VERY LATEST TELEGRAK ilea mei 111017 Law—Frauds NMI Pence Uteri—Bowing Match—Scarcity of7lon• ey In the South—Tobacco Crop. Naar Toast, Nov. 14.—1 t Is stated by some of the leading officers of the Internal Revenue Department of this city, that tine new law in relation to distilleries which went 1 ntriopera- Don on the Ist of Senteniticr has failed to pre vent Lie frauds In tile T11111)111UCLUX0 Or whisky • for which It was enacted. Liquor can still be obtained at less than tile cost of the duty im posed on it, and this fact conclusively proves that no MX 1111.5 Gene paid nlxin it. One of the leading sections of the new lair provides that an inspector shall be placed in charge of each distillers , day and night, and that locks of in .trieate construction shall be placed on the 'floors of each. Only a few Inspectors have been appoinled, but it it believed that all the positions will be tided be December. • • Some of the Federal loZks, designed for the distilleries, have been received in this citylay the ReVetlite Inspectors, and the remainder will Inc here next week. They aro now being placed on the doors of the buildings devoted to the manulacture of whisky. . - - The single Scull rowing match between Gil bert Ward, Of Cornwall, and William Stevens. of Poughkeepsie, for three hundred dollars. which was to have come off yesterday was un avoidably postponed on account or the rough ness of the water. The race will come off on the fleet fair day. • - The Montgomery, Alabama, Adveriispr In regard to tau searcity or money: state of affairs' ma - he ascril.ed to eevcrul;, Causes, It is true that for some tat: . ‘ t toll has been moving to market in titles, and readily sold at ilrev. ll l%,r o u 'b',l;: but most of money from 11118 avune, been seat out of the State to dearth, i . Made in the season for impletnen an ma s. &.c., or has been hoarded up d by t n ig3 cs ; uLio n us and.provident tbr future an, necessities. We kilo.' lit . least ns O Ol an increase of circulation. the scarcity money seems to be greeter than over, notwith standing trieto wise of cotton. Tito Richmond Examiner says of the tobacco crop fn some or tne counties where labor MIA then uncertain and Inadequate: Yet, oven In ree counties the crop will be better than Nrag supposed, but In Pittsylvanift. Henry and rst.efek chanties, and in atlJent counties of South Carolina the ci up. i -excellent both in quality and quantity. The .E.reilitner esti mates the entire crop of Virginia at two- thirds that of i&O. Convention or Locumoilve Engineers. BOSTON, Nor: 14. The grand international division of t-ti Brotherhood of Locotnotl, Engineers commented their annual session in this city to-day; Mr. Charles tit Rochenier, presides. Tile Association waa orgliniZed in I)C,VOIt. hi V 4.3, and has for its object the improvetnect of the condition of le- COMOLIVe engineer!. and to urge opal. roil road oft lain tau propriety of adopting 51,11 rules as tend to harminlai , the rein:ion, ex ing bet wenn the a inployeei- alb I °nip ioyere, and discountenance all iarilces, hcllt clog that the interest. or eae: eitit better be tarred more Plat And raiiriatil means. Bet a cant sixty and ~vellty delegui es are present, represtint ing all parts of rho country. Itasßrond Robbers Captured: Lorisvatx, Ky., November 14.—The intendent of lbw Louisville and Nashville Railroad reports that the roboore who recent ly committed the depredation on that road. Lave been captured 11 the Franalin expedi tion. . • MISCEJ .1". A T`i-.00 E=E=! ALLEGHENY -BREIVEHI purehared the old established Brewer) known he A let. Ell It EN fortnerll over. 4 ( l l:implicit A . ltce leo. we could Inform tilt pritille %tat yve intenticoneliiiiingkbemarphaeture of • SPRING W LTERNI&S, Slade from rare Spring Water, and from our Ncilp ties and long experience in the business, ',feel satisfied that we well enanled to give entire sat isfaction to those wins may favor of with their pat. 011 ige. WOICICIEM cc>. 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CIT V .ers- Au ordure left at BROWN & tttia Liberty etreet, Pittsburgh. er.ll be p enniptil attended :o. oef.Al SALE OF CONDEMNED MIDI— ,' 7 ANCE AND I OrDIN ANCE tllrE,.—Wlll le. cord at Paltrier !tooth.. at el !Br BON role 11- l-ENAL. t , ld Volta Comfort, Va. on TwU shame day of Noeernber, lted, at in o•elock le quantity of Stares, In part of lb following artlele 2.6 Field and ege Cannon, CAS!. Iron, of vari ous tali res: 61,070 Shot, Slit it -and Sutter:cal Case. fwt mootb bore and titled guns: ' AO 70 Merrill's varldues. new on,: renaleed Eneerd Steed 21nskets. cal. L 77, wenry's and Spencer's Bet.carlose - Clees: KO Foreign Rifles, •• stl9!rian." :,t: Ns; :smooth Bore Sluelort.s, nerd. lite, eel (1 , ; Ole do ge, all., altered to percussion cal. (e. • re Smooth Bore Musket.. flint lode, cal. Or -217 ilevolve re ••B'm tney 'a and ltentinetcn'E, avy, cal. Olt I.tri Cavalry And Artillery :Sabres: . 211 Must tans and nonsco.n.lstloced Cleker.S. Vl3l,t stmt, l'ittsburgh, will he prontht , r attended 1. , 11011 LEE & CO. 5.10121 ICO-PARTNERSHIP, • TILE UNDEIINIGNED LIAVING Fit Egeitia bluer) liartA , tat t10t01,.. lani....nleted pletntoralstp an d, lies; )In of 11A arEic, I/ UTHAN .t ell., let Inn tu.tattlactur, of II AtitlNtl Al., at the old e,- Innlt.atd d tells of Fr , delta Acachlent•nu and Them flan.r, Ile aryr etr/o-t. Nand/rater, and would co , pectlolly anll.ll a continuant,. of thy nauoaago hello o ,1.,J. TIiONIA, A. ANTLION V"MAN. AIIASI Aultl/fEI.I4AN:S. cirl2 1.2 4UPEMOR OAK TASKED, PAT r v rItEl CIIED ANL) ItIVLTCu LEATHER BELTIN4 AND tIOSE, atanufatlured At No. at. aillINF161.1" OT., HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. I=l (-tam 11 . 11 1;i1..17 ' 1111 1. 1 . (7 FIVI/11 1 A1 5 1. ' 1 1 ./a: o CcO i l l t[ri nitll ti BELT 1101}(0, etO r GREAT WV,STERN PLANING MILL,: '— Corner of &Agri 'Street ind Ilagnennelly, EUTTISBUROII.. PA. Sash' Doors, Winds and Mouldings • MADE: TU Unfinished trolls In Fain a dry house and nnishod when taken oat. Palings, Vio"ritigi Weather Boarding. Laths sod iiiiingles constant yun hand. Pawing, re...wing .n.I C•rull cawing done 'withdispatch. Boxes or all kinds Dade Cu order. shi:2:ls :JOHN HEATH: YOIiT MALT HOUSES. W. H. GARRABD & CO., Maliters, Grain & flop Dealers, So. 17 Water S am, Na.. 5 and 7 POllll2 Street, PITTSBURCH,'PA. Are- The bliellest market price ps.ld fur WHEAT, uy E. CORN •. , 1 00'113. 116.06 pui FATE DISEASES. urriest3rnms tiplegT, neat Broad. /for the cure o f t all Mamma of a private nature, to from two to tom days. by an rolls ely new and salt treatment. Also, demlnal Weakness, and all other domeses of the genital organ. and their prevention Cure warranted or money W.W.I. ' Va.% r ADMINISTRATOWS NOTICE:- Whereto-Lett", of Administration on the ts tate of lIENJA MIN tlo lAti E, I Ce of EnunVat toy. Lawry oar county, 1 . ... ileremed, have be.m granted to the rintlerelp nett. all persona bast ig claims against the este' .3 or the said decedent are requested to make tiles tie known, and all verso M Indebted to said estate- requested to make poe. meet to JOCEI'II salt Athatr, octstrot7 Nn. 1101 Lit...roc sales, Pr Ito Itoran CarithoLtan'a orricE, MITT Or ALcrcemal'. Nor. 3d, 1 , 40. REALED PROPOS ALS Will be re exlvrti at this otlice oat I Cul DAY, 910 Inet., at 3 o'clock M.. for Li radlng and Paelna North Ca nal tltNet, tram Baal /..11., to Sycamore stye. a. Also, lot Wading for:en Alley, from Centre btreat ar.oterard. fly direction of tbe Street Colomittee. 0..G.n4i It. 11. FltANclb, City Controller 10 CASIO POI'ASII, prime, re.• celred and for,lo by OEOROE A. KELLY & CO., Wholearle Drusglats, V Wood otra.l3, 'UMON . IRON MILLS AHEItltiN . 1.-. , • NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH,: --- ;Tin RV i JONES • & LAUGIALINS,i' TIio:IAS . N. MILLER, President. - 1 CICEESO tO The e Wkl,l Are sowng the larrei a nddtn4Onl- F pinto . stah,ernent In the West, deon,. pre • IRON AND FORGINGS I..Ncrxe - rrasns pr ...A to furnl.h Engines of L. en Dem - ription, . •. A cosSA)LIDATIgiN.- THE ••In() , : - CITE FORGE' , AND - CYCLOrS IRON CO.•• =I .s.Dierl4 attoutlon given to the martufiaurx.of Hammered and Rolled Locorno-, ' : five and Car Axles, 51..0m282•T 333EL8STri, RAILROAD CHAIRS. SPLICE BARS, BRIDGE MIN BOLTS, * LiN ES AND BOLTS. I RE/.N2, GIRDER IRON: OCTAGON AL HOLLOW W lIOUG HT IRON POSTS: T AND ANKLE 1110 N, &a • „ WARETIOUSEI 95 Water and 126 First Streets; oFkicE, AT THE WORKS, NINTH WARD. PITTSBURGH. oc 15.= FORT PITT BOILER; STILL AND TANK WOIRJEKS. • CARROLL & SNYDER, YIANLTACTCEZBA OT I • TUBULAR, DOUBLE-ILHED, TUBULAR tquE.i3ox. I CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, 'CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON— DENSERS, • 5 1 1 . mA1r PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES. - (Mee stud Works. corner Second, Tilled, • Short Liberty Btroet6.l Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. . .113r-Ordere trot to the above sadiron will be promptly attended to: ii=32M MOM SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS.. SINGER, NIMICH & CO' D/L.A.NtrFACITI/MAS or ' BEST REFINED CAST STEEL' AGILE, FLAT AND OCTAGON, OF ALL Sly. Eau.. SlELAY,,Cinccums, AND CROSS CC , SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND SEMI-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, ICGat Spring Sled; east and German Plow Steel• rww AND SIONIAK BAND. SPRINGS, AXLES AU STEEL TIRE, SICKLA. SH ,, VEL, 110 E, SLAKE. FORK. TOE CALK AND sin..!IIINERT CAST STEEL, ' CROW-BARS. Er., la., Es. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh, IME=IM SUN lUS IRON AND NAIL WORKS, LEWIS, BAILEY, DALIELL & CO. If i tiIYVAiYi'UHERS Or BAR, BOILER, SHEET -aavx) WZIE. 113.01\7, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water ,3„ 90 Front PITTI9I3I,TRGH, PA QOM KEYSTONE MON WOKS. ETTCHISON, GLASS & CO., MAnliff.Ct Iron of the differelit 21{4/ of Bound, Square, Flat and Horse-S:lm Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boßer-plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, • ShoN iron, &C,, &C., &c. NTT Iql4 - NSSIC, or. MosxoriWel• river. 021ce sod WarOock.e.: NO. 146 Water Street. 10.i:141 FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. Copying Presses, Warehouse Trucks, • Baggage lkirrows, • Sugar Mills, Ac. ronsyTti, TAYLOR & CO., e+•7l•”G 30 MAILICET BTREST. I-lA-11:1)W.A.1 11E. B. WOLF. .TR., Rz DFALIRB .Hardware SD Cutlery. Are now receiving Urge additions, to our etoe2 which 13 offered to Dealer. at 11142..9TUEZELMS 1...1= . Corner Liberty and St, Clair Sts., ett.5 , k72 13' MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, 'Ninth Ward, =! PSTTBSVRCi•S. ROLLING MILL AND BRI4OE CASTINGS. SIACrIINEEV ANT CASTINGS UNRULY. Ordurs prowptir and carefully executed. CUA ItO 68 REA:M.:A ISLE, EBLIERt & DIACKLIND piT,Tsuumat sTEEL 41701tii ANDERSON, GOON CO.,elk WUCCE2I3UktIi TO JONES. BUT/ & C 0../ of th beat refined Cast Stet,' &pare, tint and Octagon, o fall slaw, Saw Plates, floe, lot) and Sheet:Cast Steel, Cut bteel for REAPING AND MOWING ILICEIIND, 9/MET PLOW WiNWL N PRIMO!, &ILI& CIIIACULAIIII% /W. Cutathl Common Plough and Spring Steel; Office—Corner of rim end Role streets, two bloats abort the house. = r i n F' FORT PITT FOUNDRY: — 7 CHARLES KNAP - NEPHEWS leattlitrAOThinina 07 HEAVY ORDNANCE., AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY. CJAiSTINtith - Special attention paid L and OLLINO MILL WOUB. BLAST MACIIINELLY RETI.MtI.B. IMPAIRS attended to promptly. • Aa heretofore, the beat materials will, always be need at this Fouudry. Having disposed of ode Old patterns, we are pre pared, with NOW AND iftrnovito pattern., con structed under the supervision of Ott. Ennui. I furnish NAIL MACIIINF.S at anon notice. twain A. IMADLN.Y... ...W. vssat am. ......a. a. etatAribit , ZUTNA STOVE WORKS. .ILI „>. . , A. BRADLEY do CO.. Manufacture every variety of COOK PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Awww,F.whl,h arellik celebrated IttiltrK A, TROPIC and 1 ALInMAN (Coal Stoves:l FOiIIANA, VET.. EILLN and ItitiNtILLES (Wood Cook attires.) Also manufacture (MATES, GRATE FRONTS, doe & ~;,j (Mee and Wwrewoure, corner of mud And ,00 &treats, liltuburgth ICntranee on Second street: WPM' ....IV. T. GAIIII.ARD 11•1113.......J0111f ALLZIf .J.LIL t. Z VALLEY STOVE WOEFUL ALLEN. NI'KE . E . & C 0.,. Oftlee and Warehouse 301 Liberty btr !opposite Osoilialteld, • Manufactures a street variety of COOL PAILLO6 and If ICATIMI eTtIVEi, am...ft Which are lbr Cel ebrated Allestkenr,rnd Munnor coal Cookto apses: alaa, the A ounratd Sentinel for cold or wood. and tha unrleallpd ari ar of tie emigre, for noplt alio. Antes, Oree.s. fenders, nutsr Hettlea, IMD• .2141 . 40.401 , Wine g.Dnrwly, ~' AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop. Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle'rend T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal .Screen Iron; T Raiin,lo and' 20 lbs. to the, and Tram palls, punched and coun- ter sunk ' Boiler, Bridge a - id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes;, Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Cur ueels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting . Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Ban. WAREHOUSE AND"OFFICE,- - 120 Water and 158 Front Sts. BRANCH HOUSE, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., Jelmls CHICAGO, ILL. 111-aial CO, CTVELEREL • TsIANITPACTITRFRS. IRON 'WOriliS..- i TLAS 3VORKS, ,AIVRTIO.I!STREE* I,, -- Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. , x2r.rl9lary3ELca-mr., KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD '& BLACK, =GI Best Common, Refined Charcoal AND I• - Juniata Blooni Iron. kERCRIANT RAIL. ROUND and i dQUAILE IRON 1100 P. BAND, T and ANGLE IRON. MOILER PLATE and IGIEET 11111 N. MOWER and REAPER BARS CYLINDER and GUARD OIL FINGER IRON eIiALL T RAILS, D , and 1610 e. to tue yard. WROUGHT Cli A. 1113 and nrlEEs for sans, PLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. CUAL,),ICILEEN IRON. NAILS , and !TIRES. Warehouse, No. IS Water and No. 6 Market ate._ Works, Second street, Eiguth Ward, adjoining City O. Pitthburgh• aufl4:.l RANGES STOVES AND GRATES. ALL PERSONS WHO SEEP NEW t,'U.IKINU lt&N d'..l are In. Ited to call antdruy CO.'n NEW COOKING ItA\U F.. at No. Liberty Weed, where they wlll also hill complete supply of nue and common enameled t RATES, COOKING STOVES, PARLO3 4 HEATING STOVES, Wash House Furnaces nod Laundi7 eitoces. BISNELL )lannLctnyr• or the celebrated TRIVIIIPII COOK-STOVES, FOR COAL, And Black Oak for Wood, CEINI ROSEDOLE STQ VAEI WORKS. 1..' PETERSON, Jr., & CO., .kanuis t rers and Dealers In all ends of (oohing and I !eating Stoves, HOLLOW A 'ARE, &c., Of the very LATEST . PA TERNS and STYLES, Warehouse, 197 iberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. WORKS, MANCHESTER. au31:158 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS, HALLMAN, RAMA & CO., u.i.xcr.a.c - rruzne• -or Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUSE. 8P.E.1•60 LED A. B. STEEL, &C., ' • I 1%.79. 7'7 PIITTSnuinGu. m/1,11 ARSENAL GLASS , 9. '• MODES & CO., - rcirals or • .BLAtii AND GREEN GLASSWARE... Eirer.,7.7,1,4. 5 Ware, Elottzei, DEIKIJOIII‘.IS, CARBOYS, f.ce., Works and Mks, Po. POST OrrICE I . ITTSItUILGO!, LA. Always on band, lilasswareof the also, ilescrip host/ • All orders prompfly attended to. Particular attention paP: to private Moo kits. a62,5:115 UTILITY 1101110. - BIeLEAN & • SLATOR, . No, 83' Liberty St., opposite Fourth, • • kt..NI,ACTLIt lots or - CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. Thy y make a sp'eclalty of Iron lledsteml and Virus Castors: l'orrmaln, astral and Elvot Casters: 11, dst.e.ei Fa:Atoning, Stops for Eric:l.'lms 'fables, .47. They also manufacturu and have constantly on hands Thumb Latent, Sprlng Liar hrs,-M•Leso Window Sasti Supporter, 51•Lesnls Eccentric sash Hutton, Utility :Mutter , and Butt hinges, (hind stone hangings, Sad Irons, :sash Weights, Ac.. Jr cf..o LIPPINCOTT No.• 118 Water Street, . )IArit7ACTOOKIIr Or. IIYTENS fiILOUND, • I'A.IE:IT TEttrEltED PATENT /001'11ED CIRCULAR, RICLAT, . RILL AND CROSS—CITI tEi .A. fEb . jolt :di! MORROW & RARMIILL, YLMVUTACTUTIZZLS cr Steam Boilers, 011. Salle, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iron Itridges,Sheet Iron Work, Am., die., CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., .PITTSBURGU, Pa. 11131.11.E.TAIHUSU DUN EPII.OIIVTLY. mr.:4:te2 W. 1..1e0t2.12.28... C. F. URALIAII• AMERICAN MACHINE II ORKS. • CHARLES F. GP. I P" A "IT & CO . ettecesoors to FISII KR, GRAHAM & CO., Engine Builders and Machinists, • i..karuracrvitsns oe 'Oil fdagines, Oil Tools, And evemblng teetotal rot Rorlot 011 Walla. rartlonljv attexattor, Itttrmt up ntlartlng rulleys, litagart, nation Avenue near Ft. IV.&C. It. U. REPAIRING DONR rltl/311"TI. C. Jolt:4A pETROLIA MACHINE WOHK4, 1 , 3.. X-.330.13:8", 80.32 Ohio Otreot. Allleghooy. =9 LSIPUOVILD BORING TOOLS, FIXTUSibIi USED IN SINKING OM AND SALT WEL I S. Particular attention invited to his Patented provements In Jars and JullitS, made of Junlatta, U. 0.„ and Low Moor Iron, 10 standard late , and numbered, su that pans can be ordered by mall s, tele,Araph, and found Darltet ft at all , tints. e also fornlall =pea. bNUng, email mots, en. , to those who may wish it. Saloum and machlue!l•o2l made to order. Ordr.ts by mall ProMtlY attended to. am prepared to great licenses to other medal se. tore rslor these irovroYelaents on liberal terms. ilex 17 Allegneny P. 0, Je23:417 , 1 FL LF.CLT BLACK. DIAMOND - - ' 1113TUElliMi 171710.111.33.13. !, .. PITTSRUP.I4II. PA. PARK, BROTHER dc co., • • Itannfacturer• 01 • , WEST QUALITY EXPLINIED CAST OTLFL. flquarq nit and Octagon. or all aura. Wausau, N to an' Imported or manufactured to Vats corm tr 7. • . AllilrOfgra mind vrarehonza,!No. lag ..1 LSI lirss..l3 . and =I tiagond street. Pittabargh. 1.." Ira JOB. P. LIAIGLI WM. 3111.LL11. DUQUESNE AND WEST POUT A-- IRON FORGES, PITTSBURGH.. Venus., man ufacture all clones of Forglogs, slat Steamt , oat Shaft, Cranks. Plato° Rods, Levert, Fltroan JAWS and Wllets: also, kLallroad Axles, Locomoilre Frames, and all. shape work. The uudersig led having been for many years engaged In tee business are prepared to furnish all oelers entrusted to them with promptness and dispatch. Jo,. I, HAIOII t rs t. PITI2I3I:MGR IRON WORKS. .1. PAINTER & SONS. 11/ YU/UM:MESS or Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, • PITTSBURGH. St.1111II:7:::*. triiLLXlll LA BELLE STEEL WOMBS. • VCIBIWIML . Ifutufacuirers of CASTSTEEL: BUSING rt.ow . nd Bung.' 'TEEL: HYMN fiS, !Yr., 'mum onc ., •se iweerminrarr gooutTin) ric.burek. 111.12 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., P Exprsrr. 1:44741 IRADIN ==! =I Railroad Csfiting, Bolling Mill Cataiugs Engine EnNUugv Machine t 1- i I. Cencral Cahting , s, ORDERS -SOLICITXD. --- CRESCENT STEM WORKS. BAHII & I'AIIKIN, BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL. Warranted Equal to any . th the Marine either Imported or of Domestic M•13...1 fa o lure. srF.CIAL ATTENTION PAID TO EWE I.l'dbT fleteo=32 • °thee, 38 Wood Street, • IN ST. CIIAILLES HOTEL' ITTElltiltllll. Jswe Itltb, In18:114i IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & Al.uls,turers of 11:E . F INED, CHARCOAL, JUNIATA d CD Lth ! 017ECEMT. rEI.O.IIV. Orrlcm Vid.or.uoct.:,, O. Mi SiAItIiET N INSURANCE FIRE AND MAIRI.III£ INSURANCE (O OF NORTH AMERICA. 01,7Z0,0t0 ET= liar Fire . Insurance. Company, &esetio, • I • • 1111,310,000. J Or. Prnt..ectivn can tw secured lo the aland named and rvltable Compa IMM=:1Z=111 M =I fe:7:37 %SYLVAN/Ail:Neu pEN: OF:PITTSBURGH, PA, • Oftlec,3l Fifth sueet, /lank 1110 elk, This to a Rome C0mi...09. aad lasun , .genet soul Flro exclusively. - LEON Altt) WALT.V.R, Preeldolf. C. C. BOYLE, Vice reee: lent. .' ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer' 11tRILI. SPELHEN Y, /Secretary. - .. - . .. Leeased Walter,' tieorge Wilton C. C. Boyle, Geo. W. EVIL. Robert Catelck., .1. C. Lappe, Jacob Val.,. I . J. C: Fletner. Joalah hang, i John Vooilt.ley.. J.. It. Hopkins, A. Ammes. Henry epteal. WES'IMILIT INSEILLNCE CO, or PITTSBURGH,' ALEIANDEtt Frostdent. WIL P. ILERREILT. Secretary. CAPT. Ca:OBOE Iti EEL!), General Agent. (Mee, 92 Water street. Epang ilsCo.'a Ware. Hondo. up ...Vs, rirts.burgit. -Will to against all kind. of Fire and Ilarixte Risks. A home lastitutiort managed by Blrectors who are well known to the community, and Who are) determined by promptness and liberality. MI main ts.:n the character which they have assumed,: as of fering the best prometion to these who dastre to be insured. • .Cri,ECTOna. 'Alex. brick, Andrew Ackley. ' R. Mdller, Jr. David M. Long, - James McAuley, • • Bete J Thomssi Narl,snlel Holmes, '- Chas. J. Clarke -Alexwlde Speer, John It, McCune Campbell 11. Herron. i Jauma Hanna-1 , , C. K. Rickeidon. mv2ll NVNI- C. HERBERT. Sec tart', OitTll AMELLIC..?, LIFE INSURANCE GOMPA Y. IVidows anti Orphans' Fun -Vb. 63 Ifiltlians ..reetlD 1 orkl I'iIEsIDENT—N. D. DICILGAN. :ECU TALLY—J. W. K. M. TINDALL. McAllen* Eza In.! E., 171 C c. -W srEAL eti T FOIL WES rEus A.. 67 Forar.tli sl. l Pittsbu AtIENIIE WANTED. m 1 ".603.51 AL F Etlikr..riv . INSVidAlliCr f CO. Lwaui:.- (Mlle. No. /.7 Ellin street Bank Block ~r erlail as; all glits VlFlro and Mariuri War% • MIVIN, Jr-, rralder.l.l juuN. Viet: rzertdrat C. 0. Lt/NNELL neere•.arv.. Cant WM. /1.1:A. ' 1`.:, Agent. tutu D. McCort/. • or c:1. Hr... • Charloc DAs.. Clpt. Win. Dean. rico. D. Wilmot. U. Little, • - . - C. le. — 1 - 111, y, T.. 1 John Insln, Jr., IL L. InhnLstoct. pEOPLE , S INSURANCECo. OFFICR. r. s. CY:IGN'su WOOlr AND PL1T11.378. A.IIOME COMPANY, TAKINOI , II:E.AND MAILLNE,II.ISUM pdtplits, - • cap!. Joan L. Enands Jei:n Watts, Samuel I'. :Crater. Jona E. Parke, Chart, Arbactir, Capt. Jas. Jobe F. hirknarriea. Wnt. Van Frank S. lEssett. .Jaxes L. Vern,: I C. Ranren Loves ' WM. President JOIIN WATT, Vice Presldent M r M BANKING HOUSE N. HOLMES & NONS, 326.5e,7 13E..03C8, • No. 57 iIIARKET bTRKET, Pittsburgh. , Dennalta received In Par Funda und - renty.. u ( ii :nict I o 11 ,: s made on all the principal points; of rho n tat .8 and Vaned.. STOCKS UNHAND OTHER SEOURITIES Bought and Sold On (=mission. rarticetar etteatton pa[•l t: the purchase att4 sale of: ' UNITED • STATES SECt RITES. INCLUDING • United States NiSai or tell; Do. do • 4."..05; Do. Ylves or 10-4 us: Do. Seven-V:111lee; Do. Certil/cats or ladebtedne=. !filers and Vaud:tern bOagl t. mliectcd., jamas . PITTSBURGR NATIONAL BANE GIC9MIULELC3O, COMER WOOD it FIFTH STS. Capital, , $500,000 Discounts Dabs at II A. D. Deposits received and, Collections made on all the -Principal , points of the United States on favorable terms. UNITED STATES SECURITI A. PATTERSON: 7J=lkPil DILL: President.. Cashl•c , JOSEPH C. CURD eg.hl"' - - - - - WI:EXTON' , A. PATTEIL4Oti NV M. I:EED, JAMES 11'I: :.N , , N A LI.EN Fit K. PATRIUS CH An. LoCKII A ILT, DOUGLAS, W3l, U. RIU)WN, 11 AVE.N. JOHN MELLON. • mr2.I:49LTT. oRGANs, Bzc THE DBUltli NEW 1C0111i; Schontilcker Co., F II IE AL:2%T •1 The Estey t Go., Cottage Orga . •AIVIIHRICAN ORGAN . 4.eltnnaledge , l by , tbe best wastes! talent 'taped State, to be superior to all °the:, jn ' i b attnquality 01, tone, snit thoet,o n.h Trerr fgese lattrumeuts hare for yean taken' a i pt tell= over competitors, at the Tarim 10 and County fair, to prices they art lnarar.o any others. All warranted Ito are years. iV AMELINK, BARB. Jrz4 l4, et. elate it . reet, Pittsburgh:: MARE .56 CO.'B - GOEAT. AA. UNRIVALLCO. PIANO FORTES. • LISINI.:r. et CU. 'ti orld-renownedAlf2Oldto : 1 ORGANS A.N U MELO li 6021 S. Oyer •Yort7 nd now In use. Splendid new stock Jest reee7. it A uti,TTA it LIM Z. a vin t. ROOFING 111ATEBLLLS. Cement, P44ch, Pat, Partin* i'arniskaysti Stack Pain • maniateberwltialver as elve s tar erase' th i rzaa.*". ja m s wurf. II I=