litiTzt. itiErtriCZ, Bahl:cr. and Broker, IS Wad St.. near miter of Fifth. All descriptions or .Government Ronda, bcmght: and bold on liberal tennb. Lonclon and Contlnentel Exchange sold at Now York rates. Gold,Silver and Coupons on ht WO( st rates. and Gold Drults leaned on tiew york. FLNANCE AND TRADE, Trh$DAT, Not - ember 13, lt+M. • _The New York jstOck .Inotattious to-day, Were - as follows : Gold, hew i551.10, - hl:•;,; at ,erles, second and third, Michigan Suotherat It. It,. /Ssr;, Cleve. laud Vittsbargh, 9:1%; Pitt. burgh, Fort Wayne tt Chicago, Erie It. It., Sall; Union Telegraph Company, 51? v; ChleagO.t. North Western, t‘2%; Chicago ,t Itui:) c island,, 10S% The following were the braying anl selling rates Of Gold, Silver, Government Securities, etc., to-day, at the Bauk Eng House of Nobel, Robinson, McClean lc Co., 75 lourta St - rcei. :11,1s• Piz:— tiValletiOriti amounts. !!'? 163 11::. 11'.! olr` titlver 17, S. Routh: :10 do 1:345 ...... do now, 1,7,'.... . .. Dltibronco of excluft.a., old I = 6 = 5.. N bonds for 1,„1 Prwmum U 5.1M0. largo lOO 0 , 1 . I°o io on 410 smut I • 10'2 50 11:g1 01 U. 5.730, tat atria. large. ..... 107 107 do 2111,1 and 3rd, large..: 105 . leo let .U. 0. Cout.lnt.Notes,aune 1911. 1112 00 117 .73 . 'do d 0 July Vred. 113 50 • 11a 23 do do to Aug. I>ollls 00 Ila do 'do do Oet.lEVit. 11110 Ili 75 • Ott - do 'Me. >141113 to 113 75 • • .lo do do May lEit3. 110 3: 11l 25 512 do Aug. 1435 0. 110 ?5 , lo do do hop. 141 lto iir 103 75 no (10 ila• Oat. 1,5 100 00 Itf.! tti; • • I:, nlla>taa Board renovii: ,n 3 irr:ar. the :•-iEtti.•ilisole lu cop] ere—we repair u. , luiAlm heldoi, ..liewaiite, ..idvatihie .7. , per . Quincy, 17 i;(eilvanco tt.j Co Peet Fwl_, asked. Hoek Hand, • Minnerotp, sulee. 10;1 Nutional,l. 2 I, td , North Western, .1,3 bid, 1 Out local market • gun:Vl-some wieul my tar Bank sharee but no sales 'he:ported. Pao I_, peattalon that alter dtvidend duty Mere clock would come tot Iha 'untraet ha, rot our ,. been disappointed. T lei meiney market N ots3' to bring out bank shams. 8e...,_, and /406 , twain the name category of some luvestruente, and are rarely dodo rbeil: • Oils are heavy, savo.ln one nr two iodtvid ual mules. Columine I 5 held at ICi.iftle , Tri. - • utaph holds a rtniietthe of small lots tO-day at, 1,07. Alaritto is rather weak -2!.5 thud 2,63 7 -/u eplanution of the difference in thr quotation between the old and now leAllt , of tan Five Twenties xf rye may remark that tho old 165110 have just 10,1 a codpon, the send-annual interest being payable Noveto- her Ist, while the new hoop: nears act . 11163,1in:errs! front July,: the dates of mast hang divided with the oaten. • Oar year. The eoupnne .pda'egis- ! tored interest were liana outlet Ni - tw York 'art week at the xate. of .4 , to,txtit per day, 1.3; 137,000 for five days=while the kohl IQCOILIC from customs averaged about $350,000 per day. Since the first tit the month about $11,D00.09) was paid out, and about 0;,000 rs beCeit ed for customs. The shipments of . speele fruit Sew York,•to Europe. oil Saturday, were '.integer than' for sometime past, the loth by stealuer,s being sa2:s;lait. .Tho. total alittenexite . for the; ; week were $1,037, , ,:e; provt.msly re. `ported 4:AM:l,777—grand total since Jan miry Ist pti,623,627. Receipts of treason , trent Sun Francisco, I:zillionth, during. OctiMer tiptgre.• gated SW: 50,M, and t7.lit.u,Co) were shinta,t on government tiCCOUnI snafu Ist. of Janitor ,- last. The total exports of tresnorit from Starr Frunolero from January 1.1 to date amount to Ve• , - .0 • 1 ' 1 * —The Comptroller of the Correne3 - an nounces that bonds 114:ve been receiveor de, poelt wit h the Treasurer of the United dt Stater to an amount sallcient to secure ten three hundred millions of circulation of the - natioral hunks authatze.l by law, and no mere can De received alter this dale. The limit has been reacbeil. and bore/attic it will lie useless to forward betide, or to apply for increase of capital, or for the organization el new banks, or to do anything with the es.pee lotion of getting eiroulatlngUoter. —Letters from Lritulptrstate that Many l ee w investors are buying tali- States bonds, be • leg impressed with tile conviction that t hey are the safest and .eheapest •seurity the mud st t,bere Is now s scaroity in the European markets, at, the pre-ft:tit foto tattoos, holders awaiting for a much might'( price. —The London Star notices the current Int go reduction In oar public .L10)111105: Perhaps nettling in the whole range ut fi nancial topics enalleri t ccs more interest at pre.,eut than the clnara.d , lolnV.une.:lll w} - ooa i tiniteit Saab, pea pin nee antala:: tins burtion et their ilebt. It it was tatti•ilor, sccumulatea it bias fair tole :Aso tnintalitl, sett tire twits} of iliteisisiting It the St moat of thine nonce ,Levec even a mattes of y.olttleal. dispute. Inch nave aSattillipf it to Iva tt a111..7 , re,-Ilug a., the present roallca their - Debt, ju."l. as they 10-salned the duty of tit; Ult..; ,re •serve their country (rour tlt , rUlal lob. The inteir4l L.:ant:lj e/ , ;4 rafhrell Ly ibliAt;o..i37i.cli.r:ed s:r eadiag 2%,!. to 1J anc.rantp!od Es hs3fOry rits 'f yearly caarno upon the raVennos of it: tre.i•ur:.• oeen reduced in the ~t .e put and t - .) - ,t,..d".PA, or 1:L710,1-13. 'lt is expects' a ;los tisane:els t , t . Se Croon that the eztstit••• tht oi a sum robes wrictea " ln la innori•h• • mandv tar u• tae 1,0,... ,:f 10114na otloll, —5,!: be ta to two Ulf..tatted million:, of .ifalats t 1 ,4 11, , h Janery, ISI7, -alive,. all event, tip, let of Taal. is,the 1. , !:of. . 6:f y 1-na,ng • or 1:,,F1i),P,), 11, 5 . r CSanfr . yat pcfar,rf: Tim gold vai ties of the import ettrries mike the es pc.M Oen by no tudaus I'. to t i i i: of October t amount koht i. ; •• C•• • • • o'•• port Button MILL !A:en or Independent all:ate:hoe rf ate Inteo rs 'to eh•- rency taxation, I IL h(1, Z:llaypf Biter Al:VitkiET . uirgey.o, rirrSilt.7l,..ll( 17Cce.).L.C. NoVeillt/er 1.. OAfILZ. There wa3 13. very lair supply of cattle 0313 week, not any larger than usual, but. consid•o. ably in' excess of the . .Iculaull, iloverthelets. The mart et was a,very turd one for drove Cr, the demand ocing restrletcd almost whOl)vt to supplying the wants of the local trade, and • with unfav,ornblu reports frOin s Nexv York,and no inquiry of any Consequence for shlument„ prices have atllkturthor declined. Prime re r CEatio sold at from 37 to 7 , 4 3 .; good at d? , to 6%; niedltim at 5'.: toil; and common at 4!..", to 5. Several small droves or portions droves were loft over on.solol—some will tile held over for next week, but cenerslly, they will tre driven 'out 15 done, and there sogl or shipped En it. ilrover from We 43... ern [reserve, 01110, sent Ills cattle back hum r. Ile alley - es. thtd is ins had his si,ek, head of . Cows, at :what ho whs offered, Ise would have lost over six hundred dollars. Generally speaking, droveie have been hostile money for conic thou past, which is owing the fact they pay toe 1nu...11 for Cattle In lite i country; lad as a Class, t hey :1.11 - 0 actal,Oollitat tOand 'llol,llb'', unit. having 1101 , 1 e a r,00 1 .1 deal of money durolg,tne last tea years , - ,they Can afford to part with a /Mill of it. The retali , Pnlatvl Ilvcoming tan, activo, but, tbu3 tar, - nouu of our IS:10.13 have en.- teret the . field, DIANN 111,Am:ding priors art- In..ww, than for eevarta A. can. lan.t. sew y o ,k y n, guble. Lair to voo. corn.. letT 110,40 onght nOl. to hc anyth more tn.. to in gin-, In a t o _tall sales warn inad , i• an Monday at S to .9 el ~- -lhacrialc 1. Foht about ono hundred head At It,: 11,000 yang, I= The ma rket'ontluucar , tet amt.:1111, n0t..1 withstanding the ode ring , eon:tem; eoin,ava. tively light. We quote lair to ro:id 1,1 MU, lon blleOp at 4 to and O. XLI, a , 6 to LarObs dull, but without quotable CollOge, ; ranging from k7i t 084!,,: per ILSPOILTZD BALED or carrt.a. Gltins At Lafferty retailed 42 bead at I to 7 , told 7 hetitt , of prime fat ,seta; to R. Grey. averaging at 7!..,"_ gold kluge A'S Lafferty 17 hew lof or . good ..11,1A, /laid • aging 1150, at Turner gold 'lines 12 head bulbs at 4%. : John her win retailed 25 head On couintl..don at 6,65-30 head bit over. liouzlit heal at B LOGS. llazlOwotel .t Co. retailed 43 bead of good Washington Co. cattle at s.;;,' tu.7*,;,.' . iJviatt retailed hi head at to 4. Brown sold L. Roan:hints 17 head of gent cattle, averaging 13 , 0, at 7...1.i:.. Idorezol re. tailed 33 bead nt Clark to Evitn,ot, 38 bead, averaging 1003, on private tarots—un derstood in be tie. Cart 3.leAllimter retailed head at 5,15 to 7,0. . Moonshine. ,t Mete : , 01 , 1 1 1 . Grey 27 head or good cattle, averaging 170, Ia 7; retailed 1 . 4 at 7. P. Marton. told it beadL. Roth ettllds 33 bead at 4 to V.:. Marks a Traurmati 143 head ntto Greenwald It 1(iL1111 newel at 5 55.:7. it POLO 22 it to 31; e a. Ne.,ly 145:lead at 6tO Kraus tr. Ilat,gt head; • ' Sew 'York Cnzt . Naw yang, Nov. lo.—The rroiiket for It:ytt - , 1 Cattle is-figain heavy, to :ae. belt,: falty le a. round lower, ant closme '4lll lii irayair . :l fa von The receipts are very tat itti, :tea it rasa I ii, though losing:heavily on all i. 0.1 .soli ive alma ir, a disposition to work off Viiiiir . took to_ ...i o_ I,..iii. era, own figures., aesent rate, drovers Lave Duce:tin:lance lin• einal het i It o, hop, of atiy rametalin. it I.w ot t vets best cattle have sold at lee, lin a good quality were on , bale at 15 LOSS';', and lair at. Ito. tau average..behr^ aliout-13! 7, .,c. M I en Coos In ieso active demand and rattier oneier, and eles,ng about 4110'4'43n for the best, unit #ilgli to 3107 for inferior to good. Veal Calveartlrin, owing to Small sunray, Ire quot e in i , e 'to to;: for com mon 1,0 tair•, .1.21-.Xcl:ii, list extra, nail a low thatch at 13'iGlic. :Sheep and Lambs teen plenty, and have toll at hielter figures, but . w a a g ar . a t the cle,e, 51 - ,; ,- for common to Rent, 7d7i ',.e for extra t . . - :, s'ory &m.o . sheep. Me a owe at 77. - 7. i mot c on Iva live Bogs, and at,..0,9%e fiii . vita ill. sliii O. Tli, ref:nit/lb tiOl the ssioti aro 7,257 her , ..,; 76 cox , 1,1 , :f vealM '27: 417 IBllteo nod lainni , , and 17,435 sWirre, which compared with bast week na, Lai lucre. - o Of ea beetts, au./ a dei.reuee Of ln cows l ii i Teals, 5,70.5 sheep nag lambs, sat 507/ swine. , Toledo flnri...t. . COMMISSION MERCIIAN IS . • MANUFACTURERS. --- .. __________ _ OrT.Olt of TrtsriTT6Bilos 1.4/autTsci ull , , ; -, t , , ~N , V 1' ,, , ... , :: • .". : . 4 , 1,- 2 , 1 ,,•, , ` , , r , : . : ,,. .f , T,: . , .... ' SC; ,. .i.i . 021... 4,K1.E.. , ,P.. tv.......1.........,V4-114311.e.1iti1.,te Tyra. 7,T. Tel tut, Si yji T 7 v i • Tou,DaV, November I.i, 1+6 , .. I ' 1 rn,"tr''''''''''l,.,..-.2,;-: '+';'. - ..t ' ;: 4 7, (..1 `.... 1 7,-,7 ::. 11 , 1 , 11 -L A . , ' i1!. ",r2 1 5. ..... ,. ...: ' 5t.. : .. ' ...4 . .' ' .r/ . . 1 ,:: ','' ,!ft. '. . ' 4 , 2; I 111 ILIA I.lJilii .111 ull''3 ' .., IN ,ire realty i lo ..nnn. feature, in the_lito- , ( 13.,t ' s -' , .'-',,'• Lai , : . 11 en:Las - E ., ' on COt ato Call.tlo. Ps Wce..l ..-snot, accr Llttelly AMC:, g.'inttearse. '' deco in arkete worthy of special i uotice. The 1 nn _ __ tlttaland for the leading artieleS Is somewhat Ntilonoitet, Market. - BREWER, BURB - .E & CO., 1 NINTH WARD PIIISBORGII. I resilieted, and the operations generally, of a ~,,..,., ~,,, Novetnll,l , ...J. -Flour more ae- I L 11,0. Wheat tolt,itnt....t ;:v,l .. allit Closei , l 111 i • _,l 1 CON lIISSION .11%111 iii..NIS, "P u . i .t : 1KT1 : 1,..i;'':,ff,,'1 ,1 ,1 „1 : , ,. ', 1 ; , ' .' : ,.. locks' and unimportant ult,tracter, While, PM _ for No, 1 an.l 61,. , 1 for :`, •• ... Corn '.._e. Oat, . orally speaking, there has - been no Material , , i „i„, a , 4..,..., AGENTS PG.4.1 du changes in values.- , Pacific, Globe :Ind Liberiyint iVorks, GENII:AL BEwtterACTutir.r.:,-, • , (111A1NWheut Is dull' and 11(40N:tel.], tintl, . . INIPOIt'IN 131 IIAII11.011). In the absenee of sults, we ontl,i-tee-att,."• Autple:tit.,,e for Crude mitt , gult:lel OM laer. , IRON Oats a- IP tie rnOre settee butt t shade !toter: riTTfoir ittfit,:l•:s WAV N II ,*if, Ci, ~ AllO it. 11. 5! , ,,,i, n.1%.104,C Mad . 9n C.,:gt.2.115 Of .a.:tor AND FORGINGS ,ale of 600 bush on wharf, ut Sr: lii,l Jo do iit s' , , No , . mob, 13-.. ear+ a heat..l ~ I.luvett & eo ' 1.1110 a ll 0i....,,,, 10.14 for storai, ,40.1 Alain- • and OA in elevator, at 5.5. Corn l‘ , qftlet ang , 1 ear oat, t . .. , " It ell ..t. co, it.., boy-, a II jf,,,j,,,, mft,,j.:, :,,, ; . , , 1..;i r i , g, , t . t.0rreu r et7111_, ~,, , ... unhangA; bate of t cars new id:Maud 1 eaT teeth, ti 0..1 ,berrlelt; 2 eats (Nun, li N court , ;:,,,,,._,., ' l . ‘‘ u ' t;, • 4 .••? . ntr 01 Id ni ,114 2. %.9 I . prime old. snelled at 41,U7. 11 ye Is in deo , ll , ‘ 1 , , ne) it-NN teN bud I • ~,. .1., , & .. 3 ~, .. 1,, e glottr, __"..1....“ -Lmt • .err t. i ft,i , ..ruh. , nuyil../4. at 41,20, and but little offering. Primo ,er ~ . ~,,p,ther. s t I; ..01.0.1 , , 1,,,,,, .tene ~.,,, :4- r.,,,,..., „-,..,„„. Barley ie. quoted at 41.1 q112.--cholce at . 41 1 .... 'Alen: 10 0 b.,1-. done, hull t. g..iuu,,,, .1 1, ~, ~.,.. tot outtiltle prtef, fool a Illi l t. abOve the ‘0... , . , oroje.., TG ,I ~,,,L At e... , !,, • - e,,f..t. aA, „.. .... 01 InoEt of the brewers.. FE :q., .1 . 4 itiTuit .4. 111 7,. 7. sircusr.T. I 4A,11."1; 1 car iftel.t.J i, . ,•• . , ~, D , 1 iliA 7,-,-(,,TT,A - u:D, .- 7 c s r A wri 1 Llit.7ll - 1. qUieL .4.1. , A lath, a till...ltilf t;r... - m,.10,,,,i,, ,N, ,;2, , ,,.1 •I•,;I •1 , •.1,•t•, I' , •• ••i •&. • •,, I ti•• '..BhAtifi,ll3olV-1.1 . :111.2../.11.0.4. 11 . 04 ' holden., Ott lit tintieloallou ~t , ,tt d . 1 . 0 . , , .inon„, daliant .F . ... , , ... do :hi, liivdo A. . though lin yet, pile. , have 1 . 2!. .'f, """ I LT„; ',',';‘.. ' di.,,,,,i•-11,Y,J..,.10‘,.,•10,%,•:1,1.,, 1:1t.'„i1i1,e,,i,•,,,t,,,,!:.,:,.1., C h•;;J: • , Ile. Chung., 1%0 qnoto .'• t l t ~ ‘. 's r ; .;. .',"i ', , . i '-' o ...i • . • v - . - - 'd ' ' lth t ; net PS to 413.f0r O. • notiii t.O ...• eo .r, .• . Ind .1 ,V. o-d a op, ... , :spring 1 ea , t t l'ilif, Graiu, tiocis, Mill Feed. k.,c, 1 Sales of Rye Fleur a per 4.5. 5 4 Per 1,01, 11. d Pkg. rag•-. leel:tillotiati, -.telt!. A, e„,,:i •,,, i,,,_ „,,.......,:,,,, -3.1n:101.;;;VT,;T:„"...i.Tw..,,.. 1.0. • ter, t lads `t i ,•.. 11 loot": .1 C. 1 1 ,1,111, Itit,il- - B Yi k r;t:ht, " T ' h e lt :eC s C l l‘ ,l,,,o :tr%U . 0b,.,5 . . a rn d eeek,sl..Cre. 1y N. ce: geopti- rieur.l,,,.; ~ goo:r It cot lie do 0 , ,, .‘1.‘,1,1101 . , it t[ .1 - . llocult_ WILLIAM C. LEE , ..,,mited deniard, for , the boon , iise 'itth.bliuiptiftet, the market Is vdry dull, wit ll : bill. 1,1;211.18e , , slit nt WI & ,t Ile DI barrels I a lls • c ;, , , n , tendency. We quote in store, I, i i eider, 50 re 1 1 inley;butter, It-1 , Smith:A ' hlceet•eur to ALEX. liOldbON ..V-it'srli lovieut 42 WV...Xi, tor good toprime. and i I.g. dour, Lewld 0 NI , Ul ate i 10) 101 1. Paper, r i VOILTSISSION AND FOR,VIAILDINO ./.; tor cnoice. nate of 172 Liblei ``lninoil," oil • i,,,,hitiliigt I led nil, •[ . Dow °rib C cotdo ntils I •• aple, Vole A:. .11..inti.1; 1 Intriel eggs, Little, 1 .„.. I Da. -- 41473E3E.E1k...1NV1N. *. r. at .11,a73-.; per ul. POTATOES-Prime Jersey ;fa eel.; toe It, ' 1, , ,,,,,,, A, r ,,,,,,,. ..., 102 i..erund, Street, Pittsburgh, Pft. oiled IlCu'lY + l, 40 pee "" Frl.o - i' '''' '''' ' ' ' CLe.V.l.,:in ..... l'erT , Dur_ol. RAIL 1t.. , ;,..- .', r f ~ , t gat fur tne• ' . .1. Louts" L. lel 1' 1 11 ,,, .•ed mous at 43,Ti., per 1.01. PICO' , it'll/24,-14a.. is gait if nonato..tlly . N „ " ,; , 0 ~'.L,',l 1 11“ '0 , 1 2 . , • . .7 . ..1 :,,. ~ 1 ! ,-- , .; .. , ~ :. :,...,_: .. , : ,, , i7 •.;,-, , ,,t , ‘ 1' ,, ' .. , t ' r i il i k A jr .l . !F . : ' 1 - ' l ' ' ' .:l l ll' .. E i t' ' ' ' ' ' .:/ ‘rj•na-1c1.1,c-t•Tni,tßit ••1 , e ' : • ` ' 6 A : 1 , 0 ). - lillellanyciA. I.ard is quoted el 15 to 12. , 2„ for , !, 1 `,." 1 ' 5, `, P 1 ',,.. '--' 10 " . ` ,1 , , ,.. 4 ..n ~, '‘'.... ',..,„„'•,,.' ~',.',..,‘,., , _ _L. ! , '' , '•ue ,, ..reiNlPil.,•T,td. iu - 2 ,7 __ ;a one Segall:, rel.:detail. Ilmo, It "w Wall lee. 7. , lb. i et- . o, a. - mg ,, , ' r • l-r.b1,,, ;. alt.s•trkigt ....-...•w• HAr'l en. • 1.1A.),-There is a ftdr denead. nud we ...a . ii , ~,,, , ~ ~,. _.,,..,,, . ‘ „1„,,,, 1; W.,11,.....; I ilo ( 11. ENS, iiENNEIrri & IiAIiPC S3 . report regular ' , al e e. l . 42, I” 4- '' ''' • l'''''' ' ' ' , . ''' , ' ihi ,,,,, V . V- . 12.2.10Ni010.2n- 1 , -`-.., 1•121,1)1712C Ce.t,llils,-iii2; Ity.ficulNNT , .. and Srn‘ wail ,= - 2 I:.erlert to '..",`, " '''''',„', I, gel . ,L 1 i' : t,,1,,,,,, L.1. -, 1.1 oc ii , ,,,6,1 de IV , ~,,,,,. 1 , , , ,r+ in Tod 4 . 10 N AND i Mal d:nl 11 l .11.. Tito :,upply 1.,. llg ht ~,1 ~,,Ipl., .4,1-. I,y, G.aill, ' - ei.- , , ..; i: to .u., Steli:linilit t- ~... i Ylti'l rs. eALT. I'Lbillti. PUTTER, 'E .:W.'. Itl . , h ," . .. , , , , , 1 , ,i. , ,n i . .., r 4..tiu.ia I. - t la.:. f, ,22, ilea.. . . - BUTTER. , -Is In gelid Anpply, but prim" 1,,, . , 1.„.. i,,,,, en,„..„, ~,,ag ~,. it,...G.,-; Nit do do 2,111 s stilt sells v,11.120nt Mach .11111eraty ~ t . 3, 1, ~ p 1..., V q:4`l, .5 iI, Li N.. .t`llk 11,141; 1:`.1 Li" 00. , ~.,. i, ;,.,7 " , \ . ,i ' ‘ ,..L L''' 7 . ;Z 1 . or -, ,..,„„ 1 ,,,, Common pael-c , l Butter every dull, az tui. ,,, i pew! N. N. , N .r titi. .57 si, onto., IV J -.feel .. 1 4. E.lletan's . 01.1 J : L hartiVenli. - . . ---.- ''' spi.:44o no margin for shipment. , ;,. , I Bro;:ii bus o it- For uer S. Arias:Tong; :,72 11:014 1 _ _ _ Eidi.:..-Searcid and in demo.., al v " re " ' imples, 1. 11 Volat .t ent 3.1 , 1, letatoes.l o bbl, J S. NE D'IOIAIR S - .. CO., .. pack eiT nv.y.b., quoted at. 91 1032. lof ;e INltt,,, -11k , •11 a` ill•pal 'II, I. 10a, :LI, .• .. I..kingE,,,Es,r.,—„ce,i,,tiaueovio, • ~ , , , , ,, ,t ~, 11, , , ,..i. ,. ., , , , , 1 . 1 , 0 0 0 , .. ... 1 1 1—..7 a., ~ ,r1 ;4 I tot. el.i. , ::e, tl NV Giver; led I C0X111.1.122110N 11.EZGRANT3, ~co Reserve; 17 to in lor 1i.a.. 0. " .,4 ; L4or L"-.ll,'i'bil'llir...rl,efinil'l6.l\l.til.l%•lNo,ll•e•nrri'l‘.3i"iii; ..t '' ' ' Tl ' l l o " in ' i l i. ' n ' ; N.iel Ov.ilers In Flour. Oren, Feed •ieed Froduce. i . ,..„,.. ,;‘ ,„1 2, ;or Go,hen. ..,,, _, ~ ~,,_ i 1..10 tin, Ne N. come , . Go,. 5. eo; It.: .lo do. 1, 00- r .i i ,,, : h r ,,,,,i,y,,,,,,",,,,=, ~. ..._1, ; ."?4.-„Nt, . ..i., ,,; , ,, , . CitiNNIILIIIIiEr-Stes,ly 7 , ito . 1 , galas „ , ,.,, -.', .„ I malGir , L tau, -1 ,, , .40 . to, . Collin, Jr A; no. Cr. , .. i 1......,.. tit ~ ..., . %. .i . o . t. r . n FREE l', up ' 1415 r 'erbbl I°r e':''l".”" '''' ... ' L"" P.TTelle tom , L.", i - iase, N. ii.',.. I:, iri it II , , .-- 1 - -IL---- “'• '; . '; ----..--.. ..-.1: VII t 4.4. 112 ,t; 111,1 ; N0ve101...1 1,.-le ,-,- -I gt,l , 3 11• . I TAAV. 4....11,AWFUe1l Ili Colllllllinbi oll NEEffi-Flaxi. , qd 14 . 1 4, , ,, I le g: , '', l . ,' r' ' ,... n,, . „J., tools, .1,, l', 00,10 - 00; 7Jo uo, Whiteoloi 0, . 1 - 1 al!. 11 t. , r 1,, I.L • ' • .1.12. L,.. I/1,P.M,, Ili• , : , .."'' reD.r" a ' rg ''' ...'. . • -. 14. ' ''' ''' . Wolf, Don . 1- , :nil; .-1,-, hail. v, .1,11.0 A co; :I 11 in. 1% d1 , 1•.11.1 uutlN..... lio , N FILE; Oho,. doing in Clover or Tluiedby ....e• .. • pony tot I .lo to f Key.; ...; .... ‘ i., On: gt,.........; ,10 Intrie;',:, - ", ..:Lot•I• a.. Ww.M.oe , au..l iir.., a sus 3en ...):.N,1.21'),N1 t S o - 4 -' 3 ' l l ie l i r ' f , l l' l, " a " ; ug alit 11 "* ..; '.. - ' 1 l i l i ° , ' .„' ''' . ..... ' ',_; ' ' ' „ ' ‘ ' , ' L ' i '' , ' ,, n ,. ''''.....1-..'.1,4,''...,'',..,h.,,i.''"i•-:,;‘,2";'„'',`,,; t.'f4..:43'-...7..r....L'‘;:,,.'L'Th" " ''' ''' 's. ''' t''''''''' ' ''' d ' e i 1 2 i..;2 , potat. , -, :al, ..,..,, ~...1...,,,,-.., ,t ~,,,, ~,r . ,na,' • ••••,,, P IT'S .:1,3:::14111.:11,7, ap 1i.E... r. • , T 1 ,N1t,:e.:::,::...:1,,,,,::;.,1. z & i,1 11. ,... ;; ; 1.(. . 1 1 ,. ., , ,,,,,, , y, .. , ,, , [ „: s : 1 :. ~ ;.. , , , ,t , : Il i. ? ,: .... .: 1,:,_,, ' ~. ~1, , :,:., .:• . 1 ' . ' :,_, : ::, :‘, : I L.: . I ',';! . 02"..11.171.,:".p.,;g1,:t:ii.,:!,tet::,..,t,...1.,:,,,Tr,,,1., " , 1 ! ... 7 , 1 :„.. , 3 . ~1 „ .2 !. . , :: :, ,i i C1 ,,,, ni ,, • l ! . 0 -ii 2. , .i.i, i1..0e, 2... .I.,torn, sad 1 -1 0•01"L'E, neceud deat,t4dAteid 14...1 and ! • urn Led /a iliMer. un‘lex the in• r u, Lluuelt .... .0. :do ..1.1.05 0, 41 li Notit'i, 2 , rt.,. i•••• , r.,. .. Ao, .. ni..2,..- ..t. il,, 4 , aer, Col-ail.'hle'elDehd-rlirghbt. t ra eeelpf ', , 'and au yin ro w .0, . b1 ,,. : 1'' ..,:, t :' , : , ' . ' ' ' ~,' „. . 1 .... d r ' , :: '':, r, ~,,, ~, ~.._,, ~, i ''''.,;' : .... i ,!, , ~ , i i:‘ ,,• , t . 4 ` ., : ,. .N .,, . I.: , ~ , 5 ... t i.: , , E ., .. . , : v _ , ... , ,!.) , prem , l'''''• .'''' " th"l'l ' . h' ' ' '''' '' ' . 1it1i1.‘,...,J',',t1.11,,V1 4., 1,,,, 11 . ,,,.,; 1 •/0 ,0',... ..' ,4 .0,1. ' ., ‘..0.1..., Vi,ir, r.,t ..,, l' . , tg;V . 11 cir.. i 1 , :5 retUrite.l amt in buil:, and . 4.11,,,.. Ne,, b. 0 neNt, h - 15 a bio; 1 • _,„„, i ~,,,,_ „ , ~,,,,,-,..,., - •„, ...,,,,,, „, to 1,, bbl, u.cimic , i, af cei Jin c , to giu....1,.... .....,..1 i .v . . , ,1i,u,,,,e,,,,,,,!,,,.,...,y,,.!7„11 1 ,, ..t . .: , p. ,, ii , v , 0 t e 14 t. , .. ` v ._,.:-;”. ~..„,,„.. .... - ' . - ..1 . : - . _ ,. `.."... - Y ,...,. .+; ,. ..:.' - ... , ..:_ ,,,,,,,i L 1 ..,-,3"0 2.2.0 a 1,1 , 1 2at 101.y:toad .50 (45 gii , 111 .' T ' l. • '..' !.. ",- -.,‘1 . 1 . ' - 1 : ) ~: ~ ',' • 1 ~.... Ts E.-. f •.: . .. .I , •^ ' ~• . 01.1, .• do ,1,,,.1" •, ,, li ..a• I C _• 1,...,,,,... •16 al • • a--IS AO 4045 'Oho incialre at present is mainly Mr 1.0 It,. j 00,115'r...a ~ • I ....... 1.11 5 , ~ . „....,„.,,,.1,,,, from .10 10 13, and rriblei . st enet J.l i 7. 1 31eCont.ent et to , l'Otator , ", F ht ain; .! n 0 la tat. •.,. ,r,,i.., , 5,,,,, d ,. . : 1 ,.i . .LZ 1,i T c. .. i? ....: 0. , ,,.. i fe 1: :... i. ,, , ..1,..... it i 0. ., , , ,,t F :,,, 4 :.; .. ,,,,.. ?? .,, ,? .6 L , . 1 z ,,ii i, :7 ! : ,. . :.. ewein n tiling to pay trent '.,. 10 '411301'0 ler ill., I to , t , 11 11 Wiintiuntl. part Ithilar grade of 011, and, con+equentiV. iv,,, , I bear of 40 to 4,1 graVity being °tiered at la .. i tt ithOnt finding Itss said that there . RIVER NE W i.i. I Green site tided Frutt, do.. Salt mild nens Lino.. 1, ti aro buyers"on first v. titer." at 10 , 4 and on the --.— 11... SHEPALID Collt/11.11inEditni other hand, we hear of parties been tiling to The ricer. we regiut to say, continues to ( 2, 11 14 si ' ' .,a• t . and der to, in ',her, Grain and Cron + . Oll for that delivery at 10'; tut , strange, wa at this point, Al ith but littie ~ .0 u. •-• ~1 ittl , t , . 1 . ,,, t, Pititturs l . have tiortranaliCtions reported. 'I he demand .I tNeo , le t•lnwiY at preSol tid for Apra. 011, and the buyers are OVer tbrue feet 111 the channel, by mart, 1 „(,..,!'..,:,',...., - ', "" L',, 4 , / 2 . 1 . 4r. ‘ r. ,','.1..',.. r tu f1 t ,, , , , ,- „ d „!,... i ..11, ,,, ,, , , refiners who Savo contract+ to to till. lust c',..nitifz. Tiie rain, of hot •+-. eh 11.01 lg. ' n:i., .00 1 tsr Alerchandioe eennrally. e. tidy At FLNED-There wits but little iti9nirr tle or no elfeet-po-001.1y It pri.vente.l the 'AL, I LIT Etic. ii4.II.ED V. PAriON, tn, bowled oil toel ay, and so as die con learn, , 1 here 10 but little offering. Price., however, ter fto.ll falling fa.-ter I 1..411 it would !give !,,,,,,a,llr,c,,,na,lrel-ce,„ceri,,,,,C,to.rrrtailitv„G!..;u .I,ll,r.ehtzt.ntat.W. have Undergone no te,,,1,,,,,, change, and we tiOne odhorwi,,, Tlie weather yesterthlS la l t 11 arnou and Lord (Al, Iron, N• 2 1 .4, tilLs, Cotdon continue to verdant itil to •jill-ii., free on board clear 01111 cooi; there `4,515 a very heavy 51U,L,, ' 1 We; fe.•• a. ll,l ”.J.t , Mrttjt ruutiNfacturue irem_rcliy cars here, and 35N,i to 3J, delivered in Phi la. 1 , . ..I IA atel 10 Second 40-ec. Fltuldirgli. - delphia, told, for the present. these may lie (Lost viull...e In the morning ' I'. n 3,11. .-- J • e. tuuritr. x,1.. 1, an usu. i , ..garieti ..the,eittretnes of the uotrlzet. Gen- 3 lia, trom Ports...milt. Aruoiy, from i., ~,....,,,,,, , ~,,,,,, ~ ,„,.._,..r a I . orally, the izreat tioijoriTy of Crtlr realm.. nre 1 Cineitittail. .ljday, ft ono i. ill I poll-, tool into . 1 . N . - ;. 7 . :7 - ,..... --, 15 .% ,, .i. ,. .!-. , - .0, ,„ up for Novetriber and. DeeeFillker: ~. • o ni, of I.,n‘t Li...1[1.1'10.n Pa i 1.eit.1 , 1102. con.-11rUte ti Is t ~ ,”A r r f „V ,' ';`,....t',,'fi,:fi..,?4," ( T n 'P . ,,4 1 ',;',,,V,.`1 1 ,1t .4:it thorn (Or Jiltluury , and ii few have •iontisielo l 1 firrlt'rals. The Antell:k I'oo IAiIUA 111.1"erl,Adtty, I i . „,„„ . „..;,.., - .. y . ,1% . ~,.„,.1 .1 . „ .w i i, 2 ,,,,`,,,,,,, 0 ,d,',,...1„.,, for February; therefore. there are but v._ ry 1 ~,,,1 thu lriteogow, !ono t -I Lon,. allo 111, 1,7.1:i 1, , ,,1L, 11 t-. lin`ltiv! who can contract unlete , for JanzarY or Eel ,- Porter,Trom N•• •••• Orkin... ought tu 1,3,011 i noun. e..,.ed ancelr.W lino*. roury, and buyers do nut seem 1111 1. hereby Tlitirs.itty, If delayed by low .1 ever or , I , iiso „i. ~ 0 „.. „. . , operate .o far in the dim future. iron oil is leg. . ...a. ov:9f, a_4412.24111%1 1 4 0 P 1 . dull and unchanged. lhe N.riaisy w it 4 10 have I.di for Line:noon ' to , %1%;114 - 11 0" - In • a tr,., ,1. ri -- Wri. ill:LAI/4. AdlavA.Lan-Tlio following arrivals of Col h.!. oipht: and Clio Lenh 1...o•I et...loud tor ''''" -'• L' • '--9- ' ''' ' - i' '' ''''' '' '''.; "2.l`- ~ x `'i- ^" ' ;' , ll , 2 ". -,,- 1buir....101. 0;,10.,,... (. iv; Liu., 2....ie5.: et , 4P.T. _ were ' 1 eported to-day: __ Parke 1 ablirz in the teal "U 111.11 r, ~,,L, , ,,,,1 1 1,..,,,..., I' batter& Bro.. ...... 12+52 Brewer Z. But ke ... 315 tune. I ~ _ - Jul. BtxMllttiney... 400 J. E. :strict:ler 10 I Capt.. wire tid4 nam..l lint new b.,' •:t..; ten- I I OIIN H. C INFIELD, CA zzamission ik,„‘ter .t, Eiii,.... 40 BulTura .'t Nebo , • . 141 1 dale," mid the nearer ~he apnioamies coo , - . -+" au,i Fornanling dlerensui and ilea, W. P. Logan 45 J. J. Coo g...-.... 27, mutton. the' beiter It 0,4... Tnis ....tit vi 01 ! ~, 0,,, 4 i.ra it.. 1..,,,, '13, i i,;,;., 4,14, 1, —Melilein F.: Ire I eady for 0,1,11.10. in a rot y ;not ft inter, ' ifttato, Fleur, Fish, rot and Pear lAddeo, naltrrana. Total- - 135 1 and we iiniter,.i„i„t in„, . - ,.....d. 0.0.,. leo ...i. • 1.1,00 dote! Lard ten, Dried It , and L'- , e.. 0 --co.-- cured 1.110 ,111 . 1 . k...s Of 1111 , Vllla, WI 4,110. J.l-. i re . todnlly, ♦ill IF Front :Aron.- Pitt/taruh --. Aletion, to- elm h. , ...0t...N + nr..w , .41011.11 11117Z.A11. - , lie. -111..1ii a 11011 . 4 l'llel /1 , 11 ,- . II Y .• ' sere ti. 31E'1'1.(4Alr., Grocers and PITISBUBMI "lAIMLI'Va MAILKI:IS z TELLG!t.trli lievr York Elenocini !!niters N gu. Toluft;St . qu . . l3.— , The demand tor muney is very r ihod,rate-,i.nd the, suptity orreril , g greati' in elgess : of the want, of the stock hroket`,...Tl.:;eis a little more Jolt ity ut counts, and prime. asses at t 307 per cent. An effort is on foot to establish it batik with ttAS OW capital at a gold clearing house. The pro- Ject meets with favor in the geld rooin a n d .dttattly nave been sub.:ribs:Al. Tout oits jute!. is simply to facilitate the businers of the. brokers and do away with the pre,ellt ery syotcm. is to charge a ,all,ll ner mintage for making the clearings, and the capital is only wanted as a sort of insurance mud. Teti livid market wit:, ,veaker totalutaS thu close, and fell nil' to 1:14`.%. I.:set/lingo in VEry dull and the mark ,, t is yonnewhat nomi nal at 1® for prime bankers.• bills. tiOverlittuent. Securities were quiet and steady this at ternOon at our ulnOtalltonst Loa n:los 'ttl, II 44 , 1111 i; IlVeutirtVenty Towons of fti.7,lo7:tt;alK, u 4 . ; August, Suven-Thirties, ltar;;; July do, ISriy.. At the 'ant open lioarti .alai StOck market was heavy, anil prreeS -were made right through the list. Ai the etc's, f.dlowing Were quotations: :keu lot k e,tern...A.,.. 5. NV. preferred 71 ,, , Wayout.r..: , tuna :It t stvia u.tutrtlautates, .ftt t.tiosuluallstuT. e , ri".oloay - unit uouccil the Aoul: I;et 1 , 4-u:: of a hear I.llo‘...nlvnt, the Vali. hostile prices up to the highest pm.ll. C.overlam rut, are tlrtnrr, to lip.. urn lO gold I,eartng boa An, Laing : 1; higher. Mate” Lame e,p,nnAlly 3liieourt cc. whirl, „ without any 1 nett, 1: a small Inquiry for ttrri.ll loar, and 4s is itoor, at t per cent.: 3 ;per cent IA int . itreVallit4.; rat,. 111th per oeirt. DlECOtait, o r , . Mere active. Th(re 15 a c. upply pn.p, Z.. ou the a . eCt, acid the ale. at 4;f7,.1!, per teat. ".Sretgu cock Inge contatilies 'yr rnoslatc.,upply of bills., offermw, and ~ . Th,` money article loru Market it per Cent. oL c 11l Foe 'lelne.t. etlgia.l.l,rale, and. ro nor e.. 311. 1 , 111, .4:7 L , u 011.4..- :3100 1: market Coverts!, un,,ett len attn Government., :old indaangn.l. 11..aarc , o1 ;,barn , ,i al . :tad der, Alter the hoard the lione 0, • Nn's York Lentral. ItP Cl kite, ;'.2.•" ; .: I:l , ,,lttutitillo, 1174 a; 51.1ctilgan Cent N0rti.1 , ......t.ert1, al , 1•. prOterrod, 71. Toledo,hitlti 1171 Hock la, York Product .711c,rket. • Eat Tuns,V. 4 l3.—Cratetti tree:trio , oound;2.oforAriddling I.7lllands, sun .17 in OrJuane. , Flour opened quita firm, bat •inier, and without au deem - 1 ml ell ~atc at tor :mounting, western., tai- ' u‘sinuaori to medium, extra western. 41 3.124111 3 ,, -tor extra reaort hoop Ohio; gaud for tra.tu brands. Rye flour quiet at. $.;,..5c.V. Corn meal quiet. ht,,lry quiet awl uneno.,,: ed. Wheat a shads tirtner Put rant:very act v •ales of 41,00. , huahels, at. V,`.1.0.14,4; tor Se • Chicago and Milwaukee. Itye u shrui., salve of 14,000 Luapula, at .11,3 d for GUI W Barley receipts,toptiels, more =Cis , ' ar easier prices; soles of :1.670 bushel Nat 41:00 tot Canada West frec, 41.00 for. Canada' bus' II „bond, $1,12 a 1,43 for No. 3 rowed St ate, and 51,2 , for Nu, 4 rowed State. Corn irrelrular and on-, isettled, opening nem. Crier - worsts heeow,ce. heavy and declining and .losing active +toll ItAVerleing; autere W,OUe bushels at •1,17 fo 'anoerior, $1,23471,31 tor elltoplug . mixed tritntr ' ern In st ore ' anti tfloat, and 41, for Vre•fte.-11 white. Oats market heavy; xales Cl nicEd,els at g:..cy4'7o for. choice awl ,311twoukee. ltlee quiet. Collet) quiet and Con. Sugar dull and nominal; Cuba ItUI/14. Monist. , quiut; sales of 10 burrela New tnieons myrell; >l, and hogi-,lmati.i at :slatil for Dengarara.,. and 411P3:. for Porto Ilico. Petralourn dull. at fur crude, awl AWil, for refined I bond.. Pork operict heavy and closed fieettretil ly firmer; sales of t1 , 1,(X,9 barrels tar regular, and each for Mel" toes, closing at ,t 21,30, 421,111 for oriole; also:$1 0 b arre ' ls of aUsv inc.,. at Feller, !option for July, Beet quiet and steady, at 41e,0041S,Eili for now plate lncsa, a l it! SIS,/g7)-23. tor new extra leer, Hoof llama heavy; tallFs of 100 barfels at,37.V.1. Inactive. Cut meals dull and heavv, 11413 for StlUelderd atilt Atte/51i for lflu , o i dressed. llogs In lair demand at 01,,,ki;1el shit:fly at 7K , Lard, bluntly. Butter uneintami. A -...,„ ,".7.: * - I A 'ways Oil hsod, a nuperlor 9uality of LACE FOR - I% LEATH elt And DIV); HY DRANI 11055. COVVF-11 LIAI)Ie.-The siol*.Utll,ll.l.caater L '''' - ' ''''',", Sligltal A S ..5 1"'• ti• ir. ( ltAlts. 'taILEA- IA ESTEIIN NV ill leave for the above and all Intermediate Porte, 1 t...A 1 : on NV EDS .C.IroY, Mb 111 , 1 , :V. I ;a tn. ' . PLANING MILL, Fur I relgh t or J. 3 1 1 r. e c r , E71 , r ,. ..n , ~%,4 ., 1 , or to JAME , COLLINS. : 1 Aker... • r.ole • ,IS;.). FLACS, - elypy of &bury &tett sod Manor.' Wij, ijOlt LOUISTILLE.--Thee.l4C, I PITR'SDL'itGIi, PA• . 5 . aolendid ;.11 rug, steamer it•••9,..,,::,,iA. i N V ° "nil l ' i ' ri" in.. 1 Sash Doors, Blinds and Plouldings NII7 A lealor fur 151. 01,05 anti All lutertrordlate 1,5019., / on THIS OtY, 01.12 O. AI ADE TO OltDr.d. Vulotistool work is put In a For Might or pa.,,tp• apply on I•oar.i. or 10 ofry hoot.. and dolaht.l when taken out. gallnge, ool° Fl.At'st A COLLINDIt VDU. Agtot I. i , ~,,,riug. weath. r 110.1 , 1 1 1 0 , .I.lttll. 064 1 , 111051 1 ... -" - : Con , taut y ou lotn.l. sorlnw. r• -.awing and Scroll - I)EOIILE'S LINE.- ICED- ~....[[[,"..-..- 'J,,-..., ..n..lng doz. e with dlagatch. BO 1 , 1 6 . 11 ktlt.ll , A_ ‘; LA ir w 9•• tit I,y i• ~•;;;- . .y ~.. - ' ''• ,' 1,,, , ,, toot-81 Sr. __________art.t.l la ______J_DLlN 115.AT11. twevri PITT:dill:ID:1 1 A ND I'INCIN- t0....0. A. 60,r 1t....V NATI.-lhe ire anti hpl , ll , lltl To . , A IttlOzY. [F. il • °A..." ~ ~.. ........ ...-. 1 . , t. LOat, Vlnilt•grttr. W. .1. :To., t. t• rk. Ir. Co , 'POINT MAL 1 "roc SL.M.- Pitsburgh i - Nr It 1 'YU EeD aY. at 12 .... Jel, Ir. , .L. Lena," Clnelit :aft EVE el Vet D Al'. at II o • riork. , W. H. GARRAt D dr, CO For freight ~r 1.15.“,./.14,1y.,6 ',0, - tl. t__3.11'...: '1 • volt (Aim), arE , lrrlisr . ...,2l l '' 4 ' litilsters brain 45; Hop 11ealers, AND NI.: A . 01SLEASIS. - Tic gur ' 9 puthengur stet ter -- AItIIF.NIA. ..... ...Ayr. A. D. 31't A 1.1.171, - I 93;0. 17 Water Street; end. Will teal. fort w allot.c and all lOLE.rcue.ll4,c pot,' on r Tilt* DAY. at lii. L. I Noe. b end 7 Penn Street, i ", fre got or olosagit, ap; Iv on tsar ler to , I ~, it m, h. ,3 c0r.1.1N,..... um, ..1,;.:41... ! p PiTTSBURCH, PA. -. 1 Vote EVANSVILLE .4 '%0 t a . k .rikr[[„:„-.4% ._„1-',:,, ~,,,,..,i, w0k..., Kt, Todd Ay" *if r.AT. , = 5i..,11, , , ILI-L.-11st rlrl , . 5t..,..Lacr...1. ... , n . - i" . i, t Y. E.l . g,,,,,,rrits; aorl ory . S. ._ . 1 ,.. ly te•gl, llnfrido Market. f 3, A1111.1A Capt. t 3 71r. .. 1 .... - - 1 I:l:7.,,sl.:l,,N:tro,trol,tseiri.l,4,3.rkrri u: t i ltzt i u:::. “ ‘:::: . 1 ~.1,%%:01,:t:tv..c.;,:a,,irN,t,.:,:.i5:,::,.::{:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,i,,,„::.1.,,,,;,: ~,,,, ~, p lo t:I: 1 • e. i . g. f : E l,, , i, Dr tism:.;4l7i, 7:„ ET, r.,., k.und• lotowold ,t 1 ,4 of 1.00 Irhla at 51, 1 , 25 4 12 tor No. ; '' ' ,. l. ii .,l PA lr. at 4t• N. - . 1 }V Iteltt43,lo 1.1 . .11111,41 r Cll.llllflO, Ittltl 'tf - 275 Inv ' - - - ''' .(l ? A Cw 1.1,1 a. t. Wotitr„ . ,g. nta. I co:outlet; Yule, 0 . 1.1.50./tX) taut 4 , 1.1.1@1,16, ehh.lly _.,01.: of 13 ND bit Ohio ut C.Ort 1 --2- . dic . ~, -=::. r, [P. r tu t ' l. ' ,. ' o '" t r .. ' fo ' a r *l d i t:9 " , ' ll r gtx ° . ! nlls r e i gn ' t er " ..t u l d r. ....79 .ora l ey .) :• -• .1t; 9 ; 1 2 .,. 504. b u t C" . ' l ' ols ut 51.12. Ityt; I ~,,i'ltic,;•Ki,:idill'i.i,lii-^ii.'" tr atrod . ' .' - I I.4atitutht• Alors, Serntual IA esteem., and all °MCI ! dl:casca of the genital organs atol Muir ereventlou . ............. . •• • o t to .jet and /lamina: ut 'Ulan. IP, • i ‘ ..rk 's'''. 1. W. Floyd. ti,.,,„ . ...., ••• %P. ••. JAHR, Jr.. , c o , ,„,,,,,,,,,t0,......0 rernorted. Lard 1b1...116e. tlll $3,34. _ ; VAf'KEr, AS Aqt{i)U,,,,f;,.,', r ”. AS S. 11 - A.IO,AR ' 0t111... Iron[ n.-7 to 1 0 e. u.. 1 ,•,, to 3. ue. , •to 8 rut pt. Louis Markel. . rDA lie at 12 ar '''"' • ...tit..r..;,,,,a1ut, ; ..,........,..,.- tar .....0.,. i ....., , roc I 0r{.t. ,,, • .1 , 14) 1..,,.. Novembro 13 -Flour dull, neitk •V ..,,,,,, - ," '.. , . , r 1 •., t I , MINISTHATOICS NOTICE. - ~[1 bo. ~[..,t..[1,1y N...., W 1 ,..,,... fi rt u ,,, i ... .. .._ _ . ~,.‘,,, , .. , , , 0, 1 ~[ 1, ,,,,i , ,,,,Liy better; fceo nttellandcd• ri Cot rt. l INT La E 12.- -1 IN4-', "'-- - "` ''' ' ' .11 l% 11..5..r, 1... 1 ter's or Adininlatratlon o nthr f. h liAiiiir.'r- „...r,%. -t.“•• or It i•• sir. NI IN Hit 31A.K. Ito of Eaton Val bell er. :Lt. 1uth ,,,1, - , : ,,, v , aul ''''' , :k -. o 'l thd" ,(l - 1 'f AA. I'ARK It Vl' It.: VA? ~,Z..-,-L',-,--.t. ,I, t . Lawn.... 1,111,5, Pm.. dreearcd, hag., been Outs onto,. Dtt... ,,, ••, 1.0, ) , k'" ~, ': i' 2 ',.- , f"r , ET-'.l he K. en111;..1,4 op, .t, n ...,.-.-...."... g,ltti 141, ~ Om Lioll..r.lw.tte,l, all geraons ;trt tg new and 52.1,2 A tor eta. thterdi-,:0ece,,de,,.. I ,_, , ym .w . .......... •• o ,-.. Iri Om , :. t ;he .or hel decedent are sldee, 13s n Iall/e. tYlairdry cosier, ut. .i.2,Ul'..;•te ; " ..... ..,......t,.. ..kuttr.M.,,L.,.., r. qtt. , t.. 1 ~,, Mar 11,tib ' t.c Strown. surLall pernoos 1,40,,t1 VittAbllnth , iLil , I,d to said 11 - 14111, .. • requestrd totorsite poi . Net, Orient.% :11nrket. , Mu: , 1 1 A 1 AND TIICItraDAIt II Wel,: A ..AL,. ,11,1,111 fillt KVA 1 RICA, Aillit . r. , ,-, . I Leaves ParLersburg .4 1 - os Dttollllsot's Derry , . 1 ....Itte ....11I.CANS, NOO. 13.-Cottnu Irregular 1 ' . awl lower; low mp1011ng,19.9131c; 1 ueoptu for . 7 - PF• BI, Ar D rug , AY ~ on ~,'",t,,,..2 2 . ' , ' FA, : i. , . ' lust (Our days 12,121 lualve. signlnSt 12.rtte; ea- , For frvlnt or e.t.a/deg:op!, t llry or A 1A,Ltt111...1 . , .Vaal„ ho\. or. 3.1, INA. --- . SEALE I) PROPOS A I,S 'will be re ports, 1:9.370 Itteiet , -Sugar dredulug; fair, 12kit , --- ' - 12,...ic. bl.tlumsttul.lrOOPlllgollferfOr, 01; puree, . F. WEISSMANN, ;„.;., ..,.. ....,.......,., „„, i 6...1.1)A Y. hth loot.. at ' ." " i' • .• llt . tlo 0i1t.4 ...A l'avillg NOrth Ca e . ): Sthrnui.,. atilj. New 1 Ogg I . :Ad:lenge pro I nal htreet. foam SA, I..itir 1.1 t - ,yeau , o, WC , 1.. It/ .I,(,protniurn. . i rijlli;sfreet,ror/Ire,ra Tu b, and ''!.',',;!""'"" - ^“r -“ All,;Y• from •-• no , ."'" Fla fladelphle ]i's r. i . 4 „ 1, an, ans r .„ireetB, • ; liy Arnett., .of the street Cron:hitt., PETILADaLgitIA, Nog. 3.-Vlraer dun. ,nd thn . ti G 611. It. tt. F1f...1 1,, City f.ooll . olltr. W . W.I 11114.1‘4:11,.1. AV lieraL 1".42:,. Lord ; Gilf4S%ll ill ADO DE aI.ER LH HARDWARE cesteis I'DTASII, r e-11 0 ' . 1 [,..p.ii., •;1,[.:7. *al' . 1.1r W., :.•• 11 .. ,,5 l''' , I -". 1 flrat . .'1 go!, 1 -fl t , 11 , 1. 6 . 1, `7 . 012 trivet; and!or ..I.lty prime. 1....11,1-14,%445. .. whifikr G:/ 1 .1 r.: 11 :' , 6::1 4 Z: i b 5.12.1.:!.: ~ 1 0 e. dot.awitst Prkea. "t.C . .lrlvg don 1 tog WWII: A. a - .L,1.1.' A ( . 0 0/40, PAIL. . ' tar.r..l-...."....6.11.1C,0. - . ~,,,,1/cil,V . • Wlltricsale Druggist., .17 Wood tireet. • Near York .bry` Goode Otaiket. Now roue., Ner.l3.—Tho Dry Goode market steos, hilt tittle varlottens Item the extreme , titietreta.uf the rost week. bottle efforts went made yerterdity aiternoOtt 10 at traett he al- Ulu his of Ituyertt, 1s putting down the price, t•mtto ttottetWe blmetthas anti shirtutua hue t it rhea,. to effect. whatever. 'There ore Irtu very few buyerr It. umrket anti they are • toy 1,0,l ...wag to a ome.ll irregular nay, to YOOOlll4l nanortotoolo.. - The 001.1.1nuett tle. 1,1100 ill 11111 nriee.ot rite material enahlewlieltl. etc to aottolunovrer prison lor goals, but there 'iniutt'itontlirter nay price. C g e ' . "'" Chicago !Market. • NOV. 13 .—Flour (111 " 0..11 u, tut t"r irg firm aL 12.1647;?../ 11 for No. I: So Corn n.lvanced • 4 1 / 4 1?.. ,, 0 for 91 , ..,107ec for No. 1; tor i.z‘4 , ,, o .ettl'; it, awl closed ulna 4 1" and 448 tt lo[ 'tiu Pork nrqdcra.tely tel at i - 2.1..a414, 1 i• to Sir - rtiso: and advanced 10041r.r, f IL..cciptm-10,000 ...:1000 no?. wbout; .`57.000 In.. cora; 00t5,1.500 hogs. Slilpment4-7.000 67,0,0 1111. corn. 1 , ,0. oat, tVorl: a lettng ..... liy "; • Cm ;he ' an ,l "!! tht! tr!!; ., I.:•eh.ut-,!en rti .,autoleatttt tit all Allen boat for ton nnrtberh Lthe .l'oolzet Coal pith V. ••1' t.• ... htt> Produce I'l••••lno - gh 31,riniartere, or St. "Itute.que." uotee-ltc aem.l us' \I tnel street The Sol 11,1 Capt. Des' ooley. toeietin,..• , l for r , terthe 1,11, anti 1 , 21,- 11. ..... ...... ..... OU&F.r. eengek, .ben uutl d ••• het in ell 0•!. Tho 1?%.t1e - E , b. /i.E.F.Tik.6 7 , ,Ivor believe, t , hell. in toll. tatt. t • ..ep zr,ltng the Nora. ! •a , • Sletrulan, l'Catte, 1••• fillth tlpl . ._L " l Vltt.r.lAton, VA. P e iI y tor n ill Ite A ire en 1 a•..llol.'Sa. I ) ""!. ; 6. 16t)IICSE !=...7.lccee. Cl roor-einct• 1 Nev. Letl' , •• •••r..,e•LI ••• certx , ..t \allloo e, • tell ! 11,1 3, 1:1,161 ,, e.• ollt• r•-, Cot fel . ", •:•,; bop!, p r p,, 4 ,, , rani Sestet 1. k• ••I •, Let. ha. A • • rthertnan, Arajn..h. It uttae Ito, !...:1% •1 - Lola, • ~.;1111P"IllrX; 1111P"IllrX I'l Ittsie limn. tint:lmo, rehuiler, Couo.el.t. 11iC1L..1., • ~ .. i 1.001 I,entt nth! .1 one, n ~h cart .••• I . ll.l.Otirce. 111 The Amer..., en vent, in• New 1./rlcan, wus kletophe , on the 7th 1••••1., : the .11e,•••••trger, en row:. !tete NON Or- • 4,1 , 3 to tell_ ,t; -„ dny. I.ll''''"'4l'E-rzutt AitlisTcloNG, 14( rut . l, o. reek , In "" • , .• .surut 1,11 C/11 , 1:,/ tl More netert tr. ri•loei . I r •.( 1/. • 1e.,:17 he .1 1•1 Citrre No .1 erh;_o• to el.tht •., , nb - • • o/ n - r Iron, : Slll.llll, 1.:11.1j CO., Whole t:. r I ,115,...,4 .!.• • • .1 Z:LC •{, Li No. tai Liperty tot. , c,„„,,„,,,„ tl' et re on. t 5 t take t 111,111 11.k.Sin • •ti,-111., CALA: .1.,•••• • e•1 • • ; ,4„I 1:.,•1.11: : var.! ter . rentt.,tr•erney. I SA 141 i .• •r• a • .ter :tree!. and ILS Front ...lreut l'ltt,t•u,n• • • '111.411'1” I.: 1 1.. 10' -LI Prtelnre met 'a.mast,s:or. 11.,;.1.2.3t3 La BE]:: 1,•1:17 , ; 0312% 61.0411 N. CO., iliCillenait t, 7 . • ,V.A., • and I. 11•• ,J; - .:11. 1 • ... - IMMIE MEE . . utr pl.t.rtlt tht: I I MEM 111111 . . . ipc.; 1•. .on .1 lit "11,. c•t ti..• ali,y smisarsr.i. lalts, 111.31 , 1 1 , 13.0 it . 133 3, 331. wist , (.111V r I optiwary,l,4.2l ip, I j;.• 1“ Isi 1,3311; s i rrstls 63. t :sit s 3 3.'y tsisia s.- sat 11.3 L , ri sir hint u:1 1 sas 33 3w ,L,141/ 1 1 ,, ,t .1:1y 1:/ Ailits a lit fill. ti: , It 1313.1111(.33.334,33133 1' a -31:33 1113 st, Isa, 1333.20 irrs3Vins.stly 5.33.3 it as:qtr. 11 3 3.- it,. 013,301031 / 3 303-trt stassitst i23's and ,way •l:-,: The barrels aie how roile.: two.: the wihiri a cost of three eelits !Aro, :.0 c] into the thilp's hold ut u enzt.••trititlit. wore, the damage from bent, relief to rat , noel 1h alt ten uvohld. md 10 ty.t wo, hour, troth tie, arriet e tl of i tile bargee the caret:, of !Mar matt ho way: 410WIr t h e river. It I, C01114'11,11:aby w sysLeu: of trarmilinrtatiou r.,1 et 1101.11' brought from st. us /al ;North aN Porrhettli ,It,a to tin a caving of one ihir7l 'est. tool that th, stem' te• tutu spitein is fully ...irriot oat t It, Immense amount of freight, W Me , E. , 1111 a, us woll ttero.e• the ertutuicill, wilt again be tilt...pot'. Ilaaniver. Nrlnont.; beetle - pm, - of T ttemtlay mays : L IVs learmel 3 e , -ter.lay that tenA ‘ wim tr,tty -I.l,l,lValker it - , have traded tlitt. ,, enettier riIIISIII in Mr tile clde alleet 'nteunier, litretry. The tillisey wan ut l ire Wharf .3 - A:sturdily, awl during the afternoon left for l'ltlttlhurwti. It Ilea leer I,l,lll,ll.:Cidea in what trade cite alt Int run. relit the following from the L••Uisylli• Courier of "lileuite3 . : The trriiio, 'sett Ajax came in from Sew t , ..t.tirdily, wall seventeen clupty.coill !thrift, for Pittsburgh. Sire hooted at the toot of• the tails. The came hi 'from I'lltdburgil 01111 t hint tow of cosh which seas seut throliuli the canal Inc the Tire Warner 11140 dtllloll,l use Perin ..urgh with it tow orelopty bulges. • STEAMBOATS EMEI MEI Mil TO CLASSMAKERS. • k: SI.IBSCItIitEItS HAVING -•••nle by•• - rnsldni 1 1.0 i.•,,, .11. 11,17' 1,,,..11,41 tof.l• Intl, r . yi ,AND, rewir for I it 1 ,011, '1 'I I:LLIt Vt,lth at xt-!os 1,11) 1 , 4 tonchn t. , ntra, hi nr ;..• 11,11.,• , 1 t.ll 00. tk par , lv. call nt r r., . 13c n 1 1 , t X 11..• ci,oit r 'on a'r 'tan ay.,11,-. 1 , 7 t.. lt , titt.Y.l. 01111 Cr, k ~ • 001 1. Cr II AIN itit,, 14(1 Ftriq atte,, ;•L'ittbtour,s4, l l lll ht. protuht”l anttubed n., t. CO Cdr PARTNERSHIP. • • • TILE iwlDEstsit:NE3)• • 11.4 ootwk .14 :fa Murry of 0., Fltf .11ERK IC , a ban, con the.tlll toh. partbarnhtt , ,•3, I , {' 11.1.1:1`Kit, t. 31A.0 ur WaltONS A, at the old.- et• I ..L.l-4 .t 1 ,tabos ur Art , chlt :Amin and Thotna% thrp. , r. 'an 1t.....atr wort. MAIIN:ItSirr. and wou).lrozincouily 1,11111 a . ot the pattoaag,ttltharto .Ith:rattl ~ clowatt. 1 11.)31.1.5 Hatti . Elt. A. AOlllOOO (10 ratAN. AltAsl AnSCHF.I.IIANS.. ME= '• " ' 0 ""E PAT. I S t jnftgu lt Et l lNTAN ‘ LTßi t_ EEATHER BELTING AN HOSE, - Sta,faitart.l at No. ZiS a3tlttirl 'IA) Jr., IT HARTLEY. PHELPS. & CO. Agents for Sen. l'org Itut.txt Co. Gum 13el tin g,. 9peclat attentloc Alvta to tto. twttto, , or , of ilaramered and Locoisio e aitA Cat ANiCSI 33.3LAC1 , M.a...1:11 . 331. - --9-I , arl , :-..'', HAI LUDA I) i.'/1.‘.1 IL., ..'I'LL:. E DAR,. IIKILII.,:. .4 r4; l ,t , 0 .!'“ , 115.. N 11,./LT,.. Nc. 7,' . GuVarif troll LINKS AND BOLTS, I 15.E. , ..115, 1,151/Zii.IIItIN; . 4,I:TAIAIN AL ROLLS /1I: WI:OUGHT I 1t...5 I'o,l S: Ceill Scree It 11 , 0.4 T AND ANKLE I 11.. K, .y., T ito 1..:. lii a it,: ::e.,0 lbs. to the!, ard WAREGOUS F.: • Tr.••• tall., punched and rutin -95 'Water and 126 First' StreetN; ter s „ 1 _II . OFFICE: AT TII E 1501155, NINI II WAR D. VI ITSIIVIIIIII; EtOilrr. 8ri41:4., it la 7:: tw.15.127 . ..- Cut :Calls turd !..pilies; . FORT I- 1 1. 41.17 " Stall , and 131,;I: 1".:4, ,IL.:`:,', • lialliEllad St) 1.. i . ,....; 11011,ER , sil l : Li , Am) TAN 4: ttzt...:lr . ( t i r a l :l l 4. f..,'' . 1 ; .: . , ,, i , :u ~,,. ::, ,-. ca t iu :i l ; ; ; l d o l . 42 3. ,: i t„, 4 1 . 0 . Hr.lle . . . ... . WC) IR. I-11. -- .-ii. '' • • ,-,•:,:„.: c,i, -:,,,,,, I, :: ..1,1 A N if.',; • .' . 'r tr , '.. •l' • aril 4.0 r,.• ' - .. - uit - D.l CoL; 11:.1.,;' , A , ,:i •.,E.i.t.1 , T.1:a.: • i . CARROLL (Sr. Sid): DER, '.; - '4.l , ent Col,: ii. , .;1.1.yji ri4 on Ciuth; LIANCY.,II.7itt,, LI, • .01,1'I.• V L lin Z:. ii.C . 1.(1 , : t:1!I41... W AIIIIL,01.: AN D .I.k FicK. 1 . - TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUEW TV F.L , LAI: • i..:III II alit g.titl 150 FrolASts. FIRE-BOX A CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. iyi.0.N. , 11 L!'•:'-:'., OIL STILLS AND 011. TA•NEss CIIIMN M . S. BR EECIILNG AND A, II l' .1N IL . ' 4: ° . '. ' 4 I 19 11 .16 Vliv. er St " SETTLING PANS, SALT PA NS AN D CON- i - ---•-- - - , .....: ' DENSER,. -, KEEISM.:I7OII 11011vvongs. STEA7.I rirt., , , C.A.O.I.II.TEIt's, AI. 0 IKON : -- BRIDGES, . . LLOYD ;',:, • LACK, • PRISON 00011 . 5 AND COAL. SIit:TES. Oalce nutl . l.Vor , lir. ctorntr berottd.'r a Liberty Stroa rittsburgh, 20u.,471var =I EuEPFITLB ',s7QT, S'L:??NS (I„Paptlt, 2 i , ..; , v; mii.liag. I. 12. 1 011 , 1 v 6 • ... BEST BEEF".EI) - . CAST l'f:1 ! kl.'!! , •'-!1..-!••-• ~ !-i. ,,F !, . • : , ! !!,..,,.•,.,..., N0..4, ,v.t..rzott N ‘ o. 6 Mnrket Ate. 1,5111;AP.F., HAT AND WILCO, iif ill SIZES. ! i';,',..,':,;'..:: r i:!. i':,',.`..!. , .',',,r',:..i' th \ v _ r _t '2,2.,',14" HILL, .111:LAY. (7111C1.1:.tti, OLNG AND (11,,, crr , . _ . f• ! ILI ifillS, sTriT.ES AND CRATES, SAvr PLATE' , I.• • ' ......._ =•-• q , L. PERSONS 11410 Nli.Eo NETS' ELLIPTIC AND '••E ll••ELLI PT I— • ... Icq I •,INti ;:.•,N , ;;,11 - .• I, t•,. •1 1 to rnll...lEct RAILIVAY SPRINGS, 1: • j •...1 , 1 , ..,.i, , 1 • ••1, ,- I L - - f 4 - Il,ns •- ,I V,- 1 - 1,. 11L,:c1.1., 'o - t. ,1 , - r , l - . , Cast -Spring She', ;I;. llr.,(6ut!lG)itibi' ., a .i. & Ii Eki I Nti Still'ES, Cast and German Plow Steel 1 Wail'. lio., Fur- 1 , ..;, a,..1 1 aon,:ry buae.3. i rcuw WIN 6 z AND MOWY.IC lIARri.• : LaSsELI. Z , .:. C 0.., • • SPRINGS, AXLES :AND STEEL TIRE, 1.1..t.v orr, .•ftlo , efOolir,..l riutlar ,, :i coup:. sTovi.:s, Foil cOAL., tiICKL, t‘II"VEL, lIi , F, It %h E. 1,1:%, TOE ' ' • CALK AN ll• m A . 11E , Tit% CA:iT ••11:.•.L. An 4 111..{: OA Iolr wood. CHOW-ItAlt;1 . Ac., . 10 . AC. Water St,. Warehouse, S 3 St,. Pittsbdrajj, H o sE iu.iL i n To r 1.2 H •oinis, oc15:1:1 ____ ~ . • r • • - 1 ;-.-y E! ; ; , 1 tr , v , -Tio - s; ,L. PETE." - ASON. Jr., & CO., IRON AND..NRIL worffs i ,, Cot kill g : tad iletttin: - AC . LEWIS, BAILEY, DAUL ELL & CO I '.. ' .'. ''''' '' . L . t:. :l I. A 1 1 L0...3 ..01, L.E.,, . 1 - ' V! , :j l :'ll:.4', IN Liberty street, • k , I:F 1.(..T1.1:i1't er BAR, BOILER, SUEET rii,r.t 1:2,9 :,11:1:L NAILS AND NAIL 12 OD3. ITareheuc, 73 1 ater iiv Frou PITI'MII€'3 Gl. 'r'.B IiEYSTfiE hi l l.L'i e HUT SISON, (.1.,1..•.t.; '..: r. arllflrtt,tr. of .11. ~ ..lct,n:r r ~ 110 ad, Squari , , Fihi ,il°3 llorn- ,, hae Bar !.Jiy, Hoop and Band Win, Boiler-Plate; Taoll 3r:4 Sali-Pau if :a, , ShePl !TIT, ,!.c „ 6.c , L - . .1t 0r1.4. PIT iT. AM - , 11p . . o , ',lul '' '''' - 1 ~ 14 . ,..• V.,nritot. • ; No. 146 \Fater SLIVet FORSYTH'S STANDARD •'OIIIILES. .4!\..M.E3 CP, Cop ingePrer.Ncs, Wa rehoustrYrete Ls, Elaggage itarrova! , , ,Sugar 31iliN, Six, ' FORSYTH, TAYLOR 6; (1).. - -3 , . 3tAiLkt.T olitEl . :T . 1 ii 71714 11NV B. 'WOLF, TIC., & CO., Hardware• 4-; Cutlery. Are Dew recelvlrra Legs acl.l:llpris to our atuctz. It offered to I at, 121.49.1Wr.IVAELINT JP-Vita CCa turn( r Liberty . . and St. (lair Ms.., 'Pittesi.3urUa, Po. • i MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth - W4rd, UPrOSITF.I.INIoN IRON .1111:1.:1 x 9r•r et 13 mr ROLLING MILL AND 8R1413C CASTINGS AND CASTINGS GENLOGIN. • Orders promptly and rarcfnlly o SVCII tot d. C e,ltli Et, REAntt:: ABLE. • EmsEnT 31.4C1i1.1 FITTSBILIRGU STEEL; U 017.11, i Oil .u.n,:lut,:,, Oil Tools, I And ,•• 1,1,0tt e r , t , • .:, :or Itontlg Oil tVeits. I 1 . .,r,0 , :av n,,. ni D b, ~,,,1 , , l'l,mg dpnbniliew 11/lately.. ..L . 1% . e a ~e, itatt, et. IN. du C. R: R. . WUCCIL3I3OI2B TO J0N1.5. 1311Y.0 I eir..! ; ' ./...,,,,i1,0, -,,,,,,,y, i,„.... ,Ca t1 1 1 1 ,‘11 , 11 , 1.1. 1 u ~• F. 1•1 . 111.1f 1 T1,,'. ja.• Manufacturer. at tb tenet retned Cast Htell. liqunte, , Vlat and Octagon. °fall (1.4:11. k 67.. Vial., floe, For) , pETit i)Lil mie,,Eimi, livir • s, .4 Sheet Cast HUM, Cant creel for . .1: '4.. .lin. 321:tato :ntrcet 1 - ,:". :Ls 30: CI • REAPING AND MOWING lACIIINE: 4 , ' c , . ! i , 4.11 .Irn,y, , - 14TEL"1" PLOW WINCiM.SPILIMOJ, ALLEN. I ' - M:tI,I,CCIII,I of f CIRCULAIWI, dec. - I Lui-N.,) , ,1-4,(tltlN't Tt1,11,, AN'lt 1 1 4.1. - I . llti“t " ! Ut'l.l/ 1 , . 7 , Itilt:.', , 011. .1.1:111 , A LT \V 1.11,1 1 . Cant and Catumon Plough and Spring Steel, 1 2:;!:' , .'2 , . , %' tf ~ , ,, , ,.. T. ,,,. 1 . . ..- ,, i io ,= „ 1:::n i n u i , . , 1 ,,,, ii: .., 0..1 1.0.. s,o,re 11., l;t,t;,l;!.nrd 0.. r., IA 021c6—Cortmi of Ylrnt nod Hon flir,t, trifl blur :4 : atimtn•rf. 1. ....1001 :,101, : .tt 1— ,I, r••• 1 by ~.,,,,,,, above Ito Sionotignbelo ifou^v• se-27:AT . 1 sil'irti..;orlo,l; r+i ~.,,, I ng. biunll ~ , , i ,, &1 1 , it WORKS . , ~...1\ .... . , In , . 111 , • :, Iqn {II, i CRESCEIVT ..STEII , :1-:',:.' .- ,„',.,:...i1 - '.: . !''..',.. - ,,'.".',::::;"..'..7.': - .'. , :';',‘.,‘..::' - :' , ',: .. Ina &NOV:1(140N, COOK & -- MILLER; BARR • SIANtrACTI:II6:, Or BEST QUALITY CAST .STEEL. " Warranted Equal to auy In the itorlte either Imported or of Domestle Manufacture. tirCIAL.-ATTENTION PAW 10 Yl:4 t'Art'l II 1 ELL.. • Mice. 38 Wood Stteet„ iN IT. ClikltLEh tioTv.t. J our lbib. Ju.O. U . t.eß ...... .1. }ETNA STOVE WOREiS. f. • A. BRADLEY & -CO. I=l , lilintant.. - aure every shrilittY Of COOKPARLOR'AND HEATIiiO SIBYLS "."—"" • • • ' •• • • " q•'"L''' 1 : I. . •‘ ;' ' ii AlOll al'l i. 1 • - ti i i r, . AS, pg melt are the celchrateil EUlth KA IT. 11'1 4 awl ° TAIIitSIAN iti oil Ktoi et %) ni:1•11`y•A, '‘,' i."l . s , , PITISBURG , H IRON WORKS, &KAN .and I KONSiDES (Wood Cook stoves.) isoit nisnutactPro . . GRATES, GRATE FItONTS; ar,c. " i ...air( rt.:Typal, ha" , . . Unice and Warehouse, CUM, ~f tiecOcul stet Wen t J. PAINTER & SON!.._ nowt, Vittsburit h. Entrance iron liSucliet,TobantlTrunli . •.,.., ! HipOPS AND SHEETS, : In , dr ' • l'lT'n , UV ItUilt. PA. „,, o. ~,,,,,,,,, ..... ht. L. 1,...-talt J F. T A OEL LE STEEL 'WORK& • I • . ri.. Xrr - - - 6 - 71- del 00. ~ • 1 Manufactity.. i i (. or c rEitt, it nitazai PLOW . Office anti iit agehouse 301 Liberty Street 4 , , ,i m i . .,..c.p. er,.,i,,r1,,,..ppy2.,,i,y, Av x . l. E s . ',Kow 'opposite Smithfield, i.i.,t . „'''' •• • • ",,''',. io -: ;WA 1 C.:: z • ': ' Tin 1. 1 24Lautifeletnres a treat ya, out of itl , i K., FA It L 01( . ~,-,,';.,,,,';;0:',.",•.••• . ” ' '''''. 7'. ,x -and HEAT( tit'i hiOV EK, amulet which, are the. eel- '" ' '• - - -- —• ebrated Allegheny and Monitor um, " " "1 " . EVERSON, PRESTON &CO Mores: also. the Autocrat 111. i gent sentin e l tor coal hr . • t woo and the unrivalled . "rut,- Empire. for typed; also, A retie, Grates, fendera, Sur-- Bettie o. • Pfl a .'IrS YI. I '.1.17...41 ... {)DALE -,Pirvvii --- 5-, i :All j;rail e., ill Cb ,7 44 1 NV - 1A....11._. T T for rioters. 000, Din ing 1ima., ..! itree, ami Kite:, eni. In rest Yarmty, .v 6. al lime. Oa . Jim. it. LlCtilleb 6 BILL/. IrIA 4 SOSILIt J 01.1,1 ALLLN JAS. L. TVIELS VALLEY STOVE VVollfild. ALLEN. INVICEE & Co., It'r A 1 , 1 UF r-71.71i7-11S EN • . st i i k i t „ - - - . :...,:i j; . .., Pll JULI!..ii) Ll.'.. 5 . ..i..7, -,0 .72. , ,a , .::::.7" - . - . li::.e. ar:rei Cr; tircual EMI =MI FLCID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA , Combined with lodide of Li Ole, Ould at Low Itates nt IFILE3II7tiCi f S Dit1.714 STORE • •. No.'s; I Market St., Pittsburgh.' } wr Axles, • - ee• - ^ . 7 f; or, ;3.,, - . A LLEG[II:I".; , .0.,... Val LEY It , :i 'oil sALE :01' CONDE:VINE') 011111.- ~,,, ~.., „ . I ', l- ,.. 1 ,1„ . 2 ', 4 '..', 1 ,.."..,_": 1• : T ,<, .!71;-,: nits ... ,„ •-• 1 , A , 11: AND i lIIDIN ANCF: rTORE3 T V. 111 1 r .,. ~, , :e •e,. st rto s h,el, 0 ....p0, .. 00 .,,,,, pp" •• ood at lOW tr A eel', r. sa Fula' ,102.1t0F. &It- ,r,,,,,,,,,,, 5tr ,..,,, ~,,,,,,,,,„,. , -TO A !.. •di i• , Int t'Arstott. , e. on "U,.rp r, t _ .„ • ...-• 7M ,I,:, 7,7 P.. ~ 111 ~•' l ^ l , •.• of , Ire., A "40 , , o.,,C r e ,o ro 1.,) Clealri mod ArtMerT Sabres, I Poll. to AVA N A AND N - - IV tot:DC.l,s. C. 1.111.1. - MI Swords. in 011 loos and non-commis loned INI• 1 OC, UN l'fh la sTATYS HMI.. , The TIDY-Cis... Stenuarblps of t. o .'oe .-:11 call to . v. any!.•,111• 0 anon EA O•r the Douro al CI , (moos,: ••1' BA" I In tons, T. A. 11:11. Oen:in:and, Mt ~,,, 'I nnst, ni Snot -cf.: H. .. -ALUM/AA% N0 N .,,,,t,,,rt;,. 'N...1 •••LHlF.ltTl"—Lnltone, Win. Ur' Ito,Ceturnander, 01. g. Prom tirt' l l ' 4: ' ... ' •`s i . ', Wiik '' ;i;, ` iiii.i.'S I'ol NT, At I: r'elo.. e. II , torreio le,,outl i doyen...on:rot. ..,,,.. , FOr , :fl ,, 41 , 111 i ”.....upu......,1 at, ,0nti1..1•11 , .a1••, , , , .. , ~ i I ALS .o): II •I'.l 1.i,1 T. 1... atoo., A s ostc o Iti sr. tr., 1 , 11•,... _ -- ....,.. ~•• • N. 1,-- NO ..i 1 • ..1' 1.• no.: ,:: I'it - • •.. Lll. t: , •:nra.• v v.: :••• 41.,,1. t'.., ......z.,1.1.1 r..1.L ol•t.: ~• li o log porrha-r.I LI, old CAAblleted Brewery ~,I _ ,, ',, . ~..„ , r , i ~ r Soon es tint AL L EL. LI EN Y bin ENV MIT, fr rmerlY iir. - .e ,-., •., :-.-,. ,-- •. N ,•- - . r.t.; . .t*ttitra by t Atitttot..ll I nestles. see would Inf. Pin The • ".' •'• ', ''''s -' •'• . ", • • s• pht 17 lilli ~, intsndeouttuotuu the utanorsocoiro of 0 ., ,r1 . ,0: ...._ .73 TO AND : 6 14:Il Lai flit . 1 / 4 .,ALL;a Jill, k - . i,as , HARDWARE. SPRING WATER ALES) I Li 1. , L A.:.1.<1,'EE7. , 1.,, \I 'N cu,,,,,,,,i;y0cy, i A WI.:01>.• 7 lir INMAN IT:. E. -slang '''".. ' `'' '•'` ' ' .. •••` •••''' r`s" , , `"tus , i I It.ele tio . r.l fare Sprats Water, anti from olleterill- 1 ~,,,,..... , T ., n - ' • •. ' •••• ' •"'" ' ' ''• ''' 1 '''' l, `l' • 1 • , "• Y... •st.l I,pg ..x.g...ricur, In the Dualuess,loe frel badly SILU LI DAY . ,- - ~.-•. ::, - , - , i ~,, ---,,,,,, 1 .„,,,I,jltbst 11, ••11l tr, rltsDred to glVoatire :It- , ' ''''' ' ' ' ' '''' ''''' ' • -.l ' - '1•-.•••"'•••\i''''.4.•' la:v . :ay:l to those who may favor us wltti Os 1r pal- -. • - EVERY WERNESEAY ~...,,. :....,;„ ~ it• r •,,, I, t• v.: 'l.,•••s. I•r1.1.:- I $9,-maxer3EL ea GICIci., ,_--s .0.. _..... ,_. j. CA ii in ING u. :-. 11.1:L.•.=. - -- . 4 GS Rebecca .... LA et: U. 1 Tido tco ol t•s and from lolson. Ybelatol, b• 0O ,P : t ‘„I l it 1 h i t 'll 1,1 i. i --- i lend. Carman y• snot Fr i.l i 4. 3 [At kl li.V. . L! Illti 0 11111.411 • , ALLEGHENY 'CITA% . Apply at tt., Cohbant •:o OPS,S. • t . 4011 N 1.. DALE, Agnot, ,i..). ,ILS Wa ,or Strepy - .i : WirA.i.l orders left t ItliOWN A. ORAHAII's, I I:. It roadlear. N. 1.. •- o • - 203 Titoemy street, y Ittatairgn, Wan P c!ialr r tT I or WIT NINO 11A3I. Ju., ~•, I sornded :O. ___._____ -i• ....II- 1 0,2 , ••..0.: A•llmC EXP.••••••.•1r. ,, , 111 , •b•rRh. '1 • FORT PIIT FOUNDRY. ~..., .1.1.: Lir. A3i DI L' ILOSI-117117T 1 I itIiARLES KNAP NEPILBViS N. 7 ff.*: 1 -7-RVrANorAcrvarnsN or I lAt .AM U EAY ORDANCF,, ..t, I S•PC I 4i ..',.. • li; for..Ul 1154iniiii.S. •- ` LOUAI,!.F.INOS 01 , HEAVY' CASTINe k i C H:L ' Aperto• sttep don paid to ROLLING - ULLLIWONII 714iiiii ' ll 47 . k l / 4 , - , laßliiiLL, , ISLA. I' MACHINI.BI - and RETORT'S. I:ETA:Its atter.•le.l to promptly. ”: .... ,so o • 1•AS:. no' c ' A, heretofore, the bell. materials will alba.f. l'e o djo ola .. l :..1111.....1i....t.t!,,19, Tanklo, 1 .rTl.r.`ituigh`Sirru,,,T,iliTo, our old p.„. 02., orm.. p, - : .11 P.,. n- ..• o , viol ter-. %Iroligtit t pored. with :IVA AND ruPpOVen pattetts. c - o e ll- i you :11.•,..,,,,,,,,1.,..t.t troll 1 strut:DJ under the supervision of Ylr. iI•IOSSeT• I furnish NAIL 11 ACHLN ES at snort notlce. noes -- ‘' . s •''' ti D.. ST:,.. t b , ~,-..., ..t os.i. •s . . .. • • I . 01.DIEUS' - , 7' ':'. 4; 1 ti i; i.!: Pd. 1 "°-''' '' ''' '' '''' I ' ' - ' 71 ' 19 I.V. ''''' '''' i CLAIBS FOR BOUNTY, St. . tl:iE n 94.:. N ?LI( lIINIC , " " 14 ' 8 * 1 ''heunderelrrted 1:111 callect all bounties, putl ' a• T. CEARLES F. rill &HAM. &CO I pay snd Sensions due soldiers under the sets or • I 1 Courr,ss or State lases. _—• Congress loas.lost‘pimsol an act squalls:tor bons. IDes. under Which veteran soldiers are en 11150.1 tO to•unty of from BUM to 11800. , JOHN e. LAIIIIIE, o A. H. DROWN. Attorneys st Law, ()Mee, No. 114 Fifth strert, 011-nnidAwT PlTTrißlllitill, NIES 'A VLfIIs .. _. MEREI 1 . ':.,.: &c., L . 11.1,Y1A & NO.'S St„ o pposite Fourth, lEEE ut,ir u, MaciquisLs, et,l3 rt: Vez. 10,7 El: .. 1 •. FIN r K 1 1 It r.. 0 t l enrt tiqurrr - v, F ..1,1 •1N mrsuue c.iirrd &Di co.l k,,;r4l;:n Ctirt , lllr , mad v•srel,:, .15. arlo , 7:::Seeond re,t, Er; , ; • .1 if"tti:F;SNE IIEsT 'I man &lA 01 . r••• oht • I 1V1•1-:.,.. • t. tr.! INS Wait nous.,So-. i'; qrposlte RPM VP, ' lIE NEW, Spring anclZlim nter Medicine; .... :',;• ...5; ' r . , 1.-I';':' !L U n 03 SkIISAPARILIA •MiIINI.E II WITH I°.(iide 4)1 -A-di-Iniel PiTTSlit CO-p . = ..r tc,D.RD.,‘ avi Nntt n.l fler f, trs,us WILL Ic m.ll f01..,w5• -.*: • t 4 : - A YOH G. W pErtEs, BOSTON,- James R. Nichols & • Co DIAN.III,M;TURING CHEALISTS, EANUI,CTI.7I.I IB Or Tr.r. - ELIXIR. PERUVIAN BARK Itivets tau. become so favosably, CV 1..V3:11,17,1. ,Vl,l 171' pnrt, The sew - preparatton, •InAII..SArIkILILLA, j, A C 031B1SATI0g WITH 101./IIJE UY 1.1.11.E, 11 presents one of the moot prompt alterative agentel I in a form capable of exerting full action upon thel , erstem , and this in minute and pleasant doses. lt d is ronceded that the alterative. resoltent. or totals:, elects of lodlne, are steeled moat decidedly when assoclated with other alteratives. In combination; and the Sarsaparilla seem, to fulfil perfectly all tit/ favornbie requisitions. The :trot effect usually observed when .SAILS.k, I nlll ILA WITH. LODILIE OF 1.1111: 11 Is taken. di au luere_are appethc, showing that It has t0n.C., 1 uroperth, of Aphnrkell character. Its alterative of Pet= mt manifest in Its ready combination with OF bin'hi and tissues. kcal, sornfulouskyromeu au] childrsu rapidly under 10115, 11.114 the ill it,Llr , nt ac—rm , a kesithy condition. It IS 3 11,111,,iT alarDe number of chrhU achtn sP e ctLcn., c,,frullar to children. It s ,n them, Irith If the mildness and etPciengl* n !le,ll.An .1 ell, cc and the pleasant, attractive Inc of the rtqu,ty. Itlmay be_4lren for a long Per , d %here k.o,elltilthlhal hitturrifca nit desired. and To repugnance , or disinclination to ist€ the gyro I, encountered. In White -Swellings. flip-Joint eds., and Distortions of the eaould be g •en persittently, 14 moderate ~doses, until rele is Obtainco. Won lEEE= BEE NM In . the Spring' of the Year, , d arming the Warm Weather. The accornulation of MOrbin matters in the alit m 3 to become manifest and very troubiesOme. Lassitude, Headache, fo,:is, COhtlVelai,S. LOtif , of Appetite , lotus in the Joints. Indigestion. et c.. are very counnen. Nothing a ~ l ever stunted is beOer arlsol to vaterminate orar.Ve off these affections Own thin new combination of SILESArARIELA , ITO IODIDE ; OF LIME. - I :co pray:tr.:Sion Ilks ir, or which approximate. , to st as an Alterative, or Blood Purifier, • hrta er.r.. , ,fore been placid initAln Ma reach of 01. I- Ws. hired, it is nn entire;Tssw tad bglisbilrlC omo:traitor !r bc , rridient resembling mlytidu hither, ..mploypn. • metl7-- • Tne oplaton of ottetlleal _ de'scrlytton of Ili chemlest character. theratleolao :Came: ',sc. etc., are Kt•eu in a elfet,lar. outlet) eau be bad pc the atom of may and all fast Druggt,ts. For sale to Elttsburzb by R. E. SELLERS & AND ALL Dart:olMM. ','3l"l!•ElL*lll 4 .li, OEM EMI $.• • •: & GV-, EN U1,:13Vi.4,11E, MEM I I.Sk v Kit • I'AT =EMI bIISCE'LLANEOU s i FLUID EXTRACT REM Pro s toxide of Iron, Tonic and Restorative, I men concerning Ittitio 'r : BAYI. cf (lrrt, and liTt. Col. U. Y. A. l;• . • 'sue, zlltm e nu Dovrrt ALLEGHENY BHEWE BET THE BEST. . PETROLIA BLUE. LEAD,.. ILEFLNERS 3lonufactured only and for sale by T. IL EMX X CO., - I X.l.casmoor Mr's...garktN7Crc.xlicro , N. W. Cor.3d ud'Market eta.. 1 CITTSISURtiIi. PA - 7 - 11iro4i 7 dirrr MILLS. ROGERS & 1317.HCHFIELD. Manufacturers of 10. . - REFINED, CHARCOAL. JUNIATA A roLuill. ssmmrs , xi=l.4comr. v.-r.-is-',.Wsiispoums., O. 2 ILARRET ET, BUY YOUR KOPONS, Toys, - Baskets, G. Lauer's Variety store, 101 MARK Fr-T STREET. OL /IFB~ BELL & CO.y Anchor Cotton Mills. Pittsburgia, Xarulacturer• of Am•H,o.ll‘) SIIEFf 'NOM, ; 44,4 vo-ruNnt. ROOFING MATERIALS. Ccracnt, Pitch, Felt, Para/Mac Varnish and Attack Paint, .51AI:infatuated and sold as cheapiss any other house In the cncr•—• PAIs E. 13000. dCO.. V.A•cr, • 511 05nirl. Wharf. 11.35.,... - Hommv 109 W 4. neer prlule WI:Re Flint for safe by = No, 971 Liberty street Mial md) boxed Go,nen, Fattory and Hamburg for sale by.. I=l EM:IE=E!2 BROOMS CO do =l2=lll 1:=11 No. ;t% Liberty otroik RAILROADS. EsTc to, 1.1.:+-N 71,35.1.y.411j, St,rr.s7g, mks., MIIEMIIIMEIII =NE= I==lslEl= ••.N. r. NE SNI nt kVA. .Arortri. Mail A. ;a. 0:15 P. Y. Ezpr. i; • 2he P. L. g:l4 P.. Y. Fast Line 'tesa r. 11. Minel le ta...".1`• 1.111, a., 5:05 P. rt.! Aecon:chebitten . `ha, a. a. 1.5 00. Stet. tteu , Ille 00 r. a. 10::(1 K. McDonald tt0.... 7 . 45 A. L. )Laming Es ening. 2.11051 1 rain. Train. Train. 'Lesson rlttAbtag• 11 •- r..• 10.150 P. al Are. C01umb..... 11 t. .1. 10: , 1., 7, 0 1. .. a. 4:11 A. a. 2.1 , 5 r. a. •• r. A. Y. MO rt Teri, laso ' •• ,0. A. U. e"35 C. a. nee a. U. •• A. it. A . n:l5 P. Cairo 1"It P. a. A. 5! NA , A. it .15. D. MAl'll I' ith . P.. Ticket Agent. liniou 101,1. PI:LA..IM. Jai( .012.1.N1 1 . • Ahur'ral hoperatteptient, Pt . ..burgh. • D. F. Will " eel! Attn . : Ticket Age. I: Pittsburgh. IStifi. l= 1866. TOIL PITT,: hU111:11. ST WAY! , 12 A CHIPADO M. •AN 1 1 arriCLEVd Eleav e D tA t P he IT UTStIeI: 1 D l, e l p o follawt; 110 955. nlthinn. IL I . Chia.o%ll,losS t. 0:05 1 . 11 et.i.eltro Klprvis 2:DJ nun Cleveland En— 2:01 a 01 Cievelanai•l:s l Erie .5 Tan Ex.. A.EO • n: pith:ago En 11 1 :10 pm (1. A Wbg. 51'1. 6.0 a nt 0. hunlitat na..• 11,1 •10 01110. En. )tall.. FAA n nit Chlenge 1001 'OlO 1:50 a in Whg. p utri1..5.1510t. Lx.. 1...0m • 0x...... 2:ln p 11'011. t'l Wheeling E 1.... 4Erip thit`blettgo Exptess Hfr tix 11,.0 0 jut ',IN ....a Depart train Ai:v."lolw. Art it. In All...tit:tab .. ti. tirtt: Accom 0:0.1 a m ei LeA•ts:lale • • 10 9 0 IL N. DC •.: • u.t: >ln 11.1 au. •• 9ttf.• e.s tiro Castle " 2:25 It hu t •• Vt.C. Wu. " rh •• 11:15 tem . 1.4 •• 4;50 • •• • • 100 r WTI N. lir . in `• p Praan •• 240 a :At LeetettAlu pin Vui • ` 11D.1 a e • • p :101p ill t!Arett at A.. 10. t i ..1,1,tf , g.0 . da j y . ati'l 1101 . 00• matar.1 0., _ Fl art it t nay. : t. It. MI . te ; pEsssvi.v.4.Ni.t rii t u: A- CENTRAL ItAl J l.lo. ly 1.11..44' u Z. 11,. • Traits arrlve aOO lea, the U.: lon Depot, carn... 41: Waelithgtott awl Liberty etr.o u ...,4 e,. Billows: .5.001V1:.. ' ' . 1,1,,,,itr. Fait L ole • „A:ou •re I'a. BapKaa... 351.0 •la Wall, No, 1.... 45:2 ..t 01 W 51 . 54 No. 1 .... O. ain Brintou No. 1... 1, , il a o, 0, thins Ace., 7::41 a in Wa11.1....N.1. 4 6: on a 0: •5.10 et a nail Er. 11:0 • it, .lehuslow a Ac,.. to:O, a 111 W:lti . . So. :-....0,:1.. a ta Italtlmo a Ca... 1.:41 pin Wall , No. i' 115.1 e aut , 1 5 10. Express.. I ::.0 11 m Johu- s oartt Ace. ,:.:41 pm New York Ex ... 1:551p le Bra 5.1....1. No. 1. Ihti pct , IA a 1 1 5.1 Na. a.... 2:0 , 5 p a,l (lola. Expee .. 4:14 um Wall'i NO 4.... 4. p nil Wall, No. 4 t,ur . 6 Braddock No. I. 626 1 pA! Wall , \O. 8 r , O p a Wa11 5 4 No. 6 LW ps. fait 1.1.0 12.1 t nin i 'Altoous Accom.Wall:. No. a 10:W p m and Am:grant • l ,' trait. ...... ....10:1.5 pip •. . D:rr,r,; -- i1',:;ii:14 ° ; . `1E. 0 ,.., ,,. ...-c , -1. TLe Chore! , Teal. It ave 'Na :l';• `cation ot..ri Sunday at U:ln a. tn., reachlng Nue:hi - eh at li• - .C. a. ru. 'He turn Mg Icaves l'lttauer.rb at 12..5.1 9. m., and arrlve at Wall s s.4 4 tatlon at 2:5.01.. tu. The l'hlladelphla god the Italtlmorr ExPre9a 44141 wive arrive with the Now York Ex pre4a nt 1:(:.0 ,p. to. ma bonds), the I brve ‘: p ylor 'the new I.loloul/cirot Hotel, scup upper etude. of - the !B oot ban : ding, tint, 00i. 10, the Uncut., arcomuuktatlon of the traveling corn muhity. Acapainoto , ' luatatirmat 1, opco a: ALI. slots., day and nigh: nuhdays excepted. NOTICE..—to ca,e. of be', the V. nhaylvenla it. IL Vompauy 44111 hull theMielvei tetpohatble (at 'Tr. 1 scant baggage ouly, and ('Jr au muouut not t. arced- Big 412.1. 0111 W. 11. BEi2KWITti. Ag•nt. pITTgEDURGII AND .O.`tiNKLLVILLI , Spring Arrangeraaut. or. an:Sal-ler „ MAICCII 15:11,1W. Ttle tralps will leave tlia DTPut. corner 02 Rul " "U " ' r.,..1,8a 1, rfc , f • i'Mlf Ff‘i. , Slslf to aral TTUfa r. 0. E xpre, '• 101 s, iik:w West TZevflOn Act'eamo.lalloia T. M. f :TO A. W. VI: , I. .lent Ark..kW a :I :l, a. Tf. w . • • ..... r. 44. I, 1. 1., Brakl.l.ket.'n •' ..... :1J e. r, CCU la) t'Ln rril Jr" .. !T , nu!: For pl T . o REM Ft:st Ac,nuo !Inn, 7 :— itec^l.`h rY.7 Y. F. u. E.T.LreSA; &IA Ernie Nl.lioErg 32.1 r. C.v. , A. M. IT:ccont:%Vorkm .:.Jr,ll. Traln fred. sa.: Woik3 'An r • . 1.,(0 bj If E=MIE IIIiCELLANE 0 US : t 7, 41 at1F.:.'..L7:4. 1• ; 4 •VrA :J1'7.1.14 ktOka," PENNA, SALT NIANUFA 1u 'G CO, SBURGH. PA_. - )-; PE6A. SALT iIIANUFAPTUR'G Co PITTSBURGH. PA- =I ~. r • - 44)37 ._ On tbig. Continent. . is SO PROli' 011'NUVO lIT Tr/ A m .:seirntlac AuLYV ,,, I ~ .:14.11.15t... It Restore., Grki ilair; It Preterite Mir Vaillj,g LW:: IL change , OA. 11 , ,oL,:01 Lti•lc C”lpu Ore.ille Acti.ti; j It Era Orates Datufrai alai - Human. .it 'item; (tie Scalp itc Lthy; -It-Cutitttlw. nu Injurt9 1 / nKrp.ll,lit, And le nntl“,,ll y 1w• and L-1.1.er1 ,, r 11)z Tu k. Ntll"lLZ Every hoO.l, .NTA TN:* MUNE 1,11,1 t: tllthau a • other dollar po.p.tratfo.o. Nil LAIIOF: REWARD , . offered to c taael uffio.x.Y. tot; W t 1) 4 ) Ci CA RANTER to refund ti money to any pemon whni.l7l v.e 1.0 r.)ttit s then say that our Nertorat , Ne has Sailed to do all Claim. J. 11.113AR1LItYrT& CO. Pr dpgietora, Manchester. Sew Bamyklare ILLEIRS eg, CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street; Pittsburgh, P my7.1.m.92 I)DIVATE DISEASES. Dli. YtailSti. (late of Philadelphia.) N 0.75 Third a' Oct. men' all de,cription. of 1' I>te I , 12.4 e vrithnupa elf dsurcesit; l'artlculatittentlon,t ' dlecases of the Urinary Ursa... tilt treatment f the seine being site most al:mesa:el ever employe He glees Lopes of a speedy cure to the allicted. Ladles will and his timur.enatrogrue sUperlor Other preparation for removing obstmetio. to t • healthy menstrual flood. No I. tire Dollar • bottle. No. I, which I. four deep,* gran •er, d.signeel for obstinate cases, Dv. Dollars °eV:shout. a. Y. top P . 0.. w. fett.o. Address.. vrli/a stamp. .1/n. YOUNG. NO. P 4, 14W9,1 PsfliniF4 sugHilln II MEM! 11231 0,41 La a ArIAL.Ie. lra ITERITd