-4 ==z= jftbliti ittt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1566 THE FLANK MOVEMENT There are a, considerable number of jOur nals, whatever may be their public pro- fessiono, that at bottom regard politics a , I merely a game to be played with the best. 1 -- advantage the situation allows-They II have no strong convictions, are jacripable of great emotions, count success - the high est duty, and the means that will lead to success by the shortest road the highest ex- 1 pediency. When it served to magnify their party they were ready to discard and I Contemn all the doctrines and safeguards of Personal Liberty, and to set up slavery as the god to lib worshipptnrirr all demo cratic temples. When they bad pressed this policy to the utmost pOssible extreme: had kept thelr party in power by it through a long succession of yeas; until in the progress of intellectual enlightenment /pad the quickening of moral coascionseesF , thoughtful and candid men everywhere re volted at the profanation; they bad the te . merity to cast all their influence in favor of a gigantic rebellion which bad for its obfect the breaking up of the very feunda tions of popular government on this conti nent, and sending our vast population and property interests adrift, with only such chances for the futuro as the winds and 'waves permitted. When the rebellion was -- subdued, and order was again emerging from the chaos. in w,hich the Southern finites were plunged, they again struck hands with the rebels, began to read loyal men who had saved the nation solemn lec tures onthe inviolability of the Constitu tion, on the inherent and intlistruettide rights of the States, in the grace of forgiv ing injuries, and on various cther topics which they took special pains not to illus trate-it} their lives. In this new issue they have itot simply been beatenLbUt over whelmed. - The Chicago Times now claims that it if essential for the Democratic party to ant away from iill its old and recent commit. meats and to take a new departure. li makes no confession that the principles ani: measures for whiCh that party has s , rug gled are wrong or ruinous; nor does it so far asto affirm that the. new measure , and doctrines which it deems essential ar± wise and beneficent. It simply declare: that the only chance the Democratic party has of keeping its head . abeve water is to tike:a bold stand in favor - of , equal right, and universal SulTrage.„lt is not unchari table to say, it cares nothing' for princi pies and measures, but films an uncoutrol able passion for being M the majority. Iu the economy - of the Wofld, perhaps it is well that motives of thla tower order sway those who instinctively repel those which are higher and better. This change of front is eliciting much comment throughout the comatry. In some circles it is (attributed to that impatience and recklessness for whicli the Tinzes is 'noted. In others lo - -a desir i e for creating a sensation by assmoing an-anomalous at -titude. Neither. of these conjectures hit the real solution:, We happen !.o know • that the defeat of the Democratic party, foreshadowed by the October elections, led to earnest consultations among leading Democrats, in which all the alternative., were freely discussed. After the Novem ber elections, in at least one betuncratie State Committee, it was resolved.- to be in dispensable to abandon President JOEN • soli, to 'repudiate his Policy, and to go back to something,tbat had ,the savor of Democracy upon it. We do not certainly know, but we believe, the Timo, upon pre concert, was put foriard to sound the key-note of the movement it is proposed to inaugurate. It has been sounded. What now remains is to await the disclosure oi the impression made thereby upon the . Democratic party. If the forenao.,t men, accept it as affording a reasonable, or the only way, of getting back Into power, we shall hear or read no more fierce diatribes from that quarter against the black race, but will be supplied with numerous ethno logical and moral treatises on the ':•qualhy andbrtiitherhood of all men. Sudtieniy the blacks. will lose that pungcut musk which is so offensive to democratic • nostrils, and be Accounted sweet as fleshly opened rose in. June. If the response shall be un favorable;-if prejudice,'.deeply inwrought into the very fibres of the party, shall re fuse to give _Way; if the indulgence ot sul len pride under hopeless defeat shall be hell preferble to new adventure-and rromi - ,itg opportunities; then the Titn•fs will r•;.aildY revert to its old position, treating its prei.e : ent brochure as a harmless play utiou pop ular credulity—as a tautastic escapade by which the bitterness of defeat was softened and the rejoicings of its bppouen La Cl/eel:c.d. WUIPPI.c.IN SGlititiLS Some "months ago a' young woman at tending 'school In Cambridge, Massachu setts, was her instructors, the principal, a man, holding her, while two 'assistants, women; applied the castiga tion. The method and the amount of the punishment were Loth deemed extraordi nary, anti the sex and age of the pupil add ed to the popular indignation. A criminal , prosecution for assault and battery was instituted against Mr. B. W. ROBERTS, the principal, and a trial upon this indictment has recently ,been. --c Ocluded. It 'was shown that Josacut. B. FubTER Will: 4 - pered-Athat• when go: tiorted about that " breach of the rules, she gave an evasive answer; and when fitiiher pressed - was ini . pertinent; that in tlialloicitation room one of the female assistants attempted to pun lab her for the impertinence, but the re f Used to submit; that afterwards two fe male assistants joined their efforts to the same end, and succeeded indifferently well; that Mr. ROBERTS, coming in at this inn- merit, rendered aid by holding the pupil, while the female assistants applied the punishment for a period of some ten min— utes, inflicting some twenty blows with a leather strap about the Size of 'an ordinary trace, and eighteen inches long. It was prWtd that the pupil's shoulder was lame for several days, and that one of her hands was so swollen that she could not put on hit' glove fill the next day. The 'Judge charged the jury, that if they believed undue severity had been user- eised they ought to bring in a verdict o guiltY. For two long hours they revolvil, the evidence and applied thereto the rule of law, and then agreed upon a verdict 01 not guilty, t So far us, the rendition of this verdict goes z ive have : an authoritative ex position of what is regarded in 'Massachu setts as proper school discipline. About it dliferenceilOf ppinion, bare alte74 been disclosed. In senie quarters ohjaetiou is made not •to the punishment, but to thl: tact that it was inflicted on a girl, ver2 - iu_ . upon womanhood. In other quarters it is maintained that all corporeal cliiistisement is debasing in its naturNnd tendency, and that resort ought , to be bad, instead, to moral end meotal inflictions. Just here, another class of objectors interpose, de manding to know it: it is not more cruel to torture the mind. and- sentiments than to lacerate the body, ana lutist that all forms of pmuishMerit are inadmissible. They go I =i'=tztz - • SO far as to deelare that teachers who can not ebvern their impiis by appeal: to their pride of character and to their sense of right and wrong are unfit to engage in the wotk of instruction. . On each of thee heads much is urged that may profitablirt:e reflected upon. AT CIIICACCi, a few days . ago, General Simpson, Preside9d, of the 13oird of, Gi.v ernment Cotamissioner of the!ldnion l'a eific Railway, proposed Wet eqnzresc. should ho asked to allow the commencement of the Utah division of t bat enterprise, and stated that if this should be done the whole road eauld be tognplete d within three rears. • TnE uncertainty of law ,bos 0 striking illustration. Judge -Bend, of itaktintort2, unused Governor S WMlll'6 Police Commis.. sioneri to he arrested, endeavoring to create n itrenen of • the peace and hutirts ormd for want of bail. The casehas had a re -hearing before Judge Bartol, of the saute city,:and he Las decided strongly the other TOE term of Mr. Poster, President of the Senate, will expire. 'on the :ourth of neat March. The radicals naturally turn to Mr. Wade of Ohio as his successor, 1 A feeling prevails that a man ought tcie selected whose votes have not only been tight, but whoselassociations and conduct have also been right all through. THE President claims the right to bey the clearly expressed will 61" hi, aitiS ters, the people, but is more than ever re- Eolved to bririg to the bloeit the head of every dike-holder who fella to implieitlV obey his behests, not in the matter of Wit chit duty, but ot• outside pelitiral action. 3ln. McCuLmien, it is Stated, will, iu 3 forthcoming manna report, recommend the passage of measures looking to a speedy resumption - pf-specie ,payments. •If he aectually does, t.ho: country will have one good thing to thank film for. RAILWAY= E.T- UNION PACIFIt. Ukl • Cbrrespontlance oftae rittShargh Gazette. Sr. Loris, November 10, ISt:la. Raving completed our tour of observa. tion - of this great national thoroughfare. itud•of the magnificent region it ttaverses, I now propose to speak - more particularly of its inception; history, advantages, prOs pqta, eastern' connections and western progress. lii - eideutally to the discussion :of these subjects, I shall endeavor to con vey to the minds of the re s iders of the •. GAZETTE someidea.of that portion of our national domain lying west of the Missis sippi—that mediterranean river of our country, which b:Sects it from north to south, leaving aboUt two-fifths of our terri tory on the Atlantic side, and threedifths on the Pacific side. • The eastern division was mainly sub dued and 'Occupied by the old, slow process of individnal effort—the hardy pioneer with-his axe and grubbing hob laboriously making lis way westward. until, after five or ;ix generations had lived; and toiled and died, the then far distant Mississippi was reached. During-those lieu centuries there was no other way. Th, • ‘,..ror, was ton poor to make even good turnpike roads, much less canals, in advance of the slow moving tide of population. The steamboat was first introduced on these great western river ..within the recollec tion of the writer of this article; but what could they do /or the great interior por lions °four now mast thmrishiug States ,J.n the day when the first setilers of Indi ana, Michigan and, linois were struggling Imith difficulties which would have appalled any other people, e-'en the idea of ways had not been conceived; ;aid even after they bud been inatigulitted, their benefits wine for years restrieted td these coMmunitms whose numbers and wealth kayo promise of reinimerative trade. Bit a new era leas dawned. The old ' process of ,entering upon new and unoccu pied territory has been inverted. The railroad ;:oes in arir.the4 o ;ettlouint cad the ?oreotot loy , e,ha fee pion:A It is un der this new and better fnuces3 that. trans.3lissisippi region opens to the occu pancy of civilized men; sad this is why time great work is going forward with uncx melded speed. High and advanced civili zation with all its blessings and benefits. and all its mighty-takes, marches in the van, leaving the emigrant, however poor and wee::, to enter, and occupy, and enjoy. Now strongly this thought presses upon the mind while passing up the valley of the Kansas, on this magnificent - road waich we came Mt the. Way to see—where . the Arayeller observes the recent SettAtTF, in their neat, tasteful and even elegant homes, already its ihe enjoyment of ali_ r the com forts, material, moral and social, to which they had been accustomed in the far-cli homes they had left in the Atlantic States. Nothing I haVe ever seen in Lumen pro , grata so impressed 416 es this. In Lear ! enworth and Lawrence, and et en tartlet west, I lollna lKyteiS, r-Lureltes, sloces, and .private dwellings which would be credita ble to any city, anti as much: ranee - Lent iv dress lirelin:timer. as Co Sc-ot in UM: cillnati, Pittsburgh or Philadolphia. Aui or hat is better Gill, late' is a total abspecc of obvious squalidity. TIM truth is, this vast region upon which the American people have just be gun to enter could not be settled at all without the aid of the railroad. A few poor, semi-barbarians Might have located themselves along the margins -of the nayb gable rivers, such as the Itlksouriand the Arkansas, but that would have been all. Railroads here are a necessity; and Our people may have reason to thark'God for inspiring our Statesmen with the wine nimbi generous policy displayed in their legisla- Eton, and our large-hearted anti generous capitalists, such as those who areao vigor ously pushing on this and similar works, with the measure of enterprise necessary to give effect the national . policy. This combination of national munificence with individual enterprise - will furnish an exam ple of progress to the race, and immeasura bly. conduce to individual prosperity and' happiness, and to national grandeur. ' Think of two rival 'Pacific Railways, one on the Kansas and another on e the Platte, each pushing oast the rare of a mile a day in their ardent race to the base of the Rocky Mountains; sold of the fact that emigration anti busihess is 'following the progress of the former so fast, that the re-' ceipts for freight and passengers already, r cze n t u d n ys a t tal I ,e t: r s e i n ;t l y , r t thousand e re dollars Et month o a o y d f piles at o:iti t r o l e aUl ut ' i r l t ba ß g i s le Jilnsafnedrrcside see the t e h e e =n ie thr t tr il . coaelies, and from the the mails hete,„,.. coutaiuing not only _ a. a . the Atlantic and Pacific,. t(hri:7tntku'l;iit 1 ; 4 7 °71 d ,. l2l „ u ' u v efil' .,.` i ns i ' k i k e ;:z t eu i l i adumy impression thXitt road upthe valley of the .g . 'g r eat lies-of of the Smoky Rill Fork, war' 'Y way Kansas below the fork, has an west Course, is not only the short last due from the great eastern marts ;-,;' r °,.; l4 ' Meru. to Denver and to Sun Franeisco — t% that it commands a larger number rf merclal affluents Limn any other existing line of railroad between the Missouri and' the Pacifik. But thit is not all: It passes, throughot `its whole length, over a region ui unsurpassed beauty and fertility—one Which will soon he full of people. While at. Fort Riley I ;shed Governor Gilpin, of Colorado, how much of the country he tWeett there and Denver was unavailable for settlement; for I had the impression that there Was same. Ills reply was us Mid' as it tra9 enipllatie—"Not /111 inch." No man knows that country better; and 'flits is i Ly others. m n ° - o u r ) ; a n t io a i s r c hmt °"ii 7a h c e t ' ; l rOad through a desert is a heavy business both for travellers and proprietors: It these general remarks , ' AO close this letter; and in nay next go more into :Le particulars indicated in tbe.first Imre= graph. , C. _ Iternionbrit to Lim California I.olillera and tuilur. WOO fell 'luring the war, 14 to bo ointstructed of California granite, marble Or other Calliornra material, at O. coat ot vir , ,obr4 It. Is 0.y...A to place it on Union Square, to San Fratici,Co. Gov, Loa•!a 01 , 0 „ 'losSocnition, and Geo. of the LICCUlivi; COnairilLte. Machinery fur Shaping and Forging; Iron An improved machine for shaping and forging irou has laminbrollOc. oat by Mr. John Arrowsmith, of Bristol, Engl'ull t.Thleieextj,se,cit,tof this in vwtion is to . for forging rout ironl s re, (:)livca," a+aid by driving the In n ° ;e livi sby s steam or water power. The labor of lbe workman is thus considerable decreased so mu, . so that work Which now requires , t he weight and strength of a powerful ! man May be as effectually done by a youth; • and the machine ,unty ,be driven at any speed, and IN ith anY force of bl o w, w i t hi n certain limits, which may he 'desired. Upon a strong brthplate s shaft is mounted in suitable bearings, thel shaft having on one cud thereof a pulley, by means of which motion is given to the machine by steam or watm power; and on the oilier end of the shaft a 11v-wheel of suitable dimensions is fixed, which is nit. the pur pose of giving steadiness tot the machine whilst working. At 'IR! " o ,:enter of the shaft a cant is fixed, which, revolving with the s:taft, acts,AtpOu one and of a lever Which works upon a pivot; the other or free end of the lever, has tug attach ed thereto 5 hammer-head, 'which may he of the same tamstruction as itll dinaly "Oliver," By these Mealis the hammer bead is- alternately raed and ' allowed to tall with each revolution of thIC 'Shaft; but as it is desirable to give greater force - to the blow than that which would be due to gravity mane, there placed On that end of the lever upon which the cam acts a buffer, n orking in a box containing a strong spiral spring; and this spring, be ing compressed by the downward motion the lever, gives; when released, a rim-, rade-raid , : impetus to the hantmer„ and causes it to strike the anvil with much greater force than it otherwise. would do. But, -- tmless provided for, i. is evideth. that the rise anti fall of the hammer, anti censer quent force of the blow, would. always lie the tame.. To touchy this, the shaft is made to work in slippers, and these,•slid ing in guides, communicate wi h a triadic; this treadle is provided' With three or more loot-plates standing at iliffercut frights above tile floor, so that the worknian,by placing his foot on oue or other of these foot-plates, depresses this end of the lever, anti thusfregulates the bight of the tall, as Ite, thereby moves the cam to or from the befory mentioned pivot upon which the levef works, and aS alters the motion at the lever. Balance weights are also provided, and thee are so ar ranged as to keep the cam out of action When the hammer is required to he at rest. When the cam is out of contact with , this lever, the hammer would, if not prevent- 1 ed, fall and rest on the anvil; hut, to avoid this, there is a guide or standard through %stitch the lever may work. Attached to this standard are two or more sliding bolts which communicate with a catch, which catch. is drawn ou to a notch when the hammer Is working. A spiral spring is so arranged that the bolts are in gear when the catch is diSengagerl. When the catch is ou' the notch, the hammer is free to work, but when the 'workman desires to stop it lie lant oily to tiff the catch, when the spring• immediately draws the belts across the slot ohrough which the lever 'works, and so pieventS.ks . When nesira. hie to adopt thiPlrrangement for .+ double, -Oliver"lanother cans may be fixed on the shaft, m work against another lever ar ranged in a similar manner to that already described. In this mauner larth levers are fixed upim the Sallie bed pltte, Anti are both driven by the same power. GOOD CIDER ALL THE YEATI HiU N 10, bi t 6. n,c of LUTI:A.I, St t LrlilTE or LIME, vrocure clr:::Az, "11`.. 1111121,.: 1;. 11,1,5 t nod It UMW.. al C'u:lep - . up lu buLtl, vur.ll..t.t I.arrcl of PLFMIN , i•S 11XVI; Sr .itE Dice. rof 11, 11:arrout1 .11.1 .Ntarkt . tree!, 2oru r of the 1 , ,....cart )...4 a, Let krrae6. T . he p-fre la rash pall: for Be rswaa. Tar Ta,i.enttne. Car.on 4)11, anti Iturulri.., .4rct prlct t. . at • TO EA v X..I-itEI.I3[ZICXXST lUr 'ES Drug and Pa:/rit .114,2icAse I-pot Nu X. -Vatic Street, .P.urbsro.lll. ltnht itch:!, Scratch: Scratch! S', A I',NE.'a VIN I'.lll - INl' cur... Itch la liana 1:1:0 Is hour, ••i I:II Dr. SE,1;(11,2I eirihntnt, • . T l'T It" —ITCW' 'Pr. Sto , tgri•' , Cnwr. - n•nt, ••TET'I En" ••11 , 11" ht.% his Lilo a • 'lE7' , ••1 • TO ITAIL ••Thirrtilt— ••l7,..ll.• . T111::tl El - UCH. — ... I . — TS 1 Et. , ••ITCH" COMMA I NT. , 11.a.ltchlug 5c.41,1 :tem!, Esatt. rrepr.rel only 1,11/r. t . .t SOS, Ptlla t•..1...1.. 1 1. 1/E.1.111T, THE LAS - ' d HEALITE.--11 11,16 :A0.% for tio. .pr,orrat , , of the If tot gr, 14% , ot - relf-prcrervallort, Itycroltlor ctrforte• moat upon COO .111 of tlto 10,:1ei , 11401. 1, ,ift:rett to roluttla 4i.rd Itcv, 'the,. Is ccarctiy an-duff trisimOar of tit euc.ratto Lily, of tdthe - set. tmtnla Country, Won hat. of ertga too testinione In favor di IPtcTr-T I Elt's. .aldr.ll.,Cll Eft, furnished over thrlr torn tlgnatidten by p.rnutta of "t. ncleto, Ittscato,t. ate. :comet Cc, urn erer d...p.ttlinent foitlne.s *di protest...Ll ntl,. rhase 11 ,...,6 have .loshutul In the int st exydictt t...rtes that ho provar,loo n.son-gtuard •Fatn•t etddentler, a eavureitit reomot. tor dy.om.slit, a 551. nnote silt Ohl 1.1JC.n% 'net ;do:to tt er o :dud itt: eslni and ilAII:11,11 1,111:,./1.1li, yo,tl _ll us tin; me !Mom. a ntrt ngthr nor of the nerves. gecetoi aitiot m.! , Lama[ tOu isoi,te • e:Cis of ro• tilt anal Impure aster. tool I'm; dogre tor vigor end activity to thoaltal fu caaddca IS 11,1,C,“1,Lit ot. any utter ef too tont, and tiotnachin. In tan. Under these tin • ,alLia..C.,, the ...if-pr. berratti.e" Lary of nature 1 , J.4 .1 fen it niy r n oho, elth, by 1 •..,aOll inhert det ary,. nilty ot outodatounct of 00- pol.cre to mrenotenott, Irflootteer, I In peril of 11,0 greatest of nil tuthporat Llit6,l/.lr4S. thy ,unportatteetordodna tine ISt rl a defenslys. in dletne. popt,ca mho le, rut to give It a irtal are rldttry thief, own env:hien. It troacan too.: t • corn Indict stl In .1 lit O , and ne ,illlOl,, eat/ lierVqll3 will toil nothlutt In the who!"e gaffordlt of °M he etam Ito.l ...id htop re e l ri l lary ructflemea l whlett will tsaine ar. ,NEW ADVERTISEMENTS • CZ BEAT 'REVOLUTION IN TIIE • A WINK TRADE OF THE l' NITTA) STATES.' —('LIRE CALIFORNIA 011At11'AtiSk1.. made and prepared as if done In France, Pam puts etnifor• nia W toe, and taking the Plaeenf ImPurted Chant , PtY"' • lite andoralgruid would railthe attention of Wine Dealers and Hotel Keeper. to the following latter. which may give &correct Idea Of the quality of their Wines "COsTirriNTALllO,OO. / • l'loLanehran •,Ort.:0114 59.1 , ;. .".411SItna. BOUChioll CO --(ientlelarr4:. (taring given your California Chtutoague athorough test. we take pleasure In raying tout we th.nk it the best Aineri. an Wino we have ever /Ito!. Vie.raliall at once place it on our bill of fare. a mire triney .1. E. Eltainl.E.Y ('all anal try our Calla/villa Champagne. uol2trini lltit1(111 oil A. U., :In lb, tt .N. Y rHAVE RECEIVED MOST OF MY ASSESSMENT NOTICE. STOCK', an 1 offer to the '1 rade a ablation from • W3l. .211NCJIIA if, Jr. Adams Erpress.Office, - &rca,Si PiJlh is an atlhorited Agent to receive ddverttsetne4ds for the CiAZETTE. and at! other papers throsighout the United States and the eanastas. SKATES! SKATES' SKITES° 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS HAKES Before purciiing etiewbere, iealt and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAIIES BOWN, No. 13G Wood Street uol5;oI4 UNEXPMED I.4ASE OF HOUSEAND 'LOT. Located On Federal Street, Sixth liVard,Pitisintrgh. 1 EA96 I : I4I IIT.YEAIL9.TO" HUN • /Or Dwelling. AV 111:1,p the mp. Nqulre of ; writlar. ti, WILRON 11.1:0..I. •NO REAL F:STArI. ENT,, t . ndttinell LIAItIttL;SS h. CAltiilit;i; UU MAK ristsssitt tte the isvw - tlroV rk Baker .NO. I sewing dll achino elei'le here. It le the Atnc sex their r",""i oihnniNO. 114 FIFTH nTll),:it prime 'CIDER-10fact ci ''` 7nttrecelV FL'T7.l.:lt it A ItALSTISONU. corner Ma• het and rift streets. RIM 1-,-- --,- ---- -AP PLES-600 bias. Green Apples Plt rece:yed and for ~ ., e by M 1 y 1. r FKTZEIt a AIMS I ROti (4, • 16 •- corncr Ifsrlevt awl FtrAt ....... COBti—US bales Broom Corn, for sale on whore. . EZTZEIt 3; ILSTSTRONCe, ooioer blorkot. toil tarot atteati 0015 r - NEW AD V ERTISE JAMES T. BRIDY &£0.,•1 • (Si:Locos.. to O. Jones & C 0.,) Corner Fourth and Wood'Sta.,. BANKERS & BROKERS, pr.wr.us u+ ALL KINDS 07 Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver' and. Coupons. COLLECTIONS made on all acceaalblo Point. In the United State. and Canada, Interest allowed on Time Deposits. C7o_lz ) . -- Mtrt LN G. • 1NT!..,L.,1:0u1."YN,N a :TOD A Y - s tt o 1, 9 - TRU MILLI NEhY, counlstlrg of BONNETS and HATS of the latest style, - • 31/1.1 . 4.03. - .701.. S. COCK. ,o. 114 WYI. , NTRICET. VNCIIANGE. HOTEL IN WIL- KlNO.itllNil FO l l PALE.—Thin property hale front on \Vater.troutvl cert. estendi back Ito fort to the Ntable idit or the e'me . rlie Hotel Building I , a largenbrwodlnua Stone (loot, , arttnextenrion buck letildingot brick. arciaged oith I tau the back lot ..I..ereett d tArg.C.lablr 411 , 1 C ,Ilagt• haute. The aboro la Li, b , Incipal Hotel in the ton.n, and in the band a el a soltab e man. 0 large anti paying 1011. .can be done. Tilt proltorty offered at the lOW Mil, Or $1.1,411.,110 01111 . 4 In hound. balance 111 t a:A _year,. 'Apply to' 11. IN A CO. CLOTHS, CASS . EIIEIIES, AND - Fancy Cloakings, For maxi.° n 3 3C.4DevvrPx-I.oofis WHITE, ORR & CO., SO W'ift.la. Satz-cot. ALLEiMEINV 00iTY, Its CO , NO,N.I.TH Or rii.NN:yLV TI t. To the Lepal 1.,:pree,..100,11,1JAME,, liE . - ist. - al.' county, dec..tmed. Y.ho art: Itcret.y rl.. 41 to t, and apiwar .r.• liltAy, Itrttl.tet of \till, la nod for rnt.l rntint.. on or t...f0r.• thn .01.1 my ot Ir, td,rdodr ot xi, et ...Id Itetd.tern °Mee, St thro and ther.• to tot, out Ledo,. of A l itotut..tt,tton on the I...Atite of maid .I:‘nu, vii. or ,how If nu Wily the , ttlit Ittd• sh.intd t 1.4-trranted to Ow. or wort ot . the erod. Itors.or bl-11111,9th, t.iDen hull , ! and meal CI !ANT, at I.llD hurih, DID .IP.It day or No....other, A. It, n0.5:01d .Itits. 11. I:1(AI% RI .11,r A. LEGGATE'S, a = 3300rr1s .4%.1V - 3=l A33=LOIEI CLUTIIS, CA .. , I.IIERC y. oItAW rlO.l =I =lllllllll =I \V or TU. ASK I' cs, FLXNNKL,, ME= A epl.,IM stock el prtl .1:c at thi,oy luwc. by Auctl,ll Vetdly morn o•clocl THE GROWER S.:. BAKER =I -SEWING MACHINE I.U. Ultima Thule of tutu.. It at = ASSIGNEES' PEREMPTORY SALE OF FURS! FURS! FURS! ALT BaC TYO N. ll*l - I,II4DAI' Nov. •L IJ orrrl.rt ntlt.ulr,‘ tntl,:nfirrnoon. fi r 2 o•olt , . - S fLI,) wt 1•• 0 :•1 ntsd U. A 41LKI, • 1 :12 t)ol) 111'0/2TH lII' FURS, Gp.,10,71••• kGro 1111.1 nt A!:1, , 11•An Fitch, Brtul, Cony, I,:dne r,xl 'slhur VlrGkr , n,. Tslrn”, Iren•s. 4,r 111 tut- iS rr I,ltD , `. nerd zolA ar.•!••• 111 the prIG -1p• : T. A. !11:11,1.1.I. AND, TIRE PITTSMUTIGTI EN.PLORING , G • 1 NG NY IN 0% 1,31 kit!: VII:G (NI A, At_11.,!...N NTS. tharttr from the 1,1.‘, Of rttpinlz. c Aryrro ► icomoo 311 , ILI, - 1I :II Z.OOO v sad lion pd., 6.00 >l.l aluv r, '” ~ OFFI/ / arson Po , rt. Illrtnlghltn_ %V. Jack,. Count y. Vlrg!tda ...aarta.y—.l, r en..tank6nn Wv9t 1e,t1r..1 —IV, 1,,N1NG!1•14. dr. (1., As,. :try Cate,. stlnet. ' 17.1, 11l Carton 'tr.:. t, EA.st ir - Itator til • tuyan ,:frcrs for oak, a. tll ,rll,.rd alio". Tiler ara I.ntlala, .haft, whk•lz taa.ta to die, ort rt.i iVeedt• per cent. thruu RnIC tarts 11, n• ratan, to.y ..carr•lnb t 1,4 rrr,ld nt, or ROY of rr any. ,vt vre to^ pArtto t at. inn tie t,"10: DREWERS' NOTICE. . . rut: ENIiERSIGNED. BREWERS Oe I'IT I -III:1:611, rrft.lvol, lheli 1.1 tat,sittir, that s.ttlatcsnta s•lt Dra:cr, nhall , oh the. l'ltts I Of EVERY MUNTII, colt, thehctuK r inner lit, IS,. A.ll.•fiAS. FAWCETT DAMANuTON .t CO Z. WAIN:VI:VaiI', POLVA ti. 1C A LTEAS UORN & CO FRANKLIN COTTON WORKS E. HYDE'S SONS Are eow prepared al rb.nufmctarn COTTON TARN, CA Ri.KT.CI.IyN, .COVERLEr YARN, CANDLEWICK =I I=ll 1Y biltr.ET. 'between. Robinson anA hocock, Allegheny City, order, toy tnnti nttend...l to. Itaeonntuo llncoLa'rolt'u Orezea, rerrenclum, Nov. 12575, leuc.s Notice Is hereby gilt Zu that the azemoduentu for the trralling, raving and Curbing of Watson street from ;Boyd to Chestnut styees: Chefituut street, front Forbes to °Mho° streets, r tol Gibbon street, fro n:Cbeit.b to Magee stletts, In the Eighth Ward; and Franklin street, from Washington to Fulton str ets,.ln the Sixth Ward. have been made and eau he seen at this olllee until the 14 . 51,1 day of November, Ma, alto which time they will be turned over to the City Treasurer for eollectloe. CHARLES REICIISPF A tut, enole:ao - - - Recording tteunlator. WHARF IMPROVFHENT. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, CITY or ALLIWIIIINY, November 1301. MSS. sr.A.l.- INtllCtsia.LS still be received at ttls 01E10 until FRAM.% Y. Nov, 10111, at a o do. k It. rt., for making a Wharf beefom licietrtelt street to llray's alley, the filling to of tomtit or other good mate rial. and to he covered pith tllug mill slag. The estluiated onatstitica redo bred are about :7, cultic yar.m r and about 2,61X1 cubic: yards of slag. , s , epa rgse slily (per sAthie Ian!) wilt be received foe the earth Oiling nod slag. Iliddsrs are I.:quested to Mate the hood,ya ityeasht also the price p wattle In theof the city, redeemable In twenty , ) year., of Interest a , Ills semi-annually, at the rate of 7 per cent. Pe rttrA l.l .Tilon of tlot Coin Ittee Wharre R. FRANCIS! ' Sa Landings. nolito.t TVs. City Controller. pitEGS! DILU(S:: DE . , . .--- AMES T. SAMPLE IiAVIS 1 KUWAIT TIIK WKI.I. KNOWN DRUI3 11Oliii F. ON CUICNI,I: OF FIWERAI. AM) ii . .uuiN9op4 .T., ALL.E,oltElili, W 11l keep on band a foil assortment of all kinds of lairelcrioaa, And "! In theh will be sold el..per /hal any o th er Unto 'l,,e.erlptlons carstully prepared by a first class dr .ifllltds of PEUFLIMERY and FJLNCY SO /In oc.D FLUID EXTRACT OF 'SARSAPARILLA. Combined with lodide of Lime, Sold at Low Rates at • FOENIIIVWS DREG STORE No, St Market SL, Pittsburgh. - _ J ISCIFIOONMAKER & SON, . Pittsburith White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD, ;IL YUJI. VA INTL la T ()IL lIAILIIKI/B. rourth Street', up stai r .. -not%n72' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EUR E IL& SVOIMS• I=l EUREK.I cannox OIL, The CulebraMl. EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, And Wholesale Dealers In Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, LARD, SPERM, WHALE AND ED4.11 HMS, No. 3t Market. St., Pittsburgh, Pa O. O. 3.V0633.T..iE. tlgt• Call and examine camplra and read rartilloatak ,315:••11 • GREEN AILLIEIi.-11 1. persons in heretj not:0,10:1a the tavter-titt , ed. vltwers spnoll tel tn vlen eat 116,rts dx:urgEs ted bettelltr .or the oti.nttsg or GREEN ALLEY, • in eti..", Tided Ward, Allegheny clt:r . From Flo ',taut el, et to the East line R ten foot alloy. a distance of I,lYeet, will wool. an On 1 1,1,1 ' 1 Ise, on TIMUSDAY, DECY.MItEIt . At 10 0..10ek %. tik.autios of tho.lr point:At It MEINI RUEN.4 VISTA STREET.--A II per tvfttl are herrbv 0,, the An der,lgn. nppolnlt..l ton a and assets drinks ..s .and 1121.11{., for op,ron,. BUENA VISTA STREET, Iu the Third lyard, Allegheny Cliy, From Its nresnt terminus!, nn Ta A to Jaesson litreet e , distance of t:7l feeyt, lor will meet:on thFptiulses, un 'FUEnDAF, DECESInEIt Ilnt, ItO At It o'clock A. it., to tolfil the &Int:, of their at,. polutuk.l. .10115 It. INta It A 51. JAVEm A la. nolsllo JAMES Nteellt _ _ PITESMIGII GAS SAVING CO. 9 No 2 Merchants' Hotel, COR.THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. 4C,FX , 'XCIDWILEI: JAMES L BENX,ET, President, ROBERT ITNNEY, Vice President, RCBT• CHRISTY, Sec'y and Treas'r. • 1.113r.c - ruitl: JAS. 1. ttE.N N V.TT, IW. W. PATIHrIi. R. k or. Pt /4N K. S" J. 31`1 , . I'IH, , IAN JOHN W. I'IIAI. , ANT.. N. J. 11101. EV, . . 1.1 . ; . Nlll lUti. Oclice . d in llos, 9. a. .to 4 p. ni., daily. KENTUCKY I>ISTILLERY dT Jeccrcrx.xciac- Will Ile 1,1 , 1 al Am-tion, or ED.% t;sDAy NieRNIN•i, Novematr ti , nn, at II o'clo-rt, no thr TIIE KENTUCKY DISTILLERT,. Loeste.l on the Hilo Meer, opposlte Port.tunnth, Ohlt, with 'l7 •crer...,r 1,00.1, r Front I.•r of fe.t. Cappelly 1tt,,11-Y.ere There ere on 11, rremi-es. the Dlbtl'iet v. con t•lntne :t etwer..:l•eil 310th 1 oh+, 4. Hier rune, fri 1.11511. ft... 1011; hot and r”I.1 Oat, Tune, and el. , Mete,: nwlete. Fe. tr r ve.tlt foil run Yr. no.. lint r ,lone. too t.';'rn CC, 410. e .F.nglues r, Trteflen Well, etort. W . 1J1,./.• floors, Molt lionse, Pew. for two, built eLlirely el oze. !went)" T , ....menc livelrines fur tonsil, sten, 1:2.15w ay from Itlver to The billion Is one %.1 the boon; In the WI 4111.11 eounlr) ry. 't'i'le Imp:net...W..ollld net ne Illtde for bt.,. Moll une. Itentlred I.:.tonn.tetl ./.31141 . 4. /I wllt 1.....1tiVr1V Iry tilt t., ;no hlgllcet 1111.1er, without re.eset. or rt Ksr.l lo " r lur:ll. , ratartlea!,.ri torevlottn to Co to /dr. the p,en... Ca to J. L. lilt Ii.MAS ..t. I:eat 11,1., 11rolorr. an.l re. N.l. 1 wv,l raf:t TT^ - - - 31URDOCk & - PUTNAM, GENT'S FERNISRING :STORE, MIfft!MMI :Nearly opposite Post °Mee - A:I ;lie nevi. nu :tlygnnt nlSttn , ifl SCARFS, TiES, 'IIIIAVS AND 11UhFS, iICA EnttCllvear, dLOVIIII., HALF . IlotiE. MUSPI:NDERN, FL oboe cto .01iLta xxil.,r 0 , Ft t. i 6Lirte scud Collars, It; complvttf th• Chant tlr....ll3'7ardrolm 11ER PETNA3I. WELDON & KELLY PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A lerit ArenflAlLll: of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, 'Sheet Lead, ctc., AL 11.4 IS ON HAND. i6I Wood Strezi, near Sixth, CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood St., tsburgh Keep, on pant and manntacturls to ord... 11. FtOt ht.,T STYLE ti r' 011,T. OttO?. WOOL) and WA) .- N ITT, (TVA!, and ,QIIAItE LI ICTLOB, - 1 . .,1,:j1T.A IT nod FT:AMMO. u•tato Cornlre, Banda and button, t'on,dr. Tripod and Bracket Tables or or isito dr,lkra and rrorktnau,nTO. . . D.1.D1N.• AND ItEDILDINU execu:t.l In tbc, chile of the Art. IDJDEILA.TE. vn,..nDuwA DISSOLUTION—TiIe partnership heretofore existing between the , labieralgneo, obit, rile name of Prating, G• A IfAXI b id)., alactilol.ta, tide Oita llsy beru tnaaoiceol be muntol conaent, the turners! of ALltteltT 11611Elt slog eeu purchariwl by GIIAIII.Ed F. GRAHAM and WILLIAM ii, bictiI.N.NESS, who will coolluno tbrt business at tire old eland, Under the name of ' CHARLES F. GRAHAM at CO. They will one the debt. of the term of FISMAIt, URA lIAM. & CO., and are atolls authorised to re • celve and receipt for debti doe same dim. MIMI • :IteGINN ALLIWILNY CITY, Nor. 1. 1L N, uo13: oV3 NOTICE WO CONSUMERS OF WATICIt.—The repel's now 10. progress at the Water Works render It imperalleS that great econ omy should he ob erred in the are of water. the one eoche now roan] hehov tare.] to Its utmost ca. peens. Al. tatuecessert matte of water should Ls avoided, such as andel ling streets, washing pave eats, drenehlue clothes In (ohs 1. an luordlnale extent, Ice. Unless there is proper attention paol to %nese renulremente the rite ell s not have surtl cleat water for lire. culinary and other um:as:sly pu rp 111", A non-observance of this xautiou moo . deprive We offeder ors supply of water, as lb itall n heavy n ne. It is hoped tint In the course of On ee weeks or a Mon 11, at f Sit wrlutrlina, will be enabled to rent°. the th se e estrrlel u. filly. kIItENCIt. nuperlotentlen of Water Works. IMIEM GEO. F. SCIIVCICOAN & CO., :PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLY NTII:aSt LITFIOGRAFIIIC EsTAB -1.161131ENT WEST OF Tli F. MOUNTAINS. Hum, nee. Varde,Letter Heads,. Bond., Labels,. Clt cu. lars. chow Cants, Diplomas, Fortralt•,_ Views' Certificate. of Deposit., Inritatlon Cards, An. • Sc. Nu.. 7Y and 14 TOD.' et., Plttallutgh. at 'l:ksl pITTADUDGIFI AND OAKLAND tiKEENtiousKs. ; JOIRN R. at A. IMORDOCII. (6ucermson to John Murdoch, .1 r.,) NURAFACYMEN AN DIFLOILICTS, rlttaborsh, Pa., oollcli attention to their ex Le 11311:,. stock of FRUIT AND oItNAMENTAL Tr ICES, EVEutiItEENB, GRAPE VINES AND OittENUOUcti rLANTe. Call fort Fall Circular. . - rittanprirh and Oakland Paocupdr Cart ri t con Grodnlion 4o every 15 minuted. IrZnlnt kr 11EAVEN, CANDY MANUFACTURER Anddcaler In FOILEION AND AMERICAN FRUITb. y11;11.1,E.,, NUTS, &C., AC., • N 0.112 federal Slreel, iSeCotol door from the Flt National hank. =M3==l MUGS!!! • PAPER' MA tiTIFACTURI tI6 COMPANY.. Wareboase, R 2 Third Edrest, keep sous,n baud, sad for rods...[ 111•••• RI market. rates, NFA TACK, ANI. A. RE. AI OFlst, FELT awlM 1. %VILA CrlNti-PAPE HARDWA RS• 10.V00 Odla assorted now to Warehouse. Minton 1(1111. at Steubenville. I blo. Qrl her.. """ EMO Le-TLI E UNDERSIGN. 81) have removed the ofri?e of the 111)PE OIL W 66.11.8 (rum 33 blarketbtreet.; l'lrteburgh, to their Works on CAltnON STREET !Brorrroltown, where they. OW hereafter he found. Voitufilce Addres , 836. I'lLtibUlgh. nel,llo, IVIT.II.IK • ta , IT • 1 1,114 Clt „tonet.. O/Itleti Bllver Mt., (inns, Pistol., Diamonds, Jewelry, tiold and Nilver• %afel., 00 ,1,1,,nnd valuable Art lelesof every description. 'The goods cannot be delivered If ItIIOtIL a ticket. Not seconnlable 1 . 3 cane of tire or robbery. e dema of even' deeerintion for eale at In not ,teleee 11.1,4 , 110 WM*. WIWI. Ito RALtiON 6~ HALIBUT. S , -One cast, oreach, rp.hi, moko, aciaztlactri. jylt.r' ' c teed and Lrc ale by the pound, at the FtrettylProcery wryerindittYanEarEfr ... 1 _NE__ W .. ADVERTISEMENT. : NE W_ AD VER • T ISEME . NTS ilniii• S. C ° Uri SALE -By IBIIENSE virtu,' "(lc ”1.1,,, LI, tPrph,, , , C 0,,, ,f 41- 1,g11.2r17 4.takty. 1 wlli t•xpoi.,,, i ~ 11.- `ale, o,n the • pretoE-rs ut, Tuestf Deceintier 6th, 1566, ' At 11 A. M., V."t r. ;ton log Ilet,rite,.l ‘ • .. (mei% efl.arreis ItaNl, .iteNt...l :oh qua.: ..a C other. partly In Ftrollat and y S.• - til FA ' - cite T J arathipa. In the r ..f Allewlo •• • 7.• Or AIM tract, or pare, ',of 1.1, lag, vlr: Beginning at a ;Are,. late oat.: 1 1 111 „,, 1 ,p, 5 „ ,t,i4 r.t. a•P•te,ehts to a !Ackert:: thence .sou legs- 41,,t. 1: 4,4 pa-renta • to a stone: th, n , e southlP2oteg . ... set,. to a atone, theocetown deg,. e,. 1., 1a perches to a atone: tht nee:north te g,. purchol: to a atone; then^v.r.onth I deg, ea , t, "perch". to the place of I.egloutng, contal log 41 • 4..rer tool p re!, ,on v.htch are rect..l oon • abort' Oran.' 1 /wel•leg :stet out tot 11 , 1 lags. The Iltb••• .r—da trod-or parcel. of 11,1 , 1 hellg . °H AIM. Adj.:kill,' OW and .le,erthett Mt fol. In•ga,nleg at 1,101.4: thaw, bY I , t i:eh'ert Toon, north Ar t . dee, a or, 111 Ia perch el to a sloe, tat ace I,y the lilt .le4er.bed tract rth ,, ,,.lcgs. eao 141 1.111 in rel. , . stone: thence 1 lit Intel of hoN l'artrldge fottti 1 ,legi e 14:1 li) perc.hen to III.• pai,Nl el n. pluntug, containing t 101.. res suit 141 percheN4. Sold prenll44, bet ng Ntto 'l Stra I . l:l'Vt ' r ' nl:l ' k ' t ' . ' , "' ,.lt l O ll"lloot n " . ' lte r-it f t s ", . ' m )"r e Cite tW • parerls of ' land har• Ing . heen mot toad toga tlrt.r a.. one faro, NVI 1 I Lola togethen Taults aet.a—th e third coat, on cmfirtnatlon of bale. to rue t ear, :01.11 Interest, to Its red by Ito, ano tnage on-the prenslaes. Tar remaining to remain a charge an me ptetnl 4 ol dun og the (Ile of the . ..Wu, ol Robert Pter enroll, .lecease.l. 'l'3e Interest, to be pat , ' leg- I Slur( 31•11•Wth Pith/W. 6/111 at her lII' cease, the prlnelpal he pa l l to the pa- 1 14.4 by law entltlect th, rat. 1 . 11 , •,I1 1, 1 1N:1, 1 '• Atl,n'aeljthe cattle of iloht. nerenton. -no14:11N1 • . _ DOMESTIC GOODS W.. 1. 61115 ,, N. JAME:, 31.11ViA.N. FRANCI,'FOItHENCK BATES BELL Oftor a coioplete ansortnoint of ( NEW GOODS. Blankets, Flannels, Cloaking's, Boy's Wear, Shawls, , Plaids, Silks,' Dress GoOds,l : Linen GoodS; Merinos, SILK, CLOTH ANO VELVET MANTLES. ORPHANS' COuirr SALE.-By, virtue or An order or the Orphane. Court of Al -I,Fhleny enunty, we, the underalh'ned• Adholoiciro .. 'r' ,lll '' : '"e'C l ' ! r l r - Vffe 6 T E' r,I. h 1f1::+;nI011,eI tott In te City oi'l otehnrgli, county aforesaid, on Friday, Ilth day of Dec., IS6G, t Itoo'clock, s. 01.. all that rertaln hut reground. Otuate In ti.d 7 ir t Wart' of the City of Allegheny, desCrIMA as lothov... lirainntnn un the East side o Crab/ street, the ronthrof thope thence long .apt street north 21 re, d metro: thence east ;paraYlel with itop. alley' foot 2lt Inches: thence onto parallel with l'-atd street .1 feet 6 Inc„es to Hope alley: thence stun„ nab] alleyt to t reds street, 0 1 the pla a of beginning, on whic wen h is mist ed a tree Cory Urt , ,Dleetilnit• Also. all that other Int aground situate adloin'og the steer., and described as follows: Beginning on the ease slile of l'palg street a , a alit 21 ft. n In. north of hope all, y, thence along Craig. teem north 2t li. It : thence east pa.allei With tonic alien ill ft •2!., In.: thence south parallel with Craig at. 21 ft. In. In the lot above described: then, along the :awe west and parallel with /tope all, 62 .'t In. lo 0,14 et., at the plate of beginning, tut which is etertrd a two story Brick lisreilleg. • 'I 50515 OF SOLO .Bar-Ilard call, on confirmation or tale: onedhlrd in one year, -with Intrust; the ather third to 2erua.usebarge on the premises du , lug the ill. time of the widow of salt tieCedent. the iniere.Billerr.o. , to he pal ,to raid widow annually:- the {dß, pat n her death to be pat I loth, part, by Lalv entitlyd thereto; both said deferred par-• stn 10 be occurred Ly bond and martragc ou the prralbea. - JANE a this ( Ad „, . • 130l1a0 l, HUG. rg•BBB,Tgd, . TIIE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE. Webster's Patent "Ordinary Wrench,',' Bolts, Hound Rode, Steam, Gas, Bran and Lead Pipe, Will hold a. Round Rod Urlllolt to SCUT -WING 1..a11Y . . . .. The Aymilanres need In UV. wItENCILfor Cutting , eV' ..n.l.hcrewlng up Pipe, Sc.. can be carrh.dlu the h 1 pocket. oelatli.,. the expellee and hurdeu of the' ,ere," w'elght of Ton g , Sc.. to be carried nod used 1 Iti cUTTINII Int AND RE:ltAlltlhiti V•ltttli Just what. Is warded by to.ery bfl.Asl and WO Irlrl Elf, PLUMBER, ESOl.ls•Egtt, MACIILNIhT. BLAEIt.,SIII•Ii. CAR.aud C'AILItIAGE BUILD -"Rh. hod on :01 h1'E.151,1111 . 5. 11.1 ATS, 1.01.:(151 - I IV E. On.. and In .orery ILAILItOAD REltAllt I `'till'.EA l 'll , ll.l•. Ac., and even . ' 1 , 11./111.: aud I 11.)1%-: WM:11F: WATER AND li AS ARE USED. There WRENCHES aro made- In the moot cher et gm manner, siol are orer 3,0 per cent. cheaper than noroW ..tf th' r toola used to cerftrm the muse work: , Ah: In. rench will out and screw up pipe 37 W 1 4 In., meter Al 5 In. Wrench 'odd ent of and ' W7t7c„ wlV p r e nt ' n!ra " .t sionc'elw' ,diameter.: lt_llll..ths lineal, r. a 21:Inett " W reach tedl l' cut on au screw 11{ 1 1 1 4 1 0 b• tot , . Inches dtatneter. For sale by . •M. McSi'EEN hi. CO., ' 0.1.1:5 No. 34 Water street, near Liberty. IJITTSBERGII BREWERY. BREWERS, [ULSTER'S & HOP DEALERS, JOSIIICA ItHOlitE'S Pltlnbnraka, K(21.• W. ANDERSON, Alter/m.7 Tb attention of lie oustntnere of (be two Grua I. pertlrulut Iriutited to our, ' ALES AND PORTEitt- Wh ttirorgh the careful e:eaten of Malt from ourexten Ire malting and Hari from tha gaffe o sat and %Vest, we rat, guarantee 10 no pure an llntlaran.ory to ine I,lele , Our Nlf IA JCL': Ilan beau highly- ree..a2.l.d by imyidelainn for family use. IWO, AN 1/Flitaf fN•S cuntumers non please ba ari.builar o ita,e their ord- rant his oelliceadlolu log bin old Ilreortry, or at our orlon; Corner of Name ITae ana Barkeri Alley, 1 000,v,e; ; . NEW STYLES WATS. M'CORD & CO., 131 f;'001) 8 TIME T, Are reaI:META an immense stock or En/bruin( au endless ir srlety. HAT FOR TUE LADIES, DENTS AND BOYS: RAPS OF EVERY RFY VMS FOR LADIEr , 'AND BL M ,CRILDREN; SAE. INN, RQUItREI.. 4 ,, ••• lo an y shape or peke, to which they invite the attention of all. WM. IV. lIARVI7II BAIICUS & GRAFF, 96,Liberty Street, 1311MattilM OraMl I= DEALERS EV GROCERIES & PRODUCE, First-Class . Family Grocery, And make It a SAllsrACrioN to ALL who may favor ax with !heir pat ronoio. In QUALITY. rule b and LIF.ALI,t; AL.r._aztrmc:>, • DEALER IN. FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, 0:1XX-NIT3E1.71. VC7'8M3323, • • French Clocks, &de. Sneetal sttent'un even to the REPAIRING OF PINE. WATeliEh. Yo. 22 Fttlie 'Street. ate:We're 01IND3IIS AND LIVERY STABLE, .7ro. 410 Penn Street. JAMES K. DAIN, .Ploprietor, Mir Omnibuses and carriages f Ishcd tor 'all trains. Also, Carriages for ghnerals, Weddlue end rartles,ne short :totlee aid reasonable rates. LOUIS BEUGE & CO., Itlanufac turcre of Grand and Square Pianos. Warernoms, v 7 BEET KEN STREET, tienond Block le Pianos Broadway. NEW stlltli The rn•noractured by this Man 31 - 0 sum" , passed for pow erfu clear, brilliant and sympathetic , with el eellent workmantbin Circa/ars and b.., us? nt wnnl,o.,l"n. colel,latucur 11141ESICK, & 11110., Engin- Build- KO ANIS. .11ACIIIAISTS, manufacturers of Rieslrk's ',tent balance Valves. for !Ream Env fines. and all kinds of Brewer.' Machinery. Shall lj till Lugluva of all sites, 4 - Fat l o l ;• "' 4 44 li2iZ,u l ; u li ' vlance Valves. Boller', Sire' Fronts, ' Walking lb am Counsellor's, • hbleves t rumps. do_ IlAttislbtlYs AND rlitk. nTREETS, Pitt•hurish. Repairing and pnivlos nn manhivory prompt', GET rcoNE BUT A • . GROVER & BAKER For a Nollday DIM It Is rellnble. widest and thorefore the best. Don't tall to roll nadass It at NO. 1s ►t►?H STEGST. $25,000 TO LOAN. pr.opo Orel , /OR to DOITow maeey en BOND AM) MORTGAGE, • yor en. two or more year., wilt to well to call on 1.: 0 4160E M. PETTY.' Des Leal Estate Asont, Ng ! u rc, clalx I= EMESICSI CARSON, DABLINGTON.& RATS, CAPS .AND FURS, !I= Fresh and Choice Artseles, AT LOWEST I'ASII PR/OES.. . Our Alta II to keep s , RARCUS GRJEF, I.ll,rty street, corner of Ferry 5e.21:1.113:1,6 SISQE7LI9SOR 'Stable Open Day and sight 1r3:e90.T.T11.6 CLOSING OUT SALE. •-• . p ART,: EA fl ALNTED, , L ir .. • • IN A WHOLESALE HOSE, .550.,0 00 W talli totl:tatty yvars. ,tLle the nu+:nl w !Inn,. to luve , t, with res.! 71.1V.1t. . I.IOX ltt, • OF FINE FUR) WIVER " M. (009 D "JE-1 I 4Cr. $lO,OOO Worth or DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS, ME WUITE Sill WILS, COTTON AM) WOOLEN Scarfs ) Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also, $5,000 Worth •of Gloves, Of ill Detoriptolt,.3fl of ohich Rill he t0!,13t ACTUAL COST FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Before removing to' my New Hauling Opposile,the Union _Depot. igirThe le..° ntorn theettl,, together with Counters, tihrleing. Shuw Cettes,,t r., fur e st er J. D. RAMALEY, 334 and. 336 Liberty Street, Oppernte Wayne t n. ORDINANCE touuthorize (tie grarttog ah,4 patine of Washington S, I. lir /I ordained and enacted', thr Selert rod l'ameno,n Carincif. af the and . nrdulnul an? enartra. of Ow glen, that the Cortlllillt, Stroett hr. and th , 'Y ;hereto; authorl,tl and direr! to in,lte luta ricere pigdpubaln for the grading • lid pa, lug of nehtnetotf,trect, from the Eaetvid• of Gast Late the Eaat t•ltle ef North Street. and to •rohtr (et therefor with the (swell and hest 1.1.10 h, ur 1,1.1•Irr, at the tr cliserellon. • . . ntc - ritoa That for the purp-wc of defray i n g II•e O east and expensca of ~ !aid Improvements. there he. and I. hcrelotgcvied. a stocial 1.3 i. to he , acested upon the evaeral lots hounding and abutt ing upon the entil street respectively. hi tiretiorticit to the t.t t front In them re,pecti,ely and hounding and omitting an ofore,al.l. mhx - r:oN 3. That in soon an the- roi4 -1 rI ii vaiocsca of sold imprrivement,i ;holt he (tidy e rtained. ti it shall be the ditty or the ntreet ConantsElcuer to a..- eess and apportion the lathe among th e rercroi :rots loot:tiding out abutting upon tl t street revp...1.1.,- iv. according to Cue rule above Indica, .1. and there- Upon proceed to make demand and ea.,rrt urn .sums ace Ming to the provhdotim of the Act or Co.ocrvi A ,weutiolv of ti m e Commonwealth of Petit-11 t. ' • All Act dt.uniog the Itionner of .01:ectebg the caliche., of grating and .pavitig ot street. and a!lcvo of the e:ity of A iteglictly.. mei for othcr purpose. .'• passed tile thirtieth day td March, 1 , 11. nr.ltob 1. That. So{llll,ll sae trrilinance may conflict 0: he ,Lliddicil by anent same i. hereby rr pealed. trolaltte.lll,l4l:narted Pvt., a 14W. thia the 11th day of October, A. I)., one thousand eight hundred and slaty-six. NeItILIER, President of iwlect. Council. Attast: o.3laCtl.lntoN, , Cl;;k.of 4,li,ct Council. C. W. DENNEY. l're , ,ldent of Common Coltncll Attest: I:4,BERTI,II,,FtTIf, Clerk of Conuinuu Council ==l Hal resumed the practice of Dentistry nt NO. 104 M"..IN.W3E3C Opposite the Cathedral, • A Where he wlettes tpdneelve hie Mends and pen who are in reed of the 7.ervlct,. or au., per rural ,DENTAL PRACTITIONER rapeelal attention will IM glren to the yre,ma. tin of the natural teed. 19; a:II:fully them with the most select m.arrial. and Up ,I4ll , 4m.thea, other i,roper treatment. the preset log thee, tot future t. .ee and comfort to unite old age. • Irreahlanty of the teeth oftoung pecator attended to and rem,. Lod. Those beautiful life-like mahletal teeth, rcod•red so eomfortalde and orelul by the magic of the Lhle lor's meehaulsm, will he. Made -ready for all who uoky order them. • All recent direoeerlea of aloe laqua relief -from pain In the eat:actin-1 of teeth. will tai mitalulatere , l to those w LO May dratre them• °lce boars Mom 9 A. U. to 4. Y. kr. .17493 CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD - E. BREED, 211.r..PC1a1.P.117 50. 100 Wood Sdreet. BRITANNIA AND SILVER PLATED TABLE WARE, TEA TRAYS AND TABLE. Yl. Eltk always on hand. CHINA TEA SETS, CHINA Ulf:Etat SETS, CHINA TOILET SETS, .111 N A VASES, CHINA SPITTOONS, BOHEMIAN WARE OF EVERY 'DESCRIPTION LAVA CARD BASKETS, • LAVA VASES LAVA SPIT) tIONS. FROMM! STONE WARE of all varieties, to sul wholesale and retell trade. The largest andmost complete stock of everytbing In this line in the ; city, Prices and terms the same sale the eastern cities. milli skti 1866. FALL • 1866. 40.A_TUIPJEPS. We are now exhibiting (or FALL TRADE The most extensive stock agoutis we have ever bad the 'demure of offering to our patrons. niglislt Brussels and Tapestries, ° ":17.17: 1 11 1 t:gn1".°•;;-`gNZ I :fht a l y ala nod RICD 1111TO1 IND VELVET CARPETS DU RUGS, EIiI3IIOII3ENED /MISS LACE CI.IItTAINS, Son and Elegant Patterns of &miens, Bide & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands; Choice Styles Notting Curtains. • MTABLAND at COLIJIIB. •_ Next bevies to IN: 7 cl:tg, l o.lUT and Post Vmce, Second floor, sere W. J. 1nt118....W. C. A. et. so sue. MYERS, HOPPER & (lEtneimstnar• to U.• 11. Bolger.) . No. 45 Smithfield St.,. klanufacintets oral/eiders-in all kinds of sicEuv - rincnsum Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Seta, OFFICE AND SCHOOL. FURNITURE, Together with a full assortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture • ConstantlT on band and (or sale at the' cvviveiest CIE/Ash I.x-i.epOssr‘ veto., iN ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. All who served three years are coiltled_to $lOO bounty; those serving two Vein. 111,10.1 or who were discharged by revert of wounds, or their heirs. 2hree wilontha „Extra POI/ Is due Woluat vet ()dicers 1n the orrrice Hsieh dl, and discharged, mustered oat, or rceigutd since April 9, MS. PhNistiONS.—Permanently disabled are entitled So Old: 1,20 or OAS, according to decree of disabil.. ity. W. J. d Hai L rATTEIt...4)2i. attosveys, 11'1Qrant v.....i. NEMI roo J. c. Burtoic U . W. HU/ JC. BUFFIUM CO., K IllaolOCae. • C. of Bazaapartfla. Lemon and Hatay.," 119101:11.M. 12174114.1VEL1EL113 Etamp berry, strawberry end Le,=oc ttf ruler. Bo ttler, gti c lZlAl s tigrTg:tli: l != r figig;Z and.o HastatET oT., near &mond, Slur btridersPidl' ad and attlpped to 'all parts of the eonn v.v. on Nun , noting,. 1106 AND SHOES.—A TerY stoat at Ter] loweet prietl6 12. rocfaral streA.stEAUGG'erturni. =I WA WANTED. JOURNEYMEN PLASTERERS ply itt Wo,d;.• Comp'l'y -sr MAN, Of inv.l . , , ,utr , :nrot , ttirq.,,rstas hatita, to t to tutu Itik entire attention .0 attuly ant once, V 11l be :ak. ..Tt.:l./ENT O Ili.lll ' LINE with a iltizt-cla. , s lihysichin et thi l city. Vh.r:: dr uuuGt. !Sort, 101 l [hum• 47 , . 1011 with guJ4 MI I'IIYSICI &N. GAZETTE OFF WE WANTED—AGENTS—To sell by . _ El= C. `..e. stinzln.: ..r iann Inn a In ti,t. fruit Carbon 'HA. rnti .1 I,IIIIIC. not bin. 0iil• Cis . n,rittoin In day:. arc coining onel scilint it. J. atrevt. IVANTED-AGENTS-MALE AND I 1 FEMALE-10 every bun of lA extern Nam. syleanla • for the nne el encra, ••F it A Y ELL AT A b FUR," • ••TIIE MAII•EN , 11:A4E3," '• - `I.INC , JI.7iniIIOSIK Saber by lb.! month or on coominlon. r o bl!,n m p h • rates al owtd. Fur full parlirulAra. a, y pem', or a44reeu, FA IWO ,t , - 43 Flillestrect. Pitt obol A . ,N , TE I D - -AG r ENI'S — . . 0 4,400 PLR 421: 1 ,iillt i yA it e•I mnit n i l a.. 11 wilt hum, fell, atltrh, gm!, embroldm Price only 4;20, '11,1,100111, e!antl: Each, lolly arranted for rive years, and (U !lc...area. NNe -thatabove wage, ur a rumant,,loa, (rum A . 11,10 wI, a tha amount Carr he Made. ,V.hlre.s oa I. It. LUSO. No. 11'4 Grant .trrt a'ltl%harbth, l'a_ Ira advertlaumeat of the talk ,t an-I th. Went. rienang 31achlm s, ether ei.lumn.. 345T.8 • WANTED, • ootor enipin 7 to,,t, to sell inirpubleritlousthir acid r•tdid for clrrul..r alid terms. 1 rid:, Ag.nt repo , ts nave of 47 i.ople.r.f our new ••I'rle.l rout A &Ire.. .1.•1fk. , 1.1.6.N11 .t CO.. ‘166:010T 75 Third it • IVA:WED—AGENTS - 1:75 turs2oo T liTlit MON TH for Cyntlemen. and $33 to $l5 (or badlep„averyw here. to Introduce the Common Sense FalTilly Sewing . Machine, ImproVed and Pnr fecte.l. It will hem, 1(11. stltch, quilt. bled, braid, and embrol.ler beautifully—price only $2O —mak.. lug the elarTk-lock-31.1tch. and Tully warranted tor torte years. We p3y the shire rraires, or a corn—, mission. tram which twice that amount canhe ,' wade. Address or call an C. BOW Plitt .3 CU., Other No. 253 e. Nlfth 9trce".., PhllsdelphlC Pa. ALL It hero answered promp' In with circulars and term,. WANTED, • TO 'PURCHASE FOR CASH, A FIRST CL ASS RESIDENCE, Loutoil In Fol,lll, Ylftb,, El WI, Fenn or trlitll - streets: One nit , / t 03; e bundled preferred. McMASTER, GAZZAM & CO., .30.9$ Greint Street, IV a t i ,l N l: r o l :ll : r i ial l!4111E1;1?.•:81-11:1; the WAR, Cause, EE=2 Com;.tete Rx ON, LARGE ROYAL °urn vo v, , LuME of nearly SOO yazra. Illuz.traftd, .Aia,one Its.,l•Books of reference, KEY-NR rtl OF AMEHICA.N LIBEItiI, nod e..CiP , C3 FR 01 E souril. Acent,wouldidef el it in sob: for our circular I god terms before engaging ill the Yalu of other works. Addreic or 00(117 A. 1.. TA I.COT r, 1.1.111:et Strt.er. la WAATED, ACENTS APP SALESMEN In every Town, City an.l County In tlto ;11,1.11a B=E=! Everrbody out of oroployment will find 8 to L.l Ir Inter.. to Call at rio-13 Fifth St.; Tip Stairs, Or vldress 0. 301Usburg., - - - 'A f i ;:, ,, Eli 2 lr: : 4 0 - ‘ 7 v iT R IZ I :!;ED FORS NEW WOMEN CiFTI-1E WAR. By FroLNK. Moult V,authe "The Bobellton Bccord." -.cc. T10., - .1,.1.ct of tills or 1. t eollecr and present: rtnrratn, of tt:e ,ervices of the kmut, who shored'Us, p..r11.01 - 11, wsr.kl:.louglit / Ea...111150,r 1.":, vou:slur sbor.t 600 oft,ro. aiz. ILA Is 1114 with ttoel boldtraits' t. r In the rao.t pro vcd rtyl«. only Ay', subserlrllon. ...ire..a or apply 10 rtilh et,rt. rittsburitt:l: IVANT 1'2. - 1 IQ: TILE Ett. 1 it NEW tl,or pup. , r or, y r (Jr bather co, .0. of torte', petvlO: • r rrrrJou. roit anj tern if .I.olunr.l four ruotioura. ALtdrest. ,uc.obln,r Alton, J K. a K".. OS S:rcrt, FlOor,l l'lttsburuh, l'a. NEE% 'WASTE°, . 1 .i... TO ACT AS SALESMEN, Kith, ~ ,,,,..er:tly , tamvor.+lls - .•tho are I . pt ILut to vnKagi. 14 f irb (..AriAS, baslueei relations. Apply la p, ion or Aldr. AS . . . W. D—B Grant 51revt. ra _ _ A GENTS EVAN TED—Eof the Gold A 5L EIJA Nti SI SC SINES, In every Clty and County In the Union. Tne least Address A. tw:re, Al:wan:re In tie worl , . Address A. F .MIiNnQN CU., .eil Westin& ton street, Huston, Ilse,. • norust7 MERCHANT TAILORS.. HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TA UDR, Northwest Corner of Pcopi 4f4 Clair St.; Dmlnes to recant Chants to 41. od• and the pub he for the mast out Cron , : and r,speetfolls tolls. Its a share of their future fotrontf.e: tie Wool pleased to have them examln, his . Largo and Larch'fly t3clected Stock Fine WoOlet: Goods 1 tulaptkd 4 , 1 lENTLtilErtz iIIAR 1O! 1111 ItINIEB, eell Or.; ARGE STOCK OF lEVCI• SIJIFT'S AND OVERCOATS, or Lll4 latest fitylea !Le Win benlon, l'o* 'eture, by t. GRAY & LOGAN, .No. 47 . St. Clair Street. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. W. H. DIPGEE P No. 10 St. Clair Street, Would the attention of lotyerN to lils stock of Goods. which has been selected with great core, aud coutalos OIL the latent styles of Goods to tot found 10. first-c: an houee. 11,111.1wantlur a • - SUIT OF CLOTHEA MADE Ti' ORDEG." Nfill please tall ;nil examitic our good , sod Fflufs• Aloe nil and complete stock of FGENfkiiittEt titiODS. • W.M. IL ItIeGEE, MILECIIANT TAILOR, urn. so St. Cher Wert. Pittsburgh. - PITTSBURGH CUTLERY ICCIIII.. re-N Y.—We . nave onitand tOe Oueat Mock of • . . POCKET CUTLERY 11= Hollow Ground Razors =1 3717 M ., CZ 141 31 - N73112\T,; A get.: rlttaborgh Cutler? Comps .Y. :tbs. 67 and 69 Fifth Street. DISPATCH it 611.1)1 ND.) OFFICE OF CONMUELLE OF ALLLQIIENO CO. , Crt - rcannon. Nov. 12th. 18Ed.f - NOTICE TO CONTRACEOII.9. +, bested propossic, will he received at this critiesi until I9lh inst.. inclusive. lor /211 , •11apping: the Cler and one Abutment. of the new Iron Bridge over Chanters Creek, al Manetteld. Buds to he atit4o aq .13 touch a perch-. BI direction of the County Commissioner.. ... nolanierT - LASIBEIIT. Controilae. NEW LARD. A lot of kettle rendered choice Lard. 111 Green arrive for sale by CHMILIVI ItALBLZT, S VEl* VETIAN Oo BBi i" - ' e end tet• 'RED; ""I'" LI a az:- octl whetuTrinNiats E Wooa ty 41'; ' 4 49 , •Zi 4 , • • • Mall3=E MEE HOW Ed. 3:n. Liberty 'treat: