i;iti•Vittaittqlt Oil lit' tE )17.EDNESD.iY, ..,N0V.,;511.1E1t 14, HOW TiIEY The comments of leading Southern j. , ur. nals upon the late Northern- elections may be accepted as iwilealing 'the impres'iloas produced'thereLy o.li :he ! bulk of the itopu lation of the revolted Stites. The• feelim. • disclmed is not one of disappointMent. After the Oetobet elections there was every t i reason 'o infer that puldb-opliiii'm through out the loyal Stabs strongly inclined to the side of Congress as against fate Presi dent and his Policy. However: much 'Mr. JoussoN may have been deceived-by the .assurances of THLTILLOW WEE:6 and other meta of like sfa top that the Democrats would carry New Yui-k- end: this or that Noithern•tte,t Southern journalisjs do nut.appeuf o have . indulzed in any lialici nationS. They Calcul.tti,l more correoly, that what thesqf Lq-ntietnen attri , mted. o special or local can-. , :, - i'W";,3 the prnciticl of geni - ral causes, which w ould. inevi'abl) lead to like manifestations in all the other Northern States in which'eleaions remain ed to be held,. In ~this they are borne out by- actual facts that hare been developed : I and chronicled: They nog profess one resource of cr,m_ fort and alleviation which will surely fail them. They estimate that what they term Radicalism—and there is no objection to 'the name so long as the thing signified is truly cliscriniinaled—has about run its course, and will presently disappear. It cannot be denied that certain phases of in dividual thought, and_ particular conditions of popular opinion are somewhat amain guns to ,those bodily diseases which last for a definite period, end, if physical strength holds out, then disappear, leavlnz the recuperative energies to pertorm their normal ftinctions in restoring perfect soundness. Ihit whoever eone,,tve, of the republican movement as one of such,_ strangely mistakes in his diaganosis of the case. That nic4ment is the result of an nggregattou of elements, each most potent, and, in combination, not only unmatched. 1 bat indestructible. NoW is not the time, and here we have-not the space, to enter I into an exhaustive analysis of tint:, el, inents with the view of showier hose each is produced, by what afilmitirs they 'art drawn together, wills what,ehleiency the} exert their united, and W.:at undying tena city is inherent in them. It is sufficient to say that the doctrine and discipline of Lib erty in all their I,.uthicatious, eater into this movement, wind,, consequently be hindered or chtlented, but cannot be s up'. pressed or tatneuled frith ultituatiAy achieving the moat brilliant and 1,.-tine victory. Nor Is this all. Thu strongest posstdjianctions r.f inoralitytind religion, hot Pnly hieud with the movetMut, but absoiately ferrueate it, e:kerialiTing essence, and InakiL: it itambrtal. It is true -Of the North the acceious idre:hly .mad,t to the movement are ,0 1111111CDAIS as to utak,: it most naivers , .l. A.S`much no3bein to.ueito C 1.1.1. be - without annihilating oppt,itioy. But in other port.Jus much Itlll.,iLtS done. Bobs I:F. Vet to t.cn a Ij . ln- C.o.ter: , te•ck svc differences ”; tr.,iME: • n w hit them lxr apait. ' Bur in those who nun .If, .1,, EiOil will 1 hrollaht ; feel God lit:0 ILudt: ,Jf A.n,a 111 licewnpame, [dui (allows it, will as absolute at tLe :301.th the North. Herein is to be found the final solution o: pres:ent troubles, and that Eoiilialitv it i:ich shMl . educe out or optill.. ; . discordance-, une people,.co•operatink hcartily to tdl the ends which constitute national greatness and power: • . ThE Butler American Citizen, returns to the question of instructions in a long arti cle, in which it purposes to give the histo ry. of the Senatorial election of 134, for the purpose of showing how, after a great vie tary to the Whigs in tint election..ol . Gov, I'OLLOCC, thti populqr wisls were a:itA nd iu the intrusion o . f 31r: - CAmstto.s, - raiA the consequent failure to elect aa.iSenator.! The - editor will leave to revise his histo, ry a little. Ile is mistaken, *e thi.rk, in supposing the Whig party to have had the ascendancy in the Legislature it that time, or to have made a caucus Aomiuutiou of Mr. CAMERON. The support which that gentleman received was from the New Aria iCa 12 or Enoir-Nothing P,Wy, which had developed so' silently and suddenly id to power, sweeping . pemocrate and• Whigs alike into its rankg'and carrying wit , it we believe, all the members 'front even title county excepting Mr. Dansa:,of the Senate. The old WI dg organization, however, al though greatly weakened by the defection, did not disband, butheld its concusses, and placed-in nomination and voted persistent, ' ly for Mr. 'WILLIAMS, of Allegheny—the same gentle Man who now retdeeents the Citizen's own district in Congress. With out their vote, however, the new party could not elect, and as a consequence, the Legiidature adjourned without any choke of a Senator. If the Whigs had been in a majority - I:hey would, of course, have elec ted their candidate. . The case thustherefore, rta one 61 tLc isle within the recollection oT the wherein-"the party in the majority in the - Legislature has been defeate. , l by treachery in the election of a Scantor," is nothing t „ the purpose because there were three-par. ties then; and neither C.,f them in the Inn, jority. . The dther ease 13 that of the nOmination Of C.43IEILON Oyer . IVI.I.IIOIiT in .1:763. But that is 31111 less to the purpose if. le, because .the,,Republicau or I:nion ., patty was not only 7 - 2 ! .,e in a maim ity then, Lut the election resulted in the choice of, not of CasitnoN, but of i/11CKALEW. It can not be said that in this result the majority was defeated,` iecaus i e the Democrats them selves were in tie mairity. F.t,sittt's Galveston 1;01r:in, contains a statement in a letter from a prominent Lit izen of Austin, Texas, that. Got:. Th'roct:- morton will soon cull an extra cetsiuu c;' the Legislature, on :outs pletoxi, in (11,1 a: That it may r ttify the the Constitutioua: ...tateudinent, ,nil 11:1- p:ay tta• Cat: way to complete raliat:ilittlo, in res'ponse to a telegram fawn Pre..,:oxii Johnson to the Czoterma., 11.0,1 )C. in answer to one 01 the this the President rstill: "I have nothing further to sac cr=iii::Cu urging upqn Lt-gis.at e laws involvim: civil rigntsha compieie as possiblo, so as el . telill equa l . and justice to ail - pcisons,. withotiO regard to `color; if it has not been done.' - Tin; Conind E lsioner.3 of Public Cuaritits and Correction for the City of New York are erecting "on Blackwell's Island a new Hospital, exclu,ively fir the cute and treatment of epileptic and paralytic eases. Perhaps in no other particular does modern Civilization, under the intluce,c of Christianity, contrast so t s trongly with the ancient, tuspired by •no4theiqn; that in' this Cary matter of dealing with pia:7oloi buffering Iron:1_11.1=1,n: Or pitysicaLcilseasel,. ItMLitt/Ai) LX1A.;10.4-10. Coli.,...poiolif:ioc lt.o Gaizi-t1 SoV. ZETTE:—I iirriVo'i ,11y Et aftcr the Inott intertstini.; i" i I i;" "r'ioll 7 lVer host of ~.) or 1.;;;;; 1 t. ; ;; .;;c:1 . I;;4,.;;;!;. onunattv are ,lilt back in in 4 bly in the legion of Fort E'.ls.vorth, eit:lov• 111, heat 3;111 live miles v.''est of Port Riley, on lite t11%.1, 1.1 Fork of the linnsits, unit on th, iho a. lir — pia, by 'in in • have heretoftee " -r •" I ' they will .11C;;,;e6 lz; . . is to he r.t 1,11: !WI . . it v.y ukciy that I hod bettor success , than they ,sed. ma; is kid the grate .4 I, trill b“Ve; too wken 1 rodcrol the cur tent of cit; it t. hil Fort Hiiey, a,r taking leave of my rat e i j Lie h„, lent friends, and seeing them ',dr, 1, Id p 'than' to the fire, is decomposed into dould.: with Goveinor Lyon, of Idaho, and trav- Chid 411:1LICII V ulhytlro;on anti clod with hint down the valley of the lint-. ;idle, vlhich, holng Mei:east:stile Before we parted he pre,ente6 me t.pc4,l4irc. of the healpro• ,rah a magnificent tiutlido tongue, which clue ms travel through the ,homer and eni ill frota itt i auitind's Iniad and r um , .l ter ~`!„-, of foul: cluitliberds •--- or regenefutors, ‘ - ith his own hands.- Ile took' it !Toni a Mr. Litintent, ilk them wilien ar;• hunt of some bolt . dozen Which l.c t ill toe °Met' part of :the idrindolei These lalddig to his home on Staten Island, N. V. ;on, are u.„.0 a:leruately; I Pc one heals have rarely received a gift that I If ppri:ei,„. , - ..,L ~ aud revor:e They inn led More highly. Gov. Lyon is a gentleman omerw ;se wouldtiv of great energy and inteiligencet has tray- Was., r pass tiled very extensively through the vast wing a lit to g a th e ga,,,ml :di the :heat mountam region of the interior; is :Vella.. chamber, at nearly lite heat of that ( 14 ,4 4.ted With its wonderful, mineral re- kit:amber itself: a heat So intense that unless sources.: In short, lie gave Ilia more inter- ; moditiod, it iNVOllid lit c the fIirMICO and cvs ;nation respecting . that almost unknown!i ; eryt,i.ng exposed to its action. No smoke region than I ever received frost any other escapes; the: heat in the chimney is seldoth source. I inquired as to the main routes I sudicient to ;duo, and the saving 01 of travel front that territory to the Atlantic tool compared with an ordinary fUrilaee is States. lie said that he Lad traveled along from forty to fifty :per cent. the valley the , Shed:once (i.otrie-tintes y Fur glasshouses, yleeknwl'ers, man tlgaC. called Lewis' 'river) throughout its entire iturers ''root, and any trots or l ength, and that it is as taVorahle a mule that requires: intense hest, the Liemens for a railroad as he had ever seen. Lcuv- lurnace is eSSent,iall',' suitable. As it crow ing that river near its sources on the west- ~; a n on;i00 tine heat ocrk m wide fro the m m u ern slope.of the Rocky Mountains, the :ins I bastion of the fueltifiy or sixty per Cont. would timitinue southward, a comp:muse- of which is now lost—it is not likely to be lfshort dzstunee,. to Safi 1, - ‘ l . - tr Oily, Where Iso pereeded in our day. The yearly Ffiring it finites with the Lnion Pacitit: road to shy' means of this Curuacr. is fir nitre than Situ Francisco. - its cost. • I said, “Governor, suppose you Iverc,l Mr. Liemens has lutely: established a' now at Salt Lake, and wished logo to NeW ; steel melling•furn,we au his 111511 account, lett:, what route would you take -This Birmingham, wit n pereid succ,•ss. It mute, c'ertlOnir• and that Ihe r' ir y thing .heats fourteen limiting pots and a inutile, I am IIOW doing," was his emphatic reply. ! each pot ayerio,:ing forty-tire pounds of Ile has °lieu Inc. - chid trout Dell ' VerA to the ' mill ...leo, Oasts every twen. Smoky,llid and Nansas route to St.;Louis; ty-tour hours; so I 11 , ...1 the daily pt (4.1 th 'll and knew the country well. The std, he . lis pounds. The ga:. producer is in' told me, is very rich ail the way 10 and We .I , llSliip t atOti cord, al. ver; - 1.411.401; sonic two hundred miles, ow, I its... Idol, per t:ay, Or about'lit:, Is deficient rains, it will require more . only pe 'M. do .01ess irrigation. smile w irk under an., Of heating On - our first excursion to Fort Riley Ifurnuces itt Shelliehlr'llj:" t coke, at we had Governor Gilpin, of ColOrado, - : tris. par Lou, are require , i, the sqvinu 14 ing , o the; party. lie is a banter M . ! umvar,i of .1:1 per but fir . he lase llenry D. Gilpin, of Philad , 'lphia, rid,: l'ortriee ado i i.rxtcnsiyc.li e for vho, it will ho, remembered, was Dlst riet masoning s led yd:,. wit, ddltirney under General 'Jackson. I was • tutinitinted with this rettniri..ihie Mali thole An , 111 111,•11, tWentv Teat, aga. Lissispent ':'t,P PI"”PP'-• pirt tit his ihe auhinq , the 1511.0 u andi'lli.h the er.ctl,tion el KO C t ~: r (nr 1..1 1 I• I. 14.11 g• ~ • 11 11. ( . 11,1. 1 , 1 perhap, no Man knaW.... ..'hit to II stimony hertertly coincides Itint of GitViirnor LyOu. Ii; the way, kills , it- a , •19 , I hi•.bo,- the,e,gentiena.n pro luc...italy °pp,: ci to 11()Iiiy; " athl (CoN , IIIIII S 1:11)W governor the 20:orado, he i; oor eloct, i of ',o.e Irc =UM= :hr.siastn: yet he ter the 'l%` ; `," gularly quiet, glave . iuccselv rirt,trk , :.d Gov,rno: ,vl,u he zelog p ..11;o1d meta not cru.z.r. z. o - t • ' • Cl do c tt 111;kg4411 this !:.:11 . 0.1 to ....et a i I,st-uo lactilff - L15.1 . 1 . c.e." I birlievo it; _Lid I 1.. hat. 1.111 (fpcil L.% cohtriny:,:rion. of t; : o . •,I II .. _ iiri!,,i 3 O.. Ivor:Li ,cenery in l'Othip,.... ;Vita NO . T.it'll All Chid it it) he c ,, i/iti ill li..r. !., 1,..r ~:: 61.1.i.).i.!..-: cf thi, cuutiliali, i.: t ,1:: , .My 1;',..s ;vas I,vri:.lk-n from .r,...!1-,1, t...., ,-.,- - rrfi.ir I _.i1 1 ,.._.i1 1 ,.. i,ii.10. 1 , 1 ;,0 i,. 1 , , i 1 ~1 ...:1. 1 ::Yf., 1:1)'ialit:,,!(,:, c: i:t, ...' • . - I .1,,,e..;11WV. , !..(91 111:1.1 I. I : y. ' Y [1) rl ,• a:. l . 1 1.. V . ' 4 : , • ,, ....- 1 , 9 .1 ( :I, Ii l 'ail t.,,y 1 ,, : , • , r ( — , ll ~"I t•:to.t,u ,lot Lite . 1":11:10:1d. ltt • URI' . L . M011:1Ie lott , lns, lica.s:iy '.iaiberi).l. Eta a :41 all pnpurtioa 4)1 t ia ...tilt , . aloes the river is 'Molex (ultiv,...!too, ! v,-.-' ~.- - !-:•••'! • • '!,-.-,, r, , t'. ..ttlimugh It i , Snip—an:4lV 1 0 tile. The , , : • it:ll.st cOlll. t cVer saw I saN - if Ittisk!.. a here ' t',',l : , - r 1:7,:,,,,. . ; , s ..4 s are 'very null) I,larlilb in tale ilveT, some II then) containing lltOUSaltils of aere-, nnti 1 - " I '' l ''''' ''''' ' Mill mar. nunternus :anti or mud bar, , 1 ,• . . sa.i. ',Lys , . - I %cat .... - r .1:. ',which hilt s at every 110 oil. In ,otne plaie. ', s I 5.e,:.,,.- to , :,,,,itT: it he riser IS so wide that lII' trunks of larg. i V1.•.1'.. - ;‘ , •• , PIA . - U 131../10 - . loresi trees cannot le distinctly seen on 1 the opttOt•ite !tank.. 111 other Ilan, the 1 1 Z;':;', l ;'':;;'t . :;;,l"iif'''.P , tt . ' , -1 71. 1 i t: ,, 11n11i !tiannet contract, lia halt' 1.01111:. Tito !.1 tr . z. t .t..tt. t, - 4 , 1 or t.,- 1,..t ....,:: Lt . nr I hol. IL 11j5,01.11 j. hits ft•alitiev 1,1 granditir, -lit '''''' aelz•sit 4 :ine of In nuty. It is quite 101 - I,OW, v t I ... . . .. .. . - :to turbid flood—el which I coil. riv. , ; l'enn.ylvauhm no idea except to t o n hiin j • 1., imagine water mixed wni, ,v..kl.ryho.-.--; • I, L. re , tio, , s, honing awl; vmt./ \VIa io the :-Up ply. of I,:tange. fwe ; I , c in loud, ennitin exhati,t Ler the lowest water intermit p - P• 4 r i ;I tometomeSerenty.five or eigirty wits:- I, cmir s: It it Am Jelter,oit City the Mismuri Pacific Thin- , road leaveg the river, abil rum. Lini g onilll .Yatl!ll,-.. t .e lµ l4'ro a, aerrn,ri the country to - this , It rum, si ai,. . through no prairie, but through a region Very much resembling :ionic ports of l'onn- • Pant or tt in rough and•roLly; :UV/ decidedly- mountainuus ia _ _ its charac• LAI Oe VIS OF fir...ll:lll.—lt ter. For thin len or twelvemiles, ie we apprOneh this city, them are-bemititul I Improvements. All ther.;zion, however, goo,l. laud, :and ”uni -in tau: adopted to fru:Land grape culture. _ . Of this city I shall not speak Mill] I In. a. , I. of Ild elate seen more o f it. about he rmmitic , of Imy expedition. The more tr difficult part of my work yet line 3letort, me—to t•peak of tins mighty region , as a whole, and discuss its social andcorn:um- t-r 1 ,5, Ili, Inc Tore s ...n . r.ll:-Tla l ;',‘,';.,j4; r d ciiirelations}WithourounStttte.atid with 'th 1 " Val!' other places still more remote, by means e ...ye:dal and haran.,...a r of rail teas—those . wondrous nyenur, r rerwir. the a 111 1 through ivoich in:triy run to and fro, and I, 0 ,, . pr ;,;;;,"ZTST. knowledge is increased—that mighty ageu• cy which ,Nt.v. , ; is enabled to yield (med. 1114;tonlin. and ,t.an n. 111,1 letter to am original Mandate ;of his Crea. Vo , tor—"Se fruitful and multii.oly, and I plenish the e.trth, A'S I) Si. lIDUIS IT." C. rnr I 1 l i npar: o u-la,: In, I:11'11.44 ,t 4 I ngo. t.g I'. TAP 1.. it , rlat ar-,!tnn,7 thulr It I. vnarna rl t rare a I :1 inr.n and id, 14 , .1 rani WU: 1/laiii ,f 111 lit.. of' 41,1 I rh t d dn.dina wntrtl ,Il c atTn,iTa.• th t I, t, Tne - Buffido Comnierrial,Adrcrtimr states tibica grave in Pine Hill Cemetery has been violated, and the Moly of a 'daughter hi Cot. w. IL Berens stolen. Col. Berens' slates that his daughter. died suddenly of what was suppch,cd to he disease of the Mart, in October, and was interred in, the cemetery. On Thursday or lost week, C Berens concluded to remove his reiliaiti , to a lot which be held pUrehased in the same cemetery : On res thy, , lng (:r:1;, the cover 01 the nide ha which:inclosed the coffin was foadd to . 111.011 funk; 'examination, Me- sorrowful tact woo revealed that the conin had" beea broken open an, the body stolemr,..• 4 Che upper portion of the lid or 0..1: .•oinp: Wantnn,l, with bati born .erred open, a pie, of (In side sb!. off, and bed," ..111.Wn out, “Per which the lid was replaced with apparent ha ,M., and the _gave 10' fOrlit:ll' ippearallja% COL Ib,l'clks ti . „o the outrage ass pnrprtint,l e u 0,,.; niglt l t 1)t - the day on which his die.:ae: WaS buried, as the ilk'. .to be placed upon the gray., ink day has not since been d'intufb.A. bold attempt to :•windie Leiby, a well kuor, 0 and tiller of Itarrizl.ur,!, xns tnad , L 11 AV 'LA's :- . ltyCo2; by it of United St 'flee rogtiei; cullud at V ECM of lir. Leiby asd iu a grl4l ?1,111;:ot. in- loaned him that tertaii! descoset of idand had been ma. • Anti Via satire he r r ,ed andtilo.-orl. thee had 4. - itited, two well dresi;e•i eid:ed nisi informed Mr. Leßoy they Were responsible attorneys of i•ais so lei i .;.i it add could get him Of the ditidi• - .1.1tv. -for (oh. The honto.t. d.:winded on itioncJiatesi eoniina• 410. 1 Into the xliitir lo.fore tie,, which a 4,0111100 f: 1 - 1,1 ilia • tior., of the 14,0'140 o, 15,10111,1 y to rani , he_ Get ern tiooo. The ,lete. - ...tis, and lawyers Soiled fron t 1141 5 ,1,1 1 ,hi„ . 1 . 6 „ - game NV sharp but dirt .to.. ,0 the Nes, Yne Nee . 6. Elie City' e, 1 e,1,,;:111c1,' very lotervitlog. lie 11114111,e arep9lll,lr of lne,of tlr tun, 72:4rJ 01 veal. anti '2,1.0,0,9 p„. lurelue,ed West, IngLuit iterket evvry ,ostiuz aggil.ga le of le if ill t o and April the con,umptlen um,: to the uhumluet, supply bl fait, ulao In Very 1,01. weatAlt nu 061/1110.tetf 11,4 ti.eetritre2.so,lo, 11111 , ,, OtAiilk used dully , by the blbubithht,, •that e.ty, pouude of butter, alai 143,1,1,) 01111C0 to cheese. The 'grand totet ,poll for meat, milk, butter, mu) ctieeee, 44 Economy otltcat ,nusump!jun 0i IME c:1~ ~.~~ ia"Cgv ! : "I : . -r.,.. ~ ~~:~::::., NEW AD V ERTISEISENTS - li r Ate E E.press (Vice, ri I Fifa, On ez.,:honeed to rc , rirc tlverltaevient., f or the Ii.A.eETTE, and ral. ',thee pope, :lieeltuhoti: tne .o-,e.1 :Ac ‘;•taftx, Ex) )b,s AELRET c:“, e, W. frectily : , =cl,lilidora t, .ILI t reerl,4 h) the velntl. at the Family • A V. •• ttleizati Dive examine L Large and Carefully riolerled Stork- Fine Woolen . ' iENTLENt.VS !u : AO7 • OIER, LAltfiE STOCK OP. or the let,et ELl . lee roe W Inter Isea , :)n, no, In FALL AND WINTER Goo : 1)s: Vtorn ILE Pir(aLEE, No. 10 St. (lair Street; Would .Ta.ll the attention or bnynrs to [XI - stock of benn snlertnd ars ¢r at s.nre, and Contains all the latent ttylesi at lismols to Ins found In a tirat-t, .5 house. Gents nvantli._ a i t SUIT OF C1.0•I'1lES St ADE To onuE is, • Will nlnnsn Call and C7lnthi, our goods aro! s. CtUV I Also a full and volnplete stol: 01 I IV3I. 11. 31prGET_:, ESIN ESS COMMELICIALCOL%EC.S., Nos. 6 and S t•t. Clair Street, Boot-Keeping, Pelona cabin end Arithrnet:!. time uulltnttrd ...... ..... en) Arlthrortio. and reednensini. per .i.e , .trr of three hoorahs l'enuesubh)p, per month Ire e,'lreulArr or id-ecirne”, xddrese N. hIJAF.F.LIe, , or J. F. = Lo BER.GE r CO., filanufac -4 Miura of • • Grand and Square Pianos. liecorid Block M vet from Broadway. tOilli 'Cite Pianos manufactured li e pa ed for powerfhl, clear, y and •) mpatiodle out. with excellent workri.xx.hlri Circular, and older. 'Bo wwr on eiinorwiloe • MANUPAI:TiItrat OP Steam Boilers ; Oil Stills, Tanks, sheet Iron ►forks, &c. PEN W ..rxer st-r, rrrm n,.0 ir• 00D NEWS FOR Tim .4E ,-. PLICTED. PATENT tif Eb/CINES d DRUGS, et low prlcen, HOSTETTER'S iIiTTERS.ji per bottle. I.HIAK E'S'PLANTATioN BIT:CI:RS. tido. IIOOYLAND•S HITTERS. per bwttol. I.olbl. RHUBAIai, pure, II per lb.' And el'orytting eine In proportion. at BROWN'S NEW littU43 STORE. Mtn. w St. Male Rireet. 50,,P I. ENGLItiII • VEIVETLIN 1.7.1 r.: isalb by E A. XELLY A co.. 4:1;c41 - Wholuale Druggin, F }Fool anon. V7A N T -To ,e - 11 by I= • 511,! TO 111111.'1SE FOR-lASI', No. -13 Fifth St., up E 1 40. fth !street. l'lttbhuikli, W. 11. .1 &KEIL six., l'lttstalrgi.. MP= OFFEN IN,IrgAN = =I =I = Goodf-• 131EI0V - 'M [r.Fs .AND OVERCOATS, 11181113 GRAY & LOGAN, 47:tif. Clair :[reel 311CI:CHANT T.l /!..`H. N'q. 1 . 0 Stl , lmlr I••.,,arg Has a P;ADetual etart, JXR - El - ) ;7L BIHJJ, - En BE