit• too de op a }tor, ;10,1 , Cti 111nito Newt Irtedos. duck 11;.1,,.1 thewolnr raIILL`III 110 011 [1111:11 tO Ills Ohl 11;41101, soott an 'he gent owl of money. —A colored woo 16.11 nos. :On , : In leo in the in Moot.. count v, o sew Weeks :111. , ‘. hy'n Itcl,olt, O e r.ostl to 1:.; driven tot wit hoot on c-p t t>, m t cr third of the crop, .9tat.l nok Lind tAwAcr, caber 1,1 310 con or Atlonto, ..Ito woutd tal.c op tits cos, —Tito resting pl,tee , of the 1 nton ,obitet 01111 Onrlng the rcbctlion, are to ne mort.- ed helettner with dust Iron ncoti Ittpck,instctel .r the weoden onei. It' lit Prroott. to the Vat t• MIS or 101::11The MUM!, it tlno.c r. of etten roldler :WO to in, ev,, , t letter.,. . —The ettlelal report of tioVertment agents nitita the livening Star ,Ins,,lt‘r ts.puhlithe.!. They lethal hot htna to cohdento to the tea-el, lint condemn hi ,:utong l'erte,th,quelz ha‘no.• I.oo.krti the vessel..hol the fro.: that there he, earpenters They reetommemle , l ehatoze. in the :aws provhle It:titter pro tenthe, the,: tyo, GOOD CIDER ALL TUE YEAR HO U N U, by Litt. of = Call uto , ure. a c.:1,, ‘ll,,tiona ualng It. The and meal a . tiCl. 111 up la botti,sl.lll,:cLt r,r oat Larryl of Id,. F., • VA: at P I.EItINC•, I MIA: • • F1.L.111 Ma', MI Cern, pf the I , te.s.oeri aurt.Market Cern, er till Diamond att.l li a. Le: el.ree, -The pet, it ca ,1 11 ,1, f ^"•.• Tar. Terpentitt, Carbon till, and Lueeio, Flul ut Lite loweaL ~01.1 at .1 - 4t11E3. X•X_BIEI ZILE X.D.7.0,70 brIALi arid fn[ Depot, Pl.thriruh, It, • A Beautiful Bead of Hair: , The grcnt ..1 ItNttor,t t.u.sur,v .•C ••Ifalr { rlt. • 10,1•1013" th./ Ilrte,flog . Italr Culor 11. ht.,t r 'I ,r...1011` . It at I•1IsIt too .tort, 1. It will reitur, gra, Italr to ft% orlwlnkl row, C. It wla make grow, on tcat.l LitI2II2II2I3EIZESSISIUM v. it Will nu.. dandruff >ll.i / Lleps. IL Will 11).4...- tif.m foul. gi,..ay .11 , 1 Oellta , 6. It .111 0r . ',11.14.1 COI 1.1" to 1 !t. ay.:. 7. It wr II prrrrut miltsig 81 It etirc all th.-1,.:11p. , •tilv a b•AtirSoli t.otttea, 44.. f‘f ANN E . :, alt.. North th •tr,et, ftPrV• swift!! Its.J.lng .1rt4r,g114... awl lotions If 1,46•1 ar 11,1tf. • .1 ,old ‘5l et:LAIC/LAN A N. Mar. I...tmtre• I. GE". A, kt KLIA Wt..0l t.„ st.,l YLKMINIi, %J. 'Stark eartrt, .t .I , ICUITT. A lvAll•nr. 5u27:1•Z1.41.,- Till: LAWS OF LIEAL'IIII.-11 it nssless foe 01.10 I,,glslatures ' qo pass laws far toe prt,ervatlas of Ikr the a rya( law of self-p,servatlon, s. filch dtpend• far I l s rnfor/.- mo nt upon 1110.111 of the ISdlt !dual, 11...M . 1,1 1.1 remain s ,lead felt .' '. .1 hara Is scarcely an adult meta 000 of Ow C 01.1.11• rally. ••(tllSrr sea. In Lola co entry, .b o Las rot star. tat tsortlsnon! In fat or at Elth. lurulalitalover their OWit Igo turf lir parsons of adltatarltalgsol 1,111110.1'.. 111 Ilto . rstur•,..ste, ,attaaelse, anl r.t 1 par 11,1,111 or 1.1 , 111 Y, Mrel J, These *lt'd saes halo lied•ri - 11 in toe 1111 at opssllloll ten. 11111 the pret,ar•tlan is w gaff...MA agalu“ sableuatcs. 00014 , 1710 s dystattoala.a. val• sabls ant,blil it. Latakia, a pa/100N, a 1.11,4, Mc. a tsttlal and batulle•s Itandlaul. s £llllll I sstllas noaselta, aid . ..lll;lnel. rof 1100 trete.K. anstal sslgurant, a protte,ln sosiolost the .1,1,1 , - 1 10111 1 liacts of malaria awl aott,r, sag t•.. ofrgrl ••• Of rigor mat actleity to'tba %JIM fo • cas which Is nal. rarnuagnicattal the tonics and ttotualdss 111 . clilattanres IL' I..a.plrut (VALI,' /SW a11.£ 1, 11, 11111,111e,11 ..taty alto, rtan ao, • r by ',alba,. 111 Inhervitt ar la rout. of 1,- pasura tounsvloolesoolna 11111 111 , 1, 1, In la - rll 14 iiie pdaatfat of all temporal Itl-Al,ll, Int Imparts/Ira of nallia luu 111 1'17.01 ma a asfo,site in dlclur. • try. lapticoo 'Who reg . ....t lu giV. it . trial 000 plan/ y own 1:111 . 1./ , .. ill soars., 0401 • , d/re ll,Jit, 111 as in all as form, and oe 11111011 s and ncrsons ,dal, and naoing. will allord 1 14111 0r(4.1 , 141 . 1 And I,priPlAry mid: Fines alitsli I 1.1001. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WM, 8./.61(//b1,31, Jr., Adam. lirpress 00lee, tii (th Street, to on authorised Ailen( NI VIII. Adverttzeorsetsts for thir (1421:1 - 11:7, oud other paptr. Ihrouyhout the United States and the asnadas. itoollB O,ItENT. 1110 L1t:0 AID CODIOIJAIILE 000115, Sollatee,..ithor for Iona!, faintly or .1, oping spirt monoa. Fir forthor loallooletrt. looolro AL tho ore:ll4es, NO. I oTitEKT To CET—A convenient and tow modi,Jo. Thrtl,lll.pry DirELLA.VG DO USE, tin Pt 1111,1. fret, with At:lbit. and l'ari • attarlii•il; For partlgalars, addnan LOCI( tr,p, I ' .• P 1 . 1.1)1411)NS MA 1)1: II .11- 1t1.F.. , - Ids Is torthe 1.0511', br,lntic It lin, orlthi, wiry rior tortloriikail by a or Ire hil t d Isw 11A11.1 giving a light (which the wind all' not Won - act) ai:1".•1, IN *OEIIO WA% IJAI. •a,...a 1,0, the game lig., A as chi-pa., I.ltaili. hr.% 01111113 1"r side al Youth ntrei.l, 1,.;11011. 1 ;1!.1 1 S , 5 .t34 . 1 1 , ) ,,, 11 , 1 ,, ,111 5 1 , 76 , : 1E,:i 1 1 1 ..— . 01 , 3 0 Th•• lit l j it: f: 4 )1111.1t,1,1.,1 hoist 1.,311iti/110.11.1” • no, Tog Trolling - I ; 1110111,:' Del do A Men. WA IN E. A lictlortevr. SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &c., :-).1011,et josrlible ilzu, by A. M. • JtltllK'N. JOHN H. LA !MIK, Attorneys JO Law. thnes, No. 1 13 ftfth File.`i, nol6:.lAw'r PITTAJOIHOII FOIL SALE, • 500 Clieap Building Lots, 1.0011TY.1, IN PITT 'I,,WNST Within Ua nth,. or LI Ohirt Nouse. 1.. MEMMMI ====! GET ANONE , BUT A GROVER & BAKER Fora Irtoll.lay Olft. It le reliable, perfeef 'aud therefore tiro boil. fall to call sod coo It at NO. 18 rirrn 31util NEW ADI"-.'•'T.I.SEMENTS T. Jain &CO., ..10114.., Cornev.Fourth and Wood Ms., BANKERS & BROILERS, I=l Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold. Silver and Coupons. o.l•l•Ecri.Nt4 an ii. Star. - . tttl C• 11.1.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. ROUTE FOR SALE. A (00 ! ) ROUTE ON TUE hill 1N - CA 1 , •I'1:w ~. tcuti n., , n., , , ~ I,tra ol I , t .‘, 1 I 1 t 1.., . . II •11. 1 ‘ 'l' 4,1 1, 11S111 10.011. PITTSBURGH NATIONAL ,i\ll I'OIIPINV, hiIIIPPIEItS 41;1) INEAII. ~.• N1 ' 11, , ...a1i ij l• (OP ItINT FA 11 5 LA' VOA I„ N wit ClPewal nxtcl orvirE ANJ.. 4111.. 0 , 11%1 H Vl.l Will HI ,TICFA'f,, .IJt oldef. tor tl.-1“ ;.1 •1,1,11,..1k1. 'gilt !nevi. gri H .. so”. 1110- milrOtlon: H.' H. tn . II%AI.V. , ilutro.lont. 4)11. • E U ('4 it 11 0 .0* 011, EUGEK A SPERM LUBRICATING GILS Crude, Relined and I,ithricating Oi ta, I.Anit. 11%1. riPll No. 31 11 Si., l'ill,4l)torult. l'it. - G. C. IST . ~,11114114, A1.1.1 , :4;111:SiV TV, • .SI , I , IVX, 111 OF tln, I I 4 , 1 r: .11 Mite( sriA.lrl II %FY, ~,,, 1011 etZ.,l !o 4,4 II 1.1i.1 , ol w ill., an. on.l 1,1 nlilvt , ont , , ot In .kot , I' 1,1 'Pi .1%, Ii ii (11.1 tI" to to InLe 1.4 1.1515 -1,11 of ,al,l .131 to or Slion , 1., Irno . On ••n o. .11,1 W II I , r fun..' or sikort, ol fr•l• oi tt` otlnr lit iter•ou. 1:1, un.l.r.lilt 11304 real 111 oil re, !it tirgh, tin, I, A. 11.. 151,4, 11.% , ItAKEit SEWING MACHINE . Lt iL, 1 , ,,i,"1!1.1,.‘4M,r1.Antem. vsll and VIIIIIIIO rui N. , . IN 4111KFT, Eli1.1.(11t1111: 1) 111,VKI V IN I`,/ 1 t..NN 1100 NIN. .1 Al:h I. ,l l'NTl'. Virgin>, C.\ I . l" l •ALii so.oltooo 1 , 1 , 4.1...1 ILI 3.000 0,01,, r.rtnlv , nml 11011 prier 41110 ot • 11 INO.lelO Yi.411.1;.r31,..n..1n..1,111r0115/Itato. V , cr Itm. lion V. county, We" Vl,ltll.‘ Nrot. usty —. l . CoN,n, .1 t0t.,05 CO., West Mx. Tre•-ur..l •• Ct • 7.1 . ..:11.‘ Y. .10 41.1.,,5 - rtmy ~ 11 it • ot.n L'ir•on 311m1, t'sr;ovt 31 refl., Ktist ItIr• rrit”,ibn. 'I 0.11,113,1111..rti Alt.,tll.{ .1 alert "Ec.t, 'N to 04 r 1, %, 31, t: 3acm re.l • or Nll - Y • . 611 k S, E. H. DE'S SONS I=l ('ov .1:L i.T 1 J \. El= =I WF-.T 'A SA I. ',l'M' bet .on anal Allrstt..ny Y. P. N.—All al: , t,Iv•I ti.., f. ON - :REAT IiEVoLUTI IN TIIE s • ,1N 1 Iv THE t, IT} 1, TAIE.. —1 . 1.,1(Y. CA 1.• F.,1:! , IA 4 !11.1,11•11.... itte.l.• end irvf.avv.l a.. 4 In Franc, 1... v. Iry 111,4 Lk' IP! OC .1 r.ev:vral.,.. , .1 ...Auld raltil..• 111,,er... and Itt.t. I V. I itt r. !ay.+. vit., tAL I l'illt.nt , u.rti)o, ',lll. 1 , 4;. .. Having gilt yoqr , "A.:l , 3r ii s• I our 1,1, 1144 , 1.111p10 gr• p 3 lrr.urr. • - •ylag [nit It the r; on w,nr 1 , .nail at Oa,. It. ~ 11 our 1,11! for er , , I . olllr. .1. E. h I !...,1.4.1 a on 4 ,or I.llautr",ue but;c44,,,, .t I :1611.• a et . 1. t SS ESS.3IEVI. :‘,11. , 5t Il,r AI" 0,11, ! , .r Pa.lo: , •.rtrlo, ea %V ,r•• !rot.. 11.,1 I , Ib. , tvw: r ..ry f:•.:0 oter. n.lnltt 110 n 11, War•t; 11.1'1'r/60101,4 •Ir• I. 1... it• 11.,1:11,0larn FrOlent It, (a, 10 Illy ih (V 41.1, ro awl t..'•/',ll It ttli 1 01111 1... *4 4 .'r 111.. r 11l est, r !lie elly Trc.,tite .1.11,110 - , 1..11Altl.) . .,1111 ii,vr no!i .•! IJItel4Sl 1)ItlIGhit11 JAMES T. SAMPLE 1101 , )1IT P. 1.1. )(SOWN MUNI 111111:0_4, t °UN. If t.l-11AL•A:111 111=1Z=== I= • • • X:)F3. Tj C. Lit , nod wlllnli .011 t“. nt,l•l riutiprr lIIBus soy •..thut tamile lu M.- tyro 4.111.4. 1,•,1014,11. con l oily prrpart-tlt.y l iltot•clae• AI nul V10.{ .. 1: fl k odl, ill . e NIA :40.1 1 . 1 uu liao oc s.l. UNENPIRED LEASE 01 HOUSE AND LOT, LOCI lfd Olt re AMI I nirrel, rillstffirgh. =1 Ntallablv lor •0.1 br ~L,ap.. lueolo .• ol =1 ith , .4Z14:1 ANIL, lIKAIi Kni:1A11: Ar/SX,tt.i I=l NNOT/4F:WO CONSIT3III , 3OI OF %V Al An.. II it 10r0c1,41 'al the Watt, IVorl./. ro•ritlyr j~u k•Alq• "1” .110111.1 1.1. vr,rd k.hil of .V.lll, dig, olio r.a tint u. 11l 111101..1 A• 1,4,111, • A.I I IIMO 1,4 i., VO .101^ ire .111.111.1 AIR/bled. I Orli •4 raptllllll.l WAIItIVA Il 1 . 1.11.1 dr,sel•lieg 111014, 103,11 on 1A0,411,1,1.1 AI, I rtili a. thy,' I. 1,1,B1 . ,1•1 - 113,1101 , 11 11.11111Ienarlan 1T0 . ..11 1 h.' , Mtn,. I. ul reAlrr tor tit, collootry utol ill,, r 1111.1 . 111 r ,rr. A noliosttocrt loco of flits ../.I.lon f lat' ,Irittlio Irf4 44friolot of it ..ot t ply ‘r•li Ti. u W4ll looixy unr. It ill /1011i • St i' ill tik l . I'lllllsl , rtf t114.a 0t...1, or • f No, rtoloildrol.• will NI ellai//12t1 1,01 1 /Al.l 111111' !entries loom. VitEN , 'll, :fluiterlittr tole. 011 W.., %%'ork•. Bu v BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, YON OiI..ItEF.INIXIC.",, Afrtnofurlprrd only and for nale I.F T. 11.. , 4 C ji CO., OPXIC , ;7.i. t 1Z.7-carlr-ns, N. W. Cur. 3il and t het Ste., I'IT I: .11. • FITZPATR 4 33-OTHER. :ittste PVV.'II:II GOl.lll -1 PIS 43 31.kItlaT Tt itd i/ ann.: , . %V/11111,1/1 1 ! c. a.: . ..tly 11.. t lug Pro,' In repair cnn PJ -in I.y and plomptly returned. —"'" • J BCIIOON3IA KEN. 67. NON, Pittsburgh While Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD. LILLIE LEAD lIILAILNIVAMMI4.EO.II reisur No: 67 Iroa.rill Street, Btslr4. • uou 1179 rlectcr, tic Co,rbobLkitur CircelaNtoii. Noy. nth. ( voTicE TO . CONTRACTORS.— Win be rocelved at ON OM. orall lUtla ineloelv. ,. for Kl, ,,, orPlbg the VI, and Otte Abutment of the bevr Iron Bridge ore! Coartit re Creek, at 11aukIlel(1. 81.16.t0 be toady at nry'.l=l.Orn'oßi th e Croinly Connt.slonera. nol.loterT Ho Nlll LAMBERT. Controller. 017. - 01WE JJE& FEN, CANDY MANUFACTURER A not IleX/ef lit FOREIGN AND AMERICAN FRUITS, PICKLES, NUTS, &C., 41c, No. 112 Federal Street, 2 „.„,, du oi ',VI thai First National BpLk. 4 . 93,^, Pat (as - ORED SALHON It. HALIBUT. ..-lOue Cass of tech, freshly smoked iSALIXLC)=. Mro4l/.1::11.11ti Jost received and for sale by the pound, at the Fatally lirocery brute of .J\U. A. LIENSIIAW, null corner Liberty sud Hand ctrects. NEW ADVEIVPfSEDIENIS . SKATES! .tiIiATES! ARES! II HAL% E OFCEIVEI) MOST OF MY hTl.ll‘., :Lit otlei to the Trade ti“ tit. trout ;►,OOO PAIRS OF VARIOUS MAKES Belle - porckasibg tlsell here, call andxamitt l e my Stock, as I can OFFER DIALER& SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWNI, N '1 ; I\r O(1 Stroet. `1111.:41 . 1{ HOOKS ON AL I. Tin ilmsio4; =I =I =EOM Itl 11 , .1. II rt01....f y .I..artlptlota am 111.11 Mil I=llll= I=l .771'LR8, SCIIOI4III A' CO., 1!:!1==i PIi"rSOURCII CIS SAVING CO., No. iftleirbaills' Hole!, • COR. THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREETS X CI X13E(.15 JAMES I. BENNE3 I President ROBERT FINNEY, Vice President. ROBT CHRISTY, Sec'y and Treas'r.' lie.. I , IT, l‘'. W. 1 . A . 1411 , :it. VIJI•IN 1:1 .J. MAI, .lons'.., 1.11A1.1A h. • 91lice Hours, 9. aon. to 1 p. oh, daily. ‘4..-11LE OF 11'1)NEILININEI) 081)1 NA,u. AND , OZI , INAN4:I . : I, ...AM. rt.ttlie 1101..1., lh r ,loNgorr l'omt i'..n.fort. Va.. 011 h. . the 2,4 0,7 01 uthtr, he,, at 1..1 ~:ock ti. rye quAntile of c‘d,l.,,ltnot' In pant of Os follor:t, ',Ole: 11, „ .41t1holl. r 3.10. Iron. of Carl- UP Chhhtegt and tl.l 5'111,4 von.: ' Stri:lll . . w t 1,1 a - tr Musket.. a ,, •i R. 1•• ltlng Foleigh ••aoartsn. , ' c.I. II lu p.rcn.slon • ,1r Itor.• MnaVrt, Iltut le t.. at. r.,17 ts. • it r. Illtnry'e toln,:ttql•s . NAV,. ati. 1,201 i • twh y 4,1 Antlllvry naturs CIL”Tor.i, , , TWA? taus and n..n.....,rati1,•10nrd rehttreil .14) A Intl 1.., the re/110 of 1.t0r,. • 4•I . . T. u. V .. Alpt. or oi. An.l ~ •1. A. uar Uott.',. • • r ..( hr. trlts 11.11' l.r r.l AI.IW.H.T lt••11., %11.IK , Il A ILL! , 1.1,k1111A,,t \111.1.1 a 11 h it. r votl. .. nn. t t.IA he,Annty l• 111 , 111.A11.1 , 1 - - 11...1 wit' I , lv lb , 11.111• of 111, Orin kIAIIEU lilt M A 10., moil Alt alotte ooalliorl2.. to to tail.. and it , rlpt tlUr Amur nun. rk , IIEII. k.3Io , iINN Al lt.ti) A„l'. 1. I.+W. no 13.103 • • • V. ictrrum R. CO., Mato*iliac. • {nry.rtt titrtars•ltarllta. Inatton anti Ilattpborrl vv.a..rinirtrai• ?Aran to rry ittal,tttuou rupa ; Uottlvr. or .110110 Al.. Itrow 11 Moll%,,Lsit, tier Itlid Chain tstx t 'bier; 1•1•Ittr by lb.. kottrrl, hail barrel or It.g, ti nib 11 . 4• And $6 , .1 A Ith lo: r neat llnnto r 11.1.6. Introt. Oro:, niltnlytto .1,01,110.1 to all ;tarts ttio coup n , ry ttn leo , I 1111•414,r. • GED. F.N(.III.CCIINIA.III PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, • 0,41,1 314, M 1.11 . 110 1 11tA11110 I.I3IISIKN V %1 P.,7 Or lIIE-Mol.)ti Itt.• I.ttler 11,0, .1:611,1n, 1.8.0,, Chet. est.!, Inplowsn, V.l. , ws• rrotrtv,tlt,tlel/rp...11,1c0 onti".4 51,13. , o• 73 60,31 4 I nr I nTrmaiti ItClll AN OAKLAN D 1/111.:15.111 , 11 , ./4..S. J4llll N-It. At A. SIIIIII)411.11. .1“14a %Junto.. Jr.,) N 11111 K 1 4 .1 M I. N A Nil VI.OItISTY, I'lltaburgh, Pa ..11,11. att.-AMA,. to {l.ll . 411,01', 61,1 ol A NIP lilA MES L 'Pt Ets, 1111 A Pr. VIN .4 4 NIP 1111 tili,Nllllt,le 1 . 1. A NT,'. lOr A VAII 1 . 11.13 y Plltsblilyr N. mod 11aklsoJ Paarnnn. ,, Car. r.n t lkr 11rri.o.1 ..... rr 13• Ir 31: v:1 i.).) NT. (1.11111 ElEnr. • t)t) An.' 111n011 1 . 101111.1( NPY.("PACI.V.S. nll 11 3 : t:l'I N i 1551111 1 / 4 1 N NTS, - 01'1,.4.1 111,ANNYn AT? It K 1.0111 9 , 1 ,, 13111•Itonic`OPY.4, tOll SIN AI'ION 11 V 1,111 , 311,TER5, 111... n. stand...A.l Tit r.II).IOMETVIV4. 11A it..!t NAcii - El lIN. tor smln rywoonablv prices, by .1 111 AkICIN 11, rrantlcal Optician. 11'IS St. l'lalrtitrect 1/A PE Itl PAPER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Third Mlrcr 1, hier), otueLlan AAA., and for AAR, at lowtt , LA Luttivt raw., NFU TAP., MAN II I,A, HALLOW ARE, AI 11F1N,., And 11 . If )11•11 N PAPRIKA...IO,I'OO AMA. A.Ol 1101, in Woll'olllllll, Clinton pill la At StelAbeillriiitl. I bto: ..... ..• ErtiovA L.—TIIE UNDEILSIGN 1L Ifil hove rl ltor.J tho °Nee of Uo HOVE OIL NVOILIO• loon :15.1itokvt•trrrt, Mr¢b, to tn•lf Wotl. on l'AltnON ILKET Itrovrotatovn, wAcre tbry can notraflor be round, - l'o , tottl4:o foldff•• l:16, otiNtlaN A t00,,,,Am, • • ONEY I.OAN OFFICE, NO. 151 smiTif STItILET, coon , of 13Ixtb. Lontool on Silver rlntes. Dune, l'lstol., 'Monona, .I.,vtlry, Oolil tool Miter Watel , a and vnlomblo artlele• of erery.lectron. Thor g0...11 enonot delOrrol without n ticket. Not itocoontnble In vale ol re. or rubbery. "q ! "l' f tV•VIY-14V "''''" VAI oo•• • & CARRIAGE MAN should nee tbo 001 - Groverl Baker No, (Sewing Machine Ilrfore 100 I utr visenhere.,. It Is the best ler their Ut,. Yor pale. At .04 NO. IN FIFTH STREY.T.': _. (141111 t, IOcCANI.iiESS • & CO., WlLsou. CAM& W [(OLEtIALE DEA r. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY ODOBS. ra ca. 99. 1 f747 Good. Bt., TOlrd notpae above lltamon PiT . P.PTIP.4I.I. PA. IZ.iiiiri NEWS FOR THE Ar- I . ATEINT hi EL/ICU:ES DRbliß, at lot. o p . r IlonTg.'rTlilt - 3 urn' Ens .*t per bußle. L 1/It&KE , S 11111 , E1,8, ItnWFL.O4I) , S ItlTTltitn, tiprr boatel. lt. 1.0 W.) IitIUHARD, pure, per lb. Apd t prnrrtlllor else In prnitortlon. BROWNS 14 /LW MAUI] .BTOILIE. ombff ' No. Ht.. CIRIP Xt J UST RECEIVED sr bbts. fresh Roll Butter; 17 •. fresh Bugs; •• Swuel (Baer. pore ;Mee; • '4 kuus Apish` Hotter; 2kO bathe 's Bolted Coro Meal, new; 151 #bellharks. • For sale by, HENRY ligA. p , 16 ;WV I.lhorty not.ait. mrith _ _ c,;IUNDIRIES. '' 100 lib's. N 0...; !Plan Rosin; drums Cain.; le. Allan • W%) rases Soda Ash; 400 plgs t‘uft Dail' Lugs Itenne.l Nitrate; • In store staler sale by • C..' V. ALFICANDEIt NINO. 1 1 .1DER-10 bbls. prime 'Sweet Cider Just received and for aale by: FETZER A ARMSTRONG, 0015 corner Market and Viral streets: A PPLES--600 bbls. Given Apples A... Just received and for .ale by by FETZER ARMSTRONG.' nols - corner Market and First t.reele-Z NEW ADVERTISEMENT SIK-4.13.12LarLD, STEAM' CRACKER BAKER .1.i7111 CMITECTIO:II ER, N o. :;1.7 _Liberty street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Itstointeturer KI/11 , leak r all l i 11,Is PLAIN & FANCY CRACKERS, AM' FRENCH CONFEOTIONARIES,' 13,000 330-75C-E/Eli _ PURE SUGAR TOYS,. FOR HOLIDAYS rronipl attenr ton given to ordri t. boa,. lit rig Ay ' s , couirr BALE.--H3' virtue of rrk i roller Ihr Orphan.' (twat ~f t I.glirtn) county. I will expo , ,r to entille Calr, ea lids premise.. . Tile 1113 December 6th, 1166, At 1,1 o'clock A. b., ail the f. bowing durrriberl to a, t, or par.eta of laud, rottiated, partly In Findlay and portly to North Far • tr. Taornaltlrre, in tn. cdunto of Allegheny line nt anti' tract.. or pareclir of I ord belag deotritool an viz, ft. ginning al a largo white Cir.... i e./vitt] 2 , 11, dew s went, In n• 1.." Were her 1.1 ft I,lcloryi thence tots 11v0,1,37 , 10 percher to a aloes, thence south =dry.. wont, ltilli.loporent, to n atone, thence sultan ol,t, deg., ent, ill perrid .to or !tour, then.. north lit d w ews. 5..10 pr when In alpnet throve south ri4 degs easl., 71 iretelt.6 to . 'place of brig octal lu 4 • lilll p relio, ohirl, Sr., erect, One On. slurry Frame. Dwelling nn flirt 1,1411 , 1113g9. other or,,.td par.,. of land bolnor' nirjolnlibr the .toter:and rrn tln It. ginning 1t a rt.,. then,. by lands r Il ohm Toon, ngrth deprn.went W trlo Lena tdene: It,. tree by the nr+t oloratyilied trail dr ere, 10 n•toirt rehes Stone; thence I, hind erf t 1t,.. liartridgr youth dog, or I. loti lu perrlico to ofbeglioring, ornitalliinor Intltreti.l.ll4l ill ptrchr.i, bald I ullnv. booi n ghltn. .)11 , -I , lllli II of fru.nt In.. rill...rid. end bleohens lilt. if itrupile, and Pi miler, from tree lair rll . ll,l.itrall. coal Iwo pored.. land linr• In.: her.° ownl.l and reed togeltier a, One farm. 11'111 ,old together. - TIMM', (re bALL-111 e third risuit itnnfirrualliot of oat ran, a , l" he 11,111,41 , II 1,0 and troattgagr. on the • y1 . .111151 , , Th, rettulnlnte one.titt..l retemln • .•113srtro• on the ddrlng the 111 , - of the widow ot Itotrert • 011Nolt. Itt rid. int...rood to 1.4. paid ',K ul ly 1.1,, allyto ...11l widow, , soil at her • Coo IpAl to i 0.11,1.111/ the pat i tirs by 44% I/tllle. l thereto Tllt , llAti.llllltNeh otrof th, aro of Rohl. bleNtruson. nor lin era IM;1 DO M: EStIC GOODS BATES da BELL I= NEW GOODS,. .Blankets, • I.4lannels, .Cluakings, AN I-, . . Dress Goods, Lineli Goods, . - :Merinos, SILK, CLOTH .AND VELVET MANTLES. TnE GREATEST INVENTION OF TIM Ati ekiter's Patent N)rdinary Wrench," 4.1 , 1,11. T Ott: OFF • 114.4ts,Itound EWA. Steam, Oal, Brat. and Lead Pipe ”, Holt in iI.CREWINtit)YV A Lu-,T . . Th",nth In a is , ' Hit.laCli for Cutllnz of: and ssi-dom.„ e, Illy— As.. cani Pe carried: to the te0ehet.. ,, e , .1:11.0 :Az expense and tuirden of the great weight of long, Se.. to be carried and used 1 fTINii•Ulz AND NA On: z , ult 'what is enur7 STEAltand GAS Ft ['TM 1 . 1.1.7M8ER, E.StilNkEet, lil.At Ks It, and CiAItItIAGE 111.:11 , II- E.lts. add on all Lt ICOSI - 'IIV ES, s., and 1p evert - RAILROAD Fa ,. MotY, • Re., and ...Parr STORE &tot SE'. IL ILENE IV A'rEtt A NlVlit, AKE IiSE.II. w ent't: KS are welts tu the most :bur- Mai, manner. and are over alo per vent. cheap., "th, r tool. i.e.! to perform the battle work. A Ella. ircretarlru.lll ant ~ 7 and sera., up pipe.'. to ..tUvt , r, Ain lu. nirreneli wl,l eel of and screw pipe ILIU IL Inch drameter. , An IS Inch 'Wre Oh will dot off au , server pipe inch lies .itameter. A 11 . Moll Wretten will cut ell and screw up pipe . I , ,luehes diameter. Yoreale. ns IticS'KERN & CO., 0rJ.12.. S. a t water latir 1.114.111 prrTsßunG 1312EIVERI. CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., BREWERS, MALSTERS & HOP DEALERS, I=MlEB:===33 was. w_ ANDEKNiON, The atLenuou of th,costomura of the Iwo nrwa nevi 11 ly ILavlta,t • • ALES AND PORTER. 'wl:l..ll,4llltor g h the cor...tul arlt,llon of "[tall from r molting .01:tlea 11,,ta from the a lards Seal Ntol \1 vat, 130 tau Kultrautfr 13110 pure awl anti a lowory to the trade "Id 1%1 , 1 11... bigiliT 1, , 0t111.3.1u . dvd by physlrlian• for 11 1. Saf , tr. T 1 aoatoruer. 101 1 1 plemLe Le partlvul,r 0 lenro oil r, at big office adldlu- Itig h 1 old Itr, rt, or lat our dlti Carl of Duitime IN tad Barker's AI tw, WELDON & KELLY PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A Wiz< ¢azortmrct of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., • AL GAYS &N HAND. 161 Wpod Street, near Sixth. myv:h7 ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldicis of 1861 and 1862. All who yery.l thrie 11,111 Wattled to $lOO hoof , those net{ itg two Tess., $3O; or who were dlachygtil by mill. of Nt Ol112(111, or their hare. 7 tires. Months Extra Pay In dne UalCarf lo the service March &I, ISV., nod discharged, mustered out, or reeigncd since Aprit lout. l'ANOlohtn.—rermanentiy disabled are el:atilt,' to gMt) or 4193, according tb degreoof titsabil -14. W.. 1. A MALI, I'ATl'Zlthl/11, Attorneys, = I.4!XCLIANGE HOTEL ITT WIL lc I SMIU1:1,1 FOR HALIt. —This . property hese front on Water ,treet of 71 feet, and extend, back 1111 fret tons alley: also the litable Lot ut tne stone sou. The Hotel , t•IlltlIng Is a large. cononodlous atone Ifoubc. wltlfk , xtentilon hack bulltllngol brick, arranged with :1 rout., cellar. On the hack lot rue erected a large stable and carriage butte. The bg, Is the pllnclpal Hotel In the town, and In the heeds of a sultab'e sou, a large and paying bust. nessean he done. Tule property It offered at the tuff price of SEM, one.thlrd In hand, balance In I atsd l years. Apply li, H. MCLAIN S CO. . . Buy VOl3ll NOTIONS, • • T(:) • 7 . s. Baskets • 49 , rs' J. 0, Lauer's Variety Store, • 101 MARICF.T STRIIF.T. WEST COIIII.IIION STONE' WOFX -, . S orilln err Corner Of West Common, Ap.trincrir, • FttE.Loti. 41,1 VATKIt & co. c nahand or prepare on short notice HEARTH AND r 7 tTONFcI, FLAGS FOlt el ott•WA Llis. IttOtWEltt VA11.114, hr., • HEAD AND TO3ltt• or,. era promptly executed. .PrittlErl-rillfri- Stitt •IILE. oral:mire IfOLMES, BELL be ivn e , Anchor Cotton Mill 9, Pittsburgh, • Afstmf.turers of ANCHOR f AISHEETINGti, ANCllolt (B)SHEETINtiB.' ANCHOR Mt t‘l4leirmm i-tm •••,1 CP • NEW PAPER 11112iiiitilit49. •• FOR PARLOp.B—French Destine, vrlib.tlold Bor. de g . :kr. LIDICARIEH—PomoeIan Patterns ',nst ()ranee ground , • Yl,ll ISALL.I3—.New Ciceek Patterns on Red day ground. Fr ClTA.lllfEll.l—Late and *tuelln-Tatterne over dark gronnde. For sate by • , W. P. 1 1 / I .II.4gALL, exli F. Wood n,reet. • • F. MIISShIANN, Fifth Street, between Turind and Chatham Streets GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE liPlYst Cll.. Runts at It neserlptlons always on band and sold at the lowest prices. Itapalrlo d don ..wondiv nn la.tatiOar 1100T6 AND 8110 ES.--A. very •••• /sage ma tt verT lowrit.pricev. • • •. LEGEIATE. jA Zedet•l &Met, Alliegbutri IE9 NEW All rE.R.Ti.SETIIEN TS. BOOTS SIN 9 ES • fEIIS -ANTEDW" C:0 "IrCeLT INT • . w:.O BUHR SUM. !sr,. k MILL. "I - . co.rttent. DRI" . GOODS, work atia vr.a.,es ill NI 0.21. • L 1 t.r.a 1. 31,..1(Ae.r1n< ;op.). S. or at —No. St. a, ton Al na , pa toZo'clOGlr. In ill.; k nolstup • WNTED, FLANNEL Sf; Blankets, 'Woolen Hoods Cassimeres; Cloths, }-,-- Ip A RTNER WANTED, • SHAWLE, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, 1 IN A WHOLESALE HOUSE, -, h.t.J.ellalaal Cor thAlly year, eta., the ah ,,,,,, 1 ,!t h l w iny:„.; h.', lqvc,l, Wlth real name. 1 Aildre, • , 1 1 11. 1 :1Z1.6. P . ....1.1. u... 1.:,. i A • _ . . I WANIEI I jr-GENTSTO sell by HOUSE -FURNISHINCi LOOOS ;, " ,-.,',...;; it E 3 \"6 A:.\ I: I, :..: kb:A - fon. ...• I 1 :' , . 5, at CO , !Can be ail:taw:l I'. any lamp . , 31-.2.e- lt, h.-. 1 g:" iz,ii: in nte Ir0:11-Carj•ola .111. Co:tv ',lit 1, n: a r: . ...11... At' 11l not blow toll .30.ted inag :le by agen :a 2.,illing Illglas anvile nerator...Mb. e l, the 1a.t..9.:141i. Men are colning 11.011, selling lt. • r,..J1.1 . 1 , ..tty. AIc•C_LELLAIN.TD'S '; r..... , . _ _ : J. C. 'TILT° n, No. lay St. it aireet. WANTEU.- - --AGEN.irs—MALE.INIII F 1.. M A I .1.:-'1:: t ,e, fart of Weal el'. 1',,,q M lsl3xzs, ma AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 'and 57 FIFTH STREET. CITELS . • . .‘kn ORIDEVANCE tt)lttitlit)ri7.e the grading and paying .4' ashington •Ityet t. .1. B , or,la,noi and • wir N./tOI nit th• city of ..1 ny, and d ne.t./...” an , l "art., ryl , ol,trii, '4 , 1 That thy'll.oninttle• ou .recur 1., and no: hereby authorized mud J ad i ng .1,1 , los in: Awl revive , n, the grading at..l least ng 0 f Waphingion Iltryet. rront the East Ade of East Lan.. In an- std.f North ',ltrnet. and tot thereto,. with Ilse 10mr.,1 and 1,,,t 1,1.1.1er or bidder,. S t 1 In.l r discretion. Shc tins A 1,., for the T.orpo,n lfriylng In I.pen , t, of the :tt.l Ito ruse ugrnt equally he, and In In rot, I. led. :o,pt el, Ina, to bg equally noon the 101, 1.1111.1111. and tlikl.lll - upon 111, -aid ....yet rarpuellit.l3, prollortlllll to the 1.11 front In tlo•to rt•spettl, you, pribcd. and hounding and allotting a.s afore,st.l. ...b,rto, 3. That as ow/. as 11., /qtre 0.1 oxpens., ,al.l 111,, ?,E 111010 lit It to rrl :ipporti"n anlong bunivillig and 11.01 11 rug upon raid strect res. rt. 0- Iy, acrordlng to the rule aboretholloat..l. nob thergl upon proceonl Inmate denound and to.ivel. thg natol nee. rtlng In tar, 1(0,1,101, ii,ntera A.,,eu‘ A l the otonton,reall 11 of au, tl entitled. '•Ali Aet•letiolog the manner of et.l.egtirg the 1,11.11 , 1, of grading an.l log or fortryol and alleys of the t'ltY of Allegheny: nottl for °I to porno... .• passed the thin', h tki Alar:11, 104'. M.., to , . 4. Tlsai aOllllllll of any Jr.llnaurt. a., may conflict watt., 0r by stipplled Ily fort.golng,l,-. and the sant.. hereby r,pealel. I Ordained coil onacted Into a la, Oil, thr Ilia .1..y of mtok,..r, A. D., tole thousand eight hundruilTnd • .1 YES Ille EIII President of rielekb. Council. Attest: D. Nlar•FrltliON. . Clerk of Vwlect Council. C. W. • Il`r,•••1•Itlt of Counnom Connell. rOmtuon C.Futn.ll. soli DIR. J. S. -KEW kfae resunitil the practice of Dentistry at NO. S2F . T3EIC j "BS. Opposite the Cathedral, W lir re he whale to receive his friend., and 1.0 .. .4 who tee f it noel of the servictts of any zherionced DENTAL PRACTITIONER. • Keprelel attention will be /riven to the preserve- CI.. of the natural teeth by Atilt - idly Inner them with the met aetoet material, and by giving them OW., proper treatment, thus' pre • ervlug them fur future user andpon fort In a ripe oil age. Irregularlty of the teeth of young . perrona . Alll-. fully attended to - and eorre-ted. n,ne beautiful life-lake artleclal teeth. rcodeted m. comfortable and useful by the eagle of the Doe tor•r me .hantsm, will be mode reedy tor all who mar order the m. • • All rercut' . discoveries of ivaine In gi 'lng rt from pain In the extraction id' meth, wit! ne st.lll- fo liv ad inini,tered to those dno may dehlre them. ' Lidice hour. from 90. 1.4!.N. it. seI7ITII rITTSBURG . II • • BANK FOR SAVINGS, Formtzty the La f. E r•AVINtlti ENSrifunes 67 ourth Strcel, Nearly Ovuoitit r the Rauh orPi ttshurgh.) CH..1.43,11:10 IN (WEN I). 11.1" fr....:11) to 4 Lo . , IV F.ll - F.,DA 3n.1 I'ICIrA I.NIN inalL Ist 1.. Novt.Litt, INt. 7. to :1 otclocit, au.: (nat. Noy It, to May lat. Boot, of By-Law:, iltrulato,t at the Wile., gilts Ittstttutiop t•tpc , lally olle to whole • ruing are itmtLrol, thr epportuttity stuaU tlyttoltA, ,wily La, ...I. :1 111 Mnieh be re,ource itt.t.detl, mid bum: tog Witt Itat In str.! of rt 14; •. I:6.111D OF MANAOINVir I'ia:.4tIDENT Cl&Mit.../PLG-Xll , VICE J.tMl i'ARK, Jr =L=E = . E. 321.2cCJECIMIZE1,2 1 . A. 1111A1 1 1:EV. ' I \V M. NIM I.:h, A. S. 11E1.1., Y. I,IISI, .1011 N DlL'woult, .h.5111.7A IZ2IODs. li. FOLLANSBEE, .1011 N s1:1X1 - 1'. JAS. L. 1:11A11A.1.1. .... cif in,roptiEkt SOLICITORS—II. NV. A A. ti. CHINO WAREHOISE RICHARD E. BREED, No. 'l6O Wood Street BRITANNIA AND SILVER. PLATED TA HMI .WARE. TEA TRAYR AND TABLE CUTLERY, alwaTo ou bawl.''. • • • , CHINA TEA SETS. CHINA DENNEY: SETS, • I • : CID N A. TOILET BETE, . t 'BINA VAsES, . 'CHINA SPIT MONS, . - BOHEMIAN WAKE OE EVERY DEBCRIE . TION . LAVA CARD BASKETS, LAVA VASE', . LAVA SVITI "ONE. whol lENG esaleLl6andll STONE, trade. WARE ors!! varieties, LO/Ui retall The largest and most complete stork of et .. .20 . 141131g lu this line In the City.- Prices and terms the same ar In the eastern Ott". 1866. FALL 1866 cAxi)Exfurrs. . . We are min , exhibiting for FALL TRADF.the most extensive sauel. or govela we have ever nett the pleasure or offering to our prArons. English Brussels and Tapestries, .. Of elm owu Importation,rnt psi aims many new and choice pattern Nurser before In thin market. • RICO ULTO AND VELVET (WETS IND REVS, EMBROIDEItEiI WEIS LACE CURTAIN:?, Nes and Elf ant Catnips of Cornices, . Side 41 Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, Cholee'Styles Nutting Curtains. WPARLAND & COtLINB. • • , Nott.ll and 1 $ VliTii•nrittEr. Next:nous, to U. B. Custom Must anti root (lake • Second ' , Joni, sew. • C • W. J. mirratd....w. C. A. N. brIP:I2B MYERS, HOPPER & COQ itincoessors to R. It. Bulger') No 45 Sthithfield St., lianuf•etorcas asyd Dealr.s la all kinds 17 12nEL of P r ETPLIVI I Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Sets, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, Together with • full assortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture, COnFtatttlV oq Lund and fur sale at the Lowest Daah Priacqn. ALLEY.-4111 persons in terested are hereby notined that the noderainn ed, vfovera appointed to view and &asst. damages and benefits tor the opening of GREEN ALLEY, • .llt ate Thiel wart, Fr;nu Chestnut att., t Ao the East II ne ofa ten 'fool alley. a distance of feet, will WOOL on the prem ises, On TUTIRSDAY, ISECE.MBERGAir, 10,6, At luirelock A. U., to'Nllll the dull. OtheSr 3? points:neut. • w..L•tilissoN, • - JAMES MORGAN. FRANCIS T. /Int ESCI_ HILIENA VISTA STREET .— AII prr, nsf ore hereby notified that the ou sleislgned elvevers oppothled Ti, •iesr and .1.11,es nor benefits tor the op.]. of BUENA VISTA STREET. In the Third Want, .Ulle t zlicny City, From Ito ork o seot termlns,lon Tsylor Avenue, to Jacks... Street; a tll3l.llllee of . :1711 feet, 19111 meet on the pomp., Ott TUESDAY, DECEAUSELL 'ITU. NEL' jAt 19 v....1.k A. laf., talc:ad! the &alea of their op -1,01111.131eut. JOHN 1/. INGHAM, JANIY-111.11CRHAICT no16:oHl • A31E15 McCUICDY.. JARED H. BRUSH '• oiANUEACTUREO. Or Steam Boilers,.oil Stills, Tanks,.Sheet Iron.. Works, • rENI , I 9 , 01 , 114.11tT. ,PITTSII.I.IIO. UAL! $25 , 000 . TO LOAN. Venous &cellist/eta - barrow money - Mk . BOND AND MORTGAGE. For one, Iwo or more rears, wit{ do 'well 1.0 call 011 GEORGE M. PETTY. _ra Bea! Xria, Agent., NO. /SUL CIAIL street. WANTS JOURNEYMEN PLASTERERS pp:' YL \L'~.~.l•' isvn l'an:{i Ytii 3l.~ut~e ME • • by It aola for ittc doe usetateel Enema luy AT V AI idlll Yttlnde," Eit," ••.1.1.1 , C01,1aia 110311 i AT Fit . ,;, d r by the month F iren commission. Publish ratta-uOroard. or Mil particulars apply, pctsou. or attired,. YAHOO .4 CO., noU 43 Fifth street, Fltletarkii. 1•:t: llu]Tlffot m for ( „d,"„ yeyryo !tent. to ,Introduce en, an Site 31 to a Comnaoll Sense / , 'strilly Sewing 'Machine, Improved and per. foiled. It ollhem, fell, stitch, quilt, bled., braid. and embroider bcottlfmly—filce only ilyytni-malts tug _the nestle lock-stitch, mid fully ...arrive. d or Mr, year,. Wt. pay thc oh ire wasea, or s com mission, Mom • which t a lee that a not:tit , • a be made. ..oldrem or call on C. IltdlVEltl co., Unite Itto. :45 S. YOU, site, t. Fa. All it tiers an swered promptly, etltheirculsrs tO WANTE U. • . A "ST CYCTINIr M•QN, I=l Ir 1.1111 N; io tuns lati alt,ntiOn .0 Ittoly and =I 1= 1110, COMIC); with goof Ajd:eFer VSICI .LN, AZ EITE OF FICX n 1,42 AV'ANTED, TO ITIICHAS4' FOFCASH, A FIRST CLASS RESIDENCE. Locstol let Fourth, Filth. hi slit. Fenn or :hunt, field stn . e ls. One with stable attached preferred. McMASTER, GAZZAN & CO., Aro. 9S Grant Street, AGENTS WANTED FOR A NEW BIA , K. NUNS' READY. WOMEN OF THE WAR. 111 . FRANK MOOR IC. mctllc of "The Kobsllton necora,” sc. Tile objector [hi., wort eollea and Prevent narratlves or the services of the wmucti who ithartol the perileof Ilse ought to in to tit its gloy'• Vie V(4111. , contain, about COO 0.3 .ro pave.. and Is tilit,trateil With steel plate portraits, engraterl In the mo.t Improved style.- .old only by mhseription. • !or l'lrculitrs, address or apply to • AGENTS WANTED BY THE ItEKA SF:}ct'y el AI HINE CI , IIPANY to . . ell tl.titr _SEW 4 . 25 . 1,V4'111?.. F. Nct I rew from ttrun, pap, to heavy .heaver cloth or leather with out mnaltr, 01•1, , ,41. neutlltt , r tun.lostt tuttr-Ittuattnt t t rr,: t ur, ttuttt. tttut newly cleHlgurtl tour utottoneti 11ND/tut . ..D. fitlttresm, tturt.titng plump, . J 11 A.I.L fig Ftrth 6trt , L, tnneontl Masi mEN IVASTED, TO.ACT AS SALESMEN, lather prrinnu-nay or tamp...m . lly, who are 4• pct. lit to en tag 111 hualuess.ylatlon, AN.I y or nadrose W. 1.. It A.IZEIL.. 11.: Grant strt.ct. I'll:01114:h, I'S. MEI A INENTSWANTE —For lite Gold 3IEDAL 31..WkINEM. In co:Foy, ear .11,1 t'ounty In the L'ulon. The }Vint e•lrapPeanol. d~to cp. threatllsei.l no In Inc world. Achlreeet-A. F tuNsttri e t Vinehthgtol,steeet, no :n47 SIERCHAICT TAILORS. HENRY G. HApE I , MERCHANT TAILOR, NortblveM. Corucr of .Si St. Clair Sig: . its f.lrrs to return thanks talbla rtle.llll4 and the pnb -1,, fortbo mat, rat , t. ("tr., an.t rtapeetfalla . soda 'lts a ~naro of tbotr future Patrattaga.. lie Want to I,a tt , tht *a exantlnot bit =MEE tu) ... 1 r''' Large and Carefully Selected Stock uF Fine Woolen I'.rgcuL•tly ' iLITIEHEYS tEill Fell TALL , BD .lEing. seILJ(. LARGE .Toll:iii.OF 6•'LTITS AND OVERCOATS, tai tbe 13tr.L far Winter. 5 4,2 451. ‘ 1:1 , 3‘T itt GRAY & LOGAN, 47 St. Clair Weer; FALL AND WINIIOII. GOODS. Wit IL lI'GEE, No.lo St. Clair Street, tcoul.l l she ationuon of buyv, to 10,...i 1 k 0 k C pPol whleli Pas ['cult srl.cted apa contains all the latest styles of ti./o4ls tck fou IX .Adrst-c: sea Pons, Utast., swantwe• • "SLUT OF cLo'n[Ks 11A 111 "fi.) Will please call at' aralnc ouf FSPils and prices. Also a full awl cosapicl, or FUISMSIIINtIi No. I.'S:. 41.1 r Strott, l'ltt,bures PITTSBURGH CUTLERY C 0111•• nave ou nun) we yue=t itto,k of POCKET CUTLERY - In this city. Also, • 'Hollow ( - .1 - re.) - aild R-azors in XniiiViS V.1.1-ty "CAT . Ba. 400G-3=lMr..T. Age nt t'ltleburgli Cud,: ri Comp:mi. Abs.. 67 and 69 l'ints ',Street. (111S1'ATCH 11.1)11sal.1 *OA . NEW STTLES FIATS, Iff'CORD <<& CO' 131 worm A. I,llVillg fst{Mik. n't HATS, CAPS AND FURS, • - Embracing an Cmlleir (I.Ni y. HATS VOR THE L.11 , 1E-a, ;ENT'S AAH Illiyb (iAP, (F EVENT iiTYL•Ei . .I , IHin YOU E. 3 AND C1111.1)1.00.; r bAiltr.i.• iIIN i - NERIIEL. Sir., In liar Marla or, price. in which they loritm littrn thin of *IL • • or 11 • BITS!NESS „111.411Pi:4 COMM kRCIAL COLLECE - , ho ,G and S SI. (lair Street. ❑a, a l'e3v.-o,:ti rbarl(i • reuma.l , l4 nutl m.t - I ..... •.. .... ! ArititinPtic e4l o.neneuxEil,,t, . 410 00 . o , trt „ three MC011.14. .... ....• ........... .. ett,Arativ, m mo! • • 4.lrvolnr. or .4perimi us. addree, Zqi.....FVEII, or McCLAYn MEM M OMU M F :NT - W ,7I =RAVICSTOIii : E . S Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, AND DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, se2. 4 :'Nn. 00 Penn Stre.i: • WALL PAPEtt-;-4114 allgrades. yr- for Parlorklralls. Dloisur Rooms and CANISCOLEIIIAIVB IVBMUSTARD vs" ,a 1 Whol ' es , oa Macao., 3: Wood 5'11 . 41. F , ,nENGLISH RED, “Cookern , ..7 reel:Art.l nil for We tor • fllnlet.E d. ICELLI d CO.. all WhOksalo Druggist., . rox.e lio j,!j,,i Ell Y No. GSltistrvel. , Goodsl =ZS 20 Olk ek Oil N - ases, T. BROOME,