The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 15, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Ree?(SE. Co.,
CP. Be N• 12112. iStroc.t.
F. B. PENNIMAN, xd „ or „
JONlAlllil NG
.H ELSON P. SEED, EFtslctesio 31susgent.,
Biagio Copley
Delivered 1./ cerrler. rper.ireelel ....... cents
Pall Bu bscl lbent, (pai7e4)
Liberal reduction to ..tieiraboys and Agcats
.'ile y;ttOlit.gli 6nrW.
t PROF. 131,yr id cooking thcorkically in
• ANOTIIERDEAD MAN has been found,
and another murder attempted, in Chicago.
.AMJVEMEIiT t headed by Mayor MAT'
man, has been inaugurated in New York,
to establish a free hospital for niic poor of
all classes in Atlanta, Ga.
A DRTROIT police sergeant, Daniel W.
Pales, has been arraigned in that city for
the murder, in the moith of August, of a
colored man named Thorn Douglas.„
THZ Dyspeptic and Rheumatics,are the
titles of two base ball clubs, coniposed of
artists and engravers in New York.... In a
late match game Disnepsta . got .ahead of
lIEFRY written a letter call
ing for merciful Means of transportation of
cattle from the West to New York. Simi
lar demands might t he made' on behalf of
"humans" transported On certain
THE boiler of the steam tug Knicker
boeker exploded on Monday,while the-yes
set lay at her pier, NO.l 132 North River,
NeW York. Two men were somewhat in
jured, and the boat was torn to fragments:
.31cVlcuEn & .13fuvuxs, of the Chicago
Theatre, announce that they will immedi- -
ately tear away the partition between the
white and colored portions of their anal.
once. When the theatres do this and the
Chicago Times advocate negro suffrage,
what wont-happen?.
' TIE trial trip of the fast United States
, aloof) of war Madawasha; commenced on
`1 Friday last, and she will return at the be
ginning of next week. She carries seven- 1
• teen guns, is 2,135 tons burden, new Incas
itirement. She was built at the navy-yard,
.and launched in the summer'of 1865.
, Tau AILTESLU.: WELL at the stock yards ;
in Chicago has reached water, and the
pure,icrystal liquid is flowing at the rate of
sixty thousand gallons every twenty-four
hours. This is not enough, and they, are
going to keep boring till they get one hun
dred and fourteen thousand • gallons per
day. •
more, in view . of- the recent • sickness in
that city, produced by eating diseased I
oysters, have ordered an inspection of all
the hivalverf offered in the market. We
cannot help thinking that we should like'
to be "taster" for the beard of itisprlction.
ON theOth instant; the nt.w patents will
, be Issued in plate of the old-style, - which
were much larger, and;therefore, more ex
pensive to the Patent Office, from the
greater quantity of parchment used. An
other important and economical change to
- he made is that of iwinting the snectilca
lions, instead of having them written, as
heretofore; by copyists.
ON SATURDAY the sixty-first anniversary
of the Piety York County Medical Society
was celebrated at the College of Surgeons.
The following bill of fare for a light slip
per before going to bed, was practically in
dorsed by the two Mindred and seventy
physicians present:.
Oysters, fried; bonedturkey, with gel
lee; chicken salad, French style; beef
tongue, smoked; garnished; boiled West:.
phalen ham; Philadelphia chicken; tame.
ducks and geese, roast;, corned beef, Amer
ican style; lobster salad; sandwiches; plain
celery; merengue of apple;a la Parisiemae;
vanilla and strawberry ice cream; white
and claret wine Punch; fruits; coffee.,
A CALI. has been is.ued for a Conven-.
Lion of the Superintendents of the Common
Schools of the State of 'Pennsylvania to
meet in Harrisburg on the 4th of Decem
ber. Important changes in the School law
will be proposed for the consideration of
the Convention,,providing for an increase of
the minimum length of the annual sellout
term ; the establishment of uniformity of
text book In each county ; the support of
- "county institutes" by public appropria
tions ; the abolishment of "provisional cer
titleates';" the creation of district superio
tendencies ;" the increase of "district in
stitutes," and the enlargement of the num
ber of the branches of study requited by
law. •
Cerreepondence of the Fitteburgh Gazette.
ilinniemmo, November 14, 10,
The quid Ilene/ are sorely exercised upon
the subject of the incoming administration.
'I he amount of guessing which this subject
has developed, would do credit to Connecti.
cut, and is totally at variance with the stolid
ity of Pennsylvania's- character. One day
these "legrned pigs" have Coenran, of York
smutty, as the coming. man for Secretary of
. •
State, F. Carroll Brewster for Attorney Gen
eral, Frank Jordan for Adiutant General.
Next day conies anew deal of- the cards, and
Purvianco, of Allegheny, Is the Attorney Gen
eral, Johnson, of Crawford county, is the Sec
retary of State and some hero the Adlutant.
Again, Slifer and - Meredith are to retain their
positionti,,,or, If Slifer goes out, Jordan, of Bed.
•ford, goes in, and so on, until ordinary heads
:like-that of your correspondent, ache like
onto lir. Traemlow's, and I havens much .11f
'11cultyas that very amiable nobody, and from
the name prolific cause. Oh! that political
. trickery and Mr. Veneertng were safely ut the
Devil with all their Tribe. -
I am Ia constant dread that it will ho dis
covered that this "great State of Pcnnsyl
• ,axiMe is going to utter destruction (Knape
It "the hopes of mankina") unless "Haw keye?
can be - Induced to emerge from his den, aud,
yielding himself up a sacrifice to appease the
political furies, acdopt the portfolio of State! :
My friend* endeavor to reassure me. but !
el read is great nevertheless. I may enamel
Tho leeches hero are making desperate
efforts to perpetuate their fading power by !
surrounding Geary with a cordon of the
'Wag. "It won't do. One thing -and It is the
only thing now known of the future minibus.
UAL:on—is sure; the, State tor the next three
ye ars Wilt, be governed by a num who. will
either eleobile the character of Pennsylvania
or break his political neck in the attempt, soul
he will do this with the full knowledge that
tile firmly organize:tin/scanty of the clog will
try to kill him if ho makes war on it. Geary,
however, has an num/cleanable fondue.. for
a scrimmage,' and you-may expect a bitter•
fight within tea next year from the 15th of
January proximo:
The Senatorial contest scorns to enjoy a lull.
I cannot discover line strength for Grow.For
hey, or Malmo. Yet, it may be that the thus
41.3rbolts are lying round loose la crumbing pro.
• Inslon, and. that when these Legislative isrf'
proceed to gather them, land hell the came)
that we shall all be astonished at their power.
I shall Ihnow. .
• We are lm hourly dread of hearing that the
foundations or civil Liberty have given way, -
'and the 'bulwarks of the btate gone under.
For why.l They have elected two negrees to
the Legislature in hiassitchusettv t Now comes
the test. Within a brief period Ignorance,
wipe, infidelity corruption, squalor, and all
Mnner - VA evils- roust come on that hide
bound commonwealth, or the Demearegy
must hand_over the mantle of Elijah Seward,
gag., and shut up chop. The future Is big with
Imager, but 5-1 V) bonds remain exusperetingly
By the Merehantr tistioea Telegraph Co. I
From Olt Clty.
tippets! to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
I •
OIL Curi o Nov. I}.
Weather cloady.. River sliteen inches. 011
market dull..
__F RA NKLIN, Nov. 14.—Sher at 011 City Sour
teen' Inches and tailing. Weather cloudy.
iuver a t twelve inehas. Weather
i,--ti BidSiteb-4---___‘)-4-
• ,
T''',... , ,
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.? - 1.
Von Con .nny
New 110.4 at Joseph s.
. BOOLB ISMS 14101.,'
Good :It the Opera /louse
Yon Cnn lin'y
11.4 Per, cent. Alcohol at .Tosin?l, F'tat•lt• a
liopts nutl lilooo.
(heap nt the Opcnt House Shoe Store. !.
• 110011,1 .111.111 SilflPm.
Itch In ilte city. Gitrilner'..l.j.eru limy..., Shoo
Store. '
Boout 011(1 Nil nem
Warranted at Oat,tenant Opera House aline
Geed Couch. Candy enn be obtained at 112
Oral Sr reet, Allegheny City. Gre..ll“vt:N.
Hoot. and Sboe...
Sow aleek pat rerelveil at the celebrated
opera lion,. Shoe Store. •
• Boot. and Snow.
• •
of tub most Improved aisles itmtlot l ,t mat edit
urVm Opera House Shoo Store.
hoots nod Shoes
Itlcitod gratis, eqnal to two month, wear
what an item. opera house Shoe Store.
Bouts nod Shoes
Repaired free if they do not prove saftifae
ton, at I he Opera House Shoe store.
Ton Can Buy
Foreign Liquors of all kinds at .109oph S:
Finch's Distillery, So. 139, 179, PYI and 195 First.
street, Pittsburgh.
Lovers of good pertamery will find. it a
pletmure to examine and matzo their selec
tions from such a stock •as can bo found at
:ileClarran & 31clieutiart's dreg store. Their
assortments has el . tvays been considered the
• best lu the city, but. at pr6ent far liupasses
any previous ,11;plity. The fittest French, Eng
lish and American goods can be found there
in prolusion, eoneiatingof Extracts, Pomades,
flair Oik, Colognes, neaps, Powders, Cosmet.
des, &c. The trade of lb!, -house is so great
ant! the stock so well managed, that gnash dr,
not rental!, en hand a sntlielent length or time
for them to loose any of their excellence or m
the !east. deteriorate. •
The . ttneen and the Quebec Sufferers—
Mr. !Leh:lll's apeeen—Fatal Cotasteu
-I)4o—Napoleon's Health—Alllance ef
Russia and Yrtp.sta—lftte "/Inte." ou
the alluation—The tauten of attain
',ll.tsited—Etupteso Carlotta .lutprovimr
—Allecutiona by tne r. pe—Accollltt of
the Attempt to Assassinate the I:utpe
.ror of Aussela—Commerehd.
• Now Yens. Novcruberli.—The steamer l'cr
sia brings IA rerpool date, to the Id Inst., rook
Queenstown to the tth lust.
I.argettuberiptions were making in 4lnalf
of the Sufferers by the Quebec tire.
The Queen has placed St. Jatnem
.the disposal of her relative, King i:eorg.: nf
Mr. Seymour Fitzgerald,- formerly,
Secret re of Er111.,11 Foreign Arntin., t/a,,m
-cepted tine Govertioribip of Itoulony.
an active ruPgation IrOna Liverpool to Texas
Mr. Bright made another Importar t epeech
to Dutain oo the Vd.. •
• Tle reported illee.a.3. dr Lord Clarcerlou
done .1. Ile wee in ho ly, enjoyleg perfect
Tmen t3 - -flve persons lad perished in a col
lier, by,un explosion, near Neweam,t.f...
Al legitimate en”ouragernent Inis horn nil:
dull promised the del,. :ration In belmil of
the Nitarti.guit railroad en terpris e
A Parts tll:,pateh says: :I. Iterthetinev has
been nominated AitibasBader at WitAiluAteu.
Tip Paris corrwpontlent of the Loudon
27.1- ri , epal "The Emperor's health has im
proved mmshierablv."
The Paris /Was/. says TllO alliabee betweeit
Russia and Prussia do Ito OCCOITIOIIIiIIOIa
luto with reference, to a. special oh: jest, e ntered
ect, and m'itancipation of events already de.
,termined upon
TOO Pream algegays : If Russia, in execu
tion of her pins, slionid meet with any ol,ma•
cle from the Turks, Prussia will range herself
on her side. if any, foreign intervention
phould • thwagt the ork of assimilation,
Sort) ern tiernany• is already prepared for
then' sorption' of the minor States south of
the Mon, Prussia can rely on the armed
operation. of • Busse,. it elm polnel Out the
community of Interests between Prussia and
litissla In toe work of uenatlobulizing
The londoli neer, In an article linitcattag
change of the government policy. makes
light of the. fate of Censfantnople and the
Ottoman Empire altogether, while, on tut,
contrary, attaching lm penance to the destic
ies of Egypt sufficiently great to warrant the
mcrlnce of the last shilling and the last sol
dier of England. - .
There was an Increasing unpopUlarity
against the'Queen of Spain among her sub
jests: Site was re , ently hissed at a .theatre.
It was rumored that the government contnio
plated a coup deb , lal.
Baron's natty into, the cabinet has et renath
sued the AUntriall Intim: , of conciliation to
wards Hungary. •
The cholera has nearly ceased at Perth.
An Imperial manifesto orders the Prussian
military and naval forces raised to their full
strength by recruiting throughout the whole
empire, and taking four from every thoustihd
of the ale populaton.
Intelli m gence from '
Camila hits been mainly
anticipated by the Cable dispatches. Three
thousand insurgents, who had taken refuge
la the cares of bletitioni, were drowned by the
run in of the tides.
News troll. Brazil, represent thet'hopcz, on
the part of Paraguay, had made proposals f o r
Peace, which were rejected by the Allies,
when the battle of Curapatty was TOught, and
the Allies met with a serious , defeat. •
The Empress Carlotta is improving.
The Pope tins distributed to the Cardinals
two allocutions delivered by Ills 'fellness, In
conalStory, held on the lot. In the tint the
Popo deplores the persecutions at the Church
by the Italian government;.the • pnppreeaton of
the mita/nes orden; the secularizatton of the
Ecclesiastical property, and the law of civil
marriage, he declares to be null and ' , rapt and
repeats the censures of the Chinch against
their authors. • Neverthele4s, Ills Holme s .,
declares that he accords hialienediction to
Italy. • : ,
- Therein further pretests against the inva
sion and usurpation 01 tile pontifical Kevin, s
and against the project .f making Items the
capital of the new Meadow. He states that
the terupOral. power Is Indispeustble to the
independence of the spiritual bower, and de
clams that he ,IS ready even to follirr heath
for ;Ile maietenalice of the sacred tights of
the Holy See, and, If noca , sary, to melt In an ,
Other country tile requisite security for the
hotter exercise of his apostolic ministry, .
Finally, 1:IA Holiness prays that Italy mar
repent of the evils welch ate has brought
on the Church.
In the second allocation his Holiness states
I that the I: IIYSIBII GOVereelent . has violated
the concordat° of ISig, and recalls the perse
cutions exercised against the Arch Bishop of
the suppression of the diocese, of
11P-hops of their legitimate Jurisdiction; the
abolition of religious eiders Yti Poland; all
acts tending to the destruction of Catholicism
in Russia. His Hollins, concludes by taming
op a prayer that the Czar (may put an end tel
the petsectitious of Catholics In the Russian
clout:tile:is. •
Tile Vienna jounials contain the following lie ;
count of the atteinpt theilfe of the Emper
or of 4oCtrllL : nisi the evening of the •N't a or
°etcher, the Emperor Francis Joseph visited
tht , C7.ell Theatre et riague, where he was Iv.-
cetreit with the National Anthem. .ills MU
jOedy Wit1.11,1.1....1 the performance for ithialt an
non,' and on leaving tile theatre, Just no the
Et/tumor had catered his carriage, the Eng ,
WU Captain, Ilugh I'. F. Palmer, who was
Itresent In the crowd, observed a Ulan raining
right nand. with A pistol in I I, mid poititlng
it at 11.0 Carting, Captain Palmer had
really, heforeine Einnerorea mu not, Mrservtd
the man In company with tilot her and
thought that he had seen Something like is pis
tol In Zile hand, anion entised him to watch
Min closely. Wilts, the pistol was punurd at
tile carriage,. Captain Palmer distinctly no
ticed it •Jeing cocked, Ina
er there web any perellSbiOn ca p en. AL the
moment he observed tilde, nu three hi.. left
ATM LiTOlll3ll the neck of the man, and wile his
light belted the hand that hell the pistol
pushing It downwarde, and then it scenic.] to
Inn that the man dropped the pistol lute the
side pocket of rile puletot. At MIA moment
the Imperial carriage drove away, main which Palmer drugged the wi.n1,14. 0 ,y,
gin a, roes the street and handed him over to
the pillce.
LIVW/POOL, November. 13.—The stock of cot
ton id port is 663,000, bales, of which . 200,00 are
Awe - loan. Flour quiet at late rutee. Wheat
In Il rifted demand; Winter lied and South
ern, L 2.9,147134 4EI per cwt. linElon Corn about
ed easier than on Tuesday last, Mixed Amerl-
Can, 33.5a11s 3d, Ilea, lower. Pork, lower.
ilacon,•prices fond downwatd. bird, Awed
can, a.:41,55*.
Military 'Stores at Moutroai—Aceldent
oa the Beantharneas Canal. _
elossarat, November 14.—A letrge quantal
•ot military stores aro continuing to arrive
bete, among watch le n nembar 01 Armstrong
A so r ions aecldent hai occurred to leek
7 on Ilia Beturdiarneaa Canal, and net-1011On
f 1A iiktiy to he interrupted tor severe,/ dive.
_ _ _
. .
Special Di-pun-II to the Pit tAurgli thtrect , . . iIIINMII . I And Pratsein—Englitotl I m nellot , 4 , l ,
Cuiv 1-,,, No, Noyeinher 11, 1.4,6. : to %utile the Alethatthatt ..) Nr ., l ,l 27 . 0 ...
Never npoo tlt i., Co, I lottlif, brill alarm-' i gll'elt."A'—;ll,er"..."l4.l". A llimabontill In'
bled 0 1:1111r 010311 11101.0 itoportnot to the tog- ; she Chit.. Stent—Clov. Eyre Ito be Itidlict
4, Ruo,tott Army—
ricoli ornl world thidi that which commenced 1 LI „ r ,.. ". .2 1 2,7 1 ,:::, 1 ; ft 0,,t,t4,d by the•
it: ,e,10:. 110r0 to-ility. It.. Is comprued Of . 't urk It.
Hot wooil grow ers of our country, end every i Now lona, Nov. 14.--1 ejseCial to Ilio Rens:el
'''"" '"'"g'"l R. '''. Ott, '" M .sheep revery'
dated Berlin, Tuesday, N „ veMber 13th, says:
!tnn it, repro:root:oh - ea In the essetnhly, end It Is pOsitively as:int - led that negotlattons are
i t i b it e i , ' , l .:', ' , l i i' s 'ratk ' " 0111 lit ' l '''''''''' r "I ' Inneh ' going on for an offensive and . defenalve MU.
xnee bet wren ItutiAitt and rrusdilt.
.1 Inotig the tlelegatei It e eltsel t e Edu 121 und ,
LoNeuti, Ativember 13.—The Eaglis"i govern.
licorge Hammond; Victor Wr.ight, Col. utow
teaut and people seem (She Indicted to settle
oil, W. A. casott, 1:. IL Clay, 11. N. Monger, ,4 tee Alabama dolma, i ,
s. deiii , iiiii is iiiii ,i i , ~,,
Vermont; nom II; 11. Pottele, ." t. wile '' , the United ;States governmeut to.that elreet.
and others; Ell Mellott, i'resident of Dm WI , - .
, rtne shower of meteors lint not yet fallen.
ernoillt agricultanD Seelet); A. Is. Garland, : i s ~,,,,,,,p t,., t s ,L,,
George Mt:Comte!), lion. A. It. Slet'iiiinell, S. D. ] morning. lilac*. on Weilnebdity
"'".'"".. a ‘ f 11""M';
G°'l' '' ' ' W.-I''
tirler, Jos. Worcester, IL A. peck, Don], Treat, 41, ~t . . t0 !...._. •
to- on? proceed 4 to Liver
1. Porte Ates,ender, W. Willinue,, wild inhere. Imo!.
of Ohio; Dr. 4', J. LeMoyne, ,I.tinei :hoenin, 1. ;
McDonald I ilenn, ( en. Harry White, end Win. 'iii,,, i.,,,,..,,,,, L , di.s,thied and ~ , ii- e
"'Mon total'
her passengers at Arttrolsan,lCentluntl.
1),,,, g the ar,,,,,0,,,, ~,,,i i... v,ung. Inealonn :
, L , 1 .6 1 Nr r v . t . .. ,_:1, .\ , i , r ;.,,, l i i. :, - , - 1 . , 1 , , i , ,0 ,,,, 15 . 1i ‘ t h it,_ , 1 , 1:1 ,, 1 tc rt u 1t. ,N;
there was a urge and Increased attendance.
i Lilts on the China seas to prev ent t piracy.
The lion. IZolicrt. liiiintßolnery, of 011h1, pr., , Lotthon. Nov. 13.—The datltaieri. Coututitteo
Sided, administering I tic, oilich ?if prtbdtlent ; hits onminnously resolved to iiniict Covarrtor
with thgally and ithilit - . The member, pi c , -Ii here for mud der. 1 . .. . • .
N: IJ Ti, . statement
eat were earnest men, oml One onghty awake, : tp,,t, 11, I,ru,,,,ien artily was to be increased
to the - interests they reprerented, end fully 11 by it levy is unfounded.
Lot, nes, Nov. 13, —Ilispatehei from th e East
P uliti ° ° lit nna t" n " 0 " ,1 I' ' ''' • th " l'°'°' ' ' '; announee that the Turkiith,Governinent hies
urea neceiii•iirY :i i serene the ilidhr , " , 'C'''''' I ot - dered ii general amnesty to be
gra n
to those Intcresta. I the twiurgents of Calltlin.
Eloqiielit , and pertinent addlrses were f i i . L' i _ i '! ii ',"j';,... , . , r ;fi i N i ' l , i.i i ,,, ,7;; ., ! , ;;T . 1 , 1 , e..1. 1- 1 , 1 , 1 1',' ,. ; 1 , - ! i o ; "..i:
..We by several of the i i"li s irntec• The te nor . Cl..bees. In hie speech on that
t itt le' 1,,,
of all the remit: hi was that the sole obi, et 'of . ,n. , 1 he was convinced that i,, l i te t hruerir until,'
the convention Otis to Itottnqrsate ft - v....n0:0n', , ,L , i r o , ri ,, r i e , has' neiluria • int • • I ytt pope
on the part of all interested, to •ceure the pi,- :
, Nov. l'ho I.:ertnen tnr-Atlan tic
5,,,i , ,, of the Cala' hill postponed by the Senate ompany's steamship Si. Sdllrent IL/United
at the last - „ ,ion of Cone oral. The necesPity , 4“- ili t i ' s ' . ` „, " :„ u s n A,,. l & r i ` , " . ' " l', lo is il l' si lT,r' iii , ii, „ iii , iiii ,
fo this was urge.' with notch ability, and !or-'
: does penti - ing lad neen the ll'nited States anti
tilled with ,troU. ,I t i t v.,.rious argunien Flniter, Treat:olln ..1 - CO., hove Onon amicably
A Coltman - Le, cons 3.; log Or Ope front i a mb i ci y -f t v . il a i s ie „. ei , :i i %is:r i ll ,, , ii , r a c I;i l e i i i i•• la i , i , i Li o i t c u li ,, n r l o p n i
o r e l,
, i i r o , s;
tßate.reprenenled, was apl,lolothil ! . lo draft i ~..,,(',..,,,,
~,,,,, ,,,„1.
, ..
reimltitions: and reported strong;} 111 favor Of 1 , LON DON, Novo, her 13..—in 'pito of thelnitity
"'” 9 r't e"i'm a"'
I " I"g4
l'°ll. ' "'ter
c d o e n " t ' il i t ' e . „ r l ' u m p ' r r :v . it A i I " . rtf u t
.1 -' l ' e ' l ' l ' „ ' n ' t ' i ' l l'''' t ‘ l ' it3 °
which the Coul , entinti attpoirtled Ili Meet tin i , ~,.,-‘,,, pre into, io, till ~ ,,n01,,,,f00
fuo that froi_
'fiturtulay morning': , 1,1 tunics into Die all 'w Ith u sovereign
est ablishinunt iti the s l , tliterralleall Me 0, and
. . • 14 , 1nr.Inters (Olt nalloll lognly
: Inert la, advantages
I 4:0.7,,,,,tt1n0rt.r, St/Venal/o.rl3.—Cholera has
01 the Continuntse ag.att out to MI, city.,
r.l'elftl.--The Amu ; -
I i,,EupooL, Noveit,r 13.—Tho cotton tear
."... In V".".""
r o "
' ..
r lon in doll tool dthoOlnat; nuildllog Upland.
the 'Trial—Neutesteed to Death,
„ are 1 - 451111 int at 11';‘1. Inn bale, today arum:n(-
1'0.0,m, Nore,toller ll.—The COllll reallnlell I e ,i to 0,,i, ,1,/,,, n„1,.„ . ,
its .11111M - 33/1 , tnothiodt 1 /o 1 Lluft• •th sll e , I IllsNcti-acit.n, Novetillterl3.—T.lni IllikVkct Mr
Julia Wilsnit pre,ialtig. Tim ~b ora ha v 1 ,, ,L. , i It ‘ , 0,- , ,tn,i 1 arils is heavy and lowei.
called over the Jury panel'. Ills Lordsitli , .I 1• : 1.,,m,,, Novembey :O.—Col:sill:1 duel e , l
1,01,1111 e 1.1 iskillitr, llnotel Whelno, in o Ott.e 1 at a.t.,14 it, money. 'lnc 1 ollon iog a, the v.tac
case Mr. 31vlienxte elialhoißed the itrray bt i p e,,,,,, ~, ~,,,,,./..,„ t.„,,,,,,,,,,„ : ,. : 1.. .....
.Itl - 701 - 13 , ettelday, 10 be Oro:1,11f 111. • .Font e-Intoittea, ~.., Illoio al:tom - al, ,ml.„ L.rie,
Mr. McKenzie.-1 would osl, you: Lord,hip • ti
to allOtr tile a few 111111111, priVate - .011 , 1111ft 1 1.1 , ..nr00L, N overniwe .“. I.i /:tenm i i.—Tao
11,111 ,nllll the 1 111 - , a ll t , bel"th: th.t• lint' 1, ' . '111.,11.1111 Market 1. ?Inner. thno nal rd.
, r.oleed to':?. per .4 , 1 pout, ra lor N.x ed li t .1,
11:, 1....r.1.1/ip—ll 011,1,1 11 1.0 11.1 . 10 , 5 f 1.1 1, 1101 ~u. 'l'h t• loovltoon uotACE 1, dull. Vrtonr•
,!.. 0 . ~.,..,,,ta , n.,.. lolled through
...;41- 0:1' , u n , 1,1, 100 : T1 at is. :.I 4 lc. c 1 tor lb;it s in.d.
Jectlon, .
, i LoNnoi., Noveuiner I i—Pieni,..,.-1„,, inot i ..y
51r. llcEchrie i I i egi et to Itear 71.111 . Loth. . ~,,L,.,
~, ~,,,,,„. ,„,.... ~.„ „,,,, 0 .. ~.,,...„
alllti expre.s - ,t0tr....1: -0; I !ot, ohtor, ~ g,..101 1, 1',.1.....k1.t 0 i, , m‘,...y,,,,,,,,,., ..,.1 .., 1,,, n ,
you cicl.L thr ',Nevi ity, tool though , you aj , „,..,,,..,, ~.,... ~.
:wad gly,the saint, .%tilinugli Ito sivty rtee ,
these 'oltieetions n 4 II:lr'oll, with ell 0.. r rt. .
. . .. ,
, P e et to Your , d , !tdoff, lum refiVineed ill turn , ?Owlets of tine Army of 'I enite•se. , -
that the challmige ‘1,.. vvell 10011 , 1,1.. , :Iron soh et. Cinel.statt--31 enlibex, Prev
)li:. Mt:lien:de lifter I,tivihin t • h.nlhni wrli , ent - ;)rein
Ills clield, read and pot in an i , CL I. VII H a ute..
s.:iNcinNs ri. Nov 1 i -The society of thes,ll
- the prb,oner, C. ti.he I , rt i: lit le - nth me , m 3. „, i t ,„„ e ,,,, e , „ e „ ~,„,,, „, ro oer itt ,
.. ,, tlot , mud , fic
t het Chlalenge 1 e4lerili,. I dent (1,0 ling*, when eller ' , Liver by Rec.
In sr Melt he tu ~,... .... 04.511 The panel; In tie' ~ `II, ll'Curty, Lolonei Dayton, the SecretarY,
et eatof r 0111,1.4 lo elin•11 le , Jury Into 1,0 10 i in,l the pr oc eedings tittle Orellitiloary I,lPet
greet 111. 0 1 hie up,: the Alloine 1:1,0,,,,L1 , log at 1101, 40., Sonic Carolina, ou Apr,l itib,
of roper Caimila, to - show why Dd'f, c '' , f , '"'. 1-•;.1, , iii al , , ef S nah4conent nwetinu, w lileit
`lmola no , . lio Pol , t-tCOt 5 , else to put lir ,' the
,f, w , I e edodit (I. l'lm t oust:onion define! tho
, ' , • , I,(a la lice. meeting to he to pi °set vo their
Ilan. .1. IL Cameron, on the part lit 1,. .. ; k oolt) ,Lrol I 01 , 110,1 feeling* that di..t nigiii,,ll
- .I.n l i . that tills ' a cu IL. , ,th, ;e 4 .ml tile 0111,,,ri of the Army of the Tealle. , ,,e,
In the atildar A bi , b 01 . 10 ~, < l, .u , ~,e,i . i Alla eolltriVol.,o 01 hugely to the nuec.,* elute
C 00,50..
. airlii 2 , and Wm, to rector°, att. thin traderual M
ild LC041141,1 44-1 a 1.,: I 140 lily 0 plalield a. an. . •
. +vet ion to act, ot 10 - otherly love 10 010,0! :LO
gr, MeK..i,jo, til L on eivirne,t that an the'pris- saeletV, or their lain 1 1 10,, .110 may he In need
Oriel' NV,tl3 On 1 li'n, he ,IWO LI 1,..5 'tried hy .J. , )' : ca 2, isapdpy or aid. [lint 011, ofilecr of the
deentimink ii.l/1141. 7 7 .I:iny of Tenne4,155,1,1* has served Manua hly
, Tice limi. Mr. Cameron ohj , tried on the ,
t ,,, ,, ,,, to oe , tri,e „ ,li lb. and all
.1 .
iLround that the prinoner had /are ily Octolid . „,,ner ..,,,,e,, can become liohorary member,
to the indictment. , I lie. :• . ne'ety I* to hold an annual iennioo.,
iii, 1,4 . 1 ' 00 ' -1 1 hill: ' l ' o P r '''. 4 'r ''''`'°•'. h. eery otliCer I. 0/Cheetah: to he prenent at eacq
not be enc.:lulled Iron, that rho 111; lia. a 10,-
~ , ICU 100 n, Or A...IL:It:Si a /eller 10 the Secretar,
ceps he Otww ll ttl, all into,,"il to th , ', -1,, , - . , “ , in ":,,,,,,,,e,,,i11, ntich Mein 11.1 , 011 t 10111.1 lal
summon 114P/rye:en, ,i.r. cit. zees of too 1. i11i . ,.1 , 103 , . 11 , pdart , llha; to [B
e l rater
and .
Staten. . lia laol lon, u. net ais Blknap and Imeard,
Mr. Me - Kenzie-As 1, hi", may • alte. ioine tifile ~ ~,,, ~..,,,,,,m . ~,,,,, a ,, , , ~,,,,,
lint fneke dohi' , , +Met * 0111, di l
it. th lu , 5 ' 1 **ere appeal
0 c. 510111 11.talo to helninale 0111-
fruit, 1 hare agreed to 0 111 O . ill'.. , igl . :I.r. , vo _ f ,, tor ~,, ~.,,,,i,,,,, y e n,. ,
lie live dialed that he required the to eion- i At the I moient of colonel I eekliati., the see
e, COLO . :I,M as a itnel*. ,
4 retiey 4 , iiLif that the enamor of Mileers wno
fl l* LOrilllll 11 , - , :eeireft film to he sent for. tn,,,,,, than 1, „. frgitieve ,, lo.cloy 1 ,,,, , „,„ 0 , 0 , „ or.
Mr ; Me..' " the °P'ne'l, th e C. , ", e fo r ~,the Croon In i tired unit thirty; that the number at Chu hint
a 5.011 address an. Caalledocalan 2aaadraal I,' a4:110 1 banquet ass lab li emir. d and fifty, all of
being swore, null that the' prisoner made the I t„,.,,,,,,,, ,ver„, nonio, to c,or.erete with the so
following statement., ta. Colborne: Ile Said !
CletV, 0101 he 11011 110 aOULt that. I.lloro wen.
an ' tenenr '•in J " .k '' en five' hundred who would become acting mem-
State of New York; that lie lived it portion 01 t ;
his time 41 Canada: that he left, for Cleveland ,hers., Generals. Force, Weed and Mien A. smith
three years ago, tad left there for its an were appointed us it Committee to probont*
the 30111 of Slay to go to Deland to 111,...ate
her; that he
coo ., over
„rah_ several
other , In , aundolinent, to the constitutton ami n tortu by..
lawn, after which the society adjouficeil till !
Canada In canal boats; wan wounded at Lino: ! 1,,,,,, ‘ „,,,,,, v. n.
Ridge. Ile mild they retreated at Mine /Mtg. i :.,,,,e,t... 1 lid 1 is finely decorated fOr 1
because the °dicer ICI 00111 111110,1 hail given . , 1 . 1,,, 0, , ,, 1 ,1,n, Acrosi. Ihe stage Is the I
wrong order; he said there wt.. LOC'. loc. en " I motto : e For Liod, our Country, 111111
gored at Ridgeway ender command df Cel ' ' the Right," while stretching from the ceiling
O'Neil. lie State I that the Et:ninon wtoe 111th. I to., dour ere romv „, ~, ~,,, h o 1 1 1,,,. pull
A ll
gent to retire in c005 ,, p, , ,c0 111 - rhi ionic' lii o ; 1141041 in bi . the Artily of the fennel.... All
from our Doom , . • . , - I
, around Me Mill are sautnborleal Raga, I 1101 lid
. Robert Bless Lviiell, swore-- kui . prinoner m• Ink tiny ,a 11,11 old regimental colors berm ,
Jell outer ~.enten', e 0 1 11001 If; 51 y , 1... . ,'' In action. The Minim 01 of the afternoon
LOoliellie, acatecl ous employed ltlrinei,y- meeting wan rolifl 11.1 Inailliy to reading lei.
in the :ditty, halt lattei ly in the COII,III , iclal ter. , floor ronvor, who mold no t b e pr e ,,,,, , I
th c " ; " ,.. "l hek i - , k , ""r ; " ;;,, " , ' , 1 ,!, ' ,, 1i , ' „, ' „ ' , ' ,!,, h , e" Including tho*,, from G rant, .Sherinan, Ilan- j
I ".'
- invent
''-- lore
'-' —"' .-•-"''''` "cock, liuward, Me:iii, Sheridan, a s and
"" u"
bPee'""Y ''l'thY''' ' 001 ht C ' " ' mum, After amt. dinctrision as to the too- I
Mt In Me beginning of 011 11 , •; Wns 101,15 terr„,.
„, , pliely or allot It Mg private mold fere to Inelli-
the Lth"'"the '-'"'.''' 1 0110 10 "-pet Ito '''''' ohip a coinedt Leo was abbOinted to report
Joon, MeDerinot, Cl Illattelvllle, rho held th e
oiethe subject to-murrow. The meeting then
position ot Aclinallt, Getirral of the Fenian
adjourne , l.:.Lomlght at it 11111,1 IC 11 - teeth., held 1
tlrotherhood for tin* Slate of Kentucky. Ile It m oro „--, , ,,, , uooeirt , .
I ' LVe t tl o ; r Z.o l'' e l' or armed ieto a u t ' t f i a l l ' t ‘ i ' in l e l l e i ' l ' l ' d P i= 1
e e l I I ,'",. ( e o r :: 1 , „ 8 3 1 , w 7 ",..„. 0 h , , 0 " , ; ., i t oo h l °: , o , ' , 1 : 0 , 1 : ' I
i il e: L' , l t • l 4,' l n ; , ' , ` 3 i ' ',! i
Chine over Ina military capacity. I euw Me. eelved,
ved, which eliesed the Ilay's ploceoillngs
pilsener le Juno Mat when Ito said he wanted
to get back on the American side; do not
!rime* whether the prisoner 12 El Fenian or
t htestro "rinses' . anti the New York
not. .Eour of the leentoeratla Feely-Tito
Several raft:llivite as to CharaCier .010 then , •IVIDeld."
Dia M. 311, Meßmizic briefly adoresied the NEW Your., November 11,-The recent article
jury on behalf of the 'nine:ter, engine that in I.lm Mile logo notes Contelullig lho futut 0
was 1,0E1,00 elver here When uncle: the le.- of the Dilitinerittle party, excites general COM
finance of drink, consequently he wan not re. 1 meat.
sponsitile for the act.-,,'rho Wor/d thin morning counsel* the South.
I 1 LA LOH/dap having charged tho ~ ury ern•Stat es 10 offer emelt tort or antalneradltialot
th°7 rellre'l at 1 weeir miuutes to to 0 . Al, of their own. It 011001 We believe that lifetime
five minutes to two o'cloek, the j 1117 ietitrned Way out la the prevent difficulty' in by the
with the verdict or guilty. The lion. J. U.'l spell 1.011 , 00Un iltlinil at the South Itself when
Cameron thee moved for nortence. J 1 r. Me- the .litalthern iltatCS hove all rejected the
Renile mortal nn arrent, er i ad g.,,, t on the 4 itinendillelit, Ito they curt:May w'lll, and have
5 ., 4110e , (the. " “, In the ruin of the Queen ve• Diet ehy demonstrated that they are mastered
the situation so far no that is concerned, We
. ,
tits Lot - 04111p then auldre*ned Um prisoner, weal hey will,by some method ofjonit action,
whe ittiVing eothieg to 0.1 , rhy lla. a.hadenre anoke a 4,11111 ter Kopoeilion, referring to the
Almelo nut ho pee-el, ordered mat he be hair:- recent elections und the votes of large Matti
.] on Cho 13th of December. Thu prisoner re- hole of naturalized citizens.
Ceiyed the 042a(r.r. wathand 10.14 dcaating/ Din The fines urges Ibe leaders of the RepublL
milhilteSt e4letion and elnlied Wall I.lVidelit ill- ChM 41arly 111 Conylder liie henring of the Ito
41 Ifferellee Id the pa 6,0,1 hilt, pa4med by the last Legbilittere, and nen If tetnal
'rho trattliof .John 440 inn tulle 0.11 proceed- 'per..., .0.0,1 01/011 Order
no better no*
cil with. t .
I cured by ovine medium course. The hill mak*
John Quinn. late of Rocimnter, and formerly ing I.4bitual di unkennent a sellieletit. educe
11l the South, Will thialiy placed In the ,loch. for 41, , ,C0 11101 1 , P.5.11,1 the Vermont . Legit! a
lit* counceSprodoced 00 affidavit ...mpg that that Lyn 10 11, with an amendment requiring
MI It itt he liOstlietted, in eider to uldnieThe tha the alrailikelance. mu tat, h. of two yams
evidence of tut u rn 1 1 011/Olt wilitea.i. . derill.l6ll plcVloo, 1.0 lle II 11,1 ing 01 MO 'Wel
Ills Lordship raid* the affidavit not su lll
'll„l,e,'„,avrtiu„,'.".),l,4',..?,,',.:en.Were examir.o.l. The fur;, , ______,...._
Amnia. ileetioir of (h., Maryland, Bap- .
after al Alltart ( 21 / 1 ion, returned a verdict list Colon ak.v.riallon.
o f efl.,n ty ., li lt , v ,,, „on ,e n t„ n „, l to irt - ," it•Lrfurom, November 11.*-Tho ,thirty-first
liohli.riin rho lilt of December. • animal nien.ting of the Mary - lentil-Milder Union
As.*adation eounnenced hero today, the Rue.
The Accident on lime Itoffsitt nod Erie ''' IV, Will'"""'
' Can
II 1.3,,7c.,l;elt;:inile'rl7l7-illi7 i f e ol ' l l oWll . l4 ilti• , 0 l
I t
AI. lll.U:"l.ll,lli4llll:7.l7..hd"h.,ltilrri7l:l7onlr'lr, e,t:''''lleernt:'.l.7'r
di t iOn al Th 1 111,1 1 42, 4 44 al21:0 recel.44l of the rat I- the p a room: of reorganizing U. L+ovielt) , w hit h
rOad tlnlistcr neer Lrhe llic I I connisted ha hot held a meet,. gni It wUn eoi/t-
of four bagenee aml ex rn ens. Ot, ..e.,,4 ~,,,, --'
I 1, . tate •l ' • i ' co . l ' ' t • •
live lirnt el,* match,. Mill, nal„ mint of '"'''." • . • ” I " , ' 1 '"
" it 'V t' l il. I °"'
Wesley illo the trate rat, °tribe track limne. ''''''.".'"'"ne‘
1 ''''" Mler''
I'lr , illifilet , of tile truchuten having a raft uo. ..
The car were badly *lnic,hed. roar 11.1,,,,,,.. ' ..1.1 id Rolm (101 l of the Hall/morel Umbria.
I norm were, killed a n d forty-ehe inroml, Zone' gift,. I
*, no iimi,,, heing 1, 1 Wien. bin's,. Or like
15 :,; :, , , , , .; „ .,n i . , 1 : 4 0 r t0 1ii , - , T ol l: u e n, T o lle N e , ti r lll ; 1
7:0111101 , 1 retooled 1 11101 Jetirlit,Vi Alma! Ca el, 1 ,
1.,,,,,,,inni,..7 10 Eel , tee loll?, .lag 111 42 1 10/ ,
1.10 entire .1 , 11 V," rel,inti,d for ditty for t he ..,.,
I name , of the killed. - 11,alliele I a r , , ,",,, ,I c,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,, I
m...,,...1 1
I t u b e f r on t Iowa; Dr. William yi. 0, .... 01 I:i. La, ;mein*, I and his...mien dinates, A rI,V tUIVI, i
' bridge, .ohandago fount), ,:'...., Yotk; T. c. 1 * , 1,1,11. Ni /0)., idaeon lare halialag II 1 1.1 by., j
/flint, and a boy lour years or ,04, ,r,,, '” .. Mrs. o l l fr i to‘o , ol,... it 14 now believed that the i
i „. 11 , ,, .1 . nit ,, , , 0f 0 3 f 1 I , l l , ,, , ,, 'ltti l lt u tit;; re, T , lLUl , o , ll „ l l .l.t , i , Tl.3 ir t o l o)ii , .
, 1 1, 1 , 1 .,I I 1 : 1 1 ,, , ,, :: : 1 ,0 1 ,, ,: t e it :: : :11 , 11 , 1 ,, O c r
h t ,
i i li.
york. heart very Imily inje red; J,,,,,,, mi*simiern an stem an they eau sidj es t. en Ids
ti l a u n r .7%lVlT‘l ' L r ed (' b lu r L e r i l i e n7;:';: , [.:l , t ti ,, i i n,.?i• L r ik t ' .;: b l " ):i; l l , e , I t t:j, " ; , u irt,.,0,.0,1,,,i, I
~, n
I l ir ills?
.., t - i , ::
, e ' :? , l o r e i! , ..l l l l, ;:a i r f... i lv g '. I , * o Ut..
. 1
, t , iiit_ I i , t r ,i:o h ge ., ii n .5 u , ,, ,, 1 ,,, .1
t i „ .
~ , , ,
~ ,
s. ,
1( , „ , , b
1 , .-.laOV. Al le.e.alr 11.., 11 0-
/idly crushed, but eintbitlt,rtil t, 1101 100 , 1 °lie SiE 111,1 .:1n a TbankSgiVing lay.
g line '' ,,. 'efwg Stun elimns the 51 tnnoada ta,g
-i the head and lirtli/ti MI 1,.. 11 1,...t,L1
o t t l w d r ,, k e . .. , ..,.
__-.......--------'- p.lature eleet 12.4 loalOws • ...Cu 25 Itadleal.4o
d a brooch 01,4411- h Coneeyativ..,. IL • • .
I order
Ne c>,!:e d to ev t7s k o r rre•ldenl. „,, , ,„, 1 ,,,, 5.. ..,, 2 ,,,,,. ip u „,,, 0 , d5, ,, von.
New 10131 i, Nov. roat'., special onyx 7
General ()rant Jute revoked orders No. 3 and it, : order to New York. 1
which he leAtted for the purpfew , oi.Proteetlea New Vona, Nov. 11,—W. Raw.) and George
the Union of 00 South, by the In listary Weigler quarrellial on Friday nliont
power. The riiyotnitinn mode upon I" di.- awl - , wirer) tile latter killed the form[. r. with a
ground that thelgreshlent'. order eubve- the I„. l ii
fluently is,tied, 1110 order , ben. , al and overdid
he wower,
()rant tell) Intl trlend4 that, he believe, in held to awn
- t. the ,ietiol,l of the I , , , rand Jury,
w'ho was
the neeekiiity for such orders, but sobtults to,
/ill, superior, who tutakns the responslhllll.7. 'Death of !tee.. Dr. Jenkn. •
Bozos, Nov end...r 11.—liev. 1)r. &ink',
4 , anmlft.lonern tinkled. cty
Saw Yong, NOventher 14 —The . eteauishlp (way, 0,
Austruliablan lor Lrtiereo 1• graduated nt /liinvaril college b., 170, mid Of
japong . her parenngers • are the Canadian , Fraduatlnkr elm., the Hon. Doraee Blaney,
caailaisslOners. of lailnanlPtila, m Gag only survivor. _
Whorenbouto of Fenton Stephen. 4-40011
Samssrizono.—cot ton Crop.
Nlttv Ye sn, Nov. 14 —There is much specula
the whereahouts or.7awaa Stuttlich.t,
C. 0. 1. IL Some bedeve him to have sailed
for Ireland, tvlitle others tlet-ieeti hitil to boo-
11 111 to the city..
Representatives of the Independent Order
of Good SamarltsusalliinalighleiS of tinuinxia
met ii bill city tllt, evenin Organize
Gram] Lodge CI t State Yorlc, nn.lor
thoju rt....diction Of the lt.ttht W4.rthy National
tit,thl Lodge , el North Atherles.
Thu sethin, Alahahl,
col 11:13 brut cal shot i t •ie 'frost
11,11 y one-Slab, which .letinete.l irom
till. luwe,t • mrlie - ~umetivo: week,.
since. WV lil•litiVe rhiv is illa,plyto alt:hC
nation region north. of this. The ptelctog Las bee. and CO:Ai:Me:I It lie remltka
blsgeod, wlile ll wtll enable the pi/inters 10
get Iu 'heir Crop,: early. Us look iOr• the re
etlitts Stillof'in Drcentiwr higher' pi 1-
. 00s 10 rule. -
I:frorto for Jell; A>•in . itelrosr—l.otter
from - Go - v. Bu m Mirey
• It' ssitt,o-rox, 1111Iyer and
LIMIT, Ml,Litoppi etentittissiett, treday .
intliett nhert the Pre:4 , 11,111,y ill et tells appolat
tilent having yesterday tent to hon the rest/.
(orlon at the Legtslatet o of that stale In rela
tion In JeII. DAVIs. bee lirtetentall to
11,I!, trout hlee. Mellott tty, who say", arrtuag
Other things, that those wheat Ile pre
lis 110 t seek to screen Mr.
Davis trout trials that his Itoprisenutent In nut
necessary to secure tits pt estoiet, "hell destrea
for total; that his I:Ont./Lai 111,nm:oration
thretoutts fugal re , oiltt Jo nl, lotit1111; that the
ends dijo,,lit, will be rt . to - lo,t wire:tutu;
Olin to 11,01 tliey severally
usle. The II , A2 1 1:11V:Ite, 0121:111 iS 115,h1110 that
there will Ire no troht,le.
Thu i're,Wieht reetuve.l the cornthe..iohur,
' . onrLeon.lY, uub then.) that be
WM/high, to Om apithemeut coultdera
Tenneveen tropic—Genera: 4naoiax and
Gen. Aloud. Lana Tazelller—O nat. Jell:
V. Davin' Itenlat.
Lorl , ty Novernl4r --I. It. Lewis, Com
mlynamer of lii., 1 011111, , , Fret elfornOn Hu.
nw, reports tile rotton croft one-hall the nv
erotf ~ ; tob.teno, o;vor full et , p alb! quality en
perntr; corn, nearly the average; wheat Iron
than aveinge; oats, 11111 tir r roue. To,
cutup Tenne,to; lunch, bettor that;
1 :eilv111.1 Tleenqs the ex Confe.lonato
qiele . rai HOW! th 11.2,1 24,;(11101 . to4lay ut 111,
/.0111 , 1tift11,1,1.
I , tiVl , that he uns
eel,ulted, in to I:11t ul.lll.Ley ur
-1,./.:1114 tic ob,equleb et
OX-I_ol.l,lvrillt` Certt•l:ll /1.1.115t/11.
I . .ogltlierjvNlo .trace—Stevent. the
,Pon•lipmkn,AL, avo mile race
5..t11.r. II ill hail Vs rh.
~ ,u lted lil a v.Lory tot the I a 144: r
CITY AND SUB if ftliktg
The Wrotia Man In Inn. atl I,t 1 . 14r0.—.1
!Man Arr....n.11 for one. “IliallUngt!` r iand
Unman I:1111.y nt Anott.e.r.
We blmort LI Tro,ritry rerrtring'n pap, firra
Crtncer rt.ctir Wt Intlepericlurit yo.
on Uri, trattlt t , f rr. Lain Wile, t "kb
tor.l 11l ht, pr : or,e, .16r, roe., 'et• the
cut from the crf Mr
T 7, mo:ail, tr; N4rs irr Olt,: ally:
(It: Trr,rlrty, ortirtrr ilutot emir .t iliVt,tl..
gait: U. • :11, t,r,
,•••rripcl:• t,• t • 01771.
Ion: to t!le train
1 - .ttot .let , r It, [alp
!o• -t:trtrol again
. -i. : to Door l'tetik,„
.......,c.1 , ,. , 1 , 1 urn
~...., 1 .t1L1,, , 1v./.. , ~,...
...,,., ~ z. ..., ..1,•i;.1.,' 1,,,. 1., , ,,,,, 1,,,
1,u1.. of Mr. 1..., 1-eo:••• te••• , -; W'l ' h ,, t 1.,11.1
i,. I, i .•*•••...,.1.., ~.,, ~.• •,,,. It , ... , i 1rw1...... - .•
01l It,- ;. ,- ,.., , r, ll 1'13,, 111:111' ! , I' i •tr.ltt , . 01-
•ttr, :old tone-, lononntoot , -nne 41:t,0,,
"Well tie ~ I 1. • 11t1 ILI i 11, ' ll l- .1 1 ., IVO 11, 11,/
1 ,111 1 .'h to ',L. 111' 111.11111:.i. I ~.....• ,c,, ~k
en, Ott R. e, 1.,., .t. ,'1 Ltiat Frr ,
riltil, El 1:•
: 1 !:11.: 11 .., 1:1U/i0 . 1., /II 1, 1 l A It,: . ,11 , 1 I,o{o 411-awla
, I ,
I, A. 1:05,6.1.. hut] tolote 11 . !Ole to vnt ton
pltrtlei 11l IN fll l lll Al . . tenni. Lod 1 , ...118.4,1
1,11. 1...11):01,118.11.11 , .• 118, , . .01,11...t.pre,, , ,..
a,l, Mr. ILIA - 14 11.1gerton, o Tntentatn, in
tene pt,ot oon I ne) eon - o, tr , v.n,.: • 1011 tile
por:ket-letol: I,l llt.tillil, 111,111 1, 111{0 . .Irlying to
111, 1 1 11:..., bet V.+ . 4 • 11 L.: , 11 . 111,1,1.111 utiti t'bo.
,Intrilslnog Oritlge 1...t•1ie,t0k.1i..14 1,4,11 ii...Cer
-1111:.<, 1, w.t,rl.lln t f ttet:lntl Mr. Illgerunt with
non., InAllt,, tool rile tilt' pocket-I,lok retli. ,
~ .111.11;;,, , ,, p,,,1a..i llr/ tilt: .1l1:R., /11 , 1 hal re
estnett p0, , e.,!0n of It an.: tln• 11.11/"Is 1.1,.....1
.Ilse.Witco! IVlhnet Itrotntllt Din] lororeAt.
tlerinnn 01 rtti II nntl'peelerre.l :.char..te Of tone
,truettet. Inrceny nnton,
t aut. ,r
j„ ~,,,i, „1
i ,., , ,,,,, till e 1, ., pri-on, ~, 1 - 0•31.11111.' 1, It
Ite..rtnit on WeAtto,day tied.
r t , Troln, no, tddreland !/ , 'roil Ited
vti. logtowltte coot , :'milli the teal
ftlitOevltleitt ttlrteolyllpotteo trie‘traph
'l`.tll acebleili Milo,
often: loot Webb I; in the Ill!ei The tram
tl tl! I:./td ;till!
trete, sett 11,. leo:;144e tool
Wa• a OH le oelorie time, to 111,1,- itic.ll it
vois rinintea ai the rate of (only :Idle.,ur hollr,
out,. down genie. .11 the vont of the neeblent
orlimen sac'r'd engaged In repairing the
Intel., Intl littd (shell Out tiro They
we'd have known, or If they dttl not tiler
~d,e,ttld hare knOwn, :list the [min seas fine tit
that time, but no sunt• to wain the
I.llllloaCltlng train 01 the danger. mit: I It bits
eettllng t !mud., lug antlind a curer,
only n 0,14 fibtu where the laths Mei tutu
lc moved, when a man resliel up the track,
ing Mg his Inst. The en
4 ineer tils
engine. the brakes 00re durtl and
evt 1 . 5 thing dolt" tO cheek the needlorte:t.l ~,,, cl.
Of the Llano. li tt It Iva, It, late. The •rain •
reitelltsi the fit ol spot, line plionted into the
tint Mid I. Or lie tee and nee .
Iret Oi the a orkmen. eel till own wn an embankment .1111111 ten or (lilt ill'.
seism of the Cats IMO Irto.:tnettt,,
told (,Mani:tlieto up Olio rotdood ,
1 . 11.2 wet net a - rre
the most 'Wined, lett ills .I.llole
(11 , 1111 , W Its , tl mi.i.ced. 11r. l i'nl': o e .ei-ine,
I the ,erne at !Ono u. leri tele. TIP , pa
ecl.g,r. %I.rejationed in the deer:sof the 0; 01.-
M1:111:1 :Ile lei Or tile wolidded woo
Were lash-1151i 1.1 by the ILIPL broken
I cars were as int to near. ill 1111: eer,
In W/Itell 111. :errata Wad there trete
lour k Wed outright, all.! le.:illy on lu oho ear
more Or
The Eric Dispatch of yesterday speaks its (al
-1011.0 tal the occident: The Cull' es whlell led to
['tette:rodent welt, 1110. to of the groOlion Rnd
niottt criminal corele,itiess on Ile: port ot
irorku every one of ICnoni, 1111,1 dy the
boss of the gong-,!.held!! lie libibittsl (Or ma,
t ibr. There is no ex.'s° for hem. They
icntoe the train to he title, and ditl not 1st:«
',recitation Co semi bock a
i t II stop it. or
resort to, an" , inintibi prev ; ent tho terrible
accident winch it' tthilt• have been evidelit
would happen.
Wlnta -. with it, icy opportunities h. vowing
On With a rapid mardb, unit will hoot; he here
1 . 110 (WI 'POW, et Ile vigeroTis reign. There
is no earthly reason why that reign__Fliould
not be out, of the inn.? uulnulted pleasure to
es all: The Ica air tit Daeuother el Ili go au ex
hileratlon Into the blood, that Inn higher iii.
Jovinent -than any .sunner heats eon Itring.
What method tic putting MI. joy lola Action
04,1,0111intrn wan .tihrtiillit l All our rhuiterii
k 01W tilt glory of unit tun w hit
our . pargs and on the live:, tie wash to tel
those who do nut knew, lent to reilithil theta
who have forgotten, that t let L.ost
lot of skates tO hit met doh In n dup a travel,
is to he libtaineil at the stui a of ,1a0,,, ti tan
No. - 1118 Wooit :greet. It r. liown has five
t houpand pairs of the moat illiigUlhOtint
makes, to he sold uholesalu and retail at roil,
stumble price+. lye invite attention to Ws ad,
Ye ',Omuta In another column,
Alt Old awl fintimnbie liewirted.
One by one our old valued elluomi uro quit
ting this shore of the river for the other. One
by one their familiar tares ditut.i.enr and the
plave.4 that lineir them Once
Anwh., old esiuouned our city
departed OA, life yei.leraliy, Ivnvwga fill ite
11.10 dreot, 4 circle et trientls to inoUrti
Hugh eurnplull,n or county
pi.... 1,11 lititoun.lrolniol,
ea . ...1i1y, al. roAtlonc.., Nu .17 ibuo....ti
In Ow Eighth aft., i.
(luting which ho etitlorm.l onich7lifun 1111
teruvot...l form of ilocriou.l 1110
mr hy all xlu. knew hint. The lino: of ICe
u 11l he unioutoc...l hot ..utter.
Cherszed "Itln Nintki renca Moo
ney •keer. s , witioe. store On tho corner of
:11 , rkes. tool Fifth atreel 4, mot Joseph Terry
is 1111 elota. 31r. meow, has auspeeted Illy
ylerkla hanesty end distribistsatiaonse twat:sal
Dumpy 111110116 his Irientle to eqnsusi at, the
,tare. Yesterday tits eash remount
dlths't tlllll the :narked snoney was
nut all Inrthernning. Therefor° Mr.' Mooney
1111.1 " s , ngainst Isis :suspected elerk
ler larceny helm' Akterinan Stra a
in, nti the
nenustai wits held for a hearing. •
Wont...Vl Itolll.—..oorgo StoMO.t re
std., oo Loyd •Ircet, nut! lit tittitt tt it., prem.
iritte, varloti, ttlostl,llott t , wttlt,tt bU hitt,
Itorti wortiett trot Mutt tit tititt• Itt rettittytt.
Ito utterly refit,. , l Ito 1)0111 till itt4titici
Itutul eslttr.l.l, tilt 1,1. Ltoititelt-tttotr
pt.ftttlt•ti VV4; charge, It blot Itttfortt
lorttots. ttir ttl , trititillll4 the Ititttlat,V.
'rite Ityttt.litol ;1,0
It.l-11 cltttr p..
Dltobodet -Feed Ilan .4. •• 11,”/111 311.zi--
thiLh - lecht In," to :I. rotA., Mow W. 1.-
pvr. nn. l)' , .lhninr lho tht.rk or the ~tatni-h
Ml,lt, C11,1,(1.11 I,llllre Ablertanin htorrha.
with the larcoov znonny Irma the rthllt
of the trine, ho T acchAhl nun ~.Lrnstotl anti
bold for uheartng.
0 ". •
I --L,l
'lnquest In the (•n s e. of , John Grlnnsze.
John G rip nage, whose accidental shooting
of ht nsulf on Tuesday morning we reported
Yesterday, died at tat (•plot eight o'clock on
Tue,lay evening. tit-. reznains were retnovtll
to hie I.o.trdlng hon.e, near De,atur siregt,
yesterday Inorning • and doting the atilernonn
Coroner Clawson held an inquest in ilk, Ca..
Mr. J. M. Kennedy Was Hie Ii r+t wititensl),
:mined and ce,dillml that llefiecupiwl 10.00-
lideco eh °pot pectins of the .::into building
oeunpiediii Tociality morn
ing Cirinnage ea.,: river to the shop, with hie
little girl. nod sang :nut reviewed lessomi with
her until school time. lie eat,: into Mr. lie,
nedy',, shop mid Mr. It. returned with him to
his own room and the ileceaved appeared in
the very beet tf spirits. At length Mr. Davis,
Icolored man living In the upper portion .of
liunding i catne tido lirfunagida ,hop and
saMfown, :did Mr. Kennelly Weill into hie OWIL
portion of tic 'building. A fe \iv moment, au ter
wank he heard the report the itistni itol till
running into the barter i.hop tikeovered the
”itting in MA orth chair ulth lIIs
head toroa 0 hack, find the plitol on the floor
beside hint. Too deceased, far n w
kinde, had no difficulty with any porno!,
Ito Iva:, al ways of is genial tili,p,i,atton and
very cheerful.
, Jeremiah nielth, swot nt—Atll a member of
.1 the .ling hotly Police; oti the memo./ lu
I1::lil “:14 stalallaa O PO' " ,I '' Mr. G l,lll / 1 1 i0 . 'S
shsp; alti 001 liar the report of the plaint, hut
saw people Iowa! ds the „hop; %eat
I over supposing there was a light, 150111 ill 21110
1101111 d ilereit,ll t1I11111.; ill 111:1011Hk U011114;411
the pistol la, by the right side of the chat,.
I under the right baud Id lhe deceased; pp ...
1111010111011 1010.1 1111 0'
Shell of an OSlllO, v l
caul rhiat. In Elie breech; as I wont lit I heard
31 r Grin:sago ce SsVt'ral tlures, • •lielp me.”
I t . ll. Dar!., I nobiredY sworn—Live In :he
upper p •rtion of the battling occupied by de- on Tut.illav !periling I 114c111. ;lowa Into
1114 Shop amt sat Luau by tine salve, and Mr,
Ketillulty was in the shop (totting up with Mr.
Griming., pretty soon Mr. Kennedy wont out
tea Mr, flruinage came and sat ihnion by me;
he has Lis 'lngot If/ his 111111.1 :ow let me take
It to exam:tie It; it WaS 1101 ioadea. had 11C
coal,1 sli 1 mu the curt ridge in his bawl: I
have often seri the decease.' with the pistol,
and litive Itt, ' .1 With title at a target; we 1
talked a little while about what execution the
pbecil would do, anil then 1 went up to my
hrealibist; lew ultti Ines afterwards I beard
the report tit the pbdol, and 110; appri•ntice
boy netted out I but John hail shot himself In
the car I Inn liIIWIL :And 100.1 the decease I
iltiseritei..; I spoke to hito but he made no
littswer; the doctor, nen. Immediately slOll
101' and callls; 1 dont Ole k he had tiny troutile
in,, he. uilud, and wies stiwit3 s cheerful; have
known shier
.llnvander iii, illtl . stenrn—Wan
brolner-usdaw sold apprentsco to olneettred.
tin SlJ , v , s‘S' leJahJl.n . . tilll NtOVO
Itilllo.t ,;01.p. I.til'' a tt llOtituv gron't on. .tr Mr. Davlm I.(ft, , Me. lirinnatto. , ets
hhavintsr piaylng a Ith Id+ loot It in
hie and knit sts,tsott it Ithout
helot Dal, ..ftnn sena bon
ohtv. with the ot.ool- that way I havn told
hint not to bn no ear-les-I.lth it. All of a told.
.It 1 nuar.l the pintol un oil' Intl he dro land
It out tit illy band. I jumped up and (mold
that IseJsa.l nhot. Istsnself. 1 called Mr. Duvis
ttiu,L.woot .tor Dr. Thorn. .
Dr. TLILLIIIII4 MILI/011, nworn—lVav called in
tuts usttl u. u . chniii, e.—
; terildy morning. Found the wounded alitlt . 011
IL Stat,e, IlLe0I),11)1”, With IA email opening , in
Ilk nimll over the right ear. ./itch , oht bescMD
probed theitund to Vie. depth or three
incl., The hull Matt. taken a Menet. course
hortepnt ally Elm bruin. mul Dime Were
; portion ot the brain.ooslim out or the bulle t. hole. Loniintoreil the Ciotti and
en Dirt her eillinlization. Such a wound might
mice ILvt . ll
Tim Jury, at tar lblll,lM 11l on the evidence
adduced. dechlet that toe demia-ed cant,, to
13 41out It hr heal, accident nliy AIM throuch
thedrale,.~yhundied ip the
,binds or t Ini
A 11..tnrtIfy Outragv
t-at 11101-3.
lon, the 1 . 11 - lio,l 1) ; •rni, that I,
to ciiir 4 . :1.y, thqnlwll , ll the IIIO,C p Ottlpt:
Al o! irtilough actlon nil tho p,rt of t tie author
it me, .''
on Treesilay night, at a late hour, 3lrs. Con
nor, et .iTIOSae, woman, recently arrived lu this
country, arrived In the city ore the emigrant
train from the etpit, accompanied by her two
little children and her brothel, a lad of about
thirteen }rare. tlllu wee.; On her wi.Y to YOungs
town, near whiten place her hiesbeind l ( John
'Connor, a coal digger, is at warty, tin aacing
cent tar lice and Mr chtliiren to join hlm.
Connorremained at the ea:Want depot until
tem morning, when elle procureit tickets for
herself auil eliMiren Youngstowth am/
got her baggage checked to the ranee
place. 'fee. tickets and checks she
placed to it Ilene !mini satchel, w hich also
contained her it hook, with all leer mon
ey_ film then Anent wee le theelielile en. beta con
gVe until vex o'clock, pi the Irwin Ilou.e, on
latterly iitzeetatielitrocargtl tonic lerlatlefteat,
01 . es herb taw pull ,rot odilacerk-her pocket
hook in is r sdecied, after a leech else etarte •
iiir the. Lein,, Itopot. ite , ht iias lona. gtl tan by
two nem aml before iinu had proceeded many
et theme In trout Of her and
celled her •citeliel, demanding to lehow what
odic had li, it, Thy trighteerettl icemanende e . e.
est to rt.:lease that hag lr tan tile grasp, litee he
tee ht. her by lire ,truss, which he tore ceie. e bi.
erably, at d wrenched the reached Slow ham,
atter ukelele the two men little Olr well their
honey. The poor woman commenced to call
tor ite•sentipice and u e wed. Immediately start
ed In pursuit of the cowardly thieve., but did
not overtake, Mime. °Meer Fox, Chief of the
depot police, proMptly took every measure
demanded to Illy ease, atit CO far 110 elan to the
pee 'agnate!, of robbery Iron been obtained.
'The tatehel, da we have hutted, contained
Nes. Counter's ileketa and checks, licAldes all
her money—.ineethitig over sixty. dollars, eu
that ohm aas lett literally penniless. nom°.
kind gentleman—We estle.ll we coal,' have learn
-1,1 his acme—pe oinired cal:Pre lelettts her the Un
to/taunt,' heallitel, mu' yesterday atternerise
she 'darted li, phi her husband who hi em
ployed at Mew ere' coal hank, le, Inureilina
county, Ohio, near 1. Otellereitm, n. 'fag money
emiiNisteil to Ilse 410 bill, lour V! bells Mill en,
mai of Mil. dram/110MM.,
e Is a perm-tn. at gang nt profe.telonai
ono o
unntigat ectattolrel.,--th leers, dewer
tt. Ito, tool totedie , —lnfeating the city, and IL
is they who now tool again, :hock and dis
grace tis With totelt outrages as
ought to le. some low lty which "very si,pt
eltstis tool deo er1011.1 , 10 persons:4e .atultl he it,
tented toot at ten th s' to. no matter whether
here were any a clllc charges atralttet him
or not. A little while of etash regime. woultl
melte It sato IN all Illiprotteted rtsortan to go
Irmo .ha lr win UU1.130 to the depot in day
Sett School 111.119411,
For it nuinher of years the limited capacity
of the Seventh ward Selt s ool Manse 'hie been
it source of annoyance to the residents of that
ward, rho..c children being pupils In the In
stitution were so crowded together: ti to Ina
terieLly intertere with their stlldieS 011,1 wa,t,
rihlly illj arc their health. To retnedy this de
feet the lk,ard of School Itire,itors - litive a site
for a tel edifice ell the corner Cl GrAnvllle
and Enoch streets, In wri , . they Intend to
creel a structure that wilt vie itt beauty and
etnnfort with any inf.tltultun for educational
purposes fit the two Cit. , . Toe drawinge and
specification; for the nese building urn * ln
comae 01 iireparallon liy all Wilt, al clittecl,'und.
I'm foundation of LI, iittilaing Is time hen,
con.tructee. The Itt!I tenuth of the he tiding
win 1,11 One 111111.1 n, nod si . xty feet, nine inert.
en. 'rho it,itu or ittlt tltrik wit oe four
stories high, not lIICIIILIIiig 1110 Ilit40:1111.11I. 0111.'-
11M( or widen is abet e er•einil, on neoinot of
the grade. The metal Ii or the wing,i 1, fifty feet
nine Inches each. The inatn or evli ire portion
of tho budding projects faro . feet ..t, the front
and twenty test 11l the tear of lb , • build tig,
Utah lug Ito Wl•tile ,kplll snrenty•tive t .et,
ulno ladles. In this, the central port on,
inert, will he two entrances, both In front nil
ri ur, unit lif e hall+ unit Slatrieityn to e
On each el ti,, three flours will lie *000(1
coinruotlintot nehool zoom+, waking twenty
ono to nll-1/10,,belleVe, than there 13 1U
1111," Other of our large school Inllld lots. On the
fourth story wlll he a I.t.rge and elegant hall
for oxighltletta, ,c c. It will he ,eventy..ono
!cut ulite t'y no ty,tl feet 11111,,
aiol its height, f rorn Iloor b , eeilleg, eighteen
vet. 'rho height of the other 1.101 . 0, will he
follio), Tile tire: fourteen feet, and the
:..ceetol tool third feet.
.ill the rotor, will be supplied with lilt Inc.
tionitute and convenienee;, anti with
wash mkt clothes clo,e.t. That portion of
theinclement %%Welt above aronno,wilt
vontain IL room for penile merino, t t,,, d t .
canna of the lenrd, unit 1111 ulectlnit I'oolll' 311-
'olller 1,011 Miami mein for ,04.i.t00m , of ti ' lree.
tor+, auttfour 10111113 It.r Ill,' janitor
foonliv. In front., under the eentte of the
lonldi lg, alit he two 13rce Curnare., gaol .the
otokilog will 111111 1 13113.1 by 81•1101 ntirely.
The e,ittnatec colt of tin. building In forty
thowatut and It hi expected It will he
nut up next spring. When tlnislted the Ott:
gen, may well (01 proud of It, and Iho ltn
crio.C.l good It. will 110 will well repay - the
outlay. .
iteeldeut on the Connell:41 . 111e Itallron;1
A and Irata on theConnellseillußAilroad was
thrown from the track yobterday near
vine. The engine Jumped the track and was
t brown down the- tofiltunh Meat, trlO4L Of the
train following it. One ear became detached
anti wont, loan the bank - on ifs own hook. It
Ton end lilreMeAl, aa, full bl,eoll, 11 1rVetlY to-
It dwelling that stood near the tract:.
The family la I ho• hon., wore but
kcelng ro fonitiduble An ehj, et h owling for
item, they made n,etly tool or the
tootro-11F,.1 Init of the duo,.
ho“ ever. the cur plonglio.l Into the
verth hut g ore, ,V 11.3 clacked ~vllllln
, el,O .4 tit, leer. f". , ry fort onnte:y, an
0,,,et .oe on Ihe I ruin ‘,/, 111j , 11,11. 10111 (110 toll
I,,age done au. Io 11110116111 g the trttltt t el
the t somcwhrt. The
mto , wore 1.01,10.,111,13. delayed. lAA&
alit he
l'unAlng All right to-cloy,
H . 111:Y•
F 7) 1 L) E
1 KE:MN° ADI 4 iq
t 34t
. . .
tteuerril Conference of the alethotllet , - 4 ttrtrttee ~,,„..,,,,.,
Proteeta ,ut Church, Fy II•Igl , •? - :Li, I 1i,, , ,,..., 01 :he 311 i,
act'. arrt , lt , a, 1 WIN ~,
A , eleven o'clock yeHtorday morning, Cie „,,, c„,. - ,,„., ,.... ....1 named Th, ,
Goner,d Conference o the Methodiat Proles , com 1,0, i:,...,...,.,,'.”',..',1'„':''`','1t',1°,,',1:.,',::,,
tam Church conven d in the yirst M. I'. 1111 ', 1 , 1L1 ,'',. e. N ., , 1,.:,' „ ' ,. .. , 1i' ...:,• ..loor
Church Allegheny, (I ey. V. Lucas, mvitor.) , g1',.,,,,,,,,,d
The 1 , 0 11.1, oonipm•eil of delegates, mlnl,teri- ; wi l ,"11, ~ . ... III,: Ise i 1,,,,,, ~,C,,,, i l i,‘„ L ...,'„':i
al and lay. trot" 1:, e:lty-tlve Alan ff.
iul Con- I O. lal l 1:,..1.;i:0,', , ~1.:......a lit a t I 12,y ,cpta ; ,,,,„ t
reren,, an.t 11,4 hi:, it, ...,sion, , r,adn,alii-i",' ''," "F" n "'_'''',',"`, l '''''J . ."' ' " . "'1' 1 "" 1 .
; .,,1 , ,,1n . ,.; ...,,,,,.. .1.1 a. .`l.ll , A,L111.l 11Serale, /Dr
(:apple,t /1,1 1 , 11i1112 ;um lil . , 1,1 , 17y-li,. 1, , 111, 011 teer
I d !(:apple,
took cot :t Neart,ll Is arrant, and (nand
... ;' the ,oat 0,! tla , plan, -aatea. 1 . 11,. ,idle of
, I, , thiovea were lOcked up for IL hearing.
Al i•levon o'tlovlr 11, •. : COnfurenue sulS
to order 111 ths I:‘,. V, I.ocaA. upou o
to: too llev. Jolot sroll; 11. 1),„ of spro,:ilel,
tool cdoor.o, .teria
extant, oils lOreosl itoopozsry Prrsuli,o, ltll
Itur. 111,- , srs. .1,11. Hamilton toot T. It. llrg
loon appointed totoporarl: Surreturws.
The Couferenro was then OlsOie4l (01:1,
lOUs oXrrel uv, Ur. wort loosOng a pOrtlon o
thescriptures from IluP'flrst chapter of ?II
Firslllo.llo of John. The hymn
Come Holy Spirit, !leavenly Dove.'
wal [ben song, alter which, piayer utter
ed bp Do. Scott, Imploring Dieing, auldane,
during the deti;atrathee, of tie hody.
Atter the-t current-, had het, ell:wind,
Oat President announced that t/te , pre
thou Of the eredenttals of del i e ates
la Order, npoit Which nit- :tit
lowing annual eonferenees !etude-I'th,, ere
dentials to - the set:eels, j es ,
Pittsburgh, ithut, :slew .lersev,o,teedaga„,en
esee, North It:tools -:and
front the taller couference• trtti peel
art lit the ell. to_d u e.
The roll of clolegat.., test. then tedd, an,
clerical errors cotreeted.
A motion tt att tn.ttlat I or OW atdpoitittnent .
12111/nnit t*!.. of V et t9,,,,, t t • orgAnl; t
lion• tat in . q.'nettAtti In report :it the attest'
!talon sot,lott. oto:,— . , sat
ner. Luratt, toot 'Alttott - I ;mkt, Alta Chum
?te, nnintint,tl
.Couttnit le a. o by vote in int ,r Contort....
- .
Thralpp moved that a aimoltt,
or three In, appointed to prepal e haler to
()viler. The motion ant adopted, um! by vote
of Cootereuma Ite.v• J. B. Thrapp, Lev. Dr.
Reeves and nr;,ijavd,
Thu Conference limo adjourned until Mat.
pier One o'clock, and dedobevta atter
prayer by Rev. T. B. Graloa.
AL the appolotted hour the Co3tereuce re
ap , embled end opened e Ith prayer.
The Comfit Ittee 0111iurnintalon ruported can
dldatee, Wid after vote by hailw, the fellow
lug permanent ollieerm were elected:
I . ll,ltleltt —Rev. .Julio Scott. It. I) , Pittg
burgh Conference.
secretarle,-I:ev. J. 3. Whi o, M. ; Ohio
Conftovnee, and R.,. I-;, A.'-((fle a „ of Comm
tEogoll Conte, one,
Dr. Soot t. the President olio- •
we, It: Ilte.c !D tor
of too Irestertt .IfeZhqdfst 11111.11.11 Cl
ht Sprtogileltl, !tn.' the" Pr.:sweet of
tie tirmt 3leteetl,t CBnventiee
ti Uleviti,totl. Ile le 1 q4 11 1111 .1 1,e),0111.rly
Ir. - tali:nue, and 1/1110,4 1,121,11,1 t et.
Altur tln t r.lnßuct ion of role tut . , her
Coui..roupo ,L.,,t_utruu•l to at till.
place Oil, tuornuti; u ,
%golden Death of a Womno—Sunplefou
of Fool Play.
Yesterday Coroner Claw[tm was Summoned
to bob! on Inquest on the remains of Mary My,
lan, un Irishwoman, O'bo resided . w It her
husband and children in the omter portion of
Philo Hall,-on Third street, and Tyhe died .
• sod
dimly yesterday morning. Thu deceased was
poor 0 . 01111111 about forty yeari of ago and
had been In usual health up to 1101110t111.10 dur
ing Ttlesday night, when she was token sud
denly nod violently ill , and at nine o'cloek
yesterday morning died.' From the
and ynnence tir, her take with 1
the fact tlit she WI lured urd.arinly wi t ch io
huohand,'tii,a afvlau , saspniams of fioll play .
were aroused tinning neighbor., inn' ;
COVIZIer 10110 ,111111:10Ile41:.,
At the inquest several of the neighbor, nine
matt.llllllt,i thi• — wlttiesiois, and nearly all tioti
hod that at form, perioilii the Onshand or the
ilectia,eil hail anased and . Violently maltreated
ifyi—once, ',ix week, ago, betting her
il - u ell} in Ihe nice, and pulling •iiilt largo ;
quantities or her hair. There was on ev,
,blence, however, that he had recently bad ally
itrouble with her. It seems that' luring Toe,
day night the deceased awaketnal her husband
by violent symptoms of ilb cce , vomiting and
purging excessively. The husband called in
some neighbors and sent at once for Dr. J.
Rogers. The fir. came at about two o'clock lit
Lila morning and found 1.110 wtl
alta, as he
Hinted LU t apparently tile 1,4
stages of cholera monies. being perfectly cold
lld partially nrampoil. lie rimy inico taut
she way tieyonilyeenvery, and atter [outdo,: her
on cam fortahle as po,lblo left her. Yesterdty
looming, the woman being still ahmc , t hus
band 'determined td remove her to Mercy no,-
Aceorillngly Ito id:tried with her In a
carriage, but before going tar she rap trial to
los arms,
Thwijury in thn case ruturtual Cl
cluallAfrom natural CLLII,`,
Supreme Court—Adjourumeut
COUVI:110/ .4,"”111g.
nt lottf-past nino ocloot, .ifitivo.Tholnp , on,
strong, Rend 1111.1 .5141.01 on . the howl, 'flit,
following oast, not, ili,itomtol of:
CollaltS C.
t 1.41 hy Carnahan for plaintiff In error, and
llat,itroack, contra.
Heath; 1). C. Continued Inr argu
ment ut 11111n.leIn4ini on tile NU, Welillteitiee
Or Marc), next. -
Pat.,burgh, Fort 'Wayne 22 Cb Icago Hnitrond
Cam puny VI, Ilindsi C. I', Submitted by Hamp
ton nor plaintiff to error, aunt by Murat/al, con-
Forguson's.appeal; D. r. Snlinutted by Fer
iituaon for appellant, and by belloyer unit
Brown, contra.
Tho following Jnllgtncnto were entered and
opinions delivered:
lir Szutoso, J.—ziniltli ye. Frazier etial.;,lef
terson county. Atllruied.
Fanners' Railroad Company o'. Renn, nil
Civet: and Pithyln Railroad• roinpnnyi Vi--
narnio Niunty. niannal injunction ili.nuilved.
Any J.—N.0)140 01, iirneue
county. ASlh rneil,
Crawford vs. School Ittreetor.t. of Burrell
township Wentmoreland county. Antr mod.
NteCllneuelivthe Petroleum Company vs.
M.. 1.; U. P. ..I.lllrtned on 11.11 .111111 divi.l , ln of
the court.
Court then adjourned, Ao meet ( In Phtladcl.
ph in 011 the 111.31.310111111.3. of January next.
The weather. '
The oold, cheerless Autumnal days are upon'
us, with their hoar frosts, and chill foggy
mornings, which are only . the fore-runners of
the more intense and piercing blasts of win.
ter. In our peculiar climate, tthere the at
mosphere is pregnant with bronchial disca.c,
and where there to so much danger attached
to even the slightest cold, contracted by care
lessness in failing tO warmly' clothe the body
it behooves us to prepare for the inclement
season. by providing ourselves with comfor
table and seasonable wearing apparel, such as
Shawls, shoes, high lacing ballbOrals, and
heavy wllolett country blankets, Cornet, us
wit It I heir sort ample folds 'wail° o e
rho place
to buy such articles to at the ev
auction house of I'.' it. McClelland,
Nos. :Z.. and Filth street, where 1110 largest
• 111..51 varied stock or Elaine goods nu have
teentioned are 'Constjtutly kept. Thu assort-
Mont o' furs Is I,penull y deserelog or tar:i
tal.!, ombrae,nd as It does Russian
nerlan soh., el, untsk•rat and Gum,. mid
American filch has t linte
sOods,at such lon ',tee unto put Idiom Within
time re/Wit of everybody. and camie: tile recall
dvalers to st .re Ist aulaYeinent. I I •
Pon't target• the: plotie, 55ran4 57 Fillh
etruet, under thu big sign.
toilet" Stairs District Court.
At the last session of Congress uu iset-ieut,
passed dart:Ming that two terms of the 17 m itcd
Sltatql District should be held at the city or
Erie each year, and the' mouths of Janusry
•,ud July fixed as the time-for holding such
terms. In pursnanee of this act which wlsm
approved on tile aith of Silly last, lieu, Witter,
IcCandiens will hold the first torte et it in
Court tsc-Erie, in tilltillnry next, commencing
on the grid Siontlay of the month. A centre
of Juror, hiss already hems issued, and sutler
1111.11111111:101` arrangement, arcrlbeit,.. ; to a d,
Judge Mt:Candles% trtti hose:ale: have Cite
regular terms of his court, two held in this
City, one at Williamsport, LYCOnang county.
and two at Erie.
flnkl the following challenge to Jimmy
llanslll in the CLipper
I, Walter Brown, of hereby
challenge Jautti 140.111111. Pit ( ~ , I , l lrljl/. to row
Me It three tulle Nettil race for one thOllcand
($1,00)) .lolturs, a side, antl;the Chaarrhoeslup of
America; elite . t.o come off three weeks utter
the signing of articles, over the Charles river
course, lioston...llaes. If Mr. Hamill will au
tistit the above challenge, I will allow him two
ttuudred (rMI) dollars for expenses.
Respectl ully, • •
• Wx. R. CLArts,
0, ;:t g, 7 , 5 , v :e .. . - „i nd:' , o 3 :l , li . : u i o .., :::::: :„., / 1 ::: 7 ''''''!.
I .od . h ap. ,4r go . p,..1 •
Directors Eleeted.—At a meeting of the, s ,.e „i „ r , r ,,,,, ~,I•
stockholders of the Western It‘surunee Com , ; • ' HOU' At; a•sLi V e. , . tstht sr , •
pun}, held on Ttlebdtty, the following Dime-, ues
.• , ykr.t.i.., „,: e „,". m„,,„.,.,t• • . -
turn Were chosen to servo for the ensuing sixs.i r . - - -
atonal., Alexander N LIAM:, peahen hillier, . I'o LET.—The owner (AI Ilk ,
Jr., dames M. , Aulev, Andrew Ackley, Alexan- i -.-. _, i
der Speer David M. 1 , 0.1 g. Rees d: Thomas, 1 RUSIN SS CORNEC: IN THISCI ~
J.l, it. M!Cane Churles_dA;hal:e . , dutnes P. •
ilthau,lValbauli. Evans, Johaph Kirkpatrick I.- . r t ‘ .. .: 41:: to t r nlt 'c n '' ' ',.",',.!,',^7,:, i r .... r i;e, " ! '‘t'' 5 . 1 , ,5 , ; 1 1 4 : , : , ' .
Phil 1p Reynter.
' I Illsal i lA k ,:••‘' ‘° ?! ' ll a 1.,•••-• , 4 ,1 fur.' , '
' t. ' •h♦• •• ,••7' 1 . 111 t... ., I , rhea:A. 1',..?,..
Coauptlinseustary.—The Itending 71, , ,,t up- • '.--''''. • t ' ."‘" '' . ' T IE-6i 7}'
In stn -.Merged Inrtn a , I:ty or t‘t tt atnr, • I''•E•Ci.r.SSAIIIIIES .Iro/2 TI/E
Und tho .I'..ealnd 118.1p,te la oomffilnivolg 11143 . .1.N•rt.:11..-1. or:. g .,t. 1 g•,..,:,f Nc., ,5 0VP:a.1..."'
inthll.ll,4+ thus I • -, • - •lignlst. t• talint;ont ; hltell,Ln 1 ,,,,,,,, • K.. ~ N. , . ,31 ' ‘ .i. i . l.liVA - 11,n.
13. , . rollit... un0...1v , i, ~ .m.”ISK-,,, ile,•Ilo- Pig,. ~...t F‘nc, g.-0., i.sci, g rkt.,... L. •....___,_..
tore iortim%ely c.‘pperinh.. TI •t ..e.•liin to toe El.s, 1,01 nlltr r 300 :. 1 . 11,-1.,P1r4...0f-1.3% ,, ,n1 .
i., additlou of Ille ar noill[N. to ,it,, c d, ton „, i ar . l r d A r .i r , ;(l ; o . • 113, , , i ,...:. , , ,
„ 1,- z.. . ,, , :a .,y r , c1, , , ,,, , „ ,, y . ,, ; . , , , 1 . , , , a ..
C0111....E.1,1 ate 4/I . , ,rtr pAy :ma ~,,,A,..,,, , , .re 11. In lj FPS , . rio.
dingreco to the eclat." t.,!.5..r1.1.:Pyrp: rasa-
.1 lrtg
, . .
Th.: Edition 151411161-mlll re.sch
~t.Crlberii.lollVbt. •
CoPril.r tannin)
l'lubs of
..... ..
'`a A New Nu itattle.—The Sew. I.lstnin itihlol
Buckeye S;ofe Nil', A ticyly intirciett ronple,
;In bridal cost Mlle. jet:entry tifeititeil in this
; to spend it few days of the honeymoon.
.o f r a ° ll7t i ll
itencuii. The 1.1 . 1.1 e te..wi owl torelter hair at
• I I+einit left without money. anti :Without
frititiA, .thd tiia myliiiiiithiziag inhabitants of
ma. town con trihated liherally for hot rellof,
nLott; one hittuire.l being ttounted. Slot
1 then .11....poeure mei 1: ho, 0111,0 trnnsitlre.l
" I.,tt th e coatno s hrel played Um
" I 1;:1110 nt Fteveral ether towns in the
rea, ..I:l",batt
thi.,• , nrity.
! Ly
I 5 ..r5.!r.!,e1.:..1.15,r54.a.n.11 ~,
L. 55. M
W..h.coou, ~,,15‘55., 71
No. 196 Sal iii/?:41:1 St., cor. 7th,
0. T. Z.N.
Iln:nea, stet; { , Vot,..l,l:tir..nt
rm.! ch17.21.,F
rift 73.11 Th. !atm- w,c.t.
'2:". X.T...27.2.
XV , LIE :".A kIF TN.
GirOVER. 5.
TIIE it E, , T for FAL:II:y r.r.l . .!dannf,turlr*,
•11 . .."1:111 , 11", wain
ro. is FilVe
FOR CE1E.4.1"
HAS lETT. ez CO'S.
933 Sraithiet•Ll Street
t I 011INS'1 . 0 & St 011 , •
Eire iVat 'lles, Clocks. Jeli'ell'Y
o. I t. 11,11::1 ,THEET,'
N Ew ASll ',urn° v Et) METHOD
.1 udF meat. nl n.n
wnd vdth out: halfil labor, tin.,
gu.lcost of auy oLurr
1,1,11 L, 1111 , 11,,,1', AV. II 1.. f 1 " ,11.\ A_cl,lC,;;;,
ED nil.:
,y hyn..l Kt :•.41,.y ;0:0
r , 1,4c1 - 1111,1u 1.1.111. that 'w« , 111 .:otatutt
the rumnulAttnrk,
Sheeling,S, Colton Yarns, Carpet
Chains, Canine Wick
and Hailing.
orders luny b, Hit at the UM, ol the Work..
Corner nfnuryttette Way en.: Hertel-a:ill,.
JlisT FROM 3114 EAST
fit) 51:tr6et.trixt, Pllttimrgh;Pa
v. • •
Thl, oh! ...stlrt.:Wl,4 It now In thlrtr•
arr orlb 1,1 ,Ikur,
5t31,1 the .01.41:ty, ,tl:6. w we are
Ittura.l,4,l to 01 • 1:1:1' 1•1:112E,. We
Imre t,--olv• t• 114,1111 , 1 • by nu) , :o the lAD
thAt kirp- r‘ortit
I traa..n“ ot, e•wri: of ywo.r.. Aud we feet
) Totr , ..we wb.r: you, want lu
the Uwot bit t
51,r net. •
Iw:A -.LAM
r:Qur d , inri,,,r Varrn sthcrite.-m!,,e,-flutert
rq:,'Ll'a'; :n .. t - 17: . :11 -‘ 1 . 1: ' ,. " T.:::11'u " r fix ' tc -Z U '''''.
ytnr., ut,t ~ ~ r nil c...ipt.
teat )11!gri (~.1..
. ..
1101111,11 MC .
-1.11 , ..1 - IN"
No; MEI M•iffla.
.1.1,01. •
' lA. • Lb i i . i.J 0,
111E11 thr &, "0 ,
• ,
Practical l'urniiitre Matitildcturrs,
• .
CCR. 'PEt..III M. 40 '%' - ii.Yil!E STREETS
1r...t F I .tirottl". ta.
No. C 7 I t' cri.2. - 1,111. titiroot,.
I bf...r•lt., t. dr. ur N‘rVelf rigit to
t . I - I: I'EN I laltf.,T (free • ,
tax .)1.*::‘,11
.•• r: rnd on We
• iptv and :au, nirga irom II to kr o'clOr-L
• :
11 . 0 Itt e *-N4011.5 . E — st: • •
I,' E'-‘
BIZICKJ , L): A. 11:VINE, .